HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLSC 2006-02-09 Minutes.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge and the Corporation of the District of Pitt Meadows MAPLE RIDGE and PITT MEADOWS PARKS & LEISURE SERVICES COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission, held in the Council Chambers, Pitt Meadows Municipal Hall, 12007 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, British Columbia, on Thursday, February 9, 2006, at 7:00 pm. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Commissioner Don MacLean, Chair Commissioner Gordy Robson Commissioner Judy Dueck Commissioner Ernie Daykin Commissioner Debra Eisel Commissioner Deb Walters Commissioner Cheryl Ashlie Commissioner Dave Rempel Commissioner Kathie Ward District of Pitt Meadows, Mayor District of Maple Ridge, Mayor District of Maple Ridge, Councillor District of Maple Ridge, Councillor District of Pitt Meadows, Councillor District of Pitt Meadows, Councillor School District No. 42, Trustee Chair School District No. 42, Trustee School District No. 42, Trustee J COMMISSION MEMBERS AT LARGE PRESENT Commissioner Jo Anne ten Brink Commissioner Ian Brown Commissioner Geordie Craig Commissioner Ron Wright Commissioner Maureen Pelton REGRETS/ABSENT Commissioner Christine Smith STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Mike Murray David Boag Don Cramb Shelley Jorde Cheryl Brewster DELEGATIONS Ms. Val Cook Mr. Chris Dibnah Mr. Dean Wilkes Member at Large, Maple Ridge Member at Large, Maple Ridge Member at Large, Maple Ridge Member at Large, Maple Ridge Member at Large, Pitt Meadows Member at Large, Pitt Meadows GM, Community Development, Parks & Recreation Director, Parks & Facilities Recreation Manager, West Recreation Manager, East Area Committee Clerk Proposed Cottonwood North Park Neighbourhood Representative Neighbourhood Representative Neighbourhood Representative Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Minutes Page 1 of5 Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Meeting Minutes February 9, 2006 There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. 1. Adoption of the Agenda R06-09 It was moved and seconded That the Agenda for February 9, 2006 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 2. Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Meeting R06-IO It was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Meetings of January 12, 2006 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 3. Delegations or Presentations 3.1 Cottonwood North Park-Ms. Val Cook Val Cook of 12082-23s1h Street, Maple Ridge, made a presentation against the proposed park, supported by a signed petition of 45 households. 3.2 Cottonwood North Park -Mr. Chris Dibnah Mr. Chris Dibnah of 12182-238th Street, Maple Ridge, presented his stand against the proposed park noting concerns for the potential of increased security risks and vandalism. 3.3 Cottonwood North Park-Mr. Dean Wilkes Mr. Dean Wilkes of 12080-237A Street, Maple Ridge made a presentation supporting the proposed park. The Chair thanked each presenter and the Commission members clarified questions and comments with each of the delegates. 4. Decision Items 4.1 Cottonwood North Park David Boag, Director of Parks and facilities recognized the efforts of everyone in the Cottonwood North Park project, including the work of Parks Manager Bruce McLeod Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Minutes Page 2 of 5 Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Meeting Minutes February 9, 2006 and the neighbourhood steering committee. He overviewed the background work behind the proposal including neighbourhood surveys and meetings, environmental studies and open houses. The Chair clarified that regardless of the Commission's decision, the ultimate decision to proceed with the park rests with The District of Maple Ridge. R06-1 I It was moved and seconded That the Commission endorse the November 2005 Concept Plan and recommend to Maple Ridge Council that the design and preparation of tender documents for the construction of Cottonwood North Parksite proceed based on the endorsed concept plan. CARRIED Commissioner Jo Anne ten Brink was opposed. 4.2 Festival Support Grant Applications Shelley Jorde, Recreation Manager, East Area, thanked the Commission's sub-committee consisting of Commissioners Geordie Craig, Kathie Ward, Ian Brown, Deb Walters and Jo Anne ten Brink for their assistance in reviewing the festival funding applications and bringing forward recommendations for consideration by the Commission. Commissioner Craig presented the recommendations of the committee. R06-12 It was moved and seconded That the festival support allocations for 2006 be approved as noted in the summary developed by the Parks and Leisure Services Commission Festival support sub-committee, attached to the 2006-01-31 report on this subject. CARRIED 4.3 Pit Meadows Parks Liquor Consumption Bylaw (Pitt Meadows Athletic Park & Harris Road Park) David Boag noted the receipt of two requests from community groups wanting to include beer gardens at their upcoming functions. R06-13 It was moved and seconded That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission recommends that Pitt Meadows Council consider adopting a "Public Park Liquor Consumption Bylaw" that would permit athletic clubs or approved individuals/groups to host licensed events with beer gardens during tournaments being held at the Pitt Meadows Athletic Park and Harris Park, provided that a "Special Occasions License" has been obtained from the Liquor Control and Licensing Board. CARRIED Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Co mmission Regular Minutes Page 3 of 5 Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Meeting Minutes February 9, 2006 4.4 Fraser River Waterfront Park Concept Plan (Pitt Meadows) Staff member David Boag briefly reviewed the proposal. R06-14 It was moved and seconded That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission endorse the January 301\ 2006 Concept Plan for Fraser River Waterfront Park and forward the plan to Pitt Meadows Council for final adoption. CARRIED 4.5 Arts Centre & Theatre (ACT) Concession Renovation/Upgrade R06-15 It was moved and seconded 1) That the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Arts Council be given permission to complete the cafe renovations as outlined on Attachment "B" providing that: a) the renovations are in accordance with the drawings and specifications as outlined on Attachment "B" and b) the renovations are done in full compliance with the conditions outlined in the Arts Centre lease agreement dated July 1, 2005 -sections 1.5 (w) Leasehold Improvements, 7.2 Tenants Repairs and 7.4 Tenants Renovations. 2) That the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Arts Council be given permission to access the Arts Centre Equipment Reserve Account ("ACER") to pay for a portion of the total renovation and equipment costs up to a maximum of $40K CARRIED 4. 6 BCRP A Conference -Discussion of Attendees Commissioners interested in attending the upcoming BCRP A Connections Symposium were asked to confirm their interest with Mike Murray. Two spaces are available for Commission representation. Commissioner Dave Rempel left the meeting at 8:45 pm 5. Information Items 5.1 Letter re: Christmas Haven Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Minutes Page 4 of 5 .. -) Mapl e Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Meeting Minutes February 9, 2006 R06-16 It was moved and seconded That the above information items be received. 6. Commission Liaison Reports -nil 7. Staff Liaison Reports CARRIED 7.1 Shelley Jorde, Area Manager East reported on the success of a recent workshop attended by 13 members from the community, on how to successfully recruit board members. 8. 9. R06-l 7 Question Period -nil Motion to Move into Closed Session It was moved and seconded That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission move into a Closed Meeting pursuant to 242 (a) personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality; CARRIED The Regular Meeting adjourned at 8:48 pm. Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Minutes Page 5 of 5