HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-08-10 Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdf40 CJ 4' 00 VP Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING August 10, 1999 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting held on August 10, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Appointed Staff Mayor C. Durksen Mr. R. W. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor Clements Mr. J. R. McBride, Municipal Clerk Councillor C. Gordon Mr. T. Fryer, Director of Current Planning Councillor B. Levens Mrs. J. Hertzog, Acting Confidential Secretary Counci!!r Stewail Excused; Councillor T. Baker Councillor King - The meeting was filmed by Rogers Cablesystems. Mayor Durksen noted that Councillors Baker and King are absent due to holidays. 01 PRA YERS Pastor Scott Currie conducted opening prayers 02 MINUTES R199-401 02.01 Minutes July 27, 1999 MOVED by Councillor Clements SECONDED by Councillor Levens that the Minutes of the regular Council Meeting of July 27, 1999 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes August 10, 1999 Page 2 R199-402 02.02 Minutes Dev. Agmt. MOVED by Councillor Stewart July SECONDED by Councillor Gordon 03 03.01 that the Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of July 20 and 22, 1999 be received. CARRIED DELEGATIONS Communities in Bloom Garden Competition Maple Ridge Garden Club - Presentation to winners Councillor Levens introduced the President of the Maple Ridge Garden Club, Selene Jacobson and Mr. Fred Armstrong of the Times Newspaper who were responsible for the Communities in Bloom Garden Competition in Maple Ridge. It was noted that because of the corporate sponsorship of the Times Newspaper this year the competition got bigger and better. Councillor Levens went on to thanks all the gardeners in Maple Ridge, stating that because of all of them the district is richer. The following awards were presented: Residential Under 1 Acre; Honourable Mentions: Residential Over 1 Acre: Honourable Mentions: Commercial Landscaping: Honourable Mentions 125th Birthday Garden Art Honourable Mentions Steve & Jane Rothmund Dale & Patti Herman Ken & Irene Kostuchenko Art & Linda Lundeberg Norman & Betty Pelton Al & Nancy Vince Selkirk Medical Building McDonalds (Paul Rose) Molli Energy Ltd. McDonalds (Paul Rose) Fraser Information Soc. Hugh & Edna Lindsay Mayor Durksen extended his thanks and appreciation to the Communities in Bloom Committee for their hard work. I Council Meeting Mmutes August 10, 1999 Page 3 03.02 125th Anniversary Committee Councillor Levens provided a bit of background on the 125th Anniversary of Maple Ridge, noting that Maple Ridge was the fifth community incorporated into the Province of British Columbia. Councillor Levens went on to display 125th Anniversary Tee shirts, noting that they can be purchase for only $10.00 and to watch the local papers for where and when you can purchase them. A run down of the program to celebrate Maple Ridge's 125th Anniversaiy was provided; starting with Friday, September 10, 1999 a dinner will be held, open to the public for a cost of $30.00 per person. Also watch your local newspaper for the location of the sale of tickets. Saturday, September 11, 1999 will be known as Community Days with many various groups opening their facilities for various demonstrations, teas, etc., all free of charge. Sunday, September 12, 1999 will start with the Lion's Club Pancake Breakfast at 8 a.m., followed by a nondenominational service in the bandstand. Mayor Durksen also noted that the Freedom of the City will be bestowed on the Royal Westminster Regiment and the regiment will play in the bandstand. Councillor Levens went over the many other functions being offered on Sunday, September 12th, from a century of fashion show, vintage car display, scavenger hunt, mini train ride, picnic, bouncy castle, birthday cake, and much more. 04 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 04.01 DVP116199 —23896 and 23920— 118 Avenue (to waive the requirement to place existing utilities underground and to reduce the minimum front yard setback from 5.5 to 3 metres). R199-403 MOVED by Councillor Levens DVP/16/99 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart 23896-23920 that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal Development Variance Permit No. DVP/16/99 (property at 23896 and 23920— 118 Avenue). CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes August 10, 1999 Page 4 04.02 DVP/41/99 - 12199 - 201 B Street (to define the longer of two Street side property lines as the front lot line for the purpose of siting a home on a corner lot). R/99-404 DVP/4 1/99 12199— 201B St. MOVED by Councillor Gordon SECONDED by Councillor Stewart that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal Development Variance Permit DVP/41/99 (property at 12199 - 201B Street). Discussion The Municipal Clerk advised that in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Act, owners of surrounding properties had been advised of this request. One letter was received in response from Mrs. Boddeveld of 12197— 201B Street. She stated she had no objection, but did have some concern that the driveway be kept 8 to 10 feet from the property due to the location of their living room. The Director of Current Planning responded that he would forward the concerns of Mrs. Boddeveld to the Inspection Services Department. The motion was CARRIED. 05 BY-LAWS 05.01 RZ11199 - 28511 - 104 Avenue - Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5816-1999 (to permit subdivision into two lots not less than 2.0 hectares. R199-405 MOVED by Councillor Clements BL 58 16-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart final reading that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No.. 58 16-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes August 10, 1999 Page 5 05.02 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5815-1999 (to amend the text of the Official Community Plan and in particular Development Permit XXX - Watercourses Designated for Special Treatment). P199-406 MOVED by Councillor Gordon BL 58 15-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart final reading that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No.. 58 15- 1999 be reconsidered and adopted. 05.03 Maple Ridge 12078-12092 Fraser Street and 22480— 121 Avenue Road Exchange By-law No. 5819-1999 R/99-407 MOVED by Councillor Clements BL 58 19-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart final reading that Maple Ridge 12078-12092 Fraser Street and 22480 - 121 Avenue Road Exchange By-law No. 58 19-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED 05.04 Maple Ridge Chigwell Street - Hammond Properties Road Exchange By-law No. 582 7-1999 R199-408 MOVED by Councillor Gordon BL 5 827-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Levens final reading that Maple Ridge Chigwell Street - Hammond Properties Road Exchange By-law No. 5827-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes August 10, 1999 Page 6 05.05 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Amending By-law No. 5825-1999 (to set a maximum two year term (with staggering of positions) and to make provision for an additional term for a member when there is no interested applicant available to fill the position). R199-409 MOVED by Councillor Stewart BL 5 825-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Gordon final reading that Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Amending By-law No. 5 825- 1999 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED 05.06 Maple Ridge Short Term Capital Loan Amending By-law No. 5820-1999 R199-410 MOVED by Councillor Clements BL 5 820-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart final reading that Maple Ridge Short Term Capital Loan Amending By-law No.. 5 820- 1999 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED 06 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 06.01 Minutes - Nil 06.02 Public Works and Development Services 06.02.01 Latecomer Agreement - LC/69199 - 114A Avenue and 234A Street - SD/4196 Council Meeting Minutes August 10, 1999 Page 7 Reference was made to the staff report dated July 14, 1999 recommending that the above noted agreement be executed. R199-4 11 MOVED by Councillor Stewart Latecomer Agmt. SECONDED by Councillor Levens LC169/99 that with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD/4/96 at 11 4A Avenue and 234A Street, be it resolved: That the cost to provide the excess or extended services required for subdivision are in whole or in part, excessive to the Municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and That the Latecomer charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts a set out in the staff report dated July 14, 1999 and further That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a "Latecomer Agreement" with the subdivider of the said lands. rwia iu,j 06.02.02 St. Patrick's School Walkathon - September 24, 1999 - Request to Use Municipal Streets Reference was made to the staff report dated July 22, 1999 recommending that the subject request be granted subject to the conditions specified in the said report. R199-412 MOVED by Councillor Gordon St. Patrick SECONDED by Councillor Clements Walkathon that St. Patrick's School be. authorized to use Municipal streets as outlined on the map attached to the report dated July 22, 1999, for their annual school Walk-a-thon on Friday, September 24, 1999 provided the conditions outlined in the said report are met. CARRIED ci Council Meeting Minutes am August 10, 1999 Page 8 06.02.03 Whonnock Lake Day Run/Walk - September 12, 1999 - Request to Use Municipal Streets Reference was made to the staff report dated July 22, 1999 recommending that the subject request be granted subject to the conditions specified in the said report. R/99-4 13 MOVED by Councillor Levens Whonnock Comm. SECONDED by Councillor Gordon Assoc. Walk/Run that the Whonnock Community Association be authorized to use Municipal streets as outlined on the map attached to the report dated July 22, 1999 for the Whonnock Lake Day 5 and 10 km Run/Walk on Sunday, September 12, 1999, provided the conditions outlined in the said report are met. CARRIED 06.02.04 Streamside Protection Policy Directives Pilot Test Reference was made to the staff report dated July 22, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R/99-414 MOVED by Councillor Gordon Streamside SECONDED by Councillor Levens Protection Pilot Test That the report dated July 22, 1999 providing the results of the Streamside Protection Policy Directives pilot test proposal be received; and further that the participation of the District in a pilot test for the Streamside Protection Policy Directives be supported. Discussion In response to a question, the Director of Long Range Planning stated that a summary would be provided of the results from the 18 different municipalities involved.. The motion was CARRIED. Council Meeting Minutes August 10, 1999 Page 9 06.02.05 RZ123197 - Dedication and Construction of 116 Avenue Reference was made to the staff report dated July 27, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R199-4 15 MOVED by Councillor Clements RZ/23/97 SECONDED by Councillor Gordon re 116 Ave. construction that Option 2 as noted in the staff report dated July 27, 1999 be selected as the preferred option to identify the extent of dedication and construction of 116 Avenue between Cottonwood Drive and 236 Street DEFERRED R/99-416 MOVED by Councillor Levens RZ123197 SECONDED by Councillor Gordon 116 Ave. that the matter of R.Z/23/97, Option 2 as noted in the staff report dated July 27, 1999 be referred to the Committee of the Whole Meeting scheduled for August 30, 1999 in order to provide the property owner/agent an opportunity to be heard. CARRIED 06.02.06 DP/45199 - 23451 Larch Avenue Reference was made to the staff report dated July 29, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R199-417 MOVED by Councillor Stewart DP/45/99 SECONDED by Councillor Levens 23451 Larch that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/45/99 respecting property located at 23451 Larch Avenue and that the permit be issued once the conditions outlined in the staff report dated July 29, 1999 have been met. CARRIED a Council Meeting Minutes August 10, 1999 Page 10 06.02.07 RZ135199 - 23853 Dewdney Trunk Road - RS-3 to CS-2 Reference was made to the staff report dated July 27, 1999 in support of the following recommendation with respect to the subject application to permit the construction of a gasoline station, convenience store, residence and separate commercial building with drive-through access. R/99-4 18 MOVED by Councillor Levens RZ/35199 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart 23853 DTR to Public Hearing that Application RZ/35/99 to rezone property described in the staff report dated July 27, 1999 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to CS-i (Service Commercial) be forwarded to Public Hearing, noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that report and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending By-law be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. CARRIED 06.03 Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police) 06.03.0 1 Local Improvement Petition - Extension of Municipal Water Service to 23867- 123 Avenue - By-law No. 5833-1999 Reference was made to the staff report dated July 15, 1999 recommending that the subject by-law be granted three readings. R/99-419 MOVED by Councillor Clements BL 5833-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart three readings that Maple Ridge 23867 - 132 Avenue Waterline Extension Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 5 833-1999 be read a first and second time and that rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge 23867 - 132 Avenue Waterline Extension Local Improvement Construction By- law No. 5833-1999 be read a third time. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes August 10, 1999 Page 11 06.04 Community Development and Recreation Service 06.04.0 1 Parks, Recreation and Cultural Master Plan Update - Selection of Consultants Reference was made to the staff report dated July 23, 1999 in support of the following recommendation: R/99-420 MOVED by Councillor Stewart Parks Master SECONDED by Councillor Gordon Plan Consultants that Professional Environmental Recreation Consultants, Wilson & June Consultants and Catherine Berris Associates Inc. be endorsed to complete the Parks Recreation and Cultural Master Plan update for the District of Maple Ridge and the District of Pitt Meadows. CARRIED 06.04.02 Link-Deco Systems Inc. re Fence Advertising Media Reference was made to the staff report dated July 15, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R/99-42 1 MOVED by Councillor Gordon Link-Deco SECONDED by Councillor Stewart Systems Adv. that further to the recommendations regarding fence advertising media as noted in the report dated July 15, 1999, be it resolved: that staff work in cooperation with the Disthct of Pitt Meadows and School District No. 42 for the purpose of developing a process permitting the sale of advertising on community park locations, including the necessary by-law amendments; and further That staff be authorized to enter into contract discussions with Link-Deco Systems Inc. with respect to same; noting that a further report will be provided before this matter proceeds. Council Meeting Minutes August 10, 1999 Page 12 Discussion: Councillor Stewart stated he was in favour as long as Council was directing staff just to look into the matter and they would be reporting back to Council on their findings. He stated he had some concerns. Councillor Clements advised that he was not particularly pleased with the proliferation of signs in our parks and would also like to see a report come back to Council. Councillor Gordon noted there are many types of advertising signs and she would certainly want a lot more information before she would be willing to take a stand on the matter, Councillor Levens questioned why the District of Pitt Meadows and the School District would be consulted with Maple Ridge's Sign By-law? The Chief Administrative Officer responded that this originally came from the Parks Commission with responsibility for joint ownership sites. Council was advised that a full report would be coming back to Council in the fall. The motion CARRIED. 06.04.03 Parks and Leisure Service Division Second Quarter Statistics - 1999 Reference was made to the staff report dated July 29, 1999 in support of the following recommendation: R199-422 MOVED by Councillor Stewart Parks, Leisure SECONDED by Councillor Gordon Serv. Statistics that the 1999 second quarter statistical report for the Parks and Leisure Services Division be received. CARRIED 06.04.04 Harry Hooge School and Park Site - Award of Contract Reference was made to the staff report date July 29, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: 1 Council Meetmg Mmutes August 10, 1999 Page 13 R199-423 MOVED by Councillor Gordon Harty Hooge SECONDED by Councillor Stewart School Park site contract that the contract for the development of the Harry Hooge School and Park site be awarded to Wilco Landscape Contractors Ltd. in the amount of $79,984.64, noting that this is the lowest tender received. URWELW. 06.05 Other Issues Nil. 07 MAYOR'S REPORTS Mayor Durksen noted some of the many meetings he has attended recently. Noting that the G.V.R.D. Trans. Link hoped to have a meeting in Maple Ridge in early September and discussions are underway on a West Coast Express upgrade. The Mayor commented on the very successful Jazz Festival; noted one of our youth had won a Gold Medal at the PanAm Games. Mayor Durksen stated he was so pleased to drive around Maple Ridge this weekend and find all the parks and fields were full. With respect to Maple Ridge's attempt to bring forward an "Anti Train Whistling By- law" the Mayor advised that we are awaiting a response from C.P.R. and Transport Canada. Mayor Durksen was pleased to announce the Maple Ridge has been invited to attend a Business Planning Process along with the Federal and Provincial Governments. Mayor Durksen asked the Municipal Clerk, to elaborate on his recent plans. Mr. McBride advised that after 24 1/2 years with the District he has accepted a position with the Thompson Nicola Valley Regional District in Kamloops and will be leaving the District of Maple Ridge on September 3, 1999. 08 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS - LIAISONS TO COMMITTEES Councillor Stewart noted the new contract with the Fraser Valley Regional Library which will expand services. Councillor Levens also gave praise to the Jazz Festival with approximately 13 to 14,000 attending. Councillor Levens also noted the Music on the Wharf series was very enjoyable. Council Meeting Minutes August 10, 1999 Page 14 Councillor Levens advised that she had accompanied the judges for the Communities in Bloom competition, who were from the eastern side of Canada, and they were very impressed with everything they saw. Councillor Levens also noted that our Sister City of St. Bruno has received an Excellence Award and a World Cup and she suggested we had a lot of catching up to do. Mayor Durksen took this opportunity to thank Councillor Levens and Mrs. Farris for all the hard work they have done with the Communities in Bloom competition. Councillor Clements reported on some of the interest in the press the ECOMM system is receiving. The 911 was inadvertently shut down and that has been repaired. Councillor Clements noted that it is working better than had been anticipated. The complaint that call were being lost was a result of the call being abandoned. They are very pleased with the system 09 VISITOR A CKNO WLEDGMENT - Nil 10 ADJOURNMENT: 8:10p.m. 11 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC - Nil Mayor Certified Correct Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING A GENDA August 10, 1999 7:00p.m. Council Chamber MEETING DECORUM Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.org 01 FRA YERS Pastor Robin Pifer 02 MINUTES 02.01 Regular Council Meeting of July 27, 1999 02.02 Development Agreements of July 20 and 22, 1999 03 DELEGATIONS 7:10 o.m. 03.01 Communities in Bloom Garden Competition MapleRidgeGardea Club - Presentation to winners 7:20 p.m. 03.02 125th Anniversary Committee Councillor Levens to provide an update on activities Page 1 Council Meeting Agenda August 10, 1999 Council Chamber 04 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 04.01 DVP116199 - 23896 and 23920— 118 Avenue (to waive the requirement to place existing utilities underground and to reduce the minimum front yard setback from 5.5 to 3 metres). 04.02 DVP/41/99 - 12199— 201 B Street (to define the longer of two street side property lines as the front lot line for the purpose of siting a home on a corner lot). 05 BY-LAWS 05.01 RZ11199-28511-104Avenue Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 58 16-1999 final reading (to permit subdivision into two lots not less than 2.0 hectares. 05.02 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5815-1999 final reading (to amend the text of the Official Community Plan and in particular Development Permit -XXX - Watercourses Designated for Special Treatment). 05.03 Maple Ridge 12078-12092 Fraser Street and 22480— 121 Avenue Road Exchange By-law No. 5819-1999 fmal reading ) Page 2 Council Meeting Agenda August 10, 1999 Council Chamber 05.04 Maple Ridge Chigwell Street - Hammond Properties Road Exchange By-law No. 5 827-1999 final reading 05.05 Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Amending By-law No. 5825-1999 final reading (to set a maximum two year term (with staggering of positions) and to make provision for an additional term for a member when there is no interested applicant available to fill the position). 05.06 Maple Ridge Short Term Capital Lon Amending By-law No. 5 820-1999 final reading (approved in Victoria on July 27, 1999) 06 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 06.01 Minutes Nil The following issues were considered at the August 9, 1999 Committee of the Whole meeting with the recommendations being brought to this meeting for Municipal Council consideration and fmal approval. The Committee of the Whole meeting is open to the public and is held in the Council Chamber at 12:30 p.m. on the Monday the week prior to this meeting. 06.02 Public Works and Development Services 06.02.0 1 LatecomerAgreement - LC/69199 - 114A Avenue and 234A Street - SD/4196 Staff report dated July 14, 1999 recommending that the above noted agreement be executed. 06.02.02 St Patrick's School Walkathon - September 24, 1999 - Request to Use Municipal Streets Staff report dated July 22, 1999 recommending that the subject request be granted subject to the conditions specified in the said report. Page 3 Council Meeting Agenda August 10, 1999 Council Chamber 06.02.03 Whonnock Lake Day Run/Walk - September 12, 1999 - Request to Use Municipal Streets Staff report dated July 22, 1999 recommending that the subject request be granted subject to the conditions specified in the said report. 06.02.04 Streamside Protection Policy Directives Pilot Test Staff report dated July 22, 1999 recommending that the District participate in the above. 06.02.05 R.Z123197 - Dedication and Construction of 116 Avenue Staff report dated July 27, 1999 recommending that Option 2 identified in the report be selected as the preferred option to identify the extent of dedication and construction of 116 Avenue between Cottonwood Drive and 236 Street. 0606.06 DP/45199 - 23451 Larch Avenue Staff report dated July 29, 1999 recommending that the above noted application under Development Permit Area XXX to allow land clearing in support of a development proposal. 06..07 RZ135199 - 23853 Dewdney Trunk Road - RS-3 to CS-2 Staff report dated July 27, 1999 recommending that the subject application to permit the construction of a gasoline station, convenience store, residence and separate commercial building with drive-through access proceed to Public Hearmg subject to the conditions specified in the report. 06.03 Financial and Corvorate Services (includinE Fire and Police) 06.03 .01 Local Improvement Petition - Extension of Municipal Water Service to 23867- 123 Avenue - By-law No. 5833-1999 Staff report dated July 15, 1999 recommending that the subject by-law be grarited three readings. 1 Page 4 Council Meeting Agenda August 10, 1999 Council Chamber 06.04 Community Development and Recreation Service Nil 06.04.01 Parks, Recreation and Cultural Master Plan Update - Selection of Consultants Staff report dated July 23, 1999 recommending that Professional Environmental Recreation Consultants, Wilson & June Consultants and Catherine Berris Associates Inc. be retained for the above noted project. 06.04.02 Link-Deco Systems Inc. re Fence Advertising Media Staff report dated July 15, 1999 recommending that consideration be given to amending the Municipal Sign By-law to permit staff to complete further research and discussion on the above noted matter. 06.04.03 Parks and Leisure Service Division Second Quarter Statistics - 1999 Staff report dated July 29, 1999 recommending that the subject statistics appended thereto be received for information. 06.04.04 Harry Hooge School and Park Site - Award of Contract Staff report date July 29, 1999 recommending that the subject contract be awarded to Wilco. Landscape Contractors Ltd in the amount of $79,984.64 (low tender). 06.05 Other-Issues 07 MAYOR'S REPORTS Page5 Council Meeting Agenda August 10, 1999 Council Chamber 08 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS - LIAISONS TO COMMITTEES 09 VISITOR A CKNO WLEDGMENT 10 ADJOURNMENT 11 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to seek clarification about an item on the agenda or other Municipal matter. Council will not tolerate derogatory remarks directed at Council and/or staff during the Question Period. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes only to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). The total Question Period is limited to 20 minutes. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the office of the Municipal Clerk who can be contacted at 463-5221. ) s.karasz Page 6 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Council Appointments 1998 - 1999 By Resolution Mayor Carl Durksen Audit Committee Corporate Management Team Court of Revision - Frontage Tax Assessment Roll Emergency Planning Committee Greater Vancouver Regional District - includes the fimctions of water, sewerage & drainage, and hospital Greater Vancouver Regional District - Transportation & Strategic Planning Committee Greater Vancouver. Transportation Authority Local Joint Committee on Community Corrections (FCM) Maple Ridge Elderly Citizens Housing Society Maple Ridge Foundation Municipal Insurance Association of British Columbia Parks & Leisure Services Commission MR/PM Ridge Meadows Youth & Justice Advocacy Association Coundillor Tom Baker Acting Mayor - October & November (1998/1999) Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues - First Alternate Commercial Zone Review Committee Emergency Planning Committee Greater Vancouver Regional District-First Alternate md. the functions of water, sewerage & drainage, parks, and hospital Greater Vancouver Regional District-Sewerage&Drainage Corn Maple Ridge Downtown Parking Society Parks and Leisure Services Commission - Second Alternate Ridge Meadows Recycling Society Councillor Jim Clements Acting Mayor - December (1997/1998) & January (1998/1999) Advisory Design Panel - First Alternate Audit Committee Arts & Cultural Policy Implementation Committee B.C. Aviation Council E-Comm. Corp. Greater Vancouver Regional District-Labour Relations Bureau. Greater Vancouver Regional District-Parks Pitt Meadows Airport Society - First Alternate I Councillor Candace Gordon Acting Mayor - April & May (1998/1999) Arts & Cultural Policy Investigation Committee Audit Committee Bicycle Advisory Committee Commercial Zone Review Committee Employee Awards Committee Fraser Basin Council Greater Vancouver Regional District-Labour Relations Bureau - First Alternate Heritage Advisory Committee Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee Parks & Leisure Services Commission MR/PM-First Alternate Ridge Meadows Arts Council Social Planning Advisory Committee Standing Committee Budget Committee - Chair Committee of the Whole - Member Development Agreements Committee - Chair Ex-officio member of all standing committees Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Labour Management Committee - Member Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Labour Management Committee - Member 2-4 By Resolution I Councillor Linda King Acting Mayor - February & March (1998/1999) Advisoty Committee on Accessibility Issues Alouette Management Committee Alouette River Management Society B.C. Assessment Authority Bicycle Advisory Committee - First Alternate Court of Revision (Frontage Tax) Elderly Citizens' Recreation Association Heritage Advisory Committee - First Alternate Municipal Insurance Association of B.C. - First Alternate Parks & Leisure Services Commission MR/PM Secondary Suites Social Planning Advisory Committee - First Alternate Year 2000 Millennium Committee Youth Advocacy Committee J Councillor Betty Levens Acting Mayor - August & September (1998/1999) 25' Anniversary Committee Communities in Bloom Committee Douglas College Advisory Committee Economic Advisory Commission Elderly Citizens Recreation Association Fraser Valley Regional Library - First Alternate Greater Vancouver Regional District - Communications, Education & Culture Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee - First Alternate Maple Ridge Chamber of Commerce - First Alternate Municipal Insurance Association of B. C. - Second Alternate Parks & Recreation Services Committee - Third Alternate Pitt Meadows Airport Society Councillor Ken Stewart Acting Mayor - June & July (1998/1999) Advisory Design Panel Audit Committee Citizens Advisory Board to Corrections Commercial Zone Review-Committee Community Forest Steering Committee Court of Revision (FEontage Tax) Economic Advisory Committee - First Alternate Emergency Planning Committee Fraser Valley Regional Library Lower Mainland Municipal Assoc. - Flood Control and River Management Committee - First Alternate Maple Ridge Chamber of Commerce Parks & Leisure Services Commission. Chief Administrative Officer General Manager: Public Works & Development Services Acting Mayor Municipal Clerk Standing Committee Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Development Agreements Committee - Member Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee - Alternate Development Agreements Committee - Alternate Development Agreements Committee - Alternate Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee - 7 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES July 20, 1999 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Acting Mayor Ken Stewart Chairman R. Robertson, Administrator Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary 1. GILL, HARDEEP LEGAL: Lot 68, District Lots 279 & 281, Group 1, Plan 114, New Westminster District LOCATION: 20246 Chigwell OWNER: Hardeep Gill REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Restrictive Covenant - Floodplain THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PREC AG NT AS IT RELATES TO HARDEEP GILL. CARRIE 577 Acting Mayor R. Robertson, Administrator Chairman Member 0 . A9,60f $1 -p x -'-'- A , o'J 1 \-: \ \10 k\ \3\ 3\4O \ 3 - \o' Oodl 13 V L2 \ \( \\ \ \ h\\7 lc• !, Or 'iP' aP NARAL BOUNDARY ACCORDING i —c —Slb TO PLAN 114 •,, \\ø Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Municipal Council and Jim McBride, Clerk August 10, 1999 RE- RZ/23/97 and item 2.5 on the AGENDA for tonight's council meeting. Please remove Item 2.5 from tonight's council agenda. iTJ Sincerely, N& K Peereboom, owners of the parcel concerned with this agenda-item. PS- Mr Wayne Bissky, the agent for this development is away on holidays.......... PEC TN UG 10 1999 ?Uc. e A Chairman CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES July 22, 1999 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Acting Mayor Ken Stewart, Chairman - M. Murray, Acting Administrator Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary 1. CLEMENTE, ANTONIO LEGAL: Lot 309, Section 20, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 45792 LOCATION: 12253 228 Street OWNER: Antonio Clemente REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Release of Restrictive Covenant (184125C) - Statutory Right-of-Way THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE ELATES TO ANTONIO CLEMENTE. CARRIED M. Murray, Acting Admistra Member r P 7948 P 66473 S 1/2 A 355 Go 12133 12162 N1/29 Rem 2 12161 S. 52.5 2_721571 I215 1/2 9 12166 1216 15.2 335 341 /2167 - 1 8 j • 24 A I A . VE. - • A4 20I ia I U. 124AVE. H 2 2JP7 P 17942 6 17 18 19 20 f21 21 83 - f2Jl? - P 3 659 P42O5 217 k285 286 12355 I I ~72 19 '03 I202 I2012OO li99 '39421 4 4_ 12353 5 P 40438 7 18 19 20 421 219 218 12Jfl N 34514 I 1k 1 /2293 34 I I P 29696 46 247 248$/ 249 j 127 l226 I223 N 250 I I 260 261 I 251 &224 (f so t 12257 253252 122 AVE. RP 84324 N Rem. 1 1I 227 226 225 ii _'-i P719 31 I,oi 229t8 Fem. A WI4175 12219 4 12211 I i ;3 12187 1 A 10) 12177 I! I 793 UMV II 5 Ix I I P 23392 12157 I I •I I 7 P 23392 1214 I' 1.9141w I I I •I I I I I I I I I to.' 1 I % [!,1 288 1289 1 I - i I 1188 12409 192 191 4 190 1 189 187 186 152 P 0137f P 36353 154 155 156 157 I158 159 160 161 1 . . 4 I - _- 2570 I 173 I1172 1171 170 169 168 167 1166 1 44_ lw—EU-- 1165 k154 3.OI I I ' I I p 5555I 30r I 12555 2J58 92 93 94 95 I 96 I 97 I 98 99 I 5 8 a. -..-- .....j ........ i i i 123 AVE. 43 * L 4 91 5.2 84 83 15.2 113 EP42655 . f2525 79 - - - 12316 12J7J 211 212 3 90 to 85u, *1) - 'n8 114 C'4 N1Ø 15.2 P 43105 ______ F2521 2314 72515 2314 - 12J7J f2J08 P 5113 72501 C4C'1 332 333 152 2 a. 0.89 t 86 a. 6 12317 2302 Ujw 2296 4 )78 12287 st 1 88 79 12 307 308 6 12297 2288 12293 _______ _______ 2264/ 72275 291 17.5 '\PRK in 64 11200 12265 221\ 222 12273 73 a. 292 4330 ' ' 12258 12255 - in N 308 N ,352 331 123 309 4_233 (0 * 12255 12240 1 2 P 7607 333 i 10 0. 0 .353 Ow P 114396 12245 334 12230 I 12245 P 28 39 1&3 339 340 6.9 122 AVE. 131 130 a P 2578 12231 12229 in I 197 12218 P 112 171970 ° 15.2 2 4 (0 * 12221 Ia) 1.2216 1221 12212 6 2 N 1198 P13 7 l- 12205 20.0 1 12208 66 265 280 NI I ci Rem.N 75 of I l2 j!4.SJ14J 288 15.2 1 N /219. 2794 Rem. I 12195 9 0) CL 264 NI 279 RP 5972 _________ 65 0. 12185 12134 I 1219/ a. P4836 Rem. 1 C4289 to * N 1/2 10 12183 12169 12182 12/85 1 3 12178 336 P 1396 N 1/2 A 12179 S 1/2 10 I' 303 304 12170 n 158171 - 42 2 12147 12140 331 I A 340 12757 12141 - N JS)Jo a. 332 P 156987 IMP 4(5 2140 337 Q. 12139 2136 12139 a. 12151 2 u 72151 12128 12151 339 o 338 v P 9944 N1/2 16 337 338 402 401 20.7 '2128 12147 S1/2 16 P 2211 175 N 0. 12119 12126 P 67 1 12121 294 147 72114 •ppgp 12111 2 N 50 5 12115 297 00 2992,09 1 174 148 2102 P 8638 Rem. 5 12108 72112 PIT a. 12101 2 I CO ° RemlO 8 1/2 of 4 - 12097 72092 /2703 j P11644 2 N I300 a. ,, a. B 12020 0. I 12097 °-: I N 172 a. 302 301 ______ _____I 19.7 N --- N 'S REiD AVE. - --- ---- r.2 04 I V42369 \,2. P 71839 20,2, r;i; \ '2354 15 ''2344 R em. 78 N 72347 * 12 21W R 72JJ 6 P2923 P 14396 2 I 1 122031 12205 MAPLE RIDGE Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Telephone: (604) 463-5221 Fax: (604) 467-7331 e-mail: enquiries@disthct.maple.ridge.bc.ca July 28, 1999 File No: 3090-20/DVP/16199 Dear Sir/Madam: PLEASE TAKE NOTE that the Municipal Council will be considering a Development Variance Permit at the regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, August 10, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge. The particulars of the Development Variance Permit are as follows: APPLICATION NO.: DVP/1 6/99 LEGAL: Parcel "A" (EP 16102) and Lot 29; Section 16, Township 12, Plan 18230, New Westminster District LOCATION: 23896 & 23920 118 Avenue PROPOSED ZONiNG: CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) and R-1 (Residential District) PURPOSE: The applicant is requesting the following waive the requirement to convert existing overhead utility wiring to underground; and reduce the minimum front yard setback to 3 metres for the residence, 5.5 metres to the garage door for Lots 13-17 AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a copy of the Development Variance Permit and the Planning Department report dated June 28, 1999 relative to this application will be available for inspection at the Municipal Hall, Planning Department counter during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from July 28 to August 10, 1999. - - ALL PERSONS who deem themselves affected hereby shall be afforded an opportunity to make their comments known to Municipal Council by makinga written submission to thcattcntion of the Municipal Clerk by 5:00 p.m.., Tuesday, August 10, 1999. Yours truly, J.R.M ride • Municipal Clerk IRM:kk cc: Confidential Secretary "Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens" Of 4' 100% R.cyced Paper Not S.condarily 8Ioaced or 0,-Inked CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durkseñ DATE: June 28, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: DVP/16/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: DVP/16/99 (23896 and 23920 118 Avenue) I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Development Variance Permit application has been submitted to: waive the requirement to underground existing utilities, and reduce the minimum front yard setback from 5.5 in to 3 m. II RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/16/99 respecting the property located at 23896 & 23920118Th Avenue, will be considered by Council at the August 10th 1999 meeting. III. BACKGROUND: II Applicant: Owner: Legal: OCP Designation: Proposed Zoning: Surrounding Uses: Existing Use: Proposed Use: Variance Requested: IV DISCUSSION: Conversion of Overhead Utifities R. Johnson The Cory Land Ltd. and S. Gill Parcel "A" (EP 16102), Lot 29, Section 16, Township 12, NWD Plan 18230 and Lot 29, Section 16, Township 12, NWD Plan 18230 Single Family Residential (15, 18, 30 upnh) CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) and R- 1 (Residential District) One Family Urban Residential Vacant land 17 residential homes Conversion of Existing Overhead Utility Wiring to Underground; reduce the front yard setback to 3 metres for the residence, 5.5 metres to the garage door for Lots 13-17 The subject site is currently under application to rezone to CD-1-93 and R-1. As a result of the servicing review it has been determined that the abutting road to this development (118" Avenue) must be upgraded to an urban standard. Included in this upgrading is the conversion of overhead services to an underground facility. Although the subject site is not within the exemption boundary, the current policy indicates that Council• will support a development variance permit to waive the requirement to convert overhead utilities to am underground since there is less than a total of 250 metres of contiguous development potential fronting 118th Avenue. The policy further states that, where undergrounding will be less than 250 metres, the developer should service the development with underground dips off the overhead line and deposit with the municipality sufficient funds to achieve the required undergrounding in the future. Respecting current policy, staff recommend that Council waive the requirement to underground the utilities provided that security be provided to underground the utilities at a future date. Reduction in Front Yard Setback Five of the proposed lots will be zoned R- 1 (Residential District) and the balance of the development will be zoned CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) zone. The CD-1-93 zone permits a front yard setback of 3 metres for a house when the accessory off street parking use is accessed from a rear lane. The R- 1 zone requires a 5.5. metre front yard setback. The applicant has suggested that the front yard setbacks be consistent throughout the subdivision and is designing a comprehensive development pian to provide consistent design criteria throughout the subdivision. To accomplish this, the developer is requesting that, with the exception of the garage doors (which will be maintained at the 5.5 m setback), the front yard setbacks for the CD- 1-93 zone (3 m) apply to the five R- 1 zoned lots. Staff have reviewed the request and agree that utilizing the same setback requirements for each zone is desirable. IV CONCLUSION: The variances requested are consistent with municipal policy and provide coordinated design standards for this development. Staff recommend that Council support this request. Deo n, Planmng Technician R.W. Robertson, MCIP, AICP Chief Administrative Officer DS/sglbjc — 1-41 ~-'A- J. Rudol , MCIP, AICP General Manager: Public Works and Development Services P.Eng. 4 of Cury( Planning -2- 1 11875 Si R OC OC CC 39 i N 11880 3 1 6 .1ES7 JTI18O5 29 2 8 27 26 25SI j 11877 P 40 11869 11874 I11 _________ -H 0 41 11861 7 ______ 11849 24. 23 22 w, 21 CC 20J ___ . '42 - 6 Rem 61 11853 11852 118 __________ 43 P40979 cn 11845 C 111846 118AAVE 118AAVE : C 1 11840 11837 - ° 116l17l18l19 29_ 93 111828 LMFf O51 11821 P—I 2 (P21864) R-1 I'8 15 F 2316 11816 c,, 11811 I _ I118O64950 51 14 53 RS-1 11805 11830 118AVE clIPARK , W E I 11787 39 I 39 S '2% 1/2 IN 1/2 C N 38i H 32132 40 F, I 4 P1430 40 3 11790 1 11765 Rem 41 29 A P20411 30 co EP16102 Cl 0 17 1 w X'4K 1N -11 / SUBJEC PROPERTIES 11711 P18 30 40N'.7 X 2d'/ k/ I / 2, 7 A/ B I I CD I S-3 P 13265 37 23 7 24" 31 - 11746 11693 11 26 31 EP35041 29 11651 30 29 28 11628 t22 P 66257 65 -P66257 11639 M 1 23896 AND 23920-118 Ave. VALLRY - J CORPORATION OF SCALE 12500 12_i5 I 1225 I 12_25 I 12_i5 I 12_i5 [127) 81 gI 1.0 1L 8 iii..it I 10 9 8 .95Zj' )79rn2t579rn2.I )79m2 I )79m2l )7?m I1LZ) 123-f 1L122) 13 ROAD i+.6 I i+.6 I i+. 17 16 15 1+ 13 6Om2. 590m2 zonng R-1 I I I zonii4 R-1 qi G I I I I I - S * EX ROAD LAYQ(JT5-5(JJCT TO CHANGI I] 118thAVE1:. A 118th A 1225 12_i5 I IZ.Z5 I 12.25 I 12_i5 I 1225 1) m:I $rn2l 5 5 \32mj m2j m.I '3rn2 32 32 I I 17 )82.ni23Iuture 1 pt) 12_25 I 12_i3 I 12-23 I '2_i3 1 12_25 I '2.23 STAT ROW/ <( 1 'II U _ S - I I I I a a 1 4 I 41 a S a a •5 4. 4. S S 4. • * I. - - G E N t ;# marc6 8 RLL DWG Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 N4APLE RJ1)GE - - Telephone: (604) 463-5221 Fax: (604) 467-7331 [j jj Sep emb• 1874 e-mail: enquiries@district.maple-ridge.bc.ca July 28, 1999 File No: 3090-20/DVPI4I/99 Dear Sir/Madam: PLEASE TAKE NOTE that the Municipal Council will be considering a Development Variance Permit at the regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, August 10, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge. The particulars of the Development Variance Permit are as follows: APPLICATION NO.: DVP/41/99 LEGAL: Lot 9, Plan LMP26079, Group 1, District Lot 263, New Westminster District LOCATION: 12199 201B Street CURRENT ZONING: RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) PURPOSE: The applicant is requesting that, for the purpose of siting a home on this corner lot, that the longer of the two street side property lines (20 lB Street rather than Telep Avenue) be defined as the front lot line. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a copy of the Development Variance Permit and the Planning Department report dated July 13, 1999 relative to this application will be available for inspection at the Municipal Hall, Planning Department counter during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from July 28 to August 10, 1999. ALL PERSONS who deem themselves affected hereby shall be afforded an opportunity to make their comments known to Municipal Council by making a written submission to the attention of the Municipal Clerk by '5:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 10, 1999. ride Municipal Clerk [ JRM:kk I cc: Confidential Secretary "Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future ens - 4' 100% R.cyci.d Pap.r Not S.candwlty Bleached or De-lnke CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: July 13, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: DVPI41/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: DVP141199 - 12199 201B St. EXECUTIVE SUMrVIARY: A Development Variance Permit application has been submitted to request that, for the purpose of siting a home on a corner lot, that the longer of the two Street side property lines be defined as the front lot line. II RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/41/99 respecting property located at 12199 201B St. will be considered by Council at the August 10, 1999 meeting. III BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Surrounding Uses: N. S.E. & W. Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Access: Servicing: Previous Applications: IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION Damax Consultants Ltd. S & A Telep Single Family Residential (18 upnh) RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) Residential (acreage) Residential Vacant Residential 2O1BSt. Full services available SD/46194 The subject lot is located on the south/west corner of Telep Avenue and 201B St. The applicant wishes to construct the house facing 201B Street with siting requirements governed by this orientation. The Zoning Bylaw requires that Telep Avenue be considered the fronting Street for siting purposes since this is the shorter of the two frontages. The resulting design provides for superior use of the yard space on the lot affording maximum privacy for both this residence and the neighbouring houses. V PLANNING ANALYSIS • By redefining the front yard as 201B Street, all of the siting criteria for the balance of the yard space is either met or exceeded. VI CONCLUSION: Staff recommend that Council support the requested variance. Dave S'Tnson, Planning Technician Moreno ossi, MCIP( nn iste & -: ~ R. W. Robertson, MCIP, AICP Chief Adminktrative Officer D&c MCIP Works and lent Services -2- P8409 7 8 P 64317 0 Rem 1 CD ro 4 IF LIP 12280 5 12272 12273 10 P 4302 5 8444 26 C) 12269 12266 92 93 94 1 2 12 o 3 LMP 26079, 12265 00 12260 2 12261 RS3 .MP2639 S N 112257 N N N -- N ELEP AVE co TELE 12241 26 21 I I I I ') N co 12231 25 5 o 25 12233 16 1I 14i 13°d 2 3 2 24 6 R6990 / N 0 co 12221 19 SUBJECT PROPERTY - 12225 I 170 / 12226 _______ 12221 12228 23 i12hl TELEP AVE 12196 N. 0 12215 I 1222018 1012211/ 12218 5 22 D. 17 12197 iigo 8 12210 / 12193 i i 2 12205 19 12203 12212 6 33 21 1,2187 REM1 N 15N 14(13N12 lii 10 12191 12186 l L P 607 7 1 12198 0. 20 8 19 12177 _____ 12195 12193 12196 17 Cl) 12180 23; 22... 0 12188 6 — 12 12181 12184 21 12181 12167 2 245 23 24\J 5I s ______ ________ 12172 12183 "I ________ ______ ______ 12176 .- 12172 12171 16 . 12157 CIO - 0 C) C) 13 22... 12159 12166 19 12171 Cl) 12164 14 216023 o. 15 12147 25 j 121AAV —4 8 12157 ________ LI 201 12118 12159 12152 15 12148 12 147 2 12145 o 12137 Co 19 20 26 .4 12142 ______________ 27 28 -9 12140 12147 1 24 Z 12138 14 12127 12142 0 17 _____ 10 - C) _______ Cl) 25 13 II:::I1—'-1 18 I —J iiA 12134 ______ 12128 _____ P 12117 n 12130 -1 1615 276 9 0. 12127 0. 1 21 29 z 1213026 7190 F–hO o- 31 30 029 12126 1212?7 15 _______ 121127 18l2121_4 _______ a. iinc I _____ ____ 111R 12115 ,... Co ____ 1 2 .,• o I21AVE p 120931 co I I 51 515 I 12087 I NI NIN 10 ill 12 1 13! 1 - LMP 260 14 12081\ .- \12080 23 120771 T. u,13 \— C1 -' \12o78 22 12071 \ \12o68 Co 12 \ 21 \12082 1112965 20 .1 - li2056, 2633 97 I I 372085 201: 120B AVE .39 14 Tc- 0. t) 0 12110 - 128 12104 u. 129 N 121AVE [098 C 130 12096 30N 2 131 P 912 132 Ca 12088 Q_ 0 ? 28 32 1- 12106 13 112 12105 12092 4 51 12101 113 12097 114 209 i 1208 2082 9 12093 115 120788 4089 1 I 133 ] 120747 Is 12085 12O84 12070 117 \ \ 134 6 12075 12072 \ 5cs1 1 33 441 43 \ 12062 12060 I! g K" 4 2 - 136.1 10! I i9 L_2ai 112050 - 4 055 J18/\ I l7L,l6Ll5 46 L45 I a Ia 00" T OF VALLEY 12199 201B ST / CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE LANGLEY YNGENKIU. Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE: 1:2,500 KEY _____ DATE: Jul 12 1999 FILE: BY: JB FILE No.942 07'13 J34( jjamax Corsuhants Ltd. 4.i . PGE 3 Damax Consultants. Ltd. 3812W.14IhAv. Vsncoavsr, B.C. YIN 2W .... -. - 'fsL 224-I07 Pax 222-9240 . .... cctt' 4Q1 ... I........JCJ 000 67 cc ....-- I ..,- .- 260 r 000 14.3 17000 - / 65 .7 ...-.. ...... •....- . .637 16, 270 \ * \D 6 . 4 'u" 6 504. 7rr;2 606..3m2 tl 42 252_ SM 1 6797 2 -J?2-.......2!. i5.QO228! n (c'c' 10 10 I_t 8. 568. Or,,2 32.832 7 \th to PD 103 3. Lfj 51/ 4m2 3Z751 2 Il 290 2 558, 2rr;2 263 .57.046 j 4f 7 7 T 1. 001 p-I 7. 1CIO 649.0rn 2 N 304 25 Pt AN,,007 24 J/. Q. : -- ..-.., . .. ......... .. .... CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: July 28, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/1/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COUNCIL SUBJECT: Final Reading - Bylaw No. 58 16-1999 (28511 104 Ave.) SUMMARY: - Bylaw 58 16-1999 has been considered by Council at Public Hearing and subsequently granted 2 and 3" reading. The applicant has requested that final reading be granted. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit subdivision into 2 lots not less than 2.0 ha. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5816-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. BACKGROUND: Location: 28511 104 Ave. History: Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on July 20, 1999. On July 27, 1999 Council granted 2' and 3" reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 58 16-1999 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed: 1) Preliminary approval from the appropriate authorities for septic disposal. The following applies to the above: In a letter dated July 2, 1999 from the Simon Fraser Health Region, the Environmental Health Officer provided the necessary information to support the rezoning application. CONCLUSION: - - As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that fmal reading-be -givrn4o-ke bylaw. ') Dave Stevenson, LAL •t R. W. Robertson, MCIP, AICP J. Chief Administrative Officer 9 MCIP Works and T P. Enf / of Cqrrclit Planning Of CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO.5816- 1999 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No.3510- 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 35 10- 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as 'Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No.5816-1999 •It That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: All that portion of: Lot 2, Section 9, Township 15 ,Plan 62840 New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No 1213 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to: A-i (Small Holding Agricultural) Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 35 10-1985, as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 199.. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 199. READ a second time the day of . , A.D. 199. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: July 28, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: OCP FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COUNCIL SUBJECT: Final Reading - Bylaw No. 58 15-1999 (Development Permit Area XXX - Watercourses Designated for Special Treatment) SUMMARY: Bylaw 58 15-1999 has been considered by Council at Public Hearing and subsequently granted 2 and 3 reading. The purpose of the bylaw is to amend the text of the Official Community Plan and in particular Development Permit Area XXX - Watercourses Designated for Special Treatment. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5815-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. BACKGROUND: History: Council considered this Official Community Plan Artiending Bylaw at a Public Hearing held on June 15, 1999. On July 27, 1999 Council granted 2 °" and 3" reading to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5815-1999. CONCLUSION: As there were no conditions, it is recommended that final reading be given to the bylaw. KimG out, P. Manager of Environmental Affairs R. W. Robertson, MCIP, AICP Chief Administrative Officer John Bas4ija Director df Long Range Planning CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5815 - 1999. A By-law to amend the text of the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5815 - 1999." Schedule "A" is hereby amended by deleting Development Permit Area XXX in its entirety and replacing it with the following: "Development Permit Area - XXX Watercourses Designated for Special Treatment Designation The Development Permit Area is hereby established for the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of the natural environment. Location The Development Permit Area includes all land within 50 meters of the top-of-bank of all watercourse and wetlands shown on Schedule "E", Watercourses Designated for Special Treatment. Justification To preserve the existing functions and characteristics of watercourses and wetlands as they are important to the integrity of the natural environment and fish and wildlife habitat and to allow development and redevelopment adjacent to watercourses in a manner that will conserve, restore or enhance habitat. Objectives 1. To identify the area particularly susceptible to disturbance by establishing top-of bank of watercourses and wetlands and the adjacent riparian leave strip as the watercourse protectionarea to remain free of development. V Page 2 Bylaw No. 5815 1999 To afford greater protection to watercourses and their associated riparian habitat by securing natural watercourse protection areas in public ownership. To facilitate environmentally sensitive development of lands adjacent to identified protected areas through particular attention to the subdivision of land, siting of buildings and structures, and areas of parking, storage, and landscaping. To ensure that adjacent development activity does not encroach upon or alter the protected area(s). To ensure vegetation or trees are maintained and conserved, or alternatively planted as necessary, to control erosion, protect banks and enhance fish habitat. To ensure that land clearing is limited to a phased construction schedule in order to minimize the potential negative impacts of runoff and erosion on exposed soils on the watercourse protection area. Stormwater management plans that strive for the maintenance of pre-development flow regimes of local watercourses. That development sites utilize drainage infiltration where possible in order to augment stream base flows. E. Guidelines Watercourse Protection Area Establishment Watercourse protection areas are to be established in accordance with their habitat value and the potential impacts proposed by adjacent development. The District of Maple Ridge, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks must endorse the proposed watercourse protection boundaries. The watercourse protection areas are to be dedicated where possible into public ownership for conservation purposes. The boundaries of the watercourse protection areas are to be physically located on the ground by a B.C. Land Surveyor prior to site disturbance. Temporary barrier fencing is to be installed adjacent to watercourse protection areas prior to any construction activity and shall be replaced with permanent post and rail fence upon development completion. All lots must provide the required minimum lot dimensions as set out in the Zoning Bylaw exclusive of the watercourse protection boundaries. Page 3 Bylaw No. 5815 1999 Erosion Control All work is to be undertaken and completed in such a manner as to prevent the release of sediment to any ravine, watercourse or storm sewer. An erosion and sediment control plan that involves implementation prior to land clearing and site preparation and the careful timing of construction is to be provided. Silt fence should be erected to prevent the movement of silt into the watercourse protection area prior to any disturbance to the soil on the site. Cutting and filling adjacent to watercourse protection areas is to be kept to a minimum incorporating appropriate structural fill material and blending graded areas with natural slope, as supported by the Hillside Policies of the OCP. Vegetation Management Natural vegetation is to be retained wherever possible to ensure minimal disruption to the environment and to protect against slope failure. Land clearing adjacent to the watercourse protection areas is to be restricted to a phased construction schedule. Habitat restoration landscape of all bare or sparse riparian areas within the watercourse protection area may be required. Vegetation species shall be native of the area and be selected for erosion control and fish and wildlife habitat values. Stormwater Management Stormwater outflows to the stream or leave area shall have water quality and erosion control features so as to minimize their impacts on fish habitat and in compliance with the Districts stormwater management plans. Monitoring The implementation of required environmental mitigative measures as designed and their maintenance is to be monitored by a qualified environmental monitor. F. Development Permit Required A Development Permit will be required for all alterations of land, subdivision activity or building permits as applies to residential, commercial, institutional and industrial development. Security shall be taken as a condition of issuance of a Development Permit for those lots adjacent to a watercourse protection area to ensure that the Development Permit Area guidelines are met. Page 4 Bylaw No. 5815 1999 G. Development Permit Not Required A Development Permit is not required for any development servicing within the watercourse protection area that is in support of an accepted subdivision geometry or building permit and that requires approval from the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks under the authority of the Water Act and/or the Department of Fisheries and Oceans under the authority of the Fisheries Act. These servicing works include, but are not limited to, proposed watercourse crossings, retaining walls, culvert placements and stormwater discharge sites. A Development Permit is not required for building permits issued for buildings or structures in single family residential zones where the building or structure is setback two times the required yard of the zone adjacent to the watercourse protection area. A Development Permit is not required for any servicing work undertaken by or on behalf of the District of Maple Ridge, in accordance with senior agency approval. A Development Permit is not required for fill activities that are regulated by a valid permit under the "Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation Bylaw No. 5763-1999"." 3. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the 25th day of May, A.D. 1999. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the 15th day of June, A.D. 1999. READ A SECOND TIME the 27th day of July, A.D. 1999. READ A THIRD TIME the 27th day of July, A.D. 1999. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK 13 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAWNO. 5819- 1999 A By-law for the exchange of highway within the Municipality. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 535 of the Municipal Act, R.S.B.C., 1996, and amendments thereto, the Council may by by-law dispose of any portion of a highway, in exchange for such lands as may be necessary for the improving of a highway. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge 12078/92 Fraser Street and 22480 121" Avenue Road Exchange By-law No. 5819-1999 ". Attached hereto and forming part of this By-law is a copy of Reference Plan prepared by Wade & Associates Land Surveying Ltd., B.C. Land Surveyors, and marked as Schedule ."A". The Municipal Council is hereby authorized to dispose of the following lands: Parcel "B', which is part of lane dedicated on Plan 8679 ( 95 m2) FOR: Parcel "A" which is part of Lot 16 of Plan 8679 ( 237 m2) The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute any and all deeds of land and plans necessary to effect the aforesaid transfer and exchange of lands. That portion of public highway comprised of 95 square metres and identified as Parcel "B" on the aforementioned described Reference Plan is hereby declared stopped and closed to public traffic and shall cease forever to be public highway. That portion of Lot 16 of Plan 8679 comprised of 237 square metres and identified as Parcel "A" on the aforementioned described reference plan to be conveyed by the registered owner to the CorporatiOn of the District of Maple Ridge shall be vested in the name of the Crown and is hereby set apart and established as Public Highway. That Council shall, before adopting this By-law, cause Public Notice of its intention to do so to be given by advertisement once each week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper published or circulating in the District of Maple Ridge. t H By-law No. 5819-1999 Page (2) READ a first time the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the dayof RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED the day of CLERK Attachment: Schedule "A" 4 — I S-P. mxk i 0i ICO8i few Or I it 1j_UJJ Or p, aid Or Iii aid pta, a, cai, 01. an Win lit lbe 76681 Q//(DC1L 6 REFERENCE PLAN 70 ACCOMPA)4Y THE CORPOR410 OF THE DIS1RICT OF M4PLE RIDGE RQ4D EXCKANGE BY-MW NO. 51119-1999 OF PART OF lANE DEDICATED ON PLAN 8679; PART OF LOT 16 PLAN 8679; SEC.20 TP.12 N.W.D. Io,u,t to &ctkn 535 Nunkk,d Act RG&P2GO28 ,ThJ,pbik.oftM,1h. Men1n5 R_ 6 7 8 WunkWb' of Utpt. Rs sbals Men M!16861 Sci p500 I I I I 121 AWME _____man 7 FveIW Part 16 • R.m.t6 1 /'17 $8 - - I • ____ ______ = _ he I. SIV.20 ?P.f2 g 55 54 53 12 it 8e C Lam - Or - • 0 1OrIrOrSd • Or Or*ip Or Or, J....J 1.1,.., Il!rJ0P2 ., .10.10 Th - . - hu mr,wu WORM Fdw b ILT.& m 0, i4ie LK IL & (a P1/tN LMP 0d I, I. (a I lOr it I, *..IMhiJ... ac Or till 4' / I / / / 10 ! -I 0 1 -i 7L / — , r. or vaincr / / 1./ I I Ai...LL... / - / flI10IICq Fbm 7. 1*112 am 9 0IW AVEME Rm.X2 10 24 amp CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5827 - 1999 A By-law for the exchange of highway within the Municipality. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 535 of the Municipal Act, R.S.B.C., 1996, and amendments thereto, the Council may by by-law dispose of any portion of a highway, in exchange for such lands as may be necessary for the improving of a highway. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Chigwell Street - Hammond Properties Road Exchange By-law No. 5827-1999." Attached hereto and forming part of this By-law is a copy of Reference Plan prepared by Wade & Associates Land Surveying Ltd., B.C. Land Surveyors, and marked as Schedule "A". The Municipal Council is hereby authorized to dispose of the following lands: Parcels "0", "Fl", "I", "J", "p", "Q", "R., "S", "T", "U", "V" and"W" which are part of road and lane dedicated on. Plan 114(1,678 m2) FORi Parcels "A","B", "C", "D", "E" which are part of Lots 74, 75, 86, 87 and 88 of Plan 114(22.5 m2) The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute any and all deeds of land and plans necessary to effect the aforesaid transfer and exchange of lands. That portion of public highway comprised of 1,678 square metres and identified as Parcels "F", aLfl, "P", "Q", "R", "T", "V" and "'f" on the aforementioned described Reference Plan are hereby declared stopped and closed to public traffic and shall cease forever to be public highway. That portion of Lots 74,75,86,87 and 88 of Plan 114 comprised of 22.5 square metres and identified as Parcels "A", "B", "C", "D", "E" on the aforementioned described Reference Plan to be conveyed by the registered owner to the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge shall be vested in the nam, of the Crown and are hereby set apart and established as Public Highway. That Council shall, before adopting this By-law, cause Public Notice of its intention to do so to be given by advertisement once each week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper published or circulating in the District of Maple Ridge. - -2- Maple Ridge ChigweU Street- Hammond Properties Road Exchange Bylaw No. 5827-1999 Page 2 READ a first time the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the day of RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED the day of MAYOR CLERK -3- -si Ut awrwisiw,wiaaum j, ULVPta1Z1UA £cu U - M - -dmomv ho Sbmddwbibiftd adirlb bow • • • -- --a • d lit I 'I I I I I I I 4% / it — — S S • / CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE By-law No. 5825 - 1999 A By-law to amend Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel By-law No. 5207 1994. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel By-law No. 5207 - 1994 and amendments thereto. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Amending By-law No. 5825 - 1999". Items 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3. under "Term of Appointment" of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel By-law No. 5207 - 1997 as amended be repealed in their entirety and replaced with the following sections: "Term ofAypointment 5.1 Appointments to the Panel are for two-year terms commencing September 1 in the year they are appointed and terminating two years later on August 31. 5.2 The maximum number of terms an individual may be a member of the Panel is two (2) terms, except in circumstances where it is not possible to obtain a member in a specfie profession, and where leaving this post unfilled would cause a lack of specialized knowledge in that area. 5.3 Transition Clause Notwithstanding Section 5.1 above, in order to stagger the terms to ensure change as well as continuity on the Panel, the terms for the members described in subsection 3.1(a) and (b) will be staggered so that there will be continuity in terms of architects and landscape architects on the PaneL" READafirst time the day of 1999. READ a second time the day of 1999. - READ a third time the day of 1999. RECONSIDERED and finally passed the day of 1999. MAYOR CLERK / 120 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5820— 1999 A By-law to amend MapleRidge Short Term Capital Loan By-law No.5719-1998 The Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Short Term Capital Loan Amending By-law No. 5820— 1999". That the "Yea?' segment of Item No. 3 of Maple Ridge Short Term Capital Loan By- law No. 5719— 1998 be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: "YEAR 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004" READ a first time the 13th day of July, 1999. READ a second time the 13th day of July, 1999. READ athirdtime the 13thdayof July, 1999. RECEIVED the approval of the Inspector of Municipalities the dayof 1999. - - RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED the dayof ,1999. MAYOR I HEREBY CERTIFY THE FOREGONG TO BE A TRyE AND CORRECT Co F TIM _ CLERK t. OF MAPLE RIDGE PY"T) N LL2T. BRmSH COLUMBR AUG July 27, 1999 JIM MCBRIDE CLERK DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE 11995 HANEY PLACE MAPLE RIDGE BC V2X 6A9 Dear Jim McBride: Re: Maole Ridge Short Term Capital Loan Amending Bylaw No. 5820 - 1999 Enclosed herewith is one copy of the above bylaw approved under the provisions of section 454 of the Municipal Act. Council may now adopt the bylaw. Please forward one copy of the bylaw as adopted to the Municipal Advice and Approvals Branch for our records. Yours truly, And Deputy inspector of Municipalities Enclosure Ministry of Office of the Inspector of Mailing Address: Location: Municipal Affairs Municipalities of P0 Box 9490 Stn Prov Govt 4th aw - British Columbia Victoria BC V8W 9N7 Victo Telephone: (250) 387-4067 Facsimile: (250)356-1873 Province of British Columbia No. .................................................. Statutorij ;kjjjjrvfraI Under the provisions of section 154 of the Municipal Act I hereby approve Bylaw No. __ 5820 the Corporation of of the District of Maple Ridge , a copy of which is attached hereto. Dated this 2 ? day of 1999 Deputy I M2$-2068 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: July 14, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: E08-015-831.2 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer E01-052-001.2 SUBJECT: Excess Capacity/Extended ATTENTION: C of W Services Agreement LC 69/99 ; SD 4/96 SUMMARY: A developer has provided certain services in support of Subdivision SD 4/96, at 1 14A Avenue and 234A Street. Some of the services benefit adjacent lands therefore, it is appropriate to impose Latecomer Charges on the benefitting lands. RECOMMENDATION: That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD 4/96, at 114A Avenue and 234A Street, be it resolved that: That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the memorandum of the Chief Administrative. Officer dated July 14,1999, and That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized tosign and seal a "Latecomer Agreement" with the subdivider of the said lands. BACKGROUND: (a) Purpose The attached map identifies the lands which are involved in the subdivision and those which will benefit from the excess or extended services. The cost breakdown for each excess or extended service is as follows: TYPE OF EXCESS OR EXTENDED SERVICE - 1. ONS1TE SERVICE FOR ADJACENT PROPERTY SERVICE # BENEFIrrING COST OF COST PER LOTS BENEFIT LOT BENEFIT ATTRIBUTED BY PROPERTY EXCLUDING SUBDIVISION Road Water Sanitary Sewer Storm Sewer 31 $169,663.00 $5,473.00 31 $80,476.00 $2,596.00 31 $66,061.00 $2,131.00 47 $15,322.00 $326.00 Lot 12, Plan 25975 1 x $5,473.00 Lot 12, Plan 25975 1 x $2,596.00 Lot 12, Plan 25975 1 x $2,131.00 Lot 12, Plan 25975 2 x $326.00 A total of all of the aforementioned services for each property is as follows: Lot 12, SW 14 Sec. 16, Tp. 12, Plan 25975, N.W.D. $10,852.00 (b) Policy Implications: Section 939 of the Municipal Act, provides in clauses 5 (a), (b) and (c) that where a developer pays all or part of the cost of excess or extended services, the municipality shall determine the proportion of the cost of the service which constitutes excess or extended service and determine the proportion of the cost of the service to be attributed to parcels of land which the municipality considers will, benefit from the service. The Latecomer Agreement will summarize the municipality's determination and establish the term over which such Latecomer charges will be applied. I XPIII Jeff. Schçlban, Direct of Development Engineering 7 Fra k Quinn, P.Eng., PMP, Municipal Engineer R.W. Robertson, A.LC.P., M.LC.P., Chief Administrative Officer 4.. J.J. Rudolph, A1C.P., M.I.C.P., General Manager, Public Works & Development Services "-S SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY I --'4 BENEPIi-IING PROPERTIES EXCESS CAPACITY/EXTENDED SERVICES AGREEMENT LC 69/99 SD 4/96 CORPORATION OF THE I I DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE I MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING I !corper.tM 12 3.ptamb.r. 174 DEPARTMENT I I FILE/DWG No LC69-1999 I DATE: JULY 1999 N SCALE: N. T. S. EXCESS CAPACITY LATECOMER AGREEMENT LC 69/99 - SD 4/96 THIS AGREEMENT made the day of , 19 BETWEEN: Stacks & Decker Developments Inc. Falcon Homes & Designs Ltd. P.O. Box 29533 Maple Ridge BC V2X 2V0 (Hereinafter called the "Subdivider") OF THE FIRST PART AND: • CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE, a Municipal Corporation under the "Municipal Act", having its offices at 11995 Haney Place, in the Municipality of Maple Ridge, in the Province of British Columbia (Hereinafter called the "Municipality") OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS: The Subdivider has subdivided certain lands and premises located within the Municipality of Maple Ridge, in the Province of British Columbia, and more particularly known and described as: LotB, Sec. 16, Tp. 12, Plan LMP27798, N.W.D. (Hereinafter called the "said lands") In .order to facilitate the approval of the subdivision of the said lands, the Subdivider has constructed and installed the 'road, water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer services shown on the design prepared by Urban Systems Ltd., Job No. 6133423.3 (Sheets 1 to 23) stamp dated July 31, 1997, reviewed August 19, 1997. Project No. E08-015-831.2. (Hereinafter called the "Extended Services"); The extended services have been provided with a capacity to service the said lands and other than the said lands; The Municipality considers its cost to provide the Extended Services to be excessive; The Subdivider has provided the Extended Services in the Amount of $331,552.00. The Municipality has determined that Lot 12, SW '/4 Sec. 16, Tp 12, Plan 25975 N.W.D. (the "Benefitting Lands") will benefit from the Extended Services; The Municipality has imposed as a condition of the owner of the Benefitting Lands connecting to or using the Extended Services, a charge (the "Latecomer Charge") on the Benefitting Lands in the following amounts: - $5,473.00 for access to the road on 234A Street without extension of the road. - $2,596.00 for direct connection to the water main on 234A Street without extension of the water main. - $$2, 131.00 for direct connection to the sanitary sewer on 234A Street without extension of the sewer main. - $326.00 per lot, to a maximum of $652.00, for connection to the storm sewer that parallels the north property line of Lot 12, Plan 25975, from 47 meters west of 234A Street, east to the sewer outfall 55 meters east of 234A Street. plus interest calculated annually from the date of completion of the Extended Services as certified by the General Manager - Public Works & Development of the Municipality (the "Completion Date") to the date of connection by the Benefitting Lands to the Extended Services; The Latecomer Charge when paid by the owner of the Benefitting Lands and collected by the Municipality shall pursuant to Section 939 (7) of the Municipal Act R.S.B.C. 1996, c.323 be paid to the Subdivider as provided for in this Agreement. NOW THEREFORE AS AUTHORIZED BY Section 939 (9) of the Municipal Act R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 323 the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The Latecomer Charge, if paid by the owner of the Benefitting Lands and collected by the Municipality within ten (10) years of the Completion Date shall be paid to the Subdivider and in such case shall be paid on or before December 31 of the year in which the Latecomer Charge is collected by the Municipality. This Agreement shall expire and shall be of no further force and effect for any purpose on the earlier of the payment of the Latecomer Charge by the Municipality to the Subdivider, or ten. (10) years from the Completion Date, and thereafter the Municipality shall be forever fully released and wholly discharged from any and all liability and obligations herein, or howsoever arising pertaining to the Latecomer Charge, and whether arising before or after the expiry of this Agreement. The Subdivider represents and warrants, to the Municipality that the Subdivider has not received, claimed, demanded or collected money or any other consideration from the owner of the Benefitting Lands for the provision, or expectation of the provision of the Extended Services, other than as contemplated and as provided for herein; and further represents and warrants that he has not entered into any agreement with the owner of the Benefitting Lands for consideration in any way related to or connected directly or indirectly with the provision of the Extended Services. The representations and warranties of the Subdivider herein shall, notwithstanding paragraph 2 of this Agreement, survive the expiry of this Agreement. The Subdivider (if more than one corporate body or person) hereby agrees that the Municipality shall remit the Latecomer Charge to each corporate body or person in equal shares. If the Subdivider is a sole corporate body or person, the Municipality shall remit the Latecomer Charge to the said sole corporate body or person, with a copy to the following (name and address of director of corporate body, 'accountant, lawyer, etc.): In the event that the Subdivider is not the owner of the said lands, the owner shall hereby grant, assign,. transfer and set over unto the Subdivider, his heirs and assigns, all rights, title and interest under this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their respective Corporate Seals, attested by the hands of their respective officers duly authorized in that behalf, the day and year first above written. The Corporate Seal of The Corporate Seal of was hereunto affixed in the presence of: was hereunto affixed in the presence of: Authorized Signatory - Subdivider Authorized Signatory - Owner Authorized Signatory - Subdivider Authorized Signatory - Owner The Corporate Seal of the CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE was hereunto affixed in the presence of: Mayor - Authorized Signatory Clerk - Authorized Signatory CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: July 22, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001.2 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: St. Patrick's School Walk-a-thon SUMMARY: A request has been received from St. Patrick's School to use our Municipal Streets for their School Walk-a-thon on Friday September 24, 1999. It is recommended that the event be approved provided the usual conditions are met. A copy of the request dated July 6, 1999 is attached. RECOMMENDATION: That St. Patrick's School be authorized to use Municipal Streets for their annual School Walk-a-thon on Friday September 24, 1999 provided the conditions outlined in the report of the Chief Administrative Officer are met. The walk starts at St. Patrick's School, and proceeds east on 121 Avenue, north on 227 Street, east on 128 Avenue, north on 232 Street to Maple Ridge Park. It is anticipated that the walk will leave from the school at 9:45 am to the park and return at approximately 1:00 pm. BACKGROUND: From time to time the Municipality is requested to allow the use of Municipal Streets for organized events. Unless there is some unusual safety implication approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A" Chief Mminktrathe Officer 4De I o M Sge LPanmeer Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated July 22, 1999 St. Patrick's School WaIk-a-thon Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: provide all necessary traffic controls as required by the R.C.M.P. and the District of Maple Ridge; notify local Fire Department and Ambulance Services of the event; obtain any required permits from the District of Maple Ridge Parks and Leisure Services Department; hold and save harmless the Corporation from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $2,000,000.00, naming the Corporation as an additional named insured. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Engineering Department a minimum of 3 days prior to the event; refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District of Maple Ridge; The Corporation of District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw this permission to Use Municipal Streets should the organizers fall to comply with the above requirements. -2- CORPORATION OF THE N DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE A I MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING (I I Incorpurstad 12 sspt.m. IV4 DEPARTMENT ST. PATRICKS SCHOOL WALK-A--THON SCALE: N.T.S. FILE/DWG No SK0108 I DATE: JULY 1999 &St; Pcs School 1 ,. PHONE 467-1571 22589 - 121st Ave Maple Ridge. B.C. V2X RCEXVP :N CLK. Djf,T. _ 9 1999 July 6, 1999 8100-01 CØcd Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Attention: J. R. McBride, Municipal Clerk Dear Sir, We are requesting permission to hold a Walk-a-thon on Friday, September 24, 1999. We will be walking Easton 12 1st Avenue, North on 227th Street, East on 128th Avenue and North on 232nd Street to Maple Ridge Park. We anticipate leaving the school at 9:45 am and returning at approximately 1:00 pm. If permission is granted, we will notify the RCMP, the Fire Department, and Ambulance Service. We thank you for your consideration of this matter and look forward to your response. Sincerely,.. Anne Principal S XCIVD IN ENGNEER1NG UEP. JUL-i 1999 f:ATE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: July 22, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001.2 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: Whonnock Lake Day Run/Walk SUMMARY: A request has been received from the Whonnock Community Association to use Municipal Streets for the Whonnock Lake Day Run/Walk on Sunday September 12, 1999. It is recommended that the event be approved provided the usual conditions are met. A copy of the request dated June 21, 1999 is attached. RECOMMENDATION: The Whonnock Community Association be authorized to use Municipal Streets for the Whonnock Lake Day S and 10 km Run/Walk on Sunday September 12, 1999 provided the conditions outlined in the report of the Chief Administrative Officer are met. The affected streets for the 5km run are 113 " Ave., 276th Street, 112" Ave., 272nd Street, 110th Ave., Haynes Street, and Graham Street. The affected Streets for the 10km run are 113th Ave., 276" Street, 112" Ave., 272 Street, 108th Ave., Rainbow Ridge Trail, 277th Street, 1041h Ave., 106th Street, 110th Ave., Haynes Street, and Graham Street. BACKGROUND: From time to time the Municipality is requested to allow the use of Municipal Streets for organized events. Unless there is some unusual safety implication approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A" IAJ Chief A__ithtrati'vefficer PGene ger: Pu)AV Works & unicipal Engineer Deve prt Servi 0&r-90103 Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated July 22, 1999 Whonnock Lake Day RunIWalk Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: traffic control plan must be authorized by the R.C.M.P.; notify local Fire Department and Ambulance Services of the event; obtain any required permits from the District of Maple Ridge Parks and Leisure Services Department; notify the Haney Horseman's Association of the event; hold and save harmless the Corporation from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $2,000,000.00, naming the Corporation as an additional named insured. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Engineering Department a minimum of 3 days prior to the event; refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of, the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District of Maple Ridge; The Corporation of District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw this permission to use Municipal Streets should the organizers fall to comply with the above requirements. -2- 08/21/99 11:24 FAX 604 4628212 WHONNOCK U cr 4102 WhonnOOk Community ssociaion 3l87l113thAv.. P.O. Box 134 Whoruock. B.C. yaw iv June21. 1990 Michael Eng Corporation of the Dls4ct of Maple Bldg. 11998 Haney Place Maple Ridge. BC. V2X GAO Deer FUrth.r to your flow chartfor request to use municipal sidewalk and street to host the 3rd awtual Whonnøck Lake Day run. I have contacted Corporal Brian Huntington at Bldg. Msidowu Municipal Tramc providing him with the necessary information and requested that he forward his Wgjnature sign off to you. Here are the details you require pertaining to the event thus., data etc. The event will be held at Whonnock Lake and tlu'ouqlout the iinoimdlnqaeeta (a.. .ncloa.d route map) on Sunday. September 12, 1999 at 83O a.m and should be completed by 10.00 a.m. The Whom'tcck Community Association agrees to provide the following. The organlasri will provid, all necessary framc controls, parldng and emergency access acceptable to the LC.M.P. and the District of Maple Ridge. The organizers wW notify the local ft. Dsparaintat and the Ambulance Services of this event (St. John Ambulance will be on site during event). The organiesri shall hold and save larmles. the Corporation from and against all claims and damages arising out of or In any way connected to this event. The organisià will abtAfri and ràalntain during the tine of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance polic providing coverage of not less than 2,OOO,OOO.00 naming the Corporation an anaddldoitslnanied insured. A copy Of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporation prior to the event (BC Athielica has already provided this) The orqanlzsn will rdubIsh all municipal lx*uthicturs to an equal or better condition than that which .nluted prior to the event, all wIthin 24 hours of the completed event, to *A utlsfactlon of Maple Ridge. The organizers will notify all surrounding business affected by the closure (a nthtlmum of one week prior to the closure date). oenaY 11:4 PAX WRONNOC UCTRE 'o3 Thank you for your attention to thth matter. Youzi truly. Pauline Vandsmoor Rae. Director :pv - oc Corporal Brian Hundngton, Ridge Meadowa TTaffic Control 07/0'-- 10 :58 FAX 604 4028212 WRONtOC !U cnz WlwzwoCk Azgodaan 22971 113th Aave. P.O. S= 134 Whoimock. B.C. V2W W9 fune2l, 1999 Corporal Brian R=Wzvwx Wmige Meado Mdp Faz# 487-7033 Deer - g_ FiuthOr to our recour reepomw canv.rzalioo, ls.xe rsgq the &d mumal Whonnock Liks Day na I 190. The raou bgü2s at 9.20 n.m. and ahould be ipl. M the analo..d route ikstch fri41M. thm Perk. Th tout. ii heavily mamhallad with volimt.i who wili be wethq bright, refLeodve cLeth1a. As roWe trav.la through the Nary Harieman's 1afl k As te - V"m we vM be cont*CthI a thSE$ before raoe day to rewAnd tPim of the eveat. We b either and ot the iil to easuro thatio horses o p MI znantioied to you aver the telephone, zuy only route Is the bthtd 11V' on I 12th just as you appraac years, m wili once againhams this area very heavi G7OOS$ $efty. Nou have any ñzrthsr qiiIscua, please do not Thik you for your attentfFi to em inittef. Yours tnily. Pauline Ysiulermoor pace cr 1! 1 .. the d.taila that you require on Su"day. Se'bsr 12, by appzuulmately 10:00am. I and .nr at wb t.b 2ZL 38 a*" ,ohmtesr.) at.d by the map, the 109 as tim Rainbow BMW TraiL Loiian AO*Uon jpd always bad routm mar,halli at at on the t29 J the n regasding thIs reos . hulL As hi the past two rshsIIid to anau= to contact me at 4824983. JUN-30-99 WED 11:22 Ak fla:Ie. Ridge - Cerat ions FAX N0 487 7360 uo/'i 11:0 0*/25GS lit 1 % 1_g!,M11j'1t' s 1rgjz,, , vOZ IZ mu P1. 02/02 G2 9lt2 FVM 'A' -- - - -- - -- ---S - TI Cogthvl k _4'• S - ZIA 0 ,'c 25 th9 Aivi $%k* d Cow rat*. P. Iu J',vI •-I" — 10 FIN % 11 vI U 2T4 'ST, I•_ •.S •b • • • . .• •• •-• - %mw wrap 46*&- or I •---... i V r*4 qp •pic '' _'1 S iQ4 ttv AT!T4. ID - a I S S I S I wo I4 — Pt-. 44 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: July 22, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: OCP Amendment FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: Streamside Protection Policy Directives Pilot Test EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This report is to inform Council that the Streamside Protection Policy Directives pilot test proposal submitted by District staff to the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks has been selected for implementation and $3,500 in fundmg has been made available to help initiate the project. II RECOMMENDATION: That Council support the participation of the District in a pilot test for the Streamside Protection Policy Directives. III BACKGROUND On May 20; 1999 the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks (M.ELP), and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) invited local governments attending the Union of BC Municipalities Environment Conference, to participate in a pilot test for the Streamside Protection Policy Directives (SPPD) under Section 12 of the Fish Protection Act. The pilot is to assess the functionality of the May 17, 1999 working draft of the Streamside Protection Policy Directives, and determine the impacts on implementation of the classification system for local governments applying the SPPD's. The results of the pilot studies will be reported back to the Minister of Environment, Lands and Parks and the Union of BC Municipalities to assist in finalizing the classification approach and developing an implementation strategy for adoption in 2000. In response to Council's expression of interest to participate in the pilot a submission was made by staff for a 4 acre potential development site in the lower reaches of Horseshoe Creek in Cottonwood. The site represents a typical development in-fill site in Maple Ridge in both size and watercourse presence. The proposed site is also of a manageable size, making project completion achievable in the required timeframe. There were eighteen municipal pilot submissions and all eighteen were selected for implementation. Given the level of interest and the number of submissions selected (18) each municipality will receive a limited amount of funding ($3,500) to aid in project implemeütation. This pilot study is an academic evaluation exercise to;access the practical application of the Streamside Protection Policy Directives in a real-life development scenario. This pilot should in no way restrict the current development potential of the test site. Council should be aware, however, that with the adoption of these Protection Policy Directives in June 2000 setback requirements for fisheries protection will likely increase throughout the community. 