HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-05-23 Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfAd Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING May 23, 2000 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting held on May 23, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor A. Hogarth Councillor C. Gordon Councillor F. Isaac Councillor J. Harris Councillor L. King Councillor K. Morse Councillor C. Speirs Appointed Staff Mr. R. W. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer Mr. T. Wingrove, Municipal Clerk Mr. J. R. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works and Development Services Mr. P. Gill, General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services Mrs. S. M. Karasz, Confidential Secretazy Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.org The meeting was filmed by Rogers Cablesystems. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 OPENING PRA YERS Pastor Ed Chiu conducted opening prayers. 300 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 301 Salvation Army - Update on Community Services Captains Ed and Kathy Chiu were in attendance regarding the above noted matter. Captain Ed Chiu advised that the Salvation Army is well know for its service to people; they serve in 100 countries and administer in 96 languages. They operate drug rehabilitation centres, homes for battered women, children's homes and hospitals and much more. The Salvation Army is the largest charter Christian social services agency in existence today. The Salvation Army has been in Maple Ridge since 1990, moving into the Haney Bingo-plex in 1996. He and his wife Kathy were -- Council Meeting Minutes May 23, 2000 Page 2 appointed to the local Ministry in 1997 and they are a team Ministry. Last summer they moved intotheir present location at Dewdney Trunk Road and 228 Street and are already outgrowing that space. Captain Kathy Chiu further explained that they operate a lunch program from Tuesday to Friday which is free for all and well attended by people of all ages. The program also provides valuable work experience for the volunteers. She further noted that the Salvation Army also participates in Maple Ridge's Emergency Services Program and has two teams ready to respond to any emergency with their kitchen on wheels which enables them to feed the police and firefighters. Captain Chiu advised that in the future they envision a community centre where anyone can come. Their head office is now working on raising fimds for that project. They hope to focus more on youth in our community. They also hope to expand some of their meal programs in the future and also expand into job re-training programs. She noted that the Municipality could help in several ways. They are outgrowing their premises and need property that is centrally located. They also need financial support and hopefully the Municipal Council, service clubs, business people, community at large and the churches can all work together to turn their dreams into reality. Their head office is encouraging them to be self-sufficient and they welcome contributions from service clubs, business organizations, etc. Captain Chiu added that they feel that Maple Ridge is a special community and one that pulls together in times of trouble. She thanked Council for their ongoing support and pledged the Salvation Army's continuing commitment to the community. 400 MINUTES RJ00-283 04.01 Minutes Regular May 9/00 MOVED by Councillor Harris SECONDED by Councillor Morse that the Minutes of the regular Council Meeting of May 9, 2000 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED RJ00-284 04.02 Minutes Special May 10/00 MOVED by Councillor Isaac SEC-ONDE-D-by-Council1orMorse _____ Council Meeting Minutes CA May 23, 2000 Page 3 that the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of May 10, 2000 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED R/00-285 Minutes Public Hearing May 16/00 04.03 MOVED by Councillor Isaac SECONDED by Councillor Speirs that the Minutes of the Public Hearing of May 16, 2000 be received. CARRIED R/00-286 Minutes Dev. Agmt. May 5/00 04.04 MOVED by Councillor Gordon SECONDED by Councillor King that the Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meeting of May 5, 2000 be received. CARRIED 500 DELEGATIONS 501 Mr. James Allard, Allard Contractors LtS- Update on Maple Ridge Ready-mix, etc. Mr. Allard referred to a letter dated May 18, 2000 that he sent last week to the General Manager of Public Works and Development Services stating that Crown Lands has advised him that they would accept his request for crown land in the old PVI (Pacific Vocational Institute). The letter also requests a meeting with Council and staff to discuss the opportunity for Maple Ridge Ready-Mix to re-open their ready-mix plant in their Albion gravel pit until the application is finalized. Mr. Allard submitted to the Municipal Clerk a copy of the letter and his application to the British Columbia Assets and Land Corporation for circulation to the Municipal Council. Mr. Allard asked if Council would give some direction to staff to find some way of re-opening their readi-mix plant while the application to Crown Lands proceeds. Councillor Morse asked Mr. Allard if he has been given any indication of the length of time it will take for his application to be completed. Council Meeting Minutes May 23, 2000 Page 4 Mr. Allard responded that he has not been given a time frame and referred to the moratorium that has been placed on new gravel permits by the Provincial Government. Councillor Morse stated that Council would have to be given a time frame in order to consider a Temporary Industrial Use Permit for the site in question. Mr. Allard advised that the moratorium is only to be for six months. Councillor Morse indicated that there is no guarantee that it will be for only six months. He noted that a rezomng application to M-5 zoning would take six months. Mr. Allard suggested that an environmental assessment is required to remove gravel to the historic level contained in the District's by-laws. He also noted that there is no definition of a "mine" in the Municipal Act and that has to be clarified as well. The Mayor advised that Council cannot give Mr. Allard an answer today and suggested that four weeks would be a reasonable time line for staff and Council to look into Mr. Allard's request and provide a response to him. P100-287 MOVED by Councillor Isaac Response to SECONDED by Councillor Harris Mr. Allard that the correspondence from Allard Contractors Ltd. dated May 18, 2000 be received, and further that a staff report be forwarded to Council within four weeks in response to the correspondence and issues raisçd by Mr. Allard as a delegation to Council. [s9.11 1 i 600 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 601 DVPI21I00 —21201 Wicklund Avenue (to permit the construction of a detached garage within the front yard setback of the residence). P100-288 MOVED by Councillor Morse DVP/21/00 SECONDED by Councillor Isaac that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal Development Variance Permit No. 2 1/00 (property at 21201 Wicklund Avenue). CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes May 23, 2000 Page 5 700 CORRESPONDENCE Nil 800 BY-LAWS 801 OCP111100 —14140, 14160, 14170, 14180, 14250, 14310 and 14320 - 256 Street - Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5895-2000 (to amend the Official Community Plan to include the site in a Temporary Industrial Use Permit Area where an application for a Temporary Permit for gravel extraction, storage and processing may be allowed). RI00-289 MOVED by Councillor Morse BL 5895-2000 SECONDED by Councillor Gordon 2ndl3rd reading DEFERRED that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5895-2000 be read a second and third time. Discussion The Mayor suggested that it might be appropriate to defer this item for two to four weeks in order to give Council a chance to review the restrictive covenants and other agreements related to the properties. Councillor Morse stated that she would like specific answers on the following items to come back to Council: • How will the number of trucks and driving conduct be monitored? • Can Council request that there be covers on the trucks to prevent material from flying out? • Is there a sense that the existing sidewalk is satisfactory or sufficient for a lot of truck traffic and the existing traffic? She feels that the safety of the pedestrians, particularly the children, is a concern. • Is there a plan in place for improvements to 256 Street? - Council-br Speirs stated that he would--like to see the issue of ground water disturbance addressed and also how it will be monitored. He questioned what is in place for storm water management for the site. He would like to see a buffer around Big Lake. Councillor King asked if a condition could be imposed to prohibit washing or screening procedures. That is what is proposed at the moment but it is not mandatory. She is also interested in seeing what other restrictions can be imposed to ensure that all restrictions will remain in place in the event that these sites are sold or used in another way. Council Meeting Minutes May 23, 2000 Page 6 Councillor Isaac stated that she would like more information on Restrictive Covenants 7 and 8. Councillor Harris advised that he has a concern regarding the two fish-bearing streams that are located on the property. Councillor Gordon added that she shares her colleagues concerns and is particularly interested in protecting the streams in terms of suspended sediments and the established flow regimes. She further noted that it was raised at the Public Hearing that 130 Avenue has become a truck route. She asked if staff can look at some enforcement to ensure that the trucks go on the routes they are supposed to be on. MOVED by Councillor Isaac SECONDED by Councillor Morse that second and third reading of By-law No. 5895-2000 be deferred to the June 13, 2000 Council Meeting pending a review of the concerns Council has raised at this meeting. CARRIED 802 RZ179199 - Text Amendment re Service Commercial uses adjacent to Residential Uses 802.1 Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5877-1999 (text amendment to the CS-i (Service Commercial) and CS-2 (Service Station Commercial) Zones of the Zoning By-law to include regulations regarding drive- through use and siting of buildings when adjacent to properties designated Residential in the Official Community Plan; and Part 2, Interpretation, to amend the definition of a landscape screen. RI00-290 MOVED by Councillor Morse BL 5877-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Gordon 2ndl3rd reading that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5877-1999 be read a second and third time. Discussion Councillor Gordon spoke in support of the by-law, noting that it goes a long way - - to Council Meeting Minutes May 23, 2000 Page 7 area. She added that a further report is coming from the Director of Licences, Permits and By-laws regarding options for regulating the hours of operation of service commercial uses through the business licence process. Councillor King referred to the concern raised at the Public Hearing regarding the problems that are being experienced by residents who live adjacent to unstaffed commercial establishments which operate at night. She feels that there are still a few problems that have not been addressed. She noted that the resident in question has been living with this situation for five years and she would like to see the issue of staffing addressed in an expedient manner. The Chief Administrative Officer advised that staff will look at all the issues and bring back some options. The motion CARRIED. 802.2 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 58 78-1999 (text amendment to the Official Community Plan (OCP) to establish policies regarding the location of car washes and service stations when adjacent to properties designated Residential in the OCP; and designate as a Development Permit Area). RJ00-291 MOVED by Councillor King BL 5878-1999 SECONDED by Councillor Isaac that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5 878- 1999 be read a second and third time. CARRIED 900 COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 901 Minutes RJ00-292 MOVED by Councillor Gordon Minutes COW SECONDED by Councillor Isaac May 15/00 that the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of May 15, 2000 be received. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes May 23, 2000 Page 8 Public Works and Development Services 902 Latecomer Agreement - LC/74100 - SD/35196 - Phase One (102 Avenue and 243 Street) Reference was made to the staff report dated May 1, 2000 recommending that the above noted agreement be executed. RJ00-293 MOVED by Councillor King Latecomer Agmt. SECONDED by Councillor Morse 102 Ave.1243 St. that with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD/35/96 - Phase One (102 Avenue and 243 Street), be it resolved: That the cost to provide the excess or extended services required for subdivision are in whole or in part, excessive to the Municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and That the Latecomer charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts a set out in the staff report dated May 1, 2000, and That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a "Latecomer Agreement" with the subdivider of the Said lands. CARRIED 903 RZ10011 7-23900 Block of 116 Avenue - By-laws 5906-2000 and 5907-2000 Reference was made to the staff report dated May 10, 2000 in support of the following recommendation with respect to the subject by-laws to rezone a small portion of the northeast corner and an adjacent portion of unopened 116 Avenue right-of-way to be consolidated with a larger development to the north for a townhouse project. R/00-294 903.1 BL 5906-2000 first reading MOVED by Councillor Gordon SECONDED by Councillor Isaac that Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5906-2000 be read a first time. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes May 23, 2000 Page 9 RJ00-295 903.2 BL 5907-2000 first reading MOVED by Councillor King SECONDED by Councillor Isaac that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5907- 2000 be read a first time. CARRIED 904 ALR/24100 - 22875 - 132 Avenue Reference was made to the staff report dated May 4, 2000 in support of the following recommendation contained therein with respect to he subject application for the drying of sea urchin shells and the production of an organic fertilizer. R/00-296 MOVED by Councillor Morse ALR/24/00 not SECONDED by Councillor Isaac authorized to Ag. Land Com. that Application ALRJ24/00 (for property located at 22875 - 132 Avenue) for subdivision or use in the Agricultural Land Reserve under Section 22 (1) of the Agricultural Land Commission, as described in the staff report dated May 4, 2000, not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. Discussion Councillor Harris stated that he appreciates what the property owner is trying to do, however, he is in the wrong location and needs to be located in a more favourable zone. Councillors Isaac and Speirs agreed. The motion CARRIED. 905 DVP/20/00 - 22100— 136 Avenue Reference was made to the staff report dated May 1, 2000 in support of the following - recommendation contained therein. The Committee also recommended that a restrictive covenant be placed on the buildings to restrict their use to the existing operation with no discharge of fluids. R/00-297 905.1 DVP/20/00 22 100-136 Ave. MOVED by Councillor Speirs SECONDED by Councillor Isaac Council Meeting Minutes May 23, 2000 Page 10 that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/20/00 respecting property located at 22100 - 136 Avenue will be considered at the June 13, 2000 Council Meeting. CARRIED R/00-298 905.2 DVP/20/00 Restrictive MOVED by Councillor Isaac Covenant re use SECONDED by Councillor Morse that a restrictive covenant be placed on the property at 22100 - 136 Avenue as a condition of approval of DVP/20/00 to limit the use of the proposed and existing buildings, as outlined in bold on Schedule "A" attached to the staff report dated May 1, 2000, to a completely enclosed and refrigerated mushroom operation with no discharge of fluids from the buildings. CARRIED 906 Greater Vancouver Regional District - Liquid Waste Management Plan - Stage 2 Reference was made to the staff report dated May 4, 2000 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: RJ00-299 MOVED by Councillor King GVRD Liquid SECONDED by Councillor Isaac Plan Phase 2 that the draft Liquid Waste Management Plan - Stage 2 Policies and Commitments document dated March, 2000 be endorsed and that the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) be so advised, and further that the GVRD's preparation of the Liquid Waste Management Plan Stage 3 be endorsed subject to the approval of the Stage 2 document by the Minister of Environment, Lands and Parks. Discussion Councillor Morse advised that she has requested information on the real costs that that the District pays to the GVRD, however, that information has not yet been received. She would have preferred to consider this motion after she had a chance to look at those figures. p Council Meeting Minutes May 23, 2000 Page 11 The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services noted that the Plan in question is a by-volume charge and will result in an increase in charges to all the communities in the lower mainland on a per capita per volume basis. Councillor Speirs asked if measures are being taken to lower the volume. The Mayor responded that as part of this process the GVRD is looking at mitigating programs to reduce the amount of storm water that goes into sanitary sewer systems. The District has an annual ongoing monitoring program in place to deal with that issue. Councillor Gordon stated that the Municipalities need to do some pro-active work to lessen the amount of water going into the sewer system such as low flow toilets, etc. Councillor Isaac asked if the District has given any consideration to installing water meters or if the GVRD has plans go in that direction soon. The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services responded that water meters are installed in high density uses but the cost would be prohibitive to retrofit single family homes in the entire lower mainland with water meters. The District is roughing in provisions for water meters in new homes, however, it will be a long time before all houses are on meters. He added that the GVRD is looking at water conservation initiatives but they will not happen overnight. Councillor King noted that water consumption is a global issue and people need to be responsible for their own water usage. It is a matter of finding the applicable technology to be able to do that. In the meantime, this is work in progress to achieve some of the issues that have been raised by Council. The motion CARRIED. 907 Sf146193 - 238B Street and Dewdney Trunk Road - Development Cost Charge Expenditure Payback - By-law No. 589 7-2000 Reference was made to the staff report dated April 28, 2000 in support of the following recommendations contained therein: R/00-300 907.1 DCC Forgiveness re 238B St. and MOVED by Councillor Harris Dewdney Trunk SECONDED by Councillor Isaac Road - SD/46/93 Council Meeting Minutes May 23, 2000 Page 12 p R100-30 1 BL 5897-2000 three readings that with respect to SD/46/93 and the necessity for constructing road, water, sewage and drainage works at 238B Street and Dewdney Trunk Road, be it resolved: that the developer be compensated in the amount of $168,706.00 following adoption of Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5897-2000. CARRIED MOVED by Councillor King SECONDED by Councillor Morse that Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5 897-2000 be read a first and second time and that rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5 897-2000 be read a third time. CARRIED 908 1999 Annual Report - Public Works and Development Services Division R/00-302 MOVED by Councillor Morse PW & Dev. SECONDED by Councillor King 19999 Annual Report that Public Works and Development Services 1999 Annual Report be received for information. Discussion Councillor Gordon commended the Division on the report and noted that it is very helpfiul to Council and the public. 1 .1 sij Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police) 931 Fraser River Port Authority Land Use Plan (Draft) Reference was made to the staff report dated April 25, 2000 in support of the following recommendation contained therein:. Ri00-303 MOVED by Councillor Isaac Fraser River Port SECONDED by Councillor King Auth. Land Use Council Meeting Minutes May 23, 2000 Page 13 Plan that the Fraser River Port Authority Land Use Plan be supported and that a letter be sent encouraging ongoing consultation between the Port Authority and their neighbours, and further that the Pitt Meadows Airport Authority be notified of the Plan's long term implication for airport land. - CARRIED 932 British Columbia Provincial Emergency Response Management System (BCERMS) Reference was made to the staff report dated April 28, 2000 in support of the following recommendation contained therein: R/00-304 MOVED by Councillor King Emerg. Response SECONDED by Councillor Isaac Mngr. System that the British Columbia Provincial Emergency Response Management System be adopted as the system of operation within the joint emergency operation centre (Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows). CARRIED 933 HIll House - Inclusion in Community Heritage Register Reference was made to the staff report dated May 8, 2000 recommending that the recommendation from the Heritage Advisory Committee that the developer include Hill House in the Community Heritage Register be supported. Note: The Committee recommended deferral of this item to the May 29, 2000 Committee of the Whole Meeting for a further report from staff. RJ00-305 MOVED by Councillor Gordon Registry of Hill SECONDED by Councillor Isaac House DEFERRED that the staff report dated May 8, 2000 recommending that Hill House be included in the Community Heritage Register be deferred to May 29, 2000 Committee of the Whole Meeting. CARRIED Other Issues Council Meeting Minutes May 23, 2000 Page 14 971 Zellers Associate Council - Moonwalk 2000 - May 28, 2000 - Request to Use Municipal Streets Reference was made to the staff report dated May 15, 2000 recommending that the subject request be approved subject to the conditions specified in the report. RJ00-306 MOVED by Councillor Speirs Moonwalk SECONDED by Councillor Isaac 2000 that Zellers Associate Council (the organizer) be authorized to use the required sidewalks and streets on Sunday, May 28, 2000 commencing at 11:00 a.m. for their First Annual Moonwalk for Cystic Fibrosis provided that the conditions outlined in Schedule "A" attached to the staff report dated May 15, 2000 are met. CARRIED Community Development and Recreation Services Nil 951 Parks and Leisure Services Division - First Quarter Statistics - 2000 Reference was made to the staff report in support of the following recommendation contained therein: - RI00-307 MOVED by Councillor Gordon P&LS Stats. SECONDED by Councillor King that the 2000 First Quarter Statistical Report for the Parks and Leisure Services Division be received. CARRIED Correspondence 981 New Arts Centre - Governance and Operating Model Referenáe was made to the letter from the Ridge Meadows Arts Council dated April 20, 2000 requesting a Letter of Intention or an Agreement to formalize the Arts Council's role in operating the new Ridge Meadows Arts Centre RJ00-308 MOVED by Councillor Speirs Arts Centre SECONDED by Councillor Isaac Governance that the letter from the Ridge Meadows Arts Council dated April 20, 2000 requesting a Letter of Intention or an Agreement to formalize the Arts Council's role in operating the new Ridge Meadows Arts Centre be Council Meeting Minutes May 23, 2000 Page 15 referred to the Parks and Leisure Services Commission for a recommendation. CARRIED 982 Implementation of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities/Greater Vancouver Regional District Proposal for a Federal Role in Funding Sustainable Urban Transportation Reference was made to the letter from the GVRD dated May 10, 2000 requesting support for the above noted initiative. RI00-309 MOVED by Councillor Harris GVRD/FCM SECONDED by Councillor Gordon sustainable transportation that the District of Maple Ridge support a concerted effort to gain approval for the GVRDIFCM proposal for a federal role in funding sustainable urban transportation this year. CARRIED 999 MAYOR'S REPORTS The Mayor advised that June 5th to 9th is Seniors' Week. Meetings and Events Attended The Mayor attended the Lower Mainland Municipal Association Meeting on May 11th and 12th. He advised that there was a presentation last week in the Council Chamber by the UBC landscape students who did work in Silver Valley. Council met recently with the Agricultural Land Commission and it was a productive meeting with the Commission bringing Council up to date on their new and improved mandate. He attended the opening of the Richmond Municipal Hall last Saturday and had the opportunity to view their new service centre concept. The Mayor advised that a delegation from Moose Jaw is arriving tomorrow as part of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities community exchange program and Maple Ridge has planned a number of activities for them. A delegation from Maple Ridge will be going to Moose Jaw in July. Council Meeting Minutes May 23, 2000 Page 16 1000 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS Councillor L. King Councillor King advised that she attended all her usual meetings including the Committee on Accessibility Issues. She noted that she was pleased to run across some out of town residents looking for the new Trans-Canada Trail through Maple Ridge. Councillor C. Speirs Councillor Speirs advised that he attended a Parks and Leisure Services Workshop. It was very interesting and defined the programs we have and do not have. He will also be attending the inaugural meeting of the Malcolm Knapp Research Forest public consultation group. Councilor F. Isaac Councillor Isaac advised that D. Sharma, the Personnel Officer, attended a Canada Day Committee Meeting and provided an overview of workplace safety to the Committee. She also worked at McDonald's Happy Day and attended a meeting of the Parks and Leisure Services Master Plan. She advised that the Albion Flats open public meeting will be held on Thursday, May 25th at the Albion Community Hall. Councilor K. Morse Councillor Morse advised that the annual Fair is coming up in July and she encouraged people to participate. She advised that the Annual General Meting of the Youth Centre Society will be held this Saturday at 9:00 a.m. in the community policing office. Councillor C. Gordon Councillor Gordon referred to her work with the Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee and advised that the Sto:lo main table will be holding their first meeting on May 26th. Council Meeting Minutes May 23, 2000 Page 17 She advised that the Social Planing Advisory Committee (SPAC) has started handing out post cards to people asking the Federal Government to provide funding for victims of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). The post cards will all be mailed together at the beginning of September. She also attended a Pick Fence Project meeting and Yennadon's Good Neighbour Day. - Coundilor Harris Councillor Harris reported that he attended an E-Comm Committee Meeting and went to the Lower Mainland Municipal Association Meeting with the Mayor. 1100 OTHER MA TTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT Nil 1100 NOTICES OF MOTION Nil 1200 ADJOURNMENT 8:30 p.m. 1300 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC 1301 Mr. Eric Phillips, 20333 Lorne Avenue Mr. Phillips congratulated the District for being nominated by the Variety Club for a "Community with Heart" award. The Mayor commended Mr. Phillips for the work he does with the Variety Club. -- - - - - A.Hogarth,Mayor - - -- Certified Correct T. Wingrove, Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 401 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ______________ SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR ______________ That the Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of May 9, 2000 be adopted as circulated. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Strategic Projects - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - District Planner - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Engineering Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K /o-Anne H KarlaK - Sandra Belley The above decision was made at a meeting. of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. . May 24, 2000 .• . ____________________________________ Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 402 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR t4 That the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of May 10, 2000 be adopted as circulated. CA "Al Hogarth" RRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Strategic Projects - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - District Planner - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Engineering - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K "Jo-Anne H V Karla K - Sandra Belley The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 24. 2000 Date . Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 403 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Minutes of the Public Hearing of May 16, 2000 be received. "Al Hogarth" affiD DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Strategic Projects - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - District Planner - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Engineering - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K _/Jo-Anne H V KarlaK Sandra Belley The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 24, 2000 *1 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 404 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR 1< That the Minutes of the Development Agreement Committee Meeting of May 5, 2000 be received. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Strategic Projects - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - District Planner - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Engineering - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk Shirley K _,VJo-Anne H V Karla K - Sandra Belley The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 24, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 502 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the correspondence from Allard Contractors Ltd. dated May 18, 2000 be received; and That a staff report be forwarded to Council within four weeks in response to this correspondence and issues raised by Mr. Allard as a delegation to Council. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Strategic Projects Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development District Planner Y Dir - Current Planning - /Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws t{ Municipal Engineer Dir - Development Engineering Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section Municipal Clerk • Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K - Sandra Belley The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 24, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 601 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal Development Variance Permit No. DVP/21J00 (property at 21201 Wicklund Avenue). (to reduce the front lot line setback from 6 metres to 3 metres to permit the construction of a detached garage within the front yard setback of the residence) "Al Hogarth" CARRIE DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer — Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Strategic Projects Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development _/ District Planner VV Dir - Current Planning Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Engineering - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K .., Jo-Anne H V Karla K _SandraBeliey The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 24, 2000 Date Municipal DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 801 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR 9 SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR k I That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5895-2000 be read a second and third time. (OCP/1 1/00 - 14140, 14160, 14170, 14180, 14250, 14310 and 14320-256 Street - to amend the Official Community Plan to include the site in a Temporary Industrial Use Permit Area where an D application for a Temporary Permit for gravel extraction storage and processing may be allowed) "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial - RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Strategic Projects 7,Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development_____________________________________________________ District Planner _________________ - Dir- Current Planning Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws Municipal Engineer (p<( XAAA: c q (X, ';t - Dir - Development Engineering - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H KarlaK - Sandra Belley The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 24, 2000 .4\J Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 802.1 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5877- 1999 be read a second and third time. (RZ/79/99 - Text Amendment to the CS-i (Service Commercial) and CS-2 (Service Station Commercial) Zones of the Zoning By-law to include regulations regarding drive-through use and siting of buildings when adjacent to properties designated Residential in the Official Community Plan; and Part 2, Interpretation, to amend the definition of a landscape screen) (CfA7RRIE) DEFEATED DEFERRED "Al Hogarth" MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Strategic Projects _)en Mgr - Public Works & Development V, District Planner Dir - Current Planning Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Engineering - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H VKarlaK - Sandra Belley A ' ! 4 The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 24, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 802.2 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR K SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By -law No. 5878-1999 be read a second and third time. (RZ/79/99 - Text Amendment to the Official Community Plan (OCP) to establish policies regarding the location of car washes and service stations when adjacent to properties designated Residential in the OCP; and to designate as a Development Permit Area) "Al Hogarth" (EE) DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Strategic Projects _jen Mgr - Public Works & Development_____________________________________________________ District Planner - Current Planning j7 Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Engineering - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section _/Municipal Clerk / Jo-Anne H - - V KarlaK - Sandra Belley The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 24, 2000 A________________________ Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 901.1 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR 5 SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of May 15, 2000 be received. "Al Hogarth" FRIED~ DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Strategic Projects - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development________________________________________________________ - District Planner - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Licenses, Permits & By -laws Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Engineering - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section -Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K - Sandra Belley The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 24, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 902 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD/35/96 - Phase One (102 Avenue & 243 Street) be it resolved: That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided; That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the report dated May 1, 2000; and That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a "Latecomer Agreement" with the subdivider of the said lands. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief _-Dir - Corporate Support '-' Dir - Finance - Dir - Strategic Projects - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development_____________________________________________________ ,/District Planner V Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws Municipal Engineer S Dir - Development Engineering - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K - Sandra Belley The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 24, 2000 Date Municipal itlerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 903.1 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5906-2000 be read a first time. (RZ/17/00 - 23900 Block of 116 Avenue - to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and CD-1-93 (Comprehensive Development) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to rezone a small portion of the northeast corner and an adjacent portion of unopened 116 Avenue right-of-way to be consolidated with a larger development to the north for a townhouse project) - "Al Hogarth" CARRIEDDEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Strategic Projects - en Mgr - Public Works & Development fr>"District Planner i/ Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Engineering - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - C=: i erk /Jo-Anne H KarlaK - Sandra Belley The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 24, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 903.2 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR K______________ SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5907-2000 be read a first time. (RZ/17/00 - to redesignate from Single Family Residential (15, 18, 30 units per net hectare) and Conservation to Compact Housing (40 units per net hectare) and Conservation and to designate as a Development Permit Area to permit the construction of a townhouse development) "Al Hogarth" CARRIED) DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Strategic Projects Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development District Planner Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Engineering - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K / Jo-Anne H - V.KarlaK - - Sandra Belley The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 24, 2000 Date MunicipA DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 904 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That Application ALRJ24/00 (for property located at 22875 — 132 Street) for Subdivision or Use in the Agricultural Land Reserve under section 22(1) of the Agricultural Land Co,n,nission Act, described in the staff report dated May 4, 2000, not be authorized to proceed to the Land Reserve Commission. (the proposed use in the application is the drying of sea urchin shells and the production of an organic fertilizer) "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support V Dir - Finance - Dir - Strategic Projects _Jen Mgr - Public Works & Development 1/ District Planner _ Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Engineering - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk Karla K - Sandra Belley The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 24, 2000 - - Date Municipal derk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 905.1 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 457 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVPI20/00 respecting property located at 22100 - 136 Avenue will be considered by Council at the June 13, 2000 meeting. (to relax the required setback for a proposed cold storage building from 30 metres to 5 metres from the top of bank of stream channel to permit the expansion of the existing mushroom growing business) "Al Hogarth" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief • Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Strategic Projects _,øen Mgr - Public Works & Development .Y/ District Planner j( Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Engineering - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section Municipal Clerk . Shirley K Jo-Anne H V Karla K Sandra Belley The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 24, 2000 3\J Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 905.2 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ISAAC SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR MORSE That a restrictive covenant be placed on the property at 22100 - 136 Avenue as a condition of approval of DVP/20100 to limit the use of the proposed and existing buildings outlined in bold on Schedule "A", attached to the staff report dated May 1, 2000, to a completely enclosed and refrigerated mushroom operation with no discharge of fluids from the buildings. "Al Hogarth" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance Dir - Strategic Projects - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - District Planner - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Engineering - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K - Sandra Belley The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 24, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 905.2 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR ISAAC SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR MORSE That a restrictive covenant be placed on the property at 22100 - 136 Avenue as a condition of approval of DVPI20I00 to limit the use of the proposed and existing buildings outlined in bold on Schedule "A", attached to the staff report dated May 1, 2000, to a completely enclosed and refrigerated mushroom operation with no discharge of fluids from the buildings. ()DEFEATED DEFERRED "Al Hogarth" MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: — Chief Administrative Officer — Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial — RCMP — Fire Chief Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance Dir - Strategic Projects VGen Mgr - Public Works & Development • District Planner - Current Planning Qç.Js._ k — Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws Ot_ — Municipal Engineer k_k-b_uowu ( - Dir - Development Engineering - — Dir - Engineering Operations — Dir - Project Engineering — Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services — Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section — Municipal Clerk — Shirley K — Jo-Anne H - Karla K - Sandra Belley The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May_24.2000 Date Municipal Clerk P2684 c) S112 of S.E. IM SUBJECT PROPERTY P501.5, I0€ ___ 5 I 25515 B P6688 H N 2P6688 A— P 289 G ___________ __________ T/2N __W E1!2 Rem3 Rem 3 P5154 N.E114 S26 F E 4 640 RS- — Rem3 P289 cq 3 P2970 - L. B LUC - B P423297E Pd.9 P22035 P1783 P66399 2 B P6569 21 P2970 p 3f)E22 132Ai 132 AVE __ I I II A I • I I I I I I 151 iii r mill • low- Iu1.XA000 of 2 OF 3 w1/2 of N SEC PLAN SHOWING PROPOSED surLDIci ON E 112 OF W 112 OF NE 114 SECTION 30 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT Scale 1:2000 20 10 0 25 50 -1 II 11 1 136 AVE. Wade & Associates Land Surveying Ltd. B.C. Land Surveyors Maple Ridge & Mission Phone 463-4753 /mor/jansen 2000 DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 906 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNC1LLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR II That the draft Liquid Waste Management Plan - Stage 2 Policies and Commitments document dated March 2000 be endorsed and that the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) be so advised; and further That the GVRD's preparation of the Liquid Waste Management Plan - Stage 3 be endorsed subject to the approval of the Stage 2 document by the Minister of Environment, Lands and Parks. "Al Hogarth" DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Strategic Projects - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development________________________________________________________ - District Planner - Dir - Current Planning - ,45ir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws .1? Municipal Engineer Dir - Development Engineering - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk Shirley eKH C&OL{' Karla K - Sandra Belley The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. Munici±erk May 24, 2000 Date DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 907 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That with respect to SD/46193 and the necessity for constructing road, water, sewage and drainage works at 238B Street and Dewdney Trunk Road, be it resolved: That the developer be compensated in the amount of $168,706.00 following the adoption of Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5897-2000jjth't- ç j That Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law K !No. 5897-2000 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived f VA and Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By-law No. 5897-2000 be read a third time. "Al Hogarth" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief v/Dir - Corporate Support Dir-Finance - Dir - Strategic Projects - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - District Planner - Dir - Current Planning Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws Municipal Engineer V Dir - Development Engineering - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section _VMiciPal Clerk q I $, fQ rN Jo-Anne H V KarlaK - Sandra Belley The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 24, 2000 - Date Munal Clerk - DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 908 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDEI) BY COUNCILLOR L That the Public Works and Development Services 1999 Annual Report be received for information. "Al Hogarth" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Strategic Projects - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development________________________________________________________ .±< District Planner Dir - Current Planning ' Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws .V Municipal Engineer Dir - Development Engineering ./ Dir - Engineering Operations ' Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K - Sandra Belley The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 24, 2000 Date Municipal clerk 11 DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 931 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR _______________ That the Fraser River Port Authority Land Use Plan be supported and that a letter be sent encouraging ongoing consultation between the Port Authority and their neighbours; and further That the Ridge Meadows Airport Authority be notified of the Plan's long term implication for airport land. "Al Hogarth" ED > DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support Dir - Finance - Dir - Strategic Projects en Mgr - Public Works & Development_____________________________________________________ , District Planner - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Engineering - Dir - Engineering Operations Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk 's Section - Municipal Clerk V H NOY Qdjk '~r( Karla K - Sandra Belley The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May24, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 932 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCULOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the British Columbia Provincial Enzergency Response Management System be adopted as the system of operation within the joint emergency operation centre (Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows). "Al Hogarth" CARRIED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer '3en Ivtgr - Corporate & Financial 2 RCMP - Fire Chief - Dii - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance ,. Dir - Strategic Projects Gcn Mgr - Public Works & Development_____________________________________________________ - District Planner - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Engineering - Dir - Engineering Operations Dir - Project Engineering eii l\lgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services té Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K Sandra Belley The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 24, 2000 Date Municipa DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 933 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR IL. That the staff report dated May 8, 2000 recommending that Hill House be included in the Community Heritage Register be deferred to May 29, 2000 Committee of the Whole Meeting. "Al Hogarth" CARJ DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Strategic Projects n Mgr - Public Works & Development - District Planner t .A fb co - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Engineering - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section _/'Municipal Clerk Y Shirley K Jo-Anne H Karla K - Sandra Belley The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 24, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 951 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the 2000 First Quarter Statistical Report for the Parks and Leisure Services Division be received. ool ) "Al Hogarth" CARRIE/ DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Strategic Projects - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development________________________________________________________ - District Planner - Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Engineering - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H Karla K - Sandra Belley The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 24, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 981 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR S SECONDED BY COUNCIILLOR That the letter from the Ridge Meadows Arts Council dated April 20, 2000 requesting a Letter of Intention or an Agreement to formalize the Arts Council's role in operating the new Ridge Meadows Arts Centre be referred to the Parks and Leisure Services Commission for a recommendation. ( ;) DEFEATED DEFERRED "Al Hogarth" MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCM P - Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance Dir - Strategic Projects - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - District Planner Dir - Current Planning - Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Engineering - Dir - Engineering Operations . Dir - Project Engineering ..' Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk - Shirley K - Jo-Anne H L..1. rdl Ict Sandra Belley I The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 24, 2000 Date Municipk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 982 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR That the District of Maple Ridge support a concerted effort to gain approval for the GVRD/FCM proposal for a federal role in funding sustainable urban transportation this year. "Al Hogarth" Ef~DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chiel Administrative Officer - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Strategic Projects ' Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development_____________________________________________________ - District Planner - Dir - Current Planning ,- Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws - Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Engineering - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering Ccii i\4er - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk JO-Anne H Karla K - Sandra Belley The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 24, 2000 4' Date Municipal Clerk DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 971 MAPLE RIDGE Council Meeting of: May 23, 2000 MOVED BY COUNCILLOR SECONDED BY COUNCILLOR H That Zellers Associate Council (the organizer) be authorized to use the required sidewalks and streets on Sunday, May 28, 2000 commencing at 11:00 a.m. for their First Annual Moo,zwalk for Cystic Fibrosis provided the conditions outlined in Schedule "A" attached to the staff report dated May 15, 2000 are met. "Al Hogarth" CARRIED} DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer penMgr - Corporate & Financial , RCMP V Fire Chief - Dir - Corporate Support - Dir - Finance - Dir - Strategic Projects - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - District Planner - Dir - Current Planning Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws .V Municipal Engineer - Dir - Development Engineering - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Clerk's Section - Municipal Clerk _,- Shirley K / Jo-Anne H Karla K - Sandra Belley 04--q Jcc The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 24, 2000 Date Municipal Clerk i. I ALLARD CONTRACTORS Ltd. Sales: 944-1448 P.O. Box 47, Port Coquitlam, B.C. V3C 3V5 Office: 944-2556 Maple Ridge, Rudolph Ndtj lAc AI ")i 1,1¼) A Sand & Gravel May 18, 2000 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 !" Copies to Mayor & Council o Copy to Council Reading File o For Information Only : (For Response by ZL&CQ ('L / el Attention: Jake J. Rudolph, AICP, MCIP 'U7,,.-1-, 2 jviiviai iviaiiaci. r uuut vv u1i x VIUpIII.IIL LI vi'.io Dear Sir; Thank you for your letter of May 12, 2000. Recently Crown Lands advised me that they would accept my request for Crown Land in the P.V.I. area. Please find attached our application for the N.E. '/4 Section 25 as sent to B.C. Assets and Lands for relocation of our ready-mix plant and gravel operation. In light of Council's many comments regarding an overall gravel policy and our recent T.I.U.P. application, we respectfully request a meeting with Council and staff to discuss the opportunity for Maple Ridge Ready-Mix to re-open their ready-mix plant in our Albion gravel pit until this application is finalized. I look forward to your earliest reply. Yours truly, ALLARD CONTRACTORS LTD. AMES T. ALLARD, B.Sc. lice President JTAJwId end. Pit Location.: Pine Tree Way. Coquitlam Industrial Ave., Maple Ridge Keystone Rd.. Mission ALLARD CONTRACTORS Ltd. Sales: 944-1448 P.O. Box 47, Port Coquitlam, B.C. V3C 3V5 Office: 944-2556 A Sand & Gravel CROWN PVI APPLJCROWN LAND FOLDER May 9, 2000 British Columbia Assets and Land Corporation Lower Mainland Land Management Office 400— 10470 152nd Street Surrey, B.C. V3ROY3 Attention: Dave Ingleson, Land Officer Dear Sir: Re: Application to lease a portion of the N.E. '/4 Section 25, Township 12, ECM New Westminster District Enclosed please find: A completed Application for Crown Land & Staking Notice An application fee cheque in the amount of $107.00. Applicable maps/plans. A completed Economic Impacts Questionnaire. A copy of our Certificate of Incorporation. Aerial photo. We request that the requirement for a development plan be put in abeyance until we can be given assurance the application can proceed. We have retained Dave Smith of Thurber Engineering to prepare a mining and reclamation plan prior to commencing any development of the property. The area contains visible sand and gravel deposits from previous and present quarrying operations. Also, a geological investigation indicates substantial sand and gravel resources exist throughout the area. There is very little overburden and we do not anticipate any engineering or environmental problems in developing the area. .12 Pit Location.: Pine rree Way. Coquitlam Industrial Ave.. Maple Ridge Keystone Rd.. Mission Page 2 The preferred access to the subject area is along an existing road near the south boundary of a portion of the old PVI site (coloured in yellow on the site plan). We suggest that an acôess easement be established prior to any disposition of that portion of the PVI site. Failing the above, access is available from the township road reserve along the North boundary of the quarter section. In our opinion the development of this gravel resource will be needed for the community and will provide the highest and best use for this Crown land. We are prepared to discuss the zoning and development constraints with the District of Maple Ridge. We trust the above is in order. Yours truly, ALLARD CONTRACTORS LTD. 4MES T. ALLARD, B.Sc. ice President JTAJkdc Enclosures . cBT1OLUMBIA APPLICATION FOR CROWN TMinistry of Environment, LAND & STAKING NOTICE Lands and Parks Land Act NAME(S) OF INDIVIDUALS (PLEASE PRINT IN FULL) JOINTTENANTS 0 TENANTS IN COMMON 0 COMPANY OR SOCIETY NAME ALLARD CONTRACTORS LTD. APT NO STREETADbRESS POSTOFFICE BOX NUMBER 3075 Pathan Avenue P.O.Rox 47 P1('rgV' C(TYTIOWN PROVINCE POSTAL CODE Coguitlam I B.C. V3R 7S HOME PHONE BUS PHONE FAX NUMBER COWANY OR SOCIETY INCORPORATION NUMBER: NON-REFUNDABLE APPLICATION FEE ENCLOSED 944-2556 464-7794 50416 YES1 NOD AGE: 19 OR OVER CANAD(AN CITIZEN YESD NOD YESD LOCATION OF CROWN AREA IN HECTARES - LAND Maple Ridge, B.C. 62.4 hp± C 3V5 LEGAL OR BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION: IF SURVEYED, GIVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: IF UNSURVEYED, PLEASE SEE REVERSE FOR STAKING INSTRUCTIONS AND PROVIDE A DESCRIPTION OF BOUNDARIES: COMMENCING ATA POST PLANTED at the South West Corner of the North East 1/4 Section 25, Township 12, East of the Coast Meridian, New Westminster -District. Containing 62.4 ha. more or less, shown within the Heavy outline on the sketch map attached. THEN 772.2 METRES INA easterly DIRECTION; THEN 1304.7 METRES INA northerly DIRECTION; THEN 777.5 METRES INA westerly DIRECTION; THEN 804.7 METRES INA southernlyDlREcTlON. DATE LAND STAKED: March 15, 1989 PLEASE AUACH A MAP OR SKETCH SHOWING THE AREA INTENDED LAND USE AND PERIOD OF OCCUPATION REQUIRED: Gravel removal; 30 years ANY OTHER CROWN LAND HELD BY APPLICANT: Salmon Inlet:Tenure *258117 / Pit D&E: YES R NOD IFYES.STATETYPEANDTENURENUMBER. Licence of Occupation#234477 I ticreby certify h-at all inl(irmatii,n given in this applicati,.n lot Crown land and Staking Notice is true and correct and hat I ani an authorized -agent - signatory (it conipany) :: ' Date: pril 28, 2000 Ivtirnn.n c7 ned in this application is public. PIcac we reverse for Frncdont 01 Inlairmatton and Pnita'etti,tt ot Prjv;ics iegklation. FORICE USE ONLY FIlE NUMBER: TAS CODING. (LA PROJECT 6 ALE COPY ORIGINAL ORG 4260 REV 09:99 7530620005 )IOOiPi)( L. LI I I 35 APPLICATION Par k 30 7± Farm / - 4 GIs r r - Iz J/z r jk H . 'J L:ru _ -. I i1J— :!1 )J• J / , , 2 POuit tL rm • . \ G •••••"<••J __arL/ L -2 • . - '-• . . \ ; 1405G1 1 6 ~10 1790) iINDIAN RESERVE 6 C" '' PACIFIC C a us ' 132602 I SL A N D •31 • • . .• 11 JEnjsuegh • •I 1S1-- AVET / I 23)7 - 6 )L324G2 502 J - a ms -- /02 L)J1 142 I " -_ ),), 7•____• i 0 _L3I402 02 2 26 25 17'- \ Fur Fa ml •3\ - / I33OG laim I 7102 - 1 oret / I 3G 2 I / Kno11 I Is I 1,11 8G 2 - - 21/ \ 1 - 24 Pa -- :\c\ji (('\ ii'r V wuxw\"M-a II \\4'Ifl' \ c'''( ( \ \\ (\\ ID 'N. c4$ø i. 1 \ (f) '7 '(I \\. V 71, 10 Pik-, 5 Iz lee _ — LIt 1? • ILI '\ I. 035193 0143013 If 7fl64 - -0 0184116 ' 1 GOL,E//N EARS 11PARK ( /B. 530 ç' /C BK.2/ 10 38 - /67-12-14 II 022 II II Kc csG 11 1 G. tJ ALL CROWN FORE SHORE NORTH ft SOUTH 2-\o3cO FOR)cS OF ALOUETTE WVCR RESERVED FILE 093962 .L,5649A/ 53OOO L. 5326 -- L / 93T56 z3T513297 5400 • B3 8S •j -, 26-v 0130284 if II ii 3 r srof T ' c.y: G. C.G. N 7 ,... 01061 / 46 J / 0 Id - - t____a-- a___p___•___...a ____________________________________ II - 4_•. / \ Ill/i J/o94Ul -17 C.G. 'U C.G. 22 *iPR '4 —L)¼) I &J. Bri(.Lsh Columbia Assets and Land. Corporat ion Economic Impacts Questionnaire The BC Assets and Land Corporation Is required to repori the following Information to government for each Crown Land Application. Therefore, it is important for the applicant to complete these questions and return this form with your Crown Land Application. This information Is required before your application can be considered: How many full time jobs would be geneated within the next year that would be attributed and directly related to this Crown land application, if approved? 6 How many part time jobs would be genörated within the next year that would be attributed and directly related to this Crown land application, if approved? 3 Would you be investing any money to develop the Crown land within your application area? yes If YES to question 3, how much money do you anticipate would be invested over the next year on the Crown land, If your application was approved? $3,000,000.00 Thank you for completing this questionnaire. Your cooperation Is greatly appreciated. L.owr Mti'iand. LncI Marial.,cincrit01(1cc: 20010428 153 1 ' St. Surrcy, BC V3R lEt Tel IG041 SR.4400 • F (604) 5MG.4434 j I',,ngnee o/ ;I,j,sIj (t,Iu,g,/'ja. 50 ,416 ( V. 3QJ . M%N] ' tJlumpauirn Art" r, 31 Irti; crrti1,j Itat A 1 1 a r d 0 o n t r a C t o r a L t d. " has this day been is,corporated ,is,lcr the Comiauics A Ct." Gi I'EN iou/er my hand and Scal of ofJice at Victoria. I',ovjnce ()f Itritish Cohinthia. this .... day of Tay one thousand nine /,it,,t/ii'a (Old sixty-one A. FL HALL flcgisrsr of Coi,ipt'nie.. .... I — ,- —-- 21 (z>14 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING A GENDA May 23, 2000 7:00p.m. Council Chamber MEETING DECORUM Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.org 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 OPENING PRA YERS Pastor Art Birch 300 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 400 ADOPTION OF MINUTES 401 Regular Council Minutes of May 9, 2000 402 Special Council Minutes of May 10, 2000 403 Public Hearing of May 16, 2000 404 Development Agreements Committee Meeting of May 5, 2000 500 DELEGATIONS 501 Salvation Army - Update on Lunch Program and Other Services Presenter: Mr. Ed Chiu, Captain Page 1 Council Meeting Agenda May 23, 2000 Council Chamber 502 Mr. James Allard, Allard Contractors LUL- Update on Maple Ridge Ready-mix, etc. 600 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 601 D VP121100 - 21201 Wicklund Avenue (to permit the construction of a detached garage within the front yard setback of the residence). 700 CORRESPONDENCE 800 BY-LAWS 801 OCP111/00 —14140, 14160, 14170, 14180, 14250, 14310 and 14320-256 Street Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5895-2000 second and third reading (to amend the Official Community Plan to include he site in a Temporary Industrial Use Permit Area where an application for a Temporary Permit for gravel extraction, storage and processing may be allowed). 802 RZ179199 - Text Amendment re Service Commercial uses adjacent to Residential Uses 802.1 Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5877-1999 second and third reading (text amendment to the CS-i (Service Commercial) and CS-2 (Service Station Commercial) Zones of the Zoning By-law to include regulations regarding drive- through use and siting of buildings when adjacent to properties designated Residential in the Official Community Plan; and Part 2, Interpretation, to amend the definition of a landscape screen. 802.2 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5878-1999 second and third reading (text amendment to the Official Community Plan (OCP) to establish policies regarding the location of car washes and service stations when adjacent to properties designated Residential in the OCP; and designate as a Development Permit Area). 11 Page 2 Council Meeting Agenda May 23, 2000 Council Chamber COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 900 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 901 Minutes 901.1 Minutes of the May 15, 2000 Committee of the Whole Meeting The following issues were considered at the May 15, 2000 Committee of the Whole meeting with the recommendations being brought to this meeting for Municipal Council consideration and final approval. The Committee of the Whole meeting is open to the public and is held in the Council Chamber at 12:30 p.m. on the Monday the week prior to this meeting. 902 Latecomer Agreement - LC/74100 - SD/35196 - Phase One (102 Avenue and 243 Street) Staff report dated May 1, 2000 recommending that the above noted agreement be executed. 903 RZ10011 7-23900 Block of 116 Avenue - By-laws 5906-2000 and 5907-2000 Staff report dated May 10, 2000 recommending that the subject by-laws be read a first time. (to rezone a small portion of the northeast corner and an adjacent portion of unopened 116 Avenue right-of-way to be consolidated with a larger development to the north for a townhouse project). 904 ALR/24100 - 22875 - 132 Street Staff report dated May 4, 2000 recommending that the subject application for the drying of sea urchin shells and the production of an organic fertilizer not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. 905 D VP120100 - 22100 - 136 Avenue Staff report dated May 1, 2000 recommendilig that the subject application to relax the required setback for a proposed cold storage building from 30 metres to 5 metres from the top of bank of a stream channel be considered at the June 13, 2000 Council Meeting. Page 3 Council Meeting Agenda May 23, 2000 Council Chamber 906 Greater Vancouver Regional District - Liquid Waste Management Plan - Stage 2 Staff report dated May 4, 2000 recommending that Stage 2 of the above noted plan be endorsed and that Stage 3 be endorsed subject to the approval of Stage 2 by the Minister of Environment, Lands and Parks. 907 SD/46193 - 238B Street and Dewdney Trunk Road - Development Cost Charge Expenditure Payback - By-law No. 589-2000 Staff report dated April 28, 2000 recommending approval of DCC forgiveness in the amount of $16,706 and that By-law No. 5897-2000 to appropriate those funds be granted three readings. 908 1999 Annual Report - Public Works and Development Services Division Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police) 931 Fraser River Port Authority Land Use Plan (Draft) Staff report dated April 25, 2000 recommending that the above noted plan be supported and that the Ridge Meadows Airport Authority be notified of the long term implication of the plan on airport lands. 932 British Columbia Provincial Emergency Response Management System (BCERMS) Staff report dated April 28, 2000 recommending that the BCERMS system be adopted as the system of operation within the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Joint Emergency Operations Centre. Page 4 Council Meeting Agenda May 23, 2000 Council Chamber 933 Hill House - Inclusion in Community Heritage Register Staff report dated May 8, 2000 recommending that the recommendation from the Heritage Advisory Committee that the developer include Hill House in the Community Heritage Register be supported. Note: The Committee recommended deferral of this item to the May 29, 2000 Committee of the Whole Meeting for a further report from staff. Community Development And Recreation Services Nil 951 Parks and Leisure Services Division - First Quarter Statistics - 2000 Staff report recommending that the subject statistics be received for information. W4.d 'r'- / Correspondence 981 New Arts Centre - Governance and Operating Model Letter from the Ridge Meadows Arts Council dated April 20, 2000 requesting a Letter of Intention or an Agreement to formalize the Arts Council's role in operating the new Ridge Meadows Arts Centre 982 Implementation of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities/Greater Vancouver Regional District Proposal for a Federal Role in Funding Sustainable Urban Transportation Letter from the GVRD dated May 10, 2000 recommending that delegates to the FCM support a concerted effort to gain approval for the above noted proposal. Page 5 Council Meeting Agenda May 23, 2000 Council Chamber Other Committee Issues 971 Zellers Associate Council - Moonwalk 2000 - May 28, 2000 - Request to Use Municipal Streets Staff report dated May 15, 2000 recommending that the subject request be approved subject to the conditions specified in the report. 999 MAYOR'S REPORTS 1000 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS 1001 OTHER MA TTERS DEEMEI) EXPEDIENT 1100 NOTICES OF MOTION Page 6 Council Meeting Agenda May 23, 2000 Council Chamber 1200 ADJOURNMENT 1300 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to seek clarification about an item on the agenda, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws which have not yet reached conclusion. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. The decision to televise the Question Period is subject to review. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes only to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). The total Question Period is limited to 15 minutes. If a question cannot be answered, it will be responded to at a later date at a subsequent Council Meeting. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the office of the Municipal Clerk who can be contacted at 463-5221. s.karasz Page 7 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge APPOINTMENTS VIA CATEGORIES 1999-2000 GO VERNMENT AGENCIES E-Comm (Effective January 01,2000.) Fraser Basin Council Fraser Valley Regional Library Bo.ird 1st alternate 2nd alternate Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) 1St alternate GVRD Labour Relations Bureau 1St alternate Harris Speirs Gordon Speirs Morse Hogarth Morse Isaac Gordon Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee Gordon Harris OTHER APPOINTMENTS Auditors KPMG AD VISORYAND/OR LEGISLATED (*) COMMITTEES Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues 1st alternate *Advisory Design Panel 1st alternate Bicycle Advisory Committee 1st aiternate Communities In Bloom *Øjj of Revision (Frontage Tax) King Speirs Morse King Speirs King Morse Hogarth Harris Speirs Page 1 Council Appointments 1999-2000 *Development Agreements Committee 1St alternate Douglas College Advisory Committee Economic Advisory Committee *Emergency Planning Committee *Heritage Advisory Committee 15t alternate Parks and Leisure Services Commission; 1St alternate 2nd alternate 3rd alternate Ridge Meadows Youth & Justice Advocacy Assoc. Social Planning Advisory Committee 1St alternative Youth Advisory Committee SELECT COMMITTEES Arts and Cultural Policy Implementation Committee Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Airport Society first alternate Year 2000 Millennium Committee Mayor A/Mayor Gordon King Hogarth Morse Isaac King Morse Hogarth King Isaac Gordon Harris Hogarth Gordon King Morse Speirs Harris Morse King Speirs Page 2 Council Appointments 1999-2000 STAFF COMMITTEES Labour Management Isaac Gordon Employee Awards Committee Isaac COMMUNITY GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS (LIAISONS) Alouette River Management Society (ARMS) Elderly Citizens Recreation Association Maple Ridge Chamber of Commerce 1St alternate Maple Ridge Foundation Ridge Meadows Arts Council Ridge Meadows Recycling Society King Hogarth Isaac Morse Harris Morse Hogarth Speirs Isaac A CTING MA YOR 1999-2000 December/January February/March April/May June/July August/September October/November Gordon King Harris Isaac Morse Speirs Page 3 Council Appointments 1999-2000 STANDING COMMITTEES Committee of the Whole Members All members Chaired by: Acting Mayor Budget All Members Audit Committee Development Agreements Labour Management Hogarth Isaac Gordon Morse Mayor Acting Mayor Isaac Gordon December 6, 1999 Page 4 Other Community Groups and Organizations Albion Community Association Hammond Community Association Ruskin Community Association Silver Valley Neighourhood Association Thornhill Community Association Websters Corner's Ratepayers Association Whonnock Community Association Yennadon Community Association Maple Ridge Downtown Parking Society Maple Ridge Equestrian Trails Council Maple Ridge Historical Society Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Agricultural Society Maple Ridge - Pitt Meadows Community Services Council The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge - Council and Committee Schedule 2000 January I Sat. New Years Day I Tues. I Wed. Social Planning (7:00 pm) 2 Sun. 2 Wed. Social Planning (7:00 pm) 2 Thur. Advisory Design Panel (4:00 pm) 3 Mon. Stat. New Years 3 Thur. Advisory Design Panel (4:00 pm) 3 FrI. 4 Tues. Committee of the Whole (12:30 pm) 4 Fri. 4 Sat. 5 Wed. Social Planning (7:00 pm) 5 Sat. 5 Sun. 6 Thur. Advisory Design Panel (4:00 pm) 6 Sun. S Mon. C of W (12:30 pm) Bicycle Adv (7:00 pm) 7 Fn. 7 Mon. Committee of the Whole (12:30 pm) 7 Tues. 8 Sat. 6 Toes. 8 Wed. Economic Advisory (7:30 am) 9 Sun. 9 Wed. Economic AdvIsory (7:30 am) 9 Thur. Parks & Leisure Commission (7:00 pm) 10 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 10 Thur. Parks & Leisure Commission (7:00pm) 10 Fit. 11 Tues. Council (7:00pm) 11 Fit. 11 Sat 12 Wed. LMTAC 12 Sat. 12 Sun. 13 Thur. Parks & Leisure Commission (7:00pm) 13 Sun. 13 Mon. Closed Council (12:30pm) 14 FrI. 14 Mon. Closed Council (12:30pm) 14 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 15 Sat. 15 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 15 Wed. 16 Sun. 16 Wed. 16 Thur. Access (5:00 pm) Heritage (7:00 pm) 17 Mon. Committee of the Whole (12:30pm) 17 Thur. Access (5:00pm) Heritage (7:00pm) 17 Fit. 18 Tues. Public Heaflng (7:00pm) 16 FrI. 16 Sat 19 Wed. 19 Sat 19 Sun. 20 Thur. Heritage (7:00 pm) 20 Sun. 20 Mon. Committee of the Whole (12:30 pm) 21 FrI. 21 Mon. Committee of the Whole (12:30pm) 21 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 22 Sat. 22 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 22 Wed. 23Sun. 23Wed. 23Thur. 24 Mon. Closed Council (12:30pm) 24 Thur. Emergency Planning (12:00pm) 24 FrI. 25 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 25 FrI. 25 S.f. 26 Wed. 26Sat. 28Sun. 27 Thur. 27 Sun. 27 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 26 Fit. 28 Mon. Closed Council (12:30pm) 2$ Toes. Council (7:00 pm) 29 Sat 29 Tues. Council (7:00pm) 29 Wed. 30 Sun. 30 Thur. 31 Mon. 31 FrI. Emergency Planning (12:00pm) AprU May June 1 Sat. 1 Mon. C of W (1230 pm) Bicycle Mv (7:00pm) I Thur. Advisory Design Panel (4:00pm) 2 Sun. 2 Tuss. Youth Council (7:00pm) 2 Fit. (FCM) 3 Mon. C of W (12:30pm) Bicyde Mv (7:00PM) 3 Wed. Social Planning (7:00pm) 3 Sat (FCM) 4 Tues. 4 Thur. Advisory Design Panel (4:00pm) 4 Sun. (FCM) 5Wed. SocialPlanning(7:OOpm) SFrl. 5Mon. (FCM)BlcydeAdv(7:OOpm) 6 Thur. Advisory Design Panel (4:00pm) S Sat. S Tues. Youth Council (7:00pm) 7 Fri . 7 Sun. 7 Wed. Social Planning (7:00pm) 8 Sat. B Mon. Closed Council (12:30pm) $ Thur. Parks & Leisure CommissIon (7:00 pm) 9 Sun. 9 Toes. Council (7:00pm) 9 Fit 10 Mon. Closed Council (12:30pm) 10 Wed. Economic AdvIsory (7:30 am) 10 Sat. 11 Toes. Council (7:00 pm) 11 Thur. Parks & Leisure Commission (7.00 pm) 11 Sun. 12 Wed. Economic AdvIsory (7:30 am) 12 Fit 12 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 13 Thur. Parks & Leisure Commission (7:00pm) 13 S.t. 13 Toes. Council (7:00 pm) 14 FrI. 14 Sun. 14 Wed. Economic Advisory (7:30am) 15 Sat 15 Mon. Committee of the Whole (12:30pm) 15 Thur. Access (5:00pm) Herltage(7:00 pm) 15 Sun. 1$ Toss. Public Hearing (7:00pm) IS FrI. 17 Mon. Committee of the Whole (12:30pm) 17 Wed. 17 Sat 16 Toes. PUblIC Hearing (7:00pm) 1$ Thur. Access (5:00pm) Heritage (7:00 pm) 1$ Sun. 19 Wed. 19 FrI. 19 Mon. Committee of the Whole (12:30pm) 20 Thur. Access (5:00pm) Heritage (7:00pm) 20 Sat 20 Toss. Public Hearing (7:00pm) 21 FrI. Stat. Goed FrIday 21 Sun. 21 Wed. 22 Sat 22 Mon, StUt. Yin. Day 22 Thur. 23 Sun. Easter Day 23 Tuse. Closed Council I Council 23 FrI. 24 Mon. Stat. Easter Men. 24 Wed. 24 Sat. 25 Tues. Closed Council I Council 25 Thur. 25 Sun. 26 Wed. 26 Fit Emergency Planning (12:00pm) 26 Mon. Closed Council (12:30pm) 27 Thur. 27 Sat. 27 Tue.. Council (7:00pm) 2$ Fri Emergency Planning (12:00pm) 26 Sun. 28 Wed. 29 Sat 29 Mon. Convnittse of the Whole (12:30pm) 29 Thur. 30 Sun. 30 Tues. 30 FrI. Emergency Planning (12:00pm) 31 Wed Municipal CleEke Office Pegs I Printed on March 08, 2000 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge - Council and Committee Schedule 2000 July August Septsmb.r I Sat. Canada Day 1 Tues. Youth Council (7:00 pm) I Fri. 2 Sun. 2 Wed. Social Planning (7:00 pm) 2 Sat. 3 Mon. Stat. Canada Day 3 Thur. 3 Sun. 4lues. CotW(12:3Opm)YOuthCOUncil(7:OOprl 4 FrI. 5 Wed. Social Planning (7:00 pm) S S.t. s Tues. 6 Thur. Advisory Design Panel (4:00 pm) 6 Sun. 6 Wed. 7 FrI. 7 Mon. Stat. BC Day 7 Thur. 8 Sat. S Tues. 8 FrI. 9 Sun. 9 Wed. Economic Advisory (7:30 am) 9 Sat. 10 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 10 Thur. Parks & Leisure Commission (7:00pm) 10 Sun. 11 Tuas. Council (7:00 pm) 11 Fit. 11 Mon. 12 Wed. Economic Advisory (7:30 am) 12 Sat. 12 Tues. 13 Thur. Parks & Leisure Commission (7:00pm) 13 Sun. 13 Wed. 14 FrI. 14 Mon. 14 Thur. 15Sat. lSTues. lSFfl. 16Sun. 16Wed. IlSat. 17 Mon. Committee of the Whole (12:30 pm) 17 Thur. Access (5:00pm) Heritage (7:00 pm) 17 Sun. 18 Tues. Public Hearing (7:00 pm) 18 FrI. 18 Mon. 19 Wed. 19 Sat. 19 Tue.. 20 Thur. Access (5:00 pm) Herttage(7:00 pm) 20 Sun. 20 Wed. 21 FrI. 21 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 21 Thur. 22 Sat. 22 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 22 Fit. 23Sun. 23Wed. 235at. 24 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 24 Thur. 24 Sun. 25 Tues. Council (7:00 pm) 25 FrI. Emergency Planning (12:00 pm) 25 Mon. 21 Wed. 26 Sat. 21 Tues. 27 Thur. 27 Sun. 27 Wed. 28 Ff1 Emergency Planning (12:00pm) 28 Mon. Committee of the Whole (12:30pm) 28 Thur. 29 Sat. 29 Tues. 29 FrI. 30 Sun. 31i Wed. 30 Sat 31 Mon. Committee of the Whole (12:30pm) 31 Thur. Novsmber Deewnber October I Sun. I Wed. Social Planning (7:00pm) I Fri. • 2 Mon. C of W (12:30pm) Bicycle Adv (7:00pm) 2 Thur. Advisory Design Panel (4:00pm) 2 S.t 3 Tues. Youth Council (7:00pm) 3 RE 3 Sun. 4 Wed. Social Planning (7:00 pm) 4 Sat. 4 Mon. S Thur. Advisory Design Panel (4:00pm) 5 Sun. 5 Tue.. •FII. SMon. CcfW(12:30pm)BlcycleAdv(7:Ooprn) SWed. 7 Sat 7 Tue.. Youth Councli (7:00pm) 7 Thur. • Sun. 8 Wed. Economic AdvIsory (7:30 am) $ Fit. 9 Mon. Stat. ThanksgivIng Day 9 Thur. Parks & Leisure Commission (7:00pm) 9 Sat. 10 Tugs. Closed CounclVCouncll 10 FrI. 10 Sun. 11 Wed. Economic Advisory (7:30 am) 11 Sat. Remembrance Day 11 Mon. 12 Thur. Parks & Leisure Commission (7:00pm) 12 Sun. 12 Tue.. 13 FrI. 13 Man. Stat. Rsmsmbrancs Day 13 Wed. 14 Sat. 14 Tue.. Closed Councli I CouncIl 14 Thur. ISSun. lSWed. 15Fit. 15 Mon. Committee of the Whale (12:30pm) IS Thur. Access (5:00 PM) Heritage (7:00 pm) 15 Sat 17 Tue.. Public HearIng (7:00 pm) 17 Ff1. 17 Sun. 1$ Wed. 1$ Sat. 1$ Mon. 19 Thur. Access (5:00 pm) Heritage (7:00 pm) 19 Sun. 19 Tue.. 20 FrI. 20 Mon. Committee of the Whole (12:30 pm) 20 Wed. 21 Sat. 21 Tue.. Public Healing (7:00pm) 21 Thur. 22Sun. 23Wed. 22 FII. 23 Mon. 23 Thur. Advisory Design Panel (4:00 pm) 23 Sat. 24 Tues. (UBCM) 24 FrI. Emergency Planning (12:00 pm) 24 Sun. 25 Wed. (UBCM) 25 Sat. 25 Mon. 26 Thur. (UBCM) 2$ Sun. 21 Tue.. 21 Fit. (UBCM) 27 Mon. Closed Council (12:30pm) 27 Wed; 28 Sat 2$ Tue.. Council (7:00pm) 2$ Thur. 29Sun. 29Wed. 29FvI. 30 Mon. Closed Council (12:30 pm) 30 Thur. 30 Sat. 31 Tue.. Council (7:00pm) 31 Sun. Stat. Lobour Day Youth Council (7:00 pm) Social Planning (7:00pm) Advisory Design Panel (4:00 pm) Closed Council (12:30pm) Council (7:00 pm) Economic Advisory (7:30am) Parks & Leisure Commission (7:00pm) Committee of the Whole (12:30pm) Public Hearing (7:00 pm) Access (5:00 pm) Heritage (7:00pm) Closed Council (12:30pm) Council (7:00pm) Emergency Planning (12:00pm) C of W(12:30 pm) Bicycle Adv (7:00pm) Youth Council (7:00pm) Social Planning (7:00pm) Closed Council (12:30pm) Council (7:00 pm) Economic Advisory (7:30am) Parks & Leisure Commission (7:00pm) Committee of the Whole (12:30 pm) PublIc HearIng (7:00pm) Access (5:00pm) Heritage (7:00 pm) Stat. christmas Stat. Boxing Day Mur*lpal cterl(sOfficu, Pags2 - Pr1ated.on.Marth.08..2000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES May 5, 2000 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Al Hogarth, Chairman Robert Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary 1. GREATER VANCOUVER WATER DISTRICT LEGAL: East Half Lot 3, Section 22, Township 12, Plan 3151, New Westminster District LOCATION: 24679 Dewdney Trunk Rd. OWNER: Greater Vancouver Water District REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Restrictive Covenant - Statutory R-O-W Temporary Working Space Agreement THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO THE GREATER VANCOUVER WATER DISTRICT. CARRIED Robert Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer Member SKtTCH SHOWING WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ON 24679 DEWEDNEY TRUNK ROAD SCHEIAI E. iVi LOT 3 SEC.22 TP. 12 N. W. 0. PLAN 3151 LI 7,2O 1:500 E 1/23 II Plan 3151 C. C WillY MR 36&4 rn? r C V2 BC Telephone R/W Plan 26391 P 53014 W 1/23 DEWDNEY TRUNK. ROAD Wade & Associates Land Surveying Ltd. B.C. Surveyors MapI ige & Mission (H Dh,-n 4-47 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place,'Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 ME.APLE Rfl)GE Telephone: (604) 463-5221 Fax: (604) 467-7329 E-mail: enquiries@mapleridge.org Incoiporated 12 Septeniber, 1874 May 2, 2000 File No: 0230-01 Captain Ed Chiu The Salvation Army 22777 Dewdney Trunk Road Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 3K4 Dear Captain Chiu: In response to your facsimile dated April 20, 2000, requesting to appear before the Muncipal Council as a delegation to provide an update on programs and services offered, the following arrangements are confirmed: Council Meeting May 23, 2000 Council Chamber 7:00p.m. Due to time constraints, it is necessary to limit delegation appearances to 10 minutes and it would therefore be very much appreciated if you could ensure that your presentation is completed within this allotted time. Please feel free to call the undersigned at 467-7351, if you have any questions or require further assistance. Yours truly, J Trevor Wingrove Jb1 Municipal Clerk /dd cc Confidential Secretary 91 "Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens" - 100% Recycled Paper tj 22777 O.wdney Trunk Rd Maple Midge, S.C. V2X 3X4 Tel: (604) 4634296 ax: (604) 463-5539 Mountain View A Community Church of The Salvation Army April 20, 2000 APR 25 2000 40 A Caring Organization... A Caring Church District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 AlT: Trevor Windgrove RE: City Council Meetint - May23 2000 Dear W. Wmdgrovc, As per our conversation, I am writing this letter to request time for a delegation from our local orgni.mtion to address City Council on Tuesday, May 23rd, 2000. During that time we would like to share the exciting things that have beesi happening with the expansion of our hmch program and other services and also the vision that we have for the future of The Salvation Army in Maple Ridge. I look fbrward to hearing that we have been put on your agenda for that evening. Thank you and God bless you. The Caring Place Community Ministries Coffee Prop-in Emerrncy Hampera Nitr1tjou3 Uroches Advocacy Referrals Bible Study A Ustening Ear A Sand &Grave ALLARO CONTRACTORS Ltd. P.O. Box 47, Port Coauttlnm, B.C. V3C 3V5 FAX LETTER Sales: 944-1448 Office: 944-2556 TRANSMUTAL DATE: May 12/00 TiME: 23 pm TO: District of Maple Ridge ATTENTION: Trevor Wingrove, MunicipaJ Clerk FAX NO.: 467.7329 REFERENCE: Delegation Request We are transmitling 2 page(s) (including this fax letter). If you do not receive the entire transmission in legible fonn, please call us as soon as possible at (604) 944-256. This fax is CONFIDENTIAL and may contain privileged information, it is intended only for the use of the person to whom it is addressed. Any distribution, copying or other use by anyone elae is atrictly prohibited. Tf you have received this fx in error, please telephone us immediately and destroy this fax ADDITIONAL COMMlNTS: Correspondence. Original to follow by mail. FROM: Jim Allard FAX OPERATOR: Wendy FAX NUMBER: (604) 464-7794 Fax Cover.doc Ph LDc.ti.,,: Pwic 1"ee Way, CDustIar,, Industnat Ave- M.ple R.dpe K,.y,wpi MU. ço UO/ .L/ UU i. iUt ti-nxw uj.i • L.J.J WJ U U i1oo I. A Sand &Gravel May 12, 2000 ALLARO CONTRACTORS Ltd. SaIes:S44-1448 P.O. Box 47, Port Coquttlam. B.C. V3C 3V5 Office: 944-2555 MpI. Ridgu, Wingiwe District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Attention: Trevor Wingrove Municipal Clerk Dear Sir, Furthcr to your letter of May 8, 2000 and our conversation of May 11, 2000, the reason I wish to appear as a delegation to Council is to update Council as to the recent timeline of events with regard to Maple Ridge Ready-Mix and my dcicgation to Council April 25, 2000 as it relates to our request to re-open our ready-mix plant in our Albion gravel pit as well as current events relating to Maple Ridge's gravel policy and the province's gravel policy. Council should be made aware that I have delivered my completed application for Croii Land to B.C. Assets and Lands, and am awaiting their approval or our application. Yours truly, AL LARD CONTRACTORS LTD. MES T. ALLARD, B.Sc. -- 7 Vice President Pit L.tiw,u Pme Tpee Way. Coguitlam ;njn A,... Ma1a. dy Kpoyntnas Rd.. M,csion Corporation of the Dct of Maple Ridge N'IAPLE RIDGE Telephone: (604) 463-5221 Fax: (604) 467-7329 Incorporated 12 September, 1874 E- maij.• enquiries@maplenuge.org May 10,2000 File No: 3090-20/DVP/21/00 Dear Sir/Madam: PLEASE TAKE NOTE that the Municipal Council will be considering a Development Variance Permit at the regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge. The particulars of the Development Variance Pennit are as follows: APPLICATION NO.: DVPf21/00 LEGAL: Lot 1, Plan 77954, District Lot 242, NWD ZONING: RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) LOCATION: 21201 Wicklund Avenue PURPOSE: The applicant is recpiesting a reduction in the front lot line setback from 6 metres to 3 metres (a variance of 3 metres) in order to construct a detached garage. AND FIJRTHER TAKE NOTICE that a copy of the Development Variance Permit and the Planning Department report dated April 20, 2000 relative to this application will be available for inspection at the Municipal Hall, Planning Department counter during office hours, 8:00 am. to 5:00 p.m. from May 10 to May 23, 2000. ALL PERSONS who deem themselves affected hereby shall be afforded an opportunity to make their comments known to Municipal Council by making a written submission to the attention of the Municipal Clerk by 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 23, 2000. Trevor ve ' Municipal Clerk 9flck cc: Confidential Secretary 40( "Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens" Ahr 100% Recyc'ed Paper U CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE: April 20, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: DVP/2 1/00 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: DVP/21/00 21201 Wicklund Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to permit construction of a detached garage within the front yard setback for a residence on Wicklund Avenue. The proposal has been carefully considered by the applicant within the context of the siting for neighbouring residences. As well, the specific siting characteristics of the residence on the subject lot makes this a superior proposal to alternatives that would address the requirements of the zone. The Planning Department is recommending that this application be supported. II RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/21/00 respecting property located at 21201 Wicklund Avenue will be considered by Council at the May 23r4 2000 meeting. III BACKGROUND: The applicant is proposing to construct a detached garage for a single family residence on Wicklund Avenue. The applicant has requested permission to construct the garage 3 metres from the front lot line. In 1987, this property was part of rezoning and subdivision application that saw an additional residential lot created to the west. The applicant has pointed out that as part of that application, a 3-metre strip of land was dedicated for road purposes, along the frontage of the lot. This proposal is at variance with the siting requirements of the zone as a consequence of that dedication. The siting proposed for the garage is quite consistent with the siting of adjacent residences to the east. The siting for these residences predates any road dedication and therefore closely approximates the siting requirements for the subject property had the road dedication not taken place\. The proposed siting of the garage also optimizes the siting relative to the location of the existing home. The home is located to the rear of the lot and towards the west side of the lot. As the home has little useable rear yard, the garage encloses the side yard to create a very private yard space adjacent to the home. - 1 - The reduced front yard requested for the garage would be of concern if the garage doors were sited towards the street. The applicant however proposes to access the garage from the side. The location of the existing driveway facilitates this orientation. This allows a more street-friendly presentation for the garage and ensures that all vehicles are parked without obstructing the sidewalk. IV CONCLUSION The proposal carefully considers neighbouring properties, the siting characteristics of the existing home and the streetscape. It is recommended that this application be supported. - Prepared by: Moreno Rossi, M_______ Planner Approved by: / Fryer, P Planning .ke J. Ru4lph,1CP, MCIP M: Public Works & Development Services Robert WJRertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Ahliministrative Officer /mr -2- I Reh'1 ----1 66 l P(3250 70721 218 17 3 4 SK2688 2 P7394 I 1 p80424 I U 1 IP 23 1173 4 1,2 B12267 !L 12282 KEA 3 NN ____ ___ 12264 12263 Z STONEHO i22BAE 311 !i I 81 0 o 355 12259 Ji2260 s... 12 N 11 N 10 II N N6 N7 '8 '- 2 0 r 12251 Q — N 12255 346 12250 ____ LMP 1173 I 24 F-. _____ F-. 12247 372 73 374 _____ c 12237 342 15 8 5 1 380 7 67224 354 14 2218 .- 0 i 12243 1 27 12245 12240 0. 12230 348 1221 - 341 __________ o 375 12239 139 12216 352 P'.) 349 340 L4S N N a- 2 213 12209 141 378 / 376 12225 12222 __ ______ • 37 67224 —I 12209 142 P48 94 351 3501 33 'I 74 5 136 137 2 12208 144 1 5 146 147 148 149 12217 12218 22 21 m ° I 150! P 1094153152 P 1 823 Q Q) 143! N 3 12200!: 0. 2 AVE7' Rem 2 12196 22-. (60 N N 155 1\54 1162-5-5 359 360N 12186 ____ ______ N t1II AI 163 162 161 159f 15811 7 156 1 ,- I ftkItQ 1) AVI _f_j PSf] -1 14 • -;.- 12171 ;; 1 __ 2 1 174 12 1 10 1 175 I I2J i_El 6 5_ 4 ... 171j173 1131154711 CL 231 4 LMP578 Re3 - 1 2 a-Ir- 12156 -' 232 12145 12138 ;I 2 cm 1 C-) i 5L7 11I 118N P4 383 6 L4 119 120 121 12128 a- P 471383 19 - 72 10 101-53 P4 383 RemE \ (EP4 84) P 47383 122 12096 12089 181 P48495 182 12081 124 347 3 125 520 295 296 2 1 20 12073 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 298 300 — N — N 12050 'I 47517 12061 301 130 GLEN WOOD AVE ioa 12047 ! 302 Ir 8790 zi N cla \2 %Nj cm 1 23 318 317 316 315 314 313312 311 I i 1 309 308 o 301 i j 5342 P772 P 342 P 5420 P 74504 A 12086 Róm N 1/2 2 P 4701 2062 LIKEY aw4ij. A UrigU I \ •i •. • '4..=IlIIIF - S t :1 21201 WICKLUND w9w CORPORATION OF I THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Inccporat.d 12, $eØsmber, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Apr 20 2000 FILE:DVP-21-00 BY: JB CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5895 - 2000. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5895 - 2000." Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 1, District Lot 5326, Group 1, Plan LMP41830, New Westminster District and Lot 2, District Lot 5326, Group 1, Plan LMP41830, New Westminster District and Lot 3, District Lot 5326, Group 1, PLan LMP41830, New Westminster District and Lot 4, District Lot 5326, Group 1, Plan LMP41830, New Westminster District and Lot 5, District Lot 5326, Group 1, Plan LMP41830, New Westminster District and Lot 6, District Lot 5326, Group 1, Plan LMP4 1830, New Westminster District and Lot 10, District Lot 5326, Group 1, Plan LMP41830, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 590, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby designated TIUPF1 1/00 (Temporary Industrial Use Permit). Maple RidgeOfficial Community Plan By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 200. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of AD. M. READ A SECOND TIME the day of A.D. 200 READATHIRDTIMEthe dayof AD. 200. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the dayof ,A.D.200. MAYOR CLERK IL / I, /4 / \ ( UP aI I ows am I-.,- -- I S ia I- ..- NO I I I '- 4 '3 I-. * I-. MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5895-2000 Map No. 590 PURPOSE: TO DESIGNATE AS T.W.P. 11 -00 MAPLE RIDGE V Lncorporstad 12 September. 1174 1:5000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: ApnI 3,2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: OCP/l 1/00 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dcv SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 5895-2000 (14140, 14160, 14170, 14180 9 14250, 14310 & 14320 256 St.) SIJNIMARY: This development proposal requires an amendment to Schedule "H" of the Official Community Plan to designate the above noted properties as an area where a Temporary Industrial Use Permit for gravel extraction, storage and processing may be allowed. Council gave favourable consideration to the above noted application March 14, 2000 with the stipulation that prior to being presented at a Public Hearing, the following would be complied with: A Public Information Meeting must be held. The minutes and staff observations are attacheS Preparation of a phasing plan. This is outlined in the applicaiu's site information package. 3. Preparation of a preliminary operational plan. This is outlined in the applicant's site information package. The above has been received and it is recommended that 1st reading be given to the subject bylaw. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No.5895-2000 be given First Reading. DISCUSSION The concerns expressed at the Public Information Meeting can be summarized as follows: The impact of truck traffic on the surrounding neighbourhood; The relation of this application to past commitments regarding the regulation of gravel extraction for the aiea The environmental impact of the gravel processing operation. Staff provide the following summary of comments to assist Council in evaluating these concerns. The attached observations provide more detail. The truck traffic is based on the amount of material being removed which converts to 5 trucks per hour. The owner has placed penalties on truck operators who are reported speeding. This commitment is identified in the Official Community Plan (Policy 53) and with the Covenant under the Profit a Prendre. This will be provided at the Permit process. Prepared by: Gay McMiIlan Planning Technician c 10~ Approved by: jteriryer. P Planning Approved by: lake I. Rudolph, AIC?, MCIP GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AIC?, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer GM/bjc -2- • I, ,I i I!I ) I / lam /4? / :1 ...at I i I I • - i.a / ( A. T 7 Los Iva UP — I • / • / !42 •Av' / • - . / •• -,--••••-••-• / i._ "U, 3 2 s-s. 'a. ju as- - N .'.,__3';:E;_, ,_Ja*. •. SU8JCT PROPRiES usf ____I ___ • • / CORPORATION OF THE 5CAL ThZ[±j '_ MAPEE "5E DTRICT M PEmGE N.T.S. ORAWN 3Y: T.M. I DATE: FO. 14. 2000 I FILLE O.C.P. 11-00 STAFF OBSERVATIONS TIUP11 1/00 March 29, 2000 The following concerns were raised: • Truck traffic on 256 St. - how many per hour, some residents felt that this would impact on property values; • Trucks speeding and safety concerns; • That the application should be for the gravel extraction .M-5 zone and not for a temporary use; • How would the amount be regulated and who would police it; • Is the 75,000 m3 included in the historic 300,000 m 3 amount; • That there is a Covenant in Place that says they can remove gravel from the area until the north freeway is in place; • What assurance is there that the site would not be sold to seven different owners to have seven different pit operations. • Environmental issues were expressed by ARMS: • there was concern that there should be a contingency plan in place;that there were a lot of underground springs that could be unearthed.; • There are two creeks in the area; T-10 & T-11 which are both fish bearing and maintain flows all year long. These are of excellent quality and are directly tributary to the Alouette River, • There was concern with possible siltation problems caused by stockpiling processed material and it was felt that plans should be in place to address this; • That there should be a buffer placed around Big Lake. Proposed Gravel Operation The applicant advised that the plan of development is to complete the contouring of Lot 1-6 and Lot 10 to create useable building sites by removing gravel. A permit has been issued by the Municipal Engineer under the Soils Removal Bylaw and Profit a Prendre Restrictive Covenant for removal of 75,000 m' of gravel per year and they are requesting consideration from Council to process the gravel prior to its removal. This processing will involve crushing, screening, sifting, sorting, grading and stockpiling - no wash will take place. The operation will not be within 50 m of any watezvourse. Based on the amount of material being removed, the number of trucks leaving the site is estimated to be 5 per hour. It was explained that the truck owners and the land owners impose penalties on the drivers that do not observe and encourage the residents to provide them with licence plate numbers of offending vehicles. They indicated that where infractions occur the offending truck operators vehicle is not allowed to be filled a second time. Official Community Plan Issues The Official Community Plan states that extraction of gravel reserves will be considered prior to full development of that resource, however that extraction levels would not exceed historic levels until alternative access is developed. The historical level has been established at 300,000 m 3 per year. The amount currently being mined from the area is well below that level. The amount of material being removed is weighed and the weigh slips are recorded and kept with the District. In addition topographic aerial photography undertaken annually allows for calculated checks on quantity of gravel removed. The environmental issues expressed by ARMS will be addressed through the Permit process. All plans will be reviewed by the Manager of Environmental Affairs to ensure compliance with best management guidelines and to ensure that monitoring and contingency plans are in place. This may require that security be taken. The issue of Big Lake, which is not on the subject property, will be dealt with when the land it is on develops. The Covenant was placed on the land in 1990 when it was rezoned for an industrial use. Under Profit a Prendre, the land owners surrendered the right to remove gravel from this land to the Municipality except under certain conditions. The following is a summary of the Covenant which charges the land under the Land Title Act. 1. The Covenant grants exclusive rights to the District of Maple Ridge under certain terms and conditions, to remove soil from the lands. 2. There is a Restrictive Covenant on the land which controls the removal of gravel except under certain conditions. These conditions are: Remove gravel to create building sites, roads, services or other improvements; or Remove a maximum of 75 m3 for any purpose from each parcel; or Use the soil for any manufacturing process carried on on the land. 3. The covenant further allows under a) that a permit must be issued by the Municipal Engineer. The permit can only be issued to an owner or a lessee and cannot be transferred, assigned or sold. 4. The Covenant will be terminated upon completion of: The opening of the North Fraser Freeway; or Another highway being opened in substantial alignment as the North Fraser Freeway; or Expiration of the Covenant on January 1, 2025 There is currently a Permit in place to permit removal of soil in accordance with a grading plan for the purpose of creating building sites. R. 06 2000 08:lOpti Maple Ridge Business and Industry Park Public Meeting on March 2", 1999 Sampo Hall - Webster Corners In Attendance Qiair - Slade Dyer Maple Ridge Business & Industzy Park - Rick lsherwood Muxucipality of Maple Ridge - Jo}ui Bastaja& Cay McMlflan Webster Corners Res4ertts -34 7pm- Meeting commence, people circulated and looked over all the information laid out 730pm - Slade started his presentation. Outline attached titled Site kfor ,mit1 n & Sit. Qrono1ogy, Maple Ridge Business and Industry Park and each Itam of the attached was presented. Slade advised that this was a pub& information meethag arid requested that all speakers provide their name for the minutes. Discussion throughout the presentation Mr. Jim Allard - Isn't Commenial Property excluded from the Soil Removal Bylaw. Mr. Cordon Robson - Their was a profit a prendre pL'ed on the title of the land when BCBC transferred the land into the jublic sector, this was put on by the neighbors to see that the property would not be used for conamerdal use wntfi their was an alternate route. You're trying to modify the agrv=em which was originally mad.. Nothing has changed since then. Un1nown - You are applying for a T%poraxy Industrial Use Permit? You ahvady call the ctment gravel eraction permit that you have teuiporaiy, but it doesn't expire until 2004. I don't can that temporary. Unknown - What is the rate of reuirn OZL process gravel? Are you just going through a loophole to get more money? Unknown - You are putting our children In jeopardy already by the truck volume on Mr. Rick Leherwood - With this permit their will not be eased truck traffic. W. Gordon Robàon - It dose not matter whether we agree with the processing or nm to remove the gravel is against the profit a prendrs. Mrs. Robson - Approximately how much gravel has been removed already since they started removal last year? Mr. Rick lsberwood - About 55,000 Cu. in Mrs. Robson - Is their any provision that the d.iffexence will be tagged on to the knowing total each year? Unknown - I.E there is any more irrease in gravel removal on 256* St., there wifl be chaos, the micks do not stop. Unknown - How many of the trucks that are hauling now go Out side of Maple Ridge? ML Rick lsherwood - Veiy few, if any. Mr. John Kirkpatrick - I do not have a problem with this as my company is slowly Fading away. This will probably be our last year of full production. The crushing will be wrapped up by December. ML Gordon Robson - The deal was that when Kirkpatrick's were done no more gravel was to be hauled out on 256* St. John Kirkpatrick how much gravel do you haul per year (what is the historical level?) Mr. John Kirkpatrick - Well we set the level in 1992 at 350,000 cu. rn/year Mr. Gordon Robson - The Municipality has no actual way of regulating how much gravel gate hauled out Mr. Slade Dyer - The municipality gels a written slip for each truck, stating the weight of the W. Gordon Robson - It is basically up to the gravel operator to regulate the gravel removaL Now long until you open up a cement plant Rick Isherwood? W. Rick Jsherwood - We are not opening a cement plant. Mr. Cordon Robson - No, not at the moment? W. Rick Isherwood - 7bis owners of the Indusbial Park agree with you on the need for an alternate route in this area. Mr. Cordon Robson - If we let you go ahead and take out your gravel, then the municipality would have no reason to build the road. TM only way they will build the road is If we cut you OEE W. Slade Dyer - The material has to come out, before the late can be sold. Mr. Jim Allazd - Ye., the material has to come out, but that is commerciaL In order to sell gravel conmerdafly you must conform to the current Soil Removal Bylaw. If you jimt want to get the soil off the s4gl't you are more than welcome to dump the gravel at my gravel pt Why don't you just cut & fill the land to raise the grade d or get zoning (M-5) to run a gavel pit just like anyone else. Mr. Sled. Dyer - The OCP desiVlates the land as Industhal. TM property a zoned M-2, but changing the zoning would be permanent, we only want a porary peimit. Mr. Jim Allard - Once you do have the Temporary lndusbial Permit nothing prevente you from applying for it again. - PHtit NO. : APR. 06 20i 08:ioppt Mr. Gordon Robson - The coverwts of restriction prevent gravel removaL You are not just taldng out the gravel anymore. Why don't they have the zonmg changed back to rural residential and then we would not have any more prObleULS. Mr. Slade Dyer - Why would the Municipality change the zoning back to rural residntia1 Mr. Gordon Robson - Covenants are not being followed. Why isn't the ntumcipality exhausting the other exiing pits before they open new ones? Mrs. Robson - People in the area already have to dust more in their homes due to the settling of silt. How will this increase with the onset of sifting, sortkng and screening of the gravel, and how will this effect our waterways? Mr. 51a. Dyer - There is not going to be any water discharge. Mr. Gordon Robson - We have already fought for 50 yeais to get the fish back Into the Alouette River. Mr. Jim Allard - In the gravel industry there are many dust suppress &on techzüqizes. Mr. Gordon Robson - Are those the same kind of gravel removal techniques that are used in Coqvllam? Swe contThues dworesentafibn W. Jim Aflard - the 75,000 Cu. m. of gravel that is currently being hauled out of-the sight paxt of the 350,000 cm m. in the area per year, or above that? Mr. John Kirkpatrick - You cazmot Include this figure, nor can you enforce it on me. We were the ones who set the levels. Mr. Jim Aflaid - It was the OCP that selected the number. W. John Kfrkpetrick - The levels were raised in 1992 when we supplied the gravel to widen the highway in front of Cart's Sand & Gravel. Mr. Qiris Venzilng - Truckers speed down the hill all the time not adhering to the speed limL Their have been gravel sp& all. over the road that just st their because no or* sweeps them up. Mr. Gordon Robson - Mr. Kirkpatrick controls his drtvers driving, why can't you? Unkown - How many other people did you inform that this meeting Was taking place? This also effects their children, Did you call the schools down Dewdney Trunk Road and let them know? - Mr. SIad Dyer - The nod&atlon measures of this meeting were met and exceeded. Remember this issue must an go to a public hearing. Unknown - rve lived l, for 13 yws and been run off the road while on horseback by independent truckers. Unknown - People who bought their property 5 years ago, were promised that their would not be gravel extraction because of the covenant in place. This was promised toy people all those who bought in Whispering Falls. My property value has