HomeMy WebLinkAboutADP 2024-05-15 Agenda.pdf City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel AGENDA – REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at 4:00 pm Held Virtually Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone https://mapleridge-ca.zoom.us/j/85866520406 Or join the meeting using your phone Dial: 1-778-907-2071 Meeting ID: 858 6652 0406 1. CALL TO ORDER 1.1. Territory Acknowledgement - The City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional and unceded territories of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen (qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation. 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES – March 13, 2024 4. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5. QUESTION PERIOD 6. FOR INFORMATION 7. PROJECTS 7.1 Development Permit No: 2020-309-DP 4:15 PM Applicant: Joe Minten Project Architect Joe Minten Project Landscape Architect: Donald Duncan Proposal: 8-storey building with 106 rental residential dwelling units, an office area of approx. 212 SQM and a 32 space neighborhood daycare Location: 12297 222 ST, 22175 123 AVE, 22185 123 AVE File Manager: Maryam Lotfi 8. CORRESPONDENCE 9. ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting: June 19, 2024 Agenda Items Submission Deadline: June 5, 2024 QUESTION PERIOD Question Period provides the public with the opportunity to ask questions or make comments on subjects that are of concern to them. Each person will be given 2 minutes to speak. Up to ten minutes in total is allotted for Question Period. City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Meeting Minutes March 13, 2024 The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) held virtually on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, at 4:00 pm. PANEL MEMBERS PRESENT Sang Kim Architect AIBC Niall McGarvey, Chair Landscape Architect BCSLA Van Nguyen Architect AIBC Jennifer Wall Landscape Architect BCSLA STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Emily Davies Committee Clerk Kelly Hills Committee Clerk Corinn Howes Acting Deputy Corporate Officer Adrian Kopystynski Planner 2 Maryam Lotfi Planner 1, Staff Liaison ABSENT Lindsey Salter, Vice Chair Architect AIBC 1.CALL TO ORDER – 4:11 pm 2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA R/2024-ADP-007 It was moved and seconded That the agenda for the March 13, 2024, Advisory Design Panel Regular Meeting be approved as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3.ADOPTION OF MINUTES R/2024-ADP-008 It was moved and seconded That the minutes for the January 17, 2024, Advisory Design Panel Regular Meeting be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3.0 9 Maple Ridge - Advisory Design Panel Minutes March 13, 2024 Page 2 of 3 4.NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS A panel member inquired whether an intern architect could present to the panel on aproject. Staff said the project size determined whether an intern architect may present tothe panel, which was based on the Architectural Institute of British Columbia regulations. 5.QUESTION PERIOD 6.FOR INFORMATION 7.PROJECTS 7.1. Development Permit No: 2020-301-DP / 21643 River Road The Chair welcomed the project team to the meeting. The Staff Liaison provided a briefoverview of the project. The project team presented the development plans andanswered questions from the Panel. J. Wall joined the meeting at 4:20 pm. R/2024-ADP-009 It was moved and seconded That the application be support as the following concerns be addressed as the design develops and submitted to Planning staff for follow up. CITY REQUESTED COMMENTS FROM ADP Please comment on the overall form and character of this development and identify issues that the applicant should be aware of. Architectural Comments: •Fencing Placement: Consider the location of the fencing around the site. •Garbage Placement: Consider the vehicular circulation of a garbage truckwithin the site and whether garbage will be picked up at the front of theoverall site or at each unit. •Root Protection Zone: Consider whether the zone of tree sixty (60) will go intothe building footprint. •Architectural Hierarchy: Consider whether there could be variance orarticulation of the elongated wall at the back of the site to improve visualinterest. •Visibility of Units: Consider using wayfinding signage to indicate the locationof the units. Advisory Design Panel Minutes March 13, 2024 Page 3 of 3 Landscape Comments: •Site Permeability: Consider using permeable pavers on the site. •Visitor Parking: Consider providing visitor parking. •Outdoor Lighting: Consider lighting at the end of the lane to draw people tothat space. •Tree Protection Plan: Consider whether significant trees in the amenity areascould be retained, such as trees numbered sixty-two (62), seventy (70),seventy-one (71), and seventy-two (72) in the plan.CARRIED S. KIM WAS OPPOSED 8.CORRESPONDENCE - NIL 9.ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:45 pm. The next regular meeting of the Advisory Design Panel would be held April 17, 2024 Niall McGarvey, Chair /kh Page 1 of 6 City of Maple Ridge TO: Advisory Design Panel MEETING DATE: May 15, 2024 FILE NO: 2020-309-DP SUBJECT: 12297 222 ST, 22175 123 AVE, 22185 123 AVE PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Panel (the “ADP”) submission has been received for the above cited application and properties to permit the construction of an 8-storey building with 106 rental residential dwelling units, an office area of approximately 212 S.QM. and a 32 space neighbourhhod daycare. The rezoning application being processed in conjunction with this proposal, 2019-255-RZ, was given Third Reading by Council on January 25, 2022. Since then, the application has been revised. The revised application is required to be reviewed by ADP and to be presented to the Council for an amended Second Reading. Originally a Comprehensive Development zone (CD-6-21) was created for the rezoning applicationto rezone the subject properties from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to CD-6-21 (Medium Density Mixed Use Rental and Market Apartment Residential). An amendment to the CD-6-21 zone is required to address the changes proposed in the revised application. The original rezoning application was accompanied by an Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment to adjust the OCP Urban Residential and Conservation boundaries. The development permit application made to the City is subject to Section 8.7 Multi-Family Development Permit. The original application was reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel at two meetings. The first presentation by the applicant’s team to the Advisory Design Panel was on June 16, 2021, and the following comments and resolution was carried. “That the Advisory Design Panel has reviewed application No. 2020-309-DP and recommends the proposal be re-submitted and presented at a future Advisory Design Panel meeting with the following concerns addressed: Architectural Comments: •Height of the building is out of scale given the context: o reconsider 7 storey volume to a height more in keeping within the neighbourhood; o Gable roof is exacerbating the height of the roof; o Please provide shadow studies, extended street elevations and larger reaching sections to show the impact of the building on the surrounding context; •Consider the Human scale of the building and introduce elements to lower the overall massing; •Provide more celebration/distinction of entry and more articulation/visual interests on the street fronting facades; •Consider softening material pallet to add warmth to the façade; 7.1 ~ Maple Ridee - Page 2 of 6 • Consider opportunities for the indoor/outdoor relationship at the ground plane. Landscape Comments: • Provide more clarification on perimeter grades and relationship to neighbouring property; • Provide terraced landscape retaining walls to soften the edges of the exposed parkade; • Provide removable bollards at the 123rd street let down in front of the garbage collection– evaluate if this let down is needed as garbage truck could use podium access as the firetruck; • Consider to blend and expand the amenity area into the environmental setback; • Maintenance path of the Westside of the building is hidden – provide a looping path or additional connections to the building to reduce CPTED concerns; • Consider more variety in the play structures.” The applicant submitted a revision to the project from the comments received at the June 16, 2021, Advisory Design Panel. The revised application was presented to the Advisory Design Panel on September 15, 2021, at which time the following resolution was made: “That the Advisory Design Panel has reviewed application 2020-309-DP and recommends that the proposal be re-submitted and presented at a future Advisory Design Panel meeting with the following concerns be addressed: Architectural Comments: • Consider more stepping back of the building from the street scape interface with the neighboring properties. Height of the building is out of scale given the context; • Prove the shadow studies that fully extends to the surrounding properties to show the impact of the building on the surrounding context; • In order to reduce the appearance of the overall massing consider adding additional colours, material and architectural elements similar to the neighbouring buildings for better integration; • Consider further softening material pallet to add warmth to the façade; • Additional building detailing required; • Updated rendering to reflect proposed landscaping that incorporate the retained trees. Landscape Comments: • Consider adding seating for parents in the play area; • Consider expansion the play area to include more play opportunities; • Incorporate play features that address the needs of all residents (accessible); • Consider opening the daycare play space for all residents outside of operating hours.” No revised application was presented back to ADP prior to the Third Reading. As mentioned above, after Third Reading, the subject application has been revised. The revised application will be outlines in the following sections of this report. BACKGROUND: Applicant: JM ARCHITECTURE JOSEPH M MINTON Owner: 1173290 B C LTD Legal Description: Lot: 5, D.L.: 396, Plan: NWP830, Lot: 9, D.L.: 396, Plan: NWP15728, Lot: 10, D.L.: 396, Plan: NWP15728 OCP: Page 3 of 6 Existing: CONSRV (Conservation), RES (Urban Residential) Proposed: CONSRV (Conservation), RES (Urban Residential) Zoning: Existing: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Proposed: Comprehensive Development Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Single-Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Urban Residential and Conservation South: Use: Single-Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Urban Residential East: Use: Apartments Zone: RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Designation: Low-Rise Apartment West: Use: Single-Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Urban Residential and Conservation Existing Use of Properties: Single-Family Residential Proposed Use of Properties: Apartments Site Area: 0.90 ha (2.23 acres) Access: 123 Avenue Servicing requirement: Urban Standard Accompanying Applications: 2020-309-DP DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: The development permit application made to the City prompting this submission to the ADP is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Section 8.7 Multi-Family Development Permit. Key Guidelines: The following is a brief description and assessment of the proposal’s compliance with the applicable Key Development Permit Guidelines: 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of higher density developments. 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. Design Guidelines: The Design Guidelines and a full explanation of how the project complies with them or the reasons why they are not applicable are attached in Appendix G to this memo. Page 4 of 6 PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Proposal: The revised proposed building is an eight-storey apartment complex comprising 106 rental residential units including 52 market rental units and 54 affordable rental units. Also proposed application includes a neighbourhood daycare accommodating approximately 32 children on the second floor with an area of 328.47 sqm. There is an office area of approximately 212 sqm on the ground level as well. Please refer to design rationale provided by the project architect in Appendix E for further information. Properties at 22175 123 AVE, and 22185 123 AVE have a Fortis Gas Right of Way running east- west. Accordingly, the vehicle access to the building is from 222 Street as there is restriction within the Fortis Gas R/W to access from123 Avenue. 2. Context: Subject properties are zoned RS-1 (Single Detached Residential). The OCP Zoning Matrix supports Comprehensive Development zones (CD) within OCP Land Use Designations and Categories based on compliance with the OCP. The CD-6-21 zone that was originally created was supportable due to the physical constraints of the property as well as the proposed inclusion of affordable rental housing for vulnerable groups of people in the community and market rental units. The CD- 6-21 zone requires to be amended to comply with the revised proposal. There are 4 to 5-storey multi-family apartment buildings to the east and single-family dwellings to the south, north and west. It is likely that with time the existing single-family homes in the area will also redevelop with multi-family type development. 3. OCP and Zoning Compliance: The subject properties are located west of the Town Centre Area Plan. The Official Community Plan (OCP) designates the subject properties Urban Residential and Conservation. The Conservation designation of the subject site is being adjusted to reflect ground-truthing. As mentioned above, the subject sites are currently zoned RS-1 (Single Detached Residential). The CD zone that was originally created for the subject application (CD-6-21) would require to be amended to comply with the revised proposal. Below table outlines CD-6-21 zone specific requirements vs amended CD-6-21 zone specific requirements. A column has been added to the table below to show RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zone requirements as a reference as well. Zone Specific Requirements RM-2 Zone CD-6-21 Zone (Previous) Amended CD-6-21 Zone Accessory Uses Boarding Boarding Boarding Home Occupation Home Occupation Office Childcare: Indoor area 270 M2 Uncovered outdoor area 93 M2 Covered outdoor area 120 M2 Location: First floor Childcare: Indoor area 330 M2 Uncovered outdoor area 106 M2 Covered outdoor area 86 M2 Location: Second floor Base Density 1.8 FSR 2.75 FSR 1.75 FSR Height 4 Storeys – 15M 7 Storeys – 30M 8 Storey – 36M Front Lot Line Setback 7.5M 5.6M 5.50M Rear Lot Line Setback 7.5M 6M 6.60M Page 5 of 6 Side Lot Line Setback (North) 7.5M 6M 42M Side Lot Line Setback (123 Ave) 7.5M 5.6M 13M Parking Stall NA for Rental – Office - Childcare 114 stalls for 104 residential units and 270 M2 childcare. 124 stalls in total. Common Open Area 30% of the Lot Area 30% of the Lot Area 30% of the Lot Area Outdoor Amenity Area 1M2/Res Unit 1M2/Res Unit 1M2/Res Unit Private Outdoor Area The greater of 5% of Dwelling Unit area or 4.6 M2/Unit The greater of 5% of Dwelling Unit area or 4.6 M2/Unit The greater of 5% of Dwelling Unit area or 4.6 M2/Unit Indoor Amenity Area 1 M2/Unit 1 M2/Unit 595 M2 4. Parking and Bicycle Storage: The parking requirements were amended originally in the CD-6-21 bylaw, as per a rationale that was provided in the Second Reading report, to support the proposed use of affordable/market rental residential. The rate that is used to estimate parking stall requirements for the residential units for the revised application is similar to the rate that was used originally to draft the CD-6-21 bylaw. The required number of parking stalls as per the CD-6-21 bylaw, and as per the amended CD-6- 21 bylaw have been described in the table above, under Section 3. The required parking for the proposed use is analyzed in the Development Data Sheet as well (Appendix F). The subject application proposes 34 long-term and 42 short-term bike spaces. 5. Environmental, Sustainability & Stormwater Management: A combined Watercourse Protection Development Permit and Natural Features DP (WPDP and NFDP) is required for this site due to the steep ravine banks and the unnamed creeks located on site. A standard Habitat Protection and Enhancement Covenant will be required. A tree permit will also be required. 6. Garbage/Recycling: An organic compost area is proposed on the ground level. A garbage and recycling room is proposed on the parkade level 1. 7. Works along abutting roads: Include new curb, gutter, sidewalk, new sanitary, water, and storm sewer connections; street lighting, street trees on all frontages; underground wiring for 3rd party utility services. 8. Off Site Upgrades, Utilities and Services: Include new curb, gutter, sidewalk, new sanitary, water, and storm sewer connections; street lighting; street trees on all frontages; underground wiring for 3rd party utility services. CONCLUSION: The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Page 6 of 6 Prepared by: Maryam Lotfi The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A: Subject Map Appendix B: Ortho Map Appendix C: ADP Submission Form Appendix D: ADP Applicant Checklist (signed by Architect) Appendix E: Explanatory letter from Architect and Landscape Architect Appendix F: Development Data Sheet (signed by Architect) Appendix G: DP Area (Multi-Family) Guidelines Checklist Appendix H: Architectural and Landscape Plans Appendix I: Preliminary SWP Appendix I: SWP Letter Appendix J: Off Site Road Works DATE: Sep 21, 2020 FILE: 2019-255-RZ 12297 222 STREET, 22175/85 123 AVENUE PID'S; 011-921-935, 010-122-818 & 010-122-885 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTIES ´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: PC 124 AVE Legend Stream Ditch Centreline Indefinite Creek River Centreline 3 D) 'C c6' " ... i5 : 0: ■ C") D) ~ ; I 22 0 6 0 22 1 0 2 22 1 1 0 ~ <o ~ <o 0, 22 1 6 0 / 9 0 22 2 6 2 " "' ~ m 22 0 6 5 I~ ~ ~ 22 1 ST . - - - , 22 0 6 2 11 ~ 122 0 6 1 "' "' "' ... ~ ~ 0, ,_ , - - 22-08-8---- ' I i ~ I '2 20 1 1 I I ~I 22 0 1 0 I () )> ~ 55 ~I ~I ~I ~ w <o 5 <o 22 0 7 5 22 0 8 1 22 1 ST . z C I \ 22 0 9 7 ~ () w 22 0 8 0 I <o ;s 22 0 8 5 a, () ;u m 22 0 9 0 I (/ ) 22 0 9 5 22 0 9 9 22 1 0 4 22 1 0 4 I 22 1 0 1 I I . - ~ ~ 1~ 1~ ~ 22 1 1 6 I 8 ~ w ~ w <o 0, ~ w 0, <o ---, 22 1 2 2 I GR A Y ST. 2~ 1- I - - ~ ~I~ ~ w <o "' ~I ~I ~I ~I ~ 122 1 6 0 I ti DE L C R E S T ST, ~ m ~ I~ I~ I~ I 22 1 9 0 I ~ <o ·1- 1 ~ I ~ I I , _ . : = - ~ ~ __ J _ _ _ _ j _ _ j _ _ _ J 22 2 ST. § 0 § a, ~ 0 22 2 1 3 22 2 3 0 22 2 2 9 22 2 5 5 ~ I~ "' 0, 0, " w )> iii I~ I~ • "' 0, a, 22 2 7 7 22 2 7 5 22 2 9 5 22 1 6 5 22 1 7 5 22 1 8 5 ~ "' <o 0, ~ "' <o ... .~ _, -- L. . - - - " " - - ~ L_ _ . - - - - - - ' ;:l 0 1~ lg 1~ I HILL SID E ST. 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DATE: Sep 21, 2020 FILE: 2019-255-RZ 12297 222 STREET, 22175/85 123 AVENUE PID'S; 011-921-935, 010-122-818 & 010-122-885 City of PittMeadows District ofLangley Di s t r i c t o f M i s s i o n FRASER R. ^PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTIES Aerial Imagery from the Spring of 2018´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: PC 124 AVE map eridge.ca The City  schedule making y ADP subm ADP thro Applicati Name of  File num Address  Current Z Seeking t Architect Submissi Architect Landscap Other Pro Note.: Th developm taken fro bulletin,  Major  per th build Group A (Pa Group B (Pa Group C Res Group D & E Group F (F1 Adv of Maple Rid es for submis your submiss mission pack ough your Fil ion Informa Applicant   ber   of site   Zone    to appear be t Informatio on will be p t   pe Architect  ofessional (S he Architects ments to the om AIBC Bull click here.  Occupancy  he current  ing codes  art 3)   art 3)   sidential  E   : Part 3)   isory Des dge Advisory ssion deadlin sion, contact kage for you le Manager w tion:  _________ _________ _________ _________ efore the AD on:  resented to  _________ _________ State Name  s are require e ADP that a letin 31 Build Public Assem Hospital, San Home for the Aged  Institutional  Hotel or sim Commercial  Industrial  sign Pane y Design Pan ne dates and t your File M ur project. Fo well in adva __________ __________ __________ ___ Propose DP on this da ADP by:  __________ __________ & Role) ____ ed to prepar re in the Ma dings Requir Use  mbly  natorium, or  e  ilar occupancy  el Submis nel (ADP) me d for the min Manager to e orward your nce of the d ___________ _____  ___________ ed Zone ____ ate ________ ___________ ___________ __________ re plans and ajor Occupan ring the Serv Type services −any o exce −any b exce −all sc −any b capa −any b −any b −any b −any b −any b ssion Req eets monthly nimum subm establish wh r complete s deadline date __________ __________ __________ __________ ________  _______  ___________ to attend a ncy categori vices of an A es of Building or s of an architect one‐storey build eeding 9 m or gro building of more eeding 235 m²; a chools, any size building (exclud acity exceeding 1 building with gro building contain building contain building with gro building with gro uest Form y.Refer to t mission requ at constitute ubmission p e.  __  __  __  __  __________ nd to presen es cited in th Architect. Fo r Parts of Buildin t under section 6 Act.   ding with an uns oss area exceed e than one store and  ing veterinary h 12 beds  oss area exceed ning 5 or more d ning 11 or more g oss area exceed oss area exceed m  he attached irements. Be es a complet package for t ____  nt all  he Table bel r the entire  ng requiring the 60 of the Archit supported span  ing 275 m²;  ey with gross are ospital) with a  ing 470 m²  welling units  guest rooms  ing 470 m²  ing 470 m²    efore  te  the  ow  e  ects  ea  a Maple Ridee - ADP Submission Checklist Certification of Complete ADP Submission: Architect’s Certification: _____________________________ ___________ Signature Date Print name Project Landscape Architect’s Certification: _____________________________ ___________ Signature Date Print name Submission Materials Required (File Manager to indicate if required) Provided A.ADP Submission Form (Submitted and signed by Architect) B.Covering Letter including explanations about: 1. Project description/analysis (Detailed information Required) 2.Architectural and Landscaping Design rationale (Detailed information Required)  3. Statement in brief about the following: a. DP Key Concepts Compliance  b. DP Guideline Compliance  c.Stormwater management strategy with emphasis on Tier A requirements integrated into landscaping plans   d. Public Art / Amenities, etc. e. Sustainability practices  f. Other __________________________________________ C. Site and Neighbourhood Context 1.Context Review – Context Plan with existing/proposed buildings and trees, vegetation, roads, existing / proposed grading, and other major features within the site, on the abutting properties, the public realm and along the road allowances / lanes.   2. Photographs of site and surrounding sites. D.Development Permit Area Checklist (Note: The Architect is responsible to describe how the project complies with each guidelines, or if not applicable, a description of why not applicable. Please use fillable forms on line.)   Joe Minten Architect AIBC I AAA I MRAIC Apr 25, 2024 Donald V Duncan Apr 25, 2024 BA BLA BCSLA CSLA Application No. _______2019-255-RZ________________________ File Manager ________Maryam Lotfi_____________________ This checklist is being provided to you by your File Manager, to assist in preparing the materials for submission to the Advisory Design Panel (ADP). Please refer to the ADP Submission Form and the ADP Requirements Brochure for submission requirements in terms of explanatory letters, plans, supporting information and specifications on size and numbers of copies to be submitted. Address your questions to the File Manager or the Planning Liaison to the ADP.          Project Landscape Architect’s Certifica _____________________________ _____________________________ ____ Signature I~ Maple Ridee rchitect's Cert ■ City of Maple Ridge ADP Submission Checklist (Page 2) E. Architectural Plans (Site and Building(s)):  1. Site Plan and layout  2. Site sections  3. Streetscape elevation  4. Streetscape elevations with landscaping and boulevard trees superimposed  5. Shadow analysis  6. Lighting analysis (on building and on site)  7. Floor Plans for all levels, including underground and roof tops  8. Waste collection /recycling (inside of buildings)  9. Storage, including bicycle storage (inside and outside)  10. Building elevation (all sides)  11. Signage (attached to building and free standing)  12. Colours and materials  13. Material board  14. Building sections  15. 3D renderings of site, building(s) and associated landscaping  F. Landscaping Plans:  1. Landscaping plan and layout with specifications and planting details  2. Storm water management works focused on Tier A requirements integrated into landscaping plan with details  3. Landscaping details, including public art, signage, lighting, play and other amenity areas, fences, retaining walls,  4. Waste collection /Recycling (exterior areas/structures)  5. Details for pedestrian amenity and furniture features provided  6. Details for hard surfacing areas / patterns  7. Tree retention and management plan  8. Site sections for lot grading, drainage, landscaping, retaining walls and relationship to adjacent grades / City roads / lanes  9. Pedestrian, bicycle, equestrian path interconnections  G. Green Building/Sustainability initiatives  H. Engineering-related Information:  1. Site grading plans  I. Other    Rev. March 2018                     ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - JM Architecture Inc. Registered in BC - AB Joe M. Minten - principal Architect AIBC | AAA | MRAIC Unit 107 – 15055 54A Ave. Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 583-2003 -T joe@jmarchitecture.ca- E www.jmarchitecture.ca 25April 2024 Project 222 Meadows Walk Civic Address 12297 222 Street & 12175 and 12185 123 Avenue City File No. 2019-255-RZ ADP Meeting 15 May 2024 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The user program for the project is simple, direct and multi-layered: 1.Provides 100+ units of apartment and multi-level style housing for two groups: a.Market rental units and affordable units for various designated groups such as individuals on the Autism Spectrum, seniors, veterans, and individuals new to the country; and b.Mixed sizes from one bedroom to three bedroom. 2.Provide a variety of amenity rooms such as an exercise room, library, media, and multi-purpose rooms. 3.Provide rental office space. 4.Provide office space for support workers of community organizations that will be utilizing the building. 5.Provide several short-term hospitality rooms for family members visiting and caring for residents. 6.Provide space for a child-care facility with a maximum of 42 children in mixed age groups. Theprojectwasinitiallyconceivedasfittingonthesinglelot–12297222Streetbutsoonchangedtoinclude12175 and 12185 123 Avenue. The single lot (12297 222St.) has twowatercourses flowing north; one on each side of the lot and directed toward the middle. This configuration and the environmental setbacks left no space for the building so the two adjacent lots to the south (facing 123 Ave.) were added to the project. Both of these lots also have a Fortis Gas Right of Way “R/W” running east-west and covering about 50% of the lot depth. The remainingbuildablelotconfigurationisroughlyL-shapedandthatiswherethebuildingispositionedontheland. The design of the building is such that in order to meet the proforma and the requirements from senior government agencies, we were left with the design that is being presented. The topography generally slopes down to the north with a fall of approximately 2.0 meters within the buildable areaandsteeperslopestothewatercourses.The12297lotisheavilycoveredwithlargeevergreenanddeciduous trees. The south two lots are essentially free of trees. JM Architecture Inc. Registered in BC - AB Joe M. Minten - principal Architect AIBC | AAA | MRAIC Unit 107 – 15055 54A Ave. Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 583-2003 -T joe@jmarchitecture.ca- E www.jmarchitecture.ca Borderingtheprojectsitetothewestandnorth–beyondtheSPEA zones – are single family homes. To the east are newly developed multi-family developments,four storey in height. To the south are single family lots with a proposed multi-storey,multi-family developments. So, the three lots upon which this development is proposed has heavy restriction regulated by environmental controlsonbotheastandwestsidesandano-bulldzonetothesouthregulatedbyFortisGasR/W. Theremaining land is the developable land and it is proposed to house an eight-storey apartment building and two levels of parking below - partially dug into the grade. Accesstothebuildingisoff222StreetasthereisrestrictionwithintheFortis Gas R/Wtoaccessfrom123Avenue. With the small amount of land available for construction the access to the principal entry is through a covered entry with the remainder of the building above. This is also the access to parking with a vehicle ramp at the western side of the lot. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION From the beginning of the project conception it was understood the two existing watercourses required protection and rehabilitation. Comprehensive discussions with the City environmental staff and provincial regulatory departments have set the parameters for regulating construction setback (from top of bank) and streamside rehabilitation and compensation. This analysis remains ongoing and has been integrated into the project design. The west watercourse has a 13.5m setback and the east watercourse has an 8.5m setback. The land defined by the top-of-bank to the property lines is city dedication land while the land from the top-of-bank to the setback lines is governed by a restrictive covenant. There is a 1.5m maintenance buffer next to the building. An added restrictive covenant regulates a small triangular parcel of land immediately to the north side of the building which ensure this land is maintained in a pervious state. 12336 ~ 12328--1 JM Architecture Inc. Registered in BC - AB Joe M. Minten - principal Architect AIBC | AAA | MRAIC Unit 107 – 15055 54A Ave. Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 583-2003 -T joe@jmarchitecture.ca- E www.jmarchitecture.ca DESIGN FACTORS Asnotedabove,theavailablebuildableareaverymuchdefinedtheshapeorlayoutofthebuilding. Theprogram requirements defined it vertically. In addition to the program requirements the owner has defined clearly his intent to include the following attributes to the design: 1.Insulated concrete forms for exterior and interior walls and floor systems; 2.Solar cladding to the façade of the building; and 3.Pitched roof system. The design team contacted suppliers of the insulated concrete forms and several meetings were held to discuss the particulars of construction and design to ensure code compliance for a non-combustible high-rise building. Atarelativelyearlystageofthedesign,thiswasalsovettedthroughtheCityofMapleRidgeBuildingdepartment and considered approved. Wedidthesameforthesolar claddingsystem. Twodifferentcompanieswerecontactedandanenergy analysis wasperformedwiththenetresultthatthesystemwouldlikelycreatemoreenergythannecessarywithpossible returns from the hydro system. The requirement for a pitched roof stem from long term value analysis to operations and maintenance issues. Theowner (alsoadeveloperandcontractor)wouldhave preferredtheentirebuilding hadaslopedroofsystem. The benefits were seen in a longer lasting roof and definite cost savings over the long term. An added benefit was to house the mechanical requirement under the roof structure. These three significant design decisions also speak to the strong sustainability direction of the project. Theheightofthebuildinghasincreasedbyonefloorsincetheprevioussubmissiontothispanel.Thisistheresult of restrictivediscussions withtheFortisdesignteam. Although neighbourdevelopmentswerepermittedtosee parking and traffic over the same pipeline this development was not successful in that regard. Fortis would not consider our previous design option without a very lenghty review process with no promise of success. A year or more of review with no assurances required a shift in design analysis; the result was to add a floor to the building to facilitate an added level of parking at the main floor level. The height of this floor also has to accommodate larger emergency and service vehicles. With a clear height of sixteen feet we could also accommodate tiered/stacked parking so there are 14 dedicated stacked parking spaces provided on this level. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN Much of the architectural design connects to the program requirements and technology of the building as well as the regulations and restriction placed upon it. This project speaks very much to the anthem of form-follows- function and a healthy respect to address current climate change and sustainable development opportunities. The owner/developer has a familial relationship with a child on the autism spectrum. The principal driving force tocreatethisprojectistofacilitatemuchneededhousingforindividualswithdisabilities. Theentirebuildingwill be universally adaptable and barrier free and can be easily adapted for wheelchair accessibility.They range in JM Architecture Inc. Registered in BC - AB Joe M. Minten - principal Architect AIBC | AAA | MRAIC Unit 107 – 15055 54A Ave. Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 583-2003 -T joe@jmarchitecture.ca- E www.jmarchitecture.ca layout from one-bedroom units to three-bedroom units. All units on floor 2 to 4 (inclusive) are dedicated to individuals with disabilities and affordable rental units. Floors 5 to 8 are dedicated to market rental units. These units are a mixture of one-level consisting of one, two and three bedroom units and approximately 21 two-level units. The reasoning for the two-level units is to maintain the integrity of the insulated concrete form and structural grid. Thereisaplanneddaycareforamaximumof42children. Adedicatedentryisfromthemainfloorandthefacility is located on the second floor with access to both covered and open play space directly off the daycare rooms. An office space is provided on the main floor with access from the buildings lobby area. At this time the office is not programmed although the intent is to seek medical tenants or groups that support people with disabilities. A lot of the building’s north section will be set into the treed section of the site; is mass shielded (not masked) by the foliage. The façade is clad in a solar panel system, some panels being opaque other less so – and all will deliver degrees of energy to the project – more than enough to supply the needs of this project. The front (south) face of the building and some portions of both east and west elevations have the lower two floors clad in a red-toned unit masonry brick which is also carried through to the lower parking level around the rest of the building. This treatment is also carried into the third storey to provide further architectural detailing. Balcony insets are also in red EIFS cladding. All balcony railings are solar cladding. Windows are proposed to be clear annodized or light grey to match aluminum frame high performance glazing systems – similar to the Euro line with easy access tilt and turn operation. Ontheeastsideofthebuildingfocustotheentryisalargesolarcladmuraldesign. Theintentistoseekanartist withintheautismspectrumcommunitytoprovideasuitabledesign. Theoneillustratedontheplansisborrowed from an artist within in this community. There is no land space to incorporate a free standing sign and there is minimal requirement for it so all signage is placed on the façade of the building. Signage will be limited to the project name and address. The daycare and office users will have window façade signage at the main floor. PUBLIC ART | AMENITIES There is a proposed mural on the east side of the building that is also the main entry side of the building for pedestrians and vehicles. This unique contribution collaborated with an artist within the autism specrum community will enhance the façade and provide an educational opportunity to the public at large. Amenityspaceswithinthebuildinginclude:afitnesscenter,library,genrealmeetingroom,kitchen/multipurpose room with associated roof top deckspace. There are alsosix hospitality rooms which provide overnight stay for family and friends visiting residents. A small exterior play space is provided at grade to the north side of the building. JM Architecture Inc. Registered in BC - AB Joe M. Minten - principal Architect AIBC | AAA | MRAIC Unit 107 – 15055 54A Ave. Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 583-2003 -T joe@jmarchitecture.ca- E www.jmarchitecture.ca SUSTAINABILITY CONCEPTS Thereareseveralsustainabilityconceptsincorporatedintheprojectalreadynotedabove.Theownershipisclear that long term durability and ease of maintenance are key design components. The list below note many of these features: 1.Durable building materials throughout which include: a.Metal sloped roofing; b.Solar cladding; and c.Masonry brick 2.Insulated concrete forming for structural integrity, continuous thermal barrier and sound proofing 3.Solar cladding for energy harnessing 4.Low energy consumption appliances and fixtures 5.Low water consumption plumbing fixtures 6.Durable interior finishes for flooring in both residences and amenity spaces. Perhapslessobviousbutnolessimportant,isthelocationoftheprojectincloseproximitytocommunityservices and transportation. To facilitate that connection the City has requested a new pedestrian public walking path along 222 Street south of the site. DP CONCEPTS & GUIDELINES The project aims to meet the intent of the DP Guidelines where possible. It must be acknowledged however that the environmental and regulatory agency constraints of the site severely limit the buildable site area. In order to accommodate the program the building height is essential. Also to be acknowledged is that the buildable area is nesstled within the wooded are of the site and placed well back from the street both which sheild its apparent height from the neighbourhood context. As well the stepping back of the upper floor helps to break the height of the building. A number of the DP Guidelines do not apply to this development because the building is a stand alone structure sheilded from the neighbouring developments by the dedicated wooded parkland and restrictive covenant portion of the site and it is placed well back from the frontage of the street due to the Fortis Right of Way. The project provides a very necessary housing component to the City of Maple Ridge by way of offering rental accommodation for persons within the autism spectrum as well as other focus groups. Its proximity to the city center amenities and services is key to its location. And, the very strong and varied sustainability elements showcaseastrongfocustohowathisdeveloperhasaddressedhiscommitmenttoprovidingaffordablehousing and services to its future residents. This commitment accomplishes many of the intents within the guidelines if not directly surely within the constraints of the site itself. Functionally, most of the guideline elements have been met. JM Architecture Inc. Registered in BC - AB Joe M. Minten - principal Architect AIBC | AAA | MRAIC Unit 107 – 15055 54A Ave. Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 583-2003 -T joe@jmarchitecture.ca- E www.jmarchitecture.ca STORMWATER MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES (from civil engineering) Tier A As a majority of the areas outside of the building footprint are comprised of permeable surfaces, the rainfall landing on these areas will be infiltrated into the existing ground as detailed on the landscape plans. The Tier A volume, which is dictated by the amount of impermeable area on the 222 Meadows Walk development, will be directed to the detention tank, which is detailed on the offsite civil drawings. As the City’s goal is to retain this volume onsite through infiltration, evapotranspiration, or re-use, the detention tank will be designed to allow for infiltration. The Tier A volume will be stored below the tank outlet and will slowly infiltrate into the existing ground. Further, as all the hardscaped areas onsite to be directed to the detention tank are low pollutant generating surfaces, the use of a water quality treatment system is not required. Tier B The volume, to be determined by the governing Tier B calculation, will be retained within the detention tank. However, as the Tier B volume is to be released into the city system limited at the 2-year forested flow rate, the difference between the Tier A and Tier B volumes will be stored above the detention tanks outlet and below the Tier C overflow within the flow control manhole. This will direct the Tier B volume to be slowly released into the city storm system using a square-edge orifice plate within a flow control manhole. Tier C The Tier C volume will be stored and released similar to the Tier B volume discussed above. However, the Tier C volumewill haveits ownsquare-edgeorificeplatewhich willbesizedtolimitthe flow intothe citystormsystem to the 2-year pre-development release rate as opposed to the 2-year forested flow rate which limits the Tier B release. Any storm event that generates a flow greater than the storm event that dictates the Tier C volume will bypass the flow controls and release into the city storm system through the emergency overflow to prevent property flooding. Thank you for your support of this project. Sincerely, Joe Minten Architect AIBC, AAA, MRAIC Thi<d<H:umomoa,b-,olo<tn>nlull)'<Ortlfl,d\M!hd;gltal ce<lifioote and eouyplion t«hoology ,,.,o,.,,.;,,d by th< AIBCandAPEGBC. Thoouthori!.>tl,o-0ril(lnalhadboen tronsrnllttd to Y"" lo-"°"" fo,m. My printed ,onion cor,l,e,.iedlJ!l'-O'lO>Ot""'coPfo/th<origl,..lwt>e,, 11Jppl!tdb\-'!ht«lllin•l•utl>or,t>torinJ;lm•a••ottt>t profes>ioMISNlanddigitol«rtificote,o,wl>eoprinted fromth@dlglt>ly<e<t~le,l•loctroni<lil<ptovlded. mm ml!]j Donald V. S. Duncan BA BLA BCSLA CSLA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Suite 603 -220 11st Street, New Westminster, BC V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 2019-255-RZ -Residential Town at 123 Avenue & 222 Street LANDSCAPE DESIGN RATIONALE General The project can be broadly divided into two sections. The first is the lawn area south of tower. The second is the naturalized area to the north, east and west of the tower. The lawn area is located over a Fortis gas right-of-way. For this reason, landscape development in this area is constrained. This portion of the landscape is characterized by a general ground cover of lawn. The lawn is divided by a number of curved beds planted with Mahonia nervosa and periodic Photinia fraserii accents. A walkway runs north-south through the centre of the lawn, connecting the public sidewalk to tower's auto court. 11 rows of stepping parallel the main walk. Given the restrictions placed on landscape development in this area, the decision was made to create a bold and abstract design on the ground plain. This design is created by the combination of the curved beds and the straight lines of stepping stones, set up as boldly linear elements against the field of the lawn. The result is a bold, highly geometric design. By contrast, the naturalized portions of the property are characterized by sinuous lines designed to evoke a natural landscape. Against the base of the building, a 1.5 meter aggregate path is provided for maintenance and emergency egress purposes. At the 3.5 meters from the building, a low post and rail fence is located to mark the setback line. Beyond the path, and flowing under the fence, is a landscape composed of the native species (excepting a Gledistia added as an accent). The plantings are generally divided between the massed tree and shrub plantings towards the top of back, providing an outer perimeter to the restoration planning area, and the flows of herb/ shrub plugs that carpet the remaining area. These lower plantings are generally organized around a series of shallow swales which direct storm water flow towards the most northern portion of the site (see Storm Water Management below). Areas below existing trees will be left unaltered, except as may be necessary to address storm water issues. The design calls for the planting of 30 new coniferous trees and an additional 10 new deciduous trees at grade. The planting of two street tree is also anticipated. These 42 trees provide partial compensation for the 74 removed . Full compensation would not be possible on site without creating ovs Duncan I 2019-255-RZ -Residential Town at 123 Avenue & 222 Street Design Rationale undesirable levels of shade for future residents of the development. In addition, any significant increase in shade would compromise the solar electric cladding the tower itself. One additional element is located in the northern portion of the site. This is children's activity area containing two playhouses and looping paths. While not intended explicitly as a playground, this is an area where children can run outside and experience nature. Site Circulation Vehicular access to the site is provided from 222 Street, across the auto court to the parkade entry. Pedestrian access to the site is gained from the walkway leading off the 123 Avenue sidewalk or via the stairway leading up from the 222 Street sidewalk. The stepping stones across the southern lawn are intended primarily as a visual accent but could be used as paths of entry as well. The gravel trail surrounding the northern portion of the tower provides access the to children's activity area, maintenance access and emergency egress from the building. Storm Water Management Storm water management will be divided between and civil and landscape solution. While civil will deal with all hard surface areas of the site, landscape solutions will address soft or pervious areas. In general, the landscape of the proposed development is divided between the formal lawn and plantings on the southern portion of the site, over the Fortis right-of-way, and the naturalized northern landscape. The southern landscape is a flat lawn area crossed by a series of curved shrub beds and well spaced steppingstones. It is therefore highly permeable to rainwater. The slope will vary from a high of 4% to a low less than 1%. The general slope is away from the 123 Avenue frontage and towards the auto court. Given the modest slope, the crossing shrub beds, and the nature of the landscape itself, it is anticipated most rainfall will be absorbed across the surface with little puddling. During heavier rainfall events, the shrub beds will tend to collect any excess water that migrates down slope, holding that runoff until it can be absorbed. Flow across the southern lawn and into the auto court would be anticipated only during the most significant storm events and only after a significant amount of water had been detained by the lawn and beds. The landscape on the northern portion of the site is composed entirely of open ground and pervious gravel walkways. This area will be largely devoted to indigenous plantings of herbs and shrubs. A maintenance and emergency access path 1.5 meters wide will hug the base of the parkade and a children's activity area with permeable play structures will extend slightly to the north. As with the lawn area at 123 Avenue, it is anticipated that this northern landscape will absorb the majority of rainfall directly with little overland flow. However, in order to appropriately capture and redirect any excess water resulting from backsplash from the tower walls or overflowing the gutters during a significant ovs Duncan I 2019-255-RZ -Residential Town at 123 Avenue & 222 Street Design Rationale storm even, three elements are in place . The first is the 1.5 meter maintenance path previously mentioned. This path, being a compacted granular surface, will prevent erosion from falling water, ensuring the run-off is clean and free of silts. The second is series of shallow swales intended to capture run-off and redirect the water to the third element, an infiltration pond. One section of this swale system to the east is discontiguous from the rest, due to the presence of retained trees, but ends in is an infiltration bulb of its own. Grading and Restoration All portions of the northern landscape will be graded to avoid conflicts with or damage to the roots of any retaining trees. Any grading work in the vicinity of such trees and the routing of the drainage swales will done under the supervision of the landscape architect. Lawn areas and ornamental plantings will be removed. Planting will be done in a mix created by tilling imported top soil with in situ soils, in an effort to preserve any mycorrhizal associations present. All areas will be subject to planting of indigenous herbs and shrubs. No impervious surfaces or subsurface works will occur in the northern landscape. Landscape Architect ovs Duncan I 2019-255-RZ -Residential Town at 123 Avenue & 222 Street Design Rationale DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Existing /Proposed Zone _____________ Date Prepared __________ Proposed (Complies or state variance needed)Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed LOT AREA*(in square metres) Gross Total Less Road Widening / Truncations Less Park Net Total LOT COVERAGE (in % of net lot area) Total Site Coverage SETBACKS (in metres) Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) SETBACKS – Underground Structures (in metres) Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal Accessory NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor One Bedroom Two Bedroom Three Bedroom + Total GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential Retail Commercial Office Commercial Other Commercial (Type _________________) Institutional Industrial TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA * If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. North South North South RS-1/ CD-6-21 29 April 2024 10035.8 SM Complies 93.3 SM 4501.6 SM 5440.9 SM Complies 32.49 %Complies 5.60M 5.54 M - Variance needed 6.00M 6.63 M - Complies 5.60M 13.55 M - Complies 6.00M 42.55 M - Complies -- 5.54 M 0.50 M 13.55 M 42.55 M 7 Storeys (30 M)9 Storeys (36.40 M) - Variance required -- -- N/A 65 N/A 30 N/A 11 106 -8082.57 SM -- -211.81 SM DAYCARE 318.47 SM -- -- -9611.83 SM a Maple Ridee - Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) OTHER – state YES or NO for each. If YES describe on separate sheet. Heritage Site Tree Survey/Assessment Provided Watercourse/Steep Slopes Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. Prepared by: ___________________________ __________________________________ Print Name (Please print form and sign above) NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) # of units/ha (net) Gross Floor Area Floor Space Ratio (net) AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Common Activity Area Useable Open Space PARKING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses Educational & Assembly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Comprehensive Other Number of spaces for visitors TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES Number of total for disabled Number of total (and %) small cars % Number of total (and %) tandem spaces % TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces) Short Term Bicycle Parking Long Term Bicycle Parking -- -- -9611.83 SM 2.75 1.77 - Complies 1SM/ DWELLING UNIT = 106 SM 342.5 SM - Complies 30% OF LOT AREA = 1632.27 SM 2009.85 SM - Complies 102 WITH VISITOR PARKING Complies -- -- -- offices - 6 Complies -- Daycare - 16 Complies -- -- -- -- -- 124 Complies 3 Complies 12 18 - Variance required - 124 134 - Complies 32 42 - Complies 27 34 - Complies No Yes Yes Yes Joe Minten Architect AIBC | AAA | MRAIC 12 12 I I I I I I I I 1 Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Pursuant with Section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan, multi-family developments will be assessed against the form and character guidelines established by Council and summarised below. This checklist is to be prepared by the architect of record for the project to demonstrate the proposed design was developed in accordance with the form and character guidelines. Please assess and describe the compliance of the proposed design of the project with respect to the Key Guideline Concepts and with the Form and Character Guidelines. Description of the Key Guideline Concepts should be suitable for File Managers to quote in Development Permit Application Reports to Council. For the Form and Character Guidelines, clearly describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. This checklist is to accompany Development Permit Applications and submissions to the ADP. 8.7.1 Key Guideline Concepts Describe how this project and the design complies 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. l~-mapleridge.ca 2 Key Guideline Concepts (Continued) 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. Guidelines 8.7.1 A Building Design, Massing and Siting Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Design and siting of buildings should take advantage of natural features or views and should enhance privacy and livability. 2. Residential buildings should front or appear to front onto public roads through the use of appropriate treatment of exteriors, through direct pedestrian access to individual units from the public street/sidewalk, or through the provision of pedestrian walkways linked to the street. Street frontages should be emphasized by incorporating differentiated front, side and rear oriented facades, with a minimum two storey facade on the fronting street to foster a human scale. Buildings that are designed with an end wall or unit adjacent to a public street should design the end unit with the pedestrian entry facing the street. At significant intersections, the definition of corners should be reinforced by buildings that front on both streets and incorporate corner cuts. 3 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 3. Higher density dwellings should be sited adjacent to major streets in order to minimize access problems and to provide a transition to lower density uses. 4. Multi-family developments adjacent to lower density or single detached residential dwellings should: a) be consistent in form and massing with the surrounding area; b) be sited adjacent to major streets to provide a transition to lower density uses; c) concentrate density to the centre of the development or towards a non- residential boundary and locate lower density components adjacent to lower density residential uses; d) create a transition in building mass and form towards the setbacks of the adjacent neighbourhood; e) minimize access conflicts; f) be designed to maximize privacy and minimize views onto adjoining sites, particularly for portions of the development abutting the side yards of adjacent single detached residential uses. 5. Larger buildings, roof forms and building frontages should include design elements and features to: a) provide variation in the facades to help reduce the visual length of individual buildings; b) have the appearance of a series of smaller buildings, or as identifiable parts of a larger concept; and c) incorporate components that express strong unit identity and incorporate direct access to grade for ground-floor units. 4 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 6. New multi-family developments should use design themes, architectural features and elements of the surrounding neighbourhood by incorporating common elements such as form, scale, massing and proportion into the design as a means to reinforce neighbourhood stability. Examples include: a) the articulation of facades, using where appropriate, elements such as porches, chimneys, projections, recesses, and balconies; b) the placement, size, shape and number of doors and windows; c) the location and visual appearance of garages and/or parking facilities; d) the selection of appropriate and compatible roof forms; and e) the design of hard and soft landscaping. 7. The exposed undersides of balconies and porches that are visible from a street or public walkway should be covered with exterior finishes to provide a finished appearance to public view. 8. Developments are encouraged to use the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDS) standards in the design of buildings. Techniques such as rain gardens, vegetated swales, separation of impervious surfaces, installing below surface infiltration beds and tree box filters, and redirecting water from drain pipes into vegetated areas are encouraged. 9. Variation in individual unit designs is encouraged to provide visual interest and avoid significant repetition either within a row of townhouses, or between adjacent rows of units. 5 Guidelines 8.7.1 A (Continued) 10. Garage doors should not face public streets. Where front facing garage doors are unavoidable, the impact of garage doors on the public realm should be mitigated by: a) designing residential units with enough width to include attractive entrances and windows between garages; b) recessing garage doors behind the main building façade; c) keeping a sufficient width in residential units to allow the creation of attractive entrances and fenestration between garages. d) grouping garage doors in pairs between adjacent units to allow building entrances and facades more prominence on the street; e) providing interior spaces that overlook the street; f) separating and orienting unit entrances to the street; g) providing individual pedestrian walkways linked to the street; h) including design details such as transom windows or glazing in garage doors; i) a comprehensive landscape plan that identifies how the visual impact of garage doors from the street will be mitigated. 11. Landscaping of rooftops is encouraged where possible, to provide shared or private outdoor space for residents and to provide attractive views for residents and passersby. 6 Guidelines 8.7.1 B Vehicle Access, Parking and Circulation Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Parking and servicing should be located underground or to the rear of buildings, with access from lanes wherever possible. Where lane access is not possible, access should be from streets via narrow driveways to minimize the impact on streetscape appearance and disruption to pedestrian movement. 2. Parking structures should be adequately screened and architecturally compatible with the rest of the building. Large surface parking areas should be divided into smaller sections to avoid a monotonous appearance with landscaping strips, trees, building edges, pedestrian pathways, and pavement treatment to enhance their visual appearance. 3. Developments with large parking areas should provide a direct pedestrian pathway system through the parking area to facilitate convenient and safe pedestrian access between building entrances, parked cars, and sidewalks of adjoining streets. Features such as special landscaping with trees and benches, overhead weather protection and distinct paving should be incorporated where appropriate. Pedestrian movement should be designed to avoid any obstruction by parked vehicles. 4. Shared vehicle access between adjoining sites should be considered where access for parking at the rear of the property is limited. Joint or shared access should also be considered between adjoining developments to minimize disruption of pedestrian sidewalks and to maximize landscaping and permeable surfaces. Integration of driving aisles and pedestrian walkways between adjacent sites is also strongly encouraged. 7 Guidelines 8.7.1 B (Continued) 5. Locate parking spaces allocated for people with disabilities as close as possible to the main entrance to a building. 6. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles should be incorporated into the design of all parking facilities with convenient, safe, identifiable and universally accessible access routes to building entrances, lobbies or other principal areas of buildings, and to grade level from any underground or above ground parking structures. 7. To increase safety, consider using electronic security devices and monitoring systems as a supplement to natural surveillance opportunities in parking structures and parking areas. 8. The amount of asphalt surfaces in parking areas should be minimized by integrating a variety of paving materials such as concrete, decorative pavers, etc. or by using alternate surface treatments. 9. Road grades, streets, lanes, and driveways should conform to the existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. On steep terrain, roads should be aligned, wherever possible, to run parallel rather than counter to, natural contours and existing grades. 8 Guidelines 8.7.1 C Landscaping and Open Space Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Landscaping both within and outside the development should: a) provide definition for pedestrian corridors; b) delineate private and semi private space from public space; c) provide adequate screening between private outdoor spaces; d) present a pleasing street image; e) provide suitable buffering between public road and privacy areas; f) soften the transition between adjacent land uses; g) provide a buffer between residential and non-residential land uses; h) create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site; i) reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties, the scale and massing of buildings, and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. 2. Landscape drawings for development applications should include, but are not limited to, the following information: a) the location of mature and existing trees to be retained or removed, b) the location of all protective tree fencing; c) a grading plan or cross section indicating finished grade; and d) a drainage plan for the site. 3. Street trees will be a required component of all development. Incorporate deciduous tree species into streetfront landscaping to define site boundaries, to enhance public space, and to permit light penetration in winter. 9 Guidelines 8.7.1 C (Continued) 4. Energy efficiency and conservation should be considered in the design of landscaped areas and in the selection of plant material. This can be accomplished through: a) using native and/or drought-resistant species; b) designing the landscaping to moderate the effect of wind; c) providing shade in summer; d) allowing natural drainage to occur throughout the site; e) allowing daylight into buildings; and f) redirecting water from rooftop runoff and downspouts into vegetated areas or rain barrels for later irrigation use. 5. Maintain continuous landscaping along abutting streets and minimize the number of interruptions such as driveways and parking entrances. Continue the sidewalk pavement across driveways and parking entrances. 6. Create visual landmarks on significant street corners and at locations of high visibility. Provide landscaping and consider incorporating features such as flag poles, banners, visual art, ornamental trees, fountains, architectural elements, and landscape structures. 7. Any portion of a building site left vacant for future development should be landscaped consistent with the landscape plan for the overall site. The minimum ground surface treatment should be lawn. Where possible, the natural state should be retained for those portions of a property not being developed. 10 Guidelines 8.7.1 C (Continued) 8. Identify, preserve and incorporate stands of mature trees into the overall site landscaping design. Retain unique tree species, significant vegetation, natural landscape features and nesting areas on a site wherever possible. To attain this objective, prior to the design of a project, a detailed survey prepared by a qualified professional indicating the location and condition of existing trees and vegetation on a site should be conducted and provided to the District as part of the development application process. 9. Existing vegetation should be enhanced with new planting wherever construction activity has destroyed vegetation. Replanting with indigenous or native species is encouraged. 10. Consider incorporating rain gardens and vegetated swales into parking lot landscaping to increase the natural absorption of rainwater runoff from paved areas into the ground. 11. The height and location of a landscape screen should ensure that: a) privacy to adjacent properties is adequately protected; b) driving site lines are maintained from adjacent roads, manoeuvring aisles, parking lots; and c) the quality of the streetscape and outdoor living spaces is enhanced. 12. Maximize the amount of landscaped areas and minimize the amount of impervious paved surfaces to increase the natural absorption of rainwater on a site. 11 Guidelines 8.7.1 D Universally Accessible Design Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. All non-vehicular routes should be fully accessible. Sidewalks and pathways should be wide enough for wheelchair/scooters and should include a tactile strip for the visually impaired. Curb-cuts and curb let-downs should be provided in appropriate locations to facilitate safe, convenient, and direct access from parking spaces to buildings for people with disabilities. 2. Building entries should be: a) clearly addressed with large numbers visible from the street; b) directly accessed from the street without stairs; c) provided with level areas measuring a minimum of 1.5m x 1.5m (4.9 ft. x 4.9 ft.) both inside and outside of doorways; and d) provided with weather protection, exterior lighting, and power-assisted door openers. Guidelines 8.7.1 E Refuse, Recycling and Service Areas Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Integrate vents, mechanical rooms, mechanical equipment, and elevator penthouses into the roof design or screen with materials and finishes compatible with the overall architectural design. 2. The design of a roof, placement of mechanical units and satellite dishes, etc. should take into account views of the roof from adjacent buildings. 12 3. Garbage containers and recycling bins must be: a) easily accessible; b) appropriately sized for the building occupants; c) contained within roofed/walled enclosures; d) incorporated into the overall design of the development; or e) screened from public view and weatherproof and animal-resistant within the boundaries of each site. 4. Service areas should be internalized within the development. For developments with multiple buildings, common refuse, recycling and service areas are to be provided. Storage areas should be located to be convenient and readily accessible from most buildings or units on the site. Avoid direct exposure from public streets and allow for adequate manoeuvring space for removal vehicles. 5. Enclose or screen all exterior mechanical units or equipment, including roof top units, equipment, and satellite dishes within upper floors or structures that from part of the overall design of a development. 6. Locate building ventilation systems to minimize noise and exhaust pedestrian areas, residential units, and outdoor spaces and locate less sensitive land uses closer to sources of noise. 7. Buildings should be designed and constructed maximize sound attenuation: a) between units; b) between public roads and units; and c) between adjacent land uses and units. 13 Guidelines 8.7.1 F Signage and Lighting Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. All signage must conform to the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. In the event of a conflict between the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw and these guidelines, the latter shall take precedent. 2. Signage design, materials and message should be integrated and complement the scale and architectural detail of the building. 3. Pedestrian level lighting is encouraged along all pedestrian routes and pedestrian plazas. The lighting should be pedestrian focused. 4. Lighting should be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent residential land. Care should be taken to ensure that lighting glare does not pose a nuisance to adjacent residences, pedestrians, or motorists. Guidelines 8.7.1 G Bicycle Parking and Storage Describe how the proposed design complies with each of the listed guidelines, or describes why a guideline is not complied with or why it is inapplicable. 1. Short term and long term bicycle parking facilities should be considered for all developments. Short term bicycle parking should be in well-lit locations and clearly visible from a main building entrance and/or public roads with bicycle racks made of sturdy, theft- resistant material that is securely anchored to the floor or ground. Longer term bicycle storage areas provided as part of a parking structure should be located close to elevators and access points. 14 Project Information To be completed by the Architect on record for this project: File Number ________________________ Date prepared: _______________________ Architect ________________________ ___________________________ Print Name Signature ,u-,tho,t>oon~oct""''""'' -,..,lfl<l, • ....,_...,,.,ll<>OloQ ..,......,o,:1.,. .... ""'""'""1.YC.l1'1<1-<horltotl.,.0<1SNlf»<I,,_, """"""todto,....·ol,~fom,_M'P"""". u,,b, ..... .._.,,,",.'"Pl'°'""orld""'......, "'l'p¥od t,ythoonp,,illu!Oo,, ot>ml;"""CM<fltN ptof<>,;ono1, .. 11nodllllll<tt<lfl""·°'""""printod 1'°"'t"°<lcl<..,.,M~ood-t"""'U•-.. 8.50 13.50 TOP OF BANK TOPOFBANK TOPOFBANK TOPOFBANK TOPOF BANK (PARKDEDICATION)(PARKDECICATION) 123rd AVENUE 22 2 nd S TR E E T PL A N PLAN 15728 PL A N B C P 4 8 4 2 9 PLAN EPS3472 PL A N BC P 4 8 4 2 9 2 11 87 6 PA R K STRATA 2 1 3 4 57 . 0 3 2 25 . 9 5 6 24 . 3 8 9 24.390 24.387 13 . 4 1 0 24.564 S R/W PLAN 18394 15 . 2 4 0 24 . 3 9 3 30.687 60 . 3 3 7 20 . 7 9 5 6.9821.8 6 9 18.300 22.412 34.646 10 . 9 1 0 4.3 3 0 45.953 1.8 3 0 3.917 31.536 9.281 6.291 4.509 5.549 L1 13.284 8.685 9.678 16.722 8.236 9.113 12.33 3 7.4 16 11.354 16.230 9.7 6 6 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L10 L1 1 5.983 2.736 L9 L12 7.4 0 14.61 9.22 14.32 7.25 8.75 8.5 6 4.48 13.22 11.48 8.29 6.01 5.65 4.54 17.85 1.88 3.25 1.56 1.412.45 8.33 7.80 11.01 5.61 5.80 11.93 17.56 4.11 11.21 5.58 15.28 9.22 13.10 6.1 5 8.75 9.0 5 2.96 3.90 4.69 5.74 2.37 CONSULTANT INFORMATION ARCHITECT BUSINESS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BUSINESS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON CIVIL ENGINEER BUSINESS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON SURVEYOR BUSINESS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON JM ARCHITECTURE INC MAIN FLOOR - BLDG.#4 15243-91ST AVENUE SURREY, BC V3R 8P8 604 583 2003 JOE@JMARCHITECTURE.CA JOE MINTEN GREWAL & ASSOCIATION UNIT 204, 15299-68TH AVENUE SURREY, B.C. V3S 2C1 604-597-8567 LUCKY GREWAL CORE CONCEPT CONSULTING LTD. 220-2639 VIKING WAY, RICHMOND | V6V 3B7 604 249 5040 JPEREZ@CORECONCEPTCONSULTING.COM JOSE B. PEREZ DONALD V. S. DUNCAN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 603 - 220 ELEVENTH STREET 778-791-4323 DVSDUNCAN@GMAIL.COM DONALD DUNCAN TRAFFIC ENGINEER BUSINESS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON ARBORIST BUSINESS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER BUSINESS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER BUSINESS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON R.F. BINNIE & ASSOCIATES LTD 4946 CANADA WAY BURNABY BC V5G 4H7 778 945 6067 KBULLIVANT@BINNIE.COM KELLY BULLIVANT ABLE GEOTECHNICAL LTD. 15580 79A SURREY BC V3S8R8 778 995 2404 TEGBIR@ABLEGEO.COM TEGBIR BAJWA CSR ENVIRONMENTAL LTD. 206 - 3855 HENNING DRIVE, BURNABY, BC V5C 6N3 604.559.7100 MAMOUD@CSRENVIRO.COM MAMOUD BASHI M2 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE &ARBORICULTURE LTD. #220 - 26 LORNE MEWS NEW WESTMINSTER, BC V3M 3L7 604-783-3732 MEREDITH.MITCHELL@M2LA.COM MEREDITH MITCHELL ELECTRICAL ENGINEER BUSINESS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON MECHANICAL ENGINEER BUSINESS NAME MAILING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESS CONTACT PERSON LEADING ENGINEERING 2300-2850 SHAUGHNESSY STREET PORT COQUITLAM BC V3C 6K5 604 500 8422 MIKE@LEADINGENG.CA MIKE SHEFREIE MEC ENGINEERING CONSULTING LTD UNIT# 4 - 15243 -91 AVE SURREY BC 604 581 6338 NAV.BRAR@MECENGINEERING.CA NAV BRAR LOCATION MAP SITE 12297 222 ST / 22175, 22185 123 AVE MAPLE RIDGE BC. 222 MEADOWS WALK2018-15 RE-ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APRIL 29, 2024 TABLE OF CONTENT DP LEGAL DOCUMENTS LIST NO.DOCUMENT TITLE LD1 FORM C-GEOTECH REPORT LD2 FORM C-HABITAT PROTECTION LD3 FORM C- STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN LD4 FORM C- TREE PROTECTION LD5 FORM C - VISITOR PARKING LD6 FORM C - HOUSING AGREEMENT LD7 ADP-ROAD DEDICATION PLAN LD8 ADP-SUBDIVISION PLAN LD9 SEARCH TITLE- SERCH PID 010-122-818 LD10 SEARCH TITLE- SERCH PID 010-122-885 LD11 SEARCH TITLE- SERCH PID 010-921-935 LD12 SURVEY PLAN CERTIFICATION (SUBDIVISION PLAN) LD13 SURVEY PLAN CERTIFICATION (ROAD DEDICATION) DP ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING LIST NO.SHEET TITLE DP-001 DRAWING LIST, SYMBOLS/ABBREVIATIONS, PROJECT DIRECTORY DP-002 CONTEXT DP-003 CONTEXT DP-004 DESIGN BRIEF DP-005 SHADOW ANALYSIS DP-006 STREETSCAPE DP-100 SITE PLAN DP-100A SITE PLAN SHOWING BUILDING SETBACKS DP-100B PROJECT DATA DP-101 SITE PLAN - FIRE TRUCK ACCESS DP-102 SITE SECTIONS DP-103A SITE_LEGAL LOTS & EXISTING TREES DP-103B SITE PLAN SHOWING DEDICATIONS DP-104 P2 FLOOR PLAN DP-105 P1 FLOOR PLAN DP-106 MAIN FLOOR DP-107 2nd FLOOR PLAN DP-108 3RD FLOOR PLAN DP-109 4TH FLOOR PLAN DP-110 5TH FLOOR PLAN DP-111 6TH FLOOR PLAN DP-112 7TH FLOOR PLAN DP-113 8TH FLOOR PLAN DP-114 ROOF PLAN DP-200 SOUTH ELEVATION DP-201 EAST ELEVATION DP-202 WEST ELEVATION DP-203 NORTH ELEVATION DP-300 BUILDING SECTION A - A DP-301 BUILDING SECTION B - B DP-400 ENLARGED UNIT PLANS DP-401 ENLARGED UNIT PLANS DP- 900 3D VIEWS DP- 901 MATERIAL BOARD SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS D-01 - SURVEY PLAN D-02 - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPARCT ASSESSMENT REPORT D-03 - CHANGE APPROVAL & NOTIFICATION D-04 - UNDERGROUND OIL STORAGE TANK REPORT D-05 - SITE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT D-06 - ARBORIST REPORT D-07 - WATER & SANITARY REVIEW REPORT D-08 - GEOTECHNICAL REPORT D-09 - EROSION REPORT D-10 - AUTOTURN ANALYSIS D-11 - WASTE COLLECTION VEHICLE AUTOTURN ANALYSIS D-12 - ENERGY REPORT D-13 - GARBAGE ROOM DRAWINGS 2 COVER DP CIVIL DRAWING LIST NO.SHEET TITLE 20040-3 KEY PLAN 20040-4 ROADWORKS -123 AVE 20040-5 ROADWORKS - 222 ST. 20040-7 LOT GRADING PLAN 20040-8 SERVICING PLAN 20040-9 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 20040-10 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 20040-11 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN DP SHORING DRAWING LIST NO.SHEET TITLE 1 KEY PLAN 2 SHORING EAST & WEST ELEVATIONS 3 SHORING-SOUTH SECTION 4 NOTES DP LANDSCAPE DRAWING LIST NO.SHEET TITLE L1 NOTES & KEYS L2 HARD SITE PLAN L3 PRESERVE AREA GRADING & WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN L3-10 SECTIONS L4 OVERALL PLANTING PLAN L4-01 PLANTING PLAN L4-02 PLANTING PLAN L4-03 PLANTING PLAN L4-04 PLANTING PLAN L5-01 DETAILS L5-02 DETAILS L5-03 DETAILS Thi! jOCLmen: "",...., , Mr,r,"211'," ,er:;t" "Hh "'-"'" certl-'kate anJ e,cr,vtici tsch·,olo-;r, aJtCOOzed Dv tre ADC a;d AP[C·OC -,. ,,.i:horltatl·,e o~;iral ,a;'"" tcansm;tt,J t, ,-ou b electco,a, io,m. ;.,,y pdnced ,·mlon ,,. be ,ellec upca as a "'-• coce <i th, ,n,;Jaal wfen ,copld b:; me o,.,rn,I ,utu, ,,,,.