HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-02-29 Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfElected Officials Mayor A. Hogarth Councillor C. Gordon Councillor F. Isaac Councillor Harris Councillor King Councillor Morse Councillor C. Speirs Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge v' C0 COUNCIL MEETING February 29, 2000 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting held on February 29, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Appointed Staff Mr. R. W. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer Mr. T. Wingrove, Municipal Clerk Mr. M. W. Murray, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services Mr. J. R. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works and Development Services Mr. P. Gill, General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services Mr. T. Fryer, Director of Current Planning Mrs. S. M. Karasz, Confidential Secretary Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.org The meeting was filmed by Rogers Cablesystems (7:10 p.m.) 01 CALL TO ORDER The Mayor called the meeting to order and proposed two additions to the agenda. RI00-83 MOVED by Councillor Morse Additions to SECONDED by Councillor Isaac Agenda that the followIng additions to the agenda be approved: Item 09.05.01 - Correspondence from the Greater Vancouver Regional District regarding federal funding for fuel cell industry development; Item 12.3 - Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund By-law No. 5888- 2000 (to appropriate $165,000 for future parkland acquisition at 22151 Church Avenue). CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 2 02 OPENING PRA YERS Reverend Charles Balfour conducted opening prayers. 03 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 04 ADOPTION OF MINUTES R/00-84 04.01 Minutes Feb. 15100 MOVED by Councillor King SECONDED by Councillor Gordon that the Minutes of the regular Council Meeting of February 15, 2000 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED R100-85 04.02 Minutes Public Hearing MOVED by Councillor Harris Feb. 22/00 SECONDED by Councillor Gordon that the Minutes of the Public Hearing of February 22, 2000 be received. CARRIED R/00-86 04.03 Minutes Dev. Agmt. MOVED by Councillor Morse Feb. 08/00 SECONDED by Councillor Speirs that the Minutes of the Development Agreements of February 8, 2000 be received. CARRIED 05 DELEGATIONS 05.01 Equestrian Trails Council - Strategies for the Management of Horse Trails in Co-operation with the District - - - -- - Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 3 Mrs. Janet Dmitrieff was in attendance to speak to her written submission which is contained in the Agenda and summarized as follows: The partnership between the District of Maple Ridge and the Equestrian Council is unique and is now in its second year of a five year agreement.. The purpose of the partnership is to manage the network of horse trails and is made possible with the support of the Haney Horsemen Association, local pony clubs, other horse groups and neighbourhood residents. The trails are located mainly on unopened road allowances and are laid out in Schedule "F" of the Official Community Plan. The equestrian groups submit inspection reports to the Municipality twice annually and are required to make any necessary repairs. The Equestrian Trails Council faces many challenges as the urban area expands. These include working with new environmental rules, difficulties for horse and rider to still access their riding trails due to congested roadways, keeping horse and rider safe and educating the public so that conflicts can be avoided, etc. The Equestrian Trails Council will work even more closely with Municipal staff to try to devise plans that accommodate trails as more. areas are developed. Ms. Dmitrieff submitted an additional document to Council entitled Partnership Priorities for ETC in Working with the Municipality of Maple Ridge. Mrs. Dmitrieff advised that the Municipal Council will be receiving an invitation to their President's Ride Day in April. The Mayor and several Councillors expressed their appreciation the Equestrian Trails Council and all the volunteers for their many long years of dedication to keeping their trails open and maintained. 05.02 Guests - Webster's Corners Elementary School The Mayor welcomed Mr. Bill McCaig and his Grade 3 and 4 Students who were attendance to learn about loôal government. 06 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 07 CORRESPONDENCE Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 4 08 BY-LAWS Note: Items 08.01.01 to 80.02.02 are from the Public Hearing of February 22, 2000 08.01 RZ151199-23688Kanaka Way 08.01.01 Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5857-1999 (to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-lb (One Family Urban [medium density] Residential) and CD- 1-93 (Amenity Residential District) to create approximately 25 residential lots). RI00-87 MOVED by Councillor Gordon BL 5 857-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Morse 2ndl3rd reading that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5857-1999 be read a second and third time. Discussion Councillor King advised that she is concerned about the impact of the proposed development on the creeks in the area, particularly Horseshoe Creek, and questioned if the density of the development will allow for sufficient protection of the creeks. The Director of Current Planning displayed an overhead map of the site and explained the proposed pian of development. He noted that the park and riparian area will be achieved prior to final consideration of the by-law. The subdivision plan will be in concert with development to the east and to the west. The Ministry of Environment had expressed concern regarding two proposed creek crossings in close proximity which has resulted in a change in the subdivision geometry but not in the lot yield. The Ministry feels that there is adequate protection of the creeks and the backyards will also provide protection. He further noted that the lots are shallower than normally required in the RS-lb Zone and will be governed by a Development Permit Area which specifically addresses concerns of lands adjacent to water courses. He further clarified that the privately owned rear back yards will be fenced from the riparian area which will be dedicated as Park and placed in the ownership of the Crown. Councillor King questioned if the storm water will be discharged to the creek. The Director of Current Planning explained that the storm water, particularly on Council Meeting Minutes ci February 29, 2000 Page 5 the eastern portion of the site, will flow directly into an existing system in Kanaka Creek Park. That system does some mitigation before the storm water continues on into the creek. On question from Councillor Gordon, he advised that the storm drainage work for the development will occur further along in the process at the subdivision stage. Councillor Speirs stated that he shares Councillor King's concerns and feels that the density may be a bit high; it would be nice to move back from the creek a bit more. He expressed concern that there will be a huge silting problem with heavy rains going into Kanaka Creek. Councillor King suggested that the District ought to be doing the storm water management work first and deciding on the density thereafter instead of the other way around which is the practice now. She questioned if the lot yield could be changed further along in the process if the storm water studies indicate that there will be difficulties with the lot yield proposed. The Director of Current Planning responded that staff consults with the Ministry of Environment at the subdivision stage with respect to storm water. If the Ministry decides a certain system is necessary in this area, that would become a consideration of final approval and would change the subdivision pattern. The lots proposed are always an approximation. At this point, staff is supposing in this case that storm water will be dealt with by a conventional system that will tie into the existing system, however, there are no servicing plans available yet. Councillor Harris questioned if there is a master storm water drainage plan for the Cottonwood area and if there are any engineering rules of thumb related to previous experience. The Director of Current Planning explained that there were schematic master drainage plans done for the new urban areas of Cottonwood, Albion and Silver Valley. In Cottonwood, storm drainage facilities have been built in concert with the overall master plans and studies as development occurred. The Ministry of Environment has expressed concern about using the generalized plans for Albion and Silver Valley and the District has hired a consultant to come up with a next- stage plan for dealing with drainage in those areas. Cottonwood is one of the earlier plans and has worked in some ways and in some ways it has not. It was a learning process for Council, staff and the community as to how to address storm drainage in the future. The Mayor questioned if the requirement for a geotechnical report will look after the storm drainage in this case The Director of Current Planning advised that storm water management will be addressed through the Ministry of Environment approval process as the Ministry is the ultimate issuer of Section 9 approvals for discharging storm water into creeks. Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 6 The motion CARRIED. 08.01.02 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5858-1999 (to designate the site as a Development Permit Area). RI00-88 MOVED by Councillor Harris BL 5858-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Isaac 2ndl3rd reading that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5858- 1999 be read a second and third time. CARRIED 08.02 RZ135199 - 23853 Dewdney Trunk Road 08.02.0 1 Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5842-1999 (to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to CS-i (Service Commercial) to permit a gasoline bar, convenience store with a residence and a commercial building). RI00-89 - MOVED by Councillor Isaac BL 5842-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Speirs 2ndl3rd reading DEFERRED that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No 5842-1999 be read a second and third time. Discussion Councillor Isaac asked if a neighbourhood pub would be permitted at the site. The Director of Current Planning advised that a neighbourhood pub is not allowed but a restaurant with licenced premises could be considered. Councillor Isaac questioned if there has to be a lane access and if a covenant could be used to disallow the sale of propane. The Director of Current Planning responded that the guide plan for the area shows a lane. There are alternatives to the lane option but from a staff point of view the lane is the best option for the long term. It would provide alternate access to the residents, although it was stated at the Public Hearing that they do not wish to take advantage of that option. Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 7 He further noted that with respect to limiting the sale of items on the property, specifically propane, he believes that could be written into a covenant. Councillor Speirs noted that both the proponents and the residents have made good presentations. The proponents have tried to minimize the impact and have had open dialogue with the neighbours. He is concerned about the gasoline station being boated at the head waters of Cottonwood Creek, however, the existing residences are also in that position. He would like to see the application deferred for a few weeks in order to address the environmental issues, etc. Councilbor Gordon stated that she has two biases in dealing with this application. She feels that most of the Service Commercial in this town is spectacularly ugly and she does not wish to see it propagated further. Also, there has been a very poor job done to date with respect to a residential-commercial interface. She does not feel that Service Commercial at this site is a particularly bad land use for the area but she needs more time to see what other options there might be. She may be in favour of a different commercial use and not a gasoline station. She questioned when Council might expect to receive the urban-commercial interface report from staff. She noted that the report is to also contain information on the number and spacing of gasoline stations in Maple Ridge and researchOn policies in other jurisdictions in that regard.' She added that she also has concern regarding the environmental impact of gasoline stations in our community, noting that gasoline storage tanks do leak and contaminate soil and groundwater. Councillor Morse noted that the District only has one Service Commercial Zone. She feels that our growing Municipality would benefit from having Suburban, Urban and Rural Commercial Zones. The lack of those zones causes a problem in transitional areas. She further advised that she feels very strongly about prospective purchasers of homes taking responsibility for researching the surrounding zoning and land use. She noted that the Official Community Plan (OCP) has designated the site in question as Service Commercial and she does feel that it is fair to restrict the property owner from using that property in some way. Councillor Morse asked that the following be done if the application proceeds: • install the recommended low level lighting on the site • install a traffic light at Dewdney Trunk Road and 238B Street prior to the opening of the new elementary school in September • eliminate the lane in favour of cross access • provide access to the Municipal Works Yard off 240 Street Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 8 Councillor Morse further indicated that she has concerns with the petition process, noting that the petitions were placed in public venues without any explanatory information or supervision and it is now very difficult to determine if the signatures are valid. She would support deferral of the application in light of the missing commercial- residential interface report. Councillor King asked for information on the impact of the proposed development on the creek. She feels that both the proponents and the residents made good presentations to the Public Hearing. She noted that many of the concerns raised at the Public Hearing with respect to Dewdney Trunk Road are outside the purview of this particular development application. She also feels that there is a need to establish a commercial presence in neighbourhoods as people are travelling long distances to buy basic items such as milk and bread. However, she is not keen on "mini strip malls". The Municipality is starting to have avery good picture of what is successful in terms of commercial development and what is not. She added that Council needs to know what can be done with this property if they do not feel that the proposed development is appropriate. She wants that addressed and therefore supports deferral of the application. Councillor Harris advised that he is concerned about the deficiency of CS-i lands in the Municipality. He has looked at the site and his question is if the development does not go there, where will it go? He also shares the concerns raised by his colleagues and would be in favour of deferral in order to address them further. The Mayor stated that he would like staff to address the following questions and concerns: • Does the application have to come back to Public Hearing if Council requests changes to the plan such as moving the buffer up against the lane which will mean an adjustment in the location of the northern building. • The elimination of the lane in favour of a cross access would reduce one access and thereby reduce the risk to pedestrians. • Can there be a tighter relationship to the pedestrians to make the development neighbourhood friendly? Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 9 • If this type of development continues down the street, can we find a way through the zoning to ensure this development does not get repeated at the corner of 236 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road? • A pedestrian walkway through the entire area would be more appropriate than a roadway with a large number of cars. A covered walkway would encourage pedestrians and lighting is a major consideration. • Can more on-site or secondary storey residential units be encouraged in this area to fit more into the character of the neighbourhood? • The headwaters of Cottonwood Creek used to be on the subject property but were capped off and put into pipes when the adjacent subdivision went in. • There are measures that the owner of this property can take to try and mitigate against any possible environmental damage but the residents have to do the same. • Can the District restrict through restrictive covenant the removal of the gasoline bar if it is unsuccessful in its operation within a certain period of time? • Can the proposed hours of operation from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. be enforced through a restrictive covenant? • Can it be ensured that the plan is sensitive to the area? • Can it be ensured that the traffic light issue is resolved prior to the opening of school in September? • What are the safety issues that have to be addressed whether or not this project goes ahead? • There needs to be safe and efficient access to Dewdney Trunk Road for the employees of the Municipal Works Yard. Councillor Gordon reiterated her question as to when the commercial-residential interface report will be available to Council. The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services advised that the report is nearing completion and he anticipates that it will be made available to Council in two weeks time. He further clarified that staff will likely be able to respond in two weeks time to the specific questions raised this evening. Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 10 The Mayor suggested dealing with this case on its own merits. Councillor Gordon expressed her preference to deal with it in concert with the interface report. The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services offered to bring the report forward to the Committee of the Whole Meeting of March 20th. The Chief Administrative Officer cautioned that the general review of CS-i lands is a more comprehensive study and would not be available within the next few weeks. MOVED by Councillor Gordon SECONDED by Councillor Morse that second and third reading consideration of Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5842-1999 be deferred for four weeks. CARRIED R100-90 MOVED by Councillor Gordon staff input SECONDED by Councillor King reBL5842 that staff be directed to bring forward information and comments in regard to: • commercial/residential interface generally • interface with this area specifically • impact on the development on Cottonwood Creek • alternative uses of the subject property • the necessity for a lane versus cross-access agreement • pedestrian-oriented improvements (lighting, covered walkways) • restrictive covenant for the removal of the gasoline bar and hours of operation • timing of traffic signal installation on Dewdney Trink Road and 238B Street • Access to Municipal Works Yard • regulations that apply to gasoline tanks and propane restriction. [MiIgiJ 08.02.02 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5843-1999 (to designate the site as a Development Permit Area). Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 11 RI00-91 BL 5843-1999 MOVED by Councillor Morse SECONDED by Councillor Harris that second and third reading consideration of Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5843-1999 be deferred for four weeks. CARRIED RZ142199 —21409— Lougheed Highway - Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5853-1999 (to create a Comprehensive Development Zone (CD-2-99) to allow all CS-i (Service Commercial) uses with limitations on maximum floor area for business services, professional services and retail use; and to zone the subject parcel to CD-2-99). RI0O-92 BL 5843-1999 final reading MOVED by Councillor Speirs SECONDED by Councillor King that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5843-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED RZ136198 - 11951 Burnett Street [i}:JsIIJi Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5 791-1999 (to redesignate from Compact Housing at 40 units per net hectare to Service Commercial and designate as a Development Permit Area). RJ00-93 MOVED by Councillor Morse BL 579 1-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Isaac final reading that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5791- 1999 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED 08.04.02 Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5 790-1999 (to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to CS-i (Service Commercial) to permit the construction of a commercjal building). RI00-94 MOVED by Councillor Gordon BL 5790-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Harris Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 12 that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5790-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. CARRIED 09 COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 09.01.01 Minutes R/00-95 MOVED by Councillor Isaac Minutes COW SECONDED by Councillor King Feb. 2 1/00 that the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of February 21, 2000 be received. 11Kl] 09.02 Public Works and Development Services 09.02.0 1 Latecomer Agreement - LC/70100 - SD/25198 - Alouette Road and 130A A venue Reference was made to the staff report dated January 21, 2000 recommending that the subject agreement be executed. R/00-96 MOVED by Councillor Harris LC/70/00 SECONDED by Councillor Isaac Alouette Rd. -130A Ave. that with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD/25/98 at Alouette Road and 130A Avenue, be it resolved: That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the Municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the staff report dated January 21, 2000 and That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a "Latecomer Agreement with the subdivider of the said lands. Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 13 09.02.02 Latecomer Agreement LC/71100 - SD/i 9/9 6 - 238 Street and 113 Avenue Reference was made to the staff report dated January 28, 2000 recommending that the subject agreement be executed. RI00-97 MOVED by Councillor Harris LC/71/00 SECONDED by Councillor Isaac 238 St./113 Ave. that with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD/19/96 at 238 Street and 113 Avenue, be it resolved: That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the Municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the staff report dated January 28, 2000 and That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a "Latecomer Agreement with the subdivider of the said lands. CARRIED 09.02.03 Latecomer Agreement LC/59198 - SD/47193 - 238B Street and 121 Avenue Reference was made to the staff report dated February 3, 2000 recommending that the subject agreement be executed. R/00-98 MOVED by Councillor Isaac LC159/98 SECONDED by Councillor Gordon 238B St./121 Ave • that with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD/47193, at • 238B Street and 121 Avenue, be it resolved: That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the Municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the staff report dated February 3, 2000 and Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 14 3. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a "Latecomer Agreement with the subdivider of the said lands. CARRIED 09.02.04 RZ183199 - 12271, 12273 and 12275 - 224 Street - By-law No. 588 7-2000 - RS- 1 to CD -1-00 Reference was made to the staff report dated February 16, 2000 recommending that the subject by-law to permit the construction of an apartment for seniors with a private hospital component be read a first time. R100-99 MOVED by Councillor Gordon BL 5887-2000 SECONDED by Councillor Isaac 1St reading that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5887-2000 be read a first time. Discussion Councillor King advised that the Municipal Committee on Accessibility Issues has raised concerns regarding pick-up and drop-off facilities for the residents. The Director of Current Planning displayed an overhead map of the site and explained that a pick-up and drop-off facility is proposed in the form of a lay-by immediately off 224 Street. The Committee raised the issue of a drive-way through the site, however, staff is not supportive of an internal driveway being used for that purpose because of the interruption it would have on the cross traffic movement on 224 Street. Staff feels that the lay-by is a superior solution from an access point of view. Councillor Isaac stated that she is pleased to see a combination private hospital and apartment facility for residents as it is a much needed facility in this community. The motion CARRIED. 09.02.05 RZ118195 - 10110— 240 Street - RS-3 to R-3 Reference was made to the staff report dated February 8, 2000 in support of the following recommendation with respect to the subject application to permit rezoning of the easterly portion of the site to permit 7 lots. Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 15 Rí'OO-iOO MOVED by Councillor King RZ/1 8/95 SECONDED by Councillor Isaac to Pub. Hear. that Application RZ/18/95 (for property located at 10110 - 240 Street) to rezone a portion of the property described in the staff report dated from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) be forwarded to Public Hearing, noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that report. CARRIED RZ129198 - 10002, 10036 and 10028 - 240 Street - By-law No. 5884-2000 and 5885-2000 Reference was made to the staff report dated February 3, 2000 in support of the following recommendation with respect to the subject by-laws to permit approximately 75 lots not less than 213m2 . P100-101 MOVED by Councillor Isaac BL 5884-2000 SECONDED by Councillor Gordon first reading that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5884-2000 be read a first time. Discussion Councillor King noted that this is a large development and she would like Council to be really clear about how the storm water is going to be dealt with in this area. Councillor Gordon stated that she is not opposed to the rezoning application in general but she has concerns about how Hill House is being treated. Councillor Speirs advised that overall he too approves of the plan but he would like to see the proponents lower the density on 240 Street and address the Hill House concerns. The motion CARRIED. P100-102 MOVED by Councillor Morse BL 5885-2000 SECONDED by Councillor Harris first reading that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5885- 2000 be read a first time. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 16 09.02.07 DP/77199 - 22866 Dewdney Trunk Road Reference was made to the staff report dated February 8, 2000 recommending that the subject application to permit construction of a commercial building be executed. RI00-103. MOVED by Councillor Speirs DP/77/99 SECONDED by Councillor Harris 22866 DTR that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/77/99 respecting property located at 22866 Dewdney Trunk Road. CARRIED 09.02.08 B VP15100 - 22363 Selkirk Avenue Reference was made to the staff report dated February 9, 2000 in support of the following recommendation with respect to the subject application to permit relaxation in the requirements for building setbacks and development servicing. P100-104 MOVED by Councillor Harris DVP/500 SECONDED by Councillor Morris 22363 Selkirk that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/5/00 respecting property at 22363 Selkirk Avenue will be considered by Council at the March 14, 2000 meeting. CARRIED 09.02.09 DVP17100 - Lots 14 - 17, Plan LMP36718, Section 16, Township 12 ND (Cottonwood) Reference was made to the staff report dated February 10, 2000 recommending that the subject application to permit a reduction in the rear yard setback be denied on the basis it does not acknowledge the objectives for the zone or the original development objectives. Note: A Committee vote on the staff recommendation resulted in a tie and therefore the report has come forward to Council with no Committee recommendation. P100-105 MOVED by Councillór Isaac DVP/7100 SECONDED by Coundilor Morse Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 17 Cottonwood that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying prOperty owners that approval of DVP/7/00, respecting property described as Lots 14-17, Plan LMP 36718, Section 16, Township 12, New Westminster District (Cottonwood) will be considered by Council at the March 14, 2000 meeting. Discussion The Mayor noted that he lives fairly close to the subject lands and has checked with staff to make sure he is not in conflict if he participates, in discussion on this item. He has been assured that there is no conflict. Councillor King stated that she has problem not supporting staff's recommendation to deny this variance. She quoted information from the staff report that the applicants had agreed to build smaller homes on smaller lots with a covenant being placed on the land titles to that effect. The Mayor spoke in support of the motion, noting that there are only four lots involved in the variance and that it would be very appropriate for them to act as a transition area. Councillor King responded that the proponents entered into a covenant with the District to the extent that it was registered on title and the motion violates that agreement. She would suggest that the District not enter into such agreements in the future if they cannot be upheld. Councillor Speirs agreed with the Mayor that this is a transition area for the rest of the neighbourhood. There will be many types of development in this neighbourhood; this is an attempt to go beyond the agreement that was put on this property and he will support it. Councillors Morse and Isaac expressed support for the motion. Councillor Gordon spoke in opposition to the motion,. noting that restrictive covenants are important documents that should not be regarded lightly. The Mayor noted that this neighbourhood did not really exist when these covenants were put in; the neighbourhood is evolving at this point. Councillor Harris asked how the covenants can be discharged if they are on title. The Director of Cunent Planning explained that covenants have been placed on five properties in the subdivision in total, including the four involved in this Development Variance application. If this DVP were to be successful, the owners of these properties would request discharge of the covenants. The Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 18 covenants were entered into by the property owners with the District. The covenant on the fifth lot not affected by this DVP would remain in effect. The motion was DEFEATED. 09.02.10 RZ173199 - 10412 Industrial Avenue - to designate as a Temporary Industrial Use Permit Reference was made to the staff report dated February 8, 2000 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: RI00- 106 MOVED by Councillor Harris - RZ/73/99 TIUP SECONDED by Councillor Gordon 10421 Industrial DEFEATED that Application RZ/73199 (for property located at 10412 Industrial Avenue) to amend the Official Community Plan designating the subject property a Temporary Industrial Use Area be denied. Discussion Councillor Morse referred to the letter from Mr. James T. Allard, Vice President of Allard Contractors Ltd., dated February 23, 2000 which Council received following the Committee of the Whole Meeting. She indicated that she does not agree with the following statement in the letter: "We also understand that as long as both parties make mutually best efforts and no suitable locations can be found, both the gravel pit and ready-mix operation will close." She is concerned that statement may incur more litigation at the end of the TIUP if Mr. Allard decided that the District had not made a "best effort". Councillor Speirs expressed agreement with Councillor Morse and noted that he will not support the application. Councillor Gordon stated that she agrees with Councillors Speirs and Morse. She further noted that a previous application for a temporary industrial use permit was not issued because of the incompatibility of that use with an emerging residential area. It is now several years down the road and there are even more people moving into that area. It is no more appropriate now than it was then. The Chief Administrative Officer indicated that if Council wishes to proceed with the TIUP a binding agreement would have to be drawn up reflecting conditions of approval satisfactory to Council. The agreement may still not address the issue of "mutual best interest" as that is a difficult issue to resolve in a tight time frame. Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 19 Councillor Isaac asked if Mr. Allard is in favour of putting up a bond or other type of security. The Chief Administrative Officer advised that if Council wanted to put that condition in an agreement, it could be discussed with Mr. Allard. Councillor Harris advised that he is opposed to the application, noting that he does not feel that the District should be providing temporary zoning for one business in the Municipality .and not others. Councillor King agreed. The motion CARRIED. Councillor Isaac OPPOSED. 09.02.11 RZ12100 —23039— 117Avenue - By-law No. 5889-2000 - RS-1 to R-1 Reference was made to the staff report dated February 16, 2000 recommending that the subject by-law to create approximately two single family residential lots be read a first time. P100-107 MOVED by Councillor King BL 5889-2000 SECONDED by Councillor Speirs first reading that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5889-2000 be read a first time. CARRIED 09.02.12 RZ168199 — 12742 — 228 Street - By-law No. 5891-2000 - RS-3 to RS-1 and RS-lb Reference was made to the staff report dated February 16, 2000 recommending that the subject application to create approximately 10 single family residential lots be read a first time. P100-108 MOVED by Councillor Morse BL 5891-2000 SECONDED by Councillor Isaac first reading that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5891-2000 be read a first time. CARRIED 09.02.13 RZ178199 - 20141 Telep Avenue - By-law No. 5890-2000 Reference was made to the staff report dated February 16, 2000 recommendin that the subject application to permit approximately 23 lots not less than 557 in be read a first time. Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 20 RI00-109 MOVED by Councillor Harris BL 5890-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Isaac first reading that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5890-2000 be read a first time. 09.02.14 Latecomer Agreement - LC/72100 - SD/36194 - 121B Avenue and 203 Street Reference was made to the staff report dated February 3, 2000 recommending that the subject agreement be executed. R/00- 110 MOVED by Councillor Morse LC/872/00 SECONDED by Councillor Isaac 121B/203 St. that with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD136/94 at 121B Avenue and 203 Street, be it resolved: That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the Municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the staff report dated February 3, 2000; and That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a "Latecomer Agreement with the subdivider of the said lands. 09.02.15 Building Statistics Reference was made to the staff report dated February 2, 2000 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R/O 0-111 MOVED by Councillor King Bldg. Stats. SECONDED by Councillor Speirs JanlOO that the Inspection Services Department Building Statistics for the month of January, 2000 be received for information. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 21 09.03 Financial and Corporate Services (includini' Fire and Police) 09.03.0 1 Maple Ridge Town Centre Project and Municipal Lands Policy Reference was made to the staff report date January 25, 2000 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R/00-1 12 MOVED by Councillor Gordon Town Centre SECONDED by Councillor King Proj. funding that the Municipal Lands - Disposition of Proceeds on Sale Policy be waived for the Maple Ridge Town Centre Project, and further that the monies from the land sales identified as financing for the said project be transferred 100% to the Capital Works Reserve. 1U,] 09.03.02 Waterworks Regulation Amending By-law No. 5882-200 and Maple Ridge Sewer Rate Amending By-law No. 5883-2000 Reference was made to the staff report dated February 8, 2000 recommending that the subject by-laws be granted three readings. RJ00-113 BL 5882-2000 three readings MOVED by Councillor Isaac SECONDED by Councillor Gordon that Maple Ridge Waterworks Regulation Amending By-law No. 5882- 2000 be read a first and second time and that rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge Waterworks Regulation Amending By-law No. 5 882-2000 be read a third time. CARRIED RJ00-114 BL 5883-2000 three readings MOVED by Councillor King SECONDED by Councillor Speirs Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 22 that Maple Ridge Sewer Rates Amending By-law No. 5883-2000 be read a first and second time and that rules of order be waived and Maple ridge Sewer Rate Amending By-law No. 5883-2000 be read a third time. 09.03.03 Community Leaders Partnership Program (CLPP) Reference was made to the staff report date February 21, 2000 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R/00- 115 MOVED by Councillor Morse CLPP Program SECONDED by Councillor Isaac that participation by the District of Maple Ridge in the Community Leaders Partnership Program (CLPP) with the City of Moose Jaw, - Saskatchewan be approved and further, - that allocation of the necessary time and resources to participate in the program be authorized. Discussion Councillor King explained that this is a program that is funded by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. The motion CARRIED. 09.03.04 Committee Appointments and Acting Mayor Schedule Reference was made to the staff report dated February 21, 2000 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: RI00-1 16 MOVED by Councillor Morse Council SECONDED by Councillor Gordon Appointments that the appointment of Councillor Craig Speirs as Council liaison to the Malcolm Knapp Research Forest Community Advisory Board be approved; and further that Acting Mayor responsibilities be forwarded to the subsequent Acting Mayor in the event of multiple absences by Councillors. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 23 Councillor Speirs advised that he is looking forward to being the first liaison to the Malcolm Knapp Research Community Advisory Board, noting this is the beginning of their new open process. This representation is very important as there is increasing concern regarding the impact on the urban-forest interface as the Municipality continues to become more urbanized. 09.04 Community Development and Recreation Services Nil 09.05 Other Issues 09.05.01 Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) - Federal Funding for Fuel Cell Industry Development Reference was made to the letter dated January 13, 2000 requesting support for the subject proposal. R/00-1 17 fuel cell industry funding MOVED by Councillor Isaac SECONDED by Councillor King that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to write a letter to the federal government in support of funding being provided for fuel cell industry development as requested in the letter from the Greater Vancouver Regional District dated January 13, 2000. CARRIED 10. MAYOR'S REPORTS The Mayor expressed his appreciation to the Councillors for their dedication and the work they are doing throughout the community. He noted that they are doing considerable research as well. He provided a status report on the following issues: Train Whistling - The Municipal Clerk is continuing to follow up with CP Rail and others and he anticipates that further information will come to Council shortly. Blaney Bog - The purchase agreement with Mr. Aquilini has been extended to April 15th Governor General 's Awards - The Mayor noted that there are many dedicated volunteers, etc. who go about their deeds unnoticed and who would be good Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 24 candidates for the Governor General's Awards. He asked citizens who wish to nominate people for those awards to contact the Municipal Clerk's office for further information. Traffic Safety Committee - The District is re-establishing the Traffic Safety Committee with representation from the Planning and Engineering Departments, the RCMP and the School District and other public groups to address traffic safety issues in the community. 11. COUNCILLORS' REPORTS Councillor L. King Councillor King attended a Municipal Committee on Accessibility Issues Committee meeting, a Trans-Canada Trail meeting, the Century Cabaret event sponsored by the secondary students and a workshop on the Economics of Heritage Preservation. Councillor C. Speirs Councillor Speirs attended an Arts and Cultural Implementation Committee meeting at which time the need for public arts was discussed. Coundilor F. Isaac Councillor Isaac attended a Multi-cultural Canada Day Committee meeting, noting that the Canada Day festivities will still be held in the Memorial Peace Park this year. CoundilorK. Morse Councillor Morse attended an Emergency Planing and Flood Management meeting in Langley which was represented by a variety of Municipalities. She also attended an Emergency Planning meeting. There is Personal Preparedness Seminar related to emergency planning in the Council Chamber on March 6th. She and Councillor Isaac attended an Elderly Citizens Recreation Association (ECRA) meeting. ECRA has recently interviewed a management company and up to now ECRA has done a fabulous job of taking care of the building. Councillor Morse attended the Century Cabaret event, the Fraser Port Harbour Commission meeting, joint School BoardlCouncil meeting, and visited with the First Fairview Brownies. She met with the Legion regarding the relocation of the Cenotaph which will be done in the last phase of the Maple Ridge Town Centre project. Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 25 Councillor C. Gordon Councillor Gordon attended several of the meetings mentioned by Councillor Morse, as well as the Fraser Valley Regional Library (FVRL) meeting at which time a budget was passed to maintain the current level of service. The Library Board is looking into the problem of the White Rock Library being used extensively by Surrey residents although Surrey does not belong to the FVRL system. Councillor Gordon has also been attending meetings of the Fraser Valley Treaty Advisory Committee and Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee. She advised that the Food for All event will take place in Haney Place Mall on the afternoon of March 4th. Coundilor J. Harris Councillor Harris advised that he attended many of the meetings mentioned by his colleagues and a Chamber of Commerce meeting this morning. He also attended an E-Comm meeting. He commended the Fire Department for saving the buildings during the recent fire in the 23000 Block of Dewdney Trunk Road. 12. OTHER MA TTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 12.1 Update on Maple Ridge Town Centre Project The Chief Administrative Officer advised that the concrete pour on the first phase will commence within the next 10 days. The delayed leases for all the components are just about completed. The delay was to incorporate the user group input on all the buildings which was fairly extensive. 12.2 Fraser River Bridge Crossing The Mayor proposed the following motion for Council's consideration. R/00- 118 MOVED by Councillor Morse Fraser Bridge SECONDED by Councillor Speirs Crossing that the Municipal Council of the District of Maple Ride strongly support the Fraser River crossing and commend the leadership of both TransLink and the Ministry of Transportation and Highways in achieve this objective; and Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 26 that the District of Maple Ridge urge the Provincial and Regional authorities to complete a more thorough analysis in a timely manner in order that the bridge construction can be planned an completed within six years; and further that upgrading of the existing ferry service at Albion and possibly other locations be considered as an interim step prior to achieving a bridge facility. CARRIED 12.3 Property Acquisition— 22151 Church Avenue - By-law No. 5888-2000 (to appropriate $165,000 to acquire the above noted property for future parkland purposes) RI00- 119 MOVED by Councillor King BL 5888-2000 SECONDED by Councillor Isaac three readings that Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5 888-2000 be read a first and second time and that rules of order be waived and that Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5888-2000 be read a third time. NOTICES OF MO TION ADJOURNMENT 9:25 p.m... QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC 15.1 Mr. Bill Archibald, Albion re Removal of Rhododendrons in Core Area Mr. Archibald referred to the mature Rhododendrons near the Leisure Centre which were donated many years ago by Dr. Rhodes and are being transferred to Whoimock Lake due to the construction of the new town centre project. He objected to the manner in which they are being "ripped" out and asked that more care be taken in moving them. He further suggested that the area under construction between Zellers and the Leisure Centre is unsightly and asked that be cleaned up and that people be advised of what is happening in the area. . Council Meeting Minutes February 29, 2000 Page 27 15.2 Mr. David Smith of 24818 - 100 Avenue - Various Concerns Mr. Smith referred to Item 09.02.05 (RZ/18195 - 10110 - 240 Street) of the Agenda and expressed concern that the development will impact on the Albion Brook Creek and well as the Jackson Farm Creek. Mr. Smith advised that the equestrian access problems along 248 Street and 104 Avenue have to be resolved. The Mayor asked Mr. Smith to provide him with more details. Mr. Smith asked for and received further clarification of the Community Leaders Partnership Program (Item 09.03 .03). Mayor Certified Correct Municipal Clerk Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING A GENDA February 29, 2000 7:00p.m. Council Chamber MEETING DECORUM Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.org 01 CALL TO ORDER 02 OPENING PR14 YERS - Pastor Dean Richmond 03 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 04 ADOPTION OF MINUTES 04.01 Minutes of the regular Council Meeting of February 15, 2000 04.02 Minutes of the Public Hearing of February 22, 2000 04.03 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meeting of February 8, 2000 e) 05 DELEGATIONS 7:10 p.m 05.01 Equestrian Trails Council - Strategies for the Management of H&rse Trails in Co-operation with the District Presenter: Ms. Janet Dmitrieff Page 1 Council Meeting Agenda February 29, 2000 Council Chamber 05.02 Guests - Webster's Corners Elementary School Mr. Bill McCaig and his Grade 3 and 4 Students to be in attendance to learn about local government. 