HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-07-23 Council Meeting Agenda and ReportsCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING A GENDA July 23, 2002 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber MEETING DECORUM Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.org ( 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 OPENING PRA YERS Pastor John Launstein 300 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL - Nil 400 ADOPTION OF MINUTES 401 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of July 9, 2002 ofJuly 9 and 15, 2002 500 DELEGATIONS - Nil 600 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Page 1 Council Meeting Agenda July 23, 2002 Council Chamber Page 2 of 7 601 DVP/047/02, 22104 124 Avenue (to waive the requirement to provide a sidewalk along Gray Street prior to future subdivision of the site into three residential parcels) Recommend deferral to August 27, 2002 Council Meeting 602 DVP/047/01, 12409 228 Street (to reduce the rear yard setback from 7.5 metres to 5.57 metres to enable the existing house to remain in its present location after subdivision of the property) 700 CORRESPONDENCE - Nil 800 BY-LAWS 801 Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 6043-2002 (to authorize the expenditures from the Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund for approved capital works programs for 2002) final reading 802 Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation Amending By-law No. 6058-2002 (to allow restaurants and liquor outlets to designate up to 30% of floor space as a smoking area that meets the requirements of the Worker' Compensation Board) final reading 803 RZ/062/00, 20544 Powell Avenue Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5975-2001 (to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-1 (Residential District) to permit subdivision into 2 lots) final reading 804 RZ/074/01, 11442 Best Street 804.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6013-2002 (to designate as Development Permit Area XLI(1) and to remove from Development Permit Area VII(7)) finaireading Council Meeting Agenda July 23, 2002 Council Chamber Page 3 of 7 804.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6008-2002 (to rezone from P-6 (Civic Institutional) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) to permit construction of 34 homes using a bare land strata subdivision to create individual strata lots) final reading 805 CP/012/01, Stream Mapping Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5950-200 1 (to adopt recent stream mapping into the Official Community Plan) final reading COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 900 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 901 Minutes - July 8 and 15, 2002 The following issues were presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting with the recommendations being brought to this meeting for Municipal Council consideration and final approval. The Committee of the Whole meeting is open to the public and is held in the Council Chamber at 12:30 p.m. on the Monday the week prior to this meeting. Public Works and Development Services 902 RZ/028/97, North of 130 Avenue in the 24000 Bik, File Closure Staff report dated July 4, 2002 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5688-1998 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. This item was deferred to a future Committee of the Whole meeting. 903 RZ/050/00, 10683 & 10705 240 Street, RS-3 to CD-1-93 Staff report dated June 28, 2002 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6063-2002 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6062-2002 to facilitate a 32 lot single family residential subdivision be read a first time and forwarded to Public Hearing. Council Meeting Agenda July 23, 2002 Council Chamber Page 4 of 7 904 RZ/69/00, 24308 & 24318 104 Avenue, Inclusion into Sewer Area "A" Staff report dated July 8, 2002 recommending that Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 6068-2002 be given three readings. 905 DP/042/02, 22645 & 22653 Dewdney Trunk Rd. Staff report dated June 6, 2002 recommending that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/042102 to facilitate construction of a commercial development. 906 VP/007102, 20482 123 Avenue Staff report dated July 4, 2002 recommending that qualifying property owners be notified that VP/007/02, to waive conversion of overhead services to underground facilities, will be considered at the August 27, 2002 meeting. 907 VP/029/01, 23701 Kanaka Way Staff report dated July 4, 2002 recommending that qualifying property owners be notified that VP/029/0 1, to waive the requirement to construct the unopened 112 Avenue right-of-way, will be considered at the August 27, 2002 meeting. 908 DP/057/01, 20201 Lougheed Highway, Safeway Gas Bar Staff report dated July 10, 2002 recommending that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/057/01 to facilitate construction of a gas bar canopy and kiosk. 909 Adult Entertainment and Pawnshops - Options for Regulating Use Staff report dated July 3, 2002 recommending that an Adult Entertainment and Pawnshop Zone be established, that fees for such uses be increased and that staff be directed to establish special business license regulations. This item was deferred to the August 19, 2002 Committee of the Whole meeting. Council Meeting Agenda July 23, 2002 Council Chamber Page5of7 910 Community Heritage Commission, Designation of Robertson Cemetery Report from the Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission concerning designation of the Robertson Cemetery as a municipal heritage site. This item was deferred to the August 19, 2002 Committee of the Whole meeting. Financial and Corporate Services (includinR Fire and Police) - Nil Community Development and Recreation Service - Nil Correspondence 971 Dr. Robert L. Hayden, Pitt River Bridge Letter dated July 2, 2002 requesting that the District negotiate with the Department of Highways to limit bridge openings to only late at night. 972 City of Burnaby, Mayor Douglas P. Drummond, GYTA (TransLink) Governance Letter dated Jun 25, 2002 providing a copy of a report on GVTA (TransLink) accountability and governance. Other Committee Issues - Nil 1000 STAFF REPORTS 1101 E-Comm Board of Directors, Appointment of Councillor Jon Harris Staff report dated July 16, 2002 recommending that Councillor Harris be appointed to the E-Comm Board of Directors and designated to attend the Annual General meeting. Council Meeting Agenda July 23, 2002 Council Chamber Page 6 of 7 1102 Acting Municipal Clerk Staff report dated July 16, 2002 recommending that Ron Riach be appointed Acting Municipal Clerk. 1103 Customer Comment Cards Staff report dated July 4, 2002 providing information an analysis of the Customer Comment Card program for the first six months of 2002. 1098 MAYOR'SREPORT 1099 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS 1100 OTHER MA TTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 1200 NOTICES OF MOTION 1300 ADJOURNMENT Council Meeting Agenda July 23, 2002 Council Chamber Page 7 of 7 1400 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to seek clarification about an item on the agenda, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws which have not yet reached conclusion. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. The decision to televise the Question Period is subject to review. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes only to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). The total Question Period is limited to 15 minutes. If a question cannot be answered, it will be responded to at a later date at a subsequent Council Meeting. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the office of the Municipal Clerk who can be contacted at (604) 463-5221. Checked by: Dale: , iov CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMIrFEE MINUTES K. Kirk, Recording Secretary Lot 24, Except: Part Dedicated Road on Plan 83136, District Lot 222, Group 1, Plan 26434, NWD 20520 Dewdney Trunk Rd. Bo Chin Douglas Su Restrictive Covenant - Statutory R-O-W (for municipal sewage works) July 9, 2002 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Al Hogarth Chairman Jim Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member 1. BO CHIN DOULGAS SU LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO BO CHIN DOULGAS SU. CARRIED ,- 4z JimRui t Chief Administrative Officer airma Memb q01 120B_AVE. ca L_3 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD 0 C) Cl) :-' Cl) DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES July 10, 2002 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Al Hogarth Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary 1. SD-041-01 LEGAL: Lots 67 and 68, Section 10, Township 12 NWD Plan LMP5 1537 LOCATION: 10601 and 10611 240A Street OWNER: Oakvale Developments Ltd., Ludwig Georg and Linda Roberta Korman REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Restrictive Covenant - Modification of Covenant BR275390 (Water Management) THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO SD-041-01. CARRIED 9, J.L. (Jim) Ru)€, Chief Administrative Officer - Member / - Rem2 10705 MCCLURE DR 20 8 8 19 P11873 I 1 Rem 1 •-°' 18 79(f 17 P68665 L IP 182 Re r Rer 16 23 LM 51537 10b 50g 49 51 1 106a3 48 - - 52 06B2 12 56 47 ,.13 10680 106? 10672 240 46 pl4 24090 10670 10662 PARK -53 L P 51 37 10660 58 40 Il CD <1;, P 11873 10650 0 \0 60 10640 0. 64 V., 106 AVE 0595 65 32 61 10630 72 ? In l31 62 6610621 ., 29 10620 PROPERTIES _SUBJECT 10 P3825 106 10 63 67 '- 2420( 68 70 51E31 NIP A 69 EP 16557 PARK LMP 51537 1O54 ? 339 1o53 34Q 10528 347 04 9 P 29456 LMP 41823 ,343 10515 LMP 48014 10510 IL —J 345 I- C,) Rem 372 P 10921 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 6 1 makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or I; present status of the information shown on 10456 g this map. I N DISTRICT OF PITT ES C'OW Oakvale Developments Ltd. 10601 & 10611 240A Street Iv AL IF "I r CORPORATION OF [=E THE DISTRICTOF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE: 1:2,500 ______ DATE: Jul10 2002 FILE: SD/041/01 BY: RS CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES July 15, 2002 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Al Hogarth Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary SD/026102 LEGAL: Lot 3, Section 10, Township 12, Plan LMP48014, NWD LOCATION: 240th Street North of 104th Avenue OWNER: Genstar Titleco Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Subdivision Servicing Agreement, Exterior Design Covenant, Release of Covenants (Park Site, Rezoning Dev. Agreement, Park Dedication, Highway DCC and Rezoning) RZ/074/01 LEGAL: Lot 21 Except: Part Dedicated Road Plan 82529; District Lot 249, Group 1, Plan 28112, NWD LOCATION: 11442 Best Street OWNER: Falcon Homes & Designs Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Restrictive Covenant - Building Development THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO SD1026102 & RZ/074/01. CARRIED J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member I DTRTG N f Genstar-Maple Crest-Phase 3 DISTRJCT OF LNOOLEY 1 MAPLE RIDGE I Inrporated 12, September, 1874 CORPORATION 0 THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE: 1:5,000 KEY MAP \T mLd_ I DATE: Apr 92002 FILE: BY: DS I- 549 115 AVE 27 2 3121 2526u, l,23I,24I I ANE P36 94 88 1 B 6 c 58 Q. 11522. 2\ / / 7 57 \ / 11525 34 6 P21754 w 26 I P33537 J—i 129, 25 11 527 P2 _j_i__L__..J 11518 I 11515 P278 11501 II ° 132 l3io 41 11517 135 i 133 0 - 11508 2 80 m 11497 356 11498 ..._...E ;:; C'4 40 40 11494 11487 11475 141 / o 04 1 iJ 11 P27978 / 375 378 13 138 t_J42 38 39 P 85960 131 2 I— P9441 P4 783 i,JJ469 11451 Cl) - 143 11438 144 - _1 - Rem2l 145 P14698 NW 3299 2 P28112 P41783 P 85960 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. Falcan Homes Ltd. M SILVrR 11442 Best Street i—H CORPORATION OF / I\ 1O~ THE DISTRICT OF I /\ STRTO I - ) RAttDI 'DE MAPLE RIDG I 1' AGL(V \ Aa P IVIPF II I" Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE: 1:2,500 KEY MAP -- A DATE: Jul 152002 FILE: R074/01 BY: RS Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Telephone: (604) 463-5221 Fax: (604) 467-7329 iIVLAPLE RJDG.E E-mail: enquiriesmapleridge.org r' lroxrated 12 S,tember,1874 • www.mapleridge.o June 26, 2002 File No: 3090-20/DVP10471102 Dear SirfMadam: PLEASE TAKE NOTE that the Municipal Council will be considering a Development Variance Permit at the regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge. The particulars of the Development Variance Permit are as follows: APPLICATION NO.: DVP/047/02 LEGAL: All that portion of: LotG, Except: Firstly: Part Dedicated Road on Plan 66617 and Secondly: Parcel One (Reference Plan LMP17781), District Lot 396, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan 15331 LOCATION: 22104 Avenue PROPOSED ZONING: CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) PURPOSE: The applicant is requesting that the requirement to provide a sidewalk along Gray Street be waived prior to future subdivision of the site into three residential parcels. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a copy of the Development Variance Permit and the Planning Department report dated June 4, 2002 relative to this application will be available for inspection at the Municipal Hall, Planning Department counter during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from June 26 to July 23, 2002. ALL PERSONS who deem themselves affected hereby shall be afforded an opportunity to make their comments known to Municipal Council by making a written submission to the attention of the Municipal Clerk by 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 23, 2002. Yours truly, A Terry FryerEng I Municipal Clerk Att. cc: Confidential Secretary 40) "Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens" 4' 100% Recyc'ed Paper z- E 32 0. 0 12339 0 (0 CV 22 12329 21 20 12319 'V 0 *0 20 12313 19 123 AVE 0 C, N N RI 7 1 8 •1 N N N 6 A RP 12909 12297 Rem S1/2 16 9 10 j P1112 40 12295 co f) - 41 12275 P 16012 P 72044 56 52 N 122162 i P73081 P7037 53 186 N ) ci I j; 1 1C1) 51 56 1 r I 185r-. 12515 1252311\.) 0 I P71514 - 1' 50 w - - ii 12495 - 12515 P77868 184' - — 58 122t5o 1 10 12487' 1; , 12505 1 PARK 22155 I f — i - - 9 \ 4" I 12479 12' I 182' 60 12487 I / __________________________________________ 12471 112' 172 47P181516'\ 1249sf 17 I17" - - L4P 44492 6 1 44492 3 2 _.' i_I 1671 168 169170 181 12463 124 rjjp 44.jT I P6147 7 i I i i i •'- 180 6 12455 $124 • N e I • N/ •\ N N. 17 I ISAAC CRES ________ CV s r 127 2. 124391 i124 ____ 2 124311 2440 ILM 44492 LM 40296 I ILM b676 161 4&T 6814 1 I I - 12423 124 I 158 157156l 155! 154 \ A L24111 124 3 1 2 I 4 & 4 1 3 2 i ,.I I JIIV,N I I C'I I ' B' N N IN IN IN N N $N j['j 2420 I / N] 124 AVE SUBJECT PROPERTY 124 A I _1 15 1 112398 12397 REM — Rem :1 76 2 j_J±_ 'I P82709 I Rem75 ' 12395 I 'Rem Cl) P 2408 I 206 248 L.__ I IP 27048 A Rem '' I 12 4 12391 _/ 12390 1____1! 205 116— 12374 EP 14565 , 0 12365 122 '- I Ii o . 204 201 P 28006 .40 12355 CD 203 201 12339 I P39057 i I - 12336 211 195 196 _ IS _ 202 12317 72= i94 I CANUCK CRES 1 12314 Rem D ER 13727 REM.A (P 26005) K110406 12299 154 I . 12271 Cl) co 153 04 _ 12251 152 12241 I 151 12298 0 0 0 C 0 IC 'V I N I I 155 N N 218 N IN N IN 217 216 N I N 2 I I 213 ON P 39057 CL P31884 156 157 158 159 / p 39057/ 1N N I23AVE 221 22110 220 161 f i ! fr"21 \ 212 r Mr. Ian Eliman N / 22104 124 Avenue wj \w NOW a ~ill CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICTOF — MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE kpsd 12. St9.r. 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: May 14 2002 FILE: RZ1047/02 - BY: RS Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Q4 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Telephone: (604) 463-5221 Fax: (604) 467-7329 IVIAPLE RIDGE E-mail: enquiries@mapieridge.org Incorporated 12 September, 1874 www.mapleridge.org July 10, 2002 File No: 3090-201DVP1047/01 Dear SirfMadam: PLEASE TAKE NOTE that the Municipal Council will be considering a Development Variance Permit at the regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge. The particulars of the Development Variance Permit are as follows: APPLICATION NO.: DVP/047/01 LEGAL: Lot 152, Section 20, Plan 36353, Township 12, N.W.D. LOCATION: 12409 228 Street PRESENT ZONING: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) PURPOSE: The applicant is requesting that the rear yard setback be reduced from 7.5 metres to 5.57 metres for the existing house, in order that it may remain in its present location after the subdivision of the property. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a copy of the Development Variance Permit and the Planning Department report dated June 17, 2002 relative to this application will be available for inspection at the Municipal Hall, Planning Department counter during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from July 10 to July 23, 2002. ALL PERSONS who deem themselves affected hereby shall be afforded an opportunity to make their comments known to Municipal Council by making a written submission (or e-mail) to the attention of the Municipal Clerk by 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 23, 2002. Yours truly, Terry Fryer, P.Eng ' Municipal Clerk (. (tfryer@mapleridge.org ) Ikk Att. cc: Confidential Secretary "Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens" 100% Recycled Paper 5 7\ I543!2i1 '\_— go : ;. 125A AVE 22729 15 :22733 822754 125A AVE <ITi 252627 7 500 -22739 12477 20 2122 23:24 - 3 16 / 12522 P77079 1 CD P77079 12516 20255 ,, P78976 I 2 17 P29383 .... 2 3 4 5 N i . i0b\ i . 12505 ' ' V 228$9 .97 124BAVE 2 12 ft 1ll514i312 11'10 22727 a, 4 ABERNETHY WAY 22 I L~~S. 2:12421 1 3 j_ 7 ~g 8 9 10ioll jR 12ip cl) 176, O4 13, 124 AVE 0 \i \~,, 1 -0 !r 154 a 1 155, 156,..J,157 1 158 159fl 160 2 161 1162 163 2 HI P7524. 26 . I ' 12376 35 25 REI IS 24 N12372 34 37() • •• 18 \ .9 173 172 171 170 ftl69 168 !167 I166 165 164 i ç'2- S274 29 P39343 P39343 \ _4 3 P25555 I P25555) 12355) 17 1359 GD 1—"30 , 6 N- 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 , P71839 20 21 -31 \ 32 31 !12358,) I 15 l23GlImli.2..P/71a39, —112344 12347 5 : Q 8 Rem.761 77 128 471 48,, 50 80,,, 12330 F_j 78 12331 im P4173 123AVE Rem.43 _______ N N) 0.. . 12325 - -- -- i41• - 79 lci 4 91 83 -n I ? cr) f12316 12313 1 1211 212 3 N- ;u)gO 85 82 —I 114 (N N -iD P43105 2316 12321 U-) 82314 12313 0 12314 1 12313 12306 P 51413 12301 (N 1 (N (N 332 333 2 0.- 0-89 86o. I 0.. 81 CM i 78 I 11 .. 2308 12311 12302 12301 --I 12304 12303 12296 P45078 12287 I 00 R7 i 7OC'J 13 307 308 I 12308 NI I N 14 0) 51 52's I 53N 54N 54 85 _1773 P i7 56 57 58 59 cc 60 61 Im 12298 N N N N N N N N N 2298 12297 12290 12287 12288 - 12293 — -. -- - ROGERS AV - 12264/78 12275 C) 2284 1 12275 \ H Rem. 291 " P11200 12273 j 290 2 ' 221 RARK 222 12265 1 P44$73 fl 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 - C- 12271', I P 40082 I 292 z P4177 Nswvv.12409 228 Street con A fl--- CORPORATION OF OT SCALE 1 2500 KEY MAP _____ DATE Jun 52001 FILE BY RS CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6043 - 2002 A By-law authorizing the expenditure of monies in the Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund WHEREAS development cost charges are collected for the purpose of assisting in the cost of providing Services necessary to support new development; AND WHEREAS, the service deemed necessary for new development has previously been established; AND WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge deems it desirable to complete a portion of the projects previously established as Development Cost Charge items. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting Assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure By- Law No. 6043 - 2002". The sum of TWO MILLION, FOUR HUNDRED AND SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY EIGHT DOLLARS ($2,475,228) is hereby appropriated from the Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund By-law No. 27 18-1979 as amended, and it is hereby authorized to be used as follows: Project No. Project Name Component LTC Year 2002 Capital Projects 3034 DCC PAYMENT TO JOINT SUPPLY SYSTEM, 2002 Water 7540 132 AVE (237 - 239) Water 7622 GVWD RESERVOIR DEBT PAYMENT 2002 Water 276 MASTER SEWER - DEBT RETIREMENT (2002) Sewage 334 . RIVER ROAD @ RIVERBEND Sewage 2998 250 ST SANITARY PUMP. STATION UPGRADE Sewage 3106 250 ST SANITARY WET WELL - PH2 Sewage 7225 GVS & DD CONNECTION - DEBT PAYMENT, 2002 Sewage 7217 SPENCER CREEK DETENTION POND (240/105) Drainage 1199 227 ST (BALABANIAN - 128) Highways 1267 ROAD WIDENING ACQUISITIONS (2002) Highways 2774 122 AVE (220 - 222) Highways 2815 227 ST (650M N OF BYPASS —LOUGHEED)__ -------Highways------ 4193 ALBION INDUSTRIAL PARK CROSSING Highways 6240 232 ST (KANAKA WAY - 112) Highways 7037 112 AVE (236 - 236B) Highways 7478 248 ST (121 - 122) Highways 7479 248 ST (DTR - 121) Highways 7555 COTTONWOOD DR (115 - 116) Highways 480 TOWN CENTRE PARK IMPROVEMENT Park Improvement 514 INFRASTRUCTURE REVIEW FOR OCP Government Services Bylaw Authorization ($2,475,228) 407975 J U L 0 9. 