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2002-04-09 Council Meeting Agenda and Reports
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING A GENDA April 9, 2002 7:00p.m. Council Chamber MEETING DECORUM Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.org 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 OPENING PRA YERS Pastor Greg Dalman 300 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 400 ADOPTION OF MINUTES 401 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of March 26, 2002 402 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meeting of March 28, 2002 500 DELEGATIONS 501 Tourism Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Society Update, Pat Kramer Page 1 Council Meeting Agenda April 9, 2002 Council Chamber Page 2 of 7 600 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 601 DVP/65/01, 11940 228 Street (an application to waive the requirement to conceal the residential parking spaces) 602 DVP/071/01, 20540 Lorne Avenue (an application to relax the exterior side yard setback for the house from 4.5 metres to 2.47 metres and for the garage from 3.0 metres to .54 metres) 700 CORRESPONDENCE 701 Worker's Compensation Board, Day of Mourning Letter from Ralph W. McGinn, President & CEO, providing information on the April 28, 2002 Day of Mourning. 800 BY-LAWS 801 RZ/71/01, 20540 Lorne Avenue Heritage Review (Item 915 from Committee of the Whole) Staff report dated March 26, 2002 providing comments from the Community Heritage Commission with respect to the rezoning application. Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6011-2002 from the Public Hearing of March 19, 2002 second and third reading (to permit renovations to an existing house) 802 RZ/022/98, 12169 228 Street 802.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5760-1999 final reading (to designate as Development Permit Area XXI (27)) Council Meeting Agenda April 9, 2002 Council Chamber Page 3 of 7 802.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5759-1999 final reading (to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) to permit construction of 4 self-contained residential units) COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 900 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 901 Minutes - Nil The following issues were considered at an earlier Committee of the 'Whole meeting with the recommendations being brought to this meeting for Municipal Council consideration and final approval. Public Works and Development Services 902 Land Title Imaged Legal Survey Plans Protocol Agreement Staff report dated March 13, 2002 recommending that the District enter into an agreement with the Land Title Branch of British Columbia and the Municipal Information System Association to acquire an electronic version of the legal survey plans. 903 SD 8/02 - Development Cost Charge Reduction Staff report dated March 15, 2002 recommending that the road, water and drainage components of the Development Cost Charges payable be reduced by $165,165. 904 District Owned Land: Silver Valley Staff report dated February 4, 2002 recommending that a Request for Qualifications be initiated to consider the sale and development of District-owned lands in Silver Valley. 905 Big Bike Fundraising Event, Use of Municipal Street Staff report dated March 26, 2002 recommending that the Heart & Stroke Foundation be authorized to use Municipal Streets on Monday, May 14, 2002. Council Meeting Agenda April 9, 2002 Council Chamber Page 4 of 7 906 Mountain Festival Society, Use of Municipal Streets Staff report dated March 28, 2002 recommending that the Mountain Festival Society be authorized to use Municipal Streets on May 4, 2002. 907 DP/006/02 - 23700 Bik. Kanaka Way, Construction of a 15 Lot Subdivision Staff report dated March 26, 2002 recommending that a development permit be issued in support of a development plan for subdivision. 908 DP/008/02 - 240t1 Street and 110th Ave. SE, Construction of a 23 Lot Subdivision Staff report dated March 27, 2002 recommending that a development permit be issued in support of a development plan for subdivision. 909 DP/057/01 - 20201 Lougheed Hwy., Construction of a Safeway Gas Bar Staff report dated March 25, 2002 recommending that a development permit be issued for construction of a gas bar at Safeway. 910 DP/022/02 - 24250 Fern Crescent, Addition of an Attached Garage Staff report dated March 27, 2002 recommending that a development permit be issued for an addition to an existing residence. 911 VP/012/02 - 23500 Dewdney Trunk Road, Parish of St. George Staff report dated March 27, 2002 recommending that qua1if'ing property owners be advised that approval of VP/012/02, to vary the lot size and to waive the requirement to upgrade Cottonwood Drive, will be considered at the April 23, 2002 Council meeting. 912 RZ/068/00, 23005 Dewdney Trunk Road, RS-1 to CD-1-93 and CD-2-95 • Staff report dated March 28, 2002 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5995-2001 and Maple 'Ridge Zone Council Meeting Agenda April 9, 2002 Council Chamber Page 5 of7 Amending Bylaw No. 5994-2001 to permit development of two commercial lots and three single family lots be read a first time and forwarded to Public Hearing. 913 SCA-EXEMP-7, Soil Conservation Act - Exemption, 10730 2761h Street Staff report dated March 27, 2002 recommending an exemption to place fill at this location for cultivation purposes. 914 Municipal Equipment Replacement Purchase Staff report dated March 8, 2002 recommending that the tender for grader replacement be awarded to Finning Canada. Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police) 931 General Contractor Work Staff report dated March 11, 2002 recommending that a 3 year contract be awarded to Cherry Homes. Community Development and Recreation Service - Nil Correspondence 971 Greater Vancouver Regional District,. Support for Sustainable Region Initiative Letter dated March 7, 2002 from George Puil, Chair, Board of Directors, seeking support for the Sustainable Region Initiative. Other Committee Issues - Nil Council Meeting Agenda April 9, 2002 Council Chamber Page 6 of 7 1000 STAFFREPORTS 1001 Tag Day Soliciting, Royal Canadian Air Cadets, April 12 and 13, 2002 Staff report dated March 14, 2002 recommending that permission be given for the request of the 585 Coronation Squadron. 1098 MAYOR'S REPORT 1099 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS 1100 OTHER MA TTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 1200 NOTICES OF MO TION 1300 ADJOURNMENT Council Meeting Agenda April 9, 2002 Council Chamber Page 7 of 7 1400 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to seek clarification about an item on the agenda, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws which have not yet reached conclusion. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. The decision to televise the Question Period is subject to review. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes only to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). The total Question Period is limited to 15 minutes. If a question cannot be answered, it will be responded to at a later date at a subsequent Council Meeting. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the office of the Municipal Clerk who can be contacted at (604) 463-5221. Checked by: Date: CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES March 28, 2002 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Al Hogarth Chairman F. Quinn, Acting Chief Administrative Officer Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary 1. SD/19/01 LEGAL: Lots A & B, Section 17, Township 15, NWD LOCATION: 27790 & 27824 Dewdney Trunk Rd. OWNER: Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Restrictive Covenants - Cross Access Easement, Fish and Wildlife Covenant, No Build Subdivision Plan THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO SD/19/01. CARRIED Hogarth F. Quinn, Acting Chief Administrative Officer Chh Irma Member 20/h Rem 30 / I I P 1888 668t P ii 7859/ P7192 P 82116 P 7192 86407 1 2 1 Re! 53 31/ 1 1 3 A B ] / P-3 A-I N 4%g - — A2 6° 5 _____________ _ Go FSA Rem4 Q Rem5 04 3 P 1888 P7192 15 RS-3 7 Rem 2 PARK /_flN•NIb._i PAIK 14 \888 13 /13 11 \,12 \ 2039\ Ill I I I J PARKp1 2 P 1779 3 4 N " TSUCT OF 07SL OIsTlHcTor LANGLEY SCALE: 1:9,000 KEY MAP The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. Ron Riach/District of Maple Ridge 27790/27824 Dewdney Trunk Road MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Jul 27 2001 FILE:SD-19-01 BY: RS Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Telephone: (604) 463-5221 Fax: (604) 467-7329 N/L\.PLE RIDE E-mail: enquiries@mapleridge.org www.mapleridge.org Incorporated 12 September, 1874 February 27, 2002 File No: 3090-20IDVP/65/01 Dear Sir/Madam: PLEASE TAKE NOTE that the Municipal Council will be considering a Development Variance Permit at the regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, April 9, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge. The particulars of the Development Variance Permit are as follows: APPLICATION NO.: DVP/65/01 LEGAL: Lot 50, Plan 32322, Section N.E. 17, Township 12, NWD LOCATION: 11940 228 Street PRESENT ZONING: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) PROPOSED ZONING: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) PURPOSE: Upon final adoption of the pending Zone Amending Bylaw, the applicant intends to construct a commercial residential building 4 with three commercial units on the main floor and two residential units on the second floor. Prior to this proposed construction, the applicant is requesting waiver of the requirement to conceal the residential parking spaces. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a copy of the Development Variance Permit and the Planning Department report dated February 12, 2002 relative to this application will be available for inspection at the Municipal Hall, Planning Department counter during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from February 27 to April 9, 2002. 4 01 "Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens" Im 100% Recyc'ed Paper ALL PERSONS who deem themselves affected hereby shall be afforded an opportunity to make their comments known to Municipal Council by making a written submission to the attention of the Municipal Clerk by 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 9, 2002. Yours truly, j,P.En ' Municipal Clerk Au. cc: Confidential Secretary .1 2 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 OMWO! ~M~Q Telephone: (604) 463-5221 Fax: (604) 467-7329 1N4.A.PLE 1.JDGE E-mail: enquiries@mapleridge.org Incorporated 12 September, 1874 www.mapleridge.org February 13, 2002 File No: 3090-20IDVP/71/01 Dear Sir/Madam: PLEASE TAKE NOTE that the Municipal Council will be considering a Development Variance Permit at the regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, April 9, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge. The particulars of the Development Variance Permit are as follows: APPLICATION NO.: DVP/71/01 LEGAL: Lot 737, District Lots 278 & 279, Group 1, Plan 2180, NWD LOCATION: 20540 Lorne Avenue PRESENT ZONING: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) PROPOSED ZONING: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) PURPOSE: Upon final adoption of the pending Zone Amending Bylaw, the applicant intends to proceed with renovations to the house and requires the following variances for the residence and the detached garage: I) that the exterior side yard setback for the house be relaxed from 4.5 metres to 2.47 metres; 2) that the exterior side yard setback for the garage be relaxed from 3.0 metres to .54 metres. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a copy of the Development Variance Permit and the Planning Department report dated January 15, 2002 relative to this application will be available for inspection at the Municipal Hall, Planning Department counter during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from February 13 to April 9, 2002. to 'Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens"AM 100% Recycled Paper ALL PERSONS who deem themselves affected hereby shall be afforded an Opportunity to make their comments known to Municipal Council by making a written submission to the attention of the Municipal Clerk by 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 9, 2002. Yours truly, t Municipal Clerk /ick Att. cc: Confidential Secretary 2 r\ WORKERS' COMPENSATION and Chief Executive Officer AD OFBRI11SH P'R COWMBIA March 25, 2002 .-nn: !tGT1 L Staff tc Preoftrc Roport O Staff to Respond r::t: with o L MAR 2 5 2002 OPEN LE1TER TO THE MAYORS5ND COtJWC OF BC: DAYOF MOURNING, APRIL28, 2002 In 2001, 168 workers in BC lost their lives as a result of a workplace injury or occupational disease. The loss of life is tragic - behind this statistic are the names of loved ones that didn't come home from work. The Workers' Compensation Board recognizes the annual Day of Mourning along with workers, employers, family members of fatally injured workers, and representatives from all levels of government. We do this to honour the memory of lost workers and to increase public awareness of occupational health and safety issues. This letter serves as a reminder to you about the Day of Mourning and encourages your participation on this very significant date. Many municipalities already hold public ceremonies and/or formally proclaim the Day of Mourning. Previous events have included holding a moment of silence at 11:00 a.m. and lowering flags to half-mast. And many towns and cities in B.C. have created a permanent worker memorial in partnership with their local employer and worker communities. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss this in more detail, please contact Donna Freeman at 604-276-3141 or dfreema1(wcb.bc.ca. Thank you for your interest. Yours truly, I r Ralph W. McGinn, P. Eng. President & CEO Workers' Compensation Board of B.C. 701 Mailing Address Location Telephone 604 276-3190 P0 Box 5350 Stn Terminal 6951 Westminster Highway Fax 604 276-3151 Vancouver BC V6B 515 Richmond BC Toll Free within BC 1 800 661-2112 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: Mar - ' 7127, and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/071/01 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C o SUBJECT: Heritage Review (20540 Lorne Avenue) PURPOSE: At the February 12, 2002 Council meeting, the above noted rezoning application was referred to the Community Heritage Commission for review and comment. Council required a response prior to granting second reading of Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6001 - 2002. Comments from the Heritage Commission are included in the attached report dated March 13, 2002. Subsequent to that review, staff met with the property owners on March 11, 2002 to discuss the recommendations of the Heritage Commission. This report will provide an update to the situation surrounding the recommendations as outlined below. RECOMMENDATION: The recommendations of the Community Heritage Commission are as follows: That Council consider including this property on the Maple Ridge Heritage Register; and That the Community Heritage Commission be provided with the opportunity to review any proposed changes to the exterior of the building prior to the issuance of a building permit. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The development proposal is requesting the rezoning of the subject property from C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) to RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to permit renovations to the existing building. The C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) zone does not permit a single family use. Accordingly, the zone amendment must be completed prior to issuance of a building permit. PLANNING ANALYSIS: Heritage issues: The referral of this application to the Heritage Commission did not include proposed exterior alteration plans. Therefore, the Commission was unable to comment on the sensitivity of the proposal to the existing heritage characteristics of the building. The attached Heritage Commission report to Council outlines the contextual importance of the building in the Hammond neighbourhood. 9/5 The Commission's second recommendation (identified above) is the result of their concern for the impact that exterior alterations could have on the integrity of the building's heritage characteristics. The owner has been made aware that the Heritage Commission is available to provide advice with respect to the sensitivity of any additions or changes to the heritage characteristics of the building. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ISSUES: N/A ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS :N/A CITIZEN/CUSTOMER IMPLICATIONS: The Conmiission' s recommendations regarding heritage registration were outlined to the property owner on March 11, 2002, as were the following implications of registration: • the process is voluntary; • the building would be formally recognised as a heritage building; • the municipality could temporarily withhold approval of a demolition permit; and • the property may be eligible for alternative compliance standards under the British Columbia Building Code. The property owners have indicated that they are willing to proceed with the heritage registration process at this time. This process requires that Council pass a resolution to include the property on the District of Maple Ridge Community Heritage Register. The owners have also indicated their intention to build an addition onto the western side of the house. As a result, the potential exists for the heritage integrity of the building to be compromised. However, the owners have indicated their willingness to maintain the heritage character of the building and to reflect that character in the proposed addition. Therefore, staff is of the opinion that plans that respect both the heritage integrity of the existing house and that addresses the increased space requirements of the owners, can be achieved through a consultative process prior to the submission of a building permit application. INTERDEPARTMENTAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: There are no negative financial implications to either the District or property owners as a result of Heritage Registration. ALTERNATIVES: N/A -2- SUMMARY: At the direction of Council, the Community Heritage Commission reviewed the rezoning application for 20540 Lorne Avenue and has provided Council with two recommendations detailed in the attached report. Subsequent to that review, staff met with the property owners to discuss the Commission's recommendations and the owner's plans for an addition to the building. As a result of that discussion, staff is of the opinion that the exterior alteration concerns expressed by the Heritage Commission can be addressed through consultation with the owners prior to the preparation of building permit plans. - \ Pre ar y: Jim Charlebois, Planner Staff Liaison, Community Heritage Commission Oi1a MCIP ir rof Approved by: / Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP Acting Chief Administrative Officer Attach -3- MAPLE RIDGE c.OMMU..N1TY HERITAGE COMMISSION TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth and Members of Council FROM: Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission DATE: March 13, 2002 FILE NO: RZ/071/01 SUBJECT: 20540 Lorne Avenue - Heritage Review PURPOSE: The Community Heritage Commission has been directed by Council to review the rezoning application for 20540 Lorne Avenue and provide comments with respect to its heritage significance. These comments are required prior to Council granting second reading to the zone amending bylaw. RECOMMENDATIONS: That Council considerincluding this property on the Maple Ridge Heritage Register; and That the Community Heritage Commission be provided with the opportunity to review any proposed changes to the exterior of the building prior to the issuance of a building permit. HERITAGE ISSUES: The property is part of the Hammond community and is located immediately south west of Hammond Park with the John Hammond House located across the Street at 20541 Lorne Avenue. It is include in the Heritage Resources of Maple Ridge, the District's heritage inventory and was recommended by the consultant (Don Luxton) for inclusion in the Heritage Register. (see attached) Although the building does not exhibit any significant architectural details it is a good example of a vernacular 1 920's bungalow and as such, has an important place in the overall historic context of the Hammond community. Its proximity to Hammond Park and the John Hammond House, as well as its placement on the lot help to preserve the integrity of the historic streetscape. For these reasons, the Heritage Commission is recommending that the property be included in the Maple Ridge Heritage Register. CITIZEN/CUSTOMER IMPLICATIONS: The property owners would be encouraged to discuss any alterations to the exterior of the building with the Heritage Commission in advance of making any building permit applications. INTERDEPARTMENTAL IMPLICATIONS: The Building Department would need to determine which provisions of the BC Building Code Alternative Compliance Methods can be used if the property is added to the Maple Ridge Heritage Registry. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A ALTERNATIVES: • To formally recognise the heritage value of the building by including it in the Maple Ridge Heritage Register; • To not formally recognise the heritage value of the building. SUMMARY: The Community Heritage Commission supports the application for rezoning to RS-1 One Family Urban Residential. Although the building does not exhibit any significant architectural details, it plays an important role in maintaining the historic character of the Hammond community and is a good example of a 1 920's bungalow. Therefore, the Commission is recommending this property be included in the Maple Ridge Heritage Register. The Heritage Commission also seeks the opportunity to provide further comment on any proposed exterior alterations to the building prior to the issuance of a building permit. Amber Kostuchenko, Vice Chair Community Heritage Commission Pre6ared by: Jim Charlebois Ian r, Staff Liaison iewe by: Jane Pickering, MCP, MCIP Director of Planning Reviewed by: Frank Quinn, P. Eng., PMP GM: Public Works & Development Services Attach. DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE HERITAGE INVENTORY EVALUATION STREET ADDRESS: 20540 Lorne Avenue DESCRIPTION EVALUATION EVGGF/P ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY • STYLE/TYPE 35 18 fl 0 Good example of vernacular 1920s bungalow DESIGN 30 15 10 No special features beyond style/type CONSTRUCTION 15 8 5 Typical construction only DESIGNERIBUILDER 15 8 5 Unknown (Maximum 45): 12 CULTURAL HISTORY HISTORICAL IMPORTANCE 35 18 fl 0 Dodd family, long term Hammond residents HISTORICAL PATTERN 30 15 10 0 Continued development of housing in Hammond after WWI (Maximum 35): 22 CONTEXT LANDSCAPE/SITE 15 8 . 0 Mature shrub; apparent historical relationship NEIGHBOURHOOD 20 jQ 6 0 Compatible residential area; grouping/context with Hammond House VISUAL/SYMBOLIC 20 13 0 Prominent corner location (Maximum 20): 20 SUBTOTAL: 54 INTEGRITY - -5 -10 -15 -20 TOTAL: 54 TOTAL................................................................................................................. .54/100 STATUS: Recommended for Heritage Register Evaluated by Donald Luxton, Donald Luxton & Associates, 1997-1998 Donald Luxton & Associates -63- DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE HERITAGE INVENTORY EVALUATION STREET ADDRESS: 20541 Lorne Avenue DESCRIPTION EVALUATION EVGGF/P ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY STYLE/TYPE 18 12 0 One of few surviving very good examples of a settler's dwelling DESIGN 30 15 10 No special features beyond style/type CONSTRUCTION 15 8 5 0 Balloon framing assumed DESIGNER/BUILDER 15 8 5 (Maximum 45): 40 CULTURAL HISTORY HISTORICAL IMPORTANCE 35 . 18 12 0 Directly connected with John Hammond; one of the area's first settlers HISTORICAL PATTERN 30 15 10 0 One of earliest buildings in the area; establishment of farming (Maximum 35): 35 CONTEXT LANDSCAPE/SITE 15 8 . 0 Altered but recognizable relationship NEIGHBOURHOOD 20 IQ 6 0 Compatible residential area; grouping with 20541 Lorne VISUAL/SYMBOLIC 20 15 8 0 Prominent corner location; symbolically important to neighbourhood (Maximum 20): 20 SUBTOTAL: 95 INTEGRITY -.0 -5 -j -15 -20 Several minor, recognizable alterations TOTAL: 85 TOTAL................................................................................................................. 85/100 STATUS: Recommended for Heritage Register Evaluated by Donald Luxton, Donald Luxton & Associates, 1997-1998 Donald Luxton & Associates - 68 - CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6011 - 2002 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amendmg By-law No. 6011 - 2002." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: All that portion of: Lot 737, District Lot 278 and 279, Group 1, New Westminster Disthct Plan 2180 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No.1265 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the 2002. MAYOR A.D. 2002. A.D. 2002. A.D. 2002. A.D. 2002. dayof A.D. CLERK to/ *Q44 LMS uir 1419w A P180 IMP 1221 p751 754 755 P 186541 11 127 FJ S 749 752 753 756 I1 113 AVE. ' NI/2 1 46 763&766 I 1/295 758 759 762 S 1/2 P 114 763&766 11277 €0 P11/2 10 761 764 & 765 4 /266 I1f26' 1127J ,2P jo- CL 114 AVE. I'• II H149 J SPcI. B j 691 1 692PARK N 881Pj 114 I I') P55931 I' J,?aj689I690ILj a_z0.678 ho. LORNE AVE. 12'I.p734 3 7301 729 j726 LMS 629 1 728 727 A LMP1857 725 722 721 II B i e_i 1 4 FIJI 7241 723 7207l9 716 _L -- -- . 1429 631 628 627 624 623 P 114 630 629 626 625 622 l0 0 N F'~4 l I P280 I 651 648 647 644 6j r7 J650 1649 646 645 642 [4P28o *pp044 IF1 667 []6 I 68 6711672 666 669J6701673 674i C) LJ P1218( 1i9 r 57— *ppØ44 L. F J I I I 573 742 Eis II c743 1 , --, 11738137 I I 74 S . I' \RP 848311 I i 4 \ 9 \PcI. AJ739...J 73 j ' 1 RW 72041 ( Rems4 \745 I.-. d 746 \7 of , --.,'.'' 00 \ 74 , 0 \ \v, L& I I- U) U, 0 N IMP 469 *pp044 Rem 2 Pcl ApI8aQ4 8 Ln W 71976 BATTLE AVE. 11240 1 J 11/2I (59 17901 24.z1 4209 10 79/12 am 7B71 0 0 I- I.- MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6011-2002 Map No. 1265 From: C-3(Town Centre Commercial) To: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) MAPLE RIDGE v Incorporated 12 September. 1874 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: March 22, 2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/0221 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: CO CIL SUBJECT: Final Reading - Official Community Plan Amen ing y aw No. 5760-1999 and Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5759-1999 12169 228 Street PURPOSE: Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5760-1999 and Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5759-1999 were considered by Council at Public Hearing and subsequently granted 2' and 3id reading. The applicant has requested that final reading now be considered. The site is being rezoned in order to permit the construction of four self-contained residential units using bare land strata under the RM- 1 (Townhouse Residential) zone. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5760-1999 be reconsidered and adopted; and That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5759-1999 be reconsidered and adopted. BACKGROUND: Prolect Descrintion: The developer proposes to construct four detached residential units using bare land strata in the RM- 1 zone. The units will be accessed from a common driveway via 228 Street into a common courtyard. Each unit will have a single car garage and one additional parking space adjacent to the garage. The two front units adjacent to 228 Street have porch entries with walkway access to a sidewalk along the street. These units are sited 3 metres from the front lot line to create a pedestrian presence on the street. The other two units are sited to the rear of the property. To minimize visual impact to the house located on the adjacent panhandle lot, the units are single storey rising to two stories at a setback of 7.3 metres. Each unit has one of its exterior corners inverted to provide a patio area. With proper treatment of the perimeter of the property with fencing/hedging, these patios become private outdoor spaces. History: Council considered this rezoning application at the March 16, 1999 Public Hearing. On March 23, 1999 Council granted 2nd and 3d reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5759-1999 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5760-1999 with the stipulation that the following condition be addressed: 1) Amendment to Schedule "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan. The adoption of Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5760-1 999 by Council will trigger the necessary amendment of Schedule "A" and "H" of the Official Community Plan. On April 25, 2000 a one-year extension, pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, was granted to this application. That extension was due to expire on April 25, 2001. As required under Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5 879-1999 rezoning applications are to be closed upon the expiry of an extension, unless the applicant qualifies for a second extension, has applied for that extension, and has had that extension approved by Council. In this case there was no application made for a second extension. However, the District is obligated under Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5 879-1999 to provide applicants with written notification of an impending file closure 60 days prior to the expiry of the one year extension period. In this instance, there is no written record of notice having been previously provided. The applicant has now requested that final reading be considered for application RZ1022/98. Given that the required notification of file closure was not provided to the applicant, it has been determined to bring application RZJ022/98 forward for reconsideration and adoption, with the understanding that file will be considered closed as of April 25, 2002. SUMMARY: As the applicant has requested the completion of his original proposal it is recommended that final reading be given to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5759-1999 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5760-1999. ( PrepareJ/yJ' Kim Grout, P.Ag. 1St) 1 Maftacr-of Dveloument and Environmental Services App roved-1i Jan e , C.I.P - '747r of fling 4~n_ Approved by! Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP Acting Chief Administrative Officer -2- - 1223 — 102 103 104 F105 106 P 4 P 4 774 113 114 115 117 1222 STOREYI /2/921 I I _7 1 128j93 42 213I 214 21 216. 217jI 12180j II EAGLE Al 12/66 225 226 227 228 229 235 252 12160 /2/55/ 236 251 12150 /2/45 237 250 12135 12140 ('I Q) c..J 238j- C) c.'J .- 249 12130 It 1- 12125 a- 248 12120 1211' 240 247 12110 12105 241 246 12094 12095 LEP 242 A42g4 24 00 1244 1245 12078 12081 PURDEY AVE. 12040 Oh g 12275\ \ I rcem. o' 21 2ID 1 0- \CI FP 11200 RK 1222 /2273 4873 1226. 65 66 67 68 69 221 P 40082 :i !±J1 /2272 12271\ II I I 330I 0)122 \ PARK RP A 122611 16335 12258 1225 91 92 93 94 54 I II /2264 o I /2261 308 s I I 33ia-ia-i 23 \ P 45L79 122531 30 g (0 b _ - c-.j ____ LJ 352 12258 12254 /225J) 2 12240 r) UJ - - 12240 - - - - - - I - 122 AVE. 2 I 333 P157607 I 10 I " 1 P 1 396 122431 12230 I I 122431 I 3341 I /2244 _______________________ P28E39 I I 0) 131 130 I 19998 PI62578 I I 340 I 122 AVE. 2 12212 P 13667 1 12208 Rem. N I 75'of ii 288 1219 1219; P4836 Rem. 1 289 la- 12182 12/8. - P 303 14396 304 12166 1216 335 341 12/6 336 LI) 12/57 12/54 34ON U.) /2140 U.) 337 a- /215 it) 338 339 a- 12128 12147 P 4858 294 295 12120 12143 297 29A 12112 72109 1 299 12092 in 12103 2 N a-300 12090 a- 12091 302 301 12080 P 4 858 1208/ — N .JVI) c'J 0) 315 12070 ' 1206 327a- a- 316 12064 /205 320 317 /2050 P 7804 12041 319 318 112230 I 1223A - - - - 12229 J 1 0)197 /222A 2 12218 P1 71970 I I 8 _________ 12216 I 1221 /22142 .1 P 182923 I 198 6 I 1 /2208 I a- 122031 P 14396 2 1 122031 12208 I 12201I DO 265 280 1(0 IC) 66 /219 12/94 Rem. L /2/92 279 "II RP 5972 00 a-264 I 65 a- /218 12184 ,19?I 12/78 LI) 13 N 1/2 10 12178 336 12/6 N 1/2 A S 1/2 10 I [58171 I a- 12179 /2170 P /2/66/68 P 66473 12162 uj Rem 2 1216 P 7948 355 N1/29 DO S 1/2 A 12153 S. 52.5' 2/2/51 12154 a- 1/2 9 1215k I) I /2/42 r'354 /214. 12141 I - 12148 331 B A 1 12/36 CL I 353 332 P 156987 LMP I - 12139 12136 I 12139 I 2 1213 12128 121311 12130 P 9944 DO N1/2 ii I 338 402 01 I P 38897 S1 /2 16 337 I P 162211 P 67181 4121211 175 Q 12119 12126 /2/20 147 12114 *p090 I 2 N 50' 5 /21/5 __________ 121/1 1 I 12/00 148 12102 P 68638 a- Rem. 5 12105 1 I Q. 1210 I 12097 LMP 44519 Rem 10 VO A 12096 I to N 1/2 of 4 P 22808 P11644 a- 12086 a-I B I 12085 B I 12087 _ __________ S 1/2 of 4 12082 N 1/2 /2076 i° Co 1 1112081 A u I 12073 C 12074 S 1/2 LOl (01 N 1/2 of 3 2 1 1/207/ w I 12065 12068 °- N 1/2 12062 a-I I S 1/2 of 3 a- 1212; N 70' 2 S 1/2 12054 I)J) I 12053 I 12060 S 1/2 4 nIN70' N130' of 2 12/205; 00 N 12042 (Dl a- 12041 Rem. 2 a- 307 12049 N 1/2 I Rem. N 130' of 2 I I 19049 (I) 12038 - - I 12037 I I a- Y,'oi IS 1/2 6 I Rem. 2 INDISTRICT O A PITT ME*DOWS VALLEY — HEY 1TONW( FPAS SCALE: 1:2500 SUBJECT PROPERTY CORPORATION OF THE ALBION -- - OD DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ON MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT - Incorporated 12 September, 1874 nloRNHIa —2 FRASER 2-98 R DRAWN BY: T.M. DATE: MAR. 26, 2002 FILE: RZ CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5760 1999. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 997 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5760 - 1999." Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XXI in the Appendix: Lot 335, Sec. 20, Tp. 12, Plan 58171, NWD That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 335, Section 20, Township 12, Plan 58171, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 568, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby designated as Development Permit Area XXI (27) on Schedule "H". Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 199. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of A.D. 199. READ A SECOND TIME the day of A.D. 199. READ A THIRD TIME the day of ,A.D.199. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 199. MAYOR CLERK rsem. 0t I P 11200 I P222 122731 40082 I A /22611 PARK I RP 16335 rn 308 Ito 309 12253 c'i P 157607 10 333 I334 (0 /2230 a)1224. 12228 P 62578 /222. I 11 ci I 0) I4f=' 2 I 221 12272 - I CL /227/\ N) 330 °'122 12264 to A 1226 CI) CJ 331 123 /2254 12/ 1 2 12244 P 1 396 /2. P 28939 131 130 12230 '0 2 /22/2 6 P 13 67 12208 Rem N 288 1219 ____ /2/9. P 4836 1 I . Rem. 1 F289 12182 ]CL/218 303 304 P 14396 12156 /2/6 335 341 /2/6/ 340 /2/57 12/54 336 12/40 LI)337 LO Ln 339 CL 338 12128 12147 P 4858 294 295 12120 12143 297 2992,09 /21/2 00 1 C0I2gg 0) 12092 LI) 1* 12103 2 N-I °300 12090 CL 12091 302 301 /2080 P 4 858 /208/ 326 315 C.I 12070 CD 12061 327CL CL 316 12054 /205; 290P 4.j873 1226; 65 66 67 68 69 11 292 P 417 3 12258 /225; 91 92 93 94 95 P4: 4 N- .-352 CD - /2258 -J (0 cj w 1) Ui /2240 - C) 3 CL CL353 122 AVE. 122 AVE. 1 LI) Ia)197 I 8 12214 I 1222 /2218 P1 71970 0) 12216 1221 2 r198 6 P182923 I 12208 12203 P 14396 2 1 12203 12208 1220/ 66 265 280 04 /2/9 /2/94 Rem. L /2192 cL264 279 RP 5972 65 1218 12184 0I /2/4 12178 N 1/2 10 LI) 13 12178 336335 N1/2A S1/ CL /2/79 12/70 2 10 I 12161 p2/66/68 ________ _ P 58171 P 7948 P 66473 12162 U) S 1/2 A N 1/2 9 Rem 2 /2153 12154 /2/5 1/2 9 ° S. 52.5' 12142 2 ' 35 1214, 12141 1248 331 to B A (0 /2136 332 P 156987 LMP 4065 I - 12/39 12/36 I 12139 I 2 W 1213 12128 1213/I 12130 P 9944 00 N1/2 1 E I 338 402 401 I337 P 38897 S1/2 16 Pi62211 P 67c181 /2/2/ 175 CL /2119 12126 I ______________ /2120 c'i 147 /21/4 2 *ppjg /211/ 1 2 00 N 50' 5 /21/5 12100 N) 148 /2102 P 68638 7,Rem. 5 12/05 1 I .. 1210) 445191 Rem 10 o /2096 LMP A N 1/2 of 4 /2097 P 11644 12086 N) P22808 2085 / 12082 B N 1/2087 CL S 1/2 of 4 cc 72— /2076 1112081 A in 12073 N) /2074 s 1/2 CD (0 L N1/2of3 2 Ui /2065 c'1 12068 CL N 1/2 12062B 5 1/2 of 3 CL 12,205; c _________ N 70 2 o /2060 S 1/2 12054 53 N) 120 __ _________ ______________ _ __________ /., , N M70' Ml •fl' ...f ') - 1223~ ---- -- 102 103 104 105 106 P 4 P 4 774 113 114 115 116 117 /222- NN STOREY 12/92 126 127 128 129 I 13( 42 p 4.4 213 21& 21 216 217j /2/80 EAGLE A /2/55 225 226 227 228 229 12160 /2/55/ 236 /2/50 2/45 235 :f25 12 237 250 12140 c- c- /2135 0) 0) C'-i c'J 238.- - 249 12130 - It 12125 239° CL 248 12120 12111 240 247 /2110 12105 241 246 12094 12095 "EP A4294 242 J 24 244 245 12078 120871 PURDE' AVE. co 0) to a) MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5760-1999 Map No. 568 PURPOSE: TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA XXI(27) AMAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5759 - 1999 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5759 - 1999." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 335, Section 20, Township 12, Plan 58171, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1200 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map 'A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the 199. MAYOR A.D. 199. A.D. 199. A.D. 199. ,A.D. 199. day of CLERK A.D. A 12251 P PARK RP 16335 12258 1225. 91 92 93 94 9 308 — 352 12253 309 P45J792 c..i 12258 Li 12240 12240 - - - - - P 157607 10 3 353 122 AVE. - /22J -' — 12230 (0 12243 339 12228 P 340 162578 ') 9 122 AVE. 102 103 104 105 10 N. 2 12212 6 p 13111>67 1 /2205 Rem. N 75'of 1) 288 12/9. P4836 Rem. 1 289 12152 a. 1218 P 4396 303 304 12165 /2/6 335 341 /2/51 336 U) /2/57 /2/54 Co 340r-. U., 12140 NJ U) 337 a. 12/51 U.) 338 339 a. 12125 12147 p 44858 294 295 12120 12143 297 2992,09 72/09 1 ° 00 299 ' 12103 0" /2092 U) 2 300 12090 a. 12091 302 301 12080 P 4 858 12081 .)LOt) 315 NJ 12070 : /205. 327a. a. 316 /2064 /205 12264330 ) 00 r- 122 12261\ __ 331 123 12254 12253 I 2 12244 P 14396 1224.. P 28939 131 130 /2230 1223 n Icl97 1 /22/4 /222 N.. 01 2 198 12208 f /2203 CO 265 66 /2/ 9. /2/92 a. 264 1/2/78 13 N 12178 1/2 it) 336 N 1/2 A S 1 /2 10 LRem a. /217. 12170 q 1 12156/68 P 66473 12162 N 1/2 g 2 P 7948 S 1/2 A 12/53 112154 1/2 9 0- S. 52.5 2 12/51 12/52 CL I 2 ' 354 12/4/ 112142 9 . 12 12148 331 8 A 1 121J6 0.. 1 353 332 P 56987 LMP a. 12139 12/36 I /2139 2 /2/3 /2/28 /2131 /2130 P 994 N1/2 1E 3 38 402 401 337 I 175 r-. S1/2 16 a. 12119 12126 P 6221 1 1 P 6781 12121 12/20 0, r4 147 12114 PP090 I 2 N 50 5 12115 /211/ 1 '" 148 P 68638 a. Rem. 5 12112 CL 1210. 12102 _____ 12105 A _______ Rem 10 0 A 12096 3 rn N /2097 1/2 of 4 12090 P 11644 °/2086 0 B a. 12057 a. B .. 00 S 12085 1/2 of 4 12082 N 1/2 12076 C'd i 1 112081 A Lo 12073 /2074 S 1/2 N 1/2 of 3 (C 1 7071 Li 12068 2 a. N 1/2 12062 a. 5 12065 1/2 of 3 a. 1 2,205; Li N 70' 2 S 1/2 12054 r) 12053 /2060 - . ,, -, Pn NJ7(1' NJ1fl' '.1 - - 113 1 114 115 116 1 /2224 STORE? AVE. I I I l 12192 126 127 128 j 129 I 'P 213 21421I2 1 l 21 I i 12150 I l EAGLE AVE. /2166 225 226 227 228 22 235 252 12160 721541 236 251 12150 12145 237 250 12140 12135 0) 238 0) CN 249 12130 12125 248 12120 12115 240 247 12110 12105 241 246 12094 12095 'EP 1 4294F 242 24 244 245 12078 1208) PIJRDEY AVE. 12222 12229 ii 2 a. 8 12218 P171970 12216 111 6 P 182923 1 P 14396 2 1 122031 12208 12201 1 Ni280 (0 12/94 NI Rem. L Nil 279 I RP 5972 Go 12184 a.I 12/9 a. - - MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5759-1999 Map No. 1200 From: R•S-1 (One Family Urban Residential) To: RM -1(Townhouse Residential) MAPLE RIDGE A Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:2500 P 904 16' 30' I 35.185 73, I 120Gm ] BACKYARD UNIT #2 U'#1 BACKYARD - GARAGE - 1.500n — 4.500m L - - - I.0 PARKING I PARKING - 7,7, GARAGE 1200m - . I.200m 6.D, ru Em Wa' ROAD . L 1 ,20Gm 1.20Gm GARAGE PARKING 7.7, BACKYARD r L2 - - - PARKING L UNIT #3 - 1.500m - T GARAGE UNIT #4 H.- 60 sq,m 64 q.aa BACKYARD 2 Ga 8 9a P 35.185 904 18' 50' N CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS: N4spte Ridss, B.C. DATE: July 1st, 1998 U SHEET 1 OF 1 Ii LEGAL DESCRIPTION: UGDU 1 1 ULL) U U LUrr ULt-UN Scsle: 1:150 I- U U co I- V Cu (U Li East Elevations scale: 1/8 = 1-0" -- (p. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor C. Durksen and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: RZ/22198 (12169 228 St.) DATE: November 12, 1998 FILE NO: RZ/22/98 ATTN: CofW - PW&Dev SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject site to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential). The applicant is requesting that Council consider a development proposal for four self contained detached residential units. The design of this development has been guided by Official Community Plan policies that promote small scale housing development and increases the housing density in existing residential neighbourhoods. RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ/22/98 (for property located at 12169 228 St.) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated November 12, 1998 from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that memorandum and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. Condition to be met prior to first reading: Comments from the Advisory Design Panel. Fully dimensioned development plan including: Neighbourhood context plan; Site plan; Building elevations; Landscape concept; And that prior to final approval the following must be complete: 1) Amendment to Schedule "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan; Background: The subject parcel is 923 m2 in area. It was created in 1979 as part of a subdivision which also created a panhandle lot to the west. -1- The developer proposes.to construct four detached residential units. The units will be accessed from a common driveway via 228 St. into a common courtyard. Each unit will have a single car garage and one additional parking space adjacent to the garage The two front units adjacent to 228 St. have porch entries with walkway access to a sidewalk along the street. These units are sited 3 in from the front lot line to create a pedestrian presence on the street. The other two units are sited to the rear of the property. To minimize visual impact to the house located on the panhandle lot, the units are single storey rising to two stories at a setback of 7.3 m. Each unit has one of its exterior corners inverted to provide a patio area. With proper treatment of the perimeter of the property with fencing/hedging, these patios become private outdoor spaces. Policy Implications: Official Community Plan: Compact Housing (40.60 units per net hectare) The site is located in the middle of a neighbourhood designated Compact Housing at 40-60 units per net hectare. The Compact Housing 40-60 designation is intended for urban area infill development. It is a designation meant to facilitate redevelopment of single family areas without significant assembly and/or consolidation of properties. This proposal also respects the intent of Official Community Plan Policy #25 which encourages small-scale housing development that increases the housing density in existing residential neighbourhoods where the proposed development is suitably integrated and respects the character of the neighbourhood. Development Permit No. XXI In order to address issues of the form and character for this proposal, it is recommended that the site be designated a Development Permit Area and the development plan be guided by the objectives of Development Permit Area No. XXI as follows: To facilitate orderly development of the areas and to encourage coordination in the siting, form and character and volume of multi-family development. To create development which provides a high degree of pedestrian accessibility. To properly site buildings to address site characteritics and adjoining uses. To minimize visual disruption to the neighbourhood and ensure proper integration. To provide appropriate amenities to enhance the character of development and strengthen the sense of neighbourhood. To retain natural vegetation wherever possible to enhance the existing character of the area. -2- c . Servicing ReQuirements: In considering higher density infihl projects, the fronting street must be developed to a standard suitable for supporting increased pedestrian and vehicle traffic. Accordingly this development will be required to provide the following: • widen the west side of 228 St. asphalt to the municipal collector standard, about 1.6 metres; • construct a barrier curb across the 228 St. frontage; • relocate the catch basin to the new curb; • provide new connections for sewer, storm sewer and water; • construct a concrete sidewalk and driveway sidewalk; • crossing 1.6 m wide across the 228 St. frontage; • install one ornamental street light. CONCLUSION: Staff support the development proposal and recommend that it proceed to Public Hearing. Chief Administrative Officer DS/MR/bjc Ol icWnd evelopment Services -3- - CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE: March 13, 2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-008-037 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: SUBJECT: Land Title Imaged Legal Survey Plans Protocol Agreement Purpose: To obtain Council approval to enter into an agreement with the Land Title Branch of British Columbia and the Municipal Information System Association for the purpose of acquiring for District of Maple Ridge use, an electronic version of the legal survey plans backlog currently available as paper prints and on microfiche. Recommendation(s): That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into an agreement with the Land Title Branch of British Columbia, and the Municipal Infonnation Services Association of British Columbia, in order to facilitate acquisition of electronic legal survey data under the terms and conditions of the Land Title Imaged Legal Survey Plans Protocol Agreement. Background: As prescribed in the Land Title Act of British Columbia, all Land Title Offices have been distributing to local governments an official hard copy of all registered legal survey plans within their respective jurisdictions. Local governments retain these paper copies and make reference to the legal survey plans in their normal conduct of their business such as managing road allowances and rights-of-ways from a risk management perspective. Since 1975, BC Assessment was, on a request basis, providing local governments with aperture cards (microfiche copies) of these same registered legal survey plans. Local Governments have used these aperture cards within their operations in the conduct of normal business services. This aperture card service was discontinued in October 1998. Since 1998, all Land Title Offices in British Columbia have been imaging newly registered legal survey plans. As well, most pre 1998 legal survey plans, previously microfilmed, have been converted to electronic images. These images are available to local governments through the BC OnLine service. Many Local Governments are implementing electronic records management systems and undertaking the scanning of the hard copy of all newlegal plans. A digital image of all legal survey plans would be convenient in their conduct of normal business services. The Municipal Information Services Association of British Columbia (MISA) has requested the assistance of the Land Title Branch in securing a bulk copy of the imaged legal survey plans for local governments. The Land Title Branch ("LTB") has quoted a cost of $17,300 to develop this bulk download feature service and MISA has agreed to pay this one time development cost on behalf of the local governments participating in this service. The Land Title Branch will provide a bulk copy of existing imaged legal survey plans via compact disc upon local governments entering into the Land Title Imaged Legal Survey Plans Protocol Agreement and payment of the requisite $100 processing fee. After considerable negotiation of stakeholders, a number of municipalities are expected to take advantage of this initiative by executing the agreement. 70;~_ Intergovernmental Issues: This is a three-party protocol agreement between Her Majesty The Queen In Right of the Province of British Columbia represented by the Land Title Branch and the Municipal Information Systems Association and the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge. Environmental Implications: N/A Citizen/Customer Implications: The action of acquiring bulk land title survey plans in electronic format is considered to be a significant step forward in the enhancement of the corporate data warehouse and is expected to facilitate operational and customer service benefits. Interdepartmental Implications: The action of acquiring bulk land title survey plans in electronic format is considered to be a significant step forward in the enhancement of the corporate data warehouse and is expected to facilitate operational and customer service benefits. Financial Implications: A one-time $100 processing fee is required that can be accommodated in the 2002 budget of the Engineering Department. The terms and conditions of the agreement and the work of the parties make the bulk images available to local government at an extremely attractive cost. The fee associated with acquiring the data represents the cost associated with processing the compact disk for distribution ($100). The fee is only a fraction of the cost that the Land Title Branch estimated at $17,300 to develop this bulk download feature service. The reason the District's contribution is only $100 is that the Municipal Information Services Association of British Columbia (MISA) has agreed to pay the one time $17,300 development cost on behalf of the local governments participating in this service. No additional costs to the local government are anticipated. Alternatives: The alternative is to continue using the aperture card data. This option is time consuming, customer service unfriendly, operationally cumbersome and represents an increasingly outdated approach to data warehousing and retrieval. Summary: Through the efforts ofe Municipal Information Systems Association of BC and the Land Title Branch, local governm 'nts c acquire bulk survey plans for their purposes as provided for in a protocol agreement. Particition in this initiative is considered to be of records management benefit to the District from both14prational and customer service perspectives. Prepared : Jeff'cherban / Director of Development Engineering 4'pproved by: '1 Andrew Wood, M. Eng., P. Eng. Municipal Engineer Concurre Ce: Frank Quinn, P. Eng. Acting Chief Administrative Officer /.jss LAND TITLE IMAGED LEGAL SURVEY PLANS PROTOCOL AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is dated for reference the 31 " day of January, 2002. BETWEEN: HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA represented by the Land Title Branch (the "Province" or "Land Title Branch") OF THE FIRST PART AND: MUNICIPAL INFORMATION SYSTEM ASSOCiATION, an unincorporated entity composed of local government information system representatives ("MISA") OF THE SECOND PART AND: LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (HEREAFTER DEFINED) THAT BECOME PARTIES TO THIS AGREEMENT OF THE THIRD PART WHEREAS: The Land Title Branch in partnership with the BC Assessment Authority has imaged the historical inventory of approximately 450,000 to 500,000 land title legal survey plans (the "Historical Inventory'). The Historical Inventory includes the imaging of most land title legal survey plans registered at land title offices up to January 31, 2002. However, some legal survey plans registered up to January 31, 2002 were not imaged and included in the Historical Inventory due to a number of reasons such as poor original quality, poor microfilm quality or where the plan number conflicted with the existing: ALTOS2 numbering convention. The Land Title Branch is continuing to image new land title legal survey plans which includes (i) imaging new legal survey plans as they are received and registered at land title offices, (ii) imaging updates of the existing legal survey plans included in the Historical Inventory, and (iii) imaging historical plans that were not initially imaged and were not included in the Historical Inventory. These newly imaged survey plans will be available to Local Governments (defined hereinafter) through a new service offering as stated in Recital F. MISA on behalf of provincial Local Governments has requested, and the Land Title Branch has agreed, to provide the Local Governments with an electronic (digital) bulk download of the Historical Inventory on the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement. This bulk download of the Historical Inventory is required to supplement and complete the inventory of digital images that Local Governments have already created. The scope of this Agreement is limited to the copy of the Historical Inventory records delivered to the Local Governments under this Agreement, and does not cover or place any conditions on other copies of plans that the Local Government may have obtained through other agreements with the Province or through other parties. The initial costs to the Province of developing the electronic (digital) bulk download of the Historical Inventory for Local Governments is $17,300.00 (the "Development Cost"). MISA has committed to pay the Land Title Branch the $17,300.00 Development Cost. The Province intends to make available to Local Governments through BC OnLine electronic copies of new Imaged Legal Survey Plans that are linked to that Local Government's boundaries and that are registered, at land title offices,. after the creation of the Historical Inventory. Local Governments are presently receiving hard copies of the land title legal survey plans under the Land Title Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 250 and the provision of the Historical Inventory will be in addition to those hard copies. This Agreement does not cover or place any conditions on the use of the hard copies of the land title legal survey plans received by the Local Governments under the terms of the Land Title Act. NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the premises and the covenants and agreements set out in this Agreement and for other good and valuable consideration (the,receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the parties), the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I - DEFINITIONS 1.01 In this Agreement: "Accession Agreement" means an agreement entered into by a Local Government with the Land Title Branch in the form described in Schedule "A" to this Agreement; "Agreement" means this Land Title Imaged Legal Survey Plans Protocol Agreement, including the Recitals and Schedules "A" and "B"; "Development Cost" has the meaning described in Recital D; "Historical Inventory" means the digital bulk copy in CD format of the Historical Inventory of Imaged Legal Survey Plans as further described in Recital A above; "Imaged Legal Survey Plans" are all imaged registered land title plans including imaged plans such as reference and explanatory plans, including statutory rights-of-way, easements, leases and other charges, highway, railway and miscellaneous plans; "Letter of Understanding" means the Letter of Understanding between the Land Title Branch and MISA attached to this Agreement as Schedule "B"; "Local Government" means a municipality as defined in the Local Government Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 323 or the City of Vancouver established under the Vancouver Charter, S.B.C. 1953, c. 55 which has executed an Accession Agreement and become a party to this Agreement pursuant to section 7.01, but does not include a regional district; "Local Government Purposes" means the use by the Local Government, its employees, agents or subcontractors of the Historical Inventory for its own internal use or for the external use of another person insofar as such external use is required for the purpose of conducting the Prescribed Business of Local Government (as defined in subsection (i) of this section); "Prescribed Business of Local Government" as used in subsection (h) of this section shall include any powers, duties or responsibilities of a Local Government prescribed by or derived from existing or superseding legislation of the Province except that it shall not include the business of a Local Government providing or otherwise disposing of copies or prints of the Historical Inventory, or any part thereof, to another person, either for a fee or free of charge, if such provision or disposition is not required for, or otherwise linked to, another prescribed power, duty or responsibility of the Local Government; and "Term" means the term of this Agreement as described in section 2.01. ARTICLE 2 -TERM 201 The term of this Agreement will; notwithstanding the.actual date ofexecution and delivery of this Agreement, commence on the date and year first above written and will continue indefinitely unless terminated in accordance with this Agreement. ARTICLE 3- FRAMEWORK AND PURPOSE 3.01 The purpose of this Agreement is to: establish an agreement between the Land Title Branch and the Local Governments to enable the Local Governments to acquire copies and access to the Historical Inventory on the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement and as further clarified in the Letter of Understanding; establish a memorandum of understanding between the Land Title Branch and MISA with respect to: (I) the Land Title Branch providing and making available the Historical Inventory to Local Governments on the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement and as further clarified by the Letter of Understanding; and (ii) MISA's commitment to pay to the Land Title Branch the Development Cost in accordance with section 6.01 of this Agreement. 3.02 For greater certainty, the Letter of Understanding is intended to provide clarification on the scope of the Land Title Branch's obligation to provide and make available the Historical Inventory to Local Governments as set out in this Agreement. However, if there is a conflict between a provision in the Letter of Understanding and any other provision of this Agreement, the provision of this Agreement shall prevail and the provision in the Letter of Understanding shall be inoperative to the extent of the conflict. ARTICLE 4- PARTICIPATION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS 4.01 When a Local Government desires to acquire a copy of the Historical Inventory in accordance with Article 5 of this Agreement, it may execute an Accession Agreement. Upon execution of an Accession Agreement by a Local Government, sections 1.01, 1.02 and 1.03 of the Accession Agreement shall be deemed to be incorporated and form a part of this Agreement. ARTICLE 5- GRANT OF LICENSE 5.01 In consideration of the payment of the Development Cost by MISA to the Land Title Branch pursuant to section 6.01 and the execution by a Local Government of the Accession Agreement, the Land Title Branch will provide to that Local Government: one digital bulk copy of the Historical Inventory of Imaged Legal Survey Plans that are linked to that Local Government's boundaries; and one digital bulk copy of the Historical Inventory of Imaged Legal Survey Plans within the Land Title District of that Local Government but that are not linked to the particular Local Government's boundaries; on the terms and conditions set out in this Article 5. 5.02 The Land Title Branch hereby grants to each Local Government a perpetual, non-exclusive, non-assignable, license to use and reproduce the Historical Inventory of the Imaged Legal Survey Plans provided under section 5.01 for Local Government Purposes on the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, including without limitation the restrictions set out in section 5.03 and section 5.04. 5.03 f Each Local Governments agrees not to: use or reproduce the Historical Inventory provided under section 5.01 except for the Local Government's internal use; copy, transmit, distribute, publish, release or otherwise reproduce or disclose the Historical Inventory provided under section 5.01 to any other person, except as required in the conduct of normal business practices for Local Government Purposes and provided that any such reproduction or disclosure shall not include a bulk copy, or a copy of a significant part or parts, of the Historical Inventory, whether such copy is in paper, electronic or other form or medium; ?(c) allow the Historical inventory provided under section 5.01, or any prints thereof, to be provided to or otherwise disclosed to any other person except as required in the conduct of normal business practices for Local Government Purposes and provided that any such disclosure shall not include a bulk copy, or a copy of a significant part or parts, of the Historical Inventory, whether such copy is in paper, electronic or other form or medium; market, sell, or otherwise dispose of the Historical Inventory provided under section 5.01 to any other person except as required in the conduct of normal business practices for Local Government Purposes and provided that any such disposition shall not include a bulk copy, or a copy of a significant part or parts, of the Historical Inventory, whether such copy is in paper, electronic or other form or medium; and alter, modify, update or revise the Historical Inventory provided under section 5.01 in any way other than to copy the Imaged Legal Survey PIfls to the ui-house COmputer system. 5.04 Each Local Government agrees that it will cause its employees, agents and subcontractors who have access to the Imaged Legal Survey Plans pursuant to this Agreement to comply with the provisions of sections 5.02 and 5.03 as if they were named in place of, and substitution for, the Local Government in this Agreement. 5.05 Notwithstanding section 5.03, a Local Government must not disclose the Historical Inventory, or any parts thereof, in a manner contrary to subsections (b), (c) or (d) of section 5.03 of this Agreement, unless it is required to do so pursuant to a request made by an applicant under the Freedom of In formation and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 165 and provided that any such disclosure is in paper format only and not in electronic format. ARTICLE 6- DEVELOPMENT COST 6.01 In consideration of the Land Title Branch providing and making available the Historical Inventory pursuant to Article 5 of this Agreement, MISA will pay to the Land Title Branch the Development Cost, consisting of $17,300.00, within 60 days of the delivery by the Land Title Branch of a copy of the Historical Inventory pursuant to section 5.01 of this Agreement to at least five Local Governments who have executed Accession Agreements. ARTICLE 7- ADDITIONAL PARTIES 7.01 The parties agree that Local Governments that execute and deliver to the Land Title Branch Accession Agreements, in the form attached as Schedule "A", will become parties to this Agreement as if they had executed and delivered this Agreement. ARTICLE 8- PROPRIETARY RIGHTS 8.01 The Province retains full rights to use, copy, distribute, publish, release, market, sell and or otherwise reproduce or disclose to any person the Historical Inventory. ARTICLE 9- TERMINATION 9.01 Subject to section 9.04, in the event that either the Land Title Branch or MISA fails to observe, perform or comply with any of its material obligations under this Agreement, upon 60 days written notice, the non-defaulting party, as the case may be, may terminate this Agreement by notice in writing and, upon the effective date of such termination, all Local Governments will also be terminated as parties to this Agreement and no party will be under any further obligation under this Agreement. 9.02 Subject to section 9.04, in the event that a Local Government fails to observe, perform or comply with any of its material obligations under this Agreement, and fails to remedy such default within 60 days after receipt of written notice by the Land Title Branch of such breach, then the Land Title Branch may terminate the Accession Agreement by notice in writing and, upon the effective date of such termination, that Local Government will be terminated as a party to this Agreement and the Land Title Branch will be under no further obligation to that Local Government. Notwithstanding the termination of an Accession Agreement, the terms and conditions of this Agreement and any other existing Accession Agreements with any other Local Governments shall survive and continue in effect. 9.03 Subject to section 9.04, the Land Title Branch may at any time, with the mutual consent of MISA, terminate this Agreement and, upon the effective date of such termination, all Local Governments will also be terminated as a party to this Agreement and the Land Title Branch will be under no further obligation to MISA or any Local Government. 9.04 Upon termination of any Accession Agreement or this Agreement, the affected Local Governments: may continue indefinitely to use the Historical Inventory provided under section 5.01 in accordance with all the terms and conditions of this Agreement which provisions shall survive and continue in effect with respect to such Local Government notwithstanding the termination of the Accession Agreement or this Agreement; and will pay to the Land Title Branch any outstanding fees payable pursuant to the Accession Agreement. 