·,-; ;rnscs d tl·e pte.,,onal ;eal and J;i;rt,I certr;cate, >< w ,eo pn ,ted from ca, ,;3,tall)· ca~;,;.a elemc;;, file ,.,,,;d-,d I .I I •l o1t••nl C o r II , 8.50 13.50 T O P O F B A N K TOPOFBANK TOP OF BANK TOP OF BANK TOP OF BANK (PARKDEDICATION)(PARKDECICATION) 22 2n d ST RE ET PL A N PLAN 15728 PL A N B C P 4 8 42 9 PLAN EPS3472 PL A N BCP 4 8 4 2 9 2 11 87 6 PA R K STRATA 2 3 4 57 . 0 3 2 25 . 9 5 6 24 . 3 8 9 24.387 13 . 4 1 0 24.564 S R/W PLAN 18394 15 . 2 4 0 24 . 3 9 3 30.687 60 . 3 3 7 20 . 7 9 5 6.982 1. 8 6 9 22.412 34.646 10 . 9 1 0 4. 3 3 0 45.953 1. 8 3 0 3.9 1 7 31.536 9.281 6.291 4.509 5.549 L1 1 3 .2 8 4 8.685 9.678 16.722 8.236 9.113 1 2.3 3 3 7.4 1 6 11.354 16.230 9 . 7 6 6 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L 8 L10 L 1 1 5.983 2.736 L9 L 12 7.4 0 14.61 9.22 14.32 7 . 2 5 8.7 5 8. 5 6 4.48 13.22 11.48 8.29 6.01 5.65 4.54 17 .85 1.88 3 .25 1.56 1.41 2.45 8.33 7.80 11.01 5.61 5.8 0 11.93 17.56 4.11 1 1.2 1 5 . 5 8 15.28 9.22 13.10 6.1 5 8.7 5 9 .0 5 2 . 9 6 3.90 4 .6 9 5.74 2.37 123 AVE 22 2 A V E 4 2 1 3 5 6 7 891 0 EXISTING HOUSE Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1" = 40'-0" 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 2 : 0 0 A M DP-0022018-15 Author Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK CONTEXT 5 1 2 3 4 6 7 891 0 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 4 20-08-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ 5 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 6 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 8 7 22-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 8 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG .l;i> r9z>~-' l !'., ,.:,, ' f , ''·· ' ,-• :~ fr,,.,,.,;,,, .. ,,,.,,.,.;.,,1,,,, . .,,,,,, '""L>e dcJ ,po "' .cc, soa,1;.,,J o, L·' """"'" 1 l op111ent C o r p . pco e,,k>1·, ><,I d1Sl!ol saclll«La, OC p010lad t,.,,---ttie ; 0,-.ally rnffej eled rnn1,•11, wcvlced. 8.50 13.50 T O P O F B AN K TOPOFBANK TOP OF BANK TOP OF BANK TOP OF BANK (PARKDEDICATION)(PARKDECICATION) 123rd AVENUE 22 2n d ST RE ET PL A N PLAN 15728 PL A N B C P 4 8 42 9 PLAN EPS3472 PL A N BCP 4 8 4 2 9 2 11 87 6 PA R K STRATA 2 3 4 57 . 0 3 2 25 . 9 5 6 24 . 3 8 9 24.387 13 . 4 1 0 24.564 S R/W PLAN 18394 15 . 2 4 0 24 . 3 9 3 30.687 60 . 3 3 7 20 . 7 9 5 6.982 1. 8 6 9 22.412 34.646 10 . 9 1 0 4. 3 3 0 45.953 1. 8 3 0 3.917 31.536 9.281 6.291 4.509 5.549 L 1 1 3 .2 8 4 8.685 9.678 16.722 8.236 9.113 1 2 .3 3 3 7.41 6 11.354 16.230 9. 7 6 6 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L10 L 1 1 5.983 2.736 L9 L 12 7.4 0 14.61 9.22 14.32 7. 2 5 8.7 5 8 . 5 6 4.48 13.22 11.48 8.29 6.01 5.65 4.54 17.85 1.88 3.25 1.56 1.41 2.45 8.33 7.80 11.01 5.61 5.80 11.93 17 .56 4.11 1 1.2 1 5 . 5 8 15.28 9.22 13.10 6.1 5 8.7 5 9 . 0 5 2 . 9 6 3.90 4 .6 9 5.74 2.37 EXISTING HOUSE 123 AVE GA S L I N E EA S E M E N T 5 7 89 3 4 22 2 A V E Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1" = 40'-0" 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 2 : 0 1 A M DP-0032018-15 Author Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK CONTEXT 5 1 2 3 4 6 7 89 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 4 20-08-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ 5 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 6 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 8 7 22-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 8 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG ,p,i. / A},; /J;}f w ' ' ' ,1, ~,' ~SIMPLEX MEADOWS 1,~,1,c,,c,,cnthe,,··1 ,·v ·,;.-,-., ,n,1ec,c...,,,;.,n ,\IK•. ,a,"1 ;.n,,K< 10< fr,,.,,.,;,,, .. ,,,.,,.,.;.,,1,,,, . .,,,,,, '"" l.>e dcJ ,po " ' .cc, soa,1;.,,J o, L·' """"'" 1 l op111 ent C o r p . pco e,,k>1·, "'' -J,,,;t,,I sacll;«La, OC p010lad t,.,,---ttie ; 0,-.ally rnffej electrnn;,•;1, wv;c,j. DESIGN BRIEF Natural habitat enhancement and neighbourhood revitalization01. The site is located northwest of the intersection of 222 St and 123 Ave. It is a consolidation of 3 lots, 12297 222 ST, 22175 123 AVE and 22185 123 AVE, which are currently single family lots . Two water courses flow through the north portion of the property and drain into Alouette river. The development highly respects the existing environmental setting. The habitat enhancement is provided along with the new development. The enhancement not only sets the conservation zone, but also will improve the creek flow by increasing the creek depth and cleaning the lock blocks in the creek. As an urban infill development, the new development introduces 106 units in total of mixed 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom and 3-bed room unit. The new development will significantly change the appearance of the cul-de-sac area at the end of the 222 St. Fit in the town center north view area02. The east side of 222 ST is mostly multi-residential buildings. There are two 4-Storey apartments on the opposite side of the site in 222 ST built in recent years. The new apartment is a transition from the town center to the west residential area. Also, it is a combination of natural environment and urban residential development. The shorter wing of the L shape build forms a smaller façade towards 123 Ave, the longer wing tapers into the natural green space. Balconies for each unit help breakdown the building mass in several parts with some play in the exterior cladding materials Two major exterior cladding materials are smooth face concrete block veneer and corrugated metal cladding. The smooth face concrete block veneer wall provides the quality of the building, the metal cladding provides a fresh modern style look. Both materials can be found in the nearby neighbor buildings. The building roof is a combination of various smaller size pitch roofs. It creates a dynamic outline of the building. The building height is also broken into various height because of the roof forms. Due to the restriction of the site, the building setback varies in different direction. The building setback is 15.63 meters at south due to the gas line easement, is 42.2 meters to provide the environmental protection. The main entrance sits in the courtyard at the end of 222 St. A 7m wide driveway leading into a courtyard provides the sense of security and privacy. The underground parking driveway is located at the west side of the building. So the entire street façade is formed by residence units. It highly reduces the negative impact from underground entrance and blank walls. Energy efficiency and environmental design03. The building construction aims at achieving high standard of energy efficiency. The exterior wall assembly core is insulated concrete forms (ICF) wall from first floor to top floor. The ICF wall core provides much higher R value than the code requirement. The selection of window size provides the tenant sufficient natural light and maintains a lower window-to-wall ratio to prevent heat loss. The balconies are framed to avoid thermo bridges and the new construction will focus on building airtightness in details. The mechanical system is designed to use high efficiency heat recovery ventilator and decentralized ventilation systems. The site is paved by permeable material and maximizes the landscape area to control the stormwater runover. Meanwhile, the roof water is collected for reuse purpose. Tenant friendly living environment04. As a rental building, the new apartment not only provides various units to fit tenants in different ago groups, but also provide a lot of amenity spaces for tenant convenience. The amenity spaces include: Meeting room, theater room, fitness center, guest-room suites and plenty of storage rooms. In addition, the existing house is to be renovated to a daycare specifically serve the apartment families. The site grading is to minimize the slope of walkways. The main entrance lobby is lowered to the street level, the walkway has maximum slope of 5%. The width is minimized to 5 feet wide all around the building. The waterway conservation area is strictly protected by fencing. Meanwhile, the new site also provides enough outdoor usable open space for the tenants. These usable open spaces are carefully chosen so no existing trees will be cut down and no existing environment been disturbed. The walkway and parking lot are lighted to enhance the safety. The building is designed to avoid dead corners. The unit windows and balconies provide surveillance to the surrounding. Windows are provided at the end of the building corridors and in the staircases. CPTED05. Natural Surveillance is achieved through open and visual connection from within the building and from the site generally. Tenants and building manager are continuously on the site. Lighting shall be chosen for both way finding and security of the property; only down lighting is proposed to protect the night sky. Surveillance cameras will also be installed to monitor the entrance lobby, ground parking area and rear door close to the underground entry ramp. Territorial Reinforcement is achieved by a well-maintained site, clearly defined site entry and exit treatments, water feature and landscaping. Natural Access Control is limited in part by the configuration of the site. The vehicle access to the underground parking is from 222 St to west passing through the ground parking lot and entre. The visitor or drop off is through 222 St to the courtyard. No long-term parking is allowed in courtyard area. Pedestrian access is led by street sidewalk to courtyard and to the main entrance lobby. The entrance lobby is flashing with street level without any steps and steep slope. Maintenance schedules shall be formulated at the start of operations to ensure the property, building and landscaping are kept in a pristine condition. The property manager shall commission a groundskeeper to maintain the landscape in such a condition that all areas of the site remain visible and free of potential vandalism. Shrubs and trees that require pruning shall be pruned each year and weekly or monthly upkeep shall be maintained throughout the year. On-site lighting shall be durable LED fixtures within easy reach of standard commercial grade maintenance equipment. Lighting shall provide good coverage to ensure no part of the site is left in an unsafe condition. Lighting operations shall be set to a seasonal time schedule. Camera surveillance shall also be within easy reach of commercial grade maintenance equipment. 123 AVE 22 2 A V E SRW PROPERTY LINE TOPOF BANK TOP OF BANK 15MSETBACK 10M SETBACK DEDICATED PARK LAND DEDICATED PARK LAND FORTIS GAS ROW BUILDING FOOTPRINT BUILDABLE AREA 22 2 A V E T O D O W N C E N T E R SITE Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY As indicated 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 2 : 0 6 A M DP-0042018-15 Author Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK DESIGN BRIEF MITREX ACTIVE SOLAR CLADDING + ACTIVE SOLAR RAIL + SOLAR PANELS ON ROOF INTEGRATED CONCRETE FORM WALL (R28) + GREEN SPACE & APARTMENT IN THE AREA BUILDING SITTING / VIEW CONCEPT ELEVATION CONCEPT REDUCE THE ROOF MASS AND SIZE SOLAR PANELS ON ROOF 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 09-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT TJ 4 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ BALCONIES ACTING AS THERMAL BREAKS USE OF SHADING SYSTEMS 5 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG ENERGY-EFFICIENT BUILDING ENVELOPES AMENITIES FOR TENANTS AMENITY LOCKERS / STORAGE GUESTROOMS OFFICE/ MEETING ROOM GYM 6 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 8 7 22-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 8 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG -•.• .. ---····-~ -,,__--~ ----· --- ·' ~--•--·••·•' ] . ·•· DJ m □ □ ITO ill I □ ITO m ·•1 □ ]]] m I □ □ □ □ g Q □ BJ D' ] - ---- L ~ ---. -1r • // fl II .. • .... '••-...•UU•"=•~«•,, '--·- ' " -[] □ □ □ ill I] [il El m DJ □ lI] □ ~ □ a □ g □ [I D ~ B □ D □ -~-~ -- ,._...,..,... D Ill m D D D D D ~SIMPLEX MEADOWS ,\IK•. ,a,"1 ;.n,,K< 10< • ;,;i,,,,I l»•·I ho;o fr,,,,,.,;,,,.,11,.,,.,.;.,,1,,,l·rn,,,f,··,, •''')I"''''"'"'';"" '"" l.>e d cJ opo ac , .ccc ,! l" ,.,,5;,~1 wl"" soa,1;.,,J o, L·, """"'" ul L·,e pco .,,..,,., "'' d1Sl!ol saclll«La, "' """'"" '"""" ttie ; 0,-.ally rnffej €1ectrnnlc•11, wcvlcej, Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 2 : 0 7 A M DP-0052018-15 W.H Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK SHADOW ANALYSIS JUNE 21 @ 10:00 AM JUNE 21 @ 12:00 PM JUNE 21 @ 2:00 PM SEPTEMBER / MARCH 21 @ 10:00 AM SEPTEMBER / MARCH 21 @ 12:00 PM SEPTEMBER / MARCH 21 @ 2:00 PM DECEMBER 21 @ 10:00 AM DECEMBER 21 @ 12:00 PM DECEMBER 21 @ 2:00 PM 1 20-08-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP WH 2 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 3 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 5 4 22-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 5 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG fr,,.,,.,;,,, .. ,,,.,,.,.;.,,1,,,, . .,,,,,, '""L>e d cJ ,po "' .cc, soa,1;.,,J o, L·' """"'" 1 l op111ent C o r p . pco e,,k>1·, ><,I d1Sl!ol saclll«La, OC p010lad t,.,,--ttie ; 0,-.ally rnffej eledrnn1,•11, wcvlced. 3RD FLOOR 37.96 m 4TH FLOOR 41.01 m 5TH FLOOR 44.24 m 6TH FLOOR 47.13 m 7TH FLOOR 50.48 m 8TH FLOOR 53.37 m T/O PLATE 56.49 m MAIN FLOOR 29.19 m RE A R -EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E 222 ST AVG.GRADE 27.90 m 2ND FLOOR 34.68 m ROOF PEAK 63.48 m 6.63M TO EXISTING PROPERTY LINE FR O N T -EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E 5.54M TO EXISTING PROPERTY LINE 3RD FLOOR 37.96 m 4TH FLOOR 41.01 m 5TH FLOOR 44.24 m 6TH FLOOR 47.13 m 7TH FLOOR 50.48 m 8TH FLOOR 53.37 m T/O PLATE 56.49 m MAIN FLOOR 29.19 m UNDERGROUND ENTRANCE GATE AVG.GRADE 27.90 m 12 3 A V E , S I D E -PR O P O S E D P R O P E R T Y L I N E 12 3 A V E , S I D E -EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E NO R T H -EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E 2ND FLOOR 34.68 m ROOF PEAK 63.48 m 42.55M TO EXISTING PROPERTY LINE RO A D D E D I C A T I O N 13.55M TO PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE 15.38M TO PROPOSED EXISTING LINE Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/16" = 1'-0" 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 2 : 2 9 A M DP-0062018-15 TJ JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK STREETSCAPE 1/16" = 1'-0"1 SOUTH ELEVATION-STREETSCAPE 1/16" = 1'-0"2 WEST ELEVATION -STREETSCAPE 1 20-08-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ 2 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 3 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 123 AVE 4 15-02-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG 6 5 22-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 6 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG +-- +-- +r I I _I I I -1 -I I I I --+- _l_ I I I I .----::;:::::::7:----/_~,,_ /' ~ - • -..__ /} il ~SIMPLEX MEADOWS eve l opin ent C o r P · 1000 RESIDENCE ENTRY ELEVATOR LOBBY RENTAL OFFICE ENTRANCE LOBBY 2280 SF MAIL ROOM PMT EXISTING HOUSE TO BE REMOVED EXISTING BUILDING TO BE DEMOLISHED TOP OF BANK 10M SETBACK FROM T.O.BANK 15M SETBACK FROM T.O.BANK TOP OF BANK NEW LOCATION FOR FIRE HYDRANT PROPERTY LINE 97.026M27.1627.2527.5027.0026.5026.0026.0026.0027.25 29.18 TREE TO BE REMOVED TREE PROTECTION ZONE AS PER ARBORIST REPORT TREES TO BE RETAINED EX I T P A T H O N G R A D E E XI T P A T H O N G RA D E GARBAGE PICK UP ROUTE 29.34 123 AVE 22 2 S T SID E W A L K SIDEWALK GA S L I N E E A S E M E N T PROPERTY LINE 48.96 M SID E W A L K 29.30 FLOOR ABOVEFLOOR ABOVE 29.82 IP GAS LINE IP GAS LINE DI W A T E R SAN. PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE 29.36 29.14 29.9029.88 29.68 29.4829.78 29.6829.71 29.48 29.86 27.19 27.44 26.96 29.34 29.18 1.2M WIDE GRAVEL PATH TREE PROTECTION FENCE (TEMPORARY) TREE PROTECTION FENCE (TEMPORARY) TREES TO BE RETAINED TREE TO BE REMOVED TO ACCOMODATE CRANE FIRE HYDRANT SAN.SAN.SAN.SAN.SAN.SAN.SAN.SAN.SAN. SA N . SA N . SA N . SA N . W W W W W WWWWWWWWWW RAMP UP 1.17M @ 9.47 % DDDDD D D D D D SS WATER SERVICE CONNECTION PROPOSED CATCH BASIN PROPOSED STORM SERVICE CONNECTION PROPOSED CATCHBASIN 1.2M WIDE CONCRETE PAVER EXIT PATH AMENITY AREA REFER TO DP-103B FOR BOUNDARY OF OUTDOOR AMENITY AREA AND MEASUREMENT CIP CONCRETE WALK PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3 5 . 3 0 3 M MID-SLOPE STORMWATER DIVERSION SWALE MID-SLOPE STORMWATER DIVERSION SWALE EXISTING BUILDING TO BE DEMOLISHED 29.17 DO W N T O U N D E R G R O U N D P A R K I N G PR O P E R T Y L I N E 8 2 . 9 8 8 M PROPERTY LINE 10.06 M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3 9 . 6 2 5 M PROPERTY LINE 38.518M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 8 3 . 0 0 M EXISTING PROPERTY LINE STR PROPERTY LINE 48.951 M 29.18 SHORT TERM BIKE STORAGE 23 BIKES PRO P E R T Y L I N E 3 9 . 6 3 M 27.65 27.97 DAYCARE LOBBY ELEVATOR ELEVATOR ELEVATOR EXIT 7 6 FDC 3 2 4 18 17 6 5 14 13 2 1 EL. 29.19M DAYCARE ENTRANCE 11 12 15 16 20 19 8 7 5233 1 EL. 29.19M STACKED PARKING SRW UNDISTURBED PART AFTER TOP OF BANK, REMEDIATION WILL BE CARRIED OUT IF ANY DISRUPTION CAUSED DURING CONSTRUCTION UNDISTURBED PART AFTER TOP OF BANK, REMEDIATION WILL BE CARRIED OUT IF ANY DISRUPTION CAUSED DURING CONSTRUCTION 28.20 EASEMENT TO ACCESS THE DEDICATED PARKLAND 29.01 28.96 25.98 29.18 EL. 29.19M 29.18 RAMP @ 7.0 % 25.93 @ 1.0 % RA M P @ 1 3 . 8 2 % @ 1.0 % STORM WATER TANK BELOW RAMP UP 0.36M @ 6.00 % 28.0129.18 DR I V E A I S L E @ 2 . 0 0 % 29.18 29.18 29.00 23 PROPOSED SANITARY SERVICE CONNECTION EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT TO BE RELOCATED AS SHOWN SHORT TERM BIKE STORAGE 4 BIKES 24 MAINTENANCEPATH 92 7 9 DP-20 0 33 PROPOSED STREETLIGHTS PLEASE SEE SHEET#100A FOR SITE PROPOSED & EXSITING SETBACKS 8 12 22 21 11 RESIDENCE 1+1 OFFICE 1+1 OFFICE 1+1 VISITOR RESIDENCE 1+1 RESIDENCE 1+1 RESIDENCE 1+1 RESIDENCE 1+1 RESIDENCE 1+1 STACKED PARKING OFFICE 1+1 VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR DAYCARE 1+1 DAYCARE 1+1 DAYCARE 1+1 DAYCARE DAYCARE DAYCARE DAYCARE DAYCARE DAYCARE DAYCARE 1+1 STACKED PARKING DAYCARE 1+1 STACKED PARKING 29.18 SH O R T T E R M B I K E STO R A G E 1 5 B I K E S PROPERTY LINE 97.026M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3 5 . 3 0 3 M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 8 2 . 9 8 8 M PROPERTY LINE 10.06 M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3 9 . 6 2 5 M PROPERTY LINE 38.518M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 8 3 . 0 0 M PROPERTY LINE 48.951 M PRO P E R T Y L I N E 3 9 . 6 3 M NEW LOCATION FOR FIRE HYDRANT FIRE HYDRANT NOTE: TREES TO BE REMOVED TREES TO BE RETAINED Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1 : 250 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 2 : 3 4 A M DP-1002018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK SITE PLAN 18 7 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 8 20-08-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ 9 09-08-2022 ISSUED FOR CLIENT REVIEW WH 10 22-12-2022 ISSUED FOR COORDINATION JG 11 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 12 28-06-2023 ISSUED FOR COORDINATION JG 13 02-08-2023 ISSUED FOR COORDINATION JG 14 18-08-2023 RE-ISSUED FOR DP JG 15 30-11-2023 RE-ISSUED FOR DP JG 16 15-02-2024 RE-ISSUED FOR DP JG 17 22-04-2024 RE-ISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 18 29-04-2024 RE-ISSUED FOR DP JG ,- 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I t --I \ - \"\ \' ·--:,~· I ' I - \ / I' I -+ i \ -----•-----•----~-- I ' ' \ I __ .., ___ ,.,x_ ... _, ____ -\.-',,. --.--------------------------7 I I ' ' \ ' ' \I ,I l I I I I I \ ' • I I, I C /Lj / / _J //j]" / 7 7 _J 7 j _J 7 I :i-- _J ::J 7 ::J ::J _J .A. "J / ::i/ I Ill Ill I ' -----------<;-, ____ .,,......----' \ ';;l:',' -"" '¼.< -""· ' -f-=~=~~-¼--'-'--t~~-,>'cf,~, ~~n_.-'---'--__ ~,. 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BUILDING LINE ABOVE BUILDING LINE ABOVE BU I L D I N G L I N E A B O V E BUILDING LINE ABOVE B UIL DIN G LI N E A B O V E BU I L D I N G L I N E A B O V E LEGAL LOT 1 42 . 5 5 M TO E X I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E 10.88M TOPROPOSEDPROPERTYLINE 5.54 M TO EXISTING PROPERTY LINE 13 . 5 5 M TO P R O P O S E D P R O P E R T Y L I N E 15.70M TOPROPOSEDPROPERTYLINE 6.63 M TO EXISTING PROPERTY LINE PARKLAND LEGAL LOT 3 PARKLAND LEGAL LOT 4 ROAD DEDICATION-LEGAL LOT 2 EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E EXISTING PROPERTY LINE EXISTING PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E PROPOSEDPROPERTYLINE PROPOSEDPROPERTY LINE 123 AVE 22 2 S T 97.51 M 97516 81 . 1 2 M 81 1 2 3 1.8 6 M 18 6 9 5885 37 . 7 9 M 37 7 9 5 1.8 3 M 18 3 0 82 . 9 8 M 82 9 8 1 39 . 6 3 M 39 6 3 0 48.94 M 48948 PROPERTY LINE 97.026M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3 5 . 3 0 3 M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 8 2 . 9 8 8 M PROPERTY LINE 10.06 M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3 9 . 6 2 5 M PROPERTY LINE 38.518M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 8 3 . 0 0 M PROPERTY LINE 48.951 M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3 9 . 6 3 M Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1 : 250 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 2 : 3 5 A M DP-100A2018-15 JG JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK SITE PLAN SHOWING BUILDING SETBACKS 1 15-02-2024 ISSUED FOR DP JG 3 2 22-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 3 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG I --- I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I .. .. t -- ---- - I I I -- - -- I I I I I I I I I I I I - I I I I I ) I I - -.... ------------------------- r-------------------, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' r----...J ' ' ' ' r--...J ' ' ' ' ' ' r----.J ' ' ' ' ___ .J ------ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -- I I ' ' ' ' ' ' I I \ I I ) I I I I ' l \ I I 11111 111 p :\ "'t:: ,,-;:, <.o=•='-""_,_,, I I I I I I I I -, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I ~SIMPLEX MEADOWS fr,,.,,.,;,,, .. ,,,.,,.,.;.,,1,,,,., ,,,,, '"" l.>e dcJ ,po " ' .cc, soa,1;.,,J o, L·' """"'" pco e,,k>1·, ><,I d1Sl!ol saclll«La, OC p,;,.[;,d '"""" ttie ; 0,-.ally rnffej €1ectrnnlc•11, wcvlcej. Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 2 : 3 6 A M DP-100B2018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK PROJECT DATA ABOVE CODE ANALYSIS IS BASED ON BCBC 2018 & WILL BE UPDATED ONCE BCBC 2023 IS IN EFFECT 18 TOTAL 106 7029 SF (653.01 SQ.M.) TYPE G 3 BEDROOM 1154.06 SF 108.00 SF 7 756 SF TYPE F 2 BEDROOM 930.91 SF 70.00 SF 6 420 SF TYPE E 2 BEDROOM 892.00 SF 64.00 SF 6 384 SF TYPE D 3 BEDROOM 1356.82 SF 79.00 SF 4 316 SF TYPE C 2 BEDROOM 1149.26 SF 61.00 SF 18 1098 SF TYPE B 1 BEDROOM 678.41 SF 79.00 SF 5 395 SF TYPE A 1 BEDROOM 574.63 SF 61.00 SF 60 3660 SF UNIT TYPE UNIT AREA OUTDOOR AMENITY # OF UNITS TOTAL OUTDOOR AMENITY PER UNIT TYPE UNIT MATRIX MARKET RENTAL 52 AFFORDABLE RENTAL 54 COLOR LEGEND TOTAL PLEASE NOTE: STUDIO GUEST UNITS WILL ONLY BE USED BY THE RESIDENTS. TOTAL 60 5 18 4 6 6 7 4 106 8TH FLOOR 0 0 --1 1 1 1 3 7TH FLOOR 6 0 9 2 1 1 1 1 20 6TH FLOOR 6 0 --1 1 1 1 9 5TH FLOOR 6 0 9 2 1 1 1 0 20 4TH FLOOR 15 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 20 3RD FLOOR 15 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 20 2ND FLOOR 12 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 14 FLOOR TYPE A 1BR TYPE B 1BR TYPE C 2BR (2LV) TYPE D 2BR (2LV) TYPE E 2BR TYPE F 2BR TYPE G 3BR STUDIO GUEST UNIT TOTAL QUANTITY OF UNIT TYPES UNIT COUNT (AFFORDABLE/MARKET) OUTDOOR AREA / 6.0 SQ.M. PER CHILD 32 CHILDREN TOTAL OUTDOOR AREA PROVIDED 192.54 SQ.M. OUTDOOR SPACE REQUIREMENTS LIMITS NUMBER OF CHILDREN 3,535.62 / 75 = 47 CHILDREN FOR INDOOR SPACE (MAX. 32 AS PER OUTDOOR AREA BELOW) GROSS FLOOR AREA PER CHILD = 75 SQ.FT. DESIGN FOR 75 SQ.FT./CHILD (INCLUDES SLEEP ROOMS OR SUPPORT AREAS) OUTDOOR COVERED PLAY AREA 86.49 SQ.M. (930.97 SQ.FT.) OUTDOOR UNCOVERED PLAY AREA 106.05 SQ.M. (1,141.51 SQ.FT.) INDOOR AREA 328.47 SQ.M. (3,535.62 SQ.FT.) AREAS PROVIDED OUTDOOR SPACE REQUIREMENTS 6.0 SQ.M. PER CHILD INDOOR SPACE REQUIREMENTS 3.70 SQ.M. PER CHILD MINIMUM SPACE REQUIREMENTS EXCLUDING SLEEP ROOMS OR SUPPORT AREAS 16 - 25 ONE EDUCATOR AND 2 ASSISTANTS 9 - 16 ONE EDUCATOR AND ONE ASSISTANT30 MONTHS TO SCHOOL AGE 25, WITH NOT MORE THAN 2 CHILDREN YOUNGER THAN 36 MONTHS IN A SINGLE GROUP ≤ 8 ONE EDUCATOR 9 - 12 ONE INFANT TODDLER EDUCATOR, ONE EDUCATOR AND ONE ASSITANT 5 - 8 ONE INFANT TODDLER EDUCATOR AND ONE OTHER EDUCATORUNDER 36 MONTHS 12, WITH A SEPARATE AREA DESIGNATED FOR EACH GROUP ≤ 4 ONE INFANT TODDLER EDUCATOR CARE PROGRAM MAXIMUM GROUP SIZE CHILDREN PER GROUP RATIO OF EMPLOYEES TO CHILDREN IN EACH GROUP GROUP SIZE AND EMPLOYEE TO CHILDREN RATIOS CHILDCARE REGULATIONS 101 - 110 5 11 4 1 5 3 yd3 4 - 4 yd3 360 LITRE CART 240 LITRE CART CUBIC YARD BIN (SIZE) NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS (2 RESIDENTS PER UNIT) MIXED CONTAINTERS NEWSPAPERS & MIXED PAPERS (WITHOUT CARDBOARD BIN) NEWSPAPERS & MIXED PAPERS (WITH CARDBOARD BIN) GLASS COMPOSTABLE ORGANICS (HIGH PARTICIPATION) CARDBOARD BIN GARBAGE GARBAGE AND RECYLCING AREA 7 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 8 20-08-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ 9 09-08-2022 ISSUED FOR CLIENT REVIEW WH 10 22-12-2022 ISSUED FOR COORDINATION JG 11 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 12 28-06-2023 ISSUED FOR COORDINATION JG 13 02-08-2023 ISSUED FOR COORDINATION JG 14 18-08-2023 RE-ISSUED FOR DP JG 15 30-11-2023 RE-ISSUED FOR DP JG 16 15-02-2024 RE-ISSUED FOR DP JG 17 22-04-2024 RE-ISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 18 29-04-2024 RE-ISSUED FOR DP JG I I I I I BUILDING CODE ANALYSIS -BCBC 2018 Buildin Statistics Building Area Gross floor Area Building Ht. (storeys) Basement s Facing Number of Streets Building Size and Construction Relative to Occupa ncy M aj o r Occupancies: Fire Protection System Required (Y/N}: Building height Distance from first storey to uppermost floor level Building Area (m2) Construction Type: Floor Rating: Roof Rating: Load bearing Rating: Exit Stair Elevator shah Storage garage as a separate building Floor, Roof, Exterior Wall rating I I I Required / Permitted Yes Any height Noncombustible 2 HR 1 HR supported assembly 2 HR 2 HR Noncombustible, 2 HR Proposed building 1770.99 m2/ 19063 SF 11782.54 m2 / 126,827.26 SF 9 storey 2 1 Proposed Group C, Group A2 & Group D Yes 9 storey 36.4m / 119.42 ft 1770.99 m2/ 19063 SF Noncombustible 2 HR 1 HR supporting assembly 2 HR 2 HR UNDERGROU ND PARKING GROUP F3 Noncombustible, 2 HR I I I I I I I I I BCBC 2018 Gover article ning , 3.1.3 .1 I • > • >- . PROJECT DATA ZOlllll'ffi DATA REQUI RED/ PERMISSIBLE PER BYLAW 1110. 7812-2021 PRO-EDWl'fH DEDICATED PARK lAl'fD VARIAr'/CE CURREIIIT ZONE CD-E,.21 MEDIUM DENSITY MIXED l!SE RENT.AL & MARK ET APARTM EN'f RESIDENTIAL MARK ET RENTAL+ AFFORDABLE RENTAL• DAYCARE+ OFFICE GROSS LOT SIZE (A) 10035.SSQ.M. ROAD DEDICATION (LOT 2)(BJ 9 3.3SQ.M'. PARK DEDI.CATION (LOT3 & 4)1 C) 4 501.6SQ.M. NET LOT AREA 5,440.9 SQ. M . (0. 5440 ha 1(1. 344 acre l[A-(B+c)J GM LINE ROW I 652.41 SQ,M. EA.S:EMENTTOACCES.s PARKlAND 21.7 SQM. DEN5ITY-FAR 2.75 9,611.83 / s,440.9 = 1.n LOT COVERAGE NOT APPLICABLE 1,767.98/5,440,9 = 32.49 % PRINCIPAL USES APARTMENT MARKET RENTAL AND AFFORDABLE RENTAL ACCESSORY USES BOARDING, HOM E OCCUPATION & CHILD CARE CENTRE, ON Fl RST FLOOR DAYCARE (DEVOTED TD PRI NC WAL BU I LOIN GI RENTAL OFFICE FOR DAY-cA.RE: INDOOR:SPACE· 270:SQ_M_ 328.4750,M. UN COVERED OUTDOOR PLAY AREA -9 3 SQ, M. l OG.05 SQ.M. VARIANCE REQUIRED COVERED OUTDOOR PLAY AREA -120. 77 SO.M. 36.49SQ.M. DEMOLISHED FLOOR AREA 4 BUILDINGS IN TOTA L = 330 SQM. PRO-ED 5. 60M (12.3 AVE)(SIDE-SOUTH) 13.55M SETBACKS 5.60M (222 ST)(FRONT-EASTI 5..S.4M VARIANCE REQUIRED 6.0M (REAR-W ESTI 6.63M 6.0M (SIDE-NORTH) 42.55M HEIGHTOF BUILDING(BASEDON ~ ~ ~ ~ :z.=>REYS {3"-"-'' 9ST~%.40ML ~ ~ -G--~-/'"', •• rl.l.U..":,-r,:I......,.., ----_, '_'/' "II -_, ' -- ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' COMMON OPEN AREA 3();,, OF THE LOT AREA 300.SOF 5440 .9:s:Q.M. IS 1,632.27 SQ.M. P'ROVIO.ED'2009 . .85 SQ, M, (I NCLU DING FORTIS ROW , PRIVATE OUTDOOR AMIN ITV , OUTDOOR AM EN ITV , AREA BETWEENW ALKWAY AND GREEN AREA BETWEEN BU I LDI NG AN[) RESTRICTIVE COVENANT) OUTDOOR AM BNITY AREA 1 SQ.M. /DW ELLINu UN IT 123. 75 SQ.M. ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE BUILDING NOOF DW ELLI NG UNITS= 106 21.9'.33 SQ.M. ON 8TH FLOOR REQUIREDOUTDOORAMENITY AREA = 10550.M. TOTAL OUTDOOR AMENITYAREA: 343 .. 0SSQ,M , PRIVA TI OUTDOOR AREA 5%0F DW ELLING UNITOR4.6,QM. 5,66SQ, M , MINIMUM PER DWELLING UNIT TOTA L OF 653 .01 SQ. M . {7029SF) REFER TO UN ITMATRIX TABLE 111 DOOR AMENITY AREA 1 SQ.M. / DW ELLING UNIT 596.555Q.M. NOOF DW ELLING UN ITS = 106 [AMEN ITV PER FLOOR PLUS IN DOOR AMENITY ON 8TH FLOOR) REQUIRED INDOORAMENITY AREA = 106,Q,M. OFF-STREIT PARKI i;G M PRE\IIOUSLY APPROVED BY •COU N Cl L rn6 DWELLING UNITS (APPROVED 102 PARK ING SPACES) PROVIDED: 10SSTALL5 VISITOR PARKING SPACES (22 INCLU DED AS PART OF 1021 VISITOR PARKING FOR 106 UN ITS 0 .2/UNIT X 106 = 21.2 STALLS OFFICE: 211..'!1 SQ.M . 1 PER 40 SQ. M . GFA = 5.295TALLS PROVIDED: 6STALLSWITH STACK DAYCARE: 328A7SQ.M. 1 PER20SQ. M.uFA TOTAL=16.4 STALLS 1,PROVI DED: l6ST A LLS WITH ST ACK TOATL NUl\,II BEROF PARKINGSTALLS REQUIRED{102 +6 , 16)= 124 PROVIDED :TOT AL 134 ST A LLS STALLS ,,-..A_ ,,-..A_ ,,-..A_ ,,-..A_ ,,-..A_ ,,-..A_ ,,-..A_ ,,-..A_ A..J \. ,,-..A_ ,,-..A_ ,,-..A_ ,,-..A_ ,,-..A_ ,._ V EHICLE PARKING PROVIDED REGULAR PARK ING STALLS 8 5 REGULAR PARKING STALLS (STACKED) 14x2 28 SMALL CAR PARK ING STALLS (MAX. 10% = 124/ 10= 12.41 18 max. 12.4 VARIANCE REQU IRED H/CPARKING ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALLS 3 134 REQUIRED SPACES 3 (I NCLU OED IN THE CALCULATIONS ABOVE) 2 STALLS ON THE MAIN FLOOR 1 STALL ON LEVEL Pl BICYCLE PARKING LONG TERM = 1 SPACE PER 4 DW ELLI NG UN ITS PROVIDED LONG TERM =34 Bl KES 106 / 4x 1 = n .s (27 BICYCLE PARKING REQUIRED! SHORT TERM = 6SPACES FOR EVERY20 UNITS PROVIDED SHORT TERM =42 BIKES 106/6 x 20 =31.3 (32 BIC'/CLEPARKING REQUIRED) NOTE: ALL THE PARK ING SPACES & 5.0% OF VISITOR PARKING SPACES W I LL BE PROVIDED W ITH ROUGH ED-IN IN FRASTRU CTU RE CAPABLE OF PROVIDING LEVEL 2 CHARG ING GROSS BUILDING AREA CALCULATIONS GROSS FLOOR AREA EXEMPTIONS BREAKDOWN (s q.ft.) TOTAL AREA LE\IEL AREA (sq.ft.) CORRIDOR STAIRS ELEV ./LOBBY AMEN./STOR ./GUEST SUITE BIKESTOR. MAIL ROOM TOTAL (sq.ft.) (sq.m.) MAIN FLOOR PLAN 18,752.14 272.90 359.16 1,471.29 1,014.72 177.50 3,295.57 15,456.57 1435.95 2.ND FLOOR PLAN 16,B6.45 1,659.48 359.16 334. 74 435.lS 2,7&8.53 13,547.92 1.258.63 3RD FLOOR PLAN 16,153.00 1,620.90 359.16 334.74 855.20 3,170.00 12,983.00 1206.15 4TH FLOOR PLAN 16,153.00 1,620.90 359.16 334.74 855.20 3,170.00 12,983.00 1206.15 5TH FLOOR PLAN 16,153.00 1,620.90 359.16 334. 74 855.20 3,170.00 12,983.00 1206.15 6TH FLOOR PLAN 16,153.00 1,620.90 359.16 334.74 855.20 3,170.00 12,983.00 1206.15 7TH FLOOR PLAN 16,153.00 1,620.90 359.16 334.74 855.20 3,170.00 12,983.00 1206.15 8TH FLOOR PLAN 13,524.93 1,578.60 359.16 334. 74 1,710.19 3,982.69 9,542.24 886,50 TOTAL AREA 129,378.52 TOTAL GRO~ BUILDING AREA 103,461.73 9,611.83 DENSITY-FAR 2.75 FSR = TOTAL GROSS AREA/ LOT AREA NET LOT AREA 5,440.9 SQ.M. FSR I 1.77 ) Ii ) 11- ) Ii ) Ii ) I__., i ) 11- ) 11- ) Ii ) Ii ) Ii ) , fr,,.,,.,;,,, .. ,,,.,,.,.;.,,1,,,,., ,,,,, '"" l.>e dcJ ,po " ' .cc, soa,1;.,,J o, L·' """"'" pco e,,k>1·, ><,I d1Sl!ol saclll«La, OC p,;,.[;,d '"""" ttie ; 0,-.ally rnffej €1ectrnnlc•11, wcvlcej. 2500 2500 55 0 0 H/ C STANDARD PARKING STALL 55 0 0 1300 HANDICAP PARKING STALL S C SAMLL CAR PARKING STALL 2400 49 0 0 BIKE STALL 600 18 0 0 PMT PROPERTY LINE 97.026M EX I T P A T H O N G R A D E 123 AVE 22 2 S T SID E W A L K PROPERTY LINE 48.96 M SID E W A L K FLOOR ABOVE IP GAS LINE PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3 5 . 3 0 3 M DO W N T O U N D E R G R O U N D P A R K I N G PR O P E R T Y L I N E 8 2 . 9 8 8 M PROPERTY LINE 10.06 M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3 9 . 6 2 5 M PROPERTY LINE 38.518M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 8 3 . 0 0 M EXISTING PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE 48.951 M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3 9 . 6 3 M 12.03M12037MM PRINCIPLE ENTRANCE DISTANCEBETWEENPRINCIPLE ENTRANCETOFIRETRUCK FDC 38.90M 40800MM DISTANCEFROMFDCTOFIREHYDRANT SPRINKLERED (8-STOREY) DAYCARE ENTRANCE FIRE LANE EMERGENCY FIRE VEHICLE ACCESS FIRE TRUCK EL. 29.19M SRW 28.20 29.01 28.96 29.18 RAMP @ 7.0 % @ 1.0 % RA M P @ 1 3 . 8 2 % @ 1.0 % 28.0129.18 EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT TO BE RELOCATED AS SHOWN MAINTENANCEPATH 92 7 9 PROPERTY LINE 97.026M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3 5 . 3 0 3 M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 8 2 . 9 8 8 M PROPERTY LINE 10.06 M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3 9 . 6 2 5 M PROPERTY LINE 38.518M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 8 3 . 0 0 M PROPERTY LINE 48.951 M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3 9 . 6 3 M NEW LOCATION FOR FIRE HYDRANT FIRE HYDRANT Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY As indicated 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 2 : 3 9 A M DP-1012018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK SITE PLAN - FIRE TRUCK ACCESS 10 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 09-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT TJ 4 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 5 20-08-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ 6 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 7 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 8 30-11-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 9 22-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 10 29-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP JG - I I I / ' I I ·----_,, ·,,~_,,,/ . I f , - I I I ./ I - ----,~ \,:- <"'-·-o_~_~-~ f,, f l I ; ' I J I I : I " " \ \ I I / I I I I I I I I I I i ---------!------ -1-1 L 1 1 L 1 L l L l '-I A" --1-----,..--; -/' i • -~ r ~~ 1-::.. ,/" ',;;,_; '\ / / -~/~~,,~-~-----•,-""""-_ l ' ,"L. , Lv. ,. _.: -~ .e c~ ) 11· t., N-l· •i 11 ~~i'· ::;:~ . d~. I :Ot,[:S flJ"Lf '}I J~." '<I: ~N~I, 1,F 'N~L' , S ,I ~N::,i. Pwmper Fire Trud W<lt> H ;Qo r,aa ;z_:;e, Lu:Uo•L= Tmo 6.0 -""'Ii'"'"'" ~u L L , 7 I 1,~,1,c,,c,,cnthe,,··1 ,·v ·t;,-,-., an,1eoc"";"n ,\IK•. ,a,"1 ;.n,,K< 10< fr,,.,,.,;,,, .. ,,,.,,.,.;.,,1,,,, . .,,,, '"" l.>e dcJ ,po " ' .cc, soa,1;.,,J o, L·, """"'" ul L·,e pco .,,..,,., "'' d1Sl!ol saclll«La, "' """'"" '"""" ttie ; 0,-.ally rnffej €1ectrnnlc•11, wcvlcej. 8.50 13.50 TOP O F BAN K TOPOFBANK TOP OFBANK TOPOFBANK TOP OF BANK (PARKDEDICATION)(PARKDECICATION) 123rd AVENUE 22 2n d S TR E ET PL A N PLAN 15728 PL AN B C P 4 8 4 29 PL A N BC P 4 8 4 2 9 2 87 PA R K 2 3 4 57 . 0 3 2 25 . 9 5 6 24 . 3 8 9 24.387 13 . 4 1 0 24.564 S R/W PLAN 18394 15 . 2 4 0 24 . 3 9 3 30.687 60 . 3 3 7 20 . 7 9 5 6.982 1. 8 6 9 22.412 34.646 10 . 9 1 0 4.3 3 0 45.953 1.8 3 0 3.9 17 31.536 9.281 6.291 4.509 5.549 L1 1 3 .284 8.685 9.678 16.722 8.236 9.113 1 2.3 3 3 7. 4 1 6 11.354 16.230 9. 7 6 6 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L10 L 1 1 5.983 2.736 L9 L12 7.4 0 14.61 9.22 14.32 7 . 2 5 8.75 8. 5 6 4.48 13.22 11.48 8.29 6.01 5.65 4.54 17.85 1.88 3.25 1.56 1.412.45 8.33 7.80 11.01 5.61 5.80 11.93 17.56 4.11 1 1.2 1 5 .58 15.28 9.22 13.10 6.1 5 8.75 9 . 0 5 2. 9 6 3.90 4.69 5.74 2.37 13.50 8.50 HIG H W A T ER M AR K HIG H W A T E R M A R K 10 M WID E R AP R SE TBA C K 1 0 M WID E R A P R S E T B A C K H IG H W A T E R M A R K HIGHWATERMARK HIGHWATERMARK 10MWIDERAPRSETBACK 10 MWIDERAPRSETBACK15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 TOP O F BAN K TOPOFBANK TOP OFBANK TOPOFBANK TOP OF BANK (PARKDEDICATION)(PARKDECICATION) 123rd AVENUE 22 2n d S TR E ET PL A N PLAN 15728 PL AN B C P 4 8 4 29 PL A N BC P 4 8 4 2 9 2 87 PA R K 2 3 4 57 . 0 3 2 25 . 9 5 6 24 . 3 8 9 24.387 13 . 4 1 0 24.564 S R/W PLAN 18394 15 . 2 4 0 24 . 3 9 3 30.687 60 . 3 3 7 20 . 7 9 5 6.982 1. 8 6 9 22.412 34.646 10 . 9 1 0 4.3 3 0 45.953 1.8 3 0 3.9 17 31.536 9.281 6.291 4.509 5.549 0.279ha 0.171ha L1 1 3 .284 8.685 9.678 16.722 8.236 9.113 1 2.3 3 3 7. 4 1 6 11.354 16.230 9. 7 6 6 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L10 L 1 1 L 13 5.983 2.736 L9 L126.8 6 7.74 11.14 12.73 9.29 4.97 12.58 5.29 4.25 4.97 3 .39 1.04 15.88 4.51 5. 1 2 4. 67 9.63 11.93 4. 2 6 5 . 7 0 5 .6 7 6 . 5 4 2 .6 2 2.75 1 0.6 0 8.64 15.0 2 15.1 2 7.78 5.88 13.40 7.25 8.05 3.04 3.45 3 .18 23.89 6. 9 5 8.84 13.57 5.9 4 14.33 9.21 14.84 7.7 2 8.75 8 .8 3 1.01 17.98 13.77 5.59 11.69 8.51 5.03 4.08 4.65 2 .42 1.10 0.99 8.33 7.80 11.01 5.61 5.80 11.93 17.56 4.11 1 1.2 1 5 .58 15.28 9.22 13.10 6.1 5 8.75 9 . 0 5 2. 9 6 3.90 4.69 5.74 2.37 3RD FLOOR 37.96 m 4TH FLOOR 41.01 m 5TH FLOOR 44.24 m 6TH FLOOR 47.13 m 7TH FLOOR 50.48 m P1 FLOOR 25.53 m 8TH FLOOR 53.37 m T/O PLATE 56.49 m P2 FLOOR 22.33 m 222 ST EXISTING GRADE RAMP RAMP NEIGHBOUR HOUSE MAIN FLOOR 29.19 m AVG.GRADE 27.90 m 2ND FLOOR 34.68 m PARKING - P1 PARKING - P2 RESIDENTIAL ENTRANCE, OFFICE & PARKING RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL ROOF PEAK 63.48 m RE A R -EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E FR O N T -EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E 5.54M TO EXISTING PROPERTY LINE 6.63M TO EXISTING PROPERTY LINE 3RD FLOOR 37.96 m 4TH FLOOR 41.01 m 5TH FLOOR 44.24 m 6TH FLOOR 47.13 m 7TH FLOOR 50.48 m P1 FLOOR 25.53 m 8TH FLOOR 53.37 m T/O PLATE 56.49 m P2 FLOOR 22.33 m 123 AVE EXISTING GRADE ENTRANCE, OFFICE & PARKING MAIN FLOOR 29.19 m AVG.GRADE 27.90 m EXISTING BUILDING PARKING PARKING 2ND FLOOR 34.68 m RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL IP G A S L I N E ROOF PEAK 63.48 m 12 3 A V E , S I D E -PR O P O S E D P R O P E R T Y L I N E 12 3 A V E , S I D E -EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E NO R T H -EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E RO A D D E D I C A T I O N 13.55M TO PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE 15.38M TO EXISTING PROPERTY LINE 42.55M TO EXISTING PROPERTY LINE 123 AVE 22 2 A V E 22 1 1 Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY As indicated 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 2 : 4 2 A M DP-1022018-15 Author Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK SITE SECTIONS 1/16" = 1'-0"2 SC-EW CROSS SECTION 2 1/16" = 1'-0"1 SC-NS CROSS SECTION 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 4 20-08-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ 5 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 6 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 7 30-11-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 8 15-02-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG 10 9 22-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 10 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG I l ~ ,-'--------'lllllllll----------------------------------1111111----•-----•-----111111.