06 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 07 CORRESPONDENCE 08 BY-LAWS Items 08.01 and 08.02 from the Public Hearing of February 22, 2000 08.01 RZ151199 - 23688 Kanaka Way 08.01.01 Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5857-1999 second and third reading (to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-lb (One Family Urban [medium density] Residential) and CD- 1-93 (Amenity Residential District) to create approximately 25 residential lots). 08.01.02 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5858-1999 second and third reading (to designate the site as a Development Permit Area). 08.02 RZ135199 —23853 Dewdney Trunk Road 08.02.01 Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5842-1999 second and third reading (to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to CS-i (Service Commercial) to permit a gasoline bar, convenience store with a residence and a commercial building). Page 2 Council Meeting Agenda February 29, 2000 Council Chamber 08.02.02 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5843-1999 second and third reading (to designate the site as a Development Permit Area). 08.03 RZ142199 - 21409 - Lougheed Highway Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5853-1999 final reading (to create a Comprehensive Development Zone (CD-2-99) to allow all CS-i (Service Commercial) uses with limitations on maximum floor area for business services, professional services and retail use; and to zone the subject parcel to CD-2-99). 08.04 RZ136198 - 11951 Burnett Street 08.04.01 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 579 1-1999 final reading (to redesignate from Compact Housing at 40 units per net hectare to Service Commercial and designate as a Development Permit Area). 08.04.02 Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5790-1999 final reading (to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to CS-i (Service Commercial) to permit the construction of a commercial building). Note: Public Hearing Minutes of June 15, 1999 are attached for reference pu'poscs. 09 COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 09.01 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Page 3 Council Meeting Agenda February 29, 2000 Council Chamber 09.01.01 Minutes of February 21, 2000 The following issü.ës were consided the February 21, 2000 Committee of the Whole meeting with the recommendations being brought to this meeting for Municipal Council consideration and final approval. The Committee of the Whole meeting is open to the public and is held in the Council Chamber at 12:30 p.m. on the Monday the week prior to this meeting. Unless otherwise noted, the Committee concurred with the recommendation 09.02 Public Works and Development Services 09.02.01 Latecomer Agreement - LC/70100 - SD/25198 - Alouette Road and 130A Avenue Staff report dated January 21, 2000 recommending that the subject agreement be executed 09.02.02 Latecomer Agreement LC/71100 - SD/i 9/96 - 238 Street and 113 Avenue Staff report dated January 28, 2000 recommending that the subject agreement be executed. 09.02.03 Latecomer Agreement LC/59198 - SD/47193 - 238B Street and 121 Avenue Staff report dated February 3, 2000 recommending that the subject agreement be executed. 09.02.04 RZ183199 —12271, 12273 and 12275 - 224 Street - By-law No. 5887-2000 - RS- 1 to CD-i -0 0 Staff report dated February 16, 2000 recommending that the subject by-law to permit the construction of an apartment for seniors with a private hospital component be read a first time. Page 4 Council Meeting Agenda February 29, 2000 Council Chamber 09.02.05 RZ118195 - 10110 - 240 Street - RS-3 to R-3 Staff report dated February 8, 2000 recommending that the subject application to permit rezoning of the easterly portion of the site to permit 7 lots be forwarded to Public Hearing subject to the conditions specified in the report. 09.02.06 RZ129198 - 10002, 10036 and 10028 - 240 Street - By-law No. 5884-2000 and 5885-2000 Staff report dated February 3, 2000 recommending that the subject by-laws to permit approximately 75 lots not less than 21 3m be read a first time. 09.02.07 DP/77199 - 22866 Dewdney Trunk Road Staff report dated February 8, 2000 recommending that the subject application to permit construction of a commercial building be executed. 09.02.08 DVP/5/00-22363 Selkirk A ven ue Staff report dated February 9, 2000 recommending that the subject application to permit relaxation in the requirements for building setbacks and development servicing be considered at the March 2S 2000 Council Meeting following notification to adjacent residents in compliance with the Municipal Act. 09.02.09 - DVP17100 — Lots 14 - 17, Plan LMP36718, Section 16, Township 12 ND (C'ottonwornt) Staff report dated February 10, 2000 recommending that the subject application to permit a reduction in the rear yard setback be denied on the basis it does not acknowledge the objectives for the zone or the original development objectives. Note: A Committee vote on the staff recommendation resulted in a tie and therefore the report has come forward to Council with no Committee recommendation. Page 5 Council Meeting Agenda February 29, 2000 Council Chamber 09.02.10 RZ173199 - 10412 Industrial Avenue - to designate as a Temporary Industrial Use Permit Staff report dated February 8, 2000 recommending that the subject application to designate the subject property a Temporary Industrial Use Area to permit the operation of a concrete plant be denied. Note: The Committee did not concur with the staff recommendation and put forward a new recommendatiOn to authorize the application to proceed to Public Hearing subject to the necessary conditions. 09.02.11 RZ12100— 23039— 117Avenue - By-law No. 5889-2000 - RS-1 to R-1 Staff report dated February 16, 2000 recommending that the subject by-law to create approximately two single family residential lots be read a first time. 09.02.12 RZ/68199 - 12742 - 228 Street - By-law No. 5891-2000 - RS-3 to RS-1 and RS-lb Staff report dated February 16, 2000 recommending that the subject application to create approximately 10 single family residential lots be read a first time. 09.02.13 RZ178199 —20141 Telep Avenue - By-law No. 5890-2000 Staff report dated February 16, 2000 recommending that the subject application to permit approximately 23 lots not less than 557 m2 be granted first reading. 09.02.14 Latecomer Agreement - LC/72100 - SD/36194 - 121B Avenue and 203 Street Staff report dated February 3, 2000 recommending that the subject agreement be executed. Page 6 Council Meeting Agenda February 29, 2000 Council Chamber. 09.02.15 Building Statistics Staff report dated February 2, 2000 recommending that the Building Statistics for January attached thereto be received for information. 09.03 Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police) 09.03.01 Maple Ridge Town Centre Project and Municipal Lands Policy Staff report date January 25, 2000 recommending that the subject policy be waived for the Maple Ridge Town Centre Project and that the monies from lands sales identified as financing for the project be transferred to the Capital Works Reserve. -. 09.03.02 Waterworks Regulation Amending By-law No. 5882-200 and Maple Ridge Sewer Rate Amending By-law No. 5883-2000 Staff report dated February 8, 2000 recommending that the subject by-laws be granted three readings. 09.03.03 Community Leaders Partnership Program (CLPP) Staff report date February 21, 2000 recommending that the District participate in the subject program. - - 09.03.04 Committee Appointments and Acting Mayor Schedule Staff report dated February 21, 2000 providing recommendations with respect to the subject matter. Page 7 Council Meeting Agenda February 29, 2000 Council Chamber 09.04 Community Development and Recreation Service Nil 09.05 Other Committee Issues Nil 10 MAYOR'S REPORTS 11 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS 12 OTHER MA TTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 12.1 Downtown Core Redevelopment (Maple Ridge Centre Project) - Update 12.2 Traffic Management Committee - Terms of Reference Staff report dated February 21, 2000 for information. Page 8 Council Meeting Agenda February 29, 2000 Council Chamber 13 NOTICES OF MOTION 14 ADJOURNMENT 15 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to seek clarification about an item on the agenda, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws which have not yet reached conclusion. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. The decision to televise the Question Period is subject to review. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes only to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). The total Question Period is limited to 15 minutes. If a question cannot be answered, it will be responded to at a later date at a subsequent Council Meeting. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the office of the Municipal Clerk who can be contacted at 463-5221. s.karasz Page 9 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge APPOINTMENTS VIA CATEGORIES 1999-2000 GO VERNMENTA GENCIES E-Comm (Effective January 01,2000.) Fraser Basin Council Fraser Valley Regional Library Board 1St alternate 2nd alternate Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) 1st alternate GVRD Labour Relations Bureau 1St alternate Harris Speirs Gordon Speirs Morse Hogarth Morse Isaac Gordon Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee Gordon Harris OTHER APPOINTMENTS Auditors KPMG AD VISOR YAND/OR LEGISLATED (*) COMMITTEES Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues - - 1St alternate *Advisory Design Panel 1St alternate Bicycle Advisory Committee - - 1St alternate Communities In Bloom *Coutt of Revision (Frontage Tax) King Speirs Morse King Speirs King Morse Hogarth Hams Speirs Page 1 Council Appointments 1999-2000 *Development Agreements Committee Mayor 1St alternate A/Mayor Douglas College Advisory Committee Gordon Economic Advisory Committee King * Emergency Planning Committee Hogarth Morse Isaac * Heritage Advisory Committee King 1st alternate Morse *MRJPM Parks and Leisure Services Commission; Hogarth King Isaac 1St alternate Gordon 2nd alternate Harris 3rd alternate Ridge Meadows Youth & Justice Advocacy Assoc. Hogarth Social Planning Advisory Committee Gordon 1St alternative King Youth Advisory Committee Morse SELECT COMMITTEES Arts and Cultural Policy Implementation Speirs Committee Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Airport Society Harris - first alternate Morse Year 2000 Millennium Committee King Speirs Page 2 Council Appointments 1999-2000 STAFF COMMITTEES Labour Management Isaac Gordon Employee Awards Committee Isaac COMMUNITY GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS (LIAISONS) Alouette River Management Society (ARMS) Elderly Citizens Recreation Association Maple Ridge Chamber of Commerce 1St alternate Maple Ridge Foundation Ridge Meadows Arts Council Ridge Meadows Recycling Society King Hogarth Isaac Morse Harris Morse Hogarth Speirs Isaac ACTING MA YOR 1999-2000 December/January February/March April/May June/July August/September October/November - - Gordon King Hams Isaac Morse Speirs Page 3 Council Appointments 1999-2000 STANDING COMMITTEES Members Committee of the Whole All members Chaired by: Acting Mayor Budget All Members Audit Committee Development Agreements Labour Management Hogarth Isaac Gordon Morse Mayor Acting Mayor Isaac Gordon December 6, 1999 Page 4 Other Community Groups and Organizations Albion Community Association Hammond Community Association Ruskin Community Association Silver Valley Neighourhood Association Thomhill Community Association Websters Corner's Ratepayers Association Whonnock Community Association Yennadon Community Association Maple Ridge Downtown Parking Society Maple Ridge Equestrian Trails Council Maple Ridge Historical Society Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Agricultural Society Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Community Services Council The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge - Council Schedule 2000 January 1 Sat. New Years Day 2 Sun. 3 Mon. Stat. New Years 4 Tues. CofW(12:3Opm) 5 Wed. 6 Thur. 7 FrI. 8 Sat. 9 Sun. 10 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 11 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 12 Wed. 13 Thur. 14 Fri. 15 Sat. 16 Sun. 17 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 18 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 19 Wed. 20 Thur. 21 FrI. 22 Sat. 23 Sun. 24 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 25 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 26 Wed. 27 Thur. 28 Fri. 29 Sat. 30 Sun. 31 Mon. April February 1 Tues. 2 Wed. 3 Thur. 4 FrI. 5 Sat. 6 Sun. 7 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 8 Tues. 9 Wed. 10 Thur. 11 Fri. 12 Sat. 13 Sun. 14 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 15 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 18 Wed. 17 Thur. 18 Fri. 19 Sat. 20 Sun. 21 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 22 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 23 Wed. 24 Thur. 25 Fri. 26 Sat 27 Sun. 28 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 29 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) May March iWed. 2 Thur. 3 FrI. 4 Sat. 5 Sun. 6 Mon. CotW(12:3Opm) 7 Tues. 8 Wed. 9 Thur. 10 Fri. 11 Sat. 12 Sun. 13 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 14 Tues. CouncIl (7:00 pm) 15 Wed. 16 Thur. 17 Fri. 18 Sat. 19 Sun. 20 Mon. C of W (12:30 pm) 21 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 22 Wed. 23 Thur. 24 Fri. 25 Sat 26 Sun. 27 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 28 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 29 Wed. 30 Thur. 31 Fri. Juos I Sat 2 Sun. 3 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 4 Tues. 5 Wed. 6 Thur. 7 Fri. 8 Sat. 9 Sun. 10 Mon. CloSed Council (1230 pm) 11 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 12 Wed. 13 Thur. 14 Fri. 15 Sat. 16 Sun. 17 Mon. CofW(1230pm) - 18 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 19 Wed. 20 Thur. 21 Fri. Stit. Good Friday. 22 Sat 23 Sun. Easter Day 24 Mon. Stat. Easter Mon. 25 Tues. Closed Council! Council 26 Wed. 27 Thur. 28 Fri. 29 Sat. 30 Sun. IMon. CofW(12:3Opm) 2 Tues. 3 Wed. 4 Thur. 5 Fri. 6 Sat. 7 Sun. 8 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 9 Tue.. CouncIl (7:00 pm) 10 Wed. 11 Thur. 12 Fri. 13 Sat. 14 Sun. 15 Man. CofW(12:3Opm) 18 Tue.. Public HearIng (7:00 pm) 17 Wed. 18 Thur. 19 Fri. 20 Sat. 21 Sun. 22 Mon. Stat. yb. Day 23 Tue.. Closed Council! Council 24 Wed. 25 Thur. 26 Fri. 27Sat. 28 Sun. 29 Mon. CoIW(12:3Opm) 30 Tue.. 31 Wed. I Thur. 2 FrI. (FCM) 3 Sat. (FCM) 4 Sun. (FCM) 5 Mon. (FCM) 6 Tue.. 7 Wed. 8Thur. - 9 FrI. 10 Sat. 11 Sun. 12 Man. Closed CouncIl (12:30 pm) 13 Tue.. Council (7:00pm) 14 Wed. 15 Thur. -- - 18 Fri. 17 Sat. 18 Sun. 19 Mon. CofdV(12:30pm) 20 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00pm) 21 Wed. 22 Thur. 23 Fri. 24 Sat. 25 Sun. 28 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pen). 27 Tue.. Council (7:00 pm) 28 Wed. 29 Thur. 30 Fri. Municipal Clerk's Office Page 1 Printed on December 8, 1999 The CorPoration of the District of Maple Ridge - Council Schedule 2000 July August September I Sat Canada Day I Tues. I Fit 2 Sun. 2 Wed. 2 Sat 3 Mon. Stat. Canada Day 3 Thur. 3 Sun. 4 Tues. C of W 4 Fri. 4 Mon. Stat. Labour Day 5 Wed. 5 Sat 5 Tues. 8 Thur. 6 Sun. 6 Wed. 7 Fri. 7 Mon. Stat. BC Day 7 Thur. 8 Sat. 8 Tues. 8 Fri. .9 Sun. 9 Wed. g Sat 10 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 10 Thur. 10 Sun. 11 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 11 FrI. 11 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 12 Wed. 12 Sat 12 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 13 Thur. 13 Sun. 13 Wed. 14 Fri. 14 Mon. 14 Thur. 15 Sat 15 Tues. 15 Fri. 16Sun. 16 Wed. 16Sat 17 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 17 Thur. 17 Sun. 18 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00pm) 18 Fil. 18 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 19 Wed. 19 Sat. 19 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 20 Thur. 20 Sun. . 20 Wed. 21 Fri. 21 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 21 Thur. 22 Sat 22 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 22 Fri. 23 Sun. . 23 Wed. 23 Sat 24 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 24 Thur. 24 Sun. 25 Tues. Council (7:00pm) 25 Fri. 25 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 26 Wed. 26 Sat 26 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 27 Thur. . 27 Sun. 27 Wed. 28 Fri. 28 Mon. C of W (12:30 pm) 28 Thur. 29 Sat 29 Tues. 29 Fri. 30 Sun. 30 Wed. 30 Sat. 31 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 31 Thur. October November December I Sun. I Wed. I Fri. 2 Mon. C of W (12:30 pm) 2 Thur. 2 Sat 3 Tues. 3 Fri. 3 Sun. 4 Wed. 4Sat 4 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 5 Thur. 5 Sun.- 5 Tues. 6 Fri. 6 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 6 Wed. lSat. 7Tues. lThur. 8 Sun. 8 Wed. 8 Fri. 9 Mon. Stat. ThanksgMnq Day 9 Thur. 9 Sat 10 Tues. Closed CouncWCouncil 10 Fri. 10 Sun. 11 Wed. 11 Sat. Remembrance Day 11 Mon. Closed Council (12:30pm) 12 Thur. 12 Sun. 12 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 13 Fri. 13 Man. Stat.R.membrance Day 13 Wed. 14 Sat. 14 Tues. Closed Council! Council 14 Thur. 15 Sun. 15 Wed. 15 Fri. 16 Mon. CoW(1t30pm) 16 Thur. 16 Sat. 17 Tues. PublicHewbig(1:OOpm) 17 Fri. 17 Sun. 18 Wed. 18 Sat 18 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 19 Thur. 19 Sun. 19 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 20 Fri. 20 Mon. CofW(12:3Opm) 20 Wed. 21 Sat 21 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 21 Thur. 22 Sun. 22 Wed. 22 Fri. 23 Mon. 23 Thur. 23 Sat 24 Tues. (UBCM) 24 FrI. 24 Sun. 25 Wed. (UBCM) 25 Sat 25 Mon. Stat. Christmas 26 Thur. (UBCM) 26 Sun. 26 Tues. Stat. Boxing Day 27 FrI. (UBCM) 27 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 27 Wed. 28 Sat 28 Tuesi Council (7:00 pm) 28 Thur. 29 Sun. 29 Wed. 29 Fri. 30 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 30 Thur. 30 Sat 31 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 31 Sun. Municipal Clerks Office Page 2 PrInted on December S. 1999 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES February 8,2000 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Al Hogarth, Chairman R. Robertson, Administrator Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary 1. RZ142/99 LEGAL: LOCATION: - OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Strata Lots 1-7, District Lot 247, Group 1, New Westminster District, Strata Plan LMS340 21409 Lougheed Highway Alouette Animal Hospital (Michael Orser) Release Of Covenant BE 131317 (Permitted Uses) THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING AGREEMENT AS IT RELATES TO RZ/42/99. CARRIED Zobertson, Administrator Member oq63 11967 - 5 11964 i , 0 J P 60182 11959 Ln N- 14 7 11954 N- 0 6a. F8 Fq Fi 0 13 - 11939 117 12 P39885 54 P29311 P39885 11 to 11935/37 - 11940 118 CD N- 11931 - 10 11934 19. CL 024576 - .1 J P 692 LMS 340 A LMP 4326 23 22 21 20 -1'9 18 17\ A 24 " RP9535 41 HERRINGTON I 11890 N tk 128 25 26 27 I 1189: 1 29 - 32 31 51 10 11 12 SP 79 13 NW2014 26 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 45 P 25353 EP A B 9614 P N 2 3 4 ASHBURY 151617 1s IN P796 P1215k WPT::f 1: : : B r. C co a. LOUGHEED HWY SUBJECT PROPERTY P66125 378 304 \ 303 I 302 284 \P43449 VN N I4 0.. PcIA 301 305 CL 11769 11770 11755 306 300 245 NW1766 r11758 NW15 P63241 N 11745 307 C/) 299 g 11746 308 0 298 11735 11736 309 297 - 11j- a. ._t1.LAVE 1..i.7.AVE I17 AVE _ co 117 N I 255 N 271 256 PARK 11685 11688 270 257 I p33814 . . I— 11889 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Qwwm~~ 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 N4A.PLE RIJJGE Telephone: (604) 463-5221 Fax: (604) 467-7331 Inorpoited 12 Septber, 1874 e-mail: enquiries@diStrict.maple-ridge.bc.ca February 16, 2000 File No.: 0230-20-01/MRETI Maple Ridge Equestrian Trails Council C/O Ms. Janet Dmitrieff, Vice President 9490 - 263 d Street Maple Ridge, B.C. V2W 1K3 Dear Ms. Dmitrieff: Re: Presentation to Council Further to your letter. dated February 14, 2000, please be advised that arrangements have been made for the Maple Ridge Equestrian Trails Council to make a ten minute presentation to the Tuesday, February 29th, 2000 Council Meeting at 7:10 p.m. If you equire further'infórmation, please feel free to contact our office. Yo y, Jok dinator tzog Cof Administrative Services /jh * .Swithbo&& - OO1 Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens" 4' 100% R.cydsd Pap.r Not S.ccndwity BI.ath.d or 0.-Inked Maple Ridge Equestrian Trails Council, 9490 263rd St Maple Ridge, B. C. V2W 11(3 co - (_ February 14, 2000. The Administrator. Bob Robertson, Municipal Hall, Maple Ridge, B. C. Dear Sir, Re: Presentation to Council Further to my e-mail sent Friday February 11,2000. I would appreciate your reply with regard to when we may give our presentation before Council, at a regular Council Meeting. I have enclose a general transcript of what the presentation will cover. I look forward to hearing from you. My email ndmitrieff@imag.net My phone 462-8192 IL. I(öI11IiI1 / 'P 9v vice-president - Maple Ridge Equestrian Trails Council State how the partnership between M.R. and ETC is unique .... no other Municipality has this partnership. .and how valuable that partnership is to us. We are now, in the second year of a five year agreement between The District of Maple Ridge and Equestrian Trails council to manage the network of horse trails. The volunteer work of Equestrian Trails council is made possible by Community support. These organisations are the Haney Horsemen Msoc., .the local pony clubs, other local horse groups, and neighbourhood residents. As you know most of our trails are located on Municipal Land, mainly on unopened road allowances laid out in the Schedule F, of the Official Community Plan. Some are supported by the necessary Highway use permits. One trail does cross private land and the district has an agreement in place, in order to legally use this section of trail. Twice annually we are required to inspect the trails network, and submit inspection reports to the municipal Parks & Recreation Department. If deficiencies are noted, we are required to make repairs and notify the Parks Department of the action taken to correct the problem. Things were once very simple..when M.R. was more of a rural community ... but now we are facing change and with it we have to make more effort is required to keep the trails. We now have to work with new environmental rules ... and a changing municipality with ongoing development now converging on area with established trails ........giving us new challenges and the need for new solutions... The need for trails has actually increased as the roads are becoming more congested. .... presenting greater challenges for horse and rider to still access their riding trails and destinations. And the safety of riding on our roads is always a concern - we hope with education of drivers and adequate signage, that conflicts will be avoided. This is important for those who wish to access trail heads in the Park, or ride their horse to an Equestrian Facility. With creative concepts, we can still retain Maple Ridge as an attractive and enjoyable Community for recreation. ... including networks of horse riding trails. With more areas under development, we will woik even more closely with Municipal staff and try to devise plans that accomodate trails, as these developments progress. We appreciate the appointment of a newmurncipal staff representative to help us with this task David Boag, Park & open space Manager for the district, is proving to be a very effective liaison for us. Equestrian trails council will be haying regular meetings with staff from Engineering, Planning and Parks & Leisure services.., in order to see that things run as smoothly as possible, and that everyone is aware of the concerns that we face. If these difficulties are brought out into the open....with a meeting of minds ....these problems are usually resolved very quickly. Some items arising out of these meetings, may well lead to policy and procerural considerations and be brought foreward to Council's "Committee of the Whole". Of course, most matters will be resolved at the staff level. The whole Equestrian community of Maple Ridge look foreward to continued co- operation with the District of Maple Ridge. GUESTS TO BE RECOGNIZE AT FEBRUARY 29 1999 COUNCIL MEETiNG; Grade 3 & 4 Students from Websters Corners Elementary School Learning about Local Government. Teacher: Bill McCaig - 462-7595 Will advise at a later date, the number that will be in attendance. Jo. 00100~ CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5857 - 1999 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended: NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge. in open meeting assembled. ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5857-1999." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: All that portion of: Lot 13. Excep( part in Plan L'vEP 19290. District Lot 404 and 408. Group 1, New Westminster Distnct. Plan 35649 and outlined in heavy black line is hereby rezoned to RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential). and that portion shown hatched, is hereby rezoned to CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) as shown on Map No. 1223, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms pan of this by-law. Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510- 1985 as amended and Map ".A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the - day of , A.D. 199 PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 199. - REDa sëond1iñithe - dav6f , A.D. 199. READ a third time the day of A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED. the day of A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK 0col'to( '-a 0 Va '-a '-I L) 3.32' he (tolel) 18097 REM. PcI. A no EP 3890 ..JLMP 19290 0 '0 KANAKA p. IAY LMP 91.35 p 2483 -3 a, 0 Rem 48 LMP 26483 \_ \ \\ DARK 4i 33 l5j !0 / I // - '; / ..' -j ,..,I ?I •v I- 77827 14 3 35649 PARK / 1.700 he MAPLE RIDGE: ZONE AMEND!NG 2ylcw No. 58571999 -- Map No. 1223 RS-3(One Famdy Rurci Resce -Wci) RS— 1 b(One Fcrry UrDc(mec;— denstyResicenziai cnc CD—i —93(.Ar-enty Resic :c DstHct) shown hct:ec 7' MAPLE RIDGE Zeev. :!74 j CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5858 - 1999. - A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan: AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A" & "H" to the Official Community Plan: NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5858 - 1999." Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XXXVIII in the Appendix: Lot 13, Except part in Plan LMP 19290. District Lot 404 and 408. Group 1. New Westminster District. Plan 35649 That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 13. Except part in Plan LMP 19290, District Lot 404 and 408. Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan 35649 and outlined in-heavy black line on Map No. 584, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby designated as Development Permit Area XXXVIII (1) on Schedule"H". Maple4 Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby a.mended -ccording1y. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 199. READ A SECOND TIME The day of A.D. 199. READATHIRDTIMEthe dayof A.D. 199. 62 RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. i MAYOR CLERK VT U 3.324 ho (total) REM. PcI. A" EP 3890 19290 0 à KANAKA WAY fl LMP 285 co 00 \ 2 1 a. \\\\ \ Rem 13 \ P35649 N EP 77827 ARXN 18097 ha I. a 24831 0 -1 3. Rem 48 LMP 26483 '1 lid 35 LM 105 2LJ -, 1 %-5 12 #ç I 1 72/350516t t11, n 110 4 a 5 1/ 35 5 773 35 QdMP' OS PARK .515 ho 06 LMP 28486 i1 IC-) 77827 14 P 35649 1.700 ho MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5858-1999 -- Map No. 584 PURPOSE: TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA xxxvili(i) AMAPLE RIDGE tnerporated 12 September. 874 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth and Members of CounLil FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 5857-1999 & 5858-1999 (23688 Kanaka Way) DATE: November 18, 1999 FILE NO: RZ/51/99 ATTN: Council SUMMARY: This development proposal is to create approximately 9 residential lots. Council gave favourable consideration to the above noted application October 26, 1999 with the stipUlation that prior to being presented at a Public Hearing, the following would be complied with: 1) Fully dimensioned subdivision plan showing the location of Horseshoe Creek top of bank and 15 metre setback from the top of bank. The above has been received and it is recommended that 1st reading be given to the subject bylaw. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5857-1999 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5858-1999 be given First Reading. Prepared by: Dave Stevenson Planning Technician Approved-by: Me J. Rudol AICP, MCtP GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Orncer DS/sg LMP 18097 - R M. PcI A"; A / EP 3890 1 /44j ANAv -- .. C D -1-93 ( •Y ! I I)' - —RS-3 / Rem 6/t I Horseshoe Creek PARK Subject Property) Ci\~ 1) / 14 ._1i\Lji/rr / I '1 r / ' \\ \ \t / \V\- 7 _ / • 14-, 13 - ; \ KcV L3 -1 •. 1 2 C1 to: 05 •,, •'8i It VIE / NJ WIN 4 r. IC THE CORPORATION ClW DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE I Ir,carocaieø 12. Seotem.r. 174 PLANNING DEPARTMENT flAT Atm i 1000 I C. LM6483 •vII j A T, r SCALE. 1 2.000 KEY MAP \ RZ-51-99 W'.0-0 -1-9 ni. •rm SCALE: N.T.S. • PROPOSED SUBDIVISION EAST SIDE OF HORSESHOE CREEK CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE It MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT Incorporated 12 Scpteiber. 1574 RZ—S1 —99 aw DRAWN BY: DATE: Dec. 2. 1999 FILE: A V 777 Tr !, \K~ J. 01 S. C. I I LJ \ 5, //. ,2 c--- t -r - LQ1,P - L c,.. rr' (j.. r- 'z' - 14- 4 P- L2'-r N PROPOSED SUBDIVISION SILVEF VALIX I HORSESHOE CREEK EY ~r WEST SIDE OF STRICT-OF -MAPLE RIDGL AON SCALE --DI CORPORATION OF THE r%A= MEN "OWN OW MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT N.T.S. Incorporated 12 September, 1174 DRAWN BY: bATE: Dec. 2, 1999 InLE: RZ-51-99 I t-t. Li I AN CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: September 28, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/51/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/51/99 (23688 Kanaka Way) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been submitted to rezone the above noted property to permit subdivision into 9 single family lots. Horseshoe Creek bisects the property while adjacent development limits flexibility in achieving development potential. The solution proposed addresses these constraints, proposing alternative lot geometries with custom home designs. It is proposed that this alternative be facilitated with a Development Permit. II RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ151199 (for property located at 23688 Kanaka Way) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated September 28, 1999 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) and CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. Condition to be met prior to first reading: Fully dimensioned subdivision plan showing the location of Horseshoe Creek, top of bank and 15 metre setback from top of bank. And that prior to final approval the following must be complete: Preliminary approval from the Ministry of Environment, Water Management Branch; Preliminary approval from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch: Amendment to Schedule "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan; A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; Registration of a park dedication plan for the protection of Horseshoe Creek. -1- III BACKGROUND: Applicant: Wel Projects Inc. Owner: Jugvinder Boparai Legal Description: - Lot 13, D.L. 404 & 408. Gp. 1, NWD, Plan 35649 OCP: Existing: Single Family Residential 15, 18, 30 upnh Proposed: Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) and CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) Surrounding Uses:. N: vacant S: Kanaka Creek E: residential W: vacant Existing Use of Property: vacant Proposed Use of Property: residential Access: . . . 110 Avenue Servicing: urban Previous Applications: none IV PROJECT. DESCRIPTION: An application has been submitted to rezone the above described property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) and CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District). The property is split into two development sites by Horseshoe Creek. This application will rezone the property to correspond with existing neighbouring zones. In 1997 lands to the east were subdivided and 110 Avenue was constructed to the subject property. At that time the guide plan for this area identified 110 Avenue extending west across Horseshoe Creek and then. turning north to intersect with Kanaka Way. Through recent discussions with the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Fish and Wildlife Branch it was determined that because of dtt two existing Horseshoe Creek crossings, Kanaka Way and Kanaka Creek Road, that a third crossing! 110 Avenue, would not be permitted. Respecting this decision, staff prepared a new guide plan which exlends 110 Avenue north to Kariaka Way on the east side of Horseshoe Creek. Staff have also met with the affected land owners to ensure that the revised guideplan could be accommodated. Subdivision of the subject property is contingent on the adjacent properties being involved with the development. -2- V PLANNING ANALYSIS (1) Offlcial Community Plan The subject propertyis designated Single Family Residential at 15, 18 and 30 upnh. As well, there is an area designated "Conservation" which encompasses Horseshoe Creek. This area is also designated for special treatment on Schedule "E" of the Official Community Plan. The attached plan illustrates the location of Horseshoe Creek, top of bank and the nparian protection zone. The riparian protection buffer area was reviewed by the fisheries agencies and there was overall support for this project. To ensure the creek is adequately protected, the riparian protection zone must be dedicated "Park' as a condition of rezoning. (ii) Guide Plan and Lot Geometry As illustrated on the subject property map, there is an existing subdivision east of the property. This subdivision was designed according to the guide plan which provided for a creek crossing of 110 Avenue. As a result of the elimination of this creek crossing, 110 Avenue will now exit onto Kanaka Way, east of Horseshoe Creek. There is a limited amount of space to locate a new road and develop a row of lots. In order to achieve the revised guide plan there are three issues that will require variances: reduction of the road right of way width from 18m to 15m; vary the required 12m x 12m building envelope; reduction of the minimum lot depth. Section 920 (2) (a) of the Municipal Act permits geometry changes by registration of a Development Permit. In order to facilitate registration of the Development Permit, a new Development Permit Area will be added to the Official Community Plan. This Development Permit Area will deal with development of lands that are adjacent to environmentally sensitive areas and have limited and restrictive potential due to topographic constraints and existing developments. (ill) Servicing Engineering staff have submitted a rezoning application review which concludes that the required services exist frontingthe property. Details regarding servicing will be dealt with at the subdivision stage. -3- VI CONCLUSION: Staff have reviewed this application, support the introduction of a Development Permit Area to address changes to required lot geometries and recommend that application RZ/5 1/99 (23688 Kanaka Way) be forwarded to Public Hearing. Dave Stevenson Planning Technician PR.. Robertson, MCIP, AlCP 4Me4l }MCIPAtP Chief Administrative Officer Manager: Public Works and Development Services DS/sg F4tr, P. Eng. / ir'ç'tor of Curnt Planning -4- LMP 18097 .- REM. Pd. A' A I / ( CD-1-93 i -)1-93\ N-3f 1 Rem 3 Horseshoe Creek 05 Subject Property 'VIE MP '54 \ 0 EII \ ,J ii RZ-51-99 CORPORATION OF. THE DISTRICTOF U MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incorp.t.d 12. S.ptembe, 1014 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE: 1:2,000 KEY MAP - A DATE: Aug 311999 FILE: BY: JB '3 fir I, I, -•---------._. 1,3 —2s 0 V / /• ./•• \ I />N p / N/ N•• ' " -.• • - N aJ I - Am SCALE: 12.000 KEY MAP RZ-51-99 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE 12. September. 1q71 PLANNING DEPARTMENT flAT it inna C. A4Y /?OKSESHOE CP/( 07 1 : V / Z0 1 7-z 7 / I / / 74aF1t 0 lee ' r-'- J•f , RZ-5 1-99 A SCALE. I 2.000 KEY MAP ____ DATF Aur, 11 1000 cil C. OWN CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: December 14, 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/51/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 5857-1999 & 5858-1999 (23688-Kanaka Way) SUMMARY: This development proposal is to create approximately 25 residential lots. As reviewed in the attached land use report, property located on the west side of Horseshoe Creek is proposed for CD-l-93 zoning and the land situated on the east side of Horseshoe Creek is proposed for RS-Ib zoning. Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5857-1999 proposes to add Development Permit Area XXX\'III and designate the property within this DPA. DPA XXXVIII is being introduced to the Official Community Plan to deal with development of lands that are adjacent to environmentally sensitive areas and have limited and restrictive potential due to topographic constraints and existing developments. In this case the creek crossing was eliminated, resulting in an alteration to the neighbourhood guide plan. As a consequence. 110 Avenue will turn north to Kanaka Way, parallel to Horseshoe Creek. The parcel depth between this road and the proposed- "Park' boundary is approximately 22 m. The proposed RS-lb zone requires a minimum depth of 27 m, but this DPA will permit. through specific guidelines and objectives, some latitude in the minimum geometry requirements in order to protect theadjacent watercourse. Council gave favourable consideration to the above noted application October 26, 1999 with the stipulation that prior to being presented at a Public Hearing, the following would be complied with: 1) Fully dimensi6ned subdivision.plan showing the location of Horseshoe Creek top of bank and 1 metre setback from the top of bank. -- - - The above has beáreceived and it is recommended that 1st reading be given to the subject bylaw. - RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5857-1999 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5858-1999 be given First Reading. Prepared by: Dave Stevenson Planning Technician Approved b) Fryer. ng. >//T W'E , ectOrAVCurrent Planning RudolAICP, MCII' 4..tPProved Pfr'Works & Development Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Omcer DS/sg LMP 18097 -. REM;PcI 'A' A I CIO Ep3890 'Y -.----- I / I C-) ( Ii CD-1-9 fl/4 Horseshoe CreekL2 LM483 1-9 \ /LMP 14-, \i\ Subject Frope 14 A RZ5199 Co.j. SCALE. 1 2.000 KEYMAP _____ A.. 1 - -•. - ( / 1/' / edj ort / / / 2 / 74aFTt / 9 '0 0 N 1[LL1J,? PROPOSED SUBDIVISION TT A I EASTSIDEOF , - HORSESHOE CREEK CORPORATION OF THE SCALE: (!AIIIII....I. DISTRICT 0FTh{APLE RID MAM MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT ThOWNU. Icorporst.d 12 3epIabsr. I674 t A N .T.S. IDRAWN BY: IDATE: Dec. 2, 1999 1 FILE: RZ-51-99 IA A 4^Aç iJi I I I I /1. if i_L L_J p •f? ct-l- i'.' L'% (rrc..' (r7. ,-... " '- - 4-4 u'-r 'sE t.D•t-' I.*4t2-ldco V,,x Lr (i PROPOSED SUBDIVISION NT? WEST SIDE OF N L:I:I:tyJ ____ HORSESHOE CREEK A "0" *0 Ef rl CORPORATION DI OF THE STRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE: NoftoftL N.T.S. lncorporsL.d 12 Sptber. 1e74 DRAWN BY: bAit: Dec. 2. 1999 IFPLE: RZ-51-99 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5842 - 1999 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510- 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 35 10 - 1985 as amended: NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge. in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5842-1999." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 28, Section 21, Township 12, Plan Livfl'30403, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1219 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to CS-I (Service Commercial). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amenaed accordingly. READ a first time the day of ,A.D. 199. PUBLIC REARING. held the day of A.D. 199. READ a second time the day of A.D. 199. READ a third time the day of ,A.D. 199. RECONStDEREDA.ND FINALLY ADOPTED, the dayof ,A.D. 199. 1• MAYOR - - CLERK Of, o;Lol - - .UP 3333 LMP 3156 r ."2 4 ern 159O.3 "'u 15 In - 0 AVE. CL 'I P 73'5 1 -3 411 1 4: /2L . ; iQ. I17 ;ic 7:2r/•c; ç MAPLE RIOQE ZONE AMENDING By'aw No. 584Z-1999 Mao No. 1219 om: RS-3(One Farnily Rura' Residential) w 72573 I ,99ifr1 0 125721 ; 301 2-0 1 25 25 L 2g62, 94k 0 \ '5 20". 27 '966 - ''941 72572 22 23 CL .4 I0 I 7 '3 2t 15 CL I I ' ;:z 17 / - 119J0' I IS rs ° 1 "•• i Cl- I 336 . L4P 35551 17 13 •o V ! 14 \\ 12 i . 20691 2 '205 300 I C. 20 9 AvE 20 9 av( — Al 5 6 -22J -231 -2 4I N 2 '25 i cor:J — LIP 304C3 / ern Oct of Oct A _ 27 25 rz 34 - 0461 'O 0439 ho e Oct A 2 29 '.o LUP 30402 32.3C8 I 3' ILMI',613 I Ii -S -.-' Ta: CS— 1 (Service Commercial) MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September. 1674 C 4O94 1 -I. I', • . 2 "V 41 26 'a 60 PernA 4 • LMP 306 P 1574 1575 ernI w;/21 03- LMP 1642, Cx ILI 1144 ''.l 14I lj2 3iF 2I3 LMP 1145 LMP 30401 0EWONCV *-RUNK qo 2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5843 - 1999. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise theOfficial Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A" & 'H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE. the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled. ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5843 - 1999." Schedule •'A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XXXII in the Appendix: Lot 28. Sec. 21. Tp. 12, Plan LMP30403. NWD That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 28. Section 21. Township 12. Plan Uv30403, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No.. 583, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby designated as Development Pen-nit Area XXXII (2) on Schedule "H". Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 199 PUBLIC HEARINGHELD the day of , A.D. 199 READ A SECOND TIME the day of - .. A.D. 199. READ A THIRD TIME the day of A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED the day of A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK ()g. 0;t * tooso ILMP 4613 I L I 1 15374 LMP 30401 DEWONEY 7RUNK RO. fRW 72573 '-MF§27920 00 e_L.kAP 30404 7 14\\3I12/b 13 C 5j7 ,1 ci. - 205 087 !12 .( 1205 f LM 04Q3 I B7LsJ 5 e. - 17/8 L I l20 20 B AVE- 120 9 AVE. — 0 0 ILMP i 30k0) 0 N. — — LMP I 3003 - Rm t. 2 of Pct. A27 25 P 734 C4 0.41 no 0.459 Me / CV 0 Rem PCI. •A 2.29 he LUP 30402 230 Rem 1 MAPLE RID6E: OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING 4., Bylaw No. 584-1999 Map No. 583 PURPOSE: TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA XXXII(2) I MAPLE RIDGE tncrporated 12 September. 