HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-06-01 Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdf\ co Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge C, COUNCIL MEETING June 1, 1999 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting held on June 1, 1999 atJ:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridges British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Muiaicipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Appointed Staff Mayor C. Durksen Mr. M. W. Murray, General Manager of Community Councillor T. Baker Development, Parks and Recreation Services; Acting Chief Councillor J. Clements Administrative Officer; Councillor L. King Mrs. J. Hertzog, Acting Municipal Clerk Councillor B. Levens Mr. R. A. Wells, General Manager of Financial and Councillor K. Stewart Corporate Services Mr. F. Quinn, Municipal Engineer Excused Mr. J. Bastaja, Director of Long Range Planning Councillor C. Gordon Mrs. S. M. Karasz, Confidential Secretary 01 PRAYERS Nil 02 MINUTES R/99-282 02.01 Minutes May 25, 1999 MOVED by Councillor Clements SECONDED by Councillor King that the Minutes of the regular Council Meeting of May 25, 1999 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED R/99-283 02.02 Dev. Agmt. Minutes MOVED by Councillor Baker May 25, 1999 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart Council Meeting Minutes I. * June 1, 1999 that the Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meeting of May 18, 1999 be received. CARRIED 03 DELEGATIONS Nil 04 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Nil 05 BY-LAWS Note: Councillor King excused herself from the Council Chamber prior to Item 05.01 being placed on the floor as she is employed by the School District and the item relates to a school. 05.01 RZ127198-23795123845— 118Avenue -RS-3 to P-i (to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to P-i (Park and School) to permit the construction of an elementary school). R199-284 MOVED by Councillor Stewart BL 5729-1998 SECONDED by Councillor Baker final reading that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5729-1998 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED 05.02 Development Cost Charge Forgiveness (to provide Development Cost Charge compensation for the following projects: • SD/4/96 - 1 14A Avenue and Cottonwood Drive in the amount of $52,377; • SD/54/96 - 107 Avenue and 240 Street in the amount of $72,320.00). R199-285 MOVED by Councillor Clements BL 5768-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Baker final reading that Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5768-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes June 1, 1999 06 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 06.01 Minutes Nil Note: The following recommendations are from the Committee of the Whole Meeting of May 31, 1999: 06.02 Public Works and Development Services 06.02.01 Development Cost Charge (DCC) Forgiveness - 22987 Dewdney Trunk Road (Building Permit 03 8/9 9) Reference was made to the staff report dated May 10, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R199-286 MOVED by Councillor Levens DCC Forgive. SECONDED by Councillor King 22987 DTR that with respect to Building Permit Application BPC 03 8/99 for property located at 22987 Dewdney Trunk Road, be it resolved that in view of the necessity to construct roadworks on 230 Street, the highway, component of the Development Cost Charges payable by the developer be reduced by $10,754.00. CARRIED 06.02.02 Development Cost Charge (DCC) Forgiveness - SD/i 8/98 - 240 Street and 110 Avenue Reference was made to the staff report dated May 12, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R199-287 MOVED by Councillor Stewart DCC Forgive. SECONDED by Councillor Clements 240 St./1 10 Ave. that with respect to Subdivision 18/98, be it resolved that in view of the necessity for constructing road and drainage works on 240 Street south of 110 Avenue, the road component and drainage component of the Development Cost Charges payable by the subdivider be reduced by. $190,782.00 and $20,871.00 respectively, reflecting the Development Cost Charge By-law service costs and maximum components payable. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes June 1, 1999 06.02.03 Equipment Replacement - Recycling Vehicles Reference was made to the staff report dated May 7, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R199-288 MOVED by Councillor Stewart Recycling trucks SECONDED by Councillor Clements purchase Mack Sales that Mack Sales and Service of Vancouver Inc. be awarded the contract to supply four (4) 1999 Mack Mid-liner truck cab and chassis, complete with two new recycling bodies and two refurbished existing bodies, in the amount of $456,387.60 (with trade-in). Discussion The Mayor advised that he has received the information that he requested at the May 31, 1999 Committee Meeting. The motion CARRIED. 06.02.04 Maple Ridge Canada Day Celebrations - Request to use Municipal Streets Reference was made to the staff report dated May 10, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R/99-289 MOVED by Councillor Baker Canada Day SECONDED by Councillor King Celebrations use of streets that the Multi-cultural Canada Day Society (the organizers) be authorized to close 224 Street between Dewdney Trunk Road and Selkirk Avenue on Thursday, July 1, 1999 between 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. for the Canada Day Celebrations provided the conditions as outlined in the staff report dated May 10, 1999 are met. Discussion Councillor Clements indicated that he has received the information that he requested at the May 31, 1999 Committee meeting. The motion CARRIED. Council Meeting Minutes June 1, 1999 06.02.05 DVP/24/99 - 11358-236 Street Reference was made to the staff report dated May 20, 1999 in support of the following recommendation with respect to the subject application to permit a reduced road right-of-way and pavement width as detailed in the report. R/99-290 MOVED by Councillor Baker DVP/24/99 SECONDED by Councillor King 11358-236 St. DEFERRED that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/24/99 respecting property located at 11358 - 236 Street will be considered by Council at the June 22, 1999 Council Meeting. Discussion Councillor Baker noted that legal issues were raised by a delegation at yesterday's Committee of the Whole Meeting and they need to be clarified. MOVED by Councillor Baker SECONDED by Councillor King that the motion regarding DVP/24/99 be deferred until further information requested by Council at the Committee of the Whole Meeting is obtained. CARRIED 06.02.06 RZ11192 - Southwest Corner of Maple Crescent and 207 Street - RS-1 to C-3 - By-law No. 4697 and 4698-1992 - Rescind Reference was made to the staff report dated April 2, 1999 recommending that the subject by-laws to permit a commercial building be rescinded as no response has been received from the applicant with respect to closing the file. R/99-291 MOVED by Councillor Levens BL 4696 and SECONDED by Councillor King 4698-1992 RESCINDED that with respect to Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 4697-1992 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 4698- 1992, that second and third reading granted on June 15, 1992 and first reading granted May 11, 1992 be rescinded. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes June 1, 1999 06.02.07 RZ115193 - 12080— 228 Street - RS-1 to RT-1 By-laws 4841-1993 - Rescind Reference was made to the staff report dated April 26, 1999 recommending that the subject by-law to permit a duplex be rescinded as no response has been received from the applicant with respect to closing the file. R199-292 MOVED by Councillor King BL 484 1-1993 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart RESCiNDED PJ15/93 that with respect to Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 4841-1993, that second and third reading granted May 3, 1993 and first reading granted March 29, 1993 be rescinded. CARRIED 06.02.08 RZ122191 - 20112 Wharf Street - RS-3 to M-2 - By-law No. 4590-1991 - Rescind Reference was made to the staff report dated April 26, 1999 recommending that the subject by-law to permit a cedar shake operation be rescinded as no response has been received from the applicant with respect to closing the file. R199-293 MOVED by Councillor Clements BL 4590-199 1 SECONDED by Councillor King RESCINDED RZ/22/91 that with respect to Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 4590-199 1, that second and third reading granted January 6, 1992 and first reading granted October 7, 1991 be rescinded. CARRIED 06.03 Financial and CorDorate Services (including Fire and Police) 06.04 Community Development and Recreation Service 06.05 Other Issues 05.01 Model Access Agreement re Telecommunication Conduits on Municipal Rights-of-way I Council Meeting Minutes June 1, 1999 R199-294 FCM -Tele- communication infrastructure MOVED by Councillor King SECONDED by Councillor Clements Whereas the Municipal Act indicates that the right of possession of every highway in a Municipality is vested in the Municipality; And whereas the deregulation of the telecommunications industry has resulted in greater demand fo; Municipal streets as conduits for the telecommunication cable and the like with the result that more streets are torn up, more traffic jams occur and pavement life is shortened; And whereas Municipalities are not being consulted with respect to these installations nor are they being compensated accordingly and as such are contributing indirectly in this manner to the financial well-being of these telecommunication infrastructure providers; Therefore be it resolved, that the District of Maple Ridge endorses: The five principles contained in the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Model Access Agreement previously approved by the FCM membership; The FCM and the City of Vancouver in their submission to the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC). Discussion Councillor King explained that Maple Ridge belongs to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the FCM is a partner in a court case in which the City of Vancouver is involved. The FCM is leading all Municipalities with regard to this very important issue and she supports the adoption of this motion. She further advised that the FCM has also requested funding in order to proceed with their Model Access Agreement and while she does not believe that Maple Ridge is in a position to provide funding at this time, if every Municipality donated a small amount, sufficient funds would accumulate to deal with this matter. She would like staff during the next budget deliberations to determine what an appropriation donation from Maple Ridge would be. The Mayor stated that it is his understanding the Municipalities are contributing to this initiative through their membership in the Greater Vancouver Regional District. He will obtain further information in that regard. Council Meeting Minutes June 1, 1999 Councillor Clements added that it is a matter of ensuring that this is a budgetary allocation; he believes that the District has the ability within the scope of its budget to accommodate a small donation. The motion CARRIED 07 MAYOR'S REPORTS 08 CO UNCILL ORS'REPORTS - LIAISONS TO COMMITTEES 09 VISITOR A CKNO WLEDGMENT 10 ADJOURNMENT 7:11p.m. 11 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC MAYOR Municipal Clerk \ DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 02.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council.Meeting of: June 1, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of Mar'25, 1999 be adopted as circulated. "Carl Durksen" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir- Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. June 2, 1999 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 02.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: June 1, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meeting of May 18, 1999 be received. "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. June 2, 1999 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 05.