2 04.02 Participation in this project will allow the District to make official comment on the practical application of the Streamside Protection Policy Directives that will then form part of the report to the Minister and UBCM. If endorsed, the District's pilot will be carried out in coordination with Environmental Affairs and Current Planning.. The project timeline will be as follows: July 1999 Collection of existing materials and maps August 1999 Field testing of Streamside Protection Policy Directives Sept 8, 1999 Meeting to share results for Draft Report Sept 2 1-24, 1999 - Presenting report at UBCM Convention Future Staff will report to Council the results and impacts of the pilot study following the field testing of the Streamside Protection Policy Directives some time in September. Manager of Environmental Affairs 4. irecto ~4 Chief Ad[ndnistrative "Offirpr GP ral M er: Public Works Direc r of Long Range a d Dev ment Services Planning - -.-- - - -- - I :097 REM. PcI. A P KANA WAY PARK 14 P 35649 Rem 48 LMP 26483 2 Ila 14' 13 f)fk 121o21 21,,, y I 0. 11011 I '-i l9!Pl8h!i iI og Ia I.MP 28486 KANAKA CREEK S. . Ai I.' SUBJECT SITE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Iccspaited 12, S.pt.mbsr, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Jul 27 1999 FILE: BY: TM CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: July 27, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: R7J23197 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: CofW-PW&Dev SUBJECT: RZ/23/97 - Dedication and Construction of 116 Avenue SUMMARY: 116 Avenue between Cottonwood Drive and 236 Street is identified in the OCP as a major highway network corridor. The extent of dedication and construction of this corridor is one of several issues that must be resolved prior to presentation of a development proposal at Public Hearing. Staff have reviewed a variety of options and recommend Option 2. RECOMMENDATION: That Option 2 as noted in the report from the Chief Administrative Officer dated July 27, 1999 be selected as the preferred option to identify the extent of dedication and construction of 116 Avenue between Cottonwood Drive and 236 Street. BACKGROUND: On May 11, 1999 Council reviewed the attached land use report and forwarded the application to Public Hearing. One of the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing is resolution of the construction and dedication of 116 Avenue between Cottonwood Drive and 236 Street through Lot A, Ex Plan 16618 (the development site). Prior to final reading, some road dedication is required. DISCUSSION: The route between Cottonwood Drive and 236 Street is designated on Schedule "C" of the OCP as one of two major east-west corridors serving the Cottonwood area. The need for this route has been identified in previous transportation studies.completed in the late 1980's to earlier 1990's. The extent of road dedication and construction for the development proposal has been an issue in past applications involving this parcel. In an earlier land use report for a previous application (RZJ50/93) this route was identified as a designated collector route. The following is an excerpt from this earlier report. The topography along this alignment is severe and the soil conditions difficult. The costs for construction of the link will be relatively high and the benefits accrue to a large area It will therefore be constructed through Development Cost Charges at a later date when funds and demand warrant. It will be the developers responsibility to dedicate and construct the portion east of 0 4,002'a 0 Cottonwood Drive to the future creek crossing as a part of this development proposal. is A preliminary road profile has been prepared and confirms that although this route will be difficult and costly to build, construction appears to be feasible. The profile also confirms that the easterly portion of the development site has limited (if any) development potential. Recognizing this limitation, staff concluded in 1994 that the easterly portion should be acquired through Development Cost Charges in the future as needed. This would allow the present owner to continue to live at this site and postpone purchase to a mutually agreeable future date. It was further concluded that staff would recommend that 116 Avenue from Cottonwood Drive to 236 Street be constructed by: The municipality, from the east side of the townhouse site through the easterly portion of development site to 236 Street The developer, for that portion adjacent to the townhouse site. Although construction of the easterly portion of this route was added to the Development Cost Charge Bylaw, application RZ150I93 was withdrawn and this issue was never resolved. It is anticipated that the easterly portion of the development site will be acquired through expenditures from the 5% parkland acquisition fund (for the area designated Conservation) and development cost charges (for the area required for road). In considering the extent of road dedication for this application the following options are available. Option 1 Dedicate and construct only that portion of 116 Avenue adjacent to the townhouse site, and achieve the balance of the dedication after acquisition of the balance of the site. As recommended in the land use report, road construction is recommended for that portion of 116 Avenue adjacent to the townhouse site. This option achieves the recommended dedication and construction but doesn't address the future extension of 116 Avenue to 236 Street. Option 2 (recommended) Includes optiou. 1 and the dedication of road to the eastern boundary of Rem A (the former landfill site) owned by the District. This option achieves dedication and construction of a portion of 116 Avenue and clearly indicates the District's position regarding the future road alignment for 116 Avenue. Option 3 Includes options 1 & 2 and the dedication of road for all land not impacted by the house. This option goes beyond option 2, is not necessary and is not recommended. -2- Option 4 V Includes options 1,2, & 3 and a road reservation for the balance of the right-of-way. This option goes beyond option 3, is also not necessary and is not recommended. CONCLUSION: Considering the above, it is recommended that Option 2 be considered to determine the extent of dedication and construction of 116 Avenue between Cottonwood Drive and 236 Street. T er,P. Chief Administrative Officer Ge e nager: Polic Works and f or o rrent Planning evelopment Services ' ppro omar ."J ,0l iii so 1.15$ 2413 a LISP 2171 PAA9 II-'., RS-3 ± 'US, LISP of r LISP 09•.F.tj — 1 IS P45* IS -31 , 23 53 "4.' $. P 74252 080 S. 47 1 _____ 2 4l ! 70 ft 3$ 40 si si 7 "S. 32 4. ,,, S•s _ $2 53 G. —.$ 3. $ •, - Is LP 441 _ P 2116 2 P 70$ I 73 72 2 l 70'• 0 I 10 I 4 ,,, I•• ,,i4 14 n,g-1 1 IS IS $1 II I ,1j' I I I p nss 21 I 2$ /i'iI (P 75453 3 - ,9 4 0*3 73 A I tS33k"/B ø7J/ 1, 41 R 5 II sal'. / L ((P 143511 P Sifl I PC1.I (P 1551. A S'S. - S '4.3 IS S IS p S re .- $1 a. 1.11 I. L&IP 112 "IS. R1'! 1:4000 ) SUBJECT PROPERTIES AREA UNDER APPLICATION CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDC Sao 06- MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT Incorporsted 12 September. 1574 FILE/B,.AW: RZ-23-9? DATE: APRIL 20, 1999 'fl 25 47 / EP 16618 he A 21 (9$' u• 31911 LiMIT TO CONSTRUCTION I 3.782 ha hf / 116 AVE. __ _______ / o°f I pI i 04 -I I I ( i -fum - OPTION1 usa EP 16618 A 21 Q UP 31911 LIMIT TO CONSTRUCTION 3782 ha 116 AVE. CIO I uA OPTION2(RECOMMENDED) N ____ -_J ROAD RESERVE Pfff A V&LLY ROAD DEDICATION DCT OF MAPLE RIDGE ALBM Qmftft~ PIANNING DEPARTMENT PITS Incorporated 12 September. 1874 FiLE/BYLAW:RZ-23-97 _CTE_JULY29,1999 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: July 29, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: DP145/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W- PW & Dev SUBJECT: DP/45199 (23451 Larch Ave.) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been made under the provisions of the new Development Permit Area XXX to allow clearing of land in support of a development proposal. After reviewing the proposal with the Manager of Environmental Affairs, the Planning Department recommends that DP/45/99 be given favourable consideration. It is noted that approval of this Development Permit is dependent on the applicant receiving approvals from Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks or Department of Fisheries and Oceans for works within a watercourse and providing detailed plans showing clearing limits, grading and erosion control and monitoring.. II RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP145/99 respecting property located at 23451 Larch Ave. and that the Permit be issued once the conditions outlined in the memorandum dated July 29,1999 have been met. III BACKGROUND: Applicant: Paul Hayes Owner Bertsam Developments Inc. Legal Description: Lot "B" Except: Parcel "One" (RP. 8389), Sec. 28, Tp. 12, NWD Plan 4962. Zoning: - Existing: RS-3 Proi,ose& CD-1-99 Surrounding Uses NISIE: Residential W North Alouette River Existing Use of Property: Vacant Proposed Use of Property: Ràsidential Access: Larch St. & Balsam Ave. Previous Applications: R7J30197, SD/12/98 IV PROJECT DESCRIpTION The property is within Development Permit Area XXX which has been established for the protection of the natural environment. The Objectives and Guidelines are in place to ensure that subdivision activity does not encroach or alter habitat protection areas unless a Development Permit has been issued. The development of this site proposes the alteration of areas within the habitat protection boundaries and this alteration will require approval under the Water Act and/or the Fisheries Act. In support of the workwithin Balsam Creek, the applicant wishes to clear a portion of land in order to borrow some material on site and deposit some material from the creek works. The overall grading that will result anticipates grades necessary for the residential development that will follow. V PLANNING ANALYSIS There are two aspects to this application, the proposed work within Balsam Creek and work on lands adjacent to the creek. Work within the Cree In order to facilitate development of this site and the property directly east of this site a development plan and an environmental assessment have been provided for works within a watercourse. The environmental plan has been prepared by the applicant's consultant in consultation with the applicant's environmental & engineering consultants. The works involve storm outfalls, creek crossings and mitigation compensation measures which will improve access and allow movement of fish to upstream reaches of Balsam Creek. The applicant's professionals will be working in and around Balsam Creek and in some cases relocating portions of it. This requires approval under the Water Act or Fisheries Act prior to commencement. The time period available to do these works is from August 1, 1999 to September 15, 1999. Work adjacent to the Creek In order to facilitate the creek works the applicant proposes to clear and grade a portion of his land. The intent is to use some of the existing on site gravel for in stream works and deposit some of the creek excavation material on site in support of future road construction This will require that the area shown on the attached map as Phase I be cleared and regraded as part of the works. According to the new Development Permit Area XXX and current environmental policies, it will be necessary to provide the Manager of Environmental affairs with the following: a clearing plan which identifies clearing extents; a grading plan which provides the extent of the grading area complete with existing and future grades identified; an erosion and sedimentation control plan -2- Security will be required forthese works consistent with Council's Environmental Policy. This amount is based on $1500.00 per lot for those lots which back onto a watercourse. An analysis of the developers proposed development plan and clearing plan will determine the amount. Staff are seeking authorization to issue a Development Permit which will allow the applicant to proceed with the first phase of land clearing in support of a development application. Issuance of the Permit will require that the following be provided: a clearing plan; a grading plan; an erosion control and sedimentation control plan; a security:deposit in compliance with Council's Environmental Policy. VI CONCLUSION: This application requests approval of works that are beyond the scope of approvals granted by Federal and Provincial agencies for an area of a development site adjacent to Balsam Creek. A condition of approval of the Development Permit is provision of design information for the works that is consistent with the Development Permit Area Guidelines for DPA XXX. This information has been received and it is recommended that this application be supported. Gay Por, Planning Technician c3a. rut 1/1 Ail R. W. Robertson, MCIP, AICP 1olph, MCIPátICP Chief Administrative Officer OIn4al Manage2VIelopmentblic Works and k Services -3- 13546 In a- A 13516 13490 EP26705 A 13442158 Rem 25 P20636 / / P 26077 13426 / 29 P 38621 36 13436 06p6 13412P20636 222 21 AVE 13396. 0 9 rl 07~ ?IjIt 1 2 ll,. 14 133 0 r -- 41 27 . P2351 133 .42 132 FP89 13311 P6139 1 26 P 20636 P 3007 Rem 3 P4962 RemB P 668 [158 P6139 - P58516 P131i7 S. _ 1 1 37 4 38 Rem2 13250 P40978 P 24142 P -fl-- 1324c3 13215 - 13210 I— 14 2 2 3 ____________ I 4& P 1 F3F 422 132 I 132 31 32 33 v'irii 1 4. I. 1. S .HMA jo SIo.Ffltraflon Marsh PHASE OC4E Equestrian Troll - CL. ARt N G PL4I4 !I Envelop. 11111 Future [ •:..•] Parks &Consorvaflon 3ccgs1:t Cot.,voolt. :•.:..•. Covenant Al dWIeSS d WS'CP.* Ii ms4,cm Concept Subdivision CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: July 270' 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/35/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: R7J35199 (23853 Dewdney Trunk Road) EXECUTIVE SUM1'IARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property to permit the construction of a gas station, convenience store, residence and separate commercial building with drive through access. The property is located in the northwest corner of 238B Street and Dewdney Trunk Road, and was designated for Service Commercial use on the OCP in 1996. This application complies with that OCP designation. II RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ135199 (for property located at 23853 Dewdney Trunk, Road) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated July 27 1999 from RS-3, One Family Rural Residential to CS-i, Service Commercial be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. Condition to be met prior to first reading: Comments from the Advisory Design Panel. A Public Information Meeting must be held. Fully dimensioned development plan including: Neighbourhood context plan; Site plan;. Building elevations; Landscape concept; And that prior to final approval the following must be complete: Registration of a Rezomng Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; Amendment to Schedules "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan; 0(0.0 ~.t)7 Road dedication as required; Removal of the existing buildingls; III BACKGROUND: Applicant: Site Lines Architecture Inc. Owner: W. & B. Hall Legal Description: Lot 28, Sec. 21, TP 12, Plan LMP 30403 OCP: Existing: Service Commercial Proposed: Service Commercial Zoning: Existing: RS-3 One Family Rural Residential Proposed: CS-i Service Commercial Surrounding Uses: N&S: RS-ib One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential E: P-6 Civic Institutional (School District Works Yard) W: RS-3 One Family Rural Residential Existing Use of Property: Single Family Residential Proposed Use Of Property: Service Commercial, Gas bar, convenience store, residence, and separate commercial building with drive through access. Access: Dewdney Trunk Road and 238B Street Servicing: not all services exist to the site Previous Applications: n/a IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project includes construction of two separate buildings. One building, located in the southwest corner of the site, contains a gas bar, convenience store and a second floor residence now permitted as a result of recent changes to the CS-i zone. The second building is located north of the gas bar and a public lane separates this building from the residential development to the north. The convenience store is proposed to be 251 m 2 with a 130 in2 residence above. The commercial building is will be 558 m2. A total of 37 parking spaces are provided, and building heights will not exceed 7.7 metre& Vehicle access will be provided from a sidewalk crossing on 238B Street and the dedicated lane off the north property line. Limited right-out egress from the site to Dewdney Trunk Road is supported if an effort is made to minimize conflicts with pedestrians. A raised median will be constructed in Dewdney Trunk Road to restrict eastbound left turns into the site and directing traffic accessing the site to a left turn bay at 238B Street. A traffic control light is proposed for this intersection as part of a future capital works project. Care has been taken to buffer the proposed use from the residential area to the north with landscaping. The character of the buildings reflects the residential architecture of the neighbourhood. -2- V PLANNING ANALYSIS Official Community Plan. The designation for this site is Service Commercial and the application conforms with OCP Policy. The designation in this neighbourhood is seen as a commercial hub for the area and includes properties between 237 and 238B Streets. Prior to final consideration of the zone amending bylaw it will be necessary to include the site into Schedules "A" and "H" as a Development Permit Area to insure the form and character of the development at the building permit stage. Zoning. The current zoning is RS-3 and the proposed zoning is CS-i Servicing. All the services required for the development proposal do not exist to the site. Largely, the work required involves construction of aservice lane to the rear of the site. It will therefore be necessary to have the owner enter into a rezoning development agreement and post security to do the works prior to final reading. Overhead wires exist adjacent to the site and therefore in accordance with Council policy, a Development Variance Permit is required to allow the overhead wires to remain. Notice of this requirement can be provided with the Public Hearing notice fulfilling the DVP requirements and eliminating the need for a separate application at a future date. It is recommended therefore that notice be provided with Public Hearing. Public Information Meeting. This project represents the first.development of a significant commercial node in the area. Consistent with Council policy, it is recommended that a public information meeting be held to inform the neighbourhood of the developers intent and hear comments and concerns priortó Public Hearing. VI CONCLUSION: The development proposal is consistent with the Official Community Plan. Staff recommend that this application be supported and forwarded to Public Hearing subject to the conditions contained in this memo. / / R. W. Robertson, MCIP, AICP Chief Administrative Officer h, MCIP Manager: BTá Arbcrist LandscapelPlnnnlng Technician Works and 4)17(or of Cutr7 P12nning 'ent ServIces / -3- OEUCWEY TN( ROAD JUL 29 1999 P.!APLE flI[ 3E .TNMNG DEPARTMENT site lines •rchi*iPure Inc lSluII.0.lUsfl, Is u.a In-n,, MOMS MaC MCMlI. 31 oy TSNC Alma LI. MlT106 LOT * ICQ I TP& PLMI IM) 30001,46 1014 MaIM.) TO C$.T I- lilt III 5100. ti-V W.V i.0 gt.ia IIIa 101 â10 - 1*1. 405 SQ Pt. iot c45110. 101*1. StOOl- 400*0 Ft. 10041105) 0110 00.0*0. 11001011. 0410101*10.01110. 54 10 PT T0T "TO SQ PT. flax ato. 401. 1010 101010 PIT IISSOP1. 10.0*0 1014). 00.000. on FT. 101011051 IT10 00.0*0. IllS 10 PT. Ma_a. 10 PT MaMa 1110 SQ PT. P40101010 MLII. 105.0*0. it IPSQOS IT SF1011 105.11010. II IP4III II SP4CSS I SF4111 I SF4111 TOLII., II SP4CIS II SP4CU .1 lIMIT. Oal*a axci..n-s ..,. all O R La — II 212 0 10 U rn Pd ob SITi PlAN m 410 MT N. 1151 •10 41 NIM 9903 A1 / EAST ELEVATION - CONVENIENCE STORE/RESIDENCE EAST ELEVATION - CONVENIENCE BTORE/RESIDENCE (LEST ELEVATION - CONVENIENCE STORE/RESIDENCE EAST ELEVATION - CONVENIENCE STORE/RESIDENCE jul29 1999 site lines •r(pIeI.cIwr. ••• tM V_jJ I- 2 uJ LU we (LIVATIONS á 4m MV 11 II 9903 'A3 —• — N UM taui ANCOMIM a nn DMG 2q, uotdI.co S Nb N • N 'aS,. v0S I P Issa • a as •_I•_ • a • S aa • V • Mb SS —a 5 IS SIMS D&QNEY TRUNK ROAD COCRCIAt/RLSTIAL CV1.OQMNT UU$ offWAMY TWJS £GAP HAItI IML ASVjG DTLC LANDSCAPE PLAN DATE:o,a. SCML OR.SN, Li _-j CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: July 15, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: 5320-01 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COW: F.C.S. SUBJECT: Local Improvement Petition for the Extension of Municipal Water Service to 23867 - l32 Avenue. To report the results of a local improvement petition for the installation of 40mm municipal water service to 23867 - 132' Avenue. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge 23867 - 132' Avenue Waterline Extension Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 5833 - 1999 be read a first and second time, and that the Rules of Order be waived and Maple Ridge 23867 - 132" Avenue Waterline Extension Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 5833 - 1999 be read a third time. BACKGROUND: A petition has been received for the extension and construction of 40mm waterline to serve the property located at 23867— 132"d Avenue. The parcel that will benefit from the said construction is identified on the attached map. The owner agrees to pay the full costs of the said works either in a one-time lump sum payment or an annual charge for fifteen (15) years. By way of this report, the Municipal Clerk hereby certifies that the petition is sufficient and valid, pursuant to the Municipal Act. Robert W. Robertson A.LC.P.,M.C.I.P Chief Adminisativc Officer /jh Attachment Wcf-C,ate Support Municipal Clerk -1- rl CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE By-law No. 5833- 1999 A By-law to authorize the construction of works as a Local Improvement project under the provisions of the Municipal Act. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act and amendments thereto, Council may, by by-law authorize the installation of works as a Local Improvement and authorize the borrowing of funds necessary; AND WHEREAS, a legal petition has been received by the property owner of 23867.— 132 Avenue requesting extension and construction of 40 mm municipal water service to serve the said property; AND WHEREAS, the above mentioned petition has been certified by the Clerk was being sufficient in all respects; AND •WHEREAS, Council has received a report from the Municipal Engineer stating that: I. The Lifetime of Works is fifteen (15) years; The estimated cost of the works is $6900.00; The proportion of the total costs which will be specially charged against the parcel benefiting from or abutting on the works is 100%. AND WHEREAS, the proportion of the cost of the works to be specially charged against the parcel is in accordance with Maple Ridge Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 3374— 1984 as amended. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOJ*Y: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge 23867 - 132 Avenue - Waterline Extension Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 5833 - 1999". The installation and construction of the following works is hereby authorized for the property: 40mm waterline extension. 3 Council is hereby empowered and authorized to undertake and carry out installation of the hereinafter stated works, in accordance with general plans on file in the municipal offices as a local improvement project and to do all things necessary in connection therewith and without limiting the generality of the foregoing: By-law No. 5833 - 1999 Page (2) to spend the estimated amount of $6900.00 for the aforesaid purpose; to acquire all such property, easements, rights-of-way, licenses, rights or authorities as may be requisite or desirable for or in connection with the construction of the said works. The said works shall be installed in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared and approved by the Municipal Engineer. One Hundred Percent (100%) of the net cost estimated to be $6900.00 for the installation and construction of the said works shall be specifically charged against the parcel benefiting from and abutting or deemed to abut the said works, either over a period of fifteen (15) years or as a one time payment The parcel which benefits from, abuts or is deemed to benefit from the said works is specified in Schedule "A". The Municipality shall pay any difference each year, between the total cost of the works and th e amount raised by the special charges against the aforesaid parcel. For the purpose of a Security Issuing By-law, under Part 12, Division 3 of the Municipal Act, this by-law is deemed to be a Loan Authorization By-law. The Municipal Collector shall cause to be prepared a Frontage Tax Assessment Roll in accordance with this By-law and the Municipal Act READaflrsttimethis dayof READ a second time this day of READ a third time this day of RECONSIDERED and adopted this day of MAYOR CLERK Attachment Schedule "A" Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge SCHEDULE "A" Maple Ridge 23867 - 132 Avenue Waterline Extension Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 5833 - 1999. Roll No. Legal Description 73902-0000-5 Lot 17, N.E. !4, Section 28, Township 12, N.W.D., Plan 2637 / --.- - Municipal Council Corporation of the Disthct of Maple Ridge RECEIVED IN ENGINEERING DErT. JUL14 1999 I hereby petition the Municipal Council for the consauction and installation of 40mm water service to the property line of 23867 132M Avenue via Local Improvement. I agree to pay the cost of the said works in accordance with the provisions of Maple Ridge Local Improvement Charge By-law No. 3374 - 1984 as amended. AU parcels benefiting or abutting the said works are deemed to have ten (10) meUes of taxable frontage and if abutting on a second frontage are deemed to have an additional 2.5 metes of taxable frontage. I agree to pay either: $874.04 for a period often (10) years per parcel; /$658.65 for a period of fifteen (15) years per parcel; - or. The commuted charge (one time lump sum payment) of $6900.00 The estimated cost of the proposed works is $6900.00 Roll No.: 73902-0000-5 Legal Description of Parcek Lot 17, N.E.114, Section 28, Township 12, N.W.D., Plan 2637 Address of Parcel: 23867— 132od Skeet Commuted Charge: $6900.00 Annn2I Charge for Ten (10) Years: $874.04 Annual Charge for Fifteen (15) Years: $658.65 Owner(s) of Parcek Anne S.C. MacBayne Address of Owner(s) 23867-13e Avenue Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 7E7 SignareofReaodOwner Da k '' I __ ___ - pill MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Council FROM: Frank Quinn, P.Eng, PMP, Municipal Engineer DATE: July15, 1999 SUBJECT: LIP Water to 23867 132 Avenue FILE NO.: E03-132-001 Pursuant to Section 622 of the Municipal Act this will certify that: The lifetime of the works is 15 years. The estimated value of the works is $6,900.00 The share of the total cost which will be specially charged against the parcel benefiting from the work is 100 percent. Fank Quinn, /.Eng. PNMUP Municipal Engineer CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: July 23, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - Corn Dev & Rec SUBJECT: Parks, Recreation and Cultural Master Plan Consultant SUM1'1ARY Previously, Council approved the terms of reference and a budget of $80,000 for the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Master Plan update to be undertaken for both communities. A selection committee has received proposals and carried out interviews of all three groups. Based on this evaluation, the following recommendation is offered. RECOMMENDATION That Council endorse the selection of Professional Environmental Recreation Consultants, Wilson & June Consultants, and Catherine Berris Associates Inc. to complete the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Master Plan update for the District of Maple Ridge and the District of Pitt Meadows. BACKGROUND Proposals were also received from Yates, Thorn & Associates and from David Nairne & Associates with Durante, Kreuk Ltd. A selection committee including representation from the Parks and Leisure Services Commission and Citizens' Advisory Committee along with staff interviewed all three firms, having reviewed each of their proposals. The proposal from the successftil team is attached for Council review. Each of the members on the committee were asked to complete an independent rating of the candidates following their interviews. The selection of the recommended proponent was unanimous. During our interviews, we did ask the proponents if they would be prepared to delay the commencement of the project until later this fall, given that the Maple Ridge core area project has commenced somewhat more quickly than originally anticipated. They have agreed to do so and have identified that they would prefer to delay the survey work until next spring when their experience indicates they will receive an increased return rate. This timing is felt by staff to be appropriate as it will allow an suitable timeframe for pre-planning research and the completion of the lower mainland benchmarking work which will provide comparative data between all of the lower mainland municipalities. O?4J (LL- R.W. Robeitson, A.I.C.P., M.LC.P., Chief Administrative Officer MM:ed Attachment lke Murray, Ljreneral Manager: Co Parks and Rereation 7 1- QL.O'i1Of Ridge Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Parks. Recreaflon and Cultural Services Master Plan• Proposal of Services Professional Environmental Recreatkn Consultants Ltd. (PERC). 