--~--1 ,~-----.iii--... ------------------------------------·-----------------111111•-it--- ____ .,_.,. ______________________________________________ ..,_.-_ ,~i---------.. ·-------------------------------------------------------.... ---..--- L ' ______________________________________________________ .,._t-_ ____ .,_.,. ______________________________________________ ..,_it-_ ----jl,j, .. __________________________ ..., __ -11 _________ .,.~_ -------.. -------------.---.-.......... -----------~--------------.. -mi---- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - ).. ---iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill-1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiii•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiir=="Fi=~=f==r~¥-~~----,--=-----i:--:::-----7--,,-;:--;;;---1-;--;-----;-----,--......,.,--:----,--,-,1-----,----, -I 1 1 11 , 1 I I I I I: 1 I ''/JI I I I I 11 1 I, I ~ c '1 u I 1 1 I I-11 1 I j' 1 J: I 1 1 11 I ' '' ·----11------------------------------I+------++---------------I I II _111 I I I _ I I I I Ill I I_ I I l I I 11 I I, -11 -1-I-11 I I 1_:::c_' _ I' 11 I' I -I =-I -I 11 I I' • I --1 -I -, , , ,-1_• I I I I =111=1 I-I - -F-= I - -I-- I ----' -I-' - I -I -11 F-1 -I -I ,-F-= I -=1 I-' -= I -'I F-1 -111'---1-, " _ I 11 I u_ I ' II ' 'I II I-I ' I _ ' I I ' u_ Ill-I -I' I ~,--1-11-_-_1_1_1 __ -1-1',_1'1 _-1 __ ---1,TTll-_,-l-,,-,_----,-,-,_,----,-,-l --ll -l'_-------.-_,_~ ~~l:...;:,=;=,=1-,-";-r:1;-, -:-,::-,,-..--------------------------------------------------------.... 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SHOULD ANY DISCREPANCIES BECOME EVIDENT NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY. 123 AVE IP GAS LINE SO F T S C A P E SOFTSCAPE EGRESS ROUTE SOFTSCAPE BUILDING LINE ABOVE BUILDING LINE ABOVE HARDSCAPE (PMT) BU I L D I N G L I N E A B O V E BUILDING LINE ABOVE B UIL DIN G LI N E A B O V E BU I L D I N G L I N E A B O V E ACCESS TO LOT 4 AC C E S S T O L O T 1 LEGAL LOT LEGAL LOT PROPERTY LINE 48.96 M PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE LEGAL LOT 1 LEGAL LOT 15 2 4 0 GA S L I N E E A S E M E N T RESTRICTIVE COVENANT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT 42 . 5 5 M TO E X I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E 10.88M TOPROPOSEDPROPERTYLINE 5.54 M TO EXISTING PROPERTY LINE 13 . 5 5 M TO P R O P O S E D P R O P E R T Y L I N E 15 . 3 8 M TO E X I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E 15.70M TOPROPOSEDPROPERTYLINE 0 45.05 M TP EXISTING PROPERTY LINE 21.12M TO EXISTING PROPERTY LINE 6.63 M TO EXISTING PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE 97.026M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3 5 . 3 0 3 M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 8 2 . 9 8 8 M PROPERTY LINE 10.06 M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3 9 . 6 2 5 M PROPERTY LINE 38.518M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 8 3 . 0 0 M PROPERTY LINE 48.951 M PR O P E R T Y L I N E 3 9 . 6 3 M Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1 : 250 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 2 : 4 3 A M DP-103A2018-15 JG JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK SITE_LEGAL LOTS & EXISTING TREES 1 30-11-2023 ISSUED FOR DP JG TREES TO BE PRESERVED 3 2 22-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 3 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG I - - I I -------~----- ' I I 1,' i I 'I - I ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' ' , ' , ' ' I L---- 1 I I ___ , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I • I ' ------- I - • • 7 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' - L-------------------------------- --------------- --- • ---- I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L-,,\ : \ ' \ : \ : \ ' L __ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I I I I I I I I I I I ' \ \7,,-....:'~,\,-----+~-----1 ' ' ' I --~------------------------------ -------------- - -- \ \ -- - \ \ \ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 11111 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -T r _, --- ,,_ -l I I I --- / I I ..... ~.....J_----r-------,----__ji 1◄ I I --- -- I- ■ ■ ■ I I I I I ~SIMPLEX EADOWS ev1 l op111 ent C o r p _ 13.50 8.50 HIG H W A T E R M A R K H I G H W A T E R M A R K 1 0 M W ID E R A P R S E T B A C K 1 0 M W I D E R A P R S E T B A C K H I G H W A T E R M A R K HIGHWATERMARK HIGHWATERMARK 10MWIDERAPRSETBACK 10 M WIDE RAPR SETBACK T O P O F B A N K TOPOFBANK TOP OF BAN K TOP OF BANK TOP OF BANK PP X24943 (PARK DEDICATION)(PARK DECICATION) 123rd AVENUE PLA N PLAN 15728 PLA N BC P 48 4 2 9 PLA N BC P4 8 4 29 2 87 209 210 211 212 223 PAR K 2 3 4 57. 0 3 2 25. 9 5 6 24. 3 8 9 24.387 13. 4 1 0 24.564 S R/W PL AN 18 394 15. 2 4 0 24. 3 9 3 30.687 60. 3 3 7 20. 7 9 5 6.982 1. 8 6 9 22.412 34.646 10. 9 1 0 4. 3 3 0 45.953 1. 8 3 0 3.9 1 7 31.536 9.281 6.291 4.509 5.549 0.279ha 0.171ha L 1 1 3 .2 8 4 8.685 9.678 16.722 8.236 9.113 1 2 . 3 3 3 7 . 4 1 6 11.354 16.230 9 . 7 6 6 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L 8 L10 L 1 1 L 1 3 5.983 2.736 L9 L 1 26.8 6 7.7 4 1 1.1 4 12.73 9.29 4.97 12.58 5.29 4.25 4.97 3 . 3 9 1.04 15.88 4.51 5 . 1 2 4 . 6 7 9.63 11.93 4 . 2 6 5 . 7 0 5 . 6 7 6 . 5 4 2 . 6 2 2.75 1 0 .6 0 8.6 4 1 5.0 2 15.12 7.78 5.88 13.40 7.25 8.05 3.0 4 3.45 3 . 1 8 23.89 6 . 9 5 8.84 13.57 5 . 9 4 14.33 9.21 14.84 7 . 7 2 8.7 5 8 . 8 3 1.01 17.98 13.77 5.5 9 11.69 8.51 5.03 4.08 4.65 2 .4 2 1.10 0.99 8.33 7.80 11.01 5.61 5.8 0 11.93 17.56 4.11 1 1.2 1 5 . 5 8 15.28 9.22 13.10 6 . 1 5 8.7 5 9 . 0 5 2 . 9 6 3 . 90 4 .6 9 5.74 2.37 13.50 8.50 10 M WIDE RAPR SETBACK TOP OFBANK TOP O F B A N K TOP OF BANK 16.722 8.236 9.113 1 2 .3 3 3 7 . 4 1 6 16.230 L5 L6 L10 L9 5 . 1 2 7.25 23.89 6 . 9 5 8.84 5 . 9 4 14.33 9.21 1.01 17.98 13.77 4.65 2 .4 2 1. 10 0.99 11.93 17.56 4.11 1 1.2 1 5 . 5 8 15.28 9.22 3 . 9 0 4 .6 9 5.74 2.37 22 2 S T PROPERTY LINE 48.96 M PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE EXISTING PROPERTY LINE SURVEY NOTE: THIS DRAWING HAS BEEN PREPARED BASED ON INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM: GREWAL & ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS DATED: APRIL 28, 2022 (SHOWING PROPERTY LINE) AUGUST 02, 2022 (SHOWING RESTRICTIVE COVENANT) SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 (SHOWING ROAD DEDICATION) WHILE A REASONABLE EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO VERIFY THE INFORMATION IT REMAINS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL LOT DIMENSIONS & TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. SHOULD ANY DISCREPANCIES BECOME EVIDENT NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY. 123 AVE IP GAS LINE AMENITY AREA SEE 2/DP-103B FOR BOUNDARY AND AREA PART OF TRAIL LEADS TO THE AMENITY AREA TOWARDS THE NORTH OF THE PROPERTY CANTILEVER AREA OF BUILDING AT MAIN FLOOR SO F T S C A P E SOFTSCAPE EG R E S S R O U T E SOFTSCAPE BUILDING LINE ABOVE BUILDING LINE ABOVE HARDSCAPE (PMT)BU I L D I N G L I N E A B O V E BUILDING LINE ABOVE B UIL DIN G LI N E A B O V E BU I L D I N G L I N E A B O V E LEGAL LOT LEGAL LOT LEGAL LOT 1 (ROAD DEDICATION) LEGAL LOT GA S L I N E E A S E M E N T 15 2 4 0 REST OF THE TRAIL IS PART OF EGRESS PER BCBC 2018. ESA DEDICATION 1.5M. MAINTENANCE ACCESS PATH RESTRICTIVE COVENANT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT 1.5M. MAINTENANCE ACCESS PATH 15 M. 10 M. 13.5M. 1.5M. 1.5 M.8.5 M. 13.5 M.1.5 M. 8500 1.5M. 8.5M. 1.5M. MAINTENANCE ACCESS PATH RESTRICTIVE COVENANT FOR PERVIOUS AMENITY AREA 3305.05 SQ.FT. SOFTSCAPE BUILDING LINE ABOVE RESTRICTIVE COVENANT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT 15 M. 1.5 M.13.5 M. 1.5 M.8.5 M. 10 M. Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1 : 250 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 2 : 4 4 A M DP-103B2018-15 JG JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK SITE PLAN SHOWING DEDICATIONS 1 30-11-2023 ISSUED FOR DP JG 3 SITE PLAN SHOWING DEDICATIONS1 OUTDOOR AMENITY BOUNDARY2 2 22-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 3 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG I - - I I I I I I I I 7 ! •: 11 I I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ • I I J I I I I ·---1 I I I I I ) I I I ' I I I I ,- ' ' ' ' ' ' I I I ' ' f ----...l I ' ' ' ' rl --...J ' ' ' ' ' ' I I I I I I I I I ' ' • ' ' -------, i ' '' ' I I \ \-- I I I I I I I \ I I I • I I I I I I I I I I \ \\ .-,- '\ :... ---;-, ---"--"--'----,--- L _____ , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' : -----------------' --~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~=--~-~-~-~-~-~-=====~===jl l ___________________________________ ~ ' ' ' - J -I I 11111 111 I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I- ■ ■ I I I I I I I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ', ' ' ' ------L ' ' ' ' ' I I I I l ' • I --\ • ~ I ~SIMPLEX MEADOWS ev1 l op111 ent C o r P · UP P15 P15P1 P1 7 % S L O P E U P 7% SLOPE UP 12% SLOPE UP 596869 75 79 80 87 91 9297 101 103 104 107 LOCKER # 2 PE PE P2 P3 P4 P8 P10 P5 P11 P14 P14 74 SC SCSC 64168 LONG TERM BIKE STORAGE 26 BIKES EL. 22.18 M 1 DP-301______________________1 DP-301______________________ P6 P13 P13P12 SC SC GA S E A S E M E N T L I N E PF PF PD PD PB PB PA1 PA1 PA PA PG PG PI PI 19 0 5 92 8 0 48 6 3 39 8 5 68 2 3 50 3 0 58 0 8861 10160 21051 966 6137 10588 6406 64168 14106 3515 6033 6871 7010 9639 10588 6406 19 0 5 92 8 0 48 6 3 39 8 5 68 2 3 50 3 0 58 0 P2 ELEV. LOBBY ELEVATOR ELEVATOR 88SC PJ PJ 42 7 9 8 42 7 9 8 1 DP-300 ______________________ 1 DP-300______________________ P7 60 0 0 49 0 0 74 1 8 49 0 0 2400 305 2500 2500 2500 302 2500 2500 2500 309 254 6702 864 2500 2500 2500 302 2500 2500 2500 305 2500 2500 2500 2500 218 1706 P9 100 76 SC SC GENERATOR ROOM SC SC TRAVEL DISTANCE = 43.83 M LOCKER # 1 SERVICES TR A V E L D I S T A N C E = 3 7 . 5 7 M T R A V E L D I S T A N C E =3 1 .5 1 M 10 3 3 2 10 3 3 2 NOTE: ALL PARKING ON LEVEL P2 IS SECURED AND FOR RESIDENCES 55 0 0 70 0 0 55 0 0 384 2400 2500 2500 2500 304 60005412500250025002500134125002500305250025003022500240024002400504 55 0 0 70 0 0 55 0 0 55 0 0 70 0 0 55 0 0 966 300 2400 2400 2400 300 4326 300 2400 2500 2500 2500 298 3052500250025002500648250025005802500250024001500 6000 55 0 0 70 0 0 49 5 6 49 0 0 76 0 0 2500 2500 55 0 0 H/ C STANDARD PARKING STALL 55 0 0 1300 HANDICAP PARKING STALL S C SAMLL CAR PARKING STALL 2400 49 0 0 BIKE STALL 600 18 0 0 Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 2 : 4 5 A M DP-1042018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK P2 FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" P2 FLOOR PLAN 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 08-01-2021 ADDED ONE STOREY SP 4 09-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT TJ 5 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 6 20-03-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ 7 09-08-2022 ISSUED FOR CLIENT REVIEW WH 8 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 9 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 11 1/8" = 1'-0" Parking 10 22-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 11 29-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP JG ·- ; I -+-- r L 1 -_J_ - -I I -----~-- I I I I I L I I I I ______ J ---- ---- ---- f f I I 1 ~1- ---- ---l---l ----'-- -----l -------- I I - ---------_l.!::=====:::::;::l---1----,~H ---- r ---- r -------- l I 1 \, ,-"'~\ -(~?~i----------- ''-'7 I ---- ---------------- I I I -+-- ( ----H- - I I I I I ' l ______ ,,_ l ------------ I t --- -------- -+----,- I I l I (~---~\\' I -----t-;:::::::;;;;;;::;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;:;::;;:;~==~r----- 1-,- 1 'lll~~n I I ,-, 1-I '" _ _)_-JI : I ·f--~-,J 1:--: -----cl~ •e-_-+J _;__,,. 1r11 ° i!: :--,~,7 r~ 111 •• •• I I - ------i-- ,- ,_ ,- : : //,,,-\\ r--~ 1 -~::;....~::::=======~=====:::!~=-1-Fc===-=-==1:=-4:f--===;=~-=i---==~~'====:::1':b::;:;=:'lfJ~-+-===-=~=~=~~:===J=#~·'T=-==--:='T=--:=-===f-i '~-- ,/~ ! 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LOBBY SC PE PE P2 P2 P3 P3 P4 P4 P8 P8 P10 P10 P5 P11 P11 P14 P14 SC EL. 25.53M 51 EXIT PATH ON GRADE E XIT P ATH O N G R A D E TO CIT Y SID EWALK25.485 % S L O P E D N 1 DP-301 ______________________1 DP-301 ______________________ TRAVEL DISTANCE = 31.19 M TRAVEL DISTANCE = 44.05 M TRAVEL DISTANCE = 44.39 M GA S E A S E M E N T L I N E P6 P6 P13 P13 P12 P12 SC PF PF PD PD PC PC PB PB PA1 PA1 PA PA PG PG PI PI 64168 19 0 5 92 8 0 48 6 3 39 8 5 68 2 3 23 0 9 80 2 3 50 3 0 58 0 8861 10160 21051 966 6137 10588 6406 64168 14106 3515 6033 6871 7010 9639 10588 6406 19 0 5 92 8 0 48 6 3 39 8 5 68 2 3 23 0 9 80 2 3 50 3 0 58 0 ELEVATOR ELEVATOR PJ PJ 42 7 9 8 42 7 9 8 1 DP-300 ______________________ 1 DP-300 ______________________ SC ELECTRICAL ROOM EL. 25.53M P7 P7 LONG TERM BIKE STORAGE 08 BIKES SC 60 0 0 P9 P9 MECH/ BOILER ROOM 28 26 27 SC SC EL. 25.53M GARBAGE/ RECYCLE ROOM EXIT CORRIDOR SERVICES 26 4 0 53 6 0 12395 21 UP 1 3 ' -0"@ 1 0 % WASTE COMPACTOR & BIN RECYCLE COMPACTOR & BIN NOTE: ALL PARKING ON LEVEL P1 IS SECURED AND FOR RESIDENCES 254 6702 864 2500 2500 2500 302 2500 2500 2500 305 2500 2500250030525002500 839 427 2400 2400 2400 300 4326 300 2400 2500 2500 2500 552 3052500648250025002400250025002500250058125001500 55 0 0 70 0 0 55 0 0 55 0 0 70 0 0 55 3 2 1718 60003002500250028132500250025003004 3052500250025001142 305 2500 2500 2500 15772500 384 2400 6000305250025002500 6000 55 0 0 70 0 0 55 0 0 55 0 0 70 0 0 49 5 6 49 0 0 76 0 0 2500 2500 55 0 0 H/ C STANDARD PARKING STALL 55 0 0 1300 HANDICAP PARKING STALL S C SAMLL CAR PARKING STALL 2400 49 0 0 BIKE STALL 600 18 0 0 Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 2 : 4 7 A M DP-1052018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK P1 FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" P1 FLOOR PLAN 12 1/8" = 1'-0" Parking 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 08-01-2021 ADDED ONE STOREY SP 4 09-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT TJ 5 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 6 20-03-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ 7 09-08-2022 ISSUED FOR CLIENT REVIEW WH 8 17-02-2023 ISSUED FOR CLIENT REVIEW JG 9 02-08-2023 ISSUED FOR CLIENT REVIEW JG 10 30-11-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 11 22-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 12 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG 1 ~ . • ➔ • ➔ • 0 • • I • • • • • • • ~. + \ I / ' '' I// 1, 1/ --~ ,, \\ ----',\ ' ' ' ' I I • • • • • • • • • L 1 ' ' • • • • • • • • • • + + • • • • • • • • • • • • -----·"[ ' ' ' :---")_. ~ ' -'!' - L 1 L l L l ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " " " ' ' " ' ~ f ' ' ' " " " " .... -·~ ' ' ' " " " " ,, ' ' ~ -~ " " ' ~ ' ' • • • • • • • • " " " " " " " " ' ' ' ' " ' ' " " • • • • ·,'<·~1--- ----,•:. • • ' ' • • • • • • • • • ' \ u JI · .. 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LOBBY EL. 29.19M SHORT TERM BIKE STORAGE 23 BIKES RENTAL OFFICE LOBBY 2280 SF MAIL ROOM DAYCARE ENTRY ELEVATOR ELEVATOR DAYCARE LOBBY ELEVATOR DRIVEAISLEORGANIC COMPOST 7% S L O P E U P 3 2 87 1 PM T EL. 29.19M 45671012181765141321 21 22 23 RA M P U P 1 . 1 7 M @ 9 . 4 7 % DOWN TO UNDERGROUND PARKING 29 . 0 1 28 . 9 6 25.98 29.18 RA M P @ 7 . 0 % 25.93 @ 1.0 % RAMP @ 13.82 %@ 1.0 % RA M P U P 0 . 3 6 M @ 6 . 0 0 % 28.01 29.18 SHORT TERM BIKE STORAGE 4 BIKES 11 12 15 16 20 24 907 OFFICE 1+1 DAYCARE 1+1 DAYCARE 1+1 DAYCARE 1+1 DAYCARE DAYCARE DAYCARE DAYCARE DAYCARE DAYCAREDAYCARE 1+1 DAYCARE 1+1 VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR VISITOR OFFICE 1+1 OFFICE 1+1 RESIDENCE 1+1 RESIDENCE 1+1 RESIDENCE 1+1 RESIDENCE 1+1 RESIDENCE 1+1 RESIDENCE 1+1 8911151643 109 SHORT TERM BIKE STORAGE 15 BIKES 25002500250031125002500250029725002500547 25002503305 90725003232500 2500 2500 2500 311 2500 2500 2500 316 2500 2500 2500 306 2500 2500 2500 810 2500 2500 2500 307 55 0 0 70 0 0 55 0 0 13 8 7 55 0 0 70 0 0 55 0 0 13 6 8 12 0 0 13 7 6 1800 1454 600 600 600 600 600 600 12 0 0 16 1 6 12 0 017521800 3121 46 3 0 1200 10 8 4 15 2 4 12 0 0 15 2 4 177.5 SF 29.19 28.20 28.01 27.70 27.76 886.83 SF 125.44 SF 394.77 SF 64.25 SF 2500 2500 55 0 0 H/ C STANDARD PARKING STALL 55 0 0 1300 HANDICAP PARKING STALL S C SAMLL CAR PARKING STALL 2400 49 0 0 BIKE STALL 600 18 0 0 Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 2 : 5 1 A M DP-1062018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK MAIN FLOOR 1 08-01-2021 ADDED ONE STOREY SP 2 22-02-2021 ISSUED FOR CONSULTANT TJ 3 03-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT/CONSULTANT TJ 4 09-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT TJ 5 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 6 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 7 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 8 30-11-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 11 1/8" = 1'-0" Parking 9 30-11-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 10 22-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 11 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG / + + + + & • + + + + ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ~ ¼ ¼ ¾ ... . . ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¾ ¼ ¾ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¾ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¾ ¾ + • • • • + ~ * • - * I +I • • • + • • + ' .. + • + + - " + O + • + • + + + + + + + + • • + + + + + + + I + + ~ ~ ~ + ~ ~ · · 1 ? • + ~ + + + + + + + + + + + T .,. ;, , . ;,,1 'T l! . + + /+ ; /11 + ,-+:/, • ·"· I¾ ¼ .,. ¼ ¼ ¼ x ¼ Ix ¼ ¾ ¼ ¾ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ I¼ ¼ ¼ ¾ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¾ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¾ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ X ¼ X X ¼ ¼ ¼ X ¼ X ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¾ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¾ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ + + + * I + ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ x l x x • + + + + + + + + + + + + + " ~ " ¼ ¼ , . ¼ ¼ ¼ , . ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼ .. 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ELEVATOR ELEVATOR DAYCARE OUTDOOR PLAY AREA (COVERED) DAYCARE OUTDOOR PLAY AREA (OPEN) 1141.59 SF (106.05 SM) EL. 34.68 M EL. 34.69M600.31 SF (55.77 SM) EL.34.68 M TYPE A ELEVATOR PRES. 2513 8992 6649 5639 5639 5639 5639 5639 5744 12263 2513 8992 7357 5789 5639 5639 4143 12021 12263 25 0 5 57 7 6 15 1 3 72 8 16 7 6 15 2 71 7 4 33 8 6 22 3 6 24 9 8 31 2 5 57 7 4 25 0 5 57 7 6 15 1 3 72 8 16 7 6 15 2 71 7 4 33 8 6 22 3 6 24 9 8 31 2 5 57 7 4 64355 12263 36 5 4 4 11428 DAYCARE OUTDOOR PLAY AREA (COVERED) 330.67 SF (30.72 SM) BALCONY 108.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 79.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF 435.15 SF COMMON SPACE + DAYCARE + AFFORDABLE RENTAL TYPE A 1 BR TYPE B 1 BR TYPE G 3 BR DAYCARE COMMON SPACE 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE G 1154.06 SF TYPE B 678.41 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF 209.30 SF 1659.48 SF CORRIDOR 125.44 SF 190.69 SF 168.47 SF Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 2 : 5 2 A M DP-1072018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK 2nd FLOOR PLAN 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 09-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT TJ 4 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 5 20-08-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ 6 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 7 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 8 15-02-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG 10 9 22-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 9 10 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG □ □ -, _ j_ l i ----1- _\1' j; -/+ ----, '--'-t-t,,1 __ _j __ I I I -----4-- I I I U 1 I L /- ----1--:'i. ; ~,:- --_-J --+--- l \, --J --+- I I ...,__. □ tft~ L.....>r-.r ll-------11-t-- l I ------+--1 --,----+-+--------------------H---~~t --::__""__:=_===-==:_====~~-L=.....JW, u I --------j --:. 18 --1 )-~= == ~=========1=========1=======~+=,\ __ J_=_=/,= l,!::::::::l======:c!:=====:::!I= - □11===;--::'J :U'==~I=~ .... • "'tllllliii __ ._.,., ------l'=-;::::::;::::;---'-----l-~ ---HI---IF==" =It=+== -=t===t- --~-- I I I I _J ,-- I '--I I .-j--, / II-==.="-/ > ;,, -+~ /irn1 • ~ I [JJ --' -- -L i I _['_ TL 00 --\ ; I /j:]f 00 L I --. --□ □ DJ I □ -~ ~ ,\IK•. ,a,"1 ;.n,,K< 10< • ;,;i,,,,I l»•·I ho;o fr,,,,,.,;11 ,,11,.,,.,.;.,,1,,,l·rn",f' ,, •''')I"''''"'"'';"" '"" l.>e d cJ opo ac , .ccc ,! l" ,.,,5;,~1 wl"" soa,1;.,,J o, L·, """"'" ul L·,e pco .,,..,,., "'' d1Sl!ol saclll«La, "' """'"" '"""" ttie ; 0,-.ally rnffej €1ectrnnlc•11, wcvlcej. UP MEETING ROOM 15 15 5 PRES. 2 2 9 11 12 17 17468101314 COMMON SPACE + AFFORDABLE RENTAL COMMON SPACE GUESTROOM TYPE A 1BR TYPE B 1BR TYPE E 2BR TYPE F 2BR TYPE G 3 BR TYPE G 3BR 2513 8992 6649 5639 5639 5639 5639 5639 5744 12263 ELEV. LOBBY ELEC. 1 DP-301 ______________________1 DP-301 ______________________ ELEVATOR ELEVATOR 4 DP-401 1 DP-401 PF PF PC PC PA PA 3 3 AA BB DD GG MM NN EE I I LL J J KK 2513 8992 7357 5639 4143 12021 25 0 5 57 7 6 15 1 3 72 8 16 7 6 15 2 71 7 4 33 8 6 22 3 6 24 9 8 31 2 5 57 7 4 25 0 5 57 7 6 15 1 3 72 8 16 7 6 15 2 71 7 4 33 8 6 22 3 6 24 9 8 31 2 5 57 7 4 HH FF 1 1 64355 OO 1 DP-300 ______________________ 1 DP-300 ______________________ CC CORRIDOR BALCONY 64.00 SF BALCONY 70.00 SF 12263 36 5 4 4 2 DP-401 4 DP-400 1 DP-400 EL. 37.81 M 11428 BALCONY 108.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 79.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SFBALCONY 79.00 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE G 1154.06 SF TYPE B 678.41 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE B 678.41 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF 435.15 SF TYPE E 892.00 SF TYPE F 930.91 SF STUDIO GUEST UNIT 420.05 SF 209.30 SF 1620.90 SF 125.44 SF 190.69 SF 168.47 SF Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 2 : 5 5 A M DP-1082018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK 3RD FLOOR PLAN 9 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 03-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT/CONSULTANT TJ 4 09-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT TJ 5 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 6 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 1/8" = 1'-0"1 2ND FLOOR PLAN 7 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 8 22-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 9 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG - - - ' I -'-+--- i -'-' --"I -' - \ - ,- 1_':------- I ' I I I I I J ----------------------------------~--------------------~'------------~--~- • I I I 1, I I I tl4 . ,------,.;-,' / - ,,_ ~~==== ID-c.,...._ ...... 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LOBBY PRES. 25 0 5 57 7 6 15 1 3 72 8 16 7 6 15 2 71 7 4 33 8 6 22 3 6 56 2 2 57 7 4 25 0 5 57 7 6 15 1 3 72 8 16 7 6 15 2 71 7 4 33 8 6 22 3 6 56 2 2 57 7 4 HH FF 1 1 64355 64355 OO 36 5 4 4 36 5 4 4 1 DP-300______________________ 1 DP-300 ______________________ CC CORRIDOR ELEC. ELEVATOR ELEVATOR EL. 40.93 M BALCONY 64.00 SF BALCONY 70.00 SF BALCONY 108.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 79.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SFBALCONY 79.00 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE G 1154.06 SF TYPE B 678.41 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE B 678.41 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF 435.15 SF TYPE E 892.00 SF TYPE F 930.91 SF STUDIO GUEST UNIT 420.05 SF 209.30 SF 1620.90 SF 125.44 SF 190.69 SF 168.47 SF Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 2 : 5 7 A M DP-1092018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK 4TH FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0"1 3RD FLOOR PLAN 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 03-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT/CONSULTANT TJ 4 09-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT TJ 5 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 6 20-08-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ 7 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 8 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 10 9 22-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 10 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG I I I I L I I I I - - I - , ---1------------I -- I • I I ---,..... 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LOBBY 1 DP-301 ______________________1 DP-301 ______________________ 2 DP-400 5 DP-400 PF PF PC PC PA PA 3 3 AA BB DD GG MM NN EE II LL JJ K K 25 0 5 57 7 6 15 1 3 72 8 16 7 6 15 2 71 7 4 33 8 6 22 3 6 56 2 2 57 7 4 25 0 5 57 7 6 15 1 3 72 8 16 7 6 15 2 71 7 4 33 8 6 22 3 6 56 2 2 57 7 4 8992 6649 5639 5639 5639 5639 5639 5744 1226389926649563956395639563956395744122638992664956395639563956395639574412263 HH FF 2513 8992 6649 5639 5639 5639 5639 5639 5744 12263 1 1 2513 8992 7357 5789 5639 5639 4143 12021 12263 64355 64355 OO 36 5 4 4 36 5 4 4 1 DP-300 ______________________ 1 DP-300 ______________________ CC PRES. CORRIDOR PRES.ELEC. ELEVATOR ELEVATOR EL. 44.05 M BALCONY 64.00 SF BALCONY 70.00 SF BALCONY 108.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 79.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SFBALCONY 79.00 SF TYPE CLV.1 574.63 SF TYPE G 1154.06 SF TYPE D LV.1. 678.41 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF 435.15 SF TYPE E 892.00 SF TYPE F 930.91 SF STUDIO GUEST UNIT 420.05 SFTYPE D LV.1. 678.41 SF TYPE CLV.1 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.1 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.1 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.1 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.1 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.1 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.1 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.1 574.63 SF 209.30 SF 1620.90 SF 125.44 SF 190.69 SF 168.47 SF Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 2 : 5 9 A M DP-1102018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK 5TH FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" 5TH FLOOR PLAN 10 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 03-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT/CONSULTANT TJ 4 09-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT TJ 5 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 6 20-08-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ 7 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 8 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 9 22-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 10 29-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP JG )- -1-+-- I L __ _ .+--·- . -1~, ~ □ □ □ □ □ l_D I! □ '] +- / . -/< -j~?'. ,_ -------- '••r✓ li r-o I I I qJ j fr--;=;:;;:;::::;;:,c- 1 II 111 I II I I II I I I II I II I I I II I II, _J I" - I I -L r...,.· --' l i □ T 7 T I I -----t t _J _-7 • • 00 _-7 l i ,-. 8 ccct~t1 J-' 1 t:::::f J I I I\ L,.+ ;;;_ / \ ,- 8 • • 0 --- ,T· --.. •. . r-r--- - l. I Hl1 L ()C:_ - (_, / l ! -----, ~~ ----,._---j -----, ._____. 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ELEVATOR CORRIDOR EL. 47.17 M BALCONY 64.00 SF BALCONY 70.00 SF BALCONY 108.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 79.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SFBALCONY 79.00 SF TYPE G 1154.06 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF 435.15 SF TYPE E 892.00 SF TYPE F 930.91 SF STUDIO GUEST UNIT 420.05 SF TYPE D LV.2 678.41 SF TYPE CLV.2 574.63 SF TYPE D LV.2 678.41 SF TYPE CLV.2 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.2 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.2 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.2 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.2 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.2 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.2 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.2 574.63 SF 209.30 SF 1620.90 SF 125.44 SF 190.69 SF 168.47 SF Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 3 : 0 1 A M DP-1112018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK 6TH FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" 6TH FLOOR PLAN 10 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 03-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT/CONSULTANT TJ 4 09-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT TJ 5 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 6 20-03-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ 7 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 8 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 9 22-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 10 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG \ / - - - I I - - I - L □ □ □ □ □ □ ---+--~□ T I - ------------------1 I ------t-------------------------i ,-------- ' ■ l-------\=r --- I I LJ-==-:::-' L_J' ' • \ __ \ I --I 11_.i---. r- .,....=itt,,_:t-: ___ /' Jl'll11-----l1 i ~I I I I I ' I I I --1=1=11'----'-i- ' ( \~ __J "~1C-: I ___ _j ' l"-t-------i I ---~ I ---- ' =--= : // -++----II=•==--=-•n==, -\ ~------~ -i __ - ~ /I II II I I l JI I ----,P~-==111 I I - - 'f----------,. 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LOBBY 1 DP-301 ______________________1 DP-301 ______________________ ELEVATOR 163 SF STAIR PF PF PC PC PA PA 3 3 AA BB DD GG MM NN EE II LL J J K K 25 0 5 57 7 6 15 1 3 72 8 16 7 6 15 2 71 7 4 33 8 6 22 3 6 56 2 2 57 7 4 25 0 5 57 7 6 15 1 3 72 8 16 7 6 15 2 71 7 4 33 8 6 22 3 6 56 2 2 57 7 4 HH FF PRES. 1 1 64355 64355 OO 36 5 4 4 36 5 4 4 1 DP-300 ______________________ 1 DP-300 ______________________ CC PRES.ELEC. ELEVATOR CORRIDOR EL. 50.29 M BALCONY 64.00 SF BALCONY 70.00 SF BALCONY 108.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 79.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SFBALCONY 79.00 SF TYPE G 1154.06 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF TYPE A 574.63 SF 435.15 SF TYPE E 892.00 SF TYPE F 930.91 SF STUDIO GUEST UNIT 420.05 SF TYPE D LV.2 678.41 SF TYPE CLV.2 574.63 SF TYPE D LV.2 678.41 SF TYPE CLV.2 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.2 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.2 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.2 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.2 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.2 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.2 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.2 574.63 SF 209.30 SF 1620.90 SF 125.44 SF 190.69 SF 168.47 SF Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 3 : 0 3 A M DP-1122018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK 7TH FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" 7TH FLOOR PLAN 10 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 03-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT/CONSULTANT TJ 4 09-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT TJ 5 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 6 20-03-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ 7 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR ADP JG 8 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR ADP JG 9 22-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 10 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG -I - - ----I,--+-- - - ~ - □ ~ ... ~---'1.- c___---'I. --- ~ - - ~ _, __ -,I-----a,-- _J 1 D □ I D □ I D I , I :J I I I I ~------------------------------------------ 10 ---------- ' I 1 I I 17 1 ~ I f~ ~ l t ' ci I t-+f ~ I I < ,-- .. \ I I I ' I I I ' I I I I I I L \ r l .__-----', --:11111 I j I - - I I I y~ 1 1 I ' I ,, 11. 1 / I 111"11· ,__J --:-1 1, r -- I I t---r·+ --::--- ~~.U,,,.== I I/ I I ~ I I l --1----+-- I - I I 7 CJ ' I I ~~~ I ,__ 1----- I / r\! -U-11~ --- + +I -------I-I-- --------------- -- - - - ----- - --- ----_I : 1,~,1,c,,c,,cnthe,,··1 ~SIMPLEX MEADOWS ev1 l op111 ent C o r p . ,·v ·t;,-, • ., an,1eoc"";"n ,\IK•. ,a,"1 ;.n,,K< 10< fr,,,,,.,;,,,.,_ll,.,,.,.;.,,1,,,l·rn ,,,f,··,, •''')l"'''',1 ,,.,,;,.,, :.:;,~,,cctcJ/po " ' .ccc ,! l" ""5;,~1 wl"" "'_ .. ! _' _""""'", ul L·," pco .,,..,,, >di _ d'"'"'' -aclll«La, "' """'"" '"""" "" ; 0,-.ally certIT ,; €1ectrnnlc•11, wcvlcej. 15 15 5 2 2 7 9 11 12 12 17 17468101314 AMENITY COMMOM SPACE + MARKET RENTAL COMMON SPACE GUESTROOM TYPE A 1BR TYPE C 2BR TYPE D 3BR TYPE E 2BR TYPE F 2BR TYPE G 3 BR TYPE G 3BR 2513 8992 6649 5639 5639 5639 5639 5639 5744 12263 12263120212513899273575789563956394143 ELEC. ELEVATOR ELEV. LOBBY 1 DP-301 ______________________1 DP-301 ______________________ ELEVATOR PRES. KITCHEN HOT TUB GLASS ROOF GLASS ROOF STORE W/CPF PF PC PC PA PA 3 3 AA BB DD GG MM NN EE II LL JJ KK 25 0 5 57 7 6 15 1 3 72 8 16 7 6 15 2 71 7 4 33 8 6 22 3 6 56 2 2 57 7 4 25 0 5 57 7 6 15 1 3 72 8 16 7 6 15 2 71 7 4 33 8 6 22 3 6 56 2 2 57 7 4 HH FF PRES. 1 1 64355 64355 OO 36 5 4 4 36 5 4 4 1 DP-300 ______________________ 1 DP-300 ______________________ CC PRES. CORRIDOR CARETAKERS' SUITE EL. 53.41 M BALCONY 64.00 SF BALCONY 70.00 SF BALCONY 108.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 79.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SF BALCONY 61.00 SFBALCONY 79.00 SF 1290.14 SF TYPE G 1154.06 SF TYPE E 892.00 SF TYPE F 930.91 SF STUDIO GUEST UNIT 420.05 SF TYPE CLV.1 574.63 SF TYPE D LV.1. 678.41 SF TYPE D LV.1. 678.41 SF TYPE CLV.1 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.1 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.1 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.1 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.1 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.1 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.1 574.63 SF TYPE CLV.1 574.63 SF 209.30 SF 1578.60 SF 125.44 SF 190.69 SF 168.47 SF OUTDOOR COMMON AMENITY 2360.90 SF Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 3 : 0 6 A M DP-1132018-15 SP Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK 8TH FLOOR PLAN 10 1/8" = 1'-0" DP - 8TH FLOOR 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 03-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT/CONSULTANT TJ 4 09-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT TJ 5 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 6 20-03-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ 7 27-01-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 8 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 9 22-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 10 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG ' ' , /~ ------------+-- - - - - -----t---+ - - I ~ □ I □ ' ' I O I I -__,_ -r i----------------------------------------------C---- 1 □ -- - - - p - - - -- -- - - □ I □ ' ... OL _JO ' ' tlJ ,1 I II ' ' □ J I ... --- Fl ~ m 1::f ' D - ~ -- :□ I / ~I_.....,.....,]] ~ ............ lr.r:7 I \ - ' □ 0 lr:r.1 ...... .-- I] I L l t;;;;;;JI= T n i--iLJ r-,r-, I ............. ......... ............ ' I l ~~~---F==--===--===--===--====-=t---+==J--+-- L H---------j 1----------------j< ■ ' I I I -1 ' = - - - - - - - 1,~,1,c,,c,,cnthe,,··1 ,·v ·t;,-,-., ,n,1 ea,...,,,;.,,, a,rt,.-.,.;,.-~ W ,\IK•. ,a,"1 ;.n,,K< 10< • ;,;i,,,,I l»•·I ho;o fr,,,,,.,;11 ,,11,.,,.,.;.,,1,,,l·rn ,,,f, ,, •''')I"''''"'"'';"" '"" l,e dcJ opo ac , .ccc ,! l" ,.,,5;,~1 wl"" soa,1;.,,J o, L·, """"'" ul L·,e pco .,,..,,., "'' d1Sl!ol saclll«La, "' """'"" '"""" ttie ; 0,-.ally rnffej €1ectrnnlc•11, wcvlcej. 15 15 5 2 2 7 9 11 12 12 17 17468101314 GLASS ROOF GLASS ROOF GLASS ROOF GLASS ROOF GLASS ROOF GLASS ROOF GLASS ROOFGLASS ROOF GLASS ROOFGLASS ROOF 1 DP-301 ______________________1 DP-301 ______________________ GLASS ROOF PF PF PC PC PA PA 3 3 AA BB DD GG MM NN EE II LL JJ KK HH FF 1 1 64355 OO 1 DP-300______________________ 1 DP-300 ______________________ CC 36 5 4 4 36 5 4 4 SOLAR PANELS SOLAR PANELS SOLAR PANELS ATTIC SPACE TO BE USED FOR SERVICES ATTIC SPACE TO BE USED FOR SERVICES 64355 Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 3 : 0 7 A M DP-1142018-15 SP Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK ROOF PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" DP-FP-ROOF PLAN 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 03-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT/CONSULTANT TJ 4 20-03-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ 5 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 6 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 8 7 22-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 8 29-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP JG _J_ J_ \ _j_ -j_ J J, 1 1 • • ··1 I, / . LJ IL___,[_· I [] $- C: J ~=-=1~~~c~===!I t----1 1 +----+- j _J J C: r◊·,,L-~ /• C: ~SIMPLEX EADOWS 1,~,1,c,,c,,cnthe,,··1 ,·v ·t;,-, • ., an,1eoc"";"n ,\IK•. ,a,"1 ;.n,,K< 10< ev1 l op111 ent C o r p . • ;>'!i"·'' ,.,,., ""'" ::, ', ·;.:;;' ;;;L~· ;~·~· ;",; ";' '.::·:•· ,, ' ',;': ':c"::,~·;;·~;-;:,:·;:: soaol"'•J o, L·, """"'" ul L·,e pco .,,..,,., "'' d1Sl!ol saclll«La, "' """'"" '"""" ttie ; 0,-.ally rnffej €1ectrnnlc•11, wcvlcej. 