HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-11-23 Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING November 23, 1999 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting held on November 23, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Appointed Staff Mayor C. Durksen Mr. R. W. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor T. Baker Mr. T. Wingrove, Municipal Clerk Councillor J. Clements Mr. M. W. Murray, General Manager of Community Councillor C. Gordon Development, Parks and Recreation Services Councillor L. King Mr. J. R. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works Councillor B. Levens and Development Services Councillor K. Stewart Mr. T. Fryer, Director of Current Planning Mrs. S. M. Karasz, Confidential Secretary Other Staff as Required Ms. C. Carter, Planner Ms. K. Grout, Manager of Environmental Affairs The meeting was filmed by Rogers Cablesystems. These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal website at www.mapleridge.org 01 PRAYERS Pastor Mike Schroeder conducted opening prayers. M2 MINUTES. R199-533 02.01 Minutes Nov. 9/99 MOVED by Councillor Clements SECONDED by Councillor Gordon that the Minutes of the regular Council Meeting of November 9, 1999 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes November 23, 1999 Page 2 R199-534 02.02 Minutes Public Hearing MOVED by Councillor Baker Nov. 16/99 SECONDED by Councillor King that the Minutes of the Public Hearing of November 16, 1999 be received. CARRIED R/99-535 02.03 Minutes Dev. Agmt. MOVED by Councillor Levens Nov. 4/99 SECONDED by Councillor Baker that the Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meeting of November 4, 1999 be received. CARRIED 03 DELEGATIONS 03.01 Adopt-a-Block Society - Update on Activities and Finances Mr. Edwin Landale, Director, and Ms. Chelsea Meadus, Co-ordinator of Adopt-a- Black were in attendance to provide a verbal update on the above noted matters. Mr. Landale advised that he is one of 8 directors of Adopt-a-Block. He thanked Council for their support during the last three years. He advised that Adopta-B1ock now has more than 150 active adult volunteers who contribute from I to 4 hours or more per month to their litter programs. He called. upon Ms. Chelsea Meadus to provide an update on their programs. Ms. Meadus explained that Adopt-a-Block has been in operation since 1991. Community groups and schools are also involved in the program which brings the volunteers up to 200. Their newest program is Adopt-a-Street which targets the more rural and high traffic areas. The program currently covers 6 out of 10 proposed areas and they are looking for sponsors for the remaining four areas. She provided information on their Saturday Program which targets clean-up in the main area of the Municipality. Adopt-a-Block has established a number of key partherships, i.e. the Youth and Justice Advocacy Association. They also receive advice from the R.C.M.P, the By-law Enforcement Office and the District's Environmental Technician. Adopt-a-Block has participated in a number of events, including Rivers Day, Mountain Festival Parade, Communities in Bloom, the Home Show, Maple Ridge's 125th Anniversary, etc. "I Council Meeting Minutes 'f November 23, 1999 Page 3 Ms. Meadus advised that Adopt-a-Block has strategies for illegal dumping and works with the By-law Enforcement office in that regard. They also offer educational programs to provide awareness of the problems associated with litter. She explained the successful Litter Audit and Paint—a-Can Programs that operate in the schools which they would like to expand in the coming year. Mr. Landale advised that their programs are effective and beneficial as is evidenced by the number of people involved in litter removal, etc. In order to support the members and volunteers, the services of a Co-ordinator are required. Their major expense is the Co-ordinator; another major expense is safety supplies. Their income to pay those expenses comes from various sources, including a one time grant, which has now been expended. Adopt-a-Block receives small donations from within the community and the Chamber of Commerce assists with disposal fees. The majority of their funding is derived from the Fee for Service Agreement with the District which has been reduced from $25,000 to $15,000. Adopt-a-Block appreciates the District's financial support but is finding it increasingly difficult to carry on their current programs or enhance them. The District's contribution covers only about 35% of their expenses. Adopt-a-Block requests that the Fee for Service Agreement be restored to the $25,000 level and they look forward to canying on their good workirr'the community. The Mayor asked Mr. Landale to submit their request in writing in order that it might be considered during the upcoming 2000 Budget deliberations. 04 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Nil 05 BY-LAWS 05.01 RZ133199 - 12689- 227B Street - Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5832-1999 (to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to R-1 (Residential District) to create one lot approximately 486m 2 in area). R199-536 MOVED by Councillor Levens BL 5832-1999 SECONDED by Côuncillor Clements 2ndl3rd reading that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5832-1999 be read a second and third time. Discussion Councillor Gordon referred to a concern raised at Public Hearing regarding traffic congestion at the corner of 127 Avenue and asked if further investigation by Engineering is required. The Mayor noted that people are speeding in that area. Council Meeting Minutes November 23, 1999 Page 4 The Director of Planning displayed an overhead map of the site and identified the area in question where there is a driveway serving three lots and also indicated the location of the proposed new driveway. He advised that 127 Avenue is a residential street and not a major thoroughfare; it is considered a local street and serves the immediate area. The motion CARRIED. 05.02 Local Improvement Petition - 124 Avenue - Maple Ridge 124 Avenue Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 5849-1999 (to authorize the construction and installation of sanitary sewer with two service connections at 21298 and 21310/21314 - 124 Avenue). RJ99-537 MOVED by Councillor Clements BL 5849-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart final reading fl that Maple Ridge 124 Avenue Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 5849-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED 05.03 Amendments to 1999 Budget - Maple Ridge Annual Budget Amending By-law No. 5863-1999 (to amend the annual budget for the 1999 year). R199-538 MOVED by Councillor King BL 5 863-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Gordon three readings that Maple Ridge Budget Amending By-law No. 5863-1999 be read a first and second time and that rules or order be waived and Maple Ridge Annual Budget Amending By-law No. 5 863-1999 be read a third time. Discussion Councillor Clements, Chair of the Audit Committee, read the following statement on the 1999 Amended Budget: "Following the review of the third quarter actual financial results, it is our practice to amend the Annual Budget. This allows us to redirect our priorities to respond to economic changes and meet the objectives of the Municipal operations. The 1999 Annual Budget has been reviewed by Council and I recommend that the by-law be approved. Council Meeting Minutes November 23, 1999 Page 5 For 1999 we are projecting a surplus to our general operating funds of $463,500. Included in this number was $202,500 of specific transfers from reserves and accumulated surplus as per the 1999 Annual Budget. These transfers were necessary in order to balance the 1999 Annual Budget and hold the line on tax increases. We will not require these reserve transfers. As such, our financial position for the General Revenue Fund will have a positive net improvement of $261,000. This improvement is the result of a number of improved revenues and a reduction in expenditures. For 1999 our revenues are up as a result of improved investment returns, increased sales of services, building permits and licences. Building activity, although down in most other areas of B. C. has remained relatively stable in Maple Ridge. This has made a significant positive impact to our operating results. More specifically, we are forecasting a revenue gain for interest income of $100,000, permit revenue of $179,000; recreation leisure centre admissions $55,000; tax penalties and interest $64,000; and a variety of other areas resulting in an overall positive revenue variance of $465,000. We have effected cost savings of $171,000 in Engineering, resulting from $29;000 savings in salaries, a reduction in expenditures in ditch drainage of $26,000 and street and traffic control of $71,000, and $45,000 in other engineering areas. We are forecasting cost savings of $243,000 in R.C.M.P. Operations and $37,000 in Fire Services Operations. There are also major offsets to these revenue and cost savings. These are as follows: • support of the Court House to ensure its continued presence - $104,000 • a charge of $74,000 to the Fire Service as a result of a Revenue Canada audit as it relates to the volunteer force and use of Municipal vehicles. • $200,000 increase in reserves for expenditures in payroll and other related payroll costs. • A not-budgeted 4th Quarter contract payment for the Elderly Citizens Recreation Association (ECRA) Recreation Centre - $37,000. • Other miscellaneous expenditure variances - $56,000. - - There is no amendment for the operating utility funds although the financial position of each fund is forecast for a modest improvement. In conclusion, Council and staff through a regular financial performance review have taken the necessary steps to ensure a balanced budget without a direct compromise to service to our citizens. During our deliberations, we recognize that the 2000 Budget and those budgets beyond 2000 will require difficult decisions." The motion CARRIED. Council Meeting Minutes November 23, 1999 Page 6 05.04 Remuneration to Council - Maple Ridge Council Indemnity and Expenses Amending By-law No. 5862-1999 R'99-539 MOVED by Councillor Gordon BL 5862-1999 SECONDED by Councillor King DEFERRED that Maple Ridge Council Indemnity and Expenses Amending By-law No. 5862-1999 be read a first and second time and that rules of order be waived and that Maple Ridge Council Indemnity and Expenses Amending By-law No. 5 862-1999 be read a third time. Discussion Councillor Gordon advised that due to circumstances beyond Council's control, this by-law was not dealt with earlier. It has been the policy of the past two Councils that remuneration for Council be determined by an independent citizens review committee and dealt with prior to the incoming Council taking office. That policy prevents Council from having to set its own remuneration. Councillor Clements stated that because this is a budgetary item, it is clearly within the purview of the incoming Council to approve the bylaw. MOVED by Councillor Clements SECONDED by Councillor Baker that Maple Ridge Council Indemnity and Expenses Amending By-law No. 5862-1999 be deferred to the first meeting of the incoming Municipal Council. Councillors King and Gordon OPPOSED. 05.05 Soil Deposit Regulations 05.05.01 Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation By-law No. 5763-1999 (to regulate the placement of fill on lands within the District of Maple Ridge). R199-540 MOVED by Councillor Levens BL 5763-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Baker final reading that Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation By-law No. 5763-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. Council Meeting Minutes November 23, 1999 Page 7 Discussion The Manager of Environmental Affairs summarized information contained in her report dated November 15, 1999. She advised that the by-law has now received the approval of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs following third reading on May 25, 1999. She noted that Council had raised concerns regarding the impact of the by-law on the Agricultural Land Commission's process for soil deposit applications. Staff has reviewed the Commission's process and recommends that this by-law be adopted. It has been confirmed by legal counsel that the District is able to issues permits under its own by-law for fill activities within the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR), including those sites exempted under the Soil Conservation Act by the Agricultural Land Commission. Under By-law No. 5763-1999, applications for works within a floodplain or environmentally complex areas will now require the submission of a report by a professional engineer certifying that there will be no more settling or subsidence of land, building or structure on the property or adjoining properties, and that adjoining properties will not be subject to increased flooding caused directly from storm water run-off from the subject site. For works within the environmentally complex areas, the District may also take a $1000 per hectare security to ensure permit compliance. She further explained that the applicant must provide detailed information with respect to the justification for the fill as it directly relates to the Building By-law. She referred to By-law No. 5764 (Item 05.05.02) and advised that by-law provides for a flat fee of $150.00 which is more equitable that the previous fee which was based on volume. She further noted that the District now has the ability to ticket for minor offences under the Municipal Ticket Information (MTI) system. On question from Counciior Stewart regarding jurisdictional issues, she explained that the District could remove itself from application processing in the ALR but staff is not supportive of that approach at this time as the District would not have any opportunity to comment on applications in a wide range of upland and lowland areas of the Municpality. The Agricultural Land Commission is on side with the Municipal by-law and wants the District to play a bigger role. They are interested in the District's recommendations on the drainage basin from a comprehensive perspective. She further noted that the first step is to implement the by-law which will afford the District some capability to point to the need for an engineer to be involved in the storm water design. If the applicant cannot give that assurance, the District can refuse the permit as the District has control over the permit process. The Council Meeting Minutes November 23, 1999 Page8 District has the responsibility to try and ensure that there is no damage to adjacent property. Councillor King asked when the by-law would take effect. The Manager of Environmental Affairs advised that it will be instantaneous, however, it cannot be used to enforce infractions that occurred prior to the by-law being adopted. On question from Councillor Clements, the Manager of Environmental Affairs advised that there are provisions in the by-law to address the issue of liability. The motion CARRIED. 05.05.02 Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Fee Amending By-law No. 5764-1999 P199-541 BL 5764-1999 final reading MOVED by Councillor Levens SECONDED by Councillor Baker that Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Fee Amending By-law No. 5764-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE :srioi Minutes R/99-542 MOVED by Councillor Clements Minutes COW SECONDED by Councillor Levens Nov. 15, 1999 that the Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes of November 15, 1999 be received. CARRIED 06.02 Public Works and Development Services 06.02.0 1 RZ1131199 - 10515 and 10595 - 240 Street and 23950 Zeron Avenue - RS-3 to P.S-lb and CD-i -93 - By-law No. 5854-1999 Reference was made to the staff report dated October 19, 1999 in support of the following recommendation with respect to the above noted subdivision to permit subdivision into approximately 21 lots. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. P199-543 MOVED by Councillor Clements BL 5854-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Levens Council Meeting Minutes November 23, 1999 Page 9 to Pub. Hear. that Application RZ/1 3/99 (for property located at 10515 and 10595 - 240 Street and 23950 Zeron Avenue) to rezone property described in the staff report dated October 19, 1999 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-lb (One Family Urban [medium density] Residential) and CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) be forwarded to Public Hearing, noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing; and further that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5854-1999 be read a first time. CARRIED 06.02.02 RZ142199 —21409 Lougheed Highway - By-law No. 5853-1999 Reference was made to the staff report dated November 2, 1999 recommending that the subject by-law be read a first time. (The development proposal is to provide all the uses currently listed under the CS-i Zone but removes limils on business and professional services and retail use within the existing development). The Committee concurred with the recommendation. R/99-544 MOVED by Councillor King BL 5 853-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart first reading RZ/42/99 that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5853-1999 be read a first time. CARRIED 06.02.03 RZ152199 - 24103 and 24127— 102 Avenue - RS-3 and RS-2 to R-3 Reference was made to the staff report dated November 2, 1999 recommending that the subject application to permit subdivision into 86 lots be forwarded to Public Hearing subject to the conditions specified in the report. R/99-545 MOVED by Councillor King RZ/52/99 SECONDED by Councillor Clements to Pub. Hear. that Application RZ/52/99 (for property located at 24103 and 24127 - 102 Avenue) to rezone property described in the staff report dated November 2, 1999 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) be forwarded to Public Hearing, noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that report. Council Meeting Minutes November 23, 1999 Page 10 Discussion Councillor King stated that she is concerned about the ratio of recreational green space to the proposed density, particularly since there are several similar small scale housing developments in the same area. The Director of Current Planning displayed an overhead map of the site and the Albion Guide Plan as it relates to the development of this site and surrounding properties. He explained the planned road network and identified the proposed Albion Village Centre and existing and proposed park and school sites. He explained the storm water and sanitary sewer provisions for the Albion area. Councillor King stated that she is concerned about the impact of storm water on Spencer Creek and the creek's capacity to handle that run-off during rains. She assumes that more information will be forthcoming on that issue at the Public Hearing. She will also want to know at the Public Hearing how intensely Albion Village will be developed and what green space it will have. She is atso concerned about the greenway connections and the impact of the three large parallel streets that run in close proximity and how they will impact the livability of the area. The motion CARRIED. 06.02.04 RZ/59199 —24415— 102 Avenue - RS-3 to R-3 Reference was made to the staff report dated November 2, 199 recommending that the subject application to permit subdivision into 66 lots be forwarded to Public Hearing subject to the conditions specified in the report. R199-546 MOVED by Councillor Baker RZ/59/99 SECONDED by Councillor Clements to Pub. Hear. that Application RZ/59/99 (for property located at 24415 - 102 Avenue) to rezone property described in the staff report dated November 2, 1999 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) be forwarded to Public Hearing, noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that report and that the accompanying Official Community. Plan Amending By-law be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes November 23, 1999 Page 11 06.02.05 ALR/27199 - 11416 - 240 Street The Mayor advised that this application has been withdrawn at the request of the applicant and referred back to the next Committee of the Whole meeting in order to give the applicant an opportunity to make a presentation. 06.02.06 RZ162199 - Secondary Suite Review - Amending By-laws Reference was made to the staff report dated October 25, 1999 recommending appropriate readings of several by-law amendments authorized by Council on October 12, 1999 as detailed in the report. The Committee concurred with the recommendation to proceed with the by-law amendments and the adoption of an amended Secondary Suites Policy. The Committee, with the exception of Councillors King and Gordon, concurred with the recommendation to adopt the Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant Policy. R199-547 BL 5847-1999 first reading MOVED by Councillor Levens BL 5848-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart 2ndl3rd reading that the report entitled Secondary Suite Review - Amendment Package dated October 25, 1999 be received and it be resolved: That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5847-1999 be read a first time and that the by-law proceed to Public Hearing; That Maple Ridge Building Amending By-law No. 5848-1999 be read a first and second time and that rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge Building Amending By-law No. 5848-1999 be read a - — -- "thirdtine; That Council Policy 6.14 Secondary Suites be deleted, and that the proposed Secondary Suites Policy be adopted when final reading is given to the Amending By-law relating to Secondaiy Suite use. R/99-548 SFR Restric- tive Covenant MOVED by Councillor Stewart Council Meeting Minutes November 23, 1999 Page 12 Policy SECONDED by Councillor Clements that the proposed Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant Policy be adopted when final reading is given to the amending by-laws relating to secondary suite use. Discussion Councilor Gordon spoke against the policy to continue the use of restrictive covenants to prohibit secondary suite in new single family residential dwellings. She noted that new homes are the source of some of the best secondary suite stock coming onto the market and they are already available in some of the homes that have restrictive covenants. Councillor King expressed agreement with Councillor Gordon. Councillor Baker spoke in support of retaining the restrictive covenants, noting that they offer protection for residents who moved into a single family residential neighbourhood. Councillor Stewart also spoke in support of retaining the restrictive covenants, noting that the District will have its hands full governing the secondary suites that are already available. Once they are under control, Council could then look to going to the next step; he feels that nothing more should be done at this point in time. The motion CARRIED. Councillors Gordon and King OPPOSED. 06.02.07 Community Heritage Register (Heritage Inventory) Reference was made to the staff report dated October 28, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. P199-549 MOVED by Councillor Gordon Community SECONDED by Councillor King Heritage Register that a Community Heritage Register be established for the properties identified on the list entitled District of Maple Ridge Community Heritage Register attached to staff report dated October 28, 1999 entitled Heritage Advisory Committee Public Consultation regarding the Heritage Resources of Maple Ridge (the Heritage Inventory). CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes November 23, 1999 Page 13 06.02.08 Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) Agency Agreement Reference was made to the staff report dated October 28, 1999 recommending authorization of the subject agreement to enable District staff to act as agents to deliver the RRAP program in Maple Ridge. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. P199-550 MOVED by Councillor Clements RRAP Program SECONDED by Councillor King that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) Agency Agreement. Discussion Councillor Gordon noted that this is an excellent program whereby the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) makes loans available for housing repairs. The program includes rental and single family housing. The motion CARRIED. 06.02.09 Development Cost Charge Forgiveness— 21610 Dewdney Trunk Road - (Building Permit Application BPC 109199) Reference was made to the staff report dated November 1, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. P199-551 MOVED by Councillor King DCC reduction SECONDED by Councillor Baker 21610 DTR BPC 109/99 that with respect to Building Permit Application BPC 109/99 for the property at 21610 Dewdney Tnmk Road, be it resolved that in view of the necessity to construct roadwórks on 216 Street, the highway component of the Development Cost Charges payable by the developer be reduced by $9820.00. CARRIED 06.02.10 Santa Claus Parade - December 4, 1999 - Request by Chamber of Commerce to use Municipal Streets Council Meeting Minutes November 23, 1999 Page 14 Reference was made to the staff report dated November 9, 1999 recommending that the above noted request be approved. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. R199-552 MOVED by Councillor Baker Santa Claus SECONDED by Councillor Levens Parade Dec. 4 that the Maple Ridge Chamber of Commerce be authorized to use Municipal Streets for the Annual Santa Claus Parade an Saturday, December 4, 1999 provided the conditions as outlined in the staff report dated November 9, 1999 are met. CARRIED 06.02.11 DVP/44/99 - 23233 Kanaka Way Reference was made to the staff report dated November 10, 1999 recommending that the subject application to waive the requirement to convert existing overhead wires to underground facilities on the north side of Kanaka Way be considerèdat the December 14, 1999 Council Meeting following appropriate notification to adjacent residents. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. R/99-553 MOVED by Councillor Clements DVP/44/99 SECONDED by Councillor Baker 23233 Kanaka Way, that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/44/99 respecting property located at 232333 Kanaka Way will be considered by Council at the December 14, 1999 meeting. CARRIED 06.03 Financial and CorDorate Services (including Fire and Police) 06.03.0 1 Year 2000 (Y2K) Action Plan - Status Report Reference was made to the staff report dated October 29, 1999 recommending that the subject document be received for information. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. R/99-554 MOVED by Councillor King Y2K Action SECONDED by Councillor Baker Plan update that the status report entitled Year 2000 (Y2K) Action Plan dated October, 1999 be received for information. Council Meeting Minutes 4 November 23, 1999 Page 15 Discussion Councillor Gordon questioned if any further action needs to be taken. The Chief Administrative Officer advised that the District has to show that due diligence has been done. Council is authorizing continuance of the work plan based on the recommendations that were approved as part of the budget process. Many of the recommendations have been completed. It is important that Council receive the report from a risk management perspective. The motion CARRIED. 06.03.02 Local Improvement Petition for Sanitary Sewer - 22948 and 22906 - 128 Avenue - By-law No. 5844-1999 Reference was made to the staff report dated October 28, 1999 recommending that the subject by-law be granted three readings. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. R199-555 BL 5844-1999 three readings MOVED by Councillor Levens SECONDED by Councillor Stewart that Maple Ridge 128 Avenue Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 5 844-1999 be read a first and second time and that the rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge 128 Avenue Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 5844-1999 be read a third time. CARRIED 06.03.03 Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk, NWT - Acknowledgment from the Mayor Reference was made to the letter from the Mayor of Tuktoyaktuk dated September 17, 1999 (1) expressing appreciation regarding the Trans-Canada Trail Monument created by a resident of Maple Ridge and now located on the Arctic Ocean and (2) suggesting that the Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk and Maple Ridge become Sister Communities. The Committee referred this item to the Council meeting without a recommendation. R/99-556 MOVED by Councillor King Tuktoyaktuk SECONDED by Councillor Clements twinning that the letter dated September 17, 1999 from the Mayor of Tuktoyaktuk, NWT proposing that Tuktoyaktuk and Maple Ridge become sister Council Meeting Minutes November 23, 1999 Page 16 communities be received for information and referred to the Municipal Clerk to place on a future agenda. CARRIED 06.03.04 Traffic Fine Revenue Sharing Municipal Share Reference was made to the letter from the Honourable Jim Doyle, Minister of Municipal Affairs, dated November 1, 1999 in response to a query by the Mayor. The Committee concurred with the following recommendation: R199-557 MOVED by Councillor Gordon Traffic Fine SECONDED by Councillor Stewart Revenue Sharing that the letter from the Honourable Jim Doyle, Minister of Municipal Affairs, dated November 1, 1999 regarding traffic fine revenue sharing be received for information. Discussion The Mayor asked for clarification of the amount of revenue that is allocated to the District. The Chief Administrative Officer advised that the District has received the majority of its 1999 payments from the Province. There is still some question about the transition grant and the level of revenue sharing for 2000. This matter will be raised at the upcoming budget deliberations. The motion CARR1ED 06.04 Community Development and Recreation Service 06.04.0 1 Cemetery By-law Amendments —By-law No. 5784-1999 Reference was made to the staff report dated November 3, 1999 recommending that Maple Ridge Cemetery By-law No. 5784-1999 be granted three readings. The by-law reflects the following changes • revisions in wording to remove outdated clauses, etc; • approval of a 5% increase in Cemetery fees for 2000; and • repeal of Maple Ridge Cemetery By-law No 2789-1980. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. R/99-558 MOVED by Councillor King BL 5784-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Gordon Council Meeting Minutes November 23, 1999 Page 17 Cemetery that Maple Ridge Cemetery By-law No. 5784-1999 be read a first and second time and that the rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge Cemetery By-law No. 5784-1999 be read a third time. CARRIED 06.05 Other Issues 06.05.0 1 Downtown Core Redevelopment (Maple Ridge Centre Project) - Update The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services advised that the demolition of the Arena and Old Library Auditorium are nearing completion. The design for the Leisure Centre improvements has been before the Advisory Design Panel and comments from staff will be proceeding to Council within the next month. Open House continues at the office behind the Municipal Hall to the end of the month and there are display panels at the Municipal Hall and Leisure Centre. 07 MAYOR'S REPORTS Transportation Matters The Mayor advised that business plans have been received for the Albion Ferry and Westcoast Express and that they will be turned over to the incoming Council. Other Matters The Mayor advised that the fire doors will be restored to the plans for the new Hammond School. 08 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS - LIAISONS TO COMMITTEES Councillor C. Gordon Councillor Gordon noted that this month marks the 10th anniversary of the unanimous all-party resolution passed by the House of Commons to end child poverty by the year 2000. The National Report Card on Child Poverty has just been released and Canada has failed miserably to meet that goal as more children than ever are living in poverty; the number is around 60%. She is hopeful that this Council will continue to pursue some of the initiatives they have in the past such as affordable housing. She will continue to work with the Hunger Coalition for improvements. Council Meeting Minutes November 23, 1999 Page 18 Coundilor B. Levens Councillor Levens advised that the B. C. Summer Games Committee has now officially dissolved and the Committee has donated the remainder of their funds in the amount of $1400 to the Christmas Hamper Society. Comments by Outgoing Mayor and CounciL At this point in the meeting, outgoing Mayor Durksen thanked the 4000 residents who voted for him. He thanked Council and staff for giving him twelve great years on Council. He paid tribute to his colleagues for all that they have accomplished during the past three years, noting they were a great team and he really enjoyed working with them. He wished both the outgoing and incoming Councillors well in their future endeavours. - - The Councillors took turns thanking the Mayor for his leadership, noting that he managed to bring a diverse group of individuals to consensus on all but a very few of the issues that came before Council. The Councillors also thanked him for the considerable support and assistance he gave to them when they had to deal with other governments agencies to obtain funds for various projects, etc. 09 VISITOR A CKNO WLEDGMENT Nil 10 ADJOURNMENT 8:35p.m. 11 QUESTIONSFROMTHEFUBLIC Nil Mayor V Certified Correct Municipal Clerk 1999 Amended Budget Councillor's Report - Councillor Jim Clements Following the review of the third quarter actual financial results, it is our practice to amend the Annual Budget. This allows us to redirect our priorities to respond to economic changes and meet the objectives of the Municipal Operations. The 1999 Amended Budget has been reviewed by Council, and I recommend that the Bylaw be approved. For 1999 we are projecting a surplus to our general operating funds of $463,500. Included in this number was $202,500 of specific transfers from reserves and accumulated surplus as per the 1999 Annual Budget. These transfers were necessary in order to balance the 1999 Annual Budget and hold the line on tax increases. We will not require these reserve transfers. As such, our financial position for the General Revenue Fund will have a positive net improvement of $261,000. This improvement is the results of a number of improved revenues and a reduction in expenditures. For 1999 our revenues are up as a result of improved investment returns, increased sales of services, building permits and licences. Building activity although down in most other areas of B.C. has remained relatively stable in Maple Ridge. This has made a significant positive impact to our operating results. i s More specifically, we are forecasting a revenue gain for interest income of $100,000, permit revenue of $179,000, recreation leisure centre admissions of $55,000, tax penalties and interest of $64,000 and a variety of other areas resulting in an overall positive revenue variance of$ 465,000. We have effected cost savings of $171,000 in Engineering, resulting from $29,000 savings in salaries, reduction in expenditures in ditch drainage of $26,000 and street and traffic control of $71,000 and $45,000 in other engineering areas. We are forecasting cost savings of $243,000 in R.C.M.P. Operations and $37,000 in Fire Services Operations. There are also major offsets to these revenue and costs savings. These are as follows: • support of the CourtHouse to ensure its continued presence for $104,000. • a charge of $74,000 to the Fire Service as a result of a Revenue Canada audit as it relates to the Volunteer Force and use of municipal vehicles. • $200,000 increase in reserves for expenditures in payroll and other related payroll costs • A not budgeted 4". Quarter contract payment for E.C.R.A. Recreation Centre for $37,000 • Other miscellaneous expenditure variances of $56,000. There is no amendment for the operating utility funds although the financial position of each fund is forecast for a modest improvement. In conclusion, Council and staff through a regular financial performance review have taken the necessary steps to ensure a balanced budget without a direct compromise to service to our citizens. During our deliberations, we recognize that the 2000 Budget and those budgets beyond 2000 will require difficult decisions. For the benefit of the press and the public we have made available a handout that summarizes the changes and highlights some key areas. Thank you Councillor J. Clements Chairman of the Finance and Administration Committee Notes to the Amended Budget Following the review of the third quarter actual financial results and it is our practice to amend the Annual Budget. This allows us to redirect our priorities to respond to economic changes that have occurred in the year. For the year, and including specific budgetary transfers, we are forecasting a budgetary surplus of For 1999 we are projecting the following: Increasing revenues; • investment income up $100,000 • permit revenue up $179,000 due to continued building activity; • tax penalties and interest up $64,000 due to higher outstanding taxes • increase in miscellaneous revenues of $158,000 Savings from decreased expenditures: • Corporate Services and Business Management salaries savings $101,000. • RCMP Operations of $243,000 • Engineering Operations of $171,000 • Net savings in Parks and Recreation of $48,000 including emergency services for flooding of $17,000. Increasing costs: • ECRA Senior Recreation Centre contract for the 4th quarter - $37,000. -increase costs- in the Fire-Department of $47;000 due primarily to revenue audit costs of $74,000. • Labour relation - $74,000 • Bad debts - property - $30,700. • Payroll and related burden - $200,000 • Provincial Govt. payment to retain the court house in Maple Ridge - $104,000 4 - '.. . The Amended Budget does not address the utility operating funds. The Sanitary Sewer Fund will generate an improved surplus due to an increased return on investments. The Water Utility Fund was budgeted for a deficit due to the capital phase-in of the GVWD capital infrastructure program. This deficit will be marginally reduced. We have set our rate structure to phase-in the costs to finance our share of the G.V.R.D. capital infrastructure. STATEMENT 1 BUDGETTED CONSOLIDATED ACTIVITIES FOR THE 1999 AMENDED BUDGET 1999 AMENDED BUDGET REVENUE TAXES Real property, special assessments, grants in lieu $52,425,265 LESS: Collections for other governments 24.902652 Total taxes for municipal purposes 27,522,613 Sale of services 3,895,677 Other revenue from own sources 3,005,471 Senior government grants - utilities 1,718,342 Senior government grants - Capital 2,069,710 Development revenue 13,275,858 Provincial transfers 912,458 Investment income 1,912,580 Utility user fees 6,531,187 Proceeds of disposal and other 11,375 Contributed subdivision infrastructure 0 60,855,271 EXPENDITURES Protective services 12,860,929 Transportation services 13,307,419 Recreation and cultural 16,060,384 Sewer and water facilities 13,034,715 General government 8,593,483 Planning, public health, and other 2,541,705 Reallocation of internal equipment usage (1,207,478) Subdivision infrastructure 0 65,191,157 EXCESS REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURE (4,335,886) PRINCIPAL REPAiD (1.848.713) INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CONSOLIDATED FUND BALANCES $(6.184.599) STATEMENT 2 BUDGETTED OPERATING ACTIVITIES FOR THE 1999 AMENDED BUDGET 1999 AMENDED BUDGET REVENUE TAXES Real property, special assessments, grants in lieu $52,425,265 LESS: Collections for other governments 24.902.652 Total taxes for municipal purposes 27,522,613 Sale of services 3,895,677 Other revenue from own sources 3,005,471 Senior government grants - utilities 1,718,342 Development fees 591,598 Provincial transfers 912,458 Investment income 970,000 Utility user fees 6,531,187 Other 11.375 45,158,721 EXPENDITURES Protective services 10,349,202 Transportation services 4,339,325 Recreation and cultural 6,200,658 Sewer and water facilities 8,293,756 General government 6,375,436 Public and environmental health 1,713,130 Reallocation of internal equipment usage (1.207.478) 36,064,029 EXCESS REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURE 9,094,692 TRANSFERS (TO) CAPITAL (5,466,104) TRANSFERS (TO) RESERVES (2,134,718) PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS (1.848.713) INCREASE (DECREASE) IN OPERATING FUND BALANCES $ (354.843) INCREASE (DECREASE) IN OPERATING FUND BALANCES: General Revenue - Schedule A $543,301 Water Revenue - Schedule B - Sewer Revenue - Schedule C - Less appropriations from surplus (898.144) $(354.843') STATEMENT 3 BUDGETED CAPITAL ACTIVITIES FOR THE 1999 AMENDED BUDGET 1999 REVENUES ALLOCATED TO CAPITAL FUNDS Senior government grants $ 2,069,710 Development fees 12.684.260 14,753,970 INTERNAL TRANSFERS Transfer from Revenue Funds 5,466,104 Transfer from Reserve Funds 15.284,702 20,750,806 LESS: CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Protective Services 2,511,727 Transportation 8,673,352 Recreation and Cultural 9,859,726 Sewer and Water 5,035,701 General Government 2,218,047 Public and Environmental Health 828.575 TOTAL 29.127.128 CHANGE IN CAPITAL FUND BALANCE $ 6,377,648 p STATEMENT 4 BUDGETTED RESERVE FUND ACTIVITIES FOR THE 1999 AMENDED BUDGET 1999 AMENDED BUDGET INTEREST ALLOCATED TO RESERVES $ 942,580 LESS: Internal Transfers Transfer from Revenue Funds 2,134,718 Transfer to Capital Funds (15.284.702) (13,149,984) INCREASE (DECREASE) IN RESERVE FUN]) BALANCES (12.207,404) TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL FUNDS Local Improvement (1,309,500) Equipment Replacement (1,049,402) Capital Works (4,364,987) Fire Department Capital Acquisitions (1,202,400) Specific Committed Projects (5,953,141) Recycling (463,500) Community Development (698,658) Recreation Facility Maintenance (243.114) ($15,284,702) SCHEDULE "A" GENERAL REVENUE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE 1999 AMENDED BUDGET 1999 AMENDED BUDGET r"WiLi,j- TAXES $24,394,771 GRANTS IN LIEU OF TAXES Provincial Government 491,000 Others 621397 TOTAL GRANTS IN LIEU OF TAXES 1,112,397 SALE OF SERVICES 3,578,105 INVESTMENT INCOME 750,000 REALLOCATION OF INTERNAL EQUIPMENT USAGE 1,207,478 OTHER REVENUE FROM OWN SOURCES 3,005,471 GOVERNMENT TRANSFERS Unconditional 352,000 Conditional 560,458 TOTAL GOVERNMENT TRANSFERS 912,458 OTHER TRANSFERS Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund 11,375 Transfers from own reserves 948,622 Transfers from reserve funds 71,712 Appropriation from surplus 132,300 TOTAL OTHER TRANSFERS I.164(Y09 TOTAL REVENUE AND TRANSFERS $36,124,689 SCHEDULE "A" - CONT'D GENERAL REVENUE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE 1999 AMENDED BUDGET 1999 AMENDED BUDGET EXPENDITURE General and administrative expenses $6,325,436 Protective services 10,349,202 Transportation services 3,904,825 Environmental health services Garbage collection and disposal 702,327 Public health services 157,127 Development services - planning and zoning 853,676 Recreational and cultural services 6,010,457 Fiscal services 7.278338 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS 35.581388 Surplus (Deficit) for the year 543.301 TOTAL $36,124,689 SCHEDULE "B" BUDGETED SANITARY SEWER REVENUE FUND ACTIVITIES FOR THE 1999 AMENDED BUDGET 1999 REVENUE User fees Sewer area rate levy Parcel tax levy Local improvements levy Connection fees Provincial grant - Sewage Facilities Assistance Interest Contribution from DCC Funds TOTAL REVENUE $2,970,183 239,900 590,695 230,615 100,970 1,330,377 120,000 48.009 $5,630,749 EXPENDITURE Engineering & Finance Department costs Sewage collection systems Sewage lift stations Sewage treatment - GVS & DD Cost sharing - GVS & DD Debt Charges Principal Interest and US exchange Contribution to Sanitary Sewer Capital Fund Transfer to Sanitary Sewer Reserve Appropriation from Surplus TOTAL EXPENDITURE AND TRANSFER Surplus (Deficit) for the year TOTAL $ 155,245 387,196 185,063 1,150,882 1,574,961 798,393 965,646 723,353 6,500 (_316,490) $5,630,749 $5630.749 SCHEDULE "C" WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM REVENUE FUND ACTIVITIES FOR THE 1999 AMENDED BUDGET 122 Sale of water $3,561,004 Parcel tax levy and area bylaws 954,235 Contribution from DCC funds 146,877 Provincial Grant - water facilities assistance 387,965 Connection fees and penalties 216,602 Interest 100.000 TOTAL REVENUE $5.366.683 EXPENDITURE Salaries and employee benefits $ 389,066 Water purchases 1,720,000 Distribution line maintenance 656,882 Pumping light and power 143,037 Greater Vancouver Water District cost sharing 313,883 Debt Charges Principal 452,466 Interest and US exchange 651,895 Contribution to Water Supply System Capital Fund 1,482,308 Transfer to Own Reserves - Insurance 6,500 Appropriation from Surplus ( 449.354) TOTAL EXPENDITURE AND TRANSFERS $5.366.683 Surplus (Deficit) for the year - TOTAL $5.366.683 A Farewell To Maple Ridge Council November23 1999. Mr. Mayor, I must congratulate you on your years of leadership. You have managed to bring a diverse group of individuals to consensus on all but a very few of the issues that came before council. That is a magnificent achievement. Tonight marks my 1 85th council meeting. All meetings have been interesting many have been challenging and most have met the goals and objectives that I hold dear to my heart. I have always made my decisions with the best interests of all the residents of the Municipality. Sometimes it has been difficult as local interest groups have condemned this approach as not listening. Closely focused groups, I have found, often do not consider the total needs of every resident of Maple Ridge and that is most unfortunate. During my years on Council, I have been subjected to a very steep learning curve that never seemed to diminish. There was always a new challenge and new information to digest and new procedures to adopt as well as several significant changes to the Municipal Act. Those amendments generated a deep personal need to investigate the impact and the results that might occur. The Maple Ridge staff have been exquisite in completion of and totally committed to their duties. I commend them for their dedication. Maple Ridge is truly a leader among municipalities and has often been asked for copies of / innovative management and financial procedures. I wish them all well for the future and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year of the Millennium. To the new incoming council; I wish them good luck, good learning and good decisions. I know from personal experience that it will be a steep learning curve that they face and they will need every personal reserve to accept and achieve success in the face of the inquisitions that are sure to arise. Mr. Mayor it has been challenging, informative and an experience that I will never forget. For that I must thank the staff, my colleagues past and present and the people of Maple Ridge that permitted me to meet what I view as my civic duties. Thank you all! DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 02.