1874 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE: January 10, 2000 . and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ135/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Staff - Couj.WWorkshop SUBJECT: Landscape Screens to Buffer Commercial Use SUMMARY: At the Committee of the Whole Meeting January 2000, where a first reading memo for RZ/35/99 was considered, concern was expressed with respect to ways to minimize the impact of commercial activities on adjacent residential properties. As a result Staff were requested to prepare a report reviewing the issues of lanes vs. cross access easements, landscape screens and opportunities to buffer commercial activity adjacent to residential use. RECOMMENDATION: That the Memorandum dated January 7, 2000 be received for Council consideration, and That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5842-1999 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5843-1999 be given First Reading. BACKGROUND: Lanes and Cross Access Easements In reviewing the site plans for RZi35/99 there was discussion of a proposal to eliminate the lane, and instead provide a cross access easement at another location in the lot to serve the same function as a lane. It was felt that this arrangement would provide a wider area for landscaping along the north property line and move the commercial lane traffic away from the rear yards of the adjacent residential properties. Cross Access Easement agreements have been established on other commercial sites to eliminate the need to exitand re-enter via the public road to access from one neighbouring commercial site to-the-next - 3-reduces-the-potential-forconflicts -between- pedesthans-and-other-vehic'les - - traveling past the site. These easements offer this opportunity where it is not feasible due, to site constrictions or proximity man intersection, of creating a rear lane access from a flanking street. The easement is an agreement between two property owners to provide access to the others property in a location identified by a survey plan. In new construction the establishment of an easement will effect the layout of subsequent developments on adjacent lands to insure the access points are aligned. / WE It is important to consider the location of landscape buffer areas to insure that the responsibility for future maintenance is clearly understood. Often boulevard areas adjacent to rear yards are not maintained once a landscape screen or 2.0 m high fence is installed. The attitude is often why should I maintain what is on the other side of my fence and outside my property. For this reason when considering subdivision layout design the preference is to avoid lot designs where rear yards back onto the street. This would be a concern in the RZ/35/99 application if a landscape screen was proposed on the north side of the lane, adjacent to the rear yards. Rezoning Application RZ/35/99 In reviewing the plans submitted with this application it is evident that there are subtle differences that make this application unique to recent developments where conflicts in use exist. The siting of the commercial building provides a structural barrier between the gas bar/convenience store and the residents to the north. Conflicts exist on other commercial sites where noise generation (i.e. from vacuums, car wash activities etc.) occur adjacent to property lines without making use of structures to muffle the noise of these activities. Conflicts often occur where a house is oriented to the flanking street, resulting in the side of the house being closer to the commercial use with only a narrow side yard set back separating the uses. In application RZi35/99 the existing houses front on the street to the north. As a result the rear yard set back provides a greater separation between the uses. CONCLUSION: The plans presented with the first reading memo for R7J35199 demonstrates an organized site plan that attempts to minimize potential conflicts between adjacent uses. The aspect of a dedicated lane to serve this site and further development to the west is a superior alternative in providing public access. A secondary consideration is the potential for providing an additional vehicle access to the rear yards of neighbouring residences. Based on this information staff continue to recommended First Reading to continue on to the next stage, Public Hearing. f7 Pre by: B e McLeod ISA Certified Arborist L ngTeehnkan .7-., of C Jake J. Rudolph, AICP, MCIP General Manager: Public Works & Development Services R. W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer -3- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw Nos. 5842-1999 & 5843-1999 (23853 Dewdney Trunk Road) DATE: December 10, 1999 FILE NO: RZ/35/99 ATTN: CofW - PW&Dev SUMMARY: This development proposal is to permit Construction of a gas bar, convenience store with residence, and a commercial building. Council gave favorable consideration to the above noted application on August 10 1h 1999. However, first Reading to the Zone Amending and Official Com.munity Plan Amending Bylaws was deferred on September 21", 1999, pending a staff report recommending development standards for commercial development abutting residential districts. This development proposal has subsequently been amended to address concerns expressed by neighbouring residents and complies with or exceeds the requirements for commercial development in a residential 2: neighbourhood as recommended by staff. The applicant has addressed all other conditions prior to presentation at Public Hearing. RECOM'\1EDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5842-1999 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5843-1999 be given First Reading. DISCUSSION: Over the past year Council has heard various concerns regarding the development of commercial projects adjacent to designated residential neighbourhoods. As a result Council requested a report be prepared with policy recommendations to ensure all service commercial applications are considered on an equitable basis. The Planning Department has prepared a report for Council's consideration that identifies the issues and makes recommendation to best address Council s concerns This report will be presented for_cqrsideration at the Council/Staff meeting on Jaiiuiry 4T1 99Thi f lló'ing is a discussion of the recommendations and other issues identified in this memo and how the applicant intends to address these concerns. Recommendations from the Service Commercial Memo: Provision of a 3.0 metre landscape strip for service commercial uses adjacent to designated residential uses. The current proposal indicates there will be a 6.0 metre lane separating the uses along the north properrv line. The applicant has deleted the drive through component for the resraur. shows the area that was drive aisle as a landscaped buffer strip greater than 3.6 metres in width along the commercial building north elevation. 2. that the landscape screen provide a visual barrier between service commercial uses and adjoining designated residential uses. Within the buffer strip described above, a 7.0 ft. high closely planted landscape screen of evergreens is proposed on the site plan adjacent to the commercial building. for service commercial uses adjoining designated residential uses that drive though uses be located to the interior of a property, and be buffered by the principal building. The drive through component for the restaurant has been deleted from this application. Hours of Operation The Applicant has offered to restrict the hours of operation for the gas bar from 6:00am to 10:00pm. Parking The proposal is for 35 parking stalls, which is one greater than is required in the parking bylaw. Development Permit Area and Design Guidelines 4 condition of this rezoning application is to include this site in Development Permit Area XXX]1 for service commercial use. The guidelines for this area are: Building and siting must ensure adequate site circulation, safe access to public streets and proper orientation to adjoining residential uses. Particular attention should be made to the image presented to the srreetfront. Streerfront landscaping will incorporate Street trees for definition of site boundaries and enhancement of public space. A well-defined pedestrian access to the commercial use will be provided from the public sidewalk. Design will ensure that pedestrian use is given precedence over vehicular use. Building design will mimic recent residential construction in the neighbourhood. Parking are is may be limited to the requirements of the accessory residential use. Attached to this memo is a copy of the first reading memo that was deferred by Council on September 21 1999. The development plans have recently been amended with revisions to vehicular access from Dewdney Trunk Road. The Advisory Design Panel comments are also included with this memo. -j, - - Since all of the requirements prior to first reading have been met, it is recommended that i' reading be given to the subject bylaws. As indicated in the land use memo dated July 27 ' 1999, notice will be given that final approval to rezone this property will also include Council approval to allow the overhead wires on Dewdney Trunk Road to remain adjacent to this site. This notice will eliminate the need for issuance of the Development Variance Permit. Prepared by: Bruce G. McLeod. ISA Certifled Arborist Landscape/Planning Technician - Approved by: T6ry 'yer, P. Eng./J / DiEctor of Currç.tanning / Approvedby. f. Rudolph. P. MCIP Development Services - Concurrence. Robert W. Robertson. AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer -3- Rem Pd. 2 of Pd. A EP 173 4 7-1 LMP 27 RS-3 a fl• 28 —,LSUBJECT PROPERTY , I a U a 'I n p. 13 RS- EIii 16 j 9 I I I i LM 3•03 0 P 82308 Pen, 1 Rem Pd. A LMP3042 F-6 :979I 2 R 967 - 9'3. 'i — 93I 3 2 1923: • .L • . ___________ . t9l5 :0 11 / 9O6 11901/ _ 2 ' -- I 19 AVE 7 _j.4 c6s_) 26 .590 11910 '237 •14 (1) I170 1198AVE ' 3 11 24 . RemA ______ 22 1196 , I em : 1,12 :23\\ 11949 ________ • 18 I 17 ________ 11930 . 7 — cQl LMP11$44 LMPI641 — '° 1 lo /ttge T:'9271 • 9 g 1-11n213 ... 1 .n2 o3 Ii • 2 16 1191fl .;1914 1;T1i1f \L9: 1l91I " 119A AVE 14 \1 16 13 21 Pi4i • • •.• LMP 18051 Le 119*3 11880 7 2 71873 p • LMP L° 11 p. P1 29 28 1 1 SCALE. 2.500 KEY MAP 238b/DTR CORPORATION( — THE DISTRICTOF ( MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Iemorst.0 13. SOlinbsr, 1174 PLANNING DEPARTMENT " DATE: Jun 16 1999 FILE: 8Y: JB CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: September r 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/35/99 FROM: Chief Adn-unistracjve Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dcv in SUBJECT: First Readg Bylaw Nos. 5842-1999 & 5843-1999 (23853 Dewdnev Trunk Road) StJiv1MARY: This development proposal is to permit the construction of a gas stauon, convenience store with residence, and commercial building with drive through access. COuncil gave Favourable consideration to (he above noted application on August LO 1999 with (he stipulation chat prior to being presented at a Public Hearing, the following would be compliedwith: Commenr.s from the Advisory Design Panel. The comments from the .August 262 1999 meeting are attached. A Public Information Meeting must be held. This meeting was held on August 24 1999 and the following is the staff summary of the meeting. The public information meeting was well attended by thirty members of the public. Concerfls expressed at (hat meeting focused on: rieighbouring residents opposed to the change in use (to commercial). concerns over an increase in traffic on residential streets as a result of this development some residents in attendance were prepared to accept the change in use provided they , have the opportunity to restrict some uses on site and make changes to the proposed plan with respect to vehicle access. there was also a concern that the notice for the meeting was not delivered to enough area residents. Subsequent review of the mail out area was confirmed as having met the requirements for notice of a Public Hearing. In response to the above noted concerns, we offer the following comments Thisi::de3i.gatedfoServi.Ge.Comme•rcial-use-onthe OfficiaF€ommuniiyPlarr(OCP). as are landS to the west of the site fronting on Dewdney Trunk Road. With respect to concerns of increased traffic generated by this new use, the intention is to construct a lane from 238B to 237' Street to accommodate the;ervice commercial traffic. This will provide access between these uses and avoid additional traffic load on adjacent residential streets. This lane will also provide a greater separation between the residential use to the north and the proposed service commercial use. .ACCCSS to this site is provided at two points: from the lane and from a sidewalk crossing on 23813 Street. It is the desire of staff to limit access to these locations to reduce the potential for conflicts with pedestrians and reduce the impact on Dewdney Trunk Road. The current proposal indicates that there will not be an access off of Dewdney Trunk Road. only an exit for westbound traffic. A traffic signal at 23813 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road will be installed at an appropriate future date. The applicant has not determined the tenants for the comj -nercial building or the type of drive through business. A gas retailer has also no( been determined a( this time. 3) Fully dimensioned development plan showing the following: Neighbourhood context plan; Site plan; Building elevations; Landscape concept; Subsequent to the Advisory Design Panel and Pubic Enformation Meeting the applicant has made the following changes and revisions to the plans attached to this memo. I) addition of speed bumps at the vehicle entry points to limit the speed of vehicles entering and exiting the site. a site context plan showing the relationship of the site to existing residential uses. a sue section showing the proposed building height in relation to existing houses. The above has been received and it is recommended that IM reading be given to the subject bylaws. As indicated in the land use memo dated July 27 1999. notice will be given that final approval to rezone this property will also include Council approval to allow the overhead wires on Dewdney Trunk Road to remain adjacent to this site. This will eliminate the need for issuance of a Development Variance Permit. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5842-1999 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5843-1999 be given First Reading. 2 a.icicLeod, ISA Certified .Arborist Landscape/Planning Technician R. W. RobertsonMcIP AICP Chief Administrathe OMcer - h,MC1fA1CF Manager: Public Works and Development Services g Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Advisory Design Panel Meeting Thursday, August 26, 1999 RZ-35-99 • Applicant: Gordon Kiassen • Proposal: Retail/Restaurant and Convenience/Service Station • Location: 238B Street and Dewdney Tn.ink Road RESOLUTION: It was duly MOVED and SECONDED that the following resolution be passed: The Advisory Design Panel expressed overall support for the project, with the following recommendations: Given that the use is undefined at this time, the Panel approves the attempt blend with the residential design of the neighbourhootL Consider a pedestrian or vehicle cross access immediately to the west of this site. Consider better pedestrian access to the commercial building off 238B Street and consider a corner pedestrian access into the site. The Panel would like the opportunity to see this project again prior to Development Permit, once the uses are more defined. S. Consider low level lighting for parking lot areas to prevent light pollution into the residential areas. Consider a left-turn bay off Dewdney Trunk Road onto 238B Street Coisider changing the concre:ebiock to brick or cultured stone to blend in with materiaLs used in the neighbourhood. site lines Ik•Il..I5 l4,lk -j-J LLLJ PUB Ntis ILi:L I; / &ETLC*IEI IRUNKRQ4O 1 I • RE IOEI4II.I. FE5I().riIi . Ia i. 6flPIh QVC S lInk G.tOa, i IaO LOT lain. 0Sa106 (OTIS SIC II 1.0 Pta. flletl p. ja. 1 .I '0 l Ct...t.M.CI SIC4 baOPC.. lIce 1111 MI S.Ifl4 ItiL I) IQ LI. Ii n..OT4 E ,t.a... QUO • SLIT 0I .t.iø. •e Sal *0111. 355 H OlC40 MIS *0 *50*1 Ct .504 or aaO..s tADSa a. *sSStQ easO s-P ss•.e nI'. s_S 0... .555 MIII 501(11.0_S .IIaiIQLL (S5 lISle frail 100. woe su II .4, .u.son P5505* COnS. 50155 SOQIS. II SII cn.., ... S I W5IS lola. .• If 41 ) 4, I I! I- z LJI 0 -J LU > Ui 0 —a Li u 5* i5lt.tLl LIII 35A31 SII StCIK)I( I. w•o_S* __________________ I OTIk lI IUP-I...• --I'.' • I,., •SC I* -- 9903 '-- Al ON LW ii I St.. 50.4.55 So •CflS 001 fib PIIPT T*N ROAD 4? .1 I.. I .1 I, L1s11e line • h I,I 6CWI4 ELEVATII - TAILIOTA&ANT I- z Lii 0 -J w > Lu —3 U . Lii 212 0-1 .r- iaUTIsH.. HUS- NOfl1 ELEVAII04 - TA4.ITAAiMAt4T U$VAI1d m — 9903 -- A2 EA5T ELEvAfIG4 - RTAIL4TAURAHT •T CLCvATIal - RETAIL/R5TAURAJlT Is I I e I Sm s*rn, SS A8T ELvATIQ4 GONvEME]NCE 6TOJIQEHC OJ1I1 EIEVATIc*4 - C4VEHIEHCE 5TOREME51DENCE u8T ELEvAIIG$ - Cc!4NlE4CE 810fmE51OEHcE NOfTI1 ELEvATI'1 - ClvHEHC 6TOI5IDCE - -1 F z w 0 —J w > J. w U: a (&LVAISiSSS m SSSSIV 1_ MflI.IS$S '— (S - 9903 '- A3 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: July 27th 1999 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/35/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dcv SUBJECT: RZ/35/99 (23853 Dewdney Trunk Road) EXECUTIVE SUMrvIARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject property to permit the construction of a gas station, convenience store, residence and separate commercial building with drive through access. The property is located in the northwest corner of 238B Street and Dewdney Trunk Road, and was designated for Service Commercial use on the OCP in 1996. This application complies with that OCP designation. II RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ/35/99 (for property, located at 23853 Dewdney Trunk Road) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated July 27th 1999 from RS-3, One Family Rural Residential to CS-i, Service Commercial be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. Condition to be met prior to first reading: I) Comments from the Advisory Design Panel. A Public'Information Meeting must be held. Fully dimensioned development plan including: . Neighbourhood context plan; - Site plan; . Building, elevations; Landscape concept; And that prior to final approval the following must be complete: Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; Amendment to Schedules "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan; -1- Road dedication as required; Removal of the existing buildingis; 111 BACKGROUND: Applicant: Site Lines Architecture Inc. Owner: W. & B. Hall Legal Description: Lot 28, Sec. 21, TP 12, Plan LMP 30403 OCP: Existing: Service Commercial Proposed: Service Commercial Zoning: Existing: RS-3 One Family Rural Residential Proposed: CS-I Service Commercial Surrounding Uses: N&S: RS-lb One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential E: P-6 Civic Institutional (School District Works Yard) W: RS-3 One Family Rural Residential Existing Use of Property: Single Family Residential Proposed Use of Property: Service Commercial, Gas bar, convenience store, residence, and separate commercial building with drive through access. Access: Dewdney Trunk Road and 238B Street Servicing: not all services exist to the site Previous Applications: n/a IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project includes construction of two separate buildings. One building, located in the southwest corner of the site, contains a gas bar, convenience store and a second floor residence now permitted as a result of recent changes to the CS-i zone. The second building is located north of the gas bar and a public lane separates this building from the residential development to the north. The convenience store is proposed to be 251 m 2 with a 130 rn2 residence above. The commercial building is will be 558 in2. A total of 37 parking spaces are provided, and building heights will not exceed 7.7 metróS,; Vehicle access will be provided from a sidewalk crossing on 238B Street and the dedicated lane off the north property line. Limited right-out egress from the site to Dewdney Trunk Road is supported itan effort is made to minimize conflicts with pedestrians. A raised median will be constructed in Dewdney Trunk Road to restrict eastbound left turns into the site and directing traffic accessing the site to a left turn bay at 238B Street. A traffic control light is proposed for this intersection as part of a future capital works project. Care has been taken to buffer the proposed use from the residential area to the north with landscaping. The character of the buildings reflects the residential architecture of the neighbourhood. Ira CM P 82308 is 12077 Rem 1 12 070 14 12090 1205 17_ r Rem PcI. 'A' 16' 15 8/ 7/ri RS-lb 1208 AVE LMP 30402 I0 3 ' 4 95 6 7 2 8 9 19 20 21JN22 N2324l25 I e 26 98 4031 . P-6 LM3 I C 0 0 — LMP 0403 71 1 Rem PcI. 2 of PcI. A CL Uj 27 28 SUBJECT PROPERTY J a. EP1734 RS-3 dl N ch N LMP 7920 LMP 30401 11995 Lvv'j T i' P7572 I ____ '99 30 291 28 27k, 26 12 ________ Rem 1I 1 N I., wz 2 k I 599 13 _ 1980 3 37 25 __ P85134 03 Ci) 2 Rem 14 11970 16 ____ 119591 - 3 I? 1 5 J RemA P 1676 1191 P 1676 AN 20 l21 ______________ C., —;:; 1196$ CM 11943 P 72572 fr 23 \\ / 1198 AVE _____ _____________ ______ 5o Rem a. CM CM 14 CM 6 11938 19 ?2 1940 w 1/2 * 6 0. ll937 c' 7 _________ _________ ,._1c 16 2 C) — 11932 18 11939 I:c 17 11930 7 E ( CL 11931 11 ___________ ____ _______ ____ d ____ ll1 11921/ 3T 18 LMP11 LMP16kI cr- 1I1194122I:1 ,923 11926 17 11920 r 11927 €,.9 ., 8 3 1 1 01 3 16 /••• I l I 01 dl dl dl 10 ,, , j—mr te. r. j N I N N ri N I 11914 11909 15 CY '- .iLJ —fnvr 119AAVE 10 1 CMI1 1 11908 14 \ '<,'i N Ia cm 190$ , 11901/ 12 _________ 11 6 '1903 ? 1O i J;~'P5 /11902 g / 11441 N4 1N6 JN7 H —J 13 141 119 AVE - I fl LMP II 0 I 3OI3132. 8 I ad ru rut sl N 11592 ( 1%56 - 1191 ( 1 I 11e1S') oil [29ft out PAR 31- I I28I2: N SQ0 5TOFF ki 6TrI6 ISSAL 01 04 10'b MC NWO fl.StrIeS 0_S clot 51 S'O C4- S.., Sam, I. S MSt 0 SAOS CL0_a O0.0 55.5. 55•• •5SS a0.1. (.1 III It 5QS• 545 I0I Co54a. flI4t tfl0*C. an Son C0S1C1 SIC.. aOSS - IS. SOPS 64 IcO. .fl IQ.ZL lOSS 5SlO SO IS 'An 51040. '0 1 rsSOtO SI• 0 SI 1 401 SO II . I•S 05050 a0.00 ,.. aao05 let SOfl cottot.c. 55 o.a 51 SQ •I 505*. 01* I0•S •0.•e COIlS. 0.0500 I.,.. 0.105* II 0'ICl• Cow 550.. 0 15C15 at_Oct. 5 50*55 505*. 55 50*15 R JUl29 1999 "ANJINGDEPA TMENT site lines 155 lOSS 50 5( 555 551 I- z LU 0 0 —J LU c c ui 0 5. U 0' .4 50 1151 SLAM _. IaI.•.,•.q da USIL 115. 9903 Al - 55 WIClt a 50*55 • elm.. 55 WAU6 I 0051 CasIO *ttM.SI So'C$t r r•: r 9 2 i JUl29 1999 I!CE site lines ,iI.tIi• ••• • -. — • S I!L SOUTH ELEVATION - RETAIL/RESTAURANT H z Ui 0 —J LLI 0 .1• •( z - f .LJ LU 02 NORTH ELEVATION - RETAIL/RESTAURANT (LtVAflCH$ 4.. MTJI.I$ '.— c -- 9903 A? EAST ELEvATION RETAIL/RESTAURANT WEST ELEVATION - RETAIL/RE5TAURANT LU 1999 MAPLE AtOGE DEPARIMENT site lines 0• SN •fl' ; Wl I ELEvATION - CONVENIENCE STORE/RESIDENCE EAST ELEvATION - CONVENIENCE STORE/RESIDENCE I- z LU a- 0 -J _J a a It1V*I,ON II I I US IS. ISIS U 9903 IIA3 WEST ELEvATION CONVENIENCE STORE/RESIDENCE EAST ELEVATION - CONVENIENCE STORE/RESIDENCE VEHOtEY TRMK ROAD SflU4 PflD opl'I tc DaR dll4PrsmL JUL 29 1999 MAPlE RIDGE PIAN:•nl.!G L)EPA3TulrIT I) - — -. all I. MIT%CJ n,v DMG Iduap. .,*d.d D(VILO9MENI IUII lT lka $011 $L& IC. LANO$CAPI PLAN • CAa.4 lSAJ CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: February 17,2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/42/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COUNCIL SUBJECT: Final Reading - Bylaw No. 5 853-1999 (21409 Lougheed Highway) SUMMARY: Bylaw 5853-1999 has been considered by Council at Public Hearing and subsequently granted 2 and 31(1 reading. The applicant has requested that final reading be granted. The bylaw creates a Comprehensive Development zone (CD-2-99) which allows all CS-i (Service Commercial) uses with limitations on maximum floor area for business services, professional services and retail use. The bylaw also zones the subject parcel to CD-2-99. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5853-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. BACKGROUND: Location: 21409 Lougheed Highway 1-listory: Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on December 21, 1999. On January 11, 2000 Council granted 2 and 31 reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5853-1999 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed: AproyatLfrom the MinistryoLTransportation and Highways, -. - - - Discharge of the exiting Restrictive Covenant The following applies to the above: The Ministry of Transportation and Highways approved the Bylaw on January 28, 2000. 2. The Restrictive Covenant has been discharged. CONCLUSION: As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that final reading be given to the bylaw. /. Preflred by: Gay McMillan Planning Technician Appro Planning 4pprfre' by: Jake J. RudoJTh, ALCP, MCII' I GM: P(tC opment Services Az Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, XICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer -2- 11959 -- U) 11964 N. _J bUTZ 14 011964 6a. 18 T9, 0 13 I 11944 12 P39885 54 i1 117 P29311 U, N. 11 11935137 P39885 11940 118 11934 19 :i -i 10 P 24576 Vt-i ASHBURYCRT §15161718l 191201 P121772 707 P7 WPTN.of 13 9 A R BL C 1 2 R P2819 co 0. 7 6 5 P8981 23 22 21 20619718 1 16 24 14 HERRINGTONPL k j 2d° AB J 45 P 692 P 25353 10 78 I ~4 _~g EPA 83 9614 P66125• 378 ILI LMS 340 A 13 NW2014 ' 2 6 321 B LMP4326 U, b /16/17I1819202122 23 P63342 LUC,Hfi 303 \P49 302 0) U) . Y PcI. A 305( 11769 )11770 MAYO 11755 1 306 I- 245 NW1766 11745 C/) (1)11756 all 299 NW15 P63241 LP.69859 ° 307 ; 0.. 11735 308 C 0 298 cm p3529 a co ew 309 V 297 AVE 271 — 256 PARK 172 173 180 181 255 _!!! 11685 270 _______ _________ 11688 257 p3 14 ________________ 179 182 nnc 4A ______________ SO- SCALE •, 21409 LOUGHEED HWY -. CORPORATION OF 300 1414 THE DISTRICTOF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incocporatad 12. Septesiib&, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ____ FATE: Jul 13 1999 FILE: BY:JB BRrnsH COLUMBR Your File: RZ142/99 Our File: 1-6-18278 January 28, 2000 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge 1 BC V2X6A9 4i- •..J Attention: Moreno Rossi Registered Planner FE5 0 1 2000 Dear Sir: MAPLE RIDGE Re: Rezoning Proposal - Bylaw No. 5853 PLANfflNG DEPARTMENT 21409 Lougheed Highway The above noted bylaw is returned approved pursuant to Section 54(2) of the Highway Act. Should you have any questions, please call. Yours truly, 4ee-Young District Development Technician DLY - Enclosure - Ministry of Transportation and Highways Lower Mainland District South Coast Region Mailing Address: 4200- 1065 Columbia Street New Westminster, BC V3M 6H7 Telephone: (604) 660-8310 Facsimile: (604) 660-9736 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5853 - 1999 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5853 - 1999." Maple Ridge Zone By-law 3510— 1985, as amended is hereby further amended by adding the following there to: Section 1034 CD-2-99 (Comprehensive Development) 1. Intent This zone is intended to accommodate a variety of service commercial uses and some professional offices. 1) PER g>: 1) MITTED PRINCIPAL USES assembly use limited to public transportation depot, private schools, and movie theatres of a minimum 2,000 m2 gross floor area; drive through use; church institutional; convenience store; highway commercial use; business services limited to a maximum gross floor area of 186 m 2 ; research and non-medical testing laboratories; light industry limited to 279 in 2 gross floor area; indoor-commercial -recreation; - - - - - outdoor commercial recreation; personal repair services; personal services; professional services limited to a maximum gross floor area of 186 in2 ; recycling depot; retail limited to household furnishings, vehicle parts and accessories, second hand goods, and antiques, with other retail uses limited to a maximumof 186 m2 gross floor area; restaurants and licensed premises; tourist accommodation limited to motor hotel and motel; service station; and warehousing. 2) PERM1TFED ACCESSORY USES retail to a tourist accommodation use, or to an indoor or outdoor commercial recreation use provided the total accessory use gross floor area does not exceed 100 m2; retail to light industry use provided the accessory use gross floor area does not exceed 25% of the total principal use gross floor area; rentals; apartment; and unenclosed storage. 3) LOT COVERAGE All buildings and structures shall not: exceed a lot coverage of 40%; and exceed 95% coverage of the surface area of a lot for an off street parking or accessory off Street parking use. 4) SIZE OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES No building or structure shall exceed a height of 7.7m. 5) SITING No building or structure shall be sited less than: 9.0 m from a front lot line; 6.0mfromarearlot line; 7.5 m from an exterior side lot line; except that for a drive-through business use, in addition to the front, rear and exterior side lot line setbacks specified above, no building shall be sited within 6.0 m of the interior side lot line. 6) OTHER REGULATIONS a) All persons carrying out a permitted use shall conduct the business or undertaking within a completely enclosed building. b) Airuses shall: provide a landscape strip not less than 1 .5m in width on front and exterior side lot lines; and provide landscaping covering not less than five percent (5%) of the - developed site. c) An apartment use shall: be limited exclusively to storeys above the first storey of a building; be the only use in a storey so used; be located within a building above all storeys which are used for a permitted commercial use; and be permitted only where all parking for such use is dedicated pking. - A drive-through use shall have a minimum of 30 m highway frontage. No building or structure shall exceed one sleeping unit or dwelling unit for each 93.0 m2 of lot area for a permitted tourist accommodation use. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot A, District Lot 247, Group 1, Plan LMP4326, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1220 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to CD-2-99 (Comprehensive Development). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 23rd day of November, A.D. 1999. PUBLIC HEARING held the 21st day of December, 1999. READ a second time the 11th day of January, A.D. 2000. READ a third time the 11th day of January, A.D. 2000. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation and Highways this day of , A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK ton 54(2) of the Hhway Act thZ of ......................2o. fU1 HIIMSMI and Hg ays CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: February 10, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/36/98 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COUNCIL SUBJECT: Final Reading - Bylaw No. 5790-1999, Bylaw No. 5791-1999 (11951 Burnett Street) SUMMARY: Bylaw No. 5790-1999 and No. 579 1-1999 have been considered by Council at Public Hearing and subsequently granted 2' and 3rd reading. The applicant has requested that final reading be granted. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit the construction of a commercial building. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5791-1999 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5790-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. BACKGROUND: Location: The subject site is located at 11951 Burnett Street, one lot south of Dewdney Trunk Road. A site plan is attached to this memo. History: Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on June 15th 1999. On June 22, 1999 Council granted 2 and 3rd reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5790- 1999 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5791-1999 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed: I) Approval from the Ministiy of Transportation and Highways; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outline& in the Agreement; Amendment to Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan; Amendment to Schedule "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan; Consolidation of the development site; Road dedication of 1.5 metres fronting 11951 Burnett St.; The following applies to the above: On July 5th 1999 the Ministry of Highways advised, as the Lougheed Hwy. within 800 metres of this site had been transferred to the Municipality on April ls 1999 authority to approve this application was now with the Municipality. The Rezoning Development Agreement has been registered at the Land Title Office and security deposit has been received. Amendment to Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan will occur upon adoption of the OCP Amending Bylaw No. 579 1-1999. Amendment to Schedule "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan will occur upon adoption of the OCP Amending Bylaw No. 5791-1999. A lot consolidation plan has been registered at the Land Title Office. A road dedication plan has been registered at the Land Title Office. CONCLUSION: As the applicant,4ias met Council's conditions, it is recommended that final reading be given to the bylaws. Prepared by. Bruce G. NfcLeod, ISA Certified Arborist Landscape/Planning Technician Approved by: Ti ryer, P. APProvedl)Y:vJ',. Public 4s & Ivelopment Services J-Wud61ICP, MCIP-- Concurrence: RoOPert W. RobèrtIon, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer -2- SCALE: 1:4.000 'a.u. a'.ta ! : L1.1 : !::: ipjt ' 12 127 14 1 zo 1!56~ 1 2 T-It 13T *12 to _ i—;-2;::1 'F, 2l312, 2i 2'7J2l&42It 22 j Z2. 2:z z 2 . J I • " £ J '/2 '0 , ai7' 30J J I l J •'/2 !1'2 21" Ipw S. 2.5 2 t I " V. '6 _ F12111 221 227 Z2 22sf 2JOi2.uz3zt :i 2.7 0 - S I I 332 a a.' .065 i'." -- a. i'j - 533 25.2 '53 :7'276 2 I ' 99.4. 'I/2 l = •337l .3.5.6 ,,,, I ,... 2a 31 ) 23' 272 7 ' 7 M "1.22 '' •,.i' I 35 27' 'I 276 :'t,°b ii'3' : 2.36 ::::L: 56 Z7q,ni79 2,, En ;: !1 1::;;: L: E:T :::;E:! j_ I• /2 •'..'d C"1 302 30' 2'' F 239 1 267 252 N. _ . I' •* 3 '' I, '4634 ' "-1 ' ' . •...373 - a a' V ,, 326 315 2'2 24. 2" 245 j 263 6 263... 21 IJa ' 5589 • 106 77, cs- '00 Lit - - DEWONE' TRUNK ROAD rj I l_:Iii U I M • 4 sq • a .i a 468.3Sf I " i1E * 8 S. .: • ' I aen' a 5749, 1 66201 IL 25 ________ C"l ' 82i a..- ::oIz.. . 2.3I22'I1 .-4 '5255 j '3ei's7I56i,s 19 '1 , :: 11A //'s' L J1 1.3907 a61 - I -' 25 119 t Rv1'r3 5 '9• I.::. _________ ________ __________ 51 - ' ' I t'- loCif 21 ('" I'tA.-.- I ,,i - C12' J" 7 -4.328 so a51909 RM33 1 : 1739 " " - S1JKIRK AVE..uj " 2 2 - P.7 '4' LP 59$74 8 S515 '50021 1 1A AVE. C La.• 26980 't '' \2 I •'.- •"•m i •,,. . 35 ,. 93 I? 763" I .. ,,,C i,,, ,7 9 I Lh' 5 L.ASC) 5.3 10 10 I 93 •'-.-L_ C fl- 6 .a.R ftiAsC) ________ \.. "•. .1" ". .:'' ", SUBJECT PROPERTY — 'STVC 11951 BURNETT ST. ...._.. 5q,(5 - I 5'—v4LI.Zy '7 ZONING IS RS-1 . SOBJECT CORPORATION OF TEE -' fl9ROPERTY DIrR1CT OF MAPLE RiDGE J>ONWO / MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING Incorporatso j2 eotem0er. 874 DEPARTMENT FILE/BYLAW: Z-36-98 J OA1T: JAN. 7. 1998 cI or — -. 0irNlmSi A(gil SECTWN__-- - S . - \ .L•_ — - - _________ I . n0 ii, liloeboil in viOl. -- —i --i..- - . ---- Quayside I t7J — - ADDITION TOLOROCO AUTO PAATS — I r — •. l.a. . iOJII1f 5Ziini544Il. — \ \ 0• quo ne_S Oil VO4D1I4# .' i-- _•S —rnsa $. aIre.s J I A 1* LMWIEIISIU I I Wi 5ECflONM (IA Wr I• •f • I tAt- — S4(I A A I- I'0m AS. a I1AS aI. • 14' U11 I an 1 •4_lAt t*(I A L1MI1A. AS to a M 49 lAS tA_Ige 1AS•A.l • S SASs 5 •l MIS I St ISV St AMI. (I_IA UIIM EWA LI • St I iMISts MIStsI _INm.111&Im& *.MtAiU. viomI iswI. mi I 0 S., - 5fl15 S4 lASS_I MI ICU tO LO AJIO P1S 51.NIS s rn _Ii_I4_I MI_I 11AM IMSS lZN (1Nr ipmt * -. - S St_Ill 55 AM S MASt aw. U Sill_I MI is.. -- AAM• *5 tmAM I AS (I ((I_IS *5511. fifullad gggg - AS• SIN 1 - ) I lit.. 05 A04. 1411 1 u4 P. 1* S P1 NNa1ss. I• S - N Ill urns uu sup =ISM 0 ML W W. a u. MID u. NO NP 5 W 5IS. PSI N*uSpu a.,s NU PSNaS5s.U.a • as. OWN .a. UI • ass • WI. UN I PS. SI. U S Na PS __ • SIP • 1P Na PS NSI NIP SIPS NI IS SIPS NaS. S SIll I asS IS NaPS 515. use, as 111151 . Ii SN up NaPS 515 • NIl S IPSI • I MIl SN 155 • II Sill PS 55 PSI P PPM SN 155155 MM 5 asS UPS IS . N NaPS 555 PS •W 15 .asi as • MI PPM • N asse SN P1155515. tIPPle o cwiion P N PIP au s N • S IEO=u SWW 496 LI NI • NSI N. SP•I aw lrnlms.rnal sasern-isrn srii ro to AM MIS izs r r* w 51154 IPS. It I AINJ CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5791 - 1999. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A", "B" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5791 - 1999." Schedule "B" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2, Section 17, Township 12, Plan 22046 New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 571, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby redesignated to Service Commercial. Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area VIII in the Appendix: Lot 2, Sec. 17, Tp. 12, Plan -22046, NWD. and Lot 208, Sec. 17, Tp. 12, Plan 54265, NWD Those parcels o tsoflandandpremise&knownand-described-as-- - Lot 2, Section 17, Township 12, Plan 22046, New Westminster District and Lot 208, Section 17, Township 12, Plan 54265, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No 572, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, are hereby designated as Development Permit Area VIII (8) on Schedule "H". Page2 Bylaw No. 5791-1999 5. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 199 PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 199. READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 199. READ A THIRD TIME the •day of , A.D. 199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK S1/2of3 12070 F2C I I L'.°'I _ 112001 1 ___________________________________________________________ I T2 I I I 1284 327o. 316 — -, 2051 1 / 2064 120i PURO(Y At. '2014 /2. N70' N130 of 2 - 12064 (0 1204 320 !2O50 P 7804 ______ 317 12041 I 310 2 Rem. N 130 of 2 319 318 Go I _1 3iI ' 2J i 4I C•I 309'N -s: 2 6 Rem. 2 '-.vi 84 91 P1 4422 21 7 -- r- IL LMP 1505 P 2891 P 7651 P 45 71 I8 P - Rem. 327 Rem. 1 W 100 312 1311 Ljw So of 8 - 77489 Ce P 61650 ROAO DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD - RW80199 I 57 P46839 N. _____ 48 1 P58011 P5 91 1/96 8 208 P 68237 Rem. 220 229 230 231 223224 21 P 54265 PcI 1 RW — — — — — _ a. 7 — /1954 (N 49---- ,.-RW15258 I -I P 4788I I 150 14 2 ___• — 2 158115711561 155 154 153[ 152 151 -i 2 11960 MP 13758 I LM 18455 • fF951 • LMP 2449 FULLER AVE. 49 3 LMP 2409 . ,, "94-, 69 102 109 I. 2 920 Rem 66 148 4 _____ _____ _____ 11940 A to "9.1.5 ______ ______ 5 7 ______ ______ 101 110 F/9J0 147 CN (N ',gj /t9J2 ______ _____ P 86981 f/920 64 71 100 111 146 (/) "920 p1921 6i (t, N. 74 Ff922 I921 _____ 6 ,,, gg 112 11910 145 ' (P 21553) ig 72 /912 .11911 7 /1911 /19.'O ________ /1900 II Z 62 73 980 '113 Ff902 11901 144 A 8 " __ 1,900 11901 97 114 1990 143 09 (P21553) 236 11891 P 61527 iis,o Ff691 ENt)jI ..J NW 1739 f Is7i Q•75 96 115 1/60S 142 C c'i 10 .?.860 11SS 95 116 141 -11 1 law 59 76 ,,81s 1 CL 11 11170 116 94 :1:17 LP 596?4 58 77 ___ — MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5791-1999 Map No. 572 -• PURPOSE: TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA viii(8) AMAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September. 1874 1:2500 a. S 1/2 of 3 I I I L — 327a. a. /2064 315 F2 F20 PUROEY AVE. F20S4 __________________ 284 I F2074 F2SJ 0 /2 N70 N130 of 2 320 '250 P 7804 317 12041 1F20401 I i 310 — .Z041 2 2 I ' Rem. N 1.30 of ________________ % 39 ______ ______ 318 1Rem — 26'' 311 2I I 0. 2 6 Rem. 2 120)7 —• 442 2 — CT 0. 8491 I P 450 7 P 7651 P 45b71 !18 P 52750 505 r 1 5 Rem. 2a. 327 Rem. 1 W 100 312 311 ci of 8 a. ROAO DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD — P.W 80199 t tfl 57 P46839 N, — 1 _ FF969 48 208 I 0 a_ P58011 P5 91 P 68237 Rem. 220 229 230 231 223224 21 P 54265 PcI 1 RW 525 1 0 — ---- 7 ,,96J ra' c- — ,fl9544 c-I ,.-RW15258 158 157 156 P437881 155115411531152 I 151 150 2 11960 j j C.] - ._& "95'] MP 13758 0. LMP 2449 FULLER_AVE 149 CM • 2409 _ ______ ,F950 0.610 I 11940 — 69 102 109 — -- Rem 66 , C. 148 (.1) 4 ________ JIIIQ_ ________ (0 1F915 ______ ________ ________ ______ FF940 _____ 00 A -r 65 70 101 110 9J0 147 ON P 86981 0 c-i C'I 5 FF930 F,,.) //920 FF929 64 71 100 111 141 11907 (/) 119 11927 FF922 FF92? — 11917 99 112 11910 145 (P 21553) ,, 63 72 FF9IF FF972 — 7 8o /1900 III Z 62 73 FF902 113 V 11907 144 I 8 I= 11900 ___ a, FF90? a_a. 97 FF890 19 (P21553) 2.36 FF885 61 W, rX 74 7F898 114 /1897 143 ENT) P 61527 FFgg0 ? FF891 FF8.80 NW 1739 9 FF873 a_ 0.75 96 11888 115 FF881 142 10 law ______ 88 95 116 1 1870 141 1830 - CM 59 76 FF8/S 11577 - U. 11 FF870 1186 94 11 7 W FF860 140 LP 59674 -- — .'FSSl 58 77 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5791-1999... Map No. 571 .. . - From: Compact Housing(40 units per net hectare) To: Service Commercial MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September. 1874 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5790- 1999 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended: NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5790 - 1999." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2, Section 17, Township, 12, Plan 22046 New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1210 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to CS-i (Service Commercial). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of A.D. 199. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 199. READ a third time the - day of , A.D. 199: APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation and Highways this day of A.D. 199. - RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199. - MAYOR CLERK —i S 1/2 of 3 , Z0)O '20& I F2T t i I r 284 .- N70 N130 of 2 327o a. 316 PUROE'T AVE. /2 ,201 320 317 '2050 P N310 2 Rem. N 130 of 2 12W.7 Rem.2 Rem 319 318k 2_0 •21262 ____ . J .3.1.11 I — — 45 - 26 — p<4422 a. C., LUP 1505 P r 15 2891 p 7651 P 45 71 p 52750 Rem. 118 327 Rem. i w ioo 312 311 I 1 of8 4s .- p774 ZR NN P 61650 ROAD flcWflr.irf TPIINV RCAfl RW 80199 e I , 57 P468.39 1 Ln _ __ 48 CL a. P 58011 P 5 91 119 e 64 8 208 P 68237 Rem 220 229 230 231 223224 21 c.i P54265 — N1 0 — a. 7 1/96.7 ,,F 954i g — W_12. [ 158 157 1561 155 P 4788 I 1541 lS.3 I 152 151 150 In ___ _______ - — - __ 2 J L,F960 AI MP I 13758 LP__1_84 a. W a. 50 LMP 2449 FULLER AVE 149 3 LMP 2409 "950 0.6O ho — ______ a. "fl 69 102 109 1 • I 2 -- /1920 Rem 66 148 /1940 ________ A 1/9.7.5 _ _(0 65 70 1470 101 110 I ,,9J0 "-'i C\J p 86981 'i 5 119 1/929 64 71 100 111 146 F/Soi l ci) i ,sc 11921 11922 FF92 1 1t910 — 63 72 6 11917 99 112 145 (P 21553) J ,, 119/2 1F911 — 7 Ljj 11910 980 16 62 73 F90,? w Ini 1 13 FF9OF 144 iI A 8 11 500 __________ 11901 _________ a. 97 a. 09 IL, (P21553) 2.36 1184.5 1 r..74 /8 SS 114 1189? 143 P 61527 9 ,'sw ? "a,' 115 ENT)1 W NW 1739 60' a. 75 96 Flags 142 0 C' 10 I law __________ 'w _____ 95 116 .. F 141 FF5.70 - 118U 59 76 "' Q. 11840 - 11 15) 11564 94 117 140 LP 59674 — - 115.5/ — 58 77 ',ggs FFsa MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5790-1999 Map No. 1210 • - From: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) To: CS -1(Service Commercial) MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September. 1874 1:2500 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES June 15, 1999 The Minutes of the Public Hearing held on June 15, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia. PRESENT Elected Officials Appointed Staff Mayor C. Durksen Mr. J. R. McBride, Municipal Clerk Councillor T. Baker Mr. J. Rudolph General Manager of Public Works Councillor J. Clements and Development Services Councillor C. Gordon Mr. T. Fryer, Director of Current Planning Councillor L. King Mrs. K. Grout, Manager Environmental Affairs Councillor K. Stewart Mrs. H. Cardno, Acting Confidential Secretary Mayor Durksen explained the procedure of the Public Hearing and advised that in accordance with the Municipal Act, no further input into the subject by-laws can be received by the Municipal Council until the by-laws are either adopted or defeated. The by-laws will be considered further by Council on June 22, 1999. The Mayor then called upon the Director of Current Planning to present the following items on the Agenda: Se. &) 1 a) RZ/27/c6 / 9p MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING BYLAW'NO. 5809-1 999 LEGAL: East fKf of Lot 15, South New We nster District and. West Half of X Nàw Westmin LOCATIONI23689& Section 28, Township 12, Plan 2637, East Quarter, Section 28, Township 12, Plan 2637, Crsàèñt FROM: R7permitlY Suburban R TO: R se Residential) PURPOSE:e construction of 33 townhouse units. Public Hearing Minutes June 15, 1999 Page5 Dr. S. Mawani of 13320 - 232'' Street tackine. ised that he is opposed to this project. He commented on the fact that this is a hiy Sensitive environmental area. He further commented that the topics of hydrology wildlife preservation have not been touched on and that information on these items is Ross Davies, the Watershed Coordinato/ for Alouette River Management Society advised that he has toured the property ofMr. c Mrs. Sprague and the surrounding forest strip to the North. He stated that the hydrolog of the area is changing very quickly, and this will continue to change as development fI/rther up the hill continues. He suggested that this development be held off until the d'elopments occurring up the hill are finished and a property assessment of the area in qestion can be done. Dave Smith of 24818 - 100th Av that some of the recreation trail There are some concerns abc environment sensitivity and the when this area is marked on th increase the hydrology and traf FL e, spoke as President of the Trails Council. He stated stem along the arterial road has not been addressed. the access to Golden Ears Provincial Park, the lose proximity to the Alouette River. He asked why, OCP as an environmentally sensitive area, would they and all other things that go with a high density area. A letter from Lynn Peters of f3034 - 236th Street was read. In the letter she stated that there was a lot of questions it answered at the public information meeting. She stated her concern for the enviromi/ent, such as the high sensitive area. She added that there is not enough parking to allo' for this development, and that the Silver Valley Arterial Road has not been finely tui/ed in terms of the location. Ms. Peters noted further that the traffic along Fern Crescenj and across the bridges on 232 Street have not passed the safety limit for both volump and weight now. Bob Mang of 23641 F sce4 Creent, advised that he has lived there for 30 years, and knows the area extremlf well. He stated that he opposes this project and stated that he has not seen any justiflction that there is a need for townhouses in this area, or for that matter, in the whole of l4aple Ridge. He invited Council to come and take a close look at this land and see that it Js totally unsuitable for this type of development. He questioned why the OCP is being itnored when it was accepted by the residents of Maple Ridge and Council. / Chris Reeves of 23491- 132 d Avenue stated she and her husband have resided there for the past thirty years. f'trs. Reeves stated that they are deeply opposed to this development mainly because ther4 is no exit off Fern Crescent, and advised that there is a need for a north-south arterial rad and not an east-west arterial road. A resictent,.-of'14204 Mark Road stated that he opposes this development as it was not designated inthe01P as such. 2a) RZ/36198 - MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING BYLAW NO. 5790 - 1999 LEGAL: Lot 2, Section 17, Township 12, Plan 22046, New Westminster District. LOCATION: 11951 Burnett St. FROM: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) TO: CS-i (Service Commercial) Public Hearing Minutes June 15, 1999 Page 6 PURPOSE: To permit the construction of a commercial building. 2b) RZ/36198 - MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING BY- LAW NO. 5791.