9.05 The termination of any Accession Agreement or this Agreement and the rights of the Local Governments to the Historical Inventory under section 9.04 shall be without prejudice to, and shall in no way preclude, the exercise of, any other rights, powers or remedies that the Land Title Branch may lawfully have, including the right to damages for breach of the terms of the grant of license under Article 5. ARTICLE 10— IMAGED PLANS PROVIDED ON t1AS IS" BASIS 10.01 MISA and each Local Government acknowledges and accepts that the Historical Inventory is provided by the Land Title Branch under this Agreement on an "as is" basis. The Land Title Branch hereby disclaims all warranties and representations with regard to the Historical Inventory, including all implied warranties and conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and warranties as to title and non-infringement of third party rights, accuracy, completeness or adequacy of information. In no event shall the Land Title Branch be liable for any damages whatsoever in connection with the use or performance of the Historical Inventory provided by the Land Title Branch under this Agreement, from any cause whatsoever, and regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, warranty, negligence or other tortuous act. This section will survive the termination of this Agreement and any Accession Agreement. ARTICLE 11 - INDEMNITY 11.01 MISA and each Local Government (each an "Indemnitor") will indemnify and save harmless the Land Title Branch, its agents and employees (each an "lndemnitee") from and against all claims, demands, losses, damages, causes of action, costs, fines, penalties and expenses that the Indemnitee may sustain, incur, suffer, or be put to at any time, either before or after this Agreement ends, which are based upon, arise out of or occur, directly or indirectly, by reason of any act or omission by the Indemnitor or any of its officers, employees, agents or contractors, in connection with the use, copying, publication, viewing or printing of the Historical Inventory or from anything else done or omitted to be done by the Indemnitor, or any of its officers, agents, employees and contractors in connection with this Agreement. ARTICLE 12- NOTICES 12.01 Any notice, document, waiver, statement; report or demand that any party may desire or be required to give or deliver to another will be in writing and conclusively deemed validly given or delivered to and received by the addressee if delivered personally, on the date of delivery or, if mailed, on the third business day after mailing the same in British Columbia by prepaid post addressed, if to the Land Title Branch: Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management Land Title Branch 5th floor, 910 Government Street Victoria, British Columbia V8W 9J4 Attention: Director of Land Titles and, if to MISA: Municipal Information Systems Association of BC Suite 101-1001 West Broadway Unit 758 Vancouver, British Columbia V6H 4E4 Attention: President, MISA BC and if to a Local Government, in accordance with the particulars set out in the relevant Accession Agreement. 12.02 Any party may from time to time advise another party by notice in writing of any change of address of the party giving such notice and, from and after the giving of such notice, the address therein specified will, for the purposes of the preceding section, be deemed to be the address of the party giving such notice. 12.03 Any notice, report, direction or document transmitted by facsimile transmission from any party will be conclusively deemed validly given to and received by the intended recipient when so transmitted to the facsimile numbers the parties so advise. ARTICLE 13- LEGAL RELATIONSHIP I ASSIGNMENT I SUBLICENSING 13.01 No partnership, joint venture, agency or employment relationship will be created or will be deemed to be created between the Land Title Branch, MISA or any of the Local Governments by this Agreement or by any action of the parties to this Agreement. 13.02 The Local Governments will not, without the prior written consent of the Land Title Branch: assign, either directly or indirectly, this Agreement or any right of the Local Government under this Agreement; or sublicense any right of the Local Government under this Agreement. ARTICLE 14- ARBITRATION 14.01 All disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement will be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration administered pursuant to the Commercial Arbitration Act. 14.02 The place of arbitration will be Victoria, BC. ARTICLE 15- NON-WAIVER 15.01 No provision of this Agreement and no breach by any party of any provision will be considered to have been waived unless such waiver is in writing by the other parties to this Agreement. ARTICLE 16- MISCELLANEOUS 16.01 Time will be of the essence of this Agreement. 16.02 This Agreement will enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns. 16.03 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations and discussions, whether oral or written, between the parties. 16.04 No amendment to this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing and signed by the Land Title Branch, MISA and all Local Governments which have executed an Accession Agreement. 16.05 If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it will be severable from this Agreement and the remaining provisions of this Agreement will not be affected thereby and will be valid, legal and enforceable. 16.06 Each of the Land Title Branch, MISA and the Local Governments will, upon the reasonable request of the other, make, do, execute or cause to be made, done or executed all further and other lawful acts, deeds, things, devices, documents, instruments and assurances whatsoever for the better or more perfect and absolute performance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 16.07 All provisions of this Agreement in favour of any party to this Agreement and all rights and remedies of any party to this Agreement, either at law or in equity, will survive the termination of this Agreement. ARTICLE 17- INTERPRETATION 17.01 The headings in this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and do not form part of this Agreement. 17.02 The parties to this Agreement acknowledge that proprietary rights, including copyright, to the Historical Inventory are not defined, clarified or resolved within this Agreement and that such rights supersede this Agreement. For greater clarity, the Province will retain any proprietary rights, including copyright, it may have in the Historical Inventory and the Province's rights in this regard will supersede, and shall not be impaired by, this Agreement. Further, the parties acknowledge that this Agreement does not confer to MISA or any of the Local Governments any proprietary rights, including copyright, in the Historical Inventory, except the grant of license under Article 5. 17.03 In this Agreement, 'person" includes a corporation; firm, association and any other legal entity and, wherever the singular or masculine is used, it will be construed as if the plural or the feminine or the neuter, as the case may be, had been used where the context or the parties so require. 17.04 Unless otherwise specified, all dollar amounts expressed in this Agreement refer to lawful currency of Canada. 17.05 This Agreement will be governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement on the date first above written. SIGNED on behalf of HER MAJESTY ) THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF THE ) PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ) by a duly authorized representative of ) the Land Title Branch of the Ministry ) of Sustainable Resource Management ) in the presence of: ) (Witness) ) For the Land Title Branch SIGNED on behalf of the ) MUNICIPAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS ) ASSOCIATION by its duly authorized ) representative in the presence of: ) (Witness) ) Authorized signatory SCHEDULE "A" ACCESSION AGREEMENT To: Her Majesty in Right of the Province of British Columbia as represented by the Land Title Branch From: Qi e t_ (the "Local Government") ( me of oca overnmen Lqq (dA&j, C€)J ViLcte 94 V( 6t 0' QFAqikeehl~ .1x. 604 - 44,1—t4c (Address, Facsimile of Local Government) Q—m~rntit OS 4tjj . - 4G1-i3 (Contact Persoh for Local Governmentj In consideration of the premises and the covenants and agreements set out in this Accession Agreement and the Land Title Imaged Legal Survey Plans Protocol Agreement dated the 31st day of. January, 2002 (the "Protocol Agreement") and for other good• and valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficiency, of which is acknowledged by the Local Government), the Local Government agrees as follows: 1.01 In consideration of the Historical Inventory to be provided by the Land Title Branch to the Local Government pursuant to section 5.01 of the Protocol Agreement and in consideration of the licenses to be granted by the Land Title Branch to the Local Government pursuant to section 5.02 of the Protocol Agreement, the Local Government will pay a processing fee in the amount of $100.00 forthwith upon execution of this Accession Agreement, which is sufficient to cover the cost of creating the CD by the Land Title Branch. 1.02 Upon execution of this Accession Agreement, the Local' Government agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Protocol Agreement as a party to that Agreement as if the Local Government had executed and delivered that Agreement. 1.03 The Local Government represents and warrants to the Land Title Branch with the intent that it will rely thereon, that this Accession Agreement and the Protocol Agreement are valid and legally binding on the Local Government and enforceable against the Local Government in accordance with their respective terms. Dated and effective this day of 200 (Name of Local Government) Authorized Signatory) (Title) SCHEDULE "B" LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING between LANDTITLE BRANCH OF BC and MUNICIPAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS ASSOCIATION of BC regarding BULK TRANSFER OF IMAGED LEGAL SURVEY PLANS BACKGROUND: As prescribed in the Land Title Act of British Columbia, all Land Title Offices have been distributing to localgovernments an official hard copy of all registered legal survey plans within their respective jurisdictions. The local governments retain these paper copies and make reference to the legal survey plans in their normal conduct of business. Since 1975, BC Assessment was, on a request basis, providing local governments with aperture cards (microfiche copies) of these same registered legal survey plans. Local Governments have used these aperture cards within their operations in the conduct of normal business services. This aperture card service was discontinued in October 1998. Since 1998, all Land Title Offices in British Columbia have been imaging newly registered legal survey plans. As well, most pre 1998 legal survey plans, previously microfilmed, have been converted to electronic images. These images are available to local governments through the BC OnLine service. Many Local Governments are implementing electronic records management systems and undertaking the scanning of the hard copy of all new legal plans. A digital image of all legal survey plans would be convenient in their conduct of normal business services. The Municipal Information Services Association of British Columbia (MISA) has requested the assistance of the Land Title Branch in securing a bulk copy of the imaged legal survey plans for local governments. The Land Title Branch ("LTB") has quoted a cost of $17,300.00 to develop this bulk download feature service and MISA has agreed to pay this one time development cost on behalf of the local governments participating in this service. The Land Title Branch will provide a bulk copy of existing imaged legal survey plans via -• compact disc. It is the parties' understanding that legal survey plans that are registered and imaged subsequent to the preparation of the CD for a local government will be available through a new service offering through BC OnLine on terms and conditions to be mutually agreed to by BC OnLine, the Land Title Branch and MISA. This new service offering will provide a digital image of the legal survey plans. (11 '05-00 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: March 15, 2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: E08-016-614 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: SUBJECT: SD 8/02 - Development Cost Charge Reduction Purpose: A developer proposes to develop a 23 lot subdivision at 240 Street and 110 Avenue. As part of the subdivision servicing, the developer will construct services currently identified in the Long Term Capital Program as development cost charge projects and which are included in Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Bylaw No. 5911-2000, the Bylaw which applies to the subdivision. Therefore, it is appropriate to authorize a reduction of a portion of the Development Cost Charges payable by the developer in the amount of $165,165.00. Recommendation: 1. That with respect to Subdivision 8/02, be it resolved that in view of the necessity for constructing road, water and drainage works at 240 Street and 110 Avenue, the road, water and drainage components of the Development Cost Charges payable by the subdivider be reduced by $165,165.00, reflecting the Bylaw costs applicable to the works. Background: Certain subdivision servicing to be constructed in support of Subdivision SD 8/02 at 240 Street and 110 Avenue is eligible for Development Cost Charge reduction with respect to Long Term Capital Projects LTC 912 (Highway), LTC 7152 (Highway), LTC 7158 (Water) and LTC 7210 (Drainage). Intergovernmental Issues: N/A Environmental Implications: N/A Citizen/Customer Implications: N/A Interdepartmental Implications: N/A Financial Implications: -1- 103 Financial Implications: Subdivision SD 8/02 servicing is eligible for Development Cost Charge reduction with respect to Long Term Capital Projects in the following amounts: I, LTC 912 — Highway - 110 Avenue (240 Street to Cameron Street) LTC 7152— Highway - 240 Street (Kanaka Creek Road to 112 Avenue) LTC 7158 - Water - 110 Avenue (240 Street to 243 Street) LTC 7210 - Drainage - 240 Street (109 Avenue to 114 Avenue) Total DCC Reduction Amount $ 82,900.00 $ 49,645.00 $ 18,040.00 $ 14,580.00 $165,165.00 Alternatives: N/A Summary: Division (10) of Part 26 of the Local Government Act, the Development Costs Recovery Section, provides in clause (8) of Section 933, provision for deduction of Development Cost Charges payable by an owner at the time of subdivision. Authorization of Development Cost Charge reduction for Sub on SD 8/02 for eligible servicing components identified in the Long Term Capital Progr is c sistent with municipal practice for addressing this issue. Prepared y: Jeff Scher'1an, Director of Development Engineering Approved by." Frank Quinn, P.Eng., GM: Public Works & Development Services £ Concur/ence: Frank Quinn, P.Eng., Acting Chief Administrative Officer -2- 2? I- 0 c'.1 110 AVE 5 / SUBDIVISION P-ROPERT N DICORPORATION OF THE STRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING 1k \ lecorperated 12 September, 1874 DEPARTMENT 7 DEVELOPMENT COST CHARGE REDUCTION SD 8/02 E08-016-614 SCALE: N.T.S. DATE: FEBRUARY 2002 FILE/0 WQN N'DMIN\SUBD. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE: February 4, 2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C 4k W SUBJECT: District Owned Land: Silver Valley Purpose: This report provides a discussion of the District-owned lands in Silver Valley and provides an option with respect to the useof these lands. Recommendation: That a Request For Qualifications (see Appendix II) be initiated to consider the sale and development of District-owned lands in Silver Valley. Background: The District of Maple Ridge owns approximately 21,800 acres (8830 ha) of land throughout the community (see Map 1). These lands were acquired over time and they do not pay any taxes under municipal ownership. The larger parcels - notably in Silver Valley - were acquired via non-payment of taxes. Currently, Council has authorized an on-going review and management of District land holdings; and, the identification of specific lands extraneous to District interests for sale. It should be noted that 20% of all land sales remains in a land account to provide some ability to purchase land in the future if required. The lands currently identified as surplus and listed for sale are identified in Appendix I. This Appendix also includes a list of recently sold District property. Discussion: In addition to the properties identified in Appendix I; the District has looked at other properties for possible sale. This analysis included lands in Silver Valley. In 1997, the Property Management Committee, comprised of various Departments, suggested that timing was not appropriate for the sale of these lands; and, that sale, if considered, should be of large parcels rather than smaller lots or parcels. The concept of larger parcels would enable a "planned community' as the District holdings are of sufficient size to allow for a comprehensive development concept. Further, the size may enable a proponent to utilize some innovations in standards (i.e. onsite storm retention, road sizes etc) being promoted by the Province and supported by recent planning work conducted for the Silver Valley Area (Civistas Plan). In terms of timing, key services (road, water, sewer, storm sewer) have advanced to the point that they are now contiguous to the District owned property. Further investment in infrastructure as identified in the 2001 Capital budget and carried over to 2002 will make the new lands more desirable as a large block development site and open other lands up for development. Also, from a timing perspective, most commentators suggest a stronger economy in 2003. Any consideration of development of these lands should acknowledge a planning period of 12 - 18 months. This type of planning window is important as it could tie into the stronger economic cycle expected regionally. Finally, it is important to recognize that these District-owned lands in Silver Valley were part of a broader planning study completed by Civitas Consulting. This Silver Valley study completed by Civitas provided q0Y a broad framework of development principles for this area. On review of this plan, staff recommended and Council approved the "adoption of the principles of the Civitas Plan" to reflect the fact that some of the draft document needed to be re-worked to in part reflect emerging development patterns in the area. This additional work on the Civitas Plan to develop growth area standards and a revised neighbourhood plan for Silver Valley is underway and will be available for public comment as part of the 2002 Planning Department work program. In view of the foregoing, staff suggest it may be timely and appropriate to consider development of the District-owned lands in Silver Valley preferably as a package. This type of development concept would enable a comprehensive project or scheme likely including multiple phases and it could utilize some of the techniques and concepts advocated by the Civitas Plan. This would allow a "case study" approach to the use of alternative standards for some systems. In the event Council wants to pursue this route, staff suggest a two step process to identifi and select a development proponent. The first stage would be a Request for Qualification (RFQ), see Appendix H. This stage would enable interested developers to present to Council their qualifications; experience; financial capacity and preliminary concept for development of these Silver Valley Lands. The proposal call should identify the key elements that Council wants to have addressed at this stage. Appendix II provides some of the elements that could be considered at the preliminary steps. The second stage would include the development of a more detailed agreement including, for example: phasing; development standards; value (Land price); timing, proceeds of sales, phasing and other matters Council deems important. Additional land use management data (plan designations/ zoning) with respect to the Silver Valley lands are included in subsequent sections. Designation: The OCP identifies several land-use designations for municipally owned lands in Silver Valley. The majority of the land is designated for residential use. Densities range from a high of 30 units per net hectare to a low of 5. There are also three elementary schools and neighbourhood parks designated. The development pattern that is suggested with these designations is represented by the Silver Valley Guide Plan. In general, the plan proposes a regular subdivision of lands to reflect lots sizes that are consistent with the associated OCP density designation. The lot sizes vary from 371 m2 to 2000 m2. In total, the plan suggests a potential of approximately 700 residential units. The alternative plan proposed under the recently completed Silver Valley Area Planning Study achieves comparable yields. The plan does suggest an alternative distribution of the densities however. In general, the densities are quite low, with some clustering of the units to limit the overall development footprint. The plan suggests a more rural character, which also facilitates alternative road standards, or standards that are more typical of rural areas. A comparison of this concept plan to the municipal guide plan reveals that less infrastructure should result with the alternative plan. Zoning: All of the lands are presently zoned RS-3 Rural Residential. The bulk of the lands is ita•ic up of many smaller parcels. Development in Area: A considerable portion (approx. 60%) of the total land holdings is contiguous to recently developed lands in the Rock Ridge development. The neighbouring development has provided access to municipal lands, however further development of the municipal water system is required in order to accommodate further development, as the existing system will not provide sufficient water pressure at the higher elevations. Summary: In summary. the District owns surplus land that has been used recently in a more strategic fashion to assist in the acquisition of assets which more directly provide services to citizens and customers. It may be timely to consider the use of Silver Valley lands owned by the District. These lands form a relatively large parcel currently serviceable and they could be used as a comprehensive development project which could use innovative techniques. In the event Council resolves to proceed to consider development of the lands, staff suggest a public call for qualifications based on a number of key requirements identified in Appendix II. The selection of a preferred proponent at this stage would enable the development of a more detailed proposal. All phases should be open for public comment and input. } Robert W. Robertson, Ph.D. AJCP, MOP Chief Administrative Officer RWR:fc District-owned Lands Listed for Sale Current District-owned vacant lots listed for sale: Property 22229 Brown Ave. Brown Ave/222 St. Lots 10-14 (Ailco Estates) Lot 15 (AIlco Estates) Lots 18-19 (Ailco Estates) List Price Notes $1,100.000 $300,000 $686,500 $137300 per lot $149,800 $299,800 $ 149.900 per lot Since Nov. 14/01 (last property update report to Council). the District have sold or are nearing completion on the sale of the following properties: Property Sale Price Lots 1 (Ailco Estates) $134,000 Lot 2 (AlIco Estates) $140,000 Lot 9 (Ailco Estates) $139,500 Lot 17 (AIlco Estates) $145,000 Notes completes Feb. 28/02 completes Mar. 28/02 REVISED MARCH 11,2002 II]Si 3I1 The District of Maple Ridge is the fastest growing community in British Columbia for municipalities greater than 50,000 population. The District is interested in the development of approximately 370 acres (l5Oha) located within a designated growth area in the community. These lands are owned fee simple by the District. The lands are designated Residential and the District seeks qualifications from firms with experience in the finance and development of residential land(s). On receipt of these Requests For Qualification (RFQ), the District may: accept only one or reject any or all submissions. In assessing this RFQ's, the District will consider the following: The experience of the firm The financial strength of the firm The interest in the firm undertaking an innovative, sustainable mixed use comprehensive development Innovative, sustainable development for this RFQ includes but is not limited to land use planning; use of density clusters to retain natural environmental features of significance including watercourses; variable road widths; innovative standards regarding stormwater management; energy designs in land use and buildings that reflect energy savings. Use of the lands to achieve other parts of the plans for the Silver Valley Area: i.e. school sites, community facilities, firehalllpolice station and village centre lands. Long term planning /development phasing of any project I purchase price of land or revenue share I financial arrangements. The District will receive RFQ's until 1200hr on April 26, 2002. On receipt of these RFQ's a limited number will be selected for further consideration which will include further negotiations towards the formulation of a detailed development agreement. CORPORATION OF THE I MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE I 8.$b, PLANNING DEPARTMENT I AN SILVER VALLEY MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP SCA.E: N.T.S. DAlE: FES 18, 2000 DRAWN BY: T.M. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE: March 26, 2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001.2 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: Big Bike Fundraising Event Purpose: To obtain Council approval for a request from the Heart & Stroke Foundation of BC & Yukon to use Municipal Streets for the annual BIG BIKE Fundraising Event on Monday May 14, 2002. A copy of the request dated March 9, 2001 is attached. Recommendation: That Heart & Stroke Foundation of BC & Yukon (the organizer) be authorized to use Municipal Streets on Monday May 14, 2002 for their annual BIG BIKE Fundraising Event, provided the conditions outlined in the report of the Chief Administrative Officer are met. Background: From time to time the Municipality is requested to allow the use of Municipal Streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implication, approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A" Intergovernmental Issues: N/A Environmental Implications: N/A Citizen/Customer Implications: N/A Interdepartmental Implications: N/A - 1 - 17050" Financial Implications: N/A Alternatives: N/A Submitted by: Andrew Wood, M.Eng., P.Eng. Municipal Engineer Approved bi/ Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng., PMP GM: Public Works & Development Services Acting Chief Administrative Officer -2- Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated March 26, 2002 Big Bike Fundraising Event Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: traffic control plan must be authorized by the R.C.M.P, a copy of the plan with a R.C.M.P. signature must be delivered to the Engineering Department prior to the event; notify local Fire Department, and Ambulance Services of the event; obtain any required permissions or permit for the use Valley Fair Mall parking lot if required; make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company (formally BC Transit) for any required rerouting of buses; make every effort to minimize disruption to traffic at all times; shall not disrupt traffic flows between the hours of 7:00am to 9:00am and 4:30pm to 6:00pm. advertise the event in a local newspaper and notify all surrounding businesses and residents of the event (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); hold and save harmless the Corporation from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation as an additional named insured. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporation prior to the event; refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District of Maple Ridge; The Corporation of District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw this permission to use Municipal Streets should the organizers fall to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer -3- HEART AND STROKE FOUNDA11ON OF B.C. & YUKON March 4, 2002 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 COQUITLAM OFFICE Fax: 467-7425 1023 Austin Avenue Attention: Michael Eng, Engineering Department Coquitlam, BC V3K 3N9 T 604 939-3343 F 604 939-3350 IG VED IN NEEPING DEnt ..-it 1 0 MAR 6 2002 Re: 2002 Big Bike TM Ride 27A Dear Michael: I am writing to request permission for a fundraising event to take place in Maple i4geon 1 Monday.. May 14, 2002. This event involves our thirty-seat Big Bike TM and we hope to havver4itearns._.. riding theBig BikeTM from early morning to mid-afternoon. We have approached4he-RGMP—__.__ Auxiliary to provide a pilot car following behind each ride, but if this is not possib1we444-pco4de._. our own pilot car. . -. The necessary Form A has been approved by the RCMP and is attached. Notice of the event has been sent to the Fire Department, Ambulance and Coast Mountain Bus Company and I am awaiting their acknowledgements to send to you. The certificate of insurance has been ordered and will be forwarded to you as soon as it is ready. The proposed route is the same as previous years as follows: Route Description: Start at Valley Fair Mall parking lot Proceeding right on 227 Street Turn left onto Dewdney Trunk Road Turn right onto 224 Street Turn left onto Brown Avenue Turn left onto 223 Street' Turn left onto Dewdney Trunk Road Turn right -onto 224 Street Turn left onto North Avenue Cross Lougheed Highway to Selkirk Avenue and finish at the starting point This has become an extremely successful fundraising event in the province of BC and has had the very generous support of the community. We look forward to your continued support. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, bOtA2 o Donna Dooley Special Events Coordinator Tn-Cities/Mission Region Heart and Stroke Foundation of BC & Yukon Know the signs of a Heart Attack and Stroke CALL TOLL FREE 1 888 HSF INFO (1 888 473 4636) VISIT OUR WEB SITE www.heartandstroke.ca CHAIR Ed Kry CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER R.F. Bobbe Wood, M.A. REGIONAL OFFICES COQUITLAM 604 939-3343 KAM LOOPS 250 372-3938 KELOWNA 250 860-6275 NANAIMO 250 754-5274 NORTH VANCOUVER 604 983-8492 PRINCE GEORGE 250 562-8611 RICHMOND. 604 279-7130 SURREY 604 591-1955 VANCOUVER 604 730-7354 VICTOR IA 250 382-4035 PROVINCIAL OFFICE 1212 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V6H 3V2 T-604 736-4404 F 604 736-8732 SIGNS OF A SIGNS OF A HEART ATTACK STROKE One or more of: One or more of: • Chest pain or discomfort SUDDEN • Pain in arm, neck, • Weakness, numbness jaw or back • Trouble speaking • Sweating • Vision problems • Nausea • Severe headache • Difficult breathing • Dizziness Call 911 or your medical emergency number immediately. Mar 25 2002 3:57PM H e a r t & Stroke Foundation NobUb/ r . IlL FAX COVER SHEET HEART AND STROKE I FOUNDA11ON OF B.C. &YUKON TO: Lro t - COMPAi FROM: Heart and Stroke Foundation of B.C. & Yukon 1023 Austin Avenue Coquitlam, B.C. V3K3N9 Tel: (604) 939 3343 Fax: (604) 939 3350 DATE: FAX: (Qi1%a::1q 5 SUBJECT: c # OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET): - D Urgent [I] For Action LI] For Information 0 For File MaMar .25. 2002n 3:57PM H e a r t & Stroke FoundatHo No.bUb/ - T!Z5 P 001/001 F-191 FORM 'A' Date::11'c. Contact Person: - i rtha The following agncies -Jwve -been advLd and adewwledge the evenz: M00 V') C BC Tran& J)t iQItJ2}A P EkOC 't&F7 Fire DepartmenUdJLt. 1JJ 02— 144fi 2002 Ambuiance Servkes2 It fTflo - J O2 Other - -a-- - V CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE: March 28, 2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001.2 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: Mountain Festival Society request to use Municipal Streets Purpose: To obtain Council approval for a request from Mountain Festival Parade Coordinator to use Municipal Streets for the Annual Mountain Festival Parade on Saturday May 4, 2002. A copy of the request dated February 8, 2002 is attached. Recommendation: That Maple Ridge Mountain Festival Society (the organizer) be authorized to use Municipal Streets on Saturday May 4, 2002 for their annual Mountain Festival, provided the conditions outlined in the report of the Chief Administrative Officer are met. Background: From time to time the Municipality is requested to allow the use of Municipal Streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implication, approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A" Intergovernmental Issues: N/A Environmental Implications: N/A Citizen/Customer Implications: MM Interdepartmental Implications: I,Li -1- 0 Financial Implications: N/A Alternatives: N/A Submitted by: Adrew iood, M.Eng., P.Eng. Municipal Engineer vi. Approved by: Fiink Quinn, MBA, P.Eng., PMP GM: Public Works & Development Services Acting Chief Administrative Officer -2- Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated March 28, 2002 Mountain Festival Parade Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: traffic cohtrol plan must be authorized by the R.C.M.P, a copy of the plan with a R.C.M.P. signature must be delivered to the Engineering Department prior to the event; notify local Fire Department, and Ambulance Services of the event; make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company (formally BC Transit) for any required rerouting of buses; advertise the event in a local newspaper and notify all surrounding businesses and residents of the event (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); hold and save harmless the Corporation from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation as an additional named insured. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporation prior to the event; refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District of Maple Ridge; The Corporation of District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw this permission to use Municipal Streets should the organizers fall to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer -3- 3- 7-02; 9:29AM;Maple Ridge ;604 467 7425 # 3/ 3 FORM 'A' / Details of the Event Date::j'y1i'°/' '/ôz Contact Person: JI '(/tiExW'Phone -/tt -979 Fax___________ Details: ST)4L (r) Y\f\¼.