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR J-c SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of November 9, 1999 be adopted as circulated. "Carl Durksen" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H KariaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as maybe required by your Department November 24, 1999 Date ----w Municipal'Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 02.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR Li( That the Minutes of the Public Hearing of November 16, 1999 be received. CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED "Carl Durksen" MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 24, 1999 Date Munici al Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 02.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR 13 L SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meeting of November 4, 1999 be received. (CfA;E~9--) DEFEATED DEFERRED "Carl Durksen" MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 24, 1999 ~--w Date Municipal DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR 7t SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR 8 L1 That the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of November 15, 1999 be received. "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir- Community & Business Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Cierk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 24. 1999 ____________________________ Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.05 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ?i (A -- SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That application ALRJ27/99 for the property described as Lot 1, Plan 7917, Section 15, Township 12 New Westminster District, Group 1, and located at 11416 —240 Street, not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. (application to exclude approximately 1 .9 hectares from the ALR) "Carl Durksen" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. - RCMP - Fire Chief Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance .4-p Dir - Community & Business _____ P. Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning jVDir - Long Range Plannihg - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations Dir - Engineering Projects Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section _ VMShuirley nicipal Clerk '4.tk SIt(4cvt 20 K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 24,1999 Date Municip I Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.03.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR 75 That the status report entitled Year 2000 (Y2K) Action Plan dated October 1999 be received for information. "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 24. 1999 Date Municipal C erk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.03.04 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR C c SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR A'S That the letter from the Honourable Jim Doyle, Minister of Municipal Affairs, dated November 1, 1999 regarding traffic fine revenue sharing be received for information. "Carl Durksen" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Plng. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 24, 1999 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 05.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR L. SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR iC- That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5832-1999 be read a second and third time. (RZ/33/99 - 12689 - 227B Street - to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to R-1 (Residential District) to create one lot approximately 486 m 2 in area) 7CA7RFJE:D:~) DEFEATED DEFERRED "Carl Durksen" MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. - RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business 1 'Mgr - Public Works & Development _____________ Dir— Current PJanning kt IT Qc ç ti 'Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations Dir - Engineering Projects Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section Municipal Clerk Shirley K Jo-Anne H Karia K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 24, 1999 lz~ I Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 05.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR Jt SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR J( S That Maple Ridge 124 Avenue Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 5849-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. (to authorize the construction and installation of sanitary sewer with two service connections at 21298 and 21310/21314 - 124 Avenue) "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Plng. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business den Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services j. - VMunicipa1 Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations t.- Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Cition CQfiIA - ShirleyK - jo-Anne H i..'7KarIa K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 24. 1999 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 05.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR LK SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR 9 That Maple Ridge Annual Budget Amending By-law No. 5863-1999 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and Maple Ridge Annual Budget Amending By-law No. 5863-1999 be read a third time. (to amend the 1999 Annual Budget) "Carl Durksen" CDEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - ,-Dir - Corporate Support V Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities %unicipa1Cierk j/ Shirley K o-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation andlor such action as may be required by your Department. November 24, 1999 Date MunicipalClerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 05.04 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR LX SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Council Indemnity and Expenses Amending By-law No. 5862-1999 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and Maple Ridge Council Indemnity and Expenses Amending By-law No. 5862-1999 be read a third time. (to provide for remuneration for the Municipal Council) CARRIED DEFEATED CERRE) "Carl Durksen" MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer - - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - xc.. U3 Dir - Corporate Support pe4ev- +0 falasr Dir - Finance mcek&j 0A aVe) COUfl./ - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Cl Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karia K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 24. 1999 Date Municipa Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 05.05.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR T.5 That Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation By-Jaw No. 5763-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. (to regulate the placement of fill on lands within the District of Maple Ridge) ERRIE "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Plng. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - ,Dir - Community & Business Oen Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K ,Ao-Anne H /KarlaK_. The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 24, 1999 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 05.05.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR 7*46 That Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Fee Amending By-law No. 5764-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. "Carl Durksen" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP - Fire Chief - )ir - Corporate Support L-' Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business jc(en Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Cl Section cQJ- - Shirley K - /Jo-Anne H t./ KariaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 24, 1999 I J Date Municipak DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUI'4CILLOR That application RZI13/99 (for property located at 10515 & 10595 — 240 Street and 23950 Zeron Avenue) to rezone property described in the report dated October 19, 1999 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-lb (One Family Urban [medium density] Residential) and CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) be forwarded to Public Hearing; and further That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5854-1999 be read a first time. (to permit subdivision into approximately 21 lots) 2 D _2" 2 EFEATED DEFERRED "Carl Durksen" MAYOR ( ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - ,Dir - Community & Business jGgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ r-DirCurrent Planning - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section Municipal Clerk - Shirley K }dAnneH / Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 24, 1999 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR LX SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5853-1999 be read a first time. (RZ/42/99 —21409 Lougheed Highway - to rezone from CS-i (Service Commercial) to CD-2-99 (Comprehensive Development) to retain all the uses under the CS-I Zone and to remove limits on business and professional services and retail use within the existing development) C A= ~ED DEFEATED DEFERRED "Carl Durksen" MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir- Finance - Djr - Community & Business / G Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk ~Aarl a Shirley K -Anne H K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 24, 1999 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR it- That application RZ/52/99 (for property located at 24103/27 - 102 Avenue) to rezone property described in the report dated November 2, 1999 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that report. (to permit subdivision into approximately 86 lots) FD DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR "Carl Durksen" ACTION NOTICE - Chief Administrative Officer TO - Dir - Corp. Plng. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business j? Agr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ ir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section . Municipal..Clerk . ------- .....................---.--- :-1_....... - Shirley K lo-Anne H rll--arla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 24, 1999 4~i - Date Municipal ilerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.04 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR 1-a SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR i-c- That application RZ/59/99 (for property located at 24415 - 102 Avenue) to rezone property described in the report dated November 2, 1999 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that report and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending By-law be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. (to permit subdivision into approximately 69 residential lots) "Carl Durksen" ~CA IED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir. Community & Business t./öKi01ir Mgr - Public Works & Development_____________________________________________________ r - Current Planning - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities IX Clerk's Section Municipal - hirley K o-Anne H Karla K op The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 24, 1999 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the report entitled Secondary Suite Review - Amendment Package dated October 25, 1999 be received; and be it resolved That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5847-1999 be read a first time and that the By-law proceed to Public Hearing; That Maple Ridge Building Amending By-law No. 5848-1999 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and Maple Ridge Building Amending By-law No. 5848-1999 be read a third time; and further That Council Policy 6.14 Secondary Suites be deleted, and that the proposed Secondary Suites Policy attached to the said report be adopted when final reading is given to the amending by-law relating to Secondary Suite Use. 27Th "Carl Durksen" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business 'tien Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ - Current Planning ../ Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services _Dir.Parks.&FaciIities - - - - - - - -. - - -_ Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - /Jo-Anne H / Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. _~~J November 24, 1999 _________________________________ Date Municipal C erk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the proposed Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant Policy attached to the report dated October 25, 1999 be adopted when final reading is given to the amending by-laws relating to Secondary Suite Use. "Carl Durksen" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business t_'ten Mgr - Public Works & Development ir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Geii Mgr - Corn. Dcv. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section -,/Municipal Clerk / Shirley K - Jo-Anne H KarlaK ±b \ Eç&cA t4k1M) Jo - The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for -notationand/or - - - -- --- - - -- -- - - - - - - - November 24, 1999 dlJ Date Municipal Cerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.07 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR C, SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That a Community Heritage Register be established for the properties identified on the list entitled, District of Maple Ridge Community Heritage Register, attached to the report dated October 28, 1999 entitled, Heritage Advisory Committee Public Consultation regarding the Heritage Resources of Maple Ridge (the Heritage Inventory). "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business t../Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Current Planning ir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karia K - --Theabove-decisionwas-made ata -and-issent-to-you-for---- - - -- - notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 24. 1999 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.08 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR zrc SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR I.SA( That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) Agency Agreement. "Carl Durksen" CARRIED .) DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - ,- Dir - Corporate Support V Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business tV Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - yDir - Long Range Planning t/ Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 24, 1999 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.09 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR '-I,', SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That with respect to Building Permit Application BPC 109/99 for the property at 21610 Dewdney Trunk Road, be it resolved that in view of the necessity to construct road works on 216 Street, the highway component of the Development Cost Charges payable by the developer be reduced by $9,820.00. "Carl Durksen" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support V Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - ir Inspection 'Services MunicipatEngineei) - Dir - Developrnept Eng i-Enginei1tig Operations - Dir Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H KarlaK Theabovedecisionwasmade at ameeting-of-theM'u'nicipa'lCouncil-hei&onthe date notedaboveand'is'sent to youfor -" notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 24, 1999 Date Munici al Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.10 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Maple Ridge Chamber of Commerce be authorized to use Municipal streets for the Annual Santa Claus Parade on Saturday, December 4, 1999 provided the conditions as outlined in the report dated November 9, 1999 are met. "Carl Durksen" CARRIED I DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - )Dir - Inspection Services tV Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - hirleyK Jo-Anne H Karia K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for November 24. 1999 Date Municipal C erk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.02.11 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR 4 C SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR 1_8 That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/44/99 respecting property located at 23233 Kanaka Way will be considered by Council at the December 14, 1999 meeting. (to waive the requirement to convert existing overhead wires on the north side of Kanaka Way to underground facilities) 6 CA ~RRIED ) DEFEATED DEFERRED "Carl Durksen" MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir. Finance vDii - Community & Business j3Mgr - Public Works & Development WDir - Current Planning - ir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K do-Anne H KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 24, 1999 Date Municip 1 Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.03.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR 13L SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge 128 Avenue Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 5844-1999 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and Maple Ridge 128 Avenue Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 5844-1999 be read a third time. (for the extension and installation of 200mm sanitary sewer line to serve two parcels at 22948 and 22906— 128 Avenue) "Carl Durksen" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. CMP Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business L-"Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development_____________________________________________________ - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - - ir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. P,W- Engineering Operations ir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clecon a jVShirley K /0-Anne H - -Karla.K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 24. 1999 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.03.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR _______________ SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the letter dated September 17, 1999 from the Mayor of Tuktoyaktuk proposing that Tuktoyaktuk and Maple Ridge become sister communities be received for consideration. "Carl Durksen" CARRIED / DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Operations Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Cle ion j/"irIey K - Jo-Anne H Karia K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. November 24, 1999 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.04.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR L K SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR Cc That Maple Ridge Cemetery By-law No. 5784-1999 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and Maple Ridge Cemetery By-law No. 5784-1999 be read a third time. 7 CARMRRIE1) DEFEATED DEFERRED "Carl Durksen" MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - 7Dir - Engineering Projects /tien Mgr.. Corn. Dcv. &Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section A/Municipal Clerk 07 _,Shirley K j/ Jo-Anne H Karla K NVURN The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for - - - - - -- - —.notationand/or.such-act-ion-asna-y-be=requiredby-your-Department - November 24, 1999 Date Municipa OF I , Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING A GENDA November 23, 1999 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber MEETING DECORUM Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.org 01 PRA YERS Pastor Mike Schroeder 02 MINUTES 02.01 Council Meeting of November 9, 1999 02.02 Public Hearing of November 16, 1999 02.03 Development Agreements of November 4, 1999 03 DELEGATIONS Nil 04 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Nil 05 BY-LA WS Item 05.01 from the Public Hearing of November 16, 1999 Page 1 Council Meeting Agenda November 23, 1999 Council Chamber 05.01 RZ133199 - 12689 - 227B Street Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5832-1999 second and third reading (to rezone from RS- 1 (One Family Urban Residential) to R- 1 (Residential District) to create one lot approximately 486m2 in area). 05.02 Local Improvement Petition - 124 Avenue Maple Ridge 124 Avenue Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 5849-1999 final reading (to authorize the construction and installation of sanitary sewer with two service connections at 21298 and 21310/21314 124 Avenue). 05.03 Amendments to 1999 Budget Maple Ridge Annual Budget Amending By-law No. 5863-1999 first, second and third reading (to amend the annual budget for the 1999 year). rA 05.04 Remuneration to Council Maple Ridge Couiiil Indemnity and Expenses Amending By-law No. 5 862-1999 first, second and third reading (to provide for remuneration for the Municipal Council) 05.05 Soil Deposit Regulations 05 :05.01 Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation By-law No. 5763-1999 final reading (to regulate the placement of fill on lands within the District of Maple Ridge). 05.05.02 Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Fee Amending By-law No. 5764-1999 final reading Page 2 Council Meeting Agenda November 23, 1999 Council Chamber 06 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 06.01 06.0 1.01 Minutes Committee of the Whole Meeting of November 15, 1999 The following issues were considered at the Committee of the Whole meeting of November 15, 1999 wiA the recommendations being brought to this meeting for Municipal Council consideration and final approval. The Committee of the Whole meeting is open to the public and is held in the Council Chamber at 12:30 p.m. on the Monday the week prior to this meeting. Public Works and Development Services 06.02.01 RZ113199 - 10515 and 10595 - 240 Street and 23950 Zeron Avenue - RS-3 to RS-lb and CD-i -93 - By-law No. 5854-1999 Staff report dated October 19, 1999 recommending that the subject application to permit subdivision into approximately 21 lots be forwarded to Public Hearing and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5854-1999 be read a first time. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 06.02.02 RZ142199 - 21409 Lóugheed Highway - By-law No. 5853-1999 Staff report dated November 2, 1999 recommending that the subject by-law be read a first time. (The development proposal is to provide all the uses currently listed under the CS-i Zone but removes limits on business and professional services and retail usewithin the existing development). The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 06.02.03 RZ152199 —24103 and 24127— 102 Avenue - RS-3 and RS-2 to R-3 Staff report dated November 2, 1999 recommending that the subject application to permit subdivision into 86 lots be forwarded to Public Hearing subject to the conditions specified in the report. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. r) Page 3 Council Meeting Agenda November 23, 1999 Council Chamber 06.02.04 RZ159199 - 24415— 102 Avenue - RS-3 to R-3 Staff report dated November 2, 199 recommending that the subject application to permit subdivision into 66 lots be forwarded to Public Hearing subject to the conditions specified in the report. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. /o2.o5 AL27/99-11416-27treet Staff report dated Oct9 er 27, 1999 recommending that the subject application to exclude approximag[y 1.9 hectares from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) not be authorize,t6 proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. The Committdconcurred with the recommendation. 06.02.06 RZ162199 - Secondary Suite Review - Amending By-laws Staff report dated October 25, 1999 recommending appropriate readings of several by-law amendments authorized by Council on October 12, 1999 as detailed in the report. The Committee concurred with the recommendation to proceed with the by-law amendments and the adoption of an amended Secondary Suites Policy; The Committee, with the exception of Councillors King and Gordon, concurred with the recommendation to adopt the Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant Policy. 06.02.07 Community Heritage Register (Heritage Inventory) Staff report dated October 28, 1999 providing an update on the public consultation process and recommendations to establish a voluntary Community Heritage Register. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. Page 4 Council Meeting Agenda November 23, 1999 Council Chamber 06.02.08 Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) Agency Agreement Staff report dated October 28, 1999 recommending authorization of the subject agreement to enable District staff to act as agents to deliver the program in Maple Ridge. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 06.02.09 Development Cost Charge Forgiveness— 21610 Dewdney Trunk Road - (Building Permit Application BPC 10919 9) Staff report dated November 1, 1999 recommending approval of a reduction in Development Cost Charges for the subject works in the amount of $9820.00. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 06.02.10 Santa Claus Parade - December 4, 1999 - Request by Chamber. of Commerce to use Municipal Streets Staff report dated November 9, 1999 recommending that the above noted request be approved. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 06.02.11 DVP/44/99 —23233 Kanaka Way Staff report dated November 10, 1999 recommending that the subject application to waive the requirement to convert existing overhead wires to underground facilities on the north side of Kanaka Way be considered at the December 14, 1999 Council Meeting following appropriate notification to adjacent residents. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. Page 5 Council Meeting Agenda November 23, 1999 Council Chamber 06.03 Financial and Corporate Services (includjuR Fire and Police) 06.03.0 1 Year 2000 (Y2K) Action Plan - Status Report Staff report dated October 29, 1999 recommending that the subject document be received for information. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 06.03.02 Local Improvement Petition for Sanitary Sewer - 22948 and 22906 - 128 Avenue - By-law No. 5844-1999 Staff report dated October 28, 1999 recommending that the subject by-law be granted three readings. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 06.03.03 Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk, NWT - Acknowledgmentfrom the Mayor Letter from the Mayor of Tuktoyaktuk dated September 17, 1999 (1) expressing appreciation regarding the Trans-Canada Trail Monument created by a resident of Maple Ridge and now located on the Arctic Ocean and (2) suggesting that the Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk and Maple Ridge become Sister Communities. Referred without a recommendation. 06.03.04 Traffic Fine Revenue Sharing Municipal Share Letter from the Honourable Jim Doyle, Minister of Municipal Affairs, dated November 1, 1999 in response to a query by the Mayor. - recommendation to receive for information. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. Page 6 Council Meeting Agenda November 23, 1999 Council Chamber 06.04 Community Development and Recreation Service Nil 06.04.01 Cemetery By-law Amendments Staff report dated November 3, 1999 recommending that Maple Ridge Cemetery By-law No. 5784-1999 be granted three readings. The by-law reflects the following changes: • revisions in wording to remove outdated clauses, etc; • approval of a 5% increase in Cemetery fees for 2000; and • repeal of Maple Ridge Cemetery By-law No. 2789-1980. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 06.05 Other Issues 06.05.0 1 Downtown Core Redevelopment (Maple Ridge Centre Project) - Update 07 MAYOR'S REPORTS 08 COUNCILLORS 'REPORTS - LIAISONS TO COMMITTEES Page 7 Council Meeting Agenda November23, 1999 Council Chamber 09 VISITOR A CKNO WLEDGMENT 10 ADJOURNMENT 11 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to seek clarification about an item on the agenda or other Municipal matter. Council will not tolerate derogatory remarks directed at Council andlor staff during the Question Period. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes only to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). The total Question Period is limited to 20 minutes. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the office of the Municipal Clerk who can be contacted at 463-5221. s.karasz Page 8 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Council Appointments 1998 - 1999 By Resolution I Mayor Carl Durksen 1 Audit Committee Corporate Management Team Court of Revision - Frontage Tax Assessment Roll Emergency Planning Committee Greater Vancouver Regional District - includes the functions of water, sewerage & drainage, and hospital Greater Vancouver Regional District - Transportation & Strategic Planning Committee Greater Vancouver. Transportation Authority Local Joint Committee on Community Corrections (FCM) Maple Ridge Elderly Citizens Housing Society Maple Ridge Foundation Municipal Insurance Association of British Columbia Parks & Leisure Services Commission MB/PM Ridge Meadows Youth & Justice Advocacy Association Councillor Tom Baker Acting Mayor - October & November(1998/1999) Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues - First Alternate Commercial Zone Review Committee Emergency Planning Committee Greater Vancouver Regional District-First Alternate mci. the functions of water, sewerage & drainage, parks, and hospital Greater Vancouver Regional District-Sewerage&Drainage Corn Maple Ridge Downtown Parking Society Parks and Leisure Services Commission - Second Alternate Ridge Meadows Recycling Society I Councillor Jim C!ements Acting Mayor - December(1997/1998) & January (1998/1999) Advisory Design Panel - First Alternate Audit Committee Arts & Cultural Policy Implementation Committee B.C. Aviation Council E-Comxn. Corp. Greater Vancouver Regional District-Labour-Relations Bureau Greater Vancouver Regional District-Parks Pitt Meadows Airport Society - First Alternate I Councillor Candacs Gordon - - A 1MaSF Aiil&May (199811999) Arts & Cultural Policy Investigation Committee Audit Committee Bicycle Advisory Committee Commercial Zone Review Committee Employee Awards Committee Fraser Basin Council Greater Vancouver Regional District-Labour Relations Bureau - First Alternate - Heritage Advisory Committee Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee Parks & Leisure Services Commission MR/PM-First Alternate Ridge Meadows Arts Council Social Planning Advisory Committee Standing Committee Budget Committee - Chair Committee of the Whole - Member Development Agreements Committee - Chair Ex-officto member of all standing committees Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Labour Management Committee - Member BigetComnteMàmber Committee of the Whoià - Member Labour Management Committee - Member By Resolution [Councillor Linda King Acting Mayor - February & March (1998/1999) Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues Alouette Management Committee Alouette River Management Society B.C. Assessment Authority Bicycle Advisory Committee - First Alternate Court of Revision (Frontage Tax) Elderly Citizens' Recreation Association Heritage Advisory Committee - First Alternate Municipal Insurance Association of B.C.. First Alternate Parks & Leisure Services Commission MR/PM Secondary Suites Social Planning Advisory Committee - First Alternate Year 2000 Millennium Committee Youth Advocacy Committee Councillor Betty Levens Acting Mayor- August & September (1998/1999) 25' Anniversary Committee Communities in Bloom Committee Douglas College Advisory Committee Economic Advisory Commission Elderly Citizens Recreation Association Fraser Valley Regional Library - First Alternate Greater Vancouver Regional District - Communications, Education & Culture Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee - First Alternate Maple Ridge Chamber of Commerce - First Alternate Municipal Insurance Association of B. C. - Second Alternate. Parks & Recreation Services Committee - Third Alternate Pitt Meadows Airport Society I Councillor Ken Stewart Acting Mayor - June & July (1998/1999) Advisory Design Panel Audit Committee Citizens Advisory Board to Corrections Commercial Zone Review Committee Community Forest Steering Committee Court of Revision (Frontage Tax) Economic Advisory Connnittee - First Alternate Emergency pl2nn:ng Committee Fraser Valley Regional Library Lower Mainland Municipal Assoc. - Flood Control and River Management Committee - First Alternate Maple Ridge Chamber of Commerce Parks & Leisure Services Commission Chief Administrative Officer General Manager: Publlc Works & Development Services Acting Mayor Municipal Clerk Standing Committee Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Budget Committee - Member Committee of the Whole - Member Development Agreements Committee - Member Lower MainInd Treaty Advisory Committee - Alternate Development Agreements Committee - Alternate Development Agreements Committee - Alternate Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee 7 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES November 4, 1999 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Carl Durksen, Chairman Robert Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary SD/28/99 LEGAL: Lots 7 & 8, Plan 8005 and Lot 16, Plan 8679; all of Section 20, Township 12, New Westminster District LOCATION: 12078, 12092 Fraser Street & 22480 121 Avenue OWNER: Greater Vancouver Regional District REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Subdivision Plan THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING PLAN AS IT RELATES TO SD/28/99. CARRIED BARBER, DOUGLAS & MARIA & PAUL & JESSIE LEGAL: Lots 1 & 2, District Lot 407 & 409, Group 1, Plan 72047, New Westminster District LOCATION: 24190 & 24198 Lougheed Highway OWNER: Douglas & Maria Barber; Paul & Jessie Barber REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Release of Covenant - Subdivision Servicing Agreement THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING AGREEMENT AS I/RELATE TO DOUGLAS, MARIA, PAUL, & JESSIE BARBER. CARRILDT? / -,L- -Mãiirl Durkse Robert Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer Chairman Member D3 — RW 18394 PP119 P 281h9 - -- -- - A- f -- 41 15 _ P 1181 P 8914 -- 1914 he Rem P. .ON of LOT F 39 In LMP 13628 39 O Tate OO ho Igho RW 80478 Sho. (IM I P 35292 F.fl.W j LMS 3721 P 21095 IMS 873 EP 70164 - RW 81544. P 86603 PARK LMP 2?4 Rem. 326 1.274 ho 3.136 ho 132 P 28402 I I P 26401 P 52376 c..4 Rem 3 as I1 8496 L 232 Rem. 304 305 A :W 45029 11157 a. P 16852 rP 15022 EP 72617 28 IMP 37897 — LMP 24828 L 30616(I.ca.) Cl 23 - - — -' 12751 a. 1272? - 3 SP NW1688 El11 .414 ho 1212? i9 C4 E C4 C1 12 21l i P 2 iiz P 61324 875 I J l270 JO.4oeho 8 7 jo j 9i 10 °. 12W 13 20 . I21 *. — 120.1 718 19 20 io1___ mu 10 15 - I fri I IMP ._. a.1 ia. I IMP 39562 (lea..) I 1 ________ I M445 - It - 979 87 War - Rem 7 15 14 113 12 11 I I A__________ __ I, I _ 9 JiIJiJ ii 9839 I IMP 8 LMp 47Qg 118 l 4 I I -IiJut I'm) .- 124 , 3 a. P 49034 41.110426 2 Rem 52 Qlimr l 2 I 118 he Re 302 I I R6. II I 5004 " ' AJ P 61656-s EP 9471 - WF ;om—_Ii!r I1LI15 L.14 A I I __ 'IImi— lP4488 I 33 i L i I'PP094 - RP 69394 DEVAMICY 7RUNK earn P60451 Imo' II CP 1 Al _ Mn_ -L Aful tiL 4w2403 a. ACW ' op 2 "GW43 urn W 6ee45 CATh +9- -1 i I . Iioog• I I I ioog koog I Vil RP8103 LMP 36343 10110)12 '1'1009S 1008h. 1009 ____ 100 1008 3' 4 1008 100 E 51 I - I I - 1flD A\/ k'4I' !_- ~M; 5 NJ o 10002 Cl) 9990 —4 P 25341 P 25341 4 I. -/1 Rem5 Rem LOUGHEED HWy NJ 0 (I). —I Rem3 P6254 9817 1 PARK LMP 35728 Rem 1 P 23833 Rem Rem West I C.. C.. CN P*Ty Rem 7 P6053 Rem 1 Rem. 1 -' P72O47/' ' co C.. Rem.2 P72047 P11584 Rem 1 P 37674 P 6664 - Reml6 Reml8 Rem 15 P 908 Cq RE vO ,zql4 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 5832-1999 (12689 227B St.) DATE: October 8, 1999 FILE NO: RZJ33/99 ATTN: CofW - PW&Dev SU\'EMARY: - This development proposal is to create one lot approximately 486 ml in area. Council gave favourable consideration to the above noted application July 13, 1999 with the stipulation that prior to being presented ata Public Hearing, the following would be complied with: 1) Fully, dimensioned development plan showing the following: neighbourhood context plan: site plan: C) contextual building scheme. The above has been received and it is recommended that 1st reading be given to the subject bylaw. RECOvfME(DATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5832-1999 be given First Reading. - Dave Stevenson, P!annieg Technician R. W. Robe on, v1CIP, AICP J. Chie( Administrative Omcer Gje1 M rPublic Works and Development Servicen 12795 12798 - 20 12197 5f 12792 '2798 ________ _______ .52 I A P I6l 22 12790 .2789 I J 12 2 19 12793 49 50 12786 - 2 12785 '2782 W — Rem 42 12780 C 757 12779 __________ 12778 48 47 12763 st ______ 12777 3 l2779 12772 . 12775 __ 12774 __ __ 24 12770 I',) __ 12769 __ '2766 C A 12765 17 12771 1277% 6 V.- LMP 19646 > 12752 25 ____ 12760 _______ 12759 C/) I & -J 7 12751 12758 B 12755 CJ) 12763 16 26 __ D I P. 12737 5 5 __ 12752 12749 12750 _____ 1 12745 3 \127so I2?53 41 15 42 12711 r2l ________ 12745 _______ 27 \ 12712 \ 45 a LMP 12732 12717 \ 12740 12733 . [114909 6 7 'tMP 28 40 39 1 2731 12138 12735 ________ 14909 12742 9 3 LMP 35902 12737 12730 29 12729 12730 I 12126 38 7 12721 10 .- 2 12730 '27 27 ___ 12722 12723 721 2 A 12727 12720 12717 12720 - 2 J 4 LM 35902 ________ LMP 2 12719 36 ______ ______ 35 3 54 55 56 57 12703/05 - - 31 _LM1 11 0. Q- 1 _____ 112716 ______ 12710 _____ 12709 12710 — — — N N \12712 0. ' 12711 AS 1 2 32 114909 LM 1270 t 7 AVE 12710 ________ _______ LMP \LMP362 1 -2 t'3 '4 — 2 6 1 =12704 12696 12707 '2703 • N N N N N WI '0 ______ N N N N N - - - - N A N -i 6 1 5 1_MI 26314 — tn — 12650 12701 SUBJECTPROPERT'r AS - 127PL A B 12664 — — -- — 2 1 0. A MP '' 39Q4 12678 D • {'d N N 'CO. ______ 12689 ' N14 N N N I N N 10 8 716 RS-312667 28 21 22 12656 r- 9 8 7 6 N LMF 1270 ) - — 29 12671 23 12650 N N 19 c' 12669 12631 U. '2642 30 -J c, 1 26B AVE - 1265$ 24 18 0- P 23424 12636 31 -J 12 1314 1414 IS14 16 17 v 25 12643 12538 , 12630 - I- I- f II MP 1 973 26 - 12620 359 P 621 t P 6262 I 366 / (0 I 14 1tJf1IN NV.4 12610 N __________ 3 2 BALABANIAN CIA 1 AM-1 12593/97 385 3 386 (j ____________ P 6821 F1 69264 397 (22733 12588 2 4 . P.. 22710 e 22740 (/) P 77079 P 84690 N f jr... 369 12576 2 2750 B LAIBANIAN 12603 22760 I 1252I 383 L/392 /393 \ 370 1 N N jz P.1 122747 _____ 371 N a. 2 12553 12517 Cl) P 68621 _____ _____ 1 251$ . l5 \3720- r sQB C'SJ 387 12553 WI WI 16 12 13fl I I I I N RZ/33/99 A 1 . CORPORATION 0 SCALE, 1:2,500 - Incorporaied MAPLE RIDGE 12. SepI.mbe, DATE: Jun 8 1999 1074 MAPLE RIDGE PNNING DEPARTMENT FILE: - BY: JB CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5832- 1999 A By-law to amend zoning on v1ap "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510. 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law N'o. 3510 - 1985 as amended NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law r'Io. 5832 - 1999." That parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot D, Section 20, Township 12, Plan LMP39034, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1217 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to R-1 (Residential District). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No.3510- 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of A.D. 199. READ a second time the day of A.D. 199. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 199. _RCONSLDEREDANDFNAiLYADOPTEDhi day of A.D. - 199. MAYOR CLERK 10 9 8 7 6 .MP 12OO 6 P 23424 /2626 0.443 he A RP 22408 0.443 he I 'p /2566 0 2 P_77079d P 8459 1' 22 I I -,''--' EP 83 ,p .. --- F2m I 71-77__ 24 I12770 '29/2766 C 46 LA 12765 '27&1( 44 -I21$7 0 dl 12751 j 26 /2750 6 IMP T646 _[25 3 1 F2744 8 \ 45 274F /2745 /2742 27 \ \ 41 42 8 4 ~6p 14909 127.72 /272.1 O.8O 10 140 t4 40 /2742 t2 12725 IMP 1490928 /2721 IMP 3590 12727 .f l27 /2779 127 A 1 3 f77g5 29 37 38 - 1 O - - - - 57 - - - -1 10 2 12722 30 - - - 4 .MP375,.. 2 1272. A Ô 12127 " I I - '270.7705 LUPI 35902 7 12719 36 1 56 C14 f 57 c'31 _ /2770 /27,7 N. 11 CL . t /27/S 2 127035 I LMP 149O /2 277/0 1 - /2717 2 4 IMP 14909 1 I2 IMP 739 332 uu' I 12400 *413 12704 1 u -- I : - 2637 /2667 '2& /2701 127 w 127 Pt.AE o04 12664 ___________ 26373 7 A u1 C/ 7[I 22 /2677 /2667 28 /2676_ 8-N 7 (60 29 . J 12010 N 2S.i1 /2610 t 0te 9 " 1 268 A. - 24 ____ j 78 25 _p_rI3 f .. ____ ____ \ ,731 1 1.3 14 15 6 1•'S\ 1292 /26.77 /2620 35%P 6 ' 368/ - -- 1 73 26 _ '1 /367 ) r_a. 686 iSA g t EP 686 ISA is /25SJ,' 3851 .386 359P 6 21P 69 397 r.7 .369 .3 EP 72133;/ 390 .,383 391 1392 393 12501 23jJ 1t\t P 68621 13 372 a. ALI4MP 858 l MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5832-1999 - Map No. 1217 - From: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) To: R-1(Residential District) - - - - -- . - -A MAPLE RIDGE - - Lncorporitd 12 3.pt.mb.r. 1874 - . - - 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: RZ/33/99 (12689 - 227B St.) DATE: June 14, 1999 FILE NO: R2./33/99 ATTN: C of W - PW & Dcv I EXECUTIVE SWvIMARY: An application has been submitted to rezone the westerly portion of property located at 12689 227B St. to R-1 (Residential District). The applicant is requesting that Council favourably consider this rezoning application in order to facilitate a subdivision creating one additional parcel approximately 525 m in area. This is an infill development guided by the objectives of Policy 25 of the Official Community Plan. II RECOMMENDATION: That application RZJ33/99 (for property located at 12689 227B St.) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated June 14, 1999 from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to R.1 (Residential District) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum. Condition to be met prior to first reading: 1) Fully dimensioned development plan including: Neighbourhood context plan; Site plan; - Contextual .buiiding scheme. And that j,rior to final approval the following must be complete: 1) A Restrictive Covenant for building design must be registered at the Land Title Office to insure the new homes are compatible with the existing neighbourhood. III BACKGROUND: Applicant: Genesis Development Consultants Owner: Ace Woodworks Ltd. Legal Description: Lot D, Sec. 20, Tp. 12, Plan LN'39034, NWD -1- Existing: Single Family Residential (15 upnh) Proposed: Single Family Residential (15 upnh) Zoning: Existing: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Proposed: R-.1 (Residential District) Surrounding Uses: N: Single Family Residential S: Single Family Residential E: Single Family Residential W: Single Family Residential Existing Use of Property: Single Family Residential Proposed Use of Property: Single Family Residential Access:• 127 Avenue Servicing: full urban Previous Applications: n/a IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The subject property is 1300 m in area. This would typically yield two lots 650 m2 each. However there is an existing home that occupies the east side of the property. In order to maintain the required 7.5 m rear yard setback for the existing home, the new lot, fronting 127 Ave. will be approximately 525 m 2 in area. Although the lot will be smaller than the average lot in this neighbourhood, the width of the lot at the building line equals the minimum width of a conventional RS-1 lot (18 rn). V PLANNING ANALYSIS (i) Official Community Plan Policy 25 of the Official Community Plan was introduced to facilitate this type of small scale infill development. This policy encourages small scale housing development which maintains the overall housing density in existing residential neighbourhoods is suitably integrated and respects the character of the neighbourhood. This neighbourhood was created in December 1993. The lots range from 668 m2 to 798 m 2. However the majority of the parcels are between 668 m 2 and 670 in2. The subject property is one of two remaining large lots in the im.mediate neighbourhood. The other large lot, located at 12710 - 227 St. has been preplanned as a two lot subdivision achievable under the existing RS-1 zoning. Accordingly this subdivision proposal will be the only small scale infihl development in this neighbourbood. To insure that the house constructed on this lot respects the intent of Policy 25, it is recommended that a Restrictive Covenant for building design be registered against the lot. -2- 12798 I 2799 I •1 I I I $ - 13 20 '2797 52 12796 '2792 229 3t iee A 12 19 50 2 - _______ _______ ______ '3 P 161 2 12785 i21711 12776 12763 S Rem 42 Lto 18 23 t2j 11 _________ __ '4 12772 —I 12715 12774 24 '2770 12769 12766 C '4 10 f'.) 17 45 45 4 12771 12711 1275$ I 12762 25 L 6 ____ 12756 j_J o 12760 12759 i -1215! 9 (/3 1 12763 I 43 5 I l27S7 rl 12751 ) 12755 16 26 ________________ 1127S2 12750 12749 12750 '!J 45 12741 8 ( 4 LMP 14909 '2742 12740 6 12732 12747 12740 12733 12736 12735 ¶MP 28 4.0 39'MP ____________ ____________ 12742 9 3 1 2731 ______________ ______________ JLMP 35902 12737 r1273o '2729 ZT AV 127271 12728 29 I 37 38 12730 12721 A 12727 ________________ 10 ,. 2 1 12722 121231 I c 30 12720 12711 1r3- H - 31 (12710 LM 14909 I 2 I 4 LMP _______ '2720 - 12703105 ] LMP135902 - '2719 36 ( 35 I 54 I 55 i 561 11 a. . 1 RS 1 12718 ____ 12710 I 12709 - 112710 F~L270. \12712 a. ' 12711 I LM 1270- 2 32__________LMP 1149097AVE LMP362 MP13p73 h12 L3 L4 2 lcD 4 2707 6 A -1 6 1 5 2696 1 3 - tMo 26314 — 126871 112680 12701 S DR 127 PL _________________ USJEC OPE Al B II '. Ii., - _______ " I 0. 26897 !;~, - 12618 l I k I RS-3 12667 $126 5628 8 I 29(\\ / 12631 12642 LM H27ob / i 12669 10 1265$ 126B AVE '2858 — - B 24 P 23424 25 12643 12636 UMP 1b973 12631 26 A 359 P 6621 P 69262 366 / 12520 I (O ml eTh / RP22408 010 1(O0 DI IlC L--r 112610 CL __________________ 368&Ik 1 AM—i 385 BALABANJAN CIR lw I 12588 2 12593197 386 P 6821 /o p ___ I I 22710 __________ ___________ 369 I 12578 2 ________ L 22 39 I L ('3 P 77079 P84690 22700 90 400 iso 12603 LABANIAN CJR P 6 22760J 370 _ I - 12 12521J 22747 C-, 371 cv 51 CY CL 2!.... 