HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-01-11 Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdf• 4:. Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING January 11,2000 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting held on January 11, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Appointed Staff Mayor A. Hogarth Mr. R. W. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor C. Gordon Mr. T. Wingrove, Municipal Clerk Councillor F. Isaac Mr. M. W. Murray, General Manager of Community Councillor J. Harris Development, Parks and Recreation Services Councillor L. King Mr. J. R. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works Councillor K. Morse and Development Services Councillor C. Speirs Mr. T. Fryer, Director of Current Planning Mrs. S. M. Karasz, Confidential Secretary The meeting was filmed by Rogers Cablesystems. These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal web site at www.mapleridge.org 01 CALL TO ORDER 02 OPENING PRA YERS Reverend Terry Sobocinski conducted opening prayers. 03 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 03.01 Annual Report Award Mayor Hogarth issued a Press Release advising that the District has won the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1998. Council Meeting Minutes January 11, 2000 Page 2 This is a prestigious international award that recognizes conformance with the highest standards for preparation of state/provincial and local government popular reports. This is the third consecutive year that the District has received the award and only a few have been awarded in Canada. 03.02 Appointment of General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services Mayor Hogarth issued a press release announcing that Mr. Paul Gill has been appointed as the new General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services. Council congratulated Mr. Gill on his appointment. 04 ADOPTION OF MINUTES R12 000- 1 02.01 Minutes Dec. 14/99 MOVED by Councillor Gordon SECONDED by Councillor Morse that the Minutes of the regular Council Meeting of December 14, 1999 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED RJ00-2 02.02 Minutes Dec. 15/99 MOVED by Councillor King SECONDED by Councillor Isaac that the Minutes of the special Council Meeting of December 15, 1999 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED R/00-3 Minutes Dev. Agmt. Dec. 1999 02.03 MOVED by Councillor King SECONDED by Councillor Gordon that the Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of December 8, 13 and 16, 1999 be received. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes '4. January 11,2000 Page 3 R/00-4 02.04 Minutes Public Hearing MOVED by Councillor Harris Dec. 2 1/99 SECONDED by Councillor Morse that the Minutes of the Public Hearing of December 21, 1999 be received. CARRIED 05 DELEGI4 TIONS 05.01 Blaney Bog - Ms. Annette LeBox, Pitt Folder Preservation Society Ms. LeBox advised that the Pitt Polder Preservation Society has 100 members and its mandate is preservation, particularly in the Pitt Poldër and Alouette Polder. Blaney Bog is in the Pitt Polder. She explained that with respect to Blaney Bog, she is before Council for two reasons, namely (1) preservation and (2) to ask for support for a Blaney Bog web site as a Millennium Project. The• Society is hopeful that the District may allow the Blaney Bog web site to be linked to the District's web site or that they can find assistance to set up their own web page. The intent is to create an education tool for the bog that can be used by teachers and students around the world. If anyone can assist with the web page, they can call her at 467-9863 or Mr. Ron Jacobson, the Millennium Project Manager, at 467-6307. The Society• is excited about Blaney Bog and wants to get other environmental organizations involved as well as students of School District 42. Ms. LeBox displayed a map and photographs of Blaney Bog and explained the five distinct eco-systems, types of vegetation, etc. that comprise the bog. She thanked Council for the efforts they have made to acquire the bog, noting that the wisdom of their decision will become increasingly obvious. 06 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Nil 07 CORRESPONDENCE Nil Council Meeting Minutes January 11, 2000 Page 4 08 BY-LAWS Items 08.01, 08.02 and 08.03 are from the December 21, 1999 Public Hearing 08.01 RZ156199 - 23874 and 23884 - 118 Avenue - Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5855-1999 (to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District to create approximately four lots not less than 371m 2 each) P100-5 MOVED by Councillor Gordon BL 5855-1999 SECONDED by Councillor King 2ndl3rd reading that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5855-1999 be read a second and third time. Discussion Councillor Gordon noted that one of the outstanding items was the consolidation, of the lands south of the lane and questioned if that issue has been resolved. The Director of Current Planning advised that negotiations are still going on and resolution of the lane is a condition of final reading consideration of the by-law. The motion CARRIED. 08.02 RZ142199 - 21409 Lougheed Highway - Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5853 -1999 (to rezone from CS-i (Service Commercial) to CD-2-99 (Comprehensive Development) to provide all the uses currently listed under the CS-i Zone but removes limits on business and professional services and retail use within the existing development). P1900-6 MOVED by Councillor Morse BL 5853-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Isaac that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5853-1999 be read a second and third time. Discussion Councillor King questioned if the amendment will be effective in discouraging big box retail operations or similar uses in the future that would be detrimental to the adjacent residential area. Council Meeting Minutes January 11, 2000 Page 5 The Director of Current Planning explained that there will be a gross floor area limitation to a maximum of 186 m 2 and that limitation, together with the size of the building and the inability to develop the site further, would be effective in preventing the type of uses referred to by Councillor King. The motion CARRIED. 08.03 RZ113199 - 10515 and 10595 - 240 Street and 23950 Zeron Avenue - Maple Ridge ZoneAmending By-law No. 5854-1999 (to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-lb (One Family Urban [medium density] Residential) and CD- 1-93 (Amenity Residential District) to permit subdivision into approximately 21 lots). RJ00-7 MOVED by Councillor Gordon BL 5854-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Harris 2ndl3rd reading that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5854-1999 be read a second and third time. Discussion The Director of Current Planning displayed an overhead map and proposed plan of development and provided details of the development proposal. He noted that the concerns raised at the Public Hearing mainly related to geotechnical issues and tree retention. He advised that a geotechnical report has been done outlining the measures to be taken to stabilize the building sites. There are special geotechnical concerns and the foundations will need to be constructed with geotechnical instruction. A preliminary report indicates that the site is geotechnically stable although more work has to be done at the subdivision stage. A Councillor referred to the vegetation on Lots 17 and 21. She questioned if restrictive covenants for tree retention will be required. The Director of Current Planning advised that amenity covenants are normally a condition of final approval. They are usually placed at the subdivision stage which occurs later in the process. There is only a schematic plan of subdivision available at this point which may change when further geotechnical information is available. Councillor Harris referred to the strip of land adjacent to the proposed walkway, noting that Lot 17 will bear the burden of ownership of that particular strip of land Council Meeting Minutes January 11, 2000 Page 6 and if anything goes wrong, it will be a continuous problem for that property owner. He suggested that it be stretched out to include Lots 13 through to 17. The Director of Current Planning advised that that there has been discussion about the disposition of that strip and the development scheme shows a portion going to Lot 17 and some to Lot 21. The District feels that it should all be attached to Lot 21. Councillor King proposed an amendment to the motion that the amenity covenants requiring retention of the trees be made a condition of final approval. The Municipal Clerk suggested that it be a separate motion. The motion CARRIED. RI00-8 MOVED by Councillor King tree retention SECONDED by Councillor Speirs covenants RZ/13/99 that with respect to RZ/13/99 (10515 and 10595 - 240 Street and 23950- Zeron Avenue) that restrictive covenants be put in place requiring retention of trees on Lots 17 and 21 as presented on the plans shown at the Public Hearing. CARRIED 08.04 RZ19197 - 12112 and 12090-227 Street 08.04.0 1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5605-1997 (to redesignate from Compact Housing (40-60 units per net hectare) to Apartment District). RJ00-9 MOVED by Councillor Gordon BL 5605-1999 SECONDED by Councillor King final reading that Maple Ridge Official Conmiunity Plan Amending By-law No. 5605- 1997 be reconsidered and adopted. Discussion The Director of Current Plannng displayed an overhead map of the site and explained that the proposal is for a 30 unit four storey apartment building under the RM-2 Zone. He advised that parking is provided underground and access wilibe from a lane which will be constructed by the developer. Council Meeting Minutes January 11, 2000 Page 7 Councillor Isaac questioned if there will be parking permitted on 227 Street and if that will cause any problems. The Director of Current Planning advised that 227 Street is a collector street and wide enough to accommodate two travelling lanes and two parking lanes. Councillor King asked if the apartments will be strata title or rental units. The Director of Current Planning advised that the marketing for the building has not been confirmed at this point. Councillor King stated that she would like to see some units constructed that are accessible to people with disabilities. Accessible units need to be encouraged with the construction of multi-family housing. The Director of Current Planning advised that issue can be raised when the application appears before the Advisory Design Panel, noting that the application has to make two appearances before the Panel. The Mayor advised that he was on the panel when the application came forward the first time. The accessibility issue was discussed and it was noted then that due. to certain servicing concerns related to the parking garage and the way the building is raised up, the developers are not able to achieve full accessibility. Councillor King reiterated that accessibility in this type of housing is an issue that the District really needs to pay attention to. The motion CARRIED. 08.04.02 Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5604-199 7 (to rezone from RS- 1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment) to permit the construction of a 30 unit four storey apartment building). RJ00- 10 MOVED by Councillor Harris BL 5 604-1997 SECONDED by Councillor Morse final reading that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5604-1997 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED 09 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 09.01 Minutes 09.01.01 Minutes of January 4, 2000 Council Meeting Minutes January 11,2000 Page 8 R/00- 11 MOVED by Councillor Gordon COW Minutes SECONDED by Councillor King Jan. 4/2000 that the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of January 4, 2000 be received. CARRIED 09.02 Public Works and Development Services 09.02.01 ALR127199 - 11416-240 Street Reference was made to the staff report dated October 27, 1999 recommending that the subject application not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. (This item was deferred from the Council Meeting of November 23, 1999 to give the applicant an opportunity to speak to the report). The Committee recommended deferral of the application to the January 17, 1999. Committee of the Whole Meeting pending a review of the Agricultural Land Reserve policies by Council. Council agreed to withdraw the motion to defer the application and place the staff recommendation on the floor: R/00-12 MOVED by Councillor Isaac ALR/27/99 SECONDED by Councillor Morse DEFERRED that Application ALRJ27/99 for property described as Lot 1, Plan 7917, Section 15, Township 12 NWD Group 1, and located at 11416 - 240 Street, not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. Discussion Councillor Morse explained that she initiated the deferral motion during the Committee discussion as she needed more information on the Agricultural Land Reserve and the procedure for dealing with ALR applications. She has now received that information, as well as some communication from Mr. Koelling, the applicant, and has studied the application. She is satisfied that it is within Council's mandate to not authorize the application to go forward to the Commission. The motion CARRIED. Council Meeting Minutes January 11, 2000 Page 9 09.02.02 Home Occupation Amendments to the Zoning By-law - By-laws 5860 and 5861-1999 Reference was made to the staff report dated December 17, 1999 recommending that the subject by-laws to provide amendments to the following Home Occupation provisions of the Zoning By-law be granted three readings - tourist accommodation, floor space, employees, alterations to a building, signage and goods and services. The Committee recommended that the by-laws be referred to a Home Occupation Amendment Working Group for review. R100-13 MOVED by Councillor King Home Occupation SECONDED by Councillor Morse Amend. referred to working committee that the staff report dated December 17, 1999 entitled Home Occupation Amendments to the Zoning By-law be referred to a Home Occupation By- law working committee of Council for review and that the working- committee report their recommendations back to Council. - ['11III 09.02.03 Building Department Statistics Reference was made to the staff reports dated November 30, 1999 and December 6, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. RJ00-14 MOVED by Councillor Morse Bldg. Dept. Stats. SECONDED by Councillor Isaac Nov. and Dec. that the Inspection Services Department Building Statistics for the months of Octoberand November, 1999 be received for information. CARRIED 09.02.04 RZ129198 - 10002, 10028 and 10036 - 240 Street - RS-2 and RS-3 to R-3 Reference was made to the staff report dated December 15, 1999 recommending that the subject application to permit approximately 75 lots be forwarded to Public Hearing subject to the conditions specified in the report. Council Meeting Minutes January 11,2000 Page 10 The Committee concurred with the recommendation, subject to additional information being provided by staff. R/00- 15 MOVED by Councillor Hams RZ/29/98 SECONDED by Councillor King to Public Hearing that Application RZ/29/98 (for property located at 10002, 10036 & 10028 - 240 Street) to rezone property described in the staff report dated December 15, 1999 from RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) be forwarded to Public Hearing, noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that report and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending By-law be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. Discussion The Director of Current Planning displayed an overhead map of the site and the. proposed schematic plan of subdivision that was discussed at Committee. He went over the road pattern, including the lanes, and explained how they are impacted by topographic constraints. He referred to the concerns that were raised by Committee with respect to Hill House and its relationship with the new adjoining homes on 240 Street. He advised that the architect's intent is to make modifications to Hill House and duplicate some of the features of Hill House in the new homes, e.g. there will be a turret on the house at the end of the street. The architect will be providing further information with respect to the siting of Hill House. The Committee had asked if Hill House could be treated as a distinct and separate entity. It is a philosophical difference of opinion between the architect and some members of Council. Staff tends to lean towards the integrated development approach. Councillor Morse stated that she likes the proposed subdivision. She questioned if a compromise could be to leave Hill House as it is and put in a narrower house next to Hill House to maximize the separation between the two. The Director of Current Planning noted that this application is currently at the land use stage. The recommendation is to send it to a public information meeting and a Public Hearing. There will be many more opportunities to discuss the details of the subdivision at a later stage. The Chief Administrative Officer commented that Councillor Morse's suggestion could be achieved, but it would create an anomaly in the streetscape. Council Meeting Minutes January 11,2000 Page 11 Councillor Gordon expressed concern as to whether the exterior of Hill House will remain the same. The Director of Current Planning advised that comments on that issue will come from the Advisory Design Panel. Councillor Speirs asked what type of materials will be used for the exterior cladding of the new homes. The Director of Current Planning advised that those details will be known later in the subdivision process as the design guidelines have not been drawn up yet. Councillor Speirs stated that more work needs to be done to create certainty in the minds of the public. Heritage homes are to be celebrated. Council has to take a really hard look at Hill House. He asked to be advised of the public information meeting date. The Director of Current Planning responded that the Heritage Advisory Committee is a valuable resource in that regard and their comments will be obtained prior to final reading. Councillor King noted that there are several similar mall lot subdivisions going. into the area and she would like Council to look carefully at the whole area in terms of the variety and density of housing that is being provided. The Director of Current Planning advised that this plan reflects the intent of the Official Community Plans to permit a higher density next to the proposed Albion Village. It is an alternative form of housing to townhouses and the lots are larger than those in the Country Lane subdivision. Councillor Isaac noted that the proposed homes on 240 Street are close to Albion School. She questioned if there will be sidewalks. The Director of Current Planning confirmed that at the subdivision stage the entire frontage of the proposed homes on 240 Street will be developed to an urban standard which will include sidewalks. The intent is to provide sidewalks on all the streets in the subdivision, including 240 Street. The motion CARRIED. 09.02.05 112135199 - 23853 Dewdney Trunk Road - By-laws No. 5843-1999 and 5842- 1999 Reference was made to the staff report dated December 10, 1999 in support of the subject by-laws to permit the construction of a gasoline bar, convenience store with residence and a commercial building. Council Meeting Minutes January 11,2000 Page 12 The Committee concurred with the recommendation, subject to additional information being provided by staff. An additional report dated January 10, 2000 entitled Landscape Screens to Buffer Commercial Use was provided to Council. RI00- 16 MOVED by Councillor Gordon BL 5843-5843-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Speirs to Public Hearing DEFERRED that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5842-1999 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5843-1999 be read a first time. Discussion Councillor Gordon referred to the additional report. She noted that there was considerable discussion regarding the lane issue and she would like to see the matter deferred to the next Committee of the Whole meeting as she feels that Council should have more time to study the new information. MOVED by Councillor Gordon SECONDED by Councillor Morse that Application RZ/35/99 respecting property 23853 Dewdney Trunk Road be deferred to the January 17, 2000 Committee of the Whole Meeting. CARRIED DVP171199 —12791 and 12793 - 228A Street Reference was made to the staff report dated December 24, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein with respect to the subject application to vary the setback requirements for front and rear yards and common wall requirements. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. R/00- 17 MOVED by Councillor King DVP/71/99 SECONDED by Councillor Isaac to Jan. 25 meeting that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/71/99 respecting property located at 12791 and 12793 - 228A Street will be considered at the January 25, 2000 Council Meeting. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes January 11, 2000 Page 13 Council considered the following additional recommendation contained in the staff report which was overlooked during the Committee discussion: Duplex Policy R/00- 18 MOVED by Councillor King Duplex Policy SECONDED by Councillor Gordon that the Duplex Policy attached to the staff report on DVP/7 1/99 dated December 14, 1999 be adopted. CARRIED 09.02.07 RZ151199 - 23688 Kanaka Way Reference was made to the staff report dated December 14, 1999 recommending that the subject by-laws to create approximately 25 residential lots be read a first time. The Committee concurred with the recommendations. Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5857-1999 R/00-19 MOVED by Councillor King BL 5857-5858 SECONDED by Councillor Isaac first reading that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5857-1999 be read a first time. CARRIED Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5858-1999 R'00-20 BL5858-1999 first reading MOVED by Councillor Morse SECONDED• by Councillor Isaac that Maple Ridge Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5858-1999 be read a first time. CARRIED 09.03 Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Policej Council Meeting Minutes January 11, 2000 Page 14 09.03.0 1 Inclusion of Properties into Sewer Area A - 24286, 24308, 24340 and 24360 - 102 Avenue - By-law No. 5859-1999 Reference was made to the staff report dated November 10, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. R/00-2 1 MOVED by Councillor Gordon BL 5859-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Harris three readings that the staff report dated November 10, 1999 be received, noting that it is reported therein that the petitions to include properties located at 24286 - 102 Avenue, 24308 - 102 Avenue, 24340 - 102 Avenue and 24360 - 102 Avenue are sufficient and valid; and further that Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 5859-1999 be read a first and second time and that rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge Sewer- Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 5 859-1999 be read a third time. CARRIED 09.03.02 Inclusion of Properties into Sewer Area A - 24103 and 24127 - 102 Avenue - By-law 58 72-1999 Reference was made to the staff report dated December 1, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. R/00-22 MOVED by Councillor Isaac BL 5 872-1999 SECONDED by Councillor King three readings that the staff report dated December 1, 1999 be received, noting that it is reported therein that the petition to include properties located at 24103 and 24127 - 102 Avenue into Sewer Area "A" is sufficient and valid; and further that Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 5872-1999 be read a first and second time and that rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge Sewer - Council Meeting Minutes January 11, 2000 Page 15 Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 5 872-1999 be read a third time. CARRIED 09.03.03 Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control Amending By-law No. 58 73-1999 Reference was made to the staff report dated December 2, 1999 recommending that the subject by-law for the purpose of reflecting year 2000 deadline dates be granted three readings. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. RI00-23 MOVED by Councillor Gordon - BL 5 873-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Isaac three readings that Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control Amending By-law No. 5873-1999 be read a first and second time and that rules of order be - waived and Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control Amending By-law No. 5 873-1999 be read a third time. Discussion Councillor Gordon advised that there will be no increase in fees for dog licences this year. The motion CARRIED. 09.03.04 Heart and Stroke Foundation of B. C. & Yukon - Door-to-Door Soliciting - Februwy, 2000 Reference was made to the staff report dated November 8, 1999 recommending that the subject request be approved. The Committee concurred with the recommendatiori. RJ00-24 MOVED by Councillor Morse Heart & Stroke SECONDED by Councillor Isaac soliciting that the request from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of B.C. & Yukon for permission to canvass door to door for donations during the month of February, 2000 be approved. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes January 11, 2000 Page 16 09.03.05 Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk, NWT - Acknowledgment from the Mayor Reference was made to the letter from the Mayor of Tuktoyaktuk dated September 17, 1999 (1) expressing appreciation regarding the Trans-Canada Trail Monument created by a resident of Maple Ridge and now located on the Arctic Ocean and (2) suggesting that the Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk and Maple Ridge become Sister Communities. The Municipal Clerk noted that there is no recommendation as the Committee has referred the letter to staff for a report on the District's current twinning status. The Mayor added that in the interim he has acknowledged the letter and explained that their request is under consideration. 09.03.06 November 20, 1999 Municipal Election Results Reference was made to the report from the Chief Election Officer dated November 29, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. R/00-25 MOVED by Councillor Isaac Election Results SECONDED by Councillor Morse CEO report that the report from the Chief Election Officer dated November 29, 1999 providing the data relative to the Municipal Election held on Saturday, November 20, 1999 be received for information purposes. CARRIED 09.04 Community Development and Recreation Service 09.04.01 Trans-Canada Trail Construction Grant Agreement Reference was made to the staff report dated November 29, 1999 recommending that the subject agreement be executed. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. R/00-26 MOVED by Councillor King Trans Canada Trail SECONDED by Councillor Isaac Council Meeting Minutes January 11, 2000 Page 17 Grant Agmt. that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the conditional grant agreement attached to the staff report dated November 29, 1999 entitled Trans-Canada Trail Construction Grant. Discussion Councillors King and Isaac conveyed their enthusiasm for the Trans Canada Trail initiative. Councillor Harris commended Dr. Sherman Olson and Mr. Bill Archibald of Maple Ridge for their work on this project. Councillor Morse advised that the Communities in Bloom Committee also wants to participate. The motion CARRIED. 09.04.02 Proposed Universal Shoreline Speed Restriction Reference was made to the staff report dated November 29, 1999 recommending that the above noted regulations be supported. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. RI00-27 MOVED by Councillor King Shoreline Speed SECONDED by Councillor Isaac Restrictions that the proposed Universal Shoreline Speed Restrictions of the Canadian Coast Guard Office of Boating Safety attached to the staff report dated November 29, 1999 be supported. CARRIED 09.04.03 Parks and Leisure Services Commission Minutes - October 14, 1999 Reference was made to the staff report dated November 26, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. P1000-28 MOVED by Councillor P&LS Minutes SECONDED by Councillor Oct. 1999 Council Meeting Minutes January 11,2000 Page 18 that the Minutes of the Parks and Leisure Services Commission open meting of October 14, 1999 be received. CARRIED 09.05 Other Committee Issues Nil 10 MA YOR 'S REPORTS 10.1 On behalf of the Municipal Council, Mayor Hogarth wished the citizens of Maple Ridge a safe, prosperous and happy New Year. He advised that as a new Council, there are a number of important issues they have to address. Council has worked very hard to get up to speed which has necessitated delays with respect to some initiatives. Council is developing a time line which will make it easier to plan ahead. Council will be attending a two day workshop in February to prepare a work plan to address outstanding issues such as the ECRA project, development cost charges, the police dispatch centre,. financial reserves, etc. Council has extensively researched and reviewed the whole downtown core project and has made an informed decision that it will serve as a catalyst to rejuvenate the downtown area and that the new and improved services will better serve our growing community. Council will be reaching out to the community in a very real sense with changes in the way information is made available. Council has made a commitment to listen. The quality of life in our community is of paramount importance. Council must move ahead on environmental issues. In response to public input, the Municipal operation will remain over during the Christmas season this year. He noted that Maple Ridge continues to play a role in the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) and it is important to realize that we are part of a larger picture. Council is fulfilling duties on several GVRD Committees. There will be increasing participation with Municipal Affairs. Council is scheduled to attend the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) seminar for new Councillors as well as the GVRD's Council of Council Meeting at the end of January. Mayor Hogarth congratulated the Councillors on how well they have adapted and dug right in. This community is being well served by their efforts and he personally thanks them. Council anticipates a busy and productive year. Council Meeting Minutes January 11, 2000 Page 19 He referred to the Question Period following the Council Meeting and noted that the issue of televising the Question Period has not yet been resolved. Council is reviewing this matter and will be making a decision in the very near future. 11 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS 11.1 Councillor J. Harris Councillor Harris advised that he is the new Council liaison to E-Comm (Emergency Communications for Southwest British Columbia Incorporated) and is bringing himself up to date on all aspects of that function prior to the E-Comm meeting on Thursday. 11.2 CouncillorC. Gordon Councillor Gordon advised that she is the new liaison to the Fraser Valley- Regional Library Board and she has met with their Executive Director to go over several issues. She is also busy with Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee issues. 11.3 CouncillorK. Morse Councillor Morse advised that she went to her first Advisory Design Panel Meeting as the Council liaison. She is impressed with their expertise and the amount of work they do. She had the privilege of viewing the plans for the new Leisure Centre expansion. The plans will be presented to Council shortly. - She also attended her first Communities in Bloom Committee Meeting of which Ms. Joanne LaForce is the Chair. The Committee is very competent and hardworking and has some great plans for this year. She added that she will be taking part in an emrgncy planning session this weekend. 11.4 Councillor F. Isaac Councillor Isaac reported that she had attended a Ridge Meadows Recycling Society Meeting as Council liaison. She noted that the Society's new trucks will have the capacity to collect plastics. Council Meeting Minutes January 11, 2000 Page 20 She also attended a Greater Vancouver Regional District Labour Relations meeting and was elected second Vice Chair. 11.5 Councillor C. Speirs Councillor Speirs reported that he went to a Bicycle Advisory Committee Meeting and found them to be a very energetic group. He will be attending a Library Board meeting in Abbotsford tomorrow evening. He added that he is enjoying being on Council. 11.6 Councillor L. King Councillor King wished the citizens of Maple Ridge a happy New Millennium. She will provide further reports on meetings at the next Council Meeting. She added that she is enjoying being a part of the new Council. 12 OTHER MA TTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 12.1 Downtown Core Redevelopment (Maple Ridge Centre Project) - Update The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services advised that the Municipal Hall parking lot has been closed to enable construction of the library and office tower to proceed and plans for the Leisure Centre redevelopment component are coming to Committee of the Whole shortly. 12.2 Inactive Rezoning Applications - By-law Amendments Reference was made to the staff report dated January 5, 2000 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: P100- MOVED by Councillor Morse BL 5879-1999 SECONDEDby Councillor Isaac 3 readings that Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5879-1999 be read a first and second time and that rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5879-1999 be read a third time. Council Meeting Minutes January 11, 2000 Page 21 Discussion The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services explained that the amendment will permit two one year extensions of development applications with the approval of Council. There will be a $500 fee for each extension. Councillor Speirs added that the fee covers only the cost of processing the application and is cheaper than re-applying. The motion CARRIED. 13 NOTICES OF MOTION Nil 14 ADJOURNMENT 9:05p.m. Mayor Certified Correct Municipal Clerk Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING A GENDA • Januaryll,2000 7:00p.m. Council Chamber MEETING DECORUM Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.org 01 CALL TO ORDER 02 OPENING PRA YERS 03 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 03.01 Annual ReportAward 04 ADOPTION OF MINUTES 04.01 Regular Council Meeting of December 14, 1999 04.02 Special Council Meeting of December 15, 1999 04.03 Development Agreements Committee Meetings of December 8, 13 and 16, 1999 04.04 Public Hearing of December 21, 1999 05 DELEGATIONS 7:10 p.m. 05.01 Ms. Annette LeBox - Pitt Folder Preservation Society - re Blaney Bog Page 1 Council Meeting Agenda January 11,2000 Council Chamber 06 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Nil 07 CORRESPONDENCE Nil 08 BY-LAWS Items 08.01, 08.02 and 08.03 are from the December 21, 1999 Public Hearing 08.01 RZ156199 - 23874 and 23884— 118 4venue• Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5855-1999 second and third reading (to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District to create approximately four lots not less than 371m' each) 08.02 RZ142199 - 21409 Lougheed Highway Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5853-1999 second and third reading (to rezone from CS-i (Service Commercial) to CD-2-99 (Comprehensive Development) to provide all the uses currently listed under the CS-i Zone but removes limits on business and professional services and retail use within the existing development). 08.03 RZ113199 - 10515 and 10595-240 Street and 23950 Zeron Avenue Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5 854-1999 second and third reading (to rezone from RS-3 (One family Rural Residential) to RS-lb (One Family Urban [medium density] Residential) and CD- 1-93 (amenity Residential District to permit subdivision into approximately 21 lots). Page 2 Council Meeting Agenda January 11, 2000 Council Chamber 08.04 RZ19197— 12112 and 12090— 227 Street 08.04.0 1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5605-1997 final reading (to redesignate from Compact Housing (40-60 units per net hectare) to Apartment District). 08.04.02 Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5604-1997 final, reading (to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM 72 (Medium Density Apartment) to permit the construction of a 30 unit four storey apartment building). Note: Previous Minutes attached 09 COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 09.01 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 09.01.01 Minutes January 4, 2000 The following issues were considered at the January 4, 2000 Committee of the Whole meeting with the recommendations being brought to this meeting for Municipal Council consideration and final approval. The Committee of the Whole meeting is open to the public and is held in the Council Chamber at 12:30 p.m. on the Monday the week prior to this meeting. 09.02 Public Works and DeveloDment Services 09.02.0 1 ALRI27199 - 11416— 240 Street Staff report dated October 27, 1999 recommending that the subject application not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission (Deferred from the Council Meeting of November 23, 1999 to give the applicant an opportunity to speak to the report. The Committee recommended deferral 1999 Committee of the Whole Meeting Land Reserve policies by Council. of the application to the January 17, pending a review of the Agricultural Page 3 Council Meeting Agenda January 11, 2000 Council Chamber 09.02.02 Home Occupation Amendments to the Zoning By-law - By-laws 5860 and 5861-1999 Staff report dated December 17, 1999 recommending that the subject by-laws to provide amendments to the following Home Occupation provisions of the Zoning By-law be granted three readings - tourist accommodation, floor space, employees, alterations to a building, signage and goods and services. The Committee recommended that the by-laws be referred to a Home Occupation Amendment Working Group for review. 09.02.03 Building Department. Statistics Staff report dated November 30, 1999 recommending that the Building Statistics for the month of October, 1999 be received for information. • Staff report dated December 6, 1999 recommending that the Building Statistics for the month of November, 1999 be received for information. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 09.02.04 RZ129198 - 10002, 10028 and 10036 - 240 Street - RS-2 and RS-3 to R-3 Staff report dated December 15, 1999 recommending that the subject application to permit approximately 75 lots be forwarded to Public Hearing subject to the conditions specified in the report. The Committee concurred with the recommendation, subject to additional information being provided by staff. . 09.02.05 RZ135199 - 23853 Dewdney Trunk Road - By-laws No. 5843-1999 and 5842- 1999 Staff report dated December 10, 1999 recommending that the subject by-laws to permit the construction of a gasoline bar, convenience store with residence and a. commercial building be read a first time. Page 4 Council Meeting Agenda January 11, 2000 Council Chamber The Committee concurred with the recommendation, subject to additional information being provided by staff. 09.02.06 DVP/71/99 - 12791 and 12793 - 228A Street Staff report dated December 24, 1999 recommending that the subject application to vary the setback requirements for front and rear yards and common wall requirements be considered at the January 25, 2000 Council meeting following appropriate notification to adjacent residents. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 09.02.07 RZ151199 - 23688 Kanaka Way - By-laws 5857-1999 and 5858-1999 Staff report dated December 14, 1999 recommending that the subject by-laws to create approximately 25 residential lots be read a first time. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 09.03 Financial and Corporate Services (in eluding Fire and Police) 09.03.01 Inclusion of Properties into Sewer Area A - 24286, 24308, 24340 and 24360 - 102 Avenue - By-law No. 5859-1999 Staff report dated November 10, 1999 recommending that Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By- law No. 5859-1 999 to include the subject properties into Sewer Area "A" be granted three readings. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 09.03.02 Inclusion of Properties into Sewer Area A - 24103 and 24127— 102 Avenue - By-law 5872-1999 Staff report dated December. 1, 1999 recommending that Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By- law No. 5 872-1999 to include the subject properties into Sewer Area A be granted three readings. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. Page 5 Council Meeting Agenda January 11, 2000 Council Chamber 09.03.03 Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control Amending By-law No. 58 73-1999 Staff report dated December 2, 1999 recommending that the subject by-law for the purpose of reflecting year 2000 deadline dates be granted three readings. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 09.03.04 Heart and Stroke Foundation of B. C. & Yukon - Door-to-Door Soliciting - February, 2000 Staff report dated November 8, 1999 recommending that the subject request be approved. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 09.03.05 Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk, NWT - Acknowledgment from the Mayor Letter from the Mayor of Tuktoyaktuk dated September 17, 1999 (1) expressing appreciation regarding the Trans-Canada Trail Monument created by a resident of Maple Ridge and now located on the Arctic Ocean and (2) suggesting that the Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk and Maple Ridge become Sister Communities. Referred back to Committee from the November 23, 1999 Council Meeting. No Committee recommendation - staff was instructed to prepare a report to Committee. 09.03.06 November 20, 1999 Municipal Election Results Report from Chief Election Office dated November 29, 1999 providing results of the election as required by the Municipal Act - recommendation to receive for information. The Committee concurred with the recommendation.. Page 6 Council Meeting Agenda January 11, 2000 Council Chamber 09.04 Community Development and Recreation Service Nil 09.04.01 Trans-Canada Trail Construction Grant Agreement Staff report dated November 29, 1999 recommending that the subject agreement be executed. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 09.04.02 Proposed Universal Shoreline Speed Restriction Staff report dated November 29, 1999 recommending that the above regulations be supported. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 09.04.03 Parks and Leisure Services Commission Minutes - October 14, 1999 Staff report dated November 26, 1999 recommending that the subject Minutes be received for information. The Committee concurred with the recommendation. 09.05 Other Committee Issues 10 MAYOR'S REPORTS Page 7 Council Meeting Agenda January 11, 2000 Council Chamber 11 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS 12 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 12.1 Downtown Core Redevelopment (Maple Ridge Centre Project) - Update 12.2 Inactive Rezoning Applications - By-law Amendments Staff report recommending that Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5879-1999 be granted three readings - to follow. 13 NOTICES OF MO TION 14 ADJOURNMENT Page 8 Council Meeting Agenda January 11, 2000 Council Chamber 15 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to seek clarification about an item on the agenda or other Municipal matter. Council will not tolerate derogatory remarks directed at Council and/or staff during the Question Period. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes only to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). The total Question Period is limited to 20 minutes. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the office of the' Municipal Clerk who can be contacted at 463-5221. s.karasz - Page 9 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge APPOINTMENTS VIA CATEGORIES 1999-2000 GO VERNMENTA GENCIES E-Comm (Effective January 01,2000.) Fraser Basin Council Fraser Valley Regional Library Board 1St alternate 2nd alternate Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) 1St alternate GVRD Labour Relations Bureau 1St alternate Harris Speirs Gordon Speirs Morse Hogarth Morse Isaac Gordon Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee Gordon Harris OTHER APPOINTMENTS Auditors KPMG AD VISORYAND/OR LEGISLATED (*) COMMITTEES Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues 1st alternate * Advisory Design Panel 1st alternate Bicycle Advisory Committee 1st alternate Communities In Bloom *Court of Revision (Frontage Tax) King Speirs Morse King Speirs King Morse Hogarth Harris Speirs Page 1 I Council Appointments 1999-2000 *Development Agreements Committee 1St alternate Douglas College Advisory Committee Economic Advisory Committee * Emergency Planning Committee *Hentage Advisory Committee • l alternate *flJPM Parks and Leisure Services Commission; 1St alternate 2nd alternate 3rd alternate Ridge Meadows Youth & Justice Advocacy Assoc. Social Planning Advisory Committee 1St alternative Youth Advisory Committee SELECT COMMI7TEES Arts and Cultural Policy Implementation Committee S Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Airport Society first alternate Year 2000 Millennium Committee Mayor A/Mayor Gordon King Hogarth Morse Isaac King Morse Hogarth King Isaac. Gordon Hams Hogarth Gordon King Morse Speirs Harris - Morse King Speirs Page2 it Council Appointments 1999-2000 STAFF COMMITTEES Labour Management Employee Awards Committee Isaac Gordon Isaac COMMUNITY GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS (LIAISONS) Alouette River Management Society (ARMS) Alouette Management Committee Elderly Citizens Recreation Association Maple Ridge Chamber of Commerce 1St alternate Maple Ridge Foundation Ridge Meadows Arts Council Ridge Meadows Recycling Society King Gordon Hogarth Isaac Morse Harris Morse Hogarth Speirs Isaac ACTING MA YOR 1999-2000 December/January Gordon • February/March King April/May Harris June/July Isaac August/September Morse October/November Speirs Page 3 Council Appointments 1999-2000 STANDING COMMITTEES Members Committee of the Whole All members Chaired by: Acting Mayor Budget All Members Audit Committee Development Agreements Labour Management Hogarth Isaac Gordon Morse Mayor Acting Mayor Isaac Gordon December 6, 1999 Page 4 13 Other Community Groups and OrEanizations Albion Community Association Hammond Community Association Ruskin Community Association Thornhill Community Association Websters Corner's Ratepayers Association Whonnock Community Association Yennadon Community Association Maple Ridge Downtown Parking Society Maple Ridge Equestrian Trails Council Maple Ridge Historical Society Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Agricultural Society Maple Ridge * Pitt Meadows Community Services Council The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge -Council Schedule 2000 January I Sat New Years Day 2 Sun. 3 Mon. Stat. New Years 4 Tues. C of W (12:30 pm) 5 Wed. 6 Thur. 7 Fri. 8 Sat. 9 Sun. 10 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 11 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 12 Wed. 13 Thur. 14 Fri. 15 Sat 16 Sun. 17 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 18 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 19 Wed. 20 Thur. 21 Fri. 22 Sat. 23 Sun. 24 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 25 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 28 Wed. 27 Thur. 28 Fri. 29 Sat 30 Sun. 31 Mon. April I Sat 2 Sun. 3 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 4 Tues. 5 Wed. 6 Thur. 7 Fri. 8 Sat 9 Sun. 10 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 11 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 12 Wed. 13 Thur. 14 Fri. 15 Sat. 18 Sun. 17 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 18 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 19 Wed. 20 Thur. 21 FrI. Stat. Good Friday 22 Sat. 23 Sun. Easter Day 24 Mon. Stat. Eutsr Mon. 25 Tues. Closed Council / Council 26 Wed. 27 Thur. 28 Fri. 29 Sat 30 Sun. February I Tues. 2 Wed. 3 Thur. 4 FrI. 5 Sat 6 Sun. 7 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 8 Tues. 9 Wed. 10 Thur. 11 Fri. 12 Sat 13 Sun. 14 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 15 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 16 Wed. 17 Thur. 18 Fri. 19 Sat 20 Sun. 21 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 22 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 23 Wed. 24 Thur. 25 FrI. 26 Sat. 27 Sun. 28 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 29 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) May IMon. CofW(12:3Opm) 2 Tues. 3 Wed. 4 Thur. 5 FrI. 6 Sat. 7 Sun. 8 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 9 1us$. Council (7:00 pm) 10 Wed. 11Thur. 12 FrI. 13 Sat. 14 Sun. 15 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 16 Tues. Public Heating (7.00 pm) 17 Wed. 18 Thur. 19 Fri. 20 Sat. 21 Sun. 22 Mon. Stat. Vc. Day 23 Tues. Closed Council / Council 24 Wed. 25 Thur. 26 Fri. 27 Sat. 28 Sun. 29 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 30 Tues. 31 Wed. March IWed. 2 Thur. 3 Fri. 4Sat 5 Sun. 6 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 7 Tues. 8 Wed. 9 Thur. 10 Fri. 11 Sat. 12 Sun. 13 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 14 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 15 Wed. 16 Thur. 17 Fri. 18 Sat 19 Sun. 20 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 21 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 22 Wed. 23 Thur. 24 Fri. 25 Sat. 26 Sun. 27 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 28 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 29 Wed. 30 Thur. 31 Fri. Juoo I Thur. 2 Fri. (FCM) 3 Sat. (FCM) 4 Sun. (FCM) 5 Mon. (FCM) 6 1us$. 7 Wed. 8 Thur. 9 Fri. 10 Sat. 11 Sun. 12 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 13 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) l4Wed. 15 Thur. IS Fri. 17 Sat. 18 Sun. 19 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 20 Tues. Public HeatIng (7:00 pm) 21 Wed. 22 Thur. 23 FrI. 24 Sat. 25 Sun. 26 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 27 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 28 Wed. 29 Thur. 30 Fri. Municipal Clerks Office Page 1 Printed on December 8. 1999 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge - Council Schedule 2000 July I Sat. Canada Day 2 Sun. 3 Mon. Stat. Canada Day 4Tues. CofW 5 Wed. 6 Thur. 7 FrI. 8 Sat. 9 Sun. 10 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 11 Tues. CouncIl (7:00 pm) 12 Wed. 13 Thur. 14 Fri. 15 Sat. 16 Sun. 17 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 18 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 19 Wed. 20 Thur. 21 Fri. 22 Sat. 23 Sun. 24 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 25 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 26 Wed. 27 Thur. 28 Fri. 29 Sat. 30 Sun. 31 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) October I Sun. 2 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 3 Tues. 4 Wed. 5 Thur. 6 Fri. 7 Sat. 8 Sun. 9 Mon. Stat. ThanksgivIng Day 10 Tues. Closed Council/Council 11 Wed. 12 Thur. 13 Fri. 14 Sat 15 Sun. 16 Mon. CoIW(1230pm) 17 Tues. Pubic Hearing (7'00 pm) 18 Wed. 19 Thur. 20 Fri. 21 Sat. 22 Sun. 23 Mon. 24 Tues. (UBCM) 25 Wed. (UBCM) 26 Thur. (UBCM) 27 Fri. (UBCM) 28 Sat. 29 Sun. 30 Mon. Closed CouncIl (12:30 pm) 31 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) Municipal Clerk's Office August I Tues. 2 Wed. 3 Thur. 4 Fri. 5 Sat. 6 Sun. 7 Mon. Stat. BC Day 8 Tues. 9 Wed. 10 Thur. 11 Fri. 12 Sat. 13 Sun. 14 Mon. 15 Tues. 18 Wed. 17 Thur. 18 Fri. 19 Sat 20 Sun. 21 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) - 22 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 23 Wed. 24 Thur. 25 Fri. 26 Sat 27 Sun. 28 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 29 Tues. 30 Wed. 31 Thur. November IWed. 2 Thur. 3 Fri. 4 Sat. 5 Sun. 6 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 7 Tues. 8 Wed. 9 Thur. 10 FrI. 11 Sat. Remembrance Day 12 Sun. 13 Mon. Stat. Rm.mbranc. Day 14 Tues. Closed Council I Council 15 Wed. 16 Thur. 17 Fri. 18 Sat. 19 Sun. 20 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 21 Tues. PublIc Hearing (7:00 pm) 22 Wed. 23 Thur. 24 Fri. 25 Sat 26 Sun. 27 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 28 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 29 Wed. 30 Thur. Page 2 September 1 Fri. 2 Sat. 3 Sun. 4 Mon. Stat. Labour Day 5 Tues. 6 Wed. 7 Thur. 8 Fri. 9 Sat. 10 Sun. 11 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 12 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 13 Wed. 14 Thur. 15 Fri. 16 Sat. 17 Sun. 18 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 19 Tues. PublIc Hearing (7:00 pm) 20 Wed. 21 Thur. 22 Fri. 23 Sat. 24 Sun. 25 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 26 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 27 Wed. 28 Thur. 29 Fri. 30 Sat December I Fri. 2 Sat 3 Sun. 4Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 5 Tue8. 6 Wed. 7 Thur. 8 Fri. 9 Sat 10 Sun. 11 Man. ClosedCoundl(12:3Opm) 12 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 13 Wed. 14 Thur. 15 FrI. 16 Sat. 17 Sun. 18 Mon. CofW(12:SOpm) 19 Tues. PublIc Hearing (7:00pm) 20 Wed. 21 Thur. 22 FrI. 23 Sat. 24 Sun. 25 Mon. Stat. Christmas 26 Tues. Stat. Boxing Day 27 Wed. 28 Thur. 29 Fri. 30 Sat. 31 Sun. Printed on December 8, 1999 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES December 8, 1999 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Al Hogarth, Chairman R. Robertson, Administrator Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary Li 'I 1. SD/16199 LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Pci. "A" (Explanatory Plan 16102) and Lot 29, Plan 18230, Section 16, Township 12, New Westminster District 23896 and 23920 118 Avenue The Cory Land (1987) Ltd. Modification of Covenant BN289492 (Geotechnical) THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND INITIAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO SD16/99. CARRD R. Robertson, Administrator Member ()t,ft o' W 72573 - 5t35 M 0.949 ho 0.949 ha 1 2 36 _____ f9:J)l 3132 1/9 8 __________ (4 37 2 _____ ___________ W) 119 A' -;;;; oI 39 AR p1680 3 4 29 28 27126i25 1' \ 11 w 1 12 E 1/2 __ 6 5 1j8051 1 I 41 / 21 21 _Pe151 t_— 5r 1 \20 42 / - 6 / P 76 P40979 0 cd 0 tj I18AA. 41 Of i161718 19 1828 (P 21864) 891O LMPJ1 1 1LMP RS3 2 11616 11 L1805 1213 \11818 15 2316 50 51 52 1 18.0 14 4 5 5-1 6 JR,1 ~2 — PARK 12 P 17 9 32 32 38 P1 30 4 1 25 (/7m. 26 PARK - 12 R 41 LMP P20411 672 . 117 8. .. CIO . . 30 .809 ha 4 M EP162 . 5 -. 12 -, 17 R ui 6 " 4 8 7 2 -41 ig% - 4 -39 ' 21 % P 13265 ' 6 .9,p O601 ho 0.797 he 0.615 ho 0.95.3 ho 0.684 h. 24 0. 7 / '1 Part: 1.52 ha 35 25 Total: 2.85 ho 8 /1676 M LP 36718 A 11667 34 26 11666 F, CO /168 11559 rj 27 LMP 0.80 6718 10 1 1056 ' 11653 32 x 28 r PARK ii 11550 "i' 16 29 31• 31 11544 ' 11651 •d 12 11637 30 71647 /1638 IMP 36719 c 13 1,6 29c& . . It . b 14 II&V .t 2.961 ha j / 0.800 ha /1629 28 ) ) 11 11628 15 1162 27 /f 66 1 16 11622 26 EP 66258 I I P 66257 65 2it 11677 t /16/6 P 66257 jig 211 22123124 /1639 \ \ 20 J I i I 25 I C.' RP 4518 I 074 I.., CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES December 13, 1999 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Al Hogarth, Chairman R. Robertson, Administrator Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary SD/55/99 LEGAL: Lots 4, 6, & 7, Plan LMP26765, District Lot 395, Group 1, New Westminster District LOCATION: Isaac Crescent & 220A Street OWNER: Kerry, Loreen, George, Lorna & Barbara Davison REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Restrictive Covenant - School Site Acquisition Subdivision Servicing Agreement ERNIE YEN ENTERPRISES LTD. LEGAL: Lot 25, District Lot 280, Group 1, Plan 86659, NWD LOCATION: 20127 1 13B Avenue OWNER: Ernie Yen Enterprises Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Release of Restrictive Covenant - U8672 Restrictive Covenant - (Uses in Industrial Park) THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING AGREEMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO SD/55199 & ERNIE YEN ENTERPRISES LTD. €M------ rt'yor Al Foga#h R. Robertson, Administrator /hairman Member 4 7 / ,JUbI 47 120 1251/ ,27 40 tfl 8 V2544 ,j 4ARK5 CRY. 21916 12549 L3t°29l28 15 \ / 91 3 - /254J . 12545 °- 77 12532 - __izs.z 32 .31 29 ' CD 41 n 125 A AVE 76 92 1251 '25 P 13 12535 28 /2517 N I 2 PA ____ ____IP7 P 72213 12523 12520 1 /2. P 2 1: 121 L52 I 1 p 23 12 (Jp•) U' 31 25 150 51 56 _!flL ________ 125/2 /249/ /2496 1' 22 125/91 12523 74 CD 57 2. 4 /2494 _________ ________ /25/. P 8 /2497 29 21 ______ 00 cli ______ 58 94 30 HIGH ViEW P1_ 219/8 III;7_1\ /2505 PARK ______ 0) 5 17 18 C28 19 20 46 _____ /2473 59 96 _____________________ 49 - P•) ______ 12 4.95 a72 — __7P 81516 60 0. 1 12451 12458 I-, 12 ii /24.97! • - 12447 71 12416 0- 14 - -. DL. 39,QP. 1 168 67 l /243298 99 LMP 10120 70 _!III Rem 6 ISAAC LMP 26765 I 1- iao Rem 12420 8 9 Ic NN /2420 -._.124.Y 16411 65J 16 12427 _ _ _ 0) 4 • 3+43=i 3 _____ LMP2 Rern. I " a' 5 P 69. 52 I1241 12410 1 2 3 62 ! O 5.2 12406 12405 18.0 /2102 'Jifr 2 W 4 32~1 53 55 _______ LMP 67 163 162 16 - Cl-L" 41- I i i c 0 MM t8798 20 a LMP 17782 wl d 870 1829\ _____ _______ IMP 19877 ' 658 N _ P 17781 A Rem B 7P1 853 14 G I u, 1239N1/2 N1/2 Rem75 I 13 1 LMP 17355LMF V7,* _ _______ 1501 15 267 268 Rem 12396 REM Rem Rs.J79 Jw1/2 E1/2 76 P15331 I2J6/U 12360 g 8 PP124 _ _ /2374 Rem P 24098 N 12392 206 I 12s s1/2 _______ 'zwo 205EP 1456 Rem 11 /236/n/2 122 5 9 C'4U' P 28006 4' L7.?.0 0. 20412309 s1/2 ;—._._._ f335 12347 12358 269 ' '8 9 203 N1/2 r457T P 55987 ____________________ - 3 12336 10 0.86 ha 195 s1/2 in 20: E i23 _kk i4i/233/ S-11b _ 194 CANUCK CRES. P 1 71'/ f2Jo.1o4i305 22P9 18.3 • 154 ii Rr - - 12271 I - I 153 /2251 II 152 12298 I I II I 155I 218 217 216 215 I I I •I P 3057 l 156 1157 58 9 222 1 0..LLJI P31 4 p1 iL l -t-. F I CIJ L.J.J - /2241 23 1 221 1 1 P547 R 150 N 161 1 220 151 , 22 122 7Q Rl.J999 29 6 I 9057 I I 149 I - EP 6762 b I - 10.162 P12894 - 12223 1/2236 - 0 tP 4 4C 0. 148 I P 31884 130 1 04 163 12219 L1224 I ni -a r'p 147 177 EP 70401 EP I I ..L#L.. '.J..JI, • 12209 [/2212 r' A 129 1 I I EP 45348 126 I 1 - I (P 2 -+1--P 28894 18.3 178 ~.PP08O I A EP 170 A A - 0) 11393 It) II 35 l 10 ,,j, L.MS 2889 i u PcI. A 0.813 he EP 86658 PcI. 1 0.685 he 1 2 n 012 ho 024ho - 113 8 AVE. 9 ( 0.405 he 1054 he. 67774 t PARK 'A' 50 PcI. 'A' \\\\ 0.647 4434 he .. 130 -n ° 517" - \ LMP 22088 55 46 - 0 2 56 - -. P 63220 — RW 63219 o' pio. ij p 33212 53 I 58 54 RW 63219 I NW 3431 P 63220 lo P 63220 10, - — — 11 DL. 280, GP. 1 0.429 he 0.445 he 0.445 he 37 A 0) LUP 40017 0.752 ha 13 14 15 145 I1545 00 20155 00 \ 21187 \LMP L_JJ!til89 1.55 ha jl.0 12 P 86659 Rem. 38 \ B LMS2206 200 1752w \ \ B Vol 0 • 462ha 0 115 A AVE. 11517 ______.___-_._-_-_____•_\ 0) in (0 (0 3 0 0.607 he "49, AS 4 0.607 he co 00 11449 a- 0.607 he MS j 163 19 18 A * P8659 (P86 20 M9 0.405 he 11476 - - 11475 0.405 he 0.410 he In (0 21 CD 28 00 1• LMS 2547a. 0.410 he 2 27 LMS 3029 1t410 114.X5 tMS 3846 L% P 6659 0.404" 25 26 20.01 I 39 40 41 P - - Re 30 P6 0) — 11470 LMP 31251 ' LMP 41318"L — —.,.-" 7 in 00 7 a- 0 31 0.692 he 11450 LYS 2909 6 1 - 0.618 he 00 F1IJO 8 7 0.401 he 20.0 2 I / CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES December 16, 1999 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Al Hogarth, Chairman R. Robertson, Administrator Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary Lot A, Plan 22808 & Lot 174, Plan 38897; all of Section 20, Township 12, New Westminster District 12112 & 12090 227 Street Stacker & Decker Dev. Inc. & Falcon Homes & Designs Ltd. Restrictive Covenant - Rezoning Development Agreement Building Removal Agreement 1. RZ/9/97 LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND INITIAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO RZ/9197. CARRIE R Member - I III'..sI I 250 LA 12263 H Li.j 12260 0 I 12250 12257 0 z 122 12239 122 AVE I 227I 226 Rem. 225 I el Ni I l I J3~ I øI I cI ID ci I CDI I CII I en CD c I PT'19 235 234 232 231 230 I 229 I 228 hem. A P421j34 ____________________________________ 12219 4 12211 12195 0. 2 12187 1 PcI.A 12177 RP 56793 12167 5 P 23392 12157 C/) - r 257258 I259 260I261 I114 1'1l. CII CIII ('II P32134 I Ph2134 I I 256 1255 254 253I252I CIII CII CIII D K' tS44U BROWN AVE I I 300 297 298 299 12047 P4724 I 301 NESCFB9OW ____ 2 dIP 19461 P 968J7 P 1 446 P 20546 A 2 1 11 a. 1 I CDCI CCI I CII I 6 081 4) 114 CII LOTA (P9687) 114 CII 5 - 114 CII 7 - —i -i 9 CIII CII 8 1446f CII 19 CII 1114 CII CII CII 114 9 290 12 I12111 112115 CII CII 287 288 289 81 P 843 P 446 P 3724 291 12087 F—S—( P 3724 292 8081 P 843 P 4461 7 I"' 6 5 4 6 5 296 295 294 12077 CI- I 114 C CII c Ic. jç_ jCII kII C4 14 114 114 CII CII Rem CII " .1 I- C/) N- c'1 ----; N Cl) nIj DEWDNEY N TRK RD N Cl) CII CII CII CII CII CII 4I0 CII i C4fC4 114A CII West ''64 CII 3 a. a. I P 9541 81.5 Feet Rem. 61 P8695 11971 P 51167 N- CS.I a, cC . 0. N LP73289 csi 1970 0. P 863 11963 B 71 a. 2 P 9541 P 67142 \VE )SH AVE hioie RP61086 P 60562 vtrm co I 78 (P9541) SPNW1556 a. EP 63907 N CII CII 7 P 23392 12141 24 P1161 (C) 330 h-122 \ 12261\ 2264 331 123 \ 12254 12261 12253 1 2 12244 P 11 396 12243 P 28 39 131 130 12230 12231 1 I 197 CN 1 1 CIII CIIj 334 CN , 12214 Ia, . 12221 - Ia, I"198 12208 0.. 12203 00 a. a. 66 265 cC) 12193 12192 a264 65 a. 12185 13 12178 N 1/2A 12166/68 12179 P 7948 P 66473 S1/2A 12153 (TI 12154 I 2 354 In Go 12142 12147 a.. 1 353 12136 12139 CJ) —I 2 12131 12130 P9944 N1P16 S112 16 175 Q. 12119 12120 174 r~Rem 2112 o2090 i N B a_ 12087 12082 N 1/2 1 1112081 12074 S 1/2 1 o7 to 2 12068 0. N1/2 0. 1212087 N 70' 2 S1/2 12060 12iosi 1• Rem.2 °- 307 12049 12048 14) 3O P 12253 3 12031 1 310 P7450 P51311 N CII U) CII PARK RP16335 308 309 12253 P 4592 12240 P 57607 10 333 12230 12243 12228 P ~2578 339 340 to 0i 12222 12229 2 12218 P171970 8 12216 12211 6 P 82923 f P 14396 2 1 112203 I 12208 122011 280 I NI 12194 Rem.L 279 I RP5972 12184 a_I 12191] N 1/2 10 12183 12178 336 121691 S 1/2 10 335 I 12170 P 8171. 12162 N 1/29 Rem2 12161 12152S1/29 S.52.5'2 12151] 12141 12148 331 B A 332 P ~6987 LMP 405 12139 12136 12128 12131 338 402 401 121 26 12121 - 12114 It) 2 N505 12115 2102 p 8638 Rem. 5 12105 o 12097 12086 (0 cn 12096 N1/2of4 B 12085 0. S1/2of4 2076 A14) 12073 N1/2of3 (0 N 12062 B a. 12065 S 1/2 of 3 -J 2054 12053 S1/27 ' , N70'N130'of 2 _t 12042 a. 1204 1 N 1/26 Rem. N 130' of 2 12038 a_ S 1/2 6 Rem. 2 12037 12032 12028 Rem. < ° Im 327 P52750 16 15 N 6 CII CMII CM 1202 r.QIQa,J - ( 2 57 P46839 cj, I 11969 I 00 (0 4 11963 0)1 4 L/ JE S OF D1 119531 NI (C) I- CL LMP 13758 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO.5855- 1999 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WEEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5855 - 1999." Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: All that portion of: East Half Lot 32, Section 16, Township 12, Plan 18230, New Westminster District and West Half Lot 32, Section 16, Township 12, Plan 18230, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1222 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, are hereby rezoned to CD - 1 —93 (Amenity Residential District) Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARiNG held the day of , A.D. 199. READ a second time the day of, , A.D. 199. READ thIrd tithe thà day of - , A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK oco' CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 5855 -1999 ( 23874/84 - 118 Avenue) DATE: FILE NO: R7J56/99 ATTN: D & OS - Planning SUMMARY: This development proposal is: I) to create approximately 4 lots not less than 371 m 2. This application was originally on track for the December 21, 1999 Public Hearing. In order to make a presentation the applicant requested that the file be brought back to the November 1, 1999 Committee of the Whole Meeting. If this application is supported by Council November 9, 1999, the applicant is requesting reading in order to target for the December 21, 1999 Public Hearing. Conditions to be met prior to first reading are as follows: 1) Fully dimensional subdivision plan showing the following: location of existing buildings road dedication The aforementioned plan has been submitted and there are no existing buildings. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5855 - 1999 be given First Reading. David Stevenson g-Techn.ician 4 pproved by: Terryer, P. En Director—oTCurrent Planning Approved by: Jake J. Rudolph. AICP. MCIP GM: Public Works & Development Services Goncurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer P-i co C', -4 7 19A 11 I I 118A AVE -I - 118 AVE SUBJECT PROPERTIES I SCALE: 1:2,500 KEY MAP 23874/84 118i MAPLE RIDGE ncu1pored 12 S.pI.mo.r. 1e74 DATE: Sep 17 1999 WE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING CEPARTMENT FILE:RZ569g BY:JB CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: September 29, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/56/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/56/99 (23874/84 118 Ave.) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the above described properties to CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) to permit subsequent subdivision into four residential lots. II RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ156199 (for property located at 23874 & 23884 118 Ave.) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated September 29, 1999 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum. Condition to be met prior to first reading: 1) Fully dimensioned subdivision plan showing the following: location of existing buildings; road dedication. And that prior to final approval the following must be complete: A geotechmcal report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; Consolidation of the lands south of the lane with Lot 8, LMP 36718; III BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OC?: Existing: Proposed: Alderwood Consultants W. Smart & J. Williams W E '/2 of Lot 32, Sec. 16, Tp. 12, Plan 8230, NWD Single Family Residential (15, 18, 30 upnh) not required -1- Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) Surrounding Uses: N: Residential acreage S: Residential E: Developing Residential W: Residential Existing Use of Property: Vacant Proposed Use of Property: Single Family Residential Access: 118 Ave. and lane Servicing: urban standard IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This application for the most part will result in the extension of a development which is presently under construction directly east and tie into a new subdivision to the west. The lane which extends east from Creekside Street will be extended through the development site and meet up with the lane on the east side. The lane will provide access to four lots which front on to 118 Ave. The remaining portion of the development site, located south of the lane, will be subdivided in conjunction with Lot 8, LMP367 18. The developer to the east negotiated a Statutory Right of Way through the subject properties for sewers and access along the future lane alignment. This development will formalize this arrangement by dedicating the right of way as a lane. V PLANNING ANALYSIS Official Community Plan The properties are currently designated Single Family Residential (15, 18 & 30 upnh). Accordingly the proposed CD-1-93 zone conforms to the existing Official Community Plan designation. Consolidation of Parcels Lot 8, LMP36718, located directly south of the subject properties, has a potential yield of four lots. The legal plan shows that portions of the subject properties extend south of the lane. Subdivision of Lot 8 was put on hold until the owners of the subject properties expressed an interest in developing. Subdivision of Lot 8, LMP36718 should include these portions. Although the owners hope to hook the remainders across the lane to proposed Lots 1 and 4 respectively, it is recommended that the remainder portions of the subject properties be consolidated with Lot 8 prior to final zoning approval. -2- (iii) Servicing The Engineering Depastment has submitted a rezoning application review that concludes that all required services exist tothe subject properties. Details of servicing will be dealt with at the subdivision stage. VI CONCLUSION: Subject to the conditions contained in this report, staff recommend that application RZ/56/99 be supported. Dave Stevenson, Planning Technician R. W. Robertson, MCIP, AICP P. Chief Administrative Officer r Public Works and of Planning Development Services DS/bjc * -3- • _ /15 AhtWlt No. Legal Oescnpion: WEST 1/2 01 [01 32 AND '.Z0*2 /20*2 /20f0 /20*2 EAST 1/2 01101 32. BOTH 01 PlAN 18230. SECTION $6, IOWNSIIIPI2, NEW W(STUINST(R OiSIRICL I------- - - - - - - - - , I Aff2 6 7 5I/tw7t5 I / I I I 5 I I AJ 2 iozv ---J L ---------------dy-in. • 519w' (ø &o/Sing Swb%es &'fv 49 s? 0107 P(SSC4IQLiCM I I 15891 Alder Place 1 ' •. -; I Wh4e Rock, BC Y4A 5JI - ON: 604-536-1632 1a: 604-536-1628 a-mail odcil; 000dOUc.iyn$o.co /2 CLeat NQme: 1 4:4/1 J 21019 I c/o ROBSON couu, P.O. BOX $0 t frfr'//7F1 57 Ffitt//2 757" 1190 - 840 HOWE STREET ø2w ( 1025.' VAHCOUVtR, BC V61 21.2 - I I Pojecl Locatioa: I . m'7OPffZaVkffOA/5-3 1Ocp-/ro/cct2Mw5vAt 567/ö 1A 3Mö ff1O[9s$I2!fAl1tY ff2M4 fII1WV s744c/ 1cC41tP4r2ft571/ 231 //8AA1?1t 1 1 cale: 1:500 Dolc AUGuST, 1999 l.RP Prij. Ho: 99-021 /17'lktfiVLtf •• UunicpoI Poject No: Utowing No: 99027-01 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5853 - 1999 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended, NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as 'Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5853 - 1999." Maple Ridge Zone By-law 3510— 1985, as amended is hereby further amended by adding the following there to: Section 1034 CD-2-99 (Comprehensive Development) 1. Intent This zone is intended to accommodate a variety of service commercial uses and some professional offices. 1) PER'VflITED PRINCIPAL USES assembly use limited to public transportation depot, private schools, and movie theatres of a minimum 2,000 m2 gross floor area; drive through use; church institutional; convenience store; highway commercial use: - business services limited to a maximum gross floor area of 186 m: research and non-medical testing !aboratoris; gross-floorarea; indoor commercial recreation; outdoor commercial recreation: personal repair services; 1) personal services; m) professional services limited to a maximum gross floor area of 186 rn 2 ; ti) - recycling depot; retail limited Co household furnishings, vehicle parts and accessories, second hand goods, and antiques, with other retail uses limited to a maximum of 186 mZ gross floor area; restaurants and licensed premises; tourist accommodation limited to motor hotel and motel; seritce stacn: and warehousing. 0 / 2) PERMuTED ACCESSORY USES retail to a tourist accommodation use, or to an indoor or outdoor commercial recreation use provided the total accessory use gross floor area does not exceed 100 m 2; retail to light industry use provided the accessory use gross floor area does not exceed 25% of the cocal principal use gross floor area; rentals: apartment: and unenclosed storage. 3) LOT COVERAGE All buildings and structures shall noc exceed a tot coverage of 40%; and exceed 95% coverage of the surface area of a lot for an off street parking or accessory off street parking use. 4) SIZE OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES No building or structure shall exceed a height of 7.7m. 5) SITThG No building or structure shall be sited less than: 9.0 m from a front lot line; 6.0 m from a rear lot line; C) 7.5 rn from an exterior side lot line; except that d) for a drive-through business use, in addition to the front, rear and exterior side lot line setbacks specified above, no building, shall be sited within 6.0 m of the interior side lot line. 6) OTHER REGULATIONS All persons carrying our a permitted use shall conduct the business or undertaking within a completely enclosed building. All uses shall: 1) provide a landscape strip not less than 1.5m in width on front and exterior side lot lines; and provide landscaping covering not less than five percent (5%) of the developed site. C) An apartment use shall: be limited exclusively to storeys above, the first storey of a building; be the only use in a storey so used; be located within a building above all storeys which are used for a permitted commercial use; and be permitted only where all parking for such use is dedicated parking. .1° A drive-through use shall have a minimum of 30 rn highway frontage. No building or structure shall exceed one sleeping unit or dwelling unit for each 93.0 m2 of lot area for a permitted tourist accommodation use. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot A, District Lot 247, Group 1, Plan LMP4326, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1220 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to CD-2-99 (Comprehensive Development). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A' attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 199. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 199. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 199. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation and Highways this day of , A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 1.99. MAYOR CLERK 4 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5853-1999 Map No. 1220 From: CS-1(Service Commercial) To: C0-2-99(Comprehensive Development) Q0 H A MAPLE RIDGE tncorperatd 12 Septeber. 1874 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 5853 - 1999 (21409 Lougheed Highway) DATE: November 2, 1999 FILE NO: RZ/42199 ATFN: CofW—PW&Dev Li a / SUMMARY: This development proposal is to provide all the uses currently listed under the CS-i zone but removes limits on business and professional services and retail use within the existing development. Council gave favourable consideration to the above noted application October 12, 1999 arid forwarded the application to Public Hearing. ECOiv[1v1ENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5853 - 1999 be given First Reading. Prepared by: Gay Por Planning Technician Approved to rireci r nt Planning Approved by: Jake J. Rudolph, AICP, MCIP GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP - - .Chief-Adnnistrathe-Offlcer.-- •- - - (9) EPIA 9614 p 178 c: iI1 I 1811 C4Cd j11692 179 J 182 117 AVE 271 X r'k 256 PARK C4 i 255 J PbUT2 ASHBURYCRT 0 6 a.. 0 =119" q8T 15 16 17 18 1 20 117 - P67 P39885 54 P121 7 P 07 P 29311 I p395 11940 118 WPTN.of13 9 A B C 1 CL ,n 11934 19 P 24576 P2819 co DOJ ON _7 a- 0 3 r 7 6 5 r P8981 P692 a 2121181 16 24 15 RP9535 14 HERRINGTON PL ji 9O'1 JA 25i7I2911 11895 11 LMS 340 12 1 SP . 13 NW2014 ' / A 26 321 n 14 - 13 12 1 1135 r- Iv P63342 LOUGHEED HWY LBJECT PROPERTYI 303 304 302 P43449 0 7- 284 305 301Z Q. PCI.A 11769 11770 / 11755 306 245 NW1766 C11756 NW15 \\ P 63241 LP.69859 11745 307 \j 117 0. tifl5 3 0 0.1 298 -TT1 1736 I-1I j J 309 297 a- 45 P 25353 I 78 O3T? a. N AS0 KEY MAP 21409 LOUGHEED HWY I CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF I MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE I I 12 Sçtsmbr. 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT I DATE: Jul 13 1999 FILE: BY: JB CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: September 23, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/42/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/42199 (21409 Lougheed Highway) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been submitted to rezone the Alouette Animal Hospital and associated commercial space from CS-I (Service Commercial) (with restrictive covenant limitations), to CD (Comprehensive Development). The owner has submitted this request in order to provide more flexibility in leasing vacant spaces. The proposed zone permits all of the uses currently listed under the CS-I zone but removes limits on Business and Professional Services and Retail Use. II RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ/42/99 (for property located at 21409 Lougheed Highway) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated September 1, 1999 from CS-i (Service Commercial) to CD (Comprehensive Development) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum and that the accompanying Official Community P!an Amending Bylaw be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. Prior to final approval the following must be complete: I) Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways; III BACKGROUND: Applicant: Michael S. Orser Owner: Alouette Animal Hospital Ltd. Legal Description: Strata Lots 1,7,D.L.247,Cp. L, NWD, S.trLata.Pian LMS3443 OCP: Existing: Service Commercial Proposed. Service Commercial Zoning: Existing: Proposed: SulTounding Uses: N: S: CS-I (Service Commercial) CD (Comprehensive Deyelopment- Service Commercial) Cemetery Lougheed Highway W: Residential IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION The commercial buildings located at 21409 Lougheed Highway were completed in 1992. Alouette Animal Hospital occupies the main floor (328 m2) of the easterly building in strata Lot 1. The second floor of that building contains a caretaker suite in Strata Lot 7 (105 m 2). The westerly building collectively provides five other strata lease spaces ranging in area from 75 to 114 m2. In order to provide more leasing flexibility, the owner has requested removal of the covenant and modifications to limiting clauses in the CS-i zone regarding Business Services, Professional Services and Retail Use. Specifically, the request includes: Delete the exclusion of consulting services from permitted business services but limit the size of any business services to a maximum of 186 m 2 Delete the limitations to professional services but limit the size of any professional service to 186m2 Modify the limitation of a minimum 2,000 m2 gross floor area for retail use to a maximum of 186 m2. The modifications would yield the following changes: f) business services excluding consulting services limited to a maximum gross floor area of 186 m 2 ; m) professional services limited to vctcrinarian., architects, cnginccring and surveying offices, and drop in mcdical clinics limited to a maximum gross floor area of 186 m; o) retail limited to household furnishings, vehicle parts and accessories, second hand goods, and antiques, with other retail uses limited to a minimum 2,000 m maximum 186 m2 gross floor area; Definitions for Business Services and Professional Services as well as the complete list of commercial uses in the CS-i zone showing the requested modifications is contained in Appendix II IV PLANNING ANALYSIS: The property is presently zoned CS-i (Service Commercial) with a restrictive covenant that limits commercial uses (see attached Appendix I). At the time of rezoning, concerns regarding the impact traffic movements to and from the site resulted in the covenant limitations. After several years of operation, it is now apparent that the scale of the development and its inability to physically expand further in the future are more effective limits on potential uses and traffic generation and that the covenant is no longer necessary. In the CS-i zone Professional Services are limited to veterinarians, architects and engineers, surveying offices and medical clinics. Business services are also permitted, but consulting services are not. Historically, any expansion of permitted business and professional services in the CS-i zone has been discouraged as a means of limiting expansion of office uses beyond the downtown core. Permitting a full range of business and professional services within this development will not undermine that objective. The building presently houses two of the permitted services, a veterinary clinic and an architect's office. The gross floor area limitations suggested by the applicant -2- R. W. Robertson, MCIP,U AICP Chief Administrative Officer MR/bjc r.Public Works and Development Services (maximum 186 m2), the Overall size of the commercial building (477 m) and the inability to develop the site further is an effective limit to these uses. Retail use in the CS-i zone is limited for most uses to facilities greater than 2000 m 2. These would be uses typically referred to as "big-box retail" and are specifically the uses that are of concern with respect to traffic impact. Eliminating this restriction once again recognizes the size and form of the existing development. The existing building was developed with a "residential" character and scale and does not facilitate the "big-box" format of retail. Removing the 2000 m 1 minimum size restriction provides greater flexibility in leasing the space. The limited space available ensures that larger retail uses that may impact traffic along Lougheed Highway cannot locate here and limits the impact on other retail service areas in the neighbourhood. It should be emphasized that support for these modifications is limited to this site only and reflects the specific characteristics of this site. The recommendation does not infer general support for modifications to the CS-I zone. VI CONCLUSION: It is proposed that three amendments to the CS-1 zone be considered as means of permitting greater flexibility in leasing an existing commercial development. The form and scale of this development effectively provide the resthctions sought by the zone. Staff supports this proposal and recommends that a Comprehensive Development zone be prepared to facilitate the request. -3- APPENDIX I Animal beauty parlours: Animal hospital, including caretakers accommodation: Antique shops and refurnishirigs: Commercial nurseries and greenhouses including related retail outlets: Funeral parlours or undertaking establishments: Health service centres, reducing salons, steam baths: Laboratories, scientific and research: Personal service establishments of not more than 279m' gross floor area, including barber shops, beauty parlours, dressmaking shops, drycleaning establishments, electrical appliances, repair shops, launderettes, locksmith shops, optical or watch repair shops, upholstering and similar uses: Printing, publishing and bookbinding, blueprinting and photostatting, lithographing, engraving, stereo-typing and other reproduction processes providing that the gross floor area does not exceed 279m 2: Video stores: Recall sale of new automobile parts and accessories: Retail sales, rental and repair of tools and small equipment such as chain saws, hand and edge tools, lawnmowers, motorbikes, rototillers and outboard motors: Studios - artist, display, radio, recording and television: Warehousing: Architectural, data processing, drafting, engineering and survey offices: Coffee shop (maximum of 35 seats): Retail sale of house hold furniture provided such use occupies not less than 350m2 of gross floor area: Floor covering and drapery stores: Paint, glass and wallpaper stores: Pet stores Pool, sauna and spa stores, and Trade schools. -4- I Appendix U BUSINESS SERVICES - means a use providing support services to a business including, but not limited to, word processing, desktop publishing, data processing, facsimile arid copying services, mailing services, telephone reception, consulting services and similar uses. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - means a use providing services to the general public in which the provider of the service is required to be licensed or certified by a self-regulating professional authority, or by Federal. Provincial or Municipal authorities. SERVICE COMMERCIAL: CS- 1) PERMuTED PRINCIPAL USES assembiy use limited to public transportation depot, private schools, and movie theatres of a minimum 2,000 m 2 gross floor area; drive through use; church institutional; convenience store; highway commercial use; business services eccluding consulting services-limited to a maximum gross floor area of 186 m; research and non-medical testing laboratories; light industry limited to 279 m 2 gross floor area; indoor commercial recreation; outdoor commercial recreation; personal repair services; 1) personal services; professional services limited to veterinarians, architects, engineering and survcying ot'liccs, and drop-in medical clinics limited to a maximum gross floor area of 186 m 2; recycling depot; retail limited to household furnishings, vehicle parts and accessories, second hand goods, and antiques, with other retail uses limited to a minimum 2,000 rn 1 maximum 186 m2gross floor area; restaurants and licensed premises; tourisaccomrnothtiOn lithitd to- m&orThotel and motel; service station; and warehousing. -5- STRATA PLAN LtIS •3fr.a 5 0 o IS rrJfrnI i - CRPHSC SC4Lj - METRcS v2So A are in ..1r.a. STRATA LOTS .L TO 7 tA1N FLDR r 1 ' ).L 1.U £. I SL S SL 3 I=1 SL 2 4fl 3 3 3 3 4 • 4 - - • S.5 • .S .rn. • - 4 IA 3 4 SECOND FLOOR If: 0 N 0070= or ç) ALOUE17E ANIMAL HOSPITAL EY ( CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE AiJM SCALE: MAPLE RIDGE PANNING DEPARTMENT 1 i N.T.S. stpots*a4 12 3up$ab.r. 1274 - DRAWN 81': OATE SEPT. 9, 1999 FILE: RZ-42-99 -- 1 1G (1) FP3!M 'Dl 4 14 ASHBURY CRT 13 11947 8 6 .Ii i 10f 15161718120________ r P157940 _ 17 i fl12 I I 85 4 P1217 pi7o7:PT RT_H I I P29311 t'l35f3Jj IISQ iJ W PTN. of 13 A S C 't-4 []NJ* 19 10 P24576 P2819 ITX1 / __1898lI a. 45 6076 P 692 )3\22 tY A A P 25353 RS 1 24 RP 9535 RRINGTONPL ' 14 [78 t. j I 2'') N (25!27f29n892j 11395 LMS 340 13 NW2014 A _____ - 26 321 3 4 LMP 4326 14 EP A P63342 P8043 96141 P 9329 LOS-i 15/18/1718_1q20_21_22_23 SUBJECTPROPERrI'J 303 I 304 st 302 P 43449 / 9 \ ? I 2MM-i 285 iJ If - S7 oi a. 39 a. MAYO PL 306 1.-300 245 NWI 766 P-6 Cf)1-t75 _ NW1S P 63241 LP.69859 11145 fF11 299 30 °307 —i a. 1135 I 298 P35tt - 041 - t 1,e P66125 309 297 378 iI.TAVE 147 _ 180 181 271 X 56 F 172 173 255 ..u' 2701 _rja14 __i _182 21409 LOUGHEED HWY kX __ CORPORATION OF (( Incorpaaiid 12. SumOs 1814 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE: 1:2.500 KEYMAP \ 'T2.1_-4 DATE: Jul 13 1999 FILE: BY: JB 953 La oop (33 III LI -•---- 45 I -I ,toll,•% REM 1 PLRN 45253 •.0Q J I .00 VETERINARY, L3 J CLINIC F C0MMRCI4L 9 M AAC'.?u-.l o..zsr 325 PLAN 65782 ) ALOU1TE ANIMAL HOSPITAL CORPORATION OF THE I IMI, DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE iviS A 1Ti.irn i PLANNING DEPARTMENT c ipsn&a4 12 3.p*aab. 1274 Rolm a DRAWN 8Y: TE SEPT 9. 1999 flLZ RZ-42 -99 SCA CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5854 - 1999 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Disthcc of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as 'Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5854 - 1999 ." Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: All chat portion of: Parcel 'A" (explanatory plan 16557) Lot 3, District Lots 406 and 408, Group 1. Plan 3825, New Westminster District and Lot 9, District Lots 406 and 408, Group 1, Plan 29456, New Westminster District and Lot 3, Except: Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 16557); District Lots 406 and 408, Group 1, Plan 3825, New Westminster District. and outlined in heavy black line is hereby rezoned to RS - lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential), and that portion shown hatched is hereby rezoned to CD- 1-93 (Amenity Residential District) as shown on map 1221, a copy of which is attached hereto, and forms part of this by-law. Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ-afirst-cimethe dayf A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of ,A.D.L99. READ a second time the day of A.D. 199. READ a third time the day of A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of A.D. 199. 'z. o MAYOR CLERK / ,o %/5 I 4LJ 665.37 LP RW 6653 35 23 ha _p /Jj)4i I I 'I RW 6653 4.88 he I ICJ2j44 4 JS 50 fl Liiii W 56539 1 0.809 HA I \\ 8 \ .34.6 1 4750 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5854-1999 Map No. 1 221 rom: RS-3(One Family Rural Residential) To: RS—lb(One Family Urbcn(medium ersity)Reidentia1) cnd CD— —9.3(Arnenity Residentici District) shown hatched AIAPLE RIDGE 3rparated 12 September. 1874 . :25CO * 9 'p CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 19, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/13/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZJ13/99 (10515 & 10595 240 St. and 23950 Zeron Ave.) I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the above noted properties to permit the subdivision into approximately 21 lots. The proposal is in compliance with the density designations of the Official Community Plan and will provide lots under the RS-lb and CD-1-93 zone. In order to advance this application to the December Public Hearing the applicant has asked that Council grant jg reading to the Zone Amending By-law 5854 - 1999. II RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ/13/99 (for property located at 10515 & 10595 240 St. and 23950 2eron Ave.) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated October 19, 1999 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) and CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) be forwarded to Public Hearing and that reading be given to Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law 5854 - 1999. Condition to be met prior to tirst reading: 1) A fully dimensioned subdivision plan has been received. And that prior to final approval the following must be complete: Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; . Road dedication as required for 240 St.; Application for inclusion of the site into Sewer Area "A"; Consolidation of the development site. -1- III BACKGROUND: Applicant: Genesis Development Consultants Ltd. Owner: J & J McLaughlin, S & S Singh and H & C Romani Legal Description: Lot 9, Plan 29456; Lot 3, Except Parcel "A" (E.P. 16557) Plan 3825 and Parcel "A" (E.P. 16557) of Lot 3, Plan 3825 all of D.L. 406 & 408, NWD OCP: Existing: Single Family Residential (18 upnh) Proposed: Single Family Residential (18 upnh) Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) and CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) Surrounding tfses: New residential development is to the north, east & west. There is development potential to the south for residential use. Existing Use of Property: Residential Proposed Use of Property: Residential Access: 240 St. and Zeron Ave. Servicing: required at zoning (Sanitary Sewer) Previous Applications: n/a IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The site is within the Cottonwood area. It consists of 3 separate properties for a total of 1.983 ha. The topographic constraints and arterial status of 240 St. require that lots receive access via a lane system. The topography dictates that no vehicular connection to Zeron Ave. can be achieved with the lane however a pedestrian pathway will be incorporated with the subdivision to link to Zeron Ave. Zeron Ave. currently provides access to an existing home site through the Kanaka Ridge development. This development proposal would continue to provide the lot off of Zeron with a reduced road standard that will require approval of a Development Variance Permit at the subdivision stage. As well, this development will accommodate another connection with the Kanaka Ridge development through to Slarford St. V PLANNING ANALYSIS (i) Official Community Plan Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan designates the site as Single Family Residential (18 upnh). The development proposal is for approximately 21 lots of varying size and is in compliance with that designation. In order to achieve the overall density as proposed the properties must be consolidated into one development site. -2- IV SERVICING CONCERNS The Engineering Department have advised that all the services required in support of the development application do not exist to the site. It will, therefore, be necessary for the owner to enter into a Rezoning Development Agreement for the extension of the Sanitary Sewer prior to final reading. It will be necessary to have the property included into Sewer Area "A", an application, through the Clerks Department must be made. It will also be necessary to dedicate road right of way along the 240 Street frontage to achieve the arterial standard. Given the topographical constraints a geotechnical report which addresses the slope stability and utility and road corridors is required. VI CONCLUSION: Staff support the development plan and recommend that the application proceed to Public Hearing. Prepared by: Gay Por Ptann Technician / Approved by: Terry Fryer. P. ' Director of Current Planning Approved by: fake J. Rudolph. AICP, MCIP GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer (9) -3- 10606 326 I. 327 j.10604 if I .. I •%.,, A.• 03 P11873 0 'b Cn CD R S -3 2 10 'ass, CL 10 'a '0s5e c•:&e F0575 'O5g 1O$4 339 '0529 C/) '032? 0 10509 05as -761 350 10523 8 10513 '0Si 34,2 10511 10516 362 363 348 :050 74,7 :0502 '2z 0A92 _f 260 .p 347 -7 e 345 :346 Ibb 01c \1 c? ' \0ç % L1 - 0 2 9 Q423 0 to" 23696 270 274 273 272 271 C Rem 3 10595 P 3825 13 , A RS-lb EP 16557 10628144 Subject properties J 9 P 29456 10515 RS-3 Rem 372 P 10921 5 LMP 35030 RS-2 P11475C P22743 P 14750 A Rem? 10420 subject properties (currently zoned RS-3) CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICTOF MAPLE RIDGE IAPLE RIDGE 019Ofa 12. SsgI.mi. 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT KEY 5* \TE: February 17, 1999 FILE:RZ/13199 SCALE: 1:2.500 Plan To Accompan~) K Zero' n avc l:uture exterition and ),amer,ea(j 4 the lane 0' future 15m paved walkwwaj I / 40.9 ,, 18.0 --- waIkw step5 to zeron ave - q y - ---------/1 Ammcn covenant 0 /l /: to preserve cx trees pare 4 17 ()1 lane 1 ' 11 .0 1 14.01 14.0 t4 t'\l '('1 10.0 ~i pr\pr1 pr 1 pf, I I I 13 I 11- I I 16 17 t2m2. I 52JrnZl 52Jm1 I 7OhnZ ' Znl 11.0 14.0 14.0 2.7 ' 22 Vic, 0 7l 0 +0 57mZ! '1 ianc iane iz.o K. ii-.o i+o +.o I-i-.0 11.0, V-J /" I !I !'I l 6 I 718 I I9110'H112. I I 1Jml 1 51im21 I Y2JTnl 5Thn11 UI o 14.0 14.0 14.0 11.0 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: December 6, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/9/97 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COUNCIL SUBJECT: Final Reading - Bylaw No. 5604-1997 & 5605-1997 (12112 & 120900 227 St.) SUMMARY: This application was considered by Council and granted a one year extension on January 26, 1999 (see attached report dated January 4, 1999). The applicant now wishes to complete the zoning. Bylaws 5604-1997 & 5605-1997 have been considered by Council at Public Hearing and subsequently granted 2' and 3 reading. The applicant has requested that final reading be granted. The purpose Of the rezoning is to permit the construction of a 30 unit four storey apartment building. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5605-1997 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5604-1997 be reconsidered and adopted. BACKGROUND: Location: The site is located on the east side of 227 Street in the 12100 block. History: Council reviewed this rezoning application on June 24, 1997 (see attached report dated May 26, 1997) and the application was presented at a Public Hearing held on August 17, 1997 (see attached minutes). On August 26, 1997 Council granted 2 and 3 reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5604-1997 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5605-1997 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed 1 & 2) Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; - Amendment to Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan; Amendment to Schedule "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan; Road dedication as required; oc'o9 Consolidation of the development site; Removal of the existing buildings. The following applies to the above: A Rezoning Development Agreement under Section 219 of the Land Title Act has been entered into and deposited at the Land Title Office. The security outlined in the Agreement has been deposited with the District. & 4. Schedule "B", "A" & "H" will be amended once Council grant final consideration to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5605-1997. A road dedication plan has been deposited at the Land Title Office. A consolidation plan has been deposited at the Land Title Office. The building on 12112 227 St. has been removed. The developer has entered into a Building Removal Agreement and posted security to remove the building located at 12090 227 Street. CONCLUSION: As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that final reading be given to the bylaws. Prepared by: Gay For Planning Technician Approvedby: T rjer,P. re4or of C ike J. Rudfph, AICP, MCIP GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrenc: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer GPIbjc -2- C) -) 0 - d r 4di1 - ; : I - 0 - t9n dij f / d 9O "1 - NWZ rssz sm l,Ni 6t91 - OKI jd OF Eli d 3 el jkl On qjj J~dw will Ild"ICS99 83HO13ld - - - 96665dc cia cZ$Ld J9LJ "i VOW 01 zAn ! - 4flL ~1- 91 - \ o i ° I L_II t i d - - — 4.. (I) I -. ° I fl L—ne i me WNt. ______ ____ jo:Nz 'r • WV) I 'sb ___ I _______ 0 ':: off, ! EiiN ' ° C) cz, tint Ictir ________ ccovc d —. iiczt 0i Z : LI_I wwr - 0 act ikwi 0I ____ .—) Q_ F- 1*tt w:j Iacti !: t'l IMF : ' ' 0 sictl ° uctt WC1Z I o 0 - I - ,,cti d.. -' KZ I g - P*99 d ,.L I -\ _ I90Qd I9O9 - czc 4 , 1S33 __ 0 : 1. jj: ;fl1 oiat h E L r. acJZ WI-0 L)t Qc NJ 0) o.o CN En CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: January 4, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ19/97 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/9/97 12112 & 12090 227 St. SUMMARY: The applicant for the above noted file has applied for an extension to this rezoning application under Council Procedures Bylaw No. 5632-1997 as amended. This application is for a 30 unit apartment building under the RM-2 zone. Staff support this application for an extension. RECOMMENDATION: That a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ19197. BACKGROUND: This application is for a four storey apartment building on 227 St. A requIrement of the development process was that an Official Community Plan amendment accompany the rezoning to include the site into a Development Permit Area to ensure the form and character of the development at the Building Permit stage and also amended Schedule "B" to Apartment District. The following dates outline Council's consideration of the application and bylaws: - The land use report (see attached) was considered on June 24, 1997; - First Reading was granted July 29, 1997; - Public Hearing was held August 19 1997 - Second and Third reading was granted on August 26, 1997. The following are the outstanding Council conditions to be addressed prior to consideration of final reading: - Registration of aRezonngDeelopment Agreement; - Deposit of security as outlined in the Rezoning Development Agreement; Amendment to Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan; Amendment to Schedule "A" and "H" of the Official Community. Plan; Road dedication as necessary; Consolidation of the development site; Removal of the existing building. - 1 - Discussion: The applicant has been actively pursuing the completion of this rezoning application and it is anticipated that within the next few months, final consideration will be applied for. CONCLUSION: Staff support the extension and recommend that Council grant a one year extension. ),I V'I ti~ - - Chief Administrative Officer Gje'$l anager: blic Works and \ I Development Services GP/bjc ' IWR 88 80 I 79 2 307 3o8 P I I I ,'siI ,us, 242\ P P 29696 0 220 fK 229FL&. 2&s 244I 24 24 248 249 127 , Re,,,. 64 _______ 290P __________________________________ ____ ' 22/ 424/ 200 I 222 " — 40 292 hwy HINCH CRES. V 240 239 238 2S7 258 259 260 261 It P 42134 P 42134 256 255 254k 253 252 I 320 I_ _ /225 /2207 Li 251 I a.224 • \ 308 PARK RP 15335 4 '. I.- 352 3 I 3 309 /4 0 /0 12250 22S.1 P 4 92 12,40 . I c 12240 122 '24' I 2 333 334 10 3 0. 353 I ?I ,,,,I 144 P 14396 /224 122.70 I 0 /2202 237 122 AVE. R;n,. P 2 39 340 07 122 AVE. ____________ 227 226' 225 131 130 ,222s ___ P 162578 z _$1.~23 0. 236 230 229 228 "- A /0 197 [ 2341 2331 P 42/34 232j 2311 /22/ /22/4 _________________ /721 ________________ _______________ /2V2 1 6 \\LMP 2/095 2 0. 'l98 °- 6 ] P l357 \ POP/f 122/ /2207 I P 14396 _______ ,2. ,,,•,/ I2. I LUC PCI. A P1 '219 66 - /0 265 P. 280 7190 to ' 10, Re,,,. I. /2/97 ReoN I J of / j 288 OP 56793 0. 2 264 279 RP 5972 12154 65 0. Q. ,, 1218J P 4836 Per,,. 1 •289 L — l.1 SUBJECT "i' 1 3 N /2 10 '2175 I 336 I I ,,, 1214 N 1/2 A 0. 9 1/2 /0 n 303 I 304 p R c F E Rh P ES 23392 p 7948 P 66473 355 N 1/2 9 .- 2 '._. I '' 5 1/2 A 1/2 0. S. 52 5 2 341 335 52 2 12154 /0 336 I /2lS5 7 P 23392 /24 /0 353 0. 12!., '2149 332 P 56987 17131 I LfIP 41161<.,, 340 Q. ________ 1337 1215 /212$ E /2 ii P7575 2 p 994 Ni21 /ZFJI _______ I 338 Ii ___________ 402 401 ________________ 3390. 1338 /2/41 P — 2 /75 r'. 51/2 I Q. 337 '2121 P162211 I p 67 81 '2721 _____________ P 294 4855 295 6.7875.. 9 °I 24 ii 12121 0/ 10 /47 21 LUL.._.. / R$ 4 L 5 2'5 297 /2/02 N N N N 22/.'.? /48 '2107 I I i 0. e5 —;--- _______ 1 WE. 121 AVE_ & 12/0 ,,, 299 I "a _______ Ui k 1k 1 Re,,, /0 P 11544 L , N //2 0/ 4 2 ioo i0 8 0. ___ 8 /0 // 2of4 I 5 9 20 0 I ' lI0i2 N 81 P8 P94 287 288 4372 289 • 120M _____ ________ -N 1/2 I5 ________ _____ 12079 A ('. 0. 302 I 30/ , fl Ni /2 of 3 P 44858 1207! PI8 — P 372 292 N 2 , 0. ,, 326I 12121 31 5 13 /2 II s'.. frsLs 296 295 294 0.,21 C11 N 1/2 0. 121XI Li S 1/2 of 3 327o.Io. ' 3/6 N 70 2 S 1/2 X _____ " RiO N130' of 2 IXI I /21 ______ — s— N N _N,_ _ _9/( I2... Q S 1/2 320 317 '0 307 'ZSC P 7804 I RO AVF_ Peer. 20. N 1/2 Re,,,. N /30 of 2 319 I 318 I 30O! • 1.7045 __________ : 30 ItIV S '/2 6 120.79 1211? Re,,.. 2 N I RP 7985 9 40.5 S 101 (87 5 7 5j 9 297 298 1 299 1 __ 1XI, __ RM ' J P 808/ 11 I P 4724l 301 p / 52750 ;;;; Pp-6 310 II 327 3 A __ 23 P 513/f 0 J15 10.1 TP p 77489 I j P/R4S ____ DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD p 5045/ f N — A CS--1 s I p 46839 R'n 0 I (/) . 0.20.I ________ ' 00 o' I 48 I W Flit R.n,. * ___________ — 1 00 / 8 20 OP 88844 58845 2 r2'~ <m i.ir 0. 0. FIN., ___ 54 01 ,!4 I 'P68843 ______________ 2 L - MoINTOSH .AIf — — 11914.45 78 (P 954/) RP 686 SP 556 LI4P 13758 10 - 3 3 50 RW 68845..J P 60562 I i EP 57 Rs-t 119 Al 1/940 0. _________ = 145 4* I MP 1542 A2 64/ _______ "914.79 \ (_) R P 9541 - P 76459 i T Rio. I 'S, ul 954 p 344 SUBJECT PROPER11ES ZONED RS-1 OIT Of - PITT MCA000S 12090 & 12112 227 ST. SILVER ZONING VALLEY UB CT H RTIE CORPORATION OF THE TTONW 00 DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING FRASER RIVER Incorporated 12 September, 1874 DEPARTINT THORNHILL SCALE: 1:4.000 FILE/BYLAW: RZ-7-97 DATE: JAN. 7. 1999 FRASER RIVER CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: May 26, 1997 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/9/97 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: D & OS - Planning SUBJECT: RZ/9/97 (12112& 12090227 Street) SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the above noted properties to permit the construction of a 30 unit apartment building. RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ/9197 (for property located at 12112 & 12090 227 Street) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated May 26, 1997 from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. Condition to be met prior to first reading: Comments from the Advisory Design Panel. A Public Open House must be held. Fully dimensioned development plan including: Neighbourhood context plan; Site plan; Building elevations; Landscape concept; And that prior to final approval the following must be complete: Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; Amendment to Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan; -1- Amendment to Schedule "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan; Road dedication as required; Consolidation of the development site; Removal of the existing building/s; BACKGROUND: The subject site consists of two separate parcels and is located on the east side of 227 Street across from a private school. The development proposal is for a 4 storey apartment building under the RM-2 zone for approximately 30 units. Parking is provided underground and access to the parking garage will be from a lane, which this development will be responsible for dedicating and constructing. This lane will also be the start of a municipal Street pattern for the neighbourhood which will accommodate future development in compliance with the Official Community Plan. Policy Implications: Official Community Plan: The subject site is designated 40-60 units per net hectare and Apartment District on Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan. The application will require an amendment to the Official Community Plan for the lot on the north to redesignate it to Apartment District and also to include the site into a Development Permit Area to ensure the form and character of the development at the building permit stage. The proposed boundary adjustment between Apartment District and Compact Housing corresponds to the proposed location of the lane access from 227th Street. Staff support this adjustment as the lane will provide a defining boundary between the two building forms as well as accommodate future redevelopment in compliance with OCP objectives. Public Open House: As the application requires an amendment to the Official Community Plan land use designation, it will be necessary to have the applicant host an Open House prior to it proceeding to a Public Hearing Advisory Design Panel: The site is in an existing urban area. It will therefore be necessary for Advisory Design Panel to comment On the project prior to first reading of the Zone Amending Bylaw. -2- Outside Agencies: The site is within 800 m of the Lougheed Highway. It will therefore be necessary for the Ministry of Transportation and Highways to approve the zone amending bylaw under Section 57 of the Highway Act prior to final consideration Servicing Concerns: The Engineering Department have identified the need for the applicant to assess the 227 Street sanitary sewer and storm sewer capacity to ensure the existing system is capable of handling the proposed use. If the capacity of the existing services is not sufficient, upgrading will be required. Road dedication and improvements are required on 227 Street and the lane. It will be necessary for the owner to enter into a Rezoning Development Agreement and post the required security to do the works prior to final consideration of the zone amending bylaw. CONCLUSION: Staff supports this application and recommends that it be forwarded to a Public Hearing. Chief Administrative Officer GP/bj s/mr D1fret*6r of Cpknt Planning -3- •12150 A2134 122 AVL RP 84324 11129 t22 AVE. I I_2 Rem. 227 28 225 1 I i A I 2321 2311 23b1 229 228 m. P 421134 L RW)4175 - 4 1111 3 0. 2 lila I PvI A 1217) PP 58793 — 5 P 23392 I 23392 1.014 he 24 p 1161 77 121 AVE. 10.1 12 7kkUJUiV [fl290 288289 291 P 9445 p p372 4- 1 p 4372 1292 P 94 295 294 6 54 ' Rem j 11293 BROWN AVE. of 11234 122' 10 J My L F2914 p 1- 2 4396 f174J 1 12240 1 333 I 334 P 28939 131 103 I 130 g I 340 1221 P162578 122 AVE — aI97 1.i18 P171970 I5.2 _ 2 12214 12216 F221 2 198 6 P 82923 0. P 14396 2 1 1120J 20.0 66 265 280 ICIL Rem. I 1212 ! o. 264 279 PP 5972 65 e. 1116 ,7,a 1219 fL 12176 N 1/2 10 12770 336 12W1 ,,, ,, i- 13 335 I N 1 /2 A " S 1/2 10 IF: p 58171 JFfg,45 "a P 7948 P 66473 F1lS. N 1/2 9 Rer,, 2 115.2 iiisl S 1/2 A 355 12154 1/2 9 1,15.? S. 52.5' 2 " 34 1114 J 12154 — 11746 331 B A I ° "i' 3 j'° 353 332 p 156987 IMP 0.. 12 !IIJU f2lJ 2 ,vx P 994 Trl2$J N1/2 1 2128 I 337 338 402 ______WN 1 401 20.7 175 r.. S1/2 II a. ,.ms P162211 I P 67481 st N 147 2 090 N 50' 5,21,5 I 12112 174 " 148 P68638 Rem. 5 12105 12112 - A 1210 A"' 12097 12092 Rem 10 0 i.iau N 1/2 of 4 - P 11644 (D29p 0. 8 . 12087 _3 0- S 1/2 of N 1/2 12076 I J 1 2074 I I,eai S 1/2 A 12073 N 1/2 of 3 ' 2 ,5 CL P1 1/2 18 S 1/2 of 3 1 70' 2 S J2 2053 12064 IJJVVSWO Q IL 1205. Nb' N130' of 2 p.. Rem. 20. 5-0 120 lxi, PI/2 N Rem. N 130' of 2 1 d.30k, ,2 . S 1/2 6 12051 Rem. 2 20.1 .427 he 3 120J P 12253 ,auP 101<1' I Ren. j F p 7450 310 P 51311 &r- P 52750 327 jwl CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5604 - 1997 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5604 - 1997." That/Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot "A", Section 20; Township 12, Plan 38897, New Westminster District And Lot 174, Section 20, Township 12, Plan 38897, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1156 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, are hereby rezoned to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 199. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 199. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 199. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation and Highways this day of A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK 7 1 I 2 /2244 P114396 224J P 2839 18. 131 I 130 122X I 1223 a Lfl Ia197 /2214 /222 2 198 '2.202 I 20.1 66 Pn 265 1212? — a.264 65 a. 12178 Ln 213 N1/2A — 12168/88 P 7948 P 66473 S 1/2 A 355 /2154 2 ,., 354 /2/42 1214 1 i 353 a./2/i 2 '7'36P9944 175 N. ' Ch qP v 174a. ,,,,, 00 A ,0 a. ______ N 1/2 1 120.74 _ ll/'J S1/2 _ 2 2_1'xn , a. 'N1/2 N 70' 2 S1/2 Ln N Rem. 2°. 307 _ 12088 •30 :: 20.1 .427 ho P 12253 1 310 7 P 23392 1421 34T 255( 254 253I25jJ 122 AYE. RP 84324 122J 9P 1*1 7~2 Imi. 4 233 232 231 230 229 228 P 42134 RW 417 12219 4 N. /221 *3 12f9. a. 2 /218; 1 — PcI. A RP 56793 rn co 5 Ix P 23392 1.914 ho 24 P 1161 121 AVE. 10.1 1~1 2 UJ 290 21 288 289 P884 Pg44 *291 P $372. 292 ; 5 6 6 a. j95 i94 Rem 293, BROWN AVE. .OTA 15 17 18 19 P96871 $4P1821 611 I - Pn 1P 44Q ad gJ 300 298 299 , P 413724 301 a, P 9657 P I P 120546 1 P 51311 Ma 0 A rl,7013 Th4o P57607 10 P11 62578 Z 340 /2 12222 12229 ii 2 0. 112218P171970 8 12216 122t 6 p182923.] P 14396 2 I_1,220,1 280 12/94 Rem.L 279 RP 5972 12184a.l 1219 N 1/2 10 12183F 12178 336I 1216 I 335 S 1/2 10 , 58171 /2170 p _ /216.2 N1/29 Rem2 /2/6 1/29 Q.S. 52.5' CL 12148 331 8I A12141 332 P 156987 LMP 4q65 12138 12/iS 337 338 402 I 401 _._—1 327 ry AVE. 121.26P162211 P67C1811212J II — •ppbgo 2 iz _NSOSns /2102168638 CL Rem.5/2105 N 1/2of 4 /2066 t2065 S1/2of4 /20.76 A tn 1207J I" N1/2of3 S 1/2 of 3 lZow s1/2 N70' N130' of 2 a. N1/2 Rem. N 130' of 2 120M a. S1/26 Rem. 2 17 Rem."4i LmasL- 16 118 P52750 aw 0.0 12.202 1 12194 3 12120 I ISJF I MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5604-1997 Map No. 1156 Rezone From: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) To: RM -2(Medium Density Apartment) 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5605 - 1997. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A", "B" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5605 - 1997." Schedule "B" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 174, Section 20, Township 12, Plan 38897, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 535, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby redesignated to Apartment District. Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XXII in the Appendix: Lot 174, Plan 38897 & Lot A, Plan 22808 both of Sec. 20, Tp. 12, , NWD Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: - Lot "A", Section 20, Township 12, Plan 38197,New. WestminsterDistrict And Lot 174, Section 20, Township 12, Plan 38897, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 536, a copy of which is attachedhereto and forms part of this bylaw, are hereby designated as Development Permit Area XXII (4) on Schedule "H". 5. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. Page 2 Bylaw No. 5605-1997 READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 199 PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 199. READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 199. READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. 199 RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED the day of A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK 1 I 2 I 12244 P 114396 12241 P 239 ie 131 I 130 122X I 122J In Jo197 I c 1222 L12214 20. J '198 20.1 66 p265 12192 CD a.. 264 65 0. In 12173 cc 13 N 1/2 A 121S4 Q. P 7948 P 66473 S 1/2 A 355 12754 7215J /21422 - 354 1214s • CL 1 121JW 0. 1.211 2 1213 P 9944 ZO N1/2 ii S1/2 1 175 N 0. 1. Itj Ch ci 147 174 0. 148 I 0. 1210 A RemlO c. P 11644 8 a. ________ N 1/2 I c4 1 xgj ;s 1/2 - X71 0. N1/2 0.12 N702 12M S 1/2 12 ,j N Rem. 2 0. 30 1200 30 0. 20.1 .427 la P 12253 3 7.: I P i 421 [ 122A RP843 255l254(253I252} !1[1r 122 AVE. L 2 !jT 12219 4 N 1221 04 '219 0.2 12107 PcI. A RP 56793 cc 5 P 23392 7 P 23392 1.914 ha 24 P 1161 121 AVE. 10.1 14 (T(Ji'Ffl290 2 P437 288 289 291 1 I P 6 4 .372 295 L 294 L Fn 292 if 6 A _ Rem 293 BROWN AVE. l P 967 1 P 94146 I - I P 120548 2 P 7450 310 P 51311 ii 0 /2240 333 Pj57607 10 122.V 2243 39 12221 340 62578 72.229 2 :1112210 P171970 8 z?J /S - p 182923 I 14396 2 I 280 04 12194 Rem. L 279 RP 5972 12134 Q.I 1219 N 1/2 10 /2133 1 /273 336 1216 335 S 1/2 10 12170 0 P 58171 12132 00 N1/29 - . 1216 RemL 1/2 9 0. 1215) S. 52.5 2 1213 12149 331 12141 I 8 A 332 P 6987 j5 LMP /2123 12131 338 402 401 P62211 P 67481 awil 12114 2 ! N50512115 ii 12102 P — 0. Rem. 5 1210 , N 1/2of 4 CL tA CL 0. S1/2of4 In to ° N1/2of3 5 1/2 of 3 12005 S 1/2 N70 N130 of 2 /2342 Co N 1/2 0. Rem. N 130 of 2 ,. 0. S1/26 '2337 Rem.2 IRem. ' 118 P 52750 16 — 327 .3 i — I3 122 AVE. 15.2 L221.? 0.0 0 0 2 /2194 L MAPLE RIDGE .OFFICIAL COMMUNIT( PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5605-1997 Map No. 535 TO REDESIGNATE: 1:2500 FROM: COMPACT HOUSING(40-60 units per net hectare) TO: APARTMENT DISTRICT P 421 1 i —a /2254 12251 255j254l253I252I 122 AVE. RP 84324' 1 I 2 12253 12244 P 114396 l22 122 AVE. i227 226 Rem. P 28b39 18. 225 131 I 130 I 122. ( T I P 719 i " I ai197 2331 232 1 2311 230 1 229 9 Fm. A I P 42134 I417$ /22f4 1222 4 2 J"198 12211 Z3 C14 1219 20.1 66 265 0. 1219 2 11192 1218 .- o 264 65 o. 12 PcI.A a' 1 In —13 RP 56793 12167 N 1/2 A — • 121 5 121M/M P P 23392 66473 S 1/2 A 12154 /2/S. 12,422 _ '354 7 f214 P 23392 1214 1 ° 353 121J 2 fl Ij "lx P 994 N1/2 11 1.914 ha S1/2 1 175 i. o. ,n, 24 147 P 1161 wi 12111 F 174 ______ 12112 1210, 121 AVE. 10.1 A TI F 290 21 1 288 289 P 372 291 .... . P 372 292 P 88413 P g44 16 295 294 R.m 293 I" -. P 11644 B 1X . 12087 N 1/2 11,J /2074 I ______ s 1/2 tg 2 Il20 co - N1/2 a 14 CL N70'2 S1/2 - p 12,*, BROWN AVE. RP8434' 300 I A Rem. 2°- 307 /2049 : 3O T 57 8 i 7 29829 I P1821 I 34724 301 21 _ .4Vh 3 , 81 _________________ P 967 P g4 J 2 1 P 7450 310 P 51311 II !2_4o r i 333P157607 10 122X I ________ /224J 339 ° Fn /2222 62578 Z 9 12229 11 2 1.2218 P171970 8 /22/6 1221 6 P 182923 1 14396 2 ___ t2tj 280N 12194 Rem. L 279 RP 5972 12184 °-I 1219 121 N 1/2 10 336 F58 335'S 1/210 tn 171 1 12/70 /2/62 N 1/2 9 Co Rem 211 21J 1/2 9 S. 52.5 2 12148 331 12141 8 I A 332 P 66987 LaIP 446 f2l. 5 f21 I 12129 12151 338 337 I 402 401 2211 P 6781 1212 12/14 sppgp 2 ! N505ii,s ii — 112101 P f68638 Rem. 5 1210- (C,2086 A'/2097 _____ , N 1/2014 8 12085 S1/2of4 .20" N, A an 12073 IS) N1/2of3 (0 S 1/2 of 3 12083 12084 S1/2 4 N70 N130 of 2 ,2 aD jL /204/ N 1/2 Rem. N 130 of 2 Q_ 12001 S1/26 Rem.2 17 41 /2022 118 I;WIRem. 52750 I 16 327 I •IijI 2240 0.0 12208 Ii 1121M 12154 I 112112 I 0 I8Jr I 11 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITh' PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5605-1997 Map No. 536 PURPOSE: TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA XXII (4) 1:2500 Public Hearing Minutes August 19, 1997 Page 4 2b) RZ15197 - MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING BYLAW NO. 5603-1997 LEGAL: Lot 37 Except Parcel "A" (RP NW/8251), and Lot 38 both of Plan 20944, Sec. 21, TP 1 2)WD. LOCATION: 23311 & 23313 Dewdney T/nk Road PURPOSE: To amend Schedule "B 'f the Official Community Plan to redesignate the site FROM: Single Family Rejential (15 upnh) TO: Neighbourhoo/'Commercial AND: To amend hedules "A" and "H" of the Official Community Plan to in ude the site into a Development Permit Area to ensure t/e form and character of the development at the buildin/permit stage. The Planner advised ttAt this is the same property as above, but the bylaw is amending the ScheduØ "B" of the Official Community Plan to redesignate the site, and to amend thedules "A" and "H" of the Official Community Plan to include the site into DeveIopment Permit Area. Same comments afid concerns as addressed in application 2a above. There being no $rther comments, the Mayor declared the item dealt with. 7 3a) RIJ9197- MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING BYLAWNO. 5604-1997 LEGAL: Lot A and Lot 174, both of Sec. 20, TP 12, Plan 38897, NWD LOCATION: 12090 & 12112— 227th Street FROM: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) TO: RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment District) PURPOSE: To permit the construction of an apartment building with approximately0un1ts. - The Planner displayed on the overhead a map of the site from 227 Street (west side) and opposite 121st Avenue and reiterated the purpose of the bylaw as noted above. The architecture for the project, Jan Timmer, gave his presentation on the proposal. Mr. Timmer explained that the parcels to the south are designated for apartments and townhouses to the north. Mr. Timmer advised of the following: Public Hearing Minutes August 19, 1997 Page 5 there is plan for lane access between the properties (north & east) with access from 2271h Street; the project is situated 25 feet from the north side between the properties and the proposed project, and 25 feet from the east side between the properties and the proposed project; the building has a sloping roof in order not to shadow other properties; the building faces the school ground to the west; a sidewalk on 227th Street can be seen from the lounge area; the property is 180 feet deep on the west side. Mr. Trimmer made reference to the diagram showing no overshadowing of neighbours. The Municipal Clerk advised that no correspondence has been received for this item. Terrance Palchuk, of 12101 Fletcher Street is concerned about the drainage in the area as it is sitting on a flood plain. Mr. Palchuk explained that the ditch is located on his property and if a lane is put in, his property will likely flood. Mr. Palchuk would like to see the ditch maintained for the neighbourhood. Mr. Palchuk referred to the row of trees shown in the drawing advised that all privacy will be lost if the trees are removed from 227 " Street. Therefore, some sort of fencing will be needed. Mr. Palchuk advised that he has spoken with the developer and he appears to be agreeable with this idea. Mr. Palchuk also indicated that Council requested that the alley way be paved, but it does not make sense to pave the lane that does not go anywhere. It is unknown when the next property will be developed in that area. Debbie Palchuk, of 12101 Fletcher Street is concerned with the crime rate, especially with having access to a development of 30 units or more. Frank Buyar, of 12071 Fletcher Street, spoke on behalf of his wife, supports the first speaker, Mr. Palchuk regarding the water problem. Mr. Buyar explained that water drains back into a ditch in front of his residence, which over the years has filled with development grass cuttings, etc. Mr. Buyar further stated that this year has presented a major problem. Mr. Buyar's concern is where the water will be going when the basement goes in? Nick Fedele, of 12142 - 227th Street is concerned with the drainage problem as well. Mr. Fedele reported that 227th Street is busy now and will no doubt get busier when the project is completed. Mr. Fedele questioned whether parking was going to be allowed on the street or disallowed, and commented that parking (not enough) is an issue now. Janeane Passley, of 12136 - 227th Street is concerned with the building of an apartment complex in a residential area. Ms. Passley questioned whether these units are going to be privately owned or become rental units. Ms. Passley commented that having rental units will only lower the standards of the neighbourhood. Ms. Passley is primarily concerned with the following: Public Hearing Minutes August 19, 1997 Page 6 traffic on 227th Street; her home being devalued; loss of parking on the street; that the lot is low in the back and will make use of the ditch. The developer, Fred Formosa, explained that the project is for people who want to buy, and be close to the school. The developer advised that when the lane goes in, the water will drain into the site area, and accordingly, will be properly engineered because the water has no where to go. The developer commented that he chose an architect who would build to the developer's expectations, including designing an attractive apartment complex for the neighbourhood. The developer stated that a lane is being put in because it is required by the city, however he agrees with Mr. Palchuk that it should be built at a later date when all development is complete. The developer confirmed the following: that the property will be fenced off properly; that all units will be for sale only, and not be as rental units; that traffic on 227th Street will be contained; that all parking for the building will be underground, including visitor parking. The Municipal Clerk advised that no correspondence has been received for this item. There being no further comments, the Mayor declared the matter dealt with. 3b) RZ19197 - MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING BYLAW NO. 5605-1997 LEGAL: LOCATION: PURPOSE: FROM TO: Lot A and Lot 1 74, both of Sec. 20, TP 12, Plan 38897, NWD 12090 & 12112-227th Street To amend Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan as shown-onMap-535..