2002 Ms. Jo-Anne Hertzog Assistant Municipal Clerk Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 HaneyPlaqe Maple Ridge BC V2X 6A9 Dear Ms. Hertzog: ? JUL 122002 Thank you for your letter dated May 30, 2002, and its enclosed certified copis of the Smoking Control By-law No. 6058 - 2002, Amendment By-law to Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation By-law No. 5495 - 1997. As Minister of Health Services, and in accordance with Section 523 of the Local Government Act, the enclosed copies of the Smoking Control By-law No. 6058 - 2002, Amendment By-law to Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation By-law No. 5495 - 1997, have been reviewed and are hereby endorsed and approved. Minister Enclosures• pc: Dr. Shaun H. S. Peck Deputy PiilãFthOTficer Dr. Roland Guasparini Chief Medical Officer Fraser Health Authority Ministry of Office of the Minister Mailing Address: Location: Health Planning P0 Box 9068 Stn Prov Govt Parliament Buildings Victoria BC V8W 9E2 Victoria QJ3411~ MAPLE RIDGE 1nco.por1ed 12 Scplember, 1874 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6058 - 2002 A By-law to amend Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation By-law No. 5495 - 1997. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation By-law No. 5495 - 1997. NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACT AS FOLLOWS: This By-law shall be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation Amending By-law No. 6058 - 2002". Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation By-law No. 5495 - 1997 is amended as follows: a) In Section 2 - Definitions: In the paragraph "commercial establishment" delete the words "including, but not limited to restaurants, liquor outlets and gaming facilities"; After the definition for Medical Health Officer, insert the following definition: "patio" means an outdoor seating area approved by the Workers' Compensation Board which is not enclosed in whole and within which the natural airflow is minimally obstructed. Delete the entire definition for "smoking room" and replace it with the following: "smoking room" means a designated room in which smoking is permitted and that conforms to the Workers' Compensation Board regulations. b) In Section 3 - Smoking Restrictions add the following: "(m) in a restaurant; except in a patio or in a Smoking Room (n) in a liquor outlet; except in a patio or in a Smoking Room c) In the Section - Non-smoking Area - Restaurants & Liquor Outlets delete in their entirety Sections 6, 6.1 and 7 and replace them with the following: "6. Notwithstanding sections 3 and 4 of this By-law, a person may smoke in a designated Smoking Room or patio area in a restaurant or liquor outlet. • as By-law No. 6058 - 2002 Page (2) 7. Where smoking is permitted by this By-law in a Smoking Room in a restaurant or liquor outlet the Smoking Room shall be: A room structurally separated from other areas of the premises and no larger than thirty percent (30%) of the floor space that is used by the public; and Approved in writing by the Workers' Compensation Board as having met the standards of its Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Regulations." d) Delete Section 28 in its entirety and replace it with the following: "28.1 The By-law Inspector, or his delegate, shall have the right to entry and may enter into any common public area, any taxi cab, limousine or vehicle for hire, any school bus, public bus or other form of public transportation, any part of a commercial establishment, any part of a restaurant, any place of employment, any place of public assembly, any mall and liquor outlet at all reasonable hours in order to inspect the same and ascertain whether the provisions of this By-law are being or have been carried out. Any person interfering with or obstructing the entry of any such official or employee of the Municipality onto any such premises to which said entry is made or attempted pursuant to the provisions of this section of the By-law, shall be deemed to be guilty of infraction of this By-law and on summary conviction liable to a fine of not more than $2,000.00; 28.2 Any person who smokes in contravention of this By-law is guilty of an offence and on summary conviction liable to a fine of not more than $2,000.00; 28.3 Any proprietor or person who fails or neglects to perform any duty imposed upon him by this By-law shall be guilty of an offence and on summary conviction liable to a fine of not more than $2,000.00." READ a first time the 28th day of May, 2002. READ a second time the 28th day of May, 2002. READ a third time the 28th day of May, 2002. RECE WED APPROVAL OF THE MINISTER OF HEALTH on the day of RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED the day of I HERESY CERTIFY THE FOREGOING AND CORRECT COPY OF BY-LAWJ AS READ A THIRD TIME. BE A TRUE YOR CLERK DATE OF MAPLE R CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE: May 22, 2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Amendments to Smoking By-law No. 5495 - 1997 Purpose: To amend Maple Ridge By-law No.. 5495 - 1997, to allow smoking in restaurants and liquor outlets. Restaurants and liquor outlets may designate up to 30% of the floor space that is used by the public as a smoking area provided that the smoking area is in a room structurally separated from the non smoking area. Smoking will also be allowed in outdoor patio areas. All designated smoking areas must meet the requirements of the Workers' Compensation Board. Recommendation: That Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation Amending By-law No. 6058 - 2002 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation Amending By-law No. 6058 - 2002 be read a third time. Background: Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 5495 - 1997, a bylaw regulating where people may smoke, required all restaurants and liquor outlets to become 100% smoke free effective December 31, 2000. Council directed staff to delay enforcement of the bylaw until such time that regulations of the Workers Compensation Board were enacted and approved by the Provincial government. Workers' Compensation Board regulations have been amended to allow restaurants and liquor outlets to designate up to 45 % of the floor space that is used by the public as a smoking area provided that the smoking area is in a room structurally separated from the non smoking area. Smoking will also be allowed in outdoor patios. At the Council meting of May 14, 2002, Council directed staff to prepare amendments to Maple Ridge Smoking Bylaw No. 5495-1997 to permit up to 30% of the seating area in liquor outlets and restaurants to be designated as a smoking area provided that the smoking area meets the requirements of the Workers' Compensation Board. Intergovernmental Implications: Both the Simon Fraser Health Unit and Workers' Compensation Board will be advised of the change to the bylaw. Both agencies have indicated a willingness to assist in the enforcement of the by-law. - Financial Implications Costs will be incurred by those restaurants and liquor outlets that choose to construct indoor smoking rooms in order to meet the guidelines established by the Workers' Compensation Board. It is not anticipated that municipal by-law enforcement costs will increase as a result of the amendment to the by-law. Alternatives Council may choose to not amend the bylaw and direct staff to enforce the 100% prohibition. Summary Staff have prepared amendments to Maple Ridge Smoking By-law 5495-1997 to allow designated smoking areas in restaurants and liquor outlets. No more than 30% of the area used by the public may be designated as a smoking area and all smoking areas must meet the requirements of the Workers' Compensation Board. Prepared kv: Brock McDonald Director of Business Licenses, Permits and Bylaws hz ~~~ - Approved b/.. Frank Quinn General Manager: Public Works & Development Services /JC" (Z--f Co(ncurrence: Mike Murray Acting Chief Administrative Officer BM:sr -2- 4 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5495-1997 A by-law to regulate places where people may smoke WHEREAS section 692 of the Municipal Act authorizes municipal Councils to regulate persons, their premises and their activities, to further the care, protection, promotion and preservation of the health of the inhabitants of the municipality; AND WHEREAS Council has been advised that second hand tobacco smoke (exhaled smoke and the smoke from cigarettes, cigars and pipes) is a health hazard or discomfort to many inhabitants of the District of Maple Ridge; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law shall be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation By-law No. 5495-1997". DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this by-law, unless the context otherwise requires: "building area" means a structure wholly or partly enclosed by a roof and used for the shelter or accommodation of a person, but does not include foyers, stairways, washrooms, cloakrooms, food preparation areas and food storage areas; "Council" means the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge; "commercial establishment" means any place or premises where goods or services are displayed, offered for sale or rental, or sold or rented by retail or wholesale including but not limited to restaurants, liquor outlets and gaming facilities, but does not include a place where the only trade or business carried on is the custom- blending of tobaccos or the sale of tobacco, pipes, cigars or smoker's sundries; "common public area" means an area in a building or multiple residential dwelling generally available for common use by the occupants, including but not limited to hallways, foyers, stairways, elevators, escalators, washrooms, laundry rooms and amenity areas; "District" means the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge; By-law No. 5495-1997 Page 2 "gaming facility" means a facility registered with the B.C. Gaming Commission including but not limited to bingo halls and casinos; "health care facility" means any facility where medical or health services are being provided to individuals on a professional basis including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, community care facilities, extended care facilities, mental health facilities, dental offices, medical offices, chiropractic offices, optometrists offices and any counseling centres or offices; "letter height" means the actual height of the letter regardless of whether it is a capital or lower case letter; "liquor outlet" means a commercial establishment which is licensed under the Liquor Control and Licensing Act including but not limited to lounges, pubs, neighborhood pubs, cabarets but not including restaurants; "mall" means any public area which is totally enclosed and to which commercial establishments have access; "Medical Health Officer" is the Medical Health Officer, appointed for the District under the Health Act; "place of employment" means any enclosed indoor place of work other than a private home which also serves as a place of work, or a workplace occupied solely by an independent contractor or only by the partners to a partnership, and includes any part of a commercial establishment used exclusively by the employees of such premises. "place of public assembly" means any building or structure or portion thereof used for the gathering together of persons for the purpose of education, worship, entertainment, recreation, business or amusement; "post" means the act of keeping continuously on display; "proprietor" means the person who owns, controls, governs or directs the activity carried on within a building, place or premises referred to in the by-law and includes the person actually in charge thereof; "owner" includes the registered owner or purchaser under an agreement for sale, mortgagee in possession, agent, tenant, and any person in charge or control' of a building, premises, land vehicle, machine, boat, conveyance or chattel; "reception area" means the public space used by an office or establishment for the receiving or greeting of customers, clients, or other persons dealing with such office or establishment; By-law No. 5495-1997 Page 3 "restaurant" means a food service establishment in which prepared food is served to the public in exchange for money or services, or any place to which the public have access for the purpose of purchasing food for human consumption on or off the premises, including a food court in a mall, but does not include a liquor outlet; "service line" means an indoor line of two or more persons awaiting services of any kind, regardless of whether or not such services involve the exchange of money, including but not limited to, sales, provision of information, transactions or advice and transfer of money or goods; "service counter" means the counter and an area of three (3) metres Continuous to the counter; "smoke" or "smoking" means the inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying of a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe or other lighted smoking equipment burning tobacco or any other weed or substance, but does not include smoking by actors as part of a stage or theatrical performance; "smoking room" means a designated room in which smoking is permitted and that conforms to the specifications in section 14 herein. Smoking Restrictions 3. No person may smoke in any common public area; in a taxi cab, limousine or vehicle for hire without the consent of all passengers and the driver; in a public transportation facility or vehicle, including but not limited to a school bus, a public bus, the "West Coast Express", a transit shelter or waiting room relating to any form of transportation. in any part of a commercial establishment except as otherwise permitted in this by-law; in any place of employment; in any place of public assembly except as otherwise permitted in this by-law; inamall; in any hotel or motel rooms designated as non-smoking; in any District owned or operated buildings or vehicles except as otherwise set out in Appendix A of this by-law; in any health care facility except as otherwise permitted in this by-law; in any service line; (1) at any service counter. 4. No proprietor of a place or operator of a vehicle as set out in section 3 herein may permit a person to smoke in their establishment or vehicle contrary to the provisions of this by-law. By-law No. 5495-1997 Page 4 Occupancy to areas where smoking is permitted is restricted to persons 19 years of age or older. Non-smoking Area- Restaurants and Liquor Outlets Notwithstanding sections 3 and 4 above, a proprietor of a restaurant or liquor outlet must designate a building area within the premises containing not less than 70% of the total seating capacity as a designated non-smoking area and must not permit smoking in this area. 6.1 Effective December 31, 2000, a proprietor of a restaurant or liquor outlet must remove all delineation between smoking and non-smoking areas and the entire restaurant or liquor outlet must be 100% non-smoking. The smoking area permitted under section 6 above must form a contiguous unit separate from the non-smoking area. It must be so designed and located so that non-smoking customers do tiothave to pass through it to enter or leave the premises or to gain access to the washrooms or cashiers. The smoking area must be designated, located and maintained so that impact of tobacco smoke on patrons in adjacent areas where smoking is not permitted is minimized by means of ventilation, air cleaning, physical separation or other effective means and the smoking area has its limits clearly identified by signs which comply with sections 13 through to 22 herein. Non-Smoking Area - Gaming Facilities Notwithstanding sections 3 and 4 above, a proprietor of a gaming facility must designate a building area within the premises containing not less than 30% of the total seating capacity as a designated non-smoking area and must not permit smoking in this area. The smoking area permitted under this section must form a contiguous unit separate from the non-smoking area. It must be so designed and located so that non-smoking customers do not have to pass through it to enter or leave the premises or to gain access to the washrooms or cashiers. The smoking area must be designated, located and maintained so that impact of tobacco smoke on patrons in adjacent areas where smoking is not permitted is minimized by means of ventilation, air cleaning, physical separation or other effective means and the smoking area has its limits clearly identified by signs which comply with sections 13 through to 22 herein. Smoking Room Notwithstanding section 3 herein or any other sections of this by-law, employees may smoke in a designated smoking room which conforms to the specifications - contained in section I 1 below in commercial establishments, places of puhlic assembly and health care facilities. By-law No. 5495-1997 Page 5 11. Where smoking is permitted in a smoking room pursuant to this by-law, the smoking room must be: no larger than ten percent (10%) of the floor area of the portion of the building, structure, place or area that is generally open to and actively used by the public but not including foyers, stairways, washrooms and cloakrooms, or five (5) square metres, whichever is the smaller; physically separated from the rest of the premises and sealed with four (4) walls, a ceiling and a tight-fitting door; separately heated, cooled and ventilated from the rest of the establishment; exhausted to the outside so as to provide a negative pressure within the room; equipped so that its only use is to permit persons to smoke; identified by means of a sign in proximity to the front entrance indicating "WARNING; EXPOSURE TO TOBACCO SMOKE INCREASES HEALTH RISKS INCLUDiNG CANCER - SMOKING IS PERMiTTED IN SMOKING ROOMS ONLY. Medical Health Officer" 12. A proprietor of premises who has established a smoking room must ensure that smoking by employees is restricted to the smoking area, and no employee of the premises is required to enter the area while it is Occupied by smokers. Signs 13. Where an establishment is exempted from a total prohibition on smoking, the proprietor must post a sign, in proximity to the front entrance, indicating "WARNING; SMOKING IS PERMII LED IN THIS ESTABLISHMENT - EXPOSURE TO TOBACCO SMOKE INCREASES HEALTH RISKS INCLUDING CANCER" and the words "Medical Health Officer" at the bottom right hand corner of the sign. 14. Where smoking is prohibited by this by-law a proprietor of any building, structure, space, place or area must post a sign, in proximity to the front entrance, - - indicating "NO SMOKING IN THIS BUILDING' and the words "MAXIMUM FINE $2,000". 15. All signs required pursuant to sections 13 and 14 must conform to the following S conditions and specifications: (a) in every area where a smoking area has been designated under this by-law, the proprietor must post a sufficient number of signs, as prescribed in section 13 prominently displayed so as to be clearly visible from all points which smoking applies; and By-law No. 5495-1997 Page 6 (b) in every area where smoking is not permitted under this by-law, the proprietor must post a sufficient number of signs, as prescribed in section 14 prominently displayed so as to be clearly visible from all points to which no smoking applies. 