382 16 0co / P652 372 to N; 12517 1251 7cco IAR 12553i387 I \12H1 r%j 11 A rcç L" RZ133/99 " CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICTOF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RiDGE I IorporaIed 12. 1674 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Jun 9 Fli 3CALE: 1:2,500 KEY MAP ____ E)T. SINL. Ai4 HoMa . V.. -V V ... V - V •V'• // V.. I2i \/EkLJ 14-14'SM ____ • -.7 . 0-7 (j / 1 fj \ _ji Fcr'rM-4r •—.'t-cc . .1 Ill - rAZ I - . s•.1 .- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE By-law No. 5849 - 1999 A By-law to authorize the construction of works as a Local Improvement project under the provisions of the Municipal Act. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act and amendments thereto, Council may, by by-law authorize the installation of works as a Local Improvement and authorize the borrowing of funds necessary; AND WHEREAS, legal petition(s) have been received by one hundred percent (100%) of the property owners of two (2 ) parcels in an area of the Municipality requesting construction and installation of 50m of main line sanitary sewer and two service connections, and the said petitions have been signed by the minimum required two-thirds (2/3) majority of the owners of the two (2) parcels to be specially charged; AND WHEREAS, the above mentioned petition have been certified by the Clerk was being sufficient ui all respects; - AND WHEREAS, Council has received a report from the Municipal Engineer stating that: The Lifetime of Works is fifteen (15) years; The estimated cost of the works is $22,400.00 The proportion of the total costs which will be specially charged against the parcels benefiting from or abutting on the works is 100%. AND WHEREAS, the proportion of the cost of the works to be specially charged against the parcels is in accordance with Maple Ridge Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 3374 - 1984 as amended. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge 124 Avenue Local Improvement €onstruction-By-1aw-No 5849— 1999". The installation and construction of the following works is hereby authorized for each of the properties: 50m of 200mm diameter sanitary sewer with 2 service connections. 3. Council is hereby empowered and authorized to undertake and carry out installation of the hereinafter stated works, in accordance with general plans on file in the municipal offices as a local improvement project and to do all things necessary in connection therewith and without limiting the generality of the foregoing: By-law No. 5849 - 1999 Page (2) to spend the estimated amount of $22,400.00 for the aforesaid purposes; to acquire all such property, easements, rights-of-way, licenses, rights or authorities as may be requisite or desirable for or in connection with the construction of the said works. The said works shall be installed in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared and approved by the Municipal Engineer. One Hundred Percent (100%) of the net cost estimated to be $22,400.00 for the installation and construction of the said works shall be specifically charged against the parcels benefiting from and abutting or deemed to abut the said works, either over a period of ten (10) years or as a one time payment. The parcel(s) which benefit from, abut or are deemed to benefit from the said works are those specified in Schedule "A". The Municipality shall pay any difference each year, between the total cost of the works and the amount raised by the special charges against the aforesaid parcels. For the purpose of a Security Issuing By-law, under Part 12, Division 3 of the Municipal Act, this by-law is deemed to be a Loan Authorization By-law. The Municipal Collector shall cause to be prepared a Frontage Tax Assessment Roll in accordance with this By-law and the Municipal Act. READ a first time this day of READ a second time this day of READ a third time this day of RECONSIDERED and adopted this day of MAYOR CLERK Attachment: Schedule "A" Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge SCHEDULE "A" Maple Ridge 124 Avenue Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 5849 - 1999 Roll No. Legal Description 2 1001-0300-3 Lot "C", D.L. 248, Group 1, Plan 23730, N.W.D. (21298-124 Avenue) 21001-0200-X Lot "B", D.L. 248, Group 1, Plan 23730, N.W.D. (21310/21314-124Avenue) Lt dIU4U " •-' LU 41 4U14 i \ P82019 F!61S . 358 -. _______ P 078 359 JOW 351 350349 10 11 12 13 14 15 I P1 715 I 'S 372 4 ' \ , . I i' 8 365 , 5 4 4 ' 6 I r 364. , l' 6OPPI 17 A't. 7 go (P 82643 . 7 (L CL 5 3r2!PARK p., P 710 I P 6 a 367 1 41354 E 2 3 I 2 I 9 368 / 6 4 131 P4 EP47 I 51 164 163 1 16 I 172 171 170 169 168 167f 166 16 ,. 4 r- P 81t769 / / 2k?61/7L I ., ..w ,. AVE. P33 ,(P81 1 (P 47355 - ,2jc / 12 P 173 / 147 1P 2'2.38 C,l'! 7— 1 121__ 8 / * 174 I ' LIJL I:t2 / aA / 176 1 151 I a. f I l2. 25 I P .36952 ' 5 9 I ?V74 3 P 81769 I 215 177 152 10 24 a. 199 j EP 60007 2 jiw 51181 178 * * 153 I i P 57057 P 69491 214 l242 I' _ P 51 210 ____ 208 209 211 212 213 179 . 154 L 207k 155 23 22 21 20 19 160 Id 180 18 2470 4 JIp 51180 156 fiwml P1.81 2oej ii4 _ 1_P\51180 \. t*2i 9- 8 5 4 3 2 159 205 I 2041Ii R a. 304 2404 pin A 201 00 199 157 I PI511801 I Ip 510 I P137851 15,2 191192 I 193 194 L 195 196 197 k198 97 I 98 I g 3: 2 C 19 112 15.0 ! U f t 302 [LJAP 11119 _4io- 2 E 2 1 92 93 94 95 309 a. 2 27 2 ____ 3 310 P 7478 flim Sk r 282 12jw lZim 18 20 165S P 8120 P 26156 311 8 3 281 312 112 "3" J_113 21 7! — P 37928 17 _________ __ __ I 189 Z.U7 12 280 31 5 N I 'P 15 4 I 16 22 25 26 21 26 I ,2j& '1W C31 258 323130 71W 6 t 315314 i _I 24 23 2-2 ]34Y ; 123A R 2 Rem rn 3 _ 1 z. 29 35 38 37 38 I _______P l P,L.MP P1 81 j Rem 5 I14 _1312III101 35 2 P17899 a.i P 1 84 c. N23 r#r1IImm iP 80424 2 I u4c' a. "a I 26 1 27 28 29 2 % 3 ]~4 21 32 31 23 _ N CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 17, 1999 and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN Council SUBJECT: 1999 Annual Budget Amending By-law EXECUTIVE SUMIIARY: Following the review of the third quarter actual results it is necessary to amend the 1999 Annual Budget. This will redirect our priorities to respond to economic changes and meet the objectives of Municipal Operations. For our purposes it is classified as the 1999 Recast Budget. The financial results for the General Revenue Fund are favourable and we are projecting a surplus of $463,500 vs. the Annual Budget forecast of $79,800. Improved revenues are the result of increased return on investments, sales of various services, building permits and reduced operating costs in various areas. RECOMMENDATION: That "Maple Ridge Annual Budget Amending By-law No. 5863-1999" be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and "Maple Ridge Annual Budget (Year End) Amending By-law No. 5863-1999"be read a third time. BACKGROUND: Attached for your approval, the proposed amended budget for the consolidated activities (Statement 1), with a further breakdown of the consolidated activities into operating (Statement 2), capital (Statement 3) and reserve funds (Statement 4). The Schedules A, B, & C which represent the operating statements are not based on the consolidated format as are the Statements 1 - 4 but are shown on a fund basis of accounting and are only presented for information. The operating funds are represented by general revenue fund (Schedule A), water operating fund (Schedule B) and sewer revenue funds (Schedule Q. Submitted by: R. W. Ro ertson, A. .C.P., M.C.I.P. J ob Sorba,C.G.A. Chief Administrative Officer Director of Finance gt 'ge,u) CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE By-law No. 5863 - 1999 A By-law to amend the Annual Budget for the 1999 Year The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENA CTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Annual Budget Amending By-law No. 5863 - 1999". That Statements 1,2, 3 and 4 and Schedules "A", "B" and "C" attached to Maple Ridge Annual Budget By-law No. 5805 - 1999 are deleted in their entirety and Statements 1, 2, 3 and 4 and Schedules "A", "B" and "C" attached hereto be substituted thereto. READ a first time the day of 1999. READ a second time the day of 1999. READ a third time the day of 1999. RECONSIDERED and finally adopted the day of 1999. MAYOR CLERK Attachments: Statements 1,2,3&4 Schedules "A", "B" and "C" SCHEDULE "A" GENERAL REVENUE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE 1999 AMENDED BUDGET 1999 AMENDED BUDGET L*!i TAXES $24,394,771 GRANTS IN LIEU OF TAXES Provincial Government 491,000 Others 621,397 TOTAL GRANTS IN LIEU OF TAXES 1,112,397 SALE OF SERVICES 3,578,105 INVESTMENT INCOME 750,000 REALLOCATION OF INTERNAL EQUIPMENT USAGE 1,207,478 OTHER REVENUE FROM OWN SOURCES 3,005,471 GOVERNMENT TRANSFERS - Unconditional 352,000 Conditional 560.458 TOTAL GOVERNMENT TRANSFERS 912,458 OTHER TRANSFERS Cemetety Perpetual Care Fund 11,375 Transfers from own reserves 948,622 Transfers from reserve fimds 71,712 Appropriation from surplus 132.300 .TOTO-SFERS- -- ----- - - ___ TOTAL REVENUE AND TRANSFERS S36.124.689 I, SCHEDULE "A" - CONT'D GENERAL REVENUE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDflljj FOR THE 1999 AMENDED BUDGET 1999 AMENDED BUDGET EXPENDITURE General and administrative expenses $6,325,436 Protective services 10,349,202 Transportation services 3,904,825 Environmental health services Garbage collection and disposal 702,327 Public health services 157,127 Development services - planning and zoning 853,676 Recreational and cultural services 6,010,457 Fiscal services 7.278.338 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS 35-581,388 Surplus (Deficit) for the year 543.301 TOTAL $36.124.689 SCHEDULE "B" BUDGETED SANiTARY SEWER REVENUE FUND ACTIVITIES FOR THE 1999 AMENDED BUDGET 22 1. REVENUE User fees Sewer area rate levy Parcel tax levy Local improvements levy Connection fees Provincial grant - Sewage Facilities Assistance Interest Contribution from DCC Funds TOTAL REVENUE $2,970, 183 239,900 590,695 230,615 100,970 1,330,377 120,000 4L009 S5.630..749 EXPENDITURE Engineering & Finance Department costs Sewage collection systems Sewage lift stations Sewage treatment - GVS & DD Cost sharing— GVS & DD. Debt Charges Principal Interest and US exchange Contribution to Sanitary Sewer Capital Fund Transfer to Sanitary Sewer Reserve Appiuptiation from Surplus TOTAL EXPENDITURE AND TRANSFER Surplus (Deficit) for the year TOTAL $ 155,245 387,196 185,063 1,150,882 1,574,961 798,393 965,646 723,353 6,500 $5,630,749 II SCHEDULE "C" WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM REVENUE FUND ACTIVITIES FOR THE 1999 AMENDED BUDGET REVENUE Sale of water $3,561,004 Parcel tax levy and area bylaws 954,235 Contribution from DCC funds 146,877 Provincial Grant - water facilities assistance 387,965 Connection fees and penalties 216,602 Interest TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURE Salaries and employee benefits $ 389,066 Water purchases 1,720,000 Distribution line maintenance 656,882 Pumping light and power 143,037 Greater Vancouver Water District cost sharing 313,883 Debt Charges Principal 452,466 Interest and US exchange 651,895 Contribution to Water Supply Syátem Capital Fund 1,482,308 Transfer to Own Reserves - Insurance 6,500 Apprpiation from Suiplus (449.354) TOTAL EXPENDITURE AND TRANSFERS S5.366.683 Surplus (Deficit) for the year - TOTAL $5.366.683 I STATEMENT 1 BUDGETTED CONSOLIDATED ACTIVITIES FOR THE 1999 AMENDED BUDGET 1999 AMENDED BUDGET REVENUE iV4 Real property, special assessments, grants in lieu $52,425,265 LESS: Collections for other governments 24.902.652 Total taxes for municipal purposes 27,522,613 Sale of services 3,895,677 Other revenue from own sources 3,005,471 Senior government grants - utilities 1,718,342 Senior government grants - Capital 2,069,710 Development revenue 13,275,858 Provincial transfers 912,458 Invesiment income 0 1,912,580 Utility user fees 6,531,187 Proceeds of disposal and other 11,375 Contributed subdivision infrastructure 0 60,855,271 EXPENDITURES Protective services 12,860,929 Transportation services 13,307,419 Recreation and cultural 16,060,384 Sewer and water facilities 13,034,715 General government 8,593,483 Planning, public health, and other 2,541,705 Reallocation of internal equipment usage (1,207,478) Subdivision infrastructure 0 65,191,157 EXCESS REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURE (4,335486) .PR1NCWAL pa - - ________ INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CONSOLIDATED FUND BALANCES S(6.184.599 STATEMENT 2 BUDGETTED OPERATING ACTIVITIES FOR THE 1999 AMENDED BUDGET REVENUE TAXES Real property, special assessments, grants in lieu LESS: Collections for other governments Total taxes for municipal purposes Sale of services Other revenue from own sources Senior government grants - utilities Development fees Provincial transfers Investment income Utility user fees Other EXPENDITURES Protective services Transportation services Recreation and cultural Sewer and water facilities General government Public and environmental health Reallocation of internal equipment usage EXCESS REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURE TRANSFERS (TO) CAPITAL TRANSFERS (TO) RESERVES PRINCIPAL PAYMENTS INCREASE (DECREASE) IN OPERATING FUND BALANCES 1999 AMENDED BUDGET $52,425,265 24.902.652 27,522,613 3,895,677 3,005,471 1,718,342 591,598 912,458 970,000 6,531,187 11.375 45,158,721 10,349,202 4,339,325 6,200,658 8,293,756 6,375,436 1,713,130 (1.207.478) 36,064,029 9,094,692 (5,466,104) (2,134,718) (1.848.713) S (354.843) INCREASE (DECREASE) IN OPERATING FUND BALANCES: General Revenue - Schedule A Water Revenue - Schedule B Sewer Revenue - Schedule C Less approptiations from surplus $543,301 (898.144) S(354.843) STATEMENT 3 BUDGETED CAPITAL ACTIVITIES FOR THE 1999 AMENDED BUDGET REVENUES ALLOCATED TO CAPITAL FU?4DS Senior government grants Development fees INTERNAL TRANSFERS Transfer from Revenue Funds Transfer from Reserve Funds LESS: CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Protective Services Transportation Recreation and Cultural Sewer and Water General Government Public and Environmental Health TOTAL CHANGE IN CAPITAL FUND BALANCE $ 2,069,710 12.684.260 14,753,970 5,466,104 15.284.702 20,750,806 2,511,727 8,673,352 9,859,726 5,035,701 2,218047 828.575 29.127.128 $ 6377.648 STATEMENT 4 BUDGETTED RESERVE FUND ACTWIT[ES FOR THE 1999 AMENDED BUDGET 1999 AMENDED BUDGET INTEREST ALLOCATED TO RESERVES $ 942,580 LESS: Internal Transfers Transfer from Revenue Funds 2,134,718 Transfer to Capital Funds (15.284.702) (13,149,984) INCREASE (DECREASE) IN RESERVE FUND BALANCES (12.201404) TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL FUNDS Local Improvement (1,309,500) Equipment Replacement (1,049,402) Capital Works (4,364,987) Fire Department Capital Acquisitions (1,202,400) Specific Committed Projects (5,953,141) Recycling (463,500) Community Development (698,658) Recreation Facility Maintenance (243.114) ($15.284.702) CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 17, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: 0550-20-01/CIRE1 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Council-Fin & Corp SUBJECT: Council Indemnity and Expenses Amending By-law No. 5862-1999 EXECUTWE SUMMARY: The Council Indemnity Review Committee made a presentation at the Council meeting held November 9, 1999. A copy of this report is available from the City Clerk's office and was distributed at that time. The Committee recommended an increase for the Mayor and Councillors as follows: Current Proposed 2000 Proposed 2001 Proposed 2002 Mayor $55,162 $55,462 $55,462 $55,462 Councillors 18,387 19,187 19,437 19,687 RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Council Indemnity and Expenses Amending By-law No. 5862-1999 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and Maple Ridge Council Indemnity and Expenses Amending By-law No. 5862-1999 be read a third time. - Qi? CUy\-- Prepared b : Trevor Wingrovk) Municipal Clerk Approved by: John Leeburn, B m. Concu/rence: Robert W. hobertson, A.I.C.P., M.C.LP. Chief Administrative Officer //kk Attachment LI 10 4001,00 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5862-1999 A By-law to further amend Maple Ridge Council Indemnity And Expenses By-law No. 5026-1994 WHEREAS pursuant to Section 215 of the Municipal Act, R.S.B.C., 1996, Chapter 323 and amendments thereto, the Council may by by-law provide for one or more payments to Council members. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law shall be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Council Indemnity and Expenses Amending By-law No. 5862-1999". That Sections 3(a) and 3(b) of Maple Ridge Council Indemnity and Expenses By-law No. 5026-1994 are hereby repealed in their entirety and replaced with: "3. (a) Effective January 1, 2000: The annual remuneration for the Mayor or an Acting Mayor appointed under Section 220 of the Municipal Act for the discharge of the duties of office shall be $55,462.00 per annum; The annual remuneration for a Councillor for the discharge of the duties of office shall be $19,187.00 per annum. (b) Effective January 1, 2001: The annual remuneration for the Mayor or an ActingMayor appointed under Section 220 of the Municipal Act for the discharge of the duties of office shall be $55,462.00 per annum; The annual remuneration for a Councillor for the discharge of the duties of office shall be $19,487.00 per annum." (c) ffectiveJau nary-I, 2002.. (i) The annual remuneration for the Mayor or an Acting Mayor appointed under Section 220 of the Municipal Act for the discharge of the duties of office shall be $55,462.00 per annum; (ii) The annual remuneration for a Councillor for the discharge of the duties of office shall be $19,787.00 per annum." By-law No. 5862-1999 Page 2 3. That Sections 3(c) and 3(d) of Maple Ridge Council Indemnity and Expenses By-law No. 5026-1994 are hereby renumbered 3(d) and 3(e) consecutively. READ a first time the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the day of RECONSIDERED and adopted the MAYOR CLERK 1999. 1999. 1999. day of 1999. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: 99/11/15 and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Council SUBJECT: Final Reading- Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Final Reading- Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Fee Bylaw No. 5764-1999 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Staff have drafted, for Council's consideration, a newly revised Soil Deposit Regulation Bylaw No. 5763-1999 and Soil Deposit Fee Bylaw No. 5764-1999 taking into consideration the processing of permit applications within the Agricultural Land Reserve, and the need for improved bylaw enforcement and permit fee adjustments. On May 25th, 1999 both of these bylaws received 3rd reading from Council and on October 13, 1999 Bylaw No. 5 764-1999 was approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. Following concerns raised by Council regarding the permit approval process for applications within the Agricultural Land Reserve staff have reviewed the bylaws taking into consideration: (1) the responsibility the District has to participate in the processing of soil deposit applications within the ALR; and (2) how the District could better influence the requirements of the permit process when and if the District was involved. Staff would like to recommend, having discussed the matter with legal counsel, that Council consider adopting both bylaws as they are written. RECOMMENDATIONS That the Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation Bylaw No. 5763-1999 be reconsidered and adopted; and That the Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Fee Amending Bylaw No. 5764-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. BACKGROUND The Municipal Act provides Council with the authority to regulate or prohibit the deposit of soil on any land within the municipality or in any area of the municipality. The deposit of soil has been regulated in the District of Maple Ridge since 1991. The bylaw was originally established to ensure that deposit activities were carried out in a safe and sound manner to try and ensure no adverse impact on adjacent lands. I believe that this is still the reason the District regulates the deposit of soil in Maple Ridge and that this speaks to the justification of the District remaining involved in the processing of ALR soil deposit applications. The District's legal counsel is of the opinion that with proper notification the District could remove itself from application processing in the ALR but staff are not supportive of this approach at this time. The land encompassed within the ALR in Maple Ridge is much larger than just the unprotected floodplain areas of 224th Street and the District would be eliminating itself from having any opportunity to comment on applications in a wide range of upland and lowland areas of the community. With the adoption of the new Soil Deposit Bylaw the District will be able to permit under its own bylaw fill activities within the ALR, including those sites exempted under the Soil Conservation Act by the Agricultural Land Commission. This has been reviewed and confirmed by legal counsel. Under Soil Deposit Regulation Bylaw No. 5763-1999 applications for works within a floodplain will now require the submission of a report by a professional engineer (Section 7.17) certifying that: - there will be no more settling or subsidence of land, a building or a structure on the property or adjoining properties; and - adjoining properties will not be subject to increased flooding caused directly from stormwater runoff from the subject site. For works within the floodplain the District may also take a $1000/hectare security to ensure permit compliance (Section 9). CONCLUSION It is the opinion of District staff that the amendments proposed for the soil deposit permit process would improve applicant accountability and permit compliance affording greater protection to the environment and adjacent property owners both in and outside of the Agricultural Land Reserve. Prepared by: Kim Groye, P.Ag. L' Mana&er of Environmental Affairs Approved by: Ti of Long Range Planning Approvel". JakëJ. RudolpltcAICP, MCIP-. Public Works & Development Services A 0-- U)z Concurrêh'ce: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge BY-LAW NO. 5763- 1999 A BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE PLACEMENT OF FILL ON LAND IN THE DISTRICT. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation Bylaw No. 4569-1991 as amended. NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: CITATION 1.1 This bylaw may be cited for all purposes as the "Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation Bylaw No. 5763-1999". 1.2 The "Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation Bylaw No.4569-1991" and amendments thereto is hereby repealed in its entirety and replaced with the following: DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Bylaw: "Soil" means clay, silt, sand, gravel, cobbles, boulders, peat or other substance of which land is naturally composed, or any other combination of these substances. "Other material" means construction, building or demolition wastes such as masonry rubble, concrete rubble, asphalt, plaster, lumber, metal, shingles, glass, gyproc or any other material derived from building demolition and construction; hog fuel, sawdust, shavings, edgings, or other wood waste which results from the manufacturing process of lumber or other wood products; land clearing wood waste, consisting of stumps, brush and logs or any other waste derived from land clearing activities; waste material derived from commercial, industrial and manufacturing activities. "Deposit" means the act temporarily or permanently placing fill on any lands within the District of Maple Ridge other than that where it originated, including a stockpile or other storage facility. Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 2 "Fill" means any "soil" or "other material" defined herein brought on land within the District of Maple Ridge. "Building Project" means any construction that involves the erection, alteration, replacement, addition, removal, move and/or demolition of buildings, structures and all appurtenances thereto including without limitation, plumbing, sewer, drainage, septic, electrical, gas, oil, and includes all site preparation, excavation, filling and grading. "The Manager of Environmental Affairs" means the Manager of Environmental Affairs for the District of Maple Ridge and/or their designate. "Bylaw No. 5764-1999" means the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge bylaw to impose fees for soil deposit permit applications and to impose fees for the deposit of soil or other fill material on land. "Bylaw No. 5535-1996" means the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge bylaw to regulate outdoor burning in the District of Maple Ridge. APPLICATION 3.1 This Bylaw applies to all land within the District of Maple Ridge. Where lands proposed to be filled are designated as agricultural land reserve pursuant to the Soil Conservation Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, Chapter 10, the District will require an application pursuant to the Soil Conservation Act, R.S.B.C., Chapter 434 be made to Agricultural Land Commission prior to District approval. 3.2 An approval or exemption to fill under the authority of the Soil Conservation Act in no way relieves the owner or his/her agents of the responsibility of adhering to all local bylaws of the District of Maple Ridge and Provincial legislation, including, but not limited to, the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. 3.3 For filling within Development Permit Areas as designated in the District of Maple Ridge Official Community Plan No. 5434-1996 a Development Permit needs to be applied for that would meet the requirements of a soil deposit permit. PROHIBITIONS 4.1 Subject to Section 5 of this Bylaw, no person will cause or permit the placement of "fill" on any land within the District of Maple Ridge until a permit has been granted pursuant to this Bylaw. 4.2 No person will cause or permit the placement of other material on any land within the District of Maple without a valid permit or exemption under the Waste Management Act, S.B.C., 1982, c. 41 and amendments thereto, and until a permit has been granted pursuant to this Bylaw. 4.3 Not withstanding Section 4.1, no person will cause or permit the placement of fill on any land within the Agricultural Land Reserve unless the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission grants written approval or exemption under the Soil Conservation Act to the District of Maple Ridge. Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 3 4.4 Any fill placed without a permit must be removed from the land. Failure to remove the fill will constitute an offence under this Bylaw. 5. PERMIT EXEMPTIONS Provided the placement of fill is carried out in compliance with the relevant provisions of this Bylaw and subject to the provisions of the Soil Conser.'ation Act, a permit may not be required: 5.1 where the fill is used for construction, improvement, repair or maintenance of a highway; 5.2 where the fill is used for the construction, improvement, repair or maintenance of public works or services undertaken by a governmental authority; 5.3 where soil is from or on parks and municipally owned lands and is conducted by or on behalf of the District of Maple Ridge and in accordance with the standards of this bylaw and accepted Erosion Control or other Best Management Practices; 5.4 where the fill is placed and stored on land for the purpose of being used as an ingredient or component in the manufacture of topsoil on the same property; 5.5 where fill is placed as a necessary element in the construction of a work, building or structure authorized by a plumbing permit or a building permit issued by the District of Maple Ridge, provided such plumbing or building permit and the plans pertaining thereto disclose the placement of fill and the resulting elevations of the land in relation to the work, building or structure authorized by the plumbing permit or building permit with the extent of the fill limited to the creation of an acceptable building envelope; 5.6 where the volume of soil placed on a parcel in one year does not exceed 50 cubic meters; 5.7 where the soil is placed pursuant to a preliminary subdivision approval in respect of which subdivision examination fees have been paid, or pursuant to either a subdivision servicing agreement, rezoning devlopment agreement or building project permit entered into between the owner of the land on which the soil is to be placed and the District; provided that in all such cases the placement of soil is carried out in accordance with the terms of the preliminary subdivision approval or-agreement as-the case may be including any eiigineering plans and specifications forming part thereof and in accordance with the terms of this bylaw; 5.8 where fill is placed pursuant to and in accordance with the terms of a written authorization from the Ministry of Health pursuant to an application, by the owner of land on which the fill is to be placed, for a permit to install a septic field; 5.9 where the deposit of fill is on lands designated Agricultural Land Reserve and an exemption under the Soil Conservation Act has been issued by the Agricultural Land Commission and been approved by the District; Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 4 5.10 fertilizers, manure, composts, mulches or soil conditioners for agricultural, farming, horticulture, nursery or domestic gardening and landscaping purposes deposited in accordance with good agricultural practice as defined by the BC Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, and the Agricultural Land Commission where the land is within the Agricultural Land Reserve; 5.11 wood chips, hog fuel, bark chips, shavings, trimmings, sawdust and other wood wastes generated by sawmilling and lumber manufacturing- readily incorporated into the soil, to a maximum depth of 10 cm. for agricultural, horticultural, nursery or domestic landscaping purposes, provided the material is placed in accordance with good agricultural practice or sound landscaping practice whichever the case may be; 5.12 where such material is wood waste, the product of a processing or manufacturing activity situated on the same or adjoining parcel, a product for the deposit of which a permit or approval has been issued under the Waste Management Act; 5.13 wood chips, hog fuel, bark chips, shavings, trimmings and sawdust and other wood wastes generated by sawmilling and lumber manufacturing used for animal bedding, or as foundation material for equestrian or construction purposes, provided the maximum area of land over which the material is deposited on any parcel of land will not exceed 25 % of the surficial area of the parcel to a maximum of 4000 square meters and the maximum depth of the material will not exceed 30 cm. annually to a lifetime maximum compacted depth of 50 cm; and 5.14 where material consists of stumps, brush and tree stockpiles from land clearing operations, the intent of which is to burn under the terms and conditions of Bylaw No. 5535-1997. 6. PERMITS 6.1 Any person who proposes to place fill on a parcel of land will first obtain a permit under this bylaw except where the land is within the Agricultural Land Reserve. in this instance, an application pursuant to the Soil Conservation Act will precede the Bylaw application. 6.2 A permit must not be issued if the proposed placement of fill will: 1) endanger or otherwise adversely affect any adjacent land, structure, road, or right-of-way, or ii) foul, obstruct, impede or otherwise adversely affect any stream, creek, waterway, watercourse, groundwater aquifer, watérworks, ditch, drain, sewer or other established drainage facility unless the owner holds a permit to do so under the Water Act or Pollution Control Act and amendments thereto. 6.3 A permit issued under this Bylaw is valid for a period of 12 months from the date of issuance and is non-transferable. 6.4 Every application for a permit to place fill must be made by the owner(s) of the land or his/her agent. Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 5 6.5 An application for a permit shall: i include a fully completed and signed form as set out in Schedule "B" attached and hereto annexed and made part of this Bylaw; and ii be accompanied by the applicable permit fee calculated in accordance with Bylaw No. 5 764-1999. 6.6 The Manager of Environmental Affairs may refer any application for a permit to the Engineering Department, Inspection Services, or consultants for advice. The applicant may be required to provide better and more detailed information to supplement the application. Where further information is required by the Manager of Environmental Affairs, the application will be deemed incomplete until the information is provided. 6.7 The owner and contractor agree to indemnify and hold harmless the District of Maple Ridge, its agents, employees or officers from and against any claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits or proceedings whatsoever by whomsoever brought against the District, its agents, employees or officers by reason of the District granting the owner and contractor named herein the Soil Deposit Permit to conduct the work in accordance with the plan submitted and described in this application. 7. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Every application for a permit pursuant to this bylaw shall be made in writing to the Manager of Environmental Affairs and shall contain the following information: 7.1 the legal description and civic address of the where the fill originates; 7.2 the legal description and civic address of the land on which fill is to be placed; 7.3 the name and the address of the person applying for the permit; 7.4 the name, address and telephone/fax numbers of the registered owner(s) of the land on which the fill is to be placed. Where there is more than one registered owner, the names, addresses and telephone/fax numbers of ALL registered owners must be provided; 7.5 the exact location and depths where the fill is to be placed, defined by reference to any existing buildings, structures, improvements, and parcel boundaries all of which must be shown as a dimensioned contour sketch plan in metric units; 7.6 the composition of the proposed fill; 7.7 the proposed method of placing the fill; 7.8 - the dates proposed for commencement and completion of filling; 7.9 the proposed methods of access to the site during and upon completion of filling; 7.10 measures proposed to prevent personal injury or property damage resulting from filling; Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 6 7.11 the measures proposed to control erosion, drainage and soil stability; 7.12 the reclamation measures proposed to stabilize, landscape, and restore the land upon completion of filling; 7.13 the location of all watercourses, waterworks, wells, ditches, drains, sewers, septic fields, catch basins, culverts, manholes, rights-of-way, public utilities and public works on or within 30 meters of the boundaries of the parcel on which fill is to be placed, and the measures to protect them; 7.14 the proposed routes to be taken by vehicles transporting fill to the land; 7.15 measures proposed to minimize or prevent tracking of soil or other material onto municipal streets and roads and measures for cleaning the streets and roads abutting the parcel on which fill is to be.placed; 7.16 if the proposed depth of fill is greater than 1 meter above existing ground elevations of fill site, or if the proposed fill site is on a floodplain designated pursuant to Section 969 of the Municipal Act, R.S.B.C., 1979, c. 290, or is proposed on a slope any part of which exceeds 30%, the application will be accompanied by a survey prepared by a B.C. Land Surveyor that includes: contour plans to a scale not smaller than one thousand to one (1000:1), showing at one (1) meter intervals the elevations as they exist and showing one (1) meter intervals the proposed elevations of the land after filling; and the proposed slopes which will be maintain during and upon completion of the filling. 7.17 if the proposed depth of fill is greater than 1 meter above existing ground elevations of fill site, or if the proposed fill site is on a floodplain designated pursuant to Section 969 of the Municipal Act, R.S.B.C., 1979, c. 290, or is proposed on a slope any part of which exceeds 30%, the application will be accompanied by a report prepared by a professional engineer that certifies: the proposed volume of fill including calculations, cross-sections and other engineering data and pertinent information used in calculating volume; and that there will be no more settling or subsidence of land, a building or a structure forming any part of the premises or adjoining property than prior to filling; that the placement of fill and resulting settlement or subsidence will not prevent any use permitted under the District of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No.3510-1985; that adjoining property will not be subject to increased flooding caused directly by stormwater runoff from the fill site; and that also includes the assurances and undertakings of the engineer who prepared the plans and of the applicant for the permit in the form of attached to this bylaw as Schedule "C". Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 7 7.18 if warranted, the District may require an environmental assessment and independent monitoring of the fill operation; 7.19 copies of all certificates, permits and approvals, as may be required by the Ministry of Environment under the WaterAct, R.S.B.C., 1979, c. 429 or the Waste Management Act, S.B.C., 1982, c. 41 and amendments thereto or any other authority having jurisdiction; BUILDING PROJECT CONDITIONS Any operation involving the placement of fill as is necessary for the construction of a bona-fide building project authorized by a building, plumbing, gas or electrical permit will comply with the requirements of the District of Maple Ridge Building Bylaw providing the following information in sufficient detail to establish the volume of fill to be placed: 8.1 The justification for the fill as it directly relates to the proposed building or structure project and the grading section of the current District of Maple Ridge Building Bylaw; 8.2 Plans of the lands upon which the applicant proposes to fill, which show the topography and surface elevations of the site prior to the commencement of filling, and the finished contours of the fill area; 8.3 a statement of the total volume of fill placed on the land along with cross- sectional profiles, calculations, and other engineering data and pertinent information used in calculating the total volume of fill. 8.4 Should additional technical information be required by the District the application will not be deemed complete until the information is provided; and Upon completion of the project, the lands upon which fill has been placed will be developed in accordance with the site plan approved for issuance of the Building Project Permit. SECURITY DEPOSITS A security for the full and proper compliance with the provisions of the by-law and the performance of all terms and conditions expressed in the permit will be required where the soil to • be deposited is onaslopeor..portionthereof that.exceeds. 30%,is-w.ithi.n. 50..meters of the topof bank of a watercourse, on a floodplain designated pursuant to Section 969 of the Municipal Act, R.S.B.C., 1979, c. 290, or if the elevation of the deposited fill will be greater than 1 meter above the elevation of the site prior to soil deposit. A security under this Bylaw will not be required for land within the Agricultural Land Reserve provided the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission incorporates a security requirement in its written approval. 9.1 The applicant shall provide a cash deposit or irrevocable letter of credit drawn upon a chartered bank, in a form acceptable to the District and in the amount of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000) for each hectare or part thereof of a site upon which fill is to be placed, which security shall be maintained in full force and effect throughout the permit period plus a period of One Hundred & Twenty (120) days following expiration of the permit. If proper compliance with the a Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 8 provisions of the Bylaw is not met within Ninety (90) days following the expiration of the permit, the security will be cashed and held by the District until compliance is met or use the cash to complete the work. If the cash is insufficient for the District to complete the work the applicant will pay any deficiency to the District on demand. 9.2 If the applicant complies with the provisions of the Bylaw and meets all the terms and conditions of the permit the District will promptly return the deposit to the applicant. If any letter of credit will expire prior to the applicant complying with the provisions of the permit, the applicant will deliver to the District, at least 30 days prior to its expiry, a replacement letter of credit on like terms. If the applicant fails to provide a replacement letter of credit the District will draw on the original letter of credit prior to expiration and will hold cash until a replacement letter of credit is provided or the work is successfully completed whichever occurs first. 9.3 Security deposit(s) must be deposited with the District prior to the issuance of a permit. 10. SOIL DEPOSIT REQUIREMENTS Filling will at all times be conducted in accordance with the following requirements: 10.1 The slope of any part of an exposed face of any fill will not be greater than the angle of repose necessary for stability of the fill. 10.2 The fill will not in any way interfere with the established above or below ground drainage pattern of any adjoining lands, and will not cause the groundwater table to rise on adjoining lands so as to cause flooding or malfunctioning of a septic disposal system or contamination of a well. Where necessary, a system of interceptor or relief drains will be installed which are sufficient to compensate for any interference which might otherwise occur to established drainage patterns as a result of the fill project. 10.3 The fill will be graded in such a manner that positive gravity drainage is assured, and a drainage system of sufficient capacity and extent will be installed to ensure that runoff to any adjacent lands will be no greater than run-off prior to the commencement of the fill project. 10.4 Fill must not be deposited over any dedicated public right-of-way or registered easement without first obtaining the written approval of the authority having jurisdiction over the right-of-way or easement, and a copy of the written approval has been provided to the Manager of Environmental Affairs. 10.5 Where the natural subsoil is compressible no fill will be placed in the immediate vicinity of any utilities or services which might be damaged by settlement of the fill without first obtaining written approval from the authority having jurisdiction over the right-of-way or easement, and a copy of the written approval has been provided to the General Manager, Public Works and Development Services. 10.6 Fill must not be placed over wells or private sewage disposal systems. Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 9 10.7 All damage to District or privately owned drainage facilities, natural watercourses, roads, lanes, or other District or privately owned properties or facilities, resulting from fill project must be promptly and properly repaired to the complete satisfaction of the District. 10.8 Dirt, mud debris etc. resulting from a fill operation which is tracked onto public roads so as to cause a hazard or a nuisance must be removed on a daily basis or as directed by the Manager of Environmental Affairs or alternate. Should the permit holder fail to do so, the District may direct others to perform this work and the cost will be the responsibility of the permit holder. The permit holder must remit all payments within 14 days of receiving the invoice(s). If the permit holder fails to remit all payments within the specified time frame, the District may draw on all or part of the irrevocable letter of credit to cover the cost of the work and/or suspend the permit until all bills have been paid, or both. 10.9 All drainage facilities and natural watercourses must be kept free of silt, clay, sand, rubble, debris, gravel, and all other material originating from the fill project, which might cause obstruction to drainage facilities and natural watercourses. 10.10 Stockpiles of soil which are part of a fill project must be confined to the locations prescribed in the permit and must be maintained in accordance with Best Management Practices so there are no adverse effects or damage to adjacent properties. 10.11 The fill must not encroach upon, undermine, damage or endanger any adjacent property or any setbacks prescribed in the permit. 10.12 Filling is prohibited on any Sundays and is restricted to between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. any other day of the week. 10. RECTIFICATION PROVISIONS Upon completion of filling, the permit holder will forthwith: 11.1 Leave all surfaces of the filled area with a slope not greater than the grade shown on the plans filed pursuant to Section 10.1 and as specified in the permit. 11.2 Cover all surfaces of the fill with an established growth of grass or other ground cover suitable for erosion control. 11.3 Should the necessary rectification of the property not be completed within a period of ninety (90) days following expiration of the permit, all letters of credit held as security for the project will be cashed and all monies will be held by the. District until the completion of all required works. 11.4 Should the permit holder not complete all the necessary rectification work to the satisfaction of the District, under the terms of the covenant registered against the property the District will enter the lands and carry out the necessary work or the work that can be completed using the total amount of the bond monies. Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 10 12. PERMIT ISSUANCE 12.1 Every permit issued will be deemed to incorporate the plans, specifications, documents and information in the application as approved and will be incorporated into the terms and conditions of the permit. A permit will be substantially in the form of Schedule "D" attached to this bylaw. 12.2 No application for filling will be complete unless a soil deposit permit fee is paid pursuant to the Soil Deposit Fee Bylaw No. 5764-1999. 12.3 Upon completion of filling, the permit holder or the owner of the land will, prior to the expiry of the permit: protect the boundaries of all adjacent lands, dedicated rights-of-way, and utility easements from erosion or collapse, and complete all such works in accordance with accepted engineering principals to the satisfaction of the District. 13. PERMIT RENEWAL 13.1 Application for renewal can be made to the District as outlined. There will be no obligation upon the District to renew any permit 13.2 If an applicant applies for a renewal of a soil deposit permit, the Manager of Environmental Affairs may issue the renewal if all applicable drawings and specifications for the fill area are updated as necessary to identify any material changes to site conditions and to demonstrate compliance with current bylaws and regulations and any required fees and/or security is updated. 14. ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT: 14.1 This Bylaw will be administered by the Manager of Environmental Affairs or designate(s). 14.2 The Manager of Environmental Affairs, the Bylaw Enforcement Officer and all District employees under their direction will have the right at all reasonable hours to enter upon and inspect any land or premises in the District to determine if the provision of the Bylaw are being met. 14.3 In the event of a breach of any of the provisions of this Bylaw or the permit, the Manager of Environmental Affairs or the Bylaw Enforcement Officer will issue to: the owner of the lands upon which the fill is being deposited, or the person placing the fill, or the applicant for the permit, or the holder of the permit, or Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 11 any or all of them a notice of such breach. Any person receiving a notice of breach will forthwith cease and desist filling, or permitting the placement of any further fill upon the lands until the breach is remedied. 14.4 In the event that any person, having received a notice of breach, fails to remedy the breach within the time frame specified by the District, or otherwise proceed to breach any provisions of the Bylaw and/or permit, the permit will become null and void and all monies collected with respect to, the permit, will be forfeited. Once the breach has been corrected, it will then be necessary for the permit holder to apply for and obtain a new permit and all fees set out in the Bylaw will be due and payable as a condition of permit issuance. 14.5 No further permit for placing fill upon any lands within the District will be issued to any person who has had a permit revoked, unless and until such person shall, in addition to any other security required pursuant to this Bylaw, posts an additional security up to a maximum of $10,000 as determined necessary by the Disthct. 14.6 Where any permit holder neglects and/or refuses to carry out the works in accordance with the permit, then in accordance with the provisions of this Bylaw and/or conditions of said permit, it will be considered an offense against the Bylaw and every day that the land and/or the required works remain in a condition contrary to the provisions of this Bylaw and/or terms and conditions of the permit, a new offence is committed and the permit holder will be liable to the penalty hereinafter provided. PENALTY Every person who violates any provisions of this Bylaw or fails to comply with the terms and conditions of a permit or an order issued under this Bylaw commits an offence punishable upon Summary Conviction will be liable to a fine of not less than $2,000.00 and not more than the maximum penalty provided by the Offence Act and, where the offence is a continuing one, each day that offence is continued will constitute a separate offence. If any section or lesser portion of this Bylaw is held invalid, it will be severed and the validity of the remaining provisions of this will not be affected. Schedules "A", "B", "C", and "D" attached to this Bylaw are incorporated herein and form part of the bylaw. Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 12 READ a first time the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the day of RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED this day of 1999. 1999. 1999. 1999. MAYOR CLERK Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 13 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge BY-LAW NO. 5763-1999 SCHEDULE "A" SEDIMENT CONTROL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES The following Best Management Practices for erosion control are suggested for consideration as they apply to works undertaken under a soil deposit permit: Try to restrict works where possible to dry weather. Sloping Terrain (between 20% to 30%): •. interceptor ditches at 5 meter intervals vertically • sediment control pond for 1.0% of total disturbed area, or in accordance with a design with a registered professional engineer with all runoff from the disturbed area directed to the pond; and • and as required for Other Areas Other Areas: • poly-covering of exposed areas and stockpiles subject to erosion; • seeding to all disturbed areas in the growing season (prior to September 15); • diversion swales for all slopes exceeding 30 m. in length; • silt fence properly installed around all stockpiles or unvegetated fill areas; • gravel site access pad installed prior to fill activity; • gravel berm or silt fence installed beside all curb and gutter areas prior to fill activity; and • silt trap at all catchbasins. Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 14 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge BY-LAW NO. 5763-1999 SCHEDULE "B" SOIL DEPOSIT PERMIT APPLICATION I (full name) (address) hereby apply for a permit to place fill (telephone/fax) on the following property: Address: Legal Deription: The source(s) of the fill is(are): Address: Legal Description: The registered owner(s) of the property on which the fill is to be placed is of (full name) (address) (telephone/fax) If the Applicant is not the registered owner of the property on which the fill is to be placed, then the registered owner by signing here, authorizes the Applicant to make this application. (signature of owner(s)) 5. The fill is proposed for the following reason(s): Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 15 6. The surface area of the proposed fill site is hectares. Note 1 hectare equals 2.47 acres. The proposed total volume of the fill is cubic metres. 7. Dimensions of the fill area in metric units: Area (length x width) Depth(s): 8. Attached hereto is a dimensioned sketch (in metric units) of the property on which the placement of fill is proposed, showing all roads adjoining the property, all existing buildings, structures and other improvements,, the location of water, sewer and other utilities as well as natural watercourses, ditches, drains, manholes, culverts, catch basins and other public works on or within 30 metres of the property, the location of wells and septic fields on any adjoining properties, and the exact location and depth of the proposed fill site. 9. Attached hereto are 2 cross sectional profiles of the proposed fill site. One profile cutting from north to south and the other cutting east to west. All profiles must identify: the existing ground profile; and the ground profile after filling. 10. The fill is comprised of: 11. The proposed method of filling is 12. The proposed dates between which filling will take place are to Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 16 Vehicles access to the fill site will be via • (name of Street) as shown on the sketch plan provided pursuant to Section 8 of this application. The proposed route to be used in and through the District of Maple Ridge by vehicles delivering fill to the fill site is: The following safety measures to prevent personal injury or property damage to persons or property in or about property or on adjacent roads will be implemented: Filling must not cause erosion, stability or drainage problems on the property or to neighbouring properties and the following measures will be taken to achieve these objectives: (if insufficient space, please attach a clearly marked schedule.) IL After filling the following measures will be taken by the applicant to stabilize, reclaim, landscape and restore the property: / (if insufficient space please attach a clearly marked schedule.) Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 17 The following measures will be taken to prevent fill from being tracked onto municipal streets and roads, and to clean the same: The following measures will be taken to protect and keep wells, natural watercourses, septic fields, water works, sewers and other utilities, drains, ditches, culverts, catch basins and other public works clear and clean of all sediment, silt, leachate or other fouling or obstruction of: (if insufficient space, please attach a clearly marked schedule.) - Attached, as part of this application, are the following reports, as may be required under Section 7.16 and 7.17 of this bylaw: BC Land Surveyor or Professional Engineer site plans Geotechnical Certification of Professional Engineer I HEREBY DECLARE that the above information is correct, that it is my intention to place fill on the property in accordance with the attached plans and specifications and information, that I am aware of the provisions of the Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation By-law No. 5763-1999 and that I will abide by all applicable provisions of said by-law and such terms and conditions as may form part -of=any Soil Deposit Permit issued pursuatit to this Application. I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the District of Maple Ridge, its agents, employees or officers from and against any claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits or proceedings whatsoever by whomsoever brought against the District, its agents, employees or officers by reason of the District granting the owner and contractor named herein the Soil Deposit Permit to conduct the work in accordance with the plan submitted and described in this application. Date: Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 18 Signature of Applicant: - Applicants Name Printed: Received from: Soil Deposit Fee (if applicable). Receipt No. this day of 199_ the sumof $ for FA Manager of Environmental Affairs Processing information: (to be filled out by District of Maple Ridge) ALR Approval Development Permit Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Approval Title and Legal Description Correct Zoning Correct Authority of Owner Provided Survey site plan as required Geotechnical Certification as required District site visit conducted Permit Fee Receipt No. Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 19 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge BY-LAW NO. 5763 - 1999 SCHEDULE "C" ASSURANCE OF GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN FOR SOIL DEPOSIT AND COMMITMENT FOR FIELD REVIEW Date (year, month, day) District Engineer District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Dear Sir: Re: Application for Soil Deposit Permit at (civic address) I, the undersigned registered professional engineer/landscape architect hereby give assurance that the design, location, quality, nature, depth, volume and configuration of the fill to be deposited and works to be construcied and undertaken in support of and in relation thereto all as shown on the plans and supporting documents prepared and signed by me and attached to this letter are consistent with sound reasonable engineering fill and soil deposit practice, and when and if carried out in conformance with such plans and specifications will not constitute any reasonably foreseeable risk or hazard to persons or property. The undersigned undertakes to conduct such supervision, testing and field review to ensure filling complies with the plans, specifications and supporting documents attached hereto. I assure you that I have been given the authority by the owner of the lands on which the soil is to be deposited and by the applicant for the permit (if different from the owner) to stop, remove or redirect the placement of fill as required in my jidgment. and as required to. comply: with the plans, specifications and supporting documents attached hereto. I will notify you in writing immediately if my contract for field review, testing or supervision is terminated or limited at any time before the completion of filling described in the plans, specifications and supporting documents attached hereto. (affix professional seal). Signature Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 20 (Please Print) Name Address Address I, the applicant for the Soil Deposit Permit for the placement of fill at the above address, acknowledge that I have read this letter and agree with its contents. I have also reviewed the plans, specifications and supporting documents attached to this letter and agree with them. I advise you that I have given (name of registered professional) the authority to conduct testing, field review and to supervise filling including the authority to stop the placement of fill, remove fill or redirect it as set out in this letter. I acknowledge and understand that all authority and permission to place fill under any permit issued to me pursuant to any application will automatically cease and be suspended if the registered professional's services are terminated or limited and will not be reinstated until such time as another registered professional submits to you a signed and completed letter in this form. Witness's Signature Signature of Applicant for Permit Print Print Name Name Address Address or: The Corporate Seal of was hereto affixed in the presence of: Authorized Signing Officer Authorized Signing Officer Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 21 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge BY-LAW NO. 5763-1999 SCHEDULE "D" SOIL DEPOSIT PERMIT NO.______ Pursuant to the Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation By-law No. 5763 - 1999, permission is hereby granted to: (Name) (address) (telephone) to deposit cubic metres of upon the - (address of property) (legal description of property) in accordance with the provisions of the Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation By-law No. 5763 - 1999, Application No. and the plans, specifications and other supporting documents filed therewith as approved, and initialed as approved by the permit holder, all which form a part of this Permit and constitute the terms and conditions of this Permit: Conditions: (to be stipulated by the District of Maple Ridge) This permit is issued on the conditipn that the permit holder fully comply with all provisions of the Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation By-law No. 5763 - 1999 and all terms and conditions herein of this. Permit. - Received from this day of 199 the sum of $ as Soil Deposit Fee (if applicable). Receipt No.:_________ This Soil Deposit Permit is issued this day of , 199. and shall expire twelve months after the day of issuance. Manager of Environmental Affairs" CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 5764- 1999 A bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Fee Bylaw No. 4570 - 1991 WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Fee Bylaw No. 45 70- 1991; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, Enacts as Follows: This bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Fee Amending Bylaw No. 5764- 1999. Schedule "A" is hereby deleted in it's entirety and replaced with the following: "Schedule "A" Soil Deposit Permit Fees A permit fee of $150.00 shall be paid at the time of application for designation of land for soil deposit:" Schedule "B" is hereby deleted in it's entirety and replaced with the following: "Schedule "B" Soil Deposit Fees For the first 1000 cubic metres of soil $0.15/rn3 Thereafter for each cubic metre over 1000 cubic metres of soil or other material $0.30/rn3 Provided that within 60 days after the expiry of the soil deposit permit issued pursuant to Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation Bylaw 4569-199 1 the permit holder may upon delivery to the Districts Engineer of a Statutory Declaration sworn before a commissioner for the taking of oaths setting out the actual amount of soil deposited, claim a refund of such proportion of the soil deposit fees paid in excess of that required to be paid for the actual amount of soil deposited. If no-claim is made within the 60 day period above provided the permit holder shall not be entitled to a refund of any part of the soil deposit fee and shall have been deemed to have not deposited less soil than authorized by the soil deposit permit." Page 2 Bylaw No. 5764-1999 READ a first time this 25th day of May, 1999. READ a second time this 25th day of May, 1999. READ a third time this 25th day of May, 1999. APPROVED by the Minister. of Municipal Affairs on the day of , 199. RECONSIDERED and FINALLY ADOPTED this day of , 199. C Mayor lerk I HEREBY CERTIFY THE FOREGOING TOATR, , AND CORRECT COPY OF BY•LAW_____________ AS READ A THIRD TIME. DA E CLERKtjUN14C1PA1L STRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ) CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 19, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/13/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/13/99 (10515 & 10595 240 St. and 23950 Zeron Ave.) I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the above noted properties to permit the subdivision into approximately 21 lots. The proposal is in compliance with the density designations of the Official Community Plan and will provide lots under the RS-lb and CD-1-93 zone. In order to advance this application to the December Public Hearing the applicant has asked that Council grant reading to the Zone Amending By-law 5854 - 1999. II RECOMMENDATION: That application RZI13/99 (for property located at 10515 & 10595 240 St. and 23950 Zeron Ave.) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated October 19, 1999 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) and CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) be forwarded to Public Hearing and that 1" reading be given to Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law 5854 - 1999. Condition to be met prior to first reading: 1) A fully dimensioned subdivision plan has been received. And that prior to final approval the following must be complete: Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed -- development; Road dedication as required for 240 St.; Application for inclusion of the site into Sewer Area "A"; Consolidation of the development site. III BACKGROUND: Applicant: Genesis Development Consultants Ltd. Owner: J & J McLaughlin, S & S Singh and H & C Romani Legal Description: Lot 9, Plan 29456; Lot 3, Except Parcel "A" (E.P. 16557) Plan 3825 and Parcel "A" (E.P. 16557) of Lot 3, Plan 3825 all of D.L. 406 & 408, NWD OCP: Existing: Single Family Residential (18 upnh) Proposed: Single Family Residential (18 upnh) Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) and CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) Surrounding Uses: New residential development is to the north, east & west. There is development potential to the south for residential use. Existing Use of Property: Residential Proposed Use of Property: Residential Access: 240 St. and Zeron Ave. Servicing: required at zoning (Sanitary Sewer) Previous Applications: n/a IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The site is within the Cottonwood area. It consists of 3 separate properties for a total of 1.983 ha. The topographic constraints and arterial status of 240 St. require that lots receive access via a lane system. The topography dictates that no vehicular connection to Zeron Ave. can be achieved with the lane however a pedestrian pathway will be incorporated with the subdivision to link to Zeron Ave. Zeron Ave. currently provides access to an existing home site through the Kanaka Ridge development. This development proposal would continue to provide the lot off of Zeron with a reduced road standard that will require approval of a Development Variance Permit at the subdivision stage. As well, this development will accommodate another connection with the Kanaka Ridge development through to Slatford St. V PLANNING ANALYSIS (i) Official Community Plan Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan designates the site as Single Family Residential (18 upnh). The development proposal is for approximately 21 lots of varying size and is in compliance with that designation. In order to achieve the overall density as proposed the properties must be consolidated into one development site. -2- IV SERVICING CONCERNS The Engineering Department have advised that all the services required in support of the development application do not exist to the site. It will, therefore, be necessary for the owner to enter into a Rezoning Development Agreement for the extension of the Sanitary Sewer prior to final reading. It will be necessary to have the property included into Sewer Area "A", an application, through the Clerks Department must be made. It will also be necessary to dedicate road right of way along the 240 Street frontage to achieve the arterial standard. Given the topographical constraints a geotechnical report which addresses the slope stability and utility and road corridors is required. VI CONCLUSION: Staff support the development plan and recommend that the application proceed to Public Hearing. Prepared by: Gay Por Approved by: Terry Fryer, P. Ei Director of Current Planning Apprjped by: Jake J. Rudolph, AICP, MCIP / 2M: Public Wrks & Development Services / 7 - ilY Concürréiice: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer (9) -3- 326 I lc P11873 RS3 Rem 310595 / P 3825 [ A R S -1 b °' EP 16557 10628/44 •4 l35> l054 'o '06 CV3'0SJ. 10548 l05 F 3 105 [SubJect proe1 330 7 12 0 10519 10526 361 350 1052 4 i 8 10513 10511 10516362 349 3, P 29456 363 348 105 343 10515 259 10502 105,0 •3r04 \0 _i 04g2 26O 365 347 1 345 RS-37 346 P 10921 Rem 372 6 •31O % 10456 RS-2 LMP 35030 P 4750 69 % ( P22743 P 14750 211 20423 I ?t' < (%\ '31 • _\\ ____ 270 A Reml 8 1 274 273 272 271 10420 subject properties (currently zoned RS-3) N CORPORATION OF ve THE DISTRICT OF 1 MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE \2 Incovpr I ated 12, September. 1874 PLANNING DEpAATMENT KEY DATE: February 17, 1999 FILE:RZI13/99 SCALE: 12500 f 17 / 6. ;pa, anet r44 14.0 *r 10.0 i pe p I I 13 I 14- I 1 I 16 17 5antt I 5ZImZI 5ZJmi I 701m1 ' V3II1 11.0 1 i+.o 1+.0 2.7 \ 22 A*% Plan To Accompang Rezonn i - ng .. Zeron ave future extention and kamerl,eacl of tIe lane, future 1.5m paved waIkwwa J 2-0 7-1 Ika steps to zeron ave 5mZ 7ff o - Ammenitu covenant I 18 / -' to preserve ex trees 134 I w.6 - 6o6m2 / lane / lane 57.2 1L0 HØ I+.0 }+.0 1+.0 1+.0 , 11.0, 18.0 ' 6 1A 718 19 'lOin '12 A / 1+.0 1 1+.0 1+.0 1+.0 1+.0 ,ILOM z*oth sfrct 5IT CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5854 - 1999 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5854 - 1999 ." Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: All that portion of: Parcel "A" (explanatory plan 16557) Lot 3, District Lots 406 and 408, Group 1, Plan 3825, New Westminster District and Lot 9, District Lots 406 and 408, Group 1, Plan 29456, New Westminster District and Lot 3, Except: Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 16557); District Lots 406 and 408, Group 1, Plan 3825, New Westminster District. and outlined in heavy black line is hereby rezoned to RS - lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential), and that portion shown hatched is hereby rezoned to CD- 1-93 (Amenity Residential District)as shown on map 1221, a copy of which is attached hereto, and forms part of this by-law. Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 199. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 199. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK 325 U•O a. 12 rn P 11873 / LMP 66537 J S 2.53 ha = = 82 Q 4 3ItI)_ a. 35 RW61! $ 4.88 ha 4A1 1' E 55/ .60 339 / 60 .l35O4 d' 67 350 / /05 351 'o '3o / 10513 105/5 363 348 362 349 P 2 L RW 66539 1050 34,3 0.809 NA 10515 - 10502 ? ''o a.. 10 / 6347 345 / 10 346 • / P 10921 Rem 372 a. 6 I 1.385 ha O 0.52 ha .1O 9 LMP 35030 ,056 - P 14750 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5854-1999 Map No. 1221 From: RS-3(Qne Family Rural Residential) To: RS—lb(One Family Urban(medium densityResidential) and CD-1-93(Amenity Residential Districf') shown hatched RON A1 MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September. 1874 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 2, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/42/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 5853 - 1999 (2 1409 Lougheed Highway) SUMMARY: This development proposal is to provide all the uses currently listed under the CS-i zone but removes limits on business and professional services and retail use within the existing development. Council gave favourable consideration to the above noted application October 12, 1999 and forwarded the application to Public Hearing. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5853 - 1999 be given First Reading. Prepared by: Gay Por Planning Technician Approved by: Te ryer, P g. irector o C ent Planning Approved by: Jake J. Rudolph, AICP, MCLP .GM: Public Works Developnent Services )L X- Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP -----Chief-AdministrativeOfficer- "--- - -- - - (9) M -0 I-0 J 1P81 P 692 21 6U lb 20 19 18\ 17'\ 16' 24 ---: RP 9535 14 HERRINGTQNpL ) c 25 27r29112 I ____ - 1 , 11 12 SP LMS 340 13 NW2014 A 26 321 LMP 4326 c 14 I b 15 161 7 22 23 8120? P63342 LOUGHEED HWY I SUBJECT PROPERTY 303 304 302 I- P 43449 N N N 285- 284 301 0.PcI. A0. 11769 11770 MAYO PL 11755 306 ( 400-.— 245 NW1766 11745 _ C/) 11756( NW 15 P 63241 N L.P.69859 307 _ _____ 11743) Q 11735 7 O 298 p3529 r1736 -° W u 0 N 309 297 a. 0. N 117 117 AVE \271 256 PARK 173 [il 80U 181 255 I 692 257 T 79 182 I IA 161 45 P 25353 78 661 378 P EP 1, A 9614 x ._ 11959 U) 11964r— i bO162 14 11954 8 6 I 89IbO a. ii 13 = 11944 117 11939 12 P 39885 54 P39885 P29311 1135/37 940 118 934 19 f 1 P 24576 ASHBURYCRT PIP 1920 \ P1217 p7 7f 9 A B C WPTN. of 13 1 1 .- I"'2A N T I N P2819 -ii DONO 0. 015TR1C'T OF f rsj P1TTI • L-j OMTRICTOP SCALE: 1:2,500 KEY MAP 21409 LOUGHEED HWY CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF /I ) MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE THORNH&L L Incorporated 1 September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Jul 13 1999 FILE: BY:JB CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5853 - 1999 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as 'Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5853 - 1999." 2. Maple Ridge Zone By-law 3510 - 1985, as amended is hereby further amended by adding the following there to: Section 1034 CD-2-99 (Comprehensive Development) 1. Intent This zone is intended to accommodate a variety of service commercial uses and some professional offices. 1) PERMITtED PRINCIPAL USES assembly use limited to public transportation depot, private schools, and movie theatres of a minimum 2,000 m 2 gross floor area; drive through use; church institutional; convenience store; highway commercial use; business services limited to a maximum gross floor area of 186 m 2 ; research and non-medical testing laboratories; lightindustryiimited-to279m2 grosstioorarea; - - indoor commercial recreation; outdoor commercial recreation; personal repair services; 1) personal services; professional services limited to a maximum gross floor area of 186 m 2 ; recycling depot; retail limited to household furnishings, vehicle parts and accessories, second hand goods, and antiques, with other retail uses limited to a maximum of 186 m2 gross floor area; restaurants and licensed premises; tourist accommodation limited to motor hotel and motel; service station; and warehousing. 2) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES retail to a tourist accommodation use, or to an indoor or outdoor commercial recreation use provided the total accessory use gross floor area does not exceed 100 m 2; retail to light industry use provided the accessory use gross floor area does not exceed 25% of the total principal use gross floor area; rentals; apartment; and unenclosed storage. 3) LOT COVERAGE All buildings and structures shall not: exceed a lot coverage of 40%; and exceed 95% coverage of the surface area of a lot for an off street parking or accessory off Street parking use. 4) SIZE OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES No building or structure shall exceed a height of 7.7m. 5) SITING No building or structure shall be sited less than: 9.0 m from a front lot line; 6.0 m from a rear lot line; 7.5 m from an exterior side lot line; except that for a drive-through business use, in addition to the front, rear and exterior side lot line setbacks specified above, no building, shall be sited within 6.0 m of the interior side lot line. 6) OTHER REGULATIONS All persons carrying out a permitted use shall conduct the business or undertaking within a completely enclosed building. All uses shall: 1) provide a landscape strip not less than 1.5m in width on front and exterior side lot lines; and. ii) provide landscaping covering not less than five percent (5%) of the developed site. An apartment use shall: be limited exclusively to storeys above the first storey of a building; be the only use in a storey so used; be located within a building above all storeys which are used for a permitted commercial use; and be permitted only where all parking for such use is dedicated parking. A drive-through use shall have a minimum of 30 m highway frontage. No building or structure shall exceed one sleeping unit or dwelling unit for each 93.0 m2 of lot area for a permitted tourist accommodation use. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot A, District Lot 247, Group 1, Plan LMP4326, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1220 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to CD-2-99 (Comprehensive Development). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 199. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 199. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 199. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation and Highways this day of , A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK 13 n J,,944 an - , P 67 60 a 12 117 P 39885 P 29311 ' 11 P39885 940 118 o i'9J5/J, — 1193 8 10 19 - 0. z P24576 P2519 _____ DONOVAN ST. 0. :. -. 1257ha at) 8 Co 7I 615 CL P8981 45 P 692 22 21 2d\111 16 ) f A 15 CA P25353 4 RP 9535 EP 60778 CHERRINCTON PLACE'— 'N. 1189 1 3.110 ho 0.856 ho I 28 15.01 (rI lig- / 227f " ' •PP 168 _____ 1 33 - • . CH \\y \ EP 37323- 1 1 1 '1.. CHERRINCTON / EP 6334 12 SP '. , AVE. / LMS 340 13 NW20 261 321 EPLA 3j41 I LOUCHEED HWY. 5 P 43436 RW 42913 LMP 4326 4v7_1 L 9 p 043j 9614I P 0.749 ha I k 'P 43436 LMP 1200 LEp 60777 29 __________________________________________ 0.3903 ha p 6334 -.. RW_43450 Z/J 30(/I RP 5470. 304\ Ia/ 302 0) 43449 ." ' 0) 284 285 LO I-, 7 I 305 ( 1 3010. a. PcI. A AfAYO /176 /11770 16 300 245NW176 TH 306 NW 15 1174 299 .P 63241 L.P.69859 307 746 I' RW 4345 RW 38270 0. /173 '1 308 298 — p 3 92 / 0 /1736 ) 1 at) p 66125 309 297 0. 1/ 378 _____________________________________________ ..., MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw •No. 5853 -1999 Map No. 1220 From: CS -1(Servce Commercial) To: CD -2 -99(Comprehensive Development) MAPLE RIDGE A Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 2, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/52/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/52/99 (24 103/27 - 102 Avenue) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been submitted to rezone the above describe properties from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District). The properties in question are located in Albion and our part of neighborhood surrounding the future Village Centre. The applicant proposes to subdivided the subject properties into approximately 86 lots. II RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ152199 (for property located at 24103/27 - 102 Ave.) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated October 8, 1999 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum. Condition to be met prior to first reading: 1) Fully dimensioned subdivision plan showing the following: location of existing buildings: road dedication; drafted in compliance with the R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) zone and the adopted Albion Guideplan. And that prior to final approval the following must be complete: Preliminary approval from the Ministry of Environmert, Water Management Branch; Preliminary approval from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch; Registration of a Rezoning Deve1opm.nt Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; -1- OL.0)rt Park dedication for the protection of the watercourse; Amendment to Schedules "A" and "H" of the Official Community Plan; Inclusion of the site into Sewer Area "A"; Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways. Dedication and security for construction of a neighborhood "tot-lot" Compliance with implementation strategies of the Official Community Plan. III BACKGROUND: Applicant: Cavalier Homes Owner: D.R. McLellan Legal Description: Parcel "A", (RP3937), NW ¼ and Lot 1, Plan 15283 both of Sec. 3, Tp. 12, NWD OCP: Existing: Compact Housing at 40 upnh and Conservation Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) & RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Proposed: R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Surrounding Uses: N: Rural Residential S: Rural Residential E: Rural Residential W: Rural Residential Existing Use of Property: Rural Residential Proposed Use of Property: Urban Residential Access: 102 Avenue Servicing: Urban Previous Applications: RZ/46/96 IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION: An application has been submitted to rezone properties located at 24103 and 24127 102 Ave. The applicant is requesting the R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) zone in order to subdivide the subject properties into residential lots with a minimum area of 213 m 2. The development site borders the western perimeter of the Albion Village Centre. The subdivision pattern submitted substantially complies with the Albion Guideplan and is a continuation of the small lot subdivision pattern established by existing new developments in this area. With other neighborhoods in the Albion area that are predominantly comprised of R —3 (Special Amenity, Residential District) development, Council has requested that neighborhood play space -2- for small children be provided. This is in recognition of the limited yard space available with each residence. The Albion Guide Plan identifies a" tot - lot" at the centre of this development and the Development Plan addresses this requirement. It is recommended that the park area be dedicated and the cost of development be secured in advance of final zoning. V PLANNING ANALYSIS Official Community Plan The subject properties are designated Compact Housing at 40 upnh and Conservation. The Compact Housing designation accommodates both conventional townhouse development and single family on small lots, as is proposed by this application. The developer proposes to protect the designated watercourse by dedicating the riparian area as park. It is recommended that this be completed as a condition of rezoning. Traffic Assessment The Implementation Strategies of the Official Community Plan identifies the need for road and intersection improvements on 102" Avenue and 240th Street, in support of urban development in the area. While existing development activity does not warrant all of the upgrading envisioned for these streets, it is apparent that some intersection improvements - may be necessary at 102 Avenue and 240 " Street to support further development. It is recommended that these improvements be secured as a condition of zoning approval. Servicing concerns Required urban services, including sanitary sewer and storm sewer do not presently frontthe subject properties. As a condition of rezoning the developer must enter into a Rezoning Development Agreement and deposit security to provide for sewer extensions to the development site. The subject properties are currently not included in Sewer Area "A". An application for inclusion must be submitted to the Municipal Clerk prior to final zoning approval. Lot Geometry Thcaforementioned watercourse, located across.the northern portion. of 24127. - 102 Ave., meanders above the north boundary. At the north easterly location the watercourse dips south into the property. The developer will be requesting approval for an irregular width for the riparian corridor from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch. The proposed width reflects the opportunities and constraints imposed by the creek location and adjacent streets. For three proposed lots adjacent to this area, the parcel depth is 24 metres. The R-3 zone requires a minimum parcel depth of 27 metres. The developer is proposing that the three lots be 13.3 m in width providing areas ranging from 319 m 2 to 327 m2 . The minimum area of an R-3 lot is 213 m 2. -3- Section 920 (2) (a) of the Municipal Act permits geometric changes by registration of a Development Permit. In order to facilitate registration of a Development Permit, a new Development Permit Area will be added to the Official Community Plan. The Development Permit Area will deal with development of lands that are adjacent to environmentally sensitive areas and have limited and restrictive potential due to topographic constraints. VI CONCLUSION: Application RZ/52/99 proposes a residential land use which complies with the existing Official Community Plan designation and Councils adopted Albion Guideplan. Accordingly it is recommended that this application be supported and forwarded to Public Hearing. Prepared by: David Stevenson nician / Approved by: Terry Fryer, P. Eqg. (711/ Director of1Curr7PT1irng Approvd ake J. Rudo1f, AICP, MCIP ./jiM: Public r & Dev4pment Services 2 Concurrence: obert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer (9) A J--R;M 10420 C, j'. nyc 394 AVE 3 PcI.M 7 1 4 I K r r r P6014 (J130089 ) 10 19 1P35 P1117 P9393 I P2043 10339 A P 13554 C E F 37 38 0 U- PcL1 10366 0) R P 91 O (0 () ° 0) a- I 41519 3 4 103 G P20434 I en 2 1034$ — - - - PARK 2 18 1037 0) ('lC I 60014 10316 Go 1 Rem 1 a- cn 103 9 10294 1 1 .84 Rem 2 24.35 28 _ SK P37992 _ 10270 ________ 1 ' A 15283 I 0I I RP 9287F 10260 _______________ RS-2 RS-3 _______ 102 3 N 75 of 10222 SUBJECI PROPERTIES C, - 0 r C 0 0101 C r - .- C1 (0 e12F_o N (0 102 ci O c c c P 6b P 10188 81 C'l I I A 111121 13 14 15 1617 A 21 30 31 32 W1/2of RP 701 1 952p 1956) J 19: 26 (P lg52jP 196 - -. - 1P15 10160I I I SE19 ADJPcJ.G RP Z701 ('3 0 - 101 P2 319F LOT 22 101 1 10110 pQy RP 8103 21 E P 57737 -.. - - i(y ..........--- P18630 5 P39511 139561 LMP 36343 51 N '[L -V " I j 24103/24127 - 102 AVE CORPORATION OF DISTA TOF' "KE c Q , mall I t THE DISTRICT OF ThORLL PLNNGDIRNT SCALE: 1:4000 KEY MAP _____ DATE: Sep 3 1999 HLE:R52/99 BY: JB - CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 2, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/59/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/59/99 (24415 - 102 Avenue) I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been submitted to rezone the above described property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District). The property is located in the Albion area and is part of the village centre neighborhood. The applicant is requesting to rezone the property to permit subsequent subdivision into approximately 69 residential lots. II RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ/59199 (for property located at 24415 - 102 Avenue) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated October 13, 1999 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. Condition to be met prior to first reading: A Public Information Meeting must be held. Fully dimensioned subdivision pian showing the following: a) location of existing buildings: .b)__roaddedication.;. - --•------.- ------- - drafted in compliance with the R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) zone and the adopted Albion Guide Plan. And that prior to final approval the following must be complete: Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways; Amendment to Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan; -1- () C. 0 ~.b A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; Road dedication as required; Inclusion of the site into Sewer Area "A". Compliance with the implementation strategies of the Official Community Plan. III BACKGROUND: Applicant: Stacks & Decker/Falcon Homes Owner: Stacks & Decker/Falcon Homes Legal Description: Lot 29, Sec. 3, Tp. 12, NWD Plan 38143 OCP: Existing: Compact Housing at 30 upnh Proposed: Compact Housing at 40 upnh Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Surrounding Uses: N: Rural Residential S: Urban Residential E: Albion Park W: Urban Residential Existing Use of Property: Rural Residential Proposed Use of Property: Urban Residential Access: 102 Avenue Servicing: Urban Previous Applications: None IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The District has received a rezoning application for property addressed at 24415 102 Avenue. The applicant is requesting to rezone the property to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) in order to subdivide into approximately 69 residential lots. The subject property is located along the western perimeter of Albion Park. The subdivision geometry illustrates that this proposal is a continuation of the subdivision pattern approved on the properties located immediately to the west. Accordingly, the proposed land use complies with the Albion Guide Plan. In accordance with the plan, their development creates road frontage for Albion Park, providing access for, the neighborhood. -2- V PLANNING ANALYSIS (1) Official Community Plan The property is currently designated Compact Housing at 30 upnh on the Official Community Plan. A density calculation submitted by the applicants' consultant concludes that this project has a density of 37.29 upnh. Other R-3 projects have recognized that the densities do exceed 30 upnh where there is little or no park dedication required. Accordingly, support of the overall density achieved with R-3 development requires an Official Community Plan amendment to 40 upnh. Respecting Council's policy regarding the Official Community Plan amendment, prior to Public Hearing the applicant must have a Public Information meeting to inform the neighbourhood of the details of the project. Geotechnical Considerations The Albion Master Drainage Plan identifies an area of the northeast corner of the site as being geotechnically sensitive. The control plan shows a portion of this area dedicated as "Park". However, there is also a road located through this area with lots fronting the road. It is recommended that the applicant provide a geotechnical engineer's report that addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development, including site stability, recommendations for building setbacks and any special measures for constructing roads and services. The report must also identify lands to the north to ensure that the roads and services can be extended. Sewer Area "A" To establish collection of the urban sewer levy the property must be included in Sewer Area The application must be submitted to the Municipal Clerk prior to final zoning approval. Traffic Study The Implementation Strategies of the Official Community Plan identifies the need for road and intersection improvements on 102nd Avenue and 240th Street, in support of urban development, in the, area. While existing. development activity, does not warrant all of the upgrading envisioned for these streets, it is apparent that some interseôtion improvements may be necessary at 102 Avenue and 240 1h Street to support further development. It is recommended that these improvements be secured as a condition of zoning approval. Servicing Concerns As a result of subdivision approval of lands directly west of this project all the required services to the property have been secured for. -3- VI CONCLUSION: Application RZ/59/99 proposes a residential land use which complies with Council's adopted Albion Guide Plan. Accordingly, it is recommended that this application be supported and forwarded to Public Hearing. ET Preparedby.David Stevenson PlinPeehician /47.Approved by: Terry rEng. Q Director of Cu,r63Planning ,. J. Rblph, MOP I: Public W/!F& D7veIopvic (L) 1) Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer (9) -4- 8 W250'B L M E133B 04 ul 00 Co P8852 P21679 P21679 a. Rem N 1/ Section 3 IvauJ 0318 _____ 918 :O312 1O297 1O3O5 O3O6 10295 iO300 10291 - io 0292,0 1029 0289 &)3 N1O293t it0 '1O285 cio•1I1 r"-10287i 0282r 10283 < aj 1O279 1O2€ i2?Z5 O277 1O262 çQO26j ! R 1O271 29 o 107 ' 102B AVE__ (I) 9 M Cq 1 INlNINNIC 1 I RS-3 0 N N 00 N N N N NJIl N N 4 444 4 4 1 I A P 38143 333336 I I I I 1O2AAVE NCMINICMNNN[ ( q CM N N CM N L CM CM N CC'4NCJM . !2 53 7I3I9tld11l3 4) 505# M144 N ICMINCNICMLCMI N N N CM1 ) LMP 35918 LMt' 348Z AV LMP 34684 N N Cq I 1 (N C1 t tC.IC) Ic Ic.lmi,I CM 41 25 r N N jCM IN CM IClNI [M24 1 P45949 0. 0. _______ W 1/2 of 2 E 1/2 of 2 ____________ 1s Q 10 Remi C- N I.-OCCCIr-I.