HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-03-23 Council Meeting Agenda and ReportsCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge
March 23, 2004
council Chamber
Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at
Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with
the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and
conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in
any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded.
Note: This Agenda is also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.org
The purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council by using bylaws or
resolutions. This is the final venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or
Pastor Gerry Peters
401 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of March 9 ;2004-
402 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of March 4, 5, and
8, 2004
403 Minutes of the Audit and Finance Committee of January 19, 2004
501 Canadian Cancer Society, Relay For Life, Michelle Mackay
Page 1
Council Meeting Agenda
March 23, 2004
Council Chamber
Page 2 of 8
502 BC Federation of Labour, New Safety Standards Act and Regulations
601 Downtown Core Use and Occupancy Payment, April 2004
Note: Item 801 is from the Public Hearing of March 23, 2004
801 RZ/013/01, 12423 203 Street
801.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6196-2004
To amend Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan from SFR15 (Single Family
Residential, 15 units per net hectare) to SFR1 8 (Single Family Residential, 18 units per
net hectare)
Second and third reading
801.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6197-2004
To rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RS-lb (One Family
Urban (Medium Density) Residential) to permit future subdivision into 2 lots
Second and third reading
802 Maple Ridge Building Bylaw No. 61 80-2003
Staff report dated March 11, 2004 recommending that minor changes be made to
the bylaw.
To outline the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in the building
construction process
Final reading
803 RZ/108/02, 23573 Kanaka Way
Staff report dated March 8, 2004
803.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6098-2002
To designate from Single Family Residential (15, 18, 30 units per net hectare) to
Compact Housing (40 units per net hectare) and to designate as Development
Council Meeting Agenda
March 23, 2004
Council Chamber
Page 3 of 7
803.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6097-2002
To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity
Residential District) to permit subdivision into approximately 26 single family
residential lots.
Final reading
804 Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan
Authorization Amending By-law No. 6190-2004, 23791 132 Avenue
To include into Sewer Area "A"
Final reading
805 Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan
Authorization Amending By-law No. 6192-2004, 20981/83/85 132 Avenue
To include into Sewer Area "A"
Final reading
806 Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan
Authorization Amending By-law No. 6195-2004, 24350 104 Avenue,
To include into Sewer Area "A"
Final reading
807 Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan
Authorization Amending By-law No. 6208-2004, 23627 132 Avenue
To include into Sewer Area "A"
Final reading
901 Minutes - March 15, 2004
The following issues were presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting with
the recommendations being brought to this meeting for Municipal Council consideration
and final approval. The Committee of the Whole meeting is open to the public and is held
in the Council Chamber at 1:00 p.m. on the Monday the week prior to this meeting. 11
Council Meeting Agenda
March 23, 2004
Council Chamber
Page 4 of 7
902 RZ/129/03, 21222 123 Avenue, RS-1 to RS-lb
Staff report dated March 8, 2004 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone
Amending Bylaw No. 6200-2004 to permit future subdivision into two RS-lb
(One Family Urban Medium Density Residential) lots be read a first time and
forwarded to Public Hearing.
903 RZ/032/03, 11176 Gilker Hill Rd., RS-3 to RM-1
Staff report dated March 8, 2004 recommending that Maple Ridge Official
Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6204-2004 and Maple Ridge Zone
Amending Bylaw No. 6205-2004 to permit construction of 37 townhouse units be
read a first time and forwarded to Public Hearing.
904 RZ/077102, 11673 240 Street, RS-3 to CD-1-93 and P-I
Staff report dated March 9, 2004 recommending that Maple Ridge Official
Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6086-2002 and Maple Ridge Zone
Amending Bylaw No. 6085-2002 to permit subdivision into 26 lots be read a first
time and forwarded to Public Hearing.
905 RZ/092/03, 10607, 10703 & 10757/63 Industrial Avenue, RS-3 to RS-lb
Staff report dated March 1, 2004 recommending that Maple Ridge Official
Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6213-2004 and Maple Ridge Zone
Amending Bylaw No. 6214-2004 to permit subdivision into approximately 170
lots be read a first time and forwarded to Public Hearing.
906 RZ/008/04, 11330 and 11342 236 Street, RS-3 to CD-I -93
Staff report dated March 8, 2004 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone
Amending Bylaw No. 6203-2004 to permit subdivision into 16 residential lots be
read a first time and forwarded to Public Hearing.
907 DP/018/04, 9610-287 Street
Staff report dated March 8, 2004 recommending that the Municipal Clerk be
authorized to sign and seal DP/01 8/04 to permit construction of an addition to an
existing neighbourhood pub for a licensee retail store.
Council Meeting Agenda
March 23, 2004
Council Chamber
908 Excess Capacity/Extended Services Agreement LC 91/04, 224 Street and 103
Staff report dated February 26, 2004 recommending that Latecomer Charges be
imposed on the benefitting lands.
909 Excess Capacity[Extended Services Agreement LC 92/04, Spring Avenue and
124 Avenue
Staff report dated February 26, 2004 recommending that Latecomer Charges be
imposed on the benefitting lands.
910 SD/124/03, 5% Money in Lieu of Parkiand Dedication, 20497 115 Avenue
Staff report dated February 27, 2004 recommending that the owner of the land
pay the District an amount that is not less than $ 18,000.
911 GVRD - Liquid Waste Management Plan Biennial Report - February 2004
Staff report dated March 4, 2004 providing information on the progress towards
achieving the plan's objectives.
912 Amendment to Fraser Sewerage Area (FSA) Boundary - 136 Avenue Area
from 224 Street to 226 Street
Staff report dated March 9, 2004 recommending that the Greater Vancouver
Sewerage and Drainage District be requested to include additional parcels in the
Fraser Sewerage Area.
913 Processing of Applications for Exclusion from the Agricultural Land Reserve
durin.....he Official Community Plan Review - -
Staff report dated March 11, 2004 recommending that all applications be referred
to the Agricultural Land Commission and that all applicants and the Commission
are provided with a clear understanding of the current Official Community Plan
policy and servicing constraints on the property.
914 Fraser River Escarpment Policies
Staff report dated March 8, 2004 recommending that Policies 6.04 and 6.05 be
rescinded and that the policies titled "Control of Surficial and Groundwater
Council Meeting Agenda
March 23, 2004
Council Chamber
Page 6 of 7
Discharge in the Area Bounded by 207 Street, 124 Avenue, 224 Street and the
Fraser River Escarpment" and "Subdivision of, or building on, land within 300
Metres of the Crest of the Fraser River Escarpment" be adopted.
Financial and Corporate Services (includinR Fire and Police)
931 Fire Department Master Plan
Staff report dated March 1, 2004 recommending that the Fire Department Master
Plan be forwarded to the Finance & Audit Committee for recommendations on
Comm unity Development and Recreation Service - Nil
Correspondence - Nil
Other Committee Issues - Nil
1001 227 Street Roadwork from Lougheed Hwy. To Dewdney Trunk Road -
Construction Bylaw
Staff report dated March 18, 2004 recommending that Maple Ridge, 227 Street
Road Works, Local Improvement Construction Bylaw No. 6215-2004 be given
three readings, that Targa Contracting Ltd. be awarded the contract and that
$50,000 from water utility accumulated surplus be transferred to the project
budget to fund the required water main upgrades. (Report to be circulated
1002 Arts Centre Liquor License
Staff report dated March 17, 2004 recommending that a new resolution be
submitted to the liquor Control and Licensing Branch supporting the issuance of a
- liquor primary 1icense at ThAct.
Council Meeting Agenda
March 23, 2004
Council Chamber
Page 7 of 7
The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to seek
clarification about an item on the agenda, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws
which have not yet reached conclusion.
Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members.
If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should
be brought to the attention of the Mayor andior Chief Administrative Officer in a
private meeting.
The decision to televise the Question Period is subject to review.
Each person will be permitted 2 minutes only to ask their question (a second
opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium).
The total Question Period is limited to 15 minutes.
If a question cannot be answered, it will be responded to at a later date at a subsequent
Council Meeting.
Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the office of the
Municipal Clerk who can be contacted at (604) 463-5221.
Checked by:____________
March 4, 2004
Mayor's Office
Mayor Kathy Morse
J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer
Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary
1. SD/099/02
Lot 29, Section 24, Township 12, Plan 26432, NWD
26171 Dewdney Trunk Rd.
Ernst Bromba, Erika Bromba, K.A.S. Hldgs Ltd..
HighLights Irnernational Products Inc.
Covenant - Amenity Habitat Protection
May/Kat y Morse J.L. (Jin Rule, Chief Administrative Officer
Chairman Memb 7/
LMP 97 P6 754; P6
12 in 18 25 26
7tMP 5LM 975 L 75
4 Rem
7754 P 7754
24 LAP6 •5 L ' P65 LM
19 20 21 L
28 P A-2
P 6 75L P 6
29 A iP697 14 15 16 17
6 B P 546 RP4989
11 2643
Subject PropLerDty,-- 1
LMP 306501
P2854 cn
RS -3 F --
A EP1569 12 P3830 3
11 i
(/) -1
14 I 15
co 17
RP 1 633 Ei
A 1
4 B ReJl2 341 6
Rem R 8090 P 363Oj Re 1/2 P6732 44 P3479 w9v2
EP 1439
10 RemA W 1/2 E 1/i S & E CN co
11 2 cr-
I C.
I-- D N1/2C I c
S 1/2 C
2 Iem
P808 P 8085 P 6074
1 IF-3 2
March 5, 2004
Mayor's Office
Mayor Kathy Morse
J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer
Member ry K. Kirk, Recording Secreta
1. SD/043/03
LEGAL: Lot 372, District Lot 406, Plan LMP3 5030, NWD
LOCATION: 104th1240th Street
OWNER: Genstar Titleco Ltd.
REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Subdivision Servicing Agreement
Covenants - Geotechnical, Amenity Habitat Protection,
S-R-O-W (Stormwater)
Release of Redundant Covenants (Park Site. Park Site
Dedication, Hwy DCC, Rezoning Dev. Agmt)
Ma.yor,X<.athy Morse J.L. (Ji) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer
Chairman Membr
c156I Ii VIfl EP 16557
10 79
1052 9
367 350
10513 P 29456
362 349 cn
363 348 losio
2 2
- 347 345 - 3
\ '
-' -u IuIlIIuI.-.
Rem 372
R S - I b
LMP 35030
- - ---- -
• 270 -
273 272 271
P 10921
• P 22743 RSFr250
A Rem7
Pci. M A B RemD
3 P21769 RP7139 (.J130089E) 10386
10389 0
March 8, 2004
Mayor's Office
Mayor Kathy Morse
J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer
Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary
LEGAL: Lots 234, 233, 230 & 229, Plan 114, District Lots 279 &
281, Group 1, New Westminster District
LOCATION: Ditton Street
OWNER: Nag Construction Co. Ltd.
REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Building Development Agreement
MaNAW Kathy Morse J.L. (Jim) Rul, Chief Administrative Officer
Chairman Member /
' -
I p
\, c\
' n
[2.3 AVF-
hicorpat.d 12 Septb. 1874 DEPARTMENT L H ..,Oy
229230,233AND234LMP 34591
FiLE E02 349 002 A SCALE: ___________
\Administration\BUILDING DEVELP\BUILD-0002 .dwa
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
January 19, 2004
The Minutes of the Audit Committee Meeting held in the Blaney Room of the Municipal Hall,
11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B. C. on January 19, 2004 at 3:00 p.m.
Committee Members Municipal Staff
Councillor Harris, Chair J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer
Councillor Gordon P. Gill, General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services
Councillor Isaac J. Sorba, Director of Finance
Mayor Morse D. Sartorius, Municipal Accountant
C. Mario, Confidential Secretary
B. Cox, BDO Dunwoody
Appointment of committee Chairperson
MOVED by Councillor Isaac, SECONDED by Cou.ncillor Gordon
that Councillor Harris be appointed the Chairperson of the Audit and Finance
Review and Adoption of Minutes of October 27, 2003 Meeting
MOVED by Councillor Isaac, SECONDED by Mayor Morse
that the Minutes of the Audit and Finance Committee Meeting of October 27,
2003 be approved.
2004 Committee Meeting Schedule
MOVED by Mayor Morse, SECONDED by Councillor Isaac
that the 2004 Audit and Finance Committee Schedule be
Audit & Finance Committee Meeting Minutes
January 19, 2004
Page 2
4. Committee - Terms of Reference - Amendment
Councillor Gordon asked if it would be appropriate to include a member from the
community at large on the Committee. Mr. Cox advised that in his experience
municipalities vary with respect to the inclusion of an external person on the Audit
Committee. For those who choose to do so it seems to function well. The General Manager
Corporate and Financial Services suggested that the composition of the Committee remain
the same for 2004 noting that the meetings are open to the public
Mayor Morse pointed out that the Terms of Reference refer to the Mayor or his designate
being appointed Committee Chair.
MOVED by Councillor Gordon, SECONDED by Councillor Isaac
that the Terms of Reference of the Audit and Finance Committee
be amended to delete the words under Composition, bullet 3 "The
mayor or his designate shall be appointed Committee Chair" and
replaced with "The Committee members will annually elect a
Chairperson from amongst themselves by a simple majority vote."
5. Meeting with appointed external Auditor
The Director of Finance recommended that the Audit Committee consider spending time
with Mr. Cox and his staff to speak to issues best dealt with in a Closed Meeting. He
advised that in 2004 staff will bring forward internal control procedures for review by the
Committee. Quarterly Consolidated Financial Statements of the operating funds will be
presented to the Committee and he suggested that the Committee spend time reviewing
those statements.
Mr. Cox provided an overview of his report on the process to be followed during the
audit of the Financial Statements of the District for 2003.
Accounting Standards
• Post Employment Benefits will most affect municipalities, however, the Finance
Department staff has already prepared the calculations and these have been used in
the annual financial statements.
• Foreign Currency Translation requires that debt in US funds be converted to the
Canadian equivalent. The District borrows money through MFA who control which
marketplace to use. The New York market is often selected as the best place to raise
The Municipal Accountant pointed out that the District will have to be aware when
entering into an agi-eement with an independent contractor of how the agreement will
Final version -2004-02-13
Audit & Finance Committee Meeting Minutes
January 19, 2004
Page 3
impact on the District's reporting. In some situations the District may be required to
include losses incurred by the contractor into it's financial statements.
Audit and Assurance Standards
• Auditors will now consider fraud when designing an audit plan. The two key areas
that are looked at are thefi of cash or assets and financial statement fraud.
• Auditors are required to review Annual Reports before they are published.
New Privacy Legislation
• Mr. Cox assured the Committee that his firm is very careful to protect the privacy of
District information as required under new legislation.
Higher Risk Financial Statement Areas
• Mr. Cox noted that the report lists five key areas that are reviewed during the audit
but that other items are also looked at.
• He confirmed that the District's procedures in these areas are in order.
• The Director of Finance provided information on the reporting procedure for Council
and staff expenses.
• Mr. Cox pointed out that Council can direct the Auditor to look at specific items
during the audit process.
Staff is to provide the Committee with reports on staff expenses.
Financial Review JJ'orkshop Topics
The Director of Finance referred to the schedule of Financial Management Workshops
and asked for the Committee's input on the content and timing. The Committee was in
agreement with the list of topics but requested that discussion be focused at a policy level.
Mayor Morse requested that discussion of the impact of "discovered milestones" be
included as a workshop topic.
New Business
Core Analysis
The Committee requested that Council be provided with an overview of the issues that
need to be taken into account as negotiations on the Downtown Core Project continue.
Adjournment - 4:00 p.m.
Fina' version - 2004-02-13
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9
Telephone: (604) 463-5221 Fax: (604) 467-7329
I4.A.PLE REL:X:;E E-mail: enquiries@mapleridge.org
www.mapleridge.org frorporated 12 Septriber, 1874
February 26. 2004
File No: 5400-04
Judy Shirra
Coquitiam Coordinator, Relay for Life
Canadian Cancer Society
130— 3030 Lincoln Avenue
Coquitlam, B.C. V3B 6B4
Dear Judy Shirra:
In response to your correspondence dated February 24, 2004, requesting to appear before Council
regarding the Canadian Cancer Society Relay for Life. the following arrangements are confirmed:
Council Meeting
March 23. 2004
Council Chambers
7:00 p.m.
Due to time constraints, it is necessary to limit delegation appearances to a maximum of ten (10)
minutes, and we would ask that prior to the meeting. you ensure that your presentation will be
completed within this allotted time.
If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to call.
Yours truly,
Ceri Mario
Confidential Secretary
5O1 'Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens"
100. Recycled Paoe' to
Canadian Société
Cancer canadienne
SocicLy clii cancer
Relay For Lite
Relais pour Ia vie
February 24, 2004
City of Maple Ridge
11995 Haney Place
Maple Ridge, B.C.
Attention: Ms. Ceri MarIo
Dear Ceri,
We are writing to request an appointment to present to the Mayor and council on March
23rd, 2004.
We are the Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life formally known as Relay for a
Friend. Our Relay has been raising funds for Cancer research in the Tn-Cities since
June 1992. Last year the generous citizens our community and yours raised $544,000.
We would like an opportunity to inform your Mayor and council of our up coming event.
We are very excited about this years relay and would like to share our success with the
City Maple Ridge.
Judy Shirra
Cociuitlam Coordinator. Relay For Life
Canadian Cancer Society
e-mail - jshirra@bc.cancer.ca
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9
Telephone: (604) 463-5221 Fax: (604) 467-7329
1N4\..IPLE IUI.EGE E-mail: eflquiries@mapieridge.org
vwv.mapleridge.org Incorporated 12 September, 1874
March 9, 2004
File No: 0410-01
Irma Mohammed
BC Federation of Labour
200-5118 Joyce Street
Vancouver. B.C. \'5R 4111
Dear Irma Mohammed:
Re: New Safety Standards Act and Regulations
in response to correspondence from your office dated March 3. 2004, the following arrangements
are confirmed for a delegation to appear before Council regarding the impact of the new Safer-v
Standards Act and Regulations on municipalities:
Council Meeting
March 23, 2004
Council Chambers
7:00 p.m.
Due to time constraints, it is necessary to limit delegation appearances to a maximum of ten (10)
minutes. and we would ask that prior to the meeting. you ensure that your presentation will be
completed within this allotted time.
If we can be of any further assistance. please do not hesitate to call.
Yours truly,
Ceri Mario
Confidential Secretary
"Promoting a Safe and Livable COmmunity for our Present and Future Citizens"
100- Recvced Paoe
"Z iov,
- Lf-
200 - 5118 Joyce Street
Vancouver, B.C. V5R 4H 1
TEL (604) 430-1421
FAX (604) 430-5917
Website: www.bcfed.com
E-Mail: bcfed@bcfed.com
Jim Sinclair
Angela Schira
Our File
March 3, 2004
District of Maple Ridge
11995 Haney Place
Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9
Attention: City Clerk
The B.C. Federation of Labour is concerned that the new Safety Standards Act and
Regulations will have a profound detrimental effect on the safety of workers on the job
and the safety of citizens in our community. These changes are to be implemented on
April 1, 2004.
We have done an extensive analysis on the proposed changes and wish to come to the
next possible Council meeting as a delegation to express our concerns about changes
to the regulations and the impact on municipalities.
Please contact Irma Mohammed at 604-430-1421 ext. 241 to arrange for a delegation to
attend your meeting.
Please find enclosed a copy of our document and our resolution.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Yours truly,
ride nt
opelu 15
First, I would like to thank your Worship and members of Councillors for this opportunity to
speak with you today. The B.C. Federation of Labour and our affiliates are talking to as many
municipalities as we can about legislative changes that will impact on the quality of work we do,
the safety of the public and the impacts on our municipalities.
Legislation tabled in the provincial legislature over the past year will have a detrimental impact
on trades training and safety standards in British Columbia. As you are probably aware we have
seen the provincial government pass the Industry Trammg Authority Act, the Safety
Authority Act and the Safety Standards Act
The Federation is concerned this legislation puts in jeopardy our long-standing apprentice
programs in BC jointly created through a partnership between business, labour, educational
institutions and government.
The provincial government is putting British Columbians at risk with its new Safety Standards
Act and Safety Authority Act passed in the Legislature March 24, 2003. This is why we are
here today to present to you our concerns with respect to the issues of worker safety on the job
and public safety with the massive changes taking place. Few people in the province understand
the implications on all our lives with changes in the new Safety Act and Regulations.
These issues are critical to municipalities in BC that often times administer provincial legislation
governing such areas as electrical codes, building codes, gas regulations and more. New
legislation will change the way enforcement occurs and the standards that are set. We think
these changes will be detrimental to the training of workers in the field; qualifications of workers
performing compulsory work under the act will be greatly reduced and with-the-s•afet-y-o-f the
public being put in jeopardy.
The government, like so many other areas that it controls, is getting out of the business of
policing the safety of products, the construction of facilities and the operations of industry in BC.
The new Safety Authority created to assume the current Safety Branch functions of government
will take full control of our current safety system on April 1, 2004. Our view is that this process
should be stopped until all parties who will be impacted by the changes have had a chance to
make their comments. As you will see the changes proposed are new and radical and have not
been instituted anywhere in the world to the extent that they will be in British Columbia.
Report on Changes to Sqfety Standards Act
Page 2 oIl
We are asking you as a council to make your concerns known to the Minister of Conmiunity,
Aboriginal and Women's Services Murray Coell. He will be the one to make recommendations
on changes to be made to regulations that will be governing your activities.
The new Safety Authorities Act will create a not-for-profit corporation with 15 government-
chosen Board Members that will now govern the compliance of safety standards for electrical
equipment, boiler systems, gas equipment, all types of pressure vessels, amusement rides,
elevator safety and more.
Changes to the safety standards in BC will be dramatic as the government changes the legislation
and regulations from a proactive government department that educates implements and polices.
to an organizational structure that will be less regulated with the inspection of regulated work
being put into the hands of contractors and employers who perform the same work. it will be a
self-regulated system where oversight of BC safety standards will no longer be in the hands of
the provincial government.
The requirements of the existing safety standards, that makes it compulsory for some certified
trades people to work on certain types of equipment for the protection of the public has been
stripped out of the existing acts and regulations. In the future, semi-skilled and non-skilled
workers will now be required to perform work that compulsory trade's people are required to
perform today. This clearly is a lowering of standards from the old legislation and will put
British Columbians at risk.
These issues are critical to municipalities in BC that often times administer provincial legislation
governing such areas as electrical codes, building codes, gas regulations and more. New
legislation will change the way enforcement occurs and the standards that are set. We think
these changes will be detrimental to the training of workers in the field and the safety of the
Striking administrative agreements with cities and municipalities is a key part of the plan even
though most municipalities were never consulted on the matter. Like most other legislation that
has been passed by the Liberal government there has been no public consultation process. no
independent task force to advise government, only a few hand picked people who sit in back
rooms with ministry officials and make decisions that affect the lives of all British Columbians.
The new authority will be financially supported, not by government, but by fees and charges
established by the new authority for services rendered.
The purpose of the new authority is;
"To carry on activities throughout British Columbia that foster safety in
design, manufacture, disposal, construction, installation, operation,
maintenance and the use of technical products, equipment and systems
This new authority will touch the lives of every person who lives in BC when it comes to the
safety of products we use and the procedures used when we are at work. The lives of
workers in BC have been handed from the responsibility of the government to a 15-person
Report on Changes to Safety Standards Act Page 3 of I
Board that will be appointed by the provincial government. Substantial power and authority
that previously rested with deputy ministers and chief inspectors is being handed to authority
officials that are not accountable to anyone but a non-elected Board.
The legislation is very pointed in its language. It makes it clear, "The authority is not an
agent of government ".
The authority will assume the responsibilities of the Safety Standards Branch including
credentialing, examination of workers and the enforcement system.
A recent study by the Canadian Institute for Environmental Law and Policy of the Ontario
Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA), which has been in operation since 1996,
says, "There appears to be no significant changes in the levels of incidents, inspections or
industry compliance with regulatory requirements since the creation of the TSSA". Although
fees and costs have increased greatly front-line service delivery staff has not. This review
raises serious questions about the efficiency of the 'authority model'.
The real agenda of the new system is designed to give large contractors and operators a
benefit at the expense of small and medium side contractors, workers and the public. We
will see lower standards of trade's qualifications by deskilling the workforce, lowering wages
structures, forcing these same standards on corporations that at present do not want the
system to change. Many contractors perform work that requires a fully-trained trades
qualified person because they can perform all aspects of work required. Because they are
smaller they will not be able to compete with large contractors that create modularized trades
and/or unskilled gangs of workers. These medium and small size contractors will simply be
driven out of business. They are the businesses that do a tremendous amount of work for our
The government expects to fix the skill shortage in BC, as they are approaching 2010
Olympics, by deregulating the system so skilled trades are not required. They have started
with the complete deregulation of the electrical and elevator trades and will proceed to other
compulsory trades as a "work in progress'. We can expect this to continue until all trades
work in the province will be deregulated and deskilled including those governed by the BC
building codes.
In the future, the new authority can enter into agreements with municipalities to administer
the Act and regulations.
Those cities and municipalities that currently administer compulsory regulations and codes
through their own inspection departments will be forced to comply with all aspects of the
new act and regulations. They will not be allowed to create standards that are higher that
Report on Changes to Safety Standards Act Page 4 of I
those created by the provincial regulations and Authority. . . . a local government may not
adopt a kvlaw concerning a standard that is or could be dealt with under this Act... ".
Each local government can, if it so wishes, enter into an agreement to perform the functions
of administration of the Act and Regulations in their jurisdiction. However, current
standards of safety that cities and municipalities have put into by-laws that are not in
compliance with the new Act and Regulations will be deemed not in effect. Such issues as
the qualifications of workers doing the regulated work will be dramatically altered. These
agreements will come in the form of a contract between the provincial Authority and the
Certificate of Qualification is Not Required
The new Safety Standards General Regulations, which are a preface to specific sets of
regulations for compulsory trades, say that in order to do regulated work one must "provide
proof, acceptable to a provincial safety manager, of the applicant 's relevant training and
work experience ". Under the current system a person must prove they have been qualified
under an apprenticeship program and passed a relevant exam. They have now thrown the
door open to unqualified, untrained workers working under the supervision of someone who
is qualIed to do that work. In the General Regulations, section 4, called "When
authorization not required ", allows for non-qualified workers to work under the supervision
of a qualified supervisor. The regulations do not outline the definition of supervision nor do
they allow for ratios of workers to supervisors.
The requirements of the existing safety standards that make it compulsory for some certified
trades people to work on certain types of equipment for the protection of the public has been
stripped out of the existing acts. in the future, semi-skilled workers will now be required to
perform work that compulsory trade's people are required to perform now. This clearly is a
lowering of standards from the old legislation and will put British Columbians at risk.
The new Act and Regulations have singled out electricians and elevator mechanics as the
first area to make substantive changes. The Electrical Safety regulations allow for non-
qualified workers to work under the supervision of a person who, "is authorized under the
Act to perform that type of work, ...and provides guidance and assistance to the
individual... ". This will allow a worker who is qualified for a particular aspect of electrical
work to supervise as many as can be handled non-trained, non-qualified workers off the
street. These are the changes that will allow for minimum wage electrical workers on to
construction sites. This will put into danger workers and the public who will have to live
with the electrocutions, fires and high insuranceclaims all in the name of profit. There are
no provisions for a ratio system such as there is now with electricians that provide for the
training of apprentices. The mentoring system of training that sees an apprentice learn the
trade while working with other skilled trades will be gone.
These changes will cause a "rush to the bottom" attitude among contractors. Contractors that
do employ fully trades qualified workers will be undercut by those that do not. As more and -- - iiiutemployersare1orced-into this sameiype -of-systerii, we will -
Report on Changes to Safety Standards Act Page 5 of I
market for trade's people at all. The Red Seal program will be of a much less importance as
less TQ trades people will be required. For those who do obtain the modularized certificates,
under the new Industrial Training Authority, there is no laddering system for them to become
a fully qualified trade's person
Self-Inspection Will Dominate the Construction and Home Renovation Industri
The new Acts and Regulations are going to allow construction companies and others to self
inspect their own work. The provincial electrical inspectors, for instance, who will now
work under the new Authority and be called Safety Officer's, will not be required to inspect
all work in the province.
The new legislation has created new positions called Field Safety Representatives (FSR's)
who are hired by a construction company to inspect the work that is performed on the job
site. FSR's did exist in the old regulations but they did were not required to perform final
inspections. That was the role and responsibility of provincial and municipal inspectors in
the field.
The problem now is these FSR's can be the company foreman or others, they can at the same
time hold a contractor license, be the person responsible for making sure workers have the
correct qualification and they can, in some cases, be the person who is also doing the work.
In the home renovation industry an FSR can be the owner of the company, the worker who
does the work and the person who inspects and reports out to the authority compliance with
the codes.
