HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-01-25 Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING A GENDA January 25, 2000 7:00p.m. Council Chamber MEETING DECORUM Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.org 01 CALL TO ORDER 02 OPENING PRA YERS Pastor Tony Sobocinski 03 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 03.01 Maple Ridge Town Centre Project Presentation 04 ADOPTION OF MINUTES 04.01 Regular Council Meeting of January 11, 2000 04.02 Public Hearing of Januaiy 18, 2000 04.03 Development Agrements January 12 (2) and 7, 2000; December 21, 1999 05 DELEGATIONS 05.01 Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge Home Show Society - Update on Activities Presenter: Mr. Michael J. Potter 11-1 Page 1 Council Meeting Agenda January 25, 2000 Council Chamber 06 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 06.01 D VP171199 - 12791 and 12793 - 228A Street (an application to relax the front and rear lot setbacks and common wall requirements) 07 CORRESPONDENCE Nil 08 BY-LAWS Items 08.01 and 08.02 from the January 18, 2000 Public Hearing 08.01 RZ165199 - 11579 - 240 Street - RS-3 to CD-i -93 Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 58661999 second and third reading (to create approximately nine lots not less than 371m' each). 08.02 RZ162199 - Amendments to Secondary Suite Regulations Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5 847-1999 second and third reading (to establish a definition of cooking facility; delete the minimum lot size requirements; delete the requirement for a business licence; and establish a regulation that states that secondary suites are not permitted on property situated within a floodplain). 08.03 Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5879-1999 final reading (regulations governing inactive development applications). 08.04 Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control Amending By-law No. 5873-1999 final reading (to reflect year 2000 deadline dates for the purchase of dog licences). Page 2 ALI,• Council Meeting Agenda January 25, 2000 Council Chamber 09 COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 09.01 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 09.01.01 Minutes Minutes of January 17, 2000 The following issues were considered at the January 17, 2000 Committee of the Whole meeting with the recommendations being brought to this meeting for - Municipal Council consideration and final approval. The Committee of the Whole meeting is open to the public and is held in the Council Chamber at 12:30 p.m. on the Monday the week prior to this meeting. 09.02 Public Works and Development Services 09.02.0 1 RZ164199 - Northeast Corner of 236 Street and 133 Avenue Staff report dated January 5, 200 recommending that the subject application to permit 33 R-3 units and 40 RM-1 units be forwarded to Public Hearing subject to the conditions specified in the report. 09.02.02 RZ123196 - 13819 - 232 Street - Request for One Year Extension Staff report dated December 21, 1999 recommending that a one year extension be granted to the subject application to permit 500 units under the CD-3-98 Zone, using a combination of single family residential and multi-family residential form of development. - 09.02.03 DP/66199 - Maple Ridge Town Centre Project - Leisure Centre and Youth Centre Staff report dated January 11, 2000 recommending that the subject application be executed. Page 3 Council Meeting Agenda January 25, 2000 Council Chamber 09.02.04 DVP/81/99 - 20318 Dewdney Trunk Road Staff report dated January 7, 2000 recommending that the subject application to permit a variance in the rear yard setback be considered at the Council Meeting of February 15, 2000 following appropriate notification to adjacent property owners. 09.02.05 DVP/80/99 —23281 Kanaka Way Staff report dated January 11, 2000 recommending that the subject application to waive the requirement to convert existing overhead wires on the north side of Kanaka Way be considered at the Council Meeting of February 15, 2000 following appropriate notification to adjacent property owners. 09.02.06 Soil Deposit Regulation Amending By-law No. 5881-2000 Staff report dated January 5, 2000 recommending that the subject by-law be granted three readings. 09.02.07 RZ135199 - 23853 Dewdney Trunk Road - By-laws 5843 and 5842-1999 Staff report dated December 10, 1999 recommending that the subject by-laws to permit a gasoline bar, convenience store with resident and a commercial building be read a first time. Deferred from Council Meeting of January 11, 2000 for consideration of additional staff information. 09.03 Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Policei 09.03.01 B. C. Hydro Recycling Levies Staff report dated December 14, 1999, 1999 recommending that a request from B.C. Hydro for a refund in the amount of $235.90 with respect to waiving the annual 1999 recyling levy on 14 properties not be approved. Page 4 Council Meeting Agenda January 25, 2000 Council Chamber 09.03.02 Adjustments to the 1999 Collector's Roll - Reports for Information Purposes: Staff reports dated January 4, 2000, December 14, 1999 and eight reports dated December 8, 1999 advising of tax adjustments as detailed in the reports recommendation to receive for information. 09.03.03 Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee Report from Municipal Clerk. 09.03.04 Question Period Report from Municipal Clerk 09.04 Community Development and Recreation Service Nil 09.04.0 1 Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues - By-law Amendment Staff report dated December 20, 1999 recommending that By-law No. 5845-1999 be granted three readings. 09.05 Other Committee Issues 10 MAYOR'S REFOR TS Page 5 Council Meeting Agenda January 25, 2000 Council Chamber 11 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS 12 OTHER MA TTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 13 NOTICES OF MOTION 14 ADJOURNMENT 15 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to seek' clarification about an item on the agenda or other Municipal matter. Council will not tolerate derogatory remarks directed at Council and/or staff during the Question Period. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes only to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). The total Question Period is limited to 15 minutes and questions must be related to items on the agenda. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the office of the Municipal Clerk who can be contacted at 463-5221. I t s.karasz Page6 I Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge APPOINTMENTS VIA CATEGORIES 1999-2000 GO VERNMENT AGENCIES E-Comm (Effective January 01,2000.) Hams Fraser Basin Council Speirs Fraser Valley Regional Library Board Gordon 1St alternate Speirs 2nd alternate Morse Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) Hogarth 1St alternate Morse GVRD Labour Relations Bureau Isaac 1St alternate Gordon Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee Gordon Harris OTHER APPOINTMENTS Auditors KPMG AD VISOR YAND/OR LEGISLATED (*) COMMITTEES Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues King 1st alternate Speirs *Advisoi.y Design Panel Morse 1st alternate King Bicycle Advisory Committee Speirs 1st alternate King Communities In Bloom Morse * Court of Revisiori (Frontage Tax) Hogarth Harris Speirs Page 1 Council Appointments 1999-2000 *Development Agreements Committee 1St alternate Douglas College Advisory Committee Economic Advisory Committee * Emergency Planning Committee *Heritage Advisory Committee 1st alternate *MJPM Parks and Leisure Services Commission; 1St alternate 2nd alternate 3rd alternate Ridge Meadows Youth & Justice Advocacy Assoc. Social Planning Advisory Committee 1st alternative Youth Advisory Committee SELECT COMMITTEES Arts and Cultural Policy Implementation Committee Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Airport Society first alternate Year 2000 Millennium Committee Mayor A/Mayor Gordon King Hogarth Morse Isaac King Morse Hogarth King Isaac Gordon Harris Hogarth Gordon King Morse Speirs Harris Morse King Speirs Page 2 Council Appointments 1999-2000 STAFF COMMITTEES Labour Management Isaac Gordon Employee Awards Committee Isaac COMMUNITY GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS (LIAISONS) Alouette River Management Society (ARMS) King Elderly Citizens Recreation Association Hogarth Isaac Morse Maple Ridge Chamber of Commerce Hams 1St alternate Morse Maple Ridge Foundation Hogarth Ridge Meadows Arts Council Speirs Ridge Meadows Recycling Society Isaac ACTING MA YOR 1999-2000 December/January Gordon February/March King April/May Harris June/July Isaac AugustlSeptember Morse October/November Speirs Page 3 Council Appointments 1999-2000 STANDING COMMITTEES Members Committee of the Whole All members Chaired by: Acting Mayor Budget All Members Audit Committee Development Agreements Labour Management Hogarth Isaac Gordon Morse Mayor Acting Mayor Isaac Gordon December 6, 1999 Page 4 Other Community Groups and Organizations Albion Community Association Hammond Community Association Ruskin Community Association Silver Valley Neighourhood Association Thoinhill Community Association Websters Corner's Ratepayers Association Whonnock Community Association Yennadon Community Association Maple Ridge Downtown Parking Society Maple Ridge Equestrian Trails Council Maple Ridge Historical Society Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Agricultural Society Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Community Services Council The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge - CouncIl Schedule 2000 January I Sat. New Years Day 2 Sun. 3 Mon. Stat. New Years 4 Tues. CofW(12:3Opm) 5 Wed. 6 Thur. 7 FrI. 8 Sat. 9 Sun. 10 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 11 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 12 Wed. 13 Thur. 14 FrI. 15 Sat. 16 Sun. 17 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 18 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 19 Wed. 20 Thur. 21 Fri. 22 Sat. 23 Sun. 24 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 25 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 26 Wed. 27 Thur. 28 FrI. 29 Sat. 30 Sun. 31 Mon. April I Sat. 2 Sun. 3 Mon. C of W (12:30 pm) 4 Tues. 5 Wed. 6 Thur. 7 FrI. 8 Sat 9 Sun. 10 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 11 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 12 Wed. 13 Thur. 14 Fri. 15 Sat. 16 Sun. 17 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 18 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 19 Wed. 20 Thur. 21 FrI. Stat. Good Friday 22 Sat 23 Sun. Easter Day 24 Mon. Stat. Easter Mon. 25 Tues. Closed Council I Council 26 Wed. 27 Thur. 28 Fri. 29 Sat. 30 Sun. February I Tues. 2 Wed. 3 Thur. 4 Fri. 5 Sat.. 6 Sun. 7 Mon. C 01W (12:30 pm) 8 Tues. 9 Wed. 10 Thur. 11 Fri. 12 Sat. 13 Sun. 14 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 15 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 16 Wed. 17 Thur. 18 Fri. 19 Sat. 20 Sun. 21 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 22 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 23 Wed. 24 Thur. 25 FrI. 26 Sat. 27 Sun. 28 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 29 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) LEZ I Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 2 Tues. 3 Wed. 4 Thur. 5 Fri. 6 Sat. 7 Sun. 8 Mon. Closed Council (12:30pm) 9 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 10 Wed. 11 Thur. 12 Fri. 13 Sat. 14 Sun. 15 Men. CofW(12:3Opm) 16 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 17 Wed. 18 Thur. 18 Fri. 20 Sat. 21 Sun. 22 Mon. Stit. Vie. Day 23 Tues. Closed Council! Council 24 Wed. 25 Thur. 26 Fri. 27 Sat. 28 Sun. 29 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 30 Tues. 31 Wed. March IWed. 2 Thur. 3 FrI. 4 Sat. 5 Sun. 6 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 7 Tues. 8 Wed. 9 Thur. 10 Fri. 11 Sat. 12 Sun. 13 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 14 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 15 Wed. 16 Thur. 17 Fri. 18 Sat. 19 Sun. 20 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 21 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 22 Wed. 23 Thur. 24 Fri. 25 Sat 26 Sun. 27 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 28 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 29 Wed. 30 Thur. 31 Fri. June I Thur. 2 FrI. (FCM) 3 Sat. (FCM) 4 Sun. (FCM) 5 Mon. (FCM) 6 Tues. 7 Wed. 8 Thur. 9 Fri. 10 Sat. 11 Sun. 12 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 13 Tune. Council (7:00 pm) 14 Wed. 15 Thur. 16 Fri. 17 Sat. 1$ Sun. 19 Mon. CoIW(12:3Opm) 20 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 21 Wed. 22 Thur. 23 Fri. 24 Sat 25 Sun. 26 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 21 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 28 Wed. 29 Thur. 30 Fri. Municipal Clerks Office Page 1 Printed on December 8, 1999 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge - Council Schedule 2000 July August September 1 Sat. Canada Day I Tues. I Fri. 2 Sun. 2 Wed. 2 Sat. 3 Mon. Stat. Canada Day 3 Thur. 3 Sun. 4 Tues. C of W 4 Fri. 4 Mon. Stat. Labour Day 5 Wed. 5 Sat. 5 Tues. 6 Thur. 6 Sun. 6 Wed. 7 Fri. 7 Mon. Stat. BC Day 7 Thur. 8 Sat. 8 Tues. 8 Fri. 9Sun. 9Wed. 9Sat. 10 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 10 Thur. 10 Sun. 11 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) ii Fri. ii Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 12 Wed. 12 Sat. 12 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 13 Thur. 13 Sun. 13 Wed. 14 Fri. 14 Mon. 14 Thur. 15 Sat. 15 Tues. 15 Fri. 16 Sun. 16 Wed. 16 Sat. 17 Mon. C of W (12:30 pm) 17 Thur. 17 Sun. 18 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 18 Fri. 18 Mon. C of W (12:30 pm) 19 Wed. 19 Sat. 19 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 20 Thur. 20 Sun. . 20 Wed. 21 FrI. 21 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 21 Thur. 22 Sat. 22 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 22 Fri. 23 Sun. 23 Wed. 23 Sat. 24 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 24 Thur. 24 Sun. 25 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 25 Fri. 25 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 26 Wed. 26 Sat. 26 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 27 Thur. 27 Sun. 27 Wed. 28 FrI. 28 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 28 Thur. 29 Sat. 29 Tues. 29 Fri. 30 Sun. 30 Wed. 30 Sat. 31 Mon. C of W (12:30 pm) 31 Thur. October Novmbr December I Sun. I Wed. I Fri. 2 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 2 Thur. 2 Sat 3 Tues. 3 Fri. 3 Sun. 4 Wed. 4 Sat. 4 Mon. C of W (12:30 pm) 5 Thur. 5 Sun. 5 Tues. 6 FrI. S Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 6 Wed. 7Sat. 71us$. lThur. 8 Sun. 8 Wed. 8 FrI. 9 Mon. Stat. ThanksgivIng Day 9 Thur. 9 Sat 10 Tues. Closed Cound/Counc6 10 Fri. 10 Sun. 11 Wed. 11 Sat. Remembrance Day 11 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 12 Thur. 12 Sun. 12 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 13 Fri. 13 Mon., Stat. Rsn*mbranc. Day 13 Wed. 14 Sat 14 Tuss. Closed Council! Cound 14 Thur. 15 Sun. 15 Wed. 15 Fri. 16 Mon. CcfW(th30pm) IS Thur. 16 Sat 17 Tues. Public HearIng (7:00 pm) 17 FrI. 17 Sun. 18 Wed. IS Sat 18 Mon. C of W (12:30pm) 19 Thur. 19 Sun. 19 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 20 Fri. 20 Mon. C of W (12:30pm) 20 Wed. 21 Sat. 21 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 21 Thur. 22 Sun. 22 Wed. 22 Fri. 23 Mon. 23 Thur. 23 Sat 24 Tues. (UBCM) 24 FrI. 24 Sun. 25 Wed. (UBCM) 25 Sat 25 Mon. Stat. Christmas 26 Thur. (UBCM) 26 Sun. 25 Tues. Stat. Boxing Day 27 Fri. (LJBCM) 27 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 27 Wed. 28 Sat. 28 Tu. Council (7:00 pm) 28 Thur. 29 Sun. 29 Wed. 29 Fri. 30 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 30 Thur. 30 Sat. 31 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 31 Sun. Municipal Clerk's Office Page 2 PrInted on December 8, 1999 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES 4 January 12, 2000 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Al Hogarth, Chairman Robert Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer Member 1. SD/30199 LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: K. Kirk, Recording Secretary Lot B, Plan 7774 & Lots 281 & 282, Plan 44045; Section 20, Township 12, New Westminster District 12500 & 12520 227 Street 455417 B.C. Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Restrictive Covenants - Exterior Design, Single Family Dwelling, Geotechnical, Cross Access Easement (2) Watercourse Preservation Agreement THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO SD-30-99. CARRIED A Robert Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer Member 04 25 1263032 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 12636 31 11 _________ ...J 12643 12631 26 12620 P6 621 P6262359 366 357 -/ ...i C' C) / 367 11u SN N N N EL BALABANIAN CIR 368 o- 385 j386 (jjP68q21j 69264 ifl I22Z__ I1N N N 39 N1N 2750 1260 06 bZ 22760 I P 12636 A RP' 12610 12588 1 P 77079 12578 2 3 4 co I 9A AVF I I I 12409 1-4 192 191 190 189 I 188 '187 I 186 152 0137 I I I P36353 P9343] I 1548 1552 1565157 N N N N N N I N N N N N N N N1 N 1 N N 1 N N N N N N I N N Ni N N 2 NW3256 12444/46 P 81605 12440 1 0 112433 N- 12421 U-3 12409 a 1 1 38 P1161 37 12593/97 74411 C 12521 P7278 ' 12 C." 2 12517 P857i 16 7TrIIiij 25A AVE 2511 .9 19 12507 12501/03 CI) F,- c%4 CN 38 22523 \ 39 23 22521 P 67860 .22 40 21 22519 2471 27 26 - P64860 18 14 15 617 Oj cc ccl ccl ccl cc ccl'4' cc 20 4 N N J KENDRICK LOOP W o I i I I I Icc IcC (0 1~8 1 N L N ('1 EE N (.4 N 11 10 9 8 7 6 I 5 4 I 3 P o P18883 Rem.! ?cn '4 7 c'i L 10 9 8 , Ac.'a Go Go C) 0( co co 124 AVE h4, 1 1101 2 1Z391 N C4 c4 125A AVE It-- 9 12516 I _ 21 U) 12510 co 22 ("4 12504 23 12468 1 c'1I 12460 2i N ol5Trncyo9 VAU.IY CORPORATION OF A 'c THE DISTRICT OF ALM MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12. September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE: 1:2,500 KEY _____ DATE: Jun 10 1999 FILE: SD-30-99 BY: OS CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES January 7, 2000 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Al Hogarth, Chairman R. Robertson, Administrator Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary Lot A, District Lot 242, Group 1, Plan LMP39093, New Westminster District 12 108 208 Street 466971 BC Ltd. Release of Restrictive Covenant (BM19495)-Rezoning Dev. Agreement 1. RZ/63/94 LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING AGREEMENT AS IT RELATES TO RZ/63/94. CARRIE F.Robertson, Administrator Member Chairman CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES December 21, 1999 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Al Hogarth, Chairman R. Robertson, Administrator Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary iI Lot 9, District Lot 277, Group 1, Plan LMP28091, New Westminster District 20913 115 Avenue John Nikula Discharge of Restrictive Covenants - BK124797, BK124799, BK124802 Lot 10, Plan 30256 & Lot 11, Plan 30498; all of Section 16, Township 12, New Westminster District 11535 & 11555 240 Street Twin Brook Developments Ltd. & Ronald Antalek Restrictive Covenants - Single Family, Exterior Design Control & Geotechnical Subdivision Servicing & Watercourse Preservation Agreements NIKULA, JOHN LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: 2. SD/12/99 LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING AGREEMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO JOHN NTKULA & SD/12/99. CARR1E7 cnL Pv$yor ogart R. Robertson, Administrator chairman Member 290 291 325 297 (1 11684 286 87 288 01 11685 ) F-- 296 324 11674 11673 C\J 289 323 11659 322 1oiyv 293 295 11664 294 11654 321 309 11644 11634 /340 331192 194 317 318 319 0 C'4 3 LM 849 P447 D2 100 f352 P4412 353 cli P 54678 11677 11880 - - 117 165 94 P3310 --- 11676 116 ') 11669 11672 95 3. 11668 164 115 11661 (l) 11664 11663 163 ki I- I- 96 Cl' ii - 114 125 11653 LI_I 11656 11655 (I) - 62 97 LI_I 113 126 11652 11645 LI_I 11648 11641 161 1-• 98 112 127 11644 11637 11640 11639 160 99 111 128 11636 11629 11632 11631 159 100 110 129 11628 11621 11622 11623 158 0 11620 (0 101 109 130 ' 11613 11616 P33 60 11615 157 11612 102 108 g 131 11605 P 33160 0 0 156 11604 103 I16AVE 11596 11599 84 PJ33160 Rem 105 j Rem Rem P 36594 106 107 P 3654 85 I 8 0 3 1 1549 9 4 CIO LMP - f9l co 8 't 17i_ i rr I 6 l0 8 8 11525_J , P34701 P76f'50 I (0 115AVE 2 r2l — I 27 2 a. 11490 JN I 12 8 n1 0 c1 16 Rem8 11480 1514 13 I I I 1(1) 17 P19225 I 11470 I çsJ 18 I 11460 I 19 P 40699 1 1 185 P 85960 20 I 21 22 24 fir- LO.1i I 23 I U, I I I I 8 18 18 C H H H clo GOLF LANE NW 3299 2 P 8'' PARK LMP 36718 !r 1t 27' i-i ,,6.'lI WP 28 Ir PARK 26, 00 Go .1 L1!)2 h p 35041 X\3 661\ Part: 1.33 ha CL __' u64k;i LM I , I ;r61 ci 2.81 he ) ) 1! 0.800 he 28 11 '3 II 27 i i 66 1 23.2 26 I EP 66258 i P 66257 65 fF6/S li-I p 66257 II \_•__ __•1F6J9 Il 25 I 1I62J$ it I II 116 AVE "579 12 0.9001w 20.1 RP 4518 a- 1.614 he 11 1.106 he 1/55 11376 J /7340 10 RP 1340A 1.280 he A 21 o.40e /ISJO 17 :k 18 lrLi 1&0 _ ____ 2.023 ha 15 _______ 22 37 23.1 'p16 ____ ___ 1/5/0 1/3/S 23 36 a- 1/502 N N 1/SO) 1I5At. S 24 35 14 11492 11499 8 25 34 PARK N44tt7 ji5 l 1 ____ _____0. #464 1/491 11502 ' 26 33 ____________ 11476 kii: 3,;;;;-L /1465 P 137861 27 II2ha O a- a- 32 4i4 I *1 1 I _______ ____ 415 a-' 0 u' 3 1 % 28 11467 3 P 4 ,,, \ 1 29 30It 1331MS 2991 1174-3.5 . Pa 13LM 4 12 ul9.0 14 PARK 9\1O1 1r 10,11 I 7 Go 18 /f918 18.0 1/42 17I'16 /l415a- 0 11425.- 114 A - I I P 30283 3& " 11422 I i P22031 3 _ 21 2 17 1 16 1 1 51 14 19 r LMFj _313__ ,, - _ 134 4 P34984„J 11416 1141. 20 a. 15 'PP045 3 • A 41 403 1140 11410 3 0.463 he - RP 8357 /1-391 1 200 46 14544 2 ,.i /1J i ”CL r3 I138A. 0.405 ha _________ __________________________________________________ 4 4 /179 PcI.2 RP6761 P 21243 21 _PARK LMP/(33122" 5 [ a. /ijij 5 6 1 PcI. I 0.797 h RP 6260 /557 Li a. 30 - 7 F1.L,,Xn CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 CANADA N'L.A.PLE RIDGE Telephone: (604) 463-5221 Fax: 604) 467-7331 Incorporated 12 September, 1874 e-mail: enquiries@distrjctmaple.rjdgehc.ca 2000 January 17 File No: 0230-01 Mr. Michael J. Potter, Chairman Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge Home Show Society 15 - 22751 Haney By-Pass Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2N2 Dear Mr. Potter: Thank you for your correspondence dated January 13, 2000 requesting an opportunity for the Home Show Society to appear before Council as a delegation. Accordingly, the following arrangements have been made: Council Meeting January 25, 2000 Council Chamber @7:00 pm Unfortunately, due to time constraints, it is necessary to limit delegation appearances to ten minutes. It would therefore be very much appreciated if you could ensure that your presentation is completed within the allotted time. Please feel free to contact me at 463-5221 if we can be of any further assistance. YstrulY /7 8 : -Trevor Win Municipal ( /dd cc Confidential Secretary "Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens" .0I lJh# ________ 'Sr MAPLE NaSecdav alenned 15.22751 Haney By.ae Maple Ridge, BC V2X 2N2 T&eprofl 604 467-3950 Facmfle; 604 466.6889 Erieil: PATN15 Maple Ridge Comrnuniiy Savings - McOonold' Resc U rants CKNW/98 Johnston Ms.r Insurance Group P&L Speed Print TV- - The News Th e flmes Andrew, Rrwn Moruney, Charferd Acrounfuith Scotia bank January 13, 2000 Mr. Trevor Wingove Municipal Clerk The Corportation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Be:Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge Rome Show Society Dear Mr. Wingrove: Further to our telephone conversation recently. This letter is to request as appoarance before council as a delegation representing the above Soc. As the Home show is an annual event it is our intention to keep both Municipal Councils up to date with our intentions and aspiration's. You mentioned that the next date for a possible appearance would be the evening of Monday January 25 2000. Thank you for your consideration. Yours truly Micbael I Potter Chairman STAR FM XY, - - Maple Hldge Community 5aVlflgs a divion of *1.. Viibnn.,ter S.r.4nçs Ci*e IJci PROUD HOME SHOW PARTNER SINCE 1995 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE )) Hane'. ace. ape Ric ge. BC \ _X 6A9 CANADA vtA.I'LE RDGE Telephone: 6()4 463-322 1 Fax: t6041 467-7331 Incorporated 12 September. 1874 e-mail: eiquries distric)nple.rjdehcca January 12, 2000 File No: 3090-20/DVP/71/99 Dear S jr/Madam: PLEASE TAKE NOTE that the Municipal Council will be considering a Development Variance Permit at the regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge. The particulars of the Development Variance Permit are as follows: APPLICATION NO.: DVP/71/99 LEGAL: Lot A, Section 20, Township 12, Plan LMP29025, New Westminster District LOCATION: 12791/93 228A Street PRESENT ZONING: RT-1 (Two Family Urban Residential) PURPOSE: The applicant is requesting the following variances in order to front the proposed residences towards 228A Street and to create the appearance of two separate homes: relaxation of the front lot line setback from 7.5 metres to 3.5 metres and the rear lot line setback from 7.5 metres to 1.5 metres; waive the requirement for both dwelling units to be contained within one structure sharing a common roof by allowing the separatiion of the buildings with an architectural feature on the second storey. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a copy of the Development Variance Permit and the Planning Department report dated December 14, 1999 relative to this application will be available for inspection at the Municipal Hall, Planning Department counter during office hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. from January 12 to January 25, 2000. "Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizen(,4 0 / — , S O° ecceø Piper • '10 Sec10ariy teacfled nr e-•e ALL PERSONS who deem themselves affected hereby shall be afforded an opportunity to make their comments known to Municipal Council by making a written submission to the attention of the Municipal Clerk by 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, January 25, 2000. Yours truly, 7M4~u vor W).irgrove nicipal Clerk TW:kk cc: Confidential Secretary 2 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: December 14, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: DVP171/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: DVP/71/99 1279 1/93 228A Street I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Development Variance Permit application has been received under Section 922 of the Municipal Act. It is this section of the Municipal Act that permits the local government to consider issues and variances to certain local bylaws under a Development Variance Permit application. This application is requesting a variance to the Zoning Bylaw for the following: Setback requirements for front and year yard; Common wall requirements for a Two Family Residential Use. Staff support the applicants request. II RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/71/99 respecting property located at 12791/12793 228A Street will be considered by Council at the January 25 th, 2000 meeting. III BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: Variances Requested to the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw Zone: IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION George Lesiczka Yaletown Enterprises Ltd. Lot A, Sec. 20, Tp. 12, Plan LMP29025, NWD Sec. 402(5); 601(c); and Part 2 Interpretations (Front Lot Line) RT-1 (Two Family Urban Residential) The subject property isa zoned duplex lot situated on the south west corner of 128 Avenue and 228A Street. The applicant wishes to front the proposed residences towards 228A Street and J separate them to create an appearance of two separate homes attached by an architectural feature on the second level. V PLANNING ANALYSIS 1. Council Policy The Policy dealing with duplexes was introduced in 1993. The purpose was to ensure that: main living areas were located on the ground level; the design would provide for private yard space; the front face of the duplex would not be dominated with a garage; the access would not be dependent upon a secondary highway. This Policy has generally provided guidelines for the design of duplexes since 1993, and required the registration of a Restrictive Covenant to ensure that the duplex was constructed according to the above noted guidelines. However, the policy does not address neighbourhood context and this proposal seeks to be more compatible with other residences in the neighbourhood 2. Design Control The lot area was created and zoned prior to the Duplex Guildelines in 1993 and was not subject to the current duplex policy. It is, however, the subject of an exterior design control Covenant which was registered at the Land Title Office at the time of subdivision. This Covenant requires that all building design in the subdivision be approved by a designer to ensure that it compliments the neighbourhood. 3. Variance Requested i) Front, Rear and Exterior Yard Setbacks Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw, Section 601 C concerns itself with regulations for the size shape and siting of buildings. The duplex zone (RT-1) requires that the building be set back: from the 7.5 m from the front and rear lot line; 4.5 m from the exterior side lot line; and 1.5 m from the interior side lot line. In the case of this corner lot, the front lot line as defined in the Zoning Bylaw (definition attached) is 128 Avenue (the narrowest lot dimension) and 228A Street is the exterior side yard. The applicant is requesting several siting relaxations that would allow the duplex to face 228A Street and reduce the exterior side yard along 128 Avenue by one metre. Figure 1 provides a schematic drawing of the required and requested siting and the contextof neighbouring lots. -2- Figure 1 1.5 MA REQUESTED VARIANCE Staff support this variance as it is consistent with the siting criteria for neighbouring lots. ii) Section 402 (5) states that both dwelling units shall be contained within one structure sharing a common roof and shall either: share a common wall or walls for a minimum length of 15% of the total perimeter dimension; be sited one above the other. The applicant is asking to separate the buildings to provide two separate homes connected only by an architectural feature on the second storey. Staff support the requested variance as it will allow the resulting building mass to be consistent with other homes on this block. It is recommended that the design be subject to the approval of the Advisory Design Panel with specific reference to the use of the architectural feature as a common building element. VI DISCUSSION: This proposal attempts to address the neighbourhood context by; Siting the residences in manner that is consistent with other residences in the neighbourhood Designing each residence to appear as separate units, thereby ensuring the building mass of each is consistent with other residences on the block. In order to achieve these supportable objectives a number of variances to the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw are required. -3- This proposal points to some deficiencies in the current policy for duplex design. Specifically, the policy presently does not require design compatibility with the balance of the neighbourhood. Further, as design review for multifamily and commercial projects is currently referred to the Advisory Design Panel, the Panel's review of design proposals for duplex residences would also be useful, in particular with reference to compatibility with existing neighbourhood design. In response to this concern, a proposed amendment to the Duplex Policy is attached for Council's consideration. VII CONCLUSION: Staff recommend that Council support several variances to the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw, Section 601 C and Section 402 5 with the requirement that the application be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel prior to a Building Permit being issued. Staff also recommend that the attached amended Duplex Policy be approved. Prepared by: Gay Por Planning Technician Approved by: Ty F,py'efP. Eng. Jbire6tciof Current Lke J. RudolVAICP, MCII' GM: Publi6 Works & Development Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer -4- 01 P64698 P2711 261% 2844 C-31 128511 17 14 38 _________ 27 12841 1W > 24 128311M 12832 Z 2832 18 13 2 128 R-2 28 (/I 23 ______ 1 _ 12835 I________ I 12821 I 19 I 12822 12 00 \Rs_ 2 P2280 I P19b54 I I P119054 I a. P14143 g, 1 2 r 30 29O') 2221 lCD I Cl N N N N NN j N j N N N N NI IN NJ I I N N N I 20 N\ N Nil I a. N - _ LMP 4909 I2L 12796 SUBJECT PROPERTY LMP 14909 20 21 51 52 1 1279lf93 to 12792 12797 12798 12799 A N N N N N N _____ 22 i::. 90 127 49 12789 12786 RT-1 N 19 12793 50 2 RS-3 12782 w 232787 12778 48 12779 47 12776 51 52 R -2 55 18 ___ 3 12772 12779 24 C --p 12770 12769 12766 17 I 12771 i s- 12771 12762 I 25 12760 12759 _ im D 12763 44 43 P40 79 1 6 26 12757 12752 _ ____________ 12749 ______ 36 15 12753 \ 27 \ \12750 41 42 46 12742 12732 12747 \ \ 12740 12733 1 i.MP 114909 28 40 39 12742 LMP 35902 12737 ___________________________________________ 5 29 12730 12729 TAVE 12(10 0)30 12724 A 12727 i-1 N N N H N 2 C) LMP 37579 12720 12717 N N N N N N I \12712 a. 12711 12710 12709 12710 jLM14 09 1 12719 36 35 N 56 N57N58 N59 N60 N P 22339 31 \ 2 32 LMP 14909 (N 12718 LIMP 12701 I \LMP3628 LMP13 73 2' ;2 3 H-5 \ 6 1 2 I N N N N N N 12703 N N N N N Rem 4 127AVE 127PL 12678 N p. p. N N N N ,fl / f I 22 10 9 N8 N7 6 23 -- 19 2 12669 12655 1 26B AVE 24 B Rem 3 18 P 23424 25 12/ 13 14 15 16\lrc\\ - 12643 12636 12631 / LIMP \ 13973 \ - 26 - - - I P6&621 I P69262 366 - Ait, RP22408 (0 (0 NI NI NI N N N 12610 k I I DCCTOP 1 fJL, -"-I A — I •• I 12791-228AST I. ___ THE DISTRICT OF CORPORATION OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT _____ FATE: Dec 11999 FILE:DVP/71/99 BY: JB I i W TmILüilIiIr - iIIt- - Culmi - U- Jiii1JJ.11iIiiiiiiiiH1i Front Elevation CONS7RUC11ON ADDRESS: WOpIe Riøgc. B.0 PROPOSED FAMILY DELLIN DA Scp ernDe' 1999 G SHEET: I OF 3 LEGAL DrSCRIPI1ON LO I A. II PA1O BRLAgFAST AA DEN - - FAMILY ROOM 157204% -K17CHEN 11-4.11.8 - I I .1 I fl UTILIrY I 5IO*62 0 H H ..I - UP DININCROOM . 11,400,13 FOYER •1 LIWIC ROOM fi. GARAGE -G a a PA11O 1 II OREARFAST AREA U DEN 981I'6 FAMILY ROOM 152146 UTIUrY 5IO62 IL _________________ H gITOIEN I4.II8 T1 i - DININC ROOM II41OO FOYER fl 11 I UINGROOM 14I24 GARAGE Il I74.198 I POR04 H POROI '- 37-6 8-0 r- 37-6 TOTAL UVNG AQEA 2.723 50. FT TOTAL UVNG AEA 2.716 SQ FT Main Floor CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: UaIe Riage. B.C. LOT A. PROPOSED FAMILY DWELLING DATE: Seotember 8. 1999 Scale: 1/8 = aAa1•bIQ (U04) aR-4a2 SHEET: 2 OF 3 _ot2 L Ol 359• 3 0t_ 11.430 2.438 11.430 7.5-'_S-ACI( BUILDING FOOTPRINT BUILDING FOOTPRINT AREA: 180.8 sc.m AREA: 180.3 sq.m , • U < . Ui I.. _ot - ..,c? z Ui - - = - r •I F • > 4 DBL GARAGE DOL GARAGE L H ___ • __ LotA 0 Site Plan 27.393 - 0 30' 32 228 A STREET . (604) a26-e22 CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS: iaple Ridge. B.C. DATE: September 8. 1999 PROPOSED FAMILY DWELLING SHEET: 3 OF 3 [GAL DESCRIPTION: LOT A. j Scale: 1:150 0. aspft~k~ MAPLE RIDGE Icorportd 2 S ,pt,mbcr, 1874 TITLE: DUPLEX AIJrHORJTY: POLICY NO. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE EFFECTIVE DATE: SUPERSEDES: APPROVAL: POLICY STATEMENT: - '-- Any rezoning application to permit construction of duplexes will be considered, provided the following conditions are met: The subject property meets the requirements of the Zoning Bylaw with respect to parcel size and geometry. The parcel is not dependent on a secondary highway for access. The proposal meets the design criteria established for duplex development. Two storey duplex units should be constructed so that the main living area is ground oriented. The garage should not be the most prominent feature on the fronting street and the total frontage for the garages should not exceed 50% of the total building front. That a Neighbourhood Context Plan be provided. That the Advisory Design Panel review the building proposal prior to a Building Permit being issued. 3691 FINISHED FLOOR AREA means the sum of the internal floor area of each storey (excluding basements) in a dwelling unit measured between the internal finished surface of the exterior walls excluding balconies, sundecks, carports, and any accessory residential structures and where the internal surfaces are of those interior finishes as defined in Section of Maple Ridge Building By-law No. 2062 - 1973 as amended. 4790 FLOOR SPACE RATIO means the figure obtained when the Gross Floor Area of all the buildings on a lot is divided by the area of the lot except any portion of a storey used for parking purposes, unless such parking is a principal use. FRONT LOT LINE means the lot line or lines common to the lot and fronting street, or where there is more than one fronting street, the lot line or lines common to the lot and the fronting street towards which the narrowest dimension of the lot is flanking. GROSS FLOOR AREA means the total area of all the floors, measured to the extreme outer limits of the building, including all dwelling units and all areas giving access thereto such as corridors, hallways, landings, foyers, staircases and stairwells. Enclosed balconies and mezzanines, enclosed porches or verandas, elevator shafts and accessory buildings (except those used for parking) shall also be included. GROUP HOUSING means a block of three or more individually attached family dwelling units located on a single lot in the form of clusters, rows or groups, where each dwelling unit, which may be separated from its neighbour by a floor, has its own individual external access, shares one or more party wells, and with each dwelling unit having its own separate patio gardens and/or sharing a common courtyard. 4453 HEIGHT means the greatest vertical distance measured from a plane parallel to the finished ground elevation adjoining each exterior wall to the highest point of the building or structure. 5794 HIGHWAY means any street, road, lane, trail, bridge, viaduct and any other way open to the use of the public. 4700 HOME OCCUPATION means a business accessory to the use of a dwelling unit or to the residential use of a lot occupied by a dwelling. 5680 HOUSING AGREEMENT means an agreement under Section 905 of the Municipal Act. 5794 INDOOR COMMERCIAL RECREATION - means a use wholly enclosed within a building providing for members of the public to engage in recreational activities as participants rather than spectators. 4838 INDUSTRIAL, EXTRACTION means a use providing for the extraction and storage of sand, gravel, minerals and peat. 4838 INDUSTRIAL use means a use providing for the processing, fabricating, assembling, storage, transporting, disthbuting, wholesaling, testing, servicing, repairing, wrecking, or salvaging of goods, materials or things and the selling of heavy industrial equipment; includes the operation of truck terminals, docks, railways, bulk loading and storage facilities. 4838 INDUSTRY, LIGHT means an industrial use which is wholly enclosed within a building or buildings. INTERIOR SIDE LOT LINE means the lot line or lines, not being the front or rear lot line, common to more than one lot or to the lot and a lane. -4- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5866-1999 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5866 - 1999." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 12, Section 16, Township 12, Plan 30498, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1225 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District). ing By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto Maple Ridge Zon are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 199. READ a second time the day of A.D. 199. READ a third time the day of ,A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of ,A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK 0g.0 I 2-a3 ho LMP A 36718 LMP 36718 0.80 ho EP 35041 - Pn PARK Co 31 0. Pert L33 hO I I0.800ho II )) I! II 66 EP 65 2.3.2 / 66258 I P 66257 P 66257 (( 1762 AVE. 36 I RP 4518 1.374 ho 0. 11 1.106 hO Co It, C • 10 RP 1340A 0. h2EO he 2.023 hO rb 17 1 19 21 11518 16 17,5,010 15 115 AVE. P2 714S2 14 41 25 13 ARK - 26 17476 __ MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5866-1999 Map No. 1225 From: RS-3(One Family Rural Residential) To: CD-1-93(Amenity Residential District) I- f-fl 1/576 t7540 A _LX 0 0.405 ho 38 2.3.1 37 LW 0. 36 354 9 1 0.309pic 33 6 Z) I LWOM kk - -aw MAPLE RIDGE 12 Septbor. 1874 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: December 6. 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/65/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Council SUBJECT: RZ165/99 (11579-240 Street) I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the above noted property to permit subsequent subdivision into approximately 9 residential lots. The subdivision will be accessed and serviced by extensions of 239A Street and a lane north to 116 Avenue and 116 Avenue east to 240 Street. II RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ/65/99 (for property located at 11579 - 240 Street) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated November 15. 1999 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) be forwarded to Public Hearing and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5866-1999 be given first reading noting that the conditions to be met prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum. Conditions to be met prior to final approval: - Final Reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5818-1999 (RZ/12!99): Preliminary approval from the Ministry of Environment. Water Management Branch: Preliminary approval from the Ministry of Environment. Fish and Wildlife Branch; A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; Road dedication as required. Park dedication as required. Registrationof a rezoning development agreement and the deposit of security to construct a walkway adjacent to the subject property III BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Damax Mary Blackstock Lot 12. Sec. 16. Tp. 12, NWD, Plan 30498 Single Family Residential 15, 18. 30 upnh; Compact Housing 40 upnh & Conservation -1-. 1) Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) Surrounding Uses: N: S. Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Access: Servicing: IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Rural Residential Development applications for Single Family Residential Agricultural Horseshoe Creek (Conservation) Rural Residential approximately 9 single family lots Access will be provided by the extension of 239A Street and a lane which are currently under construction to the south lot line. All urban services will be provided in the municipal streets. The applicant has applied to rezone the subject property to CD-l-9 3 (Amenity Residential District) to permit subsequent subdivision into approximately 9 lots. This project will extend 239A Street and the paralleling lane north to 116 Avenue and construct 116 Avenue east to 240 Street. The lots on 240 Street and the east side of 239A Street will be accessed by motor vehicle from the lane. This subdivision will complete the development pattern established south to I 14A Avenue. Horseshoe Creek tapers northeasterly towards 240 Street. However, there appears to be enough land available outside the riparian protection zone to provide for one lot on the west side of 239A Street. V PLANNING ANALYSIS (i) Official Community Plan The east half of the development site is designated Single Family Residential (15, 18 & 30 upnh). The west half of the site is designated Compact Housing (40 upnh) and Conservation. Although the Compact Housing designation recognized physical limitations in developing adjacent to Horseshoe Creek. the developer has demonstrated that a single family subdivision under the CD- 1-93 zone can be accomplished while providing adequate riparian protection. The subject Site IS located within Development Permit Area No. XX identified on Schedule "H" of the Official Community Plan. This Development Permit Area provides guidelines for the protection of the natural environment, and in this instance, specifically to protect Horseshoe Creek, which is designated for Special Treatment on Schedule "E" of the Official Community Plan. It is recommended that a geotechnical report be submitted which addresses environmental concerns related to development adjacent to a watercourse. This report must also address the suitability of service, road and house construction. Areas designated for protection are to be dedicated as Park prior to final approval of the Zone Amending Bylaw. Servicing Subdvisior of land soutn of tne sune:: propertY appiic:tion R1'19 and S). ' \V1I provide all urban services to the subject property. Accordingly. those applications must be complete prior to final zoning approval. Road Exchange At a meeting held August 24. 1999 Council reviewed a report titled "116 Avenue, Maple Ridge: 240 Street to Creekside Street - Assessment of Need for a Road Link" and passed a resolution that 116 Avenue from 238A Street to 239A Street not be built as a full road but that a cycle/footpath be constructed in the right of way. A portion of this right-of-way is presently adjacent to the site. but as a consequence of park dedication at rezoning, will not be adjacent during subsequent subdivision approval. Recognizing the importance of this walkway. staff recommend that a rezoning development agreement be required to secure construction of that portion of the walkway adjacent to the subject property. Since 116 Avenue will not connect Creekside Drive with 240 Street. staff recommend a reduction in the existing 116 Avenue right of way adjacent to the subject property from 20 m to 18 m to reflect anticipated reduced traffic volumes for this local street. The geometry submitted reflects the reduced right of way. A road exchange bylaw will be presented for Council approval to facilitate this right of way reduction VI CONCLUSION: This development conforms to the Official Community Plan designations and completes the land use pattern established for this neighbourhood. Noting that the subdivision plan has been received, it is recommended that this application be supported and forwarded to Public Hearing and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5866 - 1999 be given first reading. , r~~ Prepared Planning Technician 'erry Fryer. Director 9(nt Planning Approve $ Jake IRudol4AICP. C1P GM: blicWorl & Development Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer DS/sg/bjc -3- 11530 35 36 0 10 Ir RP134OA A 535L_ /ARx 17 _. 18L 19 20 11515 SZ 11530 2 16\ j I 22 37 I 11510 115151 ol _ 23 - 9 11502 Z 11507 ( 35 36 115AVE 24 L' i4.J 25 B 114 34 • 11502 __ 4 ___ 1 I P 13786 I 11471 11455 11474 LMP 40276 2 11458 4/) L_i Il 12 1 11ZoI 9\\ 11451 28 31 11467 ...4 - - 11445 "I 026 11451\ 29 30 11436 11459J 133$ I LMP 31 31 7_I .. 10L1Jt'J- 1 13 - 14 I 'S '-I fr 1144 1f 2 142S p. 11579240 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICTOF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE 12. 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT CALE 1:2.500 KEY MAP _____ DATE: Oct 1999 FILE:RZ..65-99 BY: JB N 116 AVE. -n amloam SiLvot Source: COTrONWOOD GUIDE PLAN Ey CORPORATION OF THE ISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE SCALE:MAPLE RIDGE PlANNING DEPARTMENT 1:3000 ________ corpcietad 12 kpIbc. 174 rum grout DRAWN BY: T.M. IDA1t: Dec. 7. 1999 I Fft: RZ-55-99 (1 damax consuttants ltd. 1 0 38M w. 141h a''enue, vBrjv' v6r 2w9 // t. 6827 1az.2-924O N.T.S. * C 116 AVE - ,,-. • - I • _0 N .. I •I __ • - ,. Ct) • —. - - _ I - - • '' r..t • . - a / :/ _r • - • • ••.••I •- / • / (. • : - I (' " I 1 ____________ j 0 1 rIffilla-W EW PROPOSED SUBDIVfSION 1 CORPORATION OF THE DI STRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE I MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMEN. ( rporital 12 3sptb-. 1174 DRAWN BY: IDATE: Dec. 2. 