HomeMy WebLinkAboutADP 2022-07-20 Agenda.pdf City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel AGENDA Wednesday, July 20, 2022 at 4:00 pm Held Virtually Via Zoom Teleconference Join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone https://mapleridge-ca.zoom.us/j/83930596927?pwd=bmluRU5FZ3R6Zk9IOGJvNmtMdnpnUT09 Or join the meeting using your phone Dial: 1-778-907-2071 Meeting ID: 839 3059 6927 Password: 512700 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 3.ADOPTION OF MINUTES – June 15, 2022 4.QUESTION PERIOD 5.NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NIL 6.PROJECTS 6.1 Development Permit No: 2019-138-DP 4:15 PM Applicant: Wayne Bissky Architecture Architect Wayne Bissky Project Landscape Architect: PMG Landscape Architects Proposal: 6-Storey Mixed-Use Building Location: Mussallem Lands – Lougheed Highway, 223 Street and Selkirk File Manager: Rene Tardiff 6.3 Development Permit No: 2021-564-DP 5:55 PM Applicant: P. Smith, Smithcraft Architecture Project Architect P. Smith, Smithcraft Architecture Project Landscape Architect: M2 Landscape Architecture Proposal: Mixed-Use, Commercial at ground-floor with 2 levels of apartments above Location: 23004 Dewdney Trunk Road File Manager: Michelle Baski 6.2 Development Permit No: 2020-432-DP 5:00 PM Applicant: Doug Johnson Project Architect Doug Johnson Project Landscape Architect: Meredith Mitchell Proposal: Rezone from RS-1 to RM-1 to enable the creation of 17 multi-family (townhouse) dwelling units in 3 buildings Location: 12229 & 12211 228 Street File Manager: Tyson Baker 10 Minute Break Advisory Design Panel July 20, 2022 Page 2 of 2 7. CORRESPONDENCE - NIL 8. ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting: September 21, 2022 Agenda Items Submission Deadline: September 7, 2022 QUESTION PERIOD Question Period provides the public with the opportunity to ask questions or make comments on subjects that are of concern to them. Each person will be given 2 minutes to speak. Up to ten minutes in total is allotted for Question Period. City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel MEETING MINUTES June 15, 2022 Regular Meeting The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) held via Zoom teleconference on Wednesday, June 15, 2022 at 4:00 pm. PANEL MEMBERS PRESENT Meredith Mitchell, Vice Chair Landscape Architect BCSLA Sang Kim Architect AIBC Andrea Scott Architect AIBC Jose Gonzalez Landscape Architect BCSLA Jaswinder Gabri Architect AIBC STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Wendy Cooper Staff Liaison, Planner Arsh Dhillon Committee Clerk PANEL MEMBERS ABSENT 1.CALL TO ORDER – 4:07pm 2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA R/2022-ADP-029 It was moved and seconded That the agenda for the June 15, 2022 Advisory Design Panel meeting be approved as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3.ADOPTION OF MINUTES R/2022-ADP-030 It was moved and seconded That the minutes for the May 18, 2022 Advisory Design Panel meeting be adopted with amended change of Meredith Mitchell to Chair of the Advisory Design Panel. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4.QUESTION PERIOD 5.NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6.PROJECTS 6.1 Development Permit No: 2019-402-DP / 9450 287 Street The Chair welcomed the project team to the meeting and introduced the members of the ADP. The Staff Liaison provided a brief overview to permit the construction of a service station with three commercial retail units. The project team presented the development plans and answered questions from the Panel. 3.0 Advisory Design Panel Minutes June 15, 2022 Page 2 of 2 Note: Jaswinder Gabri joined the meeting at 4:23 pm. R/2022-ADP-031 It was moved and seconded That the Advisory Design Panel has reviewed application 2019-402-DP and recommends that the application be supported and the following concerns be addressed as the design develops and submitted to Planning Staff for follow-up. Architectural Comments: •Materials board required to be provided to planning department. •Recommend reviewing materiality cohesion between brown brick, blue hardie plank, and silver corrugated metal panel. •Recommend the third canopy presents the same materiality as the main canopy. •Recommend incorporating potable water well into a non-vehicle area and into a landscape area to reduce potential contamination. •Ensure fuel spill mitigation plan in place for protection of environment. Landscape Comments: •Recommend reviewing MOTI requirements for storm-water management. Recommend storm-water to be managed on-site through bio-swales or rain gardens at perimeter of site. •Recommend screening of patio to east of building from drive-thru with vegetative buffer or fencing. •Suggest increasing permeable surface area throughout the site. Consider opportunity to reduce asphalt area at north-east corner and increasing landscape buffers. •Recommend providing vegetative screening around PMT. •Clarify proposed fencing scheme - is existing fence being maintained? Recommend using a combination of fencing and vegetative screening on north and east property lines. •Recommend either relocating sod lawn to curb edge for easier maintenance or replacing with planting on south property line. •Recommend reviewing flag mount pylon sign detailing and location with building department and MOTI. •BCSLA registered landscape architect may be required for permit submission. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7.CORRESPONDENCE - NIL 8.ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:37 pm. The next regular meeting of the Advisory Design Panel will be held on Wednesday, July 20, 2022. Meredith Mitchell, Chair /xy Page 1 of 4 City of Maple Ridge TO: Advisory Design Panel MEETING DATE: July 20, 2022 FILE NO: 2019-138-DP SUBJECT: 22238, 22242, 22286 Selkirk Avenue; 22245, 22251, and 22289 Lougheed Highway; PID 011-208-775, PID 011-208-848 and PID 011-208-856 PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Panel (the “ADP”) submission has been received for the above cited application and properties to permit the construction of a six-storey mixed-use building with approximately 255 units of market housing and 3164 m2 of commercial space on the ground floor. The proposed building will replace the previous car dealership that was on the subject site. The rezoning application being processed in conjunction with this proposal was given First Reading by Council on October 15, 2019. This rezoning application is accompanied by an Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment to change the designation on a portion of the site from Flexible Mixed-Use to Town Centre Commercial. This site being re-zoned to CD-1-19 (Comprehensive Development)to accommodate the proposal. The development permit application made to the City is subject to Section 8.11 Town Centre Development Permit. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Bissky Architecture And Urban Design Inc. Legal Description: Lots 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 29, 30, 31, 32 District Lot 398 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 6808; and Lot 61 District Lot 398 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 25783 OCP: Existing: Town Centre Commercial and Flexible Mixed-Use Proposed: Town Centre Commercial Zoning: Existing: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) and CS-1 (Service Commercial) Proposed: CD-1-19 (Comprehensive Development) Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Office and Residential Zone: RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential) Designation: Low-Rise Apartment South: Use: Gas Station and Restaurant Zone: CD-2-85 (Town Centre Commercial (Comp. Development)), CS-2 (Service Station Commercial), and C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) 6.1 Page 2 of 4 Designation: Town Centre Commercial East: Use: Office and Residential Zone: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Designation: Town Centre Commercial and Flexible Mixed-Use West: Use: Office and Commercial Zone: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Designation: Town Centre Commercial and Flexible Mixed-Use Existing Use of Property: Two properties have existing Commercial buildings and eight properties are vacant. Proposed Use of Property: Mixed-Use (Commercial and Residential Apartments) Site Area: 0.68 ha (1.68 acres) Access: Selkirk Avenue Servicing requirement: Urban Standard DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: The development permit application made to the City prompting this submission to the ADP is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Section 8.11 Town Centre Development Permit, West Precinct. Key Guidelines: The following is a brief description and assessment of the proposal’s compliance with the applicable Key Development Permit Guidelines: 1. Provide a gateway to the Town Centre 2. Create a pedestrian-oriented, boutique-style shopping district 3. Enhance the quality, character and vibrancy of the Town Centre 4. Reference traditional architectural styles 5. Capitalize on important views 6. Provide public outdoor space 7. Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features 8. Maintain street interconnectivity Key Guidelines: The Design Guidelines and a full explanation of how the project complies with them or the reasons why they are not applicable are attached in Appendix F to this memo. Page 3 of 4 PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Proposal: The proposal is to include two six-storey, mixed-use buildings with two floors of underground parking. The buildings will feature 3164 m2 of commercial space on the ground floor and 255 residential units on the five floors above. The buildings will feature an outdoor central common courtyard over the main floor which will be shared by the residents of both buildings. The site currently consists of none separate commercial properties, which will be consolidated and rezoned to CD-1-19 (Comprehensive Development) to accommodate the proposed development. The proposed development will feature a mix of studio, one, two and three bedroom units, which will range in size from 386 ft to 1048 sf. The applicant is proposing two buildings with a distinctly contemporary character, reflective of the civic buildings and the municipal hall. High quality Hardie panel siding is proposed on the exteriors, which will feature warm colours to blend well with the existing buildi9ngs int eh area. As part of the proposal, the existing east-west lane will be reconfigured and will not run north/south along the eastern portion of the site. Access to the underground parking lot will be off this newly constructed lane. 2. Context: The subject properties are located on the old Mussalem Motors site in the West Precinct of the Town Centre. The site is bordered by Lougheed Highway, 223 Street and Selkirk Avenue and is relatively flat. This location is part of the gateway into the Town Centre and there have been some newer developments constructed along this stretch of Lougheed Highway, specifically at the corner of Lougheed Highway and 223 Street on the south east corner. This project will act as a landmark and catalyst for the future redevelopment of this area. 3. OCP and Zoning Compliance: The subject site is currently designated Flexible Mixed-Use and Town Centre Commercial. A portion of the subject site is being redesignated to Town Centre Commercial to accommodate the proposed development. The subject site is being rezoned to CD-1-19 (Comprehensive Development) and Development Data Sheet (Appendix E) analyses the compliance of the project with the applicable zone regulations. The proposal has a density (Floor Space Ratio) of 2.7 which complies with the maximum density of the proposed CD-1-19 Zone. 4. Parking and bicycle storage: The required parking for the proposed use is analyzed in the Development Data Sheet (Appendix E) 5. Environmental, Sustainability & Stormwater Management: A number of strategies are being incorporated using environmentally sustainability and aging-in- place features. These are further described in the attached materials, including the architectural plans. Page 4 of 4 6. Garbage/Recycling: These have been identified in the attached materials, including the architectural plans. Compliance with the City’s Waste Management Storage and Disposal Guidelines will be reviewed as the project progresses. 7. Works along abutting roads: Any off site works such as new curb, gutter, sidewalk, new sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer connections; street lighting; street trees on all frontages; under-ground wiring for utility services to be under-ground will be determined as the project progresses. CONCLUSION: The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. ______________________________________________ Prepared by: Rene Tardif The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Subject map Appendix B Explanatory letter from Architect (and Landscape Architect if applicable) Appendix C ADP Submission Form Appendix D ADP Applicant Checklist (signed by Architect) Appendix E Development Data Sheet (signed by Architect) Appendix F DP Area Guidelines Checklist Appendix G Architectural and Landscaping Plans DATE: Apr 24, 2019FILE: 2019-138-RZ 22238,42,46 Selkirk Ave22245,51,89 Lougheed HwyLot 18,30,31 NWP 6808 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTIES 2018-118-VP2018-118-DP 2018-464-RZ2018-464-RZ 2018-464-VP ´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: LP Legend Stream Ditch Centreline Indefinite Creek Active Applications (RZ/SD/DP/VP) WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE URBAN DESIGN PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN INC. 106 - 11893 227TH STREET, MAPLE RIDGE BC V2X 6H9 PH 604-467-8300 FAX 604-467-8305 Monday, June 27, 2022 Rene Tardif Maple Ridge Planning Department 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Civic Addresses: 22368, 22242 and 22246 Selkirk Avenue, Lot 18 223rd Street, and 22245, 22251, 22289, Lot 30, and Lot 31 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge Municipal File No.: 2019-138-RZ Our Project No.: 1015 Dear Rene, According to the City’s requirement that a covering letter is submitted with each Advisory Design Panel (ADP) application, below is a description of the project, design rationale, key project features, description of the stormwater management strategy, sustainability practices, and discussion of the tree retention techniques. 1. Project Description and Analysis The proposed project includes two six-storey, mixed-use buildings with two floors of underground parking, 34,317ft2 of commercial space on the main floor, and 255 residential units on the five floors above. There is an outdoor central common courtyard over the main floor which is shared by the residents. The site currently consists of nine separate commercial properties, which we are requesting be rezoned from C-3 and CS-1 to a CD zone (CD-1-19). The buildings will include a wide variety of unit types, including studio, one-, two-, and three-bedroom units, ranging in size from 386ft2 to 1,048ft2. This will help address our current housing crisis in a meaningful way, allowing 255 families and individuals to own a home of their own and inject new opportunities for commercial life into the Town Centre. The subject site is designated Town Centre Commercial and Flexible Mixed Use in the OCP. An OCP Amendment is therefore not required. This is an inspiring and unique opportunity for Maple Ridge. Only occasionally is a site available to consolidate so many adjoining smaller properties. Combined properties such as these are currently on the front line to ensure a better future for our community. Our downtown sites need to be working much harder than they are to counter the persistent and growing pressure to develop our surrounding agricultural lands and greenbelts. This site is exceptionally suited for commercial and multi- family uses and is near all of the conveniences of downtown, including services, shopping, and major transportation. 2. Architectural and Landscaping Design Rationale This development will have a distinctly contemporary character reflective of the civic buildings and the municipal hall. The ground floor experience will be significantly improved along this stretch of the pedestrian realm. High-quality Hardie panel siding is proposed on the exteriors, which will be long-lasting, sustainable, and have warm colours in harmony with the existing buildings. Commercial uses and multi-family housing in this location make sense for many reasons, including: 1015 Covering Letter (ADP) 2019-138-RZ of 1 3 ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL COVERING LETTER 1.It is a ten-minute walk from the site to the Haney Place Bus Loop to the east and also to the Port Haney West Coast Express Station to the south. Eric Langton Elementary School is a 15-minute walk to the north, while the nearest high school is a 20-minute walk away. 2.Shopping and many other conveniences are available surrounding the site on Lougheed Highway, 224th Street, and Dewdney Trunk Road, along with Haney Place Mall, which is a five-minute walk to the east. 3.The Town Centre is experiencing a great deal of new growth and allows for shorter commuter times for those working further west , as compared to those living in the Albion area and further east. Not only does this save time, but it reduces the community’s carbon footprint exponentially. 4.The increasing cost of homes has pushed many people out of the market for single-family homes and even townhouses. Average housing prices here are now 12 to 13 times the average family income. 30 years ago it was 2 ½ times. Twenty-five years ago, the demographic of eligible buyers for these apartments would have been able to purchase one of the single family homes just down the street. These apartments will help meet many families’ need for a home. As was done 30 years ago, today’s civic leaders must demonstrate their concern for first time buyers by approving this application. 3a. DP Key Concepts & Guidelines Compliance This development will have a “greet the street” presentation with pedestrian-friendly entries and windows on all frontages. Warm colours and materials are proposed at this level as well. The street trees will create a protecting canopy and reinforce the human scale. The buildings will be in very close proximity to all major public transportation. As a mixed-use project, this development will increase density and reinforce the form of housing in the neighbourhood. There is street parking with access from the western lane for the main parking areas. High-quality exterior materials and details, including Hardie panels and brick, have been incorporated into the design. The generous balconies provide the required outdoor living space and defined entries. While maintaining a distinct character, this project reflects the design and scale of other new developments that are beginning to populate the Town Centre, notably the ERA project at Dewdney Trunk Road and 222nd Street, and the Brickwater development at 227th Street and 119th Avenue. The buildings will provide beautiful views north to the Golden Ears, east to Mount Baker, and south to the Fraser River. It will act as a signpost to the Town Centre as residents and visitors enter from the west. The focus of the landscaping design is the interior courtyard, where we have included a variety of spaces for the residents, including a play structure, tables and chairs, a checkerboard, a fire pit and sitting area, lounge seating, a small putting area, hopscotch painted on the pavement, a garden shed, along with a variety of trees and shrubs. 3b. Stormwater Management Strategy Stormwater management plans have been included in this submission, demonstrating how the three tiers of stormwater management requirements are being achieved. These include an onsite detention tank and a Permavoid system for passive irrigation of the landscape planters in the courtyard. 3c. Public Art / Amenities The building includes an indoor amenity for the residents. The developer is considering several options for this space, including exercise and lounge areas. Outside, there will be a landscaped amenity courtyard for people to gather and enjoy the greenery. 1015 Covering Letter (ADP) of 2 3 3d. Sustainability Practices By its location, this site will enhance sustainability in the City. The neighbourhood is highly served by transit and shopping amenities relative to its population density and compared to other districts on the eastern side of the City; the increased density provided by this building will help increase usage of these amenities and services. As mentioned above, residents will enjoy a short walk to the Transit Loop and to the Port Haney West Coast Express Station to the west for transit options or a short walk to the Haney Place Mall for shopping needs. 3e. Tree Retention Techniques There are a few existing trees on-site, none of which will be retained as the excavation for the underground parkade will encompass the entire property. However, we propose maintaining the existing street trees along Lougheed Highway. I appreciate your consideration. Sincerely yours, _______________________________________________________ Wayne Bissky, BA, C.Ed, MArch, Architect AIBC, MRAIC Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture & Urban Design Inc. 1015 Covering Letter (ADP) of 3 3 The City  schedule making y ADP subm ADP thro Applicati Name of  File num Address  Current Z Seeking t Architect Submissi Architect Landscap Other Pro Note.: Th developm taken fro bulletin,  Major  per th build Group A (Pa Group B (Pa Group C Res Group D & E Group F (F1 Adv of Maple Rid es for submis your submiss mission pack ough your Fil ion Informa Applicant   ber   of site   Zone    to appear be t Informatio on will be p t   pe Architect  ofessional (S he Architects ments to the om AIBC Bull click here.  Occupancy  he current  ing codes  art 3)   art 3)   sidential  E   : Part 3)   isory Des dge Advisory ssion deadlin sion, contact kage for you le Manager w tion:  _________ _________ _________ _________ efore the AD on:  resented to  _________ _________ State Name  s are require e ADP that a letin 31 Build Public Assem Hospital, San Home for the Aged  Institutional  Hotel or sim Commercial  Industrial  sign Pane y Design Pan ne dates and t your File M ur project. Fo well in adva __________ __________ __________ ___ Propose DP on this da ADP by:  __________ __________ & Role) ____ ed to prepar re in the Ma dings Requir Use  mbly  natorium, or  e  ilar occupancy  el Submis nel (ADP) me d for the min Manager to e orward your nce of the d ___________ _____  ___________ ed Zone ____ ate ________ ___________ ___________ __________ re plans and ajor Occupan ring the Serv Type services − any o exce − any b exce − all sc − any b capa − any b − any b − any b − any b − any b ssion Req eets monthly nimum subm establish wh r complete s deadline date __________ __________ __________ __________ ________  _______  ___________ to attend a ncy categori vices of an A es of Building or s of an architect one‐storey build eeding 9 m or gro building of more eeding 235 m²; a chools, any size building (exclud acity exceeding 1 building with gro building contain building contain building with gro building with gro uest Form y.Refer to t mission requ at constitute ubmission p e.  __  __  __  __  __________ nd to presen es cited in th Architect. Fo r Parts of Buildin t under section 6 Act.   ding with an uns oss area exceed e than one store and  ing veterinary h 12 beds  oss area exceed ning 5 or more d ning 11 or more g oss area exceed oss area exceed m  he attached irements. Be es a complet package for t ____  nt all  he Table bel r the entire  ng requiring the 60 of the Archit supported span  ing 275 m²;  ey with gross are ospital) with a  ing 470 m²  welling units  guest rooms  ing 470 m²  ing 470 m²    efore  te  the  ow  e  ects  ea  Wayne S. Bissky, MAIBC June 27, 2022 June 27, 2022 Cameron Woodruff, MBCSLA DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Existing /Proposed Zone _____________ Date Prepared __________ Proposed (Complies or state variance needed) Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total Less Road Widening / Truncations Less Park Net Total LOT COVERAGE (in % of net lot area) Total Site Coverage SETBACKS (in metres) Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) SETBACKS – Underground Structures (in metres) Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal Accessory NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor One Bedroom Two Bedroom Three Bedroom + Total GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential Retail Commercial Office Commercial Other Commercial (Type _________________) Institutional Industrial TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA * If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) OTHER – state YES or NO for each. If YES describe on separate sheet. Heritage Site Tree Survey/Assessment Provided Watercourse/Steep Slopes Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. Prepared by: ___________________________ __________________________________ Print Name (Please print form and sign above) NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) # of units/ha (net) Gross Floor Area Floor Space Ratio (net) AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Common Activity Area Useable Open Space PARKING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses Educational & Assembly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Comprehensive Other Number of spaces for visitors TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES Number of total for disabled Number of total (and %) small cars % Number of total (and %) tandem spaces % TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces) Short Term Bicycle Parking Long Term Bicycle Parking Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Guide for Advisory Design Panel Members Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part II: Section Objectives Checklist 1 FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MEMBERS Pursuant with Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, development in the Town Centre will be assessed against the Maple Ridge Town Centre Area Development Permit Guidelines. See the guidelines in Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan for the full list and description of development permit guidelines. This checklist is intended to aid in the Advisory Design panel in the review of Town Centre development applications (either in collective discussion during monthly meetings or individually). PART II: SECTION OBJECTIVES A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height a. Promote a cohesive building expression and strong pedestrian oriented urban realm in Maple Ridge Town Centre by ensuring new buildings, renovations and/or additions have consistent architectural and urban design setbacks, form, mass, and height. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: b. Help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: c. Provide a consistent and complementary scale of building form in accordance with the Development Permit Area Guidelines. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: B. Building Façades, Materials and Colour d. Ensure additions, renovations and/or new infill projects in the Town Centre have a coherent architectural design concept where windows, doors, siding material and other façade elements create a pleasing composition compatible with surrounding buildings, commercial and neighbourhood character. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: e. Enhance the architectural and massing concept of a building as well as the quality, character and vibrancy of the urban environment of the Town Centre through the use of harmonious, quality materials and colours. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Guide for Advisory Design Panel Members Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part II: Section Objectives Checklist 2 f. Screen rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment and trash storage from public view and thereby ensure commercial and mixed-use buildings maintain an attractive appearance to the street. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C. Building Site Considerations g. Ensure public outdoor spaces are designed so that they improve use and activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, increase safety and provide more attractive, functional outdoor spaces in the Town Centre. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: h. Provide street trees and landscape elements that reinforce the ‘urban’ character and vibrancy of the Town Centre, enrich the pedestrian friendly character of the streets in the district, and integrate this important commercial and higher density residential area with the character and quality of the surrounding residential neighbourhood. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: i. Ensure parking lots are designed to be accessible, but do not intrude upon the surrounding residential area, nor the urban, pedestrian-oriented quality of the Town Centre. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: j. Ensure service loading and mechanical equipment are designed to protect the surrounding businesses and residential areas from unsightly, noisy, and noxious environments. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: k. Ensure outdoor spaces consider appropriate orientation for solar access and human comfort, in accordance with the Development Permit Guidelines. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: FURTHER COMMENTS: Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Downtown West Precinct Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines 1 Pursuant with Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, development in the Town Centre will be assessed against the following form and character and green building design guidelines. The guidelines apply to Ground- Oriented Multi Family; Low-Rise Apartment; Medium & High-Rise Apartment; Flexible Mixed-Use; Town Centre Commercial; Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial & Waterfront; and Port Haney Heritage Adaptive Use. See the guidelines in Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan for a detailed list and descriptions of development permit area guidelines. These guidelines are intended to aid in the review of development permits in the Town Centre and are to be completed by the architect of record for the project. The project will be reviewed for consistency with the guidelines by the Planning Department and the Advisory Design Panel. In the checklist, you are only required to address the guidelines with the icon that relates to your project: TCC = Town Centre Commercial (commercial developments only) MU = Mixed-Use (ground-oriented developments, with commercial on the ground level and either offices or residential above) MFR = Multi-Family Residential (ground-oriented developments and low-rise, medium-rise, and high-rise apartments) Precinct Key Guidelines and Green Building Design Guidelines must also be completed for projects within the Town Centre. Development and Design Objectives The following summarizes the development and design objectives for each section on the following checklist. A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height • To promote a cohesive building style and strong pedestrian oriented urban realm in Maple Ridge Town Centre by ensuring new buildings, renovations and/or additions have consistent architectural and urban design setbacks, form, mass, and height. • To help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces. B. Building Façades, Materials and Colour • To ensure additions, renovations and/or new infill projects in the Town Centre have a coherent architectural design concept where windows, doors, siding material and other façade elements create a pleasing composition compatible with surrounding buildings, commercial and neighbourhood character. • To enhance the architectural and massing concepts of a building as well as the quality, character and vibrancy of the urban environment of the Town Centre through the use of harmonious, quality materials and colours. • To screen rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment and trash storage from public view and thereby ensure commercial and mixed-used buildings maintain an attractive appearance to the street. C. Building Site Considerations • To ensure public outdoor spaces are designed so that they improve use and activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, increase safety and provide more attractive, functional outdoor spaces in the Town Centre. • To provide street trees and landscape elements that reinforce the ‘urban’ character and vibrancy of the Town Centre, enrich the pedestrian friendly character of streets in the district, and integrate this important commercial and higher density residential area with the character and quality of the surrounding residential neighbourhood. • To ensure parking lots are designed to be accessible, but do not intrude upon the surrounding residential area, nor the urban, pedestrian-oriented quality of the Town Centre. • To facilitate off-street parking and car storage at the rear of commercial and mixed-use buildings to maintain street inter-connectivity, traditional use of the lane as a service street, and to provide a secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway in the Town Centre. • To ensure service loading and mechanical equipment is designed to protect the surrounding businesses and residential areas from unsightly, noisy and noxious environments. Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist 2 Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Applicable A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height A.1 Building Mass and Form A1.1 Maintain the mass and scale of buildings TCC MU MFR A1.2 Enhance the block with corner commercial buildings TCC MU A1.3 Accent corner buildings TCC MU MFR A1.4 Use pedestrian-scale design elements TCC MU A1.5 Feature pedestrian amenities TCC MU MFR A1.6 Design large buildings into smaller modules TCC MU MFR A1.7 Accommodate street-fronting units TCC MU MFR A1.9 Ensure appropriate roof pitch TCC MU MFR A1.10 Use design elements to reduce roof mass and scale TCC MU MFR A.2 Building Heights A2.1 Vary building heights TCC MU MFR A2.2 Maintain alignment of architectural features TCC MU MFR A2.3 Integrate taller buildings TCC MU MFR A2.4 Step back taller buildings TCC MU MFR A2.5 Match building heights at the end of blocks TCC MU MFR A2.6 Manage phased development TCC MU MFR A2.7 Protect views TCC MU MFR A.3 Building Setbacks A3.1 Place buildings to reinforce sidewalk activity TCC MU MFR A3.2 Situate building entrances for visibility TCC MU MFR A3.3 Provide adequate throughways and lighting TCC MU MFR A3.4 Provide clear sight lines from building foyers and lobbies to allow visual surveillance TCC MU MFR A3.5 Separate residential entrances from commercial entrances MU A3.6 Respect existing buildings TCC MU MFR A3.7 Distinguish entrances with arrival areas and courtyards TCC MU MFR A3.8 Locate ramps and entrances in areas that are highly visible TCC MU MFR Explain how the objectives for Building Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height are met. If you have selected “no” or “not applicable”, explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist 3 Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Applicable B. Building Façades, Materials and Colour B.1 Building Façade B1.1 Address both sides of the block with corner commercial buildings TCC MU B1.2 Orient main entrances to face the sidewalk TCC MU MFR B1.3 Locate windows, doors, and entry features at the street level TCC MU MFR B1.4 Use a mix of common facade patterns and elements TCC MU MFR B1.5 Reflect original façades and building scale TCC MU MFR B1.6 Respect original architectural elements TCC MU MFR B1.7 Respect old and new design TCC MU MFR B1.8 Maintain the horizontal rhythm of the street wall TCC MU MFR B1.9 Provide a visual division between the street level and upper floors TCC MU MFR B1.10 Include continuous canopies, awnings or overhangs TCC MU B1.11 Ensure appropriate placement and materials for awnings or canopies TCC MU B1.13 Use windows to provide ‘eyes on the street’ TCC MU MFR B1.14 Enhance the public realm TCC MU MFR B1.15 Ensure signage reflects building scale, character, and materials TCC MU B.3 Building Materials B3.1 Enhance the public realm with high quality materials and detailing TCC MU MFR B3.2 Use materials consistently TCC MU MFR B3.3 Avoid the use of inappropriate materials TCC MU MFR B3.6 Use a mix of quality materials TCC MU MFR B.4 Building Colours B4.1 Select appropriate colours TCC MU MFR B4.2 Highlight architectural details, awnings, and entrances TCC MU MFR B4.3 Ensure a cohesive, consistent colour palette TCC MU MFR B.5 Screening and Storage B5.1 Locate and enclose trash, composting, and recycling to keep out of site of general public TCC MU MFR B5.2 Screen mechanical equipment TCC MU MFR B5.3 Avoid conflict with neighbouring properties TCC MU MFR B5.4 Locate building ventilation systems to minimize noise and exhaust TCC MU MFR Explain how the objectives for Building Façades, Materials and Colour are met. If you have selected “no” or “not applicable”, explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist 4 Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Applicable C. Building Site Considerations C.1 Public Outdoor Space and Hardscapes C1.1 Provide public outdoor space TCC MU MFR C1.2 Ensure public outdoor space is highly visible TCC MU MFR C1.3 Provide connections between buildings, sidewalks, and outdoor open spaces TCC MU MFR C1.4 Ensure universal access for all public spaces TCC MU MFR C1.6 Provide hardscape elements to enhance the street environment TCC MU MFR C1.7 Design hardscape elements as part of the building TCC MU MFR C1.8 Integrate pedestrian amenities with walls and/or landscaped areas TCC MU MFR C1.9 Provide public art TCC MU MFR C1.10 Ensure new elements complement existing TCC MU MFR C1.12 Provide smooth routes TCC MU MFR C1.13 Ensure barrier-free access TCC MU MFR C.2 Parking and Parking Lots C2.1 Provide required parking underground, where feasible TCC MU MFR C2.2 Screen large surface parking lots while maintaining surveillance TCC MU MFR C2.3 Maximize pedestrian safety within parking lots TCC MU MFR C2.4 Provide visible signage TCC MU MFR C2.5 Consider developing underground parking garages TCC MU MFR C2.7 Locate parking lot equipment away from the public street TCC MU MFR C.3 Lanes, Service and Loading Areas C3.1 Use lanes for service, parking access and loading TCC MU MFR C3.2 Utilize lanes as secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughways TCC MU MFR C3.3 Strengthen visual access of the lane TCC MU MFR C3.5 Consider lanes as a community amenity TCC MU MFR C3.7 Locate loading and service areas away from the street front TCC MU MFR C3.8 Separate loading from parking and pedestrian paths TCC MU MFR C3.9 Screen loading areas TCC MU C.4 Street Trees and Landscape C4.2 Use the right species TCC MU MFR C4.8 Maintain sight lines TCC MU MFR Explain how the objectives for Building Site Considerations are met. If you have selected “no” or “not applicable”, explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Downtown West Precinct Key Guidelines Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for the Downtown West Precinct 5 KEY GUIDELINE CONCEPTS 1. Provide a gateway to the Town Centre a. Does proposed development maintain architectural quality and character of associated new development? • Consistent: Yes No N/A Explain: 2. Create a pedestrian-oriented, boutique-style shopping district b. Does the building’s form and mass support a strong pedestrian-oriented urban realm and help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces? Taller buildings should be stepped back podium style. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 3. Enhance the quality, character and vibrancy of the Town Centre c. Does proposed development promote the quality, character, and vibrancy of the urban environment? • Consistent: Yes No Explain: d. Are colours consistent and materials of sustainable quality? • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 4. Reference traditional architectural styles e. Does the development incorporate traditional architectural styles that include materials such as brick and wood? • Consistent: Yes No Explain: f. Do buildings have characteristics that reflect good urban design principles, for example consistency in setbacks, form, mass and height throughout the precinct? • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 5. Capitalize on important views g. Does proposed new development capitalize on mountain and/or river views? • Consistent: Yes No Not Applicable Explain: Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Downtown West Precinct Key Guidelines Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for the Downtown West Precinct 6 h. Have the important views of existing buildings been considered in relation to the proposed development? • Consistent: Yes No Not Applicable Explain: 6. Provide public outdoor space i. Are public spaces designed to accommodate a range of activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, and increase safety? • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 7. Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features j. Are landscape elements designed to enrich the pedestrian environment, moderate the internal building climate, manage stormwater on site, and reference the architectural quality of the building(s)? • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 8. Maintain street interconnectivity k. Does proposed development maintain street interconnectivity and the use of the lane as a service street and secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway? • Consistent: Yes No Not Applicable Explain: l. Is required parking provided underground? • Consistent: Yes No Explain: Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 7 A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height A1.8 Design flexible ground-floor unit spaces in commercial and mixed-use buildings. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: A1.11 Accommodate roof gardens, trellises, and green features. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: A2.8 Site buildings to capitalize on daylight and solar opportunities. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: A2.9 Protect solar access to surrounding buildings and minimize wind tunnel effects. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: B. Building Façades, Materials, and Colour B1.12 Use exterior shading devices to block summer sun. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: B2.1 Design outdoor lighting to minimize light pollution. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: B2.2 Encourage energy efficient lighting. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: B3.4 Select environmentally responsible building materials. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: B3.5 Minimize the use of unsustainable building materials. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 8 B3.7 Consider life-cycle cost. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C. Building Site Considerations C1.5 Locate outdoor plazas to capture the sun. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C1.11 Use materials that are functional, durable and include recycled or salvaged content. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C1.14 Encourage use of infiltration techniques. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C2.6 Locate adequate priority parking in visible areas convenient to entrances. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C2.8 Use permeable pavement and infiltration devices on appropriate sites. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C2.9 Provide shade trees and landscaping. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C2.10 Provide secure and sheltered bicycle storage facilities for short-term uses. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C2.11 Provide long-term bicycle parking. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 9 C2.12 Provide end-of-trip facilities. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C3.4 Minimize impervious paving of the lane. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C3.6 Respect existing grades. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.1 Plant street trees. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.3 Minimize use of high maintenance plants. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.4 Maximize the use of native and climate appropriate species. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.5 Consider the inclusion of community gardens. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.6 Design and place landscape to facilitate year round moderation of the internal building climate. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.7 Minimize erosion potential. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 10 C4.9 Provide adequate landscape maintenance. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.10 Consider incorporating landscape plantings for green features. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.11 Incorporate low impact stormwater features. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.12 Consider rainwater collection for re-use. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.13 Use natural plantings and green space to support habitat. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.14 Retain existing mature trees. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: View to N-W Along Lougheed Scale: 1:2001 Drawing List A0.0 Cover Sheet A0.1 Project Information A0.2 Axonometrics A 03 Ridge View A1.0 Site Plan A1.1 Solar Study A2.1 P-2 U/G Parking A2.2 P-1 U/G Parking A2.3a Main Floor Plan A2.3b Main Floor Plan w. Firewalls A2.4a Interior Courtyard A2.4b Interior Courtyard w. Firewalls A2.5a 2nd Floor Plan A2.5b 2nd Floor Plan w. Firewalls A2.6 3rd to 6th Floor Plan A2.7 Roof Plan A2.8 Units - Key Plan A3.1 South & East Elevations Ph 1 A3.2 North Ph1 & West Elevations A3.3 North & South Elevations Ph2 A4.1 Sections A4.2 Sections A5.0 Unit Plans typ A5.1 Unit Plans typ www.bisskyarchitecture.ca#204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305E-mail:bissky@telus.netWebsite:WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB, BT Date: Scale 1015 Civic Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#As NotedCover SheetLegal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#PID #: Sheet A0.0 September 2020 Zoning Information Zoning Amending Bylaw 7561-2019 Property: Civic Address:22238, 22242, 22246, 22286 Selkirk Ave, 22245, 22251, 22289 Lougheed Hwy. PID:011-208-775, 011-208-848, 011-208-856 Legal Description: Existing Zoning:C-3 (Town Centre Commercial), CS-1 (Service Commercial) Proposed Zoning:residentiual density of 3.16 ) Reading with a proposed Development (Received 1st CD-1-19 (Comprehensive OCP: Existing Town Centre Commercial and Flexible Mixed Use OCP: Proposed CD-1-19 (Comprehensive Development (Received 1st Reading with a proposed residential density of 3.16 ) Covenant Area: LOT (SITE) Area Environmental Dedication:0 Original Lot areas North of Lane 37,946 sf Original Lot areas South of Lane 35,410 sf Original Lane Area fronting lots 5,977 sf TOTAL Original SITE Area Combined 79,333 sf Road Dedication (INCUDING 223RD, Selkirk and Lane)8,372 sf NET SITE Area (after road dedication)70,961 sf Zoning Information for CD-1-19 (Comprehensive Development) Proposed Commerical Area check sq ft Residential Units 255 units NET SITE Area (after road dedication)6,592 m2 Residential Density Calculation Permitted Base Density = 2.3 FSR (Using C-3 Zone 163,209.68 sq ft 2.30 FSR Proposed Base Density 163,209.68 sq ft 2.30 FSR Proposed Bonus Density 26520.321 sq ft 0.374 FSR TOTAL PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY 189,730.0 sq ft 2.674 FSR Siting: Main Floor - Commercial Provided NOTE: As a CD Zone Variances are NOT REQ'd Front Setback:= 0.0 m Rear Setback:= 0.0 m Exterior Side Yard Setback:= 0.0 m Interior Side Yard Setback:= 0.0 m Siting: 2nd to 6th Floor - Residential Provided Front Setback:= 0.0 m Rear Setback:= 0.0 m Exterior Side Yard Setback:= 0.0 m Interior Side Yard Setback:= 0.0 m become a usable part of the yard area may be sited not less than: Parking structure, all of which is 0.8 metre or less above the average finished grade of the lot and which is landscaped and integrated to Front & Exterior Side Setback:= 3.0 m Rear & Interior Side Setback:= 0 & 3.0 m Average Finished Grade 35.69m See Calculations Common Activity Area:Required:Provided: 1 m2 / Dwelling Unit 255 m2 255.0 m2 Usable Open Space:20% Lot area 39.41% 14192.1 sq m 27968.6 sq m Parking:Required: Residential Parking # of Res. Units stalls per unit type req'd Studio Units 36 units 0.90 = 33 Stalls 1 Bedroom Units 44 units 1.00 = 44 Stalls 2 Bedroom Units 135 units 1.10 = 149 Stalls 3 Bedroom Units 40 units 1.20 = 48 Stalls Sub Total 255 units 274 Stalls Plus Visitors at .1 stalls per unit 26 Stalls Total Residential Parking Required 300 Stalls Commercial Parking / Loading Stalls 1 per 100m2 Total Commercial Area Req'd / Permitted:Provided: Large Retail Units (over 300m2)296.2 m2 3 Stalls 73 Stalls Loading 1 zone 1 zones Residential Parking Stalls 300 Req'd 429 Prov'd 289 Regular Stalls provided in this plan = of additional stalls 10% of required PLUS all Small stalls Permitted = 91 Small Stalls 4 Tandem Stalls Handicap Accessible Parking =4 Stalls 7 Stalls 100 required spaces in excess of 200 3 spaces plus one space for every Permitted Provided: Small Parking Stalls Allowed =10%30 Stalls 91 Bicycle Parking:Required:Provided: Commercial Short Term 6 per 1500m2 = 2 Stalls 14 Stalls Commercial Long Term 1 per 750m2 = 1 Stalls 5 Stalls Residential Short Term 6 per 20 units = 77 Stalls 77 Stalls Residential Long Term 1 per 4 Units = 64 stalls 65 Stalls www.bisskyarchitecture.ca#204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305E-mail:bissky@telus.netWebsite:WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB, BT Date: Scale 1015 Civic Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#As NotedProject InformationLegal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#PID #: Sheet A0.1 September 2020 Preliminary ONLY Average Finished Grade Calculation Corner Grade North West 36.00m North East 36.50m South East 34.75m South West 35.50m Av. Fin Grade 35.688 m subject site subject site subject site subject site View from N/EView from S/E View from S/W View from N/W Lougheed Hwy Dewdney Trunk Road 222nd St223rd St224th StSelkirk Ave 119th Ave North Ave 117th Ave Subject Site Site Context Key Plan N.T.S. RESIDENTIAL UNITS IN BOTH PHASES Unit Name Area per Unit FSR (Net Area) # of BedroomsVisitors Stalls for Includes 0.5 Parking per Unit # of each unitA1 33.6 sq m 167.9 sq m Studio 4.25 5 A2 35.9 sq m 35.9 sq m Studio 0.85 1 A3 35.3 sq m 141.3 sq m Studio 3.4 4 A3 Pent 35.3 sq m 35.3 sq m Studio 0.85 1 A4 43.0 sq m 344.2 sq m Studio 6.8 8 A4 south 43.0 sq m 516.2 sq m Studio 10.2 12 A5 40.3 sq m 161.2 sq m Studio 3.4 4 A5 Pent 40.3 sq m 40.3 sq m Studio 0.85 1 B1 46.2 sq m 230.8 sq m 1 4.75 5 B2 50.8 sq m 203.1 sq m 1 3.4 4 B3 51.0 sq m 254.9 sq m 1 4.75 5 B4 51.2 sq m 255.8 sq m 1 4.75 5 B5 52.2 sq m 1304.5 sq m 1 23.75 25 C1 61.8 sq m 308.9 sq m 2 5.25 5 C2 63.1 sq m 315.3 sq m 2 5.25 5 C3 64.0 sq m 320.2 sq m 2 5.25 5 D1 63.1 sq m 315.5 sq m 2 5.25 5 D2 64.2 sq m 320.9 sq m 2 5.25 5 D3 68.6 sq m 686.1 sq m 2 10.5 10 D4 70.0 sq m 350.0 sq m 2 5.25 5 E1 74.1 sq m 370.7 sq m 2 5.25 5 E2 74.5 sq m 372.3 sq m 2 5.25 5 E3 75.8 sq m 227.5 sq m 2 3.15 3 E3 Pent 75.8 sq m 75.8 sq m 2 1.05 1 E3b 62.5 sq m 62.5 sq m 2 1.05 1 E4 74.1 sq m 370.6 sq m 2 5.25 5 E5 78.0 sq m 1481.3 sq m 2 19.95 19 E5 Pent 78.0 sq m 78.0 sq m 2 1.05 1 E6 79.6 sq m 795.9 sq m 2 10.5 10 E7 79.8 sq m 398.9 sq m 2 5.25 5 E8 80.8 sq m 404.2 sq m 2 5.25 5 E9 81.6 sq m 407.8 sq m 2 5.25 5 E10 81.9 sq m 409.3 sq m 2 5.25 5 E11 82.9 sq m 331.5 sq m 2 4.2 4 E11 Pent 82.9 sq m 82.9 sq m 2 1.05 1 E12 83.1 sq m 415.5 sq m 2 5.25 5 E13 83.3 sq m 416.5 sq m 2 5.25 5 E14 91.9 sq m 459.7 sq m 2 5.25 5 E15 94.2 sq m 470.8 sq m 2 5.25 5 F1 88.2 sq m 881.9 sq m 3 11.5 10 F2 88.7 sq m 443.7 sq m 3 5.75 5 F3 90.6 sq m 452.9 sq m 3 5.75 5 G1 91.7 sq m 458.7 sq m 3 5.75 5 G2 95.4 sq m 476.9 sq m 3 5.75 5 G3 97.1 sq m 485.6 sq m 3 5.75 5 G4 97.4 sq m 486.9 sq m 3 5.25 5 TOTAL FSR (NET AREA)17626.5 sq m TOTAL # OF UNITS 255 units Total Residential FSR 2.674 COMMERCIAL FLOOR AREA CRU Unit #Area CRU-1 470.5 sq m CRU-2 1413.7 sq m CRU-3 834.5 sq m CRU-4 118.1 sq m CRU-5 254.4 sq m CRU-6 97.1 sq m Total Commercial Area 3188.2 sq m View From South-West4 www.bisskyarchitecture.ca#204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305E-mail:bissky@telus.netWebsite:WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB, BT Date: Scale 1015 Civic Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#As NotedAxonometric ViewsLegal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#PID #: Sheet A0.2 September 2020 View From South-East1 View From North-East2 View From North-West3 phase 2 phase 1 lougheed 2 2 3 rd 223rd lo u g h e e d s e lk irk selkirk phase 2 phase 1 phase 1 phase 2 phase 1 phase 2 la n e lane s e lk irk 223rd 2 2 3 rd lougheed 222nd ST222rd STLougheed Highway Selkirk Ave Municipal Services Scale: 1:750 RAMP UP 272829303132 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 52535455565758181920131415 16 171819 20 212223 24 123456789101112212223242565gal.95gal.95gal.35gal 3 yardcontainer 65gal. 95gal. 95gal.95gal.65gal. 35gal95gal. 9 10 11 12 13 14 1233 yardcontainer 727359606162636465666768697071 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 3 yardcontainer 95gal. R 8.46m R 12.80m 7' W x 30' L Refuse Vehicle 7.50m Final Lane ROW 7.50mCurrent Lane ROW65gal. 95gal. 35gal 3 yardcontainer 65gal. 95gal.95gal. 65gal.3 yardcontainer 3 yardcontainer 35.958m 26333435363738 15161795gal.95gal.95gal.95gal.95gal.95gal.3 yardcontainerAccessibleEntry 36.1m 3.5% slope 35.5m Stairs 34.54m 34.73m 1.9%34.73m 35.03m 1.6%35.03m 35.18m 2.7%35.18m 35.24m 3.7%35.35m 3.5%35.35m 35.81m 4.0%35.88m 4.2%36.37m 4.1%36.53m 3.8 %36.23m 3.5%36.16m2.8%35.79m 3.3%35.45m 2.9%35.19m 1.7%35.39m 1.9%35.66m 2.9%36.02m 3.2%36.32m 3.8% 36.06m 1.6%36.19m1.2%36.21m0.7%36.09m 1.4%36.03m1.3%35.91m1.1%35.73m 1.9%35.42m3.2%35.42m0.0%35.14m2.2%34.88m2.4%34.68m1.8%34.64m1.0%34.57m1.1%34.55m0.1%34.53m0.2%34.51m0.1%0.5%step in slabRAMP UP RAMP UP 34.75m35.5m 35.0m35.5m 35.5m RAMP UP 35.2m 35.5m 35.5m This door is 12" higher than slab 35.5m RAMP UP5% SLOPE 35.91m4 5 6 7 8 910 11 121314 15161718 192021 22 232425 26 272829 303132 33 343536 37 383940 414243 44 454647 48 49 505152531 2 3 33 34 35 3637 38 17 18192021 222324 25 262728 29 30313212345678910111213141516 AccessibleEntry AccessibleEntry AccessibleEntry Stairs downto floor level AccessibleEntry AccessibleEntry AccessibleEntry EntryReq's ramp AccessibleEntry EntryReq's rampAccessibleEntry AccessibleEntry AccessibleEntry AccessibleEntry AccessibleEntry Entercom system to access visitor parking in U/G Parking c/w protectve bollards on either side Municipal Aerial from Ridgeview Scale: 1:750 0 100 200 300 400 FT SUBJECT SITE Municipal Zoning from Ridge View Scale: 1:750 22289 22286 222462225622266 Lane 222512224522239 Municipal OCP from Ridge View Scale: 1:750 www.bisskyarchitecture.ca#204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305E-mail:bissky@telus.netWebsite:WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB, BT Date: Scale 1015 Civic Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#As NotedRidge ViewLegal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#PID #: Sheet A0.3 September 2020 www.bisskyarchitecture.ca#204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305E-mail:bissky@telus.netWebsite:WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB, BT Date: Scale 1015 Civic Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#As NotedSite PlanLegal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#PID #: Sheet A1.0 September 2020 ResidentialUnit TypeSF (per unit)Floor1st Floor2nd 3rd Floor4th Floor5th Floor6th FloorNumberTotal Total FSR VISITORS)FOR 0.5 STALLS (INCLUDES per unit Parking stalls per 330 sf`for Com'l at 1 Parking Stalls Marketing sf`at 1 per 1000 Stalls for Com'l Bylaw Parking A1 Studio380 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 1900 sf 4.25 stallsA2 Studio386 sf02 units0 units0 units0 units0 units2 units 772 sf 1.7 stalls A3 1 Bed463 sf05 units5 units5 units5 units5 units25 units 11575 sf 23.75 stallsA4 1 Bed533 sf00 units1 units1 units1 units1 units4 units 2132 sf 3.8 stallsB1b. 1 Bed497 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 2485 sf 4.75 stallsB2 1 Bed.560 sf06 units6 units6 units6 units6 units30 units 16800 sf 28.5 stallsB3 1 Bed590 sf01 units0 units0 units0 units0 units1 units 590 sf 0.95 stalls B4 Studio409 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 2045 sf 4.25 stalls B4 1 Bed551 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 2755 sf 4.75 stallsC1 2Bed679 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 3395 sf 5.25 stallsC3. 2 Bed798 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 3990 sf 4.75 stalls C5b 2 Bed839 sf04 units4 units4 units4 units4 units20 units 16780 sf 19 stallsC6b. 2 Bed818 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 4090 sf 4.75 stallsC7 2 Bed800 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 4000 sf 4.75 stallsD2 2 Bedroom896 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 4480 sf 4.75 stalls D3 2 Bed870 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 4350 sf 4.75 stalls D4 2 Bed.856 sf02 units2 units2 units2 units2 units10 units 8560 sf 9.5 stalls D5 2 Bed881 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 4405 sf 4.75 stallsD6b. 2 Bed895 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 4475 sf 4.75 stallsD6C892 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 4460 sf 4.75 stallsD7 2 BED878 sf00 units1 units1 units1 units1 units4 units 3512 sf 3.8 stallsE1 3 Bed.973 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 4865 sf 5.75 stallsE3 3 Bed1005.4 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 5027 sf 5.75 stallsE2 3 Bed975 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 4875 sf 5.75 stalls E4. 2 Bed819 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 4095 sf 4.75 stalls E5. 3 Bed949 sf02 units2 units2 units2 units2 units10 units 9490 sf 11.5 stallsF1 3 Bed1045 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 5225 sf 5.75 stallsF1C 3 Bed989 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 4945 sf 5.75 stallsF1d. 3 Bed1026 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 5130 sf 5.75 stallsG2b 2 Bed1048 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 5240 sf 4.75 stallsG2c 2 Bed/Den1013 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 5065 sf 4.75 stalls G3 Jr 2 Bed.859 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 4295 sf 4.75 stalls G6 Jr 2 Bed665 sf01 units2 units2 units2 units2 units9 units 5985 sf 8.55 stalls G1 Jr. 2 Bed680 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 3400 sf 4.75 stalls H1 Jr 2 Bed.753 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 3765 sf 4.75 stalls H1b Jr 2 Bed.690 sf01 units1 units1 units1 units1 units5 units 3450 sf 4.75 stalls H2 J2. 2 Bed739 sf02 units2 units2 units2 units2 units10 units 7390 sf 9.5 stallsTOTAL051 units51 units51 units51 units51 units255 units 189793 sf 242.25 stallsTotal Net SITE AREA 75799.8 sfProposed FSR 2.504 FSRCRU #15275 sf1CRU #215270 sf1CRU #38474 sf1CRU #41446 sf1CRU #53723 sf1Total34188 sf5 114 stalls 34 stallsTotal Parking Com'l + Residential 356.21 stalls 276.438 stallsTotal Parking Shown in this Plan 447 stalls 223rd StreetLane Selkirk AveParking access From: Rachel Ollenberger <rollenberger@mapleridge.ca>Date: 2018-12-04 3:41 PM (GMT-08:00)To: Sean Carroll <SCarroll@coregroupconsultants.com>Subject: RE: Lougheed and  223 Street Hi Sean223 St and Selkirk Ave are both collector bike route so require anultimate ROW of 24m – only 20m exists so 2m off both frontages are required.Corner truncations at Selkirk/223 and 223/Lougheed are needed asper our design criteria.  Both will need turning templates on them todetermine the amount – probably 4x4 or 5x5.No dedication on Lougheed frontage.However, if the traffic study indicates intersection improvements thatcan’t be accommodated in the road allowance that may trigger additional dedication. Regards, Rachel Ollenberger, AScT Development Engineering Technologist 604-467-7326 Road dedication south of lane = 855.868 sf Road dedication south of lane = 3,011.7 sf NORTH Site NET area = 34,935.738 sf LANE NET area = 6,309.65 sf SOUTH Site NET area = 34,554.363 sf TOTAL NET area (N+S+lane) = 75,799.755 sf 7.5m setback from Proposed Max "Build-to" line Proposed Max "Build-to" line (perpendicular) 1' setback from Proposed Max "Build-to" line Road dedication of lane = 131 sf From: Rachel Ollenbergerrollenberger@mapleridge.ca Subject: RE: 10152019-138-RZ - Mussallem Motors Site revisions forLane Date: October 7, 2021 at 4:47 PMHi The laneneeds to be dedicated not an easement and thewidth is to be determined based on the alignment ofthe lane to the north – a quick scale shows it to beabout 5m. The yellow portion below shows what Imean. If it can be constructed as a one-way thenthat would eliminate the need to accommodateturning movements at that temporary “L”. ThenFrom Civil eng 2022-01-06 The lane dedication to be 5.062m Lane Purchased by Developer RAMP UP 272829303132 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 525354555657581819201314151617181920212223241234567891011122122232425ElevatorElevator Elevator ElevatorElevator 65gal.95gal.95gal. 35 gal 3 yard container 65gal.95gal.95gal.95gal. 65gal. 35 gal95gal.9 10 11 12 13 14 1233 yard container EXIT7273 59606162636465666768697071 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 3 yard container 95gal. R 8.46m R 12.80m 7' W x 30' L Refuse Vehicle 7.50m Final Lane ROW7.50mCurrent Lane ROW65gal.95gal.35gal3 yardcontainer65gal.95gal.95gal.65gal.3 yardcontainer3 yardcontainer35.958m 26333435363738 15161795gal.95gal.95gal.95gal. 95gal.95gal.3 yardcontainerAccessible Entry 36.1m 3.5% slope 35.5m Stairs 34.54m 34.73m 1.9%34.73m 35.03m 1.6%35.03m 35.18m 2.7%35.18m 35.24m 3.7%35.35m 3.5%35.35m 35.81m 4.0%35.88m 4.2%36.37m 4.1%36.53m 3.8 %36.23m 3.5%36.16m2.8%35.79m 3.3%35.45m 2.9%35.19m 1.7%35.39m 1.9%35.66m 2.9%36.02m 3.2%36.32m 3.8% 36.06m1.6%36.19m1.2%36.21m0.7%36.09m1.4%36.03m1.3%35.91m1.1%35.73m1.9%35.42m3.2%35.42m0.0%35.14m2.2%34.88m2.4%34.68m1.8%34.64m1.0%34.57m1.1%34.55m0.1%34.53m0.2%34.51m0.1%0.5%step in slab36.09m 36.03m RAMP UP RAMP UP34.75m35.5m 35.0m35.5m 35.5m RAMP UP35.2m 35.5m 35.5m This door is 12" higher than slab 35.5m RAMP UP 5% SLOPE 35.91m4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 505152531 2 3 33343536 37 38 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3212345678910111213141516 AccessibleEntry Accessible Entry Accessible Entry Stairs downto floor level Accessible Entry Accessible Entry Accessible Entry Entry Req's ramp AccessibleEntry Entry Req's rampAccessible Entry Accessible Entry Accessible Entry Accessible Entry Accessible Entry Entercom system to access visitor parking in U/G Parking c/w protectve bollards on either side Dashed line indicates limit of P-2 below Dashed line indicates limit of P-1 below Dashed line indicates limit of P-2 below Dashed line indicates limit of P-1 below Dashed line indicates limit of P-2 below Dashed line indicates limit of P-1 below 7.32mramp widthCRU Elev. 35.50m Elev 36.09m CRU Elev 35.50m knock-out panels between phases (typ) Phase 1 Phase 2 UP DN UP UP UP Ramp Dn Lobby 34.75m Elev 35.5m ELEV. 36.5m ELEV. 35.5m ELEV. 35.25m ELEV. 34.75m ELEV. 34.75m ELEV. 34.75m ELEV. 34.75m ELEV. 35.5m EXITEXIT EXITEXIT DNEXIT Phase 2 Phase 2 Phase 1 CRU #1 5,065sq ft CRU #2 15,217 sq ft CRU #4 1,271 sq ft CRU #3 8,982 sq ft Refuse / Recycling Phase 2 #1 Residential Lobby 790 sq ft CRU #5 2,738 sq ft #2 Residential Lobby 706.7 sq ft LONG TERM RES'lBIKE STORAGE 38 Parking stalls shown in Phase 1 1 loading zone shown in this plan (2020-10-13) loading skylight above 7.00m drive aisle 7.00m driveaisle 38.54m 6.35m Outline of residential bldg over Outline of residential bldg over Outline of residential bldg over small small small small small small small small small small small small Outline of residential bldg over Outline of residential bldg over To Exit under stairs and planters over. Min 8' clearance is provided. EXIT LOBBY EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT Access to Gardens Parking Access Refuse / Recycling Phase 1 EXIT Vestibule 7.00mdrive aisleEXIT VestibuleDown to parkingUp to Resid'l EXIT small Exit and Access to Main Floor Parking Exit and Access to Main Floor Parking EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT Firewall from above Firewall from above EXIT Firewall Firewall Accessibile PathAccessibile Path Accessibile Path Phase 1 Phase 2 small small small small ONE Loading Bay:Min 3.5 m width, Min 11.5 m length (so that a truck with refrigeration may be accommodated.) Min 4.5 m height small 35 Parking stalls shown in Phase 2 EXIT stairs downto P-1 & P-2below CRU Elev. 34.75m CRU Elev. 34.75m CRU Elev. 34.75m CRU Elev. 35.90m Lobby 35.20m CRU Elev 35.50m CRU Elev 36.10m Elev 36.10m 53 PHASE I Short Term Bikes including 45 Res + 8 Com'l shown along Lougheed 3 (PHASE I) Long Term Bikes EXIT EXIT38 PHASE I Short Term Bikes including 32 Res + 6 Com'l shown along SELKIRK CRU #6 1,045 sq ft ELEV. 36.9m ELEV. 36.9m ELEV. 35.24m ELEV. 35.20m ELEV. 34.75m NOTE to Maple Ridge Bldg . Dept. All EXITS from parking areas DO NOT permit access public to the Residential Floors above NOTE to Maple Ridge Bldg . Dept. All EXITS from parking areas DO NOT permit public access to the Residential Floors above NOTE to Maple Ridge Bldg . Dept. All EXITS from parking areas DO NOT permit public access to the Residential Floors above NOTE to Maple Ridge Bldg . Dept. All EXITS from parking areas DO NOT permit public access to the Residential Floors above Proposed ELEV. 36.32m Proposed ELEV. 36.02m Proposed ELEV. 35.66 m Proposed ELEV. 35.39m Proposed ELEV. 35.45m sidewalk sidewalksidewalk 7.5m Road Dedication for Lane Dedication5.09m Dedication Dedication 7.50m 5.13m 91.14m 7.08m 62.63m7.0 7 m93.62m 33.05m39.62mProposed ELEV. 36.09m Proposed ELEV. 36.03m Proposed ELEV. 35.91 m Proposed ELEV. 35.73 m Proposed ELEV. 36.21m Proposed ELEV. 36.19m Proposed ELEV. 36.06m Proposed ELEV. 35.79m Proposed ELEV. 36.16 m Proposed ELEV. 36.23 m Proposed ELEV. 36.53m Proposed ELEV. 36.37m Proposed ELEV. 35.88m Proposed ELEV. 35.81m Proposed ELEV. 35.35m Proposed ELEV. 35.24m Proposed ELEV. 35.18m Proposed ELEV. 35.03m Proposed ELEV. 34.73m Proposed ELEV. 34.54m Proposed ELEV. 34.51m Proposed ELEV. 35.19m Existing ELEV. 35.42m Existing ELEV. 35.14m Existing ELEV. 34.88m Existing ELEV. 34.68m Existing ELEV. 34.64m Existing ELEV. 34.57m Existing ELEV. 34.55m Existing ELEV. 34.53m Existing ELEV. 34.51m 5.08m 34.3534.5334.8135.5535.7835.1940.1835.4434.9934.8834.7934.6034.6134.5934.5534.5234.5634.4834.4734.4434.3934.253 4.2 2 34.2234.183 4.2 135.7334.7034.7034.6934.7134.8735.0035.2535.2535.5635.0634.7735.1435.6235.6835.9934.4134.1034.0734.2034.1233.9734.2633.9934.6034.9334.4634.4934.4634.4334.4334.4134.2934.3034.3634.9434.9835.0035.0535.0334.9935.3135.4135.5435.2235.3235.6035.4734.2234.9134.9135.0135.1334.9835.0934.9936.6834.5334.5734.7034.3534.6235.0634.4434.1734.3034.0736.0335.8735.2236.7336.4936.5235.4435.1235.2435.7636.3336.8234.8634.8034.6935.0634.8334.6934.7634.7035.1034.9634.5834.9234.6334.5634.7834.9434.9434.9134.6934.7134.7234.7934.6634.5234.4834.4034.2834.2034.1234.3634.5735.0235.0034.9034.9235.6235.3935.0635.7535.5535.5035.5035.6435.7935.9536.0036.0236.3235.6735.7235.6135.0434.8134.6734.7434.9035.1635.3635.5836.4235.5634.2434.183 4.2 2 3 4.2 3 G G 34.6134.7634.7834.7235.2136.6136.6034.8034.8334.7634.2934.3434.5834.5834.5634.5234.5134.5234.9134.4734.4134.4334.9334.5134.5934.4834.3734.5834.5734.56Sn Sn Sn Sn Sn Sn Sn Sn 35.2835.7736.1836.2736.2636.3836.1235.49WM WM 34.9335.0035.0134.7734.3134.4536.7735.5234.6034.1335.5836.2836.2836.3736.3834.9034.8934.7534.4234.3834.3334.3134.3034.2934.2934.2837.1037.1137.1234.7334.7634.8037.0936.9936.9937.063 7.0 8 3 7.1 037.0937.1437.133 7.0 2 3 7.1 137.0937.1736.3136.0136.0236.5035.6335.6936.5236.4436.3235.6835.5335.4235.2735.1035.2534.9935.1736.8537.0637.2134.6534.7734.6234.4835.7235.5935.5234.5734.6834.6134.4034.3834.2134.1934.4134.2634.2734.1334.1534.2434.2835.7435.7035.6435.5935.5435.5035.4635.4235.6535.5635.5135.4235.3635.6235.4535.4335.4235.3435.2435.1335.2835.2435.4135.1735.2535.2935.3135.1735.1135.0134.9034.7534.6334.6134.4334.4334.4234.4334.3935.0034.9434.8434.7834.6534.6034.5334.5234.5234.5134.4734.4634.3934.3034.3634.3134.2034.1934.2734.4334.4134.3834.3534.3034.2734.3034.4734.6634.7434.4734.4334.3934.3534.2934.6637.1236.9136.5835.1635.0935.0034.9634.8534.7235.1334.7634.4634.5935.6835.6635.7234.3834.3734.3934.4634.8334.5734.64TS35.44200Ø Decid 34.93250Ø Decid35.09250Ø Decid 34.45250Ø Decid34.49250Ø Decid 34.30250Ø Decid35.39300Ø Decid 35.30300Ø Decid35.7635.6335.5236.4235.4035.2735.0134.8134.3134.1334.1034.0834.0834.1134.1234.9935.7136.2936.3236.3436.3636.3636.3736.3636.3735.8835.3735.2035.6736.2436.6034.7235.6135.6335.6535.6735.6335.6535.1535.8836.4536.4536.4436.4436.4636.4936.5336.0735.4635.1135.3935.8436.4336.8834.4734.5134.4934.4834.4634.4434.4434.4334.3935.6635.6635.6635.5235.4135.0734.8034.7234.7334.6434.5934.5734.5534.5534.5434.5934.5734.5534.5834.6434.6434.6334.2734.3334.3234.3534.27Lane Selkirk Ave 223rd StreetWalkwayPainted Yellow LinePainted White LinePainted White LinePainted White LinePainted White Line Painted White Line Concrete SidewalkConcrete Sidewalk Driveway Asphalt Concrete Curb Concrete Sidewalk Gravel Parking E xisting BuildingBuildingExisting C oncrete PadAsphalt CurbParking Asphalt Concrete Sidewalk Top of Slope Bottom of Slope Bottom of SlopeTop of Slope1000Ø Conifer Cluster Tag 5825 Concrete SidewalkConcrete CurbConcrete SidewalkConcrete SidewalkKioskExisting BuildingStorm MH Rim Elev=34.71 N Inv=33.83 (150Ø Conc) Chamber E Obv=32.64 (350Ø Steel) Storm MH Rim Elev=34.77 Half full with dirt S Obv=32.59 (350Ø Steel) W Inv=32.87 (250Ø Conc) Sanitary MH Rim Elev=35.11 E Inv=32.84 (250Ø Conc) 3231302961Pcl 1 17 18 192021 22 Concrete Retaining Wall21.34 35.0521.34 35.0521.34 35.0421.34 21.34 35.0421.34 36.59 36.59 17.5217.5236.5817.5217.52co PID: 011-208-821 PID: 011-208-813 PID: 011-208-805 PID:011-208-767 011-208-775 PID: 011-208-872PID: 011-208-856PID: 011-208-848 PID: 011-208-830 PID: 008-813-973 11.58 18.90 18.90 18.90 29.87 33.5129.8733.5118.9033.5218.9033.5218.9033.5233.5311.58 Edge of Pavement Edge of PavementChainlink fenceChainlink fenceChainlink fence Chainlink fence Chainlink fence Chainlink fence Chainlink fenceChainlink fence Chainlink fenceGate Sanitary MH Rim Elev=35.86 Sanitary MH Rim Elev=35.48 SE Inv=33.68 (150Ø PVC) E Inv=33.25 (500Ø Conc) W Inv=33.37 (400Ø Conc) Storm MH Rim Elev=35.19 E Inv=32.52 (200Ø Conc) S Inv=31.95 (400Ø Conc) S Inv=32.95 (600Ø Conc) Full with sand Sanitary MH Rim Elev=34.32 Inaccessible Due to heavy traffic Storm MH Rim Elev=35.66 Driveway Driveway Driveway Barrier Curb Barrier CurbStop barStop bar36.7137.0237.1036.7936.3036.4737.0036.8436.5836.4036.1435.9535.7035.5235.3135.1535.1535.1235.1935.3535.5435.7435.9536.2236.4336.5136.4236.1635.8335.5735.3835.1535.0835.0435.0134.9434.8934.8334.8134.7134.7134.7636.18CO36.36CO36 .42Painted Yellow LinePainted Yellow LinePainted Yellow Line BuildingE xisting N Inv=31.90 (750Ø Conc) SE Inv=31.88 (750Ø Conc) Site Plan Scale: 1:2001 4.99m m dedication PROPOSED 6 STOREY MULTI-USE DEVELOPMENT PHASE 1 PHASE 2 Detachable canopy over Heavy dark line indicates additional maneuvering area for vehicles Accent Pavers www.bisskyarchitecture.ca#204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305E-mail:bissky@telus.netWebsite:WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB, BT Date: Scale 1015 Civic Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#As NotedSite PlanLegal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#PID #: Sheet A1.0 September 2020 www.bisskyarchitecture.ca#204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305E-mail:bissky@telus.netWebsite:WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB, BT Date: Scale 1015 Civic Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#As NotedSolar StudyLegal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#PID #: Sheet A1.1 September 2020 JUNE 21 - 10AM Scale: 1:5001 SELKIRK AVENUE LOUGHEED HWY.223rd STREET22241 3 STOREY APARTMENT 22259 3 STOREY APARTMENT 11841 1 STOREY CLINIC 11830 2 STOREY COMMERCIAL 22303 COMMERCIAL 22239 COMMERCIAL 22234 1 STOREY CLINIC JUNE 21 - 3 PM Scale: 1:5002 SELKIRK AVENUE LOUGHEED HWY.223rd STREET22241 3 STOREY APARTMENT 22259 3 STOREY APARTMENT 11841 1 STOREY CLINIC 11830 2 STOREY COMMERCIAL 22303 COMMERCIAL 22239 COMMERCIAL 22234 1 STOREY CLINIC DEC. 21 - 10AM Scale: 1:5003 SELKIRK AVENUE LOUGHEED HWY.223rd STREET22241 3 STOREY APARTMENT 22259 3 STOREY APARTMENT 11841 1 STOREY CLINIC 11830 2 STOREY COMMERCIAL 22303 COMMERCIAL 22239 COMMERCIAL 22234 1 STOREY CLINIC DEC. 21 - 3 PM Scale: 1:5004 SELKIRK AVENUE LOUGHEED HWY.223rd STREET22241 3 STOREY APARTMENT 22259 3 STOREY APARTMENT 11841 1 STOREY CLINIC 11830 2 STOREY COMMERCIAL 22303 COMMERCIAL 22239 COMMERCIAL 22234 1 STOREY CLINIC www.bisskyarchitecture.ca#204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305E-mail:bissky@telus.netWebsite:WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB, BT Date: Scale 1015 Civic Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#As NotedP-2 U/G ParkingLegal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#PID #: Sheet A2.1 September 2020223rd StreetLane Selkirk AveParking access From: Rachel Ollenberger <rollenberger@mapleridge.ca>Date: 2018-12-04 3:41 PM (GMT-08:00)To: Sean Carroll <SCarroll@coregroupconsultants.com>Subject: RE: Lougheed and  223 Street Hi Sean223 St and Selkirk Ave are both collector bike route so require anultimate ROW of 24m – only 20m exists so 2m off both frontages are required.Corner truncations at Selkirk/223 and 223/Lougheed are needed asper our design criteria.  Both will need turning templates on them todetermine the amount – probably 4x4 or 5x5. No dedication on Lougheed frontage.However, if the traffic study indicates intersection improvements thatcan’t be accommodated in the road allowance that may trigger additional dedication. Regards, Rachel Ollenberger, AScT Development EngineeringTechnologist 604-467-7326 Road dedication south of lane = 855.868 sf Road dedication south of lane = 3,011.7 sf NORTH Site NET area = 34,935.738 sf LANE NET area = 6,309.65 sf SOUTH Site NET area = 34,554.363 sf TOTAL NET area (N+S+lane) = 75,799.755 sf 7.5m setback from Proposed Max "Build-to" line Proposed Max "Build-to" line (perpendicular) 1' setback from Proposed Max "Build-to" line Road dedication of lane = 131 sf From: Rachel Ollenbergerrollenberger@mapleridge.ca Subject: RE: 10152019-138-RZ - Mussallem Motors Site revisions forLane Date: October 7, 2021 at 4:47 PMHi The laneneeds to be dedicated not an easement and thewidth is to be determined based on the alignment ofthe lane to the north – a quick scale shows it to beabout 5m. The yellow portion below shows what Imean. If it can be constructed as a one-way thenthat would eliminate the need to accommodateturning movements at that temporary “L”. ThenFrom Civil eng 2022-01-06 The lane dedication to be 5.062m Lane Purchased by Developer 4445464748496061626364651234567891011121314151617 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 333435363738394041424344454647 1516171898991001011021031041057980818283848586878889909192939495 12812913013119 20 21 22 23 146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172 5051525354242526274214214314414528435556575859666768697071727374757641969711511610810911011111210610729303132 39401131147778117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125126127 137138139140141132133134135136New P/L 1234567891011121314Line indicates P-1 Floor Over Phase 1 Phase 2 33 34 35 36 37 38 29303132Dashed line indicates limit of P-1 above Dashed line indicates limit of P-1 above ramp up Phase 2 knock-out panels between phases (typ) LONG TERM BIKE STORAGE (RES'L) Elevator Lobby ElevatorElevator Elevator Lobby ElevatorElevator Elevator Exit EXIT knock-out panels between phases (typ) Min 1.1m wide EXIT walkway (BCBC 2018 Table Service Min 1.1m wide EXIT walkway (BCBC 2018 Table 1.1m wide EXIT walkway (BCBC 2018 Table Min 1.1m wide EXIT walkway (BCBC 2018 Table Min 1.1m wide EXIT walkway (BCBC 2018 Table Min 1.1m wide EXIT walkway (BCBC 2018 Table Service Min 1.1m wide EXIT walkway (BCBC 2018 Table EXIT EXIT Exit Min 1.1m wide EXIT walkway (BCBC 2018 Table Exit UP STORAGESTORAGESTORAGESTORAGETANDEMTANDEM STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE 7.00m drive aisle 7.50m 85.69m 0.43m 5.51m5.99m 5.09m 0.45m61.67m0.51m5.43m 5.37m 5.46m2.50m61.67m2.50m85.69m 2.37m 2.50m61.67m2.50m7.00mdrive aisle 7.00mdrive aisle7.00mdrive aisle7.00m drive aisle 7.00m drive aisle 7.00m drive aisle 7.15m drive aisle 7.32mdrive aisle7.00m drive aisle 7m drive aisle7.00mdrive aisle7.00m drive aisle 7.14m drive aisle 7.00m drive aisle 7.00mdrive aisle7.00m drive aisle 7.32msmall small small small small smallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmall small small small small smallSTORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE travel distance 27.9mtravel distance 42.7mtravel distance 41.2mtr avel di stance 37.3mtra v e l d is ta n ce 2 5 .2 m travel distance 42.3mtravel d is ta n c e 3 8 .7 m travel distance 30.6m travel distance 44.8mtravel distance 37.9mRamp Up 10.8%smallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmall97 Parking stalls shown IN PHASE 1 (including 21 small cars) Phase 1 Phase 2 75 Parking stalls shown IN PHASE 2 (including 13 small cars) Service 20.462m 66.67m89.57m Underground Parking - Level P2 Scale: 1:1752EA4.27.6m area from side of P-1 wall requested by geotechnical for shoring. PA PA PB PB P-1 P-1 P-2 P-2 Preliminary ONLY 110 111 112113114 Typical Parking Stalls Scale: 1:751 regular stall Accessible stall small stall 4.90m2.40m3.80m2.50m0.30m5.50m 5.50m 223rd StreetLane Selkirk AveParking access From: Rachel Ollenberger <rollenberger@mapleridge.ca>Date: 2018-12-04 3:41 PM (GMT-08:00)To: Sean Carroll <SCarroll@coregroupconsultants.com> Subject: RE: Lougheed and  223 Street Hi Sean223 St and Selkirk Ave are both collector bike route so require anultimate ROW of 24m – only 20m exists so 2m off both frontages are required.Corner truncations at Selkirk/223 and 223/Lougheed are needed asper our design criteria.  Both will need turning templates on them todetermine the amount – probably 4x4 or 5x5. No dedication on Lougheed frontage.However, if the traffic study indicates intersection improvements thatcan’t be accommodated in the road allowance that may trigger additional dedication. Regards, Rachel Ollenberger, AScT Development Engineering Technologist 604-467-7326 Road dedication south of lane = 855.868 sf Road dedication south of lane = 3,011.7 sf NORTH Site NET area = 34,935.738 sf LANE NET area = 6,309.65 sf SOUTH Site NET area = 34,554.363 sf TOTAL NET area (N+S+lane) = 75,799.755 sf 7.5m setback from Proposed Max "Build-to" line Proposed Max "Build-to" line (perpendicular) 1' setback from Proposed Max "Build-to" line Road dedication of lane = 131 sf From: Rachel Ollenbergerrollenberger@mapleridge.ca Subject: RE: 10152019-138-RZ - Mussallem Motors Site revisions forLane Date: October 7, 2021 at 4:47 PMHi The laneneeds to be dedicated not an easement and thewidth is to be determined based on the alignment ofthe lane to the north – a quick scale shows it to be about 5m. The yellow portion below shows what Imean. If it can be constructed as a one-way thenthat would eliminate the need to accommodate turning movements at that temporary “L”. ThenFrom Civil eng 2022-01-06 The lane dedication to be 5.062m Lane Purchased by Developer W-2060161718192021 22 23 24 25 262728293043443132464745 4849505152535455568485868788899010410510610710810911011174757677787980818283134135136146158159160161162163164165166147148149157167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 112113150151152153154 137138139140141142143144145 12345678910111213141557 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 929394959697989910010110210312913013113213311411511611711811912012112212312412512612712891STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE 155156New P/L Dashed line indicates below Phase 1 Phase 2 W-206037 38 39 40 41 4236 373839Main Floor Elevation 29765.57m RAMP UP Dashed line indicates limit of P-2 below Dashed line indicates limit of P-2 below knock-out panels between phases (typ) knock-out panels between phases (typ) 103 Parking stalls shown IN PHASE 1 (including 22 small cars) ramp upramp Dn UP EXIT EXIT DN Service Service Service/ storage EXIT EXIT EXIT Service/Storage Service/Storage EXIT STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGESTORAGESTORAGESTORAGESTORAGETANDEMTANDEMTANDEM STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE Min 1.1m wide EXIT walkway (BCBC 2018 Table Min 1.1m wide EXIT walkway (BCBC 2018 Table Min 1.1m wide EXIT walkway (BCBC 2018 Table Min 1.1m wide EXIT walkway (BCBC 2018 Table Min 1.1m wide EXIT walkway (BCBC 2018 Table line of P-2 below Min 1.1m wide EXIT walkway (BCBC 2018 Table Phase 1 Phase 2 UP Elevator Lobby ElevatorElevator Elevator Lobby ElevatorElevator Elevator UP EXIT Dn DN SERVICE 5.98m 86.39m 3.18m 5.98m 3.06m 3.01m3.00m4.52m 85.35m 3.28m 3.00m small small small small smallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmall smallsmall7.00mdrive aisle7.00m drive aisle 7.00m drive aisle 7.00mdrive aisle7.00m drive aisle 7.18m drive aisle 7.00m drive aisle 7.00m drive aisle 7.00mdrive aisle7.00mdrive aisle7.00m drive aisle 7.00m drive aisle 7.32mdrive aisle7.00m drive aisle 7.00m drive aisle 7.00m drive aisle7.32m3.01m63.38m3.28mtravel distance 43.6mtravel distance 39.4mtravel distance 30.4mtravel distance 34.0mtra vel dista n c e 1 8.9 m t r a vel di st ance 44 .97mtravel di st ance 31.8mtravel distance 41.8mtravel distance 43.3 m travel distance 38.9mtravel distance 42.2m travel distance 40.4m travel distance 44.0m tr a ve l di stanc e 43.0m tr avel di st ance 36.4mProposed SWM Detention Tank 2m w x 60.2 m L x 2m deep (see Civil) Ramp Down 10.8%Ramp Up 10.8%smallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmallsmall81 Parking stalls shown IN PHASE 2 (including 16 small cars)3'-9"20.462m visitorvisitorvisitorvisitorvisitorvisitorvisitorvisitorvisitorvisitorvisitorvisitor visitorvisitorvisitorvisitorvisitorvisitorvisitor visitor visitor visitor visitorvisitorvisitor visitorvisitor66.67m89.57m Underground Parking - Level P1 Scale: 1:1501EA4.2PA PA PB PB P-1 P-1 P-2 P-23.005m3.000m3.041m Preliminary ONLY www.bisskyarchitecture.ca#204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305E-mail:bissky@telus.netWebsite:WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB, BT Date: Scale 1015 Civic Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#As NotedP-1 U/G ParkingLegal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#PID #: Sheet A2.2 September 2020 www.bisskyarchitecture.ca#204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305E-mail:bissky@telus.netWebsite:WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB, BT Date: Scale 1015 Civic Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#As NotedMain Floor PlanLegal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#PID #: Sheet A2.3.a. September 2020223rd StreetLane Selkirk AveParking access From: Rachel Ollenberger <rollenberger@mapleridge.ca>Date: 2018-12-04 3:41 PM (GMT-08:00)To: Sean Carroll <SCarroll@coregroupconsultants.com> Subject: RE: Lougheed and  223 Street Hi Sean223 St and Selkirk Ave are both collector bike route so require anultimate ROW of 24m – only 20m exists so 2m off both frontages are required.Corner truncations at Selkirk/223 and 223/Lougheed are needed asper our design criteria.  Both will need turning templates on them todetermine the amount – probably 4x4 or 5x5. No dedication on Lougheed frontage.However, if the traffic study indicates intersection improvements thatcan’t be accommodated in the road allowance that may trigger additional dedication. Regards, Rachel Ollenberger, AScT Development Engineering Technologist 604-467-7326 Road dedication south of lane = 855.868 sf Road dedication south of lane = 3,011.7 sf NORTH Site NET area = 34,935.738 sf LANE NET area = 6,309.65 sf SOUTH Site NET area = 34,554.363 sf TOTAL NET area (N+S+lane) = 75,799.755 sf 7.5m setback from Proposed Max "Build-to" line Proposed Max "Build-to" line (perpendicular) 1' setback from Proposed Max "Build-to" line Road dedication of lane = 131 sf From: Rachel Ollenbergerrollenberger@mapleridge.ca Subject: RE: 10152019-138-RZ - Mussallem Motors Site revisions forLane Date: October 7, 2021 at 4:47 PMHi The lane needs to be dedicated not an easement and thewidth is to be determined based on the alignment ofthe lane to the north – a quick scale shows it to beabout 5m. The yellow portion below shows what Imean. If it can be constructed as a one-way thenthat would eliminate the need to accommodateturning movements at that temporary “L”. Then From Civil eng 2022-01-06 The lane dedication to be 5.062m Lane Purchased by Developer RAMP UP 272829303132 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 525354555657581819201314151617181920212223241234567891011122122232425ElevatorElevator Elevator ElevatorElevator 65gal.95gal.95gal. 35 gal 3 yard container 65gal.95gal.95gal.95gal. 65gal. 35 gal95gal.9 10 11 12 13 14 123W-01W-01W-01 W-01 W-01W-01W-01W-01W-01 W-01 W-01W-01W-01 3 yard container EXIT7273 59606162636465666768697071 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 3 yardcontainer 95 gal. R 8.46m R 12.80m 7' W x 30' L Refuse Vehicle 7.50m Final Lane ROW7.50mCurrent Lane ROW65gal.95gal.35gal3 yardcontainer65gal.95gal.95 gal.65gal.3 yardcontainer3 yardcontainer35.958m 26333435363738 15161795gal.95gal.95gal.95 gal. 95 gal. 95gal.3 yardcontainerAccessible Entry 36.1m 3.5% slope 35.5m Stairs step in slab36.09m 36.03m RAMP UP RAMP UP34.75m35.5m 35.0m35.5m 35.5m RAMP UP35.2m 35.5m 35.5m This door is 12" higher than slab 35.5m RAMP UP 5% SLOPE 35.91m4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 W-01 W-01W-01 505152531 2 3 33343536 37 38 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3212345678910111213141516 Accessible Entry Accessible Entry Accessible Entry Stairs down to floor level Accessible Entry Accessible Entry Accessible Entry Entry Req's ramp Accessible Entry Entry Req's ramp Accessible Entry Accessible Entry Accessible Entry Accessible Entry Accessible Entry Entercom system to access visitor parking in U/G Parking c/w protectve bollards on either side Dashed line indicates limit of P-2 below Dashed line indicates limit of P-1 below Dashed line indicates limit of P-2 below Dashed line indicates limit of P-1 below Dashed line indicates limit of P-2 below Dashed line indicates limit of P-1 below 7.32mramp widthCRU Elev. 35.50m Elev 36.09m CRU Elev 35.50m knock-out panels between phases (typ) Phase 1 Phase 2 UP DN UP UP UP Ramp Dn Lobby 34.75m Elev 35.5m ELEV. 36.5m ELEV. 35.5m ELEV. 35.25m ELEV. 34.75m ELEV. 34.75m ELEV. 34.75m ELEV. 34.75m ELEV. 35.5m EXIT EXIT EXITEXIT DNEXIT Phase 2 Phase 2 Phase 1 CRU #1 5,065sq ft CRU #2 15,217 sq ft CRU #4 1,271 sq ft CRU #3 8,982 sq ft Refuse / Recycling Phase 2 #1 Residential Lobby 790 sq ft CRU #5 2,738 sq ft #2 Residential Lobby 706.7 sq ft LONG TERM RES'lBIKE STORAGE 38 Parking stalls shown in Phase 1 1 loading zone shown in this plan (2020-10-13) loading skylight above 7.00m drive aisle 7.00m driveaisle 38.54m 6.35m Outline of residential bldg over Outline of residential bldg over Outline of residential bldg over small small small small small small small small small small small smalltravel distance 31.5 mtravel distance 21m tra v e l d is ta n c e 3 7 .0 m Outline of residential bldg over Outline of residential bldg over To Exit under stairs and planters over. Min 8' clearance is provided. EXIT LOBBY EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT Access to Gardens Parking Access Refuse / Recycling Phase 1 EXIT Vestibule 7.00mdrive aisleEXIT VestibuleDown to parkingUp to Resid'l EXIT small Exit and Access to Main Floor Parking Exit and Access to Main Floor Parking EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT Firewall from above Firewall from above EXIT Firewall Firewall Accessibile PathAccessibile Path Accessibile Path travel distance 41.0 m Phase 1 Phase 2 small small small small ONE Loading Bay: Min 3.5 m width, Min 11.5 m length (so that a truck with refrigeration may be accommodated.) Min 4.5 m height small 35 Parking stalls shown in Phase 2 EXIT stairs downto P-1 & P-2 below CRU Elev. 34.75m CRU Elev. 34.75m CRU Elev. 34.75m CRU Elev. 35.90m Lobby 35.20m CRU Elev 35.50m CRU Elev 36.10m Elev 36.10m 53 PHASE I Short Term Bikes including 45 Res + 8 Com'l shown along Lougheed 3 (PHASE I) Long Term Bikes EXIT EXIT38 PHASE I Short Term Bikes including 32 Res + 6 Com'l shown along SELKIRK CRU #6 1,045 sq ft ELEV. 36.9m ELEV. 36.9m ELEV. 35.24m ELEV. 35.20m ELEV. 34.75m NOTE to Maple Ridge Bldg . Dept. All EXITS from parking areas DO NOT permit access public to the Residential Floors above NOTE to Maple Ridge Bldg . Dept. All EXITS from parking areas DO NOT permit public access to the Residential Floors above NOTE to Maple Ridge Bldg . Dept. All EXITS from parking areas DO NOT permit public access to the Residential Floors above NOTE to Maple Ridge Bldg . Dept. All EXITS from parking areas DO NOT permit public access to the Residential Floors above Proposed ELEV. 36.32m Proposed ELEV. 36.02m Proposed ELEV. 35.66 m Proposed ELEV. 35.39m Proposed ELEV. 35.45m sidewalk sidewalksidewalk 7.5m Road Dedication for Lane Dedication5.09m Dedication Dedication 7.50m 5.13m 91.14m 7.08m 62.63m7.0 7 m93.62m 33.05m39.62mProposed ELEV. 36.09m Proposed ELEV. 36.03m Proposed ELEV. 35.91 m Proposed ELEV. 35.73 m Proposed ELEV. 36.21m Proposed ELEV. 36.19m Proposed ELEV. 36.06m Proposed ELEV. 35.79m Proposed ELEV. 36.16 m Proposed ELEV. 36.23 m Proposed ELEV. 36.53m Proposed ELEV. 36.37m Proposed ELEV. 35.88m Proposed ELEV. 35.81m Proposed ELEV. 35.35m Proposed ELEV. 35.24m Proposed ELEV. 35.18m Proposed ELEV. 35.03m Proposed ELEV. 34.73m Proposed ELEV. 34.54m Proposed ELEV. 34.51m Proposed ELEV. 35.19m Existing ELEV. 35.42m Existing ELEV. 35.14m Existing ELEV. 34.88m Existing ELEV. 34.68m Existing ELEV. 34.64m Existing ELEV. 34.57m Existing ELEV. 34.55m Existing ELEV. 34.53m Existing ELEV. 34.51m Ground Floor Plan Scale: 1:15014.53m www.bisskyarchitecture.ca#204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305E-mail:bissky@telus.netWebsite:WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB, BT Date: Scale 1015 Civic Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#As NotedMain Floor Plan Showing FirewallsLegal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#PID #: Sheet A2.3.b September 2020223rd StreetLane Selkirk AveParking access From: Rachel Ollenberger <rollenberger@mapleridge.ca>Date: 2018-12-04 3:41 PM (GMT-08:00)To: Sean Carroll <SCarroll@coregroupconsultants.com> Subject: RE: Lougheed and  223 Street Hi Sean223 St and Selkirk Ave are both collector bike route so require anultimate ROW of 24m – only 20m exists so 2m off both frontages are required.Corner truncations at Selkirk/223 and 223/Lougheed are needed asper our design criteria.  