16. Required signs must: where smoking is not permitted, carry the text "NO SMOKING" in capital or lower case letters or a combination thereof; where smoking is permitted, carry the text "SMOKING IN THIS AREA ONLY" in capital or lower case letters or a combination thereof; consist of two contrasting colours, or if the lettering is to be applied directly to a surface or to be mounted on a clear panel, the lettering must contrast the background colour; contain lettering the size of which must be not less than the following height based upon the maximum viewing distance in direct line of sight for; Viewing Distance Letter Height 3 metres or less 1.25 centimetres 6.1 metres or less 5.1 centimetres 12.2 metres or'less 7.6 centimetres 24.4 metres or less 10.2 centimetres 48.8 metres or less 15.2 centimetres exceeding 48.8 metres 20.3 centimetres Required signs must include in the text at the bottom of each sign, the wording "Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation By-law No. 5495-1997" in letters not less than .65 centimetres in height for signs with letter size of .65 centimetres and not less than one-quarter (1/4) the height of the letter on all other sizes of letters. Notwithstanding the provisions in sections 16 through to 19, the following graphic symbol may be used to indicate "no smoking" areas: By-law No. 5495-1997 Page 7 and the following graphic symbol may be used to indicate "smoking" areas: r ç Each symbol in section 18 must include the text "Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation By-law No. 5495-1997" in letters and figures at least five percent (5%) of the diameter of the circle and introductory stroke in red with a cigarette, letters and figures in black. With respect to the graphic symbols, the diameter of the circle referred to in section 18 must be not less than the number of centimeters prescribed below, based upon the maximum viewing distance and direct line of sight as follows: Viewing Distance Diameter Size 3 metres or less 6.1 metres or less 12.2 metres or less 24.4 metres or less 48.8 metres or less exceeding 48.8 metres 10.2 centimetres 15.2 centimetres 20.3 centimetres 30.6 centimetres 40.6 centimetres 61.0 centimetres Notwithstanding that the symbol in section 18 is a cigarette, it is deemed to include a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or other lighted smoking equipment. No person may remove, alter, conceal, deface or destroy any sign posted pursuant to this by-law. Vending Machines No proprietor or owner may allow a cigarette vending machine to be located in any commercial establishment. Exceptions This by-law does not regulate smoking in a private home. By-law No. 5495-1997 Page 8 Severability In the event there is a conflict between this by-law and the provisions of any other Federal or Provincial act or regulation, any other by-law that is applicable to the District, the more restrictive act, regulation or by-law must prevail as may be specifically applicable to the intended purpose. If any section, subsection or clause of this by-law is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the invalid portion shall be severed and the remainder of this by-law shall be deemed to have been adopted without the invalid and severed section, subsection or clause. Repeal Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation By-law No. 4703-1992 is hereby repealed in its entirety. Offences Any proprietor who contravenes or violates any of the provisions of this by-law or who suffers or permits any act or things to be done in contravention or in violation of any of the provisions of this by-law or who neglects to do or refrains from doing anything required to be done by any of the provisions of this by-law commits an offence and, upon summary conviction therefore, shall be liable to a fine of not less than $100.00 and not more than the maximum fine provided by the Offence Act, R.S.B.C. 1979, Chp. 305 and, where the offence is a continuing one, each day that the offence is continued shall constitute a separate offence. READ a FIRST TIME on the 8th day of April, 1997. READ a SECOND TIME on the 8th day of April, 1997. READ a THIRD TIME on the 8th day of April, 1997. RECEIVED APPROVAL OF THE MINISTER OF HEALTH on the 21st day of April, 1997: RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED the 13th day of Pylay, 1997. ---1*r CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Final Reading: 20544 Powell Avenue Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5975-2001 DATE: July 15, 2002 FILE NO: RZ1062/00 ATTN: COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Bylaw 5975-2001 has been considered by Council and at Public Hearing and subsequently granted 2id and 3rd reading. The applicant has requested that final reading be granted. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit the subdivision into 2 lots not less than 37 1m 2 in area. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5975-2001 be reconsidered and adopted. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on September 18, 2001. On October 09, 2001 Council granted 2ud and 3rd reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5975-2001 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed. Those conditions and how they have been fulfilled is as follows: Approval from the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, Fish and Wildlife Branch - The Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection have established the habitat protection boundary. Park Dedication as required - This area has been dedicated as Park. Removal of existing building in the area to be dedicated "Park"; - The building has been demolished and removed from the area to be dedicated as park. An Arborist' s report must be received that identifies any "hazardous trees" - An Arborist 's report on the presence of hazardous trees has been received. A requirement of subdivision will be afurther assessment report of all trees within the development site that can be preserved and assessment of trees in the park within striking distance of the building envelopes. A restrictive covenant in support of the Official Community Plan's Infill Policy be registered at the Land Title Office to ensure the building form and setbacks are compatible with the existing neighbourhood - The restrictive covenant supporting the Official Community Plan's Infill Policy has been submitted for registration in the Land Title Office. ~03 CONCLUSION: As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that final reading be given to the bylaw. (Prepared by : Bruc McLeod, ISA Certi ied Arborist Landscape/Planning Technican P & Development Services Concurrence: J. L. (flim) Rule Chiet Administrative Officer BM/jvt -2- to P P 3359 3359 In Pl39 A P3359 Of I U)J AVE EP8621 1 I POWELL AV POWE cli 0 12 - 8 A 14 B 19 _______ 12576 VE CID _ kLLMPM3 12565 18 I- 2 1 A B C I 5789 P72860 ______ I _____ 12555 2 o 0) C U U P l 3 i I 17 CNI 12562 a. —J 124911 2 I BJECT PROPERTY C 12545 12550 IMP 22302 I 16 3 204 ST 3 - 12535 21 15 13 12488 ° 7534 12525 12486 28 6 8 Rem. .-i 14 i cy 10 2 W1/23 C- 12;13 11 26 —I 20ST 11 a • a ________ j1 - 12 125 AVE 13 CU 5 31 401P 12465 (i[l\ :5 6 12455 16 IMP 22302 12438 12430 12445 20489 PARK 29 : 2 P 75346 12444 20493 75346 J LI 12420 12415 IL1] U) co l)AA A%I I P7461 I LMP112298I I 2 f 3 I 4 I 5 I 1IU'2 I 12431 'P77160 cD S l 9- to 10 /\2=0324 Go 12401 , Co . ~0- 1 6 30 1 12380 11 NFM st SUBJECT PROPERTY CO R P0 RATI ON OF THE DISTRICT OF flADI DIrVE MAPLE RIDGE LANm.EY • ALB.o ivii-u- i_ . , THORHHLL Incorporatedlz September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE: 1:2500 KEY MAP •'.. DATE: Jun 272001 FILE: RZ-62-00 BY: TM PMN SHOWING PROPOSED SUBDIVISION ON LOT 1 DISTRICT LOT 276 GROUP 1 POWELL AVENUE N.W.D. PLAN 15789 ____ _______ 1495 . 14.95 14.95 Scale 1:500 "Proposecl fulure 10 5 0 10,0 25.0 loS line - P/act /5789 825rn2 1.8 ho Gora: demolished 5.04 2 - - - Top of bank\ 9/\ 10 12 I Wade & Associates Land Surveying Ltd. I B.C. Land Surveyors I Maple Ridge & Mission June 2001 Phone 463-4753 At3 13 2001 MAPLE R1OE PLANNING OEARTMENT CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5975 - 2001 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5975 - 2001." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 1, District Lot 276, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan 15789 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1252 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to R-1 (Residential District). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the 2001. - MAYOR A.D. 2001. A.D. 2001. A.D. 2001. A.D. 2001. day of A.D. CLERK H Lt. AVE. N loI°- N 3 0_ I —J —J 12491 Ui 12 204 ST. 15.0 13 12488 :2 8 /2486 12 12i 276 7 10 \ - lP 6140 32 54 b 31'. 4 I 99 124651 6 30 12438 12455\ 12430 I L Rem 4 P 24660 2.145 ha I 2 I p3359 2 Qj P 13319 1.452 ho A B C P 72860 LM 348 2 2\ lZ3 EP 7 3 7 - 0.554 ha. 8 9 753 6 - 7 ('lO\ 11 205 ST.124581 24' 23 2 S 1245 \ < 13\ 33 34 \0 12450 \ 20 14 06 Zp 35 I2' 2446 19 1 15\ 441 442 2 t2 16 fl 124 B AVE. 36 18 1 1 2431 20482 3 3.1 P 3359 Cli 0 ('JI Rem 4 B 04 CL P 3359 EP 8621 —J 1.159 ha 0.874 ha POWELL AVE. a '(1 ra I A B r 19 ('I 18.0 12576 - /256 O LMP 36432 18 2 15789 12555 17 /2562 1254. /2550 16 Cl) 3 /253. 0 " 15 1252 Rem. 2 W 1/2 3 1213i 0.898 ho. 1.036 ho. 0 LMP 22302 PARK C, MAPLE RIDGE ZNt AMENDING Bylaw No. 5975-2001 Map No. 1252 From: RS-3(One Family Rural Residential) To: R— 1 (Residential District) MON, ~M~R A MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: July 15, 2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/074/01 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COUNCIL SUBJECT: Final Reading: Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6013-2002 Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6008-2002 11442 Best St. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Bylaws 6008-2002 and 60 13-2002 have been considered by Council and at Public Hearing and subsequently granted 21x and 3rd reading. The applicant has requested that final reading be granted. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit the construction of 34 homes using a bare land strata subdivision to create individual strata lots under the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Zone. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6013-2002 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6008 - 2002 be reconsidered and adopted. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Council considered this rezonin application at a Public Hearing held on April 16, 2002. On May 14, 2002 Council granted 2 and 3 reading to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6013-2002 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6008-2002 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed: Approval from the Ministry of Transportation; Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement; Amendment to Schedule "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan; Registration of a Private Cross Access Easement Agreement at the Land Title Office; An acoustical report for sound attenuation in compliance with Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation standards with respect to the Canadian Pacific Railway tracks; and An arborist's report. The following applies to the above: The Ministry of Transportation approved the bylaw pursuant to Section 54(2) of the Highway Act on the 13th Day of June 2002. The registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security as outlined in the Agreement has been completed. go ~ The adoption of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw 60 13-2002, will amendment Schedules "A" and "H" of the Official Community Plan. The requirement to register the Private Cross Access Easement Agreement will be achieved through the Bare Land Strata Subdivision. The applicant's lawyer has noted that the exact location of the access can be better achieved at the time of subdivision and the Approving Officer is required, under the Bare Land Strata Regulations to ensure access is provided to lands lying beyond. It is anticipated that the Bare Land Strata Plan will be registered in the very near future. An acoustical report has been submitted which states: "The measured 24 hour equivalent sound level meets the CMHC criteria for normal residential construction. No special construction is required for acoustic purposes." An arborist' s report has been submitted and found to be acceptable. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that final reading be given to the bylaws. A2\. Prepd'red by: Gay McMilIan, Pla ngcian Quinn & Development Services J.L(Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer -2- 94 8 o 58 1i5;\,J 7 lo 354 P21714 H :183 34701 50 ¶E1 527 __ 2 1112 7978 41 115AVE 39497 27 2 508 11498 > 11494 12 11 11475 (1) 11487 m 37 484 l4o:8 11466 1-139 4f[ :tf P 85960 234 9 IN- NE 11438 11446 ____-33 (/ )1 2p LL (J) Rem 21 14EIJJ P 11698 rr NW 3299 D ••J 2 P 28112 P 41 731 o P 85960 - o z LL The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on L his_map flh_1 ) SUBJECT PROPERTY N IS sILv R SHOWING SURROUNDING LANDUSE CORPORATION OF A THE DISTRICT OF L4KE I MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE - THORNHILL incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Feb 1 2002 FILE:ZR-74-0l BY: TM SCALE: 1:2,500 KEY MAP ' p. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RI1)GE BY-LAW NO. 6013 - 2002. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS the Local Government Act empowers a local government to adopt or amend an Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Offlciai Community Plan Amending By-law No. 6013 - 2002." Schedule "A" is hereby amended by deleting the following from Subsection (B) of Development Pennit Area VII in the appendix: Lot 21, Except: Part. dedicated road plan 82529; District Lot 249, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 28112 Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XLI in the Appendix: Lot 21, Except: Part dedicated road plan 82529; Ditrict Lot 249, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 28112. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 21, Except: Part dedicated road plan 82529; District Lot 249, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 28112. and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 615, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby removed from Development Permit Area VII (7) and designated as Development Permit Area XLI (1) on Schedule "H". Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. 130q. / t READ A FIRST TIME the day of PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of READ A SECOND TIME the day of READ A THIRD TIME the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the 2002. ,A.D.2002. A.D. 2002. ,A.D.2002. A.D. 2002. day of ,A.D. MAYOR CLERK 52,1 iP 3.70 P70 i i P978 1!:L:::52 to 2 79 I 35/6/4 /f498 _J 40 \ 27 2 dGED Jf457/ 21 tp 87 11 37 114Z 141 0.529 ho. 378f 13 13 138 1II2526 P 85960 38 2 241 ° P 9441 P 4 783 11471 1145, 143 46t 144 2 Ill - P 1 698,,- Rem 21 145 NW 3299111 2 P 28112 P 41783 60 P 859601 IV. 1.551 ha. 2.441 ho. CA fn to MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 6013-2002 Map No. 615 PURPOSE: TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA XLI(1) AND TO REMOVE FROM DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA VII(7) 6im, A MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:2500 .J . ' CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6008 - 2002 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A' forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WhEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 6008 - 2002." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: All that portion of: Lot 21 Except: Part dedicated road plan 82529; District Lot 249, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 28112 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No.1263 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the ?4Iay of , A.D. 2002. r •' PUBLIC HEARING heidthe° day of: N ' ,AD. 2002 READ a second time the _3'day of , A.D. 2002. READ a third time the day of , A.D. 2002. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation and Highways this day of , A.D. 2002. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of A.D. 2002. 1\'L4.YOR Approyrid purcunt to section 4(2) of the Bghway Act tr CLERK q 0 q . Z CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: July 17, 2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: CP/012/01 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COUNCIL SUBJECT: Final Reading: Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5950-2001 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Bylaw 5950-2001 has been considered by Council and at Public Hearing and subsequently granted 2d and 3td reading. Final reading is now required. The purpose of the bylaw is to adopt the recent stream mapping, completed to date, as part of the District's Official Community Plan. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5950-2001 be reconsidered and adopted. DISCUSSION: Background Context: Council considered this Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw at a Public Hearing held on June 18th, 2002. On June 25w, 2002, Council granted 2nd and 3jd reading to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5950-2001 without any conditions. In anticipation of the need for better stream mapping information the District of Maple Ridge initiated an evaluation of existing stream mapping and inventory data in 1998 to determine the adequacy of the information available for watercourse classification. This review, undertaken by Scott Resources Inc., identified that much of the stream inventory information available to the District was incomplete and that a number of discrepancies existed in District watercourse base mapping. In order to verify the location and condition of the over 450 kilometres of stream needed to address the inadequacies in the available stream inventory, a phased mapping project involving the use of high end GPS (Global Positioning Systems) was adopted by Council in the fall of 1999. -. - Iheobjectives. of the.proj.ect.wereidentified. as. follows.: - to provide accurate geographic locations for known fish bearing or supporting streams within Maple Ridge in order to upgrade District watercourse base mapping; to design a data dictionary that will standardize data items collected in the field and to provide collection protocol for future inventory projects; to develop a database on stream features and characteristics that will aid in the future sensitivity classification of watercourses and the establishment of protection setbacks; to upgrade Schedule "E" of the Official Community Plan; to make available information on watercourse/environmental quality in more user-friendly format to customers and the public; and to produce a watercourse classification map that will assist in the development application review process. 45 To date, 270 kilometres of stream (Phases 1 and 2) have been mapped in Maple Ridge: CONCLUSION: As no conditions have been placed on Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5950-2001, it is recommended that the bylaw be reconsidered and adopted. 3144~ Prepared b6/f " Sheehan EnvironmentaUeLnicia Approved uk Quinn Public orks & Development Services Concurrence: / J. L. (Jim) Rule I Chief Administrative Officer JS/jvt -2- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 5950 - 2001 A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5950 - 2001 ." Schedule "E" which forms part of Bylaw 5434-1996 as amended is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the attached Schedule "E". Maple Ridge Official Community Plan By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 2002. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of READ A SECOND TIME the day of READ A THIRD TIME the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the 2002. A.D. 2002. A.D. 2002. A.D. 2002. day of A.D. MAYOR CLERK S CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: June 28, 2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZI050/00 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading Bylaw No. 6063-2002 and Bylaw No. 6062-2002 10683 & 10705 240 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On May 8, 2001 this application, to rezone the property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to CD 1-93 (Amenity Residential District), was considered by Council under our former land use reporting process (see attached land use report). Council elected not to forward this application to a Public Hearing until the development plan reflected the street patterns shown on the Cottonwood Guide Plan. That condition has now been met and it is recommended that first reading be granted to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw 6063-2002 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw 6062-2002. During review, it was identified that additional conditions should be met prior to final reading, along with those included in the original report. All these conditions are now provided with this recommendation. RECOMMENDATIONS: That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6063-2002 be read a first time; That, acknowledging that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6063-2002 has been considered in conjunction with the capital expenditure plan and waste management plan, Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6063-2002 be forwarded to Public Hearing; That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6062-2002 be read a first time and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and That the following terms and conditions be met prIor to final reading. Amendment to Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan; A geotechnical report which addresses the suitability of the site for the proposed development; Road dedication as required; Park dedication as required; and A Comprehensive Plan of Development and site grading plan must be registered at the Land Title Office. 