1999 1 FILE: RZ-65-99 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: August 5, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW &Dev SUBJECT: N D Lea Report 116th Avenue, Maple Ridge: 240th Street to Creekside Street - Assessment of Need for a Road Link SUMMARY: Council asked staff to hire a consultant to determine the necessity of constructing 116 Avenue from 238A Street to 240 Sreet. N.D. Lea & Associates was retained to evaluate two alternatives; full road construction or pedestrian/bicycle path construction. The consultant has submitted the report and staff recommend that Council adopt the recommendations of this report. RECOMMENDATION: That the recommendations contained in the report titled 116th Avenue, Maple Ridge: 240th Street to Creekside Street - Assessment of Need for a Road Link" be adopted and that the draft Cottonwood Guidepian be amended accordingly. BACKGROUND: At the May 10, 1999 Council/Staff meeting, the issue of the extension of 116 Avenue from 238A Street to 240 Street was discussed. As a result of this discussion, Council asked staff to hire a consultant to determine the necessity of constructing 116 Avenue. N.D. Lea & Associates was retained to evaluate two alternatives; full road construction or pedestrian/bicycle path construction. The report has been submitted and is presented to Council for consideration. DISCUSSION: The consultants identified two alternatives for comparative evaluation purposes. These are: 1. Full construction of 116 Avenue, including sidewalks 2: Gons-t-ruetion-ofacycleIfootpatfronly These alternatives were evaluated in terms of four main criteria: the natural environment the general public interest existing local resident's concerns development issues According to the consultant " Within each of these categories, factors were weighted and each alternative ranked according to how poorly or well it peiforined in relation to the particular aspect concerned. Weightings and rankings were based on an informed evaluation, drawing on a site visit and a wide range of relevant documentation." As a result of this evaluation process Alternative 1 (full road cbnscruction) had a ranking of 4.83 and Alternative 2 (cycle/foot path only) had a ranking of 6.42. The consultant therefore concluded that Alternative 2 is the preferred option. As noted in the report, the natural environment was given a weighing factor of 40% reflecting cOmmunity concerns regarding environmental issues as noted in the Official Community Plan. Road network efficiency and neighbourhood connectivity was weighted at 25%, development issues at 20% and local resident issues at 15%. Given these weighting factors, the conclusion is understandable. Staff have reviewed the report and based on the evaluation process used, Concur with the conclusion. The consultant has also offered a number of suggestions to lessen the impact on the natura] environment for this crossing. These include: stream crossings will best be achieved using bridges instead of culverts sewage and water pipes should be incorporated into the bridge structure to avoid the need for excavation across the stream channel road cuts should be minimized effort should be made to follow contours to prevent the need for extensive cut and fill. It is recommended that these suggestions be incorporated in the design of the trail through this area. CONCLUSION: N D Lea & Associates have recommended that 116 Avenue from Creekside to 240 Street not be built as a full road, but that a cycle/foot path be constructed in the ROW. Staff concur with this recommendation and recommend that the draft Cottonwood Guideplan be amended to reflect this conclusion. R. W. Robertson, MCIP, AICP JGtIph. MCIP A P Ch&et Administrative Officer erl Manager: Public Works and Development Servicrs CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5847 - 1999 A by-law to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 35 10-1985 as amended WHEREAS the Council can regulate the use of land in a Zoning By-law; AND WHEREAS Council can establish different density regulations for a zone for the provision of affordable housing; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Title This by-law may be cited for all purposes as the "Maple Ridge Zoning Amending By-law No. 5847-1999". Scope This By-law amends the regulations for a secondary suite residential use by deleting the minimum lot size requirement; deleting the requirement to obtain a valid District of Maple Ridge Business License; establishing a definition of cooking facility; and establishing a regulation to prohibit a secondary suite use in a floodplain. The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 35 10-1985 is amended as follows: - (a) PART 2 —INTERPRETATION is amended by the addition of the following definition: "COOKING FACILiTY means any electronic, electrical, mechanical or manual equipment by which food of any sort can be cooked, heated, steamed or baked, including without limitation, conventional ovens, microwaves, convection ovens, toaster ovens, cooktops, hottops, camping stoves, barbecues, crock pots and electric frying pans, rice cookers, woks, grills and griddles, but does not include an electric kettle that can only be used for heating water." (b) PART 4- GENERAL REGULATIONS, Section 402, REGULATIONS FOR PERMuTED USES OF LAND, BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES, sub-section (8) Dwelling units for a Secondary Suite Residential Use is amended as follows: by the deletion of clause "(b) shall be limited to lots with a minimum parcel size of 557 by the deletion of clause "(i) shall require a valid District of Maple Ridge Business License"; and by the addition of the following clause "shall not be permitted on property situated within afloodplain."; and by the renumbering of the section accordingly. 4. Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 35 10-1985 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time this PUBLIC HEARING held on READ a second time this READ a third time this RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED this MAYOR CLERK CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 25, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ-62-99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C/S, CW SUBJECT: Secondary Suite Review - Amendment Package EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Since the adoption of the secondary suites bylaw and policies in March of 1999, staff have been monitoring registration activity and issues related to suites. On October 12, 1999 Council directed staff to prepare amending bylaws that would remedy some of the issues that have arisen and fine-tune the secondary suites policies. Specifically, Council directed staff to prepare a Zone Amending Bylaw that would: a) delete the minimum lot size requirement of 557 m2; b) delete the requirement to obtain an annual District of Maple Ridge Trade License; C) - establish that a secondary suite is not a permitted use in a floodplain; and d) define "cooking facility". The current Secondary Suites Policy has been amended to be consistent with the proposed Secondary Suite zoning regulations. In addition, a Council Policy regarding the placement of the Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant has also been created which identifies the conditions where the placement of the restrictive covenant can be waived. Lastly, to continue to provide a financial incentive to property owners to register secondary suites, a Building Bylaw amendment has been prepared to extend the reduced secondary suite registration fee of $125 from September 23, 1999 until March 31, 2000. RECOMMENDATION: That: 1, Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.5847-1999 be read a first time and that it proceed to Public Hearing; Maple Ridge Building Amending Bylaw No. 5848-1999 be read a first and second time, and the rules of order be waived, and that Maple Ridge Building Amending Bylaw No. 5848-1999 be read a third time; Council Policy 6.14 "Secondary Suites" be deleted, and that the proposed "Secondary Suites" Policy be adopted when final reading is given to the Amending Bylaw relating to Secondary Suite Use; and The proposed "Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant" Policy be adopted when finaireading is given to Amending Bylaws relating to Secondary Suite Use. I III. BACKGROUND At the October 12, 1999 Council meeting, Council directed staff to prepare a zone amending bylaw to the existing secondary suite provisions in Zoning Bylaw 35 10-1985. Such amendments should include: Deleting the Zoning Bylaw requirement that states that secondary suites "shall be limited lots with a minimum parcel size of 557m 2 "; deleting the Zoning Bylaw requirement that states "shall require a valid District of Maple Ridge Business License"; establishing a regulation to prohibit a secondary suite use on property within a floodplain; and establishing a definition of "cooking facility". Staff were further authorized to prepare an amendment to the Building Bylaw to extend the reduced secondary suite registration fee until March 31, 2000. Lastly, staff had requested that Council provide direction regarding the treatment of properties that currently have restrictive covenants pertaining to secondary suites, and future practices pertaining to the placement of the restrictive covenant on new lots within the District. At the October 12, 1999 Council Meeting staff were directed that: "Restrictive Covenants on title to Single Family Residential properties prohibiting a secondary suite use remain in place and that restrictive covenants continue to be placed on title to all Single Family Residential properties except infill developments on parcels established prior to October, 1994. "; IV. DISCUSSION Further to Council's resolution, staff has prepared the attached secondary suites bylaw and policy amendment package, and the following section of this report briefly discusses each revision. I. Zoning Bylaw Amendments: (a) Minimum parcel size of 557 m1 The current secondary suites bylaw states that a suite is only permitted on lots with a minimum lot area of 557 m2 (5996 ft). In reviewing this regulation, staff is of the opinion that the size of the lot is less of an issue than the ability to provide on-site parking. The attached zone amending bylaw removes this provision from the Zoning Bylaw. District of Maple Ridge Business License The existing Bylaw requires that suite owners obtain an annual business license. Bill 88, which amends the Municipal Act, clarifies that the requirement for obtaining a business license for a secondary suite is not permitted. The attached zone amending bylaw deletes this provision from the Zoning Bylaw. Floodplain At present the existing secondary suites regulations do not prohibit the registration of a secondary suite that is in the floodplain. While there are many homes in the District that have restrictive covenants that prohibit habitable space within the floodplain, there are a number of properties that do not have such a covenant. The attached Zone Amending Bylaw will prohibit the establishment of a secondary suite use in the floodplain. Definition of Cooking Facility The Zoning Bylaw definition of Dwelling Unit refers to the term "cooking facility", however a definition of cooking facility is not included in the Zoning Bylaw. A definition of Cooking Facility has been included in the attached Zone Amending Bylaw in order to provide clarification around this issue. The definition reads as follows: Cooking facility "is defined as any electronic, electrical, mechanical or manual equipment by which food of any sort can be cooked, heated, steamed or baked, including without limitation, conventional ovens, microwaves, convection ovens, toaster ovens, cooktops, hottops, camping stoves, barbecues, crock pots and electric frying pans, rice cookers, woks, grills and griddles, but does not include an electric kettle that can only be used for heating water." ii. Building Bylaw Amendment At present the Building Bylaw states that the fee to register a secondary suite is $125.00 six months from the adoption of the amending bylaw (September 23, 1999), and $250.00 thereafter. Given the proposed amendments to the Zoning Bylaw, Council have supported the extension of the registration fee in order to provide residents with an incentive to register their suites. The attached amendment to the Building Bylaw extends the reduced registration fee of $125.00 until March 31, 2000. 3 Secondary Suite Council Policy Existing Council Policy 6.14 "Secondary Suite" contains the provisions pertaining to the minimum lots size requirement and requirement to obtain an annual district of Maple Ridge Trade License. This policy has been amended to delete the reference to these provisions, and the draft policy is attached to this report. Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant Council Policy Since October of 1994, the Approving Officer ubder direction from Council, has required that a Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant be registered on the title of all new lots created. The covenant states that the property can only be used for single family purposes, and as a result secondary suites are not permitted on these properties. On October 12, 1999 Council directed the Approving Officer to continue the practice of placing the covenants on new lots, with the exception of infill subdivisions on lots established prior to October 31,. 1994. Pursuant to the Council direction, staff has prepared a "Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant Policy" that provides clear direction to the Approving Officer, and states the criteria by which the placement of the covenant can be waived. Specifically, the policy states that the Covenant will not be placed on infill subdivided lots if: the parent parcel does not have the covenant; and the neighbouring properties on either side or across the street from the lot/parcel do not have the restrictive covenant; and no further subdivision of the parent lot/parcel or newly created lot(s)/parcel(s) is possible. While not explicitly directed to do so, staff have drafted the policy statement to provide for the discharge of existing covenants on infihl lots where: the parent parcel was created prior to October 1994 neighbouring properties on either side and across from the subject property do not have a restrictive covenant registered on the title. The draft Policy further states that when a discharge is requested on an infill property, the District will notify neighbouring property owners, who may appear as a delegation before Council to voice their opinion with the requested discharge. 11 To provide further clarification to the Approving Officer, the Policy defines "infill" as an application to create 4 or fewer lots, in a neighbourhood with lots or parcels that do not have a Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant registered on the title. V. CONCLUSION Pursuant with Council's direction of October 12, 1999 staff have prepared amendments to the secondary suite provisions in the Zoning Bylaw which delete the minimum lot size requirement; delete the requirement to obtain an annual business license for a secondary suite. The Zone amending bylaw also prohibits a secondary suite use on properties within the floodplain, and establishes a definition of cooking facility. Also attached to this report is Building Amending Bylaw to extend the reduced registration fee for a secondary suite from September 23, 1999 to March 31, 2000. In addition, Council Policy 6.14 "Secondary Suites" has been amended to be consistent with the revised Zoning provisions. Lastly, the Approvin g Officer has requested direction regarding the conditions that must be satisfied in order to waive the placement of a Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant on the Title to new lots created. A new Council Policy entitled "Single Family Residential Use Restrictive Covenant" has been created to provide such direction. Prepared by:Chf1tine carter, MCIP, Planner L_// Approved by: (ohn Bastaja iP', ng Rang anning Approve keJ IC Rudoip A ,MCIP M: Public rks & Devel pment Services ) Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer 5 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TITLE: SECONDARY SUITES AUTHORITY: EFFECTIVE DATE: POLICY NO. . SUPERSEDES: APPROVAL: POLICY STATEMENT: A secondary suite will be permitted in a house subject to the following conditions: the registered owner of the property must reside in either the main part of the house or the secondary suite as his/her principal place of residence and must sign and register a Housing Agreement; one secondary suite per lot is permitted; the floor area of the suite must be a minimum of 37 m 2 to a maximum of 90 m 2; the suite must be located within the house; one off-street parking space must be provided for the suite; a secondary suite will not be permitted where there is a Temporary Residential Use or Boarding Lse in the house; the suite must comply with the B.C. Building Code requirements for secondary suites; S. the house cannot be strata titled: properties not on municipal sewer must have Health Unit approval; properties not on municipal water must prove adequate water potability; fees must be paid for water, sewer, and recycling, where relevant; a suite will not be permitted if the property is identified on Schedule 'E" to the Zoning Bylaw. Enforcement will be in accordance with existing Bylaw enforcement regulations and procedures. People who decide to remove a suite from their house will have three months to disconnect the stove in the suite. PURPOSE: The Secondary Suites Policy provides a framework for the regulation of secondary suites to ensure that neighbourhood, safety and financial concerns are addressed in the best interests of the community. DEFINITIONS: Secondary suites are defined in the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw. They are generally defined as a second dwelling unit with a kitchen and bathroom located in a house. Printed on October 22, 1999 Page 1 of 1. Policy ? CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5879. 1999 A by-law to establish procedures to amend an Official Community Plan or a Zoning By-law or to issues a Permit WHEREAS the Council has adopted an Official Community Plan and a Zoning By-law; AND WHEREAS Council has designated areas within which Temporary Commercial and Industrial permits or Development Permits are required; AND WHEREAS Council shall, under the Municipal Act, by by-law establish procedures to amend a plan, by-law or issue a permit; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Title a) This by-law may be cited for all purposes as the "Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5879 -1999". b) Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632-1997 and all amendments thereto are hereby repealed in their entirety. Scope This By-law shall apply to the following: (1) Amendments to: an Official Community Plan a Zoning By-law. -(-)issuance-o-- - - Development variance permits; Temporary commercial and industrial permits Development permits Heritage alteration permits. BY-LAW NO. 5879-1999 PAGE 2 Application 3. (1) Applications for an amendment or a permit shall be made by the owner of the land involved or by a person authorized by the owner. (2) Applications for amendments or permits shall be made to the Director of Current Planning of the Municipality or his designate on the applicable for attached hereto as Schedule "A". Fees 4. At the time of application for an amendment or a permit, the applicant shall pay to the municipality an application fee in the amount as set out in Bylaw No. 5542-1997 or amendments thereto. Process 5. Every application shall be processed by the Director of Current Planning of the Municipality, or his designate, who shall present a report to Council for its consideration. Amendments - Approval or Refusal 6. The Council may, upon receipt of the report under Section 5 of this by-law proceed with an amendment by-law, or reject the application. Permits - Issuance or Refusal 7. (1) The Council may, upon receipt of the report under Section 5 of this by-law: authorize the issuance of the permit; authorize the issuance of the proposed permit as amended by the Council in its resolution; refuse to authorize the issuance of the permit; 2) Notice of Council consideration of a resolution to issue a Development Variance Permit shall be mailed or otherwise delivered to all owners or tenants in occupation of all parcels, any parts of which are adjacent to the property that is subject to the permit. Refusal - Amendments and Permits 8. Where an application, amendment by-law or a permit has been refused by the Council, the Municipal Clerk shall notify the applicant in writing within 15 (fifteen) days immediately following the date of refusal. BY-LAW NO. 5879-1999 PAGE3 Re-Applicatifl 9. Re-application for an amendment or permit that has been refused by the Council shall not be considered within a 12 (twelve) month period immediately following the date of the refusal. Inactive Rezoning Applications: 10. Rezoning applications will be closed one year following the date of third reading of the Zone Amending Bylaw with the following exceptions: (i) where the applicant has applied for a bylaw extension, and has received an extension from Council. 11. Written notification of the impending file closure will be sent to the applicant 60 days prior to the expiry of the one year period following third reading. 12. An inactive rezoning application extension fee in the amount as set out in By-law No. 5 542- 1997 must be paid at the time of written application for an extension. 13. The Council may upon receipt of an application for extension under Section 10 of this Bylaw: grant the request for extension deny the request for extension repeal third reading of the bylaw and refer the bylaw to Public Hearing. 14. Each extension provided by Council may be granted for a maximum of one year. 15. A maximum of two (2) extensions under Section 10 may be granted by Council. READ a first time this day of , A.D. 2000 READ a second time this day of ' , A.D. 2000 READ a third time this day of , A.D. 2000 RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED this day of w.I ,wzI,i MAYOR CLERK CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5873 - 1999 A By-law to further amend Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control By-law No. 4524— 1991 and amendments thereto. WhEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control By-law No. 4524— 1991. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law shall be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control Amending By-law No. 5873 - 1999". That the words "Paid before March 1, 1999" and "Paid on or after March 1, 1999" in Schedule "D" of Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control By-law No. No. 4524 - 1991 and amendments thereto be replaced with the words "Paid before March 1, 2000" and "Paid on or after March 1, 2000" READ a first time this day of 2000. READ a second time this day of 2000. READ a third time this day of 2000. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED the day of 2000. MAYOR CLERK ,)8 .0q CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: January 5, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/64/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/64/99 (North East Corner 236 St.! 133 Ave.) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The development proposal is for a portion of a larger parcel known as Rock Ridge Estates located in Silver Valley. The applicant has requested to rezone to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) for 33 units and RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) for 40 units. The proposal complies with the Official Community Plan and the overall objectives and guideplans for the area of Silver Valley. II RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ/64/99 (for property located on the North East Corner of 236 Street and 133 Avenue) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated January 5, 2000 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) and RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. Condition to be met prior to first reading: 1) A Public Information Meeting must be held. 2) Fully dimensioned development plan including: Neighbourhood context plan; Site plan; Building elevations; Landscape concept; 3) Fully dimensioned subdivision plan showing the following: location of existing buildings: road dedication; And that prior to final approval the following must be complete: 1) Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement (in support of the RM-1 zone); o7oo( Road dedication as required through the townhouse site (a condition of the RM- 1 zone); A Comprehensive Plan of Development must be registered at the Land Title Office (a condition of the R-3 zone amending bylaw); Bylaw 5455-1996 currently at 3fh reading for. the RM-1 zone must be rescinded III BACKGROUND: Applicant: Gary Lycan Owner: Atlantic Pacific Land Corp. Legal Description: Lot 2, E ½, Sec. 28, Tp. 12, Plan LMP35466, NWD. This application is for a portion of this site. OCP: Existing: Compact Housing 30 upnh & Open Space Proposed: Compact Housing 30 upnh Zoning: Existing: The portion of the site under application is RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) & RM- 1 (Townhouse Residential) Surrounding Uses: N: Vacant 5: Rural Residential E: Residential W: Rural Existing Use of Property: Vacant Proposed Use of Property: Residential Access: 133 Ave. and 237 St. Servicing: Required at Subdivision stage for R-3 zone and as a condition of zoning for the RM-1 zone. Previous Applications: RZ/10/95 - there are currently two zone amending bylaws at 3 reading: • Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5455-1996 for RM-1 (The subject of this application); and • Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5456-1996 for C-5 (the corner of 133 Ave. & 236 St.) IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The development proposal is for a portion of a large development site known as Rock Ridge Estates. The development plan proposed is for a bank of 33 R-3 lots off of 237 Street accessed from a lane. A townhouse site is proposed to the west and has frontage on 236 Street and 133 Avenue. A new road will bisect the townhouse site creating two separate sites. Access would be -2- available from the lane as well. There is a small commercial lot (o.6 ha) on the south east corner of 236 Street and 133 Avenue which forms the edge of the village centre site for Silver Valley. The changes proposed under this application accommodate the Silver Valley Guideplan. These changes have resulted in slightly reduced unit yield to achieve a necessary road connection. As the development is within an emerging area the townhouse proposal will not require Advisory Design Panel review until the Development Permit stage. V PLANNING ANALYSIS Official Community Plan "Schedule "B" Schedule B will require amendment to redesignate a small area of Open Space to Compact Housing (30 upnh). The Open Space designation was applied to a rock outcrop which was to be included into the development site under the previous development plan for townhouses. This rock outcrop is not a significant feature and was not identified as such in the Gartner Lee Report, prepared for Silver Valley. Staff supports this amendment. Hillside Policies The Hillside Policies provide general guidance on a broad range of design issues in order to address the visual impact of hillside development. The use of a lane for rear access to parking and the design proposal for the townhouse development are solutions that address these issues. Detaching garages from the single family homes and terracing the townhouses limits the amount of grading necessary to construct the development. Development Permit Area It will be necessary to redefine the Development Permit Area XXI boundary to match the new zoning boundary for the RM-1 site. This Development Permit Area establishes the objectives and guidelines for multi-family development and it will be necessary for the applicant to apply for a Development Permit prior to issuance of a Building Permit. It will be at this stage when the Advisory Design Panel will review the development proposal for the townhouse site. Zoning Proposal The R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) zone requires that a Comprehensive Plan ofdèvelopment be registered at the Land Title Office. The requirement recognizes the need for greater care in design with higher density residential projects and will provide some ability to ensure that site grades are properly addressed. Zoning Bylaw amendments that are currently at 3 reading to rezone a portion of this property to RM- 1 will need to be rescinded prior to final approval. -3- VI SERVICES All the services required for the townhouse site do not exist to the site. It will be necessary for the owner to enter into a Rezoning Development Agreement and post the required security to provide the works prior to final reading of the zoning bylaw. A requirement of final reading for the RM-1 site will be the dedication of the proposed road which will bisect the site and connect to 133 Avenue. The servicing requirement for the R-3 zone will be provided through the subdivision process. VII CONCLUSION: Staff support the development proposal. It will allow for a road connection through the townhouse site and adjaccnt to the proposed commercial site. As well the addition of the lane will provide for better design solution to address the hillside policies. It is recommended that this application be forwarded to Public Hearing. Prepared by Gay McMillan Planning Technician Approved by.' Tfry F~y(P. Eng. / / DizeetIof Current Approltedf: rak J. RudolAJCP, MCW GM: Tpblic Works & Development Services bert W. Robertson, A!CP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer GPfbjc -4- a fl []jITT I I 4rI 1I I I 'I ILJ I I ?iIà I I ji1 In _ I MAI iiisin :1 .I :•vj2 • f]Ir Ill -4 -- i i I A 1w UI_li CORPORATION OF c.oesqto teo.n.d Tb. ptn end .a.dgn at. n.e assist. P.Ot,et H.s UTI.. AICM.ch.. OIMAT and cannot P. toad a. reatodaced copout c.p.a ceno.nt at OMA. The Otto 0.04 be F$a.n.ed Ci any eadenea. torn V.. mIoa1,a 5.000 *0 Otoetrg Danal Kat. d.o.hlg. HMA.o .01*004. 04: 00. coTta.' 0.o_ tic. and data. Hot.. *,chS.ct HONAIT MYU$ AOCWTICT000 LIII A Road IlL , CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: December 21, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/23/96 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/23196 (13819-232 Street) SUMMARY: The applicant for the above noted file has applied for an extension to this rezoning application under Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5632-1997 as amended. This application involves approximately 500 units using a variety of zones and densities under the CD-3-98 zone. Staff support this application for an extension. The original land use report and Public Hearing minutes are attached to this report for information. RECOMMENDATION: That a one year extensiOn be granted for rezoning application RZ/23196 BACKGROUND: This application is for approximately 500 residential units using a combination of single family and multi family form of development. The Comprehensive Development zone will allow the flexibility to create a variety of lot sizes respecting the topography of the site and density allowed in Official Community Plan. As one of the requirements, the site will be included in a Development Permit Area to ensure the form and character of the development at the Building Permit stage. The following dates outline Council's consideration of the application and bylaws: - The land use report (see attached) was considered on February 11, 1997; - First Reading was granted September 29, 1998; - Public Hearing was held November 17, 1998; - Second and Third reading was granted on January 26, 1999. The following are the outstanding Council conditions to be addressed prior to consideration of final reading: Preliminary approval from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; Amendment to Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan; -1- Amendment to Schedule "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan; A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; Road dedication for 232 Street and 136 Avenue to achieve arterial standard; Inclusion of the site into Sewer Area "A"; A realignment of the ALR boundary at the north west corner of the property; Discussion: The applicant has been actively pursuing the completion of this rezoning application and it is anticipated that within the next few months final consideration will be requested. CONCLUSION: Staff support the extension and recommend that Council grant a one year extension. t Prepared by: 6McMi1lan Planning Technician Approved by:Tiy.er P. / Dfb(ctorofC Appro\ 'y: ake J. Rudch, AICP, MOP GM: Publico ks & Devel ment Services Concurrence: Robert W. Ro ertson, AIC , MCIP Chief Administrative Officer -2- • A-S 0 _ ' - A-2 I RS--3 -\ c. iJ AGRICULTURAL LAND RESERVE (A.LR.) SUBJECT PROPERTY 13819 232 STREET CORPORATION OF THE I I DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE I MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING I IncorporaLed 12 September. 1874 DEPARTNT I LE/8'.A RZ-23-99 J DATE: APR. 7. 1998 Al SCAIL 1:10.000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: 1997 January 22 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZJ23196 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: D & OS - Planning SUBJECT: RZ/23/96 (13819-232 St.) SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the above noted property to permit development of a variety of different residential densities and a Neighbourhood Commercial site. Approximately 700 residential units are proposed for the 42 hectare property. L! II3k' I That application RZ/23/96 (for property located at 13819 232 Street) to rezone property it described in the memorandum dated January 22, 1997 from A-2 (Upland Agricultural) to RS- lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential), CD-1-93 (Residential Amenity), RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) and C-2 (Neighbourhood Commercial) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. An Open House to provide information to the public must be held. Preparation of a conceptual plan and site analysis which demonstrates the general extent and layout of the development proposal for the multi-family and commercial component. Preparation of a preliminary subdivision plan for the single family residential zone. This plan must show the general lot plan and road pattern for the neighbourhood and indicate the zoning requested. Preparation of a comprehensive report outlining how the proposal will address Part ifi - Neighbourhood Plans - Albion and Silver Valley Policies, of the Official Community Plan. 1) Preliminary approval from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch; -1- Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement; Deposit of security as outlined in the Rezoning Development Agreement; Amendment to Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan; Amendment to Schedule "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan; A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; Inclusion of the property into Sewer Area "A"; A realignment of the ALR boundary at the north-west corner of the property; Road dedication for 232nd Street and 13e Menue to achieve arterial standard. BACKGROUND: The site is located in Silver Valley on the west side of 232 Street in the 13800 Block. The pli of development is for a mix of residential and commercial uses and is in general compliance with the land use designations in the Official Community Plan. It is apparent however, that as a consequence of environmental constraints, a number of adjustments to the land-use boundaries of the OCP will be necessary to accommodate development. These boundary adjustments are generally supported by staff. The exact location of these boundaries is subject to further review upon completion of a neighbourhood plan prepared by the applicant. The neighbourhood plan will confirm the appropriateness of the development proposal within a neighbourhood context. The site is designated Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare), Compact Housing (30 units per net hectare), Neighbourhood Commercial, School and Park, Open Space and Conservation on Schedule "B" of the Official Community. Plan. The plan of development will respond to the physical features of this and adjoining properties and, as a consequence, the designation boundaries may vary from those identified in the OCP. It may therefore be necessary to amend the Official Community Plan to reflect the more detailed information provided by further study. The Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare) designation corresponds to the RSI-b Zone of the Zoning Bylaw. The proponent has identified smaller lots under the CD 1-93 zone -2- for portions of the site. He proposes to achieve this within the existing Single Family designation employing the density transfer provisions of the OCP. A site reconciliation is required in order to confirm that the proposal maintains densities within the designation limits. Schedules "A" and "H" The plan of development has identified two areas where Development Permit Guidelines are required through an amendment to the Official Community Plan. This is for the Commercial area and the Multi-family area. The Development Permit Guidelines will address issues of form and character of development and will augment existing OCP policies for Silver Valley, consistent with Guidelines for multi-family and commercial development in the District generally. Silver Valley Policies: Development in Silver Valley is governed by a number of policies in the OCP. The purpose of the policies is to ensure that development recognizes the significant physical attributes of the area. Specific policies that apply to Silver Valley and are important to this development proposal include; Hillside Policies, Visual Character Policies, Density Policies, Housing Policies, Environmental Protection Policies, Implementation Policies. The proposal does not make reference to these policies at this time. A variety of options exist for the proponent to address the requirements of the policies. Multi- family and Commercial areas can be governed by Development Permit guidelines. As this is not possible for Single Family development, a commitment is required at the rezoning stage (restrictive covenant, building schemes, etc.) to ensure adherence to the policies. Staff are recommending therefore that any measures anticipated to achieve this goal be identified in advance of Public Hearing and that implementation of these measures be a requirement of final approval. Schedule "F' identifies a boulevard trail along the 136 Ave. alignment. Policy 74 of the Official Community Plan states "Maple Ridge supports the maintenance and enhancement of the equestrian trail network." The details of this boulevard trail will be addressed at the subdivision stage through the design for 136 Avenue. As previously identified, the development proposal submitted includes multi-family and commercial development areas. Consistent with Council policy regarding this type of development -3- in emerging areas, it is recommended that the applicant provide a site analysis and conceptual plans for this portion of the site. The subject site has a portion within the Agricultural Land Reserve, which in the opinion of the Agricultural Land Commission is suitable for exclusion. Urban development within 200 m of the Agricultural consultation with ALC policy and address: - landscape buffering; - residential density gradients and building setbacks; - storm drainage; and - farm trespass issues. Land Reserve boundary must develop in The applicant must apply to the ALC for an exclusion of that portion of the subject site which is included in the development proposal. It is through this process that the ALC will review the development proposal and require remedial measures it deems appropriate to consider the exclusion. The Engineering Department have identified servicing deficiencies in this development proposal. Of particular concern is the road network plan and the ability of the development to provide proper access/egress for the anticipated 700 residential units. It will therefore be necessary for the owner to enter into' a Rezoning Development Agreement and post the required security to provide improved access to the site prior to final reading. It will be necessary to have the property included into Sewer Area "A". It should be noted that the property will be subject to the GVSDD levy for connection to the sewer at the subdivision stage. h'Ei4 ILSi(i1fl The plan of development submitted with the application identifies a land use. pattern which is generally consistent with the objectives of the Official Community Plan. The OCP also contains a number of policies intended 'to regulate the character of development in Silver Valley. Specific reference to development guidelines which will address these policies are recommended in advance of the proposal being presented at Public Hearing. Subject to the provision of this information, staff support the application. Chief Administrative Omcer pment Services Planning GP/bjs -4- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: September 21, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: R7f23/96 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dcv SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 5689-1998 & 5690-1998 (13819 232 Street) SUMMARY: This development proposal is to create approximately 500 units using a variety of zones and density. Council gave favourable consideration to the above noted application February 11, 1997 with the stipulation that prior to being presented at a Public Hearing, the following would be complied with: P An Open House to provide information to the public must be held. (Staff observations of that meeting are attached.) Preparation of a conceptual plan and site analysis which demonstrates the general extent and layout of the development proposal for the multi-family and commercial component. Preparation of a preliminary subdivision plan for the single family residential zone. This plan must show the general lot plan and road pattern for the neighbourhood and indicate the zoning requested. Preparation of a comprehensive report outlining how the proposal will address Part III- Neighbourhood Plans - Albion and Silver Valley Policies, of the Official Community Plan. Further: On May 26, 1998, Council deferred consideration of V reading of the bylaws until a comprehensive report relative to development in the Silver Valley area and servicing issues had been prepared. This report has now been received by Council. The above has been received and it is recommended that 1st reading be given to the subject bylaw. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5689-1998 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5690-1998 be given First Reading. BACKGROUND A Comprehensive Development Zone has been prepared to accommodate a variety of different lot sizes on the site. The zone will limit the maximum number of units to 500; allow flexibility of different zone boundaries. require that a Comprehensive Development Plan be registered at the Land Title Office. This will establish the development pattern. Chief Administrative Officer n LI rerhIiciorks and Development Services GP/sgibjc p -2- A-2 Ll -3 N-~ / I AGRICULTURAL LAND RESERVE (A.LR.) SUBJECT PROPERTY 13819 232 STREET DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING (xcorporated 12 September. 1874 DEPARTNT FTLE/8fl.AW RZ-23-96 DATE APR. 7. 1998 Al SCALE 1: 10.000 .1 ) 4 Lj',/' ti , •'1\ ... rr))...<( ' / ._( __a ' I I S S I I I SI • I - 8 M --- t.JL -J LJ'.. ...+• .n 1 -i1 ---- _L_j - - '. .•- • t I • rl1 1 -- L—t.__t • .nww,wwr 'In ' - ( --i-.i •--- -. bili , IIU ISIUI - rTTY% IMIUIGLP DEVELOPMENt CONCEPT I'LAN Tl- J1LLL • , .'•• ---IF--. -r:::-' :. Qlizoowk~::a CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING MAPLE RIDGE DEPARTMENT Incorporited 12 September. 1874 FILE W: RZ-23--96 DATE: SEPT. 22. 1998 SUBJECT PROPERTY 13819 232 STREET PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PLAN A SCALE: N.T.S. Staff Observations Public Information Meeting RZ 23/96 April 2, 1998-05-06 The Public Information Meeting was an Open House format. The agent for the development presented the plan on an informal basis to individuals and small groups attending the session. There were area residents both opposed and supportive of the proposal. The main concerns heard included; (comments appearing in italics are provided by staff in response to public comments) the density proposed was suggested to be too high. (the total number of residential units proposed will maximize the yield permitted by the OCP employing a variety of residential densities) storm water management and the potential impact on low lying lands to west was seen as an important issue. (An overall storm water management plan for Silver Valley is being completed by the District and development must be in compliance with that plan) construction access to the site and the potential impact on neighbouring properties was identified as a concern. (it is anticipated that the project will be phased starting p from the west edge working up the grade towards 23e Street since servicing will be provided from this direction. It is anticipated therefore that a substantial amount of the construction traffic will be from 136" Avenue to the west of the site.) - concern was expressed about the impact on neighbouring agricultural lands. (policies currently being considered by Councilfor agricultural/urban inteiface will regulate the impact of development on the ALR.) - the location of the equestrian trail system was not identified. (the location and dedication of equestrian trails identified in the OCP is a condition of subdivision and development of the property. The existing OCP location for the trail results in significant conflicts with future urban roads and alternative locations are necessary, that avoid these conflicts.) CORPOITION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5689-1998 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5689-1998." 2. Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510— 1985 as amended is hereby further amended b adding the following thereto: Section 1033 CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Development) A. Intent This zone is intended to accommodate and regulate the development of a mixture of uses as an integrated unit based on a comprehensive plan in conformity to the use and density stated in the Official Community Plan and elsewhere in this bylaw. B. Principal Uses Subject to all provisions of this CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Development) Zone, the following uses and no others shall be permitted in the CD-3-98 zone: Apartment use Two Family Residential One Family Residential use Pà±kaniIShoót C. Accessory Uses Accessory boarding use (subject to Sec. 401 & 601 of this bylaw) Accessory residential use Accessory home occupation use (subject to Sec. 401 of this bylaw) Accessory off street parking use Temporary residential use (subject to Sec. 601 of this bylaw). Bylaw No. 5689-1998 Page 2 D. Conditions of Use An Apartment use shall conform to the regulations under section 602, RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone. shall conform to the provisions of the Development Permit Area. 2. Two Family Residential Use a) shall be limited to one per lot; b) shall not exceed a height of 9.75 metres; c) shall be sited not less than: 6 metres from the front and rear lot lines; a minimum of 1.5 metres from an interior side lot line; 4.5 metres from the lot Line adjoining a flanking Street lfl. the case of a corner lot; d) all buildings and structures shall not exceed a lot coverage of 40,. 