Like the Board of the new Authority, FSR's will continually find themselves in a conflict of
interest in their duties on the job. To the person who inspects the work of their own
employer it puts these workers in asituation where they will have to tell their employer their
operation cannot start up, or perhaps, they will have to pay money to have work redone that
is not satisfactory. These workers will be in a conflict of interest that everyone knows the
employer will win at the expense of safety.
Who and What Quality of Training Will Occur?
The new regulations are silent on the issue of who is responsible for training or what type of
training will be required by those that do regulated work. Employers are required to ensure
that qualified people are doing the work, but there is no prescription or standard. Currently
the provincial government through the agencies that control compulsory trades, grant
certificates of competency through regulating the experience required and the examinations
needed to pass before certificates are granted. The new Act makes reference to the new
industry Training Authority but does not require particular standards in the Safety
Standards Act. They do require such standards under the new Gas and Boiler Pressure
Vessels Regulations but not for Electrical and Elevator Devices Regulations.
Report on Changes to Safety Standards Act Page 6 of I
Equivalent Standards Agreements
Self-inspection will also occur under the new Equivalent Standards Agreements. These
agreements will be in the form of a contract between the Authority and a company that will
allow all aspects of the safety system to be controlled and run by the corporation, including
The new Authority will be conducting three pilot projects before the new system is put into
full force. This is the wave of the future where there will be little intervention and oversight
by the Authority or government in safety standard in large construction sites and industrial
operations. The focus is to create "alternative management approaches ", "increased
operational flexibility and accountability" and "promote innovative and effective compliance
and enforcement mechanisms ".
It is seen as an area to give heavy industry the ability to hire non-certified trades people to do
trades work allowing for lower wages and more profits for larger companies. It will allow
one certified trade's person to supervise an entire crew of semi-skilled workers such as in the
construction of a large office building. This will allow employers to pay low wages to most
of the crew while paying trades rates for only one foreman. The semi-skilled workers will be
working under the trade's qualification of the foreman. It is easy to see we will have less
trades people in the province, less need for a Red Seal Apprenticeship program with huge
savings in wages for employers.
These new safety standards agreements will allow for, ". . .more flexibility and support self-
management of their sites...". What we are seeing here is the dismantling of the safety
inspection system we currently have and allowing larger companies to self-inspect and
manage their own sites. This is a throw back to the 1940's and 50's which saw the struggle
by the public, unions and workers to make products they buy, and their work sites, safe from
employer abuse. This is akin to the police investigating themselves without any outside
judicial review allowed.
The legislation is clear that safety standards agreements will not be forced on municipalities
that have agreed to administer the Act. However, this will allow for competition between
municipalities to attract corporations into their jurisdiction. We will see a rush to the bottom
in the application of safety standards to attract more business and a larger tax base in some
cities and municipalities.
Safety standards agreements can be multi-site. They can be for one large company that
operates province-wide.
Registration of Certified Individuals
The registration of qualified individuals will no longer be required. It will make it much
more difficult for companies and homeowners to check to see if those doing work for them
Report on Changes to Safety Standards Act Page 7ofl
Advisory Board System As We Know It Will Be Gone
Advisory Boards for each compulsory trade has been the backbone of the system in the
review and control of standards in the province. The new Advisory Committees will be
created at the discretion of the new Authority. We have clearly seen i other jurisdictions
that advisory boards are controlled by the same people that control the authority to the
exclusion of workers, educational institutes and the public.
The New System of Penalties
There have yet to be proposed regulations on this matter. We expect the new Authority to be
completely in control of the implementation of the new system when it is fully developed.
Compliance through fines is a key aspect of the new system of accountability.
Liability is an Open Question
The issue of liability and insurance costs need to be investigated by municipalities that will
enter into agreements with the new authority to administer the new system in their
jurisdiction. The experience in California where a similar deregulation program took place in
1985 was such that the issues of liability and cost has forced the state to reinstitute a program
BC is now abandoning of certified electrician being required to perform electrical work.
We need to make our voices heard in Victoria before it is too late. The proposed changes to
the safety standards system puts those that are subject to its controls in charge of what those
safeguards should be. This is not in the best interests of worker or public safety. We hope
you will consider our presentation and resolution and act on them to help safe guard out high
standards of public safety in our province.
Report on Changes to Safety Standards Act Page 8ofl
WHEREAS the provincial government has passed legislation creating a new
Safety Standards Authority that will remove our safety standards system from
government control; and
WHEREAS the provincial government is currently creating new Safety
Standards Act and Regulations for the compulsory trades that deregulates the
qualifications required to perform regulated work; and
WHEREAS the new regulations will no longer require government oversight
of regulated work; now
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the District of Maple Ridge write a
letter to Minister Murray Coell expressing our opposition to both the creation of
the new authority and the Safety Standards Act changes; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Council requests a meeting with local
MLA's to express our concerns on these matters.
opelu 15
1300-04rep-im-changes safety standards act
BY-LAW NO. 6196 - 2004.
A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan
WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the
Official Community Plan;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "B" to the Official Community
NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge,
in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan
Amendment By-law No. 6196-2004."
That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as:
Lot 79, District Lot 263, Group 1, Plan 40628, New Westminster District
and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 663, a copy of which is attached hereto and
forms part of this by-law, is hereby redesignated to Single Family Residential (18 units
per net hectare).
Maple Ridge Official Community Plan By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby
amended accordingly.
READ A FIRST TIME the day of
READ A THIRD TIME the day of
A.D. 200.
A.D. 200.
A.D. 200.
A.D. 200.
dayof ,A.D.200.
Bylaw No. 6196
Map No. 663
From: SFR15 (Single Family Residential, 15 units per net hectare)
To: SFR18 (Single Family Residential, 18 units per net hectare)
Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:1000
BY-LAW NO. 6197 - 2004
A By-law to amend Map "A" forming part
of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended.
WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 -
1985 as amended;
NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple
Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
This by-law mayb.e cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 6197 -2004."
That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as:
Lot 79, District Lot 263, Group 1, Plan 40628, New Westminster District
and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1317 a copy of which is attached hereto and
forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to RS-lb (One Family Urban (Medium
Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510- 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto
are hereby amended accordingly.
READ a first time the day of A.D. 200.
PUBLIC HEARING held the day of A.D. 200.
READ a second time the day of A.D. 200.
READ a third time the day of A.D. 200.
APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this dayof ,A.D.200.
<7 0 1. ?.,,
Cn LTi2
co 124 8 AVE I 1115 'H
CN 72469
9 / 16
72477 7 431
(N 78
90 L 91 72433
JN 1 79L
/Z,LZ .)
124 AVE. LI
82 81
P42230 I 46
____ 4
Bylaw No. 6197
Map No. 1317
From: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential)
To: RS—lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential)
MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:1000
TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: March 11, 2004
and Members of Council FILE NO:
FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Council
SUBJECT: Adoption of Building Bylaw 6180-2003
On March 9, 2004 Council gave three readings to Maple Ridge Building Bylaw 6180-2003. The
referenced Bylaw was subject to several revisions during its development. In addition, the Local
Government Act was revised on January 1, 2004 and the Community Charter contains references that
need to be properly referenced within the subject Bylaw. These changes have been made and the final
form of the Bylaw, containing the required changes, is the same in content as previously reviewed by
That the following changes to Maple Ridge Building Bylaw 6 180-2003 outlined in the Staff Report
dated March 11,2004, be made:
Subsection 9.1.11 on page 9: change sections reference "9.1.5 - 9.1.8" to read "9.1.4
- 9.1.7"
Article on page 11: change reference section "10.1.10" to read "10.1.9" and
change "is issued in section 56" to read "is issued in accordance with section 56"
Subsection 10.1.10 on page 11: change section reference "10.1.5" to read section
d. Section 17.5 on page 14: change section reference "7.3" to read "17.3" and change
section reference "7.4" to read "15.2"
and further that Maple Ridge Building Blaw 6180-2003 be reconsidered and adopted.
Prepared by: Pieter M. Den UvI, R.B.O.,
Manager of Inspection Services
Revievt'ed by: Brock McDona d
Director of Business Licenses, Permits and Bylaws
Approved by: /Frank Quinn, P.Eng.,
General manager: Public Works and Development Services
7Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule
Chief Administrative Officer
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
Building Bylaw No. 6180 -2003
Page# Section
Citation 1 1
Definitions 1 2
Purpose of Bylaw 3 3
Permit Conditions 4 4
Scope and Exemptions 4 5
Prohibitions 4 6
Building Officials 5 7
Applications 5 8
Applications for Complex Buildings 8 9
Applications for Simple Buildings 9 10
Professional Plan Certification 11 11
Fees and Charges 12 12
Building Permits 12 13
Change of Plans 12 14
Revocation of Permit 13 15
Permit Fee Refund 13 16
Permit Transfer and Limitations 14 17
Disclaimer of Warranty or Representation 14 18
Professional Design and Field Review 14 19
Responsibilities of the Owner 15 20
Surveyor's Certificate 15 21
Inspections 15 22
Occupancy Permits 17 23
Provisional Occupancy Permits 17 23
Site Grades 18 24
Design Data 19 25
Temporary Buildings 19 - 26
Moving of Buildings 21 27
Pools 22 28
Plumbing 23 29
Gas 24 30
Electrical 24 31
Penalties and Enforcement 25 32
Severability 25 33
Forms and Schedules 26 34
Building Bylaw No. 6180 - 2003
A Bylaw to regulate the Construction, alteration, repair, demolition or
moving of buildings and Structures and the installation, alteration or repair
of plumbing, electrical working and equipment and gas piping, fittings and
appliances in the Municipality of Maple Ridge
WHEREAS section 694 (1) of the Local Government Act authorizes the Corporation of the
District of Maple Ridge, for the health, safety and protection of persons and property to regulate
the Construction, alteration, repair, or demolition of buildings and Structures by bylaw;
AND WHEREAS the Province of British Columbia has adopted a building code to govern
standards in respect of the Construction, alteration, repair and demolition of buildings in
municipalities and regional districts in the Province;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to provide for the administration of the building code;
NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open
meeting assembled, enacts as follows:
This bylaw be cited as the 'Maple Ridge Building Bylaw No. 6180 - 2003" and;
That "Maple Ridge Building Bylaw No. 5452 - 1996 as amended be repealed in its entirety
In this bylaw:
The following words and terms have the meanings set out in Section of the British
Columbia Building Code 1998: assembly occupancy, Building, Building area, Building
height, business and personal services occupancy, care or detention occupancy,
Constructor, coordinating registered professional, designer, field review, high hazard
industrial occupancy, industrial occupancy, low hazard industrial occupancy, major
occupancy, mercantile occupancy, medium hazard industrial occupancy, occupancy,
owner, plumbing system, registered professional, and residential occupancy.
"Accessory Building" means a Building which is customarily incidental, subordinate and
exclusively devoted to the uses contained within the principal Building;
"Agent" means a person appointed as an agent in writing by the owner of the Premises
authorizing such person to make application for a Building Permit or Occupancy
Permit pursuant to this Bylaw and to act for the Owner pursuant to this Bylaw;
"B.C. Gas Safety Code" means the standards of the Canadian Gas Association and
amendments thereto as adopted by the B.C. Gas Safety Act and Regulations
pursuant thereto;
"Building Code" means the British Columbia Building Code 1998 as adopted by the
Minister pursuant to section 692 (1) of the Local Government Act, as amended or re-
enacted from time to time.
"Building Official" includes The Chief Building Official, Building Inspectors,
Gas/Plumbing Inspectors, Electrical Inspectors, Trades Inspectors and Plan Checkers
designated by the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge.
"Chief Building Official" is the Manager of Inspection Services and includes the Director
of Business Licensing, Permits and Bylaws.
"Complex Building" means:
2.1 all Buildings used for major occupancies classified as
2.1.1 assembly occupancies,
2.1.2 care or detention occupancies,
2.1.3 high hazard industrial occupancies, and
2.2 all Buildings exceeding 600 square meters in Building area or exceeding three
storeys in Building height used for major occupancies classified as
2.2.1 residential occupancies,
2.2.2 business and personal services occupancies,
2.2.3 mercantile occupancies,
2.2.4 medium and low hazard industrial occupancies
"Construct" includes erect, install, replace, alter, enlarge, demolish, repair or move and
any excavation (excavation as defined in the B.C. Building Code);
"Construction" means the erection alteration, replacement, addition, removal, moving and
demolition of Buildings, Structures and of all appurtenances thereto including
without limitation, Plumbing, sewer, drainage, septic, heating, air conditioning,
electrical, gas, oil and other systems, fittings, appliances and accessories of every
nature and kind, and includes all site preparation, excavation, filling and grading;
"Corporation" means the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge;
"Council" means the Municipal Council of the Corporation;
"Electrical Code" means all those parts of the Canadian Electrical Code nineteenth
edition, CSA Standard C22.1-02 including errata forming the B.C. Electrical Code
Regulation enacted as B.C. Reg. 258/2002 per the B.0 Electrical Safety Act;
"Electrical Equipment" means Electrical Equipment as defined in the Electrical Code;
"Gas Equipment" shall have the same meaning as that term defined in the Gas Safety
Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 169;
"Health and Safety Aspects of The Work" means design and Construction regulated by
Part 3, Part 4, and sections 9.1, 9.4, 9.5, 9.8, 9.9, 9.10, 9.12, 9.14, 9.15, 9.17, 9.18,
9.20, 9.21, 9.22, 9.23, 9.24, 9.31, 9.32, and 9.35 of Part 9 of the Building Code.
"Non Inhabitable" means an accessory residential Building which has no cooking, or
kitchen counter/cupboard facilities, bathing, or sleeping facilities and which is used
solely as an accessory Building for storage or work shop purposes
"Permit" includes a Building Permit, Occupancy Permit, Gas Permit, Plumbing Permit,
Electrical Permit and all other Permits required by this Bylaw;
"Plumbing" meansanysysternrarranement of one or
fittings and appliances attached thereto, in or upon any Premises, installed for the
purpose of supplying such Premises with potable water or for the conducting or
carrying away of waste water or of rain or surface water, including any required vent
pipes and including sprinkler systems;
"Pool" means any manufactured or constructed swimming Pool having the capacity to
contain water at a depth exceeding 450mm and with a water surface area exceeding
46 square meters. A Pool includes any fence or other enclosing Structure, all
Plumbing and appurtenances necessary or convenient to the use of the Pool, but
does not include self-contained hot tubs with a locking cover.
"Premises" includes any parcel of land together with all Buildings or Structures located
"Simple Building" means Buildings of three storeys or less in Building height, having a
Building area not exceeding 600 square meters and used for major occupancies
classified as
2.3 residential occupancies,
2.4 business and personal services occupancies,
2.5 mercantile occupancies, or
2.6 medium and low hazard industrial occupancies
"Structure" means a Construction or portion thereof of any kind, whether fixed to,
supported by or sunk into land or water, without limiting the generality of the
foregoing, includes any pad or base of concrete, asphalt or other material designed
to support or actually supporting a mobile home; but specifically excludes
landscaping, fences, paving and retaining Structures less than 0.5 meters in height.
"Temporary" means a period of time not exceeding 12 months;
"Temporary Building" means a Building that has been granted approval for a fixed and
limited time not exceeding the expiration date of the authorizing Building Permit.
"Temporary Residential Use" means a Temporary dwelling unit for the accommodation
of a relative of the property Owner
3. Purpose of Bylaw
3.1 This bylaw, shall, notwithstanding any other provision herein, be interpreted in
accordance with this section.
3.2 This bylaw is enacted and retained for the purpose of regulating Construction
within the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in the general public
interest. The activities undertaken by or on behalf of the Corporation of the
District of Maple Ridge pursuant to this bylaw are for the sole purpose of
providing a limited spot check for health, safety and the protection of persons and
property. It is not contemplated nor intended, nor does the purpose of this bylaw
3.2.1 to the protection of owners, owner/builders or Constructors from
economic loss;
3.2.2 to the assumption by the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge of
any responsibility for ensuring the compliance by any owners, his or her
representatives or any employees, Constructors or designers retained
by him or her, with the Building Code, the requirements of this bylaw or
any other applicable codes or standards;
3.2.3 to providing any person a warranty of design or workmanship with
respect to any Building or Structure for which a building permit or
occupancy permit is issued under this bylaw;
-j -
3.2.4 to providing a warranty or assurance that Construction undertaken
pursuant to building permits issued by the Corporation of the District of
Maple Ridge is free from latent, or any defects.
Permit Conditions
4.1 A permit is required whenever work regulated under this bylaw is to be
4.2 Neither the issuance of a permit under this bylaw nor the acceptance or review of
plans, drawings or specifications or supporting documents, nor any inspections
made by or on behalf of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge shall in
any way relieve the owner or his or her representatives from full and sole
responsibility to perform the work in strict accordance with the Building Code,
this bylaw and all other codes, standards and applicable enactments.
4.3 It shall be the full and sole responsibility of the owner (and where the owner is
acting through a representative, the representative) to carry out the work in
respect of which the permit was issued in compliance with the Building Code,
this bylaw and all other applicable codes, standards and enactments.
4.4 Neither the issuance of a permit under this bylaw, the review and acceptance of
the design, drawings, plans or specifications, nor inspections made by a
Building Official, shall constitute a representation or warranty that the Building
Code or the bylaw have been complied with or the Building or Structure meets
any standard of materials or workmanship, and no person shall rely on any of
those acts as establishing compliance with the Building Code or this bylaw or
any standard of Construction.
Scope and Exemptions
5.1 This bylaw applies to the design, Construction and occupancy of new
Buildings and Structures, and the alteration, reConstruction, demolition,
removal, relocation and occupancy of existing Buildings and Structures.
5.2 This bylaw does not apply to Buildings or Structures exempted by Part 1 of the
Building Code except as expressly provided herein.
6.1 No person shall commence or continue any Construction, alteration,
reconstruction, demolition, removal or relocation of any Building or Structure,
including excavation or other work related to Construction unless a Building
Official has issued a valid and subsisting permit for the work.
6.2 No person shall demolish a Building or Structure unless a Building Official
has issued a valid and subsisting demolition permit for the demolition.
6.3 No person shall move a Building or Structure unless a valid and subsisting
moving permit has been issued by a Building Official for the moving of the
Building or Structure.
6.4 No person shall occupy or use any Building or Structure unless a valid and
subsisting occupancy permit has been issued by the Chief Building Official in
accordance with sections 23.1 to 23.8 for the Building or Structure, or contrary
to the terms of any permit issued or any notice given by the Chief Building
6.5 No person shall, unless authorized in writing by the Chief Building Official,
reverse, alter, deface, cover, remove or in any way tamper with any notice,
permit or certificate posted upon or affixed to a Building or Structure pursuant
to this bylaw.
6.6 No person shall do any work that is substantially at variance with the approved
design, plans or specifications of a Building, Structure or other works for which
a permit has been issued, unless that variance has been accepted in writing by a
Building Official.
6.7 No person shall obstruct the entry of a Building Official or other authorized
official of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge on property in the
administration of this bylaw.
Building Officials
7.1 The Chief Building Official:
7.1.1 shall administer this bylaw;
7.1.2 shall keep records of permit applications, permits, notices and orders
issued, issues Permits for the purposes mentioned in this Bylaw,
inspections and tests made, and shall retain copies of all documents
related to the administration of this bylaw or microfilm copies of such
7.1.3 may establish, if requested to do so, whether the methods or types of
Construction and types of materials used in the Construction of a
Building or Structure substantially conform to the requirements of the
Building Code.
7.1.4 Appoint Building Officials who shall be responsible to the Chief
Building Official and shall assist in the administration of this bylaw.
7.2 A Building Official:
7.2.1 may enter any land, Building or Premises at any reasonable time for
the purpose of ascertaining the terms of this bylaw are being observed;
7.2.2 shall, where any residence is occupied, obtain the consent of the
occupant or provide written notice to the occupant 24 hours in advance
of entry; and
7.2.3 shall carry proper credentials confirming his or her status as a Building
7.3 A Building Official may order the correction of any work that is being or has
been done in contravention of this bylaw.
8.1 Every person shall apply for and obtain:
8.1.1 a permit before constructing, repairing or altering a Building, a
Structure, Plumbing works per Section 29, Gas works per Section 30,
and/or Electrical works per Section 31. A permit shall be in the form
provided by the Chief Building Official and, if applicable, to be in
accordance with section 11.1 of this bylaw. Each Building or Structure
to be constructed on a site requires a separate building permit and shall
be assessed a separate building permit fee based on the value of that
Building or Structure as determined in accordance with Appendix "A" to
this bylaw.
8.1.2 a moving permit before moving a Building or Structure; A moving
permit shall be in the form provided by the Chief Building Official.
8.1.3 a demolition perm.it before demolishing a Building or Structure; A
demolition permit shall be in the form provided by the Chief Building
8.1.4 a fireplace and chimney permit prior to the Construction of a masonry
fireplace or the installation of a wood burning appliance or chimney
unless the works are encompassed by a valid building permit. A fireplace
and chimney permit shall be in the form provided by the Chief Building
8.2 Application Exceptions
Except as herein specifically provided, where a Building or Structure or any
part thereof has been constructed prior to the adoption of this Bylaw, such
Building or Structure or part thereof shall not be required to be altered to
comply herewith;
8.2.1 Where a Building or Structure or any part thereof is demolished or
removed, this bylaw applies to any part of the Building or Structure
which remains on the Premises and to all Construction done in
connection with the demolition or removal thereof;
8.2.2 Where a Building or Structure or any part thereof is moved to a site
within the Municipality, this Bylaw applies to any part of the Building or
Structure which is moved and to all Construction done in connection
with the relocation thereof;
8.2.3 Where the class of occupancy or use, as defined in the Building Code,
of a Building or any part thereof is changed, this Bylaw applies to any
part of the Building affected by the change;
8.2.4 Where a Building is damaged by any cause to the extent of more than
fifty percent (50%) of its assessed value as shown on the last
assessment roll upon which such Building was assessed, this Bylaw
applies to the whole of the Building and to all Construction done in
connection with the repairs thereto, and where the Building damage by
any cause is fifty percent (50%) or less of the assessed value as shown
on the last assessment roll upon which such Building was assessed, the
Bylaw is only applicable to the damaged part;
8.2.5 Storage and garden sheds and other accessory Buildings not
exceeding 10m 2 in floor area may be erected without a Building Permit,
but such Buildings shall comply with the applicable portions of the
Building Code, this bylaw, all other bylaws of the Corporation, and any
other applicable enactment concerning safety.
8.2.6 Farm Buildings which are not used as dwellings shall comply with Part I
of the Canadian Farm Building Code 1990 issued by the Associate
Committee on the National Building Code which is hereby adopted and
made a part of this Bylaw, and with all other applicable provisions of this
Bylaw, all other Bylaws of the Corporation and any other applicable
enactment concerning safety.
8.3 Certified Geotechnical Report for Applications
8.3.1 If the Chief Building Official considers that Construction would be on
land that is subject to or is likely to be subject to flooding, mud flows,
debrIs flows, aebrisiorrentserosion, lana sllp7roctallssubsidrceor
avalanche, the building inspector may require the owner of land to
provide the Chief Building Official with a report certified by a
professional engineer with experience in geotechnical engineering that
the land may be used safely for the use intended.
8.3.2 If a professional engineer with experience in geotechnical engineering
determines that land may not be used safely for the use intended, the
Chief Building Official must refuse to issue a building permit. the Chief Building Official may issue a building permit in
accordance with 8.3.4 if a professional engineer with experience
in geotechnical engineering determines and certifies that the
land may be used safely for the use intended if the land is used
in accordance with the conditions specified in the professional's
8.3.4 A building permit under 8.3.3 may only be issued be issued on the
following conditions: the owner of the land covenants with the municipality or regional
district to use the land only in the manner determined and
certified by the engineer as enabling the safe use of the land for
the use intended, the covenant contains conditions respecting reimbursement by
the covenantor for any expenses that may be incurred by the
covenantee as a result of a breach of a covenant under
paragraph (a), and the covenant be registered under section 219 of the Land Title
8.4 Private Wells and Septic Systems
8.4.1 Except as hereinafter specifically provided, no Building Permit shall be
issued for the Construction of any Building where the property on
which the proposed Building is to be located has not been occupied
during the previous 12 month period and is not served by a community
water system until a certificate of well water quantity and potability in the
form provided by the Chief Building Official, certifying that the well or
wells on the Premises will be capable of supplying at least 2,250 litres of
potable water per day on a year round basis, has been submitted to the
Chief Building Official.
8.4.2 Where a certificate of well water quantity has been executed by a
Professional Engineer certifying that the well or wells on the Premises
will be capable of supplying at least 2,250 litres of water per day on a
year round basis, the Chief Building Official may issue a Building
Permit prior to receiving a certificate of well water potability provided that
the applicant enter.s into an- agreement with. the- Corporation to- instalL
any water treatment system necessary to render the well water potable
to the satisfaction of the Authorizing Officer as designated by the Health
Authority prior to the occupancy of the Building and, as security for the
carrying out of the said agreement, deposits with the Corporation, in the
form of cash. term deposit or an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a
financial institute acceptable to the Corporation, a sum of money in the
amount of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000).
8.4.3 This Section does not apply where a proposed new Building is to
replace an existing Building on the same Premises and where there is
an existing proven source of potable ground water yielding 2,250 litres
per day on a year round basis.
8.4.4 Except as hereinafter specifically provided, no Building Permit shall be
issued for the Construction of any Building where the Premises on
which the proposed Building is to be located is not served by a public
sanitary sewer system until approval in writing from the Health Authority
for the installation of a septic sewage disposal system has been
submitted to the Chief Building Official.
8.4.5 Where an alternate method of sewage disposal is required due to soil
conditions and where approval has been obtained in writing from the
Health Authority to allow Construction to proceed prior to the installation
of the alternate sewage disposal system. The Chief Building Official
may issue a Building Permit prior to the installation of the alternate
sewage disposal system provided that the applicant enters into an
agreement with the Corporation providing that the alternate sewage
system shall be installed to the satisfaction of the Health Authority, prior
to the occupancy of the Building and, as security for the carrying out of
the said agreement, deposits with the Corporation, in the form of cash,
term deposit or an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a financial
institute acceptable to the Corporation, a sum equal to the estimated
cost of installing the alternate sewage disposal system but in no case
shall be less than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) minimum.
9. Applications for Complex Buildings
9.1 An application for a building permit with respect to a Complex Building shall;
9.1.1 be made in the form provided by the Chief Building Official, signed by
the owner, or a signing officer if the owner is a Corporation, and the
coordinating registered professional;
9.1.2 be accompanied by the owner's acknowledgment of responsibility and
undertakings made in the form provided by the Chief Building Official,
signed by the owner, or a signing officer if the owner is a Corporation;
9.1.3 include a site plan showing: the bearing and dimensions of the parcel taken from the
registered subdivision plan; the legal description and civic address of the parcel; the location and dimensions of all statutory rights of way,
easements and setback requirements; the location and dimensions of all existing and proposed
Buildings or Structures on the parcel; setbacks to the natural boundary of any lake, swamp, pond or
watercourse where the Corporation of the District of Maple
Ridge's land use regulations establish siting requirements
related to flooding; the existing and finished ground levels to an established datum
at or adjacent to the site and the geodetic elevation of the
underside of the floor system of a Building or Structure where
the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge's land use
regulations establish siting requirements related to minimum
floor elevation; and the location, dimension and gradient of parking and driveway
9.1.4 include floor plans showing the dimensions and uses of all areas: the
dimensions and height of crawl and roof spaces; the location, size and
swing of doors; the location, size and opening of windows; floor, wall,
and ceiling finishes; Plumbing fixtures; structural elements; and stair
9.1.5 include a cross section through the Building or Structure illustrating
foundations, drainage, ceiling heights and Construction systems;
9.1.6 include elevations of all sides of the Building or Structure showing
finish details, roof slopes, windows, doors, and finished grade;
9.1.7 include cross-sectional details drawn at an appropriate scale and at
sufficient locations to illustrate that the Building or Structure
substantially conforms to the Building Code;
9.1.8 include copies of approvals required under any enactment relating to
health or safety, including, without limitation, sewage disposal permits,
highway access permits and Health Authority approval;
9.1.9 include a letter of assurance in the form of Schedule A as referred to in
section 2.6 of Part 2 of the Building Code, signed by the owner, or a
signing officer of the owner if the owner is a Corporation, and the
coordinating registered professional.