\ 4 aOD Sketch of Traffic Control Plan: / N)fc___1_rcffic The following agencies have been advised and acknowledge the event: r BC Transit________________________ Fire Department MAR 1 3 2002 Ambulance Services Other February 8, 2002 Michael Eng Engineering Department 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Dear Michael, On behalf of the Maple Ridge Mountain Festival Society, I would like to request a road closure on May 4, 2002 for the Mountain Festival parade. The portion of Dewdney Trunk for which we would require closure, would be 216thStreet turning to 224th Street to Selkirk, between the hours of 10:30 am and 1:00 pm, Saturday, May 4, 2002. A map of the closure route is enclosed. This information will be forwarded to: • Maple Ridge R.C.M.P. o Ambulance Service of B.C. • B.C. Transit o Maple Ridge Fire Department • Maple Ridge Taxi Meadow Ridge Taxi As well, merchants and residents along the route will be contacted with the closure information. Thank you in advance for your support of this annual community event. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 466-9200. Yours truly, Karin McCulloch Parade Coordinator REGISTRA11ON FORM MOUNTAIN FESTIVAL PARADE 2002 Saturday. May 4-11:00 am. Name of entry Contact Person Business# Home# Maple Ridge Mountain Festival Society do 11995 Haney Place: Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 604.467.7347 (phone) 604.4677393 (fax) email: ikraus@mapleridge.org web page: www.communityfestivals.org t.• 'J At Mountain Festival Parade: Fax# E-mail Mailing Ad- dress City Postal Code 4- 0 FLA 216th6eil 1 217thShit - -T::- r,r CLASSIFICATION -Judging Categories one I Commercial 'A' (Over 20 Employees) Imagination, Animation, Color, Theme, Costumes I Commercial 'B' (Under 20 Employees) Personnel, FloatDesign, Float Workmanship Community Float! Entry Personnel, FIoatDesign, Float Workmanship I Clean Up Crew Overall Impression [I Band Marching, General Effect, Music, Percussion I Comic Unit Overall Impression [] Marching Unit Appearance, Pre:cision, Cadence I Mascot Overall Impression [] Antique Vehicle Quality of Work, Detailing, Overall Appearance Equestrian ! Animal Riding apparel, Overall Impression, Neatness & Return your completed registration form and indemity agreement by: April 26, 2002 to the: Maple Ridge Mountain Festival 5o ety do 11995 Hney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 PARAbE REGISTRATION INFORMATION Festival Office Parade Information: Korin McCulloch, Parade Coordinator 604.466.9200 The Mapk Ridge ,4loun tain festival parade is organized by volunteers to cekbrate community spirit in Maple Ridge, BC Supportedby the Community Festival Society and Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Parks c Leisure Services L 0 - tism Vane? FairM,H Pv*fr,g Lot The Maple Ridge Mountain Festival The Volunteer organizers of the Maple Ridge Mountain Festival Society would like to welcome you to the 2002 parade. We hope your experience will be a rewarding and positive one. The following is some arrival information to help prepare you for the day of the event. If you have any questions, please contact the Parade Coordinator, Karin McCulloch (604) 466-9200. Staging Area - Maple Ridge Secondary School 21911 122nd Avenue, Maple Ridge All participants must be in the line up no later than 10:45 a.m. The Staging area will open at 10:00a.m. and Mountain Festival Volunteers will be wearing fluorescent vests. They are available throughout the staging area to answer questions and assist parade participants. Parade Order. We wish everyone could be first in the parade, but that is not possible or realistic. The Mountain Festival Board of birectors has made every effort to research protocols as they relate to government and military participants. For all others, we attempt to space and group the entries to the best of our abilities to make the parade lively and flow smoothly. If you have any special needs regarding placement in the parade, please be sure to note this in the commentary section. Guidelines for Entries • The Parade Committee and the Mountain Festival Society does not accept responsibility for any expenses incurred. • Alcoholic beverages and other controlled substances are forbidden on any float, in any vehicle or on the person of any entry. • For safety reasons, no material may be collected, handed out or thrown to spectators along the parade route. • The position number of every entry must be placed on the lead vehicle or person so the parade commentator; judges and participants can easily identify each entry. • All persons participating in the parade must be dressed in keeping with the theme of the entry and vehicles must be completely decorated. • Equestrian entries must have a clean-up unit following (clean up crew must be in costume and in keeping with the theme of the entry). All equestrian entries must also ensure that clean up is carried out at staging and disbanding areas. • All entries must be in good taste and are subject to the approval of the parade committee. If an entry does not meet these criteria, the Mountain Festival Society reserves the right to refuse participation on the morning of the parade. • Vehicles must be decorated except for vehicles transport- ing distinguished guests or vintage vehicles • Drivers must be qualified and capable of driving the vehicle, must have a valid BC Drivers License and must attend the float at all times while in the marshalling and disbanding areas. • Floats must be of proper construction, have good brakes and provide 180-degree driver vision. • You must carry a fire extinguisher (dry chemical, at least 5 lbs.) Exhaust pipe must be protected near any decorations. Portable generators must be securely mounted and venti- lated. Fireproof insulation must separate a generator and any other heat source from combustible decorative material. The Fire Department may conduct inspections on the morn- ing of the parade. • All participants standing or sitting on floats must be wearing safety belts or have strong handholds. No person is to be wired or tied in such a way that he/she cannot be released quickly. • Vehicle insurance is mandatory and is the responsibility of the entrant. • All units must maintain forward motion regulating their speed for a spacing of no less than 15 meters (approximately 50 feet) and no more than 30 meters (100 feet) behind the preceding unit. • The main contact will be responsible for disseminating all information received from the Society and ensuring that every member of his/her organization is informed and will abide by the guidelines and rules established. COMMENTARY 4 PUBLICI The Mountain Festival parade is emce community member. We provide community float descriptions to I this person and the volunteer judges of the parade. We can he/p promote your worthy cause, your /oca/ business or arts group. P/ease provide a descrqtion of your entry: I INDEMNITY AGREEME To complete the registration process following and sign the indemnity The undersigned agrees to indemnify, defend any action against the Mapi( Festival Society, its Directors and 0 members, the Corporation of the Distr and Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Parks from and against all liabilities whatsol their participation in the Mountain Festi Name of Entry: I Contact Name:_____ Telephone #: I Authorizing Signature: by a local please read the agreement )ld harmless and Ridge Mountain cers, committee of Maple Ridge Leisure Services er arising out of II Parade. Date: CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: and Members of Council FILE 1O DP/006/02 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer AT)N': Committee of SUBJECT: Development Permit 23700 Bik. Kanaka Way PURPOSE: A Development Permit application has been made in support of a development plan for subdivision. The north portion of the site is within 50m of Horseshoe Creek and is impacted by Development Permit XXX. Prior to site grading, which will involve clearing of vegetation outside the habitat protection area, a Development Permit must be authorized. RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/006/02 respecting property located at 23700 Bik. Kanaka Way BACKGROUND: Applicant: David W Laird Owner: Lawrence Shurnyla Construction Ltd., Donada Industries Ltd., Deyor Farms Ltd., Medowland Industries Ltd. Legal Description: Lot A, Plan LMP47845 OCP: Existing: Single Family Residential (15,18, 30 units per net hectare) and Conservation Proposed: Single Family Residential (15, 18, 30 units per net hectare) and Conservation, Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Access: Servicing: Previous Applications: CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District), RS-lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density)Residential), RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District), RS-lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density)Residential), RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Vacant Single Family Residential Single Family Residential Horseshoe Creek Vacant Single Family Residential Lane access via 237th and 238th Streets Full Urban Standards SD/037/97, SD/009/00, SD/029/01, RZI030/01, SD/006/02 7V7 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A development permit application has been made in support of a development plan for subdivision application (SD/006/02). This application is for the portion of the property that is adjacent to Kanaka Way, where re-grading and some vegetation removal are necessary for the servicing of the 15 lot subdivision. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ISSUES: N/A ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS: Development Permit Area XXX Guidelines: The site has a watercourse identified on Schedule "E" of the Official Community Plan and is included into Development Permit Area XXX which was established for the preservation and protection of the natural environment. A Development Permit is required under Development Permit Area XXX for all alterations of land, subdivision activity or building permits as applies to residential, commercial, institutional and industrial development within 50 metres of a watercourse. Security must be posted in accordance with Council Policy for Performance Security for Environmental Protection to ensure that the Development Permit Area Guidelines are met. Staff have reviewed the Guidelines for development established for Development Permit Area XXX and feel that these have been satisfied by the applicant as follows: Watercourse Protection Area Establishment: Watercourse protection areas are to be established in accordance with their habitat value and the potential impacts proposed by adjacent development. The District of Maple Ridge, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks must endorse the proposed watercourse protection boundaries. The watercourse protection areas are to be dedicated where possible into public ownership for conservation purposes. The boundaries of the watercourse protection areas are to be physically located on the ground by a B.C. Land Surveyor prior to site disturbance. Temporary barrier fencing is to be installed adjacent to watercourse protection areas prior to any construction activity and shall be replaced with permanent post and railfence upon development completion. All lots must provide the required minimum lot dimensions as set out in the Zoning Bylaw exclusive of the watercourse protection boundaries. • The setbacks from Horseshoe Creek have already been established and dedicated as Parkiand in conjunction with the Ministry of Water, Air and Land Protection, Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Municipality as part of a previous rezomng of these lands. -2- Erosion Control 6 All work is to be undertaken and completed in such a manner as to prevent the release of sediment to any ravine, watercourse or storm sewer. An erosion and sediment control plan that involves implementation prior to land clearing and site preparation and the careful timing of construction is to be provided. 7 Silt fence should be erected to prevent the movement of silt into the watercourse protection area prior to any disturbance to the soil on the site. Cutting and filling adjacent to watercourse protection areas is to be kept to a minimum incorporating appropriate structuralfill material and blending graded areas with natural slope, as supported by the Hillside Policies of the Official Community Plan. A plan has been provided for the entire site that: - Includes a temporary siltation fence along the Park boundary; and - Provides for the grading and direction of all overland drainage to the proposed siltation control pond on proposed Lot 4. Vegetation Management Natural vegetation is to be retained wherever possible to ensure minimal disruption to the environment and to protect against slope failure. Land clearing adjacent to the watercourse protection areas is to be restricted to a phased construction schedule. Habitat restoration landscaping of all bare or sparse riparian areas within the watercourse protection area may be required. Vegetation species shall be native of the area and be selected for erosion control and fish and wildlife habitat values. There is limited opportunity for tree retention outside of the watercourse protection area on this site. The most significant vegetation has already been protected within the watercourse protection area. Stormwater Management Stormwater outflows to the stream or leave area shall have water quality and erosion control features so as to minimize their impacts on fish habitat and in compliance with the District's stormwater management plans. • The applicant has proposed a stormwater management plan that addresses the District's stormwater management requirements and requires a Section 9 approval under the Water Act for stormwater management and the construction of a siltation control pond for the subdivision. -3- Monitoring 12. The implementation of required environmental mitigative measures as designed and their maintenance is to be monitored by a qualified environmental monitor. c Damax Consultants Ltd. will be the environmental monitors for the project and will ensure performance meets with the standards established by the Watercourse Protection Bylaw. All the overland flow from this site is directed to a proposed siltation pond, located on proposed Lot 4. Monitoring will be conducted daily during construction and during heavy rain events, and periodic weekly monitoring at all other times to ensure compliance with the permit. Performance Security As required under the District's Performance Security for Environmental Protection Policy, an environmental performance security will be collected prior to the issuance of the permit to ensure compliance with terms and conditions described above. A refundable security totaling $1,500.00 will be required for 1 lot which backs onto Horseshoe Creek. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ISSUES: Ministry of Water, Air and Land Protection and Department of Fisheries and Oceans The setbacks from Horseshoe Creek have already been established and dedicated as Parkland in conjunction with the Ministry of Water, Air and Land Protection, Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Municipality as part of a previous rezoning of these lands. The applicant has also already received Section 9 approval from the Ministry of Water, Air and Land Protection under the Water Act for their stormwater. CITIZEN/CUSTOMER IMPLICATIONS: Until Council has authorized a development permit the applicant will be unable to begin site preparation for subdivision SD/006/02. INTERDEPARTMENTAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: A refundable security totaling $1,500.00 will be required for I lot, which backs onto Horseshoe Creek. SEIE ALTERNATIVES: N/A SUMMARY: Staff supports the Development Permit application. P pared by: David Stevenson chnician CP, MCIP of Concurrence: VFrank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP Acting Chief Administrative Officer DS(jvt 'or RP 1224 Rem 4 P 24650 RP 1387 N- C" (0 DO C, 112 AVE L 24722 PAR LMP3381j CV /V 17\I A 1 3\ 1 19 \ / -y / ' 20 co 21' \z jt4)~4; LMP 47845 /Y 23 27 32 11096 log [Jiioe3a1 11080 36 38 -\ /'0si/ LMP 46674 1i LMP 47845 15 / 40 048 17 16 PARK 1 C) 41 11049 C) 1104 11039 3570 2 42 A 1 PAR (_, 15 14 13 iio 2 2 12 11021 11 44 _.. 11008 18 '11009 21 35 05 16 20 (1) a.1 45 co P 3173 19 18 11007 c llQj CO 11004 N 3 >N. cli 17 1lQQ 46 11006 / -- 10 6 5'(' 47 1 10 AVE 8g 65? 4 R 3 2 1 109,8 PARIC, Damax Consultants Ltd. N Lot A, LMP47845 LORHLLJ A ALBIO MAPLE 2i G DEPARTMENT DATE Mar 21 2002 FILE DPI006/02 BY RS SCALE 1 2 500 KEY MAP f9 6cE C • \ - 4 'p1 In- I.! •z_ j r- •'1i:, J JJLJ .1--i cv- .•/. ?A \ •t . \ H •r \ I -' I IL \ I- / / thimax consultants.ItcL. S&TM4 CO1ROI. NQt5 I ; / , 4, 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WIH THE REOIJIREMENTS HE ALL REGUlATORY OUTHORITTES, FEDERAL ROD PROIONaUL GOWRRI4EOT OGRARIUTENTS INCLUDING A I 71 THE DEPHRT1AENT GE THE ENI.TRONRERT. IN THE PROTECTION OF FOUl AND L I M I T 0 F C L EAR I N G • STORMI \ z'\ _-26 0 2. R AD AREAS ARE TO BE CAPPED NTH GRAVEL IRREDIATELY AFTER LTRIPPING TO REDUcE UKET0000 OF SLY RUNOFF 3. THE SUTATION AND DETENTION POND SSE TO 80 CONERED IN PLASTiC . •Ti - \ \ \ RHREDIATELV AFTER EXCAVATiON 4: ADDIITONHL SILTATION FENCING N SILTATiON CONTROL MEASURES MAY NE ' 1Wi j. . REQIJNE S I U N • N ' ' A' Y \ REGUIRED DURING CONSTRUCTiON, DEPENDING ON WEAThER CONDITiONS AS 12 ) I MPS AS INDICA1CDPj TO DRAIN s \ \ "s 1 \ ---- ' . O • DIRECTOD NY TUE ENNEER \ SEMENTS TO SAN SEWER. S ' •, ( ' 21 S INWATER LOADERS DRAIN TO STORM 0 \ \ \ \ S . 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OARIOO OTHISIRIJCTION. I S 00tH ENOONIG MATERiAl, MAY NADINE PROTECTiON ROTH RY000-UUL0H OR Oti LARCAN ,,.. / / / 074 1T.Ri0 A / STEEPER SLOPES iTOH 00001011 CONTRO. MATTING AS KNEElED TV TilE (1100(00. SLOPES OTT TEMP SILT,FENCC • '1 / / ITT p0 70 oN" IN ' / TR• Coo WANG ZONES CAOSAO CR00011 HOC TO NE DRESSED RIOT HIND GOIO0E SHAD OAERLON RI / 7 10 \N H • I ' *408 / iRMA MIORIS DEAN CRUSHED ROTH OS OIREC100 TV THE ENGINEER. 114 CU MU. - ' " 's.-' 28 / 0 , / / TA. / Lilt - 7 /..,,, / 5 1 38 Si 01000-W 040 000100 DC MI RPPROOHO MANOR lONElY OOHIT*SOINS TERRUZET OP BE/IBIS GREET FOR • / 7' o, / ASK SARI 1,015 I / 31 (': 2014 ' STANDARD IOTTOOHO COIIOETU*L IIATEMOS. 602 OP TIE TERIRIZER 01000CC TI RIO TORI / SLOW SIRED. RUTH OP EERTIUZCR OPHOCAROTI 00004.0CC 0401.400 OCSYIC OH "S &i I ' 2/ 290 ii a - p.. / oI,, Co 000.01 0.112. RE OPPUCO RIORO-00,ORRO GONT001INC MOOR FIRER t&t00 OESGIEO FOB I SHEEM_.gIT FOR o' S / / ,j / - / ,,, - j 10 R1ORO-SEEOOG OPPUED 0TH ROTC OP 2.100 KG/ill TOOHIRER 651111 TOCRIT1ER 010 ROTE OP EAHIS -' ., 6 /' - 79 — °v NO 00,11* RT1iI N HVORO-SEBOCR 10 FORM A CONIRIOCDI0 RLOT'TNO LIKE CRIER. - 1 .00 / / I / / 51110 7 - 43 11 - ' 39 CR00100 CORIIRCL 6011110 TX CE CUIINNCVOI SNCR/COCC!IUT liTRE 050100(1 TIRE SCISO I rj5'O MANOPACTIJRED CV NORTH 1120010*21 UVCEO. BLANKET TO BC PLACED STRICTLY IN ACCOR011IC PARK I ' , ,, SIN' f- / / /1 INTO UOHIUFHCTIIRCRS IOSTROCEONS. 'TT s. NIERCEPTOR 400 HiT iTT 0T0E0 ID TB AD PER TIPICOI, SECTION, IRIERC OHMIC EXCEEDS 1 / / 145 062 I IO1 41 70 1/ o / COG 0*200 ND SNYOC 0T0 ON OHOP0RNG COIEHI MORN/ROLlER BEANS TO BC / N 30 /1 °' k 100 1 /71 \\ ISO 4 0N CCCR1000HE MOE 0001 CONTRACTOR TO 177 ' sT IT II - i t 11/ 7 AS.. 01*101 BIsONS TO ROME APSIREAIA SEDIMENT TRAPS BEFORE *200 021CR P0105G. • S / - S / AR / 36' '- JO / / / / ,,, I. AN, STREETS TO NE RE9JLT4ILV NEOIOOICOU,T VACUUM SWEPT ClEAN - SOT R.U0100. , JO" •" 155 A COR1IRUCTOR. OS PANT OP RED/JR MMUTCNANCE NERO. VACOUM OCGIAIUL.OTEO SILlS Dlii 41 ,, OP STORM 114100 TEEDIIIO THE NED/DOT CONTROL ZONES, / T4 I I (j) CR , / CONTN ORb III ITT BEPIIROHIEP,0CEAN, SEHOCS -' 5' ,,-" lit, - / 'I - ' 700050 CMX MEIINJICS 0100 1*010 CI COCCI ROBOTIC R. / 120 sLIOl ' -- .' 42 2 0006TRUCTICBI COD MA2IRHMOI2ICC OP NC OCI1R CONTROL FOONJVES 00 NE ROE 045 3r'4 ,,./' / TN o ,16 ARE IN 04, - RBSPOII0IBLSTY OP NE CONTRACTOR. COIIRACTOR TO PTOITOE DISTRICT TORI 0000ROCI r—y .BIT III U ' 1001111111 POSTS S/AlES 2*10 ZR HOAR EIIERGE0ICT CONTACT. / ' - S / ' 07,0 04 lB 04 2 10(11 U/C 3, VTPSAAL 0010105400K 01*12. CaboT OF, RAT SOT 1211(0 10. TOE FOILOIBTOC lIENS: 5LT FENCE - 00010412,0100 OATS HI POlO BOSE COO STORM 000CR SYSTEM 1001 UUCI0ST2.CI.CI000. STAPLES ISO 0/C : AND IEPAIBEO OS RCA'S, SEE NOTES C - ORCISEL lATER BEINg DI 941110 RITA. RE SHARED OR RCPLDCHO 05 REDASTEO - I . - ., - PURIfIER FEN005 TO BC RTPA10CD IF OEECD. I I o*, 6' I 139 - 14 , *.. 2OONm - (NERD/OCR 00012.0010 RE BElOW OP ANT ORSIROCROSS, ,28 'TE_, NOOUTT NIH. . - 13o 1. 21 '. ' 4. 2-10n LENOTHS, ALTER FABRIC ES BC 16 FILL VolD BOTH CONC IIICOLON KONTROL OR -1 J ( /18 MT1ER P1.00115 PIPE KONCTOI. P005 D.P. ()• F )o(:)( - 19 STORM OUTFALL DETAIL TYPICAL PERIMETER 50 M. SETAC FROM CREEK LOT 3I SILT FE DETAIL ORCOTS P.m. NCOA CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RID - , KANAKA INVESTMENTS 111± :: , ENOINEERINO DEPARIAOEST I/O McDONALD REALTY, 227I8 L0004EEO HRIY. -domax consultants ltd. - '' LOT GRADING &MAPLE RIDGE B.C. TEL, 00. (604) 467-3871 3862 w. 14th aVenue yncouoer sEp 2w9 t&. 224-6827 7oe.222-9240 65*1120N TS SILTATION CONTROL ].I:A 655 RI 6010 RCIIOSO* CT ' FiLE No. T-110 S.E./J08 No. 5051 ' CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DA)11i March 27, 2002 and Members of Council JIILE NO: DPI008/0 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer /ATTN: Committee of t hole SUBJECT: Development Permit ( 240th St. and 110th Ave. SE PURPOSE: A Development Permit application has been made in support of a development plan for subdivision. The north portion of the site is within 50 metres of Seigel Creek and is impacted by Development Permit XXX. Prior to site grading, which will involve the clearing of vegetation outside the habitat protection area, a Development Permit must be authorized. RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/008/02 respecting property located at 240th St. and 110th Ave. BACKGROUND: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: David W Laird Lefebvre Holdings Ltd. Lot 30, Plan LMP44 105 Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare) Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare) R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Residential Residential Residential Residential Vacant Residential 110 Avenue Full Urban P21019/95, VP/014/98, RZ/01 3/98, SD/01 8/98, SD/049/0 1, DP/023/99, SD/008/02. Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Zoning: Surrounding Uses N: S: E: W: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Access: Servicing: Previous Applications: Existing: Proposed: Existing: Proposed: A development permit application has been made in support of a development plan for subdivision application (SD/008/02). This application is for the northern portion of the site where re-grading and some vegetation removal is necessary for the servicing of the 23 lot subdivision. 0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS: Development Permit Area XXX Guidelines: The site has a watercourse identified on Schedule "E" of the Official Community Plan and is included into Development Permit Area XXX which was established for the preservation and protection of the natural environment. A Development Permit is required under Development Permit Area XXX for all alterations of land, subdivision activity or building permits as applies to residential, commercial, institutional and industrial development within 50 metres of a watercourse. A security must also be posted in accordance with Council Policy for Performance Security for Environmental Protection to ensure that the Development Permit Area Guidelines are met. Staff have reviewed the Guidelines for development established for Development Permit Area XXX and feel that these have been satisfied by the applicant as follows: Watercourse Protection Area Establishment Watercourse protection areas are to be established in accordance with their habitat value and the potential impacts proposed by adjacent development. The District of Maple Ridge, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks must endorse the proposed watercourse protection boundaries. The watercourse protection areas are to be dedicated where possible into public ownership for conservation purposes. The boundaries of the watercourse protection areas are to be physically located on the ground by a B.C. Land Surveyor prior to site disturbance. Temporary barrier fencing is to be installed adjacent to watercourse protection areas prior to any construction activity and shall be replaced with permanent post and railfence upon development completion. All lots must provide the required minimum lot dimensions as set out in the Zoning Bylaw exclusive of the watercourse protection boundaries. • The setbacks from Seigel Creek have already been established and dedicated as Parkland in conjunction with the Ministry of Water, Air and Land Protection, Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Municipality as part of a previous rezoning of these lands. Erosion Control 6 All work is to be undertaken and completed in such a manner as to prevent the release of sediment to any ravine, watercourse or storm sewer. An erosion and sediment control plan that involves implementation prior to land clearing and site preparation and the careful timing of construction is to be provided. 7. Silt fence should be erected to prevent the movement of silt into the watercourse protection area prior to any disturbance to the soil on the site. -2- Cutting and filling adjacent to watercourse protection areas is to be kept to a minimum incorporating appropriate structuralfihl material and blending graded areas with natural slope, as supported by the Hillside Policies of the OCP. A plan has been provided for the entire site that: - Includes a temporary siltation fence along the Park boundary; - Provides for the grading and direction of overland drainage to the existing siltation control pond on the southwest portion of the site and to a new siltation control pond at the northeast potion of the site, (proposed Lot 52). Vegetation Management Natural vegetation is to be retained wherever possible to ensure minimal disruption to the environment and to protect against slope failure. Land clearing adjacent to the watercourse protection areas is to be restricted to a phased construction schedule. Habitat restoration landscaping of all bare or sparse riparian areas within the watercourse protection area may be required. Vegetation species shall be native of the area and be selected for erosion control and fish and wildlife habitat values. There is limited opportunity for tree retention outside of the watercourse protection area on this site; Much of the site consists of old farm fields and pasture; and The most significant vegetation has already been protected within the watercourse protection area. Stonnwater Management Stormwater outflows to the stream or leave area shall have water quality and erosion control features so as to minimize their impacts on fish habitat and in compliance with the District's stormwater management plans. • The applicant has proposed a stormwater management plan that addresses the District's stormwater management requirements and has received Section 9 approval under the Water Act for stormwater management and the construction of a bio filtration pond in Phase I of the subdivision. Monitoring The implementation of required environmental mitigative measures as designed and their maintenance is to be monitored by a qualified environmental monitor. • Phoenix Environmental Service will be the environmental monitors for the project and will ensure performance meets with the standards established by the Watercourse Protection Bylaw. All the overland flow from this site is directed internally to the existing siltation pond, located on the southwest portion of the site. Monitoring will be conducted weekly and on a need to basis to ensure compliance with the permit. -3- Performance Security As required under the District's Performance Security for Environmental Protection Policy, an environmental performance security will be collected prior to the issuance of the permit to ensure compliance with terms and conditions described above. A refundable security totaling $15,000.00 will be required for the 10 lots which back on to Seigel Creek. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ISSUES: Ministry of Water, Air and hind Protection and Department of Fisheries and Oceans The setbacks from Seigel Creek have already been established and dedicated as Parkland in conjunction with the Ministry of Water, Air and Land Protection, Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Municipality as part of a previous rezoning of these lands. The applicant has also already received Section 9 approval from the Ministry of Water, Air and Land Protection under the Water Act for their stormwater management plan and the construction of bio filtration pond that was part of Phase I of the subdivision. CITIZEN/CUSTOMER IMPLICATIONS: Until Council has authorized a development permit the applicant will be unable to begin site preparation for subdivision SD/008/02. INTERDEPARTMENTAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: A refundable security totaling $15,000.00 will be required for 10 lots, which back on to Seigel Creek. ALTERNATIVES: N/A SUMMARY: As the guidelines of Development Permit Area XXX have been addressed it is recommended that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/008/02. by , MCIP Frank Quinn, P.Eng. PMP Acting Chief Administrative Officer DS/jvt -4- 2 11062 P 17613 6 26 27 28 3 P17613 P43223 11052 N 1/2 of 4 11038 Subject Property 11032 5/ / \11016 / / iio AVE 11089 LMP 44105 LMP 44105 04 Part 30 Part 30 P54:89 P55:78 Nt 8 L E228 26 t267 2 1 JJMPfJ5 2 - 0'> 109 AVE 9 LMP 28094 L T 8 6 7 co Rem 43 10862 P 64893 38 KANAKACRKRD P 55778 P 36626 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge [ makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or P 64893 present status of the information shown on 17 this map. / 44 N SL 110 th Ave. & 240th St. At CORPORATION OF HONNOC MAPLE SCALE 12500 !! PLANMNG DEPARTMENT DS 6% M Oy IL 1 " " 4( I' 40'11 Arz i _) I.. • 3 )' 31 I • _ La -.• •:. •.... i .... - •-j j . / •• -_ /c*At4C1E- 'I • _.-.... - - - ' "4 c "1 34 'frc r,- 'tW :• / damax consultants ltd. 3862 w. 14th avenue, vancouver v6r 2w9 tel. 224-6827 fax.222-9240 •c •L; - ---i ---------- —E---- — - *___- ; t r - : - — - _•- IP lt O_ !JP __ lo P 0:::NCS ROLLëB :%s 3o fiJiEWERjJ 45 25J4 : 37.94 - u. • • e iss c/s < .i4.. \oi • . -la 40 — 75 SSHEET1' 51 _ I • •' 30.00 Li_i '• • ,Row . • I • -Oo ..-:-.:•..--. L• 3.20 •< } ,, , J4 7, I 3250 II h 39 4- —/ I I -t : I Ji ff i r e -rA 8 0 Q - J Ii •-• u — I 50 ckf 3000 3751 iF J (SI I /7 3250 38 ZO8 c . 120 j1 / 49 47 • 3750 SAN - 'I 48 a 10.5 1 I FENCE \ $flj J4 LOT RPJL FENCE —.50 1 SEE SHEET 18 SEE SHEET 18 SEE SHEEr 18 Ex oso — / _L1 30.00 _________________________ 6. 36 25 I 20.24 1p ET. 15CW PARK 11 / H 30.00 -33 3000 19t ¶05 4 31 1 09A AVENUE 22.50 23 3000 7.501 26 25 14 15 RIM 12.25 I LB 22 / 7 15.00 5 15.00 15.00 [ 1550 15.01) 7.50 7.50 — 15.05 19.35 21 16 17 8 18 19 2o;w 10 ! 1200 150 0 INFORMATION 14035 0100 109 AVENUE TEL IH 2 3 4 5 6 7 C LION I LEFEBVRE HOLDINGS LTD. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: / His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth March and Members of Council -Ffi4E NO: DP/057/01 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer -' ATTN: Committee of the ole SUBJECT: Development Permit / 20201 Lougheed Hwy PURPOSE: Safeway is proposing to construct a "gas bar" to complement its store built in early 2000. The application is made pursuant to Development Permit Area ifi which is intended to address the form and character of commercial development. RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP1057/01 respecting property located at 20201 Lougheed Hwy. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Development Permit Area: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Access: Servicing: Previous Applications: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Devin Mahaffey Safeway Lot A, Section 222, Plan LMP40440 Service Commercial CD-2-98 Development Permit Area ifi & Development Permit Area XXX VII Residential Commercial Commercial Commercial Safeway food store. Safeway food store with gas bar. Existing off Lougheed Highway and Dewdney Trunk Road. Site is fully serviced N/A The gas-bar consists of a 38 m2 kiosk with six fuelling stations all covered by a 392 m 2 canopy structure. qo -7 PLANNING ANALYSIS: Development Permit Area: The property has two designations: Development Permit Area ffi (intended to control the form and character of commercial development) and Development Permit Area XXXVII (intended to control the form and character of service commercial development adjacent to properties designated in the Official Community Plan for residential use). Development Permit Area XXXVII guidelines do not apply to this site as section "B" states that "A Development Permit is not required for any service commercial development where the lot or parcel in question does not abut a lot or parcel designated for residential use." While the subject site is adjacent to residential use to the north, it does not "abut" it as the Dewdney Trunk Road separates the land uses. Development Permit Area ifi does apply to the property. The objectives of Development Permit Area ifi are: To facilitate orderly development of the areas through particular attention to siting and form of commercial buildings and areas for parking and storage; To ensure the area presents an appealing image of scale to identify low density commercial uses; Form of the development should accommodate safe traffic flow in this high use area and provide adequate separation of public parking from adjacent uses; and Aesthetic values of the location should be enhanced. The guidelines of Development Permit Area ifi are: Buildings and structures should be located to ensure safe traffic circulation and access and adequate on-site parking. Public parking should be encouraged in smaller units to avoid a monotonous appearance; Aesthetic values along frontages and on-site ought to be enhanced by significant landscaping on all property lines and around buildings. Street trees should be used to provide the landscaping variety that would soften the character and scale of the area; and Landscape planting and screening should be used to create interesting views and focal points into and out of the site for pedestrians, passing drivers and building tenants on the site or adjacent to it. The proposed design program responds to the three guidelines as discussed below. The proposed site plan appears to provide a reasonable degree of circulation within the proposed gas-bar area as well as reasonable connectivity with the remainder of the Safeway parking lot. Landscaping was installed along the Dewdney Trunk Road frontage in conjunction with the Safeway development. This would not be substantially altered other than the addition of low semi-transparent fencing in front of the proposed gas-bar structure as per Advisory Design Panel recommendation - (refer to Advisory Design Panel comments below). -2- as above The subject property has two frontages each with a different orientation, which warrant different solutions in respect to form and character. The character of the Lougheed Highway frontage is that of a highway oriented commercial strip where large signage, large print size, and simplistic architecture are typical element employed in a conventional manner to attract the motorist. However, the Dewdney Trunk Road frontage, which the gas bar is oriented to, has more of a community commercial character in view of its juxtaposition to the residential and church institutional land uses along the north side of the road. It is a concern that the form and character of the proposed gas bar and free standing sign structure is more conducive to a highway commercial context than to a community commercial context based on size, use of materials, and relationship to the street. Advisory Design Panel: The Advisory Design Panel reviewed the project on October 4, 2001 and resolved accordingly: "That the Advisory Design Panel request that the applicant come back before the Panel with a revised design program that provides a significantly greater degree of architectural and landscape design treatment with attention paid to the site and neighbourhood context." The Advisory Design Panel reviewed the project for a second time on January 10, 2002 and resolved accordingly: The Advisory Design Panel expressed overall support for this project with the following comments: . Architecture: the Panel was satisfied with the architectural changes; • Landscaping: the Panel would like to see enhanced landscaping, and revised treatment of the fence to include a vine or trellis treatment to "soften" the surface; and • Signage: the Panel would like the applicant to consider a smaller signage structure, such as a pedestal sign, which would be less obtrusive in the streetscape. In response to the Design Panel resolution, the applicant advised as follows: • Landscaping: vines will be planted along the fence line to "soften" the site edge per Design Panel direction; and • Signage: a 6 metre high free-standing sign with a 3.4 m 2 sign can area will be used in favour of a lower, smaller scale pedestal type of sign as advised by the Design Panel. The applicant advises that the proposed sign structure is consistent with the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. The Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw requires that, for gasoline service bars, a free standing sign shall not exceed 6 metres in height and have an area not exceeding 7.2 m 2. Parking: The Parking Bylaw requires one parking stall per 30 m 2 gross floor area. The Safeway store in 5130 m2 in area which translates into 171 required parking spaces. The Development Permit drawings indicate that 298 parking stalls (or 127 extra parking stalls) were provided when the Safeway development occurred. Construction of the proposed gas bar would require the removal of approximately 56 parking stalls which would reduce the total number of stalls to 242 (or 71 stalls above the required minimum). -3- The gas bar itself would require one parking stall per 25 m2 , plus the building footprint of 38 m2 would require two stalls. This is well within the minimum number of stalls required for the site. The Ministry of Transportation issued an access permit for the proposed gas bar in August 2001. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ISSUES: N/A ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A CITIZEN/CUSTOMER IMPLICATIONS: N/A INTERDEPARTMENTAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The applicant will be required to provide performance security in the amount of 2.5% of the construction value to ensure compliance with Development Permit. ALTERNATIVES: N/A SUMMARY: Safeway is proposing to construct a "gas bar" to complement its grocery store. The application is made pursuant to Development Permit Area ifi which is intended to address the form and character of commercial development. The applicant has provided a design program that responds to the Development Permit Area guidelines. COñcurre5Ee: Frank uiiii,P.Eiig., PMP Acting Chief Administrative Officer RB/jvt -4- 0 L_115 12092 - N- 12093 I (F) I ________ r -2i! 1120788 H 13Y 120B AVE 2089 2062 °-116 I 12088 (_ 133 1 1207 47 12085 12084 2056 40/ 41 42 134 /LMP \ 0) 12075 12072 18 rr1\ 12066 CD — U) 0 5 C" C'4 1 135 33 P 75684 I I 46! 45! Ø)43 m .44 I \ 12062 CL 12060 Rem 1 Io t o I I' I I I I 1W 4 ,' 136 (N ] (N IN I (N ) E C 120A AVE 12058 / P850 P th050 co 12052 rP7666 49 2 4! 12046 r' 120\ P-4a1 \137 3 2 50 1 ° dMP2 649 12021\ I o vtvvu y i 43P2815 iu DEWDNE'T' co t. TRF( R (N (N H / LMP 40440 ____________ Rem H 15 P / SUBJECT PROPERTYl P18 i59 2 CD-2-98 A P61704 A 74 Iv,-1 P84469 100 CpS87c27 Co RP 8346 EP11127 A 2j 7 /8 Rem1 2 '1.1m :, 22 ,21 20 r co 15 14 r-1 W 11910 RP7774 Rem PcI ONE ---'--_ -- N ft-_i ) 6 BRUCE AVE BRUCE AVE coLT- ! TThe Corporation of the District of -Maple Ridge ! 9 10 11 12 1 3 10 \ 8°'\ __ I makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 P 82__P " 97O4\ present status of the information shown on i up ioo_ _ I I this map. I — r'— ,) ( Safeway Gas Bar N 'k 1 20201 Lougheed Hwy. A -r--- f--, -i CORPORATION OF AN THE DISTRICT OF - OSTROTOF MAPLE RIDGE LANGLEY -' MAPLE RIDGE - OR I Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE: 1:2,500 KEYMAP ", --- - i DATE: Jul 10 2001 FILE: DP-57-01 BY: RS 5S204 F04 0(0. 000w( O 02/02/04 rao XV. 9(0041 - Iiom. 04105 0401(04 Eli 0.020406 0091. O.1.B ' b Io th 90042(01 00. 20096 co C). Lu w I 00 w 0— x —s (I) VI C GAS BAR SAFEWAY STORE #198 20201 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY MAPLE RIDGE, BRITISH COLUMBIA DEVELOPMENT PERMIT REFERENCE DRAWINGS TOl TITLE SHEET DRO EXISTING OVERALL SITE PLAN DPI PROPOSED OVERALL SITE PLAN DP2 PROPOSED GAS BAR SITE PLAN DP3 SITE LANDSCAPING PLAN DP4 CANOPY/KIOSK ELEVATIONS & KIOSK PLAN [ SHEET TITLE .l.E SHEET ff I O~FMO6 555DIV. PESOS PATES ana - 60.0.01 TIlT: 0T.6 z. . fl3 Ci il P50511 00. 20098 5055000 U/CJSI 0511 00/I1/07 1:400 Xl /06/14 co 0511 150: 20098000 a. >- LLJ w ' 00 (I)- i cj o clj (C —j B 0) [SHEET TITLE EXISTING OVERALL SITE PLA] SHEET NO. rDPOJ 72 PIn 61704 74 Pbs 61704 PcI: 0 Rl.Pban 6346 CD CD PInbTT2H8I5 c4j +tWHU kL oo. TIM ES EXISTING 0 0 cl LEGAL DESCRIPTION 00 PARKING ' $ /ppo 7 EXISTINCI 1 0 STESAS AREA TRE SPAREST V EXISTING 50,T0:S0TSS TRERE At- CREDIT UNN EXISTING TREESI TRESS 0500.15 5001(5 & 51550 50 LEGEND D E W D N E Y T R U N K ROAD 0 050 •550 0 0 050 500 MOLOLt 0~' • 05 •., a I I [I-vi I I n I 1 1 1,,- nD Ilf"A I I u I I lr~ LEGALDESCRIPflON PARKIN LEGEND 100*550 SUILO!NV 021.5 . tSV.I..s./OD0000I. (4101 00520 STALlS 040010(0 - 52 CS—os NEW COO BAR TL • l TOTAL. STALLS REQUIRED: 325 TOTAL. STALLS PROIHOEDI 334. 00 Iiw / EXISTING - CREDIT UNION D E W D N E Y T R U N K ROAD ____ 02/021EV 00-551(0 (00 0EV. ((ROIl 72 (Ion 61704 5482004. 02105 0004504 - BUDDING 2(11: 0.1.0.: h , b (004(01 02. O 20098 u/DJu 00/02/05 PLOT SCALE 1:400 • (101 SOlE 01/06/14 000 0110: 200900(01 • -I 74 (Ion 61704 C) >• '-0 uj C). cd w I Lu EE II [ SHEET TITLE PolO' PROPOSED Rl.PIon 8346 OVERALL SITE PLAN SHEET NO. DP1J I JL...j,'\ 00 C Ro.'H IT IS Plon 02815 VS. ii KIM 02jJ J: CL. 0 i rrTJ00'. u EXISTING SW SWAY STORE II no 00001086 SOFE WAY STORE CONSTRUCTION AREA 10003300 00002 0000. 2.0. (0.810* 000521 12 5203010 020 3021. 5 020 01 4. - 061*210 10 0751101 0100./101L 002 *4 30.0' 50305 2211.0' 50010013 00.0• PARKING CALCULATION: 3300*0 0.2*252 300020 332110: 020 0200*0 5200. 00* 0740* 1431012201 II 10100 0003521 000.0. 0.00ll MR 225 D E W D N E Y T R U N K ROAD LEGAL DESCRIPTION NOTES 101 & 261*33 103 222. 0*010 1 1. 3320 030 0102 *20 3302133 r.00 100 013003 (002 *1.214 5221020 CR0403133 03*000 & 2. 2220 0051*0 (10 010025211 00 8.25200 000 2 00 .. 20 *010 24401 CIVIC ADDRESS 02*00. 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EXISTING SAF (WAY STORE GENERAL SUMMARY 410.15111 440 *41 411*4 14001 04514* 1114440W *14* - 211.4 44*15121 1114544110 WA. 94.3 NOTES 2. 514.51 P1* 14015 114* 4*45W 00 514145 21* 4*15W LIMIt * Ml 1514514100 4*01* 1505114 SIlOS LEGEND 40451 ................. 12 ii EH II ! z LI '1E pooict Na 20098 44114 51: WDJ&2 4410: 00/I I/O? Pt Xl 5111 1298 P101 4414 00/il' 041) 104 200980P3 co >- W. 2 mw i 00 O LU U)-i cr >-CD —j 9 6 R. U) SHOE? TITLE] I LANDSCAPING PLAN 534(0? NO. 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DOUBLE BASE SIGN ELEVATION 2 NORTh ELEVA11ON 1/Il. 1-1 SOUTh ELEVATION I II III I\ i€I / I:I sm! - Mai CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: ~2i2~/iO6 MáT2ö2 and Members of Council FILE NO/ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C e Whole SUBJECT: Development Permit 24250 Fern Crescent PURPOSE: A Development Permit application has been made in support of the addition of an attached garage for an existing house. The proposed structure is within 50 metres of the South Alouette River and is impacted by Development Permit Area XXX. Prior to issuance of a Building Permit, a Development Permit must be authorized by Council. RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/022/02 respecting property located at 24250 Fern Crescent BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Access: Servicing: Previous Applications: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Dennis R Elliot Dennis R & Karyn A Elliot Lot 35, Plan 32234 Suburban Residential Suburban Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Fern Crescent, Rural Residential Watercourse, Rural Residential Rural Residential Rural Residential Rural Residential Rural Residential Fern Crescent Lot currently serviced, no additional servicing required No recent applications A development permit application has been made in support of a development plan for a proposed automobile garage that will be attached to an existing residence (DP1022/02). The proposed works require no land clearing and have been located as far from the South Alouette River as possible, while still allowing for connectivity to the existing structure. The residence does not currently have a garage. 710 PLANNING ANALYSIS: The subject property is not located within any Official Community Plan (Schedules H or H-2) Development Permit Areas, however, Development Permit Area XXX (Watercourses Designated for Special Treatment) is applicable due to the sites proximity to a designated watercourse on Schedule "E" of the Official Community Plan (environmental implication discussion to follow). Zoning Bylaw: The proposed garage will be attached to the existing residence and the location of the structure is consistent with applicable setbacks and lot coverage requirements for the RS-3 zone. Advisory Design Panel: DP/022/02 will not be submitted to the Advisory Design Panel, as is pertains only to a single-family residential addition. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ISSUES: Mimstrv of Water. Land and Air Protection: The Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection is no longer accepting referrals regarding development setbacks and has delegated this responsibility to municipal governments. Currently, municipal governments are to apply the standards of the Provincial Streamside Protection Regulation (SPR) for this purpose. Using the standards of the Streamside Protection Regulation, existing conditions at the subject property are best described by Section 6(1) (c) as follows: "narrow but continuous areas of existing or potential vegetation equal to 15 metres wide or discontinuous but occasionally wider areas of existing or potential vegetation between 15 and 30 metres wide". For such sites, the Streamside Protection Regulation requires a setback of at least 15 metres for fish bearing streams (Section 6(2) (d). The project as proposed, provides a 15 metre setback from Top of Bank to the new structure. Denartment of Fisheries and Oceans: Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) has recently directed the District of Maple Ridge to make self- determinations as to when "Harmful Alteration, Disruption or Destruction" (HADD) of fish habitat might occur as a result of the proposed project. The Fisheries Act (Section 34) defines "Fish Habitat" as "spawning grounds and nursery, rearing, food supply and migration areas on which fish depend directly or indirectly in otdr to carry out their life processes." Fisheries and Oceans Canada Habitat Management Policy guidelines apply to habitat which: • Currently produces fish that are harvested in a subsistence, commercial or recreational fishery; • Although not directly supporting fish, provides nutrients andlor food supply to adjacent or downstream habitat or contribute to water quality for fish; • Could sustain a new fishery in the future; and • Has been identified by Fisheries and Oceans or a provincial fisheries agency as a candidate for enhancement. It has been determined that the building footprint of the proposed residential addition does not constitute "fish habitat" under the above definitions. -2- ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS: A development permit application has been made in support of a development plan for a proposed residential garage to be attached to an existing residence (DP/22/02). The proposed works require no land clearing and have been located as far away from the South Alouette River as possible (15 metres from "Top of Bank"), while still allowing for connectivity to the existing structure. The footprint of the proposed structure is currently comprised of manicured lawn. Development Permit Area XXX Guidelines: The site has a watercourse identified on Schedule "E" of the Official Community Plan and is included into Development Permit Area XXX which was established for the preservation and protection of the natural environment. A Development Permit is required under Development Permit Area XXX for all alterations of land, subdivision activity or building permits as applies to residential, commercial, institutional and industrial development within 50 metres of a watercourse. Security must be posted in accordance with Council Policy for Performance Security for Environmental Protection to ensure that the Development Permit Area Guidelines are met. Staff have reviewed the Guidelines for development established for Development Permit Area XXX and feel that these have been satisfied by the applicant as follows: Watercourse Protection Area Establishment Watercourse protection areas are to be established in accordance with their habitat value and the potential impacts proposed by adjacent development. The District of Maple Ridge, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Ministry of Water, Lands and Air Protection must endorse the proposed watercourse protection boundaries. The expansion of the residential dwelling will not result in the removal of riparian vegetation. The subject property has a canopy of riparian vegetation adjacent to the proposed garage (approximately lOm wide) which will not be disturbed. Recent changes regarding the review of development applications by both the Ministry of Water, Lands and Air Protection and Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) mean that neither agency will be reviewing the proposed project (DP/22/02). Rather, the District will now be applying the Provincial Stream Side Protection Regulation and making self-determinations regarding Federal policy relating to the Federal Fisheries Act (See=above, intergovernmental issues) The watercourse protection areas are to be dedicated where possible into public ownership for conservation purposes. This requirement does not apply to single family residential unit development permit applications. The boundaries of the watercourse protection areas are to be physically located on the ground by a B.C. Land Surveyor prior to site disturbance. A surveyed plan has been provided showing the watercourse "Top of Bank" which is 15 metres from the proposed garage and siltation fencing will be established 12 metres from the "Top of Bank", within an area of manicured lawn. -3- Temporary barrier fencing is to be installed adjacent to watercourse protection areas prior to any construction activity and shall be replaced with permanent post and railfence upon development completion. - Temporary siltation fencing will be installed prior to site disturbance 3 metres south of the proposed structure (to allow limited machine access south of the structure) but preventing heavy machinery access within the riparian area. The post and rail fence requirement does not apply to single family residential unit development permit applications. All lots must provide the required minimum lot dimensions as set out in the Zoning Bylaw exclusive of the watercourse protection boundaries. The site and proposed plan meet the minimum lot dimensions as required for the RS-3 zone. Erosion Control 6 All work is to be undertaken and completed in such a manner as to prevent the release of sediment to any ravine, watercourse or storm sewer. An erosion and sediment control plan that involves implementation prior to land clearing and site preparation and the careful timing of construction is to be provided. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan requirements have been satisfied by the placement of silt fencing (as shown on Site Plan) which establishes a "no disturbance" area for heavy machinery and any other work activity. Erosion and Sediment control monitoring will be provided by the designed Environmental Consultant, a professional Engineer. Silt fence should be erected to prevent the movement of silt into the watercourse protection area prior to any disturbance to the soil on the site. Temporary siltation fencing will be installed prior to site disturbance. Cutting and filling adjacent to watercourse protection areas is to be kept to a minimum incorporating appropriate structuralfill material and blending graded areas with natural slope, as supported by the Hillside Policies of the Official Community Plan. No cutting or fining is required adjacent to the watercourse. Vegetation Management Natural vegetation is to be retained wherever possible to ensure minimal disruption to the environment and to protect against slope failure. Land clearing adjacent to the watercourse protection areas is to be restricted to a phased construction schedule. Existing natural vegetation will be retained adjacent to the watercourse as established by silt fencing and a 12 metre "no disturbance" area. Slope failure is not likely on this property as a result of this project. Habitat restoration landscaping of all bare or sparse riparian areas within the watercourse protection area may be required. Vegetation species shall be native of the area and be selected for erosion control and fish and wildlife habitat values. -4- Stormwater ManaRement Stormwater outflows to the stream or leave area shall have water quality and erosion control features so as to minimize their impacts on fish habitat and in compliance with the District's stormwater management plans. Surface water drainage will be collected in roof leads and will be allowed to infiltrate into the ground away from the watercourse bank, north of the proposed structure. MonitorinR The implementation of required environmental mitigative measures as designed and their maintenance is to be monitored by a qualified environmental monitor. Enviromnental Monitoring will be provided by a Professional Engineer. CITIZEN/CUSTOMER IMPLICATIONS: Until Council has authorized a development permit the applicant will be unable to obtain a building permit for the proposed structure. INTERDEPARTMENTAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: As required under the District's Performance Security for Environmental Protection Policy, an environmental performance security will be collected prior to the issuance of the permit to ensure compliance with terms and conditions described above. A refundable security totaling $1,500.00 will be required for the project. ALTERNATIVES: Without the approval of DP/22/02, the applicants would be required to locate their proposed garage further away from the watercourse in a position unattached from the existing residence in order to be exempted from Development Permit Area XXX policy. As an unattached "Accessory Residential Use" structure, the proposed garage could be located 18 metres from the "Top of Bank" and would not require approval under Development Permit Area XXX policy. -5- SUMMARY: As the guidelines of Development Permit Area XXX have been addressed, it is recommended that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal this Development Permit. A Building Permit may be issued for the garage following approval of DP/022/02. Prepared Technician JanePidfftjMP, MCIP Concurrence: 7 Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP Acting Chief Administrative Officer JS/jvt WIN ni (I) P222 P 2622 20 19 18 17 P3:234 2:AVE/ ï P 2622 SUBJECT PROPERTYj 35 P322 Rem27 //Z 36 00 24200 I P9364 / 14 19 /co 24190 24195 13 24188 / 24169 / 12 / 24186 P / PART LYING EAST OF ALOUETE RIVER / 11 AND NORTH OF RIGHT-OF-WAY N I CORPORA11ONOF A EE THORNHILL Incoomted 12, September, 1874 PNNING DEPARTMENT - DATE: Mar 21 2002 FILE: DP1022102 BY: RS SCALE: 1:2,500 KEY MAP A Nw go Ut ray /1 (ioo.s 100.59 100.68 3. 3 100.57 tOO 59 -H 3.60 10 9.14 Gve1 Area REI JXTING AND C.) Pasture _L LOCATJOd OF 11,03 T1 ' / 3b/ / / / / ROOMS. IL ris SHOWN HAT 14.9 - 11.00 j 100.56 7.93 1.52 tj 2.80 3.68 2.81 1.7 + b •47Ipq 0 \Existing Deck 65?17o 61.725 Oip O —101.1 Top Of Present HWM (J'len 32234) Alouette River Elevations are &ssumed and refer to old iron poet at North Easterly corner of property. Elevation = 100.69 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: March 27, 2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: VP/012/02 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Development Variance Permit 23500 Dewdney Trunk Road PURPOSE: The Parish of St. George has submitted an application to subdivide the house of the minister from the church property in order to sell the newly created parcel. The prospective purchaser currently operates a day care in the church. It is the intention of the purchaser to convert the existing house into a day care. A Development Variance Permit application has been submitted for a reduction in the minimum lot requirements prescribed in the Zoning Bylaw for P4 (Church Institutional) zone, and to waive the requirement to upgrade Cottonwood Drive to a full urban standard. RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of VP/012/02 respecting property located at 23500 Dewdney Trunk Road will be considered by Council at the April 23, 2002 meeting. BACKGROUND: 1' Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Surrounding Uses N: S: E: W: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Access: Servicing: Previous Applications: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Linda 0 Stoodley The Maple Ridge Parish of St. George Lot A, Plan 83835 Institutional P.4 (Church Institutional) ALR - Vacant Townhouses Townhouses Single Family Residential Church and Manse Day Care Dewdney Trunk Road Full Urban SD/012/02 A Development Variance Permit application has been submitted requesting: A reduction in the minimum lot requirements prescribed by the P4 (Church Institutional) zone; and That the requirement to upgrade Cottonwood Drive to full urban standard be waived. 7H S PLANNING ANALYSIS: Zoning Bylaw: The owners of the Parish of St. George church wish to create a separate lot for the existing manse, or house of the minister. The prospective owner of this newly created lot intends to convert the residence into a daycare. Schedule "D" of the District Zoning Bylaw specifies that the minimum lot area and dimensions for lots to be created by subdivision in the P-4 (Church Institutional) zone are as follows: Width: 36 metres Depth: 60 metres Area: 0.4 hectares Section 902(1) of the Zoning Bylaw also states that an assembly use shall not be permitted on a lot of less than 668.0 m2. The day care use is defined as an assembly use. The subdivision application that has been submitted by the Parish of Saint George would create a lot with the following dimensions: Width: 24.46 metres Depth: 27.32 metres Area: 668.25 m2 Since the daycare use is permitted on a lot 668.0 m 2 or greater, and the proposed parcel size conforms with this minimum lot area requirement, it is recommended that the minimum lot area and dimension requirements prescribed by Schedule "D" of the Zoning Bylaw be varied. One of the options discussed prior to the submission of the subdivision application submission was the possible rezoning of the lot to P-2 (Special Institutional). The P-2 zone also permits an assembly (day care) use and the minimum lot requirements prescribed by Schedule "D" of the Zoning Bylaw are: Width: 18.0 metres Depth: 22.0 metres Area: 668.0 m2 While the P-2 (Special Institutional) zone does allow for the proposed day care use, and the lot created would conform to the requirements of the zone, a variance permit would still be required to waive the upgrading of Cottonwood Drive. Accordingly, in an effort to expedite the process and minimize the amount of resources the church would be required to spend on a rezoning application, the variance permit process was chosen to support the proposed subdivision application (SD/012/02). Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw: The Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw requires that all flanking streets be constructed to full urban standard. Cottonwood Drive abuts the subject property on the west side and has not yet been constructed to this standard. The Engineering Department has reviewed this issue and conclude that the existing paved road is adequate for it's current use as a secondary access to the townhouse development in the surrounding neighbourhood. Currently, Cottonwood Drive is composed of two parts which do not connect. The District is negotiating with the Ministry of Water, Land and Air to construct Cottonwood Drive, adjacent to a ravine, so that it links up with the balance of the roadway north of 1 16 th Ave. It is anticipated that when the link is approved, Cottonwood Drive to Dewdney Trunk Road will be improved. Accordingly it is recommended that the requirement to improve Cottonwood Drive as a condition of subdivision be waived. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ISSUES: N/A ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A -2- CITIZEN/CUSTOMER IMPLICATIONS: N/A INTERDEPARTMENTAL IMPLICATIONS: The Engineering Department has conducted a review of the proposed subdivision and supports the position to waive the improvements to Cottonwood Drive. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: ALTERNATIVES: The property could undergo a zoning amendment to P-2 (Special Institutional) which would require a new application and referral to Public Hearing. SUMMARY: The Parish of St. George has submitted an application to subdivide the manse from the church property (SD/012/02). The purchaser of the residence is proposing to operate a daycare that is currently carried out in the church. A Variance Permit to reduce the minimum lot requirements prescribed by the P-4 (Church Institutional) zone and to waive the requirement to upgrade Cottonwood Drive to full urban standard is required in order for the subdivision application to proceed. The District Zoning Bylaw permits a day care use on a lot 668.0 m2 or greater and Cottonwood Drive, as an interim condition, provides secondary access to the townhouses in the neighbourhood. Accordingly, in support of the subdivision it is recommended that the Development Variance Permit be supported. QL Prepared Stevenson ved bv Iane Concurrence: jFrank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP Acting Chief Administrative Officer DS/jvt -3- WT/23 E 1/2 3 4 2 LMS 988 LMP 9544 3 c'1 Co DEWDNEY TRUNK RD DEWDNEY TR GO :5 43 0 0 A P 2077 11989 0 11990 JT ;SU BJECT Rem3 :: 838 ____ NDPU:ER AVE 1970 CV 11936 CD r1 0 0 42 0)11967 11964 15 1 c'i (N _______ 11926 P 20770 24 23 22 °1 11958 48 P6 0 - - 11953 G21 11950 LMF 2 307 39 40 41 42 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1_L_ L HTINGALE AVE Ile P 69451 119 AVE 119 AVE : _____ P 694 1L...J cli 5 LMS2415 ___ 11862 L AVE I 123669 11 8A r r7YH j) Linda Stoodley N 11 23500 Dewdney Trunk Road -A MAPLE RIDGE GE -. TH0RNHILL Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE 1 2500 KEY MAP DATE Mar 82002 FILE VP/012/02 BY RS Scale 1:1000 10 11 19 I'- 0) CN 00 (0 13 Cl- 14 15 0) 00 PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF Lf LOT A SEC. 16 TP. 12 N. W.D. PLAN 83835 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD jL 24.46 I1.J[IIIII Rem.A P83835 I. U P 83835 (0 February 10,2002 16 Wade & Associates Land Surveying Ltd. B.C. Land Surveyors Maple Ridge & Mission H2044B-02 Phone 463-4753 PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF PART OF LOT A SEC. 16 TP. 12 N.W.D. PLAN 83835 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD SideWalk a -e 4 Scale 1: I ! ! I! A P 83835 L._._._._._.._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.- Januaay 21,2002 1 Wade & Associates Land Surveying Ltd. 1. B.C. Land Surveyors L Maple Ridge & Mission - H2044 Phóné463-4753 - •1 1 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: March 28, 2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ'068/00 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No.'s 5995 -2001 and 5994-2001 23005 Dewdney Trunk Road PURPOSE: The rezoning proposal is comprised of two parts: to rezone a portion of the property from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to CD-2-95 (Comprehensive Development) to facilitate development of two commercial lots that would front Dewdney Trunk Road; and to rezone a portion of the property from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) to facilitate development of three single family lots that would front 230th Street. Council considered this application on October 23, 2001 under the former land use reporting process (see attached land use report). The applicant has now met the Council conditions that were outlined in that report and is now prepared to proceed to Public Hearing. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5995-2001 be read a first time and be forwarded to Public Hearing; That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5994-2001 be read a first time and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: Approval from the Ministry of Transportation; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; Amendment to Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan; Amendment to Schedules "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan; Road dedication as required; Lane dedication as required; and Removal of the existing buildings. q / of~. BACKGROUND: Applicant: W.S. Bissky Architect & Urban Design Inc. Owner: J V Dewdney Ltd. Legal Description: Lot A, Plan 6242 OCP: Existing: Compact Housing (30-60 units per net hectare) Proposed: Compact Housing (30-60 units per net hectare) & Community Commercial Zoning: Existing: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Proposed: CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) & CD-2-95 Surrounding Uses: North: Residential South: Pioneer Village/Eagles Hall East: Residential West: Commercial/Residential Existing Use of Property: Single Family Residential Proposed Use of Property: The applicant is proposing to ultimately subdivide the property into three single family residential lots fronting 230th Street and two commercial lots fronting Dewdney Trunk Road. Access: The three proposed residential units would be accessed directly off of 2300' Street and the two proposed commercial lots would be accessed via a lane off of 230th Street with pedestrian access via 230th Street and/or Dewdney Trunk Road. Servicing: At the subdivision stage some storm and sanitary sewer extension works will be required. Previous Applications: RZ1029/97 and SD/015/97 PLANNING ANALYSIS: The following concerns remain in relation to the proposed commercial component of the application (refer to the attached Land Use Report of details): • commercial development in the subject location would not be consistent with Polices 48-50 of the Official Community Plan; • commercial development would be at variance with the current Compact Housin:., 30-60 units per net hectare designation in the Official Community Plan; • a commercial land use on the subject property would set the tone for development of the remaining properties on the block; • commercial land use within the block could negatively affect livability for the residential development on the south side of the block; .•. "ad hoc" commerci al.evlprnnt.niir.side nf the rnmwipl nadt-sMenfifiedin the.Offiipl Community Plan can undermine the economic viability of the nodal locations; and -2- • there appears to be an over supply of vacant commercial floor space within the District generally and in the downtown core specifically which would only be exacerbated by the development of additional commercial floor space. DISCUSSION: The land use report for this application was considered at the Council Meeting of October 23, 2001. The recommendation in the report was that "the applicant be directed to revise the proposed development to reflect a change from the proposed commercial land use on that portion of the subject property fronting Dewdney Trunk Road to residential land use in compliance with the Official Community Plan designation." At that meeting Council resolved to forward the application to Public Hearing subject to the following concerns being addressed: 1. Comments from the Advisory Design Panel. 2. A Public Information Meeting must be held. 3. Fully dimensioned development plan including: Neighbourhood context plan; Site plan; Building elevations; and Landscape concept. 4. Fully dimensioned subdivision plan showing the following: location of existing building; and road dedication. The applicant has complied with all conditions and is now prepared to proceed to Public Hearing. Advisory Design Panel: The Advisory Design Panel reviewed the project on March 7, 2002. The panel resolved as follows: "The Advisory Design Panel expressed overall support for this project." Development Information Meeting: The applicant hosted a Development information Meeting between the hours of 6:30PM and 8:30 PM, March 5, 2002, at the Quality Inn, located at 21735 Lougheed Highway. The applicant advised that approximately 12 people attended and generally provided positive comments (copy of the Minutes attached for information). INTERGOVERNMENTAL ISSUES N/A ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A CITIZEN/CUSTOMER IMPLICATIONS: N/A INTERDEPARTMENTAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A -3- FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A ALTERNATIVES: N/A An appropriate alternative to the proposed residential and commercial development is to develop the site entirely as residential. This would provide a more suitable locational fit in view of the largely residential neighbourhood context, and would reflect the direction provided by the Official Community Plan designation. SUMMARY: The applicant has complied with the conditions required prior to Public Hearing. It is therefore recommended that the application proceed. Prepared b : Ross Blackwe --- MCIP rectofPIa iung Concurrence: J Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP Acting Chief Administrative Officer RB/jvt Wayne Stephen Bissky - Architecture • Urban Design Inc. 21412 River Road, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 2B3 Ph: 467-8300 Fax: 467-8305 email: blssky@telus.net Information Meeting Report Prepared: March 6/2002 Regarding: RZ/68/00 23005 Dewdney Trunk Road From: RS-1 (One Family Residential) To: CD-1-93 (Comprehensive Development) and CD-2 -95 (Comprehensive Development) Date of Meeting: Tuesday March 5th, 2002 Location: Whonnock Room of the Quality Inn ,2 1735 Lougheed Highway Time: 6:30pm and 8:30pm A drop-in format was held with drawings and Information related to the application on display. Representatives of the applicant were available to answer questions and record comments . Approximately one dozen people attended the meeting over the two hours, Including those on the attendance record attached. Most of those who attended were residents of homes either directly adjacent to or near the subject site. A representative of the Eagles Hall also attended. Most of the comments were positive. People responded well to the lower density of the residential component, and understood the transition being attempted from the residential use and form to the proposed commercial buildings on Dewdney Trunk Road. The writer heard no negative comments about the proposed look of the development. Some questioned what uses would be allowed In the commercial buildings. One wanted to know where the parking was located on the site. There was one couple and one gentleman at the meeting that expressed their concerns with the existing traffic pattern along Dewdney Trunk Road and 230th, asking how the proponents were going to solve it. One of these, living a few homes north along 230th, also spoke about how Tim Horton's has negatively impacted him with regard to traffic, evening lighting and garbage. Prepared by; Wayne Blssky MAIBC CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ADVISORY DESIGN PANEL Minutes of the meeting held at 4:00 pm., Thursday, March 7, 2002 in Commiftee Room I at the Municipal Hall PRESENT: Chris Dibnah, Arts Community Representative (Chair) Councillor Kathy Morse, Council Liaison Wayne Bissky, MAIBC Geoff Lawlor, MAIBC Patrick Stewart, MAIBC CpI. Bernie Smandych, RCMP Representative Valoree Richmond, BCSLA, CSLA Tim Bonner, Public Representative John Kanjer, Public Representative Ross Blackwell, Planner Brenda Graham, Executive Assistant REGRETS: Chuck Man-, UDI Representative Call to Order: The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held Thursday, February 7, 2002 were approved as presented. Projects: 3.1 RZ168100 • Applicant:Wayne Bissky • Proposal: Commercial Building - 230th and Dewdney Trunk Road • Location: 23005 Dewdney Trunk Road Ross Blackwell provided a brief overview of this rezoning application. Wayne Bissky, Architect, did a presentation which outlined the proposal. The intent is to create two small commercial buildings along Dewdney Trunk Road and three single-family residences to the north along 230 0' Street. The. presentation reltd only to the commercial buildings. The design of the commercial buildings is residential in character, rather than the typical approach to commercial development along a busy street. The scale, materials, colours, and signage have all been selected to respect the residential neighbourhood. Parking is in the rear off a lane - the residentialunits will aIsoJeoff J Advisory Design Panel Minutes of the Meeting March 7, 2002 Page 2 Mr. Bissky's presentation showed the site context - across from Tim Horton's but with single-family residential surrounding the site. The interesting aspect of the site is the transition from commercial to residential. 230th Street is undeveloped at this point, however, it will be developed to Municipal standards with sidewalks, curbs, and gutters, etc. David Mitchell, Landscape Architect explained that the landscaping is very simple residential and that signage will be low - pedestrian/car level - with perhaps a small sign on the gable. There was discussion by the group around the point that as this is a rezoning application and that the applicant is not bound by the design concept presented. Furthermore, the proposed commercial zone would permit a number of uses that could have differing inherent land use requirements. The Panel asked if it was possible to have the Rezoning and Development Permit applications go concurrently. While this is not possible under the current system, this is something that could be looked at by Municipal staff. This would certainly serve the applicant better than the current system that requires at least two presentations, sometimes more. RESOLUTION: The following resolution was duly moved and seconded. The Advisory Design Panel expressed overall support for this project. and; That the Planning Department be advised that the Panel would encourage a revision to the application process such that Rezoning and Development Permit applications are processed concurrently so that projects come before the Panel only once. 3.2 DP-34-01 • Applicant:Toby Russell Buckwell - Tom Annandale, Architect • Proposal: Arts Centre • Location: Downtown Core Mike Murray, General Manager: Community Development, Development, Parks & Recreation Services and Mr. Tom Annandale, Architect, made a special presentation to the Panel on the Arts Centre. At this point in the project, there are a few changes that the developer would like to make, and it was felt that it was appropriate to bring this back to the Panel for their input. Mr. Annandale outlined the following suggested changes: Advisoiy Design Panel Minutes of the Meeting March 7, 2002 Page 3 • Changing the large marquee to a smaller sign that is lower down on the building • Moving the window that is currently planned for the north elevation around the corner where the marquee is presently shown • Change the main entrance canopies from glass to fabric - which would include a different support structure • Change the canopy on the east side from glass to fabric • Add a fabric canopy over the windows in the administration area • Change the honed finish block to a single score concrete block • Change the accent panels from glazed tile to painted concrete The Panel discussed these proposed changes and it was the sense of the Panel that all these issues appear to be cost saving measures and represent a serious loss of quality. They voiced a concern with the durability as well as the appearance of fabric canopies given the northern exposure of the building. They also felt that fabric would require at least as much if not more maintenance than the glass. They felt very strongly that the marquee was one of the "definition" pieces of the entire structure and that it would be very disappointing to see it not be included. While it was apparent that the single score block was more readily available, the Panel felt that the honed-finish block was very important to the overall look of the building. There is also some question about the fountain in the future. It is not possible for the current Development Permit to be amended with these changes. The Panel said that they would be more than willing to re-convene earlier than the next scheduled meeting to review the new Development Permit application; however, they would like to see some renderings/drawings outlining the plan. At the time the Panel would also like to review the proposed colour scheme and how it relates to the buildings already finished. Ross Blackwell pointed out that as the previous Development Permit was approved by Council, it would be necessary to come back with another proposal, and send that to Council with the recommendations from the Design Panel. Therefore, it was agreed that a meeting will be called once the new proposal is received, and the Panel will call a special meeting for this purpose. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 6:15 pm. Date of Next Meeting The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Design Panel is Thursday, April 4, 2002, at 4:00 bkg: 2002-03-08 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5995-2001. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A", "B" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Distnct of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5995-2001." Schedule "B" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: South 318 Feet Lot "A" Except: Part dedicated road Plan NWP 87822: Section 20, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 6242. And outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 608, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby redesignated to Community Commercial. Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XXIX, and removing from Subsection (B) of Development Permit Are XXI in the Appendix: South 318 Feet Lot "A" Except: Part dedicated road Plan NWP 87822: Section 20, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 6242. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: South 318 Feet Lot "A" Except: Part dedicated road Plan NWP 87822: Section 20, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 6242. and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 609, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby designated as Development Permit Area XXIX(2) on Schedule "H", and removed from Development Permit Area XXI(26) on Schedule "H". 5. Maple Ridge Official Community PL in Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of A.D. 2002. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of A.D. 2002. READ A SECOND TIME the day of A.D. 2002. READ A THIRD TIME the day of ,A.D.2002. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 2002. MAYOR CLERK tI- TREE 1 418 419420142 1422 69 43643543' D I CHERR'YW000 DR. 383 388 1389 390 39,392 66 38 Rem. 329Rem EP 6 P 49271 330 P 49271 RP 88236 RP 88237 II V ' - 12155 12154 14 23 C F1,3691 I' I 254 272 277 /2/63 1/2/52 o I 1216k o A' 04 _N 18.61 P 20969E. /2064 /205. 30 I 310 2 12056 379 l u.1 2l 4 5 3°N rj a3€ I Rem.38 Cr P 8491 1204 I S 318' 380 59 of A 381382 P2891 /203/ P 6242 i I P6938 P 7651 P 45 71 .Ma:4j2.Q I 1 0. P47120 LMP 4119 INRem. 1 W 100' 312 1311 I 317 -i.s Rem. I ofB______________ 1c IIR P84291c' I'a OEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD RW80199 LMP 43981 ..RP 87590 j 1f2 LMP !759 a 215 216 0 E LMP r759 18. I P520 ,P58011 P 5 91 B70632 7 Rem. 220 229j Z3O 231 223 224 218 217 PcI 1 .EP 10384 11957 U'PcIl RW 5251 -_ -- /192 .P 34984 ________________45 //980 a.______0333 43788 52 151 / 1507 156 155 154 1 1531 1 _________ /7951/53 PcI. 2 /795/ •'44 - ___ 189 0.32/,945 FULLER AVE. 1/950 ___________ 11832/1/975 149 P 46838 69 102 109 31/7939 148 ' 8 ______ 15.2 ______________ 11940 03 j/9j7 /9J0 /1927 z'319 70 101 110 147r, 7j93f 1/932 1/931 7 /90O_ 30 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5995-2001 Map No. 608 From: Compact Housing(30-60 units per net hectare) To: Community Commercial C44% Lvawtw~lm~ A MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1574 1:2500 271 0 N 12/35 256 270 - 12/30 . 12/25 257 0. 0. 269 12120 /2115 258 268 /2110 1210 259 267 12094 1209. EP d 4294 1208 263 264 265 266 12084 280 ____ _____ ol 26 I /215i/2/14 - 0. Uj 281 10 Itm 12/5'/2/04 /2107 0 32 ,2/4282 /2094 /2073 /2/06 C'4(Ø 283 P 15849 I WIIm377 15.2 12084 8 3 NJI ,, 12/4.\ /2067 171 284 1/2057 1/2064 fl 150 :55; .5/2/45 /2/44 - 15.2 -LM bi13 I 24 JILl I I L4278 c /2/41 /2/34 - 72154 14 23 0) a 277 /2/63 12152 l 369 1216 12144 13 24 278 , 12147 0. 12134 12140 I 371 012 72/5, 279 04 12127 25 372 I 12724 a) a- /2130 I 72/5 0 280 1 I 12174 26 7215 ________ 1.2 281 a- 10 121/6 1N 374 I F— 12104 12107 0: 12/5 .uJ W '1 282 32' 375,2,4O \ 9 12094 12073 _ 12/06 1274)' Li 283 P 15849 a-a- Lii 1377 \ 12084 12067 31 " I Pn 1214.\ 284 120571 1 0 12064 I 378 72074 V) P 20969 /2064 ('.'J 30 a- =FF26230 379 310 12056 23068 k I 8 6I5j LM 6315/-f-E 446 41 41 i41 314121411141 45 416 1 l I -149 l I I I 417 1 PEACH TREE CT. 1 418 41 42014211422 423142 439 66 P P6918 I 6 38 437 36435 I 434 I 661 43S 38 I 43 I I I I I k I k I 276tT 1. 254 272 255 271 72140 CsJ C14 12135 0) 256 5 270 /2130 - .- 72125 257 269 12120 12115 258 268 12110 7210 259 267 12094 12093 -EP 44294 263 26 265,.. 266 - 12084 PcI. 1 EP 10384 P 34984 71980 cI. 2 189 1832/71976 P 46838 7RP 21052 P870632 11957 33 :I /795/ U.) a- 32 11945 31,7939 30 ; r ' 2'I 3"I 4'1 5''" — L 0)38 I Rem. \ 383"' Ii I I I lj 'N /2044 S 318 1380 ' I p1 8491 I ' 39 I of A /381\82\ /385/ f/ 8I389l3go3911I1392 I I ______ I n I a- ,,n,I P 6242 I / p 6938 \ i 38! _38 f 6638 I Ii - P 2891 P 7651 P 45b71 - r1-5 Rem. Rem. 1 W 100 312 311 LMP 4111 I ofB P 84291 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD RW 80199 LMP 43 T T %Ic 00 215 0 U)il 7 Rem 220 229 230 231 223 224 218 217 thL. -. T P413788l / 1156 1155 I154 1i53 152 151 , 150 7 44 0 1795 //4,,___.-,-. / ui Q. P58011 P5191 a- FULLER AVE 149 43 19, 11950 69 I 102 109 148 ' 8 //94O 00N 719J0 / ______It 70 01 110 147i', _'? 0. Rem. ' d;_ EP 6788V CD N. 329 Rem OD 317 I P 49271 P1794 330 a- P471201 P49271 RN RP 88236 RP 88237 .RP 87590 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 5995-2001 Map No. 609 PURPOSE: TO REMOVE FROM DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA XX1(26) AND DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA XXIX(2) MAPLE RIDGE V Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5994 - 2001 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5994 - 2001.' That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: All that portion of: South 318 Feet Lot "A" Except: Part dedicated road Plan NWP 87822; Section 20, Township 12, New Westminster.District, Plan 6242 And outlined in heavy black line is hereby rezoned to CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) and that portion shown hatched is hereby rezoned to CD-2- 95 (Comprehensive Development), as shown on Map No. 1259, a copy of which is attached hereto, and forms part of this bylaw. Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the 2001. A.D. 2001. A.D. 2001. A.D. 2001. A.D. 2001. day of A.D. MAYOR CLERK CHERRYW000 DR. 383 388 1389 1390139 Rem. EP 67885' ::&?_ 329 Rm 330 P 49271 P1794 P 49271 RP88236 RP 88237 fII 12/55 /2154 14 23 369 °1 []'121A 123068 I I I 12163 I! '216r A. 447 12152 13U ' LL ..- I '. ., 15.2 112140 255 271 c' c' 12/35 a) 256 C) 270 12/JO - .. /2125 257 269 /2/20 12/15 258 268 /21/0 12/0 259 267 12094 1209b 'EP 24294 I 1208. 263 264 1265....I 266 12084 13 I 24 HJ1U ______ U1L -'oc 278 12141 F--i 371 I 12 134 C) /2/5 I ° 12 279 12127 25 I-'---------1 I "I 12124 V.!..j2/5 ' 177/48 C) 280 11 I -- h I 441 LM 635 446 M24 41 ! 0 417 15PEACH TREE CR 1 418 41 /420I421I422J423I421 /3 IP6698 I I 434 433 432 12/14 _____ ______ 01 26 1 w .81 10 -' 121 72104 12107 0 I I 1215k 282 32 ,2,4 12094 912073 12106 283 P 15849 15.2 /2034 8 WI tQ 12067 17.1 I 31 '41 1214 284 12057 112064 00 N E. /2064 ' /205. CL 2Jo, ,j.., 12074 N 18.6 P 20969 J0ij 01 310 2 l l 91)179 l 2I 3 4 S N rRja3o 30 39 —ILAI 0 _______ '380 /204 I . 0 38 Rem. ci I I —Cr P' 84J91 I)g of A I 381 31 S 318'tt P 2891 1203/ P 6242 I i6_9 P 7651 P 45 171 LM:4j2.Q 35 • i.s Rem. Rem. 1 W 100 312 i311 LMP 4119 I of8 1 317 P 47120 P 84291 N N OEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD N RW80199 LMP 43981 RP 87590 - RLn ° J°'° I. 15.2 C.'. U' N I o 215 216 U) N 45 :P, ao IGo'N I"4 fem '-O) C. 1 I 2 II) Ct) P 5520 E LMPI 759 CL P 58011 P 571491 LMP17594 18. Rem. 220 229 230 231 223 1 224 218 217 PcI 1 EP 10384 B70632 - ..Lt -. - - RW 525k Yj2 P 34984 11957 I I ,, (N 7/951/53 . 2 3311951 u 189 32 11945 to ('1 149 43 I 109 I 311;gjg C. I P413788 1 I / I156i155I154I153152151/150 )gz FULLER AVE. '. ,., 69 I I iof'. 11950 1/832/11976 P 46838 44 C14_______ /193 ,,gj,I . CL 148 '' 8 115.21 I 11940 1 IYJ7 I.) 70 I 01 I 110 115.2 147 11927 I 119200_ 30 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 5994-2001 Map No. 1259 From: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) To: CD—i —93(Comprehensive Development) and CD-2-95(Comprehensive Development)shown hatched MAPLE RIDGE K Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: July11, 2001 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/68/00 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/68/00 (23005 Dewdney Trunk Road) PURPOSE: The applicant is requesting rezoning of the property from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to CD-2-95 with a view to subdividing two commercial lots fronting Dewdney Trunk Road, and CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) with a view to subdividing three single family lots fronting 230th Street. The property has had a relatively complex history with two Official Community Plan amendments that changed the designation of the property from residential to commercial and back to residential. RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ168/00 for property located at 23005 Dewdney Trunk Road be deferred and that the applicant be directed to revise the proposed development such that the commercial component on that portion of the subject property fronting Dewdney Trunk Road is replaced by a residential use in compliance with the Official Community. Plan designation. Should the application be permitted to proceed, the following conditions would apply. Conditions to be met prior to first reading: 1) Comments from the Advisory Design Panel. 2) A Public Information Meeting must be held. 3) Fully dimensioned development plan including: Neighbourhood context plan; Site plan; Building elevations; Landscape concept. 4) Fully dimensioned subdivision plan showing the following: location of existing buildings; road dedication. - 1 - And that prior to final approval the following must be completed: Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; Amendment to Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan; Amendment to Schedules "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan; lane dedication; Removal of the existing building/s. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Wayne Bissky Owner: J.V. Dewdney Ltd. Legal Description: South 318 Feet Lot "A" Except: Part Dedicated Road Plan NWP87822; Section 20 Twp. 12, NWD, Plan 6242 OCP: Existing: Compact Housing 30-60 UPNH Proposed: Compact Housing 30-60 UPNH and Community Commercial Zoning: Existing: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Proposed: CD-1-93 and CD-2-95 Development Permit Area: a portion of the subject property is designated as DP Area XX1 which is intended to address form and character of multi-family residential development. A new Development Permit designation will be required in order to address the appropriate form and character for the commercial component of the proposed development. Residential Pioneer Village! Eagles Hall Residential Commercial! Residential single-family-residential the applicant is proposing to ultimately subdivide the property into three single family residential lots Surrounding Uses: N: S: E: W: Existing Use f Property: Proposed Use of Property: -2- fronting 230th Street and two commercial lots fronting Dewdney Trunk Road. Access: the three proposed residential units would be accessed directly off of 2300' Street, and the two proposed commercial lots would be accessed via a lane off of 230th Street with pedestrian access via 230 th street and! or Dewdney Trunk Road. Servicing: at the subdivision stage some storm and sanitary sewer extension works will be required Relevant Previous Applications: RZ129197 - rezone the subject property from RS-1 to a combination of R-1 and RM-1 to accommodate a mix of single family residential and townhouses. The application was closed upon request of the applicant. During this application process, the properties on the north side of Dewdney Trunk Road were redesignated from Single Family Residential (15 upnh) and Service Commercial to Compact Housing (30-60 upnh) in the OCP, and designated as Development Permit Area XXI in March of 1999. SD/15/97 - subdivide the subject property into three parcels of varying size. The file was closed in June 1998 PLANNING ANALYSIS: Official Community Plan: The Official Community Plan, in Policies 48-50 (as noted below), speaks to the issue of pursuing hierarchical nodal commercial development at three scales: Town Centre Commercial; Community Commercial; and Neighbourhood Commercial. The objectives of these Policies are to develop and enhance important residential/ commercial synergies, reduce automobile reliance, promote a more compact and sustainable form of development, and avoid "sprawl" development. A fourth form of commercial use is the Service Commercial designation. This is provided for in Policy 51 of the Official Community Plan which states that the District "will support service commercial centres that accommodate the automobile, pedestrian, and transit services and that will integrate into the character of the area." This category of commercial use has a strategic place in the land use pattern of the District. The distinction between this form of commercial use versus the three scales noted above is that Service Commercial provides for land uses oriented to the motoring public. Thus, under the complementary Service Commercial zone (CS-i) such uses as drive-throughs, highway commercial, and light industry are periued. There are a number of properties in and immediately adjacent to the east side of the downtown core (along a portion of 228 th Street and a portion of Dewdney Trunk Road) that are currently designated Service Commercial in the Official Community Plan. In view of the fact that -3- Service Commercial is oriented to the motoring public which is typically incompatible with the range of uses typically permitted within a downtown area, the designation will likely be reviewed against the adjacent Town Center Commercial designation during the next OCP review. Town Centre Commercial Policy: Maple Ridge will encourage the enhancement of the Town Centre area through emphasis in development policy and capital works to provide the primary district focus for business, specialty retail, office, cultural and entertainment facffities, government services and high density residential uses. This zone provides for uses in and appropriate to the business district. Community Commercial Policy: Maple Ridge will encourage the concentration of additional commercial, retail, office, social, recreational and residential uses into Community Commercial centres which are sized to serve a population of 10,000 to 15,000 people and which incorporates a flexible form of development which compliments the character of the neighbourhoods at an appropriate human scale. The Community Commercial OCP designation is the second order in the commercial nodal hierarchy. The associated zoning is C-2 Community Commercial. This zone provides for convenience shopping and personal services to residents of surrounding neighbourhoods and permits the following uses: PERMITTED PRINCIPAL USES assembly; civic; financial services; convenience store; indoor commercial recreation; personal repair services; personal services; business services; professional services; recycling depot; restaurants and licensed premises; and 1) retail sales excluding highway commercial use. 2) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES outdoor display or sales area; apartment; and rentals. A number of locations within the District have been identified as fulfilling this function. Examples of areas in the location of the subject property include: Webster's Corner to the east; -4- Town Center to the west; Silver Valley to the north; and Albion to the south (refer to map attachment for locations). Neighbourhood Commercial 50. Policy: Maple Ridge will encourage the development of Neighbourhood Commercial centres within walking distance of neighbourhoods to service the daily convenience shopping and service needs of residents on a scale to serve 1500 to 3000 residents. The Neighbourhood Commercial OCP designation is the third order in the commercial nodal hierarchy. The associated zoning is C-i Neighbourhood Commercial. This zone provides for the small scale retailing of commodities of a convenience nature and related uses for household or personal needs in an urban setting and permits the following uses: PERIvUTFED PRINCIPAL USES convenience store; restaurant; personal services; and personal repair services. 2. PERMUTED ACCESSORY USES recycling depot; retail; rentals; one family residential use; outdoor display or sales area; and home occupation. A number of locations within the District have been identified as fulfilling this function. Examples of areas in the location of the subject property include: 232" Street and Dewdney Trunk Road to the east, Town Centre to the west, the 232"" Street and 128th Street area to the north, and the Lougheed Highway/ Haney Bypass area to the south (refer to map attachment for locations). The question of appropriate land use for those properties fronting the north side of the 23000 block of Dewdney Trunk Road has been long standing. Prior to the 1996 Official Community Plan review, this enclave of properties was designated Single Family Residential (15 upnh). As a result of the 1996 OCP review, all of these properties were ultimately designated Service Commercial. However, during the review process, the local neighbourhood expressed strong concern over the prospect of this outcome. As a function of the application process (RZJ29/97), the OCP designation for the same enclave of properties was amended to Compact Housing (30-60 upnh) in March of 1999. This decision resulted from a supply analysis of Service Commercial land within the District which concluded that the subject enclave of properties was better suited to a residential land use on a locational and supply/ demand basis. -5- Development Permit: Associated with the Compact Housing redesignation was the designation of the subject property as Development Permit Area XXI in the Official Community Plan. The objective of this designation was to address form and character of multi-family residential development as it would relate to the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential District) designation proposed in RZf29/97. Although the RM-1 zoning did not ultimately occur, the DP designation did. The commercial component of the proposed rezoning would be designated as a Development Permit Area in order to address form and character of development. The appropriate DP designation will be determined in due course. However, notwithstanding general guidelines, it would be important to have specific guidelines to reflect the sensitive juxtaposition of proposed commercial development against the adjacent residential community. Zoning: The proposed CD-i-93 zoning would be consistent with the Compact Housing OCP designation. The minimum lot size allowable is 371m2. This would provide a housing form that is compact and situated close to the street thus creating a higher density, "urban residential" character with a strong connection to the street. This residential style, while different than that of the adjacent residential neighbourhood, can fit into the established residential pattern. The proposed CD-2-95 zoning would allow for an abbreviated list of uses allowable under both the CS-i and C-3 zones (this is the same zone that was used for the proposed commercial development on the southwest corner of 1 16th Avenue and Lougheed Highway). The restrictiveness of allowable uses provides for a diversity and maximum gross floor appropriate to such a location - both in terms of scale and compatibility. The regulations relating to size, shape, and siting of buildings require a building form that would be in scale with adjacent residential character, and provide a positive street presence. Uses permitted under the CD-2-95 include the following: Assembly Use (e.g. social halls, youth centres, private schools, daycares etc.); Civic Use (public facilities - e.g. firehalls, municipal offices, libraries etc.); Commercial Use (see below); Off Street Parking Use In regard to Commercial Use noted in "3" above, the permitted scope is limited to the following: the retail sale of personal goods including clothes, jewelry, drugs, sporting goods, toys, cameras, books and stationery, in establishments of not more -than 279 in2 gross floor area; the retail sale of goods and services in a hardware store of not more than 279 m2 gross floor area; a medical office and clinic; MOM personal services including barbering, hairdressing, drycleaning, and small household appliance repairing; restaurants and licensed premises, but specifically excluding neighbourhood public houses; the retail sale of bedding plants and potted plants where such use is accessory to a use permitted under subsections (i) or (ii) herein; offices including business outlets, banks, agents, insurance and professional. General Discussion: The residential component of the proposed development is appropriate to the location and the Planning Department is in support of this component of the proposed project. However, there are a number of issues relating to the commercial component of this application that are of concern to staff. On the northeast corner of the 23000 block there is an existing commercial use (fast-food restaurant and gas station facility). This coupled with the proposed commercial development on the west end of the block would logically set the tone for commercial development on those properties situated in-between. Should the entire north side of the 23000 block ultimately develop as commercial as a result, it would significantly impact on the livability of adjacent residential immediately north of the fronting properties as well as the residential on the south side of Dewdney Trunk Road. Permitting expansion of commercial land use beyond strategically designated nodal locations (intended to provide specific commercial functions) can ultimately undermine the economic vitality of these designated nodal locations. It is more beneficial in the long term to concentrate commercial land uses within the appropriate designated commercial nodes so as to enhance the economic vitality in these locations, and to provide more convenient shopping opportunities for the community. In view of the current supply of property in the adjacent "town centre" that is prime for commercial development or redevelopment, commercial use at the subject location would contradict the goal of promoting the economic vitality of the town centre. The subject property is not located within an established Community Commercial or Neighbourhood Commercial node. Commercial development on the subject property in favour of the adjacent Town Centre Commercial and Neighbourhood Commercial nodes represents commercial sprawl and could ultimately advance the spread of "strip" development along Dewdney Trunk Road. As such this would be contrary to the objectives of Policies 48-50 of the Official Community Plan. Furthermore, the proposed zoning and land use directly corresponds with the Community Commercial order, and thus should be directed to one of the appropriate designated Community Commercial nodes identified above. The location of the subject property can function as a defensible boundary in regard to-halting the further linear expansion of commercial land u down Dewdney Trunk Road in this location. Commercial development as proposed on subject property would be at variance with the current Compact Housing 30-60 UNPH Official Community Plan designation. 