HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-01-21 Adopted Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdf - UnsignedCity of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES January 21, 2020 The Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting held on January 21, 2020 at 1:31 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular City business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor M. Morden Councillor K. Duncan Councillor C. Meadus Councillor G. Robson Councillor R. Svendsen Councillor A. Yousef ABSENT Councillor J. Dueck Appointed Staff A. Horsman, Chief Administrative Officer L. Benson, Corporate Officer D. Boag, General Manager Parks, Recreation & Culture C. Crabtree, Acting General Manager Corporate Services S. Nichols, Deputy Corporate Officer M. Orsetti, Acting General Manager Planning and Development Services D. Pollock, General Manager Engineering Services T. Thompson, Chief Financial Officer Other Staff as Required M. Baski, Planner 2, Development and Environmental Services Y. Chui, Manager, Arts and Community Connections C. Goddard, Director of Planning A. Kopystynski, Planner 2, Development and Environmental Services W. Oleschak, Superintendent of Roads and Fleet J. Storey, Director of Engineering Operations Note: These Minutes are posted on the City website at mapleridge.ca/AgendaCenter/ Video of the meeting is posted at media.mapleridge.ca/Mediasite/Showcase Note: Councillor Duncan was not present at the beginning of the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTES 2.1 Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of December 3, 2019 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the December 3, 2019 Committee of the Whole Meeting be adopted. CARRIED Committee of the Whole Minutes January 21, 2020 Page 2 of 7 3. DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS (10 minutes each) 3.1 Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association Delegation Lorraine Bates, Manager for the MRPM Agricultural Association The Manager of Arts and Community Connections introduced the speaker Lorraine Bates, Manager for the MRPM Agricultural Association. Ms. Bates provided a presentation on the achievements and deliverables of the Association in the past three years of their contract, and responded to questions from Council. *4. PARKS, RECREATION & CULTURE Note: Item 1151 moved up in agenda to follow delegation. Agenda headings were subsequently reordered. 1151 Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association Operating Agreement Staff report recommending that the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association’s Operating Agreement be approved for a three year term; and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the agreement. It was moved and seconded That the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association’s Operating Agreement be forwarded to the Council Meeting of January 28, 2020. CARRIED 5. PUBLIC WORKS & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1101 2019-341-RZ, 12162, 12170 and 12178 Fletcher Street, RS1- to RM-1 Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7587-2019 to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) to permit a 15 unit townhouse residential development be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C, D and E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated January 21, 2020 titled “2019-341-RZ, 12162, 12170 and 12178 Fletcher Street, RS-1 to RM-1” be forwarded to the Council Meeting of January 28, 2020. CARRIED Committee of the Whole Minutes January 21, 2020 Page 3 of 7 1102 2019-310-RZ, 11232 Dartford Street, C-4 to H-1 Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7603-2019 to rezone from C-4 (Neighbourhood Public House Commercial) to H-1 (Heritage Commercial) to allow the licensed retail store to operate as an independent principle use be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. Note: Councilllor Duncan entered the meeting at 1:57 p.m. It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated January 21, 2020 titled “2019-310-RZ, 11232 Dartford Street, C-4 to H-1” be forwarded to the Council Meeting of January 28, 2020. CARRIED 1103 2018-489-RZ, 20278 and 20292 Patterson Avenue, RS-1 to RM-2 Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7523-2018 to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) to permit an apartment building be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C, D and E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated January 21, 2020 titled “2018-489-RZ, 20278 and 20292 Patterson Avenue, RS-1 to RM-2” be forwarded to the Council Meeting of January 28, 2020. CARRIED Councillor Robson – OPPOSED 1104 2019-350-RZ, 20629 119 Avenue, CS-1 text amendment Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7601-2019 to make a site specific text amendment to the Service Commercial CS-1 zone to allow for a physiotherapy and registered massage therapy clinic be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated January 21, 2020 titled “2019-350-RZ, 20629 119 Avenue, CS-1 Text Amendment” be forwarded to the Council Meeting of January 28, 2020. CARRIED Committee of the Whole Minutes