HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-04-16 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL VI/ORKSHOP APril 16,2007 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Workshop held on April 16' Z-OO] a1f !:30 a'm' in the Blaney Room of the^Municipal Hall, 1t9^gs Haney Þlace, Maple Ridge' British columbia for the purpose of transicting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor G. Robson Councillor E. DaYkin Councillor J. Dueck Councillor A. Hogarth Councillor L. King Councillor C. SPeirs Councillor K. Stewart Appointed Staff J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer M. Munay, General Manager of Community Development' Parks and Recreation Services P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services J. Pickering, Acting Géneral Manager Public Works and Development Services J. Leeburn, Executive Director C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative A. Gaunt, Confidential SecretarY Other Staff as Required C. Carter, Manager, Community Pianning B.McDonald,DirectorofLicenses,PermitsandBylaws D. Hall, Planner I) Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www'mapleridge'ca ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The agenda was approved the following additions 1 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Freshet Update Corrections UPdate Infrastructure and Escarpment Update Rooming Houses Discussion Council Workshop Minutes April 16,2007 Page 2 of8 2. MINUTES N07-197 Minutes April2,2007 3.1 -) -¿ It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Council \ilorkshop Meeting of April 212007 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED aJ PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL Introduction of New Members, RCMp, fnspector Jim Wakely Inspector Jim wakely, introduced Constable L'Heureux, Constabie Sinn and Constable o'Keefe. He advised that there are currently 109 RCMP members in Maple Ridge, Golden Ears Bridge Update, Golden Crossing Constructors Joint Venture - Ian Mcleod, communications Team, charrie Firman, Deputy project Manager, Linda cyra-Korsgaard, Aesthetics Manager; Robin Johnsion, Technical Directoro Golden Ears Bridge project, Translink Charlie Firman, Deputy Project Manager, Golden crossing constructors Joint Venture, gave a PowerPoint presentation updating the construction progress on the Golden Ears Bridge. He advised that the company is working with staff on a suitable stormwater management plan. Ian Mcleod, communications Team, Golden crossing constructors Joint Venture presented a public information update. He advised that an open house was held in september 2006, a public information telephone line has been working since last February, traffic bulletins are being issued, ads are appearing in newspapers and an information booth would be set up at the Maple Ridge Home Show and other upcoming community events. Linda cyra-Korsgaard, Aesthetics Manager gave a powerpoint presentation which detailed the aesthetics and landscaping planned for the new bridge. ) Council WorkshoP Minutes April 16,2007 Page 3 of8 ACTION RESUIRED Golden crossing constructors Joint venture \ryas asked to provide the following: More detailed information on the preload being used at the bridge to address concerns from residents in Hammond; and Further information on the Abernethy to 210 Street section in regard to the accommodation of recreational modes of transportation (bikes' walking) as well as farm machinery. 4. UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS 4.r suburban Residential and Estate suburban Residential Land use Designation Discussion of staff report dated March 7 ,2007 previously brought forward at the March 12,2007 Council Workshop meeting' The Manager of Community Planning distributed mapping packages w-hich provided iãformation on how the suburban residential and estate suburban iesidential areas relate to the green zone and the implications on extensions of sanitary sewer. Information *ur also distributed indicating waterlines in relation to the Ãgricultural Land Reserve and how this relates to the two land use designations. R/07-198 Land Use Designation It was moved and seconded That the report entitled "suburban Residential and Estate suburban Residential Land use Designation" be received as information' .ARRIED There was discussion regarding water and sewage infrastructure in the indicated land designations in relation to subdivision, potential expansion into these areas and future sustainability of such infrastructure. Staff advised that both the District of Maple Ridge and the Greater vancouver Regional District do not have a policy on extendinglater lines. It was also advised that if a property is outside of the Fraser Sewer Area, servicing will not be extended if it has to go through the green zone. The Director of Planning advised that consideration should be given as to whether or not support would be forthcoming for the extension of sewer lines' Council'Workshop Minutes April 16, 2007 Page 4 of8 Note: Councillor Dueck left the meeting at 11:00 a.m. and returned at 1 1:40 a.m. ACTION REQUIRED Staff is to provide clarification and further detail on sewage infrastructure capacity in large pipelines and maximum build out capacity before existing infrastructure would require improvements. Staff is to provide suggestions pertaining to a policy on water and the extension of water servicing. The Director of Planning reported that one application had been deferred pending the outcome of this discussion. She advised that the applicant had applied under existing regulations and asked for further direction on this application. R/06-199 Application Defenal It was moved and seconded