9.1.10 include letters of assurance in the form of Schedules B-i and B-2 as
referred to in section 2.6 of Part 2 of the Building Code, each signed by
such registered professionals as the Building Official or Building
Code may require to prepare the design for and conduct field reviews
of the Construction of the Building or Structure;
9.1.11 include two copies of specifications and three sets of drawings at a scale
of W:1'-0", 1:50, or another suitable scale of the design prepared by
each registered professional and including the information set out in
sections 9.1.4 - 9.1.7 of this bylaw,
9.2 In addition to the requirements of section 9.1, the following may be required by a
Building Official to be submitted with a building permit application for the
Construction of a Complex Building where the complexity of the proposed
Building or Structure or siting circumstances warrant:
9.2.1 site servicing drawings, including sufficient detail of off-site services to
indicate locations at the property line, prepared and sealed by a
registered professional, in accordance with the Corporation's
subdivision servicing bylaw;
9.2.2 a section through the site showing grades, Buildings, Structures,
parking areas and driveways;
9.2.3 any other information required by the Building Official or the Building
Code to establish substantial compliance with this bylaw, the Building
Code and other bylaws and enactments relating to the Building or
10. Applications for Simple Buildings
10.1 An application for a building permit with respect to a Simple Building shall;
10.1.1 be in the form provided by the Chief Building Official, signed by the
owner, or a signing officer if the owner is a Corporation;
10.1.2 be accompanied by the owner's acknowledgment of responsibility and
undertakings made in the form provided by the Chief Building Official,
signed by the owner, or a signing officer if the owner is a Corporation;
10.1.3 include a site plan showing: the bearing and dimensions of the parcel taken from the
registered subdivision plan; the legal description and civic address of the parcel; the location and dimensions of all statutory rights of way,
easements and setback requirements; the location and dimensions of all existing and proposed
Buildings or Structures on the parcel; setbacks to the natural boundary of any lake, swamp, pond or
watercourse where the Corporation of the District of Maple
Ridge's land use regulations establish siting requirements
related to flooding; the existing and finished ground levels to an established datum
at or adjacent to the site and the geodetic elevation of the
underside of the floor system of a Building or Structure
where the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge's land
use regulations establish siting requirements related to
minimum floor elevation; and the location, dimension and gradient of parking and driveway
access; the comprehensive lot grading required to establish Building
or Structure height compliance with the District of Maple
Ridge's Zoning Bylaw;
10.1.4 include floor plans showing the dimensions and uses of all areas: the
dimensions and height of crawl and roof spaces; the location, size and
swing of doors; the location, size and opening of windows; floor, wall,
and ceiling finishes; Plumbing fixtures; structural elements; and stair
10.1.5 include a cross section through the Building or Structure illustrating
foundations, drainage, ceiling heights and Construction systems;
10.1.6 include elevations of all sides of the Building or Structure showing
finish details, roof slopes, windows, doors, and finished grade;
10.1.7 include cross-sectional details drawn at an appropriate scale and at
sufficient locations to illustrate that the Building or Structure
substantially conforms to the Building Code;
10.1.8 include copies of approvals required under any enactment relating to
health or safety, including, without limitation, sewage disposal permits,
highway access permits and Health Authority approval;
10.1.9 include a foundation design prepared by a registered professional in
accordance with section 4.2 of Part 4 of the Building Code,
accompanied by letters of assurance in the form of Schedules B-i and
B-2 as referred to in section 2.6 of Fart 2 of the Building Code, signed
by the registered professional, unless; the requirements of section 10.1.9 are waived by a Building
Official because the Building Official required a professional
engineer's report pursuant to section 56 of the Community
Charter and the building permit is issued in accordance with
section 56 of the Community Charter, (see section 8.3) or; documentation, prepared and sealed by a registered
professional, is provided certifying that the foundation design
substantially complies with section 9.4.4 of Part 9 the Building
Code and the foundation excavation substantially complies
with section 9.12 of Part 9 of the Building Code.
10.1.10 include two copies of specifications and two sets of drawings at a scale
of h/4: 1-0", 1:50, or another suitable scale of the design including the
information set out in sections 10.1.4 to 10.1.9 of this bylaw.
10.2 In addition to the requirements of section 10.1, the following may be required by
a Building Official to be submitted with a building permit application for the
Construction of a Simple Building where the project involves two or more
buildings, which in the aggregate total more than 1000 square meters of building
area, or two or more buildings that will contain four or more dwelling units, or
otherwise where the complexity of the proposed Building or Structure or siting
circumstances warrant:
10.2.1 site servicing drawings, including sufficient detail of off-site services to
indicate locations at the property line, prepared and sealed by a
registered professional, in accordance with the Corporation of the
District of Maple Ridge's subdivision servicing bylaw;
10.2.2 a section through the site showing grades, Buildings, Structures,
parking areas and driveways;
10.2.3 a roof plan and roof height calculations;
10.2.4 structural, electrical, mechanical or fire suppression drawings prepared
and sealed by a registered professional;
10.2.5 letters of assurance in the form of Schedules B-i and B-2 as referred to
in section 2.6 of Part 2 of the Building Code, signed by the registered
10.2.6 any other information required by the Building Official, Building Code,
B.C. Gas Safety Code or the Electrical Code to establish substantial
compliance with this bylaw, the Building Code and other bylaws and
enactments relating to the Building or Structure.
11. Professional Plan Certification
11.1 The letters of assurance in the form of Schedules B-i and B-2 referred in section
2.6 of Part 2 of the Building Code and provided pursuant to sections 9.1.10,
10.1.9, 10.2.5, and 19.1 of this bylaw are relied upon by the Corporation of the
District of Maple Ridge and its Building Officials as certification that the design
and plans to which the letters of assurance relate comply with the Building Code
and other applicable enactments relating to safety.
11.2 A building permit issued for the Construction of a Complex Building, or for a
Simple Building for which a Building Official required professional design
pursuant to section 10.2.4 and letters of assurance pursuant to section 10.2.5 of
this bylaw, shall be in the form provided by the Chief Building Official.
11.3 A building Permit issued pursuant to section 11.1 of this bylaw shall include a
notice to the owner that the building Permit is issued in reliance upon the
certification of the registered professionals that the design and plans submitted
in support of the application for the building Permit comply with the Building
Code and other applicable enactments relating to safety.
11.4 When a building permit is issued in accordance with section 11.1 of this bylaw
the permit fee shall be reduced by 5% of the fees payable pursuant to Appendix
"A" to this bylaw, up to a maximum reduction of $500.00 (five hundred dollars).
Fees and Charges
12.1 In addition to applicable fees and charges required under other bylaws, a permit
fee, calculated in accordance with Appendix "A", "D", "E" and "F" to this bylaw,
shall be paid in full upon issuance of any permit under this bylaw.
12.2 The appropriate plan-processing fee as set out in Appendix "A", "D", "E" and "F'
shall accompany an application made for a building permit to this bylaw.
12.3 Where, due to non-compliance with this bylaw, more than two inspections are
necessary when one inspection is normally required, for each inspection after the
second inspection, a re-inspection fee as set out in Appendix "A", "D", "E" and "F"
to this bylaw shall be paid prior to additional inspections being performed.
12.4 Where a required permit inspection is requested to be done after the hours
during which the offices of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge are
normally open, an inspection charge shall be payable based on the time actually
spent in making such inspection, including travel time, as set out in Appendix "A",
"D", "E" and "F" to this bylaw.
Building Permits
13.1 When:
13.1.1 a completed application in compliance with section 9 or 10 of this bylaw,
including all required supporting documentation has been submitted;
13.1.2 the owner or his or her representative has paid all applicable fees set out
in 12.1 of this bylaw;
13.1.3 the owner or his or her representative has paid all charges and met all
requirements imposed by any other statute or bylaw;
13.1.4 no covenant, agreement, or regulation of Corporation of the District of
Maple Ridge authorizes the permit to be withheld;
a Building Official shall issue the permit for which the application is made.
13.2 When the application is in respect of a Building that includes, or will include, a
residential occupancy, the building permit must not be issued unless the owner
provides evidence pursuant to section 30 (1) of the HomeOwner Protection Act,
SBC 1998 Chapter 31, and amendments thereto, that the proposed Building:
13.2.1 is covered by home warranty insurance, and
13.2.2 the Constructor is a licensed residential builder.
13.3 Section 13.2 of this bylaw does not apply if the Owner is not required to be
licensed and to obtain home warranty insurance in accordance with sections 20
(1) or 30 (1) of the HomeOwner Protection Act, SBC 1998 Chapter 31, and
amendments thereto.
14.1 The plans and specifications for any Building, Structure, Plumbing, Electrical
Equipment or gas Construction for which a Building Permit, Plumbing
Permit, Electrical Permit and or Gas Permit has been issued shall not be
- 12 -
altered unless such alteration is approved in writing by the Chief Building
Official. -
14.2 No person shall do any Construction that is at variance with the description,
plans and specifications submitted with the application for a Building Permit,
Plumbing Permit, Electrical Permit and or Gas Permit which has been issued
pursuant to this Bylaw, unless such change has been approved in writing by the
Chief Building Official.
Revocation of Permit:
15.1 Where an applicant fails to obtain a Building Permit, Plumbing Permit,
Electrical Permit and or Gas Permit within 60 calendar days of being notified
that the same is ready for issuance, unless an extension has been granted by
the Chief Building Official, the application shall be deemed null and void and
any fees paid in respect of such application shall be forfeited and any
documentation submitted may be destroyed.
15.2 Every Building Permit, Plumbing Permit, Electrical Permit and or Gas Permit
is issued subject to the following conditions:
15.2.1 the Construction shall commence within 6 months from the date the
Building Permit, Plumbing Permit, Electrical Permit and or Gas
Permit is issued;
15.2.2 the Construction shall not be discontinued or suspended for a period in
excess of 12 months;
15.2.3 the Construction shall be completed within 24 months from the date
the Building Permit, Plumbing Permit, Electrical Permit and or Gas
Permit is issued; and
15.2.4 In the event that any conditions in clauses 15.2.1, 15.2.2 or 15.2.3 of
this subsection are breached, the Building Permit, Plumbing Permit,
Electrical Permit and or Gas Permit authorizing the Construction shall
forthwith expire and shall be without force and effect.
15.3 The Chief Building Official may revoke a Building Permit, Plumbing Permit,
Electrical Permit and or Gas Permit if;
15.3.1 there is a contravention of any condition under which that Building
Permit, Plumbing Permit, Electrical Permit and or Gas Permit was
15.3.2 the Building Permit, Plumbing Permit, Electrical Permit and or Gas
Permit was issued on the basis of incorrect information provided by the
owner, his agent, his contractor or a Registered Professional; or
15.3.3 there is a violation of this Bylaw or other relevant Bylaws and any other
applicable enactment concerning safety.
Permit Fee Refund
16.1 Where an Owner or his agent applies in writing for the cancellation of a
Building Permit, Plumbing Permit, Electrical Permit and or Gas Permit
issued under this Bylaw, 75% of any Permit fee paid in excess of $50.00 may
be refunded to the holder of the Permit, provided;
16.1.1 the Building Permit, Plumbing Permit, Electrical Permit and or Gas
Permit had not expired at the time the application for cancellation was
received; and
- 13 -
16.1.2 no Construction had commenced under that Building Permit,
Plumbing Permit, Electrical Permit and or Gas Permit.
Permit Transfer and Limitations
17.1 No Building Permit, Plumbing Permit, Electrical Permit and or Gas Permit
issued pursuant to this Bylaw shall be transferred or assigned until the holder of
the Building Permit, Plumbing Permit, Electrical Permit and or Gas Permit
has received in writing:
17.1.1 approval from the Chief Building Official for the transfer or
assignment; and
17.1.2 has paid the prescribed transfer fee as set out in Schedules A, 0, E, &
F" hereto.
17.2 A Building Official may extend the period of time set out under sections 15.2.1
and 15.2.2 where Construction has not been commenced or has been
discontinued due to adverse weather, strikes, material or labour shortages, or
similar hardship beyond the owner's control.
17.3 A Building Official may issue a foundation permit in the form provided by the
Chief Building Official, prior to the issuance of a building permit.
17.4 A Building Official may issue a building permit for a portion of a Building or
Structure before the design, plans and specifications for the entire Building or
Structure have been accepted, provided sufficient information has been
provided to the Corporation to demonstrate to the Building Official that the
portion authorized to be constructed substantially complies with this and other
applicable bylaws and the permit fee applicable to that portion of the Building or
Structure has been paid. The issuance of the permit notwithstanding, the
requirements of this bylaw apply to the remainder of the Building or Structure
as if the permit for the portion of the Building or Structure had not been issued.
17.5 When a site has been .excavated under a foundation permit issued pursuant to
section 17.3 of this bylaw and a building permit is not subsequently issued or a
subsisting building permit has expired in accordance with the requirements of
section 15.2, but without the Construction of the Building or Structure for
which the building permit was issued having commenced, the owner shall fill in
the excavation to restore the original gradients of the site within 60 days of being
served notice by the Corporation to do so.
Disclaimer of Warranty or Representation
18.1 Neither the issuance of a permit under this bylaw, the review and acceptance of
the design, drawings, plans or specifications, nor inspections made by a
Building Official, shall constitute a representation or warranty that the Building
Code or the bylaw have been complied with or the Building or Structure meets
any standard of materials or workmanship, and no person shall rely on any of
those acts as establishing compliance with the Building Code or this bylaw or
any standard of Construction.
Professional Design and Field Review
19.1 When a Building Official considers that the site conditions, size or complexity of
a development or an aspect of a development warrant, he or she may require a
registered professional to provide design and plan certification and field
- review-supported -by-letters -of assurance intrie tormorSchedu
C-B referred to in section 2.6 of Part 2 of the Building Code.
19.2 Prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit for a Complex Building, or Simple
Building in circumstances where letters of assurance have been required in
- 14 -
accordance with sections-10.1.9, 10.2.5, or 19.1 of this bylaw, the owner shall
provide the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge with letters of assurance
in the form of Schedules C-A or C-B, as is appropriate, referred to in section 2.6
of Part 2 of the Building Code.
19.3 When registered professional provides letters of assurance in accordance with
sections 9.1.10, 10.1.9, 10.2.5, or 19.2 of this bylaw, he or she shall also provide
proof of professional liability insurance to the Building Official in the form
provided by the Chief Building Official
Responsibilities of the Owner
20.1 Every owner shall ensure that all Construction complies with the Building
Code, B.C. Gas Safety Code, the Electrical Code, this bylaw, other Municipal
Bylaws and other applicable enactments respecting safety.
20.2 Every owner to whom a permit is issued shall be responsible for the cost of repair
of any damage to municipal works and property that occurs in the course of the
work authorized by the permit. (see Section 22)
20.3 Every owner to whom a permit is issued shall, during Construction:
20.3.1 keep a copy of the accepted designs, plans and specifications on the
property and keep inspection records in a conspicuous place
20.3.2 post the civic address on the property in a location visible from any
adjoining streets.
Surveyor's Certificate:
21.1 Where the market value of a proposed Building will exceed $1,000.00 and such
Building is being constructed or will be constructed upon a concrete foundation
or pad, the Chief Building Official may require that the applicant submit a
Surveyors Certificate showing the geodetic elevations of the forms and the
location of the forms in relation to the boundaries of the parcel upon which the
Building is being or will be constructed.
21.2 No Building or Structure shall be constructed on any parcel in such a manner
that it encroaches upon any adjoining parcels, crosses any parcel boundary.
22.1 When a registered professional provides letters of assurance in accordance
with sections 9.1.9, 10.1.9, 10.2.5, or 19.2 of this bylaw, the Corporation of the
District of Maple Ridge will rely solely on field reviews undertaken by the
registered professional and the letters of assurance submitted pursuant to
section 19.2 of this bylaw as certification that the Construction substantially
conforms to the design, plans and specifications and that the Construction
complies with the Building Code, this bylaw and other applicable enactments
respecting safety.
22.2 Notwithstanding section 22.1 of this bylaw, a Building Official may attend the
site from time to time during the course of Construction to ascertain that the
field reviews are taking place and to monitor the field reviews undertaken by
the registered professionals.
22.3 A Building Official may attend periodically at the site of the Construction of
simple Buildings or Structures to ascertain whether the health and safety
aspects of the work are being carried out in substantial conformance with the
applicable portions of the Building Code, this bylaw and any other applicable
enactment concerning safety.
- 15 -
22.4 The owner, or his or her representative, shall give at least 24 hours notice to the
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge when requesting an inspection and
shall obtain an inspection and receive a Building Official's acceptance of the
following aspects of the work prior to concealing them:
22.4.1 the foundation and footing forms, before concrete is poured;
22.4.2 installation of perimeter drain tiles and damp-proofing, prior to backfilling;
22.4.3 the preparation of ground, including ground cover, when required, prior
to the placing of a concrete slab;
22.4.4 rough in of factory built chimneys and fireplaces and solid fuel burning
22.4.5 the framing and sheathing;
22.4.6 insulation and vapour barrier;
22.4.7 the health and safety aspects of the work when the Building or
Structure is substantially complete and ready for occupancy
22.5 No aspect of the work referred in section 22.4.1-6 of this bylaw shall be
concealed until a Building Official has accepted it in writing.
22.6 The requirements of section 22.4.2-7 of this bylaw do not apply to any aspect of
the work that is the subject of a registered professional's letter of assurance
provided in accordance with sections 9.1.10, 10.1.9, 10.2.5, paragraph 19.1 and
19.2 of this bylaw.
22.7 The holder of an electrical permit shall give at least 24 hours notice to the
Corporation of District of Maple Ridge when requesting an inspection and shall
obtain an inspection and receive and building officials acceptance of the following
aspects of the electrical work prior to concealing them.
22.7.1 after all underground electrical Construction is complete, but prior to the
placing of any concrete;
22.7.2 after electrical rough-in wiring but prior to framing;
22.7.3 electrical final inspection must be performed prior to the final Building
22.8 The holder of an plumbing permit-shall give at least 24 hours notice to the
Corporation of District of Maple Ridge when requesting an inspection and shall
obtain an inspection and receive and building officials acceptance of the following
aspects of the plumbing work prior to concealing them.
22.8.1 after the installation of foundation drains, dampproofing and drain rock,
sanitary sewer lines, storm sewer lines, water lines, sumps, is complete,
but prior to the backfilling of foundations;
22.8.2 after all underground Plumbing Construction is complete, but prior to
the placing of any concrete;
22.8.3 after the installation of in slab radiant heat piping where required, but
prior to the pouring of concrete slabs;
22.8.4 after Plumbing rough-in, but prior to framing;
22.8.5 Plumbing final inspection must be performed prior to the final Building
22.9 The holder of an gas permit shall give at least 24 hours notice to the Corporation
of District of Maple Ridge when requesting an inspection and shall obtain an
inspection and receive and building officials acceptance of the following aspects
of the gas work prior to concealing them.
22.9.1 after all underground gas Construction is complete, but prior to the
placing of any concrete;
22.9.2 after heating duct installations, gas venting installations but prior to
22.9.3 gas final inspection must be performed prior to the final Building
23. Occupancy Permits
23.1 No person shall occupy a Building or Structure or part of a Building or
Structure until an occupancy permit has been issued, in the form set out in
schedule "C" to this bylaw, by the Chief Building Official
23.2 An occupancy permit shall not been issued unless:
23.2.1 all letters of assurance have been submitted when required in
accordance with sections 9.1.10, 10.1.9, and 10.2.5, of this bylaw, or
23.2.2 all aspects of the work requiring inspection and an acceptance pursuant
to section 22.4 of this bylaw have been inspected and accepted and;
23.2.3 All the requirements of this Bylaw, other relevant Bylaws of the District
and any other applicable enactment concerning safety as evidenced by
inspection approvals pursuant to sections 22.7, 22.8 and 22.9.
23.3 The type of occupancy or use of a Building for which an Occupancy Permit has
been issued shall not be changed to any other type of occupancy or use which is
not specifically approved in the occupancy Permit until a new occupancy Permit
therefore has been issued by the Chief Building Official.
23.4 The site must be identified in accordance with the Maple Ridge House
Numbering Bylaw for emergency vehicle and inspection purposes during
Construction. Permanent address must be in place prior to occupancy.
23.5 Before an occupancy Permit is granted, all Provisional Occupancy Permit fees
and any other Municipal fees shall be paid.
Provisional Occupancy Permit
23.6 The Chief Building Official may issue an occupancy permit for part of a
Building or Structure when that part of the Building or Structure is self-
contained, provided with essential services and meets requirements set out in
section 23.2 of this bylaw. Upon the written request of the holder of a Building
Permit or the owner of a Building for which a Building Permit has been issued,
and on payment of fees required as per schedules A, D, E and F the Chief
- 17-
Building Official may issue a provisional occupancy Permit where such
provisional occupancy will not jeopardize the health or safety of the occupants of
the Building. Planning and Engineering department approvals are necessary
prior to the granting of the provisional occupancy Permit..
No Provisional Occupancy Permit may be issued unless:
23.6.1 The exterior finishes of the Building are substantially complete;
23.6.2 A permanent address pursuant to Maple Ridge House Numbering
Bylaw has been assigned and posted on the Building;
23.6.3 It sets out the date of expiry of the Provisional Occupancy Permit; and
23.6.4 Where Registered Professionals are engaged in the inspection
process a certified statement from them that the provisional occupancy
applied for will not jeopardize the health or safety of occupants of the
23.7 The Chief Building Official may require as a condition of issuance of a
Provisional Occupancy Permit that the owner provide security equal to the value
of part or all of outstanding Construction required to complete the Building.
23.8 The site identified as per the Maple Ridge House Numbering Bylaw for
emergency vehicles and inspection purposes during Construction. Permanent
address must be in place prior to provisional occupancy.
Where other items, not of health or safety concerns, relating to Building or site issues
not covered by security already deposited with the District of Maple Ridge, the Director
may require an amount of security equal to the value of outstanding Construction.
24. Site Grades:
24.1 Where the natural grade of any land is altered for any reason, all slopes shall be
suitably landscaped or retained to prevent soil erosion and escape of water to or
from adjacent Premises. Existing slopes, which are adequately retained by
trees, shrubs, turf, rock or any combination thereof shall not require further
24.2 All walls, grade transitions and methods of soil retention shall be shown on the
site plan including all details of Construction. Any wall (method of soil retention)
over 1 metre high shall be structurally engineered except that in geotechnically
sensitive areas, the Chief Building Official may require a Geotechnical
Engineer to design and inspect the method of retention. A registered
professional shall supervise the design and Construction of a retaining
Structure greater than 1.0 meters in height. Sealed copies of the design plan
and field review reports prepared by the registered professional for all
retaining Structures greater than 1.0 meters in height shall be submitted to a
Building Official prior to acceptance of the works.
24.3 Any retaining wall (method of soil retention) or grade alteration over 0.50 metres
will require a Permit for grade alteration or retaining wall(s) except that where the
retaining wall(s) have been identified on the initial Building Permit application,
no separate retaining wall Permit will be required.
- 18-
25. Design Data
25.1 The following climatic design data shall be utilized for the design of Buildings in
the Municipality:
25.1.1 January 2 1/2 percent Design Temperature: - 9 0C
25.1.2 January I percent Design Temperature: -11 0C
25.1.3 July 2 1/2 percent Design Drybulb Temperature: 30 0C
25.1.4 July 2 1/2 percent Design Wetbulb Temperature: 20 0C
25.1.5 Annual Total Degree-days below 18 0C: 3050
25.1.6 Maximum Fifteen-minute rainfall: 10mm
25.1.7 Maximum One-day rainfall: 125mm
25.1.8 Annual Total Precipitation: 1950mm
25.1.9 Ground snow load (kPa):
0-45 metres elevation: SS = 2.1 kPa (design weight based on snow depth)
SR = 0.2 kPa (design weight added for rain)
S5 + 5R = 2.3 kPa calculated ground snow load
Above 45 Metres: 0.008 x (Site elev. in Metres) + 1.8 kPa = SS
0.001 x (Site elev. in Metres) + 0.2 kPa = SR
SS + SR = calculated ground snow load
25.1.10 Hourly Wind Pressures
25.1.11 Seismic Data
Probability 1/10 = 0.36kN/m2
Probability 1/30 = 0.43kN/m2
Probability 1/100 = 0.52kN/m 2
ZS =
ZV =
Zonal Velocity Ratio = 0.20
26. Temporary Buildings
26.1 Application for a Building Permit for a Temporary Building shall be in writing,
signed by the applicant and shall be accompanied by:
26.1.1 plans showing the location of the proposed Temporary Building or
Structure and Construction details thereof,
26.1.2 an explanation of the intended use for the proposed Temporary
Building or Structure;
26.1.3 an agreement with the Corporation executed by the applicant, that the
applicant will remove the Temporary Building or Structure from the
Premises and leave the site in a safe, tidy and sanitary condition upon
the expiration of the Temporary Building Permit; and
26.1.4 cash, term deposit or an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a
financial institute acceptable to the Corporation in the amount
$1,000.00 minimum up to a maximum of $10,000.00, based on a value
of 25% of the Building as security for the carrying out of the
agreement to remove the Temporary Building or Structure.
26.2 If, upon the expiration of the Temporary Building Permit, the Permit holder
does not remove the Temporary Building or Structure from the Premises and
- 19 -
leave the site in a satisfactory condition, the Corporation may do so at the
Permit holder's expense and may deduct the cost of so doing from the security
deposit. If the security deposit is not adequate to cover the said cost the Permit
holder shall pay to the Corporation any cost in excess of the security deposit.
26.3 Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Temporary Building or Structure which is
rendered Non Inhabitable and which conforms with all Bylaws of the
Corporation and the Provincial regulations may be allowed to remain on the
Premises after the expiration of the Temporary Building Permit upon the
Permit holder applying for and receiving an occupancy Permit for the said
Building or Structure.
26.4 In addition to the requirements of Sections 26.6 to 26.13 of this Bylaw all
Temporary mobile homes except those to be occupied for Temporary
Residential Use pursuant to the provisions of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No.
3510 - 1985, shall comply with Canadian Standards Association Z240(1979)
structural requirements for mobile homes;
26.5 All Temporary mobile homes to be occupied for Temporary Residential Use
pursuant to the provisions of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985, and all
other Temporary Buildings or Structures shall comply with all provisions of the
Provincial regulations and all Bylaws of the Corporation. Prior to occupancy the
owner shall obtain an inspection by the Chief Building Official or an Building
Official to determine compliance with all applicable Codes and Bylaws and shall
pay an inspection fee of $100.00 to the Corporation.
All Temporary Mobile Homes Shall:
26.6 be directly serviced by a water supply capable of supplying at least 2,250 litres of
potable water per day on a year round basis;
26.7 be serviced by a separate sewage disposal system approved by the Health
26.8 be serviced by an electrical subfeed from the main dwelling or, with the approval
of the Chief Building' Official, a separate electrical service, when it can be
shown that it would be an extreme hardship due to location; a security deposit
must be posted as per section 26.1.4 to cover the removal;
26.9 have any oil tank placed in accordance with the British Columbia Fire Code and
totally screened from view from any highway;
26.10 be equipped with stairs and handrails;
26.11 have a skirting around the mobile home between the underside of the frame and
the ground at its exterior perimeter;
26.12 be set true, square and level on the lot; and
26.13 have any support pad or base or any material which is in contact with the ground,
consist of concrete Construction designed and constructed in accordance with
the provisions of the B.C. Building Code.
26.14 Where an application for a Building Permit is made for the Construction of a
residential dwelling on Premises where an existing residential dwelling is
situated, and only one residential dwelling is Permitted by the Bylaws of the
Corporation, the Chief Building Official may issue the Building Permit
---' ----- grantsotlIe--Curpu1dtiwl iii-i-yistthe -'-
form a restrictive covenant pursuant to Section 219 of the Land Title Act
providing that:
- 20 -
26.14.1 Use and occupancy of the existing residential dwefling shall be
prohibited upon occupancy of the new residential dwelling;
26.14.2 The existing residential dwelling shall be wholly removed from the
Premises within 60 days of commencement of occupancy of the new
residential dwelling; and
26.14.3 Security be deposited with the Corporation to secure all the
obligations of the Covenantor.
26.15 Where a Temporary Building Permit has been issued for the Construction of
a Building for a Temporary Residential Use pursuant to the provisions of
Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 - 1985, and where the Temporary Building
complies with the provisions of the Provincial regulations and all Bylaws of the
Corporation, the Chief Building Official may issue a Temporary Residential
Use agreement Permit to allow occupancy of the Temporary Building for a
Temporary Residential Use provided that the owner of the Permit grants to the
Corporation in registerable form a restrictive covenant pursuant to Section 219
of the Land Title Act.