3RD FLOOR 37.96 m 4TH FLOOR 41.01 m 5TH FLOOR 44.24 m 6TH FLOOR 47.13 m 7TH FLOOR 50.48 m 8TH FLOOR 53.37 m T/O PLATE 56.49 m MAIN FLOOR 29.19 m 1 DP-301 ______________________ 1 DP-301 ______________________ AVG.GRADE 27.90 m ABDGMNEILJKHF 222 ST O 2 1 6 85 106 69 8 5 31 2 0 28 9 6 33 4 4 28 9 6 32 2 9 30 4 8 32 8 5 54 8 6 C 127 2ND FLOOR 34.68 m ROOF PEAK 63.48 m BU I L D I N G H E I G H T : 3 6 . 4 0 M RE A R -EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E FR O N T -EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E 6.63M TO EXISTING PROPERTY LINE 5.54M TO EXISTING PROPERTY LINE FINISH SCHEDULE 2 EXTERNAL CLADDING 2 ACTIVE MITREX SOLAR CLADDING TO MATCH BENJAMIN MOORE BACKGROUND - AMHERST GRAY - HC-167 3 EXETRNAL CLADDING 3 CLADIFY- BRICK ADMIRAL RED VELOUR 1 EXTERNAL CLADDING 1 ACTIVE MITREX SOLAR PANELS TO MATCH BENJAMIN MOORE COVENTRY GRAY HC-169 SOLAR PANEL ON ROOF MITREX TO MATCH CASCADIA PVDF OLD ZINC GREY RIB STEEL PANEL ROOF RIB STEEL ROOF PANEL CASCADIA PVDF - OLD ZINC GREY 4 5 WINDOW / CURTAIN WALL FRAME ALUMINUM ANODIZED DARK GREY ACTIVE MITREX SOLAR RAIL RAIL PANEL GLASS COLUMN CLADDING NON SOLAR CASCADIA STEEL -REGENT GREY SOFFIT /TRELLIS / BEAM CASCADIA PVDF ACORN FACIA BOARD ALUMINUM PAINTED 7 86 9 10 EXTERNAL CLADDING 4 ACTIVE METRIX SOLAR CLADDING TO MATCH BENJAMIN MOORE BACKGROUND - AMHERST GRAY - HC-167 WITH LEAVES PATTERN 11 12 EXTERNAL CLADDING 4 ACTIVE METRIX SOLAR CLADDING WITH MURAL 6222 87 4 87 4 102 51 42 1 3 Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY As indicated 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 3 : 2 2 A M DP-2002018-15 JVS JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK SOUTH ELEVATION 13 1/8" = 1'-0"1 SOUTH ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"2 FASCIA SIGN - FRONT ELEVATION FASCIA SIGN DETAILS: •FASCIA SIGN SHALL NOT PROJECT BEYOND 300MM FROM THE BUILDING FACE. •THE MINIMUM VLERANCE OF A FASCIA SIGN SHALL BE 2.4M FROM GRADE. •NO PART OF THE FASCIA SIGN SHALL PROJECT ABOVE THE ROOF LINE NOTE: SEPERATE SIGN PERMIT IS REQUIRED. 1/4" = 1'-0"3 FASCIA SIGN - SIDE ELEVATION 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 19-02-2022 ISSUED FOR CLIENT REVIEW TJ 4 03-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT/CONSULTANT TJ 5 09-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT TJ 6 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 7 20-08-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ 8 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 9 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 10 30-11-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 11 15-02-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG 12 22-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 13 29-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP JG I 1_1 1 I I I I --- I -- I _J _ --I I --'I I I -_J__ -- I -- I _ _J -- I --I I I I I --• +--I ( \ ! - • '· I ~- •• I, ____.____, -_[ - - J _ I I I I .1 I I -t ---1 • L I _J_ __ I -+-- I _l __ I I -t -- I _J_ __ I I --- I I ---I I I I -1 -- ----- "· ~SIMPLEX MEADOWS fr,,.,,.,;,,, .. ,,,.,,.,.;.,,1,,,,., '"" l.>e dcJ ,po " ' .cc, soa,1;.,,J o, L·' """"'" pco e,,k>1·, ><,I d1Sl!ol saclll«La, OC p,;,.[;,d '"""" ttie ; 0,-.ally rnffej €1ectrnnlc•11, wcvlcej. 3RD FLOOR 37.96 m 4TH FLOOR 41.01 m 5TH FLOOR 44.24 m 6TH FLOOR 47.13 m 7TH FLOOR 50.48 m P1 FLOOR 25.53 m 8TH FLOOR 53.37 m T/O PLATE 56.49 m P15 5 P1P2P3P4P8P10P5P11P14 1217 MAIN FLOOR 29.19 m AVG.GRADE 27.90 m 36 5 7 54 8 6 32 8 5 30 4 8 32 2 9 28 9 6 33 4 4 28 9 6 31 2 0 69 8 5 P6P13P12 3 1 1 DP-300 ______________________ 1 DP-300 ______________________ 11 52 1 5 P7 3 3 101010 P9 12 44 2ND FLOOR 34.68 m ROOF PEAK 63.48 m BU I L D I N G H E I G H T : 3 6 . 4 0 M EXISTING PROPERTY LINE IS AT 15.38M AND PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE IS AT 13.55M EXISTING PROPERTY LINE IS AT 42.55 M FINISH SCHEDULE 2 EXTERNAL CLADDING 2 ACTIVE MITREX SOLAR CLADDING TO MATCH BENJAMIN MOORE BACKGROUND - AMHERST GRAY - HC-167 3 EXETRNAL CLADDING 3 CLADIFY- BRICK ADMIRAL RED VELOUR 1 EXTERNAL CLADDING 1 ACTIVE MITREX SOLAR PANELS TO MATCH BENJAMIN MOORE COVENTRY GRAY HC-169 SOLAR PANEL ON ROOF MITREX TO MATCH CASCADIA PVDF OLD ZINC GREY RIB STEEL PANEL ROOF RIB STEEL ROOF PANEL CASCADIA PVDF - OLD ZINC GREY 4 5 WINDOW / CURTAIN WALL FRAME ALUMINUM ANODIZED DARK GREY ACTIVE MITREX SOLAR RAIL RAIL PANEL GLASS COLUMN CLADDING NON SOLAR CASCADIA STEEL -REGENT GREY SOFFIT /TRELLIS / BEAM CASCADIA PVDF ACORN FACIA BOARD ALUMINUM PAINTED 7 86 9 10 EXTERNAL CLADDING 4 ACTIVE METRIX SOLAR CLADDING TO MATCH BENJAMIN MOORE BACKGROUND - AMHERST GRAY - HC-167 WITH LEAVES PATTERN 11 12 EXTERNAL CLADDING 4 ACTIVE METRIX SOLAR CLADDING WITH MURAL Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY As indicated 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 3 : 4 1 A M DP-2012018-15 JVS JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK EAST ELEVATION 11 1/8" = 1'-0"1 EAST ELEVATION 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 03-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT/CONSULTANT TJ 4 09-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT TJ 5 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 6 20-08-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ 7 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 8 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 9 15-02-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG 10 22-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 11 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG ( ' +-------,.----,-I I I I - ----~=r~ - +----__ _j __ ---1 -t-- j C --+- l r-----, n r I □ D D D D D D D • ~SIMPLEX MEADOWS 1,~,1,c,,c,,cnthe.,·•1· ,·v ·t;,-, • ., an,1eoc"";"n eve l opin ent C o r P - ~;.i;If if: • · :j::: ... :_;_· :, :.::;f :ij '"""" ttie ; 0,-.ally rnffej dectrnrnc•,1, wv,cej. 3RD FLOOR 37.96 m 4TH FLOOR 41.01 m 5TH FLOOR 44.24 m 6TH FLOOR 47.13 m 7TH FLOOR 50.48 m P1 FLOOR 25.53 m 8TH FLOOR 53.37 m T/O PLATE 56.49 m 15 P15 5 P1 P2 FLOOR 22.33 m P2 P3 P4 P8 P10P5 P11 P14 2 7 9 11 17468101314 UNDERGROUND ENTRANCE GATE MAIN FLOOR 29.19 m AVG.GRADE 27.90 m 32 0 1 36 5 7 54 8 6 32 8 5 30 4 8 32 2 9 28 9 6 33 4 4 28 9 6 31 2 0 69 8 5 P6 P13 31 1 DP-300 ______________________ 1 DP-300 ______________________ RAMP TO UNDERGROUND PARKING 5 2 210 2 5 6 1 113 P7 3 5 73 2ND FLOOR 34.68 m ROOF PEAK 63.48 m BU I L D I N G H E I G H T : 3 6 . 4 0 M EXISTING PROPERTY LINE IS AT 42.55 M EXISTING PROPERTY LINE IS AT 15.38M AND PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE IS AT 13.55M FINISH SCHEDULE 2 EXTERNAL CLADDING 2 ACTIVE MITREX SOLAR CLADDING TO MATCH BENJAMIN MOORE BACKGROUND - AMHERST GRAY - HC-167 3 EXETRNAL CLADDING 3 CLADIFY- BRICK ADMIRAL RED VELOUR 1 EXTERNAL CLADDING 1 ACTIVE MITREX SOLAR PANELS TO MATCH BENJAMIN MOORE COVENTRY GRAY HC-169 SOLAR PANEL ON ROOF MITREX TO MATCH CASCADIA PVDF OLD ZINC GREY RIB STEEL PANEL ROOF RIB STEEL ROOF PANEL CASCADIA PVDF - OLD ZINC GREY 4 5 WINDOW / CURTAIN WALL FRAME ALUMINUM ANODIZED DARK GREY ACTIVE MITREX SOLAR RAIL RAIL PANEL GLASS COLUMN CLADDING NON SOLAR CASCADIA STEEL -REGENT GREY SOFFIT /TRELLIS / BEAM CASCADIA PVDF ACORN FACIA BOARD ALUMINUM PAINTED 7 86 9 10 EXTERNAL CLADDING 4 ACTIVE METRIX SOLAR CLADDING TO MATCH BENJAMIN MOORE BACKGROUND - AMHERST GRAY - HC-167 WITH LEAVES PATTERN 11 12 EXTERNAL CLADDING 4 ACTIVE METRIX SOLAR CLADDING WITH MURAL Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY As indicated 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 3 : 5 8 A M DP-2022018-15 Author Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK WEST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"1 WEST ELEVATION 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 19-02-2022 ISSUED FOR CLIENT REVIEW TJ 4 03-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT/CONSULTANT TJ 5 09-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT TJ 6 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR CLIENT TJ 7 20-08-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ 8 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 9 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 10 15-02-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG 12 11 22-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 12 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG ---, -T/1 ,--------+-=r--7 □ i □ - -I □ 1 □ □ ~ - □ □ □ ------ -~ --+-I □ □ +------+--I------( -f--- -+--- .~ , --+--i-i-- l L l l l l . . . ! ___ ,, ·---- -1 I - -7- I ----+-I I_ I - i '~ .\ /--, y \ ' / ! / ·-.. ___ . . ---+ -+--- • t I j r I 4 I - =-------- =:J ---- l ~SIMPLEX MEADOWS ,\IK•. ,a,"1 ;.n,,K< 10< • ;,;i,,,,I l»•·I ho;o fr,,,,,.,;,,,.,11,.,,.,.;.,,1,,,l·rn,,,f, ,, •''')I"''''"'"'';"" '"" l.>e d cJ opo ac , .ccc ,! l" ,.,,5;,~1 wl"" soa,1;.,,J o, L·, """"'" ul L·,e pco .,,..,,., "'' d1Sl!ol saclll«La, "' """'"" '"""" ttie ; 0,-.ally rnffej €1ectrnnlc•11, wcvlcej. 3RD FLOOR 37.96 m 4TH FLOOR 41.01 m 5TH FLOOR 44.24 m 6TH FLOOR 47.13 m 7TH FLOOR 50.48 m P1 FLOOR 25.53 m 8TH FLOOR 53.37 m T/O PLATE 56.49 m 36 5 7 54 8 6 32 8 5 30 4 8 32 2 9 28 9 6 33 4 4 28 9 6 31 2 0 69 8 5 MAIN FLOOR 29.19 m 1 DP-301 ______________________ 1 DP-301 ______________________ AVG.GRADE 27.90 m PFPDPCPBPA1PA PG PI A B D G M NEILJKHF PJ O 5 253 3 3 C 97 8 2ND FLOOR 34.68 m ROOF PEAK 63.48 m BU I L D I N G H E I G H T : 3 6 . 4 0 M RE A R -EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E FR O N T -EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E 6.63M TO EXISTING PROPERTY LINE 5.54M TO EXISTING PROPERTY LINE FINISH SCHEDULE 2 EXTERNAL CLADDING 2 ACTIVE MITREX SOLAR CLADDING TO MATCH BENJAMIN MOORE BACKGROUND - AMHERST GRAY - HC-167 3 EXETRNAL CLADDING 3 CLADIFY- BRICK ADMIRAL RED VELOUR 1 EXTERNAL CLADDING 1 ACTIVE MITREX SOLAR PANELS TO MATCH BENJAMIN MOORE COVENTRY GRAY HC-169 SOLAR PANEL ON ROOF MITREX TO MATCH CASCADIA PVDF OLD ZINC GREY RIB STEEL PANEL ROOF RIB STEEL ROOF PANEL CASCADIA PVDF - OLD ZINC GREY 4 5 WINDOW / CURTAIN WALL FRAME ALUMINUM ANODIZED DARK GREY ACTIVE MITREX SOLAR RAIL RAIL PANEL GLASS COLUMN CLADDING NON SOLAR CASCADIA STEEL -REGENT GREY SOFFIT /TRELLIS / BEAM CASCADIA PVDF ACORN FACIA BOARD ALUMINUM PAINTED 7 86 9 10 EXTERNAL CLADDING 4 ACTIVE METRIX SOLAR CLADDING TO MATCH BENJAMIN MOORE BACKGROUND - AMHERST GRAY - HC-167 WITH LEAVES PATTERN 11 12 EXTERNAL CLADDING 4 ACTIVE METRIX SOLAR CLADDING WITH MURAL Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY As indicated 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 4 : 1 8 A M DP-2032018-15 Author Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK NORTH ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0"1 NORTH ELEVATION 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 03-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT/CONSULTANT TJ 4 09-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT TJ 5 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 6 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 7 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 8 15-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 10 9 22-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 10 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG __ _J_ __ I I I I --L-- 1 -t - i ----t---- 1 ----1---- 1 ---1--- 1 I -t - i ---+---- 1 ' I J i • l 1--="""":ii,, t __ 1_ ---+--+- -t- i --L -r- 1 --L T 1 -1 - 1 ---t---- 1 ----l---- 1 --!--- I I -1 - I ----I---- 1 ___ L __ _ I I ,\IK•. ,a,"1 ;.n,,K< 10< • ;,;i,,,,I l»•·I ho;o fr,,,,,.,;11 ,,11,.,,.,.;.,,1,,,l·rn",f' ,, •''')I"''''"'"'';"" '"" l.>e d cJ opo ac , .ccc ,! l" ,.,,5;,~1 wl"" soa,1;.,,J o, L·, """"'" ul L·,e pco .,,..,,., "'' d1Sl!ol saclll«La, "' """'"" '"""" ttie ; 0,-.ally rnffej €1ectrnnlc•11, wcvlcej. 3RD FLOOR 37.96 m 4TH FLOOR 41.01 m 5TH FLOOR 44.24 m 6TH FLOOR 47.13 m 7TH FLOOR 50.48 m P1 FLOOR 25.53 m 8TH FLOOR 53.37 m T/O PLATE 56.49 m P2 FLOOR 22.33 m PE MAIN FLOOR 29.19 m 1 DP-301 ______________________ 1 DP-301 ______________________ AVG.GRADE 27.90 m PF PD PC PB PA1 PAPGPI ABDGMNEILJKHF PJ O P1 PARKING P2 PARKING OFFICE ATTIC SPACE TO BE USED FOR SERVICES P2 PARKING P1 PARKING 31 2 0 28 9 6 33 4 4 28 9 6 32 2 9 30 4 8 87 7 2 36 5 7 32 0 1 RAMP RAMP STACKED PARKING DRIVE AISLE C 2ND FLOOR 34.68 m GUEST ROOM OFFICE BALCONY BALCONY GUEST ROOM GUEST ROOM GUEST ROOM BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY GUEST ROOM BALCONY RESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITE CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR DAYCAREBALCONYRESIDENCE SUITE CORRIDOR STACKED PARKING ROOF PEAK 63.48 m BU I L D I N G H E I G H T : 3 6 . 4 0 M 32 8 5 69 8 5 RE A R -EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E FR O N T -EX I S T I N G P R O P E R T Y L I N E 6.63M TO EXISTING PROPERTY LINE FR O N T -PR O P O S E D P R O P E R T Y L I N E 12.50M TO PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE 20.94M TO EXISTING PROPERTY LINE 743457 2495 Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 4 : 1 9 A M DP-3002018-15 JVS JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK BUILDING SECTION A - A 11 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 09-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT TJ 4 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 5 20-08-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ 6 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 1/8" = 1'-0"1 SECTION AA 7 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 8 30-11-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 9 15-02-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG 10 22-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 11 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG --~-- I I I I -7 ---1--- I -,-~~~rQ:::=======+==~~=F===rt=======ttt=-~-7-- I I 1 -e-==~rt==========~~=:::l=~==+=====~~~-_J __ I -~ - I ---tt:~~tt===========t;:::~~~:;;::::+=======m~~-1- 1 I I ~~~========~~~~~====~=--±=~ _ _J __ I -,- I --,- -7- 1 --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~nW===~-~-- I -~-_ _J1 I I I -----1 - _ _J _ l _j_ -1- _j_ i -~- i I I I --+- -+- I -+- I I -t I -• I -+- I -+- I I -t I I I I --. -L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~SIMPLEX MEADOWS ,\IK•. ,a,"1 ;.n,,K< 10< • ;,;i,,,,I l»•·I ho;o fr,,,,,.,;11 ,,11,.,,.,.;.,,1,,,l·rn",f,··,, •''')I"''''"'"'';"" '"" l.>e d cJ opo ac , .ccc ,! l" ,.,,5;,~1 wl"" soa,1;.,,J o, L·, """"'" ul L·,e pco .,,..,,., "'' d1Sl!ol saclll«La, "' """'"" '"""" ttie ; 0,-.ally rnffej €1ectrnnlc•11, wcvlcej. 3RD FLOOR 37.96 m 4TH FLOOR 41.01 m 5TH FLOOR 44.24 m 6TH FLOOR 47.13 m 7TH FLOOR 50.48 m P1 FLOOR 25.53 m 8TH FLOOR 53.37 m T/O PLATE 56.49 m 15 P15 5 P1 P2 FLOOR 22.33 m P2 P5 P14 2 7 9 11 17 MAIN FLOOR 29.19 m RESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITE OFFICE ADMIN. OFFICE RESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITE GUEST ROOM RESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITE ATTIC ELEVATOR SHAFT PROPOSED DAYCARE GUEST ROOM GUEST ROOM PARKING P2 PARKING P1 PARKING P2 AVG.GRADE 27.90 m P13 31 1 DP-300 ______________________ 1 DP-300 ______________________ OUTDOOR PLAY AREA (COVERED) RESIDENCE ENTRY LOBBY DRIVEWAY BIKE ROOM MECH/BOILER ROOM PARKING P1 P7 BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY BALCONY2ND FLOOR 34.68 m STACKED PARKING BIKE ROOM RESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITERESIDENCE SUITE GUEST ROOM MEETING ROOM CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR RESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITE RESIDENCE SUITE CORRIDOR RESIDENCE SUITE CORRIDOR RESIDENCE SUITE KITCHEN AMENITY ROOM GYM ROOF DECK LOCKERS/STORAGE LOCKERS/STORAGE CORRIDOR CORRIDORAMENITY ROOM RESIDENCE SUITE ACCESIBLE REGULAR PARKING ROOF PEAK 63.48 m STACKED PARKING 32 0 1 36 5 7 54 8 6 32 8 5 30 4 8 32 2 9 28 9 6 33 4 4 28 9 6 31 2 0 69 8 5 BU I L D I N G H E I G H T : 3 6 . 4 0 M EXISTING PROPERTY LINE IS AT 42.55 M SETBACK TO EXISTING PROPERTY LINE IS AT 15.38M AND TO THE PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE IS AT 13.55M 36 . 4 0 M BU I L D I N G H E I G H T 455 1926 1794 2532 2481 Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/8" = 1'-0" 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 4 : 2 1 A M DP-3012018-15 Author Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK BUILDING SECTION B - B 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 1/8" = 1'-0"1 SECTION B-B 3 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 4 20-08-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ 5 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 6 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 7 15-02-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG 9 8 22-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 9 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG --+-·r- I al~Jfi~ II --~\p r ~ ,I ' • ,·. -+---- • I '.iOO' - -' • • ' l JJffiijrrnfjmn;'OOV1 ,/m - -.,,.,.., ~ I :mjijrmfjifr:=L/ D le----r====~fF+=====4===-==-d ~~- □le---- f=======:!!:==#======*======J j=:===:J - D li----1 U1~ L------ ~SIMPLEX MEADOWS ev1 l opin ent C o r p _ 4 6 KITCHEN DINING RM LIVING RM BALCONY 61.0 SF 16R @7.5" FLEX RMPWD. CL. PAN. PF PF M N L K O 5639 99 5 6 UP 54 2 0 20 0 3 16 0 0 31 7 2 26 8 9 2905 2159 20 9 22 8 6 4 6 M.BEDROOM 2ND.BEDROOM ENSUITE CL. DN 16R @7.5" CL. W/D TYPE C ENSUITE PF PF M N L K O DN 25 3 4 27 4 3 17 0 2 15 2 1 2905 2159 99 9 8 5639 5639 41 1 5 BALCONY 61.0 SF 20 9 22 8 6 2 DINING LIVING BALCONY 79.0 SF CL. PAN. PWR ST O R A G E KITCHEN TYPE D PF PF G I L J K H F 1 UP 30 9 9 3590 1708 70 9 1 1794 39 7 5 2 W/D W.R. ENSUITE 2ND BR 3RD BR MASTER BR TYPE D 56 5 5 PF PF G I L J K H F 1 DN CL.CL. CL. 2876 30 6 1 27 4 0 3590 1708 29 6 6 27 0 2 BALCONY 79.0 SF 1794 39 7 5 2 PF PF GG I I LL JJ KK HH FF 1 28 6 3 38 4 0 22911973 27 0 0 75 8 4 3568 LIVING BEDROOM DINING KITCHEN CL. WR. BALCONY 79.0 SF 1794 39 7 5 4 6 PF PF MM NN LL KK OO KITCHEN DINING RM LIVING RM BALCONY 61.0 SF BEDROOM W.R. 5639 14 9 9 30 9 9 52 7 7 31 5 0 43 1 2 3054 2159 20 9 22 8 6 Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/4" = 1'-0" 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 4 : 2 3 A M DP-400 ENLARGED UNIT PLANS 2018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK 7 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 1/4" = 1'-0"2 TYPE C - 2 BEDROOM - LOWER FLOOR 1127.61SF 1/4" = 1'-0"3 TYPE C - 2 BEDROOM - UPPER FLOOR 1/4" = 1'-0"5 TYPE D - 3 BEDROOM LOWER FLOOR 1363.95 SF 1/4" = 1'-0"6 TYPE D - 3 BEDROOM UPPER FLOOR 4 20-08-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ 5 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 1/4" = 1'-0"1 TYPE B - 1 BEDROOM 696.16SF 1/4" = 1'-0"4 TYPE A - 1 BEDROOM 582.89 SF1 6 22-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 7 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG • -- ~ -- ,-,_ ' ' ' / - 1 ........_ J I I I I I I I I I~ - - --7 I I ' -~ ----- i=, --- I ' '= ---~ I l ,_ ■-- - I- " -.... --( ', - I = ----- -~ - I I " • _J:; ..! B\:: II i \ ', -~ ~ -,' -' -- )1 --- - -- -/1 -------( '1 ---'·, ' ----- ~--·----' - 0 ( c: (~; :. __ / I, I ' ,, ' ·•, r LL ____ =.]_ = ~ ~ LJ l ,- I ' I I I t== t== I -I I / ' ' I I - LJ l C I ', '• -~ Jt-_ --" ' " I ~ / / r,:i; □ ~ C ~ ii 11 - I I I I ' ' ' I I jll I I -11 ---" ----' --' - ----7 " I I I .. --' I: -: I ( ' ·-,_ -~-_J \_ -- 0 I \ - - I I :::J ~ \ I I I I LJ j ' I -----( I 7rn Jl J I ', ' Jl J I ,-rv ' 00 I ' ' 00 I / -----: I .Lf, - - -, ! -----, -----, -----, -----, ' ----, ----i ----f 'i --,-j\ ) ( f-------- ,, __ \ ... __ / \, __ -_, ' - L l I - - - ~------ - L. .. " _J I L ' I -' I r t ----- _,,/ I ( I I - ' ': ' ' '' ' '' ' '' ' '' i: ------. 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DINING AREA 12 0 2 1 PA PAA B C 25 4 3 28 0 0 30 9 9 28 6 4 29763576 2968 34 2 6 18 6 1 5359 19 6 9 4 3 M M N N I I L L J J K K O O 3648 26 4 3 2727 3223 2724 4842 30 7 7 38 2 0 26 1 9 MASTER BEDROOM ENSUITE WALK-IN- CLOSET BALCONY 108.0 SF LIVINGDINING KITCHEN WR 2ND BEDROOM 3RD BEDROOM WALK- IN-CLOSET W/D STORE 30 8 6 3343 Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1/4" = 1'-0" 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 4 : 2 4 A M DP-401 ENLARGED UNIT PLANS 2018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 1/4" = 1'-0"4 TYPE E - 2 BEDROOM 903.17SF 1/4" = 1'-0"1 TYPE F 2 BEDROOM 944.60 SF 4 20-08-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ 5 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 1/4" = 1'-0"2 TYPE G - 3 BEDROOM 1173.84SF 7 TOTAL 106 7029 SF (653.01 SQ.M.) TYPE G 3 BEDROOM 1154.06 SF 108.00 SF 7 756 SF TYPE F 2 BEDROOM 930.91 SF 70.00 SF 6 420 SF TYPE E 2 BEDROOM 892.00 SF 64.00 SF 6 384 SF TYPE D 3 BEDROOM 1356.82 SF 79.00 SF 4 316 SF TYPE C 2 BEDROOM 1149.26 SF 61.00 SF 18 1098 SF TYPE B 1 BEDROOM 678.41 SF 79.00 SF 5 395 SF TYPE A 1 BEDROOM 574.63 SF 61.00 SF 60 3660 SF UNIT TYPE UNIT AREA OUTDOOR AMENITY # OF UNITS TOTAL OUTDOOR AMENITY PER UNIT TYPE UNIT MATRIX 6 22-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 6 7 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG - --- I I I I r11 -,. L 'I'll l[ _J I I ' I F D -I I I / I I ' I -1 I I I I I I I ,~-m 7 I I L... •-~ C ( -[ ' ', I I _J I I I I ... I II I ( I ' I ( ~ -I ~ I I I m I in I ~ I i 0 ------ I I [ JI] I\ ~ I I -!_,_---_---_-r-- - -I J I I r=;;..L ____ I ... I !'( I I ~ = I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I \ I L -----------0 I I ' , _ _,/ I I I I 7 I -7 I I I I ,,,,,---;-.. --~ ! I I : ,1 -----' I I / p 1-----7-7 ' \ ' I I ' iO I ' I I I ' ' I -~ I I I I I ! / I I I I I I : -: I ! 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' I I I I I ' - L QQ / 00 I --, ~ __ ,' - ~SIMPLEX MEADOWS 1,~,1,c,,c,,cnthe,,··1 ,·v ·t;,-, • ., an,1eoc"";"n ev1 l op111 ent C o r p . ,\IK•. •"'". ;.n,,K< . 10< • ;,;i,,,,I l»•·I ho;o ::, ', ·;.:;·' ;;·;L~· ;~·~· "',; ";' '.::·:•· ,, ' ',;': ':c"::,~·;;·~;-;:,:·;:: soaol"'•J o, L·, """"'" ul L·,e P'" .,,..,,-, "'' -d'"'"'' "''''"''· "' """'"" '"""" "" ; 0,-.ally certIT ,; €1ectrnnlc•11, wcvlcej. Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 4 : 5 9 A M DP- 900 3D VIEWS 2018-15 SP JMM 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK 1 EAST VIEW@ 222 ST FINAL 4 ROOF TOP VIEW- 2 SOUTH WEST VIEW @ 123 AVE 3 AERIAL VIEW 1 20-08-2020 FOR CLENT REVIEW SP 2 28-08-2020 ISSUED FOR DP SP 3 09-03-2021 ISSUED FOR CLIENT TJ 4 15-03-2021 REISSUED FOR DP TJ 5 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 6 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 8 7 22-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 8 29-04-2024 REISSUED FOR DP JG fr,,.,,.,;,,, .. ,,,.,,.,.;.,,1,,,, . .,,,,,, '""L>e d cJ ,po "' .cc, soa,1;.,,J o, L·' """"'" 1 l op111ent C o r p . pco e,,k>1·, ><,I d1Sl!ol saclll«La, OC p010lad t,.,,--ttie ; 0,-.ally rnffej eledrnn1,•11, wcvlced. Project No. RE V N o . COPYRIGHT & USE OF DOCUMENTS Principal: Joe M. Minten architect aaa, aibc, mraic 107-15055 54 Avenue Surrey, B.C. V3S 5X7 604 - 583 2003 - T joe@jmarchitecture.ca - E Project Name START DATE PROJECT No DR. CH. SCALE DO NOT SCALE DRAWING Architects Seal Digital Certificate This document has been electronically certified with digital certificate and encryption technology authorized by the AIBC and APEGBC. The authoritative original had been transmitted to you in electronic form. Any printed version can be relied upon as a true copy of the original when supplied by the original author, bearing images of the professional seal and digital certificate, or when printed from the digitally certified electronic file provided. Client: This plan and design are considered a 'Consultant'sinstrument of service' and shall be considered the exclusive property of the Consultant, JM Architecture Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without the consent of Mr. Joe M. Minten, architect aibc, aaa,mraic. This instrument of service shall only be used once and solely for this project; no further use shall be deemed a right by anyone without the written consent of the Consultant. No project renovations,additions or alterations shall stem from the use of this document, in any possible form of reproduction, without the written consent of the Consultant. This document may not be sold or transferred withoutwritten agreement from the Consultant. Only the client may retain copies of this document, and only for the purpose of information and reference as it was initially intended. Any change or manipulation of this document is expressly forbidden; this document must remain completely intact at all times. The Consultant will notbe responsible for changes to this document by others. REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY 4/ 2 9 / 2 0 2 4 1 1 : 5 5 : 1 0 A M DP- 9012018-15 Author Checker 2018-15 SIMPLEX MEADOWS DEVELOPMENT CORP. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 222 MEADOWS WALK MATERIAL BOARD CLADIFY Brick Cladding Admiral Red Velour METRIX Active Solar Panel Colour to match Benjamin Moore Amherst Gray 2 EXTERIOR CLADDING 1 7 METRIX Active Solar panel BALCONY SOLAR GLASS RAIL 1 14-06-2021 ISSUED FOR ADP TJ 8 SOFFIT/TRELLIS/BEAM Cascadia -PVDF Acorn 2 20-03-2021 REISSUED FOR ADP TJ METRIX Active Solar Panel Colour to match Benjamin Moore Coventry Gray 3 ANODIZED Dark Grey 6 ALUMINIUM FRAMES CASCADIA Regent Grey 9 Column Cladding 3 17-02-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG CASCADIA - Rib steel roof panel PVDF - Old Zinc Grey 4 ROOFING METRIX Solar panel To match Cascadia - Rib steel roof panel PVDF - Old Zinc Grey 5 11 METRIX Active Solar Panel Colour to match Benjamin Moore Amherst Gray with leaves METRIX Active Solar Panel Artwork 12 1261178314 4 02-08-2023 REISSUED FOR DP JG 1 COVER-MATERIAL BOARD 6 5 22-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP & ADP JG 6 29-04-2024 ISSUED FOR DP JG ~SIMPLEX MEADOWS ev1 l op111 ent C o r p _ 1. COMPLIANCE, GOVERNMENT - ALL WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE AND SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS OF THE SAME. CONTRACTORS SHALL ENSURE COMPLIANCE OF ALL WORK PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. COMPLIANCE, STANDARD - ALL MATERIAL, SHIPPING PROCEDURES, AND INSTALLATION OF LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS SHALL CONFORM TO LATEST EDITION OF THE CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD AVAILABLE AT COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. 3. COMPLIANCE, MMCD - ALL WORKS SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST MMCD DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS AVAILABLE AT COMMENCEMENT OF WORK WHERE NO SPECIFIC DETAIL, NOTE OR SPECIFICATION IS PROVIDED IN THE DRAWING SET OR ATTACHED MATERIALS. 4. EXISTING SERVICES - REFER TO ENGINEERING DRAWINGS FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL BURIED SERVICES. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING AND PAYING FOR ALL UTILITIES LOCATIONS AND ANY AND ALL COSTS WHICH ARISE FROM DAMAGE TO SERVICES CAUSED BY ANY ACT OR FAILURE TO ACT OF THE CONTRACTOR. 5. COORDINATION - THESE DRAWINGS SHALL BE TAKEN TO BE PART OF THE LARGER SET OF DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHETHER DIRECTLY ATTACHED OR NOT, ISSUED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ASSOCIATED BOULEVARD WORKS. THESE DRAWINGS SHALL BE READ IN CONCERT WITH SUCH DOCUMENTATION AND, WHERE CONFLICTS ARISE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY REPORT SUCH CONFLICTS TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. THE WORK IS TO BE DONE IN COORDINATION WITH THE CONTRACTOR OR CONTRACTORS ENGAGED IN CONSTRUCTION OF SUCH ADJACENT WORKS. 6. CONCRETE, FORMS - THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPARE DIMENSIONS PROVIDED WITH SITE CONDITIONS AND IMMEDIATELY REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND THE ENGINEER. ONCE COMPLETED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL FOR INSPECTION OF THE FORMS PRIOR TO PLACING STEEL REINFORCEMENT. CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO DESIRED INSPECTION TIME. 7. CONCRETE, REINFORCEMENT - ALL CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER PRIOR TO POURING OF CONCRETE. CONTACT STRUCTURAL ENGINEER A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO DESIRED INSPECTION TIME. 8. GRADING, GENERAL - THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ESTABLISH GRADES SUCH THAT THERE IS, IN ALL AREAS, POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO AN ADJACENT DRAIN. MINIMUM SLOPES SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: PEDESTRIAN PAVED AREAS 1% VEHICULAR PAVED AREAS 1% LAWN AREAS 2% PLANTED BEDS 5% 9. GRADING, ALLOWANCES AND TOPSOIL PLACEMENT - OVERALL DEPTH OF PLANTING MEDIUM AFTER SETTLEMENT SHALL BE: GRASS AREAS 150 MM SHRUB BEDS 450 MM GROUND COVER AREAS 300 MM TREES 600 MM N.B. ALL SOIL SHALL BE TESTED NOT MORE THAN 14 DAYS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION ON SITE. TESTING SHALL BE SPECIFIC TO THIS WORK. CONTRACTOR SHALL AMEND THE SOIL ACCORDING TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SOILS TESTING LAB. 10. GRADING, BUILDING FINISHED FLOOR & CORNER ELEVATIONS - SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 11. PLANT MATERIAL, QUANTITIES - CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM ALL PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES. ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE PLANT LIST AND THE DRAWING SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE CONSULTANT. IN CASE OF DISCREPANCY CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL PLANT MATERIAL AS PER DRAWING. IN CIRCUMSTANCES WHERE THERE IS A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN GROUND COVER QUANTITY AND SPACING THE SPACING REQUIREMENT WILL PREVAIL. 12. PLANT MATERIAL, SUBSTITUTIONS - NO SUBSTITUTIONS TO PLANT LIST SHALL BE MADE BY CONTRACTOR WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM CONSULTANT. 13. PLANT MATERIAL, HEALTH - ALL PLANT MATERIALS MUST BE DISEASE FREE FROM CERTIFIED NURSERIES. 14. MULCH - ORNAMENTAL PLANTING AREAS ALONG THE ROAD FRONTAGES AND IN THE PARING AREAS SHALL BE MULCHED WITH 50 MM OF HEM/FIR BARK MULCH. THE USE OF CEDAR MULCH OR ANY MIX CONTAINING CEDAR IS NOT PERMITTED. NATURESCAPED AREAS SHALL NOT BE MULCHED. GENERAL NOTES SIZESCIENTIFIC NAMEQTY COMMON NAME MATURE SIZECOMMENTSCODE SPACING PLANT LIST DECIDUOUS TREES COMMENTSSCIENTIFIC NAMEQTY COMMON NAME MATURE SIZESIZECODE SPACING BROADLEAF EVERGREEN SHRUBS COMMENTSSCIENTIFIC NAMEQTY COMMON NAME MATURE SIZESIZECODE SPACING FERNS COMMENTSSCIENTIFIC NAMEQTY COMMON NAME MATURE SIZESIZECODE SPACING GROUND COVERS GT 1 Gleditsia triacanthos Honey Locust 6 cm cal 150cm standard B&B min. 50cm root ball dia. 20m height 20.0m spread as shown CN 4 Cornus 'Eddies White Wonder'White Wonder Dogwood 6 cm cal.150cm standard B&B min. 50cm root ball dia. 6.0m height 4.5m spread as shown ah 52 Azalea japonica 'Hino Crimson'Crimson Japanese Azalea #2 pot minimum 20cm height 100cm height 120cm width 60cm pm 88 Polystichum munitum Swordfern #1 pot minimum 30cm height 100cm height 100cm width 60cm gs 24 Gaultheria shallow Salal #1 pot minimum 30cm height - heavy 100cm height 150cm width 60cm cij 375 Carex Iris Juncus Mix Pacific Pleeding Heart plug 50% Carex densa + 10% Carex vulpinoidea + 10% Iris douglasiana +30% Juncus balticus 50cm o.c. COMMENTSSCIENTIFIC NAMEQTY COMMON NAME MATURE SIZESIZECODE SPACING DECIDUOUS EVERGREEN SHRUBS la 16 Lavandula angustifolia English Lavender #5 pot minimum 20cm height 70cm height 70cm width 75cm rs 47 Ribes sanguineum Flowering Currant #2 pot minimum 50cm height 300cm height 20cm width 75cm COMMENTSSCIENTIFIC NAMEQTY COMMON NAME MATURE SIZESIZECODE SPACING VINES gf 7 Lonicera 'Gold Flame'Gold FlameHoneysuckle #5 pot vo 42 Vaccinium ovatum'Thunderbird'Evergreen Huckleberry #2 pot minimum 20cm height 180cm height 150cm width 75cm cs 88 Cornus sericea Red Osier Dogwood #2 pot minimum 50cm height 200cm height 200cm width 75cm cf 165 Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea'Yellowtwig Dogwood #2 pot minimum 50cm height 200cm height 200cm width 75cm AC 5 Acer circinatum Vine Maple 2.5m clumpB&B min. 50cm root ball dia.4.5m height 4.5m spread as shown cdo1040 Cornus Dicentra Oxalis Mix Redwood Sorrel/Bleeding Heart plug 25% Cornus canadensis + 25% Dicentra formosa + 50% Oxalis oregana 50cm o.c. arc 48 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Kinnikinnick 10cm pot 30cm o.c. COMMENTSSCIENTIFIC NAMEQTY COMMON NAME MATURE SIZESIZECODE SPACING CONIFEROUS TREES TS 16 Tsuga heterophylla Western Hemlock 3.5m B&B B&B min. 50cm root ball dia.50m height 15m width as shown TP 14 Thuja plicata Western Red Cedar 2.5 m B&B B&B min. 50cm root ball dia.40m height 15m width as shown pf 28 Photinia f. 'Little Red Robin'Christmas Berry #5 pot minimum 60cm height 150cm height 100cm width 150cm oo2412 Gaultheria Mahonia Rubus Mix Redwood Sorrel plug 30% Gaultheria shallon + 40% Mahonia repens + 10% Rubus spectabilis + 20% Vaccinium vitis-idaea 50cm o.c. la Lawn Shade Tolerant Blend AJ 3 Acer palmatum 'Sango Kanku'Coral Bark Maple 2 m clump B&B min. 50cm root ball dia.4.5m height 4.5m spread as shown mn 212 Mahonia nervosa Cascade Mahonia #2 pot minimum 30cm spread 60cm height 60cm width 75cm PLANT PALLET Acer circinatum Acer p. 'Sango Kaku' Cornus 'Eddies White Wonder' Geditsia triacanthos Thuja plicata Tsuga heterophylla Azalea j. ' Hino Crimson' Gaultheria shallon Mahonia nervosa Photinia f. 'Red Robin' Vaccinium o. 'Thunderbird' Cornus sericea Cornus s. 'Flaviramea' Lavandula angustifolia Ribes sanguineum Polystichum munitum Lonicera 'Gold Flame' Arctostaphylos uva-ursi AC AJ CN GT TP TS ah gs mn pf vo cs cf la rs pm gf arc AQUAPAVE CONCRETE UNIT PAVING C.I.P. CONCRETE PAVING RIVER ROCK PAVING GRAVEL WALKING SURFACE WOODEN BENCH BICYCLE PARKING PRE-CAST CONCRETE SLABS HARD LANDSCAPE PL O T D A T E : A p r i l 1 8 , 2 0 2 4 T I M E : 3 : 2 5 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 1 - 0 0 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnN Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2023-11-23 D.P. 2024-04-05 D.P. 2024-04-18 A.D.P. L1-00 NOTES & KEYS ' F ) ~ 0 -A}\_)Q c? "\ A y o I' Va 'yf I ~) ~.k:i·~P / ' '. < ''i _,-, ~1 0 I -rJ"· ~ . ?: ;1; .;):r"""';,./\ .f.;/;'I/ 't-'!~1>. -0 .1 .J ~; ( 1L>?' ~.,_ itt- •<J,,_ ,v{'><--f .. •. •·. ✓, /)'''f • /, . 1,:' _, ',l (t)------j 1----+----t----------t---------+---+---------t----+---.,. __ J::,'r, _---j c~·~ 1----1----t----------t---------+-----+---------t----+--- 0' ,. ,., • ··•""-------j 'O(~,o;. L___J___J _______ ___, _______ ~--~---------'----~-- . I' I C--c ' ~ ' ; ~ p = B [] . . . . . . . . . . . ' Donald V. S. Duncan DEVELOPMENT CONSUL TANT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ' ....... RE\ L M N AQUAPAVE CONCRETEUNIT PAVING C.I.P. CONCRETE PAVING RIVER ROCK PAVING GRAVEL WALKING SURFACE WOODEN BENCH BICYCLE PARKING PRE-CAST CONCRETE SLABS HARD LANDSCAPE 3500 1500 3500 17 6 7 3500 1000 3500 1500 1500 1500 1500 KOMPAN PLAY HOUSE NRO414 123 AVENUE 22 2 S T EX1ST. TREE (TYP.) EXIST. TREE (TYP.) TREE PROTECTION FENCE (TEMPORARY) TREE PROTECTION FENCE (TEMPORARY) C.I.P. CONCRETE WALK AS PER CITY STANDARD MID-SLOPE STORM WATER DIVERSION SWALE INFILTRATION AREA 02 L5-03 KOMPAN PLAY HUT NRO404 01 L5-03 POST AND RAIL FENCE06 L5-02 1.5m WIDTH TRAIL GRAVEL TRAIL PAVING 02 L5-02 RIVER ROCK GRAVEL MULCH 07 L5-02 PAVING SLABS 455 x 455 03 L5-02 PAVING SLABS 455 x 455 03 L5-02 CONCRETE WALKWAY 04 L5-02 PERVIOUS CONCRETE UNIT PAVERS 05 L5-02 CONCRETE WALKWAY04 L5-02 1.5m WIDTH TRAIL GRAVEL TRAIL PAVING 02 L5-02 01 L3-10 MID-SLOPE STORM WATER DIVERSION SWALE 03 L3-10 POST AND RAIL FENCE 06 L5-02 MID-SLOPE STORM WATER DIVERSION SWALE 01 L3-10 PL O T D A T E : A p r i l 1 8 , 2 0 2 4 T I M E : 1 : 1 7 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 2 - 0 0 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnN Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2023-11-23 D.P. 2024-04-05 D.P. 2024-04-18 A.D.P. L2-00 HARD SITE PLAN 01 L2-00 HARD SITE PLAN SCALE 1:300 Donald v. S. Duncan DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RE L M N 3500 1500 350 0 17 6 7 3500 1000 3500 1500 1500 1500 150 0 INTERCEPTION SWALE TO CAPTURE, REDIRECT & INFILTRATE RUN-OFF FROM BUILT AREA EL . 2 2 . 7 5 EL . 2 1 . 4 9 EL.2 1 . 7 0 EL.2 2 . 3 0 EL . 2 2 . 1 2 EL . 2 0 . 7 0 EL . 1 9 . 5 2 EL . 1 9 . 0 7 EL . 1 9 . 1 6 EL . 1 9 . 6 4 EL . 2 0 . 4 6 EL . 1 9 . 3 0 EL . 1 9 . 5 9 EL . 1 9 . 0 7 EL . 1 9 . 7 5 EL . 1 8 . 9 9 EL. 1 8 . 6 2 EL . 1 8 . 9 9 EL . 1 8 . 9 2 EL . 1 8 . 5 8 EL.1 8 . 9 1 EL . 1 8 . 5 7 EL . 1 8 . 8 1 EL. 1 8 . 2 5 EL . 2 5 . 4 9 EL . 2 5 . 6 2 EL . 2 5 . 7 7 EL . 2 5 . 9 0 EL . 2 5 . 6 6 EL . 2 5 . 5 5 EL . 2 5 . 7 0 EL . 2 2 . 0 6 EL.2 3 . 5 2 EL . 2 2 . 9 0 EL. 2 4 . 9 9 EL. 2 5 . 0 6 EL . 2 2 . 5 5 EL . 2 5 . 0 7 EL . 2 4 . 6 1 EL . 2 4 . 3 2 EL . 2 4 . 6 6 EL . 2 4 . 4 2 EL. 2 3 . 6 7 EL . 2 3 . 6 2 EL . 2 4 . 2 6 EL . 2 3 . 3 9 EL.2 4 . 1 5 EL . 2 4 . 8 9 EL . 2 3 . 9 7 EL . 2 1 . 0 9 EL . 2 0 . 6 6 EL. 2 1 . 1 2 EL.2 0 . 8 2 EL . 2 2 . 3 1 EL . 2 0 . 0 1 EL . 2 1 . 5 5 EL. 2 1 . 1 5 EL . 2 2 . 3 0 EL. 2 1 . 9 2 EL . 2 3 . 1 7 EL . 2 2 . 5 4 EL . 2 3 . 5 6 EL . 2 2 . 7 5 EL . 2 3 . 9 5 EL. 2 3 . 0 9 EL . 2 4 . 0 1 EL . 2 3 . 4 3 EL . 2 4 . 0 1 EL . 2 3 . 8 2 EL . 2 3 . 9 2 EL . 2 4 . 6 3 EL . 2 5 . 7 5 EL . 2 7 . 0 0 EL . 2 6 . 0 0 EL . 2 5 . 9 4 EL . 2 6 . 0 7 EL . 2 5 . 0 7 EL . 2 3 . 3 5 EL . 2 4 . 7 8 EL . 2 4 . 2 4 EL . 2 5 . 0 4 E L . 2 6 . 9 5 EL. 26.80 EL. 26.65 EL . 2 6 . 0 0 2% D N 2% D N EL . 2 5 . 7 9 EL. 25.80 EL . 2 5 . 8 3 EL. 2 5 . 7 8 EL. 2 5 . 7 4 EL. 2 5 . 7 5 EL . 2 5 . 6 0 EL . 2 7 . 2 5 EL . 2 5 . 1 0 E L . 2 5 . 7 7 EL . 2 6 . 6 0 EL . 2 7 . 2 6 4% D N 3 % D N EL . 2 5 . 6 3 EL . 2 5 . 5 3 31 % D N EL . 2 5 . 4 0 EL . 2 5 . 3 0 EL. 2 5 . 4 0 EL . 2 5 . 6 3 EL . 2 7 . 2 6 EL . 2 7 . 1 6 EL . 2 5 . 0 0 EL. 2 4 . 9 0 EL . 2 5 . 0 0 15% D N EL . 2 7 . 2 5 EL . 2 7 . 1 6 EL. 2 6 . 4 5 EL. 2 6 . 3 0 EL. 2 7 . 6 6 EL . 2 7 . 6 6 EL. 2 7 . 5 6 EL . 2 7 . 