HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-02-26 Adopted Council Workshop Minutes.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL WORKSHOP FebruarY 26,2007 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Workshop held on February 26' 2007 at 10:30 a.m. in the Blaney Room ãf *r" Municipal Hail,-11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge' British columbia for the pulpose of transacting regular Municipal business' PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor G. Robson Councillor E. DaYkin Councillor J. Dueck Councillor A' Hogarth Councillor L. King Councillor C. SPeirs Councillor K. Stewart 4.5 4.6 2. MINUTES w07-093 Minutes February 79,2007 It was moved and seconded Appointed Staff J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer tut- tutr'tttuy, General Manager of Community Development' Parks and Recreation Services P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services e. q"i*, General Manager Public Works and Development Services J. Leebum, Executive Director C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services Amanda Gaunt, Confidential Secretary Other Staff as Required Andrew Wood, MuniciPal Engineer Sue Wheeler, Director of Community Services i I 1 1 Note: These Minutes are aiso posted on the Municipal Web Site at www'mapleridse'org ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA The agenda was adopted with the following amendments Homelessness Municipal Report Card CVru Report to the iand Use and Transportation Committee U {r That the minutes of the Council Workshop Meeting of February tgr2007 be adopted as circulated' CARRIED aJ Council Workshop Minutes February 26,2007 Page 2 of9 Council discussed the possibility of cancelling the March 19,2007 meetings. It was the consensus of Council not to cancel the meetings. Note: Items 3.1 and 3.2 followedítem4.2 3.1 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL Flood ll{azard. Model Results, Steve Litke Steve Litke gave a power point presentation on flood hazards in the Fraser Basin. RJ07-094 Flood Hazard Model Results It was moved and seconded That the Provincial Government be urged to take a leading role in addressing the flood proofing deficiencies for the Fraser River identifTed in the Fraser Basin Council report and that letters be written to the Premier and appropriate Provincial Ministers, with copies forwarded to the tr'ederal Government, urging this action. CARzuED 3.2 SPAC - substance Misuse Task Force - sue wheeler, sPAC staff Liaison, Cheryl Ashlie, Task Force Chairperson, Marika Sandrelli, Coordinator, Ron Lawrance, Executive Director Alouette Addictions, Karen Turner, Manager of Maple Ridge Treatment Centre A report entitled "Putting the Pieces Together" was presented by the Substance Misuse Prevention Task Force. R/07-09s SPAC Substance Misuse Task Force It was moved and seconded That the Social Planning Advisory Committee's Substance Misuse Prevention Task Force report, "Putting the Pieces Together" be endorsed. CARRIED Py07-096 Lower Mainland Summit on Addictions It was moved and seconded That the concept of hosting the First Lower Mainland summit on addictions be referred to the Social Planning Advisory Committee for comment. CARRIED 4 Council WorkshoP Minutes February 26,2007 Page 3 of9 4.1 Njt-097 Contract Award Execute 4.2 R/07-098 Regional Affordable Housing StrategY UNFINISHED AND NEIï/ BUSINESS Award of contract 805-010-021r240th street storm sewer Project Staff report dated February 13,2007 recommending that contract E05-010-021 be awarded to Directional Mining and Drilling Ltd' It was moved and seconded That contract 805-010-021, installation of 345 metres of storm sewer on240 Street: Lougheed Highway & North, be awarded to Directional Mining and Drilling Ltd' in the amount of $1,821,600.00 and tnãt tne Mayor and the Corporate Officer be authorized to exeeute the contract' CARRIED Draft Discussion Paper on a Regional Affordable Housing strategy for Greater Vancouver Staff report dated February 21,2007 recommending that the "Draft Discussion paper on a Regional Affoidable Housing Strategy for Greater Vancouver" be received. The General Manager of Community Deveiopment, Parks and Recreation Services summarizJd the discussion paper. He advised that other communities had concerns in regard to fiscal involvement of local governments. It was moved and