- Compact Housing (40-60 upnh) Apartment District Public Hearing Minutes August 19, 1997 Page 7 AND: To amend Schedules "A" and "H" of the Official Community Plan to include the site into a Development Permit Area to ensure the form and character of the development at the building permit stage. The Planner displayed on the overhead a map of the site and reiterated that the bylaw serves two purposes: to amend Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan as shown on Map 535; and to redesignate the north property from compact housing to apartment district and to amend Schedules "A" and "H" of the Official Community Plan as noted above. Same comments and concerns as addressed in application 3a above. Ms. Passley questioned whether or not more apartment buildings are going to be built in this area. • The Planner explained that this proposal requires a slight adjustment to the boundary between the two densities for properties located to the north in developing townhouses, and the south sector calls for more apartments similar to this proposal. The Municipal Clerk advised that no correspondence has been received for this item. There being no further comments, the Mayor declared the matter dealt with. 4) RZ/3196 - MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING WNO. 56104997 LEGAL: Lot 3, bL279, GP 1, 60497, NWD LOCATION: 20300 Block Melville FROM: RS-1 (One Family/Jrban Residential) TO: RS-lb (One Fa/y Urban (medium density) Residential) PURPOSE: To permit thejubdivision into 8 lots not less than 557 m 2 The Planner displayed on the QJerhead a map of the site north of Lorne Avenue and south of Dillon Street ar reiterated the purpose of the by-law as noted above. The Planner explaine/that the owner of the property has discovered that on the north end of propert/there is an existing home encroaching on the land, and accordingly, the duplelot cannot, be achieved. Eric Phillips, of 20333 Loé Avenue is concerned for the surrounding residences with land fill, water flow/and improper fill on the property which slides into the ditch along this area. Nyr. Phillips is also concerned with the following: Council Meeting Minutes January26, 1999 Page 11 Reference was made to the staff report dated January 4, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: P199-40 MOVED by Councillor Stewart RZ/3 1/93 SECONDED by Councillor Le extension that pursuant to MapleRid Development Procedures By-law No. 5632- 1997, that a one year tension be granted to Rezoning Application RZ/3 1/93 to rezone Kenrmpnit erty at 22621 - 119 Avenue to rezone property from RS-1 to C-3 t a commercial residential complex. r I. RZ19197— 12112 and 12090— 227Street- RS-i to RM-2 Reference was made to the staff report dated January 4, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: P199-4 1 MOVED by Councillor King RZ/9/97 SECONDED by Councillor Stewart extension that pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632- 1997, a one year extension be granted to Rezoning Application RZ/9/97 to rezone property at 12112 and 12090 - 227 Street from RS-1 to RM-2 to permit a 30 unit apartment building. CARRIED RZ111195 - 1135&— 236 Street - RS-3 to CD-i Reference was ma to the staff report dated January 7, 1999 in support of the following recomme ation contained therein: P199-42 MOVED byuncillor Gordon RZ/1 1/95 SECONDED Councillor Stewart extension that pursuant to 1997, a one year to rezone property' subdivision into 47 le Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632- nsion be granted to Rezoning Application RZ/l 1/95 t 11358 - 236 Street from RS-3 to CD-i to permit CARRIED 07.02.03 ALR/6198 - 26171 Dewdney Road Reference was made to the staff rtkort dated January 7, 1999 recommending that the subject application to subdividwithin the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) to create 9 lots not be authorized to 110ceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. The Committee forwarded the appcation to the council Meeting with no recommendation. Committee of the Whole Minutes January 18, 1999 Page 4 That a one year extension be granteto Rezoning Application RZ/44196 to rezone property at 22631 - Zenuee from RS-1 to C-3 to permit a commercial residential complex. 2.2.5 RZ131193 - 22621 - 119 1 to C-3 Reference was made the staff report dated January 4, 1999 recommending that a one year extension be (anted to the subject application to permit a commerciaL/residential complex. / RECOMMENDA T That a one yir extension be granted to Rezoning Application RZ/31/93 to rezone property at V621 - 119 Avenue to rezone property from RS-1 to C-3 to permit a commercial residential complex. 2.2.6 RZ19197— 12112 and 12090 — 227 Street - RS-1 to RM-2 Reference was made to the staff report dated January 4, 1999 recommending that a one year extension be granted to the subject application to permit a 30 unit apartment building. RECOMMENDATION That a one year extension be granted to Rezoning Application RZ19197 to rezone property at 12112 and 12090 - 227 Street from RS-1 to RM-2 to permit a 30 unit apartment building. 2.2.7 P2111195— P1358 - 236 Street - RS-3 to CD-i Reference was Xade to the staff report dated January 7, 1999 recommending that a one year extension belgranted to the subject application to permit subdivision into 47 lots. The Director of Cnt P n lanning advised that there is a massive creek through the site and the applicatio is ing scrutinized by the Ministry of Environment as it is affected by changes in MOE poNy. There has also been a change in geometry and he will bring that infonnation forward Fq Council's consideration at the final reading stage. RECOMMENDATION That a one year extension beranted to Rezoning Application RZ/1 1/95 to rezone property at 11358 - 236 Street fm RS-3 to CD-i to permit subdivision into 47 lots. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 27, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: ALR/27/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: ALR/27/99 (1 1416240th Street) I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received under Section 12(1) of the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) Act to exclude approximately 1.9 hectares from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). At a Council meeting on June 22 d 1999 it was resolved: That consideration of application ALR/27/99 (located at 11416240th Street) for the property described in the report dated June 1St, 1999, be deferred until completion of the review of Agricultural Land Reserve Policies. In reviewing the ALR Policies presented to the ALC at the October 1" 1999 meeting, there does not appear to be good and sufficient reason under the present application to consider this exclusion application further. II RECOMMENDATION: That application ALR/27199 for the property described as Lot 1, Plan 7917, Section 15, Twp. 12 NWD Group 1, and located at 11416240hh1 Street, not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. COMD41tt4 fl.oM*eNOS Ill BACKGROUND: An application has been received to exclude approximately 1.9 hectares of land from the ALR. Attached is the memo dated June itt, 1999 that recommended deferral of consideration at that time. •IV PROjECT-DESCRWF1ON: This application is for exclusion from the ALR. The Owner has not indicated what his future intentions are for the use of this site other than to construct a new home. There are no restrictions for land in the ALR that would prohibit the existing use or proposed new house construction. ()q.0 01.ol - 1 - V PLANNING ANALYSIS The policies discussed at the October jst 1999 Council meeting with the ALC for this area focused on retaining land in the ALR with the clustering and consolidation option offering some variety in use. The ALC supports retention in the ALR. Council has in the past indicated support for Option 4 from the Rural Plan "To retain in the ALR". Consequently, staff are of the opinion that an exclusion application is inconsistent with the views of both Council and the ALC. VI CONCLUSION: It is recommended that this exclusion application not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. Bruce G. McLeod ISA Certified Arborist LandscapefPlanning Technician R. W. RobeHson, MCIP, AICP J. Rudolph, MCIP AICP Fryer, P. Eng. Chief Administrative Officer General Manager: Public Works and Director of Current g Development Services -2- 111576 1540 10 0 38 22 11523 L 18 19 2 21 - 11535 A -r 11510 11530 o 23 11515 11502 36 24 11507 ' 11492 (0 L 35 H-'25 11499 ? ' 1 .4 1 1484? 11491 11502 __ __ 3 3 1t47Dl..1 2 11468 32 P13786 71i_ 11458 ._j 2 11475 11474 11461 28 31 11448 11467 I 1145,\ 29 30 ILMS 2991 Lh1436 L459 11441 r 13 14 11425 11442 P 3028 3 18 171 1615 1 11422ig t1415 11428 c' —i:4 LMP3I3b1 P22031 — I C" P34984 - 11416 [141020 2 0 A 11403 RP8357 1402 21 PARK /133111397 11394 22 LMP 4 RP6761 P 0 P21243 cI. 1 RP6260 —4 11378 11363 N 1/28 RP3659 11333 11330 -o SCALE: 1:2,500 KEY MAP B Rem 2 P 13786 2 a. RS-3 SUBJECT PROPERTY 5 P21243 ALR2799 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12. September. 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT j DATE: May 111999 FILE: BY: JB CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: June I s' 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: ALR/27/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: ALRJ27/99 (1141624Oth Street) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received under Section 12(1) of the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) Act to exclude approximately 1.9 hectares from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). Council Policy for this area recommends that the lands be retained in the ALR and that Council consider applications for subdivision of lands within the reserve on their merit. Since adoption of this policy, the Rural Plan Advisory Committee (RPAC) prepared a series of recommendations regarding ALR lands, including Subarea C in which the subject parcel is located. RPAC were split on the options for this area, and in the Summary of Council Decisions on Implementation of the Rural Plan, Council endorsed Option 3 (Transition Area principles) which retained this area in the ALR: The ALC were not in agreement with Option 3 and Council subsequently agreed to accept the approach outlined in Option 4 (with the inclusion of the clustering/consolidation principle) as a starting point for further discussions with the ALC. As there are issues to resolve with the ALC, it is recommended that consideration of this application be deferred at this time. II RECOMMENDATION: That consideration of application ALR/27/99 (located at 114162401b Street) for the property described in the memorandum dated June 1, 1999, be deferred until completion of the review of Agricultural Land Reserve Policies. III BACKGROUND: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Surrounding Uses: N: S: E: Mr. KeithKoelling (Owner) Lot 1, Plan 7917, Section 15, Twp. 12 NWD Group 1 Agricultural RS-3 One Family Rural Residential RS-3 One Family Rural Residential RS-3 One Family Rural Residential RS-3 One Family Rural Residential -1- W: RS-3 One Family Rural Residential RS-lb One Family Urban Residential Existing Use of Property: Rural Residential, cleared and forested land Proposed Use of Property: Rural Residential (construct a new house) Access: 240th Street Previous Applications: nil An application has been received to exclude approximately 1.9 hectares of land from the ALR. The Applicant has satisfied all "notice of exclusion" requirements under Section 5 of B.C. Regulation 313/78 (Agricultural Land Reserve Procedure Regulation). As a result of this notice, the Planning Department has not received any verbal or written submissions of support or disagreement from residents to the date of this memo. IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This application is for exclusion from the ALR. The Owner has not indicated what his future intentions are for the use of this site other than to contruct a new home. There are no restrictions for land in the ALR that would prohibit the existing use or proposed new house construction. V PLANNING ANALYSIS. Official Community Plan The subject site is designated Agricultural on the Official Community Plan (OCP). Lands bordering the subject site to the south are designated Single Family Residential, with Conservation and are within the urban boundary of the Albion OCP Area. Current Council Policy in this area recommends that the lands be retained in the ALR and that Council consider applications for subdivision of lands within the reserve on their merit. Rural Plan The subject site is located in Sub-area C of the Rural Plan. The RPAC supported what was called a "transition proposal" for ALR lands west of the Smith Avenue urban area. This proposal had four options, and Council chose Option 3. This option reads as follows: Retain in the AIR and adopt the following principles for the area: Preserve rural character with transition buffering. Need to establish a density with comprehensive L.I.P. sewer solution which is practical and economical. Variety of uses Range of density and lot sizes Clustering and consolidation Retirement living opportunities Business opportunities -2- 4. Emphasis on rural lifestyle and limitations on intensive agricultural possibilities. Council resolved further that if Option 3 was not acceptable to the ALC they would support Option 2. This option however called for the land to be removed from the ALR and designated as Rural Residential. Upon reconsideration in subsequent Council-Staff Meetings, Council has indicated support for Option 4, which reads as follows: Retain in the ALR. Address the septic system failures by a minimal L.I.P. sewer system. Adopt a Farm By-law to restrict intensive/intrusive agriculture. Council agreed to accept this approach for Sub-area C with the inclusion of the clustering/consolidation principle. Staff are currently working on this framework, and anticipate a meeting with ALC staff to discuss implementation of the approach. The ALC supports retention in the ALR and does not feel the principles cited above are appropriate to that view. Consequently, staff are of the opinion that an exclusion application is inconsistent with the views of both Council and the ALC. However, a meeting with the ALC is still necessary to resolve the outstanding Rural Plan issues. VI CONCLUSION: As there are issues to resolve with the ALC, it is recommended that consideration of this application be deferred at this time. Bzce G. McLeod ISA Certified Arborist LandscapelPlanning Technician R. W. Robertson, MCIP, AICP J. Rudolph; MCIP AICP Chief Administrative Officer General Manager: Public Works and Development Services -3- ALR2799 MAPLE RIDGE Incofporated 12, September. 1874 BY: JB DATE: May 111999 FILE: AL NOR oe I. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT 11555 11576 11540 10 11535 A 21 38 19 11518 11523 11530 Rem 2 22 37 11510 11515 23 36 0 P 13786 11502 11507 24 11492 i 11499 B 2" 5Ic.,4 11484 o r 114 o 11491 11502 ) P13786 1147! 11468 .. o 32 11474 2 \ 11458 I 11475 31 11467 11461\ 28 1 29 30 11451 11459 1 1LMS2991}C 12 14 2 011 11441 j 11442 14A,3 11425 7 P 30283 0 18 17 1615 11428 C 1 11415 RS-3 11422 P22031 L i9 LM43131 SUBJECT PROPERTY P 34984 11416 a. 15 20 2 A 11410 RP8357 11403 11394 11397 11402 _PARK 21 ___ LMP%' 331 I 4 P21243 11378 RP6761 /) 0 C PcI.1 RP6260 11363 5 P21243 N1/2B c'J RP3659 11333 11330 Council Meeting Minutes June 22, 1999 Page 14 RZ/13/97 to rezone property at 22650 - 126 Avenue from RS-3 to R-1 and RM-1 to permit 130 single family lots and an unknown number of townhouse units. Discussion Councillor King questioned if this application will be impacte9.i6y the regulations of Development Permit Area XXX and if so, if Council shouJd' defer the extension so that the regulations can be applied. / The Director of Current Planning responded that this ia4 rezoning application and there is no companion subdivision application. DP,)(XX would only apply to a subdivision or building permit application under tb/Municipal Act. With respect to a subdivision application made after the regtkâtions of DP XXX are adopted, they would apply automatically. / [Wi1 1K4I: 06.02.07 DJ'P/21/99 - 11901 Maple Meadows jWay Reference was made to the staff/eport dated May 27, 1999 recommending that the subject application to def9z' construction of Dunn Avenue west of Maple Meadows Way on condition tjiat the construction improvements be a requirement of development of the site. / R/99-313 MOVED by Coyñcillor Baker DVP/2 1/99 SECONDED l' Councillor Levens that the 4'unicipa1 Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners J1at approval of DVP/21/99 respecting property located at 11901 Maple1Meadows Way will be considered by Council at the July 13, 1999 CARRIED 06.02.08 R199-3 14 ALRI27/99 DEFERRED ALR/27199 - 11416 - 240 Street Reference was made to the staff report dated June 1, 1999 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: MOVED by Councillor King SECONDED by Councillor Stewart that consideration of application ALR/27/99 (located at 11416 - 240 Street) for the property described in the memorandum dated June 1, 1999, Council Meeting Minutes June22, 1999 Page 15 be deferred until completion of the review of Agricultural Land Reserve Policies. Discussion Councillor Stewart asked for clarification as to whether the proponents can go ahead to the Agricultural Land Commission while the review is taking place or if they would still have to go through the District. The Planner responded that the Commission requires that the application be accompanied by a Council resolution and therefore it cannot proceed directly to the Commission. The motion CARRIED. Committee of the Whole Minutes July 19, 1999 Page 2 temporary residential use and depending on what their decision is, sta$' will get back to those people to let them know what they have to do. / He added that 75 property owners who have non-owner occup,iéd suites are being sent letters this week. Those people are not eligible to register 5,1e suites because they are non-owner occupied. They are being given 90 days to decommission the suites to allow the tenants an opportunity to make other arra/ otentially The Residential Tenancy Act requires 30 days notice. A Councillor noted that people might be away d mmer months and not receive their notice right away. She noted that there 150 families that could be affected and Council does not want to see peopl street. The Director of Community Services and,$usiness Relations went over the business licence statistics, noting that payment s been received as follows - store front businesses 99%; home based businessfis - 88%; non-resident - 69%. He noted that non-resident cases are difficult to pursy'e as they move around, go out of business, etc. There have been 437 new licences issd which is up from last year. He reviewed the parking enforce(ent statistics, noting that the rate of collection is between 60-65%. He referred t9' the by-law enforcement statistics, noting that noise complaints remain the number/one complaint. He explained how abandoned vehicle complaints are handled. / He further noted thatthe I$strict now has a staff member from the Fire Department coming on board to handle/fler-hours complaints. The Director ended his pzsentation at this point. ALR/27199 - 11416 - 240 Street - Mr. Keith Koelling, Applicant 1.2 The subject application was considered at the June 14, 1999 Committee of the Whole Meeting and the June 22, 1999 Council Meeting at which time Council made a decision to defer the application pending completion of Council's review of the Agricultural Land Reserve policies. Mr. Keith Koelling was in attendance and provided Council with and reviewed a written submission which is summarized as follows: Mr. Koellingasked.Counci.1 torefer-to.themapseontained-imhis report; He-indicatecFthe location of the property in question, noting that it is 1.968 hectares (4.89 acres) in size and 61% of the site is comprised of significantly sloped land, a deep ravine and four converging streams and is unsuitable for soil based crop production. The remaining 39% of the site is 1.91 acres of gently sloped ground and occupied by the house, yard, garage, driveway and septic field. The actual unencumbered land area is 1.46 acres. Mr. Koelling advised that he would like to replace the existing house on the property with more modem living accommodations. He is reluctant to build a new home on ALR encumbered land as it will not appreciate at the same rate as an investment not affected by an ALR designation. Committee of the Whole Minutes July 19, 1999 Page 3 He further noted that he is surrounded by lands that are being or have been developed as a residential use and intensive agricultural uses other than soil based crops would create a conflict with those residential areas. He referred to Section 21(1) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act, noting that it implies that agricultural use restrictions do not apply to land which is less than 2 acres in area and feels that his property should therefore be excluded from the ALR. He further noted that the shallow topsoil depth and underlying clay material is another detrimental limitation to using the subject parcel for commercial crop production. The Acting Mayor asked Mr. Koelling if he is still able to build a home on the land if it remains in the ALR. Mr. Koelling responded that nothing prevents him from doing so but he is concerned about his future investment value. The Acting Mayor explained that recent ALR applications have been deferred by Council as they want to meet with the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) and revisit some of the policies governing the areas affected by those applications. It has not been easy to schedule a meeting with the ALC. Council is seeking further direction from the Director of Long Range Planning today and he will ask the Director of Long Range Planning to update Mr. Koelling on the direction Council has decided to take respect to the outstanding applications. Mr. Koelling stated that his application is being held up because of the political process. He would ask Council to read it carefully and consider it on its own merits. Mr. Koelling ended his presentation at this point in the meeting. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: December 17, 1999 and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: CofW - PW & DS SUBJECT: Home Occupation Amendments To The Zoning Bylaw SUMMARY: The Home Occupation Subcommittee of the Economic Advisory Committee has undertaken a review of the Home Occupation provisions of the Zoning Bylaw. The Subcommittee provided recommendations on amendments to the provisions. After review and discussion, the recommendations have been incorporated into a Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5860-1999 and a Sign Amending Bylaw No. 5861-1999. It is recommended that the bylaws be given initial readings. RECOMMENDATION: THAT Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5860-1999 be given first reading and sent to Public Hearing; and THAT Maple Ridge Sign Amending Bylaw No. 5861-1999 be given first reading. BACKGROUND: Itec. 0.4ter0S by Cod4M+e. #1 VuL' tOM 0%0 I4S,1S.' The home occupation provisions of the Zoning Bylaw provide the regulatory context for the types of businesses that are suitable in residential areas. The current Bylaw provisions were revised in 1990 as part of a strategy to encourage growth in that sector of the economy. In summary, under the current provisions, uses are limited in that they are subordinate to the residential use of a lot; that they are enclosed within a building;.. that they can employ only one person who is not a resident of the lot; that uses which are generally "offensive" by reason of negative off-site impacts or by traffic generation are identified and are not permitted (see Appendix 1, Section 402(4 h)). Appendix 1 attached identifies the present regulations affecting home based businesses. The community has had significant success in accommodating home based business. As experience with regulating such businesses has grown, and with the expected increase in working from home, the provisions were due for review. 0 10 home_memi .doc The Home Occupation Subcommittee of the Economic Advisory Committee (EAC) undertook a review of the Zoning Bylaw and put forward recommendations for improvements to the home occupation regulations of Section 402 of the Zoning Bylaw. Staff of the Community and Business Relations Department and Planning Department have reviewed the recommendations and have incorporated appropriate changes into amending bylaws. Attached are theamending bylaws (Appendix 2 and 3) and the current Section 402(4) of the Zoning Bylaw (Appendix 1). The proposed changes are reviewed below. Tourist Accommodation • The Advisory Committee recommended more emphasis on Bed and Breakfast and other Tourist Accommodation uses. Proposed amendments include explicitly defining and allowing Bed and Breakfast use in the. Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) to a limit of 3 units contained within the main dwelling unit. This limit is consistent with Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) policy. Outside of the ALR, Bed and Breakfast use is limited to a certain number of units dependent on lot size (see Section 3(b) of the Bylaw attached as Appendix 2). On lots above 2 hectares, the use is permitted in a second dwelling unit subject to certain conditions (see Section 3(d) of the Bylaw attached as Appendix 2). Floor Space • An increase in the proportion of floor space dedicated to the home occupation from the current 20% and 50 m2 to 30% and 75 m2 in total in urban areas. In rural zones, the proposed increase is from 20% and 50 m2 in total to 50% and 100m2. It was felt an increase in floor space was necessary as some businesses had large space requirements. The floor space issue has not been problematic in neighbourhoods to date. Employees A proposed increase in the number of on-site employees from one to two for parcels in the urban area, and to three for rural parcels zoned RS-2, RS-3 or A. However, if the parcel is in the Agricultural Land Reserve, the home occupations will be limited to 2 employees in accordance with Agricultural Land Commission regulations. The Subcommittee felt that a significant increase in employment could be easily accommodated by a modest increase in the number of employees allowed. Alterations To A Building • The proposed elimination of a prohibition on "internal" alterations to a building. Eliminating the prohibition on "internal" alterations to a building should not be significant as it is the outward appearance of the building in the context of a residential neighbourhood that is important to maintain. Signage . • A proposed increase in the size of home based business signage permitted under the Sign Bylaw from the current 0.1 m2 (1 ft2) to 0.2 m2 (2 ft2). home_meml.doc 2 17-12-99 Increasing the home occupation sign size is a modest proposal and would lead to better visibility while not significantly intruding into the character of a neighbourhood. Goods And Services A proposed rewording of the prohibition against the "sale of goods and products" to include "services". The recommendation states that there should be a prohibition on "services" as well as on the "sale of goods or products" and staff can recommend the amendment, as certain "services" are explicitly allowed as Home Occupations in the phraseology in Subsection (4)(h)(v), (vi), (viii), (x), and (xi), but others are to be prohibited. CONCLUSION: The propOsed changes to the Home Occupation provisions of the Zoning Bylaw are reasonable and should provide for the on-going success of businesses based from home. The current and proposed provisions are generally consistent with many of our neighbouring Municipalities. It is recommended that Maple Ridge Sign Amending Bylaw No. 586 1-1999 and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5860-1999 be given first reading and that the Zone amending bylaw be sent to the next Public Hearing and. Prepared by: J. B taja, Director, Long/Range Planning APProv\d JAICP, MCIP M: Public Works & Develt)pment Services Concurrence: RobertW. Robertson,AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer home_meml.doc 3 17-12-99 Appendix 1 Extract From Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985 402 REGULATIONS FOR PERMITTED USES OF LAND, BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES (4) Home Occupation Use Where permitted, a Home Occupation use: (a) shall be clearly an accessory use to the use of a dwelling unit or to the residential use of a lot occupied by a dwelling; (b) shall be entirely enclosed within: the dwelling unit; or a building in RS-2, RS-3 or A zones only; (c) shall not occupy more than: 20% of the gross floor area of the dwelling unit up to 50 m 2 in total; or 20% of the gross floor area of the building or buildings up to 50 m 2 in total in all buildings in RS-2, RS-3 or A zones only; (d) shall be conducted by residents of the dwelling unit, except that only one person who is not a resident may be employed on the lot; (e) shall not involve the unenclosed storage or display of raw materials, components, or stock-in-trade; (0 shall not involve internal or external structural alteration to the principal building, and there shall be no exterior indication that the building is used for a purpose other than a residential use except for one sign in accordance with Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw No. 4653-1992; shall not involve more than one vehicle used in connection with the home occupation and no such vehicle shall be in excess of 3630 kg gross vehicle weight; shall not involve: occupations that discharge or emit odorous, noxious or toxic matter or vapours, heat, glare, noise or radiation, or recurrently generated ground vibrations; (ii) occupations that result in traffic congestion, on-street parking, electrical interference, fire hazard or health hazards; the use of mechanical or electrical equipment except as is ordinarily employed in purely domestic and household use or recreational hobbies or office uses; - the salvage, repair, maintenance or sales of motor vehicles or motor vehicle engines or parts; beauty parlour, barber shop, massage parlour and animal grooming service in other than the RS-2, RS-3, A-i, A-2 and A-3 zones; tutoring or lessons for more than two classes per day to a maximum of six students per day; orchestra and band training; office uses that generate regular visits by clients; public assembly use; telephone or mail order sales of goods where customers enter the premises to inspect, purchase or take possession of goods; a family daycare use in the RM2, RM3, RM5, C and CS zones; and sale of goods or products. (i) shall comply with the off-street parking requirements of 'Maple Ridge Off Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990' as amended. Appendix 2 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5860-1999 A bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows: This bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5860-1999". PART 2, INTERPRETATION, is hereby amended by the addition of the "Bed and Breakfast" use definition as follows: "BED AND BREAKFAST use means a Home Occupation business which provides temporary rental accommodation on a daily or weekly basis for a period not to exceed 28 consecutive days." 3. Part 4, Section 402, Regulations For The Permitted Uses Of Land, Buildings And Structures, is amended by: a) deleting Subsection (3), Guest House, and replacing it with the following: "(3) A Tourist Accommodation use on a lot: a) in the Agricultural Land Reserve, without application to the Agricultural Land Commission, shall be either a Bed and Breakfast use limited to 3 sleeping units; or a tent and trailer use limited to a maximum of one unit per 0.4 hectares of lot area to a maximum of 2 units; b) not within the Agricultural Land Reserve shall be either: i) a Bed and Breakfast use limited to: 3 sleeping units on lots less than 0.5 hectares; or 5 sleeping units on lots between 0.5 hectares and 2.0 hectares; or 6 sleeping units on lots greater than 2.0 hectares. ii) a tent and trailer use limited to a maImm of one unit per OA hectares of lot area to a maximum of 2 units; c) shall not include a Boarding Use; d) involving a Bed and Breakfast use shall: be enclosed within the residential dwelling on lots less than 2.0 hectares; or in a separate residential building on lots greater than 2.0 hectares wherein the separate residential dwelling shall have: a maximum height of 4.5 metres; a maximum floor area of 56m2; -(c) setbacks of 4.25 metres from the main residential dwelling, 7.5 metres from any lot line, and not be located in front or side yards; (d) an external appearance of a residential character; 17-12-99 1 - HO ZAB3.doc (e) a resthctive covenant registered on title limiting the use of the secondary residential dwelling to a Bed and Breakfast use and upon the use ceasing, the building shall be removed; and (iii) have a valid business licence." b) deleting Subsection (4),clause (c), and inserting the following: "(c) shall not occupy more than: 30% of the gross floor area of the dwelling unit up to 75 m2 in total; or 50% of the gross floor area of the building or buildings up to 100 m2 in total in all buildings in the RS-2, RS-3 or A zones only;" c) deleting Subsection (4), clause (d) and inserting the following: "(d) shall be conducted by residents of the dwelling unit or lot except that: up to two employees who are not residents of the dwelling unit or lot may be employed on the lot; or up to three employees who are not residents of the dwelling unit or lot may be employed on the lot in RS-2, RS-3 or A zones only except on property in the Agricultural Land Reserve;" d) deleting Subsection (4), clause (f) and inserting the following: "(f) shall not involve external structural alteration to the principal building, and there shall be no exterior indication that the building is used for a purpose other than a residential use except for one sign in accordance with Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw;" e) deleting Subsection (4), clause (h)(v) and inserting the following: "(v) beauty parlour, barber shop, massage parlour and animal grooming service in other than the RS-2, RS-3, and "A" zones." 0 deleting Subsection (4), clause (h)(xii) and inserting the following: "(xii) the sale of goods, products or services on the premises other than those explicitly permitted." 4. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510— 1985 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of A.D. 1999 PUBLIC HEARING held the day of A.D. 2000 READ a second time the day of A.D. 2000 READ a third time the day of A.D. 2000 RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED the day of ,A.D. 2000 17-12-99 2 HO ZAB3.doc Appendix 3 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5861-1999 A bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw No. 4653 - 1992 WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw No. 4653 - 1992 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows: This bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Sign Amending Bylaw No. 5861-1999" Schedule No. 1, All District Zones, Section 12 is hereby deleted and replaced with the following: "12. A home occupation which is permitted by the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw as amended, is permitted one sign of not more than 0.2 square metres (2.15 square feet) in area." Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw No. 4653 - 1992 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of A.D. 199 READ a second time the day of A.D.199 READ a third time the day of A.D. 199 RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 2000 MAYOR CLERK. 