HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-01-26 Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfv. \ S\) Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING January26, 1999 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting held on January 26, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Appointed Staff Mayor C. Durksen Mr. R. W. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor T. Baker Mr. J. R. McBride, Municipal Clerk Councillor J. Clements Mr. R. A. Wells, General Manager of Financial and Councillor C. Gordon Corporate Services Councillor L. King Mr. M. W. Murray, General Manager of Community Councillor B. Levens Development, Parks and Recreation Services Councillor K. Stewart Mr. J. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works and Development Services Mr. T. Fryer, Director of Current Planning Mrs. S.M. Karasz, Confidential Secretary The meeting was filmed by Rogers Cablesystems. 01 PRA YERS Pastor, Charles Balfour conducted opening prayers. 02 MINUTES R199-23 02.01 Minutes Dec. 15/98 MOVED by Councillor Clements SECONDED by_Cowicillor Stewart that the Minutes of the Council Meeting of January 12, 1999 be adopted as circulated. .1 . I -I W! U Ri99-24 02.02 Minutes Public Hearing MOVED by Councillor Levens Dec. 15/98 SECONDED by Councillor King 1 Council Meeting Minutes January 26, 1999 Page 2 that the Minutes of the Public Hearing of January 19, 1999 be received. 03 DELEGATIONS 03.01 B. C. Summer Games - Update on Legacy, etc. Ms. Bonnie Telep, President of the B.C. Summer Games, and the majority of the Games Directors were in attendance to report on the legacy that has come out of B.C. Summer Games and to make several presentations to Council. She spoke of the spirit and camaraderie of the Games and the tremendous efforts of the Directors, the participants and the 4000 volunteers from both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. Mayor Duncan and several members of the Pitt Meadows Council were also in attendance. She noted that $140,000 was spent on souvenirs, which is one of the best tallies the B.C. Summer Games has ever had. Ms. Telep provided the following financial details related to the B.C. Games legacy - $260,000 was spent on 7 new tennis courts and 4 more were upgraded. $6000,000 was spent resurfacing a track that is used by both Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge under the Parks and Leisure Services agreement. The District of Maple Ridge provided money up front and asked that it be returned. 57,000 was spent on sports equipment and upgrades to sports facilities. The grand total of amenities and equipment for both communities coming out of the Summer Games is $917,000. Ms. Telep presented the District with a cheque in the amount of $110,772 with respect to the track upgrade. She also thanked the District, and Cindy Dale in particular, for the wonderful job they have done in producing the legacy book We Reached for the Stars (1998 B.C. Summer Games Final Report). Mayors Durksen and Duncan gave speeches of appreciation and presented gifts to the President and Board of Directors who reciprocated in kind. 03.02 B.C. Restaurant and Food Services Association re Liquor Licencing Regulations The Municipal Clerk advised that the above noted delegation has withdrawn from the Agenda. Council Meeting Minutes January26, 1999 Page 3 04 STAFF PRESENTATIONS 04.01 Ms. Kim Grout, Manager of Environmental Affairs, re Environmental Performance Bonding The Manager of Environmental Affairs advised that recent amendments to Section 925 of the Municipal Act under Bill 26 have allowed Municipalities to make provisions for environmental performance bonding. She provided several highlights of her report dated January 7, 1999 which is attached to the Agenda under Item 07.02.08 and explains, this topic in detail. 05 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Nil 06 BY-LAWS - Note: Items 06.01 and 06.02 are from the January 19.1999 Public Hearing 06.01 RZ11 7198 - 11901 Maple Meadows Way - RS-3 to CS-i R/98-25 06.01.01 BL5749-1998 2ndl3rd reading MOVED by Councillor Levens RZ/1 7/98 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5749-1998 be read a second and third time. Discussion Councillor King advised that she will not be voting in favour of the by-law as there is no development plan in place. She is not opposed to the land use but is opposed to the procedure that was followed. Councillor Stewart responded that Item 06.02.01 will designate the site a. Development Permit area which will provide guidelines related to the future use of the site. Councillor Gordon stated that she will also vote against the proposed rezoning because she believes very firmly in following a process which allows public input. The Development Permit application only comes to Council- and does not allow for public scrutiny. The motion CARRIED Councillors King and Gordon OPPOSED - .- Council Meeting Minutes January 26, 1999 Page 4 R198-26 06.01.02 BL5750-1998 2ndl3rd reading MOVED by Councillor King RZI17/98 SECONDED by Councillor Levens that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5 750- 1998 be read a second and third time. Discussion Councillor King advised that she is in favour of the by-law as the only form of control will be the Development Permit. The motion CARRIED. 06.02 RZ121198 - 23896 and 23920 - 118 Avenue - RS-3 to CD-i -93 R/98-27 MOVED by Councillor King BL 5752-1998 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart 2ndl3rd reading that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5752-1998 be read a second and third time. Discussion Councillor Gordon noted that a concern was raised at the Public Hearing regarding drainage onto adjacent property. The Director of Current Planning advised that drainage provisions will have be addressed as part of the servicing package at the subdivision stage. The motion CARRIED. 06.03 RZ123196 - 13819 - 232 Street - A-2 to CD-3-98 (See Item 07.02) Note: this item was deferred from the November 24, 1998 and January 12, 1999 meetings. R/99-28 06.03.01 BL5689-1998 2ndl3rd reading MOVED by Councillor Levens RZ/23/96 SECONDED by Councillor Baker n Council Meeting Minutes January26, 1999 Page 5 that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 569-1998 be read a second and third time. Discussion Councillor King stated that she has problem proceeding with second and third reading at this time. Although a staff report has been submitted to Council regarding environmental bonding, all that is proposed so far is to ask staff to look into the matter and come back with some regulations that might be applicable. The Municipality is not able to take bonding at this point in time. This is a project with 500 units that will be developed over many years without further public input once the by-law is passed. She is opposed to this application as being premature, or, alternatively, she would suggest it be deferred until the environmental bonding regulations are ready, or that a firm mechanism is put in place to allow Council to make environmental bonding retroactive. She asked if a legal opinion could be obtained on the retroactive issue. The Chief AdmimstratIve Officer advised that to put general environmental bonding regulations in place would take quite some time and that Council could make site specific environmental bonding regulations in this case. Councillor Baker stated that this project has been through the appropriate process of deciding if it meets the Official Community Plan (OCP), etc. and unless there is some specific reason to hold it, a further delay would be unfair to the applicant. The Councillors have all heard from the public on this application. He is ready to vote on it now and does not see any point in covering the same ground over and over again. Councillor Gordon stated that she will not vote in favour of second and third reading for the following reasons. It is because of the concerns raised by hundreds of people in Silver Valley that the District is looking at environmental bonding. She feels that it is absolutely essential and both critical and crucial that environmental bonding be put in place before this particular rezomng proceeds further. She spoke of the lack of opportunity for further input, the right of residents to sày what they neighbourhood should look like, and the need to determine conditions at this stage of the application to achieve a livable area. Councillor King stated that there are also serious concerns to be considered regarding stOrm water management and drainage issues for the area. She noted that it is almost impossible to put conditions in after third reading and if Council is going to do something, they have to do it now. Councillor Levens stated that when the idea of environmental bonding came up, she asked that it be applied to the entire Municipality and not just Silver Valley. There are other areas that have the same slopes as Silver Valley and they should Council Meeting Minutes January 26, 1999 Page 6 all be treated the same. She noted that there might be difficulty in doing that as some developers are halfway through their projects. Councillor Stewart asked the Planning Department staff to explain the rationale for their recommendations contained in the report. The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services explained that the report attempts to address a number of questions, many of which are related to environmental concerns. The District has ongoing meetings with the Ministiy of Environment (MOE) regarding Silver Valley and Albion as well. The concerns that Council has raised have technical solutions and through the process of meeting with the MOE, etc. they will be handled at the subdivision stage. Staff makes a point in their report that the idea of this area developing as an urban growth area is not new and has been planned for quite some time. It is an area for people and there is a plan in place for the necessary amenities. Staff is looking at it as a complete community and it has to mesh with the environmental and aesthetic issues which have been raised and noted. Staff is not suggesting that they have all the answers this evening; there is a more work to be done through the subdivision phases which involves working with the MOE, consultants, etc. The Director of Current Planning referred to Items 07.02.08 re Environmental • Performance Bonding and 07.02.09 re Development Permit Areas for Silver Valley which are before Council for consideration later in the meeting. He suggested that this application could proceed at the same time staff is doing work on those initiatives. It is not necessary to bring closure to those initiatives and this application at the same time. If the land was rezoned before the recommended Development Permit area for all of Silver Valley was completed, Development Permit guidelines would still be established as a to how development would occur on this property. This 500 unit development would take place over a number of years and the Development Permit regulations of the day would prevail. Councillor King responded that if all the conditions that the District currently puts on its applications worked that well, Council would not be looking at environmental bonding. Environmental bonding will put the responsibility on the person doing the damage which is where it ought to be.. She proposed the following motion of deferral. motion to defer MOVED by Councillor King DEFEATED SECONDED by Councillor Gordon that second and third reading of By-law No. 56894998 be deferred. DEFEATED• Council Meeting Minutes January26, 1999 Page 7 The original motion CARRIED OPPOSED. Councillors King and Gordon R1999-29 06.03.02 BL 5690-1998 2ndl3rd reading MOVED by Councillor. Stewart RZ/23196 SECONDED by Councillor Levens that Maple Ridge official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5690- 1998 be read a second and third time. Discussion Councillor Stewart advised that the Conservation areas are not being ignored and the District has received accolades for their work in that area. He feels that Council has been working towards processes to protect the environment and there - will be further by-laws coming to address those issues. The Director of Current Planning displayed a map of the site and identified the Conservation designations that reflect the area around the creek system. He further confirmed that the application respects the overall guide plan that has been established for Silver Valley. Councillor Gordon expressed concern that there is no guarantee that the portion of the lands located in the Agricultural Land Reserve area will remain in the ALR in the long term. There is no guarantee that they will be preserved or dedicated as green space in the future. - CARRIED Councillors King and Gordon OPPOSED. 06.04 SD/28196 - Development Cost Charge Payback - 133 Avenue - 236 Street R199-30 MOVED by CouncillorLeyens BL 575 1-1998 SECONDED by Councillor Baker final reading that Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5751-1998 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED 06.05 BP130193 - Development Cost Charge Payback - 116 Avenue east of 22 7 Street Council Meeting Minutes January 26, 1999 Page 8 P199-31 BL 5709-1998 final reading MOVED by Councillor SECONDED by Councillor that Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 57097 1998 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED TIOXIG Silver Valley East-West Arterial Alignment - Option 6 P199-32 BL 5671-1998 final reading MOVED by Councillor Levens SECONDED by Councillor Clements that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 567 1- 1998 be reconsidered and adopted. Discussion Councillor King stated that she is opposed to Option 6. She feels that it is the wrong road as it does not address the matter of Golden Ears Park properly and cuts a swath across a fragile environment. She questioned how the road will be paid for and what road standard will apply to it. The Chief Administrative Officer advised that at this point, the road will be paid for and built out of development cost charges as development proceeds from west to east. The road will be built to a two lane urban collector standard. He added that the Master Transportation Plan will be available to Council within the next few months and this issue can be addressed in greater depth at that time. Councillor King asked if there will be an elevated standard for the road in addition to the regular standard in order to address aesthetic concerns. The Chief Administrative Officer responded that issue can be addressed. He also suggested meeting with Golden Ears Park officials to talk about issues of aesthetics and functionality in terms of getting people to the park. Councillor Stewart suggested that the District should get funding from the Greater Vancouver Regional Transit Authority (GVTA) due to the Province's interest in the road. He further nOted that it only makes sense to plan ahead with this road and avoid putting in through developed areas later. Councillor Gordon agreed that it makes sense to plan ahead but she is not in agreement with Option 6. She noted that while improvements to the access to the park are welcome, there will still only be one access into Silver Valley for quite some time and there will be a considerable number of people living there. Council Meeting.Minutes January26, 1999 Page9 Councillor Clements responded that the guide plan for Silver Valley shows four additional access points to the area. He spoke in support of Option 6, noting he can see no other alternative that is affordable that will accomplish the same objectives in the short term. He provided a brief history of the Province reneging on their plans to build corridors in Maple Ridge, noting that it is now up to the Municipality to follow through and this is a start. The motion CARRIED. Councillors King and Gordon OPPOSED. 06.07 Maple Ridge Provisional Budget (1999) By-law No. 5 75 7-1999 R/99-33 BL 5757-1999 final reading MOVED by Councillor Clements SECONDED by Councillor Stewart that Maple Ridge Provisional Budget (1999) By-law No. 5757-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. Discussion Councillor Clements noted that the cuts in Provincial grant monies over the last several years have placed a tremendous burden on the Municipality and Council and staff have had to be very creative to keep the tax increase down to 3.95%.. The motion CARRIED 07 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 07.01 Minutes of January 18, 1999 R/99-34 MOVED by Councillor King COW Minutes SECONDED by Councillor Gordon Jan. 18/98 that theMinutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of January 18, 1999 be received. CARRIED 07.02 Public Works and Development Services Chair Councillor T. Baker Vice Chair Councillor B. Levens Council Meeting Minutes January26, 1999 Page 10 07.02.01 Latecomer Agreement LC160198 - River Road and Steeves Street (SD/21194) Reference was made to the staff report dated January 4, 1999 recommending that the above noted agreement be executed. R]99-35 MOVED by Councillor King Latecomer Agmt. SECONDED by Councillor Gordon River Rd./Steeves that with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD/2 1/94 at River Road and Steeves Street, be it resolved: That the cost to provide the excess or extended services required for subdivision are in whole or in part, excessive to the Municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and That the Latecomer charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the staff report dated November 17, 1998, and That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a "Latecomer Agreement with the subdivider of the said lands. 07.02.02 Requests for a One Year Extension of Development Applications under Council Procedures By-law No. 5632-199 7: RZ/i 7/95 - 20284 and 20296 Dewdney Trunk Road - RS-2 to CS-i Reference was made to the staff report dated January 7, 1999 in support of, the following recommendation contained therein: R/99-36 MOVED by Councillor Gordon RZ/1 7/95 SECONDED by Councillor King extension that pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5 632- 1997, a one year extension be granted to Rezomng Application RZ/17/95 to rezone property at 20284 and 20296 Dewdney Trunk Road from RS-2 to CS-i to permit the construction of a commercial building. Discussion Council Meeting Minutes January26, 1999 Page 11 Councillor Baker stated that he will vote in favour of the motion provided that By-law No. 5632-1997 will be reviewed by staff and should there be an amendment that these renewals will also be subject to those rules. The Mayor stated that he is setting up a Committee to review the by-law Councillor King explained that the applications before Council are for consideration of an extension of time and the issue at this point is not whether Council agrees or disagrees with the projects proposed but whether they should be granted a one year extension. She expressed the hope that the applications will be completed as soon as possible. Councillor Clements noted that Council has had considerable discussion with respect to the process under By-law No. 5632-1997. He feels that the by-law is inconsistent with Council's original intention and is pleased that it will be reviewed. He has no alternative but to vote in favour of the renewals provided that if there is a recommendation from staff that it will be put into force. The motion CARRIED. RZ126194 —12283— 224 Street — RS-1 to RM-2 Reference was made to the staff report dated January 7, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R/99-37 MOVED by Councillor Stewart RZ/26/94 SECONDED by Councillor King extension that pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632- 1997, a one year extension be granted to Rezoning Application RZ/26/94 to rezone property at 12283 - 224 Street from RS-1 to RM-2 to permit the construction of three storey apartment building containing 59 units. r L b RZ12195 — 22323 Calligan Avenue - RS-1 to C-3 Reference was made to the staff report dated January 7, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R/99-.38 MOVED by Councillor King RZ12195 SECONDED by Councillor Gordon extension Council Meeting Minutes January26, 1999 Page 12 that pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632- 1997, a one year extension be granted to Rezoning Application RZI2/95 to rezone property at 22323 Calligan Avenue from RS-1 to C-3 to permit the construction of a 25 storey commercial building. CARRIED RZ144196 - 22631 - 119 Avenue - RS-1 to C-3 Reference was made to the staff report dated January 4, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R/99-39 MOVED by Councillor Levens RZ/44/96 SECONDED by Councillor King extension that pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632- 1997, a one year extension be granted to Rezoning Application RZ/44/96 to rezone property at 22631 - 119 Avenue from RS-1 to C-3 to permit a commercial residential complex. CARRIED RZ/31193 - 22621 - 119 Avenue - RS-1 to C-3 • Reference was made to the staff report dated January 4, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R/99-40 MOVED by Councillor Stewart RZ/3 1/93 SECONDED by Councillor Levens extension - that pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632- 1997, that a one year extension be granted to Rezoning Application RZ/31/93 to rezone property at 22621 - 119 Avenue to rezone property from RS-1 to C-3 to permit a commercial residential complex. CARRIED RZ19197-12112 and 12090-227Street-R5-1 toRM-2 Reference was made to the staff report dated January 4, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R199-41 MOVED by Councillor King RZ/9/97 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart extension Council Meeting Minutes January26, 1999 Page 13 that pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 563 2- 1997, a one year extension be granted to Rezoning Application RZI9/97 to rezone property at 12112 and 12090 - 227 Street from RS-1 to RM-2 to permit a 30 unit apartment building. CARRIED RZ111195 - 11358 - 236 Street - RS-3 to CD-i Reference was made to the staff report dated January 7, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R199-42 MOVED by Councillor Gordon RZ/1 1/95 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart extension that pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632- 1997, a one year extension be granted to Rezoning Application RZ/1 1/95 to rezone property at 11358 - 236 Street from RS-3 to CD-i to permit subdivision into 47 lots. 07.02.03 ALR16198 - 26171 Dewdney Trunk Road Reference was made to the staff report dated January 7, 1999 recommending that the subject application to subdivide within the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) to create 9 lots not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. The Committee forwarded the application to the Council Meeting with no recommendation. R/99-43 MOVED by Councillor Clements ALRJ6/98 SECONDED by Councillor Levens DEFERRED - - -- - - - - that ApplicatioirALRi6/98(26171 Dewdhey T?uiik Rd)bëdfériéd to the Committee of the Whole Meeting. CARRIED The Mayor noted the need to formulate a policy as to how, to deal with the increasing number of ALR applications that are coming forward. Councillor Clements noted that the Rural Plan is a good example of where Council receives information relative to certain lands in the ALR and then receives inconsistent information from the Agricultural Land Commission. He finds it difficult to operate with a two tier system where some lands are taken out Council Meeting Minutes January26, 1999 Page 14 of the ALR and some are left in. He would like Council to have a meeting with the Agricultural Land Commission as soon a possible. The Mayor agreed and requested the Chief Administrative Officer to set up the meeting as soon as possible. Councillor King spoke in support of supporting the Rural Plan, noting that it was adopted by Council and if it is not going to be adhered to Council should talk about it. Councillor Gordon expressed concern that if lands are taken out of the ALR there will be an expectation that they should be used for urban development and there are not sufficient funds now to support the infrastructure required for areas that are already designated for urban development. 07.02.04 DVP/33/98— 12525-208 Street Reference was made to the staff report dated January 6, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein with respect to the subject application to permit a relaxation in the required rear yard setback from 6 metres to 4.2 metres. R199-44 MOVED by Councillor Stewart DVP/33198 SECONDED by Councillor King notification that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/33/98 respecting property located at 12525 - 208 Street will be considered by Council at the February 9, 1999 meeting. CARRIED 07.02.05 RZ18197 - 12062 Laity Street - By-laws 5652-1998 and 5653-1998 - RS-1 to RM-1 Reference was made to the staff report dated December 23, 1998 in support of the following recommendation contained therein with respect to the subject by-laws to permit the construction of 17 townhouse units. R199-45 MOVED by Councillor Levens B L 5652-5653 SECONDED by Councillor Clements first reading Council Meeting Minutes January26, 1999 Page 15 that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5652-1998 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5653-1998 be read a first time. Discussion Councillor Baker asked for clarification as to whether the application will be going to another public information meeting. Councillor Stewart noted that the application has been reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel several times and their report forms part of the information package. The staff recommendation is that the application proceed to first reading and Public Hearing. All the information can be made available to those wishing to attend the Public Hearing. He asked the Director of Current Planning to present the application and elaborate on the plans. The Director of Current Planning advised that there is not a great deal of change in the plan following its presentation to the Advisory Design Panel. He explained the access provisions which include an internal road system and a lane and noted that originally the proposed units were larger and closer to the lane; Those units are now smaller and have been pulled back from the lane. He noted that the architect has recommended that a concrete surface be used to slow traffic using the lane to and from McIntyre Court. The Engineering Department recommends that this lane be provided as an alternative to using the intersection at Laity Street and Dewdney Trunk Road. The residents of McIntyre Court will use the -lane to gain access to Mclntrye Court. The lane will accommodate two cars but it is not intended to be a full road connection. Council will hear a full presentation of the project at the Public Hearing. Councillor Stewart noted that the residents are in disagreement with the Engineering Department with respect to having the lane. The residents fear that westbotmd traffic wanting to go north on Laity Street will take a shortcut through McIntyre Court. The Director of Current Planning clarified for Councillor Clements that the matter of a pedestrian walkway will be dealt with at the Development Permit stage. Council will have an opportunity to review the Development Permit before a building permit is issued. • • He clarified for Councillor King that the landscape plan will be shown at Public Hearing. The motion CARRIED. • Council Meeting Minutes January26, 1999 Page 16 07.02.06 RZ118198 - 22800 Block of 116 Avenue - By-laws 5742-1998 and 5743-1 998 - RS-1 to RM-1 Reference was made to the staff report dated January 8, 1999 recommending that the subject by-laws to create approximately 14 bare land strata lots be read a first time. P199-46 B L 5742-5743 first reading MOVED by Councillor King SECONDED by Councillor.Stewart that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5742-1998 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5743-1998 be read a first time. CARRIED 07.02.07 RZ119198 - 22800— 113 Avenue - By-laws 5744-1998 and 5745-1998 - RS-3 to kM-i Reference was made to the staff report dated January 8, 1998 recommending that the subject by-laws to create approximately 19 bare land strata lots be read a first time. R/99-47 B.L. 5744-5745 first reading MOVED by Councillor Clements SECONDED by Councillor Baker that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5744-1998 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5745-1998 be read a first time. CARRIED 07.02.08 Environmental Performance Bonding Reference was made to the staff report dated January 7, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: P199-48 MOVED by Councillor Stewart Envir. Perfor- SECONDED by Councillor Baker mance Bonding that the concept of Environmental Performance Bonding as outlined in the staff report dated January 7, 1999 be endorsed and that staff be instructed to prepare appropriate amendments to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632-1997. Council Meeting Minutes January26, 1999 Page 17 Discussion Councillor Gordon questioned when environmental bonding will actually come into effect. The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services responded that provided Council wishes to continue with this initiative, it will take several months for staff to get the necessary by-laws in place. Staff would proceed as quickly as possible. The Mayor questioned if there will be an opportunity for public input. The Chief Administrative Officer advised that people would become aware from Committee and Council discussions that Council is proceeding with environmental bonding. He noted that Council has requested comments from user groups with other by-laws and a consultative process could also be used for this initiative. Councillor Gordon stated that user input should be obtained from environmental groups and other people in the community and not just developers. Councilor Stewart explained that there have been deficiencies in the past due to gaps and inconsistencies in procedures involving the three levels of government regulations. It is the intent to make the development community aware of what the issues and problems are and it is important to have a mechanism that works. Councillor Baker stated that he has a problem with the recommendation as it does not spell out the ground rules and what will be in the by-law. He has concern that there are legal implications involved which he does not have knowledge of. He suggests that there be consultation with a solicitor. Councillor Baker noted that the three examples contained in the report have a very broad base and do not cover each and every situation. He questioned how the regulations will be applied and how the District will get the industry to accept them; how applicants will pay their bond; what will it mean to the industry as a whole, etc. He suggested that the report be received for information only and not endorsed at this time. He would like the report to go back to staff to go over the groundwork before getting into a by-law. Councillor King stated that people in the development community do not stand up and say they are going to ruin things. They say they are going to protect the environment. Environmental performance bonding will ensure that people do what they said they would do. Some people do an extremely effective job and others are a problem. This is a much better plan than the one that exists involving multiple jurisdictions and is a much better guarantee to the Municipality. It needs to be laid out properly and in a reasonable fashion. Council Meeting Minutes January26, 1999 Page 18 She further noted that other Municipalities in the lower mainland have this type of by-law in place. She questioned if it could be made retroactive to include developments currently under consideration. The Chief Administrative Officer responded that the District would not be able to make the by-law retroactive. He further noted that environmental performance bonding will not address all the problems. Federal and Provincial legislation is paramount.. This is simply an addition to the District's subdivision regulation powers. He suggested that staff prepare the by-law and at the same time request input from the stakeholders and then come back to Council for more discussion There is nothing to consider this evening other than giving direction into staff to prepare the by-laws. Councillor Levens stated that she agrees that Council should consult more before the by-law comes forward. The Mayor expressed agreement with moving ahead as suggested by the Chief Administrative Officer. Councillor Clements stated that he too has concerns regarding environmental performance bonding, particularly, since the District is moving into Provincial and Federal jurisdictions. He feels that it is a slippery slope to supplant any federal or provincial legislation that will impact on a project. There has to be liaison with senior governments or this initiative will not work. Councillor Stewart stated that he likes the direction that is being taken but is not sure if this is the exact mechanism to accomplish it. There are other agencies involved and Council has to make sure that they are doing the job they are supposed to be doing. The difficulty has been that the Provincial inspectors are over-extended and have huge areas they are responsible for. The Municipality has to work with them and support their work and make sure they are doing their job. Councillor Gordon agreed with Councillor Stewart's comments and noted that while the senior governments are responsible for much of the enforcement, etc., the Municipality can control development and if Council wants to see responsible development, it is appropriate to put this kind of by-law in place. Councillor King noted that the by-law will be submitted to Council in draft form and there can be further discussion at that time. Councillor Baker proposed the following amendment to the motion: amendment to MOVED by Councillor Baker delete "be SECONDED by Councillor Stewart endorsed" Council Meeting Minutes January 26, 1999 Page 19 that the words "be endorsed" be deleted from the motion and replaced with the words "be received". Discussion Councillor King expressed opposition to the amendment, as did Councillor Gordon. Councillor Clements spoke in support of the amendment. He stated that he wants see a great deal of caution used when becoming involved in a third party protocol of this type in order not to incur liability to the Municipality He wants to make sure that does not happen to this Municipality. The amendment CARRIED. Councillors King and Gordon OPPOSED. The motion as amended CARRIED. Councillors Gordon and King OPPOSED 07.02.09 Development Permit Areas - Silver Valley Reference was made to the staff report dated January 7, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R/99-49 MOVED by Councillor King Dev. Permit areas SECONDED by Councillor Gordon -Silver Valley that staff be instructed to prepare a Development Permit Area for Council's consideration which would support the Hillside Policies of the Official Community Plan to address erosion and siltation issues associated with land development and include provisions for bonding and clearing limitations. Discussion Councillor Levens questioned if the recommendation, particularly the clauses related to land clearing, applies to the whole Municipality or just to Silver Valley. She feels that there are other areas being cleared in Maple Ridge besides Silver Valley and Silver Valley should not be singled out. The Director of Current Planning explained that the report is in response to concerns raised at recent Public Hearings with respect to Silver Valley. Concerns were raised regarding uncontrolled clearing. If Council wishes to expand the scope of the Development Permit areas to include all emerging urban areas or all the areas of the Municipality, he would caution against doing that in a quick way as it would have an impact with respect to clearing lands in rural areas such as Council Meeting Minutes January26, 1999 Page 20 Ruskin and Whonnock. There has to be a distinction made between emerging urban areas and rural areas. Councillor Baker stated that he cannot vote on an issue when he does not have all the background material on it. He does not want to see a by-law introduced that will impose on developments in progress. He needs more information before he can vote on this item. The Chief Administrative Officer explained that this report was written in conjunction with the Environmental Performance Bonding report. It was the intent to form a package of regulations with respect to areas that were of concern at the Public Hearings. If Council is interested in deferring this report in order to view it in the context of environmental performance bonding by-laws, that might be the way to go. However, this recommendation serves as another piece of the puzzle to tidy up some of the regulations as they apply to emerging areas. Councillor Stewart noted that properties such at the UBC Research Forest could log their property in Silver Valley under the Forest Practices Act and questioned how this proposal would prevent that. He feels that it should be deferred for further consideration. The Director of Current Planning noted that this would be an extension of the Development Permit areas that already exist in Silver Valley. Councillor Stewart stated that he has no problem with individual Development Permits for Silver Valley, however, if the intention is to blanket the whole of Silver Valley, he would like to see that defined. The Director of Current Planning advised that both options are available to Council. Councillor Gordon noted that at this point all that the recommendation proposes is that staff come back with further information so that Council can make a decision in the future. Councillor Clements asked what are considered the defined boundaries for Silver Valley. The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services explained that they are the growth area boundaries as prescribed in the Official Community Plan and those are the boundaries that staff works with. The motion CARRIED. Councillor Baker OPPOSED. 07.02.10 RZ123196 —13819-232 Street - A-2 to CD-3-98- By-laws 5689 and 5690-1998 Council Meeting Minutes January26, 1999 Page 21 Reference was made to the staff report dated January 6, 1999 providing a response to concerns raised at the November 17, 1998 Public Hearing regarding the subject application to permit 500 lots. R199-50 MOVED by Councillor Levens RZ/23/96 - info. SECONDED by Councillor Gordon report that the staff report dated January 6, 1999 regarding the concerns raised at the Public Hearing of November 17, 1999 with respect to RZ/23/96 (13819 - 232 Street) be received for information. CARRIED 07.02.11 Building Statistics for December, 1998 Reference was made to the staff report dated January 5, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R/99-5 1 MOVED by Councillor Clements Bldg. Dept. SECONDED by Councillor Gordon Stats./Dec, 1998 that the Inspection Services Department Building Statistics for the month of December, 1998 be received for information. CARRIED 07.02.12 Petition for Traffic Signal - Crosswalk at 232 Street and Abernethy Way Reference was made to the staff report dated January 8, 1999 which was prepared in response to a petition from local residents requesting the installation of a traffic signal at the above noted intersection.. R/99-52 MOVED by Councillor King 232 St./Abernethy SECONDED by Councillor Stewart Way Petition for - - - - - - - - traffic signal that the staff report dated January 8, 1999 entitled Petition for Traffic Signal - Crosswalk at 232 Street and Abernethy Way be received for information. Mi E1ItIJ 07.03 Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police) Chair Councillor J. Clements Vice Chair Councillor K. Stewart 12 Council Meeting Minutes January26, 1999 Page 22 Note: Councillor Gordon excused herself from the Council Chamber prior to Item 07.03.01 being placed on the floor, noting that she is employed by a licenced establishment. Liquor Regulations and Policy Review Reference was made to the staff report dated January 11, 1999 which was submitted for information purposes. R199-53 MOVED by Councillor Clements Liquor Regs. SECONDED by Councillor Stewart Review - that -the staff report dated January 11, 1999 providing background information relative to the current Liquor Regulations and Policy Review be received for information. Note: Councillor Gordon returned to the Council Chamber at this point in the meeting. 07.04 Community Development and Recreation Service Chair Councillor C. Gordon Vice Chair Councillor L. King Nil 07.05 Other Issues Chair Mayor Vice Chair Acting Mayor 07.05.0 1 Alternate Representative to the Fraser Valley Regional Library Board R199-54 MOVED by Councillor Stewart FVRLB alternate SECONDED by Councillor Clements representative that Councillor Betty Levens be' appointed as the alternative representative to the Fraser Valley Regional Library Board. - CARRIED 07.05.02 Collective Agreement R199-55 MOVED by Councillor Stewart Collective SECONDED by Councillor Gordon - Council Meeting Minutes January26, 1999 Page 23 Agreement that the Memorandum of Agreement dated January 21, 1999 executed by the negotiators for the two parties (namely CUPE Local 622 and the District of Maple Ridge), outlining the terms of a new Collective Agreement for the period April 1, 1997 through to March 31, 2000 inclusive, be accepted subject to the approval of the Labour. Relations Bureau of the Greater Vancouver Regional District. CARRIED 08 MAYOR'SREPORTS The Mayor highlighted the following issues: The District has once again won an award from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for its annual report. The federal government has now contributed $10,000 to the District related to Council's trip to China last October. The GVTA has approved smaller buses for Maple Ridge in an attempt to achieve better service. 09 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS - LIAISONS TO COMMITTEES Councilor K. Stewart Councillor Stewart reported that Council and senior staff recently took part in a bus tour of Maple Ridge to view various projects, etc. He and Councillor Clements and the Municipal Clerk rode the rails in a utility vehicle with CP railway officials as a follow- up to the discussions on train whistles. The MuhiipaI Clerk advised that he wiiFbe submitting a report to Council shortly. He is waiting for some material from the CPR. He further advised that he attended the opening of Planet Ice and the Council Retreat. Councilor B. Levens Councillor Levens noted that over 100 people attended the open house at the Pitt Meadows Airport. It was very successful and considerable input was received. Council Meeting Minutes January26, 1999 Page 24 Councillor T. Baker Councillor Baker stated that he attended many of the same events as his colleagues. He advised that staff provided valuable and knowledgeable input on the tour of the Municipality. Councillor L. King Councillor King advised that in addition to the above, she attended an ARMS meeting and a meeting of the Municipal Committee on Accessibility Issues in her capacity as Council liaison to those groups. Councilor J. Clements Councillor Clements advised that he attended an E-Comm meeting and a GVRD Parks meeting and had a very up-close look at the rail line. Councillor C. Gordon Councillor Gordon advised that new Arena will keep the Cam Neely name. She further advised that the Katzie First Nation negotiations are at Stage 3. 10 VISITOR A CKNO WLEDGMENT Nil 11 ADJOURNMENT 9:30p.m. 12 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC RZI8197 —12062 Laity Street (Item 07.05) - Residents of McIntyre Court Mr. Pat McCaffrey of 12013 McIntyre Court referred to the proposed townhouse development on Laity Street advised that the residents are dead-set against the proposed lane. He asked what the next step in the procedure is. The Municipal Clerk explained that it is anticipated that the application will be heard at the February 16, 1999 Public Hearing. There will be an advertisement in the local newspaper and property owners within 45 metres of the subject property will be notified by letter. In addition, a rezoning sign will be posted on the property by the proponents of the development. Council Meeting Minutes January 26, 1999 Page 25 Bev stated that she lives right next door to the subject property. She advised that the sign will not stay as it will be vandalized very quickly. She also noted that not everyone on the street will receive a letter. Councillor King asked if it would be possible to send a letter to everyone in McIntyre Court. A resident of 12055 McIntyre Court asked if one of the lots in the proposed development has a McIntyre Court address. The Director of Current Planning clarified that proposed development involves one property with the civic address being on Laity Street. The resident questioned if the residents of McIntyre Court will be permitted to up signs saying "Resident Parking Only". Seconda,y Suites - Mr. N. Morton Mr. Norm Morton of 12550 - 223 Street noted that he has been waiting a long time for Council to take some action on secondary suites and asked when this will happen. He wants to see a by-law put in place and enforced. The Mayor advised that Council is still looking into some legal aspects MAYOR Certified Correct Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 02.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of January 12, 1999 be adopted as circulated. "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Design - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section Jim McBride Shirley K Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January27, 1999 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 02.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Minutes of the Public Hearing of January 19, 1999 be received. "Carl Durksen" CARRIED ) DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Design - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 27, 1999 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.01.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5749-1998 be read a second and third time. (RZI17/98 - 11909 Maple Meadows Way - to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to CS-i (Service Commercial) to permit a Service Commercial use) "Carl Durksen" ATED DEFERRED MAYOR G ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business ,en Mgr - Public Works & Development V Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Design Dir - Engineering Operations Dir - Engineering Projects Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K ,4o-Anne H / Karla K The above decision was made at a meôting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January27, 1999 k~ci~palDate __________________________________ Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.01.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5750-1998 be read a second and third time. (RZ/17198 - 11901 Maple Meadows Way - to redesignate from Agricultural to Service ercial and to designate as a Development Permit Area) "Carl Durksen" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED ______________________MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: — Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. — Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance — Dir - Community & Business — 9en Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer — Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Design — Dir - Engineering Operations — Dir - Engineering Projects — Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services — Dir - Parks & Facilities — Special Projects Coordinator — Property Management -' Rose Harris Clerk's Section — Jim-McBride ------ ---------- - — Shirley K Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January27, 1999 A—mi7Datenicipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5752-1998 be read a second and third time. (RZ/21198 — 23 896 & 23920— 118 Avenue - to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) and R-1 (Residential District) to permit ii1tlivision into approximately 17 lots each not less than 371 m 2 in area) "Carl Durksen" CARRIED )DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business 9en Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Design - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Special Projects Coordinator Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K Jo-Anne H - 7"Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation andlor such action as may be required by your Department. January 27, 1999 Date - a Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.03.