HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-04-30 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCILWORKSHOP APril30,2007 The Minutes of the Municipal council workshop held on April 30, 2007 at 10:30 a'm' in the Blaney Room of the ^Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Mapie Ridge' British Columbiaior the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor G. Robson Councillor E. DaYkin Councillor J. Dueck Councillor A. Hogarth Counciilor L. King Councillor C. SPeirs Councillor K. Stewart Appointed Staff J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services p. Gill, General Manager corporate and Financial Services F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Services J. Leeburn, Executive Director C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services A. Gaunt, Confidential SecretarY Other Staff as Required R. Lafferiere, Business Retention and Exploration officer J. Bastaja, Chief Information Officer \) Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www'mapleridse'ca 1. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The agenda was amended to switch the order of items 3.L and3.2. 2. MINUTES Fy07-226 Minutes Apnl23,2007 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the council workshop Meeting of April 23r 2007 be amended to add the words 'in draft' after the word ,endorsed' in Item 3.2, W07-2007, sustainable vision strategic Plan, items L and 5 and that the minutes as amended be adopted. CARRIED Council Workshop Minutes April30,2007 Page2 of 7 3. PRESENTATIONS AT THE RESUEST OF COUNCIL Item3.2 was presented prior to Item 3.1 3.1 Downtown Maple Ridge Business Improvements Association Update 'Rick Laferriere, Business Retention and Exploration Officer; Ineke Boekhorst, Executive Director, Maple Ridge Business Improvements association; Mike Murray, General Manager of community Development, Parks and Recreation Services Staff report dated Apt',l25,2007 recommending that funds allocated to the Maple Ridge Business Improvement Association be issued. Ineke Boekhorst, Executive Director, Downtown Maple Ridge Business Improvements Association (BIA) gave a PowerPoint presentation outlining the BIA business plan which included a vision statement, mission and organizational goals as well as a request for the release of additional funding by the municipality. She advised that the association had been successfully incorporated and that an open house was being held on May 1". Amber Paul, Landscape Architect, Durante Kreuk Ltd. and the General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services gave a PowerPoint presentation on the physical and visual work the municipality would be involved in for beautification of the downtown area. PU07-227 MR Business Improvement Assoc Issuance of Funds It was moved and seconded That the funds allocated to the Downtown Maple Ridge Business Improvement association for the fïrst half of 2007, including the remaining grant, be issued to the organization, and further That the Downtown Maple Ridge Business Improvement Association2ü0T business plan and budget be approved. CARRIED Council WorkshoP Minutes April 30, 2007 Page 3 of7 J.3 ACTION REQUIRED staff is to provide further information and clarification of public use of the wireless signal. 4.1 4.2 City of Abbotsford, Sandy Blue, Business Development - Abbotsford International Airport Sandy Blue, Business Development, city of Abbotsford presented a PowerPoint updaie as to the growth in the Abbotsford International Airport' Wireless Pilot Project UPdate The chief Information officer gave a verbal update on the pilot projec undertaken by the *unitipufity to develop its wireless network in partnership with Transzeo Wireless i..f,"äfogíes Inc. Hå reported that the wireless network is operating in test mode and eiplained the control systems that could be iåplemeited to ensure appropriate use of the network' 4 UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS 2007 -2011 Financial Plan Amending Bylaw Staff report dated April 30, 2007 recommending that Maple Ridge Financial Plan ut"* ño.6a7a_2OOZ Ue read a first, second and third time. The General Manager, Corporate and Financial Services reviewed the f,rnancial fiul una advised tir"ut ifti. iiem would be going forward to the Committee of the Whole meeting of APril 30,2007 ' 2007 ProperfY Tax Rates BYlaw Staff report dated April 30, 2007 recommending that Maple Ridge Tax Rates gyfu* ño. 6475_2007 be