already gone down.. Mr. John Kirkpatrick - To come to the trucker's defense there are as many speeding cars that come down that road If not more than dump trucks. Mr. Bill Tupper - My property value has actually gone up. Mr. Gordon Robsort - Who agreed to the gravel extraction in the first place? Mr. Jim Allard - Stnce 1988 I've looked at all the property in the PVT area. You can only do gravel extraction in an M-2 industrial zoning, not any processing. If you want to do gravel processing why don't you apply for M-5 zoning like everyone else would have to. Mr. Gordon Robson - In all reality you could sell off the remainder of the lots, each one of the lot owners could apply for a gravel perniil:, and we could wind up with several independent gravel pits. Mr. Slide Dyer - I suppose that could happen, but the owns? a would first have to each hold, a Mflustry of Mines permit and a gravel extraction permit from the municipal*y. Mr. Jim Aflard - In any land use requiring gravel extraction, you must have a development or building permit. Gravel extraction for conaniercial purposes has to be M-5 rotting, Mr. Slide Dyer - We do not want an MS zoning, becaiae that would be peaxient allowing us to remove gravel from the site forever. Unknown - Does the permit require that you bring * back for public approval If you were to amend it for a longer time period. Mr. Slade Dyer - At the end of two years a two year extension can be requested from counciL Mr. Gordon Robson - If this application for a temporary permit goes through how long until you want to start running a Coment plant. Mr. Jim Allard - M-2 zoning allows for a cement plant, they could rain one now If they so wished. Mr. Slde Dyer - Back to the presentation outline Unknown - The people who live down 256 6 Street are locked in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). Why don't you help us get out of the AIR that and so then we cm all develop our land. Fins 2566 Street was not designed for this kind of heavy truck traffic. Mr. Sleds Dyer- Actually the road was designed to accommodate Industrial traffic, Mr. Gordon Robson - This is half-true. Mr. Slide Dyer - To get out of the ALR you would have to go through Council and the Agricultural Lang Coi*ion. ETE Mr. Gordon Robson - Eventually this will turn into Pipeline Road, In Coquitlani, from a sntafl two lane road to a four lane major roadway. W. Jnn Allard - Pipeline Road is one of the major mutes In Coqaiitiam to the town center. Mr. Gordon Robson - How much gravel gets hauled out of Pipeline per year? Mr. Jim Allard - Approximately 15 million cu. rn/year. The land use In the 25P area is a major potential gravel resource. How do you define what gravel is? Why don't you have a Ceological Analysis done to determine the grade of the material? I have done my own research in the area and their was lots of sand and a higit percentege of rocks. Mr. Gordon Robson - We don't want you to deStroy our neighborhood. Mr. Siade Dyer - We are taking out what Is part of the historical level, and we already have a permit that allows extracon of the gravel. Mr. Chris Venning - The last Council of the municipality was voted out because of this, one of the biggest issues. This issue will not be passed. Mr. John Kfrkpak - I don't even know why you want to procssa the graveL It seenis to me that the market at the moment is for pit run gravel. Mr. Gordon Robson - These people have been lied to, therefore we have bet faith. We carmot even sue Coiuicilors Individually anymore. After Kirkpatrick's shut down their p1 there should be no more gravel going down 256' Street Unknown - Forestry will have about 450 loggIng trucks going down 256' Street within the next 6 months, as they are going to log across from the panic site at Alouette Lake. Unknown - How can we trust anything that you say to us. Mr. Bill Thpper - In all fairns if any of you owned this property even you Robson, it would be smart business to move the material before you sefl the lots. For you to sell the lot to someone like me who wants to build on the property,! have to have the gravel hauled away to level the ground before I can start cortuction. Unkzown - Then you shouldn't have bought the land. Unknown - Why don't you ruest from the municipality that the money that you pay into royalty es should be put BIde so that they can use the money to coiuct an alternate route. Unknown - Why don't you help us put in the alternate roadway. Unknown - Don't speak for everyone. Mr. Chris Veiming - Why don't the owner's of the property open the whole thing up, and you guys can build the road. Mr. Gordon Robson - This is the only incenthe the Municipality will have to build the other road, is to of you off from 256' Street The amount of revemie that will come from that property will eventually force them to build another access route. If! hadn't been on the CBC land I. cornniittee when the property was sold by a'own lands, I would probably be a partner of Rick's as one of the owners. I 3mow how much revenue the resources on the pro party will generate. There is also a major clay depost up there which hasn't even come up as an issue yet. Mr. Chris Yenning - How do you set up a septic fi.ld in non-virgin topsoil? Mr. Ross Davies - What kinds of contingency plans do you have for when you run into groundwater? W. Jeff Cayton (President of the Alouette River Management Society) - There are two email eeks T-10 and T-fl, as you go north of the Sawdust Shack Caft Mr. Gordon Robson - Where is the silt going laow? Mr. Slade Dyer - A settling ponci Mr. Ross Davies - T40 and T.fl, flow into the South Alouette. Ilm creeks are of veiy good qualfty of water and food is plentiful. These creeks have been reconstructed for 2 years, they bath have fish in them afl year round. If you were a fisb this is where you would want to live. Mr. Jeff Cayton - There should be a set back of some sort on Big Lake. Mr. Sled, Dyer - SI8 lake is not in the current development area. Mr. Gordon Robson - So will we have 7 gravel pits ruining the springs that flow into the river. Mr. Slade Dyer Reconflinied that this Item will be the subject cia future public hearing. SITE CHRONOLOGY MAPLE RIDGE BUSINESS & INDUSTRY PARK * The subject site was rezoned Industrial (M-2) in 1991. The zoning at that time allowed for a gravel processing use. However as a condition of zoning, a Profit a Prendre was registered against the title of this property prohibiting the processing or removal of gravel from this site without authorization by the Municipal Engineer, by way of a permit. The Phase I subdivision of this site was registered in 1996 creating Lots 1, 2, & 3, (Plan LMP27462) at the south end of the property. In April of 1999 the Phase U subdivision of this site, which included Lot 3 from the Phase I subdivision, was registered at the Land Title Office. This subdivision created 10 lots and a remainder. A condition of the Phase II preliminary subdivision approval dated September, 1997 was that a site grading plan be provided showing how the site was to be regraded to create viable lots for industrial use. * The site grading plans were produced and approved with the understanding that completion of this contouring would require the removal of excess material from the site. * In February of 1999 the Ministry of Mines issued permit No. G-7-1 78 for the regrading of this site, including the removal of Pit run material and screening and crushing operations. * In March of 1999 a soil removal permit was issued authorizing the removal of 75,000 cu. m. of materials per year from this site over a 5 year period, as per the approved grading plans. No processing of this material is permitted under the current zoning. * In February of this year an application was made to amend the O.C.P. to create a Temporary Industrial Use Permit Designation on this site WhiCh would allow for the processing of the material currently under permit (75,000 cu.m. per year) over SITE INFORMATION Plan of Development The plan of development for this site is to complete the contouring of Lots 1 -6 & Lot 10 to create viable Industrial use tots The proposed O.C.P. amendment would allow for the issuance of a Temp / Industrial Use Permit to process the gravel already being removed from the site. The processing operation would initially commence at the south end of the property and then be relocated north when the contouring of Lots 1 -4 is complete. The current gravel extraction permit issued by the Municipality for the purpose of site contouring expires on April 12, 2004. Preliminary Operational Plan The proposed Temporary Industrial Use Permit under the O.C.P. will be for the crushing, screening, sifting, sorting, grading and stockpiling of soil (as defined in Bylaw 4109 - 1988) on this site. No washing or cleaning of this material is being proposed. The amount of material to be processed will remain the same as is currently under permit (75,000 cu.m. per yr.). The actual operation Will also remain the same as the current gravel removal operation which is Monday - Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Based on 75,000 cu/rn. per yr the average number of trucks per hour is five and this would remain the same under the Temporary Industrial Use Permit, again as there is no additional material being removed than what is already permitted. Community Benefits The processing of this site material will provide an additional supply of processed gravel to the construction industry in Maple Ridge. This additional supply may reduce the demand for importing such material from the Municipalities of Mission and Coquittam. Site Topographics To create viable industrial use parcels, regrading and contouring of this site is required. Municipality has approved the site grading plan for this property and such works do not encroach upun adjacent properties Area Land Use This land area is designated as Industrial in the Official Community Plan. Industrial uses that are permissive under this designation include the processing of gravel. Schedule *13 7 of the Official Community Plan ( O.C.P.) also identifies this site as having a potential gravel resource. The O.C.P. further goes to state that gravel reserves in this area will be considered for use prior to development of the industrial potential. Environmental Impacts As stated under the preliminary operational plan no washing or cleaning of material is being proposed, therefore there will be no water discharge or sediment release into the surrounding watercourses by virtue of the proposed processing operation. Any buildings or structures required for this processing operation will be locatea outside the 50 m. setback as established under the watercourse Development Permit provisions of the O.C.P. Site Servicing The subject site is currently serviced by community water and each lot as it is developed will be serviced by an on site septic field, approved by the Ministry of Health. Storm sewer provisions are by open ditch and the site is serviced by Hydro and Telephone. No specific servicing is required for the - removal operation. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO.5877- 1999 A by-law to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 35 10-1985 as amended WHEREAS the Council can regulate the use of land in a Zoning By-law; AND WHEREAS the Council can regulate the location of uses on the land; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Title 1. This by-law may be cited for all purposes as the "Maple Ridge Zoning Arñending By-law No. 5877-1999". This By-law provides for amendments to the Service Commercial (CS-i) and Service Station Commercial (CS-2) Zones in Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985. The Bylaw amends the definition of landscape screen; establishes regulations pertaining to drive-through, car wash and service station use;, and prohibits the placement of drive-through order boxes and similar electronic devices on lots/parcels adjoining residential lots/parcels in the Service Commercial CS-i and Service Station Commercial CS-2 zones. Amendment The Corporation of the Disthct of Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510-1985 is amended as follows: PART 2, INTERPRETATION, Landscape Screen is amended by the addition of the following words "installed or planted so that no person is able to see through it," following the words" ...or a combination thereof,". PART 7, COMMERCIAL ZONES, Section 707, SERVICE COMMERCIAL (CS-i). Sub- Section 8, OTHER REGULATIONS is amended as follows: i. ,Clause d) is hereby deleted and replaced with the following: "d) A drive through use shall comply with the following: i) A drive-through use permitted in the Service Commercial CS-i zone shall have a minimum of 30 m of highway frontage; 9 114* 1 BY-LAW NO. 5877-1999 PAGE 2 Where a drive-through use permitted in the Service Commercial CS-I zone, adjoins a lot or parcel designated residential in the District of Maple Ridge Official Community Plan, a building is to be located between the use and a lot line shared with the residential lot or parcel; and Electronic devices, such as loudspeakers, automobile service order devices, car speakers, and similar instruments shall not be located on a Service Commercial CS- 1 zoned parcel, when adjoining a lot or parcel designated residential in the District of Maple Ridge Official Community Plan." C. PART 7, COMMERCIAL ZONES, Section 708, SERVICE STATION COMMERCIAL: (CS-2), Sub-Section 8, OTHER REGULATIONS is amended as follows: i. By the addition of clauses h) and i) as follows: "h) A building is to be located between a service station or car wash use and an adjoining lot or parcel designated residential in the District of Maple Ridge Official Community Plan. i) A drive-through use adjoining a lot or parcel designated residential in the District of Maple Ridge Official Community Plan shall comply with the following: A building is to be located between the use and a lot line shared with the residential lot or parcel; Electronic devices, such as loudspeakers, automobile service order devices, car speakers, and similar instruments shall not be permitted." 4. Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510.1985 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of . AD. 2000. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the_day of_, A.D. 2000. READ A SECOND TIME the day of ___. A.D. 2000. READ A THIRD TIME the ___day of_,AD. 2000. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the ___ day of . AD. 2000. MAYOR CLERK CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5878. 1999 A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5878 - 1999." 2. Schedule "A", Format Of The Plan, is hereby amended by the addition of "Schedule H2 is a map that identifies other Development Permit Areas and Temporary Commercial and Industnal Use Permit areas." following the words "Schedule H... .Permit areas". 3. Schedule "A", PART I - BACKGROUND, Section 1.5 General Information, is hereby amended as follows: Sub-Section 1.5.1, Development Permits, third paragraph, is amended by the deletion of "Schedule H" and replacement with "Schedules H and H2". Sub-Section 1.5:4, Glossary of Terms, Development Permit Area, third sentence is amended be the deletion of "Schedule H" and the replacement with "Schedules HandH2". 4. Schedule "A", PART II- POLICIES, Section 2.3 ECONOMY AND EMPLOYMENT, Policy 51is hereby deleted and replaced with the following: "Maple Ridge will support service commercial centres that accommodate the automobile, pedestrian and transit services and that will integrate into the character of the area. Council may give consideration to applications for Service Commercial CS-i and Service Station Commercial CS-2 zoning for the purpose of a service station or car wash use, but where the proposed use adjoins a lot or parcel designated Residential in the Official Community Plan, preference will be given where: located on a.site having direct access onto a collector or arterial street. a car wash use is to be located a minimum of 800 metres from any existing car wash use; despite Policy 51(b), two car wash uses each one sited on a different corner lot at the same intersection of two collector or two arterial streets may be permitted if both such car wash uses are located a minimum of 800 metres from any third car wash use; a service station use is to be located a minimum of 800 metes from any existing service station use; despite Policy 51(d), two service station uses each one sited on a different corner lot at the same intersection of two collector or two arterial streets may be permitted if ,go 4~ a OL., Page 2 Bylaw No. 5878- 1999 both such service station uses are located a minimum of 800 metres from any third service station use; and f) the distance between the two car wash uses and two service station uses is to be calculated by measuring the distance between the boundary of each site nearest the other at the point that such boundaries intersect the fronting highway. 5. Schedule "A", PART V - DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREAS is hereby amended by the addition of the following: "DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA XXXVII Designation The Development Permit Area is hereby established to address the form and character of service commercial development adjacent to properties designated in the Official Community Plan for residential use. Location The boundary of the Development Permit Area is shown On Schedule "H2" of the Official Community Plan. Objectives To facilitate the orderly development of service commercial properties through particular attention tor siting and form of service commercial buildings situated adjacent to residential properties. To ensure compatibility of service commercial and adjacent residential uses. To minimize visual and audible disruption to adjacent residential neighbourhoods through the use of appropriate buffering, landscaping, and uses. To properly site buildings to address site characteristics and minimize impacts on adjacent residential uses. To achieve high quality development in terms of a comprehensive design concept based on attention to general architectural style and detailing, scale, finishing materials, character and materials of façade and roof treatment, treatment of entrance ways, gradation of heights, design and placement of recreation areas, appropriate and safe access, parking arrangement and circulation, and landscaping. To ensure the character of the buildings is sympathetic to existing residential character and presents a quality image to the public streetfront and adjacent residential properties. Page 3 Bylaw No. 5878- 1999 D. Guidelines Buildings and structures should be located to ensure safe traffic circulation and access and adequate on-site parking. The character of service commercial uses should be enhanced by landscaping of substantial proportions around property lines, particularly adjacent to residential development, to ensure a compatible and smooth transition to abutting residential uses. Where possible, native vegetation should be retained to enhance the landscape planting by providing variety in maturity and scale. Design and construction of buildings should account for maximum sound attenuation between service commercial and residential uses. To ensure that noise generated on the site is addressed in the most appropriate manner, Council may request that a noise attenuation study be prepared. High intensity lighting and signage should be avoided when adjacent to residential property. Lighting and signage shall be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the pubLic right-of-way or adjacent land in residential use. Mechanical equipment, drive-through uses, service or car wash bays, restrooms, vending machines, unenclosed storage, and public telephones should be oriented on the site to face away from adjacent residential zones. Whenever possible, these uses should not be visible from an adjacent residential property. Particular attention should be made to the image presented to the streetfront and adjacent residential properties. A well defined pedestrian access to any accessory commercial use will be provided from the public sidewalk. Design will ensure that pedestrian use is given precedence over vehicular use. Architectural finishes and building design should be compatible with those used on buildings in adjacent residential neighbourhoods. Building design will mimic recent residential construction or the heritage character of a neighbourhood. Exterior finishes should be wood, brick, natural stone or other materials of warm appearance. Substantial areas of concrete should be avoided. Expanses of solid wall and glass are unacceptable. New buildings adjacent to existing small scale buildings such as houses should be designed to provide visual interest whilst protecting the privacy and livability of both properties E. Development Permit Not Required A Development Permit is not required for any service commercial development where the lot or parcel in question does not abut alot or parcel designated for residential LI.s,e.,; Page 4 Bylaw No. 5878- 1999 Schedule "A", PART VT - MAP SCHEDULES is hereby amended by the addition of the following: "Schedule H2 Development Permit Areas and Temporazy Commercial and Industrial Use Permit Areas ............map pocket". Maple Ridge Official Community Plan By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 2000. PUBLIC REARING HELD the day of , A.D. 2000. READ A SECOND TIME the day of ___. A.D. 2000. READ A THIRD TIME the ___day of , A.D. 2000. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the ___ day of ___,A.D. 2000. MAYOR CLERK -; —.•• L! - : ¶:c:r•.• ;": -- -- I • , I - :iJ? flI — - Ilk .,/_lI -W -- •" •.IIII i i III ties ::I11 Ti1J V. ij I •.. I - t .r.lIII IIiIsI.i i.uI r.I 1I .r.. Lr ILJ -; IIIj HplI j(.iuIi •J•i j I.: II. U. - e CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer DATE: February 23, 2000 FILE NO: OCP/11/00 ATTN: CofW-PW&Dev OCP/11/00 (14140, 14160, 141709 14180, 14250, 14310 & 14320 - 256 St.) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to amend the Official Community Plan to designate the above noted property as an area where a temporary industrial use permit for gravel extraction, storage and processing may be allowed. The site consists of seven parcels and is currently zoned M-2 (General Industrial) which permits an Industrial Use except for extraction. I! RECOMMENDATION: That application OCPI1 1/00 (for property located at 14140 - 14320 256 Street) to designate property described in the memorandum dated February 23, 2000 as a Temporary Industrial Use Permit Area be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing of the Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum. Condition to be met prior to first reading: A Public Information Meeting must be held. f: Preparation of a phasing plan - Preparation of a preliminary operational plan III BACKGROUND: Applicant: Slade Dyer Owner: Maple Ridge Business and Industry Park Ltd. Legal Description: Lot 1-6 and Lot 10, D.L. 5326, Gp. 1, NWD OCP: Existing: Industrial Proposed: Industrial Zoning: Existing: M-2 (General Industrial) Proposed: M-2 (General Industrial) Surrounding Uses: Industrial -1- Existing Use of Property: Vacant Proposed Use of Property: Temporary gravel processing Access: 256 St. IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The site consists of seven lots all zoned M-2 (General Industrial). There are significant gravel reserves on portions of all seven lots. The development plan for the site shows considerable regrading and contouring to create viable lots for industrial use and appropriate grading plans and permits have already been issued to allow removal of excess material. Specifically, a Soil Removai Permit has been issued by the District which permits the removal of 75,000 m' of soils per year without processing. The owner is now seeking permission to process and store the gravel on site and has applied for an OCP amendment to permit a Temporary Industrial Use Permit (TTIJP) for the site. There will be no increase in the amount of gravel already permitted for removal. V PLANNING ANALYSIS Zonin2 The subject parcels are zoned M-2 (General Industrial). Principal uses allowed in the M-2 zone are: a) Industrial use not including: asphalt, rubber and tar production and products manufacturing; hydrocarbon refining and bulk storage; chemical plants; stockyards and abattoirs; septic tank services; waste reduction plants: and extraction industrial use. b) Waste transfer stations; c) Industrial repair services; d) Industrial trade schools; e) Retail sale and rental of industrial vehicles, trailers, and heavy equipment: and f) One restaurant per lot limited to 200m2 gross floor area Further, an extraction industrial use is defined as a use providing for the extraction and storage of sand, gravel, minerals and peat. As a result, the operation of a gravel pit which includes the storage of material is not permitted in the M-2 zone. However, the removal of unprocessed material from the site is permitted, and this activity is contemplated in the Soil Removal Permit issued by the District. -2. Temporary Commercial or Industrial Use Permits Section 921 of the Municipal Act provides for areas to be designated in the Official Community Plan where a temporary commercial or industrial use permit may be allowed. Council must adopt an OCP Amending Bylaw identifying these areas prior to issuance of the permit. The TUP may, notwithstanding a zoning bylaw, allow any industrial use, including the processing of natural materials. Notice similar to a Development Variance Permit is required prior to Council authorization to issue the permit. The original permit expires within two years and the permit may be renewed only once for a maximum of two years. Council may specify conditions under which the use may be permitted and may take security to guarantee the performance of the terms of the permit. Council can also require the owner to restore the land as a condition of the permit. Official Community Plan Schedule "A" - Official Community Plan Schedule "A" recognizes the importance of gravel extraction in the community ands states: Consideration of soils also includes gravel resources. Gravel is an important com,nodir to the building industry and to Municipal operations, particularly for constructing and maintaining roads, sewers and water systems. The Municipal Ac: requires that the OCP iden:' gravel resources. Currently there are two operating gravel pits in the community and extensive gravel reserves to the north-east of the urban area. However, gravel extraction and on-size processing can have detrimental impacts on adjacent watercourse: if not properly planned and nzoniiored. The Municipality regulates soil removal under the Soil Removal Bylaw. A permit is required to remove soil from certain areas. This bylaw is used to regulate gravel extraction. Policy 16: Maple Ridge will require an Environmental Impact Assessnzen: to be undertaken for areas to be rezoned for high impact uses. The purpose of the assessment is to review impacts on the environment of proposed uses and to idenzfy or reconunend any necessary development monitoring and mitigation measures. Considering the nature of the proposed activity at this site, it is recommended that, as a condition of the TtUP, an environmental impact assessment be provided. The section on Economy and Employment encourages local work opportunities and investment leading to a more sustainable and self-reliant community. This section also recognizes the opportunities for economic growth in the primary resource sector. Specifically, Policy 53 states: Polic 53: The gravel reserves in the Industrial Reserve area at the north end of 256 Street will be considered for use prior to development of the industrial potential. However, before any additional gravel extraction traffic occurs, beyond historic levels. alternative access needs to be developed to prevent increased impacts on the residential character of the neighbourhood. -3- This issue was addressed by Council through the Soil Removal Permit process. The report to Council from the Municipal Engineer states that the 75,000 m' is well within the historic levels of 300,000 m' contemplated by this policy. The TIIJP does not include any changes to this limit. However, staff recommend that some basic information contained in a phasing and preliminary operating plan be provided to present to the public and Council prior to the OCP Amending Bylaw proceeding to Public Hearing. Of course, it is important to monitor extraction to ensure that the historic levels are not exceeded. Schedule "B" - Land Use Designations: The site is designated "Industrial" on Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan and is zoned M-2 (General Industrial). This application is consistent with the existing land use designation. Schedule "D" - Major Public Utilities and Gravel Resources The site is identified on Schedule "D" of the Official Community Plan as a potential gravel. resource. This supports the proposal for gravel extraction which is currently permitted in the Soils Removal Bylaw. Schedule "E" - Watercourses designated for Special Treatment. Watercourses which flow through the site are identified on Schedule "F' of the OCP. The TIUP will address the guidelines and objective of Development Permit Area XXX, including compliance with Council policy for performance security for environmental protection. The environmental impact assessment required at.the TIUP stage will give direction regarding this protection. Schedule "H" - Development and Temporary Commercial & Industrial Use Permit Areas As a result of this application, Schedule "H" will be amended to include the site in a Temporary Industrial Use Permit area. Staff recommend that, consistent with Council policy (see attached), a Public Information Meeting be required prior to presentation of the OCP Amending Bylaw at Public Hearing. Outside Agencies Ministry of Energy and Mines The applicant has received a Reclamation Permit for this site. This permit sets out conditions and is valid until February 28, 2001. It will be necessary for the applicant to extend this Permit to coincide with the TIUP. Ministry of Environment The Development Permit Area XXX requirements are recommended as conditions of the TIUP. If the applicant requires Section 9 approvals from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife -4- Branch. the requested environmental impact assessment will identify these approvals and provide information regarding mitigative measures that may be necessary. VI CONCLUSION: In summary, this application meets the policies of the Official Community Plan. The removal of gravel from this industrial area will enable further industrial development in the future. As a result, this application is supported by staff. It is therefore recommended that this application be forwarded to Public Hearing, subject to the conditions outlined in this report. • ,Ls. Prepared by: Gay McMillan Planning Technician Approve Øy jfTerry FryepP. Eng. / // Directt'c( Current Approiefl 8/ Yake I. RudJrtc. AICP, MCIP 0 Public Wor & Development Services L- Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Adznanistrathe Officer GM/bjc -5- :' N 01. 1000, oe / At -- - g I - - / • -. • •• ,i • / _/tIT / • / .• ..E_.•T__ ? i :. N s- Sop OL"m ocpiiiioo SCALE :9.000 KEY MAP DATE: Feb 252000 F1LE 0CP-1 1-00.APR BY: DC • .• I 1 I - : ' - - - --: . - ---.-: -" - - • ___ . IPA sJ J 0CP/1 1/00 A _coRpo;A110N0F SCALE: 1:9.000 KEYMAP 4 0A: Feb 25 2000 FILE: OCP-1 1.00.APR BY: DC CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: Apnl 6,2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: P.2-79-99 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: CoW SUBJECT: Service Commercial Report - Development Permit Area XXXVII 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The District has recently received a number of applications for service commercial uses abutting residential development. During the consideration of these applications it became apparent that a comprehensive set of policies and regulations to address the siting of service commercial uses when adjoining residential areas would prove to be a useful tool for applicants in designing their project, staff in preparing recommendations, and Council in its deliberation. The following report provides an overview of existing policies and regulations pertaining to service commercial and service station uses in the District, and identifies actions that could be taken to mediate the impacts of service commercial development on abutting residential properties. Many of the conclusions reached in this report result from the discussion of a working group comprised of three members of Council and staff. Firstly, the report recommends an amendment to Policy 51 in the Official Community Plan to establish a minimum distance separation of 800 metres between service stations, and a distance of 800 mçtres between, car wash uses (excluding the intersection of arterial or collector streets). The proposed policy would apply to all applications to rezone to Service Commercial (CS-i) or Service Station Commercial (CS-2) to provide for a service station or car wash use. However, existing CS-I or CS-2 zoned properties, or parcels of land not adjoining a residential lot would not be subject to this policy. The report further concludes that the establishment of Development Permit Area XXXVII is the most appropriate tool to address many of the concerns raised by, neighbouring residential properties when situated adjacent to service commercial establishments. Lastly, it is noted that the Zoning Bylaw provisions are appropriate, however, amendments regarding landscape screening; the placement of the principal building in relation to the drive-through use; and the prohibition of menu boards and similar electronic devices on service commercial parcels abutting residential designated properties are appropriate 2.0 RECOMMENDATION That: 1. Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5878-1999 be read a first time and that it proceed to Public Hearing; Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5877-1999 be read a first time and that it proceed to Public Hearing; and The Community and Business Relations Department prepare a report identifying options regarding the regulation of hours of operation. 