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By -law No. 5689-1998 be read a second and third time. (RZ123/96 - 13819 —232 Street - to rezone from A-2 (Upland Agricultural) to CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Development) to create approximately 500 units using a variety of zones and densities) "Carl Durksn" ICARRJED / DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR Ll pr* ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business en Mgr - Public Works & Development ir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Design Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H j/ KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. • ___ January 27. 1999 Date AUPAelpat-O—erk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.03.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5690-1998 be read a second and third time. (RZ/23196 - 13819 - 232 Street - to redesignate from Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare), School and Park and Neighbourhood Commercial to Park, Neighbourhood Commercial, Agricultural, Conservation and Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare) and to designate as a Development Permit Area) "Carl Durksen" TED DEFERRED MAYOR - - ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business ,en Mgr - Public Works & Development / Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Design - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation andlor such action as may be required by your Departmep- January27, 1999 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.04 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR U- SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR \ That Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5751- 1998 be reconsidered and adopted. (SD/28196 - Development Cost Charge Payback - 133 Avenue —236 Street - to appropriate $69,438.00 for water works) "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. PIng. & Protective Serv. - /Dir- Corporate Support /' Dir.Finance Dir - Community & Business 9en Mgr - Public Works & Development ( Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer / Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Design - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section Jim McBride - Shirley K f-Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation andlor such action as may be required by your Department. Januarv27, 1999 Date iijl Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.05 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNC1ILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5709- 1998 be reconsidered and adopted. (BP/30/93 - Development Cost Charge Payback - 116 Avenue east of 227 Street - to appropriate $33,250.00 for road works) "Carl Durksen" ARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED ACTION NOTICE MAYOR --•1 TO: Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. Dir - Corporate Support / Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business - en Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning ( Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Design - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - /Jo-Anne H _V KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January27, 1999 9--:u:~ni—cipalDate Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.06 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COIJNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5671-1998 be reconsidered and adopted. (Silver Valley East-West Arterial Alignment - to amend Schedule "C" of the Official Community Plan to relocate the east-west arterial road alignment in the Silver Valley area between 233 Street and 240 Street (Option 6) "Carl Durksen" CARRIED DEF,EATED DEFERRED MAYOR \-\ ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development_____________________________________________________ Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Design - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris _.C1erks_Section._ - --------- - Jim McBride - Shirley K -. Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such actionas may be required by your Department. January 1999 Date a Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.07 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR IC-, SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Provisional Budget (1999) By-law No. 5757-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. - ,rDir - Corporate Support Dir-Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Design - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - 'Jo-Anne H i/j/ Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation andlor such action as may be required by your Departrnerk - January 27, 1999 Date Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 07.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR Cc That the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of January 18, 1999 be received. "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Design - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation andlor such action as may be required by your Department. January 27. 1999 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 07.02.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD/21/94, at River Road and Steeves Street, be it resolved: That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided; That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the report dated January 4, 1999; and further ki That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a "Latecomer Agreement" with the subdivider of the said lands. "Carl Durksen" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR TO ACTION NOTICE - Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - 9en Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ 4/ Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services z Municipal Engineer / Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Design Dir - Engineering Operations Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks&-Faciiities -- - - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Dep January 27, 1999 Date icinal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR C (~- SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR L. That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632-1997, a one year extension be granted to Rezoning Application No. RZ/17/95 to rezone property at 20284 and 20296 Dewdney Trunk Road from RS-2 to CS-i to permit the construction of a commercial "Carl Durksen" ERRIED 3'FEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business _en Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Design - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January27, 1999 Date nicipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By -law No. 5632-1997, a one year extension be granted to Rezoning Application No. RZ/26/94 to rezone property at 12283 - 224 Street from RS -1 to RM-2 to permit the construction of a three storey apartment building containing 59 units. "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business ,Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ / Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Design Dir - Engineering Operations Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation andlor such action as may be required by your Department. January 27, 1999 Date unicipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632-1997, a one year extension be granted to Rezoning Application No. RZ/2/95 to rezone property at 22323 Calligan Avenue from RS-1 to C-3 to permit the construction of a 2 1/2 storey commercial building. "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. Dir Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - 9en Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Design - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. Janua27, 1999 Date ipa Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR ____________________ That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632-1997, a one year extension be granted to Rezoning Application No. RZ/44/96 to rezone property at 22631 - 1194v-eiiue from RS-1 to C-3 to permit a commercial/residential complex. 6nED "Carl Durksen" 4EFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business - 9n Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Design - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K Jo-Anne H The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department January27. 1999 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR Q L That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632-1997, a one year extension be granted to Rezoning Application No. RZ/31/93 to rezone property at 22621 - 119 Avenue from RS-1 to C-3 to permit a commercial/residential complex. "Carl Durksen" CARRIED -' DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business - $tn Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Design - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H - - KátiK - - The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January27. 1999 ____________________________ Clerk Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632-1997, a one year extension be granted to Rezoning Application No. RZ/9/97 to rezone properties at 12112 and 12090 - 227 Street from RS-1 to RM-2 to permit a 30 unit apartment building. "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - ChiefAdministrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. Dir - Corp. PIng. & Protective Serv. Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business ,en Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ ( Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Design - Dr - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. Janua27, 1999 Date A bmtci—pal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR Cc0 SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632-1997, a one year extension be granted to Rezoning Application No. RZ/11/95 to rezone property at 11358 - 236 Street from RS-3 to CD-1-93 to permit subdivision into 47 lots. "Carl Durksen" CARRIED I DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - )aen Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Design - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K Jo-Anne H - - Kar1aK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your January 27, 1999 Date ipa Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 07.02.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That application ALRJ6/98 for the property described as Lot 29 Except: Firstly: Part Subdivided By Plan 76434, Secondly: Part Subdivided by Plan LMP 6975, Section 24, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 26432, and located at 26171 Dewdney Trunk Road not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. (an application to subdivide approximately 9.3 hectares of land in the ALR to create 9 lots, each greater than 0.8 hectares in area - forwarded with no recommendation from Committee) "Carl Durksen" CARRIED DEFEATED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer RCMP - Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business - 9en Mgr - Public Works & Developmenl Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Design Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - /Jim McBride / Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your DepartmeL January27, 1999 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 07.02.04 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of JJVPI33/98 respecting property located at 12525 - 208 Street will be considered by Council at the February 9, 1999 meeting. (to relax the required rear yard setback from 6 metres to 4.2 metres for an existing house in order to create one additional lot) "Carl Durksen" 6;:DDEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business 9en Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Design Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris clerk's Section - Jim McBride / Shirley K NQ'Jk 'L -Jo-AnneH 7 Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Departmpth January27, 1999 Date Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 07.02.05 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5652-1998 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5653-1998 be read a first time. (RZ/8/97 - 12062 Laity Street - to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) and to redesignate from Compact Housing (30 units per net hectàre) to Compact Housing (40 - 60 units per net hectare) and to designate as a Development Permit Area to permit the construction of 17 townhouse units) "Carl Durksen" CARRIED ) DEFEATED DEFERRED Iw.Jt1 ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire, Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. Plng. & Protective Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Design Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris \\ Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Departmept'. January27, 1999 Date Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 07.02.06 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5742-1998 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5743-1998 be read a.first time. (RZ/18/98 —22800 Block 116 Avenue - to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM- 1 (Townhouse Residential) and to redesignate from Apartment District to Compact Housing (40 units per net hectare) and to designate as a Development Permit Area to create approximately 14 bare land strata lots) "Carl Durksen" CARRIED I DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business - 5en Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Plaiming - Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Design Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department_—.., January27, 1999 Date Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 07.02.07 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR Ii' That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5744-1998 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5745-1998 be read a first time. (RZ/19/98 —22800 - 113 Avenue - to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) and to designate as a Development Permit Area to create approximately 19 bare land strata lots) "Carl Durksen" CARRIED Y DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business 9en Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Design - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K ZJo-AIme H KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. ,- January27, 1999 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 07.02.08 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the concept of Environmental Performance Bonding as outlined in the report dated January 7, 1999 be endorsed and that staff be instructed to prepare appropriate amendments to the Maple Ridge Development Procedures By -law No. 5632-1997. jC; E DE TED DEFERRED Durksen" MAYOR A E TO: - Chief Administrative Officer _______________________________________________ - RCMP FireChief ________________________________________________________ Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. \ - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support ____________________________________ - Dir - Finance \*J \ç - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development W&\ !cL3-. Ak'\ )4 Dir - Current Planning ______________________________________________ Dir - Long Range Planning \J) " \J I - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Design ________________________________________________ - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January27, 1999 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 07.02.09 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That staff be instructed to prepare a Development Permit Area which would support the Hillside Policies of the Official Community Plan to address erosion and siltation issues associated with land development and include provisions for bonding and clearing "Carl Durksen" TED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business 9en Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Design Dir - Engineering Operations Dir - Engineering Projects Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Departme,nt.. January27, 1999 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 07.02.10 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR L SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the report dated January 6, 1999 regarding the concerns raised at the Public Hearing of November 17, 1998 with respect to RZ/23/96 (property at 13819 - 232 Street) be received for information. (an application to create 500 lots) DEEEATED DEFERRED "Carl Durksen" ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business ,øen Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ / Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Design - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January27. 1999 Date Munici1ClerlC DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 07.02.11 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR cc That the Inspection Services Department building statistics for the month of December 1998 be received I information. "Carl Durksen" fl CARPJED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - /IDir - Long Range Planning / Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Design - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Special Projects Coordinator Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 27, 1999 Date ic-4pa1Ttirk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 07.02.12 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR YS. That the report dated January 8, 1999, prepared in response to a petition from local residents requesting the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of 232 Street and Abernethy Way, be received for information. "Carl Durksen" CARR1ED.—' DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning /Dir - Inspection Services / Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Design - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K - - The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation andlor such action as may be required by your Departmet January27. 1999 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 07.03.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the report dated January 11, 1999 providing background information relative to the current Liquor Regulations and Policy Review be received for information. "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Design - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section / Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H KarlaK The above decision was rnade at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your January27, 1999 Date unicipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 08.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR LS SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Councillor Betty Levens be appointed as the Alternate Representative to the Fraser Valley Regional Library Board. "Carl Durksen" ARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED ___________________MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer RCMP - Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. Dir - Corp. Plng. & Protective Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Design - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - ,Shirley K V Jo-Anne H KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Dep January 27, 1999 Date icia1 Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 07.05.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 26, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR c. That the Memorandum of Agreement dated January 21, 1999 executed by the Negotiators for the two parties (namely CUPE Local 622 and the District of Maple Ridge) outlining the terms of a new Collective Agreement for the period April 1, 1997 through to March 31,2000 inclusive, be accepted subject to the approval of the Labour Relations Bureau of the Greater Vancouver Regional District. "Carl Durksen" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED IvL&YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. 1/Dir - Corp. Plng. & Protective Serv. Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Design Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Special Projects Coordinator - Property Management - Rose Harris Clerk's Section - Jim McBride Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. r January 27, 1999 '2'— _- Date M c4pal-CIëilZ 0~ fllwftlt~~ MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING A GENDA January26,1999 ./ Council Chamber 7:00 p.m. MEETING DECORUM Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleride.or 01 PRA YERS 02 MINUTES 02.01 02.02 Pastor Charles Balfour Regular Council Meeting of January 12, 1999 Public Hearing of January 19, 1999 / 03 DELEGATIONS Note: Each delegation isperm itt& a total of. ten minutes. 7:10 p.m 03.01 B. C. Summer Games re Wind-up 7:20 n.m. 03.02 B. C. Restaur..vit and Food Services Association re Liquor Lcncing Regulations / Page 1 Council Meeting Agenda January26, 1999 Council Chamber 04 STAFF PRESENTATIONS 7:30 p.m. 04.01 Ms. Kim Grout, Manager of Environmental Affairs re Environmental Performance Bonding (see Item 07.02.08) 05 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Nil 06 BY-LAWS Note: Items 06.01 and 06.02 are from the January 19.1999 Public Hearing 0601 Ri/i 7198 - 11901 Maple Meadows Way 06.01.01 Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5749-1998 second and third reading (to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to Ca-i (Service Commercial) to permit a Service Commercial use. 06.01.02 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5750-1998 second and third reading (to redesignate from Agricultural to Service Commercial and to designate as a Development Permit area). 06.02 RZ121198 - 2396 and 23920 - 118 Avenue Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5752-1998 second and third reading (to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to CD- 1-93 (Amenity Residential District) and R- 1 (Residential District to permit subdivision into approximately 17 lots each not less than 371m' in area). Page 2 Council Meeting Agenda January26, 1999 Council Chamber 06.03 RZ123196 - 13819 —232 Street (See Item 07.02) 06.03.01 Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5689-1998 second and third reading (to rezone from A-2 (Upland Agricultural) to CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Development) to create approximately 500 units using a variety of zones and density). Deferred from the November 24, 1998 and January 12, 1999 meetings. 06.03.02 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5690-1998 second and third reading (to redesignate from Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare), School and Park and Neighbourhood Commercial to Park, Neighbourhood Commercial Agricultural, Conservation and Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare) and to designate as a Development Permit area). Deferred from the November 24, 1998 and January 12, 1999 meetings. 06.04 SD/28196 - Development Cost Charge Payback - 133 Avenue - 236 Street Maple Ridge Development Cost Chge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5751-1998 final reading . (to appropriate $69,438 to be used for the subject works). Page3 Council Meeting Agenda January26, 1999 Council Chamber 06.05 BP130193 - Development Cost Charge Payback - 116 Avenue east of 227 Street Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5709-1998 final reading (to appropriate $33,250 for the subject works). 06.06 Silver Valley East- West Arterial Alignment Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5671-1998 final reading (to amend Schedule "C" of the Official Community Plan to relocate the east-west arterial road alignment in the Silver Valley area between 233 Street and 240 Street (Option 6). 06.07 Maple Ridge Provisional Budget (1999) By-law No, 575771999 final reading 07 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 07.01 Minutes of January 18, 1999 The following issues were considered at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting with the recommendations being brought to this meeting for Municipal Council consideration and final approval. The Committee of the Whole meeting is open to the - public and is held in the Council Chamber at 2:00 p.m. on the Monday the week prior to this meeting. 07.02 Public Works and Development Services Chair Councillor T. Baker Vice Chair Councilor B. Levens Page 4 Council Meeting Agenda January 26, 1999 Council Chamber 07.02.0 1 Latecomer Agreement LC/60198 - River Road and Steeves Street (SD/21194) Staff report dated January 4, 1999 recommending that the above noted agreement be executed. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 07.02.02 Requests for a One Year Extension of Development Applications under Council Procedures By-law No. 5632-199 7 RZ11 7195-20284 and 20296 Dewdney Trunk Road - RS-2 to CS-i Staff report dated January 7, 1999 recommending that a one year extension be granted to the above noted application topermit the construction of a commercial building. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. RZ126194 - 12283 - 224 Street - RS-1 to RM-2 Staff report dated January 7, 1999 recommending that a one year extension be granted to the above noted application to permit the construction of three storey apartment building containing 59 units. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. RZ12195 - 22323 Calligan Avenue - RS-i to C-3 Staff report dated January 7, 1999 recommending that a one year extension be granted tothe subject application to permit the construction of a 2.5 storey commercial building. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. Page 5 Council Meeting Agenda January 26, 1999 Council Chamber RZ144196 - 22631 - 119 Avenue - RS-1 to C-3 Staff report dated January 4, 1999 recommending that a one year extension be granted to the subject application to permit a commerciallresidential complex. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. RZI31193 —22621 —119 Avenue - RS-1 to C-3 Staff report dated January 4, 1999 recommending that a one year extension be granted to the subject application to permit a commerciallresidential complex. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. RZ19197— 12112 and 12090— 227Street - RS-i to RM-2 Staff report dated January 4, 1999 recommending that a one year extension e granted to the subject application to permit a 30 unit apartment building. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. R2711195 - 11358-236 Street - RS-3 to CD-i Staff report dated January 7, 1999 recommending that a one year extensiOn be granted to the subject application to permit subdivision into 47 lots. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. Page 6 Council Meeting Agenda • January 26, 1999 Council Chamber 07.02.03 ALR/6198 - 26171 Dewdney Trunk Road Staff report dated January 7, 1999 recommending that the subject application to subdivide within the Agricultural Land Reserve to create 9 lots not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. The Committee forwarded this item to Council with no recommendation. 07.02.04 DVP/33/98 - 12525-208 Street Staff report dated January 6, 1999 recommending that the subject application to permit a relaxation in the required rear yard setback from 6 metres to 4.2 metres be considered at the February 9, 1999 meeting following notification to adjacent residents. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 07.02.05 RZ18197— 12062 Laity Street - By-laws 5652-1998 and 5653-1998 - RS-1 to R)/I-1 Staff report dated December 23, 1998 recommending that the subject by-laws to permit the construction of 17 townhouse umts be read a first time. The Committee àoncurred with the recommendation. 07.02.06 RZ118198 - 22800 Block of 116 Avenue - By-laws 5742-1998 and 5743-1998 • - RS-1 to PM-I Staff report dated January 8, 1999 recommending that the subject by-laws to create approximately 14 bare land strata lots be read a first time. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. Page7 Council Meeting Agenda January26, 1999 Council Chamber 07.02.07 RZ119198 —22800— 113 Avenue - By-laws 5744-1998 and 5745-1998 RS- 3toRM-1 Staff report dated January 8, 1998 recommending that the subject by-laws to create approximately 19 bare land strata lots be read a first time. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 07.02.08 Environmental Performance Bonding Staff report dated January 7, 1999 recommending that the Environmental Performance Bonding contained therein be endorsed and that staff prepare the appropriate by-law amendments. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 07.02.09 Development Permit Areas - Silver Valley Staff report dated January 7, 1999 recommending that the staff prepare a Development Permit Area to support the Hillside Policies. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 07.02.10 RZ123196 - 13819 - 232 Street - A-2 to CD-3-98- By-laws 5689 and 5690- 1998 Staff report dated January 6, 1999 providing a response to concerns raised at the November 17, 1998 Public Hearing regarding the subject application to permit 500 lots. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. Page 8 Council Meeting Agenda January26, 1999 Council Chamber 07.02.11 Building Statistics for December, 1998 Staff report recommending that the subject statistics attached thereto be received for information. 07.02.12 Petition for Traffic Signal - Crosswalk at 232 Street and Abernethy Way Staff report dated January 8, 1999 - recommendation to receive for • information. 07.03 Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police) Chair Councillor J. Clements Vice Chair Councillor K. Stewart 07.03.0 1 Liquor Regulations and Policy Review Staff report dated January 11, 1999 - recommendation to receive for information. 07.04 Community Development and Recreation Service - Chair Councillor C. Gordon - Vice Chair Councillor L. King Nil 07.05 • • Other Issues Chair Mayor Vice Chair Acting Mayor Page 9 Council Meeting Agenda January 26, 1999 Council Chamber 08 MAYOR'S REPORTS 08.0108 Fraser Valley Regional Library Board - Appointment ofAltern ate Council Representative 09 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS - LIAISONS TO COMMITTEES 10 VISITOR AKNO WLEDGMENT 11 ADJOURNMENT PagelO Council Meeting Agenda January26, 1999 Council Chamber 12' QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to seek clarification about an item on the agenda or other Municipal matter. Council will not tolerate derogatory remarks directed at Council andlor staff during the Question Period. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor andlor Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. Each person will be permitted 2minutes only to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). The total Question Period is limited to 20 minutes. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the office of the Municipal Clerk who can be contacted at 463-5221. /sk Corporation of the Disirict of Maple Ridge APPOINTMENTS VIA CATEGORIES - 1998/1999 GOVERNMENT AGENCIES B.C. Assessment Authority King E Comm Corporation Clements 1st alternate Gill Fraser Basin Council (Previously the Fraser Basing Mgt Program) Gordon Fraser River Estuary Management Program (FREMP) - Fraser Valley Regional Library Board Stewart alternate Fraser River Harbour Commission - Greater Vancouver Regional District - Board of Directors Durksen 1st alternate Baker (Includes the functions of water, sewerage & drainage, parks & hospitals) Greater Vancouver Regional District - Labour Relations Bureau Clements alternate Gordon GVRD Communications, Education & Culture Committee Levens GVRD - Sewerage & Drainage Committee Baker GVRD - Parks Committee Clements Local Jt. Committee on Community Corrections - FCM Durksen Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee Gordon Municipal Clerk Municipal Insurance Association of B.C. Durksen Is alternate King 2 alternate Levens MEMBERSHIPS ETC B.C. Aviation Council Federation of Canadian Municipalities Lower Mainland Municipal Association Union of British Columbia Municipalities LMMA - Flood Control & River Mgt Corn OTHER APPOINTMENTS Auditors E-Comm Clements ist alternate to Sieb Swiestra Stewart KPMG Peat Marwick Thome Clements I st alternate Gill ADVISORY and/or LEGISLATED COMMITTEES Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues King 1st alternate Baker Jim McBride Page 1 of 3 January 15, 1999 Advisory Design Panel Stewart Bicycle Advisory Committee Gordon 1St alternate King Board of Variance - Court of Revision (Frontage Tax) Durksen King Stewart Development Agreements Committee Mayor l st alternate Acting Mayor Economic Advisory Committee Levens Emergency Planning Committee Dursken Stewart Baker Family Court Committee None Heritage Advisory Committee Gordon Parks & Leisure Services Commission (MRIPM) Durksen King Stewart alternate 2nd alternate Baker 3rd alternate Social Planning Advisory Committee Gordon United Towns Committee Baker King SPECIAL COMMITTEES Arts & Cultural Policy Implementation Committee Gordon Clements Audit Committee Durksen Clements Gordon Stewart Business Licence Review Committee - Community Forest Steering Committee Stewart Council Indemnity i.eview Committee - Downtown Action Plan Committee Clements Baker Downtown Beautification Committee Levens Fairgrounds Advisory Committee - - Fairgrounds Sportsfield Committee - Library/Cultural/Theatre Development Committee Maple Ridge Golf Course Committee - Museum Advisory Committee - Pitt Polder Committee (Jt with MR/PM) Durksen Stewart Secondary Suites King - Traffic Safety Review Committee King - Chair Transit Service Review Committee Baker - Chair Jim McBride Page 2 of 3 January 15, 1999 STAFF COMMITTEES Health & Safety Committee - Labour Management Committee Clements Gordon Technical Review Committee - Emergency Response Team - Municipal Employee Parking Committee - Permit & Application Process Review Committee - Quality Initiative Committee - Employee Awards Committee Gordon COMMUNITY GROUPS & ORGANIZATIONS (LIAISONS) Albion Community Association Alouette River Management Society King B.C. Summer Games Society Levens Citizens Advisory Board to Corrections - Douglas College Advisory Committee Levens Elderly Citizens Recreation Association Levens Hammond Community Association - Maple Ridge Chamber of Commerce Stewart Maple Ridge Downtown Parking Society Baker Maple Ridge Elderly Citizens Housing Society Durksen Maple Ridge Equestrian Trails Council - Maple Ridge Foundation - Maple Ridge Historical Society - Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Agricultural Society - Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Community Services Council King Pitt Meadows Airport Society Levens Ridge Meadows Arts Council Gordon Ridge Meadows Recycling Society Baker Ridge Meadows Youth & Justice Advocacy Association - Ruskin Community Association - Thornhill Community Association - Websters Corners Ratepayers Association - Whonnock Community Association - Yennadon Community Association - ACTING MAYOR Dec/Jan - 1997/1998 Clements Feb/March - 1998/1999 King April/May— 1998/1999 Gordon June/July - 1998/1999 Stewart Aug/Sept— 1998/1999 Levens Oct/Nov - 1998/1999 Baker Jim McBride Page 3 of 3 January 15, 1999 TO: Joanne He1zog bcrfa bft~l______ - - January 18, 1999 Ms. Joanne Hertzog District of Maple Ridge By Fax: 467-7329 Dear Ms. Hertzog: RE: Liquor Policy Further to your conversation of earlier today with Zdenka, I would like to - confirm our interest in speaking to Council on January 261h at 7:00. As you know, the Attorney General, the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Small Business and Tourism have initiated a stakeholder review process that will recommend changes with a view to streamlining current liquor lióensing regulations. It would be our pleasure to discuss this issue with Council at your next meeting. I look forward to hearing from you soon. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me at (604) 669-2239 or page me at (604) 252-8775. Sincerely yours Geoffrey Howes Vice President of Government Affairs BC Restaurant and Foodservices Association 'Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge WYLE RIDGE Telephone: (604) 463-5221 Fax: (604) 467-7331 lna)rpOTatedl2 September, 1874 e-mail: enquiries@distrid.map1eridge.bc.ca January 13, 1999 File No.: 0410-20-06IBCAGI Via: Fax No.: 689-5434 B.C. Restaurant & Foodservices Association 140 —475 West Georgia Street Vancouver, B.C. . V6B 4M9 Attention: Mr. Geoffrey Ho was Jlce President of Government Affairs Dear Mr. Howes: Further to your letter dated January 12, 1999, please be advised that the B.C. Restaurant & Fóodservices Association has been placed on the Committee of the Whole Agenda for Monday, January 18, 1999 at 2:00 p.m. The Committee of the Whole Meeting is held in the Council Chamber of the Maple Ridge Municipal Hall located at 11995 Haney Place. Your delegation is allotted ten minutes to make their presentation. If available, a print copy of your presentation would be appreciated and may be presented to the Municipal Clerk at the meeting. lfyouhaveanyquestionsp1easefee1freeogivemeacaflatj.,j227 Yours truly, Jo-Anne Herteog , Coordinator of Administrative Services .. . . /jh . -. C.C. Confidential Secretary "Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens" "I 100% Recycled Paper Not Secondarily Bleached or Dc-Inked JAN-12-89 18:14 FROM- LTD 604-0881434 T-201 P.02/00 F-049 I., hmirfa rr January 12, 1999 Mayor and Council District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Dear Mayor and Council: RE: Liquor Policy 1m writing to you today on behalf of British Columbia's restaurant and foodservices industry. As you know, the Attorney General, the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Small Business and Tourism have initiated a stakeholder review process that will recommend changes with a view to streamlining curient liquor licensing regulations. I understand that you will be discussing this issue at your next council meeting. We Would welcome the opportunity to attend your meetsng to present our position. I look forward to hearing from you soon. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me at (604) 669-2239 or page me at (604) 252-8775. Sincerely yours Geoffrey Howes Vice President of Government Affairs BC Restaurant and Foodservices Association IN JM1211 18:14 FROM LTD 804-8881434 T-281 P.03/08 F-049 biir fa mwft~i Iwyhw Position statement: BC Liquor Policy Review Background: On November 16, 1998. the British Columbia government announced a review of the provinces liquor licensing system with a view to achieving the following objectives o Simplification of the rules and license classes to reduce the costs of red tape and regulation to the hospitality industry o Evolution of the hospitality industry in way that assists the development of the tourism industry o Harmonization of BC's approach to the control of alcoholic beverages and the hospitality industry with those of other junsdictions u Development of regulations that meet todays social and health objectives ri announcing the review, Small Business and Tourism Minister. Ian Waddell said small and medium-sized businesses in the industry have been expressing their cOncerns about the current regulatory scneme.0 Finance Minister Joy MacPhail stated that the review bresponds to the recommendations of the business tasK force and will move us closer to our goal of cutting red tape and encOuraging the growth of business in British Columbia. Attorney General Ujjat Dosanjh stated that by talking to those involved we can simplify, revitalize and modernize liquor rules and license classes We are hoping we can find a consensus on what changes are necessary but we are determine to move forward to modernize the system.' - - The. .govemme.nt-has•appOinted-negotiatorJoSurichto-Iead-the-•review; whiehis expected to be completed by January. Recommendations are expected to be delivered to the BC CabInet by.tfle end of February. Page 1 JAN-12-80 18:15 FROM- LTD 604-6884434 T-281 P.04/08 F-040 About BC's restaurant industry. BC's restaurants are a vital and growing part of our province's tourism• infrastructure. Tourists spend more dollars in restaurants than on any other part of their journey. According to BC Stats, roughly 25% of BC's restaurant jobs are now directly attributable to tourism. BC's foodservice industry represents $8 billion of GDP. Licensed restaurants accounted for $2.2 billion of industry revenues in 1997. We are one of the provinces largest pnvate sector employers, creating 136.000 direct jobs or 7% of BC's total employment. The industry accounts for another 22.000 indirect BC jobs. Independent restaurants represent 70% of the 8,700 outlets in BC, representing a spectrum from quick service to fine dining. The BC Restaurant and Foodservices Association (BCRFA) and the Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association (CRFA) collectively represent over 7.000 businesses in the province of British Columbia. Our two associations provide a wide range of services to our members, including training and professional development programs, trade shows and industry conferences. Our goal: Modernizing BC liquor policies. BCs restaurant industry has come together to -the call on The provincial government to modernize British Columbia's liquor laws and regulations with a view to: 1. Offer our customers (tourists and residents aliKe) the range of choices they are accustomed to receiving in other jurisdictions 2 Roost our province's reputatiOn as a world-class tourism destination. 3. Streamline the licensing process to encourage investment in high-growth tourism businesses. -. Paqe2 JAN-12-91 18:18 FROM' LTD 604-8004434 T-231 P.05/08 F-045 Recommended policy changes: Specifically, we believe three changes must be made in this liquor policy review: 'i. Removal of the requirement that a patron in a licensed restaurant must purchase a meal in order to receive liquor service. Removal of restrictions on entertainment in licensed restaurants (except adult entertainment). Refocus the mandate of the LCLB to facilitate the licensing process and educate licensees. Leave it to the police to use the authority already invested in them to handle issues of over-service, service to minors and rowdyism (the three issues the public cares most about). Rationale; Our rationale for calling on these changes is based on The broad public perception and support for change. A new poll by McIntyre & Mustel Associates found that British Columbians support a customer in a licensed restaurant being able to order a drink Without buying a full meal. ci Our customers (residents and tourists alike) want a wide range of choices and feel BC's archaic rules are silly and should be changed. ci The red tape burden is seen as a barrier to investment and job creation in BC (Boston Pizza, for instance, is expanding at a rate of 3 to 1 in Alberta compared to BC). - Responding to concerns: Other licensee groups have suggested that BC is somehow "over-licensed" and that changes are unnecessary. This is absolutely not true. in fact. BC and Alberta have virtually identical liquor licenses, yet Alberta has five times as many pubs u Otherhcenseegroups.ha.ve.al.so stated thatmakingthese changes mine regulations will somehow create '5,000 new bars." Again, this is far-fetched. We're talking about licensed establishments already in existence. People can get a drink at those places already so any increase in consumption would be limited to the growth in BC tourism. Page 3 JAN-12-00 18:1e FROI- LTD 604-680-5434 T-281 P.06'08 -oa ci These changes will not result in the consumption of more alcohol. In tact, the trend in Consumption in the past few years has been towards reduced consumption. These changes would reduce confusion in the regulatory framework, especially for tourists who do not understand why they cannot buy a glass of beer or wine in a BC restaurant without also being required to buy a meal. o BC's restaurant industry actively supports responsible service and responsible alcohol use initiatives, such as "Serving it Right". Very soon, the people in our industry will be able to take the "Serving It Right' course via the Internet on the BCRFA webpage. We also sponsor ride programs during the holiday season to keep drunk drivers off the road. o A restaurant is in a much better position to monitor over-service because there is almost always a one-to-one relationship between a restaurant server and the patron. In a bar, a patron can be served by any number of servers and thus there is an increased risk of over-service o Unlike straight-drinking establishments like bars and pubs, the primary focus in the restaurant business is always on food. o What we're talking about is changing an archaic rule that has rarely been enforced or observed. Any impact the change might potentially have has probably already been absorbed by the marketplace. For further information, please contact: Geoffrey Howe. (604) 252-8775 Pager Vice President of Government Affairs (604) 540-2827 Phone BC Restaurant and Foodservicos Association Richard Floody (604) 601-4414 Pager Chair, BCRFA Liquor Policy Task Force President, Greater Vancouver Branch BC Restaurant and Foodservices Association Page 4 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO.5749-1998 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WREREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5749 - 1998." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 14, Except: Part dedicated road on Plan LMP35455, District Lot 222, Group 1, Plan 11194, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1198 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to CS-i (Service Commercial). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 199. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 199. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 199. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation and Highways this day of , A.D. 199, RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK Q,..Of40J v_s • I,. he Ref. 'ONE UAP 37906 P7I'1'1'1 (P 2 11 9A AVE. _ I I '"J_iL' 41 I 2\L 12, I 733 . 3iLJI 3 - P 0 I 2 I 22 21 IZI 20_I;I5I..I4 P i -i (UP 31913 BRUCE Z11 - S[ I 2 3 6 4 6 5 7 32 I j PI5822 P169 4 W 1/2 1/2 IS Il 19 of I l P1194 Re H 1/2 of I 2 I ' I 46 47 I 2 ,,rn J J I Diii N AV)- . -, _____________ PAIl P1194 g0. 12 II 10 '.4_ l0 Rio. S 1/2 at 64 93 62 61 ii P3906 Q - P0517 7249 o e. .tm.es,w) 4 • l 3Q 3 3 l 2 '77 ., P 22 dSHIE . 0 23 ISO >_i1 WI P 011077 P011K _ 22 24 0.. 04611 \7STAN 13 (I-) LL 0 F- 0 F- - U) Re., IA P 11194 l "I I 0173*3 91 9 101 II 12 L 6 6 1 I I l ! ____ I r-t_i-'• I I Ii' J l,"' AVE. 49q; FTtp050 S DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAb cp 2915 Re. 119 0°c/I /J LUP 31913 100 19071727 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5749-1998 Map No. 1198 From: RS-3 (One Family.. Rural Residential) To: CS—i (Service Commercial) AMAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September. 1874 1:4.000 / / • Pel. ON( k'I'\ th 'i I £ / 1.146 37906 \. \ QJ (P 2 - -- 119A AVE.C/)YH 41 tijzl) 3 — • 32 LL.I j -.., / "\ 1961 its 42 J / U4P 31913 BRUCE AVE. ilU ??II I 2 3 4 32 5 ' 1~1 P 682 2 P 61. P 1/3 E 1/2 19 Il 19 of IS f 5 iD I 990 P1194 :- Ps...IsI/2ol? I 47 DUNN AVI 61194 - IS 13 II TO - ,,s?9 P.... S 1/2 64 63 62 it P 3 806 o _•5_.._ o — ___ aTw s,wj j .s OS27I I I Ia • II ., 72148 32 3 i 7 667774 - 9570 22 - ,I 6'9 rr' I0 I?I29 ( I 2a.. U U) - 0 a — w Ul 0 Ps., 14 6 11194 AVE. 4_•_ DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD A 070153 'P / LP 31913 100 PAJW MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5749-1998 Map No. 1198 From: ..RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: CS—i (S'ervice Commercial) L"Ma ~mas MAPLE RIDGE Incorporeted 12 September. 1874 1:4,000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5750 - 1998. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A", "B" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5750 - 1998." Schedule "B" is hereby amended- for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 14, Except: Part dedicated road on Plan LMP35455, District Lot 222, Group 1, Plan 11194, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 566, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby redesignated to CS-i (Service Commercial). Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area III in the Appendix: Lot 14, Except: Part dedicated road on Plan LMP35455, DL 222, Op 1, Plan 11194, NWD Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: - - -L ri4Exept:P editdiodôiPlãn LP 5455, District Lot 222, Group 1, Plan 11194, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 567, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, are hereby designated as Development Permit Area 111 (5) on Schedule "H". Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. - READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 199 . Page2 Bylaw No 5750-1998 PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of A D 199 READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 199.. READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. 199.. . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED the day of • • A.D.199. • . • • • • •• • • . MAYOR • • . • . CLERK • : 77 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5750-1998 Map No. 566 From: Agricultural To: Service Commercial - 10 MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September. 1874 1:4.000 lw. 31113 114117 t32 AVE. I Lim_____ DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD Sm 23*3 Os..i P 44439 100 P627 TIM • 1.73 . 9 *0 It *2 9 3 PC,. / . 37906 3 ( P 31913 tq II 1/21C *12 II *7 14 of I3 of *3 P 304 I - n, Pe N 1/2 of I '•" 1J390 2 ' J47 j 2 UUINAVI - • P1194 9 PAIl 13 12 II *0 6. It 10 P.m S 1/2 of 63 62 II ii II 2 ' I 17211 34 44 ii ~l J\.P27 ! 7 P47774 - - L l I l P4370 32 ry .-... - LL 0 — uJ of Cn Rem *4 P 11194 0 1 P 70753 (P 21 J ILJ 0 Vnc3iöN P nnl77 PARK 4 P=20 _ NI _13 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5750-1998 Map No.. 567 PURPOSE: TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA III (5) Lq Q) A 30, MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September. 1874 1:4,000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 18, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZJI7/98 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 5749-1998 & 5750-1998 (11901 Maple Meadows Way) SUMMARY: This application is to rezone the property from RS-3 to CS-i. Council gave favourable consideration to the above noted application November 10, 1998. This application has been forwarded to Public Hearing without the benefit of a development plan. Accordingly, it is recommended that the public information meeting required for Official Community Plan amendments be waived and that 1 reading be given to the subject bylaws. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5749-1998 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5750- 1998 be given First Reading. Chief Administrative Officer lic Works and Dir t f Curr t P nning Development Services M. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 5, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ-17-98 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dcv SUBJECT: RZJI7/98 (14-Maple Meadows Way) SUMMARY: At the Committee of the Whole meeting on September 28, 1998, the above noted application was presented for consideration. After reviewing the land use report and the applicant's presentation, the Committee deferred consideration for two weeks and referred the application back to staff for a further recommendation on how to deal with the application. The staff report outlined two options, and this recommendation is based on the second option, which was to facilitate zoning without the benefit of a development plan. That application RZ/17/98 (for property located at 11194 Maple Meadows Way) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated October 5, 1998 from RS-3 (One Family Residential to CS-i (Service Commercial) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. Prior to final approval the followintmust be complete: Approval from the Ministry of Environment, Water Management Branch; Approval from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch; Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; Amendment to Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan; Amendment to Schedule "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan; A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; - 4,- Chief Administrative Officer (10) Development Services COIU'ORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5752 - 1998 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 .1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No 5752 - 1998" Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 16102) Lot 29, Section 16, Township 12, Plan 18230, New Westminster District -. And Lot 29 Except: Firstly: East 105 Feet, Secondly: Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 16102), Section 16, Township 12, Plan 18230, New Westminster District. and outlined in heavy black line are hereby rezoned to CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) and those portions shown hatched are hereby rezoned to R-1 (Residential District) as shown on Map No. 1199 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw. Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. - READ a first time the day of , A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 199. - READ a second time tt_. dayof - -. - READ a third time the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the 199. A.D199. ,A.D. 199. dayof •' A.D. MAYOR CLERK '4 I 'ItIr[' to :, r. " ___ r1" 11 9A AVE. 'n's , I:-!-?"77w ta .. .20 is I 4 —t • I.'Z £ / It 2 •.. • A • 0171 p 171 tM. 22 . tIll It 118 AVE. • I? •A 23 a yr • till ('1 P 7813 a. U2314- '143' I' _3 LS -I 119 AVE. "V'S —.;;; tJs,7It7J a 0H, "0 _;,Ll • H'' I' ' _1 (1 1I6AAVE. 1 ttl4u.t1 t 2 teoji I_ 4 23543 , 3 '253 Ii, I I - - , 1I 30 I 33 1 A l (P 1137 27 P 1171 /'L2F A U,. 31751 2. (p 3304* , 1Lt I ,i* 133 29 : , C,.' I, 2 UIP 31721 " ' 20" - - ' 27 Al 'S P 30237 P $1237 24 23 U., AVE 2 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5752-1998 Map No. 1199 From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) . To: CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) and R-1 (Residential bistrict) shown hatched moon MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September. 1874 '3 is I 1:4.000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 5752-1998 (23896 & 23920 118 Ave.) DATE: November 23, 1998 FILE NO: RZ12I/98 ATTN: CofW-PW&Dev SUMMARY: This development proposal is to create approximately 17 lots not less than 371 m 2. Council gave favourable consideration to the above noted application September 29, 1998 with the stipulation that prior to being presented at a Public Hearing, the following would be complied with: 1) Fully dimensioned subdivision plan showing the park boundary respecting the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife boundary requirements: The above has been received and it is recommended that 1st reading be given to the subject bylaw. In the land use report (September 4, 1998) there is a discussion about the applicant requiring a Development Variance Permit to relax the minimum width for proposed Lot 17 from 15 m to 12.5 m. The subdivision design has since been amended to share the 1.5 m shortfall through Lots 13-17. It is recommended that these lots be rezoned to R-1 (Residential District). However in order to insure that the design criteria associated with the CD-1-93 zone are applied to the R-1 lots, a building scheme restrictive covenant will address building elevations, driveway locations and siting requirements. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5752-1998 be given First Reading. hit 11 Chief Administrative Officer I Development Services DS/bjc 'S / U p-it 11T - I DEWOwEY TRupiicA -- ," F PIT . 'os P 33 II 72 ::•_:: j;_i _____ ____ i-';- I I 9A AVE •E YE. •U' •O b , Tt±T1 .1, iffs i-,. : .. 21 : R sh It it _ L.00 _ ! 0 '976 ("U' 1:;! 1'' lBAJ _ . _ of l I M — •1 —si __ - -*. - R S C P 333fl 3'. RS-3• 5 3,,, 1 1 SUBJECT PROPERTiES 23896 AND 23920 118 AVE. ' I N ZONING SILVER VALLV SUBJECT ______ _4,PROPER11ES CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING Incorporated 12 September. 174 DEPAR1'1IT SCALE: 1:5,000 RLE/WftAW RZ-21 —98 FOATE' DEC. 4. 1298 r.*sa LAYOuTS — SCJJCT TO CHANGE 118th AVE '" A _ 118th AV . 1I LIh. 1/2 '2 32 32 st 9 1 9, IL, 1=3)1 3i.rpv' ------------------ LANe ruru?eLNe 1 I ;Z3 I ) LLJ -- - - ________ 1— I I I 3 31 31 rOI3 - ---------------------- - 1r.,. I2._ I2_J_-i / X ROAD 4 ROAD __ - f. I u.S I I4. I#.5 I4'.5 i#. 1. J r6 ii. I) J,tn2. 'CmL 99mL t 9 ;I I S I 0 • ((S .5.. •-:4- - - (fII - -- __ i==.TJ R / SU8JECT PROPERTIES Nslolcy or 23896 AND 23920 118 AVE. SIt.VtR - PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PLAN . .VAU.Y SUBJECT CORPORATION OF THE - -IANEY PROPERTIES Lown 1 t 1. ~m. wu DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE COTTO MAPLE RIDGE ncorporut.d 12 S.ptember. 1874 DEPART.4T . n.opøuu. FILE/BYLAW: RZ-21-90 OATE XC. 4. 1990 "A SCALE: 1:5,000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: September 4, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZI2I/98 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZI2I/98 (23896 & 23920 118 Ave.) SUMMARY; An application has been received for the above properties to rezone to CD-f-93 to permit subsequent subdivision into approximately 17 tots, each not less that 371 m 2 in area. RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ/21/98 (for property located at 23896 & 23920 118 Ave.) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated September 4, 1998 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to CD- 1-93 be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum. Condition to be met inor to first readin& Fully dimensioned subdivision plan showing the following: a) park boundary respecting Ministry of Environment Fish and Wildlife boundary requirements. And that prior to final aDoroval the followingrnust be complete: I) Preliminary approval from the Ministry of Environment, Water Management Branch; Preliminary approval from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch; A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development:. Park dedication for watercourse preservation. BACKGROUND: This application proposes to rezone 23396 and 23920 118 Ave. to CD-1-93 to permit subseuent subdivision into approximatel.y 17 lots. The proposed land use conforms with the existing Official Community Plan designation and will be an extension of a recently approved CD-1-93 subdivision for lands southwest of this site. PC Policy Implications: Official Community Plan; The land use designation permits a range of densities from 15 to 30 units per net hectare. This proposal would continue the pattern established with neighbouring development where the higher density was used to allow single family building sites on lots measuring a minimum of 371 ml in area. Horseshoe Creek. a watercourse designated for special treatment on Schedule "E" of the Official Community Plan, flows across the southern portion of the site. This area is also subject to provisions set out in Development Permit Areas XX and XXX of the Official Community Plan. To ensure the objectives of the Development Permit Areas, as well as policies governing creek protection are addressed, the entire ravine system identified for protection must be dedicated "Park" for watercourse preservation. Geotechnical Considerations: The land adjacent to 118 Ave. is relatively flat. However, the southeasterly portion of the site drops off significantly. To ensure that the site is suitable for this type of land use a geotechnical report is required. - This report must discuss the stability of the site for road, services, and house construction and provide recommendations for any special measures that may be required. Zoning Bylaw Reciuirements: The CD-l-93 zone requires lots not served with a lane to be 15 metres wide. The site is not wide enough to accommodate five 15 metre wide lots. The developer will be applying for a Development Variance Permit to relax the minimum width for proposed Lot 17 from 15 metres to 13.5 metres. The Planning Department does not support this variance and will recommend that the 1.5 metre shortfall be negotiated with neighbouring property. Servicing Concerns: Development of adjacent lands has provided all of the required urban services to support this development. On site servicing issues will be addressed at the subdivision stage. CONCLUSION: The development proposal complies with the existing Official Community Plan designation. Accordingly, staff supports the land use and recommends the application be forwarded to Public Hearing. 4JiI Chief Administrative Officer (er7 ager: Pfc Works an ,7i4r of C ent Planning \( DeVelopment Services / -2- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5689-1998 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5689-1998." Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510— 1985 as amended is hereby further amended by adding the following thereto: Section 1033 CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Development) A. Intent This zone is intended to accommodate and regulate the development of a mixture of uses as an integrated unit based on a comprehensive plan in conformity to the use and density stated in the Official Community Plan and elsewhere in this bylaw. B. Principal Uses Subject to all provisions of this CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Development) Zone, the following uses and no others shall be permitted in the CD-398 zone: Apartment use Two Family Residential One Family Residential use Park and School C. Accessory Uses Accessory boarding use (subject to Sec. 401 & 601 of this bylaw) Accessory residential use Accessory home occupation use (subject to Sec. 401 of this bylaw) Accessory off street parking use Temporary residential use (subject to Sec. 601 of this bylaw). 040301 Bylaw No. 5689-1998 Page 2 D. Conditions of Use An Apartment use shall conform to the regulations under section 602, RM- 1 (Townhouse Residential) zone. shall conform to the provisions of the Development Permit Area. 2. Two Family Residential Use a) shall be limited to one per lot; b) shall not exceed a height of 9.75 metres; c) shall be sited not less than: 6 metres from the front and rear lot lines; a minimum of 1.5 metres from an interior side lot line; 4.5 metres from the lot line adjoining a flanking street in the case of a corner lot; d) all buildings and structures shall not exceed a lot coverage of 40%. 3. A One Family Residential use under the R-1, R-3, RS-1, RS-lb zone: a) shall be limited to one per lot; b) shall not exceed a height of 9.75 metres; c) shall be sited in accordance with the regulations described in Maple Ridge Zoning By-law for: RS- 1 zone for all lots greater than or equal to 668 m 2; RS- lb zone for all lots greater than or equal to 557 m2; R-1 zone for lots greater than or equal to 371 m 2 but less than 557 m2; R-3 zone for lots greater than or equal to 213 m 2 but less than 371 m2. d) all buildings and structures for: lots governed by Section 3 (c) (i)(ii)(iii) of this section shall not exceed a lot coverage of 40%; - lots governed by Section 3 (c)(iv) of this section shall not exceed a lot coverage of 50%. e) vehicular access for lots backing on a Municipal lane will be restricted to the lane. 4. Park and School Use a) shall be governed by the regulations described under Section 901 & 903; Bylaw No. 5689-1998 Page 3 5. Accessory Off-Street Parking Use or Accessory Residential Use a) for lots less than 5 57 m2 0.45 metres from the rear lot line; 0.45 metres from the interior side lot me; 2.0 metres from an exterior side yard; 11.0 metres from afront yard; 4.5 metres from a principal use measured from the face of any chimney, bay window, hutch or nook permitted elsewhere in this bylaw. b) for lots greater than or equal to 557 m2 1.5 metres from a rear and interior side lot line; 7.5 metres from a front lot line; 3 metres from an exterior side lot line; 1.5 metres from a building used for residential use. c) shall not exceed a height of 6 metres. d) shall not exceed a lot coverage of 15% or 279 m2 whichever is the lesser. E. Residential Densities The maximum number of residential dwelling units in the zone is restricted to 500 of which not more than: up to 160 may be apartments; up to 50 may be two-family dwellings provided each is situate on a lot complying with the minimum width, depth and area set out on Schedule "D" for the RT- 1 zone; up to 160 may be one-family dwellings provided each is situate on a lot complying with the minimum width, depth and area set out on Schedule "D" for the R-3 zone; up to 170 may be one-family dwellings provided each is situate on a lot complying with the minimum width, depth and area set out on Schedule "D" for the R- 1 zone; and up to 170 may be one family dwellings provided each is situate on a lot complying with the minimum width, depth and area set out on Schedule "D" for the RS-Ib zone. F. Subdivision Requirements a) Section 406 applies. G. A comprehensive plan of development in the form of a covenant must be registered at the Land Title Office Bylaw No. 5689-1998 Page 4 Off Street Parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with "Maple Ridge Off Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990" as amended. A residential use shall be permitted only if the site is serviced to the standard set out in "Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 4800 - 1993" as amended. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: South East Quarter, Section 32, Township 12, Except: Firstly: Part Subdivided by Plan 3871; Secondly: Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 6047); Thirdly: Parcel "B" (Reference Plan 6048); Fourthly: Parcel "C" and "D" (Reference Plan 7680) and Road, New Westminster District is hereby rezoned as shown on Map No. 1179, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, is hereby rezoned to CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Development). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 199. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 199. - READ a third time the day of , A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK It / LMP 14126 I I I I I II p7757 L I ;4f55/ f 174 em 10 SK 768pJ A RP 7680 1 P 70093 26'32 14 3P27 '391fi 28084 A I Rem SE 1/4 13 00 PP163 a. Rem SW 1/4 P 136 AVF P 9387 Rem. W 7.80 2 Chains 9 EP 2340 Rem 1 1381'9 I A \13750 I - 4 SLVW WALP alRem I III 112 13719 113738 P 24132 CL I 1•-- 117 AVF 13673/91 jj702 P 38408 10 1iY7t 113660 [ 172S P 18410 10274 A-.. Rsm6 S PART 13616 P -40" FP .1 1 7 1 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5689-1998 Map No. 1179 From: A-2(Upland Agricultural) To: CD-3-98(Comprehensive Development) Lwart, ~ma MAPLE RIDGE A. Incorporated 12 5epteber. 1874 1:6000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5690-1998. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A", 'B" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5690-1998." Schedule "B" is hereby amended for those parcels or tracts of land outlined in heavy black line which are hereby redesignated as shown on Map No. 554, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law. Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XXI in the Appendix: SE ¼, Sec. 32, Tp. 12, Except: Firstly: Part Subdivided by Plan 3871; Secondly: Parcel "A" (RP 6047); Thirdly: Parcel "B" (RP 6048); Fourthly: Parcel "C" and "D" (RP 7680) and Road, NWD Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: South East Quarter, Section 32, Township 12, Except: Firstly: Part Subdivided by Plan 3871; Secondly; Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 6047); Thirdly: Parcel "B" (Reference Plan 6048); Fourthly: Parcel "C" and "D" (Reference Plan 7680) and Road, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 555, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, are hereby designated as Development Permit Area XXI (25) on Schedule "H". Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5690-1998 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. Bylaw No. 5690-1998 Page 2 READ A FIRST TIME the day of PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of READ A SECOND TIME the day of READ A THIRD TIME the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED the ,A.D. 199 A.D. 199 A.D. 199 A.D. 199 day of A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK 14155 7757 / Rem 10 8 14042 , 1 fJgfiO P26 732 I 14 I A a, 13 a. EP 2340 Rem 1 JYJ.1 A I ___ ''i w41.tV Fe;~ 1j1 L_ 1J79 P 12 N. 4 0 3 a- cc 14126 1 3 ittLri: Rem SW 1/4 8 p 37C2 P 857 10 P 9387 9 IP 147561 " 2 I Ftmn2 Rem. W 7.80 Chains I I RP 112.1 p71N, pRP 10274 A.1 SPA J6f6 1 JAV19 la_a 1527 a — MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN Bylaw No. 5690-1998 MapNo. 554 From: Single Family Residential(18 units per net hectare), School and Park - and Neighbourhood Commercial To I 1 Park 1111 WI Neighbourhood Commercial Agricultural JUIUCrvti I""/1 Single_Family_Residentiol(18 units_per_net_hectare) LWO0141k ~m-A MAPLE RIDGE A Incorporated 12 September. 1874 1:6000 I / LMP 14126 II P7757 1 /14155j I Rem 10 I / / 14042 RP 7680 A /-195O C P 70093 - 'igi i 92O I It CD I 28084 A Rem SE 1/4 1 4Or1: N 4 WILLY O 0 'l I T •1 13751 Ii - liRem 11 2 Rem SW 1/4 L 3 j8 117 AVF i 8 P 38408 13673'9 V° *PP16 P 8575 10 WIi 3660 P 18410 10274 A Rem r S PART — - i 4756 " I It 31 P 9387 N 1292'17 18 19_135-Vv Rern.W 7.80 2 2 p - f1J52z Chains - MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5690-1998 Map No. 555 PURPOSE: TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA XXI(25) A MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September. 1074 1:6000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 5689-1998 & 5690-1998 (13819 232 Street) DATE: September 21, 1998 FILE NO: RZ/23/96 ATTN: CofW - PW&Dev SUMMARY: This development proposal is to create approximately 500 units using a variety of zones and density. Council gave favourable consideration to the above noted application February 11, 1997 with the stipulation that prior to being presented at a Public Hearing, the following would be complied with: An Open House to provide information to the public must be held. (Staff observations of that meeting are attached.) Preparation of a conceptual plan and site analysis which demonstrates the general extent and layout of the development proposal for the multi-family and commercial component. PreparatiOn of a preliminary subdivision plan for the single family residential zone. This plan must show the general lot plan and road pattern for the neighbourhood and indicate the zoning requested. - Preparation of a comprehensive report outlining how the proposal will address Part [II - Neighbourhood Plans - Albion and Silver Valley Policies, of the Official Community P1an Further: On May 26, 1998, Council deferred consideration of l reading of the bylaws until a cQmprehensive.report relative to-development-in-the Siiver-VaHey-area -andservicing - - issues had been prepared. This report has now been received by Council. The above has been received and it is recommended that 1st reading be given to the subject bylaw. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5689-1998 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No.5690-1998 be given First Reading. BACKGROUND A Comprehensive Development Zone has been prepared to accommodatq a variety of different lot sizes on the site. The zone will limit the maximum number of units to 500; allow flexibility of different zone boundaries. require that a Comprehensive Development Plan be registered at the Land Title Office. This will establish the development pattern. Chief Administrative Officer and Development Services 4 -2- A F/I/A-2 .1 3 -3 Nl~- / AGRICULTURAL LAND RESERVE (A.L.R.) SUBJECT PROPERTY 13819 232 STREET DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE CORPORATION OF T! MAPLE RIDGE PlANNING Cncorporated 12 September. 1874 DEPARTNT F1LE/BYLAW RZ-23-96 I DATE. APR. 7. 1998 N SCALE. 1:10.000 '' •! '.' I CONCEPT PLAN AC AJ it .71 I_ _ _ 4 C ' 1 : s I of - t :IL j I ' 1s . '....J I..JL •J L...J•..I T - a - : r —•::-._t , .a,.unqt'u,, ' • - -: ç_ t• I • IIIA NIflfl • . law: aNU — tolit, ~t~: CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPRTMENT Incorporsted 12 September. 1814 fll[/OYLAW: RZ-23--96 I DATE: SEPT. 22, 1998 SUBJECT PROPERlY 13819 232 STREET PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PLAN 14 SCALE: N.T.S. I -I Staff Observations Public Information Meeting i RZ 23/96 April 2, 1998-05-06 The Public Information Meeting was an Open House format. The agent for the development presented the plan on an informal basis to individuals and small groups attending the session. There were area residents both opposed and supportive of the proposal. The main concerns heard included; (comments appearing in italics are provided by staff in response to public comments) - the density proposed was suggested to be too high. (the total number of residential units proposed will maximize the yield permitted by the OCP employing a variety of residential densities) storm water management and the potential impact on low lying lands to west was seen as an important issue. (An overall storm water management plan for Silver Valley is being completed by the District and development must be in compliance with that plan) construction access to the site and the potential impact on neighbouring properties was identified as a concern. (it is anticipated that the project will be phased starting from the west edge working up the grade towards 232 s Street since servicing will be provided from this direction. Zr is anticipated therefore that a substantial amount of the construction traffic will be from Me Avenue to the west of the site.) concern was expressed about the impact on neighbouring agricultural lands. (policies currently being considered by Council for agricultural/urban inreFface will regulate the impact of development on the AIR.) - the location of the equestrian trail system was not identified. (the location and dedication of equestrian trails identified in the OC? is a condition of subdivision and development of the property. The existing OCP location for the trail results in sign ylcant conflicts with future urban roO.ds and alternative locations are necessary that avoid these conflicts.) CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW 5751-1998 A By-law authorizing the expenditure of monies in the Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund WHEREAS development cost charges are collected for the purpose of assisting in the cost of providing services necessary to support new development; AND WHEREAS, the service deemed necessary for new development has previously been established; AND WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge deems it desirable to complete a portion of the projects previously established as Development Cost Charge items. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5751-1998". The sum of SIXTY-NINE THOUSAND, FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY-EIGHT DOLLARS ($69,438.00) is hereby appropriated from the Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund By-law No. 2718-1979 as aniended, and it is hereby authorized to be used as follows: LTC72 Water LTC71 Water LTC 3005 Water LTC 3006 Water LTC 2890 Water LTC8I Water LTC 2879 Water - TOTAL: $69,438.00 Larch Avenue (Balsam Street to 236 Street) Balsam Street (132 Avenue to Larch Avenue) 236 Street (400 Pump) 236 Street (Larch Avenue to 134 Avenue) 236 Street (133 Avenue to 70 meters north) 134 Avenue (236 Street to 238 Street) 133 Avenue (238 Street to 239 Street) 3. Should any of the above amount remain unexpended after the expenditures hereby authorized have been made, any unexpended balance shall be returned to the credit of the said Reserve Fund. EADafirsttimetheT dayof - 199 READ a second tfineihe day of 199 READ a third time the day of 199 RECONSIDERED and finally adopted the day of 199 MAYOR CLERK 6 -b . I 136 AVE. WI 4 I'- SUBDIMSON 2 f /I F? ii Oro ru1 r m - r L Za •_ _____ MYi •... :_iui1 IIflhilIY4 __ N A DEVELOPMENT COST CORPORATION OF THE Qmlwlhh~lmm DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE CHARGES FOR PAYBACK MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING SCALE: opcIlt.d Ii SOLUAW. t174 DEPARTMENT DEV. CO . - SD 1 8/96 RLE/DWG No 0008 AS DATE: DEC/98 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAWNO. 5709-1998 A By-law authorizing the expenditure of monies in the Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund WHEREAS development cost charges are collected for the purpose of assisting in the cost of providing services necessary to support new development; AND WHEREAS, the service deemed necessary for new development has previously been established; AND WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge deems it desirable to complete a portion of the projects previously established as Development Cost Charge items. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By- law No. 5709 - 1998". The sum of THIRTY-THREE THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED AND FiFTY DOLLARS ($33,250.00) is hereby appropriated from the Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund By-law No. 2718 - 1979 as amended, and it is hereby authorized to be used as follows: LTC#5709 - Highway 116 Avenue (227 Street to 190m East) $33,250.00 Should any of the above amount remain unexpended after the expenditures hereby authorized have been made, any unexpended balance shall be returned to the credit of the said Reserve Fund. READ a first time the dayof 199 READ a second time the day of 199 READ athirdtimithe dayof 199 RECONSIDERED and fmally adopted the day of , 199 MAYOR CLERK / JDS 3 2 11485 I, c 22710 oe \1525 \17 / 1?-.-:z / wcQrHousE' I 3 / / 22740 — DEoFM1 I C'V ' -I 'S. K L011 1/530 (I) Co Cs..J Z0.1% , 014* .0 &11*4). "A" I, 22751 LOTS 11375 113 AVE. 5k. 275 I I DEVELOPMENT SITE TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT SITE #22740 - 116 AVENUE BP/030/93 CORPORATION OF THE I DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE I MAPLE_RIDGE ENGINEERING I o.tM 12 'spthw. 1274 DEPARTMENT ALE,lWG No BP 030 93 1 DATE: DEC/98 A.S. 9),x, SCALE: N.T.S. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5671 - 1998. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Ofticial Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "C" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5671 - 1998." Schedule "C" is hereby deleted and a new Schedule "C" is added as appended hereto. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 199. - PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , Al). 199. READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 199. READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK ~ I I I ~~,5 I H~ 0 At. FRASER RIWB lAS MAJOR CORRIDOR PROPOSED PRO\flNCIAL BRIDGE (UNDER SIUDY) I I I I I I I I DEVELOPED RAIL CORRIDOR 104 102 FICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN SCHEDULE C ISED MAJOR HIGHWAY NETWORK PLAN (1996 - 2009) SCA(L 1:45,000 5434-1996 DAlE: J.LY 23, 1996 SEPT. 10. 1996 Rt1S FEB. 5, 1998 14 5671-1998 DRAI BY: DC big CORPORATION OF THE R!DGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT FRASER RIbtR Mt. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5757- 1999 A By-law respecting the provisional budget for the year 1999 The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Provisional Budget (1999) By-law No. 5757 — 1999." The hereto attached Statements and Schedules made part of this by-law are hereby declared to be the Provisional Budget of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge for the year ending December 31, 1999. READ a first time this day of READ a second time this day of READ a third time this day of RECONSIDERED and adopted the day of 199 MAYOR CLE Attachments: Statements: 1, 2, 3 & 4 Schedules A,B&C 199 199 199 STATEMENT 1 BUDGETED CONSOLIDATED ACTIVITIES FOR THE 1999 PROVISIONAL BUDGET 1999 PROVISIONAL BUDGET REVENUE TAXES Real property, special assessments, grants in lieu $49,608,390 LESS: Collections for other governments 22379.892 Total taxes for municipal purposes 27,228,498 Sale of services 3,588,690 Other revenue from own sources 2,799,208 Senior government grants - utilities 1,756,657 Senior government grants - Capital - Development revenue 6,277,146 Provincial transfers 927,458 Investment income 1,567,000 Utility user fees 6,325,887 Proceeds of disposal and other 12.011.375 $62,481,919 EXPENDITURES Protective services $12,574,287 Transportation services 8,532,765 Recreation and cultural 21,553,921 Sewer and water facilities 10,660,399 General government 6,579,957 Planning, public health, and other 1,805,557 Reallocation of internal equipment usage (1.207.478) $60,499,408 EXCESS (EXPENDITURE) OVER REVENUE 1.982.511 PRINCIPAL REPAID $(1,848,713) DEBT ISSUED - - INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CONSOLIDATED FUND BALANCES $ 133.798 STATEMENT 2 BUDGETED OPERATING ACT WITIES FOR TILE 1999 PROVISIONAL BUDGET 1999 PROVISIONAL BUDGET ft TAXES Real property, special assessments, grants in lieu $49,608,390 LESS: Collections for other governments 22.379.892 Total taxes for municipal purposes $27,228,498 Sale of services 3,588,690 Other revenue from own sources 2,799,208 Senior government grants - utilities 1,756,657 Development fees 721,086 Provincial transfers 927,458 Investment income 870,000 Utility user fees 6,325,887 Other $56,228,859 EXPENDITURES Protective services Transportation services Recreation and cultural Sewer and water facilities General government Public and environmental health Reallocation of internal equipment usage EXCESS REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURE TRANSFERS (TO) CAPiTAL TRANSFERS (TO) RESERVES PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS INCREASE (DECREASE) IN OPERATING FUND BALANCES $10,202,378 5,377,284 5,852,211 8,630,077 5,464,213 1,715,557 36,034,242 20,194,617 (14,966,878) (2,997,312) (1.848.713) INCREASE (DECREASE) IN OPERATING FUND BALANCES: Genera) Revenue - Schedule A $ - Sewer Revenue - Schedule B (42,743) Water Revenue - Schedule C 3,657 Less appropriations from surplus 420.800 S 381.714 STATEMENT 3 BUDGETED CAPITAL ACTIVITIES FOR THE 1999 PROVISIONAL BUDGET 1999 PROVISIONAL BUDGET $ 5.556.060 $ 5,556,060 14,966,878 3.942.228 $18,909,106 REVENUES ALLOCATED TO CAPITAL FUNDS Senior government grants Development fees DEBENTURE DEBT ISSUED INTERNAL TRANSFERS Transfer from Revenue Funds Transfer from Reserve Funds LESS: CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Protective Services Transportation Recreation and Cultural Sewer and Water General Government Public and Environmental Health TOTAL CHANGE IN CAPITAL FUND BALANCE $ 2,371,909 3,155,481 15,701,710 2,030,322 1,115,744 90.000 524.465.166 STATEMENT 4 BUDGETED RESERVE FUND ACTWH1ES FOR THE 1999 PROVISIONAL BUDGET 1999 PROVISIONAL BUDGET INTEREST ALLOCATED TO RESERVES $ 697,000 LESS: Internal Transfers Transfer from Revenue Funds 2,997,312 Transfer to Capital Funds ( 3.942.228) $( 944,916) INCREASE (DECREASE) IN RESERVE FUND BALANCES S (247.9161 TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL FUNDS Local Improvement $ (750,000) Equipment Replacement (519,187) Capital Works (280,648) Fire Department Capital Acquisitions (1,851,909) Recycling (90,000) Landfill Restoration (450.484) (S3.942.2281 SChEDULE "A" BUDGETED GENERAL REVENUE FUND ACTWITIES FOR THE 1999 PROVISIONAL BUDGET 1999 PROVISIONAL BUDGET REVENUE TAXES GRANTS IN LIEU OF TAXES Federal Government Provincial Government Others TOTAL GRANTS IN LIEU OF TAXES SALE OF SERVICES SALE OF CAPiTAL ASSETS INVESTMENT INCOME REALLOCATION OF INTERNAL EQUIPMENT USAGE OTHER REVENUE FROM OWN SOURCES GOVERNMENT TRANSFERS Unconditional Conditional TOTAL GOVERNMENT TRANSFERS $24,118,656 6,900 508,000 579.497 $1,094,397 3,271,118 12,000,000 650,000 1,207,478 2,799,208 352,000 575.458 $ 927,458 OTHER TRANSFERS Cemetery Perpetual Can Fund Transfers from own reserves Appropriation from surplus i:•) _iiL!I& TOTAL REVENUE AND TRANSFERS 11,375 145,566 S 156.941 S46.225.256 SCHEDULE "A" - CONT'D BUDGETED GENERAL REVENUE FUND ACTIVITIES FOR THE 1999 PROVISIONAL BUDGET 1999 PROVISIONAL BUDGET EXPENDITURE General and administrative expenses Protective services Transportation services Environmental health services Garbage collection and disposal Public health services Development services - pl2nning and zoning Recreational and cultural services Fiscal services TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS Surplus (Deficit) for the year TOTAL $ 5,414,213 10,202,378 4,868,822 705,247 157,127 853,183 5,662,010 SCHEDULE "B" WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM REVENIJE FUND ACTIVITIES FOR THE 1999 PROVISIONAL BUDGET 1999 PROVISIONAL BUDGET REVENUE Sale of water Parcel tax levy and area by-laws Contribution from DCC funds Provincial Grant - water facilities assistance Connection fees and penalties Interest Appropriation from surplus TOTAL REVENUE $3,405,704 954,235 295,538 387,965 216,602 100,000 S 5360.044 EXPENDITURE Salaries and employee benefits Water purchases Distribution line maintenance Pumping light and power Hydrant maintenance Greater Vancouver Water District cost sharing Debt Charges Principal Interest and US exchange Principal on Greater Vancouver Water District loan Interest on Greater Vancouver Water District loan Contribution to Water Supply System Capital Fund Transfer to Own Reserves - Insurance Appropriation to surplus TOTAL EXPENIM URE AND TRANSFERS Surplus (Deficit) for the year TOTAL $389,066 1,720,000 562,160 143,037 94,722 650,204 439,277 625,739 13,189 26,156 437,837 6,500 248.500 5.356.3.87 S 3.657 S 5.360044 SCHEDULE "C" BUDGETED SANITARY SEWER REVENUE FUND ACTIVITIES FOR THE 1999 PROVISIONAL BUDGET 1999 PROVISIONAL BUDGET REVENUE User fees Sewer area rate levy Parcel tax levy Local improvements levy Connection fees Provincial grant - Sewage Facilities Assistance Interest Contribution from DCC Funds Appropriation from surplus TOTAL REVENUE $2,920,183 239,900 590,695 230,615 100,970 1,368,692 120,000 28,836 S 5.599.891 EXPENDITURE Engineering & Finance department costs Sewage collection systems Sewage lift stations Sewage treatment - GVS & DD Cost sharing - GVS & DD Debt Charges Principal Interest and US exchange Contribution to Sanitary Sewer Capital Fund Transfer to own reserves Appropriation to surplus TOTAL EXPENDITURE AND TRANSFER Surplus (Deficit) for the year TOTAL $ 155,245. 387,196 185,063 1,150,882 1,574,961 798,393 965,646 246,448 6,500 172.300 S 5.642.634 (42.743 S 5.599.891 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: January 4, 1-998 and Members of Council FILE NO: E08-015-647.2 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer E01-052-001.2 SUBJECT: Excess Capacity/Extended ATTENTION: PW & Dev. Services Agreement LC 60/98 ; SD 2 1/94 SUMMARY: A developer has provided certain services in support of Subdivision SD 2 1/94 at River Road and Steeves Street. Some of the services benefit adjacent lands therefore, it is appropriate to impose Latecomer Charges on the benefitting lands. RECOMMENDATION: That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD 21/94, at River Road and Steeves Street, be it resolved that: That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the memorandum of the Chief Administrative Officer dated November 17, 1998, and That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a "Latecomer Agreement" with the subdivider of the said lands. BACKGROUND: (a) Purpose The attached map identifies the lands which are involved in the subdivision and those which will benefit from the excess or extended services. The cost breakdown for each excess or extended service is as follows: 0LOôi TYPE OF EXCESS OR EXTENDED SERVICE 1. ONS1TE SERVICE FOR ADJACENT PROPERTY SERVICE # BENEFITTING COST OF COST PER BENEFIT LOTS BENEFIT LOT ATTRIBUTED BY PROPERTY EXCLUDING SUBDIVISION Road - 7 $41,727.00 $5,961.00 Lot Rem. 8, Plan 19225 209 Street 3 x $5,961.00 Water - 7 $15,974.00. $2,282.00 Lot Rem. 8, Plan 19225 209 Street 3 x $2,282.00 Sanitary 18 $19,998.00 $1,111.00 Lot Rem. 8, Plan 19225 Sewer- . 4x$1,111.00 209 Street Storm Sewer 18 $34,056.00 $1,892.00 Lot Rem. 8, Plan 19225 - 209 Street 4 x $1,892.00 Road- 11 $67,815.00 $6,165.00 Lot 1, Plan 84260 Golf Lane . 1 x $6,165.00 • Lot 2, Plan 76750 2x$6,165.00 Water - 11 $21,252.00 $1,932.00 Lot 1, Plan 84260 Golf Lane . 1 x $1,932.00 Lot 2, Plan 76750 2x$1,932.00 Sanitary 34 $28, 016.00 $824.00 Lot 1, Plan 84260 Sewer#1- lx$824.00 Subdivision Golf Lane Storm Sewer . 2 $880.00 $440.00 Lot 2, Plan 76750 - Subdivision 2 x $440.00 Golf Lane Sanitary 2 $1,500.00 $750.00 Lot•2, Plan 76750 Sewer #2 - 2 x $750.00 Subdivision . Golf Lane . . . 2. EXTENDED NOMINAL SERVICE SERVICE # BENEFITTING COST OF COST PER BENEFIT LOTS BENEFIT LOT ATTRIBUTED BY PROPERTY EXCLUDING SUBDIVISION Storm Sewer 5 $22,550.00 $4,510.00 Lot Rem. 8, Plan 19225 - River Road 1 x $4,510.00 Sanitary 5 $14,870.00 $2,974.00 Lot Rem. 8, Plan 19225 Sewer - 1 x $2,974.00 River Road Sanitary 42 $14,196.00 $338.00 Lot 1, Plan 84260 Sewer - Old 1 x $338.00 Golf Lane Lot Rem. 8, Plan 19225 5 x $338.00 Lot 2, Plan 76750 2x$338.0O Lot 185, Plan 40699 4x$338.00 A total of all of the aforementioned services for each property is as follows: Lot 185, D.L. 277, Gp. 1, NWD, Plan 40699 $1,352.00 Lot Rem. 8, D.L. 277,Gp. 1, NWD, Plan 19225 $45,915.00 Lot 1, D.L. 277, Gp. 1, NWD, Plan 84260 $9,259.00 Lot 2, D.L. 277, Gp. 1, NWD, Plan 76750 $19,250.00 (b) Policy Implications: Section 939 of the Municipal Act, provides in clauses 5 (a), (b) and (c) that where a developer pays all or part of the cost of excess or extended services, the municipality shall determine the proportion of the cost of the service which constitutes.excess..or extended service and determine the proportion of the cost of the service to be attributed to parcels of land which the municipality considers will benefit from the service. The Latecomer Agreement will summarize the municipality's determination and establish the term over which such Latecomer es will be applied. Chief Administrative Officer Gene ger: Public IrVorks & Development Engineering Rem 104 116 AVE. 1 IV IRem lOdRem I Rem I D 106 107 MP 5112 368 28 1 2 P 54678 6 / 5 28 10 r 8 6 177 •'j•1 115 AVE - Rem 16 27 . P21114 II 1850em8 17 _____ _____ MUD q? I = ii1 -......-.----------- 04 18 2021222324 /M19 LANE GOLF = 67/ LMPI iJ 23463 2 1/ 14 AVE I, RK 9 8 P8426 OL ieook.tQ 6 7.. I I SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY I BENErTrIING PROPERTIES EXCESS CAPACITY/EXTENDED SERVICES AGREEMENT LC 60/98 SD 21/94 CORPORATION OF THE I I DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE I I MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING I I at.d 22 5uptb. i DEPARTMENT I F1LE/DWG No LC60/98 I DATE: NOV. 23 1998 SCALE: N.T.S. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: January 7, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/17/95 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW& Dcv SUBJECT: RZ/17/95 20284 & 20296 Dewdney Trunk Road SUMMARY: The applicant for the above noted file has applied for an extension to this rezoning application under Council Procedures Bylaw No. 5632-1997 as amended. This application is for a commercial building approximately 978 m2 in area under the CS-i (Service Commercial) zone. Staff support this application for an extension. RECOMMENDATION: That a one year extension be granted tor rezoning application RZ/17/95. BACKGROUND: This application is for a commercial building under the CS-i zone. A requirement of the development process was that an Official Community Plan amendment accompany the rezoning to include the site into a Development Permit Area to ensure the form and character of the development at the Building Permit stage. The following dates outline Council's consideration of the application and bylaws: - The land use report (see attached) was considered on August 8, 1995; - First Reading was granted September 26, 1995; - Public Hearing was held October 17, 1995; - Second and Third reading was granted on October 24, 1995. The following are the outstanding Council conditions to be addressed prior to consideration of final reading: Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways; Amendment to Schedule "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan; Road dedication as required; Consolidation of the development site; -1- 6- 01 5) Removal of the existing building/s; Discussion: The applicant has been actively pursuing the completion of this rezoning application and it is anticipated that within the next few months final consideration will be applied for. CONCLUSION: Staff support the extension and recommend that Council grant a one year extension. r152 'L Cihief Administrative Officer GPIbjc 2h1 icWs and Development Services , -2- I 2 ;54 : 3l3Ø '29 ii: Fi 28,29 31 Ulm 26 27 ' 213 i; 32 33 34 120V 8 47 46 17 2 30 J 9 2 32 _____ 22 IRS-I ___ 20 I 1 ', p5085 133 ' I I I I 20 I T 19 0/i 42k 6 117 \j H 37 19 ó(r1 050 / 18 1O'S '20/? I 2 7 16 15 ,46 \ \ \\is , 33 38 I 1 - to \136 9 I 7 '.O A AVE. 3 I EE L- : \J L p r CL// -----. —f I I ' I 100 0 I I M-1 01 C-2 2 e SIJ BJEC 0 2 , 2fl 22 , 0 '5,l4 PROPERTI 1 BRUCEAVE. s U) ewe ..7 A Re,, 6 i 8 Re'., N 1/2 OIl ,5q 46 47 46 49 so si 52 53 ( PATrERONAVE. _oi .3 0 3l 32 33 34 35 36 Re'. C 9.-s iiz 61 5 ,l0'29 37138 I I I I I I I I * IIOl.l 91 I oI I 01 91 91 NI 919 I I SUBJECT PROPERTIES SILVER 20284 & 20296 DEWDNEY TRUNK RD. MEADOWS ZONING IS RS1 s _ : VALLEY CORPORATION OF THE oo Q( ; A DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE rTONW MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING AL8ION Incorporated 12 September, 1874 DEPARTNT 7HORNHILL SCALE: 1:4.000 FILE/BYLAW: RZ-17-95 DATE: JAN. 7. 1999 FRASER ROER MEMORANDUM Submitted to: () Council () Committee of the Whole - Corporate Services () Committee of the Whole - Development Services () Committee of the Whole - Operational Services () Coinmittee of the Whole - Parks & Community Services () Committee of the Whole - Administrative/Policy Services () Committee of the Whole - Protective Services CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION That the recommendation of the General Manager - Development Services be approved. TO: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER FROM: GENERAL MANAGER - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DATE: 1995 JULY 21 SUBJECT: RZ117195 LEGAL: LOT 14 & 15, D.L. 222, GP. 1, PLAN 18659, N.W.D. LOCATION: 20284 & 20296 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD FROM: RS-1 (ONE FAMILY URBAN RESIDENTIAL) TO: CS-i (SERVICE COMMERCIAL) OWNER. MR. & MRS. H.M. FAN AGENT: ALLAN FAN -1- An application has been received to rezone the above described property to permit the construction of a commercial building approximately 978 m 2 in area. RECOMMENDATION THE GENERAL MANAGER - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES RECOMMENDS THAT APPLICATION RZ/17/95 (FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 20284 & 20296 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD) TO REZONE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN HIS MEMO DATED JULY 21, 1995 FROM RS -1 (ONE FAMILY URBAN RESIDENTIAL) TO CS- 1 (SERVICE COMMERCIAL) BE FORWARDED TO PUBLIC HEARING NOTING THAT THE CONDITIONS TO BE MET PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARING AND PRIOR TO FINAL CONSIDERATION OF THE ZONE AMENDING BYLAW ARE ALSO DETAILED IN THAT MEMO AND THAT THE ACCOMPANYING OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING BYLAW BE FORWARDED TO THE SAME PUBLIC HEARING. Xeiftwn iCI 1) FULLY DIMENSIONED DEVELOPMENT PLAN SHOWING THE FOLLOWING: BUILDING LOCATIONS; BUILDiNG ELEVATIONS; Q. ACCESS/EGRESS LOCATIONS; PARKING LAYOUT; CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN; ROAD DEDICATION DRAFTED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE MAPLE RIDGE ZONING, PARKING AND SUBDiVISION BYLAWS. 