HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-05-07 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL II/ORKSHOP MaY 7,2007 The Minutes of the Municipal Council workshop held on May 7 ' 2007 al 10:30 a'm' in the Blaney Room;iih" iuturricipat Hall, 11gôS ganey Place, Maple Ridge' British columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business' PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor G. Robson Councillor E. DaYkin Councillor J. Dueck Councillor A' Hogarth Councillor L. King Councillor C. SPeirs Councillor K. Stewart N07-235 Minutes April 30,2007 Appointed Staff J. itule, Chief Administrative officer i"f. f"ftl"y, General Manager of Community Development' Parks and Recreation Services Þ. Citt, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services ^F. ıñlr¡ General Manager Pubtic'Works and Development Services C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services A. Gaunt, Confidential SecretarY Other Staff as Required M. Davis, Area Emergency Coordinator Þ. Grootendorst, Fire Chief/Director - Operations - T. Fryer, Manager of Corporate and Developmental Engineering Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www'mapleridee'ca 1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Theagendawasamendedtoswitchtheorderofitems4.2and4.3 2. MINUTES It was moved and seconded ThattheminutesoftheCouncilWorkshopMeetingofApril 30,2007 be adoPted as circulated' CARRIED tì Council Workshop Minutes May 7,2007 Page2 of4 3. PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL -NiI 4. UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS 4.r Note 4.2 4.3 Award of contract Extension for 203 street Bicycle Lanes The General Manager, Public v/orks and Deveropment services gave a verbalreport on the award of the contract extension for the 203 Street biãycle lanes andadvised that this item would be brought forward at the May g, 2007 council meeting. Item 4.3 was dealt with prior to item 4.2 Discussion of Commercial Tax Rates The General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services gave a powerpoint presentation which explained the calculation of commerciafproperly tax rates inMaple Ridge. F'reshet Update The Area Emergency Coordinatol gave a verbal update of preparation work beingdone for a potential flooding event. It was advised that the Oiitrict websitecaried detailed information on the flood situation and would be added to on acontinuous basis. The Fire Chief/Director of Operations spoke to work being carried out on floodprevention and addressed the issue of retaining sand bags io, "m".g"ncy use. Headvised that the consultant who developed thaFraser Bãsin Study had been hiredby the provincial government and that the Provincial dyke inspeótor had providedinformation pertaining to triggers to flooding in certain dyking areas. The Area Emergency Coordinator reported that information pertaining to a200year flood event had been provided to the general public at tñe Maple'RidgeHome Show and that all citizens were being asked to do preparatory activities. Maps were presented which addressed difrerent facets of a flood scãnario. Council WorkshoP Minutes May 7,2007 Page 3 of4 5.i FU07-236 Corporation of Delta TransLink Governance Review 5.2 The Manager of corporate and Development Engineering gave a PowerPoint presentation which detailed the work qãing carried out in g:.ot!1:1P:51?. ^'pirt i",. He advised that the deadline for zubstantial compietion was May 15"'and that good progress was being made. The dykes are being built up to meet prorîn"iuirtaãdards. He año advised that repairs were being made to the Albion pump.station. Issues around the potential evacuation of the Katzíe First Nation, the vulnerability of the Maple Ridge Recyling Depot, the effect of flooding on the Fraser River ferry service, the avaitaUitÇ of emergency sandbags and plans Pitt Meadows and lrr"ór" Ridge have in place io house displaced persons were discussed' The Chief Administrative Officer advised that due to the work being put into preparation for the freshet and flooding, other projects had been put aside and an upáut. would brought forward to clariff which projects had been affected' 5 CORKESPONDENCE The corporation of Delta - Translink Governance Review update Resolution dated Ap.¡l27,2007 from claudia Jesson, Deputy Municipal cl:*, ðorforation of Delia and an attached Corporation of Delta staff report pertaining to the Translink Governance Review Update' It was moved and seconded That the resolution from claudia Jesson, Deputy Municipal Clerk Corporation of Delta, dated April 2712006 be received and no further action taken. CARRIED Inþ Mark, M.P., Dauphin-Swan River-Marquette - Bill C-4L7 Letter dated April 3,2007 from Inky Mark, M.P., Dauphin-Swan River-Marquette ,.q.r"rtirrg support ior Private Member's Bill C-4I7,the Canadian Soldiers' and Peacekeepers' Memorial Wall Act. 1 i Council Workshop Minutes l;4ay 7,2007 Page 4 of4 Rl07-237 Inky Mark Bill c-417 It was moved and seconded That the letter from Inþ Mark, M.P., Dauphin-Swan River- Marquette dated .A,pril 3r20A7 be received and no further action taken. CARzuED 6 BRIEFTNG ON OTHER TTEMS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM couNCIL,:-îtit 7. MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT -NiI 8. AÐJOURNMENT . 11:46 a.m. G. Robson, Mayor Certified Correct C. Marlo, Corporate Officer