3 7 28%DN 30%DN IN TREE PROTECTION AREA BOTTOM OF CHANNEL TO BE NO MORE THAN 100mm BELOW EXISTING GRADE INTERCEPTION SWALE TO CAPTURE, REDIRECT & INFILTRATE RUN-OFF FROM BUILT AREA IN TREE PROTECTION AREA BOTTOM OF CHANNEL TO BE NO MORE THAN 100mm BELOW EXISTING GRADE EL . 2 0 . 0 0 EL. 2 0 . 0 0 2% DN PROPOSED GRADE PROPOSED SLOPE EXISTING GRADE GRADING SYMBOL KEY INTERCEPTION SWALE TO CAPTURE, REDIRECT & INFILTRATE RUN-OFF FROM BUILT AREA PRIMARY INFILTRATION AREA EL. 2 4 . 0 0 EL. 2 4 . 0 0 EL. 2 4 . 0 0 EL . 2 6 . 4 5 INTERCEPTION SWALE TO CAPTURE, REDIRECT & INFILTRATE RUN-OFF FROM BUILT AREA A A B B 12 % D N C C EL. 2 7 . 0 5 EL . 2 7 . 1 3 EL . 2 6 . 5 5 EL. 2 6 . 5 5 EL. 2 6 . 4 5 EL . 2 7 . 2 5 EL . 2 7 . 1 6 EL. 2 7 . 1 5 EL . 2 6 . 3 5 FEATURE AREAS PRIMARY INFILTRATION AREA CAPTURE, REDIRECTION & INFILTRAION SWALE TREE PROTECTION AREA ABOVE T.O.B. GRADING NOTES 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ESTABLISH GRADES SUCH THAT THERE IS, IN ALL AREAS, POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO AN ADJACENT DRAIN. MINIMUM SLOPES SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: PEDESTRIAN PAVED AREAS 1% VEHICULAR PAVED AREAS 1% LAWN AREAS 2% PLANTED BEDS 5% 2. OVERALL DEPTH OF PLANTING MEDIUM AFTER SETTLEMENT SHALL BE: GRASS AREAS 150 MM SHRUB BEDS 450 MM GROUND COVER AREAS 300 MM TREES 600 MM RESTORATION AREA 100 MM (TILLED INTO UPPER 150MM OF EXISTING SOILS) N.B. ALL SOIL SHALL BE TESTED NOT MORE THAN 14 DAYS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION ON SITE. TESTING SHALL BE SPECIFIC TO THIS WORK. CONTRACTOR SHALL AMEND THE SOIL ACCORDING TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SOILS TESTING LAB. 3. SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 4. ALL RETENTION WORKS REQUIRED DUE TO UNANTICIPATED CONDITIONS AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE DRY STACKED MODULAR CONCRETE BLOCKS. 5. REGRADING WITHIN TREE PROTECTION AREAS SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE ABSOLUTE MINIMUM REQUIRE TO MEET PATHWAY REQUIREMENTS AND DRAINAGE OBJECTIVE. SUCH WORK IS TO BE DONE ONLY UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND THE ARBORIST. EL . 2 3 . 8 0 EL . 2 3 . 8 0 EL. 2 3 . 7 0 PL O T D A T E : A p r i l 1 8 , 2 0 2 4 T I M E : 2 : 0 2 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 3 - 0 1 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnN Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2023-11-23 D.P. 2024-04-05 D.P. 2024-04-18 A.D.P. L3-01 PRESERVE AREA GRADING & WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 01 L3-01 PRESERVE AREA GRADING & WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN SCALE 1:150 NOTE: FOR GRADING OF FRONTAGE, DRIVEWAY AND PARKING PORTIONS OF SITE, SEE ARCHITECTURAL DWGS. (DP-100)' ; / / i / ' ' I I ' ' . ! ,/ i/ ! ' ' ! / .I I I ( I / '/.' / ' ' ' : 1 ,, / ' ' ' / '// / ' ' '/.' i !! : / / ·;' i '// / !! ,: ' ' ' ' ;! : / .' ' ! ,;' ! ' ' ' ' i i / .' / : \ \ \ -$- ··~ c1n1~ ... -=--=---------11//1 'I ~.~--"Cf:) [. -· ll_ll \. \ \\ \ \ RE L M N Donald Vs D DEVEL • • uncan LANDSg~~:ANTRCCONSULTANT HITECT 3500 1500 3500 1500 1500 EL . 2 2 . 7 5 EL.2 1 . 4 9 EL . 2 1 . 7 0 EL.2 2 . 3 0 EL . 2 2 . 1 2 EL.2 0 . 7 0 EL . 1 9 . 5 2 EL . 1 9 . 0 7 EL . 1 9 . 0 7 EL.1 9 . 7 5 EL . 2 5 . 4 9 EL . 2 5 . 6 2 EL . 2 5 . 7 7 EL . 2 5 . 9 0 EL . 2 5 . 6 6 EL.2 5 . 5 5 EL . 2 5 . 7 0 EL . 2 2 . 0 6 EL . 2 3 . 5 2 EL. 2 3 . 5 6 EL . 2 2 . 7 5 EL . 2 3 . 9 5 EL . 2 3 . 0 9 EL . 2 4 . 0 1 EL. 2 3 . 4 3 EL . 2 4 . 0 1 EL . 2 3 . 8 2 EL . 2 3 . 9 2 EL . 2 4 . 6 3 EL . 2 5 . 7 5 EL . 2 7 . 0 0 EL . 2 7 . 2 5 EL . 2 5 . 1 0 E L . 2 5 . 7 7 EL . 2 6 . 6 0 EL . 2 7 . 2 6 4% D N 3 % D N EL . 2 7 . 2 6 EL . 2 7 . 1 6 EL . 2 7 . 2 5 EL . 2 7 . 1 6 EL. 2 6 . 4 5 EL . 2 7 . 6 6 EL . 2 7 . 6 6 EL . 2 7 . 5 6 EL . 2 7 . 3 7 28%DN 30%DN INTERCEPTION SWALE TO CAPTURE, REDIRECT & INFILTRATE RUN-OFF FROM BUILT AREA EL . 2 7 . 0 5 EL. 2 7 . 1 3 EL . 2 6 . 5 5 EL . 2 6 . 5 5 EL. 2 6 . 4 5 EL . 2 7 . 2 5 EL. 2 7 . 1 6 EL. 2 7 . 1 5 EL . 2 6 . 3 5 EL . 2 9 . 4 8 EL . 2 9 . 8 8 EL . 2 9 . 9 0 EL . 2 9 . 6 8 EL . 2 9 . 3 6 EL. 2 8 . 2 0 EL. 2 9 . 3 0 EL. 2 9 . 3 4 EL . 2 9 . 3 4 4% D N 1% D N EL . 2 9 . 1 8 EL . 2 8 . 0 1 123 AVENUE 22 2 S T R E E T PL O T D A T E : A p r i l 1 8 , 2 0 2 4 T I M E : 1 : 3 5 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 3 - 0 2 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnN Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2023-11-23 D.P. 2024-04-05 D.P. 2024-04-18 A.D.P. L3-02 GRADING PLAN 01 L3-02 123 FRONTAGE GRADING PLAN SCALE 1:150 ?/,), .,,,- / /1 II I I I I ( I . r / I' ; ' ' I ,: i ' ' I ' i I ,: ! ' ' !; ,' ' ' ;;' :' / / ' ' ,,' / -:-:-.-.·.·:.·:.:-:-.-.·. X □ □ ....... ·.,..,.--_:__ D n ( ) L,.J 7:J I "" = = S Duncan Donald V. ·oNsuLTANT DEVELOPMP:~igHITECT LANOSGA RE L M N 25.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 MIXED PLANTING MEADOWSWALEMIXED PLANTING MEADOW RIPARIAN AREA 25.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 MIXED PLANTING MEADOW SWALE RIPARIAN AREA MIXED PLANTING MEADOW 25.00 26.00 27.00 28.00 24.00 23.00 22.00 21.00 RIPARIAN AREA TREE PRESERVATION AREA TREE PRESERVATION AREA 1500 BUFFER ZONE MIXED PLANTING MEADOW 1500 BUFFER ZONE 1500 BUFFER ZONE PL O T D A T E : A p r i l 1 8 , 2 0 2 4 T I M E : 1 : 4 9 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 3 - 1 0 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnN Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2023-11-23 D.P. 2024-04-05 D.P. 2024-04-18 A.D.P. L3-10 SECTIONS 02 L3-00 SECTION B-B SCALE 1:100 01 L3-00 SECTION A-A SCALE 1:100 03 L3-00 SECTION C-C SCALE 1:100 RE L M N BUFFER BOUNDARY FENCE .,\J( - ' ~),~ i~J\le' ~"'"' '{ • .. --~ ' i';."'f?/5'.E=::;::: .,.,...,.__ • ,.,.,, ·,~" ~ 0 0 ' 3 -~ 0 -0 z '.'i -> :::; w 0 ' 0 0 ~ -"' "' t;; N N N " N 0 N "' w ~ g • ---, + ~ • -, - ½ ~ .. .::::...._ - ,_ • •-II; DECIDUOUS TREES OD QTY SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME AC s Acer circinatum Vine Maple Al 3 Acer patmatum 'Sango Kanku' Coral Bark Maple CN 4 Cornus 'Eddies White Wonder' White Wonder Dogwood GT Gleditsia triacanthos Honey Locust CONIFEROUS TREES OD QTY SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME TP 14 Thuja plicata Western Red Cedar TS 16 Tsuga heterophylla Western Hemlock BROADLEAF EVERGREEN SHRUBS OD QTY SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME ah S2 Azaleajaponica 'H ino Crimson' Crimson Japanese Azalea gs 24 Gaultheria shallow Salal mn 2 12 Mahonia nervosa Cascade Mahonia pf 28 Photinia f. 'Little Red Robin' Christmas Berry VO 42 Vaccinium ovatum'Thunderbird Evergreen Huckleberry DECIDUOUS EVERGREEN SHR UBS CODE QTY SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME cs 88 Cornus sericea Red Osier Dogwood cf 16S Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea' Ye llowtwig Dogwood la 16 Lavandula angustifolia English Lavender rs 47 Ribes sanguineum Flowering Currant FERNS ~ODE QTY SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME pm 88 Polystichum munitum Swordf ern VINES ~ODE QTY SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME gf 7 Lonicera 'Gold Flame' Gold FlameHoneysuckle GROUND COVERS ~ODE QTY SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME cij 37S Carex lrisJuncus Mix Pacific Pleeding Heart cdo 040 Cornus Dicentra Oxalis Mix Redwood Sorrel/Bleeding Heart 00 412 Gauttheria Mahonia Rubus Mix Redwood Sorrel arc 48 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Kinnikinnick la Lawn Shade Tolerant Blend GENERAL NOTES 1. COMPLIANCE, GOVERNMENT -ALL WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE AND SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS OF THE SAME. CONTRACTORS SHALL ENSURE COMPLIANCE OF ALL WORK PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. COMPLIANCE, STANDARD -ALL MATERIAL, SHIPPING PROCEDURES, AND INSTALLATION OF LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS SHALL CONFORM TO LATEST EDITION OF THE CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD AVAILABLE AT COMMENCEMENT OF WORK 3. COMPLIANCE, MMCD -ALL WORKS SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST MMCD DETAI LS AND SPECIFICATIONS AVAILABLE AT COMMENCEMENT OF WORK WHERE NO SPECIFIC DETAIL, NOTE OR SPECIFICATION IS PROVIDED IN THE DRAWING SET OR ATTACHED MATERIALS. 4. EXISTING SERVICES -REFER TO ENG INEERING DRAWINGS FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL BURIED SERVICES . CONTRACTOR IS RESPONS IBLE FOR OBTAINING AND PAY ING FOR ALL UTILITIES LOCATIONS AND ANY AND ALL COSTS WHICH ARISE FROM DAMAGE TO SERVICES CAUSED BY ANY ACT OR FAILURE TO ACT OF THE CONTRACTOR. S. COORDINATION -THESE DRAWINGS SHALL BE TAKEN TO BE PART OF THE LARGER SET OF DRAWINGS AND SPEC IFICATIONS, WHETHER DIRECTLY ATTAC HED OR NOT, ISSUED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ASSOCIATED BOULEVARD WORKS. THESE DRAWINGS SHALL BE READ IN CONCERT WITH SUC H DOCUMENTATION AND, WHERE CONFLICTS ARISE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY REPORT SUC H CONFLICTS TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. TH E WORK IS TO BE DONE IN COORDINATION WITH THE CON TRACTOR OR CONTRACTORS ENGAG ED IN CONSTRUCTION OF SUCH ADJACEN T WORKS. 6. CONCRETE, FORMS -THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPARE DIMENSIONS PROVIDED WITH SITE CONDI TIONS AND IMMEDIATELY REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND THE ENGINEER. ONCE COMPLETED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL FOR INSPECTION OF THE FORMS PRIOR TO PLACING STEEL REINFORCEMENT. CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO DESIRED INSPECTION TIME. 7. CONCRETE, REINFORCEMENT -ALL CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER PRIOR TO POURING OF CONCRETE. CONTACT STRUCTURAL ENGINEER A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO DESIRED INSPECTION TIME. SIZE COMMENTS MATURE SIZE SPACING 2.5m clu PB&B min. 50cm root ball dia. 4.Sm height as shown 4.Sm spread B&B min. 50cm root ball dia. 4.Sm height as shown 4.Sm spread 6 cm cal. 150cm standard 6.0m height as shown B&B min. 50cm root ball dia. 4.Sm spread 6 cm cal 150cm standard 20m height as shown B&B min. 50cm root ball dia. 20.0m spread SIZE COMMENTS MATURE SIZE SPACING 2.5 m B&B B&B min. 50cm root ball dia. 40m height as shown 15m width 3.Sm B&B B&B min. 50cm root ball dia. 50m height as shown 1 Sm width SIZE COMMENTS MATURE SIZE SPACING #2 pot minimum 20cm height l 00cm height 120cm width 60cm #1 pot minimum 30cm height -heavy 100cm height 60cm 150cm width #2 pot minimum 30cm spread 60cm height 75cm 60cm width #5 pot minimum 60cm height 150cm height 150cm 100cm width #2 pot minimum 20cm height 180cm height 75cm 1 SOcm width SIZE COMMENTS MATURE SIZE SPACING #2 pot minimum 50cm height 200cm height 75cm 200cm width #2 pot minimum 50cm height 200cm height 75cm 200cm width #5 pot minimum 20cm height 70cm height 75cm 70cm width #2 pot minimum 50cm height 300cm height 75cm 20cm width SIZE COMMENTS MATURE SIZE SPACING #1 pot minimum 30cm height l 00cm height 60cm l 00cm width SIZE COMMENTS MATURE SIZE SPACING #5 pot SIZE COMMENTS MATURE SIZE SPACING 50% Carex densa + 10% Carex vulp noidea + plug 10% Iris douglasiana +30%Juncus t alticus 50cm o.c. plug 25% Cornus canadensis + 25% Dice tea 50cm o.c. formosa + 50% Oxalis oregana plug 30% Gaultheria shallon + 40% Mahe nia repens + 50cm o.c. 10% Ru bus spectabilis + 20% Vaccir ium vitis-idaea l 0cm pot 30cm o.c. B. GRADING, GENERAL -THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ESTABLISH GRADES SUCH THAT THERE IS, IN ALL AREAS, POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO AN ADJACE NT DRAIN. MI NIMUM SLOPES SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: PEDESTRIAN PAVED AREAS 1% VEHICULAR PAVED AREAS 1% LAWN AREAS 2% PLANTED BEDS 5% 9. GRADING, ALLOWANCES AND TOPSOIL PLACEMENT -OVERALL DEPTH OF PLANTING MEDIUM AFTER SETTLEMENT SHALL BE: GRASS AREAS SHRUB BEDS GROUND COVER AREAS TREES 150 MM 450 MM 300MM 600MM N.B. ALL SOIL SHALL BE TESTED NOT MORE THAN 14 DAYS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION ON SITE. TESTING SHALL BE SPECIFIC TO TH IS WORK. CONTRACTOR SHALL AMEND THE SOIL ACCORDING TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SO ILS TESTING LAB. 10. GRADING, BUILDING FINISHED FLOOR & CORNER ELEVATIONS - SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 11 . PLANT MATERIAL, QUANTITIES -CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM ALL PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES. ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE PLANT LIST AND THE DRAWING SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE CONSULTANT. IN CASE OF DISCREPANCY CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL PLANT MATERIAL AS PER DRAWING. IN CIRCUMSTANCES WHERE THERE IS A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN GROUND COVER QUANTITY AND SPACING THE SPACING REQUIREMENT WILL PREVAIL. 12. PLANT MATER IAL, SUBSTITUTIONS -NO SUBSTITUTIONS TO PLANT LIST SHALL BE MADE BY CONTRACTOR WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN AU THORIZATION FROM CONSULTANT. 13. PLANT MATER IAL, HEALTH -ALL PLANT MATERIALS MUST BE DISEASE FREE FROM CERTIFIED NURSERIES. 14. MULCH -ORNAMENTAL PLANTING AREAS ALONG THE ROAD FRONTAGES AND IN THE PARING AREAS SHALL BE MU LCHED WITH SO MM OF HEM /FIR BARK MULCH. THE USE OF CEDAR MULCH OR ANY MIX CONTAINING CEDAR IS NOT PERMITTED. NATURESCAPED AREAS SHALL NOT BE MULCHED. ----~----~PR~OP~[RJY. LI~£ 7.026f.l I ~ -~ ~ C " "' ~ 0 ~ I ~ I ( ~ .::::,:-::¼,(: ,., V ... ':1/. / 7:'· ;:.·.· 1-/': :-·/. ;.,.::::· .-.-{ .::::;:. :>I-.::::::.;;:::. : : : : : :,: ;: : : : ... ,.,,.., ... ::::::l':;:::: ..... , .... ,, : : : : ;,: : : : : : : :::>:::::::: ''"'""'''" I 2""''-- AREAS BELOW EXI S 1 ING TREES TO REMAIN UNDI Sf URBED WHERE -----,,c---------------POSSIBLE -MITIGA/TE WITH SHRUB AREA MIX WHERE [i)ISTURBAN CE OCCURS I ---+>.--------CENTRAL INFILTRj TION SWALE (TYP.) w /Carex Iris Junws Mix \ . . :\ \\ 11 \: \ ., • ~ " 0 ----29.00 RESID ENTIAL!.f BUILD ING :\\ SHRUB AREA (TYP./ ;pt1:.-:._.": \i'\: .~'='":":c" 1 f--------w / Gauftheria Mah nia Rubus Mix OfflCE m1.1, sr ,J1l wow \.·.·c_o--+-.. ,· ) ~i -1, I I " "' -------------~ J:,,,,~----1 w w w SAN. SAN. SAN. FIRE HYDRANT w OVERALL PLANTING PLAN L4 -QQ SCALE l :300 0 '-..______.,,/ i;IQ! I ,~1 ... -.:, "' '" LQ,Bl ll.19i [l.19.liW w w w w 123 AVE 123 AVENUE 0 0 0 0 ~w UJ 0::: IP GAS LINE ~ .... ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _, DATE ISSUED FOR REI 202 3-11 -2 3 D.P, L 2024-04-05 D.P, M 2024-04-18 A.D,P. N All d imensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Req uired setbacks shall govern in all cases. This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect . Consu ltants Architectural: JMArchitecture Inc. Arborist: Civil : Structural: Mechanical: Electrica l: N ® Donald V. S. Duncan DEVELOPMENT CONSUL TANT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 603 -220 Eleventh St reet New Westm inster BC Canada V3 M 6N9 778-79 1-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP N Project Leader D.Dunca n Drawn Revision D.Duncan prepared for: Residential Development 1 22 97 222 St /2 2175 , 22185 12 3 Av Mapl e Ridge BC Drawing T itle OVERALL PLANTING PLAN Check Sca le (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 0 10m m ........ Proj ect No . 20-0071 Drawing No. L4-00 3500 1200 3500 1200 1200 3500 1000 3500 1200 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING UNDISTURBED AREA TO REMAIN IN CURRENT CONDITION AREAS BELOW EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN UNDISTURBED WHERE POSSIBLE - MITIGATE WITH SHRUB AREA MIX WHERE DISTURBANCE OCCURS MEADOW AREA (TYP.) w/Cornus Dicentra Oxalis Mix CENTRAL INFILTRATION SWALE (TYP.) w/Carex Iris Juncus Mix 123 AVENUE 22 2 S T R E E T CENTRAL INFILTRATION SWALE (TYP.) w/Carex Iris Juncus Mix AREAS BELOW EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN UNDISTURBED WHERE POSSIBLE - MITIGATE WITH SHRUB AREA MIX WHERE DISTURBANCE OCCURS SHRUB AREA (TYP.) w/Gaultheria Mahonia Rubus Mix SHRUB AREA (TYP.) w/Gaultheria Mahonia Rubus Mix 1. COMPLIANCE, GOVERNMENT - ALL WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE AND SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS OF THE SAME. CONTRACTORS SHALL ENSURE COMPLIANCE OF ALL WORK PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 2. COMPLIANCE, STANDARD - ALL MATERIAL, SHIPPING PROCEDURES, AND INSTALLATION OF LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS SHALL CONFORM TO LATEST EDITION OF THE CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD AVAILABLE AT COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. 3. COMPLIANCE, MMCD - ALL WORKS SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST MMCD DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS AVAILABLE AT COMMENCEMENT OF WORK WHERE NO SPECIFIC DETAIL, NOTE OR SPECIFICATION IS PROVIDED IN THE DRAWING SET OR ATTACHED MATERIALS. 4. EXISTING SERVICES - REFER TO ENGINEERING DRAWINGS FOR LOCATIONS OF ALL BURIED SERVICES. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING AND PAYING FOR ALL UTILITIES LOCATIONS AND ANY AND ALL COSTS WHICH ARISE FROM DAMAGE TO SERVICES CAUSED BY ANY ACT OR FAILURE TO ACT OF THE CONTRACTOR. 5. COORDINATION - THESE DRAWINGS SHALL BE TAKEN TO BE PART OF THE LARGER SET OF DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS, WHETHER DIRECTLY ATTACHED OR NOT, ISSUED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ASSOCIATED BOULEVARD WORKS. THESE DRAWINGS SHALL BE READ IN CONCERT WITH SUCH DOCUMENTATION AND, WHERE CONFLICTS ARISE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY REPORT SUCH CONFLICTS TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. THE WORK IS TO BE DONE IN COORDINATION WITH THE CONTRACTOR OR CONTRACTORS ENGAGED IN CONSTRUCTION OF SUCH ADJACENT WORKS. 6. CONCRETE, FORMS - THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPARE DIMENSIONS PROVIDED WITH SITE CONDITIONS AND IMMEDIATELY REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND THE ENGINEER. ONCE COMPLETED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL FOR INSPECTION OF THE FORMS PRIOR TO PLACING STEEL REINFORCEMENT. CONTACT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO DESIRED INSPECTION TIME. 7. CONCRETE, REINFORCEMENT - ALL CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER PRIOR TO POURING OF CONCRETE. CONTACT STRUCTURAL ENGINEER A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS PRIOR TO DESIRED INSPECTION TIME. 8. GRADING, GENERAL - THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ESTABLISH GRADES SUCH THAT THERE IS, IN ALL AREAS, POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO AN ADJACENT DRAIN. MINIMUM SLOPES SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: PEDESTRIAN PAVED AREAS 1% VEHICULAR PAVED AREAS 1% LAWN AREAS 2% PLANTED BEDS 5% 9. GRADING, ALLOWANCES AND TOPSOIL PLACEMENT - OVERALL DEPTH OF PLANTING MEDIUM AFTER SETTLEMENT SHALL BE: GRASS AREAS 150 MM SHRUB BEDS 450 MM GROUND COVER AREAS 300 MM TREES 600 MM N.B. ALL SOIL SHALL BE TESTED NOT MORE THAN 14 DAYS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION ON SITE. TESTING SHALL BE SPECIFIC TO THIS WORK. CONTRACTOR SHALL AMEND THE SOIL ACCORDING TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SOILS TESTING LAB. 10. GRADING, BUILDING FINISHED FLOOR & CORNER ELEVATIONS - SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. 11. PLANT MATERIAL, QUANTITIES - CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM ALL PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES. ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE PLANT LIST AND THE DRAWING SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE CONSULTANT. IN CASE OF DISCREPANCY CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL PLANT MATERIAL AS PER DRAWING. IN CIRCUMSTANCES WHERE THERE IS A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN GROUND COVER QUANTITY AND SPACING THE SPACING REQUIREMENT WILL PREVAIL. 12. PLANT MATERIAL, SUBSTITUTIONS - NO SUBSTITUTIONS TO PLANT LIST SHALL BE MADE BY CONTRACTOR WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM CONSULTANT. 13. PLANT MATERIAL, HEALTH - ALL PLANT MATERIALS MUST BE DISEASE FREE FROM CERTIFIED NURSERIES. 14. MULCH - ORNAMENTAL PLANTING AREAS ALONG THE ROAD FRONTAGES AND IN THE PARING AREAS SHALL BE MULCHED WITH 50 MM OF HEM/FIR BARK MULCH. THE USE OF CEDAR MULCH OR ANY MIX CONTAINING CEDAR IS NOT PERMITTED. NATURESCAPED AREAS SHALL NOT BE MULCHED. GENERAL NOTES SIZESCIENTIFIC NAMEQTY COMMON NAME MATURE SIZECOMMENTSCODE SPACING PLANT LIST DECIDUOUS TREES COMMENTSSCIENTIFIC NAMEQTY COMMON NAME MATURE SIZESIZECODE SPACING BROADLEAF EVERGREEN SHRUBS COMMENTSSCIENTIFIC NAMEQTY COMMON NAME MATURE SIZESIZECODE SPACING FERNS COMMENTSSCIENTIFIC NAMEQTY COMMON NAME MATURE SIZESIZECODE SPACING GROUND COVERS GT 1 Gleditsia triacanthos Honey Locust 6 cm cal 150cm standard B&B min. 50cm root ball dia. 20m height 20.0m spread as shown CN 4 Cornus 'Eddies White Wonder'White Wonder Dogwood 6 cm cal.150cm standard B&B min. 50cm root ball dia. 6.0m height 4.5m spread as shown ah 52 Azalea japonica 'Hino Crimson'Crimson Japanese Azalea #2 pot minimum 20cm height 100cm height 120cm width 60cm pm 88 Polystichum munitum Swordfern #1 pot minimum 30cm height 100cm height 100cm width 60cm gs 24 Gaultheria shallow Salal #1 pot minimum 30cm height - heavy 100cm height 150cm width 60cm cij 375 Carex Iris Juncus Mix Pacific Pleeding Heart plug 50% Carex densa + 10% Carex vulpinoidea + 10% Iris douglasiana +30% Juncus balticus 50cm o.c. COMMENTSSCIENTIFIC NAMEQTY COMMON NAME MATURE SIZESIZECODE SPACING DECIDUOUS EVERGREEN SHRUBS la 16 Lavandula angustifolia English Lavender #5 pot minimum 20cm height 70cm height 70cm width 75cm rs 47 Ribes sanguineum Flowering Currant #2 pot minimum 50cm height 300cm height 20cm width 75cm COMMENTSSCIENTIFIC NAMEQTY COMMON NAME MATURE SIZESIZECODE SPACING VINES gf 7 Lonicera 'Gold Flame'Gold FlameHoneysuckle #5 pot vo 42 Vaccinium ovatum'Thunderbird'Evergreen Huckleberry #2 pot minimum 20cm height 180cm height 150cm width 75cm cs 88 Cornus sericea Red Osier Dogwood #2 pot minimum 50cm height 200cm height 200cm width 75cm cf 165 Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea'Yellowtwig Dogwood #2 pot minimum 50cm height 200cm height 200cm width 75cm AC 5 Acer circinatum Vine Maple 2.5m clumpB&B min. 50cm root ball dia.4.5m height 4.5m spread as shown cdo1040 Cornus Dicentra Oxalis Mix Redwood Sorrel/Bleeding Heart plug 25% Cornus canadensis + 25% Dicentra formosa + 50% Oxalis oregana 50cm o.c. arc 48 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Kinnikinnick 10cm pot 30cm o.c. COMMENTSSCIENTIFIC NAMEQTY COMMON NAME MATURE SIZESIZECODE SPACING CONIFEROUS TREES TS 16 Tsuga heterophylla Western Hemlock 3.5m B&B B&B min. 50cm root ball dia.50m height 15m width as shown TP 14 Thuja plicata Western Red Cedar 2.5 m B&B B&B min. 50cm root ball dia.40m height 15m width as shown pf 28 Photinia f. 'Little Red Robin'Christmas Berry #5 pot minimum 60cm height 150cm height 100cm width 150cm oo2412 Gaultheria Mahonia Rubus Mix Redwood Sorrel plug 30% Gaultheria shallon + 40% Mahonia repens + 10% Rubus spectabilis + 20% Vaccinium vitis-idaea 50cm o.c. la Lawn Shade Tolerant Blend AJ 3 Acer palmatum 'Sango Kanku'Coral Bark Maple 2 m clump B&B min. 50cm root ball dia.4.5m height 4.5m spread as shown mn 212 Mahonia nervosa Cascade Mahonia #2 pot minimum 30cm spread 60cm height 60cm width 75cm PL O T D A T E : A p r i l 1 8 , 2 0 2 4 T I M E : 3 : 2 9 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 4 - 0 0 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnN Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2023-11-23 D.P. 2024-04-05 D.P. 2024-04-18 A.D.P. L4-00 OVERALL PLANTING PLAN 01 L4-00 OVERALL PLANTING PLAN SCALE 1:300 0 ,__, 0 { V; t ', ··•·· f •• : J' ~ .. ~op~,._ !-~ • ·-:! a·· '->1-:: >f, ~ 'n~i)ft 1//' -"' . I I I I I I I I I . I II I I I I ~ f I ~ w w SAN. SAN. SAN, FIRE HYDRANT = = i z ~ s! >< = i = ~ w MC- C7 11,._~j, .J, al ~ c; ~t "' ---29.00 29.18 I ·29.82 -I " I ~ " ~ I z -~ et 111:r: .. 291 " -' --(,'J_°t' ,2.__,, I " ·{rir, ,L_. I w amu l461,11 SF ~AIL liOO~ EHTRI.HCE WBBY EL 29.19~ w 123 AVE -$- w w .: ,27.97 '1 w N. IP GAS LINE S Duncan Donald V. ·oNsULTANT DEVELOAPMP:~igHITECT LANDSC RE L M N cfcfcfcfcfcf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf pf pf pf pf pf pf pf pf cf cf cf cf cf cf pf pf pf pf TS ACAC mn mnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mnmn mn mn mnmnmnmnmn mn mnmn mnmn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mnmn mnmn mnmn mn mnmn mn mn mnmn mnmn mnmn mnmn mn mn mnmnmn mnmnmn mnmn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mnmn mnmnmnmnmnmn mnmn mn mnmnmn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mnmn mn mnmnmnmn mn mn mn mn mn mnmn mn mnmn mn mn mn mn mnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmn mn mn mn mnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmnmn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mn mnmnmnmn mnmnmnmn mnmnmnmn mnmnmnmn mnmn mnmn pf pf pf pf pf pf pf pf pf pf pf pf pf pf pf mn mn mn mn mn mn mn cs cscs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cfcf cfcf cfcf cfcf cf cfcf cf RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PL O T D A T E : A p r i l 1 8 , 2 0 2 4 T I M E : 3 : 3 5 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 4 - 0 1 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnN Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2023-11-23 D.P. 2024-04-05 D.P. 2024-04-18 A.D.P. L4-01 PLANTING PLAN 01 L4-01 PLANTING PLAN - SOUTHERN PORTION SCALE 1:100 ·./:/.?'.·-.·.·. ;ir. 1IJi ••••• •• •• ", •.• V1] ........ •.••.1 ·, •• I j • 1,1 L~ JI : '.',-:: ... ~---,:::.. ', ....... _,..' :~-i~~j, . 'I',' ·,:. 29.34 29.48 29.86 29. 71 \ / \: 29.78 .. ~ w w w SAN. ~IR~ 1-lYn RA t\lT SAM.11 . ... . • • . . . . .,.. GARBAGE SAM. "-,. 29.18 PICK UP ROUTE w .... ----.... 29.18 ELEVJ ELEVATOR I ~~·-I LOBBY EL. 29.19M "· 29.68 w SAM. --------------------T'P~~_~:<1:~;::;:~/0,r~}:-}:-i,::-.:-. "'.'/"'"".'-.-:.:-. ~}-\ ,""''J"7R;:;_i:.{[i:,~~ !'l~----v~~~-----, ~..Ar~-.. ·• • ... 'i:, • , / I .. I MAIL ROOM ENTRANCE LOBBY EL. 29.19M EXIT DAYCARE LOBBY EL. 29.19M ........... P .. R .. o•p:[:RT:··Y»•·L•t·N•E•«·4·s ... 9.·5<1· ... · .. M· ................................... • _._. _·_ •. ·_ .• _. _._ •... _·. ·_. _._. . .' _._.. · ....... ·_ .• _._ . '·_. _. _· ... ·_ .• .. _. .•..• _. ..... ·_ . _._ ._._._. _. _· _. _·_ ·_ •.• _. .• _. .• _..' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.48 " 29.14 w w SAM. SAM. ·\·:::It:_·_;_;,:_}_'\./_·• / ;t ' I . / , _/,L --~~~ ?'.r:_{\.:5::/,,: ;<:> •• .. • . ..... -... ·.·. < <>PR .· ·.· RTY LINE 27.25 w PMT w SAM. I ... _ .... _ .. ·s .. 20 .... . . . . . _._ .. 'f. _·_. --0 :::O· C) --0 rr1 ;:::p --I ---< r- ::z: rr1 0--1. c..:n -(>.I C> 0--1 :;;;:::: w 26.96 :::;§: "···27.44 27.97 N. . Donald V. S. Duncan DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT .......i RE\I L M N rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs vo vo vo vo vo vo CN CN TS TS CN TP TP TP TS TS TP cs cs cs cfcfcfcfcfcf cfpf cf cf cf cf pf pf pf pf pf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cs pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs rs rs rsrs rs rs rs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf pm pm pm pm pm pm AC TP TS TS AC ACAC TP TP rs rs rs vo vo vo vo vo vovo vo vo rsrs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs TS TS TP rsrs rs cs cs cs cscs cscs cscs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cs cscs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf pm pm pm pmpm pm pm pmpmpmpm pm pm pm rsrsrsrs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs vo vo vo vo vo vovo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo gsgs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gsgsgsgs cfcf cfcf cfcf cfcf cf cfcf cfcf cf cf cfcf cfcf 3500 1200 35 0 0 12 0 0 1200 3500 3500 1200 TS TS cfcfcfcfcfcf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cfcfcfcf cf PL O T D A T E : A p r i l 1 8 , 2 0 2 4 T I M E : 3 : 3 7 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 4 - 0 2 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnN Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2023-11-23 D.P. 2024-04-05 D.P. 2024-04-18 A.D.P. L4-02 PLANTING PLAN 01 L4-02 PLANTING PLAN - CENTRAL PORTION SCALE 1:100 02 L4-02 PLANTING PLAN - CENTRAL WEST WEDGE SCALE 1:100 NOTE: SEE 02 ABOVE FOR WESTERN EXTENT OF PLANTING -• .. r ... :,~: .. '.l.... .. •. / ,.'.I. ' i-J'. / / /// / / -"' "' "' ~~ "' , .~ .... ,..... ' "' ~§' l, , , // J / /o0""'"C:::-,""-"'U\ ········2·5·9·3····· . . . . . . . . . '.' ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·•· . . i'!,i1· ····o· • ·.-.%---· :-:-:-~-:-:-:.::-,.-·::.:-·o-:- ., .!:;~~ ~j]!%t:r• \~. SHORT TERM BIKE STORAGE ,·\•~ / ,•~~ 23 BIKES -~ \<: /.:/:\ ::z:: C) BIKE STORAGE 4 BIKES 29 .18 (/) --I )> ("") ;:::,:::: CJ ::z:: C) en u, N = cr, "' CJ :::u -< r7 )> (/) r- r7 @ t I'-:> . c:, c:, ~ ~--._ 29 .00 v-1 N -I'>- "" v-1 29 .18 n ' } --I )> ("") ;:::,:::: r7 CJ )> :::u ;:::,:::: ::z:: C) ·.:..:·:>\:.: / '::,,·,;•! ~-·; -~ , --~ ,;";:· .. ""~ .. \}(;{-/ ~}\'. ·,:·:-::·:.· .• -~ •·' ·-· / , .. :".'.-"-:::. ~:~\:·~~ '/ ·:-. _:· :.:. •. OFFICE 2467 .21 SF MAIL ROOM I I I I // ) / ·'/ ,: / / ~ ....... :>..._/ ;,, 'if/, / / • ' -i"i\ -~o,,. ' ,,,.,.., ~"-' • \{ }~, ' . ' ,,,\;;; . \ ';\;~/ /l, \(i:\ / •j' \If:,::::;:_;:;:> .<> ........................ · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / / - . Donald V. S. Duncan DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT i.......i RE\ L M N rs rs rs CN CN TS TP TP TP TP TP TP TS TS TSTS TS TS CN TS TP TP cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf AC cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cs cscs cscf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cf cfcf cf cf cf cf cscs cscs cs cs cs cs cs cs GT rsrs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs rs pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pmpmpmpm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pmpmpmpm pm pm pm vo vo vo vo vo vovo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo vo gsgs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gs gsgsgsgs 350 0 12 0 0 1000 PL O T D A T E : A p r i l 1 8 , 2 0 2 4 T I M E : 3 : 3 9 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 4 - 0 3 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnN Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2023-11-23 D.P. 2024-04-05 D.P. 2024-04-18 A.D.P. L4-03 PLANTING PLAN 01 L4-03 PLANTING PLAN - NORTHERN PORTION SCALE 1:100 --·-:------ 1 I I I ' I I I I ! I ~ " I I I I I -,_. I • I I I I I ;f, / /, I I I I /.. I / I, I, I ( I I/ I I I I. I. r I / •; I, ;f, / j Ii PROPERTY LINE 7.026M ' . ' cl --____ , '. '1 _,,-·, ••. \ I o/ '; /, /, /, "----._··-.____ '-i, / ·---.. :·-.._ ___ ·•- I I I I /, i I .·/ ,, 1/ I I f, , I 1 ,, I I I I I / I . I /I I I \ + + + + I I ' I !" I I I I / J I I • / I I I /' I I 4 +f + I I I I >l ✓ I / I 'r y r, ti/. JI•;, ✓A I / / ( y J ~ SHORT TERM BIKE STORAGE 23 Bl~ES r +I I, I '\ \ -\ -\ -1\ -\ + \ +\ +\ \ I 1\ \ I \ +\ I I I I I I ~ Donald v. s. Duncan DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RE L M N ag AJ AJ ag ag ag ag ag ag ag ag gf gf ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah pm pmpm pm pm pm pm pm AJpm pmpm pm pm pm ag ag ag ag gf gf gf gf gf ag agag ag agah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ag agah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ag agah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah la la la la la lala la la lala la la lala la PL O T D A T E : A p r i l 1 8 , 2 0 2 4 T I M E : 3 : 4 1 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 4 - 0 4 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnN Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2023-11-23 D.P. 2024-04-05 D.P. 2024-04-18 A.D.P. L4-04 PLANTING PLAN 01 L4-04 PLANTING PLAN - EIGHTH FLOOR PATIO SCALE 1:100 G'.i - ' ~ z 0: : : 12 ,- - ,: J n l 0 rn / - . -, I \ , I \ ! ~ 111 1 0 0 _i 0 0 / [T I \ \ / - \ 81 11 l [T I l: J I / - - - ~ I \ : \I \ I ' I ·,. _ _, / mEP J ' -- . . . _ " ' \ I t:: : : : : J t:: : : : : J \~ 1n1 J □ ·,. i . \ / \_ /1 Y P ' 1 ' - - ' ~ - ~ =r : : : = i lr J GU E S T R O O M / - •• \ . I I <{; \. • . . / •· / ' [. 1 . I .L l ELE C . l .... . /: \ · · · • ... J ✓- ~ , /,, - - - - - - c : c . . . _ , , . \ ,'I 'i' ! "- ) \' - _, , . / ' [T I [T I \, ) TI] ' f E C JD I qT Y P E CT • t:: : : : : J = t:: : = t:: : = -- --1n1 □ J LJ 0 TY P E F IC _ I [ ] n =:T I --1 I , , - - , ... . -- ... . \ ' 1: :1 o SI\, /1 I I 10 0 0 0 I I I I I ~C l / - ~ , \ / \ ' 0 0 0 0 Jn IU L J _J J TY P E E D ~ Ll l I // . - - \ I \ I / [, E V A ~ ~ { I /t l > V ~ : ° R KIT C H E N EL E V . LO B B Y CO R R I D O R ) [T I ■ ,/ / ' \' - . -- . □ 1n1 TM f E C b T I t:: : = t:: : : : : J ~ TA K E R S ' \ \ \ I ,I I \. • t:: : : : : J t' : ' I ' • __ _/ / □ J LJ C I - ca z I I c., < C C ~ t - :: : : , :: : ) 0 0 C/) U J Z I - o - • :i: : : cn o o I - c:: : • z< C > U J U J "C ~a . a. < ( - o o ca _, e n C UJ O o > z 0 ~:: s ~ I I I I [r i J . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . , i •. ... , . .- • e e ~1 - , f - , f - + • i - , . - - . .. . . . . . . . . . 111 . . . . . . . . . . 11 • •W I - ' , : » .• . , ' ~ . : ... ,. . .. • , ' \ ~. l. , , , x= I ~ ~ \ ,) r "" ' s . ; f- ; r ' f , ! "" ' . .. ' . "7 ' •• IB M J I $ - Ii Ill '+ . OT_ \ I \ i/1 1 1 ': U 01 AM E N I T Y ~ " ... . ,. . 't - . .. GLA S S ROO F ♦- , , E ~ · , LJ ! .. J' ! · ~ 1 , . ., . t== ~ ~ = = r = = t- - - " ? ' ' \ ) I t ' - . I : .. . . . . • ., r - . ~ - n t ; r { b d GLA S S ROO F 0 t , .. . W/ C - ~ · '! ; ., l' .. J ' .. ~ · '! ; ., l' / ,. , ,. .( . f .. . ~ i ";z , , . ' .. "J ' , . ~ - ? . . ~ . .,, . •. . • ·-- ·- .. , ... ~ . e " • • • .. ,., . . .. "" ' r ! ' !; . . .. ] I I ) CN ACER RUBRUM 'RED SUNSET' (RED SUNSET MAPLE) - 6cm cal. or SPECIES & SIZE AS PER CITY PREFERENCE PARKING ENTRY 123 AVENUE 22 2 S T R E E T PL O T D A T E : A p r i l 1 8 , 2 0 2 4 T I M E : 3 : 4 2 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 4 - 0 5 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnN Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2023-11-23 D.P. 2024-04-05 D.P. 2024-04-18 A.D.P. L4-05 STREET TREE PLAN 01 L4-05 PLANTING PLAN - PUBLIC BOULEVARD SCALE 1:100 -0 II Schedule "A" -71 II -,,_ Street Tree Planting Detail ~PMT DO NOT TRIM LEAIIER / [8J - ___J ' h) \ nnl-• ~11-■1111111111 ~• 1111111■■■■ ' ·" ·" I I i i --· ~ --::-:-';:;::I ' ' .,, ,,. ' .. -~ ·" " ~,...__----- 111■■1 ■ 1■■ .. ■■III I ' : I L~i i i i L ________ _ :-----------------i 50mm 'MOE WOVEN NYLON BANDING ATTACHED TO STAKE WI TH SHINGLE NAILS. ! i ~~f--H+---e+---+,,4----,,H+t-' +-----·/ ' (v'L ROOT BARRIER IS REOU I RED TO PROTECT CONCRETE CURBS AND SIDEWALKS FROM ROOT UPHE AVAL. TYPICALLY ROOT B.ARRIER IS REQUIRED AT BACK EDGE OF CONCR ETE CURB 1.Bm AND/OR AGAINST 1.2m FRON T AND/OR -"'\ j BACK OF SIDEWALK ; 2 PRESSURE TREATED 50-75mm DIAMETER -ROUND WOOD ST AK ES -2m LENG TH. STAKES TO BE ALI GNED PARALLEL TO SIDEWALK/ROAD TR EE TRUNK PROTECTOR / 50mm DEEP SAUCER FORMED IN TOPSOIL / /~---FOO INITIAL FIRST 'YEAR WATERING FILL SAUCER WI TH BARl< MULCH. ✓ ~oi"o'!:~~; ,Jl, II IJ~;;:;l~l I I :::;;:::::: l=ccillij'Tillm I ' 11 I 111 1 ' 300mm MIN. OF TOPSOIL AROUND ROOT BALL ROOT BARRIER FOR -~ ---COMPAClED TO 85% STANDARD PROCTOR oM LENGTH ADJACENT 1 -11 m~~~ Jrnl □ENSJ n TO SIDEWALK/CURB: CENTERED ul 1-rl 11111 jJ-11 i' I I;-; I I I, I - ON TREE -STAK ES DO NOT PENETRATE ROOT BALL 4!50MM DEPTH OF 300 300 STAKES TO PENETRATE NATIVE SOIL BY 300mm ROOT BARRIER SYSTEM MIN. ROOT BALL MIN. ROOT BARRIER IS NOT REQU IRED WH ERE THE TREE IS PLANTED GREATER THAN 1.8M 0/S TO CURB LI NE OR SIDEWALK AND WH ERE THERE IS NO SIDEWA Li< NO TE S 1) SACKING/BURLAP TO BE LOOSENED AND DROPPED TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PLAN TING HOLE. ALL STRfN,G, Tl'~NE, ETC. TO BE REMOVED. 2), ALL 'M RE BASKETS SHALL HAVE THE TOP 1/3 OF THE l'IIRE FOLDED DOVIN PRIOR TO PLAN TING, j ) ALL 1REES SHALL BE SINGLE STEMMED. 4) INSTALL APPROVED ROOT BARRI ER SYSTEM -'DEEPROOT' MODEL UB 18-2; 'VESPIRD' MODEL RS-18; OR 'N□S' MODEL EP-1850. INSTALL AS PER MANUFACTI.JRERS SPEC IFICATIONS TREE PLANTI NG DETA IL TREE PLAN TI NG DET AIL ND. DATE REVISION B CORPORATION OF THE DVG No. DISTRICT OF MAP1.E RIDGE DESI GN, Jll DRAYN, llS ENllINllllRilill llRPAR'TIIEll'l' SD STANDARD DRAWI NGS DATE, JULY/07 SCI\LE, N.T.S. Ll I\ I I I I\ ~ ~,~,= ---------c=:::r---~---tt---------==----H!-~ttttHHt.t-tH \ I I VJ \ I \ ~ I\ I I I \ ~ \ I I \ I I I I I I I I I I I I\ " " " \ ' ' ·• ACER RU BRUM 'RED. SUNSET' (RED SUNSET I APLE) c 6cn_ cal. / ,,, I 0 '~ .. .. . 1, . . •. .. ·. ·. ' .• . I / orSPECIES & SIZE AS PER CITY PREFERENCE , h / . _. . ., . . . . 400 V ~;A • • . •• • ,iJ • ~ v<,o~ ' ,v ) ' ~ ,____cN ◊ ,~~r..,---,-~======f===)t=== ·=====t=\=:::::::::::::~;::---t_:,----~4==/~.--~◊~-~~---:I~ 1·-b=:===========:::::~~~-------. --:;;;;;;:-:---_----------~7·· \ ~---j/ _/, ' -·~ I \, 1~ -• -dj I ~~~~===:::,,,:::,,,':::::_,,7'"'", =-" ---7 I,, .......... _ I 1 \1_, _________________ '-T'""/'r-',-------·------' ' '' ' -----------------I I I I 'I -"'-.J _I I "-...l I I 11 ',, I I r"'l_l r'-..... I'--... V -··· ... -····· I s1-__ j_ ______ _J~~-r~~-~i ______ =-.:_=----_:_=-~--:_=--~--~--=--~-=-----_:_~-=--:_=--:_:_~+-~~-~~-_:_=_ili~t------:_:-_-----r---iv7--n~---(St---~ ------------------L=-------------------------C ----------------------~ -------·=== I " -z~--------------------------------------------------------i ~-----1 ' I ' I -( ' "-.,_____/ ' Donald V. S. Duncan DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT .......i RE\i L M N OF SODDED AREA USED FOR PERIMETER FULL ROW OF SOD TO BE SL O P E DO W N DO W N SL O P E PLANTING AREA OR WALKWAY SOD TO BE LAID CLOSELY PACKED TOGETHER, JOINTS IN ADJACENT ROWS SHALL BE STAGGERED COMPACTED SUBGRADE FLUSH WITH PAVED AREA (IF APPLICABLE) SOD FLUSH WITH CURBS (IF APPLICABLE) PLAN VIEW OF SOD LAYOUT AND EDGING NOT TO SCALE SECTION THROUGH SOD SOIL LEVEL: TO BE SLIGHTLY HIGHER THAN SURROUNDING GRADE TO ALLOW FOR BACKFILL SETTLING. UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL PRUNE ONLY DEAD, BROKEN, OR DISEASED LIMBS TO MAINTAIN NATURAL FORM OF SHRUB. 