2. COMMENTS FROM THE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL. APPROVAL FROM THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS; AMENDMENT TO SCHEDULE "A" & "H" OF THE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN; -2- ROAD DEDICATION AS REQUIRED; CONSOLIDATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT SITE; REMOVAL OF THE EXISTING BUILDINGS. The site is located on the south side of Dewdney Trunk Road in the 20200 Block. The site consists of two separate parcels and is approximately 2500 m 2 in area. Each lot contains a single family dwelling and trees and shrubs normally associated with a home site. The land slopes to the west with an approximate 1.2 m change in elevation on the western property line. Prior to final consideration of the zone amending bylaw, it will be necessary to remove the existing dwelling units. The site is zoned RS-1 and is designated Service Commercial on Schedule "C" of the Official Community Plan. This development, proposal complies with that designation. It will, however, be necessary to include the site into Schedules "A" and "if' of the OCP as a Development Permit Area to ensure the form and character of the development site at the building permit stage. The site is in an area between Dewdney Trunk Road and the Lougheed Highway where redevelopment for Service Commercial uses is anticipated. Much of this area is already commercially zoned. To the east is a strip mall similar to the one proposed, and to the south is a mini warehouse site. Abutting its western property line is a single family residential lot; and west of that is a large automobile dealership which surrounds a small single family lot; these two are the only remaining single family lots on this stretch of Dewdney Trunk Road to be redeveloped in the future. To the north is a church site and a single family residential neighbourhood. Site Plan: The site plan shows a single driveway access from Dewdney Trunk Road to the parking area which is located on the north west portion of the site fronting Dewdney Trunk Road. The commercial retail space is located across the south and along the eastern boundary. Because of the elevation change between this site and the one to the west, a retaining wall will be constructed. -3- Design Concept The building is "L" shaped and will provide a commercial retail area of approximately 978 in2 which will be divided into several different shops for uses under the CS-i zone. The site plan presented is at variance to the front and rear yard setback requirement for the CS-i zone. The applicant is requesting that the rear yard be relaxed from 6 m to 0 in and the front yard from 9 m to 7.52 in. Recognizing that the commercial development immediately south is fully developed with buildings or parking areas to the common property line and that a 6.0 in setback on the site would create an unusable area between this proposal and the existing mini-warehouse, staff support this variance, as we did for the commercial development to the east. These variances will be addressed through the Development Permit process. Servicing Concerns: The Engineering Department have indicated that all the services required to support the development proposal are available to the site. They have also identified the requirement for street trees and undergrounding existing overhead utilities. The street trees will be addressed at the Development Permit stage and prior to the Building Permit, Council will be asked to approve a Development Variance Permit for the overhead utility. Dewdney Trunk Road is a major arterial road and it will be necessary to dedicate 3 m off the front for road. The property is within 800 m of the Lougheed Highway. It will be necessary for the Ministry of Transportation and Highways to approve the bylaw under Section 57 of the Highways Act prior to final reading. CONCLUSION: The application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan. It is recommended that it proceed to a Public Hearing. Gay Por Planning Technician -4- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5331 - 1995 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5331 - 1995." Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 14, District Lot 222, Group 1, Plan 18659, New Westminster District and Lot 15, District Lot 222, Group 1, Plan 18659, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1085 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, are hereby rezoned to CS-i (Service Commercial). A. Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READaflrsttimethe dayof ,A.D.199. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 199. READasecondtixne the dayof ,-A-D;199. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 199. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation and Highways this day of / A.D.199. • RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of F A.D.199. MAYOR • CLERK 720.0 G 121 19 /21O 0.. I - - -- - I -- * RW 18394 ____________ 20.1 I - - 33 P 75684 RW 19482 38 I 12092 1205 136N 1.172 ho. 2.175 ho. ________ K 04 a- P LB .2, !23 137 C a- .' Ci 18.0 _ DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD ________ -- ___ _ ___ - ___ ___ - ___ ________ ___ - GP.i 0 ft - 14 15 P7783 TP 61704 P 13659 ,..-RW 87965 //-,--- 1 On P 86205 P 61704 2.660 ha. ,11200a P 41504 P 8248 1.259ha. 65 3 7 1/ / / RP 8346 '8 ' f k EP11 127P ::' MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw, No. 5331-1995 Map No. 1085 Rezone From: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) To: CS—i (Service Commercial) El RZ /17 / 157' CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5332 - 1995. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5332 -1995." Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area I in the Appendix: Lots 14 & 15, D.L. 222, Gp. 1, Plan 18659, N.W.D. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 14, Disict Lot 222, Group 1, Plan 18659, New Westminster District and Lot 15, District Lot 222, Group 1, Plan 18659, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 477,. a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby designated as Development Permit Area 1(20) on Schedule "H". 4• Maple Ridge-Offid-Comrnunity Plafl Desigaffon By4aw N. 4167- 1989 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the 26th day of September, A.D. 1995. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the 17th day of October, A.D. 1995. READ A SECOND TIME the 24th day of October, A.D. 1995. READ A THIRD TIME the 24th day Of October, A.D. 1995. Page 2 Bylaw No. 5332 - 1995 RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOFTED, the 23 day of July, A.D. 1996. P 7249b I1J F1F25 20.0 a. co - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I RW 18394 . 20.1 __ --- 33 _--.-.-.-_- . P 75684 RW 19482 38 Rem 1 \136 1.172 . 2.175ho. K 1 _____ C ii• DEWDNEY KROAD _ D.L op. 1 '-10 RW 16497 IP 72 14 15 P 783 2 P 61704 13659 / RW87965 dl P 86205 P 61704 2.660P.. - 74 C'.7 - I IAVW P 41504 ' P 8248 4 1.259 ha. 65 I //'944 3 °/ ' I / RP 8348 a EP11127 2 ,, MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5332-1995 Map No. 477 - PURPOSE:TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELPOMENT. PERMIT AREA 1 (20) CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: January 7, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/26194 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/26/94 12283 224 St. SUMMARY: The applicant for the above noted file has applied for an extension to this rezoning application under Council Procedures Bylaw No. 5632-1997 as amended. This application is for an apartment building under the RM-2 zone. Staff support this application for an extension. RECOMMENDATION: That a one year extension be granted for rezOning application RZ/26/94. BACKGROUND: This application is for a three storey apartment building containing 59 units. A requirement of the development process included the site into a Development Permit Area to ensure the form and character of the development at the Building Permit stage. The following dates outline Council's consideration of the application and bylaws: - Theland use report (see attached) was considered on July 25, 1994; - First Reading was granted August 22, 1994 - Public Hearing was held October 24, 1994; Second and Third reading was granted on October 31, 1994. The following are the outstanding Council conditions to be addressed prior to consideration of final reading: Approval from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; A Statutory right of way plan and agreement must be registered at the Land Title Office: Road dedication as required; -1- 01. 1 W Discussion: The applicant has been actively pursuing the completion of this rezoning application and it is anticipated that within the next few months final consideration will be applied for. CONCLUSION: Staff support the extension and recommend that Council grant a one year extension. Chief Administrative Officer Gjil anager: Pu%i1'c Worifld Development Services GP/bjc -2- I09I I 108 12 lII 1i PARK I PARK I 17 L fr 3 77 153— 1718 ; i :: :: f fJ ..f73 2 2 141f,\ :j E: LRM-1 I I 2J RH j 11 R (.I A ' JIV - RM- 1 RM- 2 _____ 67 32 A , Ren. l SI/2c _, Re,,, SI/2 16 40 23 AVE. 13 15 ' ZL!__ I') IZL:_._ Re,. PCI. 0NE of LOP 13 1tH123! - 5 'ZZL c I 13 A 8 53 --ft1 RM-5 122 AVE. M-4 LRM-3 LUC LUC LUC —' \ Rem 3 PCI.'A I NW1357 '3 ' 28 275 27 4 '— -_ RM-! LUC RM -3 0 ,v16 29 '— 1, . "I R M 0 P ,, :i I -.7;;;i "— '3 20 L 14 N u '—. _ ___ p 6 '— çei — IO AVE_ Ri 7 . I •' '3f4 1 1 322 !32 2 ,, nog 6 8 SUBJECT PROPERTY RMA3 '2231 A' Rim. 326 L_(JC CD-594 ,1,s '232 C /2 II 7 8 9 _10 4121 A I L'11 T6I7 Ike I9 20 i3itJ:111; ':' SUBJECT PROPERlY 12283 224 ST. ZONING IS RS-1 CORPORATION OF THE agftftht~~~l DISTRICF OF MAPLE RIDCE MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING Incorporated 12 September, 1874 DEPARTI1NT FILE/BYLAW: RZ-26-94 DATE: JAN. 7. 1999 A SCALE: 1 :4 .000 FKStC IIIVCN MEMORANDUM Submitted to: • () Council ( ) Committee of the Whole - Corporate Services ") Committee of the Whole - Development Services ( ) Committee of the Whole - Operational Services () Committee of the Whole - Parks & Community Services ( ) Committee of the Whole - AdministrativelPollcy Services ( ) Committee of the Whole - Protective Services CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION That the recommendation of the General Manager - Development Services be approved. 'S. TO' CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFI FROM: GENERAL MANAGER. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DAT& 1994 JUNE 27 SUBJECT: RZ126194 LEGAL. LOT E, D.L. 399, GP. 1, PLAN 8914, N.W.D. LOCATION: 12283 224 STREET FROM: RS-1 (ONE FAMILY URBAN RESIDENTIAL) T0 RM-2 (MEDIUM DENSITY APARTMEN1) OWNER 326 INVESTMENTS LTD. AGENT: W.S. BISSKEY -1- REGISTRATION OF A REZONING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES AS VOLUNTEERED BY THE DEVELOPER, DEPOSiT OF SECURITY AS OUTLINED IN THE REZONING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT; AMENDMENT TO SCHEDULE "C" OF THE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN; AMENDMENT TO SCHEDULE "A" & H" OF THE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN; A STATUTORY RIGHT OF WAY PLAN AND AGREEMENT MUST BF REGISTERED AT THE LAND iin..E OFFICE: ROAD DEDICATION AS REQUIRED; A AN AMENITY RESTRICTWE COVENANT MUST BE REGISTERED AT THE' LAND ini..E OFFICE. The site is located on the west side of 224 Street in the 12200 Block. The site is .623 ha in size. The majority of the site is relatively fiat but slopes to the west with a 3 m change in elevation. There is a ravine and watercourse designated for special treatment on Schedule "E" of the Official Community Plan on the western portion. This watercourse will be the subject of Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife and Water Management Branch, Restrictive Covenants for habitat protection and floodprooflng. The site is zoned RS.1. It Is designated Compact Housing (40 upnh) and Greenbelt It will be necessary to amend Schedule "C" of the Official Community Plan to redesignate the site Apartment District and Greenbelt as well as Schedule "A" & "H" to include it as a Development Permit Area to ensure the form and character of the project at the Building Permit stage. -3- The lane will run to the north and south property line, parallel to the Restrictive Covenant boundary established for habitat protection. The area west of the lane will be retained in its natural state and subject to a Restrictive Covenant. Design Concept The building is a three storey apartment block. The third storey is contained within the roof line effectively reducing the height and mass of the building. The building will front 224 Street and 122A Avenue. The street level apartments will have individual access to the street. The main lobby area is mid-block on 122A Street. At the entrance, the building steps to take advantage of the elevation change. The building setbacks shown vary from those required by the Zoning Bylaw. Along the frontage of the new east/west road, the setback is reduced to 3 metres creating a more formal, urban edge to the street, incorporating concrete walls to retain grade differences and define privacy zones and to emphasize entries. At the south side of the building some projections of the building are as dose as 3 metres, however most of the building is maintained at 5 or 7.5 m setbacks. Mere the building benefits from the open space created by the 15 mwide B.C. Gas Right of Way to the south. Atthe west end of the building the. setback is reduced to 3 m, recognizing the adjacent lane and greeribelt with apartment units flanking this area. All of these siting conditions are supported and will be incorporated in the Development Permit Area guidelines, eliminating the need for a further Development Variance Permit Servicing Concerns: The Engineering Department has identified that all the services required to support this application do not exist to this site. It will therefore be necessary to enter into a Rezoning Development Agreement and post the required security to do the works prior to final consideration. A geotechnical report is required in support of the proposed development This report must also address the lane construction and services. -5- CORPORATiON OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5132 - 1994 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5132 - 1994." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot "E" District Lot 399, Group 1, Plan 8914, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1047 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 199. READ a second time the day of A.D. 199. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of A.D.199. MAYOR CLERK - a I I /C4 NW2652OWN 21 I P 2778 I I I P 714 22 12LLJ ffl......r_J_k _____ 23 EP7109 aa LJ4P6712 ; L.MP 6728 , LMP 6711 ________ 124 AVE. '.w II 41 3 _____ P182957 J '\ 1 ..3!jJ ta 70062 I . P1+26 2,, I 3Q. 154 8 252 \\ 4 - - .-.----, / 0.124 hi. 67 I Rein. a- P 24278 I N 1/2 fzjw 127 \0f13 a— / P 14 1 2J44 1=9 g Jg \s%P 1161 6 2 _____________ 12J P 8914 SP NW2464 S 1/2 C . hi 72069 ) a Reifl 1 / 42 I c4122Z A a 43 ',.,vz I LJ4P4403 P8031.) P 75480 10 1.933 ii. NW 301 P 8914 ] SP N *2777 C 11 P 281 804PARW1839 ____--G.t - (0 13 S P1161 P8914 14 R.mF -t 272 0_I 0.444 Ni. P142 4 15 14 13 A 9 53 p ai P 51690 P 80477 c4 1 P813 2 0.47$ hi. 2 2 P661 8 Rg RamlO •0 • MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5132 - 1994 Map No. 1047 5 1:2500 Rezone From RS-1 (ONE FAMILY URBAN RESIDENTIAL) • To: RM-2 (MEDIUM DENSITY APARTMENT) CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: RZI2/95 22323 Calligan Ave. DATE: January 7, 1999 FILE NO: RZ/2195 ATTN: CofW - PW&Dev SUMMARY: The applicant for the above noted file has applied for an extension to this rezoning application under Council Procedures Bylaw No. 5632-1997 as amended. This application is for a 2 ½ storey commercial building which will provide approximately 1700 m 2 of commercial space under the C-3 zone. Staff support this application for an extension. RECOMMENDATION: That a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/2/95. BACKGROUND: This application is for a 2 ½ storey commercial building on the north east corner of Calligan Ave. and the Haney ByPass. The development is within the area known as Port Haney and the Development Permit Guidelines for that will apply at the building permit stage to ensure the form and character of the development. The following dates outline Council's consideration of the application and bylaws: - The land use report (see attached) was considered in January 1995; - First Reading was granted March 28, 1995; - Public Hearing was held April 18, 1995; - Second and Third reading was granted on April 25, 1995. The following are the outstanding Council conditions to be addressed prior to consideration of final reading: . -•... .... . ........... .. .. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; . Road dedication as required; -1- o Discussion: The applicant has been actively pursuing the completion of this rezoning appliéation and intends to proceed with it in the New Year. CONCLUSION: Staff support the extension and recommend that Council grant a one year extension. ('LiJ Chief Administrative Officer GPIbjc -2- 7=T P '6 3 a LU kLIR iP NN 24 6 5 Rem J C] __ __ 664 3jo4l4243 L388 PS386J 57 .!I 427 2I8 4Of41J42 d;5 ! 62 31 1 30 1 29 F27T21~ 25 2 23 121 20 9 9I95 __• I Ii h -k96/\ - - — r &1A5I/ pp 1- _J b_ Rn,. I E 0 'L86 - 205 Rn Re,,. I 153 , 5 7 n, ,,,g A 3 o(3 20' 206 6 • I I 3 r p 181 ,,, 'L 9 70 -II l2 ( 14 U 16 71/, 58, - 4 7 _-7 p l5 4 . " ' 202 203 ,_07 LUP 77227 " ST. '—Avi - P 2424 ' lq— - 587 MRI864 P 9800 "i' 209 206 SUBJE cIRLEJ •Ii 7 ",J LMS 6 J "8 225Y_3\ "72 PROP 1T22 [2I 0 19 J / s/ s , P 522749 47741 79W e P 563s_ 155 _______ - I3 c C. -, - , p1. _______________ "ku 2 4 P 4273 2 I 0. 85j '8 6 IMP 30836 P 01 £ Or WS .3379 P 41 " 2 I RM'-2 l /5 '3 A0 "0 88RIP 116 A 24 v1-'3 1 9 22 18 LU :: : 658. er ---.,.-'r'-. 6 - P 86713 NWS 3383 442 RM4' 775 NW MC" - P 58327 pp u RS-3 = /VE'f'7 J6e1 •0 P1.0 j J2j2e! I94 21i 28 '57' J ISO P 2899 2"' P 28 9 30 I P 7636 'P 79776 2899) IP 77916 A .35i234i p A I 'IS, " SUBJECT PROPERTY 22323 CALUGAN AVE. PITT IdUOO#S DISTRICT SILVER ZONING IS RS-1 VALLEY HEY CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TTONW 00 MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING R4SER 6 ALBION HILL L Incorporated 12 September, 1874 DEPARTMENT SCALE: 1:4,000 FILE/BYLAW; RZ-2-95 DATE: JAN. 7, 1999 FRASER RTR CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5255 - 1995 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1; This by-law. may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending 'By-law No. 5255 - 1995." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Parcel "A", District Lot 398, Group 1, Reference Plan 82887, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1076 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to C-3 (Town Centre Commercial). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 199. READ a second time the day of A.D. 199. READ a third time the day of A.D. 199. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation and Highways this day of A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK A P 76188 I p1 155 82887 IpF,55II 1 I'I2 I ii 1 14 I 1464 I 1/ CMJJONI ME. 20.1 a. ME. A 14 IP2 5 ;/311 LI I IRem 135'-__33-7 39 40 1:8 P155 ME. i__P 51411 N 45 49 50 105 155 P 117 ME. 32 Rem 31 3 28 LMP 17221 PcI. 1 1.31 he 25 1 24 112.3 1:4 22 I 21 I20 i 1 18 / J' 11 ftTI 12 13 14 16 J 177 RP 53 P11527 523J ST. NI ME. _ tJAP 14888 PPb78 I '1 iri I 22 21 20 18 I1Wft4 j iwJ RP e192J NcTh AJE R T1.63 i~7 11 IR 7 4 / LMS 683 RP 52214F RP 5637 ,rem Rem \RernII 1 - \ \6 k 8 11 NuIiss I __ S i 1ISA. 2 21 I _ .p 1155 I 128 I._ - 1 F!*T. T ( NAT. by (* 7373) NAT. bY ( 533b) NAT. bY (Iv. MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5255-1995 Map No. 1076 1:2500 Rezone From: RS-1 (ONE FAMILY URBAN RESIDENTIAL) To: 0-3 (TOWN CENTRE COMMERCIAL) I- MEMORANDUM Submitted to: () Council ( ) Committee of the Whole - Corporate Services (t.4' Committee of the Whole - Development Services ( ) Committee of the Whole - Operational Services () Committee of the Whole - Parks & Community Services ( ) Committee of the Whole - Administrative/Policy Services () Committee of the Whole - Protective Services CHIEF ADMINISTRA11VE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION That the recommendation of the General Manager - Develop nt Services be approved. T() CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER FROM: GENERAL MANAGER - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DATE: 1995 FEBRUARY 26 SUBJECT: R712/95 LEGAL: PARCEL "A", D.L. 398, CF. 1, R.P. 82887, N.W.D. LOCATION: 22323 CALLIGAN AVENUE FROM RTS-f(ONE FAMILY URBAN RESIDENTIAL) T C-3 (TOWN CENTRE COMMERCIAL) OWNER. NORGER DEVELOPMENT LTD. AGENT: F. FEHR -1- An application has been received to rezone the above property to permit the construction of a 2 1/2 storey commercial building. RECOMMENDATION THE GENERAL MANAGER - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES RECOMMENDS THAT APPLICATION RZ/2/95 (FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 22323 CALLIGAN AVENUE) TO REZONE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN HIS MEMO DATED FEBRUARY 26, 1995 FROM RS-1 (ONE FAMILY URBAN RESIDENTIAL) TO C-3 (TOWN CENTRE COMMERCIAL) BE FORWARDED TO PUBLIC HEARING NOTING THAT THE CONDITIONS TO BE MET PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARING AND PRIOR TO FINAL CONSIDERATION OF THE ZONE AMENDING BYLAW ARE ALSO DETAILED IN THAT MEMO AND THAT THE ACCOMPANYING OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING BYLAW BE FORWARDED TO THE SAME PUBLIC HEARING. - CONDITIONS TO BE MET PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARING: 1) FULLY DIMENSIONED DEVELOPMENT PLAN SHOWING THE FOLLOWING: BUILDING LOCATIONS; BUILDING ELEVATIONS; ACCESS/EGRESS LOCATIONS; PARKING LAYOUT; CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN; ROAD DEDICATION; ALL DRAFTED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE MAPLE RIDGE ZONING, PARKING AND SUBDIVISION BYLAWS. AND THAT PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL THE FOLLOWING MUST BE COMPLETE: APPROVAL FROM THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS; REGISTRATION OF A. REZONING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES AS VOLUNTEERED BY THE DEVELOPER; DEPOSIT OF SECURiTY AS OUTLINED IN THE REZON]NG DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT; -2- AMENDMENT TO SCHEDULE "C" OF THE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN; AMENDMENT TO SCHEDULE "A" & "H" OF THE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN; ROAD DEDICATION FRONTING THE HANEY BY-PASS; BACKGROUND The site is located on the north east corner of the Haney ByPass and Calligan Avenue in an area known as Port Haney. Physical Description: The site is situated on a prominent corner location at the entrance to Port Haney and is highly visisble from the Haney ByPass. It is relatively flat with very little grade difference in any direction. It contains a single family dwelling built in 1912 and several small out buildings as well as trees and shrubs normally associated with a home site. It will be necessary to remove these buildings prior to final consideration of the zone amending bylaw. District Context: - The site is zoned RS-1 and designated Historic Commercial on Schedule "C" of the OCP. Council are currently considering an OCP amendment to the area known as Port Haney which will include residential and commercial designations as well as set out objectives and guidelines for development. Staff have reviewed the development proposal and are of the opinion that the proposed use under the C-3 zone is consistent with the direction of this most recent amendment. As there have been several Public Information Meetings regarding the Port Haney area and these proposals, it is recommended that the requirement to host a Public Information Meeting be waived. V Although the.. Development- Perrait-Guidel-ines have-been prepared for -the area The bylaws containing these guidelines will not be considered until the March 14, 1995 Council meeting. It will therefore be necessary to include the site into Schedule "A" and "H" of the OCT as a Development Permit Area as well as amend Schedule "C" to designate the site "Town Centre Commercial". It should be noted that this site will be redesignated, along with the rest of Port Haney to Commercial/Apartment District, and included into the Port Haney Development Permit Area once Council are satisfied with the terms of the new zone, designation and guidelines and objectives of the Development Permit Area. While the C-3 zoning will -3- remain, the Port Haney Development Permit Area and Guidelines will prevail for future development or redevelopment. Long Range Planning staff have provided the following comments: "The Heritage Advisory Committee was advised of this application and passed a motion to request Council to set aside the rezoning application until after the Port Haney Land Use plan has been resolved. Although the Port Haney Plan is still under review Long Range Planning staff advise that the proposal meets the objectives for the area and that there is no reason to delay consideration of the application. Of more concern is the possible demolition of the house. The historic significance of the house is based on its location with other historic structures on Calligan Avenue. However, given the previous Council's decision to delete the Historic Commercial designation in Port Haney, Long Range Planning staff consider that relocation rather than demolition of the building should be investigated by the developer." Neighbourhood Context: Port Haney is a well established older single family neighbourhood with well maintained homes and some commercial buildings. To the north of the site is a single family dwelling and a new medical clinic; to the east are two single family homes and a park and preschool. To the south are single family dwellings and to the west is a rehabilitation centre. There are several homes currently listed for sale in anticipation of redevelopment of the neighbourhood under the CRM zone. Development Proposal: The proposed building will be used for commercial use only. Pedestrian access is at the most prominent corner of the building, the intersection of Calligan off the Haney ByPass. The building respects both the Calligan and Haney ByPass and is effectively two storeys high. The overheight first storey on the Calligan frontage provides opportunity for a mezzanine. The arrangement of the different floor heights is created by the ramp for the underground parking. Two levels of underground parking are proposed, including eleven stalls with direct access to the lane at the rear of the building. The Engineering Department have identified that all the services required to support the development proposal do not exist to the site. It will therefore be necessary for the developer to enter into a Rezoning Development Agreement with the District and post the required security to do the work prior to final consideration of the zone amending bylaw. -4- It will be necessary to provide a geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the development. This will be required at the Building Permit Stage. The Ministry of Transportation and Highways has indicated that road dedication on the Haney ByPass will be required. As well, it will be necessary for the Ministry of Transportation and Highways to approve the zone amending bylaw under Section 57 of the Highway Act. Both of these approvals will be needed prior to final consideration. CONCLUSION: The development proposal is consistent with Council's wish to permit commercial or residential uses in Port Haney. The building height is restricted by the parking ratio requirements and is within the height restrictions currently being considered. Staff support the development proposal and recommend that it be forwarded to Public Hearing. 1L \" Gay For Moreno Rossi, M.C.I.P. Planning Technician Planner /bjs -5- LL L L..L.LtL43 J3Ii F P2 P 4 Dg i 1 WI L117_.116 IS 114 I....... L.... 37 \ PailungI.cvd P1 .-3-o 34 UP 29 Id ------- 2 J Tfl Irfffiffi_fl -Is S440 SC.—ILIN N I I BufldlngCros&Sectlon - - - TifOlill - -. iI[IIEEIEIII. • •11. 0 .I. .. Cl 114 I.sp I• 1k- IIik-I Uk- 1p3 I b..S ss IO4OL P P Nt\ At, ioo aq = - MaIn Office Level 2 O. FM S13 iql* - SWAM O.SI.I I2..qftt us_ Ipw 3m 44 a .SP II.OMP I I a Il I0 IJC, ..&III5 I: 123frk Pt 03 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: January 4, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/44/96 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/44/96 22631 119 Ave. SUMMARY: The applicant for the above noted file has applied for an extension to this rezoning application under Council Procedures Bylaw No. 5632-1997 as amended. This application is for a commerciallresidential complex and is an expansion to another rezoning application for properties directly west of it. This development proposal include several theatres. Staff support the extension. RECOMMENDATION: That a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/44196. BACKGROUND: This application will form part of an overall development which is also at 3 reading for a cinema complex containing six theatres fronting 119 Ave, 900 m 2 of commercial space fronting 226 St. and 61 residential units on three floors above the commercial space. The following dates outline Council consideration of the application and bylaws: - The land use report (see attached) was considered on January 14, 1997; - First Reading was granted January 28, 1997; - Public Hearing was held February 18, 1997; - Second and Third reading was granted on February 25, 1997. The following are the outstanding Council conditions to be addressed prior to consideration of final readin - - - - ----- - - ---- - - - Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement; Deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; Road dedication as required; Consolidation of the development site; -1- 6) Final Reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 4965-1993 (RZ/31/93) Discussion: The developer is currently pursuing alternatives for the site which may require changes to the building design. Any changes will have to respect the Development Permit Area Guidelines for this area. The options proposed involve uses permitted in the C-3 zone and bylaw 552 1-1996 is still relevant. CONCLUSION: Staff support the application and recommend that an extension be granted. Chief Administrative Officer GPfbjc ager: PriJlIc Works and Development Services -2- SUBJECT PROPER1 22631 119 AVE. ZONING IS RS-1 CORPORATION OF THE I Q) DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE I I MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING I Incorporated 12 September. 1874 DEPARTINT A SCALE: 1:4.000 FiLE/BYLAW: RZ-44-96 I DATE: JAN. 7, 1999 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: 1996 December 19 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/44/96 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: D & OS - Planning SUBJECT: RZ144196 22631 119 Ave. An application has been received to rezone the above noted property to C-3, Town Centre Commercial. The applicant intends to consolidate the property with adjoining property to the west It is proposed that the consolidated site would house a cinema complex and retail space at ground level with residential units on the upper three levels. The site is within the Development Permit Area for the Downtown East Sector and the guidelines and objectives of that Development Permit Area will apply to the entire project. 1IiL!Th4(ITRfl That application RZ144/96 (for property located at 22631 119 Ave.) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated December 19, 1996 from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum. 1) Comments from the Advisory Design Panel. 1) Fully dimensioned development plan showing the following: building locations; building elevations; access/egress locations; parking layout; landscape plan; road dedication; location of all existing buildings. -I - All drafted in compliance with the Maple Ridge Zoning, Parking and Subdivision Bylaws. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement; Deposit of security as outlined in the Rezoning Development Agreement; Road dedication as required; Removal of existing buildings; Consolidation of the development site. In 1993 the applicant submitted a rezoning application for the site adjacent to this property's western boundary. This application for C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) proposed a four storey commercial/residential building with one storey of commercial and three storeys of residential. The applicant now wishes to consolidate the subject site with the original development site and is proposing a cinema complex containing six theatres fronting 1 19th Avenue, 900 m2 of commercial space fronting 226th Street and 61 residential suites on three floors above the commercial space. The site is designated for Town Centre Commercial and is included in the Development Permit Area for the Downtown East Sector. The proposal largely addresses the objectives of the OCP. The siting requirements of the Development Permit Area Guidelines will need to addressed however, for the 1 19th Avenue frontage. This will be necessary in order to meet the guidelines for pedestrian character and landscaping. In keeping with Council's Policy it will be necessary for the application to be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel prior to proceeding to Public Hearing. ,.1.I The Engineering Department have identified a number of servicing deficiencies. It will be necessary for the owner to enter into a Rezoning Development Agreement and post the required security to do the works prior to final reading. Included in the deficiencies are requirements for road dedication. -2- Outside Agencies The property is within 800 m of the Lougheed Highway. It will be necessary to have the zone amending bylaw approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Highways under Section 57 of the Highways Act prior to final approval. CONCLUSION; The development proposal is consistent with the Official Community Plan. It is recommended that this application be forwarded to Public Hearing. Chief Adminictrative Omcer er:Deve1entScs GP/bjs -3- 7 1298 1299 1 1E P 12253 -- J 300 :3a, ___ 3jv 17 ' 19461 J 301 20.1 19.3 310 2 P 7450 P 51311 16 /091 0546 303 • *pP094 A 11 18394 18394 L P 44882 cu PP 69394 Cu DE\dENEY TRUNK ROAD P TRUMC ROAD 70955 Al % Cu T A Cu Rem. yes. P 9541 hi i... _________ a.. - N\/2403 C., 81.5 Rem. 64 3 61 LA — P 8695 __________ I,, 1.19 HCL CD Feet P 51167 — 20.1 a. Ln RO 2 Cu LP 7328 ! "PPOa4 a. IJ9 P 863 a 71 i I a. - 2 P 9541 P 67142 _______ _______ 6.1 LMC R./ 59110 Mc1NTOl AVE 3 l 9VV PP 61086 LMP 137 : _ 0.622 hs &" I (P 9541) SP Nd1556 P 60562 c.J Ina _______ 79 I-;m ala. _______ __________ EP 63907 ,,ap , I 1 4 a..i 6 L11IF1[9 lB ram PJ8081 (P9687 __ A 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 P P99 P797 - JJ_9 12 vex 15 16 P990 17 18 19 ______ 13 vow _1IjJ_Ij__ f gf A 18394 i. 1 ;I Rem, 54 tv I ILMSI .d1346_1( P 34914 ;ii P48328' . uL.1 cu C 59 I 62 — I p 51909 3a. ris.'wCL SELKIRK AVE. R'./ 61238 iir4y N&CP 1*1, EP 651371 JJ• EP 63801 fu cu ' Ron 2a9I 2 SKIRK AVE. IP 12816 P 6 3615 7 a. L2 79 P 13 86 SELX= AVE _____ 2 1 P ___ 2021 CL EP P 76002 64018 z a. 16 1 ir 2153,J 24.1 a. Rem. 1 EP 14893 52 P 25544 2.796 he LMP 24506 LI .4 Li Rem.2 .—.IN 1 /2 /q.#m L4t 0 IC P 9541-11 I I I U9 AVE. MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Byt.o.w No, 5521-1996 Map No, 1136 Rezone Forn: RS-1(Dne Fo.riRy Urbo.n Residento.1) To: C-3(Town Centre Corinercal.) 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: January 4, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/3 1/93 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/31/93 22621 119 Ave. - SUMMARY: The applicant for the above noted file has applied for an extension to this rezoning application under Council's Procedures Bylaw No. 5632-1997 as amended. This application along with an application involving a parcel immediately east of the site proposes a commercial/residential complex which would include several theatres. Staff support the extension. RECOMMENDATION: That a one year extension be granted to rezoning application RZ/31193. BACKGROUND: This application proposed a 1,523 m 2 commercial building and a 60 unit residential apartment. The property is within the Downtown East Sector Development Permit Area and is subject to the objectives and guidelines of that Permit at the building permit stage. The following dates outline Council considerations of the application and bylaws: - The Land Use Report (see attached) was considered on August 9, 1993. - First Reading was granted August 23, 1993 - Public Hearing was held on September 20, 1993 - Second and Third Reading was granted on September 27, 1993. After third reading the property owner applied to include the land directly east of this site to expand the development proposal to include a commercial/residential complex and several theatres. This application (RZ±44196) will be reported on separately. The following are the outstanding Council conditions to be addressed prior to consideration of final reading: Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement for services as volunteered by the developer. Deposit of security as outlined in the Rezoning Development Agreement. -I- cia. Discussion: The developer is currently pursuing several commercial options for this site and has had discussions with staff which may require changes to the building design. Any changes will have to respect the Development Permit Guidelines for this area. However, the options proposed involve uses permitted in the C-3 zone and Zone Amending Bylaw No. 4695-1993 is still relevant. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that a one year extension be granted. (2. / Administrative Officer jeVanager- Chief P99i Works and .1 Development Services GPIbjc -2- P 7875 —s,-- ,2,.v P 994 RN,/2 175 , o______, 147 337 P-2 _ _______________________ ______ fLVb._ 174 • AVE _________________________________ 48 _______ ______ 2O 290 P 11644 I 6i178k,9 20 lQ ¶lf ,2 , 2 3 1LJ-.3 I I I L PJ5679f '' L_ P 8I P1884 287 288J289 8 3 ___ _________________ ________ P 4372 j29l . I N 1/2 C, 34533 I! IFM.7 I i ________ _________ 5 '/2 - 0 /451 P 8679 - H41'~', I 2 - 'z0' ejso8l P 88 P~94fM294 _5 '4 13 ¶2 11 N l/2 i 1 !"' '2042 ______ 702 BROWN AVL " S '/2____ - '2,203 S I BROWN- AVE. — — 2- 307 '9 '2040 N1/ RP79869_i r2971~2911' i ' 6 I 78 2991 I 16 'I ________ PI08 j 52 0 ______ 2 P.11 49034 Req'. 302 ' 1946 P9446 P 4724I 301 -f____ ___ __ os__3 P 91311 P 45004 ________ 2 I I H 150. DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD A J — ____ _____ — NEY 0. ______________________ N r2024 9471 P 67041 5 Lii ' 11 ! I- im 11502 P 6045? 'I LF1. 3 I R.e, 64 J 1..Ai1E P 9541 ,, 4076 _______ ' — NW2403 81 5 1 ItSH,35,, "i" 0 * F..( I ii r-----\ H—i I I LP - "'.'e RP 68844 RW 688 "° 42 "96? 39238 P 68843 252 10640121> 'P 4076 I McINTOSH At. ,.- - OS 9410 78 P 60562 $ (P 9541 ) SP 556 9." 2 O.I•0•I ________ CP 07 9W 68849 __________ I ___ '20 64 "OJW4 SO ECT 119 A _ _____ P 7SAS9 i3 COO 9.',..? P 9541 an812b0 i ___ _ cP 62 51 " 1 ;j., A HLMSO F. 34914 06) 16 ',2,Il34 PROPERTY R I ' J 1 P 48328 27 thi "N fl• ________________ 59 52 P 65997 _ P 519 10 3 l'N 15 I6 iif 18 19 aff.' 65 "N 141 ,, IRen,, 33 LKI ____ ___________ _______ SERK AVE. p 7 1118 AVE. a. I 13 "9,, a. P85l I 1617 79 10 16 I "P 77953 P30i7 1E] E EP 14893 29, 30 I L I N u RP 7636 ___________ ______ P 79776\ LOUGHEED HWY. 4 I zv p54I -_r 12503 82 21 _PI" 6645 'WI932 4 69 °22 L ___ P 1182 OS • _'" _ LUS 95? 53 52 1P 4496 IN P 202, ,- 92, I I _a ___ P 41432 \7p 42 ' "N 2899 AN11-E. '••••••'•" R.n.. 23 1UC6 EP 16567 19, N ZL 51411 L3i_1L1i , 11"a _.—I ' • 16 ( LuS 2190 P 82113 05 .1 DISTRICT PuT E900WS 22625 119 AVE. IO SUBJECT PROPERTY ° I ZONING IS RS- 1 VAU.V JECT CORPORATION OF THE H EY DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE AL8ION LAK MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING Incorporated 12 September, 1874 DEPARTMENT THORNHILL SCALE: 1:4.000 F)LE/8W: RZ-31-93 DATE: JAN. 7. 1999 FROSER RI,IER CORPORATION OP THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDCE BY-LAW NO. 4965 - 1993 A by-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming a part of zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 4965 - 1993." Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: and Lot 1, District Lot Westminster District Lot 1, District Lot Westminster District 401, Group 1, Plan 8695, New 401, Group 1, Plan 7863, New and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 997 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law are hereby rezoned to C-3 (Town Centre Commercial). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of us* , A.D., 1993 PUBLIC HEARINO held the O'ay of cepo , A.D. 1993 READ a second time theJday of , A.D., 1993 READ a third time the 0,1 day of , A.D., 1993 APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation and- -Highways this dayof ,A.D., 199 RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199 U MAYOR -- CLERK (234) - j.. U SSJëT - Nb' N •i "°'. ._E" AEMI ii, 7 S • llc*1U 9 SCSI 8 7 —i T- 8843 Jr I ' r 9446 e , I I . I 8RN AVE. - 2 - - . •0P, 292 ______ REM 29 .93 I 200 6O451 L:_ .c vs 69 94) 60562 ic 2; 494the 127 I I U4(YP? 4t1 IVAU 65997 639(V .5 N SELKIRK AVE. I I II SELKIRK AVE — 640/9 I I " 9615 k..'-v L' 1 l Ii I I 2 , (NW 29771 I II I79 JO I 6 I I i,,,j ris I l_4#v_:.:.L.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 4965 — 1993 Map No. • • Rezone From: RS-1 (One Family Urban ResidentIal) McINtOSH AVE i'm £1,, as-a? Ia N N • ! KC N. ,aLAN 7997 Iwo I 6 PSI 19 i%4N flast 14, &M 9i90 S "is' 9236 TH AVE Th A iL_i r I I Pd. I iatAN 1! I * 67/4tI I • EV2A 1953 78 IISO/4# I I ?64h E '15 119 AVE. p LFsrvl 2 REM 54 ! PL4N 34914 I I I 4 '11 tI sg 62 '1 48328:. 1 3i909 I '1 PL4#V Th SV' U) REM 2 Pt r. 7 I p 1 e I 'to" 306 S6 3Iii c'J .1 cJ N I I I I I 427ha - I 'I1c7 300 __ •t.wI - 43724 301 I ji I 16 I 11(13/Il liR U) PLAN REM E5 9697 - 9446 L 2 310lot 201 '•' I I _ l ii J)0 933 - , 44992 I 1L 2036 xl '15 S. 69394 — I. 6 T7 flAV 908/ icr.Av I L 1 I I To: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) <2?- MEMORANDUM Submitted to: ( ) Council ( ) Committee of the Whole ( ) Corporate and Community Services Committee ( ) Planning and Operational Services Committee ADMINISTRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION That the recommendation of the Director of Planning be approved. TO: ADMINISTRATOR FROM: DIRECTOR OF PLANNING DATE. 1993 JULY 28 SUBJECT: RZ131J93 LEGAL: LOT 1, D.L. 401, GP. 1, PLAN 8695, AND LOT 1, D.L. 401, PLAN 7863, BOTH OF N.W.D. LOCATION: 22609 & 22621 - 119 AVENUE FROM: RS-1 (ONE FAMILY URBAN RESIDENTIAL) TO: C-3 (TOWN CENT1OMMERCIAL) OWNER BETA ENTERPRISES AGENT: BING WONG -1- SUMMARY: An application has been received • to rezone the above noted property to C-3 (Town Centre Commercial). The site is within the Development Permit Area for the Downtown East Sector. RECOMMENDATION THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING RECOMMENDS THAT APPLICATION RZ/31i93 (FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 22609 & 22621 119 AVENUE) TO REZONE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN HIS MEMO DATED JULY 28, 1993 FROM RS-1 (ONE FAMILY URBAN RESIDENTIAL) TO C-3 (TOWN CENTRE COMMERCIAL) BE FORWARDED TO PUBLIC HEARING NOTING THAT THE CONDITIONS TO BE MET PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARING AND FINAL CONSIDERATION OF THE ZONE AMENDING BYLAW ARE ALSO DETAILED IN THAT MEMO. 1) FULLY DIMENSIONED DEVELOPMENT PLAN SHOWING THE FOLLOWING: BUILDING LOCATIONS; BUILDING ELEVATIONS; ACCESS/EGRESS LOCATIONS; PARKING LAYOUT; TYPICAL SUiTE PLAN CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR STREETSCAPE FOR 226 STREET AND 119 AVENUE; ROAD DEDICATION; ALL DRAFTED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE MAPLE RIDGE ZONING, PARKING AND SUBDWISION BYLAWS AND THE DEVELOPMENT PERMiT GUIDELINES FOR THE DOWNTOWN EAST SECTOR AS CONTAINED IN THE OFFICIAL COMMUNiTY PLAN. AND THAT PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL THE FOLLOWING MUST BE COMPLETE: APPROVAL FROM THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAYS; REGISTRATION OF A REZONING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES AS VOLUNTEERED BY THE DEVELOPER; DEPOSIT OF SECURITY AS OUTLINED IN THE REZONING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT; -2- A GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR SUITABILITY OF THE SITE FOR THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT; ROAD DEDICATION IF NECESSARY FOR 119 AVENUE AND THE LANE; CONSOLIDATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT SITE: REMOVAL OF THE EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING. BACKGROUND Location: The site is located on the north east corner of 119 Avenue and 226 Street adjacent to the downtown core. Physical Description: The site consists of two separate parcels of land approximately .280 ha in size. There is very little grade difference in any direction. It has frontage on 119 Avenue and lane access on the north. It is flanked on the west by a 7 metre strip of land which is hooked across 226 Street. It is intended that this strip will be developed as part of the streetscape design envisaged for the Downtown East Sector to enhance and encourage a pedestrian environment. The treatment of this will be detailed at the Development Permit stage and prior to a Building Permit being issued. It will however be necessary to provide a concept plan prior to Public Hearing. Presently there is a vacant single family dwelling on the most westerly lot, the other is vacant. Prior to final consideration of the zone amending bylaw it will be necessary to remove this dwelling and consolidate the site. District Context The site is zoned RS-1. It is designated Town Centre Commercial and has been -. -. included- into Development Permit rea XVI (Do*ntöwifEát Sector). This Development Permit Area was established in conjunction with a report which was prepared for Council by Aitken Wreglesworth Association and Ray Spaxman Consultants Ltd. for the Downtown East Sector. Prior to a Building Permit being issued, it will be necessary to have a Development Permit approved by Council which addresses the objectives and guidelines set out in Development Permit Area XVI. -3- The site is on the westerly fringe of an undeveloped area primarily consisting of older single family dwellings and adjacent to older low density commercial uses. To the west is a developed parking lot which affords parking for the near by civic buildings and commercial uses. Site Plan: The site plan presented proposes underground and surface parking taking access via the lane on the north. It is intended to provide a commercial component on the ground floor with 3 storeys of residential above. A three storey facade will be maintained for the entire street wall with the setback on 119 Avenue at 182 m. The setback will ensure the opportunity for pedestrian activity as will the 7 m strip on the 226 Street frontage. The building has been provided with regular vertical elements which will provide relief from the horizontal street facade. Servicing Concer The Engineering Department have identified that all the services required to support this development proposal do not exist to the site. It will therefore be necessary to have the owner of the land enter into a Rezoning Development Agreement and post the security to do the works prior to final consideration of the zone amending bylaw. The property is within 800 m of the Lougheed Highway. It is therefore necessary to have approval of the bylaw under Section 57 of the Highway Act prior to final consideration. The 119 Avenue road right of way is currently only 18.3 m in width. Prior to Public Hearing it must be determined how much road widening is required. Prior to final reading further road dedication may be required. It will be necessary to provide a geotechnical report which addresses the feasibility of placing the structure on the site. -4- Conc1usion The application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan. It is recommended • that the application be forwarded to Public Hearing once the concerns outlined in this memo have been addressed. R.C. BoyePT Director of Planning • GP/bjs -5- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: FROM: SUBJECT His Worship Mayor C. Durksen and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer RZI9/97 12112 & 12090 227 St. DATE: January 4, 1999 FILE NO: RZ/9/97 ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUMMARY: The applicant for the above noted file has applied for an extension to this rezoning application under Council Procedures Bylaw No. 5632-1997 as amended. This application is for a 30 unit apartment building under the RM-2 zone. Staff support this application for an extension. RECOMMENDATION: That a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/9/97. BACKGROUND: ThiS application is for a four storey apartment building on 227 St. A requirement of the development process was that an Official Community Plan amendment accompany the rezoning to include the site into a Development Permit Area to ensure the form and character of the development at the Building Permit stage and also amended Schedule "B" to Apartment District. The following dates outline Council's consideration of the application and bylaws: - The land use report (see attached) was considered on June 24, 1997; - First Reading was granted July 29, 1997; - Public Hearing was held August 19, 1997 - Second and Third reading was granted on August 26, 1997. The following are the oLltstanding Council conditions to be addressed prior to consideration of final reading: Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement; Deposit of security as outlined in the Rezoning Development Agreement; Amendment to Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan; Amendment to Schedule "A" and "H" of the Official Community Plan; Road dedication as necessary; Consolidation of the development site; Removal of the existing building. -1- Discussion: The applicant has been actively pursuing the completion of this rezoning application and it is anticipated that within the next few months final consideration will be applied for. CONCLUSION: Staff support the extension and recommend that Council grant a one year extension. U X/K , ~- Chief Administrative Officer Development Services GPfbjc G44 r lic WOL and -2- .J 14 65 ; I 2 T P 132 P1958 P 1935 ______ 134 P 29696 _____ 242 '21 3~07 __________ ______ P ________ •l 54 _________'228 __ ___ _____P.,,,. i P 11200 — 2w hull HINCH ________ CRES. 2 " 221 uz2_ _____________ 2 P240082 292 240 ________ ____ 2 PK I A pp 5335 I ,,,5jZ P 42' 26I 1 L 251 o.224 fl3 308 4 —352 l 256 42134 ______________ 122 V ' _____________ P 792 ,,, .. 