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: June 1, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR rJ That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5729-1998 be reconsidered and adopted. (RZ/27/98 - 23 795/23 845 - 118 Avenue - to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to P- 1 (Park and School) to permit the construction of an elementary school) "Carl Durksen" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business gn-Mgr - Public Works & Development ..- Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section Jim McBride Shirley K 2o-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. June 2, 1999 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 05.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: June 1, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5768-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. (to provide Development Cost Charge compensation for the following projects: - SD/4196 - 114A Avenue and Cottonwood Drive in the amount of $52,377.00; - SD/54/96 - 107 Avenue and 240 Street in the amount of $72,320.00) "Carl Durksen" CARRIED ) DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H -Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. June 2, 1999 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: June 1, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That with respect to Building Permit Application BPC 038/99 for the property at 22987 Dewdney Trunk Road, be it resolved that in view of the necessity to construct road works on 230 Street, the highway component of the Development Cost Charges payable by the developer be reduced by $10,754.00. "Carl Durksen" CARRIED / DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning -' Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer —Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. June 2, 1999 Date / DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: June 1, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That with respect to Subdivision 18/98, be it resolved that in view of the necessity for constructing road and drainage works on 240 Street, south of 110 Avenue, the road component and drainage component of the Development Cost Charges payable by the subdivider be reduced by $190,782.00 and $20,871.00 respectively, reflecting the Development Cost Charge By-law service costs and the maximum components payable. "Carl Durksen" CARRiED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - ))ir - Corporate Support -' Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer -Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations• - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. June 2, 1999 Date 7 DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: June 1, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Mack Sales and Service of Vancouver Inc., be awarded the contract to supply four (4) 1999 Mack Mid-Liner truck cabs and chassis complete with two new recycling bodies, and two refurbished existing bodies. The total amount of tender is $456,387.60, with trade-in. "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support -Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. June 2, 1999 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.04 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: June 1, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Multicultural Canada Day Society (the organizers) be authorized to close 224 Street between Dewdney Trunk Road and Selkirk Avenue on Thursday, July 1, 1999 between 8:00 am to 10:30 pm for the Canada Day celebrations provided the conditions as outlined in the report dated May 10, 1999 are met. "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - inspection Services / Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - en Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services 7 Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride Shirley K Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. June 2, 1999 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.05 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: June 1, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/24/99 respecting property located at 11358-236 Street will be considered by Council at the June 22, 1999 meeting. (to permit a reduction in the road right-of-way width for proposed 236A Street and a reduction in pavement width on Creekside Drive) "Carl Durksen" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business —Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development ______________________________________ Dir - Current Planning 4s- - Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services 7 Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride Shirley K ? - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. June 2, 1999 ______________________________ Date M1'cipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.06 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: June 1, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That first reading granted on May 11, 1992 and second and third readings granted on June 15, 1992 to Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 4697-1992 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 4698-1992 be rescinded. (RZ/1/92 - South West Corner of Maple Crescent and 207 Street - file has remained inactive since April 1995) "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gp Mgr - Public Works & Development -Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services / Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations• - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. June2, 1999 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.07 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: June 1, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That first reading granted on March 29, 1993 and second and third readings granted on May 3, 1993 to Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 4841-1993 be rescinded. (RZI15/93 - 12080 228 Street - file has remained inactive since June 1993) "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer Dir - Corp. Plng. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development /Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning ,Dir - Inspection Services / Municipal Engineer Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H /'Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. June 2, 1999 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.08 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: June 1, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That first reading granted on October 7, 1991 and second and third readings granted on January 6, 1992 to Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 4590-1991 be rescinded. (RZ122/91 —20112 Wharf Street - file has remained inactive since January 1994) "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED Iw.)t1 ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services - 7 Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K ,Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. June 2, 1999 / Date ( / 7'M'uicipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.05.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: June 1, 1999 •1 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR Whereas the MunicipalAct indicates that the right of possession of every highway in a municipality is vested in the municipality; And whereas the deregulation of the telecommunications industry has resulted in great demand for municipal streets as conduits for telecommunication cable and the like with the result that more streets are torn up, more traffic jams occur and pavement life is shortened; And whereas municipalities are not being consulted with respect to these installations nor are they being compensated accordingly and as such are contributing indirectly in this manner to the financial well-being of these telecommunication infrastructure providers; Therefore be it resolved, that the District of Maple Ridge endorses: The five principles contained in the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Model Access Agreement previously approved by the FCM Membership; The FCM and the City of Vancouver in their submission to the Canadian Radio- Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC). "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Gen Mgr - Financial & Corporate Serv. Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business zen Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir' - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section Jim McBride - Shirley K Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. June 2, 1999 Date (-A217 a Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING A GENDA June 1, 1999 7:00p.m. Council Chamber MEETING DECORUM Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the Municipal Web site at www.mapleridge.org Sergeant at Arms: Mr. Eugene Lambright 01 PRAYERS Pastor Dean Richmond 02 MINUTES 02.01 Regular Council Meeting of May 25, 1999 02.02 Development Agreements Committee Meeting of May 18, 1999 03 DELEGATIONS 04 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 05 BY-LAWS 05.01 RZ127198 —23795/23845-118 Avenue - RS-3 to P-i ( Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5729-199 final reading (to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to P-i (Park and School) permit the construction of an elementary school). Page 1 Council Meeting Agenda June 1, 1999 Council Chamber 05.02 Development Cost Charge Forgiveness Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5768-1999 final reading (to provide Development Cost Charge compensation for the following projects: • SD/4/96 - 1 14A Avenue and Cottonwood Drive in the amount of $52,377; • SD/54/96 - 107 Avenue and 240 Street in the amount of $72,320.00) 06 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 06.01 Minutes -nil The following issues were considered at the May 31, 1999 Committee of the Whole meeting with the recommendations being brought to this meeting for Municipal Council consideration and fmal approval. The Committee of the Whole meeting is open to the public and is normally held in the Council Chamber at 12:30 p.m. on the Monday the week prior to this meeting. 06.02 Public Works and Development Services 06.02.0 1 Development CostCharge (DCC) Forgiveness - 22987 Dewdney Trunk Road (Building Permit 03819 9) Staff report. dated May 10, 1999 recommending a DCC reduction for the above noted works in the amount of $10,754.00. 06.02.02 Development Cost Charge (DCC) Forgiveness - SD/i 8/98 - 240 Street and 110 Avenue Staff report dated May 12, 1999 recommending a DCC reduction for the above noted works as follows - road component - $190,782; drainage component $20,871. 06.02.03 Equipment Replacement.— Recycling Vehicles Staff report dated May 7, 1999 recommending that a contract for the purchase of four recyling trucks be awarded to Mack Sales in the amount of $456,386.60. Page 2 Council Meeting Agenda - June 1, 1999 Council Chamber 06.02.04 Maple Ridge Canada Day Celebrations - Request to use Municipal Streets Staff report dated May 10, 1999 recommending that the Multicultural Canada Day Society be authorized to close 224 Street between Dewdñey Trunk Road and Selkirk Avenue on July 1, 1999from 8:00 a.m. to 10:30p.m. subject to the conditions attached to the said report. 06.02.05 DVP124/99— 11358-236 Street Staff report dated May 20, 1999 recommending that the subject application to permit a reduced road right-of-way and pavement width as detailed in the report be considered at the June 22, 1999 Council Meeting subject to appropriate notification of adjacent residents. 