Both will need turning templates on them todetermine the amount – probably 4x4 or 5x5. No dedication on Lougheed frontage.However, if the traffic study indicates intersection improvements thatcan’t be accommodated in the road allowance that may trigger additional dedication. Regards, Rachel Ollenberger, AScT Development Engineering Technologist 604-467-7326 Road dedication south of lane = 855.868 sf Road dedication south of lane = 3,011.7 sf NORTH Site NET area = 34,935.738 sf LANE NET area = 6,309.65 sf SOUTH Site NET area = 34,554.363 sf TOTAL NET area (N+S+lane) = 75,799.755 sf 7.5m setback from Proposed Max "Build-to" line Proposed Max "Build-to" line (perpendicular) 1' setback from Proposed Max "Build-to" line Road dedication of lane = 131 sf From: Rachel Ollenbergerrollenberger@mapleridge.ca Subject: RE: 10152019-138-RZ - Mussallem Motors Site revisions forLane Date: October 7, 2021 at 4:47 PMHi The lane needs to be dedicated not an easement and thewidth is to be determined based on the alignment ofthe lane to the north – a quick scale shows it to beabout 5m. The yellow portion below shows what Imean. If it can be constructed as a one-way thenthat would eliminate the need to accommodateturning movements at that temporary “L”. Then From Civil eng 2022-01-06 The lane dedication to be 5.062m Lane Purchased by Developer RAMP UP 272829303132 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 525354555657581819201314151617181920212223241234567891011122122232425ElevatorElevator Elevator ElevatorElevator 65gal.95gal.95gal. 35 gal 3 yard container 65gal.95gal.95gal.95gal. 65gal. 35 gal95gal.9 10 11 12 13 14 123W-01W-01W-01 W-01 W-01W-01W-01W-01W-01 W-01 W-01W-01W-01 3 yard container EXIT7273 59606162636465666768697071 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 3 yardcontainer 95 gal. R 8.46m R 12.80m 7' W x 30' L Refuse Vehicle 7.50m Final Lane ROW7.50mCurrent Lane ROW65gal.95gal.35gal3 yardcontainer65gal.95gal.95 gal.65gal.3 yardcontainer3 yardcontainer35.958m 26333435363738 15161795gal.95gal.95gal.95 gal. 95 gal. 95gal.3 yardcontainerAccessible Entry 36.1m 3.5% slope 35.5m Stairs step in slab36.09m 36.03m RAMP UP RAMP UP34.75m35.5m 35.0m35.5m 35.5m RAMP UP35.2m 35.5m 35.5m This door is 12" higher than slab 35.5m RAMP UP 5% SLOPE 35.91m4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 W-01 W-01W-01 505152531 2 3 33343536 37 38 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3212345678910111213141516 Accessible Entry Accessible Entry Accessible Entry Stairs down to floor level Accessible Entry Accessible Entry Accessible Entry Entry Req's ramp Accessible Entry Entry Req's ramp Accessible Entry Accessible Entry Accessible Entry Accessible Entry Accessible Entry Entercom system to access visitor parking in U/G Parking c/w protectve bollards on either side Dashed line indicates limit of P-2 below Dashed line indicates limit of P-1 below Dashed line indicates limit of P-2 below Dashed line indicates limit of P-1 below Dashed line indicates limit of P-2 below Dashed line indicates limit of P-1 below 7.32mramp widthCRU Elev. 35.50m Elev 36.09m CRU Elev 35.50m knock-out panels between phases (typ) Phase 1 Phase 2 UP DN UP UP UP Ramp Dn Lobby 34.75m Elev 35.5m ELEV. 36.5m ELEV. 35.5m ELEV. 35.25m ELEV. 34.75m ELEV. 34.75m ELEV. 34.75m ELEV. 34.75m ELEV. 35.5m EXIT EXIT EXITEXIT DNEXIT Phase 2 Phase 2 Phase 1 CRU #1 5,065sq ft CRU #2 15,217 sq ft CRU #4 1,271 sq ft CRU #3 8,982 sq ft Refuse / Recycling Phase 2 #1 Residential Lobby 790 sq ft CRU #5 2,738 sq ft #2 Residential Lobby 706.7 sq ft LONG TERM RES'lBIKE STORAGE 38 Parking stalls shown in Phase 1 1 loading zone shown in this plan (2020-10-13) loading skylight above 7.00m drive aisle 7.00m driveaisle 38.54m 6.35m Outline of residential bldg over Outline of residential bldg over Outline of residential bldg over small small small small small small small small small small small smalltravel distance 31.5 mtravel distance 21m tra v e l d is ta n c e 3 7 .0 m Outline of residential bldg over Outline of residential bldg over To Exit under stairs and planters over. Min 8' clearance is provided. EXIT LOBBY EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT Access to Gardens Parking Access Refuse / Recycling Phase 1 EXIT Vestibule 7.00mdrive aisleEXIT VestibuleDown to parkingUp to Resid'l EXIT small Exit and Access to Main Floor Parking Exit and Access to Main Floor Parking EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT Firewall from above Firewall from above EXIT Firewall Firewall Accessibile PathAccessibile Path Accessibile Path travel distance 41.0 m Phase 1 Phase 2 small small small small ONE Loading Bay: Min 3.5 m width, Min 11.5 m length (so that a truck with refrigeration may be accommodated.) Min 4.5 m height small 35 Parking stalls shown in Phase 2 EXIT stairs downto P-1 & P-2 below CRU Elev. 34.75m CRU Elev. 34.75m CRU Elev. 34.75m CRU Elev. 35.90m Lobby 35.20m CRU Elev 35.50m CRU Elev 36.10m Elev 36.10m 53 PHASE I Short Term Bikes including 45 Res + 8 Com'l shown along Lougheed 3 (PHASE I) Long Term Bikes EXIT EXIT38 PHASE I Short Term Bikes including 32 Res + 6 Com'l shown along SELKIRK CRU #6 1,045 sq ft ELEV. 36.9m ELEV. 36.9m ELEV. 35.24m ELEV. 35.20m ELEV. 34.75m NOTE to Maple Ridge Bldg . Dept. All EXITS from parking areas DO NOT permit access public to the Residential Floors above NOTE to Maple Ridge Bldg . Dept. All EXITS from parking areas DO NOT permit public access to the Residential Floors above NOTE to Maple Ridge Bldg . Dept. All EXITS from parking areas DO NOT permit public access to the Residential Floors above NOTE to Maple Ridge Bldg . Dept. All EXITS from parking areas DO NOT permit public access to the Residential Floors above Proposed ELEV. 36.32m Proposed ELEV. 36.02m Proposed ELEV. 35.66 m Proposed ELEV. 35.39m Proposed ELEV. 35.45m sidewalk sidewalksidewalk 7.5m Road Dedication for Lane Dedication5.09m Dedication Dedication 7.50m 5.13m 91.14m 7.08m 62.63m7.0 7 m93.62m 33.05m39.62mProposed ELEV. 36.09m Proposed ELEV. 36.03m Proposed ELEV. 35.91 m Proposed ELEV. 35.73 m Proposed ELEV. 36.21m Proposed ELEV. 36.19m Proposed ELEV. 36.06m Proposed ELEV. 35.79m Proposed ELEV. 36.16 m Proposed ELEV. 36.23 m Proposed ELEV. 36.53m Proposed ELEV. 36.37m Proposed ELEV. 35.88m Proposed ELEV. 35.81m Proposed ELEV. 35.35m Proposed ELEV. 35.24m Proposed ELEV. 35.18m Proposed ELEV. 35.03m Proposed ELEV. 34.73m Proposed ELEV. 34.54m Proposed ELEV. 34.51m Proposed ELEV. 35.19m Existing ELEV. 35.42m Existing ELEV. 35.14m Existing ELEV. 34.88m Existing ELEV. 34.68m Existing ELEV. 34.64m Existing ELEV. 34.57m Existing ELEV. 34.55m Existing ELEV. 34.53m Existing ELEV. 34.51m Ground Floor Plan Scale: 1:1501FIREWALLFIREWALLFIREWALLFIREWALLFIREWALL www.bisskyarchitecture.ca#204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305E-mail:bissky@telus.netWebsite:WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB, BT Date: Scale 1015 Civic Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#As NotedInterior CourtyardLegal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#PID #: Sheet A2.4.a. September 2020RAMP UPRAMP UP RAMP UP Phase 1 Phase 2 RAMP UPRAMP UP landscape landscapelandscape 1.044m1.000m Outdoor Common Courtyard (see landscape plans) Stair Access down to 223rd Private patios to extend to upstand wall. Private patios at 2nd floor units Private patios at 2nd floor units Access from Residential BLDG 1 to courtyard through stairs Access from Residential to courtyard through ramp RAMP DOWN RAMP DOWN Stair Access down to Lane Access from south residential Private patios 5' above courtyard (typical) Deck bbq Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 D2 Jr 2 Bedroom 690 sf Kitchen Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen Dining Pantry Living E2 2 Bedroom 800 sf (SW Bldg 1) Deck Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" BathEntry KitchenW/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom 463 sf Bed Deck Deck Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B5 1 Bedroom 562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck E5 2 Bedroom 839 sf Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linenDining Phase 1 6.07m ElevatorElevator RAMP DOWN 1:12Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D EnsuiteWIC E10 2 Bedroom 881 sf W-2046Bathroom Deck DeckE52 Bedroom 839 sfKitchenLivingBedroom 1EnsuiteBedroom 2EntryW/DBathlinen DiningDeckE52 Bedroom 839 sfKitchenLivingBedroom 1EnsuiteBedroom 2EntryW/DBathlinen DiningDeck Bath W-9070E14 3 Bed(989 sf) linen W-6060Ensuite W/D entry Livingkitchen Bed Bed Bed Dining Deck bbq Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 E1 2 Bedroom 798 sf W/D Bath WIC linen Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" BathEntry KitchenW/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom 463 sf Bed Deck Deck Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B5 1 Bedroom 562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B5 1 Bedroom 562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Entry Kitchenpantrylinen storage A5 1 Bedroom434 sf Bed Bath smallw/d Deck Deck KitchenLivingDining Bedroom 1 Entry W/D Bath linen E3b 2 Bedroom 818 sf Deck Bath W-9070linen Ensuite W/D entry Living kitchen Bed Bed DiningG2 3 Bed(1,026sf) Bed Deck Deck Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Bath Entry KitchenW/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom463 sf Bed Deck Entry W/D B1 1 Bedroom497 sf Bath Living Kitchen/Dining Bedroom 1 Deck 10'0" x 8'0" W/D Bedroom 9'10" x 8'10" Living 12'2" x 11'7" Bath 5'0" x 8'6" Bedroom 10'0" x 13'2" Linen Dining 10'0" x 8'5" E15 2 Bedroom/Den 1013 sf WIC 4'7" x 6'10" Entry Kitchen 8'6" x 10'0" island 42x60 Den Deck Entry W/D B4 1 Bedroom551 sf Bath Living Kitchen/Dining Bedroom 1 Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry linen E11 2 Bedroom 892 sf Bathroom Ensuite W/D Deck Deck 17'0" x 8'4" Entry W/D Kitchen 8'6" x 10'0" Bedroom 9'10" x 8'10" Living 12'2" x 11'7" Bath 5'0" x 8'6" Bedroom 10'0" x 13'2" Linen Dining 10'0" x 8'5" G4 3 Bedroom1048 sf WIC 4'7" x 6'10" island 42x60 Bedroom 3 Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 D-01 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC E4 2 Bedroom 798 sf Dining Living/Sleep Entry linen/storage W/D W/D Bath Kitchen/Dining A3 Studio 380 sf Deck Deck E5 2 Bedroom 839 sf Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linenDining Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" BathEntry KitchenW/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom 463 sf Bed Deck Deck Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry linen E12 2 Bedroom 895 sf Bathroom Ensuite W/D Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 D-01Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3 F1 3 Bedroom 949 sf Dining Deckbbq BathW-9070 G3 3 Bed (1,045 sf)linenEnsuiteW/DentryLivingkitchenBedBedBedDiningsmallw/d Living Bedroom Entry linenB3 1 Bedroom 549 sf Deck Bath Kitchen/Dining 1.53m Deck Living Bedroom Entry linen W/D Kitchen C1 Jr 2 Bedroom665 sf Bath Bedroom Deck Living Bedroom Entry linen W-7060 W/D Kitchen C3 Jr 2 Bedroom 689 sf Bath Bedroom Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D linen WIC E6 2 Bedroom 856 sf BathroomDining Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 EntryW/D linen WIC E6 2 Bedroom 856 sf Bathroom Dining Deck DeckLiving Bath Entry Kitchen W/DA1 Studio 361 sf Murphy Bed Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Deck Bedroom 2 Entry W/D linen WIC Bedroom 3Bath G1.2. 3 Bedroom 1005.4 sf Deckbbq Bath W/D entry W-2046 Kitchen Bed linen Bed D1 Junior 2 Bed (679 sf) Deck Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B5 1 Bedroom562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck bbq Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry D3 Jr 2 Bedroom 739 sf W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 Deck Living Bedroom EntrylinenW/D B5 1 Bedroom562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck Entry Bath Bedroom W/D Living Bedroom Kitchen/Dining E7 2 Bedroom 859 sf Bath Bath Entry KitchenW/D A2 Studio386 sf Murphy Bed linen storage Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry linen E13 2 Bedroom 896 sf Bathroom Ensuite W/D W-2046 Dining Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Ensuite WIC E8 2 Bedroom 870 sf Bathroom W-2046 linen Dining Deck bbq W-9070 Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Bedroom 2 Entry F3 3 Bedroom 975 sf W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3pantry Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3 F2 3 Bedroom 973 sfDining Deck Deck bbqLiving Bedroom Entry linen W/D Kitchen C2 Jr 2 Bedroom680 sf Bath Bedroom Dining pantry Deck Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry D4 Jr 2 Bedroom 753 sf W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry D3 Jr 2 Bedroom 739 sf W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 Deck bbq Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 D-01Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3 F1 3 Bedroom 949 sf Dining Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D linen WIC E9 2 Bedroom 878 sf BathroomDining Deck adjust corridor and unit to suit doors here 2.60m ElevatorElevator Elevator distance between EXITS = 66m 20.30m0.76m10.53m38.98m1.81m2.98m 86.64m 0.56m 1.45m Interior Courtyard Plan Scale: 1:1501 2-3 2-3 2A 2A 2B 2B 2C 2C 2D 2D 2E 2E 2F 2F 2-2 2-2 2-4 2-4 2-5 2-5 2-6 2-6 1,280 m2 www.bisskyarchitecture.ca#204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305E-mail:bissky@telus.netWebsite:WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB, BT Date: Scale 1015 Civic Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#As NotedInterior Courtyard Showing FirewallsLegal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#PID #: Sheet A2.4.b. September 2020RAMP UPRAMP UP RAMP UP Phase 1 Phase 2 RAMP UPRAMP UP landscape landscapelandscape 1.044m1.000m Outdoor Common Courtyard (see landscape plans) Stair Access down to 223rd Private patios to extend to upstand wall. Private patios at 2nd floor units Private patios at 2nd floor units Access from Residential BLDG 1 to courtyard through stairs Access from Residential to courtyard through ramp RAMP DOWN RAMP DOWN Stair Access down to Lane Access from south residential Private patios 5' above courtyard (typical) Deck bbq Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 D2 Jr 2 Bedroom 690 sf Kitchen Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen Dining Pantry Living E2 2 Bedroom 800 sf (SW Bldg 1) Deck Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" BathEntry KitchenW/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom 463 sf Bed Deck Deck Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B5 1 Bedroom 562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck E5 2 Bedroom 839 sf Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linenDining Phase 1 6.07m ElevatorElevator RAMP DOWN 1:12Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D EnsuiteWIC E10 2 Bedroom 881 sf W-2046Bathroom Deck DeckE52 Bedroom 839 sfKitchenLivingBedroom 1EnsuiteBedroom 2EntryW/DBathlinen DiningDeckE52 Bedroom 839 sfKitchenLivingBedroom 1EnsuiteBedroom 2EntryW/DBathlinen DiningDeck Bath W-9070E14 3 Bed(989 sf) linen W-6060Ensuite W/D entry Livingkitchen Bed Bed Bed Dining Deck bbq Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 E1 2 Bedroom 798 sf W/D Bath WIC linen Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" BathEntry KitchenW/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom 463 sf Bed Deck Deck Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B5 1 Bedroom 562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B5 1 Bedroom 562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Entry Kitchenpantrylinen storage A5 1 Bedroom434 sf Bed Bath smallw/d Deck Deck KitchenLivingDining Bedroom 1 Entry W/D Bath linen E3b 2 Bedroom 818 sf Deck Bath W-9070linen Ensuite W/D entry Living kitchen Bed Bed DiningG2 3 Bed(1,026sf) Bed Deck Deck Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Bath Entry KitchenW/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom463 sf Bed Deck Entry W/D B1 1 Bedroom497 sf Bath Living Kitchen/Dining Bedroom 1 Deck 10'0" x 8'0" W/D Bedroom 9'10" x 8'10" Living 12'2" x 11'7" Bath 5'0" x 8'6" Bedroom 10'0" x 13'2" Linen Dining 10'0" x 8'5" E15 2 Bedroom/Den 1013 sf WIC 4'7" x 6'10" Entry Kitchen 8'6" x 10'0" island 42x60 Den Deck Entry W/D B4 1 Bedroom551 sf Bath Living Kitchen/Dining Bedroom 1 Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry linen E11 2 Bedroom 892 sf Bathroom Ensuite W/D Deck Deck 17'0" x 8'4" Entry W/D Kitchen 8'6" x 10'0" Bedroom 9'10" x 8'10" Living 12'2" x 11'7" Bath 5'0" x 8'6" Bedroom 10'0" x 13'2" Linen Dining 10'0" x 8'5" G4 3 Bedroom1048 sf WIC 4'7" x 6'10" island 42x60 Bedroom 3 Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 D-01 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC E4 2 Bedroom 798 sf Dining Living/Sleep Entry linen/storage W/D W/D Bath Kitchen/Dining A3 Studio 380 sf Deck Deck E5 2 Bedroom 839 sf Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linenDining Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" BathEntry KitchenW/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom 463 sf Bed Deck Deck Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry linen E12 2 Bedroom 895 sf Bathroom Ensuite W/D Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 D-01Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3 F1 3 Bedroom 949 sf Dining Deckbbq BathW-9070 G3 3 Bed (1,045 sf)linenEnsuiteW/DentryLivingkitchenBedBedBedDiningsmallw/d Living Bedroom Entry linenB3 1 Bedroom 549 sf Deck Bath Kitchen/Dining 1.53m Deck Living Bedroom Entry linen W/D Kitchen C1 Jr 2 Bedroom665 sf Bath Bedroom Deck Living Bedroom Entry linen W-7060 W/D Kitchen C3 Jr 2 Bedroom 689 sf Bath Bedroom Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D linen WIC E6 2 Bedroom 856 sf BathroomDining Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 EntryW/D linen WIC E6 2 Bedroom 856 sf Bathroom Dining Deck DeckLiving Bath Entry Kitchen W/DA1 Studio 361 sf Murphy Bed Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Deck Bedroom 2 Entry W/D linen WIC Bedroom 3Bath G1.2. 3 Bedroom 1005.4 sf Deckbbq Bath W/D entry W-2046 Kitchen Bed linen Bed D1 Junior 2 Bed (679 sf) Deck Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B5 1 Bedroom562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck bbq Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry D3 Jr 2 Bedroom 739 sf W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 Deck Living Bedroom EntrylinenW/D B5 1 Bedroom562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck Entry Bath Bedroom W/D Living Bedroom Kitchen/Dining E7 2 Bedroom 859 sf Bath Bath Entry KitchenW/D A2 Studio386 sf Murphy Bed linen storage Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry linen E13 2 Bedroom 896 sf Bathroom Ensuite W/D W-2046 Dining Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Ensuite WIC E8 2 Bedroom 870 sf Bathroom W-2046 linen Dining Deck bbq W-9070 Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Bedroom 2 Entry F3 3 Bedroom 975 sf W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3pantry Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3 F2 3 Bedroom 973 sfDining Deck Deck bbqLiving Bedroom Entry linen W/D Kitchen C2 Jr 2 Bedroom680 sf Bath Bedroom Dining pantry Deck Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry D4 Jr 2 Bedroom 753 sf W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry D3 Jr 2 Bedroom 739 sf W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 Deck bbq Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 D-01Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3 F1 3 Bedroom 949 sf Dining Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D linen WIC E9 2 Bedroom 878 sf BathroomDining Deck adjust corridor and unit to suit doors here 2.60m ElevatorElevator Elevator distance between EXITS = 66m 20.30m0.76m10.53m38.98m1.81m2.98m 86.64m 0.56m 1.45m Interior Courtyard Plan Scale: 1:1501 2-3 2-3 2A 2A 2B 2B 2C 2C 2D 2D 2E 2E 2F 2F 2-2 2-2 2-4 2-4 2-5 2-5 2-6 2-6 www.bisskyarchitecture.ca#204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305E-mail:bissky@telus.netWebsite:WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB, BT Date: Scale 1015 Civic Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#As Noted2nd Floor PlanCourtyard PlanLegal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#PID #: Sheet A2.5.a. September 2020RAMP UPRAMP UP RAMP UP Phase 1 Phase 2 RAMP UPRAMP UP landscape landscapelandscape 1.044m1.000m Deck bbq Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 D2 Jr 2 Bedroom 690 sf D2 Kitchen Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen Dining Pantry Living E2 2 Bedroom 800 sf (SW Bldg 1) Deck Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" BathEntry KitchenW/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom463 sf Bed Deck Deck Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B5 1 Bedroom562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck E5 2 Bedroom 839 sf Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linenDining Phase 1 6.07m ElevatorElevator RAMP DOWN 1:12Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D EnsuiteWIC E10 2 Bedroom 881 sf W-2046Bathroom Deck DeckE52 Bedroom 839 sfKitchenLivingBedroom 1EnsuiteBedroom 2EntryW/DBathlinen DiningDeckE52 Bedroom 839 sfKitchenLivingBedroom 1EnsuiteBedroom 2EntryW/DBathlinen DiningDeck Bath W-9070E14 3 Bed(989 sf) linen W-6060Ensuite W/D entry Livingkitchen Bed Bed Bed Dining E14 Deck bbq Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 E1 2 Bedroom 798 sf W/D Bath WIC linen Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" BathEntry KitchenW/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom463 sf Bed Deck Deck Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B5 1 Bedroom562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B5 1 Bedroom562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Entry Kitchenpantrylinen storage A5 1 Bedroom 434 sf Bed Bath smallw/d Deck Deck KitchenLivingDining Bedroom 1 Entry W/D Bath linen E3b 2 Bedroom 818 sf E12 Deck Bath W-9070linen Ensuite W/D entry Living kitchen Bed Bed DiningG2 3 Bed(1,026sf) Bed Deck Deck Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Bath Entry KitchenW/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom463 sf Bed Deck Entry W/D B1 1 Bedroom 497 sf Bath Living Kitchen/Dining Bedroom 1 Deck 10'0" x 8'0" W/D Bedroom 9'10" x 8'10" Living 12'2" x 11'7" Bath 5'0" x 8'6" Bedroom 10'0" x 13'2" Linen Dining 10'0" x 8'5" E15 2 Bedroom/Den 1013 sf WIC 4'7" x 6'10" Entry Kitchen 8'6" x 10'0" island 42x60 Den Deck Entry W/D B4 1 Bedroom 551 sf Bath Living Kitchen/Dining Bedroom 1 Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry linen E11 2 Bedroom 892 sf Bathroom Ensuite W/D Deck Deck 17'0" x 8'4" Entry W/D Kitchen 8'6" x 10'0" Bedroom 9'10" x 8'10" Living 12'2" x 11'7" Bath 5'0" x 8'6" Bedroom 10'0" x 13'2" Linen Dining 10'0" x 8'5" G4 3 Bedroom1048 sf WIC 4'7" x 6'10" island 42x60 Bedroom 3 Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 D-01 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC E4 2 Bedroom 798 sf Dining Living/Sleep Entry linen/storage W/D W/D Bath Kitchen/Dining A3 Studio 380 sf Deck Deck E5 2 Bedroom 839 sf Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linenDining Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" BathEntry KitchenW/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom463 sf Bed Deck Deck Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry linen E12 2 Bedroom 895 sf Bathroom Ensuite W/D Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 D-01 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3 F1 3 Bedroom 949 sf DiningF1 Deckbbq G3 BathW-9070 G3 3 Bed (1,045 sf)linenEnsuiteW/DentryLivingkitchenBedBedBedDiningG3 smallw/d Living Bedroom Entry linenB3 1 Bedroom549 sf Deck Bath Kitchen/Dining 1.53m Deck Living Bedroom Entry linen W/D Kitchen C1 Jr 2 Bedroom665 sf Bath Bedroom Deck Living Bedroom Entry linen W-7060 W/D Kitchen C3 Jr 2 Bedroom689 sf Bath Bedroom Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D linen WIC E6 2 Bedroom 856 sf Bathroom DiningE6 Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 EntryW/D linen WIC E6 2 Bedroom 856 sf Bathroom DiningE6 Deck DeckLiving Bath Entry Kitchen W/DA1 Studio361 sf Murphy Bed Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Deck Bedroom 2 Entry W/D linen WIC Bedroom 3Bath G1 G1.2. 3 Bedroom 1005.4 sf Deckbbq Bath W/D entry W-2046 Kitchen Bed linen Bed D1 Junior 2 Bed (679 sf)D1 Deck Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B5 1 Bedroom562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck bbq Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry D3 Jr 2 Bedroom 739 sf W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 D3 Deck Living Bedroom EntrylinenW/D B5 1 Bedroom562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck Entry Bath Bedroom W/D Living Bedroom Kitchen/Dining E7 2 Bedroom859 sf Bath E7 Bath Entry KitchenW/D A2 Studio386 sf Murphy Bed linen storage A2 Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry linen E13 2 Bedroom 896 sf Bathroom Ensuite W/D W-2046 Dining Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Ensuite WIC E8 2 Bedroom 870 sf Bathroom W-2046 linen Dining E8 Deck bbq W-9070 Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Bedroom 2 Entry F3 3 Bedroom 975 sf W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3pantry F3 Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3 F2 3 Bedroom 973 sfDiningF2 Deck Deck bbqLiving Bedroom Entry linen W/D Kitchen C2 Jr 2 Bedroom 680 sf Bath Bedroom Dining pantry C2 Deck Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry D4 Jr 2 Bedroom 753 sf W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 D4 Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry D3 Jr 2 Bedroom 739 sf W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 D3 Deck bbq Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 D-01 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3 F1 3 Bedroom 949 sf DiningF1 Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D linen WIC E9 2 Bedroom 878 sf BathroomDiningE9 Deck adjust corridor and unit to suit doors here 2.60m ElevatorElevator Elevator distance between EXITS = 66m Outdoor Common Courtyard (see landscape plans) Stair Access down to 223rd Private patios to extend to upstand wall. Private patios at 2nd floor units Private patios at 2nd floor units Access from Residential BLDG 1 to courtyard through stairs Access from Residential to courtyard through ramp RAMP DOWN RAMP DOWN Stair Access down to Lane Access from south residential Private patios 5' above courtyard (typical)20.30m0.76m10.53m38.98m1.81m2.98m 86.64m 0.56m 1.45m Second Floor Plan Scale: 1:1501EA4.22A 2A 2B 2B 2C 2C 2D 2D 2E 2E 2F 2F 2-2 2-2 2-3 2-3 2-4 2-4 2-5 2-5 2-6 2-6 www.bisskyarchitecture.ca#204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305E-mail:bissky@telus.netWebsite:WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB, BT Date: Scale 1015 Civic Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#As Noted3rd to 6th Floor PlanLegal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#PID #: Sheet A2.6 September 2020 Living Bath Entry Kitchen W/DA1 Studio 361 sf Murphy Bed Deck Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B3 1 Bedroom549 sf Deck Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck B5 Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B5 1 Bedroom 562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck B5 Living Bedroom EntrylinenW/D B5 1 Bedroom 562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining ElevatorElevator ElevatorElevator Elevator Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3 F2 3 Bedroom 973 sfDiningF2 Deck bbq W-9070 Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Bedroom 2 Entry F3 3 Bedroom 975 sf W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3pantry F3 Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 EntryW/D linen WIC E6 2 Bedroom 856 sf Bathroom DiningE6 Deck bbqLiving Bedroom Entry linen W/D Kitchen C2 Jr 2 Bedroom680 sf Bath Bedroom Dining pantry C2 Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry linen E13 2 Bedroom 896 sf Bathroom Ensuite W/D W-2046 Dining Entry Bath Bedroom W/D Living Bedroom Kitchen/Dining E7 2 Bedroom859 sf Bath E7 Deck E7 Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D linen WIC E9 2 Bedroom 878 sf BathroomDiningE9 Deck Deck bbq Bath W/D entry W-2046 Kitchen Bed linen Bed D1 Junior 2 Bed (679 sf)D1 Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Deck Bedroom 2 Entry W/D linen WIC Bedroom 3Bath G1 G1.2. 3 Bedroom 1005.4 sf Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Ensuite WIC E8 2 Bedroom 870 sf Bathroom W-2046 linen Dining E8 Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D linen WIC E6 2 Bedroom 856 sf BathroomDiningE6 DeckbbqG3 BathW-9070 G3 3 Bed (1,045 sf)linenEnsuiteW/DentryLivingkitchenBedBedBedDiningG3 Deck bbq Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry D3 Jr 2 Bedroom 739 sf W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 D3 Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 D2 Jr 2 Bedroom 690 sf D2 Deck bbq Deck Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry D4 Jr 2 Bedroom 753 sf W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 D4 Deck bbq Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry D3 Jr 2 Bedroom 739 sf W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 D3 Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 D-01 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3 F1 3 Bedroom 949 sf DiningF1 Deck Bath Entry W-7060 Kitchen W/D B2 1 Bed547 sf linen storageB2 Bath W-9070E14 3 Bed(989 sf) linen W-6060Ensuite W/D entry Livingkitchen Bed Bed Bed Dining E14 Deck E52 Bedroom 839 sfKitchenLivingBedroom 1EnsuiteBedroom 2EntryW/DBathlinen DiningDeckE52 Bedroom 839 sfKitchenLivingBedroom 1EnsuiteBedroom 2EntryW/DBathlinen DiningDeckDeck Kitchen Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen Dining Pantry Living E2 2 Bedroom 800 sf (SW Bldg 1)Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B5 1 Bedroom562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck bbq Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 E1 2 Bedroom 798 sf W/D Bath WIC linen Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" BathEntry KitchenW/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom463 sf Deck Bed Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B5 1 Bedroom562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" BathEntry KitchenW/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom463 sf Deck Bed Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B5 1 Bedroom562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck W-2046 KitchenLivingDining Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen Ensuite E3 2 Bedroom 818 sf E3 Deck Entry W/D B1 1 Bedroom497 sf Bath Living Kitchen/Dining Bedroom 1 Deck Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry linen E12 2 Bedroom 895 sf Bathroom Ensuite W/D Deck 10'0" x 8'0" W/D Bedroom 9'10" x 8'10" Living 12'2" x 11'7" Bath 5'0" x 8'6" Bedroom 10'0" x 13'2" Linen Dining 10'0" x 8'5" E15 2 Bedroom/Den 1013 sf WIC 4'7" x 6'10" Entry Kitchen 8'6" x 10'0" island 42x60 Den Deck E5 2 Bedroom 839 sf Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linenDining Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 D-01 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC E4 2 Bedroom 798 sf Dining Deck E5 2 Bedroom 839 sf Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linenDining Deck Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry linen E11 2 Bedroom 892 sf Bathroom Ensuite W/D Deck Bath W-9070linen Ensuite W/D entry Living kitchen Bed Bed DiningG2 3 Bed(1,026sf) Bed Deck Living/Sleep Entry linen/storage W/D W/D Bath Kitchen/Dining A3 Studio 380 sf Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" BathEntry KitchenW/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom463 sf Deck Bed Deck Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D EnsuiteWIC E10 2 Bedroom 881 sf W-2046Bathroom Deck Living Bedroom Entry linen W-7060 W/D Kitchen C3 Jr 2 Bedroom689 sf Bath Bedroom Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Bath Entry KitchenW/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom 463 sf Deck Bed Deck Entry W/D B4 1 Bedroom551 sf Bath Living Kitchen/Dining Bedroom 1 Deck Living Bedroom Entry linen W/D Kitchen C1 Jr 2 Bedroom 665 sf Bath Bedroom Deck 17'0" x 8'4" Entry W/D Kitchen 8'6" x 10'0" Bedroom 9'10" x 8'10" Living 12'2" x 11'7" Bath 5'0" x 8'6" Bedroom 10'0" x 13'2" Linen Dining 10'0" x 8'5" G4 3 Bedroom1048 sf WIC 4'7" x 6'10" island 42x60 Bedroom 3 Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 D-01 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3 F1 3 Bedroom 949 sf DiningF1 W-01 W-01Deck Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Entry Kitchenpantrylinen storage A5 1 Bedroom434 sf Bed Bath small w/d 2.13m20.30m0.76m10.53m38.98m1.81m2.98m 86.64m 0.56m 1.45m Floor Plans 3 to 6 Scale: 1:1501EA4.2NOTE: The 4th Floor is the designated Cross-Over Floor 2-3 2-3 2A 2A 2B 2B 2C 2C 2D 2D 2E 2E 2F 2F 2-2 2-2 2-4 2-4 2-5 2-5 2-6 2-6 www.bisskyarchitecture.ca#204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305E-mail:bissky@telus.netWebsite:WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB, BT Date: Scale 1015 Civic Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#As NotedUnits - Key PlanLegal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#PID #: Sheet A2.8 September 2020RAMP UPRAMP UP RAMP UP Phase 1 Phase 2 RAMP UPRAMP UP landscape landscapelandscape 1.044m1.000m Deck bbq Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 D2 Jr 2 Bedroom 690 sf D2 Kitchen Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen Dining Pantry Living E2 2 Bedroom 800 sf (SW Bldg 1) Deck Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" BathEntry KitchenW/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom463 sf Bed Deck Deck Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B5 1 Bedroom562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck E5 2 Bedroom 839 sf Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linenDining Phase 1 6.07m ElevatorElevator RAMP DOWN 1:12Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D EnsuiteWIC E10 2 Bedroom 881 sf W-2046Bathroom Deck Deck E52 Bedroom 839 sfKitchenLivingBedroom 1EnsuiteBedroom 2EntryW/DBathlinen DiningDeckE52 Bedroom 839 sfKitchenLiving Bedroom 1EnsuiteBedroom 2EntryW/DBathlinen DiningDeck Bath W-9070E14 3 Bed(989 sf) linen W-6060Ensuite W/D entry Livingkitchen Bed Bed Bed Dining E14 Deck bbq Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 E1 2 Bedroom 798 sf W/D Bath WIC linen Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" BathEntry KitchenW/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom463 sf Bed Deck Deck Living Bedroom Entry linen W/D B5 1 Bedroom562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B5 1 Bedroom562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Entry Kitchenpantrylinen storage A5 1 Bedroom434 sf Bed Bath smallw/d Deck Deck KitchenLivingDining Bedroom 1 Entry W/D Bath linen E3b 2 Bedroom 818 sf E12 Deck Bath W-9070linen Ensuite W/D entry Living kitchen Bed Bed DiningG2 3 Bed(1,026sf) Bed Deck Deck Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Bath Entry KitchenW/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom463 sf Bed Deck Entry W/D B1 1 Bedroom497 sf Bath Living Kitchen/Dining Bedroom 1 Deck10'0" x 8'0" W/D Bedroom 9'10" x 8'10" Living 12'2" x 11'7" Bath 5'0" x 8'6" Bedroom10'0" x 13'2" Linen Dining 10'0" x 8'5" E15 2 Bedroom/Den 1013 sf WIC 4'7" x 6'10" Entry Kitchen8'6" x 10'0" island 42x60 Den Deck Entry W/D B4 1 Bedroom551 sf Bath Living Kitchen/Dining Bedroom 1 Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry linen E11 2 Bedroom 892 sf Bathroom Ensuite W/D Deck Deck 17'0" x 8'4" Entry W/D Kitchen 8'6" x 10'0" Bedroom 9'10" x 8'10" Living 12'2" x 11'7" Bath 5'0" x 8'6" Bedroom10'0" x 13'2" Linen Dining10'0" x 8'5" G4 3 Bedroom1048 sf WIC 4'7" x 6'10" island 42x60 Bedroom 3 Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 D-01 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC E4 2 Bedroom 798 sf Dining Living/Sleep Entry linen/storage W/D W/D Bath Kitchen/Dining A3 Studio 380 sf Deck Deck E5 2 Bedroom 839 sf Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linenDining Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" BathEntry Kitchen W/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom463 sf Bed Deck Deck Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry linen E12 2 Bedroom 895 sf Bathroom Ensuite W/D Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 D-01Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3 F1 3 Bedroom 949 sf DiningF1 Deckbbq G3 BathW-9070 G3 3 Bed (1,045 sf)linenEnsuiteW/DentryLivingkitchenBedBedBedDiningG3 smallw/d Living Bedroom Entry linenB3 1 Bedroom549 sf Deck Bath Kitchen/Dining 1.53m Deck Living Bedroom Entry linen W/D Kitchen C1 Jr 2 Bedroom665 sf Bath Bedroom Deck Living Bedroom Entry linen W-7060 W/D Kitchen C3 Jr 2 Bedroom689 sf Bath Bedroom Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D linen WIC E6 2 Bedroom 856 sf BathroomDiningE6 Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 EntryW/D linen WIC E6 2 Bedroom 856 sf Bathroom DiningE6 Deck DeckLiving Bath Entry Kitchen W/DA1 Studio361 sf Murphy Bed Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Ensuite5'0" x 8'8" Deck Bedroom 2 Entry W/D linen WIC Bedroom 3Bath G1 G1.2. 3 Bedroom 1005.4 sf Deckbbq Bath W/D entry W-2046 Kitchen Bed linen Bed D1 Junior 2 Bed(679 sf)D1 Deck Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B5 1 Bedroom562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck bbq Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry D3 Jr 2 Bedroom 739 sf W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 D3 Deck Living Bedroom EntrylinenW/D B5 1 Bedroom562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck Entry Bath Bedroom W/D Living Bedroom Kitchen/Dining E7 2 Bedroom859 sf Bath E7 Bath Entry KitchenW/D A2 Studio386 sf Murphy Bed linen storage A2 Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry linen E13 2 Bedroom 896 sf Bathroom Ensuite W/D W-2046 Dining Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Ensuite WIC E8 2 Bedroom 870 sf Bathroom W-2046 linen Dining E8 Deck bbq W-9070 Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Bedroom 2 Entry F3 3 Bedroom 975 sf W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3pantry F3 Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3 F2 3 Bedroom 973 sfDiningF2 Deck Deck bbqLiving Bedroom Entry linen W/D Kitchen C2 Jr 2 Bedroom680 sf Bath Bedroom Dining pantry C2 Deck Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry D4 Jr 2 Bedroom 753 sf W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 D4 Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry D3 Jr 2 Bedroom 739 sf W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 D3 Deck bbq Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 D-01Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3 F1 3 Bedroom 949 sf DiningF1 Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D linen WIC E9 2 Bedroom 878 sf BathroomDiningE9 Deck adjust corridor and unit to suit doors here 2.60m ElevatorElevator Elevator distance between EXITS = 66m Outdoor Common Courtyard (see landscape plans) Stair Access down to 223rd Private patios to extend to upstand wall. Private patios at 2nd floor units Private patios at 2nd floor units Access from Residential BLDG 1 to courtyard through stairs Access from Residential to courtyard through ramp RAMP DOWN RAMP DOWN Stair Access down to Lane Access from south residential Private patios 5' above courtyard (typical)20.30m0.76m10.53m38.98m1.81m2.98m 86.64m 0.56m 1.45m Second Floor Plan Scale: 1:3001 Units by Type A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 C1 C2 C3 D1 D2 D3 D4 E1 E10 E11 E12 E13 E14 E15 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 F1 F2 F3 G1 G2 G3 G4 Living Bath Entry Kitchen W/DA1 Studio361 sf Murphy Bed Deck Living Bedroom Entry linen W/D B3 1 Bedroom549 sf Deck Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck B5 Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B5 1 Bedroom562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck B5 Living Bedroom EntrylinenW/D B5 1 Bedroom562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining ElevatorElevator ElevatorElevator Elevator Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3 F2 3 Bedroom 973 sfDiningF2 Deck bbq W-9070 Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Bedroom 2 Entry F3 3 Bedroom 975 sf W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3pantry F3 Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 EntryW/D linen WIC E6 2 Bedroom 856 sf Bathroom DiningE6 Deck bbqLiving Bedroom Entry linen W/D Kitchen C2 Jr 2 Bedroom680 sf Bath Bedroom Dining pantry C2Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry linen E13 2 Bedroom 896 sf Bathroom Ensuite W/D W-2046 Dining Entry Bath Bedroom W/D Living Bedroom Kitchen/Dining E7 2 Bedroom859 sf Bath E7 Deck E7 Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D linen WIC E9 2 Bedroom 878 sf BathroomDiningE9 Deck Deck bbq Bath W/D entry W-2046 Kitchen Bed linen Bed D1 Junior 2 Bed(679 sf)D1 Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Ensuite5'0" x 8'8" Deck Bedroom 2 Entry W/D linen WIC Bedroom 3Bath G1 G1.2. 