17- 12-99 1 sign_i .doc CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 30, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: SUMMARY: To provide the Mayor and members of Council with the Inspection Services Department building statistics for the month of October 1999. RECOMMENDATION: That the Inspection Services Department, building statistics for the month of October 1999 be received for information. Prepared by: J.E.B. Chace, Director of Inspection Services Approve-- -'JakeJ- olph,-AICP,-M•cIP- --- - -. GM: P Works Development Services 1' Concurren e: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer JEBC:vm 09. cao3 Maple Ridge Building Statistics For The Month Of October 1999 Add'n/Repair Total Bldg Type No. of Units New Const Value Const Value Const Value SFD 17 $ 2,554,923 $ 190,978 TWN 0 0 0 APT 0 0 0 DUP 0 0 0 COM 0 0 1,492,300 IND 0 0 56,000 INST 0 0 493,500 $ 5,887,701 TOTAL NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS FOR THE MONTH 895 TOTAL NUMBER OF PERMITS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH 245 Number of units from January 1 - October 31, 1999 SFD 274 $ 40,060,227 $ 4,303,829 TWN 31 2,758,134 0 APT 12 800,000 0 DUP 2 271,100 0 COM 5 4,460,000 4,390,840 IND 4 1,526,170 618,000 INST 4 8,340,300 1,182,000 $70,004,020 Number of units from January 1 - October 31, 1998 SFD 248 $ 38,832,181 $ 3,753,875 TWN 73 6,596,638 0 APT 94 6,821,000 0 DUP 2 296,000 0 COM 5 3,753,875 3,779,304 IND 6 5,281,000 311,500 INST 4 3,580,200 770,000 $ 71,753,398 *** 1998 YEAR END STATISTICS *** SF0 283 44,093 091 TWN 73 6 596,638 4,314345 APT 246 21,720,000. DUP 2 296000 COM 8 7942800 4688204 IND 9 5 345,600 7361500 INST 4 3 580,200 3,216,357 $ 103,068,635 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: December 6, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: SUMMARY: To provide the Mayor and members of Council with the Inspection Services Department building statistics for the month of November 1999. RECOMMENDATION: That the Inspection Services Department, building statistics for the month of November 1999 be received for information. B. Chace, Director of lnpection Services aTJRudol ICJ?,M1 Public Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer JEBC:vm Maple Ridge Building Statistics For The Month of November 1999 Add'n/Repair Total Bldg TVDe No. of Units New Const Value Const Value Const Value SFD 24 $2,949,162 412,583 TWN 0 0 0 APT 0 0 0 DUP 0 0 0 COM 1 60,000 279,000 IND 0 0 0 INST 1 3,179,000 2,000 $ 7,421,745 TOTAL NUMBER OF INSPECTION FOR THE MONTH 957 TOTAL NUMBER OF PERMITS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH 330 Number of units from January 1 - November 30, 1999 SFD 298 $43,009,389 $4,716,412 TWN 31 2,758,134 0 APT 12 800,000 0 DUP 2 271,100 0 COM 6 5,060,000 4,669,840 IND 4 1,526,170 618,000 INST 5 11,519,300 1,184,000 $ 77,425,765 Number of units from January 1 - November 30, 1998 SFD 260 $40,521,781 $4,176,373 TWN 73 6,596,638 0 APT 246 21,720,000 0 DUP 2 296,000 0 COM 7 7,467,800 4,058,004 IND 7 5,284,600 436,500 INST 4 3,580,200 795,000 $ 95,471,796 - 1998 YEAR END STATISTICS ••t SFD 283 44093091 TWN 73 6596,638 4314345 APT 246 21 720,000 DUP 2 296000 COM 8 7,942,800: 4,688,204 IND 9 5,345,600 736,500 INST 4 3,580,200 3,216,357 $ 103,068,635 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: December 15, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/29/98 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/29/98 (10002, 10028 & 10036 - 240 Street) EXECUTIVE SUMIVIARY: An application has been made to rezone the above noted property under the R-3 zone for approximately 75 lots. Challenging physical features of the site and an alternative marketing strategy have prompted design changes to lot geometry and homes from that of previous developments completed under the R-3 zone. II RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ/29198 (for property located at 10002, 10036 & 10028 - 240 Street) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated December 15, 1999 from RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) & RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. Condition to be met prior to first reading: A Public Information Meeting must be held. A development plan including: Neighbourhood context plan; Building elevations for those lots adjacent to the Hill House; Plan for the Tot Lot; - --d) Comprehensiveplanofdevelopmt; e) Road dedication as required. And that prior to final approval the following must be complete: Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; -1- pcj,o a.11 Amendment to Schedule "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan; A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; A statutory right of way plan and agreement must be registered at the Land Title Office: Road dedication as required; Inclusion of the site into Sewer Area "A"; A comprehensive plan of development must be registered at the Land Title Office; A plan for the Tot Lot prepared by a Landscape Architect must be submitted including the security to do the works and provide the equipment; Transfer of the Tot Lot to the District; Rescind all readings to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5522-1997; Comments from the Heritage Advisory Committee. III BACKGROUND: Ray Bourbonnais Jayman Master Builders (BC) Ltd., Sheridan Mews Inc. & Good Fortune Builders Ltd. Lot 51, LMP 36343 & a portion of Lot 5, Plan 18630 and Lot E (Ref Plan 8103), all of Sec. 3, Tp. 12, NIAID Compact Housing (30 upnh) & Compact Housing (40 upnh) Compact Housing RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) & RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) The site is in an emerging urban area. Residential Residential RZ/26/91, RZ/12/96, RZ/18/95, RZ/9/95, SD125/91, SD/40197, SD/31/97, ALR/2/95, ALIRJ7/95, DVP/27/97 & DVP/52/97 Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Previous Applications: IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The development proposal will provide a future road network that will compliment the Albion Neighbourhood Guide Plan. This will include a link from 240 Street through the site to the Country Lane development with additional roads located to allow development of adjacent lands to the -2- north. These will ultimately provide access into the Albion Village centre. The road standards proposed are similar to those used with development to the east and include sidewalks on both sides of the street, separated from the street edge with a tree lined boulevard. The geometry proposed shows lots, including the Hill House lot, fronting Onto 240 Street with access via a lane. The physical and environmental constraints of the site necessitate the elimination of the lane system for the balance of the development site. Lanes are an integral part of the R-3 zone as they afford the opportunity to create an amenity of the street as a means of accommodating the higher densities of the zone. The zone requires direct vehicle access from the street where circumstances necessitate, and this is the case for most of the development site. However, the applicant has requested that a number of internal lots that have lane access be given the opportunity to provide vehicle access directly from the street to allow for consistency of house design in the development. The R-3 zone presently requires that all lots that have a lane adjacent be restricted to vehicle access from that lane. Staff recommend that this requirement be reaffirmed and therefore do not support the applicant's request. The direct access afforded parking garages from the street can potentially impede pedestrians as they use the public sidewalk. To ensure sufficient space for driveway parking so as to minimize the potential for this conflict as well as ensuring sufficient visibility for motorists backing on to the street, it is recommended thatthe minimum of 5.5 metres from the front property line to the garage door be maintained for all lots. This may require an alternative house design for those lots less than 24 m in depth. The development proposes to provide lots ranging from 12.8 m to 14 m in width. The wider lots are to accommodate access to a double garage from the street. The plans submitted propose that the side yards be reduced to 0.61 m from the property line to accommodate an offset for the garage. This set back does not provide adequate separation for the homeowner to do general maintenance along this side yard and staff do not support this reduction. It is recommended that a minimum side yard of 1.2 metres be maintained as per the provisions of the zone. A "tot-lot" is included as part of the development application. It is one of four such parks identified on the Albion Guide Plan for the Village Centre neighbourhood. Detailed design of the tot lot has not been provided at this time but will be required as a condition of final approval. V PLANNING ANALYSIS The site consists of two separate legal parcels, Lot 51 and Lot E, and a small portion of Lot 5, Plan 18630. The Hill House is located on the south east corner of the development site. This building was identified as having historic value during consideration of a previous application for this property. That application proposed to construct a multi-family development, incorporating elements of the Hill House architecture in a block of units fronting 2401h Street. While this proposal is for single-family development, a similar approach is possible and recommended. This proposal should be forwarded to the Heritage Advisory Committee for comment prior to final approval, and comments from the Committee could be included in the comprehensive development plan for the site. Since the previous proposal involved a different development concept, bylaws originally considered under the previous proposal will need to be rescinded prior to final approval of this application. -3- The tot-lots required by this form of development are meant to provide two distinct areas of play. One area accommodates fixed play equipment and seating for adults; the second is an open area accommodating informal games. The park is meant primarily for the enjoyment of children aged 3- 5 but will accommodate ages up to 7. This form of development recognizes the need for such facilities as a consequence of the higher residential densities being permitted. In order to be accessible to the intended age group, they must be located within five minutes walking distance of any residence, which equates to within approximately 400 metres of a residence. Objectives for the design of these tot-lots include the provision of sufficient space to accommodate the intended need, limiting the potential for conflicts between users and neighbouring residences and providing substantial visibility to the park effectively identifying it as a focal point for the neighbourhood. The location proposed in this plan could better address these objectives as a site that was contiguous to the existing parkiands that are part of Albion Brook. Some work should be undertaken to explore this possibility. The R-3 zone requires a comprehensive plan of development be registered on title as a condition of zoning the property. This requirement recognizes need for greater care in the design of the development necessitated by the increased densities being achieved. The purpose of greater emphasis on design is to create an amenity from public space for the neighbourhood and ensure that private space is provided. The comprehensive plan of development therefore provides siting information that is derived from specific building designs and site characteristics as well as information regarding the general form and character of the residences to be constructed. Official Community Plan Schedule B Schedule B of the Official Community Plan designates the Hill House site Single Family Residential (15 upnh) and the remainder of the site at Compact Housing (30upnh) and Compact Housing (40 upnh). The development is in compliance with the designations. Development Permit Area XXX The site will be subject to Development Permit Area XXX. The applicant will be required to apply for a Development Permit and post the necessary security for environmental protection at the subdivision stage. As well any works in or around a watercourse will require approval of the Ministry of Environment, Water Management Branch under Section 9 of the Water Act. Development Permit Area A Development Permit under Section 879 of the Municipal Act will be required in support of this development. The purpose of this Permit is to recognize design solutions for the development that are required to ensure protection of the natural environment that may not address specific requirements of the zoning regulations. These requirements would pertain to lot dimensions, building siting and road standards where necessary. This proposal specifically seeks to provide lots that are generally wider than those required by the zone but also shallower than required. Specific home designs and the siting of them are included as part of the Development Permit application that are intended to address the siting requirements that result. Council review and approval of the Development Permit would be required in advance of subdivision approval. The road standard proposed for this development is the same as that used in other areas of the Albion area where reduced right of way width and pavement width have been approved. The Engineering Department has advised that they are prepared to support the same standards for this development. They include: - collector road right of way at 18.6 m; - collector road right of way providing for 1.2 in separated sidewalks; - lane right of way width at 6 m; - lane pavement width at 5.6 m; - local urban pavement width .8 m. The performance of this alternative standard is being monitored by the Engineering Department. VI SERVICING CONCERNS: The Engineering Department has advised that all the services required to support the developrent do not exist to the site. It will therefore be necessary for the applicant to enter into a Rezoning Development Agreement and post security to extend the required services. This requirement applies to all three lots included in the development. Servicing corridors will need to be protected with statutory rights of way and associated agreements as a condition of final reading. 240 Street is an arterial road. A condition of zoning will be to dedicate a right-of-way to achieve a 26m width. This requirement impacts all three lots involved in this application. It must be determined from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways if any additional right-of-way is required in support of the Lougheed Highway/240 Street intersection; The Ministry must also approve the Zone Amending Bylaw under Section 54 of the Highways Act prior to final reading. A number of other issues raised in this report will be considered in greater detail at the subdivision stage as well as through the Development Permit process. At that time Council will review conditions of Development Permit Area XXX as to environmental issues and Development Permit Area XXXVII for geometry, servicing and setback issues as they relate to the subdivision. Several servicing issues will be addressed at the subdivision stage including sewer capacity, culvert capacity under the Lougheed Highway. -5- VII CONCLUSION: The development proposal supports the Albion Guide Plan and provides streets which link through from 240 Street to the Country Lane development. The density is within that allowed in the Official Community Plan. It is recommended that this application be supported and forwarded to Public Hearing subject to addressing the issues raised in this report. Prepared by: Planning_Technician Prepared by: Moreno Rossi,'ICI Registered Planner r, P. EnV/ of Cury6p( Planning Approved by:/ Terry Dir/ 61 Approved V. ie .J ,,çlJ/GM: AICP, MCIP rks & Development Services Concurrence Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer GP/sg/bjc ;IRS+2HrIi 000> P27 4 14 - 0403 ha P 2534 253 / t.MP 27081 4 44) — C P 1108 REA Rem 1 RW71204 71204 RW 71204 F P 48317 - 3-.\N. 2 P 6254 PARK e.nz P. LMP 35728 Rom I LMP35918 102 AVE fS -2 36 I - PP004 C 1 8 A 11 12 3 14 15 B A 21 30 01 32 W 1/2 of 2 2 01 14 P 128 (P 19526) (P 19526) (P 19526) P 19526 - r ha 8 )JPCLG , 201 (J) C RS-2 P 30 186 PROPERTE P39561 P126 5 0 i I 'RP64270 RP 8103 1 2 J, -;S_3 I- SUBJECT PROPERTIES SHOWING CURRENT ZONING CORPORATION OF THE I 0 MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 VAMMM FDRAWN BY: T.M. DEC. 20, 1999frnLE: RZ-29-98 -- / / - .; / •7 I I — 41 60 70 N. NOTE 11: w r noo on.ovp oa no .o, .nOE'I 10 - I / rO /,C\ j4 "JAYMAN SITE 4" / ' ---- damax consultants ltd. 3862w. 14th avenue, vancouver v6r 2w9 tel. 224-6827 fax.222-9240 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: December 10, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/35/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw Nos. 5842-1999 & 5843-1999 (23853 Dewdney Trunk Road) SUMMARY: This development proposal is to permit construction of a gas bar, convenience store with residence, and a commercial building. Council gave favorable consideration to the above noted application on August 101h 1999. However, first Reading to the Zone Amending and Official Community Plan Amending Bylaws was deferred on September 2 1st, 1999, pending a staff report recommending development standards for commercial development abutting residential districts. This development proposal has subsequently been amended to address concerns expressed by neighbouring residents and complies with or exceeds the requirements for commercial development in a residential neighbourhood as recommended by staff. The applicant has addressed all other conditions prior to presentation at Public Hearing. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5842-1999 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5843-1999 be given First Reading. DISCUSSION: Over the past year Council has heard varidus concerns regarding the development of commercial projects adjacent to designated residential neighbourhoods. As a result Council requested a report be prepared with policy recommendations to ensure all service commercial applications are considered on an equitable basis. The Planning Department has prepared a report for Council's consideration that identifies the issues and makes recommendation to best address Council's concerns. This report will be presented for consideration at the Council/Staff meeting on January 4, 1999. The following is a discussion of the recommendations and other issues identified in this memo and how the applicant intends to address these concerns. Recommendations from the Service Commercial Memo: Provision of a 3.0 metre landscape strip for service commercial uses adjacent to designated residential uses. The current proposal indicates there will be a 6.0 metre lane separating the uses along the north property line. The applicant has deleted the drive through component for the restaurant and 01.0205* shows the area that was drive aisle as a landscaped buffer strip greater than 3.6 metres in width along the commercial building north elevation. that the landscape screen provide a visual barrier between service commercial uses and adjoining designated residential uses. Within the buffer strip described above, a 7.0 ft. high closely planted landscape screen of evergreens is proposed on the site plan adjacent to the commercial building. for service commercial uses adjoining designated residential uses that drive though uses be located to the interior of a property, and be buffered by the principal building. The drive through component for the restaurant has been deleted from this application. Hours of Operation The Applicant has offered to restrict the hours of operation for the gas bar from 6:00am to 10:00pm. Parking The proposal is for 35 parking stalls, which is one greater than is required in the parking bylaw. Development Permit Area and Design Guidelines A condition of this rezoning application is to include this site in Development Permit Area XXXII for service commercial use. The guidelines for this area are: Building and siting must ensure adequate site circulation, safe access to public streets and proper orientation to adjoining residential uses. Particular attention should be made to the image presented to the streetfront. Streetfront landscaping will incorporate street trees for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of public space. A well-defined pedestrian access to the commercial use will be provided from the public sidewalk Design will ensure that pedestrian use is given precedence over vehicular use. Building design will mimic recent residential construction in the neighbourhood. Parking areas may be limited to the requirements of the accessory residential use. Attached to this memo is a copy of the first reading memo that was deferred by Council on September 1999. The development plans have recently been amended with revisions to vehicular access from Dewdney Trunk Road. The Advisory Design Panel comments are also included with this memo. IWM Since all of the requirements prior to first reading have been met, it is recommended that 1" reading be given to the subject bylaws. As indicated in the land use memo dated July 27th 1999, notice will be given that final approval to rezone this property will also include Council approval to allow the overhead wires on Dewdney Trunk Road to remain adjacent to this site. This notice will eliminate the need for issuance of the Development Variance Permit. Prepared by: Bruce G. McLeod, ISA Certified Arborist Landscape/Planning Technician Approved by:ry Øer, P. Eng. / Di'ctor of Currof Rudolph, MCIP Approved Public,)'rks & Development Services ,/ / I L L - Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer WIE ul) 14 12 12 P 82308 13 Remi .- 14 12069057 Q4T 12081 1 LM H8H7j I 16 A 2090°- Rem P j12055 d. 'A' S-lb I20BAVE oo I LMP30402 5 6 7 8 9 L 1 j'98 - LM 30403 P-6 C C C - LMP 0403 a-- 28 IJBJECT PROPERTY I a- J RS-3 Rem PcI. 2 of Pd. A 27 30401 11 LM ____ 1119952 ' Rem1_______ 1 I,', Z11J10 11991 I P 7572 26 RD 1T 11979 30 29 28 27,/ _________ r..Ir r- ___ 13 I 11980 Rem I EPt590 119831 C.3 ________ 1 Ica 1 1g88 R3ll96l I ______ ____ 2 11971 ___________ A RemA 119 AVI 119B AV,/2g P85134 i I Cl) 11970 RS-3 R _____________ Q__11959 11978 cal _______ 15 LMP8O6 P 1676 P 1676 ____ —II 11949 I __________ 15 I 5 I 20 21 24 ________ 11966 I 11943 ____________ ___________ I P7272 22 23 / 119B AVE 11950 Rem _____ 5co a- 14 6 11938 _______ W1/2 CM CM 6 - b 11940 a- 2 - a, T1T1 I 19 11932 18 21- 11939 - 11930 UJ uj co a- a-17 ______ ______ E C 13 11931 I11 11923 11926 17 J/19283 27 8 LP11 P161 I, cu ,1Iô2Ir.3,..1[n2Ia13 111942 9 11920 . io ,_-' 11930 11915 16 CM 1TiTf Y4 I 11917 I I I 10 11914 r-. 9 I 19 15 CM ____ 11909 i. _____ 'tl9A AVE 11908 14 a- - Q 20 Ia I U 13 1144 LAP141 LMP8051'4 UP 7 6 2i 1OMP4 5 16 11 / 1 ; 2 3l32, 11903 119 A 11906 a- Zf 7 1185 79N- _____ _______ 1188o 3- I 2 N SILVOt j IH _ THE DISTRICT OF _ CORPORATION OF PLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE ,or*ted 12, Sgtambsr, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE: 1:2,500 KEY MAP ______ FDATE. Jun 16 1999 FILE: BY: J5 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5842- 1999 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5842-1999." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: - Lot 28, Section 21, Township 12, Plan LMP30403, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1219 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to CS-i (Service Commercial). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the 199. MAYOR A.D. 199. A.D. 199. A.D. 199. ,A.D. 199. dayof CLERK A.D. I, LMP 39851 /2111 17 1336 ho 133 ho TO 30404 (LMP o 13 7ho 1207; 10 3 ,209' 12074 12073 20?1 12070 2069 1208 _ LM ,2080 r'i 7 6 5 16' 15 J_J_J__ 12073 120 B AVE 120 8 AVE. - 1T[2 0 0 985 232425 0. J[J 03 8408 - .c. TEL005 0 LMP 30403 1/ Rem PcL 2 of N. PcI. A 0. 27 28 I EP 1 734 04 CL 0.481 ha 0.459 ho / 0 - P 82308 Rem 1 Rem PcI. 'A 2 29 ho LMP 30402 LM 27920 72573 16374 LMP 3333LMP 3166 i P 2572 LI 12 l l3029 ______ 1590 229 2 (D13rn P 55134 '198810 16 1/95 1198 AVE.. 14 I 1 1(1 P1978 _______ N 24, / co is__j \ 15 1194 5 202i / JJ 10 "956 1194. 22 23 N o. N 119 B AVE. 14 04 6 /1938 21 0. Uj 1194 16 _____ /193. 1/932 402 00 13 _____ 18 ,' /, j0. 17 8 1 1942 ____ "92 g 1'926 17 F9 18 p192 _ /1930 CN ________ 1 / 6 10 10 - V9 1 16 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5842-1999 Map No. 1219 From: RS-3(One Famfly Rural ResidenUal To: CS—i (Service Commercial) LMP 30401 DEWDNEY TRUNK RD. RP 84994 , Rem A 3 .417 h 526 4 (0 - Rem A LMP 806 P 167 TO P 1676 ,, /950 SN Rem N W 1/2 . 0 11940E- 0. LMP 1642 2 - I"93° LM 1144 LM 1641 98 01 - LMP 1145 06 LMP4613 IL \r7 MAPLE RIDGE A Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1.2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5843 - 1999. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A' & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5843 - 1999." Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XXXII in the Appendix: Lot 28, Sec. 21, Tp. 12, Plan LMP30403, NWD That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 28, Section 21, Township 12, Plan LMP30403, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 583, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby designated as Development Permit Area XXXII (2) on Schedule Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 199 PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 199 READASECONDT!MEthe dayof A.D. 199. READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. 199 . RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK — 1 LMP 39851 I 17 12111 1.336 ho. 1.33 he MP 30404 LO 208. P 82308 0.537 ho. 2 Reml - 12069 V 1,42087 1205 LM 3043 12 00 8 7 Rem PcI. 'A 6 5 N 15 N I!jj1e : I I 205 2.29 he 0 120 B AVE. B AVE. — _______ 0 01 0 PO I I 23I24l25[I CL LMP 30402 LMP 30k03 I —J F - L0Cd CD N LMP 30403 Rem PcI. 2 of PcI. A ...j 27 28 EP 1734 0.481 he 0.459 h JOEWDNEY 04 0 CL LMP46l3 V7 LMi 27920 LMP 30401 RW 72573 TRUNK RD. 16374 LMP 333LMP 3166 RP 84994 ' lo / I 1 . P 2572 12 i l 1 1301 29 28 27 Rem i 1197 _________ '18'41 EP1590 to 2 29 2 I ___ c.,i ____ ,J Rem _________ P 'o A 1199 AVE. 1 l 3 16 1195 N\ I I .417 h .526 h (C) 4 ff960 r. 15 N 4 RemA ml LMP 806 k 167 P 1676 N 15 5 i20 21 Rem N 1198 AVE. 11966 I ff9 P 74572 122 23 Nj ' Co ('1 1W 1 /21 14 6 ,,9j8 LU Q..J N) 119411 11940 19 I 16 I 6 2 I , / 11954 o_ I 7 2'j 1930 (Ui LMP 1642 E E ____________________ I_______ ____ 13 /o.. 17 CL 18 ___________ a, Q LMt 11144 LM 1 1 8 , Ff92. 1,926 17 / /u92j I1192?l J 98 ff920 t19J0I 16 1f9' C14 ,,,, 4 kLMP "9'4 /J /cog I I ..j. 1145 I MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5843-1999 Map No. 583 PURPOSE: TQ DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA XXXII(2) ;% mant, ~m~Q Al MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 12500 jr / CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDG.E TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: September 8th 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/35199 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw Nos. 5842-1999 & 5843-1999 (23853 Dewdney Trunk Road) SUMMARY: This development proposal is to permit the construction of a gas station, convenience store with residence, and commercial building with drive through access. C(3uncil gave favourable consideration to the above noted application on August [O 1999 with the stipulation that prior to being presented at a Public Hearing, the following would be complied with: Comments from the Advisory Design Panel. The comments from the August 26' 1999 meeting are attached. A Public Information Meeting must be held. This meeting was held on August 24 1999 and the following is the staff summary of the meeting. The public information meeting was well attended by thirty members of the public. Concerns expressed at that meeting focused on: I) neighbouring residents opposed to the change in use (to commercial), 2) concerns over an increase in traffic on residential streets as a result of this development some residents in attendance were prepared to accept the change in use provided they have, the opportunity to restrict some uses on site and make changes to the proposed plan with respect to vehicle access. there was also a concern that the notice for the meeting was not delivered to enough area residents. Subsequent review of the mail out area was confirmed as having met the requirements for notice of a Public Hearing. In response to the above noted concerns, we offer the following comments. This site is designated for Service Commercial use on the Official Community Plan (OCP), as are lands to the west of the site fronting on Dewdney Trunk Road. With respect to concerns of increased traffic generated by this new use, the intention is to construct a lane from 238B to 237th Street to accommodate the service commercial traffic. This will provide access between these uses and avoid additional traffic load on adjacent residential streets. This lane will also provide a greater separation between the residential use to the north and the proposed service commercial use. Access to this site is provided at two points; from the lane and from a sidewalk crossing on 238B Street. It is the desire of staff to limit access to these locations to reduce the potential for conflicts with pedestrians and reduce the impact on Dewdney Trunk Road. The current proposal indicates that there will not be an access off of Dewdney Trunk Road, only an exit for westbound traffic. A traffic signal at 238B Street and Dewdney Trunk Road will be installed at an appropriate future date. The applicant has not determined the tenants for the commercial building or the type of drive through business. A gas retailer has also not been determined at this time. 3) Fully dimensioned development plan showing the following: Neighbourhood context plan; Site plan; Building elevations; Landscape concept; Subsequent to the Advisory Design Panel and Pubic Information Meeting the applicant has made the following changes and revisions to the plans attached to this memo. addition of speed bumps at the vehicle entry points to limit the speed of vehicles entering and exiting the site. a site context plan showing the relationship of the site to existing residential uses. a site section showing the proposed building height in relation to existing houses. The above has been received and it is recommended that jg reading be given to the subject bylaws. As indicated in the land use memo dated July 27 1999, notice will be given that final approval to rezone this property will also include Council approval to allow the overhead wires on Dewdney Trunk Road to remain adjacent to this site. This will eliminate the need for issuance of a Development Variance Permit. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5842-1999 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5843-1999 be given First Reading. 4//il/I. 11.i4cLeod, ISA Certified Arborist Landscape/Planning Technician R. W. Robertson, MCIP, AICP Chief Administrative Officer h, MCIf A1CP Manager: Public Works and Development Services -2- Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Meeting Thursday, August 26, 1999 RZ-35-99 • Applicant: Gordon Klassen • Proposal: Retail/Restaurant and Convenience/Service Station • Location: 238B Street and Dewdney Trunk Road RESOLUTION: It was duly MOVED and SECONDED that the following resolution be passed: The Advisory Design Panel expressed overall support for the project, with the following recommendations: Given that the use is undefined at this time, the Panel approves the attempt to blend with the residential design of the neighbourhooiL Consider a pedestrian or vehicle cross access immediately to the west of this site. Consider better pedestrian access to the commercial building off 238B Street and consider a corner pedestrian access into the site. The Panel would like the opportunity to see this project again prior to Development Permit, once the uses are more defineiL ConsidEr low level lighting for parking lot areas to prevent light pollution into the residential areas. Consider a left-turn bay off Dewdney Trunk Road onto 238.8 Street Consider changing the concrete block to brick or cultured stone to blend in with materials used in the neighbourhooiL 11 iiIiiIiuI / / Imodpm I- z LU 0 0 —J Ui > Ui 0 _4. z — D U cc I-. Ui z - rx o 411k 00044/002 SITE PLAN SITE SECTION 23 9744406 ____________________________ 48 9744406 2 97ACF9 sale 1116.I'-O' 39 SPACES dOS NOV. II 1999 4 AL/C SPACES duos 4436 dTeCkS Jabl.6. 9903 Al 66066148 / 42 -LJLLJLJ 1205 AVENUE site lines architeclLrt Inc 1604911. C44WIlLIl4. IC. On PC 1.4604)116-117) 144604)676-1163 R- 3 SEIDENTIAL Ij (I /I L- ll I C'. MAINTENANCE. BUILDING DEWDNE'r TRUNK ROAD RES-IB [ RE5-I5 RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL 6YPP8I8 CMC AOO 23699 DEWtgy TJ IWAV La? cooe., L1641. 0111111C111111"M LOT 26 TEC 2 T132, PL4N Il1•30403 66T4IL 640L060 10 50 FT 6620'6 lilitiXI 66-3 TO CO.) C00C004DaE5T066eL4LDTC. 4100 S FT RI 4111111161AWA6 - TOTaL. 66)0 SQ FT. '0014 * LEST ,e.r - 'TAX A)LOlLED, 40 * FAST - 60.046 26.3' 14 ' 100V)000 661060 PT / 4.420 Ta FT 2— 6648.0669.466.44 Ell 6*48641W StOtfl* flaiL OJ1LOT04. bOSS 50 FT. . 29'-3 25'-O C04L*NEFLCA 51066 54AL0069, 210050 FT. WI AA 665100700, 400 5071 60088 48840 SQ P. TOtAL, 0)30 TaFT. SET. 4430 SOFT. PCI* COOS 6614)4. 54414.050 22 SIACES 44040. ST, 48 SeACES 665107500; 2 WACES TOTA4 34 97/44409 8 41 P / h ii ii .. H site lines rchile(IurI i n( In., I&nt.* .c vu I EAST ELEVATION - CONVENIENCE STORE15IDENCE SOUTH ELEVATION - CONVENIENCE 5TOREJ8IDEHCE UE&T ELEVATION - CONVENIENCE STO/RESIOENCE NORTH ELEVATION - CONVENIENCE STORE1RESIDENCE I- z lii C- 0 -J Ui > Ui Ui z - F-' U rn 01 lid. £LEVATIONS ,c.I. iIf.IV d SUT-1411195 liJL du )bvu 9903 A3 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: December 14, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: DVP171/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: DVP/71/99 12791/93 228A Street I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Development Variance Permit application has been received under Section 922 of the Municipal Act. It is this section of the Municipal Act that permits the local government to consider issues and variances to certain local bylaws under a Development Variance Permit application. This application is requesting a variance to the Zoning Bylaw for the following: Setback requirements for front and year yard; Common wall requirements for a Two Family Residential Use. Staff support the applicants request. II RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/71/99 respecting property located at 12791/12793 228A Street will be considered by -1 Council at the January 25th, 2000 meeting. III BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: Variances Requested.to the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw Zone: IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION George Lesiczka Yaletown Enterprises Ltd. Lot A, Sec. 20, Tp. 12, Plan LMP29025, NWD Sec. 402(5); 601(c); and Part 2 Interpretations (Front Lot Line) RT-1 (Two Family Urban Residential) The subject property is a zoned duplex lot situated on the south west corner of 128 Avenue and 228A Street. The applicant wishes to front the proposed residences towards 228A Street and o9.0 ~. C) 4 separate them to create an appearance of two separate homes attached by an architectural feature on the second level. V PLANNING ANALYSIS Council Policy The Policy dealing with duplexes was introduced in 1993. The purpose was to ensure that: main living areas were located on the ground level; the design would provide for private yard space; iii), the front face of the duplex would not be dominated with a garage; iv) the access would not be dependent upon a secondary highway. This Policy has generally provided guidelines for the design of duplexes since 1993, and required the registration of a Restrictive Covenant to ensure that the duplex was constructed according to the above noted guidelines. However, the policy does not address neighbourhood context and this proposal seeks to be more compatible with other residences in the neighbourhood Design Control The lot area was created and zoned prior to the Duplex Guildelines in 1993 and was not subject to the current duplex policy. It is, however, the subject of an exterior design control Covenant which was registered at the Land Title Office at the time of subdivision. This Covenant requires that all building design in the subdivision be approved by a designer to ensure that it compliments the neighbourhood. Variance Requested i) Front, Rear and Exterior Yard Setbacks Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw, Section 601 C concerns itself with regulations for the size shape and siting of buildings. The duplex zone (RT-1) requires that the building be set back: from the 7.5 m from the front and rear lot line; 4.5 m from the exterior side lot line; and 1.5 m from the interior side lot line. In the case of this corner lot, the front lot line as defined in the Zoning Bylaw (definition attached) is 128 Avenue (the narrowest lot dimension) and 228A Street is the exterior side yard. The applicant is requesting several siting relaxations that would allow the duplex to face 228A Street and reduce the exterior side yard along 128 Avenue by one metre. Figure 1 provides a schematic drawing of the required and requested siting and the context of neighbouring lots. -2- Figure 1 =\ 775 Fzz114 REQUESTED VARIANCE Staff support this variance as it is consistent with the siting criteria for neighbouring lots. ii) Section 402 (5) states that both dwelling units shall be contained within one structure sharing a common roof and shall either: share a common wall or walls for a minimum length of 15% of the tOtal perimeter dimension; be sited one above the other. The applicant is asking to separate the buildings to provide two separate homes connected only by an architectural feature on the second storey. Staff support the requested variance as it will allow the resulting building mass to be consistent with other homes on this block. It is recommended that the design be subject to the approval of the Advisory Design Panel with specific reference to the use of the architectural feature as a common building element. VI DISCUSSION: This proposal attempts to address the neighbourhood context by; Siting the residences in manner that is consistent with other residences in the neighbourhood Designing each residence to appear as separate units, thereby ensuring the building mass of each is consistent with other residences on the block. In order to achieve these supportable objectives a number of variances to the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw are required. -3- This proposal points to some deficiencies in the current policy for duplex design. Specifically, the policy presently does not require design compatibility with the balance of the neighbourhood. Further, as design review for multifamily and commercial projects is currently referred to the Advisory Design Panel, the Panel's review of design proposals for duplex residences would also be useful, in particular with reference to compatibility with existing neighbourhood design. In response to this concern, a proposed amendment to the Duplex Policy is attached for Council's consideration. VII CONCLUSION: Staff recommend that Council support several variances to the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw, Section 601 C and Section 402 5 with the requirement that the application be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel prior to a Building Permit being issued. Staff also recommend that the attached amended Duplex Policy be approved. Prepared by: Gay Por Planning Technician Approved by: Ty Fy(P. Eng. Jbire6tcjof Current ake J. Rudolfr'AICP, MCII' GM: Publi6Works & Development Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer -4- __ KS,iI<M I I P 64698 P2711 I o _ a.I 12850 17C3' 38 W1/211 W 12844 I \ 12841 I > I 27 12831I'.j 12832 Iz 12832 hi 18 I 13 _ 2 28 23 ___ 12821i ___ 5 1 12835 I 12822 I \Rs_ P2280 I P19b54 l4 19 P 19054 I 12 I P14143 1 2,I 30 29j 2212 1 I c.'l_I Co I I Co I I I 1 Co I I I j C'4 'I c' CbI4 I. 0) I I I ici ic'i I I I 20 I 11 I a. I______ ___ LMP 4909 LMP 4909 128 VC 12796 SUBJECT_PROPERTY 20 21 51 52 1 . . Co ID 12797 12798 12799 1 2792 ____________ ____ 22 12790 12789 12786 P12783 19 2 - RS-3 12782 ____ ____ ____ ____ 23787 12778 48 12779 47 12776 C D 51 52 R -2 53 ____ 18 hi ______ 12779 12772 24 — 12770 12769 12766 C 17 12771 F S- 4 12771 12762 25 12760 12759 _4 12756 D Cl) 12763 44 43 5 12757 P4079 - 16 26 P31 36 12752 12750 12749 15 27 \ 12753 41 42 12742 \ 1122 12732 12747 12740 12733 .1 28 14LMP 40 39 4909 LMP 35902 12737 5 29 12730 12729 I I I I I I I •3 12724 A 12727 30 12720 12717 LMP3757 1 o 12719 36 35 12718 12710 12709 112712 0. - 12711 34 c 2 32 —J LMP 14909 C\I ___ \LMP362a LMP 1P7 - 12703 L127 4 _j 127 AVE DO 01 12 2/21 / 22 / cD717 CIO 8 7 6,, Co 12671 1670 23 - CN C4 19 r 12669 12655 126B AVE 28 24 18 25 12/13j14l15 1617 —i 12643 12631 / LMP 1 973- 26 - - I P63621 P6262 - 1(0. /'a 12610 N (1 12791-228 AST CORPORATION OF woo 0. 98 0 KEY MAP HLEDVPI71I99BYJB 12636 I I l DD 03 53I54h55h56h57 58 59 60 12710 J_ _M__ LM 1270 r 2 r r IN 127PL I2678 0 ' 10 9 8 7 6 LIVIP 1270 B P 23424 - - P22339 Rem 4 P 5430 Rem 3 P 5430 A RP 22408 a- 55 46 _ - I1 : I Front Elevation aKcJ1•bQM CONSThUCON ADDRESS Wce Reoge B C PROPOSED FAMILY DWELLP G S:temDe 1999 SHEET I OF 3 j LEGAL DESCRIPflON: LOT A. DEN fi UTILIT'T L---7— — — J V GARAGE 174z198 0 0 PATIO • - - FAMILY ROOM 152id46 KITcHEN UP -: fl4.lIe I I II I 1Tr * . -I •1 DINING ROOM II 4x 100 PcH o 0 PATIO II I.48.8 DEN 98116 FAMILY ROOM - - 152z14'N U11IJT'Y 11 I I KITOIEN 510*62 J -. I—.-- up = DINING ROOM Ii 41QO rOYER OPO4 *40W GARAGE PORGI 37-6 . 8-0 - 37*-6 TOTAL UVNG AEA 2,723 50. PT TOTAL UVNG AA 2.7 50 Main Floor - (404) 424-4422 MODIC Rage. B.C. 1999 PROPOSED FAMILY DWELLING SHEET: 2 OF 3 1 .ot 2 LOZ9• 38 C 31.018 11.430 1 2.438 11.430 I 7.- Sr-pAck —I- PEG?OLNWI *2 BUILDING FOOTPRINT BUILDING FOOTPRINT AREA: 180.8 sc.rn AREA: 180.3 s.m lu = ---- GAR-----1 DBL GARAGE DBL AGE I .. -. L PORCH - —•; - - 7 SCT-BACX CONSTRUCI1ON ADDRESS: Maple Ridge, B.C. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT A. Lot A 228 A STREET PROPOSED FAMILY DWELLING 0 74 DATE: SepternDer 8. 1999 Scale: 1:150 Site Plan (604) 826-4822 SHEET: 3 OF 3 Lot B uJ z co LU > 4 rrrserq CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TITLE: DUPLEX AUTHORITY: EFFECTIVE DATE: POLICY NO APPROVAL: POLICY STATEMENT: Any rezoning application to permit construction of duplexes will be considered, provided the following conditions are met: The subject property meets the requirements of the Zoning Bylaw with respect to parcel size and geometry. The parcel is not dependent on a secondary highway for access. The proposal meets the design criteria established for duplex development. Two storey duplex units should be constructed so that the main living area is ground oriented. The garage should not be the most prominent feature on the fronting street and the total frontage for the garages should not exceed 50% of the total building front. New That a Neighbourhood Context Plan be provided. - That the Advisory Design Panel review the building proposal prior to a Building Permit being issued. 3691 FINISHED FLOOR AREA means the sum of the internal floor area of each storey (excluding basements) in a dwelling unit measured between the internal finished surface of the exterior walls excluding balconies, sundecks, carports, and any accessory residential structures and where the internal surfaces are of those interior finishes as defined in Section of Maple Ridge Building By-law No. 2062 - 1973 as amended. 4790 FLOOR SPACE RATIO means the figure obtained when the Gross Floor Area of all the buildings on a lot is divided by the area of the lot except any portion of a storey used for parking purposes, unless such parking is a principal use. FRONT LOT LINE means the lot line or lines conunon to the lot and fronting street, or where there is more than one fronting street, the lot line or lines common to the lot and the fronting street towards which the narrowest dimension of the lot is flanking. GROSS FLOOR AREA means the total area of all the floors, measured to the extreme outer limits of the building, including all dwelling units and all areas giving access thereto such as corridors, hallways, landings, foyers, staircases and stairwells. Enclosed balconies and mezzanines, enclosed porches or verandas, elevator shafts and accessory buildings (except those used for parking) shall also be included. GROUP HOUSING means a block of three or more individually attached family dwelling units located on a single lot in the form of clusters, rows or groups, where each dwelling unit, whicli may be separated from its neighbour by a floor, has its own individual external access, shares one or more party wells, and with each dwelling unit having its own separate patio gardens and/or sharing a common courtyard. 