3. A One Family Residential use under the R-1, R-3, RS-1, RS-lb zone a) shall be limited to one per lot; b) shall not exceed a height of 9.75 metres; c) shall be sited in accordance with the regulations described in Maple Ridge Zoning By-law for: RS-1 zone for all lots greater than or equal to 668 m 2; RS-lb zone for all lots greater than or equal to 557 m 2; R-1 zone for lots greater than or equal to 371 m2 but less than 557m2; R-3 zone for lots greater than or equal to 213 m2 but less than 371 m2. d) all buildings and structures for lots governed by Section 3 (c) (i)(ii)(iii) of this section shall not exceed a lot coverage of 40%; lots governed by Section 3 (c)(iv) of this section shall not exceed a lot coverage of 50%. e) vehicular access for lots backing on a Municipal lane will be restricted to the lane. 4. Park and School Use a) shall be governed by the regulations described under Section 901 & 903; Bylaw No. 5689-1998 Page 3 5. Accessory Off-Street Parking Use or Accessory Residential Use a) for lots less than 557 m2 0.45 metres from the rear lot line; 0.45 metres from the interior side lot me; 2.0 metres from an exterior side yard; 11.0 metres from afront yard; 4.5 metres from a principal use measured from the face of any chimney, bay window, hutch or nook permitted elsewhere in this bylaw. b) for lots greater than or equal to 557 m2 1.5 metres from a rear and interior side lot line; 7.5 metres from a front lot line; 3 metres from an exterior side lot line; 1.5 metres from a building used for residential use. c) shall not exceed a height of 6 metres. p d) shall not exceed a lot coverage of 15% or 279 m2 whichever is the lesser. E. Residential Densities The maximum number of residential dwelling units in the zone is restricted to 500 of which not more than: up to 160 may be apartments; up to 50 may be two-family dwellings provided each is situate on a lot complying with the minimum width, depth and area set out on Schedule "D" for the RT- I zone; up to 160 may be one-family dwellings provided each is situate on a lot complying with the minimum width, depth and area set out on Schedule "D" for the R-3 zone; up to 170 may be one-family dwellings provided each is situate on a lot complying with the minimum width, depth and area set out on Schedule "D" for the R- I zone; and up to 170 may be one family dwellings provided each is situate on a lot complying with the minimum width, depth and area set out on Schedule "D" for the RS-lb zone. F. Subdivision Requirements a) Section 406 applies. G. A comprehensive plan of development in the form of a covenant must be registered at the Land Title Office Bylaw No. 5689-1998 Page 4 Off Street Parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with "Maple Ridge Off street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990" as amended. A residential use shall be permitted only if the site is serviced to the standard set out in "Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 4800 - 1993" as amended. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: South East Quarter, Section 32, Township 12, Except: Firstly: Part Subdivided by Plan 3871; Secondly: Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 6047); Thirdly: Parcel "B" (Reference Plan 6048); Fourthly: Parcel "C" and "D" (Reference Plan 7680) and Road, New Westminster District is hereby rezoned as shown on Map No. 1179, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, is hereby rezoned to CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Development). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510- 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached theret, are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the 199. A.D. 199. A.D. 199. ,A.D. 199. day of A.D. MAYOR ,61431111 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5689-1998 Map No. 1179 From: A-2(Upland Agricultural) To: CD-3--98(Comprehensive Development) MAPLE RIDGE A tnCOTpOTIt.4 12 $spt.b.r. 1874 1:6000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5690-1998 A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A", "B" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5690-1998." Schedule "B" is hereby amended for those parcels or tracts of land outlined in heavy black line which are hereby redesignated as shown on Map No. 554, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law. Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XXI in the Appendix: SE 14, Sec. 32, Tp. 12, Except: Firstly: Part Subdivided by Plan 3871; Secondly: ParceL "A" (RP 6047); Thirdly: Parcel "B" (RP 6048); Fourthly: Parcel "C" and "D" (RP 7680) and Road, NWD Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: South East Quarter, Section 32, Township 12, Except: Firstly: Part Subdivided by Plan 3871; Secondly: Parcel "A" (Reference PLan 6047); Thirdly: Parcel "B" (Reference Plan 6048); Fourthly: Parcel "C" and "D" (Reference Plan 7680) and Road, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 555, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, are hereby designated as Development Permit Area XXI (25) on Schedule "H". 5. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5690-1998 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. Bylaw No. 5690-1998 Page 2 READ A FIRST TIME the day of PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of READ A SECOND TIME the day of READ A THIRD TIME the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED the ,A.D. 199 A.D. 199 A.D. 199 A.D. 199 day of ,A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK IF L N 0 I--- - 3 a. 117 A&V P 38405 10 P 2632 14 2ece4 A 'I. i• 10 a. EP 2340 Rem 1 /7 \50 am I Rem 1 2 YJF)'S fJ7.s • 1132 8 /J702 *PP1 ,J660 DO t&%7A Rem SW 1/4 P 857 1 3 14126 7757 I Rem 10 14042 I .M:J- P 9387 9 L I l72V P K S PARTI A Rum 6 138 AVE. —wiiij] r .. I SI'S I Rm. W 7.80 71,4z I P 1475 P 5048 j 2 1 Lt'T 2 Chains MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN Bylaw No. 5690-1998 Map No. 554 From: Sngle Family Residentiol(18 units per net hectare), School and Park and Neighbourhood Commercial To I Park liii lilt Neighbourhood Commercial sJ Agricultural I H Conservation K//j Single Family Residentiol(18 units per net hectare) AlMAPLE RIDGE !ncorpont.d 12 5.ptab. 1874 1:6000 14126 55/ P 7757 14 I LMP I Remi( 3 ,4042 RP7680 A 11960 P 70093 C , _ P 26 b2 I I 28084 14 J,20 A Rem SE 1/4 13 PP163 — ,j a. - EP 2340 Rem I I_.ø,JJøø/r N 4 LLT Y Me -----, a, /J7SF iReml 2 Rem SW 1/4 — 3 p a- I.'7 AVF S iT702 .767J/9 4 *P 16 P 3i4CS r660 P 8575 I0 Wff - P 18410 - 10274 A R 8 S PART 1 - 1* £T am its __ ____ — P 1475€ ' P 9387 Rim. W 75 2 N 12i2 R sJ 1a ' i 1111) Chalne MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5690-1998 Map No. 555 PURPOSE: TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA XXI(25) _A MAPLE RIDGE Incarper*tM 12 S.ptamb. 1e74 1:6000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: January 6, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/23/96 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZi23/96 SUMMARY: This report is provided in response to the questions, concerns and recommendations raised at the Public Hearing of November 17, 1998 regarding RZ/23/96. RECOMMENDATION: Submitted for information. DISCUSSION: IF The following questions, concerns and recommendations were raised at the Public Hearing on November 17, 1998 for R7123/96. They have been grouped into four different categories and are attached to this report as Appendix 1. The categories are: Environmental Issues Servicing Issues Land Use Issues Process Issues 1. Environmental Issues: Many of the concerns raised about this specific development apply to all development in Silver Valley. The environmental issues raised can been summarized as follows: • Watercourse preservation issues, • Stormwater management issues, • Vegetationpreservation issues, and • Soil management issues. Watercourse Preservation Issues As highlighted in the Gartner Lee report (1992) and the Alouette River tributary study (A.R.M.S., 1996) Blaney Bog and its associated tributaries (Anderson Creek) are designated as highly sensitive habitat. As such, they require particular attention in the context of abutting development. -1- The municipality has a responsibility to restrict and/or control future development to limit negative impacts on receiving watercourses. The District's commitment to watercourse preservation is highlighted in Policy 6 of the OCP, where creeks and wetlands are designated on Schedule "E" for special control. It is the practice of the District of Maple Ridge to encourage development setbacks established according to the Land Development Guidelines (Chilibeck, 1992) and to require that these lands are dedicated as park to ensure watercourse protection. In addition, the District currently requires development permit security deposits for those areas designated under Development Permit XXX. As a condition of subdivision approval, the Approving Officer requires a security of $1000 for lots immediately adjacent to a watercourse protection area to ensure that due care is taken in the installation of works and the grading of land adjacent to covenant/park areas. Staff will continue to recommend that all lands designated for protection reflect the intent of the Land Development Guidelines and that they be dedicated to the District as a condition of development, thereby limiting the potential for future encroachment from neighboring urban uses. Stormwater Management Issues The protection of these aquatic habitat areas is two-fold and involves not only adequate physical buffering from development, but adequate control of stormwater input. As outlined in Policy 5 of the OCP, Maple Ridge supports the development and implementation of stormwater management plans that are innovative at providing or enhancing habitat. Respecting Policy 5, UMA Environmental were retained to develop a Master Drainage Plan for Silver Valley. The Silver Valley Master Drainage Plan was completed in 1995 and included input from the Ministry of Environment/Department of Fisheries & Oceans (MOEIDFO). The Plan presents a review of the hydrological, hydraulic, flooding and aquatic biology issues along the major watercourses and tributaries within the Silver Valley Study Area. The impacts of future development within the Study area were analyzed and a range of alternatives was examined to determine the most appropriate method for managing the changes to stormwater runoff that results from development. A combination of "Best Management Practices" have been recommended for the Master Drainage Plan, including measures such as: instream improvements, detention facilities and source control measures. The Master Drainage Plan is a guideline that provides options for the development of stormwater management plans. However, with continued advances in the control of stormwater, the MOE/DFO now suggest the stormwater management options highlighted in the Master Drainage Plan need to be further refined. Staff are currently working on establishing a stormwater technical committee that would involve MOFJDFO and would look further at the management of stormwater in Maple Ridge. The goal of the committee will be to further advance the application of effective stormwater management techniques, particularly in the new growth areas. These are technical issues which can be implemented through subdivision approval and actual construction phases of development. -2- Ve2etation Preservation Issues The residents of Maple Ridge place a high value on the natural environment. A common theme in many of the public's comments was the importance of environmental quality and the natural areas that make Maple Ridge such a desirable place to live. These sentiments are reflected in the public requests for the increased preservation of open space and greenways in Silver Valley. The preservation of adequate green space and the premature clearing of vegetation for development were two issues raised repeatedly at the November 17th public hearing. As outlined in Policy 13 of the OCP, the District encourages the retention of significant trees as development takes place, and it is recommended that, upon development approval, land clearing be phased to coincide with appropriate work schedules. The practice of premature site preparation (land clearing and servicing) is a concern to the community and staff alike. This practice has implications for the preservation of significant habitat and the quality of the environment and the potential for erosion is increased in these situations. By limiting clearing so that it is consistent with works schedules the potential for erosion is limited. Staff also encourages developers to consider innovative development options that allow as much retention of the rural and natural character of the pre-development area as possible. Until a development application is approved, staff are limited in their ability to control these activities. Current regulations are designed to address the control of development and not activities on private property in advance of development. Staff have prepared two companion reports (both dated January 7, 1999) which recommend a Development Permit Area for Silver Valley and provide for clearing limitations and environmental bonding. Soil Management Issues For most developments, the District requires that a consultant be retained to design an erosion control plan that utilizes the recommendations contained in the Land Development Guidelines (Chilibeck, 1992) to ensure that only clean water moves off the site. This has allowed for a great deal of interpretation on the design and enforcement of erosion control systems. Although Maple Ridge is faced in some areas with challenging fine grained soil conditions, there are some basic soil erosion control measures that can be applied by the District. • . Staff will.beworking.todevelop erosion. control standards that would serve., as guidelines, for site maintenance during residential construction and could be included in the Subdivision & Development Servicing Bylaw. Staff will also be working on the development of a new Siltation Control Bylaw that would allow for a more clear and concise approach to erosion control enforcement. . 2. Servicin2 Issues: There were three main servicing issues raised: -3- utilities roads equestrian trails Infrastructure and Roads: The utilities network and road pattern was addressed in the report prepared for Council in July, 1998. This staff report introduced an infrastructure plan for drainage, sanitary sewer and water systems for Silver Valley. The report provided conceptual plans which were based on information received from UMA Engineering Ltd. and municipal staff. A Guide Plan was also prepared by staff, based on fundamental principals of transportation and infrastructure planning. This plan also considered the environmental concerns and hillside policies of the Official Community Plan and followed the land use designations shown on Schedule B of the OCP. The report also provided a Transportation Network showing major roads which well provide adequate inter-neighbourhood connections. In some cases, watercourse crossings will require a bridge and/or culvert crossings. In most cases, the developers will be responsible for providing these roads as a condition of their development. Equestrian Trails: Schedule "F' of the Official Community Plan provides an equestrian trail system through Silver Valley. It is intended, through development, to achieve a permanent and multi-user trail system to meet the needs of the equestrians as well as other users. The trail system is intended to be a multipurpose trail system and will also address the trails identified on Schedule "F'. Docksteader Trail is an historic trail which has provided, in the past, a connection between riding areas west of 224th St. and Golden Ears Park & Malcolm Knapp Research Forest. This is identified as a Boulevard Trail on Schedule "F' of the Official Community Plan. The trail has not been accessible for several years as the access has been denied by the owner of the land. Staff have been discussing this route with the Equestrian Trails Council, and staff recommend that this trail be relocated to the north to avoid conflicts with anticipated urban development. Staff believe that this trail could be constructed on a permanent basis along the urban/rural boundary and across to 232 St. following the ravine system of Anderson Creek to achieve a permanent route through this area. It is anticipated that an interim trail will be needed on a right of way at the north of this development site until the permanent trail is achieved. 3. Land Use Issues: Many of the concerns expressed regarding land use issues also involved concerns regarding the appearance of development and the contention by some that minimal effort is being made to -4- maintain the natural beauty of the Silver Valley hillside. The Official Community Plan provides a number of policies that address the comrrunities desire to retain this natural amenity. Specifically, the Hillside, Visual Character, Density and Housing Policies all provide opportunities to augment the Environmental Protection Policies in an effort to limit the level of disturbance occurring as a result of development. These policies permit the use of alternative street design standards, slope sensitive building design and clustering of buildings using density transfer (clustering) principals. However, these policies are enabling and not necessarily prescriptive, and to date, the development applications reviewed by Council have all chosen to employ more conventional standards of development. The recently published "Conservation Design for Subdivisions" provides a number of illustrative examples of clustering using actual sites. In an effort to provide a clearer representation of the objectives of the OCP policies and to illustrate the impact of clustering versus conventional development, staff have prepared an example from this document and appended it to this report (Appendix I). This example illustrates opportunities available for development under current policies of the OCP. Realistically, these opportunities are only available to larger scale development where sufficient land holdings exist to identify significant areas for conservation while maintaining the yield potential afforded by conventional development. Efforts byithe District to achieve comparable levels of conservation given the number of small land holdings within the Silver Valley area would require a prescriptive approach. Notwithstanding the "conventional" development proposals for Silver Valley, the Guideplan provides an acceptable land use framework which is designed to integrate and balance numerous land use issues involved in Silver Valley. As a growth area, provision must be made for various housing forms, commercial and institutional recreation uses as well as an effective transportation network. In addition to environmental and aesthetic issues in the area, it should be remembered that Silver Valley will emerge as a community for up to 11,900 residents and good planning principles must be employed to ensure that Silver Valley will be a model community for people to live. 4. Process Issues: There was concern raised that there was lack of community input into the plan. In September, 1998, staff prepared a report for Council (see attached) which outlined the Public Participation Program Process that was undertaken for the Silver Valley Land Use Review. In summary, in 1994, there was a mail out to all residents of Silver Valley. An orientation meeting was held with a cross section of neighbourhood residents who expressed the various attitudes held within Silver Valley. This provided the focus on the direction for four workshops. As well, two open house meetings were held in order to gain wider public input. These meetings were advertised in the local paper and a newsletter was mailed out to all Silver Valley residents and property owners. In June of 1995 there was a Public Hearing which considered the Official Community Plan amendment for Silver Valley. The petition received from the area residents has also been reviewed. Staff prepared a report for Council in October of 1998 which responded to the issues raised in that petition. A copy of that report is attached. -5- With respect to this development application, a Public Information Meeting was held on April 2, 1998 on the development proposal. Letter of Notice of that meeting were mailed using the same mailing requirements as for Notice for Public Hearing (50 in radius from the projerty). At that meeting elements of the development proposal were provided. In conclusion, area residents were given many opportunities to participate in the land use review for Silver Valley. The introduction of an ongoing committee to provide further input into decisions has been suggested during the Public Hearing process. Given the history of public consultation for the area and the ongoing provision for public input for each development application, staff question the need for such a committee. At the Public Hearing, the request for an archaeological review was made. Staff are not aware of any recorded archaeological sites in the Silver Valley, but have written to the Provincial Government for information. CONCLUSION The Silver Valley area is identified as an urban growth area in the Livable RegionPlan and the adopted OCP. Staff are of the opinion that the intent of the policies of the Official Community 41an are being followed in the evaluation and implementation of development applications in Silver Valley. Initiatives noted in this report will assist in further refining the process and lead to resolving some of the concerns expressed by the public. 0C G4 70' ofrntPlanning J Chief Administrative Officer cWod Development Services or WE APPENDIX I In this example, existing development regulations are employed and primary conservation areas for creeks and ravines are identified. An alternative approach is then prepared where secondary conservation areas are also protected and the allowable development yield is concentrated into areas of less sensitivity but organized to ensure that all residents benefit from preserved open space. The example provided below is comparable to our own residential land use designation of Single Family Residential at 5 units per net hectare. This designation permits lots of no less than 2000 square metres in area (approx. ½ acre). Under the first scenario (Figure 1), approximately 31% of the land is set aside to protect the primary conservation areas. On this site these conservation areas represent flood plain, wetlands and endangered species areas. Allowing development to occur with consideration for these areas and creating lot sizes permitted under existing regulations, a yield of 72 home sites is attained. Figure 1 LJfTh... Fiure2 -7- p The second scenario (Figure 2) identifies "Secondary Conservation Areas". These areas include woodlands containing a variety of native trees, open meadows with indigenous flowers, an archeological site and view corridors. Housing sites are then located with an effort towards minimizing disturbance to secondary conservation areas. The resultant plan (Figure 2) identifies 72 home sites on lot sizes of approximately 500 square metres or lot areas comparable to the RS 1-b zone. This option protects an additional 48% of the site for a total of 79% of the parent site. The author points to five different distinct and measurable economic advantages over conventional development design; Smoother Review - Designs that are sensitive to the conservation objectives of a community become less time-consuming and costly to achieve. "There is a growing awareness among local leaders, realtors, developers, and other business people that an area's quality of life is one of its chief economic assets." (Arndt, pp 9) Lower Costs - The cost of infrastructure for a subdivision employing conservation principles is typically lower. Marketing and Sales Advantages - "developers and realtors can capitalize on the amenities that have been preserved or provided within the development." (Arndt pp 10) Value Appreciation - Examples are cited of developments that have consistently outperformed neighbouring developments in terms of resale value, simply because of the amenities preserved at the development stage. Reduced Demand for New Public Parkiand - The preservation of secondary conservation areas provides a greater level of public open space. Many of these spaces are suitable for recreational amenities including playing fields and walking trails thereby reducing the demand for additional parkiand. Concerns/Questions & Recommendations raised at the November 17' 1998 Public Hearing. RZ/23/96 Environmental Issues: • Environmental damage to delicate eco-system of Blaney Bog; • The close proximity of the northern section to Anderson Creek and the fact that the catchment area is within areas of Blaney Bog and Cactell Brook. • ARMS - short term effects of habitat & water quality degradation; - long term effects of degradation of water quality and alteration of flow regimes due to impervious surfaces; 11 safeguards to be put in place prior to development proceeding: stream classification bylaw; nvironmental bonding; siltation control bylaw; phased development approach; stormwater detention ponds constructed early in the process; impervious vs. pervious surface ratios incorporated into municipal standerds; environment team to oversee projects in environmentally sensitive areas; Official Community Plan recommendations become governing directives; completion of streamside protection regulations and passed into law before development; full environmental inventory; sustainable development goals - Regional Growth Strategies - not exceeded • The plan does not provide for a wildlife corridor through the site; . Increase in water flow in ditches causing flash flooding with less rainfall; • The Environmental Team will not have time to assess the environmental impact; • Run-off in sloped areas that have been cleared; • Flooding; • Hydrology of Blaney Bog. Anderson Creek cannot stand alone to provide the only source of water to it; • Wildlife corridors preservation. Environmental Ouestlons: • Is there a storm water plan that will enhance the habitat; Environmental Recommendations: • Comprehensive environmental plans for both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows; • Comprehensive water management plan; • That the remaining natural environment be preserved - no more development. • That a biofiltration system be used for storm water runoff into Blaney Bog; • That no development occur until environmental bonding is in place; Servicing Issues: • Prior to development, that necessary infrastructure be in place to handle increased: • population; • commuters • With horse trails and driveway crossings, wants a mechanism in place to control pavement material and removal of any obstruction. • Traffic along 133 Ave.; Servicing questions: p • Why are major roads and bridges being promoted at a major expense to taxpayers; Servicing Recommendations: • Comprehensive infrastructure plans for Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows; Land Use Issues: • Docksteader Trail must be provided for. • Mr. Parish wants his land included (see attached letter dated August 13, 1998). • The development is too large; • Al Hogarth - that development take place in a more compassionate manner; • Children have to leave the area to attend school; • The rural nature of Silver Valley should be protected; • The park site is too small and should be enlarged into what was to be school; • No details about the commercial component were presented (This was answered by Terry at the meeting); • Density is too high; Land Use Ouestlons: • What will the development look like in the end; • Does Council support the GVRD Livable Regional Strategic Plan; Land Use Recommendations: Nil Process Issues: Nil Process Questions: • Why haven't Malcolm Knapp Research Forest and Golden Ears been involved in early meetings? • Questioning the lack of community input; • Why is Council proceeding with development applications in spite of the petition from the Silver Valley residents; Process Recommendations: • That a citizens advisory committee be established; p • That the bylaw not be passed until the community has a detailed concept of what is being proposed; • That the application be opposed until the citizens have been offered a detailed structural plan and open house; • That no further development proceed until the significant concerns are addressed; Additional Comments: Comprehensive urban forest plan; A population movement plan. That an archaeological assessment be done to ensure that its heritage will be monitored and recognized. Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES November 17, 1998 The Minutes of the Public Hearing held on November 17, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia. PRESENT Elected Officials Appointed Staff Councillor T. Baker, Mr. J. R. McBride, Municipal Clerk Acting Mayor; Mr. J. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works Councillor Clements and Development Services Councillor C. Gordon Mr. T. Fryer, Director of Current Planning Councillor King Mrs. S.M. Karasz, Confidential Secretary Councillor B. Levens Councillor Stewart Excused Mayor C. Durksen Acting Mayor Baker explained the procedure of the Public Hearing and advised that in accordance with the Municipal Act, no further input into the subject by-laws can be received by the Municipal Council until the by-laws are either adopted or defeated. The by-laws will be considered further by Council on November 24, 1998. The Mayor then called upon the Director of Current Planning to present the following items on the Agenda: 1 a) RZ123196 - MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING B V-LAW NO. 5689-1998 LEGAL: South East Quarter, Section 32, Township 12, Except: Firstly: Part Subdivided by Plan 3871; Secondly: Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 6047): Thirdly: Parcel "B" (Reference Plan 6048); Fourthly: Parcel "C" and "P" (Reference Plan 7680) and Road, New Westminster District LOC-AflON:• 1.3.81-9 222S•t. FROM: A-2 (Upland Agricultural) TO: CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Development) PURPOSE: Text amendment to include the CD-3-98 zone (Comprehensive Development) into the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw. This zone is intended to accommodate and regulate the development of a mixture of uses as an integrated unit based on a comprehensive plan of development, conforming to the use and density of the Official Community Plan up to a maximum of 500 units. Public Hearing Minutes November 17, 1998 Page 2 1 b) RZ123196 - MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING B V-LA W NO. 5690-1998 LEGAL: South East Quarter, Section 32, Township 12, Except: Firstly: Part subdivided by Plan 3871; Secondly: Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 6047); Thirdly: Parcel "B" (Reference Plan 6048); Fourthly: Parcel "C" and "D" (Reference Plan 7680) and Road, New Westminster District LOCATION: North of 136 Ave. in the 23000 Block PURPOSE: To amend Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan in order to redesignate the properties FROM: Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare), School and Park and Neighbourhood Commercial TO: Park, Neighbourhood Commercial, Agricultural, Conservation & Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare) and To amend Schedules "A" & "H of the Official Community Plan to include the site into a Development Permit Area to ensure the form and character at the building permit stage for multi-family development. Overview - Director of Current Plannin The Director of Current Planning displayed an overhead map of the properties and read into the record the legal description. He reiterated the purpose of By-laws 5689-1998 and 5690-1998. He explained the CD-3-98 Zone, noting that it is a new zone that would be unique to the property under application. The CD-3-98 zone allows a variety of residential use and park and school use on a non-site.specific basis. He displayed a summary of a matrix showing the maximum and minimum number of residential lots that can be achieved under the proposed RM-2, RT-2, RS-lb, R-2 and R-3 Zones within the CD-3-98 zone proposed for this site. The Director of Current Planning further noted that prior to final approval of the by-laws a comprehensive plan of development must be approved and that plan of development must be followed through in the subdivision stages. The comprehensive plan will deal with the relationship of each of the zones to each other within the CD-3-98 Zone. It will deal with the internal road systems and external connections to those road systems. The CD-3-93 Zone gives an overall development option for this community over time as development continues. He advised that the comprehensive development plan must also show where the park and school sites are located and show a general relationship of how the plan brings all the residential elements together and forms a pattern of development for the future. The CD- 3-93 Zone is a distinction between traditional zoning where there is no comprehensive plan of development available as a condition of zoning. Public Hearing Minutes November 17, 1998 Page 3 The Director of Current Planning referred to the two maps attached to Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5690-1998. He explained that one map shows the proposed changes to the Official Community Plan (OCP) as a result of the following: (1) work that was been achieved over time with the development plan in concert with staff and the developer and (2) it reflects the guide plan recently adopted by Council for the Silver Valley area. These amendments to the Official Community plan will bring it into compliance with that guide plan. He added that the second map attached to By-law No. 5690 declares the site a Development Permit Area at the building permit stage for multi-family development. He displayed and elaborated on the adopted guide plan for the Silver Valley area and indicated how it relates to the development proposal under discussion. Hunter Laird (C. Arvchuk) - Site Plan Mr. Clarence Arychuk, Senior Planner, Hunter Laird Engineering Ltd., noted the following site characteristics; • the property is approximately 100 acres in size • it slopes to the north and west at grades between 10 to 20% • the elevation changes approximately 55 metres from a height of approximately 60 metres • the property has approximately 315 metres or 1000 feet of frontage on 232 Street • approximately 20.3 acres is within the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) and that status will not change with this development Mr. Arychuk displayed the proposed comprehensive site plan and advised that it has evolved through a process which consolidated the natural features, such as slopes and environmentally sensitive areas, and the planning controls, such as the ALR boundary, with the Silver Valley Guide Plan. The result is a comprehensive plan which includes a combination of residential forms ranging from conventional single family lots to townhouses. He noted that during the process of analysis, it was evident that the agricultural land reserve boundary, which was a straight line, required an adjustment to more logically follow the toe of the slope. The adjustment achieved a net balance in terms of land that was excluded from the ALR and other lands that were included. He further advised that a variety of housing forms will be utilized to implement the principles of the District's Hillside Development Guidelines. The steeper slopes will have-larger-andLprimariiywider-iotSWhile-the-flatterPOrtlOflS-Wili havesmalier-residential lots. The plan being displayed accommodates approximately 490 units which is just below the cap of 500 in the CD-3-98 zone in the by-law. These maximums will never likely be achieved based on the analysis that has been done. - The plan also includes a 4 acre neighbourhood park which has been incorporated into the site plan. There are other open spaces within the plan in addition to the neighbourhood park; they are natural areas which protect the ravines and environmental areas. Pedestrian circulation will accommodate movements throughout the site with the strategic placement of walkways and sidewalks. By utilizing a component of pathways along the edge of the farmland, there will be a pedestrian pathway system developed that Public Hearing Minutes November 17, 1998 Page 4 will connect to the east and to the access points to the park and the ravine area to the north. He advised that another issue that was discussed with the planning Department was the OCP policy for equestrian movements. Equestrian movements have been accommodated and provided for in a north-south direction along the edge of the residential development next to the ALR lands and there is provision for an east-west connection following the existing network system in place through the subdivision. The possibility of extension to the east is there and could be continued. Mr. Arychuk explained the public information process that has been carried out, noting that 28 people attended an open house/public information meeting and 8 of them provided comments on the plan. He noted that the plans shown at the public information meeting were somewhat different as they pre-dated the adoption by Council of the Silver Valley Guide Plan. The concerns raised at the public information meeting related to density, park space and schools and the Silver Valley Guide Plan and revisions have been made to address many of those concerns. He added that servicing of the site will follow the recommendations of the Silver Valley Guide Plan and include the extension of sanitary sewer and water mains to the property. A major road connection will go through the site to connect with 224 Street via 136 and 137 Avenues and also will connect to 232 Street. The road and also the storm drainage system will be consistent with the Silver Valley Guide Plan. The ravines being preserved are in accordance with the standards of the Ministry of Environment and a full setback• of 15 metres from the top of bank will be provided. The ravines were surveyed by local surveyors engaged by the developers who also established elevations and benchmark locations so top of bank could be established on the three watercourses. Enkon Environmental Consultants (Glen Stewart) - Environmental Assessment Mr. Glen Stewart of Enkon Environmental Consultants advised that they did an environmental assessment for the project. He explained how Enkon gathered data through the use of aerial photographs, field work, topographic maps, etc. During the course of the assessment, they talked to the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife and Water Management Branches, with respect to their regulations. Their objective was to identif' environmentally sensitive areas so they could pass those concerns onto the developer early on so there would be no conflict. He noted that a key area is Anderson Creek which has trout as well as salmon further downstream. It is also important to protect Blaney Bog. He added that Enkon have also suggested some guidelines for storm water management and they reflect maintaining existing drainages where they start from and go to. They have tried to come up with treatment for storm water so that any water leaving the site will not cause problems for fish located downstream. They have also recommended erosion and sediment measures. He added that the District has a report from Enkon detailing all those issues. Hocfart Myles Architects (Ron Hoffart) - Hillside Development Guidelines Mr. Ron Hoffart of Hoffart Myles Architects displayed extended cross-sections to illustrate how the housing forms will relate to the District's proposed Hillside Development Guidelines. He provided technical details of lot grading and retaining wall construction, how the buildings will meet building height regulations and highest Public Hearing Minutes November, 17, 1998 Page 5 building face regulations. He demonstrated the practice of "stepping back" the highest walls, etc. He summarized that the intention is to have two storeys with a basement and a roof with a reasonable pitch which will achieve a reasonable scale on the street and down the hillside so that the house does not look like a three storey box. Hunter Laird (Declan Rooney) - Servicing Mr. Declan Rooney, P. Eng., Hunter Laird Engineering Ltd., provided the following details of the servicing aspects, which will be carried out in accordance with the Silver Valley Guide Plan. Water There will be a water main extension from the existing G.V.R.D. system along 232 Street The higher portions of the development will be in a pressure zone and will require pumping facilities. Sanitary Sewer • Servicing in the westerly area will be achieved by a lateral trunk service discharged to a pump station at the eastern end of 136 Avenue and southward to 224 Street. • In the easterly area, sanitary sewer service will be achieved via an extension of the sewer trunk facility at 128 Avenue. Drainage • the guide plan envisages that drainage will be collected by a system of trunk storm sewers running along the base of the hillside and discharging to storm detention ponds prior to discharging to receiving streams, e.g. Anderson Creek. The existing drainage goes to Anderson Creek. Summary Mr. Arychuk advised that the proponents appreciate the time allocated to them to provide details of the project. The process they have followed has taken a number of years which is indicative of the number of studies and analyses that have been done. The development will be achieved over a period of time at a very reasonable rate. The natural features of the land have been respected. The Director of Current Planning summarized the purpose of the by-laws. At the request of the Acting Mayor, the Municipal Clerk read into the record in summary form the following items of correspondence which have been received and circulated to the Municipal Council: • letter from Ms. Patricia Morrison of 24003 Fern Crescent dated November 17, 1998 opposing by-law No. 5689-1998. Her main concern is environmental damage, particularly the delicate eco-system ofBlaney Bog. Public Hearing Minutes November 17, 1998 Page 6 • letter from Mr. Douglas Stanger of 24003 Fern Crescent dated November 16, 1998 opposing By-law No. 5699-199 and asking that the necessary infrastructure to handle the proposed increase in population and commuters be put in place prior to the development taking place. • letter from Mr. Bill Archibald of 24208 - 102 Avenue dated November 13, 1998 opposing the rezoning of the subject land until the matter of the Docksteader Trail has been resolved, noting that it has been shown on Schedule "F" of the OCP since its inception in 1980. • letter from Mr. Lawrence Parash of 22679 - 136 Avenue dated November 12, 1998 advising that his property is affected by the proposed road along his eastern property line and objecting to not being involved in the plans as noted in his attached earlier letter to the Municipality dated August 13, 1998. • facsimile letter from Mr. Peter R. W. Sanders of 14294 Marc Road recommending that that the following be undertaken based on the details provided in his letter: • comprehensive infrastructure plans for the Districts of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows • comprehensive environmental plan for Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows • comprehensive urban forest plan • comprehensive water management plan • population movement plan • letter from Mr. Ross Davies, Watershed Co-ordinator, Alouette River Management Society (ARMS) dated November 17, 1998 detailing ARMS' concerns regarding the close proximity of the northern section of the proposed development area to Anderson Creek and the fact that the area is within the catchment areas of Blaney Bog and Cattell Brook. ARMS provided several recommendations for mitigating the impacts. The Municipal Clerk further explained that the following letters were submitted to him just prior to the commencement of the Public Hearing and they will be circulated to the Municipal Council tomorrow. • Eleven identical letters stating "I oppose the proposed rezoning of the area west of 232 Street from A-i Upland Agricultural to Comprehensive Development". • letter from Pam Southwell dated November 17, 1998 opposing the rezoning urging Council to preserve the remaining natural environments of Maple Ridge, particularly on the hillsides. Mr. Bill Archibald referred to his letter asking that the guide plan not be approved until the equestrian trail network is resolved. He questioned the fact that the developer has said it has been approved, noting that this was not the case when they met with the developers on several earlier occasions. The Director of Current Planning explained that the comprehensive development plan has not been finalized. It is a concept plan at this point. There is more work to be done on the plan by staff and consultants. One element to be finalized is the equestrian trail network; accommodation of the Docksteader 'Trail must form part of the plan and staff will not Public Hearing Minutes November 17, 1998 Page 7 bring a by-law forward for final consideration until that element is finalized, either through this site or the surrounding area. Mr. Archibald provided further details of negotiations that the equestrian groups have had with adjacent property owners to achieve a continuation of the trail network. He also noted that "Docksteader" is a historical name and should be included as part of the area. The Director of Current Planning further clarified that the Silver Valley Servicing and Guide Plan has been adopted by Council. The development plan being presented at this meeting has not been approved. Mr. Ross Davies, Watershed Co-ordinator of ARMS, Box 21117, Maple Ridge, reviewed the two primary concerns of ARMS and the measures they recommend in their letter to mitigate against them which are summarized as follows: there is potential for habitat and water quality degradation during the construction phase (short term effects). ARMS recommends that any land alteration that is carried out be done with appropriate environmental safeguards as described in the Land Development Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Habitat and that an environmental bonding system be implemented. Degradation of water quality and alteration of flow regimes due to the establishment impervious surfaces (permanent, long term effects). ARMS recommends several mitigating measures as detailed in Items (a) to (d) in their letter. Mr. Peter Barnes, Vice President of ARMS read and submitted a letter asking that Council not rush development in Silver Valley and mess up the pristine beauty , that can never be reclaimed if it is not done right the first time. Mr. Barnes also submitted a further letter from Mr. Ross Davies of ARMS detailing 11 safeguards that ARMS feel must be put in place prior to the development proceeding. Mr. Mike Rousseau of 23021 - 132 Avenue advised that he is an Archaeologist. He explained that he feels there are a few areas affected by this development proposal that have the potential to contain prehistoric artifacts, e.g. Anderson Creek could contain the remains of prehistoric campsites. Mr. Rousseau submitted for Council's information several copies of handbooks entitled Archaeological Resource Management and Archaeological Impact Assessment Guidelines which have been produced by the Provincial Government. He noted that there is Provincial legislation in place which provides for an assessment whereby archaeological sites can be identified before development occurs. Also, the Heritage Act requires that people who engage in the alteration of public lands are responsible to ensure preservation of those archaeological assessments. The penalty for an individual disturbing the site is $50,000 and for a corporation it is $1 million. He added that he would like to see an assessment done on this property and any other properties connected with Silver Valley to ensure that its heritage will be properly monitored and recognized. Public Hearing Minutes November 17, 1998 Page 8 Janet Dmitrieff of 9490 - 263 Street, Vice President of the Equestrian Trails Council, read and submitted a letter dated November 16, 1998 explaining the efforts that have made to secure the Docksteader Trail on Schedule F of the OCP. Also included were attachments recording those efforts. Ms. Dmitrieff further noted that although the Docksteader Trail was legally gazetted in 1910, no official conveyancing took place and the right-of-way was never officially recorded. She advised that the Planning Department has stated that the Equestrian Trails Council must wait for a rezoning application on each portion of the land that affects the trail and ask for it to be recognized and officially dedicated. She asks that Council assist them in their efforts to preserve a historic trail and offer the public access to a safe corridor by recording this right-of-way. Mr. Fred Voglmaier of 27050 Ferguson Avenue referred to the practice of putting horse trails on road shoulders close to the roads. This is a concern to him as the horse and rider then has to cross numerous driveways. Maple Ridge has no way of controlling private driveways once the development is completed. The driveways are paved with materials that become very slick and dangerous and the residents place obstructions in their driveways. He asked that the Municipality put a mechanism