3 Bedroom 1005.4 sf Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Ensuite WIC E8 2 Bedroom 870 sf Bathroom W-2046 linen Dining E8 Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D linen WIC E6 2 Bedroom 856 sf BathroomDiningE6 DeckbbqG3 BathW-9070 G3 3 Bed (1,045 sf)linenEnsuiteW/DentryLivingkitchenBedBedBedDiningG3 Deck bbq Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry D3 Jr 2 Bedroom 739 sf W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 D3 Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 D2 Jr 2 Bedroom 690 sf D2 Deck bbq Deck Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry D4 Jr 2 Bedroom 753 sf W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 D4 Deck bbq Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry D3 Jr 2 Bedroom 739 sf W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 D3 Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 D-01Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3 F1 3 Bedroom 949 sf DiningF1 Deck Bath Entry W-7060 Kitchen W/D B2 1 Bed547 sf linenstorageB2 Bath W-9070E14 3 Bed(989 sf) linen W-6060Ensuite W/D entry Livingkitchen Bed Bed Bed Dining E14 Deck E52 Bedroom 839 sfKitchenLivingBedroom 1EnsuiteBedroom 2EntryW/DBathlinen DiningDeckE52 Bedroom 839 sfKitchenLivingBedroom 1EnsuiteBedroom 2EntryW/DBathlinen DiningDeckDeck Kitchen Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen Dining Pantry Living E2 2 Bedroom 800 sf (SW Bldg 1)Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B5 1 Bedroom562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck bbq Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 E1 2 Bedroom 798 sf W/D Bath WIC linen Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" BathEntry Kitchen W/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom463 sf Deck Bed Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B5 1 Bedroom562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" BathEntry KitchenW/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom463 sf Deck Bed Living Bedroom Entry linenW/D B5 1 Bedroom562 sf Bath Kitchen/Dining Deck W-2046 KitchenLivingDining Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen Ensuite E3 2 Bedroom 818 sf E3 Deck Entry W/D B1 1 Bedroom497 sf Bath Living Kitchen/Dining Bedroom 1 Deck Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry linen E12 2 Bedroom 895 sf Bathroom Ensuite W/D Deck10'0" x 8'0" W/D Bedroom 9'10" x 8'10" Living 12'2" x 11'7" Bath 5'0" x 8'6" Bedroom10'0" x 13'2" Linen Dining 10'0" x 8'5" E15 2 Bedroom/Den 1013 sf WIC 4'7" x 6'10" Entry Kitchen8'6" x 10'0" island 42x60 Den Deck E5 2 Bedroom 839 sf Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen Dining Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 D-01 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC E4 2 Bedroom 798 sf Dining Deck E5 2 Bedroom 839 sf Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 Ensuite Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linenDining Deck Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry linen E11 2 Bedroom 892 sf Bathroom Ensuite W/D Deck Bath W-9070linen Ensuite W/D entry Living kitchen Bed Bed DiningG2 3 Bed(1,026sf) Bed Deck Living/Sleep Entry linen/storage W/D W/D Bath Kitchen/Dining A3 Studio 380 sf Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" BathEntry KitchenW/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom463 sf Deck Bed Deck Kitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D EnsuiteWIC E10 2 Bedroom 881 sf W-2046Bathroom Deck Living Bedroom Entry linen W-7060 W/D Kitchen C3 Jr 2 Bedroom689 sf Bath Bedroom Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Bath Entry KitchenW/D pantrylinen storage A4 1 Bedroom463 sf Deck Bed Deck Entry W/D B4 1 Bedroom551 sf Bath Living Kitchen/Dining Bedroom 1 Deck Living Bedroom Entry linen W/D Kitchen C1 Jr 2 Bedroom665 sf Bath Bedroom Deck 17'0" x 8'4" Entry W/D Kitchen 8'6" x 10'0" Bedroom 9'10" x 8'10" Living 12'2" x 11'7" Bath 5'0" x 8'6" Bedroom10'0" x 13'2" Linen Dining10'0" x 8'5" G4 3 Bedroom1048 sf WIC 4'7" x 6'10" island 42x60 Bedroom 3 Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 D-01Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3 F1 3 Bedroom 949 sf DiningF1 W-01 W-01Deck Living Dining 4'7" x 4'0" Entry Kitchenpantrylinen storage A5 1 Bedroom434 sf Bed Bath smallw/d 2.13m20.30m0.76m10.53m38.98m1.81m2.98m 86.64m 0.56m 1.45m Floors 3 to 6 Scale: 1:3002RESIDENTIAL UNITS IN BOTH PHASES Unit Name Area per Unit FSR (Net Area) # of BedroomsVisitors Stalls for Includes 0.5 Parking per Unit # of each unitA1 33.6 sq m 167.9 sq m Studio 4.25 5 --- A2 35.9 sq m 35.9 sq m Studio 0.85 1 Mod-Floor 02 A3 35.3 sq m 141.3 sq m Studio 3.4 4 --- A3 Pent 35.3 sq m 35.3 sq m Studio 0.85 1 Mod-Floor 06 A4 43.0 sq m 344.2 sq m Studio 6.8 8 --- A4 south 43.0 sq m 516.2 sq m Studio 10.2 12 --- A5 40.3 sq m 161.2 sq m Studio 3.4 4 --- A5 Pent 40.3 sq m 40.3 sq m Studio 0.85 1 Mod-Floor 06 B1 46.2 sq m 230.8 sq m 1 4.75 5 --- B2 50.8 sq m 203.1 sq m 1 3.4 4 --- B3 51.0 sq m 254.9 sq m 1 4.75 5 --- B4 51.2 sq m 255.8 sq m 1 4.75 5 --- B5 52.2 sq m 1304.5 sq m 1 23.75 25 --- C1 61.8 sq m 308.9 sq m 2 5.25 5 --- C2 63.1 sq m 315.3 sq m 2 5.25 5 --- C3 64.0 sq m 320.2 sq m 2 5.25 5 --- D1 63.1 sq m 315.5 sq m 2 5.25 5 --- D2 64.2 sq m 320.9 sq m 2 5.25 5 --- D3 68.6 sq m 686.1 sq m 2 10.5 10 --- D4 70.0 sq m 350.0 sq m 2 5.25 5 --- E1 74.1 sq m 370.7 sq m 2 5.25 5 --- E2 74.5 sq m 372.3 sq m 2 5.25 5 --- E3 75.8 sq m 227.5 sq m 2 3.15 3 --- E3 Pent 75.8 sq m 75.8 sq m 2 1.05 1 Mod-Floor 06 E3b 62.5 sq m 62.5 sq m 2 1.05 1 Mod-Floor 02 E4 74.1 sq m 370.6 sq m 2 5.25 5 --- E5 78.0 sq m 1481.3 sq m 2 19.95 19 --- E5 Pent 78.0 sq m 78.0 sq m 2 1.05 1 Mod-Floor 06 E6 79.6 sq m 795.9 sq m 2 10.5 10 --- E7 79.8 sq m 398.9 sq m 2 5.25 5 --- E8 80.8 sq m 404.2 sq m 2 5.25 5 --- E9 81.6 sq m 407.8 sq m 2 5.25 5 --- E10 81.9 sq m 409.3 sq m 2 5.25 5 --- E11 82.9 sq m 331.5 sq m 2 4.2 4 --- E11 Pent 82.9 sq m 82.9 sq m 2 1.05 1 Mod-Floor 06 E12 83.1 sq m 415.5 sq m 2 5.25 5 --- E13 83.3 sq m 416.5 sq m 2 5.25 5 --- E14 91.9 sq m 459.7 sq m 2 5.25 5 --- E15 94.2 sq m 470.8 sq m 2 5.25 5 --- F1 88.2 sq m 881.9 sq m 3 11.5 10 --- F2 88.7 sq m 443.7 sq m 3 5.75 5 --- F3 90.6 sq m 452.9 sq m 3 5.75 5 --- G1 91.7 sq m 458.7 sq m 3 5.75 5 --- G2 95.4 sq m 476.9 sq m 3 5.75 5 --- G3 97.1 sq m 485.6 sq m 3 5.75 5 --- G4 97.4 sq m 486.9 sq m 3 5.25 5 --- TOTAL FSR (NET AREA)17626.5 sq m TOTAL # OF UNITS 255 units Total Residential FSR 2.674 RESIDENTIAL UNITS IN PHASE 1 UNIT Types# OF UNITSPHASE BEDROOMSA3 5 1 studio A4 20 1 studio A5 5 1 studio B1 5 1 1 B3 5 1 1 B4 5 1 1 B5 15 1 1 C1 5 1 2 C3 5 1 2 E1 5 1 2 E2 5 1 2 E3 4 1 2 E3 Pent 1 1 2 E4 5 1 2 E5 19 1 2 E5 Pent 1 1 2 E10 5 1 2 E11 4 1 2 E11 Pent 1 1 2 E12 5 1 2 E14 5 1 3 E15 5 1 2 F1 5 1 3 G2 5 1 3 G4 5 1 2 150 TOTAL UNIT FLOOR AREA RESIDENTIAL UNITS IN PHASE 2 UNIT# OF UNITSPHASE BEDROOMSA1 5 2 studio A2 1 2 studio B2 4 2 1 B5 10 2 1 C2 5 2 2 D1 5 2 2 D2 5 2 2 D3 10 2 2 D4 5 2 2 E6 8 2 2 E6 Pent 2 2 2 E7 5 2 2 E8 5 2 2 E9 5 2 2 E13 5 2 2 F1 5 2 3 F2 5 2 3 F3 5 2 3 G1 5 2 3 G3 5 2 3 TOTAL UNITS 105 TOTAL UNIT FLOOR AREA Partial EAST ELEVATION (Facing 223rd) Scale: 1:503 www.bisskyarchitecture.ca#204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305E-mail:bissky@telus.netWebsite:WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB, BT Date: Scale 1015 Civic Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#As NotedExterior MaterialsLegal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#PID #: Sheet A3.1 September 2020 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 Exterior Materials #Description 1 White Roof Membrane 2 Exposed Concrete 3 Concrete Block - See Elevation for pattern 4 Fibre-Cement Panels with Trim System - Colour C2 5 Fibre-Cement Panels with Trim System - Colour C3 6 Fibre-Cement Panels with Trim System - Colour C5 7 Aluminum Framed Windows & Doors- Colour C6 8 Vinyl Framed Windows & Doors- Colour C6 9 Metal Fascia - Colour C4 10 Metal Fascia - Colour C5 11 Prefinished Metal Railing - Colour C1 12 Prefinished Metal Gutter & Downspout - Colour C1 13 Extruded Acrylic Signage 14 Exterior Light Fixture 15 Detachable Metal Canopy - Colour C4 16 Metal Through-wall Flashing - Colour C5 17 Prefinished Metal Flashing - Colour to match siding 18 Concrete Column - Paint Finish - Colour C2 Colour Finishes C1 Behr Sweet Molasses PPU5-20 C2 Behr Fashion Gray PPU18-15 C3 Behr Ultra Pure White UPW C4 Behr MOROCCO RED PPU2-17 C5 Behr SUEDE GRAY PPU18-17 C6 IXL Brick Shadow Black Glazed * All Materials as noted or approved equal 1 1 4 4 55 6 6 5 LougheedSelkirk PHASE 1PHASE 2 Parking P2 28.90m Parking P1 31.95m Nominal Main Floor 35.00m Floor 2 41.10m Floor 3 44.22m Floor 4 47.34m Floor 5 50.46m Floor 6 53.58m Podium Floor Level 39.57m2.762m3.121m3.121m3.121m3.121m1.524m4.572m3.048m3.048m58'-8 3/8"70'-0 1/4"Top Plate 56.34m Av. Finished Grade 35.69m 35.5m 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 36.32mFIN 36.06mFIN 36.19mFIN 36.21mFIN 36.09mFIN 36.03mFIN 35.91mFIN 35.73mFIN 35.50mFIN Proposed ELEV. 36.32m Proposed ELEV. 36.09m Proposed ELEV. 36.03m Proposed ELEV. 35.91 m Proposed ELEV. 35.73 m Proposed ELEV. 36.21m Proposed ELEV. 36.19mProposed ELEV. 36.06m REFUSE ROOM ACCESS TO COURTYARD VEHICLE ACCESS VEHICLE ACCESSEXITEXIT REFUSE ROOM WEST ELEVATION Scale: 1:1252 NORTH ELEVATION - PHASE 1 Scale: 1:1251 Parking P2 28.90m Parking P1 31.95m Nominal Main Floor 35.00m Floor 2 41.10m Floor 3 44.22m Floor 4 47.34m Floor 5 50.46m Floor 6 53.58m Podium Floor Level 39.57m2.762m3.121m3.121m3.121m3.121m1.524m4.572m3.048m3.048m58'-8 3/8"70'-0 1/4"Top Plate 56.34m Av. Finished Grade 35.69m PHASE 1 2-3 2-2 2-4 2-52-6 22.531m Bldg Heightwww.bisskyarchitecture.ca#204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305E-mail:bissky@telus.netWebsite:WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB, BT Date: Scale 1015 Civic Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#As NotedNorth Ph1 & West ElevationsLegal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#PID #: Sheet A3.2 September 2020 Average Finished Grade Calculation Corner Grade North West 36.00m North East 36.50m South East 34.75m South West 35.50m Av. Fin Grade 35.688 m SOUTH ELEVATION - PHASE 2 Scale: 1:1282 PHASE 2 2-32-2 2-42-5 2-6 NORTH ELEVATION (Facing Selkirk) Scale: 1:1281 PHASE 2 223rd lane CRU entry Residential lobby entry Bldg 2 CRU entry CRU entry Commericial lobby entry Exit 2-22-32-42-52-6 Proposed ELEV. 36.32m Proposed ELEV. 36.02mProposed ELEV. 35.39m Proposed ELEV. 35.45mProposed ELEV. 35.79mProposed ELEV. 36.23 mProposed ELEV. 36.53m Proposed ELEV. 35.19m Proposed ELEV. 35.66 m 36.32mFIN 36.02mFIN Parking P2 28.90m Parking P1 31.95m Nominal Main Floor 35.00m Floor 2 41.10m Floor 3 44.22m Floor 4 47.34m Floor 5 50.46m Floor 6 53.58m Podium Floor Level 39.57m2.762m3.121m3.121m3.121m3.121m1.524m4.572m3.048m3.048m58'-8 3/8"70'-0 1/4"Top Plate 56.34m Av. Finished Grade 35.69m 35.39mFIN 35.66mFIN 35.19mFIN 35.45mFIN 35.79mFIN 36.16mFIN 36.53mFIN 2.727m2.518mProposed ELEV. 36.16 m CRU entry www.bisskyarchitecture.ca#204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305E-mail:bissky@telus.netWebsite:WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB, BT Date: Scale 1015 Civic Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#As NotedNorth & South Elevations Ph 2Legal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#PID #: Sheet A3.3 September 2020 View to South-East Along Selkirk Scale: 1:482 WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNView to South-Eastalong SelkirkMixed Use Development at223rd & Lougheed HighwayCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.REVISIONS Drawn Dwg # Sheet WB, BT Date: Scale #204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305email : bissky@telus.net1015 A08Civic Address:See Zoning AnaylasisAs Noted TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON 17"x11" - TABLOID Legal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis22-1-21 Date: 2022 January 21Time: 3:14:59 PMFile name: 1015 BT 6 STOREY Revisions from Eng Comments about lane and Traffic eng 2022-01-21.vwx View S-W At Selkirk & 223rd Scale: 1:481 WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNView to South-Westalong SelkirkMixed Use Development at223rd & Lougheed HighwayCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.REVISIONS Drawn Dwg # Sheet WB, BT Date: Scale #204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305email : bissky@telus.net1015 A09Civic Address:See Zoning AnaylasisAs Noted TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON 17"x11" - TABLOID Legal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis22-1-21 Date: 2022 January 21Time: 3:14:59 PMFile name: 1015 BT 6 STOREY Revisions from Eng Comments about lane and Traffic eng 2022-01-21.vwx View to N-W Along Lougheed Scale: 1:4001 WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNView to N-WMixed Use Development at223rd & Lougheed HighwayCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.REVISIONS Drawn Dwg # Sheet WB, BT Date: Scale #204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305email : bissky@telus.net1015 A10Civic Address:See Zoning AnaylasisAs Noted TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON 17"x11" - TABLOID Legal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis22-1-21 Date: 2022 January 21Time: 3:14:59 PMFile name: 1015 BT 6 STOREY Revisions from Eng Comments about lane and Traffic eng 2022-01-21.vwx View to N-E Along Lougheed Scale: 1:4801 WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNView N-E AlongLougheedMixed Use Development at223rd & Lougheed HighwayCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.REVISIONS Drawn Dwg # Sheet WB, BT Date: Scale #204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305email : bissky@telus.net1015 A11Civic Address:See Zoning AnaylasisAs Noted TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON 17"x11" - TABLOID Legal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis22-6-21 Date: 2022 June 21Time: 11:23:54 AMFile name: 1015 2022-04-05 BT 6 STOREY Revisions from Eng Comments about lane and Traffic eng v2022.vwx View to S-W Scale: 1:481 WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNView to S-W from223rdMixed Use Development at223rd & Lougheed HighwayCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.REVISIONS Drawn Dwg # Sheet WB, BT Date: Scale #204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305email : bissky@telus.net1015 A12Civic Address:See Zoning AnaylasisAs Noted TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON 17"x11" - TABLOID Legal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis22-1-21 Date: 2022 January 21Time: 3:14:59 PMFile name: 1015 BT 6 STOREY Revisions from Eng Comments about lane and Traffic eng 2022-01-21.vwx View West up to Courtyard from 223rd Scale: 1:4252 WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNView 1 West intoUpper CourtyardMixed Use Development at223rd & Lougheed HighwayCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.REVISIONS Drawn Dwg # Sheet WB, BT Date: Scale #204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305email : bissky@telus.net1015 A13Civic Address:See Zoning AnaylasisAs Noted TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON 17"x11" - TABLOID Legal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis22-1-21 Date: 2022 January 21Time: 3:14:59 PMFile name: 1015 BT 6 STOREY Revisions from Eng Comments about lane and Traffic eng 2022-01-21.vwx 60'-3 3/4"NOTE: The 4th Floor is the designated Cross-Over Floor Parking P2 (28.90m) -6.10m Parking P1 (31.95m) -3.05m Nominal Main Floor (35.0m) 0.00m Floor 2 (41.10m) 6.10m Floor 3 (44.14m) 9.14m Floor 4 (47.19m) 12.19m Floor 5 (50.24m) 15.24m Floor 6 (53.29m) 18.29m Top Plate 21.34m Podium Floor Level (39.57m) 4.57m60'-0"15'-0"2-32-2 2-6 www.bisskyarchitecture.ca#204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305E-mail:bissky@telus.netWebsite:WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB, BT Date: Scale 1015 Civic Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#As NotedSectionsLegal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#PID #: Sheet A4.1 September 2020 SECTION A Scale: 1:125Aproperty line3.35m2.84mLANE Parking P2 (28.90m) -6.10m Parking P1 (31.95m) -3.05m Nominal Main Floor (35.0m) 0.00m Floor 2 (41.10m) 6.10m Floor 3 (44.14m) 9.14m Floor 4 (47.19m) 12.19m Floor 5 (50.24m) 15.24m Floor 6 (53.29m) 18.29m Top Plate 21.34m Podium Floor Level (39.57m) 4.57m60'-0"15'-0"Loading Bay Min 3.5 m width Min 11.5 m length Min 4.5 m height estimated lane elevation at section = 35.5m NOTE: The 4th Floor is the designated Cross-Over Floor 2-32-2 2-4 2-6 www.bisskyarchitecture.ca#204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305E-mail:bissky@telus.netWebsite:WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB, BT Date: Scale 1015 Civic Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#As NotedSections w. FirewallsLegal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#PID #: Sheet A4.2 September 2020 Podium Level 39.57m 4.82mSECTION C Scale: 1:125C Parking P2 28.90m Parking P1 31.95m Nominal Main Floor 35.00m Floor 2 41.10m Floor 3 44.22m Floor 4 47.34m Floor 5 50.46m Floor 6 53.58m Podium Floor Level 39.57m2.762m3.121m3.121m3.121m3.121m1.524m4.572m3.048m3.048m58'-8 3/8"70'-0 1/4"Top Plate 56.34m Av. Finished Grade 35.69m FIREWALLBLDG #2 4,340 SF (BLDG AREA (FOOTPRINT) FLOORS 2 TO 6)3.37mBLDG #2 4,340 SF BLDG AREA (FOOTPRINT FLOOR 1) BLDG #5 9,943 SF BLDG AREA (FOOTPRINT FLOORS 2-6) BLDG #5 9,943 SF BLDG AREA (FOOTPRINT) FLOOR 1 P-1 63,077SF (BLDG AREA - FOOTPRINT) P-2 56,878.4 SF (BLDG AREA - FOOTPRINT) Parking P2 28.90m Parking P1 31.95m Nominal Main Floor 35.00m Floor 2 41.10m Floor 3 44.22m Floor 4 47.34m Floor 5 50.46m Floor 6 53.58m Podium Floor Level 39.57m2.762m3.121m3.121m3.121m3.121m1.524m4.572m3.048m3.048m58'-8 3/8"70'-0 1/4"Top Plate 56.34m Av. Finished Grade 35.69mLOUGHEED HWY. SECTION E Scale: 1:125EFIREWALLBLDG #1 10,704 SF (BLDG AREA - FOOTPRINT- FLOORS 2 TO 6) BLDG #5 9,943 SF (BLDG AREA (FOOTPRINT) FLOORS 2 TO 6) BLDG #1 16,130 SF (BLDG AREA - FOOTPRINT- FLOOR 1) BLDG #5 15,665 SF (BLDG AREA - FOOTPRINT- FLOORS 2 TO 6) P-1 63,077SF (BLDG AREA - FOOTPRINT) P-2 56,878.4 SF (BLDG AREA - FOOTPRINT)FIREWALL www.bisskyarchitecture.ca#204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305E-mail:bissky@telus.netWebsite:WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB, BT Date: Scale 1015 Civic Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#As NotedUnit Plans typLegal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#PID #: Sheet A5.0 September 2020 Deck bbq Kitchen Living Bed 2 Ensuite M. Bed Entry W/D linen WIC Bath Ensuite Dining D-01 D2 Jr 2 Bedroom 690 sf UNIT D2 Scale: 1:486 9.347m7.570m Deck Living Bedroom Entry linen W/D Kitchen C1 Jr 2 Bedroom 665 sf Bath Bedroom UNIT C1 Scale: 1:485 6.866m 9.347msmall w/d Living Bedroom Entry linenB3 1 Bedroom 549 sf Deck Bath Kitchen/Dining UNIT B3 Scale: 1:483 5.758m 9.347mDeck Bath Entry W-7060 Kitchen W/D B2 1 Bed 547 sf linen storage UNIT B2 Scale: 1:4849.347m5.578m DeckEntryW/DB11 Bedroom497 sfBathLivingKitchen/DiningBedroom 1UNIT B1 Scale: 1:482 6.607m7.100m Bath Entry KitchenW/D A2 Studio 386 sf Murphy Bed linen storage UNIT A2 Scale: 1:481 9.379m3.983m www.bisskyarchitecture.ca#204 22320 Lougheed Highway,Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2T4ph. 604-467-8300 fax 604-467-8305E-mail:bissky@telus.netWebsite:WAYNE STEPHEN BISSKY ARCHITECTURE&URBAN DESIGN INC.PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGNCopyright Reserved.Further to AIBC Bylaw 28(3), all plans sketches, drawings, graphic representations and specifications prepared by the architect are, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Wayne Stephen Bissky Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, and Interior Design and cannot be used for any other project, or sold or offered for sale (or as part of a sale of property) by any party other than WSB without the written consent of WSB. Written dimensions shall have precedence over scaled dimensions and conditions on the job. This office shall be informed of any variations from the dimensions and conditions shown on the drawings.ISSUED DRAWINGS Drawn Project ID WB, BT Date: Scale 1015 Civic Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#As NotedUnit Plans typLegal Address:See Zoning Anaylasis#PID #: Sheet A5.1 September 2020 Deck 17'0" x 8'4" Entry W/D Kitchen 8'6" x 10'0" Bedroom 9'10" x 8'10" Living 12'2" x 11'7" Bath 5'0" x 8'6" Bedroom 10'0" x 13'2" Linen Dining 10'0" x 8'5" G4 3 Bedroom 1048 sf WIC 4'7" x 6'10" island 42x60 Bedroom 3 12.616m 9.273mUNIT G4 Scale: 1:483 Deck Kitchen Living Bedroom 1 D-01 Bedroom 2 Entry W/D Bath linen WIC Bedroom 3 F1 3 Bedroom 949 sf Dining UNIT F1 Scale: 1:482 10.430m 9.347mDeckbbqKitchenLivingDiningBedroom 1EnsuiteBedroom 2E12 Bedroom 798 sfW/DBathWIClinenUNIT E1 Scale: 1:481 9.151m 9.379mKitchen Living Dining Bedroom 1 Ensuite 5'0" x 8'8" Deck Bedroom 2 Entry W/D linen WIC Bedroom 3 Bath G1.2. 3 Bedroom 1005.4 sf 10.231m 10.426mUNIT G4 Scale: 1:484 CONCRETE L O U G H E E D H W Y 2 2 3 RD STREETS E L K I R K A V E LIGHT STANDARD CONCRETE BANDING BIKE RACKS DECORATIVE PAVERS TREE GRATE LETDOWN ZELKOVA SERRATA 'SCHMIDTLOW' EX. ACER RUBRUM 'COLUMNARE' CONCRETE PAVING TREE GRATE TO CITY STANDARDS 24" WIDE CONCRETE BAND BROOM FINISHED CONCRETE PAVING BIKE RACKS BIKE RACKS: WISHBONE INDUSTRIES PIPELINE 2 SPACE BIKE RACK - OIL RUBBED BRONZE BENCH: WISHBONE INDUSTRIES MODENA METAL BENCH, OIL RUBBED BRONZE CONCRETE BANDING LETDOWN SOIL CELLS ACER RUBRUM 'COLUMNARE' FRAXINUS PENNSYLVANICA 'JOHNSON' L A N E SOIL CELLS PLANTED SIZE / REMARKSCOMMON NAMEBOTANICAL NAME PLANT SCHEDULE KEY QTY NOTES: * PLANT SIZES IN THIS LIST ARE SPECIFIED ACCORDING TO THE BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD AND CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD, LATEST EDITION. CONTAINER SIZES SPECIFIED AS PER CNLA STANDARD. BOTH PLANT SIZE AND CONTAINER SIZE ARE THE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE SIZES. * REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEFINED CONTAINER MEASUREMENTS AND OTHER PLANT MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS. * SEARCH AND REVIEW: MAKE PLANT MATERIAL AVAILABLE FOR OPTIONAL REVIEW BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT SOURCE OF SUPPLY. AREA OF SEARCH TO INCLUDE LOWER MAINLAND AND FRASER VALLEY. * SUBSTITUTIONS: OBTAIN WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO MAKING ANY SUBSTITUTIONS TO THE SPECIFIED MATERIAL. UNAPPROVED SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE REJECTED. ALLOW A MINIMUM OF FIVE DAYS PRIOR TO DELIVERY FOR REQUEST TO SUBSTITUTE. SUBSTITUTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD AND CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD - DEFINITION OF CONDITIONS OF AVAILABILITY. ALL LANDSCAPE MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP MUST MEET OR EXCEED BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD AND CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD LATEST EDITION. ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY PMG PROJECT NUMBER:20-025 2 ACER RUBRUM 'COLUNARE'COLUMNAR RED MAPLE 6CM CAL; 2M STD; B&B 3 4 STREET TREES FRAXINUS PENNSYLVANICA 'JOHNSON'LEPRECHAUN ASH 6CM CAL; 1.8M STD; B&B ZELKOVA SERRATA 'SCHMIDTLOW'WIRELESS ZELKOVA 6CM CAL; 1.8M STD; B&B TREE CHK'D: 20025-8.ZIP DRAWN: DESIGN: SCALE: DATE: PMG PROJECT NUMBER:20-025 OF 5 DRAWING TITLE: MAPLE RIDGE, BC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: DRAWING NUMBER: REVISION DESCRIPTIONNO.DATE DR. 223RD ST & LOUGHEED HWY SEAL: Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is the property of PMG Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission. c CLIENT: LANDSCAPE Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f: 604 294-0022 Suite C100 - 4185 Still Creek Drive ARCHITECTS COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL NEW SITE PLANS120.NOV.05 MM COORDINATION/SUBMISSION220.NOV.20 MM TREE SPECIES/COUNTS321.JAN.14 MM REV. TO TREES & PODIUM422.JAN.12 MM NEW SITE PLANS522.FEB.02 JR NEW SITE PLANS622.FEB.16 MM SECOND FLOOR COORDINATION722.MAY.11 MM GROUND FLOOR LANDSCAPE PLAN L1 20.APR.21 1/16"=1'-0" PCM 12345678910111213ACER GRISEUM CHAMAECYPARIS NOOTKATENSIS 'PENDULA' 24" SQ. CONCRETE PAVERS ABBOTSFORD CONCRETE HYDRAPRESSED SLABS TEXADA - DESERT SAND SYNLAWN ARIFICAL TURF BENCHHOPSCOTCH PAINTED ON PAVEMENT BENCH KOMPAN ELEMENTS GROW: RUNNER PCE205100-0603 CONCRETE PAVERS SEATING ABBOTSFORD CONCRETE CLASSIC STANDARD PAVERS - RUNNING BOND - DESERT SAND DN DN 2 PLANTING ON SLAB 3 PAVERS ON SLAB 4 HYDRAPRESSED PAVERS ON SLAB 5 PLANTER WALL ON SLAB 7 PLAY AREA SECTION DECK BOX DNDN BBQ HARVEST TABLE GARDEN SHED DN CERCIS CANADENSIS 'FOREST PANSY' GARDEN PLOTS CONCRETE EDGE S E L K I R K A V E L O U G H E E D H W Y 2 2 3 RD STREETCHECKERBOARD KOMPAN ELEMENTS GROW: RUNNER PCE2051 HAUSER -TABLES & CHAIRS HAUSER HARVEST TABLE CHECKERBOARD PAVING SOLUS DECOR: HEMI FIRE PIT CEDAR SHED IND.- 3X5 LEAN TO GARDEN SHED WISHBONE INDUSTRIES - NEW YORK CHAIR - RED PLANTED SIZE / REMARKSCOMMON NAMEBOTANICAL NAME PLANT SCHEDULE KEY QTY TREE 14 ACER GRISEUM PAPERBARK MAPLE 6CM CAL; 1.8M STD; B&B 7 CERCIS CANADENSIS 'FOREST PANSY'FOREST PANSY REDBUD 5CM CAL; 1.8M STD.;B&B 4 CHAMAECYPARIS NOOTKATENSIS 'PENDULA'WEEPING NOOTKA CYPRESS 2.5M HT; B&B 6 CORNUS FLORIDA 'RUBRA'PINK FLOWERING DOGWOOD 2.5M HT; B&B NOTES: * PLANT SIZES IN THIS LIST ARE SPECIFIED ACCORDING TO THE BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD AND CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD, LATEST EDITION. CONTAINER SIZES SPECIFIED AS PER CNLA STANDARD. BOTH PLANT SIZE AND CONTAINER SIZE ARE THE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE SIZES. * REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEFINED CONTAINER MEASUREMENTS AND OTHER PLANT MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS. * SEARCH AND REVIEW: MAKE PLANT MATERIAL AVAILABLE FOR OPTIONAL REVIEW BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT SOURCE OF SUPPLY. AREA OF SEARCH TO INCLUDE LOWER MAINLAND AND FRASER VALLEY. * SUBSTITUTIONS: OBTAIN WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO MAKING ANY SUBSTITUTIONS TO THE SPECIFIED MATERIAL. UNAPPROVED SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE REJECTED. ALLOW A MINIMUM OF FIVE DAYS PRIOR TO DELIVERY FOR REQUEST TO SUBSTITUTE. SUBSTITUTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD AND CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD - DEFINITION OF CONDITIONS OF AVAILABILITY. ALL LANDSCAPE MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP MUST MEET OR EXCEED BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD AND CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD LATEST EDITION. ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY PMG PROJECT NUMBER:20-025 CHK'D: 20025-8.ZIP DRAWN: DESIGN: SCALE: DATE: PMG PROJECT NUMBER:20-025 OF 5 DRAWING TITLE: MAPLE RIDGE, BC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: DRAWING NUMBER: REVISION DESCRIPTIONNO.DATE DR. 223RD ST & LOUGHEED HWY SEAL: Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is the property of PMG Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission. c CLIENT: LANDSCAPE Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f: 604 294-0022 Suite C100 - 4185 Still Creek Drive ARCHITECTS COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL NEW SITE PLANS120.NOV.05 MM COORDINATION/SUBMISSION220.NOV.20 MM TREE SPECIES/COUNTS321.JAN.14 MM REV. TO TREES & PODIUM422.JAN.12 MM NEW SITE PLANS522.FEB.02 JR NEW SITE PLANS622.FEB.16 MM SECOND FLOOR COORDINATION722.MAY.11 MM PODIUM FLOOR TREE PLAN L2 20.APR.29 1/16"=1'-0" PCM 12345678910111213NOTE: ALL PLANTERS ON SECOND FLOOR TO HAVE 900MM DEPTH OF GROWING MEDIUM OVER 85MM DEPTH OF PERMAVOID. PLANTED SIZE / REMARKSCOMMON NAMEBOTANICAL NAME PLANT SCHEDULE KEY QTY SHRUB 7 AUCUBA JAPONICA 'VARIEGATA'GOLD DUST JAPANESE AUCUBA #3 POT; 50CM 94 BUXUS MICROPHYLLA 'WINTER GEM'LITTLE-LEAF BOX #3 POT; 40CM 15 FOTHERGILLA MAJOR 'MOUNT AIRY'MOUNT AIRY FOTHERGILLA #3 POT; 60CM 17 HYDRANGEA MACROPHYLLA 'MERRITT'S SUPREME'MERRITT'S SUPREME MOPHEAD HYDRANGEA #3 POT; 80CM 27 KALMIA LATIFOLIA 'PINK CHARM'MOUNTAIN LAUREL #3 POT; 50CM 18 MAHONIA AQUIFOLIUM 'COMPACTA'COMPACT OREGON GRAPE HOLLY #3 POT; 40CM 10 RHODODENDRON 'ROSA MUNDI 'RHODODENDRON; PINK #3 POT; 50CM 57 SARCOCOCCA HOOKERANA VAR. HUMILIS HIMALAYAN SWEET BOX #2 POT; 25CM 59 SKIMMIA JAPONICA (10% MALE)JAPANESE SKIMMIA #3 POT; 50CM GRASS 9 HAKONECHLOA MACRA 'AUREOLA'GOLD VARIEGATED JAPANESE FOREST GRASS #1 POT PERENNIAL 36 HELLEBORUS x HYBRIDUS LENTEN ROSE 15CM POT 88 HEUCHERA 'SWEET TEA'CORAL BELLS 15CM POT 82 HOSTA FORTUNEI 'FRANCEE'HOSTA; GREEN AND WHITE VARIEGATED #1 POT; 1 EYE 100 LIRIOPE MUSCARI BLUE LILY-TURF 15CM POT GC 289 POLYSTICHUM MUNITUM WESTERN SWORD FERN #1 POT; 25CM 74 VACCINIUM VITIS-IDAEA LINGONBERRY #1 POT; 30CM NOTES: * PLANT SIZES IN THIS LIST ARE SPECIFIED ACCORDING TO THE BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD AND CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD, LATEST EDITION. CONTAINER SIZES SPECIFIED AS PER CNLA STANDARD. BOTH PLANT SIZE AND CONTAINER SIZE ARE THE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE SIZES. * REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR DEFINED CONTAINER MEASUREMENTS AND OTHER PLANT MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS. * SEARCH AND REVIEW: MAKE PLANT MATERIAL AVAILABLE FOR OPTIONAL REVIEW BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT SOURCE OF SUPPLY. AREA OF SEARCH TO INCLUDE LOWER MAINLAND AND FRASER VALLEY. * SUBSTITUTIONS: OBTAIN WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO MAKING ANY SUBSTITUTIONS TO THE SPECIFIED MATERIAL. UNAPPROVED SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE REJECTED. ALLOW A MINIMUM OF FIVE DAYS PRIOR TO DELIVERY FOR REQUEST TO SUBSTITUTE. SUBSTITUTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD AND CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD - DEFINITION OF CONDITIONS OF AVAILABILITY. ALL LANDSCAPE MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP MUST MEET OR EXCEED BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD AND CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD LATEST EDITION. ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY 2ND FLOOR PMG PROJECT NUMBER: 20-025 CHK'D: 20025-8.ZIP DRAWN: DESIGN: SCALE: DATE: PMG PROJECT NUMBER:20-025 OF 5 DRAWING TITLE: MAPLE RIDGE, BC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: DRAWING NUMBER: REVISION DESCRIPTIONNO.DATE DR. 223RD ST & LOUGHEED HWY SEAL: Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is the property of PMG Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission. c CLIENT: LANDSCAPE Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f: 604 294-0022 Suite C100 - 4185 Still Creek Drive ARCHITECTS COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL NEW SITE PLANS120.NOV.05 MM COORDINATION/SUBMISSION220.NOV.20 MM TREE SPECIES/COUNTS321.JAN.14 MM REV. TO TREES & PODIUM422.JAN.12 MM NEW SITE PLANS522.FEB.02 JR NEW SITE PLANS622.FEB.16 MM SECOND FLOOR COORDINATION722.MAY.11 MM PODIUM FLOOR SHRUB PLAN L3 20.APR.29 3/32"=1'-0" PCM 3' PROPOSED SIDEWALK COLUMNAR TREE IN TREE GRATE SOIL CELLS LOUGHEEDROOT BARRIER SECTION THRU SOIL CELLS 1/2"=1'-0" INSTALL SOIL CELLS AS PER MANUFACTURES SPECIFICATIONS ROOT BARRIER TREE GRATE GROWING MEDIUM SOIL CELLS - 2X CAPACITY HEAD IRRIGATION MAINLINE SAND FILLED TRENCH FOR IRRIGATION LINES PLANT SPACINGS ·STREET TREES SHALL BE SPACED FROM 10M TO 15M APART DEPENDING ON THE SPECIES USED IN THE DESIGN. ·BOULEVARD PLANTINGS SHALL BE DESIGNED TO FILL IN AS A MASS PLANTING WITHIN 3 YEARS OFINSTALLATION. A MAXIMUM SPACING AT INSTALLATION SHALL BE 1M ON CENTRE FOR NO. 2 POT EVERGREEN SHRUBS AND 500MM ON CENTRE FOR 10CM POT EVERGREEN GROUND COVERS. MINIMUM TREE PLANTING CLEARANCES ·STREET TREES IN DIFFERENT ROAD CATEGORIES SHALL BE PLANTED AT OFFSETS SHOWN IN THE STANDARD DRAWINGS. IN ADDITION, STREET TREES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM THE FOLLOWING: (EXEMPTIONS MAY BE PERMITTED IF THE SITE DESIGN DOES NOT ALLOW THESE DISTANCES, AND THE ENVIRONMENT TECHNICIAN APPROVES) ··LAMP STANDARDS 6.0M ··STEEL/WOODEN POLES 3.0M ··DRIVEWAYS 2.0M ··CATCH BASINS 2.0M ··MANHOLES, VALVE BOXES, SERVICES 1.2M ··STORM 1.5M ··SANITARY 2.0M ··WATER 1.5M ··HYDRANTS 2.0M ··CORNERS IN LINE WITH 7.5M SIGHT TRIANGLE ·UTILITY PLANTING STRIP AREA (AREA BETWEEN SIDEWALK AND CURB): ··CURB FACE 0.75–1.25M ··EDGE OF SIDEWALK 0.70–2.65M ·BOULEVARD PLANTING AREA (AREA BETWEEN COMBINED CURB/SIDEWALK AND PROPERTY LINE): ··CURB FACE 0.75M ·CONSIDERATION SHOULD BE GIVEN IN LOCATING TREES WITHIN BOULEVARD TO AVOID OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC SIGNS CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE - STREET TREE PLANTING REQUIREMENTS NO-MPLR.DWG CHK'D: 20025-8.ZIP DRAWN: DESIGN: SCALE: DATE: PMG PROJECT NUMBER:20-025 OF 5 DRAWING TITLE: MAPLE RIDGE, BC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: DRAWING NUMBER: REVISION DESCRIPTIONNO.DATE DR. 223RD ST & LOUGHEED HWY SEAL: Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is the property of PMG Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission. c CLIENT: LANDSCAPE Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f: 604 294-0022 Suite C100 - 4185 Still Creek Drive ARCHITECTS COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL NEW SITE PLANS120.NOV.05 MM COORDINATION/SUBMISSION220.NOV.20 MM TREE SPECIES/COUNTS321.JAN.14 MM REV. TO TREES & PODIUM422.JAN.12 MM NEW SITE PLANS522.FEB.02 JR NEW SITE PLANS622.FEB.16 MM SECOND FLOOR COORDINATION722.MAY.11 MM GROUND FLOOR DETAILS L4 20.APR.29 AS NOTED PCM PREPARED SLAB: (PROTECTION /WATERPROOFING BY OTHERS) GROWING MEDIUM MIN. 36" FOR PODIUM LEVEL (REFER TO LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS) DRAIN MAT: NILEX WD-15 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT 2" SAND LAYER PREPARED SLAB: (PROTECTION /WATERPROOFING BY OTHERS) DRAIN MAT: NILEX PD-20 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT 1.5" DEPTH BIRD'S EYE PEA GRAVEL CONCRETE PAVERS PREPARED SLAB: (PROTECTION /WATERPROOFING BY OTHERS) DRAIN MAT: NILEX PD-20 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT PAVER PEDESTALS BISON SCREWJACK OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT HYDRAPRESSED PAVERS 1 PLANTING ON SLAB 1"=1'-0" 2 PAVERS ON SLAB 1"=1'-0" 3 HYDRAPRESSED PAVERS ON SLAB 1"=1'-0" GROWING MEDIUM PREPARED SLAB (PROTECTION /WATERPROOFING BY OTHERS) DRAIN MAT: NILEX WD-15 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT UNDER SOIL AREA ONLY SANDBLASTED FINISH FOR CONCRETE PLANTER WALL CHAMFER EDGES WITH REVEAL WALL DRAIN MAT: NILEX WD-15 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT 2" DEPTH SAND LAYER PAVING 4 PLANTER WALL ON SLAB 1"=1'-0" DRAIN MAT: NILEX PD-20 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT 24-36" DEEP SEE PLAN PERMAVOID LAYER - 3.4"(85MM) DEPTH FILTER FABRIC PREPARED SLAB: (PROTECTION /WATERPROOFING BY OTHERS) DRAIN MAT: NILEX PD-20 OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT 1.5" DEPTH BIRD'S EYE PEA GRAVEL CONCRETE EDGING/SEPARATION 5 PLAY AREA SECTION 1"=1'-0" FIBAR SAFETY SURFACE DEPTH AS PER PLAY STRUCTURE MAN. REQUIREMENTS CONCRETE PAVERSCONCRETE EDGING /SEPARATION GRAVEL SYNLAWN SYNAUGUSTINE 347 ARTIFICIAL TURF - INSTALL AS PER MANUFACTURERS SPECS. HOUSEKEEPING SLAB FOR PLAY EQUIPMENT - SIZE BY MANUFACTURER STRUCTURAL VOID STRUCTURAL VOID MIN. 24" FINES CONCRETE CURB www.synlawn.com ® HIGH-PERFORMANCE COATED TOP DRESSING PER SPECIFICATIONS SECTION1/2" SYNLAWN ARTIFICIAL GRASS ATTACHED TO NAILER WITH #8 3/4” SS PAN HEAD SCREWS 4” O.C. 2” X 4” RECYCLED PLASTIC LUMBER (RPL) PERIMETER NAILER BOARD. ATTACHED TO CURB WITH ONE 4” EXPANSION ANCHOR(S) EVERY 24” O.C. 1/2”-1” FINES CRUSHED AGGREGATE (SPECIFIC TO BEDROCK OF REGION) DRAINAGE MAT WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE STRUCTURAL SLAB NOTES: 1. INSTALLATION TO BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. 2. DO NOT SCALE DRAWING. 3. THIS DRAWING IS INTENDED FOR USE BY ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS, CONTRACTORS, CONSULTANTS AND DESIGN PROFESSIONALS FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY. THIS DRAWING MAY NOT BE USED FOR CONSTRUCTION. 4. ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN WAS CURRENT AT THE TIME OF DEVELOPMENT BUT MUST BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE PRODUCT MANUFACTURER TO BE CONSIDERED ACCURATE. 5. CONTRACTOR'S NOTE: FOR PRODUCT AND COMPANY INFORMATION VISIT www.CADdetails.com/info AND ENTER REFERENCE NUMBER MANUFACTURER NOTES: 1. THE GRASS MUST BE INSTALLED AND SEAMED WITH ADJACENT PIECES RUNNING IN THE SAME DIRECTION; SEAMS SHOULD BE GLUED WITH SUITABLE SEAMING GLUE AND SEAMING CLOTH, NOT ADHESIVE TAPE. 20025L1-5 SYNLAWN ARTIFICIAL GRASS SYNAUGUSTINE 347 W/ SUPER YARN 6 SYNLAWN ROOFDECK SYSTEM 1/2"=1'-0" CHK'D: 20025-8.ZIP DRAWN: DESIGN: SCALE: DATE: PMG PROJECT NUMBER:20-025 OF 5 DRAWING TITLE: MAPLE RIDGE, BC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: DRAWING NUMBER: REVISION DESCRIPTIONNO.DATE DR. 223RD ST & LOUGHEED HWY SEAL: Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is the property of PMG Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission. c CLIENT: LANDSCAPE Burnaby, British Columbia, V5C 6G9 p: 604 294-0011 ; f: 604 294-0022 Suite C100 - 4185 Still Creek Drive ARCHITECTS COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL NEW SITE PLANS120.NOV.05 MM COORDINATION/SUBMISSION220.NOV.20 MM TREE SPECIES/COUNTS321.JAN.14 MM REV. TO TREES & PODIUM422.JAN.12 MM NEW SITE PLANS522.FEB.02 JR NEW SITE PLANS622.FEB.16 MM SECOND FLOOR COORDINATION722.MAY.11 MM PODIUM FLOOR DETAILS L5 20.APR.29 AS NOTED PCM Page 1 of 6 City of Maple Ridge TO: Advisory Design Panel MEETING DATE: July 20, 2022 FILE NO: 2020-432-DP SUBJECT: 12211 & 12229 228 ST PURPOSE: An Advisory Design Panel (ADP) submission has been received for the above cited application and properties located at 12211 and 12229 228 Street to permit the construction of a townhouse development consisting of three (3) separate structures with a combined total of seventeen (17) dwelling units. The proposed building will replace the two (2) existing residential single-family dwellings on the site. The subject properties are under application for rezoning from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential) to support the proposed townhouse development. The rezoning application being processed in conjunction with this proposal was given First Reading by Council on March 30, 2021. The development permit application made to the City is subject to Section 8.11 - Town Centre (North and South View Precinct) Development Permit Area. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Douglas Johnson Legal Description: Lot 8, Section 20, Township 12, New Westminster Plan 14396 Lot 9, Section 20, Township 12, New Westminster Plan 14396 OCP: Existing: Ground-Oriented Multi-Family Proposed: Ground-Oriented Multi-Family Within Urban Area Boundary: Yes Area Plan: Town Centre OCP Major Corridor: Yes Zoning: Existing: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Proposed: RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential) Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Single-Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Designation: Ground-Oriented Multi-Family South: Use: Single-Family Residential Zone: RS-1b (Single Detached (Medium Density) Residential) Designation: Ground-Oriented Multi-Family 6.2 Page 2 of 6 East: Use: Single-Family Residential Zone: RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) / RS-1b (Single Detached (Medium Density) Residential) Designation: Ground-Oriented Multi-Family West: Use: Single-Family Residential Zone: R-3 (Single Detached (Intensive) Urban Residential) Designation: Single-Family Residential Existing Use of Property: Single-Family Residential Proposed Use of Property: Multi-Family Residential Site Area: 2,952.86m2 Access: 228 Street Servicing: Urban Standard DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: The development permit application made to the City prompting this submission to the ADP is subject to the Key Guidelines and the Design Guidelines of Section 8.11 - Town Centre (North and South View Precinct) Development Permit. The proposed RM-1 zone provides for the infill of ground-oriented residential buildings within established residential neighbourhoods in a form that will be incremental and sensitive to the existing and emerging context whilst providing increased desired density in the town centre. The RM-1 zone allows for dwelling units to be in one (1) or more buildings with shared party walls to create townhouses. Dwelling units may also be arranged individually or attached and clustered around a shared open space, in a courtyard residential housing form. Proposed characteristics for townhouses include: • Importance of respecting the neighbourhood context, in terms of size, scale and massing; • Encourage neighbourhoods a mix of housing types at various densities; • Provide a transition from the downtown core to single-family dwellings beyond; • Encouraging building articulation to create a comfortable scale and interesting streetscape; • Providing adequate private and semi-private green space, such as front, back and courtyards; • Pedestrian orientated with main entrances fronting public sidewalks with shallow setbacks; and • Street-friendly façades and semi-public outdoor spaces; Key Guidelines: The following is a brief description and assessment of the proposal’s compliance with the applicable Key Development Permit Guidelines: • Promote North and South View as distinctive, highly livable multi-family neighbourhoods; • Create a pedestrian-friendly, ground oriented, multi-family community; • Maintain cohesive building styles; • Capitalize on important views; • Provide private and semi-private green space; and • Provide climate appropriate landscaping and green features Please see applicant’s response on how the proposal meets the key design guidelines on Appendix C. Page 3 of 6 PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Proposal: The current application proposes to rezone the subject properties from RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RM-1 (Low Rise Townhouse Residential), to permit the development of a seventeen (17) unit townhouse development. The townhouse development will consist of three (3) separate structures which will consist of seventeen (17) dwelling units. The site will be accessed from 228 Street by a 6.0m wide driveway. Building number 1 consists of six (6) dwelling units interior parking abutting 228 Street. Building number 2 is an interior structure which consists of five (5) dwelling units. A playground is adjacent to the North side of building number 2. Building number 3 consists of six (6) dwelling units; all units will have interior double car parking. Below is a summary of the requested variances under Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019. Regulation/Setbacks Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 Proposal (Variance) Front Lot Line 5.0m 3.89 (1.11m) (Projection) Interior Lot Line 6.0m 1.9m (4.1m) (Roof Projection) 3.1m (2.9m) Building Face) Exterior Lot Line 7.5m (Not Applicable) Not Applicable (Interior Lots) Rear Lot Line 7.5m 7.6m (No variance) Building Height 9.5m 9.75m (0.25m) 2. Context: The subject property, once consolidated, is a rectangular shaped lot that is 0.295 ha in size. It is located in the Town Centre Area Plan in a transitionary area between higher density apartments and established single-family neighbourhoods. The subject property and surrounding lots to the north, east and west, are characterized by low (i.e. single storey and basement) single family dwellings. Lots to the south are a mix of single-family dwellings and apartments of up to four (4) storeys. The subject property is relatively flat with vegetation along its edges. Preliminary renderings of the proposal utilized elements from the surrounding neighbourhood, which included gable style roofs. However, the Planning Department’s analysis on the submitted renderings determined that it lacked interesting design elements and dimensions; proposal was found to be too “boxy” and “rectangular”. The Planning Department requested that the applicant submit new drawings that provided modern and interesting architectural elements such as angled roofs, more windows, and greater emphasis on street interfacing. These changes required additional variances which the Planning Department would support in order to achieve the aforementioned design elements. 