06.02.06 RZ11192 - Southwest Corner of Maple Crescent and 207 Street - RS-1 to C-3 - By-law No. 4697 and 4698-1992 - Rescind Staff report dated April 2, 1999 recommending that the subject by-laws to permit a commercial building be rescinded as no response has been received by the applicant with respect to closing the file. 06.02.07 RZ115193 - 12080— 228 Street - RS-1 to RT-1 By-laws 4841-1993 - Rescind Staff report dated April 26, 1999 recommending that the subject by-law to permit a duplex be rescinded as no response has been received by application with respect to closing the file. Page 3 Council Meeting Agenda June 1, 1999 Council Chamber 06.02.08 RZ122191 - 20112 Wharf Street - RS-3 to M-2 - By-law No. 4590-1991 - Rescind Staff report dated April 26, 1999 recommending that the subject by-law to permit a cedar shake operation be rescinded as no response has been received by application with respect to closing the file. 06.03 Financial and Corporate Services (includinR Fire and Police) 06.04 Community Development and Recreation Service 06.05 Other Issues 06.05.01 Right-of-way Dispute - Letter of Endorsation to Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Agreement 07 MA YOR'S REPORTS 08 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS - LIAISONS TO COMMITTEES Page 4 Council Meeting Agenda June 1, 1999 Council Chamber 09 VISITOR A CKNO WLEDGMENT 10 ADJOURNMENT 11 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to seek clarification about an item on the agenda or other Municipal matter. Council will not tolerate derogatory remarks directed at Council and/or staff during the Question Period. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes only to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). The total Question Period is limited to 20 minutes. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the office of the Municipal Clerk who can be contacted at 463-5221. s.karasz Page5 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Council Appointments 1998 - 1999 By Resolution Mayor Carl Durksen Audit Committee Corporate Management Team Court of Revision - Frontage Tax Assessment Roll Emergency Planning Committee Greater Vancouver Regional District - includes the functions of water, sewerage & drainage, and hospital Greater Vancouver Regional District - Transportation & Strategic Planning Committee Greater Vancouver• Transportation Authority Local Joint Committee on Community Corrections (FCM) Maple Ridge Elderly Citizens Housing Society Maple Ridge Foundation Municipal Insurance Association of British Columbia Parks & Leisure Services Commission MR/PM Ridge Meadows Youth & Justice Advocacy Association Councillor Tom Baker Acting Mayor - October & November (1998/1999) Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues - First Alternate Commercial Zone Review Committee Emergency Planning Committee Greater Vancouver Regional District-First Alternate incl. the functions of water, sewerage & dramage, parks, and hospital Greater Vancouver Regional District-Sewerage&Drainage Corn Maple Ridge Downtown Parking Society Parks and Leisure Services Commission - Second Alternate Ridge Meadows Recycling Society I Councillor Jim Clements Acting Mayor - December (1997/1998) & January (1998/1999) Advisory Design Panel - First Alternate Audit Committee Arts & Cultural Policy Implementation Committee B.0 Aviation Council E-Comm. Corp. Greater Vancouver Regional District-Labour Relations Bureau Greater Vancouver Regional District-Parks Pitt Meadows Airport Society - First Alternate Councillor Candace Gordon Acting Mayor - April & May (1998/1999) Arts & Cultural Policy Investigation Committee Audit Committee Bicycle Advisory Committee Commercial Zone Review Committee Employee Awards Committee Fraser Basin Council Greater Vancouver Regional District-Labour Relations Bureau - First Alternate Heritage Advisory Committee Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee Parks & Leisure Services Commission MR/PM-First Alternate Ridge Meadows Arts Council Social Planning Advisory Committee Standing Committee Budget Committee - Chair Committee of the Whole - Member Development Agreements Committee - Chair Ex-officio member of all standing committees Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Labour Management Committee - Member Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Labour Management Committee - Member 6 By Resolution I Councillor Linda King Acting Mayor - February & March (1998/1999) Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues Alouette Management Committee Alouette River Management Society B.C. Assessment Authority Bicycle Advisory Committee - First Altemate Court of Revision (Frontage. Tax) Elderly Citizens' Recreation Association Heritage Advisory Committee - First Alternate Municipal Insurance Association of B.C. - First Alternate Parks & Leisure Services Commission MRJPM Secondary Suites Social Planning Advisory Committee - First Alternate Year 2000 Millennium Committee Youth Advocacy Committee I Councillor Betty Levens Acting Mayor - August & September (1998/1999) 125' Anniversary Committee Communities in Bloom Committee Douglas College Advisory Committee Economic Advisory Commission Elderly Citizens Recreation Association Fraser Valley Regional Library - First Alternate Greater Vancouver Regional District - Communications, Education & Culture Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee - First Alternate Maple Ridge Chamber of Commerce - First Alternate Municipal Insurance Association of B. C. - Second Alternate Parks & Recreation Services Committee - Third Alternate Pitt Meadows Airport Society Councillor Ken Stewart Acting Mayor - June & July (1998/1999) Advisory Design Panel Audit Committee Citizens Advisory Board to Corrections Commercial Zone Review Committee Community Forest Steering Committee Court of Revision (Frontage Tax) Economic Advisory Committee - First Alternate Emergency Planning Committee Fraser Valley Regional Library Lower Mainland Municipal Assoc. - Flood Control and River Management Committee - First Alternate Maple Ridge Chamber of Commerce Parks & Leisure Services Commission Chief Administrative Officer General Manager: Public Works & Development Services Acting Mayor Municipal Clerk Standing Committee Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Development Agreements Committee - Member Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee - Alternate Development Agreements Committee - Alternate Development Agreements Committee - Alternate Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee - 7 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES May 18, 1999 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Carl E. Durksen, Chairman R. Robertson, Administrator Member K. Kirk, Recordrng Sccretary 1. RZ/27/98 LEGAL: Rem. Lot 61, Plan 40979, East V2, Lot 21, Plan 1676, Section 16, Township 12, New Westminster District LOCATION: 23795 & 23845 118 Avenue OWNER: School District No.42 REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Restrictive Covenant - Rezoning Dev. Agreement THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING AGREEMENTS AS THEY RELATE.TO RZ/27198. CAR & - R. Robertson, Administrator Member L3j $6 i LMP 30402 N 7 J~C~lj 8 JQ 9 -. LMP k3 - 0 J o 0 LMP 30403 Rem PcI. 2 of PcI. ACL 28 EP1734 - cn N- Qi 01 LM 27920 LM13O401 'TRKRD - - JCVJDNE TflUflD DvDIi rnr RD uivvu 1995) 01 30 92 272 oi I __ 2 P1 2_cr. Remi - 2 39 Ren 14 Rem w i'& R' 2325 P 8513 A PcI. 80.7 , 8 16 1195 119B AVE A of 7 of E TW7 24 1 ______ 11bU RemA P16Y6 ____ 17 ______ 4 LMP8066CNIJ 1/2 7 15 1194 2I 21 0 ( 119 AVE 11% 8 Rem o —i 1966 6 1194 P 7 572 22 23 94 W 1/4 6 —11 ci-6 > 3 13 ___ __________ 4 (\J71193 i- 2 - w w (0 ± 18 ______ - 8 1l193 C) W U(IP 1I144 L1P 1641 M-2 M-1 II} n9I g119 11926 17 ____ R -3 11930 16 1l92 2 9 N. LI) 01 04 04 01 01 01 IC.' C.i 31/ ______ I I I 11 ioh191 'i'- u,19 of 1 1l9l iTTä N 11904 15 CO N P0 119AAVE P1 1190 r 1190 8 2 10 511 ) 14 " 0.20 I 1°' -I 1 9212 13 6 21 11 10 M CS1 114 M 6411 AVE 119 AVE 1 cp 1t9 10 1899 8 LM'80 fl i8o51 ('1 04 04 01 1l88 N 8 SUBJEC ROPERTIE 19 AVE 04 04 .. 11898 oi9 _________ AC 119AVE ri Y1881jCj, 11882w A _ ( 04~',Jj ' ti;i;i;i;ii 34 P0 Ci Ci 114 I—I 118756 RS-3 _ 1185 LM 18L51 1187 01 It) N- W 1/2 E 1/2 118 5 cn LM1 18051 4 3A AVE 11884 RS-3 1185 r186 )1187o5 5 21 21 Rem 61 A 1184 24I2 2 18; P II 01 01 k 1185 11854 / I 4 118A AVE 118A AVE 14) 118422 / 11840 - 1617F1 103 11820 / 1182 (P21864) 10. 1182O - REM. 22 2 - LML 11818 I F 231 119 1ci u1817 P1676 11816 1801 (1 L Q. 8 91 1) 2d18J PARK C., 1 04 ___ 04 01 01 11 191 —4 11806 9 5010 ioav 118AVE - N- N- 01 01 PARK 6!1'%rC12 C-' Ci 0) CCI 4 CCI 32 32 56 P17 19 RS-1 3"_ 25 Rem26 1 ', P1230 PAR 2 Rem 8 _____________ CD-1-93 LMP 14 ____ 29 A 3672 ' k 1 30 _____ -1 i i EP161O j, 5' ',i°'' it. ° r 17 •I 6" ',4 b1 LU 2 B 3 " '4 ' 2' P 1 230 2'- 31 Q 8 716 35 8 116 2 75 11691 LMP 30235 6 23'' 36718 31 1166 34 —26 A E 41 11666 1168 _ _ LMPFJI)/ 11656 1167 1165 33 '27 ________________ L Rem. 1 r 10 1165 32 0. 28 PARK LMP 32605 1164 - 29 \ 11 11650 r 1166 PARK 11 1165 121163 30 \ \ 11638 I LMP 36721 131163 1162 'III CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/27/98 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COUNCIL SUBJECT: Final Reading - Bylaw No. 5729-1998 23795/23845 118 Avenue SUMMARY: Bylaw 5729-1998 has been considered by Council at Public Hearing and subsequently granted 2nd and 3rd reading. The applicant has requested that final reading be granted. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit the construction of an Elementary School. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5729-1998 be reconsidered and adopted. BACKGROUND: Location: 23795/23845 118 Avenue History: Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on October 20, 1998. On October 27, 1998 Council granted 2 d and 3 reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5729-1998 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed: Comments from the Advisory Design Panel; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement and deposit of security as outlined in Agreement; Consolidation of the development site; Approval from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch; A Statutory right of way pian and agreement must be registered at the Land Title Office: d)-~-, 1 0 / The following applies to the above: The Advisory Design Panel reviewed the project. The minutes and resolution from that meeting are attached. A Rezoning Development Application has been deposited at the Land Title Office and security has been deposited for works outlined in the agreement The site has been consolidated the area required for Habitat Protection has been dedicated as Park. The Park dedication negates the requirement for a restrictive covenant to satisfy the Ministry of Environment and the need for a Statutory right-of-way. CONCLUSION: As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that final reading be given to the bylaw. Chief Administrative Officer GPIbjs Current - 2 - FILE/OftAW: RZ-27-98 I DATE: AUG. 5. 1998 SUBJECT PROPERTIES 23795 AND 23845 118 AVE. ZONING CORPORATION OF THE I Q, DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE I MAPLE RIDGE PIANMUG ctcorporaLad 2 ptmbri. t874 DEPAIITENT I SCALE: 1:5,000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5729 - 1998 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5729 - 1998." Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 61, Except: Part subdivided by Plan LMP33I 17, Section 16, Township 12, Plan 40979, New Westminster District and East Half Lot 21, Section 16, Township 12, Plan 1676, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1192 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, are hereby rezoned to P-i (Park and School). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the 199. A.D. 199. A.D. 199. A.D. 199. ,A.D. 199. day of A.D. MAYOR CLERK 2.1 RZ/27/98 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. • Applicant: Mike Irving • Proposal:. Cottonwood North Elementary School • Location: 118th Ave. & 238B Street Terry Fryer introduced the project, explaining that it was the Cottonwood North Elementary School and that although not a requirement to appear at Advisory Design Panel, staff recommended and Council agreed to forward the application to the Panel. Mike Irving, School District, Wayne Werbovetski, MAIBC, CS? Architects and David Rose, BCSLA, Pavelek Design Group Ltd. Wayne Werbovetski presented the project, explaining the site size and location. He advised that an environmental assessment had been done and taken into consideration. He explained the access was off 238B St. and that parking was on the west side of the site. The setback is 7.5 metres and allows for a drop off arealfire access. This is a two- storey building that will accommodate 400 students, similar in design to the school built in Sommerset in Pitt Meadows. David Rose advised that the 15 m setback from the topof bank will be maintained with a 1.2 m chain link fence along the boundary, the remainder to be hydro-seeded. He advised the trees would be retained along the southern boundary. He explained that the street . trees at this point would not be provided but that the Ministry would be in touch with the District in this regard. Mike Irving explained that this was a stock plan (repeat design) that would be used in 3 schools. There was discussion about the street trees and lack of landscaping. Mike Irving explained that the Ministry of Finance was not prepared to finance those items. He also advised that maintenance was too costly and in most instances they are removing landscaping and planting grass. He further advised that the Ministry of Finance would be discussing these issues with the District. Mike Irving advised that this school would be named Alexander Robinson and that the existing Alexander Robinson would be closed. He also advised that the District was going to be revisiting the catchment areas. On question about the number of school buses and the drop off area and width of 238B Street, Mike advised that there would be two buses at most, and that 238B Street was wide enough to accommodate drop off. Constable Tolchard was concerned about traffic. e.g. U-turns and felt the drop off could be further from the intersection. Bernie Smandych entered the meeting at this point 4:45 p.m. and Andrew Toichard left. After discussion, the following resolution was MOVED, SECONDED and passed: Resolution: The Advisory Design Panel noted that the submission was incomplete. Further, the Panel believes that the imposition of the stock floor plan does not respect the site or the context. As a result, access to the school from the parking area is compromised, the drop off area is inadequate and the building elevations are banal. The Panel is disappointed with the direction that the Ministry is pursuing regarding the use of unimaginative stock plans in inappropriate settings. Building: The Panel suggests improvements to the following: the covered entranceway the scale of entranceway use of a reverse plan to locate gymnasium closer to the parking area Landscaping: The Panel recommends extensive use of shrubs and trees to provide for a more healthy environment. CORPORATION OF TILE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5768 - 1999 A By-law authorizing the expenditure of monies in the Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund WHEREAS development cost charges are collected for the purpose of assisting in the cost of providing services necessary to support new development; AND WHEREAS, the service deemed necessary for new development has previously been established; AND WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge deems it desirable to complete a portion of the projects previously established as Development Cost Charge items. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5768 - 1999". The sum of One Hundred and Twenty-four Thousand, Six Hundred & Ninety-seven Dollars ($124,697.00) appropriated from the Development Cost charge Reserve Fund By-law No. 2718 - 1979 as amended, and it is hereby authorized to be used as follows: LTC 7454 1 14A Avenue (Cottonwood Dr. to 90m east) Highway - $27,774.00 LTC 7455 1 14A Avenue (Cottonwood Dr. to 90m east) Water main - $11,016.00 LTC 7456 1 14A Avenue (Cottonwood Dr. to 90m east) Sewage - $5,313.00 LTC 7457 1 14A Avenue (Cottonwood Dr. to 90m east) Drainage - $8,274.00 LTC 6064 Spencer Avenue (240 St. to 243 St.) Sewage - $6,510.00 LTC 6067 Spencer Avenue (240 St. to 243 St.) Drainage - $9,207.00 LTC 6068 Spencer Avenue (240 St. to 243 St.) Water main - $24,449.00 05f_04::~~_ By-law No. 5768-1999 (Page 2) LTC 6069 Spencer Avenue (240 St. to 243 St.) Highway - $32,154.00 3. Should any of the above amount remain unexpended after the expenditures hereby authorized have been made, any unexpended balance shall be returned to the credit of the said Reserve Fund. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 199. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 199. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: May 10, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: E08 015 888 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Building Permit BPC 038/99 - 22987 Dewdney Trunk Road Development Cost Charge Forgiveness SUMMARY: A developer will be constructing road works on 230 Street along with other servicing improvements required in support of rezoning the property at 22987 Dewdney Trunk Road to allow construction of a restaurant (RZ 3 1/97). Construction of the road works is included in Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Bylaw No. 5615 - 1997 and is therefore subject to Development Cost Charge forgiveness consideration at the Building Permit stage. It is appropriate to forgive a portion of the Development Cost Charges payable to reflect the DCC works being constructed by the developer. The total amount eligible for forgiveness equals $10,754.00. RECOMMENDATION: That with respect to Building Permit application BPC 038199 for the property at 22987 Dewdney Trunk Road, be it resolved that in view of the necessity to construct road works on 230 Street, the highway component of the Development Cost Charges payable by the developer be reduced by $10,754.00. BACKGROUND: a) History: A building permit application BPC 038/99 has been received that proposes construction of a restaurant at 22987 Dewdney Trunk Road for which Development Cost Charges will be payable. Road works are required in support of rezoning RZ 31/97 and are identified as a DCC Highway item in LTC Project No. 743 of the applicable DCC Bylaw No. 5615-1997. It is appropriate to consider reducing the Highway component of the Development Cost Charges payable by $10,754.00 which equals, the full Highway component of the Development Cost Charges payable by the development. -1- b) Policy Implications: Section 933 of the Municipal Act provides for reduction of Development Cost Charges payable by a property owner in support of building development. Authorization of development cost charge reduction for eligible servicing components identified in the Long T.nf1àpital Program is consistent with municipal practice for addressing this issue. / /'/~x ~~ / Jeff'cherban / D37ctor of Development Engineering Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP Rudolph, 4.c.P, Mt.I.P. Municipal Engineer 1 Manager, Public Works looment Services U Robert W. Robertson, A.I.C.P, M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer -2- FULLER AVE4 1021 109 1193 01 11 931 100 llSfl 111 11921 •99 11912 112 11911 98 119d 113 2 11901 n66 65 70 11931 64 71 o 11921 63 72 0 11911 62 73 Q__ 11901 r N PcI. 1 EP 10384 11982 P34984 11980 PcI. 2 SUBJECT PROPERTY DEWDNEY 1c, I 189 aml 1832111976 P 46838 - I 12164 276 - 15 - 12166 12165 450 448 3g IA 235 252 253 273 23 12155 12160 2155 12154 277 14 12163 369 9 - 272 236 _Jj j 12145 2144 13 121 N 12161 ' 8 ' ______ 24 237 250 12135 12140 255 271 12135 278 2134 rn m 279 12141 12 c'.l 12127 a. 12140 12159 371 12157 415 414 413 416 '' 238 249 c'i 256 N 270 25 12125 2130 i2125 (/) 2124 280 a. 11 12130 - ____ N _______ 12148 23779 N N N 248 257 269 12115 (0 12120 12115 ____________ 12114 1'.) 26 12116 12153 12142 417 PE 240 247 258 268 281 0 10 12151 it 12106 12110 12105 12104 12107 (1) 32 , 375 441 C" 4184 241 246 259 267 282 N C 12149 12095 12094 12096 12073 12106 A 0. 0 41§1 420$21 12147 439 6 P 93 I 12085 243 244 245 263 264 265 I 266 283 P 1 438 437 k 12087 12084 I 284 12074 12084 310 30 12067 2° _________ 31 12064 _____ 121 45 436 ° 378 23013 0 Q.23Q 0 DR PURDEY AVE P20969 12056 I 261 26A 9 211 31 1 2 4 38 12041 Rem. S 318° P4429 I I r— I • ______ 39 of A 380 381 382 3!5 386 388 389 3 co P 2891 P 7651 _______ I P71 P 6242 P66 38 669 8 LMP 505 A Remi Rem. W100' 312 311 nLMP4 Rem. 329 R 317 r of B P49271 330 P47120 P1794 P49271 DEWONEY TRUNK ROAD -i LIS2I6 I I P 56520 P S8011 P 574 91 11975 LLJ P 68237 Rem. 220 229 230 231 223 224 218 217 Z PcIl I I I 45 I p4738 158 156 155 1164 1153 1152 1151 150 a 11955 44 L6J F15 - 149 43 11950 148 C 8 1940 °) 11900 147I- ? 148 1910 6 145 1900 5 144 I- Cl) CD (43 04 ar"Mr-=10: Woo ;/ SCALE: 1:2,500 KEY MAP D.C.C. FORGIVENESS 22987 DEWDNEY TRUNK RD. BPC/038199 CORPORATION OF __ THE DISTRICT OF IAW ) MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE ___ Incorport.d 12, S.pt.mb.r, 1814 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT s-A DATE: May 12 1999 FILE: BPC-038-99.APR BY: SM CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: May 12, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: E08-015-840 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: PW & Dev SUBJECT: SD 18/98 - Development Cost Charge Reduction SUMMARY: A developer proposes to develop a 30 lot subdivision at 240 Street and 110 Avenue. As part of the subdivision servicing, the developer will construct services currently identified in the Long Term Capital Program as Development Cost Charge projects and which are included in Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Bylaw No. 5615-1997, the Bylaw which applies to the subdivision. Therefore, it is appropriate to authorize a reduction of a portion of the DCC's payable by the developer in the amount of $21 1,653.00. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That with respect to Subdivision 18/98 be it resolved that in view of the necessity for constructing road and drainage works on 240 Street, south of 110 Avenue, the road component and drainage component of the Development Cost Charges payable by the subdivider be reduced by $190,782.00 and $20,871.00 respectively, reflecting the Development Cost Charge Bylaw service costs and the maximum components payable. BACKGROUND: a) Purpose: Certain subdivision servicing to be constructed in support of a 30 lot subdivision at 240 Street and 110 Avenue is eligible for development cost charge reduction with respect to the following Long Term Capital Projects: LTC7152 240 Street (Kanaka Creek Road to 112 Avenue) Highway $190,782.00 LTC 7210 240 Street (109 Avenue to 114 Avenue) Drainage $20,871.00 Total DCC Reduction Amount $211,653.00 -1- b) Policy Implications: Division (10) of Part 26 of the Municipal Act, the Development Costs Recovery Section, provides in clause (8) of Section 933, provision for deduction of DCC's payable by an owner at the time of subdivision. Authorization of development cost charge reduction for eligible servicin_cçmponents identified in the Long Term Capital Program is consistent with municipal ptactice for addressing this issue. Jeff ,Scl,*rban, Direc r of Development Engineering Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP, Municipal Engineer C Uj C-4 ~A, R.W. Robertson, A.I.C.P., M.LC.P. Chief Administrative Officer )lph, A.1C.P., M.I.C.P., Manager, Public Works & eloDment Services -2- CORPORATION OF TILE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: May 7,1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: EOI-004-021 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: CofW-PW&Dev SUBJECT: Equipment Replacement SUMMARY: Tenders for the supply of four (4) curb side recycling trucks were opened on April 16,1999, at 2:00 p.m. The tender calls were made to vendors who supply this specialized equipment. Results are outlined on the attached Tender Summary Sheet. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Mack Sales and Service of Vancouver Inc., be awarded the contract to supply four (4) 1999 Mack Mid-Liner truck cab and chassis complete with two new recycling bodies, and two refurbished existing bodies. The total amount of tender is $456,387.60, with trade-in. BACKGROUND: After reviewing the bids submitted, the Maple Ridge Recycling Society recommends the 1999 Mack Mid-Liner with two new and two refurbished bodies does substantially meet our specifications. Although this is not the low tender, we agree with the Recycling Societies recommendation as it provides the most acceptable vehicle for the operation of the recycling program (see attached letter). Existing municipal units #135, #136, and #137 are seven years old and scheduled for replacement in 1999. Also included is one addition to the fleet, as approved in the 1998 adopted budget. The four proposed vehicles are of a larger classification than existing, and are required to facilitate additional recycling pickup areas and additional materials. For these reasons, the cost of the vehicles is substantially above the projected funds available in the equipment reserve. FUNDING SOURCE Equipment replacement reserve fund Carried over from 1998 approved budget Proposed 1999 capital Total funding Total purchase price $140,400.00 $150,000.00 $237.000.00 $527,400.00 $456,387.60 4~~ Superintendent of Roads. (? ( / L R'W. Robertson, A.I.C.P., M.I.C.P., Chief Administrative Officer /ds Attachment: Tender Analysis Recycling society letter Jake'orba, CGA. Director of Finance. E J. Rudoli, A.I.CP., M.I.C.P. Manager, I1ublic Works & Development Services -1- /1AtYI Tender Analysis for FOUR SINGLE AXLE RECYCLE REFUSE TRUCKS ITEMS • VENDORS Co Van International F G Russell Frelghtllner Frelghtllner Vancouver HIno Mack Metro Motors Metro Motors Volvo ______________ ______ Option 1 Option 2 ______ __________ Option 1 Option 2 _______________ Meets Spec: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Model Offered: 2000 lntemationaJ 4700 1999 International 4700 2000 Freightliner F160 2000 Freightliner FL60 2000 Hino FE2626-5 1999 Mack Mid Liner MS200P 2000 Sterling 17501 2000 Sterling SCF7000 200 Volvo WX42 Unit Price:Cab and chassis w!body: 103,358.00 88,348.00 94,800.00 110,758.00 101,563.00 97,493.00 114,086.00 119,000.00 138,267.00 Extend for two units: 206,716.00 176,696.00 189,600.00 221,516.00 203,126.00 194,986.00 228,136.00 238,000.00 276,534.00 Unit Price:Cab and chassis wo/body: 56,400.00 57,348.00 63,800.00 63,800.00 61,255.00 50,535.00 67,110.00 72,000.00 91,269.00 Extend for two units: 112,800.00 114,696.00 127,600.00 127,600.00 122,510.00 101,070.00 134,220.00 144,000.00 182,538.00 Othercharges: 112.00 112.00 112.00 Sub Total: 319,628.00 291,392.00 317,312.00 349,228.00 325,636.00 296,056.00 362,356.00 382,000.00 459,072.00 Trade Offered: 38,300.00 20,000.00 13,500.00 13,500.00 29,000.00 36,500.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 38,300.00 Accept Trade Value: Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Total Netlender 281,328.00 271,392.00 317,312.00 349,228.00 296,636.00 259,556.00 362,356.00 382,000.00 420,772.00 Delivery Time: 50(055 weeks 36 weeks 34 weeks 34 weeks ______ _____ TBD TBD Dec, 99 Buitd Out date: Dec-99 36 weeks 34 weeks 34 weeks 120 days 20 weeks 180 TBD na Firm Price to: 90 days 90 days 15-Jun-99 15-Jun-99 120 days Delivery 30 days 30 days 90 days PaymentTenns: N30 N30 Upondelivery Upondeliven) N15 Netondelivery 15days 15days N30 Supplier for Recycling Bodies: Commercial Body F G Russell F G Russell Commercial Body Commercial Body Commercial Body Commercial Body Commercial Body Commercial Body Options: _____________ Twonewbodieslessbins: 80,616.00 49,500.00 49,500.00 80,616.00 80,616.00 80,616.00 80,616.00 80,616.00 80,616.00 Two refurbished bodies: 65,712.00 56,000.00 56,000.00 65,712.00 65,712.00 65,712.00 65,712.00 65,712.00 65,712.00 StandUpDooi- 39,012.00 41,656.00 0.00 0.00 28,640.00 62,660.00 68,000.00 68,000.00 23,332.00 Right Hand Drive: 0.00 0.00 54,340.00 54,340.00 26,720.00 0.00 68,000.00 68,000.00 0.00 LetteflngandGraphics: 3,100. 2,34000 2,340.00 2,340.00 3,100.00 1,800.00 3,100.00 3,100.00 3,000.00 Additional Bins (4): 2,792.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,792.00 2,792.00 2,792.00 2,792.00 2,792.00 2,792.00 Tires 265 x 19.5: 1,200.00 1,200.00 Extended Warranties: 9,172.00 9,172.00 14,760.00 14,760.00 3,024.00 3,820.00 3,024.00 3,024.00 16,800.00 Rear view camera estimate: 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 Subtotalindudesoptions: 406,316.00 381,760.00 444,752.00 493,172.00 430,624.00 400,340.00 576,984.00 596,628.00 536,408.00 PST&GST: 56,884.24 53,446.40 62,265.28 69,044.08 60,287.36 56,047.60 80,777.76 83,527.92 75,097.12 Cost to MunIcipalIty: 463,200,24 435,206.40 507,017.28 562,216.08 490,911,36 456,387,60 657,761.76 680,155.92 611,505.12 RECOMMENDED VENDOR. and Vancouver 4, RECYCLE qw, May 5, 1999 RIDGE MEADOWS RECYCLING SOCIETY Box 283 . Maple Ridge, B.C. • V2X 7G2 phone: 463-5545 • Fax: 467-6100 Depot Location: 10092-236 Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. 1 DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X6A9 ATTENTION: Mr. Wayne Hardy Dear Wayne, Recommendation: Ridge Meadows Recycling Society is recommending the District of Maple Ridge purchase the Mac Cab-over style truck, to replace the existing Recycling truck fleet. Reasons for choice: Society & District staff viewed two different styles of trucks. INTERNATIONAL - conventional style (F&G body builders) Canadian Waste Management Company - Pitt Meadows Recycling Truck. MAC - cab-over style (Commercial body builders) Mack Sales & Service City of Vancouver Recyding Truck. I Mac cab-over truck is 55 inches (4.5 feet) shorter than the International. I The Mac's turning circle is 5 feet smaller than the International. This is a very important issue for our drivers as many of the townhouse complexes are narrow & dose together. The ability to turn around easily in a cul-de-sac or lane Is also important I Shorter wheel base. I Over all length of the unit is shorter - smaller "looking truck" on the street. I Better visibility for operator - a cab-over style truck has the operator standing "in- front" of the.motor improving window to curb visibility as there is no front end. I Existing trucks are cab-over style, so drivers are familIar with their operation. I Better visibility means fewer accidents from operator error. I Mac trucks will have Commercial Body Builders as the body manufacturer -. Commerdat Is the original designer of the Recycling truck bodyj so the 'rebuilt bodies" should be easier for them. (less problems during reconstruction) 'I Delivery time for Mac Is 20 week compared to 36 weeks for International. I Both Vancouver & Bumaby have the Mac cab-over style trucks & choose this style over a conventional style for the same reasons as listed above. Background: Both trucks offered the basic requirements as outlined by the Society for operational needs. > Standup right hand drive ) Larger size truck, capable of carrying the extra weight. > AIr'brakes printed on 100% recycled paper ..2/.. As we are moving to a larger truck ( 3 ton to 5 ton ) we have some concerns related to the height of the vehicle, as it is approximately 8 inches taller than the Hino's presently used. But this issue will be addressed through modifications to the side step & rail system. Collections staff are aware of the increased height & have been working on alternative methods of pickup. Both trucks meet the District's requirements as outlined for maintenance & motor specifications. In discussions with the Operations Manager for The City of Vancouver & Bumaby both use the stand-up right-hand drive cab-over style of truck for their Recycling Curbside Collection programs and have only positive comments to make about the operation of this vehlde. Both city area have a high concentration of older lanes & narrow streets. The cab-over style increases speed & effidency for the driver, as he doesn't have to take wide corners or several short turns to enter narrow lanes. Increase in visibility was the main reason for the purchase to this style of vehicle for both City's. The Mac truck is NOT the lowest bid, but it.ls our belief that it Is the better choice.of the two vehides based on our operational needs over the next 7 years. If you require any additional information, please call me. Sincerely.. Ridge Mea44Ryçllng Society & Personnel. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: May 10, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: E0 1-035-001.2 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: Maple Ridge - 1999 Canada Day Celebrations SUMMARY: A request has been received from the Multicultural Canada Day Society to use our Municipal Streets for the Canada Day celebrations on Thursday July 1, 1999 between the hours of 8:00am to 10:30pm. It is recommended that the event be approved provided the usual conditions are met. A copy of the request dated April 26, 1999 is attached. RECOMMENDATION: The Multicultural Canada Day Society (the organizers) be authorized to close 2241h Street between Dewdney Trunk Road and Selkirk Avenue on Thursday July 1, 1999 between 8:00 am to 10:30 pm for the Canada Day celebrations provided the conditions as outlined inthe report of the Chief Administrative Officer are met: BACKGROUND: - From time to time the Municipality is requested to allow the use of Municipal Streets for organized events. Unless there is some unusual safety implication approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A". Chief Administrative Officer lfanag Pubfla Works & Nunicipal Engineer Ivopment Sdftices -1- SCHEDULE 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated May 10, 1999 Maple Ridge —1999 Canada Day Celebrations CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: • provide all the necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the R.C.M.P., and the District of Maple Ridge; • notify B.C. Transit, the Local Fire Department and Ambulance Services of the event; • hold and save harmless the Corporation from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or In any way connected with the event; • obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $2,000,000.00, naming the Corporation as an additional named Insured. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporation prior to the event; • refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District of Maple Ridge; • notify all surrounding businesses affected by the closure (a minimum of one week prior to the closure date); -2- K€€ttc&a4€ &"d4 V" 566460 P.O. 29566, Maple Ridge B.C. V2X 2V0 Phone/ Fax Number: 1-604-465-5542 April26, 1999 Gary O'Rourke Director of Engineering - Projects District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X6A9 Dear Gary: Subject: 1999 Maple Ridge Canada Day Celebrations. The Maple Ridge Multi-Cultural Canada Day Committee is currently planning Maple Ridge's 1999 Canada Day Festival, to be held in Memorial Peace Park. The Canada Day celebrations are organized by a volunteer committee in partnership with Ridge Meadows Parks and Leisure Services. The Canada Day Committee once again requests approval for the closure of 224th Street between MacIntosh Avenue and Dewdney Trunk Rd., on Thursday, July 1, 1999 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. to accommodate the event. A map of the closure route is enclosed for your information. This information has also been forwarded to the Maple Ridge R.C.M.P., Ambulance Service of B.C., B.C. Transit, Maple Ridge Fire Department, Maple Ridge Taxi and Meadow Ridge Taxi. Merchants along the closure route will be contacted with the closure information as well. Thank you in advance for your support of this annual community event. If you have any questions or recommendations, please contact me at 467-7327. SineIv. Craig 1J4illin Sports Vc Fitness Board of Dfrectora Pay. Isaac Cbar (Spon.otsbpe (nika BoekhOi5l Vice-Chair (Food COOrthIIatOI$ Debi Pearew Taswar (SponsorsbfpU Carol Chassi. Secretary (Cft Coordbumvl Sonzya Mohaj.ri Direcr (Volunttrr Cooniinat01 Gordon Rosa Diroctor (Ectsrtainmeub Jest Sivia Director (Equiprmcnt & Safet)') Ruste.it Rawyk Director (Dooradoa Csvig Miflñt Parks & Leisure Scrves Liaison (Prot000 Catherins Sdtaf.ro Feadvat Society (Voluntear CooMlnatot Proposed Road Closure for 1999 Canda Day Festival Thursday, July 1, 1999 from 8:00am to 10:00pm Dewdney Trunk McIntosh Ave. - I IRV --- NT lemorial Peace Park ( a ndsta 119th Ave. Selkirk Ave. U Ma11t Legend Barricades Barricades will be posted with "Road Closure Signs Mall Entrance Lougheed Hwy CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: May 20, 1999 And Members of Council FILE NO: DVP/24/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: DVP 24/99 (11358 236 Street) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This application requests two separate variances of the Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw: A reduced road right-of-way width for proposed 236A St. from 18 m to 15.5 m. This variance is supported on the basis that 236A St. will accommodate all the required urban road servicing standards. 