in place to control driveways situated on public lands/ road allowances. Ms. Sandy Scheer of 13031 - 224 Street expressed the following three concerns: (1) aquatic issues, which have been noted by previous speakers; she supports ARMS; (2) this plan does not provide for a wildlife corridor through the development so the wildlife can get from one side to the other; (3) she objects to land being removed from the A.L.R. which result in the ALR being nibbled away which has happened in Richmond, etc.; (4) Blaney Bog will be destroyed by pesticides and other chemicals contained in the run-off from the new residences. Mr. Bill Elder of 13398 - 233 Street advised that he is opposed to this large proposal. He feels that the citizens of Maple Ridge have the right to see some smaller developments completed first so people can determine if that is what they want in this area. He asks that Council reject this large development and look at doing something on a smaller scale first. Mr. Craig Speirs of 124 Avenue advised that he has lived at both the top and the bottom of this hillside area for many years and has walked every square mile of it. It is a beautiful area, particularly around Blaney Bog. An expert, Dr. Dave Bellamy, toured the bog and was very impressed. He is Europe's equivalent of Dr. Suzuki. It is important that the bog receives pure water. He recommends that bio-filtration systems be used to take care. of pesticides, chemicals, etc. in the storm water run-off from the homes. Mr. Speirs asked that a citizens advisory committee be established to help direct the pace and direction of this proposal and mitigate any damage. There will be damage and there will be no way around it. Mr. Al Hogarth of 22031 Dewdney Trunk Road advised that he is a member of the Silver Valley Neighbourhood Association and ARMS. He shares the view of the vast majority of Maple in that they say 97% of the people very much look at Maple Ridge as a very natural setting. He finds the scope of this development staggering. The Silver Valley Guide Plan that was adopted by Council has not been before the citizens. That is contrary to the OCP. He noted that the commercial site has been moved from its original site due Public Hearing Minutes November 17, 1998 Page 9 to a large outcropping. He finds it ironic that the site was not good enough for a village centre but that it is good enough for building lots. Only the land use is being addressed here and not the form and character of the buildings. The development plan will not be finalized until after this Public Hearing. Mr. Hogarth added that he feels that there is a way to develop this absolutely gorgeous site with the same number of units but in a more compassionate manner. The zoning by- law allows this site to be totally and substantially altered. In order to build the houses, the land will have to be manipulated to a degree that it will be unrecognizable when the development is done. Although there will be retaining walls, most of the vegetation will have to be removed. It is high time the Municipality got into doing some real planning and really addressed the OCP. This application was presented to Council just last month and the plan is already different than the one that was given first reading. He cannot support the plan as presented and feels the applicants can do a lot better. Mr. Dave Smith, 24818 - 100 Avenue, a member of the Maple Ridge Equestrian Trails Council, Haney Horseman Association, GETPARC (Golden Ears Trails Preservation and Restoration Club) and the Ridge Meadows Watershed Council, read and submitted letters on behalf of the Maple Ridge Equestrian Trails Council dated November 17, 1998 and the Haney Horseman Association dated March 15 and 16, 1998. The two organizations are concerned that the Docksteader Trail will be lost as no accommodation has been made for it in these plans. Mr. Smith also expressed concern regarding the aquatic life and wildlife in the area as animals also need a habitat. He does not feel that such a large mixed use is acceptable in this part of the community and is concerned that the increased traffic will be a serious problem. He also has concerns with respect to water and drainage problems. He feels that before the development proceeds there has to be a meeting of the residents and the user groups. He questioned why the U.B.C. Research Forest and the Golden Ears Park are not privy to any of these meeting and why they are not more involved. Mr. Frank Hauzer of 22909 - 132 Avenue advised that he has lived on that 10 acre parcel since 1977. He noted that progress and development are difficult or impossible to stop but they must be controlled. He has the following two concerns regarding the proposed development: (1) Traffic along 123 Avenue is increasing at a very aggressive rate and threatening recreational activities such as jogging, horseback riding, cycling and walking; (2) He has seen a dramatic increase in the water flow through two large ditches and creeks on his property. Flash flooding is now occurring in the area with less rainfall. A speaker stated that if Council has been considering development in Silver Valley for 17 years, they have heard the all these sentiments before. He feels that Council has already decided how they will be voting and the Public Hearing is just a formality. He asked that Council amend the application to read that no Development Permit will be approved until an environmental bonding system is in place so that it can be ensured that the consultants' recommendations are carried out. He further noted that two-thirds of the people in Silver Valley have asked Council to stop development. The residents want development done right. He asked that if there is anyone on Council who is willing to work with the residents to do the development in a better way that they come forward. A resident of 232 Street advised that she lives just to the north of the development and she loves the area. She noted that all the children will have to leave the area to go to the Public Hearing Minutes November 17, 1998 Page 10 closest school which is Yennadon. She advised that she teaches at Yennadon and the school is full. She acknowledged that school sites have been designated but noted that the schools come along at a later stage. Mr. Zale Hammren of 14202 Marc Road read and submitted a letter. He questioned what the hurry is. He noted that there are 1500 to 2000 people who have signed a petition who have major concerns about the way that Silver Valley is being desecrated. The people who signed the petition want details of the run-off plans for the whole area, etc. He asks that Council not approve the development unless it can be one everyone can look to with a sense of pride at ajob well done. Mr. Gavin Roache of 13034 - 236 Street read and submitted a letter dated November 17, 1998 which expresses concerns that the type of development proposed is a "land use blank cheque". He wants to see a comprehensive development plans and a comprehensive environmental study. This development will define the character of Silver Valley and it will be the first impression for thousands of people but no one knows what those first impressions will be. He questioned where the innovative site development proposals are that the OCP talks of. This public hearing is the last chance people will have for public input. Even if development does not take place for 10 years, they will not get another chance to speak, and yet they do not have any idea what the finished product will look like. If approved, this method of rezoning will set a precedent for future applications. He urges Council not to pass these by-laws until the community has a detailed concept of what is being proposed. Chris of 24318 - 104 Avenue spoke in opposition to the proposal. She advised that she is a member of the Pitt Polder Preservation Society who want to preserve Blaney Bog. She advised that she participated as a citizen on some of the panels of the Rural Plan and OCP Review and some of the recommendations did not come true for her. She lives near an environmentally sensitive area in Albion where trees were cut down. There are large tracts of land in Maple Ridge that are not environmentally sensitive that could be developed on. These include areas towards Garibaldi School and parts of Albion. She further stated that the Rural Plan promoted larger parcels in rural areas, as well as keeping the rural lifestyle distinct. She quoted recommendations from the Rural Plan which she does not feel are being addressed in this proposal. Silver Valley is a rural area and the quality of the rural lands in Silver Valley should be protected. She wants to see the storm run-off issues addressed. She also referred to the G.V.R.D.'s Livable Region Strategy, which she feels is a joke, noting that residents should be able to say "not in my back yard" if it means having a livable community. Also, the OCP says to encourage housing densities in currently developed area. Ms. Lyn Peters of 13034 - 236 Street read and submitted a letter which, in summary, strongly protests the rezoning of agriculture land to comprehensive development, noting that the public has no idea of what the future plans are for this land, except there will be 500 units. This is a blanket permission to the developers to do what they want. She questioned the lack of community input. She also noted that the newly hired Municipal environmental team will not have time to assess the environmental impact. She also posed questions regarding the adequacy of stream setbacks on Anderson Creek, loss of greenway connecting trails, infrastructure to the development, why Maple Ridge is Public Hearing Minutes November 17, 1998 Page 11 not being promoted as an outdoor experience, and why major roads and bridges are being promoted at a major expense to the taxpayers Ms. Peters further states that she opposes this rezoning until the citizens have been offered a detailed structural plan and open house. Also, it is her understanding that the School District does not require one of the school sites and she wants the park site enlarged into that space. Ms. Carol Botel of 14218 Marc Road advised that she has lived there since 1962. She is a member of the Alouette Field Naturalists. Her water source is Anderson Creek and this is of great concern to her. She questioned how it can be said that Anderson Creek is considered to be a protected area, yet storm water run-off will be permitted to go into it She supports everything that has been said by ARMS and those who want to protect Blaney Bog. She noted that there used to be a whole population of Chinook salmon in the creeks right up to her location on Marc Road. Dr. Shiraz Mawani of 13320 —232 Street advised that he is a member of the Silver Valley Neighbourhood Association. He referred to a petition signed by 1500 residents asking Council to delay further approval of developments in the area. He noted that those residents keep saying the same thing over and over and the fact that this process has continued flies in the face of what public participation means. The OCP is supposed to be a document that allows continued public input and participation. Those who have voiced their concerns cannot say too strongly that they object to and do not want to see continuing development until the many significant concerns have been addressed. They are not talking about setting aside the 20% of the land that is environmentally sensitive and continuing along with the remaining 80% as the 80% will affect the 20%. They have suggested other approaches. They wish to break this impasse with Council and staff so that they are not saying the same thing over and over. The process is flawed as there is little information in the concept plan and no one knows what the development will look like in the end. The residents need far more details. They look forward to Council providing that detail before this development is approved. Dr. Mawani further noted that it says in the OCP under Policy 5 that Maple Ridge supports the development and implementation of innovative development plans. He questioned if there are innovative storm water plans for this development that will enhance the habitat. The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services advised that Municipal staff are working with the Ministry of Environment (MOE) on all the storm water issues in Silver Valley, Albion and Cottonwood. They meet with MOE staff on a regular basis as to how to approach these issues and will continue to that. It is work in progress. The Municipality relies on MOE input and has a good working relationship with them. The best storm water practices will be applied as the development occurs over the course of time. Dr. Mawani stated that the Public Hearing process is flawed as the residents will not get another chance for input. There is an urgency for them to be heard on this matter. Dr. Mawani referred to the run-off problems that occurred when slopes in the area were denuded of trees before development occurred and asked that measures be taken so that this does not happen again. He also noted that a flood occurred on 132 Avenue last week. He feels that further flooding in the area will occur if more significant development is Public Hearing Minutes November 17, 1998 Page 12 allowed. It has been said that studies on these matters will take place; he questioned what the Municipality will do if the studies do not pan out. Mr. Kevin G. Midgley of 22416 - 129 Avenue read and submitted a letter which, in summary, opposes the proposed rezoning, noting that basic requests of the Silver Valley residents' petition have not been implemented. The people who signed the petition want a workable environmental bonding system in place before the development is approved. Mr. Midgley questioned what the rush is, noting that this is the biggest development ever proposed for approval at one time in Maple Ridge's history. His concerns include adequate setbacks for sensitive areas, planning for development is being done without the roads in place, and the lack of a neighbourhood structure plan. He noted that Kelowna has such a plan. Mr. Steve Broughton of 23627 - 132 Avenue advised that he is a member of the Silver Valley Neighbourhood Association. He noted that the Association has requested a neighbourhood structure plan and he is opposed to this development proceeding until that plan is in place. Mr. Don Gehring of 22355 River Road advised that he is opposed to the proposed development plan. He stated that has not heard any details about the commercial component and questioned what uses would be allowed, e.g. restaurant, neighbourhood pub, etc. The Director of Current Planning responded that the neighbourhood commercial area has moved off the subject site to 137 Avenue. The commercial site shown on the guide plan is roughly 4 to 5 acres and is intended to serve the local population. There are two commercial centres proposed for Silver Valley. A larger centre will be at 236 Street and 136 Avenue. Mr. Michael Saether of 21837 Laurie Avenue advised that he reiterates the concerns that have been expressed with respect to Blaney Bog. He urges Council to pursue with the utmost vigour the preservation of Blaney Bog. Council must be aware of the hydrological features of the bog and what it requires in terms of water input into the system, and must obtain the expertise that is required as this is a complex matter. Upland development will affect the hydrology of the bog. Anderson Creek cannot stand alone as the only source of water to the bog. Mr. Saether noted that Silver Valley was approved for development 10 years ago and in the interim society has begun to recognize more and more the down-side of urban sprawl. The G.V.R.D. has come up with the Livable Region Strategic Plan (LRSP) to address this problem. H would like to know from Council if the support the Livable Region Strategic Plan. The plan states that the final population of Maple Ridge is to be 93,000. He questioned how that compares to the proposed development. He hopes that all Councillors will make their position on the LRSP clear as it is of paramount importance to decide if they are behind that plan or not. He asked that hard decisions be made to prevent urban sprawl. He added that he is pleased to see the green area around Anderson Creek but questioned if the setback is adequate. Mr. Jim Osborne of 14136 Marc Road voiced his objection to the Zone Amending By- law as he is disturbed by the high density of this project. There is very little chance that it Public Hearing Minutes November 17, 1998 Page 13 will look anything but like another Mary Hill which is not a concept most people want for Silver Valley. Mr. Roy Josephson of Fern Crescent read and submitted a letter which, in summary, states that there appears to be a breakdown in the application of the OCP in Silver Valley. He fears the loss of huge tracts of wooded land nearthe gateway of Golden Ears Park which are used for hiking, biking and horseback riding. He questioned why Council is proceeding with this and other development applications in spite of the large petition submitted to them from the Silver Valley residents. Mr. Josephson in his letter refers to the following policies of the OCP which the proposed development does not appear to live up to - Policy (Page 4) re density bonusing and transfer; Policy 12 (Page 30 re greenways; Policy 31 (Page 39) re special needs housing; Policies 37 (Page 40) and 52 (page 42); Policies 49 (Page 42), 59 (Page 48) and 6 1-63 (Page 51) commercial centres; Policy 60 (Page 49) participatory planning. At the request of Acting Mayor Baker; Mr. Arychuk of Hunter Laird Engineering Ltd. responded to several of the concerns raised by the speakers as follows: Open space and parkiand. These areas represent over 30% of the site. The agricultural component and lands that are to be preserved next to the bog area equal 20 acres. The neighbourhood park is a 4 acre parcel and there are 5.25 acres of conservation areas that are to be protected in the Anderson creek and tributary ravines. There is a significant clustering of the densities. Equestrian Trail - a commitment was made earlier to establish an equestrian linkage through the site which will be worked out with Municipal staff at the subdivision stage. Staff envisions that linkage as a "country road" and there will be no need for the horse and rider to cross over boulevards. It will be a clearly designated trail system Wild4fe Corridors - there are major protected greenway and wildlife corridors identified on the plan. The adjacent portions of the corridor are not shown on the plan. Visual image of the site - it is tucked in back behind a knoll and therefore will be less visible to visitors to the area. He further noted that the road system will have minimal grading to accommodate the services for the development. The high elevations changes will be minimized. Mr. Hoffart has experience with the hillside policies and was brought into the project for his expertise in that regard. Drainage issues The most advanced technology of the Ministry of Environment will be used. Storm water will be handled in accordance with the Silver Valley Guide Plan. Detention facilities will be to the north of the property for each site and then brought to Anderson Creek refined. Mr. Arychuk added that it is a big project and it carried with it substantial requirements for infrastructure which will serve as the basis for all of Silver Valley. The services cannot be done for 5 or 10 lots at a time as it requires a major investment. It is too much for one developer and has been co-ordinated with other developers to ensure that there is no cost to the general taxpayer. Public Hearing Minutes November 17, 1998 Page 14 Mr. Hogarth questioned what the intent is for the ALR lands. He noted that they not identified as Park; they are not being identified as something that can be preserved or dedicated. He expressed concern that they could be subdivided off and sold at some time. Mr. Walt Johnson, the Development Manager of Silver Maples Development Ltd. advised that he represents the owner of the property He responded that they have had many discussions on this issue. The Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) has certain desires for that land and Maple Ridge has certain concept plans. The proponents will be working with Maple Ridge with respect to their wishes. They will have to co-ordinate with the ALC. A speaker asked if there is any guarantee that the intentions voiced by the developers today will not be changed. The Director of Current Planning explained that the concerns and questions raised at this meeting will now be discussed by Council and referred to staff for analysis. Many of the requests made this evening are for more details of the development plan which has not yet been done, e.g. storm drainage, grading plans, etc. The final concept plans are not designed yet. These happen as subdivision evolves. Subdivision normally happens after the zoning application. The topic of this meeting is land use. Subdivision is not part of the public scrutiny, however, Council has now heard the concerns and questions raised by the citizens and they will be taken under advisement. Mr. Josephson asked if Maple 1idge has a model for development in Silver Valley. He participated in the Vancouver City Plan and they canvassed two neighbourhoods by mail and did a survey and a workshop and compiled the results to utilize in their decision towards development. He submitted a copy of the Vancouver City Plan Tool Kit. On question, the Director of Current Planning identified the proposed school sites, noting that the School District has advised that one site located in the northern portion is not now required. There was no further comment and the Acting Mayor declared By-laws 5689-1998 and 5690-1998 dealt with. 2) RZ115198 - MAPLE RIDGE *ONE AMENDING B YLA W NO.5736-1998 LEGAL: LOCATION: FROM: TO: Parcel 1,District Lot 398, Group 1, Reference Plan LMP 13237, New Westminster District 11566224 RS-1 (One Urban Residential) Nm PURPOSE: To permit the of a two storey 1 560m2 office building The Director of Current Planning display an overhead map of the site and called upon Mr. Harvey Hatch, the architect, to descri he proposal. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Mayor and Council DATE: September 16. 1998 FROM: Planning Department SUBJECT: Review Of Silver Valley Public Participation Program SUMMARY: Council requested a summary of the public participation program used to review the Silver Valley land use designations of the Official Community Plan. One of the purposes of involving the public in the Silver Valley Land Use Review of 1994 was to: • review area-specific work previously undertaken, • review interests of the other government agencies and public utilities, • meet the aspirations of the areas population. The views of the public were given special weight in the preparation of the plan review. Four workshops and two Open Houses were held during the course of the study. As well, a Public Hearing was held to consider the implementing bylaws. p RECOMMENDATION: For information only. BACKGROUND: Public participation in the Silver Valley Land Use Review of 1994 was structured around a series of workshops, in which area residents and others worked with the consulting team to identify issues, set objectives, and test solutions. The process began with an orientation meeting with invited area representatives from a cross-section of neighbourhood residents who could express the various attitudes held within Silver Valley. The information gained from this meeting helped to focus on appropriate directions for the subsequent workshops. Prior to the first workshop, a four page newsletter was mailed to all Silver Valley residents and property owners. As well newspaper adverts were placed in the local newspapers informing those interested thit the land use review was underway. Also, a 9-page discussion paper documenting background information and key issues was distributed at the first workshop or mailed following the workshop. Each workshop had two objectives: the minor one was to verify, or adjust, the team's work based on the previous workshop; the major one was to provide direction to the team for the next stage of plan development. Four workshops were held during the course of the study. In order to gain wider public comment, two Open Houses were also held, one at the mid-point of the process and oneat-the-end. At-ehOpen-Houseattendeeswereaskcd-to-siga-in 1 mark •the••location-oftheir•house•on a-large- map of the area, and fill out a questionnaire providing comments on planning issues and options described in the display material. This information was incorporated into the consultant team's work. Details of the public response at the two Open Houses are contained in Appendices to the consultants report. Following the Land Use Review, Council received the report and recommendations and instructed staff to review the material and prepare implementation bylaws. Many meetings and much discussion occurred between Council and staff on achieving the recommended plan. Implementation bylaws went to a Public Hearing on January 11, 1995. Public Participation.Specific Meetin2s Orientation Meeting Workshop #1 Workshop #2 December 9. 1993 January 20, 1994 February 10. 1994 Ten area representatives 130 participants 96 participants attended this briefing. Open House #1 Workshop #3 Workshop #4 March 03, 1994 April07. 1994 May05, 1994 125 participants 109 participants 124 participants Open House #2 Implementation May 26, 1994 Public Hearing 140 participants January 11, 1995 Other Consultations In addition, three studies were undertaken that were used in the Silver Valley Land Use Review. They were: Environmental Assessment Study, Gartner Lee Ltd., 1992 Stormwater Management Study, UMA Engineering Traffic and Transportation Study, Ward Consulting Group Several government agencies and crown corporations were consulted to gauge their plans and requirements related to future development in Silver Valley. These included: • Agricultural Land Commission • B.C.Hydro • B.C. Transit. • Central Fraser Valley Health Unit • Departnnt of Fisheries and Oceans • Greater Vancouver Regional District • Ministry of Envimnrncnt Lands and Parks • Ministry of Transportation and Highways • Bchool District No.42 ,1 •') Dlrector, Long Range Planning CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: October 21, 1998 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: CIW PW & DS SUBJECT: Silver Valley SUMMARY: The following outlines staff comments on the Silver Valley petition. It is staff's understanding that the petition has been submitted to Council largely in response to concerns regarding the environmental impacts of urbanization in the area. This staff report attempts to respond to those issues raised in the submission. it RECOMMENDATION: Submitted for information only. BACKGROUND: The Official Community Plan (OCP) is the paramount municipal planning document which provides the broad policy framework to guide the physical growth and development of the District. The intent is to implement the OCP through the Zoning Bylaw and specific development applications wherein the terms and conditions of any approval ensure compliance with the OCP. The District has also the opportunity to undertake more detailed planning studies to address specific areas of the community. Examples include the Rural Plan, Downtown Action Plan, and the Silver Valley Guide Plan. While not adopted by bylaw, each of these initiatives are reviewed by Council with ihe intent to be used as a guideline in evaluating future development opportunities. The petition suggests that the development of Silver Valley may be in contravention of the OCP. In fact, Silver Valley is a designated growth area in Maple Ridge and is intended to concentrate new population and development. At question, then, is how such development is accommodated. Through the guide plan process, it was determined that in excess of 20% of the Silver Valley growth area will be permanently protected from development. In large measure, these are the ravines and river valleys and other environmentally sensitive areas in the area. In addition, the Silver Valley area will be served by a major and improved park area to the south, adjacent to the Alouette River as well as school parks/school sites. Much of the higher elevations in Silver Valley are scheduled for very low denSity development which has the potential to provide for the NONE permanent protection of additional tree canopy in the area. It is further. noted that staff hay proposed the introduction of a comprehensive development zoning for parts of Silver Valley which provides greater flexibility to work with the landscape and concentrate densities, thereby providing Opportunities to retain selected tree stands. The petition has suggested that the preparation of an Area Structure Plan is necessary before development advances for the Silver Valley Area. The term Area Structure Plan is actually used in Alberta and is essentially the same type of document as the Guide Plan prepared by staff. The background leading up to the current Guide Plan is summarized as follows: 1981 OCP designation of Silver Valley as Urban Reserve. OCP process included public participation program. 1992 Gartner Lee Environmental Study prepared for Silver Valley 1994 Albion/Silver Valley Land Use Reviews conducted with,public participation program . P 1995 UMA Study on Silver Valley Stormwater Management prepared 1996 $1.25 million extension of trunk sewer into area 1996 OCP designates Silver Valley as Urban Growth Area with extensive publi participation 1997198 Transportation reports prepared on Silver Valley Arterial 1997/98 Development applications submitted for Silver Valley with tirst major urban residential development occurring 1998 Hillside Development Guidelines work undertaken to examine techniques to achieve appropriate standards for building heights and retaining walls 1998 Guide Plan prepared using OCP framework and numerous background reports as reference materials As indicated in the foregoing, the planning program for Silver Valley has a 17-year history. There has been a considerable amount of background work completed to better understand and manage growth in the Silver Valley area. In addition, there have been several opportunities for public participation over the years, most notably those opportunities associated with the current OCP (see attached). The result is a guide plan that provides for a mix of residential densities supported by a centrally located community core. Significant ànvironmental features have been identified for protection and the trunk servicing and transportation framework rationalized. -2- Given the work to date, the need for further review of development potentials and issues in Silver Valley must be questioned. Rather, attention now is focused on the numerous development applications under review for the area and the opportunities to apply the most current development and environmental standards. It is through these development applications that the more detailed decision making for Silver Valley will be occurring and the vision of the OCP achieved. Ongoing Opportunities for public consultation will be afforded with each zoning application considered by Council. Working with the Ministry of Environment and with the support of in-house environmental staff resources, staff are confident that development activity in Silver Valley will be respectful of valuable environmental resources. Staff are prepared to support the concept of performance bonding for drainage, tree stand protection and other environmental issues through development agreements and development permits. These processes enable Council to apply a variety of measures for the purpose of maintaining environmental integrity as a condition of development. Through the development review process staff will advise Council about the opportunities available to them in achieving this objective, including: p Limits to clearing consistent with work schedules that will limit the potential for excessive erosion. Guidelines for site maintenance during residential construction. Site rehabilitation measures to manage runoff during winter months. Siltation control as a component of storm sewer design. Further, staff will recommend that all lands designated for protection be dedicated to the District as a condition of development thereby limiting the potential for future encroachment from neighbouring urban uses. Staff have proposed comprehensive development zoning to provide a new more flexible zoning mechanism to better allow development to coincide with challenging topography while still achieving densities. Staff view this as a zoning technique with advantages to all concerned. Conclusions Staff are appreciative of the concerns expressed in the Silver Valley petition. However, a solid planning foundation has been established for urban growth in the area through numerous studies, the OC?, and the Guide Plan. The challenge at this time is to guide development in accordance with OCP policies through detailed development review processes and effective enforcement mechanisms. r 1 k CAfiEkdminJ4 I r%tmOfter JJR:bkg -3- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: January 11, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: DP166199 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: DP166/99- Town Centre Redevelopment Leisure Centre Expansion EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This development permit application is the second of several expected for the Town Centre redevelopment. This application addresses requirements associated with construction of additions to the existing Leisure Centre Complex. The expanded Complex would include a new gymnasium, youth centre and additional lap pooi. The comments provided by the Advisory Design Panel are supportive of the proposal and Development Permit Area Guidelines have been addressed. It is recommended that the permit application be supported. II RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/66/99 respecting property located at 11995 Haney Place. III BACKGROUND: Applicant: Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Ltd. Owner: Maple Ridge Town Centre Development Ltd. Legal Description: REM 118, PL 60562 OCP: Existing: Town Centre Commercial Proposed: Town Centre Commercial Zoning; C-3 Surrounding Uses N: Commercial S: Institutional/Commercial E: Municipal Building W: Commercial -: Existingand oposed..UseofProperty:. - isureCentre..Complex- IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION The second phase of the Town Centre development proposes a significant expansionto the existing Leisure Centre facility. The expanded structure will house a new youth facility, a gymnasium and new lap pool. Associated ancillary space is also provided. The new facility will also refocus its presentation towards the north of the facility where it will now provide the main entry. The focal point is the reorganized Centennial Park. This reorientation combined with building expansions that narrows pedestrian spaces to the east and south, j?"'OR, 0.3 necessitates careful consideration of the impact of the reduced space on pedestrian activity. This is addressed with the inclusion of exterior activity space to the east, and windows along the south wall that permit observation into and out of the facility. V PLANNING ANALYSIS Analysis of the project is guided by the Official Community Plan and specifically by Development Permit Area XXX VI guidelines. These guidelines were prepared in anticipation of the redevelopment of the area bounded by Dewdney Trunk Road, Lougheed Highway, 224th Street and 226th Street. Comments are grouped within the four categories identified by the Guidelines. Site Plan Guidelines (DPA XXX VI The guidelines relating to site planning for the development require that particular consideration be given pedestrian use of the area. Focus on public space with attempts to define opportunities for public gathering are encouraged. Comments: The site plan for the complex addresses the criteria identified for this section of the guidelines. The orientation towards Centennial Park recognizes the park as an important public space. The creation of outdoor activity space to the east of the facility also provides a linkage between facility activities and outdoor pedestrian activity. Pedestrian access is maintained around the perimeter of the building and concerns regarding the visibility of pedestrian activity around the building are addressed. Building Form Guidelines (DPA XXXVI) The guidelines pertaining to building form reflect those of the site planning for the project. They focus on a need to maintain a pedestrian scale and provide prominence to entry points. The use of building materials that are consistent with other public buildings in the area is encouraged and the use of fenestration to provide a good level of visibility to surrounding activity is required. Comments: The building addresses the building form guidelines. The Advisory Design Panel in particular noted the efforts of the applicants in addressing earlier concerns regarding the building form. The Panel suggested three minor modifications to the proposal; Suggests that the applicant consider, as an alternative to painting the wave wall, a sculptural treatment and creative use of materials. Suggests that user groups be encouraged to utilize the end wall of the gymnasium for banners and coordinate this use with the design team. Suggests a curved element in front of the Leisure Centre similarto the other buildings. -2- Landscaping Guidelines (DPA XXXVI) The specific guidelines governing landscape design for the Development Permit Area are: Landscaping should define the purpose and emphasize the desired character and function of public space. Landscaping should reinforce design continuity with neighbouring properties and the streetscape by providing consistency in street trees, plant materials, and other landscaping elements. Simplicity in landscaping materials is desirable and should be encouraged for screening purposes. Street trees will be a required component of all development. Comments: The landscape design provides elements recommended by the guidelines. Detailed landscape plans have not been provided with the proposal and should be required as a condition of final approval of the permit. Of particular concern at this time is the location of street trees adjacent to the north side of the building. The space allocated for the trees does not appear to be sufficient to ensure the tree canopy is clear of the building wall. The street trees are an important element in defining the quality of the public space fronting the building. VI CONCLUSION: The second phase of the Town Centre development proposal addresses the requirements of the Development Permit Area Guidelines. Further detail is required regarding landscape design and the Advisory Design Panel has proposed some minor changes to the building. It is recommended that the application be supported. Prepared by: Moreno ossi, MCIP Registered Approved by:/Ter - ryer, P. EnVJ /Virector of Curp69( Planning Jake J. Rolph, AICP, MCIP GMj_.Jublic Works & Development Services Co'ncurrence: R6bert W. Robertson'AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer mrfbjc .3- 'Row 404.9 U EXtTlP8 ---- - OrvnAu. mcm it —A 4 I4TQ9 A. C fAlST' 'N — (Tee - S4I5TIW, / CCRA A41 PEL1' DALDIW, (TO 5e (TO BE l4P) -- • 5••__ - - - S - -- ToeY RUSSELL r44 40çq4. (2 ?±4_cte L)l A e&44T .t CV 6 & PMWS M1qCl. 2,TVkjr ..T5 1465 401 ,40tP .4,, ..6AI41I5b6R C4.0 3 LA5. oS4o: 411(6,44415 ASSOCLATES I •.c -AMCWECTS TOBY Qb'.,A6 T t'51 0 - E4AnlvE )T ' RUSSELL UCKWELL & pafiners - arcnhtecls 5 S4 FLOORS, A 85R4 OF 4*4'. Sf1.64. a 6r6 - .FVER . . 1 ____ -__ - t..4.0 - 4.116 sq. Is 5549 4q14 sq. II. C'Rfl. .4414 sq It. tAt0M49. - - - -- - -_ -- T01A4 AbOVE SRA - 30 54*,., - .45 - 13 YAP41PCIC.,.F--t -5" -- _OCPSTA1*.. - I E.O 1iW I C4T II5 OTAL .*5'IC4.t64AkV 541€ 2o 5T*,LS I .1(.6HeOARo J - P LOT ma - - •EI QESTAURM 'ARKIWI E53 //r SLC *(LL flCIECTS 14 AnkeflmJA - AbSOCL1tO$ Inc low II I L L) LT PLEVATICH •.3 pd O1i1I-I ELEvTI - A53.O1 MOM i INE amm ME I ~ WE I - ii wi 77 IN / I - - -\:" •\ U1UI_,..ff ftj'_ .- ----: - I: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a S a S a ii ........... . .I.I.I.I.I.I + ••• PII BLACKUALLNINIUM iDETAL iii•i•iim iiiiiiii ThRED PMTNG PATIER M'RINTED SNE.AS1ED cONcRETE AND COLOLM ONRE1E BA1CRG 4 IRJGIT LcR MU1M RM ma. SEE D(TAA. 2 - TEAIINC STEPS AND - SITP9ED PUNIOTE Mimi NJ 1R1N$1Th COMMOKIN MUNHAZEL 1RmuE41Th MAiAS TOWN CENTRE MALL Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Meeting Thursday, January 6, 2000 DP-66-99 • Applicant: Toby Russell Buckwell & Partners • Proposal: Town Centre - Leisure/Youth Centre • Location: Dewdney Trunk Road and 224th Street RESOLUTION: It was duly MOVED and SECONDED that the following resolution be passed: The Advisory Design Panel expressed overall support for the project and were particularly encouraged by the lengths the applicants have gone to in order to meet the earlier concerns of the PaneL The Panel also: Suggests that the applicant consider, as an alternative to painting the wave wall, a sculptural treatment and creative use of materials. Suggests that user groups be encouraged to utilize the end wall of the gymnasium for banners and coordinate this use with the design team. Suggests a curved element in front of the leisure centre similar to the other buildings. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: January 7, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: DVP181/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: DVPI81/99 20318 Dewdney Trunk Road EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Development Variance Permit application has been received in which the applicant is requesting a reduction in the rear yard set back from the required 6.0 meters to 1.1 metres. After reviewing the application, staff recommend that DVP/81/99 be given favourable consideration. II RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/81/99 respecting property located at 20318 Dewdney Trunk Road will be considered by Council at the February 15th, 2000 meeting. III BACKGROUND: ApplicantfOwner: 509918 BC Ltd. Legal Description: Lot 1 District Lot 222 Group 1 NWD Plan 77583 Existing Zoning: CS-i Service Commercial Staff are currently reviewing a building permit application in which the applicant is proposing construction of a gas bar and convenience store. Before issuance of a building permit, one of the condItions to be satisfied is the District of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw, which states that "no building or structure shall be sited less than 60 mfrom a rear lot line." The applicant is requesting that the rear yard set back be reduced from 6.0 m to 1.1 m. IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION The subject site is located on the southwest corner of 203 d Street and Dewdney Trunk Road. There is an existing mall development on two sides of the subject site with on site access points to the west and south. Road access to the site will be provided at two points on Dewdney Trunk Road. The building location is proposed for the southwest corner of the site in approximately the same location as a previous building. V PLANNING ANALYSIS According to the Zoning Bylaw, where there is more than one fronting street, the lot line with the narrowest dimension is considered the front lot line. In this case, the narrowest dimension is the 01.0a ? east property line fronting on 203 Street. The rear lot line is therefore the west property line and a reduction in the rear yard setback from this line is requested. As this site is in a prominent location, staff recommend that the applicant present this project to the Advisory Design Panel. In anticipation of Council's agreement with this recommendation, the applicant presented this project to the January 6, 2000 Design Panel meeting. Attached are the comments of the Panel, and the applicant has advised that the comments will be incorporated in the final building permit application. VI CONCLUSION: As the site is bounded by a service commercial use on two sides and the reduced rear yard is adjacent to one of these uses, staff recommend support for this application to reduce the required rear yard setback. 441 Prepared y: Bruce McLeod, ISA Certified Arborist Landscape/Planning Technician Approved by: Planning ake J. Kiidolph, AICP, MCIP GM: Public Works & Development Services ( : Robert W. Robertson, AICP, Chief Administrative Officer (3) -2- 33 -1b ff4bi rji 818 47 46 45 I 1214U I N P41572 2 51 9825 P 72496 I 249 2 _____________ P7249 1 12125\ 12122 RP 17121 P- _________________ ______________ P 41 572 44 12119 - I 20 12087 12080 I 22 - H QI •- 37 _ 120B3 CLI- I 12079\ P75684 Rd-i 38 I 18 2\'-112 1_092 Rem 12105 P 83237 \Toi5'. 1 P4a 120651 1 K — P4 15 16 j •\1207 P7062 I I EL _____________ 0 14 N LM_5 /_P\ 2832 C, 0 DEWDNEY TRK RD 00-2-9 0 1 N 81 7L.i_D77C SUBJECT PROPERTY.. P6i-. P61704 Mtl —Jr 8 Co 8 0 N N LMP4 P-4 LMP 34007 LMP C-2 779 SRI F11 27 Ic PcLl I 68 LMP 34007 I P 6407 I D 75 • CC Ir. 33673 IN /i Rem 1 Rem PcI ONE RP 7774 Rem5 — —I A •ri I \ ho LANGLEY FP7 S. SILVER 20318 DEDNEY IRK RD 1:4 CORPORATION OF I THE DISTRICTOF I MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE NORNHII.L Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT _____ DATE: Dec22 1999 FILE:DVP-81-99 BY: JB Ap 73 SITE PLAN PROJECT DATA T!.*UIP *TaI IM16 ______ .DADMORaILMD AV r47.VW .WACE —r 11 - - 1 —I • * II v • 4. • .ihJ 4 'ac.cwEa. )• Itl *CI .* 7fl. •... I4 $U • T, Ia IAIV •afl IOC S 101 • lao ('Ml • V IN WEST ELEVATION Ta. _.•, SIGN ELEVATION t '•.ij•. •. CANOPY ELEVATION i NORTH ELEVATION I- w uJ (U Q_ c'c) (U UA >0 0 (U a -J u1 < CL (U - O Ui 0 Iro. 1 ,c s to. '.IOO tcam. •o.(cU .. as vagaveftloRw Tt ua * = - • __ ______ NORTH ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION mo C L E C' C.CCY -.8O/E — E.<IST CCE5 1 17 ) Hc - - ........... __ 1_ - EhC E'/E.OF'ENT LandscapePlan —I CF _ 4N 7,51 bO.\CA. 'h.1E CMC'.' 1 Ar1E 5ZE &i t.T TE_ .0 0 GOf01 TO s APICCE50.0 A4EB" -e - 1 S-3 545 ALL I..1.E0 lJREAS, TC wAve I C0tQ OF C.SE 11AW .&L COL 10 BE V AI,I .0V0 101L!S" CCQ SOlE. tSC. E'G E '0 ! C T-.E LACSC.1P! 'I IAICNA F5T'CA - 0 -.€ SOIL C '0114 !RTL i! SOIL 0 5e BASED _• E 5C5 ... SAO COIESVS 'I'. 1. ES 0.IC.S E3 EPTIS SC'L 0 5 AS 1.L2 ' z.eEL. Z.18f.. I L.-.i.. t..tITG 4.i$0 Q.I.N E! q10Q N5t-..-. c' $OIL 515 '0SS4LC5 <'( 0 Q5S 0 SE cSS OF I.EECS 5' !4L SI.S.E _.O5C.LE - - R.iSE! :0 -SE.L._ 6 ,'S .I OQ .. C'.E -- - ---IS Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Meeting Thursday, January 6, 2000 DVP-81-99 • Applicant: Urban Design Group • Proposal: Convenience Store and Gas Bar • Location: South West Corner of 203 and Lougheed Highway RESOLUTION: It was duly MOVED and SECONDED that the following resolution be passed: The Advisory Design Panel expressed overall support for the project with the following comments: The Panel particularly liked the low level signage, the rooflines, and general design of the building. The Panel suggested that a tree survey be conducted to establish the location of trees. The Panel also suggested that the existing bench be included in the landscape design along 203rd Street. The Panel recommends that the ramp adjacent to the disabled parking spot be constructed for the entire width of the spot. The Panel also suggested that the sidewalk be widened by two feet to allow for the car overhang. The Panel suggested the possibility ofputting more lights on the south and west elevations of the building to break up the length of wall and provide more security. The Panel would like to see provision for an enclosed area for garbage collection. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: January 11, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: DVP/80199 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dcv SUBJECT: DVP/80/99 23281 Kanaka Way EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Development Variance Permit application has been received in which the applicant is requesting that the requirement to convert existing overhead wires on the north side of Kanaka Way to underground facilities be waived. After reviewing the application, staff recommend that DVP/80/99 be given favourable consideration. II RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP180199 respecting property located at 23281 Kanaka Way will be considered by Council at the February 15th 2000 meeting. III BACKGROUND: Applicant/Owner: Concordia Ventures Ltd. Legal Description: Lot 2 District Lot 404 Group 1 NWD Plan LMP 36190 Previous Applications: DP/3/98 RZ/49/96 IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION Staff are currently reviewing a building permit application in which the applicant is proposing a 23 unit townhouse development. Before issuance of the building permit, one of the conditions to be satisfied is the District of Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw, Schedule "B", which states "that parcels within a proposed subdivision or development shall be provided with services in accordance with Schedule "A" and all highways within, or immediately adjacent to a proposed subdivision or development shall be constructed in accordance with Schedule "A ". Schedule. "A' requires1u1Lurhan.scrvicesiniheRMLzone,inc1udiflg curb,..gutter, sidewalksand underground wiring." The applicant is requesting that the requirements to convert overhead wiring to underground on the Kanaka Way frontage be waived. V PLANNING ANALYSIS Policy Implications The subject property is located north of Kanaka Way east of Cottonwood Drive. The overhead wires on Kanaka Way at this location appear on a reference map attached to an earlier policy recommendation indicating lines which will not be converted. VI CONCLUSION: Based on the current policy, Staff recommend support for this application. Prepared by: B. McLeod, ISA Certified Arborist, Landscape/Planning Technician App rovedØ: erry Frye'P! Eng. / DirectpIofurrent Planning Jake J. 1folI4CP, MCII' GM: PubUCjWorks & Deyelopment Services LU '2- Robert W. Robertson, ICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer -2- P 27689 14 11252 14 P 27689 jSl CIA A PARK PARK -7 12 C") 11 16 PARK a- 9 1 -J 8 1 6 20 6 LMP 34625 22 '3 2 26 21 PT. 1 '7- P809 SIp'. 2 LMP 36190 RM-V PARK LMP 36190 LMP 36190 - A 36954 C'. RP 4208 Rem 28 P 46383 ..AN2158 \ \ 18 Rem 2Q\ Rem2 N ____ 23281 KANAKA WAY CORPORATION OF SCALE 12500 !MAP __ MAPLE RIDGE JB CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: January 5, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: CoW SUBJECT: Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation Amending Bylaw No. 5881-2000 SUMMARY: Staff has drafted for Council's consideration a bylaw to amend the Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation Bylaw No. 5763-1999. The proposed amendments attempt to eliminate any discretionary interpretation of what constitutes an exempt activity within the Agricultural Land Reserve under the District's Soil Deposit Regulation Bylaw and introduces a few minor housekeeping changes to the bylaw at the same time. RECOMMENDATION: That the Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation Amending Bylaw No. 5881-2000 be read a first and second time and rules of order be waived and the Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation Amending Bylaw No. 5881-2000 be read a third time. BACKGROUND: In recent discussions with legal counsel it was determined that the discretionary authority given the District in Section 5.9 of the Soil Deposit Regulation Bylaw made the enforcement of non- conforming fill activity within the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) difficult. Bylaw exemption criteria needs to be specific in order to eliminate enforcement loopholes. Staff has drafted for Council's consideration an amendment to Section 5.9 that now specifies what constitutes an exempt activity within the ALR using provincially established criteria. It is the opinion of our legal counsel that the clarity provided by the amendment will make the bylaw more enforceable on lands within the ALR. The need to amend Section 5.9 of the Soil Deposit Regulation Bylaw also provided an opportunity to Theseamendmentsinclude:' • the Removal of Section 3.3 because it has been made redundant by recent amendments to Development Permit Area XXX in the Official Community Plan; • the replacement of the words "place" and "will" with the more legally defensible words "deposit" and "must;" • the modification of Section 8.4 to remove discretionary authority from the Manager of Environmental Affairs and place it with the District as a whole; and 0 94, 004?f 06 • the removal of the phrase "so as to cause a hazard or a nuisance" from Section 10.8 to eliminate any argument about whether mud on the road is good or bad when the District's policy is to ensure that our roads remain free of any debris. DISCUSSION: It is the opinion of District staff that the amendments proposed in the Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation Amending Bylaw No. 5881-2000 will make the Soil Deposit Regulation Bylaw No. 5763-1999 more enforceable on lands within the ALR. Prepared by: Kim G1\)ut, P Affairs Approved by: .Tohn Bastaja // Director of Long't&ange Planning Approvej,f Jake J. Rwj&ph, AICP, MCIP GM: Public Works & Development Services (JLj Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative OffIcer CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 5881-2000 A bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation Bylaw No. 5763-1999 WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation Bylaw No. 5763-1999; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, Enacts as Follows: This bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation Amending Bylaw No. 5 88 1-2000. 2 Bylaw No. 5763-1999 is hereby amended as follows: a) By deleting Section 3.3. b) By deleting Section 4.3 in it's entirety and replacing it with the following: "4.3 Not withstanding Section 4.1, no person shall cause or permit the deposit of fill on any land within the Agricultural Land Reserve unless the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission provides written comment on their position to the District and a permit has been issued pursuant to this bylaw." c) By deleting the phrase "building project permit" in Section 5.7 and replacing it with the phrase "development permit agreement." d) By deleting Section 5.9 in it's entirety and replacing it with the following: "5.9 where the deposit of fill is on lands designated Agricultural Land Reserve and is associated with or involves: i) cultivation of lands, -i.i)--appli.cation-of-.feil-izers .manu.res,-.eompost-s.m.uichesorsoil-condit-ioiers3 construction and maintenance of roadways drainage, irrigation and livestock watering works for farm use where the total volume of soil deposited does not exceed 320 cubic meters per 16 hectares, and operations of a florist, nurseryman, turf farmer or greenhouse operator where the amount of soil deposited is reasonably necessary for the growth and maintenance of the plants grown." e) By deleting: the word "placed" as it appears in Sections 4 through 9 and replacing it with the word "deposited"; the word "placement" as it appears in Sections 4 through 9 and Section 14.3 and replacing it with the word "deposit"; and the word "placing" in Section 14.5 and replacing it with the word "deposit." By deleting Section 8.4 in it's entirety and replacing it with the following: "8.4 Any additional technical information as may be required by the District to ensure compliance with this bylaw." By deleting the word "will" from Section 10, Section 12.3 and Section 14.5 and replacing it with the word "must." By deleting the phrase "so as to cause a hazard or a nuisance" from Section 10.8. READ a first time this day of ,2000. READ a second time this day of ,2000. READ a third time this day of ,2000. RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED this day of , 2000. MAYOR CLERK Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge BY-LAW NO. 5763- 1999 A BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE PLACEMENT OF FILL ON LAND IN THE DISTRICT. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation Bylaw No. 4569-1991 as amended. NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: - CITATION 1.1 This bylaw may be cited for all purposes as the "Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation Bylaw No. 5763-1999". 1.2 The "Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation Bylaw No. 4569-1991" and amendments thereto is hereby repealed in its entirety and replaced with the following: DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this Bylaw: "Soil" means clay, silt, sand, gravel, cobbles, boulders, peat or other substance of which land is naturally composed, or any other combination of these substances. "Other material" means construction, building or demolition wastes such as masonry rubble, concrete rubble, asphalt, plaster, lumber, metal, shingles, glass, gyproc or any other material derived from building demolition and construction; hog fuel, sawdust, shavings, edgings, or other wood waste which results from the manufacturing process of lumber or other wood products; land clearing wood waste, consisting of stumps, brush and logs or any other waste derived-from-land-clearing-activities;. waste material derived from commercial, industrial and manufacturing activities. "Deposit" means the act of temporarily or permanently placing fill on any lands within the District of Maple Ridge other than that where it originated, including a stockpile or other storage facility. Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 2 "Fill" means any "soil" or "other material" defined herein brought on land within the District of Maple Ridge. "Building Project" means any construction that involves the erection, alteration, replacement, addition, removal, move andlor demolition of buildings, structures and all appurtenances thereto including without limitation, plumbing, sewer, drainage, septic, electrical, gas, oil, and includes all site preparation, excavation, filling and grading. "The Manager of Environmental Affairs" means the Manager of Environmental Affairs for the District of Maple Ridge andlor their designate. "Bylaw No. 5764-1999" means the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge bylaw to impose fees for soil deposit permit applications and to impose fees for the deposit of soil or other fill material on land. "Bylaw No. 5535-1996" means the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge bylaw to regulate outdoor burning in the District of Maple Ridge. APPLICATION 3.1 This Bylaw applies to all land within the District of Maple Ridge. Where lands proposed to be filled are designated as agricultural land reserve pursuant to the Soil Conservation Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, Chapter 10, the District will require an application pursuant to the Soil Conservation Act, R.S.B.C., Chapter 434 be made to the Agricultural Land Commission prior to District approval. 3.2 An approval or exemption to fill under the authority of the Soil Conservation Act in no way relieves the owner or his/her agents of the responsibility of adhering to all local bylaws of the District of Maple Ridge and Provincial legislation, including, but not limited to, the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. 3.3 For filling within Development Permit Areas as designated in the District of Maple Ridge Official Community Plan No. 5434-1996 a Development Permit needs to be applied for that would meet the requirements of a soil deposit permit. PROHIBITIONS 4.1 Subject to Section 5 of this Bylaw, no person will cause or permit the placement of "fill" on any land within the District of Maple Ridge until a permit has been granted pursuant to this Bylaw. 4.2 No person will cause or permit the placement of other material on any land within the District of Maple without a valid permit or exemption under the Waste Management Act, and amendments thereto, and until a permit has been granted pursuant to this Bylaw. 4.3 Not withstanding Section 4.1, no person will cause or permit the placement of fill on any land within the Agricultural Land Reserve unless the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission grants written approval or exemption under the Soil Conservation Act to the District of Maple Ridge. Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 3 4.4 Any fill placed without a permit must be removed from the land. Failure to remove the fill will constitute an offence under this Bylaw. 5. PERMIT EXEMPTIONS Provided the placement of fill is carried out in compliance with the relevant provisions of this Bylaw and subject to the provisions of the Soil Conservation Act, a permit may not be required: 5.1 where the fill is used for construction, improvement, repair or maintenance of a highway; 5.2 where the fill is used for the construction, improvement, repair or maintenance of public works or services undertaken by a governmental authority; 5.3 where soil is from or on parks and municipally owned lands and is conducted by or on behalf of the District of Maple Ridge and in accordance with the standards of this bylaw and accepted Erosion Control or other Best Management Practices (see Schedule "A"); 5.4 where the fill is placed and stored on land for the purpose of being used as an ingredient or component in the manufacture of topsoil on the same property; 5.5 where fill is placed as a necessaiy element in the construction of a work, building or structure authorized by a plumbing permit or a building permit issued by the District of Maple Ridge, provided such plumbing or building permit and the plans pertaining thereto disclose the placement of fill and the resulting elevations of the land in relation to the work, building or structure authorized by the plumbing permit or building permit with the extent of the fill limited to the creation of an acceptable building envelope; 5.6 where the volume of soil placed on a parcel in one year does not exceed 50 cubic meters; 5.7 where the soil is placed pursuant to a preliminary subdivision approval in respect of which subdivision examination fees have been paid, or pursuant to either a subdivision servicing agreement, rezoning development agreement or building project permit entered into between the owner of the land on which the soil is to be placed and the District; provided that in all such cases the placement of soil is carried out in accordance with the terms of the preliminary subdivision approval or agreement as the case may be including any engineering plans and specifications forming part thereof and in accordance with the terms of this bylaw; 5.8 where fill is placed pursuant to and in accordance with the terms of a written authorization from the Ministry of Health pursuant to an application, by the owner of land on which the fill is to be placed, for a permit to install a septic field; Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 4 5.9 where the deposit of fill is on lands designated Agricultural Land Reserve and an exemption under the Soil Conservation Act has been issued by the Agricultural Land Commission and been approved by the District; 5.10 fertilizers, manure, composts, mulches or soil conditioners for agricultural, farming, horticulture, nursery or domestic gardening and landscaping purposes deposited in accordance with good agricultural practice as defined by the BC Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, and the Agricultural Land Commission where the land is within the Agricultural Land Reserve; 5.11 wood chips, hog fuel, bark chips, shavings, trimmings, sawdust and other wood wastes generated by sawmilling and lumber manufacturing- readily incorporated into the soil, to a maximum depth of 10 cm. for agricultural, horticultural, nursery or domestic landscaping purposes, provided the material is placed in accordance with good agricultural practice or sound landscaping practice whichever the case may be; 5.12 where such material is wood waste, the product of a processing or manufacturing activity situated on the same or adjoining parcel, a product for the deposit of which a permit or approval has been issued under the Waste Management Act; 5.13 wood chips, hog fuel, bark chips, shavings, trimmings and sawdust and other wood wastes generated by sawmilling and lumber manufacturing used for animal bedding, or as foundation material for equestrian or construction purposes, provided the maximum area of land over which the material is deposited on any parcel of land will not exceed 25 % of the surficial area of the parcel to a maximum of 4000 square meters and the maximum depth of the material will not exceed 30 cm. annually to a lifetime maximum compacted depth of 50 cm; and 5.14 where material consists of stumps, brush and tree stockpiles from land clearing operations, the intent of which is to burn under the terms and conditions of Bylaw No. 553 5-1997. 6. PERMITS 6.1 Any person who proposes to place fill on a parcel of land will first obtain a permit undet this bylaw except where the land is within the Agricultural Land Reserve. In this instance, an application pursuant to the Soil Conservation Act will precede the Bylaw application. 6.2.. A permit must not be issued if the proposed placement of fill will: - endanger or otherwise adversely affect any adjacent land, structure, road, or right-of-way, or foul, obstruct, impede or otherwise adversely affect any stream, creek, waterway, watercourse, groundwater aquifer, waterworks, ditch, drain, sewer or other established drainage facility unless the owner holds a permit to do so under the Water Act or Pollution Control Act and amendments thereto. 6.3 A permit issued under this Bylaw is valid for a period of 12 months from the date of issuance and is non-transferable. Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 5 6.4 Every application for a permit to place fill must be made by the owner(s) of the land or his/her agent. 65 An application for a permit shall: i include a fully completed and signed form as set out in Schedule "B" attached and hereto annexed and made part of this Bylaw; and ii be accompanied by the applicable permit fee calculated in accordance with Bylaw No. 5764-1999. 6.6 The Manager of Environmental Affairs may refer any application for a permit to the Engineering Department, Inspection Services, or consultants for advice. The applicant may be required to provide better and more detailed information to supplement the application. Where further information is required by the Manager of Environmental Affairs, the application will be deemed incomplete until the information is provided. 6.7 The owner and contractor agree to indemnify and hold harmless the District of Maple Ridge, its agents, employees or officers from and against any claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits or proceedings whatsoever by whomsoever brought against the District, its agents, employees or officers by reason of the District granting the owner and contractor named herein the Soil Deposit Permit to conduct the work in accordance with the plan submitted and described in this application. 7. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Every application for a permit pursuant to this bylaw shall be made in writing to the Manager of Environmental Affairs and shall contain the following information: 7.1 the legal description and civic address of the land where the fill originates; 7.2 the legal description and civic address of the land on which fill is to be placed; 7.3 the name and the address of the person applyingfor the permit; 7.4 the name, address and telephone/fax numbers of the registered owner(s) of the land on which the fill is to be placed. Where there is more than one registered owner, the names, addresses and telephone/fax numbers of ALL registered owners must be provided; 7.5 the exact location and depths where the fill is to be placed, defined by reference to any existing buildings, structures, improvements, and parcel boundaries all of which must be shown as a dimensioned contour sketch plan in metric units; 7.6 the composition of the proposed fill; 7.7 the proposed method of placing the fill; 7.8 the dates proposed for commencement and completion of filling; 7.9 the proposed methods of access to the site during and upon completion of filling; Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 6 7.10 measures proposed to prevent personal injury or property damage resulting from filling; 7.11 the measures proposed to control erosion, drainage and soil stability; 7.12 the reclamation measures proposed to stabilize, landscape, and restore the land upon completion of filling; 7.13 the location of all watercourses, waterworks, wells, ditches, drains, sewers, septic fields, catch basins, culverts, manholes, rights-of-way, public utilities and public works on or within 30 meters of the boundaries of the parcel on which fill is to be placed, and the measures to protect them; 7.14 the proposed routes to be taken by vehicles transporting fill to the land; 7.15 measures proposed to minimize or prevent tracking of soil or other material onto municipal streets and roads and measures for cleaning the streets and roads abutting the parcel on which fill is to be placed; 7.16 if the proposed depth of fill is greater than 1 meter above existing ground elevations of fill site, or if the proposed fill site is on a floodplain designated pursuant to Section 910 of the Municipal Act or is proposed on a slope any part of which exceeds 30%, the application will be accompanied by a survey prepared by a B.C. Land Surveyor that includes: contour plans to a scale not smaller than one thousand to one (1000:1), showing at one (1) meter intervals the elevations as they exist and showing one (1) meter intervals the proposed elevations of the land after filling; and the proposed slopes which will be maintain during and upon completion of the filling. 7.17 if the proposed depth of fill is greater than 1 meter above existing ground elevations of fill site, or if the proposed fill site is on a floodplain designated pursuant to Section 910 of the Municipal Act of is proposed on a slope any part of which exceeds 301/6, the application will be accompanied by a report prepared by a professional engineer that certifies: the proposed volume of fill including calculations, cross-sections and other engineering data and pertinent information used in calculating volume; and that there will be no more settlingor subsidence of land, abuilding or a structure forming any part of the premises or adjoining property than prior to filling; that the placement of fill and resulting settlement or subsidence will not prevent any use permitted under the District of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No.3510-1985; that adjoining property will not be subject to increased flooding caused directly by stormwater runoff from the fill site; and Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 7 v) that also includes the assurances and undertakings of the engineer who prepared the plans and of the applicant for the permit in the form of attached to this bylaw as Schedule "C". 7.18 if warranted, the District may require an environmental assessment and independent monitoring of the fill operation; 7.19 copies of all certificates, permits and approvals, as may be required by the Ministry of Environment under the Water Act or the Waste Management Act and amendments thereto or any other authority having jurisdiction; BUILDING PROJECT CONDITIONS Any operation involving the placement of fill as is necessary for the construction of a bona-fide building project authorized by a building, plumbing, gas or electrical permit will comply with the requirements of the District of Maple Ridge Building Bylaw providing the following information in sufficient detail to establish the volume of fill to be placed: 8.1 The justification for the fill as it directly relates to the proposed building or structure project and the grading section of the current District of Maple Ridge Building Bylaw; 8.2 Plans of the lands upon which the applicant proposes to fill, which show the topography and surface elevations of the site prior to the commencement of filling, and the finished contours of the fill area; 8.3 a statement of the total volume of fill placed on the land along with cross- sectional profiles, calculations, and other engineering data and pertinent information used in calculating the total volume of fill. 8.4 Should additional technical information be required by the District the application will not be deemed complete until the information is provided; and Upon completion of the project, the lands upon which fill has been placed will be developed in accordance with the site plan approved for issuance of the Building Project Permit. SECURITY DEPOSITS A security for the full and proper compliance with the provisions of the by-law and the performanceofall-termsandconditiofls-expreSSediflthepermitWilFbereqUiredwhre the••soil-to be deposited is on a slope or portion thereof that exceeds 30%, is within 50 meters of the top of bank of a watercourse, on a floodplain designated pursuant to Section 910 of the Municipal Act or if the elevation of the deposited fill will be greater than 1 meter above the elevation of the site prior to soil deposit. A security under this Bylaw will not be required for land within the Agricultural Land Reserve provided the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission incorporates a security requirement in its written approval. 9.1 The applicant shall provide a cash deposit or irrevocable letter of credit drawn upon a chartered bank, in a form acceptable to the District and in the amount of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000) for each hectare or part thereof of a site Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 8 upon which fill is to be placed, which security shall be maintained in full force and effect throughout the permit period plus a period of One Hundred & Twenty (120) days following expiration of the permit. If proper compliance with the provisions of the Bylaw is not met within Ninety (90) days following the expiration of the permit, the security will be cashed and held by the District until compliance is met or use the cash to complete the work. If the cash is insufficient for the District to complete the work the applicant will pay any deficiency to the District on demand. 9.2 If the applicant complies with the provisions of the Bylaw and meets all the terms and conditions of the permit the District will promptly return the deposit to the applicant. If any letter of credit will expire prior to the applicant complying with the provisions of the permit, the applicant will deliver to the District, at least 30 days prior to its expiry, a replacement letter of credit on like terms. If the applicant fails to provide a replacement letter of credit the District will draw on the original letter of credit prior to expiration and will hold cash until a replacement letter of credit is provided or the work is successfi.tlly completed whichever occurs first. 9.3 Security deposit(s) must be deposited with the District prior to the issuance of a permit. 10. SOIL DEPOSIT REQUIREMENTS Filling will at all times be conducted in accordance with the following requirements: 10.1 The slope of any part of an exposed face of any fill will not be greater than the angle of repose necessary for stability of the fill. 10.2 The fill will not in any way interfere with the established above or below ground drainage pattern of any adjoining lands, and will not cause the groundwater table to rise on adjoining lands so as to cause flooding or malfunctioning of a septic disposal system or contamination of a well. Where necessary, a system of interceptor or relief drains will be installed which are sufficient to compensate for any interference which might otherwise occur to established drainage patterns as a result of the fill project. 10.3 The fill will be graded in such a manner that positive gravity drainage is assured, and a drainage system of sufficient capacity and extent will be installed to ensure that runoff to any adjacent lands will be no greater than run-off prior to the commencement of the fill project. 10.4 Fill must not be deposited over any dedicated public right-of-way or registered easement without first obtaining the written approval of the authority having jurisdiction over the right-of-way or easement, and a copy of the written approval has been provided to the Manager of Environmental Affairs. 10.5 Where the natural subsoil is compressible no fill will be placed in the immediate vicinity of any utilities or services which might be damaged by settlement of the fill without first obtaining written approval from the authority having jurisdiction Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 9 over the right-of-way or easement, and a copy of the written approval has been provided to the General Manager, Public Works and Development Services. 10.6 Fill must not be placed over wells or private sewage disposal systems. 10.7 All damage to District or privately owned drainage facilities, natural watercourses, roads, lanes, or other District or privately owned properties or facilities, resulting from fill project must be promptly and properly repaired to the complete satisfaction of the District. 10.8 Dirt, mud debris etc. resulting from a fill operation which is tracked onto public roads so as to cause a hazard or a nuisance must be removed on a daily basis or as directed by the Manager of Environmental Affairs or alternate. Should the permit holder fail to do so, the District may direct others to perform this work and the cost will be the responsibility of the permit holder. The permit holder must remit all payments within 14 days of receiving the invoice(s). If the permit holder fails to remit all payments within the specified time frame, the District may draw on all or part of the irrevocable letter of credit to cover the cost of the work and/or suspend the permit until all bills have been paid, or both. 10.9 All drainage facilities and natural watercourses must be kept free of silt, clay, sand, rubble, debris, gravel, and all other material originating from the fill project, which might cause obstruction to drainage facilities and natural watercourses. 10.10 Stockpiles of soil which are part of a fill project must be confined to the locations prescribed in the permit and must be maintained in accordance with Best Management Practices so there are no adverse effects or damage to adjacent properties. 10.11 The fill must not encroach upon, undermine, damage or endanger any adjacent property or any setbacks prescribed in the permit. 10.12 Filling is prohibited on any Sundays and is restricted to between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. any other day of the week. 11. RECTIFICATION PROVISIONS Upon completion of filling, the permit holder will forthwith: 11.1 Leave all surfaces of the filled area with a slope not greater than the grade shown on the plans filed pursuant to Section 10.1 and as specified in the permit. 11.2 Cover all surfaces of the fill with an established growth of grass or other ground cover suitable for erosion control. 11.3 Should the necessary rectification of the property not be completed within a period of ninety (90) days following expiration of the permit, all letters of credit held as security for the project will be cashed and all monies will be held by the District until the completion of all required works. Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 10 11.4 Should the permit holder not complete all the necessary rectification work to the satisfaction of the District, under the terms of the covenant registered against the property the District will enter the lands and carry out the necessary work or the work that can be completed using the total amount of the bond monies. 12. PERMIT ISSUANCE 12.1 Every permit issued will be deemed to incorporate the plans, specifications, documents and information in the application as approved and will be incorporated into the terms and conditions of the permit. A permit will be substantially in the form of Schedule "D" attached to this bylaw. 12.2 No application for filling will be complete unless a soil deposit permit fee is paid pursuant to the Soil Deposit Fee Bylaw No. 5764-1999. 12.3 Upon completion of filling, the permit holder or the owner of the land will, prior to the expiry of the permit: protect the boundaries of all adjacent lands, dedicated rights-of-way, and utility easements from erosion or collapse, and complete all such works in accordance with accepted engineering principles to the satisfaction of the District. 13. PERMIT RENEWAL 13.1 Application for renewal can be made to the District as outlined. There will be no obligation upon the District to renew any permit. 13.2 If an applicant applies for a renewal of a soil deposit permit, the Manager of Environmental Affairs may issue the renewal if all applicable drawings and specifications for the fill area are updated as necessary to identif' any material changes to site conditions and to demonstrate compliance with current bylaws and regulations and any required fees and/or security is updated. 14. ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT: 14.1 This Bylaw will be administered by the Manager of Environmental Affairs or designate(s). 14.2 The Manager of Environmental Affairs, the Bylaw Enforcement Officer and all District employees under their direction will have the right at all reasonable hours to enter upon and inspect any land or premises in the District to determine if the provision of the Bylaw are being met. 14.3 In the event of a breach of any of the provisions of this Bylaw or the permit, the Manager of Environmental Affairs or the Bylaw Enforcement Officer will issue to: the owner of the lands upon which the fill is being deposited, or the person placing the fill, or Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 11 the applicant for the permit, or the holder of the permit, or any or all of them a notice of such breach. Any person receiving a notice of breach will forthwith cease and desist filling, or permitting the placement of any further fill upon the lands until the breach is remedied. 14.4 In the event that any person, having received a notice of breach, fails to remedy the breach within the time frame specified by the District, or otherwise proceed to breach any provisions of the Bylaw and/or permit, the permit will become null and void and all monies collected with respect to, the permit, will be forfeited. Once the breach has been corrected, it will then be necessary for the permit holder to apply for and obtain a new permit and all fees set out in the Bylaw will be due and payable as a condition of permit issuance. 14.5 No further permit for placing fill upon any lands within the District will be issued to any person who has had a permit revoked, unless and until such person shall, in addition to any other security required pursuant to this Bylaw, posts an additional security up to a maximum of $10,000 as determined necessary by the District. 14.6 Where any permit holder neglects and/or refuses to carry out the works in accordance with the permit, then in accordance with the provisions of this Bylaw and/or conditions of said permit, it will be considered an offense against the Bylaw and every day that the land and/or the required works remain in a condition contrary to the provisions of this Bylaw and/or terms and conditions of the permit, a new offence is committed and the permit holder will be liable to the penalty hereinafter provided. PENALTY Every person who violates any provisions of this Bylaw or fails to comply with the terms and conditions of a permit or an order issued under this Bylaw commits an offence punishable upon Summary Conviction and will be liable to a fine of not less than $2,000.00 and not more than the maximum penalty provided by the Offence Act and, where the offence is a continuing one, each day that offence is continued will constitute a separate offence. If any section or lesser portion of this Bylaw is held invalid, it will be severed and the validity of the remaining provisions of this will not be affected. Schedules "A", "B", "C", and "D" attached to this Bylaw are incorporated herein and form part of the bylaw. Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 12 READ a first time the 25th day of May, 1999. READ a second time the 25th day of May, 1999. READ a third time the 25th day of May, 1999. RECONSIDERED AND AD TED this 23rd day of November, 1999. MAYOR CLi Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 13 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge BY-LAW NO. 5763-1999 SCHEDULE "A" SEDIMENT CONTROL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES The following Best Management Practices for erosion control are suggested for consideration as they apply to works undertaken under a soil deposit permit: - Try to restrict works where possible to dry weather. Sloping Terrain (between 20% to 30%): • interceptor ditches at 5 meter intervals vertically • sediment control pond for 1.0% of total disturbed area, or in accordance with a design with a registered professional engineer with all runoff from the disturbed area directed to the pond; and • and as required for Other Areas Other Areas: • poly-covering of exposed areas and stockpiles subject to erosion; • seeding to all disturbed areas in the growing season (prior to September 15); • diversion swales for all slopes exceeding 30 m. in length; • silt fence properly installed around all stockpiles or unvegetated fill areas; • gravel site access pad installed prior to fill activity; • gravel berm or silt fence installed beside all curb and gutter areas prior to fill activity; and • silt trap at all catchbasins. Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 14 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge BY-LAW NO. 5763-1999 SCHEDULE "B" SOIL DEPOSIT PERMIT APPLICATION 71 (ftill name) (address) hereby apply for a permit to place fill (telephone/fax) on the following property: Address: ________ Legal Description: The source(s) of the fill is(are): Address: Legal Description: The registered owner(s) of the property on which the fill is to be placed is of (full name) (address) (telephone/fax) If the Applicant is not the registered owner of the property on which the fill is to be placcd then the registered owner by signing here, authorizes the Applicant to make this application. (signature of owner(s)) 5. The fill is proposed for the following reason(s): Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 15 6. The surface area of the proposed fill site is hectares. Note I hectare equals 2.47 acres. The proposed total volume of the fill is cubic metres. 7. Dimensions of the fill area in metric units: Area (length x width) Depth(s): 8. Attached hereto is a dimensioned sketch (in metric units) of the property on which the placement of fill is proposed, showing all roads adjoining the property, all existing buildings, structures and other improvements, the location of water, sewer and other utilities as well as natural watercourses, ditches, drains, manholes, culverts, catch basins and other public works on or within 30 metres of the property, the location of wells and septic fields on any adjoining properties, and the exact location and depth of the proposed fill site. 9. Attached hereto are 2 cross sectional profiles of the proposed fill site. One profile cutting from north to south and the other cutting east to west. All profiles must identify: the existing ground profile; and the ground profile after filling. 10. The fill is comprised of: IL The proposed method of filling is 12. The proposed dates between which filling will take place are to Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 16 Vehicles access to the fill site will be via (name of Street) as shown on the sketch plan provided pursuant to Section 8 of this application. The proposed route to be used in and through the District of Maple Ridge by vehicles delivering fill to the fill site is: The following safety measures to prevent personal injury or property damage to persons or property in or about property or on adjacent roads will be implemented: Filling must not cause erosion, stability or drainage problems on the property or to neighbouring properties and the following measures will be taken to achieve these objectives: (if insufficient space, please attach a clearly marked schedule.) IL After filling the following measures will be taken by the applicant to stabilize, reclaim, landscape and restore the property: (if insufficient space please attach a clearly marked schedule.) Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 17 The following measures will be taken to prevent fill from being tracked onto municipal streets and roads, and to clean the same: The following measures will be taken to protect and keep wells, natural watercourses, septic fields, water works, sewers and other utilities, drains, ditches, culverts, catch basins and other public works clear and clean of all sediment, silt, leachate or other fouling or obstruction of (if insufficient space, please attach a clearly marked schedule.) Attached, as part of this application, are the following reports, as may be required under Section 7.16 and 7.17 of this bylaw: BC Land Surveyor or Professional Engineer site plans Geotechnical Certification of Professional Engineer I HEREBY DECLARE that the above information is correct, that it is my intention to place fill on the property in accordance with the attached plans and specifications and information, that I am aware of the provisions of the Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation By-law No. 5763-1999 and that I will abide by all applicable provisions of said by-law and such terms and conditions as may form part of any Soil Deposit Permit issued pursuant to this Application. I further agree to indemniiy and hold harmless the District of Maple Ridge, its agents, employees or officers from and against any claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits or proceedings whatsoever by whomsoever brought against the District, its agents, employees or officers by reason of the District granting the owner and contractor named herein the Soil Deposit Permit to conduct the work in accordance with the plan submitted and described in this application. Date: Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 18 Signature of Applicant: Applicant's Name Printed: Received from: - this day of 199 the sum of $ for Soil Deposit Fee (if applicable). Receipt No. Manager of Environmental Affairs Processing information: (to be filled out by District of Maple Ridge) ALR Approval Development Permit - Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Approval Title and Legal Description Correct Zoning Correct Authority of Owner Provided Survey site plan as required Geotechnical Certification as required District site visit conducted Permit Fee Receipt No. Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 19 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge BY-LAW NO. 5763 - 1999 SCHEDULE "C" ASSURANCE OF GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN FOR SOIL DEPOSIT AND COMMITMENT FOR FIELD REVIEW Date (year, month, day) Manager of Environmental Affairs District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Dear Sir: Re: Application for Soil Deposit Permit - at (civic address) 1, the undersigned registered professional engineer/landscape architect hereby give assurance that the design, location, quality, nature, depth, volume and configuration of the fill to be deposited and works to be constructed and undertaken in support of and in relation thereto all as shown on the plans and supporting documents prepared and signed by me and attached to this letter are consistent with sound reasonable engineering fill and soil deposit practice, and when and if carried out in conformance with such plans and specifications will not constitute any reasonably foreseeable risk or hazard to persons or property. The undersigned undertakes to conduct such supervision, testing and field review to ensure filling complies with the plans, specifications and supporting documents attached hereto. I assure you that I have been given the authority by the owner of the lands on which the soil is to be deposited and by the applicant for the permit (if different from the owner) to stop, remove or redirect the placement of fill as required in my judgment and as required to comply with the plans, specifications and supporting documents attached hereto I will notifr you in writing immediately if my contract for field review, testing or supervision is terminated or limited at any time before the completion of filling described in the plans, specifications and supporting documents attached hereto. (affix professional seal) Signature Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 20 (Please Print) Name Address Address 1, the applicant for the Soil Deposit Permit for the placement of fill at the above address, acknowledge that I have read this letter and agree with its contents. I have also reviewed the plans, specifications and supporting documents attached to this letter and agree with them. I advise you that I have given (name of registered professional) the authority to conduct testing, field review and to supervise filling including the authority to stop the placement of fill, remove fill or redirect it as set out in this letter. I acknowledge and understand that all authority and permission to place fill under any permit issued to me pursuant to any application will automatically cease and be suspended if the registered professional's services are terminated or limited and will not be reinstated until such time as another registered professional submits to you a signed and completed letter in this form. Witness's Signature Signature of Applicant for Permit Print Print Name Name Address Address or: The Corporate Seal of_____________________________________________ was hereto affixed in the presence of: Authorized Signing Officer Authorized Signing Officer S Bylaw No. 5763-1999 Page 21 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge BY-LAW NO. 5763-1999 SCHEDULE "D" SOIL DEPOSIT PERMIT NO.