HomeMy WebLinkAboutADP 2022-05-18 Minutes.pdfCity of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel MEETING MINUTES May 18, 2022 Regular Meeting The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel (ADP) held via Zoom teleconference on Wednesday, May 18, 2022 at 4:00 pm. PANEL MEMBERS PRESENT Meredith Mitchell, Vice Chair Sang Kim Andrea Scott Jose Gonzalez STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Wendy Cooper PANEL MEMBERS ABSENT Jaswinder Gabri 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA R/2022-050 It was moved and seconded Landscape Architect BCSLA Architect AIBC Architect AIBC Landscape Architect BCSLA Staff Liaison, Planner Architect AIBC That the agenda for the May 18, 2022 Advisory Design Panel meeting be approved as circulated. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES R/2022-051 It was moved and seconded That the minutes for the April 13, 2022 Advisory Design Panel meeting be adopted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4. QUESTION PERIOD -NIL 5. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS -NIL 6. PROJECTS 6.1 Development Permit No: 2021-061-RZ/ 21783 Lougheed Highway. The Chair welcomed the project team to the meeting and introduced the members of the ADP. The Staff Liaison provided a brief overview of a 6-storey 121-unit apartment building with some ground floor commercial in the C-7 Zone. A previous submission was made before the ADP meeting held on March 23, 2022. The ADP requested that changes be considered by the applicant. The ADP requested Advisory Design Panel Minutes May 18, 2022 Page 2 of 3 that the proposal be re-submitted and presented at a future meeting. The project team presented how the concerns of the March 23, 2022 ADP meeting have been addressed and answered questions from the Panel. R/2022-052 It was moved and seconded That the Advisory Design Panel has reviewed application 2021-061-DP and recommends that the application be supported and the following concerns be addressed as the design develops and submitted to planning staff for follow-up. Architectural Comments: • Ensure the refuse access door can accommodate larger bin sizes. • Ensure adequate headroom at parking ramp for refuse pickup vehicle. • Consider adding access at the north end of the corridor at ground level for residential outdoor amenity area. Landscape Comments: • The amenity areas proposed need to fulfill the Development Permit guidelines as well as, Zoning Bylaw 2019-7600. • The mounded grass area indicated as amenity space for residents with the singular trees should be enhanced for privacy and programmability to ensure that it can be functionally used by the residents of the building. • The amenity area proposed at the north east corner has opportunities to include additional programming, for example child play. • Recommend relocating the commercial door next to the lobby door on slab amenity space to provide greater separation between public and private space. • Recommend rotating planting beds separating commercial amenity and private amenity to ensure more complete separation of space. • Ensure proposed sod areas on slab are flush with hard paved walking surfaces. • Recommend that the chain link fencing enclosing the community garden space be reconsidered with softer material. • Consider removing the sod from the community garden area and expanding the community garden plots. • Consider relocating the garden shed within the community garden fenced area. • Confirm construction of retaining wall and garden shed on the community garden area is allowed within setback. • Provide cross sections for amenity area from neighbouring property to building to identify height of proposed retaining wall and materiality. • • • • • • Potential Location of--~ 5' Ht. Chain Link Fence • TBD CQnccele Wall To Extend Parkade Surface For Garden Area 12 Fruit Trees (Variety TBD) Dog Run cw 3/4 .. Crush Surface Over Slab & Seeded Lawn Off Slab I / Advisory Design Panel Minutes May 18, 2022 Page 3 of 3 / \ ,,,,,,._-,;:, , ' 1.5 Meter Ht. Black 17 18 l\\' \ ' ' '' ,; f JJ :' ;,:_: ,;,~•.:;:.. -iu~ Pa~ I , , , , u.. j7 ., · , 1 . I I :• RAMP,DO)IVN -) 1g , •1 ··'· • ' ,, '··'= =;id~~ I Ralnn9 As R\Hlurreci h~ --=--t..!' '-• • I/ r I t~erer/0~?"'~_1ans)/ Ji 6 ,;-_ ·,' ~-Jf.tt~l ...... Provide cross sections and details and how grade change will be achieved at tree protection area and all interfaces with adjc:1Cent properties. Provide details on how the grade changes will transition with the statutory right-of-way and the single family residential homes located to the north. Ensure landscape grading plan resolves interface with the existing trees. Ensure, if permitted, that the exposed portion of the retaining wall is aesthetically pleasing to the residential use to the north, consider setback and screening. Ensure the storm water on sloped sod landscape at north property line is captured onsite . The proposed retaining wall may require a fence, due to a fall height issue . The proposed sod along the northern property line may present maintenance issues . Ensure stormwater report and plans are provided to Planning Staff with resolution of storm water drainage on north and west property line. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. CORRESPONDENCE-NIL 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Advisory Design Panel will be held on Wednesday, June 15, 2022 . Meredith Mitchell, Chair /we ..:s