7- During the 1996 OCP review process, the local neighbourhood expressed opposition to a Service Commercial land use designation on the properties on the north side of the 23000 block of Dewdney Trunk Road. From the perspective of land use pattern, it would appear that there is a reasonable locational fit for the proposed commercial development in view of the existing commercial land use on the northwest corner, and the "Eagles Hall" on the southeast corner of Dewdney Trunk Road and 230th Street. Enhancing this fit is the proposed design program for the commercial buildings which has a strong "residential" character (an appearance of retrofitted single family dwellings). However, the issues related to commercial development on the subject corner are far broader and more complex than the impact on an isolated, site specific basis as discussed above. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ISSUES: N/A ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A CITIZEN/CUSTOMER IMPLICATIONS: During the 1996 OCP review process, the local neighbourhood expressed strong concern over the prospect that the properties in the 23000 block of Dewdney Trunk Road could be designated as Service Commercial. INTERDEPARTMENTAL IMPLICATIONS: The Engineering Department has indicated that some servicing of the commercial site will be required. Furthermore, it will be necessary to obtain road dedication on 230th Street and the lane prior to final reading. A Rezoning Development Agreement will be required for the off-site works. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A ALTERNATIVES: An appropriate alternative to the proposed residential and commercial development is to develop the site entirely as residential. This would provide a more suitable locational fit in view of the largely residential neighbourhood context, and would reflect the direction provided by the Official Community Plan designation. SUMMARY: While the residential component of the rezoning proposal is reasonable, the proposed commercial zoning and OCP amendment is complicated by previous OCP amendments and more recently established planning direction on this block of Dewdney Trunk Road. Furthermore, the commercial portion of the development proposed for this location does not fit the pattern of hierarchical commercial development identified in the OCP. As such, commercial development outside of the established commercial areas would represent "sprawl". The direction given in relation to the proposed commercial sites will likely define the direction for the remainder of the - subject block. Approved by: Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer RBIjvt S M. J , 452 — 454 - '- 274 . 21 6B 453 12147- 2~ 12170 169 451 367 121k, P 5587 _______ 15 12* 449 147 _______ 12169 166 368 450 1448 10 1213 1 1A i 253 276 12163 0 , - 12 ____ - c 14 F- 69 254 272 ____________ 12163 12152 12161 0 N 23068 $ 77- - 12145 ___________ _____ 370 447 24 IMP :)255 __2Z 12159 _____________ _______ 24O __ 3\57 446 ____ __ __ __ m / 0) 12 Ni N N 415 414 413 256 g 270 m 279 o C14 12127 _______ 25 416 I., N 12125 2124 121w 1215 12148 23179 c r, N 0 257 280 443 N 12115 12114 1 153 12146 417 PEA( 12116 442 -o 281 10 374 _•••__ 258 268 12105 210—.. _ 12107 ___________ 2M441 0 "35?&42 418 259 (2094 282 32 149 i6 12073 (A) 12106 440 419N 420 421 42 12085 0 121 7 P6938 283 P 15849 3265 266 2064 377 438 437 P 12067 31 1145 436 5 434 CD N 284 izo 378 2074 r 1 20969 23013 12064 2 12053 30 Q 23011 384 CH6RRY .1 C14 38 12041 383 P45071 S3'8 380 U. 12031 P6242 P669 8 P6693 P2891 P7651 P 4507 SUBJECT PROPERTY " Rem. ________________________ Rem.1 W100' 312 311 1 317 .I P492719271 of B P4712 P17941 N N N N N N N N I P 84291 DEWD DEW CNEY TRK RD 0 — N N N N N N N co Ren cm CD NØ) LMp co P 215* 216 565 — —. U' P 011 230 231 223 224 218 ee—, PcI. 1 EP 10 11982 - 11953 11980 - 154 153 :3 4388 L / Pc12 CD N N CD a.! C N LL 32 00 FULLER AVE 149 1194\ 43 46 838 950 197 102 31 1- 8 8 11940 11930 r-.. 11937 11927 LA in-i 110 CD 147 11932 11931 - -t - 11920 30 100 111 146 11913 11922 11921 6 11910 29 99 112 I—• 145 11912 11911 C/) 11905 UJ 11900 28 - C) CD DEWDNEY TRK RD I Cb .< § O 4 co (0 N (0 N N 1 N N N co IRem 215 216 F-. (0 P5620 N RE a- LU Q. P 8011 P57 91 11975 Rem. 220 229 230 231 223 224 218 217 PcI 1 PcI I EP10384 - - 45 11982 iio P 34984 - - P4788 J / 1 156 1 155 11541 153 1 1 52j151 150 11955 PcI. 2 11951/53 U,I I N f °'l °'I N C' I U.. 11949 189 ERVE FULER AV 1832/11976 P46838 148 11940 11930 CO 147 8 11937 11927 a-7 11920 a- 11913 146 6 11910 F• (1) 145 11905 DEWDNEY TRK F ; N 1 2 RM1 Fj LM7593 P0632 Cl') 11957 C/)z 12 w = . 11951 Q. 1195 3211945 LU I- Cl) 1194 3111930 - LAGER AVE cc 30I I NI 29 I 11911 I 102 109 101 110 11932 11931 100 111 11922 11921 99 112 111912 I 11911 N (V69 70 11931 71 11921 72 N iil 12156 24 - 2175 21 453 [229 N 230 N N N p231 232 233 234 275 12173 12170 12169 451P 5587 2 V 214 P 292 2164 15 22 36712155 12169 12166 450 1AAVE 121A 1213 253 12160 2755 276 2154 14 t-36 2163 ____ 8 448 9,, ? I 254 272 277 12163 23 12152 369 12161 ________ __ ____ nI$N I IN I IN 2150 12145 2144 Q a-370 u ,/"8 6 5 I 4 I I 3 255 271 ,.. 278 13 12141 24 a- 12159 635$ I 2140 12135 V m 2134 12140 371 12157 N 446 N 415 414 P6 413I412411I41040 938 I - C4 256 27q215 m 279 12 c'J 12127 25 ____ 372 444 416 0) 2130 2124 a- 12130 2155 12148 23779 I i - 257 a- a- 269 280 11 443 I N Nt N! NI 12120 12115 ___ 12114 26 12116 12153 __________ 12142 PEACH TREE C 417, C/) 281 ° 10 S—$ 374 258 26812105 2104 ' coj I NI 12110 __________ 12107 _ 418, I NI I N I 259 267 282 32c'l 1421 1422 N 2094 12095 2094 ____________ 12073 12106 440 41 420 I423424425 12085 283 P1 ._45712147 439 6, I 263 264 265 266 CI) 377 417 436 12067 31 12145 _438 431J: 35 12084 N N I 12057 12064 378 PUREEV P 20969 30 12053 Ki a.. RRYWOOD DR CJI% -- 00 313 1I 2 , 38 12041 Rem. 383 N 138 10390 N91 In I 842 1 S 318' of A 380 Ioi \\ 85 1386/ /388 l92II 9 -1 505 a - P 2891 P 7651 P45 1 a- 12031 P6242 / P6638 \ I Rem. SUBJECT PROPERTY "A" _________________ Rem. 1 W 100' 312 311 RS I In of B — 317 N N cs-i I P47120 N Co 0 U, 4 1 330 1794 1 P 49271 ..--.. - - —•ri U i DMTRICT LkNGLEY 1 \ •ri R MSCALE: 23005 DEWDNEY TRUNK RD CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE ThORSHILL Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Nov 29 2000 FILE:RZ-68-00 BY: JV 31 12145\ 064 378A P 20969 30 0_23071 058 Rem. / \ \383 7 S318 380 of A / 381 1382\ /38 P6242 / P6638 \ / H30-6! SUBJECT PROPERTY 317 P 47120 21 70 22 66 23 0) 52 co 0) 0 24 04 40 25 30 26 16 366 453 12169 x 45lp 5587 12 V25 367,2155 21 1274 368 0 450 g 448 10 g 121 1AAVE 121A 12163 369 ' 12161 D 23068 447 "8 I7I 6 5 IN N 370 / /LM635 I 12159 371 _______ so 446 'P6 9381 12157 N N 415 414 4131412 4111410 I40 372 444 445 416 N p.. N — I I 0)1 ml C"I I 12155 12148 _____ _____ 23179 N m 373 443 N N N C') N 12153 12142 417 PEACH TREE CF 374 12151 co I I I lCD 375 12149 — 441°' 418 m NI NJ NJ NJ N1 N 12147 440 41 10 e,g 420 421 93 422 423 I 424 I I I 425 438 47436I435l4I433I432I431I4 I Pl6698 I CHERRYWOOD DR T4;;E!:?389 L01391 392 93 330 P 49271 N co 'e N 1 In C') N IRer CD N (DN I-. N N Hu NCO 215! 216 In 14) P5620 P 8011 P5791 11975 Rem. 220 229 230 231 223 224 218 217 — — — PcI 1 45 11855 _______ T J 1156 I 155 88 I I 154 1153 152 J iJ 40 11951/53 CO44 — — NI C'IIC') I N I NI 0) 0)1 CII NI N N I N) 7149 IN Nj NI NI NI NI 11949 RVE FULIER AV _________ 43 - 102 109 0) 101 11932 110 11931 100 11922 1 111 11921 99 11912 112 11911 70 11931 71 11921 72 148 8 1940 2 11937 1930 11927 147 ' 1920 146 11913 6 I- C,) L CH 40 O-6( ,_ 632 Cl) 1957 z i w 03 33 = 11951 . 19 CD 32 LLJ 0. 11945 Cl) i 3111939 LAGER AVE co 30 N 29 11911 119 6 :; § SFR18 PcI. I EP 10384 11982 11980 pcI. 2 189 1832/11976 P46838 - Y16 - I ' I - 2 N I N I •.'I N iI12175 N N1 N1 N1 ______ 12173 229 230 I 231 I 232 233 234 275 P 2 12164 15 12169 253 273 276 _-J- 2160 12155 12154 14 254 272 277 12163 2150 12145 12144 - 13 255 271 278 12141 Co 2140 12135 m 2134 - ( 0) 0) 12 256 27q21 m 279 C 1 12127 2130 35 2124 LA- - 257 269 28og 11 (0 12120 12115 12114 - 10 Cl) 281 ° 258 268 12110 12105 12104 12107 259 267 282 2094 12095 2094 12073 C,) - 283 P 1849 0 263 264 2084 :L266 12067 SF41 12057 - 2074 R' 'RflEY AVE 12064 , 2 0 gj N 31O ° N NI CID 313, jN 2 3N 4N 5N C94 j 38 r I 842 I I P450N. — o 12041 - co I 12031 P 2891 ______ 505 P 7651 P4571 ofB COMi MP41199 Rem.1 W100 312 311 I uq 0) ,0) I C') 40 N P 84291 N [a LANGLEY SCALE: 1:2500 KEY MAP 23005 DEWDNEYTRUNK RD CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF - ) MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE THORNS))). Incorporated 12, September. 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Nov 29 2000 FILE:RZ-68-00 BY: JV DISTRICT OF PITT I)EAOJ5 N SUBJECT SITE SHOWING pu __r/ -1L2 v SILVER SURROUNDING DESIGNATED(OCP) COMMERCIAL NODES CORPORATION OF THE A DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MM SCALE FRkSER RER ALBION PLANNING DEPARTMENT WWHOWN N.T.S. Incorporated 12 September, 1874 THORNHILL MAPLE RIDGE FRASER RWER DRAWN BY: T.M. I DATE: AUG. 29, 2001 I FILE: RZ-68-00 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: March 27, 2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: SCA-EXEMP-7 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Soil Conservation Act - Exemption 10730 276th Street PURPOSE: The property owner of 10730 276h Street has made an application to the Land Reserve Commission (LRC) for an exemption to place fill at this location for cultivation purposes. The Commission has supported the exemption and a resolution from Council supporting the exemption is now required under the Soil Conservation Act. The proposed fill area is adjacent to a watercourse (a roadside ditch, tributary to Chuck Creek). The fill area and the roadside ditch have been impacted by landclearing activities conducted by past owners and the proposed project is intended to remedy conditions on the pasture and the owner intends to undertake fisheries enhancement work within the ditch during the year 2002 'Instream Works Window'. RECOMMENDATION: That the application for a fill permit under Permit Regulation Section 2(1)(d)(i) of the Soil Conservation Act submitted by Hal Porteous for the property at 10730 276 ' Street be granted an exemption subject to the relevant provisions of the Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation Bylaw No. 5763-1999, the Soil Conservation Act, and the conditions outlined in the staff report dated March 27, 2002. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Hal Porteous Owner: Hal Porteous Legal Description: Lot 5, Plan 2798, Section 8, Township 15, Part W1/2 of SE 1/4, Portion W1/2 OCP: Existing: Suburban Residential Proposed: Suburban Residential Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Surrounding Uses North: 108th Avenue Right of Way (undeveloped), Rural Residential South: Rural Residential East: Rural Residential West: 276th Street Right of Way (unmaintained), Rural Residential Existing Use of Property: Rural Residential Proposed Use of Property: Rural Residential Access: 1040' Avenue Servicing: Lot currently serviced, no additional servicing required Previous Applications: No recent applications "/3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: An application was made to the Land Reserve Commission by the owner of 10730 276 w Street for an exemption to place fill at this location for cultivation purposes. The owner plans to improve growing conditions on a portion of the property to support pasture grasses. Currently, the growth of pasture grasses is visibly impaired by past clearing practices and unfavourable drainage conditions remain within the proposed fill area. The site was cleared by a past owner without improvements such as slash and stump removal. The proposed fill area comprises approximately 2500 m 2 in area to a fill depth of 0.30 to 0.90 metres, a total estimated soil quantity ranging from 1,125 m3 to 1,500 m3 (-150 - 200 truck loads). The project proponent will monitor the quality of the soil to ensure that it is sufficient to support improved agricultural capability. The final use intended for the field is horse pasture. PLANNING ANALYSIS: The subject property is zoned RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and is over 0.4 hectares in area deeming it suitable for Agricultural Use, including the keeping of horses. The Official Community Plan designation for the property is Agricultural. The granting of an exemption from the Soil Conservation Act by the Land Reserve Commission entitles the applicant to an exemption from the District's Soil Deposit Regulation Bylaw No.5763-1999. However, the exemption must first receive the support of Council, as required under the Soil Conservation Act. The proposed fill area is adjacent to the headwaters of a watercourse (276th roadside ditch) identified on Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan for application of Development Permit Area XXX policies (see figure). However, this policy applies only to the alteration of land related to residential, commercial, institutional and industrial development, not the deposit of soil. A second watercourse is located approximately 15 metres east of the fill area in a wooded area that will not be touched. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ISSUES: Land Reserve Commission: The Land Reserve Commission has no objection to this fill project (see attached letter) and have asked the District to review the exemption and confirm if they agree that the project meets the definition of an exempt work as defined in the Soil Conservation Act. Based on the information provided by the applicant the proposal appears consistent with Section 2(1)(d) of the B.C. Regulation 451/98 (Soil Conservation Act Permit Regulation) where it states: "A permit is not required where the placement of fill is associated with or involves the cultivation of land"; and with Section 5.9(i) of Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Bylaw No. 5763-1999 where it states: "A permit is not required where the deposit of fill is on lands designated Agricultural Land Reserve and is associated with or involves the cultivation of land"; -2- Ministry of Water, Air and Land Protection: The Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection are no longer accepting referrals regarding soil deposition adjacent to watercourses and has delegated this responsibility to municipal governments. Currently, municipal governments are to apply the standards of the Provincial Streamside Protection Regulation for the purpose of defining Top of Bank and development setbacks. However, the Streamside Protection Regulation does not apply to agricultural lands. Referrals in the past for soil deposition were done on an informal basis. Subsequent work planned by the current owner including the enhancement of the ditch for fisheries purposes will require Section 9 'Notification' for work in the summer of 2002. Deuartment of Fisheries and Oceans: Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) has recently directed the District of Maple Ridge to make self- determinations as to when 'Harmful Alteration, Disruption or Destruction' (HADD) has occurred and will no longer be reviewing smaller projects. The Fisheries Act (Section 34) defines "Fish Habitat" as "spawning grounds and nursery, rearing, food supply and migration areas on which fish depend directly or indirectly in order to carry out their life processes." The watercourse adjacent to the proposed fill area is a non-fish-bearing ditch that provides food and nutrients to fish-bearing reaches of Chuck Creek downstream. However, the highly degraded state of the pasture (fill area) has eliminated most of the potential food and nutrient contribution of the area and presents a sediment risk due to the lack of vegetation cover. Review by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans is not required for this project, as fish habitat will not be altered, but rather, will be improved following completion of all intended works. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS: The proposed fill area is adjacent to the headwaters of a watercourse (roadside ditch) identified on Schedule "E" of the Official Community Plan. The site has been impacted significantly by past owners including the creation of two perimeter ditches (watercourses), the 276 0' east ditch bordering the fill area and the east property line watercourse located within a stand of trees. In the past all Soil Deposit Permit applications for lands within 15 metres of the Top of Bank of Schedule "E" watercourses were referred to the Ministry of Water, Land and A• •ir Protection for review and comment. B-asedon these comments, watercourse setbacks were established ranging from 5 metres in agricultural areas to 15 metres in residential areas, sometimes with planting requirements. However, the Ministry of Water, Lands and Air Protection is no longer reviewing any soil deposit applications. Following completion of the proposed fill project, the owners intend to install a fence 2 metres back from the 276th ditch and enhanced the watercourse to improve fisheries values. No trees will be removed during the project leaving approximately 15 metres of riparian vegetation along the east watercourse. The horse pasture will then be established on the footprint of the fill area. The 2 metre setback from the 276th road side ditch is considered reasonable considering the level of enhancement planned on the property for impacts completed by a past owner, the fact that the watercourse is a roadside ditch and the limited area remaining for a useable horse pasture between the ditch and the east watercourse and riparian area. -3- Referral to Fisheries and Oceans Canada is not required as no destruction of fish habitat will occur, but rather fish enhancement will be a result of the soil deposit project. This work will be done following submission of a Notification to the Province. Temporary barrier fencing is to be installed adjacent to the 276 th ditch (east side), with a 2 in setback to enable restoration of the pasture, and along the small perimeter drainage channel (south side of fill area) prior to any soil deposit. The fill is to be graded away from these ditches at the sloe necessary for continued stability. Check dams will be placed at several locations within the 276 ditch if necessary. All work is to be undertaken and completed in such a manner as to prevent the release of sediment to the watercourse in compliance with Watercourse Protection Bylaw No, 5807-1999, which prohibits the fouling, obstruction or impeding of flow in a local 'drainage system'. Recent sediment control installations completed onsite by the same contractor (during house construction) demonstrate some proficiency in this area. CITIZEN/CUSTOMER IMPLICATIONS: Until Council provides a resolution supporting the Exemption granted by the Land Reserve Commission, an Exemption from Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Bylaw No. 5763-1999 will not be granted. INTERDEPARTMENTAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: No fees are collected under either the Soil Conservation Act or Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation Bylaw No. 5763-1999 when an exemption is granted. ALTERNATIVES: The applicant has obtained an Exemption under the Soil Conservation Act from the Land Reserve Commission and now requires a resolution from the District pursuant Soil Conservation Act to confirm that Council agrees that the project meets the intent of the Soil Conservation Act. Without the support of Council, the applicant would be unable to make agricultural improvements to the proposed fill area without making successful application for a permit pursuant to the Soil Conservation Act and Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Regulation Bylaw N•o. 5763-1999 Alternatively, the applicant could possibly pursue other means of improving the pasture such as construction of drainage ditches or installation of tile drainage. However the cost of these measures may impact on the ability of the proponent to undertake fish habitat enhancement works. -4- SUMMARY: Based on the information provided by the applicant and Land Reserve Commission approval, staff support the exemption of this fill request under the relevant provisions of the Soil Conservation Act and Maple Ridge Soil Deposit Bylaw No. 5763-1999 provided the following conditions are respected. • Fill Area to be established as shown on attached figure; • Compliance with all local bylaws including Maple Ridge Watercourse Protection Bylaw No. 5 807- 1999, and other relevant statutes; • No release of sediment into the watercourse to be accomplished by: - Silt fencing (keyed into ground) around the fill area (west and south sides); - Seeding of fill area as completed or other stabilization as required by District; • Access Road 276th Street to be kept free of silt - as necessary; • Establishment of Setback Area (1 metres from 276th east ditch) on the west side of the fill area; • Enhancement of the 276 th east ditch for fisheries purposes during the 'instream works window' for 2002; • Completion of the project within 12 months of the approved exemption; and • Monitoring by District Staff (J. Sheehan) at startup, 6 months and 1 year completion date. ,4—, Prepared : Jim Sheehan 4i7n1ffental Technician MCP,MCIP of Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP Acting Chief Administrative Officer JS/jvt -5- 0 P39255 C.) CD F,- S U BJ E CTPRITL 10730 P 2798 P 2798 P 2798 W1/25 E1/25 Rem6 RS-3 106 P 10078 2 P 2798 106 N 91 .7'_1 10730 276 St;eet P L 1!h A AFNOF MAPLE RIDGE HILL ( Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE: 1:2,500 KEY MAP 3 ? 4 FDATE - Mar28 2002 FILE: BY: RS VN 10730 276th Street - SCA-EXEMP-7 A - 1 CORPORATION OF /\ c THE DISTRICTOF or 8 1 Incorporated12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE: 1:2,500 KEY MAP _____ DATE: Mar 28 2002 FILE: BY: JS CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE: March 8. 2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C/W SUBJECT: Municipal Equipment Replacement Purchase PURPOSE: Council's approved budget includes the replacement of road grader unit #7. This report recommends award of the grader replacement contract. RECOMMENDATION: That the tender for grader replacement be awarded to Finning Canada in the amount of $176,905.64. BACKGROUND: The Equipment Replacement reserve calculates the life-cycle replacement for the Municipal fleet. The existing grader was due for replacement in the spring of 2001. The grader's life cycle was extended for one year. However, it is now the optimum time for replacement. While a reasonable trade value can still be expected, maintenance and repair requirements for the grader are becoming material. The replacement funds are accounted for in the approved Equipment Replacement Reserve Fund. Public Tenders were closed on March 5, 2002. Two proposals were received. Analysis of the tender, which includes a review of tender price, trade value offered, and guarantee buyback price, shows that the tender submitted by Finning Canada is the most cost effective over the lifetime of the equipment. (See attached analysis.) CITIZEN/CUSTOMER IMPLICATIONS: The Municipal Grader is a key component of the vehicle fleet in providing professional timely service and response to citizens of Maple Ridge. Works includes tasks and scheduled maintenance such as gravel road grading, shoulder grading, parks grading, parking lot grading, as well as for snow removal. The District has only one grader and, it is fundamental to the District's ability to respond to citizen/customer requirements. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Funding for this purchase is accounted for within the approved equipment reserve fund account for 2002. - 1 - ALTERNATIVES: There are no commercial suppliers of grading services within Maple Ridge and contracting this service is not feasible at this time. Contracting outside the District would increase response times for work requests. increased response for snow removal could result in liability exposure to the District. In addition, it is likely that contracting would increase costs. The charge out rate for the District grader and operator is $66.20, while the industry standard rate is $105.00. SUMMARY: The Municipal Road Grader is due for replacement. Award of the contract on April 9, 2002 to Finning would see the replacement grader delivered by June 11, 2002. z2fNa~~ Prepared by: of Roads Approved by: /fl You, B. Sc.,\ / Director of Engineering Operations ;~~ (e~L-7' - Concurren/ F. Quinn, P.Eng., PMP Acting Chief Administrative Officer FQ:bkg -2- One only 165 Horse Power Articulated Motor Grader Tender # 2002-19 - Replaces Unit # 7 ITEMS Suppliers FINNING (CANADA) COAST TRACTOR Model Offered: 2002 140H Caterpillar Motor Grader I 2002 John Deere 770CH Series II Meets Specifications: Yes Yes Unit Price - Discounts Included: 235,303.01 210,000.00 Estimated Auction Value: 76,500.00 76,500.00 Trade Value Offered: 83,300.00 <83,300.00> 71,000.00 <71,000.00> Accept Trade value: Yes Yes Sub Total - Unit Price less Trade Value: 152,003.0 139,000.00 Optional 5 Year /7500 Hour Warranty: 2,500.00 2,500,00 13,280.00 13,280.00 Sub Total: 154,503.00 152,280.00 PST: 11,587.73 11,421.00 GST: 10,815.21 10,659.60 Purchase Cost to Municipality: 176,905.94 174.360.60 Guaranteed Buy Back at 5 Years: 134,500.00 90,000.00 Guaranteed Buy Back at 10 Years: 59,500.00 <59,500.00> 40,000.00 <40,000,00> Total Cost at Ten Years: RECOMMENDED VENDOR FINNING (CANADA) Delivery Time: Ten weeks 45 to 90 Days Build Out date: 2002 Na Firm Price to: 5-Apr-02 30-Jun-02 Payment Terms: Upon Invoice Net 30 Basic Warranty: 12 months full machine 6 months full machine Prepared by Paul Henry 3/11/02 Page 1 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE: March 11, 2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COW SUBJECT: GENERAL CONTRACTOR WORK Purpose: Designation of a "first call" vendor to provide General Contractor Services Recommendation(s): That a three (3) year contract be awarded to Cherry Homes of Maple Ridge, BC to act as the District's principal General Contractor. Background: A Request for Proposals to provide General Contractor Services was conducted in December 2001. Solicitations for this opportunity were placed in the Now Times Newspaper, Journal of Commerce and on our website. Eleven firms were contacted directly, two firms eventually made submissions. A team of employees analyzed the submissions, as well individuals from the submitting firms were interviewed in person. The work involves a wide variety of on-call maintenance, repair and construction work including: structural repairs; simple small building additions; renovations; interior finishing and mill work; masonry; securing of buildings affected by theft, vandalism, and looting; landscaping; AutoCAD design; trenching; drainage; irrigation; construction of small simple buildings, e.g. Parks toilets; and day to day general carpentry, plumbing and labour. Potential work sites include buildings and parks owned or managed by the Corporation throughout the District of Maple Ridge and the District of Pitt Meadows (shared parks and buildings), including residential rental properties. Key aspects of the agreement: > The District reserves the right, at it's sole discretion, to hold a separate competitive process for any project or activity in this general area. > The District will invariably use a separate competitive process for all projects and on-going activities expected to cost more than $150,000 per annum (labour and materials combined). > The designated "first call" contractor will be on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week as required. > The hourly charge out rates for various activities are fixed for the three (3) year term, as submitted. > The principal user of this.service, the Facilities Operations Manager or any other designated manager or supervisor will ensure fair and reasonable computations for time worked and materials used. > Payment terms of Net 30 days. Intergovernmental Issues: Some of this work is in Pitt Meadows as per our joint Leisure Services Agreement. Environmental Implications: The Contractor will be encouraged to use environmentally friendly materials and methods whenever possible. Citizen/Customer Implications: All employees of this Contractor will be required to have a criminal clearance from the RCMP. 73/. Interdepartmental Implications: The Contractor will work for several departments from time to time. Some coordination will be required. Financial Implications: The recommended Contractor submitted the lowest overall costs. He is willing to continue to provide many hours of no-charge consulting with our staff and citizen groups to determine how his work should be done (as he has done in the past). Alternatives: Provide "in-house" resources which are not presently available. We will use the other Contractor who made a submission from time to time, as required, for example when the primary Contractor is unavailable, or when we would like an additional price quote for comparison. The other submitting Contractor, Just Contracting of Burnaby is well qualified. Summary: All interested local parties had an opportunity to submit a proposal. We are recommending the lowest cost proposal. The key staff involved in the work has done the analysis and are unanimous in their recommendation. Cherry Homes currently provides these activities, there is no period of adjustment required for a new vendor. ,Z,Z/ C5;;, Prepared by: Earl Oddstad Aanager of Procurement Approved by: )i%ke Sorba, CGA Dire.Th7 of Finance Approved by Piul Gill, CGA General Manager Corporate & Financial Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP, Ph.D. ChiefAdministrative Officer F- .L.