HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-06-04 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL WORKSHOP June 4,2007 The Minutes of the Municipal council workshop held on June 4, 2007 at 10:30 a'm' in the Blaney Room of the ivfturicipal Hall, ltgôS uaney Place, Maple Ridge' British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business' PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor G. Robson Councillor E. DaYkin Councillor J. Dueck Councillor A. Hogarth Councillor K. Stewart ABSENT Councillor L. King Councillor C. SPeirs Appointed Staff l. Rute, Chief Administrative Officer M. Munay, General Manager of Community Development' Parks and Recreation Services P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services F. Q,ri*, General Manager Pubtic Works and Development Services J. Leeburn, Executive Director C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services A. Gaunt, Confidential SecretarY Other Staff as Required J. Pickering, Director of Planning A. Wood, MuniciPal Engineer M. Davies, Area Emergency Coordinator It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Council Workshop Meeting of May 28,2007 be adoPted as circulated' CARzuED ) 1 { Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www'mapleridse'ca ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The agenda was approved with the following additions: Smarty Award UBCMLocalGovemmentandtheEnvironmentConference Emergency Program BYlaw 2. MINUTES 4.7 4.8 4.9 w07 -283 Minutes Mray 28,2007 Council Workshop Minutes Jvne 4,2007 Page 2 of5 3. PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL.N]I 4. UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS Note: Items 4.3 and 4.7 were dealt with prior to Item 4.1 4.I Business Planning Best Practices Staff report dated May 28, 2007 providing information on business planning best practices. The General Manager, Corporate and Financial Services provided details on the business planning best practices report. R/07-284 Business Plaruring Best Practices That the staff report dated May 28, 2007 providing information on business planning best practices be received. CARRIED 4.2 2008 - 2012 Business Planning Guidelines Staff repo_rt dated June 4, 2007 recommending that the Business Plaruring Guidelinrés for 2008 through 20l2be approved. The General Manager, Corporate and Financial Services presented the report on the 2008-2012 Business Planning Guidelines. PJ07-285 2008-2012 Business It was moved and seconded Planning Guidelines That the Business Planning Guidelines for 2008 through 2012 be approved. CARzuED Note: Item 4.3 was dealt with prior to Item 4.1 4.3 River Road Storm Drainage and Road Improvements Staff report dated lll4ay 25,2007 recommending that staff be directed to initiate a Local Area Service for storm drainage and road improvements along River Road. It was moved and seconded Council WorkshoP Minutes JvnLe 4,2007 Page 3 of5 FJ07-286 River Road Storm & Road Improvements 4.4 Njt-287 Feasibility Study Bridge, South Alouette River The Municipal Engineer gave an overview of the report outlining the initiation of Local Area Service for stãrm drainage and road impìovements along River Road' The General Manager, Public works and Development services advised that other factors may afso contribute to slippage of the escarpment and that more detail will be presented in the Golder Associates final report' It was moved and seconded That staff be directed to initiate a Local Area Service on Council Initiative subject to petition against for: L. New storm sewer on River Road from Darby Street to Carshill Street; 2.Newstormse\ileronCarshillstreetfromRiverRoadto 200m south of CliffÄvenue; 3. Road works on River Road from Darby street to carshill Street; and That the cost sharing arrangement as outlined in Table 1 in the staff report dated May 25, 2007 be approved' CARzuED Feasibilp study for Bridge over south Alouette River Staff report dated May 28,2007 recommending that the feasibility study for a bridge åver the South Alouette River be awarded to Associated Engineering' The Municipal Engineer advised that transportation network integration of the f.opàr"a Urlage *ìth Ab.-ethy Way would be studied separately. It was moved and seconded That the Feasibility study for a bridge over the south Alouette River in the vicinity of.240th Street be awarded to ,4.ssociated Engineering based in accordance with their submitted proposal; and Council Workshop Minutes Jvne 4,2007 Page 4 of5 That the study be funded as outlined in the staff report titled "Feasibility Study for Bridge over the South Alouette River" dated May 28, 2007. CARRIED 4.5 Freshet Update The Area Emergency Coordinator gave an update on the freshet. He advised that on Saturday, June 2,2007,the Emergency Operations Center \ilas activated at 10:00 a.m. He also reported that the Mission gauge was forecast to reach levels of between 7 m and 7.3 mby the end of the week as a result of significant rainfall in the Prince George area. 4.6 Fraser Valley Regional Library Update Councillor Daykin advised that Saul Amdursky, Chief Executive Offrcer, Fraser Valley Regional Library left this position and an interim CEO has been appointed until a review of the management structure was carried out. Councillor Daykin reported that the City of Abbotsford has started a process of evaluating their participation in the library system. He advised that the Fraser Valley Regional Library has responded with a report which indicates the benefits of belonging to a group. Note: Item 4.7 was dealt with prior to Item 4.1 f' 4.7 Smarty Award Councillor Hogarth advised that the District had been selected by Smart Growth BC to receive a Smarty Award. The Director of Planning explained that this award has been given to the District of Maple Ridge for the implementation plan for the Smart Growth on the Ground project. ACTION REQUIRED Staff is to make a presentation of the Smarty Award at the JuneI2r2007 Council meeting. 4.8 Local Government and the Environment Conference councillor Hogarth reminded all that the union of British columbia Municipalities was sponsoring a Local Govemment and the Environment Conference and encouraged participation. Council WorkshoP Minutes June 4, 2007 Page 5 of5 4.9 w07-288 BL 6487-2007 Three readings EmergencY Program BYlaw staffreport dated May 3 1,2007 recommending that Maple Ridge Emergency ¡*ral; BylawNo. O+gz_2007 be given three readings. The Manager of Legislative Services provided an explanation of the rewriting of the bylaw It was moved and seconded That Maple Ridge Emergency Prog-ram Bylaw No' 6487-2007 be given first, second and third readings' CARzuED 5. CORRESPONDENCE -NiI 6.BRIEFINGoNTTHERITEMSoFINTEREST/QUESTIoNSFR0M COUNCIL -NiT 7. MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT -NiI f 8. ADJOURNMENT - 11:20 A'M' Certified Correct G. Robson, MaYor ( C. Marlo, CorPorate Officer