- 1999 LEGAL: .. Lot 2, Section 17, Township 12, Plan 22046, New Westminster District and Lot 208, Section 17, Township 12, Plan 22046, New Westminster District. LOCATION: 11951 Burnett St. & 22866 Dewdney Trunk Road PURPOSE: To amend Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan in order to redesignate the property as shown in heavy black line on Map 571 FROM: Compact Housing (40 units per net hectare) TO: Service Commercial AND To amend Schedule "A" of the Official Community Plan to include the site into a Development Permit Area (as shown on Map 572) to ensure the form and character of development at the building permit stage. The Director of Current Planning displayed the plan on the overhead to show the extent of the zoned area for the properties and reiterated the purpose of by-laws 5790 - 1999 and 5791-1999. He advised that this development is to provide for the expansion,of the commercial building already in use, which is Lordco Supplies. The application is for an expansion of this site to one lot to the south. The Director of Current Planning called upon the project designer, Chris Dibnah, of the firm Phoenix Structural Design to speak on the proposed project. Mr. Dibnah displayed drawings on the overhead of the property and advised that Lordco has been active in this community for many years, and that the property they are located on is their corporate headquarters. He stated that in order for Lordco to keep it's headquarters here, more space is necessary to clean up the back of the property. He advised that after discussions with the Planning Department, it was decided that by consolidating the properties there could be an addition added to the building of 5600 square feet on to the back of the existing building. This will enable mo.reon. site. ..storage faôilify plus provide parking behind. Councillor King requested that the designer state the landscaping standard for the property. Mr. Dibnah advised that there is a rear setback of approximately twenty feet, and along the building face closest to the property a substantial amount of heavy landscaping has been added, such as tall trees and a buffer zone along the property. The Director of Current Planning summarized the purposes of the bylaws 5790 - 1999 and 5791-1999. Public Hearing Minutes June 15, 1999 Page 7 The Municipal Clerk advised that there were no letters received on this item. RZ/28/98 MAPLE RIDGZONE AMENDING BYLAWNO. 5769-1999 LEGAL: Lot 3,'istrict Lot 405, Group 1, Plan 60014, New Westminster District and \ Parcel "NV (J 1 30089E) District Lot 405, Group 1, New Westminster District LOCATION: 1039latford Place & 10389 240 Street FROM: RS-2 (One mily Suburban Residential) and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) \ TO: R-1 (Residential Djsi (Townhouse Reside\ PURPOSE: To permit future townhouse units. RZ128/98 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL 5770-1999 R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) & RM-1 sion into approximately 14 residential lots and 7 PLAN AMENDING BYLAW NO. LEGAL: A Portion of Parcel "M" (J130Q89E), District Lot 405, Group 1, New Westminster District and a Portion\f Lot 3, District Lot 405, Group. 1, Plan 60014, New Westminster District \ LOCATION: 10390 Slatford & 10389 240 Street PURPOSE: To amend Schedules "A" & "H" of'tie Official Community Plan to include the site into a Development Petht Area to ensure the form and character of development at the building pbmit stage. The Director of Current Planning displayed a sketch on\ theehead showing the properties and surrounding area, and he reiterated the purpos ws 5769-1999 and 5770-1999. He advised that only the townhouse portion is o the development permit &ea. He introduced Mr. John Castell, the designer forect, who elaborated on some of the characteristics of this development proposal. Mr. Caste1 displayed a map of the property and expl ' the location is approximately foui acres in total. He showed on the maphè\property slopes gently down from 240th Street to the lane. Another permanee ofkthe property is Spencer Creekwhich meanders through the bottom portio prorty crossing Slatford. \ Mr. Castell advised that they have an environmental consultant working with the\p on - - - this project for the past year,-who has-.done extensive work_w1th.iegar&toJheetentiQ of the creek as it is, existing trees and new trees in the area, and the setback from the creel CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: Jan. 21, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: E08 015 761.1 & FROM: Chief Administrative Officer E01 052 001.3 SUBJECT: Excess Capacity/Extended ATTENTION: C of W Services Agreement LC 70/00; SD 25/98 SUMMARY: A developer has provided certain services in support of Subdivision SD 25/98 at Alouette Road and 130A Avenue. Some of the services benefit adjacent lands therefore, it is appropriate to impose Latecomer Charges on the benefitting lands. RECOMMENDATION: That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD 25/98, at Alouette Road and 130A Avenue, be it resolved that: The cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the memorandum of the Chief Administrative Officer dated Jan. 21, 2000, and The Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a "Latecomer Agreement" with the subdivider of the said lands. BACKGROUND: (a) Purpose - - - Theattachedma identifiestheiandswhich are. in volvedinthesubdi vision andihose which .will. - benefit from thà excess or extended services. The cost breakdown for each excess or extended service is as follows: - - 01.0a -0 1 TYPE OF EXCESS OR EXTENDED SERVICE ONS1TE SERVICE FOR ADJACENT PROPERTY SERVICE # BENEFTFIING COST OF COST PER LOTS BENEFiT LOT BENEFiT ATFRIBUTED BY PROPERTY EXCLUDING SUBDIVISION Water 13 Sanitary 10 Sewer $45,000.00 $3,460.00 $33,400.00 $3,340.00 Lot 12, Plan 2510 1 x $3,460.00 Lot 11, Plan 2510 1 x $3,460.00 Lot A, Plan 22667 1 x $3,460.00 Lot 35, Plan 31450 I x $3,460.00 Lot 26, Plan 21 153 1 x $3,460.00 Lot 12, Plan 2510 1 x $3,340.00 Lot 11, Plan 2510 1 x $3,340.00 Lot A, Plan 22667 1 x $3,340.00 EXTENDED NOMINAL SERVICE SERVICE # BENEHTIING LOTS COST OF COST PER BENEFIT LOT BENEFIT ATTRIBUTED BY PROPERTY EXCLUDING SUBDIVISION Storm Sewer 22 $52,020.00 $2,360.00 Lot 3, Plan 5052 1 x $2,360.00 - Lot4,P1an2510 3 x $2,360.00 A total of all of the aforementioned services for each property is as follows: Lot 3, NE ¼, Sec. 22, TP. 12, Plan 5052, N.W.D. $2,360.00 Lot 4, Sec. 27, TP. 12, Plan 2510, N.W.D. $7,080.00 Lot 12, SE 1/4, Sec. 27, TP. 12, Plan 2510, N.W.D. $6,800.00 Lot 11, SE 14, Sec. 27, TP. 12, Plan 2510, N.W.D. - $6,800.00 Lot A, Sec. 27, TP. 12, Plan 22667, N.W.D. $6,800.00 Lot 35, SE 1%, Sec. 27, TP.12, Plan 31450, N.W.D. $3,460.00 Lot 26, Sec. 27, TP. 12, Plan 21153, N.W.D. $3,460.00 (b) Policy Implications: Section 939 of the Municipal Act, provides in clauses 5 (a), (b) and (c) that where a developer pays all or part of the ôost of excess or extended services, the municipality shall determine the proportion of the cost of the service which constitutes excess or extended service and determine the proportionf-th cost of the service to be attributed to parcels of land which the municipality considers ,wiIl bepfit from the service. The Latecomer Agreement will summarize the municipity's d 7nation and establish the term over which such Latecomer charges will be applied,' by: Jeff Engineering proved by: prank Quinn, P.Eng., Municipal Engineer \?L1 Approved :' fM J. Rudol h, AICP, MCII' Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCII' Chief Administrative Officer r//-, 1~ 11 1 SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY 11 - BENEFI'LIING PROPERTIES EXCESS CAPACITY/EXTENDED N SERVICES AGREEMENT LC 70/00 SD 25/98 CORPORATION OF THE all DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING ia s.,t. ieri DEPARTMENT SCA FILE/DWG No LC7O-2000 DATE: JANUARY 2000 N.T.S. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: Jan. 28, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: E08 015 859 & FROM: Chief Administrative Officer E01 052 001.3 SUBJECT: Excess Capacity/Extended ATTENTION: C of W Services Agreement LC 7 1/00; SD 19/96 SUMMARY: A developer has provided certain services in support of Subdivision SD 19/96 at 238 Street and 113 Avenue. Some of the services benefit adjacent lands therefore, it is appropriate to impose Latecomer Charges on the benefitting lands. RECOMMENDATION: That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD 19/96, at 238 Street and 113 Avenue, be it resolved that: The cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the mumcipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the memorandum of the Chief Administrative Officer dated Jan. 28, 2000, and The Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a "Latecomer Agreement" with the subdivider of the said lands. BACKGROUND: (a) Purpose - - - benefit from the excess or extended services. The cost breakdown for each excess or extended service is as follows: 0, o1-' TYPE OF EXCESS OR EXTENDED SERVICE OVERSIZE ON SITE SER VICE # BENEHTTING COST OF BENEFiT LOTS BENEFIT ATFRIBUTED BY PROPERTY EXCLUDING SUBDIVISION Storm Sewer 2 $384.00 Pci. 2, Plan RP6761 1 x $96.00 Pci. 1, Plan RP6260 1 x $288.00 ONS1TE SERVICE FOR ADJACENT PROPERTY SERVICE # BENEHrI'ING COST OF COST PER BENEFIT LOTS BENEFIT LOT ATFRIBUTED BY PROPERTY EXCLUDING SUBDIVISION Storm Sewer 64 $218,752.00 $3,418.00 Pci. 2, Plan RP6761 1 x $3,418.00 Pci. 1, Plan RP6260 1 x $3,418.00 Sanitary 16 $34,272.00 $2,142.00 Pci. 2, Plan RP6761 Sewer 1 x $2,142.00 Pci. 1, Plan RP6260 1 x $2,142.00 Water 18 $29,700.00 $1,650.00 Pci. 2, Plan RP6761 1 x $1,650.00 Pci. 1, Plan RP6260 lx$1,650.00 Road 18 $60,768.00 $3,376.00 Pci. 2, Plan RP6761 1 x $3,376.00 .- - --. .Pc11,P-Ian.6260 1 x $3,376.00 A total of all of the aforementioned services for each property is as follows: Pd. 2, SE 1%, Sec. 16, TP. 12, Plan RP6761, N.W.D. $10,682.00 Pci. 1, SE 1%, Sec. 16, TP. 12, Plan RP6260, N.W.D. $10,874.00 (b) Policy Implications: Section 939 of the Municipal Act, provides in clauses 5 (a), (b) and (c) that where a developer pays all or part of the cost of excess or extended services, the municipality shall determine the proportion of the c f the service which constitutes excess or extended service and determine the proportion o the ost of the service to be attributed to parcels of land which the municipality considers wi ben it from the service. The Latecomer Agreement will summarize the municipality s dete nation and establish the term over which such Latecomer charges will be applied. 77 r Of Development Engineering by: Frank Quinn, P.Eng., Muucipal Engineer Approved by: \jMj. RudolpH', AICP, Services Concurrence: Rc1ert W. Robertson, AICP, MC1P Chief AdniinLctrative Officer •1' ' l4f4' zi __ '7499 _ 34 7749 I Ic126 PARK 7 I_1I 747S 3 12 "4/LI 11,463 32 _ 2 ti!459 fl46 28 31 11467 ii \ 29 30 "459 I 1 1 k12 I [3 14 PARK \1o\11\\13r g lio '1 114AA T I i4i7 174t. E. 17423 17 2 ____ 1 I I f il47. 1 15 46 J45 L44143 L42[ / -- ti! ._ f PA LHl3BA5'4g 2 <<1. O 132 J31 36 71365 F-L-__L Pe( 1 - 6 7157 I 30 LLV I I I \ -'.- 138 •. •.• • 7 ".zo 29 18 19 17 ... - 8 .IV 16 28 220 1' 1,01, J4Q 27 2S 15 N 1/2 9 2 26 4 -.. 25 24 '23 2 13 cr 5 11 1??? N 1/2 of S 1/2 B SUBDiVISION BOUNDARY BENEF1TI'ING PROPERTIES EXCESS CAPACiTY/EXTENDED 1/ N SERVICES AGREEMENT LC 71/00 SD 19/98 ~&A DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT =( SCALE FILE/BYLAW: LC71 —2000 DATE: JANUARY 2000 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: Feb. 3, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: E08 015 630 & FROM: Chief Administrative Officer E0 1 052 001.2 SUBJECT: Excess Capacity/Extended ATTENTION: C of W Services Agreement LC 59/98; SD 47/93 SUMMARY: A developer has provided certain services in support of Subdivision SD47/93 at 238B Street and 121 Avenue. Some of the services benefit adjacent lands therefore, it is appropriate to impose Latecomer Charges on the benefitting lands. RECOMMENDATION: That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD 47/93, be it resolved that: That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the memorandum of the Chief Administrative Officer dated Feb. 3, 2000, and That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a "Latecomer Agreement" with the subdivider of the said lands. BACKGROUND: (a) Purpose The attached map identifies the lands which are involved in the subdivision and those which will benefit from the excess orixtended services. The cost breakdown for each excess or extended service is as follows: TYPE OF EXCESS OR EXTENDED SERVICE OVERSIZE ON SITE SERVICE # BENEFTING COST OF BENEFiT LOTS BENEFiT ATrRIBUTED BY PROPERTY EXCLUDING SUBDIVISION Storm Sewer 1 $850.00 Lot 11, Plan 39756 1 x $850.00 ONSITE SERVICE FOR ADJACENT PROPERTY SERVICE # BENEF'I FliNG LOTS COST OF BENEFIT COST PER LOT BENEFIT ATFRIBUTED BY PROPERTY EXCLUDING SUBDIVISION Road 37 $198,912.00 $5,376.00 Lot 11, Plan 39756 1 x $5,376.00 N1/2 Lot 6, Plan 2512 1 x $5,376.00 Watermain 37 $86,728.00 $2,344.00 Lot 11, Plan 39756 1 x $2,344.00 N1/2 Lot 6, Plan 2512 1 x $2,344.00 Sanitary Sewer - 35 $57,120.00 $1,632.00 Lot 11, Plan 39756 lx $ 1,632.00 N1/2 Lot 6, Plan 2512 -- lx$1,632.00 Storm Sewer 35 $165,410.00 $4,726 Lot 11, Plan 39756 I x $4,726 N1/2 Lot 6, Plan 2512 1 x $4,726.00 A total of all of the aforementioned services for each property is as follows: Lot 11,partofSE 1A Sec. 21, Plan 39756 $14,928.00 N ½ of Lot 6, Except Plan 18013, Sec. 21, Plan 2512 $ 14,078.00 (b) Policy Implications: Section 939 of the Municipal Act, provides in clauses 5 (a), (b) and (c) that where a developer pays all or part of the cost of excess or extended services, the municipality shall determine the proportion of the cost of the service which constitutes excess or extended service and determine the proportio the cost of the service to be attributed to parcels of land which the municipality considers ill enefit from the service. The Latecomer Agreement will summarize the municip ity's etermination and establish the term over which such Latecomer charges will be applied fl Of Development Engineering roved byl Frank Qu , P.Eng., Municipal Engineer Approved by:V 4ke J. Rudo ph, AICP, MCIP Public W rks & Development Services Concurrence: ARobert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer SUBDI\1SION BOUNDARY SCA' N.t. V ABERNETHY WAY 33 /2221 32 — Z7T77' Al P 39756 21 . . . . S - 7 8 26 2 N 1/2 8 - 8 0 7 .. iZl4S 28 — — 10 ., 25 - 10 - 11 24 .. CL 12 23'30 , S 1/28 O tl72 2 20 22 17 1 16 7 C1112 - p " S1/27 121 AVE. Pd. 'A /27? 6 pppppp~z '' CL P 2i 2 P 82308 0.405 3 0 , 2r,ZT — Remi 2 /2077 O.4CSIi.. Imm a. I---.-- Rwn Pd. A I A. 7 8 rn 2. 20 Nu /W 3 120 B AVE. 1E1215 NP 30402 p 20 14 0.207 ha. RW 28408 1 0.044 hu. C.' I RW30273 28 / 0.400 he f R.m21 .753 I I I I DEWDNEY TRUNK RD. - BENEFITflNG PROPERTIES EXCESS CAPACITY/EENDED SERVICES AGRE!NT LC 59/98 SD 47/93 00% CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RID GE MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING kCCPkI4 L2 Septinuber, i" S - - DPART - - F1LE/DWG No LC59-1998 DATE: JUN 19. 1998. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 5887-2000 (12271, 12273 & 12275 224 St.) DATE: February 16, 2000 FILE NO: RZ/83/99 ATTN: CofW-PW&Dev SUMMARY: This development proposal is to permit the construction of an apartment for seniors with a Private Hospital Component. Council gave favourable consideration to the above noted application February 15, 2000 with the stipulation that prior to being presented at a Public Hearing, the following would be complied with: Submission of a fully dimensioned development plan showing the following: neighbourhood context; site plan; building elevations; landscape concept. The above has been received and it is recommended that 1st reading be given to the subject bylaw. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5887-2000 be given First Reading. LiT PrèOired by: Gay McMilian Dlmm,r Thnin ices Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer GM/bjc o1.ba x*f' I i1 2 Rem 1 /2296 IC) Rem Rem Rem 3 18957 \3~5~858 Z11 _______ - I _________ P1826 I 2 i N 70062 CO I /2.785 .;:, 12270 154 P 38983 P 8914 4 B /2260 0.624 ha. Rem. 0 59 1226 P 24278 N / /2J4 13 ____ /2350 P 1473 12244 of a ra, 2 I 1 EE.12QZQ. 1161 6 I 2J4 12340 P 8914 (N SP NW2464 1 EP 7 S 1/2 C f2J-TJ .555 he p 72069 /2330 12324 /-EP 66 8 Rem I 42 12320 12225 P 41225 A 1.214 h43 2Jl2 J LMP 4403 P 80319,) 1220. 75480 10 1.933 ho NW 301 P 8914 SP NW2777 12306 LMS 608 0 1.948 ha E 12 /2296 12294 0.623 ha. 12 BCHPA RW 1 - - RW 15 tw~ 13 EENBELT P 1161 EA 14 /2258 12258 0 _________________________ AVE. * -- *0) P 1.442 LMP .MPJ 115241 13 U,") A 8 1• c'l' 0.410 ha 0.0."A" B 1.593 ha 690 \33 :P5 hoQj I Total - 0.880 ho MS 1802 L ho. LMP 35292 12238 3721 127 LMS 873 A' 1 22 - RW 81544/ AVE. EP 70164 12206 P 86603 l2. I LMc3 12F91 A LMP 262491 Rem. 326 1 6132 L 01P$.LMp 26402 I I \ 'LMP 26401 P 52376 44 48 26 * . P 41066 P 44211- . Rem 3 \ WI FIM 2- r 12150(R(CC(?17RE) N 0. 0 LMP43240en A.'115 - L P118496 23.2 LMS 4011 Porcel "A" N RW 45029 1215 12149 av.q4) 1.035 ho 12 EP 72617-\ 28 IMP 3789k I€ 3 — LMP4324\ _..LMP 248_ N OS!TCT A _______ CORPORATION OF THE STRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE SCALE: - - NAM MAPLE RIDGE PCANNINGDEPARTMENI T)4ORPO4WL Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:2500 BY: T.M. rD;~ZWN __________________________________________________ DATE: JAN. 27. 2000 FILE: RZ-83-99 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5887 - 2000 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5887-2000." Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended is hereby further amended by adding the following thereto: Section 1034 CD- 1-00 (Comprehensive Development) Intent This zone is intended to accommodate and regulate the development of a mixture of uses as an integrated unit based on a comprehensive plan in conformity to the use and density stated in the Official Community Plan and elsewhere in this bylaw. Principal Uses Subject to all provisions of this CD-1-00 (Comprehensive Development) Zone, the following uses and no others shall be permitted in the CD-1-00 zone: Apartment use for Seniors Private Hospital • C.- Accessoses Congregate Care Use; Off street parking use D. Conditions of Use a) Apartment use for seniors shall have a Restrictive Covenant registered at the Land Title Office restricting the use to seniors residence. b) Private Hospital Use shall be licensed by the Agency having jurisdiction. Bylaw No. 5887-2000 Page 2 c) Accessory Congregate Care Use shall be for the benefit of the residents of the apartment building; E. Density The maximum floor space ratio shall be 1.8 except that the following shall not be included as floor area for the purpose of computing the floor space ratio: Any portion of a basement or cellar or other common area containing heating, laundry, recreational or storage facilities; Amenity areas, swinuning pools and open sundecks; Any portion of a storey used for mechanical or electrical service room; Balconies; Common stairwells and common corridors. F. Siting and Height a) All apartment and accessory residential buildings shall be sited not less than 7.5 metres from all property lines. b) Notwithstanding Clause 1 of this subsection, a structure, all of which is 0.8 metre or less above the average finished grade of the lot and which is landscaped and integrated to become a usable part of the yard area may be sited not less than: 1.5 metres from a rear and interior side lot line; 3 metres from a front and exterior side lot line. c) All apartment buildings shall not exceed 15 metres nor 4 storeys in height. G. Other Re&ulations Accessory off street parking use, except for that provided as visitor parking space, shall be located within a structure all parts of which are 0.8 metre or less above the average finished grade of the site and which are landscaped and integrated to become a usable part of the yard area. Visitor parking areas shall be bounded by a landscape screen of not less than one metre in height. A minimum of 20 percent of the lot shall be provided as usable open space. A common activity area or areas shall be provided on the lot on the basis of 1.0 m2 for each dwelling unit. This area may form part of the usable open -. space-requirement. - Bylaw No. 5887-2000 Page 3 Off Street Parking shall conform to the Maple Ridge Off Street Parking and Loading Bylaw. An apartment use shall be permitted only if the site is serviced to the RM-2 standard set out in "Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 4800 - 1993" as amended. 3 That Part II Interpretation, be amended to include in alphabetical order the following definition: Congregate Care Use provides for common facilities intended for the care of a group of residents, typically seniors. Facilities may include provision of common meal areas, recreational facilities and can include provision of personal services for residents. El That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 30, District Lot 399, Group 1, Plan 28189, New Westminster District and Lot 31, District Lot 399, Group 1, Plan 28189, New Westminster District and Parcel "One" (5493 12E) Except: Part subdivided by Plan LMP35292 of Lot F, District Lot 399, Group 1, Plan 8914, New Westminster District are hereby rezoned as shown on Map No. 1230, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, is hereby rezoned to CD-1-00 (Comprehensive Development). 4, Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 2000. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 2000. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 2000. READ a third ti the day of , A D 2000 RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of A.D. 2000. MAYOR CLERK 2 1 o "\P 70062f Cld 12185 I 154 12J70 P 8914 P 38983 0.62e.4 h 67 II 278 N/2 14 - 2 1161 6 12145 • P 8914 SPNW2464 \ EP hi: S 1/2 C P 72069 i - - ) 12.LT . 555 he 66 ,fr,EP hj a —<. RemI 42 12J20 I 12125 I I 3 A. 1.214h /2112 J 4p 4403 P 80319 1210. P 75480 10 1.933 ha. NW 301 P 8914 SP NW2777 12106 \ L4S 608 0 1.946 ha. \ E 11 12296 122.74 - / 0.623 ha. L 12 9CPAW 18.344 - —ST 15 1.3 72296 CL Go 12277 p ii 61 P 8914 1.914 hO 1 I . Rem Pet. ONE of LOT i - :225: 12271 12258 P 1.442 \r, 00 41 Ln T LMP I36 LMPC.T 1524- 13 A 3 53 oio ma \ i o I VV Total - 0.880 he 1.593a LMS 802 0.478 ha. • LMP 35292 . /2218 • LMS 3721 12207 LMS 873 1 22 AVE. EP 7O14 Rw 8154 12206 P 66603 121 P 99 16132 2 R;rT. 326 TLO 26401 23 6 /2184-90 44. 48 -,2f6 o Rem 3 LMP 24829 41066 P 44211 2 '2f7 0.45ha I /2/50 (RW ceime) 0. F2Fi • • M I . LMP 43240 7.V54 0 1 RL0 1 - LMS 4011 T MARL RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bycw No., 5887-2000 Mcp No. 1230 •, From: RS-1(One Fcmily Urban Residential) Tc: CD—i —OO(Comprehensve Development) MAPLE RIDGE — -.k 11 Incorporated 12 5eptember, 1874 1:2500 \\IZL L!lIBI'iii:. \ k Lu z Ui Ui w I S I - z cn (J SCALE: N.T.S. ,I 5 SITE PLAN ____ I ('0 DSTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT DRAWN : T.M. DATh JAN. 27. 2000 RZ-83-99 1IICStPOT*IM 12 Sspt.b.r, 1074 'gj• Aa1M e1p6. A — .12,Ifr,p, IAP4. nose .P.0 L + 91 V'Lt a.8. cUC& -. ...r - p..,..1 a., ccr ., +-9 ... I • •2271 /1!. /? . -J n_5. - PI.A4 01— $1... O4 -- w LI- = z -'1 TiJ ulls".., PLANT LI5T 810JSCT *56)6(66 *618 W IGIN11AL)6A*1 (0.61061)4*618 1*1(0 .1CC 83 ACEIC16C16AIU6 651661*17*6 6.16 6 711111.6.16(04*6*0)671 5666AYMI 161(66 Ic, ftoom 5656556566* Cl 3 (0(646580416* 'GATO4? 5656104261.00*5600 077 7 0806)761* I2MCA*6fl.01 616*666 117U04 6613116456*8120.1ST MG I 61*0.564*0(6610161.016 I04*1I 0MII04U 6 61*061044*504*61601661*11*6656 *4*6A 56I.1 $64561 656661041* PCO 0 8*26 OIA 11114*6165656 01 • 005*1*04611.6 164 6* 1244.1* 0(MM* 11*6*1*00 1*65*4*9(10*1 165 08 1266.1 OcI1T*116 1*6*2*116 (4*14*0(16*1 TI 7 12U.IA81IIAIA 6517 119(19*1 0141U00 6.1 58 AZULA .1*656*2 .1*6*6*71 6*6*80* 52 33 016*6* 51566416 8064*66* S00 CJ 3 06611MM .1*6061* .166118*1168 0*6*1*4* CY 85 (0166*6101041656* ILAI*M*A *166*1566006*6000 (0 252 55*1*0.1(416* 566721 4*A11411 1* .1 1*016861*6 MAIlS 805660716* 06*6*16*6161651511 LA 43 IEUCOOIOI ALUM* 00*1611(6*101656 MA S 616840114A606)I0WM 01100541*81 88 61 8)60766*85.616056 84456564* PJs IS 811168.6*60)6*1* 5*6I116 0*6*66 566*8161.8561641 8AM El (6* IA 1666*07115606 5640*5*67*566 YALE 561.60)4(656011*1*0 II 28 U071I10NI* oM0000INIU0N (61 20* 15*4*624.5860 61910116.19 1061 6.1* 85 6*1660* .6*10)61*6*41604816*15621 *127660*6816*72156(56*2* 88 2 612810*5610*1* lILAC *9 17 610(15*60*4105 5*66164*6266*4 6.0 2 6164*66*6 A S05646**T856E 0*1616 5*166*616415*06 88 6 611004.A 54A WOVIX L44 566701. (6*84*61080 010166690(11215 *16* 6165 *ICTOSTAP4IYWS 4*661561 (56*49*6606 (81 56 (440)61616666*1166621 111**AW 60010 (46(1*6916 GOLD 56016161416 06 7236 64161761(14*066*666* 141AL 116621 ltANTD !*ENN4*05,A*I61*UL$IFEI61DIGIA8SEOMQUATIC £1.46 156 P01Y573.*JM 6111617146 4*1721445166*510164 666* 41606.61*4*1 - 83.1 156 85*651*116 - Wall r56*17*5 64*C** *618*28187056 *56.0*59 5816* *.***IWI MO4IISCT. *1.1.61*1216*6*6116000161211 114AM. 1(5461(0(0*8*2127)1666*171(16.7 05616*4) (214*66(4*1.6116)1.111 *TAMDAIDS. '1AJIT5 II 7)66 PLANT 1*1.118665016160*106*5660807)161*68*186640*18* 601*28061*80(1611616*60.61* *16616(8*66*16*866161 I(l 61.664711 6LL 816*475661*7778 0*6PA*565 567612111 64.6*2 *5081.6667 4467 (84411 00 5186*7191016*6*1611*85660561766*11.5*190*15656*66*70 564*1flIMG on 616 *6*7(14614*860 NI*M*1614416 4.4*LLI(0U*1*8I7UD5*0l*1*U 1061*1711176685612 5614*616*6164161180(11*156. 1411(1*14766.61160(46*1101 *4660000*181*618525616*10)111*11)4*16*1610416417191011* IAII*64C7104* 561)41162*50*1065647W. 1)16(281116016* 0*4646. I4*aII.5NIA000(D*601 107)80166050*10 07*8166*866(73.11*56*1*11*6*90)3.11076*65*167. 6721 7.0. 441. 5669387166 4*84 6.0... CAL. 56216.610. 3.04. CAl. NI 6 CAL. NI I. CAL. III 16.610. 49.i( CAL. 561618.110. 3.6.448.5* 0.0.. CAL. MD *164670. 106.447. LI. NT. (Jo W. (SI 56 801 52801 (3801 88801 87801 82861 *2808 *3 601 (SPOT 163601 IS POT 83856 67601 56101 1256661. (2601 P0)1961W 2.00.4*. 66611.6*61*4*667 43661 8163 POT 6510101 6653 P01 67608 5563801 61807 224th STREET CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: February 8, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ118/95 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZI18/95 (10110-240 St.) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A previous land use report for this application was prepared November 5, 1997 (copy attached). That report identified concerns that the development proposal compromised objectives of the neighbourhood guide- plan. The owner has now submitted a development plan for a small portion of the property along the easterly property line that continues a pattern of development commenced to the south which complies with the Albion Guide Plan. II RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ/18/95 (for property located at 10110 - 240 St.) to rezone a portion of the property described in the memorandum dated February 8,2000 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum. Condition to be met prior to first reading: 1) Fully dimensioned subdivision plan showing the following: location of existing buildings; road dedication; creek location and habitat protection area. And that prior to final approval the following must be complete: Preliminary approval from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch; Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreennt A geotechnicàl repom cvhich addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; A Statutory right of way plan and agreement must be registered at the Land Title Office: Road dedication as required; Inclusion of the site into Sewer Area "A"; -1- . - I off.OA oo!~ A Comprehensive Plan of development must be registered at the Land Title Office; Park dedication as required for habitat protection. III BACKGROUND: Applicant: Genesis Development Consultants Ltd. - J. Duguid Owner: 532589 Alberta Ltd. Legal Description: Lot 5, Sec. 3, Tp. 12, Plan 18630, NWD OCP: Existing: Compact Housing (40 upnh) Proposed: Compact Housing (40 upnh) Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Access: Servicing: Previous Applications: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Easterly Portion to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) The property is within the Albion area where similar development is occurring to the south. Lands north & east are residential which have similarland use designations. The land to the west known as the Albion Flats is within the ALR and is currently under review. Single Family Residential Single Family Residential 240 St. Required at zoning ALR/2195 IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The plan of development for the subject property proposes to extend a north/south road through the property. This road will ultimately connect to 102 Avenue immediately opposite the planned Albion Village Centre. The plan of development limits the development area to seven lots to the east of this road. The balance of the property is proposed for future development. The lots proposed will be developed under the R-3 zone. As with development to the south, the lots will be slightly wider and shallower depth lot than permitted by the zone. This will accommodate vehicle access from the front rather than using lanes to access parking spaces. Significant grade changes encumber the site in the area of these lots and this design proposal attempts to accommodate this restriction. As with other development of this type, a comprehensive plan of development is required that defmes the siting requirements for the homes. The plan will also provide specific design characteristics for the homes. V PLANNING ANALYSIS (i) Official Community Plan Schedule "B" The property is designated Compact Housing (40upnh) in the Official Community Plan. This development application complies with that designation. The designation is intended to provide density in support of the Village Centre area. -2- ScheduleE Mainstone Creek impacts the north west portion of this site. It will be necessary to establish a habitat protection boundary for this creek. Staff recommended that this area be dedicated as park as a condition of zoning. Future development of this area will necessitate a Development Permit application in compliance with Development Permit Area XXX Guidelines. VI SERVICING Not all the services required to support the development exist to the site. It will be necessary for the owner to enter into a Rezoning Development Agreement and post security to provide the services prior to final reading. An application must also be made to include the site into Sewer Area "A". The property is within 800 m of the Lougheed Highway. It will be necessary to have the Ministry of Transportation and Highways approve the Zone Amending Bylaw under Section 54 of the Highway Act prior to final reading. It will be necessary to dedicate road right of way along the 240 Street frontage to achieve an arterial standard. VI CONCLUSION: This development proposal complies with the Official Community Plan and the Albion Guide Plan. Staff supports the application and recommends that it be forwarded to Public Hearing. z4\::-,,4 -. f'1\1 fKjax~ Prepared by: Gay McMillan Planning Technician e P. Eng>f Approved by /ry or r of Curet Planning Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson,AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer GMJbjc 1992 1I j1II1 I i1I Ii' lLikUI I :1*.iI _ Ar - A eolololc f40A'U A THE DISTRICT OF jg II;)6I895 :J: m WAI t02nd AVE VELEAC E CEN'i 1 1R 0 8 A. 11 121314 15 16 17 A • /5 21 -' bus Location 30 maLin:tLie rew k // To b confirmed 6 . - LCreek location to be confirmed j46rn2 2456m2 10110 240th st. Existing 345m2 C 1 lot 5, p1 18630 RS-3 '4 456.2 3.893 ha. to remain, at this time •. 5 _______ • -'.:- 6 451m2 1'O - 245 • •, 744Am2 CON2 L.JIL put,,,. II,..,., •tuut ,, , ,,, I,,,, IItu•uu I • Su I IttStI ItItItutloltI I SI I 5555 5I5ItI i,tuou,u ItilO ......tStI S 5055 ...... Conceptua1 Lot Layout For Phase.One Rezoning Application CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: November 5, 1997 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/18/95 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/18/95 (10110-240 St.) SUMI\'L4RY: An application has been received to rezone the above noted property to permit development of approximately 88 residential units under the RM- 1 zone. RECOIWMENDATION: That application RZI18/95 (for property located at 10110 - 240 St.) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated November 5, 1997 from RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. Condition to be met por to first reading: A Public Information Meeting must be held. Fully dimensioned development plan including: Neighbourhood context plan; Site plan which makes provision for a municipal street system; Building elevations; Landscape concept; And that orior tck iIa1aDroval the followine must be corrrnlete: Approval from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch; Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement: Amendment to Schedule 'A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan; -1- A Statutory right of way plan and agreement must be registered at the'Land Title Office: Road dedication as required; Inclusion ofthe site into Sewer Area "A"; Provision of a geotechnical report commenting on any potential limitations to development; BACKGROUND: The development proposal submitted with the, application identifies 88 detached units in a self- contained development site. The site area is approximately 4 hectares (10 acres). The concept proposes to provide a singular private access from 240 ' Street. No public roads are accommodated with the plan. As a consequence of a number of development applications in the area, a "Guide Plan" has been developed identifying important elements of the road system necessary to adequately service development in accordance with the Official Community Plan objectives. This plan has been prepared by staff with information derived provided through development applications, traffic assessments prepared by qualified consultants and adherence to Official Community Plan policy.: A copy of that plan is appended. The plan attempts to ensure that both pedestrian and vehicular access within neighbourhoods is maintained without exclusive dependence on the arterial road system for this function. The plan also attempts to ensure that sufficient dispersal of local vehicle trips occurs to comply with the objectives endorsed by Council for reduced pavement width and right-of-way widths for roads in the south Albion area. Council recently approved a Development Variance Permit for reduced road standards in this neighbourhood premised on a traffic impact assessment that concluded support based on this model of dispersed traffic. Elimination of any of the road elements of this plan would result in additional congestion at remaining intersections reducing the service level of those intersections to below acceptable standards. It is recommended therefore that development plans submitted for Public Hearing be consistent with the objectives of the "Guide Plan". Discussion has occurred regarding objectives of the developer to establish a "gated community" concept with this project. Staff does not oppose the notion of developing a residential project that provides for a. high level of security for the occupants. Staff considers and recommends a variety of solutions to improving project and neighbourhood security. The Advisory Design Panel'provides similar input and brings the expertise of the RCMP to the discussion. The proposal as presented does however limit intraaighbourhood circulation and through design "turns it's back" on the neighbourhood. Addressing traffic circulation and the appearance of the project for the balance of the community are issues that also require resolution while maintaining objectives for resident security. Achieving these objectives results in the development of two smaller residential sites rather than the one lar ge site as proposed. - Policy Implications: Land Use Designation The site is designated Compact Housing at 40 upnh on Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan. The form of development proposed more closely approximates single-family development than the townhouse for envisioned by the OCP designation. Staff do not object to a development form that results in detached units. An amendment to the zoning regulations is required to allow this and staff supports such an initiative. It must be noted however that this proposal achieves densities that are substantially lower than those allowed by the OCP. Some concern must be expressed therefore about the resultant influence on the nearby Village Centre and the overall population ohictives for Alhicm. - Environmental Designations The environmental assessment prepared by RSMI for the District identifies areas of High Sensitivity for the property. The area in question is Mainstone Creek which is located immediately north of the site and is identified on Schedule "E" of the Official Community Plan. It will be necessary to have comments from B.C. Environment, Fish and Wildlife Management Branch prior to final approval of the zone amending bylaw. Development Plan: The site is in an emerging urban area. The proposal will therefore not require comment from the Advisory Design Panel prior to the Development Permit stage. It will however be necessary for the developer to provide a neighbourhood context plan, building location, parking areas and elevations along with a conceptual landscape plan and hold a Public Information Meeting prior to the Public Hearing. Servicing Concerns: The Engineering Department has identified that all the services required to support the development proposal do not exist to the site. It will therefore be necessary for the owner to enter into a Rezoning Development Agreement and post security to do the works identified in that agreement prior to final reading. The applicant isuired to apply to the District for inclusion in Sewer Area "A" and obtain approval in advance of final approval. It will be necessary to dedicate a portion of the frontage prior to final reading in order to achieve an arterial standard for 240 Street. As the property is within 800 m of the Lougheed Highway it will be necessary to have the Ministry of Transportation and Highways approve the zone amending bylaw prior to final reading under Section 57 of the Highway Act. -3- CONCLUSION: The development application is in compliance with Official Community Plan objectives for the area, and it is recommended that the application be supported. A more comprehensive proposal is required in advance of forwarding the application to Public Hearing. Chief Administrative Officer aI ianar:eopmentScs - PROP:)ML DEVELOPA/ENT ,g wf -i pxj w, Illt//L0/IVC ENVaOPES : - 2 ON SITE ROADS uios 5 FOOTPRINT AR&4 . iii.wssqvvj LOT DIA/INSIONS. iza ,o iia. vçic ,js.i 6. 4R4CES (PINJ.QIQ(Pfl( 'iiW 4i14 mm, .m? - (.dif .1 .I,,.) RECO/VC/L LI/IT/ON TOTAL SITE N?E4 = 1.893 #. A/CIT DENSITY TOTAL ROADS - 0.689 Ho. ALLOWA OLE 10 UNITS /NETT IM. TOTAL OPEN SPACE = 0.237 Ho. PROPOSED JO. UNITS /NEIT IM. SITE A/?E4 14F[ER DED/C4 T/ON= 2.97 H4. PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN 11102a4'e I HI Us IIss I III I UJ I US I 145 $ UI UI as I UI I Ill I III I MJ Ui I UJ I •S I as I III I i5 I •is it it ng I illS i'Ijz Ju,ij 4i 1ti %) Its Its — I U4 515 I lU U, I UI I Us I • IIS . . .... .• .••• __U.S I I gj ua U, s iT\ .1 26 82 78 JA*'[ kAli! I i Ez. 1 'I. irs SDQI UsI 28;---- I-;; 1l 1T1 I I .•.-.-•.• .. .. .:.. - L _L - f.....................\ I a 1J; FJ,,'i itj [5"E]1 IL : . : .;;. . •. . . . :•. . JI1L •. '' ill MI III 55.1 li_S S5 SI_i I lZj I I I I US U 15.5 III III R , li-M. illffiz !!!~ 14 — 4 4 2 JAJ 140 MI .1 #AS 541 jI , I I I I ,, 55 '65 ' a. us I us J . #VIIR5S1S*4 is MAPLL RIDGE PLANNING & N ENG,eENooEPr. GEOTECI-INICs%L / CNVIRONMLWTAL REVIEW coFawr,o,v OF LEGAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL DATA BY 8. C.I.. S. PROJECT . 88 (IN/I R.4I- 1 84R( t4,/0 Sm4TA DEVELOPAI(NT APPROVALS FROM ALL ENV1ROMEWTAi. AGENCIES. 1/0/10 240/h Sa 444PL( R/OCE 8 C. J. sERVICING FE.4SIaILITY. 5, SPECIFIC DErAiLS OP UNir OPflONS To Be DEVELOPED N.J E FW L. -T. Or REGIsrL'REO ARCHITECT. ( TO FOLLOW) --.5- - ..----- DATE 20/07195 95-02.3 ISSLJL 0 201, 4cc,,, IN CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 5884-2000 & 5885-2000 (10002, 10036& 10028 240 St.) DATE: February 3,2000 FILE NO: RZ129/98 ATTN: CofW-PW&Dev SUMMARY: This development proposal is to create approximately 75 lots not less than 213 m 2. Council gave favourable consideration to the above noted application January 11, 2000 with the stipulation that prior to being presented at a Public Hearing, the following would be completed: A Public Information Meeting. This meeting was held on February 2, 2000. The minutes from that meeting are attached. There were no adverse comments about the development proposal Ade velopment plan must be submitted which includes: Neighbourhood context plan; Building elevations for those lots adjacent to the Hill House; Plan for the Tot Lot; Comprehensive plan of development; Road dedication as required. The above has been received and it is recommended that 1st reading be given to the subject bylaw. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5884-2000 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan A,ending Bylaw No. 5885-2000 be given First Reading. 7-• SLL Prepared by: Gay McMillan Planning Technician Approved by: Tç(iy'PØer. P. Eirg. i /Dfr , of Current Appro , MCIP & Development Services Concurrence: Robert W. RobertsonA1CP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer GPfbjc 0 1-oxb~ - • SLN £2 C !fLL. rQSE' US; —I I L4 -1.•• L74 rEI : 1 N= ' i 11L 4--- LE - LC EL iL k Lr Jw;'. T_- • I ____ •4j• • I 4VI,- un tII'T17, T;ç • PARy i-------4 ! ' / ••/. / .. _/ :' ---S • • SITE PLAN damax consultants ltd. 3862w. 14iti avenue. vana*,er v6r 2*9 teL 224-6827 tax222-9240 FEB. 6,2000. 4. Ins - 4.) —J (1) c (U 3 U) x (U E (U N- 0) () -4 0 0 0 -4 c'J 0 qq r 0 z w —J c'J w Co I I I I I, I 1 I J I s , 20col ... Dsmax Consultants Ltd. 3862W.I4thAVS. Vwuvsr, B.C. VM ZWS TL 22417 Fax 2fl-40 0 ('J 0) ('J U- U- 49 I LI j !' • ME ISO ip • "up p - - - r.iiY Is] .11 .: -1' - rrvA Mak Lane I !.!J I:11 • CoijNTRYLA MWEEM rin ni L.Ot 7 - 12 2411th STrc NO 41 MOM - r II!IIS I •t - -. ::V .. ..• . _.I. - - - . - .. Mimi vcitIon 101 AVAflUA - StrAtSCafl NTRYLA Iiivøut - 1131 AvAnDA . 7Ma Typical Floor Plan F,,IV.J$&It&k _L1LTh1 IrH I ry '1L1 fill -- __ r,'cI•j•. i 1i1 [siLAii Ill e - Streetscapei Typical Site Layout - 101 Avenue Javman clIA V Master 8uii4er. 0 101 Avenue TOT LOT CONCEPT PLAN COUNTRY LANE ViLLAGE ill F--,.~j 1OE 5. (l It) dci co 40 w U- a) I- a) a) L (I) a) — (I) .vv. v. • ( \ •t.• • 'I 1.ASPHALT PATH PROPOSED STREET TREES PROPOSED SIDEWALK 4.KOMPAN SPRING TOYS CRAZY RACER CRAZY DRAGON CRAZY PLANE CRAZY TRACI'OR 5.CONIFEROUS TREES 6. DECIDUOUS TREES 7.KOMPAN SWING SET 7. No a MA mlo N l.a NT Vi .a_ Ia a - COWAK PROPOD TOT LOT .' 1L U IL ROAD 'A' — LL.1 Li L) rr - i-uu riu LL.U't £Z'IA LIU. UU't ULU ULJIL) r, L R7/298 Public Information Meeting Minutes Dale: February 2, 2000 Time: 500 to 7:30 p.m. Location: Albfon Community Hall U Doors opened at 5:00 p.m. ci Nine presentation board were presented, they illustrated C) AlbionGuide Plan ci SitePlan C) Streetseape101Ave. C) Strcctscapel0lAve.andLane CI Streetscapc 240 St. C) Bin-filtration Pond CI Site Pictorial U Reconciliation U layman Vision C) Approximately 15 people visited the Public Information Meeting during the 244 hours period. CI 8 people sign the guest book C) A cuestionnaire was provided at the front eatranm layman received no written responses or que.stionnalres. (sample quesLionnaire attached) ci In attendance to answer questions were Ray Bourbonnais - Land Development Manager for Jayman, Chris Nieman - Chief Operating Officer for layman, David Laird of Damax Consultants and Ron Hoffart of Graham Hoffart Architects. Comments and Questions regarding the proposal U What is the timing of the development? C) The Architect indicated that servIcing would begin after all the necessary approvals have been provided. ci What we the lot sizes? c The Arcbitcctindicetedthatthelotsxange Insist from3(50 S.P. to3920 S.F. onaverage C) Attractive Streelscape U Attractive house elevations Ci Good continuation of Country Lane ci Comments regarding the architecturaL shaming C) Comments regarding road patterns north nfl 02 Ave. U What about storm water management? U David Laird explained the blo-filtration pond and the storm water management plan. He then stated thatM1nistay of Enviroutnent have review the plan and given section 9 approval for a storm water outfall. This outfall was installed this past summer. muft Minutes completed by layman Master Builder (BC) Ray Bourbomnais =I date address OF leldw JZ Ø4b aD -AAJ - r- 4 -UU K1 1Z -.UD rN br1Ni.N1MAN.rvrr1.. P Al IU. bU4 5LU UU!U r. Country Lane Vlilages Public Information Meeting Rezoning Application: RZ/29/98 10002, 10036, 10022 - 240th St. Questionnaire This questionnaire is optional and may be forwrded directly to the Maple Ridge Planning Department or left here. All questionnaires and comments will be passed on to the Planning Department. Information: Do you feel that there was sufficient infonration about this rezoning proposal for you to understand It? If more information is required in what subject areas would that be? Environment: Are the proposals regarding habitat and storm water acceptable in your view? Traffic:, Is the road pattern and traffic aspects of this proposal understandable and acceptable in your view? Architecture: Is the design and size of the houses acceptable for this neighbourhood? Denslty Do you think that the density of dwellthg units per acre is acceptable for this neighbourhood? Anything else? Optional Information: Addresm CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5884 - 2000 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5884 - 2000." Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 51, Section 3, Township 12, Plan LMP36343, New Westminster District and Parcel "E" (Reference Plan 8103) North West Quarter Section 3, Township 12, New Westminster District and Lot 5, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 18630, New Westminster District and outlined In heavy black line, is hereby rezoned to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District), as shown on Map No. 1229, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law. Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 2000. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A D 2000 READ a scóiidthiàthi day of , A D 2000 READ a third time the day of , A.D. 2000. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation and Highways this day of , A.D. 2000. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day Of , A.D. 2000. MAYOR CLERK CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5885 - 2000. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5885 - 2000." 2. Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Part V Development Permit Areas: DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA XXXVIII A Designation: The Development Permit Area is hereby established to address protection of the natural environment and provide for orderly development. B Location: The boundaries of the Development Permit Area is shown on Schedule "H" and includes: 3. Lot 51, Plan LMP36343; Parcel "E" (RP 8103) & Lot 5, Plan 18630, all of Sec. 3, Tp. 12,NWD C Justification The preservation of the functions and characteristics of watercourses and wetlands are important to the integrity of the natural environment and fish and wildlife habitat. Flexibility in subdivision design will assist in achieving preservation of environmentally sensitive lands, while ensuring the development of healthy, livable neighbourhoods. D Objectives: To encourage siting of development and the use of construction techniques that will not disrupt watercourses in the area. Page 2 Bylaw No. 5885-2000 To retain natural vegetation where possible adjacent to significant treed slopes, ravines and watercourses in order to minimize disruption to soils and watercourses. To encourage infrastructure design that will not negatively impact on the natural environment. To ensure the subdivision of land recognizes the identified protected area. To ensure development patterns conthbute to the development of a healthy neighbourhood. E Guidelines: Siting adjacent to treed slopes, ravines and watercourses will need to respect natural vegetatIon and may require additional setbacks beyond the Zoning Bylaw as established by the Ministry of Environment or the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Natural vegetation should be retained where possible to ensure minimal disruption to the environment. Lot grading should be kept to a minimum to ensure maintenance of a maximum of the existing vegetation. Road design and construction should reflect the needs of the neighbourhood and opportunities and constraints derived from environmental features. Home design must accommodate natural grades to ensure minimal grading is required. Road grades should follow existing grades as closely as possible to ensure minimal disruption of slopes and vegetation. Urban level development within identified areas will not be permitted except in accordance with noted neighbourhood policies. Slope, and erosion protection works will need to be consistent with the Grading Limits policy of the Official Community Plan. Lot dimension and building siting requirements may vary from those prescribed by the Zoning Bylaw where the variance facilitates objectives intended to preserve or enhance the natural environment. Such variances must also address objectives for healthy neighbourhood design including: - maintaining a high degree of pedestrian access; - ensuring a level of building design commensurate with density objectives. Page 3 Bylaw No. 5885-2000 That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 51, Section 3, Township 12, Plan LMP36343, New Westminster District and Parcel "E" (Reference Plan 8103) North West Quarter Section 3, Township 12, New Westminster District and Lot 5, Section 3, Township 12, Plan 18630, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 588, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby designated as Development Permit Area XXXVIII (3) on Schedule "H". Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 2000. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 2000. READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 2000. READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. 2000. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 2000, MAYOR CLERK 20.1 - I T_I ID (j4 - 102 AVE 3966 I I I -I I 11 36 1049 *PP004 I J 7 6 A 11 12 13 14 15 B A 21 30 31 32 w' 10174 P 1i 526 (P 19528) P (P 19526) 1952 (P 19526) ' 19526 O1)5 1dM _________ _________ ______________ - . - - - 0.931 ha 0.931 ha 0.931 ha v) 0 P 18630 P 39561 P 39561 I O141 5 3.993 ha 0.1 10121 P •*' 15 . 5 4270 RP 8103 LMP 36343 71 ID 51 14 3.253 ha 1 0.765 ha - - lx,, 35729 _d PAR 31 30 - ----------( I PARK 6.992 ha I 27 24 , 14 SSW P 25341 P 25341 P11:8 _ RW 71204 LOUCH HW 4o \4807 MAPLE .RIGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5885-2000 - Map No. 588 - PURPOSE: TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA XXXVIII(3) - MAPLE RIDGE incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:3000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: February 8, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: DP/77199 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: DP177/99 22866 Dewdney Trunk Road EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Development Permit application has been received, which if approved will permit construction of a commercial building. After reviewing the plans the Planning Department recommends that DP/77/99 be given favourable consideration. II RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP177/99 respecting property located at 22866 Dewdney Trunk Road. III BACKGROUND: Applicant/Owner: Lordco Parts Ltd. Legal Description: Lot 1 Section 17 Township 12 NWD Plan LMP 42856 OCP: Existing: One Family Residential and Service Commercial Proposed: Service Commercial Zoning: Existing: One Family Residential and Service Commercial Proposed: Service Commercial Previous Application: RZ/36198 IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION A Development Permit application has been submitted for 22866 Dewdney Trunk Road, which would allow the construction of an addition to the existing commercial building. The site is also the subject of a current rezoning applition. One condition of rezoning Is to place the property in Development Permit Area Vffl. The purpose of this application is to insure that all of the Development Permit Area Guidelines are met prior to issuance of a building permit. V PLANNING ANALYSIS On June 22 nd 1999 Council granted 2 ' and 3" reading to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5791-1999. Final reading of this bylaw will place the property in Development Permit Area VIII. The Guidelines for this area state: O1D .o'J Building siting should ensure adequate circulation and safe access and egress for commercial uses and to provide adequate on-site parking. Particular attention should be made to the image presented to the streetfront. Adjacent residential uses should be adequately protected by significant landscaping and provision of screening, and by the form of commercial buildings to ensure a compatible and smooth transition to lower density surrounding land uses. The character ofcommercial uses should be enhanced by landscaping of substantial proportions around property lines and on the site. The Planning Department have reviewed the plans submitted and are satisfied that the guidelines for this area are being satisfied with this design. The Development Permit proposal was presented to the Advisory Design Panel (ADP) on February 3rd 2000. The ADP had reviewed an earlier version of the proposal as a rezoning application in May 1999. The Development Permit plans reflect the ADP's comments received at the rezoning stage. From the February 3 2000 meeting: The Advisory Design Panel expressed support for the project with the following comments: The Panel recommends that the use of ivy for ground cover and the trellis be discouraged. The Panel recommends the planting of a vine for the trellis. The Panel recommends that a handicapped parking space be provided in the existing customer parking area. They suggested that one of the two handicapped parking spaces shown in the new location for the addition could be exchanged to provide one in the existing parking area which is closer to the entranceway for the public. The ADP are satisfied their comments will be considered in the final building permit design. VI CONCLUSION: Considering the above, staff support this application. Prior to issuance of the building permit security based on 2V2% of the construction value will be provided to insure that construction occurs in compliance with this Development Permit. Prepared ffy: Bruce McLeod, ISA Certified Arborist Landscape/Planning Technician Approved by/ Jefi"y Fryer, P. / /iifector of J. = MCII' f: Development Services obert W. Rob*tson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer -2- 12136 r pi I 12139 - 0. i2151 235 252 /_1_..... 12155 253 12160 273 2I55 L 276 12154 12128 339 0• 338 12160 _________ 338 402 401 1 12128 12147 236 251 (\ ) 254 272 12145 277 2144 337 P 221 1 !_!17011 12121 - ' 858 12145 2150 12126 294 295 12120 12143 237 25012135 255 271 12135 C) 278 12114 ___________ ___________ 12140 2140 __________ m 12134 2 N5o'5 12115 _______ 297 12112 292109 -w 238c' 0)0) s e.i 249 256 c' 0)0) N 27Q m 279 Rem.5 12125 2130 I 2125 Cl) 2124 N fl028638 __ p 12106 1 239 a- a- 248 257 a- a- 269 —I 280 A ' 12097 N1/2of4 12092 12103 Na. 12120 _____ 12115 ______ (0 12120 ______ 12115 12114 12096 12086 a. 2 N 300 12090 0. 12091 - 240 247 258 26812105 281 a- B 12085 12110 12105 12110 2104 CD S1/2of4 - 2076 a- 302 301 241 246 259 267 282 A 12073 12080 P44 58 12081 1 - 12095 12094 12095 2094 n N 1/2 of 3 1244 283 326 315 242 243 245 263 264 265 266 2054 12062 B a. 12065 S 1/2 of 3 12070 C) 12065 I I - 327 a. a. 316 12078 12087 12084 CM CM I 284 2054 12053 12064 12055 ff'UR[Ti-'\l 12074 12064 S1/27 N70'N130'of2 320 317 I 12042 1 _ 12041 2050 P4 804 12041 __________ 12040 N jN10 N 1/26 __________________ Rem.N 130 of2 318 8' 261 26 I313 1 CM 2Il%j1 309 12038 S 1/2 6 0. Rem. 2 12037 _______________________ I 84291 P450'7"1\ 17 -- 1 2032 _____ LMP 150 P 2891 P7651 P45 71 12028 /30 Rem.< P52750 Rem. 327 Rem.1 W100' 312 311 a. ww of B 774:::LCT co is I'.. CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM P 61650 CM ____ ____ ___ PM291 DEWDNEY TRK RD - ROPERTY - - 9 57 CM '1 CM (0 0) CM CM CM CM CM CM CM CM to P46839 CI) L.MP 42856 CM 4 CM N CD (0 00 48 cs-I w a-- P 8011 P5791 CL 1 11969 j 8 ("I 1 w P 68237 Rem. 220 229 230 231 223 224 218 co Z Pcll 1 ° _____ _____ 11963 C) N00 RW15258 N 158157I156 88 i 5154153,152I151 I = 150 LESOFD1 0) 49 (I) 0. - CM CMIn , z I 11953 I 1960 CM CM CM CM CM LMP 13758 _____________ 2 ___ ___ ___ (P21553) - 61 74 - 11898 11891 11935 65 70 101 110 147 11903 N113 Ui 144 8 97 114 143 11932 11931 11922 11921 :2: 11901 11890 149 J 3 _____ FUL .EP AVE 11950 11943 11920 Rem 66 148 69 102 109 940 _______ ________ ________ 11940 11 11930co ___AVEi N ii a __ 5 11930 11931 ________ ________ 64 71 100 111 146 11920 a- CM CM ' L-3 "B 6 11917 99 112 I— 145 11907 11920 11921 11910 1190 OF RM-1 — - RM-2 CM CM (P21553).— 0 63 72 11912 11911 11910 11911 W 11900 62 73 ___________________________ 7 11900 11901 62 236 11885 0 0) a-a. PITt 22866 DEWDNEY TRUNK RD SCALE: 1:2,500 THE DISTRICT OF LAKAF Co R P0 RATIO N OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incoporated 12, Septembir, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT KEY MAP _____ DATE: Dec 13 1999 FILE:DP/77/99 BY: JB IG D IOY U 4UUT U.: - - OtVAIWQSS #41 Vr.Gfl.MEIlsIMa 1,-s.--- - 1,•*4U Ow 0 - ___ [--.- Ike - I I SECTiON M II ! II 14 J MUMMA -- — - FA L LIE ç - 1,C1IAIOA NUll 4Ul.NC - 0 TAMIUSUVAAM J lO41JljO _..J rOUND. SECTiON 60 Lim I? SI - gnu LL —MMVAIMbeCLAW - Orm %. #SCTs.TNUlitSIWU ('Ii Ul1U.. ecna,_t_nsNUI• lulls. LUNU. U •5S 4_S '' • /AiUlMZA I .----Isr4MIM.iWAIIsiUl... 7 VMWfl.s.UVA1IsI Sr- U - - —sos*NUn ao 4 44 .• a n.. NUNUoNU .IIMs SS 1 14 IN OSINA ISO * IL SO M140.010L SISOSUISINININ 51 LAW _4J._ Lwmam*L#lUOls.11 i4OU.1Lm.fo m -. I - I Egg I€NU liUiiUlM 51,LT .7StaL1..nGaIfI tUIflS&C* sir M.MOM Q uayslde I_SO ISO ADOmON TO LOROCO UTO PARTS Landscape Layout Plan -- U. ISO r.iv L-1 Or.I0,.ILI, 1100(I 001* 0000 1 1 iI I il I10100+1*1\j Ii I I • . - a. I - III III...ii_1_:i1l-lI- S ii -r Il'V 0000011111301 1*110000000 MI 0(1. 101-V V 00111111 0111* 8' H a, a.141U011 I 1010. UV. 14' all II?4 IV 011W P.JI. I -r OUL SITE PUll 10101. UIV W401 DIUIMI• . I,0S11111001101U01 '1 p011 II' 11111111 P1101010100 I $01111 Ia. llg 013111010.101*01511111(0 101 00. (0 II. 101 II. 00010001001 III! Mi 0110101001111100 010001 101111011101001101.10- I 00*0 flipmIII 010000011101(000130* a I 01500*001001011 afto -ml. V 000011113010000 110-11 .I.IVIIOO.fl$0V 0000001111010100110*. 0031 (Ia Ut 0001W . 11111 . VS. 01134001*10 . MI. 01*1 *0*0010000*. liMit I . I1*IY III, 1010 R.MO 000. *0100010 .01111 (1301.4(00301101111011011011014. 0 1101.14*0011100(111 0011*0000010000*0.01010*000.431101.11031101.1*013*1 - 01* 010100 10(00.440100000010*0*1*001101.110. I 111.11300*1 . U 01011 10(000000101*0W .01*0*10 (0I00MUW001009I .110*000 wa PalM00I00.1* $0111 0(01101.400.01,IJMOI111, 0100013*30 1101001(00111101010011.11100111.01.111*00.1 0110 P01301 IMO . II 0011 0 UI 0014*00300 . II 100113 ILL 4 10*0011011101 I4-103001( 00*01 vil I S - - Il_St I illlflIOSOIW 101.500*0000101 If 00011*1101101011011110110(0. 00101. I 0 I 00110.1101 10111010000130101 01313(0p DI. 0101 011 MO WI 000$ 11010100(101 0*41*0.1101. 00*13(11W lOt Be 0,011 11601001IC. Ill 00 01 0300110.0010110010111111 I 1*1110 1*01001111111*10.01*011(101. 01111110 *00-00110111111101*) II 10111*0* I IC III. 01 11(0101. 0115101 11*030. 01(00*0(101 1*00111110.11011 0113011115. AfOIIX SIU(RAL (5 *3*1 III U *00 EII.1 011100.100 1.01111. 000 - 1*11*$) 0*01 $1001 - 0*0171100*11. IC. 001000 0 CC*'TRIU RESERVED 10011*11*001 111010041 III) 003*101 TI 011013*11100(0 01*011 10 0011110$ 101001011110000 AVOITION TO 1OCO AU(C (010(51110. *000013100*1 0111305101. 1I3101 0 01,110301*0130*0101(0500 22866 OEMY IM.N( ROA 01*01111000(111101011(000101110111 ,*e,I RIgi. a c. 000013010 0(1*0.00 011300 lWI (lIMO 1*003*0 00 10000311 11011 00 SI if PIM 000110110 P003000l(I1*0(*ll((0(1 *11.310 10*0 9110 -- JON * 0144010 04 0 • 40I,S01300SI(0 0440000101011 MIII O (00 tO (0101110 II I I 07.00*00,100 001004700 0001 SIK1t&L L[SI1t 0011 . 3010* $1' )ON'S 7,140(1 1401 0(041. 0.1. (400644 (00 (404lilo011I (701(11011(710 ALCI!1C64 TO 1O AUTO PAR 22666 LL16CY Jk1I( IIOAD WILl 11100. 010 'ISED AND InroLoflo ISSUED 07DEC991'.. paza 04(00111110 10P41ll,40004 40400. 40 00040400(1 ctERt:IoL, IMOJS1016L ®SIAIR ((76IR%KTII 0€JIR€I(0flS NOTE 10001 70 1,200$. 0000,400100401 I Il0 (711 7,100 . OIL (III 1006 00 IOU 0400 40 III 00 ION W. 011.7, 00(40010 a. 044 040 II Ott £0 00404(7 I. (6 000600 1(0 II OW 000 07,0 Ooim C. *0(701100116047,400 tO a IOU (7(41 £1 a 4040640 LJI7 00401016 £1 PU 00 IWO (6. U LI. (1401$ 00400%. 001100 at 0.00 • tifla Ia (7117,00 PIIKIPO 10111$ (0,0040 - AWI$ (0(7000 40Ia04s0A S. 0040401100001001 11a0110 .011(60K 04040 $1417 - 4001(6 at a.t (7111000000406 01110 0410 100004040004(11040.40 (06400117,406 1E • 411011140 . 00 LUC1110M 06 • Itt(111C10 - 00 01(0(0(74 lIMO II 0000 (1141*1106 • UI 040440(000(660000(0.1.10 . )I II IC II $40 1010 00110 to P7,41.0404 0*11161140 40(0 (0400001 0117,IFa1106. 11 044000000401004*1400. Wt 4011110 000 040000401 (00000 101WI40 0010100006004 1061*11104400401 00*00 4011040400I0(0X0I1I 400004 1100*1001 tl1110000l(I* 0(10140 100.007,40(711001311000001 (6 044040 011001001. 400000 PP.00. 4004104(10 010001400(004004(0 044* 00004(10404000*1101040100 0000. o (TR0I RESEKED 0*10041400111 aOO (00,010104 M0 Sa• 000111001 sOlO 0 1(10400710011 flU 10 $1110440110 00001400 00,40 040 II 101000 000 .10 01011740400(10.40 (000004411114 .07,000340*00*70000010000(0040 0, 0600(0404000(00 (00000 II 011.00 '7, VIES1 ViEll 1*1. W. F-I' I. UPI Ii LU - Dls(a . UIUIO so 0 PIkI IIIPIITl patit S1L1 PlO mm l.a 9000rnaaI,. nsn.A rD I. aS IwO .04Mm.., ooia s.0 II .:;:1( A ELEV •PI P00 II 0-li ' o.a. co OC.OIN E1 tscoipiao I010a0011 IC 0.100 I no I0 O41wlU Ic 11.1.0 • r I (06100110. NO 1191* 00 III Pa CUP (CIWIO (94016$ (0 V (a. OWAIPO NDCOIZ 1010 190(10 4001(31! 00 (11110000 01(116. - -- 01(310 (110-CS II INTIUVU II Mal LI 1tWRX S!kI1RU S!11 LID. 40 100001 A10 (0(410 p NI(L aT 900 OWMIllif U 0(30000 . , r nat. a c.. C*.o vo US FU.101l10)I-301! C CCPTRIGII RRSD - :-;' :.:,:l:T=. AWITIQi 10 LDC0 ALJFO PARIS 000940001 MCII (MINiM (011641D 22866 IFIOT JRU9 R0D all OK 91061*1 IS MCU 0110106 09311*1000016010010000 lUINt iwo .10 ii -- CMCTIO V NOV pIg.W9I04( 110410001 (EEVA1I6 G AtVI1Id REV I c111 AMfl 11001030 - RE _srp,?cfc29 &I SIlO 00*600 _{J 000100901100 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: February 9, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: DVP/5/00 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W- PW & 0ev SUBJECT: DVP/5/00 22363 Selkirk Ave. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant has applied to build a 50 unit 8 storey congregate care facility with a small amount of commercial space. A Development Variance application has been received in which the applicant is requesting relaxation of C-3 building set back requirements and development servicing requirements. Approval of this variance permit will be required prior to issuance of a building permit. The design was developed with consideration for site context and was favourably received by the Advisory Design Panel. After reviewing the application, staff recommend that DVP/5/00 be given favourable consideration. II RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/5/00 respecting property located at 22363 Selkirk Avenue will be considered by Council at the March 28" 2000 meeting. III BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Zoning Surrounding Uses ExistlngtTse of Property: Proposed Use of Property: AccesS;' -. IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION S. Serbel Ferronato Enterprises Ltd. Parcel A District Lot 398 Group 1 NWD Reference Plan LMP9543 Town Centre Commercial C-3 Town Centre Commercial Town Centre Commercial Vacant, - -• Congregate Care Residence Lane North of Selkirk Ave. The applicant is proposing to develop a 50 unit strata title congregate care facility for seniors. The building will provide underground parking with 36 stalls, 500 sq.m. of commercial space on the main floor, parking for an additional 38 cars on level two, office, dining hall, kitchen and amenity room on level three, and residences on levels four through eight. 01.0 ~.O'V The use proposed for this property conforms with the current C-3 Town Centre Commercial zone. The project is not in a development permit area and therefore an application for a development permit is not required. The current proposal requires a Development Variance Permit, and based on the significance of the project,Staff suggested that the project be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel (ADP) prior to presentation to Council. The ADP reviewed the project at their February 3 2000 meeting and offered the following comments. The Advisory. .Design Panel congratulated the Architects on an excellent presentation and gave overall support for the project with the following comments: 1. For security purposes the following is suggested: • Round pillars in the parking areas; • Glass vestibules around the elevator area in the underground parking area; • See through railings in the stairwells; • All parking and stairwell areas to be painted white; • Anti-graffiti substance on north wall should be used; • Gates on pathways. V PLANNING ANALYSIS The applicant is requesting relaxation of the following building setbacks. Front (south) setback above the second floor: Required: 7.5m Proposed: 7.3m Rear (north) setback above the second floor: Required: 7.5m Proposed: 6.1m Side (east) setback above the second floor: Required: 4.5m Proposed: 2.4m (72% of building face) 1.5m (28% of building face) Side (west) setback above the second floor: Required: 4.5m Proposc&- 2.4m (72% of building face) 1.5m (28% of building face) Each of the vari2' Ce requests has been considered within the context of the potential impact on the neighbouring uses and future development. The proposal addresses these concerns providing strong differentiation between the building's lower two floors and the balance of the building, creating an acceptable transition for smaller scale neighbouring development while maintaining a pedestrian scale to Selkirk Avenue. The Planning Department supports the variances requested. -2- Development Servicing A variance is required for the right of way width of the lane north of Selkirk Avenue and for the width and standard for lane construction. Right of w.ay: Required: Existing: Pavement width: Required: Existing: Construction Standard: Required: Existing: 7.5m 4.6m 6.Om 4.6m Concrete curb and gutter no curb and gutter The existing right of way is 4.6m from 223 to 224th Streets and, as the surrounding properties are zoned C-3 Town Center Commercial use, there will be limited opportunity to achieve additional right of way dedication in the future. Since the width of right of way is reduced, it is also necessary to reduce the pavement width for this lane. The Engineering Department supports the existing standard; a lane that is paved to the full right of way width of 4.6m without concrete curb and gutter. Minor improvements along Selkirk Avenue will be required as a condition of the building permit. VI CONCLUSION: Based on the information provided by the applicant and presentation to the Advisory Design Panel, the Planning Department recommends DVPI5I00 be given favourable consideration. 4AZ Prepared by: Bruce M44'od, ISA Certified Arborist Landscae/Planning Technician Approved by: 'f , P. Eng. f . Current Jàke J. RudaIIi AICP, MCIP AM: Pub4l? Works & Delek Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson,'AICP, Chief Administrative Officer -3- I. 00 1/2 E Rer 0 I 1N6 15 r E IPB978 121r1 IN1 iE a. P 635 j I P 3406 iN 7 P206 N w 0. I NW3233 , - PcI. 121 62 P 362 11963 (Y) NW418 97 p 48931 - L14.i'..'s 13 120 '"flhIA 11969 11968 1 161 17l 1B11965/87 11950 — I 2LRP52529 I NI PcL'C" 4- NI Ni N N 11955 11957 - MCINTOSH AVE uiiJI 'P67041 119 /94l EP11502 N C ii 11982/set P 46 N __________ 11955165 Iiigaqo14 I14E I— I P4076 (1) fl1962 82 I P 39238 hise 81 1 C\I 4 11952/5412 f476 ______ 0. W Arena 11963 H P 16304 11933 2 P6076 (P 8380) P 8380 1; AofA I 4 N NI N NI 11907 N ev 124 D P 3206 NW2 LP77311 o 1 1193 RP786761 P "D" 39012 NW4.4l P7411 1 PcI.A P306 I ESqMCuiTcSH 306 I 1 38 L,39 B 41 42 L 11915/19 - I E i I NIN (P 3206) N N —ji Nd Rem. 11940 118 Centennial Center P 60562 N.) I MG I Leisure Complex 11 949 ci, 11925 —it 119 AVE 1 11887 I I o 19 AVE d 5 4 31 CV) A' B' 3 P6808N CN J 2 I 1 1511857 iia I /76 p 6306J P2899 B Rem 9 OF I (P 6808) I (P 630) 1 I C 14A 1 \ —I I I I I 16 11541 ' I — N I N N 651 I N N [ NI ELKIRK AVE SELKIR 21 20 119 I 17 l Pcl.1 PCI I .D I25 2 11841 27 28 I \ ______ 29 NI P681I8 18 RP61574 (P 2899) 24N1 N P289 30 118411 11830 ________________ ______ 3O?jJ S OF SELKIJK LINE- S I I RP 7636 rI I 29l 30 I 3132 41 I (P2899) 1611 P808I B ,J38 IJP79776 I iI I N j LP77916 .- N A N N saI I N I N 118111 N 40.i .1 N N LOUGHEED HWY P 2899 _ RP17417 EP1IO4O iT 2 11850 Zellers p 5414 8383 EP tR .I I NI I P710 c,IiI P6645 1_o j: p54 [e 1 PL42, 6 0. NORTH A FRem] I) ('1 c..J N P9388 N (I) N C) 44 J rc FRemts o1Rem ffjE 3 I _ ) Rem mRem 22356/58 11765 C) LJ4OF. 57041 98 I 99 153 52 _ 4 1ii777 11768 P5060 P2899 jg742 P 8274 N.) 11774I78 94.kfl P44960IL~ —4 IB 1:4 1ORTH AVE - NORTHAVE ______ 1174 AM A CD __ 41 i42 43 45 46 47 48 P51411 1177 105 C,) I P1155 I 4 - 62 r63 64 '1 OF PI TF7- 1?/( N TM LrC 22363 SELKIRK V fP r 1 ___ A r CORPORATION OF OWNCT THE DISTRICTOF L-Guly -- I -1 ) MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE: 1:2500 KEY MAP DATE: Jan 282000 FILE:DVP/005100 BY: JB I -Mat ('1 d 4 5' -5-- r_ lij S -4.. • 0 In CM .4 4 0 0. Iz LU 10. 0 LU —I Ml a South e elevation in context 22363 Selkirk Avenue, Maple Ridge, B.C. CONGREGATE CARE RESIDENCE U.' CM 2 4 -I -a 4 Cu 0 0. 0 09 0. I- z w 0. 0 .1 w > 'U ii U U n El Eli El El Eli __ = iI iinijIu = • ONE — — ._ •..__. _. — _y4 — ____ — •........: — • •U••_• • — i• — NMI :nuu-iuiu-uu: Emmmi mi 1!I :n.'uiiii.'ui-u : ME 111.uuiuiu : ME -. -:• - ..1 . . WWI !T . •.. . • - L'I - - - r.i. Ui •.....- ---- •i R1• •U Ui. Store front ovemead swung building entrance I light tIxtwe Store front South elevatfon 1/16=1-0' 22363 Selkirk Avtue, Maple Ridge, B.C. . CONGREGATE CARE RESIDENCE Li Li C [ r ii EJ 11 LI 1] 14 (I I' I: sr E NOW h C 2 I' St z 2 ILI 11111111 r III r 1121s - I.- 9 Iugt I a 3'! 29 ç II, <a IDILIGM INi IMMMOdU ii FFEUMKAW IJKIGAW JIT I IBM OF MEMN JI L4UQct • 11 Q a.w 1 MCT lftL owE CA 9ET UU -MAIN FLOOR ix 9ETZ 0 10 20 50ft 2?r 0 2 10 2u SCALE: I/II CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: February 10, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: DVP/7/00 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: DVP7/00 Lots 14-17, Plan LMP36718, Sec. 16, Tp. 12, NWD EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This application seeks to reduce the rear yard setback for residential lots in Cottonwood to facilitate construction of homes similar to others in the neighbourhood. The application does not acknowledge objectives of the zone or the original development objectives. It is recommended that this application be denied. II RECOMMENDATION: That application DVP/7/97 requesting a reduction in the required rear yard setback for properties described as Lots 14-17, Plan LMP36718, Sec. 16, Tp. 12, NWD be denied. fic. "0 ,ciiC' III BACKGROUND: so Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: Zoning (Existing) Surrounding Uses Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Oakvale Developments Ltd. Gar Fung Investment Ltd. Lots 14-17, Plan LMP36718, Sec. 16, Tp. 12 CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) Single Family Residential Vacant Single Family Residential IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION The lots under application front onto 1 17B Avenue, bridging development along Creekside Drive and 238A Street. All of the lots immediately adjacent to the subject lots front either Creekside Drive or 238A Street. The rear yard-of the subject lots is therefore adjacent to side yards for neighbouring homes. The CD- 1-93 zone requires a minimum rear yard of 12 metres. This proposal request that the setback be reduced to between 9.5 and 9 metres. The purpose of the request is to permit homes that are similar to other. homes-built-iri- the-neighbourhood; SpecificaI-1y-the -developer wishes to built hon-its tht attain a living area of approximately 186 in 2 with a double car garage built into the home. The reduced rear yard setback is required to achieve.this. V PLANNING ANALYSIS This application seeks to reduce the rear yard setback on three adjoining lots on 1 17B Avenue. The lot5 were created as part of a much larger subdivision in the Cottonwood Plateau area south of 118 Avenue along Creekside Drive. At the time of subdivision, some of the lots proposed for the development were substantially smaller than the majority. This was a concern for a number of reasons. O1S07 The CD-1-93 zone is different than other residential zones and permits homes to be located closer to the street in an effort to bring a pedestrian scale to the Street while ensuring that sufficient rear yard space is provided. The majority of the lots in the subdivision were substantially greater than the minimum permitted, allowing construction of conventional larger lot homes without encountering the rear yard restrictions of the zone. At the time, it was acknowledged by staff and the design consultant that the smaller lots would require substantially smaller homes and alternative solutions for the design of the garage in order to comply with the zoning requirements. Of particular concern to staff was the possibility that the smaller lots would be purchased with the assumption that homes similar to those on the larger lots could be built on the smaller lots. The developer acknowledged this concern and prepared representative home designs for the lots that complied with the zoning requirements. These were subsequently registered on title with each lot to demonstrate to prospective purchasers the expectations for building design for each lot. Staff was supportive of this approach, since this solution ensured that the risk of misunderstanding regarding the development potential of the lots would be minimized. As well, this proposal provided some variety in both lot sizes and home size and design that staff considered beneficial to this and other neighbourhoods. The requested variances significantly compromise a number of objectives of the zone and of the original development proposal. Specifically, the zone provides specific regulations that encourage design that mitigates the impact of the garage on the streetscape. Use of more conventional design, as proposed by this development, results in more severe restrictions to the living space of the home. Further, recognizing the potential for these restrictions, the original concept for the development provided information confirmed the objectives of the zone. Each of the lots is capable of developing a home that achieves approximately 186 m 2 in living area within the existing regulations. In order to do so, the homes must use a single car garage if the garage is to be enclosed within the home or must be detached from the home to be built as a two car garage. Each of the lots is capable of accommodating both options. VI CONCLUSION: The requested variance compromises the objectives of the CD-i-93 zone and the original objectives of the development for the purpose permitting design features that the zone discouraged. Staff do not support the application and are recommending that Council deny the application. Prepared by: Moreno Rossi,.MCIP Approved by:,4'$f er, P. Approved b ke J. R*L AJCP, MCIP GM: Wor &evelopment Services Concurre,ice: Robert W. Robertson,AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer W 1/2 21 LMP 42851 A P 1676 rD_I 11849 1868 1868 A (0 2423,22 (fl l856 N 4< 118AAVE 11840 _ KI 16 17 14 18 11828 (P21864) LM 1051 —j 11818 15 11816 RS_3 2316 11804 1 50 2 $ 1 N N N N P1769 RS1 25 Rem. 26 /RKX N\ )/ (LMP A NY 14 / 36724J 7 / /N 6"// 7 J\ 2N A f7 4 ". 2"' 5 '9 722 6 699 23 Q 36 177 89 p7699 24 11677 35 25701 8 11676 11691 ( 11667 34 26 11668 . 11681 l69 33 27 RR 116 " 11671 10 r 11653 32 11650 r a 28 11661 11645 31 29 11644 11651 % 1211637 30( \\ 11638 d641 - 13 11638 29' 14 11632 11629 28 11628 15 11623 27 16 11622 11817 26 11616 IMP 36 118 19 20 21 22 23 24 - 11639 I "I " " •" 11610 C" NI 25 N N N N - - 116 AVE N N 1/2 1/2 IN I N WE I , N 32 I 32 P1430 Rem 8 29 A 30 0, 71:3 AVE R_?P16b02 SUBJECT PROPERTIES[ I I I P1830 A LMP718 31 EP35041 66 P 66257 31 LMP 36718 '13 I's 'I E of CREEKSIDE at 117BAve CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICTOF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE rHoMnCL' Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT _____ DATE: Feb 9 2000 FILE:DVP/7/00 BY: JB A Send & Gravel ALLARD CONTRACTORS Ltd. P.O. Box 47, Port Coquitlam. B.C. V3C 3V5 Office: 9442556 Februaiy 23, 2000 Distict of Mapte Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Afteiition Mayor and Council Dear SirsiMesdames, Mii$ Rü%e Tfliwt lCcpl8 to Mayor & Council O 9oy to Council Reading File ~/For Information Only Vcor Response by opies to ________ Further to our request for a T.W.P and council's direction from the Committee of the Whole meeting Febiiiary 21. 2000. 1 wish to confirm that our company's commitment that should Maple Ridge gra.ut Maple Ridge Ready-Mix a T.LU.P., specifically, Ailard Contractor5 agrees to terminate its gravel pit opeztions on Industrial Avenue at the same time the Maple Ridge Ready-Mix T.LU.P expires. We a m prepared to enter this type of axrangeiuent because it will hung closure to our long nmning legal battle, and as you are probably very aware, our oomny lost. Clearly, we need to move on, and the sccnano we are putting forward should result in a positive situation for everyone, particularly our 18 employees who will be reinstated and their jobs secure& Also. our customers in Maple Rthge Ji be assured of competitive pricing, and the municipality will see the cLosure of the gravel pit and move ahead with the development as contemplated in the Albion OC?. We wish to advise council that we understand that council cannot be fètteréd ic any way, but we respectfully request that both Maple Ridge aixi Altard Contractors Lt& agree to a mutual best efforts to relocate both the gravel pit and iady-mix plant to an area that is aeceplabic to both parties. We also understand that as lcug as both parties rnak mutually best efforts and no suitable locations can be found, both the gravel pit and ready-mix operation will close. To oorlude, I respectfully request council give favourable consideration to Maple Ridge Ready-Mix's T.LIJ.P. application, and I will nndertakc to provide the necessary documentation to the satisfaction of Maple Ridge sta Yours truly,. ALLARD CONrRACORS LTD. Qm 10,/al tMEs T. ALLARD, B.Sc. e President JTA/wld Pit &4at.. Fre Tres Wai. Cawttsm IndnCriel Ai. Maple R¼je Kvyitona RD.. Mtsaw 1. DWX a Ic CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: February 15, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/73/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/73/99 (10412 Industrial Ave.) I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to amend the Official Community Plan to designate the above noted property a Temporary Industrial Use Permit Area. The purpose of the application is to enable issuance of a Temporary Industrial Use Permit for the operation of a concrete plant. II RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ/73199 (for property located at 10412 Industrial Ave.) to amend the Official Community Plan designating the subject property a Temporary Industrial Use Area be denied. - - III BACKGROUND: COI'r'•T' i'o G,O iØ Applicant: James T. Allard Owner: Montcalm Aggregates Ltd. Legal Description: Lot 12, Plan 42419; Sec. 10, Tp. 12, NWD OCP: Existing: Compact Housing (30 upnh) Proposed: Temporary Industrial Use Permit Area Zoning: Existing: RS-3 and A-2 Surrounding Uses: - N: vacant land (former gravel pit) S:. vacant land (former gravel pit) E.- vacant land W: Albion Park Existing Use of Property: gravel pit/ former concrete plant Proposed Use of Property: concrete plant Access: Industrial Avenue Servicing: Water Previous Applications: RZ/ 14/91, TIUP/3/9 1; TITJP/ 1/94; RZ/26/99 -1- IV BACKGROUND: The Planning Department has received an application for a temporary industrial use permit (TIUP) to allow a ready-mix concrete plant to operate for a period not to exceed two years. The site has been used for many years a a gravel pit. More recently the site was also used for a concrete plant and has been the subject of previous applications to extend the use of the site for a concrete plant. These applications are summarized in the attached report dated March 6, 1999 prepared in response to an application for a Temporary Industrial Use Permit (RZ/26/99). The March 6, 1999 report was reviewed at the May 25, 1999 Council meeting and the application was denied. As noted in the 1999 report, for several years the concrete plant operated at the site at variance with the Zoning Bylaw. The plant was closed in early June 1999 as a result of a Supreme Court of Canada decision. V PLANNING ANALYSIS Temporary Commercial or Industrial Use Permits Section 921 of the Municipal Act provides for the issuance of a temporary commercial or industrial use permit for up to two years, and also allows a once only renewal for up to a further two years. However, before such permits can be issued, the site must be designated in the Official Community Plan as an area where temporary commercial or industrial use permits may be allowed. As a result, issuance of a temporary permit requires Council consideration of an application to amend the Official Community Plan and consideration of an application to issue a temporary permit, and involves, among other actions: Presentation of the Official Community Plan amendment at a Public Information Meeting; Presentation of the Official Community Plan amendment at a Public Hearing; and Consideration of the permit application, which includes giving notice similar to the required notice of Public Hearing. Official Community Plan The site is designated Compact Housing (30-60 upnh) and is within the Albion Urban area. Use of this site for industrial purposes is contrary to the Official Community Plan policies regarding industrial growth in the community. Services have been extended to Albion and this area is now experiencing urban growth. Country Lane Estates is less than ½ km from this site and there are several other active rezoning applications for lands near the Albion Village Centre. As this growth continues, further conflicts between this industrial use and urban development are inevitable. VI DISCUSSION Concrete manufacturing is considered an industrial use and is permitted in several industrial zones, including the M-2 (General Industrial) zone. The gravel reserves for the site appear largely exhausted and the applicant requires imported gravel to operate the plant. Rather than seek an interim solution on a temporary and inappropriate site, staff have encouraged the applicant to achieve a permanent solution by securing an appropriately zoned site to continue this operation. In -2- response, the applicant has requested an interim period of 2 - 3 years on this site to enable his company to secure an alternative location. At the end of the interim period, the applicant has advised that the current gravel operation and the requested concrete plant would cease operation and has agreed to enter into a agreement to secure this event. Industrial use of this site has been an issue of concern to the neighbourhood as some residents were of the view that the court case between the District and the applicant would lead to the elimination of all industrial use on this site. The benefits of granting a TIUP for this site include the continuation of a business in Maple Ridge and obtaining a fixed closure date for industrial use of the site. The disadvantage of the TITJP includes increased land use conflicts between an emerging residential area and the proposed use. VI CONCLUSION: In summary, the consideration of a TITJP with conditions has some merit. However, there are land use and planning issues identified in the OCP that are important and must be weighed in the context of this application. As a result, staff recommend that this application be denied based on the policy direction of the OCP. In the event that Council approves the TIIJP, staff suggest that the terms and conditions of the approval ensure cessation of both the gravel and concrete operations at a fixed future date. Terry F31é/P. Eng. DirecØr4 Current Planning Jake J. Rfllolph, AICP, MCIIP M: Pu6lic W6is & levelment Services )L2Au O<JhcJ Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer fbjc -3- II 5 LIO83 P 75957 10578 P72100 8 10529 110530 10481 0, RS2 0469 10470 104551 P 72100 10 0441 iü'+ ?\i(z P 18280 8 P 72103 /i',/ /Z /T10501 RS-3 ( SUBJECT PROPE 12 / 10412 P42419 P 12923 2) P 12923 Rem I A-2 P1 *TTQP ( SCALE: 1:2500 KEY MAP RZ-26-99 CORPORATION OF ).THE.DISTRICTOF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE C%COtpOfaId 12. Septsmosr, 1814 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Apr 16 1999 FILE: BY: JB CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: May 6, 1999 and Members of Council FILE.NO: RZ/26/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ126/99 (Temporary Industrial Use Permit) 10412 Industrial Ave. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to amend the Official Community Plan to designate the above noted property a Temporary Industrial Use Permit Area. The purpose of the application is to enable issuance of a Temporary Industrial Use Permit for the operation of a concrete plant. II RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ126/99 (for property located at 10412 Industrial Ave.) to amend the Official Community Plan designating the subject property a Temporary Industrial Use Area be denied. III DISCUSSION: This site has been the subject of previous applications, and all but the last of these applications are summarized in the attached report dated June 27, 1994 prepared in response to an application for a temporary industrial use permit (TIUP/1/94). The June 27, 1994 report was reviewed at the July 11, 1994 Council meeting and the application was denied As noted in the 1994 report, the concrete plant has continued to operate at this site at variance with the Zoning Bylaw. The gravel reserves for the site are exhausted and the applicant requires imported gravel to sustain the existing concrete plant operation. Use of this site for industrial purposes is contrary to OCP policies regarding industrial growth in the community. The site is designated Compact Housing at 30 - 60 units per net hectare and within the Albion U. area. Services have been extended to this area and Albion is now experiencing urban growth. As this growth continues, further conflicts between this industrial use and urban development are inevitable. IV CONCLUSION: Considering the above, the Planning Department recommends that this application be denied. Oro R. W. Robertson, MCIP, AICP MCjEAiCP_ er,jjEn,. Chief Administrative Officer QTe!fpmh;nager: Public Works and /Diçctor of C&rent Planning Development Services / / / Ibjc 101 10578 p75957 P72100 V i0579 8 10529 10530 01 10481 9 10469 10470 P 72100 104551 10 0441, 10501 / ' 10500 RS-3 ( SUBJECT PROPE 12 10412 P 42419 2. - P12923 21 P 18280 8 P 12923 Rem 1 P72103 RZ-26-99 MAPLE RIDGE Incot9orated 12. September. 1874 1, r DATE:Aprl6 1999 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT FILE: BY:JB M-2 Rem N 1/2 of NE 114 Section 3 Township 12 / -a'• / '*TCTOP I — OP SCALE: 1:2,500 I KEY MAP MEMORANDUM Submitted to: ( ) Council ( ) Committee of the Whole - Corporate Services ( ) Committee of the Whole - Development Services ( ) Committee of the Whole - Operational Services ( ) Committee of the Whole - Parks & Community Services ( ) Committee of the Whole - Administrative/Policy Services ( ) Committee of the Whole - Protective Services CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION That the recommendation of the General Manager - Develo me ervices be approved. TO: CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER FROM: GENERAL MANAGER - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DATE: 1994 JUNE 27 SUBJECT: TIUPI1J94 LEGAL: LOT 12, PLAN 42419; LOT 1, PLAN 12923 EXCEPT: PLAN 42419 AND LOT 2, PLAN 12923 ALL OF SEC. 10, TP. 12, N.W.D. LOCATION: 10412-10500 INDUSTRIAL AVENUE OWNER. ALBION AGGREGATES LTD.; MONTCALM AGGREGATES LTD.; ALLARD CONTRACTORS LTD. AGENT: JAMES T. ALLARD ME An application has been received to permit a temporary industrial use which would allow operation of a ready-mix concrete plant. It is recommended that this application be denied. RECOMMENDATION THE GENERAL MANAGER - DEVELOPMENT SERVICES RECOMMENDS THAT APPLICATION TIUP/1/94 (FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 10412-10500 INDUSTRIAL AVENUE) TO REDESIGNATE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN HIS MEMO DATED JUNE 27, 1994 FROM URBAN RESERVE TO TEMPORARY INDUSTRIAL USE BE DENIED. TEMPORARY COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL USE PERMITS, Section 975 of the Municipal Act provides for the issuance of temporary commercial or industrial use permits for up to two years, and also allows a once only renewal for up to a further two years. However, before such permits can be issued, the site must be designated in the Official Community Plan as an area where temporary commercial or industrial use permits may be allowed. As a result, issuance of a temporary permit requires Council consideration of an application to amend the OCP and consideration of an application to issue a temporary permit, and involves, among other actions: Presentation of the OCT amendment at a Public Information Meeting. Presentation of the OCP amendment at a Public Hearing. Consideration of the permit application, which includes giving notice similar to the required notice for Public Hearing. The property. under application has been the subject of two previous applications; one a rezoning application, the second a TIUP application. In March 1991, an application was received to rezone the site to M-4 (Extraction Industrial) to permit a sand and gravel pit mining, washing, crushing, storing and loading facility. The attached report, dated June 12, 1991, as well as a delegation by the applicant, was considered at the JUly 22, 1991 Planning Committee meeting. In this review, it was noted that the application was for M4, which allowed only the extraction of gravel and did not allow the operation of a concrete plant. -2- Subsequent to this meeting, a revision was made to the application, and on September 9 1991 Council reviewed the attached report dated August 15, 1991 and the Planning Committee's recommendation of August 26, 1991 and denied the rezoning application. In October 1991 the owner applied for a Temporary Industrial Use permit, and on March 16, 1992, Council reviewed the attached report dated January 22, 1992 and forwarded the required OCP Amending Bylaw to Public Hearing. The Public Hearing was held on May 4, 1992 and a copy of the minutes are attached. On May 11, 1992 the OCP Amending Bylaw was presented to Council for second and third reading, and the motion was defeated. DISCUSSION A concrete plant is presently operating on the site in contravention of the Zoning Bylaw. The gravel reserves on the site have largely been exhausted and it is therefore necessary for gravel products to be imported to supply the plant. The present use of the property consequently differs significantly from the gravel extraction and processing use established at the site. This property is part of the Albion Urban Reserve area and as such is included in the Urban Growth Study which has been the subject of several public meetings. The land use strategy for the property identifies residential use for this parcel at densities ranging from 30 upnh to 40 upnh. The site is within an. area that could be developed for urban residential use within the next 1 to 2 years, given favourable consideration of OC1' amendments for the Albion area and an appropriate servicing initiative. . Considering the above, and recognizing that the concrete plant generates industrial truck traffic in the delivery of materials to and from the site, the Planning Department recommends that this application be denied. .TeiyFryp/ Directo-'6f Current Planning TP/MR/bjs -3- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 5889-2000 (23039 117 Ave.) DATE: Februaiy 16, 2000 FILE NO: RZ/2/00 ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUMMARY: This development proposal is to create approximately 2 single family residential lots. Council gave favourable consideration to the above noted application February 15, 2000 with the stipulation that prior to being presented at a Public Hearing, the following would be complied with: Submission of a fully dimensioned preliminary subdivision plan showing the location of all existing buildings; The above has been received and it is recommended that 1st reading be given to the subject bylaw. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5889-2000 be given First Reading. Prepared by:ave Stevenson Planning Technician Gp1ub77o & Development Services Concur€. Robert W. Roberton, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer o'To. 11 117(AVE 2 1169 213 i9 116 N 88 P 54676 A 9 11648 10 0.. 11840 11634 12 11628 13 11622 14 11618 15 I, I 3 N *1 1411 110 6 511 11 94 117 I 140 11868 i 11861 11850 1 11845 R m93 118 11851\ \ 139 192 Rem. PcI.3 iias "193 RP15055 EP44489 119 A 11840 \ 138 r-. 11848 11841 C., I 137 0 91 120 11838 11831 I 11830 1830 11819 90 121 136 195 11826 11821 135 11820 89 122 191809 P 68661 I 11818 11811 11810 134 A B C I D E F 191801 1181088 123 11801 133 11800 csil ' (m 87 Z 124 11791 11795 198 I IIC I IfU 11789 4 I 18AV 1178886 0- 0- 125 11781 132 11780 199 .- 11775 r 1782 N I 205 182 1177885 126 11771 131 11770 0. a 200 I—I Cl) !T I RJ 51 !S31~4 84 127 130 U. 11787 201 11770 204 P:229a LMP 374 6 171 11768 11761 11760 11763J 0- 2 14334 31 4 164 83 128 129 202 322 203 N I 1177 Lps, 165 A'__ _________ _______ -I a' N I PROPER1J 16611 N 3g NQ N 4 5 lNj NP? 51.' I - 5909 LM 3077 LM e em 163 P8881 Rem.A1 i 2 2 1 P5909716 27 26 Ii 161'f I N Ifl gligl !A IN 2 207I 1433k .-Rem9 0 ' 8 0. N N L.... ,, N Q. In N 0-162 24 Z 13 , I 11885 () C/) 1850 I 23 —1 14 CL 11835 1836 1.5 S 22 11823 11824 21 16 11819 11818 36 0. 1 o 11811 p 17 1810 I CO ;35 18 0.. 11803 1804 I 1• N C_I F—i 191. cli i 2i 171. 16,1 g 117AVE_ LMP11 J I aJ 1 1670 NI NI NI N N N N I N ICON N N I N N N 40 41 42 cn I 32 C) .243 244 2'T6 P 5677 . 11671 1680 P 65141 _ 0) Lfl C',I 11686 242 !172737 0. 12 _____ -1666 169 31 4 175 176 177 11655 11 171 I 168 __,30 i A 5 1662 '- 11663 29 / 178 1858 25 2 b657 11647 15 240. 184 183 182 181 180 179 11839 1848 23 N25 16 1842 st 11631 17 1630 22 fli 11621 22 C41 11819 21 15 —V\ 18 11609 11620 0. 19 L10 20 0.. ___ — 11601 19 N 23039 117 AVE CORPORATION OF / 1i21L THE-DISTRICT OF 3 IEZS.98 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE. 1.2.500 KEY MAP EATE: Jan 11 2000 FILE:RZJ002100 BY: JB CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5889 - 2000 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5889 - 2000." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 27, Except: Part dedicated Road on Plan LMP 14334, Section 17, Township 12, Plan 16992, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1231 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to R-1 (Residential District). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 2000. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 2000. READ a second time the day of READ a third time the - day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the 2000. MAYOR ,",*iIIiIJ A.D. 2000. day of A.D. CLERK U, - 14 15 17824 16 11878 17 11810 18 23 22 1182. 21 1187 36 o 1781 C4 35 a_ tlS AVE. / 18.70 1 I I P 1686611 A B I c lo I I F ! I I I 11782 205 Rem. I 210 P 522916 211 1ILMF 71770 CO to 204 Ap 11760 Ni 203 I2l3!4 P37 E 96 64 322 '7777 165 LMP 1134 —r-- r 2431 244 24 246 39 40 41 42 10 Iii 170l E 32 P 65141 p5677 U) ________ I 0- ________ v I 11586 242 48 252 11571 a. 12 169 ° _________ ______ I 11666 / 1575 31 /580 1711 1 1., -' 175 176i 177 /7655 168 11559J 30 ______ I 174 (P 15943) 11562 29" 178 A 25 2"1 QILLEY AVE. hesS ul - 2'/1 __ 11547 15 24- \ \184 183 182 181 180 179 _______ f/jJ 17646 1 116J. 16 23 25 - 11642 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5889-2000 - Map No. 1231 From: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) To: R— 1 (Residential District) 213 P 54676 .450 ho U T -n93\ 118 F 11845192 Rem. PCI. 3 119 RP 15055 38 o193 /7847 CL w 91 120 /8J1 90 121 11821 89 122 8 /1811 123 11801 87 ao 124 8 11791 - CL 125 11781 85 126 11771 84 127 8 1176 83 128 0.1941829 137 0 17879 136 195 7 180 135 196 /1870 - 134 19 11800 11 133 198 11790 11789 132 ao 199 11780 M) 131 fl /177 11770 200 - 11757 130 201 11760 129 1176.7 202 CLIFF AVE. I992 4l5 3 4 _ 151[7 , 5907 LM 4Z.l!MerrIem I 26 8881 P 7±83 L 0- p 5907 t' 1 434 I n. A 1 2.. ...2 A 2 3 6 r.. - im9flu 117 AVE. 6 c 0.489 ho " a. 166 '/74) U) 163 l'••i lo 1 6 IU) co ltg) c ft- N l 0-162 I MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 -_ 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 5891-2000 (12742 228 St.) DATE: February 16, 2000 FILE NO: RZ/68/99 ATTN: CofW-PW&Dev SUMMARY: This development proposal is to create approximately 10 single family residential lots. Council gave favourable consideration to the above noted application February 15, 2000 with the stipulation that prior to being presented at a Public Hearing, the following would be complied with: Submission of fully dimensioned preliminary subdivision plan showing: the location of all existing buildings; road dedication. The above subdivision plan showing road dedication has been received. The owner has stated that all existing buildings will be removed prior to subdivision approval. Accordingly, a plan showing their locationis not necessary. It is recommended that 1st reading be given to the subject bylaw. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5891-2000 be given First Reading. - Prepared byve Stevenson Planning Technician Planning , MOP & Development Services ConcurTce: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer DS/bjc __ 054 15 I- Ivv. 1 _ 16 26 P 64698 P 2711 cl a. 12851 12850 17 I 14 2! 12 w 12844 41 24 - a.27 12831 NJ 12632 2 38 W1/211 —z 532 18 13 cc 12815 ________ ________ 28 Cl) 23 ______ ______ 128351 012821 ._4 12822 00 2 co > I 19 12 AR-22580 i P1954 fTl P19054 __ 1 2 H 30 29, cj 22 21 P 14143 20I _____________ C'. I C'. CCI 51 52 1 co R$ 21 1 ' LMP h14909 ) 12796 1 £ 12797 12798 12799 CCI CCI C'. i 22 N) 12790 12789 12786 12793 49 50 2 co 23 12778 12779 12776 B 52F S2 55 12783 51 12787 48 47 3t'ei- ¶2779 24 12770 12769 r' 12786 C 12771 12771 : 46 25 12750 12759 a. P40 79 12763 _f 12756 —s D 40479 12757 I 26 12750 ' 12749 P 31136 - 12753 46 12747 \ \ 12740 12733 \ 27 \ 41 42 SUBJECT LMP 4909 28 R 1 \ 12742 ____ 1273 12730 12729 IT A'v'! 37 5 29 38 12727 I 0 0 CO P 22339 55 ____________ • iCI 10 I 37579 I A Io.30 12720 12717 I ' ('. 4'. 'T I'. 2 36 35 I LM 1409 I 12719 12710 12709 _____ 12 I! I LM 1270 RS-3 LMP 14909 2 3 j4 H5 )LMP 13973 I Rem4 12703 P5430 127 AVE - 127PL - E12 I126780 0 004'I IC'.CCI 20'.'.21 10 9 8 7 6 / 12671 1270 119 12669 kyj 12653 8 Rem3 ' 24 126879 1 26B AVE P 23424 18 a. P5430 25 12638 - 1 14 15 1263t 26 LMP I 13973 P6262 36 LLCC A 6/, : - - RP22408 CC N :sr.c,o, I c.* 12742-228 ST CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICTOF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incopated 12, Sgten,b* 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE; 1:2,500 KEY MAP _____ DATE: Nov 26 1999 FILE:RZ-68-99 BY: JB L LLI Cli lz LJ ui I I co In N OQIJ Cn 3. ' I c(r SI Q21 ai •, 0'91 cly I r OOs1 Lim jv ooi ori m oi 0Wt 1 ,I - ..? JflPGW HiLT - -. - N PROPOSED SUBDIVISION vt.ACOw$ ( VALLEY A CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE SCALE: ALBION MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT - fl4ORNI4H.L Incerporited 12 September. 1874 N.T.S. ________________________________________________________ DRAWN BY: DATE: JAN. 27, 2000 f FILE: RZ-68-99 r*&e ev.ew CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5891 - 2000 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5891 - 2000." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 45, Section 20, Township 12, Plan 31436, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line is hereby rezoned to RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) and that portion shown hatched is hereby rezoned to RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) as shown on Map No. 1233 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw. Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 2000. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the. day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the 2000 -. - - • , A.D. 2000. A.D. 2000. A.D. 2000. day of A.D. NL4YOR CLERK P 10072 1 1 LO P 19054 16 15.2 15 64698 P 2711 0.507 he. I - I-) K 0.995 ho. 12861 * LO 0- INN .* 26 12851 12850 17 14 05 38 W 1/2 11 - 12844 a. 12841 24 27 128J1 (A 12&L2 .477 ho. 0.870 ha. _______ ________ ________ i2.5j. 18 0, N N 13 LMP20286 to 12815 1 28 23 12921 12822 - I 19 12 cc 2 - P 2580 P119054 0. .. P 14143 i I P 11054 2 30o, 29 2221 ____ 20o, L_ ____ a. - 0 N 128 AVE. 1490921 12797 18.0 LMP 51 14909 52 12796 lo 1279119 15.0 12798 12799 20.0 A 22 12790 12789 ______ 12786 r- 0 1279.1 49 50 2-ga L&J - 23 12778 12779 12776 12787 , 48 47 1278. .< 51 52 53 54 55 /2779 - 24 co 12770 12769 12766 C N 12771 N ' 45 46 4 1277 0.405 he 0.405 he 0.405 he 0.405 he 0.809 he 25 u 12750 /2759 12756 0 P 44 43 P 41 879 — 12750 12749 36 z 41 42 27 - 46 12 27J .809 no 0.979 he .MP I 1 490T' 127 AVE. Cl 12737 5 29 12730 12729 37 38 - 0 /2727 f N 12720 12717 I4 A O3Q 0I 1 12719 36 35 20.0 5j 55 56 57 58 60 - 12710 /2710 12709 LMP /2711 490 31- - 332 18.0 LMP 1200 LMP 14909 193 1 2L 4 5 2 3 6 1 ------ 0 2t , 0 127 AVE. 15 of I 6I5/L__J_ N Nci 27PLACE N 20.3 sf2677 21I22 - 10 9 8 7 j,6 - - .±! - = 12 00 - 2 P 22339 1.091 he Rem 4 P 5430 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5891-2000 - Map No. 1233 From: RS-3(Orie Family Rural Residential) To: RS— 1 (One Family Urban Residential) and RS—lb(One Family Urban(medUm density)Residentiol) shown hatched 6-ill A' MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: February 16, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/78/99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 5890-2000 (20141 Telep Ave.) SUMMARY: This development proposal is to create approximately 23 lots not less than 557 m 2. Council gave favourable consideration to the above noted application February 15, 2000 with the stipulation that prior to being presented at a Public Hearing, the following would be complied with: Submission of a fully dimensioned preliminary subdivision plan showing: the location of all existing buildings; road dedication. The above has been received and it is recommended that 1st reading be given to the subject bylaw. RECOMI\'LENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5890-2000 be given First Reading. Prepared by: David Stevenson Planning Technician Approved by/)dfy Fryer. Pig. - irector-ounc••Pl•anning ApprovM ')ae J. 4Wolph, AICP, MCIP ,ø?yI: Public W9rks & Development Services Concurrence: R'obert W. Robrtson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer DS/bic tYo2i3 P 21483 P 13328 Rem 2 RS-3 SUBJECT PROPERTY 26 LMP 26079 co 24 25 2 '8 17 '2193 : • 15 1411312 219 3 iii 101 '2191 • 27 EMi6 L.'AP 26079 7 2e'23 23 24\j22 2167 12157 : o5 3 .2147! 01060 121AAVE 21 25 4 /_\_____.___ 2137 9 \\ 20 26 4 j 22 27/28 i.Mp :8 .i117 0.,,.: 16115 - 27649 0 w —4 7 , —I - ;'7 ; 30 29 ,, 5 ) - 3 12411 12402 28 (r t9 12400 85 84 83 12389 I 26 123831 12382 _J P21555 P 2i55 - 25 40 41 42... 43, 44,., 45 12375 CHAn 1 1i 6 87652 p 85340 2 2 P 36 1 P 876581 P 1 3 2 i20 P 64317 Remi ( t ! 2"! 3 401 pPs559 P43023 I! 084441 1 4 I 12289 92 93 94 1 2 : 3 3 r—? I j P 7 14 cc, L--- , I CL 2 4 P43023 1 12261 .. I . MP2639 iol3 o14 1 12257) c4 , TELEP AVE , I 25 31 ON A I TO i 2233 16I 1 14 13?/ 12/ / 3 'I 2 5 412225i : peggoo /31 1•a. 23 12226 ¶2221 4 \12196 :10 12215 1222018 / 10 2211/ 285,\ ,4P72,,5589 H a.I 1 21 9CD 1 1210 12186 12196 ' 12203/ 433 7 21 1 12195! 20 121931 12196 1 17 12154 1 12180 1 12188 12184 I12181k P7191 21 / 121831 1 2181 1217 211 1217 ' 12176 .— — 12172 C'41 16 ' 20 121 13 12156 I " 12164 2169I --f1T 2171 19 8 1 12157 23 LINDSAY A 12156 12159 12152 121,47 i 4 >_—.—" [12142 2 12140 16 12138 L..-"1 12 11 10 C14 12134 I 2128 17 '210 71910 16 12127: 11 — 2129 Z ' 25 P71910 8 12126 1 W 3456• 1211$ 112114 _ — 2 ;l — Z a. -.21211 14 1211 jQ7fl, P 16960 RS-1 Rem E 7\ 8 9 I 12280 5 12273 \ N _ 3.31.cr OF 1 2 300 KEY MAP 20141 TELEP AVE /-H CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF 5 MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE InccmOrateQ 12. $.oj,moer. 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT '1 —j DATE: Jan 11 2000 FILE:RZJ78199 BY: JB I' r !/ t 7 1•/. 1 - — /•. — ..,. - T . ' •• / damax consultants ltd. V 3862w. 14th avenue. vancouver v6r2W9 teL 224-6827 lax.222-9240 N V PROPOSED SuBDIvISION A H wl I CORPORATION OF THE TTON DO SCALE: DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ALBION MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT Incorporsted 12 September. 1874 N VT. S. ______________________ rew .,. DRAWN ': bATE: JAN. 27, 2000 FILE: RZ-78-99 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5890 - 2000 A By-law to amend zoning on Map 'A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended: NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge. in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as 'Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5890 - 2000." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot D, District Lot 263, Group 1, Plan L2v44171, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1232 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510- 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of A.D. 2000. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of A.D. 2000. READ a second time the day of A.D. 2000. READ a third time the - day of A.D. 2000. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of A.D. 2000. MAYOR CLERK — - IJJ9P 1Z4 85 2.072 ha. 27 • 38 12.789 I 12392 n a. (I)en 0 26 F2J P 2155 25 40 41 /2375 TCHATWIN AVE. P13328 Rem2 A 11 I 16960 ' I P 3051 ha Rem 6 876 ° Thip 36b I I 0.607 ha. CL 1 2\ 31 P 849 \ EP 840 P 401 \ P 64317 Ic'4 6 \Rem1 lip C,) D 537 ho. 41-1 _ 2 .966 ho 12272 \ 0 P4303 LMP 44171 1226] 15.0 92 93 t. 94 I , 12265 12260 P 30 3 2 ,I ij11 - o LLMP 2608 - MP 2639! ILMP 44171 11L) A 1225/ 'e0 ! TELEPAVE. I— o C/, 21 'n" 25 18.0 l I 'h 18.01 /223/ '\ 20 ( •I /2233 RN 16I15l14I13/1J 24 / 3 I_P1_699d0 /2221 \4 19 _ 12225 _____ 17o / '222 118 12196 23 /2226 0 /2221 ________ 7 l' /29 /2190 12215 1222 / 10 /221/7 122185 d 2 /2187 0 15I14I13k2 _____ 22 12205 12210 a. / 19 122126 0 /219F 12186 LREM 16 43 A4J4 _26Z9 7_7 - - —m 21 12198 O 1220J a.3 (1) 20 19 - .c3i L 121Z //" 1 21 (0 I/ —/2*95 C4 5 12193 /2188 12 6 Z 12196 12184 21 1216. 24 23 ... 2 / / 22 24 2., o /2/72 . . /218,1 /2176 13 /2172 " 20 /2,5; 22 o 2010 t2 177 _______ ° '.vp (J) En ______ /2166 13 19 ______ ______ 12/64 a. a. 14 Z /2160 8 230- ______ I 1121AA/E. 12157 ________ '2/56 18 ,2,59 ______ /2/52 /2/48 15 < 24 f47 ________ I I /213. 1 i - \ 20 26 . 12142 I 2 12145 12140 12KY - MAPLE RIDGE.. ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 580-2000 - Map No. 1232 - From: RS-3(Qne. Family Rural Residential) and RS-1(Orie amily Urban Residential) To: RS-1 b(One Family Urban(medium density)Residential) E10 Man A MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 - 1:2500 10 0 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: Feb. 3, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: E08 015 786 &. FROM: Chief Administrative Officer E01 052 001.3 SUBJECT: Excess Capacity/Extended ATTENTION: C of W Services Agreement LC 72/00; SD 36/94 SUMMARY: A developer has provided certain services in support of Subdivision SD 36/94 at 121B Avenue and 203 Street. Some of the services benefit adjacent lands therefore, it is appropriate to impose Latecomer Charges on the benefitting lands. RECOMMENDATION: That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD 36/94, at 121B Avenue and 203 Street, be it resolved that: The cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the memorandum of the Chief Administrative Officer dated Feb. 3, 2000, and The Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a "Latecomer Agreement" with the subdivider of the said lands. BACKGROUND: (a) Purpose The attached map identifies the lands which are involved in the subdivision and those which will benefit from the excess or extended services. The cost breakdown for each excess or extended service is as follows: - 1' TYPE OF EXCESS OR EXTENDED SERVICE OVERSIZE ON SITE SERVICE # BENEFIYFING COST OF BENEFIT LOTS BENEFiT ATTRIBUTED BY PROPERTY EXCLUDING SUBDIVISION Storm Sewer 1 $1,880.00 Rem.A, EP 11166 1 x $1,880.00 ONS1TE SERVICE FOR ADJACENT PROPERTY SERVICE # BENEFITI1NG COST OF LOTS BENEFIT COST PER LOT BENEFIT ATTRIBUTED BY PROPERTY EXCLUDING SUBDIVISION Storm Sewer 18 $45,324.00 $2,518.00 Rem.A, EP 11166 8x$2,518.00 Lot 1, Plan 22101 1 x $2,518.00 Sanitary 48 $37,494.00 $2,083.00 Rem.A, EP 11166 Sewer 8 x $2,083.00 Lot 1, Plan 22 101 1 x $2,083.00 Water 16 $41,088.00 $2,568.00 Rern.A, EP 11166 6 x $2,568.00 Lot 1, Plan 22101 1 x $2,568.00 Road 16 $74,096.00 $4,631.00 Rem.A, EP11166 6x$4,631.00 Lot 1, Plan 22101 l-x$463i;00 A total of all of the aforementioned services for each property is as follows: Pci. "A" (EP 11166) Lot 1 Except: Firstly: Parcel B (EP 16630) $81,882.00 and Secondly: Part Subdivided by Plan 69727, District Lot 241, Group 1, N.W.D., Plan 4921 Lot 1, DL 241, Group 1, Plan 22101, N.W.D. $11,800.00 (b) Policy Implications: Section 939 of the Municipal Act, provides in clauses 5 (a), (b) and (c) that where a developer pays all or part of the cost of excess or extended services, the municipality shall determine the - proportion of the cost of the service which constitutes excess or extended service and determine the proportion of-11cost of the service to be attributed to parcels of land which the municipality considers wi be fit from the service. The Latecomer Agreement will summarize the municipalit s de rmination and establish the term over which such Latecomer charges will be applied. Prepare y: Je c erban, ctor Of Development Engineering App oved A ,Ank-Quinn, P.Engunicipa1 Engineer e J. RIdolph, AICP, MCII' Public Woul& Deyeloptent Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, Chief Administrative Officer 59— 1229J 8 31 4 5 6 7 iLI1 EP 76691 4\ 5 6 1225 12234 8 a. l22j P 71907 _ 12222 __ ________ 1 (N 12227 41 N4 —4 P 72589 42 43 /2202 12217 522 61 12198 4 /2209 _53 12186 i iRso 4 12201 174 N 73%I 59 /219 55 58 Do - - 150 25 12175 171910 I 10 28 I 2930 31 -I P I 0 46 4544 16 P F 9825 2 12125 (N 12119 co 12/il a. H 9482 :4 MWE _ LMP ii- l2282 1 LL P 27 4 00 14, 92280LMP_159 12,7189 , 24 26 27 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 '3 : 12272 f 12 :; 1 22B AVE. 6 7 8 2 12246 /i3)-7" l 987654 L119 LMPI1593/14I I I LMP 1593 I p 17 - t_t.! L_tttiI L P 351 8 LMP 27 4 1 26 JA c D\ E\F G H I° r 12 ' 10897 LMP / /I EP 69207 ! P 69727 1280"p 41572 45 2 RP 17121 P41572 44 18 ~fZ—.,,, _..MP P 83237 - I I I I I SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY IF 7 - BENEririLNG PROPERTIES EXCESS CAPACITY/EXTENDED SERVICES AGREEMENT LC 72/00 SD 36/94 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING Inorpw%tsd 12 $eptb. 1674 DEPARTMENT - - - - FILE/DWG No LC72-2000 f DATE: FEB. 8. 2000 120B AVE. 10 1 8li1 9-D.I II)C'4I. A SCAL N.T.S. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: February 2, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Building Statistics SUMMARY: To provide the Mayor and members of Council with the Inspection Services Department building statistics for the month of January 2000. RECOMMENDATION: That the Inspection Services Department, building statistics for the month of January 2000 be received for information. Prepared by: Broc McDonald, Director of Community & Business Relations Approved by Concurrence Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer 0 j & f3l . 1 4!~ r-10, Maple Ridge Building Statistics For The Month Of January 2000 Add'n/Repalr Total BIda Type No. of Units New Const Value Const Value Const Value SF0 20 $2,914,524 $417,603 TWN 0 0 0 APT 0 0 0 DUP 0 0 0 COM 0 0 20,100 IND 0 0 3,260 INST 0 0 741,659 $ 4,097,146 TOTAL NUMBER OF INSPECTION FOR THE MONTH 885 TOTAL NUMBER OF PERMITS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH 252 Number of units from January 1 —31, 2000 SFD TWN APT Please see above DUP COM IND INST Number of units from January 1 - 31, 1999 SF0 31 $3,810,580 $161,129 TWN 19 1,765,800 0 APT 12 800,000 0 DUP 0 0 0 COM - 1 475,000 1,332,000 IND I 424,230 5,000 INST 0 0 50,500 $ 8,824,239 1999 YEAR END STATISTICS -.--- SFD'.1' s4540058 :.: $4,783O88: TWN 31 2,758,134 APT 60 3,900 ,000 DUP 2 271,100 COM 7 51851000 4,758695 IND 5 2,521,220 6881000H INST 4 11,519,300 1,184,000 $ 84,271,013 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: January 25, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN:C of Whole-Fin & Corp Serv SUBJECT: Town Centre Redevelopment and Municipal Lands Policy SUMMARY: The Downtown Revitalization Project is a major investment in our municipality that will generate capital investment, long term jobs, and will be a catalyst for commercial and residential development. This development will be revitalizing the municipality by adding a leisure centre, youth centre and arts centre, additional library and office space. Staff is requesting that 100% of revenues collected for the identified land sales be transferred to the Capital Works Reserve and the policy on Municipal lands be waived for the Town Centre Redevelopment. RECOMMENDATION: That the Policy on 'Municipal lands - disposition Of Proceeds on Sale' be waived for the Town Centre Redevelopment and the monies from the land sales identified as financing the Town Centre Redevelopment be transferred 100% to the Capital Works Reserve. BACKGROUND: In 1993, the following policy was passed 'Municipal Lands - Disposition of proceeds upon sale'. Upon the permanent disposition of municipal lands, the proceeds may be placed to the credit of a special fund under part 7 of the Municipal Act as follows: Seventy-five percent of the proceeds may be paid into the Maple Ridge Capital Works Reserve Fund to be used for the purposes of machinery or equipment necessary therefore, including the extension or renewal of existing capital works; and The remaining twenty-five percent of the proceeds may be paid into Maple Ridge Land Reserve Fund to be used for purposes of land acquisition. The purpose of this policy was to ensure that the Municipality would have the resources in the future to acquire additional lands. The fund, created in 1993, had grown from land sales and interest to $1,065,000 but to date has not been used for any land purchases. Prepare y: Ja G. Sorba, C.G.A. cçor of Finance Ap ved by: aul Gill, B.B.A., C.G.A. Direp Concurrence: R. W. Robertson, A.I.C.P., M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer (31-03.01 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: February 8,2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN:C of Whole-Fin & Corp Serv SUBJECT: Water and Sewer Utility Regulations EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Provisional Budget provided for a $15 user fee increase in the Waterworks Revenue Fund flat rate and a $10 user fee increase in the Sewer Fund flat rate. The Waterworks flat rate will be increased to $158 from $143. The Specified Areas of Rothsay and Garibaldi will be levied $515; $158 as the user fee and $357 as their share of the capital cost of installing the infrastructure to deliver municipal water. The $357 charge will be charged over the next 15 years to pay back a approximately 25% portion of the capital costs including financing costs. The Garibaldi properties will be billed on a proportion basis for this year when the water system is hooked up. The Metered Water rates have been adjusted from 3 variable user rates to I user rate of .35 per cubic metre, which will represent a 10% increase similar to the flat rate. The previous rates essentially gave a discounted rate for the more water that one used whereas one rate should promote better conservation of water for the benefit of our environment. The Sewer flat rates have been increased from $146 to $156, which represents a 6.8% increase, and the metered sewer rates have been adjusted accordingly. RECOMMENDATION: That the Maple Ridge Waterworks Regulations Amending By-law #5882-2000 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and the Maple Ridge Waterworks Regulations Amending By-law #5882-2000 be read a third time. That the Maple Ridge Sewer Rate Amending By-law #5883-2000 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and the Maple Ridge Sewer Rate Amending By-law #5883-2000 be read a third time. BACKGROUND: Council has deliberated the amendments required to the Provisional Budget and reviewed, in detail, the adjustments to various rates.. The amendments have been incorporated into the Annual Budget and are identified by separate memo to the Committee Chair. /Director of Finance - Approved by Paul Gill, B.B.A., DofeServices Concurrence: R. W. Robertson, A.I.C.P., M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5882 - 2000 A By-law to amend Maple Ridge Waterworks Regulations By-law No. 2675 - 1979. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Waterworks Regulations By-law No. 2675 - 1979 to adjust the fees to more truly reflect the actual average costs; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law shall be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Waterworks Regulatiotis Amending By-law No. 5882 - 2000 2. The following definitions are amended to Part 1; "GENERAL WATER SUPPLY AREA means the portion of the District of Maple Ridge not in the Garibaldi Water Supply Area or the Rothsay Water Supply Area GARIBALDI WATER SUPPLY AREA means the portion of the District of Maple Ridge shown outlined in bold black on Schedule "E" attached to and forming part of this by-law, as amended from time to time; ROTHSAY WATER SUPPLY AREA means the portion of the District of Maple Ridge shown outlined in bold black on Schedule "F" attached to and forming part of this by-law, as amended from time to time." 3 That Schedules "A" and "B" be deleted in their entirety and Schedules "A" and "B" attached hereto be substituted thereto. READ a first time the day of 200 READ a second time the day of 200 READ a third time the day of 200 RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED the day Of 200 MAYOR CLERK Attachment: Schedules A & B Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Waterworks Regulations Amending By-law No. 5882 - 2000 SCHEDULE "A" Fiat Rate Charges (Annual Rates) USES RATE A. Residential Per Dwelling Unit in the General Water Supply Area $158.00 Per Dwelling Unit in the Garibaldi Water Supply Area the Residential rate set from time to time in Section A(1) of this Schedule plus $357.00 per dwelling unit; Per Dwelling Unit in the Rothsay Water Supply Area the Residential rate set from time to time in Section A(1) of this Schedule p1u $357.00 per dwelling unit; Provided that commencing in the year 2015, the rate in the Rothsay Water Supply Area and the rate in the Garibaldi Area sbnll be only the residential rate set from time to time per dwelling in Section A(l) of this Schedule B. Auto Courts/Motels (1) Per Unit of Accommodation $158.00 C. Boarding/Rooming House Per House $158.00 Plus Per Boarder/Roomer $ 32.00 D. Meeting Hall, Theatre, Church, Store, Office, Shop (1) Per Unit $158.00 E. Medical/Dental Buildings (1) PerUmt $158.00 F. Personal Services (1)PerBarber/Beauty Salon Chair $158.00 G. Restaurants - 0-10Chairs $158.00 Each Additional Chair $ 14.00 H. Schools/Colleges (1) Per Classroom $158.00 I. Hospitals/Nursing Homes/Rehabilitation Centres PerEstablishment______________ _______ Plus Per Bed $ 28f Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Waterworks Regulations Amending By-law No. 5882 - 2000 SCHEDULE "B" Meter Rates I. Water consumption charges for metered services per quarter shall be at $ .3500 per m 3 A minimum charge of $39.50 per quarter will be levied should a lesser quantity or no - water be consumed. The following meter charge shall be paid in addition to the consumption charge: Meter Size (mm) Meter Charge/Ouarter ($) 20 $3.50 25 5.50 40 8.50 50 12.00 80 24.00 100 32.00 150 42.00 200 63.00 Over 200 90.00 If any meter stops, sticks or fails to indicate correctly the quantity of water which is passing or which has passed through it, the District shall be entitled to charge for such water according to the average consumption of the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date upon which such meter was last found to be in good order. All meter rates herein provided for, shall be billed four times per year and shall be subject to a 10% penalty if not paid within thirty (30) days of the date of mailing for each billing period. APPENDIX 1 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Waterworks Regulations Amending By—law No. 5812-1999 SCHEDULE E APPENDIX 2 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Waterworks Regulations Amending By—law No. 5812-1999 SCHEDULE F liii' I I I 1f28/ A$/E. -. z I / 0 LLJ CO I I/ I- A I S P1 tp CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5883 - 2000 A By-law to further amend Maple Ridge Sewer Rate By-law No. 718— 1964 WHEREAS, the Council may by by-law impose a charge against the owner or occupier of real property for the use of a sewage system and may vary the charge; AND WHEREAS, the Council wishes to amend the sewer charges for all industrial uses; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law shall be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Sewer Rate Amending By-law No. 5883 - 2000". That the figure of "102.10" in the first line of the All Industrial Uses clause under "INDUSTRIAL" heading of Section 3 be changed to read "98.7" READ a first time the dayof 199 READ a second time the day of 199 READ a third time the dayof 199 RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED the day of 199 MAYOR CLERK CORPORATION OF TILE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: February 21, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Adnun istrative Officer ATTN: COW: CFS SUBJECT: Community Leaders Partnership Program (CLPP) RECOMMENDATION: That Council approve participation in the Community Leaders Partnership Program (CLPP) with the City of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan and allocate the necessary time and resources to participate in the Program. BACKGROUND: The CLPP is a cost-shared initiative, financially supported by a partnership which includes the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the Government of Canada and the Royal Bank of Canada. The goal of CLPP is to promote cooperation and understanding in the areas of economic, social and general development among Canadians from communities across the country. Municipal, business and community leaders will link with their counterparts in other provinces to share knowledge and expertise about common problems and shared challenges. The program involves one delegation to Moose Jaw and a return visit to Maple Ridge on mutually agreed upon dates. The visit would take place over a three to five day period in each location in order to provide adequate time for discussions, public activities, cultural events, tours and receptions. A proposed schedule of events must be. prepared by the host municipality and submitted to the CLPP for approval. The CLPP also requests that all expenses and highlights for the exchange be submitted. Travel costs are paid by the FCM with the host community paying for accommodations and meals (i.e. approximately $5000.00). The delegation from Maple Ridge would be four to six members and would include input from the Chamber of Commerce and other local stakeholders. FCM encourages participating municipalities to select entrepreneurs, social, business and community leaders as members of the delegation with special consideration for a young person in the group. This information was requested by Council in 1999. The CLPP has tentatively partnered Maple Ridge with the City of Moose Jaw and the above noted resolution is required to participate in the program. Preparedby TcverWbgrove MaIC1crk 4- - Approved by: Paul Gill, Gen. Mgr. Corporate & Financial Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, A.1.C.P., M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer TW/jh 670 103 - 1 - • -. . ( -: :0 , t .w! ! -•' El •!•; L ) TI :1 .1 •1 I I I I Name of Address Name and posidon at kay-contact Telephone V*b Name of local Chamber of Commerci-.--.-.---.. Name of Preald.nt._.....____-- - Mdrsu__—.—.---. Name and poildon of kay-contact peraon...... - - ---- re$ephan._ Fax E.rnaIL. -------_--- YVeb site------------.------------•_---- Please complete this form and send It to the Secretariat along with your community profile. rt.e ieñd or fox so: Frdetollan of Ca,iod$on MunkiprJies CanwmmiwLeodws 24 Ooseice Sc Oum,q, Ontodo K I M SF3 ft (41.3) 241-7440 ri Please Identif' 3 to 5 chailetlles or Inues that your munIdpaty faces 3. --. - ----....-."--- 4.- - ----___ - - -----__.____ --- - -- S. For quutsonet hlaft+wane - 7W.. (613) 241-3221 e*23* co'Mmunity Leader * Partnership Program Open House, open minds... The Community Leaders Nrtnershlp Program (CLW) Is a cost-shared Inithdv., supported by a partnership of the Federation of Canadian Mumcipafldes (FCM) and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce (CCC). The program Is funded by the Government of Canada throu the Open House eanada exchange program. The goal of C1.PP Is to promote c mmunuon, cooperation and best pr*ctkes on governance and in the areas of economic, cuItwii social and IiniIstIc development among Canadians from communities across the country. Mi,Wdpal. busIness and community leaders will link with their counterpart in other provinces to share knowledge and expertim Right partners, right results... Mcipeldss and Iol Chambers of Commerce wIshing to participate In CLPP are irwited to submit a Mm of Interest and a prefinunary pian of the proposed themes of dbcusalan to CLPP Secreterlax at the F1. To ensure a prodecthw eXchangewe need to know your communat A community community's 4moa,.hk. ,concrk, industrial, cufwral and tlrtgviadc characteristics. Information submIsd an bufrteaa priorities and key municipal Issues wil also help ue select a suitable matching partner. ' t? Canad Distribution of participants All FCM member mupsildes are eflble to participate in the 1999-2000 CommunIty Leaders Partnership Program. Atotalof 60 communitIes from all provinces and territories will be selected and ntduet A balance will be struck between provinces and territories, official ianguagee, urban and rural, north and south, during the selection for the 30 partnerships. Please note shat priority will be even so communities that have not previously pvildpated incLpR THE EXCHANGE WHAT does It involve? The reciprocal exchasiges between communities will take place at mutually agreed-upon dates. They will involve two visics, one in each community. The number of parocipancs from each community wl range from four to six. The visit should take place over a three- to live-day period In each location in order to provide adequate time for discussions, public activities, cultural events, tours and receptions with local dignitaries. A proposed schedule of events must be prepared by die host municipaift)' and subn'lued to the Secretariat, for rev CLPP reminds you of the program goals and therefcv', encourages host municipalities to have a balanced schedule of focus.d meetings, social and cultural events, corporate and site visits. etc. In support of dialogue. understanding and mutual respect between members of both oMcJaI language groups, host municipalities are encouraged to provide simultaneous Interpretation or include bilingual members in their delegation. As a host munldpallty... brldng in collaboration with the Secretariat, your local Chamber of Commerce your municipality will ira resources to organize your share of the exchangs Inclucng a comprehensive schedule, a media sv'atej(and accommodation for the vitidgdelegadon, : As a visiting mwilclpallty... VbrWng in collaboration with your local Qiamber of Covrwnerce and other staksholdem your municipality iroac decide an the eompotidcn of Its delegation. The chosen delegates thould be open-nt inded, availabie and ready to We part In constructive discussions. All WHO can be Al member of your delegation? To ensure a higti level of dlscusMon and comparative views on the u:pc5 that will be discussed, we encourage parvcipaang municipaildu to select enu'epreneurs, social. business and community lea4r, as their Each community will choose four to six people to form the delegilion. We encourage your munkipaiky to reserve a special place for yJn its delegidon. For example, many communities have a jahior Chamber of Commerce. with members from all sectors ranting from 19 to 3$ years of age. lnvoIvng the leaders of both today and tomorrow in your delegation will have a positive in'çact on your delegation, your .xcMnge and your communk>t WHEN can you travel? The dates when you will travel and host will be decided In close communication with your permer municipality and the Secretariat For example, a community may host th* twin In the winssr,with the reuirn vls* scheduled for the summer. Arsirigemenu for all trips must be finafted by flarch 31, 2000, at the latest. The Secretariat will provide contact names and wil serve as facilitator. Vtddng delegations will normally spend three to four nighta in the host commun4 The hon community will either arrange billeting or cover accommodation expenses. HOW MUCH Will it costyour municipality? TrjW to your twin coenmuiby Is pd for and orpnized by the Secrewiat. Only irntation cotta are supported by the Program IGZ amngumueaare readS bf d Secretarizt with the OoftkwWwTm Aj1Tth. Community Leaders ParirshIp pro'apUs consiitadon with the parmerbig municipaldes. Most of your nkeJI% ex Jjckid. MUnkipaildes take ftJ responsibility for organludon and the cost I- I , •.: • •. ,,: ,•. I _ WE WANT TO KNOW YOUR STORy! The Secretariat Is very much Interested in knowing the general content and outcome of the discussions that took place during your exchange. Some partnerships have paved the way for great collaboration, further exchanges and long-term friendships. W. want to know your story! And since not all FCFI and CCC members can participate In CLPP 2000. sharIng your success story will benefit other FCM and CCC members. We therefore encourage participants to rake minutes of their meetings and let us know the highUghcs. This will not only help you continue your relationship with your p*YtnSr munICip1lty in the fuwre, but will also guide us in preparing other • similar programs, to serve you better. As part of your report, the Secrerarfit would ask that you account for ill expenses incurred In orpnlzlng this • exchange. All in-kind concribuosis, staff time, use of resàurcss accommodation • for hosted delegation, meals, etc., should • be accounted for In the Summary of Expenses Report A comprehensive media monitoring should occur during the partnership and shordy thereafter, to assure the • Secretariat of a full account of the medli coverage your exchv. generated. i -. st rmnicipallity Step 1 • If you ha'e not already done so, now Is the time to send us your letter of wcerest and municipal profile. • Based on thisinformador, we ,I select 60 communities and find suitable partilersco esbllsh 30paranershlps. Step 2 • The municipafldes selected must proM. CLIP with a copy of the offidsi Council resolution permitting the allocation of time and resources to participation In CLIP 2000. • We require all four to sat delegates from your community fill in the Delegate's Regrncion Form. • The ClIP Protocol Agreement will heie to be s1ied bswe.n di. leader of your delegation and - CLPP Scretarfat Step3 • Wwwill put you In conct with your pmposeC twin municipaJty. After decua.iing similarities and common challenges, you will sort discussions on dec.. of .*ctwiges. meeting e • Your delegation leader will Inform di. S.crswlat, as soon as possible. of dio final detislon conlkvnirrg the ewlruilrtg and the deco of the sidiangs H Stsp4 • Following docwnsncsdo di. Secr.wfat will ns the .pproprbte tiwporudon mWtudo and send youths Wam - - "--,. . .•.. The Communky Lders 4 Partnership Program and all its • • pertnsrswouldtiketotlwik the Government of Canada and Canadian Heage for thr support through the Open • . ___ . . House Canada exchange proam. We hop. your communrty wilJ open its doors to CZfl$dlafl Lead5. Step S • YbOv on your way to an enriching Canadian exdwge! Step 6 Toolddegates... • We would like to receive r,.dbak and would ask you tofill In the report form as soon as possible when you coins back from .your'4slt As for the dekatfan kadiK we wiN ask more ofyov. • At the end al your hosdng AND vlsWng expsrlenc, k a short oversU repom uII us how the exchange want. What did you discussi W1ec did you lszrn Hive you med. ø.rdi.r plans. with your parmsr munldpaqf • What ae othe exchange did you prsferl Whot would you dange Wanocher CLW was to alm plac. • YVa the asace *n the SeaerIat epprcprlateE Ad.quazal • ArytI*syouictoaddl I ________ • _______ CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: February 21, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COW: FCS SUBJECT: Committee Appointments atf Acting Mayor Schedule RECOMMENDATION: That Councillor Speirs be appointed as Council liaison to the Malcolm Knapp Research Forest Community Advisory Board; and that Acting Mayor responsibilities be forwarded to the subsequent Acting Mayor in the event of multiple absences by Councillors. BACKGROUND: Municipal Council may establish membership on select committees and advisory bodies pursuant to Section 238 of the Municipal Act, RSBC, 1996, C. 323 and Councillor Speirs has previously agreed to this appointment. The recommended approach to dealing with the Acting Mayor schedule will ensure that a Councillor is always appropriately appointed and that a special resolution is not required each time the Mayor and Acting Mayor are absent from the District. For example; if the Mayor and Acting Mayor for February/March are not available, then the Acting Mayor for April/May will assume those powers and duties. UQ Ppad t t Munictpal Approved P& OilL & Fflci - ConcuiTence: Robet W. Robertson, A.I.C.P., M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer TW/jh -1- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE: February 21, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Council SUBJECT: Traffic Management Committee SUMMARY: An interdepartmental technical committee has been established to review traffic-related issues in the District. The committee provides a forum for discussion and resolution of local and site- specific traffic issues. RECOMMENDATION: That Council receive the attached terms of reference for the Traffic Management Committee as information. BACKGROUND: Traffic-related issues commonly generate correspondence to Council, staff, and the local media. Frequently cited problems include requests for traffic calming, pedestrian safety concerns, and a variety of other matters typically associated with traffic movement. Most often these traffic concerns are generated from residential areas. Historically, the Engineering Department has been responsible for reviewing and addressing traffic issues. While the Engineering Department will continue to provide the lead technical expertise for most traffic related issues, the• Traffic Management Committee will ensure input where required from the RCMP, Planning Department, and other departments. The committee formalizes the referral process and ensures responses to all correspondence in a systematic and timely manner. Kim Grout will function as committee Chair and will be responsible for referring committee recommendations, where required, to Council. The committee will meet monthly and more frequently as required. This memo is providcdtó Council as information. 'uolph, AIR?, MCIP Manager: Public Works & Development Services R. W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer JJR:bkg -1- Terms of Reference Traffic Management Committee Purpose: An inter-departmental staff committee that provides a forum to address traffic-related issues in the District. The committee will review traffic-related issues referred from Council, CMT, line departments and items raised by the general public through correspondence, Council and other public meetings, etc. Issues reviewed by the committee will generally be of an inter-departmental interest or manner. Issues of inter-departmental interest may include: • Traffic speed and volumes • Traffic calming • On-street parking and restrictions • Pedestrian crosswalks or other pedestrian facilities • Safety issues • Truck traffic • Bicycle routes and facilities • On-street signage • School zones Committee composition: • Chair - Manager of Environmental Affairs - Kim Grout • Engineering Department - Project Engineer (Chair) - David Pollock - Traffic Technician - Michael Eng • Operations - Road Superintendent - Wayne Hardy = Electrical/Mechanical Manager - Victor Negoita - • Police. - Traffic - Cpl. Huntington • Pl2nning - Planner - Moreno Rossi - Planning/Landscape Technician - Bruce McLeod • CBR. - Parking Enforcement Officer - Dave Stephenson • Parks & Leisure Services - Director of Parks & Facilities - Mike Davies • School Distric't #42 - Designate Comm ttee will convene once a month or as required. bkg: 2000-02-22 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5888 - 2000 A By-law authorizing the expenditure of monies in the Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund WHEREAS development cost charges are collected for the purpose of assisting in the cost of providing services necessary to support new development; AND WHEREAS, the service deemed necessary for new development has previously been established; AND WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge deems it desirable to complete a portion of the projects previously established as Development Cost Charge items. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. This By-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By- law No. 5888 - 2000". The sum of One Hundred and Sixty-Five Thousand Dollars ($165,000.00) is hereby appropriated from the Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund By-law No. 2718 - 1979 as amended, and it is hereby authorized to be used as follows: LTC#6 113 Future Parkiand Acquisition —22151 Church Avenue Plan 16997, Lot J, District Lot 396, PID 007-618-697 Should any of the above amount remain unexpended after the expenditures hereby authorized have been made, any unexpended balance shall be returned to the credit of the said Reserve Fund. READ a first time the day of 2000 READ a second time the day of 2000 READ a third time the day of 2000 ECONSm.EDandiiiially idopted the day of , 2000 MAYOR CLERK IoL . 3 Q&4Q-jo-)( (&VK.j RAF V Greater Vancouver Regional District 4330 Kingswag Bumaby, British Columbia, Canada V5H 408 Office of the Chairperson Telephone (604) 432-6215 Fax (604) 432-6248 January 13, 2000 Copies to Mayor & Council D Copy to Council Reading File 0 For Information Only 1!7" Respo "Copies to Mayor Al Hogarth and Members of Council 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X6A9 Re: Federal funding for fuel cell industry development Dear Mayor Hogarth and Members of Council: Attached is a letter I have sent to the Prime Minister on this subject, along with some background information on the potential economic benefits of fuel cell development in this region. I would ask you to consider providing your support for this proposal through whatever channels to the federal government you consider appropriate and helpful. If you or your staff have any questions or comments about this matter, please contact me at 873-7011 or Ken Cameron at 432-6379. Yours truly, George Puil Chair, GVRD Board ADMINISTRATION Enclosures JAN 1 i 2000 C:\Kristina\Alison Calderwood\mayors and members of council fuel cells.doc 0 f &7 Greater Vancouver Regional District 4330 K1ngswa3i, Burnabg British Columbia, Canada V5H 408 'I Office of the Chairperson Telephone (604) 432-6215 Fax (604) 432-6248 January 6, 2000 File: CR 14-02 FCI The Right Honourable Jean Chretien Prime Minister House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario K1AOA6 Dear Prime Minister: As the local government federation of 21 municipalities in the Greater Vancouver region, the Greater. Vancouver Regional District has developed and is implementing strategies for regional growth management, transportation and air quality in Canada's third largest metropolitan area. In this capacity, we have participated in and supported the work of the Fuel Cells Implementation Task Force, an industry-led group with representation from federal, provincial and local government. The Task Force has prepared a business plan to establish a supportive framework for continuing Canada's established leadership position in the transition of fuel cell technology from the R and D phase to commercial application. In April of this year, our Board of Directors endorsed this Business Plan and urged the federal and provincial governments to support its implementation. Last fall, the GVRD Board welcomed the decision by the Ministers for Industry, the Environment and Natural Resources to re-allocate $30 million over five years to fuel cell research (the "Fuel Cell Research and Innovation Initiative"), but we noted the need for continued effort to implement the business plan. I am writing you to urge your support for the next step, which is federal government funding for Fuel Cells Canada. By providing such funding in the 2000/2001 budget, the federal government will exhibit leadership in climate change abatement while, accelerating the development of a new industry. At the same time it will enable the private sectbr to implement a $100 million national fuel cell commercialization program. Fuel cell technology is evolving extremely rapidly. Over the next two decades it is expected that fuel cell systems will displace much of the market for internal combustion engines and conventional power supply technologies. Canadian.. companies (critical expertise is located in BC, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec) are world leaders in this new technology. We have an unparalleled opportunity to create new, technology intensive, knowledge-based industry clusters in Canada, and to capture significant portions of a market for fuel cell systems, production facilities and fuel infrastructure that is expected to reach over a trillion dollars by 2020. Fuel Cells Canada will be a national, not-for-profit, industry led organization. It will sponsor $100 million in commercialization projects, promote the benefits of fuel cell technology, support the development of industry standards and provide information, training, educational and networking services to this growing industry. Fuel Cells Canada will be established by the Fuel Cell Implementation Task Force and industry representatives in co-operation with the federal January 6, 2000 Page 2 government. The federal government will set the terms and conditions for all commercialization projects that utilise federal contributions, and Fuel Cells Canada will be accountable to responsible Ministers for thesecontributions. We recognize that continued development of the fuel cell industry will pose significant challenges for government at all levels. Within Greater Vancouver, we are prepared to continue to play an appropriate role by helping to identify appropriate demonstration projects and resolving any unnecessary impediments to the development of the industry's potential to provide environmentally-positive economic opportunities for our region within the broader context of our growth management plans. The federal government has been a critical partner in building the present Canadian leadership position in fuel cell technology.. However, other countries are committing massive public resources to the sector in efforts to gain dominance in this new industry. It is imperative that we in Canada act now to retain our leadership. With federal participation, Fuel Cells Canada will be a government/industry partnership that will illustrate investment in knowledge and innovation so crucial for economic growth in the 21" Century. Prime Minister, your support and funding for Fuel Cells Canada will exemplify the benefits of cooperation between government and the private sector - in this case wealth creation and a healthier environment for the future. On behalf of the Fuel Cells Implementation Task Force, I urge you to provide the necessary support in the budget to be presented early in 2000. Sincerely, rae Puil GVRD Board of Directors cc. The Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Natural Resources and Minister Responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board The Honourable Paul Martin, Minister of Finance The Honourable John Manley, Minister of Industry and Minister of Western Economic Diversification The Honourable David Anderson, Minister Environment The Honourable Andrew Petter, Minister of Advanced Education, Training & Technology, Intergovernmental Relations Mayors and Members of Council, Greater Vancouver Regional District Member Municipalities 0:kc\leuers\chair pull\jeafl chretien fuel cells - - - - FUEL CELLS CANADA Fuel Cells Canada (FCC) will be a national, not-for-profit, industry led organisation established to: sponsor and administer fuel cell demonstration and commercialisation projects; provide information, training, educational and networking services to industry; promote the benefits and exploitation of fuel cells and fuel cells systems; and to support the development of fuel cell industry standards and regulations. SUMMARY • By providing funding to Fuel Cells Canada, the federal government will exhibit leadership in accelerating the development of a new industry, and enable the private sector to implement a $100 million national fuel cell ommercialisation program. • Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that enable the chemical energy of fuels to be converted directly into electricity. This electrochemical conversion results in superior efficiency with little or no emissions. • As fuel cells are quiet, have no moving parts and are almost emission free, they can play a key role in contributing to Canada's Kyoto commitments. • The technology is evolving extremely rapidly. Fuel cell systems will displace the internal combustion engine and conventional power supply technologies early in the next century. • The market for fuel cell systems, production facilities and fuel infrastructure will be in the range of a trillion dollars by 2020. • Canadian companies are world leaders in of this new industry. Canada has an unparalleled opportunity to capture significant portions of this growing market, and the "balance of plant" that makes up approximately 75% of any fuel cell system. • Governments have been critical partners in building Canada's leadership - this must continue for Canada to reap the economic benefits of the technology. • Timing is critical - other nations are committing massive resources to fuel cell development. Support to Fuel Cells Canada now will retain Canadian leadership. • FCC will be established by the Fuel Cell Implementation Task Force (Task Force) and industry representatives with the co-operation of the Federal Government. • The Federal Government will set the terms and conditions for all commercialisation and demonstration projects that utilise federal contributions. FCC will be accountable to responsible Ministers for these contributions. BACKGROUND • The Fuel Cell Implementation Task Force is a private sector led initiative organised to plan and implement the early commercialisation of fuel cell technology in BC and Canada. • The Task Force consists of 9 members representing the private sector, universities, local government, the BC Government and the federal government. (attached). • The Task Force is guided by the beliefs that the society that first adopts a new technology has the best opportunity to reap the social, environmental and economic benefits of the technology; and, that BC and Canada have an unparalleled opportunity to develop world-leading fuel cell industry clusters. Objectives of the Task Force • To develop key elements of a market led "First to adopt, first to benefit" strategy; • To develop market-focussed methods to implement this strategy in BC and Canada; and, To organise an industry association. The Business Plan • The Task Force Business Plan: "First to Adopt, First to Benefit" was completed in late January of 1999. It presents a strategy to facilitate and accelerate the development of a world leading fuel cell industry in BCand Canada. • The strategy outlines critical requirements to build this industry, including: Enhanced research and innovation activities - through the NRC , universities, and other institutions; Market focussed demonstration projects; and Industry development/support services. • The first requirement has been addressed by the Government of Canada with the recently announced $30 million "Fuel Cell Research and Innovation Initiative". • The Task Force recommends that market focussed demonstration projects and industry development services can best be implemented by a national, not for profit, industry-led &ganisation: FUe1CeltwCaflada. Fuel Cells Canada (FCC) . Fuel Cells Canada will be established to: Develop and implement a $ 100 million national fuel cell demonstration program utilising federal seed money of $ 26 million over 5 years. Support will be limited to 25% of the Canadian content of each project; Provide information, training, education and networking services to industry and the public; Promote the benefits and exploitation of fuel cells and fuel cells systems; and Support the development of industry standards and regulations. • FCC will be a national, not-for-profit, industry-led organisation formed in collaboration with the federal government and with membership open to all stakeholders; • Financial support for FCC and FCC sponsored projects will be obtained from the < federal government, provincial governments, private sector participants, membership fees, fee-for-service activities, and other resources. • The Demonstration and Commerciatisation projects will be delivered under terms and conditions set by the federal government (Treasury Board), and for these FCC will be accountable and report to responsible Ministers on a regular basis. For other activities, FCC will be accountable to its Board of Directors. Federal Support is Critical • Federal seed money will allow FCC to lever major contributions from the private sector and other public organisations to finance public demonstration projects of fuel cells systems. • If the Canadian fuel cell industry is to succeed, it must do so in entry level, public markets such as mass trinsit systems, utilities and hospitals where viable pre- production fuel cell systems can be introduced. Public confidence must be established in these markets prior to commercalisation. • However, public bodies are obliged to purchase products and services on the basis of minimum price, and revenue from the sale of fuel cell products and services is not expected to cover industry costs. 3 • The long term success of the fuel cell industry will thus depend on considerable interim funding from the federal government and other agencies to overcome these challenges and allow the sector to move forward into the commercial marketplace. • Existing federal support programs do not allow support to other public bodies. In addition, eligibility for programs such as Technology Partnerships Canada is dependent on technology development during the project, and on re-payability. The projects to be funded through FCC will be public demonstrations of viable fuel cell systems and therefore not eligible. In addition, as public demonstrations they will not accrue the revenues needed for repayment. • The pre-production projects sponsored by FCC will accelerate commercialisation of fuel cells systems and industry development by: testing the systems - especially the "balance of plant"; identifying business opportunities for suppliers of "balance of plant"; collecting data on life cycle costs and emission benefits of the systems; providing public access to the technology; and, by identifying issues related to reliability and ruggedness. • Competing jurisdictions, especially the US, are providIng massive funding to fuel cell developers and are providing pre-commercial demonstration, testing, and early manufacturing support through public (often military) purchases of multiple fuel cell systems. Critical Issues • Investment in knowledge and innovation is crucial for economic growth and competitiveness - especially for new industries such as fuel cells. • Future markets for fuel cell products and infrastructure are huge - estimated to be over one trillion dollars by 2020. • Canadian companies have world leading technology in this developing industry. • Continued leadership requires continued investment by governments and the private sector. Governments have been critical partners in building present leadership position - this must continue for Canada to reap economic benefits. • Timing is critical - must act now to continue leadership and counter massive public resources committed by competing countries in efforts to gain dominance in fuel cell industry. • Canada has leading knowledge base - support now can result in significant new industrial clusters in BC and across the country. 4 • An Independent study recommended integrated national strategic approach to developing fuel cell industry including Support from all governments, increased R&D and widespread demonstration of commercially ready fuel cell products. This also emphasised in recent study completed for Financial Times of London. Benefits of FCC • A not-for-profit, industry-led Fuel Cells Canada provides the most effective mechanism for the government to provide initiative and leadership in developing the growing fuel cell industry. • It is a government/industry partnership to build a new industry - government and industry set policy and direction, and industry implements. • As a govemmentlindustry partnership, FCC will be ahigh profile, positive investment in new industry that will illustrate joint investment in innovation for 21st Century. • Illustrates federal initiative and leadership in developing a new industry in BC and Canada - an industry that is already providing high technology, knowledge intensive jobs and will grow dramatically over next few years. • Will illustrate Canadian government leadership in climate change abatement. • Exemplifies benefits of co-operation between all levels of government and the private sector to create wealth and a healthier environment for the future. • Will support private sector efforts to retain world leading technology and new industry in Canada. • FCC is committed to serving all Canadian stakeholders and will be a national organisation. • Industry will be responsible for project decisions, administration and management of program. • Demonstration projects will accelerate Canadian fuel cell technology development and commercialisation. • It will allow one-stop shopping for services and support to the developing fuel cell industry. • FCC will be a focal point for industry/government activities and networking. 5 Fuel Cell and related Activities - BC and Canada There are a significant number of fuel cell activities occurring in BC and the rest of Canada. These activities illustrate the increasing importance and commercial potential of the technology, and the increasing commitment of the private sector in BC and Canada to participate in this growth sector. As important, most of the activities also illustrate the co-operative and collaborative activities that are required to commercialise this technology. The following is a list of selected projects and developments that are currently underway: BC Activities • BC Hydro, Ballard Generation Systems, the BC government, Western Diversification, Natural Resources Canada , the NRC and TEAM are developing a 250 kW stationary power demonstration and development project to be situated in the Vancouver area - probably at the NRC Innovation Centre. • The BC Government and dbb fuel cells engines Inc. are continuing discussions related to a possible fuel cell bus engine project • Methanex, Ballard Power Systems and Petrocan have agreed to co-operate to develop a methanol fuel infrastructure for Canada. • The Ballard group of companies is involved in a wide range of local and international activities related to innovation and commercialisation of fuel cells for a large variety of applications. • UVic has collaborated with other Canadian, research institutions and the private sector to develop the SENSYS Application for a Network of Centres of Excellence in Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technologies. • The Institute for Integrated Energy Systems (Uvic) and the NRC are collaborating to ensure complementary research programs are implemented in each organisation. • Michael Brown has founded Nascent Fuel Cells and is involved in other fuel cell related activities, including venture capital and commercialisation projects. • Cellex Power Systems has been firmly established. • ASA Automation Systems is developing collaborative projects with the Ballard group of companies as well as other local and international partners. • Questor is involved in collaborative projects with Uvic, the NRC and local private sector partners in a number of projects to improve fuel cell performance. 21 I • Questor is also discussing collaborative projects with other national and international fuel cell developers. Projects in the Rest of Canada • Global Thermoelectric (Calgary) is discussing collaborative projects with a number of private sector partners and federal agencies. • Hydro Quebec is continuing research and commercialisation of new hydrogen storage and delivery systems - in Canada and with international partners in the US and Europe. • Fuel Cells Technologies Ltd. (Kingston) is in a number of collaborative ventures to provide parts and technology to other Canadian partners for a number of fuel cell commercialisation projects. • Hydrogenics (Toronto) is supplying fuel cell test centres to a wide variety of national and international customers and will have its own low temperature (-40 degrees C) PEM fuel cell tested in the Antarctic this year - by a foreign government agency. • Representatives of, the Government of Ontario are discussing a number of fuel cell related projects with companies in BC and elsewhere • Ontario Hydro is proceeding with its activities to test and demonstrate a 250 kW Siemens/Westinghouse solid oxide fuel cell. The US Department of Energy is providing significant funding for this project and applications have been made to various federal agencies for additional support. • H Power, an American manufacturer of fuel cells is establishing a facility in Quebec. 7 INTERNATIONAL INCENTIVES /DEMONSTRATION PROGRAMS - FUEL CELLS SUMMARY • It is estimated that up to 1997, the United States made available approximately $US 140 million per year for the support of various fuel cell research, development and demonstration projects. European and Japanese expenditures have been approximately half of that level. • During the last year the United States has significantly increased the available support for fuel cell research, development and demonstration projects. Current estimates are that the US is providing $ 200 to $250 million for fuel cell technology and commercialisation.. In 1998, the US Department of Energy (DOE) transportation fuel cell budget was $24 million, with an additional $16 spent on hydrogen projects. In 1999 the same Department has requested $45 million for transportation related fuel cell projects and an additional $24 for hydrogen projects. In addition DOE has supported speöific corporate fuel cell R&D and demonstration projects with major grants, including: $87 million to MC Power Corp., $128 million to Energy Research Corp., and $83.5 million to Westinghouse/Siemens Corporation. • Many industrial countries have specific programs and development strategies supporting research, development and the demonstration of fuel cell technologies. • In addition, fuel cell developments and demonstration projects are often eligible for support under programs and tax credit regimes that encourage the introduction and use of lower emission alternative fuelled, or electric technologies for mobile and distributive power applications. • In some jurisdictions (e.g. California and some European cities) the introduction of new technologies, including fuel cells, is encouraged indirectly through regulatory mandates requiring the introduction and use of zero and/or very low emission technologies. • Fuel cell support programs are usually strategic, and are most often justified in terms of long term national social and econOmic goals, including: Energy savings, Environmental benefits, Long term impact on employment, and International competitiveness. 93 UNITED STATES • The US has many programs that directly and indirectly support fuel cell technology development and commercialisation. These programs operate at the federal, state and community level through direct subsidies, tax incentives, military procurements, and directed research by national and state institutions. • The Department of Energy (DOE), under the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV) supports fuel cell development for transportation since 1993. In 1998 the PNGV budget for fuel cell and hydrogen development was $40 million. In 1999, $ 69 million has been requested. • Most DOE funding is provided as 50% to 80% non-repayable contributions to research and demonstration projects - regardless of the size of the company. • Recent examples of this include: $8.6 million to McDermott Technology Inc. towards a $18.6 million project to fabricate low cost solid state fuel cell components; $1.74 million towards and Allied Signal project (total cost $2.2 million) to make thin electrolytes; DOE is providing considerable support to Ontario Hydro to test and demonstrate the Siemens/Westinghouse 250 kW SOFC technology. • Military procurement is used to subsidise early commercialisation of fuel cells. The US Army has spent over $37 million to purchase and test fuel cell developed by United Technologies. This practice continues with the explicit aim of providing early markets for US fuel cell developers in order that prices can be reduced for commercial sales. • Considerable support is available to fuel cell developers through the Department of Transportation (TEA-21) that devote over $ 1 billion to projects that lead to improved air quality. Eligible projects can receive up to 80 % of costs on a nonrepayable grant basis. EUROPE • High taxes (relative to North America) for carbon fuels and greater social concern over the eftects of pollution and global warming have, for a number of years, served to encourage the - including fuel cells, in a number of European jurisdictions. • A number of European cities have plans to close city centres to conventionally powered vehicles as part of a plan to promote zero, or low emission vehicles. The intent is to gradually increase the area in the cities in which conventionally powered vehicles are banned. • As part of this effort, twenty British cities have joined with over 100 on the continent to pool purchasing of electric and low emission vehicles. j The European Community • The European Commission has developed and put in place a fuel cell strategy covering the period to 2005. (See: A Fuel Cell Research. Development and Demonstration Strategy for Europe Up to 2005. European Commission, March 9 1998) • This fuel cell strategy anticipates the expenditure of approximately 70 Million ECU (approx. $ us 70 million) of public monies each year on fuel cell R, D & D in the community. • This fuel cell strategy is driven by the potential to improve the social conditions and the economic performance of the European Union. • Within the EU strategy, public funding is deemed necessary to: • Support industry in an effort to bring about a breakthrough for an environmentally friendly technology; The required funding for a long term programme leading to the production of robust fuel cell power plants and road traction systems is beyond the reach of single European companies and countries; Fuel cell development requires multidisciplinary R, D&D. An EU strategy is the most efficient way of joining different technologies and disciplines; since 1995 the European community has had a fuel cell development strategy in place A European strategy will ensure coherence between different activities as well as ensure collaboration between public funded and industrial programmes; Fuel Cell research is consistent with the Commissions objectives for rational use of energy, improvement of energy security, reductions of CO2 and increased industrial competitiveness. • Stationary power units (mostly US developed by UT/ONSI) are being demonstrated at 24 different sites in Europe. • Germany • Since 1995, fuel cell development has been funded with DM 49.5 ($US 27.5 million) by the Federal Government. Over the medium-term annual funding will be in the order of 17 million DM ($US 9.4) per year with an addition of 20 million DM ($US 11 million) per year going to national research laboratories for R&D in the area of fuel cells. • BVG - Berlin's city bus operator plans to convert its entire fleet to fuel cell buses by the year • 2020. • Hamburger Hochbahn, the operator of the city buses in Hamburg, also plans to deploy fuel cell buses starting in 2005, arguing that they have economic advantages cárnpared to natural gas buses. 10 • The entire energy needs of a family home is to be supplied by a fuel cell in a demonstration project in Machem, near Leipzig, Saxony. A co-generation unit operating on natural gas and supplied by American Power Corp. of Boston (US) is being used. • The City of Munich Energy Commission has decided to launch a micro fuel cell demonstration project in the city. The units will be demonstrated as co-generation home energy supply systems. • In Cologne, the local utility and the city will install a fuel cell co-generation unit in a sewage plant running on fermentation gas produced in the sewage treatment. The unit is a 250 kW product supplied by ONSI (US). Cost is estimated at $ US 1.3 million, and start up will be in 1999. • The Berlin electric utility will install a stationary PEM fuel cell co-generation unit. Aistom and its partners (Ballard) supply the unit. The European Community is providing 40% of the costs with other resources obtained from the city and utilities. Aistom will fund 10% of the project United Kingdom Fuel cell development is supported under the Advanced Fuel Cells Programme run by DTI. • Government support also goes to Loughborough University for research on storage of hydrogen fuels. JAPAN • For many years the Japanese government has supported fuel cell developments as a way of reducing its dependence on imported fossil fuels as well as for environmental reasons. • The Japanese Government has formed a PNGV like consortium: Japan's New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organisation will work with six automakers, including Nissan and Mitsubishi, to develop clean vehicles. The group will invest about $30 million by fiscal 2003 to develop and test six kinds of vehicles, including cars with methanol fuel cells. The Japanese government has just announced a new public/private seôtor body to co- ordinate the development of fuel cell technology. The Ministry of International Trade and Industry will provide $30 million to this body as part of its goal to improve the -competitiveness-of-Japanese-companies. - - --- - - 11 FUEL CELL IMPLEMENTATION TASK FORCE MEMBERS Mr. Pierre Choquette (Chairperson) President, Methanex Corporation (Vancouver) Mr. Michael Brown President, Nascent Management (Vancouver) Mr. Firoz Rasul Chairman, Ballard Power Systems Inc. (Burnaby) Mr. Kip Smith President, Ballard Power Systems Inc. (Burnaby) Mr. Denis Connor President, Questor Industries Inc. (Vancouver) -• Dr. Ged McLean Director, Institute for Integrated Energy Systems, University of Victoria Mr. Stuart Culbertson Deputy Minister, Information Science and Technology Agency, Victoria Mr. John Banigan Assistant Deputy Minister, Industry, Sectors, • • Industry Canada, Ottawa Mr. Ken Cameron Manager, Strategic Planning, Greater Vancouver Regional District Mr. Christopher Curtis (Exec; Dir.) Industry Canada, Toronto 12 / From: Trails Committee of Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Equestrian Trails Council Subject: Partnership Priorities for ETC in Working with the Municipality of Maple Ridge IEngineering Matters: Progress on restoration of the Trans Canada Trail route along 248th Road Allowance behind Allard Pit and along 104th Road Allowance beside Allard Pit. Work agreed to be done in March 1999. Easterly Access to Fairgrounds from 240th along 104th. A new trail was promised when the old trail was pre-empted for the batting cage (2 years ago) along the north side of Fields for Kids parking lot, and a proper gravelled trail behind the new Curling Rink site. Note: textured crossing of 104th at 105th was agreed upon at the time of the Genstar Public Hearing 5 years ago. Present conditions are a smooth, slippery road surface. Security of the Boulevard trails: Seems engineering, operations or by-laws have no control over the actions of adjacent property owners who direct their drainage onto the trail, change their lot grade to flood the trail, take and use materials from the trail, put untextured driveways across the trail at a steep angle and run machinery down the trail. Developers, e.g. Bosa and Mothbury, have built us beautiful boulevard trails only to have the adjacent builders & owners damage them. Planning Concerns: Docksteader Trail from east of 224th to 232nd above the 136th Road Allowance. This trail is an historic route described in a metes and bounds document produced at one time by the clerk's department and mentioned in the 1912 minutes of Council. Until a few years ago riders had free access along this route. Owner says route not registered on his title. The loss of this joute has cut off the west Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows riders from trails to Golden Ears Park. The municipality wishes to lessen horse traffic on 132nd by using 136th. Municipality should negotiate easement for now until development plans are finalized. Once a new route is built the horses will use it. The Lower Silver Valley Trail system north of Maple Ridge Park and east of the North Alouette River to 236th St. is to be re-located and re-built by the developers. Existing routes are not to be lost until the new ones are open and accepted by ETC for use and maintenance. E.g. 236th north of 132nd has lost its riding shoulder needed to access the Shull Trail. 3. New Fern Crescent Arterial Road: Discussions have been held but not finalized for accommodating the existing trail routes along and within the new alignment. As the realization of this network depends on property development, the routes need to remain open until development provides the new corridors. Parks & Leisure Services: Covered Equestrian Facility has been promised for at least 15 years. Plans have been drawn and many meetings held. The Fairgrounds are a prime consideration in designing and maintaining the trail network to access them. Easements over Private Properties are essential for the trail network. We have one, the Johnston Agreement. We need another one now to re-open the Trans Ridge Trail east of Kirkpatricks Pit; It's been nearly two years now in the works. New Bylaws to cover reoccurring concerns: Tree cutting along the trails, soil removal, dumping of wastes and blockage. Also compensation for damage to the trail, e.g. vehicle travel, encroachment by adjacent property development, etc. Right for RCMP to seize motorcycles and ATVs running on the trails by amending existing bylaw. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5888 - 2000 A By-law authorizing the expenditure of monies in the Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund WHEREAS development cost charges are collected for the purpose of assisting in the cost of providing services necessary to support new development; AND WHEREAS, the service deemed necessary for new development has previously been established; AND WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge deems it desirable to complete a portion of the projects previously established as Development Cost Charge items. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By- law No. 5888-2000". The sum of One Hundred and Sixty-Five Thousand Dollars ($165,000.00) is hereby appropriated from the Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund By-law No. 2718 - 1979 as amended, and it is hereby authorized to be used as follows: LTC#6 113 Future Parkland Acquisition —22151 Church Avenue Plan 16997, Lot J, District Lot 396, PID. 007-618-697 Should any of the above amount remain unexpended after the expenditures hereby authorized have been made, any unexpended balance shall be returned to the credit of the said Reserve Fund. READ a first time the day of 1 2000 READ a second time the day of 2000 READ a third time the day of 2000 RECONSIDERED and finally adopted the day of , 2000 MAYOR CLERK "I 4 0410-3e-01 (&iUSJ Office of the Chairperson Greater Vancouver Regional District Telephone (604) 432-6215 / 4330 Kingswag. Burnaby, British Columbia Canada V5H 408 Fax (604) 432-6248 January 13, 2000 'opies to Mayor & Council o Copy to Council Reading File O For Information Only For Response by "Copies to CA4 ( C c Mayor Al Hogarth and Members of Council 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Re: Federal funding for fuel cell industry development Dear Mayor Hogarth and Members of Council: Attached is a letter I have sent to the Prime Minister on this subject, along with some background information on the potential economic benefits of fuel cell development in this region. I would ask you to consider providing your support for this proposal through whatever channels to the federal government you consider appropriate and helpful. If you or your staff have any questions or comments about this matter, please contact me at 873-7011 or Ken Cameron at 432-6379. Yours truly, George Fuji Chair, GVRD Board ADMINISTRATION Enclosures JAN 14 LOOO C:\Kristina\Alison Calderwood\mayors and members of council fuel cells.doc 0 I N7 Office of the Chairperson Greater Vancouver Regional District Telephone (604) 432-6215 4330 Kingswag Burnabg British Columbia, Canada V5H 408 Fax (604) 432-6248 January 6, 2000 File: CR 14-02 FCI The Right Honourable Jean Chretien Prime Minister House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario K1AOA6 Dear Prime Minister: As the local government federation of 21 municipalities in the Greater Vancouver region, the Greater Vancouver Regional District has developed and is implementing strategies for regional growth management, transportation and air quality in Canada's third largest metropolitan area. In this capacity, we have participated in and supported the work of the Fuel Cells Implementation Task Force, an industry-led group with representation from federal, provincial and local government. The Task Force has prepared a business plan to establish a supportive framework for continuing Canada's established leadership position in the transition of fuel cell technology from the R and D phase to commercial application. In April of this year, our Board of Directors endorsed this Business Plan and urged the federal and provincial governments to support its implementation. Last fall, the GVRD Board welcomed the decision by the Ministers for Industry, the Environment and Natural Resources to re-allocate $30 million over five years to fuel cell research (the "Fuel Cell Research and Innovation Initiative"), but we noted the need for continued effort to implement the business plan. I am writing you to urge your support for the next step, which is federal government funding for Fuel Cells Canada. By providing such funding in the 2000/2001 budget, the federal government will exhibit leadership in climate change abatement while accelerating the development of a new industry. At'the same time it will enable the private sector to implement a $100 million national fuel cell commercialization program. Fuel cell technology is evolving extremely rapidly. Over the next two decades it is expected that fuel cell systems will displace much of the market for internal combustion engines and conventional-power- supply-technologies; Canadiancompanies-(critica1expertise -isIocatediIT BC, Alberta,. Ontario and Quebec) are world leaders in this new technology. We have an unparalleled opportunity to create new, technology intensive, knowledge-based industry clusters in Canada, and to Capture significant portions of a market for fuel cell systems, production facilities and fuel infrastructure that is expected to reach over a trillion dollars by 2020. Fuel Cells Canada will be a national, not-for-profit, industry led organization. It will sponsor $100 million in commercialization projects, promote the benefits of fuel cell technology, support the development of industry standards and provide information, training, educational and networking services to this growing industry. Fuel Cells Canada will be established by the Fuel Cell Implementation Task Force and industry representatives in co-operation with the federal January 6, 2000 Page 2 government. The federal government will set the terms and conditions for all commercialization projects that utilise federal contributions, and Fuel Cells Canada will be accountable to responsible Ministers for these contributions. We recognize that continued development of the fuel cell industry will pose significant challenges for government at all levels. Within Greater Vancouver, we are prepared to continue to play an appropriate role by helping to identify appropriate demonstration projects and resolving any unnecessary impediments to the development of the industry's potential to provide environmentally-positive economic opportunities for our region within the broader context of our growth management plans. The federal government has been a critical partner in building the present Canadian leadership position in fuel cell technology. However, other countries are committing massive public resources to the sector in efforts to gain dominance in this new industry. It is imperative that we in Canada act now to retain our leadership. With federal participation, Fuel Cells Canada will be a government/industry partnership that will illustrate investment in knowledge and innovation so crucial for economic growth in the 21 Century. Prime Minister, your support and funding for Fuel Cells Canada will exemplify the benefits of cooperation between government and the private sector - in this case wealth creation and a healthier environment for the future. On behalf of the Fuel Cells Implementation Task Force, I urge you to provide the necessary support in the budget to be presented early in 2000. Sincerely, rge Puil GVRD Board of Directors cc. The Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Natural Resources and Minister Responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board The Honourable Paul Martin, Minister of Finance The Honourable John Manley, Minister of Industry and Minister of Western Economic Diversification The Honourable David Anderson, Minister Environment The Honourable Andrew Petter, Minister of Advanced Education, Training & Technology, Intergovernmental Relations Mayors and Members of Council, Greater Vancouver Regional District Member Municipalities O:kc\Iettcrs\chairpuil\jean chretien fuel cells - FUEL CELLS CANADA Fuel Cells Canada (FCC) will be a national, not-for-profit, industry led organisation established to: sponsor and administer fuel cell demonstration and commercialisation projects; provide information, training, educational and networking services to industry; promote the benefits and exploitation of fuel cells and fuel cells systems; and to support the development of fuel cell industry standards and regulations. SUMMARY • By providing funding to Fuel Cells Canada, the federal government will exhibit leadership in accelerating the development of a new industry, and enable the private sector to implement a $100 million national fuel cell commercialisation program. • Fuel cells are electrochemical devices that enable the chemical energy of fuels to be converted directly into electricity. This electrochemical conversion results in superior efficiency with little or no emissions. • As fuel cells are quiet, have no moving parts and are almost emission free, they can play a key role in contributing to Canada's Kyoto commitments. • The technology is evolving extremely rapidly. Fuel cell systems will displace the internal combustion engine and conventional power supply technologies early in.the next century. • The market for fuel cell systems, production facilities and fuel infrastructure will be in the range of a trillion dollars by 2920. • Canadian companies are world leaders in of this new industry. Canada has an unparalleled opportunity to capture significant portions of this growing market, and the "balance of plantN that makes up approximately 75% of any fuel cell system. • Governments have been critical partners in building Canada's leadership - this must continue for Canada to reap the economic benefits of the technology. • Timing is critical - other nations are committing massive resources to fuel cell development. Support to Fuel Cells Canada now will retain Canadian leadership. • FCC will be established by the Fuel Cell Implementation Task Force (Task Force) and industry representatives with the co-operation of the Federal Government. • The Federal Government will set the terms and conditions for all commercialisation and demonstration projects that utilise federal contributions. FCC will be accountable to responsible Ministers for these contributions. BACKGROUND • The Fuel Cell Implementation Task Force is a private sector led initiative organised to plan and implement the early commercialisation of fuel cell technology in BC and Canada. The Task Force consists of 9 members representing the private sector, universities, local government, the BC Government and the federal government. (attached). • The Task Force is guided by the beliefs that the society that first adopts a new technology has the best opportunity to reap the social, environmental and economic benefits of the technology; and, that BC and Canada have an unparalleled opportunity to develop world-leading fuel cell industry clusters. Objectives of the Task Force • To develop key elements of a market led "First to adopt, first to benefit" strategy; • To develop market-focussed methods to implement this strategy in BC and Canada; and, • To organise an industry association. The Business Plan • The Task Force Business Plan: "First to Adopt, First to Benefit" was completed in late January of 1999. It presents a strategy to facilitate and accelerate the development of a world leading fuel cell industry in BCand Canada. • The strategy outlines critical requirements to build this industry, including: Enhanced research and innovation activities - through the NRC, universities, and other institutions; Market focussed demonstration projects; and Industry development/support services. • The first requirement has been addressed by the Government of Canada with the recently announced $30 million "Fuel Cell Research and Innovation Initiative". • The Task Force recommends that market focussed demonstration projects and - - - - industrydeveIopment.seMces.can.bestheJrnpJernented byanationaI not for prof it, industry-led organisation: Fuel Cells Canada. Fuel Cells Canada (FCC) . Fuel Cells Canada will be established to: Develop and implement a $ 100 million national fuel cell demonstration program utilising federal seed money of $ 26 million over 5 years. Support will be limited to 25% of the Canadian content of each project; Provide information, training, education and networking services to industry and the public; Promote the benefits and exploitation of fuel cells and fuel cells systems; and Support the development of industry standards and regulations. FCC will be a national, not-for-profit, industry-led organisation formed in collaboration with the federal government and with membership open to all stakeholders; • Financial support for FCC and FCC sponsored projects.will be obtained from the federal government, provincial governments, private sector participants, membership fees, fee-for-service activities, and other resources.. • The Demonstration and Commercialisation projects will be delivered under terms and conditions set by the federal government (Treasury Board), and for these FCC. will be accountable and report to responsible Ministers on a regular basis. For other activities, FCC will be accountable to its Board of Directors. Federal Support is Critical • Federal seed money will allow FCC to lever major contributions from the private sector and other public organisations to finance public demonstration projects of fuel cells systems. markets such as mass transit systems, utilities and hospitals where viable pre- production fuel cell systems can be introduced. Public confidence must be established in these markets prior to commercalisation. • However, public bodies are obliged to purchase products and services on the basis of minimum price, and revenue from the sale of fuel cell products and services is not expected to cover industry costs. 