3. OCP and Zoning Compliance: The subject site is designated Ground-Oriented Multi-Family, and is located within the North View Precinct of the Town Centre Area Plan. Development within the North View Precinct should offer a mix of housing types, densities, and housing choices that cater to people of all ages, family types and income levels. Furthermore, it should provide residents with easy access to transportation choices, shops and services in the Central Business District, which in turn supports the vibrancy and viability of those shops and businesses. Adequate private and semi-private green spaces, such as front and rear yards should also be included, as well as climate appropriate landscaping. This project conforms to the general intent of these guidelines. It increases housing diversity by introducing the townhouse housing form into a neighbourhood almost entirely occupied by single Page 4 of 6 family dwellings. It provides easy access to a range of transportation choices and services in the Town Centre Area. Town Centre Area Plan Policies 3-1 An increase in residential and commercial density is encouraged in the Town Centre. Land- use should include a mix of housing types catering to various demographics, including affordable and special needs housing, within walking distance to a broad mixture of uses, including shops, services, cultural facilities, and recreation. This project increases housing density and diversity by providing two-bedroom (and den) units in close proximity to a range of amenities and services around the Town Centre. It is within walking and cycling distance of the numerous services and restaurants in the Central Business District to the south; Eric Langton Elementary School to the west; and Fletcher Park to the north. 3-18 Ground-Oriented Multi-Family development should be a maximum of three (3) storeys in height, with ground level entry to each unit. The project complies with this policy as it is proposed to be three storeys in height, and has ground-level access. 3-19 Townhouse development typically includes an internal private street for vehicle access to each unit. All townhouse forms of development should include a site size and configuration that allows for two or more units to face directly onto the street; and residential parking provided in a ground level concealed structure. This project complies with this policy. Six units face the street and will include façade treatments that are compatible and respectful of the single-family oriented streetscape. Vehicle parking is provided in garages concealed from the street and located along the internal strata road. Furthermore, the applicant should ensure that the fencing and landscaping of the two front yards facing the street create a useful semi-private space for residents, an attractive streetscape, and a pleasant transition between the street and private space. The proposed RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential) zone permits a density of 0.6. However, additional density up to a maximum of 0.75 times the lot area may be obtained for Townhouse Residential Uses within the Town Centre. An amount not to exceed 0.15 times the lot area may be added to the Floor Space Ratio for providing a cash contribution at a rate of $344.46 per square metre ($32.00 per square foot) as a Density Bonus. The density (floor space ratio) of the proposed townhouse development is 0.73. A Development Data Sheet (Appendix D) analyses the compliance of the project with the applicable regulations of the proposed zone. The following variances will be required: Regulation/Setbacks Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 Proposal (Variance) Front Lot Line 5.0m 3.89 (1.11m) (Projection) Interior Lot Line 6.0m 1.9m (4.1m) (Roof Projection) 3.1m (2.9m) Building Face) Exterior Lot Line 7.5m (Not Applicable) Not Applicable (Interior Lots) Rear Lot Line 7.5m 7.6m (No variance) Building Height 9.5m 9.75m (0.25m) Page 5 of 6 4. Parking and bicycle storage: The RM-1 zone requires 2.0 off-street parking and 0.2 visitor off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit. Additionally, the number of short-term bicycle parking spaces required is 3.0; the development will need to provide this on site. Long-term bicycle parking is being accommodated in the parking garage of each dwelling unit. 1.0 Electric Vehicle charging off-street parking space is required per dwelling unit capable of level 2 charging. 1.0 accessible off-street parking space is will be required to meet the requirements as per Bylaw No. 4350-1990 (Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw). The required parking for the proposed use is analyzed in the Development Data Sheet (Appendix F) 5. Environmental, Sustainability & Stormwater Management: The proposed townhouse development will incorporate a diversity of vegetation into the site design. Off-street parking regulations will require that there be at least seventeen (17) (1.0/dwelling unit) roughed in electrical connections capable of achieving level 2 charging for electric vehicles. Stormwater management plans (Appendix F) as attached. The City will ensure that stormwater management plans meet City requirements. The ADP is being requested to comment on such plans for future consideration. 6. Issues requiring comments from ADP: None. 7. Garbage/Recycling: Garbage and recycling may be stored in the garage of each unit; however, the collection location will have to be determined with the individual waste hauler. 8. Works along abutting roads: Include new curb, gutter, sidewalk, new sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer connections; street lighting; street trees on all frontages; under-ground wiring for utility services to be under- ground. 9. Off Site Upgrades, Utilities and Services: Possible upgrades/installation of the City’s water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer infrastructure may be required subject to additional analysis by the civil engineer. Specific information regarding the type of upgrades are still being determined. Page 6 of 6 CONCLUSION: The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal, specifically with respect to the suitability and design of façade materials, building articulation, interface with the street, and landscaping of this development, and integration with the surrounding neighbourhood. The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. ______________________________________________ Prepared by: Tyson Baker, B.Pl. The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A Subject map Appendix B Explanatory letter from Architect (and Landscape Architect if applicable) Appendix C ADP Submission Form Appendix C ADP Applicant Checklist (signed by Architect) Appendix D Development Data Sheet (signed by Architect) Appendix E DP Area Guidelines Checklist Appendix F Architectural and Landscaping Plans DATE: Jan 4, 2021FILE: 2020-432-RZ 12211/29 228 STREET004-440-005 / 009-946-357 City of PittMeadows District ofLangley District of MissionFRASER R. ^PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT PROPERTIES ´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: BD Paddington Properties #625-10833 160 Street, Surrey, BC V4N 1P3 604-562-7287 | pav@paddingtonproperties.ca May 5, 2022 City of Maple Ridge – Development Planning 11995 Haney Pl Maple Ridge, BC, V2X 6A9 RE: ADP Cover Letter – 12211 and 12229 228 Street - Planning File No. 2020-432 Paddington Properties has acquired 12211 and 12229 228 Street and proposed to permit the development of 17 Townhouses. Our proposal package includes the following items: 1. ADP Submission Form 2. Architectural Plans 3. Development Permit Area Checklist 4. Site and Neighborhood Context Plan 5. Landscaping Plans 6. Site Grading Plans SITE DETAILS • Location: 12211 and 12229 228 Street • Legal: Lot 8 and 9, Section: 20, Township: 12, Plan: NWP14396 • Gross Site Area: 0.78 Acres (33,982.11 Sq. Feet) • Net Site Area: 0.73 Acres (31,784.36 Sq. Feet) • Official Community Plan: Town Center Area Plan • Zoning: From RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) to RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential) • Road network Considerations: 228 Street (Local Road) and 5.0m Road Dedication PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS The proposed development is in an area where land use is regulated by the Town Center Area Plan. The subject site is bounded by 228 Street to the east, and existing dwellings to the other three sides. Overall rectangular in shape and measuring at 0.78 acres of gross land, the site comprises of two single family properties noted above which will be consolidated and developed into townhouses. The buildings will be at-grade with no in-ground Town Center Plan Plan Amendment Rationale P age 2 | 3 basements. Site topography is generally flatlying as per the Geotechnical Report and does not have any environmental concerns. ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPING DESIGN RATIONALE We are proposing 17 townhouse units for this proposed development. All units are slab on grade, three storeys in height and have: • 3 bedrooms plus flex room / den • 2.5 bathrooms • 2 car garages + 4 visitor stalls • Large private green spaces and ground patios • Large balconies on main level The proposed development respects the intent of the Town Center Area Plan design guidelines. Units and buildings are designed to be traditional craftsman style with cedar accents throughout the project development. Each unit has been carefully detailed with a wide variation of architectural features to provide more visual interest and to avoid significant repetition between adjacent rows and units. As seen on Sheet ADP-6.11, we have incorporated various materials and colours including hardie board, hardie panels and cedar accents. Our project also designed buildings to maximize sound attenuation by incorporating trees and landscaping between the units, public roads and adjacent lands, and adding a 1.5m sidewalk between Buildings 2 and 3 to increase the setback and privacy. We are also proposing a centralized 105.44 sq.m outdoor amenity area which includes a cottage deluxe play structure, log climbers, steppers, and permeable pathways for all age groups to enjoy. SUSTAINABILITY PRACTICES The environment sustains our community. Individual buildings can have significant direct and indirect effects on the environment. Fish habitat quality, greenhouse gas emissions, landfills, water consumption, energy consumption, etc. are all related to how we design, build and use our buildings. Achieving a more environmentally friendly development requires an integrated approach. All major participants involved in the design and construction of the building should collaborate in the preparation of the Environmental considerations of the Sustainability Strategy. This includes the client /developer, architect, landscape architect, general contractor, civil, mechanical, electrical, energy and other related / required engineers. The project has been and will continue to be designed according to solid sustainable design principles, including integrated design, with a goal to use technologies which are practical and readily transferable to all development projects Town Center Plan Plan Amendment Rationale P age 3 | 3 The key principles of sustainability that have been considered & incorporated in our current design are: 1. Electric vehicle amenities – garages within units will include an EV rough-in encouraging the reduction of fossil fuel consumption and environmental pollution 2. Storm water management - including o on-site retention strategies o permeable paving throughout development 3. Water preservation - reduced water consumption based on low flow plumbing fixtures. o Use of low flow toilet and shower heads can save up to 52,000 litres of water per year. 4. The mechanical system will work in conjunction with the envelope delivering energy conservation, comfort, and a high degree of personal control. 5. Indoor / outdoor integration – each main living space has provisions for outdoor access in the form of a garden, patio or deck. 6. Natural lighting - there is no room / floor area without natural lighting 7. Natural ventilation – each room / living space has operable windows or doors which can generate adequate cross ventilation. 8. Low VOC for exterior and interior finishes / materials. We look forward to discussing this project further with you. Regards, Pav Sikham, President Paddington Properties 10833 160 Street, Surrey, BC V4N 1P3 604-562-7287 | pav@paddingtonproperties.ca May 11, 2022 Attention: Nathan Guevara Re: Design Rationale for Townhouse development at 12211 and 12229 228 Street, Maple Ridge, BC The landscape design proposes an urban face to the development on the ground floors with unique paving identifying entrances and special paving at driveway entries. Each residence enjoys a private patio garden with room for furnishings by the homeowner. Planting includes trees and a wide variety of seasonably interesting shrubs, ground covers, and perennials and will provide passive shading to the southern exposure of the units. Trees offer contextual beauty and enhance of wildlife habitat. The current site layout provides for safe onsite circulation for vehicles and pedestrian traffic with convenient access to all building entries. More than adequate parking has been provided with at least two spaces per unit including four visitor stalls in total. The outdoor amenity space provides programming for different age groups while keeping them apart. Landscape buffer has been created at the perimeter of the space to separate the outdoor amenity area from the other common areas. A trellis covered seating area provide opportunities for outdoor activities during bad weather. A rubber-surfaced open space sits in between the play area and the seating area will allow for multi-functional activities. We believe the proposed design maximizes the potential of the site while providing many sustainability attributes and promoting a form and character that is suited to the local neighbourhood. Bahareh Nassiri For Meredith Mitchell M2 Landscape architecture 2022-05-31 Meredith Mitchell DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Existing /Proposed Zone _____________ Date Prepared __________ Proposed (Complies or state variance needed) Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total Less Road Widening / Truncations Less Park Net Total LOT COVERAGE (in % of net lot area) Total Site Coverage SETBACKS (in metres) Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) SETBACKS – Underground Structures (in metres) Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal Accessory NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor One Bedroom Two Bedroom Three Bedroom + Total GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential Retail Commercial Office Commercial Other Commercial (Type _________________) Institutional Industrial TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA * If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. N EXTERIOR SIDE S INTERIOR SIDE RM-1 05-30-2022 3157.04 204.18 - 2952.86 31% 7.5M 6.00M 7.5M 8.00M 7.5M 7.40M 7.5M 3.40M NA - NA - - - - 10.9M 9.75M 11 M - NA NA NA 17 17 2260.17 NA NA NA NA NA 2260.17 Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Guide for Advisory Design Panel Members Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part II: Section Objectives Checklist 1 FOR ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL MEMBERS Pursuant with Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, development in the Town Centre will be assessed against the Maple Ridge Town Centre Area Development Permit Guidelines. See the guidelines in Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan for the full list and description of development permit guidelines. This checklist is intended to aid in the Advisory Design panel in the review of Town Centre development applications (either in collective discussion during monthly meetings or individually). PART II: SECTION OBJECTIVES A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height a. Promote a cohesive building expression and strong pedestrian oriented urban realm in Maple Ridge Town Centre by ensuring new buildings, renovations and/or additions have consistent architectural and urban design setbacks, form, mass, and height. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: b. Help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: c. Provide a consistent and complementary scale of building form in accordance with the Development Permit Area Guidelines. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: B. Building Façades, Materials and Colour d. Ensure additions, renovations and/or new infill projects in the Town Centre have a coherent architectural design concept where windows, doors, siding material and other façade elements create a pleasing composition compatible with surrounding buildings, commercial and neighbourhood character. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: e. Enhance the architectural and massing concept of a building as well as the quality, character and vibrancy of the urban environment of the Town Centre through the use of harmonious, quality materials and colours. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: Each unit is unique and introduces different colours and materials, ranging from hardie board, hardie plank, cedar accents, blacks, greys, and white colour palettes. We have introduced various materials (hardie board, hardie plank, cedar accents) throughout the buildings to help reduce overall bulk of buildings. Overall layout of the site allow for open area including the pathway in between buildings 2 and 3 Noted and refer to rationale letter. Noted and refer to rationale letter. Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Guide for Advisory Design Panel Members Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part II: Section Objectives Checklist 2 f. Screen rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment and trash storage from public view and thereby ensure commercial and mixed-use buildings maintain an attractive appearance to the street. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C. Building Site Considerations g. Ensure public outdoor spaces are designed so that they improve use and activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, increase safety and provide more attractive, functional outdoor spaces in the Town Centre. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: h. Provide street trees and landscape elements that reinforce the ‘urban’ character and vibrancy of the Town Centre, enrich the pedestrian friendly character of the streets in the district, and integrate this important commercial and higher density residential area with the character and quality of the surrounding residential neighbourhood. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: i. Ensure parking lots are designed to be accessible, but do not intrude upon the surrounding residential area, nor the urban, pedestrian-oriented quality of the Town Centre. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: j. Ensure service loading and mechanical equipment are designed to protect the surrounding businesses and residential areas from unsightly, noisy, and noxious environments. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: k. Ensure outdoor spaces consider appropriate orientation for solar access and human comfort, in accordance with the Development Permit Guidelines. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: FURTHER COMMENTS: Not applicable for this particular development. Common outdoor amenity area is designed with play area,log climbers,trellies and landscape feature for its optimal use. Visitor parking stalls have been utilized for the most efficient use of the site. See site plan attached. Noted and refer to rationale letter.See landscape drawings attached. Not applicable The proposed development is designed considering all the DP guidelines Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines North and South View Precincts Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines 1 Pursuant with Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan, development in the Town Centre will be assessed against the following form and character and green building design guidelines. The guidelines apply to Ground- Oriented Multi Family; Low-Rise Apartment; Medium & High-Rise Apartment; Flexible Mixed-Use; Town Centre Commercial; Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial & Waterfront; and Port Haney Heritage Adaptive Use. See the guidelines in Section 8.11 of the Official Community Plan for a detailed list and descriptions of development permit area guidelines. These guidelines are intended to aid in the review of development permits in the Town Centre and are to be completed by the architect of record for the project. The project will be reviewed for consistency with the guidelines by the Planning Department and the Advisory Design Panel. In the checklist, you are only required to address the guidelines with the icon that relates to your project: TCC = Town Centre Commercial (commercial developments only) MU = Mixed-Use (ground-oriented developments, with commercial on the ground level and either offices or residential above) MFR = Multi-Family Residential (ground-oriented developments and low-rise, medium-rise, and high-rise apartments) Precinct Key Guidelines and Green Building Design Guidelines must also be completed for projects within the Town Centre. Development and Design Objectives The following summarizes the development and design objectives for each section on the following checklist. A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height • To promote a cohesive building style and strong pedestrian oriented urban realm in Maple Ridge Town Centre by ensuring new buildings, renovations and/or additions have consistent architectural and urban design setbacks, form, mass, and height. • To help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces. B. Building Façades, Materials and Colour • To ensure additions, renovations and/or new infill projects in the Town Centre have a coherent architectural design concept where windows, doors, siding material and other façade elements create a pleasing composition compatible with surrounding buildings, commercial and neighbourhood character. • To enhance the architectural and massing concepts of a building as well as the quality, character and vibrancy of the urban environment of the Town Centre through the use of harmonious, quality materials and colours. • To screen rooftop and ground mounted mechanical equipment and trash storage from public view and thereby ensure commercial and mixed-used buildings maintain an attractive appearance to the street. C. Building Site Considerations • To ensure public outdoor spaces are designed so that they improve use and activities, incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, increase safety and provide more attractive, functional outdoor spaces in the Town Centre. • To provide street trees and landscape elements that reinforce the ‘urban’ character and vibrancy of the Town Centre, enrich the pedestrian friendly character of streets in the district, and integrate this important commercial and higher density residential area with the character and quality of the surrounding residential neighbourhood. • To ensure parking lots are designed to be accessible, but do not intrude upon the surrounding residential area, nor the urban, pedestrian-oriented quality of the Town Centre. • To facilitate off-street parking and car storage at the rear of commercial and mixed-use buildings to maintain street inter-connectivity, traditional use of the lane as a service street, and to provide a secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway in the Town Centre. • To ensure service loading and mechanical equipment is designed to protect the surrounding businesses and residential areas from unsightly, noisy and noxious environments. Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist 2 Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Applicable A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height A.1 Building Mass and Form A1.1 Maintain the mass and scale of buildings TCC MU MFR A1.2 Enhance the block with corner commercial buildings TCC MU A1.3 Accent corner buildings TCC MU MFR A1.4 Use pedestrian-scale design elements TCC MU A1.5 Feature pedestrian amenities TCC MU MFR A1.6 Design large buildings into smaller modules TCC MU MFR A1.7 Accommodate street-fronting units TCC MU MFR A1.9 Ensure appropriate roof pitch TCC MU MFR A1.10 Use design elements to reduce roof mass and scale TCC MU MFR A.2 Building Heights A2.1 Vary building heights TCC MU MFR A2.2 Maintain alignment of architectural features TCC MU MFR A2.3 Integrate taller buildings TCC MU MFR A2.4 Step back taller buildings TCC MU MFR A2.5 Match building heights at the end of blocks TCC MU MFR A2.6 Manage phased development TCC MU MFR A2.7 Protect views TCC MU MFR A.3 Building Setbacks A3.1 Place buildings to reinforce sidewalk activity TCC MU MFR A3.2 Situate building entrances for visibility TCC MU MFR A3.3 Provide adequate throughways and lighting TCC MU MFR A3.4 Provide clear sight lines from building foyers and lobbies to allow visual surveillance TCC MU MFR A3.5 Separate residential entrances from commercial entrances MU A3.6 Respect existing buildings TCC MU MFR A3.7 Distinguish entrances with arrival areas and courtyards TCC MU MFR A3.8 Locate ramps and entrances in areas that are highly visible TCC MU MFR Explain how the objectives for Building Setbacks, Form, Mass and Height are met. If you have selected “no” or “not applicable”, explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. The subject site is proposed for townhome development where some of the guideline/checklist are not applicable. Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist 3 Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Applicable B. Building Façades, Materials and Colour B.1 Building Façade B1.1 Address both sides of the block with corner commercial buildings TCC MU B1.2 Orient main entrances to face the sidewalk TCC MU MFR B1.3 Locate windows, doors, and entry features at the street level TCC MU MFR B1.4 Use a mix of common facade patterns and elements TCC MU MFR B1.5 Reflect original façades and building scale TCC MU MFR B1.6 Respect original architectural elements TCC MU MFR B1.7 Respect old and new design TCC MU MFR B1.8 Maintain the horizontal rhythm of the street wall TCC MU MFR B1.9 Provide a visual division between the street level and upper floors TCC MU MFR B1.10 Include continuous canopies, awnings or overhangs TCC MU B1.11 Ensure appropriate placement and materials for awnings or canopies TCC MU B1.13 Use windows to provide ‘eyes on the street’ TCC MU MFR B1.14 Enhance the public realm TCC MU MFR B1.15 Ensure signage reflects building scale, character, and materials TCC MU B.3 Building Materials B3.1 Enhance the public realm with high quality materials and detailing TCC MU MFR B3.2 Use materials consistently TCC MU MFR B3.3 Avoid the use of inappropriate materials TCC MU MFR B3.6 Use a mix of quality materials TCC MU MFR B.4 Building Colours B4.1 Select appropriate colours TCC MU MFR B4.2 Highlight architectural details, awnings, and entrances TCC MU MFR B4.3 Ensure a cohesive, consistent colour palette TCC MU MFR B.5 Screening and Storage B5.1 Locate and enclose trash, composting, and recycling to keep out of site of general public TCC MU MFR B5.2 Screen mechanical equipment TCC MU MFR B5.3 Avoid conflict with neighbouring properties TCC MU MFR B5.4 Locate building ventilation systems to minimize noise and exhaust TCC MU MFR Explain how the objectives for Building Façades, Materials and Colour are met. If you have selected “no” or “not applicable”, explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. Mechnical area is designed at garage level for all individual units under stair and enclosed with door. The location will not conflict with the noise issue. Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist 4 Meet Guidelines: Yes No Not Applicable C. Building Site Considerations C.1 Public Outdoor Space and Hardscapes C1.1 Provide public outdoor space TCC MU MFR C1.2 Ensure public outdoor space is highly visible TCC MU MFR C1.3 Provide connections between buildings, sidewalks, and outdoor open spaces TCC MU MFR C1.4 Ensure universal access for all public spaces TCC MU MFR C1.6 Provide hardscape elements to enhance the street environment TCC MU MFR C1.7 Design hardscape elements as part of the building TCC MU MFR C1.8 Integrate pedestrian amenities with walls and/or landscaped areas TCC MU MFR C1.9 Provide public art TCC MU MFR C1.10 Ensure new elements complement existing TCC MU MFR C1.12 Provide smooth routes TCC MU MFR C1.13 Ensure barrier-free access TCC MU MFR C.2 Parking and Parking Lots C2.1 Provide required parking underground, where feasible TCC MU MFR C2.2 Screen large surface parking lots while maintaining surveillance TCC MU MFR C2.3 Maximize pedestrian safety within parking lots TCC MU MFR C2.4 Provide visible signage TCC MU MFR C2.5 Consider developing underground parking garages TCC MU MFR C2.7 Locate parking lot equipment away from the public street TCC MU MFR C.3 Lanes, Service and Loading Areas C3.1 Use lanes for service, parking access and loading TCC MU MFR C3.2 Utilize lanes as secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughways TCC MU MFR C3.3 Strengthen visual access of the lane TCC MU MFR C3.5 Consider lanes as a community amenity TCC MU MFR C3.7 Locate loading and service areas away from the street front TCC MU MFR C3.8 Separate loading from parking and pedestrian paths TCC MU MFR C3.9 Screen loading areas TCC MU C.4 Street Trees and Landscape C4.2 Use the right species TCC MU MFR C4.8 Maintain sight lines TCC MU MFR Explain how the objectives for Building Site Considerations are met. If you have selected “no” or “not applicable”, explain why the guideline does not apply to your project or why it cannot be met. Some of the guidelines/checklist is not applicable for the proposed townhome development. Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines North and South View Precinct Key Guidelines Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for the North & South View Precincts 5 KEY GUIDELINE CONCEPTS 1. Promote North and South View as Distinctive, Highly Liveable Multi-Family Neighbourhoods a. Does proposed development help to establish the precinct as a residential area with a mix of housing types at varying densities? • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 2. Create Pedestrian-Friendly, Ground-Oriented, Multi-Family Community b. Does the building’s form and mass support a strong pedestrian-oriented urban realm and help define the street and sidewalk areas as active public spaces? Taller buildings should be stepped back podium style. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 3. Maintain Cohesive Building Styles c. Is there consistency with other new buildings in the precinct in terms of architecture, building setbacks, form, mass, and height? • Consistent: Yes No N/A Explain: 4. Capitalize on Important Views d. Does proposed new development capitalize on mountain and/or river views? • Consistent: Yes No Not Applicable Explain: e. Have the important views of existing buildings been considered in relation to the proposed development? • Consistent: Yes No Not Applicable Explain: 5. Provide Private and Semi-Private Green Space f. Does proposed development include front and back courtyards (in multi-family developments) and incorporate universal access, reduce vandalism, and increase safety in the design? • Consistent: Yes No Explain: Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines North and South View Precinct Key Guidelines Maple Ridge Town Centre DP Part I: Key Guideline Concepts for the North & South View Precincts 6 6. Provide Climate Appropriate Landscaping and Green Features g. Are landscape elements designed to enrich the pedestrian environment, moderate the internal building climate, manage stormwater on site, and reference the architectural quality of the building(s)? • Consistent: Yes No Explain: 7. Maintain Street Interconnectivity h. Does proposed development maintain street interconnectivity and the use of the lane as a service street and secondary vehicular and pedestrian throughway? • Consistent: Yes No Not Applicable Explain: i. Is required parking provided underground? • Consistent: Yes No Explain: Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 7 A. Building Setbacks, Form, Mass, and Height A1.8 Design flexible ground-floor unit spaces in commercial and mixed-use buildings. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: A1.11 Accommodate roof gardens, trellises, and green features. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: A2.8 Site buildings to capitalize on daylight and solar opportunities. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: A2.9 Protect solar access to surrounding buildings and minimize wind tunnel effects. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: B. Building Façades, Materials, and Colour B1.12 Use exterior shading devices to block summer sun. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: B2.1 Design outdoor lighting to minimize light pollution. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: B2.2 Encourage energy efficient lighting. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: B3.4 Select environmentally responsible building materials. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: B3.5 Minimize the use of unsustainable building materials. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 8 B3.7 Consider life-cycle cost. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C. Building Site Considerations C1.5 Locate outdoor plazas to capture the sun. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C1.11 Use materials that are functional, durable and include recycled or salvaged content. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C1.14 Encourage use of infiltration techniques. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C2.6 Locate adequate priority parking in visible areas convenient to entrances. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C2.8 Use permeable pavement and infiltration devices on appropriate sites. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C2.9 Provide shade trees and landscaping. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C2.10 Provide secure and sheltered bicycle storage facilities for short-term uses. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C2.11 Provide long-term bicycle parking. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 9 C2.12 Provide end-of-trip facilities. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C3.4 Minimize impervious paving of the lane. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C3.6 Respect existing grades. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.1 Plant street trees. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.3 Minimize use of high maintenance plants. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.4 Maximize the use of native and climate appropriate species. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.5 Consider the inclusion of community gardens. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.6 Design and place landscape to facilitate year round moderation of the internal building climate. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.7 Minimize erosion potential. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: Town Centre Development Permit Area Guidelines Green Building Techniques Maple Ridge Town Centre Green Building Design Guidelines 10 C4.9 Provide adequate landscape maintenance. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.10 Consider incorporating landscape plantings for green features. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.11 Incorporate low impact stormwater features. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.12 Consider rainwater collection for re-use. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.13 Use natural plantings and green space to support habitat. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: C4.14 Retain existing mature trees. • Consistent: Yes No Explain: CONTEXT MAP DP-0.01 1 N.T.S NTS SHEET INDEX SHEET NO.ARCHITECTURAL CONTEXT MAP PROJECT SITE 12229 - TOWNHOUSES 12229, 12211 - 228 ST MAPLE RIDGE, B.C, CANADA DATA SHEET ADP0-01 DRAWING NO. DATA SHEET 12229 - TOWNHOUSES PROJECT NO. 722063 PLOT DATE SCALE NTS DRAWING ISSUE DRAWING TITLE PROJECT THIS DRAWING, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS THE PROPERTY OF KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD, THE COPYRIGHT IN THE SAME BEING RESERVED TO THEM. NO REPRODUCTION IS ALLOWED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD AND WHEN MADE MUST BEAR ITS NAME. THIS DRAWING IS NOT TO BE SCALED. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND DATA NOTED HEREIN WITH THE CONDITIONS ON SITE AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY TO KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD FOR ADJUSTMENT. SEAL PERMIT STAMP CONSULTANT DRAWN REVIEWED REVISION ISSUED FOR DP SUBMISSION 7680-202A ST. LANGLEY CITY, B.C. CANADA. REV.YYYY-MM-DD REVISION / DRAWING ISSUE REVIEW - 1500 West Georgia Street, Suite 1685Kasian Architecture Interior Design and Planning Ltd www.kasian.com Vancouver, BC Canada V6G 2Z6 T 604 683 4145 F 604 683 2827 1 2020-12-07 ISSUED FOR REZONING 2 2021-06-08 ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION 30-May-22 COVER PAGE ADP-0.01 DATA SHEET BASE PLAN SITE PLAN SITE PLAN SHOWS ALL OPEN AREAS CONTEXT PLAN ADP-0.02 ADP-2.10 ADP-2.11 ADP-2.12 ADP-2.13 ADP-2.14 ADP-2.15 ADP-2.16 ADP-2.17 ADP-3.11 ADP-3.12 ADP-3.13 ADP-5.11 ADP-6.11 ADP-2.21 ADP-3.14 PHOTO BOARD MATERIAL BOARD SITE SECTION -01 SITE SECTION -02 SIGNAGE DETAIL BUILDING FLOOR PLAN BUILDING FLOOR PLAN STREET SCAPE VIEW STREET SCAPE VIEW WITH LANDSCAPE BUILDING ELEVATIONS COLOR ELEVATIONS 3D VIEWADP-0.03 3D VIEWADP-0.04 DRAWING NO.PROJECT NO. PLOT DATESCALEDRAWING ISSUEDRAWING TITLEPROJECTSEALPERMIT STAMPCONSULTANTDRAWNREVIEWEDREVISION1500 West Georgia Street, Suite 1685Kasian ArchitectureInterior Designand Planning Ltdwww.kasian.comVancouver, BC Canada V6G 2Z6T 604 683 4145 F 604 683 2827ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION230-05-2022ADP-0.02COVER PAGE12229 - TOWNHOUSES722063AuthorChecker12229, 12211 228ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC, CANADA12229122291222912229----town houses town houses town houses town houses 12229 12211 228st mapleridge,bc,canada 12229 12211 228st mapleridge,bc,canada 12229 12211 228st mapleridge,bc,canada 12229 12211 228st mapleridge,bc,canada REV. YYYY-MM-DD REVISION / DRAWING ISSUE REVIEW1 2020-12-07 ISSUED FOR REZONING2 2021-06-08 ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION DRAWING NO.PROJECT NO. PLOT DATESCALEDRAWING ISSUEDRAWING TITLEPROJECTTHIS DRAWING, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS THE PROPERTY OF KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD, THE COPYRIGHT IN THE SAME BEING RESERVED TO THEM. NO REPRODUCTION IS ALLOWED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD AND WHEN MADE MUST BEAR ITS NAME.THIS DRAWING IS NOT TO BE SCALED. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND DATA NOTED HEREIN WITH THE CONDITIONS ON SITE AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY TO KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD FOR ADJUSTMENT.SEALPERMIT STAMPCONSULTANTDRAWNREVIEWEDREVISION1500 West Georgia Street, Suite 1685Kasian ArchitectureInterior Designand Planning Ltdwww.kasian.comVancouver, BC Canada V6G 2Z6T 604 683 4145 F 604 683 2827ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION230-05-2022ADP-0.033D RENDERED VIEW12229 - TOWNHOUSES722063AuthorChecker12229, 12211 228ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC, CANADAREV. YYYY-MM-DD REVISION / DRAWING ISSUE REVIEW1 2020-12-07 ISSUED FOR REZONING2 2021-06-08 ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSIONBUILDING 01, 02 & 03 BIRD EYE RENDER VIEW DRAWING NO.PROJECT NO. PLOT DATESCALEDRAWING ISSUEDRAWING TITLEPROJECTTHIS DRAWING, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS THE PROPERTY OF KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD, THE COPYRIGHT IN THE SAME BEING RESERVED TO THEM. NO REPRODUCTION IS ALLOWED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD AND WHEN MADE MUST BEAR ITS NAME.THIS DRAWING IS NOT TO BE SCALED. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND DATA NOTED HEREIN WITH THE CONDITIONS ON SITE AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY TO KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD FOR ADJUSTMENT.SEALPERMIT STAMPCONSULTANTDRAWNREVIEWEDREVISION1500 West Georgia Street, Suite 1685Kasian ArchitectureInterior Designand Planning Ltdwww.kasian.comVancouver, BC Canada V6G 2Z6T 604 683 4145 F 604 683 2827ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION231-05-2022ADP-0.043D RENDERED VIEW12229 - TOWNHOUSES722063AuthorChecker12229, 12211 228ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC, CANADAREV. YYYY-MM-DD REVISION / DRAWING ISSUE REVIEW1 2020-12-07 ISSUED FOR REZONING2 2021-06-08 ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSIONBUILDING 01, 02 & 03 STREE RENDER VIEW ROAD DEDICATION153.91'153.91'153.91'153.91'(46.91 m)(46.91 m)(46.91 m)(46.91 m)218.74'218.74'218.74'218.74'(66.67 m)(66.67 m)(66.67 m)(66.67 m)204.46'204.46'204.46'204.46'(62.32 m)(62.32 m)(62.32 m)(62.32 m)79.48'79.48'79.48'79.48'(24.23 m)(24.23 m)(24.23 m)(24.23 m)205.93'205.93'205.93'205.93'(62.77 m)(62.77 m)(62.77 m)(62.77 m)79.47'79.47'79.47'79.47'(24.22 m)(24.22 m)(24.22 m)(24.22 m)104.32'104.32'104.32'104.32'(31.80 m)(31.80 m)(31.80 m)(31.80 m)59.54'59.54'59.54'59.54'(18.15 m)(18.15 m)(18.15 m)(18.15 m) 154.01'154.01'154.01'154.01'(46.94 m)(46.94 m)(46.94 m)(46.94 m)5.00 m5.00 m5.00 m5.00 mLOT: 12229LOT: 12211LOT: 12203LOT: 12201220.60'220.60'220.60'220.60'(67.24 m)(67.24 m)(67.24 m)(67.24 m)FUTURE LOTS154.01'154.01'154.01'154.01'(46.94 m)(46.94 m)(46.94 m)(46.94 m)DRAWING NO.PROJECT NO. PLOT DATESCALEDRAWING ISSUEDRAWING TITLEPROJECTTHIS DRAWING, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS THE PROPERTY OF KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD, THE COPYRIGHT IN THE SAME BEING RESERVED TO THEM. NO REPRODUCTION IS ALLOWED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD AND WHEN MADE MUST BEAR ITS NAME.THIS DRAWING IS NOT TO BE SCALED. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND DATA NOTED HEREIN WITH THE CONDITIONS ON SITE AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY TO KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD FOR ADJUSTMENT.SEALPERMIT STAMPCONSULTANTDRAWNREVIEWEDREVISION1500 West Georgia Street, Suite 1685Kasian ArchitectureInterior Designand Planning Ltdwww.kasian.comVancouver, BC Canada V6G 2Z6T 604 683 4145 F 604 683 28273/32" = 1'-0"ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION230-05-2022ADP-2.10BASE PLAN12229 - TOWNHOUSES722063AuthorChecker12229, 12211 228ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC, CANADA3/32" = 1'-0"ADP-2.10BASE PLAN1NREV. YYYY-MM-DD REVISION / DRAWING ISSUE REVIEW1 2020-12-07 ISSUED FOR REZONING2 2021-06-08 ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION 67.01M24.23M 46.94M3.44M 36.12M 7.38M PMTCITY SIDEWAL.5.00 M ROAD DEDICATION ENTRYE;IT 1.00M⅊⅊⅊⅊⅊⅊⅊⅊⅊N⅊⅊YARDYARDYARDYARDYARDYARDYARDYARDYARDYARDYARDYARDYARDYARDYARDYARDYARDUNITA1UNITAUNITA2UNITA2UNITAUNITA1UNITAUNITAUNITA1UNITA1UNITAUNITA1UNITA2UNITA2UNITA2UNITAUNITA2%UILDING 01%UILDING 02%UILDING 03FT+42.60+42.70+42.76+42.80+42.90+42.96 +42.60+42.76+42.80+42.90+42.96 6.40M R 3 . 