January 21, 2020 Page 4 of 7 1105 2015-373-DVP, 23616 132 Avenue Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2015-373-DVP respecting property located at 23616 132 Avenue. It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated January 21, 2020 titled “2015-373-DVP, 23616 132 Avenue” be forwarded to the Council Meeting of January 28, 2020. CARRIED Councillor Robson – OPPOSED 1106 2015-373-DP, 23616 132 Avenue Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2015-373-DP respecting property located at 23616 132 Avenue. It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated January 21, 2020 titled “2015-373-DP, 23616 132 Avenue” be forwarded to the Council Meeting of January 28, 2020. CARRIED Councillor Robson – OPPOSED 1107 2016-370-DP, 23616 132 Avenue Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2016-370-DP (Wildfire Development Permit) respecting property located at 23616 132 Avenue. It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated January 21, 2020 titled “2016-370-DP, 23616 132 Avenue” be forwarded to the Council Meeting of January 28, 2020. CARRIED 1108 2018-292-SD, 20141 Telep Avenue Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that pursuant to Local Government Act, Section 510, regarding 5% parkland dedication or payment in lieu, be it resolved that the owner of land proposed for subdivision under application 2018- 292-SD shall pay to the City an amount that is not less than $93,750.00. Committee of the Whole Minutes January 21, 2020 Page 5 of 7 It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated January 21, 2020 titled “2018-292-SD, 20141 Telep Avenue” be forwarded to the Council Meeting of January 28, 2020. CARRIED 1109 2017-436-SD, 25638 112 Avenue Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that pursuant to Local Government Act, Section 510, regarding 5% Parkland Dedication or payment in lieu, be it resolved that the owner of land proposed for subdivision at 25638 112 Avenue, under application 2012-102-RZ, shall pay to the City of Maple Ridge an amount that is not less than $98,200.00. It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated January 21, 2020 titled “2017-436-SD, 25638 112 Avenue” be forwarded to the Council Meeting of January 28, 2020. CARRIED 1110 Snow and Ice Control Policy 9.08 Update Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that the Snow and Ice Control Policy No. 9.08 be adopted as amended. It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated January 21, 2020 titled “Snow and Ice Control Policy 9.08 Update” be forwarded to the Council Meeting of January 28, 2020. It was moved and seconded That Item 1110 – Snow and Ice Control Policy 9.08 Update be deferred and that staff bring a report forward, incorporating the comments received by Council, to a future meeting. CARRIED Councillor Duncan – OPPOSED Note: Councillor Yousef left the meeting at 3:42 p.m. 1111 Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Amending Bylaw No. 7585-2019 Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that the Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Amending Bylaw No. 7585-2019 be given first, second and third readings. Committee of the Whole Minutes January 21, 2020 Page 6 of 7 It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated January 21, 2020 titled “Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Amending Bylaw No. 7585-2019” be forwarded to the Council Meeting of January 28, 2020. CARRIED Councillor Duncan – OPPOSED 1112 Maple Ridge Noxious Weeds and Other Growth Control Bylaw No. 2384-1976 Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Noxious Weed and Other Growth Control Bylaw No. 2384-1976 be repealed in its entirety. It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated January 21, 2020 titled “Maple Ridge Noxious Weeds and Other Growth Control Bylaw No. 2384-1976” be forwarded to the Council Meeting of January 28, 2020. CARRIED 6. CORPORATE SERVICES 1131 Supply and Delivery of New Replacement Server Equipment Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that Contract RPF-IS19-15, City Server Replacement, in the amount of $899,669.09 (plus taxes) be awarded to Turning Point Technologies and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the Contract. Note: Councillor Yousef returned to the meeting at 3:51 p.m. It was moved and seconded That the staff report dated January 21, 2020 titled “Supply & Delivery of New Replacement Server Equipment” be forwarded to the Council Meeting of January 28, 2020. CARRIED 7. ADMINISTRATION (including Fire and Police) – Nil 8. OTHER COMMITTEE ISSUES Committee of the Whole Minutes January 21, 2020 Page 7 of 7 1191 UPCOMING EVENTS By Invitation to Mayor and Council Trauma & Mental Health Townhall Thursday, January 23, 2020 6:00 - 8:30 pm Host: Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Katzie Community Network General Community Events Winter Family Fun January 25, 2020 11:00 am – 2:00 pm Maple Ridge Public Library Open Houses 117 Avenue and Laity Street Corridor Improvements Thursday, January 23, 2020 4:00 – 8:00 pm City Hall Foyer 9. ADJOURNMENT – 3:55 p.m. ___________________________________ Councillor C. Meadus, Chair Presiding Member of the Committee