______ Pursuant to the Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation By-law No. 5763 - 1999, permission is hereby granted to: (Name) of (address) (telephone) to deposit cubic metres of upon the (address of property) (legal description of property) in accordance with the provisions of the Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation By-law No. 5763 - 1999, Application No. and the plans, spec ificátions and other supporting documents - filed therewith as approved, and initialed as approved by the permit holder, all which form a part of this Permit and constitute the terms and conditions of this Permit: - Conditions: (to be stipulated by the District of Maple Ridge) This permit is issued on the condition that the permit holder fully comply with all provisions of the Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation By-law No. 5763 - 1999 and all terms and conditions herein of this Permit. Rivedfroin this - dayof____________ 199 the sum of $ as Soil Deposit Fee (if applicable). Receipt No.:_____________ This Soil Deposit Permit is issued this _____ day of , 199_ and shall expire twelve months after the day of issuance. Manager of Environmental Affairs" CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE: January 10, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: R7f35/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: STJBJECT: Landscape Screens to Buffer Commercial Use C0 SUMMARY: At the Committee of the Whole Meeting January 4 th, 2000, where a first reading memo for RZ135/99 was considered, concern was expressed with respect to ways to minimize the impact of commercial activities on adjacent residential properties. As a result Staff were requested to prepare a report reviewing the issues of lanes vs. cross access easements, landscape screens and opportunities to buffer commercial activity adjacent to residential use. RE COMMENDATION: That the Memorandum dated January 7, 2000 be received for Council consideration, and That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5842.1999 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No.5843-1999 be given First Reading. BACKGROUNTh Lanes and Cross Access Easements In reviewing the site plans for R.1135/99 there was discussion of a proposal to eliminate the lane, and instead provide a cross access easement at another location in the lot to serve the same function as a lane. It was felt that this arrangement would provide a wider area for landscaping along the north property line and move the commercial lane traffic away from the rear yards of the adjacent residential properties. Cross Access Euemeni agreements have been established on other commercial sites to eliminate the need to exit and re-enter via the public road to access from one neighbouring commercial site to the next.. The reduces the potential for conflicts between pedestrians and other vehicles traveling past the site. These easements offer this opportunity where it is not feasible due to site constrictions or proximity to an intersection, of creating a rear lane access from a flanking street. The easement is an agreement between two property owners to provide access to the others property in a location identified by a survey plan. In new construction the establishment of an easement will effect the layout of subsequent developments on adjacent lands to insure the access points are aligned. -1. b C)q 'O To this Point easement agreements have been a workable alternative where municipal roads or lanes are not feasible due to tejn or other constraints. However it is preferred to create a lane or road through dedication to ensure public access is not lost due to termination of the private agreements or eliminated with subsequent reconstruction or renovations on these private lands. A dedicated lane With curb returns provides a readily defined access point from a flanking Street for pick-up and delivery traffic visiting the site. A lane off a flanking street reduces the need for mid-block left turn movements onto the site by encouraging leftturns to occur at road intersections. This reduces the potential for conflicts between pedestrians who are not anticipating vehicles to cross their path at mid block to access a Site. The dedicated lane proposed in R2135199 will provide the opportunity for vehicle access to the rear yards of adjacent properties. The popularity of this secondary access is evident in the residential areas of the District where lanes exist and corner properties have often created access to the lot from two streets. The lane will introduce traffic adjacent to these properties, however there will also be two other access Points into the site to accommodate traffic demand. Landscape Screens and Buffers The use of landscape screens as defined in the Zoning Bylaw is an effective tool to hide unwanted views from adjacent properties. By definition, a Landscape Screen is a visual barrier composed of a continuous evergreen hedge, wooden fence or masonry wall, or combination thereof, which is broken only by access drives, lanes and walkways. Landscaping alone however does not function as an effective sound barrier. Landscaping in combination with ground forms such as berins or hills is often employed where space permits the berm to be high enough to deflect sound waves up and over the intended quiet zone. Depending on the noise source an effective berm can be quite high and require an area greater than six times the height to accommodate a typical 3 horizontal to I vertical fill slope ratio. There is little desire to set aside large areas in urban settings to create landscaped sound barriers. As a result terms like buffering or landscape buffers are used by landscape architects to describe areas of landscaping found typically along the edges of development. This landscaping provides an area of transition from one use to the next, or visually buffers the hard edges of structures and paved surfaces. These areas are wider than what is required for a landscape screen, however they are not of sufficient width to create a landforin to deflect sound. Good buffers and landscape screens can be designed as significant visual barriers, to hide the source of noise from view. This leaves the impression that tho buffer is offering some sound attenuation, however this is only a perceived or psychological barrier to sound when the source of noise is no Longer in view. Often when space I. limited a sound barrier is constructed to deflect the noise. Examples of this are typically found along highways to provide some noise abatement. These structures are higher than typical rear yard fences and an constructed of steel or concrete panels. A fence height greater than the maximum permitted in the Zoning Bylaw (2.0 meters) is needed to be effective. The down side is these structures appear massive in urban setting and prevent the opportunity of residents to monitor activities in the neighbourhood. -2- It is important to Consider the location of landscape buffer areas to insure that the responsibility for future maintenance is clearly understood. Often boulevard areas adjacent to rear yards are not maintained once a landscape screen or 2.0 m high fence is installed. The attitude is often why should I maintain what is on the other side of my fence and outside my property. For this reason when considering SUbdiVjsion layout design the preference is to avoid lot designs where rear yards back onto the Street. This would be a concern in the R2135/99 application if a landscape screen was proposed on the north side of the lane, adjacent to the rear yards. RezoningApplication RZ135199 In reviewing the plans submitted with this application it is evident that there are subtle differences that make this application unique to recent developments where conflicts in use exist. The siting of the commercial building provides a structural barrier between the gas bar/convenience store and the residents to the north. Conflicts exist on other commercial sites where noise generation (i.e. from vacuums, car wash activities etc.) occur adjacent to property lines without making use of structures to muffle the noise of these activities. Conflicts often occur where a house is oriented to the flanking street, resulting in the side of the house being closer to the commercial use with only a narrow side yard set back separating the uses. In application RZ/35/99 the existing houses front on the street to the north. As a result the rear yard set back provides a greater separation between the uses. CONCLUSION: The plans presented with the first reading memo for R7135199 demonstrates an organized site plan that attempts to minimize potential conflicts between adjacent uses. The aspect of a. dedicated lane to serve this site and further development to the west is a superior alternative in providing public access. A secondary consideration is the potential for providing an ad4itional vehicle access to the rear yards of neighbouring residences. Based on this information staff continue to recommended First Reading to continue on to the next stage, Public Hearing. / Prepjby: B McLeod ISA Cerdfled Arbarist f' Lf(&Pe ,PJ fhT s Technician P. of Jak.J.Rudolpb,AICP,MCIP General Manager. Public Works & Development Services R. W. Robertson, AICP, MCI? CMe( Adnilnlstraths Officer -3- 0. 13 14 112, —— 1 I 20U 2 12 ?Iig ' 10 9/ CL 12074 12073 11 *20900. 1 2071 2 4 12069 16 120e7 120 cr3 17... 3 (j LM 3 403 7 — 8 5 15 12055 AS -lb I208AvE z 2 ! 919fr202 " 4i5 1 3 6 7 {8 ILM 22I 1.23r.24V.s25 3Co3 § LMP 3403 Rem PcI. 2 of PcI. A uj . 27 28 0. RS -3 T1 P 82308 Rem I Rim Pd. A LMP 30402 P -6 CT PROPERTY 4 '.4 P72572 :kT 119791> 1h19u1 I 2 3029t2827/ R3 11 —4 . 16 1198 AVE 11951 1 1975 11949 is I 20 09 21 14 6 11943 P 72572 1193$ 19 122 J23 2I ' 1$. Ji3I L 12 11923 1192$ 17 1 11920 1'930 _________ 11 io'' 16 11914 15 11908 4'- - 14 1 11 908 0. 13 \ø2 :cJ, • i- tISlig 12 I ____ I i 13 I 2 Rim 25 P 95134 ! 14 A R 3 R ) RimA 119"t 24 j P 17 P 1878 I19BAVE Rim \ (F iaes W 1/2 / ¶5 1T9Q 2 uj $35 1 I_2 I l _0.17 7 _____ _____ E C pliLP1 1 I 123 j1i213 11 9A AVE I!. 117 ii I uI _LAP41 I I 1 2l 30j31132 LMP 11190 4 1' I'd I- —1 I- I 119A $ lull) flk2J lI . 3 '.Z N 1iLvt f 238b1OTR wlaw cc iE £E L \s:1:;j::1 (j IISVDOII? It S.lJ1 . 1614 PLANNING OEP SCALE: 1:2,500 KEY MAP OATE:Junl6 1999 FILE BY:JB - CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5842. 1999 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5842-1999." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 28, Section 21, Township 12, Plan LMP30403, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1219 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to CS-i (Service Commercial). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510- 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the dayof ,A.D.199. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the 199. ,A.D. 199. ,AD. 199. ,AD. 199. dayof ,A.D. MAYOR CLERK I 29 2 ' ,196 r [p 125721 I 301 291 28 I27 /2 1I lU J LP 30401 0(w04Cv TRUNK W • Ti1 4 ijp 39851 Il l36rø. II (-4 Co LMP 30404 P82308 0310 Rem 1 14 'E I20S0 '205 - LM 304 Rem PCI, •A , 17 18 3 7 r : 'iou 2 2S a 20 3 AVE 1 20 8 AVE. 4 1,25 LMP 30402 ;z 5 ~186 61 21T 1 3 4 0. i 3003 t Ii Z1i08_ I - LMP U 30403 Rem PcI. 2 of PCI. A 27 I 28 CL (.4 ER 1734 0.41 o 0.43I'o 2 a - LMFE7920 72573 UP 13iIJ4P 3158 Rm I 417 P 167I A 71 _1L,,fl4 RmA P 11 4 4 LUPSQ8 - wr --- Rem' w/ x - LMP 1642 OF- 7 _____ E V E LI I 4 9 L 8 11 2 3 LM 2 t 3 'we'•• " 1-5 5 I 20I21 i C4 P - 's . .. . 'I 966 14 " P 7572J 22 23 - _ __ FP4, 7 _____ ________ I _______________ U, j21- -J 8 18 / 2, 9 '9 17 / 11910 L ' ,tII ' "9.70 ________ 6 s UI 4 I1 I L to ".' - MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5842-1999 Mop No. 1219 From: RS-'3(One Family Rural Residential) To: CS-1(SeMce Commercial) MAPLE RIDGE Ineorporatid 12 S.pt.mber. 1874 A ' LJ CORPOLTION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5843- 1999. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5843 - 1999." Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XXXII in the Appendix: Lot 28, Sec. 21, Tp. 12, Plan LMP30403, NWD That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 28, Section 21, Township 12, Plan LMP30403, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 583, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby designated as Development Permit Area XXXII (2) on Schedule Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 199 PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of ,AD. 199. READ A SECOND TIME the day of ,A.D. 199 . READ A THIRD TIME the day of A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED the dayof ,A.D.199. MAYOR CLERK 1 LMP 39851 12711 17 1.336 he. •1 1.33 pi (.4 L.MP 30 ?14 13 12b P 82308 0.537 h 2 CL Rem 1 '' 0 17 2O.5 LM 3043 Rem PcI. 'A 12 1.J 18 8 7 6 5 LL LJ 1J f 2.22 he I2oa*. 122 ij I T25" (.hlP 30402 LM~ °- Ii LMPI r I P 291 f 12 27 R•m' 301 28 _L l — (.hlP I 30403 Rem PcI. 2 of PcI. A b .. 27 I 28 EP 1734 C4 0.451 he I 0.451 he 1 0 ILM,±p13 16374 72513 3186 'I 2 9 . Cl 2 "' J Lj (.hlP 30401 I OLWC$CV ThIJN* RO. I RP 84994 I [1 I Rem A cO ' 16 _\ I ia At I ._7/ 14 ' I'aw Rem A — .417 h __ 19 I 4 LMP8O6 P 167 P 1676 15 1,g68 119d. 1196 AT. _____ Rem W 1 / 14 a. IISd#) 2 642, 2 —01 13 a.111.1 ___________ ___________ _ a.a. 17 _________ L E 8 ,ig ______________ 'ISIS 17 / 4 16 _______ 19"I _______________ 10 11914 - I..MP 1145 MAPLE RIDGEOFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDiNG Bylaw No. 5843-1999 Map No. 583 PURPOSE: TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT. PERMIT AREA XXXII(2) I Q, zon kt~~~a MAPLE RIDGE Incarpartt.d 12 September. 874 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: December 10, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: R2135/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw Nos. 5842.1999 & 5843.1999 (23853 Dewdney Trunk Road) SUMMARY: This development proposal is to permit construction of a gas bar, convenience store with residence, and a commercial building. Council gave favorabLe consideration to the above noted application on August 10 " 1999. However, first Reading to the Zone Amending and Official Community Plan Amending Bylaws was deferred on September 21 k, 1999, pending a staff report recommending development standards for commercial development abutting.residential districts. This development proposal has subsequently been amended to address concerns expressed by neighbouring residents and complies with or exceeds, the requirements for commercial development in a residential neighbourhood as recommended by staff. The applicant has addressed all other conditions prior to presentation at Public Hearing. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5842.1999 and Maple Ridge Official'. Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5843-1999 be given First Reading. DISCUSSION: Over the past year Council has heard various concerns regarding the development of commercial projects adjacent to designated residential neighbourhoods. As a result Council requested a report be prepared with policy recommendations to ensure all service commercial applications are considered on an equitable basis. The Planning Depamnent has prepared a report for Council's consideration that identifies the issues and makes recommendation to best address Council's concerns. This report will be presented for consideration at the Council/Staff meeting on January 4 1999. The following is a discussion of the recommendations and other issues identified in thiS memo and how the applicant intends to address these concerns. Recommendations from the Service Commercial Memo: 1. Provision of a 3.0 metre landscape strip for service commercial uses adjacent to designated residential uses. The current proposài indicatEs there will be a 6.0 metre lane separating the uses along the north properly line. The applicant has deleted the drive through component for the restaurant and shows the area that was drive aisle as a landscaped buffer strip greater than 3.6 metres in width along the commercial building north elevation. that the landscape screen provide a visual barrier between service commercial uses and adjoining designated residential uses. Within the buffer strip described above, a 7.0 ft. high closely planted landscape screen of evergreens is proposed on the site plan adjacent to the commercial building. for service commercial uses adjoining designated residential uses that drive though uses be located to the interior of a property, and be buffered by the principal building. The drive through component for the restaurant has been deleted from this application. Hours of Operation The Applicant has offered to restrict the hours of operation for the gas bar from 6:00am to 10:00pm. Parking The proposal is for 35 parking stalls, which is one greater than is required in the parking bylaw. Development Permit Area and Design Guidelines A condition of this rezoning application is to include this site in Development Permit Area XXXII for service commercial use. The guidelines for this area are: Building and siting must ensure adequate site circulation, safe access to public streets and proper orientation to adjoining residential uses. Particular attention should be made to the image presented to the streefront. Streeifront landscaping will incorporate street trees for definition of site boundaries and enhancement ofpublic space. A well-defined pedestrian access to the commercial use will be provided from the public sidewalk Design will ensure that pedestrian use is given precedence over vehicular use. Building design will .nhnic recent residential construction in the neighbourhooS Parking areas may be limited to the requirements of the accessorj residential use. Attached to this memo is a copy of the first reading memo that was deferred by Council on September 21", 1999. The development plans have recently been amended with revisions to vehicular access from Dewdney Trunk Road. The Advisozy Design Panel comments are also included with this memo. Since all of the requirements prior to first reading have been met, it is recommended that i reading be given to the subject bylaws. As indicated in the land use memo dated July 27' 1999, notice will be given that final approval to rezone this property will also include Council approval to allow the overhead wires on Dewdney Trunk Road to remain adjacent to this site. This notice will eliminate the need for issuance of the Development Variance Permit. 4 4V Prepared by: Bruce G. McLeod, ISA Certified Arborist Landscape/Planning Technician IM Approved by: Xffy er, P. En a/I j Dir of Currp.élanning , Approved RudoLph,)P. MCIPOc Public)diks & Development Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief AdmlnLstrattve Officer -3- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw Nos. 5842-1999 & 5843-1999 (23853 Dewdney Trunk Road) DATE: September 8" 1999 FILE NO: R7J35199 ATTN: CofW - PW&Dev SUMMARY: This development proposal is to permit the construction of a gas station, convenience store with residence, and commercial building with drive through access. Council gave favourable consideration to the above noted application on August 10" 1999 with the stipulation that prior to being presented at a Public Hearing, the following would be complied with: Comments from the Advisory Design Panel. The comments from the August 26" 1999 meeting are attached. A Public Information Meeting must be held. This meeting was held on August 24" 1999 and the following is the staff summary of the meeting. The public information meeting was well attended by thirty members of the public. Concerns expressed at that meeting focused on: neighbouring residents opposed to the change in use (to commercial). concerns over an increase in traffic on residential streets as a result of this development some residents in attendance were prepared to accept the change in use provided they have the opportunity to restrict some uses on site and make changes to the proposed plan with respect to vehicle access. there was also a concern that the notice for the meeting was not deLivered to enough area residents. Subsequent review of the mail out area was confirmed as having met thà requirements for notice of a Public Hearing. In response to the above noted concerns, we offer the following comments. This site is designated for Service Commercial use on the Official Community Plan (OCP). as are lands to the west of the site fronting on Dewdney Trunk Road. With respect to concerns of increased traffic generated by this new use, the intention is to construct a lane from 238B to 237" Street to accommodate the service commercial traffic. This will provide access between these uses and avoid additional traffic load on adjacent residential streets. This. lane will also provide a greater separation between the residential use to the north and the proposed service commercial use. Access to this Site IS provided at two points; from the lane and from a sidewalk crossing on 238B Street. It is the desire of staff to limit access to these locations to reduce the potential for conflicts with pedestrians and reduce the impact on Dewdney Trunk Road. The current proposal indicates that there will not be an access off of Dewdney Trunk Road. only an exit for westbound traffic. A traffic signal at 238B Street and Dewdney Trunk Road will be installed at an approPflate future date. The applicant has not determined the tenants for the commercial building or the type of drive through business. A gas retailer has also not been determined at this time. 3) Fully dimensioned development plan showing the following: Neighbourhood context plan; Site plan; C) Building elevations; d) Landscape concept; Subsequent to the Advisory Design Panel and Pubic tnformation Meeting the applicant has made the following changes and revisions to the plans attached to this memo. addition of speed bumps at the vehicle entry points to limit the speed of vehicLes entering and exiting the Site. a site context plan showing the relationship of the site to existing residential uses. a site section showing the proposed building height in relation to existing houses. The above has been received and it is recommended that jg reading be given to the subject bylaws. As indicated in the land use memo dated July 27* 1999. notice will be given that final approval to rezone this property will also include Council approval to allow the overhead wires on Dewdney Trunk Road to remain adjacent to this site. This will eliminate the need for issuance of a Development Variance Permit. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 58424999 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5843.1999 be given First Reading. B.l4cLeod, ISA Certified Arborist Landscape/Planning Technician R. V. Robero, MCIP AICP Chief Administrative Omear r, P. r Public Workiand AFr of Development Services I Planning -2- Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Meeting Thursday, August 26, 1999 RZ-35-99 • Applicant: Gordon Kiassen • Proposal: Retail/Restaurant and Convenience/Service Station • Location: 238B Street and Dewdney Trunk Road RESOLUTION: It was duly MOVED and SECONDED that the following resolution be passed: The Advisory Design Panel expressed overall support for the proJec4 with the following recommendations: GIven that the use Is undefined at this time, the Panel approves the attempt to blend with. the residential design of the neighbourhood. Consider a pedestrian or vehicle cross access immediately to the west of this site. Consider better pedestrian access to the commercial building off 2388 Street and consider a corner pedestrian access into the site. The Panel would like the opportunity to see this project again prior to Development Perm14 once the uses are more defined. £ Consider low ievcl lighting for parking lot areas to prevent light pollution Into the residential areas. £ Consider a left-turn bay offDewdney Trunk Road onto 238B Street 7. Consider changing the concrete block to brick or cultured stone to blend In . materials used In the neighbourhood. I ePAM I., Oil, 1IIIIFIIrLi: a ½ .z ILI Rlu iIIIII! — - - - - - - - - - - II ILIINIII :•-u U ______________ dig OR I am hill IIIiLu1I P -: CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Al Hogarth DATE: December 14, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Manager of Revenue & Collections ATTN: C of W-Fin & Corp SUBJECT: BC Hydro Recycling Levies EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: BC Hydro requests under Section 578 of the Municipal Act that the municipality consider waiving the annual recycling levy of $16.85 on 14 properties because the properties in question do not require the service provided under Section 577. RECOMMENDATION: The Manager of Revenue and Collections supports our charge of the recycling levy on all BC Hydro properties based on her interpretation of Bylaw 4655. BACKGROUND: Two properties mentioned in the attached appeal letter that received special consideration are Crown Provincial and are exempt from all taxation. Financial Implications: BC Hydro requests a refund of $235.90 for 1999. Prepared by: Accounting Clerk, Finance 4'c Approvby: Jake Sorba, C.G.A. torof Fin Concurrence: Robert W. Roberton, A.I.C'P., M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer KG/cm 0901,103,10/ S Ju1y1999 r _ 4,. <0 0' H 0.; BCh!Jdro guns THE POWER IS YOURS Orval Wright Manager Property Tax & Appraisal Section Property Services Department Phone: (604) 6234151 FAX: (604) 623-3951 Corporation of The District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Attention: Kay Fenn Dear : Ms. Fenn, Subject: Maple Ridge Recycling Charges By-law No. 4655-1992 During our review of the 1999 property tax bills, we noted that there was a recycling levy of $16.85 on all but two of our tax bills. Due to time constraints involved in processing the bills in time for the tax payment due date, there was not sufficient time to go into a more in depth review as to the nature of this levy, so it was included in this years tax and grant payment, as was also done in prior years. In prior years we had concerns about the levy and intended to do a follow up that never happened, sort of out of site out of mind. I requested a copy of the above noted By-law and my interpretation is that the annual recycling levy and blue box curbside collection charges are a user levy and that these charges would be levied on the" Taxable Property" listed on the assessment roll that - includes a dwelling on such property and noton those properties that are undeveloped and bare land. For the Stave Falls transmission line, BC Hydro has a right-of-way over two parcels of crown land that are non assessable and tax exempt, as per roll numbers 05374-0100-3 and 05393-0100-0 but the 1999 recycling levy was applied, which I understand has now been reversed after further review by your staff. In reference to those lands and improvements owned by BC Hydro that are used for purposes of transmission line rights-of-way, the Alouette Dam or for substation sites that do not have any buildings but just substation equipment, there are another fourteen roll numbers where the recycling levy has been charged on the tax bills and in my mind is PROPERTY SERVICES - A SHARED SERVICES SUPPLIER British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority, 8th Floor - 333 Dunsrnuir Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 5R3 www.bchydro.com .11 -2- questionable. In all cases, there would not be any refuse, etc. or service provided so there should not likely be a recycling charge. The roll numbers for the properties in question are as follows: 312-05256-0000-0 312-05372-0000-9 312-05373-0201-3 312-05373-0202-5 312-05375-0100-9 312-05376-0000-0 312-05392-0000-1 312-05395-0000-8 312-05402-0100-5 31242199-0000-7 312-63280-0200-2 312-94778-00004 312-94807-0000-1 312-94822-0100-0 Stave Falls Transmission Line Right-of-Way a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Alouette Dam Alouette Road Right-of- Way to the Dam Maple Ridge Substation - land for expansion Vacant land Whonnock Substation site- land & equipment Ruskin Transmission Line Right-of-Way a a a a Could you please review and advise if I am correct in my interpretation and the intent of the By-law that only land with a building where the refuse service is provided should be charged the annual recycling levy. If there has been an error in charging the recycling levy to the above noted roll numbers, would you please reimburse the 1999 payments made on the tax payment due date. We will not go back to the prior years for a correction. If all taxable property, vacant land or not, is levied the annual charge, I request under Section 578 that you consider waiving the annual recycling levy because the property does not require the service provided under Section 577. Please give we a call if you wish to discuss the issue further. Yours truly, OF Hght 1996 MVNIcIPAL ACT RS CHAP. 323 Sewer and drain charges and tax 575. (1) A Council may, by bylaw, do one or more of the following: impose a connection charge and set the terms of payment on owners of real property to defray the cost of laying connecting pipes from sewers to land on which buildings or structures are located and from drains to land required to be drained; impose a frontage tax in accordance with sections 429 and 430 on the owner of land or real property capable of being drained into a sewer or drain, whether or not the land or real property is connected to or drained into the sewer or drain, for the opportunity to use the sewer or drain; impose a charge against the owner or occupier of real property for the use of a sewerage system, a drainage system or a combined sewerage and drainage system. (2) A charge imposed under subsection (I) (c) for drainage facilities alone may vary in relation to the area of the land served or benefited. (3) A charge imposed under subsection (1) (c) for sewerage facilities, or for combined sewerage and drainage facilities, may vary in relation to one or more of the following: the ramiber of outlets served; the quantity of water delivered to the premises by a utility; the volume of effluent discharged by the user; classes of users or effluents; for charges in relation to sewerage facilities of the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage Disthct any of the factors and section 7C (2) (b) and (c) of the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage DLctrict Act. (4) A bylaw under subsection (1) may provide that the frontage tax or a charge under subsection (1) (c) may be waived or lessened for real property, any present or previous owner or present occupier of which has constructed at the person's own expense a portion of the sewerage or drainage system of the mcipality, or has paid all debt and debt charges, including interest, in respect of that portion of the sewerage, drainage or sewerage and drainage system of the municipality that serves the real property. . .•tgzg-2:1W3&i9i&5&199T-254Ot 576. Repealed. [1998-34-119] DivisIon 6— Waste Ramoval Waste removal works and services 577. (1) A council may, by bylaw, do one or more of the following: establish, m2jlIt2jn and operate public incinerators; establish, maintain and operate grounds for disposal of garbage and of noxious, offensive or unwholesome substances; establish and maintain a system to collect, remove and dispose of garbage, ashes, refuse and other noxious, offensive, unwholesome and discarded matter; compel persons to makeuseofasystemestablished- to-disposeofgazbage, ashes, refuse and other noxious, offensive, unwholesome and discarded ma'r, and specify the terms and conditions on which persons make use of the system; establish a scale of charges payable by owners or occupiers of real property for the removal to the public incinerator or another designated place of trade waste, garbage, rubbish and matter and, in relation to this, establish a system for compelling payment of the charges; impose penalties for neglecting to remove or have removed and brought to the public incinerator or the other place the trade waste, garbage, rubbish and other matter; Repealed. [1998-34-120] establish, maintain and operate on or under a street, or elsewhere, comfort stations, lavatories, and 5iTflhl2T conveniences; Sept. 23199 191 . Quickscribe Services Ltd. 1996 MUNICIPAL Ac'r RS CHAP. 323 (i) COIZRPCI and regulate the emptying, Cleansing and djsjnfecting of private drains, cesspools, nS,pL 2!3!!>S septic tanks and privies, and the removal and disposal of refuse from them. A COUnCil may, by bylaw, entei break up, take or enter into possession of, and use any real property in any waY necessary or convenient for any PWPOSC mentioned in subsection (1) (a) or (b) without the consent of the owners of the real property. Repealed. [1998-34-120] tg (4) For works referred to in subsection (1) (a) and (b), a council may, by bylaw, provide for their establishment outside the municipality, and set a scale of charges and make regulations for the use of the works wherever located. 28VI97 (5) Before adopting a bylaw under subsection (4), the council must obtain the consent of the other affected local government as follows: if the area outside the municipality is another municipality, the consent of the council of that other municipality is required; if the area outside the municipality is not another municipality, the consent of the regional district board for the area is required. Exemption from charges if services not required 578. (1) If a council is satisfied that a person or a person's property does not require service provided under section 577, on application by the person, the council may waive the charges imposed under that section. (2) A council may limit the period of time for which a waiver under subsection (1) is effective. DIvision 7— Intermunldpsl Works Intermunicipal boundary roads 579. All highways forming all or part of the boundary between municipalities must be opened, maintained, kept in repair and &upiuved by themunicipalities of which they form a boundary, and their councils have joint jurisdiction over them and are liable accordingly, although the highway may, in some places, deviate to b wholly or partly inside one or more of the municipalities. ... ....................... . Bylaws on intermunicipal boundary roads 580. (1) A bylaw of a municipality interested in a boundary highway does not have any effect for the highway until mutually acceptable bylaws have been adopted by the councils with joint jurisdiction. If a council, for 3 months after notice of a bylaw adopted under subsection (1), omits to adopt an acceptable bylaw, the omission is an inability to aee within the meaning of section 581 and that section applies. This section does not apply to a work of local improvement undertaken on petition wholly at the cost of the owners of abutting property, if the work is inside the municipality proposing to cmy out the work and one month's notice of intention has been given to the councils of the other municipalities having - . Disputes regarding boundary roads 581. (1) If the municipalities interested in all or part of a boundary highway are unable mutually to agree to their joint action in opening, miitmimg, repairing or improving the highway, one or more of the councils may apply to the Minister of Transportation and Highways to determine the amount each municipality must be required to expend and the mode of expenditure on the highway. (2) An award and decision of the Minister of Transportation and Highways under subsection (1) is final and binding on the municipalities interested and may be enforced by any municipality in a court of competent jurisdiction. Sept. 23198 192 Quzckscribe Services Ltd. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Al Hogarth DATE: January 4, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: T21-212-003 FROM: Manager of Revenue & Collections ATTN: C of W-Fin & Corp SUBJECT: Adjustments to 1999 Collector's Roll EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The B.C. Assessment Authority has revised the assessed values for the 1999 Collector's Roll through the issuance of Supplementary Roll #8/99. The Collector is required to make all the necessary changes to her records and report these adjustments to Council. 276 folios are affected: Two Business Class properties had assessed improvements decreased due to Assessment Appeal Board decisions based on income and vacancies. 22255/69 Dewdney Trunk Road had improvement value of $231,000 reduced to $10,000. 22295 Dewdney Trunk Road had improvement value of $422,000 reduced to $277,000. One Residential Class property in a new Albion development on 102 Avenue had the assessed value of land decreased due to an Assessment Appeal Board decision. 273 Residential Class properties in the same development in Albion also had assessed land values decreased. RECOMMENDATION: The report dated January 4, 2000 be received for information. BACKGROUND: Financial Implications: There will be a net decrease of $22,877.13 in taxes receivable of which the municipal share is $11,376.26. 6. Prepared by: Kathleen Gory Manager of Revenue and Collections AppY6ved 6y: Jake Sorba, C.G.A. Dire torof Finance Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, A.I.C.P., M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer KG/cln CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MA1LE RIDGE TO: His Worship Al Hogarth DATE: December 14, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: T21-212-003 FROM: Manager of Revenue & Collections ATTN: C of W-Fin & Corp SUBJECT: Adjustments to 1999 Collector's Roll EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The B.C. Assessment Authority revised the assessed values for the 1999 Collector's Roll through the issuance of Supplementary Roll #5/99. The Collector is required to make all the necessary changes to her records and report these adjustments to Council. Ten folios are affected: The BC Hydro property for Alouette Dam had its assessed value of improvements decreased due to an Assessment Appeal Board decision affecting the levy for school taxes only. Three Residential Class properties owned by the Provincial Rental Housing Corporation had exemptions applied to accurately reflect the taxable values. This government agency pays a grant in lieu of taxes. One Residential Class folio, which should have been deleted in 1994, was deleted from this roll. One Business Class property formerly owned by Crown Federal had exemptions removed to accurately reflect the current taxable status. One Residential Class property had improvements reduced and exemptions reduced on land components, due to an error in the split between taxable and grantable values for the property. One Recreational Class property owned by the GVRD had its assessed improvements removed. One Residential Class property had assessed improvements added to reflect a lease from GVRD. One Residential Class folio was added to reflect a lease of property from BC Buildings Corporation. RECOMMENDATION: The report dated December 14, 1999 be received for information. BACKGROUND: Financial Implications: There will be a net decrease of $49,129.62 in taxes receivable of which the municipal share is $3,501.33. Prepared by: Kathleen Gormley Manager of Revenue and Collections Approved by: Jake Sorba, C.G.A. Director of Finance Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, A.I.C.P., M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer KG/c in -2- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Al Hogarth DATE: December 8, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: T21-212-003 FROM: Manager of Revenue & Collections ATTN: C of W-Fin & Corp SUBJECT: Adjustments to 1999 Collector's Roll EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The BC Assessment Authority has revised the assessed values for the 1999 Collector's Roll through the issuance of Supplementary Roll #3/99. The Collector is required to make all the necessary changes to her records and report these adjustments to Council. Two folios are affected: One railway property had its land assessment decreased to accurately reflect taxable values. One residential property had assessed improvements removed to accurately reflect the demolition of a house. RECOMMENDATION: The report dated December 8, 1999 be received for information. BACKGROUND: Financial Implications: There will be a net decrease of $294.76 in taxes receivable of which the municipal share is $151.95. Prepared by: Kathleen Gormley -Manager-.of-Revenueand.Collections. -. -- Approved by: Jake Sorba, C.G.A. Director of Finance Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, A.I.C.P., M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer KG/cln 4. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Al Hogarth DATE: December 8, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: T21-212-003 FROM: Manager of Revenue & Collections ATTN: C of W-Fin & Corp SUBJECT: Adjustments to 1999 Collector's Roll EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The B.C. Assessment Authority has revised the assessed values for the 1999 Collector's Roll through the issuance of Supplementary Roll #4/99. The Collector is required to make all the necessary changes to her records and report these adjustments to Council. Four folios are affected: One Business Class property had exemptions removed as per a Supreme Court decision. The library must be the fee simple owner of the land and improvements in order for exemptions to apply. One Business Class property had the assessed value of improvements reduced to accurately reflect taxable values. One Residential Class property had the assessed value of improvements removed to accurately reflect demolition of a property. One Residential Class folio was deleted, as its assessed value was included in a consolidated folio. RECOMMENDATION: The report dated December 8, 1999 be received for information. BACKGROUND: Financial Implications: There will be a net increase of $31,095.74 in taxes receivable, of which the municipal share is $14,997.75. Prepared by: Kathleen Gormley Manager of Revenue and Collections Director of Finance Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, A.I.C.P., M.C.l.P. Chief Administrative Officer KG/cln CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Al Hogarth DATE: December 8, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: T21-212-003 FROM: Manager of Revenue & Collections ATTN: C of W-Fin & Corp SUBJECT: Adjustments to 1999 Collector's Roll EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The B.C. Assessment Authority has revised the assessed values for the 1999 Collector's Roll through the issuance of Supplementaiy Roll #6/99. The Collector is required to make all the necessary changes to her records and report these adjustments to Council. Three folios are affected: Two Residential Class properties owned by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation have exemptions applied to accurately reflect taxable values. CMBC pays a grant in lieu of taxes. One Residential Class property had assessed improvements added to accurately reflect taxable values. RECOMMENDATION: The report dated December 8, 1999 be received for information. BACKGROUND: Financial Implications: There will be a net decrease of $688.43 in taxes receivable of which the municipal share is $348.19. Prepared by: Kathleen Gormley Magr Approved by: Jake Sorba, C.G.A. Director of Finance Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, A.I.C.P., M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer KG/cln CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Al Hogarth DATE: December 8, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: T21-212-003 FROM: Manager of Revenue & Collections ATTN: C of W-Fin & Corp SUBJECT: Adjustments to 1999 Collector's Roll EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The B.C. Assessment Authority has revised the assessed values for the 1999 Collector's Roll through the issuance of Supplementary Roll #7/99. The Collector is required to make all the necessary changes to her records and report these adjustments to Council. Two folios are affected: 1. Two bare land Residential Class properties had assessed values decreased to accurately reflect taxable values. RECOMMENDATION: The report dated December 8, 1999 be received for information. BACKGROUND: Financial Implications: There will be a net decrease of $8,281.74 in taxes receivable of which the municipal share is $4,188.82. L/44&7 Prepared by: Kathleen Gorrntey Manager of Revenue and Collectior%s Approved by: Jake Srba, C.G.A. Director of Finance Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AJ.C.P., M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer KG/cm CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Al Hogarth DATE: December 8, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: T21-212-003 FROM: Manager of Revenue & Collections ATTN: C of W-Fin & Corp SUBJECT: Adjustments to 1997 Collector's Roll EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The B.C. Assessment Authority has revised the assessed values for the 1997 Collector's Roll through the issuance of Supplementary Roll #17/97. The Collector is required to make all the necessary changes to her records and report these adjustments to Council. One folio is affected: 1. The BC Hydro property for the Alouette Dam had the assessed value for improvements decreased due to an Assessment Appeal Board decision, which affected the levy for school taxes only. RECOMMENDATION: The report dated December 8, 1999 be received for information. BACKGROUND: Financial Implications: There will be a net decrease of $56,940.80 in taxes receivable of which the municipal share is $0.00. Prepared by: Manager of Revenue and Collections Approved by: Jake Sorba, C.G.A. Director of Finance Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, A.I.C.P., M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer •1' KG/cm CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Al Hogarth DATE: December 8, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: T21-212-003 FROM: Manager of Revenue & Collections ATTN: C of W-Fin & Corp SUBJECT: Adjustments to 1998 Collector's Roll EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The B.C. Assessment Authority has revised the assessed values for the 1998 Collector's Roll through the issuance of Supplementary Roll #16/98. The Collector is required to make all the necessary changes to her records and report these adjustments to Council. One folio is affected: 1. The BC Hydro property for the Alouette Dam had the assessed value for improvements decreased due to an Assessment Appeal Board decision affecting the levy for school taxes only. RECOMMENDATION: The report dated December 8, 1999 be received for information. BACKGROUND: Financial Implications: There will be a net decrease of $56,565.00 in taxes receivable of which the municipal share is $0.00. ~ A -I, 4-~ 2 Prepared by: Kathleen Gormley 47 Manager of Revenue and Collections Approved by: Jake orba, C.G.A. Director of Finance Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, A.I.C.P., M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer KG/cln CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Al Hogarth DATE: December 8, 1999 and Membersof Council FILE NO: T21-212-003 FROM: Manager of Revenue & Collections ATTN: C of W-Fin & Corp SUBJECT: Adjustments to 1996 Collector's Roll EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The B.C. Assessment Authority has revised the assessed values for the 1996 Collector's Roll through the issuance of Supplementary Roll #21/96. The Collector is required to make all the necessary changes to her records and report these adjustments to Council. One folio is affected: 1. The BC Hydro property for the Alouette Dam had the assessed value for improvements decreased due to an Assessment Appeal Board decision affecting the levy for school taxes only. RECOMMENDATION: The report dated December 8, 1999 be received for information. BACKGROUND: Financial Implications: There will be a net decrease of $56,100.00 in taxes receivable of which the municipal share is $0.00. Ll Prepared by: Kathleen Gormley Manager of Revenue and Collections t(Jake Director of Finance Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, A.I.C.P., M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer KG/cm CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Al Hogarth DATE: December 8, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: T21-212-003 FROM: Manager of Revenue & Collections ATTN: C of W-Fin & Corp SUBJECT: Adjustments to 1995 Collector's Roll EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The B.C. Assessment Authority has revised the assessed values for the 1995 Collector's Roll through the issuance of Supplementary Roll #21/95. The Collector is required to make all the necessary changes to her records and report these adjustments to Council. One folio is affected: 1. The BC Hydro property for the Alouette Dam had the assessed value for improvements decreased due to an Assessment Appeal Board decision affecting the levy for school taxes only. RECOMMENDATION: The report dated December 8, 1999 be received for information. BACKGROUND: Financial Implications: There will be a net decrease of $23,347.50 in taxes receivable of which the municipal share is $0.00. Prepared by: Kathleen Gormley / Manager of Revenue and Collections Approved by. Director of Finance Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, A.I.C.P., M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer KGIcln CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE: January 12, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: 0360-20-01/LMTA FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - Fin & Corp SUBJECT: Endorsement of LMTAC "First Principles" for Treaty Negotiations RECOMMENDATION: That the report entitled LMTAC "First Principles" dated January 12, 2000 be received for information. BACKGROUND The Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee (LMTAC) developed this "First Principles" document to identify the fundamental policy statements for local government input as full members of the provincial negotiation team. The "First Principles" are a result of extensive public input and consultation by LMTAC. The broad issues covered include land selection and management, resources and environmental issues and governance/intergovernmental relations. Prepared by: 1revor Wingrove \J Municipal Clerk ............... Approvedby Pa Gill BA,CGA Gener nager: Corp rate & Financial Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, A.I.C.P., M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer TW/kk Attachment d?O34 03 OC 1 4 999 01-tt/ .Ml'4 December 3, 1999 This letter sent to Mayors of all LMTAC Member jurisdictions Dear q e Copies to Mayor & Council D Copies to Council] Reading File O For Information Only s/For Response byL - 0 Copies to RE: Endorsement of Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee "First Principles". The Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee (LMTAC) members have officially endorsed the LMTAC First Principles at the November 24, 1999, year-end meeting. The revised First Principles document is forwarded for your information and records. The LMTAC First Principles are the most notable accomplishment for 1999. These First Principles are fundamental policy statements that establish the basis on which specific Local Government interests will be expressed at Lower Mainland treaty negotiation tables. The First Principles should be viewed as a "mandate document", in that they provide the context for Local Government input as full members of the British Columbia Provincial treaty negotiation team on significant topics, including land selection and management, resources and environmental issues, and governance/intergovernmental relations. A majority of LMTAC member Council/Board jurisdictions sent in suggestions of amendment or requests to add new principles. The Committee appreciates all input, and LMTAC agreed that the suggestions as well as minority views will be recorded in a separate backgrounder for future reference. The LMTAC 2000 members will determine what actions may need to be taken on that document, including any belated responses on the First Principles received from member jurisdictions. LMTAC 1999 members wish to thank each of you for your keen interest and feedback. The participation of every LMTAC Council/Board member will continue to be critical in the Lower Mainland for Local Government. Allow me to also thank you personally for your dedication, time and commitment. Best wishes for future LMTAC endeavours. T\ .QLL Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario Chair, Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee Enclosures cc: 1999 LMTAC Representatives; Federal Ministry, Indian Affairs; B.C. Ministry, Aboriginal Affairs; Federation of Canadian Municipalities; Union of B.C. Municipalities/Aboriginal Affairs Committee; B.C. Treaty Commission; Public Libraries/GVRD 4th floor, 4330 Kingsway, Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5H 4G8 Tel (604) 451.6179 Fax (604) 4366860 Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee (LMTAC) FIRST PRINCIPLES Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee (LMTAC) December 1999 LMTAC First Principles - Final Version 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Participants Involved in the Development of the LMTAC First Principles Jurisdiction Representative Alternate Village of Anmore Councillor Ken Juvik Mayor Hal Weinberg Village of Belcarra Councillor Jamie Ross Councillor Bruce Drake Moira McGregor Larry Scott City of Burnaby Councillor Jim Young Chad Turpin City of Coquitlam Councillor Louella Hollington Councillor Mae Reid Don Buchanan Robin Hicks Corporation of Delta Councillor Vicki Huntington Dave Ellenwood Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) Director Ralph Drew Ken Cameron Marino Piombini City of Langley Councillor Ron Logan Township of Langley Councillor Karen Kersey Village of Lions Bay Mayor Brenda Broughton Bernice Pullen District of Maple Ridge Councillor Candace Gordon Councillor Betty Levens Robert W. Robertson City of New Westminster CbUtcillor Bob Osterman Ms. Leslie Gilbert City of New Westminster Councillor Chuck Puchmayr Jim Hurst City of North Vancouver Mayor Jack Loucks Ken Tolistam District of North Vancouver Mayor Don Bell Councillor Pat Munroe Dave Stuart Cameron Thorn District of Pitt Meadows Councillor Janis Elkerton Nancy Gomerich City of Port Coguitlam Councilior Michael Wright Jim Maitland City of Port Moody Councillor Rob Fenger Mayor Rick Marusyk Colleen Rohde Jim McIntyre City of Richmond Councillor Ken Johnston Greg Halsey-Brandt Jim Bruce George Duncan District of Squamish Mayor Corinne Lonsdale Grant McRadu Squamish-Lillooet Regional District (SLRD) Director Pam Tattersfield Rick Beauchamp Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) Chair Bruce Milne Brian Chambers City of Surrey Councilior Jeanne Eddington Rob Costanzo City of Vancouver Councillor Nancy A. Chiavario Paul Hancock District of West.Vancouver Mayor Pat Boname Councillor L.A. Williams Steve J. Nicholls Resort Municipality of Whistler Mayor Hugh O'Reilly Jim Godfrey City of White Rock Councillor James Coleridge Councillor Doug McLean Diane Middier I Kirk and Company Consulting Raincoast Ventures Frontline and Associates LMTAC Staff Lower Mainland Treaty Adviso,y Committee (LMTAC) Adopted: November 24, 1999 LMTAC First Principles - Final Version Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee FIRST PRINCIPLES PREAMBLE LMTAC 's First Principles are fundamental policy statements that provide the framework for Local Government input as full members of the British Columbia provincial negotiation team. LMTAC's First Principles were developed through extensive consultation. All LMTAC members had open invitations to participate, all principles were forwarded to Lower Mainland area Councils, and many member municipalities and regional districts held public meetings to receive community input. Subsequent to the consultation process, LMTAC endorsed the following First Principles for treaty negotiations. Definitions for bold faced terms may be found in the Glossary of Terms GENERAL PRINCIPLES The Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Conmiittee (LMTAC) First Principles will be applied to all Lower Mainland treaty agreements. Treaty agreements in other regions of the Province should not be used as a precedent or template for urban treaty settlements. Provisions in Lower Mainland area treaties should reflect the complex realities of the urban environment specific to each treaty. Local Government shall be recognized in the treaty process as an independent, responsible and accountable order of government not as a secondary level or third party interest. Trëaties will upliOldthe principles of the CanádiaIiConstitutibn. Treaty settlements must respect the values, heritage, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples. Tripartite treaty negotiations must be open and provide for meaningful public input throughout the negotiations. The cost of the public process to be funded as an essential part of the process of treaty making by the tripartite negotiating parties. Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee (LMTAC) Adopted: November24, 1999 LMTAC First Principles - Final Version Agreements in Principle (Stage 4) shall not be completed until all conflicting land, water and resource issues of those Aboriginal Peoples who have been qualified by the British Columbia Treaty Commission (BCTC) have been resolved and shall include the details of the overlap resolution agreement. The Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee (LMTAC) is the voice for Lower Mainland area Local Governments on all issues relating to the treaty process. LANDS Urban treaty settlements should be composed primarily of cash and other fiscal considerations rather than land because of scarcity of unencumbered and uncommitted lands in the Lower Mainland area. Privately owned fee-simple lands, Crown Corporation lands, and Local Government owned lands and assets. including those acquired through a local government process must not be available for land selection. Lands and assets include but are not limited to: local government facilities, rights-of-i'ay, lands leased from other levels of government, Crown lands subject to a Local Government license or tenure, municipal and regional parks, conservation and protected areas, greenbelts, school board, lands, and local government commercial operations (i.e. forest lands, park restaurants). The continuation of local government regulatory and taxation authority over lands within a municipality or regional district that may be transferred as part of a treaty settlement is paramount. Lands received by a First Nation as part of a treaty settlement should be held in fee- simple and have no new or special status. Lands to be added after the treaty is signed must remain subject to Local Government jurisdiction and taxation unless otherwise agreed to by the Local Government through a community consultation process. Clarity and consistency in regulatory jurisdiction is paramount in the post-treaty environment. Treaty settlement lands within municipalities and regional districts are to be treated like all other fee-simple lands (e.g. be subject to compatible zoning bylaws, be assessed for regional services, and not include ownership of sub-surface resources). Local governments must ensure continued access (via land, water or air) to local government lands and assets on, between or adjacent to treaty settlement lands as well as to privately held and leased lands on, between or adjacent to treaty settlement lands for the purposes of, but not limited to, infrastructure development and maintenance. Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee (LMTAC) Adopted: November24, 1999 LMTAC First Principles - Final Version 5 RESOURCES: NATURAL and PHYSICAL Sustainability of local economies is a priority in the post treaty environment. Lower Mainland area renewable, natural resources, including but not limited to forests, water and fish, must continue to be managed on a sustainable basis in order not to undermine the economic base of Local Governments and their communities. International agreements and federal and provincial legislation that applies to non- Aboriginals with respect to conservation (of wildlife, migratory birds, fish and other species) be incorporated into all treaties. Present, future and potential refuge and environmentally sensitive areas, including but not limited to the Boundary Bay Wildlife Management Area, Maple Wood Flats and Indian Arm, must be identified and protected during the treaty process. Lands in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) must remain in the ALR and under the jurisdiction of the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC). Local Government leases and licenses (including park tenures and agricultural, mining, forest and range leases/licenses on Crown lands), and the economic and environmental viability of these agreements as well as any provisions for their renewal, must be respected and preserved. Local Government and private interests in water must be preserved. Interests include but are not limited to: historic rights of water use, watersheds, water licenses, access to shorelines, status of water lots, access and easements for servicing, enforcement of purity control standards and water use regulations, and ground water and aquifers. Clarity and consistency in regulatory jurisdiction with respect to natural and physical resources is paramount in the post-treaty environment. Development of resources can have a significant impact on local governments. Treaty settlement lands (TSL) within municipalities and regional districts should therefore to be treated like all other fee-simple lands and not include ownership of sub-surfaàe or submerged resources. Forest land which may come under aboriginal control must remain and continue to be managed within the existing timber supply areas and Forest Districts to ensure no loss of Annual Allowable Cut (AAC) on the land base. GOVERNANCE Treaties must recognize and respect the authority and jurisdiction of federal, provincial and local governments. Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee (LMTAC) Adopted: November 24, 1999 LMTAC First Principles - Final Version 6 Treaty settlements should remain within the framework of the Canadian Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Canadian Criminal Law should continue to apply as well as existing precedents set out in civil law in British Columbia. Treaties must uphold the principle of "no taxation without representation" for all persons residing on treaty settlement lands. Treaties should contain mechanisms to ensure that all persons who are living on treaty settlement lands and who are paying taxes or levies to the First Nation have access and a voice in First Nation governance systems. Aboriginal self-government provisions must provide for First Nation participation in, or partnerships with, Local Governments or regional governments for more effective and efficient delivery of services and programs. Standards and regulations that apply to treaty settlement lands should meet or exceed established standards set by federal, provincial and Local Governments for issues including but not limited to: environmental protection, public health, labour, safety, fire protection, building codes, noise and licensing. Treaties should include an effective dispute resolution mechanism that is accessible to Local Governments, particularly relating to inter-jurisdictional issues such as but not limited to: planning, land use, natural resources, growth management, stewardship and transportation. Local Governments must be provided the opportunity to access local government-related powers, as defined by provincial legislation, also available to First Nations post-treaty. Aboriginal self-government should uphold the principle of democracy and accountability. Lower Mainland area local governments have increasing Aboriginal populations that are not from the traditional territories of Lower Mainland area First Nations or that will not reside on future treaty settlement lands. Treaties must therefore include mechanisms to ensure that the costs of providing programs and services to these populations does not become the responsibility of Local Government. Treaties must identifS' programs and services which because of their regional significance (such as, but not limited to, air quality and sewage treatment) First Nations must provide to their constituents, either directly or indirectly through a contract with Local Governments or other agencies, the provision of those programs and services. The principle speaks to the various interconnections between urban communities that Lower Mainland area treaties will need to address, and recognizes the responsibility that all jurisdictions have in creating and sustaining systems that benefit all residents of the Lower Mainland. Lower Mainland Treaty Advisoiy Committee (LMTAC) Adopted: November24, 1999 LMTAC First Principles - Final Version 7 FISCAL Treaties must recognize the limited fiscal capacity of all levels of government and not impose any cost to Lower Mainland taxpayers, other than their contribution to treaty settlements through the cost sharing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Provincial Government and the Government of Canada. All existing and future service agreements must be respected to ensure Local Governments receive financial contributions from all users of Local Government programs, services and infrastructure. There must be no demand placed on Local Government tax revenues or revenue sources resulting from treaty settlements, particularly on the ability of Local Government to derive tax revenue from sources such as property taxes services fees, utility charges and grants-in-lieu from Crown lands. Any revenue loss to Local Governments arising from treaty settlements must be fully compensated. The provincial Municipal Act and Vancouver Charter, through Municipal Act reform, must enable Local Governments to develop flexible taxation and cost recovery mechanisms when dealing with Aboriginal governments post treaty. Treaties must respect and recognize existing provincial fiscal commitments to Local Governments. Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee (LMTAC) Adopted: November24, 1999 LMTAC First Principles - Final Version 8 GLOSSARY OF TERMS Agreement In Principle (AlP) in Stage 4 of the BC Treaty Process, the negotiating parties work towards finalizing an "Agreement in Principle" (AlP). The AlP outlines topics for negotiation and the related treaty provisions developed by the parties. Fee-Simple an estate of virtually infinite duration in land, conveyed or granted. Sustainability the ability to make development meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Definition adapted from Our Common Future, World Commission on Environment and Development Traditional Territory the geographic area that a First Nation has identified as the land it has historically used and occupied. Treaty Settlement Lands (TSL) term used to refer to lands owned by a First Nation post-treaty. Tripartite of three (3) parties. In the BC Treaty Process, parties at the negotiating table include the Governments of Canada and British Columbia as well as members of the First Nations Summit. Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee (LMTAC) Adopted: November 24, 1999 •1 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE: January 11, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: 0530-01 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - Fin & Corp SUBJECT: Question Period EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: To respond to Council's request for information regarding Question Period. RECOMMENDATION: That the report entitled Queslion Period dated January 11,2000 be received for information. BACKGROUND: Council previously requested information on how Question Period at Council Meetings is treated in other jurisdictions. An informal survey of Lower Mainland communities was completed and the results are as follows: - no Question Period - no Question Period - televised Question Period after adjournment for matters on the agenda - no Question Period - televised Question Period as part of the agenda on any matter - televised Question Period after adjournment on any matter - televised Question Period after adjournment on any matter/matters on the agenda - Question Period prior to the meeting and after adjournment on any matter - broadcast policy is under review City of Abbotsford City of Burnaby City of Coquitlam Township of Langley City of New Westminster District of Pitt Meadows City of Port Coquitlam City of Port Moody It is apparent that there is no correct or incorrect approach to Question Period but rather each Council must adopt a policy that best meets community needs and interests. It should be noted that many local governments are completing a similar policy review at this time. Maple Ridge Council Procedure By-law No. 5871-1999 provides for a ten minute Question Period followingadjournmént.on any- matter.that appears- on-the agenda. The By-law is-silent on whether the Questio Period is televised or not and should be addressed by Council resolution. )'lunicipal Clerk Approved byl EPauiiflrB.B.A., C.G.A. N C', enea nager: Corp ate & Financial Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, A.LC.P., M.C.LP. Chief Administrative Officer 0103.0 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: December 20, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: . C 6 IAJ SUBJECT: Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues Bylaw Amendment RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge—Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues amending Bylaw No. 5845-1999 be read a first and second time and the Rules of Order be waived and the Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues amending Bylaw no 5845- 1999 be read a third time. BACKGROUND: The intent of this bylaw amendment is to bring clarity to the joint Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows structure of the Committee. The Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues was established in 1996 through By-law No. 5420-1996. The primary function of the committee has been to advise the two Councils on access issues on behalf of people with disabilities residing in the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows area. At present the Committee consists of 12 members, six appointees representing various agencies and organizations, 5 members at large and 2 council members, one from Maple Ridge and one from Pitt Meadows. The Committee has presented to Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Councils and has had members at large from both communities. The Committee regularly receives correspondence and assistance requests from both communities citizens. The intent of the bylaw amendment is to strengthen the references to providing service in both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. Despite involvement from representative of both communities there is a lack of clarity about the joint function in the wording of the previous bylaw. The Committee has been viewed as an excellent vehicle for two-way communication and information flow between citizens and Councils. Through the Committee's commitment and work, members have had the opportunity to advise Council on consumer needs such as curb design, accessible parking, installations of facility ramping and providing Councils with consultation as well as resources for monitoring architectural plans and public facilities during the design and building process. The Committee provides regular reports to Council and public information through displays, the Districts web site, and publications and awareness campaigns. Some of the groups the Committee liaises with are the Greater Vancouver Regional District, BC Parks and The BC Human Rights Commission to name a few. Through Council representatives the Committee is able to keep attention appropriately focused on the access issues and assist in long-term planning to meet the future needs of all citizens. When the Committee was initially formed the objective of both Councils and the Committee was to achieve The Five Star Award presented by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Secretary -1- of State Department. This award was presented to municipalities demonstrating an outstanding commitment to integration and significant progress in the areas of transportation, recreation, employment, education and housing. The award provided the opportunity to show that the municipality has enabled full participation of people with disabilities in the community. In order to implement this objective the Committee established five sub- committees, one for each of the 5 star areas. When the By- law was established in 1996 a representative from the members at large was appointed to each of the 5 sectors and that structure was enscribed in the bylaw. The Committee and Councils have agreed to continue working within these five sectors, as they are believed to be the "areas of living". However, in order for the Committee to function effectively it is recommended that the By-law be amended to remove the formal structure of sector appointments. This change will provide the committee with greater flexibility in how it accomplishes its goals. Prepared by: Dorothy Trochta-BelaiParks and Leisure Services App/oved by: Mike Murray 7 Parks and Recreation Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer -2- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5845 - 1999 A By-law to repeal Maple Ridge Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues By-law No. 5420 - 1996 in its entirety and adopt Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows (Ridge- Meadows) Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues By-law No. 5845 - 1999. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to have the Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues, established by By-law No. 5420 - 1996 repealed in its entirety in order to formally establish a joint committee with the District of Pitt Meadows. NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law shall be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows (Ridge Meadows) Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues By-law No. 5845 - 1999". Maple Ridge Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues By-law No. 5420 - 1996 be repealed in its entirety. Definitions For the purpose of this by-law, unless the context otherwise requires: "Committee" means the Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues. "Councils" means the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge and the Corporation of the District of Pitt Meadows; "Disability" means a physical or sensory disability, learning difficulty or mental health problem, which is regarded as a significant challenge in daily life or at work. "Districts" means the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge and the Corporation of the District of Pitt Meadows. "Maple Ridge" means the geographical area known as the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge. "Pitt Meadows" means the geographical area known as the Corporation of the District of Pitt Meadows. "Mayors" means the elected Mayors of the Districts. "Member" means a current member of the Ridge Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues, whether appointed by Council or elected as a Member-at-Large. Mandate 4. Council hereby establishes a committee to be known as the "Ridge Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues", hereafter called the "Committee". By-law No. 5845— 1999 Page (2) The purpose of the Committee is to advise the Councils on matters relating to the improvement of the community's response to accessibility issues for people with disabilities. Composition and Appointment 6. The Committee is comprised of thirteen (13) members. 7. Eight of the thirteen members are representatives of the following governments, agencies and organizations which will appoint a person to the Committee who has a particular interest in disability issues: One Councillor from the District of Maple Ridge; One Councillor from the District of Pitt Meadows; School Board of School District No. 42; Ministry of Children and Families; Ministry of Education, Skills and Training; Ridge Meadows Association for Community Living; Simon Fraser Health Region Ridge Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Citizen's Advisory Committee. 8. The remaining five members are called "Members-at-Large" and are appointed by their respective Councils after a newspaper advertisement is placed asking people who have an interest in improving the community's response to accessibility issues for people with disabilities to write to the District, stating their background and their reasons for wanting to be appointed to the Committee. 9. Four of the five members-at-large must be: a resident of Maple Ridge; employed in Maple Ridge; or be eligible to be in the Municipal Voters List for the District. The fifth member-at-large will reside or primarily work in Pitt Meadows or be eligible to be in the Voters List for the District. 10. Applicants for the position of member-at-large will be interviewed by their respective Councils and a ballot will be prepared. The applicants with the most votes from Council become members of the committee. 11. No member-at-large of the Committee as appointed by Council will serve concurrently on another District of Maple Ridge Advisory Committee. 12. Other people who may attend meetings, to provide opinions, advice or information or other services but who are: the Mayors. the Chief Administrative Officers or his/her designate; and District staff. e By-law No. 5845 - 1999 Page (3) 13. No member of the Committee will receive any remuneration for services, however, a member shall be reimbursed for any reasonable out of pocket expenses incurred on behalf of and previously approved by the Committee. Term of Appointment 14. The term of appointment for each member appointed by the governments, agencies and organizations listed in Section 7 above, is one year commencing on January 1st in the year they are appointed and termination one year later on December 31St 15. The term of appointment for each member-at-large is two years commencing on September l in the year they are appointed and terminating two years later on August 3 1St. The appointments of the members-at-large to the Committee shall be as follows: Three members-at-large from the District of Maple Ridge shall be appointed for a one (1) year term; One member-at-large from each of the Districts shall be appointed for a two (2) year term. 16. Members-at-large may be appointed to not more than three consecutive terms totalling six (6) years of service. A person appointed to a vacancy with more than one-half of the original term left will be considered to be serving a full term for the purpose of this section. Vacancy 17. Notwithstanding other sections of this by-law, a vacancy created by death or resignation will be reported as soon as possible to the Mayor, who may appoint a replacement for the unexpired term of the former member. Chairperson 18. The members will annually elect a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson from amongst themselves by a simple majority vote. The Vice-Chairperson will act in the capacity of the Chairperson at any meeting where the Chairperson is absent Absenteeism 19. A member who is absent, except for reason of illness or with the leave of the chairperson of the Committee or his/her designate, from three consecutive, or five in any twelve consecutive, regular meetings is deemed to have resigned, effective at the end of the third or fifth such meeting, as the case may be. Ouorum and Voting 20. Quorum is six (6) members of the Committee. 21. Only members may vote on issues and resolutions and any members not voting, but present, is deemed to have voted in the affirmative. By-law No. 5845 - 1999 Page (4) Meeting Schedule and Procedures The Committee will meet monthly between September through to June, although special meetings over and above the monthly meetings may be called by the chairperson as long as each member is given not less than forty-eight (48) hours notice of such meeting, which can only be waived by unanimous vote of all the members of the Committee. Meetings are open to the pubic. Council may include in its annual budget such sums as are necessary to defray the expenses of the Committee. The Committee must provide a detailed budget proposal to Council on or before August of the year preceding the budget year. The minutes of the proceedings of all meetings of the Committee will be maintained in a minute book and forthwith following each meeting of the Committee, a copy, when signed by the Chairperson or member presiding shall be forwarded to the Municipal Clerk of both Districts. The Committee will be provided with secretarial and staff support to carry out its functions. READ a first time this day of READ a second time this day of READ a third time this day of RECONSIDERED and finally adopted the day of MAYOR 10 DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 04.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 25, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of January 11, 2000 be adopted as circulated. "Al Hogarth" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K ,4o-Anne H .v' Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation andlor such action as may be required by your Department. - - January 26, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 04.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 25, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Minutes of the Public Hearing of January 18, 2000 be received. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K ,4o-Anne H _/ Karla K MAYOR The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 26, 2000 Date MuJpallerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 04.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 25, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of December 21, 1999 and January 7 and 12 (2), 2000 be received. "Al Hogarth" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development (f 0 x-.1 - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 26, 2000 17QtQ(A/ü4 Date Municipa} Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 06.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 25, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal Development Variance Permit No. DVP/71/99 (property at 12791 and 12793 - 228A Street). (an application to relax the front lot line setback from 7.5 metres to 3.5 metres and the rear lot line setback from 7.5 metres to 1.5 metres and to waive the requirement for both dwelling units to be contained within one structure sharing a common roof by allowing the separation of the buildings with an architectural feature on the second storey) (:CAj:ED:) DEFEATED DEFERRED "Al Hogarth" MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial - RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business en Mgr - Public Works & Development______________________________________ - Dir - Current Planning v.x(: QiMQ viS i44E:ok -eit - Dir - Long Range Planning ____________________ - Dir - Inspection Services (9 Q(&t (ik 'y - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section Municipal Clerk - Shirley K n-AnneH . VKarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation andlor such action as may be required by your Department. January 26, 2000 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 08.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 25, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5866-1999 be read a second and third time. (RZ165/99 - 11579-240 Street to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) to create approximately nine lots not less than 371 m 2 each) "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR TO: Chief Administrative Officer Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business - $3en Mgr - Public Works & Development v' Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clrk's Section Ji\inicipal Clerk Shirley K - Jo-Anne H ..V Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 26, 2000 Date Mu±alclerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 08.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 25, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR -_fl That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5847-1999 be read a second and third time. (RZ162/99 - Amendments to Secondary Suite Regulations - to establish a definition of cooking facility; delete the minimum lot size requirements; delete the requirement for a business licence; and to establish a regulation that states that secondary suites are not permitted on property situated within a floodplain) "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business - Jn Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K /AnneH Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 26, 2000 Date Municipal ler DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 08.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 25, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5879-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. (regulations governing inactive development applications) "Al Hogarth" CARRIED ) DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - en Mgr - Public Works & Development tV-' Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H V KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. Date Mu tllerP Janu ary 26, 2000 ( ______________________________________ DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 08.04 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 25, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control Amending By-law No. 5873-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. (to reflect year 2000 deadline dates for the purchase of dog licences) "Al Hogarth" CARRIED / DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support '- Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 26, 2000 Date Mun±lCler5 ui DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.01.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 25, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of January 17, 2000 be received. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - SJi-irleyK ,,4o-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 26, 2000 Date UAAA MfUlerk V< DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 25, 2000 MOVED BY COCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR ) 4QI/( That the Application RZ/64/99 (for property located on the North East Corner of 236 Street and 133 Avenue) to rezone property described in the report dated January 5, 2000 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential Distict) and RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that report and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending By-law be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. (Rock Ridge Estates - to create 33 units under the R-3 Zone and 40 townhouse units) OWN _~? "~AlHogartV DEFEATED DEFERRED } MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial - RCMP - Fire Chief Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business en Mgr - Public Works & Development _____________________ - Dir - Current Planning ( - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services Ckb AL_XjJ SVt[ - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations Dir - Engineering Projects Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk!sSection. -.- - --- - - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 26. 2000 Date Munic CAP- I { DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 25, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632-1997, that Rezoning Application No. RZ/23/96 (property at 13819 - 232 Street) be granted a one year extension. (to create approximately 500 residential units using a combination of single family and multi family forms of development) "Al Hogarth" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business ji Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ V Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. MuialCl fr< January 26, 2000 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 25, 2000 MOVED BY COTJNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP166/99 respecting property located at 11995 Haney Place. (Leisure Centre Complex expansion) "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - çen Mgr - Public Works & Development V Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K -o-Anne H V Karla K The above deii6n was thade at a meting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. rcJanuary 26. 2000 ______________________________________ Date Munici DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.04 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 25, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR 7~-) That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/81/99 respecting property located at 20318 Dewdney Trunk Road will be considered by Council at the February 15, 2000 meeting. tA *-qk* 0)".U60 < svo UL uc (to relax the rear yard setback from 6.0 metres to bar and convenience store) DEFEATED DEFERRED ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - 9en Mgr - Public Works & Developmen Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section Municipal - ,.- Clerk v' Shirley K /0-Anne H Karla-I' - The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 26, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk vtqp-k tzi .1 metres to permit the construction or a'1gas "Al Hogarth" DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.05 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 25, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVPI80/99 respecting property located at 23281 Kanaka Way will be considered by Council at the February 15, 2000 meeting. (to waive the requirement to convert existing overhead wires on the north side of Kanaka Way to underground facilities for a proposed 23 unit townhouse development) "Al Hogarth" CARRIED ) DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gn Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ .-" Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section Municipal Clerk ç /Jo-AnneH - ." KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation andlor such action as may be required by your Department. January 26, 2000 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.06 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 25, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation Amending By-law No. 5881-2000 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and that Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation By-law No. 5881-2000 be read a third time. (an amendment to clearly define what constitutes an exempt activity with the ALR, using provincially established criteria, and tointroduce a few housekeeping amendments into the By-law) "Al Hogarth" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development ,-Dir - Current Planning ..V Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section /" Municipal Clerk V Shirley K /Io-Aii.ne H '." Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 26, 2000 ____________________________ Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of January 25, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5842-1999 be read a first time. (RZ/35/99 — 23 853 Dewdney Trunk Road - to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to CS-i (Service Commercial) to permit a gasoline bar, convenience store with a residence and a commercial building) "Al Hogarth" CARRiED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - 9en Mgr - Public Works & Development ç ( / Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - - - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - ,--Jo-Anne H KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation andlor such action as may be required by your Department. January_26,2000 tI1QJ 2_o ---- Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 25, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5843-1999 be read a first time. (RZ/35/99 — 23 853 Dewdney Trunk Road - to designate as a Development Permit Area) "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - 9'n Mgr - Public Works & Development -' Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K ,4'o-Anne H " KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 26, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.03.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 25, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR 47 That the staff report dated December 14, 1999 and the letter from BC Hydro dated July 8, 1999 attached thereto requesting a refund in the amount of $235.90 with respect to waiving the annual 1999 recycling levy on 14 properties be received; and further That the request be denied. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief _/Dir - Corporate Support V Dir-Finance Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk Shirley K V Jo-Anne H KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 26, 2000 Date MJ3allerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.03.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 25, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the eight reports submitted to the Committee of the Whole Meeting of January 17, 2000 entitled, Adjustments to 1999 Collector's Roll, be received for information. "Al Hogarth" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - 7/Dir - Corporate Support V Dir-Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for - -notat-ion-and/orsuchactiowasmayb ret uited by your D tmënt. - -- January 26, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk LI DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.03.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 25, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the report entitled, Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee (LMTAC) First Principles, dated January 12, 2000 be received for information. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities 7rk's Section unicipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. - January 26, 2000 WAA Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.03.04 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of January 25, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the report entitled, Question Period, dated January 11, 2000 be received for information. "Al Hogarth" CARRIED ) DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer — Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations — Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities jzlerk's Section \/ Municipal Clerk — Shirley K — Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 26, 2000 --fi OR U*<~~ Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.04.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: January 25, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR I SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues Amending By-law No. 5845-1999 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues Amending By-law No. 5845-1999 be read a third time. (the By-law amendment is to bring clarity to the joint Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows structure of the Committee) -_ "Al Hogarth" CARIE,) DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ - Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Operations ,-Dir - Engineering Projects /Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section /MuniciPal Clerk - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. January 26, 2000 Date JAN-25-00 TUE 04:19 PM Dist,Of Maple Ridge FAX NO. 467 7329 P. 01/02 I had the pleasure of installing the new executive of the Maple Ridge Chamber of Commerce and attended the Business Excellence Awards Banquet on January 22, 2000 with a number of Councillors. Best of luck to incoming President Bart . TbI Findlay and I look forward to maintaining the close relationship with the chamber and exploring new opportunities. The District of Maple Ridge was well represented at the awards banquet. Bob Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer, was nominated for Customer Service Excellence award and Mike Murray, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation was nominated for Community Booster of the Year. The fact that staff are being recognized in the community in this way, illustrates the fine work by staff done at the Municipal Hall. The highlight of the evening from my perspective was Diana Dalton, our Receptionist at the Hall, winning the Customer Service Excellence award. If you have ever had to visit or phone the District of Maple Ridge you have probably spoken to Diana and can vouch for her friendliness and professionalism. I honestly cannot think of anyone in Maple Ridge who is more deserving of this honour. I would also like to congratulate everyone who was nominated for an award and those who won. Former Councilior Betty Levens was also nominated, for Community Booster and I was pleased to see that Carl Durksen won this honour. I can attest to the time and effort needed to serve this community and would like to congratulate Betty and Carl for the recognition by the Chamber. JAN-25-00 TUE 04:19 PN DisLOf Naple Ridge, FAX NO, 47 7329 P.02/02 Page (2) The District was also recognized for sponsorship of Home Based Business initiatives and more work is planned in this area in the near future. I have really come to appreciate the work of staff since the election. All staff have displayed tremendous willingness to help, and patience with Council in providing background information. We have an excellent base of technical knowledge in our community that is recognized throughout the world. Bob Robertson, for example, serves on the International City Managers Association and American Economic Development Council Boards. He is also representing this community, at no expense to taxpayers, at an upcoming international conference dealing with business planning and performance measures. In my view, we are very well served by the staff and thanks again for your extra efforts during this orientation period. Newly elected Councillors will be attending an extensive seminar starting tomonow that is hosted by the I.LB.C.M. and work with Advisory Committees and the (IV.R.D. has only just begun. Most importantly, this Council continues to ask staff for information on local issues and is starting to develop an agenda and mandate for this term of office. IL, tj 1)1)1 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRiCt OF MAPIE RIDGE MAPLE Ri:i:x 11 5 Hrney Nce, Mp)e Ridp, BC V2X (,A9 CANADA Telepbone: (604) 463-5221 Fx (604) 467-7331 lncnrporated PZ e-mail nquiries'di3trictmapIt-ridgeJ,c.ca Is" Copies to Mayor & Council o ,çopy to Council Reading File L" For lnirly o For Response by._. ER/Copies to ; 0 Pile No: 3090-20IDVP/71/99 Dear Sir/Madani PLEASE TAKE NOTE that the Municipal Council will be considering a Development Variance Permit at the regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, MimIcipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge. The particulars of the Development Vanancó Permit we as follows: APPLICATION NO,: DVPI7I/99 LEQAL Lot A. Section 20, Township 12, Plan LMP29025, New Westminster istrict LOCATION; 12791/93 228A Street PRESENT ZONING RT-1 (Two Family Urban Residential) PURPOSE: The applicant is requesting the foJlong variances in order to front the pwposed residences towards 228A Street and to create the appearance of two separate homes: I) relaxation of the front lot line setback from 7.5 metres to 3.5 metres and the rear lot line setback from 7.5 metres to 1.5 metres; 2) waive the requirement for both dwelling units to be conlBined within one sfruciw&sbathg.a..conunort-roof-by alowing-the-separatiion of - ibe buildings with an architectural feature on the second storey. AND RJRTIIER TAKE NOTICE that a copy of the Development Variance Permit and the Planning Department report dated December 14, 1999 relative to this application will be available for inspection at the Municipal Hall, Planning Department counter during office hours. 