0 0 m 6.00m WIDE DRIVEWAYLOT: 12243LOT: 12229LOT: 122991.2 M HIGHRETAINING WALL1712071106019.32M9.32M9.32M9.32M9.32M9.32M3.41M PMTFTFUTURE LAYOUTLOT: 12201ENTRYE;IT 228 St.122 AVE040201LOT: 12203VPVPVPFT DISTANCE 38.25m1.5m SIDEWAL.OUTDOORAMENITY.AREA 66.03S4.MT1.5m SIDEWAL.⅊⅊⅊⅊LOT: 122118.81M8.81M7.38M 6.32MUPPER FLOORPRO-ECTIONSET%AC.SET%AC.SET%AC.SET%AC. 7.38M SET%AC. 7.08M UPPER FLOOR PRO-ECTIONOUTDOORAMENITY.AREA 84.22S4.MT7.60MUPPER FLOORPRO-ECTION7.91MUPPER FLOORPRO-ECTION1.90MUPPER ROOFPRO-ECTION 7.00MUPPER FLOORPRO-ECTION 1.5m SIDEWAL. 6.02M6.02M 30.10M 6.10m WIDE DRIVEWAY 36.12M MAIL%O;ES02DP4.12 02DP4.129.32M6.02M 6.02M6.02M 6.02M LEGENDSET%AC. LINEPRO-ECTION LINEPROPERTY LINENEW PROPERTYLINE6.00m WIDE DRIVEWAYVPELEC.CLOSETVPVPN⅊1.39M6.07MGFE-43.45GDE-42.52GFE-43.45GDE-42.62GFE-43.45GDE-42.76GFE-43.45GDE-42.72GFE-43.45GDE-42.82GFE-43.45GDE-43.056.02M0.91M6.07MPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIO0.30M 6.27M3.11M 3.11MFUTURE DEVELOPMENT0342.98 T42.93 42.8541.78 42.83 42.78 42.73 42.6742.6342.6042.5342.3342.64 T41.44 THIGH PT42.7342.6342.5342.5642.5242.6042.7042.8042. 6 2 42. 6 8 4 2 . 7 2 4 2 . 8 2 42. 9 042.9743. 3 6 43. 9 2 42. 6 8 42. 9 6 3.89M5.60MGFE-43.45GDE-42.60GFE-43.45GDE-42.65GFE-43.45GDE-42.70GFE-43.45GDE-42.72GFE-43.45GDE-42.82GFE-43.45GDE-43.05GDE-42.76GDE-42.72GDE-42.82GDE-43.05GFE-43.45GFE-43.45GFE-43.45GFE-43.45GFE-43.458.08MGDE-42.6242.7542.8542.9543.0543.2043.306.05MSET%AC.6.19MNSET%AC.6.10M6.55M11.53MF.T DISTANCE 39.27M F.T DISTANCE 43.28M 3.11M %AY PRO-ECTION %AY PRO-ECTION %AYPRO-ECTION 3.25M1.57M11'-214"SITE PLANDP-2.1111/16" = 1'-0"ADP2-11DRAWING NO.SITE PLAN12229 - TOWNHOUSESPROJECT NO.722063PLOT DATESCALENTSDRAWING ISSUEDRAWING TITLEPROJECTTHIS DRAWING, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS THE PROPERTY OF KASIANARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD, THE COPYRIGHT IN THE SAMEBEING RESERVED TO THEM. NO REPRODUCTION IS ALLOWED WITHOUT THEPERMISSION OF KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD ANDWHEN MADE MUST BEAR ITS NAME.THIS DRAWING IS NOT TO BE SCALED. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY DIMENSIONSAND DATA NOTED HEREIN WITH THE CONDITIONS ON SITE AND IS RESPONSIBLE FORREPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY TO KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN ANDPLANNING LTD FOR ADJUSTMENT.SEALPERMIT STAMPCONSULTANTDRAWNREVIEWEDREVISIONISSUED FOR DP SUBMISSION 7680-202A ST. LANGLEY CITY, B.C. CANADA.REV.YYYY-MM-DDREVISION / DRAWING ISSUEREVIEW-1500 West Georgia Street, Suite 1685Kasian ArchitectureInterior Designand Planning Ltdwww.kasian.comVancouver, BC Canada V6G 2Z6T 604 683 4145 F 604 683 282712020-12-07ISSUED FOR REZONING22021-06-08ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION30-May-22 67.01M 24.23M46.94M3.44M36.12M7.38MPMT CITY SIDEWAL.5.00 M ROAD DEDICATIONENTRYE;IT1.00M⅊⅊ ⅊ ⅊ ⅊ ⅊ ⅊ ⅊ ⅊ N⅊ ⅊ YARD YARD YARD YARD YARD YARDYARD YARD YARD YARD YARD YARD YARD YARD YARD YARD YARD UNITA1 UNITA UNITA2 UNITA2 UNITA UNITA1 UNITA UNITA UNITA1 UNITA1 UNITA UNITA1 UNITA2 UNITA2 UNITA2 UNITA UNITA2 %UILDING 01 %UILDING 02 %UILDING 03 FT R3.00 m6.00m WIDE DRIVEWAY LOT: 12243 LOT: 12229 LOT: 122991.2 M HIGH RETAINING WALL 17 12 07 11 06 01 PMT FT FUTURE LAYOUT LOT: 12201 ENTRYE;IT228 St.122 AVE 04 02 01 LOT: 12203 VP VP VP FT DISTANCE 38.25m 1.5m SIDEWAL. OUTDOOR AMENITY. AREA 66.03 S4.MT 1.5m SIDEWAL. ⅊ ⅊⅊⅊ LOT: 12211 6.32M UPPER FLOOR PRO-ECTION OUTDOOR AMENITY. AREA 84.22 S4.MT 1.5m SIDEWAL.6.10m WIDE DRIVEWAYMAIL %O;ES 02DP4.1202 DP4.12  COMMON OPEN AREA  159.41 S4M 1715.91 SF  OUTDOOR AMENITY AREA  84.22 S4M 906.62 SF  LANDSCAPE %UFFER AREA  112.98 S4M 1216.15 SF  YARD AREA  617.90 S4M 6651.11 SF TOTAL PRIVATE AREA  821.29 S4M 8840.35 SF LEGEND SET%AC. LINE PRO-ECTION LINE PROPERTY LINE NEW PROPERTY LINE 6.00m WIDE DRIVEWAY PATIO AREA  110.50 S4M 1189.41 SF  %ALCONY AREA  92.88 S4M 999.83 SF PRIVATE AREA TOTAL COMMON OPEN AREA  243.64 S4M 2622.53 SF  VISITORS PAR.ING AREA  63.42 S4M 682.7 SF COMMON OPEN AREA VP ELEC. CLOSET VPVP N⅊ 1.39M 6.07M GFE-43.45GDE-42.52 GFE-43.45GDE-42.62 GFE-43.45GDE-42.76 GFE-43.45GDE-42.72 GFE-43.45GDE-42.82 GFE-43.45GDE-43.056.02M0.91M PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO PATIO0.30M6.27M FUTURE DEVELOPMENT 03 42.98 T 42.9342.8541.7842.8342.7842.7342 . 6 7 42 . 6 3 42 . 6 0 42 . 5 3 42 . 3 342.64 T41.44 THIGH PT 42.73 42 . 6 3 42 . 5 3 4 2 . 56 42 . 5 2 42. 6 0 42. 7 0 42 . 8 0 42.6242.6842.7242.82 42.9042. 9 7 43.3643.9242.6842.963.89M 5.60M GFE-43.45GDE-42.60 GFE-43.45GDE-42.65 GFE-43.45GDE-42.70 GFE-43.45GDE-42.72 GFE-43.45GDE-42.82 GFE-43.45GDE-43.05 GDE-42.76 GDE-42.72 GDE-42.82 GDE-43.05GFE-43.45 GFE-43.45 GFE-43.45 GFE-43.45 GFE-43.45 8.08MGDE-42.62 42.75 42.85 42.95 43.05 43.20 43.30 6.05M SET%AC. 6.19M N SET%AC.F.T DISTANCE 39.27MF.T DISTANCE 43.28M11'-214" SITE PLAN DP-2.11 1 1/16" = 1'-0" ADP2-12DRAWING NO. SITE PLAN ALL OPEN AREA 12229 - TOWNHOUSES PROJECT NO. 722063 PLOT DATE SCALE NTS DRAWING ISSUE DRAWING TITLE PROJECT THIS DRAWING, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS THE PROPERTY OF KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD, THE COPYRIGHT IN THE SAMEBEING RESERVED TO THEM. NO REPRODUCTION IS ALLOWED WITHOUT THEPERMISSION OF KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD ANDWHEN MADE MUST BEAR ITS NAME.THIS DRAWING IS NOT TO BE SCALED. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY DIMENSIONSAND DATA NOTED HEREIN WITH THE CONDITIONS ON SITE AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY TO KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD FOR ADJUSTMENT. SEAL PERMIT STAMP CONSULTANT DRAWN REVIEWED REVISION ISSUED FOR DP SUBMISSION 7680-202A ST. LANGLEY CITY, B.C. CANADA. REV.YYYY-MM-DD REVISION / DRAWING ISSUE REVIEW - 1500 West Georgia Street, Suite 1685Kasian Architecture Interior Design and Planning Ltd www.kasian.com Vancouver, BC Canada V6G 2Z6 T 604 683 4145 F 604 683 2827 1 2020-12-07 ISSUED FOR REZONING 2 2021-06-08 ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION 30-May-22 BUILDING 01BUILDING 01BUILDING 01BUILDING 01BUILDING 02BUILDING 02BUILDING 02BUILDING 02BUILDING 03BUILDING 03BUILDING 03BUILDING 03DRAWING NO.PROJECT NO. PLOT DATESCALEDRAWING ISSUEDRAWING TITLEPROJECTTHIS DRAWING, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS THE PROPERTY OF KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD, THE COPYRIGHT IN THE SAME BEING RESERVED TO THEM. NO REPRODUCTION IS ALLOWED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD AND WHEN MADE MUST BEAR ITS NAME.THIS DRAWING IS NOT TO BE SCALED. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND DATA NOTED HEREIN WITH THE CONDITIONS ON SITE AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY TO KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD FOR ADJUSTMENT.SEALPERMIT STAMPCONSULTANTDRAWNREVIEWEDREVISION1500 West Georgia Street, Suite 1685Kasian ArchitectureInterior Designand Planning Ltdwww.kasian.comVancouver, BC Canada V6G 2Z6T 604 683 4145 F 604 683 28271" = 60'-0"ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION231-05-2022ADP-2.13CONTEXT SITE PLAN12229 - TOWNHOUSES722063AuthorChecker12229, 12211 228ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC, CANADAREV. YYYY-MM-DD REVISION / DRAWING ISSUE REVIEW1 2020-12-07 ISSUED FOR REZONING2 2021-06-08 ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSIONCONTEXT SITE PLAN 02DP-4.1201DP-4.11NNNBUILDING -0211UNIT-A107UNIT-A1BUILDING -0312UNIT-A117UNIT-A1BUILDING -0101UNIT-A106UNIT-A1LOT: 12229LOT: 12211KEY PLANDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO. PLOT DATESCALEDRAWING ISSUEDRAWING TITLEPROJECTSEALPERMIT STAMPCONSULTANTDRAWNREVIEWEDREVISION1500 West Georgia Street, Suite 1685Kasian ArchitectureInterior Designand Planning Ltdwww.kasian.comVancouver, BC Canada V6G 2Z6T 604 683 4145 F 604 683 28271" = 1'-0"ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION230-05-2022ADP-2.14PHOTO BOARD12229 - TOWNHOUSES722063AuthorChecker12229, 12211 228ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC, CANADA010101010202020203030303050404040406060606122AVE LOOKING EAST228ST LOOKING NORTH228ST LOOKING SE TOWARDS THE SITE228ST LOOKING NORTH EAST122AVE LOOKING EAST228ST LOOKING FROM SOUTH666655554444333322221111REV. YYYY-MM-DD REVISION / DRAWING ISSUE REVIEW1 2020-12-07 ISSUED FOR REZONING2 2021-06-08 ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION DRAWING NO.PROJECT NO. PLOT DATESCALEDRAWING ISSUEDRAWING TITLEPROJECTSEALPERMIT STAMPCONSULTANTDRAWNREVIEWEDREVISION1500 West Georgia Street, Suite 1685Kasian ArchitectureInterior Designand Planning Ltdwww.kasian.comVancouver, BC Canada V6G 2Z6T 604 683 4145 F 604 683 2827ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION230-05-2022ADP-2.15MATERIAL BOARD12229 - TOWNHOUSES722063AuthorChecker12229, 12211 228ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC, CANADA4321188159EXTERIOR CLADDINGVINYL SIDINGVINYL SIDINGVINYL SIDINGVINYL SIDINGWHITEWHITEWHITEWHITE2." 6" 6" 6" HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL SIDINGSIDINGSIDINGSIDINGNATURAL CEDARNATURAL CEDARNATURAL CEDARNATURAL CEDAR1." 6" 6" 6" HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL SIDINGSIDINGSIDINGSIDINGSW 7067SW 7067SW 7067SW 70674." 4" 4" 4" HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL SIDINGSIDINGSIDINGSIDINGNATURAL CEDARNATURAL CEDARNATURAL CEDARNATURAL CEDAR3.3.3.3.ROOFINGASPHALT SHINGLESASPHALT SHINGLESASPHALT SHINGLESASPHALT SHINGLESBLACKBLACKBLACKBLACKTRIM / FASCIATRIM / FASCIATRIM / FASCIATRIM / FASCIABLACKBLACKBLACKBLACK7. / FLASHINGTRIM / FLASHINGTRIM / FLASHINGTRIM / FLASHINGWHITEWHITEWHITEWHITE98HARDI BOARDHARDI BOARDHARDI BOARDHARDI BOARDSW 7067SW 7067SW 7067SW 70675. BOARDHARDI BOARDHARDI BOARDHARDI BOARDWHITEWHITEWHITEWHITE6.6.6.6.BALCONY RAIL PANELGLASS CLEAR GLASS CLEAR GLASS CLEAR GLASS CLEAR PANELPANELPANELPANEL11.11.11.11.ALUMINIUM FRAMESWINDOWS & DOORS WINDOWS & DOORS WINDOWS & DOORS WINDOWS & DOORS BlackBlackBlackBlack10. YYYY-MM-DD REVISION / DRAWING ISSUE REVIEW1 2020-12-07 ISSUED FOR REZONING2 2021-06-08 ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION 4.10 m4.10 m4.10 m4.10 mSIDEWALKSIDEWALKSIDEWALKSIDEWALK1.50 m1.50 m1.50 m1.50 m4.96 m4.96 m4.96 m4.96 mGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEBUILDING 2BUILDING 2BUILDING 2BUILDING 2 UNITUNITUNITUNIT----AAAALIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGDININGDININGDININGDININGBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBATHBATHBATHBATHGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEBUILDING 1BUILDING 1BUILDING 1BUILDING 1UNITUNITUNITUNIT----AAAALIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGDININGDININGDININGDININGBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBATHBATHBATHBATH5.00 m5.00 m5.00 m5.00 m5.00 M ROAD 5.00 M ROAD 5.00 M ROAD 5.00 M ROAD DEDICATIONDEDICATIONDEDICATIONDEDICATIONMAIN FLOOR(43.45)142' -6 1/2"MAIN FLOOR(43.45)142' -6 1/2"SECOND FLOOR(46.24)151' -8 1/2"SECOND FLOOR(46.24)151' -8 1/2"THIRD FLOOR(49.33)161' -10"THIRD FLOOR(49.33)161' -10"U/S OF CLNG(51.79)169' -11"U/S OF CLNG(51.79)169' -11"T.O.R(54.58)179' -1"T.O.R(54.58)179' -1"0.90 m0.90 m0.90 m0.90 m6.90 m6.90 m6.90 m6.90 m1.00 m1.00 m1.00 m1.00 mGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEBUILDING 3BUILDING 3BUILDING 3BUILDING 3 UNITUNITUNITUNIT----AAAADININGDININGDININGDININGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBATHBATHBATHBATH9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"8'-1"8'-1"8'-1"8'-1"10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE BUFFERBUFFERBUFFERBUFFER6.00M WIDE DRIVEWAY6.00M WIDE DRIVEWAY6.00M WIDE DRIVEWAY6.00M WIDE DRIVEWAY6.10M WIDE DRIVEWAY6.10M WIDE DRIVEWAY6.10M WIDE DRIVEWAY6.10M WIDE DRIVEWAYPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOYARDYARDYARDYARD5%36'-6"36'-6"36'-6"36'-6"3%142'-7"43.45 m140'-2"42.72 m141'-3"43.04 m140'-2"42.72 m5%5%ECABDECABDECABD7.90 m7.90 m7.90 m7.90 m0.90 m0.90 m0.90 m0.90 m6.90 m6.90 m6.90 m6.90 m0.90 m0.90 m0.90 m0.90 mDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO. PLOT DATESCALEDRAWING ISSUEDRAWING TITLEPROJECTTHIS DRAWING, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS THE PROPERTY OF KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD, THE COPYRIGHT IN THE SAME BEING RESERVED TO THEM. NO REPRODUCTION IS ALLOWED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD AND WHEN MADE MUST BEAR ITS NAME.THIS DRAWING IS NOT TO BE SCALED. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND DATA NOTED HEREIN WITH THE CONDITIONS ON SITE AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY TO KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD FOR ADJUSTMENT.SEALPERMIT STAMPCONSULTANTDRAWNREVIEWEDREVISION1500 West Georgia Street, Suite 1685Kasian ArchitectureInterior Designand Planning Ltdwww.kasian.comVancouver, BC Canada V6G 2Z6T 604 683 4145 F 604 683 28271/8" = 1'-0"ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION230-05-2022ADP-2.16SITE SECTION-0112229 - TOWNHOUSES722063Author112229, 12211 228ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC, CANADA1/8" = 1'-0"ADP-2.16SITE SECTION-011REV. YYYY-MM-DD REVISION / DRAWING ISSUE REVIEW1 2020-12-07 ISSUED FOR REZONING2 2021-06-08 ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION BONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGM.BED RMM.BED RMM.BED RMM.BED RMM.BED RMM.BED RMM.BED RMM.BED RMM.BED RMM.BED RMM.BED RMM.BED RMM.BED RMM.BED RMM.BED RMM.BED RMM.BED RMM.BED RMM.BED RMM.BED RMM.BED RMM.BED RMM.BED RMM.BED RMBUILDINGBUILDINGBUILDINGBUILDING----3333 KITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENUNIT A1UNIT A1UNIT A1UNIT A1UNIT AUNIT AUNIT AUNIT AUNIT A2UNIT A2UNIT A2UNIT A2UNIT A2UNIT A2UNIT A2UNIT A2UNIT AUNIT AUNIT AUNIT AUNIT A1UNIT A1UNIT A1UNIT A1LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE BUFFERBUFFERBUFFERBUFFER6.00M WIDE 6.00M WIDE 6.00M WIDE 6.00M WIDE DRIVEWAYDRIVEWAYDRIVEWAYDRIVEWAY(1.00 m)(1.00 m)(1.00 m)(1.00 m)3'-3"3'-3"3'-3"3'-3"138'-11"42.33 m1.00 m1.00 m1.00 m1.00 m4.49 m4.49 m4.49 m4.49 m1.81 m1.81 m1.81 m1.81 m140'-7"42.85 m1.5M SIDE 1.5M SIDE 1.5M SIDE 1.5M SIDE WALKWALKWALKWALK1234567139'-9"42.60 m141'-3"43.05 m7.30 m7.30 m7.30 m7.30 m3.41 m3.41 m3.41 m3.41 mDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO. PLOT DATESCALEDRAWING ISSUEDRAWING TITLEPROJECTTHIS DRAWING, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS THE PROPERTY OF KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD, THE COPYRIGHT IN THE SAME BEING RESERVED TO THEM. NO REPRODUCTION IS ALLOWED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD AND WHEN MADE MUST BEAR ITS NAME.THIS DRAWING IS NOT TO BE SCALED. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND DATA NOTED HEREIN WITH THE CONDITIONS ON SITE AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY TO KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD FOR ADJUSTMENT.SEALPERMIT STAMPCONSULTANTDRAWNREVIEWEDREVISION1500 West Georgia Street, Suite 1685Kasian ArchitectureInterior Designand Planning Ltdwww.kasian.comVancouver, BC Canada V6G 2Z6T 604 683 4145 F 604 683 28271/8" = 1'-0"ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION231-05-2022ADP-2.17SITE SECTION-0212229 - TOWNHOUSES722063Author112229, 12211 228ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC, CANADA1/8" = 1'-0"ADP-2.17SITE SECTION-021REV. YYYY-MM-DD REVISION / DRAWING ISSUE REVIEW1 2020-12-07 ISSUED FOR REZONING2 2021-06-08 ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION (1.83 m)(1.83 m)(1.83 m)(1.83 m)6'-0"6'-0"6'-0"6'-0"(0.91 m)(0.91 m)(0.91 m)(0.91 m)3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"12229 TOWNHOUSES 228ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC3/4" CHAMPHER1" REVEAL(0.15 m)(0.15 m)(0.15 m)(0.15 m)6"6"6"6"8" INDIVIDUAL METAL LETTERSBRUSHED ALUMINUMCONCRETE3" INDIVIDUAL METAL LETTERSBRUSHED ALUMINUMARCH CONCRETEDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO. PLOT DATESCALEDRAWING ISSUEDRAWING TITLEPROJECTTHIS DRAWING, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS THE PROPERTY OF KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD, THE COPYRIGHT IN THE SAME BEING RESERVED TO THEM. NO REPRODUCTION IS ALLOWED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD AND WHEN MADE MUST BEAR ITS NAME.THIS DRAWING IS NOT TO BE SCALED. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND DATA NOTED HEREIN WITH THE CONDITIONS ON SITE AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY TO KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD FOR ADJUSTMENT.SEALPERMIT STAMPCONSULTANTDRAWNREVIEWEDREVISION1500 West Georgia Street, Suite 1685Kasian ArchitectureInterior Designand Planning Ltdwww.kasian.comVancouver, BC Canada V6G 2Z6T 604 683 4145 F 604 683 28273" = 1'-0"ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION231-05-2022ADP-2.21SIGNAGE DETAIL12229 - TOWNHOUSES722063AuthorChecker12229, 12211 228ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC, CANADASIGNAGE DETAILREV. YYYY-MM-DD REVISION / DRAWING ISSUE REVIEW1 2020-12-07 ISSUED FOR REZONING2 2021-06-08 ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION ADP-5.113ADP-5.11ADP-5.1121EE11223344ADP-5.114155CCPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOCITY SIDE WALKCITY SIDE WALKCITY SIDE WALKCITY SIDE WALK26677UPUPUPUPUPUPUPUPMECH. MECH. MECH. MECH. UNDER UNDER UNDER UNDER STAIRSTAIRSTAIRSTAIRMECH. MECH. MECH. MECH. UNDER UNDER UNDER UNDER STAIRSTAIRSTAIRSTAIRMECH. MECH. MECH. MECH. UNDER UNDER UNDER UNDER STAIRSTAIRSTAIRSTAIRPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIO34565.74 mMECH. MECH. MECH. MECH. UNDER UNDER UNDER UNDER STAIRSTAIRSTAIRSTAIRMECH. MECH. MECH. MECH. UNDER UNDER UNDER UNDER STAIRSTAIRSTAIRSTAIR6.10M WIDE DRIVE WAY6.10M WIDE DRIVE WAY6.10M WIDE DRIVE WAY6.10M WIDE DRIVE WAYAABB5.90 m5.78 mDD(0.46 m)(0.46 m)(0.46 m)(0.46 m)1'-6"1'-6"1'-6"1'-6"(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"(6.07 m)(6.07 m)(6.07 m)(6.07 m)19'-11"19'-11"19'-11"19'-11"(0.90 m)(0.90 m)(0.90 m)(0.90 m)3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"(10.22 m)(10.22 m)(10.22 m)(10.22 m)33'-7"33'-7"33'-7"33'-7"(7.38 m)(7.38 m)(7.38 m)(7.38 m)24'-3"24'-3"24'-3"24'-3"(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(3.42 m)(3.42 m)(3.42 m)(3.42 m)11'-3"11'-3"11'-3"11'-3"(36.12 m)(36.12 m)(36.12 m)(36.12 m)118'-6"118'-6"118'-6"118'-6"ROOF LINE ROOF LINE ROOF LINE ROOF LINE ABOVEABOVEABOVEABOVEADP-6.112ADP-6.114ADP-6.113ADP-6.11137.03 SM37.03 SM37.03 SM37.03 SMGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGE37.02 SM37.02 SM37.02 SM37.02 SMGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGE37.02 SM37.02 SM37.02 SM37.02 SMGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGE37.02 SM37.02 SM37.02 SM37.02 SMGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGE37.02 SM37.02 SM37.02 SM37.02 SMGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RM37.02 SM37.02 SM37.02 SM37.02 SMGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGE17.72 SM17.72 SM17.72 SM17.72 SMUNITUNITUNITUNIT----A1A1A1A117.72 SM17.72 SM17.72 SM17.72 SMUNITUNITUNITUNIT----AAAA17.72 SM17.72 SM17.72 SM17.72 SMUNITUNITUNITUNIT----A1A1A1A1UPUPUPUP17.72 SM17.72 SM17.72 SM17.72 SMUNITUNITUNITUNIT----A2A2A2A217.72 SM17.72 SM17.72 SM17.72 SMUNITUNITUNITUNIT----A2A2A2A217.72 SM17.72 SM17.72 SM17.72 SMUNITUNITUNITUNIT----AAAABONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMBONUS RMUPUPUPUPUPUPUPUPUPUPUPUP2%2%2%2%2%2%0.67 mMECH. MECH. MECH. MECH. UNDER UNDER UNDER UNDER STAIRSTAIRSTAIRSTAIRROOF LINE ROOF LINE ROOF LINE ROOF LINE ABOVEABOVEABOVEABOVEROOF LINE ROOF LINE ROOF LINE ROOF LINE ABOVEABOVEABOVEABOVEROOF LINE ROOF LINE ROOF LINE ROOF LINE ABOVEABOVEABOVEABOVEROOF LINE ROOF LINE ROOF LINE ROOF LINE ABOVEABOVEABOVEABOVEROOF LINE ROOF LINE ROOF LINE ROOF LINE ABOVEABOVEABOVEABOVE(5.01 m)(5.01 m)(5.01 m)(5.01 m)16'-5"16'-5"16'-5"16'-5"(5.99 m)(5.99 m)(5.99 m)(5.99 m)19'-8"19'-8"19'-8"19'-8"1.44 m0.61 mBICYCLE BICYCLE BICYCLE BICYCLE RACKSRACKSRACKSRACKSGARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE BINSBINSBINSBINSBICYCLE BICYCLE BICYCLE BICYCLE RACKSRACKSRACKSRACKSGARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE BINSBINSBINSBINSBICYCLE BICYCLE BICYCLE BICYCLE RACKSRACKSRACKSRACKS0.61 m5.74 m5.90 m0.91 m0.30 m6.01 m5.78 m5.78 m5.78 m7%2%2%7%10%10%1%0.91 m1.63 m0.61 m2%3%6%8%10%0%43.45 m142'-7"43.45 m142'-7"43.45 m142'-7"43.45 m142'-7"43.45 m142'-7"43.45 m142'-7"42.52 m136'-6"42.62 m136'-10"42.76 m140'-3"42.72 m140'-2"42.82 m140'-6"43.05 m141'-3"42.60 m139'-9"42.70 m140'-1"42.76 m140'-3"42.80 m140'-5"42.90 m140'-9"42.96 m140'-11"42.75 m140'-3"42.85 m140'-7"42.95 m140'-11"43.05 m141'-3"43.20 m141'-9"43.30 m142'-1"43.36 m142'-3"43.96 m144'-3"42.80 m140'-5"42.70 m140'-1"0.30 mADP-5.113ADP-5.11ADP-5.1121EE11223344ADP-5.1141DININGDININGDININGDININGDECKDECKDECKDECKDWDWDWDW55T.VT.VT.VT.VCCDNDNDNDN667723456KITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENPWDR PWDR PWDR PWDR RMRMRMRMLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGDNDNDNDNPWDR PWDR PWDR PWDR RMRMRMRMUPUPUPUPUPUPUPUPAABB(10.22 m)(10.22 m)(10.22 m)(10.22 m)33'-7"33'-7"33'-7"33'-7"(0.46 m)(0.46 m)(0.46 m)(0.46 m)1'-6"1'-6"1'-6"1'-6"(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"(6.07 m)(6.07 m)(6.07 m)(6.07 m)19'-11"19'-11"19'-11"19'-11"(0.90 m)(0.90 m)(0.90 m)(0.90 m)3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"DD(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(36.12 m)(36.12 m)(36.12 m)(36.12 m)118'-6"118'-6"118'-6"118'-6"PRIVACY SCREENPRIVACY SCREENPRIVACY SCREENPRIVACY SCREENPRIVACY SCREENPRIVACY SCREENPRIVACY SCREENPRIVACY SCREENADP-6.112ADP-6.114ADP-6.113ADP-6.1115.74 mFFFFPWDR PWDR PWDR PWDR RMRMRMRMPWDR PWDR PWDR PWDR RMRMRMRMPWDR PWDR PWDR PWDR RMRMRMRMPWDR PWDR PWDR PWDR RMRMRMRMDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENDWDWDWDWDWDWDWDWKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENKITCHENDININGDININGDININGDININGDININGDININGDININGDININGDININGDININGDININGDININGDININGDININGDININGDININGDININGDININGDININGDININGFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGLIVINGT.VT.VT.VT.VT.VT.VT.VT.VT.VT.VT.VT.VT.VT.VT.VT.VT.VT.VT.VT.V54.68 SM54.68 SM54.68 SM54.68 SMUNITUNITUNITUNIT----A1A1A1A154.68 SM54.68 SM54.68 SM54.68 SMUNITUNITUNITUNIT----AAAA54.68 SM54.68 SM54.68 SM54.68 SMUNITUNITUNITUNIT----A2A2A2A254.68 SM54.68 SM54.68 SM54.68 SMUNITUNITUNITUNIT----A2A2A2A254.68 SM54.68 SM54.68 SM54.68 SMUNITUNITUNITUNIT----AAAA54.68 SM54.68 SM54.68 SM54.68 SMUNITUNITUNITUNIT----A1A1A1A1DNDNDNDNUPUPUPUPDNDNDNDNUPUPUPUPDNDNDNDNUPUPUPUPDNDNDNDNUPUPUPUP8.98 m0.92 m1.54 m0.91 m3.05 m0.78 m1.07 m1.30 m0.91 m0.78 m0.97 m0.91 m0.90 m5.78 m1.30 m1.54 m0.92 m0.91 m5.78 m8.98 m1.30 m1.54 m0.61 m0.91 m0.91 mDECKDECKDECKDECKDECKDECKDECKDECKDECKDECKDECKDECKDECKDECKDECKDECKDECKDECKDECKDECK5.78 m0.61 mNOTE:- GARAGE PROVIDED WITH EV CHARGINGDRAWING NO.PROJECT NO. PLOT DATESCALEDRAWING ISSUEDRAWING TITLEPROJECTSEALPERMIT STAMPCONSULTANTDRAWNREVIEWEDREVISION1500 West Georgia Street, Suite 1685Kasian ArchitectureInterior Designand Planning Ltdwww.kasian.comVancouver, BC Canada V6G 2Z6T 604 683 4145 F 604 683 2827As indicatedISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION230-05-2022ADP-3.11BUILDING-01FLOOR PLANS12229 - TOWNHOUSES722063Author112229, 12211 228ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC, CANADA1/8" = 1'-0"ADP-3.11FIRST FLOOR PLAN11/8" = 1'-0"ADP-3.11SECOND FLOOR PLAN2NNREV. YYYY-MM-DD REVISION / DRAWING ISSUE REVIEW1 2020-12-07 ISSUED FOR REZONING2 2021-06-08 ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION ADP-5.113ADP-5.11ADP-5.1121EE11223344ADP-5.114155CCBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMM. BED RMM. BED RMM. BED RMM. BED RMBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHDNDNDNDN66772345AABB(0.46 m)(0.46 m)(0.46 m)(0.46 m)1'-6"1'-6"1'-6"1'-6"(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"(6.07 m)(6.07 m)(6.07 m)(6.07 m)19'-11"19'-11"19'-11"19'-11"(0.90 m)(0.90 m)(0.90 m)(0.90 m)3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"(10.22 m)(10.22 m)(10.22 m)(10.22 m)33'-7"33'-7"33'-7"33'-7"DD(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(36.12 m)(36.12 m)(36.12 m)(36.12 m)118'-6"118'-6"118'-6"118'-6"ROOF LINE ABOVEROOF LINE ABOVEROOF LINE ABOVEROOF LINE ABOVEROOF LINE ABOVEROOF LINE ABOVEROOF LINE ABOVEROOF LINE ABOVEADP-6.112ADP-6.114ADP-6.113ADP-6.1116BED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMM. BED RMM. BED RMM. BED RMM. BED RMBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMM. BED RMM. BED RMM. BED RMM. BED RMBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMM. BED RMM. BED RMM. BED RMM. BED RMBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMM. BED RMM. BED RMM. BED RMM. BED RMBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMBED RMM. BED RMM. BED RMM. BED RMM. BED RMBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHBATHW/DW/DW/DW/D62.71 SM62.71 SM62.71 SM62.71 SMUNIT A1UNIT A1UNIT A1UNIT A160.18 SM60.18 SM60.18 SM60.18 SMUNIT AUNIT AUNIT AUNIT A61.09 SM61.09 SM61.09 SM61.09 SMUNIT A2UNIT A2UNIT A2UNIT A261.15 SM61.15 SM61.15 SM61.15 SMUNIT A2UNIT A2UNIT A2UNIT A260.18 SM60.18 SM60.18 SM60.18 SMUNITUNITUNITUNIT----AAAA62.42 SM62.42 SM62.42 SM62.42 SMUNITUNITUNITUNIT----A1A1A1A1DNDNDNDNDNDNDNDNDNDNDNDNDNDNDNDNDNDNDNDNW/DW/DW/DW/DW/DW/DW/DW/D3.48 m3.48 m3.27 m3.23 m2.27 m1.52 m2.09 m0.61 m1.07 m1.05 m0.91 m1.52 mROOF LINE ABOVEROOF LINE ABOVEROOF LINE ABOVEROOF LINE ABOVE0.30 m3.20 mW/DW/DW/DW/DW/DW/DW/DW/DW/DW/DW/DW/D1.55 m2.58 m2.91 m1.28 m2.75 m1.28 m3.05 m2.88 m3.47 m3.47 m1.52 m0.62 m1.52 m1.52 m1.06 m1.07 m3.14 m3.23 m1.55 m1.56 m2.09 mADP-5.113ADP-5.11ADP-5.1121EE11223344ADP-5.11455CC6677AABB(0.46 m)(0.46 m)(0.46 m)(0.46 m)1'-6"1'-6"1'-6"1'-6"(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"(6.07 m)(6.07 m)(6.07 m)(6.07 m)19'-11"19'-11"19'-11"19'-11"(0.90 m)(0.90 m)(0.90 m)(0.90 m)3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"3'-0"(10.22 m)(10.22 m)(10.22 m)(10.22 m)33'-7"33'-7"33'-7"33'-7"(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)(6.02 m)19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"19'-9"(36.12 m)(36.12 m)(36.12 m)(36.12 m)118'-6"118'-6"118'-6"118'-6"DDADP-6.112ADP-6.114ADP-6.113ADP-6.1116" / 12"0.15 m6" / 12"6" / 12"(0.30 m)(0.30 m)(0.30 m)(0.30 m)1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"6" / 12"6" / 12"0.61 m6" / 12"6" / 12"6" / 12"0.61 m6" / 12"6" / 12"6" / 12"6" / 12"6" / 12"6" / 12"6" / 12"6" / 12"6" / 12"6" / 12"6" / 12"6" / 12"DRAWING NO.PROJECT NO. PLOT DATESCALEDRAWING ISSUEDRAWING TITLEPROJECTSEALPERMIT STAMPCONSULTANTDRAWNREVIEWEDREVISION1500 West Georgia Street, Suite 1685Kasian ArchitectureInterior Designand Planning Ltdwww.kasian.comVancouver, BC Canada V6G 2Z6T 604 683 4145 F 604 683 28271/8" = 1'-0"ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION230-05-2022ADP-3.12BUILDING-01FLOOR PLANS12229 - TOWNHOUSES722063Author112229, 12211 228ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC, CANADA1/8" = 1'-0"ADP-3.12THIRD FLOOR PLAN1N1/8" = 1'-0"ADP-3.12T.O.R - (1-6)2NREV. YYYY-MM-DD REVISION / DRAWING ISSUE REVIEW1 2020-12-07 ISSUED FOR REZONING2 2021-06-08 ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION (24.26 m)(24.26 m)(24.26 m)(24.26 m)79'-7"79'-7"79'-7"79'-7"(46.94 m)(46.94 m)(46.94 m)(46.94 m)154'-0"154'-0"154'-0"154'-0"1222912203FUTURE LOTNOTE: ADJACENT PROPERTY DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE.1221112243DRAWING NO.PROJECT NO. PLOT DATESCALEDRAWING ISSUEDRAWING TITLEPROJECTTHIS DRAWING, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE, IS THE PROPERTY OF KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD, THE COPYRIGHT IN THE SAME BEING RESERVED TO THEM. NO REPRODUCTION IS ALLOWED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD AND WHEN MADE MUST BEAR ITS NAME.THIS DRAWING IS NOT TO BE SCALED. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY DIMENSIONS AND DATA NOTED HEREIN WITH THE CONDITIONS ON SITE AND IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY TO KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN AND PLANNING LTD FOR ADJUSTMENT.SEALPERMIT STAMPCONSULTANTDRAWNREVIEWEDREVISION1500 West Georgia Street, Suite 1685Kasian ArchitectureInterior Designand Planning Ltdwww.kasian.comVancouver, BC Canada V6G 2Z6T 604 683 4145 F 604 683 28271" = 10'-0"ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION230-05-2022ADP-3.14STREET SCAPE VIEW WITHLANDSCAPE12229 - TOWNHOUSES722063AuthorChecker12229, 12211 228ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC, CANADA1" = 10'-0"ADP-3.14STREET SCAPE ELEVATION WITH LANDSCAPE1REV. YYYY-MM-DD REVISION / DRAWING ISSUE REVIEW1 2020-12-07 ISSUED FOR REZONING2 2021-06-08 ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION MAIN FLOOR -(1-6)(46.24)151' -8 1/2"UPPER FLOOR -(1-6)(49.33)161' -10"U/S OF CLNG -(1-6)(51.79)169' -11"1234T.O.R -(1-6)(54.58)179' -1"5OH67GROUND FLOOR -(1-6)(43.45)142' -6 1/2"(7.38 m)(7.38 m)(7.38 m)(7.38 m)24'-3"24'-3"24'-3"24'-3"(3.42 m)(3.42 m)(3.42 m)(3.42 m)11'-3"11'-3"11'-3"11'-3"ASC2C2C2ASFLOHC2TRTRTR1TR1TRTRTRTRTR1OH6"12"6"12"6"12"6"12"(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"(2.46 m)(2.46 m)(2.46 m)(2.46 m)8'-1"8'-1"8'-1"8'-1"(3.09 m)(3.09 m)(3.09 m)(3.09 m)10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"(2.46 m)(2.46 m)(2.46 m)(2.46 m)8'-1"8'-1"8'-1"8'-1"(3.09 m)(3.09 m)(3.09 m)(3.09 m)10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"TRC1GRC1FLTR1C16"12"6"12"NCNCNCTR1TRTR1TR1TR1TR1C2TRTRTR1TRTRTR1TRTRTRTR1OHOHOHFLGR2%142'-2"43.33 m142'-2"43.33 m(43.45)142' - 7''(46.24)(49.33)(51.79)(54.58)151' - 8''151' - 8''FLFAFAFA(11.13 m)(11.13 m)(11.13 m)(11.13 m)36'-6"36'-6"36'-6"36'-6"MAIN FLOOR -(1-6)(46.24)151' -8 1/2"UPPER FLOOR -(1-6)(49.33)161' -10"U/S OF CLNG -(1-6)(51.79)169' -11"1234T.O.R -(1-6)(54.58)179' -1"567GROUND FLOOR -(1-6)(43.45)142' -6 1/2"(3.42 m)(3.42 m)(3.42 m)(3.42 m)11'-3"11'-3"11'-3"11'-3"(7.38 m)(7.38 m)(7.38 m)(7.38 m)24'-3"24'-3"24'-3"24'-3"HP2ASHP2HP1HP2HP1HP2AS(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"(3.09 m)(3.09 m)(3.09 m)(3.09 m)10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"(2.46 m)(2.46 m)(2.46 m)(2.46 m)8'-1"8'-1"8'-1"8'-1"(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"NC6"12"FLFLFLTRHP2HP2FLTR1HP1HP1HP1TRHP2HP1TRTRTR6"12"612"6"12"6"12"6"12"6"12"6"12"6"12"6"12"FLASHP1TRTR1NCTR1HP1TR1TR1TR1NCTR6"12"6"12"HP1FLFAASFAFLFAFLFLFATRTRTRTRTRTRHP2FL(11.13 m)(11.13 m)(11.13 m)(11.13 m)36'-6"36'-6"36'-6"36'-6"2%MAIN FLOOR -(1-6)(46.24)151' -8 1/2"UPPER FLOOR -(1-6)(49.33)161' -10"U/S OF CLNG -(1-6)(51.79)169' -11"ET.O.R -(1-6)(54.58)179' -1"CGROUND FLOOR -(1-6)(43.45)142' -6 1/2"ABD(6.35 m)(6.35 m)(6.35 m)(6.35 m)20'-10"20'-10"20'-10"20'-10"(5.01 m)(5.01 m)(5.01 m)(5.01 m)16'-5"16'-5"16'-5"16'-5"(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"(2.46 m)(2.46 m)(2.46 m)(2.46 m)8'-1"8'-1"8'-1"8'-1"(3.09 m)(3.09 m)(3.09 m)(3.09 m)10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"NCTRTRTR1TRASFL6"12"6"12"TRASC1AVG GRADE LINEAVG GRADE LINEAVG GRADE LINEAVG GRADE LINEBUILDING HT.BUILDING HT.BUILDING HT.BUILDING HT.BUILDING HEIGHTBUILDING HEIGHTBUILDING HEIGHTBUILDING HEIGHT9.75 m9.75 m9.75 m9.75 mNCC1GRTRMAIN FLOOR -(1-6)(46.24)151' -8 1/2"UPPER FLOOR -(1-6)(49.33)161' -10"U/S OF CLNG -(1-6)(51.79)169' -11"ET.O.R -(1-6)(54.58)179' -1"CGROUND FLOOR -(1-6)(43.45)142' -6 1/2"ABD(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"(2.46 m)(2.46 m)(2.46 m)(2.46 m)8'-1"8'-1"8'-1"8'-1"(3.09 m)(3.09 m)(3.09 m)(3.09 m)10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"10'-2"(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)(2.79 m)9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"9'-2"(5.01 m)(5.01 m)(5.01 m)(5.01 m)16'-5"16'-5"16'-5"16'-5"(5.99 m)(5.99 m)(5.99 m)(5.99 m)19'-8"19'-8"19'-8"19'-8"C1TRTRTRTR16"12"6"12"C1AVG GRADE LINEAVG GRADE LINEAVG GRADE LINEAVG GRADE LINEBUILDING HT.BUILDING HT.BUILDING HT.BUILDING HT.BUILDING HEIGHTBUILDING HEIGHTBUILDING HEIGHTBUILDING HEIGHT9.75 m9.75 m9.75 m9.75 mC2ASTRFLGRFLFAC1TRTRIM TRIM TRIM TRIM GRGUARD/RAILINGGUARD/RAILINGGUARD/RAILINGGUARD/RAILINGFLFLASHINGFLASHINGFLASHINGFLASHINGMATERIAL LEGEND :MATERIAL LEGEND :MATERIAL LEGEND :MATERIAL LEGEND :WINDOWS & DOORS WINDOWS & DOORS WINDOWS & DOORS WINDOWS & DOORS HARDI BOARDHARDI BOARDHARDI BOARDHARDI BOARDCOLORCOLORCOLORCOLORMATERIALMATERIALMATERIALMATERIALFAOHOVER HEAD OVER HEAD OVER HEAD OVER HEAD DOORDOORDOORDOOR6" 6" 6" 6" HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL SIDINGSIDINGSIDINGSIDINGBLACKBLACKBLACKBLACKDARK GREY ALUMINUM DARK GREY ALUMINUM DARK GREY ALUMINUM DARK GREY ALUMINUM 4" PICKETS & GLASS4" PICKETS & GLASS4" PICKETS & GLASS4" PICKETS & GLASSSW 7067SW 7067SW 7067SW 7067BLACKBLACKBLACKBLACKNOTE :NOTE :NOTE :NOTE :COLOURS FROM SHERWIN WILLIAMS COLOURS FROM SHERWIN WILLIAMS COLOURS FROM SHERWIN WILLIAMS COLOURS FROM SHERWIN WILLIAMS UNLESS NOTED UNLESS NOTED UNLESS NOTED UNLESS NOTED C26" 6" 6" 6" HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL SIDINGSIDINGSIDINGSIDINGBLACKBLACKBLACKBLACKASASPHALT ASPHALT ASPHALT ASPHALT SHINGLESSHINGLESSHINGLESSHINGLESBLACKBLACKBLACKBLACKSW 7066SW 7066SW 7066SW 7066SW 7067SW 7067SW 7067SW 7067NC6" 6" 6" 6" HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL SIDINGSIDINGSIDINGSIDINGNATURAL CEDARNATURAL CEDARNATURAL CEDARNATURAL CEDARHP1HARDI BOARDHARDI BOARDHARDI BOARDHARDI BOARDWHITEWHITEWHITEWHITEHP2TR1TRIM TRIM TRIM TRIM WHITEWHITEWHITEWHITEC34" 4" 4" 4" HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL SIDINGSIDINGSIDINGSIDINGNATURAL CEDARNATURAL CEDARNATURAL CEDARNATURAL CEDAR11112222333344445555666677778888999910101010111111111212121213131313FRCHARCOAL BLACKCHARCOAL BLACKCHARCOAL BLACKCHARCOAL BLACK14141414FASCIAFASCIAFASCIAFASCIADARK GREY DARK GREY DARK GREY DARK GREY DRAWING NO.PROJECT NO. PLOT DATESCALEDRAWING ISSUEDRAWING TITLEPROJECTSEALPERMIT STAMPCONSULTANTDRAWNREVIEWEDREVISION1500 West Georgia Street, Suite 1685Kasian ArchitectureInterior Designand Planning Ltdwww.kasian.comVancouver, BC Canada V6G 2Z6T 604 683 4145 F 604 683 2827As indicatedISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION230-05-2022ADP-5.11BUILDING-01EXT. ELEVATIONS12229 - TOWNHOUSES722063Author112229, 12211 228ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC, CANADA1/8" = 1'-0"ADP-5.11WEST ELEVATION11/8" = 1'-0"ADP-5.11EAST ELEVATION21/8" = 1'-0"ADP-5.11SOUTH ELEVATION31/8" = 1'-0"ADP-5.11NORTH ELEVATION4REV. YYYY-MM-DD REVISION / DRAWING ISSUE REVIEW1 2020-12-07 ISSUED FOR REZONING2 2021-06-08 ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION C1TRTRIM TRIM TRIM TRIM GRGUARD/RAILINGGUARD/RAILINGGUARD/RAILINGGUARD/RAILINGFLFLASHINGFLASHINGFLASHINGFLASHINGMATERIAL LEGEND :MATERIAL LEGEND :MATERIAL LEGEND :MATERIAL LEGEND :WINDOWS & DOORS WINDOWS & DOORS WINDOWS & DOORS WINDOWS & DOORS HARDI BOARDHARDI BOARDHARDI BOARDHARDI BOARDCOLORCOLORCOLORCOLORMATERIALMATERIALMATERIALMATERIALFAOHOVER HEAD OVER HEAD OVER HEAD OVER HEAD DOORDOORDOORDOOR6" 6" 6" 6" HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL SIDINGSIDINGSIDINGSIDINGBLACKBLACKBLACKBLACKDARK GREY ALUMINUM DARK GREY ALUMINUM DARK GREY ALUMINUM DARK GREY ALUMINUM 4" PICKETS & GLASS4" PICKETS & GLASS4" PICKETS & GLASS4" PICKETS & GLASSSW 7067SW 7067SW 7067SW 7067BLACKBLACKBLACKBLACKNOTE :NOTE :NOTE :NOTE :COLOURS FROM SHERWIN WILLIAMS COLOURS FROM SHERWIN WILLIAMS COLOURS FROM SHERWIN WILLIAMS COLOURS FROM SHERWIN WILLIAMS UNLESS NOTED UNLESS NOTED UNLESS NOTED UNLESS NOTED C26" 6" 6" 6" HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL SIDINGSIDINGSIDINGSIDINGBLACKBLACKBLACKBLACKASASPHALT ASPHALT ASPHALT ASPHALT SHINGLESSHINGLESSHINGLESSHINGLESBLACKBLACKBLACKBLACKSW 7066SW 7066SW 7066SW 7066SW 7067SW 7067SW 7067SW 7067NC6" 6" 6" 6" HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL SIDINGSIDINGSIDINGSIDINGNATURAL CEDARNATURAL CEDARNATURAL CEDARNATURAL CEDARHP1HARDI BOARDHARDI BOARDHARDI BOARDHARDI BOARDWHITEWHITEWHITEWHITEHP2TR1TRIM TRIM TRIM TRIM WHITEWHITEWHITEWHITEC34" 4" 4" 4" HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL SIDINGSIDINGSIDINGSIDINGNATURAL CEDARNATURAL CEDARNATURAL CEDARNATURAL CEDAR11112222333344445555666677778888999910101010111111111212121213131313FRCHARCOAL BLACKCHARCOAL BLACKCHARCOAL BLACKCHARCOAL BLACK14141414FASCIAFASCIAFASCIAFASCIADARK GREY DARK GREY DARK GREY DARK GREY TROHASC2C2C1C1C1ASTRC1FAFAOHOHTRNCFLTR1NCTR1C1TRTRNCC1TRC2FAC1GRTRC2FLFLTRTR1TRTRTRC2C1FLTRTRTRTRTR1TR1TRTROHOHOHASFLASHP2HP2ASTRHP1HP1HP1TRFAFAFATRHP1HP2ASFAFAHP2HP1HP2HP1HP2NCTRTRTRTRNCNCNCTRTRNCTRFLFLFLFLFLTRTRHP1TRHP1NCTRASTR1TRNCASTRC1FLFAGRTRFLASTRNCFLFLTR1TRTRTRTRC2GRTRC1TRFADRAWING NO.PROJECT NO. PLOT DATESCALEDRAWING ISSUEDRAWING TITLEPROJECTSEALPERMIT STAMPCONSULTANTDRAWNREVIEWEDREVISION1500 West Georgia Street, Suite 1685Kasian ArchitectureInterior Designand Planning Ltdwww.kasian.comVancouver, BC Canada V6G 2Z6T 604 683 4145 F 604 683 2827As indicatedISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION230-05-2022ADP-6.11BUILDING-01COLORED ELEVATIONS12229 - TOWNHOUSES722063AuthorChecker12229, 12211 228ST MAPLE RIDGE, BC, CANADA1/8" = 1'-0"ADP-6.11COLORED WEST ELEVATION11/8" = 1'-0"ADP-6.11COLORED EAST ELEVATION21/8" = 1'-0"ADP-6.11COLORED SOUTH ELEVATION31/8" = 1'-0"ADP-6.11COLORED NORTH ELEVATION4REV. YYYY-MM-DD REVISION / DRAWING ISSUE REVIEW1 2020-12-07 ISSUED FOR REZONING2 2021-06-08 ISSUED FOR ADP SUBMISSION BUILDING -02 11 07 ⅊ ⅊ 02 01 N⅊ N⅊ ⅊ BUILDING -03 12 17 03 04 +42.60+42.70+42.76+42.80+42.90+42.96+42.60+42.76+42.80+42.90+42.96BUILDING -01 01 06 ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY. PROVIDE CERTIFICATION UPON REQUEST. CHK'D: DRAWN: DESIGN: SCALE: DATE: M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT: DRAWING NUMBER: REVISION DESCRIPTIONNO.DATE DR. property of M2 Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission. c Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is the SEAL: Tel: 604.553.0044 New Westminster, British Columbia #220 - 26 Lorne Mews V3M 3L7 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com +42.60+42.70+42.76+42.80+42.90+42.96+42.60+42.76+42.80+42.90+42.96+42.70+42.82+42.87+42.92+43.00+43.00BUILDING -02 11 07 ⅊ ⅊ 02 01 N⅊ N⅊ ⅊ BUILDING -03 12 17 03 04 +42.60+42.70+42.76+42.80+42.90+42.96+42.60+42.76+42.80+42.90+42.96BUILDING -01 01 06 ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY. PROVIDE CERTIFICATION UPON REQUEST. CHK'D: DRAWN: DESIGN: SCALE: DATE: M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT: DRAWING NUMBER: REVISION DESCRIPTIONNO.DATE DR. property of M2 Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission. c Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is the SEAL: Tel: 604.553.0044 New Westminster, British Columbia #220 - 26 Lorne Mews V3M 3L7 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com +42.60+42.70+42.6003 CHK'D: DRAWN: DESIGN: SCALE: DATE: M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT: DRAWING NUMBER: REVISION DESCRIPTIONNO.DATE DR. property of M2 Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission. c Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is the SEAL: Tel: 604.553.0044 New Westminster, British Columbia #220 - 26 Lorne Mews V3M 3L7 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com 2% CHK'D: DRAWN: DESIGN: SCALE: DATE: M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT: DRAWING NUMBER: REVISION DESCRIPTIONNO.DATE DR. property of M2 Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission. c Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is the SEAL: Tel: 604.553.0044 New Westminster, British Columbia #220 - 26 Lorne Mews V3M 3L7 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com CHK'D: DRAWN: DESIGN: SCALE: DATE: M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT: DRAWING NUMBER: REVISION DESCRIPTIONNO.DATE DR. property of M2 Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission. c Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is the SEAL: Tel: 604.553.0044 New Westminster, British Columbia #220 - 26 Lorne Mews V3M 3L7 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com N⅊ N⅊ ⅊ BUILDING -01 01 06 ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY. PROVIDE CERTIFICATION UPON REQUEST. CHK'D: DRAWN: DESIGN: SCALE: DATE: M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT: DRAWING NUMBER: REVISION DESCRIPTIONNO.DATE DR. property of M2 Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission. c Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is the SEAL: Tel: 604.553.0044 New Westminster, British Columbia #220 - 26 Lorne Mews V3M 3L7 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com PART ONE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PART THREE SOFT LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT PART THREE SOFT LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT - CONT PART THREE SOFT LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT - CONT PART TWO SCOPE OF WORK CHK'D: DRAWN: DESIGN: SCALE: DATE: M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT: DRAWING NUMBER: REVISION DESCRIPTIONNO.DATE DR. property of M2 Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission. c Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is the SEAL: Tel: 604.553.0044 New Westminster, British Columbia #220 - 26 Lorne Mews V3M 3L7 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com BUILDING -021107⅊⅊⅊⅊0201N⅊N⅊N⅊⅊⅊BUILDING -0312170304BUILDING -0101040508BUILDING -020102+42.60+42.70+42.76+42.80+42.90+42.96 +42.60+42.76+42.80+42.90+42.96 BUILDING -010106⅊D.K. B O W I N S & A S S O C I A T E S INC.8 9 5 5 E M I R Y S T R E E T, M I S S I O N , B.C.V 4 S 1 A 6 FAX: 6 0 4 - 8 2 6 -4 3 9 9 ,EMAIL: d b o w i n s @ s h a w . c a 6.3 mapleridge.ca TO: FILE NO: SUBJECT: PURPOSE: City of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel 2021-564-DP 23004 Dewdney Trunk Road MEETING DATE: July 20, 2022 An Advisory Design Panel (ADP) submission has been received for the subject property located at 23004 Dewdney Trunk Road (see Appendix A), to permit the construction of a mixed-use commercial and residential building, with three at-grade commercial retail units, and two storeys of apartments above. The subject property is approximately 892 m2 and is currently vacant. The proposed development consists of 189 m2 of commercial floor space, and 790 m2 of residential floor space. The allowable lot coverage is 70%, and the proposed lot coverage is 42%. The subject property was previously rezoned to the C-2 (Community Commercial) under a previous application. This application has been revised to add a third storey under the density bonus provision within the Zoning Bylaw. The rezoning application was accompanied by an Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment to amend the land use designation from Urban Residential to Commercial. This OCP amendment was supported based on the provision of the rental housing units above the commercial component. This is still proposed, with rental housing units being provided on the second storey, and market housing units being provided on the third storey. The applicant is requesting the ADP to review the development application for form and character (see Appendix B). A Design Rational (see Appendix C) has been provided by the Project Architect, Landscape Architect, and Civil Engineer. The Development Data Sheet (see Appendix D) provides a quick summary of the project details. The ADP submission checklist (see Appendix E) identifies a few items (site lighting and signage) that were not submitted as part of the package; however, the applicant will provide this information prior to the meeting. This Development Permit application is subject to Section 8.5 of the OCP for Commercial Developments. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: P. Smith Parcel A (Reference Plan 7941) Lot 1, Except: Part Dedicated Road Plan NWP87590, Section 17, Township 12, NWD Plan 3179 Commercial Commercial C-2 (Community Commercial) C-2 (Community Commercial) Commercial (Optometrist, Spa, Office) CD-2-95 (Comprehensive Development) Commercial Single Family Residential RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Urban Residential Page 1. of 4 East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Seniors' Housing RE (Elderly Citizens Residential) Urban Residential Single Family Residential RS-1 (Single Detached Residential) Urban Residential Existing Use of Property: Vacant Proposed Use of Property: Mixed-Use Commercial/Residential 892 m2 (0.2 acres) Site Area: Access: 230 Street Servicing requirement: Urban Standard DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA: This development is subject to Section 8.5 of the OCP for Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines (see Appendix F). The following is a summary of the applicable Key Guidelines Concepts and a brief assessment of the proposal's compliance with the guidelines, as provided by the Project Architect: 1. Avoid conflicts with adjacent uses through sound attenuation, appropriate lighting, landscaping, traffic calming and the transition of building massing to fit with adjacent development. "The building is intended to fit within the zoning which allows increased density and height, only the rooftop exiting and elevator will extend beyond the height allowance and is noted in the drawings. Landscaping buffers and extensive planting are used around the property. Vehicle access is located on 230 Street. Sound and visual privacy for the roof decks are provided through the use of landscaping and using the core to shield the roof top amenity area from neighbours to mitigate sound and visual overlook. The rooftop is also located away from the building edges to prevent overlook issues." 2. Encourage a pedestrian scale through providing outdoor amenities, minimizing the visual impact of parking areas, creating landmarks and visual interest along street fronts. "The design incorporates a patterned fac;ade to create visual interest with colour added at windows for further interest. High quality materials will be used. Brick will be used at the ground floor and core elements to provide a durable and attractive fac;ade treatment. Parking areas are shielded from view by landscaping." 3. Promote sustainable development with multimodal transportation circulation, and low impact building design. "The building has provided for bicycle parking for the residents and commercial start in the parkade. The site also allows for easy access to existing public transit on Dewdney Trunk Road." 4. Respect the need for private areas in mixed use development and adjacent residential areas. "The design seeks to mitigate privacy issues by using landscaping to provide visual separation and placing public areas away from edges. The commercial spaces are placed along Dewdney Page 2 of 4 Trunk Road and 230 Street so that they address the streets where the public will access the commercial units." 5. The form and treatment of new buildings should reflect the desired character and pattern of development in the area by incorporating appropriate architectural styles, features, materials, proportions and building articulation. "The design has sought to create an attractive building with a mix of durable materials which reflect its stature as a gateway building at the eastern end of Dewdney Trunk downtown. Materials have been chosen to reflect a high standard of finish while providing durability appropriate to the use of the building. The building has been proportioned to meet both the zoning and respond to the local scale so as not to overwhelm the residential buildings in the area but respect the growing need for density along Dewdney Trunk Road." Additional details on the development are provided in the Building Design, Massing and Siting section of the guidelines ched~list. PLANNING COMMENTS: 1. Proposal: This Commercial Development Permit is for the development of a mixed-use commercial/residential building, with three commercial retail units and two storeys of residential apartments above. The property will be accessed at the south-west corner of the site, from 230 Street, with at grade parking spaces for the commercial uses, and one level of underground parking for the residential use. Details of the building materials, colours, and landscaping are attached (see Appendix H). 2. Context: The subject property is currently a vacant lot, surrounded by commercial development to the north, single family development to the south and west, and a seniors' development to the east. 3. OCP and Zoning Compliance: The subject property was re-designated from Urban Residential to Commercial under a previous application and was rezoned to the C-2 (Community Commercial) zone. This OCP amendment and rezoning were supported based on the provision of the rental housing units above the commercial component. Rental housing is still proposed under this new development, with the second storey providing five rental units, and the third storey providing five market strata units. The subject property is approximately 892 m2 and is currently vacant. The proposed development consists of J.89 rn 2 of commercial floor space, and 790 m2 of residential floor space. The allowable lot coverage is 70%, and the proposed lot coverage is 42%. 4. Parl~io_g ancl bicycle storage: The required parking for the commercial use, based on J/30rn2 gross floor area is seven, plus ten stalls for the residential units, and two for residential visitors. This proposal meets the requirements by providing 20 parking stalls. A loading area b provided adjacent to the garbage enclosure to prevent baching out onto the street. Page 3 of 4 An outdoor bicycle rack is proposed outside of CRU1 for 6 bicycles. Residents could store bicycles either within their units, or within the bicycle storage in the parl<ing garage, if necessary. 5. Environmental. Sustainability & Stormwater Management: The stormwater management plan consists of onsite landscaping, including a 600mm of topsoil within the planters and an underground storage facility beneath the parking lot. 6. Garbage/Recycling: The garbage enclosure is located adjacent to the street in the south-west corner of the site, and will have the same black brick as the commercial spaces for continuity of materials and durability to protect the enclosure from vehicles. 7. Engineering Servicing Upgrades: Engineering Servicing upgrades were identified and secured for as part of the previous rezoning application. A barrier curb and gutter across the site frontage on the east side of 230 Street will be required. 230 Street will need to be upgraded to an urban collector standard across the frontage of the site. A concrete sidewalk is required across the site frontage on the east side of 230 Street. A new sanitary service will need to be installed. A new water service connection will be required off the 230 Street watermain. A street light design for 230 Street is required and street trees will be required. CONCLUSION: The proposed development generally complies with the Commercial Development Permit Area Guidelines. The Planning Department requests that the Advisory Design Panel provide comments on the development proposal. Prepared by: Michelle Baski, AScT, MA Planner The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Ortho Map Appendix B -ADP Submission Request Form Appendix C -Design Rationale Appendix D -ADP Submission Checklist Appendix E -Development Data Sheet Appendix F -Development Permit Area Guidelines Checklist Appendix G -Architectural and Landscaping Plans Page 4 of 4 DATE: Nov 26, 2021FILE: 2021-564-DP 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROADPID: 007-907-699 ^ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1188522974 11865 11931 11911 23010/301193222922 11944 11950 11950 11911 11895 11903231182291711911 11882 11895 119492298422939 11888 11860 11931 22929/2011901 2292311868 11913 11866 11881 11921 11892 11979 2314411902 2293611951/5322964 11871228981190122905 11920 2300411914 11851 12114 2300712084 2313012102 23122230 0 3 23085230851213512105 2309112145 23126231182309712125 12094 230631213422920231092301312064 12142 120062295012133120572289912132 230152291012124 1213912146 229711212512125 23011 12084 12153 12149 12151 121361212212095 2291112148 12048 1214012141/9212115 12155 12022 231381212712115 2300512041 11891 2294411939 11869 2295222994118752291211945 1188022904 11830 11910 11832/11976 11900 11955 2293811921 11951 11878 11910 1191222910 11960 11898 11861 11982 11980 11869 11922 1192711937 11975 119052289511930 11879 2314511881 11957 22949118702290911891 2310811940 11890 12138231012313912127 12123231311213712104 12056 2312322954121242293012116 12064 12110 231272311912130 12036 12074 12009 2298712067 23143230772294012073 1212112094 121282303122900231422313423009231461213112105 1212912130 231131213023147121262292112095 2310512087 23135231152292112147 12107 12085 12144 12120 12092 12053 SUBJECT PROPERTY 230 STGEE ST229 STDEWDNEY TRUNK RD STEPHENS STCHERRYWOOD DRPURDEY AVE FULLER AVE PEACH TREE CRT LANE N OF DTR SLAGER AVEAPPLE GROVESTEPHENS STLANE N OF DTR 230 STGEE STDEWDNEY TRUNK RD STEPHENS ST230 ST229 STFULLER AVE SLAGER AVE DEWDNEY TRUNK RD PURDEY AVE CHERRYWOOD DR DEWDNEY TRUNK RD LANE N OF D T R Aerial Imagery from the Spring of 2020´ Scale: 1:2,500 BY: PC The City  schedule making y ADP subm ADP thro Applicati Name of  File num Address  Current Z Seeking t Architect Submissi Architect Landscap Other Pro Note.: Th developm taken fro bulletin,  Major  per th build Group A (Pa Group B (Pa Group C Res Group D & E Group F (F1 Adv of Maple Rid es for submis your submiss mission pack ough your Fil ion Informa Applicant   ber   of site   Zone    to appear be t Informatio on will be p t   pe Architect  ofessional (S he Architects ments to the om AIBC Bull click here.  Occupancy  he current  ing codes  art 3)   art 3)   sidential  E   : Part 3)   isory Des dge Advisory ssion deadlin sion, contact kage for you le Manager w tion:  _________ _________ _________ _________ efore the AD on:  resented to  _________ _________ State Name  s are require e ADP that a letin 31 Build Public Assem Hospital, San Home for the Aged  Institutional  Hotel or sim Commercial  Industrial  sign Pane 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2019 October 16, 2019 September 23, 2019 November 20, 2019 October 28, 2019 NO DECEMBER MEETING Page 1 of 2 1106 - 1305 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca Peter Smith Architect AIBC Principal Designing Solutions Delivering Results MEMO June 21, 2022 Re: Development Permit – ADP Cover Letter 23004 Dewdney Trunk Road, Maple Ridge BC Attn: Michelle Baski Planner City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC, V2X 6A9 Project: 20210310 Advisory Design Panel Submission Dear Michelle, The following represents a comprehensive description of the project including meeting all zoning requirements, DP guidelines, and sustainability goals. The landscape architect will advise regarding stormwater management as it relates to the landscape design. Project Description and Goals 23004 Dewdney Trunk Road stands at the eastern edge of the Downtown Maple Ridge corridor on Dewdney Trunk. As a gateway building to a growing downtown, this site needs a building that announces the arrival to the downtown while still respecting the scale of the neighborhood at this edge. The existing zoning of C-2 was also revised to allow for increased density and height in recognition of the growth of the municipality and the need to accommodate for this densification. This project will seek to increase the density and height to provide a 3rd storey as allowed under the C-2 zoning. The building will provide for parking at grade and in a parkade located one level below grade. The ground floor will provide for 3 commercial retail units and an entry lobby for the residential suites above. The 2 storeys above the ground floor will be residential. As per the previous development permit agreement for the site, the second floor will be rental apartments with an amenity deck facing east for the residents of this floor. The 3rd floor is intended to be market rate condominiums. On the roof, a rooftop amenity deck will be provided for the entire building with a barbeque area, a lounge, and a small playhouse area for children. The design incorporates extensive planting at grade and planters at the roof to allow for a softening of the site’s edges and a natural beauty for the building. Planting buffers at the rear of the site at the neighboring property are provided as per zoning, and the PMT is shielded from view by planting and the exit stair from the parkade. Materially, the building will provide for high grade materials and a pattern treatment to the façade to provide visual interest and a sophistication over some of the other materials that appear on local buildings. Each façade is individually treated but given a similar treatment including the east façade that is close to the property line of the adjacent property to the east. Page 2 of 2 1106 - 1305 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca Peter Smith Architect AIBC Principal Designing Solutions Delivering Results Construction wise, the parkade and commercial ground floor will be non-combustible construction with high fly ash concrete and combustible construction with wood frame for the 2nd and 3rd floors. Exit stairs and the elevator core will be grouted CMU for resident and public safety. The commercial base will have a dark brick façade which will provide the durability required for the public level of the building, and the second and third floor will be panelized with a rainscreen façade that is lighter and marked with a staggered pattern and elements of colour to make it appear to float above the base and provide a bright welcoming landmark building for Maple Ridge. Balcony and roof deck railings will be of translucent safety glass to provide light passage and privacy. The surface parking area, which has been located underneath the building to the south end of the site will be concrete painted to match the adjacent brick colour for continuity, and the parking soffit will have the same simulated wood soffit that is used for all soffits on the building to provide visual warmth. The loading and garbage area is located adjacent to the street with a dedicated parking area, so vehicles turn around without having to back out into the street. The enclosure will have the same black brick as the commercial spaces for both continuity of materials and durability to protect the enclosure from vehicles. Architectural concrete planters will be coloured and designed to have a reveal pattern so that they are attractive and not plain poured-in-place concrete. Planters will be at least the minimum height of 2 feet above grade. Unit wise, the second and third floor are identical in layout. The unit mix is geared more towards family units with four 2- bedroom and two 3-bedroom arrangements. There are also four 1-bedroom apartments to allow for a mix of unit types. This distribution of unit types will allow for a variety of occupants and families. For sustainability, a reflective membrane roof will be provided outside of the rooftop amenity area. Balcony membranes will be reflective to help bounce light into suites, thereby reducing the need for internal lighting during daylight hours. The façade will have increased insulation over code to allow for reduced heating loads, and windows will have a Low-e coatings and u-values to meet or exceed code with thermally broken frames. A stormwater retention tank will be provided in the parkade to mitigate storm overflow into the sewer system. This design will add to the City of Maple Ridge in all aspects, and it is our hope that you will approve this design. This summarizes the design intent and goals for the project. Please let us know if you have any further questions. Thank you. Sincerely, Peter Smith, Architect AIBC, Principal peter@smithcraftarchitecture.ca 604-506-0699 June 21, 2022 Attention: Peter Smith Re: Design Rationale for 23004-Dewdney Trunk, Maple Ridge BC Landscape design emphasizes creating a harmony between the built and the open space by providing an attractive urban interface to a busy public realm on the ground level. A variety of outdoor amenity spaces have been provided for gathering and fostering a sense of community for the residents. The mid-level activity deck is envisioned to be a cozy seating area for relaxing and unwinding. The rooftop amenity area includes active spaces like the children’s play area and BBQ along with some seating areas. The landscape design language compliments the architecture with straight clean lines and seamless flow and connection between open spaces. Planting includes deciduous trees and a variety of seasonal shrubs, ground covers, and perennials to provide seasonal interest throughout the year. Trees along the street frontage have been carefully selected to avoid overhead services and to create a beautiful landscape vista along the street. Screening plants are proposed around the parking and the garbage enclosure. The current site layout provides safe onsite circulation for vehicles and pedestrian traffic with convenient access from the street frontage. Special paving is proposed for better wayfinding at the driveway. Concrete unit pavers and hydra-pressed slabs add texture and interest to the design and are also low maintenance. We believe the proposed design maximizes the potential of the site while providing many sustainability attributes and promoting a form and character that is suited to the local neighborhood. Gauri Bharihoke For Meredith Mitchell DEVELOPMENT DATA SHEET Existing /Proposed Zone _____________ Date Prepared __________ Proposed (Complies or state variance needed) Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed LOT AREA* (in square metres) Gross Total Less Road Widening / Truncations Less Park Net Total LOT COVERAGE (in % of net lot area) Total Site Coverage SETBACKS (in metres) Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) SETBACKS – Underground Structures (in metres) Front Rear Side #1 (N,S,E, or W) Side #2 (N,S,E, or W) Side #3 (N, S, E or W) BUILDING HEIGHT (in metres/storeys) Principal Accessory NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS Bachelor One Bedroom Two Bedroom Three Bedroom + Total GROSS FLOOR AREA (in square metres) Residential Retail Commercial Office Commercial Other Commercial (Type _________________) Institutional Industrial TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA * If the development site consists of more than one lot, lot dimensions pertain to the entire site. Proposed (Complies or variance needed?) OTHER – state YES or NO for each. If YES describe on separate sheet. Heritage Site Tree Survey/Assessment Provided Watercourse/Steep Slopes Covenants, Stat ROW & Easements I hereby certify that all the above information is true and correct. I acknowledge that any error or omissions are the sole responsibility of the undersigned and not the Development and Environmental Services Department. Prepared by: ___________________________ __________________________________ Print Name (Please print form and sign above) NOTE: To be prepared by an Architect for ADP Submission or by an owner/agent (applicant) for Development Application. Required Development Data Minimum Required or Maximum Allowed DENSITY # of units/ha (gross) # of units/ha (net) Gross Floor Area Floor Space Ratio (net) AMENITY SPACE (area in square metres) Common Activity Area Useable Open Space PARKING (number of spaces) Residential and Multi-Residential Uses Multi-Residential Town Centre (Bach Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (1 Bdr Units) Multi-Residential Town Centre (Added Bdr) Commercial Uses Educational & Assembly Uses Institutional Use Industrial Use Business Park Uses Comprehensive Other Number of spaces for visitors TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES Number of total for disabled Number of total (and %) small cars % Number of total (and %) tandem spaces % TOTAL OFF STREET LOADING SPACE(S) BICYCLE PARKING (number of spaces) Short Term Bicycle Parking Long Term Bicycle Parking PROJECT CONTACTS CLIENT GROUP LONDON WEST PROPERTY GROUP 2711 LYNBROOK DRIVE VANCOUVER, BC, V5S 2C2 CONTACT: RAJ THIND t: 236-877-2974 e: commercialsalesnet@gmail.com ARCHITECT SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE 1106 -1305 WEST 12TH AVENUE VANCOUVER, BC, V6H 1M3 CONTACT: PETER SMITH t: 604-506-0699 e: peter@smithcraftarchitecture.ca LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT M2 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE #220 -26 LORNE MEWS NEW WESTMINSTER, BC, V3M 3L7 CONTACT: MEREDITH MITCHELL t: 604-553-0044 e: office@ml2a.com SURVEYOR WADE & ASSOCIATES LAND SURVEYING LTD. 104 -32559 LOGAN AVENUE MISSION, BC, V2V 6W8 CONTACT: GARTH WADE t: 604-826-9561 e: garth@wadesurvey.com LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS L0 COVER PAGE L1 LANDSCAPE SITE PLAN L2 GROUND FLOOR SHRUB PLAN L3 2ND FLOOR AMENITY LANDSCAPE PLAN L4 ROOFTOP AMENITY LANDSCAPE PLAN L5 LANDSCAPE ELEVATIONS L6 LANDSCAPE DETAILS L7 LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS COPYRIGHT OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS RESERVED BY SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. THE DRAWING AND ALL ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE OF THE ARCHITECT. THE DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN ARE TO BE USED FOR THIS PROJECT ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, DATUMS AND LEVELS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK AND IS HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY OR OMISSION TO THE ARCHITECT. SEAL: PROJECT NO.: PROJECT TITLE: DRAWING TITLE: DWG. START DATE: SCALE: REVISION NO.: DRAWING NO.: 01/28/2020 1106 -1305 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: 1 : 1 2 DP000 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT COVER PAGE 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS DP000 COVER PAGE DP001 PROJECT STATS & DESIGN RATIONALE DP002 SOLAR STUDY - WINTER SOLTICE DP003 SOLAR STUDIES - SPRING EQUINOX DP004 SOLAR STUDY - SUMMER SOLSTICE DP005 SOLAR STUDY - FALL EQUINOX DP006 ZONING ANALYSIS DIAGRAMS DP007 SITE PHOTOS DP008 RENDERINGS DP009 MATERIALS DP010 FIRE ACCESS PLAN DP101 SURVEY & LOCATION PLAN DP102 AVERAGE GRADE DIAGRAM DP103 SITE PLAN DP104 STREETSCAPE DP201 FLOOR PLANS DP202 FLOOR PLANS DP203 FLOOR PLANS DP212 UNIT PLANS DP213 UNIT PLANS DP214 UNIT PLANS DP215 UNIT PLANS DP216 UNIT PLANS DP301 SOUTH & WEST ELEVATIONS DP302 NORTH & EAST ELEVATIONS DP311 SOUTH & WEST ELEVATIONS WITH LANDSCAPE DP312 NORTH & EAST ELEVATIONS WITH LANDSCAPE DP401 BUILDING SECTIONS DP402 BUILDING SECTIONS DP601 WALL SECTION & DETAILS DP602 DETAILS DP701 FAR DIAGRAMS - GROUND FLOOR DP702 FAR DIAGRAMS - 2ND FLOOR DP703 FAR DIAGRAMS - 3RD FLOOR DP704 FAR DIAGRAMS - 4TH FLOOR DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT DESIGN RATIONALE 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD STANDS AT THE EASTERN EDGE OF THE DOWNTOWN MAPLE RIDGE CORRIDOR ON DEWDNEY TRUNK. AS A GATEWAY BUILDING TO A GROWING DOWNTOWN, THIS SITE NEEDS A BUILDING THAT ANNOUNCES THE ARRIVAL TO THE DOWNTOWN WHILE STILL RESPECTING THE SCALE OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD AT THIS EDGE. THE EXISTING ZONING OF C-2 WAS ALSO REVISED TO ALLOW FOR INCREASED DENSITY AND HEIGHT IN RECOGNITION OF THE GROWTH OF THE MUNICIPALITY AND THE NEED TO ACCOMMODATE FOR THIS DENSIFICATION. THIS PROJECT WILL SEEK TO INCREASE THE DENSITY AND HEIGHT TO PROVIDE A 3RD STOREY. THE BUILDING WILL PROVIDE FOR PARKING AT GRADE AND IN A PARKADE LOCATED ONE LEVEL BELOW GRADE. THE GROUND FLOOR WILL PROVIDE FOR 3 COMMERCIAL RETAIL UNITS AND AN ENTRY LOBBY FOR THE RESIDENTIAL SUITES ABOVE. THE 2 STOREYS ABOVE THE GROUND FLOOR WILL BE RESIDENTIAL.AS PER THE PREVIOUS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AGREEMENT FOR THE SITE, THE SECOND FLOOR WILL BE RENTAL APARTMENTS WITH AN AMENITY DECK FACING EAST FOR THE RESIDENTS OF THIS FLOOR. THE 3RD FLOOR WILL BE MARKET RATE CONDOMINIUMS. ON THE ROOF, A ROOF AMENITY DECK WILL BE PROVIDED FOR THE ENTIRE BUILDING WITH A BARBEQUE AREA, A LOUNGE, AND A SMALL PLAYHOUSE AREA FOR CHILDREN. THE DESIGN INCORPORATES EXTENSIVE PLANTING AT GRADE AND PLANTERS AT THE ROOF TO ALLOW FOR A SOFTENING OF THE SITE’S EDGES AND A NATURAL BEAUTY FOR THE BUILDING. PLANTING BUFFERS AT THE REAR OF THE SITE AT THE NEIGHBORING PROPERTY ARE PROVIDED AS PER ZONING, AND THE PMT IS SHIELDED FROM VIEW BY PLANTING AND THE EXIST STAIR FROM THE PARKADE. MATERIALLY, THE BUILDING WILL PROVIDE FOR HIGH GRADE MATERIALS AND A PATTERN TREATMENT TO THE FAÇADE TO PROVIDE VISUAL INTEREST AND A SOPHISTICATION OVER SOME OF THE OTHER MATERIALS THAT APPEAR ON LOCAL BUILDINGS. EACH FAÇADE IS GIVEN SIMILAR TREATMENT INCLUDING THE EAST FAÇADE THAT IS CLOSE TO THE PROPERTY LINE OF THE ADJACENT PROPERTY TO THE EAST. THE COMMERCIAL BASE WILL HAVE A DARK BRICK FAÇADE WHICH WILL PROVIDE THE DURABILITY REQUIRED FOR THE PUBLIC LEVEL OF THE BUILDING, AND THE SECOND AND THIRD FLOOR WILL BE PANELIZED WITH A RAINSCREEN FAÇADE THAT IS LIGHTER AND MARKED WITH A STAGGERED PATTERN AND ELEMENTS OF COLOUR TO MAKE IT APPEAR TO FLOAT ABOVE THE BASE AND PROVIDE A BRIGHT WELCOMING LANDMARK BUILDING FOR MAPLE RIDGE. BALCONY AND ROOF DECK RAILINGS WILL BE OF TRANSLUCENT SAFETY GLASS TO PROVIDE LIGHT PASSAGE AND PRIVACY. THE SURFACE PARKING AREA WHICH HAS BEEN LOCATED UNDERNEATH THE BUILDING TO THE SOUTH END OF THE SITE WILL BE CONCRETE PAINTED TO MATCH THE ADJACENT BRICK COLOUR FOR CONTINUITY, AND THE CEILING WILL HAVE THE SAME SIMULATED WOOD SOFFIT THAT IS USED FOR ALL SOFFITS ON THE BUILDING TO PROVIDE VISUAL WARMTH. THE LOADING AND GARBAGE AREA IS LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE STREET WITH A DEDICATED PARKING AREA SO VEHICLES CAN TURN AROUND WITHOUT HAVING TO BACK OUT INTO THE STREET. THE ENCLOSURE WILL HAVE THE SAME BLACK BRICK AS THE COMMERCIAL SPACES FOR BOTH CONTINUITY OF MATERIALS AND DURABILITY TO PROTECT THE ENCLOSURE FROM VEHICLES. ARCHITECTURAL CONCRETE PLANTERS WILL BE COLOURED AND DESIGNED TO HAVE A REVEAL PATTERN SO THAT THEY ARE ATTRACTIVE AND NOT PLAIN POURED-IN-PLACE CONCRETE. UNIT WISE, THE SECOND AND THIRD FLOOR ARE IDENTICAL IN LAYOUT. THE UNIT MIX IS GEARED MORE TOWARDS FAMILY UNITS WITH FOUR 2-BEDROOM AND TWO 3- BEDROOM ARRANGEMENTS. THERE ARE ALSO FOUR 1-BEDROOM APARTMENTS TO ALLOW FOR A MIX OF UNIT TYPES. THIS DISTRIBUTION OF UNIT TYPES WILL ALLOW FOR A VARIETY OF OCCUPANTS AND FAMILIES. FOR SUSTAINABILITY, A REFLECTIVE MEMBRANE ROOF WILL BE PROVIDED OUTSIDE OF THE ROOFTOP AMENITY AREA. BALCONY MEMBRANES WILL BE REFLECTIVE TO HELP BOUNCE LIGHT INTO SUITES, THEREBY REDUCING THE NEED FOR INTERNAL LIGHTING DURING DAYLIGHT HOURS. THE FAÇADE WILL HAVE INCREASED INSULATION OVER CODE TO ALLOW FOR REDUCED HEATING LOADS, AND WINDOWS WILL HAVE A LOW-E COATINGS AND U-VALUES TO MEET OR EXCEED CODE WITH THERMALLY BROKEN FRAMES. A STORMWATER RETENTION TANK WILL BE PROVIDED IN THE PARKADE TO MITIGATE STORM OVERFLOW INTO THE SEWER SYSTEM. THIS DESIGN WILL ADD TO THE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE IN ALL ASPECTS, AND IT IS OUR HOPE THAT YOU WILL APPROVE THIS DESIGN. COPYRIGHT OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS RESERVED BY SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. THE DRAWING AND ALL ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE OF THE ARCHITECT. THE DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN ARE TO BE USED FOR THIS PROJECT ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, DATUMS AND LEVELS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK AND IS HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY OR OMISSION TO THE ARCHITECT. SEAL: PROJECT NO.: PROJECT TITLE: DRAWING TITLE: DWG. START DATE: SCALE: REVISION NO.: DRAWING NO.: 01/28/2020 1106 -1305 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: 1 : 1 2 DP001 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT PROJECT STATS & DESIGN RATIONALE 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT COPYRIGHT OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS RESERVED BY SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. THE DRAWING AND ALL ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE OF THE ARCHITECT. THE DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN ARE TO BE USED FOR THIS PROJECT ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, DATUMS AND LEVELS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK AND IS HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY OR OMISSION TO THE ARCHITECT. SEAL: PROJECT NO.: PROJECT TITLE: DRAWING TITLE: DWG. START DATE: SCALE: REVISION NO.: DRAWING NO.: 01/28/2020 1106 -1305 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH 2 DP002 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT SOLAR STUDY - WINTER SOLTICE 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC DECEMBER 21 -10 AM DECEMBER 21 -12 PM DECEMBER 21 -4 PMDECEMBER 21 -2 PM DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT COPYRIGHT OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS RESERVED BY SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. THE DRAWING AND ALL ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE OF THE ARCHITECT. THE DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN ARE TO BE USED FOR THIS PROJECT ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, DATUMS AND LEVELS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK AND IS HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY OR OMISSION TO THE ARCHITECT. SEAL: PROJECT NO.: PROJECT TITLE: DRAWING TITLE: DWG. START DATE: SCALE: REVISION NO.: DRAWING NO.: 01/28/2020 1106 -1305 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH 2 DP003 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT SOLAR STUDIES - SPRING EQUINOX 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC MARCH 21 -9 AM MARCH 21 -12 PM MARCH 21 -6 PMMARCH 21 -3 PM DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT COPYRIGHT OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS RESERVED BY SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. THE DRAWING AND ALL ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE OF THE ARCHITECT. THE DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN ARE TO BE USED FOR THIS PROJECT ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, DATUMS AND LEVELS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK AND IS HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY OR OMISSION TO THE ARCHITECT. SEAL: PROJECT NO.: PROJECT TITLE: DRAWING TITLE: DWG. START DATE: SCALE: REVISION NO.: DRAWING NO.: 01/28/2020 1106 -1305 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH 2 DP004 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT SOLAR STUDY - SUMMER SOLSTICE 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC JUNE 21 -9 AM JUNE 21 -12 PM JUNE 21 -6 PMJUNE 21 -3 PM DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT COPYRIGHT OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS RESERVED BY SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. THE DRAWING AND ALL ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE OF THE ARCHITECT. THE DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN ARE TO BE USED FOR THIS PROJECT ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, DATUMS AND LEVELS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK AND IS HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY OR OMISSION TO THE ARCHITECT. SEAL: PROJECT NO.: PROJECT TITLE: DRAWING TITLE: DWG. START DATE: SCALE: REVISION NO.: DRAWING NO.: 01/28/2020 1106 -1305 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH 2 DP005 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT SOLAR STUDY - FALL EQUINOX 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC SEPTEMBER 21 -9 AM SEPTEMBER 21 -12 PM SEPTEMBER 21 -6 PMSEPTEMBER 21 -3 PM DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT UP DN COVERAGE 375.0 SM (4036.47 SF) 64' - 3" 19.58 m 18' - 8 1/2"5.70 m8' - 8" 2.64 m18' - 8 1/2"5.70 m6' - 6" 1.98 m 39' - 7 1/2" 12.07 m 24' - 7 1/2" 7.51 m 2' - 9 1/2"0.85 m69' - 11"21.31 m7' - 5 1/2" 2.27 m 56' - 9 1/2" 17.31 m 7' - 5 1/2"2.27 m44' - 5 1/2"13.55 m18' - 0 1/2"5.50 mLANDSCAPE PERMEABILITY 69.65 SM (749.66 SF) 7.8% COVERAGE 375.0 SM (4036.47 SF) 64' - 3" 19.58 m 18' - 8 1/2"5.70 m8' - 8" 2.64 m 18' - 8 1/2"5.70 m6' - 6" 1.98 m 2' - 9 1/2"0.85 m69' - 11"21.31 m7' - 5 1/2" 2.27 m 56' - 9 1/2" 17.31 m 7' - 5 1/2"2.27 m44' - 5 1/2"13.55 m18' - 0 1/2"5.50 m39' - 7 1/2" 12.07 m 24' - 7 1/2" 7.51 m 15' - 1 1/2" 4.61 m 4' - 0" 1.22 m 4' - 0"1.21 m11' - 11" 3.64 m 5' - 10 1/2" 1.78 m 47' - 8 1/2"14.55 m15' - 1 1/2"4.61 m46' - 11 1/2"14.31 m11' - 11"3.64 m39' - 9 1/2" 12.13 m3' - 7 1/2"1.11 m1' - 4" 0.41 m 3' - 7" 1.09 m 12' - 10"3.91 m3' - 8" 1.12 m 69' - 0" 21.03 m18' - 0 1/2"5.50 m3' - 7"1.09 m3' - 8" 1.12 m 21' - 7 1/2"6.59 m72' - 8" 22.15 m 10' - 0" 3.04 m 8' - 0 1/2" 2.44 m1' - 7 1/2"0.49 m19' - 0"5.79 m2' - 1 1/2"0.65 m18' - 6"5.63 m7.88 m 18' - 0" 5.49 m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est 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH 1 : 100 2 DP006 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT ZONING ANALYSIS DIAGRAMS 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC 1 : 1001GROUND FLOOR COVERAGE 1 : 1002COVERAGE DIAGRAM DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT 1 : 1003LANDSCAPE COVERAGE DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD230 STREET230 STREETTIM HORTON'S 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD GEE STREET1 2 354 6 7 8 COPYRIGHT OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS RESERVED BY SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. THE DRAWING AND ALL ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE OF THE ARCHITECT. THE DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN ARE TO BE USED FOR THIS PROJECT ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, DATUMS AND LEVELS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK AND IS HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY OR OMISSION TO THE ARCHITECT. SEAL: PROJECT NO.: PROJECT TITLE: DRAWING TITLE: DWG. START DATE: SCALE: REVISION NO.: DRAWING NO.: 01/28/2020 1106 -1305 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH 1 : 1000 2 DP007 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT SITE PHOTOS 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC1 : 10001PHOTO LEGEND DEWDNEY TRUNK LOOKING NORTH WEST FROM SITE DEWDNEY TRUNK LOOKING NORTH FROM SITE DEWDNEY TRUNK LOOKING SOUTH WEST DEWDNEY TRUNK LOOKING NORTH WEST DEWDNEY TRUNK LOOKING SOUTH EAST AT SITE DEWDNEY TRUNK LOOKING NORTH EAST FROM SITE 230 STREET LOOKING SOUTH WEST AT SITE 230 STREET LOOKING EAST ADJACENT TO SITE DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT COPYRIGHT OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS RESERVED BY SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. THE DRAWING AND ALL ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE OF THE ARCHITECT. THE DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN ARE TO BE USED FOR THIS PROJECT ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, DATUMS AND LEVELS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK AND IS HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY OR OMISSION TO THE ARCHITECT. SEAL: PROJECT NO.: PROJECT TITLE: DRAWING TITLE: DWG. START DATE: SCALE: REVISION NO.: DRAWING NO.: 01/28/2020 1106 -1305 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: 1 : 1 2 DP008 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT RENDERINGS 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT 1 : 11VIEW FROM CORNER OF DEWDNEY TRUNK AND 230 STREET 1 : 12VIEW FROM 230 STREET 1 : 13VIEW ALONG DEWDNEY TRUNK BELDEN BRICK GRAPHITE BLACK -MONARCH SIZE 3 5/8" X 3 5/8" X 15 5/8" TRANSLUCENT TEMPERED SAFETY GLASS BALCONIES AND ROOFTOP AMENITY AREA HPL PANELS PURE WHITE BY TRESPA HPL PANELS OCHRE BY TRESPA HPL PANELS WINE RED BY TRESPA VINYL WINDOWS BLACK INSULATED FRAME LOW-E INSULATED GLAZING UNIT SIMULATED WOOD METAL SLAT SOFFIT LONGBOARD 6" EXPOSURE COPYRIGHT OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS RESERVED BY SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. THE DRAWING AND ALL ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE OF THE ARCHITECT. THE DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN ARE TO BE USED FOR THIS PROJECT ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, DATUMS AND LEVELS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK AND IS HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY OR OMISSION TO THE ARCHITECT. SEAL: PROJECT NO.: PROJECT TITLE: DRAWING TITLE: DWG. START DATE: SCALE: REVISION NO.: DRAWING NO.: 01/28/2020 1106 -1305 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: 1 : 2 2 DP009 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT MATERIALS 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT UP DN CRU 2 102 CRU 3 103 EXIT STAIR 1 106 CORRIDOR 105 EXIT P2 109 EXIT STAIR 2 107 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD SURFACE PARKING CRU 1 101 39.67 m22.90 m7.30 mPLANTER PLANTER PLANTERPLANTERPLANTER PMT FIRE APPARATUS HYD CACFFDC 4" STORZ CONNECTION 230 STREET 19' - 8"6.00 m9' - 6 1/2" 2.90 m 8 9 ' - 6 1 /2" 2 7.2 9 m FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS TO PARKADE FIRE DEPT. ACCESS TO MARKET ENTRANCE TD = 8.90 m (MAX 15 m PERMITTED) FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS TO PARKADE 2.86° 5.00%6.84°12.00%0.81°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est 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH 1 : 100 2 DP010 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT FIRE ACCESS PLAN 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT TIM HORTON'S DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD230 STREET230 STREETSLAGER AVENUE TIM HORTON'S 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD STEPHENS STREETSTEPHENS STREETGEE STREETFULLER AVENUE PURDY AVENUE GEE STREETCHERRYWOOD DRIVE DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL OFFICES COPYRIGHT OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS RESERVED BY SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. THE DRAWING AND ALL ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE OF THE ARCHITECT. THE DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN ARE TO BE USED FOR THIS PROJECT ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, DATUMS AND LEVELS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK AND IS HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY OR OMISSION TO THE ARCHITECT. SEAL: PROJECT NO.: PROJECT TITLE: DRAWING TITLE: DWG. START DATE: SCALE: REVISION NO.: DRAWING NO.: 01/28/2020 1106 -1305 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH 1 : 1000 2 DP101 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT SURVEY & LOCATION PLAN 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC 1 : 10001LOCATION PLAN DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT ELEV: 169.1 ft 51.5 m ELEV:168.2 ft 51.3 m ELEV:166.7 ft 50.8 m ELEV:173.7 ft 52.9 m ELEV: 172.4 ft 52.6 m 130' - 2"39.67 m23' - 1"7.04 m 58' - 8" 17.88 m 75' - 1 1/2" 22.90 m113' - 10"34.70 mAVERAGE GRADE = ( 166.7 + 168.2 + 169.1 + 173.7 + 172.4 ) / 5 = 850.1 / 5 = 170.0 ft AVERAGE GRADE = ( 50.8 + 51.3 + 51.5 + 52.9 + 52.6 ) / 5 = 259.1 / 5 = 51.8 m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est 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH 1 : 100 2 DP102 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT AVERAGE GRADE DIAGRAM 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC 1 : 1001AVERAGE GRADE DIAGRAM DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT UP EXIT STAIR 2 107 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD SURFACE PARKING 130' - 2"39.67 m75' - 1 1/2" 22.90 m ELEV EL 171.0 52.1 m ELEV EL 169.3 51.6 m ELEV EL 167.9 51.2 m TOFF EL 167.4 51.0 m ELEV EL 167.7 51.1 m ELEV EL 168.2 51.3 m ELEV EL 166.7 50.8 m ELEV EL 168.2 51.3 m ELEV EL 169.1 51.5 m ELEV EL 173.7 52.9 m PLANTER PLANTER PLANTERPLANTERPLANTER PMT ELEV EL 172.4 52.6 m 75' - 2" 22.91 m 130' - 0"39.62 m23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD 11982 230 STREET230 STREET22994 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD 12' - 7 1/2"3.85 m71' - 6 1/2"21.81 m22' - 4"6.80 m18' - 8 1/2"5.70 m4' - 11"1.50 m9' - 10"3.00 m8" 0.20 m23' - 1"7.04 m LINE OF 2ND FLOOR OVER UP DN 3.0 m SETBACK LINE 4.76°8.33%C01 C02 C03 C04 C05 C06 C07 C08 HC 2.86° 5.00%6.84°12.00%TOFF EL 171.5 52.3 m TOFF EL 171.4 52.3 m DN TOFF EL 171.5 52.3 m TOFF EL 171.5 52.3 m TOFF EL 171.5 52.3 m TOFF EL 173.5 52.9 m CRU 2 102 CRU 1 101 CRU 3 103 EXIT P2 109 LOADING & GARBAGE TOFF EL 169.5 51.7 m TOFF EL 169.8 51.8 m9' - 10"3.00 m12' - 7 1/2"3.85 m9' - 11 1/2"3.03 m9' - 10" 3.00 m 10' - 0" 3.05 m LINE OF 2ND FLOOR OVER LINE OF 2ND FLOOR OVER 0.81° 1.41% ELEV EL 171.4 52.2 m ELEV EL 171.4 52.2 m ELEV EL 169.8 51.8 m ELEV EL 169.8 51.8 m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est 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH 1 : 100 2 DP103 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT SITE PLAN 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT COPYRIGHT OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS RESERVED BY SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. THE DRAWING AND ALL ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE OF THE ARCHITECT. THE DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN ARE TO BE USED FOR THIS PROJECT ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, DATUMS AND LEVELS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK AND IS HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY OR OMISSION TO THE ARCHITECT. SEAL: PROJECT NO.: PROJECT TITLE: DRAWING TITLE: DWG. START DATE: SCALE: REVISION NO.: DRAWING NO.: 01/28/2020 1106 -1305 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: 2 DP104 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT STREETSCAPE 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD STREETSCAPE 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD 230 STREET 22940 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD 22984 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD 22974 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD23018 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD 230 STREET STREETSCAPE 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD 11982 230 STREETDEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD 11980 230 STREET DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT UP UP 2500 LBELEV.R03R02R01 129' - 0"39.31 m73' - 11" 22.53 m 15' - 10" 4.82 m 9' - 11" 3.03 m 24' - 2 1/2" 7.38 m 22' - 11 1/2" 7.00 m 1' - 0" 0.30 m 73' - 11" 22.53 m 1' - 0"0.30 m22' - 11 1/2"7.00 m13' - 1 1/2"4.00 m8"0.20 m18' - 4 1/2"5.60 m8"0.20 m11' - 6"3.50 m8"0.20 m18' - 0 1/2"5.50 m22' - 11 1/2"7.00 m18' - 0 1/2"5.50 m1' - 0"0.30 m64' - 11" 19.79 m 8" 0.20 m 7' - 4" 2.24 m 1' - 0" 0.30 m1' - 0"0.30 m15' - 3"4.64 m52' - 8 1/2"16.06 m18' - 0 1/2"5.50 m22' - 11 1/2"7.00 m18' - 0 1/2"5.50 m1' - 0"0.30 m129' - 0"39.31 m22' - 11 1/2" 7.00 m MECH LOBBY STORM DETENTION TANK UNDER RAMP EMR. RESIDENTIAL BIKE ROOM 15 BIKES EXIT P1 EXIT P2COMM. BIKE ROOM 4 BIKES R04V02V01 R052.86°5.00%6.02° 10.54% ELECT. R06R07R08R09R10 TOFF EL 160.2 48.8 m TOFF EL 160.2 48.8 m TOFF EL 162.8 49.6 m TOFF EL 162.8 49.6 m TOFF EL 159.3 48.5 m TOFF EL 159.3 48.5 m TOFF EL 160.2 48.8 m 1' - 0" 0.30 m 8' - 2 1/2" 2.50 m 8' - 2 1/2" 2.50 m 8' - 2 1/2" 2.50 m 8' - 2 1/2" 2.50 m 8' - 2 1/2" 2.50 m 8' - 2 1/2" 2.50 m 8' - 2 1/2" 2.50 m 5' - 6" 1.68 m 8' - 0" 2.44 m 22' - 11 1/2" 7.00 m 8" 0.20 m 1' - 6" 0.46 m 8' - 2 1/2" 2.50 m 8' - 2 1/2" 2.50 m 8' - 2 1/2" 2.50 m 8' - 2 1/2" 2.50 m 8' - 2 1/2" 2.50 m 5' - 9 1/2" 1.76 m UP6.84°12.00%NOTE: ALL PARKING SPACES THIS LEVEL TO HAVE ROUGH-IN INFRASTRUCTURE FOR LEVEL 2 CHARGING CRU 2 102 CRU 3 103 EXIT STAIR 1 106 CORRIDOR 105 EXIT P2 109 EXIT STAIR 2 107 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD SURFACE PARKING CRU 1 101 130' - 2"39.67 m75' - 1 1/2" 22.90 m ELEV EL 171.0 52.1 m ELEV EL 169.3 51.6 m ELEV EL 167.9 51.2 m ELEV EL 167.4 51.0 m ELEV EL 167.7 51.1 m ELEV EL 168.2 51.3 m ELEV EL 166.7 50.8 m ELEV EL 168.2 51.3 m ELEV EL 169.1 51.5 m ELEV EL 173.7 52.9 m PLANTER PLANTER PLANTERPLANTERPLANTER PMT ELEV EL 172.4 52.6 m MAIL CACF 4"0.10 m1' - 0"0.30 m3' - 7 1/2"1.11 m4' - 10 1/2"1.48 m2' - 9 1/2"0.85 m1' - 0"0.30 m70' - 6 1/2"21.50 m22' - 3 1/2"6.79 m18' - 1"5.51 m4' - 11"1.50 m8"0.21 m5 1/2" 0.13 m 8" 0.20 m 3' - 8" 1.12 m 8" 0.20 m 13' - 1" 3.99 m 6' - 6" 1.99 m 30' - 1" 9.17 m 8" 0.20 m 5' - 8" 1.73 m 4' - 4" 1.32 m 8' - 8 1/2" 2.65 m 8" 0.20 m 4" 0.10 m 8" 0.20 m 1' - 4" 0.41 m 11' - 11" 3.64 m 5' - 10 1/2" 1.78 m 8" 0.20 m 12' - 0" 3.66 m 8" 0.20 m 39' - 9 1/2" 12.13 m 1' - 0" 0.30 m 11" 0.28 m75' - 2" 22.91 m 7' - 8"2.34 m7' - 5 1/2" 2.27 m 55' - 9 1/2" 17.01 m 25' - 6 1/2"7.78 m7' - 5 1/2"2.27 m1 1/2"0.04 m8"0.21 m15' - 3 1/2"4.67 m48' - 2 1/2"14.70 m14' - 2"4.32 m4' - 6 1/2"1.39 m23' - 11 1/2"7.30 m22' - 11 1/2"7.00 m130' - 0"39.62 m13' - 1 1/2"4.01 mLINE OF 2ND FLOOR OVER LINE OF 2ND FLOOR OVER EXIT P1 108 2500 LBELEV.ELECTUP DN UP DN BIKE RACK 6 BIKES 9' - 11 1/2"3.03 m3.0 m SETBACK LINE 3.0m SETBACK LINE 0.81° 1.41%4.76°8.33%C01 C02 C03 C04 C05 C06 C07 C08 2.86° 5.00%6.84°12.00%TOFF EL 171.5 52.3 m TOFF EL 171.4 52.3 m TOFF EL 171.5 52.3 m TOFF EL 171.5 52.3 m TOFF EL 171.5 52.3 m TOFF EL 173.5 52.9 m 13' - 3 1/2" 4.05 m 6' - 6" 1.99 m 1' - 0" 0.30 m 8' - 2 1/2" 2.50 m 8' - 2 1/2" 2.50 m 8' - 3 1/2" 2.53 m 4' - 5" 1.34 m 3' - 7" 1.09 m 8' - 2 1/2" 2.50 m 7' - 10 1/2" 2.40 m 7' - 10 1/2" 2.40 m 8' - 2 1/2" 2.50 m 8' - 2 1/2" 2.50 m 1' - 0" 0.30 m 18' - 0 1/2"5.50 m23' - 11 1/2"7.30 m18' - 0 1/2"5.50 m23' - 2" 7.06 m 22' - 11 1/2" 7.00 m LOADING & GARBAGE ELEV EL 171.4 52.2 m ELEV EL 171.4 52.2 m ELEV EL 169.8 51.8 m ELEV EL 169.8 51.8 m TOFF EL 169.8 51.8 m PLANTER MIN. 2'-0" ABV. GRADE, TYP. PLANTER MIN. 2'-0" ABV. GRADE, TYP. 4' - 11" 1.50 m RAMP UP 2%18' - 11"5.76 m5' - 0" 1.53 m 4' - 11"1.50 m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est 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH 1 : 100 2 DP201 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT FLOOR PLANS 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC 1 : 1001PARKADE PLAN 1 : 1002GROUND FLOOR PLAN DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT NOTE: 1. 