-•• ZV7 Greater Vancouver Regional District 4330 Kingsway. Bumaby, British Columbia. Canada V5H 408 Office of the Chairperson Telephone (604) 432-6215 Fax (604) 432-6248 March 7, 2002 Mayor Al Hogarth District Of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC, V2X 6A9 Dear Mayor Hogarth: File No.: CP-11-02 • .. MAR 1 8 2002 At its meeting on February 22, 2002, the GVRD Board considered the attached report and approved the following motion: That the GVRD Board request the Chair to seek the support of the mayor of each member municipality and the Electoral Area Director, in tapping into community engagement processes to support the Sustainable Region Initiative. CARRIED To implement this motion, I have asked Johnny Carline. the GVRD CAO, to get in touch with your CAO for a discussion of how we can tap into your mechanisms and processes for community consultation in order to gain a better understanding of the most important sustainability priorities for your community. I would appreciate your assistance and support in the implementation of this request. - George Puil Chair, Board of Directors Attachment: cc: Mr. Bob Robertson 771 7.1 Z?7 Policy and Planning Department Greater Vancouver Regional District Telephone (604) 432-6375 4330 Kingsway, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada V5H 4G8 Fa (604) 436-6970 Committee Meeting Date: February 14, 2002 To: Planning and Environment Committee From: Johnny Canine, Chief Administrative Officer Date: February 4, 2002 Subject: Progress Report on Sustainable Region Initiative Recommendation: That the Board request the Chair to seek the support of the mayor of each member municipality and the Electoral Area Director, in tapping into community engagement processes to support the Sustainable Region Initiative. PURPOSE To provide a progress report on the Sustainable Region Initiative. CONTEXT On July 27, 2001, the Board approved the following resolution: "That the Board direct the Planning and Environment Committee to: commence the review of the Livable Region Strategic Plan and the Air Quality Management Plan within the context of social, economic and environmental sustainability as a fundamental objective; incorporate with the review process a community engagement program that includes GVRD-sponsored events and events and activities conducted in partnership with member municipalities, the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority and other groups; explore potential funding for this initiative from the Provincial and Federal governments; and report back to the Board in September on progress in implementing this initiative." Since then, the Planning and Environment Committee and staff have been working to get the project, now known as the SustainableRegion Initiative, underway. - The initial phase is to sponsor or participate in a series of regional events to engage member municipalities, interested groups and members of the public in discussion of the main principles of economic, environmental and social sustainability. The intended outcome is a statement of the vision, principles and objectives of an approach to the region's future that is based on sustainability. July 2002 is the target for having this statement available for consideration by the Planning and Environment Committee and the Board. 29 Three main events have been held so far: • The Council of Councils on September 9, 2001, where a panel of experts from the region outlined their view of the challenges of sustainability; • The Green Buildings and Sustainable Communities Conference on October 3, 2001, attended by 402 people, (and a related public event the evening before), where we connected with a large body of interest in sustainability among the planning, engineering and building owners and managers groups in the region. This has provided the impetus for a number of pilot projects included in the 2002 budget for the Demand Side Management Division and a sponsorship role for the GVRD for four workshops at the forthcoming Globe 2002 conference March 13-15. • The Are We On the Right Track Conference, attended by 320 people, (and a related televised public event the evening before) focusing on the Livable Region Strategic Plan, Transport 2021 and Air Quality Management Plan within the context of sustainability, where we were advised to root our sustainability initiative and the means of preparing it in our own local political context. Between now and June, the GVRD will sponsor or be involved in the following further events: • The Federation of Canadian Municipalities' Sustainable Communities Conference, Ottawa, February 7-9, 2002; • The Cities and Transportation Conference, bringing to Greater Vancouver the best practices of other cities in dealing with growth management and transportation, at the Wosk Centre for Dialogue, February 17-19, 2002; • The Planning and Environment Committee Workshop on Cities and Transportation, featuring selected speakers from the Cities and Transportation Conference in interaction with the members of the Planning and Environment Committee and the GVTA Board, February 20, 2002; • The BC Summit on February 26, 2002; • The ICLEI Local Preparatory Conference for the World Summit, hosted by the City of North Vancouver in conjunction with the Greater Vancouver Regional District, February 28-March 1, 2002; • A workshop of the Lower Mainland Municipal Management Association on Sustainable Olympics, Sustainable Whistler, Sustainable Vancouver, Sustainable Greater Vancouver: What are the Challenges?, Coyote Creek Golf and Country Club, March 1, 2002; • Globe 2002, where the GVRD is assisting in the delivery of four technical workshops on urban environmental management, sustainable community development, sustainable development for small business and eco-industrial development; • A partner event on Greater Vancouver's economic competitiveness and sustainability co- sponsored with the Business Council of British Columbia (date TBA); • A partner event on social aspects of sustainability co-sponsored with the United Way of Greater Vancouver (date TBA); • A partner event on environmental aspects of sustainability co-sponsored with an environmental organization (date TBA); and • A major regional conference in late May to conclude this phase of the project with a vision, principles and objectives for a sustainable region that would be considered by the Board and form the basis for more detailed work between then and the end of the year. This outreach has been supported by electronic media initiatives, including: • "People and Policies" programs broadcast on Shaw cable; and • Establishment of a website: http://ww.gvrd.bc.calsustainableiindex.htrnl (a copy of the home page is attached) The Sustainable Region Initiative is closely linked to the following processes that are occurring concurrently: • The Cities Plus project to prepare a 100-year sustainability strategy for Greater Vancouver as Canada's entry in the World Gas Union's International Sustainable Urban Systems Design Competition; • The Urban Transportation Showcase Program of Transport Canada, to which the GVRD and the GVTA have jointly applied for financial support for the renewal and implementation of regional growth management, air quality and transportation strategies; • The Minister of Transport's forthcoming Blueprint for Transportation in Canada; • The Prime Minister's Task Force on Urban Issues; • Preparations for the Rio + 10 World Summit in September in Johannesburg. The GVRD is involved in the preparation of the "Sustainable Communities" theme in Canada's paper and will review ICLEI's local government position paper after the conference here for possible endorsement; -- • The National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy's urban sustainability project, focusing on fiscal and economic instruments to promote sustainàbility for consideration in the 2003 federal budget; • The Georgia Basin Futures project, featuring public involvement through the QUEST simulator; • The Community Charter; and • The 2010 Winter Olympic bid, which is the first Olympic bid to be based upon the concept of sustainability. The main objective of the next phase of the project is to deepen the involvement of partners and individual communities. In respect to the partners, staff have approached initially four organizations representative of the broad spectrum of sustainability and have asked them to become partners with the GVRD in this initiative. The response has been almost universally positive, with reservations being expressed by one potential partner due to pressures of other work. Partnership would involve co- sponsoring of events, providing access to their networks and incorporating their .perspec-tives into the vision, principles and objectives document. It is intended that a Partners Committee be formed to bring together representatives of the partners with key members of the GVRD and GVTA Boards and senior staff. In respect to the communities, staff have taken to heart the admonition of Jeb Brugmann, the January 17th Conference keynote speaker, that successful sustainability initiatives must be place- specific, built by each place's institutions which he described as an "urban regime." The foundation of Greater Vancouver's urban regime is the 21 member municipalities and their communities and organizations. Staff therefore propose that each of the region's mayors and administrators, and the Electoral Area Director, be requested to assist the Sustainable Region initiative by tapping into their community engagement processes to define the things about the region that are most highly - 31 valued and must be sustained. Such a process is also expected to provide an effective means of reaching youth, seniors, ethnic communities and other specific interests. While the GVRD can make specific tools and information available to assist in these processes, it will be important for each community to select its own means of responding to this request. The results will be compiled and presented to the regional conference in May to help shape the vision, principles and objectives document. ALTERNATIVES a) The Board could follow a more traditional approach to consultation by continuing to focus on regional events, processes and organizations in developing the Sustainable Region Initiativ&s vision, principles and objectives, and present these to the member municipalities for review after they have been prepared. (b) The Board could seek the early engagement of local communities through the member municipalities, so that the vision, principles and objectives are shaped by input from communities and partners at both local and regional levels. This is the recommended alternative. CONCLUSION Significant progress has been made toward the Sustainable Region Initiative's immediate goal of developing a statement of vision, principles and objectives for sustainability for consideration by the Board by mid-year. The next phase will deepen the involvement of partners and municipalities in the process. Attachment: Home page for the Sustainable Region Initiative Ad P_..2,.L...... Ei1 Roll over any of the hoer ab to read presenters guc'trs from J rtuary 171ti rv1'u?... The Su able Region I tilt at i ye - \Velcome I. of, I 4 V The Sustainable Region initiative will provide a framework. Survey to he pOSted 50011. vision and action plan for Greater Vancouver based on the concept 01 sustalnablllty that embraces economic pmsperity, community weIlbeing and environmental iniegrity. ••fht trtt..itc it f"lL"v •r till ,''h.e.i nt lL'ffI iIt'. (if fit;tfl c. i4U1 it' (rseLofiute..it tied C('I,I'etit'lE - tlt4'(II%t(1t /Ifitl' icr eflot',.d IIl4It' ,nliflfo evets . how are we doing on ... ? The Livable Region and L ivable Region Strategic Plan Sustainability: Are We ri water use On The Right Track? qarbaije and recycling January 17, 2002 Green Buildings Conference. October 3, 2001 ii- Council of Councils, September 22,2001 tools and networks tools and community services I recycling / cornpostlng info 2 CO2 calculator regional projects Regional Homelessness Plan Advancing Federal Objectives in Urban RegIons 12 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE: March 14, 2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: 0320-01 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Tag Day Soliciting Purpose: To grant permission for Tag Day soliciting at Zellers, Safeway Landmark, Canadian Tire, Save-On Foods at Valley Fair and Westgate, and Staples Business Depot, as requested in the letter dated March 7, 2002 from the Royal Canadian Air Cadets, 583 Coronation Squadron. It should be noted that approval by Municipal Council does not preclude the necessity for the applicant to receive permission from the administration offices at the respective business locations for the use of their premises. Recommendation: That the request of the 583 Coronation Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets for permission to conduct Tag Day soliciting in the malls and at business entrances throughout the District of Maple Ridge on Friday, April 12, 2002 and Saturday, April 13, 2002 be approved. Background: Pursuant to Section 25 of the Highway and Traffic By-law and Section 532(1) of the Local Government Act, soliciting for donation (door-to-door canvassing, tag days, etc.) must be approved by the Municipal Council by way of a resolution. Intergovernmental Issues: N/A Environmental Implications: N/A Citizen/Customer Implications: Tag Days are the means by which non-profit organizations such as the Air Cadets raise funds for special programs and extracurricular activities that would otherwise not be possible. Interdepartmental Implications: N/A Financial Implications: There are no financial implications to the District of Maple Ridge. -1- /00/ Alternatives: N/A Summary: In order to meet the requirements of the Maple Ridge Highway and Traffic By-law No. 3 136-1982 and the Local Government Act, Council's approval is required for all requests for soliciting for donation. Prepared by: Diana Dalton Clerk's Department Approved by: P.Eng. Approved by: Paull Gill, BBA, CGA, FRM General Manager: Corporate & Financial Services Concurrfce: Frank Quinn, P.Eng, PMP Acting Chief Administrative Officer Attachment /dd -2- 0.320-01. 583 Coronation Squadron9 12101-224 Street, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 687 (604) 463-9389 A.Sonl D Fax D MaH DEmall O Copitm to M & C J Ainç FiK rj O UturoAgor4ejem RLVOrt U D Staff to Respond Ofrortly with a c.c. to IVI & C O Otho': ]CAC EcV MAR 1 2 2002 arch 7, 2002 District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC, V2X 6A9 Dear Mr. Mayor and Council, I would at this time request permission for the 583 Air Cadets to be able to hold Tag days. Dates and times are as follows: Friday April 12, 2002, 6:00PM till 9:00PM, and Saturday, April 13, 2002, 9:30 am till 5:00 pm Locations: Zellers, Safeway Landmark, Canadian Tire, Save On Foods at Valley Fair Mall, Save on Foods At 203' and Staples Business Depot Tag Days consist of two or three cadets in uniform with small tags to be given for a small donation. Air cadets offer young people between the ages of 12 to 18 years, the challenges of leadership, citizenship and physical fitness while learning many varied skills including gliding and flying. 583 Coronation Squadron has continued to grow and develop in the Ridge-Meadows area since 1950 and continues to meet twice a week. We are a non-profit organization, and is supported by both the DND and the Air Cadet League of Canada. Monies collected will go towards support of Squadron training exercise, citizenship tours and special training such as first aid, band and the Duke of Edinburgh program. Our sponsor, Branch S Royal Canadian Legion will be coordinating the collection of labelled and numbered tag cans. Our senior cadets are very responsible young people. In addition, Officers, adult Civilian Instructors and Parents will be assisting in the transportation and coordination of this event. We would appreciate your support on our Tag days' campaign in April, and look forward to your earliest reply. sin Mr. im Kamstra Chairperson Parents SponsOring cOiiimittee 604-467-6050, fax 604-466-0708, e-mail kkarnstra@shaw.ca CORPORATION OF, T-9f DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE: April 8, 2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001.2 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: "Spotlight on the Arts" Community Festival Purpose: To obtain Council appro'Tal for a request from the Ridge-Meadows Festival Coordinator to use Municipal Streets for the "Spotlight on the Arts" Community Festival procession on Saturday April 13, 2002. Recommendation: That Ridge-Meadows Festival Coordinator (the organizer) be authorized to use Municipal Streets on Saturday April 13, 2002 for their "Spotlight on the Arts" Community Festival procession, provided the conditions outlined in the report dated April 8, 2002 of the Chief Administrative Officer are met. Background: A community festival, "Spotlight on the Arts" is planned for Saturday, April 13, 2:00 to 5:00 pm in the town centre, Maple Ridge, BC. The event will celebrate the launch of the public phase of the capital fundraising campaign for the new Arts Centre and Theatre -- due to open in early 2003. This free community event will feature a lively procession, a variety of entertainments, and culminate in a street festival. The festival, organized by local artists and supported by the Ridge-Meadows Park and Leisure Services Department, encourages the community to participate. Beginning at 2:00 p.m., artists and community members are asked to gather at Crumb's Bakery-Café on Dewdney Trunk Road. The Maple Ridge Concert Band will be lined up with instruments to lead a walking parade of actors, singers, musicians, clowns, dancers, and anyone else interested in participating. Each participant will be given a colourful helium balloon to carry in support of the arts in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. The procession will travel down Dewdney Trunk to the Library. After circling the library, it will wind through the- municipal courtyard, snake around the Arts Center construction and stop at the Greg Moore Youth Centre. A drum circle is planned to coincide with the procession's visit to the youth centre. The parade will then travel past the Leisure Centre and circle the new Memorial Peace Park. A concert band performance at the bandstand will be the closing act for the procession, but a variety of continues until 5:00 p.m. At 3:00 p.m. a street festival with entertainment planned by local artists, Maddy and Donn Tarris, is planned for the park. -1- "Of From time to time the Municipality is requested to allow the use of Municipal Streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implication, approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A" Submitted by: Andrew Wood, M.Eng., P.Eng. Municipal Engineer ~N Approved by:ank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng., PMP Y—M: Public Works & Development Services Acting Chief Administrative Officer -2- Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated April 8. 2002 "Spotlight on the Arts" Community Festival Procession Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: traffic control plan must be authorized by the R.C.M.P, a copy of the plan with a R.C.M.P. signature must be delivered to the Engineering Department prior to the event; notify local Fire Department, and Ambulance Services of the event; make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company (formally BC Transit) for any required rerouting of buses; advertise the event in a local newspaper and notify all surrounding businesses and residents of the event (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District of Maple Ridge; The Corporation of District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw this permission to use Municipal Streets should the organizers fall to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer -3- FORM 'A' Details of the Event Date:: A-pr. Contact Person:1\r\kc %dzPhone 46i - 917 Fax___________ - '% 7 7 2:!~ 1' L[(,-, 7 3Q 3 - pede*'an. n, Sketch of Traffic Control Plan: E3 - Css!L •k Cr--LA b' s i5xker eux RCMP concurrence for the proposed Traffic Control Plan 1 The following agencies have been advised and acknowledge the event.P 4 BC Transit APR 9 2002 Fire Department 0 -. Ambulance Services - f9.c Other Memo To: Mayor & Council CMT From: !Tmerk Date: April 9, 2002 Subject: DP/057101 The attached letter was received earlier this morning. It provides further information regarding the development permit for a monument sign for the proposed gas bar at the Safeway store at the Landmark site (20201 Lougheed Highway). This item is included on tonight's Council agenda as Item 909. / • Page 1 CTM DESIGN DRAFTiNG ENGINEERiNG OU srrE PLANNING CIM DESIGN SERVICES LTD. 200, 6940 Fisher Road SE Calgary, Albeta 12H 0W3 Tel: (403) 640.0990 Fax: (403) 259.6506 04/09/02 10:45 FAX 4032596506 CTM DESIGN LTD April 9, 2002 District of Maple Ridge 11995 1-laney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Attention: Mr. Terry Fryer, Clerk Re: Safeway Gas Bar DP/057/01 Dear Mr. Fryer: Please accept the attached monument sign drawing and this letter as amendments to the information package for consideration by Council at its meeting scheduled for this evening. This design change of signage reduces the height of the sign to 8'110" as per the suggestion of the Advisory Design Panel at its January 10, 2002 meeting. Please note that the previous pylon sign and this amended sign both fell well within the height and sign area requirements of the bylaw. It should be noted that the Design Advisory Panel expressed "overall support for the project" and that the "Panel was satisfied with the architectural changes". This reduction in the signage structure represents the only outstanding request of the Advisory Design Panel. Thank you for your assistance in adding this sign drawing and letter to tonight's information package. 4Yours ly, cc. Ross Blackwell, Planner 0 0 CD C ILLUMINATED SIGN CAN AREA = 62.5 SQ.FT (5.8 m2) 1O -O C 4 -7° CIS 6-4k 3'-8 CD 6 X. cn H I CD MATERIAL DESCRIPTION: —H I- - -- - - ________ - TRANSIUSCEPJT WHITE LEXAN - -J - PANEL EMBOSSING SAFEWAY LOGO RED _______ FOR FOR PRICE CHANGE UNITS TRANSLUSCENT LEXAN - OPAQUE . LEXAN RE SUPPLIED BY OWNER —WHITE SIGN T CONCRETE BASE - CAI& RETAINER cn - co :J I -- - i 3 MONUMENT SIGN ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION 3/8= 1 —0 c c. UPDATE REPORT FOR DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, April 9, 2002 Provided by: Bob & Margaret Timms, Board of Directors Tourism Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows recently celebrated our ulst Birthday" and held our inaugural Annual General Meeting. As we delve into our second full year of operation, we have many exciting initiatives and special activities planned. Highlights of our activities so far this year include the following: 0 ca C-) >< Membership Tourism Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows recently launched our Membership Mixer events at Meadow Gardens with Nigel Collett of Tourism BC as our guest speaker. Nigel, a resident of Maple Ridge, provided our members with valuable insight into the future directions of tourism in BC and showcased partnership opportunities with the crown corporation. For more information on becoming a member of Tourism Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows or to receive an invitation to our next Membership Mixer, contact the society at 604-460-8300 or drop by the Pitt Meadows Visitor Information Centre at 12492 Harris Road. Marketing & Promotions Our first Membership Mixer also featured the launch of our website. This comprehensive destination portal includes information about our region, a trip planner, an extensive component on "things to do" including packages, information and services for meetings, events and sports tournaments as well as sections for the travel trade, travel media and our members. Be sure to check us out at www.mapleridqe-pittmeadowscom We are final stages of wrapping up an extensive trade and consumer show schedule. Since January, Tourism Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows has participated in six industry trade shows throughout Western Canada and Washington State. These shows included the Seattle Travel Show, the Outdoors Shows in Calgary & Vancouver, and Travel Agent & Tour Operator trade shows in Calgary, Edmonton & Seattle. Visitor's Choice Publications and the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows News are currently in the process of developing their respective 2002 Visitor Guides for our area. Both publications are expected to be printed and in distribution by May. Both will be available at the Visitor Info. Centres in both communities in addition to several other locations throughout Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows. We are also working with a group of community stakeholders to develop an Attractions Map booklet for our area. Parks & Leisure Services, the Festival Society, Heritage Society, Outdoors Club, Alouette Field Naturalists, Haney Horseman and several other local organizations are working with the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Times to develop this comprehensive booklet showcasing our many attractions. The Attractions Map is expected to be ready for distribution in June and will be available throughout both communities. TI: (604) 460-8300 rax: (604) 465-1106 email: touri$m®pittmeadow.bc.ca 12492 Harris Road, Pitt Meadowg, 50 VX 2J4 Tourism Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows - Report for Maple Ridge Council, continued page 2 Visitor Services - Traffic volume to the Visitor Info. Centres in Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge has been steady since January. Over 2,000 visitors utilized the VICs in both communities in the first quarter of 2002. Community Outreach I Advocacy Tourism Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows has made numerous presentations to a variety of community groups over the past several months in an effort to educate the community about the value of tourism - from an economic and social stand-point. These presentations will continue in the coming months as we work toward an expanded advocacy position within both communities. Finally, we are delighted to be presenting the first annual Great Blue Heron Festival, April 20 & 21 in Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge. This family-oriented event is a marriage of arts and the environment and features a weekend full of fun indoor and outdoor activities. The Festival kicks off with an official bird count of migratory and non-migratory birds on Saturday morning, lead by the Alouette Field Naturalists. The heart of the Festival is the Trade Show and Art Exhibition at the Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre, featuring seminars, entertainment, demonstrations and kids activities on both Saturday & Sunday. Other Festival activities include: • The Bird Song Bar-B-Q and Auction on Saturday evening with proceeds going to the Codd Island Wetlands Preservation project • Guided "Nature Bus" tours through the area wetlands, including a stop at one of the largest "heronries" around. This huge heron nesting colony is now at over 75 nests. • Guided "Birds & Bikes" and "Birds & Canoes" tours, including an overview of wildlife viewing opportunities in the area with the Alouette Field Naturalists. • Tea in the garden with noted naturalist Sylvia Pincott, featuring how to attract birds to your backyard. • The Festival also includes a fabulous raffle. Prizes up for grabs include a 16 foot canoe, a digital camera and a set of Bushnell binoculars. . For more information or to purchase Great Blue Heron Festival event or raffle tickets, contact Tourism Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows at 604-460-8300. Or visit our Festival booth at Haney Place Mall this weekend, April 131h & 141h Thank you Mayor and Council ... we hope to see all of you at the Great Blue Heron Festival, April 201h & 21st! For Immediate Release FESTflIAL NOT JUST FOR THE BIRDS April 10, 2002, Pitt Meadows, BC - Visitors from throughout the Pacific Northwest will be flocking to Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge for the Great Blue Heron Festival, April 20th & 21st This first annual family-oriented festival features both indoor and outdoor. activities and combines arts and the environment in a unique and fun-filled weekend experience. • I CIO >< "With current trends toward eco-tourisrn and environmentally friendly activities, bird watching is now the fastest-growing soft adventure sport in North America", said Pat Kramer, Festival Chair. "This is a fabulous opportunity for us to showcase the spectacular wildlife viewing opportunities in both communities while providing an exciting weekend of activities and events for the whole family." The Festival kicks off with an official bird count of migratory and non-migratory birds on Saturday morning, lead by the Alouette Field Naturalists. The heart of the Festival is the Trade Show and Art Exhibition at the Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre, featuring seminars, entertainment, demonstrations and kids activities on both Saturday & Sunday. Other Festival activities include: • The Bird Song Bar-B-Q and Auction on Saturday evening with proceeds going to the Codd Island Wetlands Preservation project. • Guided "Nature Bus" tours through the area wetlands, including a stop at one of the largest "heronries" around. This huge heron nesting colony is now at over 75 nests. • Guided "Birds & Bikes" and "Birds & Canoes" tours, including an overview of wildlife viewing opportunities in the area with the Alouette Field Naturalists. • Tea in the garden with noted naturalist Sylvia Pincott, featuring how to attract birds to your backyard. • The Festival also includes a fabulous raffle. Prizes up for grabs include a 16 foot canoe, a digital camera and a set of Bushnell binoculars. For more information or to purchase Great Blue Heron Festival event or raffle tickets, contact Tourism Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows at 604-460-8300. Tickets and information will also be available at the Festival booth in Haney Place Mall April 1 3th & 14th or during the Festival at the PItt Meadows Family Recreation Centre. The first annual Great Blue Heron Festival is presented by Tourism Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows, with support from Ridge Meadows Parks & Leisure Services, Adopt—a- Block, Alouette Field Naturalists, and the Land Conservancy of BC. - 30 - Media Contact: Cheryl Johnson Tourism Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Tel: 604-460-8300 Email: tourism©mapleridge-pittrneadows.com [eI: (604) 4601300 rax: (604) 465-1106 email: tourism©pittmeadow.bc.ca 12492 Harris Road, pitt Meadows, G V3Y 2J4 'reot blue f,Jheron Festival 12 'reat blue eron Festival reat ? Iue eron 'ii Festival Trade Show d Art Exhibition• 9:00am - 5:00pm - Saturday 11:00am - 4:00pm - Sunday• Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre 12027 Hanis Road, Pitt Meadows $3 Adults / $1 Kids (12 & under) øDisplays øSeminars øbemonsirations /Entertainment SKid's Activities gFashion Show LJuned Art & Photography Show Nature Bus Wildlife Viewing Tours 1 pm, 2pm & 3pm (both days) Starts at the Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre,12027 Harris ROad, Pitt Meadows $5 per person Come along on a fabulous 1-hour guided wildlife viewing tour of Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge, including one of the largest "heronries" around. Great for everyone! Tickets & Event Information: Tourism Maple Pidge & Pitt Meadows 12492 Harris oad, Pitt Meadows Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm Tel: 604-460-8300 Birds d Bikes Tour 12:30pm & 3pm - Saturday lOam& lpm - Sunday Starts at the "Silver Bndge" on Harris Rd., Pitt Meadows (North of Pitt Meadows Golf Course) $20 per person (+$15 for bike & helmet rental) Join BC Cycle Tours for a leisurely 2-hour guided cycling tour of the dykes, including many wildlife viewing opportunities and a stop at the "heronr/'. Great for The whole family - bring your binoculars & camera! Check out www.bccycletours.com Birds d Canoes Tour 1 pm & 2:30pm - Saturday 11am, 12:30pm & 2pm - Sunday Starts at the Marina, Pitt Meadows (end of Reichenbach Rd.) $25 per canoe (2-3 people per canoe) Join Alouette Canoes for a serene paddle along The calm channels of the Alouette River, featuring a stop at the "Silver Bridge" for some great wildlife viewing opportunities with The Alouette Field Naturalists Big bay Bird Count 9:30am - 12:00pm Meet at the Puff Meadows Family Recreation Centre,12027 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows (Included with admission to Trade Show) Join field naturalists and outdoor enthusiasts for a count of migratory & non-migratory birds of the area. Fun for The whole family - no experience required! Wear warm clothes and comfortable walking shoes. Bird Song Bar-B-Q J Auction 6:00pm Farmhouse Ufestyle, 13783 Rippington Rd., Pitt Meadows $35 per person / $350 per table (10) Don't miss This fabulous gourmet Bar-B-Q in a spectacular rural setting, featuring a Silent Auction to benefit the Codd Island Wetlands Preservation Project. Truly an evening to remember! 21 I Jh eat lue eron estival rr~rrv. "reot reat blue blue f,Jheron Aeron (, Festival ( 'ii Festival Birds In )4ur Backyard Tea Tickets for the raffle and all events 2:30 - 4:30pri are available at: Farmhouse U esfyle, 13783 Rippington Rd., Pitt Tourism Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Meadows 12492 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows $15 per perq on Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm Tel: 604-460-8300 Discover ho to attract birds to your 1 Or visit us at: backyard! Jon renowned Naturalist and speaker Sylvi Pincott for tea and an Haney Place Mall (centre court) enlightening Jiscussion on how to turn your 11900 Haney Place, Maple Ridge backyard mt a nature haven! Saturday, April 6 & Sunday, April 7 Saturday, April 13 & Sunday, April 14 Presented by: ft Pri Canoe - Z'' Pr) e: b,ital Camera 3' Pri e: Binoculars '—-_— Tickefs:$7 ach/3for$15 Supported by: Huriy! Limit d number of tickets .4 . 4:f '.'..... available . . - rn .•t '.W.'#11 ,i.ITh,,c...,,SL. -a ADO1 April 20 & 21, 2002 Pitt Meadows & Maple Ridge, B.C. Discover why bird watching is the fastest-growing soft-adventure sport in North Ameiica. Great fun for the whole family!