903 DISCUSSION: The land use report for this application was considered at the Council Meeting of May 8, 2001. A copy of that report is attached. At that meeting, Council recommended that the application not be forwarded to Public Hearing until a subdivision plan had been submitted that included a connection that complied with the Cottonwood Guide Plan. The subdivision plan has since been revised and a copy of the proposal is attached to this report. Through the review of the subdivision plan it became evident that in order to achieve the subdivision, considerable regrading of the site would be necessary that would require the cooperation of the neighbouring property owner. As well, the resultant grades will only accommodate specific building forms to fit the difficult terrain. It is therefore advisable that a condition of zoning include provision of a comprehensive plan of development to ensure that the building type and grades necessary to achieve the development are consistent at the time of subdivision. Information has been received that confirms most of the conditions that will apply to the comprehensive plan of development. Staff will be working with the applicant to finalize the details prior to final reading. A further recommended condition of approval is review of the design by a geotechnical engineer to ensure that all slopes on the site are stable as proposed. a) Background Context: Applicant: Ekistics Design Owner: V.BhattifD.Ball Legal Description: Lot 1, District Lot 408, Plan 68665 & Lot 2, Except: Firstly: part subdivided by Plan 45889 & Secondly: part subdivided by Plan 68665, Thirdly: part subdivided by Plan 71697, District Lot 408, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan 11873 OCP: Existing: Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare) Proposed: Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare) and Conservation Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: CD-1-93 (Comprehensive Development) Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Kanaka Creek Regional Park Residential Residential Residential -2- Existing Use of Property: Single Family Residential Proposed Use of Property: Single Family Residential Access: Access to the subdivision will be from 240 Street and from an internal road and lane network Servicing: All services exist at the property line Previous Applications: SD182/73, SD/20/84, RZ/39/96, SD/47/96 Project Description: As identified in the original report for this application, there was concern that the plan did not achieve the objectives contained in the Cottonwood Guide Plan for interconnection with other neighbourhoods. This has been resolved and the proposal shows a road connection that will provide an additional way to access the Kanaka Ridge development through to 240 Street, thereby providing connectivity and improved emergency access into this neighbourhood. Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The site is designated Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare) on Schedule 'B' of the Official Community Plan. The development plan is in compliance with the density designation, however, it will be necessary to amend that Schedule 'B' to include an area on the west portion of the site to Conservation to recognize a small watercourse. This area will be dedicated as Park as a condition of zoning. This Conservation area includes a forested area that is beyond the normal watercourse protection boundary but that will provide a benefit to the neighbourhood by being retained as municipal parkland and effectively, an extension to Kanaka Creek Regional Park. This forested area is considered too steep to develop and retention of the vegetation contributes to long-term slope stability. Zoning Bylaw: The site will be zoned to CD-1-93 (Comprehensive Development) Zone. This will permit the subdivision into lots not less than 371 metres square. This zone has been used extensively in the Cottonwood area as it provides siting characteristics that generally afford greater flexibility in dealing with the environmental constraints that are common in this area. -------------Developmen•t-Perrnits: The site is included into Development Permit Area XXX. It will be necessary for Council to approve a Development Permit that addresses the guidelines and objectives of Development Permit Area XXX prior to any site clearing work taking place within 50 metres of the top of bank of the watercourse. -3- Citizen/Customer Implications: The development will provide part of an important link between existing and emerging neighbourhoods that will accommodate greater pedestrian mobility and reduce the length and number of local vehicle trips. Interdepartmental Implications: The Engineering Department will be required to reyiew details of the development design during subdivision of the property. Intergovernmental Issues: Greater Vancouver Regional District Subdivision servicing will include a drainage system that drains to the watercourse flOwing north to Kanaka Creek Regional Park. The Greater Vancouver Regional District will be consulted with respect to the impact this drainage may have on long-term erosion. Statutory rights-of-way may be required over the drainage course to allow the District to maintain the facility. Local Government Act An amendment to the Official Community Plan requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 882 of the Act. The amendment required for this application, to reflect the actual boundary of a Conservation area, is considered to be minor in nature. It has been determined that no additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial governments. The amendment has been reviewed in conjunction with the Financial plan/Capital plan and the Waste Management Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and determined to have no impact. Environmental Implications: Parts of the properties have environmental value due to the existence of watercourses and significant vegetation. These lands will be dedicated as park and therefore protected. A CONCLUSION: The applicant has now provided a plan of development that identifies interconnection between neighbourhoods and therefore respects the Cottonwood Guide Plan. The application is in compliance with density designation of the Official Community Plan, however, an amendment to the Conservation boundary is required to reflect the inclusion of lands that will be dedicated as park with development of the site. Compliance with applicable sections of the Local Government Act has been reviewed and recommendations made to Council. It is recommended that this application be forwarded to Public Hearing and that first reading be granted to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw 6063-2002 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6062-2002. Prepared by: Moreno ROMBA, MC1P ,MCIP by: Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP GM: Public W?ks & Development Services Concurrence: 91hief L (Jim) Rule Administrative Officer MR/jvt -5- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO.6062-2002 A By-law to amend zoning on Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No.6062-2002." Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 1, District Lot 408, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan 68665 Lot 2, Except: Firstly: Part subdivided by Plan 45889 and Secondly: Part subdivided by Plan 68665, Thirdly: Part subdivided by Plan 71697, District Lot 408, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan 11873 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No.1280 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, are hereby rezoned to CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 2002. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of A.D. 2002. - READ a second time the day of A.D.,2002. READ a third time the day of A.D. 2002. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of A.D. 2002. MAYOR CLERK 115 P 45889 ci. "2" P 3693 A LP 4124 3.03 ho. P71697 N 1.085 ho 28 27 26 25 24 23 - - 1 LO 0— 321 Rem 2 10705 - 616 322 11873 1 Rem 1 LM'482 6 8/ - 612 "s 32.3 P 68665 ,'RemRem 4T24_ui - 9 324 2 3 LM 5153 325 10605 0.865 ho 51 g / '0 /48\ 327 /'\/ / / - 52 10682 '0604 -- 56 47 10680 F067,' "0 '' 706 57 10670 55 £p 46 / /0662 qLMpr3 58 53 / 45 I 44I 10660 1 P 11873 59 10650 ( 60 106 AVE. 10640 o 64 65 2.533 ho rRe 61 /06J0 72 c'. 62 10620 66 1062 IMP51538 73 74 IMP 1538 3 CL 10610 \ ,( 71 -MALE RhD€E ZONE AMf-N+N€----- --- - Bylaw No. 6062-2002 Map No. 1280 From: RS -3(One Family Rural Residential) To: CD-i —93(Amenity Residential District) AMAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO.6063-2002. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WhEREAS Section 882 of the Municipal Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "B" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No.6063-2002." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2, Except: Firstly: Part subdivided by Plan 45889 and Secondly: Part subdivided by plan 68665, Thirdly: Part subdivided by Plan 71697, District Lot 408, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan 11873 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 627, a copy of which is attached hereto and fonns part of this by-law, is hereby redesignated to Conservation Maple Ridge Official Community Plan By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 2002. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of - - , A.D. 2002. READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 2002. READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. 2002. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of 2002. Im MAYOR CLERK 15 5889 ci. "2" P 3693 LP 41124 3.03 ho. P 71697 1.085 ho 28 27 26 25 24 23 - - - ....- 22 21 D U1, Ln Rem 2 10705 - - 322 11873 0 )- 1 Rem 1 LM'482 4 5 ... r\ 40512 " 323 106 P 68665 —ti 4124 - ,'RemRem LM 324 2 3 LM 5153 325 0.865 ho 51 50 49 / 1 326 A / / 0o T 7 2è/9/ — 48 52 10 o \ Jj 56 I 47 ç /0680 55 1 c 46 57 10570 c,54 J8'10662 58 10660 I L&IP 51l /45 I44I 1 P 11873 10650 I I 00 6oLr, 1O6AVE 41o/r 10640 CL 64 65 54 Qq 2.533 ho rrRe 61 ... 10630 62 66 /062 10620 38 L8 3l iI2. /06/0 67 71 MAPLE RDGE OFFCAL COMMUNTY PLAN AMENDNG Bylaw No. 6063-2002 Map No. 627 From: Single Family Residential(18 units per net hectare) To: Conservation 6 ;% 19M alt ~m~R A MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: March 29, 2001 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/50/00 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W - PW & Dev SUBJECT: RZ/50/00 (10683 & 10705 240' Street) PURPOSE: The subject application requests permission to rezone two properties from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) in order to facilitate a 32 lot single family residential subdivision. RECOMMENDATION: That application RZ/50/00 (for property located at 10683 & 10705 240th Street) to rezone property described in the memorandum dated March 29, 2001 from RS-3 to CD-1-93 not be forwarded to Public Hearing until the street connection issue has been resolved to reflect the street patterns shown on the Cottonwood Guide Plan. Conditions to be met prior to first reading: 1) Fully dimensioned subdivision plan showing the following: lot Igeometry; road dedication; habitat protection areas. And that prior to final approval the following must be completed: Preliminary approval from the Ministry of Environment, Fish and Wildlife Branch; A Statutory right of way plan and agreement must be registered at the Land Title Office: Road dedication as required; Park dedication as required. -1- BACKGROUND: Applicant: John Duguid - Genesis Owner: Lot 1 - Dr. V. Bhatti/ Lot 2— D. Ball Legal Description: Lot 1, DL 408, Gp. 1, NWD, Plan 68665/ Lot 2, Except: Firstly: part Subdivided by Plan 45889 & Secondly: Part Subdivided by Plan 68665, Thirdly: Part Subdivided by Plan 71697, DL 408, Gp. 1, NWD, Plan 11873 OCP: Existing: Single Family Residential 18 (upnh) Proposed: No change Zoning: Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Proposed: CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) Surrounding Uses: N: Kanaka Creek Regional Park S: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential)/ RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) E: RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) W: RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) Existing Use of Property: Single family residential Proposed Use of Property: Single family residential Access: access to the subdivision will be off of 240th Street and from an internal road and lane network Servicing: All services exist at the property line but will have to be extended into the subdivision and connection will be required Previous Applications: SD 82/73, SD 20/84, RZ 39/96, SD 47/96 Planning Analysis: In a previous application, the two subject properties coupled with Lot 1, Plan 11873 to the south were proposed to be developed as a single unit. At that time the plan was to grade all three properties together. This was based in part on maximizing development yield, and the fact that the soils in the slope area were considered by the consulting Engineer (agent) to be suitable for use as fill material on the low lying areas of the proposed development site. This had the advantage of reducing costs associated with fill removal and fill import if the properties were developed independently. Furthermore, by grading the major slope element over the three properties, it permitted the construction of -2- a linking road through to Zeron Avenue, albeit at a steep grade (supported by the Engineering Department). This was consistent with the Cottonwood Guide Plan, supported by Council. More specifically, the Guide Plan provided for a road linkage from Zeron Avenue through to 240th Street via these three properties. This was predicated on the closure of the original Zeron Avenue! 240 Street connection which came as a result of 240th Street regrading that radically changed road elevations and made the connection no longer possible. It was also predicated on the principle of achieving interconnectivity in the urban fabric so as to provide for suitable movement options, and a less fragmented relationship between neighbourhoods (this being especially important for emergency vehicles). As previously noted, the subject application concerns only two properties. The proposed plan is to develop the site as a discrete residential enclave of 32 single-family residential units with one access onto 240th Street. The proposed site plan does not provide for a road connection south to Zeron Avenue. The applicant has indicated an opposition to the construction of the road connection based on the difficulty resulting from the topography and the financial burden in developing in isolation. The challenges associated with development of the subject properties are recognized. As such, staff continues to advocate that a development strategy for the subject properties should not be done in isolation but should be coordinated with the property to the south. This would facilitate a more suitable overall-grading plan that would provide a more favourable site profile, and would be more cost effective. More importantly, as has been demonstrated by the consulting Engineer in the previous application, road construction on the side hill or slope area is achievable and is made more so by grading the entire slope area as a single unit. The road connection is considered an essential linkage not only to facilitate the objectives of the Guide Plan in view of the Zeron Avenue closing, but also to provide improved neighbourhood interconnectivity and movement options. Finally, development of isolated/ discrete residential enclaves such as that proposed is not only less desirable from a social aspect but also a security aspect and emergency response. Such subdivisions commonly have high percentages of two income households. When this scenario occurs it translates into a lesser degree of street surveillance by residents and a greater degree of anonymity for non-residents. This then becomes a more of a significant chalien-ge-for-securit-y-purposes--The-an•t-i-th•e•si-s-of-t-hi-s-- - situation is where a small residential enclave experiences greater traffic flows through better street connectivity. In this case, the relative degree of anonymity is reduced due, to the perception that the enclave is more exposed and greater degree security is thus afforded. -3- Intergovernmental Issues: It is expected that the subdivision servicing will include a drainage system that drains to the watercourse that flows north through land owned by the Greater Vancouver Regional District for Kanaka Creek Regional Park. The GVRD Parks Department should be contacted to discuss any concerns that they might have. If any erosion mitigation works are required in the watercourse , then the District might need a statutory right-of-way for maintenance purposes. The Ministry of Environment Fish & Wildlife Branch has provided comments on this site some years ago. However, it would be prudent to receive any update on the two watercourses on site based on current practice. The Water Management Branch would be expected to beTiñ ivedwitaapplication for work in and about a watercourse at the subdivision stage. Environmental Implications: There are two watercourses identified on park dedication. N/A property. These will be protected through Interdepartmental Implications: The Engineering Department will have a significant degree of involvement particularly at the subdivision stage where subdivision geometry will be a concern. Financial Implications: N/A Alternatives: The are two principle approaches to the development of the two properties. Firstly, the project could proceed utilizing a coordinated development strategy in conjunction with the property to the south, and in accordance with the Planning objectives underlying the Cottonwood Guide Plan and the general Planning principles for this area. Secondly, the site could be developed without neighbourhood interconnection thus creating an isolated or discrete residential enclave, as proposed by the applicant. The _appii.can.thas-.statedL the difficul.ty-in-addressing-topographici_i.ss.uesin_isoiation. from the property to the south. The applicant also points out that providing a portion of the connecting road places a significant financial burden to his client. The applicant has suggested that a lane, or the east side of the property could be build in an area less influenced by topography. However, connection with Zeron Avenue is not shown. Should a lane connection be possible vis-a-vis lot geometry on the parcel to the south, it would be entirely inadequate for purposes of neighbourhood interconnectivity and emergency access. 4 Summary: The applicant is proposing to rezone two properties from RS-3 to CD-1-93 in order to facilitate a 32 lot single family residential subdivision. The proposed site plan does not achieve the objectives contained in the Cottonwood Guide Plan. Staff supports the rezoning of the property. However staff also recommend that the neighbourhood connectivity issue continue to be pursued. Therefore, it is recommended that the application not be forwarded to Public Hearing until the connectivity issues is resolved. Prepared by: ReA.Slackwell Approved by: Christine Carter, M.C.I.P ,Director pf Planning Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: Robert W. Robertson, AICP, MCIP Chief Administrative Officer RB/j Vt Ms CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE: July 8, 2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: 5 340-20 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COW: PW&DS SUBJECT: Inclusion Into Sewer Area 'A" Properties Located at 24308 & 24318 104 Avenue-RZ169/00 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Petitions have been submitted to the Clerk's Department requesting that the parcels legally and civically described as: W. 250', Lot "B", Section 3, Township 12, Plan 8852, N.W.D. (24308 104 Avenue) and Lot "L", Section 3, Township 12, Plan 21679, N.W.D. (24318 104 Avenue) be included in Sewer Area "A". In response to these valid petitions, a by-law is being introduced for three readings. RECOMMENDATION: That the report dated July 8, 2002 be received, noting that it is reported therein that the petitions to include properties located at 24308 & 24318 104 Avenue in Sewer Area "A" are sufficient and valid; and further, that Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 6068-2002 be read a first and second time, and that the Rules of Order be waived and Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 6068-2002 be read a third time. DISCUSSION: Background Context: As a requirement of rezoning application RZ169/00, these two parcels have to be included in Sewer Area Citizen/Customer Implications: The owner is responsible for all costsand.there. will be no directcost to the District. Intergovernmental Issues: After third reading is granted, this by-law will require the approval of the Deputy Inspector of Municipalities prior to final adoption of the by-law. Financial Implications: Upon adoption of this By-law, the District can legally bill for the annual sewer rate. 170 y 01 -:P~z Z014 Prepardby//Kp(a Kirk ' -Clerk' s Thepartment \\ Approved by: Andrew Wood Acting General Manager Public Works & Development Concurrence: J/m Rule hief Administrative Officer Attachment MAPLE RIDGE 2 1W74 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6068 - 2002 A By-law to extend Sewer Area "A" within the District of Maple Ridge WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, pursuant to Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization By-law No. 2486 - 1977, established Sewer Area "A" within the boundaries of the Municipality; AND WHEREAS, the Council has received a petition from property owners for the extension of Sewer Area "A" and deems it expedient to extend Sewer Area "A". NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 6068 - 2002". That Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization By-law No. 2486 - 1977 as amended be further amended by adding to Section 1, the following words: "and also shall include all those portions of: • W. 250', Lot "B", Section 3, Township 12, Plan 8852, N.W.D. (24308 104 Ave.) • Lot "L", Section 3, Township 12, Plan 21679, N.W.D. (24318 104 Ave.) as shown boldly marked on the map attached to the By-law and marked as Schedule "A". That the parcels noted in Paragraph 2 above, of this by-law shall bear the same charges as those properties in the original Sewer Area "A". READ a first time the day of , 2002 READ a. scond, time, the day of ,. 