2728 Bayvlew St Surre8C V4A2Z4 Tel: (604). 596-4433 Fcc (604) 596-4473 PCRC Ridge Meadows Parks & Leisure 1. Introduct!on A PARKS & 71WA, URE SERVICES, Once again, Ridge Meadows Parks and Leisure Services is on the cutting edge. In your letter of June 2, you have offered consultants the opportunity to bid on a unique and creative type of long range Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Master Plan; one that has the potential to be a model for such plans throughout the country. Professional Environmental Recreation Consultant Ltd. (PERC) and Wilson & June Consultants (W & i) are pleased to submit, on behalf ofour project team, this proposal to prepare a Parks, Recreation and Cultural Master Plan for the Districts of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. PERC and W & J have been meeting over the past year to explore a collaborative arrangement whereby the best expertise could be assembled and brought to bear on a long range planning project. We agreed on the need to advance the field of Master Planning by crafting an approach that is benefits driven, forward looking, integrated, act on oriented and incorporates an evaluation framework. We were also looking for a client who shares this vision and was willing to work with us on such a project. When your Terms of Reference were distributed, we knew this was the opportunity. We have put together a team of the best professionals available in Western Canada; experts in their respective disciplines, creative in the extreme and keen to push the envelope of planning processe products to ensure your community thrives in the new millenium. The three firms and the five • individuals on our team are well respected in the field of parks, recreation and cultural service planning. We have a high regard for each other and for your organization having worked with your staff, key committees, and your community in the past. Together we know we can collaboratively create a new standard by which future Master Plans will be measured and a product the residents of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows can be proud of. I Ridge Meadows Parks & L&sure 2. ProJect Team Although we see our team as a group of equals, PERC would act as the project manager, providing leadership and coordination to the project, and taking responsibility for the final product PERC would also be involved in many aspects of the work, from data gathering to data analysis and report writing. We would represent the team in clienticonsultant liaison. PERC would assign Brian Johnston, a Partner in the firm, to undertake project management and coordination, and the majority of the day-to-day work described in our work plan. In the event of Brian's absence, Bill Webster, also a Partner, would assume those duties. The firm of Wilson & June Consultants (W & J) has quickly established an excellent reputation as highly competent and creative consultants in a wide variety of parks, recreation and cultural service issues The project will take advantage of W & J's specific expertise in such areas as benefits driven. leisure service delivery systems, community development sategies, technology and benchinarking.' Both Jennifer Wilson and Leslie June, the two principals in the firm, would be involved on the team. Working collaboratively is a fundamental operating principle of W & J. While some division of work based on specific areas of expertise would occur, both would be actively involved in the overall project. . The third member of the team would be the finn of Catherine Berris Associates Inc. speialists in land use plannin& environmental planning and landscape architecture. CBA would also be retained as a sub consultant to PERC and would provide support in their specialty areas. The firm has pioneered new technologies and approaches to integrating parks and public open spaces into community life. Specifically, Catherine would represent CBA and be involved in all parks planningand environmental planning issues the Master Plan addresses. PERC, W & J and CBA have worked together successfully in the past and enjoy a synergistic working relationship based on mutual regard for each other's abilities. We also know and respect, the abilities and approaches of many members of the Ridge Meadows staff and Commission. A high level of trust between client and consultant is important in a collaborative process that intends to break new trails. 2. Ridge Meodows Parks & Leisure 3. Why Our Team? There are four reasons we believe sincerely that we are uniquely positioned to undertake this project. I Commitment to SeMce Excellence The project team has one overriding commitment - excellence in service to the client. To ensure strong working relationships, we propose to meet regularly with client officials and staff to review the status of the work program, and to identify any outstanding issues. These meetings, and regular contact with the client, will help ensure satisfaction with the process and the final report. We feel so strongly about this commitment that we are willing to guarantee it. Our guarantee of satisfaction is that once the project is complete, you will pay only the portion of the fee for which you believe you got ftill value. I Local Knowledge All three consulting practices have worked in Ridge Meadows extensively, and all lo and understand the area. Indeed we are a proven team to the Ridge Meadows Parks and Leisure Services Department and to the Commission. As examples, Jennifer Wilson co-created the concept and facilitated the process for the award winning Picket Fence project and Wilson & June have collaboratively developed a new methodology for Benchmarking Parks, Recreation and Culture. Also, PERC has prepared three previous Master Plans (two in Maple Ridge and one in Pitt Meadows) and has worked on a new fees and charges policy for the Commission. I Excellent Track Record All members of our team have an excellent reputation over many years. Our work has withstoo, the test of time. Our Plans have been successfully implemented and we have enjoyed repeat business from many clients. We have listed all the similar projects we have worked on in the past year and have provided references for each. ' Forward focussed Four of our team were at Illuminating Our Future, the futures think tank held in February 199898 to look at our field in the next millenium. Three of us were involved in planning the event. This speaks to our commitment to our field and its future and the lengths we are prepared to go to maintain relevancy. Wehave pioneered the integration of benefits into decision-making, benchmarking, technology, business planning, and marketing and communications. Other innovations include cost/benefit analysis and applying technology to improve delivery systems. By incorporating these approaches into the Master Plan process, Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge are positioned to have a highly valued and relevant parks and leisure system reflecting the true priorities of the community as it moves into the next decade. 3 Ridge Meadows Parks & L&sure 4, Approach This section illustrates how we will approach the project. It reflects our values, expertise and our commitment to a new approach for master planning. 4.1. Elements of Our Approach -.. .. The consultants are commied to a process that is collaborative, community base integrated and holistic, benefits driven, forward thinking, practical and respectful of what has already been planned. An Integrated Planning Process A successful plan is integrative in nature. This integration needs to occur on several levels. At the broadest level, the Plan must relate to other municipal activities (i.e. OCP's, environmental priorities, etc.). Next, the Plan needs to connect the common elements of the internal departmental initiatives. Finally, the planning and process needs to capture the collective expertise of Collaborative Efforts- agencies, citizens, consultants and staff in creating a Sustainability dynamic and evolving Master Plan. It is founded on the principles of benefits and benchmarking. The graphic to the right summarizes the components of an integrated approach. Public Continuous Engagement Process - S Benefits Evaluation Benefits Driven Representativeness Dnven Framework - We see this project as an opportunity to and ownership Accountability. create one of the first truly benefits driven planning and decision-making Master Plans in Canada. A benefits driven Plan derives a vision that Community - reflects the priorities of the community, and utilizes Specific Standards benefits (value the community places on parks, recreation . - Relevancy and culture) as the foundation for making decisions, achieving the vision and choosing courses of action. As well, it is rooted in measuring the degree to which you are achieving the benefits articulated by the community. Focus on Public Process . In all planning matters there are two kinds of issues; technical issues (i.e. issues of feasibility- characterized by a situation where trained experts given the same information will typically come up with similar answers or results). and values based. issues. (i.e. issues of desirability - where there is no one. right answer or result, just tradeoffs in public goods). We understand the difference. Furthermore we understand that the highest and best use of public input is in the values based issues, not debating technicalissues..We believe that your consultants need to have the ability to design a variety of entry points to define commun ty values which will form the basis of the Master Plan. 5' RIdge Meadowè Parks & Leisure Continuous Evaluation Framework A Plan articulates a community vision and a set of priorities based on community values and resources. By engaging citizens, partners, decision-makers, and staff, the creation of the Plan becomes a forum for collaboration and generating excitement about what exists and what is possible. Only if a Plan is combined with a series of indicators and an evaluation framework can staff, decision-makers and the community clearly see the evolution and progress towards the vision. As well, indicators and a measurement framework are imperative as they ensure accountability. Community Specific Outcomes Our team does not believe in national or provincial standards or solutions borrowed from another community. Instead, we believe that each jurisdiction has its own unique aspirations, values, priorities, potentials and constraints. These need to be identified and used within the planning process which result in a unique, community specific solution. Partnerships and Collaborative Efforts It is clear that there are many different public, private and not for profit agencies which deliver parks and leisure services in Ridge Meadows. The Master Plan must attempt to illustrate potential. partnerships and collaborative efforts between these "actors" in order to obtain the most cost effective solutions. The Ridge Meadows Parks and Leisure Services Department and Commission has an excellent track record in obtaining public benefits without direct public delivery of services. It will important to build on this approach. Equity of Process between the two Communities Although there are good reasons that Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge cooperate in the delivery of parks and leisure services, the planning process must never lose site of the history of differences between these two communities. The process and the result must respect the fact that the two continue to be separate jurisdictions with potentially different ways of doing things and potentially different priorities. Ridge Meadows Parks & Leisure 4.2. Roles and Issue Management In reviewing the Terms of Reference, the consultants have identified that the issues listed in Figure I are to be addressed in the Plan. In keeping with our collaborative style, each of our team members will take a lead role in ensuring specific issues are addressed. Also, various team members will add their perspective on issues they are not responsible for. The responsibilities listed in Figure I illustrate this linkage of coLlaboration with accountability. Figure I Assignment of ResponslblImes for Issues Philosophical basis for Parks and Leisure Services 'ly Responsibility PERC Involvement WJC Community and neighborhood development WJC PERC Parks, tails and open space planning CEA PERC Environmental issues and policies CBA Arts and cultural development PERC WJC Volunteerism PERC WJC A Systems Approach to Service Delivery (i.e. levels and distribution of Services) PERC CEA Active Living and Weilness WJC Needs Assessment PERC WJC Role of Ridge Meadows Parks and Leisure Services in program delivery and coordination PERC WJC How parks and leisure services should be financed (capital and operation) PERC CBA Sport services PERC Seniors Recreation PERC WJC Recreation for children and youth PERC WJC Connections/collaborations with other partners (allied service providers) WJC PERC CBA Gender Equity WJC Accessibility PERC WJC Heritage issues CBA PERC Community beautification CBA Technology in Service Delivery WJC CBA Communications and marketing F PERC WJC We realize that much work has been done in some of the above areas and this work will be reviewed and used. In many cases this will result in little or no additional need to address issues, short of tying the results of the existing work into the whole Plan. In other cases, significant amounts of additional work will be required. 6 Ridge Meadows ParRS & Leisure 5. Methodology The following work plan is proposed and summarized in the graphic below. It is a refinement of the four-phased work plan outlined in the Terms of Reference into a three phased approach. The first phase shows where we are now, the second describes where we want to go, and the third phase illustrates how we will get there. Plan Methodology Phase One:- • Initial Meeting with Client Where are we now? • Review Background Materials • Analyze Existing Resources • Meetings with related agencies IM Phase Two: Where are we going? - - Phase Three: How do we get there? - > • Interest Group Interviews (Focus Groups) • Public Survey • Advisosy Committee Workshop • Futures Conference • Issue / Option Analysis • Draft Master Plan • Public Forum and Input • Final Report and Plan 7 Ridge M k & Leisure Phase I - Where Are We Now? Phase One Deliverables The initial four steps focus largely on inventory and where the communities are now in terms of existing delivery of leisure services. assessment, and results in a clear understanding of • A snapshot of the communfty • A summary of trends in the field of • A summary ofsocietal trends parks, recreation and culture attributes of Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge Start Up Meeting • A summary of existing services and Immediately after the award of the study, a meeting facilities involving the Master Plan Advisory Committee and • As assessment of the current the consultant will be scheduled. During this meeting, provision ofparks, recreation and the objectives will be to: cultural services • Clarify reciprocal expectations - O..... .1. - LVJW Wr. }LVyV4ã 1I1cU.LVUV1Vy • Set key meeting dates, and confirm the project tirneline • Review initial plans for public participation • Determine categories of citizens to be involved in focus groups The Committee would meet regularly with the consultants throughout the study. In addition, our team would liaise with the Parks and Leisure Services Mangers on a regular basis. Review All Related Background Information Appropriate members of the study team will review background materials obtained from theclient which have unpacted, or could impact the delivery of parks, recreation or cultural services. In addition to general planning material (e.g. Official Community Plans, previous Master Plans, etc.), the consultants will review budget documents highlighting expenditures and revenues during each of the previous 5 years, annual reports, project specific reports, inventories of spaces and opportunities, agreements with other providers of services and policies. Analyze Current and Projected Demographics The consultants will obtain and review all current demographic data for each of the two communities as well as any projections which have been done. Implications for trends and changes in needs for parks and leisure services will be identified. These trends will be documented for further use in subsequent steps of the process. Synthesize and Apply Relevant Background Information, Plans and Policies Meetings will be scheduled with significant related agencies (e.g. health and social service agencies, regional parks) to identify the directions they are planning to go. All such related plans and directions will be synthesized.ànd documented for use in subsequent steps in the process. 8 Ridge Meacódrkg & Leisure : Phase Two DeIiverabes Phase if - Where Do We Want To Go? This six step phase identifies an optimum future. It consists largely of elements of a visioning process whereby organized community groups, the general public and local decision makers paint a picture of where they want to go in the future in terms of the delivery of parks and leisure services. Focus Groups Approximately 15 focus groups will be conducted. Each will be on a theme (e.g. field use, performing arts, seniors, teen activities, special events, fitness, outdoor nature oriented activities etc.). In each case, 12 to 18 • A summary of interviews with community agencies and groups • Results of the public survey • Feedback and input from the Advisory Committee • Preliminary results on community vision and priorities for the delivery ofservices • Draft community benefit statements • A draft benchmarking/measurement framework individuals will be identified and invited to a 2 hour meeting to discuss a topic (and other issues if they wish). This will afford an opportunity to deal with issues in some depth, exploring options, tradeoffs and perceptions of need. A significant amount of staff assistance would be required to identify and invite participants. However, the consultants would plan, facilitate and document each focus group. Public Survey For the past 15 years, PERC has used a survey system which is known as the Total Design Methc This system was developed by Donald A. Diliman, an Associate Professor at Washington State University. I The Total Design Method is a mail-out mail-return methodology based on the premise that in order to maximize the quantity and quality of responses, attention must be given to every administrative detail that might affect response behavior. In utilizing this system with over 300 clients, PERC has consistently achieved response rates of over 50 percent. The consultants will work closely with the client to develop the survey, manage the details document results and analyze their meaning. The survey will be rooted in benefits and questions will include behavioural topics, attitudes and opinions, comfort and access to technology, forced selection of tradicoft and demographic information about the respondent The client will sign off on the final survey instrument. In this case, out team suggests a total sample size of 1600 which is larger than needed to represent the entire study area but sufficiently large to identify statistically significant differences between the two communities. Ridge Mea56w Parks & Leisure Advisory Committee Workshop A workshop involving key decision-makers in the Community will be facilitated to explore goals, objectives and policy directions related to the provision of parks, recreation and cultural services. The workshop will include a presentation of data collected during the first phase of the project. However, the primary focus will be to identii' those areas that the client feels are critical to the continued successful delivery of services. Any issues arising during the workshop will be resolved before the project proceeds to the next phase. Futures Conference As early as possible in the study, it is proposed that the consultants conduct a community workshop to discuss areas of parks, recreation and cultural services that are currently well met, as well as those in which deficiencies exist. The workshop would involve a presentation related to the purpose of the study, as well as the methodology and the expected outcome. As well, we would utilize benefits language to facilitate a discussion about the community's vision for the Parks, Recreation and Culture service delivery system based on the value (benefits delivered) of such a system rather than just the system itself. Synthesize and Apply Relevant Leisure Trends It should be noted that team members regularly monitor societal trends, as well as those specifically related to the field of parks, recreation and culture. This information will be accessed on a regular basis, in order to draw appropriate comparisons with and implications for the leisure interests of the residents of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. Establish Benchmarklng Framework At this stage in the process, sufficient information will have been gathered and synthesized to develop a framework for monitoring and measuring how well the service delivery system is meeting community priorities. The framework will outline critical areas of measurement, specific measurement indicators and an evaluation mechanism to be integrated into action plans. Phase Ill - How do We Get There? Phase Three Deliverables This ax step final, phase of the process shows how to get from where wearenowtowhcrewewanttogo. In thisphase the real planning and consensus building occurs. Develop General Directions and Priorities InessencetheMasterPianisaplanforthefuture. Asaresult,thc focus will be on change, and the consultants will use the results of the first two phases to determine those areas in which improvements and / or new facilities are necessary. • Draft Report • Community Meeting Highlights • Final Report and Presentation Ridge Meadows Parid & Leisure It is important to note that the identification of issues does not automatically indicate that change will be recommended. Nonetheless, the list of issues, will provide a practical framework for the organization of the plan. Where appropriate, the consultants will develop a series of optional responses to each issue and include specific information (i.e. timing, preliminary costs, potential sites, financial support, joint development considerations and the like) for each option. In addition, the issues and options will include a 'etaiIed breakdown of recommended guidelines for the p:. visions of facilities, and the deficiencies to be met within ti. 'en year timeframe of the Plan. The consultants will show how all issues are tied together by their relevance to the community vision, the desired service benefits, and the capacities of the community and partners. • Public Forum In this workshop, the community vision will be reviewed as a reference point, and the issues listed and I discussed. The intent is to ensure that the issues and the preliminary analysis of each are consistent with the community's vision and the articulated benefits. Following the workshop the consultants will review each of the issues, and as described in the following Phase, initiate the preparation of the draft and final report Draft the Plan At this point, the consultants will complete an assessment of all options and draft the text of the final report The draft Plan will address each of the issues identified in the previous step, axci orovidean implementation plan for the two Councils and the Commission which will cover the next 10 years.. Twenty copies of the draft report will be prepared, along with one camera-ready original for reproduction by the client. Review Plan with Committee and Related Agencies Before the Draft Plan is distributed for general public review it will discussed with the Steering Committee and both Councils in a joint workshop. Then it will be distributed for review and comment to the significant agencies which might be mentioned in the Plan as potential partners in service dàlivery. All comment will be incorporated into the Draft Plan before public review. Ridge Meadows ParkS & Leisure Public Review of the Plan It is suggested that the draft Plan be made available for comment through a variety of locations in Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge and to the community organizations that were involved as part of the planning process. A public forum will also be held to maximize opportunities to discuss and clarify intentions and implications for the Draft Plan. During and after the public forum, members of the public will be invited to make comments and suggestions regarding the contents of the document. Prepare and Present the Final Plan Once the draft has been thoroughly discussed and all comment on it has been received, the consultants will review and consider all input prior to preparing and printing the final document. To enable continuous updating the document(s) will be in a binder form. Twenty copies will be prepared, along with 50 copies of an Executive Summary of recommendations. The final report will include the following sections: An Introduction, outlining the overall purpose of the Plan The Study Methodology, summarizing the major steps taken in order to complete the document • Chapters focusing on Parks and Open Space, Recreation Facilities and Administration, service delivery issues and the ongoing process to administer, evaluate and plan for services. The chapters will be organized around a series of issues. A final chapter focusing on the implementation of each recommendation, and an "action program", which will.provide details related to the ongoing maintenance of the Master Plan. The consultants will present the flnal report to the Steering Committee, the Commission and both Councils and will be available on a continuing basis to review the implementation of each recommendation, and to clarify areas of uncertainty and provide other guidance as required. 5. Other Plan Enhancements In addition to the above noted methodology to complete the Master Plan, the consultants suggest a number of additional steps that should improve the process and the final product Follow-up Workshep Approthnately six months after the Plan is presented, the consultants are prepared to participate in a follow-up Workshop designed to review the Plan. In our experience, any questions about implementation of the Plan should arise in the first six months and therefore it is an optimum timeframe for a client/consultant review. This will ensure that no "roadblocks" exist to prevent the continued use of the Master Plan as a planning and decision-making document The consultants propose to commit to this workshop at no additional cost to the client 1 2 Ridge Meadows Parks & Leisure Color Mapping Color mapping is dependent on the quality of the base maps currently available. For public display purposes, the consultants would create colored maps to provide an effective display tool. On the other hand, if adequate base maps are unavailable, we have not included sufficient resources in our budget to create base maps or computer generated color mapping display materials (or color mapping in the Master Plan report). Additional mapping services could be added at a cost of $4500. Presentation Package An option that the Steering Committee might consider (at the outset of the process or during it) is to invest in a multi-media presentation to support the final Master Plan. The presentation would use Powerpoint Software. It would supplement the bound copies of the Plan and provide a more "user friendly" and dynamic communication tool. For example, staff could use it as an ongoing communication tool (which is easily updated) to raise awareness and continue the dialogue with groups and agencies. While our team does not believe this package is fundamental to the success of the project, we would like to present it as a valuable "add on" to our proposal at an additional price of $3000. Public Review of Draft While our team believes that our public review process would be sufficient to obtain the input necessary from the public, it could be enhanced at extra cost With cooperation from the local newspaper, we could enhance the material distributed publicly. We suggest a full page overview the recommendations could be designed and inserted into the newspaper. The cost of preparing a high profile summary of the draft results to stimulate public comment would be approximately $3500 (not including any cost the newspaper might charge for the space). 