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District of Maple Ridge
and the
City of Pitt Meadows
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services
Commission, held in the Meadows Room at Pitt Meadows Municipal Hall, 12007 Harris Road, Pitt
Meadows, British Columbia, on Thursday, November 8, 2007 at 7:00 pm.
Commissioner Cheryl Ashlie, Chair
Commissioner Don Maclean
Commissioner Gordy Robson
Commissioner Debra Eisel
Commissioner Deb Walters
Commissioner Judy Dueck (Alternate)
Commissioner Craig Speirs
Commissioner Kathie Ward
Commissioner Maureen Pelton
Commissioner Christine Smith
Commissioner Ian Brown
Commissioner Jo Anne ten Brink
Commissioner Ron Wright
Commissioner Geordie Craig
Commissioner Dave Rempel
School District No. 42, Trustee Chair
City of Pitt Meadows, Mayor
District of Maple Ridge, Mayor
City of Pitt Meadows, Councillor
City of Pitt Meadows, Councillor
District of Maple Ridge, Councillor
District of Maple Ridge, Councillor
School District No. 42, Trustee
Member at Large, Pitt Meadows
Member at Large, Pitt Meadows
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
School District No. 42, Trustee
Mike Murray
David Boag
GM, Community Development, Parks & Recreation
Director, Parks & Facilities
Kelly Swift Director, Recreation
Shelley Jorde Recreation Manager
Ingrid Kraus Executive Assistant
There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
1. Adoption of the Agenda
R07-67 It was moved and seconded
That the Agenda for November 8, 2007 be adopted
Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Minutes Page 1 of6
Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
November 8, 2007
DRAFT -These minutes are subject to approval
2. Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular
R07-68 It was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meetings of October 11, 2007 be adopted with the following change
That Commissioners Dueck and Elkerton were incorrectly listed as absent since they
are the alternate members and only expected to attend if the other Council members
in their respective communities are not available.
3. Delegations
Ms. Shelley Jorde, Recreation Manager welcomed all the delegations present this evening.
3.1 Pitt Meadows Museum & Archives
Ms. Annette Code, President, introduced the members of the Society present. Ms.
Code addressed the history and background on their Fee for Service Agreement. The
concerns for the Society include lower than industry average wages, limited hours of
employment and the threat of diminished summer student funding as well as staff
retention and how this will impact the Museum and its Society.
Ms. Leslie Norman, Museum Manager reported on the growth of the facility and
amount of time the board has spent making major decisions regarding construction
this past year. The Society will now focus on stabilizing the programs and services.
Ms. Norman also spoke to the Fee for Service Agreement review.
3.2 Maple Ridge Museum & Historical Society
Ms. Sheila Nickols, President, introduced the members of the Society present. This
year the Society was involved in Phase 1 planning for the new museum, obtaining an
Arts Pod Grant, completing a branding exercise, obtaining charitable status and doing
an external management review for audit readiness. Volunteers contributed 1,449
hours, board and committee work 824 hours and staff time of 2,144 hours.
Ms. Val Patenaude, Curator, reviewed the Municipal Fee for Service Agreement and
the grant application process and issues for the past year. The implications of
matching fund requirements were discussed in detail.
Mr. Claus Androp, Vice-President, advised the Commission that similar to the Pitt
Meadows Museum, the Society is facing the same issues with recruitment and
retention, competing for higher wages and an aging workforce.
Commissioner Robson spoke to the Provincial grant process and the length of time it
takes Societies to qualify. He suggested that this come back to Council for further
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
November 8, 2007
DRAFT -These minutes are subject to approval
discussion. Commissioner Speirs spoke to the importance of the capital and
operating issues and supports this matter coming back to Council for further
Mr. Murray confirmed that the Fee for Service Agreement expires December 31,
2007 and that a representative from the Commission will be invited to participate in
the review. Any funding increments must be approved by Council.
Commissioner Walters thanked the staff and board of both historical societies and
asked where the majority of their time was being dedicated. Additional detail was
Commissioners Jo Anne ten Brink and Christine Smith volunteered to participate in
the FFS Agreement review for the historical societies. Councilor Craig Speirs will
participate for Maple Ridge and Councillor Janis Elkerton will be contacted as the
historical committee liaison for Pitt Meadows.
The delegations were thanked for their informative presentations and for all the work
completed by staff and volunteers.
Maple Ridge Arts Centre & Theatre
Mr. Roger Welsh, President provided an update on the Society. There are three new
board members this year and the ACT has enjoyed a banner year. A copy of the
Annual Report was circulated. He then introduced Ms. Jennifer Shavers, Marketing
Manager, who provided a PowerPoint presentation which highlighted the number of
tickets sold, programs, types of programs and plans for the coming year. Mr. Welsh
and Ms. Shavers were thanked for their informative presentation.