8:30 n.m. to 4:30 p.m. fmm .Tamiary 1210 January 25, 2000. -- .. wpmmoilng a Safe and LMibIe Community for our Pesent and Future Citizens' 41* P Si 19d Ms. Rory Lynn Caidwell 23823-120B Ave Maple Ridge, BC V4R4X4 Ph*ie 4660136 Faic 4660137 January 25, 2000 m-'opies to Mayor & Council ;Zoor'Information y to Council Reading File Only Mayor & Council c3 For Response by... Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge "Copies to .Y( 'II. 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Dear Mayor Hogarth, Councilors: Cmig Speiis, Kathy Morse, Joisi Hams, Faye Isaac, Linda King Candace Gordon. Reference: Rezoning Application RZ35199 - 23853 Dewdney Trunk Road RS-3 to CS-I -by-laws 5842 and 5843-1999 - I am writing this letter to express my concern re the above rezoning application. First, I was most happy to see the removal of the fast food restaurant from the original proposal. However, the gas station is still in the plan. I feel this is definitely something we do not need in our neighborhood. It concerns me deeply at how little thought or consideration has been given to the impact of these types of business has on a residential area. We have a Husky Station at 240th & Dewdney, Esso at 232' & Dewdney and another one planned for the opposite SouthWest Corner of 232u,d Dewdney Trunk Road. Exactly how many gas stations do we need down this road? We have 10 gas stations from Garibaldi School on Dewdney Trunk road to the intersection of Lougheed and then another 11 back east on Lougheed for a total of 21. I made contact with Councilor Craig Speirs the other day and expressed my concerns re this development. I cannot believe that you or any of the other councilors would sit back and allow this to happen in your back yard. Aug 24, 1999 at 7:00 P.M. A meeting was hdat Eagles Hall. A1an eans GrayDevelopment -Ltd: Repèntátive, Gordon Kiassen - Architect and Bruce McLeod Municipal Planning Dept. representative attended. An employee of the Husky station at the corner of 240th and Dewdney Trunk stood up and spoke about an incident which had just occurred a couple of weeks prior to this meeting at the Husky station in the middle of the night. An attempted arson was foiled when a police officer spotted someone trying to set fire to the gas pump. This is a residential area. People come first in my books. I am hoping I made some wise choices when I helped vote in some new council members. I am asking you to look long and hard at the long term • Page2 January25, 2000 plans for this and other neighborhoods. Put yourself in our place and answer just a couple of the questions that are on these homeowner's minds. Safety Noise Property Value Buffer ZonesWiew/Allies Vs - Cross Access Increased Crime Go back, speak to the people living in the homes around the new Tim Hortons, and ask them if noise and traffic have affected them. Falcon Oaks was built just over 2 years ago. We have 26 homes in this sub-division. We are also surrounded by two more new subdivisions, one which has just been completed between 238B and 237 on 1 20B which has 16 new homes and the other North on 238B. These new subdivisions mean families with lots of children. Aiexander Robinson School will be closing and a new one opening on the south side of Dewdney Trunk road. As opposed as I am to this development in our neighborhood, and regardless of what type of businesses is being looked at for construction down this road, I feel the number one concern should be getting the children safely across Dewdney Trunk road. If this means additional traffic lights down the road, then maybe council should be looking at all future businesses being built with an eye to making this part of the cost to be born by the developer. New subdivisions are springing up everywhere and there are less and less green spaces for children to play in. I am not opposed to progress but I am opposed to the almighty dollar being put ahead of people and safety. I have heard the statement twice now since that Aug 24i99 meeting at the Eagle Hall and that is how much MONEY has been spent already planning this proposal and how it is already a done deal. My question: What is a public heflng for If not to hear from the public and allow them to voice their concerns prior to a decision being made. I would further recommend that the number of houses that are advised in wring of a public hearing be increased from the current 50M. I am asking you to take a moment and walk a mile in our shoes before you cast your vote. Please ask yourself if you would want this in your neighborhood? Yours truly, Rory CaIdwell. 23830 - 120B Ave. Maple Ridge BC V4R4X4 Mayor Al Hogarth Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge V2X 6A9 CS-i - BY LAWS 5842 AND 5843-1999 Dear Mayor, Tel Home 466 9087 '6opies to Mayor & Council o 9opy to Council Reading File F 11tt1M11WL4D RS-3 TO o For Response by Q"Copies to V COM L~4 I wanted to write to you and express my concerns about the above rezoning application, bef'e the Council meeting on Tuesday 25th January, which by the way I will attend. (For your information I have already written to the previous Mayor to express my feelings). I feel I will be one of the residents that is most affected by the proposed development, as the land backs onto my property. I and many other local residents are 100% against the development and are prepared to fight hard for our rights. My overwhelming concern has been the inclusion of a gas station, so close to my property. I work in the business sector and am a great believer in planning. Before one starts the planning process, however, you must verify and calculate the requirement. I have driven along Dewdney Trunk Road from Garibaldi School to Lougheed Highway and turned left on to Lougheed to measure the kilometres and count the gas stations. The journey was measured at l5kms and I counted 21 gas stations (10 on Dewdney and 11 on Lougheed) in this small area. This works out to be one gas station approximately every 700m. Why in heavens name do we need another gas station?. If I return back to my planning theory, my calculation is that there is no requirement, therefore the planning should stop. This makes good financial sense. To add to my information I would also say that there is a Husky gas station 200m away from the proposed site in one direction and an ESSQ ga&staticnikmin-the. other.direction(I..attach the list of gas stations for your information). The other area of business I would like to bring to your attention is cost/benefit analysis, this is where one balances the benefits of a plan with the negative impacts. If this plan is approved the benefits I can foresee are: • A developer will make some quick Dollars • One extra residence will be built • A very small increase in employment prospects Can you think of any other benefits? The negative impact on Maple Ridge and the local community are: • Increased traffic movement, increased crossing into the path of oncoming traffic and increased risk of motor vehicle accidents • Increased risk to our children on the roads (120B Ave. will have increased traffic flow, at present many children enjoy playing in the quiet street i.e. Street hockey) • Increased risk of injury when the Elementary School is relocated on the opposite side of the road. (a mixture of increased traffic movement, increased pedestrian and child movement) • Noise pollution and nuisance complaints • Increased risk of fire, particularly during fuel deliveries and during natural disasters (i.e. earthquake) • Smell and air pollution (Benzene is a proven carcinogen) • Increase light and impact on local environment (do you want to sit on your sun deck and look into a gas station and its lighting system?) • General detrimental impact on our living environment and quality of life • Detrimental impact on the value of our homes (which we purchased without knowledge of this development) If we were to balance the positives against the negatives I feel sure you will agree with me that the scales are clearly weighted to the negative side. Would we be allowed to build this development on land in North or West Vancouver? Similarly would other local residents accept the building of another gas station adjoining their property, when there are already 21 in a 15 km stretch. I am sure they would not. I believe that I have written enough at this point, I look forward to meeting you at Tuesdays meeting and hopefully we can all come to a sensible solution. Yours sincerely William Meechan Enc. O%• Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge c) C' COUNCIL MEETING January 25, 2000 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting held on January 25, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Appointed Staff Mayor A. Hogarth Mr. R. W. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor C. Gordon Mr. T. Wingrove, Municipal Clerk Councillor F. Isaac Mr. M. W. Murray, General Manager of Community Councillor J. Harris Development, Parks and Recreation Services Councillor L. King Mr. J. R. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works Councillor K. Morse and Development Services Councillor C. Speirs Mr. P. Gill, General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services Mr. T. Fryer, Director of Current Planning Mrs. S. M. Karasz, Confidential Secretary Other staff as Required Ms. K. Grout, Manager of Environmental Affairs The meeting was filmed by Rogers Cablesystems. These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.org 01 02 03 03.01 CALL TO ORDER OPENING PRA YERS Pastor Tony Sobcinski conducted opening prayers. PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL Maple Ridge Town Centre Project Presentation The following were in attendance to provide an overview and update on the above noted project: Mr. Grant Turnbull representing the developers, Voth Bros. Development Ltd. and P3 ITT. Council Meeting Minutes January 25, 2000 Page2 I Mr. Tom Anondale of Toby, Russell Buckwell & Partners, Architects Mr. Mark Ankenman of Ankenman Associates Architects Inc. Mr. Tumbull advised that there have been 40 to 45 people working on the design process over the past ten months and they appreciate the co-operation that they have received from the Municipal Council, staff and the community groups who have worked very diligently with the design team. Mr. Anondale displayed the overall plan for the Town Centre project and provided details on the various components, including an expanded park site. He also displayed plans and artist's renderings of the proposed new buildings, which include the office tower and library in the first phase. The expanded Leisure Centre and construction of the Youth Centre will follow in the next phase. He reviewed the landscape site plan, the overall parkade plan and all the various linkages to the buildings, underground parking, etc. as well as the access and drop-off provisions. Mr. Ankenman provided further details on the new library and office tower which will include some retail space. The library will feature the latest technology, including a self-serve book check-out. The architects have worked closely with the library staff on the design. Mr. Anondale referred to the sequence of construction, noting that a Development Permit is on this evening's agenda to allow them to proceed with the expanded Leisure Centre and Youth Centre. He displayed renderings and provided details on the design of those two facilities and how the green space and pedestrian access will be enhanced. He advised that the proposed performing arts centre is in the preliminary planning stages and the developers and architects are working with the Arts Council and user groups on the design. It will feature 350 seats on the main floor and 150 balcony seats. He also identified the visual arts site, art gallery, craft and painting studio, photography studio, etc. The architects will be coming back to Council with the plans for the Arts Centre. He noted that the last phase will be the 100 room Hotel and restaurant component. He further advised that the community groups are enthusiastic about the expanded park design as it will accommodate a wider variety of civic events. The Legion has been consulted and are pleased with the relocation of the Cenotaph to a more significant and formal area. The Bandstand will be relocated and is being looked at now from an acoustical and usage point of view. Mr. Tumbull advised that this is a remarkable project for this community. One of the key points is the synergy that will be created by the various components working Council Meeting Minutes January 25, 2000 Page3 together. That is what will make it go as the economy is not there to bring in the office building, etc. by itself. He explained that there have been ongoing negotiations for the Hotel and it is hoped they will be concluded soon. It is anticipated that construction on the Leisure Centre/Youth Centre will commence shortly following approval of the Development Permit later in this meeting. He further noted that the office tower and library excavation work commenced around Christmas and three contracts are being awarded to local businesses for plumbing and heating, mechanical and framing work. The Mayor thanked the delegation for their presentation, noting that the improvements this Council has seen in terms of the design elements, and the developers' willingness to bring them into fruition, has brought the project into much more of a focus as to how it will fit together for the community. Council is pleased to see contracts being awarded to local companies. 04 ADOPTION OF MINUTES R/00-30 02.01 Minutes Jan. 11/00 MOVED by Councillor Gordon SECONDED by Councillor Morse that the Minutes of the regular Council Meeting of January 11, 2000 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED R/00-31 02.02 Minutes Public Hearing MOVED by Councillor Isaac Jan. 18/00 SECONDED by Councillor Hams that the Minutes of the Public Hearing of January 18, 2000 be received. CARRIED R/00-32 02.03 Minutes Dev. Agmt. MOVED by Councillor King Jan./99; Dec./00 SECONDED by Councillor Isaac Council Meeting Minutes January 25, 2000 Page4 that the Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee meetings of December 21, 1999 and January 7 and 12, 2000 be received. Discussion Councillor Harris referred to Item 1 in the Minutes of January 12, 2000 related to SD/30/99 regarding property at 12500 and 12520 - 227 Street. He noted that agreements were signed for two cross-access easements and asked for a further explanation of the circumstances in which they are being used. The Director of Current Planning displayed an overhead map of the site and advised that the cross-access agreements are part of the overall subdivision plan for the area. Councillor Harris indicated that he will be seeking further information from the Planning Department staff. The motion CARRIED. 05 DELEGATIONS 05.01 Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge Home Show Society - Update on Activities - Presenter: Mr. Michael I Potter Mr. Potter advised that the 1999 Home Show featured 177 booths which were visited by 25,000 people. It is the largest free home show in British Columbia. Maple Ridge Community Savings contributed $6000 towards advertising and McDonalds partnered with the Kids Zone. He thanked the many other sponsors who also made contributions. He thanked the 100 volunteers who helped with the staging, noting that many of the were young people who worked with local employers. The Home Show is very proud of them and appreciates their help. Mr. Potter also thanked Municipal staff members Brock McDonald, Mike Murray and Mike Davies for their considerable assistance. He advised that the Home Show will take place on May 7, 8 and 9 this year at the Planet Ice facility at the Fairgrounds and they anticipate having 200 booths. Additional parking will be provided. They are also looking at having bus service for the event. 06 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 06:01 -DVP171199 --12 79 1-and 12793--228A Street Council Meeting Minutes January 25, 2000 Page 5 (an application to relax the front and rear lot setbacks and common wall requirements). RI00-33 MOVED by Councillor Gordon DVP/71/99 SECONDED by Councillor King that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal Development Variance Permit No. DVP/71199 (property at 12791 and 12793 - 228A Street). Discussion The Municipal Clerk advised that a letter (fax) dated January 13, 2000 in support of the application was received from the applicant, Yaletown Enterprises Ltd. of 642 Southborough Drive, West Vancouver. Councillor King asked for further clarification of the duplex design. The Director of Current Planning displayed an overhead map of the proposal and explained the variance. The applicant is asking to separate the buildings to provide two separate homes connected only by an architectural feature on the second storey. Staff supports the variance on the basis the proposed units will be consistent with other residences on the block and respects the District's infill policy. Councillor King noted that the connection is simply artifice and calls into question what constitutes a duplex. She would like to see Council re-visit the duplex policy at some point. On question from Councillor Isaac, the Director of Current Planning reviewed the proposed variances in the setbacks which are detailed in the report. Councillor Speirs asked if the application has been to the Advisory Design Panel. The Director of Current Planning clarified that duplexes are not subject to review by the panel. Councillor Morse questione4 if tluis design. setsaprecedent. - The Director- -of- - Current Planning indicated that the District could be faced with other similar proposals. Councillor Harris asked if anyone has looked at the fire fighting situation. The Director of Current Planning advised that the units will have to meet the current Building and Fire Code regulations. '4 The Mayor questioned if anyone has looked at connecting the two roofs and putting up some trellis work to achieve the same purpose. Council Meeting Minutes January 25, 2000 Page6 The motion CARRIED. 07 CORRESPONDENCE Nil 08 BY-LAWS Items 08.01 and 08.02 from the January 18, 2000 Public Hearing 08.01 RZ165199 - 11579 - 240 Street - RS-3 to CD-1-93 - Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5866-1999 (to create approximately nine lots not less than 371m 2 each).' RJ00-34 MOVED by Councillor Gordon BL 5866-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Morse 2ndl3rd reading that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5866-1999 be read a second and third time. Discussion Councillor King questioned how it will be ensured that the multi-purpose trail will be constructed. The Director of Current Planning displayed an overhead map of the property and surrounding properties and explained how the trail will be accomplished as development in the area takes place. There will be in-trust monies taken to ensure that the trail system is completed. The motion CARRIED. 08.02 RZ162199 - Amendments to Secondary Suite Regulations - Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 584 7-1999 (to establish a definition of cooking facility; delete the minimum lot size requirements; delete the requirement for a business licence; and establish a regulation that states that secondary suites are not permitted on property situated within a floodplain). RI00-35 MOVED by Councilior King BL 5847-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Isaac ' 2ndl3rd reading amend. re Suites that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5847-1999 be read a second and third time. I Council Meeting Minutes January 25, 2000 Page7 Discussion Several Councillors noted that the Secondary Suites By-law can be reviewed at regular intervals to see if it needs fine-tuning to ensure that it is as effective as possible. Councillor Harris stated that he has some difficulty with the removal of the minimum lot size requirement, noting that concerns in that regard were also raised at the Public Hearing by a citizen who is experiencing parking problems caused by a number of suites in his neighbourhood. He questioned if the decision to remove the lot size limitation can be revisited by Council if it is not working. The Director of Current Planning advised that Council has the ability to revisit and re-introduce the minimum lot size limitation in the future if necessary. The motion CARRIED. 08.03 Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 58 79-1999 (regulations governing inactive development applications). R/99-36 MOVED by Councillor Morse BL 5879-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Gordon final reading that Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5879-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED 08.04 Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control Amending By-law No. 58 73-1999 (to reflect year 2000 deadline dates for the purchase of dog licences). R199-37 MOVED by Councillor Isaac BL5 873-1999 SECONDED by Councillor King final reading that Maple Ridge Dog Pound and Dog Control Amending By-law No. 5873-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED Councillor Gordon advised that there is no increase this year in the dog licence fees. Council Meeting Minutes January 25, 2000 Page8 09 COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 09.01 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 09.01.01 Minutes Minutes of January 17, 2000 RI00-3 8 MOVED by Councillor Gordon Minutes COW SECONDED by Councillor Harris Jan. 17/00 that the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of January 17, 2000 be received. CARRIED 09.02 Public Works and Development Services 09.02.01 RZ164199 - Northeast Corner of 236 Street and 133 Avenue Reference was made to the staff report dated January 5, 200 recommending that the subject application to permit 33 R-3 units and 40 RM-1 units be forwarded to Public Hearing subject to the conditions specified in the report. P199-39 MOVED by Councillor Harris RZ/64/99 SECONDED by Councillor Isaac to Public Hearing - DEFERRED that application RZ/64/99 (for property located on the northeast corner of 236 Street and 133 Avenue) ) to rezone property described in the staff report dated January 5, 1999 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) and RM- 1 (Townhouse Residential) be forwarded to Public Hearing, noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that report and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending By-law be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. Discussion Councillor King spoke against the proposal based on the remarks she had made at Committee that it is premature and that Council needs to review Silver Valley in a more comprehensive and holistic way. She has concerns related to storm water management, Fisheries, transportation and public consultation. Councillor Gordon agreed with Councillor King and added that she sat on Council when the Official Community Plan (OCP) which included Silver Valley was Council Meeting Minutes January 25, 2000 Page9 adopted and she clearly remembers that Council at that time said Silver Valley would not become another Mary Hill By-pass. She did not support the adoption of the plan at that time as she did not feel Council had the intestinal fortitude to apply the regulations to ensure that promise was kept. She further noted that many things have changed in Silver Valley after the OCP was adopted. The Provincial east-west corridor was deleted and there are numerous problems with the creek crossings in terms of Provincial and Federal regulations. This will make the OCP designations rather strange as the area will end up with strips of development up and down the mountain due to lack of connections across the creeks. People will have no way of getting around. Council needs to spend some time and re-look at the way development is being done in that area. Councillor Harris stated that he does not have any quarrel with re-visiting the Silver Valley land use guide plans and agrees that it would be timely to review all the development areas in a general way. However, he does not have any problem with this application carrying on through the process as it conforms to the OCP which exists to give certainty to people who want to make plans. Councillor Morse noted that if this application proceeds to Public Hearing, Council may be asked questions they have no answers for as they have not yet done the comprehensive review. There is no margin for error if the application is not right for Silver Valley. The Mayor advised that he shares many of the concerns that have been raised by the Councillors. He noted, however, that this application relates to several others that have received third reading. Councillor King noted that this particular application is only recommended to go to Public Hearing and she would like to have a good look at the whole area before Council entertains it. Councillor Speirs agreed with Couricillor King. He noted that the application has some good points but he cannot support it at this point. Counciior Harris stated that if Council does not allow the application to proceed they are in effect putting an implied freeze on development in the whole Silver Valley area. He questioned if the freeze would also apply to Albion where there have also been some concerns. Councillor Morse agreed that Council would be putting a freeze on development and feels that it is important to come to a resolution on that issue right now. Councillor Gordon stated that there is nothing to compel Council to agree to any development if they do not agree with it; it is Council's decision. Just because the Council Meeting Minutes January 25, 2000 Page 10 land is designated a certain way in the OCP does not mean Council has to vote in favour of an application; if that were the case, there would be no need for a Public Hearing process. She added that carrying on with business as usual in Silver Valley is not good enough for the residents of the area and certainly is not good enough for her. She would like to have a small amount of time to look at Silver Valley which Council is going to do next week. Councillor King suggested deferring the application for a month. Councillor Isaac asked if the application meets all the policies that are in place. The Director of Current Planning advised that it meets Schedule "B" in terms of the overall density regulations. Council is referring more to the overall OCP policies as they affect Silver Valley. Council wants to review those policies. Councillor Isaac questioned how long it would take for the application to go to Public Hearing, the Planner advised that depending on how quickly the applicant moves, it would probably be a month or two. It still has to receive first reading and that is the event that propels it to Public Hearing. MOVED by Councillor Morse SECONDED by Councillor Gordon that RZ/64/99 be deferred for four weeks pending further discussions on the Silver Valley Land Use Guide Plan. CARRIED Councillor Harris OPPOSED. 09.02.02 RZ123196 - 13819 - 232 Street - Request for One Year Extension Reference was made to the staff report dated December 21, 1999 recommending that a one year extension be granted to the subject application to permit 500 units under the CD-3-98 Zone using a combination of single family residential and multi-family residential form of development. R/00-40 MOVED by Councillor Isaac RZ/23/96 SECONDED by Councillor King On Year Extension that pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632- 1997, that Application RZ/23/96 (13819 - 232 Street) be granted a one year extension. Council Meeting Minutes January 25, 2000 Page 11 Discussion Councillor King stated that she will support the extension as the proposal has already received three readings. She has always had a huge amount of difficulty with this application in terms of its size. In addition, there are issues related to the urban-rural interface and the creek system that she does not feel have been adequately addressed. Councillor Gordon stated that she has fundamentally disagreed with this proposal all along and she will not vote in favour of the extension. The most disturbing issue to her with respect to the size of the proposal is that there is no provision for it to keep coming back to the public for input during any of its built-out stages. It could take 10 years for the development to be completed and the neighbourhood would not have any further say during that time. Councillor Speirs agreed with Councillor Gordon that the proposal needs ongoing public scrutiny. The motion CARRIED. Councillors Speirs and Gordon OPPOSED. 09.02.03 DP/66199 - Maple Ridge Town Centre Project - Leisure Centre and Youth Centre Reference was made to the staff report dated January 11, 2000 in support of the following recommendation: RI00-4 1 MOVED by Councillor Isaac DP/66/99 SECONDED by Councillor King that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/66/99 respecting property located at. 11995 Haney Place. Discussion Cduncffor Gordon noted that the R.C.M.P. has expressed concern to her about the interface between the public facilities and Haney Place Mall. They are concerned that each component be a safe place. . The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services advised the safety issue was raised at the Advisory Design Panel and was addressed by the developer in two ways. The area in question is between the Mall and the existing Leisure Centre. With respect to the addition to the Leisure Centre and the construction of the Youth Centre, there was a concern expressed about hidden corners, etc. where people may be out of sight. There were two responses made Council Meeting Minutes January 25, 2000 Page 12 by the developer which the District supports; (1) the area will be landscaped to avoid that problem and (2) there will be windows placed on the south side of the Leisure Centre which will provide visibility into the area in question. He further advised that the area will have to be monitored in terms of security and policing. The area lends itself well to the RCMP bicycle patrol squad. The District looks forward to co-operation with the Mall owners. There are security cameras in the area and it is anticipated that practice will continue. The motion CARRIED. 09.02.04 D VP181199 - 20318 Dewdney Trunk Road Reference was made to the staff report dated January 7, 2000 in support of the following recommendation with respect to the subject application to permit a variance in the rear yard setback. RI00-42 MOVED by Councillor Morse DVP/8 1/99 SECONDED by Councillor Gordon 20318 DTR that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/8 1/99 respecting property located at 20318 Dewdney Trunk Road will be considered by Council at the February 15, 2000 meeting. CARRIED The Planner advised that an additional resolution is required with respect to the registration of a cross-access agreement. He explained that back in the 1980's this site and another were rezoned for commercial use. There was a requirement for cross-access easement in the event that future subdivision occurred. Future subdivision did occur but the cross-access easement was not finalized and the District is requesting that this be done now. R/00-43 MOVED by Councillor King Cross Access Agt. SECONDED by Councillor Morse re DVP/81/99 that as a condition of issuance of DVP/81/99, the property owner be required to register a cross-access easement agreement that facilitates cross property traffic movements with adjoining commercial development. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes January 25, 2000 Page 13 09.02.05 DVP/80/99-2328lKanaka Way Reference was made to the staff report dated January 11, 2000 in support of the following recommendation with respect to the subject application to waive the requirement to convert existing overhead wires on the north side of Kanaka Way. RI00-44 MOVED by Councillor Gordon DVP/80/99 SECONDED by Councillor Isaac 23281 Kanaka Way that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/80199 respecting property located at 23281 Kanaka Way will be considered by Council at the February 15, 2000 meeting. CARRIED 09.02.06 Soil Deposit Regulation Amending By-law No. 5881-2000 Reference was made to the staff report dated January 5, 2000 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R!00-45 MOVED by Councillor King BL 588 1-2000 SECONDED by Councillor Harris Soil deposit reg. that Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation Amending By-law No. 5881- 2000 be read a first and second time and rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation Amending Bylaw No. 588 1-2000 be read a third time. CARRIED 09.02.07 RZ135199 - 23853 Dewdney Trunk Road - By-laws 5843 and 5842-1999 Reference was made to the staff report dated December 10, 1999 recommending that the subject by-laws to permit a gasoline bar, convenience store with resident and a commercial building be read a first time. - Note: This item was deferred from the Council Meeting of January 11, 2000 pending consideration of additional information provided by staff. RI00-46 MOVED by Councillor King BL 5843-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Harris first reading that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5842-1999 be read a first time. Council Meeting Minutes January 25, 2000 Page 14 Discussion Councillor Speirs advised that he has heard considerable comments from the neighbours about the interface between the proposed development and the residences directly to the north. He feels that Council has to look at another cross-access agreement in some way. If the development is going to proceed, he wants a way to provide safe access to the children going to school. It is important to get it in place before this application is finalized. The Mayor questioned if there is any provision for a traffic control device at this intersection. The Director of Current Planning displayed an overhead of the development site and surrounding area. He explained that pedestrian signals are installed on a warrant basis and a pedestrian signal may be warranted at the intersection as the school develops. At the request of Councillor King, the Director of Current Planning explained how the proposal has been revised in terms of buffering and latidscaping to reflect concerns that were raised regarding the impact of the development on the adjacent residential area. He noted that the drive-through originally proposed has been eliminated. Councillor King asked what guarantee there is that a drive-through will not be constructed at a later date. The Director of Current Planning responded that there will be a Development Permit coming back to Council for approval. The developer will have to conform to the guidelines of the Development Permit. There is an opportunity for a restrictive covenant to be placed on the property to prohibit a drive-through which is something Council may wish to consider. Councillor King questioned if any controls can be placed on the hours of operation. The Director of Current Planning advised that in another development, the operator volunteered to restrict his hours of operation and that can be discussed with the operator or owner of this property. It may be premature at this point to have that discussion as the applicant does not yet have s firm leasing arrangement in place. Councillor King noted that she has been particularly concerned about 24 hour commercial operations adjacent to residential areas. She will support the application going to Public Hearing in order to hear what the neighbourhood has to say. Councillor Harris expressed support for a cross-access agreement which he feels will achieve a more effective iriterface between the commercial and residential Council Meeting Minutes January 25, 2000 I Pagel5 use. He will support the application carrying on to Public Hearing but would like to see the cross-access easement concept explored more fully. The motion CARRIED. RJ00-47 MOVED by Councillor Harris BL 5843-1999 SECONDED by Councillor first reading that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5 843- 1999 be read a first time. CARRIED 09.03 Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police) 09.03.0 1 B. C. Hydro Recycling Levies Reference was made to the staff report dated December 14, 1999 in support of the following recommendation: P100-48 MOVED by Councillor Morse BC Hydro SECONDED by Councillor Gordon refund denied that the staff report dated December 14, 1999 and the letter from B C. Hydro dated July 8, 1999 attached thereto requesting a refund in the amount of $235.90 with respect to waiving the annual 1999 recyling levy on 14 properties be received; and further that the request be denied. [l.1KW 09.03.02 Adjustments to the 1999 Collector's Roll - Reports for Information Purposes: Reference was made to the staff reports dated January 4, 2000, December 14, 1999 and eight reports dated December 8, 1999 advising of tax adjustments as detailed in the reports. P100-49 MOVED by Councillor Morse Adjust. to SECONDED by Councillor King Collector Rolls Council Meeting Minutes January 25, 2000 Page 16 that the eight reports submitted to the Committee of the Whole Meeting of January 17, 2000 entitled Adjustments to 1999 Collector's Roll be received for information. CARRIED 09.03.03 Lower Mainland Treaty Advisoiy Committee (LMTAC) - Endorsement of First Principles for Treaty Negotiations Reference was made to the report from Municipal Clerk dated January 12, 2000 in support of the following recommendation: P100-50 LMTAC First Principles MOVED by Councillor Isaac SECONDED by Councillor Gordon that the staff report entitled Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee First Principles dated January 12, 2000 be received for information. Discussion Councillor Gordon noted that she read out the First Principles at a previous Council meeting. These are the fundamental policy statements that establish the basis on which specific local government interests will be expressed at the treaty negotiation tables. She is pleased to advise that the Committee has endorsed the First Principles and looks forward to this piece of work coming to fruition. The motion CARRIED. 09.03.04 Question Period Reference was made to the report from Municipal Clerk dated January 25, 2000 in support of the following recommendation P100-51 MOVED by Councillor Isaac Question Period SECONDED by Councillor King that the staff report entitled Question Period dated January 11, 2000 be received for information. CARRIED 09.04 Community Development and Recreation Service Nil Council Meeting Minutes January 25, 2000 Page 17 09.04.0 1 Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues - By-law Amendment Reference was made to the staff report dated December 20, 1999 in support of the following recommendation: RI00-52 MOVED by Councillor Isaac BL 5 845-1999 SECONDED by Councillor King three readings that Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues Amending By-law No. 5845-1999 be read a first and second time and rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues Amending By- law No. 5845-1999 be read a third time. CARRIED 09.05 Other Committee Issues Nil 10 MAYOR'S REPORTS 10.1 Chamber of Commerce Matters Mayor Hogarth reported that he had the pleasure of installing the new executive of the Maple Ridge Chamber of Commerce and attending the Business Excellence Awards Banquet on January 22, 2000. He wished the incoming President, Bail Findlay, and the new executive the best of luck. The District of Maple Ridge was represented at the awards banquet by the nomination of several Municipal staff members. Bob Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer, was nominated for Customer Service Excellence. Mike Murray, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services, was nominated for Community Booster of the Year. The Mayor noted that the highlight of the evening from his perspective was Diana Dalton, the Municipality's receptionist, winniug the Customer Service Excellence Award. He commended Mrs. Dalton on her friendliness and professionalism and stated that he honestly cannot think of anyone in Maple Ridge who is more deserving of that honour. He congratulated everyone who was nominated for an award and those who won. Former Councillor Betty Levens and former Mayor Carl Durksen were nominated for Community Booster and he was pleased to see that Carl Durksen won that honour. He congratulated Betty and Carl. Council Meeting Minutes January 25, 2000 Page 18 The District was also recognized for its sponsorship of Home Based Business initiatives and more work is planned in that area in the near future. 10.2 Update on Council and StaffActivities Mayor Hogarth advised that he has really come to appreciate the work of staff since the election. All the staff has displayed tremendous willingness to help and patience with Council in providing background information. There is an excellent base of technical knowledge in our Municipality that is recognized throughout the world. Our Chief Administrative Officer, Bob Robertson, for example, serves on the International City Managers Association and American Economic Development Council Boards. He is also representing this community, at no expense to the taxpayers, at an upcoming International conference dealing with business planning and performance measures. Council is very well served by the staff and appreciates their extra efforts during Council's orientation period. Newly elected Councillors will be attending an extensive seminar starting tomorrow that is being hosted by the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (iJBCM). Work with Advisory Committees and the Greater Vancouver Regional District has just begun. Most importantly, this Council continues to ask staff for information on local issues and is starting to develop an agenda and mandate for this term of office. 11 CO UNCILLORS' REPORTS Councillor J. Harris Councillor Harris noted the passing of Mr. Bob Scobie, who was a Notary Public in Maple Ridge for many years. Mr. Scobie was a good friend to the Municipality and served on many Committees. He added that Council has had many meetings and discussions and is working hard. Councillor C. Gordon Councillor Gordon reported on her attendance at the following meetings in the social services sector: HIV, AIDS and Hepatitis C Meeting There are no services for this segment of our population. The Health Region is providing a $10,000 grant to do some research to determine a demographic health profile of their health needs in order to do some future planning. 4) Council Meeting Minutes January 25, 2000 Page 19 Food Networking Meeting The community event Food for All will take place on March 4th at the Haney Place Mall. A report tabled in Ottawa today shows that the 1990's have not been kind to children. 50% of the people using food banks are children and homelessness of families is an increasing problem. Child, Youth and Family Networking Meeting The establishment of a Youth Suicide Prevention Protocol in this area is being explored. Youth currently have to go outside this area for that service. Ministry of Families and Children 's Services Meeting Maple Ridge now has a part time Immigration Settlement worker. CouncillorK. Morse Councillor Morse attended a Emergency Planning Seminar and was pleased to learn that Maple Ridge is far ahead of many other Municipalities in its emergency planing. This is due in large part to our Search and Rescue organization. The Advisory Design Panel will be meeting on February 3rd. The Communities in Bloom Committee is carrying on in its bid for independence and looking a various projects. She will be attending her first Youth Advisory Committee meeting next Tuesday. CouniliütF.Isiãc Councillor Isaac attended an orientation meeting of the G.V.R.D. Labour Relations Bureau along with Councillor Gordon. Councillor C. Speirs Councillor Speirs met with the Arts Council and they are working on the final details of the new Arts Centre design. Council Meeting Minutes January 25, 2000 Page 20 He will be attending an Arts and Cultural policy Committee meeting shortly. CouncillorL. King Councillor King attended an Accessibility Committee Meeting, an E-Comm meeting and a working lunch with B. C. Hydro. She referred to Councillor Gordon's comments on food sources and advised that Maple Ridge has submitted a resolution to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities with respect to labelling of genetically altered foodstuffs. She advised that there is a new exhibit at the Arts Gallery which is now temporarily located in Haney Plaza on Dewdney Trunk Road. A Heritage Plaquing ceremony is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. on February 12, 2000 at the Fraser Information (CEED) Centre. 12 OTHER MA TTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT Nil 13 NOTICES OF MOTION Nil 14 ADJOURNMENT 9:15p.m. 15 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC The Municipal Clerk read the following rules governing the Question Period: • Questions will be taken on any item on the Agenda with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws which have not yet reached conclusion. • The Question Period is limited to 15 minutes with a maximum of 2 minutes for each question. • The Municipal Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff. • If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. Council Meeting Minutes • January 25, 2000 Page 21 • The decision to televise the Question Period is subject to review.. • Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the office of the Municipal Clerk who can be contacted at 463-5221. • . If a question cannot be answered, it will be responded to at a later date at a subsequent Council Meeting. Questions 15.1 Rezoning Application RZ135199 - 23853 Dewdney Trunk Road - RS-3 to CS-i A speaker who did not identif,' himself advised that his property backs onto the proposed development. He questioned if there is a restriction on the number of gasoline stations per kilometer. The Chief Administrative Officer responded that the District does not do zoning to regulate commercial development. Mr. Mike Stefiuk advised that his property backs onto the property in question. He asked why it is necessary to change the zoning on this property, noting that there is a piece of property at Dewdney Trunk Road and 240 Street which he feels is an ideal spot for a gasoline station. The Mayor responded that the property in question is designated for commercial development on the Official Community Plan. The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services added that anyone can apply for rezoning as it is within their rights to do so. The speaker question if the lane will continue right through. The Mayor responded in the affirmative. The Chief Administrative Officer advised that questions of this type are more appropriate -for-the- Public Hearing at which time parties both for, and against the proposal will have an opportunity to be heard at the same time. Ms. Rory Caidwell of 23823 - 120B Avenue referred to a letter she had sent to Council dated January 25, 2000 in opposition to the proposed development. She questioned how many Council members had read the staff report with respect to buffering. The Mayor advised that he can safely say that all of Council has read it. Council Meeting Minutes January 25, 2000 Page 22 Ms. Caidwell questioned what the distance is for sending out Public Hearing Notices, noting that only 8 homes out of a total of 26 in her subdivision received the letter of notification. The Director of Current Planning confirmed that notices are sent out within a radius of 50 metres in compliance with Municipal Act regulations. 15.2 Municipal Golf Course Mr. Norman Morton asked Council to consider building a new Municipal Golf Course as he feels that the existing one is inadequate. The Mayor advised that Council can take Mr. Morton's request under advisement: Mayor Certified Correct Municipal Clerk