seconded ThattheGreaterVancouverRegionalDistrict..Draft Discussion Paper on Regional Affordable Housing strategy for Greater Vancouver" beleceived and that it be indicated that while there are many aspects in the report which council can support, Council does have concerns related to the proposed nscãt involvement of local and regional government' CARRIED Note: The meeting recessed and reconvened in Council Chambers at 10:59 p'm' for the presentation of item 3' 1. Note: The meeting reconvened in the Blaney Room at 2:00 p'm' Council Workshop Minutes February 26,2007 Page 4 of9 4.3 UBCM Resolutions for the Lower Mainland Local Government Association Memo dated January 22,2007 from Councillor SharonGaetz, LMLGA President asking members to submit resoiutions to their Area Association for endorsement before proceeding to UBCM. This item was deferred to the March 5,2007 Council Workshop 4.4 Agricultural Task Force Report on the X'ormation of an Agricultural Advisory Committee Discussion of staff report dated February 2l , 2007 , item 1 20 1 on the F ebruary 27 , 2007 Council agenda. The Director of Planning reviewed the report. R/07-099 Formation of the Agricultural Advisory Committee It was moved and seconded That Maple Ridge Agricultural Advisory Committee Bylaw No. 6471-2007 be amended to include one member of the Maple Ridge Economic Advisory Commission as a voting member and that Bylaw No. 6471-2007 be forwarded to the Council meeting of February 27r2007 for consideration. CARRIED Councillor Hogarth, Councillor Speirs - OPPOSED 4.5 Municipal Report Card on Housing and Homelessness prepared by the Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre Councillor King noted that the District received a favourable report. 4.6 Land Use and Transportation Committee Report A report dated February 2I,2007 from the Greater Vancouver Regional District was circulated at the meeting. The Director of Planning advised that the report dated February 21,2007 is based on the Maple Ridge application to have certain properties removed from the green zone. She reported that Greater Vancouver Regional District staff is following the process required by the Local Government Act. Council WorkshoP Minutes February 26,2007 Page 5 of9 5. CORRESPONDENCE 5.1 v07-100 Canadian Action Party - Trade and Investment Labour Mobility Agmt It was moved and seconded It was moved and seconded Canadian Action Party, Trade and Investment Labour Mobility Agreement LetterdatedJanuary29,200TfromConnieFogal,Leader,CanadianActionParly regarding the poteniiãiålf"o.,for local goveniment, 9f ,h",Trade and Investment Labour Mobility d;;; between Br-itish columbia and Alberta and asking that a delegation fJ;ät i;wer mainland party committee be given an opporruniÇ to address Council' 5.2 CARzuED Cify of Burnaby, The Trade,Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement _ BriiisU Columbia and Alberta That the letter dated January 2gr2007 from connie Fogal' Leader, Canadian Action Party' be received and referred to tfr. Ú"í"" of British Columbia Municipalities' Letter dated February 8,2007 from Derek R. Corrigan, Ma¡lor, City of Burnaby, regarding the implicátilns of the Trade, Investmeniand Labour Mobility Asreement u"t*""rrãlüish columbia urrã Átu..ru on l0cal government and ;ä""H;',h";;üi;ral govemments examine this agreement and make the PråvinciJ government aware of concerns' R/07-101 City of BurnabY Trade & Investment Labour Mobility o*tt T'nut the retter dated February grz007 from Derek R. Corrigan, M"y;City of Burllby' be received and forwarded ã in""U"ior, or gtitisú Columbia Municipalities' CARRIED L- Council Workshop Minutes February 26,2007 Page 6 of9 5.3 PU07-102 Cdn Dental Assts Dentists'bylaws Canadian Dental Assistants'Association, BC Ministry of Health Dentists'Bylaws Letter dated February 15,2007 from Michele Rosko, president, canadian DentalAssistants' Association referring to the participation of the British ColumbiaMinistry of Health in formalizing draft bytaws for the College of Dental Surgeonsof BC and asking that action be taken to defer further effortiy the Ministry ãiHealth until the conservation on Hearth has been heard. It was moved and seconded That the letter dated tr'ebruary lsr 2007 from Michele Rosko,President, canadian Dental Assistants' Association be receivedand no further action taken. CARRTED 5.4 corporation of Delta, Grade 