Commissioner ten Brink inquired into the public art policy. Maple Ridge Council has
adopted a policy and the Public Art Committee is to be formed. The first public art
will be out of the Spirit Square project. In Pitt Meadows, the developer of the South
Bonson project is looking to include public art.
Commissioner Robson asked about the financial statements and the loss for the
Maple Ridge Art Gallery. Mr. Welsh confirmed that the Arts Council is assisting the
gallery and they are working towards becoming as independent as possible from
government in the future. In the meantime there is still a reliance on the two
Commissioner Walters suggested that the Arts Council make a presentation to
Council and provide an update.
4. Decision Items
4.1 Jackson Farm
R07-69 It was moved and seconded
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
November 8, 2007
DRAFT -These minutes are subject to approval
That Council defer consideration of any development proposal for the Jackson Farm until:
1. Completion of the Cemetery Master Plan
2. Completion of the 2008 Parks, Recreation and Cultural Plan update
Mike Murray reviewed the report and background on the Jackson Farm proposal. The new
information is based on information from the Friends of Jackson Farm and the cemetery
master plan work being carried out by staff and the petition received. Considerable
discussion occurred with several Commissioners expressing a variety of opinions.
4.2 Commission Evaluation
Commission members were asked to complete the evaluation form and return it to
Ingrid Kraus within the next two weeks. The results will be tabulated for discussion
at the next meeting.
It was moved and seconded
That Commission members complete an evaluation to be reviewed at the December
4.3 Parks & Leisure Services Logo
Kelly Swift circulated a copy of the proposed logo designs that were updated based
on Commission's earlier comments and requests for changes. There was
considerable discussion on the proposed new logo.
It was moved and seconded
That the original Parks & Leisure Services Logo be retained.
5. Discussion Items
5.1 Commissioner Workshop
Mike Murray indicated that it appeared a Saturday workshop would not be possible and
that perhaps the Commission would like to consider an abbreviated workshop to take
place on a week day evening. It was agreed that this should be researched further and
considered for some time in February or March.
5.2 Citizen At Large Committee Member Terms
Mike Murray confirmed that two Citizen-at-Large terms are due December 31, 2007.
There was a brief discussion and it was suggested that filling the vacancies be deferred
until a review of the Commission evaluation which is to be completed in January.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
November 8, 2007
DRAFT -These minutes are subject to approval
6. Information Items
6.1 Ministry of Education -New Legislation Banning Tobacco and Smoking in Public
Places and Schools
Commissioner Ashlie suggested that a discussion is needed in the future to include
recreational sites. The School District has to comply and signage will be needed at
their sites. What will work at recreational sites, what kind of signage and how to
enforce will be issues for the Commission. Mike Murray indicated that staff will look
at developing signage and a policy. The key will be enforcing the policy and how that
will be done needs further review. A report will be brought back to the next meeting.
Commissioner Dueck spoke to the importance of this policy and enforcement on joint
Commissioner Speirs spoke to issues with park sites close to schools.
Commissioner Eisel suggested that the signage and policy become part of bylaws
which will give RCMP the ability to enforce.
Commissioner Robson spoke to the importance of the signage to let the public know
what is expected.
6.2 Letter from Strata NW2997 re London Plane Trees
6.3 Information from Valerie Hundert re Fraser Valley Heritage Park
6.4 Parks & Leisure Services Statistics
Commissioner Robson stated that he is being approached by representatives of ball
hockey regarding the cost of the portable boards their organization purchased for the
curling rink. There was a discussion on this issue and Ms. Kelly Swift will contact the
Ball Hockey Association to follow up with their concerns and bring this back to the
It was moved and seconded
That the above information items be received.
7. Commission Liaison Reports -there were no reports.
8. Staff Liaison Reports
Mr. David Boag reported that sports groups continued to use the fields during the recent
inclement weather. Staff attended the fields to collect information and noted that football
played 5 games on one field. The field damaged is now out of service for the remainder of
the season which has an impact on the soccer sports groups that would normally play in the
winter months. The football club will lose its damage deposit as per the policy. It was
suggested that staff prepare a press release in the event that a public response is needed.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
November 8, 2007
DRAFT -These minutes are subject to approval
Ms. Kelly Swift reminded and invited the Commission to attend the Remembrance Day
Ceremonies beginning at 10:30 a.m. in Pitt Meadows and 11:00 a.m. in Maple Ridge.
The Winter Wonderland will take place on December 22-24.
9. Question Period
There were no further questions.
10. Motion to adjourn
R07-73 It was moved and seconded
That the regular meeting of the Parks and Leisure Services Commission be adjourned.
11. Motion to Move into Closed Session
R07-74 It was moved and seconded
That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission move into a Closed Meeting pursuant to
242 (g) litigation or possible litigation affecting the municipality.
The Regular Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m .
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