26.16 Applications for Temporary second dwelling or Temporary Residential Use
agreement Permits shall be in writing, signed by the applicant and shall be
accompanied by:
26.16.1 for Buildings to be occupied during the Construction of a new
dwelling, plans showing the location of the existing dwelling and the
proposed location of the new dwelling on the Premises; Such
drawings shall conform to the requirements of Section 10;
26.16.2 a restrictive covenant pursuant to Section 219 of the Land Title Act
executed by the Owner in registerable form an agreement with the
Corporation, that the applicant will remove the Temporary second
dwelling from the Premises and leave the site in a safe, tidy and
sanitary condition upon the expiration of the Temporary second
dwelling Permit; Such a restrictive covenant shall be registered with
the Land Titles Office; and
26.16.3 cash, term deposit or an irrevocable letter of credit issued by a
financial institute acceptable to the Corporation in the amount of
$2,000.00, as security to secure all the obligations of the Covenantee
under the restrictive covenant;
26.17 If, upon the expiration of the Temporary second dwelling Permit, the Permit
holder does not remove the Temporary second dwelling from the Premises and
does not leave the site in a satisfactory condition, the Corporation may do so at
the Permit holder's expense and may deduct the cost of so doing from the
security deposit. If the security deposit is not adequate to cover the said cost the
Permit holder shall pay to the Corporation any cost in excess of the security
deposit, prior to the issuance of an occupancy Permit for the new dwelling.
26.18 Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Temporary second dwelling which is rendered
Non Inhabitable and which conforms with all Bylaws of the Corporation and the
Provincial regulations may be allowed to remain on the Premises as an
accessory Building after the expiration of the Temporary second dwelling
Permit provided that the Permit holder applies for and is issued an occupancy
Permit for use of the Building as an accessory Building.
27. Moving of Buildings
27.1 No person shall move any Building from one parcel of land to another parcel of
land without first obtaining a Building Permit therefore.
27.2 Every application for a Building Permit to move a Building shall show the
existing site of the Building and the proposed site to which it is to be moved.
27.3 No Building Permit to move a Building shall be issued until the time and the
route of the moving have been approved by the Officer in Charge of the local
Detachment of the R.C.M.P., all utility companies having overhead wires along
the proposed route, the Municipal Engineering Department and the Chief
Building Official.
27.4 No Building Permit required under Section 26 shall be issued unless the
application for the Building Permit includes all Construction necessary to
complete the Building or Structure in compliance with all Bylaws of the
Corporation and of the Building Code;
28. Pools
28.1 No person shall construct a Pool on any Premises without first obtaining a
Building Permit to do so.
28.2 Every application for Construction of a Pool shall be accompanied by a plan
28.2.1 the location of the proposed Pool in relation to all existing Buildings
on the Premises and the parcel boundaries;
28.2.2 the type of Construction;
28.2.3 the water supply and proposed method of drainage;
28.2.4 septic approval from the Health Authority if not serviced by Municipal
Sanitary Sewer; and
28.2.5 the proposed method of fencing.
28.3 Every Pool, whether filled with water or empty, shall be completely enclosed with
a fence or other Structure which is not less than 1.2 metres in height, which has
no opening or gap with its largest dimension being less than 5 cm and which is
designed and constructed so that it does not provide footholds or grips on the
outside which would assist children in climbing the Structure to gain access to
the Pool. The fence or other Structure shall be continuous except for pointsof
access which shall, except for access from doors of the residence, be equipped
with self-closing gates which are designed so that they will return to a latched or
locked position when not in use, and which are secured by a latch or lock located
not less than 150 mm from the top of the gate and not less than I metre above
grade, on the Pool side of the fence or other Structure.
28.4 Every fence or other Structure enclosing a Pool, whether filled with water or
empty, shall be maintained by the owner or occupier of the Premises upon which
the same is located, in good order and repair so that it is adequate to perform its
intended function; and all sagging gates, loose parts, worn latches or locks and
all broken or binding members shall be promptly and adequately replaced or
28.5 Every gate in a fence or other Structure which provides access to a Pool shall
be kept in a latched or locked closed position and shall only be open for the
purpose of entry to or exit from the Pool area during such period.
Ev oInhnt
sanitary sewer system of adequate capacity is not available, into a septic dry well
or rock pit approved by the Health Authority.
- 22 -
29. Plumbing
29.1 No Plumbing System, as defined in the Building Code shall be installed, altered
or repaired except in accordance with the provisions of this Bylaw and the
Building Code and Regulations.
29.2 No Plumbing, including drainage systems, septic tanks, sewers and sewer
connections, or any part thereof, shall be located outside of the lot being served
by such Plumbing, except where an easement has been registered in the Land
Title Office charging the lands burdened by the easement and benefiting the
lands served by such Plumbing System.
29.3 No Plumbing storm drainage system shall be installed without gravity drainage
to a Municipal or other approved drainage system unless a written request is
made, including engineering details and auxiliary electrical backup power
specifications or other equivalent emergency systems. Such details must be
provided and approved by the Chief Building Official prior to the
commencement of any Building or drainage Construction.
Permit Required
29.4 Except as hereinafter specifically provided, no Plumbing shall be installed,
altered or repaired until a Building Permit to do so has first been obtained
pursuant to this Bylaw.
29.5 No Building Permit shall be required for the repair of leaks in water pipes or the
replacing of Plumbing fixtures, provided that such fixtures and the installation
thereof conform with all other requirements of this Bylaw and the provincial
regulations, or for the removal of blockages in sewer or drain pipes provided that
clean-outs are utilized for such purpose and it is not necessary to cut any sewer
or drain pipe.
29.6 Where Construction has commenced prior to issuance of the Plumbing Permit,
the Permit fee shall be doubled up to a maximum of $2,000.00 per Building.
29.7 A Plumbing Permit shall only be issued to a plumber holding a valid British
Columbia Journeyman Plumber qualification and a valid Maple Ridge Business
Licence or, where the installation, alteration or repair of Plumbing is to be
carried out within a single family dwelling and entirely by the owner and occupier
or intended occupier of the Premises for which the Permit is sought.
29.8 where the Construction is done under a homeowner Permit and that person is
found to be incompetent or to have violated a condition under which the Permit
was issued, that Permit will be revoked by the Chief Building Official and a
qualified plumber will be required to review the project and complete it under a
new Permit prior to occupancy being issued relevant to this Permit.
29.9 Every application for a Plumbing Permit shall:
29.9.1 be made in the form provided for such purposes;
29.9.2 be signed by the applicant; and
29.9.3 be accompanied by plans and specifications sufficient to describe the
proposed Construction and establish compliance with the Building
Code, this Bylaw and all other Bylaws of the Corporation.
29.10 Where an application has been made for a Plumbing Permit pursuant to this
Bylaw and:
29.10.1 the proposed Construction as shown in the application conforms with
the Building Code and Regulations, this Bylaw and all other Bylaws of
the Corporation;
- 23 -
29.10.2 the applicant has shown proof that he is the holder of a valid British
Columbia tradesman's qualification certification as a plumber or, where
the applicant is the owner and occupier or intended occupier of a
single family dwelling for which the Permit is sought, he has delivered
a signed declaration that he will be carrying out the Construction
himself; and
29.10.3 the applicant has paid the prescribed fee as set out in Schedule 'ED"
hereto; the Chief Building Official shall issue the Plumbing Permit
for which the application was made.
29.11 The holder of a Plumbing Permit shall obtain an inspection by the Chief
Building Official or Building Official to determine compliance with the
provisions of this Bylaw and the Building Code and Regulations:
29.11.1 after the rough Plumbing is complete, but prior to the installation of
any fixtures or the covering thereof by insulation, lath or other interior
or exterior finish which would conceal such Construction; and
29.11.2 when the Plumbing is complete and ready for use, but before the
Plumbing is put into use by the owner or occupier of the Premises.
29.12 Provided however, that where a Professional Engineer registered to practice
Mechanical Engineering in the Province of British Columbia has been engaged
by the owner for the inspection of the Plumbing and where the prior written
approval of the Chief Building Official has been obtained, sealed certificates of
compliance with the approved plans and the provincial regulations, submitted by
that Engineer, may be accepted in lieu of inspections made by the Chief
Building Official or a Building Official.
29.13 The holder of a Plumbing Permit shall, during the installation, alteration or repair
of the Plumbing Constructions, keep a copy of the Permit documentation
approved drawings and specifications, which accompanied the Permit
application on the Premises. These drawings and specifications shall be kept on
site and available to the Building Official in order for him to be able to complete
his inspections. Failure to have the drawings on site will be deemed an-offence
under this bylaw and will require a re-inspection fee and re-inspection to verify
that the Construction complies with the Permit.
30.1 Parts 1 to 9 of the CSA B149.1-00 Standard; Natural Gas and Propane
Installation Code is hereby adopted and forms part of this Bylaw.
30.2 Every person who obtains a Permit for the installation or alteration of gas
Construction pursuant to the B.C. Gas Safety Act shall pay to the Corporation
the fees prescribed in Schedule "E" hereto prior to obtaining the Permit.
30.3 Every person who obtains a Permit pursuant to this Section 30 shall maintain
and keep a copy of the Permit and all documentation and plans pertaining
thereto on the Premises on which the Construction authorized by the said
Permit is being done. Failure to have the Permit documentation on site will be
deemed an offence under this Bylaw and will require a re-inspection fee and re-
inspection to verify that the Construction complies with the Permit.
Elecrrical -
31.1 Parts 1 and 2 of the Canadian Electrical Code are hereby adopted and form part
of this Bylaw.
- 24 -
31.2 Every person who obtains a Permit for the installation or alteration of Electrical
Equipment pursuant to the Electrical Code shall pay to the Corporation the
fees prescribed in Schedule HF" hereto prior to obtaining the Permit.
31.3 Every person who obtains a Permit pursuant to this Section 31 shall maintain
and keep a copy of the Permit and all documentation and plans pertaining
thereto on the Premises on which the Construction authorized by the said
Permit is being done. Failure to have the Permit documentation on site will be
deemed an offense under this Bylaw and will require a re-inspection fee and
inspection to verify that the Construction complies with the Permit.
32. Penalties and Enforcement
32.1 Every person who contravenes any provision of this bylaw commits an offence
punishable on summary conviction and shall be liable to a fine of not more than
$10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Dollars) or to imprisonment for not more than six
32.2 The Chief Building Official may order the cessation of any work that is
proceeding in contravention of the Building Code, B.C. Gas Safety Code and
Electrical Code, this bylaw, any other bylaw of the Corporation or any other
applicable enactment concerning safety, by posting a Stop Work notice in the
form provided by the Chief Building Official.
32.3 The owner of property on which a Stop Work notice has been posted, and every
other person, shall cease all Construction work immediately and shall not do
any work until all applicable provisions of this bylaw have been substantially
complied with and the Stop Work notice has been rescinded in writing by a
Building Official.
32.4 Where a person occupies a Building or Structure or part of a Building or
Structure in contravention of section 6.4 of this bylaw the Chief Building
Official may post a Do Not Occupy notice be in the form provided by the Chief
Building Official on the affected part of the Building or Structure.
32.5 The owner of property on which a Do Not Occupy notice has been posted, and
every person, shall cease occupancy of the Building or Structure immediately
and shall refrain from further occupancy until all applicable provisions of the
Building Code and this bylaw have been substantially complied with and the Do
Not Occupy notice has been rescinded in writing by the Chief Building Official.
33. Severability
33.1 If any part, section, sub-section, clause, or sub-clause of this bylaw is, for any
reason, held to be invalid by the decision of a Court of competent jurisdiction,
- such decision does not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this bylaw.
- 25 -
34. Forms and Schedules
34.1 Schedules A, C, D, E & F attached to this Bylaw form a part of this bylaw.
READ a FIRST TIME on the day of
READ a second time on the day of
READ a third time on the day of
- 26 -
BYLAW NO.6180-2003
Building Permit Fees - Effective January 1, 1999
The following fees shall be paid by the applicant for a Permit to construct a Building or a Pool:
For market value of Building or Pool or Construction to be done thereon of up to
$1000.00 - $35.00
For market value of Building or Pool or Construction to be done thereon of
$1001.00 - $2000.00 - $43.00 plus:
$8.95 for each additional $1000.00 or part thereof up to
$25,000.00, plus
$8.65 for each additional $1000.00 or part thereof up to
$50,000 00, plus
$8.10 for each additional $1000.00 or part thereof up to
$75,000.00, plus
$7.60 for each additional $1000.00 or part thereof over
$100,000.00, plus
$6.30 for each additional $1000.00 or part thereof up to
NOTE: Building Values shall be based upon current estimated Construction costs. The current edition
of the Marshall Valuation Service, the Marshall and Swift Residential Cost Handbook or other valuation
tables may be used by the Chief Building Official to determine the market value for the purpose of
assessing Permit fees.
Where an application is made for a Building Permit for other than Single Family Detached Dwellings,
there will be an additional fee of $79.00 per dwelling unit.
In addition to the above, the following fees shall be paid by the applicant for a Permit pursuant to this
Permit to erect a retaining wall - first 20m or portion thereof $53.00
for each additional lOm or portion thereof - $27.00
Permit to install a fireplace, stove or chimney - $30.25 for each fireplace, stove or flue.
Permit to install a Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishing System - $30.25
Building Demolition Permit- $30.25
Temporary Building Permit $30.25
Temporary Second Dwelling Permit - $30.25
- 27 -
Schedule "A" Effective January 1, 1999
Bylaw No. 6180 - 2003
Page (2)
7. Provisional Occupancy Permit -
$79.00 (90 day maximum period)
$27.00 renewal (90 day maximum period)
$79.00 per unit (120 day maximum period)
$27.00 renewal per unit (60 day maximum)
$79.00 per unit (60 day maximum period)
$27.00 renewal per unit (60 day maximum)
8. For Change of Occupancy or use where a Building Permit is not required - $30.25
9. Permit Assignment or Transfer Fee - $30.25
10. Permit Renewal Fee -$30.25
11. Re-inspection Fee where more than 1 re-inspection is required due to the fault of the holder of a
Building Permit - $35.50 for each extra re-inspection required.
12. Address Change:
If Permit has been issued but no occupancy Permit issued - $105.00 per unit;
Permit application in process but Permit not issued - $42.00 per unit
Occupancy Permit issued, follow fee schedule in accordance with Maple Ridge House
Numbering Bylaw
13. Additional fee for any inspection performed outside the boundaries of the Municipality $.40 per km
traveled, measured from the Municipal Hall to the site of the inspection along the shortest available
highway route.
14. Miscellaneous and Special Inspections:
during normal working hours - $38.50 per hour;
outside normal working hours - $55.50 per hour;
minimum charge - 1 hour
15. A fee of $2.00 per page, for plans for micro film charge over and above Building Permit.
16. Charges as shown below will be applicable for examination of plans and specifications on
• application of Building Permit: •
Plan Check Fee - $42.00 per hour
Single or Two Family - minimum $30.25 per unit
(c)other than Single or Two Family - minimum $105.00 per Building
- 28 -
Schedule "A" Effective January 1, 1999
Bylaw No. 6180 -2003
Page (3)
For each written Building record search, for legal purposes a fee of $79.00 per parcel or file is
Business Licence Inspection Fee - minimum $30.25 per inspection,
maximum $121.00 per inspection.
Where Construction is started prior to obtaining a Permit, the applicable Permit fee shall be
doubled but in no case shalt the penalty amount doubted, exceed $1,600.00 per Building.
If the applicant makes an erroneous declaration on the Permit application to obtain a lesser Permit
fee, the Permit shall be revoked and a new Permit issued using the corrected value. The new
Permit shall be calculated aôcording to the corrected Permit value and a 50% administrative fee
shall be added to the calculated fee.
A fee of $28.25 for environmental inspection shall be paid for each residential unit with a value in
excess of $10,000.00. For each non residential unit a fee of $28.25 per unit shall be paid where the
value exceeds $20,000.00.
- 29 -
Address of Building:
Legal Description:
Approved Occupancy (use):
Name of Business, if applicable:
The Building constructed under the authority of Building Permit Number:
is approved for Occupancy.
The septic system for this Building has been approved for bedrooms.
This Permit pertains to sq ft of the basement being finished.
This Permit number does include or does not include a secondary suite.
This Permit confirms that inspections pursuant to the District of Maple Ridge Building Bylaw have been
complete and no substantive violation of health or safety requirements have been observed. This Permit
is not a warranty that the subject Building complies with all Municipal and Provincial Regulations
governing Building Construction nor that it is without defect. It is only a comment on the conditions of the
Building at the date of issue only.
This certificate shall be affixed to a conspicuous and permanent place in the said Building and
shall not be removed.
NOTE: A new Permit shall be obtained prior to any change in the use of the Building.
Chief Building Official
- 30 -
BYLAW NO. 6180 - 2003
Plumbing Permit Fees - Effective January 1, 1999
The following fees shall be paid by the applicant for a Permit to install, alter or repair Plumbing:
1. Minimum fee for any Plumbing Permit or inspections - $30.25
2. For Plumbing Construction which involves the installation of fixtures:
$16.90 for the first fixture plus
$15.25 for each additional fixture
For the purpose of this Bylaw, "fixtures" shall include Pools, interceptors, hot water storage tanks,
automatic washers, roof drains, floor drains and built-in dishwashers.
Where an application is made for a Plumbing Permit for other than single family detached dwellings,
there will be an additional fee of $27.00 per dwelling unit.
Permit fees for finishing Plumbing only (installation of fixtures where rough-in Plumbing exists) shall be
50% of the above fees.
3. For Plumbing Construction which involves the connection of hydraulic equipment or the
installation of vacuum breakers, backflow prevention devices or similar equipment - $22.40 per item
connected or installed.
4. For Plumbing Construction which involves the installation of lawn irrigation systems - $36.50
5. For Plumbing Construction which involves the installation of fire sprinkler systems:
for up to six (6) sprinkler heads - $38.50
for each additional sprinkler head - $ 0.45
6. For Plumbing Construction which involves the installation of standpipes, Siamese connections,
fire hose connections and fire hydrants - $22.40 for each hydrant or hose connection.
7. For Plumbing Construction which involves the installation of storm sewers, perimeter foundation
drains, sanitary sewers or water service lines:
for single or two-family dwellings - $36.50 each
for other than single or two-family dwellings:
first 30 metres or part thereof $43.00 each
each additional 30 metres or part thereof - $22.40 each
each sump, catchbasin, rock pit, dry well or manhole - $22.40
8. Re-inspection fee where more than 1 re-inspection is required due to the fault of the Permit holder
- $35.50 for each extra re-inspection required.
9. Permit assignment or transfer fee - $30.25
10. Permit renewal - $30.25
Schedule "D" Effective January 1, 1999
Bylaw No. 6180— 2003
Page (2)
11. Miscellaneous and special inspections:
During normal working hours - $38.50 per hour;
Outside normal working hours - $55.50 per hour;
Minimum Charge - 1 Hour.
12. Charges as shown below will be applicable for examination of plans and specifications on
Plan Check Fee - $42.00 per hour
Single or Two Family Dwellings - minimum $30.25 per unit.
(C) Other than Single or Two Family Dwellings - minimum $105.00 per Building.
13. Business Licence Inspection Fee - minimum $30.25 per inspection, maximum $30.25per
14. Where Construction is started prior to obtaining a Permit, the applicable Permit fee shall be
doubled, but in no case shall the penalty amount doubled, exceed $1,600.00 per Building.
15. If the applicant makes an erroneous declaration on the Permit application to obtain a lesser Permit
fee, the Permit shall be revoked and a new Permit issued using the corrected information. The
new Permit shall be calculated according to the corrected Permit value and a 50% administrative
fee shall be added to the calculated fee.
- 32 -
BYLAW NO. 6180 - 2003
Gas Permit Fees - Effective January 1, 1999
The following fees shall be paid by the applicant for a Permit to install or alter gas Construction:
1. For gas Construction which involves the replacement of an appliance or the installation of a new
gas appliance.
for Single or Multi-Family Dwellings:
(i) $24.50 per appliance, $31.50 minimum
for other than Single or Multi-Family Dwellings:
up to 102,000 BTU/hr $44.00 per appliance
102,001 - 409,000 BTU/hr $60.50 per appliance
NOTE: Fee for additional appliances are calculated on BTU rating.
2. Where an application is made for a Permit for other than single family detached dwellings, there
will be an additional fee of $27.00 per dwelling unit.
3. Gas Heated Buildings - Building heat loss calculation review
$53.00 per Single Family Dwelling.
$11.00 per unit for Multi Family Use - not less than $53.00 per Building
$105.00 per Building for other than Residential.
4. For gas Construction which involves the installation of vents or furnace plenums only - $24.50
5. For gas Construction which involves the installation of house piping:
(a) for single or two family dwellings - $35.50 per unit
(b) for other than single or two family dwellings:
first 30 metres or part thereof - $43.00 per unit plus
each additional 30 metres or part thereof - $21.50 per unit
6. Re-inspection fee where more than one (1) inspection is required due to faulty workmanship or
materials - $35.50 for each extra re-inspection required.
7. Permit Renewal - $30.25
8. Permit Transfer - $30.25
9. Miscellaneous and special inspections:
During normal working hours - $38.50 per hour;
Outside normal working hours - $55.50 per hour;
Minimum charge - I hour.
10. Charges as shown below will be applicable for examination of plans and specifications on
application of Gas Permit.
Plan Check Fee - $42.00 per hour
Single or Two Family Dwellings - minimum $30.25 per unit
Other than Single or Two Family Dwellings - minimum $121.00 per Building.
- 33 -
Schedule "E" Effective January 1, 1999
Bylaw No. 6180 -2003
Page (2)
Oil and Propane Fee Schedule would follow the Gas Fee Schedule "E" in it's entirety.
Business Licence Inspection Fee - minimum $30.25 per inspection, maximum $121.00 per
Where Construction is started prior to obtaining a Permit, the applicable Permit fee shall be
doubled, but in no case shall the penalty amount doubled, exceed $1,600.00 per Building.
If the applicant makes an erroneous declaration on the Permit application to obtain a lesser Permit
fee, the Permit shall be revoked and a new Permit issued using the corrected information. The
new Permit shall be calculated according to the corrected Permit value and a 50% administrative
fee shall be added to the calculated fee.
- 34 -
BYLAW NO. 6180 -2003
Electrical Permit Fees - Effective January 1, 1999
The following fees shall be paid by the applicant for a Permit to install Electrical Equipment:
For one and two Family Dwellings including additions, the Permit fee shall be 15% of the building Permit
fee or the minimum electrical Permit fee, which ever is greater.
The following additional charges are applicable to one and two family dwelling when the electrical Permit
is taken out in conjunction with a building permit:
1. a) Each hot tub or spa $12.80
Each hydro massage tub bath $10.30
Electrical Heating or based on the value $26.00 minimum
of electrical heating contract, which ever is greater
Air Conditioning $10.30 per unit
Each sub panel $10.30
Fees for all other work not included above
For market value of Electrical Equipment, including costs of installation, of up to $200.00 - $31.25
For market value of Electrical Equipment, including costs of installation of $201.00 - $500.00 - $41.00
For market value of Electrical Equipment, including costs of installation of $501 .00 - $1000.00 -
$57.50 plus:
$21.00 for each additional $1000.00 or part thereof up to $10,000.00 plus
$ 8.10 for each additional $1000.00 or part thereof up to $100,000.00 plus
$ 6.00 for each additional $1000.00 or part thereof up to $250,000.00 plus
$ 4.40 for each additional $1000.00 or part thereof up to $300,000.00 plus
$ 3.40 for each additional $1000.00 or part thereof over $300,000.00 to infinite.
NOTE: Market values shall be based upon current estimated electrical installation costs.
Where an application is made for an Electrical Permit for other than,Single Family Detached Dwellings,
there will be an additional fee of $27.00 per dwelling unit.
In addition to the above, the following fees shall be paid by the applicant for a Permit to install Electrical
2. Underground Service Duct - $25.70
3. Temporary:
Temporary to permanent connection conversion $23.40
Temporary Service connection $23.40
4. Temporary current Permit for uses other than carnivals:
Initial six (6) month period - $31.50
Each additional six (6) month renewal period - $28.25
- 35 -
Schedule "F" Effective January 1, 1999
Bylaw No. 6180 - 2003
Page (2)
5. Special Event Permit Including Carnivals:
Each Location: $57.00
6. Movie Shoot Permit:
Annual permits, per location
Inspections outside normal working hours
additional fee
7. Annual Permit:
(a) for commercial or industrial facilities:
per KVA of service capacity .13
minimum fee $52.00
maximum fee 1,576.00
(b) for educational or institutional facilities - $5.00 for each classroom, shop, laboratory, office,
8. Poo/Grounding Permit -$27.00
9. Re-inspection fee where more than one (1) re-inspection is required due to faulty workmanship or
materials - $35.50 for each extra re-inspection required.
10. Permit Transfer - $30.25
11. Permit Renewal - $30.25
12. Miscellaneous and special inspections:
During normal working hours - $38.50 per hour;
Outside normal working hours - $55.50 per hour;
Minimum charge - One (1) hour.
13. Charges as shown below will be applicable for examination of plans and specifications on
application of electrical Permit.
Plan Check Fee - minimum $42.00 per hour
Single or Two Family Dwellings - minimum $30.25 per unit.
Other than Single or Two Family Dwellings - minimum $105.00 per Building.
14. Business Licence Inspection Fee - minimum $30.25 per inspection, maximum $121.00 per
15. Where Construction is started prior to obtaining a Permit, the applicable Permit fee shall be
doubled, but in no case shall the penalty amount doubled, exceed $1,600.00 per Building.
16. If the applicant makes an erroneous declaration of the Permit value to obtain a lesser Permit fee,
the Permit shall be revoked and a new Permit issued using the corrected value. The new Permit
shall be calculated according to the corrected Permit value and a 50% administrativeJe._sflaIe_
added to the calculated fee. -
- 36 -
TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: March 08, 2004
and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/108/02
FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COUNCIL
SUBJECT: Final Reading:
Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6098-2002
Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6097-2002
23573 Kanaka Way
Bylaws 6098-2002 and 6097-2002 have been considered by Council and at Public Hearing and
subsequently granted 2nd and 3rd reading. The applicant has requested that final reading be
granted. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit the subdivision of the site into approximately
26 single family residential lots
That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6098-2002 be
reconsidered and adopted; and
That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6097-2002 be reconsidered and adopted.
a) Background Context:
Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on April 15, 2003. On
April 22, 2003 Council granted 2" and 3rd reading to Maple Ridge Official Community Plan
Amending Bylaw No. 6098-2002 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6097-2002 with
the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed:
i) Deposit in-trust security of $24,300.00 to provide urban services on 1 12th Avenue.
The following applies to the above:
i) The in-trust security has been deposited with the District.
As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that final reading be given to
the bylaws.
Prepared enson
Approved by:/Frank Quinn
/ GM: Public Works & Development Services
J. L. (Jim) Rule
Chief Administrative Officer
* LM .3iO I 19 I 28 I
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BY-LAW NO. 6098-2002.
A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan
WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the
Official Community Plan;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A", "B" & "H" to the Official
Community Plan;
NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge,
in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan
Amendment By-law No. 60982002."
Schedule "B" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and
described as:
Parcel A (Explanatory Plan 3890) Lot 5 Except Firstly: Part Park on Plan LMP9 136,
Secondly: Part Road on Plan LMP22646, Thirdly: Part subdivided by Plan LIv1P49360,
District Lot 404, Group 1, Plan 809, New Westminster District
and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 642, a copy of which is attached hereto and
forms part of this by-law, is hereby redesignated to Compact Housing (40 upnh).
Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to
Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XLI in the Appendix, and deleting the
following from Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XXI in the Appendix:
Pcl A (EP 3890) Lot 5 Except Firstly: Part Park on Plan LMP9 136, Secondly: Part
Road on Plan LMP22646, Thirdly: Part subdivided by Plan LMP49360, D.L. 404,
-- Gp 1, Plan 809,NWD
That parcel or tracts of land and premises known and described -as:
Parcel A (Explanatory Plan 3890) Lot 5 Except Firstly: Part Park on Plan LMP9136,
Secondly: Part Road on Plan LMP22646, Thirdly: Part subdivided by Plan LMP49360,
District Lot 404, Group 1, Plan 809, New Westminster District
and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 643, a copy of which is attached hereto and
forms part of this bylaw, is hereby designated as Development Permit Area XLI (7) on
Schedule "H", and deleted from Development Permit Area XXI(l) on Schedule "H".
Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6098-2002
5. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is
hereby amended accordingly.
READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 200.
PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 200.
READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 200.
READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. 200.
Bylaw No. 6098-2002
Map No. 642
From: Single Family Residential(15,18,30 units per net hectare)
To: Compact Housing(40 units per net hectare)
6 ;% MOW, W*16
Incorporated 12 September, 1874 12500
Bylaw No. 6098-2002
Map No. 643
9 MOM 1
Incorporated 12 September, 1874
1: 2500
BY-LAW NO. 6097-2 002
A By-law to amend the text and Map "A" forming part
of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended.
WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 -
1985 as amended;
NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple
Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 6097-2002."