2002 READ a third time the day of ,2002 APPROVED by the Deputy Inspector.of Municipalities the day of 2002. RECONSIDERED and adopted the day of 2002. MAYOR CLERK Attachment: Schedule "A" SCHEDULE "A t' to MAPLE RIDGE SEWER AREA M A" SEWERAGE WORKS CONSTRUCTION ANfl I flAN AtITWflDT7TTflM AJflTI.It Dv i AL, Mt rArn 'rw 14 15 1 11 12 10 7 104 AVE PP017 F 37 38 W 250' B L N E 133' B - 24308 24318 .• .iQ&A',t. for vn- 29 24535 1D2OA. .......... • PROPOSED , W4 [ 3(J lJuhrLnrLnnrLrLrLrLarLrLruLrul I P) POtTh ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SCAL. FILE: AREA A 0039.dwg I DATE: June 26, 2002 1:2500 L LA CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: June 06, 2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: DP/042/02 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Development Permit 22645 & 22653 Dewdney Trunk Road EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to facilitate the construction of a 91 7m 2 commercial development. The subject site is in Development Permit Area XIII as identified on Schedule "H" of the Official Community Plan, established to recognize concerns regarding commercial development of this site. RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/042/02 respecting property located at 22645 & 22653 Dewdney Trunk Road. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP Existing: Zoning Existing: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Access: Previous Applications: McAllister Properties Ltd. TD Canada Trust Lot 2, Section 20, Township 12, Plan 20546 Town Centre Commercial C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) RS- 1 (One Family Urban Residential) CS-i (Service Commercial), C-4 (Neighbourhood Public House Commercial) & C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) P-6 (Civic Institutional) C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Vacant C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Dewdney Trunk Road, 227th Street, Lane north of Dewdney Trunk accessing Edge Street RZ/5719 1, DP/37/95, DVP/36/95 A Development Permit application has been submitted for 22645 & 22653 Dewdney Trunk Road which will allow the construction of a 91 7m 2 commercial development. The subject site is in Development Permit Area XIII that was established with a previous Development Permit that recognized the need to address concerns particular to commercial development on this site. Prior to issuance of a building permit, a Development Permit is required to insure that all the Development Permit Area Guidelines have been met. Jor Project Description: The subject site is on the north side of Dewdney Trunk Road west of 227th Street. There is a major underground natural gas pipeline that crosses the development site from east to west just north of the Dewdney Trunk Road right of way. The presence of this utility restricts any opportunity to develop the site in a typical C-3 form (a zero front yard set back, parking to the rear) as structures cannot be placed over this utility. As a result the Development Permit Area Objectives and Guidelines are similar to Service Commercial or Highway use areas where parking is typically found at the front or exterior side of the lot versus Town Centre Commercial areas where parking is either concealed or to the rear of the site. The building is proposed to be divided into four units, with one unit being provided with a pick up window that is considered accessory to the proposed restaurant use of this unit. The pickup area is designed as a two-window system (one for ordering and the second for pick up) eliminating the use of a speaker order board system. Planning Analysis: The property is in Development Permit Area Xffl which has the following objectives: • To facilitate orderly development of the areas through particular attention to the siting and form of commercial buildings and areas for parking and storage. • To buffer adjacent residential land uses to ensure compatibility. • To ensure the character of buildings is appropriate to functions performed and present a quality image to a highly visible streetfront • To properly site buildings to address site characteristics and adjoining uses. Development Permit Area Xffl Guidelines: Building siting should ensure adequate circulation and safe access for highway oriented commercial uses. Two access/egress points are provided, one on Dewdney Trunk Road and the second on 227th Street. A third egress point will be provided off the lane at the north west corner of the site. Pedestrian access is provided off Dewdney Trunk Road and 227111 Street with pavement treatments designed to indicate pedestrian routes through the parking areas. 2. Particular attention should be made to the image presented to the streetfront for the highly visible spaces. Low pedestal mounted signs not exceeding 3.0 metres in total height. The landscape plan reflects an interesting variety of plant materials and low concrete bollards finished with stone to match the building architectural details. The trees and shrubs along Dewdney Trunk Road are small growing varieties reflecting the height constraints to allow for aerial visibility of the gas right of way for weekly inspections. Parking is to be provided in other than the front yard in the C-3 Town Centre Commercial zone, however, due to the constraints of use over the gas right of way, the building is located where parking would typically be provided. As a result the parking is provided in a portion of the front yard (on 227th Street) with the balance located in the exterior side yard (Dewdney Trunk Road). A low pedestal mounted sign less than 3.Om in height is proposed for this site. -2- Adjacent residential uses should be adequately protected by significant landscaping or the provision of screening or both. Lighting and signage shall be designed so as to have no direct source of light visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent land designated or zoned for residential use. A landscape screen (2. Om high solid panel fence) in combination with a trellis structure is proposed along the north property line adjacent to the existing residential use. Honeysuckle vines will be planted and trained to grow through the trellis structure. An evergreen hedge (Yew) will be planted on the development side of the landscape screen to provide additional height layers in this visual separation. The building will provide a barrier to light sources located in the parking area south of the building. No additional details of the lighting have been provided at this stage, but specific details will be provided with the building permit application. The applicant did advise the Advisoi'y Design Panel that there would not be signfi cant lighting or signage reflecting into the residential area, at the rear (of the building) is wall wash, with down lighting proposed at the front. Further details regarding site lighting were not provided but will be reviewed as part of the building permit stage. The development security may be withheld to ensure compliance. 4. The character of highway commercial uses should be enhanced by landscaping of substantial proportions around property lines particularly adjacent to residential development. Where possible, native vegetation should be retained to enhance the landscape planting by providing variety in maturity and scale. There are no opportunities to retain any of the existing vegetation on this site, but the landscape design reflects the need to supplement this loss with additional planting of materials to offer a variety of scale. Buildings will be sited to reflect orientation to adjacent uses, site limitations imposed by natural features and accessibility to pedestrian and vehicular traffic. The natural gas right of way creates a signficant limitation on the siting of buildings on this parcel. The constraints on designs for this site are reflected in the Development Permit Guidelines and Objectives for this area. The design addresses the need to identify pedestrian access and vehicular areas. This application was reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel meeting on June 6th, 2002, with the following resolution: d) Advisory Design Panel: The Design Panel encouraged and supported the project with the following recommendations: Address the pedestrian access to the site - particularly on the southeast and southwest corners A revised plan was received indicating pedestrian access through the landscape area at both of these locations. 2. Panel would like to see the north building face treated with the same form of materials as the other three sides; with the intent of reducing the height and appearance of the masonry wall A revised rear building elevation shows the extension of the roof line down to the adjacent eaves, replacement of concrete block with stucco treatment to match other exterior walls, treatment of painted block surfaces with graffiti resistant materials, painted exit doors to match other exterior treatments. -3- Investigate way to reduce the potential of graffiti on the north wall. Graffiti resistant materials are proposed by the Architect to treat surfaces on exterior north wall. CONCLUSION: Based on the development proposal meeting the Development Permit Area objectives and guidelines for this site it is recommended that this development permit be supported. Prior to issuance of a building permit the applicant will be required to provide Development Permit security representing 2 1/2% of the construction value to• ure the conditions of this Development Permit are completed. Prepared by: Bruce McLeod, IA Certified Arborist Lan1scane/Plannin Technician MCIP Approved by: Frank Quinn, P.Eng, PMP GM: Public Wojki& Development Services Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer BM/jvt -4- N 01 i EMPLOY PRKING 7SPACES 3,076 SF 2,140 SF 1,448 SF 3,212 SF LV 9 SPACESL4 F- Lli L __ILI __ fl 3SPACES . . 5 SPAC 12 SPACES____ - 0 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD NEW RETAIL SITE DATA DEVELOPMENT LEDINGHA LEGAL 0ESCRIPTION LOT 2, SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 12 McALLISTE N.WM., PLAN 20546 22653 PROPERTIES LTD ZONE C-3 TOWN CENTRE COMMERCIAL DE\NDNEY SITE /,REW 36,244 SF TRUNK ROAD #800 1199 WEST HASTANGS SIR BUILDING ANEW 9.876 SF MAPLE RIDGE, BC VANCOUVER, BC LOT COVEW4GE -'-27% (604) 662-3700 FLOOR AREW 9,876 SF . SITE PLAN FLOOR ANEW RATIO .27 I &TURNER PARKING: REOD 0 1/323 SF = 31 SPACES .I0S21O? A1"I4ITECTURE PROV'D = 44 SPACES I LOADING REQ 0 = 1 SPACE PROV'O 1 SPACE . - 1661 OURANLEAU STREET VANCOI.NER B.C. VEM 303 21- P4(604)682-4853 :0SS.0)K= F (604) 6094200 17/04102 I --- ' 11I LiL SOUTH FF r - - n. —==== NO RTH 'v-fl U- -Wfl NEW RETAIL DEVELOPMENT LEDINGLIARA McALLISTER 22653 PROPERTIES LTD. DEWIDNEY TRUNK ROAD MAPLE RIDGE BC 1199 WEST HASTINGS STREET VANCOIWER, BC (604) 662-3700 HADFIELD ELEVATIONS &TURNER ARCHITECTURE 1661 DURANLEAU STREET VANCOUVER B.C. V6H 303 P11.604) 6824853 FX. (604) 689.4260 l/8UT.0 A 2 12104102 "B = -- El H El ['1 H L IL flR H H ROOF PLAN wo TENANT SPACE CROSS SECTION -TYP. NEW RETAIL DEVELOPMENT LEDINGHAM McALLISTER 22653 PROPERTIES LTD. DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD MAPLE RIDGE, BC #600 1199 WEST4ASTI VAN ouvTRE6T (604) 662-3700 HADFIELD &TURNER ROOF PLAN ARCHITECTURE 1661 OURANLEAUSTREET VANCOINER B.C. V6H 3S3 P11(604)682-4802 FX(904)6S9-4260 AS-NOTED I I A -3 I ... 22/01/02 LAND 'S rLORRINO TO CLIMA FENCE - EISSSStS4IEES2IE6SS H000TSFORD AVERNEOT-ONTH. I OORDEESGN ° -i: 1 SOWESRCOSWNCCHARCOAL1 SJ, ES 'I I '1) LAJ L LAJ LH- • ( COLOIANRORHS'HIENTSNLDiNER SENDER SINGLE SOLDIER SSER%ESES CHHACOAL PAGIG ES UNAITCNSPIWPLE'FIELDs A000TSPCRD PASSERS GOGH TH• A050TSORD PASSERSEOFDN I FIWELE EAJ'SCK BEErH PSi BORDERS ODBOE SOLDIER CEURSO GAG OGLE, NERRINGOONE. TAN INJEE_._ TERM $EWCR S' Di JUL052002 MAPLE RIDCE LANHNG DEPARTMENT 0R5R 0551511. RN, ERA3 NM GAG N 5, poS.fly A 850 EROMPS &NNNSINN NM NSNy sNI W 054 N, — pN$ON .45,1 MA p.aus DO NR v_ L-:9- SOLLNRD, INTER STONE DEWDNEY TAUNtS ROAD LI P1111541 PATTI TO MATCH HRCHITECII11ND H _ STOlE FINISH TO MATCH ARCHITECTLRE 252 CONCRETE PADS - n n n n =4 HE 11: 11 E I 0NEFUON CONCRETE FOOTiNG L NW 0co*ThN1D1 ,rur, SING To 510* €fl EROSILIND (P110 24T PERIMETERFENCE ERA- NE PLANT SCHEDULE 7M 108 808585:OO.ORN To IT SINSSKAENGHAESIASIOIE gASSINGS SFOIi,tAVr A-, P POOTIDCUISNN IRJUIEPIDNTN VEstal eosias SN To palS ROAM NIOtW CDFPACTTD UUDGR,NDE DRAIN GRAVEL C_BOLLA ,, DMG landscape architects PRDJECT: New Retail Development 22653 Dewdruy Trunk Road Maple Ridge, BC DRAWING TITLE: LANDSCAPE PLAN DATE: I DRAWING NUMBER SCALE: l/R'.l-o' DRAWN:e, Li DESIGN-- CAKE: OF 2 02083-4.ZIP EMS PROJECT NUMBER: 02.083 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: July 04, 2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: VP/007/02 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Variance Permit 20482 123 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Development Variance Permit application has been received in support of a subdivision application. The applicant is requesting that the following conditions of the Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw be waived: Conversion of overhead services to an existing house to underground facilities. After reviewing the application, it is recommended that VP/007/02 be given favourable consideration. RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of VPI007/02 respecting property located at 20482 123 Avenue will be considered by Council at the August 27th, 2002 meeting. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context Applicant: Reinhard W Schmidt Owner: Reinhard W SchmidtiLinda D Schmidt Legal Description: Lot 4, District Lot 241, Plan 22101 OCP Existing: Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare) Zoning Existing: RS-lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density)Residential) Surrounding Uses North: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) South: RS-lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) East: RS-lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) West: RS-lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) Existing Use of Property: RS-lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) Previous Applications: RZ1007/02 Requested Variance: Waive the requirement to provide underground wiring to all parcels in the subdivision. The existing house on the remainder parcel is currently served with overhead service. Project Description: A subdivision application is currently under review in which the applicant is proposing to create two additional lots fronting on 122B Avenue with the remainder parcel and existing house fronting on Avenue. A requirement of the Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw, Schedule "A" is as follows: "That parcels within a proposed subdivision or development shall be provided with services in accordance with Schedule "A" and all highways within, or immediately adjacent to a proposed subdivision or development shall be constructed in accordance with Schedule "A ". Schedule "A" requires full urban services in the RS-lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density)Residential) Zone, including underground wiring be provided to all parcels within a proposed subdivision. The applicant is requesting that the requirement to convert the overhead service to underground wiring for the existing house be waived to a future subdivision. Planning Analysis: The subject property is double fronting and is located between 123rd Avenue and 122B Avenue in the 20400 block. Council recently gave final reading to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6024-2002 which rezoned the property to RS-lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density)Residential) zone. A subsequent subdivision application was received, that would create two lots frontin* on 122B Avenue with the remainder north portion, containing the existing house, fronting on 123' Avenue. The remainder north portion has future subdivision potential into two lots if the existing house where to be removed. As a result, the conversion of the existing overhead service to this house is not considered necessary at this time and will occur in the future when redevelopment occurs. Citizen/Customer Implications: The applicant will incur additional costs to convert the existing house to receive underground wiring. As it will be necessary to remove this house as a condition of the anticipated future subdivision, the conversion of existing overhead wires at this time will not serve the objectives of the bylaw. The future subdivision will require underground wires be provided to the anticipated two new lots fronting on 123 w Avenue. Interdepartmental Implications: The opportunity to achieve underground wiring will occur with the future new house construction. For this reason, the Engineering Department is prepared to support the request to waive this requirement. 0 Alternatives: The applicant would be required to convert the overhead service to the existing house to underground facilities. -2- CONCLUSIONS: Based on the future potential to subdivide the north portion of this parcel into two lots, with the subsequent house removal, the need to convert the overhead wiring service to the existing house is considered unnecessary. The objectives of the Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw will be achieved when the north parcel is subdivided and new house construction occurs. Prepared by: Bruce McLeod ISA Certified Arborist Landscape/Planning Technician Approved by: Frank Quinn, PJlng., PMP GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence:J. ). (Jim) Rule CJief Administrative Officer BM/jvt t. -3- PROPOSED SUBDIVISION IF LQT 4 D.L.241 GP. 1 N.W.D. PLAN 22101 Scale 1:500 123 AVENUE 31.03 Rem.4 House j5.85 Po ii 15.51 15.51 558m2 558m2 2 00 15.51. 15.51 ROAD 31.03 Co 122B AVENUE January 28,2002 Wade & Associates Land Surveying Ltd. B.C. Land Surveyors Maple Ridge & Mission SCHMIDT Phone 463-4753 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: July 04, 2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: VP1029/01 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C o W SUBJECT: Variance Permit 23701 Kanaka Way EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Development Variance Permit has been received to waive the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw requirement to construct any undeveloped highway within or immediately adjacent to a property and to reduce the minimum right of way width from 18 metres to 15 metres. RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of VP/029/01 resecting property located at 23701 Kanaka Way will be considered by Council at the August 27 , 2002 Council meeting. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context Applicant: Damax Consultants Ltd. Owner: Lawrence Shumyla Construction LtdlDonada Industries Ltd.fDeyor Farms LtdiMedowland Industries Ltd. Legal Description: Lot A Except: Part subdivided by Plan LMP49360, District Lot 404, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan LMP47845 OCP: Existing: Single Family Residential (15/18/30 units per net hectare), Conservation & Compact Housing (40 units per net hectare) Zoning: Existing: RS-3 One (Family Rural Residential), RS-lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density)Residential), CD-i- 93 (Amenity Residential District) Surrounding Uses North: Vacant South: Residential East: Residential West: Horseshoe Creek Existing Use of Property: Vacant Proposed Use of Property: Residential Access: Kanaka Way/237 Street Servicing: Provided by SD/029/01 and SDI006/02 Previous Applications: DP/006/02, SD/006/02, SD/037/97, SD/029/01, SD/009/00, RZI030/0 1 T/7 Proposed Variance: Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 4800-1993, Schedule "A" (Construction Standards) Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 4800-1993, Schedule "B" (Minimum Width Requirements) c) Planning Analysis: A 29 lot subdivision, located on the southern portion of a larger parent parcel, is currently under review. The parcel is zoned RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), RS-lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) and CD-1-93 Amenity Residential. This Development Variance Permit would waive the requirement to construct the 112 Avenue right-of way (on the northern boundary of the property) and would waive the required minimum width for 237 0' Street from 18 metres to 15 metres in the area where the 29 lot subdivision is proposed (southern portion of property). 112 Avenue Right-of-way The Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw requires that any dedicated undeveloped highway within or immediately adjacent to a proposed subdivision be constructed, in accordance with Schedule "A". The 112 Avenue right-of-way, located on the northern portion of the subject site, is dedicated but unconstructed. Due to topographical constraints, this undeveloped portion of the 112 Avenue right-of- way is poorly suited to road construction. An Engineering Department report indicates that there is no intention of having a road carriageway or other services in this right-of-way. The area is also part of a proposed Cottonwood Recreational Access Corridor, and there may be future opportunities to incorporate recreational trails. Extension of 237 th Street The Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw, Schedule "B" requires a minimum Urban Road Standard of 18 metres. Because of its close proximity to Horseshoe Creek, the existing portion of 237th Street was built to a 15 metre width to help create a greater buffer between residential properties and the creek. The Development Variance Permit would extend 237th Street into the subdivision at a width of 15 metres and potentially offer an increased setback from Horseshoe Creek. Requested Variance: There are two requested variances to the Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 4800-1993: Schedule "A" (Construction Standards)—To waive the requirement to construct 112 Avenue. Schedule "B" (Minimum Width)—To reduce the Urban Road Standard width on 237 th Street from 18 metres to 15 metres. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: N/A e) Interdepartmental Implications: The Engineering Department indicated support for the Development Variance Permit through their Engineering Review at the Subdivision Stage. -2- a, CONCLUSIONS: Given the topographical constraints of the 112 Avenue alignment, this request to waive the requirement to construct the unopened 112 Avenue right-of-way is supported. The request to vary the right-of-way width of 237th Street, given the previously established 15 metre right-of-way width and the environmental constraints caused by the close proximity of Horseshoe Creek, is also supported. (4U-P &"ao- Prepared by: Carol Nicolls Approved by: Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP GM: Public Works & Development Services J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer CN/j 9' -3- - ........- 112 AVE I V/K I— L_V/K 'NV 00 w I /NN77 A\I/ •••• \ 'N 'V Ar.' ' \ \ ,y-'I / Cl) I / W I w 99 / I / 7 / L 00 CD C-4 / E / / 1 bject_Propey / / F7 \\ /710 11 ,6/ / c/i/ / 11029 11004 110 AVE In The CorporaUon of the Distncthf Maple 7flfl]_77110 -C N 0 23701 Kanaka Way CORPORAONOF RUDGE MAPLE SCALE. 1:2,500 KEY MAP (I Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Jul 8 2002 FILE: BY: CN A ,1TN ptjJP4784S 28 15 PLAN KANAKA WAY V. 13 377 12 r-288.79 0 372 (=288 791 12.000 '0.056 0=12.005 o=10.837 0.798 011.6' 0 18.000 8 M5 - - 6 29 I2 372 Sq- _\2 0 - ' o=16.969 =12.93B 11 - 17 12 .000 12.000 10.800 r=172.500 - . ' 18 °"' - LANE r=180.000 . 19 . 8.564 . - . 0 . 20 379 .v. ' 21 NIL 27 , 22 376 s.01 565 1800 26 25 24 374 cq.m. PARK ' 38 419 tfi 376 so.m. 372 - bs9 / r= 29.000 - - ..- - r=11.000 0 - 'S ç 3 LMP26483 / - 28 a2.567. - 0,' 6.343 8 12.9 o=13.062 120000 - 29 ' r=2.500 5.020 r.29 000 = 358 0 559 - 557 r 138 000 .B0' ° ,, 43 30.316 r=17.500 °='702 o=15.043 3.61 ' 42 2-1 - c4ô— '"/ 30 0.6.071 l.2O1 40 41 55?.q.. , 39 $? 36 37 38 o 3,60 1 "N 31 PIMLUP3JIO8 34 651 .q.n. i I -z-- 14 13 33 746 PLAN 1MP35705 PLO!4 LMP51227 582 sq.. d max consultants ltd ~W9 3862w. 14th avenue, vancouver v6r 21 16 tel. 224-6827 fax.222-9240 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth and Members of Council FROM: Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Development Permit 20201 Lougheed Highway (Safeway Gas Bar) DATE: July 10, 2002 FILE NO: DP/057/01 ATTN: CoW EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This application was considered at the April 9, 2002 Council meeting and deferred as the result of design issues relating to the proposed gas bar canopy and kiosk. The applicant submitted revised drawings on July 2, 2002 (attached) for the proposed gas bar that incorporate design elements found on the existing buildings on the site. As the new design plans appear to address Council's concerns, the application is being referred back to Council for consideration. Other details and analysis of the proposal are outlined in the attached report of March 25, 2002. RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP1057101 respecting property located at 20201 Lougheed Highway. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The gas bar is to be located on the north side of the site, currently occupied by Safeway, fronting onto Dewdney Trunk Road. At the April 9, 2002 Council meeting, consideration of this application was deferred due to design concerns raised by Council with regard to the impact of the gas bar in its prominent location as an entry point into the municipality. A number of design elements have now been included that reflect the design of the existing Safeway store. These elements include the provision of a canopy roof with a similar slope and dormers and the inclusion of a matching roof on the kiosk building. All materials and colours will also match those of the Safeway buiidin.g. The Advisory Design Panel reviewed and expressed overall support for the project at their January 10, 2002 meeting. Based on this support of the previous design and due to meeting scheduling constraints, the revised design drawings have not been reviewed by the Panel. CONCLUSIONS: The applicant has incorporated new design elements into the gas bar which reflect the existing buildings on the site and address the concerns expressed by Council. As the Advisory Design Panel indicated their support for the project at the January 10, 2002 meeting the revised drawings of July 2, 2002 were not referred to them. As there are no other outstanding issues identified with the application it is recommended that Council consider and approve the development permit application. (Ljiik g,L/ Prepared by: Jim Charlebois Planner A ,MCIP Approved by: / fidrew Wood, M. Eng., P. Eng. / /ActingGM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J.L. (JinJ ul Chief Ajministrative Officer JC/jvt CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: March 25, 2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: DPI057I01 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Development Permit 20201 Lougheed Hwy PURPOSE: Safeway is proposing to construct a "gas bar" to complement its store built in early 2000. The application is made pursuant to Development Permit Area ifi which is intended to address the form and character of commercial development. RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/057/01 respecting property located at 20201 Lougheed Hwy. BACKGROUND: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Development Permit Area: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Access: Servicing: Previous Applications: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Devin Mahaffey Safeway Lot A, Section 222, Plan LMP40440 Service Commercial CD-2-98 Development Permit Area ifi & Development Permit Area XXXVII Residential Commercial Commercial Commercial Safeway food store. Safeway food store with gas bar. Existing off Lougheed Highway and Dewdney Trunk Road. Site is fully serviced N/A The gas-bar consists of a 38 m2 kiosk with six fuelling stations all covered by a 392 m2 canopy structure. PLANNING ANALYSIS: Development Permit Area: The property has two designations: Development Permit Area ifi (intended to control the form and character of commercial development) and Development Permit Area XXXVII (intended to control the form and character of service commercial development adjacent to properties designated in the Official Community Plan for residential use). Development Permit Area XXXVII guidelines do not apply to this site as section "E" states that "A Development Permit is not required for any service commercial development where the lot or parcel in question does not abut a lot or parcel designated for residential use." While the subject site is adjacent to residential use to the north, it does not "abut" it as the Dewdney Trunk Road separates the land uses. Development Permit Area ifi does apply to the property. The objectives of Development Permit Area ifi are: To facilitate orderly development of the areas through particular attention to siting and form of commercial buildings and areas for parking and storage; To ensure the area presents an appealing image of scale to identify low density commercial uses; Form of the development should accommodate safe traffic flow in this high use area and provide adequate separation of public parking from adjacent uses; and Aesthetic values of the location should be enhanced. The guidelines of Development Permit Area ifi are: Buildings and structures should be located to ensure safe traffic circulation and access and adequate on-site parking. Public parking should be encouraged in smaller units to avoid a monotonous appearance; Aesthetic values along frontages and on-site ought to be enhanced by significant landscaping on all property lines and around buildings. Street trees should be used to provide the landscaping variety that would soften the character and scale of the area; and Landscape planting and screening should be used to create interesting views and focal pointsintoandoLutof the sitc for.pdestrians,passing drivers andbuildingtenant&onihe. site or adjacent to it. The proposed design program responds to the three guidelines as discussed below. The proposed site plan appears to provide a reasonable degree of circulation within the proposed gas-bar area as well as reasonable connectivity with the remainder of the Safeway parking lot. 2. Landscaping was installed along the Dewdney Trunk Road frontage in conjunction with the Safeway development. This would not be substantially altered other than the addition of low semi-transparent fencing in front of the proposed gas-bar structure as per Advisory Design Panel recommendation - (refer to Advisory Design Panel comments below). -2- 3. as above The subject property has two frontages each with a different orientation, which warrant different solutions in respect to form and character. The character of the Lougheed Highway frontage is that of a highway oriented commercial strip where large signage, large print size, and simplistic architecture are typical element employed in a conventional manner to attract the motorist. However, the Dewdney Trunk Road frontage, which the gas bar is oriented to, has more of a community commercial character in view of its juxtaposition to the residential and church institutional land uses along the north side of the road. It is a concern that the form and character of the proposed gas bar and free standing sign structure is more conducive to a highway commercial context than to a community commercial context based on size, use of materials, and relationship to the street. Advisory Design Panel: The Advisory Design Panel reviewed the project on October 4, 2001 and resolved accordingly: "That the Advisory Design Panel request that the applicant come back before the Panel with a revised design program that provides a significantly greater degree of architectural and landscape design treatment with attention paid to the site and neighbourhood context." The Advisory Design Panel reviewed the project for a second time on January 10, 2002 and resolved accordingly: The Advisory Design Panel expressed overall support for this project with the following comments: . Architecture: the Panel was satisfied with the architectural changes; • Landscaping: the Panel would like to see enhanced landscaping, and revised treatment of the fence to include a vine or trellis treatment to "soften" the surface; and • Signage: the Panel would like the applicant to consider a smaller signage structure, such as a pedestal sign, which would be less obtrusive in the streetscape. In response to the Design Panel resolution, the applicant advised as follows: • Landscaping: vines will be planted along the fence line to "soften" the site edge per Design Panel direction; and • Signage: a 6 metre high free-standing sign with a 3.4 m2 sign can area will be used in favour of a lower, smaller scale pedestal type of sign as advised by the Design Panel. The applicant advises that the proposed sign structure is consistent with the Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw. The Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw requires that, for gasoline service bars, a free standing sign shall not exceed 6 metres in height and have an area not exceeding 7.2 m 2. Parking: The Parking Bylaw requires one parking stall per 30 m 2 gross floor area. The Safeway store in 5130 m 2 in area which translates into 171 required parking spaces. The Development Permit drawings indicate that 298 parking stalls (or 127 extra parking stalls) were provided when the Safeway development occurred. Construction of the proposed gas bar would require the removal of approximately 56 parking stalls which would reduce the total number of stalls to 242 (or 71 stalls above the required minimum). -3- The gas bar itself would require one parking stall per 25 m2 , plus the building footprint of 38 m2 would require two stalls. This is well within the minimum number of stalls required for the site. The Ministry of Transportation issued an access permit for the proposed gas bar in August 2001. INTERGOVERNMENTAL ISSUES: N/A ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A CITIZEN/CUSTOMER IMPLICATIONS: N/A INTERDEPARTMENTAL IMPLICATIONS: N/A FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: The applicant will be required to provide performance security in the amount of 2.5% of the construction value to ensure compliance with Development Permit. ALTERNATIVES: N/A SUMrVLARY: Safeway is proposing to construct a "gas bar" to complement its grocery store. The application is made pursuant to Development Permit Area ifi which is intended to address the form and character of commercial development. The applicant has provided a design program that responds to the Development Permit Area guidelines. Acting Chief Administrative Officer RB/jvt -4- 36 - 22 20I4 T11_ 12093 115 (0 .- 12092 —1249812O9iii 21 120B AVE 120788 12089 132 320913? °-116 12088 0.. 0.. 2062 133 '?41 42 12085 117 12075 12084 134 12072 19 2 2050 o I 2749 31 c'1 1 -\ 135 33 P 75684 17 a €.,16,15Ic 46 J...45 Ic,44 Io,43 12060 Remi o3 3 3 N 3 e JCJ o 4 136 N N N N N E 3 120AAVE ) P 050 .\ CD P8 050 4 (0 \ CL ..j 12052 ii 470 R L32 ZO; I - uj 120 \ 137 p-4 P-4a Co ____ - 12046 48 N N LMP 2 50 7649 1 12021 \ _ 0 L_::1 0 _-_-- 0 ID N r P 706 ci B I -. (2815 LMP 40440 RemH 1 72 F'! 15 LSUBJECTPROPERTYII P1859 III C D-2-98 A P84469 0 , ~ ~~i 100 IA r. 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I - Safeway Gas Bar L 20201 Lougheed Hwy. i CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 4 DATE: Jul -10 2001 FILE: DP-57-01 BY: RS - AF:W'Y JB flLG DT I [PROItCI N1 20098 1 co 0) ow I—ca 0)— LU -___j o CL -J uj< ILL Cl) cy SAFEWAY GAS BAR SAFEWAY STORE #198 20201 LOUGHEED HIGHWAY MAPLE RIDGE, BRITISH COLUMBIA DEVELOPMENT PERMIT REFERENCE DRAWINGS TOl TiTLE SHEET DRO EXISTING OVERALL SITE PLAN DPI PROPOSED OVERALL SITE PLAN DP2 PROPOSED GAS BAR SITE PLAN DP3 SITE LANDSCAPING PLAN DP4 CANOPY/KIOSK ELEVATIONS & KIOSK PLAN SKEET TrTIE TITLE SHEET 5HET NO. LTO11 511(11 NO. LDPoI D E W D N E Y TRUNI< ROAD 0 010 000 00 WO (00 000 fl Rem.II Plon 1285 JWH co 72 PIn 61704 EXISTING WENQYS TIM HORTON NINE 'IIIF! EXISTING SOFEWAY STORE 02004 Mm 1005041 74 PolO R.I.Plon 6346 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOl 0O0(0 LOt On, 10001 I 00.0 P2202 200.0440 0U00040177 OF (0024 51004 CIVIC ADDRESS 10201 L0U04020 00(041 ZONING 1102000400140 00101104(01 PARKING EXISTING: 5170020 004 102 0440041, 142 lCl102 0(51005 0 (042011 10010 AXD . 300 EXISTING 1RES• 10103 012002500(00 & ma (0100 • 131 LEGEND 0104 POST rouND .................... (2200.0 ......................................... 0220 001100.020 .................................... .30 LOOP 510200240 ... ..... .... ........... ... ...... 0•*IS ..................... ....................... ....................... OIL 5104 ................................... 0 ly P!! EXISTING CREDIT UNION 0000 Mm LUSmISO 0 D E W D N E Y T R U N K ROAD /12 r 2 OF 4(0 wcn — inunniunniinrnum1. II' IthllTkübUduII ME Ren,.H PIn 12815 u 0 I1IIfl 72 O!4 PIon 61704 EXISTING SAFEWAY STORE I dllI I I 3p I I I I LJ FF20000, 401 1 1:400 74 I PIon 61704 LEGAL = TIO N 9, •:' CIVIC ADDRESS boon On4OF1(4 nMOMV SNtWAY STORE •1 MPLL RWM. OF144 Caine. 44 PMVSC TOLLS 914 lO4.00. 24(9120 MOL 4flbS.o../45flO.qll. ZONING '4. 24-F - 40.14. 04(500 0019 - 000.7.a/S304.&t. LEGEND TSLLS 005400059 POST rOUND ......... (4 914 20.s. CIA 5500.0....................................0*540 faa 144.bn.../0000al. (0104 14200 .............................. LIMOS 240.4000 • 40 (42051*555..........................DO0S NEW 043 843 ..............: Iwne SGII ................... 'ys TOTAL STALLS RQUlRED: 325 TOTAL STALLS P6024000: 334 EXISTING 50 CRWT UNION 1_Q 0). >- 11 LU. cc w i CL UJ —j CM co PolO' Rq.PIo,T 8346 SH000TIRI I PROPOSED I OVERALL SrrE PLAN SHEET NO. DPi 2 - D E W D N E Y T R U N K ROAD 00 01 I'I.. - - • .1 pfl...an...t0S.ttUU.S.flufl U LEGAL DESCRIPTION NOTES 101 & 0*1101110! 101. 1001011 1.1101 1*) 11111 WAS 40111)01001) 1*0 01)0.10 4*01 0*00 10140400 - 0*01100011)100*401111 0*10)01? 0*10011001.01* 11 *. *000 01)01*01 101. 0 501 ML*U1l 014)01 t00* a ICV C1071 S01 0110)1001101 Ua CMC ADDRESS 0000? 1011111)40 10)104? 1a UNOOTO? 0111001,401*10*4 4)014 * 1040100010 ZONING 01.) - 01001) 4*01010*1 11 10101010) 0*111114001 LEGEND 101110 .............. 010 1)11)1004 ................... 0.1 II TOt 0)0*0)?? ....................... 50 *0)11 *041041*10 ....................... 4)1 D E W D N E Y T R U N K ROAD EXISTING SAFEWAY STORE GENERAL SUMMARY TaSUWTD ASS — SSSA - 1150 -. SSSSSS15SSTaTgSSWSS;. 1 1515000 50 15103 510000350 - NOTES I. 10351L ISMSSOACOTI 1515W 15 - & 155. 000... 155055 IT SAL 15501006 11010 SOTaSTOS. 5.5730 115 15050 LOG 1141106005 SOslAdino, LOSS, 50 LoIo&t 5000n 010000500 3503001 SaRa A OIL 500000310 05100 (500501 105040 1001 110015 15 510051 LEGEND SO 10650/00150 0061131500370 15 inSTAlLS ... ......... ( IT 15115 0 010103 535050 70 ROta ........... .... 00 1006/16700 50000100 530530 ..................... AT S3l05N/lTOO 0411.0000 DIPS cii tll t3 11503517 NO. 20098 00061135 LJ/OJI& DAIS 00/11/07 RSQT 550353 1298 51.01 0070. 00/Ill 3055351 200980P3 ui >- U) SHEET TITLE LANOSCAPNG PLAN 7P~3 001W Plan LMP41074 00 NEW KIOSK tQ5L Talc -. \ & 0 20098 GENERAL NOTES: 4.34040310044304000*0*04*1 90 SOMWOCTWS*/110*TS 00* 4*5(500 ow. (0403*0. DJU/TO (4011 - 00/09/) 0.00 04.0.04 540*0 4*03 30410 33003 113M3 304*300 0.40440 1030404*00*04440 000*0. *3 100310334* 4 TON . 10 440*10(5 ITCOW. 000005. POOl 5M1 co R'4*. 1 Lu I I 0341403 *7 5401003 3OCT01) — LU SAFEWAY >- - 40(40*0*10740*00 40 W JU• .1 U 0 ..J = ________ *3043011*430050307 Li. 104*0 II 1 —T03*00*CTWS40O3150*43 440101 4300 30030 0*03440 00*040 P1.4 (04 *520 301300000 53040) - __________ - *0437.107 50131 0914*43 (100010 0410 2140 0*400 sw T(4LE - 030*04 30*0*4) GAS EM *03474*4(0 ELVA11ONS f 7•_ KIOSK PL.AN __ - 040440105DM 4*44•tM04t • S9 EEt NQ. DOUBLE BASE SIGN ELEVATION 2 b Mop vomg *3000141*0*- (*4*0) *3MW LOGO ,I- 0*0014500(4 W 0330043 00040401 TOO' (10140 ,l SOUTH ELEVATION 1/Il . — *34* 30flMN*00) OMW0030 (441) — 05313*04003*3030*043 StOWS 3430 *031*3 (44104 *11014W 043*010 3300034 TThn,, -•04Lr i.t4! l—I3/IIIIIU I iIii EAST ELEVATION VVI LVIII0JIN o/Ir. 1-V ,r j ••-°:,-1 *0*04.41 *1001 L/4 *334000.4040(4*00) S4.t 003(40*1 0301034 (TOM) 3-OF.3-0 4430 *050 031*0*0*001.3043(1000) - r0" (4034) *4*4(0.4 POST (4.3 U 2 ROFLCC 3._o_o•-.• •3044 - (4(4. 0404 (440) 0(434 ROOF 0*04034 *3044 )BLUO) ROD STOOL STOPO - *1-0*4*0 100 X5 .4(04304 *4_in In LLCYtS I II.Jr 3/tV. __i. _;_ - - _-w -- DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD SAFEWAY STORE # 198 PERSPECTIVE Maple Ridge GAS BAR SAFEWAY STORE #198 Mapte Ridge GAS BAR ;4 CC' Hr C r 2002 CITY OF BURNABY OFFICE OF THE MAYOR DOUGLAS P DRUMMOND MAYOR 2002 June 25 Mayor and Councillors District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Dear Mayor and Councillors: Subject: GVTA (TransLink ) Governance Burnaby City Council, at the Open Council meeting held on 2002 June 24, received a report from Mayor D.P. Drummond responding to Burnaby Council's request to prepare a report on GVTA (TransLink) accountability and governance, and adopted the following recommendation contained therein: 1. "THAT Council forward copies of this report to the TransLink GVTA Governance Task Force and all municipal Councils of the GVRD." As directed, a copy of the report is attached for your information. Sincerely, - ouglas P. Drummond MAYOR q71 4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, British Columbia, \'5G 1M2 + Telephone (604) 294-7340 Facsimile (604) 294-7724 Item . .0 Manager's Report No . 