3.0 BACKGROUND At present there are 20 service stations and three (3) stand-alone car washes within the District of Maple Ridge (excluding applications under consideration at this time). The majority of these uses are situated on the Lougheed Highway and Dewdney Trunk Road, in the western portion of the municipality. There are also four (4) properties under application for gas station use in the District: 2 rezoning applications at various readings; I approved development variance permit; and 1 approved development permit. The address and location of these gas station and car wash uses/applications are listed on the following charts, and are identified on the map attached to this report. Chart 1 Service Station and Car Wash Use # Name and Address Zone Use 7-Eleven/Arco 21243 Lougheed Hwy CS-I gas station/convenience store 7-Eleven/Esso 22805 Lougheed Hwy CS-i gas station/convenience store Shell 24796 Dewdney Trunk Rd CS-2 gas stn/conven store/car wash Petro Can 22799 Lougheed Hwy CS-i gas station/convenience store Husky 23986 Dewdney Trunk Rd CS-i gas station/convenience store Husky 21592 Lougheed Hwy CS-i gas stn/conven store/car wash Husky 20690 Dewdney Trunk Rd CS-i gas stn/conven store/car wash Shell 20304 Lougheed Hwy CS-i gas station/convenience store Petro Can 21585 Lougheed Hwy CS-i gas station/convenience store Shell 22710 Dewdncy Trunk Rd CS-i gas station/convenience store Chevron 20592 Lougheed Hwy CS-i gas station/convenience store Mohawk 22882 Dewdney Trunk Rd CS-i gas station/ convenience store 13.Petro Can 20370 Dewdney Trunk Rd CS-i gas station/ convenience store Source - Disthct of Maple Ridge, Business Licenses 2 14. Tempo 12814 232 Street CD-l-95 gas stn/convefl store/other Arco 20522 Lougheed Hwy CS-i gas station! convenience StOre Car Wash 20306 Dewdney Trunk Rd CS-i car wash Haney Car Wash 11837 226 Street C-3 car wash McQuick Lube & Oil 21621 Lougheed Hwy CS-i car wash Esso 23171 Dewdney Trunk Rd CS-1/CS-2 gas stn/conven /car wash/other Haney Town Pump 22284 Lougheed Hwy C3/CS-2 gas station/convenience store 21.Esso 20133 Lougheed Hwy CS-i card lock gas station Tempo 22606 Dewdney Trunk Road CS-i gas station Tempo 23985 Dewdney Trunk CS-i gas station. Applications for Service Station or Car Wash Use Chart 2 Letter Address Application! Status Proposed Use 20318 Dewdney Trunk Rd 23175 Haney Bypass 23212DewdneyTrunkRd 23853 DewdneyTrunk Rd DVP - Approved Rezoning - DP - Approved Rezoning - 2 & 3 Approved gas station gas station/ convenience store gas station/ conven store/ restaurant service commercial - no gas station approved While preparing this report, staff contacted gasoline company representatives to obtain information pertaining to industry rules-of-thumb, and were informed that such numbers exist, however they are viewed as trade secrets and were not likely to be released. However, the comment was made that most larger gasoline companies have professional staff to assess the feasibility of a gas stations success per location, and that companies will not invest in an area if the market is not there. 4.0 DISCUSSION In preparing this report staff conducted a comparison of the District's OCP policies and zoning regulations utilized in the District to those Qf other jurisdictions, however the following report only references those portions of the Zoning Bylaw where deficiencies 3 were identified. Much of the recommendations identified in this report were formulated based upon the discussions and observations of a working group comprised of three members of Council (Mayor Hogarth, Councillor Gordon and Councillor Morse), the General Manager of the Public Works and Development Services Division, and staff from the Planning Department. 4.1 Official Community Plan Policy 51 The District of Maple Ridge Official Community Plan (OCP) contains a number of policies that support the economic development of the municipality and encourage the establishment of goals and objectives to stimulate local business initiatives. However, Policy 51 also states that service commercial developments must integrate with the character of an area and reads as follows: "Maple Ridge will support service commercial centres that accommodate the automobile, pedestrian and transit services and that will integrate into the character of the area." During the review it was observed that the existing policy successfully identifies the character the community would like to achieve for its service commercial centres, however, it does not provide direction regarding the location of car wash and service station uses when abutting residential designated property. Therefore, it is recommended that Policy 51 be amended to encourage the establishment of car wash and service station uses on collector and arterial streets, and that a minimum distance of 800 metres be maintained between service station uses, and the same minimum distance be used to separate car washes (with the exception of intersections). The specific policy reads as follows: "Maple Ridge will support service commercial centres that accommodate the automobile, pedestrian and transit services and that will integrate into the character of the area. Council may give consideration to applications for Service Commercial CS-i and Service Station Commercial CS-2 zoning for the purpose of a service station or car wash use, but where the proposed use adjoins a lot or parcel designated Residential in the Official Community Plan, preference will be given where: located on a site having direct access onto a collector or arterial street. a car wash use is to be located a minimum of 800 metres from any existing car wash use; despite Policy 51(b), two car wash uses each one sited on a different corner lot at the same intersection of two collector or two arterial streets may be permitted if both such car wash uses are located a minimum of 800 metres from any third car wash use; a service station use is to be located a minimum of 800 metres from any existing service station use; despite Policy 51(d), two service station uses each one sited on a different corner -- lot atihe -same-intersectiontllWOr011ectur yr twu csrtcriiisl atrect5 rwy be - 4 permitted if both such service station uses are located a minimum of 800 metres from any third service station use; and f) the distance between the two car wash uses and two service station uses is to be calculated by measuring the distance between the boundary of each site nearest the other at the point that such boundaries intersect the fronting highway." All applications to rezone to Service Commercial (CS-i) or Service Station Commercial (CS-2) zones, to provide for service station or car wash use will be subject to the above noted policy. However, it is noted that the policy will not apply to existing CS-I or CS-2 zoned properties, or parcels of land not adjoining a residential lot. Development Permit Areas Existing Development Permit Area XXVIII provides direction on the form and character of commercial and multi-family residential development, and has been used to address the form and character of service commercial development. However, none of the development permit areas housed in the OCP specifically address the form and siting of service commercial use when abutting residential property. Staff is of the opinion that the most appropriate mechanism to address issues relating to service commercial development when adjacent to residential use, is through the establishment of a Service Commercial Development Permit Area in the OCP. Attached to this report is OCP Amending Bylaw No. 5878-1999 to establish Development Permit Area XXXVII. The Development Permit Area requires that a development permit be obtained for any service commercial project that is proposed adjoining property designated for residential use. The intent of the objectives and guidelines are to ensure that the visual and audible disruption to a neighbourhood is minimized through the use of appropriate buffering, landscaping and siting techniques. The draft Development Permit Area proposes the establishment of a variety of objectives and guidelines, such as service or car wash bays, restrooms, public telephones, vending machines, windows, mechanical equipment and unenclosed storage be oriented on the site to face away from abutting residential uses. Also proposed are guidelines relating to the visibility of the drive-through use, lighting, design of buildings, pedestrian access to the accessory commercial use, and traffic circulation. Proposed for inclusion in Development Permit Area XXXVII are all designated service commercial properties in the OCP. Staff note that a development permit would not be required for any service commercial property that does not abut a lot or parcel designated for residential use. 4.2 Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985 Sections 707 and 708 of the Zoning Bylaw prescribe the requirements for development in the CS-i Service Commercial and CS-2 Service Station Commercial Zones. Generally, the CS-i Service Commercial zone is intended to accommodate uses oriented to the motoring public, and allows for a range of commercial activity including service stations, drive-through businesses, and restaurants. The CS-2 Service Station Zone is intended for service stations and car wash uses, with accessory uses including restaurant, convenience store, automotive accessories, and vehicle repair. Having reviewed the list of permitted uses, minimum lot size, and other bylaw requirements, it is concluded that the District's standards for service commercial use are very similar to those of other municipalities, and no major amendments are necessary. However, the staff did identify portions of the Bylaw that do wananc amendment, such as the siting of service commercial buildings; landscape screening; and the use of menu boards or order boxes on the service commercial property. The following section of this report focuses on these issues. Siting of Service Commercial Building With the exception of the setback requirements in the Bylaw, the CS-i and CS-2 zones are silent with respect to the placement of service commercial buildings on a site. The City of Abbotsford Zoning Bylaw has a zoning provision that requires that a service commercial building be situated to act as a buffer between drive-through and adjoining uses. Specifically, the Abbotsford Bylaw requires: "a building is located between the drive-through aisle and a lot line shared with a lot zoned R or RM" Recognizing the role that a building can play in the buffering of use, staff recommend that a provision similar to that of the City of Abbotsford be included in the District of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw. Landscape Screen The District of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw defines landscape screen as "a visual barrier composed of continuous evergreen hedge, wooden fence or masonry wall, or a combination thereof, which is broken only be access drives, lanes and walkways". The District of Pitt Meadows zoning bylaw states that where service commercial. development is proposed adjacent to a residential property, that screening be installed so that "no person is able to see through it". Given the interface between service commercial and service station uses and residential properties in the Disthct, staff recommend that the definition of landscape screen be amended to clarify that one should not be able to see through it. Order Boxes Many of the complaints received regarding drive-through use are related to noise resulting from the placement of a take-out order box or other electronic device. At present, the District of Maple Ridge does not have specific policies pertaining to the placement of order boxes. Staff were unable to locate any Canadian examples, but are aware that some American cities prohibit the use of order boxes when the subject property is adjacent to residential use. It is recommended that the Zoning Bylaw be amended to prohibit the use of an order box on service commercial property, adjoining a - — -- iesklential designatedproperty: P. permitted on the service commercial property, however orders would be taken via a drive-up window, as opposed to an order box. 43 Hours of Operation The hours of operatián for service commercial use is often cited as a concern by residential property owners. In the recent past, the Municipal Act did not provide municipalities with the authority to regulate hours of operation, and for that reason, the District has not regulated hours of operation for certain uses. Instead, the District has consulted with service commercial proponents, who have volunteered to have resthctive covenants pertaining to hours of operation registered.on the title to their properties. However, recent amendments to the Municipal Act have expanded the municipalities powers pertaining to business licensing, and it is now possible to regulate hours of operation. Community and Business Relation Staff will be researching this issue and will bring forward a report to Council identifying a variety of options. 5.0 CONCLUSION This report provides an overview of the issues that have been raised as a result of the interface between service commercial, service station and residential use. Pursuant with the review staff recommend that Policy 51 in the OCP be amended in order encourage the location of car wash and service statiofl uses on arterial and collector streets. The Policy also establishes a minimum distance separation of 800 metres between car washes, plus an 800 metre minimum distance separation between service station uses. It is noted that existing CS-i or CS-2 zoned properties, and parcels of land not adjoining a residential lot would not be subject to this policy. The report also confirms the need to ensure that service commercial and service station uses develop in a consistent and neighbourhood sympathetic manner, and for that reason staff is recommending that Development Permit Area XXXVII be established. A review of the Zoning Bylaw revealed that for the most part, the District's zoning regulations are similar to those of neighbouring municipalities. However, staff did identify areas within the Bylaw that should be amended in order to minimize the impacts of service cOmmercial uses on adjoining residential properties. Specifically, staff is recommending that the Zoning Bylaw be amended to: clarify that a landscape screen be planted or installed so that no person is able to see through it; establish a requirement that a building is to be located between a drive- through aisle, for developments adjoining property designated for residential use; and prohibit the use of order boxes or similar instrument on service commercial properties adjoining property designated for residential use. 7 Lastly, recognizing that many of the concerns relating to service commercial uses when adjacent to residential designated property stems from the hours of operation of certain establishments, staff will be preparing a report identifying options for addressing hours of operation. Prepared by: Christine Carter, MCIP District Planner Approved by: Jake J. Rudolph, AICP, MCIP GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer 8 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE: May 15, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001 .2 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Council SUBJECT: Moonwalk 2000 SUMMARY: A request has been received from Zellers Associate Council to use Municipal Sidewalks and Streets for their first annual fundraiser "Moonwalk for Cystic Fibrosis" on Sunday May 28, 2000. It is recommended that the event be approved provided the usual conditions are met. A copy of the request dated May 5, 2000 is attached. RECOMMENDATION: That Zeilers Associate Council (the organizer) be authorized to use the required sidewalks and streets on Sunday May 28, 2000 commencing at 11:00 am for their first annual "Moonwalk for Cystic Fibrosis" provided the conditions outlined in schedule 'A', attached to this report are met. BACKGROUND: The Zellers Associate Council is requesting permission to use Municipal Streets and Sidewalks for their First Annual Moonwalk for Cystic Fibrosis. The walkers will gather at Maple Ridge Park, head west on 132 Avenue, south on 224 Street, east on Abernethy Way, north on 227 Street, east on 128 Avenue, and north on 232 Street returning to Maple Ridge Park. The walk will start at 11:00 am and end by 12:30pm. A map showing the route is attached. From time to time the Municipality is requested to allow the use of Municipal Sidewalks and Streets for organized events. Unless there is some unusual safety implication, approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of e event are attached as "Schedule A". 14A Prepared by: Frank Quinn, P.Eng., Municipal Engineer ices Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer -1- 91J Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated May 15, 2000 First Annual "Moonwalk" for Cystic Fibrosis Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: provide all of the necessary traffic controls acceptable to the R.C.M.P. and the District of Maple Ridge; ensures that traffic is not disrupted on the walk route; supervise all required street crossings by means of at least two properly equipped crossing guards; hold and save harmless the Corporation from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event, full liability must be accepted by the organizer; obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $2,000,000.00, naming the Corporation as an additional named insured. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporation prior to the event; refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District of Maple Ridge; The Corporation of District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw this permission to use Municipai Streets should the organizers fail to comply with the above requirements. IWR 11850- 224th STREET MAPLE RIDGE, 84, 19IV2X &SI May 5, 2000 Michael Eng, A.Sc.T. Traffic Technologist 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Dear Mr. Eng: I am writing to request permission for a fundraising event to take place in Maple Ridge on Sunday, May 28, 2000. The event is for "Moonwalk 2000", a Zellers annual fundraiser and will involve walking on city streets as follows: Route Description: Start Maple Ridge Park Proceed left to 132 Avenue Turn left on 132 Avenue Turn right on 224 Street Turn right onto Abernathy Way Turn left onto 227 Street Turn right onto 128 Avenue Turn left onto 232 Street Finish at the starting point We will also notify the Fire Department, Ambulance Services, and BC Transit If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Kris Moran Zëllers Associate Council 11850 224 Street Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 8Sl (604) 463-5166 Fax 463-5166 n 'I • . S S . . •. 0 iL L - -- _ I2)Avc. • • S 0 •. . S • M aP ICL Rtdgc P;irk Siri?Fin,ch C 1 DewdneylrunkRd 1 . =10Km Mapk Ridgc - - KIIi wW.bk C((Y. Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE A GENDA May 15, 2000 12:30p.m. Council Chamber Chair: Acting Mayor L. DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS - (10 minutes each) 12:30 p.m. 1.1 Citizens' Satisfaction Survey Results 12:40p.m. 1.2 Parks and Leisure Services Division - First Quarter Statistics Presenter: Kelly Swift, Recreation Co-ordinator East. See Item 951 also. 12:50 p.m. 1.3 Alderwood Consultants re Subdivision at 23874 and 23884 - 118 Avenue - Consolidation Issues Presenters: Mr. James Williams 2. PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SER VICES Note: Owners and/or Agents of Development Applications may be permitted to speak to their applications with a time limit of 10 minutes. Page 1 Committee of the Whole Agenda May 15, 2000 Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda: 902 Latecomer Agreement - LC/74100 - SD/35196 - Phase One (102 Avenue and 243 Street) Staff report dated May 1, 2000 recommending that the above noted agreement be executed. 903 RZ10011 7-23900 Block of 116 Avenue - By-laws 5906-2000 and 5907-2000 Staff report dated May 10, 2000 recommending that the subject by-laws be read a first time. (to rezone a small portion of the northeast corner and an adjacent portion of unopened 116 Avenue right-of-way to be consolidated with a larger development to the north for a townhouse project). 904 ALRj124100 - 22875 - 132 Street Staff report dated May 4, 2000 recommending that the subject application for the drying of sea urchin shells and the production of an organic fertilizer not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. 905 DVPI20100-22100— 136Avenue Staff report dated May 1, 2000 recommending that the subject application to relax the required setback for a proposed cold storage building from 30 metres to 5 metres from the top of bank of a stream channel be considered at the June 13, 2000 Council Meeting. Page 2 Committee of the Whole Agenda May 15, 2000 906 Greater Vancouver Regional District - Liquid Waste Management Plan - Stage 2 Staff report dated May 4, 2000 recommending that Stage 2 of the above noted plan be endorsed and that Stage 3 be endorsed subject to the approval of Stage 2 by the Minister of Environment, Lands and Parks. 907 SD/46193 - 238B Street and Dewdney Trunk Road - Development Cost Charge Expenditure Payback - By-law.No. 589-2000 Staff report dated April 28, 2000 recommending approval of DCC forgiveness in the amount of $167,706 and that By-law No. 5897-2000 to appropriate those funds be granted three readings. 908 1999 Annual Report - Public Works and Development Services DivisIon 3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (Including Fire and Police) 931 Fraser River Port Authority Land Use Plan (Draft) Staff report dated April 25, 2000 recommending that the above noted plan be supported and that the Ridge Meadows Airport Authority be notified of the long term implication of the plan on airport lands. Page 3 Committee of the Whole Agenda May 15, 2000 932 British Columbia Provincial Emergency Response Management System (BCERfifS) Staff report dated April 28, 2000 recommending that the BCERMS system be adopted as the system of operation within the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Joint Emergency Operations Centre. 933 Hill House - Inclusion in Community Heritage Register Staff report dated May 8, 2000 recommending that the recommendation from the Heritage Advisory Committee that the developer include Hill House in the Community Heritage Register be supported. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTAND RECREATION SER VICES Nil 951 Parks and Leisure Services Division - First Quarter Statistics - 2000 Staff report recommending that the subject statistics be received for information. CORRESPONDENCE 981 New Arts Centre —Governance and Operating Model Lótter from the Ridge Meadows Arts Council dated April 20, 2000 requesting a Letter of Intention or an Agreement to formalize the Arts Council's mie in operating the new Ridge Meadows Arts Centre Page 4 Committee of the Whole Agenda May 15, 2000 982 Implementation of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities/Greater Vancouver Regional District Proposal for a Federal Role in Funding Sustainable Urban Transportation Letter from GVRD dated May 10, 2000 recommending that delegates to the FCM support a concerted effort to gain approval for the above noted proposal. 6. OTHER ISSUES 7. ADJOURNMENT s.karasz Page 5 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.C. vx 6A9 MAPLE R1J)GE Telephone: (604) 463-5221 Fax: (604) 467-7329 thrporaWd 12 September, 1874 E-mail: enquiries@mapleridge.org May 8, 2000 File No: 3360-201RZ156199 Linda Rutland-Petch, C. Tech. Alderwood Consultants 15897 Alder Place White Rock, B.C. V4A 511 Via Fax No: 536-1628 Dear Ms. Rudand-Petch: In response to your facsimile dated May 2, 2000, the following arrangements are continued for Aiderwood Consultants to appear before Municipal Council as a delegation regarding Rezoning Application No. RZ156/99: Committee of the Whole Meeting May 15, 2000 Council Chamber 12:aO p.m. Due to time constraints, it is necessary to limit delegation appearances to 10 minutes and it would therefore be very much appreciated if you could ensure that your presentation is completed within the allotted time. If we can be of any further assistance in this regard, please do not hesitate to call. Yours truly, Trevor Wingrove Municipal Clerk cc Confidential Secretary Planning Department I "Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens" 1. MAY 02 '00 10: 1941 MCELJ.b.Ey SLY BC P. Akkr I White RocCV4A5J1 r it 50441,5-1532 Pix: 504.636.1528 C411 604-290-1830 OWWWOodshomacem E-mail: TRANSMITTAL FORM DATE: May 2: 2000 RIP. NO: RZ/51199 TO: CorpoatIon of the lstrlct of OIsttt of Maple Rlige Corporate Support1 VIA FAX: 1-IO441-7flS ' rrLnrTr. i;3;1T iv: The MowPig docLxnnts aM being fawarded to you. NO. OP PAGES 3 (Induding this pegs) ME$IAQE Trevo PIuse see attached requ4t to appear as a delegation before C0tr441-Comnttee at ftc' meeting May 15, 2000. Would you please cantlr$'n oil pwomr,hint on the Comnttee Msetiflg Agendm at your earliest Skisrely, Unds Rutlind-Petch, C. MAY 02 '00 j0:11 MCth4f$y 9IRQy ac 001, 15IV7scs odiC V4A5J1' T1: 5044354533 Fr 80443e-1521 015: 504-290.1530 i-n5: awooiom.com May 1, 2000 'k No. SD /55/99 The CorporsUon of the DW*ki of Maple Rldgs 11995 Haney Place M.pl.RIdg.,BC V2XM9 ATTENTION: Mr. T+r WIrrove. Munictesi Clerk Application for ai4dlv,slOA of the £ and Wfl Lot 326 iso IS, Tp. 126 PI.,i lIfl. NW mf 57A III Aiiw M. DIiIii -- &s.qusnt to the PiI14 Hearlig far the above rsfomriosd dsvetopmsnt Council granted Thid Reaft of ths 9)15w and fttther s.ctvod that pdor to gmndng Final Adoption of its byl5w that censolidaSon of the land sotti of Ste Lan i (Remainder Lot OM with LotS, LMP 3571$ We place. To daft We have msd.!at least four un.ucosuM eUsinpIs to nsgblhsts with Mr. Richard Lam whtt reaped to the cOflsoIlda$lon of Our Remainder Lots with Ma LOIS WI scheduled a mse5ng with Mr. Lam and his Conmj W JoPwi JguId ci Genesis Development Consultants Ltd at Mr Dugulds oPtima however, Mr. La4 d not aU. To dais he h neither met with us nor responded to our attempts to cont.ct him sdy. WI man only inlwpr.I his lack of aodon so a rsftmsi to NegotIate fl Good Faith with us In or4.r to resolve this sibistion. Thu leaves us in the unforMiat, postdan of being unable to oomplsts our 4onlng rsqub'.ments arid lesves us at the marty of * person who 1 clearly not Interested In completing tie development at this Sms. We therefore rssE;18%ubmit our request to appear ass delegation before Counc4-In-Commlttse at 1W meeting on M000. We wi be requesting that the Commm.e give due consideration to r.lmdng the rsqur consolidation of the Remainder Lot 32 wIth Lot S and allow us to stlath the RamaIndsr Lot w I of our proposed development (see siarthed conc.pkal plan). )f you reqiirs any fur$r WiUsmoton peltlning to th maisr please teal Sea to contact me at my cmos 604-53I.12 or farc at 504453S.1& Unde Ridlsid-PsWt, C. David Stevenson, ONM of Mspls Ridge Pisrmhig Dspebner* Smart a WIaems, srTtstsIs iftd $oSlurs I oiem P.2 (T A9 ,4ItMP u. a. 7 :- IUFN* $I!. I 1Iurft i / 9 1 II 'wry 11/4 AIAV . .11 4:11 1 I!4 LI II hr MAIM JE1v, • •. •. ••. •i. -p. /IYfl ,4I.tMf - L iJ5Iw6vIc - '4,1w/Mw ir.x vam mWJ1L Z4'K1/2I MAM IIYISIiK 99027-01 - rL 1Ifl 4V mv p'p 52 CORPORATION OF TILE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: May 1, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NQi E08-015-843.1 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer E01-052-001.2 SUBJECT: Excess Capacity/Extended ATi'ENi ;ON: C of W Services Agreement LC 74100 ; SD 35/96 - Phase One SUMMARY: A developer has provided certain services in support of Subdivision SD 35/96 - Phase One. Some of the services benefit adjacent lands therefore, it is appropriate to impose Latecomer Charges on the benefitting lands. RECOMMENDATION: That with respect to the subdivision of lands Involved In SD 35/96 - Phase One (102 Avenue & 243 Street), be it resolved that: That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, In whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and That Latecomer Charges be Imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and In the amounts as set out In the memorandum of the Chief Administrative Officer dated May 1, 2000, and That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a "Latecomer Agreement" with the subdivider of the said lands. BACKGROUND: (a) Purpose The attached map identifies the lands which are involved in the subdivision and those which will benefit from the excess or extended services. The cost breakdown for each excess or extended service is as follows: 9 O 1. ONS1TE SERVICE FOR ADJACENT PROPERTY SERVICE NUMBER OF COST OF COST PER BENEFIT BENEFWILNG BENEFIT LOT ATFRIBUTED LOTS BY?ROPERTY EXCLUDING SUbwIsION Road - 10 $21150.00 $2,145.00 Lot E. '245.35 ft. 2, Plan 102B Avenue 15283 1 x$2,115.0O Water - 11 $8,877.00 $807.00 Lot E. 245.35 ft. 2. Plan 102B Avenue 15283 1 x $807.00 Water - 11 $8,877.00 $807.00 Lot E. 245.35 ft. 2, Plan 102A Avenue 15283 1 x $807.00 Road - 6 $21,600.00 $3,600.00 Lot E. 245.35 ft. 2, Plan Lane hOrn 15283 West of 243 2 x $3,600.00 Street Sanitary Sewer —Lane & SROW 11Gm west of 243 Street Storm Sewer - Lane & SROW 1 lOm west of 243 Street 165 $86,295.00 $523.00 Lot E. 245.35 ft. 2, Plan 15283 5x$523.00 72 $48,096.00 $668.00 Lot E. 245.35 ft. 2, Plan 15283 5 x $668.00 Lot 31, P1. 39561 1 x $668.00 2. EXTENDED NOMINAL SERVICE SERVICE # BENEFTITING COST OF COST PER BENEFIT LOTS BENEFIT LOT ATTTRJIBUTED BY PROPERTY EXCLUDING SUBDIVISION Sanitary 190 $65,930.00 $347.00 Lot 29, P1. 38143 Sewer 1 X $347.00 102 Avenue Lot 31,P1. 39561 1 x $347.00 Lot 32, P1. 39561 5 x $347.00 LotW½of 2, P1. 17126. 6 x $347.00 LotE½of 2, Plan 17126 2 x $347.00 Lot4l, P1.45949 3x$347.00 Lot Rem. 1,Pl. 17126 1 x $347.00 Lot 24, P1. 21429 I x $347.00 Lot 25,Pl. 21429 1 x $347.00 A total of all of the aforementioned services for each pmperty is as follows: East 245.32 ft. of Lot 2, Sec. 3, Tp. 12, Plan 15283, N.W.D. $16,884.00 Lot 29, Sec. 3, Ip. 12, Plan 38143, N.W.D. $347.00 Lot 31, Sec. 3, Tp. 12, Plan 39561, N.W.D. $1,015.00 Lot 32, Sec. 3, Tp. 12, Plan 39561, N.W.D. $1,735.00 Lot W ½ of 2, Sec. 3, Tp. 12, Plan 17126, N.W.D. $2,082.00 Lot E ½ of 2, Sec. 3, Tp. 12, Plan 17126, N.W.D. $$694.00 Lot4l, Sec. 3,Tp, 12P1an45949,N.W.D. $1,041.00 Lot Rem. 1, Sec. 3, Tp. 12, Plan 17126, N.W.D. $347.00 Lot 24, Sec. 3, Tp. 12, Plan 21429, N.W.D. $347.00 Lot 25, Sec. 3, Tp. 12, Plan 21429, N.W.D. $347.00 (b) Policy Implications: Section 939 of the Municipal Act, provides in clauses 5 (a), (b) and (c) that where a developer pays all or part of the cost of excess or extended services, the municipality shall determine the proportion of the cost of the service which constitutes excess or extended service and determine the proportion of the cost of the service to be attributed to parcels of land which the municipality considers will benofw frorn the service. The Latecomer Agreement will summarize the municipality's ermin tion and establish the term over which such Latecomer charges will be applied. /Jeff Scherban, Director of Development Engineering Reviewed i( Frank Quinn, P.Eng., Municipal Engineer lake J. Rudolph, AICP, MtIP GM: Public Works & Development Services 17L ~, 4a=,-L- Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer :iiiii. CORPORA'flON OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: May 10. 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/00/17 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No.5906-2000 & Bylaw No. 5907-2000 (23900 Block of 116 Avenue) SUMMARY: This development proposal is to rezone a small portion of the north east corner of Parcel "E"(RP.4518) and an adjacent portion of the unopened 116 Avenue right-of-way to RM-1 (To*nhouse Residential). This area will be consolidated with a larger development site to the north for townhouse development. It will also rezone a small portion at the south east corner of Parcel "E" (RP 4518) to RS-3 to respect the conservation boundary. Council gave favourable consideration to the above noted application May 9, 2000 with the stipulation that prior to being presented at a Public Hearing, the following would be complied with: 1) A development plan showing the following: Site Plan Neighbourhood Context The above has been received and it is recommended that 1st reading be given to the subject bylaw. [•) , m tcix That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5906-2000 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5907-2000 be given First Reading Prepéed by. Gay McMillan Phniiing Technician Approved Akç by. Jake GM: Public Works & Development Ser Al vices tk AICP, MCIP AICP, MP Chi=21nnistrative Officer I N Y-=-Lvi 1 I 23900 116 AVE SCAI.E: 1:2,500 1 KEY MAP U., i* 1I •7I17ffV RY JR • If.- m' ;i •r- I I I - a'wr) I _%(.•rpr,._ \ I \ - ISE* N 17 00 -pp * (Lia. g. A4 PAØ #??ucfl oM) "REZONING" MAR 15/2000. 116 AVE. PARTNERSHIP damax consultants ltd. -. II -. "Kwwm v& m- ®r J-m !lffimm - SCALE- SUBJECT AREA CORPORATION OF THE ISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT 12 SupUbs. iP4 BY APR. 25. 2000 RZ-17-QO DRAWN Tr C. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5906 - 2000 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510- 1985 as amended. VHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No.5906-2000". That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: All that portion of: Parcel "E" (Reference Plan 4518) South East Quarter, Section 16 Township 12, New Westminster District and outhnéd in heavy black line is hereby rezoned to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential), and that portion shown hatched is hereby rezoned to RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), as shown on Map No. 1239, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw. Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 2000. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , AD. 2000. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 2000. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 2000. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 2000. MAYOR CLERK 'z 23// / 31 LMP 43796 0.615 O.IS4. I PWt 1 .32 he "749 25 25 o it —i2f12/ A LMP II R 26 EP 35041 27 6718 0109 ______ o.28 L. PARK 29 31 - - .__"sA' Pivl.33hs . L" 99 LMP 36719 2.1 ho ii (f 'I 86 EP 66258 I P 66257 I P66257 F to 25 it - P 30498 E 12 OJOOIIS RP 4518 11sR 1 19 18 11574 J 9 11S " 20 ______ ____ 25 I • PARK Lsdr23 1l5.P9 1,. RP 134 27 ? 1' 5A*I J\ 2.0931is i12j 1 20 19.0 ,, I _______ 1151 38 23.1 /• 15 iis. 36 " ? ..1 35 -- MAPLE RIDGE ZONE' AMENDING Bylaw No. 5906-2000 Map No. 1239 From: RS-3(One Family Rural Residential) and CD—i —93(Comprehensive Development) To: RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) and R-3(0ne Family Rural Residential)shown hatched (21% _ • •. Li. MAPLE RIDGE V Ia4ulpUL$t.4 12 3,$.b. 1174 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5907-2000 A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A", "B" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No.5907-2000." Schedule "B" is hereby amended for those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Parcel "E" (Reference Plan 4518), South East Quarter, Section 16 Township 12, New Westminster District And outlined in heavy black line is hereby redesignated to Compact Housing (40 upnh), and that portion shown hatched is hereby redesignated to Conservation, as shown on Map No. 593, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw. Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XIV in the Appendix: Parcel "E" (Reference Plan 4518), South East Quarter, Section 16 Township 12, New Westminster District That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: All that portion of: Parcel "E" (Reference Plan 4518) South East Quarter, Section 16 Township 12, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 594, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, is hereby designated as Development Permit Area XIV (10) on Schedule "H". 5. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law, No.5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of READ A SECOND TIME the day of READ A THIRD TIME the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOFIED the A.D. 2000. A.D. 2000. , A.D. 2000. A.D. 2000. A.D.2000. day of MAYOR CLERK LMP 43796 31 PARK PARK 0.615 he o.ss]••••..s pie 23 24 Pt 1.52 Plo To 2.95 he A "1 F, LMP 36718 LMP 36718 L0J090 ho CL on PARK 31 29 2.961 ho I I 0.900 he III II!! 66 EP 66258 I P 68257 65 23.2 /law - P66257 I1S told — P 30496 11MV RP 4518 18.0 113w 1137 1.974 he in F1S. ?,5.e3I 6 . 