That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as:
Parcel A (Explanatory Plan 3890) Lot 5 Except Firstly: Part Park on Plan LMP9 136,
Secondly: Part Road on Plan LMP22646, Thirdly: Part subdivided by Plan LMP49360,
District Lot 404, Group 1, Plan 809, New Westminster District
and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1290 a copy of which is attached hereto and
forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential
Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto
are hereby amended accordingly.
READ a first time the day of A.D. 200.
PUBLIC HEARING held the day of A.D. 200.
READ a second time the day of A.D. 200.
READ a third time the - day of ,A.D.200.
?03. 2.
March 25, 2004
File No: 3360-20/RZ/108/02
Damax Consultants Ltd.
3862 West 14th Avenue
Vancouver, B.C. V6R 2W9
Dear Mr. Laird:
Re: Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 6097-2002
Please be advised that the above noted by-law was adopted by Municipal Council at the regular meeting
March 23, 2004.
A copy of the by-law is attached for your records.
Please feel free to contact the Planning Department staff at 604-467-7341 should you have any further
questions or concerns.
Yours truly,
jejn~Terry ,P.Eng
Municipal Clerk
cc: B.C. Assessment Authoiiit ..
Bylaw No. 6097-2002
Map No. 1290
From: RS-3(One Family Rural Residential)
To: R-3(Special Amenity Residential District)
Incorporated 12 September, 1874
1 ;2500
BY-LAW NO. 6190 - 2004
A By-law to extend Sewer Area "A" within the
District of Maple Ridge
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, pursuant to Maple Ridge
Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization By-law No. 2486 - 1977.
established Sewer Area "A" within the boundaries of the Municipality;
AND WHEREAS, the Council has received petitions from property owners for the extension of Sewer
Area "A" and deems it expedient to extend Sewer Area "A".
NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open
meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A"
Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No.
That Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan
Authorization By-law No. 2486 - 1977 as amended be further amended by
adding to Section 1, the following words:
"and also shall include all those portions of:
• Part NE1/4, W. 285.9 Ft of Lot B, Section 28, Township 12, Plan 15402,
New Westminster District of Maple Ridge
(23791 132 Avenue)
as shown boldly marked on the map attached to the By-law and marked as
Schedule "A".
That the parcel noted in Paragraph 2 above, of this by-law shall bear the same
charges as those properties in the onginal Sewer Area "A".
READ a first time the day of , 2004.
READ a second time the day of . 2004.
READ a third time the day of .2004.
APPROVED by the Deputypetor i9ities the day
RECONSIDERED and adopted the day of . 2004.
Attachment: Schedule "A"
'50 Y -
Schedule "A" to Maple Ridge Sewer Area ."A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan
Authnrizatinn Amnr1ing Rv-liw Nn f1fl * 7flfl4
— 23 24
- - 132 AVE.
I•.•.•.•.•.•.•'•'•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•i PROPOSED AREA TO BE INCLUDED INTO SEWER AREA A
IopsL.4 12 8spb. 1174 ENGINEERING DEPARTNT ______ ____________ SCALE'
FILE' AREA A 0049.dwg I DATE' DECEMBER 2003 _____ N.T.S.
BY-LAW NO. 6192 -2004
A By-law to extend Sewer Area "A" within the
District of Maple Ridge
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, pursuant to Maple Ridge
Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization By-law No. 2486 - 1977,
established Sewer Area "A" within the boundaries of the Municipality;
AND WHEREAS, the Council has received a petition from a property owner for the extension of Sewer
Area "A" and deems it expedient to extend Sewer Area "A".
NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open
meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A"
Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No.
6192 -2004".
That Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan
Authorization By-law No. 2486 - 1977 as amended be further amended by
adding to Section 1, the following words:
"and also shall include a 6000 square foot portion of:
Parcels "C" and "D", Portrnn of Parcel "B" (Reference Plan 1723) Except: Part
Subdivided by Plan 6532, District Lot 243, Plan 24823E, New Westminster
District (2098 1/83/85 123 Avenue)
as shown boldly marked on the map attached to the By-law and marked as
Schedule "A".
That the parcel noted in Paragraph 2 above, of this by-law shall bear the same
charges as those properties in the original Sewer Area "A"; save that this parcel
which is in the Agricultural Land Reserve shall pay charges based on General
Improvements and six thousand (6000) square feet only of the land on which the
improvements sit.
READ a first time the day of
READ a second time the day of
READ a third time the day of
APPROVED by the Deputy Inspector of Municipali/4T
RECONSIDERED and adopted the day of
Attachment: Schedule "A"
_ ..; - -, - -A - - - 77
- - ---- t-
h-.:- --' L---_
_i , -
BY-LAW NO. 6195 - 2004
A By-law to extend Sewer Area "A" within the
District of Maple Ridge
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, pursuant to Maple• Ridge
Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authoriion By-law No. 2486 - 1977,
established Sewer Area "A" within the boundaries of the Municipality;
AND WHEREAS, the Council has received petitions from property owners for the extension of Sewer
Area "A" and deems it expedient to extend Sewer Area "A".
NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open
meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A"
Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No.
6195 -2004".
That Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan
Authorization By-law No. 2486 - 1977 as amended be further amended by
adding to Section 1, the following words:
"and also shall include all those portions of:
• Lot "M", Section 3, Township 12. New Westminster District, Plan 21679
(24350 104 Avenue)
as shown boldly marked on the map anached to the By-law and marked as
Schedule "AS'.
That the parcel noted in Paragraph 2 above, of this by-law shall bear the same
charges as those properties in the original Sewer Area "A'.
READ a first time the day of . 2004.
READ a second time the day of .2004.
READ a third time the day of
APPROVED of Municipalities the day
RECONSIDERED and adopted the day of 2004.
Attachment: Schedule "A"
Schedule "A" to Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization
Amending By-law No,. 6195 -2004 -
11 12 10 P
104 AVE.
: I I __
. .1 •N j i. AV. ......................
24350 104 AVENUE
1 2000 _____ r
DATE 15 2004 J flLE/BYLAW AREA A 0052
BY-LAW NO. 6208 - 2004
A By-law to extend Sewer Area "A" within the
District of Maple Ridge
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, pursuant to Maple Ridge
Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization By-law No. 2486 - 1977.
established Sewer Area "A" within the boundaries of the Municipality;
AND WHEREAS, the Council has received petitions from property owners for the extension of Sewer
Area "A" and deems it expedient to extend Sewer Area "A".
NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open
meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A"
Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No.
6208 - 2004".
That Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan
Authorization By-law No. 2486 - 1977 as amended be further amended by
adding to Section 1, the following words:
"and also shall include all those portions of:
• Lot 20, Section 28, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 47603
(23627 132 Avenue, Maple Ridge)
as shown boldly marked on the map attached to the By-law and marked as
Schedule "A".
That the parcel noted in Paragraph 2 above, of this by-law shall bear the same
charges as those properties in the original Sewer Area "A".
READ a first time the day of , 2004.
READ a second time the day of .2004.
READ a third time the day of .2004.
APPROVED b of Municipalities the day
of NI
RECONSIDERED and adopted the day of 2004.
Attachment: Schedule "A"
Schedule UAI to Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization
11 Amending By-law No. 6208 - 2004
NWP 47603, SEC. 28, TP 12
23627 132 AVENUE
1: 2500
- DATE: Jon. 20. 2004 FILE/BYLAW: AREA A 0053
TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse
and Members of Council
FROM: Chief Administrative Officer
SUBJECT: First Reading
Bylaw No. 6200-2004
21222 123 Ave.
DATE: March 08, 2004
FILE NO: RZ/129/03
An application to rezone a parcel of land has been received which if approved will permit the future
subdivision into two RS-lb (One Family Urban Medium Density Residential) lots.
The application addresses Policy 25 of the Official Community Plan for infihl development in existing
That, Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6200-2004 be read a first time and forwarded
to Public Hearing; and
That Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for building design guidelines be registered at
the Land Title Office prior to final reading.
a) Background Context:
Legal Description:
OCP Existing:
Surrounding Uses:
- South:
Existing Use of Property:
Proposed Use of Property:
b) Project Description:
Bella Vista Home Builders Ltd. Joao M. Dacosta
Bella Vista Home Builders Ltd. Joao M. Dacosta
Lot G, D.L. 242, Plan 15242, NWD
Single Family Residential (15 Units Per Net Ha)
RS- 1 (One Family Urban Residential)
RS-lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential)
RS- 1 (One Family Urban Residential)
RS- 1 (One Family Urban Residential)
RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential)
RT-1 (Two Family Urban Residential)
RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential)
RS-lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density)Residential)
123'' Avenue
The proposal is to rezone to permit the future subdivision of the site into two single family lots. The
existing residence is to be demolished and two new RS-lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density)
Residential) lots are to be created fronting on 123T( Avenue.
q /) *2
The proposal complies with Policy 25 of the Official Community Plan and will therefore not require an
Official Community Plan amendment.
c) Planning Analysis:
The site is approximately 0.108 ha in size and is located on the south side of 123' Avenue west of Laity
Street. Adjacent lands are currently zoned RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential), with the adjacent.
property to the west zoned RT- 1 (Two Family Urban Residential).
Official Community Plan:
The site is currently designated on the Official Community Plan at Single Family Residential (15 Units
per Net Ha).
Policy 25 of the Official Community Plan states:
Maple Ridge will encourage small-scale, housing development which increases the housing
density in existing residential neighbourhoods where the proposed development is suitably
integrated and respects the character of the neighbourhood.
The factors to determine if an application is consistent with this policy are as follows:
the development application proposes single family housing;
Single family housing is the form of this development application.
the existing development parcel is larger than the minimum parcel size implied by the
density designation and larger than the parcel size typical of the surrounding
The parcel size of 1080 m2 is larger than the minimum 668 m2 required for lots designated Single Family
Residential (15 units per net ha.). The parcel is larger in area than lots across 123rd Avenue, and lots to
the south of the subject site. The adjacent lot to the west is of similar size to the subject site and was
recently rezoned to RT-1 (Two Family Urban Residential). Lots to the east of the subject site are of a
similar size and it is anticipated that these lots will redevelop in the future.
the resultant neighbourhood density is generally consistent with the existing
neighbourhood density designation of the Official Community Plan;
Based on the fact existing lots in the neighbourhood are of a generous size that is larger than the
minimum required for the zone the resultant neighbourhood density will be generally consistent with the
Official Community Plan designation.
the siting, scale and general character of any new housing reflects existing housing stock
in the immediate neighbourhood;
The plans displayed by the Applicant at the Development Information Meeting indicate a design that is
consistent in form with the recently constructed duplex to the west.
existing infrastructure is capable of supporting the new development;
The existing infrastructure is in place.
J) existing street standards should be considered in determining neighbourhood character.
There will not be any need to alter the existing street standard for this subdivision to proceed.
Development Information Meeting:
A Development Information Meeting was held February 11, 2004. From the applicant's minutes of this
meeting, at least three nearby residents attended this meeting. Issues and comments raised at this
meeting focused on a concern that the final grade of the development site match the neighbours existing
side yard elevation. In general there was support for the house design the applicant had proposed. The
final grade will be reviewed at the time of subdivision.
Engineering Department:
A review of servicing requirements by the Engineering Department indicates that urban services exist in
this neighbourhood, and any additional servicing that may be required will be achieved as a condition of
Parks & Leisure Services DeDartment:
The Parks & Leisure Services Department have identified that after the subdivision is completed they
will be responsible for maintaining the street trees. In the case of this project it is estimated that there will
be two street trees added to the inventory. The Manager of Parks & Open Space has advised that the
maintenance requirement of $25.00 per new tree will increase their budget requirements by $50.00.
Based on the proposal received it is recommended that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6200-2004 be read a
first time and be forwajcled to PubJic Hearing.
Prepared by: Bruce McLeod
Approvedy: Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP
/ GM: Public Works & Development Services
Concurrence:/J. L. (Jim) Rule
I Chief Administrative Office
- 21228 12343
276 277 278 279
P 56039 12323
320 319 318 317 316 315
321 314
123 AVE
em 34 M Rem c Rem 4 Rem 5
EP15242 P5330
P73894 0.. /
1 2 3 4 12267
12264 12263
355 "3 343
Cn 346
372 373 374
21222 123Avenue
I ' - District of - .
Langley ". ' I
,___1_Lj. " L_j:° MAPLE RIDGE I N -'
Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT
DATE: Mar 3, 2004 FILE: RZ1129103 BY: RO SCALE 1:1,000
BY-LAW NO. 6200 - 2004
A By-law to amend Map "A" forming part
of Zoning By-law No. 3510- 1985 as amended.
WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 -
1985 as amended;
NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple
Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 6200 - 2004."
That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as:
Lot "G", Except, Part on Plan LMP35019, District Lot 242, Group 1, Plan 15242, New
Westminster District
and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1318 a copy of which is attached hereto and
forms part of this by-law, is/are hereby rezoned to RS-lb (One Family Urban (Medium
Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto
are hereby amended accordingly.
READ a first time the day of , A.D. 200.
PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 200.
READ a second time the day of , A.D. 200.
READ a third time the day of , A.D. 200.
V33o'-1132g ______ - \ 268 290 63)8 II
299 12388
12385 303 12397 1j 289 269 12380
300 / \
308 Ni 2 j C I B ? 19
/2379 288. 302
301 12375 ILMP I 1119 P 3730
270 12372 - - 309 P 62286 _____________
2 ________ 12371 284 28 287 286 285 J /,-'
12367 12369
323 271 310 P 7478
0.405 ha - 18 - PARK 12365 F'—( 282 12355 12366
311 12358
1.619 ha. 272 MccALLUM cr. 1 21228 12343 I 04 113 12355 281 312 112 12353
273 - P 37928 I 17 12331 12350
/2341 276 2 77 278 279 280 313 I I /2343
50 P
I ro 15784 I 16 ______ 112323
12329 'P 56th39
321 32 31 31 317 31 31 l 314
12536 6 7 5 12323/25
275 1231 "I
_44 12324 I k I
RW 60736 'EP 46260 " - AVE
LMP 35194 P 65631 LMP 35158,LYP 35R24- P 3501,LMP 35291
a LI I 1 ' N . I - !229f 3
'A' Rem 3 E[5 Rem Rem 4I J
Rem 5 Ln H 14 13 12 11
11 2 3c I 1 I 2 P_312 ' P 1524 P 530 2 BC 75 5 uP_6 = ,', 1227 ' /2294 I P 1 784
4 5 6 BCPI 7I2j t N / I i P 80424 2 I LP I 113/
1 P 7 595
p 794
1 ...I 2 II 1I2 12262 I 1 I 23
14 21297
j LJ
• I
I i_- - - 121296 12254 12263 122 B AVE.
STONEHOUSE AVE. 345 344 ol
12260 12259 12 11 381 - — I 8 I 1225/I I I 355 346 - _j 12255 12250 10 u /2232 LMP
BCP 17505 I 122471 I 372 1373 374 342 N- j Z1 380 67..24 ________ 12245 12240 6 P 1 823 0 I Z f 12227 10 12230345 Q- /2219
341 /2242 10 F'., 7 8 ,... 9 10
225 375 _____ 12239 ..P_6.0 6 ,.. ______ 5 LL N 340 12234 N
141 7378 I \ 376'... 352 12225 12222 12213 122 AVE.
______ / 377 67224
351 35 i
- 142 b94
0- 114 147 I
12217 122/8 I
______ ______________ 339 o Rem 4 ° 1222 22 T21
20 19 12208 144 148 149 P 4094 " OD L146
150 152 153 o 10 P 17823 3 'd- 143 . I -12200 a-
122 AVE. Rem 2 P 12195 568 6
i l I I IP 5583 6355 I 1 l I I
I 1 I I I 357 r 358 I 36Oi 12186 i
1160 1159115811571156 I155I154 I I I CAMPBELL AVE.
Bylaw No. 6200-2004
Map No. 1318
From: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential)
To: RS—lb(One Family Urban(medium density)Residential)
MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:2500
TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: March 8, 2004
and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/032/03
FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W
SUBJECT: First Reading
Bylaw No. 6204 - 2004 and Bylaw NO. 6205 - 2004
11176 Gilker Hill Rd
An application has been received to rezone the above noted property to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential)
to permit the construction of approximately 37 townhouse units.
That, acknowledging that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6204-
2004 has been considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste
Management Plan, Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6204-2004 be
read a first time and forwarded to Public Hearing;
That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6205-2004 be read a first time and be forwarded
to Public Hearing; and
That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading.
Approval from the Ministry of Transportation;
Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security
as outlined in the Agreement;
Registration of a geotechnical restrictive covenant;
Road dedication as required
a) Background Context:
Applicant: Hardeep S Gill
Owner: Hardeep S Gill
Legal Description: Lot 10, D.L. 404, Plan: 11216, NWD
Existing: Compact Housing (40 upnh)
Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential)
Proposed: RM-1 (Townhouse Residential)
Surrounding Uses:
North: Residential
South: Residential
East: vacant
West: School/Townhouses
Existing Use of Property: Residential
Proposed Use of Property: Residential
Access: Giliker Hill Road
Servicing: To be provided through a Rezoning Development Agreement
Previous Applications: RZ/4 1/94, RZ/22/96
Project Description:
The plan of development shows 37 townhouse units. Topographic constraints have resulted in the
creation of two separate development modules with two separate driveways for accesses, one to the upper
area off of Gilker Hill Road to 27 units and the other via the lane system near the base of Gilker Hill
Road to 10 units. An internal pedestrian pathway system is shown which will link both parts of the
development site to the common amenity area located on the southwest portion of the site. Of the 27
units on the upper portion of the site, 15 will front on to Gilker Hill Road and will have individual
pedestrian access from the street to their front doors.
The units are two stories with a basement, which will take advantage of the slope with uphill units and
downhill units. Some of the basement units will require approval of a Development Variance Permit
prior to a Building Permit being issued. This is due to the steep topography dictating the design and
resulting in some basements projecting out of the ground 0.3 meters more than the bylaw definition
allows, thereby being identified as a storey.
Parking is provided with each unit having a two car garage. Provision has been made for 10 visitor
parking spaces. This exceeds the bylaw requirement for parking on the site noting that on-street parking
will be limited.
Planning Analysis:
Official Community Plan:
The site is designated Compact Housing (40 units per net hectare) on Schedule "B" of the Official
Community Plan. The development proposal is in compliance with that land use designation. The
application does, however, require an amendment to Schedules A & H of the Official Community Plan to
include the site into Development Permit Area XXI to ensure the form and character of the development
at the Building Permit stage.
Zoning Bylaw:
• • The
Community Plan.
Development Permits:
Development Variance Permit:
It will be necessary for the applicant to apply for a Development Variance Permit prior to issuance of a
Building Permit. This permit application will be:
• to relax the Zoning Bylaw for the height of some of the units recognizing the topographical
constraints on the site; and
• to the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw for the overhead utility services fronting on
Gilker Hill Road
Development Permit XX:
This Development Permit was established to address difficult soil conditions and watercourse/ravine
setbacks. It was based on an environmental assessment prepared by Gartner Lee Associates in 1993 for
the Cottonwood area. In the case of this project there are no watercourses, however, a preliminary
geotechnical report has been received with respect to the steep slopes of the site which indicates that the
development proposal is technically feasible. That report notes the importance, through the site
preparation and building stage to have a geotechnical engineer be present on site in order to ensure the
project can be built out safely. This report will form part of the Development Permit consideration and
form part of a restrictive covenant to be registered at the Land Title Office as a condition of zoning.
Development Permit XXI:
This Development Permit will govern the form and character of the development. Council must approve
a Development Permit based on the guidelines and objectives prior to a building permit being issued.
Given the geotechnical constraints of the site the Chief Building Inspector has advised that he will
require a geotechnical feasibility assessment under Section 56 of the Community Charter as part of the
application submission for the Development Permit. The review of the geotechnical feasibility
assessment may require conditions, which will form part of the Development Permit. The assessment
will be based on the actual design plans for buildings and site development plans and must provide
recommendations to ensure that the development can be built safely.
Advisory Design Panel:
The Advisory Design Panel reviewed and commented on the development proposal as their meeting of
December 4, 2003. The Panel passed the following resolution:
There was overall support for the project as presented by the application, with the following
That the lack of visitor parking on the site be addressed; and
That a formal referral be made to the RCMP for a report on traffic safety issues.
To that end, the architect has redesigned the site and provided 6 more visitor parking spaces for a total of
10 spaces and the RCMP have provided comments on the development, which were provided to the
Engineering Department to -considr as part o• f•their review of the trafficstudy. -
Development Information Meeting:
A Development Information Meeting was held on October 15, 2003. The minutes are attached.
The main concerns were:
• Geotechnical constraints and would there be provision for storm run off.
A preliminaiy geotechnical report has been submitted which de,nonstrates the technicalfeasibility of
this development. Prior to final reading of the zone amending bylaw for this project the applicant
will be required to register a geotechnical covenant on the site. The ChiefBuilding Inspector, under
Section 56 of the Community Charter, will also require a geotechnical assessment feasibility which
may require site specific development conditions and would form part of the Development Permit.
The on site storm water is provided for through the Building Permit process and will require a
professional engineer to provide design drawings that meet the B. C.Building Code for on-site
stormwater management.
A representative from the School District was interested in the number of school aged children.
Based on the School District's estimated projection figures, the following estimate applies.
Kindergarten .041 X 37 = 1 child
Grade 1-7 .03215 x 37 = 11 children
High School .02299 X 37 = 8 children
Total 20 children
. Concern with congestion on Gilker Hill Road and wanting road improvements.
A traffic study has been prepared and reviewed by the Engineering Department. Through the
development of this property improvements will be made to better accommodate turning movements
which will result in an improvement to the movement of traffic. The applicant will also be upgrading
Gilker Hill Road to an urban standard on the frontage of this property. This will include road
widening and sidewalk improvements.
d) Interdepartmental Implications:
Engineerin2 Denartment:
The Engineering Department advises that all the services to support the development proposal are not
available. It will therefore be necessary for the applicant to enter into a Rezoning Development
Agreement and post security for road improvements to Gilker Hill Road and 112 Avenue across the
frontage of the site and will include curb & gutter, sidewalk, extension of the sanitary & storm sewer,
watermain, street lighting, street trees, and underground wiring. The works may also require some
upgrading to the lane from Gilker Hill Road to the proposed access driveway.
The Engineering Department requested a traffic impact assessment for this application. This report has
now been submitted and reviewed. With the exception of some clarification around recommendations for
restrictions to on-street parking adjoining the site, the Engineering Department is satisfied with access
and traffic circulation issues as outlined in the report. The applicant's consultant has been asked to
address the outstanding comments however ultimately the Engineering Department has authority over on-
street parking and have the ability to address any evolving issues.
Parks & Leisure Services Department:
The Parks & Leisure Services Department have identified that after the subdivision is completed they
will be responsible for maintaining the street trees. In the case of this project it is estimated that there will
be approximately 12 more trees. Final development permit design will provide exact numbers. The
Manager of Parks & Open Space has advised that the maintenance requirement of $25.00 per new tree
will increase their budget requirements by $300.00.
Fire Department:
The Fire Department has reviewed this development project and the architect will ensure the design will
accommodate their needs and meet the B.C. Building Code for compliance.
e) Intergovernmental Issues:
Local Government Act:
An amendment to the Official Community Plan requires the local government to consult with any
affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 882 of
the Act. The amendment required for this application, will include the site into a Development Permit
Area and is considered to be minor in nature. It has been determined that no additional consultation
beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the
Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and
Provincial Governments.
The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial Plan/Capital Plan and the Waste Management Plan
of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and determined to have no impact.
Given the topographic and geotechnical challenges of the site the Chief Building Inspector will require a
geotechnical feasibility assessment be submitted as part of the Development Permit application
submission. The assessment will be based on the actual design plans and must provide recommendations
to ensure that the development can be built safely. As a preliminary geotechnical report has been
submitted that says the development is technically feasible and as the application is in compliance with
the Official Community Plan, it is recommended that First Reading be granted to Maple Ridge Official
Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6204-2004 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw 6205-2004
and that the application be forwarded to Public Hearing.
Prepared by: Cay McMillan
e , P,MCIP
Approved by/ Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP
/ GM: Pjiblic Works & Development Services
Concurrence: J. L. (,J'im) Rule
ChieAdministrative Officer
22 0)
P 39988 (1) —1
LMP 26965
Rem 19
P 35398
I(0 Ic, /)C%J
.f - S.E. 1/4
/ / Sec.l6Tp.12
P 11216
LMP 18097 REM. PcI. A"
R-3 EP 3890
IICo cJ 0 Co
19 \
Ia.r.L /fJ •'
•S ItSI*41J /
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BY-LAW NO. 6204 - 2004.
A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan
WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official
Community Plan;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A" & "H" to the Official Community Plan;
NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open
meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan
Amendment By-law No. 6204 - 2004."
Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to
Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XXI in the Appendix:
Lot 10, D.L. 404, Gp. 1, Plan 1 1216,NWD (RZ/032103)
That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as:
Lot 10, District Lot 404, Group 1, Plan 11216, New Westminster District
and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 666, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms
part of this by-law, is hereby designated as Development Permit Area XXI (34) on Schedule "H".
Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby
amended accordingly.
READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 200.
PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 200.
dayof ,A.D.200.
day of , A:D: 200.
I I•••I 11
22 19
P 39988 P 4167
2.627 ha 11264
1.214 ha
I Rem 4
Rem 19 l0
I P 24650 P 35398 1.533 ha
1.236 ha
PcI. 'A' LMP 26965
1.24 ha 11195
LMP 26964 r Port S.E. 1/4
Sec.16 Ip. 12
1 K LMP 3381
0.80 ha 10
P 11216
0.521 ha
00 1.267 ha a-
4289 REM. PcI. A"
911 Ii 1 EP 3890
LMP 19290
M 135 ANAM WA'p
49 60
11 120
\ liol
2.. \0
Bylaw No. 6204-2004
Map No. 666
Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:2500
BY-LAW NO. 6205 - 2004
A By-law to amend Map "A" forming part
of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended.
WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as
NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge,
in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 6205 - 2004."
That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as:
Lot 10, District Lot 404, Group 1, Plan 11216, New Westminster District
and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1321 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms
part of this by-law, is/are hereby rezoned to RM- 1 (Townhouse Residential)
Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are
hereby amended accordingly.
READ a first time the day of , A.D. 200.
PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 200.
READ a second time the day of A.D. 200.
READ a third time the day of A.D. 200.
APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this dayof ,A.D.200.
22 19
P 39988 P 4167
2.627 ha
1.214 ho
Rem 19 / P 35398
1.236 ha
PcI. 'A' LMP 26965
1.24 ho 11195
Part S.E. 1/4
Sec.16 Ip. 12
Rem 4
P 24650
1.533 ho
0.80 ho 10
P 11216
1.267 ho
LMP 3381
0.521 ha
4289 REM. PcI. 'A"
'EP 3890
LMP 19290
Bylaw No. 6205-2004
Map No. 1321
From: RS-3(One Family Rural Residential)
To: RM-1(Townhouse Residential)
ZE 20*0~1*k~~e A MAPLE RIDGE
Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:2500
TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse
and Members of Council
FROM: Chief Administrative Officer
SUBJECT: First Reading
Bylaw Nos. 6086-2002 and 6085-2002
11673 240 Street
DATE: March 9, 2004
FILE NO: RZ/077/02
An application has been received to rezone the subject property to permit subdivision into 26 lots
under the CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) Zone and P-i (Park & School) Zone to
accommodate a small tot lot. This rezoning will include an amendment to the Official Community
Plan to:
Provide a minor adjustment to Schedule "B" related to the Conservation Boundary and Park area.
Include the site into Development Permit XXXVIII to provide some flexibility for orderly
development while ensuring protection of the natural environment (Schedule "A" & "H").
That, acknowledging that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No.
6086-2002 has been considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste
Management Plan, Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6086-2002
be read a first time and forwarded to Public Hearing;
That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6085-2002 be read a first time and be
forwarded to Public Hearing; and
That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading:
Park dedication of the Conservation area and transfer of the Tot Lot to the District;
Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement for the Tot Lot construction and
security related to the work.
a) Background Context:
Applicant: Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. Ms M. Van Baalen
Owner: Gar Fung Investment Ltd.
Legal Description: Lot 31, Section 16, Township 12, Plan LMP36718, NWD
Existing: Single Family Residential (15, 18, 30 upnh), Compact Housing (40
upnh) and Conservation.
Proposed: minor amendment to the Conservation boundary and to Park &
Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), CD-1-93 (Amenity
Residential District)
Proposed: CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) & P-i (Park & School) for
the portion on the west side of Horseshoe Creek.