1 Council Meeting ............02/06/2 TO: MEMBERS OF COUNCIL 2002 June 19 FROM: MAYOR DRUMMOND Our File: 08.109 SUBJECT: GVTA (TRANSLINK) GOVERNANCE PURPOSE: To respond to Council's request for the Mayor to prepare a report on G\TTA (TransLink) accountability and governance. RECOMMENDATION: 1. TRAT Council forward copies of this report to the TransLink GVTA Governance Task Force and all municipal Councils of the GVRD. ) REPORT 1.0 BACKGROUND The GVTA's (TransLink's) mandate is to plan and finance an integrated transportation system that moves people and goods effectively and efficiently. The GVTA (TransLink) Board is responsible for the management of an annual budget which is in excess of $620 million for 2002 related to the key program areas of public transit (bus, SeaBus, SkyTrain, West Coast Express, and HandiDart), the regions Major Road Network, Transportation Demand Management, AirCare and Intelligent Transportation Systems. As such the role and responsibilities of a GVTA (TransLink) Director are significant. For comparative purposes it should be noted that the estimated 2002 expenditures for the GVRD is about $360 million or about 60% of the GVTA (TransLink) expenditures. In 2000, the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) established a task force to review the governance structure of the Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority (GVTA) which has become known as TransLink. At its regular meeting of 2000 October 30, Council adopted and forwarded a report containing specific directions and recommendations to the GVTA Governance Task Force for consideration of legislative change to the GVTA Act as required. These specific recommendations related to the GVRD/GVTA (TransLink) relationship and GVTA (TransLink) Board representation are contained within Attachment "A" for reference. 104 Planning & Building Department Re: G VTA (TransLink) Governance 2002June19 ............................. Page2 The original GVTA Task Force report which was adopted by the GVTA (TransLink) Board on 2000 November 22 incorporated a number of the directions put forward by the City of Burnaby. The GVTA Task Force recommended that: the number of municipal representatives on the GVTA (TransLink) board be increased from 12 to 20'; each director position have one alternate; that the three (3) voting Provincial members be reduced to one (1) non-voting Provincial liaison position; and the members votes be weighted by population in a way similar to that used by the GVRD Board. Subsequent to the GVTA Task force report being ratified by both the GVTA (TransLink) Board, discussions between the Province and the region were initiated concerning the Task Force's recommendations. However, these discussions were suspended as a result of the Auditor General's review of the GVTA, initiated in early 2001. The Auditor General ofBritish Columbia released the findings of his review of governance and agreements originally made between the Province and GVTA (TransLink) on 2001 August 09. The Auditor General's report takes a direction contrary to the GVTA Governance Task Force and recommends consideration be given to a number of changes including: that the size of the GVTA (TransLink) board should be reviewed and perhaps reduced; eliminating the need for the Provincially appointed board members; and possibly including non-elected members on the board. In the fall of200 1, the GVTA (TransLink) conducted an extensive public consultation process on sustainable funding options for the GVTA. During theses meetings on financing options, municipal councils and various stakeholders expressed concern regarding the GVTA's current governance structure. Subsequently, the GVTA (TransLink) Board requested that the Task Force conduct a review of transportation governance and produce a proposal for the consideration of the GVTA (TransLink) Board, the GVRD Board and the Province. In response to this initiative the GVTA Task Force was reconvened in March, 2002 to reconsider the governance issue, in view of the Auditor General's recommendations and the information gathered during the GVTA's fall consultation process. Consultation with municipalities is planned as part of the upcoming process to be undrtaken by the Task Force. At its regular meeting of 2002 May 27, Council requested a report assessing the various GVTA (TransLink) governance options. The purpose of this technical discussion report is to present a comparative review of a full range of both appointed and elected governance models which have been suggested by various groups for consideration by the GVTA Governance Task Force. Limited to GVRD directors, alternates or mayors of the municipalities 105 Planning & Building Department Re: G VTA (Transljnk) Governance 2002June19 ............................ Page3 2.0 THERECONVENED GVTA TASK FORCE 2.1 TASK FORCE MEMBERSHIP The current membership of the Task Force is as follows: • Mayor Marlene Grinnell, Oiair, Task Force and GVTA Director • Mayor Ralph Drew, GVRD Director • Mayor Doug McCallum, Chair, GVTA and GVRD Dfrecior • Councillor Gordon Price, GVRD and GVTA Director • Councillor George Puil, Chair, GVRD and GVTA Director • Mayor Barbara Sharp, GVRD and GVTA Director • Mayor Helen Sparkes, GVRD Director • Johnny Canine, CAO, GVRD ex officio 2 • Dan Doyle, Deputy Minister, Ministiy of Transportation cx officio • Pat Jacobsen, CEO, GVTA ex officio 2.2 TIMING According to correspondence recently received from the Task Force, they intend to meet with key stakeholders on the issue of governance through June and July of 2002. Input will be solicited from the Province, GVRD and GVTA boards, municipal transportation committees, the Gateway Council, other transportation stakeholders (such as B.E.S.T., BC Automobile Association, and BC Trucking Association), and senior municipal and regional administrators. A specific invitation to a June 26th roundtable discussion was issued to the members of Burnaby's, "transportation conmuttee, or other comnnrieejornied to deal with transportation matters ", although any interested Councillor(s) are also welcome to attend. The purpose stated for this session is for the municipalities in the GVRD to provide input directly to the Governance Task Force, and to participate in a dialogue on the current GVTA The -invftzitibri also places emphasis on the need to identify benefits and challenges of the current GVTA governance structure. Following these input sessions, the Task Force will consider various governance options and be in a position to consult with stakeholders on specific models in the fall of 2002. 2 By virtue of the office or position. 106 Planning & Building Department Re: G VTA (TransLink) Governance 2002 June19 ............................ Page4 3.0 BURNABY EVALUATION PROCESS 3.1 DECISION TREE Figure 1 (attached), has been developed as a framework to allow the issues of appointed, elected and the size of the GVTA Board to be evaluated. Step "A" Evaluate all ofthe options which involve appointed board members. As these options range in size from 13 to 20, this first step of the evaluation will also yield a recommendation on the preferred size of the board. Step "B" Evaluate the range of elected boards using the "preferred" size of the Board identified in Step "A". Step "C" Then compare the strongest appointed Board option from Step "A" with the strongest elected Board option from Step"B" to recommend the overall pr4èrred composition and size of the Board. 3.2 EVALUATION PRThCLPLES To ensure that each step of the evaluation completed is sensitive to the concerns which have been voiced in relation to the existing GVTA Board, the following evaluation principles have been developed to serve as the major elements of the evaluation criteria. 4 Accountability - The Board should be accountable to the regional electorate and responsive to local Councils. 4 Local Representation - The composition, of the Board should include representation from across the region. 4 Regional Land Use/Transportation Planning - Land use planning and transportation planning should result in coordinated decision making and this regional decision making should be in step with Provincial investments in the Lower Mainland. 4 Operational Effectiveness - The Board should streamline not compound jurisdictional complexity and remain efficient in the performance of their duties. 3.3 SUPPORTING EVALUATION CRITERIA AND THEIR MEASUREMENT The detailed criteria used to support each principle and its measurement are listed in Table 1. It should be noted that the evaluation criteria can in some cases be in direct competition cntena completely is 107 Planning & Building Department Re: G VTA (TransLink) Governance 2002 June19 ............................ Page5 Table I Supporting Evaluation Criteria and Their Measurement to the regional electorate degree of direct representation degree of public acceptance to the municipal Council and responsiveness to local plans and issues local citizens equitable municipal number of member municipalities with a direct voice representation across the region larger municipalities (including Burnaby) having a permanent seat size of voice should be weighted by population and other factors (eg. transit, lane kilometres of MR.N roads and location within growth concentration area) coordinated decision making degree of policy and implementation interaction process (LRSP and supporting between GVRD and GVTA transportation decisions) ability of both Boards to coordinate directions and understand the regional implications of each others' actions coordination with Provincial degree of policy and implementation interaction investments I between GVRD/GVTA and the Province jurisdictional complexity ease of public understanding of the roles (GVRD. GVTA and operating subs) Board efficiency ability to make timely decisions ability to achieve regional objectives in the face of - differing local values Board members' (Directors') work load - Planning & Building Department Re: GVTA (TransLink) Governance 2002June19 .................... ........ Page6 4.0 EVALUATION OF THE OPTIONS 4.1 Step "A" - Appointed Board Options The top half of Figure 2 (attached) outlines the characteristics of each appointed board option. + The existing governance option uses 15 Directors (12 municipal representatives and 3 Provincial representatives) which results in a "sub- regional" level of representation (larger municipalities have direct representation while smaller municipalities have indirect representation). Burnaby, in particular will have a representative on the Board approximately four out of every five years. Currently the Directors are appointed by the GVRD Board and membership is limited to GVTA Board of Directors with no alternates. Currently Director voting is not weighted by population although the municipalities with largest population currently have more than one Director (i.e. Vancouver and Surrey). This governance structure presents a number of challenges including: small municipalities have no direct representation; " public acceptance of this structure is low; ZI it is not responsive to local issues; size of voice or votes is not weighted by population; moderate degree of policy interaction between GVRD and GVTA; ' with Provincial seats vacant there is little policy and implementation coordination between GVRD/GVTA and the Province; " the public is confused by the current roles, responsibilities and reporting relationships; there is some public frustration with the lack of direct accountability of the GVTA Directors; and °' limited membership to the currentGVTA Board (GVRD Directors or Mayors) means a heavy workload for these individuals. + The "smaller" governance option put forward by the Auditor General proposes a reduction in the number of Directors and the elimination of the Provincial Directors. - This would result in regional representation on the Board with municipalities no longer having direct representation. Burnaby wii1d hpv no !arate gfoj on the Bpgrd•- Dircctcr would iuu 109 Planning & Building Department Re: G VTA (TransLink) Governance 2002 June 19 ............................Page 7 to be appointed by the GVRD Board but eligibility could be opened to non- elected representatives but alternates would likely not be permitted. Voting would not be weighted by population. As shown in Figure 2 (attached), this option would like ly increase the operational effecti veness of the G 7'A Bow-cl at the expense of regional and local accountability severely decrease or eliminate local representation and potentially disconnect land use and transportation planning. + The "modified" governance option originally proposed by the City ofBurnaby in the fall of 2000, proposed the number of municipal Directors be increased from 12 to 13 representatives and distributed by population. In the "modified" option the Provincial Directors would also be eliminated. Directors would be directly appointed by their Councils and Directors would be limited to Councillors from their representative municipality. Votes of the Directors would be weighted by population and potentially other factors including growth concentration area, transit service hours and lane km's ofMajor Road Network (MRN). As shown in Figure 2 (attached), this "inod/Ied" option would result in enhancedsub-regional representation when compared to the existing GVTA Board The degree ofpolicy and implementation interaction between G T'RD and GVTA would also be strengthenedthrough increased local elected representation on the GVTA Board Directors could be dedicated to GT'TA Board instead of being strained by serving "double duty" on both Boards. • The "larger" option goes one step further than the "modified" option and increases the number of municipal Directors to 20 and retains one Provincial non-voting liaison Director. Directors would be directly appointed by their Councils and members would be limited to GVRD Directors, Mayors or alternates). Burnaby would be guaranteed a permanent Director under this option. Votes of the Directors would be weighted by population resulting in 102 votes being cast by the 20 voting Directors. As shown in Figure 2 (attached), this 'larger" option would result in enhanced nuiiniczvai level representation and would significantly increase local representation and - - - accountabilitv the policy and implementation interactjon hetii'een G VRD and G VTA would also he strengthened through increased local elected representati on on the GVTA Board This "larger" option would also he easier for the public to understand and increase accountability through increased local representation. 110 Planning & Building Department Re: G VTA (TransLink) Governance 2002June19 ............................ Page8 Overall the benefits associated with increased accountability and increased local representation of the larger GVTA Board options ("modified' and "larger") appear to significantly out weight the benefit of either the "existing" option or the smaller" option put forward by the Auditor General. On balance the impact of the Board becoming more cumbersome as a function ofbecoming "larger" should be outweighed by the additional benefits ofincreased accountability through a Board which increases public acceptance bvvirtue ofits being similar to the structure ofthe GVRD Board and increases direct municipal representation. Therefore it is recommended that the GVTA Board size be increased to 20 municipal representatives and that the "larger" option be brought forward to be compared with the strongest elected board in Step "C" of the evaluation. Moreover. it is also recommended that the "larger" Board option expand the pool of potential Directors to include all Councillors from their representative municipality to allow for dedicated GVTA Directors instead ofDirectors being strained under the "double duty" of serving on both the GVTA Board and the GVRD Board, 4.2 Step "B" - Elected Board Options Based on the evaluation undertaken in Step "A" above, all elected Board options presented in Figure 3 (attached) have the same increased size of 20 Directors. This woUld result in representation being at the municipal level with Burnaby securing a permanent Director on the GVTA Board in all elected options, with the potential exception of the "Council-of-Councils" option. Voting would be weighted by population in all elected options with consideration being given to other factors as well (growth concentration area, transit service hours and lane km's of Major Road Network (MRN)). • The "dual-duty" option would see GVTA Directors elected at the time of • each municipal election. The Mayor in each representative municipality would automatically be appointed to the GVTA Board. In this option the members of the GVTA Board would elect GVTA Chair. As shown in Figure 3 (attached), this "dual-duty" option would likely increa.ve the local representation on the C VTA Board and the regional land use planning / tra11.portatio1i planning Coordiflatio/I In.' the C VTA Board and may marginally increase the ease of understanding of the roles on the GVTA Board by the public. • The "Council-of-Councils" option would see Directors and the Chair appointed annually by a caucus of elected officials. As shown in Figure 3 (attached), this option has the potential to decrease the amount of direct local representation on the Board and there is the risk that Burnahy may have no representative among the Direciorsekctedbcthincii-qf-(oii.ndv_. - ---- This could result in di.snneci between local views and regional decisi ons 111• Planning & Building Department Re: G VTA (TransLink) Governance 2002 June19 ............................. Page9 made by the GVTA Board. Due to this potential pit-fall combined with no other signJIcant benefit being idenqjIed over other elected options, it is recommended that the 'coundil-of-councils' option be excluded from further consideration. + The "designated municipal representative" option would see the electorate designate which successftil municipal candidate should be their representative GVTA Director. The GVTA Chair would then in turn be elected by the GVTA Directors. As shown in Figure 3 (attached), this opt/oh would ôfftr the electorate increased accountability as they would he electing their G V7A Director. This in turn has the potential to increase local representation, voter acceptance and their ease of understanding the roles and responsibilities of GVTA Director. + The "directly elected municipal representative" option would see the electorate vote for their GVTA Director from a separate ballot of candidates at the time of each municipal election. The GVTA Chair would then in turn be elected by the GVTA Directors. As shown in Figure 3 (attached), this option has the risk of there being a complete disconnect between Council desires and the actions taken on behalf of the niuniczvaiity by the directly elected G VTA Director from the same jurisdiction. Moreover, there is a greatpotentiaifor a sigwjicant divergency in regional land use planning and transportation planning with the increased independence afforded to the directly elected GVTA Director. Both the "designated municipal representative" option and the "directly elected municipal representative" option increase the amount of accountability over the "dual-duty" option as the electorate now casts a vote for their preferred GVTA Director at the time of municipal elections. The "designated municipal representative" offers all of the additional benefits of the "directly elected municipal representative" in increased accountability and increased local representation while still remaining linked to Burnaby Council. For this reason the "designated municipal _jpresentative" pption offers superior_lncal_accountability_andsu.er-i.or--l.a.nd---- use/transportation planning coordination and therefore is recommended as the strongest elected GVTA Board option. 4.3 Step "C" - Best Elected Board Option versus Best Appointed Board Option As shown in Figure 4 (attached) the strongest appointed Board option ("larger" GVTA Board) and the strongest elected option ("designated municipal representative") have been advanced to this stage of the assessment for a comparison in pairs. Theprimary differencebetweenthesetwooptionsisthatthe"larger"appointedBoardoption 112 Planning & Building Department Re: G VTA (TransLink) Governance 2002 June 19 ...........................Page 10 recommended by the GVTA Task Force would appear to offer stronger coordination between land use and transportation planning while the "designated municipal represented" elected Board option would appear to offer greater operational effectiveness. Moreover, the "larer"appointed Board Option would ensure that the individual selected by Council as the municipalities GVTA Director has the reguisite knowledge, expertise, interest and availability to fulfill the responsibilities of this role. Therefore, the "larger" appointed Board option is being recommended as the strongest overall GVTA governance option of the eight reviewed in detail. There is also the potential for a hybrid option which would use a combination of both appointed and elected representatives. This option could involve 19 Directors with 14 Directors being appointed (13 municipal appointments by their respective Councils and one (1) non-voting Provincial liaison) and five (5) Directors being elected at large at the time of municipal elections. The Chair would be elected by the Directors. The voting of the Directors could be weighted by population and potentially other factors including growth concentration area, transit service hours and lane km's of Major Road Network (MRN). The benefits of the hybrid appointed/elected Board option would be a blend of the appointed and elected options. The Directors appointed by their respective niunicipaiities would be responsive to local issues and offer strong coordination between land use and transportation planning. While the Directors elected at large would benefit the Board by expanding the pooi ofpotential Directors to broaden the skills, expertise and experience of the Board, reducing the potential/or Directors to act in the best interest of the/i' nnmiczvality rather than in the best interest of the GVTA and reducing the amount o,f turnover in the Board. Moreover, the Directors elected at large would potentiahv increase the accountability and public acceptance of the Board. Directors could be dedicated to the GVTA Board instead of being strained by serving "double duty" on both Boards. Although not explored in detail within this report, the "appointed/elected" Board option is worthy of further consideration and it is recommended that this option be advanced in parallel with the "larger" appointed Board option to the GVTA Task Force for their review of feasibility and advisability as GVTA governance options. 