100% OF RESIDENTIAL PARKING SPACES TO BE PRE- WIRED FOR EV CHARGERS 2. 50% OF VISITOR PARKING SPACES TO BE PRE-WIRED FOR EV CHARGERS 3. 10% OF COMMERCIAL SPACES TO BE PRE-WIRED FOR EV CHARGERS INCLUDING REQUIRED ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE. 1 BR 202 1 BR 203 2 BR 204 CORRIDOR 206 EXIT STAIR 2 208 EXIT STAIR 1 207 2 BR 201 3 BR 205 AMENITY DECK10' - 4"3.15 m9' - 10"3.00 m9' - 10" 3.00 m 10' - 3" 3.12 m 53' - 6" 16.30 m 8" 0.20 m 11" 0.28 m 9' - 10"3.00 m32' - 1 1/2"9.79 m15' - 4 1/2"4.69 m26' - 10"8.17 m46' - 0"14.02 m5' - 4 1/2" 1.64 m 18' - 2" 5.53 m 6' - 7" 2.01 m 5' - 0" 1.52 m 30' - 7" 9.33 m 20' - 10 1/2" 6.36 m10' - 4"3.15 m10' - 3 1/2"3.13 m4' - 11"1.50 m12' - 1 1/2"3.69 m11' - 8 1/2"3.56 m12' - 1 1/2"3.69 m11' - 1"3.38 m12' - 1"3.69 m45' - 4"13.82 m1' - 2 1/2" 0.37 m 1' - 2 1/2" 0.36 m 5' - 0" 1.52 m 3' - 9 1/2" 1.15 m 2500 LBELEV.ELECT9' - 10"3.00 m9' - 10 1/2" 3.01 m 45' - 5"13.85 m75' - 2" 22.91 m 3.0 m SETBACK LINE 3.0m SETBACK LINE 5' - 0" 1.52 m 3' - 0"0.91 m42' - 5"12.93 m12' - 1" 3.69 m 5' - 0"1.52 m5' - 0"1.52 m64' - 5" 19.63 m 74' - 3 1/2"22.65 mDN UP UP DN 1 BR 302 1 BR 303 2 BR 304 CORRIDOR 306 2 BR 301 3 BR 305 EXIT STAIR 2 308 10' - 10"3.30 m10' - 4"3.15 m20' - 1" 6.12 m 16' - 0" 4.88 m 13' - 4 1/2" 4.08 m 12' - 0" 3.66 m 12' - 1" 3.69 m 1' - 7" 0.48 m 9' - 10"3.00 m32' - 1 1/2"9.79 m15' - 4 1/2"4.69 m26' - 10"8.17 m46' - 0"14.02 m75' - 1 1/2" 22.90 m10' - 4"3.15 m10' - 3 1/2"3.13 m4' - 11"1.50 m12' - 1 1/2"3.69 m11' - 8 1/2"3.56 m12' - 1 1/2"3.69 m11' - 1"3.38 m12' - 1"3.69 m45' - 4"13.82 m2500 LBELEV.ELECT3.0 m SETBACK LINE 3.0m SETBACK LINE 9' - 10" 3.00 m 9' - 10"3.00 mLINE OF ROOF OVER EXIT STAIR 1 307 DN UP UPDN 10' - 4 1/2" 3.16 m 1' - 2 1/2" 0.37 m 30' - 7" 9.32 m 12' - 1" 3.69 m 20' - 6 1/2" 6.26 m 4" 0.10 m 6' - 0 1/2" 1.84 m 3' - 9 1/2" 1.15 m 5' - 0" 1.52 m 5' - 0" 1.52 m 5' - 0" 1.52 m 5' - 0"1.52 m43' - 0"13.11 m3' - 0"0.91 m5' - 4 1/2" 1.64 m 4' - 0" 1.22 m 14' - 2" 4.31 m 5' - 4 1/2"1.64 m1' - 2 1/2"0.37 m8' - 9 1/2"2.68 m5' - 0"1.52 m74' - 3 1/2"22.65 m63' - 2 1/2" 19.27 m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est 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH 1 : 100 2 DP202 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT FLOOR PLANS 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC 1 : 10012ND FLOOR PLAN 1 : 10023RD FLOOR PLAN DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT 2500 LBELEV.ROOFTOP AMENITY EXIT STAIR 1 401 EXIT STAIR 2 402 32' - 2 1/2"9.82 m3' - 1"0.94 m9' - 5 1/2"2.89 m11' - 1 1/2"3.40 m3' - 3 1/2"1.00 m4' - 5 1/2" 1.36 m 12' - 3 1/2" 3.75 m 9' - 6" 2.90 m 130' - 2"39.67 m75' - 2" 22.91 m 130' - 0"39.62 m75' - 1 1/2" 22.90 m 6' - 3 1/2" 1.92 m 19' - 11 1/2" 6.08 m 43' - 0"13.11 m2' - 11 1/2"0.90 m26' - 11"8.20 m15' - 3 1/2"4.66 m32' - 2"9.80 m3' - 9 1/2"1.16 m6' - 0 1/2"1.84 m6' - 0 1/2" 1.84 m 12' - 7 1/2" 3.84 m 17' - 5 1/2" 5.32 m 13' - 4" 4.07 m 12' - 0 1/2" 3.67 m 12' - 1" 3.69 m 8 1/2" 0.22 m 10 1/2" 0.27 m 6' - 7" 2.01 m 4' - 11 1/2" 1.51 m 30' - 7 1/2" 9.34 m 12' - 1" 3.69 m 20' - 7" 6.27 m 3 1/2" 0.09 m 26' - 3" 8.00 m 58' - 3 1/2"17.77 m4' - 6 1/2"1.38 m14' - 0"4.27 m12' - 9 1/2"3.90 m3' - 1"0.94 m9' - 5 1/2"2.89 m11' - 1 1/2"3.40 m3' - 3 1/2"1.00 m45' - 4"13.82 m12' - 1"3.69 m11' - 1"3.38 m12' - 1 1/2"3.69 m11' - 8 1/2"3.56 m12' - 1"3.68 m5' - 0"1.52 m10' - 3 1/2"3.14 m3' - 9"1.14 m6' - 6 1/2"2.00 m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est 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH 1 : 100 2 DP203 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT FLOOR PLANS 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC 1 : 1001ROOF PLAN DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT 907.94 SF UNIT 201 60.48 SF BALCONY 907.94 SF UNIT 201 13' - 8 1/2" 4.17 m 12' - 0" 3.66 m 12' - 1" 3.69 m 8" 0.20 m 38' - 5 1/2" 11.72 m 30' - 11"9.42 m5' - 0"1.52 m35' - 11"10.94 m14' - 2" 4.31 m 24' - 3 1/2" 7.41 m1' - 0"0.30 m10' - 1"3.07 m21' - 0 1/2"6.41 m32' - 1 1/2"9.79 m60.48 SF BALCONY 648.00 SF UNIT 202 60.43 SF BALCONY 648.00 SF UNIT 202 10' - 3 1/2" 3.13 m 15' - 8 1/2" 4.79 m 4" 0.10 m 26' - 3 1/2" 8.01 m 16' - 6 1/2"5.05 m10' - 1"3.07 m4' - 5 1/2" 1.36 m 6" 0.16 m 24' - 7 1/2" 7.50 m 2" 0.05 m 29' - 9" 9.07 m10' - 3 1/2"3.13 m4' - 11"1.50 m12' - 1 1/2"3.69 m4"0.10 m1' - 0"0.30 m1' - 2 1/2" 0.37 m 60.43 SF BALCONY27' - 7 1/2"8.42 m0 1 52 COPYRIGHT OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS RESERVED BY SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. THE DRAWING AND ALL ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE OF THE ARCHITECT. THE DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN ARE TO BE USED FOR THIS PROJECT ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, DATUMS AND LEVELS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK AND IS HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY OR OMISSION TO THE ARCHITECT. SEAL: PROJECT NO.: PROJECT TITLE: DRAWING TITLE: DWG. START DATE: SCALE: REVISION NO.: DRAWING NO.: 01/28/2020 1106 -1305 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH 1 : 50 2 DP212 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT UNIT PLANS 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC 1 : 501UNIT 201 - AREA PLAN 1 : 502UNIT 201 - AREA DIAGRAM 1 : 503UNIT 202 - AREA PLAN 1 : 504UNIT 202 - AREA DIAGRAM DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT 454.07 SF UNIT 203 60.44 SF BALCONY 454.07 SF UNIT 203 8 1/2" 0.21 m 21' - 0" 6.40 m 9' - 11"3.02 m6' - 9"2.06 m7' - 1 1/2"2.18 m4"0.10 m24' - 1 1/2"7.35 m4' - 5 1/2" 1.36 m 6" 0.16 m 15' - 8" 4.78 m 4' - 9 1/2" 1.47 m11' - 8 1/2"3.56 m12' - 1 1/2"3.69 m4"0.10 m1' - 2 1/2" 0.37 m 60.44 SF BALCONY 5' - 0" 1.52 m 725.38 SF UNIT 204 60.32 SF BALCONY 725.38 SF UNIT 204 8 1/2" 0.21 m 16' - 2 1/2" 4.94 m 2' - 0"0.61 m17' - 11 1/2"5.48 m2' - 11"0.88 m4"0.10 m9' - 7"2.92 m9' - 11"3.02 m22' - 10 1/2"6.97 m12' - 1"3.69 m11' - 1"3.38 m5' - 0" 1.52 m 30' - 3 1/2" 9.23 m 4" 0.10 m 3' - 9 1/2" 1.15 m 1' - 2 1/2" 0.37 m 60.32 SF BALCONY 16' - 10 1/2" 5.15 m 4' - 9 1/2" 1.47 m 9' - 9 1/2" 2.99 m 35' - 7" 10.84 m 31' - 6" 9.60 m 0 1 52 COPYRIGHT OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS RESERVED BY SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. THE DRAWING AND ALL ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE OF THE ARCHITECT. THE DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN ARE TO BE USED FOR THIS PROJECT ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, DATUMS AND LEVELS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK AND IS HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY OR OMISSION TO THE ARCHITECT. SEAL: PROJECT NO.: PROJECT TITLE: DRAWING TITLE: DWG. START DATE: SCALE: REVISION NO.: DRAWING NO.: 01/28/2020 1106 -1305 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH 1 : 50 2 DP213 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT UNIT PLANS 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC 1 : 501UNIT 203 - AREA PLAN 1 : 502UNIT 203 - AREA DIAGRAM 1 : 503UNIT 204 - AREA PLAN 1 : 504UNIT 204 - AREA DIAGRAM DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT 796.36 SF UNIT 205 60.48 SF BALCONY 796.36 SF UNIT 205 3' - 0"0.91 m26' - 5 1/2"8.06 m4"0.10 m3' - 0"0.91 m2' - 0"0.61 m17' - 11 1/2"5.48 m6' - 6"1.98 m29' - 5 1/2"8.98 m12' - 1" 3.69 m 20' - 6 1/2" 6.26 m 60.48 SF BALCONY 4" 0.10 m 12' - 1" 3.69 m 20' - 6 1/2" 6.26 m 2' - 0"0.61 m3' - 0"0.91 m8' - 8" 2.64 m 6' - 1 1/2" 1.87 m 18' - 2" 5.53 m 32' - 11 1/2" 10.04 m 907.94 SF UNIT 301 60.48 SF BALCONY 30' - 11"9.42 m5' - 0"1.52 m1' - 2 1/2"0.37 m3' - 9 1/2"1.16 m21' - 0 1/2"6.41 m10' - 1"3.07 m1' - 0"0.30 m32' - 1 1/2"9.79 m14' - 2" 4.31 m 24' - 3 1/2" 7.41 m 13' - 8 1/2" 4.17 m 12' - 0" 3.66 m 12' - 1" 3.69 m 8" 0.20 m 38' - 5 1/2" 11.72 m 907.94 SF UNIT 301 60.48 SF BALCONY 0 1 52 COPYRIGHT OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS RESERVED BY SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. THE DRAWING AND ALL ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE OF THE ARCHITECT. THE DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN ARE TO BE USED FOR THIS PROJECT ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, DATUMS AND LEVELS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK AND IS HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY OR OMISSION TO THE ARCHITECT. SEAL: PROJECT NO.: PROJECT TITLE: DRAWING TITLE: DWG. START DATE: SCALE: REVISION NO.: DRAWING NO.: 01/28/2020 1106 -1305 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH 1 : 50 2 DP214 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT UNIT PLANS 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC 1 : 501UNIT 205 - AREA PLAN 1 : 502UNIT 205 - AREA DIAGRAM 1 : 503UNIT 301 - AREA DIAGRAM 1 : 504UNIT 301 - AREA PLAN DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT 648.00 SF UNIT 302 60.43 SF BALCONY 648.00 SF UNIT 302 60.43 SF BALCONY 10' - 3 1/2" 3.13 m 15' - 8 1/2" 4.79 m 4" 0.10 m 26' - 3 1/2" 8.01 m 16' - 6 1/2"5.05 m10' - 1"3.07 m4' - 5 1/2" 1.36 m 6" 0.16 m 24' - 7 1/2" 7.50 m 2" 0.05 m 29' - 9" 9.07 m10' - 3 1/2"3.13 m4' - 11"1.50 m12' - 1 1/2"3.69 m4"0.10 m1' - 0"0.30 m1' - 2 1/2" 0.37 m 27' - 7 1/2"8.42 m453.74 SF UNIT 303 60.44 SF BALCONY 453.74 SF UNIT 303 60.44 SF BALCONY 8 1/2" 0.21 m 21' - 0" 6.40 m 9' - 11 1/2"3.04 m6' - 8"2.03 m7' - 2"2.18 m4"0.10 m24' - 1 1/2"7.35 m4' - 5 1/2" 1.36 m 6" 0.16 m 15' - 8" 4.78 m 4' - 9 1/2" 1.47 m11' - 8 1/2"3.56 m12' - 1 1/2"3.69 m4"0.10 m1' - 2 1/2" 0.37 m 0" 0.00 m 5' - 0" 1.52 m 0 1 52 COPYRIGHT OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS RESERVED BY SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. THE DRAWING AND ALL ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE OF THE ARCHITECT. THE DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN ARE TO BE USED FOR THIS PROJECT ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, DATUMS AND LEVELS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK AND IS HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY OR OMISSION TO THE ARCHITECT. SEAL: PROJECT NO.: PROJECT TITLE: DRAWING TITLE: DWG. START DATE: SCALE: REVISION NO.: DRAWING NO.: 01/28/2020 1106 -1305 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH 1 : 50 2 DP215 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT UNIT PLANS 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC 1 : 501UNIT 302 - AREA PLAN 1 : 502UNIT 302 - AREA DIAGRAM 1 : 503UNIT 303 - AREA PLAN 1 : 504UNIT 303 - AREA DIAGRAM DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT 725.71 SF UNIT 304 60.32 SF BALCONY 725.71 SF UNIT 304 60.32 SF BALCONY 2' - 0"0.61 m17' - 11 1/2"5.48 m2' - 11"0.88 m4"0.10 m9' - 8"2.94 m9' - 11 1/2"3.04 m22' - 10 1/2"6.97 m12' - 1"3.69 m11' - 1"3.38 m5' - 0" 1.52 m 30' - 3 1/2" 9.23 m 4" 0.10 m 3' - 9 1/2" 1.15 m 1' - 2 1/2" 0.37 m 16' - 10 1/2" 5.15 m 4' - 9 1/2" 1.47 m 9' - 9 1/2" 2.99 m 35' - 7" 10.84 m 31' - 6" 9.60 m 796.36 SF UNIT 305 60.48 SF BALCONY 796.36 SF UNIT 305 3' - 0"0.91 m26' - 5 1/2"8.06 m4"0.10 m3' - 0"0.91 m2' - 0"0.61 m17' - 11 1/2"5.48 m6' - 6"1.98 m29' - 5 1/2"8.98 m12' - 1" 3.69 m 20' - 6 1/2" 6.26 m 4" 0.10 m 12' - 1" 3.69 m 20' - 6 1/2" 6.26 m 2' - 0"0.61 m3' - 0"0.91 m8' - 8" 2.64 m 6' - 1 1/2" 1.87 m 18' - 2" 5.53 m 32' - 11 1/2" 10.04 m 60.48 SF BALCONY 0 1 52 COPYRIGHT OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS RESERVED BY SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. THE DRAWING AND ALL ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE OF THE ARCHITECT. THE DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN ARE TO BE USED FOR THIS PROJECT ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, DATUMS AND LEVELS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK AND IS HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY OR OMISSION TO THE ARCHITECT. SEAL: PROJECT NO.: PROJECT TITLE: DRAWING TITLE: DWG. START DATE: SCALE: REVISION NO.: DRAWING NO.: 01/28/2020 1106 -1305 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH 1 : 50 2 DP216 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT UNIT PLANS 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC 1 : 501UNIT 304 - AREA PLAN 1 : 502UNIT 304 - AREA DIAGRAM 1 : 503UNIT 305 - AREA PLAN 1 : 504UNIT 305 - AREA DIAGRAM DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT GROUND FLOOR 52.27 m MAXIMUM HEIGHT 61.77 m PARKADE 48.82 m 2ND FLOOR 55.93 m 3RD FLOOR 58.72 m ROOF 61.52 m AVERAGE LEVEL 51.82 m STAIR PARAPET 64.31 m ELEV OVER RUN 66.62 m 1' - 6"0.46 m10"0.25 m7' - 7"2.31 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m12' - 0"3.66 m11' - 4"3.45 m47' - 1"14.34 m1 1 6 3 4 243 2 5 5 7 7 12 13 13 13 13 16 16 16 18 18 18 MTL. SECURITY DOOR PTD. BLACK 5 CONCRETE PTD BRICK BLACK GROUND FLOOR 52.27 m MAXIMUM HEIGHT 61.77 m PARKADE 48.82 m 2ND FLOOR 55.93 m 3RD FLOOR 58.72 m ROOF 61.52 m AVERAGE LEVEL 51.82 m STAIR PARAPET 64.31 m ELEV OVER RUN 66.62 m 10"0.25 m1' - 6"0.46 m32' - 8"9.96 m7' - 7"2.31 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m12' - 0"3.66 m11' - 4"3.45 m47' - 1"14.34 m1 11113 13 13 8 12101117 8 18 18 18 18 2 43 55 6 6 56 7 715 PTD. STL. & GLASS CANOPY 8 1 1 2 PREFINISHED METAL CAP FLASHING -BLACK 3 HPL PANEL (TRESPA OR EQUIV.) -PURE WHITE 4 5 ARCHITECTURAL CONCRETE 6 FACE BRICK -BLACK 7 VINYL WINDOW SYSTEM -BLACK FRAME 8 9 METAL INSULATED DOOR -BLACK MATERIALS LEGEND 10 ALUMINUM STOREFRONT GLAZING SYSTEM -PTD. BLACK 11 ARCHITECTURAL LOUVRE -ALUMINUM 12 13 VINYL INSULATED DOOR -PTD. BLACK TEMPERED GLASS RAILING -FROSTED PRIVACY GLASS 14 15 16 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE STEPS 17 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PLANTERS 18 SIMULATED WOOD SOFFIT (LONGBOARD, OR EQUIV.) HPL PANEL (TRESPA OR EQUIV.) -WINE RED HPL PANEL (TRESPA OR EQUIV.) -OCHRE TEMPERED GLASS RAILING -CLEAR GLASS PRECAST CONCRETE LINTEL OR SILL PREFINISHED METAL FLASHING -BLACK 0 5 10 COPYRIGHT OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS RESERVED BY SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. THE DRAWING AND ALL ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE OF THE ARCHITECT. THE DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN ARE TO BE USED FOR THIS PROJECT ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, DATUMS AND LEVELS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK AND IS HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY OR OMISSION TO THE ARCHITECT. SEAL: PROJECT NO.: PROJECT TITLE: DRAWING TITLE: DWG. START DATE: SCALE: REVISION NO.: DRAWING NO.: 01/28/2020 1106 -1305 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: As indicated 2 DP301 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT SOUTH & WEST ELEVATIONS 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC 1 : 1001SOUTH ELEVATION 1 : 1002WEST ELEVATION DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT CONCRETE PTD. BRICK BLACK GROUND FLOOR 52.27 m MAXIMUM HEIGHT 61.77 m PARKADE 48.82 m 2ND FLOOR 55.93 m 3RD FLOOR 58.72 m ROOF 61.52 m AVERAGE LEVEL 51.82 m STAIR PARAPET 64.31 m ELEV OVER RUN 66.62 m 11' - 4"3.45 m12' - 0"3.66 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m7' - 7"2.31 m47' - 1"14.34 m32' - 8"9.96 m15' - 11"4.85 m1' - 6"0.46 m10"0.25 m1 6 6 1 6 3 2 4 3 2 5 5 2 7 10 12 13 13 13 13 16 16 17 18 18 18 117815 15 PTD STL & GLASS CANOPY 713 1 GROUND FLOOR 52.27 m MAXIMUM HEIGHT 61.77 m PARKADE 48.82 m 2ND FLOOR 55.93 m 3RD FLOOR 58.72 m ROOF 61.52 m AVERAGE LEVEL 51.82 m STAIR PARAPET 64.31 m ELEV OVER RUN 66.62 m 7' - 7"2.31 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m12' - 0"3.66 m11' - 4"3.45 m47' - 1"14.34 m32' - 8"9.96 m10"0.25 m1' - 6"0.46 m5 1 2 2 1 1 166 6 21 4 32 13 13 12 155 13 13 6 16 16 18 18 16 16 PTD. STL. & GLASS CANOPY 1 GROUND FLOOR 52.27 m MAXIMUM HEIGHT 61.77 m PARKADE 48.82 m 2ND FLOOR 55.93 m 3RD FLOOR 58.72 m ROOF 61.52 m AVERAGE LEVEL 51.82 m STAIR PARAPET 64.31 m 9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m12' - 0"3.66 m11' - 4"3.45 m32' - 8"9.96 m10"0.25 m1' - 6"0.46 m15' - 11"4.85 mELEV OVER RUN 66.62 m 47' - 1"14.34 m1 6 13 7 4 3 2 612 18 16 16 18 11 17 10 15 5 1 2 PREFINISHED METAL CAP FLASHING -BLACK 3 HPL PANEL (TRESPA OR EQUIV.) -PURE WHITE 4 5 ARCHITECTURAL CONCRETE 6 FACE BRICK -BLACK 7 VINYL WINDOW SYSTEM -BLACK FRAME 8 9 METAL INSULATED DOOR -BLACK MATERIALS LEGEND 10 ALUMINUM STOREFRONT GLAZING SYSTEM -PTD. BLACK 11 ARCHITECTURAL LOUVRE -ALUMINUM 12 13 VINYL INSULATED DOOR -PTD. BLACK TEMPERED GLASS RAILING -FROSTED PRIVACY GLASS 14 15 16 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE STEPS 17 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PLANTERS 18 SIMULATED WOOD SOFFIT (LONGBOARD, OR EQUIV.) HPL PANEL (TRESPA OR EQUIV.) -WINE RED HPL PANEL (TRESPA OR EQUIV.) -OCHRE TEMPERED GLASS RAILING -CLEAR GLASS PRECAST CONCRETE LINTEL OR SILL PREFINISHED METAL FLASHING -BLACK MAXIMUM HEIGHT 61.77 m 2ND FLOOR 55.93 m 3RD FLOOR 58.72 m ROOF 61.52 m 19' - 2"5.84 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m10"0.25 m16 181243 7 515 MAXIMUM HEIGHT 61.77 m 2ND FLOOR 55.93 m 3RD FLOOR 58.72 m ROOF 61.52 m 19' - 2"5.84 m10"0.25 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m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est 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: As indicated 2 DP302 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT NORTH & EAST ELEVATIONS 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC 1 : 1001NORTH ELEVATION 1 : 1002EAST ELEVATION 1 : 1003NE CORNER ELEVATION DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT 1 : 1004NORTH ELEVATION - AMENITY COURTYARD 1 : 1005SOUTH ELEVATION - AMENITY COURTYARD GROUND FLOOR 52.27 m MAXIMUM HEIGHT 61.77 m PARKADE 48.82 m 2ND FLOOR 55.93 m 3RD FLOOR 58.72 m ROOF 61.52 m AVERAGE LEVEL 51.82 m STAIR PARAPET 64.31 m ELEV OVER RUN 66.62 m 1' - 6"0.46 m10"0.25 m7' - 7"2.31 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m12' - 0"3.66 m11' - 4"3.45 m47' - 1"14.34 mGROUND FLOOR 52.27 m MAXIMUM HEIGHT 61.77 m PARKADE 48.82 m 2ND FLOOR 55.93 m 3RD FLOOR 58.72 m ROOF 61.52 m AVERAGE LEVEL 51.82 m STAIR PARAPET 64.31 m ELEV OVER RUN 66.62 m 10"0.25 m1' - 6"0.46 m32' - 8"9.96 m7' - 7"2.31 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m12' - 0"3.66 m11' - 4"3.45 m47' - 1"14.34 m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est 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: 1 : 100 2 DP311 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT SOUTH & WEST ELEVATIONS WITH LANDSCAPE 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC 1 : 1001SOUTH ELEVATION WITH LANDSCAPE DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT 1 : 1002WEST ELEVATION WITH LANDSCAPE GROUND FLOOR 52.27 m MAXIMUM HEIGHT 61.77 m PARKADE 48.82 m 2ND FLOOR 55.93 m 3RD FLOOR 58.72 m ROOF 61.52 m AVERAGE LEVEL 51.82 m STAIR PARAPET 64.31 m ELEV OVER RUN 66.62 m 11' - 4"3.45 m12' - 0"3.66 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m7' - 7"2.31 m47' - 1"14.34 m32' - 8"9.96 m15' - 11"4.85 m1' - 6"0.46 m10"0.25 mGROUND FLOOR 52.27 m MAXIMUM HEIGHT 61.77 m PARKADE 48.82 m 2ND FLOOR 55.93 m 3RD FLOOR 58.72 m ROOF 61.52 m AVERAGE LEVEL 51.82 m STAIR PARAPET 64.31 m ELEV OVER RUN 66.62 m 9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m12' - 0"3.66 m11' - 4"3.45 m32' - 8"9.96 m10"0.25 m1' - 6"0.46 m15' - 11"4.85 m47' - 1"14.34 mGROUND FLOOR 52.27 m MAXIMUM HEIGHT 61.77 m PARKADE 48.82 m 2ND FLOOR 55.93 m 3RD FLOOR 58.72 m ROOF 61.52 m AVERAGE LEVEL 51.82 m STAIR PARAPET 64.31 m ELEV OVER RUN 66.62 m 7' - 7"2.31 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m12' - 0"3.66 m11' - 4"3.45 m47' - 1"14.34 m32' - 8"9.96 m10"0.25 m1' - 6"0.46 mMAXIMUM HEIGHT 61.77 m 2ND FLOOR 55.93 m 3RD FLOOR 58.72 m ROOF 61.52 m 19' - 2"5.84 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m10"0.25 mMAXIMUM HEIGHT 61.77 m 2ND FLOOR 55.93 m 3RD FLOOR 58.72 m ROOF 61.52 m 19' - 2"5.84 m10"0.25 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m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est 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: 1 : 100 2 DP312 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT NORTH & EAST ELEVATIONS WITH LANDSCAPE 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC 1 : 1001NORTH ELEVATION WITH LANDSCAPE 1 : 1003NE CORNER ELEVATION WITH LANDSCAPE 1 : 1002EAST ELEVATION WITH LANDSCAPE 1 : 1004NORTH ELEVATION - AMENITY COURTYARD W/ LANDSCAPE 1 : 1005SOUTH ELEVATION - AMENITY COURTYARD W/ LANDSCAPE DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT GROUND FLOOR52.27 m MAXIMUM HEIGHT 61.77 m PARKADE 48.82 m 2ND FLOOR 55.93 m 3RD FLOOR 58.72 m ROOF 61.52 m AVERAGE LEVEL 51.82 m STAIR PARAPET 64.31 m ELEV OVER RUN 66.62 m 7' - 6 1/2"2.30 m13' - 1"3.99 m2 BR 201 2 BR 301 CRU 1 101 3 BR 205 3 BR 305 AMENITY TERRACE PARKADE32' - 8"9.96 m7' - 7"2.31 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m12' - 0"3.66 m11' - 4"3.45 m11"0.28 m47' - 1"14.34 m9' - 8"2.95 m11' - 4"3.45 mPARKADE RAMP EXIT P2 109 PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE9' - 4"2.85 m7' - 1 1/2"2.18 m7' - 4"2.24 mSTORM RETENTION TANK BIKE ROOM PARKADE 7' - 2"2.18 mROOFTOP AMENITY 8' - 0"2.44 m8' - 0"2.44 m8' - 0"2.44 m8' - 0"2.44 mELEVATOR OVERRUN DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD11"0.28 mGROUND FLOOR 52.27 m MAXIMUM HEIGHT 61.77 m PARKADE 48.82 m 2ND FLOOR 55.93 m 3RD FLOOR 58.72 m ROOF 61.52 m AVERAGE LEVEL 51.82 m STAIR PARAPET 64.31 m ELEV OVER RUN 66.62 m 7' - 7"2.31 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m12' - 0"3.66 m11' - 4"3.45 m32' - 8"9.96 m47' - 1"14.34 m7' - 6"2.29 m15' - 0"ELEV. OVERRUN4.57 mPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE2500 LB ELEVATOR CORRIDOR 306 CORRIDOR 206 2 BR 301 2 BR 201 3 BR 305 3 BR 205 SURFACE PARKING AND RAMPSHAFT RAMP PARKADE 401 EXIT STAIR 1 131.00 SF 402 EXIT STAIR 2 130.78 SF 108 EXIT P1 84.63 SF AMENITY ROOFTOP 11' - 4"3.45 m8' - 0"2.44 m8' - 0"2.44 m8' - 2"2.49 m8' - 6"2.59 m10' - 6"3.20 m8' - 6"2.59 m9' - 6"2.89 m12' - 9"3.88 m8' - 0"2.44 m8' - 0"2.44 m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est 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: 1 : 100 2 DP401 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT BUILDING SECTIONS 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC 1 : 1001RAMP SECTION 1 : 1002SECTION AT ELEVATOR DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT GROUND FLOOR52.27 m MAXIMUM HEIGHT 61.77 m PARKADE 48.82 m 2ND FLOOR 55.93 m 3RD FLOOR 58.72 m ROOF 61.52 m AVERAGE LEVEL 51.82 m STAIR PARAPET 64.31 m ELEV OVER RUN 66.62 m 11' - 4"3.45 m9' - 3 1/2"2.83 m2 BR 304 2 BR 204 CRU 3 103 1 BR 203 1 BR 303 CRU 2 102 1 BR 202 1 BR 302 32' - 8"9.96 m7' - 7"2.31 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m12' - 0"3.66 m11' - 4"3.45 m47' - 1"14.34 m9' - 4 1/2"2.85 mPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE8' - 0"2.44 m8' - 0"2.44 m11' - 8"3.56 m8' - 8 1/2"2.65 mPARKADE PARKADE DEWDNEY TRUNK ROADSURFACE PARKING GARBAGE AND RECYCLING EXIT GROUND FLOOR 52.27 m MAXIMUM HEIGHT 61.77 m PARKADE 48.82 m 2ND FLOOR 55.93 m 3RD FLOOR 58.72 m ROOF 61.52 m AVERAGE LEVEL 51.82 m 11' - 4"CEILING HT.3.45 mSTAIR PARAPET 64.31 m ELEV OVER RUN 66.62 m PARKADE8' - 0"CEILING HT.2.44 m32' - 8"9.96 m47' - 1"14.34 m7' - 7"2.31 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m12' - 0"3.66 m11' - 4"3.45 m10' - 8 1/2"3.27 mPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE9' - 2"2.80 mSURFACE PARKING SURFACE PARKING ROOFTOP AMENITY 2.86°5.00%11' - 5"3.48 m13' - 0 1/2"3.97 m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est 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: 1 : 100 2 DP402 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT BUILDING SECTIONS 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC 1 : 1001SECTION AT RESIDENTIAL/CRU UNITS 1 : 1002SECTION THROUGH ENTRY DRIVE DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT GROUND FLOOR52.27 m MAXIMUM HEIGHT 61.77 m PARKADE 48.82 m 2ND FLOOR 55.93 m 3RD FLOOR 58.72 m ROOF 61.52 m AVERAGE LEVEL 51.82 m 302 1 BR 364.16 SF 202 1 BR 364.16 SF 102 CRU 2 531.92 SF PARKADE32' - 8"9.96 m10"0.25 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m12' - 0"3.66 m11' - 4"3.45 m11' - 4"3.45 m8' - 0"2.44 m8' - 0"2.44 mPORPERTY LINE9' - 4 1/2"2.85 mDP601 3 DP602 3 DP601 5 GROUND FLOOR52.27 m MAXIMUM HEIGHT 61.77 m PARKADE 48.82 m 2ND FLOOR 55.93 m 3RD FLOOR 58.72 m ROOF 61.52 m AVERAGE LEVEL 51.82 m 32' - 8"9.96 m10"0.25 m9' - 2"2.79 m9' - 2"2.79 m12' - 0"3.66 m11' - 4"3.45 m11' - 4"3.45 mWALKWAY PARKADEPORPERTY LINEDP602 3 DP601 5 DP602 4 DP601 6 8' - 0"2.44 m8' - 0"2.44 mSIM. GROUND FLOOR 0.33 m171'-8" INTERIOREXTERIOR PREFIN. METAL FLASHING ELASTOMERIC COATING ON CONCRETE UPSTAND WALL WEEPS CONCRETE FLOOR FACE BRICK 1" AIR SPACE 2" SEMI-RIGID INSULATION 5/8" EXTERIOR GWB 6" STL. STUDS @ 16" O.C. BATT INSULATION 5/8" GWB NEW WALKWAY, SEE LANDSCAPE MORTAR NET PARKADE PRECAST SILL GROUND FLOOR 0.33 m171'-8" INTERIOREXTERIOR PREFIN. METAL FLASHING ELASTOMERIC COATING ON CONCRETE UPSTAND WALL CONCRETE FLOOR NEW WALKWAY, SEE LANDSCAPE PARKADE PRECAST SILL ALUM. STOREFRONT CAULKING PEEL & STICK MEMBRANE STL. STUD WALL C/W INSULATION 5/8" GWB CAULK PEEL & STICK MEMBRANE MORTAR NET WEEP ROD AND CAULK PREFIN. METAL FLASHING ALUM. STOREFRONT FACE BRICK 1 1/2" AIR SPACE 2" SEMI-RIGID INSULATION AIR BARRIER 5/8" EXTERIOR GWB 6" STL. STUDS BATT INSULATION VAPOUR RETARDER 5/8" GWB INTERIOR EXTERIOR GALV. STEEL SHELF ANGLE FINISHED FLOOR CONCRETE FLOOR METAL PANEL SOFFIT SEMI-RIGID INSULATION MTL. BRICK TIE CAULK WOOD TRIM INTERIOR PEEL & STICK MEMBRANE ROD AND CAULK PREFIN. METAL FLASHING INTERIOREXTERIOR CAULK FINISHED FLOOR 1 1/2" CONCRETE TOPPING 1/2" PLYWOOD SUBFLOOR 9 1/4" ENGINEERED WOOD FLOOR JOISTS 5/8" TYPE-X GWB SEMI-RIGID INSULATION 2X HEADER WOOD TRIM CONTINUOUS BUG SCREEN 1' - 0"0.30 mVINYL WINDOW VINYL WINDOW CONTINUOUS BUG SCREEN PREFIN. METAL FLASHING WOOD TRIM CAULK HDP PANEL 1" AIRSPACE 2" SEMI-RIGID INSULATION AIR BARRIER 5/8" EXTERIOR PLYWOOD 2X6 WOOD STUDS C/W 5 1/2" BATT INSULATION 6 mil VAPOUR RETARDER 5/8" GWB 0 1 52 COPYRIGHT OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS RESERVED BY SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. THE DRAWING AND ALL ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE OF THE ARCHITECT. THE DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN ARE TO BE USED FOR THIS PROJECT ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, DATUMS AND LEVELS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK AND IS HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY OR OMISSION TO THE ARCHITECT. SEAL: PROJECT NO.: PROJECT TITLE: DRAWING TITLE: DWG. START DATE: SCALE: REVISION NO.: DRAWING NO.: 01/28/2020 1106 -1305 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: As indicated 2 DP601 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT WALL SECTION & DETAILS 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC 1 : 501TYPICAL WALL SECTION 1 : 502TYPICAL WALL SECTION AT CANOPY 1 : 103BRICK WALL AT GRADE 1 : 104STOREFRONT AT GRADE 1 : 55STOREFRONT HEAD AT BRICK 1 : 56WINDOW HEAD/SILL AT SIDING DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT 0.67 m2' - 2 1/2"0.98 m3' - 2 3/4"1.65 m5' - 5"1.24 m 4' - 1"0.62 m2' - 0 1/2"1.08 m3' - 6 3/4"CONTINUOUS BUG SCREEN PREFIN. METAL PANEL (SIMULATED CEMENT FINISH) 1 1/2" AIR SPACE 3" SEMI-RIGID INSULATION AIR BARRIER 5/8" EXTERIOR PLYWOOD 2X6 STUDS 1/2" EXTERIOR PLYWOOD(VENTED) 3/4" PT WOOD STRAPPING 1/2" EXTERIOR PLYWOOD (SLOPED TO DRAIN) 2-PLY SBS MEMBRANE ROOFEXTERIOR VENTED ROOF 2-PLY SBS MEMBRANE 1/2" EXTERIOR PLYWOOD 2X SLOPED STRAPPING 2X PT CROSS STRAPPING 2X8 FLOOR JOISTS 1 LAYERS 5/8" GWB SEMI-RIGID INSULATION 2X BLOCKING WOOD TRIM PREFIN. METAL CAP FLASHING PT WOOD BLOCKING PEEL AND STICK MEMBRANE CONTINUOUS BUG SCREEN VENTED PARAPET PEEL AND STICK MEMBRANE VENTED ROOF OVERHANG PREFIN. METAL ROOF FLASHING PEEL AND STICK MEMBRANE 1/2" EXTERIOR PLYWOOD 2X SLOPED PT WOOD STRAPPING 2X8 ROOF JOISTS PT WOOD STRAPPING METAL PANEL SOFFIT SIMULATED WOOD FINISH (LONGBOARD) 5'-0" OVERHANG 2X PT WOOD HEADER VINYL WINDOW CAULK CONT. BUG SCREE TOP & BOTTOM HPL PANEL 1" AIR SPACE 2" SEMI-RIGID INSULATION AIR BARRIER 5/8" EXTERIOR PLYWOOD 2X6 STUDS 1/2" EXTERIOR PLYWOOD(VENTED) 3/4" PT WOOD STRAPPING 1/2" EXTERIOR PLYWOOD 2-PLY SBS MEMBRANE ROOFEXTERIOR VENTED ROOF 2-PLY SBS MEMBRANE 1/2" EXTERIOR PLYWOOD 2X SLOPED STRAPPING 2X PT CROSS STRAPPING 2X8 FLOOR JOISTS 1 LAYERS 5/8" GWB SEMI-RIGID INSULATION 2X BLOCKING WOOD TRIM PREFIN. METAL CAP FLASHING PT WOOD BLOCKING PEEL AND STICK MEMBRANE CONTINUOUS BUG SCREEN VENTED PARAPET PEEL AND STICK MEMBRANE VINYL WINDOW CAULK CONT. BUG SCREEN PEEL AND STICK MEMBRANE CONT. BUG SCREEN 1' - 0" 0.30 m 4' - 8 1/2" 1.43 m PEEL AND STICK MEMBRANEGALV. STEEL CANOPY SUPPORT (DEMOUNTABLE) TEMPERED AND LAMINATED SAFETY GLASS METAL GUTTER, DRAINED INTERNALLY METAL PANEL SOFFIT, SIMULATED WOOD FINISH (LONGBOARD) PREFIN. METAL PANEL 1 1/2" AIR SPACE 3" SEMI-RIGID INSULATION AIR BARRIER 5/8" EXTERIOR PLYWOOD 2X6 STUDS BATT INSULATION VAPOUR RETARDER 5/8" GWB FLOOR FINISH CONCRETE SUSPENDED SLAB SEMI-RIGID INSULATION CAULK PEEL & STICK MEMBRANE MORTAR NET WEEP ROD AND CAULK PREFIN. METAL FLASHING ALUM. STOREFRONT FACE BRICK 1 1/2" AIR SPACE 2" SEMI-RIGID INSULATION AIR BARRIER 5/8" EXTERIOR GWB 6" STL. STUDS BATT INSULATION VAPOUR RETARDER 5/8" GWB INTERIOREXTERIOR GALV. STEEL SHELF ANGLE MTL. BRICK TIE CAULK WOOD TRIM COPYRIGHT OF THIS DRAWING AND DESIGN IS RESERVED BY SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. THE DRAWING AND ALL ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE OF THE ARCHITECT. THE DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN ARE TO BE USED FOR THIS PROJECT ONLY AND MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SMITHCRAFT ARCHITECTURE. DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTORS SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, DATUMS AND LEVELS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK AND IS HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR REPORTING ANY DISCREPANCY OR OMISSION TO THE ARCHITECT. SEAL: PROJECT NO.: PROJECT TITLE: DRAWING TITLE: DWG. START DATE: SCALE: REVISION NO.: DRAWING NO.: 01/28/2020 1106 -1305 West 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: As indicated 2 DP602 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT DETAILS 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC 1 : 201MAIL AREA ELEVATION 1 : 53ROOF DETAIL 1 : 52ROOF DECK DETAIL 1 : 104CANOPY & SOFFIT DETAIL DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT 375.72 SF COMMON 23.10 SF ELECT 30.46 SF SHAFT 283.28 SF CIRC 866.77 SF COMMERCIAL 160.47 SF CIRC 1163.02 SF COMMERCIAL 7' - 5 1/2" 2.27 m 56' - 9 1/2" 17.31 m 64' - 3" 19.58 m 35' - 8"10.87 m40' - 3 1/2" 12.28 m 23' - 11 1/2" 7.30 m 64' - 3" 19.58 m7' - 5 1/2"2.27 m40' - 1 1/2"12.23 m4' - 0"1.21 m51' - 6 1/2"15.71 m375.72 SF COMMON 23.10 SF ELECT 30.46 SF SHAFT 283.28 SF CIRC 866.77 SF COMMERCIAL 160.47 SF CIRC 1163.02 SF COMMERCIAL FAR LEGEND CIRC COMMERCIAL COMMON ELECT SHAFT 7' - 5 1/2" 2.27 m 16' - 9" 5.10 m 7' - 9" 2.36 m 8' - 0" 2.44 m 24' - 3 1/2" 7.41 m 64' - 3" 19.58 m 35' - 8"10.87 m40' - 3 1/2" 12.28 m 23' - 11 1/2" 7.30 m 64' - 3" 19.58 m7' - 5 1/2"2.27 m40' - 1 1/2"12.23 m4' - 0"1.21 m1' - 7 1/2" 0.49 m 6' - 1 1/2" 1.87 m 8' - 0" 2.44 m 24' - 3 1/2" 7.41 m 4' - 0"1.21 m0"0.00 m15' - 8 1/2"4.79 m6' - 8 1/2"2.04 m17' - 4 1/2"5.29 m7' - 9"2.37 m4"0.10 m4" 0.10 m 4' - 0"1.21 m8' - 7"2.61 m3' - 8"1.12 m35' - 4"10.77 m3' - 6" 1.07 m 40' - 3 1/2" 12.28 m51' - 6 1/2"15.71 m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est 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH 1 : 100 2 DP701 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT FAR DIAGRAMS - GROUND FLOOR 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC 1 : 1001GROUND FLOOR FAR PLAN 1 : 1002GROUND FLOOR FAR DIAGRAM DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT 347.97 SF COMMON 326.75 SF AMENITY 220.94 SF CIRC 3532.12 SF RESIDENTIAL 148.84 SF CIRC 29.53 SF ELECT 32.03 SF SHAFT 10' - 3 1/2" 3.13 m 16' - 0 1/2" 4.89 m 13' - 4" 4.06 m 12' - 1" 3.68 m 12' - 8 1/2" 3.88 m 64' - 5" 19.64 m 26' - 10"8.17 m15' - 4 1/2"4.69 m30' - 11"9.42 m1' - 2 1/2" 0.37 m 30' - 7" 9.32 m 12' - 1" 3.69 m 20' - 6 1/2" 6.26 m 64' - 5" 19.64 m10' - 3 1/2"3.13 m4' - 11 1/2"1.51 m12' - 1"3.69 m11' - 8 1/2"3.56 m12' - 1 1/2"3.69 m11' - 1"3.38 m12' - 1"3.69 m74' - 3 1/2"22.65 m347.97 SF COMMON FAR LEGEND AMENITY CIRC COMMON ELECT RESIDENTIAL SHAFT 326.75 SF AMENITY 220.94 SF CIRC 3532.12 SF RESIDENTIAL 148.84 SF CIRC 29.53 SF ELECT 32.03 SF SHAFT 10' - 3 1/2" 3.13 m 16' - 0 1/2" 4.89 m 13' - 4" 4.06 m 12' - 1" 3.68 m 12' - 8 1/2" 3.88 m 64' - 5" 19.64 m 26' - 10"8.17 m15' - 4 1/2"4.69 m30' - 11"9.42 m1' - 2 1/2" 0.37 m 30' - 7" 9.32 m 12' - 1" 3.69 m 20' - 6 1/2" 6.26 m 64' - 5" 19.64 m10' - 3 1/2"3.13 m4' - 11 1/2"1.51 m12' - 1"3.69 m11' - 8 1/2"3.56 m12' - 1 1/2"3.69 m11' - 1"3.38 m12' - 1"3.69 m74' - 3 1/2"22.65 m1' - 2 1/2" 0.37 m 1' - 2 1/2" 0.37 m 1' - 2 1/2" 0.37 m 1' - 0"0.30 m25' - 10" 7.87 m 6' - 3 1/2" 1.92 m 8' - 0" 2.44 m 24' - 3 1/2" 7.41 m 5' - 8 1/2"1.74 m9' - 8"2.95 m21' - 0 1/2"6.41 m9' - 10 1/2"3.01 m7' - 1 1/2"2.18 m4' - 1 1/2" 1.26 m 64' - 5" 19.64 m 2' - 0"0.61 m9" 0.23 m 6' - 2"1.87 m3' - 8"1.12 m6' - 0 1/2"1.84 m21' - 0 1/2"6.41 m18' - 5 1/2" 5.63 m 6' - 1 1/2" 1.87 m6' - 5"1.95 m36' - 10 1/2"11.24 m8' - 9" 2.67 m 5' - 4 1/2" 1.64 m 18' - 2" 5.53 m 7' - 0 1/2"2.14 m8' - 9 1/2"2.68 m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est 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH 1 : 100 2 DP702 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT FAR DIAGRAMS - 2ND FLOOR 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC 1 : 10012ND FLOOR FAR PLAN 1 : 10022ND FLOOR FAR DIAGRAM DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT 347.97 SF COMMON 32.03 SF SHAFT 29.54 SF ELECT 220.94 SF CIRC 148.84 SF CIRC 3532.13 SF RESIDENTIAL 10' - 3 1/2" 3.13 m 16' - 0 1/2" 4.89 m 13' - 4" 4.06 m 12' - 1" 3.68 m 12' - 8 1/2" 3.88 m 64' - 5" 19.64 m 26' - 10"8.17 m15' - 4 1/2"4.69 m30' - 11"9.42 m1' - 2 1/2" 0.37 m 30' - 7" 9.32 m 12' - 1" 3.69 m 20' - 6 1/2" 6.26 m 64' - 5" 19.64 m10' - 3 1/2"3.13 m4' - 11 1/2"1.51 m12' - 1"3.69 m11' - 8 1/2"3.56 m12' - 1 1/2"3.69 m11' - 1"3.38 m12' - 1"3.69 m74' - 3 1/2"22.65 m347.97 SF COMMON 32.03 SF SHAFT 29.54 SF ELECT 220.94 SF CIRC 148.84 SF CIRC 3532.13 SF RESIDENTIAL FAR LEGEND CIRC COMMON ELECT RESIDENTIAL SHAFT 10' - 3 1/2" 3.13 m 16' - 0 1/2" 4.89 m 13' - 4" 4.06 m 12' - 1" 3.68 m 12' - 8 1/2" 3.88 m 64' - 5" 19.64 m 26' - 10"8.17 m15' - 4 1/2"4.69 m30' - 11"9.42 m1' - 2 1/2" 0.37 m 30' - 7" 9.32 m 12' - 1" 3.69 m 20' - 6 1/2" 6.26 m 64' - 5" 19.64 m10' - 3 1/2"3.13 m4' - 11 1/2"1.51 m12' - 1"3.69 m11' - 8 1/2"3.56 m12' - 1 1/2"3.69 m11' - 1"3.38 m12' - 1"3.69 m74' - 3 1/2"22.65 m1' - 2 1/2" 0.37 m 1' - 2 1/2" 0.37 m 1' - 2 1/2" 0.37 m 1' - 0"0.30 m25' - 10" 7.87 m 6' - 3 1/2" 1.92 m 8' - 0" 2.44 m 24' - 3 1/2" 7.41 m 5' - 8 1/2"1.74 m9' - 8"2.95 m21' - 0 1/2"6.41 m9' - 10 1/2"3.01 m7' - 1 1/2"2.18 m4' - 1 1/2" 1.26 m 64' - 5" 19.64 m 2' - 0"0.61 m9" 0.23 m 6' - 2"1.87 m3' - 8"1.12 m6' - 0 1/2"1.84 m21' - 0 1/2"6.41 m18' - 5 1/2" 5.63 m 6' - 1 1/2" 1.87 m6' - 5"1.95 m36' - 10 1/2"11.24 m8' - 9" 2.67 m 5' - 4 1/2" 1.64 m 18' - 2" 5.53 m 7' - 0 1/2"2.14 m8' - 9 1/2"2.68 m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est 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH 1 : 100 2 DP703 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT FAR DIAGRAMS - 3RD FLOOR 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC 1 : 10013RD FLOOR FAR PLAN 1 : 10023RD FLOOR FAR DIAGRAM DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT 1002.47 SF AMENITY 264.14 SF CIRC 188.78 SF CIRC 41.90 SF SHAFT 26' - 0" 7.92 m 57' - 9 1/2"17.62 m32' - 2 1/2"9.82 m3' - 1"0.94 m9' - 5 1/2"2.89 m14' - 5"4.39 m1002.47 SF AMENITY 264.14 SF CIRC 188.78 SF CIRC 41.90 SF SHAFT 16' - 9" 5.11 m 9' - 6" 2.90 m 10 1/2"0.27 m26' - 11"8.21 m7' - 6"2.28 m9' - 5 1/2"2.89 m14' - 5"4.39 m58' - 3 1/2"17.77 m27' - 9 1/2"8.48 m4' - 5"1.34 m3' - 1"0.94 m6' - 3 1/2" 1.92 m 19' - 11 1/2" 6.08 m 9' - 5 1/2"2.89 m10' - 5 1/2" 3.19 m 44' - 9"13.64 m26' - 3" 8.00 m 26' - 3" 8.00 m FAR LEGEND AMENITY CIRC SHAFT 19' - 1" 5.82 m 10 1/2" 0.26 m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est 12th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1M3 Canada 604.506.0699 www.smithcraftarchitecture.ca info@smithcraftarchitecture.ca CONSULTANT: PROJECT NORTH TRUE NORTH 1 : 100 2 DP704 20201105 DEWDNEY TRUNK DEVELOPMENT FAR DIAGRAMS - 4TH FLOOR 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE BC 1 : 1001ROOF FAR PLAN 1 : 1002ROOF FAR DIAGRAM DATE ISSUE/REVISION 2021-11-24 ISSUED FOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-06-08 RE-ISSUED FOR DEV. PERMIT CHK'D: DRAWN: DESIGN: SCALE: DATE: M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT: DRAWING NUMBER: REVISION DESCRIPTIONNO.DATE DR. property of M2 Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission. c Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is the SEAL: Tel: 604.553.0044 New Westminster, British Columbia #220 - 26 Lorne Mews V3M 3L7 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com UP EXIT STAIR 2 107 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD SURFACE PARKING PLANTER PLANTER PLANTERPLANTERPLANTER PMT 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD 11982 230 STREET230 STREETLINE OF 2ND FLOOR OVER UP DN 3.0 m SETBACK LINE C01 C02 C03 C04 C05 C06 C07 C08 HC DN CRU 2 102 CRU 1 101 CRU 3 103 EXIT P2 109 LOADING & GARBAGE LINE OF 2ND FLOOR OVER LINE OF 2ND FLOOR OVER ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY. PROVIDE CERTIFICATION UPON REQUEST.ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY. PROVIDE CERTIFICATION UPON REQUEST. CHK'D: DRAWN: DESIGN: SCALE: DATE: M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT: DRAWING NUMBER: REVISION DESCRIPTIONNO.DATE DR. property of M2 Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission. c Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is the SEAL: Tel: 604.553.0044 New Westminster, British Columbia #220 - 26 Lorne Mews V3M 3L7 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com UP EXIT STAIR 2 107 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD SURFACE PARKING PLANTER PLANTER PLANTERPLANTERPLANTER PMT 23004 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD 11982 230 STREET LINE OF 2ND FLOOR OVER UP DN 3.0 m SETBACK LINE C01 C02 C03 C04 C05 C06 C07 C08 HC DN CRU 2 102 CRU 1 101 CRU 3 103 EXIT P2 109 LOADING & GARBAGE LINE OF 2ND FLOOR OVER LINE OF 2ND FLOOR OVER ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY. PROVIDE CERTIFICATION UPON REQUEST. CHK'D: DRAWN: DESIGN: SCALE: DATE: M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT: DRAWING NUMBER: REVISION DESCRIPTIONNO.DATE DR. property of M2 Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission. c Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is the SEAL: Tel: 604.553.0044 New Westminster, British Columbia #220 - 26 Lorne Mews V3M 3L7 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com 1 BR 202 1 BR 203 2 BR 204 CORRIDOR 206 EXIT STAIR 2 208 EXIT STAIR 1 207 2 BR 201 3 BR 205 AMENITY DECK2500 LBELEV.ELECT3.0 m SETBACK LINE 3.0m SETBACK LINE DN UP UP DN 1 BR 202 1 BR 203 2 BR 204 CORRIDOR 206 EXIT STAIR 2 208 EXIT STAIR 1 207 2 BR 201 3 BR 205 AMENITY DECK2500 LBELEV.ELECT3.0 m SETBACK LINE 3.0m SETBACK LINE DN UP UP DN ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY. PROVIDE CERTIFICATION UPON REQUEST. CHK'D: DRAWN: DESIGN: SCALE: DATE: M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT: DRAWING NUMBER: REVISION DESCRIPTIONNO.DATE DR. property of M2 Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission. c Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is the SEAL: Tel: 604.553.0044 New Westminster, British Columbia #220 - 26 Lorne Mews V3M 3L7 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com 2500 LBELEV.ROOFTOP AMENITY EXIT STAIR 1 401 EXIT STAIR 2 402 DN DN 2500 LBELEV.ROOFTOP AMENITY EXIT STAIR 1 401 EXIT STAIR 2 402 DN DN ALL PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY. PROVIDE CERTIFICATION UPON REQUEST.CHK'D: DRAWN: DESIGN: SCALE: DATE: M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT: DRAWING NUMBER: REVISION DESCRIPTIONNO.DATE DR. property of M2 Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission. c Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is the SEAL: Tel: 604.553.0044 New Westminster, British Columbia #220 - 26 Lorne Mews V3M 3L7 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com GROUND FLOOR 52.27 m MAXIMUM HEIGHT 61.77 m 2ND FLOOR 55.93 m 3RD FLOOR 58.72 m ROOF 61.52 m AVERAGE LEVEL 51.82 m STAIR PARAPET 64.31 m ELEV OVER RUN 66.62 m 0.46 [1'-6"]0.25 [10"]2.31[7'-7"]2.79[9'-2"]2.79[9'-2"]2.79[9'-2"]3.66[12'-0"]3.45[11'-4"]14.34[47'-1"]2.31[7'-7"]2.79[9'-2"]2.79[9'-2"]2.79[9'-2"]3.66[12'-0"][11'-4"]14.34[47'-1"]CHK'D: DRAWN: DESIGN: SCALE: DATE: M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT: DRAWING NUMBER: REVISION DESCRIPTIONNO.DATE DR. property of M2 Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission. c Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is the SEAL: Tel: 604.553.0044 New Westminster, British Columbia #220 - 26 Lorne Mews V3M 3L7 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com CHK'D: DRAWN: DESIGN: SCALE: DATE: M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT: DRAWING NUMBER: REVISION DESCRIPTIONNO.DATE DR. property of M2 Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission. c Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is the SEAL: Tel: 604.553.0044 New Westminster, British Columbia #220 - 26 Lorne Mews V3M 3L7 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com PART ONE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PART THREE SOFT LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT PART THREE SOFT LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT - CONT PART THREE SOFT LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT - CONT PART TWO SCOPE OF WORK CHK'D: DRAWN: DESIGN: SCALE: DATE: M2LA PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWING TITLE: PROJECT: DRAWING NUMBER: REVISION DESCRIPTIONNO.DATE DR. property of M2 Landscape Architects and may not be reproduced or used for other projects without their permission. c Copyright reserved. This drawing and design is the SEAL: Tel: 604.553.0044 New Westminster, British Columbia #220 - 26 Lorne Mews V3M 3L7 Fax: 604.553.0045 Email: office@m2la.com