6. AssIgnment of Responsibilities for Workpian As noted in the Approach section, the éonsultants propose to take an integrated approach to the work involved in this project We would support each other and work collaboratively to ensure that all aspects of the final document would work together as an integrated unit based on some consistent fundamentals that reflect the community's vision translated into Benefits statements. To that end, Figure II represents the assignment of key responsibilities and shows how more than one consultant will be working on several of the steps. Ridge Meadows Parks & Leisure Figure II Assignment of Responsibilities for Workplan Start Up Meeting PERC Involvement All Review Background Information PERC All Analyze Demographics PERC Apply Background Information, Plans and Policies PERC All Focus Groups PERC WJC Public Survey PERC WJC Advisory Committee Workshop PERC All Futures Conference PERC All Apply Relevant Leisure Trends PERC WJC Establish Benchmarking Framework WJC Develop Genóral Directions PERC All Public Forum PERC WJC Draft the Plan PERC All Review With Committee and Agencies PERC WJC CBA Public Review of the Plan PERC WJC Prepare and Present the Final Plan PERC WJC CBA Follow-up Workshop PERC WJC 7. ProJect Costs We have estimated the cost of implementing the above workplan to be $80,900 plus OST. If the client agrees that with workplan, we are prepared to commit to this estimate. If, however, the workp tan needs to be amended at the outset or at any time during the process, we are prepared to work with the client to adjust both workplan and costs to maintain best use of limited available project resources. In the pastwe have enjoyed much success in maintaining flexibility in the process, while retaining the initial price commitment A breakdown of the estimate is provided in Figure III. S l4.;: • Ridge Meadows Parks & Leisure Figure III Breakdown of Project Fees and Expenses (Net of GS1) Lng -- $2,000 .I]i[*U $200 Total $2,200 round Information $51500 $400 $5,900 )graphlCs $3,500 $200 $3,700 it Background Information, Plans and $2,500 $100 $2,600 $5,500 $1,000 $6,500 $6,000 $6,500 $12,500 mittee Workshop $2,000 $300 $2,300 ence V $3,800 $600 $4,400 it Leisure Trends $2,500 $100 $2,600 :hmarking Framework $4,800 $400 V $5,200 al Directions $5,700 $200 $5,900 $2,800 $400 $3,200 $12,800 $400 $13,200 ommittee and Agencies $2,000 $200 $2,200 of the Plan $2,600 $400 $3,000 esent the Final Plan $4,500 $19000 $5,500 $68,500 $12,400 $80,900 rkshop NC NC NC tic Review of Draft Report $2,500 $500 $3000 resentation Package $3,000 $500 $3000 $4,000 $500 $4500 for the consultants would vary depending on which types of activities they are categories of activity and the rates for each are listed in Figure W. Figure IV Chargeout Rates By Category of ActMty Activity Hourly $75 $75 £ (e.g. facilitating a futures conference, icy) $120 $100 ment $120 :. 1Idge Meadows ParkS & Leisure The actual number of hours that each consultant would be undertaking within this project would remain somewhat flexible. However, it follows closely to the outline in Figure V. Figure V Breakdown of Time Allotted by Team Member I[Q.t.i1tThi.I Brian Johnston 290 Bill Webster 45 Jennifer Wilson/ Leslie June 315 Catherine Berris 80 Total Hours 730 8. ProJect ilmeune If successful in this bid, the project team would be able to commence work immediately. While July and August are not good months to undertake public input activities, they will be good months to prepare for such activities which can begin early in September. With a September start to the public process, it would not be possible to prepare a draft report in time for public review before the Christmas rush. Therefore, the project could be completed in January or February of 2000. A draft • schedule is outlined in Figure VI. Figure Vi Draft Schedule for the Master Plan •virimi Aug iT11I!li Sept. rU[.]1 Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Start Up Meeting •: Review Background. — Information Analyze Demographics Apply Relevant Plans and Policies Focus Groups Public Survey Advisory Committee Workshop Futures Conference — — 16 1 Ridge Meadows Par1 & L&sure __________ Month of Execution I. I 'J17k. I ill undertake each of the project tasks. Assistance from the client in setting up shops and interest group interviews, in providing logistical support (e.g. advertising, I the like) for the public meetings, and in obtaining the public survey sample will ly completion of the project. '7:;' Ridge Meadows Pcrks & Leisure 9., References A number of similar projects, along with references for PERC, are listed below. • City of New Westminster: Contact: Ken Winslade, City Manager, (604) 526-4811 In 1998, PERC completed a Parks and Recreation Master Plan for the City. Parks and open space components will become part of the Official Community Plan • Town of Osoyoos: Contact: Brad Elenko, Director of Planning, (250) 495-6515 In 1997, PERC completed a Parks and Recreation Master Plan for Osoyoos in which the focus was on improvements to existing facilities (indoor and outdoor) as well as on the need for new facilities. • City of Mission Contact Brian Storrier, Director of Parks and Recreation (604) 820-5355 In 1999 prepared a Master Plan for Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services. The Plan has been accepted and approved and the community is going forward with a referendum on the main • recommendations in the next few months. • City of Port Moody Contact Ron Reichelt, Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture, (604) 469-4566 In 1998 prepared a Master Plan for Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services. To demonstrate PERC's commitment to customer service the firm revised the report seven times (at its own cost) over a 15 month period in attempts to better meet the needs of the client. • Kent/Harrison Contact Stephanie Key, Director of Parks and Recreation, (250) 796-2235 In 1998 prepared a Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Master Plan for the two communities jointly. The recommendations included several things each community could do independently • and many they could work on collectively. Nelson and District Contact Joe Chirico, Recreation Coordinator, (250) 352-7257 In 1999 prepared a Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Master Plan for the City of Nelson and thesurrounding two Electoral Areas. The Plan showed how residents of the area wished to work cooperatively as part of a single leisure delivery system to best meet the needs of the entire area. 18. Ridge Mecldows Parks & Leisure References for Wilson & June Consultants City of Delta Parks and Recreation Department Contact: Maureen Fudge, Class Systems Manager, 596-1547 In 1999 retained to facilitate and assist with setting a new vision for the department for customer service techniques, registrations, bookings, market research, and information management. Based on the new vision, we assised with the implementation of technology to support these enhancements. This is one of several projects of this type Wilson & June have successfully completed. Other municipalities include City of New Westminster, City of Coquitlam, North Vancouver Recreation Commission, City of Port Moody, and Twp of Langley. • Regional Centre Benchmarking Project Contact: Andrew Laidlaw, General Manager, Community Services, Nanaimo, (250) 75 7516 In 1999, retained by Nanaimo, Prince George, Kelowna and to create a customized benchmarking system which captures the context and operations of Parks, Recreation and Culture within regional centre& • City of New Westminster Contact Joanne Edey-Nicoll, Assistant Recreation Director, 526-4811 In 1999, designed and facilitated a Visioning, Values and Strategic Planning process for b ringing together the school board and the parks and recreation department to develop a shared vision action plan for working collaboratively to deliver neighbourhood and community services. Detailed strategic plans around 7 key areas are now being prepared in addition to a partilership agreement • North Vancouver Recreation Commission Contact Gary Young, Recreation Director, 983-6309 In 1999, developed a benefits driven business plan. The vision, mission and values have been completed and the rest of the plan is developing around this foundational work. A framework for conducting a community engagement process has also been developed to support this project . Lower Mainland Benchmarking Committee Contact John McMurchy, Recreation Manager, Delta, 946-3287 Starting in 1997, facilitated a process for 11 of the Lower Mainland municipalities to create a standardized methodology for benchmarking municipal parks, recreation and cultural services. The project also included developing a process that would create broadened ownership for the data collection process.The survey instrument is being tested and data collection will commence this smnTner. Ridge Meadowi Parks & Leisure •Richmond Parks Recreation and Cultural Services Contact Mike Kirk, Recreation Director, 276-4288 In 1998 and 1999, conducted several workshops on integrating benefits philosophy into organizational practices for Surrey, Richmond, North Vancouver, Sydney Australia, and Melbourne Australia - Richmond was the first of these workshops. • Ridge Meadows Parks and Leisure Services Contact Sue Wheeler, Recreation Manager, East Area, 467-7308 Co-created the concept of the "Picket Fence Project" which represents innovative neighbourhood research to identify social and physical determinants of sense of commun ty at the neighbourhood level. The research provides the foundation for developing mechanisms for creating a sense of connection, belonging and ownership at the neighbourhood level. In addition, an approach for engaging citizens of all ages (particularly youth) in defming their neighbourhood vision was developed using art as the vehicle. The Picket Fence Project has also been implemented in Langley Twp, Langley City, and Coquitlam. .Escom Software Services Contact Alex Barnetson, General Manager, 438-7361 Retained on an ongoing basis, our firm assists with projects including the development of implementation processes, improving data extraction mechanisms for marketing purposes, adapting Class for gender equity and benefits and facilitating the development of Web based tool, for benchinarking. References for Catherine Berris & Associates • Ms. Gayle Jackson (client in latter stages of Parksville project) Planning Director, City of Parksville P.O. Box 1390,194 Memorial Ave. Parksville, B.C. V9P 2H3, (250) 248-6144 • Jag Dhillon (client for beginning of Parksville project) District of Campbell River, 301 St. Ann's Road Campbell River, BC V9W 4C7, (250) 286-5700 • Mr. Richard Danziger Long Range Planner, City of Abbotsford 200-32315 South Fraser Way Abbotsford, BC V2T 1W7, 853-2281 • Mr. Jean Lamontagne,.Planner 20:.. Rfdge Meadows Parks & Leisure Parks and Recreation, City of Surrey 7452.. 132nd Street Surrey, B.C. V3W 4M7, 501-5078 Mr. Bruce Whyte Ministry of Small Business, Tourism and Culture 5th Floor, 1405 Douglas Street Victoria, B.C. V8W 3d, (250) 356-8797 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: July 15, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - Corn Dev & Rec SUBJECT: Link-Deco Systems Inc. re: Fence Advertising Media SUMMARY - - At a recent Ridge Meadows Parks and Leisure Services Commission meeting, the following recommendation on the above noted subject was adopted. RECOMMENDATION That a recommendation be forwarded to Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Councils as well as the School District (where joint sites are being considered) that consideration be given to amending the Municipal Sign Bylaw to permit staff to complete further research and enter into discussions with Link-Deco Systems Inc. leading up to the development of a contract for the sale of advertising on community park locations. BCKGROU14D The attached proposal was received recently from Link-Deco Systems Inc. The revenue for a single sign located on a prime location could be as much as $1,500 - $3,000 per year. The proposal is being considered on the basis of Council's earlier instruction to seek out new sources of revenue. The advantage of this system is that it is less intrusive than billboard advertising since the messages are less "busy" and advertising is placed on fencing which is itself not all that attractive. If the municipal sign bylaw would permit, or can be adjusted to permit the use of this type of advertising, it may be worth considering having a trial period at one location during which time staff would be able to monitor the community response, prior to entering into a contract. The Commission's advertising policy is also attached and would permit the use of such advertising at sport field locations only and not at neighbourhood or municipal parks. R.W. Robertson, A.I.C.P., M.LC.P., Mike Murray, Chief Administrative Officer General Manager: Parks and R MM:ed. Attachment OA ('T1 P. 467 79 UNKUpECo SYSTEMS INC. NO.539 311 Floor. 464 W 13Aimnu VeuIr. a. C. WY iWO Tat 004.$7T.0835 Fcc 604.877.0134 FAXTRANSMITTAL TO: M1k.Murray-DtrIctofMapI. Rtdgs FAXNO:4$77329 FROM : Gordon Main DATE: Thursday, Jun. 10,119* TIME1:54 PM TOTA. NO. OF PAGES: MESSAGE Ds In ~ to dtsrmIits ths iconomis viability of. I.Ii*-Deeo Vonon Mauls WftMm within the md,. M...m conasithim, th. fsUswbu stops its is..m.isid.th .7. ditsimins di0 P006601 aouaplWty olsusii a MWERM _unsgaUon uuoniØ, An audit of thoss pubilcly owned cSDils.. secs't.bft to this ruiair, with app.spiJ.ts vubids SolocOm ala lo.adan(s) a motst Isl within a specliled dine • 7h bid wit monitor weran flo acc.ptoblflty and • DiN*lLSkain IsbI. ..eame obosm to the rmmIslpaIIU.. hwulvsd. 4 Boned on dis wi...s of die e, lafthats bylaw tsvlsisns wW auaadmonts to p.niilt fW toIl.out of this rw4enue psussiadon Wdath.. The booklet dmt I p.evldsd you dsmonsb'atss osmplos of the dished pruecan stsps that wul tmko plia. In sddWsn to lagni ppidrscin involved paths. ploome Ofs, ions' Nyse As Mm to dismiss siiy of di..* points he IteM.., ditaL Y,uu TM SosdsM( .• Ms 05toF - Wwni: Ths MW,JM5n WJ1II bi 1* tJbflu1oiJi Is pi**Q' wd =dft*I1 and kdoaJod or* b lie use of ttls or w1w b ui*avsp It Is idiesiod ffw a, not lii eftwod VOW% you as hoofty nofiTed 6w any O*u4bi 00pyftcli mb i, offokkv aformy .ci kv 'stance an b'us ccvUnle Wb*_WIiHiWOII is _pudd end ,emdew ' any kwhkWagwombo komderud ,vcisl &W not ewaft* vahe ofpAtoga Vvu have mcabW ft *awi1i hi pnaas nosy un viis.$iy &I '!UØT? The fld IaiUii is P155g. contiat th rail. offte at (SOd) $774835 Ii yea bass any qoosdoes or oosuusais tsMdIng Oft transmIssIon .-r MAPLERflI InMs CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE. rITLE: PARK AREA ADVERTISING POLICY AUTHORITY: EFFECTIVE DATE: Immediately POLICY NO. SUPERSEDES: APPROVAL: October 1989 POLICY STATEMENT: 1. That commercial advertising be permitted in the following park areas: Core area All community parks 2. That commercial advertising not be permitted' In neighbourhood or municipal parks. 3. That all advertiSing be pre-approved by the Parks and Recreation Department. 4. That all advertising agreements be a m*zlmum of one year In duration. PURPOSE: Community Parks are most suited for the display of advertising while Municipal and Neighbourhood Parks should, in general, not be considered to protect residents' ability to escapà from the outside world in these locations. Some latitude will be provided to concession operators in Maple Ridge Park and Whonnock Lake Park, in order to facilitate their operations. THIS FENCE WILL BE A COST ITEM FOR YOUR MUNICIPALITY THIS YEAR THIS FENCE WILL GENERATE $2,500 REVENUE FOR YOUR MUNICIPALITY THIS YEAR.. 0 Fr- ti4I Signs created with LINK-DECO Media will turn your fences into revenue generators * PAt no capital or administrative cost to you. Municipalities all across Canada are looking for new sources of revenue. Existing chain-link fences around sports parks and facilities represent an untapped goidmine of potential revenue as an advertising medium. Link-Deco provides a new way to accomplish this tastefully blending into a park-like setting.. You supply demographic data on your community and traffic-flow counts at fence locations. These aid in revenue projections. Link-Deco conducts an audit of fence venues and reports on commercially viable sites and revenue projections. Your municipality amends its sign bylaw. Link-Deco will assist you to draft amendments. Link-Deco sells advertising to municipally approved companies. E-Mail: contact@lInkdeco.com Call: 1 -800•809•9988 Fax: (604)877-0134 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: July 29, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - CD, P & RS SUBJECT: Parks and Leisure Services Division - Second Quarterly Statistics - 1999 SUMMARY Attached hereto please find copies of the Parks and Leisure Services Division's statistical reports for the second quarter of 1999. RECOMMENDATION That the 1999 second quarter statistical report for the Parks and Leisure Services Division be received. ______ R.W. Robertson, A.I.C.P., M.I.C.P. ,/A.. ike Murray Chief Adminisfrative Officer General Manager: Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services MM:ed Attachment S PARKS, RECREATION & FACILITIES QUARTER TWO REPORT HIGHLIGHTS Projects in Progress: • Hyperion budget training. • Ross accounts changes. • BCRPA Conference Committee - Y2000 Symposium Preparation Projects Completed: • Staff appreciation breakfast. • Customer service/ survey workshop. • BCRPA Conference - attendance at 1999 Conference • Projects in Progress: • 2002 B.C. Seniors Games Bid - community meetings and package preparation • Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre - design stage • Rivers Day - committee liaison and booth preparation • Ridge Meadows Seniors Complex - new centre opening event Projects Completed: • Seniors Week • Mountain Festival • HomeShow • Pitt Meadows. Day • Youth Fest • Pitt Meadows Referendum • B.C. Seniors Games - meeting with community to discuss feasibility of submission to host 2002 Games. • Whonnock Day - Youth Services and Parkiand Issues Display Projects in Progress: • Fall Program RecWare input • Production of the Fall Brochure • Part-time staff customer training workshop. • Summer Contract Staff hiring process and training workshops • Implementation of Ministry of Families Integrated Recreation Grant • Implementation of Child Development Grant for integrated pre-school program • Brochure process review (including partner organizations) • Review of interactive software with Community Education • Internet - selection of designer, link with Pitt Meadows page, development of Parks and Leisure Services pages . . • Ruskin Association - recreation needs assessment • Picket Fence - Yennadon Fall workshop series, Midsummer Festival Display • Photo ID Program • Citizen Input Evaluation Tool (attached to Report) • Partaership Development Procedures /2 -2- Projects Completed: • Volunteer Appreciation Event • Volunteer Focus Group • Outdoor Recreation Partnership Meeting • Non-Violent Crisis Intervention Training • Summer Program Brochure - production and printing • Picket Fence - presentation to Council, Citizen Advisory and School District representatives • Simulation Event - Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues • Millennium 2000 B.C. Grant Submission for • Capital - Youth Centre • Program - Girls in Action • Federal Millennium Grant submission - Girls in Action In Progress: • July swim meet preparation • July water polo tournament preparation • Outdoor pools maintenance and preparation • Seahorses swim club Fall pool request • Fall Leisure Centre Survey • Aquatic staff process review Completed: • Leisure Centre closed circuit cameras installed outside • Summer aquatic staff hired • Haney Neptunes "Hands across the Fraser" swim meet • Fall aquatic lessons / programming complete. • School aquatic programs invoiced • 2 d Aquatic Supervisor Office Projects in Progress: • Flood Preparation • Fairview Park construction • Fairground preparation projects for Fair weekend • New Arenaoftite services project • Golden Ears Pre-School move to new arena renovations • Cottuawood School Park Design • Pitt Meadows Athletic Park Phase II • Harry ifooge Tender Preparation • 132 Park/gchool Site Planning • Maple Ridge Park Concession • Donor sign Albion Sports complex • Centennial Centre Engineering review • General Contractor Tender Projects Completed: • ESS & Municipal Emergency Manuals Update • Summer Parks Staff hired • Municipal 125 Plantings • Annual Flower Planting • -3- • Completed donation plaque inventoxy • ESS volunteer Training (2 Sessions) • Computer Training for Staff • Field users meeting • Annual Parks Tour • Harry Hooge Park Design • Fairview Park Caretaker selection • Cross's cabins caretaker residence renovations • Whonnock Park/School Design Open House and Survey • Pitt Meadows Community Garden expansion • Arena dry floor users relocated to Planet Ice • Graduation preparation • 10 hours shifts for maintenance staff • Y2K testing • ESS flood preparation • Development of new Community Garden for Pioneer Park Related Parks & Facilities Business Plans Include: • Cemetary, • Emergency Preparedness • Facilities • Greenbelt and Protected Watercourses • Horticulture • Park Planning Acquisition and Development • • Parks General Maintenance • Boulevard Street Tree Maintenance and Management • Sportfield Design and Maintenance • Trail Maintenance and Development Recreation Division Statistics 7/28/99 Quarter 2: April, May, June. 1998 and 1999 Comparison Summary RegIstered Programs: 8 Programs '98 8 Programs '99 8 ParticIpants '98 8 PartIcipants '99 User Hours '98 User Hours '99 Partnered 93 58 658 608 1,789 4,116 Direct 491 571 2.524 2,555 22,809 20,466 Total 584 629 3,182 3,163 24,598 24,582 LeIsure Centre Admissions (Not Including Swim Lessons) 8 PartIcipants '98 8 Participants '99 User Hours '98 User Hours '99 Total 45,876 59,082 67.185 86,264 Drop-In Programs: 8 Sessions '98 8 Sessions 99 8 Participants '98 8 PartIcipants '99 User Hours '98, User Hours '99 Public Skating Not in Season - - - Aerobics NotAvailable 58 Not Available 742 Not Available 742 Preschool Social Play Not Available 29 Not Available 199 Not Available 199 Total 87 941 0 941 Special Services: 8 Sessions '9$ 8 Sessions '99 8 PartIcipants '98 8 Participants '99 Recreation Assistance Prog. 46 25 138 49 LeisureEducation Sessions 8 11 100 102 Leisure Friend Matches 63 20 48 28 LeisureAccess Cards 168 210 168 210 Total 283 , 266 452 389 Youth Outreach initiative: Drop-In Hr. Open '98 Drop-In Hr's Open '99 Ussr Hours '9$ User Hours '99 Total Not Available 374 , 12,820 11,816 Grants & Sponsorship: RICelVId From Granted For Revenue Simon Fraser Health Region Integrated Recreation $ 21,300.00 Human Resource Development Canada Kaizie 8and Youth $ 150,000.00 • Human Resource Development Canada Community Services Council $ 150,000.00 • Tourism Pitt Meadows P.M. Canada Day Run $ 500.00 Heritage Canada P.M. Canada Day $ 700.00 Total 5 Grants & Sponsorship Total to Oat. for '99: $ 322,500.00 Grants & Sponsorship Totai from '98: $ 263,406.80 Special Events: 8 Ev.nts 118 8 Events '99 8 PartIcipants 98 8 PartIcipants '99 Ussr Hours '9$ User Hours '99 Youth Special Events 32 8 4,284 1,282 15065 4,118 Volunteer Apprec. Event 1 1 100 80 400 240 Pitt Meadows Day 1 1 10,000 10,000 40000 50,000 Pitt Meadows Day Youth Fest 1 2,500 1,500 5000 3,000 Seniors Week I 1 1,500 1,415 9000 2,718 Mountain Festival 1 ' - 1 10,000 27,689 40000 83,067 Simulation Event . - 1 1 , 33 - 116 Rotary Easter Egg Hunt I - 500 - 1000 - Surnrner.Games-Torchllghtln.. I - 600 - 1800 Neptune Swim Club I • 500 - 2000 - Seahorse Swim Club 1 - 300 - 1200 - Total 42 , 11 30,284 41,999 115465 143,259 Community Development: Staff Prep Hr 18 Staff Prep Hr '99 8 Participants 18 8 PartIcipants '99 8 MeetIng Hr's 98 0 Meeting Hr's '99 Total 380 331 2,496 3,245 881 564 Leadership Development Staff Prep. Hr's. '98 Staff Prip Hr's '99 8 PartIcipants 1$ 0 Participants '99 Training Hr's '98 TrainIng Hr's '99 Total Not Available 118 - 119 - 26 Volunteer ParticIpation 0 Sessions 18 8 S•sslàns '99 8 Volunts.rs 1$ 0 Voiunt..rs 99 Ussr Hours 1$ User Hours '99 Total Not Available 332 420 - 2,750 Parks and Faculty DivisiOn Statistics 7/28199 Quarter 2: AprIl - May -Jun. - 1998 and 1999 ComparIson Summary 1) Cemetery Graves '98 Graves '99 Cremation '98 Cremation '99 Rose Garden '98 Rose Garden '99 Burial - Adults 10 13 23 26 3 5 Plots Purchased 15 16 23 18 2 Total 25 29 46 44 5 5 IA) Cemetary Markers '98 Markers '99 Cemetary Markers Placed 27 35 Total 27 35 2) Facility Usage Hours Booked 198 Hours Booked '99 Core Area (regular) 5,253 6,603 Core Area (special) 400 0 Park open space 871 690 Sports fields 21,196 27,438 PM Recreation Hail 750 117 Arenalce 0 12 Arena Dry Floor 687 629 Yenfladon Comm. Centre 1546 801 Total 30,703 36,290 3) Fairground Hours Booked '98 Hours Booked '99 Regular 535 1,004 Special . 225 204 Total 760 1,208 4) Work Orders Completed 98 Completed 99 Carpentry 95 103 Electrician 70 68 Total 165 171 5) ActIon Request System 1998 1999 Requests 42 24 Completed 37 20 Outstanding . 5 4 6) Campground - - Sites Occupied 109 280 Total 109 280 7) Emergency Program .' Activations '98 Activations '99 Meetings 98 MeetIngs '99 SAR . - 5 6 13 .19 ESS 0 0 3. 5 EOC 0,. 0 3 11 Public Awareness 0 3 2 Training (Volunteers) . 0 2 2 Total 5 6 24 39 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Parks & Leisure Services - Community Development Quarterly Report April, May, June, 1999 Date Start Done • Provide leadership opportunities. • Summer Day Camp Volunteer Training Sessions. Jun 99 100% • Nights Alive Regional Conference Sessions attended by volunteers. May 99 100% • Youth Outreach Initiative volunteer training. Ongoing • Disability related simulation exercise. Jul 99 100% • Disability awareness training (for Leisure Friend Program Participants, etc.). Ongoing • First Aid Training for program volunteers. May 99 100% - • Pursue development opportunities through grant proposals and partnerships. Ongoing • Canada Day Run volunteer training. Jun 99 • Promote citizen involvement. • Citizen participation on community development initiatives, e.g. Community Ongoing Policing, Community Garden, Youth Council, Neighbourhood Associations and Picket Fence. [See Community Development Statistics]. • Citizen participation on special event planning committees, e.g. Youth Week, Ongoing Seniors Week, Mountain Festival, Arts Fair, etc. [See Special Event statistics]. • Development of partnership initiatives that support citizen involvement, e.g. Ongoing Ridge Meadows Community Festivals Society fee for service agreement. • Volunteer recognition, e.g. Volunteer Appreciation Event, letters of reference May 99 100% when required and appropriate. • Grant initiatives, e.g. Proposals prepared and managed in partnership, involving Ongoing community members as volunteers or grant hires, e.g. Sexual Exploitation Committee, Ministry of Youth Child and Family Grant, etc. [See Grant Stat's]. • Business Planning done in consultation with community groups, e.g. Youth Feb 99 100% Centre, Arts and Cultural Centre, etc. • Citizen leadership in program initiatives, e.g. Walking clubs, floor hockey, etc. Ongoing • Review and apply the community development model with Internal staff. • Two presentations at Division Meetings and ongoing discussion of model use. Ongoing • Presentation to Citizen Advisory Committee. 1998 100% • . 1:1 staff development consultations as needed. Ongoing • Community Organization Master List development. Mar 99 50% • Community development assessment review. Mar 99 35% • Maintenance of the COmmunity DireCtory. Ongoing • Ensure community needs are being assessed. • Regular meetinga with community groups. [See Community Development Ongoing Statistics]. • Citizen involvement on planning committees. Ongoing • Special Event participant evaluations and committee reports. Ongoing • Neighbourhood surveys, e.g. Picket Fence Project Ongoing Nov 00 • Master Plan. Oct 99 • Develop a plan for allocating resources to work with community groups. • Community Development Model. no • Community Development Assessment Tool. nn 100°/ 0 • Link to individual performance plans. Ongoing QAO/ /0 • Master Plan. Oct 99 • Assist in the development of community organizations long-term vision. • Through regular participation at community group meetings. • By facilitating strategic planning sessions with organization as needed. Ongoing • Through maintenance of fee for service, letters of agreement, and partnership Ongoing services. Ongoing • Formalize strategic planning process for future use. • Master Plan. Jan 00 Oct 99 Additional Action Plans: Comments: • The Master Plan will provide significant information to the Community Development Team on community needs, identifying community resources and community organization development needs. Key Measures: • For specific Measures see the Parks and Leisure Services Quarter 2 Statistics Report. Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Parks & Leisure Services - Pro2ram Develonment Quarterly Report April to June, 1999 Start Est. % - Date Start Done Governance: • Action Item: Citizen participation in program directions. • Develop a Survey Template that lists key Department questions, and customize July '98 50% to each service area. • Implement a broad-based Volunteer Focus Group to develop survey criteria. Apr. '99 50% • Work with Yennadon and Highland Park Communities to continue Picket 1998 66% Fence process [Neighbourhood Workshops]. • Develop and implement Outdoor Recreation participant survey. Nov 99 • Develop and implement a recreation needs assessment in Ruskin. Sep 99 15% • Program visits. Ongoing . Participant evaluation forms. Ongoing • Expand L.C. Action Request system to Department wide function. Oct 99 75% • Develop an evaluation tool that identifies and records Department wide Jun. '99 30% methods of "citizen participation in program directions". [Youth Services - Citizen Input Grid]. • Evaluate each service area for citizen input and identify future goals. Jul. 199 30% • Develop partnerships in the provision of recreation program services. • Draft Partnership Development Procedures, (Staff Session, Partnership Focus Sep 99 20% Group, develop definitions and criteria for different levels of service and establish performance measures). • Develop a Partnership Master List. . Sep 99 20% • Develop an Outdoor Recreation Partnership service delivery model. Apr 00. 20% • Manage existing partnerships and agreements. Ongoing • Continue to pursue various grant and service partnerships that are in-line with Ongoing our mandate. • Maintain existing partnerships and processes, e.g. Joint Program Planning, etc. Ongoing • Use the Business Plan framework as a guide in decision making regarding program services, long term benefits to the community and sound business practices. • Link to individual performance plans. Ongoing • Link to service areas [Program Team Service Grid]. Ongoing • Link to measurements [statistics]. Ongoing • Establish program-pricing formula and link with market price review. Jul 1 99 60% • Review and update Program Team Business Plan. Sep 99 15% • Identifying barriers to participation in leisure opportunities and building strategies to minimize, with emphasis on staff education and training. • Identify barriers through survey (Master Plan). Oct 99 • Develop strategies to alleviate or remove barriers and increase participation. Dec 99 • Develop and implement related training initiatives to staff and partner Feb 00 15% organizations, e.g. regarding recreation benefits, resources, inclusion, etc. • Offer leisure and recreation awareness sessinns to participants. [See Leisure Mar 00 15% Education Statistics]. . Apr 00 • Maintain existing processes, e.g. Recreation Assistance Program, Leisure Ongoing Access Cards, Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues, etc. Additional Action Plans: • Brochure process review process With partner organizations. • Master Plan process. • Marketing Review. • Develop and implement updated marketing strategy. • Maintain existing marketing processes, [Fall Brochure, advertisements, kiosk signage, press releases, Community event calendar, web page, direct info phone lines, etc.] Comments: A number of projects were identified in each Action Area as necessary groundwork for Business Plan objectives. For example for "Citizen participation in program directions", a significant amount of work has been done to defme key service areas and identify the range of methods being used for citizen input. This information is now being evaluated and our processes are being refined. For 2000, we Will have procedures in place to provide citizen input into each service area in a consistent format that can be amalgamated to provide a global service perspective as well as feedback/input on each service area. • The Master Plan process Will provide significant information for a number of Program Team goal areas, particularly levels of customer satisfaction, identification of barriers to participation and Marketing information. Key Measures: • For specific measures see: • Statistical Report for: • Number and range of programs and services • Program participation numbers • Programs offered in Partnership . Grantsreceived • Program Team Grid outlining Citizen Input on Program Directions - Youth Services Citizen Input Gild- Youth Services ',., - a.,rt ww -fM _ -- Youth Outreach Initiative tx - Sue. Focus prog v stete Oti Steus Projected R Source -- MI1 Pr,grim Regisbad6P Citizen partidpabOn in program direCtiO4'S !!!! 1- Beauty from the Inside Out Appropriate variety O( programs L - Outdoor pursuits Leisure/Recreation needs met . X X X X X Leade,vJ?/p O.velopment( Voub'? CoundIs,YoubiRiWr&AIumn4 Vou? ope'ors riT/nrnq) Citizen participation in program directions - - X X Appropriate variety at programs — - X X X - — X3 - 3-lifeskifis workshops for Youth Council in the fall 99 LmsurejRecreatiOn needs met X X X X Pv.veneadv.Prvgr,mmlng( WEe, 614 N/gh&AJIv) - 4-Beauty From the Inside Out Citizen partiopatron in program directions X X4 X5/7 X --- X6 XC -Rec Rendezvous - VOl Appropriate variety at programs j X X4 - X X XC - - XC — 6-Through Drop-in Leisure/Recreation needs met j X X4 — X X XC - - XC — 7- Nights Alive Orvp-In Youth Sovkw if Youb'r Lounges, nat. Par-U NeublZon) 8-Women in Action for Fall Citizen partlopation in program directions X X X X X X9 q-increase attendance in 2000 new centre Appropriate variety at programs X X X X X9 Leisure/Recreation needs met X X X X9 Oubvaclt (Ru,kIfl WIrcnnoC*, Webstr Citizen participation in program directions X X X X XiO 10-Websters Corner-new area fall Appropriate variety at programs X X X il-Ruskin- new cont fall Leisure/Recreation needs met X X Xii Sp.d.JEv.7 - Youth S.5*eS Citizen participation in program directions X X X X X Media Appropriate variety at programs - — — X X X Linsure/Recreation needs met — X - X X X - - X12 — 12 - ongoing Youth Services- East Area Survey Eva' Sug. Foaza Prog. V State Other Status Projected Rate taz Conrrenta: FIRM GmwIPraimRegwb'ee, Citizen participation in program directiOns 7' V 7r-4 - V V - - - '-Fun Runners Phone Survey - Appropriate variety at programs — PhOfle Sugg's from parents on programs fOr 35 yrs Fun Runners Leisure/Recreation needs met _ - _. _• - - - 3-Oaycamp Activity Calendar Suggestion Improvement from Parents Laad*shIp Deekm,t( Youth Oxwdft Youth AdwwaAlUm,th rnwhifif) - - - - 4-Parent Suggestion on staff training Citizen participation in program dtrons I .L. _L.. ..L.. _Z 5-new 2-3 yTS old programs for fall 99 Appropriate variety at programs T V V V - - - 6-Ultimate Activity Camp for 11- 14yrs old this summer Lsare/Reaeation .._ ] V - V V V - — — 7-Spflng Youth Futures group provided Summer direction Is*,teUee Pr99mmmIng ( wze, are, ftAb ) - zen participation in program dIreoria v 9 e v 8-Surveyed girls In action, parents Appropriate variety at programs - - - V - - - - 9-Piloted program at Golden Ears to Identify needs Leisure/R&reation needs met V - - V V - - - 104n the Fall work on a consistent program Dr-op-re Youth Smn*es ( Youth Lounges, SUMPatU !4.ufrS#ZeeM) Citizen participation In program diredsona --- - Appropriate variety at programs Leisure/Recreation needs met Out,vaeI? (Ruskmn, Wltonnoc*, Webjrarl CO,!W,H1m,W-a.,4X.r-fr - - - - - - Citizen participation In program directions Appropriate variety at programs -- - - Leisure/Reation needs met Evorier Youth Smwfc------ -- Citizen participation in program dlreonS 9 9 9 7 v 11-direction and support from Festival Society & Event Committees Appropriate vafletyatprograms - - _ Leisure/Rweation needs met 7 9 7 V •••••••• 7" Youth Services- West Area Survey Eva' Sug. Focus State OthW SRef tu: Correnenta Genval AW,,m RegitIcrr 4,r~ X Xl. X *2 X X Media - 1- Beauty from the Inside Out Citizen partio: ~, in program dIrectiaia Appropriate v at programs X X X X X - - - 2-Outdoor pursuits Leisure/Recreedsmet * X * X * * - X Lead.r,JrIpD.v&opment( roum COe,fl "Xift mn-w1A4mis1 opebao Jahnhp - - - Citizen participation in program direcxna - - - X X - - - - - Appropriate variety at programs - X - X X X - - X3 - 3-lll'eskllls workshops for Youth Council in the fall 99 Leisure/Recreation needs met * * * * Preve,rtab'arnvgnsnrn,Ing(Wr4 614 NIgAdsAf - 4-Beauty From the Inside Out Citizen participation in program directions X *4 - X - XC - - Xl - 5-Rec Rendezvous - VOl Appropriate variety at programs X *4 - X X XC - - XC - 6-Through Drop-In Leisure/Recreation needs met * X4 I * * *6 Xl 7 Nights Alive Drop-h, Youth Srr (Youth Loung - 8-Women in Action for Fall Citizen participation In program dfrectiona X - X X X X - - - Xl - ')-inaease attendance in 2000 new centre Appropriate variety at programs X - .X - X X - - *9. - Leisure/Recreation nsmet * * I Xl Oudi,aoi, (Ruskhg. Wi Couw,Kenamand) - - ritizen participation in program directions - X X X X - *10 - lO-Websters Corner-new area fau )rognate variety at programs X - - X -. X - - - llRuskin - new cont fall sure/Recreation needs met I X Xli Sped.! Erente - roum S,vk- Citizen participation in program directions - X X X X * MedIa - - - - Appropriate variety at programs - - — Leisure/Recreation needs met * X X I *12 12- ongoing Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Leisure Centre • Quarterly Report January - June 1999 Start Est. % Date Start Done Governance: • Survey customers 2/times annually Jan 15 50% Specific swim lesson and Aqua - fit are under way and will be complete by July 31. Overall Leisure Centre survey will be done September! October 1999. • Conduct regular inspections Ongoing Inspections are conducted by a variety of staff, including lifeguards, maintenance staff and Leisure Centre Manager, to ensure safe conditions exist. • Ensure coordination with Ha1th and Safety committee A H&S sub committee has been meeting the 3 Monday of every month since February 22''. Feb. 22 0 50/o • Ensure appropriate safety supervision 100% With the addition of a free weight area supervision in the fitness facility has been increased during the Jan 15 peak use evening times. • Expand Leisure Centre to provide programs that will meet a greater variety of needs r future Will be met when Leisure Centre expansion is complete • Provide safe, enjoyable, affordable & accessiblefacilities ongoing Fees and charges reviews, RAP program, liaison with special needs groups and the Special Services Coordinator are all done on an ongoing basis. • Use lifecycle replacement program efficiently Ongoing Ongoing work in preventative maintenance and purchasing with Rec. Complex Manager, Facilities Operations Manager and facilities staff ensure these efficiencies. • Use Long Term Capital program efficiently ongoing Ongoing work in preventative maintenance and purchasing with Rec. Complex Manager, Facilities Operations Manager and facilities staff ensure these efficiencies. Financial: • Provide more programs, rental and lease space Future After Leisure Centre expansion is complete L Efficient scheduling of staff to scheduling changes and efficiencies done by Aquatic Supervisory staff the budget for staff Ongoing costs is down by $23,000.00 front the same time period (Jan. 1 - June 30th) last year • Process review of lifeguard scheduling A team of staff, professional peers and business planning reps. Will be formed by September to do Sept. this review • • • Install Ozone system future After Leisure Centre expansion is complete • L Additional Action Plans: • Core area re - development Involvement in public/staff focus groups, design teams, Consultation with users, re - location of existing users and planning to sta open while construction is underway are some of the items being considered at this time Comments: . Key Measures: • Number and location of accidents being recorded and used for public education purposes • Appropriate # of staff scheduled to meet facility and servüe requirements • New Service Improvement form initiated to receive customer feedback and reduce response time on issues • - Facility revenue and admissions are up from last year's record year Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Parks & Facilities - Facilities Quarterly Report June 1999 Start Est. % Date Start Dorie • Maintain records (mdcx cards, computer burial reports) Ongoing 50 • Complete interment on request and in a professional manner Ongoing 50 • Establish and maintain perpetual care fund Ongoing 50 • Provide customer information Ongoing 50 • Staff retirement planning Ongoing 50 (training for replacement) • Complete Cemetery Bylaw review Apnl 75 (draft document complete) • Annual report to Cemetery Branch, Victoria • Dec • Operate the cemetery in accordance with the Municipal and Provincial Legislation Ongoing 50 Safety and Protective Services: • Provide a safe work environment Ongoing 50 (work site safety inspection, no lost time to injury) • Provide health and safety staff training Ongoing 50 Community Development: • Promote new cemetery development through partnerships with private sector Ongoing 50 (no inquiries to date) Environment/Natural Resources: • Investigate alternate burial methods Ongoing 50 (niche, cremation vaults investigated) Economic Development: • Promote new cemetery. development through partnerships with private sector Ongoing 50 Land Use Management/Infrastructure: • Introduce a repurchase of grave plot program January 100 • (in place) • Removal of portions of internal road systems Ongoing 50 (done as sections are full) • Increase land available for grave sites none (as above) • Investigate alternate burial methods Ongoing 50 (niche, cremation vaults) • Open space maintenance • Ongoing 50 • Building maintenance Ongoing ______ 50 • Vandalism reduction Ongoing 50 (300 feet perimeter fencing installed) • Maintain the grounds and building in a cost-effective manner - Ongoing 1' LUUIL • Budget preparation and monitoring Ongoing 50 • Compete annual review of fee structure July • Hours of operation review - July Additional Action Plans: • New or different action items Comments: • Residents around cemetery requesting more fencing as people are cutting through yards. • RCMP, Citizens on Patrol continue to check grounds in during night period. • Introduce above ground burial methods once caretaker residence in place Key Measures: • Service complainsO. • Interments 78 • Markers placed 35 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Parks & Facilities - Facilities Quarterly Report June 1999 Emergency Preparedness Start Est. - Date Start Done Governance: • Clarification of relationships with other agencies Ongoing I 75 • Evaluate facility and equipment Ongoing 75 • Review call out process January 100 (flow chart redone, complete - Richard Wells) • Review or develop a recovery plan May 50 (draft frame work complete - Ian Murray • Review Emergency Operation center operating process May 75 aiecv ana rrotecuve services: Develop an education campaign April 50 (public education campaign re flood) • Exercise and evaluate the plan Feb 50 (flood preparation, table top train propane leak) communny uevetopmeni: • Municipal staff, council volunteer training May 50 (flood preparation, 2 volunteer training sessions) • Tracking people May 100 (volunteer tracking system in place) Environment/Natural Resources: • Additional Action Plans: • New or different action items Comments: • The flood threat has increased public awareness and preparation. The flood as provided the education platform for 1999. • All sections of the Municipal Emergency Program have made a large step froward in their development as a result of their flood preparation efforts. • Provincial and Municipal data collection and distribution to media and public well done L Key Measures: • Emergency plans updated. • Media participation in getting information • Public awareness meetings 2 • Volunteer Training sessions 2 • EOC meetings 11 • ESS meetings 5 • SAP. meetings 19 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Parks & Facilities - Facilities rt June 1999 Start Est. %] Date Start Done Governance: Develop effective selection techniques Future No steps will be taken at this time. Will rely on selection techniques developed by Personnel Dept. Ensure career development & training opportunities ongoing Several staff have attended in-house workshops coordinated by Personnel Dept.. Approved request for first aid course for one staff member. Two Arena Concession staff attended 8 week clerical/computer course to upgrade skills. Rec Complex Manager attended Process Improvement training. Provide periodic performance evaluations Feb. 1 40% Workgroup performance plan has been developed for Maintenance staff. Rec. Complex Manager, Facilities Operations Manager, Trades & Facilities Foreman performance plans in place. Have discussed Booking Clerks' performance plan, still needs to be formalized. • Evaluate effectiveness through customer satisfaction surveys May 20% Rec Complex Manager attended workshop on design surveys. Have gathered several sample surveys used in other Municipalities • Keep abreast of regulations pertaining to facility safety & cleanliness ongoing Rec. Complex Manager, Facilities Operations Manager & Facilities Foreman participate on Health & Safety Committees. Facilities Operations Manager & Facilities Foreman participate on Risk Management committee. Facilities Foreman attends R.F.A.B.C. monthly zone meetings which provides opportunity to discuss facility issues. Facilities Foreman attended annual RF.A.B.C. Conference. • Develop & implement work practices that meet or exceed safety & cleanliness standards ongoing Completed review of routine cleaning duties in Recreation facilities to reflect staffmg changes due to cut-backs & closure of Arena. Have purchased some ergonomically efficient janitorial equipment (eg. mop handles). Emergency evacuation & chlorine leak procedures have been updated. • Work in partnership with facility users in defining their needs ongoing Worked with user groups from Arena re: transition to Prt rca Coordinated annual soccer field users & ice users meetings Coutmue to gather facility needs from users who will bea fectedb facility closure during construction phaseof CóreArea Re.Developmen • Educate users on available facilities (Municipal & local private) ongoing • Manage reservation process (contracts, input, reports, refunds, damage deposits, ongoing invoicing, user meetings, insurance) Booking Clerks are updating procedures & policies. Completed update of policy for circus bookings. • Report facility deficiericies/damages/mechanical breakdowns ongoing New E-mail connections have been made with several more contract service providers (eg. Cherry Homes, Versatile Janitors) • Conduct a facility booking process review Sept. 15 EvironmentJNatura1 Resources; • develop, maintain & review procedures for environmentally safe maintenance practices ongoing Worked closely with Mm. of Environment & G.V.R.D. to dispose of ammonia & brine from the Arena. • provide necessary training & equipment to ensure environmentally safe Oct. maintenance practices are followed • keep abreast of environmental standards ongoing • research, develop & implement energy savings & recycling practices ongoing Working with BC Hydro to monitor energy use in major facthUes through aconlputerlzedprogranL • reduce the usage of non-renewable resources . Mar. 10% Brainstorming session held with Maintenance staff. Detailed research on ideas still to be done. Land Use Management/Infrastructure: • develop & maintain long term financial plans for infrastructure maintenance ongoing changes to plan to reflect the effect on existing facilities as a result of the Core Area Re-development • develop & implement a preventative maintenanceprogram ongoing • manage hiring & training development of human resources required to carry out Jan. 40% preventative maintenance program detailed specifications are being developed for re-tendering of several contract services that provide preventative maintenance services (eg. fire alarm inspection, electrical services, painting, general contractor) Additional Action Plans: • Core Area Re-development Prepare a list of environmental, safety, power, water, equipment issues to be considered during facthty demolition Arrange for sale by bid or auction of mechanical equipment etc.. from the Recreation Complex4 Assist with preparation of tender specifications for hiring of a demolition company. 90% of staff effected by closure of Cam Neely Arena have been placed in other areas or negotiated a buy- out package. • Y2K Compliance Reviewed equipment in facilities that could be eflectedby Y2 Confirmation ofcomphance has been obtained from mo$ manufacturers Key Measures: • Computerized Facility Reservation System Have reviewed 2 systems (RecWare & SRI). Have been some delays in getting final finding approvaL Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Parks & Facilities - Facilities Quarterly Report June 1999 GreenbeltlProtecte4 Watercourse/Conservation Area Maintenance and Management Start Est. % - Date Start Done Governance; • Manage the work of developers and staff with respect to maintenance of these area Planing 100 i) By developing a bylaw which would require the removal of danger trees from dedicated Dept. in greenbelts and conservation area as a matter of servicing before housing is constructed. place • Manage our relationships with other agencies who are equally concerned about the importance of these area By participating in the development of an environment protocol which would establish which agency has what specific responsibility with respect to greenbelts and Ongoing 50 conservation area. By participating in the. municipality's Green Team Ongoing 25 By improving our communication with the Planning and Engineering Departments with Ongoing 25 respect to the design and turnover of greenbelts and conservation areas in parks in general • Ensure customer satisfaction and community pride in the managementof our greenbelt and conservation area By undertaking a public relations campaign about the appropriate use of these area, Ongomg 50 encouraging neighbours to report misuse and to participate in enhancement projects and stream stewardship projects where possible. (Harry Hooge Park School design process, Action request system) By engaging elementary schools and others in stream stewardship training programs Ongomg 50 (Harry Hooge School) By publishing maps of the greenbelts /conservation areas including their habitat Ongoing 50 significance and general impact on the environment (greenbelt location maps - Planing) By implementing an appropriate signage program for greenbelts/conservation areas Ongoing 50 (signs indicating fish bearing creeks in place) aiey ann rrotecuve ervzces: S Community Develonment:. • Manage the quality and condition of greenbelts and conservation area By completing regularinspections. . January . 50 (River Bend,Hammond-202, Heaps Trail) By maintaining wildlife trees as opposed to the complete removal of danger trees Ongoing 50 (standard task) By replacing trees which are removed with new trees Ongoing 25 By participating with volunteer groups and others in the establishment of fish habitat Ongoing 50 enhancement project in the environment (ARMS. Rivers Day planing) Economic F] Environment/Natural Resources: • Enhance our impact on the environment through the effective management of greenbelts/conservation area By implementing a stream stewardship program Others 2 By completing habitat assessments in these areas to establish the effectiveness of the Future program and identi& projects/practices which would enhance habitat area. • Manage our greenbelt and conservation area in as cost-effective manner as possible By developing a danger tree bylaw which requires developers to remove such trees as a Planing 100 condition of servicing in advance of housing development, in place Develop volunteer programs for greenbelt/conservation area monitoring/enhancement Future work Additional Action Plans: • New or different action items None Comments: • Greenbelt work is on request through the action request system. • Work in this area is done through planing at development stage, and at park design stage. • Adopt-a-block program Key Measures: • Some Specific key measures from Goal Sheets and Other Measures of Interest None Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Parks & Facilities - Facilities Quarterly Report June 1999 - - Horticulture Start Est. % Date Start Done C.nvernance: • Management of staff, contractors and volunteers while maintaining/developing horticultural area. Participate in Communities in Bloom committee and process. Feb 50 (on request, itinerary Bill McLaren) Ensure staff with horticulture expertise are involved in horticultural work and not other Ongoing 50 staff and ensure gardening staff are not involved in tasks which do not require their expertise Support communitygardens initiative by agreement with groups like the Fraser Ongoing 25 Information Society and Garden Club (Pioneer Park, Maple Ridge Hospital) • Ensure customer satisfaction and community pride in level of community beautification i) Measure customer satisfaction through random surveys in the work area Fall (Master Plan development) Satety and t'rotective Services: • Community Develonment: • Manage quality and conditions of horticulture area Complete regular inspections Ongoing 50 Obtain customer feedback through random surveys Fall (Master Plan) Participate in the Communitiós in Bloom program and obtain an annual January 50 assessment/rating Ongoing 50 Establish a horticulture area renovation program Ongoing 50 Ensure effective plant selection (annual and 125 plantings) • Maintain health and safety of staff, volunteers and the public with respect to horticultural areas Ongoing 50 By ensuring safe practices through a WCB review (park staff on safety committee) Ongoing 50 By maintaining a pesticide-free policy Ongoing 50 By ensuring the safe handling and storage of materials in accordance with the •Workplace Hazardous Material System. (summer staff training) Environment/Natural Resources: f Manage the impact on the environment caused through the maintenance of horticultural area. i) by utilizing soap as the only pesticide in such area. January 50 Economic Development: • H 41 ) Land Use Management/Infrastructure: Financial • Management of horticulture area in a cost-effective maimer - Ensure our internal operations are at least as cost-effective as an outside contractor January 50 delivering the same level of service Attract volunteers and volunteer groups to maintain some horticultural area. January 25 Additional Action Plans: • New or different action iterni None Comments: • Communities in Bloom and 125 • Moving of rhododendrons to Whonnock Lake Key Measures: • Annuals planted • 125 planting complete Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Parks & Facilities - Facilities Quarterly Report June 1999 Park Planning Acquisition and Development Start Est. % Date Start Dohe • Effective management of staff, consultants, volunteers incorporating citizen input Complete a new Parks, Recreation and Cultural Master Plan for both Maple Ridge and March 20 Pitt Meadows. (RFP established and distributed) Engage residents, users and consultants and staff in the development of an appropriate January 50 site plan for 1999 and 2000 projects including Fairview Park, Pitt Meadows Athletic Park (Phase 2) Albion Sports Complex lighting, Kanaka playground area, Thomas Haney Field House, Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows core area developments (Fairview, PM Athletic Park under construction, Harry Hooge design complete, Core planing) • Effectively manage relationships with the School District and GVRD with respect to joint site planning and development Participate with GVRD in discussions concerning the Kanaka Creek Trail Network and Ongoing 50 river crossings (Support to Equestrian Trails Council) Participate with School District 42 in the preplanning of the next joint school/park site Ongoing 50 (North Cottonwood, 132 Ave) aieiy aim rroiecuve ervices: • Community Develonment: • Ensure adequate planning of tot lot areas in multi-family and small lot development areas Future Investigate alternatives for small lot owners to accept responsibility for tot lot maintenance January 25 By incorporating "accessibility for all" as an important feature in as many park amenities possible • (play equipment selection and surfacing) Environment/IN aturat Kesources: • Plan park acquisitions and development so as to maximize the positive impact on the environment and natural resources of the community By minimizing tree removal where possible in the accommodation of park area January 50; amenities and ensuring tree replacement where not possible (Harry Hooge park dósign, wildlife tree retention) By ensuring effective liaison with regulatory authorities concerning the development of January 50 • park sites, trails and other park amenities through the municipality's "Green Team" (MOE approvals) Jiconomic Development: 2 Land Use Management/Infrastructure: • Ensure adequate parkiand is identified in the Official Community Plan By completing a new Parks,Récreatjon and Cultural Master Plan for both Maple Ridge January Ic and Pitt Meadows which reassess the park system and community needs in the context of the Parks and Outdoor Recreation System plan By replacing important park amenities through the Parks and Leisure Services January 50 Infrastructure Program on an appropriate rotation to ensure safety and functionality of such amenities. By establishing parkland acquisition priorities and reviewing same on an annual basis April 100 and by carrying out acquisitions as appropriate (Cross's Cabins acquisition, Goose Lake review) t' inanciai: •Manage the Park Acquisition and Development Program in a cost-effective manner By completing an annual review of priorities and funding sources and by ensuring January 50 operating considerations in the development of park amenities minimizing any cost impacts as much as possible January 50 By continuing to utilize outside resources on a project basis for park design and construction. (1Durante Kreuk, Cherry Homes) Additional Action Plans: • New or different action items None Comments: • Fairview and PM Athletic Park Phase 2 are under construction. • Harry Hooge Park/School site tender documents being prepared. • North Cottonwood Park/School site design and tender documents being prepared. • Park caretaker policy continuing. • Working with user groups on buildings for PM Athletic Park Key Measures: • Fairview Park development 75% - Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Parks & Facilities - Facilities Quarterly Report June 1999 Start Est. % Date Start Done • Maintain customer satisfaction and community pride in the park system By inviting citizens to participate in park planning processes where appropriate (i.e. January 50 such as the development of a site plan for a new neighborhood park) (Harry Hooge design process) By completing random citizen surveys to obtain the views of citizens on the quality of Ongoing 25 the park system and any ideas for improvement (field user meeting) • Implement the acquisition and development of parks in accordance with the Official - Community Plan and Parks, Recreation and Cultural Master Plan and the Long Term Capital Program. By maintaining a close liaison with the Planning Department with respect to Ongoing 50 development area (development staff meetings) By coordinating developing of school and park sites with School District 42. Ongoing. 