75mm MIN. DEPTH BARK MULCH OR APPROVED EQUAL. TAPER MULCH TO BASE OF SHRUB. REESTABLISH ANY DAMAGED SEED / SOD. POTTED ROOT CONIFEROUS OR DECIDUOUS SHRUB MIN. 450 mm BACK OF PLANTING BED EDGE Less than 100mm caliper (optional) SPADE CUT EDGE 100 TYP. GALVANIZED GUY WIRE No. 11 MIN. POSITIONED ABOVE FIRST STRONG BRANCHES. NEW 2 PLY / 12mm, REINFORCED BLACK RUBBER HOSE OR APPROVED EQUAL. POSITIONEDAPPROX. 3/5 HT. FOR ALL TREES. WIRE DOES NOT GO AROUND TREE. USE THREE (3) 50mm X 50mm X 2500mm LNG. STUDDED HEAVYWEIGHT T-POSTS (7.5 POUND). ALL EXPOSED PORTIONS OF TREE STAKE TO BE FREE OF RUST AND PRIMED. TREE STAKE SET MIN. 900mm INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL W/ ONE ON SIDE OF PREVAILING WINDS. STAKES ARE TO BE REMOVED AFTER ONE GROWING SEASON. 3X ROOT BALL DIAMETER 10 0 n.t.s.STAKING PLAN TAMP TOP SOIL AROUND ROOTBALL BASE FIRMLY WITH FOOT PRESSURE SO THAT ROOT BALL DOES NOT SHIFT. DO NOT ALLOW AIR POCKETS TO FORM WHEN BACKFILLING. B&B ROOTBALL n.t.s.DETAIL TOPSOIL, REFER TO TOP SOIL SPECS. 400mm COMPACTED LOAM BELOW ROOT BALL. 75mm MIN. DEPTH BARK MULCH OR APPROVED EQUAL OVER EXPOSED ROOTBALL. TAPER MULCH TO BASE OF TREE. MULCH STARTING 50mm FROM ROOT FLARE (TRUNK) & EXTENDING THE HOLE. PRUNE ONLY DEAD, BROKEN, OR DISEASED TREE LIMBS TO MAINTAIN NATURAL FORM OF TREE. IF TREE IS IN WIRE BASKET, CUT AND REMOVED STRAPPING AND THE HORIZONTAL/ VERTICAL WIRES OF THE BASKET TO A MIN. DEPTH OF 200mm FROM TOP OF ROOTBALL. PULL BACK BURLAP TO MIN. DEPTH. UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL SCARIFY WALL OF TREE WELL. EVERGREEN CONIFEROUS BROADLEAF DECIDUOUS * ANGLE STAKES $7ƒ SLOPE TOPSOIL FROM ROOT BALL TO EDGE OF HOLE TO FORM WELL. SINGLE LEADER (unless multistem species is specified) DO NOT DAMAGE OR CUT LEADER 150 REMOVE CONTAINER AND LOOSEN ROOTS OF POTBOUND PLANTS BY SCORING OR PULLING. 45 0 M I N . 450mm MIN. DEPTH LIGHTLY COMPACTED TOPSOIL REFER TO TOP SOIL SPECS. 15 0 M I N . 150mm MIN. DEPTH LIGHTLY COMPACTED TOPSOIL REFER TO TOP SOIL SPECS. 60 0 M I N . PL O T D A T E : A p r i l 1 8 , 2 0 2 4 T I M E : 1 : 5 0 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 5 - 0 0 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnN Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2023-11-23 D.P. 2024-04-05 D.P. 2024-04-18 A.D.P. L5-00 DETAILS 02 L5-00 TREE INSTALLATION SCALE 1:20 01 L5-00 SHRUB INSTALLATION SCALE 1:20 03 L5-00 GRASS INSTALLATION SCALE 1:20 04 L5-00 I) PREVALING ~WIND Plastic mesh s-c ree111ng --- 0 '----._/ . • • ' ':'-.:. i,: :·:,'-::, Tree Protection Barrier No : oo storage o buildirg male • Is vi hin 01 against protec tion barrier mini um outside of branches (cktpli ) A Soli:I Barrier -(2" x 4') ' Donald V. S. Duncan DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT .......i RE\I L M N 500 1600 15 0 75 102x102 MW13.3/MW13.3 BENCH (TYP.) MODEL: QUEEN CHAROLETTE MANUF.: SARITA 50 0 500x150 P/T HEM/FIR RAIL COMPACTED GRAVEL FINISH GRADE 150x150 P/T HEM/FIR POST 400 60 0 400 60 0 75 67 5 50 0 60 0 9 GA. x 50 SQUARE CHAIN LINK FENCE MESH w/ BLACK VINYL COAT COMPACTED GRAVEL FINISH GRADE 100 DIA. P/T HEM/FIR POST 400 SECTIONINTERIOR ELEVATION 400 60 0 60 0 75 67 5 50 0 10 0 60 0 10 0 10 0 12 5 0 50 0 10 0 100 DIA. P/T HEM/FIR RAIL 400 60 0 10 0 10 0 12 5 0 50 0 10 0 100 DIA. P/T HEM/FIR RAIL 50 150GROUND LEVEL TO BE FLUSH w/ SURFACE OF PAVER 34" MINUS COMPACTED GRAVEL BED 15 0 SECTION PLAN VIEW PRECAST CONCRETE SLABS SIZE: 600 x 600 (24" x 24") FINISH: SANDSTONE 5mm CLEAR CRUSH OPEN GRADED PAVING COURSE @ 500mm DEPTH 20mm CLEAR CRUSH OPEN GRADED AGGREGATE UPPER SUB-BASE @ 100mm DEPTHNON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE NILEX 4510 OR EQUIVOLENT SECTIONINTERIOR ELEVATION 10 0 1% CROSS-SLOPE 10 0 EXPANSION JOINT 6000mm O.C. (TYP.) ZIP STRIP @ 1500mm O.C. 102 x 102 MW13.3/MW13.3 100mm x 250mm C.I.P. CONC. CURB STOP w/2 x #3 REBAR AS SHOWN AQUAPAVE CONCRETE UNIT PAVERS PATTERN: AS PER LAYOUT PLAN COLOUR: AS PER LAYOUT PLAN 5mm CLEAR CRUSH OPEN GRADED BEDDING COURSE @ 50mm DEPTH 20mm CLEAR CRUSH OPEN GRADED AGGREGATE UPPER SUB-BASE @ 100mm DEPTH INBITEX GEOTEXTILE GEOTEXTILE BROUGHT UP TO CURB AND CUT FLUSH WITH SURFACE OF AQUAPAVE NOTE: DETAIL SUBJECT TO CO-ORDINATION & REVIEW BY ENGINEER. ENGINEER'S DETAIL SHALL GOVERN. ȕ ALLAN BLOCK WALL BATTER FROM VERTICAL 100 mm TOE DRAIN INFILL BLOCK CAVITY WITH COMPACTED 20MM MINUS GRAVEL UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE OR FILL COMPACTED TO 95% S.P.D. MI N . 4 0 0 AS R E Q . 10 0 3 ALLAN BLOCK WALL BATTER FROM VERTICAL 100 mm TOE DRAIN DRAIN ROCK MI N . 4 0 0 AS R E Q . 10 0 460 50mm RIVER ROCK @ 100mm DEPTH NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE NILEX 4510 OR EQUIVOLENT PL O T D A T E : A p r i l 1 8 , 2 0 2 4 T I M E : 1 : 5 1 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 5 - 0 2 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnN Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2023-11-23 D.P. 2024-04-05 D.P. 2024-04-18 A.D.P. L5-02 DETAILS 03 L5-02 PAVING SLABS SCALE 1:20 01 L5-02 BENCH SCALE 1:20 02 L5-02 GRAVEL TRAIL SCALE 1:20 06 L5-02 POST & RAIL FENCE SCALE 1:20 08 L5-02 CONCRETE UNIT BLOCK WALL SCALE 1:20 04 L5-02 CONCRETE PAVING SCALE 1:20 05 L5-02 PEREVIOUS CONCRETE UNIT PAVING SCALE 1:20 07 L5-02 CHAIN LINK FENCE SCALE 1:20 09 L5-02 RIVER ROCK PAVING SCALE 1:20 GAL V. STEEL ANGLE BRACKET ON BOTH REAR LEGS OF BENCH 12mm GALV. STEEL CARRIAGE BOLT 12mm 0 THREADED ROD OR BOLT c::::::::"Jf~' BEND SET INTO CONG. PAD ~cu_rrfli'.I---150mm DEPTH 20mm MINUS CRUSH GRAVEL COMPACTED TO 95% SP□ ff C.I.P. CONCRETE WALKWAY WIDTH= VARIES -SEE LAYOUT PLAN COLOUR= NATURAL FIN SH =BROOM/ NON-SLIP FINISH UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED SUBGRADE TO 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY C.I.P. CONCRETE WALl<::-NAY WIDTH= VARIES -SEE LAYOUT PLAN FINISH= AS PER LAYOUT PLAN 150mm DEPTH 20mm MINUS CRUSH GRAVEL COMPACTED TO 95% SPD UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED SUBGRADE TO 95% ST AND ARD PROCTOR DENSITY • I ·,-.-' \ ' 1 i:x:::) X )I .,. "' " , ' , " , , ., ' " , ) , " , ) _)()c)c)c ) ) ) )< > " ~~") ~ " ~,) " , ' \)) " . . " , ' \,) y X ) , X > ' x,;\,)<"><," " )< > ?Y '>< '\, ", I-,, \-- 1' e t~Jf ., ~~; . '<c-' \J ,_ \-;-/ ~ L ~ , , -0 )I )I .... )I 1' )I ... )< .,. )I "' X > > )( }C )I ... . , , ) . , , ) , , ' ) ' . , ' , , ' ' V ) ) , > ' ),), .>\.)()c)c)c),\c ' )< ' ' ), )'x. )'x.)('x. " " So '" ))c~\. '\ >(-,i<-., ' )I )I 'l, ' V :i, )I '\ X > > -., " )I )I .. " :x )I ... ..... )( ')o -,. ... .. , X le )I ..._ . , ' . , , ' X ' ' > X ' > ' V V ) > ' .,>< ", X X > " X X ", '\ " ", X x )< '>< X " " -" )I ... 'l, " 'v )I )I ... " )I )I .. . , ' " , , :loll )I )I 'I, y X > . , ' ) , , ' V > V > ) V ', :;0~<)c: ':,,))<)<)c 'I, ), ) ' )c 'I, )< '><> ) )( ~ ,00 , 'x: )I :i, X . , " )I )I .. 'l, " . , ..... 'V )( )I .. . , ' "' )( )I .... ) , , , , ~ ) ' , > ' ' > ) V )< )c ), ,x )( )c )c \. >X/'x~ 'x ,',"'),)()c X )< > )( <.<;} f(Z //{._ ~0 < • • = }C )0 ....... 1)1 ,. ... "' > > V , ' V ' I) " ) " )< '\ ri.~, '\ ' ,. . V ' . , ' ,. , ' . , X ' ' ) I) )( " > ' ) " '\ I) X " 1 r;>. > 5{.t [ij v\ ? C /-\I <, } <<< I UNDISTURBED OR COMPACTED SUBGRADE TO 95% STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY ,lf-L _ _____,J d Donald V. S. Duncan DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RE L M N PL O T D A T E : Ap r i l 1 8 , 2 0 2 4 T I M E : 1 : 5 1 P M F U L L P A T H A N D F I L E N A M E : D : \ P R O J E C T S \ D 2 0 - 0 0 7 1 2 2 2 S T M R \ 5 0 0 - D E L I V \ L A N D \ 0 1 - T B \ L 5 - 0 3 . D W G P L O T S Y L E T A B L E : - - - - Project No. Check Scale (may be photo reduced) 0 1inch 10mm0 Drawing Title Project Leader Drawing No. Consultants This drawing shall not be used for construction purposes until the seal appearing hereon is signed and dated by the Landscape Architect. DATE ISSUED FOR Architectural: Arborist: Civil: Structural: Mechanical: Electrical: This drawing has been prepared solely for the use of the CLIENT and there are no representations of any kind made by Donald V. S. Duncan to any party with whom Donald V. S. Duncan has not entered into a contract. 603 - 220 Eleventh Street New Westminster BC Canada V3M 6N9 778-791-4323 dvsduncan@gmail.com 20-0071 12297 222 St/22175, 22185 123 Ave Maple Ridge BC Residential Development prepared for: D.Duncan D.Duncan JMArchitecture Inc. - DrawnN Revision Maple Ridge # 2018-255-RZ/DP All dimensions shall be confirmed on site and discrepancies reported immediately. Required setbacks shall govern in all cases. 2023-11-23 D.P. 2024-04-05 D.P. 2024-04-18 A.D.P. L5-03 DETAILS 01 L5-03 KOMPAN PLAY HUT NRO404 N.T.S. 02 L5-03 KOMPAN PLAY HOUSE NRO414 N.T.S. I L LL l L Donald V. S. Duncan DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANT LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RE L M N PMT #22165 123 AVE 22 2 S T #22175 #22185 #1 2 2 9 7 #1 2 3 2 0 #2 2 1 6 0 #2 2 1 9 0 #1 2 3 1 0 DE L C R E S T S T PMT EXISTING BUILDING TO BE RENOVATED AS STORAGE DO W N T O U N D E R G R O U N D P A R K I N G GARBAGE ENCLOSURE SI D E W A L K SIDEWALK WA L K W A Y ELECTRICAL ROOM ON P1 LEVEL SPRINKLER ROOM ON P1 LEVEL BICYCLE PARKING BICYCLE PARKING STM MH-1 STM IC STORM TANK DETENTION DETAIL N.T.S. INSPECTION PORT DETAIL N.T.S. CAMERA INSPECTION/FLUSH PORT CONNECTION DETAIL N.T.S. VENT PIPE DETAIL N.T.S. DETAIL A A PREPARED SOIL SUBGRADE EL 26.72m MINIMUM EL 24.08m EL 24.28m EL 26.11m EL 26.26m 'A' DETAIL 'A' STORM TANK MODULES ³ ³ STORM SEWER NOTES: #220-2639 Viking Way, Richmond, BC,V6V 3B7 tel fax www.coreconceptconsulting.com : 604.249.5040 : 604.249.5041 ENGINEER CLIENT PROJECT SEAL SITE ADDRESS DESTROY ALL PRINTS BEARING PREVIOUS REVISION NUMBER BE N C H M A R K LE G A L REVISIONS / SUBMISSIONSNo. DATE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DRAWING NUMBER RE V . NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION HOR. SCALE VER. SCALE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 12297 222 STREET AND 22175&22185 123 AVENUE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE, BC PLAN OF LOT PARCEL "A" (REFERENCE PLAN 12909) LOT 5 EXCEPT: FIRSTLY: PARCEL "B" (REFERENCE PLAN 13374) SECONDLY: PARCEL "D" (EXPLANATORY PLAN 13727, AND LOT 9 BOTH OF DISTRICT LOT 396 GROUP 1 NWD PLAN 830 ELEVATIONS ARE GEODETIC DERIVED FROM GNSS OBSERVATIONS DATUM CVD28GVRD 2005 APARTMENT + DAYCARE DEVELOPMENTCoreConcept CONSULTING LTD. CC TEL: SIMPLEX MEADOWS SCALE: 1:250 PLAN STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 20040-10 1. 1:250 II : a 1. All MAlERIALS AND CONSlRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO 1HE Cl1Y BUILDING SPEaFICATIONS AND lHE B.C. PLIJMBING CODE. 2. CATCH BASINS AND SUIIPS SHAll BE l!OOmm DIAIIE'IER COIIPLElE 'MlH 4e0rnm SUMP AND lRAPPING HDOD. 3. All RIii ELEVATIONS IF MANHOLE, CLEANOUT AND BUILDING I.C. LIDS SHAll BE FLUSH WllH FINISHED GRADE. 4. All CATCH BASIN LEADS TO BE 1150mm DIAIIE'IER PVC SDR28 AT I.OX MINIMUM UNLESS OTHERWISE NOlED. 5. ST0RII CONNECTIONS FROM MAIN TO BUILDING TO BE 150mm DIAIIE'IER AT I.OX MINIMUM AND HAVE 0.90m COVER MINIMUM UNLESS DlHERWISE NOlED. 8. All PIPE TO BE PVC SDR:55 OR CONCRETE WI 'MlH GASKET JOINTS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOlED. 7. PIPE DEFl.ECTION SHAll NOT EXCEED lHE MAXIMUM DEflECTION SPECIFIED BY lHE MANUF"ACl\JRER. 8. ANY CHANGES FROM lHESE DRAWINGS MUST BE REPORlED TO CORE CONCEPT CONSUL TING PRIOR TO CONSlRUCTION. 9. CATCH BASINS GRAlES TO BE DOBNEY No. B-28 OR APPROVED EQUAL 10. All MANHOLES MUST BE 1050tl I.D. UNLESS OlHERWISE NOlED. 11. All BUILDING SUMPS ARE 800mm• AND TO BE LOCAlED 0.90m FROM BUILDING UNLESS OlHERWISE NOlED. 12. All STORM PIPE IN lRAVELLED AREAS WllH LESS lHAN 0.90m IF COVER TO BE PVC SDR28 CERTIFIED OR APPROVED EQUAL 13. UNDERGROUND SERVICE MAIN CROSSINGS SHOYitl lHUS: -@- 14. FINAL LOCATIONS AND SIZES OF" ST0RII CONNECTIONS TO lHE BUILDING SHAll BE CONFIRMED WllH lHE MECHANICAL ENGINEER AND BUILDING PWMBING CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO lHEIR CONSlRUCTION. ANY DISCREPANCES MUST BE REPORlED TO CORE CONCEPT CONSUL TING PRIOR TO CONSlRUCTION. HS. COORDINAlES (IF" SHOYitl ON lHIS PLAN) MAY NOT MATCH lHOSE SHOYitl ON PLANS PREPARED BY OlHERS. 16. All -KS ENCi 0SED lHUS l/ / ,/ / l ARE TO BE CONS1RUC1ED BY CITY FORCES AT lHE DEVELOPERS COST. 17. All lRENCH IIACl<FILL AND BEDDING COMPACTION SHALL BE GREAlER lHAN 95lli MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSITY OR AS SPECIFIED BY 1HE GEOlECHNICAL ENGINEER. 18. All lRENCH BACl<FILL AND BEDDING SHAll BE AS PER CITY IF MAPLE RIDGE SPECS. OR AS SPECIFIED BY lHE GEOlECHNICAL ENGINEER. TIER A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CALCULATIONS Client: Simplex Meadows Project Location: 222 Meadows Walk (22178-22185 123rd Ave, Maple Ridge) Project No. 20040 Type of Analysis Detention through Infi ltration, Evapotranspirati□n or Re-u se (Tier A) Date of Analysis: April 18, 2024 Desi gn Rainfall/Site Parameters Detention Tank Parameters Total Area 0.544 ha Detention Tank Footprint Landscaped Areas (300mm Min.L._.0.374 ha lier A Storage Depth Rainfall Depth Tier A Effective Area 48.0 mm 0 170 ha T FN9ED -ME----10 ll1E --FIii llEfALI. NILSON me UTAIIE FIii 11-211 -- DETMS -Ra. HEfENENCE 011.Y. CCN1RMffllR 1D PROWJE ....,. ... DM..am CCII£ CDICEPT CCINll.l.'IINI Fllt N'PIIOVM.IIEFCREST-INSTAU.A-. Detention Tank Poros ity Effective Storage Volume Bottom of Detention Tank El evation Detention Tank lnleUOutlet Invert 1DI 2llnwn D:£&'..!R ta.ES TO • DIii.LiD ll1011£CASl"- CIIA11! CIMII .an NOi' 1D • fUIIII 100mm -- F1111ED SURFACE MID ____ ~ GRADE. REFER 1D ll1E -PIM 1'1111 DETMA -MaCAll:1-CRJIIED snJNE CASnl IIUl1 aASS 111 a.an .... w,a• FREE F1C11 LUIIP8 NI) DEIIIB 1IElt l+t. DEIEhTION • 14.1&11 1ER A IE.IEWIICIN • 11.14m 1111H1WD0D Sf'-311 TANIC IICDI.D aAPPED AT 11E "RP MG ARDIN) TANIC WIEN II LN NON-WDWN CEOIEXIU ___ _ -"'° LIER. (IEE --REIDMNDA110NS FIii DETAILS). -FIL IIPIIMIUl,.C..a Wlf'l(UNEM I.OW DDB1Y PIL>EllfflDE -OIIIIII) 11aWT- 54.301 m2 1.55 m 97% 81 64 m' 24.28 m 2583 m QIKHEIE IEIER BDX o/w CAST ---CIIA'IEUTAIIE FIii H-20 LIIE - mnu1nun __ , l r Tier A Storage Required: lier A Storage Tier A Provided/Required Storage Volume Ratio: ~ IIITAU. A G.3m _. IY oDnm 'l1ICI< AFIW.T --AU. CIEANOUT CCMIIS W1IIN .---(nP.). 111Gmni ...... Pl'! 19Q.11:. W -01' RMIT- APPRCJIED 11M1CF1.L BY 111:. UEDIEGHCAL - ~ IAtE: 11mm CUM aaam, 511N: (Al'nl DD2'i Cl.All 11Q G.2Dm lllllllll II IEP1H AND F1EE FRC111 W11PS1 MID DEBRIS. PIEPAIED NA'INE -9P'IWE: BASE 01' EJCAVA'IIOII 1D E 8l0CIIII -LEVEL -FIE FAOII LUIIPS -DEIR8. --10-- CEll'IFY -.,_ PRIOR ,a C'ICMP"E'ENT t:E RMI TMIC INSTAii.A-. 81.37 m' 81.64 m' 1.003 + / / / I : I I / I ,' / / I : I ,' I : , I : ' / / '!..: I : I : I I I : I : I ,' , I : I / I : ' ' I I ~ I I I I I I <:> I : I I I / , I : , ' :v I I I I I I I 1/ I I ,, j 27 ( J ,, \ // I ,, \ // ', ,' i / I / // ,, I/ / t ~ """' l'------tt-- 111 , ' , I ' I ~\ rul WI --- \ \ 26 ------------------------- 0 \ \ \ f I II I I / IIF==I=------------ 1 -G----------tt-------'<-----G--"---~~-~-------'f~------t G+----+--------+ .J+-----G w \ ~ ( ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ~ ' ' N ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "' 2 \ \ \ _'l ------- \ FER VARIES (9.7-10.2} ~ \ <:, /Q ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "' °' ---+----~o, t ~ VI TIE PROPOSED STORM SERI/ICE CONNECTION INTO PROPOSED STORM MAIN C/W INSPECTION CHAMBER (TIP.). REFER TO STORM SERI/ICE CONNECTION PROFILE FOR DETAILS. C1) D EX. OSL CONOL ~---------~-----s-----.-r--tr----<:,>----j-------~------s-----------------St_ ____ _'._:::.:::::::====r==e;:::::t~--..:::::JIZ'.:l=tjj_ ____ ~I I '-' VI " \ J I ~-----------r-----r----.---------------r-----------r----------r---------r----~------, I I 11--1-----------+--"r''-+------+----------, f Lil! 18 APR 2024 PRELIMINARY J-TIER S11P FOR ADP ( J DESIGN: Ji DRAWN: 00 18 APR 2024 CHECl<ED: 1S L=-1 ENGINEER: 1S SECTION A-A SECTION B-B STORM WATER FLOW CONTROL MANHOLE DETAIL NTS A B B A STORM WATER FLOW CONTROL MANHOLE DETAIL NTS STORM WATER DETENTION DATA ³ TIER B FULL FORESTED ORIFICE CALCULATION ³ ³ ³ STORM WATER DETENTION DATA ³ TIER C ORIFICE CALCULATION ³ ³ ³ ³ #220-2639 Viking Way, Richmond, BC,V6V 3B7 tel fax www.coreconceptconsulting.com : 604.249.5040 : 604.249.5041 ENGINEER CLIENT PROJECT SEAL SITE ADDRESS DESTROY ALL PRINTS BEARING PREVIOUS REVISION NUMBER BE N C H M A R K LE G A L REVISIONS / SUBMISSIONSNo. DATE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DRAWING NUMBER RE V . NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION HOR. SCALE VER. SCALE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 12297 222 STREET AND 22175&22185 123 AVENUE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE, BC PLAN OF LOT PARCEL "A" (REFERENCE PLAN 12909) LOT 5 EXCEPT: FIRSTLY: PARCEL "B" (REFERENCE PLAN 13374) SECONDLY: PARCEL "D" (EXPLANATORY PLAN 13727, AND LOT 9 BOTH OF DISTRICT LOT 396 GROUP 1 NWD PLAN 830 ELEVATIONS ARE GEODETIC DERIVED FROM GNSS OBSERVATIONS DATUM CVD28GVRD 2005 APARTMENT + DAYCARE DEVELOPMENTCoreConcept CONSULTING LTD. CC TEL: SIMPLEX MEADOWS STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 20040-11 1. 1:250 ; oll i ID ~ II : a I I I TIER B STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CALCULATIONS (SCS 1A 24hr} Client Simplex Meadows Project Location· 222 Meadows Walk (22178-22185 123rd Ave, Maple Ridge) Project No. 2004() Type of Analysis: Detention with Flow Control -Tier B (MAR 2-Year Return Period , 24-Hour Storm, Maple Ridge 2100 Moderate Climate Change) Date of Analysis April 18, 2024 Design Rainfall!Site Pa ra meters Pre-Develo~ment Parameters Post-De velo~ment Paramete rs Design Storm SCS 1A 24I1r Steady State Infiltration Rate 0.0 rnm/hr Return Period 2-year Infiltration Safety Factor 1.5 Steady State Infiltrat ion Rate 0.0 mm/hr Desig n Storm Length 24-hour Design Infiltration Rate 0.0 mm/hr Infiltration Safety Factor 1 5 Rainfall Depth 1072 mm Runoff Coefficient 010 Des ign lnfil1ration Rate 0 0 mm/hr Calculation Increment 1 min Soil Adjustment Factor 1.10 Runoff Coefficient 0.75 A (ha) 0.544 ha R • SAF 0.11 Soil Adjustment Factor 1. 10 Detention Tank Parameters T, 15 min R • SAF 0.83 Detention Tank Footprint 54.301 m' Max . Rainfall Intensity• 27.98 mm/hr Effective Storage Depth 1.73 m Max . Release Rate (Q= Ni'R) 0.00465 m'/s Max . Release Rate (Q= A 'i'R) 0.002545 m'/s Detention Tank Porosity 97% • Maximum rainfall intensity denved from IDF table as per D5.5 of the CoMR DCM w th T = T, Effective Storage Volume 91 .12 m' Detention Tank Invert 24.28 m Tier B Slow-Release Orifice Size 16.5 mm Tier A Storage Required: 81.37 m' Max . Release (lier B -Slow Fores ted) Detention Tank Inlet/O utlet Invert 2583 m Tier A Storage Provided 81.64 m' Max Release (li er B - Full Forested) lier B Full-Release Orifice Size 75.2 mm Tier A Prmoded/Req uired Storage Vo lume Ratio: 1 003 Tier B Full-Release Orifice ln\.ert 2588 m Storage Volume Required . 86261 m' Overflow Elev (lier C Orifice ln>ert) 2601 m Provided/Required Storage Volume Ratio: 1.056 t nme Step Ra i nfa II Intensity Inflow Rate Inflow Volume Infiltration Rate Infiltration Volume Storage Volume Elf. Water Level 1 min 0 00 mm/hr 0 00000 m'l s 0.00 m3 0 00000 m'ls 0 000 m' 2 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00000 m'/s 0.00 m3 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 3 min 0 00 mm/hr 0 00000 m'l s 0 00 m' 0_00000 m'/s 0 000 m' 4 mi n 0.00 mm/hr 0. 00000 m'ls 0.00 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 5 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00000 m'l s 0.00 m3 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 6 min 1 65 mm/hr 0 00186 m'ls Q _ 11 m3 0 00000 m'ls Q_QQQ m3 0.112 m3 24 282 m 7 min 1.65 mm/hr 0.00186 m'/s 0.22 m3 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 0.224 m3 24.284 m 8 min 1 65 mm/hr 0 00186 m'ls 0.34 m3 0_00000 m'/s 0 000 m' 0.336 m.J. 24 286 m 9 min 1.65 rnm/l1r 0.00186 m'/s 0.45 rn3 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m3 0.447 m3 24.288 m 10 min 1.65 mm/hr 0.00186 m'l s 0.56 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 0.559 m' 24 .291 m 11 min 1.65 mm/hr 0.00186 m'l s 0.67 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 0.671 m' 24.293 m 424 min 4.94 mm/hr 0. 00560 m'l s 79.97 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 79.966 m' 25 .798 m 425 min 4.94 mm/hr 0. 00560 m'l s 80.30 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 80.302 m' 25 .805 m 426 min 5.27 mm/hr 0. 00597 m'/s 80.66 m3 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m3 80.660 m' 25.811 m 427 min 5 27 mm/hr 0 00597 m'l s 81 02 m' 0 00000 m'ls 0 000 m' 81 018 m' 25 818 m 428 min 5 27 mm/hr 0 00597 m'l s 81.38 m3 0_00000 m'/s 0.000 m3 81 376 m' 25 825 m 429 min 5.27 mm/hr 0.00597 m'l s 81 .73 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 81.734 m' 25 .832 m 430 mi n 5.27 mm/hr 0. 00597 m'ls 82.09 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 82.082 m' 25.838 m 431 min 5.27 rnm/l1r 0. 00597 m'/s 82.45 1113 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m3 82.417 1113 25.845 m 432 min 5 65 mm/hr 0 00641 m'l s 82 84 m' 0_00000 m'/s 0 000 m' 82 771 m' 25 851 m 433 min 5.65 mm/hr 0. 00641 m'/s 83.22 m3 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m3 83.118 m' 25.858 m 434 min 5.65 mm/hr 0.00641 m'l s 83.60 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 83.460 m' 25.865 m 467 mi n 17.09 mm/hr 0. 01937 m'ls 106.28 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 86.148m' 25.916 m 468 min 17.68 mm/hr 0.02003 m'/s 107.48 m' 0.00000 m3/s 0.000 m3 86.195m' 25 .916 m 469 min 17.68 mm/hr 0. 02003 m'l s 108.68 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 86.225 m' 25 .917 m 470 min 17.68 mm/hr 0. 02003 m'/s 109.88 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m3 86.244 m' 25.917 m 471 min 17.68 mm/hr 0. 02003 m'l s 11 1.09 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 86.255 m' 25.918 m 472 min 17.68 mm/hr 0.02003 m'l s 112.29 m' 0. 00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 86.260 m' 25.918 m 473 min 17.68 mm/hr 0. 02003 m'l s 113.49 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 86.261 m' 25 .918 m 474 mi n 17.47 mm/hr 0.01980 m'/s 114.68 m' 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 86.246 m' 25.917 m 475 min 17.47 mm/hr 0.01980 m'/s 115.87 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m3 86.232 m' 25.917 m 476 min 17.47 mm/hr 0. 01980 m'l s 117.05 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 86.220 m' 25 .917 m 477 min 17.47 mm/hr 0.01980 m'l s 118.24 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 86.209 m' 25 .917 m 478 min 17.47 mm/l1r 0. 01980 m'/s 119.43 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 86.199m' 25 .917 m 1441 min 1.39 mm/hr 0.00157 m3/s 299.26 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m3 82.336 m' 25.843 m 1442 min 1.39 mm/hr 0 00157 m'ls 299 35 m' 0 00000 m'/s 0 000 m' 82334 m' 25 843 m 1443 min 1.39 mm/hr 0.00157 m'l s 299.45 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 82.331 m' 25.843 m 1444 min 1.39 mm/hr 0.00157 m'/s 299.54 m3 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 82.328 m' 25.843 m 1445 min 1 39 mm/hr 0 00157 m'l s 299 64 m' 0 00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 82 326 m' 25 843 m 1446 min 0.00 mm/hr 0. 00000 m'/s 299.64 m' 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 82.229 m' 25.841 m 1447 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00000 m'ls 299.64 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 82.139m' 25 .839 m 1448 min 0 00 mm/hr 0 00000 m'ls 299 64 m' 0_00000 m'/s 0.000 m3 82 057 m' 25 838 m 1449 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00000 m'ls 299.64 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 81 .981 m' 25 .836 m 1450 min 0 00 mm/hr 0 00000 m'l s 299 64 m' 0_00000 m'/s 0 000 m' 81 913 m' 25 835 m 1451 min 0.00 mm/hr 0. 00000 m'/s 299.64 m3 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m3 81 .852 1113 25.834 m 1452 min 0.00 mm/hr 0. 00000 m'l s 299.64 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 81 .798 m' 25 .833 m 1453 min 0 00 mm/hr 0 00000 m'l s 299 64 m' 0_00000 m'/s 0 000 m' 81 751 m' 25 832 m 1454 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00000 m'l s 299.64 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 81 .712 m' 25.831 m 1455 min 0 00 mm/hr 0 00000 m'/s 299 64 m' 0 00000 m'ls 0 000 m' 81 681 m' 25 831 m 1456 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00000 m'/s 299.64 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m3 81 .657 m' 25.830 m 1457 min 0.00 mm/hr 0. 00000 m'l s 299.64 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 81 .642 m' 25.830 m 1458 min 0.00 mm/hr 0. 00000 m'l s 299.64 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 81 .638 m' 25 .830 m 1459 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00000 m'/s 299.64 m' 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 81 .638 m' 25.830 m 1460 min 0 00 mm/hr 0 00000 m'l s 299 64 m' 0_00000 m'/s 0 000 m' 81 638 m' 25 830 m 1461 min 0.00 mm/hr 0. 00000 m'/s 299.64 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 81 .638 m' 25 .830 m 1462 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00000 m'/s 299.64 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 81 .638 m' 25 .830 m l l r 0.00025 m'/s 0 00440 m'/s r t Outflow Rate 0 00000 m'/s 0.00000 m'/s 0 00000 m'/s 0.00000 m3/s 0.00000 m'/s 0.00000 m'/s 0.00000 m'/s 0.00000 m'/s 0.00000 m'/s 0 00000 m'/s 0 00000 m'/s 0.00002 m'/s 0.00005 m'/s 0.00007 m3/s 0 00009 m'/s 0.00010 m'/s 0.00011 m'/s 0.00247 m'/s 0.00250 m'/s 0.00252 m'/s 0.00253 m'/s 0.00254 m'/s 0.00254 m'/s 0.00254 m'/s 0.00254 m'/s 0.00253 m'/s 0.00252 m'/s 0.00251 m'/s 0.00251 m'ls 0.00007 m'/s 0 00007 m'/s 0.00007 m'/s 0.00007 m'/s 0 00007 m'/s 0.00006 m'/s 0.00006 m'/s 0.00005 m3/s 0.00005 m'/s 0 00004 m'ls 0.00004 m3/s 0.00003 m'/s 0 00003 m'/s 0.00002 m'/s 0 00002 m'/s 0.00001 m'/s 0.00000 m'/s 0.00000 m'/s 0.00000 m'/s 0 00000 m'/s 0.00000 m'/s 0.00000 m'/s Outflow Volume Q QQQ m3 0.000 m3 0 000 m' 0.000 m3 0.000 m' 0.000 m' 0.000 m' 0.000 m' 0.000 m3 0 000 m' 0000 m3 0.011 m' 0.034 m' 0.064 m3 0 102 m' 0.144 m3 0.192m' 21.285m' 22.456 tn3 23.640 m' 24.831 m' 26.027 m' 27.228 m' 28.432 m' 29.634 m' 30.834 m' 32.033 m' 33.232 m' 34.429 m' 217.018 m' 217.116 m' 217.212 m' 217.309 m' 217406 m' 217.496 m' 217.578 m' 217.654 m' 217.722 m' 217.783 m' 217.837 m' 217.884 m' 217.923 m' 217.954 m' 217.978 m' 217.993 m' 217.997 m' 217.997 m' 217.997 m' 217 997 m' 217.997 m' 217.997 m' Start of Tank Inflow Start of Tank Outflow Max. Water Level and Max. Release Rate Reached Tier B Full-Release Orifice Reached Design Storm Ends Tier B Empties, Tank Outflow Ends Tier A Continues Sloi11y Infiltrating into Groumvater Table 11--1--------~----------1------------1 lOTAL SllE /llfEA: -0.544 Ha. MAXIMUM 2-YEAR FORESTED _ 0.00485m f,o FLOW PRE~ RAlE: MAXIMUM 2-YEAR PRE-DEIIELOPMENT "Fl E4SE -D.0002!5m /• RAlE (SLOW FORESlED): RESULTING TIER B MAXIMUM RELEASE RAlE (FULL -0.00440m /• FCRESlw FLOW): Q -0.82 • A , 2"1!"11 Q -0.00440m /• g -9.81m/■' H -0.13m A -O.S2~H -0.004444m1 OR 4444mm' ,r ,.a -4444mm1 r • 37.8nvn D • 75mm N0lE: ALL CONCRElE PIPES a, MH'S CF DElENTION SYS1EM 10 BE INSTALLED llflH "SUPERSEAL" SEIF LUBRICATING GASKETS AND SEAi w WllH "CONSEAL CS-102" OR EQUIVALENT. SUPER SEAL GASKET (TYP.) 25011 lOTAL SllE /llfEA: -0.544 Ha. MAXIMUM 2-YEAR PRE-OEIIELOPMENT "Fl E4SE -0.02392m /• RAlE: MAXIMUM 2-YEAR PRE-OEIIELOPMENT RELEASE -0.0002!5m /• RAlE (SLOW FORESlED) MAXIMUM 2-YEAR PRE-OEIIELOPMENT "Fl E4SE -0.00440m /• RAlE (FULL FORESlED FLOW): RESULTING TIER C RELEASE RAlE Q -0.62 • A , 2"g"I I Q -0.01927m /• g -9.81m/■' H -0.10m -0.01927m /• A -O.S2~2gH -0.022189m1 OR 22189mm2 " ,.a -22189mm2 r • 84.0mm D -188mm N0lE: CONlRACTOR 10 PROVIDE SHOP DWG's CF CON1ROL CHAMBER TWO V&KS (MIN.) PRIOR 10 CONSTRIJCl10N FOR ENGINEERING RE1/IEW a, APPROVAL L 2l50mm DIAMElER __/ INLET PIPE FROM Sl1E STORM SYS1EM 2l50mm DIAMElER PIPE INLET /OUn.ET 10 DEIENliON TANK CAST IRON FRAME a, COVER ,-----------------:,,.BEi w "STORM SEYER" 10-------------.. H-20 LIVE LOADING RIM -27.71 FINISHED SURFACE AND GRADE. REFER 10 SllE GRADING PLAN FOR DETAILS. HWL STORM WAlER _ _, FLOW DIRECTION 2l50mm DIAMElER INLET/OUn.ET PIPE-...,....-FROM DElENTION TANK ,_ ____ _ INV.-25.83 ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MIWMElERS UNLESS OlHERWISE SHOMI. DESIGN EMERGENCY OVERFLOW ,._ ____ (MAXIIUM STORAGE ELEVATION OF--t' DElENTION SYSlEM) ELEVATION-28.13m I 1111111111■111 II S1RAP WllH "U" BOl.lS (l'IP.) ...,.. ______ OVERFLOW RISER -----Hi+---. CON1ROL S1RUCTIJRE 10 BE ----, J.,------FABRICAlED IN PVC SORJ5 AND ---+---1-----... SECUREL Y ANCHORw 10 MANHOLE WAlER TIGHT FLAP GAlE c/w EYE __ J_;_~~---1 _;;.-b.-..,, BOLT {AS FABRICAlED BY LE RON PLASllCS OR EQUIVALENl) ORFlCE PLAlE C1l5mm lHICK) WllH SQUARE E0GE CIRCULAR ORIFICE OF 18.15mm DIAMElER (TIER B -SLOW) ......._ __ WIRE MESH TRASH SCREEN (MIN. __ _...- 300mm HIGH WllH MAX. 38mm OPENINGS) MINIMUM 200mm CF 19mm ......__MINUS CLEAN, WELL ORADw --'"----,,.C......!.'-.J.1....J.J._.w..._,J ___ ,w_...,u_,J.J.1....J.J._.w...--l---' CRUSHw GRAIIEL COMPAC'IED 10 IINIMUM 95lli MPMDD. ---APPRO't'ED SUB-GRADE BY __ , GEOlECHNICAL ENGINEER ( J DESIGN: Ji DRAWN: GG 18 APR 2024 CHECKw: 1S 25011 INLET/OUn.ET 2l50mm DIAMElER OUn.ET Pl'E 250mm DIAMElER .....__ OVERFLOW RISER '---STORM WAlER FLOW DIRECllON f L d! L-...l..--------------------------L-----''-1--8_APR ____ _;c20,;.;2;;_4 _ _,__P.,;.R;;;ELl=..Ml..,;N __ Affr ___ .,;.J-___ TI.;;.ER.;,..,;.SIF=.._f1--0R ___ AD..;;,_P _________________ _,_ ____________________ ...L,. ____________________ ---1 ________________________ ..._ __________ __,c..,._ ___ _,_ ___ ---1 _____ _Jc..,._ ____ _,__L.::::;: L=--1 ENGINEER: 1S #220-2639 Viking Way, Richmond, BC,V6V 3B7 tel fax www.coreconceptconsulting.com : 604.249.5040 : 604.249.5041 ENGINEER CLIENT PROJECT SEAL SITE ADDRESS DESTROY ALL PRINTS BEARING PREVIOUS REVISION NUMBER BE N C H M A R K LE G A L REVISIONS / SUBMISSIONSNo. DATE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DRAWING NUMBER RE V . NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION HOR. SCALE VER. SCALE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 12297 222 STREET AND 22175&22185 123 AVENUE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE, BC PLAN OF LOT PARCEL "A" (REFERENCE PLAN 12909) LOT 5 EXCEPT: FIRSTLY: PARCEL "B" (REFERENCE PLAN 13374) SECONDLY: PARCEL "D" (EXPLANATORY PLAN 13727, AND LOT 9 BOTH OF DISTRICT LOT 396 GROUP 1 NWD PLAN 830 ELEVATIONS ARE GEODETIC DERIVED FROM GNSS OBSERVATIONS DATUM CVD28GVRD 2005 APARTMENT + DAYCARE DEVELOPMENTCoreConcept CONSULTING LTD. CC TEL: SIMPLEX MEADOWS STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 20040-12 1. 1:250 i TIER B STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CALCULATIONS CM-LONG) TIER C STORMWATER MANAGEMENT CALCULATIONS {GOVERNING STORM) l l Client· Simplex Meadows Client" Simplex Meadows Project Location: 222 Meadows Walk (22178-22185 123rd A\e, Maple Ridge) Project Location: 222 Meadows Walk (22178-22185123rd Ave, Maple Ridge) Project No 20040 Project No 20040 Type of Ana lysis· Detention with Flow Control -"lier B (MAR 2-Year Return Period, 24-Hour Storm, Maple Ridge 2100 Moderate Climate Change) Type of Analysis Detenti on with Flow Control -"lier B (MAR 2-Year Return Period, 24-Hour Storm, Maple Ridge 2100 Moderate Climate Change) Date of Analysis April 18, 2024 Date of Analysis: April 18, 2024 T Design Rainfall/Site Parameters Pre-Develo~ment Parameters Post-Develo~ment Parameters Design Rainfall/Site Parameters Pre-Develo~ment Parameters {2-Yr} Post-Develo~ment Parameters {10-Yr} I Design Storm M-Long 2100 Steady State Infiltration Rate 0.0 mm/hr Steady State Infiltration Rate 0.0 mm/hr Design Storm SCS 1A 24hr Steady State Infiltration Rate 0.0 mm/hr Return Period 2-year Infiltration Safety Factor 1 5 Infiltration Safety Factor 1.5 Return Period 2-year Infiltration Safety Factor 1.5 Steady State Infiltration Rate 0.0 mm/hr Design Storm Length 24-hour Design Infiltration Rate 0.0 mm/hr Design Infiltration Rate 0.0 mm/hr Design Storm Length 3 4-hou r Design Infiltration Rate 0 0 mm/hr Infiltration Safety Factor 1 5 Rainfall Depth 107.2 mm Runoff Coefficient 0.10 Runoff Coefficient 0.75 Rainfall Depth 36.0 rnrn Runoff Coefficient 0.60 Design Infiltration Rate 0.0 mm/hr Calculation Increment 1 min Soil Adjustment Factor 1 10 Soil Adjustment Factor 1.10 Calculation Increment 1 min Soil Adjustment Factor 1.10 Runoff Coefficient 0.75 A (ha) 0 544 ha R * SAF 0 11 R 'SA F 083 A (ha)_ 0 544 ha R *SAF 0 66 Soil Adjustment Factor 1 10 Detention Tank Parameters T, 15 min Detention Tank Parameters T, 15 min R' SA F 0 83 Detention Tank Footpri nt 54 301 rn' Max Rainfall Intens ity* 27 98 rnrn/hr Detention Tank Footprint 54 301 m' Max Rainfall Intensity" 23 99 mm/hr Effective Storage Depth 1.73 m Max . Release Rate (Q= A *i'R) 0.00465 m"/s Achieved Release Rate (Q= A 'i'R) 0.001160 m"/s Effective Storage Depth 1.83 rn Max . Release Rate (Q= AYR) 0.02392 m"ls Achie1Aed Release Rate (Q= AYR) 0.00936 m"ls Detention Tan k Porosity 97% "Maximum rainfall intensityden'ved from IDF table as per 05.5 of the CoMR DCM with T = Tc Detention Tank Porosity 97% 82.yr = 13.16 a10-:,r = 24.058 Effectrve Storage Volume 91 .12m" Effective Storage Volume 96.39 m' bi-yr = -0.433 b10-yr = -0.458 Detention Tan k ln\ert 24.28 rn < Tie r B Slow-Rel ease Orifice Size 16.5 mm Tier A Storage Required 81 37 m' Max . Release (Tier B -Slow Forested): 0. 00025 m'ls Bottom of Detention Tan k 24.28 rn * Maximum rainfall intensity derived from /OF table as per D5. 5 of the CoMR DCM Wth T = Tc Detention Tan k Inlet/Outlet Invert 25.83 m Tier A Storage Provided: 81.64 m3 Max . Release (Tier B -Full Forested): 0. 00440 m'ls Tier B Slow-Release Orifice Size 16.5 mm Tier A Storage Required: 81.37 m3 Max. Release (Tie r B -Slow Forested) 0.00025 m'ls Tie r B Fu ll-Release Orilce Size 75.2 mm Tier A Provided/Required Storage Volume Ratio 1003 Detention Tank Inlet/Outlet lm.ert. 2583 m Tier A Storage Provided 81 64 m~ Max Release (lier B -Full Forested)· 0 00440 m'/s Tier B Full-Release Orit ce Invert 2588 m Storage Volume Required: 84.642 m' Tier B Full-Release Orifice Size 75.2 mm "lier A Pro,1ded/Required Storage Volume Ratio: 1 003 Max. Release (lier CJ: 0. 01927 m'/s + + + Tier B Full-Release Orifice Invert 25.88 m Tie r B Storage Volume Required: 86 .26 rn' Overtlow Elev. ("lier C Orifice ln,ert) 26.01 m Provided/Required Storage Volume Ratio: 1077 Tier C Ori fice Invert"" 26.01 m "lier B Storage Provided 191.12 m' Tier C Ori fice Size"" 1681 mm Tier B Provided/Required Storage Volume Ratio: 1.056 Time Step Rainfall Intensity Inflow Rate Inflow Volume Infiltration Rate Infiltration Volume Storage Volume Ell. Water Level Outflow Rate Outflow Volume -O\€r1low Elevation 26 11 m Tier C Storage Volume Required: 9142 m' 1 min 0 00 rnrn/hr 0 00000 rn'/s 0.00 m~ 0 00000 m'ls 0 000 rn' ""Not Required as Adequate Storage Volume and "lier C Storage Volume Pro~ded : 196.39 m' 26.016m 2min 0 00 mm/hr 0 00000 m'/s 000 mJ. 0 00000 m'ls 0 000 m' Release P10vided Wthout Separate Tier C Orifice Tie r C Provided/Required Storage Volume Ratio: 1 054 3rnin 0.00 mm/hr 0.00000 1113/s 0.00 tn3 0. 00000 m3/s 0.000 m3 4min 0.00 mm/hr 0. 00000 m'ls 0.00 m3 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m' Time Step Rainfall Intensity Inflow Rate Inflow Volume lnfi ltration Rate I nfiltration Volume Storage Volume Ell. Water Level Outflow Rate Outflow Volume 5 mi n 0.00 mm/hr 0. 00000 m'/s 0.00 m3 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 1 min 13.64 mm/hr 0.00103 m'/s 0.06 m3 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 1113 0.062 m3 24.281 m 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m3 Start of Tank Inflow 15 min 0 00 mm/hr 0 00000 m'/s 0.00 mj 0 00000 m'ls 0 000 m' 2 min 13.64 mm/hr 0.00206 m'ls 0.19 m' 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 0.186 m' 24.284 m 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 16 min 0.00 mm/hr 0. 00000 m'/s 0.00 m3 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 3 min 13 64 mm/hr 0 00309 m'/s 0.37 tn3 0 00000 m'ls Q_Q()() 1113 0 371 m' 24 287 m 0 00000 m'/s 0 000 m' 17 min 0.00 mm/hr 0. 00000 m'ls 0.00 m3 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 4 min 13.64 mmnir 0.004 i 2 1113/s 0.62 tn3 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 1113 0.619 rn3 24.292 m 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 tn3 18 min 0.00 mm/hr 0. 00000 m'ls 0.00 m3 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 5 min 13.64 mm/hr 0.00515 m'ls 0.93 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 0.928 m' 24.298 m 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 6 min 13.64 mm/hr 0.00619 m'ls 1.30 m' 0. 00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 1.299 m' 24.305 m 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 19 min 0.00 mm/hr 0. 00000 m'ls 0.00 m3 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 7 min 13.64 mm/hr 0.00722 m'ls 1.73 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 1.732m' 24.313 m 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 20 min 4 29 mm/hr 0 00486 m'/s 0.29 m~ 0 00000 m'/s 0 000 m' 0292 m' 24286 m 0 00000 m'/s 0 000 m' Start of Tank Inflow 8 min 13 64 mm/hr 0.00825 1113/s 2.23 tn3 0 00000 m'/s Q_Q{X) 1113 2 227 m' 24 322 m 0 00000 m'ls 0 000 m' 21 min 4.29 mm/hr 0.00486 m3/s 0.58 m3 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 0.583 m3 24.291 m 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 tn3 9 min 13.64 mm/hr 0.00928 m'ls 2.78 m3 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 2.783 m3 24.333 m 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 22 min 4.29 mm/hr 0. 