- 101A AVE Cn P17 26 P 17126 LANESOF1OIAAVI I 12 I 3 1323T I I 13 r 'MiI C IC,IQImIC-I.C,IQ) \. L1rLNiNtJeLI-.ININ r\) Ic,, 9I 11 N co i c I c P-1 SUBJECT OPEY N A P 8296 r I, 1*aYri:I PARK I 24415 10 2AVE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE r.Co" InCorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Sep 24 1999 FILE:RZ-59-99 BY: JB > z --'T- 4¼:t--, T SiSi --_SS Aq Ol It co Ig - \ / - •\ I, "4 '4 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 27, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: ALR/27/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: ALR/27/99 (1 141624Oth Street) I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received under Section 12(1) of the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) Act to exclude approximately 1.9 hectares from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). At a Council meeting on June 22 d 1999 it was resolved: That consideration of application ALRJ27/99 (located at 114162401h Street) for the property described in the report dated June 1u, 1999, be deferred until completion of the review of Agricultural Land Reserve Policies. In reviewing the ALR Policies presented to the ALC at the October 1999 meeting, there does not appear to be good and sufficient reason under the present application to consider this exclusion application further. II RECOMMENDATION: That application ALRJ27/99 for the property described as Lot 1, Plan 7917, Section Is, Twp. 12 NWD Group 1, and located at 11416240th Street, not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. III BACKGROUND: An application has been received to exclude approximately 1.9 hectares of land from the ALR. Attached is the memo dated June 1St, 1999 that recommended deferral of consideration at that time. IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This application is for exclusion from the ALR. The Owner has not indicated what his future intentions are for the use of this site other than to construct a new home. There are no restrictions for land in the ALR that would prohibit the existing use or proposed new house construction. -1- 0(° V PLANNING ANALYSIS The policies discussed at the October Pt 1999 Council meeting with the ALC for this area focused on retaining land in the ALR with the clustering and consolidation option offering some variety in use. The ALC supports retention in the ALR. Council has in the past indicated support for Option 4 from the Rural Plan "To retain in the ALR". Consequently, staff are of the opinion that an exclusion application is inconsistent with the views of both Council and the ALC. VI CONCLUSION: It is recommended that this exclusion application not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. 91 Bruce G. McLeod ISA Certified Arborist LandscapefPlanning Technician R. W. Robertson, MCIP, AICP Chief Administrative Officer -Th J. Rudolph, MCIP AICP 60~. Fryer, P. Eng. General Manager: Public Works and rector of Current g Development Services 41 -2- - 11555 11575 11540 10 0 11535 ci A 181920 11530 2 11510 P13786 11502 507 0- 24 - 11492 35 11499 3 25 F 1484 ? 1 c'1 ? 1147 11491 11502 ___ P1786 0.. -11461 o.. 32 11467 111474 11448 30 11451 11459 L!J L 12 2 CY 111442 11425 P30283 a. 18 1615 11429 J l7 11415 1 - 1422 LMP313b1 P22031 r SUBJECT PROPERTY P 34984 11418 0- 15 A 1410 / 11403 11397 RP8357 11394 1 02 L14 \ PARKLMP,41331 22 P 21243 11378 RP6761 - PcL1 RP6260 11363 P21243 N1/28 - H RP3659 _ -- 11333 11330 A 1 SCALE: 1:2.500 KEY MAP _____ DATE: May 111999 FILE: BY: JB CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: June 1 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: ALR/27/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: ALR127199 (1l4l624Oth Street) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received under Section 12(1) of the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) Act to exclude approximately 1.9 hectares from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). Council Policy for this area recommends that the lands be retained in the ALR and that Council consider applications for subdivision of lands within the reserve on their merit. Since adoption of this policy, the Rural Plan Advisory Committee (RPAC) prepared a series of recommendations regarding ALR lands, including Subarea C in which the subject parcel is located. RPAC were split on the options for this area, and in the Summary of Council Decisions on Implementation of the Rural Plan, Council endorsed Option 3 (Transition Area principles) which retained this area in the ALR: The ALC were not in agreement with Option 3 and Council subsequently agreed to accept the approach outlined in Option 4 (with the inclusion of the clustering/consolidation principle) as a starting point for further discussions with the ALC. As there are issues to resolve with the ALC, it is recommended that consideration of this application be deferred at this time. II RECOMMENDATION: That consideration of application ALR/27199 (located at 11416.240th Street) for the property described in the memorandum dated June 1g, 1999, be deferred until completion of the review of Agricultural Land Reserve Policies. III BACKGROUND: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Surrounding Uses: N: S: E: Mr. Keith Koelling (Owner) - Lot 1, Plan 7917, Section 15, Twp. 12 NWD Group 1 Agricultural RS-3 One Family Rural Residential RS-3 One Family Rural Residential RS-3 One Family Rural Residential RS-3 One Family Rural Residential -1-P W: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Access: Previous Applications: RS-3 One Family Rural Residential RS-lb One Family Urban Residential Rural Residential, cleared and forested land Rural Residential (construct a new house) 240th Street nil An application has been received to exclude approximately 1.9 hectares of land from the ALR. The Applicant has satisfied all "notice of exclusion" requirements under Section 5 of B.C. Regulation 313/78 (Agricultural Land Reserve Procedure Regulation). As a result of this notice, the Planning Department has not received any verbal or written submissions of support or disagreement from residents to the date of this memo. IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This application is for exclusion from the ALR. The Owner has not indicated what his future intentions are for the use of this site other than to construct a new home. There are no restrictions for land in the ALR that would prohibit the existing use or proposed new house construction. V PLANNING ANALYSIS Official Community Plan The subject site is designated Agricultural on the Official Community Plan (OCP). Lands bordering the subject site to the south are designated Single Family Residential, with Conservation and are within the urban boundary of the Albion OCP Area. Current Council Policy in this area recommends that the lands be retained in the ALR and that Council consider applications for subdivision of lands within the reserve on their merit. Rural Plan The subject site is located in Sub-area C of the Rural Plan. The RPAC supported what was called a "transition proposal" for ALR lands west of the Smith Avenue urban area. This proposal had four options, and Council chose Option 3. This option reads as follows: Retain in the ALR and adopt the following principles for the area: Preserve rural character with transition buffering. Need to establish a density with comprehensive L.I.P. sewer solution which is practical and economical. Variety of uses Range of density and lot sizes Clustering and consolidation Retirement living opportunities Business opportunities -2- 4. Emphasis on rural lifestyle and limitations on intensive agricultural possibilities. Council resolved further that if Option 3 was not acceptable to the ALC they would support Option 2. This option however called for the land to be removed from the ALR and designated as Rural Residential. Upon reconsideration in subsequent Council-Staff Meetings, Council has indicated support for Option 4, which reads as follows: Retain in the ALR. Address the septic system failures by a minimal L.I.P. sewer system. Adopt a Farm By-law to restrict intensive/intrusive agriculture. Council agreed to accept this approach for Sub-area C with the inclusion of the clustering/consolidation principle. Staff are currently working on this framework, and anticipate a meeting with ALC staff to discuss implementation of the approach. The ALC supports retention in the ALR and does not feel the principles cited above are appropriate to that view. Consequently, staff are of the opinion that an exclusion application is inconsistent with the views of both Council and the ALC. However, a meeting with the ALC is still necessary to resolve the outstanding Rural Plan issues. VI CONCLUSION: As there are issues to resolve with the ALC, it is recommended that consideration of this application be deferred at this time. Bruce G. McLeod ISA Certified Arborist - Landscape/Planning Technician (/• R. W. Robertson, MCIP, AICP J. Rudolph, MCIP AICP Chief Administrative Officer General Manager: Public Works and Development Services -3- T 11555 rr —-------r—i 11576 10 ro IQ I 1153512 A ..H 21 138 L 18.19 11518 11523 11530 0 1• 22 I 37 C) c11510 11515 23 t36 a. 11502 I 11507 24 11492 jgg 3 r' 25 111484 I 11491 11502 11471)..1b P 13786 11471 11468 _ 32 11474 11475 2 -\ 111458 _ 11461\ \ 28 I ' 31 1 \1448 11467 30 11451 _r \ 29 11459 I_ILMS2991 11436 J ______ L I 2,3) b3 14 11441 , .c ..- ___________ 11442 11425 '—J P30283 18 11428 g17~3165 1 11415 11422 1 P22031Li9 LM3 P 34984 11416 0.. 15 202 A 11410 RP8357 11403 ••• 11394 I 11402 21 PARK /'331 22 113971 LMP RP6761 P 21243 - 0 11378 • PcIl c/) —1 • RP6260 11363 Rem 2 P 13786 B 2 3- 1 RS-3 SUBJECT PROPERTY 5 N 1/2 B P 21243 RP 3659 I N .. Ur!gWU M MIME IN ALR2799 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12, September. 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: May 111999 FILE: BY: JB Council Meeting Minutes June 22, 1999 Page 14 RZ/13/97 to rezone property at 22650 - 126 Avenue from RS-3 to R-1 and RM-1 to permit 130 single family lots and an unknown nunjb'r of townhouse units. Discussion Councillor King questioned if this application will be impactey the regulations of Development Permit Area XXX and if so, if Counci 4,6 l shoujldefer the extension so that the regulations can be applied. / The Director of Current Planning responded that this iØ rezoning application and there is no companion subdivision application. DP JXXX would only apply to a subdivision or building permit application under tb/Municipal Act. With respect to a subdivision application made after the regiâtions of DP XXX are adopted, they would apply automatically. 1/ CARRIED 06.02.07 DVP/21/99—ll9OlMapleMeadows ay Reference was made to the staff/eport dated May 27, 1999 recommending that the subject application to def9z' construction of Dunn Avenue west of Maple Meadows Way on condition tJ(at the construction improvements be a requirement of development of the site. / R/99-3 13 MOVED by Coyñcillor Baker DVP/2 1/99 SECONDED b'i Councillor Levens that the >4'umcipa1 Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property ;Tners 1at approval of DVP/21/99 respecting property located at 11901 ple,,Meadows Way will be considered by Council at the July 13, 1999 mee1g. / CARRIED 06.02.08 ALR12 7199-11416-240 Street Reference was made to the staff report dated June 1, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R/99-3 14 MOVED by Councilior King ALRI27/99 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart DEFERRED that consideration of application ALRJ27/99 (located at 11416 - 240 Street) for the property described in the memorandum dated June 1, 1999, Council Meeting Minutes June 22, 1999 Page 15 be deferred until completion of the review of Agricultural Land Reserve Policies. Discussion Councillor Stewart asked for clarification as to whether the proponents can go ahead to the Agricultural Land Commission while the review is taking place or if they would still have to go through the District. The Planner responded that the Commission requires that the application be accompanied by a Council resolution and therefore it cannot proceed directly to the Commission. The motion CARRIED. Con-imittee of the Whole Minutes July 19, 1999 Page 2 temporary residential use and depending on what their decisi/is,stwill get back to those people to let them know what they have to do. He added that 75 property owners who have non-owner occ s are being sent letters this week. Those people are not eligible to register ecause they are non-owner occupied. They are being given 90 days to dec9thmission the suites to allow the tenants an opportunity to make other arrangements. /Fhe Residential Tenancy Act requires 30 days notice. // A Councillor noted that people might be away duririjthe summer months and not receive their notice right away. She noted that there are,4otentially 150 families that could be affected and Council does not want to see peo1e/out on the street. The Director of Community Services and ,.usiness Relations went over the business licence statistics, noting that paymVs been received as follows - store front businesses - 99%; home based busi - 88%; non-resident - 69%. He noted that non-resident cases are difficult to pu they move around, go out of business, etc. There have been 437 new licences issich is up from last year. He reviewed the parking enforcea4'ent statistics, noting that the rate of collection is between 60-65%. He referred t' the by-law enforcement statistics, noting that noise complaints remain the number/one complaint. He explained how abandoned vehicle complaints are handled. / He further noted that the t){strict now has a staff member from the Fire Department coming on board to handle 'fier-hours complaints. The Director ended his pz'esentation at this point. ALR127199 - 11416 - 240 Street - Mr. Keith Koelling, Applicant 1.2 The subject application was considered at the June 14, 1999 Committee of the Whole Meeting and the June 22, 1999 Council Meeting at which time Council made a decision to defer the application pending completion of Council's review of the Agricultural Land Reserve policies. Mr. Keith Koelling was in attendance and provided Council with and reviewed a written submission which is summarized as follows: Mr. Koelling aske dCouncil to referto the maps contained in his report. He indicated the location of the property in question, noting that it is 1.968 hectares (4.89 acres) in size and 61% of the site is comprised of significantly sloped land, a deep ravine and four converging streams and is unsuitable for soil based crop production. The remaining 39% of the site is 1.91 acres of gently sloped ground and occupied by the house, yard, garage, driveway and septic field. The actual unencumbered land area is 1.46 acres. Mr. Koelling advised that he would like to replace the existing house on the property with more modem living accommodations. He is reluctant to build a new home on ALR encumbered land as it will not appreciate at the same rate as an investment not affected by an ALR designation. Committee of the Whole Minutes July 19, 1999 Page 3 He further noted that he is surrounded by lands that are being or have been developed as a residential use and intensive agricultural uses other than soil based crops would create a conflict with those residential areas. He referred to Section 21(1) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act, noting that it implies that agricultural use restrictions do not apply to land which is less than 2 acres in area and feels that his property should therefore be excluded from the ALR. He further noted that the shallow topsoil depth and underlying clay material is another detrimental limitation to using the subject parcel for commercial crop production. The Acting Mayor asked Mr. Koelling if he is still able to build a home on the land if it remains in the ALR Mr. Koelling responded that nothing prevents him from doing so but he is concerned about his future investment value. The Acting Mayor explained that recent ALR applications have been deferred by Council as they want to meet with the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) and revisit some of the policies governing the areas affected by those applications. It has not been easy to schedule a meeting with the ALC. Council is seeking further direction from the Director of Long Range Planning today and he will ask the Director of Long Range Planning to update Mr. Koelling on the direction Council has decided to take respect to the outstanding applications. Mr. Koelling stated that his application is being held up because of the political process. He would ask Council to read it carefully and consider it on its own merits. Mr. Koelling ended his presentation at this point in the meeting. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 25, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ-62-99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C/S, CW SUBJECT: Secondary Suite Review - Amendment Package EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Since the adoption of the secondary suites bylaw and policies in March of 1999, staff have been monitoring registration activity and issues related to suites. On October 12, 1999 Council directed staff to prepare amending bylaws that would remedy some of the issues that have arisen and fine-tune the secondary suites policies. Specifically, Council directed staff to prepare a Zone Amending Bylaw that would: a) delete the minimum lot size requirement of 557 m2; b) delete the requirement to obtain an annual District of Maple Ridge Trade License; c) establish that a secondary suite is not a permitted use in a floodplain; and d) define "cooking facility". The current Secondary Suites Policy has been amended to be consistent with the proposed Secondary Suite zoning regulations. In addition, a Council Policy regarding the placement of the Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant has also been created which identifies the conditions where the placement of the restrictive covenant can be waived. Lastly, to continue to provide a financial incentive to property owners to register secondary suites, a Building Bylaw amendment has been prepared to extend the reduced secondary suite registration fee of $125 from September 23, 1999 until March 31, 2000. RECOMMENDATION: That: Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5847-1999 be read a first time and that it proceed to Public Hearing; Maple Ridge Building Amending Bylaw No. 5848-1999 be read a first and second time, and the rules of order be waived, and that Maple Ridge Building Amending Bylaw No. 5848-1999 be read a third time; Council Policy 6.14 "Secondary Suites" be deleted, and that the proposed "Secondary Suites" Policy be adopted when final reading is given to the Amending Bylaw relating to Secondary Suite Use; and The proposed "Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant" Policy be adopted when final reading is given to Amending Bylaws relating to Secondary Suite Use. ,oL III. BACKGROUND At the October 12, 1999 Council meeting, Council directed staff to prepare a zone amending bylaw to the existing secondary suite provisions in Zoning Bylaw 35 10-1985. Such amendments should include: Deleting the Zoning Bylaw requirement that states that secondary suites "shall be limited lots with a minimum parcel size of 557m 2"; deleting the Zoning Bylaw requirement that states "shall require a valid District of Maple Ridge Business License"; establishing a regulation to prohibit a secondary suite use on property within a floodplain; and establishing a definition of "cooking facility". Staff were further authorized to prepare an amendment to the Building Bylaw to extend the reduced secondary suite registration fee until March 31, 2000. Lastly, staff had requested that Council provide direction regarding the treatment of properties that currently have restrictive covenants pertaining to secondary suites, and future practices pertaining to the placement of the restrictive covenant on new lots within the District. At the October 12, 1999 Council Meeting staff were directed that: "Restrictive Covenants on title to Single Family Residential properties prohibiting a secondary suite use remain in place and that restrictive covenants continue to be placed on title to all Single Family Residential properties except infill developments on parcels established prior to October, 1994. "; IV. DISCUSSION Further to Council's resolution, staff has prepared the attached secondary suites bylaw and policy amendment package, and the following section of this report briefly discusses each revision. i. Zoning Bylaw Amendments: (a) Minimum parcel size of 557 m2 The current secondary suites bylaw states that a suite is only permitted on lots with a minimum lot area of 557 m2 (5996 ft2). In reviewing this regulation, staff is of the opinion that the size of the lot is less of an issue than the ability to provide on-site parking. The attached zone amending bylaw removes this provision from the Zoning Bylaw. 2 District of Maple Ridge Business License The existing Bylaw requires that suite owners obtain an annual business license. Bill 88, which amends the Municipal Act, clarifies that the requirement for obtaining a business license for a secondary suite is not permitted. The attached zone amending bylaw deletes this provision from the Zoning Bylaw. Floodplain At present the existing secondary suites regulations do not prohibit the registration of a secondary suite that is in the floodplain. While there are many homes in the District that have restrictive covenants that prohibit habitable space within the floodplain, there are a number of properties that do not have such a covenant. The attached Zone Amending Bylaw will prohibit the establishment of a secondary suite use in the floodplain. Definition of Cooking Facility The Zoning Bylaw definition of Dwelling Unit refers to the term "cooking facility", however a definition of cooking facility is not included in the Zoning Bylaw. A definition of Cooking Facility has been included in the attached Zone Amending Bylaw in order to provide clarification around this issue. The definition reads as follows: Cooking facility "is defined as any electronic, electrical, mechanical or manual equipment by which food of any sort can be cooked,heated, steamed or baked, including without limitation, conventional ovens, microwaves, convection ovens, toaster ovens, cooktops, hottops, camping stoves, barbecues, crock pots and electric frying pans, rice cookers, woks, grills and griddles, but does not include an electric kettle that can only be used for heating water." ii. Building Bylaw Amendment At present the Building Bylaw states that the fee to register a secondary suite is $125.00 six months from the adoption of the amending bylaw (September 23, 1999), and $250.00 thereafter. Given the proposed amendments to the Zoning Bylaw, Council have supported the extension of the registration fee in order to provide residents with an incentive to register their suites. The attached amendment to the Building Bylaw extends the reduced registration fee of $125.00 until March 31, 2000. 3 Secondary Suite Council Policy Existing Council Policy 6.14 "Secondary Suite" contains the provisions pertaining to the minimum lots size requirement and requirement to obtain an annual district of Maple Ridge Trade License. This policy has been amended to delete the reference to these provisions, and the draft policy is attached to this report. Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant Council Policy Since October of 1994, the Approving Officer ubder direction from Council, has required that a Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant be registered on the title of all new lots created. The covenant states that the property can only be used for single family purposes, and as a result secondary suites are not permitted on these properties. On October 12, 1999 Council directed the Approving Officer to continue the practice of placing the covenants on new lots, with the exception of infill subdivisions on lots established prior to October 31, 1994. Pursuant to the Council direction, staff has prepared a "Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant Policy" that provides clear direction to the Approving Officer, and states the criteria by which the placement of the covenant can be waived. Specifically, the policy states that the Covenant will not be placed on infill subdivided lots if: - the parent parcel does not have the covenant; and - the neighbouring properties on either side or across the Street from the lot/parcel do not have the restrictive covenant; and - no further subdivision of the parent lot/parcel or newly created lot(s)/parcel(s) is possible. While not explicitly directed to do so, staff have drafted the policy statement to provide for the discharge of existing covenants on infihl lots where: - the parent parcel was created prior to October 1994 neighbouring properties on either side and across from the subject property do not have a restrictive covenant registered on the title. The draft Policy further states that when a discharge is requested on an infill property, the District will notify neighbouring property owners, who may appear as a delegation before Council to voice their opinion with the requested discharge. El To provide further clarification to the Approving Officer, the Policy defines "infihl" as an application to create 4 or fewer lots, in a neighbourhood with lots or parcels that do not have a Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant registered on the title. V. CONCLUSION Pursuant with Council's direction of October 12, 1999 staff have prepared amendments to the secondary suite provisions in the Zoning Bylaw which delete the minimum lot size requirement; delete the requirement to obtain an annual business license for a secondary suite. The Zone amending bylaw also prohibits a secondary suite use on properties within the floodplain, and establishes a definition of cooking facility. Also attached to this report is Building Amending Bylaw to extend the reduced registration fee for a secondary suite from September 23, 1999 to March 31, 2000. In addition, Council Policy 6.14 "Secondary Suites" has been amended to be consistent with the revised Zoning provisions. Lastly, the Approving Officer has requested direction regarding the conditions that must be satisfied in order to waive the placement of a Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant on the Title to new lots created. A new Council Policy entitled "Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant" has been created to provide such direction. Prepared by: C me arter, MCIP, Planner Approved by: ' Approve : e J. Rudolph AIPMCIP IQ M: Public Works & Dev7pment Services c ~) ~ Ic Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer 5 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5847 - 1999 A by-law to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 35 10-1985 as amended WHEREAS the Council can regulate the use of land in a Zoning By-law; AND WHEREAS Council can establish different density regulations for a zone for the provision of affordable housing; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Title This by-law may be cited for all purposes as the "Maple Ridge Zoning Amending By-law No. 5847-1999". Scope This By-law amends the regulations for a secondary suite residential use by deleting the minimum lot size requirement; deleting the requirement to obtain a valid District of Maple Ridge Business License; establishing a definition of cooking facility; and establishing a regulation to prohibit a secondary suite use in a floodplain. The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510-1985 is amended as follows: (a) PART 2 iNTERPRETATION is amended by the addition of the following definition: "COOKING FACILITY means any electronic, electrical, mechanical or manual equipment by which food of any sort can be cooked, heated, steamed or baked, includingwithout limitation, conventional, ovens, microwaves, convection ovens, toaster ovens, cooktops, hottops, camping stoves, barbecues, crock pots and electric frying pans, rice cookers, woks, grills and griddles, but does not include an electric kettle that can only be used for heating water." BY-LAW NO. 5680-1998 PAGE 2 (b) PART 4- GENERAL REGULATIONS, Section 402, REGULATIONS FOR PERMITTED USES OF LAND, BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES, sub-section (8) Dwelling units for a Secondary Suite Residential Use is amended as follows: by the deletion of clause "(b) shall be limited to lots with a minimum parcel size of 557 m2 "; by the deletion of clause "(i) shall require a valid District of Maple Ridge Business License"; by the addition of the following clause "shall not be permitted on property situated within afloodplain."; and by the renumbering of the sub-section accordingly. 4. Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 35 10-1985 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time this PUBLIC REARING held on READ a second time this READ a third time this RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED this MAYOR CLERK a CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5848-1999 A by-law to amend Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Building Bylaw No. 5452-1996 as amended WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Building By-law No. 5452-1996 as amended; NOW ThEREFORE, The Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Building Amending By-law No. 5848-1999". The Corporation of the Disthct of Maple Ridge Building By-law No. 5452-1996 is amended as follows: Schedule "A", clause 23 is deleted and replaced with the following: "23. Secondary Suite Registration Fee - $125.00 until March 31, 2000 and $250.00 thereafter." Maple Ridge Building By-law No. 5452-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time this READ a second time this READ a third time this RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED this MAYOR CLERK MAPLE RIDGE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TITLE: SECONDARY SUITES AUTHORITY: . EFFECTIVE DATE: POLICY NO. . SUPERSEDES: - APPROVAL: POLICY STATEMENT: A secondary suite will be permitted in a house subject to the following conditions: the registered owner of the property must reside in either the main part of the house or the secondary suite as his/her principal place of residence and must sign and register a Housing Agreement; one secondary suite per lot is permitted; the floor area of the suite must be a minimum of 37 m 2 to a maximum of 90 m2; the suite must be located within the house; one off-street parking space must be provided for the suite; a secondary suite will not be permitted where there is a Temporary Residential Use or Boarding Use in the house; the suite must comply with the B.C. Building Code requirements for secondary suites; the house cannot be strata titled; properties not on municipal sewer must have Health Unit approval; properties not on municipal water must prove adequate water potability; fees must be paid for water, sewer, and recycling, where relevant; a suite will not be permitted if the property is identified on Schedule "E" to the Zoning Bylaw. Enforcement will be in accordance with existing Bylaw enforcement regulations and procedures. People who decide to remove a suite from their house will have three months to disconnect the stove in the suite. - - - - - PURPOSE: The Secondary Suites Policy provides a framework for the regulation of secondary suites to ensure that neighbourhood, safety and financial concerns are addressed in the best interests of the community. DEFINITIONS: Secondary suites are defined in the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw. They are generally defined as a second dwelling unit with a kitchen and bathroom located in a house. Printed on October 22, 1999 Page 1 of 1 Policy? CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TITLE: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL USE RESTRICTIVE COVENANT AUTHORITY: . EFFECTIVE DATE: POLICY NO. . SUPERSEDES: APPROVAL: POLICY STATEMENT: The Approving Officer shall include, as a requirement of subdivision, the registration of a Section 219 Restrictive Covenant against the title of all lots within the subdivision limiting the use of the parcel to single family residential use only. Exceptions: The Approving Officer is further instructed that the requirement for a Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant is not necessary if: 4 or fewer lots are proposed; the parent lot or parcel does not have a Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant registered on title; the lots or parcel across the Street and on either side of the subject property do not have a Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant registered on the title; and further subdivision of the parent lot/parcel or created lot/parcel is not possible. Discharge: Council will give consideration to the discharge of a Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant if: - - - - - - - the parent lot or parcel was created prior to October 1994; and the lots/parcels across the street and on either side of the subject property do not have a Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant registered on the title. When a discharge of the Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant is requested by a property owner, the District will notify property owners within 30 metres, who may appear as a delegation before Council to support or object to the proposed discharge. Printed on October 28, 1999 Page 1 of 2 Policy? PURPOSE: The Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant policy is intended to ensure that the District of Maple Ridge is able to provide individuals with the choice of residing in suite-free neighbourhoods, or in neighbourhoods where secondary suites are a permitted use. Printed on October 28, 1999 Page 2 of 2 Policy? CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 28, 1999 and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Cumtt4l Heritage Advisory Committee - Public Consultation regarding the "Heritage Resources of Maple Ridge" (the Heritage Inventory) SUMMARY At the October 27, 1998 Council meeting, Council authorized the Heritage Advisory Committee to consult with owners of property listed on the Heritage Inventory. Pursuant with the Council resolution, on May 18 and 20, 1999 the Heritage Advisory Committee hosted two Open Houses to share information regarding how the Inventory was established; implications of being included in the Inventory; and the establishment of a voluntary Community Heritage Register. The following report highlights the results of the two Open Houses and makes recommendations pertaining to the establishment of a voluntary Community Heritage Register. RECOMMENDATIONS "That a Community Heritage Register be established for the properties identified on the list entitled "District of Maple Ridge, Community Heritage Register", as attached to the report dated October 28, 1999 and entitled "Heritage Advisory Committee - Public Consultation regarding the Heritage Resources of Maple Ridge (the Heritage Inventory)." BACKGROUND In October 1998, Council resolved to support the following recommendation pertaining to the Heritage Management Plan and Inventory: - - - - -Consuitation -withpropettyowners litdontiiëHêflt1nveiiIy I including distribution of the Inventory and Plan and a meeting to explain the status of the Inventory; Establishment of a Community Heritage Register which should include all Municipally owned heritage buildings and buildings designated by bylaw, with other buildings from the Inventory to be added on a voluntary basis; Preparation of a policy and brochure for development applications and demolitions for property on the Heritage Inventory; Transfer of the Wharf building to the Historical Society contract for the management of Municipal Heritage buildings and allocation of funds to provide for its maintenance; - 06.O A . 01 Publication and sale of book quality version of the Heritage Inventory; Preparation of a bylaw to re-establish the Heritage Advisory Committee as a Community Heritage Commission." To date, Recommendations 1 and 4 have been completed, and the following report regarding the establishment of a Community Heritage Register will satisfy Recommendation 2. IV. DISCUSSION 1) The Open Houses: In May of this year, the Heritage Advisory Committee (HAC) hosted two Open Houses, one at the Albion Community Hall and the other at the Hammond Community Centre. The Open Houses ran between 4:00 and 9:00 p.m. and were well attended by the public, members of Council, HAC, and staff. Prior to the Open House, letters of invitation were mailed to all owners of property identified in the Inventory (a total of 87 letters). In addition, an advertisement was placed on two separate occasions in The Times newspaper. Excluding Committee Members, members of Council, and staff, a total of 46 citizens attended the Open Houses (Albion with 25 and Hammond with 21). This number is particularly impressive, as it represents an attendance rate of 53 percent. A questionnaire was available at the Open Houses and 17 completed questionnaires were received. The verbatim comments are attached to this report, however, the following section highlights some of the conclusions drawn from the questionnaire responses: "Do you think the establishment of a community heritage register in the District of Maple Ridge is a good idea? Why? There were 17 responses given to this answer. All of the respondents answered 'yes' to this question. The reasons provided in support of the Register all stressed the need to preserve and recognize the District's past. The need to raise awareness was also noted by some respondents. Would you be interested in having your heritage property included in the Register? There were 17 responses given to this question. Seven (7) citizens responded "yes" noting they are "proud" to be a heritage property owner. 2 Nine (9) owners noted they were "Uncertain" whether they would want to be included in a Register. The two most noted reasons provided were that owner felt their homes were not "good enough" to be included in a Register, and others needed time to discuss the issue with family members. One respondent noted concern with the future sale of his/her home. Only one property owner selected "no" and the reason cited was that he did not wish to have limits placed on property rights that are different from others. Why did you purchase a heritage home? 15 people responded to this question. The most frequent reason provided was a preference for older homes for a variety of reasons, including character, style and mature landscaping. The second most frequent response was that people were not aware the house was a heritage property or the house was not a heritage property when originally purchased. Is the Inventory description of your property accurate? If no, what is incorrect? Twelve (12) people responded to this question. Nine (9) property owners were able to correct or provide additional information. The balance of respondents noted that the descriptions were accurate, however two (2) individuals stated that there property had not been included in the inventory. S. Are you aware of any heritage properties that are missing from the Inventory? If so, where are they located? Twelve properties where identified as missing from the Inventory. The Heritage Advisory Committee and staff will be looking into whether or not these properties satisfy the criteria to be included in the Inventory. 6. Why did you come tonight? What sorts of information were you hoping to receive? Most of therespondentsto this question noted interest in heritage as being the primary reason for attending the Open Houses. Others were looking for additional information on the Inventory and Community Heritage Register. ii) Community Heritage Register A Community Heritage Register is an official list of heritage properties in a community. The Register is intended to include all heritage designated buildings, plus private properties identified in the Heritage Inventory where the owner has consented to have the property included. '3 Some of the benefits of being identified in the Register include eligibility for special provisions in the BC Buildings Code Heritage Supplement; and the ability for property owners to negotiate with a municipality incentives such as, the fast tracking of development applications or tax incentives. In most cases there are no restrictions placed on altering the interior of registered buildings, however inclusion in the Register does provide Council with the authority to temporarily withhold the issuance of a demolition or building permit. Such a delay is intended to give Council time to review the issue and negotiate with the owner. The Municipal Act provides for the establishment of a Community Heritage Register by Council Resolution and requires that the owner of the Heritage Property and Minister responsible for the Heritage Conservation Act be notified within 30 days of establishing the Register. Private Property: A consent form volunteering to have private property included in the Register was available at each of the Open Houses. To date, seven (7) property owners have submitted a signed consent form to include eight (8) privately owned buildings in the Register. The properties volunteered by the property owners for inclusion in the Register are: Whonnock Post Office 26915 River Road Whonnock General Store - 26927 River Road McFarlane Residence - 11395 205 Street Bank of Montreal - 22355 River Road Sugar Maple Trees - 26721 100 Avenue Miller Residence - 28594 104th Avenue Post Office - 11841 224th Street Tanaka House - 24077 124th Street Also included in the Register would be the Leslie Residence at 21695 River Road that was designated a Municipal Heritage site in 1997, and received a Heritage Advisory Committee plaque. Public Property: The Heritage Management Plan recommends that the District's heritage properties also be included in the Register. Municipal properties identified in the Inventory, which are proposed for inclusion in the Community Heritage Register include: Original Stand of Maple Trees, 20818 Golf Crescent Saint Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 22279 1 16th Avenue Manager's House, Port Haney Brick Company, 22520 116 Avenue ru Port Haney Brick Company Office, 22520 116 Avenue Haney House, 11612 224 Street Haney Post Office, 22375 Calligan Ave Wharf Office, 22300 Block River Road Maple Ridge Cemetery, 214 Street Royal Oak of England, 214 Street C.P.R. Van Caboose #437115, 22520 116 Avenue Spencer Farm Milk House, 23448-23498 105 Avenue Whonnock Cemetery, 96 Avenue V. CONCLUSION The Heritage Advisory Committee is very pleased with the attendance at both Open Houses. The meetings were very positive, and the responses to the Questionnaires demonstrate that attendees were unanimous in their position that it is important to preserve and recognize our community heritage, and were supportive of the Heritage Advisory Committees initiatives. Pursuant with Council Resolution R198-553(2) regarding the Establishment of a Community Heritage Register, staff have prepared a Register List which includes all Municipally owned heritage buildings, buildings designated by bylaw, and privately owned properties volunteered for inclusion in the Register by the property owner. The Heritage Advisory Committee is recommending that a Community Heritage Register be established for the 21 properties (12 municipally owned and 9 private) identified in this report. Prepared by: ,Qltinç.çarter, MCIP, Planner Long Range J. RudoIØiAICP, MCIP Publjc Works & Development Services óncurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer 5 VERBATIM COMMENTS TAKEN FROM COMPLETED QUESTIONNAIRES In total, there were 17 questionnaires completed. The verbatim comments by question are as follows: Do you think the establishment of a Community Heritage Register in the District of Maple Ridge is a good idea? Why? - Yes. There is a lot of unrecorded heritage sites in Maple Ridge. A voluntary registry if a good idea to bring people interested in heritage together and make the municipality more aware of what is out there. - Yes. We must not forget our past. - Protection and community pride. - Yes, to preserve some of the heritage and character of the older homes. - Yes. Keeps the history of the area alive. - To keep the memory of old times alive. - Yes, we all need history to have an identity. - Yes. The preservation of some older homes or other buildings makes the history real and may lead to increased pride in our community. - Yes. The history of a community is important for new and future residents. - Yes, definitely. I believe in old things - the future generations need to know what was! - Yes. We need to save the old houses. Maybe the owners will feel more proud to be in an old house instead of a brand new house. - Yes. To save what is left of the heritage of Port Haney. - Yes. It is very important to preserve and recognize our community heritage. I am especially happy to see that the trees have been included. - Only if completely voluntary. - To preserve past history and to compare construction techniques to the present day. To appreciate the pioneers of a community. - Yes, if having a Community Heritage Register helps to raise awareness of the history of the community and in so doing leads to the preservation of heritage buildings and sites, it is a worthy society. - It is a wonderful idea to register heritage homes, etc... The preservation of community heritage is vital, although saving every derelict building is not necessary. Would you be interested in having your heritage property included in the Register. Please choose one. a) Yes - Why? - The house was built in 1910 and made from logs taken from the property. It was built by hand by Finns @ Webster's Corners and should be recognized. - Respect of the past. - I'm very proud of my two buildings and their history. - I am proud of it. - It is unique to the conmunity and has a meaningful history. - Nostalgia. I'm very proud to be the owner of a "heritage" home. - yes No - Why? I do not wish to have limits on my property rights that are different from others. Uncertain - Why? - It is in bad state of repair and could collapse. We have put 1 1/2 new shake roofs on in 37 years we have owned the property. However to replace the rotting logs is very difficult. - I'd like to take the information that I have home to my husband to discuss it with him. - I need to talk it over with my husband. - The house has been sold to other family members and I don't want to influence their investment potential. - If we decide to sell our house, it may be hard to sell. And also it may not meet your criteria. - With the rapid development presently in the area we may eventually be surrounded by taller buildings with a "fish bowl" effect. - I don't think our home is in good enough condition to be considered and we are not presently in the financial position to fix it up. - This property was bought as an inheritance for my children (son-in-law has a business on the same "isolated" street). There is no intention of developing this property in any way at this time. - It may not fit the criteria. 