0 020 fl I PARK 113 A*S [;ls.Jr2 J L]1 f l - (ei2c F\ i"- '' RP 134 38 2.023 he i1 ?,q L4 1 let 11 20 9.0 ,, J 'P16 37 23.1 ,15 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5907-2000 Map No. 593 From: Single Family Residentiol(1 5,18,30 units per net hectare) and Conservation To: Compact Housing(40 units per net hectare) and Conservation(shown hatched) AMAPLE RIDGE Iscwpsta4 12 3sptbur, 1674 1:2500 11W A PARK PARK 31 1 37' - ("1F 43796 o.e 0.953 Pert 1.52 lii Tote 2.83 ie I, L.MP 36718 Tj 11 EP 35041 LMP 36718 L 0.809 P PARK 31 29 t33 M 2.961M II OJOOho 1) ii III! II 66 ( 66258 I P 66257 65 11% - P66257 "IS F6* 0 - c 11. AIL 9 — P 30496 £ 12 OjOOlis RP 4516 ______________ _____ ILO 19 1.974 he 20 A 25I2r- 49 (\2i2 Jig 30.1 "Lv PARK 115ANff RP 1340* 27 ' U29 30 usA, '4421 1 A 1LO\7 ,, ______ - - '1 u,s U' ci 15 38 0 J1151I MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5907-2000 Map No. 594 PURPOSE: TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA xiv(10) MAPLE RIDGE I Iscerportt.4 12 September. 1874 1:2500 '4 22 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: May 4th, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: ALPJ24/00 FROM: ChiefAdministrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dcv SUBJECT: ALPJ24/00 (address 22875-132 w Street) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received for Subdivision or Use in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) under section 22(1) of the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) Act. The ALC Act requires applications under this section be authorized by the local government to proceed to the Land Reserve Commission (LRC) for consideration. The proposed use as described in the application is the drying of sea urchin shells and the production of an organic fertilizer. The Land Reserve Commission (LRC) does not consider this to be an agricultural use, therefore an application and approval by the LRC is required for the owner to continue this activity in the ALR. Based on the use as proposed and the proximity to rural residential and future urban residential use it is recommended that authorization to forward this application to the LRC be denied. II RECOMMENDATION: That application ALRt24/00(for property located at 22875-132" Street) for Subdivision or Use in the Agricultural Land Reserve under section 22(1) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act, described in the report dated May 4", 2000, not be authorized to proceed to the Land Reserve Commkslon. II BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Resident: Legal Description: OCP: Zoning: Surrounding Uses: Sylvis Environmental Services Norma Y. Nelson John Nelson West 7.8 Chains of the North East Quarter Section 29 Township 12 Except: Part Subdivided by Plan 32932, New Westminster District Agricultural/Conservation and Compact Housing (30 u/ha.) RS-3 Rural Residential N: A-2 Upland Agricultural S: RS-3 Rural Residential E: RS-3 Rural Residential W: RS-3gural Residential . L im -1- Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Access: Previous Applications: III PROJECT DESC Residence, Wooded lot, accessory buildings Production of organic fertilizer From 132' Street n/a RWflON: The resident of this site, Mr. John Nelson, is currently manufacturing organicfertilizer from sea urchin shells. Mr. Nelson has explained to the LRC that he imports approximately 25,000 lbs/day of sea urchin waste obtained from various seafood processors. This seafood waste is heated and tumbled in the drying facility resulting in an end product that resembles broken shells. The Applicant describes the drying facility as having a land footprint of 2973 sq.m. in area. Through the process of drying the shells with natural gas as a heat source, a large volume of steam is generated. The steam is directed to an adjacent 139 sq.m. greenhouse as a source of heat. The Applicant indicates the production of steam is sufficient to heat a possible future greenhouse of an additional 1394 sq.m. Attached is a letter from Mr. Nelson dated November 12' 1999 describing the current conditions on site. All of this activity occurs on the low land or ALR portion of this property. Based on the volume of seafood waste imported, the land area consumed for facilities to treat the seafood waste, it is clear the manufacturing of fertilizer is the principal use, and the heat generated is directed to an incidental agricultural use, a small greenhouse. The Applicant has been processing on this site without benefit of the necessary permits since November 1998. The Ministry of the Environment investigated complaints of odors on November 23d 1998. The report indicated that equipment to process sea urchins into a soil supplement on site was being tested by Mr. Nelson. The investigation concluded that no evidence could be found to indicate waste produced was being buried on site. In April 1999 further complaints from nearby residents of odors emanating from the site, prompted an investigation by Bylaw Enforcement, GVRD Air Quality Department, and the LRC. The investigation was conducted on May 7', 1999 and the LRC offered two options to Mr. Nelson and the Owner. immediately cease the unauthorized non-farm use, remove all associated equipment and waste stockpiles and restore the land to an agricultural standard, or submit an application pursuant to Section 22 of the ALC Act. Mr. Nelson has continued to operate The processing equipment after receiving notice from the District of Maple Ridge to cease and desist An application for non-farm use has now been received. Attached to this memo is additional information from the Applicant describing production activities and how Mr. Nelson will deal with further complaints of odor. This information was provided with the application for the LRC and is included here for the consideration of Council. As complaints with respect to odor are received by the Municipality notice is given to the GVRD Air Quality Department about the specifics of the complaint. The GVRD then contacts Mr. Nelson with concern for ar quality and information as to the source of the emission. This process has been -2- established as the production facilities on this site are in contravention of District of Maple Ridge Bylaws. Any direct contact with Mr. Nelson to mitigate the odor problem may be perceived as Municipal support for this illegal use of the property. IV PLANNING ANALYSIS (I) Official Community Plan The southern half of the site is designated Agricultural and is within the ALR. The north half is designated for future urban use. - (II) Zoning Bylaw The proposed use described in the application is not consistent with uses permitted in the RS-3 Rural Residential Zone. If this application is forwarded to the LRC and approved as a nonfarm use a portion of the site must be rezoned to accommodate a high impact industrial use. The location of the processing operation will be on the lowland agricultural lands that are adjacent to an area of numerous small lot rural residences. The impact of this processing use will be significant. Further the northern portion of the site is designated Compact Housing at 30 units I net ha. Considering present residential use and anticipated future use of surrounding parcels, staff do not support an OCP amendment and Zoning change to permit the processing operation. VI CONCLUSION: As the LRC does not consider the use described as agricultural and given that Staff are not prepared to support redesignation and rezoning for these agricultural lands, it is recommended that this application not be authorized to proceed to the LRC for consideration. Landscape/Plknninp Technician Approved by: 7err)1)Pfer, P. Jake-r RudolphAICP, MCIP GM Public Works & Development Services ort W. RertsonXICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer -3- J. NELSON CRANE SERViCE LTD. P.O. BOX 224 MAPt.E RtOGE. B.C. Tie 4B7-64 - r F (B)4) 4674006 12, 1999 Corp. Of The District Of Maple Ridge, 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 AttentiolE Terry Fiy Director Of Planning Dear Terry, NOV 1 6 1999 MAPLE RIOC- P o NT This organic farming system is u-ting sea urchin as grow medium and organic food. The heal source used to render the sea urchin to a usable product doubles as a green- house heater/CO2 generator which heats the greenhouse. We are licensed as a tree farm and to this date we have planted approximately 4500 evergreen trees, (Douglas Firs, Cedar and Blue Spruce). In ow greenhouse we have experimented with a variety of vegetables with good results. Our current greenhouse space is 1500 sq. feet. Our heat source is capable of heating considerably more and we plan on adding more square footage in the future. Sincerely Yours, John NeIon, Director J. Nelson Crane Service Ltd. a S .1• I) Place orpnic Mstcñsl in fccd system. The material is conveyed to dryer. Dryer. Org*aic maleijal dried in heat chamber. fxhausl system mixes ozone with cooking smell to omit ododese warm air. Ozone iii modern iccbiic borrowed from the water purification industry. CO2 eauiched steam is what is used to heat the greenhouse. and supply them with CO2 to enhance the growth of the - inside. The accumulator tank is in place to deal with the excess steam. To add more green-houses simply move sank. 3h ~!• 1 I $ ko,Ae~-e, — '4 4 E x VW ttsf q. S5IcNI 1 ....-. Co - - ENr s /rv *_! 76 i 4 bjUJ .1 - - - P4 r io 314 I,' I 1ai I !UIII MM 99 2 -F- i--T~ -.-- I L a. cP ,ingL v- F 8y.%JW No. 207 L 3 Rem SWi414 I P 38408 P8575% 10 4 2flor1/ bLtAV I PIJECT I 435117 H 194 8 r7 ,i PR OPERTY IOP25 2 LMP 9042 RS-3 SPI Al RID 5 - P388211 1 p3544?11032 28 J 291Rsn112 II P 32932 16 41 r PZ7S iel A P LMRd !00 1 l 1 B P728i N1r2 II4-_1 1421fl 19 1 1711 I 61 36' _____ FI2$lJ I I I iI A H H -I 69 145500 ALR-24-OO CURRENT ZONING Fill MAPLE RU)GE MAPLE RIDGE i s.,s....i... iuve PROTECTiVE SERViCES I— APPLKATION UNDER SECTION 22 3 THE LAND COMMISSION ACT Aprii 2000 John Nelson Use of Farm: west 7.8 Chains of the North East Quarter Section 29, Township 12, Except Part Subdivided by Plan 32932, New Westminster District Additional Information This document provides additional information in the application to the Land Commission under Section 22 of the Act for non-fami use on a ,rtion of the previously described property. Farm Use Objectives On a small portion of the Nelson farm located at 22875 132 Street in Maple Ridge Mr. John Nelson operates a therma$ drying and boiler facirity for the production of an organic fertikzer for use in agricultural and steam used to heat a greenhouse. A side view of this facility is shown in Photograph 4. The drying facility, with a land footprint of lOOm by 30 m (0.03 he of the 8 ha parcel) uses natural gas to dry sea urchin shells generated from aquiculture. The location and size of this facility as compared to the property itself and adjacent landowners is identified on a map found in Schedule I (attached). Once dry, the organic amendment is ground and prepared for use as a soil amendment and fertilizer for organic food production. A portion of the production Is used on site, with the remaining being marketed for retail and commercial sales. The drying operation requires significant amounts of heat, and produces steam as the drying operation proceeds. This steam is used to heat a greenhouse operation with the opportunity for expansion. Benefits of Use The benefits of this facility are threefold, and include local employment, waste recycling and product development and heat generation. Local Employment Operating the drier and producing the organic feitTizer employs sb people direct from within the District of Maple Ridge, and an estimated 300 indIrect people involved in the initial processing, trucking and fertilizer distribution and sales. Expanding the existing greenhouse operations Is thought to employ an additional five full time local people on site. Recydllng a Waste to Resource The creation of a value-added product from the waste stream of a dissociated operation is the keystone in Rfe cycle assessments aid sustainable development of our communities. Sea urchin shells have little or no Intrinsic value, and are generated as waste product In the production of food for human consumption - and the processing of this material into an organic fertilizer is thought comparable to the processing of an oft- site generated agricultural waste, albeit this product Is derived from the ocean and not that from dairy or swine production. Through the drying and grinding process, the shells Page 1 of 8 Parameter Organic Fertilizer Juminum 0.01 )sh 78.3 Boron 30.5 ppm C:Nratlo 9.29 Calcium 31.2 Calcium Carbonate Eq. 131 Carbon, Total 14.3 Copper 12.4 ppm E.C. 61.3 mS/cm Im" 412 ppm Magnesium 1.29 Manganese 6.4 Moisture 22.5 Molybdenum c 0.6 ppm Nitr090n, Total 1.54 Omanic Carbon, Total 14.3 Organic Matter 21.7 7 pHunits phosphorus 0.37 Potasslum 0.55 S - 6.9 Sodlum 1.46 S r 0.69. 5 Inc 44 ppm E . APPLK4&TION UNDER SECTION 22 3 THE r LAND COMMISSION ACT lAsi4cul11LOW 25April2000 Cj are transformed from a waste product into an organic fertilizer product with significant value. Certification from the Organic Materials Review Institute is underway, and retail and commercial interests in marketing.fthis product have been established. The material iJs:an excellent liminagent for soils *Ath a high CaCO3 equivalent (131 %)plus supplies - essential plant nutrients (fertilizer eq(iiValency of approximately 2 - I -0.5) An analysis C• ot.e plant macro .w. micronutrieflth this organic fertilizer marketed áOcean Meal isfondinTable1. Tabll: Nutj1ent Characteristics of Ocean Significant volumes of heat are generated in the drying of the urchin shells into organic fertilizer, and this heat and stream derived from the processing of agricultural related wastes and is usd to heat a greenhouse. With increased capture aid condensation of the steam, there is the oppoitunity to significantly increase the area of heated greenhouse space. This can be seen in Photograph 5. Area for possible greenhouse development on this prOperty as it relates to the size and location of the processing facility can be seen in Schedule 1. Heating greenhouse space is a costly expense in 'under glass operations, and the use of this energy in the heating and expansion of the existing greenhouse space is an obvious beneficial arid appropriate use. Page 2 of 6 r• i APPLkATION UNDER SECTION 22 1 THE LAND COMMISSION ACT I 25 April 2000 IA Ld1 L °°' Issues Surroundin9Use Issues surrounding the prodtbon of this fertilizer product and boiler steam used for greenhouse heating are three6d Odour Actual and perceived odour generated in the drying of the sea urchin shells has been a significant concern from several of the adjacent residents, and as a result, a concern for both the District of Maple Ridge and the Air Quality people of the GVRD. The drying facility has been under development since it's inception, with Mr. Nelson devising better and more efficient ways to produce the organic fertilizer product, capture and recycle more of the heat generated in the form of steam, and treat and minimize the generation of odours. In the original dryer, there was no odour control, and odours dissipated from the site with the excess steam. In further developing the drying, and facilitating the use of the steam for heat a significant amount of the odour has been reduced. On two of the three odour generation source points the steam is now routed through large ozone generators that effectively mitigate the odour produced from these sources. One of these ozone generators is shown in Photograph 2. In addressing concerns raised by local neighbours Mr. Nelson has personally visited with 8 of his closest neighbours, of which none have acknowledged to Mr. Nelson that they have been affected by a serious odour concern. While Mr. Nelson is aware of the odour problems eliminating these. odours and mitigating adjacent neighbours complaints has been difficult due to a lack of communication between the District of Maple Ridge, the GVRD and Mr. Nelson. Complaints received regarding the odour emissions rarely were directed at Mr. Nelson, making it difficult to isolate and eliminate the odour source. This communication problem has been eliminated with both offices now notifying Mr. Nelson of the time and approximate location as to where the odour complaint was received. With this infomiation and noting the activities on the farm and the direction of the wind and unique weather conditions, W. Nelson is pursuing. reduction, and ultimate elimination of the odour concerns. Maple Ridge Zoning The property on which the previously described activity occurs is within the Jurisdiction of the BC Land Commission (originally referred to as ALR laid under the ALC), and is zoned RS-3 by the Corporation at the District of Maple Ridge. Permlssiofl of Use - Land Commission Authorization The BC Land Reserve Commission has stated that it does not consider the production of organic fertilizer and heat as an authorized use at farmland within the Laid Commission. As such, the purpose of this application Is to seek the appropriate authorization from both the District of Maple Ridge and the BC Land Commission under Section 22 of the Land Commission Act. Peg. 3 CI'S APPLKATION UNDER SECTION 22 THE . LAND COMMISSION ACT IAricuh11ruiL1nI 25 April 2000 I c1,rn.MLi!!j Future Plans The elimination of odour produced at this facll!In conjunction with the increased capture and utilization of the steam for heating are4$ two key factor4 in the future plans for this facility. There are no plans to enlarge thef4bhty or increaseg the capacity of the current operatio With the heat.produced fromff production of this fertilizer, there is the opportunity to heat an estimated additional 15,000 square feet of greenhouse space from the current operation. The fabncation and erection of additional greenhouse space to utilize the heat produced from this facility is to occur subject to this approval. Currently only two of the three odour source points have ozone generation systems installed, greatly reducing the odour generated from these sources. With approval, the third location where odours originate from will have control measures implemented. This odour source can be seen in Photograph 3. Mr. Nelson has assured me that with the addition of this third ozone generator, and more efficient capture and use of the heat as steam that virtual odour elimination is possible. With appropriate zoning, this facility could be enclosed in a farmyard building eliminating the odour associated with the arrival of the sea urchin shells (see Photograph 1), and providing product storage for the organic fertilizer and soil amendment produced. Photographs of Drier and Operations The photographs below show the facility descnbed above. Photograph 1: Sea urchin shells arriving at the facility. One of the ozone- scrubbed steam sources can be observed in the background. Page 4016 APPLhATION UNDER SECTION 22 T) THE LANqD COMMISSION ACT (Aia LadI 25 APril 2000 L°l Photograph 2: One of the two ozone scrubbers used to mitigate odours arising from the drying process. Photograph 3: The third and final steam and odOur source to be collected and treated can be observed at the end of the dryer prior to the grinding the fertilizer product to specifications. Page 5016 APPLILATION UNDER SECTION 22 F THE LAND COMJISSION ACT A1.Jti..J Ld 25 April 2000 c-i Photograph 4: Side #iew of the entwe drying and fertilizer production facility. The shop buildings can be seen to the left of the diy.r. Photograph 5: Odour treated steam is routed through the greenhouse _through a pipe network and into a condensation tank (Cover removed to view steam heating system). Page 6016 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer DVP/20/00 (22100 136 Ave.) DATE: May 1, 2000 FILE NO:DVP/20/00 ATTN: Committee of the Whole EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The owners of the subject property plan to expand their existing mushroom growing business and have requested a relaxation in the required setback for a proposed cold storage building from 30 m to 5 m from the top of bank of a stream channel. The location of the building would permit the existing and proposed buildings to be linked with an enclosed walkway in order to recycle cooled air between buildings. The 5 msetback is supported by staff and the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch provided that the channel bank is revegitated. II RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal aerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/20/00 respecting property located at 22100 136 Ave. will be considered by Council at the June 13, 2000 meetIng. Ill BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Surrounding Uses N: S,E&W: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Access: Servicing: IV PROJECT DESCRIPTION D. Jansen Yi-Shiung Hsu and Ching-Ju LAn Hsu E½oftheW½oftheNl/2oftheNEl/4,Sec.30, Tp. 12, NWD Agricultural A-2 Cranberry Bog Agricultural/Residential Mushroom Farm Expansion to Mushroom Farm 136 Ave. Rural Standards apply The owners of the subject property are interested in expanding the existing mushroom growing operation. There is an existing stream channel located south of the existing buildings. The owners wish to locate a new building on the south side of the stream channel. Zoning Bylaw Sec. 503 (2)(c)(iii) states that: D5, "Buildings and StrUCtUres for agricultural use that involve mushroom growing shall be sited not less than 30 metres from all wells and streams." The owner requested that the building be located directly adjacent to the stream. It was concluded, through discussion with the Ministry of Environment Habitat Protection Officer and the owners, that a 5 in setback from top of bank would be acceptable. The building will be used for cold storage and not require any direct discharge of fluids to the stream. Respecting the zoning bylaw requirement of a 30 in setback, the owners are requesting a variance of 25 in to allow construction of the new building. V PLANNING ANALYSIS (i) Official Community Plan Designation The subject property is located in the Agricultural Land Reserve and is designated Agricultural on Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan. (II) Land Use The owners currently operate a mushroom farm. The existing building is cooled, creating the appropriate environment for the operation. The proposed building will also function under a cooled environment. It is the owners intention to site the proposed building close enough to the existing building in order to recycle the cooler air from the first building to the second building via an enclosed walkway. Through discussion with staff and the Habitat Protection Officer, the agreed setback from the top of bank is 5 metres. (iii) Stream Channel Diversion The original channel angled through the property in t; north west direction. As well, periodically during the year the channel would flood its banks. The owner redirected the channel and increased the flow capacity to reduce the number of flood events. As compensation for the reduced building setback and to add some habitat value to the stream channel, the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch are requesting a compensation package that includes planting native tree species along the top of bank and hydn)-seeding the channel. These works are also intended to provide erosion control. The District has a copy of the "first draft" replanting proposal. Respecting that amendments to the plan, including hydro-seeding are required by the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, it is recommended that final issuance of DVP/20/00 be conditional on approval of this compensation package. -2. VI CONCLUSION: Staff have reviewed this project with the owners and various consultants and conclude that due to the nature of the business and the anticipated use of the proposed building that the 5 m setback will not pose a hazard to the creek system. However the builder should take the necessary steps to floodproof the building, and the compensation package must be approved. --. Prepared by: Dave Stevenson Planning Technician Approved Planning Jake iRudolAIcP, MCIP GM: Public Works & Development Services 11tobert W. Robfr/on, (!€P, MCIP Chief Admlnftrathe Officer .3. P12684 I- S 1/2 of S.E. 1/4 SUBJECT PROPERTY .1 H G Rim 3 F P5154 E C B . a P 66369 _ P5O5 AVE 5 0 116 Ht fr B 25515 - NI P55d5 A-2 P 28 1 2 P OOlS W112 E112 . Rum 3 p W112 rNlI2c(N.E114 s's sa -oF3 p0 4 Peees .4 3 P 2970 N262 P42 B 97E IP2970 2 B P 1560 :: P 17& 21 IP .I 19 A soft SUBJECT PROPERTY pf I CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE wMsd 12. S,A.air. 1S14 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Apr 19 2000 FILE:DW-20-00 BY: TM mm SHOWiNG PROPOSED BUIWING ON E 112 OF W 112 OF NE 114 SECTiON 30 TOWNSHIp 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT Scale 1:2000 2oOO 25 136 AVE. + 5 (nstiq (Op of bon- N W1/2 W1/2ofNl/2 of NE 114 of E1/2 SEC.30, 7P.12 W112 of N112 of N.E 114 SEC.30, 7P.12 N 66' of 2 -10 914 2 P 6688 Rem 3 P 6688 S 65.6' OF 3 4 P 6688 Wade & Associates Land Surveyiag Ltd. at Land Surveyors Ml. ffidge & A6sslon Phone 463-4753 /mor/jansen 2000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen DATE: May 4, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: E04-043-001.2 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATI'N: C of W - PW & Dcv. SUBJECT: GVRD-Liquid Waste Management Plan SUMMARY: The GVRD and it's member municipalities have been undertaldng detailed engineering and scientific investigations with the objective of completing a Stage 2 Liquid Waste Management Plan (LWMP). The LWMP is a comprehensive sewage and drainage management plan designed to address all forms of liquid waste generated within the region. The LWMP presents a preferred approach to liquid waste management that is based on a commitment to comprehensive environmental monitoring and assessments. The plan is founded on the basic principle of managing waste in a manner that enhances environmental quality. Stage 2 of the plan has been prepared over the last two years. In October of 1999, municipal Councils in the GVR]) endorsed the LWMP dated August 30, 1999. Prior to the plan being presented to the GVRD Board in 1999 the provincial and federal environmental agencies requested a number of refinements. A six-month extension to complete the plan was granted by Ministry of Environment Lands and Parks. Over the last four months the GVRD in cooperation with municipalities refined the plan to address the agencies requirements. The GVRD is now requesting endorsement of the revised document titled "Greater Vancouver Regional District Liquid Waste Management Plan Stage 2 Policies and Commitments" dated March 2000. The LWMP will then be submitted to the GVRD Board and the Minister of Environment Lands and Parks for approval. Should Stage 2 receive approval from the Minister then the GYRD will complete Stage 3 of the plan. GVRD planning staff will present a summary of the LWMP at the May 23, 2000 Council meeting. RECOMMENDATION: That Council endorse the draft LWMP document entitled "Liquid Waste Management Plan Stage 2 Policies and Commltmen&' dated March, 2000 and that the GVRD be so advised. flat Council endorse the GVRD's preparation of LWMP Stage 3 subject to the approval of the Stage 2 document by the Minister of Environment, Lands and Parks. BACKGROUND The LWMP was advanced in response to the new Municipal Sewage Regulation, which came into effect in July 1999. This regulation would require secondary treatment as a minimum standard regardless of location and regardless of conditions in the receiving waterways. Such a requirement would cost an estimated half a billion dollars to the region. fcC A Liquid Waste Management Plan approach however, examines the conditions in a municipality or region and develops the best option to ensure protection of the waterways, in full consideration of the environment, social aspects, and economics. An approved Liquid Waste Management Plan takes precedence over the regulation and provides significantly greater flexibility. More stringent or less stringent requirements than identified in the regulation may be required depending on the situation. The Provinc can enforce compliance with an approved LWMP. This is the preferred approach that the GVRD is following. Upon completion this plan will strive to: • Prevent the introduction of pollutants into receiving waters • Conserve drinking water • Conserve the quality and quantity of stormwater • Maintain infrastructure so as to avoid expensive future expenditure • Stretch the capacity of current infrastructure through demand management • Maximize the environmental benefit per dollar spent The LWMP is specific to the geographical area of the GVRD. Following completion of the technical work associated with the development of the LWMP and the public process, municipal Councils including Maple Ridge endorsed Stage 2 of the Plan in October 1999. Concurrent to receiving endorsements from municipal councils the GVRD received letters from the senior regulatory agencies advising that further revisions were required before approval could be granted. Over the last four months the LWMP document has been further refined to include specific changes required by the agencies. ChanEes to Staae 2 Document The LWMP document has been further refined to include specific changes required by the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks. The key issues that have been addressed include: • Clarification regarding the Ministry's designation of receiving water uses and water quality objectives and the role of the GVRD and municipalities in this process. • The base level of treatment at the GVRD wastewater treatment plants and the triggers that would require higher levels of treatment to be implemented. • Documentation of the potential range of future GVRD expenditures if higher levels of treatment are required to protect the receiving waters. • A commitment to the long-term eliniintion of combined sewer overflows. • A review of the plan's performance on a five-year basis. The federal agency comments have been focused on ensuring that the plan reflects the requirements of all applicable federal legislation. The plan now refers to federal legislation; includes a commitment to toxicity assessment of treatment plant effluent; and clarifies the policy with regard to the elimination of combined sewer overflows from District facilities. -2- DISCUSSION The LWMP commitments require new programs that are funded by the GVRD and member municipalities as applicable. Municipalities must determine the appropriate level of new funding required for the LWMP for programs under their jurisdiction. The GVRD estimates that the initial cost for Maple Ridge could be approximately $175,000 to undertake sewer system evaluation programs. By comparison the 1999 and 2000 annual budgets for similar programs is collectively about $180,000. Sewer evaluation programs determine the amount of sewer repair and replacement required. The C}VRD estimates that annual repair and replacement programs could be in the order of 0.33% to 1% of the sewer asset depending on the severity of the repairs required. Since the majority of the sanitary system in Maple Ridge is understood to be in relatively good repair the annual costs are at the lower end of this scale. As the infrastructure ages and, should the repairs be postponed then these costs could significantly increase. 1999-2000 budget for Maple Ridge is approximately $180,000 for similar programs. This is about 0.4% of the sewer asset in Maple Ridge. Overall the estimated costs for sanitary sewer analysis and repairs are in line with the District's current budgets. The costs for stormwater planning and capital programs is undefined at present. In addition there are minimal direct costs to municipalities identified at this time for non-point source correction. The LWMP states that under the preferred approach the annual GVRD expenditures will increase by about $40 million by the year 2008. This is primarily for wastewater treatment programs and upgrades. This would net out at about an annual increase of $32 per year for the "average house" by the year 2008. BUSINESS PLANNING To address the LWMP issues the Engineering 2000 Business Plan incorporated a number of strategic planning objectives based on sustainability. For example, the Business Plan includes for a Sanitary Sewer Master Plan. The Master Plan will review and analyze the sanitary system throughout the municipality. One product of this Master Plan is a forecast of sewer revenues and expenses and how, combined with sewer reserve funds, a gradual, less steep increase in sewer rates to property owners in Maple Ridge can be accommodated. This phased approach mitigates against sudden large increases in sewer rates. A similar Master Plan for the water system is also in the Business Plan. The LWMP recognizes the need for greater emphasis on planning for the rehabilitation and replacement needs for stormwater infrastructure. However given the increasing financing pressures for stormwater management, suggestions have been made for drainage to be integrated into a stand alone "Drainage Utility". Some municipalities are investigating the concept of expanding the Sewer Utility Fund to include a drainage component. Further analysis through the Engineering Business Plans is required to fully examine these concepts. CONCLUSIONS The draft Stage 2 document is the culmination of many years of work by the GVRD and member municipalities. It has already been endorsed by a number of municipalities. It is an important step in a comprehensive management of liquid waste for the region. It does have cost impacts to Maple Ridge. These are being dealt with through Engineering Business Plans and capital programs. -3- Following endorsement by all Jurisdictions in the region the Stage 2 LWMP will be presented to the GVR.D Board for adoption. It will then be forwarded to the Minister for approval. The final Stage 3 LWMP process, including further public input will commence immediately following approval of Stage 2 by the Minister. Stage 2 is essentially the implementation strategy for the Plan. 7 1 4 Prepared b: Frank Quinn P.Eng., PMP Municipal Engineer Aroveè4 J.R olph,AICP, MCIP GM: Public Works & Development Services Robert WRobertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Executive Officer -4- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: April 28, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: E08-01 5-451.1 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: SD 46/93 - Development Cost Charge Expenditure SUMMARY: A developer created a subdivision at 238B Street and Dewdney Trunk Road (SD 46/93). Certain services constructed by the developer were identified in the Long Term Capital Program as Development Cost Charge projects and were included in Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Bylaw No. 5329-1995, the Bylaw which applied to the subdivision. It is appropriate to authorize expenditure of $168,706.00 from Development Cost Charge funds to account for the Development Cost Charge services constructed by the developer. RECOMMENDATION: That with respect to Subdivision 46193 be it resolved that in view of the necessity for constructing road, storm sewer and water main works in the area of 238B Street and Dewdney Trunk Road , the developer be compensated in the amount of $ 168,706.00 following the adoption of Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 5897-2000, and, That Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 5897-2000 be read a first and second time and that the rules of order be waived and that Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 5897-2000 be read a third time. BACKGROUND: a) Purpose: Certain subdivision servicing constructed in support of a subdivision at 238B Street and Dewdney Trunk Road (SD 46/93) is eligible for Development Cost Charge payback with respect to the following Long Term Capital Projects: LTC 7433 - 238B Street (Dewdney Trunk Rd. to 220m north) - Highway $85,223.00 LTC 7435 - 238B Street (Dewdney Trunk Rd. to 290m north) - Water main $38,190.00 LTC 7439 - 238B Street (Dewdney Trunk Rd. to 290m north) - Drainage $45,293.00 Total DCC Payback Amount: $168,706.00 -1- . J0;L The above amounts are derived from the Development Cost Charge Bylaw project costs which represent the cost of construction and are the maximum amounts per service item that will be considered for payment. b) Policy Implications: Division (10) of Part 26 of the Municipal Act, the Development Costs Recovery Section, provides in clause (8) of Section 933, provision for deduction of DCC's payable by an owner at the time of subdivision. Authorization of development cost charge reduction or payback for eligible s id g components identified in the Long Term Capital Program is consistent with mun pal pActice for addressing this issue. Prepared 'y: Jeff Sherban, Director of Development Engineering C - Reviewed by:/F rank Quinn, P.Eng., Municipal Engineer J. Rudolph, AICP, MCIP : Public Works & Development Services Robert W/Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer -2- N CORPORATION OF THE all 141 DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING 12 .ptssr. 