477 < 238 255 254 2s3J2j 249 2 P576Q7 a 3 a. 237 '2111 1 2 A 2 VE a. 227 226 ,,,.j 225 ____________________ _______ 131 30 I 122 AVE. _61___________ P o 62576 I J 236 235 2341 230 228 e'.. A I .197 [ a. 8 2 233J P 42134 232 1 2311 2291 1 ,' _________________ 121 12712 I 6 LUP 21095 2 a. 195 6 P 13i67 a. .7J0J P 14396 _______ RS1I.J J I I LUC PcI. A P 1 3 ______________ 66 265 ,,,, 280 Rem' L — N )o,l ' 288 RP 56793 2 j12'N ________ a. 264 279 5972 GSa. ,,, ,,,. a. I,,, 4636 1:59 SI.JBJE:r ,, ,,, N 1/2 0 336 _ "n Re,,,. '" ] N 1/2A S 1/2 10 335 P 44396 1I2144I P 66473 , p 58171 I 303 304 LUC PROPERTIES lP2392, 25 P 7948 S 1/24 ____ 355 ,,, N '/2 9 _______________ P.m ____ _________________ __ .52 _______________ _______________ 1/2 9 _ 9. 52.5 341 '2'f 'I'S, 2.0 _'354 " _______________ _______________ "3 '? __________ '0 353 12144 331 332 p 156967 8 LUP 4 340 "3 a. ___________ 121.M Ft E '/2 II P 7675 2 p 994 12J 3390. '' 338 ___ 4. 175 . N1/2 I ________ 51/2 II 0. P16221t I 402 401 67 61 it2? 294 Ill 295 7 e.787s._I 8 9 I0 24 ' P 147 '? _____________ IQ '" 1161 ~Mtn • L I.? 297 " yE. ______________________ _______ 121 .AVE 12F2 " 148 a. C 1 Q. "s r ' i . , :'- '17 °I6 I P8679 20 IC P 14 1 '3 12 11 J I 9 toII 1k2 lUl (1(1( 1- 1 !290 ' d P 06I JJJPJ944J 267 P 268 437 269 F- I29t I 87 P18061 4114 296 372 295 294 1292 111am a.29.3 to ,2O9O7/ sm 10 , N '/2 of - P 11644 2 300 6 2 '0 0. ' S 1/2 of 4 IMM a. J 'xc, 1 ' I N 1/2 I 1l iV A ••l 302 301 ,ION ;s 1/2 tn N 1/2 of 3 '0 ______ 326I 315 ('4 2 ' N t/2 ' B ' 5 1/2 of 3 N 70. 2 327 0.10. ,xcd I 316 5 iV,(S e. S 1/2 .2 N70 9130 of 2 fell ROP4 AVE 2 0Jui '0 N 1/2 C - a. R•m N 130 of 2 320 I " 1 317 PP 7986 1 r --o. I ' 30 1/2 6 INS' ' a. f4 a. S Is ___i!.!. (P9587 44_IJ I 297 12961299 4137241 301 — '7 R.n,, 2 ________ _______ t RM MP .310 P 52750 327 4862 03 A — fixt. 96 P-'6 PkPl:46 1 _______ 7~~ i P 77489 '-L1-----_--_J I______________ P 91650 a. a. - IJ1n 1A CS-1 ii P.,,, 117 Went P 60451' k: rf OEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD eis ' a.P2 a.! "" 00 : _____ 48 46839 Feet P 54 P 1 0 ' I 20 fell '0 P1 lim LP 8 PP 68844 2 U : 853[ IP C)2 I 88454 ._ __Rw I MoINT I . 75 RW 68845 OSH4 I ,.. 11140144 RP LUP 13756 '0 (P 9541) SP 556 LI __ P60562 so L (P7 - I RS- tI a. 111,40 120 I A2 7Th231 44 1'lJW () , 2 — a. AlIee I 119 AVE.a 0n5t3502 ____ ____________ P954t 119 A _______________________ _______ __________ P 76459 lINlW T5 I jj ( *2 p,,,, 54 c3"'I L 1 A I I LUSI P 34914 SUBJECT PROPERTIES ZONED RS— 1 12090 & 12112 227 ST. ZONING VALLEY CT CORPORATION OF THE . H EX DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TTONW I MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING ALBION Incorporated 12 September, 1874 DAR'1')AENT SCALE: FILE/8YW: RZ-7-97 DATE: JAN. 7. 1999 TNORNHILL 1:4.000 IRASCR 011(11 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: May 26, 1997 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZJ9/97 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: D & Os - Planning SUBJECT: RZJ9/97 (12112 & 12090 227 Street) SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the above noted properties to permit the construction of a 30 unit apartment building. RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ/9/97 (for property located at 12112 & 12090 227 Street) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated May 26, 1997 from PS-i (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. Condition to be met prior to first reading: Comments from the Advisory Design Panel. A Public Open House must be held. Fully dimensioned development plan including: Neighbourhood context plan; Site plan; Building elevations; Landscape concept; And that prior to final approval the foLlowing must be complete: Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; Amendment to Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan; -1- Amendment to Schedule "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan; Road dedication as required; Consolidation of the development site; Removal of the existing buildingls; BACKGROUND: The subject site consists of two separate parcels and is located on the east side of 227 Street across from a private school. The development proposal is for a 4 storey apartment building under the RM-2 zone for approximately 30 units. Parking is provided underground and access to the parking garage will be from a lane, which this development will be responsible for dedicating and constructing. This lane will also be the start of a municipal street pattern for the neighbourhood which will accommodate future development in compliance with the Official Community Plan. Policy Implications: Official Community Plan: The subject site is designated 40-60 units per net hectare and Apartment District on Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan. The application will require an amendment to the Official Community Plan for the lot on the north to redesignate it to Apartment District and also to include the site into a Development Permit Area to ensure the form and character of the development at the building permit stage. The proposed boundary adjustment between Apartment District and Compact Housing corresponds to the proposed location of the lane access from 227th Street. Staff support this adjustment as the lane will provide a defining boundary between the two building forms as well as accommodate future redevelopment in compliance with OCP objectives. Public Open House: As the application requires an amendment to the Official Community Plan land use designation, it will be necessary to have the applicant host an Open House prior to it proceeding to a Public Hearing Advisory Design Panek The site is in an existing urban area. It will therefore be necessary for Advisory Design Panel to comment on the project prior to first reading of the Zone Amending Bylaw. IWM Outside Agencies: The site is within 800 m of the Lougheed Highway. It will therefore be necessary for the Ministry of Transportation and Highways to approve the zone amending bylaw under Section 57 of the Highway Act prior to final consideration Servicing Concerns: The Engineering Department have identified the need for the applicant to assess the 227 Street sanitary sewer and storm sewer capacity to ensure the existing system is capable of handling the proposed use. If the capacity of the existing services is not sufficient, upgrading will be required. Road dedication and improvements are required on 227 Street and the lane. It will be necessary for the owner to enter into a Rezoning Development Agreement and post the required security to do the works prior to final consideration of the zone amending bylaw. CONCLUSION Staff supports this application and reéommends that it be forwarded to a Public Hearing. Chief Administrative Officer GP/bj s/mr s D1fre*6r of Cu,nt Planning 13 -3- £2134 ttiso L254253252jJ 22 A. PP 843 V 122 AVE. I 227_226 Rem. 225 1 Ft 2301 229 226 ffem. A P 4 RW 4175 - - 4 N liii .3 & 2 Pcl.A PP 56793 - 5 P 23.392 a iP 23392 1.014 he P 1161 APW 24 LI 121 A. Ia_I k 1 'F I 290 288 289 P 944 1 P p372 * 291 __ - ------ 5 116 P 4372 295 294 292 P 884j3 L (P i 8 54 LL.J .L1 293 . Rem 8R0?1 A't HP 4.34O' I I L I 1 1 .3001 LOT A 5j 5 ( 127 295 299( 49687 301 01821 ... - !....43724 01 P 967 P 94S 120545 2 1 2 P 10 ,,iI. P 1396 J.224 183 1340 131 P2T3913o ril.J39 P 62575 _________ 11112 I 2 I 'till P 2 71970 CL 8 an 2 198 6 1 W 2 LI 66 I 265 280 1.9 Rem. I ins? &264 279 * RP 5972 1VI 0. P1 1/2 10 338 33' 1/2 10 '2 P 58171 IIl? (0 P1 1/2 9 ; Rem 2 1/2 9 S. 52.5_2 "i 12141 331 8 A 332 Pj56987 IMP 4Q65 ________ 121.11 full !2fJ j 338 402 t 401 337 P162211 P 671 11171 - N147 74 & ' 148 EA a. RernIO P 11844 a. 8 & 1lF 3 N /2 111 11 1j 74 SIf2 (0 bi ,2 & N1/2 a. 12,, N702 0 fivoo 1 Rem. 20. N. 11141 30,, .121 he ilal 20.1 P 12253 310 P 7450 P 51311 18.3 13 II 1/2 A i.2Fe4a P 7948 P 66473 S 1/2 A ISM 355 "5' lih'Z 2 354 — 1114 1.1JIM' 10353 a. •j 2 " IJFJ P 994 4 P11/2 U S1/2 II 173 p.. a. 10.3 F r 122 AVt 15.2 F 20.0 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5604. 1997 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510. 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5604 - 1997." That/Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot "A", Section 20, Township 12, Plan 38897, New Westminster District And Lot 174, Section 20, Township 12, Plan 38897, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1156 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, are hereby rezoned to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 199. PUBLIC REARING held the dy of , A.D. 199. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 199. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 199. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation and Highways this day of , A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK 421341 _ !qN 2541 253j252JJ ' rnt RP 227 226 4 Rem. 225 (2254 .Z25J 1 1 2 1274 P 1396 P 28939 131 I 1.30 18.3 233 232 231 P 42134 RW 230 229 417 227i 122X 1 /2214 H 197 1222 4 2 ' 122W I21i 20.1 66 265 CL 2 12(8 a. 264 f3 65a. ,, PcI. A RP 56793 - (2M N 1/2 A 13 - Q. 12(6 P 23392 12'6('S P 7948 S 1/2 A 12154 P 66473 355 121S. 2 112142 - 354 7 I1 I_121 353 Q. t2fJ P 23392 1214 21J N1/2 ii 2 J'IIX P 994 175 r. 0I '' S1/2 II 3. 12,j 1.914 he 24 ci 147 P1161 174 ,, " p211 ' 148 I21AVE. 10.1 A - - TLRTViF 2 288 4372 289 1290 *291 ?296 J 5 J 46 P L!LL a 295 72.*2g2 294 293 L ' Rem 10 P 11644 C 9 0. P41/2 MOM N ____ 2 N1/2 N70'2 S 1/2 12ja RP 84340 I. to BROWN A!. Rem. 2 I I LI I I I I 300 : LOT A I (P96871 i ? 8 I 9 I 1 298 1 299 I '') 301 421 P 12253 ' 4P1821 I t ( I 81 ____ I 310 P96 7 ( P948 ['I 2 P 7450 P 51311 18. I 12054 P P]57607 -1 10 334 12.j4J 122J39PI 6 340 2578 " 9 t222 12222 112 0. 8 IWS P 71970 p221 12216 6 P (a2923 , 14396 2 1i 280N( Rem. L 279 *1 RP 5972 12fS4 o.. 12fS 1/2 10 121 336 I S 1/2 10 , P58171 12162 N 1/2 g Rem 2 12161 1/2 9 S. 52.5 2 1211 (24S 331 9 J A 332 P~6987 L.MP ss 12(J1 1212 37 402 /2151 401 IJI.N 2211 p /2114 2 1 N50'5iis Q. Rem. sava JIM A"' , N1/2of4 S 1/2 of 4 _____________________________________ 12076 N 1/2 of 3 S 1/2 of 3 .L1.2i P470' N130' of 2 14r~ (0 N 1/2 C CL 1201 Rem. N 130' of 2 S 1/2 6 Q. Rem. 2 :N P 52750 J l8 327 r4° 122 AVE 5.2 122(2 ).0 F220S /21S4 &3T I.; MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5604-1997 Map No. 1156 Rezone From: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) To: RM-2(Medium Density Apartment) 1:2500 - CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5605 - 1997. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A", "B" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5605 - 1997." Schedule "B" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 174, Section 20, Township 12, Plan 38897, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 535, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby redesignated to Apartment District. Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XXII in the Appendix: Lot 174, Plan 38897 & Lot A, Plan 22808 both of Sec. 20, Tp. 12, , NWD Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot "A", Section 20, Township 12, Plan 38897, New Westminster District And Lot 174, Section 20, Township 12, Plan 38897, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 536, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, are hereby designated as Development Permit Area XXII (4) on Schedule "H". 5. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. Page 2 Bylaw No. 5605-1997 READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 199 PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 199. READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 199. READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK 1 Pg 24 P 1161 121 AVL P 1421341r ---r--i 122 A PP 84324 I Rem. 122 AVE. g227226 225 19 2331 32[31l 2301 229 228 em. A P 4214 Ll417S8___ 4 122/ F2191 0. 2 /218) PcLA ____ 3 RP 56793 39 5 ix P 23392 7 P 23392 BROWN AVE. 5 7 1 819 P944 1.914 he • KV 04.34U 300 2981299 lx P 45724 301 2 1 12 12244 P 114396 1224 P 2th39 18 131 I 130 122X , (aigi /2214 I 2 J''198 cL 1 - /220.1 20.1 66 265 o. 264 65 0. /2173 13 N1/2A — •• filM P 7948 P 66473 S 1/2 A 355 12754 12151 /21.131 2 2 2 P 994 1 II i 175 r.. 1 1 174 0 A C4 11644 1240 N 1/2 1 1 3- ;stfz 2 2 ,x 0.• N1/2 0.12,, N702 S 1/2 R.m.20. 30 30 20.1 .427 Plo P 12253 3 J! 1 310 P 7450 P 51311 D 12240 333 P76O7 10 334 '2241 ,22J39 340 Z P62578 12222 12222 1 2 0. 8 122/S P 71970 12216 122, P 182923 I 14396 2 I 1/2: 280j vy p2194 Rem. I. 279 RP 5972 117184 0. 12,s..fl 12178 336 F58 1 N 1/2 10 S1/2101.7/73 , 71 12/a N 1/2 9 Rem 2 12161 1/2 9 a S. 52.5 2 12 /.773 : 12116 331 1214/ 8 A 332 P 6987 LMP 4Q65 121J6 ______________ /2/JO ______ 33 7 i 338 402 401 P162211 P 6781 ' •ppbgo 12121 121/4 2 2 N505.vs War P_168638 CL Rem. 5 A N 1/2 of 4 ,X)W 0.. S 1/2 of 4 CL A 10 1.2072 N1/2of3 S 1/2 of 3 S 1/2 . 3 N70 N130' of 2 /.1042 N 1/2 0. 12041 Rem. N 1.30 of 2 '2 0. $ 1/2 8 Rem. 2 . I c I r P 52750 327 - 12240 122 AV 5.2 /22/2 0.0 I 112208 vi is 8.3 F_ MAPLE RIDGE .OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5605-1997 Map No. . 535 . TO REDESIGNATE: . 1:2500 FROM: COMPACT HOUSING(40-60 units per net hectare) TO: APARTMENT DISTRICT ' I I 2 2744 P 14396 122& P2e3g Ia. 131 I 130 122X I 1223 1 I197 /2214 p j 2 9 :(L 1,12W 1 20.1 66 cc265 3.264 65 Q. /2/3 /2172 * 2 13 N1/2A : 11217 P 7948 P 66473 S1/2A 353 121S. 12134 t t. 2 P 9944 'fl 1.1 1 II 175 I.. ,.i 11 3 114 1743. 10 A 0 44 8 . __ lIJ074 s 1/2 - I.MW Q. 2 a Th1/2 P1702 3. 12, S1/2 I.,. Rem. 2 to "$YM, /2046 - 30, .427 he P 1225.3 '207 1 310 P7450 P51311 P1421341 255I25412531252f 122 AP.E. RP 8432 I '••, 122 A. _2271_226 Rem. 225 I l I iIi p fm. A 23312321 2311 2301 229 228 13 P 424 l41755 - 1.221 4 *3 12/& 0. 2 1.2101 I PcI. A RP 56793 1• 5 P 23392 7 P 23392 1.914 he 24 P 1161 111 A P188413 J = T1U1[] — _44_ .. I 288 fl 289 zao *291 P 8 I37 295 itLq_2g34 294 292 ° ' E5:4 Rem 3R04 11d. p, • 1II(IJ II I 3001 LOT A 5 7 89 1 217 1 298 1 299 687 I 44 P1821 — !L I P 'PI 301 P 967 P 1- T12os4e 2 P157607 34 10 /224J !22.JP340 62578 9 '2222 /2221 112.219 1 1 2 8 L22/S Pj71970 1221 P182923 14396 2 280 C 12194 Rem. L RP 5972 279 Q. /219 C N 1/2 10 "lair " /2179 336 F5a S1/210 335 12172 71 12/U N 1/29 Rem2 124 1/2 9 ° S. 52.5 331 12141 9 J65A 332 p 56987 LMP /2122 337 1 338 [___ivJ, F21JW P p62211 4021401 p 67(181 /2114 2 uppogo 2 N5052iis i P i68638 Rem. 5 film , N1/2of4 _ Q. ,z,, /2045 S1/2of4 : A N) '2073 R to N1/2of3 S 1/2 of 3 124 N70 N130 of 2 lava N 1/2 CD 0. 12041 C Rem. N 1 30 of 2 S1/26 3. Rem.2 17 P 52750 'rn• 327 122 AVI 3.0 1 112194 I&3 F- MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5605-1997 Map No. 536 PURPOSE: TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA xxii (4) 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: January 7, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/1 1/95 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/11/95 11358 236 St. SUMMARY: The applicant for the above noted file has applied for an extension to this rezoning application under Council Procedures Bylaw No. 5632-1997 as amended. This application is to permit subdivision into approximately 47 lots under the CD-l-93 (Amenity Residential District) zone. Staff support this application for an extension. RECOMMENDATION: That a one year extension be granted for rezoniñg application RZ111195. BACKGROUND: This application is for a single family residential subdivision under the CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) zone. This would see lots not less than 371 m 2 in size. The minimum frontage requirements are 12 m for lots with lane access and 15 m for lots that do not have lane access. The developer has been working with staff to achieve a lot geometry which while different than the geometry shown at the Public Hearing will meet the regulations of the CD-1-93 zone. The following dates outline Council's consideration of the application and bylaws: - The land use report (see attached) was considered on August 22, 1995; - First Reading was granted September 26,1 995; - Public Hearing was held October 17, 1995 (minutes from that meeting are attached); - Second and Third reading was granted on October 24, 1995. The following are the outstanding Council condItions to be addressed prior to consideration of final reading: Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; Alternative access must be provided to the neighbourhood on the 236 St. plateau; -1- O'1.002.01 Discussion: The applicant has been actively pursuing the completion of this rezoning application and it is anticipated that within the next few months final consideration will be applied for. CONCLUSION: Staff support the extension and recommend that Council grant a one year extension. Chief Administrative Officer eI1ra1 Manager: Pulffic Works and Development Services GPfbjc -2- tO • "°' 4 19 : .809 ha ip E:220b:; *' ,ç O2/ A 494I 21 22 23\24.. J V /622 if 2.002 ha 11441 cJ I, / -Ali ha PLAN RfP. PLAN 2506 P289 /4 SEC. 16 TF .12 2 2.023 ha /1357 IU .809 ha Is 12.2 •II V #349 PLAiI/ 14 Ii 2.011 ha II PLAN / nsso .809 ho Ii 11317/47 PLAN - 8115O 6.070 ha 326.35 I "so II II 2 15 /1174 i.32 ha 2.011 ha u:s# ...• 2.827 ha 19 22 • PLAN 41673 II 39988 1/164. 1.214 ho I I RM B I • A II Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES October 17, 1995 The Minutes of the Public Hearing held on October 17, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Municipal HaIl, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia. Ms. I. Gauld, Deputy Municipal Clerk Mr. M. Rossi, Planner Ms. S.M. Karasz, Confidential Secretary Mayor C. Durksen Councillor J. Clements Councillor Day Councillor J. Harris Councillor C. Gordon Councillor B. Levens Councillor Prokop Mayor Durksen briefly, explained the procedure of the Public Hearing and advised that in accordance with the Municipal Act, no further input into the subject by-laws can be received by the Municipal Council until the by-laws are either adopted or defeated. The by-laws will be considered further by Council at the October 24, 1995 Council Meeting. The Mayor then called upon the Planner to present the following items on the Agenda: I a) RZ111/95 - MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING BYLAW NO. 5326 - 1995 LEGAL Parcel 'K (R.P. 2506) SE 1/4, Section 16, Township 12, - - - - •NW.D - - - - - LOCATION: 11358 -. 236 Street FROM: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) TO: CD-1-93 (Comprehensive Development) PUR POSE: To permit subdivision into approximately 47 lots not less than 371 m2 in area. Public Hearing Meeting Minutes October 17, 1995 Page3 He provided further details of the design of the proposed housing with garages to the rear and private garden space between the house and the garage. He noted that the streetscape then becomes more friendly as the major rooms of the house can orient Out to the front as opposed to having a front access and driveways. He indicated the portion that will be dedicated to porches. He indicated how the homes on the northern portion will have a street presence both on the internal roads and around to the side Street as well in order to be sensitive to the neighbours to the north. The lots to the north are 47.5 feet wide. They want to maintain the same character as the homes across the street. He indicated how the parking will be handled within the units themselves in the absence of lane access on the northern portion. He indicated the location of the street trees and sidewalk that will be provided by the proponents. Councillor Clements asked for further details of the proposed variance on the northern portion. Mr. Ramsey advised that the CD-1-93 Zone specifically requires lanes within the project but to accommodate the neighbours along the northern side who have expressed an interest in not having lanes, the proponents have requested a variance to waive that requirement. Ms. Baldwin reiterated that the design guidelines that come with this proposal reflect a very traditional single family image that respects the side street and the front street. They have modified the plan to accommodate the neighbourhood's concerns. She explained the right-of-way that has to be dedicated by CCM and noted that they have committed 25 acres of their property for open space. It is their intention to liaise with a reputable real estate developer so that they will be involved all the way through in a high quality development. They will be providing street trees and a sidewalk. Also, any funds that they raise will be given to community development as they are a charity. She added that they have the support of the Planning and Engineering Departments and hope that Council will see fit to give the application their approval. The Deputy Municipal Clerk read into the record the two following items of correspondence: A letter from Harry and Florence Nicholson of 11461 - 236 Street dated October 14, 1995 expreSsing their opinion that to allow any further development before a through street is provided borders on criminal negligence on Council's part and outlining the safety hazards of Gilker Hill Road and 236 Street. A summary of a letter from The Tn-Power Group of 23837 - 76 Avenue, Surrey dated October 13, 1995 (creators of the subdivision at 116 Avenue and 236 Street and owners of other property in the area) expressing their Public Hearing Meeting Minutes October 17, 1995 Page5 in a single family zone is very poor planning. He would be against it. All the houses in his area are nice expensive houses. Ms. Kim Engele of 22505 - 2368 Street advised that she spent a year looking for an appropriate house in a good neighbourhood and could have bought the same house in Cottonwood for $30,000 cheaper. She asked that the original zoning be adhered to. Ms. Fox of 11521 - 2368 Street advised that she is opposed to the proposed development based on the same reasons given by the previous speakers. Mr. Darwinder Singh Gill of 11494 - 236 Street expressed opposition to the proposed development and stated that he does not see how this kind of plan can be considered with no regard to adjacent properties. He questioned why Council would allow the developers to propose such a plan. He feels it is a waste of time. He feels the one garage concept will look awful to adjacent properties. Mr. Rick Allen of 11264 - 236 Street stated he would like to address the issues of support and sensitivity and wagon trails in the area. He voiced his support Of the CCM proposal, noting he has lived in the area since 1972, before the existing subdivision went in, and has found CCM to be a good neighbour. He stated that the ravine is fantastic land and wonderful to walk through. With respect to sensitivity, the CCM development people are constantly thinking about the neighbours to the north. The only thing he wants improved are the roads. He noted that eventually 2368 Street will join up to the road system. He supports CCM; he just wants someone to recognize the safety aspects of the hill.. Mr. Menzel of 23602 - 116 Avenue stated he goes along with all the statements made about Gilker Hill. He wants the subject site to develop in comparison with what is there now and not be developed further and further down the slope. This is not only bad for us but bad for the community to see such a place. There are good places up there; keep it that way and not make a barracks. The developer should make his road before he starts anything because the road which is there now is a problem. Also, the residents are used to having trees around them. There are 200 trees there now. There is a lot to be said for leaving some trees or they will have a second Coquitlam. The Mayor indicated that the retention of trees can be clarified. Mr. Robert Elliott advised that he is the President of the Central City Mission Society and expressed support for the development. They have been around for 85 years. To do something inappropriate which makes people uncomfortable would impact them in the future. They have additional property there. They want to put in something the community can use and enjoy. They intend to develop the property in a most appropriate manner with a reputable Public Hearing Meeting Minutes October 17, 1995 Page6 developer so that it is one they can be proud of. He clarified that there was a public information meeting on the proposal on June 15th which the Mayor also attended. Cheryl Allen of 11264 - 236 Street advised that she supports the letter from Florence and Harry Nicholson regarding the condition of Gilker Hill Road. She noted that in the winter people cannot get up Gilker Hill Road and have to park at the bottom and walk. Before development is allowed to proceed, something has to be done about that road. Mr. Charlie Cook of 1256 Grant Boulevard, North Vancouver, advised that he is a member o the Board of Central City Mission. Over the last two years he has been part of their Building Committee. He reminded Council that they will be dedicating right-of-way on 236B Street where the sewer line has already gone in and also on 116 Avenue to enable it to connect at the top. They ask for Council's support of the development proposal. Mr. David Vernon advised that he has an interest in the property to the northeast of the CCM property. He referred to the dedication on 116 Avenue by CCM and questioned what the plans are for its construction. He feels it is important that developers in the area develop in a manner that is compatible with adjoining areas. It is useful if there is a consultation between adjacent developers before a Public Hearing such as this occurs. Mr. Robert Graham of 11514 - 2368 Street stated that he agrees with the previous speakers. They have genuine concerns. They paid top dollar and complied with the Codes that were there at the time. They incurred more cost than the proposed development will and he asked Council to consider that. This is a similar proposal to one that was turned down previously on the CCM property. He did not feel there had been enough consultation on the part of CCM when approached by the area residents. Mr. Brian Ralph of 23604 - 116 Avenue stated that he was the last to build in there. They had to comply with the Codes. He noted that Gilker Hill Road has no sidewalks and no bus service; the residents have to walk their children to school. Ms. Lori Wyllie of 11541 - 236B Street expressed concern regarding the traffic, noting she won't even walk down Gilker Hill Road and 236 Street. She does not mind development; her main concern is traffic. Mr. Darwinder Singh Gill submitted a petition to the Municipal Clerk in opposition to the proposed development There was no further comment and the Mayor declared the item dealt with. MEMORANDUM Submitted to: ( ) Council ( ) Committee of the Whole - Corporate Services ( ) Committee of the Whole - Development Services ( ) Committee of the Whole - Operational Services ( ) Committee of the Whole - Parks & Community Services ( ) Committee of the Whole - Administrative/Policy Services ( ) Committee of the Whole - Protective Services ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION That the recommendation of the General Manager - Development Services be approved. TO: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER FROM: GENERAL MANAGER - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DATE: 1995 AUGUST 04 SUBJECT: RZ111195 LEGAL: PARCEL "K" (REF. FL. 2506) SE 114 SEC. 16 TP. 12 N.W.D. LOCATION: 11358 - 236 STREET -- FROM:- - -. RS-3 (SINGLEFAMILY RURAL RESIDENTIAL) TO: CD-1-93 (COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT) OWNER: CENTRAL CITY MISSION FOUNDATION AGENT: A.D. POISSON -1- SUMMARY An application has been received to rezone a portion of the above described lot to permit subdivision into approximately 47 lots not less than 371 in 2 in area. RECOMMENDATION THE GENERAL MANAGER - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES RECOMMENDS THAT APPLICATION RZ111i95 (FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 11358 - 236 STREET) TO REZONE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN HIS MEMO DATED AUGUST 04, 1995 FROM RS-3 (SINGLE FAMILY RURAL RESIDENTIAL) TO CD-1-93 (COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT) BE FORWARDED TO PUBLIC HEARING NOTING THAT THE CONDITIONS TO BE MET PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARING AND PRIOR TO FINAL CONSIDERATION OF THE ZONE AMENDING BY-LAW ARE ALSO DETAILED IN THAT MEMO AND THAT THE ACCOMPANYING OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING BY-LAW BE FORWARDED TO THE SAME PUBLIC HEARING. 62!~;? CONDITIONS TO BE MET PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARING 1) FULLY DIMENSIONED SUBDIVISION PLAN DRAFTED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE MAPLE RIDGE ZONING AND SUBDIVISION BYLAWS. 1(QUIUM iM I. iCOMPLETE:. REGISTRATION OF A REZONING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR 116 AVENUE AND 236 STREET CONNECTION. DEPOSIT OF SECURITY AS OUTLINED IN THE REZONING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT; - AMENDMENT TO SCHEDULE "C" OF THE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN; ROAD DEDICATION OF THE 236 STREET ALIGNMENT TO 116 AVENUE. The development site, under the ownership of Central City Mission, consists of 3 parcels of land approximately 18.3 hectares in area. It is located in Cottonwood and known as the Haney Ranch. It is the intention of Central City Mission to rezone the lands in stages prior to development. In order to determine the extent of developable land, a detailed environmental/geotechnical assessment has been prepared. The report concluded that of the 18.3 hectares only 11.3 hectares of the site are developable. -2- Staff are currently processing rezoning applications which would see approximately 250 units in this plateau area south of 116 Avenue off of 236 Street. At this time, Gilker Hill is the only access into the area. A review has indicated that another access could be achieved through Central City Mission lands by dedication and construction of a road right-of-way through the northern portion of their site to connect 236 Street to the 116 Avenue alignment. This would then connect with lands to the east which are currently under consideration for development allowing access out to 240 Street and 118 Avenue via 238B Street. This connection is on land outside the lands under application. Staff are, however, of the opinion that a second way into the plateau area is important and recommend that this be achieved through this application. It is suggested that any new development applications in this plateau area are equally dependent on this connection. Location: The site is located on the east side of 236 Street in the 11300 block. The area under application is on the south west portion of the site. It is approximately 3.36 hectares in size and fronts on 236 Street. There are several buildings which will be removed as a condition of subdivision. A creek runs through the eastern portion of the lot. While it does not impact on the portion under development, the concerns and conditions of the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife and Water Management Branches, will be implemented at the time of subdividing. The area under application is mostly deared and relatively flat. It has a mix of Douglas Fir/Red Alder on the north west portion, and riparian vegetation consisting of Red Alder/Western Red Cedar/Maple and some Douglas Fir in the south west corner around a small tributary to the main creek. The entire Haney Ranch site is zoned RS-3. It is designated Greenbelt and Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare) and Community Commercial in Schedule "C" of the Official Community Plan. As well, part of the land is within a Development Permit Area for environmental concerns identified in the Gartner Lee Report for the Cottonwood area. It will be necessary to amend the Official Community Plan to designate the site to Single Family Residential (15, 18, 30 units per net hectare) and Greenbelt to recognize the intended use and Greenbelt designation. The amendment is in keeping with the previous designation as shown on By-law No. 4687-1992 which was quashed, by the Courts in May of 1993. Staff recommend the Official Community Plan amendment apply to the entire site owned by Central City Mission. As this application is in compliance with the previous designation and in keeping with similar situations for other applications, staff recommend that the need to host a Public Information Meeting be waived. -3- The site is located in a semi rural area known as Cottonwood. There is currently a great deal of development activity anticipated and some that has taken place to the north of this site. Kanaka Creek Elementary School is located to the south off of Gilker Hill Road and Kanaka Creek Road. To the north is a fairly recent townhouse development and a single family subdivision under the RS-lb zone. There are no neighbourhood parks available in the immediate area. A park and school site are planned on 118 Avenue, north of the development site. Park development of this site is not anticipated for some years. An opportunity exists to provide better access to other neighbourhoods and municipal amenities to the west at the Thomas Haney Centre via the proposed trail system for the area. Although the ability to provide that access with this development is minimal, this connection should be explored by the District during consideration of other current applications in this area. The subdivision geometry proposes two east/west roads connecting 236 Street to the new 236B Street. Vehicular access to these lots will be provided via a lane system. The CD-1-93 zone will permit the front face of the house to be 3m from the front property line with a 14.5 m rear yard. The garage setback is 5 m from the home and will act as a screen to create a private outdoor area between the garage and the house. The Engineering Department have also identified the need for a connection through this site to 116 Avenue. It will be necessary to dedicate and construct this road as a condition of zoning. All roads will be built to the current standards and specifications for pavement width. The developer is also constructing sidewalks on both sides of the Street with a planting strip between the traveled surface and the sidewalk. This planting strip will contain the required Street trees. The site is within an area which is subject to an agreement under Section 286 of the Municipal Act with the Provincial Government for the installation of the Cottonwood Sanitary Sewer. It will be necessary to pay back a charge which is assessed against each unit for the installation of the sanitary sewer at the time of subdivision. The site is impacted by a watercourse which has been identified in a master drainage plan prepared by Kerr, Wood, Leidal. Compliance with the recommendations of this report will be a condition of subdivision. -4- CONCLUSION Staff support the development proposal and recommend that this application proceed to a Public Hearing. Gay Por Planning Technician GP/bjs -5- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5326 - 1995 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5326 - 1995." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Parcel "K" (Reference Plan 2506), South East Quarter, Section 16, Township 12, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1084 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, are hereby rezoned to CD-1-93 (Comprehensive Development Zone). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the day of. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the A.D.199. A.D. 199. A.D. 199. A.D. 199. ,A.D. 199. day of MAYOR CLERK It MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDINC Bylaw No. 5326-1995 Map No. 1084 Rezone From: RS-3(Qne Family Rural Residential) To: CD—i —93 (Comprehensive Development) 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: January 7, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: ALR/6/98 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: ALRI6/98 26171-Dewdey Trunk Road SUMMARY: An application has been received under Section 20(1) of the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) Act to subdivide approximately 9.3 hectares of land in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) to create 9 lots, each greater that 0.8 hectares in area. Council Policy for this area recommends lands be retained in the ALR and that Council consider applications for subdivision of lands within the reserve on their own merit. A previous application to exclude this land from the ALC was denied based on good agncultural potential and that exclusion was contrary to the mandate of the ALC. A previous subdivision application was denied based on agricultural capability (Class 3 soils) and a parcel size that offered a wide range of agricultural options. A recommendation from the Rural Plan Advisory Committee (RPAC) for Subarea D, was supported by Council in the Summary of Council Decisions on Implementation of the Rural Plan: "that the recommendation of RPAC to permit the use of the clustering and consolidation concept in Sub-area D be approved." However this concept is based on consolidating several parcels into a large agricultural unit, preserving land for agricultural use. This proposal does not include a consolidation of land for agricultural purposes. Staff are recommending that the application not be authorized to proceed to the ALC. -RECOMMENDATION:- - - - - - That application ALR/6/98 for the property described as Lot 29 Except: Firstly: Part Subdivided By Plan 76434, Secondly: Part Subdivided by Plan LMP 6975, Section 24, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 26432, and located at 26171 Dewdney Trunk Road not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. BACKGROUND: An application has been received by the Planning Department under Section 20(1) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act, to subdivide land within the ALR; The Applicant is proposing to create 9 lots not less than 0.8 ha. in area. -1- - 61e 0 0o, The property was the subject of earlier applications in 1981 and 1992 for exclusion from the ALR. The latter application, ALR/15/92 was not authorized to proceed to the ALC. An application in 1985 to subdivide into 22 lots not less than 0.4 ha was denied by the ALC. The ALC denied the 1981 exclusion application stating that the ALC felt the property had good potential for agriculture. The ALC indicated an exclusion of this nature would serve to act as an intrusion into the ALR by precipitating similar requests from adjacent property owners, to the detriment of the entire agricultural community. The ALC further stated its mandate to preserve land for agricultural use either now or in the future and therefore refused the application for exclusion. The ALC denied the 1985 subdivision application and made reference to the applicants own consultants report that the majority of the property had an agricultural capability rating of Class 3 (1 being the highest) and as such indicated the property is suitable for maintaining a wide variety of agricultural options. This would include, given the size and nature of the property, both soil bound and non-soil bound agriculture. The ALC stated the proposed subdivision would all but eliminate this agricultural potential. An application (ALRJ3/86) for a homesite severance was approved by the ALC and subsequent subdivision in 1986 created a 0.8 ha lot fronting on Dewdney Trunk Road immediately to the west of the 9.3 ha subject site. District Context: The property located north of Dewdney Trunk Road east of 256th Street is zoned RS-3 (Rural Residential). The Official Community Plan (OCP) designation for this property is for agricultural use. The property is within Area 6 of ALR lands in Maple Ridge. Current Council Policy is "that Area 6 be retained in the Agricultural Land Reserve and that Council consider applications for subdivision of lands within the Reserve on their own merit." Lands to the north are zoned RS-2 and are primarily one family residential use. Lands to the south, east and west are zoned RS-3 with a subdivision of 26 lots 1040 sq. metres in area. This subdivision occurred prior to the ALC Act of 1972. The RS-3 areas include pasture, treed areas and single-family residential hobby farm uses. Rural Plan Context: The properties are within Subarea D of the Rural Plan. The Rural Plan Advisory Committee (RPAC) recommended the following for Council consideration. "that the use emphasis be on large lot agriculture north of 128 th Avenue similar to the portion to the west. The balance of the subarea was to be hobby farms/lifestyle uses. Parcel sizes are varied in the area, but the Committee felt by using the Clustering/Consolidation Concept to address the problem of inappropriate lot sizes, that viable farm sites could be consolidated and lot lines rearranged. Parcel sizes were to be RS-3 of 2.0 ha minimum. However RPAC recommends that the Clustering and Consolidation Concept be allowed to reduce to 0.8 ha parcel averages with 0.2 ha sites in these areas where parcel size conflicts occur." -2- From the Summary of Council Decisions on Implementation of the Rural Plan, Council agreed to the following action: "that the recommendation of the Rural Plan Advisory Committee to permit the use of the Clustering/Consolidation Concept in Sub-area D be approved." The Concept involves consolidation of parcels to achieve a large viable farm unit. A higher density residential cluster is the incentive to achieve the consolidation in the Concept. This application does not include the consolidation of land and therefore cannot be considered as following the recommendations of RPAC or Council. Application Proposal: The intent of this application is to subdivide this land into nine parcels not less than 2.0 ha in area. CONCLUSION In denying the previous exclusion application, the ALC cited the intent of the ALC Act to preserve and protect agricultural land. In denying the previous subdivision application the ALC cited the good agricultural capability and nature and size of the parcel. This subdivision would eliminate this agricultural potential. The clustering and consolidation recommendations of the RPAC and Council are not being followed in this proposal. Specifically, a viable farm unit is not being created to justify the incentive of a residential cluster within the ALR. Based on these comments and the ALC desire to maintain a large agricultural unit, it is recommended that this application not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. hief Administrative Officer BMcL. -3- SUBJECT PROPERTY ZONED RS-3 26171 DEWDNEY TRUNK RD. ZONING AND A.L.R. (SHADED) CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE I I MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING I Incorporeted 12 September, 1874 DEPARTMENT FILE/BYLAW: ALR-6-98 I DATE NOV. 9. 1998 Wal 33219 Brown Crescent, Mission, B.C. V2V 2R3 Ph.: (604) 8265009 Fax: (604) 826-5009 LADE 4 YER & ssoc. District of Maple Ridge October28, 1998 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Attention: Planning Department Dear sir/madam Re: Lot 29, Sec. 24, Tp. 12, P26432, N.W.D. (E. Bromba) Enclosed please find an application for subdivision in the A.L.R. of the above noted property, pursuant to the Land Commission Act. As you are aware, this property was the subject of a previous application for exclusion from the A.L.R. However, given the current policies of the Municipality and the Land Commission respecting the exclusion of land in this area, the owner now wishes consideration of a subdivision within the A.L.R. The proposed subdivision of the land is pursuant to the existing RS-3 zoning on the property. We have confirmed with the Municipality that this property has been zoned RS-3 since 1961, and this was the adopted land use for many years prior to the implementation of the Land Reserve. In the absence of the Land Reserve, the land use development capability of this site would be as permitted under the RS-3 zone. We are therefore not proposing any development of the land outside what has already been adopted by the Municipality as an acceptable land use. It is our understanding that in reviewing an A.L.R. application, the Municipal focus is on the land use provisions under their jurisdiction and any consideration of agricultural capability is solely within the jurisdiction of the Land Commission. We appreciate the purpose of making A.L.R. applications through the Municipality, however it would appear that as our proposal is in keeping with the existing zoning; the critical evaluation will be one of agricultural capability and whether or not the Land Commission will permit the subdivision of this land.based. on that capability. It isour opinion that this property has questionable agricultural capability due to topography, moisture holding capacity, stoniness, low permeability and drainage limitations as noted in the March 1, 1994 report written by G. G. Runka (copy enclosed). This opinion is further supported by an agricultural overview statement provided by I. Paton and Associates Ltd. and dated June 1, 1998 (copy enclosed). In addition to the above, this site is bisected by a watercourse designated as protected under the Municipal O.C.P. which further limits the agricultural capabilities of this property. continued.... FACIUTATING; LAND DEVELOPMENT AND GOVERNMENT APPLICATIONS - - pige#2 Therefore in light of the above, we would respectfully request that this letter and enclosures be forwarded to Council with our application and further that this application be supported for referral to the Land Commission for consideration. Please advise when this item will be considered by Council in Committee so we may attend the meeting. If any further information is required please contact the undersigned. Sincerely SLADE DYER end. 3 C.C. E. Bromba I. Paton sd/h/mridge2 .let 1 P11TON & AssocixrEs Lm. Agricultural Consultants: Llvestoc4 Parm Zqu/pment, Appraisals, Mi//c Quota Brokera Submitted June 1, 1998 By Paton & Associates Ltd. Agricultural Consultants, Delta, B.C. fan L Paton: (604) 940-0866 • fan D. Paton: (604) 946-2348 • Fax: (604) 940-0856 3706-88 Street, Delta, B.C. Canada V4K 3N3 Commentary Re: Ernest and Erika Bromba - Rural Holding Civic Address: 26171 Dewdney Trunk Road, Maple Ridge, BC Size of Parcel: 23 Acres more or less Legal Description: Lot 29 except parcel removed (see plan 76434) Sec. 25 Tp. 12 History: The original 25 acre block comprising the subject property was purchased by Mr. & Mrs. Bromba in 1968 as a rural residential holding. No serious effort has been made to practice any agricultural endeavors on the property other then the unsuccessful grazing of heifers during the first summer of ownership. Lack of rooting depth resulted in the removal of the first grass with no recovery or sustained yield during the summer grazing period. Purchase of off-site hay was found to be completely uneconomic. In 1973 the area in which the property is located was mapped into the Agricultural Land Reserve. Mr. & Mrs. Bromba are concerned that at the public hearing held in the district in 1973, outlining to landowners in the area, the extent of the ALR boundaries, his property was not included on the maps shown. He further insists that later designations show his area as having been included after the public hearings were held. This matter needs research, however there is reason to believe that the Bromba's are correct in their description of the events that period. Removal of the 2 acre homesite In 1986 the Bromba's applied for permission to remove a 2 acre homesite from the parent parcel. This was approved by the A.L.C. with municipal support. In 1974 - 75 the rear.portion of the .parcel.lying west of the..property.was.. excluded frcm the.ALR by the Land Commission presumably on the grounds that the land was unfit for agriculture purposes. This parcel is identical to the Northern portion of the subject property. File research will indicate that the comments filed re that exclusion would also apply to the immediate adjacent lands. The soils of the area are well below acceptable standards for soil bound crops and the area has been parcelized over time by the development of country residential packages to the extent that the area has little or no agricultural potential in opinion of the writer. The Bromba property lies immediately east of the twenty-six (26) lot residential subdivision created several years ago and not included in the A.L.R. Geological studies of this region conclude that the presence of large boulders and rock fragmeTits below the surface and exposed over portions pf the area is explained by an ancient rocicslide from the mountain to the north. Extensive gravel and rock crushing has been cathed out to the north of the subject property, utilizing extensive gravel and rock deposits underlying the region. Mr. and Mrs. Bromba now live on the main parent parcel and have been involved in a variety of land use 'exercises including the Opening of 120 Avenue on their Northern boundary plus an. earlier attempt to gain municipal support for exclusion and subsequent subdivision of their land. Djscnssion: All plan designations and municipal residential reserves notwithstanding, the retention of the subject lands in an agricultural land reserve is at best deceptive and confusing. It is fair to say in the writer's opinion that no serious agricultural capital will be invested in this area now or in the future. The area has acquired all the characteristics of a rural residential extension of the more densely populated areas to the west. Limited access to services may necessitate ongoing 'municipal monitoring of lot sizes, however preserving relatively large parcels in an area such as this under the auspices of a "Provincial Agricultural Land Reserve" taxes the credibility of the land commission and the philosophy underlying its creation and its mandate. We have no diffl in recommending municipal support for the removal of these lands from the A.L.R. with4eir use and population density to be determined by the elected representatives of the lan,4ownr of the area and the professional planners whom they employ. Paton c AlssWaifbs Ltd. Per LD CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: January 6, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: DVP/33/98 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: DVP/33/98 12525 208 St. SUMMARY: A Development Variance Permit application has been received in which the applicant has requested that the required rear yard setback be relaxed from 6 m to 4.2 m. After reviewing the application, staff recommend that DVP/33/98 be given favourable consideration. RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/33/98 respecting property located at 12525 208 St. will be considered by Council at the February 9, 1999 meeting. BACKGROUND: Staff is currently reviewing a subdivision application SD/24/98 which will create one additional lot in the RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) zone. There is an existing house which will remain on proposed Lot A. At the rezoning stage, one of the issues identified was the need for the applicant to apply for a Development Variance Permit for setback relaxation for the existing house. The new subdivision geometry has changed the front, rear and side yards for the existing house and what was side yard has become a rear yard. Staff in the zoning report stated that they would be prepared to support the variance at the subdivision stage. The applicant has submitted this application to address this issue. Section 601 C. (9ci) of the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw states: "Buildings and structures for One Family Residential use shall be sited not less than 6 metres from the rear property line." -- The applicant is re4uesting..tflat this.requirernent be relaxed.to 4.2 metres.