HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLSC 2008-05-08 Minutes.pdf_J District of Maple Ridge and the City of Pitt Meadows MAPLE RIDGE and PITT MEADOWS PARKS & LEISURE SERVICES COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission, held in the Blaney Room Maple Ridge Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge , British Columbia, on Thursday, May 8, 2008 at 7:00 pm. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Commissioner Don Maclean, Chair Commissioner Judy Dueck Commissioner Kathie Ward Commissioner Dave Rempel Commissioner Ron Wright Commissioner Cheryl Ashlie COMMISSION MEMBERS AT LARGE PRESENT Commissioner Neil Pukesh Commissioner Christine Smith ABSENT /REGRETS Commissioner Deb Walters Commissioner Geordie Craig Commissioner Gordy Robson Commissioner Ernie Daykin Commissioner Debra Eisel Commissioner Craig Speirs Commissioner Jo Anne ten Brink Commissioner Ian Brown City of Pitt Meadows, Mayor District of Maple Ridge, Councillor School District No. 42, Trustee School District No. 42, Trustee Member at Large, Maple Ridge School District No. 42, Trustee Chair Member at Large, Pitt Meadows Member at Large, Pitt Meadows City of Pitt Meadows, Councillor Member at Large, Maple Ridge District of Maple Ridge, Mayor District of Maple Ridge, Councillor City of Pitt Meadows, Councillor District of Maple Ridge, Councillor Member at Large, Maple Ridge Member at Large, Maple Ridge STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Mike Murray Tracy Camire GM, Community Development, Parks & Recreation Committee Clerk Lex Tierney Don Cramb David Boag Kelly Swift Tracy Miyashita Recreation Manager, Health & Wellness Recreation Manager, Support Services Director of Parks & Facilities Director of Recreation Recreation Coordinator There being a quorum present, the Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm . 1. Adoption of the Agenda R08-38 It was moved and seconded That the Agenda for May 8, 2008 be adopted Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Minutes CARRIED Page 1 of 5 Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Meeting Minutes May 8, 2008 2. Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Meeting R08-39 It was moved and seconded That the Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Meetings of April 10, 2008 be adopted CARRIED 3. Delegations/Presentation 3.1 Active Community Presentation, Tracy Miyashita and Lex Tierney Tracy Miyashita, Recreation Coordinator gave a PowerPoint presentation which provided an overview of the Active Communities Initiatives program. Lex Tierney, Recreation Manager provided highlights of the development of a Sports Tourism strategy. Mr. Tierney also advised the Commission that Tracy Miyashita will be leaving the District of Maple Ridge to start a new position with the Katzie First Nations. 4. Decision Items R08-40 4.1 Fees and Charges Don Cramb, Recreation Manager Support Services gave an overview of how the Fees and Charges are implemented each year. It was moved and seconded That a recommendation be forwarded to Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Councils that the Fees and Charges By-Laws be updated to reflect the rates as outlined in the April 16th,2008 report on this subject noting that the new rates are recommended to be implemented effective September 1st, 2008. CARRIED Tracy Miyashita, Don Cramb and Lex Tierney left the meeting at 7:24 pm 4.2 Rotary Field Lighting and Draft Letter to Residents Mike Murray advised the Commission that the original request was to extend the lights off to 10:00 p.m. at Samuel Robertson Technical School but that time would be required to leave the site and the closing time elsewhere is 10:30. He suggested a letter be sent to residents asking how they feel about the change given the earlier commitment. He also advised the Commission that the Commission had been delegated the authority to make the decision independent of Maple Ridge Council. Commissioner Dueck suggested the Commission proceed without sending the matter to Council. Page 2 of 5 Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Meeting Minutes May 8, 2008 R08-41 The Commission discussed this request further. It was moved and seconded That staff be directed to distribute the draft letter attached to the 2008 04 28 report on this subject to neighbors within a 200 meter radius of Samuel Robertson Technical School, seeking their input on the proposed change of operating hours for Rotary Field, and further, that responses to that letter be considered by the Commission in advance of the June, 2008 Field users meeting to determine if a change in hours should be implemented. CARRIED 5. Discussion Items R08-42 5.1 BCRPA Conference Report (from delegates) It was moved and seconded That the above information item be received CARRIED Mike