2. A reduction in pavement width on Creekside Drive from 11.6 m to 9.1 m. This variance is supported, as it will reduce the negative impact on the watercourse adjacent to the easterly portion of the site. RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/24/99 respecting property located at 11358 236 St. will be considered by Council at the June 22, 1999 meeting. III: BACKGROUND: Applicant: Damax Consultants Ltd. Owner: Central City Mission Foundation Legal Description: PcI "K" (ref Pt. 2506) SE 114 Sec16, Tp 12, NWD Existing Zoning RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed Zoning CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District)• Proposed Use of Property: Single Family Residential Variance Requested: - Reduction in the right-of-way width for an urban road - Reduction of the pavement width for a collector street O1D° IV: PLANNING ANALYSIS The Maple Ridge Subdivision & Development Servicing Bylaw requires that all highways shall have certain right-of-way widths as set out in Schedule B. That Schedule requires that a local urban road be 18 m wide. The Engineering Department has reviewed and supports the applicant's request to vary the proposed road allowance width for 236A St. from 18 m to 15.5 m. Construction within the right-of-way will include all the service requirements for an urban local standard in the reduced right -of-way. The Maple Ridge Subdivision & Development Servicing Bylaw requires that all construction standards shall be in accordance with the standards set out in Schedule C "the District of Maple Ridge Standard Drawings and Specifications". The Engineering Department has reviewed and supports the applicant's request to vary the construction standard for that portion of Creekside Drive adjacent to a habitat protection area west of Horseshoe Creek. This variance requests a reduced pavement width from 11.6 m to 9.1 m and will eliminate the parking lane on the east side of the road. This reduction will not impact either the traffic circulation or safety for this portion of Creekside Drive and will reduce the negative impact on the watercourse. V. CONCLUSION: Staff have reviewed and support the requested variances ay Por, Planning Technician LR.W RobertsonU,MCIP, AJCP J., MC , AJC Chief Administrative Officer anger: Public Works and ent Services FS34P1 340A 30 15, 10 0.60960 19' - - - PARK 1,12 A /2/ L23'~ / LUP 40276 2,,,, (<f 9 17 15 202. RP 2506 2 C0 717 73239. ,3 C14 1138A (uP 35464 _______________________________ [ (us .oe ___ 30 ' RMitu ' E' U 4 12 am 25 24 23 2' 13 lim PVE LLJ 32635 112 20119.1 l 6 Cr LMP 3&163 I ___'! (.2 PARK 22 19 P 39966 P 41673 2,627 l. 1.216 R S - lime Pd. P' 4.... C RP 1224 N''m) C4 P 24650 79. RP 1397 qf / I P.fl SE. I/A S.c.16 ip. 62 " I.UP 24722 PARK I I 9I9I5 )X.' N SUOJECT PROPERTY SILVER CURRENT ZONING IS RS-3 DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE VALLEY SC:J M EE PLANNINGDEPARTMENT ALSION THORNHI 1 41: 4000 lncorporftted 12 September, 1874 ERASER 670CR FILE/BYLAW: OVP-24-99 DATE: APRIL 9. 1999 I. i I I I I I I I J I I 4 '7t_L I_ _j I. _.•-_•_•j I ,' / I: tt.46 Ht) i I r 1 " :. •. I 4__i____J............: APRIL 6/99. V- P -p'L4 a I1 18 I' damax consultants ltd. I' 3862 w. 14th avenue, vancouver v6r 2w9 I tel. 224-6827 fax.222-9240 1 • .1 N.T.S. Planning CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: April 2, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/1/92 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: Rescind all Readings Bylaw No. 4697-1992 & 4698-1992 (South West Corner of Maple Crescent and 207 St.) SUMMARY: Bylaws 4697-1992 & 4698-1992 have been considered by Council at Public Hearing and subsequently granted 2 and 3 reading. This property has changed ownership twice since then and there has been no correspondence on tile since April 1995. In April 1998 a letter was sent to the applicant with regard to closing the file with a copy to the owner; no response was received. It is therefore recommended that all readings to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 4697-1992 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 4698-1992 be rescinded. RECOMMENDATION: That with respect to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 4697-1992 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 4698-1992, that 2 d and V reading granted June 15, 1992 and 1 reading granted May 11, 1992 be rescinded. CONCLUSION: Rescinding all readings of this bylaw will enable staff to close the file. GajPor, PlannQ Technician 6 R. W. Robertson, MCIP, AICP J., McIP/P Chief Administrative Officer GeiiérI Manager.AublIc Works and Dev$Ilment Services GP/bjc ' -1- LORNE AVE f N- 0 0 N N CU 5 P L31 9 AVE - 725 722 721 80 11331 0- B Pill 724 n -- 723 720 719 716 C-, LORNE ¼VE 4 to 2 t) J 11339 ' 1 10 : 1 _ q7127 1 11329 Ren 1SI 2 11 ll23r. Rem.-m(I) 1122j CY 11312 NE AVE D18O !Cn 730 729 N726 Cn Or1LOI9INEi 9 1728 727 C-, 0, TI:brV I.A E 11 2 c 0 'a- 10 N 11296 '0 N- 78k6 D '3 3 I 5 6 7 8 Pf180 I N 59 62 11295 767 0 11288 758 I 111289 - - CL ml mJ i ,nI 77 I Li 4 P1 4 76J2766 P114 774&775i CU.J 11280 'Fl N-0I NJ NI NJ NJ C 751 11277 fl 11284 11281J 113 AVE 113 AVE OF113AV Nl/2 0 6541 I 11271J 1043 - 764& 6 ThI*6 113 B 10 752, 753 756 1278_ , 761 11273 0 11267 ! A I ___ a. '_ 76 1114 1261 SK1840 11253 0 11264 C 5 J 6 7 8 9 ________ 1L _Av - DMJ LE AVE 11252S30' 78 111 1249 11260 L P 144 _ _______ 11258 B ("4 P 1457 L 11239 2 209 P10 c 124i > 11240 783 782 779 179 ° 75 7 D 786&787 - Sl/2 11246 1 L v 11236 IT 12 1910 114 Rem i Rem 781 780 11226 MAPLE CR 52216 P 52363 PcI. I SUBJECT PROPERTY NJ M-2 N PCTTM ••• 0ISTCT OP f VAU.EY RZ/1/92 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICTOF TC4OIH* Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE SCALE: 1:2,500 KEY MAP DATE: Apr28 1999 FILE: BY: JB MEMO R A N D tIN TO: PLANNING COMMITTEE FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: 1992 APRIL 08 SUBJECT: RZ/1/92 LEGAL: PARCEL T D.L. 278, OP. 1, PLAN 52363, N .W.D. LOCATION: SOUTH WEST CORNER 07 207 STREET AND MAPLE CRESCENT FROM: ES-i (ONE FAMILY URBAN RESIDENTIAL) TO: C-3 (TOWN CENTRE COMMERCIAL) SUMMARY An.a•pplication has been received to rezone a portion of theabove described property to C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) to permit the construction of a commercial building fronting on Maple Crescent with a 17 unit apartment use above the commercial component. It is recommended that this application be supported. It is requested that this application be considered at the Council meeting of April 27, 1992. RECOMMENDATION TEAT APPLICATION RZ/1/92) (PARCEL "T D.L. 278, OP. 1, REFERENCE PLAN 52363, N.Y.D.) TO REZONE FROM ES-I (oNE FAMILY URBAN RESIDENTIAL) TO C-3 (TOWN CENTRE COMMERCIAL) BE FORWARDED TO PUBLIC HEARING NOTING THAT THE CONDITIONS TO BE MET PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARING AND PRIOR TO FINAL CONSIDERATION OF THE APPROPRIATE BYLAWS ARE DETAILED II THE PLANNING DEBARMENT MEMO DATED APRIL 8, 1992 AND THAT THE ACCOMPANYING OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENT BE FORWARDED TO THE SAME PUBLIC HEARING. CONDITIONS TO BE MET PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARING: 1) FULLY DIMENSIONED DEVELOPMENT PLAN SHOWING THE FOLLOWING: BUILDING LOCATION; BUILDING ELEVATION; ACCESS/EGRESS LOCATIONS; PARKING LAYOUT; B) TYPICAL SUITE PLAN; -1 - F) LANDSCAPE PLAN; ALL DRAFTED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE MAPLE RIDGE ZONING, PARKING AND SUBDIVISION BYLAWS. PRIOR TO FINAL CONSIDERATION THE FOLLOWING MUST BE ADDRESSED: REGISTRATION OF A REZONING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES AS VOLUNTEERED BY THE DEVELOPER IN A LETTER DATED MARCH 24, 1992; DEPOSIT OF SECURITY AS OUTLINED IN THE REZONING DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT; AMENDMENT TO SCHEDULE "C" OP THE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN; AMENDMENT TO SCHEDULE "A" AND "H" OF THE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN DESIGNATING THE SITE A DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA; A REPORT FROM AN ACOUSTICAL ENGINEER; —T f-.:- .-•d REGISTRATION OF A PRIVATE EASEMENT- AGREEMENT AT THE LAND TITLE OFFICE FOR DRAINAGEJ. BACIGROUND An application has been received to rezone a portion of the above described property to C-3 to permit the construction of a 3 storey commercial/residential building. Tann 4.4 an. The property is located in the Hammond area on the south west corner of Maple Crescent and the unconstructed 207 Street alignment. Physical Description: The subject site is relatively flat. There is a drainage ditch which runs through the westerly part. There is no significant vegetation on the property with the majority of the site cleared. District Context: The site is presently designated Single Family Residential at 15 units per net hectare in the Official Community Plan as is the property to the north and east. The property to the south is designated Industrial and to the west Historic Commercial. The property will require an Official Community Plan Amendment to redesignate it to Town Centre Commercial to permit the development. It is also recommended that the site be designated a Development Permit Area to ensure the form and character of the development after zoning. - 2 - Staff have reviewed the proposal in conjunction with the surrounding land use. It is felt that a commercial/apartment building would be the best use for the site with limited private outdoor space being provided for the apartment use. Approximately half of the site is zoned C-3, and it i s anticipated that the lands to the west will develop with similar proposals as they are currently zoned C-3. A single family residential use adjacent to the railroad tracks is not appropriate. Neighbourhood: The property is north of the Interfor Mill site and the CPR tracks. Land to the west is zoned C-3 and currently serves as a parking lot for mill employees. Directly north of the property is single family residential and some commercial buildings. To the east, lands are mostly undeveloped, however the D.M. Hartnell home, built in the 1920's, is located to the north east fronting 207 St. Design Concept: The site plan provided shows a commercial component of approximately 330 m 2 (18.5% of the lot area) fronting on Maple Crescent and two storeys of residential use above for a total of 17 units. The commercial component is less than the 25% minimum requirement in the C-3 zone. This is due to the limited depth of the lot and the need to provide parking at the rear. All of the street frontage is developed as commercial. The parking will be. to the rear of the site contained within the Building. Access for the parking will be provided from the 207 Street right of way. The design for the building respects the nearby Heritage designations. An acoustical engineer will be required to comment on what measures must be taken to reduce the noise level generated from the train traffic and mill works. Servicing Requirements: The Engineering Department have identified that not all of the services required to support the proposed development exist. Currently there is no sidewalk fronting the site on Maple Crescent nor is the portion of 207 Street which will be used to access the parking facility constructed. Prior to final reading it will be necessary for the owner of the land toenter into a Rezoning Development Agreement and provide security for the installation of these services. - 3 - The Engineering Department have also identified a private drainage system running through the site. This system must be maintained as a private system although it will probably be rerouted through the site when the development occurs. It will therefore be necessary to have the developer enter into a Private Easement Agreement with the affected property owners prior to final consideration of the zone amending bylaw. Conclusion: Half the site is currently zoned C-3 and the entire site is designated single family residential at 15 units per net hectare. Considering the land use to the west, the proximity to the railway tracks and the present zoning, it is recommended that this application be supported, provided all the conditions listed in this memo are complied with. uay - Plan,)g Technician GP/bja (19) - 4 - CORPORATION OP THK DISTRICT OP NAPLR RIDGE BY-LAW 10. 