4453 HEIGHT means the greatest vertical distance measured from a plane parallel to the finished ground elevation adjoining each exterior wall to the highest point of the building or structure. 5794 HIGHWAY means any street, road, lane, trail, bridge, viaduct and any other way open to the use of the public. 4700 HOME OCCUPATION means a business accessory to the use of a dwelling unit or to the residential use of a lot occupied by a dwelling. 5680 HOUSING AGREEMENT means an agreement under Section 905 of the Municipal Act. 5794 INDOOR COMMERCIAL RECREATION - means a use wholly enclosed within a building providing for members of the public to engage in recreational activities as participants rather than spectators. 4838 INDUSTRIAL, EXTRACTION means a use providing for the extraction and storage of sand, gravel, minerals and peat. 4838 INDUSTRIAL use means a use providing for the processing, fabricating, assembling, storage, transporting, distributing, wholesaling, testing, servicing, repairing, wrecking, or salvaging of goods, materials or things and the selling of heavy industrial equipment; includes the operation of truck terminals, docks, railways, bulk loading and storage facilities. 4838 INDUSTRY, LIGHT means an industrial use which is wholly enclosed within a building or buildings. INTERIOR SIDE LOT LINE means the lot line or lines, not being the front or rear lot line, common to more than one lot or to the lot and a lane. -4- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: December 14, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/5 1/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: CPO*I*I SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 5857-1999 & 5858-1999 (23688 Kanaka Way) SUMMARY: This development proposal is to create approximately 25 residential lots. As reviewed in the attached land use report, property located on the west side of Horseshoe Creek is proposed for CD-1-93 zoning and the land situated on the east side of Horseshoe Creek is proposed for RS-lb zoning. Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5857-1999 proposes to add Development Permit Area XXXVIII and designate the property within this DPA. DPA XXXVIII is being introduced to the Official Community Plan to deal with development of lands that are adjacent to environmentally sensitive areas and have limited and restrictive potential due to topographic constraints and existing developments. In this case the creek crossing was eliminated, resulting in an alteration to the neighbourhood guide plan. As a consequence, 110 Avenue will turn north to Kanaka Way, parallel to Horseshoe Creek. The parcel depth between this road and the proposed "Park" boundary is approximately 22 m. The proposed RS-lb zone requires a minimum depth of 27 m, but this DPA will permit, through specific guidelines andobjectives, some latitude in the minimum geometry requirements in order to protect the adjacent watercourse. Council gave favourable consideration to the above noted application October 26, 1999 with the stipulation that prior to being presented at a Public Hearing, the following would be complied with: 1) Fully dimensioned subdivision plan showing the location of Horseshoe Creek top of bank and 15 metre setback from the top of bank. The above has been received and it is recommended that 1st reading be given to the subject bylaw. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5857-1999 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5858-1999 be given First Reading. Prepared by: Dave Stevenson Planning Technician Approved by: Fryer, Planning roved by: dp" \JLçj AICP, MCII' Vorks 8&, Development Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson,' AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer DS/sg V •IRMRLUWIN4I IWiilihI)IHIWM 11 oc PROPOSED SUBDIVISION N rTli i,j) PITT ECOWS r EAST SIDE OF VALLV HORSESHOE CREEK A CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE SCALE: ALON THO4HIU. MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT Incorporeted 12 Septembor. 1874 ntAmn DRAWN BY: I DATE: Dec. 2. 1999 I FILE: RZ-5 1-99 44 / 3 f 7 1 JjeJj L.j :) * LA \ 1p //3A > ç;T4• 4/1 if -' N PROPOSED SUBDIVISION VALLEY HORSESHOE CREEK SCALE: EEPLANNINGDEPARTMENT N.T.S. rpo 12 Septamber, 1874 DRAWN BY: IDt: Dec. 2. 1999 fILE: RZ-51-99 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5857 - 1999 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510. 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5857-1999." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: All that portion of: Lot 13, Except part in Plan LMP 19290, District Lot 404 and 408, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan 35649 and outlined in heavy black line is hereby rezoned to RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential), and that portion shown hatched, is hereby rezoned to CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) as shown on Map No. 1223, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law. Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510- 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of ,A.D. 199. READ a second time the day of - , A.D. 199. READathirdtiincthe dayof A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5858 - 1999. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5858 - 1999." Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Part V Development Permit Areas: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA XXXVIII A Designation: The Development Permit Area is hereby established to address protection of the natural environment and provide for orderly development. B Location: The boundaries of the Development Permit Area is shown on Schedule "H" and includes: 1. Lot 13, D.L. 404 & 408, Gp. 1, Except Plan LMP19290, Plan 35649, NWD (23688 Kanaka Way) (RZJ5 1/99) C Justification The preservation of the functions and characteristics of watercourses and wetlands are important to the integrity of the natural environment and fish and wildlife habitat. Flexibility in subdivision design will assist in achieving preservation of environmentally sensitive lands, while ensuring the development of healthy, livable neighbourhoods. Bylaw No. 5858-1999 Page 2 D Objectives: To encourage siting of development and the use of construction techniques that will not disrupt watercourses in the area. To retain natural vegetation where possible adjacent to significant treed slopes, ravines and watercourses in order to minimize disruption to soils and watercourses. To encourage infrastructure design that will not negatively impact on the natural environment. To ensure the subdivision of land recognizes the identified protected area. To ensure development patterns contribute to the development of a healthy neighbourhood. E Guidelines: Siting adjacent to treed slopes, ravines and watercourses will need to respect natural vegetation and may require additional setbacks beyond the Zoning Bylaw as established by the Ministry of Environment or the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Natural vegetation should be retained where possible to ensure minimal disruption to the environment. - Lot grading should be kept to a minimum to ensure maintenance of a maximum of the existing vegetation. Road design and construction should reflect the needs of the neighbourhood and opportunities and constraints derived from environmental features. Home design must accommodate natural grades to ensure minimal grading is required. Road grades should follow existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. Urban level development within identified areas will not be permitted except in accordance with noted neighbourhood policies. Slope, and erosion protection works will need to be consistent with the Grading Limits policy of the Official Community Plan. Lot dimension and building siting requirements may vary from those prescribed by the Zoning Bylaw where the variance facilitates objectives intended to preserve or Bylaw No. 5858-1999 Page 3 enhance the natural environment. Such variances must also address objectives for healthy neighbourhood design including: - maintaining a high degree of pedestrian access; - ensuring a level of building design commensurate with density objectives. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 13, Except part in Plan LMP 19290, District Lot 404 and 408, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan 35649 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 584, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby designated as Development Permit Area XXX VIH (1) on Schedule "H". Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 199. READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 199. READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK Li Li Li 3.324 ha (tota') 18097 REM. PcI. 'A' IC) ha EP 3890 LMP 290 0 KANAKA WAY LMP 9135 LAP 24831 \ \ - I c'1 00 PO a. _J ARK Rem 13 Rem 48 I P35649 LMP 26483 \ I I 3 EP 77827 2iIi81/7 PARK 4 17 15.0 10 7 MP 6 0 77827 14 140 ,J P 35649 PARK 1.700 ha LMP 28486 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLANAMENDING Bylaw No. 5858-1999 Map No. 584 PURPOSE: TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA XXXVI'II(l) elm M101 #01W 0 ~mA A MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1 ;2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: September 28, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/5 1/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/51/99 (23688 Kanaka Way) EXECUTIVE SUNINLARY: An application has been submitted to rezone the above noted property to permit subdivision into 9 single family lots. Horseshoe Creek bisects the property while adjacent development limits flexibility in achieving development potential. The solution proposed addresses these constraints, proposing alternative lot geometries with custom home designs. It is proposed that this alternative be facilitated with a Development Permit. II RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ/51/99 (for property located at 23688 Kanaka Way) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated September 28, 1999 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-lb (One Family. Urban (medium density) Residential) and CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. Condition to be met prior to first reading: Fully dimensioned subdivision plan showing the location of Horseshoe Creek, top of bank and 15 metre setback from top of bank. And that prior to final aporoval the following must be complete: Preliminary approval from the Ministry of Environment, Water Management Branch; Preliminary approval from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch; Amendment to Schedule "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan; A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; Registration of a park dedication plan for the protection of Horseshoe Creek. -1- III BACKGROUND: Applicant: We! Projects Inc. Owner: Jugvinder Boparai Legal Description: Lot 13, D.L. 404 & 408, op. 1, NWD, Plan 35649 OCP: Existing: Single Family Residential 15, 18, 30 upnh Proposed: Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) and CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) Surrounding Uses: N: vacant S: Kanaka Creek E: residential W: vacant Existing Use of Property: vacant Proposed Use of Property: residential Access: 110 Avenue Servicing: - urban Previous Applications: none IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION: An application has been submitted to rezone the above described property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) and CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential Disthct). The property is split into two development sites by Horseshoe Creek. This application will rezone the property to correspond with existing neighbouring zones. In 1997 lands to the east were subdivided and 110 Avenue was constructed to the subject property. At that time the guide plan for this area identified 110 Avenue extending west across Horseshoe Creek and then turning north to intersect with Kanaka Way. Through recent discussions with the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Fish and Wildlife Branch it was determined that because of the two existing Horseshoe Creek crossings, Kanaka Way and Kanaka Creek Road, that a third crossing, 110 Avenue, would not be permitted. Respecting this decisiàn, staff prepared a new guide plan which extends 110 Avenue north to Kanaka Way on the east side of Horseshoe Creek. Staff have also met with the affected land owners to ensure that the revised guideplan could be accommodated. Subdivision of the subject property is contingent on the adjacent properties being involved with the development. -2- V PLANNING ANALYSIS (i) Official Community Plan The subject property is designated Single Family Residential at 15, 18 and 30 upnh. As well, there is an area designated "Conservation" which encompasses Horseshoe Creek. This area is also designated for special treatment on Schedule "E" of the Official Community Plan. The attached plan illustrates the location of Horseshoe Creek, top of bank and the riparian protection zone. The riparian protection buffer area was reviewed by the fisheries agencies and there was overall support for this project. To ensure the creek is adequately protected, the riparian protection zone must be dedicated "Park" as a condition of rezoning. (ii) Guide Plan and Lot Geometry As illustrated on the subject property map, there is an existing subdivision east of the property. This subdivision was designed according to the guide plan which provided for a creek crossing of 110 Avenue. As a result of the elimination of this creek crossing, 110 Avenue will now exit onto Kanaka Way, east of'Horseshoe Creek. There is a limited amount of space to locate a new road and develop a row of lots. In order to achieve the revised guide plan there are three issues that will require variances: reduction of the road right of way width from 18m to 15m; vary the required 12m x 12m building envelope; reduction of the minimum lot depth. Section 920 (2) (a) of the Municipal Act permits geometry changes by registration of a Development Permit. In order to facilitate registration of the Development Permit, a new Development Permit Area will be added to the Official Community Plan. This Development Permit Area will deal with development of lands that are adjacent to environmentally sensitive areas and have limited and resthctive potential due to topographic constraints and existing development. (iii) Servicing Engineering staff have submitted a rezoning application review which concludes that the required services exist fronting the property. Details regarding servicing will be dealt with at the subdivision stage. -3- VI CONCLUSION: Staff have reviewed this application, support the introduction of a Development Permit Area to address changes to required lot geometries and recommend that application R7J51/99 (23688 Kanaka Way) be forwarded to Public Hearing. Dave Stevenson Planning Technician UR.W.ertson, MCIP, AICP ~je~'Chief Administrative Officer Manager: 1'ublic Works and Development Services DS/sg 1 tor of Cury6nt Planning LMP 18097 - RM. Pci. A' A - E390 0 - - ANAKj AY 71 Rem It] Horseshoe CreekL LM483 --l1 Subject Prope ~~NNHU/l 0! TO 12 hb 021 I100 4 . 007 Cl) Q .. 11011 1 5 7 5 /1 1 ve 4? '- C4 14 0 ry flUfl RZ-51-99 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICTOF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE At rMoatL lncosorated 12. S.ptemb.. 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE: 1:2,000 KEY MAP N DATE: Aug 31 1999 FILE: BY:JB iz PeMIDE OF //Oii'sS/'06 CEE( 4. a Jt \. . IA Kp 'I. .;;t• \ IL ou- z o OI—WW —'..I o- I-- a: <1X < —a- w 0 tJW o U J Q::wQ oI .< 01- lu w 9 w / Jr a 1' All 0) 1 to N :F-7 PAR- c--I-, 1-Pt - '\ ' Ur',.' (ri. PA 14- e. '.-''T' (i_ ,-.& - 12- I ' r...'s —, AcsrsIAc Of i4,i(SE$/ia( CREEX Ln / I /1 /• / / / El / / / 74aFT S. csc4 s SCALE. 1:2,000 KEY MAP RZ51-99 CORPORATION OF mill THE DISTRICTOF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE IrlccvOofated 12. S.ptembef. 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Aug 311999 FILE: BY: JB CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 10, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: 5340-20/102A FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - Fin. & Corp SUBJECT: Inclusion of properties into Sewer Area "A" EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: To introduce a by-law in response to valid petitions to include four parcels of properties into Sewer Area "A". RECOMMENDATION: That the report dated November 10, 1999 be received, noting that it is reported therein that the petitions to include properties located at 24286 102 Avenue, 24308 102 Avenue, 24340 102 Avenue, and 24360 102 Avenue into Sewer Area "A" are sufficient and valid; and further, that Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 5859-1999 be read a first and second time and that the rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 5859-1999 be read a third time. BACKGROUND: Petitions have been submitted to the Clerk's Department requesting that the parcels legally and civically described as: E. Half Lot 2, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 17126, NWD - 24286 102 Avenue Lot 41, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 45949, NWD - 24308 102 Avenue Lot 24, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 21429, NWD - 24340 102 Avenue Lot 25, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 21429, NWD - 24360 102 Avenue be included into Sewer Area "A". By way of this report, I hereby certify that the petitions are sufficient and valid, pursuant to the Municipal Act. The Municipal Council may now give the attached By-law three readings. The By-law 9lso requires the approval of the Minister of Municipal Affairs before final 11 Clerk -- orate Suppo Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AJ.C.P., M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer Oti 03.01 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5859 - 1999 A By-law to extend Sewer Area "A" within the District of Maple Ridge WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, pursuant to Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization By-law No. 2486 - 1977, established Sewer Area "A" within the boundaries of the Municipality; AND WHEREAS, the Council has received petitions from property owners for the extension of Sewer Area "A" and deems it expedient to extend Sewer Area "A"; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 5859-1999". That Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization By-law No. 2486 - 1977 as amended by further amended by adding to Section 1, the following words: "and also shall include all those portions of: - E. Half Lot 2, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 17126, NWD (24286 102 Ave.) - Lot 41, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 45949, NWD (24308 102 Ave.) - Lot 24, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 21429, NWD (24340 102 Ave.) - Lot 25, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 21429, NWD (24360 102 Ave.) as shown boldly marked on the map attached to the By-law and marked as Schedule "A". That the parcels noted in Paragraph 2 above, of this by-law shall bear the same charges as those properties in the original Sewer Area "A". READ a first time the READ a second time the READ a third time the dayof ,1999. dayof ,1999. dayof ,1999. APPROVED by the Minister of Municipal Affairs the day of 1999., APPROVED by the Deputy Inspector of Municipalities the day of , 1999. By-law No. 5859 - 1999 Page (2) RECONSIDERED and adopted the day of , 1999. MAYOR CLERK Attachment: Schedule "A" 1 213 1144 441 4 i147 4PJl4il5flhl5l 5 04 ?II ? 102 AVE. W 1/2 of 2 I E 1/2 of 2 1.012 ha I / 1.012 ho 41 IN 124 "25 1 1 1141 Remi 101 A AVE. PROPOSED ADDI11ONS TO SEWER AREA A ( ;'°"ii 10096 I NIHIN ( 212324125126127 ARK d11 10/16 /0/12 L 101 AVE. 1 144 I- (I) c'J CD N 0. La Do _ CORPORATION OF THE A DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PROPOSED INCLUSIONS INTO MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING SCALE: SEWER AREA A h'eetpr.Xe4 12 3.ptb. 1074 DEPARTMENT N.T.S. oc DATE: OCT. 12,1999. 1 FILE/DWG No SK 0021 s.D s.0 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: December 1, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: 5 340-20 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - FCS SUBJECT: Inclusion of property located at 24103 & 24127— 102 Avenue Into Sewer Area "A". EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: To introduce a by-law in response to a valid petition to include two (2) parcels of property into Sewer Area "A". RECOMMENDATION: That the report dated December 1, 1999 be received, noting that it is reported therein that the petition to include properties located at 24103 & 24127 - 102 Avenue into Sewer Area "A" is sufficient and valid; And further, that Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 5872 - 1999 be read a first and second time and that the rules of order be waived an Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 5872 - 1999 be read a third time. BACKGROUND: A petition has been submitted to the Clcrk's Department requesting that the parcels legally and civically described as: Parcel "A", Part N.W. /4, Except Plan 16512, 18227, Section 3, Township 12, Plan RP3937, N.W.D. (24103 - 102 Avenue) and Lot 1, Part N.W. ¼, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 15283, N.W.D. (24127- 102 Avenue). be included into Sewer Area "A". The properties in question are the subject of Rezoning Application No.RZ/52/99 with the inclusion into Sewer Area "A" being a condition. 01,0 03 . C)1400e -1- By way of this report, I hereby certify that the petition is sufficient and valid, pursuant to the Municipal Act. The Municipal Council may now give the attached By-law three readings. The By-law also requires the approval of the Minister of Municipal Affairs before final reading consideration. ' Prçç~d by: . Jo-Anne Hertzo7 V Coordinator f Kd strative Services Approved by: Trevor Wingrove Municipal Cler Ci4'r1ce: / Robertson, A.LC.P., M.C.I.P. // C ief Adininistrative Officer /jh Attachments CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5872 - 1999 A By-law to extend Sewer Area "A" within the District of Maple Ridge WhEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, pursuant to Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization By-law No. 2486 - 1977, established Sewer Area "A" within the boundaries of the Municipality; AND WHEREAS, the Council has received a petition from a property owner for the extension of Sewer Area "A" and deems it expedient to extend Sewer Area "A". NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 5872 - 1999". That Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization By-law No. 2486 - 1977 as amended be further amended by adding to Section 1, the following words: "and also shall include all those portions of: Parcel "A", Part N.W. ¼, Except Plan 16512, 18227, Section 3, Township 12, Plan RP3937, N.W.D. and; Lot 1, Part N.W. ¼, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 15283, N.W.D. as shown boldly marked on the maps attached to the By-law and marked as Schedule "A" and Schedule "B". - That the parcels noted in Paragraph 2 above, of this by-law shall bear the same charges as those properties in the original Sewer Area "A". READ afirsi time the dayof. , 1999 READasecond time the day of , 1999. READ athird time the day of , 1999. APPROVED by the Minister of Municipal Affairs the day of 199 APPROVED by the Deputy Inspector of Municipalities the day of 199 By-law No. 5872 - 1999 Page (2) RECONSIDERED and adopted the day of 199 MAYOR CLERK Attachment: Schedule "A" & "B" PcI M ' p rw,uu i, (J130089E) P21 1 69 RP7139 P13554 10386 P 11176 P 9393 P 20434 10389 A P13554 c E F PcI.1 10366 RP9IOO C,, a. cc G P 20434 a- LU 10351 0 2 i —I 10346 2 10337 10316 a- Rem I W Rem2 E 10294 152.84' 245. 10309 SK3937 2 2 28 P 37992 10270 I A P15283 10260 - co 2 a. iL cn PROPOSED INCLUSION ____ 10273 N75'of4 INTO SEWER AREAA a. 10222 P9249 5 6 7,, IO2AVE_____ P39666 10188 7 8 A 11 12 13 14 15 B A 21 30 10174 (P 19526) (P 19526) (P 19526) P 19526 P 19526 10175 10160 SCHEDULE 11A" -. MAPLE RIDGE SEWER AREA 'tA" SEWERAGE WORKS CONSTRUCTION & LQJJTHORIZATIoN AMENDING BY-LAW NflR72_-_1QQQ . (/ PROPOSED INCLUSION SLVM N . . I INTO SEWERAREAA LAW ik .. I P25 MAPLE fncorporated 12, September, 1874 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SCALE: 1:2,500 KEY MAP _____ DATE: Oct. 29, 1999 FILE: SK0022 BY: SM 104 AVE N IN A BRemD B N N K E) P2 10388 769 RP7139 I P13554 P 11176 P 9393 P 20434 A P13554 C E F 37 38 10366 C) 100 It) cn 0 0. P41519 G P20434 (. 0 w 10351 10346 PARK 10 2 LMP 35918 C) 10 10316 0. Remi 10 1 W Rem 2 E fIj t-kclO 10 10294 152.84' 245.35' cl - co _ 2 SK3937 2 __ 28 P 37992 NININININ'N'N 10270 ffe I - A 115283 10260 cn S CH E DU E "B" 2 0. N 10260 MAPLE RIDGE EWER AREA " o PROPOSED INCLUSION SEWEI GE WOR S CONSTRUCT 1027 10238 INTO SEWER AREA A & L0 I AUTH 0 1 ZATI ON N75'of4 0. AMEN[ING BY— AW NO. YT ~ _____________ 10222 J9249 5872 . 1999. ,_ InhsIuI N, 5I I 7 NININININNNNN N LMP 35918 102AVE IO2AVE P 36 . 'q• N ('4 N N N N 1 N 10188 7 8 A 11 12 13 14 15 B A 21 30 31 32 W1/2of2 E 10174 P 1 526 (P 19526 (P 19526 6 (P 19526) P 19521 P 1952 10160 P 18630 P39561 F 39561 P1 12 0 I 5 L DISTRJCTOP PROPOSED INCLUSION N Pm SLYM INTO SEWER AREA A A CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICTOF i1\l 4GLEV AL MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE lncooted 1 Septebsr, 1874 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SCALE: 1:3,000 KEY MAP _____ DATE: Nov 5 1999 FILE: SK0023 BY: SM CORPORATION OF TILE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: December 2, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COW - Corp. & Fin. SUBJECT: Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control Amending By-law No. 5873 - 1999 EXECUTIVE SUMI'IARY: To amend Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control By-law No. 4524 - 1991 and amendments thereto to reflect year 2000 deadline dates. The previous by-law expires on December 31, 1999 and it is necessary to issue new licenses as at January 1, 2000. The rates for 2000 remain unchanged. Our rates are at the top end as compared to our neighbouring municipalities. There is also a resistance to further increases as owners are refusing to register their dogs. This is counter productive to our animal control program. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control Amending By-law No. 5873 - 1999 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control Amending By-law No. 5873 - 1999 be read a third time. Prepàr : Sandy Fournier Tax Clerk \Jacob Sorba, CGA / Dir66toro7a7 I' Concurrence: Robth W. Robertson, A.I.C.P., M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer Attachment -1- c1 i3o3 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5873 1999 • A By-law to further amend Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control By-law No. 4524 - 1991 and amendments thereto. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control By-law No.4524— 1991. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law shall be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control Amending By-law No. 5873 - 1999". That the words "Paid before March 1, 1999" and "Paid on or after March 1, 1999" in Schedule "D" of Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control By-law No. No. 4524 - 1991 and amendments thereto be replaced with the words "Paid before March 1, 2000" and "Paid on or after March 1, 2000" READ a first time this day of 2000. READ a second time this day of 2000. READ a third time this day of 2000. RECONSIDERED AND HNALLY ADOPTED the day of 2000. • MAYOR CLERK CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 8, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: 8100-01 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - Fin & Corp SUBJECT: Door-to-door Soliciting Request for Approval EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: To provide authority for door-to-door canvassing for donation as requested in the letter from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of BC & Yukon dated October 21, 1999. RECOMMENDATION: That the request of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of BC & Yukon for permission to canvass door-to-door for donation during the month of February 2000 be approved. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to Section 25 of the Highway & Traffic By-law and Section 546(4) of the Municipal Act, soliciting for donation (door-to-door canvassing, etc.) must be approved by the Municipal Council b way of a resolution. Prepared by: Di Dalton C erk Section Approd by: oftrLeehujp B.Com. '..../Mrector, Corporate Support Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, A.I.C.P., M.C.!.P. Chief Administrative Officer kid Attachment I lul HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATiON OF B.C. & YUKON -. .... October21, 1999 Ms. Joanne Hertzog Acting Municipal Clerk District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Dear Ms. Hertzog: The Heart and Stroke Foundation of B.C. & Yukon is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the prevention of heart disease and stroke. Scientists are now working at BC's universities and major teaching hospitals on a variety of research projects. This year the Foundation's investment in research totalled $4.3 million. Based on the latest available figures, funding provided by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of B.C. & Yukon supports 80% of all cardiovascular research carried out in BC. These projects represent some of the most ambitious and imaginative research done in Canada. The results achieved through research are used to make an impact on the health of Canadians through health promotion programs like the new HeartSmartTM Kids program for Kindergarten to Grade 3 as well as Grades 4 to 6. On behalf of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of B.C. & Yukon, I would like to thank you and the members of Council for your past support and to request permission for community volunteers to canvas door-to-door during the month of February, 2000. If further information is required, please call me at 525-9055. Sincerely, • /•-7 I .•j Laurie ROss Community Development Coordinator Tn-Cities/Mission Region Heart and Stroke Foundation of BC & Yukon do 403 Sherbrooke Street New Westminster, BC, V3L 3N1 Phone: 604/525-9055 Email: lrosshsf.bcca Improving your odds against Canada's #1 killer 1A INCORPORATED HAMLET OF TUKT0YAKTUIL... - LAND OF THE PINGOS BOX 120, TUKTOYAKTUK, OFFICE OF THE MAYOR NORTHWEST TERRITORIES. XOE ICO (867) 977-2286 FAX (867) 977-2110 September 17, 1999 His Worship Carl E. Durksen Mayor Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge B.C. Canada V2X 6A9 Dear Mr. Durksen It is an honor for our community to have the monument in place right beside the. Arctic Ocean. It is also a great honor to have met the creator of the monument. For a person such as myself with very little patience, some how I sense that some of his patience has been instilled in me, for that I thank a man of great patience. With that I would like to propose to you that our fair Hamlet of Tuktoyaktuk and Maple Ridge become sister Communities (since we are not a city but a Hamlet). Attached please find Hamlet pins for your Council and a Tuktoyaktuk cup for yourself. Yours truly, Ernest T. Pokiak Mayor ADMINISTRATION SEP 17 1999 Oi.o3 oc' Tuktoyaktuk:: The New NWT :: Legislative Ass... Page 1 of2 cLERKS OFFICE V9ffORJEORMA11O4• Community Name: Tuktoyaktuk TE PEW NWT J UBRABY IMAGEGALLERY HANSARD .iy Wh.i New - Dirisctory - F,fdjjack Rilat.d Sites EI.crions NWT Traditional Name: Tuktuujaartuq (looks like a caribou) Politics Member of the Legislative Assembly: Vince Steen Legislative Assembly Electoral District: Nunakput Member of Parliament: Ethel Blondin-Andrew Mayor: Ernest Pokiak Land Claim Area: Inuvialuit Location Tuktoyaktuk is located on Kugmallit Bay at 69'27'N latitude and 133'02'W longitudenear the Mackenzie River Delta. The northernmost community on the Canadian mainland, Tuktoyaktuk is 137 km north of Inuvik. Population 943 (1996 Census) Languages Inuvialuktun, English Access The community is accessible by air from Inuvik year round and bulk supplies and food are barged in during the summer months. Ice roads link Tuktoyaktuk to Inuvik and Aklavik in the winter. History Many IAuit whalers lived in the area near Tuktoyaktuk during the 19th century however between 1890 and 1910 American whalers brought recurring epidemics of influenza into the area and decimated the population. Alaskan Dene came in their place and stayed, and in 1928 Herschel Island residents moved to the community, coinciding with the construction of the Hudson Bay Company Post. Additional development occurred in the next 30-40 year to the point where Tuktoyaktuk was the largest Western Arctic community on the coast and was an important point for the re-supply of DEW line stations Today the Northern Transportation Company Limited (NTCL) employs many in the transportation industry while others work in the exploration fleld.r The petroleum industry is also a key aspect of the economy. Traditional lifestyles, hunting and te.A-pps 'y http://www.assembly.gov.nt.ca/NewNWT/Tuktoyaktuk.html 10/20/99 LtyIsiciuvc I I1J17 $J4Il.1II S II' S SS' http://www.assembly.gov.nt.ca/NewNWT/index.html DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR Agenda Item: 06.03.03 Council Meeting of: November 23, 1999 That the letter dated September 17, 1999 from the Mayor of Tuktoyaktuk proposing that Tuktoyaktuk and Maple Ridge become sister communities be received for consideration. j "Carl Durksen" CARRIED/ DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR - ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Dir - Corp. Ping. & Protective Serv. RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development_________________________________________________ Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services. - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk sSection Shirky-K - Jp-An RáitaK - - / The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation an as may be required by your Department. November24 I Date - - Municipal Clerk * CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE: November 29, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: 4200-01 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COW - FIN. & CORP. SUBJECT: November 20, 1999 Municipal Election EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Section 148 of the Municipal Act requires that I, as Chief Election Officer, report to the Municipal Council as to the results of an election. This report provides the results of the Municipal Election held on Saturday, November 20 1999. RECOMMENDATION: That the report dated November 29, 1999 providing data relative to the Municipal Election held on Saturday, November 20, 1999 be received for information purposes. BACKGROUND: Mayor: deZeeuw,J. 1186 Durksen,C. 3983 Hogarth, A. 4097 Elected Jose, L. 683 Rejected 129 Total Castl#Electors 10078 Councillor: Baker, T. Barrow, T. Cameron, T. Clements, J. Cochran, J. Crockett, M. Gordon, C. Harris, J. Isaac, F. 2864 King,L. 1919 Levens,B. 2309 Moreau,H. 3035 Morse, K. 2161 NizoiS. 2173 O'Brien, S. 4403 Elected Riding, L. 4178 Elected Speirs,C. 4148 Elected Rejected Total -1- 4689 Elected 3203 1035 5597 Elected 3)20 1789 2471 4166 Elected 179 53639 cii. 03.06 Mayor & Council November 29, 1999 School Trustee: Ashlie, C. TJempster, B. Dueck, J. Jensen, M. MacDonald, D. Pratt, L. Reamsbottom, I. 4391 Elected 2921 4249 Elected 3258 2189 3358 3605 Rempel, D. Serada, J. Slarks, S. Trerise, G. Wagner, K. Rejected "otal 5324 Elected 1402 2618 3700 Elected 4822 Elected 437 42274 • QJL 7CJA&( Approved by: Trevor Wingrove 7 ipal Cler1 Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, A.I.C.P., M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer /jh -2- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 29, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W— Corn Dev & Rec SUBJECT: Trans Canada Trail Construction Grant SUMMARY The Municipality applied for a grant some time ago in partnership with the District of Pitt Meadows and GVRD Parks for the enhancement of the Trans Canada Trail through Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. Funding approval has been received from the British Columbia 2000 Community Spirit Grant Program. The intent of this memorandum is to bring the grant agreement forward for approval. RECOMMENDATION That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the conditional grant agreement attached to the General Manager: Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services' November 29, 1999 memorandum on the British Columbia 2000 Community Spirit Grant for the Trans Canada Trail. BACKGROUND The Trans Canada Trail crosses Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows over a distance of 23.5 kilometers. The intent of the current project is to upgrade the trail and complete an additional crossing of Kanaka Creek to achieve the preferred route. The Province will contribute $137,000 while the GVRD Parks Department will contribute $120,000 to the program. Pitt Meadows will contribute $60,000 (toward a significant upgrade of the Harris Road staging area) while Maple Ridge will contribute $30,000 toward a trail interpretive program. Additional funding is being sought from Trails BC. Volunteer and grant-based labour is anticipated from the Haney Horsemen organization. The Historical Society, the Alouette River Management Society, the Alouette Field Naturalists, the Katzie First Nation and others will be involved in the development of the interpretive material. The attached contract outlines the municipality's responsibility in coordinating the grant. A route map is also attached for Council's information. Prepared by: M& Murra GM: Comifiuni evelopment, Parks and Recreation Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer Attachment CONDITIONAL GRANT AGREEMENT THIS CONDITIONAL GRANT AGREEMENT made in duplicate the day of ______________,1999. BETWEEN: • THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF IMBIA, represented by the Minister of the Ministry of Tourism and Culture ("Province") OF THE FIRST PART AND: CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE, having an office at 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia ("Local Government") OFTHESECOND PART WHEREAS: The Local Government has requested financial assistance by way of a grant from the Province, for the Project (defined in this Agreement), and It is a condition of the Province agreeing to provide assistance (in an amount up to an aggregate of $137,000) to the Local Government that the Local Government covenant and agree to the terms set forth in this Agreement. THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESS that the parties agree as follows: REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES ACCURACY OF APPLICATION 1.01 The Local Government represents and warrants to the Province that all information, statements, documents and reports furnished or submitted by the Local Government to the date of this Agreement in connection with the Application by the Local Government for financial assistance, by way of the Grant, are true and correct. 