3. Why did you choose to purchase a heritage home? - I personally like the old stuff, machinery, cars, homes etc... I like the area it's in and appreciate the hard work and craftsmanship that went into building it. It's not a leaky condo that will be torn down in 20 years. - N/A. We were delighted our log home was on our land, but it did not affect our purchase. - Was not a heritage home. Was what we wanted and had a history. - I didn't know it was a heritage home until I received the letter in the mail from the Corporation of Maple Ridge. - I love old buildings. - Coming from the old country it made us feel "at home". - It wasn't one when we bought it. - I didn't. It became "heritage" in the forty years I lived in it. - I like the look and feel of living in an old house. I also like the mature landscape. - It was a beautifully, solidly built home with a large lot and garden. It is connected to downtown core and transportation. - We loved the house and gardens. Being a "heritage" home didn't enter into our conscious decision to buy. - We liked the house and did not regard it as a heritage home. - When I bought the property, this house just "happened" to be on it. I did not have any idea it was considered to be a heritage house. - Loved the character of the house and price was right. Large lot. - We liked the style - lovely property. Is the Inventory description of your property accurate? If no, what is incorrect? - It's not in the Inventory. • - The date is 1906 (25807 - 100 Ave) - Picture (26914 112t1 Ave). - Property size is now 2.56 acres (10412 280th Street) - The house 28594 was built in the 30s by Charlie Miller. Albert Miller the father built his house earlier on what is now "Twin Maples" property (28594 104th Ave). - Julia Newell is said to be the first owner of the house. We were told it was built by a Mr. Murdoch. (28306 Dewdney Trunk Road). - Not in inventory (no address given) - The new St. Andrews church was built in 1956 (not 1962) and the C.E. Hall Building in 1959. - Please take a look at the sun porch to the back. Redefine leaded windows - all of them have it. - Yes, the description is accurate, except the lovely old horse chestnut trees have been removed by the jy and have not yet been replaced. - Asfaraslknow. - Don't know the history of the house. Unable to determine accuracy of description. Are you aware of any heritage properties that are missing from the Inventory? If so, where are they located? - Mine. 12211 264 Street - Do not know of any. - Nielson house on 272 (north of school) - The Lee Farm on 280th in Ruskin. - 11907223 Street - Yes mine. 20623 114 Ave, Maple Ridge (Hammond). - I am not aware of any properties missing from the inventory. - 26721 100 Ave - you may or may not be interested as the original design has been altered (Drewny Home). I have journal pages of the home being built. Hopefully there have been measures taken to preserve the view of golden ears 3 by allowing development of the Gillian property along D.T. road to be of a low level variety, rather than 2 - 3 storey homes, town homes etc. - Also, have any of the Lilley residences been considered for the inventory, ie. the Kim and Edith residence on D.T. road, the Gordon Lilley residence on D.T. Road. - Page 46. 22106 DT Road, this residence was owned by Jack and Margaret Clappison. Built in 1939 by brother-in-law Algie Bend - all three homes had oak floors and leaded windows and inside doors. - Page 47. 221145 Dewdney Trunk Road. Also built in 1939 by brother-in- law Algie Bend who built several homes in the Haney and Pitt Meadows areas. Bill and Ethel Clappison lived there. - The residence kitty-corner the N.W. corner of DT Road and the former Bend Road was built in 1945 by Algie Bend who lived there with his wide Connie (nee Clappison). Moved from P. Mead. farm. This residence is not in the book. 6. Why did you come tonight? What sorts of information were you hoping to receive? - To find out what's new with the HAC and see what direction things are going. - we care about heritage properties and appreciate the work of the Heritage Committee. - Just to see what it was all about and to learn a bit more about it. - Invited. - We wanted to know why you chose our house to be on the register. - To find out what sort of properties were on the inventory list. - Representing the Trustees of St. Andrews U.C. in reply to your invitation of May 10, 1999. - Interest. Proud owner. Curiousity. - To find out what it's all about and to maybe have my house in the inventory. - Perhaps tax incentives for the extra costs of maintenance ie. painting etc. Tax relief for downtown parking association. - I came because I was invited. I am interested in our community heritage and want it preserved for generations to come. - To learn what is being proposed. - I was interested in seeing what exactly a heritage house entailed. - More information on our house, but also the area in general. Wanted information on heritage resources available. Knowledge of what renovations could be done without jeopardizing heritage designation. - As a lifetime resident I have an interest in the cataloguing and preservation of community buildings, views and waterways. Great work so far. 4 • District of Maple Ridge Community Heritage Register 96 Avenue - Whonnock Cemetery A number of Norwegian settlers, from an area near Trondheim, came to Whonnock around 1890. They were farmers, loggers and fishermen, and they established the 'Trondheim Scandinavian Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of Whonnock, BC' in 1895. Five years later the congregation bought one acre of land for $25 for use as a cemetery, but in 1904 they selected a new site on property owned by Ole Lee Jr., adjacent to what was then the border of the Whonnock Reserve. The first burial at the new site was held in 1905. A Lutheran Church was also built on the site, which stood from 1906 until 1958. In 1919, the District purchased an acre of the Reserve land to the east of the Scandinavian Lutheran Cemetery for use as a cemetery for the Whonnock/Ruskin areas. Japanese settlers, and in particular their children, are also buried here. The former Scandinavian cemetery is now part of the municipal cemetery and many that are not Scandinavian have been buried there. 26721 100 Avenue - Sugar Maple Trees These two landmark trees were planted by Will and Jean Dewry in 1914 from saplings transported from Perth, Ontario. They have matured into magnificent specimen trees that are landmarks in the local area. 28594 104th Avenue - Miller Residence Albert Miller acquired 130 acres of the quarter section originally owned by Moses Ball. He later built this craftsman-inspired farmhouse, which has a gable-roofed porch to the east, and a garage built into the basement. This house was constructed in 1932. 23448-23498 105 Avenue - Spencer Farm Milk House In 1919 David Spencer's Limited of Vancouver bought about 400 acres, including part of the original Robertson's farm. The low lying area on the Albion Flats was dyked, and the farm was located both as a dairy farm and as a stop-over for beef cattle from the Prairies. Later Colonel Victor Spencer, one of the sons of David Spencer, became interested in the Jersey breed of cattle, and turned the farm into a pure-bred Jersey farm, with a herd of 150 head, including some imported directly from the island of Jersey. Associated Dairies acquired the farm in the 1930's and it was later used for a variety of purposes. The property was no longer being farmed when it was acquired by the Municipality in 1959; after which it was used as the Fairgrounds for the North Fraser Valley Exhibition. The Fairgrounds are still owned by the District of Maple Ridge; the milk house is the last remaining original structure on the site built for Victor Spencer. The house received a District of Maple Ridge Heritage Advisory Committee Plaque in July 1995. 22279 116 Avenue - Saint Andrew's Presbyterian Church This is one of the earliest surviving buildings from the first settlement of Port Haney. The land for this church was donated to the Presbyterian Church Trustees by Thomas Haney. The wood frame structure was faced with local brick. Decorative Gothic pointed arch insets crown the double assembly windows, and parged stringcourses encircle the structure. The first service was held on March 20,1889 by Reverend A. Tait. In 1925, the congregation merged with the Methodist Church on River Road to become St. Andrew's United. The church was closed in 1956 when the new St. Andrew's was built on Lougheed Highway. To preserve the building, the Maple Ridge Historical Society and the BC Heritage Trust funded a restoration in 1983. The Church is a Designated Municipal Heritage Site and has received a District of Maple Ridge Heritage Advisory Committee Plaque. 22520 116Avenue - Manager's House, Port Haney Brick Company The discovery of clay deposits in the Port Haney area was the original reason that Thomas Haney chose to locate here. Brickmaking was a local activity from the time of the earliest settlement, but the largest and most successful operation in the area was the Port Haney Brick Works, founded in 1907 by Vancouver contractors E.G. Baynes and W.M. Horie to provide a regular supply of bricks for their projects. At the time, Vancouver was just entering its period of greatest expansion, and this yard supplied brick for many prominent buildings. This building is a Designated Municipal Heritage Site. 22520 116 Avenue - C.P.R. Van Caboose #437115 Caboose #437115 was built during wartime, one of hundreds operated by the Canadian Pacific Railway at the time. Its frame is steel, and the superstructure is wood. Originally, it was clad with vertical fir boards, but in 1963 was rebuilt with plywood sheathing. The original paint colour would have been Tuscan Red; the Action Yellow scheme dates from the 1970's. The Caboose was donated by the C.P.R. in June 1991 to the people of Maple Ridge through the efforts of the Dewdney-Alouette Railway Society. Many local individuals and businesses contributed to its restoration, and it is now located adjacent to the Maple Ridge Museum. 22520 116 Avenue - Port Haney Brick Company Office This charming structure was the office for the Port Haney Brick Company. It was built by the company's employees, using bricks manufactured at the plant. A simple gabled structure with a pantiled roof, it features double-hung windows with three panes in the upper sash, and contrasting high-fire brick around the structural openings. The office and the adjacent Manager's House are the only remaining buildings from the brick works. The house is a Designated Municipal Heritage Site and has received a District of Maple Ridge Heritage Advisory Committee Plaque. 24077 124th Street - Tanaka House In 1920, the Tanaka family purchased 10 acres of land to build their home. Mr. Jiro Inouye was the carpenter with assistance from Mr. Shiro Oke and Mr. Takuma Oku. The cost of labour was $0.25 an hour, with the carpenter receiving $1.25 per hour. The cost of building the house was $10,000. The Tanaka family was later relocated to Diamond City Alberta, and were only allowed to take 200 pounds of luggage per family, so most of their belongings remained in the home. The house is rich in local history and has been extensively and lovingly restored. In 1998, the current owners were the recipient of the District of Maple Ridge Residential Heritage Award. 11395 205 Street - McFarlane Residence This area of Hammond was known as 'Swede Row', for the Swedish families and bachelors that lived along this street. This was one of a series of houses built right after the First World War (on Town Lots 655-665) for mill workers who had served overseas. The houses were built by the Hammond Cedar Company and title remained with the company for a number of years. The houses reflect the Craftsman style, which was the most popular residential style at the time. This house features a full open front verandah with tapered porch columns and bases. This was the home of Mr. McFarlane, a sawyer at the mill until he retired. 214 Street - Maple Ridge Cemetery A municipal cemetery was established by the District of Maple Ridge in the 1880's. The first people to be buried here were relatives of Mrs. William Nelson of Nelson's Landing; they were Kanaka's, brought from the Hawaiian islands to work at Fort Langley, and in the 1880's William Nelson donated half an acre of his land to the District for use as a cemetery. George Howison, the owner of the 3 adjacent property also donated the same amount of land. Despite its beginnings, the District ironically did not allow the burial of Chinese or Natives here. Burials were not recorded until 1897. There are a variety of headstones, including early wooden grave markers, such as one that marks the resting place of Andre Holdsworth, killed at Westminster Junction July 12, 1910. Among the prominent early settlers here may be counted Thomas Haney and his wife Anne. Mary Berry Charlton Storey is buried between her two husbands, Alfred Temple Charlton on one side, and his cousin William Storey on the other. Also buried here is Mr. Inouye, the pioneer of the Japanese settlers in Maple Ridge, who settled here in 1907. In recognition of his leadership a rounded boulder from the Alouette River was erected to his memory by his many friends. 214 Street - Royal Oak of England This mature Oak near the entry to the Maple Ridge Cemetery has a plaque with the following inscription: 'Royal Oak of England, Planted for Haney Women's Institute on November 11, 1938 by Mrs. A. Stevenson, the Institute's First President.' 11612 224 Street - Haney House Thomas Haney, born in 1841 and raised in Paris, Ontario, came west in 1876 with his father-in-law Daniel Callaghan and his two brothers-in-laws by way of the California goldfields. Like many others, they came to British Columbia looking for better opportunities. Thomas Haney decided to settle in Maple Ridge, and purchased 160 acres of the Wickwire Estate for $1000. One of the attractions was the local clay deposits, which Haney intended to use as the basis for establishing a local brickyard. Soon after he arrived, Thomas Haney became a central figure in the new settlement. He served as Municipal Councillor and Assessor and was generous in donating his time and land to the community. He laid out the townsite of Port Haney in 1882, naming many of the streets after his family members. Haney House was built by Samuel Edge and Daniel Callaghan for Thomas and Annie Haney is 1878, and their descendant lived here until the site was deeded to the District of Maple Ridge in 1979. Remarkably, it had survived for a century with virtually no changes. The house was restored with a grant from BC Heritage Trust, and opened as a museum, complete with its original cottonwood wainscotting and some of the Haney's original furnishings and possessions. This acre of land contains the most significant group of plantings in the area.. The two Big Leaf Maples may actually predate the original settlement. The cedar grove behind the house is approximately 80 to 100 years old; remnants of the orchard planted between 1898 and 1902 still exist. These resources are extremely significant, as they provide an authentic setting for Haney House, and are a very important part of its historic character. Visitors touring this remarkable house today can capture an accurate glimpse of British Columbia's pioneer lifestyle. Haney House is a designated Municipal Heritage Site. 11841 224th Street - Former Post Office Continuing growth in the area necessitated the provision of more modem services, including this new post office. This represented an early use of the new modern styles of architecture, in contrast to the vernacular buildings in the area built at the time. The former Post Office displays an irregular massing, with a prominent stairtower. Clad in rug brick facing with stone trim, this is a handsome and sophisticated addition to the town centre. 22375 Calligan - Haney Post Office Lougheed Highway was completed in 1931 causing a shift in the location of Haney's commercial activity. Most businesses felt obligated to relocate, but the post office was reluctant to, as there was some convenience in remaining close to the railway station. Public pressure led to the construction of this new building, but by 1945 there were already demands for a new, larger structure. A brick post office was opened on 224 Street in August of 1951, rendering this structure obsolete. Originally located at 11779 Fraser Street, this building was moved to Calligan Park, the site of the old Municipal Hall. Now owned by the District and operated by the Maple Ridge Historical Society, it is currently used as a daycare facility. 20818 Golf Crescent - Original Stand of Maple Trees John Mclver, a cooper for the Hudson's Bay Company in Fort Langley, decided to settle on the north side of the Fraser River. In 1859 he selected that land where Maple Ridge Golf Course is now located. This property was on a ridge facing the River, along which stretched a stand of Maple trees. Mclver's daughter, J.C. McFarlane later wrote "This ridge of beautiful maple trees stretched for two miles along the river, from what is now Hammond to Slide Hill near Haney". This distinctive feature was chosen as the name of the new District when it was incorporated in 1874. The first official Council meeting was held on Mclver's Farm on October 10, 1874, underneath these Maple trees, on a site that is now marked by a District of Maple Ridge Heritage Advisory Committee plaque. 21695 River Road - Leslie Residence This craftsman style home was built in 1923 by Mr. Bill White for the owners Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leslie and their five children. Mr. Leslie passed away in 1930. When Mrs. Leslie passed away in 1932, the property was acquired by Mr. Tom Little who lived in the home until his death in the mid-1940's. The home still has 5 many of its original interior and exterior features including lapped wooden siding, doors, glass, plaster walls, wood flooring, moulding, and plate rails, and has been carefully restored by the current owners. The Council of the District of Maple Ridge designated the home as a protected heritage property on May 27, 1997. 22300 Block River Road - Wharf Office This small commercial building was constructed around 1926 on what is now 224 Street as a real estate and insurance office. It also served as a bus shelter until the land on which it was located was purchased for a new post office. It was then moved to the banks of the Fraser River where it served until the early 1980s as an office for the Beckstrom Towing Company which moved barges and log booms along the river. The building was donated to the Maple Ridge Historical Society by Northview Enterprises and was restored by the Heritage Advisory Committee. This building was a recipient of the District of Maple Heritage Advisory Committee Plaque in 1992. 22355 River Road - Bank of Montreal The landmark structure was built by M.B. Chariton, and was located across from the Haney Train Station. It housed Port Haney's first bank from 1911 until November, 1932, when it was damaged by fire. By then, the Lougheed Highway had been opened, and the Bank, along with many other businesses, relocated up the hill. This is a rare surviving commercial vernacular building from the pre-World War I era. Simple in massing and detail, a storefront with an inset entry is slightly offset from centre. Double-hung windows on the second floor are used for the upstairs residence. A simple raised parapet with a decorative railing is used to dress up the front façade. The Bank has been successfully rehabilitated as a neighbourhood pub, and remains in active use today. The Bank of Montreal building received a District of Maple Ridge Heritage Advisory Committee Plaque in 1992. 26915 River Road - Whonnock Post Office Postal service was established in Whonnock in 1885. This small postal station was built by R.S. Whiting; it was rebuilt in 1928, and again, for the final time, in 1932. It stands in the very centre of the Whonnock commercial area, and is symbolic of the community that it has served for many years. 26927 River Road - Whonnock General Store This commercial building was built by Nils C. Nelson, a local carpenter. The storefront retains its central entry, and the building is set very close to the Street. It served as a grocery store for many years, and now houses a feed store. It remains part of the historic core of Whonnock. 7 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 28, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RRAP Program I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) has been reinstated and it is recommended that District staff act as agents to deliver the program in Maple Ridge. II RECOMMENDATION: That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) Agency Agreement. III BACKGROUND: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has advised that the Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) program has been reinstated. This program provides loans for the repair and improvement of: • family housing units • rental accommodation • rooming houses, hostel or dormitories The program also provides loans for the repair, improvement or modification of existing family housing units or rooming house, hostel or dormitory accommodation to improve accessibility for disabled persons. CMHC has asked the District to act as an agent to deliver this program to the residents of Maple Ridge. - IV DISCUSSION The agent for this program is responsible for the processing of loan applications and carrying out inspections of the work authorized under the loan. Loan applications are approved by CMIHC. A fee to recover cost incurred in processing the loans and inspecting the work is paid to the agent by CMHC. According to the Director of Inspection Services, the District has in the past provided this service and the agency fee has offset costs incurred in administering the program. The program has been well received in the past, provides assistance to individuals in the community and encourages improvements to the existing housing stock in Maple Ridge. Staff feel that the program can be best delivered to residents by Municipal staff and recommends that Council support and encourage our participation in the program. IV CONCLUSION: Considering the above, it is recommended that Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign and seal the Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program (RRAP) Agency Agreement. Prepared.by: Director / ,p,t Planning Approved I'Vialicii. Rudolh, AICP, MCIP GM: Public Works & Development Services ic Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer IBM CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 1, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: E08 015 891 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Building Permit BPC 109/99 - 21610 Dewdney Trunk Road Development Cost Charge Forgiveness SUMMARY: A developer will be constructing road works on 216 Street along with other servicing improvements required in support of rezoning the property at 21610 Dewdney Trunk Road to allow construction of a gasoline station and convenience store (RZ 3/98). Construction of the road works is included in Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Bylaw No. 5615 - 1997 and is therefore subject to Development Cost Charge forgiveness consideration at the Building Permit stage. It is appropriate to forgive a portion of the Development Cost Charges payable to reflect the DCC works being constructed by the developer. The total amount eligible for forgiveness equals $9,820.00. RECOMMENDATION: That with respect to Building Permit application BPC 109/99 for the property at 21610 Dewdney Trunk Road, be it resolved that in view of the necessity to construct road works on 216 Street, the highway component of the Development Cost Charges payable by the developer be reduced by $9,820.00. BACKGROUND: a) History: - Abuildjperhii application BPC1O9/99 has been received that proposes construction of a gasoline station and convenience store at 21610 Dewdney Trunk Road for which Development Cost Charges will be payable. Road works are required in support of rezoning RZ 3/98 and are identified as a DCC Highway item in LTC Project No. 2798 of the applicable DCC Bylaw. No. 5615-1997. It is appropriate to consider reducing the Highway component of the Development Cost Charges payable by $9,820.00 which equals the full Highway component of the Development Cost Charges payable by the development. -1- b) Policy Implications: Section 933 of the Municipal Act provides for reduction of Development Cost Charges payable by a property owner in support of building development. Authorization of development cost charge reduction for eligible servicing components identified in the Long Term Capital Progra) iTcsistent with municipal practice for addressing this issue. Prepared by: Je Scherba;, Director of Development Engineering CKI 0 C Xpproved by: k4 J. Rudolph, MCP, MCIP TM Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCLP Chief Administrative Officer -2- j4i211T2 1I5I6I7 E I8 I Ic 3 1 4 118 Rem2 'LLIVV'.J'./UfrVC I l 12061 I124i125I126I Remi P 23699 PI3249 (P23699 12033F35 CD 3 ") P 9007 P 81879 P 37707 F- (0 4 F- NW3157 NW23 CD ,,- B 1 () RemA — 12027 a- 203 ii Rem "B" DEVELOPMENT qTE 1BPC109199 DEWDNEY TRK RD l[ 205 r rJ Rem 8 N I 26 —I 25 22 24 23 ip 12157 P7707 P7280 1 P7238 9 A L BL C1 2 L51 I (0 (0 a. I, C') - r 8 N 6 5 P8981 a- -J LMS 2820 219 12070 P 62886 Rem LM 102 2 7406 19540 RemE 12048 Rem (0 B NW 2813 NW 2037 220 I- (1 219 2032 a- , ) P 79498 12020 P76831 ('4 P 62886 12049 DEWDNEY IRK RD L r 21 !Rem 1F iii Rem9 10 il P8050 2013 LOT1PcI.r44 Q. r1If2 9 f16 F 7 r P8 72 P87 2 P6 685 F 8772 ii4I I 11997 9839 P 2è917 // 139 /83 11965' I 92 11969 12487 62 q I— B 9i:_131 1("64 11951/ wi A ci11968 _ 140 I 1 CD 0) 91 EP13421 57 11953 'l_— 119 AVE iiaasi VL 11194Z 141 119A 65 42 f...11193614 CO N ____ 1938 a- I /' ') /P3118 I lP31180 C'4 P28917; P31180 144 ___ 67 143 __ DONOVAN AVE 2 NI 5 1 I r 198 I 199 I 200 201 202 203 204 REM 194 ( 195 196 197 P 3492 I 0- I 0- 296 1 118981 11891 - 11898 I ______________ ____________________________ __________________ II - P28262 11944 - 11941\ 127 0) P8981 11939 Rem 37 I 11935 15 P27224 126 Cl) 11938 z < > 2 P898116 11929 28262 F- ; 47 P28262 48 132o L 60 1936 0) e4e4; 4 C• I_Ja_ 00 11939 ('•i 59 0. -P29839 P28917.. 134 58 DEVELOPMENT COST CHARGE FOREGIVENESS BPC 109/99 - E08 015 891 - CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12. Seçj4inber. 1874 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DATE: Nov 2 1999 FILE: 0020.APR BY: GI N OWW U =6 SCALE: 1:2.500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 9, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001 .2 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: 1998 Santa Claus Parade SUMMARY: A request has been received from the Maple Ridge Chamber of Commerce to use our Municipal Streets for the Annual Santa Claus Parade on Saturday December 4, 1999. It is recommended that the event be approved provided the usual conditions are met. A copy of the request dated October 4, 1999 is attached. RECOMMENDATION: That the Maple Ridge Chamber of Commerce be authorized to use Municipal Streets for the Annual Santa Claus Parade on Saturday December 4, 1999 provided the conditions as outlined in the report of the Chief Administrative Officer are met. BACKGROUND: From time to time the Municipality is requested to allow the use of Municipal Streets for organized events. Unless there is some unusual safety implication approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A". The parade route is on Dewdney Trunk Road from 220th Street to 228th Street and 228th Street from Dewdney Trunk Road to Valley Fair Mall parking lot entrance. Road closure is requested for the parade route, York Street and Dunbar Street from 122 Avenue to Dewdney Trunk Road. The parade is schedule from 9:00am to 1:00pm. - ----------/j _ff-I/-._ - -- - -- Prepar/d b1y: Qidolph, n, P.En ., Municipal Engineer Approv i Jake J AICP, MCIP GM: Torkis & Development Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer 0L.)0 SCHEDULE 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated November 3, 1999 Maple Ridge - 1999 Santa Claus Parade CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: • provide all the necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the R.C.M.P., and the District of Maple Ridge; • notify B.C. Transit, the Local Fire Department and Ambulance Services of the event; • hold and save harmless the Corporation from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; • obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $2,000,000.00, naming the Corporation as an additional named insured. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the CorpoFation prior to the event; -- - • refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District of Maple Ridge; • notify all surrounding businesses affected by the closure (a minimum of one week prior to the closure date); -2- Maple RI October 4, 1999 Attn.: Mike Agn To: Engineering Department / Municipal Hall 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 RE: Santa Claus Parade From: Amber Depocas Dear Mike, The Chamber of Commerce requests road closures on December 4th, 1999 from 220th Street along Dewdney Trunk Road to Valley Fair Mall on 228th Street for the Santa Claus Parade. Times are 9am - 1:00pm. During those times we also request that York Street and Dunbar Street from 122nd Avenue to Dewdney Trunk Road be closed as well. Any questions please feel free to call me at the Chamber at 463-3366 Sincerely, - • ---- '.;---- - --- -- Amber Depocas Receptionist & Committee Liaison icr CE' 22238 Lougheed Hwy., Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 212 • Tel. 463-3366 • Fax 463-3201 E-mail: admin@mapleridge-chamber.bc.ca Homepage: www.mapleridge-chamber. bc.ca —n T ¶ ANS ST 0 4 1Th rTl _ tM A C A ST ON HILL ERSI I sr 0 YK ST m —0 i j •••4 -r < 221 ST 90,UNBARrw / I iöot?E? - )ELCREST m I- ! 22 c ST JJLSIDE S =_. H 3 — _ > i FRASER i rm FSERST ST EOGEST = 225S11 10 iz, EST r1< O4 , rn sr >Y IS 11 Wl rn FT JRN P ST GR:ENWELLTo GEE ST > > 0 230 ST m ST m , = Al ST _ 3 308 m / (A) co 231 >STEPHENS rn ST$? CD 232 ST 232A 3ST-' HAWTHORNE ST J,J,-1- I CORPOLTION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durkseri DATE: November 10' 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: DVP/44/99 FROrSI: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Des' SUBJECT: DVP/44/99 23233 Kanaka Way EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Development Vanance Permit application has been received in which the applicant is requesting that the following requirements be waived 1. Convert existing overhead wires on the north side of Kanaka Way to underground facilities. After reviewing the application, staff recommend that DVP/44/99 be given favourable consideration. II RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/ 44/99 respecting property located at 23233 Kanaka Way will be considered by Council at the December 14 1999 meeting. III BACKGROUND: Applicant: J. Castell Legal Description: Lot 1 LMP 36190 Previous Applications: DP/44/99 RZ/10/96 Staff are currently reviewing a building permit application in which the applicant is proposing an 18 unit townhouse development. Before issuance of the building permit, one of the conditions to be satisfied is the District of Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw, Schedule "B", which states: "That parcels within a proposed subdivision or development shall.be-provided with services in accordnce with Schedule "A" and all highways within, or immediately adjacent to a proposed subdivision or development shall be constructed in accordance with Schedule "A". Schedule "A" requires full urban services in the CS-i zone, including curb, gutter, sidewalks and underground witing. The applicant is requesting that the requirements to convert overhead wiring to underground on the Kanaka Way frontage be waived. jv PLANNING ANALYSIS Policy Implications The subject property is located north of Kanaka Way east of Cottonwood Drive. The overhead wires on Kanaka Way at this location appear on a reference map attached to an earlier policy recommendation indicating lines which will not be converted. VI CONCLUSIOr'II: Based on the current policy, Staff recommend support for this application. Prepared Bruce McLeod, ISAerti#<iborist, Landscape/Planning Technician Approved by: Te E P P.En"T ' - D cc ro Approved by: Jake J. Rudolph, AICP, MCIP GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, ALCP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer -2- II fr44493 11255 T P 2769 2 14 14 P 27689 I N c;::\ LM,.''92 LMS 1362 11229 o I . iN I0 RS-3 r R-1 PARK PARK \ 12 \ -(\ )-tI 111 I 2 .113 r--.>--' /T1 I L2J LMP 36190 VT 8 \ PARK PARK R M- I c I SUBJECT PROPERTY LMP 36190 LMP 34625 LW 22 LMP 36190 2 21 cs NA C, PT. 1 -KANA KAWAY A 36954 -- AN158 \ Rern2l\ 20\ 23233 KANAKA WAY CORPORATION OF / I\ THE DISTRICT OF I " '-- -4 MAPLE RIDG IcOvut. 12. Sgsmbur. 1574 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE: 1:2.500 KEY MAP _____ DATE: Nov 10 1999 FILE:OVP-44-99 BY' JB CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 29, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-008-001.2 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C/W SUBJECT: Year 2000 (Y2K) Action Plan - Status Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Y2K Committee last reported to Council on the action plan and status of the project in February of this year. Since then the committee has worked to address the action items to address the District's readiness to meet the challenges of Y2K from an operational and service delivery perspective. The attached Year 2000 Action Plan is an update of the committee's work and progress to date. The status of action items and recommendations for further consideration are presented in the report. RECOMMENDATION: That Council receive the Year 2000 Action Plan dated October 1999 as an information update. BACKGROUND: The issues, consider s, actions, status, state of readiness and recommendations regarding Year 2000 (Y2K),afe updated in the Year 2000 Action Plan dated October 1999. Prepared by:/ Jeff Scherban, / Director of Developmeqt Engineering, Y2K Chairman Concurrence: '-ftobert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer O 01'. District of Maple Ridge YEAR 2000 (Y2K) ACTION PLAN Prepared: Y2K Committee Date: October 1999 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .3 STATUS OF THE DISTRICT'S Y2K ACTION PLAN AND READINESS...........................................3 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................................... TERMINOLOGY ......................................................................................................................................... 5 Y2K AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT ............................................................................................. STATUS OF THE DISTRICT'S Y2K ACTION PLAN AND READINESS ..........................................6 Y2K COMMITTEE..............................................................................................................................6 BusiNEss SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT INVENTORY ............................................................................ 6 SUPPLIER AND SERVICE PROVIDERS..................................................................................................7 CONTINGENCY PLANNING.................................................................................................................8 INFORMATION AND CoMMuNIcATIoN STRATEGY.............................................................................9 Communication and Media Relations.................................................................................................10 InformationDelivery ........................................................................................................................... 10 OTHER ISSUES AND CONSIDERATIONS ..........................................................................................11 CAPITAL WORKS PROGRAMIBUDGETING .................................................................................................11 STAFFING FOR YEAR END TUI(N-OVER AND CONTINGENCY PL.rI MoBiuzATIoN ..................................12 COMMITTEE MANDATE AND SCHEDULE...................................................................................................12 APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................................13 YEAR 2000 GUIDEBOOK FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENTS...............................................................14 Y2K AND YOUR ORGANIZATION ...................................................................................................... 14 ASSESSING YOUR Y2K READINESS ................................................................................................15 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS .................................... 15 CONTINGENCYPLANNING ................................................................................................................ 16 SUPPORTDOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................... .............. BUSINESS SYSTEM AND EQUIPMENT INVENTORY SPREADSHEET.................................................................. SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL YEAR 2000 PRODUCTION TESTS SPREADSHEET........................................... CONTINGENCY PLANS SPREADSHEET .......................................................................................................... EXTERNALLINKS SPREADSHEET.................................................................................................................. YEAR2000 GUIDE PAMPHLET...................................................................................................................... 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY STA TUS OF THE DISTRICT'S Y2K ACTION PLAN AND READINESS The following actions are being taken as part of the District of Maple Ridge Year 2000 Action Plan. The status of each action is explained and the Y2K Committee recommendations for CMT and Council consideration where applicable, are noted. Establish a Y2K committee to oversee and manage the Y2K Action Plan Process. Status: Y2K Committee established and working since January of 1998 to examine all information technology, business and operational systems and to coordinate the District's preparedness. Recommendation: Y2K Committee recommends that any unexpended Y2K project funds from the 1999 capital works program be carried-over for possible use in 2000 to address potential problems arising at year-end turnover and, That the work of the committee continues into the year 2000 to address the oversight, monitoring and documentation of Y2K problems arising during and/or following year-end turnover as a crucial element of provision of due diligence and effective risk management. 2. Prepare an inventory of computer hardware, software, and office equipment that use dates including building service equipment, telephone systems such as payroll, property, budgeting as well as public works service equipment and infrastructure. Status: Staff identified 209 items in the Budget Inventory. Subsequently, the items were placed in one of three risk categories namely Life Safety (potentially critical to life and safety), Risk/Claims (could result in a claim), and Inconvenience (non- critical and operationally insignificant). Of 64 Life Safety items, 6 were determined to be non-compliant or questionable. Of these, 4 are yet to be confirmed as Y2K compliant. Of 77 Risk Claims systems, 15 were determined to be non-compliant or questionable. Of these, 6 are yet to be confirmed as Y2K compliant. Of 68 Inconvenience systems, 14 were determined to be non-compliant or questionable. Of these, 12 are yet to be confirmed as Y2K compliant. Test critical business systems to the District to determine if they will work in Year 2000. Status: 194 of the 229 critical business systems (85%) have been tested successfully. Of these departmental sign-off of 135 (60%) has been achieved to date. The testing of the remaining systems primarily, financial systems are a work in progress tentatively scheduled for completion by the end of November. 91 3. Identify and contact key suppliers and service providers (external links) including commodity vendors, financial institutions, utilities and telecommunications interests requesting verification of their Y2K compliance efforts and to determine whether or not their products are Y2K compliant or not. Status: Staff contacted some 40 Vendor/Suppliers (External Links) to determine Y2K compliance of their products and/or business systems. Prepare contingency plans to address and mitigate critical corporate business system and equipment problems and reduce risk through development of a due diligence approach to Y2K issues. Status: Contingency Plans critical to District operations are prepared for water supply, sewage collection and disposal, provision of electricity (BC Hydro), and gas supply (BC Hydro Gas). Contingency Plan coordination will be the responsibility of the departments having responsibility or the Emergency Operations staff working from the Emergency Operations Centre depending on the nature and severity of problems. Recommendation: Y2K Committee recommends that staff arrange to test a few of the Contingency Plans for operational readiness and, That details relating to the Y2K Inventory, External Links, and Contingency Plans be packaged in hardcopy format and distributed to key select operational locations throughout the District in preparation for year-end turnover. Develop a Y2K information and communication strategy to apprise the general public of the issues and how the municipality intends to address Y2K related issues. Status: The Committee has prepared an Information and Communication Strategy that includes updating of the District's Web Site with information from this report, distributionof the Year 2000 Guide in pamphlet form (complete), establishment on Outlook of Y2K folder and other information initiatives yet to be fmalized. The Chief Administrative Officer is designated as the Y2K media spokesperson for the District. Recommendation: Y2K Committee recommends that the Direàtor of Corporate Support be endorsed as the District's Y2K media contact/liaison to the Year 2000 Roundtable regional group (E-COMM) and in addition, that he assist the CAO in the preparation and dissemination of information regarding the Y2K Action Plan. Pu 5. El BACKGROUND Beginning in the 1960's, standard computer practice expressed dates as a six-digit field as a means to reduce storage needs. Using this technique the Year 2000 would be included in the six- digit field as 00. If computer programs treat 2000 as the year 1900 computer systems may shut down, fail to function, or miscalculate information or make wrong decisions because of this programming oversight. Computers use dates to perform a wide variety of calculations, and to make various decisions. Inaccurate calculations result if the systems have a Year 2000 problem. Computers are not the only equipment affected by the Y2K bug. All manner and types of electronic equipment with embedded systems (computers) from telephone systems, security systems, communications equipment, building infrastructure like elevators, and servicing infrastructure from water distribution and sewage collection systems and traffic control devices (signals) could be impacted. Equipment and systems having embedded computing chips or processors are potentially vulnerable. The Year 2000 (Y2K) problem is more than a computer problem; it is also a business challenge and must be addressed as a management priority. On behalf of their residents, local governments needed to commit resources to meeting the challenges and demonstrating due diligence in addressing the challenge. This report is intended to explain in general terms what the Year 2000 issues are and to identify what actions the District of Maple Ridge has undertaken to address the challenges. TERMINOLOGY Information technology (IT) systems include computer hardware and software, from mainframe computers that support large government agencies to the personal computer (PC) on your desk. Common examples of IT systems include your organization's payroll system, accounting and receivable systems, wide area networks, word processors and spreadsheets. Embedded systems are microprocessors (computer chips) found in a vast array of devices, such as service equipment supporting water delivery and sewage collection infrastructure, distribution devices used by utility companies, communications systems, building security and fire systems, elevators, traffic control and street lighting devices, and even basic office equipment. Y2K AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT Most local officials and the public at large are aware of the Year 2000 problem and the frustrations and uncertainty that accompanies it. At times, Y2K seems overwhelming and it may tempt some to dismiss it as "just a computer problem" that others (senior governments, vendors, suppliers etc3will fix. The District of Maple Ridge takes a far different approach to the issue and since early 1998 the Y2K Committee has been actively involved in addressing issues within the District's control and resource capabilities. The committee coordinates the preparation of contingency planning to address Y2K problems that might arise and that are considered to be beyond our control. In addition, an Information and Communication strategy to inform interest parties of the District's state of Y2K readiness is being prepared. 