50 (North Cottonwood,_123_site) satety ana rrotecnve services: • Community Develonment: • Maintain the quality and condition of park areas at an acceptable level By completing regular inspectiona Ongoing 50 By maintaining health and safety through playground inspections and regular Ongoing 50 playground replacement programs as well as the review of accident and incident reports. and follow-up. (formal monthly playground inspections) Environment/Natural Resources: • Maintain the quality and conditions of park areas at an acceptable level .i) By implementing enhanced environmental management including additional recycling Future opportunities, additional park area tree planting, use of composting • Manage remaining park areas/amenities in a cost-effective manner Through the analysis of scheduling and prioritization of work including a garbage July management process improvement exercise By implementing an Adopt-A —Park program utilizing volunteers for regular litter pick- Fall up and landscape area maintenance Additional Action Plans: . New or different action items None Comments: - . Adopt-a-block to look at in the future, not able to participate at this tithe. Key Measures: • No play equipment related injuries. • Campground sites occupied 280 • Fairground booked hours 1,208 ) Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Parks & Facilities - Facilities Quarterly Report June 1999 Boulevard Street Tree Maintenance and Management Start Est. % Date Start Done vernance: • Manage our relationship with other departments, staff and contractors effectively I By investigating the use of smaller contractors for boulevard maintenance Ongoing 50 (established Dutch Touch to do work on a as required basis - Gilker Hill) By developing construction and maintenance standard for such area in concert with the Ongoing 25 Planning and Engineering Departments. (working on standards for road construction cross section) • Maintain customer satisfaction and community pride through the boulevard/street tree program By establishing a boulevard maintenance bylaw which requires property owners to gomg maintain boulevards in front of their property (work with Planing and Engineering) By providing advertising and training with respect to appropriate maintenance practices Ongomg 50 versus inappropriate practices (i.e.inappropriate pruning, etc.) By conducting random resident surveys to obtain citizen input on the acceptably of the Fall 0 current standard. (include in over all municipal survey) ifety and Protective Services: Community Development: • Manage the quality and condition of boulevards and street trees effectively By developing an appropriate street tree maintenance program Ongoing 50 (at present on request only) By implementing a boulevard rehabilitation program as resources permit Ongoing 25 (at presentonrequest only) tnvironmentii atural itesources: • Enhance the community's environment through the implementation of a boulevard/street tree program By ensuring a servicing requirement of tree planting in sub-divisions Ongoing 50 (using street tree specifications - Planing) By implementing a street tree planting program along all new major roads Ongoing 50 (Sub Division Servicing By-Law - Planing) Economic Development:. Land Use Management/Infrastructure: Financial: • Manage our boulevard/street tree program in a cost-effective manner Through the preparation of recommendations on development and maintenance standards including a prioritization of rehabilitation projects Ongoing 2. By preparing a bylaw for boulevard maintenance which requires landowners to maintain Apnl 25 boulevard areas immediately in front of their property By investigating the use of smaller contractors for isolated boulevard maintenance requirement A P'' 50 By limiting the number of remnant landscape areas in subdivision planning Future Additional Action Plans: • At this time program is using the Sub Division Servicing by-law and tree specifications as the steering documents. Comments: • Planing Department is the administrator of tree planting during the development stage. Key Measures • 199 trees have been added to inventory since Jan. .1999 through development. Westgate at 62 is the largest. Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Parks & Facilities - Facilities Quarterly Report June 1999 Sportfield Design and Maintenance Start Est. % Date Start Done Governance: • Maintain positive relationships with other key agencies and groups By reviewing parks and school maintenance standard with School District 42 and Ongoing 20 investigating joint site maintenance (development of general master agreement) By encouraging groups like minor baseball, minor softball and minor soccer to accept Ongoing 50 more responsibility for diamond preparation such as the placement of home plates, diamond grooming and line painting as opposed to the utilized of whitener (field user meeting - painting being done) • Ensure customer satisfaction and community pride By surveying user groups on their views of condition and quality of the sportfields used Ongoing 50 (field user meeting) By discussing field maintenance practices and enhancements during user group meeting Ongoing 50 requesting feedback from primary users. (field user meeting) 41vLy 4UU rruteuvv vrvues; • Community Develonment: S • Ensure the quality and condition of sportfields By completing regular inspections and identii'ing conditions on a standard check list Ongoing 50 By obtaining feedback from users through surveys and group discussions Ongoing 50 (field user meetings, tournament preparation) By scheduling rest periods for fields requiring recovery time following intensive use Ongoing 10 (Merkley Park) By amending the practice of using field whitener to that of painting lines Ongoing 75 • Ensure the health and safety of staff, volunteers and user groups By reviewing maintenance practices through a WCB review and by ensuring the proper Ongoing 50 handling of workplace Hazardous Materials in accordance with WHMS system, (Summer staff training) By completing regular inspections for field conditions, paying particular attention to Ongomg 50 safety issues. Environment/Natural Resources: • Manage the impact of sportfields on the environment by investigating the use of more organic fertilizers Ongoing 25 Reducing fertilization and watering to the minimum required to maintain safe and good March 50 quality sportfields through fine-tuning of the irrigation system and grass management system By investigating alternative field construction including the use of artificial turfs as a January 25 less land consumptive and more environmentally friendly alternative (All weather field - Albion Sports Complex) Economic Development: S Land Use Mana2ementulnfrastructure: Financial: • Maintain sportfields in as cost-effective a manner as possible I By ensuring our practices are as cost-effective as the work of an outside contractor Ongoing 50 proving the same level of service (tender contract for grass cutting PM, deep core of sand fields MR) By utilizing contractors who have specialized large equipment for aeration and top March 100 dressing which is more cost effective than internal operation (tasks done by contractor on sand base fields) By fme-tuning our watering and fertilizing schedules to the minimum required to January 25 maintain safety and the desired quality of sportfields By reviewing alternative application methodologies for fertilizing July By analyzing artificial turf options for future sportfields along with soil mix options Future which may reduce the requirement for extensive watering and fertilizations Prepare a renovation plan for existing turf field on school grounds as Opposed to Future creating new sportfields sites. Additional Action Plans: • New or different action items None Comments: • Master agreement with School District in progress • Smooth transition from soccer to ball. Key Measures: • - Paint for lines now the standard. • Sports field booked hours 27,438 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Parks & Facilities - Facilities Quarterly Report June 1999 Start Est. % Date Start Done • Ensure effective management of staff, contractors, volunteer groups and others in the maintenance and management of the trail network By meeting regularly with the Equestrian Trails Council to review inspection reports January 50 and to develop trail enhancement programs (monthly meetings - Bill McLaren) By maintaining close liaison with the Planning Department as they address trail issues Ongoing 50 during the process of development (Development Review Committee) • Maintain customer satisfaction and community pride in the trail network By preparing a comprehensive trail network map to be made available to every Future household By completing a random survey of our residents to determine their level of satisfaction Fall with the trail network and advice for required additional linkages (Master Plan) aiey aim rrotevuve ervices . .. ____i• r '.ommumpj ueveiopmeni; • Manage the quality and condition of the Irail network By continuing our relationship with the Equestrian Trails council Ongoing 50 By addressing gaps in the trail network such as Kanaka Creek crossing, a Horsemen's Ongoing 50 Park crossing and the Pitt Meadows airport dyke throughway. (support for funding requests Kanaka Creek crossing) By completing an inventory and assessment of the need for benches, garbage containers, Ongoing 50 washroom facilities, parking facilities, accessible gates, signage and interpretative opportunity throughout the frail network and then by designing a program to address required enhancements over time. (design work for Silver bridge lot underway) tnvironmenui'NaWraI KeSources • Manage the impact on the env ronment of the frail network i) By participating in a review of the equestrian trail network in particular with the Future Ministry of the Environment to ensure appropriate stream crossing and runoff management iiconomic • Land Use I. Finin1,i2l Maintain the trail network in as cost-óffective a manner as possible i) By continuing our agreement with the Equestrian Trails Council and by continuing our . Ongoing 50 arrangement with the Pitt Meadows Works Crew with respect to dyke trial maintenance Additional Action Plans: . New or different action items None Comments: • Number of memorial benches installed. • PM to be responsible for bench additions on dykes Key Measures: • CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: July 29, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W— Corn Dev & Rec SUBJECT: Award of Contract - Harry Hooge School/Park Site SUMMARY The intent of this memorandum is to recommend the award of the contract of the Harry Hooge School/Park site development. RECOMMENDATION That the contract for the development of the Harry Hooge School/Park Site be awarded to Wilco Landscape Contractors Ltd. in the amount of $79,984.64, noting that this is the lowest tender received. BACKGROUND The Harry Hooge school/park site development process involved establishing a design committee. This committee held two public neighbourhood meetings at which the plan was designed and endorsement followed at a neighbourhood open house.' Four tenders were received and reviewed by our consultant, Peter Kreuk, of Durante Kreuk Ltd. Mr. Kreuk has recommended. Wilco Landscape Construction Ltd. and staff concur with his recommendation. It should be noted that this work must be completed during the 1999 fisheries window and that permission has been received from theMinistry of the Environment to proceed with this work during that timeframe. Lbertsoir,ALC.P., M.I.C.P., fo4 e urra Chief Administrative Officer General Manager: Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services MD:ed 4 ,11 -1-j DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 02.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: August 10, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of July 27, 1999 be adopted as circulated. "Carl Durksen" CARRIED I DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. August11, 1999 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 02.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: August 10, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of July 20 and 22, 1999 be received. "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer Dir - Corp. PIng. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section Jim McBride Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. August11, 1999 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 04.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: August 10, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR 91 SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal Development Variance Permit No. DVP/16/99 (property at 23896 & 23920 - 118 Avenue) (to waive the requirement to convert existing overhead utility wiring to underground; and to r-gaduce the minimum front yard setback to 3 metres for the residence and 5.5 metres to the garage dooipr Lots 13-17) J "Carl Durksen" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business 9en Mgr - Public Works & Development ' Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - hI rIey K /10-Anne H 3/' Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Departrnept—. August11, 1999 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 04.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: August 10, 1999 MOVED BY COIJNCILLOR Cc SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal Development Variance Permit No. DVP/41199 (property at 12199 - 201B Street) (for the purpose of siting a home on a corner lot; that the longer of the two street side property lines [201B Street rather than Telep Avenue] be defined as the front lot line) "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Plng. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - 9en Mgr - Public Works & Development j( Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K )Anne H 3/KarIaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Departmep{'\ August11. 1999 Date - - - /2/ - C - r' 7 c . cf- -- /Y I? - VIP 2L ' 7• (T - - -- CLE. -- -- -- -- -- ---- C kke-c ew uJ p DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 05.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: August 10, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5816-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. (RZ/1/99 —28511 - 104 Avenue - to rezone from A-2 (Upland Agricultural) to A-i (Small Holding Agricultural) to permit subdivision into 2 lots not less than 2.0 hectares) "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - en Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ V Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K Jo-Anne H v' KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal 1 held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Depa ment. Augustll,1999 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 05.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: August 10, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR C SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5815-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. (OCP Text Amendment - Development Permit Area XXX - Watercourses Designated for Special Treatment) "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning V Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K )-Anne H fr Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation andlor such action as may be required by your Departmen August11. 1999 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 05.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: August 10, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge 12078/92 Fraser Street and 22480 - 121 Avenue Road Exchange By-law No. 5819-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: _)2hief Administrative Officer v Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir. Corporate Support - Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business 9en Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning Vir - - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer - Dir- Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Operations Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K ,Ao-Anne H ( Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. August 11, 1999 Date Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 05.04 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: August 10, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Chigwell Street - Hammond Properties Road Exchange By-law No. 5827-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - chief Administrative Officer 7 Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP - Fire Chief Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development_______ Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H ,ZKarla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal notation and/or such action as may be required by your Dep; August11, 1999 Date on the date noted above and is sent to you for DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 05.05 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: August 10, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Amending By-law No. 5825-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. (to set a maximum two year term [with staggering of positions] and to make provision for an additional term for a member when there is no interested applicant available to fill the position) "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business _en Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council notation and/or such action as may be required by your Departm1( August 11, 1999 Date on the date noted above and is sent to you for Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 05.06 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of August 10, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR JC- SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Short Term Capital Loan Amending By-law No. 5820-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. (ECRA Project - approved in Victoria on July 27, 1999) "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - ,,Dir - Corporate Support V Dir-Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K Jo-Anne H t7 Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Deptmt—. August 11, 1999 Date Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: August 10, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR K5 SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD/4/96, at 1 14A Avenue and 234A Street, be it resolved: That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided; and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the report dated July 14, 1999; and further That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a "Latecomer Agreement" with the subdivider of the said lands. "Carl Durksen" CARRIED ) DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business -91n Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation andlor such action as may be required by your Departmnf August 111, 1999 Date Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: August 10, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR Cc SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That St. Patrick's School be authorized to use Municipal streets, as outlined on the map attached to the report dated July 22, 1999, for their annual School Waik-a-thon on Friday, September 24, 1999 provided the conditions outlined in the said report are met. "Carl Durksen" CARRIED -DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir. Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services v' Municipal Engineer Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section '._ Jim McBride ,v Shirley K Jo-Anne H KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Dep 4. August11, 1999 Date icipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: August 10, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR bL SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR Cc,. That the Whonnock Community Association be authorized to use Municipal streets, as outlined on the map attached to the report dated July 22, 1999, for the Whonnock Lake Day 5 and 10 kin Run/Walk on Sunday, September 12, 1999 provided the conditions outlined in the said report are met. "Carl Durksen" CARRIED ,f DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. PIng. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services j/ Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride -Shir1ey K Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Deprtrneiit. August 11, 1999 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.04 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: August 10, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the report dated July 22, 1999 providing the results of the Streamside Protection Policy Directives pilot test proposal be received; and further That the participation of the District in a pilot test for the Streamside Protection Policy Directives be supported. "Carl Durksen" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Plng. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance _—Dir - Community & Business V 9en Mgr - Public Works & Development j/,Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The ibove decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department_-_ August11, 1999 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.05 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: August 10, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COIJNCILLOR That Option 2 as noted in the report dated July 27, 1999 be selected as the preferred option to identify the extent of dedication and construction of 116 Avenue between Cottonwood Drive and 236 Street. "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED ACTION NOTICE Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. - RCMP FireChief ___________________________________________ - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business - 9n Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ ( Dir - Current Planning 1I4 4jjj fr - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services 1010 C_43 &%i cdAt&uJJç) - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations Dir - Engineering Projects Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride jf Shirley K - Jo-Anne H KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Departme,ut—. August 11, 1999 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.06 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: August 10, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/45/99 respecting property located at 23451 Larch Avenue and that the Permit be issued once the conditions outlined in the report dated July 29, 1999 have been met. (to allow clearing of land under the provisions of the new Development Permit Area XXX in su RRI ort of a development proposal) "Carl Durksen" CAED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business 9en Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Leve1opment Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. Augustll,1999 Date Munici a DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.07 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: August 10, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR 14- SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That application RZ135/99 (for property located at 23853 Dewdney Trunk Road) to rezone property described in the report dated July 27, 1999 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to CS-i (Service Commercial) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that report and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending By-law be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. (to permit the construction of a gas station, convenience store, residence and separate commercial building with drive through access) "Carl Durksen" CARRIED UEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business _,,,ffen Mgr - Public Works & Development v' Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Operations Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Dep: August 11, 1999 Date Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.03.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: August 10, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR Sc SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge 23867 - 132 Avenue Waterline Extension Local Improvement Construction By-Jaw No. 5833-1999 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and Maple Ridge 23867 - 132 Avenue Waterline Extension Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 5833-1999 be read a third time. "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer Dir -. Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business Gen Mgr - Public Works & Developmer - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride 47 Shirley K la It ts& \:* *k &'A The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Departmnt- August 11, 1999 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.04.0 1 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of August 10, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the selection of Professional Environmental Recreation Consultants Ltd., Wilson & June Consultants and Catherine Berris Associates Inc. to complete the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Master Plan update for the District of Maple Ridge and the District of Pitt Meadows be endorsed. "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations /ir - Engineering Projects V€n Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services s/ Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The abo'e decs1on was made at a rneeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Depaëiit August ii, 1999 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.04.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: August 10, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR cc9 SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That further to the recommendations regarding fence advertising media as noted in the report dated July 15, 1999, be it resolved That staff work in cooperation with the District of Pitt Meadows and School District No. 42 for the purpose of developing a process permitting the sale of advertising on community park locations, including the necessary by-law amendments; and further That staff be authorized to enter into contract discussions with Link-Deco Systems Inc. with respect to same; noting that a further report will be provided before this matter proceeds. "Carl Durksen" CARRIED J DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations Dir - Engineering Projects %7'Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Departme August 11,1999 Date icipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.04.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: August 10, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the 1999 second quarter statistical report for the Parks and Leisure Services Division be received. "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations Dir - Engineering Projects / Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your DepartmL August 11, 1999 Date Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.04.04 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: August 10, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the contract for the development of the Harry Hooge School/Park Site be awarded to Wilco Landscape Contractors Ltd. in the amount of $79,984.64, noting that this is the lowest tender received. "Carl Durksen" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects /n Mgr - Corn. Dcv. & Rec. Services V Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Jim McBride - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/Or such actiOn as may be réqüiredby your Departmen.... August11, 1999 Date