4697 - 1992 A by-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming a part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended WHRRBAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOV PHERRYORN, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, SNACTSAS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 4697 - 1992." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: All that portion of Parcel "T", District Lot 278, Group 1, Reference Plan 52363, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 902 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to 11-3 (Town Centre Commercial). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D., 199 PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D., 199 READ a second time the day of , A.D., 199 READ a third time the day of , A.D., 199 RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of. , A.D. 199 MAYOR CLERK (152) ZEI i - E-14 -- A i#ji gi 1•• - Ii 3 I I I. 23.1 L"3' I I a.i rz*swj[I LI 10 TH AVE p. 1137? /1170 43 1,273 ,sM4y 1 1/140 i fl44f ,issel 10015.9 1110 C 1 -9-449 113 TH AE A B ii 41 i 1 L.M I/iF .5 .1 7j 110 tg4iI i_i! ow9IT *ng I jtjEM 629M °•' :i;.! ss_#_ 908 PcLA fl44' 60496 11.024 M Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 4697 - 1992 Map No. 902 Rezone From: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) To: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF 1(APLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 4698 - 1992 A. By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A", "C" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOV THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:- This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 4698 - 1992". Schedule "C" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Parcel "T" District Lot 278, Group 1, Reference Plan 52363, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 297, a copy of which isattached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby redesignated to Town Centre Commercial. Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding Development Permit Area XII as the following: Development Permit Area XII Designation: The Development Permit Area is hereby established to addrese the form and character of commercial development. Location: The boundaries of the Development Permit Area is shown on Schedule "H" and includes 1) Parcel "T", D.L. 278, Gp. 1, R.P. 52363, N.W.D. Objectives: 1. To facilitate orderly development of the areas through particular attention to siting and form of - commercial buildings and areas for, parking and storage. PAGE 2 BYLAW NO. 4698 - 1992 To ensure the area presents a unified image identifying the Commercial Core area of Hammond. To address the impact of adjacent industrial and transportation uses. To ensure compatibility of mixed commercial and residential uses. D. Guidelines: Particular attention should be made to the image presented to the street front for the highly visible spaces. Parking and storage areas should be appropriately screened. Landscaping should be supplemented to identify and define public space, to present a pleasing street image and to soften the transition from adjacent land uses to the commercial core. Vehicular access and parking should be carefully sited to ensure a functional layout but located underground or to the rear of buildings with access minimizing disruption of streetfront continuity. Sound attenuation measures will be require.d to ensure that noise levels inside buildings will be reduced to acceptable levels as a result of proximity to rail lines and industrial uses. Entry to the residential component must be separate from the commercial use and provide a proper sense of residential identity. 4. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Parcel "T" District Lot 278, Group 1, Reference Plan 52363, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 298, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, are hereby designated as Development Permit Area XII (1) on Schedule "H". - PACE 3 BYLAW NO. 4698 - 1992 5. "Maple Ridge Official Con'ununity Plan Designation By-law No. 4167 - 1989 as a?nended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 199 PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 199 READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 199 READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. 199 RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of 199 MAYOR CLERK (161) 21.3 I * - k - /lit" 113 Th A 2 j]t 3a 1 4 REM .ø s,srj I L in I CY r U23q a &4V1 I 2339 F ait * ll22 a1-mEAv//4 Jn :JJ/59 : A us ?2.6 I U, --- 2 r 7S&* I S V2 p 7 IO43 I/tee '•, - 1/275 NI/2 :7s47 9547 113 III AVE is., N4 J19 Lj //Jf 5 6 7 LI 1/457 "S I n-4a1 Iffig REM 629?io 20.1 IISM 90$ PLO II Pd. A PLAN 60496 11.024 he _ I PLAN 63502 Mple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 4698 - 1992 Map No. 297 Redesignate From: single Family Residential at 15 u.p.h. To: Town Centre Commercial 21.3 ! Lr ; !! 2 I,,,, U. IISU -;j 113 Th AVE • __- I ' 2 23i9 20.1 4 ICY N too Js /AW I/f?? $ V2 - & 7S& I/irs 1/273 1043 NV2 042 I ss :V2 '' I IN.,P3I __ 'i5i7i8ri svz 20.1 L"""i L /lops tI MA9 AVE H 1113 78&7E9 .. N 90 1114 II 7J RI Q I &TThE AVE. 114 .7a4O - ISif0 - I ] , 77e n_4v /1457 I_795 C NV NV2INV2 74a9 I L r ('fit T 1/2301 ' 2L3 * - 20.1 REM 629 ho 100,59 4(4 IS) ::se.J 52363 PcLA PL.4j/ 60496 11.024 ho I PLAN 63502 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 4698 - 1992 Map No. 298 Purpose: To designate the site as a Development Permit Area XII (1) 908 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: April 26, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/15/93 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: Rescind all Readings Bylaw No. 4841 - 1993 (12080 228 St.) SUMMARY: Bylaw No. 4841 - 1993 has been considered by Council at Public Hearing and subsequently granted 2" and 3"' reading. This bylaw proposed a rezoning of this parcel from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RT- 1 (Two Family Urban Residential). Since then the Official Community Plan has been amended and the subject property has been designated as "Apartment District". The ownership has changed and the last correspondence on this file was June, 1993. In October 1998 a letter was sent to the new owner regarding closing the file, no response was received. It is recommended that all reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 4841 - 1993 be rescinded. - RECOMMENDATION: That with respect to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 4841 - 1993, that 2" and 3rd reading granted May 3, 1993 and 1' reading granted March 29, 1993 be rescinded. CONCLUSION: Rescinding all readings of this bylaw will enable staff to close the file. Gay Por, Planning Technician ) ZQk R. W. Robertson, MCIP, AICP J.\4$lph, MCIP 1 Chief Administrative Officer Gekfr1 Manager: Pu Devlo,ment Services GPIbjc Works and 4 -1- 4 ;1 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 4841 - 1993 A by-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming a part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 4841 - 1993." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 302, Section 20, Township 12, Plan 44858, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 954 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to RT-1 (Two Family Urban Residential). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D., 1993 PUBLIC HEARING held theS0 day of Açr , A.D., 1993 READ a second time the 3 day of , A.D., 1993 READ a third time thea day of lLka.y , A.D., 1993 APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation and Highways this day of , A.D., 199 RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of ,A.D.199 MAYOR - CLERX (28) ............................................ fL32322 I I - r. I• Ii zaaI 0 (XflAw 548 L 22046 in N 14 N I / tX 44294 - ST fA vI J 242 i6 — Z w zas A ___% < 245 - 22 ___'. ', . -._a z.w, ZZWI M PCL.I _I N____ 230—t. z -c 0 zzae t(P13171 Ic 263 __ , — 151765 L szszi 1ZZO 11911 inir MY i 229 w 21W I (a• I ,I -— : I b I 22ss5 iC 788 81 231 9U93O _266 _234 I Z23 ST (X44294 cw MAN it 44t FW 0004 224 t I. 56868 w- '— — - • OW N C- t'u re low 46258 a - -- - 't NAIN l IL I Ca I CaI N1 I III I 1z_,I NIN LIcaI I I I1 iiI_ I 5,3,7 -ij---1 I 1t—•1 LJ._. N •Ca C.i(a. Ca IOb.CaI 46282 1 I i a A1 f I - L—' z_1 cH czklczlcz r •'tt 42772 — I (a N zm. - a flAw 11843 N N $ c c * 8 r — E V2 I — — ____ ____ •1 (a EX 12239 2 ((i 2 2 N PL — 14396 (a m 7W t0o(a Is i 0 _I0I (JI Ca 1 - i iJD .II j N aJ 1 74 ° I I I A '-'( (X.32&9 i ST 45948 SIJH t1 OPP 9 122 ND j Ave. —[—'J 71 (to zs 2 I 8 15 _ 112?Ij ittc* 2 I I '2203 1 20.0 64396 to REM L " 279 5972 'S Iry N /2 10 336 J S V2 10 N V2 9 '21lI 'r REM 2 SV29 & S 52' 4150 LMP I to VI 331 14065 1 9 rr_ :332 56997 ul 338 402 I I 6221/ 6,'9/ 401 I ii2'I N!o : cc 68638 REM,3 '2/of L th,i i N 1/2 4 a, a f SVZ4 " PL.//644 R€M8 ( N 1/2 3 Izorj 14tI49 $ 1/2 3 33/72 1 IAW N 70 OF 12093 N130 OF 2 Ia " '0 N6 N130' 2 fl.4N IT 6 /366? PEN N75' I 288 L 4836 1 REM I 289 'l 1:/ag 303 304 PLAN 44396 Zydr /2/54 /2/5' 341 J PLAN ________ 336 340 ] 'zig, '2/40 37 339 F- 52578 338 izire 11/4? 294 I 295 PLAN 29? 296. il/al I 299 ilol 101 'low ;:: I '1 300 2 c'iI 302 301 326 :l 315' 110f4 327 316 "09, f 317 .2091 47804 318 5. I PLAN 41774-1 I /2224 I I , '73 -I I I j • 5' 5. "I . . 5. STOREY AVE I C J I J I /'i" I P 42872 I 112 to 1 _ I 1 (XI 44294- k ' I R l l _ L also P4N 44292 ,_ f _ 5. (X. 44293 EAGLE AVE I I 21 , PL" I ' 'I'44292"• I CJ 32 235 252 253 273 /21W iz/gg1,'"\.,Lr'w /35 , C\4 ;isa 1150 /2/45(. ) In "C C'.—. P Vr_ 144 •) _J /2/40 /2/33 '2140 /ZS5 3 238 249 256 270 2T /2,30 /2/. 12/20 12,23 'f 1.4 li/id /2/13 #2/20 'illS I- 11110 /2/09 /1i''0 /2/ 09 UJI 241 246 " 259 26? '2094 . '.V j /20N19 I I ,lCSd I I cs I) cta I In I 10 04 IPL.44f!( 44292i c'4 28 C\I — e. PURDEY AVE 0 I. 1 N . In o. 'IREMI3 1 105" •IzjOJ03N4 I l84'9/ — j.'I'W2 l7 M ,ag3, :.- /44292 li /2891 p 7651 REM I PEMW 1. [6M CU j P. 77489 i 3 uj J9svx 0602ha 61650 — — — - EwDV IWWK RO. I I iw20/sr _ A JJ Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 4841 — 1993 Map No. 954 Rezone From: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) To: RT-1 (Two Family Urban Residential) "198 I 6 12208 P 14396 2 'T12203 I 265 280 cli 12193 12194 NI Rem.L I—I a.. 264 279 RP5972 12185 12184 a..j 12191 N1/210 12169 — 13 12178 336 335 S 1/2 10 a 12179 12170 P 58171 P66473 12162 Rem2 12161 355 Nl/29 CO 12153 12152 S1/29 S.52.5'2 12151 354 12141 L_. p12147 12148 331 B LA cz 353 332 P6987 LMP40 0. 12139 -. 2136 12139 12131 m 12128 12131 — N1/2 16 4 338 402 40 S1/2 16 a.12119 m 12126 P2211 P6701 12121 IN l-- 147 12114 12111 C) I 2 N50'5 12115 c' 148 2102 cli P 8638 Rem. 5 12105 RemlO A" a.. 12101 12 12097 N1/2of4 RS-1 P 11644 L 12087 B - S 1/2 014 12085 — N1/2 12076 1 ~ 2081 A S S1/2 4— UBJECT PROPERTY N1/2 B S 1/2013 12082 Q•• 12065 0.. 1212067 ______ S 1/2 2054 12053 —— 12 12057 S 1/2 7 N70' N130' 012 -t 13 ø307 'N 12042 12041 _ 12049 N 1/26 Rem N130'of2 12038 30 S 1/2 6 Rem. 2 12037 3 12031 203212028 310 18 P 52750 P 12253 T- 16,... 327 F-- 17 P51311 .' 12026 .........P 6165 mir HSKU I - DEWDNEYTRKRD I nd nI n P1367 I FIi1r 12208 1 _______ STOREY AVE IRem N I 288 12192 i . . 121of 12195 m 126 12f41 i28Ii29i3o"li31C'1 13 cy 4287 P4836 z Rem.1 289 1 P44g2 I 12182 0.. 