5 STATUS OF THE DISTRICT'S Y2K ACTION PLAN AND READINESS The issues that the committee was tasked with addressing are identified below. The actions of the committee in addressing the issues are also explained in brief. Y2K Committee Establish a Y2K committee to oversee and manage the Y2K Action Plan Process. Status: Y2K Committee established and working since January of 1998 to examine all information technology, business and operational systems and to coordinate the District's preparedness. Recommendation: Y2K Committee recommends that any unexpended Y2K project funds from the 1999 capital works program be carried-over for possible use in 2000 to address potential problems arising at year-end turnover and, That the work of the committee continues into the year 2000 to address the oversight, monitoring and documentation of Y2K problems arising during and/or following year-end turnover as a crucial element of provision of due diligence and effective risk management. The committee members are: Mike Davies - Director of Parks and Facilities Marilyn Jollimore - Recreational Manager - Central John Leeburn - Director of Corporate Support Tom Mcintosh - Manager of Information Services Duane Birnie - Network Support Specialist Jake Sorba - Director of Finance Rondi Melanson - Fire Department and RCMP Representative Han You - Director of Engineering Operations Jeff Scherban - Director of Development Engineering/Chairman Cindy Dale - Committee Recorder Richard Wells - Past Chairman The committee has broad representation from all departments and has been meeting regularly to address Y2K issues. The committee's work has been interesting and very challenging and results in the preparation of a corporate strategy to mitigate problems arising from Y2K issues. The following actions are part of the committee' s mandate of due diligence. Business Systems and Equipment Inventory Conduct an inventory of computer hardware, software, and office equipment that use dates including building service equipment, telephone systems, payroll and accounting systems, and public works service equipment and infrastructure. Committee members were tasked with participating in the identification of equipment and business systems of importance in the operation of their departments (lists attached). From the lists prepared an evaluation of critical systems/equipment was undertaken along with the preparation of test script for testing all critical systems. The committee asked for departmental sign-off of tested systems by staff. System testing was a time consuming exercise taking considerable staff effort. The items identified in the Year 2000 Inventory were investigated for possible impact on operations and then categorized into one of three categories of importance based upon risk. The categories are: Life-Safety [LS] referring to business related equipment that if not addressed for Y2K compliance may result in injury or loss of life. Risk [R] referring to business related equipment that if not addressed for Y2K compliance may result in claims for damage against the District. Inconvenience [I] referring to business related equipment that if not addressed for Y2K compliance are considered to be a nuisance or inconvenience but non-critical in terms of corporate operations and service delivery. From the categorization exercise, staff then targeted the Life-Safety items as those for which contingency considerations would apply. Status: Staff identified 209 items in the Year 2000 Budget Inventory. Subsequently, the items were placed in one of three risk categories namely Life Safety (potential most critical to life and safety), Risk/Claims (could result in a claim), and Inconvenience (non-critical and operationally insignificant). Of 64 Life Safety items, 6 were determined to be non-compliant or questionable. Of these, 4 are yet to be confirmed as Y2K compliant. Of 77 Risk Claims systems, 15 were determined to be non-compliant or questionabLe. Of these, 6 are yet to be confirmed as Y2K compliant. Of 68 Inconvenience systems, 14 were determined to be non-compliant or questionable. Of these, 12 are yet to be confirmed as Y2K compliant. In addition, some 400 business systems used on a regular basis by staff in the daily operation of the departments were identified and assessed for potential impact. Of these 229 were deemed to be critical. Status: 194 of the 229 critical business systems (85%) have been tested successfully. Of these departmental sign-off of 135 (60%) has been achieved to date. The testing of the -remaining systems primarily, financial systems are a work in progress tentatively scheduled for completion by the end of November. 3. Supplier and Service Providers Identify and notify key suppliers and service providers including commodity vendors, financial institutions, utilities and telecommunications interests requesting verification of their Y2K compliance efforts and to determine whether or not their products are Y2K compliant or, not. Vendors and suppliers of products and/or services to the District were identified and contacted by staff for clarification of Y2K compliance of their products and identification and/or advice ':4 regarding actions to achieve compliance. The results of the exercise appear in either the Year 2000 Inventory list mentioned above or the External Links list in the appendix. Status: Staff contacted some 40 Vendor/Suppliers (External Links) to determine Y2K compliance of their products and/or business systems. 4. Contingency Planning Prepare contingency plans to address and mitigate critical corporate business system and equipment problems and reduce risk through development of a due diligence approach to Y2K issues. The District of Maple Ridge examined the most critical operational systems to determine Y2K compliance and to formulate appropriate contingency plans to deal with severe disruptions. The critical business systems and/or equipment contingency plans relate primarily to water supply, sewage collection and disposal, provision of electrical power and the supply and delivery of gas. Additional systems identified and the related contingency plans are identified on our Y2K Contingency Plans and External Links spreadsheets in the appendix. The critical systems were determined to be: Water Supply Greater Vancouver Regional District supplied water systems (GVWD) has been confirmed to be Y2K compliant. However, assuming a "worst case scenario" of disabled pumping stations, gravity feed of water is possible to the Maple Ridge area. Staff does not anticipate any disruption of water services. Final contingency is to effect Emergency Operations as coordinated by the departments having responsibility or by the Emergency Operations Center. Sewage Collection and Disposal Through a combination of existing generators, portable generators, reserved generators and manual bypass of computer control systems, local sewage pumping stations will be operational in the event of a worse case scenario (interruption of power supply). Staff does not anticipate any disruption of sewage services. Final contingency is to effect Emergency Operations as coordinated by the departments having responsibility or by the Emergency Operations Center. Electricity (BC Hydro) BC Hydro systems have been confirmed to be Y2K compliant. However, assuming a "worst case scenario" of no power supply, backup generators are in place at the Operations Center, Emergency Operations Center, Ridge Meadows RCMP. City Hall has a generator off-site, but it can be put in place quickly. Power is critical to many of the day to day operations in the District of Maple Ridge. For the safety of public and staff extended power outages may lead to shutting down of non-essential services. Staff does not anticipate any disruption of hydroelectric services. Final contingency is to effect Emergency Operations as coordinated by the agencies/departments having responsibility or by the Emergency Operations Center. Gas (BC Hydro Gas) BC Gas systems have been confirmed to be Y2K compliant. However, assuming a "worst case scenario" of disrupted gas supply or distribution, heating of resident's homes will be the greatest concern. Staff does not anticipate any disruption of natural gas services. Final contingency is to effect Emergency Operations as coordinated by the agencies/departments having responsibility or by the Emergency Operations Center. Emergency Operations Centre The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is composed of a variety of municipal, provincial and agency representatives who meet on a monthly basis to develop emergency response plans for Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. At this time their focus is on Y2K readiness. All of the agencies involved, (Fire Department, RCMP, Ambulance Services, Health, Search and Rescue, and Public Works, have completed extensive testing of their equipment and systems. Examples include municipal water pump systems, streetlights, emergency radios, alarm systems, and similar computer driver functions. The equipment and systems that were not Y2K compatible have been upgraded or are in the process of being replaced. Communications with BC Tel, BC Hydro and BC Gas have assured staff that their systems are Y2K compliant. However contingency plans are in place and additional staff will be on duty at the Fire Halls, RCMP and Operations Centre to mobilize and respond in the event of an emergency on New Years Eve should the need arise. At this time and according to the District's staff contact (Director of Parks and Facilities), the EOC does not anticipate any Y2K related problems. The committee is confident that sufficient safeguards are in place to ensure the delivery of essentiallcritical services for some reasonable period of time following year-end. Working from supplier/vendor statements regarding compliance and the exercise of preparing contingency plans for critical systems not repairable or upgradeable for whatever reason, the committee is satisfied that the District of Maple Ridge is ready for Y2K. The District should expect some problems arising that are either unforeseen or beyond our control. In the event that life-threatening problems arise, emergency operations coordinated through the Emergency Operations Center will be the lead agency tasked with coordination to address the problem(s). Status: Contingency Plans critical to District operations are prepared for water supply, sewage collection and disposal, provision of electricity (BC Hydro), and gas supply (BC Hydro Gas). Contingency Plan coordination will be the responsibility of the departments having responsibility or the Emergency Operations staff working from the Emergency Operations Centre depending on the nature and severity of problems. Recommendation: Y2K Committee recommends that staff arrange to test a sample of the Contingency Plans for operational readiness and, That details relating to the Y2K Inventory, External Links, and Contingency Plans be packaged in hardcopy format and dIstributed to key select operational locations throughout the District in preparation for year-end turnover. 5. Information and Communication Strategy Develop a Y2K information and communication strategy to apprise the general public of the issues and how the municipality intends to address Y2K related issues. The thrust of the exercise is to provide interested parties with information relating to the state of the District's Y2K readiness and general information regarding the topic. The strategy is intended to support the due diligence aspect of the Action Plan while taking into consideration issues of a legal and risk management nature. The information package and communication strategy includes a Y2K pamphlet called the "Year 2000 Guide" that was prepared through the efforts of the Y2K Regional Roundtable that the District participates in. Pamphlets are available to the public from various departments throughout the Municipal Hall, as well as, the Library and Chamber of Commerce. The guide provides general information regarding Y2K implications relating to public services and utilities in the Greater Vancouver Area. Communication and Media Relations Responsibility for developing, implementing and monitoring the Information and Communication Strategy for the Year 2000 Action Plan rests with the Y2K Steering Committee. The Chief Administrative Officer is designated as the media spokesperson albeit; all the members of the committee have an important role to play in communicating with interested parties regarding the project. The target audiences for Y2K information include: General Public and Business Community For these groups the strategy will include the provision of both general information and reassurance about the District's efforts (Action Plan) and degree of readiness. District Business Partners These companies or organizations have a strong business relationship with the District, often including the electronic interchange of data. They expect reassurance and provision of a two-way flow of specific information regarding mutual interactions. Vendors and Suppliers Service and product providers need some reassurance about the District's efforts and degree of readiness. In turn, the District needs information on the companies' general readiness for the Year 2000, and the compliance of their specific products and services. The companies must also be informed of any District requirements for future purchases. External Agencies Outside government and utility service agencies as well as, other cities and jurisdictions. They must be provided with general information and some advisory assistance. District Officials and Staff Elected officials, the Corporate Management Team and staff need to know about the Year 2000 Action Plan. They must be kept informed of the status of the project to ensure their on-going support is maintained. District employees should be informed about the status of actions, and provided with general information. Their involvement and interest in the project will help assure its success. In formation Delivery The primary vehicle for external communications will be the Corporate Website, which will contain documents such as this and other relevant reports to Council and corporate press releases. Other vehicles used particularly for external communications will include: • the ongoing process of responding to inquiries from the publiá and businesses, • general availability of the "Year 2000 Guide." A citizen's Year 2000 readiness pamphlet prepared, in part, by a GVRD wide committee on which the District has actively participated • possible information inserts with utility bills, scheduled for the Fall on 1999 • speaking engagements by District officials, and 10 • letters and personal contacts (especially when working with the District's business partners). While the most effective vehicle for internal communications may be personal contacts, the Steering Committee's Y2K folder on the common server accessible on Outlook, is established as a repository for as much shared information as possible. The Year 2000 Committee will report on a formal basis to Council and the CMT in the near future. Other potential vehicles could include • briefing sessions and workshops for managers and contacts, • special meetings of the various internal groups, and • articles in the employee newsletter. In addition, Y2K information is also posted on the District's Web Site (www.mapleridge.org ). The objective of the information and communication strategy is to inform and assure interested parties of the District's readiness to provide critical municipal services to the residents of Maple Ridge entering into the new millennium. Status: The Committee has prepared an Information and Communication Strategy that includes updating of the District's Web Site with information from this report, distribution of the Year 2000 Guide in pamphlet form (complete), establishment on Outlook of Y2K folder and other information initiatives yet to be finalized. Recommendation: The Y2K Committee recommends that the Director of Corporate Support be approved as the District's Y2K media contactlliaison to the Year 2000 Roundtable Regional Group and in addition, assist the CAO in the preparation and dissemination of information regarding the Action Plan. OTHER ISSUES AND CONSIDERATIONS Capital Works Program/Budgeting The Capital Works Program includes five projects in 1999 to address Y2K related issues. The projects identified and there corresponding budget allocations are: CAPITAL LTC 4106 Production Compliance Testing $44,000 LTC 4107 Telephone System Upgrade $150,000 LTC 4108 Compliance - Committee $100,000 LTC 4109 Ross Financial Verification $17,500 - - LTC 4116 Ross PR Conversion and Testing $61,000 OPERATING I.S. Dept. Year 2000 $100,000 Certain budget adjustments have been made as the action items are being addressed. Sufficient funds have been made available to address the committee's action items. Funds have not been approved to address issues or problems that might arise next year following year-end turnover. Recommendation: The Y2K Committee recommends that any unexpended Y2K related project funds from the 1999 capital works program be carried-over for possible use in 2000 to address potential problems arising from Y2K. 11 Staffing for Year End Turn-Over and Contingency Plan Mobilization Due to a current policy directing that staff takes vacation between Christmas and New Years, a staff shortage is imminent leading up to and during year-end turnover. In order to address operational issues and contingency plans, staff action is required. Status: Directors having responsibility for contingency plans, will arrange for staffing to ensure that oversight and actions will be adequately addressed. Committee Mandate and Schedule The work of the committee continues with on-going monthly meetings. Items yet to be finalized include a portion of the critical financial systems testing, CMT and Council support of an information and communication strategy, CMT comments and observations relating to the action items and progress to date, and Y2K public information updating on the status of District of. Maple Ridge Y2K Readiness. The committee is confident that the remaining/outstanding action items will either be completed or well in hand prior to year-end. Recommendations: That the work of the committee continues into the year 2000. Oversight, monitoring and documentation of Y2K problems arising during and/or following year-end turnover are a crucial element of provision of due diligence and effective risk management. 12 APPENDIX 13 YEAR 2000 GUIDEBOOK FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENTS The following information appears in the Year 2000 Guidebook for Local Governments distributed in March of 1999 by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. Publish by the State of Texas, the Guidebook is generic and applicable to the Canadian experience. It is by no means comprehensive, however, and should be used only as another resource to assist in the development of a Y2K compliance strategy. Since municipal governments are primary public agents supporting Canada's quality of life, the importance of millennium readiness to the health, safety, security and economic well being of citizens cannot be understated. The Guidebook is intended to assist local governments in assessing their vulnerabilities and exposure with respect to mission-critical operations and to guide in the preparation of an action plan to address Y2K issues. The Guidebook was found to be a very useful tool in its explanation of the topic and suggestions for actions. Y2K AND YOUR ORGANIZATION Local governments and institutions, just like all citizens, depend on essential services provided by governments and private companies like electricity, natural gas, water supply and sewage collection, telecommunications and emergency services. Most local officials are aware of the Year 2000 problem, and the frustrations and uncertainty that accompany it. It is important to develop a plan of action. Many organizations have succeeded in establishing Year 2000 projects to address the challenges. A starting point is to give consideration to the issues of RISK MANAGEMENT AND LITIGATION. Four basic criteria can be used to evaluate risk factors associated with the Year 2000 problem and prioritize activities to address the problem namely; What critical services does your organization provide that depend on basic utilities like power, water and telecommunications? What critical services does your organization provide that could be affected by the failure of computer systems or equipment containing embedded processors? What would be the consequences to citizens if these services were disrupted or were unavailable for an extended period of time? What are the financial implications of such failure, especially in the event of litigation? These criteria can be used to evaluate risk factors associated with the Year 2000 problem and prioritize activities to correct the problem. Local governments that have obtained Director and Officer (D&O) liability coverage may not be protected from Y2K-related damages. Government employees and elected officials may end up being both plaintiffs and defendants if a Year 2000 failure results in litigation. It is prudent to determine the nature of the coverage your organization possesses to protect officials in the event this happens. Officials and directors of an organization can protect themselves from possible liability by addressing Y2K issues through "due diligence" activities in the discharge of responsibilities with a requisite degree of care, diligence and skill. In short, fix your Y2K problems to the best of your abilities, anticipate failures and develop contingency plans for coping with them. 14 ASSESSING YOUR Y2K READINESS The first important action is to conduct a Y2K organizational assessment. The assessment is used to reveal your current level of preparedness and identify certain areas of concern, while laying the groundwork for a response to the problem. The assessment should be conducted to answer the following key questions: Do you provide services that rely on electronic equipment? Does your organization own or contract for water and power facilities? Do you own or lease any buildings? Do any of your owned buildings have security devices or equipment? Do you own or lease anything that affects transportation or parking? Do you own or lease computers? Do you depend on any outside suppliers, utilities or other levels of government? By weighing the importance of these possible impacts, a determination can be made as to the potential of each to affect public safety, physical and emotional health, or revenue. EMBEDDED SYSTEMS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS To remedy the Y2K problems of embedded systems, you must first identify them; assess the effects of Year 2000 may have on them; fix or replace the equipment involved; and test for Y2K compliance. If you contract for services that could be affected by a failure of embedded systems, it is the contractor's responsibility to ensure that the problems are identified and corrected. Contractors should be held accountable for Y2K readiness but they must be notified and made aware of your organization's expectations in this regard. More specifically, they should be requested to provide an indication of their readiness and asked to provide written confirmation as to whether or not their products/services are Y2K compliant. Identifying embedded systems can be a difficult task; since many of them are "hidden" inside mechanical devices and not easily 'recognized. Nonetheless, a site survey is the easiest way to gather and record essential information about your organization" embedded systems. This task is an essential part of the inventory activity and at a minimum; the inventory should gather information about the quantity and location of embedded systems, their manufacturers or vendors, the serial numbers and the persons within your organization knowledgeable about the systems. The inventory is merely a data collection tool. Answering the following guidelines should assist in identifyin.g embedded systems. Does the device operate with electricity? if yes, look further. if no, the device poses no risk. Does it have a battery or power supply? if yes, look further. if no, the device poses no risk. Does the device use a calendar or timer to schedule events? if yes, you may have a Year 2000 problem. if no, it's low risk. An Information Technology system can include many different components, such as software, hardware, and interfaces. Organizations may be faced with a variety of software including custom developed applications, vendor-supplied applications, personal computer operating systems, network operating systems, and work products created through the use of personal computer applications. On the hardware front there is an array of equipment from mainframes, minicomputers, desktop computers, network file servers and other related network equipment. - 15 Interfaces can include internal and external shared databases and files and the equipment where this data is stored (data warehouse). An inventory of your information technology and embedded systems is a crucial step to undertake. Having completed an inventory of embedded systems, you should attempt to determine the potential impact of the Y2K-related disruptions of these devices on your organization. Some steps in the assessment process could include the sending of an internal "awareness" letter to employees of the organization, contacting embedded systems vendors to determine their readiness and compliance of their products, reviewing any lease agreements and prioritizing your project activities. The prioritizing exercise should focus your remediation efforts on Y2K-affected systems that have the best chance of survival and create contingency plans for the rest. Remediation strategies for embedded systems are limited due to their specialized nature, and will likely necessitate upgrading or replacement of the equipment. Ensure that the remediation action includes Year 2000 compliance criteria in any new embedded systems contracts and purchases to make it absolutely clear who bears the risk in the event of failure. Six steps to Y2K remediation that can be considered are: Containment - includes to prevent future Y2K problems with current purchases and leases Inventory - undertake a complete inventory of IT systems Assessment - conduct an assessment of Y2K impact on your organization Prioritization - determine what the most critical systems are to protect your high priority systems as completely as possible and develop contingency plans for the rest Remediation and Replacement - decide whether to remediate or replace Testing - thoroughly test your IT systems for current dates, future dates, boundary dates and leap year dates CONTINGENCY PLANNING Risk management focuses on maintaining your critical government operations and minimizing your exposure for consequences. The way to manage risks is to first identify them, evaluate their potential consequences, and, if possible, find a way to avoid them. With the Y2K deadline looming on the near horizon, an appropriate approach to managing risk is contingency planning. Contingency planning will prepare your organization for potential service interruptions and guide you toward a permanent solution at the earliest possible time. Contingency plans set your course if and when critical systems fail and provide backup plans to address unforeseen problems resulting for Y2K. Your organization should have a contingency plan in place for each of its most important functions, systems, and equipment to ensure your basic business processes can continue without disruption. Contingency planning at its most basic level, guides your organization through four distinct steps: Identification - to identify and prioritize business processes that are candidates for contingency plans' Plan Creation - weigh the options and develop the plans needed to ensure continued operation in the event of failure Implementation/Operation - implement actions to prevent service disruptions Reinstatement - actions to lead from contingency operation to a stable, permanent solution 16 Contingency plans should identify dependencies and impacts; the number of days needed to implement contingency solutions, and the estimated cost, staffing, and equipment needed to support the contingency plan. Contingency plans should be tested to work out the implementation and reporting bugs that inevitably result from implementations of an unusual kind. Despite your organizations best efforts, there may not be enough time or resources to guarantee full Y2K compliance in time. Even if the preparation is thorough, your organization is likely to experience disruptions due to circumstances entirely beyond your control. SUPPORT DOCUMENTS Business System and Equipment Inventory Spreadsheet Summary of Departmental Year 2000 Production Tests Spreadsheet Contingency Plans Spreadsheet Year 2000 Guide Pamphlet 17 Y2K Inventory (Budget Implications) 11/3/1999 I)lvletonor iad Proposed Department category Item _Type Responsibility Manufacturer If Any Solution Status Complete Engineering Office Eqwpment Sh&-p SF-2027 Photocopier I Sharon Anderson Sharp Electronics lNone None No Date Functions Complete Engineering Office Equipment -Counter Aauon SL-IIA Radio Receiver I Sharon Anderson Astron None No Date Functions Complete Engineering Office Equipment Survey Astion SL-1 IA Radio Receiver l Sharon Anderson Astron None No Date Functions Complete - Office Equipment - Survey Engitseec iug Motorola Radius P110 Radio I Sharon Anderson Motorola No Date Functions Complete Engineering Office Equipment - Survey Motorola Radius P110 Radio I Sharon Anderson Motorola None No Date Functions Complete Engineering Office Equipment - Counter Uniden SMS 825TS Radio Victor Negoita Uniden None Anticipated N/A No date functions Complete Engineering Office Equipment - Survey UISIdCO SMS 825TS Radio Victor Negoita Uniden Nose Anticipated N/A No date functions Complete Engineering - Design Design software 30 Sansys (sanitary model) I Bernie Sense Civil Systems None Y2K Compliant Complete engineering - Design Design software CyberNet (water model) I Bernie Sane Hsestad Methods None Y2K Compliant Complete Engineering - Design Survey software C&O 2.1 I Mark Ross C&G Software Systems Not Compliant, but not critical Upgrade Required Bob Greet confirms wont be upgraded until we change data collectors Complete Engineering - Design Survey equipment MCS Data Collector I Mark Rosa Corvalis Micro- technologies Inc None Y2K Compliant Check Webslto Sept Engineering - Design Survey equipment IGPS:firmwardsofiware A20 total stations (Nikon) 1 Mark Ross Nikon None Replacement 1999 No dates on board (Do not anticipage any impact) Complete fngineering - Design Survey equipment OPS (Tribell 4600LS) I Mark Rosa Trimbell None Y2K Compliant Comp4ete F.ngineenng - Design Survey GPS (Tribell TSC I)) I Mark Rosa Trimbell None Y2K Compliant Complete Engineering - Design Survey software I Mark Rosa Tnmbelt None Y2K Compliant COmplete Engineering - Design Survey software TDS Survey I Mark Rosa Tripod Data Systems Inc None Not compliant but we dons use functions Complete Engineering - Design Survey software TFR 5.04 I Mark Ross Tripod Data Systems Inc None Not compliant but we dont use functions Complete Engineering - Projects Traffic software EMME 2 (traffic model) I Michael Bag INRO Consulting None Y2K Compliant Complete Engineering - Projects Traffic software Ver 1.02 SlO/Cinema (traffic signal) 1 Michael Eng KLD Assoc. Inc & Polytechnic Not Compliant Upgrade req'd after Bjpv We need to upgrade to 2.0 Engineering - Projects Traffic equipment Ver 3.20 ADRI000 data collector/recorder - - Michael Eng Peek Traffic Not Compliant Upgrade req'd to TDPV3.32 Software upgraded complete nginecnng - Projects Traffic software HCS (highway capacity) - - Michael Eng University Florida None HCS-3 on order ngineering - Records Office Equipment Bell & Howell RP507 (Viewer/Printer) I JGrahami Philips Bell & Howell None No date functions Complete Engineering - Records Office Equipment Bell & Howell AC-I00 (Aperture Card Viewer) - - raham Philips Bell & Howell None No date functions Complete ngineering - Records Offl-c Equipment Bell & Howell AC-tOO (Aperture Card Viewer) I - raham Philips Bell & Howell None No date functions Complete ngineering - Records CD Writer HP Surestore - - rabam Philips Hewlett Packard None Y2K Compliant COtTII$!!!_ ngineering - Records Office Equipment Hewlett - Packard LaserJet 5M - rsham Philips Hewlett Packard None Y2K Compliant Complete Engineering - Records Office Equipment Hcwkn - Packard DesignJct 650C Plotter I - ralsasn Philips Hewlett Packard None Y2K Compliant ngineering - Records Office Equipment Xerox 3050 Printer - - Graham Philips Werox None inance Property Tax Assessment Data Advice Program R Kathy Gorsnley BCAA Tested & Fixed Y2K Compliant - Complete inance Payroll System R lKathyGormley Ross Sytesns None Y2K Compliant Complete inance Ctah Registers R Kathy Gormley itsance ID Banking Software Business Windows R Laura Robetts/IS -- None Y2K Compliant Complete Fire Dept WHMIS software Hazardous Material Sheets R Rondi Computer prog. not compliant Out source to MSDS Fetch Project Charter done & forwarded July 19 1999 Fire Dept Fire Alarms Alarm System Hall #1 R Kevin Gilbraith Edwards None Y2K Compliant Complete Page 1 V2K Inventory (Budget Implications) 11/3/1999 Division or Year 2000 Impact Proposed Department Category Item _• Responsibility Manufacturer If Any Sututlon Status Complete Fire Dept Fire Alasms Aunts System Hall#2 R KevinGiIbaith Edwards None Y2K Compliant Complete Fire Dept Fire Alarms Alarm System Hall #3 R Kevin Glibraith Edwards None Y2K Compliant Complete Fire Dept Office Equip Furnace Healing & Cooling system LS Kevin Gilbraith one Y2K Compliant Complete Fire Dept Office Equip Fax Hall #1 Hall 02 Hall #3 LS Purchasing one No Date Functions Complete Fire Dept Office Equip Dgilal Cell Phones LS Purchasing (New) Duane B. one Y2K Compliant Complete Fire Dept Fire Truck Aerial Tower I-i IS Rondi 21+ MIg (Sec Smeal) None Y2K Compliant Complete Fire Dept Fire Truck Pumper 1-4 LS Rondi Anderson Eng. None No Date Functions Complete FircDept Firelruck Pumper2-1 LS Rondi AndersonEng. None No Date Functions Complete Fire Dept Fire Preparedness Equip Cadex C7000 Battery Analyzer IS Rondi Cadex Electric Inc. None Y2K Compliant Complete Fire Dept Operational Vehs !ord Explorer 98, P150 Pu 97. E-150 Van 97 LS Rondi Ford Motor Co. None Anticipated Y2K Compliant Complete Fire Dept Fire Truck Tanker I-S IS Rondi Freightlincr & Cummios Diesel None Y2K Compliant Complete Fire Dept Operational Velsa Operational VebChev Caprice 96,95, Van 90 15 Rondi GM Canada None Y2K Compliant Complete Fire Dept Office Equip Gas Watch 2000 IS Rondi OPS (las Protection S stem None Y2K Compliant Complete Firc Dept Fire Truck Pumper I-I IS Rondi Mack Trucks None No Dale Functions Complete Fire Dept Fire Truck Pumper 1-2 IS Rondi Mack Trucks None No Date Functions Complete Fire Dept Fire Truck RS-1 Mack IS Rondi Mack Trucks None No Date Functions Complete Fire Dept Emergency Comsnunicaiions MAVRIC 2000 & 2000NX wireless router & controller . U Rondi MAVRIC None saying testing done all ok. Complete Fire Dept Emergency Equipment Fire Hall Portable Radios GP300 U Rondi Motorola None Y2K Compliant Complete Fire Dept Finergency Equipment Fire Hall Portable Radios HTI000 IS Rondi Motorola None Y2K Compliant Complete Fire Dept Life Saving Equipment Medic 510 Defibrillator U Rondi Pbysio-ConUol None Y2K Compliant Complete Fire Dept Fire Truck Pumper 1-3 IS Rondi Supesior/DeuoitlDiesel /Catupillar None Y2K Compliant Complete FireDept Firelruck Puniper3-1 IS Rondi Superior/Dc*soit/l)iesel /Caterpillar None Y2KComplisnt Complete Fire Dept Fire Truck Pumper 2-2 IS Rondi None veh to be replaced. Complete Fire Dept Emergency Equipment Dispatch System IS Rondi 7? Surrey Dispatch -- u/k Surrey Contacted followed up 99-02- 12/99-05-03 updated software July 99 & tests to be followed up Aug 99 e-mail May 14 ire Dept Hall #1 Office Equip Photo copier l Purchasing None No Date Functions Complete Hall Elmo Council Projector I Hall Photo U) software Hall VCR Hall Proxima Projector I Purchasing Hall Clerks Section Postage Meter i John Leeburn Hall/Gen (by Properties Emergency Generators Sunson Maxwell IS Kevin Gilbraith Sunson-Maxwell None Y2K Compliant Complete Hall/Gets Gov Properties Telephone Lines IS Earl Oddstad BC Tel None Anticipated 'IoDisruplion Anticipated Complete HslI/Gen Gov Properties Fire Alarms Edward Alarms Panels 1.5 Kevin Gllbraith Edwards None Y2K Compliant Complete HalllGen Gov Properties CoY Prop Building Alarm Systems '3olden Ears Alarms it Kevin Gilbraith Prodigy & Bristol Babcock None ___________ Y2K Compliant Complete HalllGen Gov Properties Chubb Security System/City Hall Secunty City Hall exterior doors/ alarm panels it Kevin Gilbrsith _____ Soft & Hardware Req Pentium/windows Installation by July 31/99 Hall/Gets Coy Propertiea Hall/Gets Guy Prop - Elevator City HaIl/RCMP IS Kevin Gilbraith I Gilbraith None _ Y2K Compliant Complete Complete Horse Clock Cosnador 64 None - Y2K Compliant - Pane 2 Y2K Inventonj (Budget Implications) 11/3/1999 Division or - Year 2000 impact Proposed Department Category item Type Responsibility Manufacturer UAny Solution Status Complete Hall/RCMP/Annex/Operatio ns/IJC Cellular Phones IS Purchasing HaIIJRCMP/Annex/Operatio ns/LJC Photocopiers I Purchasing HaIL/RCMP/Fire Hall/Library/Ops. Telephone System LS Duane Bimic Nortel Not Compliant Purchase Upgrade - Roundtable Information Services Production SW Systems ASPEN VMS Programs R Tom McIntosh Survey in Progress Test and Fix Critical Systems Projccihaner done & forwarded nformation Services Adobe Acrobat 3.0+ K Duane Birnie Adobe None - Y2K Compliant Complete nfonnauon Services Adobe Illustrator 7.0+95 K Duane Birnic Adobe None Y2K Compliant Complete nformation Services Adobe PageMake 6.5 95/NT R Duane Birnie Adobe None Y2K Compliant Complete nfonnationScrvices AdobePhotoDcluxev2.Oand3.I R DuaneBirnie Adobe None Y2KCompliant - Complete nformauon Services AdObe Pistol Deluxe Buaincss Edition 1.0 95/NT K Duane Birnie Adobe None Y2K Compliant Complete nfonnation Services Adobe PtiotoShq v4.0 MAC /3.1/95/NT K Duane Birnie Adobe None Y2K Compliant Complete nformabon Services Adobe Premiere v4.2 MA095/NT K Duane Birnie Adobe None Y2K Compliant Complete nfonnationServices AdobeTypcManagerv4.OMAC/95 R DuaneBirnie Adobe None Y2KCompliant Complete nformation Services Adobe Acrobat versions upt 3.0 K Duane Birnie Adobe Unknown Upgrade Completed niormation Services Desktop Systems Dell P75 . K Duane Ohmic Dell None Y2K Compliant Complete niorinstion Services Dell 4100 K Duane Birnie Dell Some minor Upgrade BIOS Completed Complete nformauon Services Dell XPS 166c R Duane Birnie Dell None Y2K Compliant Complete nformation Services Dell P90 K Duane Bimnie Dcli None Y2K Compliant Complete nformauon Services Dell P100 K Duane Birnie Dell one Y2K Compliant Cowplete nformation Services Dell XPS 166c K Duane Birnie Dell None Y2K Compliant Complete nformation Services Software Applications MS Access 2.0 Upgrade K I Duane Ohmic Microsoft None Upgrade 10 copies Completed Complete nfocmationServices Office9l,97SRI.SR2 K DuaneBirnic Microsoft None Y2KCompliant Complete niormation Services Office 97 R Duane Birnie Microsoft None Distribute Information Completed Complete nformation Servicea MS DOS v6.22 R Duane Bimnie Microsoft Some minor Patches Completed Complete .sfonnation Setvices Windows v3.1 K Duane Birnie Microsoft Some minor Patches Completed Complete nformation Services Windows v95 K Duane Birisie Microsoft Some minor Patches Completed Complete nionnation Services Windows NT v4.0 Workstation SP3 K Duane Ohmic Microsoft Some minor Patches ,fozmation Services cmix AS! Pro K Duane Birme Seanix None Y2K Compliant Complete nfonnation Services eanix TCO Series K Duane Birnie Stanix None K Compliant Complete nformation Services cuix CS Senses K Duane Bimnie Scanix None K Compliant Complete information Services oiionAntiVinsav2.0 K Duane Birnie vmantec No-Unknown! Upgrade to v4.0 Y2Kcp!an _ Complete information Services aeton Anti Vinia v4.0 R Duane Birnic S mantec None K Compliant Complete nfonnation Services orton Utilities v2.0 NT _. iane Birnie vmantcc None K Compliant Complete Information Services Notion Utilities v2.0 95/98 •_ Duane Bimnie Symantec None K Compliant Complete lisiosmation Services - No,tonAntiVirusExclsangevl.0 R Duane Birnie Symantec None K Compliant Complete Information Services Viaio v4.51v5.0 K Duane Bimnie Visio Corp None K Compliant Complete Information Services Server Systems Alpisa 1000a K Duane Birnie None 2K Compliant Complete information Services Claris Works R Duane Borne Minor Distribute information Completed Complete Infonnation Services HP OpenView K Duane Birnie nability to handle dates Repiace Cp!ccd Complete Information Servicca PCAnywhere 32 v8+ K Duane Birnie None Y2K Compliant Complete Information Services Shiva Access Manager NT vi.0 K Duane Bimnie None Y2K Compliant Complete Information Services AutoDesk View v2.0 K Duane Birnie None _____ Y2K Compliant Complete Information Services Ciystai Reports v7 K Duane Birnie None _____ Y2K Compliant Complete Pane 3 Y2K Inventory (Budget Implications) 11/3/1999 Division or Year 2000 Impact Prop_ Department Category Item Type Responsibility Manufacturer - If Any Solution Statue Complete nformation Services Canvas v6.0 and v5.0 K Duane Buiue one Y2K Compliant Complete nformstion Services Winzip v7.0 and v6.3 R Duane Birnic one Y2K Compliant Complete nformatson Services O,'acle SQL Plus v3.2 K Duane Birnie one Y2K Compliant Complete nfonnatson Services Oracle SQL Net v2.2 .R Duane Birnie one Y2K Compliant Complete nfonnation Services PriniSbop Pro v4.12 and above K Duane Birnie one Y2K Compliant Complete nfonnation Services Eudora Light K Duane Birnie one Y2K Compliant Complete nfonnation Services Eagle Point K Duane Birnic one Y2K Compliant Complete fonnation Services Print Artist v4.0 K Duane Birnie one Y2K Compliant Complete nfomiation Services apex Port R Duane Birnie one Y2K Compliant Complete nfonnation Services OiuuPage Pro v90 R Duane Birme one Y2K Compliant Complete nformauon Services eflectionX v62 and above K Duane Bimie one Y2K Compliant Complete nfonnauon Services hive Access Manager NT v2.0 K Duane Birnic one Y2K Compliant Complete sfomsation Services NT Server Upgrades to 4.0 R Duane Birnie niotown Upgrade Software Completed Complete Information Services Wineip v6.1 and Self Extractor v2.1 R Ouane Birnie Yes - can not display dates Upgrade to v7.0 Information Services Crystal Reports v6 and under K Duane Birnie Yea - two functions require patches Upgrade to v7.0 Information Services Dell Venturis 5100 K IMarilyn Jollimore Dell None Y2K Compliant Complete Information Services Dell Pstons 5120 K Marilyn Joflimore Dell None Y2K Compliant Complete Information Services P&R ALPHA VMS Servers 29GB disk drives for ASPEN with 5 yra BASiC (24 Hr ) service K Tom McIntosh Provide spare disk storage for backups. etc. install two scratch disks Completed Complete Operations Centre Water Quality Monitoring Sys. LS Don Thain -- None N/A No Date Functions Complete Operations Centre Water Meter Reading Program Software I Don Thain Slumbergec None Replace software software. Testing Onerations Centre Feating & Air Conditioning I Kevin Gilbraith one Y2K Compliant Complete Operations Centre Pain Gauge Nottech I Victor Negoita ISCO None N/A Replaced software Sep98 Complete Ooerations Centre sewage pump stations Hygt controller (PLC) K - - Victor Negoita ITT Flygt None N/A No date functions Complete OenUons Centre Security System Golden Ears Alarms I - Victor Negoits Golden Ears None N/A Y2K Compliant Complete Ooerauons Centre Copy machine - Victor Negoita Sharp Electronics None N/A No date functions Complete O'erations Centre Fax machine . - Victor Negoita Sharp Electronics None N/A Y2K Compliant Complete Operations Centre Radio communication system Mobile radios LS Victor Negoita Uniden None Anticipated N/A No date functions Complete Operations Centre Computrol: fuel pumps I Victor Negoita Winfuel None N/A Started process in June 1998. Complete Operations Centre Garage: engine analyser Software and computer I Victor Negoita Alldata Compliant software to arrive by the end of August Replace software Replaced computer. Software to amve by end of August. Operations Centre nftltration and Inflow Program Software Victor Negoita ISCO None N/A No Date Functions Complete Operations Centre Microfiche viewer/printer I Victor Negoita Canon None N/A No Date Functions Complete Ooerations Centre Scanner - Victor Negoita Hewlett Packard None N/A No Date Functions Complete O'erations Centre Teleinctexsng System K Victor Negoita Bristol Babcock None N/A Replaced software Nov 98 Complete Ooerstsons Centre Television sets I Victor Negoita Zenith None N/A No Date Functions Complete Operations Centre Traffic Light Controllers IS Victor Negosta Novax Industries None ____________ N/A ___________ Print out of statement to follow at the end of Aug. Operations Centre Typewriter I Victor Negoita IBM one N/A Dste Functions __________ Complete - crations Centre - Unintemipted power supplies VCR LS Victor Ncgoita I Negoita Alpha one N/A o Date Functions Complete Consplete Operations Centre - Parks & Facilities Zenith one one N/A Date Functions - isilding Demolitioi, Thysscn Elevator Old Library Dumbwaiter i Jach Complete Page 4 Y2K Inventory (Budget Implications) 11/3/1999 Division or Year 2000 lsnpact Proposed Tepairtsnent Category Item Type Ronalbility Manufacturer If Any Solution Status Complete Parks & Facilities Stir-Guard Secunty System PM Recreational Hall R Ron Riach None Complete Parks & Facilities Electric Power Supplies BC Hydro K Kevin Gilbraitb BC Hydro None Anticipated Complete Parks & Facilities Building Security Alarms Edge St. Annex K Kevin Gilbraith Prodigy & Bristol Babcock None Y2K Compliant New Letter Requested Parks& Facilities City Hall Fire suppression Sysiiusatic Fire Control U Kevin Gilbraith None Y2K Compliant Complete Parks & Facilities RCMP HVAC Computcra Johnson Controls LS Kevin Gilbraith None Computer replace - Y2K Compliant Complete Parks & Facilities Emergency Operations Centre Office Equipment LS Rick Laing None Complete Parks & Facilities Leisure Centre Dover Elevator IS Ron Riach None - Complete Parks & Facilities Library Alarm System Library R Kevin Gilbraith Golden Ears None Y2K Compliant Complete Parka & Facilities Library Catalogue Library, 1 Kevin Gilbraitb Unknown None Y2K Compliant - Complete Parkt & Facilities Library CD Rom Stations Ubraxy _l - Kevin Gilbraitls Unknown None Y2K Compliant Complete Parks & Facilities Library Circulation Systems Library _l - Kevin Gilbraith Unknown None Y2K Compliant Complete Parks & Facilities Library Computer System Library I - - Kevin Gilbraith Unknown None Y2K Compliant Complete Parks & Facilities Library Fax & Photocopiers Library _l - Kevin Gilbraith Unknown None Y2K Compliant Complete Parks & Facilities Library Inteuset Stations Library _l - Kevin Gilbtaitls Unknown None Y2K Compliant Complete Parka & Faciltics Centennial Centre DSC Security System I K Ron Riach None Complete Parks & Faciltica Core Recreation Andover System K Ron Riach None Complete Parka & Faciltics Core Recreation Digitally Controlled Timers R Ron RiachiGilbrsitb None Complete Parks & Facilties Leisure Centre Chlorination System Wallace & Tiernan Equip LS lj) Wallace & Tiernan + Stranuol