5.0 CONCLUSION This technical discussion paper was prepared for the benefit of Council in advance of the initial meetings called. by the Task Force in June of 2002 to identify the benefits and challenges associated with the current GVTA governance structure. A number of these benefits and challenges have been identified in Section 4.1 of this report. The preliminary recommendation based on the exploration of the options presented in this report is that both the "larger" appointed Board recommended by the GVTA Task Forceapd the "appointed/elected" Board option be advanced to the GVTA Task Force for their review of 113 Planning &BuiIdingDepartmert Re. GVTA (TransLink) Governance 2002 June 19 ...........................Page 11 feasibility and advisability as GVTA governance options. Recognizing that the Task Force has yet to develop their own set of options and analysis of these options, staff, are recommending that Council reserve its final recommendation to the Task Force at this time. Once the stakeholder meetings have been completed, staff intend to develop a final report for the consideration of Council in the Fall of 2002, which will include reference to the additional material on options developed by the Task Force, as a final submission to the Task Force. ouglás P. Drurnmond MAYOR Attachments (5) cc: City Manager Director Planning and Building Director Finance Director Engineering 114 MAP TO • GOVERNANCE DECISION Apo:nted A Boards 1234 Criteria 115 • g , EXISTING SMALLER MODIFIED LARGER Auditor City of GVTA Task .1. I 111'IBOARDS General Burnaby Force reduced and eliminate 13 20 Numberot Directors 15 (12 municipal & 3 Provincial (distributed by (20 municipal & 1 Provincial) representatives population) Provincial') regional sub-regional municipal • Representalion sub-regional (1 at-large) Iow.none medium high Degree of local municipal representation medium no guarantee permanent permanent Bumaby representative approximately four out of every five years appointed by the GVRD directly appointed by appointed by municipal How are they appointed or elected? appointed by the GVRD Board Board Council councils (limited to (limited to GyRO (include non-elected (limited to members of GVRD Directors. Directors or Mayors) members on the Council) alternates or Mayors) TranstJrtk Board) member selected by the member selected by member selected by Who appoints Chair member selected by menibersofthe GVROBoardof rnembersofthe. membersofthe TransLink Board of Directors • TransLink Board of TransLink Board of Directors Directors • Directors No Yes - by other factors Yes - by population Voting weighted by population No (15 votes) including growth (102 votes) concentration area, transit service hours and lane km's of MRN) No Yes Yes Alternates permitted No 1 CRITERIA I MEASUREMENT 1 to the regional degree of direct representation () electorate degree of public acceptance () • to the municipal Council and local responsiveness to local plans and issues 0 citizens rzTnT,I.h equitable number of member municipalities with a direct voice () municipal representation across the region larger municipalities (including Bumaby) () having a permanent seat - size of voice should be weighted by population and other factors (eg. transit, lane kilometers MRN location of roads and () () within growth concentration area) Regional [Principle: coordinated decision making degree of policy and implementation interaction between GVRD and TransLink C) process (LRSP ability of bolh Boards to coordinale directions and understand the regional and supporting transportation decisions) coordination with Provincial implications.of.eath others' actions----- degree of policy and implementation interaction between GVRoIrransLink and () () investments the Province Effectiveness jurisdictional ease of public understanding of the roles complexity (GyRO, TransLink and operating subs) board efficiency ability to make timely decisions - • () ability to achieve regional objectives in the- face of differing local values board members' work load () • • LEGEND: S = Strong Neutral () = Weak 1. Non-voting liaison * assumption • oo2J,=e 17(671) 116 DUAL DUTY COUNCIL of DESIGNATED DIRECT REP I lCOUNCILS MUNICIPAL REP 20 Number of Directors (19 municipal & 1 Provincial) municipal Representation high Degree of local municipal representation permanent Bumaby representative Yes - by other factors Including growth concenttation area, b'ansit service hours and lane kms of MRN) Voting weighted by population Yes Alten,ates permitted Timing of Election municipal election - annually municipal election municipal election Mayor elected in each elected by caucus of electorate designates electorate voles for their How are they appointed or elected? - representative municipal officials each which municipal municipality is year candidate should be automatically TransLink their representative Board member Board member I representative Board member from a separate slate of candidates member selected by member selected by the member selected by members of the Councit of Councils members of the IransLink Board of TransLink Board of member selected by members of the Transtink Board of Who appoints Chair Directors Directors Directors CRITERIA MEASUREMENT - .1. to the regional electorate degree of direct representation I 0 degree of public acceptance 0 , I 0 , 0 I • to the municipal Council and local I responsiveness to local plans and issues () citizens equitable municipal representation across the region I number of member municipalities with a direct voice • J___________________ __________________ icipalities (including Bumaby) ermanent seat ___________ e should be weighted by F,p th and other factors (eg. transit, eters of MRN roads and location th concentration area) coordinated degree of policy and implementation decision making interaction between GVRD and TransLinlc process (LRSP and supporting ability of both Boards to coordinate transportation directions and understand the regional 0decisions) implications of each others actions investments the Province coordination with degree of policy and implementation Provincial interaction between GVRD/ TransLink and jurisdictional ease of public understanding of the roles () complexity (GVRD, TransLink and operating subs) board efficiency ability to make timely decisions ability to achieve regional objectives in the face of differing local values board members work load 0 0 --------LEGEND: Stroñg =Neutrar- () = Weak - * assumption veeen:002Jiine 171679f 117 - Figure 3 STRONGEST STRONGEST ELECTED APPOINTED BOARD BOARD OPTION OPTION 9RGER DESIGNATED GVTA Task Force MUNICIPAL REP Number or Directors 20 (19 municipal & I Provincial') Representation municipal Degree of local municipal representation high Bumaby representative permanent Voting weighted by population Yes - by other factors including growth concentration area, transit service hours and lane km's of MRN) Alternates permitted Yes Timing of Appointment or Election annually municipal election - How are they appointed or elected? appointed by municipal councils electorate designates which (limited to members of Council) municipal candidate should be their representative Board member Who appoints Chair member selected by members of the member selecled by members of the TransLink Board of Directors TransLink Board of Ditectors CRITERIA MEASUREMENT to the regional electorate degree of direct representation degree of public acceptance to the municipal Council and local citizens responsiveness to local plans and issues equitable municipal representation across the number of member municipalities with a direct voice '1, region er municipalIties (including Bumaby) having a permanent t of voice should be weighted by population and other ors (eg. transit, lane kilometers of MRN roads and location Fwithin growth concentration area) coordinated decision making process (LRSP and degree of policy and implementation interaction between GVRD and TransUnk supporting transportation decisions) ability of both Boards to coordinate directions and understand the regional implications of each others' actions coordination with Provincial investments degree of policy and implementation interaction between GVRD! TransLink and the Province jurisdictional complexity ease of public understanding of the roles (GVRD, TranslJnk and operating subs) board efficiency ability to make timely decisions () ability to achieve regional objectives in the face of differing local values _______ board members work load •____ LEGEND: Strong Neutral () = Weak t. Non-voting liaison 2002Jwie I7750) 118 Attachment "A" Key Recommendations from the City of Burnabv Submission to the GVTA Governance Task Force adopted by Council 2000 October 30 GVRD/GVJ'A (TransLink) Relationship • the intended relationship between the GVRD and GVTA (TransLink) Boards as prescribed in the legislation is generally being achieved, while recognizing that local land use authority (within an approved regional context) is a fundamental premise; • notwithstanding the above and without encouraging further growth in government and bureaucracy, the Task Force should identify specific ways to help improve and reinforce the two agency's review, promotion and implementation of the objectives of the Livable Region Strategic Plan; and • the GVRD and GVTA (TransLink) should closely cooperate in the upcoming review of the Livable Region Strategic Plan so there is common agreement and understanding on the directions underlying new strategic growth management and related transportation policies. GVTA (TransLink) Board Representation • the issue of representation on the GVTA (TransLink) Board needs to be opened to provide for major municipalities (including the City of Bumaby) to have permanent representation on the Board; • the criteria for representation on the Board should be altered to provide for a population based system (e.g. one seat for every 150,000) or a combination of criteria based on population, geographic location within the Growth Concentration Area, and degree of transit ridership and designated lane kilometres within the Major Road network; • the necessary amendment should be made to provide for the designation of GVTA (TransLink). the local jurisdiction(s) that would enable -Councillors currently not on the GVRD Board to be eligible for GVTA (TransLink) Board membership; and • Provincial membership on the GVTA (TransLink) Board should be removed allowing for additional municipal representation and to avoid a possible conflict of interest when the Board is negotiating sensitive matters with the Province. 118A DR. ROBERT L HAYDEN, INC. KEARY MEDICAL CENTRE 105 - 245 East Columbia Street New Westminster, B.C. V3L 3W4 ROBERT I. HAYDEN, President Office: (604) 522-6800 M.D., C.M., F.A.C.S., F.R.C.S.(C) Fax: (604) 540-8126 Cardiovascukrr & Thoracic Surgeon Pager: (604) 735-1388 July 2, 2002 Mayor Al Hogarth District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Ladies and Gentlemen: I am writing to you about the massive disruption of traffic that occurred for the citizens of Maple Ridge when the Pitt River Bridge became nonfunctional for an extended period of time in the middle of a busy business day. I have lived in Maple Ridge since 1996, and this is the second occasion in which my family has been greatly inconvenienced by the dysflmctional Pitt River Bridge. On the particular day in question I was expected in the operating room at the Royal Colurnbian Hospital. I advised them of the delay and arrangements were made to delay the patient's care for a few hours until I arrived. Many of the personnel working at RCH live in Maple Ridge and depend on reliable, albeit slow, passage to work. It was obvious from the size of the traffic jam that extended both ways from the Pitt River Ridge back to the center of Port Coquitlam and the center of Maple Ridge that many citizens lives were disrupted without warning. I decided to place a call to the city office that day and was put in touch with Mr. Wood in the traffic department. In due course he advised that I should write this letter to you in City Governmetit. It is my opinion that the Pitt River Bridge should not be opened during daytime hours because it is not reliable. This bridge should only be opened to accommodate boat traffic on the river in the middle of the night in order not to disrupt the daily lives of the citizens of Maple Ridge. I understand that the operation of the bridge is the responsibility of the Department of Highways. I request the City Council to undertake negotiations with them in order to organize bridge openings only late at night. 772..,- I would be glad to speak to this issue personally at a council meeting if it was felt that my personal testimony would assist in achieving the above goal. Sincerely, R. Hayden, M.D. pi a Cc: Councillor Candace Gordon Councillor Jon Harris Councillor Faye Isaac Councillor Linda King Councillor Kathy Morse Councillor Craig Speirs CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE: July 16, 2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: 7500-20-01/ECOM FROM: Chief Administrative Officer AT'FN: Council SUBJECT: E-Comm Board of Directors EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request has been received from E-Comm to choose a mutually acceptable individual to represent both communities on the Board of Directors for E-Comm. A request has also been received to designate an individual to attend the Annual General Meeting to vote the share purchased by Maple Ridge. RECOMMENDATION(S): That Councillor Jon Harris be appointed to the Board of Directors of E-Comm Emergency Communications for Southwest British Columbia Incorporated (E-Comm) for the 2002/2003 year, subject to ratification by the District of Pitt Meadows Municipal Council; and further That Councillor Jon Harris be designated to attend the Annual General Meeting of the members of E-Comm for the purpose of voting the share purchased by the District of Maple Ridge. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The Annual General Meeting of the Members of E-Comm Emergency. Communications for Southwest British Columbia Incorporated (E-Comm) will be held on Friday, September 3, 2002, and at that time the Board of Directors will be elected for the 2002/2003 year. Section 4.2 of the E-Comm Members' Agreement provides for the designation of individuals by a Member or a Designated Group of Members for election to the Board of Directors, within a period sufficient for the individual'.s name to be placed before the Class A Members at the Meeting. The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge has purchased one Class A and two Class B Shares, and the Corporation of the District of Pitt Meadows has purchased one Class A and two Class B Shares in the capital of E-Cômm. Pursuant to the Members' Agreement, Maple Ridge together with Pitt Meadows are entitled to designate one mutually agreed upon individual to represent the two Districts on the Board of Directors of Ecomm. Maple Ridge can also designate one individual to attend the Annual General Meeting of the members for the purpose of voting the share purchased by the District of Maple Ridge. -1 - 1/0/ b) Intergovernmental Implications: Since the appointment of the individual to represent both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows must be mutually agreed upon, the appointment of Councillor Harris must be ratified by Pitt Meadows. Prepared by: e ry Fry P.Eng. unicip Jerk - Approved by: Paul Iv Gill, B.B.A, C.G.A, F.R.M General Manager: Corporate & Financial Services Concurrence: /Chief JL. (Jim) Rule Administrative Officer TF/dd -2- "ECoimi Emergency Communications for Southwest British Columbia Incorporated 3301 East Pender Sfleet Vancouver BC V5K 5J3 Tel: (604) 215 5000 Fax:(604) 215 5001 June 20, 2002 Mayor and Council Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge BC V2X 6A9 Dear Mayor and Council: / I LL The Annual General Meeting (the "Meeting") of the Members of E-Comm Emergency Communications for Southwest British Columbia Inc. ("E-Comm") will held on Friday, September 13, 2002, and at that time the Board of Directors will be elected for the 2002/2003 year. Section 4.2 of the E-Comm Members' Agreement provides for the designation of individual(s) by a Member or a Designated Group of Members for election to the Board of Directors, within a time period sufficient for the individual's name to be placed before the Class A Members at the Meeting. Our records indicate that the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge has one Class A and two Class B Shares, and the Corporation of the District of Pitt Meadows has one Class A and two Class B Shares in the capital of E-Comm. Pursuant to the Members' Agreement, you, together with Pitt Meadows, are entitled to designate one mutually agreed upon individual to represent your group on the Board of Directors of E-Comm. We would request that you confer with the other member of your group to designate the appropriate individual. As well you may designate one individual to attend the Annual General Meeting, of the members, for the purposes of voting the shares purchased by Maple Ridge. Please forward to my attention, no later than August 16, 2002, the name of your individual, designated by your group, for election at the Meeting to the Board of Directors. If you require any additional information, I would be pleased to provide it. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Yours truly, Tracey Lee Lorenson Director of Human Resources and Corporate Secretary ADMINiSTRATION JUN 24 2002 Website: www.ewmm. cL63'I CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Al Hogarth DATE:A~~6,2002 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Council SUBJECT: Acting Municipal Clerk EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On the retirement of the Acting Municipal Clerk, and in order to ensure no disruption in service to our customers, we are recommending a new appointments for the Acting Municipal Clerk. RECOMMENDATION(S): That the appointment of Jo-Anne Hertzog as Acting Municipal Clerk be rescinded, and That Ron Riach be appointed Acting Municipal Clerk during the absence of the Municipal Clerk. DISCUSSION: Background Context: The Acting Municipal Clerk, Ms. Jo-Anne Hertzog, has recently retired. Recognizing that it is desirable, from a customer service point of view, to have someone act on behalf of the Municipal Clerk during his absence, it is recommended that IVfr. Ron Riach be appointed Acting Municipal Clerk during the absence of the Municipal Clerk. Citizen/Customer Implications: Appointment of an Acting Municipal Clerk will ensure that all documents and material usually signed or approved by the Municipal Clerk are completed with little or no delay. CONCLUSIONS: This appointment is recommended. Prepared-by:-/T-fry-iry4..P..Eng. / iunicj,a'1 Clerk Approved by: PW G11, B.B.A., C.G.A. G ral .Mana , Corporate & Financial Services Concurrence: J.V. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer I I 0 0Q... CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor A. Hogarth DATE: July 4, 2001 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: SUBJECT: Customer Comment Cards EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Executive Assistant to the General Manager: Corporate & Financial Services has managed the Customer Comment Card program since its implementation. A graphical analysis for the first six months of 2002 is attached. RECOMMENDATION(S): That the memo and graph on Customer Comment Card statistics be received for information. DISCUSSION: Background Context: Council expressed a desire to review the Customer Comment Card results on a semi-annual basis. The attached report is a result of this request. Desired Outcome(s): The Customer Comment Card program helps to determine customer satisfaction with our service. Strategic Alignment: Community Relations - Encourage citizen participation in local government and local government decision-making. Business Plan/Financial Implications: None. Prepared by: Cirdy L. Dale Eecutive Assistant App roved by: Paul Gill, .B.A., C.G.A. I General Manager: Corporate & Financial Services Concurrencq J.L. (Jim) Rule / Chief Administrative Officer PG:cd -1- 1103 —U —A Customer Comment Cards 12 -.----- - - 11 -----..-------. 10 -- . 9 - ..-----------.--.-....----------------.-.--.-----..-----------.---.-.-.. -. 8 ------ .. --.-.-.---------------.------..-.-------.-_------------ - 7 . 6 5 .'.\ 0 Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 Jan-02 Feb-02 Mar-02 Apr-02 May-02 Jun-02 Jul-02 Aug-02 Sep-02 Oct-02 Nov-02 Dec-02 - # of Complaints 1 0 1 1 0 0 —# of Suggestions 0 1 0 0 0 2 - # of Compliments 4 7 4 1 3 0