5 Recreation pass program - Extension ofService Letter dated February 16,2007 from claudia Jesson, Deputy Municipal clerk,Corporation of Delta, requesting that other communities prómote and undertake aGrade 5 Recreation pass program. R/07-103 Corp of Delta Gr 5 Rec Pass Prgm 5.5 It was moved and seconded That the letter dated February 1612007 from craudia Jesson,Dequt¡ Municipal clerk, corporation of Delta, be forwardedto the Parks and Leisure Services Commission. CARzuED City of North Vancouver - fncrease to Minimum Wage Letter dated February 14,2007 from sandra E. Dowey, city clerk, city of Northvancouver providing information on a resolution callíig on all union of B.c.Municipalities to endorse a request that the Provincial ıou".n*"nt increase theminimum wage to $i0.00 per hour. Council WorkshoP Minutes February 26,2007 Page 7 of9 R/07-104 City of North Van Increase Minimum Wage 5.6 R/07-105 Habitat Protection Mountain Caribou 5.7 R/07-106 GVRD, Dialogues SustainabilitY It was moved and seconded That the letter dated February I4r2007 from Sandra E' Uo*.y, City Clerk, CitY of Xortn Vancouver' be forward to the Maptå niOg. Social Planning Advisory Committee' CARzuED CityofNorthVancouver-HabitatProtectionforMountainCaribou Letter dated February 14,2007 from sandra E. Dowey, city clerk, city of North Vancouver providini iníormation on a resolution calling on all Union of B'C' Municipalities to *rit. u letter urging the Provincial Government to devise a plan to preserve the mountain caribouãnihe basis of habitat preservation' It was moved and seconded That the letter dated February 14,2007 from Sandra E' Do*"y, City Clerk, City of Nortn Vancouver' be received and no further action taken. Greater Vancouver Regional District, Future of Sustainability Dialogues Letter dated February 1g,2007 from Lois E' Jackson, chair, Greater vancouver Regional District providing information on dialogue reports for sessions on Labour and Immig.utio", ı*gs and crime, and Regional Economy, detailing upcoming sessions and welcoming comments on the reports and overall dialogue program. CARRIED It was moved and seconded ThattheletterdatedFebruaryLgr200TfromLoisE'Jackson' ıhuir, Greater Vancouver Regional District' be received and no further action taken. I CARzuED Council Workshop Minutes February 26,2007 Page 8 of9 5.8 Port Amalgamation Transition committee, Request for Meeting Letter dated February 7,2007 from sarah Morgan-silvester, chair, Amalgamation Transition Committee providing information on a report titled "Global Competitor, Community Partner - An Integrated Port Entity in the Lower Mainland" and asking for a meeting with Council to discuss the report. Rt07-107 Port Amalgamation It was moved and seconded Transition Com Meeting Request That the letter dated February 712007 from Sarah Morgan- Silvester, Chair, Amalgamation Transition Committee, be received and a meeting be arranged for further dialogue. CARzuED 5.9 cify of North vancouver, vancouver Ports Amalgamation proposal Letter dated February 7,2007 from sandra E. Dowey, city clerk, city of North vancouver providing information on a resolution asking for revisions to recommendations contained in a report dated November 17, 2006 and titled "Vancouver Ports Amalgamation Proposal". R/07-108 City of North Van Vancouver Ports Amalgamation It was moved and seconded That the letter dated February 7,2007 from Sandra E. Dowey, City Clerk, City of North Vancouver, be received and no further action be taken. CARzuED 5.10 city of vancouver, Federation of canadian Municipalities, women in Municipal Politics Letter dated February 72,2007 from Councillor Suzanne Anton and Councillor Heather Deal, city of Vancouver providing information on Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Women in Municipal Politics dialogue and asking for names of possible participants. Council WorkshoP Minutes February 26,2007 Page 9 of9 R/07-109 City of Vancouver Women in Municipal Politics It was moved and seconded That the letter dated February 12,2007 from Councillor Suzanne Anton and Councillor Heather Deal, City of Vancouver, be received and no further action be taken' CARzuED 6 BRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL -NiI 7. MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT -NiT 8. ADJOURNMENT - 3:55 P'm' G. Robson, MaYor Certified Correct A^* C. Marlo, CorPorate Officer