That RZl066/06,12461Garibaldi Street, deferred at the October 10,2006 Council Meeting, be brought forward at a future Council meeting. CARzuED Councillor King, Councillor Speirs - OPPOSED 4.2 Mobile Home Policy Staff report dated January 4,2007 recommending that the proposed Mobile Home Park Redevelopment Tenant Assistance Policy be adopted. Note: The meeting recessed at 12:15 p.m. and reconvened at 1:20 p.m. The Planner gave a PowerPoint presentation detailing the proposed mobile home policy. Council WorkshoP Minutes April 16,2007 Page 5 of8 R/07-200 Mobile Home PolicY DEFEATED N07-20r Mobile Home PolicY ACTION REQUIRED 4.3 w07 -202 Award of Services 2007 Road CaPital Projects Councillor King - OPPOSED It was moved and seconded It was moved and seconded ThattheMobileHomeParkRedevelopmentTenantAssistance Poticy attached to the staff report dated January 4'2007 be adoPted' DEFEATED CouncillorsHogarth,CouncillorStewart'CouncillorDueck' and Counciilor DaYkin - OPPOSED It was moved and seconded Thatstaffbedirectedtoprovidefurtherinformationbasedon discussion at the CouncifWorkshop meeting of April 16,2007' CARRIED staff is to provide clarification on Development cost charges in relation to the i*a.n.top.ent of a mobile home park, to look at the use. of a percentage structure u, oppor.Jto a straighipad rental compensation package, a_nf to provide clarification of steps tıbe tottowed by owners in terms of applying for compensation, ,p".in."¡yìn terms of when the process should be initiated. Award of consulting services for 2007 Road capital Projects Staff report dated April 10, 2007 recommending that the 2007 Roads Capital Consulting Services work ûe awarded to McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd' That the 2007 Roads Capital Consulting Services work be awarded to McElharrt.y Cot"utting Services Ltd' based in accordance with their submitted proposal' CARzuED Council Workshop Minutes April i6,2007 Page 6 of8 4.4 4.5 Freshet Update w06-203 Albion Dyke Improvements 4.6 It was moved and seconded Discussion of Topics for School District No. 42 Meeting suggested topics for the School District No. 42 meeting included: o Potential school closures which may affect partnership programso Daycare bylaw and the use of schools in the mornings and afternoons toprovide daycare or a place for students arriving early to wait safely.o Traffrc planning and congestion around elementary schoolso Increase in litter around schools, particurarly high schools ìo Use of modular schools which can be expanded or contracted to remainconsistent with the student base tr¿El The Chief Administrative Officer advised that the District of Maple Ridgereceived funding which would allow forthe strengthening, widening *å fiilint ofdykes, but would not allow for raising elevations. He deiailed prep-arations be'ingmade to deal with flooding should it occur. That staff be directed to strengthen, widen and fill in the lowspots on the Albion Dyke with the $1,,710,000 approved by theProvince. It is acknowledged that the elevation of the top ofthe dyke will not be raised as part of this work. CARRIED Note: Councillor Daykin left the meeting at 2:15 p.m. Corrections Update Councillor Stewart reported that concerns brought to Corrections included thedrop-off situation with inmates, escapes and pre-release planning. A letterresponding to these concerns would be circulateã separatelato Cou-ncil. It wasasked that any concerns with Corrections be e-mailed to Councillor Stewart. ì Council Workshop Minutes April 16,2007 Page 7 of8 4.7 Infrastructure Grants and Escarpment Update 4.8 The Chief Administrative Officer advised that on the issues relating to storm sewers, staff was following up with the Provincial Government as to requirements and will provide a full report at a future meeting. Rooming Houses The issue of rooming houses and safety issues related to these was discussed' The Chief Administrative Officer advised that complaints or safety concerns in respect to rooming houses should be filed through the Director of Licenses, Permits and Bylaws, ACTION RESUIRED Staff is to prepare a report on rooming houses. 5. COKRESPONDENCE 5.1 Union of British Columbia Municipalities,2005 Community Tourism Program (Phase I) Letter dated March 26,2007 from Brenda Binnie, President, Union of British Columbia Municipalities, advising of the approval of an application for funding through Phase I of the 2005 Community Tourism granting program. w07-204 UBCM 2OO5 Community Tourism Grant It was moved and seconded That the letter dated March 26,2007 from the union of British Columbia Municipalities ("UBCM") advising the approval of an application of funding through Phase I of the 2005 Community Tourism granting program be received. CARRIED 5.2 Union of British Columbia Municipalities, Changes to the Ultimate Limitation Period Letter dated March 29,2007 from Brenda Binnie, President, Union of British Columbia Municipalities ("UBCM") providing information on proposed changes to BC's Limitation Act and asking for endorsement of UBCM's position advocating the reduction of the ultimate iimitation period. Council Workshop Minutes April 16,2007 Page 8 of8 N07-205 UBCM Resolution It was moved and seconded BC's Limitation Act That the Ietter dated March 29,,2007 from the Union of British Columbia Municipalities be received. CARzuED 6 BRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL The General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services reported that Spirit Square Funding has not yet been awarded. 7. MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT - NiI 8. ADJOURNMENT -2:28 p.m G. Robson, Mayor Certif,red Correct 1o^u ['4*,/r C. Marlo, Corporate Officer