1.02 The Local Government represents and warrants to the Province that: (a) all necessary proceedings have been taken and done and all statutory and contractual approvals have been obtained to * 2 (I) authorize the Project, and (ii) authorize the execution and delivery of this Agreement by the Local Government, and this Agreement has been legally and properly executed by the Local Government and is legally binding upon and enforceable against the Local Government in accordance with its terms; (b) the completion of the transactions contemplated hereby will not constitute a breach by the Local Government of any statute, bylaw or regulation or of its constating documents. RELIANCE AND CONTINUATION 1.03 All representations, warranties, covenants and agreements made herein and all certificates or other documents delivered by or on behalf of the Local Government are material and shall conclusively be deemed to have been relied upon by the Province, notwithstanding any prior or subsequent investigation by the Province and they shall survive the payment of the Grant and the fulfillment of all other transactions and deliveries contemplated under this Agreement and shall continue in full force and effect during the continuance of this Agreement. FURTHER REPRESENTATIONS 1.04 All statements contained in any certificate, application form or other document delivered by or on behalf of the Local Government to the Province under this Agreement or in connection with any of the transactions contemplated hereby shall be deemed to be representations and warranties by the Local Government under this Agreement. PAYMENTS GENERAL CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO PAYMENTS 2.01 The Province is not obligated to make any Payment: (a)• after March 31, 2001; (b) if there has occurred or is continuing an Event of Default which has not been remedied to the satisfaction of the Province; (C) if Treasury Board, as defined in the Financial Administration Act, has controlled or limited expenditure under the said Appropriation; 3 (d) unless the Province has received and is satisfied with evidence that: all Necessary Government Approvals have been obtained and are in good standing, and the representations and warranties contained in this Agreement are true and correct; (e) unless there is an Appropriation with respect to or applicable to the Grant and there remains sufficient funds available and uncommitted in that Appropriation to make the Payment requested; (f) unless the Province has received and approved of a Requisition for the Payment in question; (g) when such Payment is a final Payment, unless the Local Government has submitted and the Province has approved, a certificate of completion concerning the Project; and unless the Province has received and is satisfied with: (h) the Project Timetable; (i) the Budget and the Supporting Documents, as well as the British Columbia 2000 Recognition Plan; (j) evidence, satisfactory in form and substance to the Province, of the taking of all municipal and corporate proceedings by the Local Government necessary to the authorization of the Project and the authorization of the execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance of their respective provisions; (k) a resolution of the council or other similar body representing a municipality, regional district or other local government body whereby such council has authorized payment of the costs of the Project; (I) evidence of the actual performance of donated labour including but not limited to summaries and time sheets in respect thereof; evidence that the amount claimed for donated materials does not exceed the fair market value therefor; and evidence that a public tendering process acceptable to the Province has been followed in respect to the construction of the Project. 4 WHEN REQUISITIONS MAY BE SUBMITrED 2.02 The Local Government may submit: a Requisition ("Initial Requisition") for a Payment of the Grant when, as determined by the Province, work on the Project is commenced by the Local Government; a Requisition ("Second Requisition") for a Payment of the Grant when, as determined by the Province, the Project is 50% completed; and a Requisition ("Final Requisition") for a Payment of the Grant when, as determined by the Province, the Project is complete. REQUISITIONS 2.03 Prior to any Payment of the Grant being made, the Local Government must submit to the Province: in the case of the Initial Requisition, a certificate, in form and content satisfactory to the Province, dated and signed by the municipal clerk or treasurer of the Local Government certifying that the Local Government has commenced work on the Project and showing all Eligible Project Costs incurred and paid by the Local Government for the period and in the manner and for the purposes specified in the certificate; in the case of the Second Requisition, a certificate, in form and content satisfactory to the Province, dated and signed by the municipal clerk or treasurer of the Local Government showing all Eligible Project Costs incurred and paid by the Local Government for the period and in the manner and for the purposes specified in the certificate; and (C) in the case of the Final Requisition, a certificate of completion containing or which is accompanied by a detailed statement, dated and signed for the Local Government by the municipal clerk or treasurer of the Local Government showing (i) all Eligible Project Costs inôurred and paid by the Local Government for the period and in the manner and for the purposes specified in the certificate, and 61 (ii) all costs incurred by the Local Government for or in relation to any or all of firstly, the Eligible Components and secondly the Ineligible Components; and each Requisition must contain or be accompanied by all invoices orother evidence of payment or indebtedness for those costs of the Project as may be requested by the Province; if requested by the Province, evidence satisfactory to the Province, that any previous Payment of the Grant has been expended by the Local Government for those Eligible Project Costs for which that previous Payment was made; if requested by the Province, progress reports regarding the Project and a reconciliation of that progress with the Project Timetable; and any other supporting documents as may be requested by the Province. DISBURSEMENT 2.04 The Province will, subject always to the terms and conditions of this Agreement: after the Initial Requisition, the accompanying documents and such evidence and reports referred to in paragraph 2.03 as the Province requests have been received and approved by the Province, make a Payment to the Local Government in such amount as the Province may determine and approve; after a Second Requisition, the accompanying documents and such evidence and reports referred to in paragraph 2.03 as the Province requests have been received and approved by the Province, make a Payment to the Local Government in an amount equal to the lesser of (I) 1/2 of the Eligible Project Costs certified to have been incurred and paid to the date of the Second Requisition and for which no previous Requisition has been received, or (ii) such amount as when added to all Payments previously made, will result in an aggregate sum not exceeding 2/3 of the Grant; and (c) after a Final Requisition, the accompanying documents and such evidence and reports referred to in paragraph 2.03 as the Province requests have been received and approved by the Province, make a Payment to the Local Government in an amount equal to the lesser of 1/2 of the Eligible Project Costs certified to have been incurred to the date of the Final Requisition and for which no previous Requisition has been received, or the unpaid balance of the Grant; provided that in no event will the Province be obligated to disburse more than the Grant to the Local Government. OVERRUNS 2.05 If at any time it appears or becomes evident to either the Province or the Local Government that the costs to complete the Project may exceed the estimated costs in the approved Budget or the unpaid portion of the Grant then the Local Government will forthwith provide the Province with full and complete particulars of such excess and the Province, in its discretion, may withhold any Payment until the Local Government has made arrangements, satisfactory to the Province, for the payment of such actual or anticipated excess cost. LOCAL GOVERNMENT'S COVENANTS PROJECT COVENANTS 3.01 The Local Government will commence the Project forthwith and proceed diligently and use its best efforts to complete the Project substantially in accordance with the Budget and the Project Timetable, as well as the British Columbia 2000 Recognition Plan. 3.02 The Local Government will not, without the prior written consent of the Province, make any material change in or to the Project, the approved Budget, the Project Timetable or to the British Columbia 2000 Recognition Plan. 7 GENERAL COVENANTS 3.03 So long as this Agreement remains in force, the Local Government will: observe and comply with any statute, rule or regulation of any government or branch or agency thereof applicable to the Local Government or the Project; if requested by the Province, provide evidence satisfactory to the Province that the representations and warranties set forth in paragraph 1.01 and 1.02 are true and correct; keep or cause to be kept proper books of account in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis; within 30 days of the delivery of a written request from the Province, provide the Province with such information and documents including Financial Statements with respect to the affairs of the Local Government or the Project as the Province may request; furnish and give to the Province notice that there has occurred and is continuing an Event of Default under this Agreement; grant to the Province, its servants, agents and employees access to the Project and the assets, books and records of the Local Government at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspections; apply for and maintain in good standing all Necessary Government Approvals and submit to the Province satisfactory evidence thereof when so requested by the Province; expend all Payments of the Grant only in or towards the reimbursement or satisfaction of Eligible Project Costs; i) punctually pay• all••es, rates and assessments re -quired to be paid by it or on any of its undertaking; (I) generally, perform each of its obligations under this Agreement; and (k) provide the public with access to the Project. DEFAULT AND REMEDIES EVENTS OF DEFAULT 4.01 Any of the following events will constitute an Event of Default whether any such event be voluntary, involuntary or result from the operation of law or any judgment or order of any court or administrative or government body: the Local Government fails to observe, perform or comply with any provision of this Agreement and has not rectified such failure, within any time limit set by the Province, or is not, in the reasonable opinion of the Province, diligently proceeding to rectify such failure; any representation or warranty made by the Local Government in this Agreement is untrue or incorrect; any information, statement, document, application form, certificate or report submitted by the Local Government to the Province pursuant to this Agreement is untrue or incorrect; and there is any action proceeding, pending or threatened against the Local Government which would, in the opinion of the Province, if successful, have a material adverse effect upon the ability of the Local Government to complete the Project or perform its obligations under this Agreement or any agreement entered into or charge granted in furtherance of this Agreement. REMEDIES 4.02 Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default and at any time thereafter the Province may, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, at its discretion exercisable by written notice to the Local Government: declare the aggregate of all Payments and all other monies owing hereunder to be due and be repayable by the Local Government to the Province and such monies will immediately become due and payable without presentment, demand, protest or other notice of any kind to the Local Government, all of which are hereby expressly waived; and from and after the date of exercise of the option, withhold any Payment of the Grant. REMEDIES NON-EXCLUSIVE 4.03 The rights, powers and remedies conferred on the Province under this Agreement or any statute or law are not intended to be exclusive and each remedy shall be cumulative and in addition to and not in substitution for every other remedy existing or available to the Province. 4.04 The exercise of any one or more remedies available to the Province will not preclude the simultaneous or later exercise by the Province of any other right, power or remedy. DELAY 4.05 No failure or delay on the part of either party to complain of an act or failure of the other party or to declare such other party in default, irrespective of how long such act or failure to act shall continue, will constitute a waiver by such party of its rights hereunder. NOTICE ADDRESSES 5.01 Any notice, document, statement, report, demand or payment desired or required to be given or made pursuant to this Agreement will be in writing and may be given or made if delivered personally to the party to whom it is to be given or made, or if mailed in Canada with postage prepaid addressed, if to the Province: Minister of the Ministry of Small Business, Tourism and Culture 51h Floor, 800 Johnson Street P0 Box 9826 Stn Prov Govt Victoria, British Columbia V8W 9W4 - -Attention: Gharles-Parkinson,-Director- [i,] and if to the Local Government: Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, British Columbia V2X 6A9 Attention: Mike Murray RECEIPT 5.02 Any such notice, document, statement, report, demand or payment so mailed will be deemed to be given to and received by the addressee on the fifth business day after the mailing of the same except in the event of disruption of postal services in Canada in which case any such notice, document, statement, report, demand or payment will be deemed to be given to and received by the addressee when actually delivered to the particular address set out above. CHANGE OF ADDRESSES 5.03 Either party may, from time to time, advise the other by notice in writing of any change of address of the party giving such notice and from and after the giving of such notice the address therein specified will, for purposes of this paragraph, be deemed to be the address of the party giving such notice. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT 6.01 The Province may make such public announcements identifying the project as a British Columbia 2000 initiative, including the posting of construction signage or recognition plaques, regarding the Project and other details of this Agreement as it sees fit. INTERPRETATION DEFINITIONS 7.01 In this Agreement: (a) "Application" means the application of the Local Government for the Grant and includes all documents submitted and all representations made in connection therewith; 11 "Appropriation" has the same meaning as that given to it under s.1 of the Financial Administration Act "Budget" means a detailed estimate, in form and content satisfactory to the Province, of the costs to complete the Project; "Eligible Components" mean those components of the Project described in Schedule "A"; "Eligible Project Costs" mean all amounts paid by the Local Government to any employee of the Local Government or to any person, firm or corporation dealing at arm's length with the Local Government, for carrying out the Project or acquisition of the Eligible Components of the Project and which, in the opinion of the Province, have been necessarily and properly incurred prior to the date upon which a Requisition is submitted to the Province and include (i) the fair market value of donated labour, donated materials and the use of heavy equipment to an aggregate maximum of 1/3 of the Eligible Project Costs, calculated for each as follows: (A) donated labour at rates not exceeding $10.00 per hour for unskilled labour, $20.00 per hour for skilled labour, professional services or qualified trades; (B) donated use of heavy equipment at a rate not exceeding $50.00 per hour; (C) donated material at fair market value as determined by the Province; and (ii) the value, as determined where required by the Minister, by a qualified appraiser, of land purchased by the Local Government for the Project and which will, in the Minister's opinion, be used immediately after purchase for the Project; but do not include (iii) the value of donated land, furniture or equipment; (iv) costs arising from administration, overhead charges of the Local Government or costs of a normal and recurring nature (such as operating and maintenance costs); and 12 (v) amounts paid for the Ineligible Components of the Project described in Schedule "A"; "Event of Default" means any of the events described in paragraph 5.01; "Financial Administration Act' means the Financial Administration Act, S.B.C. 1981, c.15; "Financial Statements" mean a balance sheet, income statement, statement of retained earnings, and statement of source and application of funds of the Local Government, and notes and schedules thereto, all fairly reflecting the financial condition of the Local Government and all prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles on a basis consistent with that used in the preparation thereof for the immediately preceding fiscal year, if any, or on such other basis as may be acceptable to the Province, signed by two authorized representatives of the Local Government; "Grant" means the aggregate of all Payments made by the Province to the Local Government under this Agreement from time to time, up to a maxjmum of the lesser of $137,000 or 1/2 of the Eligible Project Costs; U) "Ineligible Components" mean those components of the Project described in Schedule "A"; (k) "Minister" means the Minister of the Ministry of Small Business, Tourism and Culture; (I) "Necessary Government Approvals" mean the issuance or acquisition by any government (including the Province) or municipality or any department 1 branch, official or agency thereof of all consents, tenures, permits, licences, votes or approvals, required for the Local Government to commence and carry out the Project to completion, if any; IPaymentN means any disbursement of the Grant to the Local Government under this Agreement; "Project0 means the project described in Schedule "A" consisting of the Eligible Components and Ineligible Components; "Project Timetable" means a detailed timetable and schedule for the Project sethng out the time period within which the Project or part or any aspect thereof is proposed to be commenced, carried out and completed; 13 "Requisition" means a request by an officer of the Local Government for a payment of the Grant; - "Supporting Documents" means such evidence and documentation as the Minister deems necessary in relation to the provisions of the Agreement; and "British Columbia 2000 Recognition Plan" means the method by which the SOCIETY will publicly acknowledge the grant provided by the Province. GOVERNING LAW 7.02 This Agreement will be construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia. 7.03 Nothing in this Agreement is or operates as a consent, permit, approval or authorization by the government of the Province of British Columbia or any ministry, office, branch or agency thereof to or for anything related to the Projeôt that, by statute, the Local Government is required to obtain unless it is expressly stated herein to be such a consent, permit, approval or authorization. TIME 7.04 Time will be of the essence of this Agreement. GENDER 7.05 In this Agreement "person" includes a corporation, firm or association and wherever the singular or masculine is used it will be construed as if the plural or the feminine or the neuter, as the case may be, had been used where the context or the parties so require. REFERENCES 7.06 A reference to a statute in this Agreement, whether or not that statute has been defined, means a statute of the Province of British Columbia unless• otherwise statedand includes all amendments: to it, the regulations made under it and any enactment passed in substitution therefor or replacement thereof. 7.07 Uniess the context otherwise indicates, any reference to "this Agreement" means this instrument and all of the Schedules attached to it and any reference to any paragraph or subparagraph by number is a reference to the appropriate paragraph or subparagraph in this Agreement. 14 7.08 Wherever in this Agreement any option or discretion is conferred upon the Province or the Province is authorized or empowered to do, perform or consent to any act, matter or thing, such option or discretion may be exercised or such act, matter or thing may be done, performed or consented to on behalf of the Province by the Minister of Small Business, Tourism and Culture, the Deputy Minister of Small Business, Tourism and Culture or any person designated or authorized by either of them so to exercise such option or discretion or do, perform or consent to such act, matter or thing. HEADINGS 7.09 The headings or captions in this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and in no way define, limit, alter or enlarge the scope or meaning of any provision of this Agreement. NO OTHER AGREEMENTS 7.10 There is no representation, warranty, guarantee, indemnity, condition or agreement or any collateral representation, warranty, guarantee, indemnity, condition or agreement applicable to, binding upon or enforceable against one party by the other except for those expressed in this Agreement, the application form submitted by the Local Government and any agreement made or security to be granted pursuant to this Agreement. SEVERABILITY 7.11 If any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Agreement and the application of such provision to any other person or circumstance will not be affected or impaired thereby and will be enforceable to the extent permitted by law. ENUREMENT 7.12 This Agreement will enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the 'Province and its assigns and the Local Government and its successors and permitted assigns. CURRENCY 7.13 All dollar amounts expressed in this Agreement refer to lawful currency of Canada. 15 WAIVER 7.14 No consent or waiver, expressed or implied by either party to or of any breach or default by the other party in the performance by the other party of its obligations hereunder shall be deemed or construed to be a consent or waiver to or of any other breach or default in the performance by such party hereunder. SCHEDULES 7.15 Each Schedule attached to this Agreement is an integral part of this Agreement as if set out at length in the body of this Agreement. 16 NO PARTNERSHIP 7.16 Nothing contained in this Agreement will, create or be deemed to create, as between the Province, on the one hand, and the Local Government, on the other hand, a partnership, joint venture or agency relationship. 7.17 The Recipient will not make a public announcement concerning the project without the prior consent of the Province. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. SIGNED on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of British Columbia by an authorized signatory on behalf of the Minister of the Ministry of Small Business, Tourism and Culture in the presence of: c1L (Witness) / Ministry of Small Business, Tourism and Culture Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge) ) by: ) Authorized Signatory ) ) ) Title ) ) by: ) Authorized Signatory ) Authorized Signatory (please print) Authorized Signatory (please print) Title 17 SCHEDULE "A" PROJECT BUDGET Project Description: Complete improvements to the Trans Canada Trail through Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. The project will consist of: Eligible Components Construction of Kanaka Creek multi-purpose trail crossing; completion of the Harris Road staging area and upgrade of installation of interpretative signage along the trail system and additional trail development. Estimated Cost $381,400 Ineligible Components All costs incurred prior to June 27, 1999. Donated labour and materials exceeding 1/3 of eligible costs. Donated assets. SCHEDULE "C" PROJECT TIMETABLE Start Date: Forthwith Completion Date: March 31, 2001 18 BRITISH COLUMBIA 2000 RECOGNITION PLAN Please indicate below the method by which your organization will publicly acknowledge and recognize the grant provided by the Province. Please indicate the timing for such recognition. 1II I A. vm _NI t. - -. - - pwr - - F- I ,.Y U x STAGING AREAS TRAIL/BRIDGE CROSSING amm • INTERPRE11VE KIOSKS TRAIL LENGTH IS 23.2 KM N CORPORATION OF THE A DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PN I L.BUU VtCU TRANS CANADA TRAIL THROUGH THE DISTRICT OF SCALE MAPLE RIDGE AND PITT MEADOWS NIS F1LEJbWG No 51(0091 DATE. 98/10/21 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 29, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - Corn Dev & Rec SUBJECT: Proposed Universal Shoreline Speed Restriction SUMMARY The above noted subject was discussed at a recent Parks and Leisure Services Commission meeting at which time Commission members received a delegation from the Coastguard and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. The delegation spoke to the need for the proposed regulations which will provide enhanced boating safety by restricting the water craft speed limit to 10 kilometres perhour within 30 metres of shore. - RECOMMENDATION That Council support the proposed universal shoreline speed restrictions of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. BACKGROUND Information forwarded from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans is attached for further background information. by: Co uni Development, Parks and Recreation Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson,..AICP,MCIP. - - - - Chief Administrative Officer MM:ed Attachment - 1 - I 1*1 FisherieS and Oceans Canadian Coast Guard Péches et Oceans - Gard. càtIèr. canadlenne QMc. of 8oabng Safety (Pac) 25 I.Iuroil Sttet VictOrI. ec vav 4V9 7eleghons (250) 480.2621 Fax (250) 480.2793 Your file Votre rof6rence • ... Tr Our file NoIre rCférence August 17, 1999 Dear Mayor and Council, RE: Consultation in Advance of a Proposed Universal Shoreline Speed Restriction The Canadian Coast Guard Office of Boating Safety (Pacific) is requesting written input regarding the implementation of a Universal Shoreline Speed Restriction in the Province of British Columbia. The proposed restriction is a 10km/h speed limit on Vessels operating within 30 metres of a shoreline on all waters in British Columbia. This restriction would apply to all vessels up to 15 tons under the Canada Shipping Act - Boating Restriction Regulations. There are some exemptions to the restriction: • Vessels towing persons perpendicular from shore • Vessels towing persons where the operation takes place within an area designated by buoys in an area where such operation is permitted • Rivers less than 100 m in width • Canals and buoyed channels • Areas where another speed restriction is in place • Safety boats within the scope of the regular activities of a recognized group The Universal Shoreline Speed restriction is in force in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta The Office of Boating Safety expects several positive results with the implementation of the Universal Shoreline Speed Restriction. ADMINISTRATION AUG 2 5 1999 I Canadt -2- Today's waterways are increasing in usage involving diverse activities on an around our waterways. A speed restriction would encourage safer, predictable operating conditions for all waterway users and reduce concerns users have regarding high-speed craft operating close to shore. Another benefit of the proposed speed restriction would be greater protection of inshore habitat and reduce shoreline erosion. The Canadian Coast Guard Office of Boating Safety would like input from various agencies and groups regarding submitting a proposal for a Universal Shoreline Speed Restriction and looks forward to your comments. Enclosed is a copy of the regulatory section in the regulations, and an information sign. We would appreciate your assistance in this matter by posting the information sign where it may be best viewed by the general.public. Your cooperation would greatly assist us in notifying the general public of our intentions. Please don't hesitate to contact this office if you have any questions or concerns at: (250) 480-2621 or E-mail: michaelcpac.dfo-mgo.gc.ca or: Canadian Coast Guard Office of Boating Safety (P) Attn: Cohn Michael 25 Huron Street Victoria, BC V8V4V9 Thank you for your cooperation Regards, Aee~l~- Cohn Michael Canadian Coast Guard Office of Boating Safety (P) 4 CANADA SHIPPING ACT - Boating Restriction Regulations Regulations Respecting the Restriction of Navigation Prohibitions (5.2) Subject to subsection (5.3), no person shaH operate, in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta, a power-driven vessel at a speed in excess of 10 km/h in waters within 30 m of the shore. (7) Subsections (1) to (5.2) do not apply to: a peace officer; an employee or agent of the Crown,of a province, county or municipality acting within the scope of their duties; a person in the act of saving life or limb or preventing damage to property; or a person who operates a safety boat for surveillance and lifeguarding within the scope of regular activities carried out by a recreational institution or a teaching or racing organization established under provincial, federal or international laws; (5.3) Subsection (5.2) does not apply (a) if the operation of the vessel is for the purpose of towing a person on water • skis, a surf board or any other such equipment and the vessel follows a trajectory that is perpendicular to the shore, and where the vessel is being operated in waters within 30 m of the shore, the operation takes place within an area designated by buoys as an area in which Such operation is permitted; and (b) in respect of the operation of power-driven vessels in rivers that are less than 100 m in width, or in canals or buoyed channels, or in any waters referred to in Schedule IV or IV.1 in respect of which a maximum speed is prescribed by these Regulations with regard to a specified distance from shore. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 26, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - CD, P & RS SUBJECT: Parks and Leisure Services Commission Minutes for the October 14, 1999 SUMMARY The attached minutes were recently adopted by the Parks and Leisure Services Commission and are forwarded for Council information. RECOMMENDATION That the minutes of the October 14, 1999 open meeting of the Parks and Leisure Services Commission be received for information. BACKGROUND The following decision items were dealt with by the Commission in their October 14, 1999 open meeting: Leisure Centre Expansion/Youth Centre - Concept Plan Endorsement That the Leisure Centre expansion and Youth Centre concept plans be endorsed. Citizens' Advisory Committee/Commission Evaluation No recommendation at this time. Commission members are requested to complete the attached forms as a first step in the evaluation process. Proposal from Mr. Harry Blackwell That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission request that staff consult with the Arts Council on Mr. Blackwell's proposal for an Arts and Crafts Village at Maple Ridge Park; and further, that the use of the site for this purpose be considered as part of the park area development plan. - Maple Ridge Historical Society Correspondence re: 2000 Budget That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission review the request of the Maple Ridge Historical Society for increased funding to operate the Brickyard Museum during the 2000 budget deliberations. - Pitt Meadows Heritage and Museum Society Correspondence re: 2000 Budget That, the Parks and Leisure Services Commission give consideration to the incremental budget packages proposed by the Pitt Meadows Heritage Museum Society during the 2000 and 2001 budget deliberations. 0 1.01,03 V (1) Bid to Host the 2001 or 2002 B.C. Games for Athletes with a Disability That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission decline the opportunity to bid for the 2001 or 2002 B.C. Games for Athletes with a Disability in light of a bid already having been presented for the B.C. Seniors' Games for the same years, noting that the decision to decline the bid may be reconsidered in the event that the Seniors' Games are not awarded to Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. Correspondence from Mr. Gehrig Merrit re: Douglas College Baseball That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission request that a letter of response be forwarded to Mr. Gehrig Merrit indicating the District of Maple Ridge's intention to install lighting on the junior baseball diamond at the Albion Sports Complex in 2000 or shortly thereafter, and indicating further that the use of that diamond during the fall and winter months can be considered as part of the field scheduling process undertaken each year. Correspondence from Department of Fisheries and Oceans re: Proposed Universal Shoreline Speed Restrictions That a member of the Coast Guard be invited to attend a Commission meeting to provide additional details and clarification of the proposal, and further, that representation from the Alouette Power Squadron also be invited to attend the meeting. Approvedy: Mike Murray, GM: Commun Dev pment, Parks and Recreation Services oz Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP,MCIP Chief Administrative Officer MM:ed Attachment IWR I Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Ridge Meadows Parks and Leisure Services Commission Held on Thursday, October 14, 1999 - 7:00 p.m. Maple Ridge Municipal Hall 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.C. Present: Trustee A. Code Trustee J. Dueck Mayor D. Duncan Mayor C. Durksen - Chair Councillor L. King Couflcillor D. MacLean Councillor G. O'Connell Councillor K. Stewart Trustee G. Trerise Mr. Mike Murray, General Manager: Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services Mr. Mike Davies, Director of Parks and Facilities Mrs. E. Dickson, Recording Secretary Additions to the Agenda Mayor Durksen requested that the following items be added to the agenda: 5. (i) Request from Mr. Mary Jones ) Date of Next Commission Meeting Adoption of the Agenda MOVED by Mayor Duncan, SECONDED by Councillor Stewart That the agenda for the October 14, 1999 meeting be adopted as amended. Lr. . -' Minutes of the September 9, 1999 Regular Meeting MOVED by Trustee Dueck, SECONDED by Councillor Stewart - That the minutes of the - September - 99 1999RegularMeetiugbe adopted- as- circulated. CARRIED Delegations - None Decision Items (a) Leisure Centre Expansion/Youth Centre - Concept Plan Endorsement 1 MOVED by Councjflor O'Connell, SECONDED by Trustee Dueck That the Leisure Centre expansion and Youth Centre concept plans be endorsed. Mr. Murray reviewed the plans for the Leisure Centre expansion, noting the additions and changes that are anticipated for the facility. Some of these changes include: the elimination of a full scale restaurant which will be replaced by a concession operation, an adult change table/area for handicapped adults, office space adjacent to the Youth Centre which will be available for bookings by community organizations, garage doors opening to an outside patio, a skateboarding facility in the downstairs portion of the Youth Centre, a lift to accommodate patrons with accessibility needs, a community gymnasium, and upstairs change room facilities. Mayor Duncan asked if there would be a problem with noise transference between the two gyms. Mr. Murray replied that this is being looked into at the present time. MOTION CARRIED Citizens' Advisory Committee/Commission Evaluation - Mayor Durksen asked Commission members to fill out the form that was included in the agenda package and return it at the end of the meeting. Proposal from Mr. Harry Blackwell MOVED by Trustee Dueck, SECONDED by Councillor King That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission request that staff consult with the Arts Council on Mr. BlackweH's proposal for an Arts and Crafts Village at Maple Ridge Park; and further, that the use of the site for this purpose be considered as part of the park area development plan. Mr. Murray advised that public meetings regarding further development of Maple Ridge Park would take place prior to decisions being made on the overall plan. Councillor King expressed concern about having efforts of the Arts Council disbursed over such a large area, in addition to municipal funding being required to see the plans developed. Mr. Murray noted that with the major fund-raising to be undertaken for the new arts centre, the formation of an arts and crafts village would require even further funding from the community which may be more than the community can bear at this time and that the fund-raising efforts would be split. Once the Arts Centre is completed, some of the activities proposed for the Arts and Crafts Village may be incorporated into the new facility. Mayor Durksen asked that a letter be written to Mr. Blackwell outlining the Commission's recommendation. MOTION CARRIED (d) Maple Ridge Historical Society Correspondence re: 2000 Budget MOVED by Trustee Trerise, SECONDED by Councillor King That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission review the request of the Maple Ridge Historical Society for increased funding to operate the Brickyard Museum during the 2000 budget deliberations. MOTION CARRIED (e) Pitt Meadows Heritage and Museum Society Correspondence re: 2000 Budget MOVED by Mayor Duncan, SECONDED by Councillor O'Connell That the Parks, and Leisure Services Commission give consideration to the incremental budget package proposed by the Pitt Meadows Heritage Museum Society during the 2000 and 2001 budget deliberations. Councillor O'Connell asked why there was a discrepancy in the wages paid to the curators in each municipality. Trustee Code spoke as a member of the Pitt Meadows Heritage and Museum Society, advising that when the Pitt Meadows museum curator was hired, the current salary paid to the individual was what was established at the time, noting that wage comparisons had not been carried out and that several raises had been implemented since. Mayor Duncan said that he assumed that the workload at the Maple Ridge Museum was greater than that in Pitt Meadows but Trustee Code did not entirely agree with this assumption. It was suggested that the Commission may wish to entertain a policy around wages, however, Councillor Stewart said that is would be a difficult job as the Commission would be dealing with two independent societies. Councillor O'Connell asked what makes one historic person more valuable than the other. Trustee Dueck asked who the omployer is in this instance. Mr. Murray replied that the Society is the employer. Mayor Duncan said that he felt it was important for the group to maintain its independence on a fee for service agreement that is presently in place. MOTION CARRIED (1) BId to Host the 2001 or 2002 B.C. Games for Athletes with a Disability MOVED by Councillor King, SECONDED by Trustee Dueck That the Park and Leisure Services Commission decline the opportunity to bid for the 2001 or 2002 B.C. Games for Athletes with a Disability in light of a bid already having been presented for the B.C. Seniors' Games for the same years, noting that the decision to decline the bid may be reconsidered in the event that the Seniors' Games are not awarded to Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. MOTION CARRIED 3 (g) Correspondence from Mr. Gehrig Merritt re: Douglas College Baseball MOVED by Councjllor O'Connell, SECONDED by Trustee Dueck That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission request that a letter of response be forwarded to Mr. Gehrig Merritt indicating the District of Maple Ridge's intention to install lighting on the junior baseball diamond at the Albion Sports Complex in 2000 or shortly thereafter and indicating further that the use of that diamond during the fall and winter months can be considered as part of the field scheduling process undertaken each year. Mr. Murray advised that the addition of lights at the Albion Sports Complex is in the 2000 budget. He added that at this time, it is not possible to set aside a field for baseball, noting that almost all of the fields are multi-purpose fields. As all sports are trying to stretch their seasons, it may also be a problem for Mr. Merritt to apply for use during out- of-season times. Mayor Durksen asked about the possibility of putting up portable fencing. Mr. Murray replied that portable fencing cannot be installed and removed easily on a day-to-day basis. Councillor King said that she supports the concept of flexibility and that all groups' needs should be taken into account during the allocation of fields. She asked if Douglas Collage would offer any monetary support for their request. Mr. Murray replied that at this point, he was not sure and added that Douglas College did contribute along with the School District to the purchase of the Thomas Haney land. He also noted that the other Douglas College campuses do not have adjoining sport fields to their facilities. Mayor Durksen requested that Mr. Merritt be advised of the Commission's recommendation. MOTION CARRIED (h) Correspondence from Department of Fisheries and Oceans re: Proposed Universal Shoreline Speed Restrictions MOVED by Trustee Trerise, SECONDED by Councillor O'Connell That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission support the proposed universal shoreline speed restrictions of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. MOTION AMENDED AS NOTED BELOW Trustee Trerise indicated that the restriction would mean that an excessive amount of time would be required to get onto larger waters and if the proposal included the Fraser River, he would not be in favour of it. Mr. Murray said that he felt the restriction applied to smaller vehicles, i.e. seedoos, as well and that the recommendation was put forth because it would enhance personal safety on the water. After a brief discussion, the following recommendation was put forth: 4 MOVED by Councillor King, SECONDED by Councillor O'Connell That a member of the Coast Guard be invited to attend a Commission meeting to provide additional details and clarification of the proposal, and further, that representation from the Alouette Power Squadron also be invited to attend the meeting. MOTION CARRIED (i) Request from Mr. Mary Jones - Mr. Murray advised that Mr. Jones who is a runner on the dykes would like to see mileage markers placed on the dyke. Mr. Jones is willing to pay for the installation of these markers provided they include an acknowledgement of his business. As the park advertising policy stipulates no advertising except in the core area and community parks, Mr. Murray indicated that this request would be in contravention of the policy, although it would be an enhancement to the dykes with no charge to the municipality. Councillor King said that it would be an improvement to have mileage markers but that she was not in favour of the commercial aspect. Councillor Stewart added that having markers in place would make lawn mowing more difficult as well. Mr. Murray advised that along the Stanley Park Seawall, brass mileage markers are set into concrete, flush with the running surfaôe. Mayor Durksen requested that a letter be written to Mr. Jones advising him of the Commission's decision not to pursue his offer. (I) Date of Next Commission Meeting - Mr. Murray noted that the scheduled date for the next Commissionmeeting is November 18, two days before the election. Commission members were polled and it was decided that the next meeting of the Parks and Leisure Services Commission would take place on November 25, 1999, 7:00 p.m. in the Pitt Meadows Municipal Hall. 6. Information Items MOVED by Councillor O'Connell, SECONDED by Councillor King That Information Items (a) - (e) be received for information. Correspondence from Whonnock Community Association re: Donation to Whonnock Elementary School Basketball Court Copy of Newsletter from Golden Ears Winter Club Correspondence from Whonnock Community Association re: Selvey Park Mr. Murray said that a neighbourhood mail-out, mail-return survey had been conducted and the rate of return was so low that it was not considered too valid, thus, the Association wrote the letter advising that they wished to retain Selvey Park. He added I that this subject will also be reviewed in the upcoming Parks, Recreation and Cultural Master Plan. Mayor Durksen asked Mr. Murray to send a letter to the Association, acknowledging receipt of their letter and updating the group on the upcoming master plan, etc. Minutes of the Maple Ridge Museum Planning Workshop Correspondence from RG Properties re: Skyreach Place - Mr. Murray advised that RG Properties was awarded the downtown project in Chilliwack. Commission Reports Councillor O'Connell - Plans are coming along well in Pitt Meadows for the Trans Canada Trail event. - The ground breaking ceremony for the Pitt Meadows Recreation Centre will take place on Saturday, October 16 at 9:30 a.m. followed by a tree planting ceremony at 11:00a.m. - Tickets for the New Years Eve dinner dance celebration at the Pitt Meadows Recreation Hall are available now - $100 per couple. - The annual general meeting for the Hall of Fame will take place at the Maple Ridge Legion on November 1 at 7:00 p.m. Staff Liaison Reports Mr. Davies An advertisement regarding the memorial trees in the Memorial Peace Park has appeared in the local newspaper. Some of the trees will need to be moved to accommodate the new core and staff wanted those who donated the trees in memonum to be aware of this. As yet, there have not been any calls from the public. Difficulties have occurredat Westview Park necessitating RCMP attendance. Some of the public have suggested closure of the park during the day to deter the Westview Secondary School students from being there. This would be difficult without having the park fenced and also, the park is used by other individuals during the day. Councillor MacLean advised that he had spoken to an administrator at Westview Secondary School and they are hoping that with the cooler, wet weather the problems will abate. Trustee 1 rerise wondered if these problems could be linked to the closure of smoking areas on the school grounds. Councillor O'Connell advised that Community Policing is working on the problem. Trustee Code said that she felt this was an issue that should be dealt with by the RCMP and was not the responsibility of the School Board. Mr. Murray - The Open House to discuss the new library will take place on Thursday, October 21, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. in the Maple Ridge Library. - The Open House to discuss, the Leisure Centre expansion will take place on Monday, October 25, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. The grand Opening of the new seniors centre will take place on Saturday, October 23 at 1:00 p.m. The move from the Centennial Centre to the new facility is now complete and Ms. wheeler is working with the seniors on various aspects of the seniors taking over the new building, duties, bookings, etc. The regular meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. 