Murray recommended that a note be sent to both Councils requesting research be done with respect to the outdoor pools to ensure that all safety measures (assessments) are met prior to opening the pools this Summer. Commissioner Dueck asked if the Commission has ever completed a policy review process. Mike Murray advised the Commission that in some jurisdictions a certain number of policies are reviewed each year. He mentioned that the Commission's policies are usually referred and sometimes reviewed and updated when an issue comes forward. Questions were raised with respect to signage for natural swimming areas like Cliff Park or elsewhere. Mike Murray advised the Commission that Cliff Park is a regional park and therefore this is not handled by the Municipality however at Whonnock Park yes we do have warning signs for no diving, swim at own risk etc. Councillor Dueck advised the Commission that there are some excellent policies but they need to be reviewed on a regular cycle to ensure that language doesn't get old. She felt this should be looked into further. 6. Information Items 6.1 Thank You Card -Spirit of Wood Festival 6.2 Report to Councils re: By law amendment 6.3 Metro Vancouver Press Release -re: Seeking Court Ruling on Expropriation of Parkland for land claims Page 3 of 5 Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Meeting Minutes May 8, 2008 R08-43 It was moved and seconded That the above information items be received CARRIED Councillor Judy Dueck advised the Commission that with regards to the Metro Vancouver Press Release on the Musqueam lands the issue is that this claim was settled without compensation. We need to ensure that for the future this doesn't happen to the City of Pitt Meadows or the District of Maple Ridge. Councillor Dueck wanted to be very clear that this is not reflective of whether we think they should or should not have taken the land but rather how was it acquired. 7. Commission Liaison Reports Ron Wright advised that he was a referee at the "Race the Ridge" event and complimented all the work and help from the Parks and Leisure Services to make this event a success and it was really positive and people that came into the community to race commented on our great community. 8. Staff Liaison Reports Mike Murray advised the Commission that we have approval on the Services Canada Grants and got word from the MP's office that we will receive about $54,000 in funding. Mike Murray also reviewed the press release on the ERA tree planting program that was issued today and advised the Commission that they are working with groups in the community with regards to the tree planting process and reviewed the press release with the Commission. David Boag advised the Commission that an ad in paper looking for a Parks Superintendant position was a result of filling a Foreman position that was recently vacated at a different level to provide a more appropriate level of support for crews. Kelly Swift updated the Commission on the Pitt Meadows Arena; fair amount of work going on; allocated dollars for a few projects; roof repairs; sewer line repair, retrofit to the ice plant, training to staff, new zamboni, operator in place for a few months, doing a good job in the operations, moving more in line with a municipal operation. She advised that by Aug/Sept there will be quite a significant difference. She indicated the Arena is a busy building with a high volume of people using the facilities. Mike Murray advised that this building still has a long way to go to come up to the standard we all would like to see but that a few more contractual issues need to be sorted out before we can get to that stage. Page 4 of 5 _J Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Regular Meeting Minutes May 8, 2008 10. Question Period Ron Wright raised a concern for the number of dogs off leash at Merkley Park. David Boag advised that the Municipal bylaw does require the dogs to be on leash but that the bylaw has not been actively enforced. Mr. Boag acknowledged a public process needs to be completed to establish where off leash areas are needed and should be established. Mr. Boag also advised that he get calls from dog owners that have just moved here asking where our dog parks are and we don't have any. Mr. Boag advised he anticipates moving forward on this within the year. 11. Motion to adjourn R08-44 It was moved and seconded That the regular meeting of the Parks and Leisure Services Commission be adjourned. CARRIED 12. Motion to Move into Closed Session R08-45 It was moved and seconded That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission move into a Closed Meeting pursuant to 242 (g) litigation or possible litigation affecting the municipality. CARRIED The Regular Meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m. Page 5 of5