HomeMy WebLinkAboutPASC 2015-07-22 Minutes.pdf} MAPLE RIDGE City of Maple Ridge PUBLIC ART STEERING COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Public Art Steering Committee, held in the Coho Room, at Maple Ridge Municipal Hall on Wednesday, July 22, 2015 at 3:00 pm. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Susan Hayes, Chair Barbara Duncan Councillor Duncan Leanne Koehn STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Yvonne Chui Sunny Schiller REGRETS/ABSENTS Wayne Bissky Kristin Krimmel 1. CALL TO ORDER Artist Curator, Maple Ridge Art Gallery City of Maple Ridge Community at Large Member Manager, Arts and Community Connections Committee Clerk Architect Artist There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 3:02 pm. As guest Sylvia Pendl was not yet present it was decided to proceed with Item 2. 2. AGENDA ADOPTION R15-017 It was moved and seconded That the agenda be amended to include Item 6.8 Meeting Schedule and to remove Item 6.2 Artist in Residence and be adopted as amended. CARRIED 3. MINUTE ADOPTION R15-018 It was moved and seconded That the Minutes June 24, 2015 of be amended to replace the last sentence of Item 6.2 Artist in Residence with "Ms. Duncan will update the committee at a future date" and be adopted as amended. CARRIED 4. COMMUNITY FORUM -Nil Public Art Steering Committee Minutes Page 1 of 3 \ J Regular Meeting -July 22, 2015 5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5.1 Creative Cities Network Conference The Staff Liaison updated the committee that she has contacted Creative Cities and has arranged for three committee members to attend the conference within the budget already approved. Susan Hayes, Wayne Bissky and Leanne Koehn to attend. 5.2 Whonnock Public Art The Staff Liaison reported that Collabor8 is planning a soft launch for their Whonnock Lake Public Art Installation at the Farmers Market this week. A press release will be done soon and will be provided to Council for information later this week. 6. NEW BUSINESS 6.1 Hammond Public Art The Staff Liaison updated the committee that a new call for the Hammond Public Art installation will go out in late August/ early September, with 4 to 6 weeks allowed for submissions. The committee will receive a draft of the call for submissions for review. Potential installation locations at the stadium have been identified in conjunction with the Parks Department. A web page will be dedicated to the call. This project will be awarded in 2015 and installed in 2016 (installation needs to be scheduled around baseball season). A subcommittee will be struck to evaluate submissions. 6.3 Community Public Art Program The Chair reported the call for this project needs to go out in early September with a deadline at the end of October. $4,500 remains in this allocation. The Staff Liaison will issue a press release in August for distribution. 6.4 Public Art Cataloguing The Chair reported that she and the Staff Liaison have been meeting with the Community Heritage Commission subcommittee responsible for cataloging all heritage plaques in the City. This subcommittee has hired a contractor to create a database to hold the plaque records (including images and maintenance logs). After viewing the database the Chair and Staff Liaison feel that a slightly modified version could be used to inventory the City public art installations. The database would allow maintenance timing and costs to be tracked efficiently. Funding for this project exists within the already approved Committee budget. The committee discussed required and planned maintenance for existing installations. 6.5 Business Plan 2016 The Staff Liaison asked that all members review the existing business plan over the summer. The plan will be discussed in September. Cultural Mapping (long term cultural planning) project will be a main item for the 2016 plan. 6.6 Collection Maintenance Previously discussed under Item 6.4. Public Art Steering Committee Minutes Page 2 of 3 Regular Meeting -July 22, 2015 6.7 Member Terms and Renewal The Staff Liaison reported she had met with the Comm ittee Clerk to discuss member terms and recruitment plans. An artist and a developer will be recruited for the 2016- 2017 term. The Committee Clerk will circulate the recruitment ad to the committee for distribution. Expiration dates for committee members were .reviewed by the Staff Liaison. 6.8 Meeting Schedule After discussion it was agreed that the regular schedule of the meeting would be moved to either the third or fourth Tuesday of the month at 3:00 pm. The Committee Clerk will send an email to all committee members asking their preference. 7. ROUNDTABLE The Committee discussed acknowledgement guidelines for the community public art grant program. The Staff Liaison will remind applicants to follow the guidelines noted in the application in future when projects are unveiled/opened and completed. 8. ADJOURNMENT It was moved and seconded That the meeting be adjourned at 4:18 pm. CARRIED 9. NEXT MEETING -To be determined Chairperson /ss Public Art Steering Committee Minutes Page 3 of 3