3 • The long term success of the fuel cell industry will thus depend on considerable interim funding from the federal government and other agencies to overcome these challenges and allow the sector to move forward into the commercial marketplace. Existing federal support programs do not allow support to other public bodies. In addition, eligibility for programs such as Technology Partnerships Canada is dependent on technology development during the project, and on re-payability. The projects to be funded through FCC will be public demonstrations of viable fuel cell systems and therefore not eligible. In addition, as public demonstrations they will not accrue the revenues needed for repayment. • The pre-production projects sponsored by FCC will accelerate commercialisation of fuel cells systems and industry development by: testing the systems - especially the "balance of plant"; identifying business opportunities for suppliers of "balance of plant"; collecting data on life cycle costs and emission benefits of the systems; providing public access to the technology; and, by identifying issues related to reliability and ruggedness. Competing jurisdictions, especially the US, are providing massive funding to fuel cell developers and are providing pre-commercial demonstration, testing, and early manufacturing support through public (often military) purchases of multiple fuel cell systems. Critical Issues • Investment in knowledge and innovation is crucial for economic growth and competitiveness - especially for new industries such as fuel cells. - • Future markets for fuel cell products and infrastructure are huge - estimated to be over one trillion dollars by 2020. Canadian companies have world leading technology in this developing industry. • Continued leadership requires continued investment by governments and the private sector. Governments have been critical partners in building present leadership position - this must continue for Canada to reap economic benefits. • Timing is critical - must act now to continue leadership and counter massive public resources committed by competing countries in efforts to gain dominance in fuel cell industry. • Canada has leading knowledge base - support now can result in significant new industrial clusters in BC and across the country. El • An Independent study recommended integrated national strategic approach to developing fuel cell industry including support from all governments, increased R&D and widespread demonstration of commercially ready fuel cell products. This also emphasised in recent study completed for Financial Times of London. Benefits of FCC • A not-for-profit, industry-led Fuel Cells Canada provides the most effective mechanism for the government to provide initiative and leadership in developing the growing fuel cell industry. • It is a government/industry partnership to build a new industry - government and industry set policy and direction, and industry implements. • As a government/industry partnership, FCC will be a high profile, positive investment in new industry that will illustrate joint investment in innovation for 21st Century. • Illustrates federal initiative and leadership in developing a new industry in BC and Canada - an industry that is already providing high technology, knowledge intensive jobs and will grow dramatically over next few years. • Will illustrate Canadian government leadership in climate change abatement. • Exemplifies benefits of co-operation betwee •n all levels of government and the private sector to create wealth and a healthier environment for the future. • Will support private sector efforts to retain world leading technology and new industry in Canada. • FCC is committed to serving all Canadian stakeholders and will be a national organisation. • Industry will be responsible for project decisions, administration and management of program. . development and commercialisation. • It will allow one-stop shopping for services and support to the developing fuel cell industry. • FCC will be a focal point for industry/government activities and networking. 5 Fuel Cell and related Activities - BC and Canada There are a significant number of fuel cell activities occurring in BC and the rest of Canada. These activities illustrate the increasing importance and commercial potential of the technology, and the increasing commitment of the private sector in BC and Canada to participate in this growth sector. As important, most of the activities also illustrate the co-operative and collaborative activities that are required to commercialise this technology. The following is a list of selected projects and developments that are currently underway: BC Activities • BC Hydro, Ballard Generation Systems, the BC government, Western Diversification, Natural Resources Canada , the NRC and TEAM are developing a 250 kW stationary power demonstration and development project to be situated in the Vancouver area - probably at the NRC Innovation Centre. • The BC Government and dbb fuel cells engines Inc. are continuing discussions related to a possible fuel cell bus engine project. • Methanex, Ballard Power Systems and Petrocan have agreed to co-operate to develop a methanol fuel infrastructure for Canada. • The Ballard group of companies is involved in a wide range of local and international activities related to innovation and commercialisation of fuel cells for a large variety of applications. • UVic has collaborated with other Canadian, research institutions and the private sector to develop the SENSYS Application for a Network of Centres of Excellence in Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technologies. • The Institute for Integrated Energy Systems (Uvic) and the NRC are collaborating to ensure complementary research programs are implemented in each organisation. • Michael Brown has founded Nascent Fuel Cells and is involved in other fuel cell related activities, including venture capital and commercialisation projects. • Cellex Power Systems has been firmly established. • ASA Automation Systems is developing collaborative projects with the Ballard group of companies as well as other local and international partners. • Questor is involved in collaborative projects with Uvic, the NRC and local private sector partners in a number of projeótito improvèftiéI cell perfôniianc& - -___ • Questor is also discussing collaborative projects with other national and international fuel cell developers. Projects in the Rest of Canada • Global Thermoelectric (Calgary) is discussing collaborative projects with a number of private sector partners and federal agencies. • Hydro Quebec is continuing research and commercialisation of new hydrogen storage and delivery systems - in Canada and with international partners in the US and Europe. • Fuel Cells Technologies Ltd. (Kingston) is in a number of collaborative ventures to provide parts and technology to other Canadian partners for a number of fuel cell commercialisation projects. • Hydrogenics (Toronto) is supplying fuel cell test centres to a wide variety of national and international customers and will have its own low temperature (-40 degrees C) PEM fuel cell tested in the Antarctic this year - by a foreign government agency: • Representatives of the Government of Ontario are discussing a number of fuel cell related projects with companies in BC and elsewhere. • Ontario Hydro is proceeding with its activities to test and demonstrate a 250 kW Siemens/Westinghouse solid oxide fuel cell. The US Department of Energy is providing significant funding for this project and applications have been made to various federal agencies for additional support. • H Power, an American manufacturer of fuel cells is establishing a facility in Quebec. 7 INTERNATIONAL INCENTIVES /DEMONSTRATION PROGRAMS - FUEL CELLS SUMMARY • It is estimated that up to 1997, the United States made available approximately $US 140 million per year for the support of various fuel cell research, development and demonstration projects. European and Japanese expenditures have been approximately half of that level. • During the last year the United States has significantly increased the available support for fuel cell research, development and demonstration projects. Current estimates are that the US is providing $ 200 to $250 million for fuel cell technology and commercialisation.. In 1998, the US Department of Energy (DOE) transportation fuel cell budget was $24 million, with an additional $16 spent on hydrogen projects. In 1999 the same Department has requested $45 million for transportation related fuel cell projects and an additional $24 for hydrogen projects. In addition DOE has supported specific corporate fuel cell R&D and demonstration projects with major grants, including: $87 millIon to MC Power Corp., $128 million to Energy Research Corp., and $83.5 million to Westinghouse/Siemens Corporation. • Many industrial countries have specific programs and development strategies supporting research, development and the demonstration of fuel cell technologies. • In addition, fuel cell developments and demonstration projects are often eligible for support under programs and tax credit regimes that encourage the introduction and use of lower emission alternative fuelled, or electric technologies for mobile and distributive power applications. • In some jurisdictions (e.g. California and some European cities) the introduction of new technologies, including fuel cells, is encouraged indirectly through regulatory mandates requiring the introduction and use of zero and/or very low emission technologies. • Fuel cell support programs are usually strategic, and are most often justified in terms of long term national social and econOmic goals, including: Energy savings, Environmental benefits, Long term impact on employment, and International competitiveness. UNITED STATES • The US has many programs that directly and indirectly support fuel cell technology development and commercialisation. These programs operate at the federal, state and community level through direct subsidies, tax incentives, military procurements, and directed research by national and state institutions. • The Department of Energy (DOE), under the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV) supports fuel cell development for transportation since 1993. In 1998 the PNGV budget for fuel cell and hydrogen development was $40 million. In 1999, $ 69 million has been requested. • Most DOE funding is provided as 50% to 80% non-repayable contributions to research and demonstration projects - regardless of the size of the company. • Recent examples of this include: $8.6 million to McDermott Technology Inc. towards a $18.6 million project to fabricate low cost solid state fuel cell components; $1.74 million towards and Allied Signal project (total cost $2.2 million) to make thin electrolytes; DOE is providing considerable support to Ontario Hydro to test and demonstrate the Siemens/WestInghouse 250 kW SOFC technology. • Military procurement is used to subsidise early commercialisation of fuel cells. The US Army has spent over $37 milrion to purchase and test fuel cell developed by United. Technologies. This practice continues with the explicit aim of providing early markets for US fuel cell developers in order that prices can be reduced for commercial sales. • Considerable support is available to fuel cell developers through the Department of Transportation (TEA-21) that devote over $ 1 billion to projects that lead to improved air quality. Eligible projects can receive up to 80 % of costs on a non-repayable grant basis. EUROPE • High taxes (relative to North America) for carbon fuels and greater social concern over the effects of pollution and global warming have, for a number of years, served to encourage the development and use of alternative fuels and lower emission technologies, including fuel cells, in a number of European jurisdictions. • A number of European cities have plans to close city centres to conventionally powered vehicles as part of a plan to promote zero, or low emission vehicles. The intent is to gradually increase the area in the cities in which conventionally powered vehicles are banned. • As part of this effort, twenty British cities have joined with over 100 on the continent to pool purchasing of electric and low emission vehicles. Ee The European Community • The European Commission has developed and put in place a fuel cell strategy covering the period to 2005. (See: A Fuel Cell Research, Development and Demonstration Strategy for Europe Up to 2005. European Commission, March 9 1998) • This fuel cell strategy anticipates the expenditure of approximately 70 Million ECU (approx. $ us 70 million) of public monies each year on fuel cell R, D & D in the community. • This fuel cell strategy is driven by the potential to improve the social conditions and the economic performance of the European Union. • Within the EU strategy, public funding is deemed necessary to: Support industry in an effort to bring about a breakthrough for an environmentally friendly technology; The required funding for a long term programme leading to the production of robust fuel cell power plants and road traction systems is beyond the reach of single European companies and countries; Fuel cell development requires multidisciplinary R, D&D. An EU strategy is the most efficient way of joining different technologies and disciplines; since 1995 the European community has had a fuel cell development strategy in place A European strategy will ensure coherence between different activities as well as ensure collaboration between public funded and industrial programmes; Fuel Cell research is consistent with the Commissions objectives for rational use of energy, improvement of energy security, reductions of CO2 and increased industrial competitiveness. • Stationary power units (mostly US developed by UT/ONSI) are being demonstrated at 24 different sites in Europe. Germany • Since 1995, fuel cell development has been funded with DM 49.5 (SUS 275 million) by the Federal Government. Over the medium-term annual funding will be in the order of 17 million DM ($US 9.4) per year with an addition of 20 million DM ($US 11 million) per year going to national research laboratories for R&D in the area of fuel cells. • BVG - Berlin's city bus operator plans to convert its entire fleet to fuel cell buses by the year 2020. • Hamburger Hochbahn, the operator of the city buses in Hamburg, also plans to deploy fuel cell buses starting in 2005, arguing that they have economic advantages compared to natural gas buses. 10 • The entire energy needs of a family home is to be supplied by a fuel cell in a demonstration project in Machem, near Leipzig, Saxony. A co-generation unit operating on natural gas and supplied by American Power Corp. of Boston (US) is being used. • The City of Munich Energy Commission has decided to launch a micro fuel cell demonstration project in the city. The units will be demonstrated as co-generation home energy supply systems. • In Cologne, the local utility and the city will install a fuel cell co-generation unit in a sewage plant running on fermentation gas produced in the sewage treatment. The unit is a 250 kW product supplied by ONSI (US). Cost is estimated at $ US 1.3 million, and start up will be in 1999. • The Berlin electric utility will install a stationary PEM fuel cell co-generation unit. Aistom and its partners (Ballard) supply the unit. The European Community is providing 40% of the costs with other resources obtained from the city and utilities. Aistom will fund 10% of the project United Kingdom • Fuel cell development is supported under the Advanced Fuel Cells Programme run by DTI. • Government support also goes to Loughborough University for research on storage of hydrogen fuels. JAPAN • For many years the Japanese government has supported fuel cell developments as a way of reducing its dependence on imported fossil fuels as well as for environmental reasons.: • The Japanese Government has formed a PNGV like consortium: Japan's New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organisation will work with six automakers, including Nissan and Mitsubishi, to develop clean vehicles. The group will invest about $30 million by fiscal 2003 to develop and test six kinds of vehicles, including cars with methanol fuel cells. • The Japanese government has just announced a new public/private seOtor body to co- ordinate the development of fuel cell technology. The Ministry of International Trade and Industry will provide $30 million to this body as part of its goal to improve the competittveness.otJapanese.companies. 11 FUEL CELL IMPLEMENTATION TASK FORCE - MEMBERS Mr. Pierre Choquette (Chairperson) Mr. Michael Brown Mr. Firoz Rasul Mr. Kip Smith Mr. Denis Connor Dr. Ged McLean Mr. Stuart Culbertson Mr. John Banigan Mr. Ken Cameron Mr. Christopher Curtis (Exec Dir.) President, Methanex Corporation (Vancouver) President, Nascent Management (Vancouver) Chairman, Ballard Power Systems Inc. (Burnaby) President, Ballard Power Systems Inc. (Burnaby) President, Questor Industries Inc. (Vancouver) Director, Institute for Integrated Energy Systems, University of Victoria Deputy Minister, Information Science and Technology Agency, Victoria Assistant Deputy Minister, Industry Sectors, Industry Canada, Ottawa Manager, Strategic Planning, Greater Vancouver Regional District Industry Canada, Toronto 12 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5883 - 2000 A By-law to further amend Maple Ridge Sewer Rate By-law No. 718 - 1964 WHEREAS, the Council may by by-law impose a charge against the owner or occupier of real property for the use of a sewage system and may vary the charge; AND WHEREAS, the Council wishes to amend the sewer charges for all uses; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law shall be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Sewer Rate Amending By-law No. 5883 - 2000". The part entitled "Residential" and "Commercial" in Section 3 of Maple Ridge Sewer Rate By- law No. 718-1964 is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: RESIDENTIAL Single Family Residential $156-per dwelling unit Duplex $156-per dwelling unit Triplex $156-per dwelling unit Apartment Townhouse Mobile Home Boarding House, Including Rest Homes COMMERCIAL Each Hall Each Theatre Each Church Each Store Each Office Each Shop Each Barber Shop $156-per dwelling unit $156-per dwelling unit $156-per dwelling unit $156-per dwelling unit $40.60 for each boarder or roomer kept in excess of two boarders or roomers $156 $156 $156 $156 $156 $156 $156 03, C By-law No. 5883 - 2000 Page 2 3 COMMERCIAL(cont'd Each Beauty Shop $156 Each Restaurant $156-up to 10 seats $ 16 for each additional seat Each School $11 3-per classroom Each Hospital. $11 3-per bed Each Motel or Hotel $156-first room $ 41-for each additional room Each Beverage Room $156-up to 10 seats $ 16-for each additional seat Each Laundry $256 Each Dry Cleaner $156 Each Laundromat $156- minimum $41-per machine The part entitled "Industrial" in Section 3 of Maple Ridge Sewer Rate By-law No. 718-1964 is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: INDUSTRIAL All Industrial Uses The charge shall be 98.7% of the metered rate as established for the subject parcel by Maple Ridge Waterworks Regulations By - law No. 2675-1979 (as amended) except, however, if the said parcel is not metered, then the rate for each industrial user connected to the sanitary sewer shall be the same as • the flat rate of $156. READ a first time the day of 2000 READ a second time the day of 2000 READ a third time the day of 2000 RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED the day of 2000 MAYOR GIE-R-K CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5883 - 2000 A By-law to further amend Maple Ridge Sewer Rate By-law No. 718 - 1964 WHEREAS, the Council may by by-law impose a charge against the owner or occupier of real property for the use of a sewage system and may vary the charge; AND WHEREAS, the Council wishes to amend the sewer charges for all uses; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This by-law shall be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Sewer Rate Amending By-law No. 5883 -2000". 2.\ The part entitled "Residential" and "Commercial" in Section 3 of Maple Ridge Sewer Rate By- law No. 718-1964 is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Single Family Residential $156-per dwelling unit Duplex $156-per dwelling unit Triplex $156-per dwelling unit Apartment $156-per dwelling unit Townhouse $156-per dwelling unit Mobile Home $156-per dwelling unit Boarding House, S $156-per dwelling unit Including Rest Homes $40.60 for each boarder or roomer kept in excess of two boarders or roomers COMMERCIAL EachHall $156 Each Theatre $156 Each Church $156 Each Store . $156 Each Office $156 Each Shop $156 Each Barber Shop $156 0~f C)3 f CL By-Jaw No. 5883 - 2000 Page2 COMMERCIAL(cont'd) Each Beauty Shop $156 Each Restaurant $156-up to 10 seats $ 16 for each additional seat Each School $1 13-per classroom Each Hospital $11 3-per bed Each Motel or Hotel $ 156-first room $ 41-for each additional room Each Beverage Room $156-up to 10 seats $ 16-for each additional seat Each Laundry $256 Each Dry Cleaner $156 Each Laundromat $156- minimum $41-per machine 3. The part entitled "Industrial" in Section 3 of Maple Ridge Sewer Rate By-law No. 718-1964 is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: iNDUSTRIAL All Industrial Uses The charge shall be 98.7% of the metered rate as established for the subject parcel by Maple Ridge Waterworks Regulations By- law No. 2675-1979 (as amended) except, however, if the said parcel is not metered, then the rate for each industrial user connected to the sanitary sewer shall be the same as the flat rate of $156. READ a first time the day of 2000 READ a second time the day of 2000 READ a third time the day of 2000 RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED the day of - 2000 - MAYOR CLERK, Fraser River Bridge This issue is of critical importance to Maple Ridge citizens and the future of our community. Council has developed an official position to be considered tonight and we will communicate this position to the GVRD, Translink, the provincial government and our neighbours. "That Municipal Council of the District of Maple Ridge strongly support the Fraser River crossing and commend the leadership of both Translink and the Ministry of Transportation and Highways in achieving this objective; That the District of Maple Ridge urge the Provincial and Regional authorities to complete a more thorough analysis in a timely manner in order that the bridge construction can be planned and completed within six years; That upgrading of the existing ferry service at Albion and possibly other locations be considered as an interim step prior to achieving a bridge facility." DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 12.3 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29,2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Municipal Council of the District of Maple Ridge strongly support the Fraser River crossing and commend the leadership of both TransLink and the Ministry of Transportation and Highways in achieving this objective; That the District of Maple Ridge urge the Provincial and Regional authorities to complete a more thorough analysis in a timely manner in order that the bridge construction can be planned and completed within six years; and further That upgrading of the existing ferry service at Albion and possibly other locations be considered as an interim step prior to achieving a bridge facility. "Al Hogarth" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development_____________________________________________________ Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's -Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 04.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29,2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR '3 That the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of February 15,2000 be adopted as circulated. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer — Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section _,VMunicipal Clerk V Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such- act-ion- as may-be -required by your-Department. March 1, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 04.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Minutes of the Public Hearing of February 22, 2000 be received. ) "Al Hogarth" CARP' DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section _/'Municipal Clerk ..V Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 — dwv a A- W Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 04.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR 5 That the Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meeting of February 8, 2000 be received. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Developm - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities CJrk's Section -/ Municipal Clerk Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 Date J--ftw ipallk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 08.01.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5857-1999 be read a second and third time. (RZJ51/99 - 23688 Kanaka Way - to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-lb (One Family Urban [medium density] Residential) and CD- 1-93 (Amenity Residential District) to create approximately 25 residential lots) ,7 '\ "Al Hogarth" ARR DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business _,Len Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk Shirley K Y—JoAnne H KarIaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 Date Mu DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 08.01.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5858-1999 be read a second and third time. (RZI5 1/99 - 23688 KanakaWay - to designate the site as a Development Permit Area) "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business en Mgr - Public Works & Development IL Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - - Shirley K Jo-Anne H IL KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 Date Mun DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 08.02.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR f4 SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR ft. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5843-1999 be read a second and third time. (RZ/35/99 - 23853 Dewdney Trunk Road - to designate the site as a Development Permit Area) "Al Hogarth" CARRIED DEFEATED D ~RRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - en Mgr - Public Works & Development () ri ' Dir - Current Planning VO - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - $'hirley K _/Jo-Anne H V Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 *Vq Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 08.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29,2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5853-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. (RZ/42199 - 21409 Lougheed Highway - to create a Comprehensive Development Zone (CD-2-99) to allow all CS-i (Service Commercial) uses with limitations on maximum floor area for business services, professional services and retail use; and to zone the subject parcel to CD-2-99) "Al Hogarth" CARRIED I DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - en Mgr - Public Works & Development X Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K -/ Jo-Anne H V KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 Date Munlicipal erk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 08.04.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR _______________ That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By -law No. 5791-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. (RZ/36198 - 11951 Burnett Street & 22866 Dewdney Trunk Road - to redesignate from Compact Housing at 40 units per net hectare to Service Commercial and designate as a Development Permit Area) "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business en Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk Shirley K Jo-Anne H - VKarla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 Date Muniipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 08.04.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5790-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. (RZ136/98 - 11951 Burnett Street - to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to CS-i (Service Commercial) to permit the construction of a commercial building) "Al Hogarth" CARRI DEFEATED DEFERRED ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - /Shirley K Jo-Anne H V Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. It March 1.2000 Date Muicipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.01.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR I:- SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of February 21, 2000 be received. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief • - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir, - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Cjerk's Section - / Municipal Clerk Y Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 Date Mu±ller DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR H_____________ SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD 25/98, at Alouette Road and 130A Avenue, be it resolved: That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided; and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the staff report dated January 21, 2000; and further That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a Latecomer Agreement with the subdivider of the said lands. "Al Hogarth" CARRIED } DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer — Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance j)#~Dir ir - Community & Business Mgr - Public Works & Development - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services -z Municipal Engineer iL Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - - - Dir - Parks &FaTcilifiës Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - ,Shirley K -/ Jo-Anne H V KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.02 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD 19/96, at 238 Street and 113 Avenue, be it resolved: That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided; and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the staff report dated January 28, 2000; and further That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a Latecomer Agreement with the subdivider of the said lands. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer — Gen Mgr – Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance — Dir - Community & Business en Mgr – Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ — Dir - Current Planning — Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services —/ Municipal Engineer ( Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations — Dir - Engineering Projects — Gen Mgr - Com. Dcv. & Rec. Services - - - Dir -Parks & Facilities - Clerk's Section Municipal Clerk — /Shirley K / Jo-Anne H KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 Date ±cipalCl erk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD 47/93, at 238B Street and 121 Avenue, be it resolved: That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the Municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided; and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the staff report dated February 3,2000; and further That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a Latecomer Agreement with the subdivider of the said lands. "Al Hogarth" ARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - )Dir - Community & Business %n Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ ftf Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer j./ Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects GenMgr-Com..Dev.&Re.c.Services ----------------------- .........................- - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - ,Shirley K -/ Jo-Anne H V Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 +aA W-ApFk,,~ Date Municipal Cler DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.04 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5887-2000 be read a first time. (RZ/83/99 - 12271, 12273 & 12275 - 224 Street - to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to CD- 1-00 (Comprehensive Development) to permit the construction of an apartment for seniors with a Private Hospital Component) "Al Hogarth" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business en Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K . Jo-Anne H V Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 Date It QAAA MJJpaIek DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.05 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Application RZ/18195 (for property located at 10110 - 240 Street) to rezone a portion of the property described in the report dated February 8,2000 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity District) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that report. (to permit 7 lots on the easterly portion of the property) "Al Hogarth" (ARRIE) DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business _1Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development L Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - , Shirley K j' Jo-Anne H- - iL Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 Date 11 L±cillerk UJA4cX DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29,2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5884-2000 be read a first time. (RZ/29198 - 10002, 10036 & 10028 - 240 Street - to rezone from RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) to create approximately 75 lots not less than 213 m2) "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - 9en Mgr - Public Works & Development J/ Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K _/Jo-Anne H V KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 47" Date M±Palerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR k SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5885-2000 be read a first time. (RZ129198 - 10002, 10036 & 10028 - 240 Street - to designate as a Development Permit Area) DEFEATED DEFERRED Hogarth" MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business Gen Mgr - Public Works & Developm Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K /lo-Anne H " Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. LJAA March 1, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.07 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COIJNCILLOR 5; SECONDED BY COUNC1LLOR That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/77/99 respecting property located at 22866 Dewdney Trunk Road. (to permit an addition to the existing commercial building) "Al Hogarth" CA45 DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - 5n Mgr - Public Works & Development j( Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section Municipal Clerk - Shirley K _VJo-Anne H V Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 +,Q wh Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.08 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/5/00 respecting property located at 22363 Selkirk Avenue will be considered by Council at the March 14th, 2000 meeting. (to permit the relaxation in the front yard setback above the second floor from 7.5 metres to 7.3 metres; the rear yard setback above the second floor from 7.5 metres to 6.1 metres; and the side yard setbacks above the second floor from 4.5 metres to 2.4 metres (72% of building face) and to 1.5 metres (28% of building face) for a proposed 50 unit 8 storey congregate care facility with a small amount of commercial space) "Al Hogarth" rRRD DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities lerk' s Section a" -- 'Municipal Clerk j/ Shirley K .-7L2)d--• Qe-1" - Jo-Anne H V KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 Date Munical Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.11 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5889-2000 be read a first time. (RZI2/00 - 23039 - 117 Avenue - to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to R-1 (Residential District) to create approximately 2 single family residential lots) "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer — Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business 1Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development _!L Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - , Shirley K / Jo-Anne H V KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 Date Muilerk& DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.12 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5891-2000 be read a first time. (RZ/68/99 - 12742-228 Street - to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS- 1 (One Family Urban Residential) and RS-lb (One Family Urban [medium density] Residential) to create approximately 10 single family residential lots) "Al Hogarth" CARRIED / DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business •_Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development V Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.13 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COIJNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5890-2000 be read a first time. (RZ/78/99 - 20141 Telep Avenue - to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RS-lb (One Family Urban [medium density] Residential) to create approximately 23 lots not less than 557 m2) "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business K/ en Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - / Shirley K / Jo-Anne H V KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.14 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ~A SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR I That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD 36/94, at 121B Avenue and 203 Street, be it resolved: That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided; and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the report dated February 3, 2000; and further That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a Latecomer Agreement with the subdivider of the said lands. 11 1 "Al Hogarth" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services -/ Municipal Engineer L Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - - - - Dir - Park§ & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - ,Stirley K -/ Jo-Anne H V Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.02.15 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Inspection Services Department building statistics for the month of January 2000 be received for information. (A~R II)RIED DEFEATED DEFERRED "Al Hogarth" MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - P)r - Corporate Support ir - Finance Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The ab6ve decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for - notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 Date lerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.03.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Municipal Lands - Disposition of Proceeds on Sale Policy be waived for the Maple Ridge Town Centre Project; and further That the monies from the land sales identified as financing for the said project be transferred 100% to the Capital Works Reserve. "Al Hogarth" CARRI) DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: 9 Ief Administrative Officer Jtien Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 Date MunW1er5? ac DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Waterworks Regulations Amending By-law No. 5882-2000 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and Maple Ridge Waterworks Regulations Amending By-law No. 5882-2000 be read a third time. (to reflect a 10% increase in the flat and metered water rates to more truly reflect the actual average costs and to define the Garibaldi and Rothsay Water Supply Areas) 01 ) "Al Hogarth" CARRII9/ DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief ir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning _,_45ir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K /Jo-AnneH - - - - ' KarlaK The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. MulClerk ' March 1, 2000 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNC1LLOR 5 That Maple Ridge Sewer Rate Amending By-law No. 5883-2000 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and Maple Ridge Sewer Rate Amending By-law No. 5883-2000 be read a third time. (to reflect a 6.8% increase in the flat and metered sewer rates) "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - ,.-r - Corporate Support Y Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Jir - Inspection Services j Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section Municipal Clerk - Shirley K T-1 Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 tukl? "ARA-11- Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.03.03 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That participation by the District of Maple Ridge in the Community Leaders Partnership Program (CLPP) with the City of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan be approved; and further That allocation of the necessary time and resources to participate in the Program be authorized. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - -'Dir - Finance Dir - Community & Business Gen Mgr - Public Works & Developmeni - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations -, Dir - Engineering Projects jGenMgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla-K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 Date Muni tle DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.03.04 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNC1LLOR That the appointment of Councillor Craig Speirs as Council liaison to the Malcolm Knapp Research Forest Community Advisory Board be approved; and further That Acting Mayor responsibilities be forwarded to the subsequent Acting Mayor in the event of multiple absences by Councillors. "Al Hogarth" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: V Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk ,-hirley K X Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 10 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 09.05.01 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to write a letter to the federal government in support of funding being provided b4i4jm for fuel cell industry developmenls requested in the letter from the Greater Vancouver Regional District dated January 13, 2000. "Al Hogarth" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ - Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk _,-Shirley K Jo-Anne H Karla K Theabove decision was made at a th&&ing of the Minicipa1 Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 12.2 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Terms of Reference for the Traffic Management Committee, attached to the staff report dated February 21, 2000, be received for information. 7 ' "Al Hogarth" CARRIED I DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance v—Dir - Community & Business Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. J March 1, 2000 Date Mui3lClerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 12.3 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5888-2000 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5888-2000 be read a third time. (to appropriate $165 ,000.000 for a future paridand acquisition at 22151 Church Avenue) "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - phief Administrative Officer VGen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Community & Business - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk Shirley K /VJo Anne H t/ Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1. 2000 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 12.3 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: February 29, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Municipal Council of the District of Maple Ridge strongly, support the Fraser River crossing and commend the leadership of both TransLink and the Ministry of Transportation and Highways in achieving this objective; That the District of Maple Ridge urge the Provincial and Regional authorities to complete a more thorough analysis in a timely manner in order that the bridge construction can be planned and completed within six years; and further That upgrading of the existing ferry service at Albion and possibly other locations be considered as an interim step prior to achieving a bridge facility. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance ,Dir - Community & Business j 43en Mgr - Public Works & Development_________________ - Dir - Current Planning Dir - Long Range Planning - Dir - Inspection Services - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Eng. - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Engineering Projects - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. March 1, 2000 — --k" "- AIIF-~,. Date