read a frrst, second and third time. The General Manager, Corporate and Financial Services reviewed the 2007 property Tax Rates "nyiu* und uduir"d that this item would be going forward to the^Committee of the Whole meeting of April 30,2007 ' Council Workshop Minutes April30,2007 Page 4 of 7 4.3 Maple Ridge Council Procedures Bylaw No.6472-2007 staff report dated April 13, 2007 recommending that Maple Ridge council Procedure Bylaw No.6472-2007, updating general procedures to be followed by council and council committees in conducting their business, be forwarded to Council for consideration. The Manager of Legislative Services reviewed the bylaw PJ07 -228 8L6472-2007 4.4 5.1 Rl07-229 IIBCM lVorkshop Report It was moved and seconded That the letter dated April 5,2007 from Ida Chong, FCGA, Minister of community services and Brenda Binnie, president, union of British columbia Municipalities be received and no further action taken. 5 It was moved and seconded That Maple Ridge Council Procedure Bylaw 6472-2007 be forwarded to Council for consideration. CARRIED Council Business Card Review Discussion item pertaining to the appropriate version of the District logo for use on Mayor and Council business cards. It was the consensus of Council that business cards for Mayor and Council will feature the new District logo. CORRESPONDENCE Ministry of Community Services - Workshop Report Letter dated April 5, 2007 from Ida chong, FCGA, Minister of community Services and Brenda Binnie, President, Union of British Columbia Municipalities (LIBCM) providing a workshop report on "Building Effective Regional Districts", a forum held at the2006 LIBCM Convenrion. CARRIED Council WorkshoP Minutes April 30,2007 Page 5 of7 5.2 UnionofBritishColumbiaMunicipalities-TradelnvestmentandLabour MobilitY Agreement I-etterdated March 28,2007 from the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (IJBCM) providing ã *utu, report on uBcM's activities in regard to the Trade InvestmentandLabourMobilityAgreement(TILMA)andareportdatedMarch 27 ,2007 giving un ou.rul"* or rnrr,rn done in the context of local government be received. Rl07-230 LIBCM - Trade Investment & Labour MobilitY Agreement wo7 -23r Trade Investment & Labour MobilitY Agreement 5.3 It was moved and seconded That the letter dated March 28,2007 from the Union of British Columbia Municipalities be received' CARRIED It was moved and seconded That the Mayor write to the Lower Mainland Local Government association requesting that they put forward a resolution to the Union otgritistr Columbia Municipalities which addresses local government concerns with the Trade Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement' CARRIED CanadianLabourCongress,sustainableCommunitieslnitiative- Translink Governance Structure structure. I-etterdated April 5, 200t7 andattached package froÎ'T Canadian Labour Congress, pacific R;;bt, on Utttult of tltre Sustainable Communities Initiative' reflecting concerns utou,'proposed changes to the Translink Governance: ll Council Workshop Minutes April30,2007 Page 6 of 7 R/07-232 Cdn Labour Congress It was moved and seconded TransLink Governance Structure That the letter dated april s,2007 and attached package fromthe canadian Labour congress, pacific Region, ñe receivedand no further action taken. CARRIED 5.4 union of British columbia Municipalities - Railway safety Act Review trf:l dated Apnl23,2007 fromKen vance, Senior policy Advisor, union ofBritish Columbia Municipalities (IIBCM) providing inforåation on rhe RailwaySafety Act review and pubric consulration ãnd requãsting,";;;r;;;;ü;forward to Transport Canada. P.U07-233 LIBCM - Railway Safety Act Review 5.5 Py07-234 Smart Rail - Railway Safery Act It was moved and seconded That the letter dated april 23,2007 from Ken vance, seniorPolicy Advisor, union of British corumbia Municipaiities bereceived and no further action taken. CARRIED Smart Rail - Railway Safety Act Review n-m1l dated April 18, 2007 from paul LeMay, smart Rail, requestingconsideration of a resolution pertaining to thoRailway safÉty Rct. It was moved and seconded That the e'mail dated April rg,2007 from paur LeMay, smartRail, be received and no further action taken. CARRIED ',1 Council WorkshoP Minutes April30,2007 PageT of 7 6 BRIEFINGoNTTHERITEMSoFINTEREST\QUESTIONSFR0M COUNCIL -NLI 1. MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT -NLI 8. ADJOURNMENT - I2:32P'm' G. Robson, Certified Correct C. Marlo, CorPorate Officer e \) )