Chemistry None No Date Functions Complete Parks & Facilties Leisure Centre Closed Circuit Television Ambrose Rayburn Alarm Services LS Lea Tierney None Y2K Compliant Complete Parks & Faciltics Leisure Centre Security System Weight room access LS Lea Timisey/Craig M None Complete Parks & Facilties Leisure Centre Cash System Rccipt Printer I Melanie Wozniak Epson None Y2K Compliant Complete Parks & Faciltiet Leisure Centre Card Printer Cheetah I Melanie Wozniak Fargo Electronics None Y2K Compliant Complete Parks & Facilties Leisure Centre RecWare Membership software I Melanie Wozniak Sierra Digital Inc. None Y2K Compliant Complete Parks & Fscilties Leisure Centre RecWare Registration software I Melanie Wozniak Sierra Digital Inc. Nose Y2K Compliant Complete Parks & Fscilties Leisure Centre Card Design Software & Database Episuite _J_ Melanie Wozniak tequest letter May 10/99 Parks & Facities Leisure Centre Cash System Cash/Point of Sale Software I Melanie Wozniak Request letter May 10/99 Par-ks & Faciltses Leisure Centre Poster Grs1thics I Melanie Wozniak Request letter May 10/99 Planning Department Phillips Velo Organizer I I Duane Birisie None Y21( Compliant Complete Planning Department Digital Camera RCMP Looked after By RCMP traffic lights LS Brian H None Y2K Compliant Complete RCMP Looked after By KCMP postage meter I LS Carrie Walsh Not Compliant rptaced now 12K cospPlianL Complete Pacie5-.. Y2K Inventory (Budget Implications) 11/3/1999 Division or Year 2000 linpect Proposed Department Category items Type ResponsibIlity Manufacturer If Any Solution Status Complete CMP Looked after By RCMP voice data LS Dan Hetbranson Not Compliant being remedied CMP Looked after By RCMP ASDa LS Dan Herbranson None N/A Y2K Compliant Complete CMP Looked after By RCMP secure lax LS Hilton Hader None N/A Y2K Compliant Complete CMP Looked after By RCMP Photo Phone LS ident Doug B CMP Electric Generator Simson Maxwell LS Kevin Gilbraith Simson-Maxwell None Y2K Compliant Complete MP Garage door IS Kevin Gilbraith Overhead Door Co. None Y2K Compliant Complete MP Public Address System l Kevin Gilbraith MP Secure bay door LS Kevin Gilbraith MP Video Security LS KevjnGilbrnjth CMP Looked after By RCMP Cowl Services LS Mike Stewart none N/A Y2K Compliant Complete CM? Looked alter By RCMP portable radios LS Pat Walsh None Y K Compliant Complete CMP Looked after By RCMP pagers LS Pat Walsh None Y K Compliant Complete CMP looked after By RCMP Police Velsa LS Pat Walsh None K Compliant Complete CM? Looked after By RCMP cell monitors CCIV system LS Randy Weigel via Golden Ears None K Compliant Complete CMP Jail Cell Video Monitors LS Randy Weigel compliant K Compliant Complete CM? Looked after By RCMP CABS camera LS Randy Weigel None Y2K Compliant Complete RCMP Office Equipment Gas Watch 2000 LS Rondi UPS Gas Protection System one Y2K Compliant Complete CMP Looked after By RCMP exhibit alarm LS Teny Guiyon None - Y2K compliant Complete CMP IookedsfterliyRCMP ExhibitTracker LS TcrryGuiyon None Y2KCompliant Complete CM? Looked after By RCMP PM CPO LS Wendy St Onge None Y2K Compliant Complete earth & Rescue Fax Machine i Mike Davies Brother Electronics None Y2K Compliant Complete earth & Rescue Radios U Mike Davies Icom Radios None Y2K Compliant Complete reech & Rescue Satellite Phone IS Mike Davies Mitsubishi None Y2K Compliant Complete earth & Rescue Radio communication system U Mike Davies Motorola None Y2K Compliant Complete earth & Rescue Telephones 15 Mike Davies Northern Telecom None Y2K Compliant Complete earth & Rescue Computer System l Mike Davies Unknown Unable to Determine Life Safety 15 64 Number of items Risk/ClaIma R 71 Number unassigned nconvenlence 68 NumberwithY2Klmpsct 11.96% 209 Number not complete 16.27% Y2K Impact and Incomplete 10.05% October 19, 1999 Summary of Departmental Year 2000 Production Test Phases Page 1 Scheduled Complete Signed Scripts DeptID Department Director Critical Written Nbr Perc mAcpair Nbr Perc Hours to Remain Nbr Perc Remain B Comm and Brock McDOnald 39 42 42 107.7% 0 39 100.0% -1.5 0 0 0.0% 39 C Clerk's Dept Jim McBride 0 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0.0 0 0 0.0% 0 E Engineering Jeff Scherban 21 21 21 100.0% 0 21 100.0% 0.0 0 21 100.0 0 F Finance Jake Sorba' 118 86 120 101.7% 0 83 70.3% 33.5 35 63 53.4% 55 Inspection Services John Chace 4 4 4 100.0% 0 4 100.0% 0.0 0 4 100.0 0 M Information Tom McIntosh 0 0 0 00% 0 0 0.0% 0.0 0 0 0.0% 0 N Planning - Long John Bastaja 0 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0.0 0 0 0.0% 0 o Operations Han You 4 4 4 100.0% 0 4 100.0% 0.0 0 4 100.0 0 Q Personnel John Leeburn 0 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0.0 0 0 0.0% 0 R Parks and Mike Davies 39 39 39 100.0% 0 39 100.0% 0.0 0 39 100.0 0 W Leisure Centre Marilyn Jollimore 0 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 0.0 0 0 0.0% 0 X Planning - Current Terry Fryer 4 4 4 100.0% 0 4 100.0% 0.0 0 4 100.0 0 229 200 234 102.2% 0 194 _71 84.7% 32.0 35 135 59.0% 94.0 Y21( CONTINGENCY PLAN 11/1/1 999 Category Component & Item Division or Department Persons In Charge What is Impact Material & Equipment Personnel Contingency Plan Comments prepare si Required Waterworks 248 St B C Ilydro, B C Tel, Victor Ncgoita, No waler East of 248 St. Electrician Appropriate staff on stand by for the arrival of the year pump station GVWD, Telemeter Operations Don Thain and on Fern Crescent 300kW Generator MWU 2000, physically inspect site and switch to manual operation or stand by power (generator) if required Waterworks 256 St B C Hydro, B C Tel, Victor Negosta. No water in Whispering Electrician, Appropriate staff on stand by for the arrival of the year Worst scenario: no power. The hospital pump station GVWD, Telemeter Operations Don Thain Falls subdivision and Jail 300kW Generator MV/ti woo, physically inspect site and switch to manual will not be affected. GVRD assures us that operation or stand by power (generator) if required they would open the valves manually and we Waterworka 236 St BC Ilydro, BC Tel, Victor Negoita. Standby Generator Appropriate staff on stand by for the axrival of the year will get water through gravity up to 263 pump station GVWD, Telemeter Opiarations Don Thain No water in Silver Valley on site MWU 2000. physically inspect site and switch to manual Street rcaervoir. We would use the existing District Water operation or stand by power (generator) if required 300KW generator to pwssp it fasiher up to Pumping Stations Waterworks New B C Hydro. B C Tel, Victor Negoita, No waler East of 263 Stree Electrician Appropriate staff on stand by for the arrival of the year Whispering Falls, Rothaay and McNutl (Water Supply from 263 St PWfl, , Telemeter OtiOfl$ Don Thain GVWD , Reservoir 300kW Generator MWU 2000, physically inspect site and switch to manual loperation subdivisions. We do not anticipate major GVWD) station _______________ ___________ ___________ __________________ ______________ _________ or stand by power (generator) if required -listurbances in water supply Waterworks New B C Hydro, B C Tel, Victor Negoita. No water in McNutt Electrician, Appropriate staff on stand by for the arrival of the year Rothsay pump GVWD, 0hions Don Thain subdivision 300kW Ckoerr MWU 2000. physically inspect site and switch to manual station __________ operation or stand by power (generator) if required Watesworks 232 St. boostet pump BC Hydro. GVWI) Operations Victor Ncgoita. No water Pressure on 232nd St. north of 136 Generators, tiucks Electrician, Appropriate staff on stand by for the arrival of the year 2000, physically inspect site and field wire to stand by Wont scenario: pressure will drop to 4 or station Ave. MWU sower (generator) if required S pounds at the last house on 232 St. GVWD Boundary Watcrworks Station Lougiseed & Boundary Pump GVWD Operations Don Thain. No water East of 248 Si. one Appropriate personnel will contact GVWD if there is a GVRI) can open the valves manually and West St Station and Fern Crescent problem and take necessary action give us water through gravity. GVRI) - Katzic Sewage Dssposal Pump Station in 0 V RD Operations Victor Negoita, Private property! Standby Generator Appropriate personnel will contact GVRD if there is a sewage pumping sims. Business Park superint Environment damage on site problem and take necessary action District 225 Sewage Sewage Disposal pumping station 225 St @ Bypass B C Hydro, GVSSD, Ooos Victor Negoita, Private propemly I Standby Generator MWU Appropriate staff on stand by for the arrival of the year (Major) Pump Station B C Tel. Telemeter Sewer aupesmni. Environment damage on site 2000. physically inspect site and switch to manual Worst scenario: no power. GVRJ) has a ipcsation or stand by power (generator) if required stand-by generator at Kaizie pump station. Sewage Disposal Generators, trucks. We will reserve two more stand-by District Sewage 22 pumping B C Hydro, B C Tel, Operations Victor Negoita, Private properly / We have 2 portable Appropriate itaff on stand by for the arrival of the year generators for that period. We do not Pumping Staisona stations GVSSD Sewer supemnt. Environment damage generators and will 2000. physically inspect site and switch to manual anticipate major disturbances its sewage resave 2 more. iperation or stand by power (generator) if required discharge. Highway 19 traffiC Victor Negoita, 40 of 4 way stop Appropriate staff on stand by for the arrival of the year District Traffic Signals signals Software, B C Hydro Operations Wayne Hardy No traffic lights signs Labourers 2000, physically inspect each intersection and switch to 'lashing operation, or install stop signs if power failure District Facilities Govt Services Ops B C Hydso, Golden Operations Victor Negoita, Gases would not open / Standby Generator Staff Appropriate staff on stand by for the arrival of the year Security system is connected to emergency Security System Centre gate & doors Ears Alarms, B C Tel Sewer supermni close on site 2000. inspect physically the gates and switch to manual power operation or stand by power (generator) if required District Facilities Cossspusrol - Fuel Gov't Services Ops Centre 4 fuel B C Hydro, Consputrol Operations Victor Negoita, fuel No dispensed Standby Generator Staff Appropriate staff on stand by (or the arrival of the year 2000, physically inspect site and switch to manual Fuel pumps are connected to emergency wisps numps er supernaL on site nperation or stand by power (generator) if required 17 r Visit our CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 28,1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: 5320-20-03/SSEWI FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COW - Fin. & Corp. SUBJECT: Local Improvement Petition for Sanitary Sewer - 22948 & 22906 - 128 Avenue. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: To report the results of a local improvement petition for the extension and installation of 200mm sanitary sewer line to serve two parcels at 22948 and 22906— 128th Avenue. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge 128th Avenue Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 5844 - 1999 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and Maple Ridge 128th Avenue Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 5844— 1999 be read a third time. BACKGROUND: A petition has been received for the construction and installation of sanitary sewer to service two parcels on 128th Avenue (22948 & 22906). The parcels that will benefit from the said construction are identified on the attached map. The minimum required two-thirds (2/3) majority have agreed to pay the full costs of the said works either in a one-time lump sum payment or an annual charge for fifteen (15) years on each parcel of pr6perty included. By way of this report, the Acting Municipal Clerk hereby certifies that the petition is sufficient and valid, oursuant,40 the MuniciDal Act. by: Iw• wI Approved by: 20 tbrn,Cori Dire pf Corporate Support. I / \ ( Conèurrence: Robert W. Robertson, A.I.C.P., M.C.1.P. Chief Administrative Officer /jh Attachments - / .1 EP 7 I, si t. 51 II 7 St13 CP P5471 S112 SLI9 5.I5 he. SI " P 80046 1 L20 0.800 ho. SI 10 jI1t 0.415 he. 6 CP 25079 -... _.-- 5 ' NOARY / / "IMP 221 ' 00 SI 9 SI SI 7 SL 6 r RW 7059 1 Rem3 SP 746 31 0.855 ho P 5471 I 12899 Rem 13 LMP 22099 \ . I I I, / / 20.0 1.68. ho. / I P 10072 P 1 054 1 16 5.2 15 128 3 1.688 ho. 0.996 ho. I2l 25 15.2 26 3O _128 17 14 l281 24 ______ t2 I a I 27 18 I ______ 2 P 649 I all I °' _______ ____ ,.&jz 29 23 1.3 0.405 ho 0405 ho 0405 ho 1P20286 1 I 2 19 12 P2 80 P1 54 P19054 tn WZY toI 1 2 30 22 21 20 1 Itf I I I I 0 ________________ 126 AVE. 127911o. tn 15.0 tot 12 ('4 B 51 52 53 54 55 56 RP13094 p2771 0.405 he 0.405 he 0.406 he 0.405 he 0.609 he 0.595 he 0 4 p 4 79 1.214 he /275 _________ _________ -- _______________ 45 46 0.609 he .979 he 0 127 At. 2 22339 o LIMPI 1149091 I I I 1.091 h . •j !I334I5 1 1127cb 0. 0. P) rl TD CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE By-law No. 5844 - 1999 A By-law to authorize the construction of works as a Local Improvement project under the provisions of the Municipal Act. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act and amendments thereto, Council may, by by-law authorize the installation of works as a Local Improvement and authorize the borrowing of funds necessary; AND WHEREAS, legal petition(s) have been received by two-thirds (2/3 majority of the property owners of two (2) parcels in an area of the Municipality requesting construction and installation of 200mm diameter sanitary sewer, complete with appurtenances and two service connections, and the said petition(s) have been signed by the minimum required two-thirds (2/3) majority of the owners of the two (2) parcels to be specially charged; AND WHEREAS, the above mentioned petition have been certified by the Clerk was being sufficient in all respects; AND WHEREAS, Council has received a report from the Municipal Engineer stating that: The Lifetime of Works is fifteen (15) years; The estimated cost of the works is $6,222.00 The proportion of the total costs which will be specially charged against the parcels benefiting from or abutting on the works is 100%. AND WHEREAS, the proportion of the cost of the works to be specially charged against the parcels is in accordance with Maple Ridge Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 3374— 1984 as amended. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge 1 28 Avenue Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 5844— 1999". The installation and construction of the following works is hereby authorized: Design and construction of 200mm sanitary sewer, complete with appurtenances and service connections to two individual property lines at 22948 & 22906 - 128 Avenue) Council is hereby empowered and authorized to undertake and carry out installation of the hereinafter stated works, in accordance with general plans on file in the municipal offices as a local improvement project and to do all things necessary in connection therewith and without limiting the generality of the foregoing: By-law No. 5844 - 1999 Page (2) to spend the estimated amount of $6,222.00 for the aforesaid purposes; to acquire all such property, easements, rights-of-way, licenses, rights or authorities as may be requisite or desirable for or in connection with the construction of the said works. 4. The said works shall be installed in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared and approved by the Municipal Engineer. S. One Hundred Percent (100%) of the net cost estimated to be $6,222.00 for the installation and construction of the said works shall be specifically charged against the parcels benefiting from and abutting or deemed to abut the said works, either over a period of fifteen (15) years or as a one time payment. The parcel(s) which benefit from, abut or are deemed to benefit from the said works are those specified in Schedule "A". The Municipality shall pay any difference each year, between the total cost of the works and the amount raised by the special charges against the aforesaid parcels. For the purpose of a Security Issuing By-law, under Part 12, Division 3 of the Municipal Act, this by-law is deemed to be a Loan Authorization By-law. The Municipal Collector shall cause to be prepared a Frontage Tax Assessment Roll in accordance with this By-law and the Municipal Act. READ a first time this day of READ a second time this day of READ a third time this day of RECONSIDERED and adopted this day of MAYOR CLERK Attachment: Schedule "A" Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge SCHEDULE "A" Maple Ridge 128th Avenue Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 5844 - 1999 Roll No. 63254-0700-3 63254-0600-X Legal Description Part N.E. '/4, Lot 55, Section 20, Plan 40879, Township 12, N.W.D. (22948 - 128 Avenue) Part N.E. ¼, Lot 54, Section 20, Plan 40879, Township 12, N.W.D., (22906 —128 Avenue) (*INCORPORATEDH ~\ OF TUKTOYAXTUIç_II.. - - LAND OF THE P INGOS BOX 120, TUKTOYAKTUK, OFFICE OF THE MAYOR NORTHWEST TERRITORIES. XOE 1CO (867) 977-2286 FAX (867) 977-2110 September 17, 1999 His Worship Carl E. Durksen Mayor Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge B.C. Canada V2X 6A9 Dear Mr. Durksen It is an honor for our community to have the monument in place right beside the Arctic Ocean. It is also a great honor to have met the creator of the monument. For a person such as myself with very little patience, some how I sense that some of his patience has been instilled in me, for that I thank a man of great patience. With that I would like to propose to you that our fair Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk and Maple Ridge become sister Communities (since we are not a city but a Hamlet). Attached please find Hamlet pins for your Council and a Tuktoyaktuk cup for yourself. - —Yow'stiiI1ç Ernest T. Pokiak Mayor ADMINISTRATION SEP27 1999 Tuktoyaktuk:: The New NWT :: Legislative Ass... Page 1 of 2 .4iveAssemb1y F THE_NORTHWEST TERRITORIES The NewNWT -_Tuktoyaktuk nsrro ORMAnON? Community Name: Tu ktoya ktuk Traditional Name: UeRAAY..... Tuktuujaartuq (looks like a caribou) Wail Politics Member of the Legislative Assembly Vince Steen What'iNèw" - Legislative Assembly Electoral District: Nunakput Cir.ctoy......... Member of Parliament: Ethel Bloridin-Andrew F.sdbuk....•::.: Mayor: Ernest Pokiak Land Claim Area: Inuvialuit Location Tuktoyaktuk is located on Kugmallit Bay at 69'27'N latitude and 133'02'W longitude near the Mackenzie River Delta. The northernmost community on the Canadian mainland, Tuktoyaktuk is 137 km north of Inuvik. Population 943 (1996 Census) Languages Inuvialuktun, English Access The community is accessible by air from Inuvik year round and bulk supplies and food are barged in during the summer months. Ice roads link Tuktoyaktuk to Inuvik and Aklavik in the winter. History Many Inuit whalers lived in the area near Tuktoyaktuk during the 19th century however between 1890 and 1910 American whalers brought recurring epidemics of influenza into the area and decimated the population. Alaskan Dene came in their place and stayed, and in 1928 Herschel Island residents moved to the community, coinciding with the construction of the Hudson Bay Company Post. Additional development occurred In the next 30-40 year to the point where Tuktoyaktuk was the largest Western Arctic community on the coast and was an important point for the re-supply of DEW line stations Today the Northern Transportation Company Limited (NTCL) employs many in the transportation industry while others work in the exploration field. The petroleum industry is also a key aspect of the economy. Traditional lifestyles, hunting and rPrppt #y http://w-ww.assembly.gov.nt.ca/NewNWT/Tuktoyaktuk.html . 10/20/99 Leylslcauvc s ii.#.y ..sIsu SII • ...•, JeMañe4 Fort .4 S http://www.assembly.gov.nt.ca/NewNWT/`index.html S BRITISH COLUMBIA Ir ;•..•_• ..'.I U I 1999 His Worship Mayor Carl Durksen and Council District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge BC V2X 6A9 Dear Mayor Durksen and Council: I have received from my colleague, the Honourable Ujjal Dosanjh, copies of your May 17 and 27, 1999, letters to him regarding the Intersection Safety Camera Program and traffic fine revenue sharing, and his reply of July 20, 1999. I apologize for the delay in my response regarding payment of traffic fine revenue sharing. A letter dated April 15, 1999, was sent to all municipal Treasurers regarding the 1999 payment schedule of Local Government Grants. Traffic Fine Revenue Sharing will be provided on October 29, 1999. The amount you will receive is $205,416. This is based on municipal policing costs. Your police costs ($6,838,508) are 1.56% (i.e. this is the calculation percentage rounded to two decimal places) of the 1997 aggregate municipal police costs in the Province. Therefore, you receive 1.56% (rounded) of $13.2 million allocated for Traffic Fine Revenue Sharing. The Ministry of Attorney General is responsible for docUmenting the police costs and provides them.to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. - Yours tru!y, Jim boyle Minite ADMINISTRATION NOV 0 3 1999 Ministry of Office of the Minister Mailing Address: Municipal Affairs Parliament Buildings Victorla BC V8V 1X4 4 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 3, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: SUBJECT: Cemetery By-law Amendments SUMMARY: The Cemetery By-law is being introduced with some minor changes and to adjust the Schedule "A" which details the tariffs for grave space and services provided by cemetery staff at the two municipal operated cemeteries. RECOMMENDATION: THAT MAPLE RIDGE CEMETERY BY-LAW NO. 5784-1999 BE READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME AND THAT THE RULES OF ORDER BE WAIVED AND MAPLE RIDGE CEMETERY BY-LAW NO. 5784-1999 BE READ A THIRD TIME. BACKGROUND: The cemetery by-law has been rewritten to reflect the present operational procedures resulting in the removal of a number of outdated clauses & schedules. In addition, there are a number of minor wording revisions. The new by-law will reflect the current business practices. Also, the last increase to the cemetery fees was in January, 1999. The by-law Schedule "A" represents a 5% increase for 2000. Mike'Davies, Director Parks & Facilities L -- rod by: 6Ae Mui7', C : Co munity Development Parks & Recreation ConcurrenciRobert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5784— 1999 A By-law to repeal Maple Ridge Cemetery Amending By-law No. 2789 - 1980 and amendments thereto in their entirety and hereby create a new Maple Ridge Cemetery Bylaw The Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Cemetery By-law No. 5784— 1999". "Maple Ridge Cemetery By-law No. 2789 - 1980 and amendments thereto are hereby repealed in their entirety. For the purpose of this By-law, unless the context otherwise requires: "Cemetery Licence" shall mean a receipt issued by the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge upon payment. "Corporation" shall mean the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge. "Council" shall mean the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge. "Mayor" shall include the Acting Mayor. "Clerk" shall mean the person duly appointed as such, from time to time by the Council or his deputy. "Treasurer" shall mean the person duly appointed as such, from time to time by the Council or his deputy. "Medical Health Officer" & shall mean the person duly appointed from time to time to act Health Officer as Medical Officer for the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge. "Caretaker" shall mean the person or persons duly appointed or employed by the Corporation from time to time as Caretaker or Caretakers of the Cemetery or Cemeteries of the District of Maple Ridge. "Cremated Remains" shall mean the ashes resulting from cremation of a deceased human body. By-law No. 5784 - 1999 Page 2 "Cemetery" shall mean and include any parcel or tract of land set aside, used, maintained or operated as a cemetery by the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge. "Minister" shall mean that member of the Executive Council charged by order of the Lieutenant Governor in Council with administration of the "Cemeteries Act" and includes a person designated in writing by the Minister. "Infant/Child" shall mean anyone up to and including ten (10) years of age. "Resident" shall mean a deceased person who resided in Maple Ridge at the time of death, or was a five (5) years resident of Maple Ridge within the eighteen (18) months preceding death, or was a property owner in Maple Ridge at the time of death or was a property owner in Maple Ridge for more than ten (10) years at any time preceding death. "Non-Resident" shall mean any deceased person not covered under the interpretation of "Resident", "Rose Garden" shall mean a defined area in the cemetery set aside specifically for the mass disposal of cremated remains. The use of words signifying the masculine shall include the feminine. 4. The following lands have been set aside, operated, used or maintained as a cemetery by the Corporation: Maple Ridge Cemetery: Legally described as being: Portion of E of 13 of 1, D.L. 247, Group 1, Sk.8035, West Portion of 13 of 1,D.L. 247, Group 1, Plan 1007, Lot 45, D.L. 248, Group 1, Plan 25353, Lot J, D.L. 248, Group 1, Plan 692 - 21404 Dewdney Trunk Road. Whonnock Cemetery: Legally described as being: Portion of Indian Reserve, D.L. 433, Group 1. Whonnock Cemetery No. 2: Legally described as being Lot 17 of D.L. 433, Group 1, Plan 64271, N.W.D. 5. A. copy of the plans of the cemetery shall be filed with the Minister and copies shall also be kept available for public inspection in the Municipal Office and at such other places as may be deemed necessary. ENGE 10 USE THE GEMETER 6. The Council reserves the right to refuse, to sell the use of more than two (2) grave spaces to any one individual. By-law No. 5784 - 1999 Page 3 7. (a) Where the holder of a licence to use and occupy grave space in the cemetery wishes to transfer his right of use and occupancy to another person he shall first provide the Clerk with full particulars of the name, address and other description of the person to whom the transfer is to be made, the consideration to be paid therefore and such other information as the Clerk may reasonably request. The provision of such information shall not bind the Corporation to accept or permit the proposed transfer. (b) Upon acceptance by the Corporation of the transfer fee prescribed in Schedule "A" to this By-law, and upon compliance with the requirements of this by-law by the licence holder and the person to whom the licence is to be transferred, the Clerk shall effect the desired transfer in the books or other records kept by him for that purpose. All licences issued for use of grave space in the cenietery shall be subject to the provisions of this by-law and all by-laws now or thereafter passed by Council. VEES & CHARGE (a) The fees for interment, disinterment, use of grave space, and care of graves, and the charges for goods offered for sale by the Corporation for use in the cemetery, and any other cemetery fees shall be those set out in Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-law. (b) Unless prior arrangements have been made by the funeral home with the Corporation, the fees set out in Schedule "A" to this by-law shall be paid at the Corporation's offices at the time of obtaining an interment permit, or any goods or services sold by the Corporation in connection with the operation of the cemetery. Local funeral homes having accounts with the Corporation shall make payment ofpreapproved licences by the end of each month. Adult size grave space shall be 8' x 4' (2.50m x 1.25m). Child/Infant size grave space shall be 6' x 2'3" (1.83m x .69m). Cremated remains grave space shall be 2' x 3' (.61m x .91ni). PERMISSION 11) INTER, EXHUME AND CREMA TL] No body shall be interred in the cemetery until a permit to inter the body has been obtained from the Corporation and the fee for interment as specified in Schedule "A" hereof has been paid to the Corporation, except as may be permitted otherwise under the terms of Section 14. By-law No. 5784 - 1999 Page 4 12. All applications for a permit to inter in the cemetery must be made to the Clerk at the Corporation's offices between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on all days of the week except Saturday, Sunday, Statutory Holidays, and in cases of emergency as described in Section 14. 13. Any person who makes application for an interment permit or who requires an interment to be made, shall provide the Clerk with a statement of the name, age and date of death of the deceased, whether or not death was caused by a communicable disease as listed in Division 7 of the "Regulations for the Control of Communicable Diseases" made under the "Health Act", the time and date of the Funeral and any other information which it is reasonable for the Clerk to request. 14. (a) Where the Health Officer directs, pursuant to the "Regulations for the Control of Communicable Diseases" or otherwise, that a body be buried in the cemetery during any period when the Corporation's offices are closed, the Department of Health shall grant approval for same and post approval shall be obtained from the Corporation of Maple Ridge during normal working hours. (b) Where a burial in the cemetery is performed under the conditions of Sub-section (a) of this section, the person who permitted the burial and the person who performed the burial shall report the matter to the Clerk, and the representative of the deceased shall furnish the Clerk with full details of the deceased as required by Section 13 hereof together with such fees as may be required in accordance with Schedule "A" if such fees have not already been paid. (c) The information required to be given to the Clerk under the terms of Sub-section (b) of this section, shall be provided to the Clerk as soon after such interment as the Corporation's office are opened. 15. No deceased person interred in the cemetery shall be exhumed without a written order being first obtained from the proper authority in accordance with the requirements of the "Cemeteries Act" and the presentation for such order to the Clerk for his examination. 16. (a) It shall be unlawful to bury or cremate a deceased person within the, municipal boundary of the Corporation, except pursuant to the terms of the "Cremation Act", "Cemeteries Act" and regulations thereunder. (b) Ashes placed in a full burial plot shall be removed by the Caretaker at the time of a full burial and be reinterred at no cost during a funeral process. 17. No body other than a deceased human body, or the cremated remains or other remains of a deceased human body shall be interred in the cemetery and all interments shall be subject to and comply with the provisions of this By-law. 18. The holder of a licence to use and occupy grave space in the cemetery shall not permit an interment to be made in the grave space to which the licence refers, nor transfer or dispose of the said grave space to another person, group or organization unless such interment, transfer, or disposal is made pursuant to and subject to the provisions of this By-law. By-law No. 5784 - 1999 Page 5 19. (a) Where the body of a person, who died while suffering a communicable disease, is to be buried in the cemetery, and instruction given by the Health Officer respecting the interment shall be fully and carefully followed by those who perform the interment. (b) Where the body delivered to the cemetery for interment is subject to direction of the Health Officer under the terms of Division 7 of the "Regulations for the Control of Communicable Diseases" made under the Health Act, the person delivering the body to the cemetery shall inform the Caretaker. 20. (a) Each interment in the cemetery, other than the interment of cremated remains, shall provide for not less than one (1) meter of earth between the general surface level of the ground at the grave site and the upper surface of the vault, casket or grave liner enclosing the body resting in the grave. One interment may be permitted in each grave space in the cemetery. A single grave may inter one full burial and up to four cremations. Each interment of cremated remains in the cemetery shall be made in a container which will permanently contain the ashes and shall be buried in the grave not less than sixty centimetres (60cm) deep, except where the container of cremated remains is used as a foundation-base for a tablet memorial installed on the grave according to the requirements of Section 33 and except where cremated remains are disposed of in the Rose Garden in accordance with sub section (g) of this section. A concrete, fiberglass or asbestos grave liner shall be used for each interment, except where a concrete or steel vault is used or cremated remains are interred according to the requirements of Sub Section (c) or (f). :2 Each grave liner used in the cemetery shall be made of either reinforced concrete, not less than fifty millimetres (50mm) thick and shall consist of two side walls, two end walls and a cover sufficient to bridge the coffin or casket over its entire length; or made of nine and one-half millimetres (9.5mm) thick APAC, a certified blend of portland cement and asbestos, and shall consist of two telescoping vaulted units sufficient to cover the coffm or casket over its entire length, and two flat end pieces or a uni-constructed fiberglass lid covering the entire length and sides of the coffin or casket. The disposal of cremated remains in the Rose Garden shall be without a container and shall only be performed under the direction of the Caretaker. 21. No person shall inter any body in the cemetery except between the hours of eight-thirty (8:30) o'clock in the forenoon and four-thirty (4:30) o'clock in the afternoon. 22. No person shall inter any body in the cemetery on Saturday or Sunday or any Statutory Holiday unless the written permission of the Clerk is first obtained, except in the emergency conditions as specified in Section 14. 23. No grave shall be dug or opened and no cremated remains shall be disposed of by any person other than the Caretaker or a person duly authorized by the Caretaker or by the Clerk. By-law No. 5784 - 1999 Page 6 24. (a) Council may authorize the appointment of a cemetery caretaker and the duties and responsibilities of a caretaker so appointed shall be, among other things, to carry out, or cause to be carried out by cemetery workers placed under his supervision: The digging, preparation, opening and closing of graves and the disposal of cremated remains as ordered by the Clerk. The direction of all funerals in the cemetery to the correct grave site. The installation of memorial tablets, markers and monuments on graves and construction of their foundations or bases. The general work of the cemetery, to maintain it in a neat, tidy condition, including maintenance of walls, fences, gates, paths and other cemetery improvements. the provisions for care of the cemetery tools and equipment. (b) The Caretaker shall maintain records as directed by the Clerk and shall submit reports as required by him, and, shall do such other work as the Clerk may require from time to time in relation to the cemetery operation. 25. The Clerk and Treasurer shall maintain records as necessary to the administration and management of the cemetery and as required by Division 11 of the regulations under the "Cemeteries Act". 26. The Clerk and Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality and subject to the provisions of this by-law to grant a licence in respect of any unoccupied and unlicensed grave space or the Rose Garden in the cemetery. 27. The Clerk shall issue all permits for interment required by this By-law, except as otherwise provided herein. 28. Upon issuing any permits for interment in the cemetery, or upon viewing an order for exhumation from the proper authority as required by Section 15 hereof, the Clerk shall notify the Caretaker before the time of the intended interment or exhumation giving the name of the deceased, the number and location of the grave space concerned and any instructions of the Health Officer relative to the interment or exhumation. 29. (a) A fund shall be established to be known as "The Cemetery Care Fund" and such fund shall be administered in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations made under the "Cemeteries Act" for the establishment and administration of a Municipal Cemetery Care Fund and in accordance with the procedures hereitiafter set out. (b) A bank account shall be established to be known as "The Cemetery Care Fund Account" into which the Treasurer shall pay al funds received for Care Fund purposes and all such funds shall be deposited in said account, and there held pending investment as hereinafter provided. By-law No. 5784 - 1999 Page 7 On all licences for use of grave space or the Rose Garden sold on and after the day of April, 1980, the Treasurer shall pay into "The Cemetery Care Fund Account" an appropriate care fund contribution as set out in Schedule "A" hereof, except in those cases where a difference amount is approved by the Minister. On all licences for the use of grave space, and on all contracts or agreements for the sale of such licences, the amount required to be used for Care Fund purposes shall be specified, provided that the amount so specified shall not apply to grave space made available by the Corporation free of charge for indigent burial. Any owner of a memorial marker, tablet, or monument, desiring to install same in the cemetery after the 1st day of April, 1980, shall pay to the Treasurer, prior to the installation of such memorial, an appropriate care fund contribution as made in accordance with Schedule "A" and such amounts when received shall be paid by the Treasurer into "The Cemetery Care Fund Account" for investment as hereinafter provided. Investment of funds received for Care Fund purposes shall be made as required by the Regulations under the "Cemeteries Act" applicable to Municipal Cemetery Care Funds. The income from the Cemetery Care Fund including any appreciation thereof, shall be used for the sole purpose of upkeep and maintenance of the property licensed and the cemetery of which it forms part. The principal sum of the Cemetery Care Fund shall not be reduced otherwise than in accordance with an order of the Minister made pursuant to the Regulations under the Cemeteries Act. A separate account of all monies received under the provisions of this By-law and of all monies expended hereunder, shall be kept by the Treasurer and any surplus remaining of receipts over expenditures shall be paid at the end of each financial year into a fund to be known as "The Cemetery Fund" and same shall be invested by the Corporation in accordance with the provisions of the "Municipal Act" and the interest derived from such investment shall be expended on the upkeep and development of the cemetery. On and after the 1st day of April, 1980, no person shall place on any grave space in the cemetery a memorial marker, tablet or monument, until appropriate perpetual care fund contribution has been made in accordance with Schedule "A" to the Treasurer for Care Fund purposes in respect to each memorial, which is desired to install. No grave or grave space in the cemetery shall be defined by a fence, hedge, railing or curbing and no memorial other than a tablet type memorial as specified in Section 33 may be installed on a grave. By-law No. 5784 - 1999 Page 8 33. A tablet type memorial may be installed on a grave in the cemetery by the caretaker provided the installation fee as set out in Schedule "A" hereto is paid and the tablet is made of stone or bronze and conforms to the following: (a) Each memorial tablet shall be installed in a position on the grave according to that established by the Corporation for memorials on graves in the cemetery and shall have its top surface set level with the surface of the surrounding ground. (b) Each bronze memorial tablet shall be attached to a concrete base not less than 7.5 centimetres thick with side surfaces true and perpendicular with the top surface of the attached tablet. (c) Each stone memorial tablet shall be not less than five (5) centimetres thick and shall have its side surfaces true and perpendicular with its top surface. (d) Except as permitted otherwise in subsection (e) the top surface of memorial tablets and concrete bases shall measure as follows: On Adult Size Graves: Memorialization of one person - 12" x 20" (30 x 50cm.) Memorialization of one or two persons - 18" x 30" (46 x 76 cm.) On a Child Size Grave: 12" x 20" (30 x 50 cm.) On an Infant Size Grave: 10" x 18" (25 x 46 cm.) On an Ashes Size Grave: 8" x 12" (20 x 30 cm.) 10" x 22" (25 x 55 cm) bronze 12" x 20" (30 x 50 cm.) granite (e) A bronze memorial tablet intended for installation on the grave of an adult or child may be smaller than its concrete base provided the concrete base conforms to the size for the grave as required by subsection (d) above, and provided the part of the base extending beyond the tablet does not exceed 50 millimetres (50mm) wide and has a smooth, slightly bevelled surface to shed water at its outer edges. (f) One memorial tablet only, may be installed on each grave, but where two related persons are buried side by side in adjacent graves, one 46 x 76 cm tablet which provides for the memorialization of both persons may be used instead of two separate tablets provided the single, tablet so used is set to embrace evenly the two graves concerned. (g) On a cremation size grave a memorial base which conforms to the requirements of subsection (d) and which supports either a stone or bronze tablet, may enclose one or two containers of cremated remains as permitted by the terms and requirements of subsection (c) of Section 20. (h) Memorial markers are not permitted in the Rose Garden. GENERAL 34. Cut flowers, wreaths and floral offerings may be placed on graves but may be removed by the Caretaker when their condition is considered by him to be detrimental to the beauty of the cemetery. Artificial flowers may be placed between November 15 and March 15. By-law No. 5784 - 1999 Page 9 No person shall be permitted to landscape individual grave sites or plant, remove, cut down, or destroy any trees, shrubs, plants, flowers, bulbs or rocks in the cemetery other than an employee of the Corporation authorized to do so. All persons are prohibited from damaging, or defacing any memorial, monument, fence, gate, or structure in the cemetery, or any improvements in the cemetery. No person shall enter the cemetery in a vehicle after the gate has been closed, or drive a vehicle in the cemetery at any time at a speed of more than 15 Kilometres an hour, and grounds shall be subject to the reasonable directions and order of the caretaker. No person shall solicit orders for markers, tablets, memorials, cappings, or like works within the limits of the cemetery. All persons and funeral processings in the cemetery shall obey the reasonable instructions of the Caretaker, but any person not behaving with proper decorum within the cemetery, or disturbing the quiet and good order of the cemetery may be evicted therefrom by the Caretaker. The discharging of firearms, other than in regular volleys at burial services, is prohibited in the cemetery. Any person who wilfully destroys, mutilates, defaces, injures or removes any tomb, monument, memorial, or other structure placed in the cemetery, or any fence, railing or other work for the protection or ornament of the cemetery, or any tomb, monument, memorial or other structure aforesaid or lot within the cemetery, or wilfully destroys, cuts, breaks or injures any shrub or plant, or plays at any game or sport, or discharges firearms (save at a military funeral),or who wilfully or unlawfully disturb persons assembled for the purpose of burying a body therein, or who commits a nuisance or at any time behaves in an indecent and unseemly manner, or deposits any rubbish or offensive matter. or thing in a cemetery, or in any way violates any grave, tomb, tombstone, vault, memorial or other structure within the same, shall be guilty of an infraction of this By-law, and liable to the penalties hereof. The cemetery shall be deemed open for vehicle traffic at eight (8:00) a.m. every morning and closed every evening at four (4:00) p.m. The cemetery shall be deemed open for pedestrians during Daylight Savings Time from eight (8:00) a.m. and closed at eight (8:00) p.m. The cemetery shall be deemed open for pedestrians during Standard Time from eight (8) o'clock every morning and closed at four-thirty (4:30) p.m. Any person in the cemetery between eight (8) p.m. and eight (8) a.m. the foflowi.ng morning, without special permission of the Caretaker, Clerk or other person authorized by the Corporation to grant such permission shall be deemed guilty of an infraction of this By-law and liable to the penalties hereof. Any person guilty of an infraction of this By-law shall upon conviction thereof before the Police Magistrate, having jurisdiction in the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, on the oath or affirmation of any credible witness, forfeit and pay at the discretion of the said Police Magistrate, Justices, or other Magistrate or Magistrates, convicting a fine or penalty not exceeding the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) and costs for each offence. In default of payment thereof forthwith, it shall be lawful for such Police, Magistrate, Justices, or other Magistrate or Magistrates convicting as aforesaid , to issue a warrant under his or their hand and seal to levy the said fine or penalty and costs, or costs only, by distress and sale of the offender's goods and chattels. In case of no distress or no sufficient distress found to satisf' the said fine or penalty, it i. By-law No. 5784 - 1999 Page 10 shall and may be lawful for the Police Magistrate, Justices or other Magistrate or Magistrates convicting as aforesaid, to commit the offender to the common goal or any lock-up house in the County of New Westminster, for any period not exceeding two months unless the fine or penalty be sooner paid. 44. Notwithstanding anything herein contained, the administration and operation of the cemetery shall be carried out at all times in accordance with the Cemeteries Act and regulations made thereunder. READ a first time the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the day of APPROVED by the Cemetery and Funeral Services Division of the Ministry of the Attorney General on the day of RECONSIDERED and finally adopted the day of MAYOR CLERK ATTACHMENTS: Schedule "A"