- Thenewlydefinedrear yard presently functions as a side yard. The existing home covers approximately 25% of the total lot area allowing generous outdoor space to the north of the building. The Planning Department recommends that DVP/33/98 be given favourable consideratiOn. i7 Chief Administrative Officer G Maager: Pji1ic Wor6—a—n& ent Planning Development Services ( ( 011 IDt - II 'I _ - I - -- I I I I P3512 --- I PcLA I 71277 A A I o 8621 P3.359 Ftp 16439 SUBJECT 4 POWELL AVE. 29303 'PROPERTY I 19 0. ' 17 _: ,. 89 90 I 2 38 •_ ,- ' 22302 '2523 N I/S 9 I. 21 ______________ _____________ 3 _______ - 27 ' S 1/2 9. _______ '. ____________ P4 \ tefi, ¶6 P i06.3' had I 191 192 18.3 I Pi063 I 95 I ________ i 1,94 IA 35 a. 26 __ 95 193 125 AVE. P 1/2 iTJti O'> 125 AVE. 17 __ ' I— ;ies ' 247 I I I II 27 ii 24 Cfl ' — 246 204 2031202 I 1 201 1200 26 ,28 , _______ 23 _______ 4i/2 ' .2.!L" I $4,? ._..1 203 20 to 9 ' 29 I1'JV ' r I 20012071206 _ _•10 j2tl n .32 ' 22 C'l 'I/S IS _____ ,, 1AIN 122 2. 2 ,saa 176 123 i '•' MEADOW "48 —: PLjowe 7,13 LMP 22302 PARIC 1 IS 4 20 ___ —_ 97a. '' N 60 14 '77 _L 179 'N (Il — 4 Z 125 24, 1220I 219 I4063 I U 2171216 215 214 111 213 ',4 _____ _____ 4 77 5 — — 21 '14 10 " _ 126 2 CAM 't222223i224i225i22. /227 / 9 7 9 9 ( — 174 I'-239 1' 228 , ,, _______ ___ __________ ...L L 173 127 -, ,,4,,. P 59475 R. ¶7 5._____ __ - '- !1 124 AVE. 128Z , 1229 10 ,z. \R,PI6 172 29/ P ____ — " 1231\ 230 Lhip 688 I" _l 51063 31 12 2 5 87 8 ¶70 v N!3I/,32 I,35f,34 T1\ 1135 1136 IfJC1Ii I __ f-r 10 13 123 B A - N.LjiLJLJ 6.3 zr- _____ a.33 C P 25860 P 25860 ¶43 e8;\7 ALPINE Id AVE. _ 19 I I 5 4 3 2 ¶ 164 I ITilEi _________ ________ [,,I Iioj NJ \ 18: 23 24 'W 163331 I "'sa Jt P 153 4941 148 ,zm 145 I12,114 141 _I 164 1 I Rwn Pd.I a — — 1 )1JmP_._i — 149 I144 I14 21 I0\ _ 191 _ 18\ a.' I&X 17273 'rj sa R.p, I Pd 155 ISA l 151 'u" 'z 143 I II I _________ __________ *_ L. i 1 23 AVE LUP7642 _________________ _______________________________ _____________________________________ ____ _______________________________ I?1'°rIr _.I _JI _ _ I I_ I.J1[ I J _ _ SUBJECT PROPERTY 12525 208 STREET KEY_M57 Pr? Pr A CORPORATION OF THE -HANEY MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Iocarper4t.d 12 Ssptazob. 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ALMM DATE MAR. 5, 1998 I REViSED: orscr OF SCALE 1:4.000 FILE/B'rl...AW RZ-34-97 DRAWN_8Y S.Mc. A. WAM MWE 0 'Z3 U) C\J c\1 PLAN SHOWING PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ON LOT 28 DL276 GP.1 N.W.D. PLAN 17921 Scale 1:250 38 Plan 59478 & LQ J____ Note: lipuse location I has bedn extracted I.' Q) I 37 I 557m2 . - from ar4hived record and mutt be I con firrn4i prior to Plan 59478 I subdivision process 1.50-4 1.... I '. 557m2 I I L.----------------- --- i'inL. L &49 Wade & Associates Land Surveying Ltd. 27 B.C. Land Surveyors I Maple Ridge & Mission Plan 17921 [one 463-4753 Guvi Jan.7/98 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: December 23, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/8/97 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 5652-1998 & 5653-1998 (12062 Laity St.) SUMMARY: This development proposal is to permit the construction of 17 townhouse units. Council gave favourable consideration to the above noted application on December 9, 1997 (Land use report attached) At that time the development proposal was for fourteen townhouses. Since then the developer has revised the development plan and is asking that consideration be granted for 17 townhouse units. The zoning and land use issues of the original proposal are the same. The applicant has, however, gone back to the Advisory Design Panel for their input on the new design and their resolution is attached. Comments from the Advisory Design Panel The Design Panel resolutions are attached. A Public Information Meeting must be held. The staff obser'ations are attached in response to the public concern over the proposed lane connection to McIntyre Court, the Engineering Department has stated that, given that: • McIntyre Court (a local road facility) currently is only accessible via Dewdney Trunk road (DTR), (a major arterial facility); • The intersection of McIntyre Court and DTR is only 90 metres east of the signalized intersection of Laity Street and DTR; it is desirable to provide an alternate access to McIntyre Court. The proposed lane would: • provide an alternate access for emergency vehicles; - • - pr&ide añàlterndte acess to a cul de sac (McIntyre Court) which is more than 150 metres in length, (in accordance with recommended standards for urban roadways); • improve circulation into and around the subject site. From a traffic perspective, the Engineering Department supports the recommendation that the lane be dedicated and constructed to connect Laity Street to McIntyre Court. V A letter has been received from residents of this neighbourhood requesting that Council send this application to another Public Information Meeting. Staff are of the opinion that the land use issues presented at the Public Information Meeting have not changed and that the project be forwarded to Public Hearing for public input. 0 0 3) Fully dimensioned development plan showing the following: neighbourhood context plan; site plan; building elevations; landscape concept plan; The above has been received and it is recommended that 1st reading be given to the subject bylaw. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5652-1998 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5653-1998 be given First Reading. tN Gay Por, Planning Technician (c i+ hief Administrative Officer -2- RESOLUTION: The Panel expressed qualified support for the project, with the following recommendations: I. the northerly east-west road and modules served by that road be moved further north to provide greater separation for units adjacent to the lane 2 that a less repetitive and more interesting building massing be undertaken at the DP stage that greater attention to architectural and landscaping details at the grade level be undertaken at the DP stage to provide a more interesting pedestrian presentation suggest relocating pedestrian pathway adjacent to the lane and creating a treed boulevard adjacent to the pathway Public Information Meeting January 6, 1998 RZ18/97-12062 Laity St. The following concerns and comments were expressed by the area residents in response to an application to rezone for a 14 unit multi-family development. The comments can be categorized around two themes; firstly, residents were fundamentally opposed to the construction of a municipal lane that would connect McIntyre Court to Laity Street. Secondly, townhouse development was considered inappropriate for what was presently a single-family residential neighbourhood. Connecting Lane - McIntyre to Laity Street Residents were concerned that commuters on Dewdney Trunk Road would bypass the intersection at Laity Street and use the lane resulting in a large increase in through traffic on McIntyre Court. This was of particular concern since the residents had purchased homes on a cul-de-sac on the assumption that it would remain one. Many details about the design standard for McIntyre were given as reasons why it's use as a through route was undesirable including; • McIntyre has a narrow pavement width • Residents depend on the street for parking further reducing its carrying capacity • Many of the neighbourhood children play on the street and the change in traffic pattern will put them at risk • Parking on McIntyre will be at an even greater premium with the addition of the 14 units proposed • increased traffic with the narrow street will create many accidents for people accessing driveways and garages Concern was also expressed about the proximity of the proposed lane to an existing residence on McIntyre. The "0" lot line siting of homes on McIntyre would result in the lane being located within one metre of one home. Townhouse Proposal Most of the objections to the townhouse proposal related to the change in housing form and density in what was presently an exclusively single-family neighbourhood. Residents expressed concern about the impact that the development would have on the neighbourhood including; the effect on property values, school enrolment, availability of park space, availability of on-street parking, the appearance of the neighbourhood. Residents were concerned that the new residences would become rental units and result in a degradation of the neighbourhood. The subject property presently provides an access route to Lion's Park and is unsightly due to people using it as an area to dispose of refuse. They expressed the view that construction of two new single family homes on the property would clean this up and maintain the single family character of the neighbourhood. CORPOLTION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5653 - 1998. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A", "B" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5653 - 1998." Schedule "B" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: North Half Lot 2 Except: Parcel "D" (Reference Plan 16285), District Lot 248, Group 1, Plan 4701, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 545, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby redesignated to Compact Housing (40-60 upnh). Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XXI in the Appendix: N ½ Lot 2 Except: PcI "D" (RP 16285), D.L. 248, Gp. 1, Plan 4701, NWD Those parcels or tracts .f land andpremi•ses known-and deScribeda.: - North Half Lot 2 Except: Parcel "D" (Reference Plan 16285), District Lot 248, Group 1, Plan 4701, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 546, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, are hereby designated as Development Permit Area XXI (23) on Schedule "H". 5. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. Page 2 Bylaw No. 5653-1998 READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 199 PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 199. READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 199. READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED the day of A.D. 199. - MAYOR CLERK R.m3 1i L1I 28 - N 180 C I":_I I L ILJ_JJ 1 Li 121Ac. ,,,,, ' I r" 4, 1(O 1211 Rem I; "lU.l I 2IsJi5.2I -. I-. 0. RemC P 74991 P 3250 L P 74$9 I P 7499 LMPf826 l;iøI 7 8 F G P 39673 JF2! P 47383 12101 ___________________________ P 70721 I P 99 21461 122 RW18394 Rw18394 P 21731 12CM Rem 2 I ______ 181 182 P 74504 PARK P 70721 ] I 6 A 1.oeeh.. 1 I 124 P478 3125 ______________________________ _______________________ _______ GWdW000 22712 P 28751 4jJ P 153420 fXZ7 300 1528$ I 70 232 1!1 2 241 AVE. 21410 w p I 118 Ip 47517 Rem N 2 /2 1% 242 8 _______________________________________ 301 ltt1 130 15.0 P 4 ____________ 2 P 1731 2P 8790 Rem N 1 S of ,(c. 255 25 I 12t I 2531 2 I 20 __________ LMP 16052 20581 I t I 304 420303 L1e.3 f!j93 3 I _ 2 P 39970 - 1-11 I— I'.. 0.1 Ii I ,sI P8527 ii P 12063 12 -. Reml I .. I 7 I2.2f, I 287 119 J LMS 174.3 3 I 0.710h.CA I 5 ___ I P 6475 P Ii 282i I i I5 980 Ti133290 1 289 251 _26_J \iI 26JO.40he. LMP _205 RW 768d1 NW M 3_1__11312 \. ... RP_78l4.9. LP1131 _ P7i2/ I EP 58528 P soie..J,,.....ei_DEWONC? TIJNK 0O 0R p' I . I II 2 t1 — RemI p 8 I I 'I'I _ _____ ______ P 850 •8' __ I I R A1____ J_4 H 12285 "' 45 L_ 1 I _ 15 11) _ 6\S11 1 2 0. NW 3328 iise _0 j 89 1 10 1J b_ 119.15.2 14 fliff I 2 6 60181 _ _ _ 13 I 0.7W he _ II_I RW 44259 12 P 385 54 11sw )! I I P 24576 P 2819 1.251 he MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5653-1998 Map No. 545 TO REDESIGNATE: 1:2500 FROM: Compact Housing(30 units per net hectare) TO: Compact Housing(40-60 units per net hectare) P4I8 43658k 363 212 365 /924 0. 366 21 1/919 "9/' Rem 3 N 180' E ft; I ( E-][EJ_J '__U , Ii f 28I - "I'i ________ 29660 121 AVL 0 r —I ,v Rem 1 4 68 I P13254 I ; I l 2" 521 E Rem ______ I P 749 P 71499 LuP1826 7 8 F 0 H 39873 - P 47383 F2701 I P 70721 I2141 __________________________________________ 1 gg p 122 RW 18394 21731 J I.- RW18394 __________________________________ 3 ____ liviv I PARK P 70721 1 +1- 81 4!95 182 Rem 2 T"I I A 1.085 ha. I 205 24 4 P 47 83 1 25 G4W000 22712 P 28751 aw ' 420 '.7J (P 162w _________ AVt ! _____ 300 o i I1ij 2 241 118 IP 47517 ii- Rem N 1/2 I I I i 242 "" 8 130 1 , P 4701 P 41731 13.717xM I 'I 2 I 8790 '' I em N 1 _______________ROOD ,337 25'j P 39970 LMP 205a1J J Ln 304 2 Jzo,s 12052 LMP 16052 I 420 303 18J I P 59003 i f.20# F h" I fJF 120"_________ f2551 jwAAw 119LMS13 .- 0.e0.450 he.P2 L P 8527 '" I P 5475 IN 12063 ' [ 262%\ 26 2 ________________ Ron Remi •Mf3 1L 11312 p \. i 1139 78149vp1T p 601 PeI. P &qSO jFoG 1354 TRO'' I RSmIA-4 39 2 459 I — If1 l ' I I 0.1 4 ) I i I_°"' - 12285 4j/ t_ ___________ 2 13 L I 2 _ 8 0. _1819 I1f 0.450 I351l352 NW 3323 r. 14 _ II 3 0. 0 ,,4is.aI,,s..v_0IL.._1 _60184 (.4 RW 44250 2 13 i "a - 12 P39885 54 iI 1/2 A F7 ______ 1.257 hD MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5653-1998 Map No. 546 1:2500 PURPOSE: TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA XXI (23) P 47008 4365 363 212 364 365 14, 7924. CL 1791w 366 21 p974 _______ CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5652 - 1998 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510. 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law, No. 5652 - 1998." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: North Half Lot 2 Except: Parcel "D" (Reference Plan 16285), Disthct Lot 248, Group 1, Plan 4701, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1170 a copy of which is axtached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 199, PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 199. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 199. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 199. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation and Highways this day àf , A D 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK -iii .It 2.2LII 1L J 28 l C4 29660 121 AVE p1[II 10 8 I 401 g 1I 74 p 99 LMP 826 1211 W 7 8 F 0 P 39673 4 P P1491 — 21731 5 L +1- 70721 $ I i 1xv ____ jP 22712 P 28751 A" - 21410 118 ch 2422 8 .4 254 _________ LMP 16052 i2O581 " P39970 0. U) N 251//\\ 'N A &c1 0.790 0249 247 119 LMS 1743 3 ha 0.460 ha. P1579 F-1 a A ! 261 2821 26 LMP 205L N 1 RP 7 149 8? 58528 OC9OW(Y fiUPIC R0O to vPlTl P 601S3J,,...Pcf.i Rem A ___ P850 PcI 4 0. FF9 _________ RW 12285 15 1479 1 - 2 3 1196 13.2 11g0 a P 6018 i14 POW ,,, 6 TS191J0 0.403 ha 0.406 ha 0.403 he 13 1193 117 12 P39885 54 P29311 '4 P39885 11 Ixom 118 W PIN. of 13 10 ' 11930 19 P 245761___•__[— - 1 P 2819 1.257 h N180 3 Rem L'" 41- 1 J L1 0 '4 Rem I I686768 0. P 3250 Rern E P 70721 P 47383 12101 - 122 RW 18394 RW 18394 _____________________ 12W I H8.0 Rem 2 181 495 182 p 74504 PARK A 124 125 _ 1 62 P r 47517J 130 II 2 - P 4701 .4302 p 8790 2O4 em 13. of 2 .1.k4 4 1j3X1. 304 & P *3420 J1&.3 ______ 9003 t. Liam53 2.2 12MV ! 287 5 P 18527 j '" P 6475 1 P 12063 Rsn 20 89 Rem1j I RW 76801 LMMf3d)I 459;, I 4 601S9SP Rernl iR&i°l1 0 8 I 451 431,14 52j33 •.l j5I 0. P4W 3328 IL!f 2 '4 RW 44250 a 0.7283 he P 47008 363 212 365 1924 0.0. *214/2 366 21 S p 3457 •PP059 NW 2768 0.408 he 11930 P11/2* MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5652-1998 Map No. 1170 Rezone - From: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) To: RM-1(Townhouse Residential) 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 1 8 1997 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/8/97 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/8/97 (12062 Laity St.) SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the above noted property to RM- 1 in order to construct approximately 14 townhouse units. - RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ/8/97 (for property located at 12062 Laity St.) to rezone property described in the memoraridum dated November 18, 1997 from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. Condition to be met prior to first reading: Comments from the Advisory Design Panel. A Public Information Meeting must be held. Fully dimensioned development pian including: Neighbourhood context plan; Site plan; Building elevations; d)Landscapeconcept; And that prior to final approval the following must be complete: Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; Amendment to Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan; -1- Amendment to Schedule "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan; Road dedication as required; Removal of the existing building/s; BACKGROUND: The development proposal represents an in-fill project for fourteen townhouse units on a parcel of land spanning the area between Laity. Street and McIntyre Court immediately north of Dewdney Trunk Road. The proposal includes a public access lane connecting Laity Street to McIntyre Court. This connection allows residents of McIntyre Court alternative access to their home, avoiding the existing intersection at Dewdney Trunk Road. Presently there are 33 homes dependent on the Dewdney access to McIntyre Court. - The proximity of Lions Park immediately to the north of the project negates the need for any self contained play space for resident children. The direct access to the park afforded the development creates a superior opportunity for the provision of the play space. Policy Implications: Official Community Plan: The Official Community Plan designates the site Compact Housing (40-60 upnh) and Compact Housing (30 upnh). It will be necessary to amend Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan to redesignate the entire site to Compact Housing (40-60 upnh) and include the site into a Development Permit Area to ensure the form and character of the development at the building permit stage. In keeping with Council Policy, it will be necessary to have the developer host a Public Information Meeting prior to proceeding to a Public Hearing. Servicing Concerns: The Engineering Department has identified that all the services required in support of the development proposal do not exist to the site. It will therefore be necessary to have the owner enter into a Rezoning Development Agreement and post security to do the works prior to final reading. A component of the servicing requirements includes road dedication on Laity Street and for the access lane. It will be necessary to prepare a geotechnical report that addresses the suitability of the site for the intended use at the building permit stage. Outside Agencies: The property is within 800 in of the Lougheed Highway. It will be necessary to have the Ministry of, Transportation and Highways approve the zone amending bylaw under Section 57 of the Highway Act prior to final reading. -2- CONCLUSION: The development proposal is consistent with the objectives of the Official Community Plan for the neighbourhood. The OCP amendment proposed represents a minor amendment to density boundaries accommodating improved access conditions for the neighbourhood. Staff support the land use and recommend that the application be forwarded to Public Hearing. Chief Administrative Officer S -3- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 5742-1998 & 5743-1998 22800 Block 116 Ave. DATE: January 8, 1999 FILE NO: RZ/18/98 ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUMMARY: This development proposal is to create approximately 14 bare land strata lots. Council gave favourable consideration to the above noted application September 29, 1998 with the stipulation that prior to being presented at a Public Hearing, the following would be complied with: Comments from the Advisory Design Panel; A Public Information Meeting must be held; Fully dimensioned development plan including: neighbourhood context plan; building elevations; site plan. The following applies to the above: Respecting Council's resolution of December 15, 1998, the applicant resubmitted the development package to the Advisory Design Panel on January 7, 1999. The Panel expressed overall support for the project and recommended that at the Development Permit stage, detailed rear elevations be submitted along with fencing details. A Public Information Meeting was held..in. theFraserview recreation-building on - November 18, 1998. Approximately 30 people attended with no expressions of notable opposition. A full set of plans were reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel and are available for review. Respecting that requirements prior to Public Hearing have been satisfied, it is recommended that V reading be given to the subject bylaws. 67,t -026040 RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.5742-1998 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5743-1998 be given First Reading. Dave Stevenson, Planning Technician (15 li Chief Administ al Mainager.rks and Development Services /bjc T I . -2- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5742 - 1998 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5742 - 1998." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: All that portion of Lot 41, Except: Firstly: Part Subdivided by Plan 70416; Secondly: Part Subdivided by Plan 72181; Thirdly: Part Subdivided by Plan 72462; Fourthly: Part Subdivided by Plan 79665; Fifthly: Part Subdivided by Plan 82113; Sixthly: Part Subdivided by Plan 82501; Seventhly: Part Subdivided by Plan 83871; Eighthly: Part Subdivided by Plan LMP3 11; Ninthly: Part dedicated road on Plan LMP 3513; Tenthly: Part Subdivided by Plan LMP3942; Eieventhly: Part Subdivided by Plans LMP 10787; Twelfthly: Part subdivided by Plan LMP10788; Thirteenthly: Part subdivided by Plan LMP13592 and Fourteenthly: Part subdivided by Plan LMP13596, and Fifteenth: Part subdivided by Plan LMP19680, District Lots 401 & 402, Group 1, Plan 64285, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1196 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to RM- 1 (Townhouse Residential). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 199. • - PUBLIC }UABINGheidth6 day of - , A.D. 199. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 199. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 199. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation and Highways this day of 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK LIAS 618 116 AVE. ¶ . l.UF 13592 IMP 311 2 IMS 810 / 2 m '11W I . - - ffmj LOt 2 5366h P 12588 2 q 243 P 244 2 6514 N 228 N 1,1W 242 t.MS 1873 IMS 804 o ..._L5 " - 8 5 to o " 172 "SW 171 - 1 it 11,15 1172 7 6 "1e, - P 121 o239 GI 240 P 12t97,, ,,'. 2 241 184 I EP 12951 P12318 " , 6 '. P 1601 B Rim. 1 P12316 C 5 A " RP 1327 1 2 Rem. LI 10 P 64295 A P 16473 9 a. NWS 3378 8 P 65761 23 LMP30408 0. 22 116A INS 2114 IMP 2118 H. Pct.A / A 2 0. / ,,,• ,,,,, / IMP 12216 INS 1391 \\• 5 LMP 92 :::\\\ _—iII. 11477 _ NI NI 13JjJ56J7 / I548 I INS 1596 Pd. A TELOS AVE 4 P 71276 __________________ I L. 32I1 j Rem IMP 13592 P71 P 1176 / L25 IMP 9580 INS 1258 17 \,, - go •A 10 P 14624 LMP 10788 73 14 / P1824 / - E P2155 20 19 18 Il 16 15 14 13 - 2' MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5742-1998 Map No. 1196 From: RS-1 One Family Urban Residential To: RM-1 Townhouse Residential - AMAPLE RIDGE Incorporated -12 September. 1874 1:4,000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5743 - 1998. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A", "B" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5743 - 1998." Schedule "B" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: All that portion of Lot 41, Except: Firstly: Part Subdivided by Plan 70416; Secondly: Part Subdivided by Plan 72181; Thirdly: Part Subdivided by Plan 72462; Fourthly: Part Subdivided by Plan 79665; Fifthly: Part Subdivided by Plan 82113.; Sixthly: Part Subdivided by Plan 82501; Seventhly: Part Subdivide4 by Plan 83871; Eighthly: Part Subdivided by Plan LMP31 1; Ninthly: Part dedicated road on Plan LMP 3513; Tenthly: Part Subdivided by Plan LMP3942; Eleventhly: Part Subdivided by Plans LMP10787; Twelfthly: Part subdivided by Plan LMP10788; Thirteenthly: Part subdivided by Plan LMP 13592 and Fourteenthly: Part subdivided by Plan LMP 13596, and Fifteenth: Part subdivided by Plan LMP19680, District Lots 401 & 402, Group 1, Plan 64285, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 563, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby redesignated to Compact Housing (40 units per net hectare). Schedule "A" is hereby arnede_ by adding the following -in correct numerical order- to - Subseëtion (B) of Dè'èlopment Permit Area XXXIV in the Appendix: Lot 41, D.L. 401 & 402, Gp. 1, Plan 64285, NWD Bylaw No. 5743-1998 Page2 Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 41, Except: Firstly: Part Subdivided by Plan 70416; Secondly: Part Subdivided by Plan 72181; Thirdly: Part Subdivided by Plan 72462; Fourthly: Part Subdivided by Plan 79665; Fifthly: Part Subdivided by Plan 82113; Sixthly: Part Subdivided by Plan 82501; Seventhly: Part Subdivided by Plan 83871; Eighthly: Part Subdivided by Plan LMP3 11; Ninthly: Part dedicated road on Plan LMP 3513; Tenthly: Part Subdivided by Plan LMP3942; Eleventhly: Part Subdivided by Plans LMP10787; Twelfthly: Part subdivided by Plan LMP10788; Thirteenthly: Part subdivided by Plan LMP13592 and Fourteenthly: Part subdivided by Plan LMP13596, and Fifteenth: Part subdivided by Plan LMP19680, District Lots 401 & 402, Group 1, Plan 64285, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 564, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, are hereby designated as Development Permit Area XXXIV (2) on Schedule Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 199 PUBLIC HEARING HELD the READ A SECOND TIME the READ A THIRD TIME the dayof ,A.D.199 day of A.D. 199 day of ,-A.D. 199 RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED the day of A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK / 2 I LOT I 'ix Z ________ iiwl 2 P 12588 2 . P185141 P_N 0 228 c.I LMS 1873 J 11.1$ 804 i. I I . ,,4,9 5 238 171 - 14 1 LMS 1172 7 6 P 121 o239 tt OLLE GILLEY AVE. 10 240 q P 12197,, 241 184 I 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 EP 12951 - LA4 6 B R.rn A " 2 RP 13271 fl9rn, Rem. 41 10 P 64285 A P 16473 LT - MWS 3378 P 876l 4 23 0 0. 22 IMP 2118 PcI. A Go 04 P 30408 SAO 116 A JA I P 83811 PcI. A TELOSKY AVE. 0. P 71276 15 I L0 Ren, P30008 )I3211 P 11 2/ 25825 P 3 14176 17 LOT S iI4. 16 10 14 P624 Vim ' IMP 10788 / 9 a' P 14624 11 LMP 19680 LOT J IMP 10787 LMS 1315 LMS 618 IMP 3942 P 83871 H L.UP 13596 116 AVE. MP 311 LMS 810 LMS 1596 IMP 13592 IMP 9560 LMS 1258 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5743-1998 Map No. 563 From: Apartment District To: Compact Housing (40 Units/Net Hectare) ZOO - - A MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September. 1874 1:4.000 LMP 19680 LOT S 1315 _8I6 LMP 3942 rP &73871 116 AVE 4>1'iP 311' Rem. 41 P 64265 - H IMP 13596 t~ 41 LMS 1596 4 I..MP 13592 IMP 9560 I.MS 1258 co LOT I 243 2442 ( 2 - P12588 a. 226 0) I P 65141 242 IM S8O4 IFS.'l 1lSS "I,, `1 M'711 7 2 P 21 241 P 116 21 20 IS 16 15 14 13 EP t2951 IFL I-] P.m. ": P 112316 'U A _. fl P16473 a. WI S ZI "S. 23 N F, a. 22 LMS 2114 IMP 2116 Pat. A 3 4 0 a. 6 147I If~ ,i Pal. A TELOSKY _ / / P 71276 P 30005 2665 2 J32 LM125825 P1176 4 LOT S I//.W4, /4 10 II P14624 /1 li ly LUP 10765 I im P 14124 P 83811 A LMP 12216 1 MS 1391 P.m P 71 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5743-1998 Map No. 564 PURPOSE: TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA XXXIV (2) OWN mvgwwwz~wm e A MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September. 1874 1:4,000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: January 8, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/19/98 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 5744-1998 & 5745-1998 (22800 - 113 Ave.) SUMMARY: This development proposal is to create approximately 19 bare land strata lots. Council gave favourable consideration to the above noted application September 29, 1998 with the stipulation that prior to being presented at a Public Hearing, the following would be complied with: Comments from the Advisory Design Panel; Fully dimensioned development plan including: neighbourhood context plan; building elevations; site plan; preliminary grading plan. The following applies to the above: Respecting Council's resolution of December 15, 1998, the applicant resubmitted the development package to the Advisory Design Panel on January 7, 1999. The Panel expressed overall support for the project and recommended that at the Development Permit stage, detailed rear elevations be submitted for certain units along with details regarding elevation of the fence along the Haney ByPass. A full set of plans were reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel. and.are available for review. - Respecting that requirements prior to Public Hearing have been satisfied, it is recommended that 1" reading be given to the subject bylaws. 2 00 RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5744-1998 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5745-1998 be given First Reading. \( eAdmi4jfative'bfflcer Gç r 1 Manag6IP W & Deijm?W- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5744-1998 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510- 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5744- 1998." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2, District Lot 402, Group 1, Plan LMP39949, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1197 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 199. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 199. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 199. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation and Highways this day of , A.D. - ------- - - - --- - --- - -- RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK ID 04 6 T2 114 LMS61 8 1 P3942 LUP 2118 PcI y ,( H A 24 M3596P 1596 IMP 12216 22,90 L MS391 4 P 83811 - P 83871 1 P 7 LMP 3592 00 II47I I E. c.'J 1 iUPi 2 .1 548 LUP 13592 / 1596 * PcIA 3Lp 3 I 4 P 7;276 IS A Re,,, C 3I2 k1lI0 LUP 13592 P30008 I.12 P 7104 " C., LUP 311 5P NW2885 2 112 LU 25825 I 69 IMP 9560 ~ LUS 1258 I- 3 P 14176 7 6Jf.2, LOT S 2 j 19 a) c..J ¶0 P 14624 9 ç 569 _______ 57739? __________________ LUP 10788 14 5 <' .1_.1 P 14624 _________________ 4- 12 l3ij6 8 P 14624 10 - 0 Ren,.41 10 7 P 64285 0' F.I2 P 14624 "I'S 11 Re,,, A 5, - 13, EP 14217 0' Reml4 .3 P 19750 3 2 fIif ' Rem F4 \ 13 F, /•\ 32 P 51595 RP 3735 B MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5744-1998 Map No. 1197 - From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) - To: RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Arm MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:4,000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5745-1998. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A' & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5745 - 1998." Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XXXIV in the Appendix: Lot 2, DL 402, Gp. 1, Plan LMP 39949, NWD That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2, District Lot 402, Group 1, Plan LMP39949, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 565 , a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby designated as Development Permit Area XXXIV (3) on Schedule "H". Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of A.D. 199. READ A SECOND TIME the day of ,A.D.199. READ ATHIRI) TIME the day of A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199, MAYOR CLERK S 1315 LMS P3942 LMP 13596 ) P 83871 P13592 \\ .9 ., LUP 13592 / LUS 1596 3 / 4 LUP 13592 LMSO LUP 9560 1.1.45 1258 00 CsJ LUP 12216 /22 LUS139 ,,,/ 0 P 83811 0. 6 FNS 1j234 1 5 PcI. A It.LL).T /V P 71275 R,,m 15 P30008 1321ll0 P 7104 0 SP 5W2885 2 FF422 U 25825 92 - 3 - 2 P 14176 17 LOT S to P 14624 19 '52zss'i LUP 10788 l4i.%S.< / 1 1 3 AVE. FF.V5 P 14624 12 - 8 P 14624 — Re,,,. 41 10 7 P P 64265 m FFJ2 14624 6 0$ II Rem A - 31 ,,,, 14217 '32 B Rem 14 .3 29 , P 19750 ' 28 0. 4 13 18 32 P 51595 -T RP 3736 B MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 57451998 Map No. 565 PURPOSE: TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA XXXIV (3) AMAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:4,000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: January 7, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: Environmental Performance Bonding SUMMARY: The following outlines staff comments on the concept of environmental performance bonding and its application to the current development areas of Maple Ridge in response to inquiries from Council. Recent amendments to the Municipal Act under Bill 26 have allowed provisions to be made under Section 925 to include environmental performance bonding (security deposits) as a requirement in the development permit process to correct damage to the natural environment. RECOMMDATION: That the concept of Environmental Performance Bonding as outlined in the Memorandum from the Chief Administrative officer dated January 7, 1999 be endorsed and that staff be instructed to prepare appropriate amendments to the Procedures Bylaw. BACKGROUND: In October 1997, amendments were introduced in Bill 26 to the Municipal Act to provide individual municipalities with improved local government powers to address community-based interests in maintaining environmental quality. These amendments are intended to improve local government's ability to restore and enhance, as well as, protect the natural environment. Section 925 (2) of the Municipal Act now authorizes a local government to take and use development permit security deposits to correct damage to the natural environment. Under Section 925 (2.1) a local government can undertake at the expense of the permit holder the works required to correct the permit contravention and apply the security in payment. "Requirement for security 925. (1) As a condition of the issue of a permit under this Division but for the purposes only of subsections (2) and (2.1), a local government may require that the applicant for the permit provide security in an amount stated in the permit by whichever of the following the applicant chooses: -1- an irrevocable letter of credit; the deposit of securities in a form satisfactory to the local government. (2) Subsection (2. 1) applies if a local government considers that a condition in a permit respecting landscaping has not been satisfied, an unsafe condition has resulted as a consequence of contravention of a condition in a permit or damage to the natural environment has resulted as a consequence of a contravention of a condition in a permit. (2.1) In the circumstance referred to in subsection (2), the local government may undertake, at the expense of the holder of the permit the works, construction or other activities required to satisfy the landscaping condition, correct the unsafe condition or correct the damage to the environment and apply the security under subsection (1) in payment of the cost of the works, construction or other activities, with any excess to be returned to the holder of the permit. (3) Interest earned on the security provided under subsection (1) accrues to the holder of the permit and must be paid to the holder immediately on return of the security or, on default becomes part of the amount of the security. (4) If a local government delegates the power to require security under subsection (1), the delegation. bylaw must include guidelines for the delegate as to how the amount of security is to he determined." The objective of a security deposit is therefore two-fold. It addresses the need to secure against the risk to the environment and to promote permit compliance. If an environmentally damaging situation arises, the presence of a security deposit ensures that the finances are available to rectify the problem. It also serves to avoid environmental damages by inducing developers/contractors to comply with the permit requirements. LOCAL EXAMPLES: The following examples highlight some existing applications of security deposits by local government. The examples used are representative of the more traditional application of security deposits and are not a true reflection of the intent of the newly amended Section 925 of the Municipczl Act. They do, however, illustrate applications and fees schedules that could be similarly applied to development permits under Section 925. -2- Traditionally, the inclusion of security/damage deposits in environmental and/or servicing bylaws has been a common practice among municipalities. As sun -imarized in many legal bylaw reviews, the use of bylaw security deposits has seemed to work effectively without challenge to date and are left as components of many bylaws, but technically are not permitted by the Municipal Act. The Municipal Act allows for the application of environmental bonding as part of a development permit area designation. The possible adoption of a Development Permit Area for Silver Valley would allow for the incorporation of environmental bonding, meeting the intent of the Municipal Act. District of Maple Ridge I.) Multi-Family Residential and Commercial Use Council resolution R/90- 874 has allowed for the creation of a review and inspection process to ensure compliance with development permits. This process involves: the ability to issue a Stop Work Order for variations from a Development Permit; the requirement of a security deposit ( 2 ½ % of the total construction costs as estimated by the project architect/designer) to ensure compliance with development permit - landscaping especially; an inspection by the Inspection Services Department to include "form and character" considerations to development and building permits and increased permit fees to reflect increased inspection costs and; the submission of a letter of supervision by the architect/designer and landscape architect, including reports regarding project compliance with permits drawings. The security deposit is held until all works have been completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Current Planning. Current Development Permit Area designations where the above mentioned mechanisms apply deal only with multi-family and commercial land use. II.) Subdivision Approval Process The District currently requires security deposits for those areas designated under Development - - - Permit XXX as a cbnditionof subdivision approval for fee simple parcels for the due and proper performance of protection areas adjacent to watercourses. This security requirement is outlined in a Watercourse Preservation Agreement that the developer signs. A security deposit, in the amount of $1,000.00 for each lot adjacent to the watercourse protection area, is required under this agreement. The Municipality is entitled to draw upon the security deposit and use the security deposit to remedy any breach by the developer of the agreement. The agreement expires once an occupancy permit for a building has been granted in respect of each and every lot charged by the restrictive covenant. -3- District of North Vancouver Under the District of North Vancouver's comprehensive Environmental Protection and Preser'ation Bylaw a permit is required for work within a stream corridor, waterfront, or on a wetland, for soil deposition on any parcel exceeding 18 cubic meters during a calendar year or on slopes greater than 30 degrees, and for tree removal on land with slope greater than 10 degrees. Permit application requirements include security deposits for an amount equal to 30% of the estimated cost of the work to be performed under the permit to a maximum of $10,000. This security requirement is to ensure the full and proper compliance with provisions of their bylaw and all terms and conditions of the permit. If the applicant does not comply with the terms and conditions of the permit or the provisions of their bylaw the District may use all or a portion of the security deposit or call for all and receive the funds secured and use the funds to remedy the non-compliance. All or part of the security can be held for up to three years of issuance. City of Surrey Under the City's Soils Bylaw a security for the full and proper compliance of all bylaw provisions and the performance of all terms and conditions expressed in the permit is required. The applicant is required to supply a cash deposit or letter of credit in a form acceptable in the amount of $10,000 for each hectare or part thereof affected by the works. The security deposit is to be maintained in full force and effect throughout the permit period (12 months) plus a period of 120 days after expiry of the permit. If proper provision is not met by ninety days after expiry of the permit, then all forms of security are cashed and held by District until compliance is met. City of Coguitlam The objective of Coquitlam's new Siltation Control Bylaw is to encourage builders and developers to use well designed, adequately constructed and well maintained siltation control works, plus source control techniques during the building period. Coquitlam staff felt that the best way to reduce siltation lies in the development of new regulations for security deposits. As a condition of subdivision approval, and as a condition of receipt of a Building Permit, applicants are required to (a) deposit a security in the amount of $1500 per single family or duplex lot; or (b) if land is to be used by other buildings and structures, $1500 per 232 square meters of useable space (up to a maximum of $50,000) is required. The deposit is refundable if all the necessary precautions, maintenance and monitoring is carried out. Where the City must intervene to protect watercourses, the costs are deducted from the appropriate security deposits. A COST: The application of an environmental security deposit would involve a security deposit requirement, following development approval at the Development Permit Stage. The required security would be set at a predetermined % of the total construction value. Examples in other municipalities range from $10,000.00 to $50,000.00. The development permit would outline what conditions the security would be applied to. Staff are currently considering the application of security to the maintenance of stormwater drainage standards, the disturbance of designated conservation areas and the operation and maintenance of erosion control measures. These securities would then be held until an application for their release is received and an assessment of works was conducted. There would no doubt be some additional administration costs associated with the management of security deposits. The incorporation of environmental bonding into the development permit process could provide a cost effective mechanism in the future for dealing with environment compliance given the complexity of today's environmental laws and their governance by all three levels of government. DISCUSSION: Recognizing that much of Silver Valley is currently under application, it would be necessary to place all current applications in a Development Permit Area and that a Development Permit be issued before environmental performance bonding requirements could be made. Should a Development Permit Area be designated for Silver Valley that incorporated environmental performance bonding, the required security would be requested following development application approval. Conclusions: Staff recommend that bonding be introduced as a component of Development Permit Area requirements for emerging development areas. Kim rout, PAg. Manaker of Environmental Affairs Chief Administrative Officer Ibjc. AJiVrai Manag ib1icWorks and ( Development Services ( Direct of Long Ran!,! Planing ism CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: January 7, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: Development Permit Areas Silver Valley SUMMARY: Concerns regarding development in Silver Valley were addressed in a recent report which set out servicing and guide plans for development (Silver Valley Servicing & Guide Plans Summary Report July 23, 1998). Council have expressed a desire to ensure that, in emerging urban areas where development is anticipated, development proceed in an orderly manner so that erosion, drainage and siltation is controlled. Recent amendments to the Municipal Act have made provision under Sections 879 and 920 to establish Development Permit areas which could regulate concerns that are caused through siltation, erosion and drainage when clearing occurs. Environmental bonding is also permitted under Section 925 of the Municipal Act and should form parrof the Development Permit Area Guidelines. A separate report has been prepared by the Manager of Environmental Affairs which details this section of the Municipal Act and how it can be used. RECOMMENDATION: That staff be instructed to prepare a Development Permit Area for Council's consideration which would support the Hillside Policies of the Official Community Plan to address erosion and siltation issues associated with land development and include provisions for bonding and clearing limitations. BACKGROUND: Sections 879, 920 and 925 of the Municipal Act allow Council, through the permit process to - protect the natural environment, its ecosystems and biological diversity; - specify conditions under which a Development Permit would not be required; - prohibit land from being altered unless a Development Permit has been issued; - issue a permit that: includes requirements and conditions or set standards imposes conditions respecting the sequence and timing of construction; -1- - specify areas of land that must remain free of development, except in accordance with any conditions contained in the permit; - require protection measures in order to: (1) preserve and protect fish habitat control drainage control erosion or protect banks. - require that a security be provided to ensure compliance with the terms and requirements of the permit. Current Practice: Portions of Silver Valley are already subject to Development Permit for environmental protection. The extent of land within the Development Permit Area is based on environmental reports and focuses on protection of slopes, ravines and natural areas of geological concern. Silver Valley is also governed by Schedule E (Watercourse for Special Treatment) and Development Permit Area XXX. This Development Permit Area impacts all land within 50m of the top of bank of a stream and is in place to provide protection of the natural environment. Both of these Development Permit guidelines set out events when a Development Permit is not required. The intent of these Permits is to ensure that professional assessments are provided of areasimpacted and that habitat protection boundaries are established before development proceeds. The Dronosed Development Permit Area: The Development Permit Area would provide assurances that in emerging urban areas some form of control would apply to prevent and control clearing limitations and erosion, siltation and drainage associated with land clearing and provide a mechanism to require bonding to ensure the intent of the Development Permit Area is met as supported by legislation. The permit may establish conditions under which a permit was needed and where one was not needed. Council may wish to consider a "blanket" Development Permit Area for Silver Valley or a site specific Development Permit Area. A "blanket" Development Permit Area would impact land whether or not there was a development application. A site specific Development Permit Area would be applied at the time of rezoning. The Develooment Permit Area would: Establish Silver Valley as a Development Permit Area. Establish clearing areas to a subdivision phasing boundary. Ensure siltation and drainage control measures were in place where needed. -2- D. Provide a mechanism to promote compliance with the conditions of the permit with environmental bonds. A Development Permit would not be required where: A parcel of land was less than a minimum size to be established. Where an approved subdivision phasing boundary and bonding was in place. CONCLUSION: The establishment of the Development Permit would help to prevent clearing of land in advance of development. It is recommended that Silver Valley be established as a Development Permit Area for this purpose Chief Administrative Officer p4 zral Manageubhc Works and Development Services D/r nt Planning -3- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: January 6, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/23/96 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/23196 SUMMARY: This report is provided in response to the questions, concerns and recommendations raised at the Public Hearing of November 17, 1998 regarding RZ/23196. RECOMMENDATION: Submitted for information. DISCUSSION: The following questions, concerns and recommendations were raised at the Public Hearing on November 17, 1998 for RZ/23/96. They have been grouped into four different categories and are attached to this report as Appendix 1. The categories are: Environmental Issues Servicing Issues Land Use Issues Process Issues 1. Environmental Issues: Many of the concerns raised about this specific development apply to all development in Silver Valley. The environmental issues raised can been summarized as follows: • Watercourse preservation issues, • Stormwater management issues, • Vegetation preservation issues, and • Soil management issues. Watercourse Preservation Issues As highlighted in the Gartner Lee report (1992) and the Alouette River tributary study(A.R.M.S., 1996) Blaney Bog and its associated tributaries (Anderson Creek) are dçsignated as highly sensitive habitat. As such, they require particular attention in the context of abutting development. -1- ol. b.)