Surrounding Uses:
North: Residential
South: Residential
East: Ravine/Residential
West: Residential
Existing Use of Property: vacant
Proposed Use of Property: residential
Access: 238A Street
Servicing: existing
Previous Applications: RZ/72/93,RZ/56/94, SD/62/93, SD/44/96, SD/46/96, SD/100/03,
VP/19/94, and VP/77/02
b) Project Description:
The subject property is 2.85 hectares in size and has frontage on 240 Street, 238A Street and 1 17B
Avenue. It is the remainder of a larger development application that took place in the mid 1990s.
Horseshoe Creek bisects the property with approximately 1.52 hectares on the west side and 1.33
hectares on the east with the habitat protection area for that watercourse already dedicated as Park as a
condition of a previous development application. There is presently an application to subdivide the site
into two lots, which will create the proposed lot on the west side of Horseshoe Creek, which is the
subject of this rezoning application. The portion on 240 Street has future development potential and the
merits of its development potential will be considered when a development application is made. This
report will speak to the portion of the land on the western portion of the watercourse.
The site is impacted by topographical and environmental constraints and will be put into Development
Permit XXX Vifi to provide some flexibility in subdivision design while addressing the topographically
challenged areas of the site.
The development plan proposes 26 lots with 14 fronting on a new ioop=-road ; 8= fronting onto 23 8-A Street
and 4 fronting onto 1 17B Avenue. A small Tot Lot is proposed adjacent to the habitat protection
boundary and more land will be included into the Conservation boundary to generally comply with the
desired streamside setback which have been established at 15 meters from the top of the bank for this
c) Planning Analysis:
Official Community Plan:
Schedule "B"
Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan designates, the portion of land subject to this application,
at Single Family Residential (15, 18, & 30 units per net hectare) and Conservation. It will be necessary
to amend this schedule to Park to reflect the Tot Lot and to adjust the Conservation designation since it
has increased from the present 9 meters to 15 meters, except a small area that Fisheries and Oceans have
accepted at 10 meters.
Schedule "E"
Schedule "E" of the Official Community Plan shows a small tributary to Horseshoe Creek running into
the area of the site where development is intended. The applicant has received approval under Section 35
(2) of the Water Act to enclose this tributary subject to compensation. The District will be bringing an
overall amendment to Schedule "E" in the near future, which will include deletion of this tributary.
Schedule "A" & "H"
It will be necessary to include the site into Development Permit XXXVIII. This will require an
amendment to Schedule "A" & "H" of the Official Community Plan.
Zoning Bylaw:
The zone amending bylaw will rezone the site to CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) Zone and P-i
(Park and School). The CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) Zone permits lots sizes of 371 square
meters. Due to the physical and environmental constraints some of the lot depths and widths will be less
than the minimums required in the Zoning Bylaw. These will be created using Development Permit
XXXVIII. The Tot Lot will be rezoned to P-i (Park and School) and will be developed by the owner and
transferred to the District as a condition of final reading of zoning. The maintenance of this tot lot will
be provided through a Specified Area Bylaw.
Development Permits:
Development Permit XX:
The site is within Development Permit XX which was based on a report prepared by Gartner Lee
Associates in 1993. The Development Permit- is estabiished-to=-address-proteet-ion-of-the-natur-al- ...................- ---------
environment and concerns related to soil conditions and topographic constraints. To that end an
environmental report and a geotechnical report has been submitted and comply with the Development
Permit Area guidelines. As Development Permit Area XX supplanted the need for this Development
Permit, it shall be combined with Development Permit Area XXX in this instance.
Development Permit XXX
The site is subject to Development Permit XXX as it is within 50 meters of the top of bank of Horseshoe
Creek. Prior to doing any on site works within 50 meters of the watercourse, it will be necessary for the
applicant to receive approval of a Development Permit, which addresses the Objectives and Guidelines of
Development Permit XXX, and for the developer to provide security for habitat protection in compliance
with Council's Policy for Performance Security for Environmental Protection.
In keeping with the Guidelines of Development Permit XXX the habitat protection area will be dedicated
as Park as a condition of rezoning. This will meet the requirement under Section 941 of the Local
Government Act as it relates to compensation andlor the provision of parkland at the subdivision stage.
As well, this site has already dedicated Parkland through previous development applications.
Development Permit XXXVIII:
This Development Permit Area is designed to facilitate preservation and enhancement of the natural
environment by allowing for variances to lot dimensions and siting requirements while ensuring a level
of building design commensurate with density objectives. On this site, some modification will be
required to "fit" the development within the site between the environmental constraint caused by the
watercourse and conservation areas on the eastern portion and the established location of 23 8A Street on
the west.
This Development Permit will establish lot depths, and widths for some of the lots at variance to the
CD-i -93 Zone and road standards that respect the physical and environmental constraints of this
development site. The proposed comprehensive building program will also require some variances of
setbacks and lot coverage. The applicant's architect has provided building types and building envelopes
that are consistent with the existing neighbourhood while ensuring that appropriate private yard space is
maintained. A relaxation to the rear yard setbacks will allow the proposed dwelling units development to
"fit" the lots while still maintaining the function and characteristics of the residential neighbourhood.
Development Information Meeting:
A Development Information Meeting was held on October 8, 2003. The main concerns expressed at that
meeting were:
• The school capacity at Alexander Robinson Elementary.
The School Board Office has advised that if there is no room available for students at Alexander
Robinson Elementary the children will go to Blue Mountain Elementary School.
• Increased traffic and speed. The public questioned if speed bumps could be installed.
Regarding speed bumps, the District is presently considering a Traffic Calming Policy, however until
that has been reviewed and adopted by Council there are no provisions for traffic calming.
• The need for a park in the area..
The developer is providing a small tot lot as part of this application.
Those attending were generally supportive of the overall design of the homes.
The minutes from that meeting are attached.
Citizen/Customer Implications:
As a result of the Development hformation Meeting the developer has offered to provide a small Tot Lot
through this development.
Interdepartmental Implications:
Engineering Department:
The Engineering Department has advised that all the services for urban development exist to the site.
All the servicing issues to create the lots will be a function of subdivision approval.
Parks & Leisure Services Department:
The Parks & Leisure Services Department have identified that after the subdivision is completed they
will be responsible for maintaining the street trees. In the case of this project it is estimated that there will
be an additional 36 trees which is based on one tree per lot, final subdivision design will provide exact
numbers. The Manager of Parks & Open Space has advised that the maintenance requirement of $25.00
per new tree will increase their budget requirements by $900.00.
The Parks & Leisure Services Department also do not object to the Tot Lot being created provided that
funds are in place to maintain it. To that end it will be necessary to ensure that the maintenance of this
Tot Lot is provided by the residents of the development. In order to prepare the Specified Area Bylaw it
will be necessary for a plan to be prepared by a landscape architect and reviewed by the Parks & Leisure
Services Department. The cost of constructing the Park will be included into the Rezoning Development
Agreement as a condition of final reading. The bylaw will be prepared at the time of subdivision.
Fire Department:
The Fire Department has no objections to this rezoning application.
1) Intergovernmental Issues:
Local Government Act:
An amendment to the Official Community Plan requires the local government to consult with any
affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 882 of
the Act. The amendment required for this application, is to include more area into the Conservation
boundary and to provide a Park designation for the proposed Tot Lot and is considered to be minor in
nature. It has been deteninêdT that no additOal consultation beyond existing procedures is required,
including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First
Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments.
The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial Plan/Capital Plan and the Waste Management Plan
of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and determined to have no impact.
g) Environmental Implications:
The applicant has received approval from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans under Section 35 (2)
of the Water Act for enclosure of a small tributary to Horseshoe Creek. The Department of Fisheries and
Oceans have advised that in their opinion the habitat values of Horseshoe Creek can be conserved
through the proposal and potential negative impacts on fish habitat and water quality associated with the
project can be mitigated and have no objections to the enclosure.
The application is supported and it is recommended that First Reading be granted to Maple Ridge Zone
Amending Bylaw 6085-2002 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw 6086-2002
and that the application be forwarded to Public Hearing.
A~~ ( ~ SQ.On
Prepared by: Gay McMillan
Planning Technician
Jane PicjingICP, MCIP
Approved by:/ Frank QuliTh, P.Eng., PMP
/ GM: Public Works & Development Services
Concurrence: ..L. (Jiih) Rule
hief Administrative Officer
11828 (P21864) ILMP 118 I
11849 11816 11805h 15 2316 52
1804 11II2II3 11806 49 50 51 l
— c) 1 J a)
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19 7 ,22 " P 13265
I 11699 'p.37 23 PARK PARK
6 06. - , 31 LMP 43796 11 689 1 24
Q_ 25701
11677 35
8 11676 11691 LMP 36718 A
11667 34 26 EP 35041 11666 9- 11681
11659 33
10 11656 11671
11653 32 ci.. 28 PARK S-3 11 11650 11661
11645 31 ' 29
11644 11651
12 11637 30 11641
1 1638 1 30
13 29 I 25 I
14 11632 11631 11634 -
11629 28 2 24&
15 11628 11627 11630 0 I LMP 49349
11623 27 83 23 PT. 20
16 11622 It) 11621 11624 0.. I /PARI 65
11617 26 2 PARK LMP 50074
11616 11615 11618 P 66257
21 22 23 i 24 11610 \ 5 21 11609 U) COlu) (0 NIS) 5 I l;l 25 11612 \ 6 11503 P1.20 PARK
NI NI NIN 11604
ie mds. H i
I6AVE - _ \' P119 o ) 11596 8 .
I N 7I L.. I 8 9 •\• 18 I W 11591 I11590 LMP 49349 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge In_An len I 17... I . mcik,ac nfl ru orflntno ronorrlinn fl-ic -crr r-mrfl, fl
SCALE: 1:2,500 KEY MAP
Part of Lot 31, LMP36718
Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT
DATE: Aug 13 2002 FILE: R077IO2 BY: RS
11. t\\/F.
117 B AVE.
9.7 13.4 13.4 13,4
4 V 3 ru 2
373.3,,2 371.5,2 0 37Un2 311.2
16.5 13.4 13.4 13.4
16.3 1b. 23.8 i.fl co
. 5 o 6 7 -' 394.12
5492.2 38L9.,2
'2 13.4 7.6 8
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cravet Path 20.8
O )_2004fl2
\ — 7 Pari.c Dedication /
.. Conservation. Area
- 2.2r,
2445 Av D.C. Ce4d 557-4954. 949(401) 191-0091.
F- v)
Sunderji & Sunderji Ltd.
Residential Subdivision
238A Street and 117B Avenue, Maple Ridge
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 31 SectIon 16 Township 12
New Westminster District Plan LMP36718
LOCATION: 238A Street and 11 7B Avenue, Maple Ridge
East of Horseshoe Creek: ± 1.33 ha
West of Horseshoe Creek: ±1.52 ha
Total Gross Site Area: ±2.85 ha
East of Horseshoe Creek: Compact Housing
West of Horseshoe Creelc Single Family Residential
RS-3 One Family Rural Residential
Retain existing OCP and Zoning Bylaw designations.
Number of lots: I
See District of Maple Ridge file number SD-I 00-03 for
more infomiation.
PROPOSED ZONING: CD-1-93 Amenity Residential
Number of lots: 26
Lot Area: 371 m2
LotWidth: 12mor15m
Lot Depth: 24 m or 30 m
LotArea: 371.1 m2
Lot Width: 13.4 m
Lot Depth: 24.2m
Rear Yard Setback: 6.0 m
Maximum Lot Coverage: 50%
Accessory Building Rear Sethacic 0.45m
Accessory Building Interior Setback: 0.45m
No requirement for lanes on lots less than 15 metres wide.
District of Maple Ridge. Cedastral Data
Dyck and Associates Professional Land Surveyors, Survey
This plan Is conceptual only. Is subject to change due to:
- Review and approval by appropriate, municipal, regional,
provincial and federal governments and outsIde agencies.
- Full environmental. geotectinical and soil assessments.
- Legal and topographical survey.
- Tree survey and assessment
- Park dedication requirements or cash in lieu of.
- School site acquisition requirements and or charges.
- Storm water detention requirements.
- Road dedication requirements.
- Environmentally sensitive areas and setback requirements.
- Building locations.
- Right of way and or easement requirements.
This plan is the property of Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. and
may not be reproduced without written pem,lssion.
Preliminary Subdivision Layout
- 22091A-d193-432004.d*9
220014 1:1000 MN,& 4.2004
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D1ng flE
BY-LAW NO. 6086-2002.
A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan
WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the
Official Community Plan;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A" & "H" to the Official
Community Plan;
NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge,
in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan
Amendment By-law No.6086-2002."
Schedule "B" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and
described as:
Lot 31, Section 16, Township 12, New Westminster District, LMP3 6718
And outlined in heavy black line, is hereby redesignated to Conservation, and that portion
shown hatched is hereby redesignated to Park, as shown on Map No.636, a copy of which
is attached hereto, and forms part of this bylaw.
Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to
Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XXX Vffi:
Lot 31, Section 16, Township 12, New Westminster District, LMP36718
That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as:
Lot 31, Section 16, Township 12, New Westminster District, LMP367 18
and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 668, a copy of which is attached hereto and
forms part of this by-law, is hereby designated as Development Permit Area XXX Vifi (5)
on Schedule "H".
6. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is
hereby amended accordingly.
READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 2004.
PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 2004.
READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 2004.
READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. 2004.
I j 20.
(11801 I II'3I Iff5Q$ IU !1 I 1 II I I l 118.01 14 J I I ) (9j4P456e.
118 AVE.
______ r2j'3 4156 3 P 17 9 "0 ___ 4377
K 1 4'
[ 18812.N 25
1 PARK 36724 117 8 AVE. ° a CD 30
BCP 4650 4 - '13
, 'i6P0
. 5_ -
- 17
6 • 3 1 151 161 1 4
-- 7 4P ,
41 ig-. L _i..___.1 ._u:-.uJ 2
P 18 30
7 4 39 21%
- 22 4'
6 36 31 LMP 43796 0.615 ha 0.953 ha ',, 24 143
Q35 / 25" Part. 1.52 ho
Totol: 2.85 ha
1.V6 8 LMP 3671 A
LMP 0.809 h
166'7 3 34 26 EP 35041 1166$
a 11659 33 27 36718 10 11656 /1671
'11660 r1 28
Port: 1.33 ha
31 116 31 29 20
11648 11651 \ 12 11637 30 11611
11638 - - -
13 1163 29LA I 1 25 1 I /
14 116 0.80 32 1/631 11634 I I I /
11629 2 /0)
8' , 24I / /1628 /1627 180 /1630 g j LMP 49349
I r') 15
1 0) 3 1162 27 03 I
16 /PARK BCP 1921
11622 11621 11624
Total area — 1.40 ha
11617 26 22 ' ( PARK
--j — 11616 /1615 11618 \ \ 0.606 ha
l •° 25
11609 11612 \ 20 /1610 21 211 22123124
11604 1 i i 6 17603 BCP 192j\ ,'tMP
0 11588 ..
a 116 AVE. d BCP 1921PARK C11 116AVE. 6
'4 I A) - rs llcQ.c
Bylaw No. 6086-2002
Map No. 636
From: Single Family Residential(15,18,30 units per net hectare)
To: Conservation,
and Park(shown hatched)
Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:2500
Byaw No. 6086-2002
Map No. 668
Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:2500
BY-LAW NO.6085-2002
A By-law to amend the text and Map "A" forming part
of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended.
WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 -
1985 as amended;
NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple
Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
This by-law maybe cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No.6085-2002."
That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as:
That portion of Lot 31, Section 16, Township 12, New Westminster District,
and shown outlined in heavy black line is hereby rezoned to CD-1-93 (Amenity
Residential District) and that portion shown hatched is herby rezoned to P-i (Park and
School) as shown on Map No. 1287 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of
this by-law,
Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attachedihereto
are hereby amended accordingly.
READ a first time the day of
PUBLIC HEARING held the day of
READ a second time the day of
READ a third time the day of
A.D. 2004.
A.D. 2004.
A.D. 2004.
day of
1 ... .,.
1W4Y I I1OiO I
20.0 / o11 ji2I13I 118O6 L49 5 L: 14 I IN50
118 AVE.
PARK /1712I34 __ 1213 411 3
P 17619 - —I
- -
.?o.o 17.LIMF! 4t377
10 FLP 882 iMP 4[377 - 121 11 10 9 I 81 7 RK i 1 -' 4'
'1 '
LMP 14 PARK / I 0
4) 3\\ ' _________
C; , 30
BCP 4650 10
4 13
N 4 tfl
2 0 10 10
-" 17
6 4 8 13 W /7
//////////_•__ \' 5 -
2 41 19 Li P
P 18230
4 -9 21%
- ,/5 22
6 23 ' PARK PARK
36 "-* 2 31 LMP 43796 0.615 ho 0.953 ho 4 '
' 35 / 25°'
Part: 1.52 ha
Totol: 2.85 ho 1, —I
8 6' LMP 3671 A00 ii 34 26
EP 35041 11666 9 f755f
33 27 0.809 a
10 11656 11671 LMP
tiS5J 32 r1 28
PARK / 36718
11650 11661
11645 31 0 29 2 31
11648 11651 Part: 1.33 ha
ff537 30 11641 I
11635 30 \ o 13 29
11632 1 I 25 I I I / \ ' 14 11631 11634 I I / 24l /) 11625 /1629 28
N 11627 180 15 LMP 49349/ I I o 1162 27 03 I 23 __ 1*
11622 I '° 1162/ I) 16 111624 o Il I / BCP 1921 ________
11617 26 PARK j
jl - -I-- 616 11615 \11615 \ \ 0.606 ha Total area = 1.40 ha
20 211 22! 23 2 11610I . 21 \ \ 25 t71612 \ \\ j I 20.0
\,isa 1 PARK i I \sce 1921\ LMP 49349
C; c6 116 AVE. C; BCP 1921'PARK N
A) t .t \ L I 116 AVE.
__ _____ _____ N
Bylaw No. 6085-2002
Map No. 1287
From: RS-3(One Family Rural Residential and
CD—i —93(Amenity Residential District)
To: CD-1-93(Amenity Residential District) and P1 (Park and School) (shown hatched)
incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:2500
October 15, 2003
Development Information Meeting Summary
District of Maple Ridge Development Applications: RZ-077-02
A Development Information Meeting was held on October 8, 2003 between 6:00 and
8:30 pm at Alexander Robinson Hall at the corner of 240 Street and Dewdney Trunk
Road in Maple Ridge. Invitations were sent to 91 property owners in the neighbourhood
by mail as per the mailing list and labels provided by the District of Maple Ridge. Please
see invitation attached. The meeting was advertised in the Maple Ridge Times on
Tuesday, September 30, 2003 and Friday, October 3, 2003. Notice of the meeting was
posted on the site Development Proposal sign on Friday September 26, 2003.
In attendance on behalf of Sunderji and Sunderji Ltd. were the following members of the
project design team:
Brian Shigetomi, e-Atelier Architecture Inc.
Marlene Van Baalen, MCIP, Senior Planner, Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd.
Teresa Hansen, Planning Technician, Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd.
Jason Corrigan, P. Eng. Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd.
Jerry Glups, Sunderji and Sunerderji Ltd.
A full design presentation package was available for area residents to view. In addition,
members of the consulting team were on hand to walk attendees through the presentation
and to personally answer any questions.
Eleven (11) members of the community attended the meeting to review the design
proposal, ask questions and express their comments. A copy of the sign-in sheet is
attached. The main concerns expressed by area residents related to the capacity of
Alexander Robinson Elementary School and whether an expansion to the school is
planned. Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. planning staff indicated that they would
investigate and call those who were in attendance with further information as provided by
the District of Maple Ridge or School District.
Initial questions raised as to the architectural detail, and size of homes and lots in the
development. These concerns were addressed through the presentation materials.
Attendees liked the unit designs and were please to know that the Applicants had built in
the neighbourhood previously. Reductions of the presentation boards are attached for
your information.
Comment sheets were provided to ensure that all concerns were documented. Five of the
attendees completed comment forms. Conrad Penner, Susan Moore, Margaret Diffin and
Don Johnson all expressed concerns regarding enrollment capacity of Alexander
Robinson Elementary. They would like to know where the children would go to school
given that Alexander Robinson is already filled to capacity. Conrad Penner and Susan
Moore also expressed concerns about controlling the traffic speed through the
neighbourhood. They asked specifically if speed bumps would be installed. Keith
Dawson and Susan Moore wrote comment sheets about the park space provided in the
neighbourhood. The neighbours were under the impression that a constructed
park/playground was to be installed as part of this development. Aplin & Martin
Consultants Ltd. planning staff indicated that the 5% Park Dedication had been dedicated
as a condition of the previous subdivision.
Respectfully Submitted
Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd.
Marlene Van Baalen, MCJP, MBA
Senior Planner
Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd.
Suite 201 - 12448 82nd Avenue
Surrey, B.C.
Phone: 604-597-9058
Fax: 604-597-9061
Fisheries and Oceans Pêches et Oceans
Canada Canada
Pacific Region
Habitat and Enhancement Branch
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Unit 3 - 100 Annacis Parkway
Delta, BC V3M 6A2
February 16, 2004 DFO File No. 03-HPAC-PA2-000-000778
Mark Adams, R.P.Bio.
Senior Project Biologist
ECL Envirowest Consultants Limited
Suite 130 - 3700 North Fraser Way
Bumaby, B.C.
Re: Proposed residential development of property adjacent to Horseshoe Creek at 238A
and 117B Streets, Maple Ridge (Sunderji and Sunderji Ltd.).
Dear Mr. Adams:
Thank you for forwarding the following information to Fisheries and Oceans Canada ("DFO")
regarding this project:
• January 8, 2004 letter and attached drawings 1060-01-02, 1060-01-03, and 1060-01-04
from Mark Adams of ECL Envirowest Consultants Limited to Mike Engelsjord of DFO.
• ECL Envirowest Consultants Limited drawing 1060-01-01 (Revision Oldated February
12, 2004).
DFO understands that the land owner, Sunderji and Sunderji Limited, proposes to eliminate the
upper portion (42 metre length) of a small tributary to Horseshoe Creek in order to construct a
crescent road from 238A Street andresidential subdivision, remove an existing 9 metre long
concrete culvert on Horseshoe Creek, remove fill associated with road crossing, and replant the
area where the existing road is located. These works are more specifically described in the letter
and drawingsiistedabove. It. alsaDFOs.understandingthat. thestream:setbackarea.wiThbe:
dedicated to the District of Maple Ridge as park and that the District will hold bonding for the
stream restoration works (culvert and road fill removal and planting).
It is DFO's opinion that the habitat values Of Horseshoe Creek can be conserved through your
proposal and potential negative impacts on fish habitat and water quality associated with this
project can be mitigated through application of appropriate mitigatory measures. In this regard,
DFO does not object to these works; however, the following conditions a iiileilrkdto
harmful effects to fish habitat and water quality and should be followed: R ECEVvEb
F E B 18 2004
Sunderji and Sunderji Limited Page 2 Of 3
Setbacks from Horseshoe Creek shall be as per ECL Envirowest Consultants Limited
drawing number 1060-01-01 (revision 01, February 12, 2004). The setback area is to
remain in an undisturbed, naturally vegetated state. No dumping, excavation or
vegetation removal is to occur in the setback area with the exception of that required to
remove the existing road and culvert.
Runoff water must be directed to the remaining portion of the Horseshoe Creek tributary
located downstream of the crescent road off 23 8A Street. The runoff water must be
adequately detained and treated to mitigate impacts on water quality and peak flows due
to development before release into this watercourse.
Sediment and erosion control measures for the entire development site must be installed
and must meet or surpass the standards outlined in the DFO/MELP ILand Development
Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Habitat". The environmental monitor must
ensure that appropriate sediment and erosion control measures are in place and•,
functioning as intended during construction.
Removal of the concrete culvert on Horseshoe Creek, removal of road fill and planting of
this area must be completed by December 31, 2004. These works must be conducted to
the standards described on ECL Envirowest Consultants Limited drawings 1060-01-02
and 1060-01-03. Instream works in Horseshoe Creek should be conducted between
August 1 and September 15 or when Horseshoe Creek is dry and favourable weather
conditions exist.
Works should be overseen by an appropriately qualified professional.
Instream activities must be conducted in isolation offlowing water. Generally this is
accomplished by temporarily diverting, enclosing or pumping the water around the work
site. Flow to downstream portions of the site must not be cut off at any time during the
The proponent must retain an appropriately qualified environmental consultant to
salvage fish prior to commencement of instream works in Horseshoe Creek. The
consultant must obtain all necessary permits required by fisheries regulations.
All equipment and machinery working within fifteen (15) meters of any watercourse
must be in good working condition (power washed) and free of leaks or excess oil and
grease. No fuels, lubricants, construction wastes or other deleterious substances may
enter any watercourse at any time.
Planted vegetation should be monitored for survival for three years after planting. Any
plant mortalities identified during the monitoring period should be replaced during the
next planting window. The reconstructed portion of Horseshoe Creek should also be
monitored for three years to ensure it is functioning as intended and remains passable to
fish.Any deficiencies identified should be fixed as soon as possible or during the next
ppropnate timing window. The results of this monitoring shall be provided to DFO and
thDisfrict of Maple Ridge.
- Sunderji and Sunderji Limited Page 3 of 3
Please be advised that it is Sunderji and Sunderji Limited's responsibility to ensure that all plans
and specifications relating to these works have been duly prepared and reviewed by appropriate
professionals working on behalf of Sunderjiand Sunderji Limited. Sunderji and Sunderji
Limited is solely responsible for all design, safety and workmanship aspects of all of these
Please also be advised that this correspondence refers only to concerns of DFO's habitat
conservation responsiblities under the Fisheries Act.
If you have any questions concerning the above, please contact the undersigned (phone: 604-666-
8327 or email: engelsiordm'(äidfo-mpo.gc.ca ).
Mike Engelsjord, R.P.Bio.
Habitat Biologist. . . .
Habitat and Enhancement Branch
Lower Fraser Area
C.C. Jerry Glups, Sunderji and SunderjiLimited
Gay McMillan, District of Maple Ridge
Habitat Officer, Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection
•1 -
TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: March 01, 2004
and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/092/03
FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W
SUBJECT: First Reading
Bylaw 6213-2004 and 6214-2004
10607, 10703 & 10757/63 Industrial Avenue
An application has been received to rezone the above noted properties to permit their future
subdivision into approximately 170 lots under the RS-lb (One Family (medium density) Residential)
Zone. The application will be accompanied by an Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw that
provides considerable more conservation area based on the actual environmental protection boundary
being established. A provision for density bonusing contained in the Official Community Plan will
also be used to transfer density from the conservation area to the buildable portion of the site.
That, acknowledging that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No.
6213-2004 has been considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste
Management Plan, Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6213-2004
be read a first time and forwarded to Public Hearing;
That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6214-2004 be read a first time and be
forwarded to Public Hearing; and
That the following term(s) and condition(s) be met prior to final reading.
Registration of a Rezoning Development Agreement including the deposit of security
as outlined in the Agreement;
Road dedication as required;
Consolidation of the development site;
Park dedication as required; and
Application for Inclusion of the site into Sewer Area "A"
a) Background Context:
Applicant Damax Consultants Ltd.
Owner: Maple Ridge Homes Ltd., as to Lot E,
No.23 6 Seabright Holdings Ltd, as to Lot 1, No.23 6 Seabright
Holdings Ltd, Branley M.R.Holdings Ltd, Bristar M.R.Holdings
Ltd., Dale MR.Holdings Ltd., as to Lot 2.
Legal Description: Lot E, ,Plan 20280, Lot 1 & 2 Plan 21863 all of Section 10,
Township 12, NWD
Existing: Single Family Residential (18 & 12 units per net hectare) and
Proposed: Single Family Residential (18 & 12 units per net hectare) and
Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential)
Proposed: RS-lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential)
Surrounding Uses:
North: Suburban Residential & Kanaka Creek Regional Park
South: Residential and School
East: Residential
West: Residential
Existing Use of Property: Residential
Proposed Use of Property: Residential
Access: McClure Drive, 245 Street, and Industrial Avenue
Servicing: To be provided as a condition of subdivision except for a small
portion at the northeast corner where a Rezoning Development
Agreement and security will be required for the frontage of the
portion on 248 Street being dedicated as Park.
Previous Applications: ALRI25/81, ALR/5/93, ALR/2/95 and RZ/37/96
b) Project Description:
The subject site is 28.6 hectares in size and includes three lots, which will be consolidated into one site
as a condition of rezoning. The buildings on Lot 1 & Lot 2, Plan 21863 will be removed.
The site is impacted by tributaries to Maggy Creek and Thornvale Creek, which are in turn direct
tributaries to Kanaka Creek. These watercourses and the geotechnical stability of the ravine banks have
dictated the road and lot pattern by leaving strips of land where the development will be confined and
road crossings of creeks limited.
