HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-06-25 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdfThe Minutes of the a.m. in the BlaneY British Columbia for District of MaPle Ridge COUNCIL WORKSHOP June 25, 2OO7 Municipal Council Workshop held on June 25' 2OO7 at 10:30 Room of the r,¡un¡.ipãi ääñ, ßggs Haney prace, Maple Ridse' the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business' PRESENÏ Etected Offtcials Mayor G' Robson Councillor E. DaYkin Councillor J. Dueck Councillor A. Hogadh Councillor C. SPeirs Councillor K' Stewaft ABSENT Councillor L. King Note: These Mi Appointed Staff ll-nu te, Chief Ad min istrative officer M. Murray, General Månug"t of Community Development' Parks and Recreation Services F. Quinn, General rtì'åtãã"'Pubtic Works and Development Services J. Leeburn, Executive Director C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services A. Gaunt, Confidential Secretary OtherStaff as Required L. Benson, PolicY AnalYst That the minutes of the Council Workshop Meeting of June 18' iOOl be adopted as circulated' I nutesarealsopostedontheMunicipalWebSiteatwww.maoleridge.ca L ADOPT'ON OF THEAGENDA The agenda was approved with the following additions: 4.2 TransLink +.g AbernethY WaY Grant Funding 4.4 DYking Discussion 2. MINUTES R/07-3L2 Minutes June 18, 2OO7 It was moved and seconded CARRIED Council Workshop Minutes June 25,2OO7 Page 2 of 4 3.1 3 4-2 Translink 20og rransportation and Financiar pran I The Generar Manager, pubric !o1ks and Deveropment services gave anoverview of the Translink 2008 Transportation ånd Financial plan. Hehightighted Mapre Ridge ínitiatives witi-rin the pran. R/O7-3!3 TransLink 2008 Transportation lt was moved and secondedand Financial Plan That the Translink 2oog rransportation and Financial plan bereceived for information. CARRIED 4.3 4. UNFINISHED AND NEW BUS'NESS 4.1- Update on Mayors policing Forum councillor stewart introduced phyJris L. carryre, Generar Manager, Law andcommunitv slf-elv Division, city of Ríchmonã and lnspector Denis Boucher,corporate and client services officer, Lower Mainland District, RCMp. Ms.carlyle gave a powerpoint presentation on the LMD RCMP vacancy neportpresented to the Mayors' Consultative Forum which pertained to väcancies inRCMP staffing, the variety of approaches taken by municipalities to addressvacancies and addressed initiatives and strategiãs being recommenáed todealwith the issue. lnspector Boucher gave a brief overview of the community safety officer pilotprogram. PRESETVIAI/ONS ATTHE REQUEST OF COUNC//L lntroduction of New Members, RcMp - rnspector Jim wakery lnspector Wakely introduced Constable Collier. Abernethy Rearignment and safety rmprovement Grant Funding staff report dated June 25, 2oo7 recommending that a resorution for theGrant Program staff detailing District of Maple Ridg"e iunoing commitments beendorsed. Council WorkshoP Minutes June 25,2OO7 Page 3 of 4 R/O7-3I4 AbernethY Grant Funding 4.4 5.1 The Policy Analyst reviewed the report' It was moved and seconded Thatstaffbeauthorizedtoexpendfundsasallocatedinthe i¡u*Vãtt financial ftan tor the- Abernethy Realignment and Safety lmprovements project as follows: o LTC #2gO5 in 2007, $9OO,OOO from Development Cost ın"tg". and $129,090 from Capital Works Reserve; . LTC *ZSOA in 2008, $351,245 from Development Cost ın"tg"t and $354, 7 92 from Ca pital Works Reserve; o LTC #2003 in 2008, $764,L7t from Development Cost Cnt tg"t and $ 151, 7 92 from Capita I Works Reserve; should the District's application for $2'000'000 in grant funding be approved, bringing the total cost of this project to approximatelY $4.6 million. Dyking Discussion A discussion was held pertaining to funding required from the Provincial governnfént to allow tor furtner improvem"-ntt to.the dykes' The chief Administrative Officer advised that a report will be presented providing recommendationsonimprovementsneededtothedykingsystem. 5 CORRESPONDENCE BC Health Coalition, Home Supportfor Seniors Letter dated June 7, 2oo7 from Rosalind wong, Research, communications, and Outreacn nssisiant, BC Health Coalition, requesting a resolution endorsing home support for seniors'I Council Workshop Minutes June 25,2OO7 Page 4 of 4 R/O7-375 BC Health Coalition Home Support For Seniors (- It was moved and seconded That the letter dated June 7, 2OO7 from Rosalind Wong, Research, communications, and outreach Assistant, BC Healthcoalition, requesting a resolution endorsing home support forseniors be received and no further action taken. 6.BRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF 'NTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNC'L - NiI 7. MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT- NiI 8. ADJOURNMENI - tl'.42 a.m. , Mayor Certified Correct f. M C. Marlo, Corporate Officer