° The municipality has a responsibility to restrict and/or control future development to limit negative impacts on receiving watercourses. The District's commitment to watercourse preservation is highlighted in Policy 6 of the OCP, where creeks and wetlands are designated on Schedule "E" for special control. It is the practice of the District of Maple Ridge to encourage development setbacks established according to the Land Development Guidelines (Chilibeck, 1992) and to require that these lands are dedicated as park to ensure watercourse protection. In addition, the District currently requires development permit security deposits for those areas designated under Development Permit XXX. As a condition of subdivision approval, the Approving Officer requires a security of $1000 for lots immediately adjacent to a watercourse protection area to ensure that due care is taken in the installation of works and the grading of land adjacent to covenántlpark areas. Staff will continue to recommend that all lands designated for protection reflect the intent of the Land Development Guidelines and that they be dedicated to the District as a condition of development, thereby limiting the potential for future encroachment from neighboring urban uses. Stormwater Management Issues The protection of these aquatic habitat areas is two-fold and involves not only adequate physical buffering from development, but adequate control of stormwater input. As outlined in Policy 5 of the OCP, Maple Ridge supports the development and implementation of stormwater management plans that are innovative at providing or enhancing habitat. Respecting Policy 5, UMA Environmental were retained to develop a Master Drainage Plan for Silver Valley. The Silver Valley Master Drainage Plan was completed in 1995 and included input from the Ministiy of Environment/Department of Fisheries & Oceans (MOEIDFO). The Plan presents a review of the hydrological, hydraulic, flooding and aquatic biology issues along the major watercourses and tributaries within the Silver Valley Study Area. The impacts of future development within the Study area were analyzed and a range of alternatives was examined to determine the most appropriate method for managing the changes to stormwater runoff that results from development. A combination of "Best Management Practices" have been recommended for the Master Drainage Plan, including measures such as: instream improvements, detention facilities and source control measures. The Master Drainage Plan is a guideline that provides options for the development of stormwater management plans. However, with continued advances in the control of stormwater, the MOEIDFO now suggest the storinwater management options highlighted in the Master Drainage Plan need to be further refined. Staff are currently working on establishing a stormwater technical committee that would involve MOEIDFO and would look further at the management of stormwater in Maple Ridge. The goal of the committee will be to further advance the application of effective stormwater management techniques, particularly in the new growth areas. These are technical issues which can be implemented through subdivision approval and actual construction phases of development. -2- Vegetation Preservation Issues The residents of Maple Ridge place a high value on the natural environment. A conimon theme in many of the public's comments was the importance of environmental quality and the natural areas that make Maple Ridge such a desirable place to live. These sentiments are reflected in the public requests for the increased preservation of open space and greenways in Silver Valley. The preservation of adequate green space and the premature clearing of vegetation for development were two issues raised repeatedly at the November 17th public hearing. As outlined in Policy 13 of the OCP, the District encourages the retention of significant trees as development takes place, and it is recommended that, upon development approval, land clearing be phased to coincide with appropriate work schedules. The practice of premature site preparation (land clearing and servicing) is a concern to the community and staff alike. This practice has implications for the preservation of significant habitat and the quality of the environment and the potential for erosion is increased in these situations. By limiting clearing so that it is consistent with works schedules the potential for erosion is limited. Staff also encourages developers to consider innovative development options that allow as much retention of the rural and natural character of the pre-development area as possible. Until a development application is approved, staff are limited in their ability to control these activities. Current regulations are designed to address the control of development and not activities on private property in advance of development. Staff have prepared two companion reports (both dated January 7, 1999) which recommend a Development Permit Area for Silver Valley and provide for clearing limitations and environmental bonding. Soil Management Issues For most developments, the District requires that a consultant be retained to design an erosion control plan that utilizes the recommendations contained in the Land Development Guidelines (Chilibeck, 1992) to ensure that only clean water moves off the site. This has allowed for a great deal of interpretation on the design and enforcement of erosion control systems. Although Maple Ridge is faced in some areas with challenging fine grained soil conditions, there are some basic soil erosion control measures that can be applied by the District Staff will be working to develop erosion control standards that would serve as guidelines for site maintenance during residential construction and could be included in the Subdivision & Development Servicing Bylaw. Staff will also be working on the development of a new Siltation Control Bylaw that would allow for a more clear and concise approach to erosion control enforcement. 2. Servicing Issues: There- were three main servicing issues raised: -3- utilities roads equestrian trails Infrastructure and Roads: The utilities network and road pattern was addressed in the report prepared for Council in July, 1998. This staff report introduced an infrastructure plan for drainage, sanitary sewer and water systems for Silver Valley. The report provided conceptual plans which were based on information received from UMA Engineering Ltd. and municipal staff. A Guide Plan was also prepared by staff, based on fUndamental principals of transportation and infrastructure planning. This plan also considered the environmental concerns and hillside policies of the Official Community Plan and followed the land use designations shown on Schedule B of the OCP. The report also provided a Transportation Network showing major roads which will provide adequate inter-neighbourhood connections. In some cases, watercourse crossings will require a bridge and/or culvert crossings. In most cases, the developers will be responsible for providing these roads as a condition of their development. Equestrian Trails: Schedule "F' of the Official Community Plan provides an equestrian trail system through Silver Valley. It is intended, through development, to achieve a permanent and multi-user trail system to meet the needs of the equestrians as well as other users. The trail system is intended to be a multipurpose trail system and will also address the trails identified on Schedule "F". Docksteader Trail is an historic trail which has provided, in the past, a connection between riding areas west of 224th St. and Golden Ears Park & Malcolm Knapp Research Forest. This is identified as a Boulevard Trail on Schedule "F' of the Official Community Plan. The trail has not been accessible for several years as the access has been denied by the owner of the land. Staff have been discussing this route with the Equestrian Trails Council, and staff recommend that this trail be relocated to the north to avoid conflicts with anticipated urban development. Staff believe that this trail could be constructed on a permanent basis along the urban/rural boundary and across to 232 St. following the ravine system Of Anderson Creek to achieve a permanent route through this area. It is anticipated that an interim trail will be needed on a right of way at the north of this development site until the permanent trail is achieved. 3. Land Use Issues: Many of the concerns expressed regarding land use issues also involved concerns regarding the appearance of development and the contention by some that minimal effort is being made to maintain the natural beauty of the Silver Valley hillside. The Official Community Plan provides a number of policies that address the communities desire to retain this natural amenity. Specifically, the Hillside, Visual Character, Density and Housing Policies all provide opportunities to augment the Environmental Protection Policies in an effort to limit the level of disturbance occurring as a result of development. These policies permit the use of alternative street design standards, slope sensitive building design and clustering of buildings using density transfer (clustering) principals. However, these policies are enabling and not necessarily prescriptive, and to date, the development applications reviewed by Council have all chosen to employ more conventional standards of development. The recently published "Conservation Design for Subdivisions" provides a number of illustrative examples of clustering using actual sites. In an effort to provide a clearer representation of the objectives of the OCP policies and to illustrate the impact of clustering versus conventional development, staff have prepared an example from this document and appended it to this report (Appendix I). This example illustrates opportunities available for development under current policies of the OCP. Realistically, these opportunities are only available to larger scale development where sufficient land holdings exist to identify significant areas for conservation while maintaining the yield potential afforded by conventional development. Efforts by the District to achieve comparable levels of conservation given the number of small land holdings within the Silver Valley area would require a prescriptive approach. Notwithstanding the "conventional" development proposals for Silver Valley, the Guideplan provides an acceptable land use framework which is designed to integrate and balance numerous land use issues involved in Silver Valley. As a growth area, provision must be made for various housing forms, commercial and institutional recreation uses as well as an effective transportation network. In addition to environmental and aesthetic issues in the area, it should be remembered that Silver Valley will emerge as a community for up to 11,900 residents and good planning principles must be employed to ensure that Silver Valley will be a model community for people to live. 4. Process Issues: There was concern raised that there was lack of community input into the plan. In September, 1998, staff prepared a report for Council (see attached) which outlined the Public Participation Program Process that was undertaken for the Silver Valley Land Use Review. In summary, in 1994, there was a mail out to all residents of Silver Valley. An orientation meeting was held with a cross section of neighbourhood residents who expressed the various attitudes held within Silver Valley. This provided the focus on the direction for four workshops. As well, two open house meetings were held in order to gain wider public input. These meetings were advertised in the local paper and a newsletter was mailed out to all Silver Valley residents and property owners. In June of 1995 there was a Public Hearing which considered the Official Community Plan amendment for Silver Valley. The petition received from the area residents has also been reviewed. Staff prepared a report for Council in October of 1998 which responded to the issues raised in that petition. A copy of that report is attached. WIE With respect to this development application, a Public Information Meeting was held on April 2, 1998 on the development proposal. Letter of Notice of that meeting were mailed using the same mailing requirements as for Notice for Public Hearing (50 in radius from the property). At that meeting elements of the development proposal were provided. In conclusion, area residents were given many opportunities to participate in the land use review for Silver Valley. The introduction of an ongoing committee to provide further input into decisions has been suggested during the Public Hearing process. Given the history of public consultation for the area and the ongoing provision for public input for each development application, staff question the need for such a committee. At the Public Hearing, the request for an archaeological review was made. Staff are not aware of any recorded archaeological sites in the Silver Valley, but have written to the Provincial Government for information. CONCLUSION The Silver Valley area is identified as an urban growth area in the Livable Region Plan and the adopted OCP. Staff are of the opinion that the intent of the policies of the Official Community Plan are being followed in the evaluation and fmplementation of development applications in Silver Valley. Initiatives noted in this report will assist in further refining the process and lead to resolving some of the concerns expressed by the public. a)Ch~ief Administrative Officer G4 '?k4nd 4aager: Pu Development Services of (rçnt Planning APPENDIX I In this example, existing development regulations are employed and primary conservation areas for creeks and ravines are identified. An alternative approach is then prepared where secondary conservation areas are also protected and the allowable development yield is concentrated into areas of less sensitivity but organized to ensure that all residents benefit from preserved open space. The example provided below is comparable to our own residential land use designation of Single Family Residential at 5 units per net hectare. This designation permits lots of no less than 2000 square metres in area (approx. ½ acre). Under the first scenario (Figure 1), approximately 3 1 % of the land is set aside to protect the primary conservation areas. On this site these conservation areas represent flood plain, wetlands and endangered species areas. Allowing development to occur with consideration for these areas and creating lot sizes permitted under existing regulations, a yield of 72 home sites is attained. Figure 1 l_.J I --- I I Figure 2 -7- The second scenario (Figure 2) identifies "Secondary Conservation Areas". These areas include woodlands containing a variety of native trees, open meadows with indigenous flowers, an archeological site and view corridors. Housing sites are then located with an effàrt towards minimizing disturbance to secondary conservation areas. The resultant plan (Figure 2) identifies 72 home sites on lot sizes of approximately 500 square metres or lot areas comparable to the RS1-b zone. This option protects an additional 48% of the site for a total of 79% of the parent site. The author points to five different distinct and measurable economic advantages over conventional development design; - Smoother Review - Designs that are sensitive to the conservation objectives of a community become less time-consuming and costly to achieve. "There is a growing awareness among local leaders, realtors, developers, and other business people that an area's quality of life is one of its chief economic assets." (Arndt, pp 9) Lower Costs - The cost of infrastructure for a subdivision employing conservation principles is typically lower. Marketing and Sales Advantages - "developers and realtors can capitalize on the amenities that have been preserved or provided within the development." (Arndt pp 10) Value Appreciation - Examples are cited of developments that have consistently outperformed - neighbouring developments in terms of resale value, simply because of the amenities preserved at the development stage. Reduced Demand for New Public Parkiand - The preservation of secondary conservation areas provides a greater level of public open space. Many of these spaces are suitable for recreational amenities including playing fields and walking trails thereby reducing the demand for additional .parkland. Concerns/Questions & Recommendations raised at the November 17' 1998 Public Hearing. RZ/23/96 Environmental Issues: • Environmental damage to delicate eco-system of Blaney Bog; • The close proximity of the northern section to Anderson Creek and the fact that the catchment area is within areas of Blaney Bog and Cattell Brook. • ARMS - short term effects of habitat & water quality degradation; - long term effects of degradation of water quality and alteration of flow regimes due to impervious surfaces; - 11 safeguards to be put in place prior to development proceeding: stream classification bylaw; environmental bonding; siltation control bylaw; phased development approach; stormwater detention ponds constructed early in the process; impervious vs. pervious surface ratios incorporated into municipal standerds; environment team to oversee projects in environmentally sensitive areas; Official Community Plan recommendations become governing directives; completion of streamside protection regulations and passed into law before development; full environmental inventory; sustainable development goals - Regional Growth Strategies - not exceeded • The plan does not provide for a wildlife corridor through the site; • Increase in water flow in ditches causing flash flooding with less rainfall; • The Environmental Team will not have time to assess the environmental impact; • Run-off in sloped areas that have been cleared; • Flooding; • Hydrology of Blaney Bog. Anderson Creek cannot stand alone to provide the only source of water to it; - - • Wildlife corridors preservation. Environmental Ouestions: • Is there a storm water plan that will enhance the habitat; Environmental Recommendations: • Comprehensive environmental plans for both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows; • Comprehensive water management plan; • That the remaining natural environment be preserved - no more development. • That a biofiltration system be used for storm water runoff into Blaney Bog; • That no development occur until environmental bonding is in place; Servicing Issues: • Prior to development, that necessary infrastructure be in place to handle increased: • population; • commuters • With horse trails and driveway crossings, wants a mechanism in place to control pavement material and removal of any obstruction. • Traffic along 133 Ave.; Servicing Ouestions: Why are major roads and bridges being promoted at a major expense to taxpayers; Servicing Recommendations: Comprehensive infrastructure plans for Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows; Land Use Issues: • Docksteader Trail must be provided for. • Mr. Parish wants his land included (see attached letter dated August 13, 1998). • The development is too large; • Al Hogarth - that development take place in a more compassionate manner; • Children have to leave the area to attend school; • The rural nature of Silver Valley should be protected; • The park site is too small and should be enlarged into what was to be school; • No details about the commercial component were presented (This was answered by Terry at the meeting); • Density is too high; - Land Use Ouestions: • What will the development look like in the end; • Does Council support the GVRD Livable Regional Strategic Plan; L'l Land Use Recommendations: Nil Process Issues: Nil Process Ouestions: • Why haven't Malcolm Knapp Research Forest and Golden Ears been involved in early meetings? • Questioning the lack of community input; • Why is Council proceeding with development applications in spite of the petition from the Silver Valley residents; Process Recommendations: • That a citizens advisory committee be established; • That the bylaw not be passed until the community has a detailed concept of what is being proposed; • That the application be opposed until the citizens have been offered a detailed structural plan and open house; • That no further development proceed until the significant concerns are addressed; Additional Comments: Comprehensive urban forest plan; A population movement plan. That an archaeological assessment be done to ensure that its heritage will be monitored and recognized. Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES The Minutes of the Public Hearing held on November 17, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia. PRESENT Elected Officials Councillor T. Baker, Acting Mayor; Councillor Clements Councillor C. Gordon Councillor King Councillor B. Levens Councillor Stewart Excused Mayor C. Durksen Appointed Staff Mr. J. R. McBride, Municipal Clerk Mr. J. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works and Development Services Mr. T. Fryer, Director of Current Planning Mrs. S.M. Karasz, Confidential Secretary Acting Mayor Baker explained the procedure of the Public Hearing and, advised that in accordance with the Municipal Act,.no further input into the subject by-laws can be received by the Municipal Council until the by-laws are either adopted or defeated. The by-laws will be considered further by Council on November 24, 1998. The Mayor then called upon the Director of Current Planning to present the following items on the Agenda: 1 a) RZ123196 - MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING B V-LAW NO. 5689-1998 LEGAL: South East Quarter, Section 32, Township 12, Except: Firstly: Part Subdivided by Plan 3871; Secondly: Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 6047): Thirdly: Parcel "B" (Reference Plan 6048); Fourthly: Parcel "C" and "D" (Reference Plan 7680) and Road, New Westminster District LOCATION: 13819 232 St. FROM: A-2 (Upland Agricultural) TO: CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Development) PURPOSE: Text amendment to include the CD-3-98 zone (Comprehensive Development) into the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw. This zone is intended to accommodate and regulate the development of a mixture of uses as an integrated unit based on a comprehensive plan of development, conforming to the use and density of the Official Community Plan up to a maximum of. 500 units. 1 b) RZ123196 - MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING BY-LAW NO. 5690-1998 LEGAL: South East Quarter, Section 32, Township 12, Except: Firstly: Part subdivided by Plan 3871; Secondly: Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 6047); Thirdly: Parcel "B" (Reference Plan 6048); Fourthly: Parcel "C" and "D" (Reference Plan 7680) and Road, New Westminster District LOCATION: North of 136 Ave. in the 23000 Block PURPOSE: To amend Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan in order to redesignate the properties FROM: Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare), School and Park and Neighbourhood Commercial TO: Park, Neighbourhood Commercial, Agricultural, Conservation & Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare) and To amend Schedules "A" & "H of the Official Community Plan to include the site into a Development Permit Area to ensure the form and character at the building permit stage for multi-family development. Overview - Director of Current PlanninR The Director of Current Planning displayed an overhead map of the properties and read into the record the legal description. He reiterated the purpose of By-laws 5689-1998 and 5690-1998. He explained the CD-3-98 Zone, noting that it is a new zone that would be unique to the property under application. The CD-3-98 zone allows a variety of residential use and park and school use on a non-site specific basis. He displayed a summary of a matrix showing the maximum and minimum number of residential lots that can be achieved under the proposed RM-2, RT-2, RS-lb, R-2 and R-3 Zones within the CD-3-98 zone proposed for this site. The Director of Current Planning further noted that prior to final approval of the by-laws a comprehensive plan of development must be approved and that plan of development must be followed through in the subdivision stages. The comprehensive plan will deal with the relationship of each of the zones to each other within the CD-3-98 Zone. It will deal with the internal road systems and external connections to those road systems. The CD-3-93 Zone gives an overall development option for this community over time as development continues. He advised that the comprehensive development plan must also show where the park and school sites are located and show a general relationship of how the plan brings all the residential elements together and forms a pattern of development for the future. The CD- 3-93 Zone is a distinction between traditional zoning where there is no comprehensive plan of development available as a condition of zoning. The Director of Current Planning referred to the two maps attached to Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5690-1998. He explained that one map shows the proposed changes to the Official Community Plan (OCP) as a result of the following: (1) work that was been achieved over time with the development plan in concert with staff and the developer and (2) it reflects the guide plan recently adopted by Council for the Silver Valley area. These amendments to the Official Community plan will bring it into compliance with that guide plan. He added that the second map attached to By-law No. 5690 declares the site a Development Permit Area at the building permit stage for multi-family development. He displayed and elaborated on the adopted guide plan for the Silver Valley area and indicated how it relates to the development proposal under discussion. Hunter Laird (C. Arvchuk) - Site Plan Mr. Clarence Arychuk, Senior Planner, Hunter Laird Engineering Ltd., noted the following site characteristics; • the property is approximately 100 acres in size • it slopes to the north and west at grades between 10 to 20% • the elevation changes approximately 55 metres from a height of approximately 60 metres • the property has approximately 315 metres or 1000 feet of frontage on 232 Street • approximately 20.3 acres is within the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) and that status will not change with this development Mr. Arychuk displayed the proposed comprehensive site plan and advised that it has evolved through a process which consolidated the natural features, such as slopes and environmentally sensitive areas, and the planning controls, such as the ALR boundary, with the Silver Valley Guide Plan. The result is a comprehensive plan which includes a combination of residential forms ranging from conventional single family lots to townhouses. He noted that during the process of analysis, it was evident that the agricultural land reserve boundary, which was a straight line, required an adjustment to more logically follow the toe of the slope. The adjustment achieved a net balance in terms of land that was excluded from the ALR and other lands that were included. He further advised that a variety of housing forms will be utilized to implement the principles of the District's Hillside Development Guidelines. The steeper slopes will have larger and primarily wider lots while the flatter portions will have smaller residential lots. The plan being displayed accommodates approximately 490 units which is just below the cap of 500 in the CD-3-98 zone in the by-law. These maximums will never likely be achieved based on the analysis that has been done. The plan also includes a 4 acre neighbourhood park which has been incorporated into the site plan. There are other open spaces within the plan in addition to the neighbourhood park; they are natural areas which protect the ravines and environmental areas. Pedestrian circulation will accommodate movements throughout the site with the strategic placement of walkways and sidewalks. By utilizing a component of pathways along the edge of the farmland, there will be a pedestrian pathway system developed that will connect to the east and to the access points to the park and the ravine area to the north. He advised that another issue that was discussed with the planning Department was the OCP policy for equestrian movements. Equestrian movements have been accommodated and provided for in a north-south direction along the edge of the residential development next to the ALR lands and there is provision for an east-west connection following the existing network system in place through the subdivision. The possibility of extension to the east is there and could be continued. Mr. Arychuk explained the public information process that has been carried out, noting that 28 people attended an open house/public information meeting and 8 of them provided comments on the plan. He noted that the plans shown at the public information meeting were somewhat different as they pre-dated the adoption by Council of the Silver Valley Guide Plan. The concerns raised at the public information meeting related to density, park space and schools and the Silver Valley Guide Plan and revisions have been made to address many of those concerns. He added that servicing of the site will follow the recommendations of the Silver Valley Guide Plan and include the extension of sanitary sewer and water mains to the property. A major road connection will go through the site to connect with 224 Street via 136 and 137 Avenues and also will connect to 232 Street. The road and also the storm drainage system will be consistent with the Silver Valley Guide Plan. The ravines being preserved are in accordance with the standards of the Ministry of Environment and a full setback of 15 metres from the top of bank will be provided. The ravines were surveyed by local surveyors engaged by the developers who also established elevations and benchmark locations so top of bank could be established on the three watercourses. 4 Enkon Environmental Consultants (Glen Stewart) -Environmental Assessment Mr. Glen Stewart of Enkon Environmental Consultants advised that they did an environmental assessment for the project. He explained how Enkon gathered data through the use of aerial photographs, field work, topographic maps, etc. During the course of the assessment, they talked to the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife and Water Management Branches, with respect to their regulations. Their objective was to identify environmentally sensitive areas so they could pass those concerns onto the developer early on so there would be no conflict. He noted that a key area is Anderson Creek which has trout as well as salmon further downstream. It is also important to protect Blaney Bog. He added that Enkon have also suggested some guidelines for storm water management and they reflect maintaining existing drainages where they start from and go to. They have tried to come up with treatment for storm water so that any water leaving the site will not cause problems for fish located downstream. They have also recommended erosion and sediment measures. He added that the District has a report from Enkon detailing all those issues. Hoffart Myles Architects (Ron Hàffart) - Hillside Development Guidelines Mr. Ron Hoffart of Hoffart Myles Architects displayed extended cross-sections to illustrate how the housing forms will relate to the District's proposed Hillside Development Guidelines. He provided technical details of lot grading and retaining wall construction, how the buildings will meet building height regulations and highest building face regulations. He demonstrated the practice of "stepping back" the highest walls, etc. He summarized that the intention is to have two storeys with a basement and a roof with a reasonable pitch which will achieve a reasonable scale on the Street and down the hillside so that the house does not look like a three storey box. Hunter Laird (Declan Roonev) - Servicing Mr. Declan Rooney, P. Eng., Hunter Laird Engineering Ltd., provided the following details of the servicing aspects, which will be carried out in accordance with the Silver Valley Guide Plan. Water • There will be a water main extension from the existing G.V.R.D. system along 232 Street • The higher portions of the development will be in a pressure zone and will require pumping facilities. Sanitary Sewer Servicing in the westerly area will be achieved by a lateral trunk service discharged to a pump station at the eastern end of 136 Avenue and southward to 224 Street. In the easterly area, sanitary sewer service will be achieved via an extension of the sewer trunk facility at 128 Avenue. Drainage the guide plan envisages that drainage will be collected by a system of trunk storm sewers running along the base of the hillside and discharging to storm detention ponds prior to discharging to receiving streams, e.g. Anderson Creek. The existing drainage goes to Anderson Creek. Summary Mr. Arychuk advised that the proponents appreciate the time allocated to them to provide details of the project. The process they have followed has taken a number of years which is indicative of the number of studies and analyses that have been done. The development will be achieved over a period of time at a very reasonable rate. The natural features of the land have been respected. The Director of Current Planning summarized the purpose of the by-laws. At the request of the Acting Mayor, the Municipal Clerk read into the record in summary form the following items of correspondence which have been received and circulated to the Municipal Council: letter from Ms. Patricia Morrison of 24003 Fern Crescent dated November 17, 1998 opposing by-law No. 5689-1998. Her main concern is environmental damage, particularly the delicate eco-system of Blaney Bog. letter from Mr. Douglas Stanger of 24003 Fern Crescent dated November 16, 1998 opposing By-law No. 5699-199 and asking that the necessary infrastructure to handle the proposed increase in population and commuters be put in place prior to the development taking place. !_le.tter from: M ...BilLArchibaldof. Nove•mber-1.-3,—i-99•8-- opposing the rezoning of the subject land until the matter of the Docksteader Trail has been resolved, noting that it has been shown on Schedule "F' of the OCP since its inception in 1980. letter from Mr. Lawrence Parash of 22679 - 136 Avenue dated November 12, 1998 advising that his property is affected by the proposed road along his eastern property line and objecting to not being involved in the plans as noted in his attached earlier letter to the Municipality dated August 13, 1998. facsimile letter from Mr. Peter R. W. Sanders of 14294 Marc Road recommending that that the following be undertaken based on the details provided in his letter: • comprehensive infrastructure plans for the Districts of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows • comprehensive environmental plan for Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows • comprehensive urban forest plan • comprehensive water management plan • population movement plan letter from Mr. Ross Davies, Watershed Co-ordinator, Alouette River Management Society (ARMS) dated November 17, 1998 detailing ARMS' concerns regarding the close proximity of the northern section of the proposed development area to Anderson Creek and the fact that the area is within the catchment areas of Blaney Bog and Cattell Brook. ARMS provided several recommendations for mitigating the impacts. The Municipal Clerk further explained that the following letters were submitted to him just prior to the commencement of the Public Hearing and they will be circulated to the Municipal Council tomorrow. • Eleven identical letters stating "I oppose the proposed rezoning of the area west of 232 Street from A-i Upland Agricultural to Comprehensive Development". letter from Pam Southwell dated November 17, 1998 opposing the rezoning urging Council to preserve the remaining natural environments of Maple Ridge, particularly on the hillsides. Mr. Bill Archibald referred to his letter asking that the guide plan not be approved until the equestrian trail network is resolved. He questioned the fact that the developer has said it has been approved, noting that this was not the case when they met with the developers on several earlier occasions. The Director of Current Planning explained that the comprehensive development plan has not been finalized. It is a concept plan at this point. There is more work to be done on the plan by staff and consultants. One element to be finalized is the equestrian trail network; accommodation of the Docksteader Trail must form part of the plan and staff will not bring a by-law forward for final consideration until that element is finalized, either through this site or the surrounding area. Mr. Archibald provided further details of negotiations that the equestrian groups have had with adjacent property owners to achieve a continuation of the trail network. He also noted that "Docksteader" is a historical name and should be included as part of the area. The Director of Current Planning further clarified that the Silver Valley Servicing and Guide Plan has been adopted by Council. The development plan being presented at this meeting has not been approved. Mr. Ross Davies, Watershed Co-ordinator of ARMS, Box 21117, Maple Ridge, reviewed the two primary concerns of ARMS and the measures they recommend in their letter to mitigate against them which are summarized as follows: there is potential for habitat and water quality degradation during the construction phase (short term effects). ARMS recommends that any land alteration that is carried out be done with appropriate environmental safeguards as described in the Land Development Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Habitat and that an environmental bonding system be implemented. Degradation of water quality and alteration of flow regimes due to the establishment impervious surfaces (permanent, long term effects). ARMS recommends several mitigating measures as detailed in Items (a) to (d) in their letter. Mr. Peter Barnes, Vice President of ARMS read and submitted a letter asking that Council not rush development in Silver Valley and mess up the pristine beauty that can never be reclaimed if it is not done right the first time. Mr. Barnes also submitted a further letter from Mr. Ross Davies of ARMS detailing 11 safeguards that ARMS feel must be put in place prior to the development proceeding. Mr. Mike Rousseau of 23021 - 132 Avenue advised that he is an Archaeologist. He explained that he feels there are a few areas affected by this development proposal that have the potential to contain prehistoric artifacts, e.g. Anderson Creek could contain the remains of prehistoric campsites. Mr. Rousseau submitted for Council's information several copies of handbooks entitled Archaeological Resource Management and Archaeological Impact Assessment Guidelines which have been produced by the Provincial Government. He noted that there is Provincial legislation in place which provides for an assessment whereby archaeological sites can be identified before development occurs. Also, the Heritage Act requires that people who engage in the alteration of public lands are responsible to ensure preservation of those archaeological assessments. The penalty for an individual disturbing the site-is $50,000 and for acorporation it is $1 million. - He added that he would like to see an assessment done on this property and any other properties connected with Silver Valley to ensure that its heritage will be properly monitored and recognized. Janet Dmitrieff of 9490 - 263 Street, Vice President of the Equestrian Trails Council, read and submitted a letter dated November 16, 1998 explaining the efforts that have made to secure the Docksteader Trail on Schedule F of the OCP. Also included were - attachments recording those efforts. Ms. Dmitrieff further noted that although the Docksteader Trail was legally gazetted in 1910, no official conveyancing took place and the right-of-way was never officially recorded. She advised that the Planning Department has stated that the Equestrian Trails Council must wait for a rezoning application on each portion of the land that affects the trail and ask for it to be recognized and officially dedicated. She asks that Council assist them in their efforts to preserve, a historic trail and offer the public access to a safe corridor by recording this right-of-way. Mr. Fred Voglmaier of 27050 Ferguson Avenue referred to the practice of putting horse trails on road shoulders close to the roads. This is a concern to him as the horse and rider then has to cross numerous driveways. Maple Ridge has no way of controlling private driveways once the development is completed. The driveways are paved with materials that become very slick and dangerous and the residents place obstructions in their driveways. He asked that the Municipality put a mechanism in place to control driveways situated on public lands/ road allowances. Ms. Sandy Scheer of 13031 - 224 Street expressed the following three concerns: (1) aquatic issues, which have been noted by previous speakers; she supports ARMS; (2) this plan does not provide for a wildlife corridor through the development so the wildlife can get from one side to the other; (3) she objects to land being removed from the A.L.R. which result in the ALR being nibbled away which has happened in Richmond, etc.; (4) Blaney Bog will be destroyed by pesticides and other chemicals contained in the run-off from the new residences. Mr. Bill Elder of 13398 - 233 Street advised that he is opposed to this large proposal. He feels that the citizens of Maple Ridge have the right to see some smaller developments completed first so people can determine if that is what they want in this area. He asks that Council reject this large development and look at doing something on a smaller scale first. Mr. Craig Speirs of 124 Avenue advised that he has lived at both the top and the bottom of this hillside area for many years and has walked every square mile of it. It is a beautiful area, particularly around Blaney Bog. An expert, Dr. Dave Bellamy, toured the bog and was very impressed. He is Europe's equivalent of Dr. Suzuki. It is important that the bog receives pure water. He recommends that bio-filtration systems be used to take care of pesticides, chemicals, etc. in the storm water run-off from the homes. Mr. Speirs asked that a citizens advisory conimittee be established to help direct the pace and direction of this proposal and mitigate any damage. There will be damage and there will be no way around it. Mr. Al Hogarth of 22031 Dewdney Trunk Road advised that he is a member of the Silver Valley Neighbourhood Association and ARMS. He shares the view of the vast majority of Maple in that they say 97% of the people very much look at Maple Ridge as a very natural setting. He finds the scope of this development staggering. The Silver Valley Guide Plan that was adopted by Council has not been before the citizens. That is contrary to the OCP. He noted that the commercial site has been moved from its original site due to a large outcropping. He finds it ironic that the site was not good enough for a village centre but that it is good enough for building lots. Only the land use is being addressed here and not the form and character of the buildings. The development plan will not be finalized until after this Public Hearing. Mr. Hogarth added that he feels that there is a way to develop this absolutely gorgeous site with the same number of units but in a more compassionate manner. The zoning by- law allows this site to be totally and substantially altered. In order to build the houses, the land will have to be manipulated to a degree that it will be unrecognizable when the development is done. Although there will be retaining walls, most of the vegetation will have to be removed. It is high time the Municipality got into doing some real planning and really addressed the OCP. This application was presented to Council just last month and the plan is already different than the