The development proposal is for approximately 170 lots using the RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium
density) Zone and will be accessed from 245 Street on the south, McClure Drive on the west and
Industrial Avenue on the east. 108 Avenue is dedicated but not constructed and runs along the site's
north boundary. It is presently used for driveway access to a lot north west of the development site.
Given the sensitive nature of the watercourses in this area there is no intention to develop the right—of-
way-other-thanfor-partofafuture trail-network. -Provision-wiilbe-madefor-anequestrian- trail on4he
northeast portion of the site as shown on the Albion Guide Plan for this area. This trail will be achieved
at the time of subdivision and is outside of the area that will be dedicated for habitat protection as Park.
A phasing plan has been provided that shows the first phase off McClure Drive, which will connect to
245 Street and proceed north east with the last phase off Industrial Avenue. Servicing constraints for
municipal water have dictated this phasing boundary
c) Planning Analysis:
Official Community Plan:
Part III - Neighbourhood Plans - Density Policies - Section 3.1.3:
This site has been identified as having "moderate and high environmentally sensitivity" through
Development Permit XXVI and contains significant natural features (Thornvale and Maggy Creek).
Therefore, the Density Policies provision of the Official Community Plan apply for transferring a portion
of the unbuildable (Conservation area) to the buildable area.
The Official Community Plan permits a transfer of density from unbuildable to buildable area of a parcel
at a rate of 2.5 units per hectare. The number of units available for transfer is calculated by determining
the unbuildable area, less any area required through dedication for watercourse protection (5% of the site
area). For this property, the density transfer is calculated as follows:
Total unbuildable area 13.965 hectares
Less 5% (watercourse protection) 1.433 hectares
Net non buildable 12.532 hectares @ 2.5 = 31.33 units eligible for density transfer.
The following is a table of how this relates to this development site:
Total Parcel Area
*Net Area @ 12 upha
*Net Area @ 18 upha
*Net Area eligible for density transfer
28.653 hectares
4.893 haX 12 =58.7 units
5.510haX18 =99.2units
12.532 ha X 2.5 = 31.3 units
Total units allowable 189.21
Total units proposed 172
*Net area is calculated as the remainder after 5% park and road dedication.
Schedule "B":
Schedule "B" of the Official Community Plan designates the site as Single Family Residential (12 &18
units per net hectare) and Conservation. It will be necessary to amend the Conservation boundary to
respect the actual creek protection areas as defined by an environmental consultant, the Department of
Fisheries and Oceans and municipal staff, using the Streamside Protection Regulations. This amendment
will see the Conservation area increase from 10.2 hectares to 13.6 hectares.
Schedule "E":
The site is shown on Schedule "E" of the Official Community Plan as having a watercourse, and is
therefore subject to Development Permit XXX.
Schedule "F":
There is an equestrian shoulder trail shown on Schedule "F" of the Official Community Plan. This is a
temporary boulevard trail and will be accommodated within the 248 Street/Industrial Avenue right of
way until the goals for the overall trail connection can be achieved. As noted, this developer will be
providing an equestrian trail on the northeast portion of this site. While this trail has not been identified
on Schedule "F" of the Official Community Plan it is shown on the Albion Guide Plan and is part of the
overall trail connection that the Equestrian Trails Council and the District are achieving through
Zoning Bylaw:
The site will be rezoned to RS-lb (One Family (medium density) Residential) Zone, which is in
compliance with the Official Community Plan using the Density Policies.
Development Permits:
The site is subject to two Development Permit Areas; the details of those permits are as follows:
Development Permit XXVI
The site is within Development Permit XXVI. This Development Permit was established to address
protection of the natural environment and was based on an environmental assessment prepared by
Resource Systems Management International (RSM1). That report has identified portions of this site as
having High and Moderate Sensitivity and provided Objectives and Guidelines for development. This
Development Permit will be combined with and addressed through Development Permit XXX.
Development Permit XXX
The site is subject to Development Permit XXX that was established for the preservation, protection,
restoration and enhancement of the natural environment. Prior to doing any on site works within 50
meters of the watercourse it will be necessary for the applicant to obtain a Development Permit which
addresses the Objectives and Guidelines of Development Permit XXX, and to provide security for habitat
protection in compliance with Council's Performance Security for Environmental Protection Policy.
In keeping with the Guidelines of Development Permit XXX the habitat protection area, which is
approximately 13.6 hectares, will be dedicated as Park as a condition of rezoning. This will meet the
requirement under Section 941 of the Local Government Act as it relates to compensation andlor the
provision of parkland at the subdivision stage.
Development Information Meeting:
A Development Information Meeting was held on February 5, 2004. The minutes from that meeting are
attached. There were no major concerns expressed-at--that-meet-ing-from-the-publ-ic ....... -
d) Citizen/Customer Implications:
The construction of the road network in the first phase of the proposed subdivision will provide for
another access into the Maple Crest Subdivision.
e) Interdepartmental Implications:
En2ineerin2 Denartment:
The Engineering Department has advised that the site is serviced to an urban standard except for a small
portion in the northeast that will be dedicated as Park. This will require that a Rezoning Development
Agreement and security to upgrade the works for this small section of 248 Street be deposited with the
District prior to final reading of the zone amending bylaw.
The Engineering Department has advised that this site is not within the Sewer Area "A" boundary. It
will be necessary for the Developer to make an application to the Clerks Department for this inclusion.
Parks & Leisure Services Department:
The Parks & Leisure Services Department have identified that after the subdivision is completed they
will be responsible for maintaining the street trees. In the case of this project it is estimated that there will
be an additional 200 trees for the entire site, which is based on one tree per lot; final subdivision design
will provide exact numbers on a phase by phase basis. The Manager of Parks & Open Space has advised
that the maintenance requirement of $25.00 per new tree will increase their budget requirements by
$5,000.00. The Parks & Leisure Services Department will also be responsible for the maintenance of the
equestrian trail shown on the northeast portion of the site once it is developed.
Fire Department:
The Fire Department views the application as providing another way into the Maple Crest Subdivision
and has no objections, as this will improve current accessing issues for that neighbourhood.
1) Intergovernmental Issues:
Local Government Act:
An amendment to the Official Community Plan requires the local government to consult with any
affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 882 of
the Act. The amendment required for this application is to the conservation boundary and some minor
changes to the Single Family Residential (12 & 18 units per net hectare) based on the actual location of
the watercourses. This is considered to be minor in nature and it has been determined that no additional
consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional
District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the
Federal and Provincial Governments.
The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial Plan/Capital Plan and the Waste Management Plan
of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and determined to have no impact.
g) Environmental Implications:
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Manager of Development and Environmental Services
have reviewed the environmental assessment provided by Phoenix Environmental Services Ltd. This
assessment and proposed setbacks for creek protection comply and are based on the Streamside
Protection Regulations. There are three creek crossings that will require notification under Section 9 of
the Water Act to the Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection and must be done in accordance with the
Ministry's Interim Standards and Best Practices for Instream Works. It is the developers intention to
make this application to have these works done in 2004.
The development application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan using the density
bonusing policies to achieve the RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) Zone. The
development of the site will ensure the dedication of 13.60 hectare of land for the watercourse
preservation of both Maggy and Thomvale Creek. It is recommended that First Reading be granted to
Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.6214-2004 and Maple Ridge Official Community Plan
Amending Bylaw No.62130-2004 and that this application be forwarded to Public Hearing.
A~~ 'tv A SL4
Prepzred by: Gay McMillan
Planning Technician
Jane Pki'ingfCP, MCIP
Approved by: / Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP
/ GM: Public Works & Development Services
L. (Jim) Rule
Administrative Officer
108 AVE.
108A F..
10703 248 STREET
a ne
- .- " /,..4 oc :
Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT
SCALE 1:5,000
River DATE: Mar 4, 2004 FILE: RZ/092/03 BY: RO
I 1c t4\ \I
, _ _ ' /// -
BY-LAW NO. 62 13-2004.
A By-law to amend the Official Conmunity Plan
WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the
Official Community Plan;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "B" to the Official Community
NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge,
in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan
Amendment By-law No. 6213-2004."
That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as:
Lot B, Section 10, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 20280
Lot 1, Section 10, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 21863
Lot 2, Section 10, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 21863
are designated as shown on Map No. 670, a copy of which is attached hereto, and forms
part of this bylaw.
Maple Ridge Official Community Plan By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby
amended accordingly.
READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 2004.
PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 2004.
READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 2004.
READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. 2004.
- - - - -
- A
/ _
's-... I 200 P 80858 P 00859 - - P 2450
P 19820 P 119
0 E 200
1 08 AVEj.
.08.8i4.i5 --------- -________________________________________________________________________________ p L
Bylaw No. 6213-2004 1
Map No. 670 .-
From: Conservation, Single Family Residential(12 units per net hectare)
and Single Family Residential(18 units per net hectare)
To:- // Single -.Farily, Residential ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1 Single Family Residential
Conservation V/////1 (12 units per-net hectare) :::::::::::::::1 (18 units per net hectare)
Incorporated 12 September, 1874 - - -.. 1:5000
BY-LAW NO. 62 14-2004
A By-law to amend Map "A" forming part
of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended.
WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510-
1985 as amended;
NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple
Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 6214-2004."
Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as:
Lot E, Section 10, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 20280
Lot 1, Section 10, TOwnship 12, New Westminster District, Plan 21863
Lot 2, Section 10, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 21863
and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1323 a copy of which is attached hereto and
forms part of this by-law, are hereby rezoned to RS-lb (One Family Urban (Medium
Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto
are hereby amended accordingly.
READ a first time the day of , A.D. 2004.
PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 2004.
READ a second time the day of , A.D. 2004.
READ a third time the day of , A.D. 2004.
APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this day of A.D. 2004.
Li P 21086
P 13
I P 19819
P 80959 P 80959 J P 19820 H P 2450
K 0 C 180 16
0710 S
112 108 AV E
P 21803
0W0i415 -------_________________________________________________
P 21003
=1 184
183 I EP 16529 WMIN
C j
1/2 OfOSE 1/1
' : P 12823
Bylaw No. 6214-2004
Map No. 1323
From: RS-3(One Family Rural residential)
To: RS—lb(One Family Urban(medium density)Residential)
Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:5000
SIngI Fornly Rr&dnUnI 1r-qk FrriIb Rtdn1Jd
unIts per reet htcir) EM (1 unHa per net htr
TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse
and Members of Council
FROM: Chief Administrative Officer
SUBJECT: First Reading
Bylaw No. 6203 - 2004
11330 and 11342 236 Street
DATE: March 08, 2004
FILE NO: RZ/008/04
This application requests to rezone the properties located at 11330 and 11342 236 Street to CD-1-93
(Amenity Residential District) zone to permit the future subdivision into 16 residential lots. The
minimum parcel size prescribed by the CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) zone is 371m2.
That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6203 - 2004 be read a first time and be
forwarded to Public Hearing; and
That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading.
Road dedication of Creekside Street; and
Dedication of lands east of the Creekside Street alignment as Park for watercourse
and habitat protection.
a) Background Context:
Applicant: McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd/James Pernu
Owner: Gary and Janet Kirkpatrick and Steelbear Developments Ltd.
Legal Description: Lot 17 and 18, Section 16, Township 12, P1an36461
Existing: Single Family Residential 15,18,30, Conservation
Proposed: Single Family Residential 15/18/30, Conservation
Existing: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential)
Proposed: CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District)
Surrounding Uses:
North: Residential
South: Residential
East: Horseshoe Creek
West: Townhouses
Existing Use of Property:
Proposed Use of Property:
2361h Street and Creekside Street
Full Urban
Project Description:
The two subject properties have a combined area of approximately 1.61 9ha. This development proposes
a conventional subdivision creating 16 residential lots. Development of these properties will include the
construction of 1 13 th Avenue from 236th Street to Creekside Street, which will complete the
neighborhood interconnectivity to the residential subdivisions to the north and south.
Planning Analysis:
Official Community Plan:
The subject properties are currently designated Single Family Residential 15,18,30 unites per net hectare
and Conservation. The areas designated for 30 units per net hectare correspond to single detached units
on lots with a minimum area of 371m2.
Development Permits:
A portion of the subject site is located within 50 meters of a watercourse identified for special treatment
on Schedule "E" of the Official Community Plan. The watercourse is a tributary to Horseshoe Creek. As
a condition of rezoning it is recommended that the area east of the Creekside Street alignment be
dedicated "Park" for conservation purposes. This is consistent with the development of lands to the
north and south of this site. As well the applicant must obtain a Development Permit to insure that all
land clearing, lot grading and construction is done in accordance with the objectives and guidelines of
Development Permit Area XXX.
Interdepartmental Implications:
Engineering Department:
The Engineering Department has reviewed this application and confirm that all of the required urban
standard services are available to the site and will be detailed in the servicing drawings at the subdivision
Corrsistentwithffeighboring developments, it is recomm .nded that the Creekside Street right of way be
dedicated on the same plan as the "Park" dedication.
Parks & Leisure Services Department:
The Parks & Leisure Services Department have identified that after the subdivision is completed they
will be responsible for maintaining the street trees. In the case of this project it is estimated that there
will be an additional 24 trees: final subdivision design will provide exact numbers. The Manager of
Parks & Open Space has advised that the maintenance requirement of $25.00 per new tree will increase
their budget requirements by $600.00.
e) Environmental and Geotechnical Implications:
As previously noted, the tributary to Horseshoe Creek is located within 50 meters of the development
site. The construction of Creekside Street to the north and south was directed by environmental and
geotechnical consultation and Creekside Street is the buffer between the neighborhoods and the
environmentally sensitive land. Accordingly the environmental and geotechnical issues will be
addressed at the subdivision stage.
It is recommended that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6203 - 2004 be read a first time and
that application RZ/008/04 be forwarded to Public Hearing.
Prepared by: David Stevenson
PlanninLy Technician
Jane iJ'hig1CP, MCIP
Approved by: Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP
G : Public Works & Development Services
Concurrence: J.IJ. (Jim) Rule
Chkf Administrative Officer
• '0
I- 21 / 22
23 \_\//
24 BC P 3687 ___
Cl) 1 L 083 I L P 50083
11470 3 6 7 50
11460 2
0 114AAVE. 51
23719 O.
11 20 38 7
11440 11441 11442 11443 56 52
12 21 30
39 /55
11433 LMP 49698 11430 11431 I 11.1 5
13 22 31 40 G 11424
11420 11421 11422 11423 (1) 11414 PARK
14 23 .:
C') (Li)
41 w
11413 UI 58 11410 11411 0 < 33
ir 42 0
11405 15
Q_11397 11398 Q. 11399
43 16 .J 25 111386 11367 11384 11365 11376 44 17 26 35
11374 11375 11377
LMP 3)464 45 181 27 i 36' 113 67 11364 11365 111366 I LMS 3308 19 28 37 46
11354 11355 11356 J 11357
PcI. 'A' 11355
(0 7 1
11296 lIMP I— LMP 43730
11 i 13 11291
111290 31
w 15 I PARK
23555 " 11281 I
II2BAVE. 112 B AVE W 23542 ______w
Ix 2
7 8l
5 11281 PARK
BC 398 11251 LMPl3616 LMP36163
Rem G
- - _ - Rem4
("1 P 24650
Pitt Meadows
-- IL suve valley I 11330/42 236 STREET
N District of
0 MAPLE RID G E I Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT
SCALE 1:2,500
BY: PC DATE: Jan 20, 2004 FILE: RZ1008104
- 3001 3000 1550 27.72 750 27.72 2000
30 411 4 198.52 2
411 , 30
7159 6
18 E26
i 412
o 429 qi
5 b)
26 11.55 1716 4.56 7,
16 547 ,qn9i 10
- 5Q5
111 716 116 5027 I 21.02
31. 1581 5.71 20.77 7.50 42.02 2000
It McElhanney NOTES:
otd Area apprcx. 16190 oq.m. (4.0 ac)
Pa& Area appro 20 sq,m, (20%)
Lài$assume5 CP-I-9 ZOW
Msnun 7I s.m.: 12,0m we with Iie I,Om wIde frt access;
24.Orn O,0m deep.
Sketch 1 Scale: 1:1000
AqI5L 21 Q Date: August 2003
Drawn: 2111—P4277
BY-LAW NO. 6203 - 2004
A By-law to amend Map "A" forming part
of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended.
WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510-
1985 as amended;
NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple
Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:
This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 6203 - 2004."
Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as:
Lot 17, Section 16, Township 12, Plan 36461, New Westminster District
Lot 18, Section 16, Township 12, Plan 36461, New Westminster District
and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1320 a copy of which is attached hereto and
forms part of this by-law, are hereby rezoned to CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District)
Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto
are hereby amended accordingly.
READ a first time the day of
PUBLIC HEARING held the day of
READ a second time the day of
READ a third time the day of
A.D. 200.
A.D. 200.
A.D. 200.
day of
J . 15.1
308 17.6
71470 - .
1 7472 7/41
Q. 1739
43 U)
LU _______ a
LU 7137 W ______Of
46 20.0
71395 15
0 7739 34
17386 6
- 25
1 1J8. 77375
_____ 17
77374 ______
( 36
11366 I
18 11364 27
7 IJ66
19 28 I I
, , A 71355
ha 18
co 0.809 ha 77342 14-
17 0 Ii
0.809 ho I I
11296 U MP 3(163 1. 1728 389 14 1 20.0 LMP 43730
ii: 1129 3 4 Rem 13
15 77290
- I- C')
- 772} bJ PARK a ) . 0 . - U) i 112 B AVE. ui 112 B AVE.
LU -
2 " ' I - .. -126 I IcN I
17267 ( ro
4 3 i I 6I 7 I 8 9 io\ 11 57 PARK
17251 I LMPI 3163 7. H LMP 36163
172J7 ii
Bylaw No. 6203-2004
Map No. 1320
From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential)
To: CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District)
MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 ...........................................-.,,
TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: March 8, 2004
and Members of Council FiLE NO: DP/018/04
FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W
SUBJECT: Development Permit
9610 - 287 Street
An application has been received which if approved will permit the construction of an approximate
134 m2 addition to an existing neighbourhood pub for a licensee retail store.
As the subject site is located within Development Permit Area Vifi it is necessary that Council
approve a development permit prior to issuance of a building permit.
That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/018/04 respecting property located
at 9610 287 Street.
Background Context:
Legal Description:
OCP Existing:
Zoning Existing:
Surrounding Uses
Existing Use of Property:
Previous Applications:
Project Description:
Red Cedar Holdings
460375 B C Ltd.
Lot 1, D.L. 438, Plan LMP2671 1, NWD
Rural Commercial
C-4 (Neighbourhood Pub Zone)
M-2 General Industrial
M-2 General Industrial
M-2 General Industrial
RS-3 One Family Rural Residential
C-4 (Neighbourhood Public House Commercial
287th Street
DP/28/95, DVP/1 7/95
The applicant is proposing to construct a licensee retail store as an addition to the existing building.
The C-4 Neighbourhood Public House Commercial Zone, permits a licensee retail store where this use
i) be located within the Neighbourhood Pub;
The addition will be connected to the existing structure with internal employee access via a second
floor hallway.
provide parking in accordance with the retail commercial provisions of the Maple
Ridge Off Street Parking and Loading Bylaw; and
Parking in excess of that required by bylaw will be provided on site.
not exceed 40% gross floor area.
By definition, Gross Floor Area includes all floors measured to the extreme outer limits of the
building and includes all areas giving access thereto such as corridors, hallways staircases and
The existing pub gross floor area:
Main floor 269.4 sq.m.
Basement 130.0 sq.m.
Office 51.7 sci.m.
Existing GFA 451.2 sci.m.
Proposed addition gross floor area:
Main floor 127.4 sq.m.
Mezzanine 50.9 sq.m.
Addition GFA 178.4 sci.m.
Proposed total gross floor area 629.6 sq.m. x 40% = 251.8 sq.m.
Proposed Licensee Retail Store area 178.4 sq.m.
The Licensee Retail Store area will be less than 40% of the combined total gross floor area for the
existing pub and proposed addition.
c) Planning Analysis:
The subject site was placed in Development Permit Area VIII as a condition of rezoning the property
to C-4 (Neighbourhood Public House Commercial) in 1995. The objectives of Development Permit
Area VIII are:
To facilitate orderly development of the areas through particular attention to the siting and
form of commercial buildings and areas for parking and storage.
To ensure adequate access and egress from and to the site.
To buffer adjacent residential land uses to ensure compatibility.
To ensure the character of buildings is appropriate to functions performed and present a
quality image to the streetfront.
The Guidelines for this Development Permit area are:
Building siting should ensure adequate circulation and safe access and egress for commercial
uses and to provide adequate on-site parking.
The addition is proposedIoxanareacnrrently used for parking to the rear ofthe exist-in g-building.Thc
proposed addition will require an increase of six stalls to a minimum requirement of 28, however a
total of 33 stalls will be provided.
Particular attention should be made to the image presented to the streetfront.
Since the addition will be to the rear of the site behind the existing building the adjacent residential
land use to the west will not be impacted and the image presented to the street remains relatively
Adjacent residential uses should be adequately protected by significant landscaping. the
provision of screening, and by the form of commercial buildings to ensure a compatible and
smooth transition to lower density surrounding land uses.
The existing building is a log structure, set back 18 metres from 287th street. Landscaping is provided
in front of the building and adjacent to the parking areas. Parking is oriented to the rear and exterior
side (961h Avenue) of the site away from residential uses.
4. The character of commercial uses should be enhanced by landscaping of substantial
proportions around property lines and on the site.
The addition will be constructed to the rear of the existing building, as a result the landscape work
provided with the initial Development Permit will not be significantly impacted.
The design of the addition continues to use the same log elements for structural support members and
a consistent roof treatment as used on the existing building. The addition will use wood siding that is
a material consistent in providing a natural appearance with the existing log construction.
As the design and construction elements proposed for this addition are not significant in that they
closely reflect the existing building, it was determined that a review by the Advisory Design Panel
was not necessary.
Based on the design submitted, the proposed addition will not visually have a significant impact on the
existing neighbourhood or presentation to the street. As the building design is consistent with the
existing structure, and meets the objectives of the Development Permit area, it is recommended that
Development Permit DP/018/04 be approved by Council.
Prepared by: Bruce McLeod
LaiDe Planning Technician
Approved : Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP
/ Grrublic Works & Development Services
Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule
Chief 4dministrative Officer
9555 9550
P 57927
/ 9 /.7M
P 57927
P 47148
r 1
LMP 26711
LMP 7355
96 AVE
P 376
District of
Pitt Meadows
1 Silver Valley 's',
LL"---- J - 9610 287 Street
:—-.= - I •j' I'I
~ L-7~ MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT
River DATE: Feb 26, 2004 FILE: DP/018/04 BY: RO
SCALE 1:2000
District of
rA '4J'.4C
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I51I.JC1 LOC.1
TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: February 26, 2004
and Members of Council FILE NO: E08-015-919
FROM: Chief Administrative Officer E01-052-001.2
SUBJECT: Excess Capacity/Extended Services Agreement LC 91/04
A developer has subdivided land at 244 Street and 103 Avenue. Part of the subdivision servicing
is considered to be excess or extended servicing in accordance with the Local Government Act.
The extended servicing benefits adjacent properties. Latecomer Agreement LC 91/04 provides
the municipality's assessment of the attribution of the costs of the excess or extended servicing to
the benefiting lands.
That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD 87/03, at 244 Street and 103
Avenue, be it resolved that:
That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part,
excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid
by the owners of the land being subdivided, and
That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the
parcels and in the amounts as set out in the memorandum of the Chief
Administrative Officer dated February , 26, 2004, and
That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal Excess Capacity
Latecomer Agreement LC 91/04 with the subdivider of the said-lands; - -
a) Background Context:
The attached map identifies the lands which are involved in the subdivisions and those which
will benefit from the excess or extended services. The cost breakdown for each excess or
extended service is shown on attached Schedule A.
In addition, a copy of Excess Capacity Latecomer Agreement LC 91/04 is also attached for
information purposes.
Strategic Alignment:
Administration of excess or extended services legislation complies with the Smart Managed
Growth element of the Corporate Strategic Plan. The administration procedure supports the
requirement for a developer to construct municipal infrastructure in support of land development
and recognizes that the infrastrucutre may provide benefit to other land.
Policy Implications:
Part 26, Division 11, of the Local Government Act provides that where a developer pays all or
part of the cost of excess or extended services, the municipality shall determine the proportion of
the cost of the service which constitutes excess or extended service and determine the proportion
of the cost of the service to be attributed to parcels of land which the municipality considers will
benefit from the service. Latecomer Agreement LC 91/04 will provide such determination for
Subdivision SD 87/03.
A developer has provided ce-tain services in support of Subdivision SD 87/03. Some of the
services benefit adjacen,t lanis therefore, it is appropriate to impose Latecomer Charges on the
benefitting lands. Lat,omer Agreement LC 91/04 summarizes the municipality's determination
of benefitting landsAnd cos attribution and also establishes the term over which such Latecomer
Charges will be aplied. / '1
Prepared by: Ji1 Schban,
, irector of Development Engineering
Reviewed by: AAidrew Wood, MEng.,PEng.
Municipal Engineer
Approved by: F/ank Quinn, MBA, PEng., PMP
GM: Public Works & Development Services
hief Administrative Officer
Schedule A
Storm Sewer 2 $2,473.00 Lot M, Plan 21679
Lot E 133 Ft. B,
Plan 8852
$ 873.00
Storm Sewer 4 $10,600.00 $2,650.00 Lot E 133 Ft. B.
Plan 8852
4 x $2,650.00
Sanitary 5 $14,880.00 $2,976.00 Lot E 133 Ft. B,
-Sewer ---• .Plan..8852
4 x $2,976.00
RemN Y2NE '/4,Sec3
1 x $2,976.00
A total of all of the aforementioned services for each property is as follows:
List Properties Amount of Benefit
Lot M, Sec. 3, Twp. 12, Plan 21679, NWD $ 1,600.00
Lot E 133 Ft. of B, Sec. 3, Twp. 12, Plan 8852, NWD $23,377.00
Rem. N '/2 of NE '/4, Sec. 3, Twp. 12, NWD $ 2,976.00
3 9
12 I 10
6 10
'24 25 j~jjj ~'fl?jjjjjjjjj,j J I
LC 91/04 SD 87/03
Incorporated 12 September, 1814 DEPARTMENT
N. T.S.
LC 9 1/04 - SD 87/03
THIS AGREEMENT made the day of , 2004:
Falcon Homes & Designs Ltd.
Stacks & Decker Developments Inc.
P.O. Box 29533
Stn. Del Ctr
Maple Ridge BC
V2X 0V2
(Hereinafter called the "Subdivider")
Corporation under the "Local Government Act", having its offices at 11995
Haney Place, in the Municipality of Maple Ridge, in the Province of British
(Hereinafter called the "Municipality")
The Subdivider has subdivided certain lands and premises located within the
Municipality of Maple Ridge, in the Province of British Columbia, and more
particularly known and described as: - -
Lot 1, Sec. 3, Twp. 12, Plan LMP 54573, NWD
(Hereinafter called the "said lands")
In order to facilitate the approval of the subdivision of the said lands, the
Subdivider has constructed and installed the storm sewer and sanitary sewer
services shown on the design prepared by Hunter Laird Engineering Ltd., Job
No. 4126 (Sheets 1 to 21) dated January 2003, reviewed as noted April 15,
2003. Project No. E08-015-919.
(Hereinafter called the "Extended Services");
The extended services have been provided with a capacity to service the said
lands and other than the said lands;
The Municipality considers its cost to provide the Extended Services to be
The Subdivider has provided the Extended Services in the Amount of
The Municipality has determined that
Lot M, Sec. 3, Twp. 12, Plan 21679, NWD and
Lot E 133 Ft. of B, Sec. 3, Twp. 12, Plan 8852, NWD and
Rem. N V2 of NE V4 Sec. 3, Twp. 12, NWD
(the "Benefitting Lands") will benefit from the Extended Services;
The Municipality has imposed as a condition of the owner of the Benefitting
Lands connecting to or using the Extended Services, a charge (the "Latecomer
Charge") on the Benefitting Lands in the following amounts:
Lot M. Sec. 3, Twp. 12, Plan 21679. NWD
- $1 .600.00 for use of the storm sewer system on 244 Street.
Lot E 133 Ft. of B, Sec. 3, Twp. 12, Plan 8852, NWD
- $873.00 for any use of the storm sewer system at the southwest corner of
the property.
- $2,650.00 per unit, to a maximum of $10,600.00, for the use of the storm
sewer system at the southwest corner of the property without extending a
municipal storm sewer from that system.
- $2,976.00 per unit, to a maximum of $11,904.00, for use of the sanitary
sewer system along the south boundary of the property without extending
a municipal sanitary sewer from that system.
