HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-03-05 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdfTheMinutesoftheMunicipaiCouncilWorkshopheldon]vIarch5,2007at10:30a'm.inthe Blaney Room of the Mu;icìpal Half r rôqJ H*.y Place, Maple Ridge' British Columbia for tit. frrrpot. of transacting regular Municipal business' Corporation of the DisÍict of Maple Ridge COUNCIL I'YORKSHOP March 5,2007 Appointed Staff J. irule, Chief Administrative Officer iù. r"r"*"v, General Manager of Community Development' Parks and Recreation Services f. q"i*, General Manager Pubiic Works and Development Services i.-Bu*u¡u, Acting General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services J. Leeburn, Executive Director C. Mario, Manager of Legisiative Services A. Gaunt, Confidential SecretarY Other Staff as Required n. iuf."'íäre, Business Retention and Expansion Officer PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor G. Robson Councillor E. DaYkin Councillor J. Dueck Councillor A. Hogarth Councillor L. King Councillor C. SPeirs Councillor K. Stewart 1 Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www'mapleridge'org Note: Mayor Robson was not in attendance at the start of the meeting' councillor Daykin chaired the meeting in his absence' ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Theagendawasadoptedwiththeadditionofthefollowingitems: 6.I update on Home warranty Protection Green Roof Notification Letter' Long Term sustainable vision for Maple Ridge, Greater Vancouver Regional District a."", zone,Big Brotheis Bowling Event, and the Application Process Review l_ Council Workshop Minutes March 5, 2007 Page2 of3 2. MINUTES R/07-126 Minutes February 26,2007 3.1 4,1 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the council \ilorkshop Meeting of February 2612007 be adopted as circulated. CARzuED 3. PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL Vancouver Coast & Mountains Tourism Association, Kevan Ridgway, president and cEo; Tourism Maple Ridge & pitt Meadows, cheryt Johnsın, ExecutiveDirector Kevan Ridgway, President and cEo of vancouver coast & Mountain Tourism Association gave a Power Point presentation and update on tourism activities inBritish Columbia and the Greater Vancouver Region. Cheryl Johnson, ExecutiveDirector, Tourism Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows, followeà up with apresentation on the work being done by the local organization to further tourism in Maple Ridge. Note: Mayor Robson arrived at 1 1:30 a.m. and assumed the chair 4, UNFINISHED AND NEI|/ BUSINESS UBCM Resolutions for the Lower Mainland Local GovernmpntAssociation Discussion of possible UBCM resolutions (from the January 29,2007 workshop). Letter from the Lower Mainland Local Government Association attached. The Manager of Legislative Services advised that correspondence had been receivedfrom the Lower Mainland Local Government Association asking for resolutions to beput forward to UBCM. She also advised that the deadline for submitting resolutions to the Lower Mainland Local Govemment Association is March 3I,2007 and that thedeadline for submitting directly to UBCM is June 30,2007. Council discussedpossible topics for resolutions. It was the consensus of Council that draft resolutions be forwarded to the Manager of Legislative Services for consideration at a futuremeeting. 5. CORRESPONDENCE -NLI 6 Council WorkshoP Minutes March 5,200'7 Page 3 of3 6.r 7 the end of March 2007 MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT BRIEFING ON OTHER ITEÙTS OF INTEREST/SUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL UpdateonHomeWarrantyProtectionGreenRoofNotificationLetter,Long Term Sustainable Vision fär Maple Rtú;, Greater Vancouver Regional District Green Zonernig n.oiners Bowling n".o-t,'uo¿ the Apptication Process Review In regard to the items discussed: . The General Manager, Public works and Development services advised that staff will be looking at the issue of Home Warranty Protection for green roofs and bringing u ,"pårt-,o council foltowing discus.sions with the Home Protection Office. o The chief Administration officer advised that staff have been involved in an ongoing aiurog.. *ütt Cn*f.t Holmes and would be bringing a follow up report to öouãcil in ihe later part of April 2007 ' r In regard to the Greater vut "orru", Regional ?jsltg gfeen zone application' the Chief Administrative Office, u¿,rir"¿i that GVRD ituff ttud approached the provincial gouår;.rr, on a staff level to work on an amending formula' At the request of Co-*ol,--it" Ct"t'ul M*ugtt: }1lÏ.Works and Development Services will ascertain as to what stage the process is at and if the process has not yet started, a ietter will be ,"rrt ,"q,rJrting ihat an amending formula be added to current legislation' o councillor Hogarth asked other council members to form a team for the Big Brothers B"*ii""gî*"t "t"¿"t"¿ for March 16th' o The General Manager, Public works and Development Services advised that in regard to the application process t"ti.*, J"ff snout¿ have an update prepared for 8. ADJOURNMENT - 11:54 a'm' Certified Correct A /\)M R. Robon, MaYor I C. Marlo, CorPorate Officer