00486 m'ls 0.88 m3 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 0.875 m' 24.297 m 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 10 min 13 64 mm/hr 0 01031 m'/s 3.40 m3 0 00000 m'ls Q_Q()() 1113 3 402 m' 24 345 m 0 00000 m'/s 0 000 m' 23 min 4 29 mm/hr 0 00486 m'ls 1 17 m' 0 00000 m'ls 0 000 m' 1 167 m' 24 302 m 0 00000 m'ls 0 000 m' 11 min 13 64 mm/hr 0 01134 m'ls 4 08 m' 0 00000 m'ls 0 000 m' 4 082 m' 24 358 m 0 00000 m'ls 0000m' 24 rnin 4.29 rnrn/h r o. 00486 m'/s 1 46 ma 0.00000 rn'ls 0.000 rn' 1.459 m~ 24.308 m 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 rn' 12 rnin 13.64 mm/hr 0.01237 m'/s 4.82 ma o. 00000 rn'/s 0.000 m3 4.824 rn' 24.372 m 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 ma 25 min 4 29 mm/hr 0 00486 m3/s 1 75 m3 0. 00000 m3/s 0.000 m3 1.750 m3 24 313 m 0.00000 m3/s 0.000 m3 13 min 13 64 mm/hr 0 01340 m'ls 5.63 m:1 0 00000 m'/s Q_Q()() m l 5 629 m' 24 387 m 0 00000 m'/s 0000m' 273 min 4.99 mm/hr 0. 00566 m'ls 80.11 m' 0. 00000 m'l s 0.000 m' 80.108 m' 25.801 m 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 14 min 13.64 mm/hr 0.01443 m'ls 6.49 m3 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 6.494 m3 24.403 m 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 274 min 4.99 mm/hr 0. 00566 m'ls 80.45 m' 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 80.447 m' 25.807 m 0. 00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 15 min 13.64 mm/hr 0.01546 m'/s 7.42 ml 0.00000 m'/s Q_Q()() m l 7.422 m' 24.421 m 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m' Time of Concentration, Full Tank Inflow Rate Reached 275 min 4.99 mm/hr 0. 00566 m'/s 80.79 m3 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 80.787 m' 25.814 m 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m3 16 min 13 64 mm/hr 0 01546 m'ls 8_35 m3 0 00000 m'ls 0 000 m' 8 350 m' 24.439 m 0 00000 m'ls 0000m' 276 rnin 4. 99 rnrn/h r 0. 00566 m'ls 81.13rn' 0. 00000 rn'ls 0.000 rn' 81.126 rn' 25.820 m 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 rn' 17 rnin 13.64 mmllir 0.01546 m'ls 9.28 rn' 0.00000 rn'ls 0.000 m' 9.278 rn' 24.456 m 0.00000 m'ls 0.000rn' 277 min 4.99 mm/hr 0. 00566 m'/s 81.47m3 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 81 .465 m' 25.827 m 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 18 min 13 64 mm/hr 0 01546 m'ls 1021 m' 0 00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 10 206 m' 24474 m 0 00000 m'ls 0000m' 278 min 4.99 mm/hr 0. 00566 m'/s 81 .80 m' 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 81 .805 m' 25.833 m 0.00003 rn'ls 0.009 m' Start of Tank Outflow 19 min 13.64 rnmlhr 0.01546 m'ls 11.13 m3 0. 00000 m'/s 0.000 m3 11.133 m' 24.491 m 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 279 min 4.99 mm/hr 0. 00566 m'ls 82.14 m' 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 82.135 m' 25.839 m 0.00006 m'/s 0.025 m' 20 min 13.64 mm/hr 0.01546 m'ls 12.06 m' 0. 00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 12.061 m' 24.509 m 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 280 min 4.99 mm/hr 0. 00566 1113/s 82.48 rn3 0. 00000 m3/s 0.000 m3 82.458 m' 25.846 m 0. 00007 rn'/s 0.045 m3 90 min 13.64 mm/hr 0.01546 m'ls 77.01 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 77.006 m' 25.742 m 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 281 rnin 4. 99 rnrnlhr 0. 00566 m'ls 82.82 rn' 0. 00000 rn'ls 0.000 rn' 82.777 rn' 25.852 m 0. 00009 m'/s 0.070 rn' 91 min 13 64 mm/hr 0 01546 m'ls 77 93 m' 0 00000 m'/s Q_Q()() m3 77 934 m' 25 760 m 0 00000 m'ls 0000m' 282 min 4.99 mm/hr 0. 00566 m'/s 83.16 m3 0.00000 m'l s 0.000 m3 83.092 m' 25.858 m 0.00010 m'/s 0.097 m3 92 min 13.64 mm/hr 0.01546 m'ls 78.86 m3 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 78.862 m' 25.777 m 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 283 min 4.99 mm/hr 0. 00566 m'/s 83.50 m' 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 83.404 m' 25.863 m 0. 00011 m'ls 0.128 m' 93 min 13 64 mm/hr 0 01546 m'/s 79 79 m' 0 00000 m'/s Q_Q(X) m3 79 790 m' 25 795 m 0 00000 m'ls 0 000 m' 284 min 4.99 mm/hr 0. 00566 m'/s 83.84 m" 0. 00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 83.713m' 25.869 m 0.00012 m'/s 0.161 m' 94 min 13 64 mm/hr 0 01546 m'ls 80 72 m' 0 00000 m'ls 0 000 m' 80 717 m' 25 812 m 0 00000 m'ls 0000m' 285 min 4.99 mm/hr 0. 00566 rn'ls 84.18 m' 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 84.019 m' 25.875 m 0. 00012 rn'ls 0.196 m' 95 min 13.64 mm/hr 0.01546 m'ls 81 .65 m' 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 81.645 m' 25.830 m 0.00001 m'ls 0.000 m' Start of Tank Outflow 286 min 4 99 mm/hr 0 00566 m'/s 84 52 m' 0 00000 m'/s 0 000 m' 84 323 m' 25 881 m 0 00050 m'/s 0 340 m' Tier B Full Release Orifice Reached 96 min 13 64 mm/hr 0 01546 m'ls 82 57 m' 0 00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 82 572 m' 25 848 m 0 00008 m'ls 0 008 m' 287 min 4.99 mm/hr 0. 00566 m'ls 84.86 m3 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 84.519m' 25.885 m 0.00097 m'/s 0.618 m3 97 min 13.64 rnmlhr 0.01546 m'ls 83.50 m3 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m3 83.493 m' 25.865 m 0.00011 m'ls 0.019 m3 288 min 4.99 mm/hr 0. 00566 m'/s 85.20 m' 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 84.580 m' 25.886 m 0.00107 m'/s 0.925 m' 98 min 13 64 mm/hr 0 01546 m'/s 8443 m' 0 00000 m'/s Q_Q(X) m3 84.410m' 25 883 m Q. Q{)()75 m3/S 0 092 m' Tier B Full-Release Onflce Reached 289 min 4 99 mm/hr 0 00566 m'/s 85.54 m3 0 00000 m'ls 0 000 m' 84 612 m' 25886 m 0 00112 m'/s 1 248 m' 99 min 13.64 mm/hr 0.01546 m'ls 85.36 m3 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 85.264 m' 25.899 m 0.00183 m'ls 0.273 m' 290 min 4.99 mm/hr 0. 00566 rn'/s 85.88 m' 0.00000 rn'ls 0.000 m' 84.629 m' 25.887 m 0.00 114 rn'ls 1.579 m' 100 rnin 13.64 mm/hr 0.01546 m'ls 86.28 m' 0.00000 rn'ls 0.000 m' 86. 01 1 rn' 25.913 m 0.00239 m'ls 0.512 rn' 291 min 4.99 mm/hr 0. 00566 m'ls 86.22 m3 0.00000 m'l s 0.000 m' 84.637 m' 25.887 m 0.00115 m'ls 1.914 m' 101 min 13 64 mm/hr 0 01546 m'ls 8721 m' 0 00000 m'ls 0 000 m' 86 700 m' 25 926 m 0 00280 m'ls 0 795 m' 292 min 4 99 mm/hr 0 00566 m'ls 86 56 m' 0 00000 m'ls 0 000 m' 84 641 m' 25887 m 0 00116 m'ls 2252 m' 102 rnin 13.64 mm/hr 0.01546 m'/s 88 .14m' 0.00000 rn'ls 0.000 m :1 87.345 nf' 25.938 m 0.00314 m'/s 1.115rn' 293 min 4.99 mm/hr 0. 00566 m'ls 86.89 m' 0. 00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 84.642 m' 25.887 m 0.00116 m'/s 2.592 m' Max. Water Level and Max. Release Rate Reached 103 mi n 13.64 mm/hr 0.01546 m'ls 89 .07 m' 0. 00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 87.952 m' 25.950 m 0.00343 m'ls 1.468 m' 294 min 4 99 mm/hr 0 00566 m'ls 8723 m' 0 00000 m'ls 0 000 m' 84 642 m' 25 887 m 0 00116 m'/s 2 933 m' Tier B Full-Release Orifice Reached 190 min 13.64 mm/hr 0.01546 m'ls 169.78 m' 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 90.927 m' 26.006 m 0.00459 m'/s 79.729 m' 295 min 4.99 mm/hr 0. 00566 m'ls 87.57 m' 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 84.640 m' 25.887 m 0.00 116 m'/s 3.274 m' 191 min 13.64 mm/hr 0.01546 m'ls 170.71 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 90.983 m' 26.007 m 0.00460 m'ls 80.609 m' 296 min 4.99 mm/hr 0. 00566 m'/s 87.91 m' 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 84.638 m' 25.887 m 0.00115 m'/s 3.616 m' 192 min 13 64 mm/hr 0 01546 m'ls 171 64 m' 0 00000 m'ls 0 000 m' 91032 m' 26 008 m 0 00462 m'ls 81496 m' ; oll 297 min 4.99 mm/hr 0. 00566 m'ls 88.25 m' 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 84.636 m' 25.887 m 0.00115 m'ls 3.958 m' 193 rnin 13.64 mm/hr 0.01546 m'ls 172.57 rn' 0. 00000 rn'ls 0.000 m' 91.072 rn' 26.009 m 0.00463 m'ls 82.390 m' 298 min 4 99 mm/hr 0 00566 m3/s 88.59 m3 0. 00000 m3/s 0.000 m3 84 633 m' 25887 m 0 00115 m'ls 4.300 m3 194 min 13.64 mm/hr 0.01546 m'ls 173.50 m' 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 91.106m' 26.010 m 0.00465 m'ls 83.291 m' 299 min 4.99 mm/hr 0. 00566 m'ls 88.93 m' 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 84.631 m' 25.887 m 0.00114 m'ls 4.642 m' ---< 195 min 13.64 mm/hr 0.01546 m'ls 174.42 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 91.132m' 26.010 m 0.00550 m'ls 84.364 m' Max. Water Level and Max. Release Rate Reached i ID ~ 1455 min 1 43 rnrn/hr 0 00162 m'ls 437 07 m' 0 00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 82 366 m' 25844 m 0 00007 m'ls 354 804 rn' 196 min 13.64 mm/hr 0.01546 m'ls 175.35 m' 0. 00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 90.987 m' 26.007 m 0.00461 m'ls 85.267 m' 1456 min 1 43 mm/hr 0.00162 m'/s 437.17 m' 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 82.363 m' 25.844 m 0.00007 m'/s 354.905 m' 197 min 13.64 rnrn/hr 0.01546 m'ls 176.28 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m3 91.012 m' 26.008 m 0.00461 m'/s 86.176 m3 1457 min 1 43 mm/hr 0.00162 m'/s 437.26 m' 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 82.360 m' 25.844 m 0.00007 m'ls 355 004 m' 198 rnin 13.64 mm/hr 0.01546 m'ls 177.21 rn' 0. 00000 rn'/s 0.000 m' 91.031 rn' 26.008 m 0.00462 m'ls 87.091 m' 1458 min 1 43 mm/hr 0.00162 m'/s 437.36 m' 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 82.357 m' 25.844 m 0.00007 m'ls 355.104 m' 199 min 13.64 mm/hr 0.01546 m'ls 178.13 m' 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 91.044 m' 26.009 m 0.00462 m'ls 88.01 1 m' 1459 min 1 43 mm/hr 0.00162 m'/s 437.46 m' 0. 00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 82.355 m' 25.844 m 0.00007 m'ls 355.204 m' 200 min 13 64 mm/hr 0 01546 m'/s 179 06 m' 0 00000 m'ls 0 000 m' 91051 m' 26009 m 0 00463 m'/s 88 937 m' 1460 min 0 00 mm/hr 0 00000 m'ls 437.46 m' 0 00000 m'ls 0 000 m' 82 255 m' 25842 m 0 00006 m'ls 355 297 m' Design Stonn Ends 217 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00515 m'ls 191.43 m' 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 87.916m' 25.949 m 0.00341 m'/s 104.257 m' 1461 min o.oo rnrn/h r o. 00000 m'ls 437.46 m' 0.00000 rn'ls 0.000 m~ 82.162 rn' 25.840 m 0.00006 m'/s 355.382 rn' 218 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00412 m'ls 191.68 m' 0. 00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 87.423 m' 25.940 m 0.00318 m'ls 104.950 m' 1462 min 0 00 mm/hr 0 00000 m'/s 437.46 m' 0 00000 m'l s 0 000 m' 82 077 m' 25838 m 0 00005 m'/s 355 460 m' 219 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00309 m'ls 191.87 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 86.915 m:i 25.930 m 0.00292 m'/s 105.590 m' 1463 min 0.00 mm/hr 0. 00000 m'ls 437.46 m' 0. 00000 m'l s 0.000 m3 81 .999 m' 25.837 m 0.00005 m'/s 355.531 m' 220 rnin 0.00 rnrnl hr 0.00206 m'ls 191.99 rn' 0.00000 rn'ls 0.000 m' 86.400 rn' 25.920 m 0.00263 m'ls 106.168 rn' 1464 min 0.00 mm/hr 0. 00000 m'/s 437.46 m' 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 81 .928 m' 25.835 m 0.00004 m'ls 355.594 m' 221 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00103 m'/s 192.05 m3 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 85.883 m' 25.911 m 0.00230 m'/s 106.676 m' 1465 min 0 00 mm/hr 0 00000 m'ls 437.46 m' 0 00000 m'ls 0 000 m' 81 865 m' 25 834 m 0 00004 m'ls 355 650 m' 222 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00000 1113/s 192.05 rn3 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 85.375 m3 25.901 m 0.00192 m'/s 107.103 m' Governing Design Storm Ends 1466 rnin 0.00 rnrnlhr 0. 00000 m'ls 437.46 m' 0. 00000 rn'ls 0.000 rn' 81 .809 rn' 25.833 m 0. 00003 m'/s 355.699 rn' 223 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00000 m'ls 192.05 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 84.949 m' 25.893 m 0.00153 m'ls 107.443 m' 1467 min 0 00 mm/hr 0 00000 m'/s 437.46 m' 0 00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 81 760 m' 25832 m 0 00003 m'/s 355 740 m' 224 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00000 m'ls 192.05 m3 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 84.608 m' 25.886 m 0.00111 m'ls 107.692 m' 1468 min 0.00 mm/hr 0. 00000 m'ls 437.46 m' 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 81 .719m' 25.831 m 0.00002 m'ls 355.773 m' 225 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00000 m'ls 192.05 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 84.359 m' 25.882 m 0.00062 m'ls 107.832 m' 1469 min 0.00 mm/hr 0. 00000 m'ls 437.46 m' 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 81 .686 m' 25.831 m 0.00002 m'/s 355.798 m' 226 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00000 m'/s 192.05 m3 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m3 84.219 m' 25.879 m 0.00013 m'ls 107.862 m' 1470 min 0.00 mm/hr 0. 00000 m'ls 437.46 m' 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 81 .661 m' 25.830 m 0.00001 m'ls 355.815 m' Tier B Empties, Tank Outnow Ends 227 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00000 m'ls 192.05 m' 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 84.190 m' 25.878 m 0.00013 m'ls 107.891 m' 1471 min 0.00 rnrn/hr 0. 00000 m'ls 437.46 m' 0. 00000 rn'ls 0.000 rn' 81 .644 rn' 25.830 m 0.00000 m'ls 355.821 rn' Tier A Con/mue 5/o.-Jy Infiltrating Into Groundwater Table 350 min 0 00 mm/hr 0 00000 m'ls 192 05 m' 0 00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 81 663 m' 25 830 m 0. 00001 m3/s 110392m' 1472 min 0.00 mm/hr 0. 00000 m'/s 437.46 m' 0. 00000 m'l s 0.000 m3 81 .638 m' 25.830 m 0.00000 m'/s 355.821 m' 351 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00000 m'ls 192.05 m' 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 81.659 m' 25.830 m 0.00001 m'ls 110.396 m' 1473 min 0 00 mm/hr 0 00000 rn3/s 437 46 rn' 0. 00000 m3/s 0.000 m3 81 638 m' 25830 m 0 00000 rn'/s 355 821 m' 352 min 0 00 mm /hr 0 00000 m'/s 192.05 tn3 0 00000 m'/s Q_Q()() lll 3 81 .655 tn3 25 830 m 0 00001 m'/s 110 400m' 1474 min 0.00 mm/hr 0. 00000 m'ls 437.46 m' 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 81 .638 m' 25.830 m 0.00000 m'/s 355.821 m' 353 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00000 m'/s 192.05 m3 0. 00000 m'/s 0.000 m3 81.652 m' 25.830 m 0.00001 m'/s 110.403 m' 1475 min 0.00 mm/hr 0. 00000 m3/s 437.46 rn' 0.00000 rn3/s 0.000 m3 81.638 m' 25.830 m 0. 00000 rn'/s 355.821 m' 354 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00000 m'ls 192.05 m' 0. 00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 81.649 m' 25.830 m 0.00001 m'ls 110.405 m' 1476 min 0.00 mm/hr 0. 00000 m'/s 437.46 m' 0. 00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 81.638 m' 25.830 m 0.00000 m'ls 355.821 m' 355 min 0 00 mm/hr 0 00000 m'ls 192.05 m3 0 00000 m'/s 0.000 m3 81 646 m' 25 830 m 0 00001 m'ls 110.407 m' Tier B and C empty, Tank Outflow Ends 356 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00000 m'ls 192.05 m' 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 81.644 m' 25.830 m 0.00000 m'ls 110.409 m' Tier A continues sloi-ity infiltrating into groundwater table 357 min 0 00 mm/hr 0 00000 m'/s 192.05 mJ 0 00000 m'/s Q_Q(X) lll 3 81 643 m' 25 830 m 0 00000 m'/s 110.410m' 358 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00000 m3/s 192.05 m' 0.00000 m'/s 0.000 m3 81.642 m' 25.830 m 0.00000 m3/s 110.410m' 359 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00000 m'ls 192.05 m' 0. 00000 m'/s 0.000 m' 81.641 m' 25.830 m 0.00000 m'ls 110.410m' 360 min 0 00 mm/hr 0 00000 m'ls 192 05 m' 0 00000 m'ls 0.000 m3 81641 m' 25 830 m 0 00000 m'ls 110.410m' 361 min 0.00 mm/hr 0.00000 m'ls 192.05 m' 0.00000 m'ls 0.000 m' 81.641 m' 25.830 m 0.00000 m'ls 110.410m' ( J DESIGN: Ji DRAWN: 00 CHEa<ED: 1S L 18 APR 2024 ' ' 18 APR 2024 PRELIMINARY J-11ER SIF FOR ADP ENGINEER: 1S A =J 3-Tier SWMP For ADP CCC Project #20040 April 17, 2024 #220-2639 Viking Way Richmond, BC, V6V 3B7 Tel : 604.249.5040 Email : info@coreconcept.com www.coreconcept.com Tier A As a majority of the areas outside of the building footprint are comprised of permeable surfaces, the rainfall landing on these areas will be infiltrated into the existing ground as detailed on the landscape plans. The Tier A volume, which is dictated by the amount of impermeable area on the 222 Meadows Walk development, will be directed to the detention tank, which is detailed on the offsite civil drawings. As the City’s goal is to retain this volume onsite through infiltration, evapotranspiration, or re-use, the detention tank will be designed to allow for infiltration. The Tier A volume will be stored below the tank outlet and will slowly infiltrate into the existing ground. Further, as all the hardscaped areas onsite to be directed to the detention tank are low pollutant generating surfaces, the use of a water quality treatment system is not required. Tier B The volume, to be determined by the governing Tier B calculation, will be retained within the detention tank. However, as the Tier B volume is to be released into the city system limited at the 2-year forested flow rate, the difference between the Tier A and Tier B volumes will be stored above the detention tanks outlet and below the Tier C overflow within the flow control manhole. This will direct the Tier B volume to be slowly released into the city storm system using a square-edge orifice plate within a flow control manhole. Tier C The Tier C volume will be stored and released similar to the Tier B volume discussed above. However, the Tier C volume will have its own square-edge orifice plate which will be sized to limit the flow into the city storm system to the 2-year pre-development release rate as opposed to the 2-year forested flow rate which limits the Tier B release. Any storm event that generates a flow greater than the storm event that dictates the Tier C volume will bypass the flow controls and release into the city storm system through the emergency overflow to prevent property flooding. Sincerely, Justin Hayre, EIT Core Concept Consulting Ltd. c~ Core Concept 'C...J/ CONSULTING LTD. PMT #22165 123 AVE 22 2 S T #22175 #22185 #1 2 2 9 7 #1 2 3 2 0 #2 2 1 6 0 #2 2 1 9 0 #1 2 3 1 0 DE L C R E S T S T 1. 8 3 m PR . D E D I C A T I O N KEY PLAN LEGEND PROPOSED WATER VALVE ASPHALT PAVEMENT SURFACE CONCRETE SIDEWALK SEEDED BOULEVARD MILL & OVERLAY PROPOSED WATER SERVICE CONNECTION PROPOSED STORM INSPECTION CHAMBER PROPOSED STORM SERVICE CONNECTION PROPOSED SANITARY INSPECTION CHAMBER PROPOSED SANITARY SERVICE CONNECTION PROPOSED TREE PROPOSED STORM SEWER 122 AVE 22 2 S T #220-2639 Viking Way, Richmond, BC,V6V 3B7 tel fax www.coreconceptconsulting.com : 604.249.5040 : 604.249.5041 ENGINEER CLIENT PROJECT SEAL SITE ADDRESS DESTROY ALL PRINTS BEARING PREVIOUS REVISION NUMBER BE N C H M A R K LE G A L REVISIONS / SUBMISSIONSNo. DATE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DRAWING NUMBER RE V . HOR. SCALE VER. SCALE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 12297 222 STREET AND 22175&22185 123 AVENUE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE, BC PLAN OF LOT PARCEL "A" (REFERENCE PLAN 12909) LOT 5 EXCEPT: FIRSTLY: PARCEL "B" (REFERENCE PLAN 13374) SECONDLY: PARCEL "D" (EXPLANATORY PLAN 13727, AND LOT 9 BOTH OF DISTRICT LOT 396 GROUP 1 NWD PLAN 830 ELEVATIONS ARE GEODETIC DERIVED FROM GNSS OBSERVATIONS DATUM CVD28GVRD 2005 APARTMENT + DAYCARE DEVELOPMENTCoreConcept CONSULTING LTD. CC TEL: SIMPLEX MEADOWS SCALE: 1:250 PLAN KEY PLAN 20040-3 1. 1:250 SCALE: 1:250 PLAN ... I ... II : a I I I GENERAL NOTES 1. ANY REVISIONS TO lHESE DRA'MNGS MUST BE APPROIIED BY lHE DESIGN ENGINEER, lWto SHAU. REVIEW ANY CJIANGES WllH lHE MUNICIPAL ENGIIEER. 2. CONS'TRUCTION IS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE 'M1H lHE CORPORATION Of lHE DISlRICT Of MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6704-2009, SUBDIIIISION NO. 4600-1993 CORPORA110N Of 1HE DISlRICT Of MAPLE RIDGE STANDARD CONSlRUCTION DOCUMENTS, SUPPLEMENTARY SPEaFICA TIONS AND STANDARD DRA'MNGS AND CITY DESIGN CRITERIA. 3. W.C.B. IS TO BE NOTIFIED PRIOR TO 1HE START Of CONSlRUCTION. 4. CONS'TRUCTION MAY NOT COMMENCE PRIOR TO lHE ISSUANCE Of FORM Till.ED "PERMISSION TO CONS'TRUCl". 46 HOURS N011CE IS TO BE GIVEN TO lHE MUNICIPAL INSPECTOR PRIOR TO lHE INITIAL CONSlRUCTION COMMENCEMENT. lHE MUNICIPAL INSPECTOR IS TO BE NOTIFIED Of ANY START Of CONSlRUCTION WHERE 1HE WORK HAS BEEN STOPPED FOR 72 HOURS OR LONGER. 5. EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE TO BE LOCATED PRIOR TO INSTALLING ANY NEW UNDERGROUND SERI/ICES. ANY DISCREPANCY II ELEVATION OR LOCATION IS TO BE REFERRED TO lHE DESIGN ENGINEER. 6. RESIDENlS AFFECTED BY lHE PROPOSED CONS1RUC110N ARE TO BE N011FIED BY lHE CONlRACTOR IN WRITING 46 HOURS PRIOR TO lHE START Of CONSlRUCTION AND PROIIIDED WllH lHE CONlRACTORS PHONE NUMBER AND SCIEDULE. 7. lHE DEIIELDPER AND CONlRACTOR WIil. BE HEI.D RESPONSIBLE FOR lHE REPAIR Of ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO EXISTING S'TREElS OR SERI/ICES BY CONSlRUCTION EQUIPMENT AND/OR lRUCl<S HAULING MATERIALS TO lHE SllE. lHIS WIil. INCLUDE DALY CI..ENING OR SYIEEPING EXISTING ROADS Of DIRT AND DEBRIS CAUSED BY CONSlRUCTION ACTIIIITY. 6. lRAFFlC CONlROL IS lHE RESPONSIBILITY Of 1HE DEIIELDPER AND lHE DEIIELDPER SHAU. COMPLY WllH SEC110N 52 Of lHE INDUSTRIAL HEAL 1H AND SAFETY REGULATIONS Of lHE WORKERS COMPENSATION BOARD Of B.C. AND lHE INSlRUCTIONS OUnJNED ON lHE DIS'IRICT ROAD AND RIGHT-Of-WAY PERMIT AND lRAFFIC OBS'TRUCTION PERMIT ISSUED BY 1HE DISlRICT. 9. lHE CONlRACTOR IS TO HAVE, ON SllE, A COPY OF lHE CURRENT "B.C. lRAFFlC CONlROL MANUAL FOR WORK ON ROADWAYS" AS PUBLISHED BY lHE Of FISHERIES AND OCEANS. WHERE APPLICABLE. 10. lHE DEVELOPER SHAil. BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALI. DISlRICT PERMllS FOR WllHIN lHE CITY ROAD AU.OWANCE. 11. CONS'TRUCTION IN AND ABOUT A WATERCOURSE MUST RECEIVE PRIOR APPROVAL FROM lHE PROIIINCIAL MINIS'IRY Of ENIIIRONMENT AND/OR lHE FEDERAL DEPT. Of FISHERES AND OCEANS. WHERE APPLICABLE. 12. PERMANENT S'TREET, lRAFFlC AND ADIIISORY SIGNS, PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND GUARORAIIS REQUIRED BUT NOT NECESSARILY SHOWN ON lHE DRAWING$, SHAil. BE INSTALLED BY lHE CORPORATION Of lHE DIS'IRICT Of MAPLE RIDGE AND AU. COSlS CJIARGED TO DEVEl..0PER. 13. LEGAL SURI/EV POS1S MONUMENlS ARE TO BE REPLACED IF DES'TROYED OR DAMAGED DURING CONS'TRUCTION; lltS WORK IS TO BE UNDERTAKEN BY A B.C. LAND SURVEYOR. 14. MAPLE RIDGE'S SURI/EV MONUMENlS ARE TO BE PROlECTED. SHOULD lHEY REQUIRE RAISING OR RELOCATING, lHE CONlRACTOR MUST NOTIFY lHE MUNICIPAL INSPECTOR AT LEAST 72 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF SCJIEDUUNG WORK AFFECTING lHEM. 15. MATERIAL SUPPLIED AND CONSlRUCTION PERFORMED ARE TO BE II ACCORDANCE WllH 1HE DISlRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE SUBDIIIISION 4' DEVELOPMENT CONlROL BYLAW AND APPLICABLE DESIGN CRITERIA AND SPEaFICATION STANDARD DRAWINGS. 18. lHE MUNICIPALITY HAS A UST OF APPROIIED MATERIALS AND PRODUClS AS LISTED IN DIS'IRICT STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS ONLY lHOSE MATERIALS ON lHE UST. 17. APPROIIED PIT RUN MUST BE USED FOR BACKFIil. IN lRENCHES WHEN INSIDE ROAD LIMITS, APPROIIED NATIVE MATERIAL MAY BE USED AS DIRECTED BY lHE ENGINEER. 16. WHERE UTILITY OR SERI/ICE CROSSING ARE REQUIRED ACROSS EXISTING PAVEMENT, AUGURIIG AND JACKING ARE REQUIRED UNLESS lHE DEVELOPER'S CONlRACTOR RECEIVES APPROVAL FROM lHE MUNICIPAL ENGINEER FOR OPEN CUT OPERATIONS. AU. EXISTING PAVEMENT, BOULEVARDs, DRIVEWAVS, ETC. WHIQi ARE DISlURBED DURING CONS'TRUCTION SHAil. BE RES Ii.MED TO ORIGINAL OR BETTER CONDITION WHERE NO IMPROVEMENT IS OlHERWISE PROPOSED UNDER lHIS CONlRACT. EXISTING DRIVEWAYS SHAU. BE SHAPED ACROSS lHE WIDlH OF BOULEVARD TO FORM A SMODlH lRANSITION WllH NEW PAVEMENT. lHE FINISHED PAVEMENT SURFACE OVER lRENCH EXCAVATIONS SHAil. BLEND IN SMODlHLY WllH EXISTING PAVEMENT. 19. WHERE INFIWNG OF EXISTING DITCJIEs. ETC. IS REQUIRED OR PROPOSED, AND WHERE SERI/ICES ARE CONSlRUCTED IN FILI. SECTIONS. lHE FILI. MATERIAL IS TO BE APPROIIED GRANULAR MATERIAL PLACED IN UFlS N01 EXCEED1N,; 300mm AND COMPACTED TO 95lll MODIFIED .-ROCIUR uENSITY. 20. NEW SERI/ICE CONNECTIONS ARE TO BE LOCATED AT LDT FRONTAGE AS SHOW ON STANDARD DRAWINGS OR AS NOTED ON DRAWINGS. OR AS NOTED ON DRA'MNGS. 21. FIGURED DIMENSIONS SHAU. GOIIERN 01/EP SCAI ED l'!MENSIONS. 22. ALI. WORK ENCi OSED 11ill!s i% % jARE TO BE CONS'TRUCTED BY CITY FORCES AT DEVELOPER'S COST. 23. ® DENOlES lREE/HEDGE IS TO BE PRESERIIED AND PROlECTED AS PER lHE ARBORIST REPORT. AU. O'IHER lREES WllHIN SCOPE Of CONSlRUCTION TO BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OFFSllE UNLESS OlHERWISE NOTED . □ □ ~ --- ... -D---- • • 0 11---1--------~----------1------------1 f Lil! 05 APR 2024 ISSUED FOR REVIEW • • • • 0 , ' ' ' , ' , , ' ,' ' ' ' / ' , , ' , ' , , ' ' I I I I I I I ' I : I : I : ' I : I : I : ' I ' ' ' I I ' , , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I I I I I I I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' ' I I I I I I '.i / I I I~ I I I I 1,-----------_/ ~---27 --+-G-------~~~~---G-'i'--,---,1---\ w ----w---------------- "' -----==~---r,~ I I I I -1- 1 I I j I I ';l;t------:t~=---i-26,+---b~~-_./ H LJ ,, ll I ,, ,, // ' ' j ,, ll . ~'---I ~cfl==~ I I rff' I C ' ' ' t ' I ------------- - - ------- ,. ci " "' "' .; 1§ "' ~ :!:; 'O --G = ... "' = l.j "' l.j ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' --------........ EX. 450¢ CONG. STM 11.5± EX. 200¢ PVC SAN ,_ o; ' ' ', o; /iJ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ., .•• -,· ..• ..: • ·-··> • , .• ··- DESIGN: DRAWN: 05 APR 2024 CJIECKED: ENGINEER: "' "' (]) D L 3.8 EX. OSL CONDUIT [2J IH-1---+-_i::;-- - - - - "' [2J J Ji 00 lS lS PMT #22165 123 AVE 22 2 S T #22175 #22185 #2 2 1 6 0 #2 2 1 9 0 #1 2 3 1 0 DE L C R E S T S T 1+ 0 0 1+ 1 0 1+ 2 0 1+ 3 0 1+ 4 0 1+ 5 0 0+ 9 0 0+ 8 0 0+ 7 0 2. 4 0 m (T Y P . ) SCALE: 1:100 HOR.; N.T.S. VER. TYPICAL SECTION (A-A) - 123 AVENUE 0.15 5.80 1.83 PR. ROAD DEDICATION B E A D C A BARRIER CURB AS PER MMCD C5 MILL & OVERLAY MIN. 40(50)mm ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE AND MIN. 40(50)mm ASPHALTIC CONCRETE BASE COURSE MIN. 100mm OF 20mm MINUS CRUSH GRAVEL BASE TO 95% MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSITY MIN. 300mm OF PIT-RUN SUB-BASE TO 95% MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSITY B C D E PARKADE FOUNDATION WALL 1.50 PR. S/W 2.00 PR. BLVD PR. HYDRO/TEL/CABLE VARIES (2.5m-3.4m) EX. 375Ø PVC STM PR O P O S E D EX./PR. ELEVATIONS AT ROAD CL 1+ 0 0 . 0 1+ 1 0 . 0 1+ 2 0 . 0 1+ 3 0 . 0 STATION ME E T ME E T ME E T ME E T 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 1+ 4 0 . 0 ME E T 1+ 5 0 . 0 ME E T 1+ 6 0 . 0 ME E T 0+ 9 0 . 0 ME E T 0+ 8 0 . 0 0+ 7 0 . 0 EX./PR. ELEVATIONS AT NORTH GUTTER 29 . 7 6 ME E T 29 . 7 1 29 . 4 7 29 . 1 6 1+ 4 4 . 3 5 PC ME E T 29 . 1 3 PR O P O S E D 1+ 0 2 . 9 5 PC ME E T 29 . 8 0 LEGEND EXISTING ELEVATION @ PROPOSED ROAD ℄ PROPOSED ELEVATION @ PROPOSED NORTH GUTTER LINE EXISTING ELEVATION @ PROPOSED NORTH GUTTER LINE 2.10 PR. HYDRANT SCALE: 1:100 HOR.; N.T.S. VER. TYPICAL SECTION (B-B) - 123 AVENUE 0.15 1.83 PR. ROAD DEDICATION PARKADE FOUNDATION WALL 1.50 PR. S/W 2.00 PR. BLVD PR. HYDRO/TEL/CABLE 2.40 PR. BUMPOUT 3.40 PR. BLVD B E D C A VARIES (2.5m-3.4m) EX. 375Ø PVC STM 222 ST123 AVE #220-2639 Viking Way, Richmond, BC,V6V 3B7 tel fax www.coreconceptconsulting.com : 604.249.5040 : 604.249.5041 ENGINEER CLIENT PROJECT SEAL SITE ADDRESS DESTROY ALL PRINTS BEARING PREVIOUS REVISION NUMBER BE N C H M A R K LE G A L REVISIONS / SUBMISSIONSNo. DATE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DRAWING NUMBER RE V . HOR. SCALE VER. SCALE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 12297 222 STREET AND 22175&22185 123 AVENUE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE, BC PLAN OF LOT PARCEL "A" (REFERENCE PLAN 12909) LOT 5 EXCEPT: FIRSTLY: PARCEL "B" (REFERENCE PLAN 13374) SECONDLY: PARCEL "D" (EXPLANATORY PLAN 13727, AND LOT 9 BOTH OF DISTRICT LOT 396 GROUP 1 NWD PLAN 830 ELEVATIONS ARE GEODETIC DERIVED FROM GNSS OBSERVATIONS DATUM CVD28GVRD 2005 APARTMENT + DAYCARE DEVELOPMENTCoreConcept CONSULTING LTD. CC TEL: SIMPLEX MEADOWS SCALE: 1:250 PLAN ROADWORKS - 123 AVENUE 20040-4 1. AS SHOWN AS SHOWN SCALE: 1:250 HOR., VER. 1:25 ROAD PROFILE - 123 AVENUESCALE: HOR. 1:250 VERT. 1:25 CURB RETURN PROFILE II : a I I I 15.2 EX. ROW 3.3 EX. HYDRO POLE 6.1 PR. NORlH It ' ' 0 0 EX. 324¢ IP GAS 0 0 0 ROADWORKS 15.2 EX. ROW 3.3 EX. HYDRO POLE 1, WHEN REQUIRED BY lHE IIUNIQPAIJlY, lHE CONlRACTOR SHALL ENGAGE A GEO-lECHNICAL ENGINEER TO PERFORM IN-PLACE 1ES11NG DURING lHE PREPARATION OF lHE SUBGRADE AND CONS1RUC110N OF lHE ROAD SlRUCnJRE TO VERIFY lHE ADEQUACY OF lHE PROPOSED AND EXISTING ROAD STRUCnJRE AND SUBGRADE. SEl.£C110N OF lHE saLS CONSUL TING ARM MUST BE TO lHE ACCEPTANCE OF lHE MUNIQPAL ENGINEER. 2. SEE PLAN AND PROFILE DRA'MNGS FOR TIPICAL ROAD CROSS-SECTIONS. 3. CHANGES OF GRADE ARE TO BE FORMED BY SMOOlH 1/ERllCAL CURVES. 4. LOOSE OR ORGANIC MAlERIAL IS TO BE EXCAVATED FROM ROADWAY. !I. SUB-BASE AND GRANULAR BASE MATERIALS SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 99 MODIAED PROCTOR DENSITY. 8. lHE ROAD BASE SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF O.Jm BEWND lHE SIDEWALK AND/ OR CURB a: GUTIER, 7. CATCH BASIN ELEVATIONS GIVEN ARE FOR TOP OF RIM. 8. EXISTING VALVf. BOXES, MANHOLES, ETC. WllHIN lHE ROAD R/W ARE TO BE ADJJSTED TO Fl<IISHED GRADE. 9. BENKELMAN BEAM 1ES11NG WILL BE REQUIRED TO CONARM lHE SUITABILITY OF lHE ROAD STRUCnJRE PRIOR TO PAVING. 10. PLACEMENT OF ASPHALTIC CONCRElE AND P.C. CONCRETE SHALL BE UNDERTAKEN ONLY w-iEN \1EA1HER CONDITIONS ARE IN CONFORMANCE WllH CORPORA110N OF lHE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE SPECIACATIONS. 11. UNLESS OlHERWISE APPROVf.D, ASPHALTIC CONCRElE SHALL BE LAID IN 2 LIFTS. 12. TIE-INS TO EXISTING PAVf.MENT SHALL BE MADE BY CUTTING BACK lHE EXISTING PAVf.MENT TO SOUND MATERIAL AS NECESSARY TO PROOUCE A NEAT, 1/ERllCAL FACE. PRIOR TO PLAaNG ASPHAL11C CONCRETE, EXPOSED PAVf.MENT FACES AND OlHER ABUTTING SlRUcruRES SHALL BE TACK COATED 'MlH ASPHALT EMULSION. 6.1 PR. NORlH It EX. NORlH '- 2.0 3.0 EX. 60¢ DP GAS 3.8 EX. 150¢ DI WATER 6.1 ' EX. 200¢ SAN EX. NORlH '- i • 2.0% 3.0 EX. 60¢ DP GAS 3.8 EX. 150¢ DI WATER 6.1 EX. 200¢ SAN 29.00m 28.00m 27.00m PROP. "' -GUTTER 0, N ELEVATION (m) .. "' CHAINAGE 0, "' + - 15.24 EX. ROAD OED/CAT/ON EX. ROAD If EX. SOUlH '- I I ~---------------1-- 15.24 EX. ROAD DEDICATION EX. ROAD If I I I I ( ) 3.0 ABANDONED 2.e./J,. -P1vJ!#if!ff EX. 250¢ PVC STM EX. SOUlH '- ~-5=%;.....l.-_i ___________ ----f-- 0.6%, --........ I~ ~ "' "' N N -0, r-"' 0, .; .; .; N N N N <OU nn. ~ .; ~ ~ .. -"' + 1 3.0 ABANDONED 50¢ GI WATER 2.8-3. 7 VARIES EX. 250¢ PVC STM ~ ~ --....;,____ N r-"' 0, <Xi ,.: N N -u 0 ~n. 0 N 0 0 + + .. .. 11--1--------~----------1------------1 f Lil! 05 APR 2024 ISSUED FOR REVIEW FUT. SOUlH '- FUT. SOUlH '- 1---------_/ --s-~~--------~----s------.-+___., ~ ;::: !Q ~ c., ~ !Q ~ MILL AND OVERLAY (40mm MIN). ASPHALT AS SHOWN. -~ - ~ gj " -- -- -------------------------- REMOVf. EXISTING DRIVEWAY AND DISPOSE OFFSllE EXISTING POLE TO BE REMOVED. li 0 a: ~~ ~ <>: INSTALL SIDEWALK AS PER MMCD STANDARD - DWG. C2 3.0 G--t-----1.-----t---tti'C'----r--t----titt- u "' " -T - . I • I I ~ - " ~ " gj O> "' ill " "' gj O> "' a u + IL ~ - - -:--,., ti} -=--~ =~=-==-==-===---, " c:, " O'M<IER TO BE N011AED .; ~ !,i li OF ANY WORKS EFFECTING 1 o.. c:, <l @~Rli!JVEW!!::!!'A!!,YL,!!A~CCESS~2:,_ _ __J ~ '~ ~c,"" v.iLOIJJ9 ~ ~ ~ ... , ~ c:i ~ c:i 0.5ll: ---r------- ~ ~ O> O> "' "' -:;i 0, gj O> "' :::::::-.. ---\ <o ... O> "' l'il gj ------:--.. SAWCUT EX. ASPHALT PAVf.MENT TO FORM A CLEAN 1/ERllCAL .KINT. -~--"-- <o ... "' -O> gj "' ~ ~ gj gj 05 APR 2024 ' ' ' ' \ ....... ' ' ' ' ' \ - . I • I I -- ~ gj DESIGN: DRAWN: CHEa<ED: ENGINEER: Ji 00 TS TS @ EX. OSL C [SJ IH+--+---!::; - - - - - "' INSTALL w-iEELCHAIR RAMP AS PER MAPLE RIDGE STD. DWG. C8 PAVEMENT RESTORATION AS PER MMCD G!I (TIP.) !! J .., -O> "' PM T 222 ST #2 2 1 7 5 #2 2 1 8 5 #12297 #22190 #12310 PM T EN C L O S U R E SIDEWALK SI D E W A L K WALK W A Y EL E C T R I C A L R O O M ON P 1 L E V E L ON P 1 L E V E L BI C Y C L E P A R K I N G BI C Y C L E P A R K I N G 1+10 1+20 1+30 1+40 1+50 4+ 0 0 4+ 1 0 4+ 2 0 4+ 3 0 3+ 9 0 SCALE: 1:100 HOR.; N.T.S. VER. TYPICAL SECTION - 222 STREET 1.70 PR. BLVD. 1.50 PR. S/W 0.15 5.80 BARRIER CURB AS PER MMCD C5 MILL & OVERLAY MIN. 40(50)mm ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SURFACE COURSE AND MIN. 40(50)mm ASPHALTIC CONCRETE BASE COURSE MIN. 100mm OF 20mm MINUS CRUSH GRAVEL BASE TO 95% MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSITY MIN. 300mm OF PIT-RUN SUB-BASE TO 95% MODIFIED PROCTOR DENSITY PR . R O A D C L A B E D C B C D E A 1.00 PR. BLVD. PARKADE FOUNDATION WALL PR O P O S E D EX./PR. ELEVATIONS AT ROAD CL 4+ 1 0 . 0 4+ 2 0 . 0 4+ 3 0 . 0 4+ 4 0 . 0 STATION ME E T ME E T ME E T 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 4+ 0 0 . 0 ME E T 3+ 9 0 . 0 EX./PR. ELEVATIONS AT WEST GUTTER 27 . 4 4 27 . 9 7 26 . 9 6 4+ 0 2 . 9 1 PC ME E T 28 . 3 2 4+ 3 4 . 3 5 ME E T 26 . 9 0 PR O P O S E D LEGEND EXISTING ELEVATION @ PROPOSED ROAD ℄ PROPOSED ELEVATION @ PROPOSED NORTH GUTTER LINE EXISTING ELEVATION @ PROPOSED NORTH GUTTER LINE 1225112241122311221912209 12238 12 2 A V E 222 ST 7. 0 0 m #220-2639 Viking Way, Richmond, BC,V6V 3B7 tel fax www.coreconceptconsulting.com : 604.249.5040 : 604.249.5041 ENGINEER CLIENT PROJECT SEAL SITE ADDRESS DESTROY ALL PRINTS BEARING PREVIOUS REVISION NUMBER BE N C H M A R K LE G A L REVISIONS / SUBMISSIONSNo. DATE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DRAWING NUMBER RE V . HOR. SCALE VER. SCALE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 12297 222 STREET AND 22175&22185 123 AVENUE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE, BC PLAN OF LOT PARCEL "A" (REFERENCE PLAN 12909) LOT 5 EXCEPT: FIRSTLY: PARCEL "B" (REFERENCE PLAN 13374) SECONDLY: PARCEL "D" (EXPLANATORY PLAN 13727, AND LOT 9 BOTH OF DISTRICT LOT 396 GROUP 1 NWD PLAN 830 ELEVATIONS ARE GEODETIC DERIVED FROM GNSS OBSERVATIONS DATUM CVD28GVRD 2005 APARTMENT + DAYCARE DEVELOPMENTCoreConcept CONSULTING LTD. CC TEL: SIMPLEX MEADOWS SCALE: 1:250 PLAN ROADWORKS - 222 STREET 20040-5 1. AS SHOWN AS SHOWN SCALE: 1:250 HOR., VER. 1:25 ROAD PROFILE - 222 STREET SCALE: 1:250 PLAN C "' " C "' \> !!, I ;: -i .. i a I ~ I I I ~ I 0 0 i 0 t :5 0 -II l:i ~ 0 a I J ... iii I I f Lil! PAIIEMENT RESTORATION AS PER MMCD G5 (lYP.) MILL AND O\€RLAY (40mm MIN). ASPHALT AS SHOWN EX Dlrat ALIGNMENT AND WIDlH TO BE ADJUSTED AS SHov.tl. TOP Of Dlrat TO BE SLOPED AT 1:1 (MAX) TO MEET ElGSTING BOmlM OF Dlrat El.£VATIONS (lYP. FOR 2). EX. YEST '- EX. CONlRACTilR TO lcES IORE ALL AREAS AFFECTED BY CONS1RUC110N TO PRE-CONS1RUC110N CONDITION OR BETIER CONlRACTilR TO INSTALL 0.3111 'MDE SOU> WHllE PAINllJNE AS SHov.tl SAWCUT EX. ASPHALT PAVEMENT TO FORM A a.ENI \€R11CAL JOINT. ElGSTING ORGANIC MAlERIAL BENEAlH PROPOSED I\SPHAL T EXlENTION TO BE SlRIPPED AND SUBBASE IS TO BE CONFIRMED BY GEOlECHIICAL ENGINEER PRIOR TO ROAD S1RUC1\JRE PLACEMENT 20.06 "" c:, II ~II II II 2.0ii: 3.0 60-DP G4S 6.5 EX. 150-DI WATER 9. 7-10.2 VAREIS EX. 45~ CONC. STM 11.5± EX. 200-PVC SAN 05 APR 2024 ISSUED FOR REVIEW 5.80 REFER TO 222 SlREEI Tl'PICAL SECTION lHIS SHEET FOR ROAD S1RUC1\JRE DETAILS. CONlRACTilR TO INSTALL 0.3m WIDE BROKEN WHllE PAINllJNE AS SHOWN (lYP. FOR 2) OWNERS Of 122JO olt 122J8 222ND SlREET TO BE NOTIFIED Of ANY WORKS EFFECTING DRIIIEWAY ACCESS R9. CONlRACTilR TO INSTALL O.Sm-WIDE GRAI/El. SHOULDER AS SHOWN. 4. 11 0 EX. EAST l -3.7) PVC STM ONED) I WATER ElGSTING POI.£ TO BE REMm.a> RS.Om CURB R REFER TO CURB PROFILE ON ~ !Q I::) <., ~ !Q I::) / • I ---- - .., gj [8:J .., -0, <:> c,; ~ "' ::i 0, -... - ~ ~ ~ INSTALL SIDEWALK AS PER MMCD STANDARD DWG. C2 -- -- ... "' r..: "' ill "' "' DESIGN: DRAWN: 05 APR 2024 CHEa<ED: ENGINEER: ., ---"' "' "' "' c:, "' -0, "' <o "' "' Ji 00 TS TS ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' --@>------ - t STALL CONCRElE ' /,- PAD TO ALLOW /,/ TO PMT AND / 27 INSTALL PROPOSED NO-POST BARRIER AND TIE INTO ElGSTING BARRIER 0 5 10-10 -5 1+00.0 ROAD ℄ PR. N PL 123 AVENUE EX. N PL EX. S PL 28 30 29 31 0 5 10-10 -5 1+10.0 ROAD ℄ PR. N PL EX. N PL 28 30 29 31 0 5 10-10 -5 1+20.0 ROAD ℄ PR. N PL EX. N PL 28 30 29 31 0 5 10-10 -5 1+30.0 ROAD ℄ PR. N PL EX. N PL 28 30 29 31 0 5 10-10 -5 1+40.0 ROAD ℄ PR. N PL EX. N PL 28 30 29 31 0 5 10-10 -5 ROAD ℄ PR. N PL EX. N PL 27 29 28 30 1+44.35 PCEX. S PL EX. S PL EX. S PL EX. S PL EX. S PL 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.4% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 1.5% 0 5 10-10 -5 4+02.91 PC ROAD ℄ 222 STREET EX. W PL EX. E PL 28 30 29 15-15 27 0 5 10-10 -5 4+10.0 ROAD ℄ EX. W PL EX. E PL 28 30 29 15-15 27 0 5 10-10 -5 4+20.0 ROAD ℄ EX. W PL EX. E PL 28 30 29 15-15 27 0 5 10-10 -5 4+30.0 ROAD ℄ EX. W PL EX. E PL 28 30 29 15-15 27 2.0% 2.0% 26 2.0% 2.0% 8.0% 0 5 10-10 -5 4+34.35 ROAD ℄ EX. W PL EX. E PL 28 29 15-15 27 26 2.0% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.0% 2.0% #220-2639 Viking Way, Richmond, BC,V6V 3B7 tel fax www.coreconceptconsulting.com : 604.249.5040 : 604.249.5041 ENGINEER CLIENT PROJECT SEAL SITE ADDRESS DESTROY ALL PRINTS BEARING PREVIOUS REVISION NUMBER BE N C H M A R K LE G A L REVISIONS / SUBMISSIONSNo. DATE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DRAWING NUMBER RE V . HOR. SCALE VER. SCALE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 12297 222 STREET AND 22175&22185 123 AVENUE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE, BC PLAN OF LOT PARCEL "A" (REFERENCE PLAN 12909) LOT 5 EXCEPT: FIRSTLY: PARCEL "B" (REFERENCE PLAN 13374) SECONDLY: PARCEL "D" (EXPLANATORY PLAN 13727, AND LOT 9 BOTH OF DISTRICT LOT 396 GROUP 1 NWD PLAN 830 ELEVATIONS ARE GEODETIC DERIVED FROM GNSS OBSERVATIONS DATUM CVD28GVRD 2005 APARTMENT + DAYCARE DEVELOPMENTCoreConcept CONSULTING LTD. CC TEL: SIMPLEX MEADOWS ROADWORKS - 10m SECTIONS 20040-6 1. AS SHOWN AS SHOWN SCALE: HOR. 1:100 VERT. 1:50 10 METER SECTIONS - 123 AVE SCALE: HOR. 1:100 VERT. 1:50 10 METER SECTIONS - 222 ST i I § 1::, I I i ill : g I I I 4 4 I I I '/ ' ' I I 4 4 I I I ' ' I I 4 4 I I I I ' ' I I 4 4 I I I I ' ' I I . . . I I - I ' I . . " ' ' r"' 4 4 I I I I I I I I I I -- --, ' ' I I I r"' 4 41 I I II I II ;;i i . l I I I II I I II --, ' " I I II F" I - -' I --, I r"' I I --, I 05 APR 2024 ISSUED FOR REVIEW 4 r"' I I I ---------I -I ~ -' . 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