12185 m 213 214 1215 1216 1217 I 218 1219 I 220 I 221 P4396 I CII I 303 304 12180 I CII all CII all 01 Cli Cli I Clii Clii Cli I CII n,I r,II ri c. 12166 12167 EAGLE AVE 335 Cli 341 12161 r.. 12166 all all all 011 CII CII Clii Cu l 'I C'.Ii cul Cull4 12154 336 c'n CICi 'i Cl 340 12157 225 226 227 228 I 229 I 230 231 I 232 233 rl 12140 337 I I P,4292 '.0 0..12151 235 I 252 2160 I 12155 216o253 27: 339 338 I —4 12128 12147 236 251 254 27 P4 858 2150 12145 (\ )2150 294 295 m 12120 12143 m 237 2501213 255 271 12140 12140 ______________ ______________ 297 Z a, a, a, 12112 292lo9 238 c', 249 256 " " 27" -t-t 'l m 12130 12125 2130 12092 I299 r 12103 r ° 248 257 ° ° 269 Fl. Ia. 12120 12115 (0 12120 2 NI 300 ..- 12090_a. I_12091 240 247 258 268 12110 12105 12110 - 302 301 241 246 259 I 267 2080 P 44 58 12081 12094 12095 2094 I 326 315 242 I 243 244 1245 263 I 264 265 I 12070 12065 327 a. a. 316 ) 12078 112087 12084 U) -t Cu nil _______ ______ Cli._Clii 12064 12055 ________ 320 317 Ifl PURDEY /v _ ruri[i!'r'_#i 12050 P 4 804 12041 z 12040 I 88' 261i 26i 313 2 ni 3ni 4 Nd) 0 Pi 8421 _ a. I r-I LMP 1505 P2 891 Rem.1 wi s-1 1 — P77489 cy cy DEW ONEY IRK RD 1 DEWDNE I- U) CsJ cy N "•' 'lj o,s,e,cT o RZ1 593 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE 'RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incorporaled 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE: 1:2,500 KEY MAP DATE: Apr28 1999 FILE: BY: JB Submitted to: () Council ( ) Committee of the Whole () Corporate and Community Services Committee () Planning and Operational Services Committee ADMINISTRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION That the recommendation of the Director of , Planning be approved. T( ADMINISTRATOR FROM: DIRECTOR OF PLANNING DATE: 1993MARCH4 SUBJECT: RZI15/93 LEGAL LOT 302, SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 12, PLAN 44858, NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT LOCATION: 12080 228 STREET FROM RS-1 (ONE FAMILY URBAN RESIDENTIAL) TO RT-1 (TWO FAMILY URBAN RESIDENTIAL) SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the above described property to permit the construction of a duplex dwelling. 1 The applicant has requested this item be considered at the Council meeting of March 15,1993. THE DIRECIOR OF PLANNING RECOMMENDS THAT APPLICATION RZ/15/93 (12080 228 STREET) TO REZONE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN HIS MEMO DATED MARCH 4, 1993 FROM RS-1 (ONE FAMILY URBAN RESIDENTIAL) TO RT4 (TWO FAMILY URBAN RESIDENTIAL) BE FORWARDED TO PUBLIC HEARING NOTING THAT THE CONDITIONS TO BE MET PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARING AND FINAL CONSIDERATION OF THE ZONE AMENDING BYLAW ARE ALSO DETAILED IN THAT MEMO. CONDITIONS TO BE MET PRIOR TO PUBUC HEARING: 1. Fully dimensioned site plan showing building location; building elevation and floor plan; access/egress location; a LOm road dedication 2. Provide a plan of development which addresses the duplex guidelines. all drafted in compliance with the Maple Ridge Zoning and Subdivision By-laws. PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL THE IOLLOWING MUST BE COMPLETED: Registration of a covenant at the Land Title Office respecting the duplex guidelines; Removal of the edsting single family dwelling Payment of development cost charges for one additional unit Approval of the by-law by the Ministry of Transportation and Highways. OF PLANNING 2 The property is located on the east side of 228th Street, north of the proposed Brown Avenue alignnent. The area is designated Single Family Residential at 15 units per net hectare in the Official Community Plan. There are no other RT-1 zones in the immediate area. The Engineering Department advises all services exist to the property. It will however be necessary to have the Ministry of Transportation and Highways approve the by-law as the property is within 800m of the Lougheed Highway. The following guidelines have been used to evaluate previous applications to ensure a duplex which compliments the existing neighbourhood: Duplex units should be constructed so that the main living area is ground oriented with bedrooms above. Each unit must be provided with adequate private outdoor space. The orientation of the duplex should respect existing single family dwellings. A covenant to ensure the above must be registered at the Land Title Office. The need for a joint access for driveways and on-site maneuvering will be assessed on site specific applications. CONCLUSION: The application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan. The lot is of sufficient area and dimension to meet the requirements of the zoning by-law for RT-1. it is therefore recommended that this application be supported and forwarded to Public Hearing subject to the conditions itemized in this memo. BM/kk 3 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: April 26, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/22/91 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: Rescind all Readings Bylaw No. 4590-1991 (20112 Wharf St.) SUMMARY: Bylaw No. 4590-1991 has been considered by Council at Public Hearing and subsequently granted 2 and 3 reading. This bylaw proposed a rezoning of this parcel from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to M-2 (General Industrial). The last notes to the file were in January 1994. In 1996 a single family dwelling was moved on to a new foundation on the lot. Staff conclude that there is no interest by the owner to complete this application for an industrial use and recommend that all readings to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 4590-1991 be rescinded. RECOMMENDATION: That with respect to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 4590-1991, that 2°' and 3 ' reading granted January 6, 1992 and 1" reading granted October 7,1991 be rescinded. CONCLUSION: Rescinding all readings of this bylaw will enable staff to close the file. -"Gay Por, Planning Technician R. W. Robertson, MCIP, AICP J. T. Fryer, P. Eng. Chief Administrative Officer G Works and Director of Current Planning Services GPIbjc H RS-3 0 RP 6903F 533 \A \ 2 a' A B P4183 34 5 6 P4183 2 RP 63014 418 1131 SUBJECT PROPERTY Ni RZ2291 4 CR _ CORPORATION OF / I\ I THE DISTRICTOF DSTRCTO* MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE LMOLIFY Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE. 1:2,500 KEY MAP DATE:Apr28 1999 FILE: BY:JB MEMORANDUM TO: - PLANNING COMMITTEE FROM: - PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: 1991 SEPTEMBER 13 SUBJECT: RZ/22/91 LEGAL: LOT 2, D.L. 281, GP. 1, PLAN 4183, N.W.D. LOCATION: 20112 WHARF STREET PROM: RS-3 (ONE FAMILY RURAL RESIDENTIAL) TO: M-2 (GENERAL INDUSTRIAL) SUMMARY An application has been made to rezone the above described property to M-2 (General Industrial) to permit a cedar shake operation. We would ask that this be application be considered at the Council meeting of September 23, 1991. RECOMMENDATION THAT APPLICATION RZ/22/91 TO REZONE THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 20112 WHARF STREET AND DESCRIBED AS LOT 2, D.L. 281, GP. 1, PLAN 4183, N.W.D., FROM RS-3 (ONE FAMILY RURAL RESIDENTIAL) TO M-2 (GENERAL INDUSTRIAL) BE FORWARDED TO PUBLIC HEARING NOTING THAT THE CONDITIONS TO BE MET PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARING AND FINAL READING OF THE APPROPRIATE BYLAW ARE DETAILED IN THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMO DATED SEPTEMBER13, 1991. CONDIT IONS TO BE MET PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARING: 1) Fully dimensioned development plan showing: buii.ding and improvement location; parking layout, all drafted in compliance with the Maple Ridge Zoning, Parking and Subdivision Bylaws. 19 - 1 - CONDITIONS TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL READING: 1) Approval from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch; Approval from the Ministry of Environment, Water Management Branch; Approval from the MInistry of Municipal Affairs; Approval from the Fraser River Estuary Management Program; Authorization of a Development Variance Permit to relax the minimum frontage and minimum area requirements. BACKGROUND An application has been submitted to rezone all of the above described property to permit a cedar shake operation. The property is approximately 720 tn 2 and does not meet zoning bylaw requirements for minimum frontage or area in the M-2 zone. The Planning Department have, however, reviewed the proposal and recommend that Council support the application and authorize issuance of a Development Variance Permit for the variance prior to final reading. Location: The property is located at 20112 Wharf Street. The Fraser River abuts its south property line. Physical Description: The property is within the Fraser River Floodplain. It is 15 m wide by 48 m deep. There is very little change in elevation from Wharf Street to the top of the River Bank where it drops off to a dock float. At this time the owner is carrying on a cedar shake operation at variance to municipal bylaws. The site contains shake blocks and bolts, a crane, log storage and on-site vehicular storage. It appears that there is an encroachment onto the right of way to the west of this property for storage use. District Context: The site is presently designated as Industrial in the Official Community plan as are the properties to the west, east and north. The property comes under the jurisdiction of the Fraser River Estuary Management Program (FREMP) and lies adjacent to an area • where development is permitted but is subject to mitigation and/or satisfactory compensation. It will be necessary for the owner to make an application to FREMP showing the full extent of, all existing and proposed works at the site. - 2 - The recently Published FREMP report titled "A Recommended Port and Industrial Development Stategy" identifies a shortage of land for water—dependent industries, and recommends that: lands be set aside to ensure an adequate supply of land for water—dependent industries, and sites be used more intensively and efficiently. Since this mill relies on the river and operates on a small site, the above stategy recommendations are realized. Neighbourhood Context: Wharf Street acts as a dyke as well as a road right of way. To the north of the site is land which is presently under application to rezone to M-2. To the west is a road right of way which contains the Greater Vancouver Water District watermain which crosses the Fraser River and serves Langley from the Coquitlam Lake water shed. Adjacent to this is an Industrial building which houses several different businesses. Directly to the east are some older homes which are in disrepair. Further east of this there have been several new homes built. Servicing: The Engineering Department have indicated that all the required services for the M-2 zone exist Conclusion: The proposed cedar shake operation is consistent with the Industrial designation and is an appropriate use for the site. The limited area of the subject parcel serves to severely limit the growth potential of the operation. The availability of the Fraser River for log storage however, increases substantially the actual working area of the site. It is recommended that this application be supported. YPor/7 ann in g4' c h n i c in GP/bj 5 (35) —3-- ILI CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 4590 - 1991 A by-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming a part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 4590 - 1991." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2, District Lot 281, Group 1, Plan 4183, New Westmins ter Die tric t and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 874 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to M-2 (General Industrial). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D., 199 PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D., 199 READ a second time the day of , A.D., 199 READ a third time the day of , A.D., 199 APPROVED by the Minister of Municipal Affairs, Recreation and Culture the day of , A.D. 199 RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199 MAYOR CLERK (157) > REF PLAN Lei 690SF 11.752 ha DL.281 Gp.l \ - * -.-- ç 644,r - " 419 (4/83) at 'ZPLAIV4 flL4Y flAW 131 g. 532 533 A 2 I >'LJ iii Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 4590 - 1991 Map No. 874 Rezone From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: M-2 (General Industrial)