1874 DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT COST CHARGE EXPENDF LURE SCALE: SUBDIViSION SD 46/93 N.T.S. I DATE: APRIL 2000 I FILE/DWG No 0022 DC*ONEY tRUNK RD. I- N 122/5 12161 12099 /995 30 291 28 12 I 4 1,989' I 13..j v'_i'l• IiFI 14 I "959' 15 ' 1 I 1212f2fl 1/9791 g1 1 2 I Rem I I W /f9g71 /1988 807 I 8 I 19571 ,I I of E , I, I I"9'f /19491 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5897 - 2000 A By-law authorizing the expenditure of monies in the Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund WHEREAS development cost charges are collected for the purpose of assisting in the cost of providing services necessary to support new development; 10 AND WHEREAS, the service deemed necessary for new development has previously been established; AND WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge deems it desirable to complete a portion of the projects previously established as Development Cost Charge items. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By- law No. 5897 - 2000". The sum of One Hundred and Sixty-eight Thousand, Seven Hundred and Six Dollars ($168,706.00) is hereby appropriated from the Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund By-law No. 2718 - 1979 as amended, and it is hereby authorized to be used as follows: LTC#7433 - 238B Street (Dewdney Trunk Road to 220m north - Highway - $85,223.00 LTC#7435 - 238B Street (Dewdney Trunk Road to 290m north - Highway - $38,190.00 LTC#7439 - 238B Street (Dewdney Trunk Road to 290m north - Highway - $45,293.00 Should any of the above amount remain unexpended after the expenditures hereby authorized have been made, any unexpended balance shall be returned to the credit of the said Reserve Fund. READ a first time the day of 2000 READ a second time the day of 2000 READ a third time the day of 2000 RECONSIDERED and fmally adopted the day of , 2000 FUTCUST111 CLERK CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE: April 25, 2000 and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Fraser River Port Authority Land Use Plan - Draft SUMMARY: The Fraser River Port Authority has released for commentaly their first land use plan. Comments on the draft were due April 25, 2000. RECOMMENDATION: THAT Council support the Fraser River Port Authority Land Use Plan, and send a letter of support encouraging on-going consultation between the Port Authority and their neighbours; and THAT the Ridge Meadows Airport Authority be notified of the Plans long term implication for airport lands. BACKGROUND: The Fraser River Port Authority (FRPA) is the reconstituted Fraser River Harbour Commission and is responsible for administering the Fraser River port. This area extends from the Straight of Georgia to Kanaka Creek along the main stem of the Fraser River, and includes the Pitt River up to Pitt Lake (see attached map). The FRPA is responsible for port operations, navigation, and for regulating river use. The focus of the Plan is on the river and the upland properties directly administered by the FRPA. The plan does not focus on the management or development of those upland sites which are owned privately or owned by governments. The Plan was created with consultants meeting all stakeholders, including nine Municipalities, and holding 5 consultation meetings and an Open House to review progress on addressing issues raised. The Plan recognized current land and water uses, and acknowledged the Fraser River Estuary Management Plan (FREMP) environmental sensitivities of the river, and recognized Municipal plans. The Plan does, however, recognize the on-going need to improve coordination between overlapping jurisdictions. -1- The Plan reviewed future economic and market forces and analysed options to handle the expected increase in shipping traffic volumes. It concludes there are sufficient lands and shoreline available in the existing port land inventory to accommodate expected growth to the year 2020 and perhaps beyon&. For the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows area, the Plan concludes: • there will be continued demand for the foreseeable future for log storage water lots; • the proposed iwater use designations are generally appropriate along the shoreline but will require more site specific review to ensure compatibility with anticipated Municipal and FREMP shoreline interests; and • the Pitt Meadows airport area was recognized as a potential longer term location for deep sea berthing as the river depth and shoreline character lends itself to such use: However, it was noted that the Patullo Railway Bridge needs to be replaced before shipping can access that part of the river. Consequently the shoreline designation adjacent he airport was noted as "undetermined". The implications for the Municipality include: • we can expect on-going occupation of our shorelines for log storage and the attendant consequences that it brings; • there will be a need for detailed review of the use designations of the Port Authority, The Fraser River Estuary Management Plan shoreline sensitivity and use designations, and the Municipal Official Community Plan designations to ensure that overlapping jurisdictional issues are addressed and that the use designations are compatible. This is best accomplished as a task during the next OCP review; • finally, the airport authority should be apprised for their consideration of the long term possibilities identified in the Plan for deep sea access to the airport lands. CONCLUSION: The Fraser River Port Authority has undertaken a modest, consultative plan that recognizes the importance of coordinating with the various stakeholders in the river as they prepare for the future. The FRPA is a significant facilitator of economic activity and should be supported in their efforts. It is recommended that Council support the Fraser River Port Authority Land Use Plan and encourage on-going consultation with their neighbours. The Draft Land Use Plan is available in the Planning Department for viewing. 'The economic conthbution of the FRPA is significant. In 1999, 25.5 million tonnes of various types of cargo passed through the Port, and there were 564 deep sea ship arrivals. The economic impact on Canada's Gross Domestic Product of the goods is expected to be over $1.5 billion. -2- J. BastaJ,4'Director Strategi/irojects IL W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer -3- cTTT H MAPLE ,sI RIDGE e FRASER RIVER PORT AUTHORITY - LAND USE PLAN 3 r & & p p ii FIGURE 1 - FRASER RIVER PORTAUTHORITY JURISDICTION A.:i •C) 0 2.0 1 N COQUITLAM Rilometrn L PORT , BURNABY OQUITLA VANCOUVER PITT -. FRASER ANNAC MEA DO FRASER XCHNOW RICHMOND 1FRASE R BROWNSVXLE \ "'*"~ SURREY & MAP KEY Fraser River Port Authority Administered Uplands FraserRiver Port Authority River Jurisdiction F- DELTA FRASER DELTA SURREY LANGLEY V I I CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE: April 28, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: The British Columbia Provincial Emergency Response Management System SUMMARY: The BC Government has developed a comprehensive "all hazards" provincial emergency operations system. The British Columbia Emergency Response Management System (BCERMS) identifies the standard approach to Emergency Response Management to be utilized and practiced by provincial government ministries, agencies and crown corporations. The BC Government is encouraging federal government agencies, local governments, first nations and the private sector to endorse and use the BC Incident Command System outlined by the BCERMS. The life saving forces within the Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows area (police - fire - ambulance - S&R) are already operating under this system. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the system (BCERMS) be adopted as the system of operation within the joint emergency operations centre (Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows). BACKGROUND: The joint EOC at present operates along municipal departmental lines. The new system (BCERMS) would ensure uniformity with the operations being conducted on the site (of the emergency). It would also ensure uniformity when it became necessaiy to request provincial assistance through the Provincial Emergency Program. Also, if it becomes necessary to request staff assistance from adjoining municipalities or provincial resources, it would ensure that such assistance could be readily absorbed. Should the BCERMS system be adopted, the operations centre would be organized under five main sections. Director and Staff— Operations - Planning - Logistics - Finance/Administration. A diagram outlining the five main sections within the Emergency Operations Centre is attached. Detailed instructions defining the lead agency on site in the event of specific disasters (i.e. train, aircraft, earthquake, floods, and dangerous goods) are contained within both the joint emergency manual and the executive summary. If it is decided to adopt the BCERMS for operations within the joint EOC a strong commitment will be required from designated staff to ensure adequate training both at the Municipal and Provincial level. an Murray, E ency Services Coordinator 9 'lIike Davies, Director of Parks & Facilities Robertson, AJ(P, MCIP, Chief Administrative Officer - 1 - 1; Fully Activated EOC Organization BC Emergency Response Management System Draft 990216 Policy Group Incident Commander(s) EOC Dlreor (Single or Unified) I EOC Coordinator I Safety I Public Information I Operations I I Planning Logistics Fianance/ Coordinator Administration -2- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: May 8, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: 0550-20-Ol/HAC01 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - Corp & Fin SUBJECT: Hill House - Heritage Advisory Committee Recommendation with attached excerpt from the Minutes of the April 20, 2000 meeting RECOMMENDATION: That the recommendation from the Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting held on Thursday, April 20, 2000 requiring Jayman Master Builders to have Hill House included in the Community Register be supported. ; ( Prepared b: Sandra P. Be11 Committee Cleiic Municipal Clerk's Office APproved Corpo te & Finance birrn1) MC]P Chief AdnAifistrative Officer Heritage Advisory Committee April 20, 2000 Page 5 and such monies would remain the property of HAC after year end (different from the budget allocated for the year). ACTION REQUIRED > Mrs. Carter to redraft Section 5.2(b) after confirming with solicitors regarding the issue of funds; > Mrs. Carter to confirm restrictions, if any. • Section 6.6 to be deleted. • Sections 6.12, 6.13, 6.14 were added as they are in the existing bylaw and make reference to technical and secretarial support for the Commission. The Committee mentioned including a business plan budget to justify expenses. It was confirmed that the promotion of heritage, marketing issues, and visual presence at public events is covered under Section 5.2(a) of the Bylaw. (b) Hill House Update It was reported. that Council is seeking comments regarding Hill House being registered and how it fits into the range of heritage protection mechanisms. The Heritage Advisory Committee is to revisit this issue. Reference was made to the Committee's January meeting recommending that the owner include Hill House in the Register, however, he did not volunteer to do it. Since registration of Hill House has been discussed with the proponent, but not rejected, the Committee suggested recommending to Council that Hill House be added to the Register. RECOMMENDATION > That a Staff Report be forwarded to Council recommending that Jayman Master Builders have Hill House included in the Community Heritage Register. CARRIED CORPORATION OF TILE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: May 8, 2000 and Members of Council FILE NO: R7J29198 CC: Jake Rudolph, GM, PW&DS Gay McMillan, Planning Technician FROM: Heritage Advisory Committee SUBJECT: Hill House COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION That Council require Jayman Master Builders to have Hill House included in the Community Heritage Register. BACKGROUND On March 28, 2000, Council directed the Planning Department to prepare a report identifying the mechanisms available to municipal governments regarding heritage preservation. DISCUSSION Pursuant with this direction, staff referred the request to the Heritage Advisory Committee. On April 20, 2000 the Heritage Advisory Committee discussed the range of heritage preservation tools provided for in the Municipal Act. Specifically, the Committee discussed three mechanisms: the Inventory; the Community Heritage Register, and Designation. The following section of this report provides a brief overview of these tools: Inventory The District of Maple Ridge Heritage Inventory, entitled Heritage Resources of Maple Ridge identifies the most significant heritage resources within the District. The inventory is not considered to be an "official" heritage list and does not provide for formal protection of a heritage property. The Hill House is currently identified in the Heritage Inventory. Community Heritage Register A Community Heritage Register is an official list of heritage properties in a community. In most cases there are no restrictions placed on altering the interior of registered buildings, however inclusion in the Register does provide Council with the authority to temporarily withhold the issuance of a demolition or building permit. Such a delay is intended to give Council time to review the issue and negotiate with the owner. Designation: The Municipal Act also provides for the designation of a heritage property. The designation of a property is done by municipal bylaw and is considered to be the ultimate in heritage protection. Properties designated as a heritage property are required to obtain a heritage alteration permit for exterior renovations, alterations, and demolitions. Exterior work to designated properties cannot commence without Council approval, and Council has the authority to permanently withhold approvals. The following chart provides a comparison of the range of the above noted heritage preservation tools: Comparison of Heritage Preservation Tools Inventory Register Designation Results in permanent legal protection? No No Yes Owner is eligible for Compensation pertaining to market value? No No Yes Is considered to be an "official list"? No Yes Yes Allows municipality to temporarily withhold approval or demolition? No Yes Yes Allows municipality to permanently withold approval or demolition? No No Yes Provides municipality with the authority to order Heritage Impact Assessment? No Yes Yes Requires a Public Hearing be held before exterior alteration to building? No No Yes Heritage protection affects Land Title? No No Yes Renovations are subject to relaxation of Building Code provisions? No Yes Yes [] Hill House On February 15, 2000, the Heritage Advisory Committee forwarded a memorandum to Council regarding Hill House. The memo included a recommendation amongst others that the owner of the development be required to have the Hill House included in the Community Heritage Register. During the April 20, 2000 meeting, the Committee gave this matter further consideration and re-affirmed its earlier recommendation. It is the Committee's belief that inclusion of Hill House in the Community Heritage Register will provide some protection to the building, and at the same time is not likely to be viewed as a hindrance to a future owner. Joseph Robinsmith, Chair CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE: Ve d M p,4. ,L and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM:. Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - CD, P & RS SUBJECT: Parks and Leisure Services Division - First Quarter Statistics - 2000 SUMMARY: Attached hereto please find copies of the Parks and Leisure Services Division's statistical reports for the first quarter of 2000. RECOMMENDATION: That the 2000 first quarter statistical report for the Parks and Leisure Services Division be received. ke Murray - neral Manager: Community Parks and Recreation Servie R. W. Robertson, AJCP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer -1- Recreation Division Statistics Updated: 513'00 Quart.r 1: January. February. March - 1999 and 2000 Comparison Summary 1) Registered Programs: # Programs '99 # Programs 00 # Participants '99 # Participants '00 User Hours '99 User Hours '00 Partnered 160 224 1,591 1,558 11,645 12,795 Direct 412 434 1,737 2,031 11,583 17,502 Total 572 658 3,328 3,589 23,228 30,297 2) Leisure Centre Admissions (Not including Swim Lessons) C Participants '99 C Participants '00 User Hours '99 User Hours '00 Total 60,172 60,698 90,824 90,563 Outdoor Pool Admissions (Not including Swim Lessons) Not in Season 3) Drop-in Programs: C Sessions '99 C Sessions '00 C Participants '99 C ParticIpants '00 User Hours '99 User Hours '00 Public Skating 192 192 4,521 4,880 4521 4,880 Aerobics 59 65 712 873 712 873 Preschool Social Play 24 37 313 349 313 349 Youth Drop-in Programs 0 19 0 297 476 419 Total 275 313 5,548 6,399 6.022 6,521 4) Speciai Services: C Sessions '99 9 SessIons '00 C Participants '99 1 ParticIpants '00 Recreation Assistance Prog. 46 47 97 76 Leisure Education Sessions 4 1 62 9 Leisure Friend Program 53 42 30 12 Leisure Access Cards 211 311 211 311 Total 314 401 400 408 5) Youth Outreach initiativ•: Drop-In Hr's Open '99 Drop-in Hr's Open '00 Avg. Partic!Hr 19 Avg. ParticlHr 00 User Hours '99 User Hour. Totai 383 403 24 18 9,314 7,115 6) Grants & Sponsorship: Granted From Granted For Revenue Attorney Generals Office Nights AJlve $ 17,000.00 Attorney Generals Office Prevention of Sex Exploitation $ 5,000.00 Grant Total for 2000 $ 22,000.00 Grant Total for 1999 $ 321300.00 7) Special Events: C Events '99 C Events '00 C Participants 99 C Participants '00 User Hours '99 User Hours '00 Youth Special Events 12 3 1,650 379 4,125 1,137 Powder Blues Band 1 - 300 - 1,200 - Alouette Fun Run - I - 50 - 150 B.C. Book Signing - 1 - 150 - 300 Cytheria Painters & Players - 1 - 400 800 Heritage Week: Century Cabaret - 1 - 80 - 160 Jazz & Blues Fundraising Dance - 1 - 300 - 1,350 Total 13 8 1950 1359 5325 3897 8) Community Development Staff Prsp Hr 99 Staff Prep Hr '00 C Participants '99 C ParticIpants '00 C Meeting Hr's 99 C Meeting Hr's '00 Total 350 311 2,521 2,454 517 530 9) Lead.rshlp Development Staff Prep. Hi's 19 Staff Prep. Hr's '00 C PartIcipants 19 C ParticIpants '00 Training Hr's 99 Training Hr's '00 Total 2 4 16 63 8 15 10) Volunteer Participation C Sessions '99 C S.ssions '00 9 Volunts.rs 99 C Volu nteers'00 User Hours 99 User Hours '00 Total 116 191 115 189 2,064 1,303 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Parks & Leisure Services - Community Development 2000 - 1 Quarter Report Start Est. % - Date Start Done Community Develooment: • Educate internal staff and community organizations on the philosophy on which the community development model is based. • Contribute to the development of the Master Plan. Feb. 00 100% • Gather feedback from staff on information and resources needed to improve community development processes. Jan. 00 100% • Develop a Presentation Guide for staff to use when explaining the C.D. process to May 00 community organizations. • Develop staff training session on C.D. philosophy and Presentation Guide. Jun. øo • Develop staff training session on C.D. evaluation. • Offer training sessions at regularly scheduled staff meetings. Sep. 00 • Offer training sessions on C.D. evaluation. Sep. 00 • Offer training sessions to other Department and Municipal staff. Nov 00 • Develop a list of community groups to be offered presentations. Dec • Implement community group presentations. Jan 01 • Assist in the development of community organizations long-term vision. • Facilitate development of Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Business Plan. 2000 • Facilitate development of Ridge Meadows Community Festivals Society Business Sep. 00 Plan. • Facilitate development of Youth Centre Society Business Plan. Jan. 01 • Facilitate development of Ruskin Community Hall Association Recreation Plan. 2001 • Facilitate development of Pitt Meadows Day Society Business Plan. 2001 • Facilitate development of Historical Society long-term plan. 2000 • Monitor progress of Arts & Cultural Plan. Ongoing • Facilitate Community Arts Centre development. 2001 • Develop an annual work plan for allocating resources to work with community groups. • Review individual performance plans as a team. May 00 • Work in partnership with Community organizations to assess community needs and provide leadership development opportunities. • Complete a broad assessment of community partners education needs towards Oct. 00 leadership development. • Facilitate an annual leadership development training session. Jan. 01 • Assess community/customer satisfaction level in partnership with community organizations. • Facilitate a focus group of neighbourhood association representatives. Mar. 01 • Implement a survey of customer satisfaction levels in partnership With ColilIflUflity Apr. 01 organizations. • Present customer satisfaction survey results to community organizations. m. 01 • Promote citizen Involvement. • In partnership with community organizations, define opportunities for citizen Oct. 01 involvement and develop a plan to communicate the opportunities to the community. Additional Action Plans: . None at this time. Comments: • The Master Plan will provide significant information to the Community Development Team to identify community resources and community organization development needs. Key Measures: • For specific Measures see the Parks and Leisure Services Quarter 3 Statistics Report, particularly: • # of Special Event participants • # of Community Development participants • # of Leadership Development participants • # of Volunteers Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Parks & Leisure Services - Program Development 2000 - 1th Quarter Report Start Est. % Date Start Done ProQram DeveloDment •ction Item: Citizen participation in program directions. • Contribute to the Municipal Customer Satisfaction Survey Dec'99 100% • Contribute to the Parks and Leisure Services Master Plan Survey Jan'00 100% • Develop standard program customer feedback tool: Dec'00 30% 1) Conduct focus group processes in the following areas: Volunteer 100% Youth Services - Children's Programs East Oct'00 Youth Services - Children's Programs West * Aquatics (Aqua-Adults, Smart to Start, Aqua-Tots, Private) * East Area Recreation - Outdoor Programming / Whonnock * 2) Compile results and create survey: Volunteer 100% Youth Services - Children's Programs East Nov'00 Youth Services - Children's Programs West * iii) Aquatics (Aqua-Adults, Smart to Start, Aqua-Tots, Private) * East Area Recreation - Outdoor Programming / Whonnock 3) Complete survey and compile survey results: 0 90/0 Volunteer Dec , 00 Youth Services - Children's Programs East Youth Services - Children's Programs West iii) Aquatics (Aqua-Adults, Smart to Start, Aqua-Tots, Private) * East Area Recreation - Outdoor Programming / Whonnock * • Develop partnerships in the provision of recreation program services. • Draft Partnership Development Procedures, (Staff Session, Partnership Focus 2001 Group, develop definitions/criteria for different levels of service and establish performance measures). 10% • Develop a Partnership Master List. Ongoing 100% • Develop an Outdoor Recreation Partnership service delivery model. Dec 99 • Manage existing partnerships and agreements. Ongorng • Pursue various grant and service partnerships that are in-line with our mandate. Ongoing • Maintain existing partnerships and processes, e.g. Joint Program Planning, etc. °ig0mg • Use the Business Plan framework as a guide In decision making regarding program services, long term benefits to the community and sound business practices. Ongoing • Link to individual performance plans. Ongoing • Link to measurements [statistics]. • Establish program-pricing formula and link with market price review. 90% • Review and update Program Team Business Plan. Sept00 • Promotion and support of volunteerlsm as a leisure opportunity. • Coordinate development of a Municipal volunteer policy 2001 • Develop consistent procedures and guidelines for the management of 2001 volunteers (recruiting, managing, recognizing and evaluating volunteers) • Conduct staff training and implement guidelines. 2001 • **Identifying barriers to participation in leisure opportunities and building - strategies to minimize, with emphasis on staff education and training. • Identify barriers through survey. 2002 • Develop strategies to alleviate or remove barriers and increase participation. 2002 2002 • Develop and implement related training initiatives to staff and partner organizations, e.g. regarding recreation benefits, resources, inclusion, etc. 2002 • Offer leisure and recreation awareness sessions to participants. [See Leisure Education Statistics]. 2002 • Maintain existing processes, e.g. Recreation Assistance Program, Leisure Access Cards, Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues, etc. Additional Action Plans: • *Will finalize estimated start dates on Wednesday. May 3" at the Program Team Meeting. • **Program Team identified objectives beyond 2002 that they felt were important to retain, so are documented here. Comments: • None. Key Measures: • For specific measures see: • Statistical Report for: • # of Programs • # of Program Participants • # of Programs offered in Partnership • Value of Grants Received Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Parks & Facilities - Parks Quarterly Report January - March 2000 1arks Start Est. % Date Start Done (nvernance • Maintain attractive landscaped areas and floral displays for the citizens, visitors, and local business. By timely 6rdering and plantmg of plant material Ongoing By working to the landscape standards set for these area Ongoing By addressing complaints within two days of receiving them Ongoing By completing regular inspections Ongoing By ensuring effective plant selection Ongoing By completing entrance sign maintenance on a two week rotation Ongoing • Make available and maintain, safe and functional sportfields and ancillary facilities for the users of these areas, so the athletic programs are delivered efficiently, effectively and safely. By holding annual field user meetings Jan/June 50% By encouraging user groups to accept more reasonability for sports field maintenance Ongoing By completing regular inspections and identifying conditions on a standards check list Ongoing By obtaining user feedback through surveys and group discussions Ongoing By completing a water/fertilizer relationship review June By addressing complaints within two days of receiving them Ongoing By investigating alternative field construction, artificial turf as a less land Spring consumptive and more environmentally friendly alternative. By ensuring our practices are as cost effective as the work of an outside contractor Ongoing providing the same level of service. • Plan the park system and acquire and develop sites in accordance with the Parks Master Plan and the Official Community Plan in order to meet the needs of a growing population. By completing a new Parks, Recreation and Cultural Master Plan for both Maple Jan 20% Ridge and Pitt Meadows By engaging residents, users, consultants and staff in the development of an Jan 20% appropriate site planning for year 2000 projects. Ongomg By participating with School District 42 in the pre-planning of the next joint school/park site By minimizing tree removal where possible in the accommodation of park area Ongoing amenities and ensuring tree replacement where possible. Ongoing By ensuring effective liaison with regulatory authorities concerning the development of park site, trails and other park amenities through the municipality's "Green Team" By replacing important park amenities through the Parks and Leisure Services Ongoing Infrastructure Program on an appropriate rotation to ensure safety and functionality of such amenities. By continuing to utilize outside resources on a project basis for park design and Ongoing construction. Snftv and Protective Services: Community Development: Manage, enhance and maintain the trail network to provide opportunities for exercise, stress reduction, appreciation of nature and tourism. By meeting regularly with the Equestrian Trials Council to review inspection reports Ongoing and to develop trail enhancement programs. By maintaining liaison with the Planning Department as they address trail issues Ongoing during the process of development By completing random surveys of users to determine the level of satisfaction with the Ongoing trail network and advice for required additional linkages. By completing monthly inspections of the Alouette River South Dyke System. Ongoing By completing memorial bench installations as requested Ongoing By completing trail maintenance to the approved standards Ongoing By continuing our agreement with the Equestrian Trails Council and Pitt Meadows Ongoing with respect to dyke trail maintenance By completing a comprehensive community trails map August • Manage and maintain park and park amenities like playground areas, picnic area, sport courts and waterfront areas to provide opportunities for children's play, family development and healthy outdoor activities. By inviting citizens to participate in park planing processes (i.e. such as the development of a site plan for a new neighborhood park.) Ongoing By maintaining a close liaison with the Planning Department with respect to development areas Ongoing By coordinating and developing school and park sites with School District 42 Ongoing By completing regular inspections Ongoing By maintaining health and safety through playground inspections and regular playground replacement programs as well as the review of accident and incident Ongoing reports and follow-up Through process review, analyze scheduling and prioritizing of work Ongoing Manage and provide required maintenance and habitats enhancement in greenbelts, protected watercourse and conservation areas. By working with other agencies to obtain the necessary resources to complete habitat assessments in these areas and identify project/practices which would enhance habitat Ongoing areas. By maintaining wildlife trees as opposed to complete removal Ongoing By ensuring replanting practices are followed Ongoing By working with steam stewardship organizations Ongoing Be ensuring danger trees are removed from greenbelt areas and re-planting takes place prior to adjacent subdivision development Ongoing By participating in the Municipal Green Team Ongoing By completing safety inspections in accordance with adopted policies Ongoing By addressing complaints within two days of receiving them Ongoing - —EconomicDevelopment: - • 25% 2 Land Use Management/Infrastructure: • Maintain and develop boulevards and street trees to enhance the urban environment. By contracting out of subdivision boulevard plantings March By review with Planning Department median planting requirements January By completing maintenance to the approved standards. Ongoing By completing six month inspection of maintained areas Ongoing By limiting the number of remnant landscape areas in subdivision planning Ongoing By completing a resident7 survey to obtain citizen input on the acceptability of the current standards 7 June By completing tree inventory Ongoing Financial: Management of staff, contractors and volunteers while maintaining/developing horticultural areas in a cost-effective manner. By ensuring the safe handling and storage of materials Ongoing By participating in Communities in Bloom committee and process Ongoing By ensuring staff is presented with training opportunities Ongoing By supporting community garden initiatives by agreement with groups like the Fraser Information Society Ongoing By ensuring safe practices through a WCB review. Ongoing Additional Action Plans: • Comments: ~ey Measures: • 3 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Emergency Program - - - - Quarterly Report January to March 21100 mergency Preparedness Start Date Est. Start Done Eovernance: r f*i iiitl Prntpg*ivp cPrwi(P! • Ensure volunteers, municipal staff and council are personally prepared and aware of their responsibilities in order to carry out the emergency preparedness plan By updating municipal emergency manuals May/Nov By providing volunteer and staff training Ongoing Emergency Operations Centre operational training Ongoing By completing an annual table top exercise October By having monthly meetings of the EOC Ongoing By improving data base tracking system January 100% By completing a staff survey on personal preparedness June (gmm11mt7 I IVPIflfløflT! • Develo; and present education programs to enable residents to be prepared to cope with an emergency event By providing information to the public - training sessions, open houses Ongoing By responding to emergency agency requests for assistance during an emergency Ongoing nvironment/Natura1 Resources F-1 Additional Action Plans: • Comments: • Key Measures: • Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Parks & Facilities — Parks Quarterly Report January to March 2000 Cemetery Start Est. % Date Start Done 1!n.rnrn anna. • Complete the interment process for the family in an efficient and caring way. By providing on-sight information to families Ongoing By having grave preparation completed prior to arrival Ongoing By placement of headstones within one week of arrival Ongoing By reviewing landscape policies Ongoing Gnu I'rntDPtTV PrVI('P! ..4-., fla.ralan.naflt• •Maintain the grounds aesthetically through cost effective practices. By regular grounds maintenance Ongoing By trimming of perimeter hedges August By continuing fencing program Ongoing By removal of internal roads Sept By initiating cemetery directional information signage - June By re-establishing grave landscaping as quickly as possible (sod) Ongoing By reviewing grave landscape policies Nov Environment/I"l aturai itesources: • Manage the two Municipal Cemeteries in a cost-effective manner. By processing transactions Ongoing By participating in cemetery association Ongoing By completing annual report January By addressing complaints within two days of receiving them Ongoing Additional Action Plans: Comments: Key Measures: Parks and Facility Division Statistics Quarter 1: January, February, Mirch - 1999 and 2000 