one that was given first reading. He cannot support the plan as presented and feels the applicants can do a lot better. Mr. Dave Smith, 24818 - 100 Avenue, a member of the Maple Ridge Equestrian Trails Council, Haney Horseman Association, GETPARC (Golden Ears Trails Preservation and Restoration Club) and the Ridge Meadows Watershed Council, read and submitted letters on behalf of the Maple Ridge Equestrian Trails Council dated November 17, 1998 and the Haney Horseman Association dated March 15 and 16, 1998. The two organizations are concerned that the Docksteader Trail will be lost as no accommodation has been made for it in these plans. Mr. Smith also expressed concern regarding the aquatic life and wildlife in the area as animals also need a habitat. He does not feel that such a large mixed use is acceptable in this part of the community and is concerned that the increased traffic will be a serious problem. He also has concerns with respect to water and drainage problems. He feels that before the development proceeds there has to be a meeting of the residents and the user groups. He questioned why the U.B.C. Research Forest and the Golden Ears Park are not privy to any of these meeting and why they are not more involved. Mr. Frank Hauzer of 22909 - 132 Avenue advised that he has lived on that 10 acre parcel since 1977. He noted that progress and development are difficult or impossible to stop but they must be controlled. He has the following two concerns regarding the proposed development: (1) Traffic along 123 Avenue is increasing at a very aggressive rate and threatening recreational activities such as jogging, horseback riding, cycling and walking; (2) He has seen a dramatic increase in the water flow through two large ditches and creeks on his property. Flash flooding is now occurring in the area with less rainfall. A speaker stated that if Council has been considering development in Silver Valley for 17 years, they have heard the all these sentiments before. He feels that Council has already decided how they will be voting and the Public Hearing is just a formality. He asked that Council amend the application to read that no Development Permit will be approved until an environmental bonding system is in place so that it can be ensured that the consultants' recommendations are carried out. He further noted that two-thirds of the people in Silver Valley have asked Council to stop development. The residents want development done right. He asked that if there is anyone on Council who is willing to work with the residents to do the development in a better way that they come forward. A resident of 232 Street advised that she lives just to the north of the development and she loves the area. She noted that all the children will have to leave the area to go to the closest school which is Yennadon. She advised that she teaches at Yennadon and the school is full. She acknowledged that school sites have been designated but noted that the schools come along at a later stage. Mr. Zale Hammren of 14202 Marc Road read and submitted a letter. He questioned what the hurry is. He noted that there are 1500 to 2000 people who have signed a petition who have major concerns about the way that Silver Valley is being desecrated. The people who signed the petition want details of the run-off plans for the whole area, etc. He asks that Council not approve the development unless it can be one everyone can look to with a sense of pride at a job well done. Mr. Gavin Roache of 13034 - 236 Street read and submitted a letter dated November 17, 1998 which expresses concerns that the type of development proposed is a "land use blank cheque". He wants to see a comprehensive development plans and a comprehensive environmental study. This development will define the character of Silver Valley and it will be the first impression for thousands of people but no one knows what those first impressions will be. He questioned where the innovative site development proposals are that the OCP talks of. This public hearing is the last chance people will have for public input. Even if development does not take place for 10 years, they will not get another chance to speak, and yet they do not have any idea what the finished product will look like. If approved, this method of rezoning will set a precedent for future applications. He urges Council not to pass these by-laws until the community has a detailed concept of what is being proposed. Chris of 24318 - 104 Avenue spoke in opposition to the proposal. She advised that she is a member of the Pitt Folder Preservation Society who want to preserve Blaney Bog. She advised that she participated as a citizen on some of the panels of the Rural Plan and OCP Review and some of the recommendations did not come true for her. She lives near an environmentally sensitive area in Albion where trees were cut down. There are large tracts of land in Maple Ridge that are not environmentally sensitive that could be developed on. These include areas towards Garibaldi School and parts of Albion. She further stated that the Rural Plan promoted larger parcels in rural areas, as well as keeping the rural lifestyle distinct. She quoted recommendations from the Rural Plan which she does not feel are being addressed in this proposal. Silver Valley is a rural area and the quality of the rural lands in Silver Valley should be protected. She wants to see the storm run-off issues addressed. She also referred to the G.V.R.D.'s Livable Region Strategy, which she feels is a joke, noting that residents should be able to say "not in my back yard" if it means having a livable community. Also, the OCP says to encourage housing densities in currently developed area. Ms. Lyn Peters of 13034 - 236 Street read and submitted a letter which, in summary, strongly protests the rezoning of agriculture land to comprehensive development, noting that the public has no idea of what the future plans are for this land, except there will be 500 units. This is a blanket permission to the developers to do what they want. She questioned the lack of community input. She also noted that the newly hired Municipal environmental team will not have time to assess the environmental impact. She also posed questions regarding the adequacy of stream setbacks on Anderson Creek, loss of greenway connecting trails, infrastructure to the development, why Maple Ridge is not being promoted as an outdoor experience, and why major roads and bridges are being promoted at a major expense to the taxpayers Ms. Peters further states that she opposes this rezoning until the citizens have been offered a detailed structural plan and open house. Also, it is her understanding that the School District does not require one of the school sites and she wants the park site enlarged into that space. Ms. Carol Botel of 14218 Marc Road advised that she has lived there since 1962. She is a member of the Alouette Field Naturalists. Her water source is Anderson Creek and this is of great concern to her. She questioned how it can be said that Anderson Creek is considered to be a protected area, yet storm water run-off will be permitted to go into it She supports everything that has been said by ARMS and those who want to protect Blaney Bog. She noted that there used to be a whole population of Chinook salmon in the creeks right up to her location on Marc Road. Dr. Shiraz Mawani of 13320 - 232 Street advised that he is a member of the Silver Valley Neighbourhood Association. He referred to a petition signed by 1500 residents asking Council to delay further approval of developments in the area. He noted that those residents keep saying the same thing over and over and the fact that this process has continued flies in the face of what public participation means. The OCP is supposed to be a document that allows continued public input and participation. Those who have voiced their concerns cannot say too strongly that they object to and do not want to see continuing development until the many significant concerns have been addressed. They are not talking about setting aside the 20% of the land that is environmentally sensitive and continuing along with the remaining 80% as the 80% will affect the 20%. They have suggested other approaches. They wish to break this impasse with Council and staff so that they are not saying the same thing over and over. The process is flawed as there is little information in the concept plan and no one knows what the development will look like in the end. The residents need far more details. They look forward to Council providing that detail before this development is approved. Dr. Mawani further noted that it says in the OCP under Policy 5 that Maple Ridge supports the development and implementation of innovative development plans. He questioned if there are innovative storm water plans for this development that will enhance the habitat. The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services advised that Municipal staff are working with the Ministry of Environment (MOE) on all the storm water issues in Silver Valley, Albion and Cottonwood. They meet with MOE staff on a regular basis as to how to approach these issues and will continue to that. It is work in progress. The Municipality relies on MOE input and has a good working relationship with them. The best storm water practices will be applied as the development occurs over the course of time. Dr. Mawani stated that the Public Hearing process is flawed as the residents will not get another chance for input. There is an urgency for them to be heard on this matter. Dr. Mawani referred to the run-off problems that occurred when slopes in the area were denuded of trees before development occurred and asked that measures be taken so that this does not happen again. He also noted that a flood occurred on 132 Avenue last week. He feels that further flooding in the area will occur if more significant development is allowed. It has been said that studies on these matters will take place; he questioned what the Municipality will do if the studies do not pan out. Mr. Kevin G. Midgley of 22416 - 129 Avenue read and submitted a letter which, in summary, opposes the proposed rezoning, noting that basic requests of the Silver Valley residents' petition have not been implemented. The people who signed the petition want a workable environmental bonding system in place before the development is approved. Mr. Midgley questioned what the rush is, noting that this is the biggest development ever proposed for approval at one time in Maple Ridge's history. His concerns include adequate setbacks for sensitive areas, planning for development is being done without the roads in place, and the lack of a neighbourhood structure plan. He noted that Kelowna has such a plan. Mr. Steve Broughton of 23627 - 132 Avenue advised that he is a member of the Silver Valley Neighbourhood Association. He noted that the Association has requested a neighbourhood structure plan and he is opposed to this development proceeding until that plan is in place. Mr. Don Gebring of 22355 River Road advised that he is opposed to the proposed development plan. He stated that has not heard any details about the commercial component and questioned what uses would be allowed, e.g. restaurant, neighbourhood pub, etc. The Director of Current Planning responded that the neighbourhood commercial area has moved off the subject site to 137 Avenue. The commercial site shown on the guide plan is roughly 4 to 5 acres and is intended to serve the local population. There are two commercial centres proposed for Silver Valley. A larger centre will be at 236 Street and 136 Avenue. Mr. Michael Saether of 21837 Laurie Avenue advised that he reiterates the concerns that have been expressed with respect to Blaney Bog. He urges Council to pursue with the utmost vigour the preservation of Blaney Bog. Council must be aware of the hydrological features of the bog and what it requires in terms of water input into the system, and must obtain the expertise that is required as this is a complex matter. Upland development will affect the hydrology of the bog. Anderson Creek cannot stand alone as the only source of water to the bog. Mr. Saether noted that Silver Valley was approved for development 10 years ago and in the interim society has begun to recognize more and more the down-side of urban sprawl. The G.V.R.D. has come up with the Livable Region Strategic Plan (LRSP) to address this problem. H would like to know from council if the support the Livable Region Strategic Plan. The plan states that the final population of Maple Ridge is to be 93,000. He questioned how that compares to the proposed development. He hopes that all Councillors will make their position on the LRSP clear as it is of paramount importance to decide if they are behind that plan or not. He asked that hard decisions be made to prevent urban sprawl. He added that he is pleased to see the green area around Anderson Creek but questioned if the setback is adequate. Mr. Jim Osborne of 14136 Marc Road voiced his objection to the Zone Amending By- law as he is disturbed by the high density of this project. There is very little chance that it will look anything but like another Mary Hill which is not a concept most people want for Silver Valley. Mr. Roy Josephson of Fern Crescent read and submitted a letter which, in summary, states that there appears to be a breakdown in the application of the OCP in Silver Valley. He fears the loss of huge tracts of wooded land near the gateway of Golden Ears Park which are used for hiking, biking and horseback riding. He questioned why Council is proceeding with this and other development applications in spite of the large petition submitted to them from the Silver Valley residents. Mr. Josephson in his letter refers to the following policies of the OCP which the proposed development does not appear to live up to - Policy (Page 4) re density bonusing and tFansfer; Policy 12 (Page 30 re greenways; Policy 31 (Page 39) re special needs housing; Policies 37 (Page 40) and 52 (page 42); Policies 49 (Page 42), 59 (Page 48) and 61-63 (Page 51) commercial centres; Policy 60 (Page 49) participatory planning. At the request of Acting Mayor Baker, Mr. Arychuk of Hunter Laird Engineering Ltd. responded to several of the concerns raised by the speakers as follows: Open space and parkiand. These areas represent over 30% of the site. The agricultural component and lands that are to be preserved next to the bog area equal 20 acres. The neighbourhood park is a 4 acre parcel and there are 5.25 acres of conservation areas that are to be protected in the Anderson creek and tributary ravines. There is a significant clustering of the densities. Equestrian Trail - a commitment was made earlier to establish an equestrian linkage through the site which will be worked out with Municipal staff at the subdivision stage. Staff envisions that linkage as a "country road" and there will be no need for the horse and rider to cross over boulevards. It will be a clearly designated trail system Wildlife Corridors - there are major protected greenway and wildlife corridors identified on the plan. The adjacent portions of the corridor are not shown on the plan. Visual image of the site - it is tucked in back behind a knoll and therefore will be less visible to visitors to the area. He further noted that the road system will have minimal grading to accommodate the services for the development. The high elevations changes will be minimized. Mr. Hoffart has experience with the hillside policies and was brought into the project for his expertise in that regard. Drainage issues The most advanced technology of the Ministry of Environment will be used. Storm water will be handled in accordance with the Silver Valley Guide Plan. Detention facilities will be to the north of the property for each site and then brought to Anderson Creek refined. Mr. Arychuk added that it is a big project and it carried with it substantial requirements for infrastructure which will serve as the basis for all of Silver Valley. The services cannot be done for 5 or 10 lots at a time as it requires a major investment. It is too much for one developer and has been co-ordinated with other developers to ensure that there is no cost to the general taxpayer. Mr. Hogarth questioned what the intent is for the ALR lands. He noted that they not identified as Park; they are not being identified as something that can be preserved or dedicated. He expressed concern that they could be subdivided off and sold at some time. Mr. Walt Johnson, the Development Manager of Silver Maples Development Ltd. advised that he represents the owner of the property He responded that they have had many discussions on this issue. The Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) has certain desires for that land and Maple R.idge has certain concept plans. The proponents will be working with Maple Ridge with respect to their wishes. They will have to co-ordinate with the ALC. A speaker asked if there is any guarantee that the intentions voiced by the developers today will not be changed. The Director of Current Planning explained that the concerns and questions raised at this meeting will now be discussed by Council and referred to staff for analysis. Many of the requests made this evening are for more details of the development plan which has notyet been done, e.g. storm drainage, grading plans, etc. The final concept plans are not designed yet. These happen as subdivision evolves. Subdivision normally happens after the zoning application. The topic of this meeting is land use. Subdivision is not part of the public scrutiny, however, Council has now heard the concerns and questions raised by the citizens and they will be taken under advisement. Mr. Josephson asked if Maple Ridge has a model for development in Silyer Valley. He participated in the Vancouver City Plan and they canvassed two neighbourhoods by mail and did a survey and a workshop and compiled the results to utilize in their decision towards development. He submitted a copy of the Vancouver City Plan Tool Kit. On question, the Director of Current Planning identified the proposed school, sites, noting that the School District has advised that one site located in the northern portion is not now required. There was no further comment and the Acting Mayor declared By-laws 5689-1998 and 5690- 1998 dealt with. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Mayor and Council DATE: September 16. 1998 FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Review Of Silver Valley Public Participation Program SUMMARY: Council requested a summary of the public participation program used to review the Silver Valley land use designations of the Official Community Plan. One of the purposes of involving the public in the Silver Valley Land Use Review of 1994 was to: • review area-specific work previously undertaken, • review interests of the other government agencies and public utilities, • meet the aspirations of the areas population. The views of the public were given special weight in the preparation of the plan review. Four workshops and two Open Houses were held during the course of the study. As well, a Public Hearing was held to consider the implementing bylaws. RECOMMENDATION: For information only. BACKGROUND: Public participation in the Silver Valley Land Use Review of 1994 was structured around a series of workshops, in which area residents and others worked with the consulting team to identify issues, set objectives, and test solutions. The process began with an orientation meeting with invited area representatives from a cross-section of neighbourhood residents who could express the various attitudes held within Silver Valley. The information gained from this meeting helped to focus on appropriate directions for the subsequent workshops. Prior to the first workshop, a four page newsletter was mailed to all Silver Valley residents and property owners. As well newspaper adverts were placed in the local newspapers informing those interested that the land use review was underway. Also, a 9-page discussion paper documenting background information and key issues was distributed at the first workshop or mailed following the workshop. Each workshop had two objectives: the minor one was to verify, or adjust, the team's work based on the previous workshop; the major one was to provide direction to the team for the next stage of plan development. Four workshops were held during the course of the study. In order to gain wider public comment, two Open Houses were also held, one at the mid-point of the process and one at the end. At each Open House, attendees were asked to sign in, mark the location of their house on a large map of the area, and fill out a questionnaire providing comments on planning issues and options described in the display material. This information was incorporated into the consultant team's work. Details of the public response at the two Open Houses are contained in Appendices to the consultants report. Following the Land Use Review, Council received the report and recommendations and instructed staff to review the material and prepare implementation bylaws. Many meetings and much discussion occurred between Council and staff on achieving the recommended plan. Implementation bylaws went to a Public Hearing on January ii, 1995. Public Participation Specific Meetings Orientation Meeting Workshop #1 Workshop #2 December 9, 1993 January 20, 1994 February 10, 1994 Ten area representatives 130 participants 96 participants attended this briefing. Open House #1 Workshop #3 Workshop #4 March03, 1994 April07, 1994 May05, 1994 125 participants 109 participants 124 participants Open House #2 Implementation May 26, 1994 Public Hearing 140 participants January 11, 1995 Other Consultations In addition, three studies were undertaken that were used in the Silver Valley Land Use Review. They were: • Environmental Assessment Study, Gartner Lee Ltd, 1992 • Stormwater Management Study, UMA Engineering • Traffic and Transportation Study, Ward Consulting Group Several government agencies and drown corporations were consulted to gauge their plans and requirements related to future development in Silver Valley. These included: • Agricultural Land Commission • B.C.Hydro • B.C. Transit • Central Fraser Valley Health Unit - . DëarteiiäfPishinësandOeans -- -- • Greater Vancouver Regional District • Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks • Ministry of Transportation and Highways • School District No. 42 Direetor, Long Range PIannin CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 21,1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C/W - PW & DS SUBJECT: Silver Valley SUMMARY: The following outlines staff comments on the Silver Valley petition. It is staffs understanding that the petition has been submitted to Council largely in response to concerns regarding the environmental impacts of urbanization in the area. This staff report attempts to respond to those issues raised in the submission. RECOMMENDATION: Submitted for information only. BACKGROUND: The Official Community Plan (OCP) is the paramount municipal planning document which provides the broad policy framework to guide the physical growth and development of the District. The intent is to implement the OCP through the Zoning Bylaw and specific development applications wherein the terms and conditions of any approval ensure compliance with the OCP. The District has also the opportunity to undertake more detailed planning studies to address specific areas of the community. Examples include the Rural Plan, Downtown Action Plan, and the Silver Valley Guide Plan. While not adopted by bylaw, each of these initiatives are reviewed by Council with the intent to be used as a guideline in evaluating future development opportunities. The petition suggests that the development of Silver Valley may be in contravention of the OCP. In fact, Silver Valley is a designated growth area in Maple Ridge and is intended to concentrate new population and development. At question, then, is how such development is accommodated. Through the guide plan process, it was determined that in excess of 20% of the Silver Valley growth area will be permanently protected from development. In large measure, these are the ravines and river valleys and other environmentally sensitive areas in the area. In addition, the Silver Valley area will be served by a maor and improved park area to the south, adjacent to the Alouette River as well as school parks/school sites. Much of the higher elevations in Silver Valley are scheduled for very low density development which has the potential to provide for the permanent protection of additional tree canopy in the area. It is further, noted that staff have proposed the introduction of a comprehensive development zoning for parts of Silver Valley which provides greater flexibility to work with the landscape and concentrate densities, thereby providing opportunities to retain selected tree stands. The petition has suggested that the preparation of an Area Structure Plan is necessary before development advances for the Silver Valley Area. The term Area Structure Plan is actually used in Alberta and is essentially the same type of document as the Guide Plan prepared by staff. The background leading up to the current Guide Plan is summarized as follows: 1981 OCP designation of Silver Valley as Urban Reserve. OCP process included public participation program. 1992 Gartner Lee Environmental Study prepared for Silver Valley 1994 Albion/Silver Valley Land Use Reviews conducted with public participation program 1995 UMA Study on Silver Valley Stormwater Management prepared 1996 $1.25 million extension of trunk sewer into area 1996 OCP designates Silver Valley as Urban Growth Area with extensive public participation 1997/98 Transportation reports prepared on Silver Valley Arterial 1997/98 Development applications submitted for Silver Valley with first major urban residential development occurnng 1998 Hillside Development Guidelines work undertaken to examine techniques to achieve appropriate standards for building heights and retaining walls 1998 Guide Plan prepared using OCP framework andnumerousiackground.reports - - - auiiference materials As indicated in the foregoing, the planning program for Silver Valley has a 17-year. history. There has been a considerable amount of background work completed to better understand and manage growth in the Silver Valley area. In addition, there have been several opportunities for public participation over the years, most notably those opportunities associated with the current OCP (see attached). The result is a guide plan that provides for a mix of residential densities supported by a centrally located community core. Significant environmental features have been identified for protection and the trunk servicing and transportation framework rationalized. -2- Given the work to date, the need for further review of development potentials and issues in Silver Valley must be questioned. Rather, attention now is focused on the numerous development applications under review for the area and the opportunities to apply the most current development and environmental standards. It is through these development applications that the more detailed decision making for Silver Valley will be occurring and the vision of the OCP achieved. Ongoing opportunities for public consultation will be afforded with each zoning application considered by Council. Working with the Ministry of Environment and with the support of in-house environmental staff resources, staff are confident that development activity in Silver Valley will be respectful of valuable environmental resources. Staff are prepared to support the concept of performance bonding for drainage, tree stand protection and other environmental issues through development agreements and development permits. These processes enable Council to apply a variety of measures for the purpose of maintaining environmental integrity as a condition of development. Through the development review process staff will advise Council about the opportunities available to them in achieving this objective, including: Limits to clearing consistent with work schedules that will limit the potential for excessive erosion. Guidelines for site maintenance during residential construction. Site rehabilitation measures to manage runoff during winter months. 4 Siltation control as a component of storm sewer design. Further, staff will recommend that all lands designated for protection be dedicated to the District as a condition of development thereby limiting the potential for future encroachment from neighbouring urban uses. Staff have proposed comprehensive development zoning to provide a new more flexible zoning mechanism to better allow development to coincide with challenging topography while still achieving densities. Staff view this as a zoning technique with advantages to all concerned. Conclusions Staff are appreciative of the concerns expressed in the Silver Valley petition. However, a solid planning foundation has been established for urban growth in the area through numerous studies, the OCP, and the Guide Plan. The challenge at this time is to guide development in accordance with OCP policies through detailed development review processes and effective enforcement mechanisms. p 116/ A? ~kdniiiW4*dn-Mcer JJR:bkg -3- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: January 5, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT Building Stats for December, 1998 SUMIARY: To provide the Mayor and members of Council with the Inspection Services Department building statistics for the month of December 1998. RECOMMENDATION: That the Inspection Services Department, building statistics for the month of December 1998 be received for information. MefAdnilñfrOTficët Devel WOffient e ces JIEBC:vm O1.0 1) SFD 283 44,093,091 TWN 73 6,596,638 APT 246 21,720,000 DUP 2 296,000 COM 8 7,942,800 IND 9 5,345,600 INST 4 3,580,200 4,314,345 4,688,204 736,500 3,216,357 $ 103,068,635 MAPLE RIDGE BUILDING STATISTICS FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 1998 Add'n/Repair Year to Date Bldg Type No. of Units New Const Valu Const Value Const Vgj SFD 23 3,571,310 137,972 TWN 0 0 0 APT 0 0 0 DUP 0 0 0 COM 1 475,000 630,200 IND 2 61,000 300,000 INST 0 0 2,421,357 TOTAL NUMBER OF INSPECTION FOR THE MONTH 980 TOTAL NUMBER OF PERMITS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH 244 Number of units from January 1 - December 31, 1998 $ 7,596,839 Number of units from January 1 - December 31, 1997 SFD TWN APT Please See Below DUP COM IND INST --•-• 1997 YEAR END STATISTICS SFD 372 56 216,3ac - TWN 155 28510111 5761,106 APT 172 DUP 1 112400 COM 16 14628500 3777125 IND la 5190,476 788,140 INST 3 127,000 166,900,$116,461,419 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: January 8, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001.2 FROM: Director of Engineering - Projects ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: Petition-Crosswalk at 232 Street and Abemethy Way SUMMARY: The District is in receipt of a petition from local residents dated October 15, 1998 regarding the intersection of 232 Street and Abernethy Way. It is requested that the municipality install a traffic signal at this intersection to facilitate pedestrians crossing 232 Street. A detailed analysis has determined that at this time there is no warrant for a traffic signal. The analysis indicates that the existing marked crosswalk (across 232 Street) is the appropriate standard of crossing protection for this location. RECOMMENDATION: That this report regarding the intersection of 232 Street and Abernethy Way be received for information. BACKGROUND: A petition dated October 15, 1998 was received from local residents requesting that the Municipality install a traffic signal at the intersection of Abemethy Way and 232 Street to facilitate pedestrians crossing 232 Street. When a request for a higher standard of traffic control device is received an analysis is undertaken to determine if this higher standard is warranted. The warrant or need for a pedestrian activated signal is guided by the Pedestrian Crossing Control Manual of British Columbia. The warrant model essentially determines the availability of safe crossing opportunities for pedestrians. These crossing opportunities are a function of: • the road cross section; • the traffic volume; • the traffic arrival pattern; • the number of pedestrians; • the type of pedestrian (e.g. school children); • the geometric features of the intersection; • the stopping sight distance for drivers. -1- Recent traffic, pedestrian and speed data collected at the intersection includes the following: • Average Traffic on 232 Street between the hour of 15:00 to 1600 Hour = 395 VPH • Average Daily Traffic on 232 Street (June 98) = 5254 VPD • Average Speed =53 krnlh • 85 percentile Speed = 61 km/h • Pedestrian Count between the hour of 15:00 to 16:00 Hour (Nov 2, 1998) =29 EAU Additional information gathered for the analysis is summarized as follows: • Currently Abemethy Way is controlled by a stop sign at the intersection of 232 Street, 232 Street being a through movement. The approaches to the intersection from both Abernethy Way and 232 Street are on a tangent for more than 100 meters, thereby providing good sight lines and visibility for drivers and pedestrians. • Abernethy Way has two travel lanes, one for each direction of flow. 232 Street has four travel lanes, two for each direction of flow, and one left turn bay for each approach; • There is an existing marked crossing complete with crosswalk signs across 232 Street on the south side of Abernethy Way; Provincial standards for crosswalk facilities fall into four hierarchical categories, as follows: > Unmarked crosswalk; > Marked crosswalk (paint and signs); > Special crosswalk (overhead lighted signs and down lighting); > Pedestrian signal. Using the data collected an analysis was undertaken for 232 Street and Abemethy Way. The analysis determined that the number of safe crossing opportunities per hour for this intersection is 95. With this number of safe crossing opportunities per hour the Provincial Guidelines show that a marked crosswalk is the proper standard for this intersection. A pedestrian activated signal would be warranted if the safe crossing opportunities were 60 or less. The estimated cost of a pedestrian activated signal is about $85,000. 4 -2- CONCLUSION A detailed technical analysis has determined that at this time a pedestrian activated signal is not warranted at this intersection. It is concluded that the existing facility is appropriate. The local RCMP detachment advise that there have been three minor accidents at the subject location over the past two years. None were pedestrian related. The RCMP have been advised of the speeding concerns raised in the petition. Chief Administrative Officer 4v aL anagei4'Operational Services eIoPment Services it unicipal Engi .~~ cy. Dire o of Engi eering Proec -3- P/C A SITE LOCATION INTERSECTION OF 232 ST. SCALE & ABERNETHY WAY N.T.S. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING hIcoTporMed 12 September. 1074 DEPARTMENT F1LE/DWC No Li 582 DATE: JAN. 8/99. I 1 +76 1 I I 82 - 1p1 • ' I 15 ia)1ii 12 10 8 6 5 -71 I321 0.37 he I 4 25W % 2252 /2SJf P PARK _________ 981176 T263 0 0 ____________ 125A AVE. 15 14 _/2585 l 16 ito\ 19 20 21 221231 2 1 2 )J;\ 9 ________ \ P 82613 18 P 8263 LMPe5 /2498 1 314 1 5 ) 956\P 82613 .MPI 4738 1 17 p2575 2MO — LPI 73 LIP1 1774 p 37533 PARK l L+M471 i REM. PCL. 'A 27 6/2 1 2. 15095 14 29 I 21 P2491 I — 1247S LMP AVE. ( 3 1 __ 2J04O 20 ______ _____ 9 , < f2de.' I 112460 19 2C ,31 /249T MP13273 — ______ LJJ 297114 30 /2417 A 14 ______ - 10 I cs 2 i6 / \ __ 24AA 0.. cI/2'.'0RI 3 C 7 LMP\4736 5 1 127 12 1 /24J21 I ______ 1 E 8160 T6 — I 211 22J 231 1frOO-dS 3 t242f 13 IN;—-- 2 ./,2429 17 18 19 20 _______ _ I_P24J7 iio 11 14 k C,, - 15 L1 !i i 1 121 J -1_/2427 12- 7JJ1 I314 o J'2 LANE 0.. 724 AVE. I' I 14 27 I . I -1 • LJ I 1~' 291i 180 13 ii II S I 13 I 1 ik_ P 747 I h_'\\t::SIç, _ __ Pcr LMP 18688 LMP 709 A8ENEThY WA? . , , 0 — N N ir. _ v p 74.35 ito 32 L. 31 _I k 3oA 292 — EP 7437 • 1)111 12 -74376 _____________ 6 V 1238 AVE. Pcric ______________ NW2759 L I P2J7 P74375 __ 74,37 39 I 42 43I 45 025 Lon 4315 /2385,45 2.432f SP-004 R — _______ \ L\\1oa81/ 12375 12350 0-i" AIJRCRAL /236- 8 J _2365 -. 23201\. 2.488 he Rem. 355 P 61471 6 ' 2 2J2OJ"-1 12355 U •28.1 I 12350 — C, I, 31 .3 3 P E89 /2350 2 12J5 4 c-.1 123 A AVE. 2J40 /2335 2 — \PR 5 J 34__ 1232 2JJ0 ___ - - 15 16 6 0 — 2 P 78453 /2J2 LM I 1 C681 12315 18.3 /2320 j 5 '232? •noc 4 -, — CORPORATION OF THE N DISTRICT OF MAPLE R]DGE 4 MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING 1nc4rp.ta4 12 3sptb. 1r74 DEPARTMEN'r A SCALE' N.T.S. FILE/DVG No DATE' .JAN. 1999 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: January 11, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: 0410-20-06IBCAG1 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - Fin & Corp SUBJECT: Liquor Regulations and Policy Review EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: To provide background information in order that Council may consider responding to the request of the Neighbourhood Pub Owners' Ass of BC for a resolution opposing changes to the liquor licence regulations that would allow restaurants to serve liquor without food. RECOMMENDATION: That the Memorandum dated January 11, 1999 from the Municipal Clerk providing background information relative to the current Liquor Regulations and Policy Review be received for information And further that the Ministry of Attorney General and the consultant currently undertaking the review be advised that the District of Maple Ridge BACKGROUND: The Neighbourhood Pub Owners' Association of BC made a presentation at the Committee of the Whole on January 4, 1998 seeking support to their opposition to changes requested by the Restaurant Industry by way of a submission to the consultant undertaking the review. The Restaurant Industry has requested changes that would allow them to serve alcohol without food. The NPOA of BC proposed resolution in opposition to the requested change reads as follows: Be it resolved that the City of Maple Ridge advise the government of the Province of British Columbia that we vehemently oppnse the change in liquor license that would allow all or any restaurants the ability to serve liquor without food. Attached hereto is a copy of some documentation that I have obtained from the UBCM. It provides some background to the review; namely its origin, the terms of reference of the consultant and finally a letter to the City of Port Coquitlam dated Jan 5, 1999 that, I believe, responds to comments about 5000 new bars and the process of the review. I have been advised that the TJBCM staff will be meeting with the consultant the week of Jan 11, 1999 to discuss UBCM involvement in the process and that the UBCM Executive will be crzoto1 holding meetings on January 14 & 15, 1999 and that this issue will be on the agenda for discussion. Also attached is a copy of Pages 7 & 8 of Section 2.2 of the Liquor Licensing Operating Manual. These pages identify their requirements/guidelines for Class "B" liquor licenses. Please take note of the comments on the top of Page 8 wherein they note that, generally, certain types of restaurants are not eligible for a "B" liquor licence e.g. Hot Dog Vendors. Community and Business Relations Department notes that there are approximately 120 business licences issued for restaurants within the District of Maple Ridge. That number includes the 'fast food" outlets in Shopping Malls, the Hot Dog Vendors and the like. Forty-three (43) of the 120 restaurants hold "B" Liquor Licences. Submitted for consideration and direction. Chief Administrative Officer General Manager: Fin & Corp Services \iiicIpatC1rk Attachments (5) -2- hi. i999l1O:19AL.( UBCM FAX NO, 250382211ë0. 8702 P. 2/2. 2 BRJSf COLUMBIA NEWS RELEASE Ministry of Attorney General Nov. 16, 1998 98:120 GOVERNMENT TO FAST TRACK RED TAPE REDUCTXON IN LIQUOR LAWS VICTOIUA - Cutting rcd tape to streamline liquor laws is the goal of a fast track review of liquor regulations and policies that will encourage high-growth industries like tourism and hospitality, Attorney General Ujjal Dosanjh said today. By talking to those involved we can simplify, revitalize and inodefnfze liquor rules and licence classes," said Dosanjh. "We are hoping we can find a consensus on what changes are neccssaiy but we are determined to move forward to modernize the system.' Jo Surjch of Transformation Solutions will lead a revjew that responds to the interests of government and a diverse group of stakebolders. The review is expected to be completed by the end of Januaiy. "One of the underlying strengths in the B.C. economy is the hospitality and tourism industry," said Finance Minister Soy MaoPhaiL "This review responds to recomiuendations of the business task force and will move us closer towards our goal of cutting red tape and encouraging the growth of business in British Columbia. In addition to cutting red tape, the terms of reference for the review require that a balance be struck between economic and social goals. "Small and medium-sized businesses in the hospitality and tourism sector have been voicing their concerns about the iurrvut icgulatoxy 50hOM0, and I3m opilmirtic that improvements can be made in a socially responsible manner,," said Tan Waddcll, minister of small business, tourism and culture and minister responsible for the liquor distribtition branch. Recommendations are expected to be available by the end of February. -30- Backgrounder attached: Mcdia Inquiries; Chris Beresford Ministry of Attorney General Victoria (250) 39795411 Cell -(250) 213.8300 j•11. 1999 110:06AM 25e4JBCf51 19 LI Lye IL•)i r tuzcii_ HOM NO. 8700 P. 2E e VA! NO. 2503822118 P. 4 Z&u14kHj S10 123 645FvSheI WN 102 Ptm (25 2124 2)3822115 January 5, 1999 (Ireg Beaurnont, CMC Deputy, City Clerk City of Port Coquitism 2580 Sbaughnesay Street Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 2A8 Dcar Mr. Beaumont; Re Rcvi,w of Liquor RegulatIons and Policy On November 16,1998,1 Was ulced by the provincial government to conduct areview of provincial Uquor regulations and policies. Please find the terms of reference for this review attached. To complete this iuL I have met with and received comment from a divemc group of stakeholders that represent the appropriate elements in the hospitality industry. I am now in the process of conducting jpj with theen stakshold.rs, and have scheduled fwiher meetings in January 1999. 1 can assure you that no recommendations have been, or will be finalized 4iti1 the negotiation process has been completed. It would be premature to conclude what the outcome ofthese negoriatiorn might be, and speculative to con)geju on possible resolutions that maybe put forth by the srakeholden that are part of (Ida process. however, I can assure you that this review is not intended to create 5000 new bars. I have taken the stePs necessary to ensure the interests of municipal go'vnmcnL arc included In this rcvicw. I have discussed the process with the Union of BC Munlcipalldcs and will isk that they form a part of the negotiations that are underway. Thank you for your kiter. Yours sincerely, *oS;r) To Swich Principal Transformation Solutions c John Raztta, Pr.sid,nt o(the Union ofC Municipalities Cr. Dick Oibbons, Hotel Association 11. 1999 310:07AM 250-iJBC119 Jdu• :-3 1vo it,U r* ii. IJNICIPAL HOUSE NO. 8700 P. 3 l'AA W. OUMMU ?. 5 Ministry of AuQTney General BackitoUder Liquor Review The government wants to modenuze liquor regulalion, and policies to achieve the following objectives; • Simpliliccuon of rules and license classes to reduce the costs of red tape and regulation to the hospitality industry. • Evolution ofthe hoital1ty industry W a way that assists the development of the B.C. tourism industry. • Harmonization of B.C. approaches to the control of alcoholic beverages and the hospitality industry with these ofneighboring jurisdictions • Development of regulations that meet today's social and heilth objectives. Trms of reference for Use review: The negotiation process will invoJvo stakeholder gmups discussing and seeking a consensus on modernizing liquor regulations and policies in the province. . A key tbcus oldie negotiations will be &izninating unnecessary red tape and regulation while maintaining social objectives of moderation and responsible use. • Principles of wicket competition will be incorpoTated Into any now regulatory scheme. •A balance will be struck between economic development and social objectives. Timelines: Nov. 16,, 1998—process is launched Jan. 31,, 1999— negotiations axe concluded Feb. 28,1999 - tevieed proposals based on consensus go to cabinet ST.] GENERAL INFORMATiON Liquor Licensing Operating Manual Licence Classes Licence Class B Section 17(2) of the Liquor Control and Licensing Regulations requires that the emphasis of a B licensed establishment must be the service of food, with liquor served only as a complement to meals. A variety of menu selections should show the restaurant's primary purpose is food service. Unique features of licensed restaurants are that minors are permitted on the premises, and that restaurants can remain open 24 hours a day; however liquor service is restricted to a maximum of 14 hours between 9:00 a.m. and 2 a.m. For licensing purposes, restaurants are divided into two categories. Dining lounges These restaurants offer full course meals in a formal dining atmosphere to patrons seated at a table. All types of liquor may be served with meals. Menu selections generally include soups, salads, appetizers, entrees and desserts. Approval may be given for a holding area in which patrons can obtain liquor service while awaiting seats in the dining area. • Dining rooms These offer hot and cold meals and other menu items in an informal dining atmosphere. Kitchens, decor and menu selections may not meet the higher dining lounge standards, but are consistent with proper preparation and service of food to the public. Beer, wine cider, liqueurs, brandy and coolers may be served with meals. Menus and decor are subject to prior approval by the general manager as a condition of licensing. General conditions for both categories of dining establishment include: • kitchen equipment suitable for preparation of menu items • tables, chairs, counters and/or stools adequate for dining • valid health permit • patron washrooms near or within the establishment • adequate supply of flatware, china and other table accessories available and used • food menu posted outside the establishment, and • food items are expected to be prepared on-site. Issued Revised Page July1997 7of13 GENERAL INFORMATION Licence Classes Liquor Licensing Operating Manual The government has identified some eating establishments as generally not eligible for B licences, induding • mall "food fairs", as the dining space is not defined or controlled by any single food outlet • restaurants primarily oriented to take-out service • "fast food" restaurants with significant youth appeal • stand-alone banquet rooms without fully equipped kitchens, such as a banquet room that is not an extension of a B licensed restaurant, and itinerant food providers, such as hot dog vendors. Licence Class C Under section 17(3) of the regulations, the emphasis of a C licensed establishment must be providing evening and night time entertainment. Cabarets are licensed under this dass. A cabaret must seat at least 100 people and provide a dance floor of at least 20 per cent of its licensed area. In addition to the large.single room cabaret concept, these establishments may be several rooms or divided areas with entertainment in each. Licence Class D Neighbourhood pubs are licensed under this class. A neighbourhood pub should be within reasonable proxinuty of a residential area. As the name suggests, these pubs form part of a neighbourhood, which can be made up of offices, retail, commercial and industrial components as well as residential areas. As SUCh, they are generally located, in areas within communities that distinguish them from other retail businesses, and that help to maintain their character as neighbourhoödpublic ho*ises. An alternative to the more commerdal choices available, they are small in size, welcoming to residents in the neighbourhood, and influenced by community values. A neighbourhood pub usually provides hearty pub-style food and maintains high standards of dec or*. In keeping with this philosophy of neighbourhood pubs, policy generally requires that a neighbourhood pub be free-standing with a parking area dedicated for pub patrons, as well U' • See footnote on page 2 of this section for further information. Issued Revised Page July1997 8of13