7 DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 04.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of December 14, 1999 be adopted as circulated. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K flIo-Anne H 'Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 12, 2000 Date Municitr (AtJfN- ___________________________ DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 04.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of December 15, 1999 be adopted as circulated. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Plaiming - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K 1çJo-Anne H Ikarla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. - - - - January 12, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 04.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of December 8, 13 and 16, 1999 be received. "Al Hogarth" CARRIED ) DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K $ Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may he required by your Department. January 12, 2000 AA Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 04.04 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Minutes of the Public Hearing of December 21, 1999 be received. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K K -Anne H arla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 12, 2000 Date Muncipa1 Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 08.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5855-1999 be read a second and third time. (RZ/56/99 —23874 and 23884— 118 Avenue - to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential to CD- 1-93 (Amenity Residential District) to create approximately four lots not less than 371 m each) "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business _n Mgr - Public Works & Development v' Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk VJ hirley K o-Anne H arla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 12, 2000 t M ~ 0 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 08.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5853-1999 be read a second and third time. (RZ/42/99 —21409 Lougheed Highway - to rezone from CS-I (Service Commercial) to CD-2-99 (Comprehensive Development) to provide all the uses currently listed under the CS-i Zone but removes limits on business and professional services and retail use within the existing development) "Al Hogarth" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business _en Mgr - Public Works & Development V Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipai Clerk - Shirley K jp..\nne H LVKarla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 12, 2000 Date UaAA MJallerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 08.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5854-1999 be read a second and third time. (RZ/13199 - 10515 and 10595 —240 Street and 23950 Zeron Avenue - to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-lb (One Family Urban [medium density] Residential) and CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) to permit subdivision into approximately 21 lots) "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business en Mgr - Public Works & Development V Dir Current Plaiming - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - J -AnneH Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 12. 2000 Date Municipl Clerk ct 6t r ( DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 08.04.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5605-1997 be reconsidered and adopted. (RZ/9/97 - 12112 and 12090-227 Street - to redesignate from Compact Housing (40 - 60 units per net hectare) to Apartment District and to designate as a Development Permit Area) E~D DEFEATED DEFERRED "Al Hogarth" MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - 9en Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K 4o-Arme H i/ KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation andlor such action as may be required by your Department. January 12, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 08.04.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5604-1997 be reconsidered and adopted. (RZ/9197 - 12112 and 12090-227 Street - to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment) to permit the construction of a 30 unit four storey apartment building) "Al Hogarth" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business _n Mgr - Public Works & Development V Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K Jo-Anne H '-' Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation andlor such action as may be required by your Department. January 12, 2000 Date MClerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.01.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of January 4, 2000 be received. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk eKarl a Shirley K o-Anne H K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 12, 2000 Date MunijT It go WAA~~ ( 1 DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR hat A4plh respeciiiproperty 114 — 40 Stre 1ideferred t-(he nuaI* 17, of g (of serv&poIi'cies by thNjpi1i Council. (. EFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - _,-Dir - Current Planning %/ Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Ajal Clerk Iey K j-Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you fQr nOtation afldiotsuch ictihn as th bdTüiredbyyoffr par January 12, 2000 WUA Date Municipa DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the report dated December 17, 1999 entitled, Home Occupation Amendments to the Zoning By-law, be referred to a Home Occupation By-law Amendment Working Committee of Council for review and that the working committee report their recommendations back to Council. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - ,vDir - Current Planning " Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notatiOn ãndibr suchactiönã may be re4irëdby 7our Deartmnt. January 12, 2000 lw?11 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11,2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Inspection Services Department building statistics for the months of October and November 1999 be received for information. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development ~/ `Dir Dir - Current Planning ir - Long Range Planning - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department.- - -- - - - - - January 12, 2000 Date -- Mun1tallerE?V DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.04 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That application RZ/29/98 (for property located at 10002, 10036 & 10028 - 240 Street) to rezone properly described in the report dated December 15, 1999 from RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that report and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending By-law be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. (to create approximately 75 lots) DED "Al Hogarth" CAR DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - cje'n Mgr - Public Works & Development_____________________________________________________ / Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section • Municipal.Clerk - - - - - - - - - Shirley K jfr Jo-Anne H KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation andlor such action as may be required by your Department. MunTjalCler2 January 12, 2000 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.05 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11,2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COTtLOR Qat Maple idge Zone Amending By-law No. 5842-1999 J~aaple Ridge Official V C1C . Commu P1 n Amending By-law No. 5843-1999 he read a first time. V, V\- o"A 6"A ( c u (RZ135/99 T3852Dewdney Trunk 4Road - to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to CS-i (Service Commercial) and to designate as a Development Permit Area to permit construction of a gas bar, convenience store with residence and a commercial building) CARRIED DEFEATED CDEFE D Hogarth" MAYOR __- ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - . Dir - Finance - Dir pmmunity & Business - Gic'fgr - Public Works & Development_____________________________________________________ j Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section nicipal Clerk 4--4 ) //L) The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. Mutp&Cler Cv January 12, 2000 ________________________________ Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR K SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/71/99 respecting property located at 1279 1/12793 - 228A Street will be considered by Council at the January 25, 2000 meeting. (to relax the front lot line setback from 7.5 metres to 3.5 metres and the rear lot line setback from 7.5 metres to 1.5 metres and to waive the requirement for both dwelling units to be contained within one structure sharing a common roof by allowing separation of the buildings with an architectural feature on the second storey) "Al Hogarth" CARRIED ) DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance 1,~~Dir Di- Community & Business gr - Public Works & Development Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk ? V Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 12, 2000 Date Muni 1 Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the policy entitled Duplex attached to the report dated December 14, 1999 be adopted. "Al Hogarth" CARRIED / DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance - Dir -Jimmunity & Business Gep.-Mgr - Public Works & Development - -1)ir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section Munici a1lerk VH /7f' The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal CouZIeld on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation andlor such action as may be required by your Department. January 12. 2000 Date Municip 1 Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.07 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR I & That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5857-1999 and Maple ( Ridge 0 ficial Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5858-1999 be read a first time. (RZ/5 1/99 —23688 Kanaka Way - to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-lb (One Family Urban [medium density] Residential) and CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) and to designate as a Development Permit Area to create approximately 25 residential lots) "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finançe - Dir -oi'Iimunity & Business - GejMgr - Public Works & Development_____________________________________________________ ir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirle JoAilheH A(arläK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 12, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.03.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR _____________ SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR ______________ That the report dated November 10, 1999 be received noting that it is reported therein that the petitions to include properties located at 24286 - 102 Avenue, 24308 - 102 Avenue, 24340 - 102 Avenue and 24360 - 102 Avenue into Sewer Area "A" are sufficient and valid; and further That Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 5859-1999 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 5859-1999 be read a third time. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dfr"Engineering Operations r - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section ) , unipai Clerk The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 12, 2000 Date iX Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.03.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR V That the report dated December 1, 1999 be received noting that it is reported therein that the petition to include properties located at 24103 and 24127 - 102 Avenue into Sewer Area "A" is sufficient and valid; and further That Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 5872-1999 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 5872-1999 be read a third time. CARR,1E) "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED _MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development_____________________________________________________ - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - eelopment Eng. - Djp.Engineering Operations ir - Engineering Projects -Geri Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk bi&yK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 12, 2000 Date Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.03.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control Amending By-law No. 5873-1999 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control Amending By-law No. 5873-1999 be read a third time. (to reflect year 2000 deadline dates for the purchase of dog licenses - the rates for which remain unchanged) "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - DJr Corporate Support Jnance ommunity &Business - Public Works & Development Durrent Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities I'tE1 irincipa ne Clerk - H laK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. Muniterk January 12, 2000 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.03.04 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR I SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the request of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of BC & Yukon for permission to canvass door-to-door for donation during the month of February 2000 be approved. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - MunjpalClerk - o SeyK o-Anne H KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. - - - - - - - January 12, 2000 tuip UJAA Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.03.05 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That "Al I-logarth" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED - MAYOR ACTiON NOl ICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Geri Mgr - Corporate & Financial - RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development__________________________________________________ - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 12, 2000 Date It Mu±lCIerP Ar- -to DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.03.06 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the report dated November 29, 1999 providing data relative to the Municipal Election held on Saturday, November 20, 1999 be received for information purposes. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Mynipa1 Clerkic - irley K Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. - - - - January 12, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.04.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR J111_ That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the conditional grant agreement attached to the report dated November 29, 1999 entitled, Trans Canada Trail Construction Grant. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - DipoEngineering Operations - ir - Engineering Projects Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk Shine J nneH Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. - January 12, 2000 Date Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.04.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the proposed Universal Shoreline Speed Restriction of the Canadian Coast Guard Office of Boating Safety attached to the report dated November 29, 1999 be supported. "Al Hogarth" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - MuieipaI Clerk - STrley K fr Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 12, 2000 -t~ (,Um- Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.04.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Minutes of the Parks and Leisure Services Commission Open Meeting of Qctober 14, 1999 be received. "Al Hogarth" CARRIED A)EFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. 6/Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Engineering Operations ir - Engineering Projects - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation andlor such action as may be required by your Department. January 12, 2000 4z9.,Q WAA;P~ Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 12.2 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 11, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5879-1999 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5879-1999 be read a third time. "Al Hogarth" CAED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR RRI ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir -JT1imunity & Business - j G1Igr - Public Works & Development ' Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - ,Municipal Clerk j7 Shirle - J nneH Karla K fiLS- The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 12, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE: January 10, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/35/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Staff - Council Workshop SUBJECT: Landscape Screens to Buffer Commercial Use SUMMARY: At the Committee of the Whole Meeting January 4th, 2000, where a first reading memo for RZ/35/99 was considered, concern was expressed with respect to ways to minimize the impact of commercial activities on adjacent residential properties. As a result Staff were requested to prepare a report reviewing the issues of lanes vs, cross access easements, landscape screens and opportunities to buffer commercial activity adjacent to residential use. RECOMMENDATION: That the Memorandum dated January 7, 2000 be received for Council consideration, and That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5842-1999 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5843-1999 be given First Reading. BACKGROUND: Lanes and Cross Access Easements In reviewing the site plans for RZ/35199 there was discussion of a proposal to eliminate the lane, and instead provide a cross access easement at another location in the lot to serve the same function as a lane. It was felt that this arrangement would provide a wider area for landscaping along the north property line and move the commercial lane traffic away from the rear yards of the adjacent residential properties. • Cross Access Easement agreements have been established on other commercial sites to eliminate the need to exit and re-enter via the public road to access from one neighbouring commerciilsite to the next. This reduces the potential for conflicts between pedestrians and other vehicles - traveling past the site. These easements offer this opportunity where it is not feasible due to site constrictions or proximity to an intersection, of creating a rear lane access from a flanking street. The easement is an agreement between two property owners to provide access to the others property in a location identified by a survey plan. In new construction the establishment of an easement will effect the layout of subsequent developments on adjacent lands to insure the access points are aligned. - 1 - 1. ~ To this point easement agreements have been a workable alternative where municipal roads or lanes are not feasible due to terrain or other constraints. However it is preferred to create a lane or road through dedication to ensure public access is not lost due to termination of the private agreements or eliminated with subsequent reconstruction or renovations on these private lands. A dedicated lane with curb returns provides a readily defined access point from a flanking street for pick-up and delivery traffic visiting the site. A lane off a flanking street reduces the need for mid-block left turn movements onto the site by encouraging left turns to occur at road intersections. This reduces the potential for conflicts between pedestrians who are not anticipating vehicles to cross their path at mid block to access a site. The dedicated lane proposed in RZ/35/99 will provide the opportunity for vehicle access to the rear yards of adjacent properties. The popularity of this secondary access is evident in the residential areas of the District where lanes exist and corner properties have often created access to the lot from two streets. The lane will introduce traffic adjacent to these properties, however there will also be two other access points into the site to accommodate traffic demand. Landscape Screens and Buffers The use of landscape screens as defined in the Zoning Bylaw is an effective tool to hide unwanted views from adjacent properties. By definition, a Landscape Screen is a visual barrier composed of a continuous evergreen hedge, wooden fence or masonry wall, or combination thereof, which is broken only by access drives, lanes and walkways. Landscaping alone however does not function as an effective sound barrier. Landscaping in combination with ground forms such as berms or hills is often employed where space permits the berm to be high enough to deflect sound waves up and over the intended quiet zone. Depending on the noise source an effective berm can be quite high and require an area greater than six times the height to accommodate a typical 3 horizontal to 1 vertical fill slope ratio. There is little desire to set aside large areas in urban settings to create landscaped sound barriers. As a result terms like buffering or landscape buffers are used by landscape architects to describe areas of landscaping found typically along the edges of development. This landscaping provides an area of transition from one use to the next, or visually buffers the hard edges of structures and paved surfaces. These areas are wider than what is required for a landscape screen, however they are not of sufficientwidth to create a landform to deflect sound. Good buffers and landscape screens can be designed as significant visual barriers, to hide the source of noise from view. This leaves the impression-thatthe buffer is-offering--some sou-nd.attenuaticn,-however this is only a perceived or psychological barrier to sound when the source of noise is no longer in view. Often where space is limited a sound barrier is constructed to deflect the noise. Examples of this are typically found along highways to provide some noise abatement. These structures are higher than typical rear yard fences and are constructed of steel or concrete panels. A fence height greater than the maximum permitted in the Zoning Bylaw (2.0 meters) is needed to be effective. The down side is these structures appear massive in urban setting and prevent the opportunity of residents to monitor activities in the neighbourhood. -2- It is important to consider the location of landscape buffer areas to insure that the responsibility for future maintenance is clearly understood. Often boulevard areas adjacent to rear yards are not maintained once a landscape screen or 2.0 in high fence is installed. The attitude is often why should I maintain what is on the other side of my fence and outside my property. For this reason when considering subdivision layout design the preference is to avoid lot designs where rear yards back onto the street. This would be a concern in the RZ/35/99 application if a landscape screen was proposed on the north side of the lane, adjacent to the rear yards. Rezoning Application RZ/35/99 In reviewing the plans submitted with this application it is evident that there are subtle differences that make this application unique to recent developments where conflicts in use exist. The siting of the commercial building provides a structural barrier between the gas bar/convenience store and the residents to the north. Conflicts exist on other commercial sites where noise generation (i.e. from vacuums, car wash activities etc.) occur adjacent to property lines without making use of structures to muffle the noise of these activities. Conflicts often occur where a house is oriented to the flanking street, resulting in the side of the house being closer to the commercial use with only a narrow side yard set back separating the uses. In application RZ/35/99 the existing houses front on the street to the north. As a result the rear yard set back provides a greater separation between the uses. CONCLUSION: The plans presented with the first reading memo for RZ135/99 demonstrates an organized site plan that attempts to minimize potential conflicts between adjacent uses. The aspect of a dedicated lane to serve this site and further development to the west is a superior alternative in providing public access. A secondary consideration is the potential for providing an additional vehicle access to the rear yards of neighbouring residences. Based on this information staff continue to recommended First Reading to continue on to the next stage, Public Hearing. by: Byte McLeod ISA Certified Arborist fr" Ly4e çpjning Technician P. of Jake J. Rudolph, AICP, MCIP General Manager: Public Works & Development Services R. W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer -3- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Inactive Rezoning Applications DATE: January 5, 2000 ATTN: Pe<CO SUMMARY The attached procedures amending bylaw has been prepared in response to concerns regarding the one-year, one time only extension for inactive rezoning applications. The attached Bylaw provides for the granting of one additional extension by Council on inactive rezoning applications. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999 be read a first and second time, and the rules of order be waived and that Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999 be read a third time. BACKGROUND Since 1997, the District of Maple Ridge has had an Inactive Rezoning policy regarding the closure of rezoning applications one year following third reading of the zone amending bylaw, unless the applicant has received a one-time only extension from Council. At present there are 17 rezoning files that have received the one-time only extension and will be closed in January and February of this year. Given the current policy regarding inactive files no further extensions can be granted by Council. Many applicants have contacted Council members and staff to note their concern with the inability to extend their files, and have claimed that having to re-apply for a zone change amendment will cause them considerable financial and time delays. Iv. DISCUSSION i. One-Time Extension Council have directed that the Development Procedures Bylaw be amended to provide for a maximum of two extensions from Council. It is believed that the possibility for two extensions (at Council's discretion) should provide ample time for most applicants to satisfy conditions. Bylaw No. 5879-1999 is attached to this report. ii. Fee The District has a $500 fee for the extension of a rezoning application. While some applicants have noted there displeasure in paying such an application fee, staff are of the opinion that the fee is reasonable and note that other Lower Mainland municipalities charge upwards of $1500 for similar extensions. Staff recommend that the application fee for extension remain at $500. V. CONCLUSION Council and staff agree that a one-year, one-time only extension to a zone amending bylaw following third reading is a very tight time-frame and is not attainable by many applicants. It is recommended that Council adopt the attached Procedures Bylaw to provide for the granting of a maximum of two extensions by Council. i1LL (7x Prepared by: Christine Carter, MCIP, Planner Fryer, P. or, Cu4 'jàke J. Rudi, A!CP, MCIP GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer 2 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5879 - 1999 A by-law to establish procedures to amend an Official Community Plan or a Zoning By-law or to issues a Permit WHEREAS the Council has adopted an Official Community Plan and a Zoning By-law; AND WHEREAS Council has designated areas within which Temporary Commercial and Industrial permits or Development Permits are required; AND WHEREAS Council shall, under the Municipal Act, by by-law establish procedures to amend a plan, by-law or issue a permit; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Title a) This by-law may be cited for all purposes as the "Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5879 -1999". b) Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632-1997 and all amendments thereto are hereby repealed in their entirety. Scope This By-law shall apply to the following: (1) Amendments to: an Official Community Plan a ZoniigBy:1aw. (2) Issuance of: Development variance permits; Temporary commercial and industrial permits Development permits Heritage alteration permits. BY-LAW NO. 5879-1999 PAGE 2 Application 3. (1) Applications for an amendment or a permit shall be made by the owner of the land involved or by a person authorized by the owner. (2) Applications for amendments or permits shall be made to the Director of Current Planning of the Municipality or his designate on the applicable for attached hereto as Schedule 'A". Fees 4. At the time of application for an amendment or a permit, the applicant shall pay to the municipality an application fee in the amount as set out in Bylaw No. 5542-1997 or amendments thereto. Process 5. Every application shall be processed by the Director of Current Planning of, the Municipality, or his designate, who shall present a report to Council for its consideration. Amendments - Approval or Refusal 6. The Council may, upon receipt of the report under Section 5 of this by-law proceed with an amendment by-law, or reject the application. Permits - Issuance or Refusal 7. (1) The Council may, upon receipt of the report under Section 5 of this by-law: authorize the issuance of the permit; authorize the issuance of the proposed permit as amended by the Council in its resolution; refuse to authorize the issuance of the permit; 2) Notice of Council consideration of a resolution to issue a Development Variance Permit shall be mailed or otherwise delivered to all owners or tenants in occupation of all parcels, any parts of which are adjacent to the property that is subject to the permit. Refusal - Amendments and Permits 8. Where an application, amendment by-law or a permit has been refused by the Council, the Municipal Clerk shall notify the applicant in writing within 15 (fifteen) days immediately following the date of refusal. BY-LAW NO. 5879-1999 PAGE 3 Re-Application 9. Re-application for an, amendment or permit that has been refused by the Council shall not be considered within a 12 (twelve) month period immediately following the date of the refusal. Inactive Rezoñing Applications: 10. Rezoning applications will be closed one year following the date of third reading of the Zone Amending Bylaw with the following exceptions: (i) where the applicant has applied for a bylaw extension, and has received an extension from Council. 11. Written notification of the impending file closure will be sent to the applicant 60 days prior to the expiry of the one year period following third reading. 12. An inactive rezoning application extension fee in the amount as set out in By-law No. 5542- 1997 must be paid at the time of written application for an extension. 13. The Council may upon receipt of an application for extension under Section 10 of this By1 aw: grant the request for extension deny the request for extension repeal third reading of the bylaw and refer the bylaw to Public Hearing. 14. Each extension provided by Council may be granted for a maximum of one year. 15. A maximum of two (2) extensions under Section 10 may be granted by Council. READ a first time this day of , A.D. 2000 READ a second time this day of , A.D. 2000 READ a third time this day of , A.D. 2000 - -- - RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED this day of , A.D. 2000 MAYOR CLERK b%0-0.90"M 00% 1 ~Ma MAPLE RIEXJE Iuco:A)Iitcd 12 FJb.nl)C. 1 M 7.4 District of Maple Ridge News Release For Immediate Release January 10, 2000 District of Maple Ridge Appoints New General Manager MAPLE RIDGE, BC: The District of Maple Ridge is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Paul Gill as the new General Manager, Corporate & Financial Services. Mr. Gill joined the District of Maple Ridge in 1988. Prior to that he was an Administration Officer and Corporate Accounts Officer with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. Mr. Gill is a Certified General Accountant. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree from Simon Fraser University; and, a Fellowship Designation in Risk Management. He has held various positions at the District - his most recent position was Director of Corporate Planning & Protective Services. The General Manager, Corporate & Financial Services is responsible for the overall management of three departments including Finance, Corporate Support, and Community & Business Relations. In addition, the General Manager provides municipal support to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Fire Department. Mr. Gill will also continue to be responsible for business planning, property management, and insurance/risk management. Paul is a long-time resident of Maple Ridge and is married to Luella. They have two young sons. -30-• For more information, please contact: Mr. R.W.Robertson Chief Administrative Officer District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Phone (604) 463-5221 Fax (604) 467-7329 e-mail: brobertsondistrict.maple-ridge.bc.ca MAPLE RIIXJE I nco :Au.nCd 12 fJb.nbc. 1 k 7.4 District of Maple Ridge News Release For Immediate Release January 10, 2000 District of Maple Ridge Receives GFOA Award MAPLE RIDGE, BC: The District of Maple Ridge has won the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting for its Popular Report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1998. The Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting is a prestigious international award that recognizes conformance with the highest standards for preparation of state/provincial and local government popular reports. This is the third consecutive year that the District of Maple Ridge has received the award; therefore, it is in very elite company as only a few are awarded in Canada. To receive an Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting, a government unit must publish a Popular Annual Financial Report, and the contents must conform to program standards of creativity, presentation, comprehension, and reader appeal. The Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting is valid for one year. -30- For more information, please contact: Mr. R.W. Robertson Chief Administrative Officer District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Phone: (604) 463-5221 Fax: (604) 467-7329 e-mail: brobertsondistrict.map1e-ridge.bC.ca