Comparison Summary Graves Cremation Rose Garden Markers Cemetery 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 Burials 26 17 30 22 x; 17 12 Plots Purchased 24 19 30 23 ;Markers Placed 36 26 50 36 60 45 7 12 36 26 Hr's Booked Facility Usage 1999 2000 Core Area 5773 2898 Park Open Space 14 22 Sports Fields 13471 13150 PM Recreation Hail 899 1157 Arena Ice - Cam Neely 1444 1361 Arena Ice - Comm. 208 Arena Dry Floor 57 0 Yennadon Comm. Ctr. 863 1084 Fairground 2225 2283 24746 22163 Action Request System 1999 2000 Requests 23 12 Completed 18 12 Outstanding 5 0 Campground 1999 2000 Sites Occupied 0 0 $ & R ESS EOC Totals 6) Emergency Program 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 #Activations 5 6 1 0 0 0 6 6 # Meetings 12 13 2 3 2 3 16 19 # Meeting Participants N/A 299 N/A 37 N/A 60 N/A 396 # Training Sessions N/A 6 N/A 2 N/A 0 NIA 8 # Training Participants N/A 96 N/A 39 N/A 0 N/A 135 PARKS, RECREATION & FAcILrFIEs - Quarter 12000 Highlights DEPARTMENT PROJECTS Projects in Progress: • Personal Action Plan— Planning • Infrastructure Review Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows • Capital Budget Review • BCRPA Conference Committee - Y2000 Symposium Preparation • Upgrade to District web-site • Master Plan process Community Development Business Plan Projects in Progress: • Picket Fence • Yennadon Fall workshop planning • Good Neighbour Day Event planning • PIRS Multicultural Training Program started • Unity 2000 mandate preparation • Trans-Canada Trail Opening • Whonnock Youth Planning Night in partnership with Community Association • Mountain Festival Planning • Volunteer Appreciation Event planning • Ridge Meadows Seniors Society needs assessment planning • Ridge Meadows Seniors Society Seniors Week planning • Millennium Committee support • Human Resource Development Canada Grant for Community Directory Project • Katimavik Community Project Series • Pitt Meadows Community Garden redevelopment • Youth Centre community presentations and plan development • Appointment and orientation of new Directors for Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Projects Completed: • B.C. Book Signing • R.C.M.P. Community Policing Forum on Crime Prevention hosted by Parks & Leisure • Nights Alive Grant Funding Received, $17,000 • Prevention of Sexual Exploitation Grant Funding Received, $5,000 • Prevention of Sexual Exploitation Awareness Event, 300 in attendance Program Development Business Plan: Projects in Progress: • Development of partnership criteria • Youth Week 2000 preparation • Youth Services Canada Project Proposal • Program relocation plan for suimner 2000 • Ministry for Children andr Families proposal • Accessibility review of planned core area facilities, RMSS Activity Centre and P.M. Rec. Centre • Summer Staff Training Planning • Rec Ware replacement software tender preparation Projects Completed: • Volunteer Satisfaction Survey sent out • Mountain Biking Club started • Risk Management for Programming, workshop for staff • SFU Professor facilitated staff session on statistic and survey measures • Mental Health Services Contract approved • Press Release for new Exercise Bail Program generated 50 registrations • Boys Active Hour initiated at Yennadon Community Centre • Operation Butt-Out H • Pitt Meadows Recreation Centre Equipment Review • Increased participation in Ruskin, Core, Yennadon and Pitt Meadows YOl Programs • Partnership established with the Maple Ridge Tennis Club • 30% increase in children's participation in skate lessons from last year • Business goal of 250 corporate fitness members for 2000 achieved in quarter 1 • Youth Ski and Snowboard Club initiated • Spring/summer brochure produced with new timeline to accommodate facility changes • Management of program relocations and participant notification due to school strike • Review of RecWare replacement software Leisure Centre Business Plan: Projects In Progress: • Aquatic staff process review • Leisure Centre expansion Projects Completed: • Leisure Centre Office relocation • $40,000 in fitness equipment purchased • Attendance in weight room doubled compared to this time last year. - 1 - PARKS, RECREATION & FACILITIES - Quarter 12000 Highlights PARKS & FACILITIES Projects in Progress: • Pitt Meadows Athletic Park-Phase II • Core Area Development User Meetings • Home Show Relocation Planning • City Hail Security System and Upgrade • Trans Canada Trail project • Alco Park Master Plan • Park Caretaker Review • Core Area Open Space Planning • Hammond Stadium Bail Control Review • Ruskin School Relocation Review • Health Unit Demo Plpnning • Art Gallery Relocation • BMX Washroom/shed • Mitchell Park Design • Fairground Caretaker • Airport Dyke Link • Communities in Bloom • Fairground Commercial Building Renovation • Park Equipment • 105th Parking Lot • Spray Pool Renovation Design • Cottonwood SchooVPark Site Construction • 112th Park Site Review • Pitt Meadows Athletic Park Caretaker House review • Design and Tender for Albion Sports Complex Lights Phase II • Firefighters Park Review • Waif Repair. • BC Hydro Computer Monitor Program • Goose Lake Woodlot Management Development • Whonnock Lake Park Design Review Projects Completed: • Fairgrounds and Fields for Kids vehicle bridge • Donor signs at Albion Sports Complex • Park Caretaker Review • Curling Rink, Demo Planning • Incident command System Review • Hoffman Garage renovations • Manager Parks & Open Saces in place • Fairgrounds parking en1argement • Kanaka Creek play equipment • Y2K Action Planning • 132 Park -2- , o0 -?.O0 111fltA-1 ADDRESS 22520 -116th Avenue Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 0S4 PHONE / FAX Phone: 467-3825 Fax: 467-1498 1• AP252OOO jCopies to Mayor & Council O Copy to council Readina File o For Information Onl.j o For ResponS bi Co O Copies t April 20, 2000 Mayor Al Hogarth and Members of Council Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC Dear Mayor Hogarth and Council Members: For the past five months, the Arts Council has been working closely with the architects to plan the design of the new arts centre. We anticipate that in the next few months, the design stage will be complete. It is now time to look towards the other key components of the new Arts Centre. Two major areas have been identified: fund raising and the operating model. As you are aware, the fundraising committee is being struck and Bonnie Telep has agreed to chair this committee. Although a number of design and financial issues are still outstanding, we believe it is very important to look at the governance/operating model now. The operating model ties in with both the design elements and fundraising. At this time, we would like to request a formal acknowledgement of the Arts Council's role in the future operating model of the Arts Centre. The Business Plan for the Arts Centre recognizes that for the past 29 years the Ridge Meadows Arts Council has had a leadership role in the community, particularly in the past twelve years through the Fee for Service Agreement with the Ridge Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission. The Business Plan contemplates the Arts Centre will be operated by a non-profit society with community representation. The option of the Ridge Meadows Arts Council being that non- profit society is presented in the Business Plan. Please be advised that the Ridge Meadows Arts Council is now willing to expand its mandate to include the operation of the Arts Centre. We realize that it is too early to enter into a formal Fee for Service Contract for the operation of the centre, but request that Letter of Intention or an Agreement be I Ax , Mayor and Council April 20, 2000 Page 2 drawn up which would formalize the Arts Council's role in operating the Arts Centre. This agreement would recognize that the Ridge Meadows Arts Council would be entering into a management agreement with the Municipality to operate the Arts Centre. This is particularly important now as the Arts Council has set up a Charitable Trust Account through Revenue Canada in order to issue tax receipts for donations. The Arts Council is positioned to work with the fund raising committee to hold $1 Million in our account and the public needs to be confident that the money collected will indeed be used for the Arts Centre. The Arts Council also needs to feel confident that if they proceed to do the work, they will be partnering with the Municipality to operate the Arts Centre. A Letter of Intent would go a long way to satisfying these needs. We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Yours truly, RIDGE MEADOWS ARTS COUNCIL Per: -1ae Reg gan President 4.2 C, r Greater Vancouver Regional District Policy and Planning Department 4330 Kingsway. Burnaby. British Columbia. Canada V5H 4G8 Telephone (604) 432-6375 Xts Coinittee Meeting Date: May 10, 2000 TO: Planning and Environment Committee FROM: Ken Cameron Manager, Policy and Planning DATE: April 17, 2000 RE: Implementation of the FCM/GVRD Proposal for a Federal Role in Funding Sustainable Urban Transportation Recom,nendation: That the Board request delegates from GVRD member municipalities to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities 2000 convention to support a concerted effort to gain approval for the GVRDIFCM proposal for a federal role in funding sustainable urban transportation this year, and to participate in the convention session to discuss this proposal. PURPOSE To outline the basis for a concerted effort to mobilize local government in Canada's urban regions to seek approval for a role for the federal government in funding sustainable urban transportation programs as part of Canada's effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. CONTEXT Canada is the only 07 country without a role for the national government in funding urban transportation. In addition to the fact that there is a clear relationship between efficient and effective urban transportation on federal policy interests in air quality, economic efficiency and competitiveness, the importance of the transportation sector in reaching Canada's greenhouse gas reduction target has established this as an important national priority. To meet the Kyoto target or, even a modified target, Canadians must burn less fuel. As a significant financial beneficiary of fuel consumption through federal fuel taxation, the federal government has an opportunity and a responsibility to support programs in urban regions where there is an opportunity to reduce fuel consumption through the provision of more efficient land use patterns and transportation systems. q If 0 'J Implementation of the M/GVRD Proposal for a FedeTal Role in Funding Sustainable Urban Transportation Page 2 of 4 Planning & Environment committee Meeting. May 10. 2000 In 1998, building on the principles established in the formation of the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, the GVRD Board prepared and approved a proposal for a federal role in funding sustainable urban transportation programs (see summary in Attachment 1). The proposal acknowledged arrangements recently implemented in the Montreal region, which provide for an additional increment of fuel tax plus a vehicle charge to support transit in that region. In December 1998, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Board of Directors endorsed the GVRD's proposal and the British Columbia Minister of Finance indicated support. In 1999, the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton, the Greater Toronto Services Board and the City of Victoria embraced the FCM's proposal. The Province of Alberta agreed to provide dedicated funding from fuel taxation for Calgary and Edmonton's urban transportation programs and made financially equivalent arrangements for the province's smaller cities and rural areas. Alberta has prepaid its financial contributions to Calgary and Edmonton for the next three years. On July 30, 1999, based on feedback from consultations between lona Campagnolo, Chair of the Fraser Basin Council and federal ministers, the GVRD Board reviewed progress on this matter and modified its proposal in the form of the following motion: That the Board: Confirm that urban transportation must be included as a major element in any new federal program offinancial assistance for transportation and this element must be broadly consistent with the GVRD's proposal entitled A New Approach to Funding Urban Transportation in Canada and the complementary positions of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, the Urban Transportation Council of the Transportation Association of Canada, the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton and the Greater Toronto Services Board, and spec (fically that such program: • Support the development and implementation of comprehensive urban transportation strategies that support sustainable Land use and address roads, transit, non-motorized modes and transportation demand management; • Be ongoing and available to support both operating and capital requirements; and • Embody some relationship between where federal transportation revenues are collected and where the program 'sfunds are spent; and Authorize the Chair to propose to arrange a meeting, through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, of senior elected representatives of Canada's major urban regions with appropriate federal ministers to urge approval of a program offederal support for sustainable urban transportation that will respond to the needs of the urban regions and contribute significantly to the attainment of Canada's Kyoto greenhouse gas reduction commitments. In late 1999, the Transportation Table of the National Climate Change Consultation released its report. Due to the influence of economic interests closely tied to automobile use and fuel - consUmption, the Table was unábTe to agree to include fuel taxation as a promising measure V Implementation of the RM/GVRD Proposal for a Fedemi Role in Funding Sustainable Urban Transportation Page 3 of 4 Planning & Environment committee Meeting - May 10. 2000 and, partly as a consequence, the Table could not identify promising initiatives that would combine to achieve the transportation sector's "share" of the reduction target. The implications of this failure for sustainable urban transportation are outlined in the letter from the Transportation Association of Canada's Urban Transportation Council (Attachment 2). With the next international climate change summit looming in November, 2000, concern i 6 ,-41 growing that Canada may be unable to report progress on securing agreement within the country to its target, let alone the means of achieving it. IF- On March 2, 2000 the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Standing Committee on National Transportation and Communications received a presentation on this matter and' adopted the following motion, which was approved* by the FCM Board on March 4: That the FCM Board of Directors approve the recommendation of the Standing Committee ) on National Transportation and Communications that the FCM pursue, within the context of t' the FCM's 2000 Policy Statement on National Transportation, the following four-point proposal for funding sustainable transportation: That there be ongoing ftderal funding equivalent to $.0317itre nationwide, from existing or new revenue sources, with a preference for using the existing sources; That the federal funding be matched by provinces, from existing or new revenue sources, with a prefe rence for using the existing sources; That the funding be available in urban regions for any expenditure to prepare and implement a regional plan for sustainable urban transportation, in rough proportion to fuel tax generated in each region; and That equivalent funding be nzade available in non-urban areas on a basis to be worked out between three levels of government; and That the FCM bring forward this proposal during discussion of the new infrastructure program this year. * Wording of the motion is subject to approval of the minutes by the FCM Board at its next meeting. The FCM's annual conference in June 2000 in London, Ontario offers an opportunity to refine and build support for this proposal so that it can be brought forward to the federal government later this year. GVRD and FCM staff are preparing a more detailed discussion paper, based upon the FCM Board's motion, for discussion at a convention session that will bring together representatives from urban regions across the country, with a view to having a broadly-supported proposal to present to the federal government later this year. 3. ALTERNATIVES It is likely that some funding for urban transportation will become available through the five- year infrastructure program that is to be developed in 2000-2001 for implementation in 2001- 2006. This funding is time-limited, focused on infrastructure and includes water, sewer and other priorities that would reduce its effectiveness in responding to the greenhouse gas reduction challenge. An ongoing program reflecting the specific and ongoing nature of the challenge and the federal responsibilities in this field would be greatly preferable. 023 implementation of the PCNUGVRD Proposal for a Federal Role in Funding Sustainable Urban Transponation Page 4 of 4 Planning & Environment committee Mtjng. May 10 4. CONCLUSION The timing is appropriate to seek approval for the proposals from the FCM, the GVRD and other urban regions for a federal role in funding sustainable urban transportation. Approval of such a role will contribute to the economic competitiveness and efficiency of Canadian cities and to the attainment of Canada's greenhouse gas reduction responsibilities. Attäthments: Backgrounder, A New Approach to Funding Urban Transportation in Canada, October 1999. Letter to Mr. Ron Sully, Assistant Deputy Minister, Programs & Divestiture Group, Transport Canada, from Ken Cameron, Chair, Urban Transportation Council, dated March 9. 2000 regarding "Transportation and Climate Change: Options for Action". 04,214 March 9, 2000 Mr. Ron Sully Mr. Ken Ogilvie Assistant Deputy Minister Executive Director Programs & Divestiture Group Pollution Probe Transport Canada 12 Madison Avenue Place de Ville, Tower 'C' Toronto, ON M5R 2S1 330 Sparks Street, 19 Floor Fax: (416) 926-1601 Ottawa, ON K1AON5 Fax: (613)998-5008 Gentlemen; The Urban Transportation Council of the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) is submitting this letter to convey its observations and concerns with respect to the report of the Transportation Table entitled Transportation and Climate Change: Options for ActlonN (Options Paper). From an urban perspective, many of the issues and measures outlined in the Options Paper are closely related to those documented by the Council, and therefore the Council has been keenly interested in the development of the report as well as the ongoing process. The intent of this letter is not to criticize the report, but rather to assist in moving the agenda forward on this critical matter. In fact, the Council recognizes the Transportation Table's considerable effort in dealing with this very complex subject, especially given the constraints imposed by the process as well as the diverse stakeholder interests and lack of current knowledge and data about many aspects of this subject. Urban Transportation Council The Urban Transportation Council provides Canada's only continuing national forum in which public and private sector representatives can address urban transportation issues and assist stakeholders to work together cooperatively toward resolution. Attached is a list of members of the Council. The Council carries out its role through a combination of publications (called Briefings), research, and public speaking engagements normally at seminars and conferences. These activities are intended to educate and encourage debate r.onceming key transportation related issues that affect the sustainability of Canada's urban areas. The foundation of these activities is the Council's New Vision for Urban Transportation first published in 1993 and widely endorsed throughout Canada. In fact, the primary goal of the Council is to work toward the achievement of this Vision. The Urban Transportation Vision identifies key strategies to help modify cities so that they will be more efficient, desirable to live in and socially, economically and environmentally sustainable. In summary this Vision calls for: • more compact, mixed use urban form to reduce the need for long motorized trips and to enhance travel options, • less dependence on single occupant automobiles through more choice and opportunity for walking, transit, cycling and high occupancy vehicles, and new financing methods, based on the user pay principle, with revenues dedicated to transportation system improvements. - ftanspovtatlon Auoclatkn of Canada Association dis transports du Canada 2323 St Laurit &id. OMW Canada K1G &18 2323. bout. St4au,ent Ottass. Canada K1G 4J8 Tel. (613) 736-1350 Fax (613) 736•1395 T6J. (613) 736-1350. Tflicopieur (613) 736-1395 Subsec'jjent to the publication of the new vision, the Council produced two additional Briefings to expand on two key elements of the Vision: financing and land use. Financing Urban Transportation was published in February 1997 and Achieving ljveab!e Cities was published in November 1998. There are a number of common themes among all three publications that are particularly relevant to the Climate Change issue, as follows: • changing current trends will be a long-term and formidable task primarily because of existing growth patterns, development approval processes, public attitudes and behaviour, and existing economic and financing practices; • an integrated approach that blends various measures is essential to effect change, particularly with respect to the relationship between transportation and land use; • cooperation among all government levels is critical to effect change; • a quantum shift in individual and collective attitudes and behaviour will be required to move toward sustainability goals; • pricing of transportation services is a key lever with respect to consumer choice and has an influence on financing the implementation and operation of transport systems. Comments Regarding the Options Paper Many of the measures outlined in the Options Paper are particularly relevant to urban areas and, in fact, are similar to proposals contained in the Council Briefings. This, of course, is not surprising given the predominance of GHG's produced by transportation in urban areas. However, the Council has a number of concerns with the work carried out by the Transportation Table as it relates to urban transportation issues. Some of these concerns have been directly or indirectly addressed in the Options Paper, and attributed in the paper to constraints imposed by the terms of reference, the process itself and other limitations. Nevertheless, the Council believes that it is important to underscore these concerns. What reinforces these concerns is that only 42 of the targeted 54 megatonne reduction (in CO2 equivalents) by the year 2010 could be accommodated through the "Most Promising" and "Promising Measures". Furthermore, there are significant questions in the Options Paper itself about the full achievement of the measures, particularly those listed as "Promising". As noted above, the Council has recognized that the kind and scale of change required to achieve a more sustainable urban form can only take place over the long-term. Fundamental to this are changes required in the attitudes and behaviour of individuals. The challenge is to create incentives for change and to ensure that day-to-day incremental decisions, particularly by governments, are increasingly consistent with long-term objectives. This, in turn, requires an alliance among all levels of government and the private sector. Because the cause and effect of Climate Change are seamless, there is a unique opportunity for convergence among all governments, their institutions and the private sector to find solutions. In this context, the following are the major concerns of the Council: 1. Early Action is needed on initiatives which have longer terms GHG impacts. This relates to the limited timeframe given for the consideration of measures. The requirement to meet targets by the 2008-2012 period (and even consideration of impacts by 2020) has virtually precluded a number of opportunities related to vehicle technology and land use change. Furthermore, the decision to disallow consideration of the land use/transportation relationship by the Transportation Table restricts the outcome of the analysis. The integration of a number of measures at the urban level is of paramount importance to effecting change, particularly with respect to influencing individual attitudes and behaviour. Because of the virtual exclusion of both vehicle technology..andJanduse,Jhe.CounciUs.concemedihaLtheirJmportance.wiHnOLbe 2 recognized sufficiently in the shorter term thereby delaying or even totally ignoring their longer term potential. New urban transportation funding sources are essential at the municipal level. This relates to the question of adequate and timely funding particularly to increase the supply of alternative modes (transit, cycling, walking) at the urban level. It would be totally impractical to discourage the use of private vehicles without at the same time providing sufficient capacity and amenities to accommodate the modal shift onto alternative modes. Although the federal government has provided funding for the Climate Change process, most, if not all, of the responsibility for implementation of the proposed measures would reside with the provincial and municipal governments. Given the limited property tax base available to municipalities, additional revenue sources would be required to accommodate a proactive program. To date, there has been no indication of the source of funds for the proposed measures. As noted below, increased user fees for the use of roads by private vehicles could provide significant revenues in this regard. Transportation user fees are a key policy lever. As noted above, the pricing of Transportation services is a key lever with respect to choice of modes. However, there are limited measures proposed in the Options Paper that relate to pricing. Although increasing the price for parking should have some influence on the choice of travel mode, there continue to be significant questioné about whether the employee would actually pay as well as the administrative complications and costs associated with this measure. Increasing fuel taxes would be the most straightforward method of instituting a pricing mechanism that is compatible with Climate Change objectives and it is unfortunate that the Transportation Table was not able to achieve consensus on this matter. The Council does recognize that this is not a simple issue and there are significant economic ramifications related to gas tax increases. The composition of the Transportation Table itself deterred a resolution of this matter; on the other hand, the stakeholder biases on the Table are probably reflective of the divergent views that permeate thesectors of our economy and society at large. The concern of the Council, however, is that the proposition for full cost accounting for the use of private vehicles not be ignored, and that serious consideration be given to an incremental long-term approach of increasing user charges for the use of the roads. This has the critically important advantage of encouraging more efficient use of transportation facilities while also providing funding for complementary measures, as referenced above. Incorporate Implementation requirements as part of policy and programme formulation. This concern relates to the governance structure for implementation. Too often, complex government programs are mismanaged or ineffective because insufficient attention was given at an early stage to implementation issues. It is essential to assign responsibilities to the jurisdictions and organizations that are best able to get the job done in the most effective and efficient manner. As noted previously, it is paramount that, at a municipal level, an integrated approach be employed especially with respect to the planning, financing and delivery of measures aimed at reducing GHG emissions. ContInuing and comprehensive public information programs are required. The last major concern of the Council is that the entire Climate Change issue may not be given sufficient priority by senior governments because the public at large are not sufficiently cognisant of the issue and the consequences of inaction. In the council's view, there is a critical need for a public information/education outreach program to sensitize the public to the need for change in attitudes and behaviour. This would also assist greatly in laying the foundation for potential government incentives and disincentives and their successful deployment. The Council suggests IN 027 3 that this program not be a lop-down" campaign by senior governments, but be structured on a collaborative basis, sponsored by a variety of public and private organizations in order to maximize market penetration. Thank you for providing this opportunity to submit comments on this critical issue. If you require any clarification of these points, do not hesitate to contact me by phone at (604) 432-6379 or by e-mail: ken.cameron©gvrd.bC.ca . Sincerely, Ken Cameron Chair, Urban Transportation Council c.c.: Andrew Spoem Transport Canada el Enclosure (1) 0 25 January, 2000 TAC URBAN TRANSPORTATION COUNCIL Exe'cutive Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Interim Secretary: Past Chairman: Ken Cameron, Manager, Strategic Planning, Greater Vancouver Regional District Doug Floyd, Retired Mayor Bob Wade, Chairman, Hamilton-Wentworth Transportation Committee Elected Officials Councillor Graham Read, Halifax Regional Municipality Councillor Gordon Price, City of Vancouver Mayor Bob Wade, Chairman, Hamilton-Wentworth Transportation Committee Councillor Bill Wells, City of Regina Municipal (Transportation) Bob Holmes, Commissioner of Planning & Transportation, City of Calgary Dave Kaufman, General Manager, Transportation Services, City of Toronto Kenn Rosin. Manager cf iransp.irtatiois Planiing, City Winnipeg Mike Sheflin, Environment & Transportation Commissioner, Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton Municipal (Planning) Jean Bertrand. Chef de Ia Section du transport, des requétes at des permis, Ville de Montréal Ken Cameron, Manager, Strategic Planning, Greater Vancouver Regional District Bruce Duncan, General Manager Planning & Development, City of Edmonton Nick Tunnacliffe, Planning and Property Commissioner, Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton Provincial (Transportation) John Dyble, ADM, Planning & Major Projects, BC Ministry of Transportation & Highways Brian Marcotte, Exec. Dir. Planning Branch, Alberta Infrastructure Claude Martin, Chef de service, Service du transport terrestre des personnes, Ministère des transports du Québec Real Estate Development Barry Zwicker, Planner and Real Estate Consultant, IDU Canada Transit James Byrns. Agent a Ia planification at au développement, Agence métropolitaine de transport Motorists Elly Meister, Vice President, Canadian Automobile Association Parking Brian Lees, President, Parking Corporation of Vancouver Trucking Doug Moffatt, Executive Director, Canadian Courier Association Academic Ron Rice, Professor of Civil Engineering & Urban Planning, McGill University Dick Soberman, Bahen-Tanenbaum Professor, University of Toronto Research Doug Floyd John Gartner, Principle, Strategic Planning & Development Solutions Neil Irwin, Managing Director, IB$ Group 023 This page is left blank intentionally. U','. -- -- General Zf/7 Greater Vancouver Regional District TeIne (604) 432-6200 4330 fflngmDag Bumaby, British Columbia, Canada V5H 408 Fax (604) 432-6251 October 1999 BA cKGROUNDER A New Approach t, Funding Urban Transportation in Canada The Kyoto Challenge Canada's Kyoto commitment to reduce greenhouse gases by 6% between 1990 and 2008- 20 if ratified, presents a major challenge to the transportation sector. Transportation is the largest single sector, producing 26% of the country's greenhouse gas emissions. Meeting the 6% target would require transportation emission reductions of 38% as compared to a "business as usual" scenario. Unless a concerted effort is made to alter the use of personal vehicles, that target is simply unattainable. A litre of fuel burned anywhere in Canada has the same harmful effect on climate change, but it is in the urban areas where much of Canada's fuel use is concentrated and where it is possible to develop practical strategies to reduce fuel consumption through the promotion of walking, cycling and transit as well as land use patterns that reduce the need for vehicle travel. Urban areas are also where a significant proportion of Canada's $4 billion in federal fuel excise taxes are paid. A New Approach In A New Approach to Funding Urban Transportation in Canada, the Greater Vancouver Regional District has set out the case for a federal role in sustainable urban transportation through funding equivalent to a $.03 per litre increase in excise taxes (or equivalent allocation of existing taxes) to support sustainable urban transportation programs. This funding would be available in any province where a similar allocation of provincial fuel taxes has been implemented to support sustainable urban transportation programs. For eligibility, the urban area must demonstrate that it has in place a governance or cooperative institutional arrangement capable of planning and implementing urban transportation on an integrated basis for the entire urban area, with appropriate influences on land use planning and development. Support for the Approach Urban regions that would be eligible as a result of provincial supportive actions include Montreal, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver. Urban regions where local governments have formally supported this or a similar approach include the Greater Toronto-Hamilton Wentworth and Ottawa-Carleton regions. The Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Caucus of Big City Mayors have endorsed the Greater Vancouver proposal and it is consistent with the Transportation Association of Canada's New Vision for Urban Transportation. t 2 Next Steps In July, 1999, the Greater Vancouver Regional District Board of Directors confirmed its support for the proposed approach and for the position that urban transportation must be a major element of any new program of federal assistance for transportation. The Board specified that such a program: • Support comprehensive transportation strategies that support sustainable land use and address roads, transit, non-motorized modes and transportation demand management; • Be ongoinj and available to support both operating and capital requirements; and • Embody some relationship between where federal transportation revenues are collected and where the program's funds are spent. The Board authorized Chair George Puil to work with senior elected representatives of Canada's major urban regions through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to urge federal ministers to approve a program of federal support to meet the needs of Canadian urban regions and contribute to attainment of Canada's Kyoto commitment. For further information on the Greater Vancouver Regional District's proposal please visit the GVRD 's web site: http://www.gvrSbc.ca or contact Ken Cameron, Manager, Policy and Planning e-mail: ken.camerongvrd.bcca, fax: (604) 436-6811 and phone: (604) 436-6379 ) nI)