Lot Rem N 'A NE '/4 Sec. 3
- $2.976.00 for any use of the sanitary sewer system which is at the west
property line of the property. about 152 meters south of 104 Avenue,
plus interest calculated annuall y from the date of completion of the Extended
Services as certified by the General Manager - Public Works & Development
Services of the Municipality (the "Completion Date") to the date of
connection by the Benefitting Lands to the Extended Services;
The Latecomer Charge when paid by the owner of the Benefitting Lands and
elle-e.ted-by-the. Munieipa1ityshail .pusuant_tQ_S.e.ti.Qn 9.3.9_ç7-)_f the-Lgc1
Government Act R.S.B.C. 1996, c.323 be paid to the Subdivider as provided
for in this Agreement.
NOW THEREFORE AS AUTHORIZED BY Section 939 (9) of the Local
Government Act R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 323 the parties hereto agree as follows:
The Latecomer Charge, if paid by the owner of the Benefitting Lands and
collected by the Municipality within ten (10) years of the Completion Date shall be
paid to the Subdivider and in such case payment will be made within 30 days of June
30th and December 31st of the year in which the Latecomer Charge is collected by
the Municipality.
This Agreement shall expire and shall be of no further force and effect for any
purpose on the earlier of the payment of the Latecomer Charge by the Municipality to
the Subdivider, or ten (10) years from the Completion Date, and thereafter the
Municipality shall be forever fully released and wholly discharged from any and all
liability and obligations herein, or howsoever arising pertaining to the Latecomer
Charge, and whether arising before or after the expiry of this Agreement.
The Subdivider represents and warrants to the Municipality that the
Subdivider has not received, claimed, demanded or collected money or any other
consideration from the owner of the Benefitting Lands for the provision, or
expectation of the provision of the Extended Services, other than as contemplated and
as provided for herein; and further represents and warrants that he has not entered into
any agreement with the owner of the Benefitting Lands for consideration in any way
related to or connected directly or indirectly with the provision of the Extended
Services. The representations and warranties of the Subdivider herein shall,
notwithstanding paragraph 2 of this Agreement, survive the expiry of this Agreement.
The Subdivider (if more than one corporate body or person) hereby agrees that
the Municipality shall remit the Latecomer Charge to each corporate body or person
in equal shares.
If the Subdivider is a sole corporate body or person, the Municipality shall
remit the Latecomer Charge to the said sole corporate body or person, with a copy to
the following (name and address of director of corporate body, accountant, lawyer,
In the event that the Subdivider is not the owner of the said lands, the owner
shall hereby grant, assign, transfer and set over unto the Subdivider, his heirs and
assigns, all rights, title and interest under this Agreement.
I jr
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their
respective Corporate Seals, attested by the hands of their respective officers duly
authorized in that behalf, the day and year first above written.
The COrporate Seal of The Corporate Seal of
Falcon Homes & Stacks & Decker
Designs Ltd. Developments Inc.
was hereunto affixed in the presence of; was hereunto affixed in the presence of:
Authorized Signatory - Subdivider Authorized Signatory - Owner
Authorized Signatory - Subdivider Authorized Signatory - Owner
The Corporate Seal of the CORPORATION OF
hereunto affixed in the presence of:
Mayor - Authorized Signatory
Clerk - Authorized Signatory
TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: February 26, 2004
and Members of Councit FILE NO: E08-016-631
FROM: Chief Administrative Officer E0 1-052-001.2
SUBJECT: Excess Capacity/Extended Services Agreement LC 92/04
A developer has subdivided land at Spring Avenue and 124 Avenue. Part of the subdivision
servicing is considered to be excess or extended servicing in accordance with the Local
Government Act. The extended servicing benefits adjacent properties. Latecomer Agreement
LC 92/04 provides the municipality's assessment of the attribution of the costs of the excess or
extended servicing to the benefiting lands.
That with respect to subdivision SD 62/01 located at Spring Avenue and 124 Avenue, be it
resolved that:
That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part,
excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid
by the owners of the land being subdivided, and
That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the
parcels and in the amounts as set out in the memorandum of the Chief
Administrative Officer dated February 26, 2004, and further
That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal Excess Capacity
Latecomer Agreement LC 92/04 with the subdivider of the said lands.
a) Background Context:
The attached map identifies the lands which are involved in the subdivisions and those which
will benefit from the excess or extended services. The cost breakdown for each excess or
extended service is shown on attached Schedule A.
In addition, a copy of Excess Capacity Latecomer Agreement LC 92/04 is also attached for
information purposes.
Strategic Alignment:
Administration of excess or extended services legislation complies with the Smart Managed
Growth element of the Corporate Strategic Plan. The administration procedure supports the
requirement for a developer to construct municipal infrastructure in support of land development
and recognizes that the infrastructure may provide benefit to other land.
Policy Implications:
Part 26, Division 11, of the Local Government Act provides that where a developer pays all or
part of the cost of excess or extended services, the municipality shall determine the proportion of
the cost of the service which constitutes excess or extended service and determine the proportion
of the cost of the service to be attributed to parcels of land which the municipality considers will
benefit from the service. Latecomer Agreement LC 92/04 will provide such determination for
Subdivision SD 62/01.
A developer has provided certain services in support of Subdivision SD 62/01. Some of the
services benefit adjacent ds therefore, it is appropriate to impose Latecomer Charges on the
benefitting lands. I ati m Agreement LC 92/04 summarizes the municipality's determination
of benefitting lands d c t attribution and also establishes the term over which such Latecomer
Charges will be app ed.
Prepared by: efScherban,
Development Engineering
Reviewed by: dsdWood, MEng.,PEng.
Municipal Engineer
Approved by: rank Quinn, MBA, PEng., PMP
GM: Public Works & Development Services
Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule
/Chief Administrative Officer
- - --- - - - ---- -- -- - --
Storm Sewer 3 $7,160.00 $3,580.00 Lot 1, Plan 10088
(Walkway) 1 x $3,580.00
Sanitary 2 $6,280.00 $3,140.00 Lot 1, Plan 10088
Sewer I x $3,140.00
Storm Sewer 10 $24,550.00 $2.455.00 Lot 42, Plan 26796
124 Avenue I x$2,455.00
Lot 43, Plan 26796
1 x $2,455.00
Lot 97, Plan 26156
2 x $2,455.00
Lot 121, Plan 31001
1 x $2,455.00
Lot Rem 2, Plan 31001
2 x $2 1455.00
Lot 3, Plan 13700
1 x $2,455.00
A total of all of the aforementioned services for each property is as follows:
List Properties Amount of Benefit
Lot 1, DL 244, Gp. 1, Plan 10088, NWD $6,720.00
Lot 42, DL 244, Gp. 1, Plan 26796, NWD $2,455.00
Lot 43, DL 244, Gp. 1, Plan 26796, NWD $2,455.00
Lot 97, DL 245, Gp. 1, Plan 26156, NWD $4,910.00
Lot 12 1, DL 245, Gp. 1,Plan31001,NWD $2,455.00
Lot Rem 2, DL 245, GP. 1, Plan 13700, NWD $4,910.00
Lot 3, DL 245, Gp. 1, Plan 13700, NWD $2,455.00
184 3 12503
174 199 3 21497
24 224 211
cz 215
CHERRY PLACE 1 ( 222 I 12470 124712
I . .... 1\ )
2211 or
2-/4' •
23 22 21 20 19 160
21 220 / 219
4 >6
6 5 4 3 2 159 ___
- .42.43. 44
I _
124 A. 2
2 1 92 93 94
95 I 96 97 ... 121 •
V .................................
•R•ern . •
214 21
•I ••! I I I I I I I
LC 92/04 SD 62/01
Incptmd 12 5.ptib, 1174 DEPARTMENT SCALE:
FILE/DWG No LC 92-2004 DATE: FEBRUARY 2004 ______ N.T.S.
LC 92/04 - SD 62/0 1
THIS AGREEMENT made the day of , 2004:
Jack T. Kosaka
23418-118 Avenue
Maple Ridge BC
V2X 9L5
(Hereinafter called the "Subdivider")
Corporation under the "Local Government Act", having its offices at 11995
Haney Place, in the Municipality of Maple Ridge, in the Province of British
(Hereinafter called the "Municipality")
The Subdivider has subdivided certain lands and premises located within the
Municipality of Maple Ridge, in the Province of British Columbia, and more
particularly known and described as:
Lot 2, D.L. 244, Plan 10088. NWD
(Hereinafter called the "said lands")
In order to facilitate the approval of the subdivision of the said lands, the
Subdivider has constructed and installed the storm sewer and sanitary sewer
services shown on the design prepared by D.K. Bowins and Associates Inc.
Sheets I to 10, dated February, 2003, reviewed as noted February 20, 2003.
Project No. E08-01 6-631.
(Hereinafter called the "Extended Services");
C. The extended services have been provided with a capacity to service the said
lands and other than the said lands;
The Municipality considers its cost to provide the Extended Services to be
The Subdivider has provided the Extended Services in the Amount of
The Municipality has determined that
Lot 1, DL 244, Gp. 1, Plan 10088, NWD and,
Lot 42, DL 244, Gp. 1, Plan 26796, NWD and,
Lot 43, DL 244,.Gp. 1, Plan 26796, NWD and,
Lot 97, DL 245, Gp. 1, Plan 26156, NWD and,
Lot 121, DL 245, Gp. 1, Plan 31001, NWD and,
Lot Rem. 2, DL 245, Gp. 1, Plan 13700, NWD and,
Lot 3, DL 245, Gp. 1, Plan 13700, NWD
(the "Benefitting Lands") will benefit from the Extended Services;
The Municipality has imposed as a condition of the owner of the Benefitting
Lands connecting to or using the Extended Services, a charge (the "Latecomer
Charge") on the Benefitting Lands in the following amounts:
Lot 1, DL 244, Gp. 1, Plan 10088, NWD
- $3,580.00 for use of the storm sewer system at the northeast corner of the
property without extending the sewer main
- $3,140.00 for use of the sanitary sewer system at the northeast corner of
the property without extending the sewer main
Lot 42, DL 244, Gp. 1, Plan 26796, NWD
- $2,455.00 for use of the storm sewer on 124 Avenue
Lot 43, DL 244, Gp 1, Plan 26796. NWD
- $2,455.00 for use of the storm sewer on 124 Avenue
Lot 97, DL 245, Gp. 1, Plan 26156, NWD
- $2,455.00 per lot, to a maximum of $4,910.00, for use of the storm sewer
on 124 Avenue
Lot 121,DL245.Gp. 1,Plan3lOOl,NWD
- $2,455.00 for use of the storm sewer on 124 Avenue
Lot Rem. 2, DL 245, Gp. 1, Plan 13700. NWD
- $2,455.00 per lot, to a maximum of $4,910.00, for use of the Storm sewer
on 124 Avenue
Lot 3, DL 245, Gp. 1, Plan 13700, NWD
- $2,455.00 for use of the storm sewer on 124 Avenue
plus interest calculated annually from the date of completion of the Extended
Services as certified by the General Manager - Public Works & Development
Services of the Municipality (the "Completion Date") to the date of
connection by the Benefitting Lands to the Extended Services;
H. The Latecomer Charge when paid by the owner of the Benefitting Lands and
collected by the Municipality shall pursuant to Section 939 (7) of the Local
Government Act R.S.B.C. 1996, c.323 be paid to the Subdivider as provided
for in this Agreement.
NOW THEREFORE AS AUTHORIZED BY Section 939 (9) of the Local
Government Act R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 323 the parties hereto agree as follows:
The Latecomer Charge, if paid by the owner of the Benefitting Lands and
collected by the Municipality within ten (10) years of the Completion Date shall be
paid to the Subdivider and in such case payment will be made within 30 days of June
30th and December 31st of the year in which the Latecomer Charge is collected by
the Municipality.
This Agreement shall expire and shall be of no further force and effect for any
purpose on the earlier of the payment of the Latecomer Charge by the Municipality to
the Subdivider, or ten (10) years from the Completion Date, and thereafter the
Municipality shall be forever fully released and wholly discharged from any and all
liability and obligations herein, or howsoever arising pertaining to the Latecomer
Charge, and whether arising before or after the expiry of this Agreement.
The Subdivider represents and warrants to the Municipality that the
Subdivider has not received, claimed, demanded or collected money or any other
consideration from the owner of the Benefitting Lands for the provision, or
expectation of the provision of the Extended Services, other than as contemplated and
as provided for herein; and further represents and warrants that he has not entered into
any agreement with the owner of the Benefitting Lands for consideration in any way
related to or connected directly or indirectly with the provision of the Extended
Services. The representations and warranties of the Subdivider herein shall,
notwithstanding paragraph 2 of this Agreement, survive the expiry of this Agreement.
The Subdivider (if more than one corporate body or person) hereby agrees that
the Municipality shall remit the Latecomer Charge to each corporate body or person
in equal shares.
If the Subdivider is a sole corporate body or person, the Municipality shall
remit the Latecomer Charge to the said sole corporate body or person, with a copy to
the following (name and address of director of corporate body, accountant, lawyer,
6. In the event that the Subdivider is not the owner of the said lands, the owner
shall hereby grant, assign, transfer and set over unto the Subdivider, his heirs and
assigns, all rights, title and interest under this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their
respective Corporate Seals, attested by the hands of their respective officers duly
authorized in that behalf, the day and year first above written.
Jack T. Kosaka
Authorized Signatory - Subdivider
Authorized Signatory - Subdivider
The Corporate Seal of the CORPORATION OF
hereunto affixed in the presence of:
Mayor - Authorized Signatory
Clerk - Authorized Signatory
TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse
and Members of Council
FROM: Chief Administrative Officer
SUBJECT: 5% Money in lieu of parkiand dedication
(20497 115 AVE)
DATE: February 27. 2004
FILE NO: SD/124/03
The above noted subdivision is subject to both Policy 8 of the Official Community Plan and the
provisions of the Local Government Act regarding parkiand dedication or payment of money in
lieu. It is recommended that Council require money in lieu of parkland dedication for property
located at 20497 115 AVE.
That pursuant to Council's policy regarding 5% Parkland Dedication or payment of Money
in Lieu, be it resolved that the owner of land the subject of SD/124/03 (20497 115 AVE) shall
pay to the District of Maple Ridge an amount that is not less than S18,000.00.
Policy 8 of the Official Community Plan states that in order to preserve watercourses. an owner of
land being subdivided shall, at the option of Council either:
I. Provide park land or an amount not to exceed 5% of the land being subdivided in a location
acceptable to Council: or
2. Pa' to the Municipality an amount that equals the market value of up to 5% of the land that
may be required for park land purposes.
Where there is a significant watercourse and the District has the ability to include ravines and
watercourse protection areas into the public realm. that area is dedicated Park. These areas
provide for large vegetated areas in urban neighbourhoods that provide corridors for wildlife arid
passive park areas for residents.
Where there is either no watercourse or the watercourse is deemed insiwiificant. 5% of the marked
value of the land is paid to the District. These funds are placed into a special Parkland Acquisition
Reserve Fund, which enables theDistrict to purchase areas deemed important for habitat
protection but where the ability to achieve parkland through development is limited, such as the
Blaney Bog.
In this particular instance there is no watercourse present and it is. therefore. recommended that
money in lieu of parkiand dedication be provided.
In keeping with past practice the District has requested that an appraisal be provided for the 5%
market value of the development site. This appraisal is based on zoned but not serviced land.
An opinion from an appraisal firm has stated that the market value of the land is $360.000.00,
which indicates that the 5% value of this property is $18,000.00.
As there are no watercourses on the property it is recommended that Council require money in lieu
of parkland dedication as prescribed in the appraisal
Prep .i':Dd
Planning Technician
Appro'etIbv Frank Quinn
• GM: Public Works & Development Services
L. (Jim) Rule
Administrative Officer
_,, -
3 4
I E.
P 75528 \
\ 4
3 2 1 T
3837 36 35
6 _
115A AVE.
P 86442
39 40
41 42
P 74898
P 75528
46 45
3 44
11515 ..........._........................_._........._................__._....._...1 . 115 AVE.
11490 I
_P3209 _
47 48 49 50 11498
L P74898 MP
31115 x 11490 52
51 w
3 53 11489 I
feC&poration of the District of Maple Ridge 1
makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy
or present status of the information shown on
I— I this map.
(I, _______________________________________ 5 I 1148 --
District of
Pitt Meadows -
20497-115th Avenue
0 At
Distnctof MAPLE RIDGE ngley MAPLE RIDGE Thornhill
DATE: Feb 27, 2004 FILE: SD/124/03 BY: DS
Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT
SCALE 1:1,000 _____
N.W.D. PLA1 86442
10 5 0 10.0 25.0
8 Scale 1:500
1130 / 9 10
At 8t r
557m2 57m2
Rem.. .1.
i 1
12X12 2X12
1 . I
1 39
1 24 \ 2.24 2.58
—1.50 D 9.97 1.60
C O.117ho
557m2 HOUSE 46
12X12 —18.17-------
November 26th, 20 3
Wade & Associates Land Surveying Ltd.
B.C. Land Surveyor
Maple Ridge & Miss on
/nov/giIl Ph ne 604-463-4753
I 50 - 50 3.00 3.66 1
17.95 - I -
In 115 AVENUE I8
_ 53.51 0AO 22.98
t _ 115 AVENUE
PcI 1
TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: March 4, 2004
and Members of Council FILE NO: E04-043-001.4
FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W
SUBJECT: GVRD - Liquid Waste Management Plan Biennial Report - February 2004
Executive Summary:
When Council ratified the Greater Vancouver Regional District's (GVRD) Liquid Waste Management
Plan (LWIvIP) submission to the Province, it committed to providing biennial reports on the progress
towards achieving the plan's objectives.
In the interim years, the GVRD is required to submit an annual report. The 2002 report submitted in
March 2003 was the first interim annual report and this is the first biennial report. The 2004 report
compiles the status of Maple Ridge's activities as well as those of other municipalities.
The report will be submitted to the GVRD Board on March 26, 2004.
LWMP issues for Maple Ridge include:
increasing demands due to population growth,
• sanitary sewer overflows,
• aging infrastructure,
• reducing inflow and infiltration,
• stormwater management,
• on-site disposal and
• non-point source pollution management
This report is submitted for information only.
-The District of Maple Ridge,along with.mernber. munici.pal.ities.and.the GVRD deveiopedaLiquidWaste.
Management Plan (LWMP) over the latter part of the 1990s. The plan was required under the Province's
Waste Management Act and is based on a number of policies, commitment and schedules to manage
liquid waste in the region. The LWMP is scheduled to be reviewed every 5 years and identifies long term
initiatives as well as performance targets.
The District of Maple Ridge as a member of the GVRD, participated in the development of the plan,
endorsed the LWMP Stage 2 on May 10, 2000 and ratified the LWMP on March 27, 2001. Subsequent to
its review, the Province approved the LWMP in April 2002.
The Liquid Waste Management Plan outlines the policies and commitments of the District in managing
liquid waste. The Plan specifically applies to the municipal commitments such as
• continuing to increase efforts to rehabilitate the existing infrastructure,
• increasing its focus on stormwater management as a key infrastructure service area,
• considering non-point source pollution management issues.
Increasing Demands Due to Increased Population or Additional Growth
Maple Ridge will continue requiring sewerage capacity as its population grows. GVRD long-range plans
will require on going coordination between the District and GVRD. An example is the analysis and
upgrades to the Interceptors and the need to work together to address Fraser Sewerage Area extensions.
Infrastructure Management and Replacement
Primary issues for Maple Ridge are infrastructure rehabilitation efforts and reduction of sewer inflow and
infiltration (rainfall or groundwater entry into the sewer system). Starting in 2003, the District began
focussing on a catchment areas based approach.
The Plan suggests the following strategies to deal with infrastructure replacement:
• increase the size of pipes to accommodate more flows because of "leaky" pipes.
• strategically replace pipes ($550,000 annually), or
• systematically replace a portion of the system per year.
A 'made in Maple Ridge' long term strategy to target infrastructure replacement and manage the system
is required. This may mean an increase to the current capital rehabilitation and replacement expenditures
over the medium to long term.
In addition, the Plan identifies several strategies to reduce sewer inflow and infiltration which the District
should expand:
• testing new sewers for leaks,
• conducting increased sewer system evaluation surveys (using WRc approach in 2004), and
• monitoring inflow and infiltration (using modeling and flow monitoring techniques)
Stormwater Management
Stormwater management is now included in LWMP. The Plan identifies:
• current stormwater management practices by municipalities,
• regulatory options for municipalities to manage stormwater, and
• a proposed watershed classification system.
Maple Ridge, as part of the LWMP work is expected to advance watershed planning through Integrated
Storm Water Management Plans (ISMPs). This will be included in the annual business plan process. In
addition, the District is a co-sponsor of the Water Balance Model (WBM).
Other issues
In addition non-point source management may emerge as future issues. These include the issues of
agricultural wastes and storm water, sewer extensions and on-site systems.
February 2004 Biennial Report
The February 2004 Biennial Report submission for Maple Ridge specifically addresses the following:
Sewer System Infrastructure Management (C 19)
• Sewer System Evaluation Programs
• Sewer Repair and Replacement Programs
Biennial LWMP progress report (C23)
Policies and Bylaws (C38)
Rate of Watershed-scale Stormwater Planning Work (C39)
On-site Disposal Mapping (C43)
Identification of Water Uses and Water Quality Objectives (C49)
A copy of the report will be kept both in the Council reading room and Engineering counter. In addition,
the Maple Ridge section of the municipal submissions is attached as Appendix A.
Strategic Alignment:
The strategic plan directs that the District will in partnership with other levels of government, develop
programs and projects to preserve and enhance the natural assets of Maple Ridge.
The LWMP was developed in cooperation with other governmental agencies including GVRD
municipalities to protect the environment and receiving waters.
Smart Managed Growth
The District's Strategic Plan directs that the District will protect and manage existing municipal
infrastructure through the preparation of appropriate plans to ensure development, maintenance and
renewal of public works assets
The LWIVIP affirms to the Province within the context of the region, the District's commitments to
develop and execute plans to protect the District's investments and the environment.
Citizen/Customer implications:
The District's mission is to provide a cost effective environmentally friendly and reliable liquid waste
management system. The reporting back on the program towards achieving plans such as the LWMP is
integral to meeting our customer-based objectives.
Interdepartmental Implications:
The LWMP involves many departments both within the Public Works Division as well as the Finance
Financial Implications:
The District's Strategic Plan states the direction that it will provide high quality municipal services to
citizens and customers in a cost effective and efficient manner and develop specific performance
measures to ensure best value in delivery of local government services.
The LWMP establishes objectives that will impact the operationalization of Business and Capital Plans.
These actions to meet the commitments will continue to be submitted to Council as part of its annual
Business Planning process through both operating and capital plans.
As part of the LWMP, municipalities and the GVRD are required to provide a biennial report to the
Province summarizing the progress in implementing the LWMP. While the first interim annual report was
prepared last year, this report is the first biennial report and compiles the status of Maple Ridge's
activities as well as other municipalities.
Prepared by:w Wood, MEng., PEng.
Municip 1 Enginee
Approved by: Frink Quinn, MBA, PEng., PMP
GneraI Manager, Public Works and Development Services
Concurrence: J.L. (JiY Rule
Chief idministrative Officer
• Greater Vancouver Regional District . .
Liquid Waste Management Plan Biennial Report • .. .February 2004
District of Maple Ridge. . •: .........
Historically the District has carried out sewer investigations based on operational problems and has. used CCTVing of
sewers to assess them and carry outrequired structural rehabilitation work. Starting 2003, the District is focussing on a
"sewershed" based approach to those works based on a prioritization plan developed as part of the District's Sewer Master
Plan completed in 2002. The District is planning to adopt a condition assessment system such as WRc apprOach in 2004,
after a review of its current practices. •. .
At present the District has no plans to assess the private property services. As the above sewershedbased plan
proceeds, this component would be reviewed, if further I & I reductions from each area were deemed essertial.
The District is at initial stages of the 20-year assessment plan and plans to annually review progress and address any
potential difficulties in meeting that commitment.
The District is planning to review and incorporate key elements of the "Sewer Condition Standards Reporting Template" in
the corning years.
C23 - Biennial Liquid Waste Management Plan Progress Report
District of Maple Ridge Reporting Period from: 01-Jan-2001 to: 31-Dec-2002
Description Unit Prior:
2001 -2002
Total as of
Municipal Sewer System Inventory
• Sanitary gravity sewers • • m 21,800 5,500 224,300
• Sanitary services ea. 980 160 13,800
• Combined sewers m NIL NIL NIL
• Combined services ea. NIL NIL NIL
• Sanitary forcemains m NA • 600 11,000
Sanitary Sewer System Evaluation Program -
• Sanitary sewers smoke tested m 0 0 0
o Sanitary sewers dye tested m • 0 0 0
• Sanitary sewers video inspected m 72,000 24,000 96,000
• •Percentage of entire municipality sewer system
inspected (video, smoke, dye)
% 32 10.7 42.8
Sanitary Sewer Structural Condition
• Percentage of entire municipal sewer system •
structurally rated as a result of inspections
% 0 0 0
Sewer System.Rehabilitation -
• Total length of sewers rehabilitated m 200 387 587
• Total number of services laterals rehabilitated ea. . NA 9 NA
• Number of structurally repaired
ea. NA NA NA
• Number of cross-cOnnection corrected ea. NA NA NA
Sanitary Sewer Overflows
• Total number of reported SSOs ea. 0 0 0
Greater Vancouver Regional District
Liquid Waste Management Plan Biennial Report February 2004
District of Maple Ridge Reporting Period from: 01-Jan-2001 to: 31-Dec-2002
Description Unit Prior:
Total as of
Summary of Costs Period 2001-2002
• Sanitary Sewer System Evaluation Program $ 24,000
• Sewer System Rehabilitation $186,000
• Total Cost For The Biennial Period $310 000
C38 - Policies and Bylaws
Municipalities, in consultation with the 7District where appropriate, and the Stormwater Interagency Liaison Group, commit
to adopting or updating, policies or bylaws related to improving stormwater management for at least two stormwater issues
over the five year period of the stormwater plan. Issues to be considered may include, source control, flood protection,
sediment and erosion control, soil conservation and topsoil removal, impervious area, and protection of ripanan zones.
Status: Ongoing
Stormwater Policies and Bylaws Reporting for the Period: 2002-2003
By-law Description: Status.
6067-2002 Silver Valley Area Plan - Incorporated stormwater best management needs Approved in 2002
as part of Infrastructure Servicing Plan and Implementation
in progress
N/A Best Management guidelines for sediment control from new developments Implemented from
N/A Set up procedure for building Permittees to get information and forms related Implemented from
to their site in regards to the Ministry of Water, Lands and Air Protection, and 2002
Department of Fisheries and Oceans regulations, such as:
DFO documents "Urban Stormwater Guidelines" and Best Management
Practices for Protection of Fish and Fish Habitat"
MWALP" Notification Forms 11 & 12"
Municipal "Watercourse Protection Bylaw" and Streamside Protection
C39 - Rate of Watershed-scale Stormwater Planning Work
Municipalities commit to undertake (or review) integrated stormwater management planning at a thfsclè for üthñ
watersheds (less than 80% of watershed area is in the Green Zone as defined in the 1996 Liveable Region Strategic Plan).
Watershed-scale planning will be ongOing and evolving and proceed such that plans for all watersheds will be completed
within the first twelve years following approval of the LWMP. Each watershed plan will be reviewed at least once every
twelve years. The Stormwater Interagency Liaison Group will develop a terms of reference template for integrated
stormwater management planning to facilitate the implementation of watershed-scale stormwater management plans in the
municipalities. The District will participate in watershed-scale stormwater management plans as appropriate and where
watersheds include two or more municipalities, a coordinated approach will be undertaken by appropriate municipalities.
Status: Under way
Work was underway for the Silver Valley and Albion development areas prior to the GVRD template elements such as
water quality sampling and strategy for agency sign-off were not included. Major tasks completed include:
• Stakeholder process;
Greater Vancouver Regional District
Liquid Waste Management Plan Biennial Report February 2004
• Watershed inventory;
• Environmental inventory and assessment;
• Hydrogeology inventory and assessment;
• Land use planning review;
• Natural hazard assessment;
• Ecological health assessment;
• Erosion assessment; -
The District also was a co-sponsor of the Water Balance Model (WBM). WBM would be a tool that can assess SWM BMP
options at land use planning stage to achieve significant runoff volume reductions within each development parcel.
Further to the stream inventory developed (see C-49) the District is planning to develop a District-wide ISMP prioritization
plan for its watersheds. This would make use of ISMP Template evolutions to-date, as well as planned OCP update as
they apply to the DMR's watersheds.
C43 - On-site Disposal Mapping
The District is currently reviewing its needs to update the Fraser Sewerage Area (FSA) boundary to meet on-going and
upcoming sewer servicing needs, as new areas develop.
Thereafter, the District plans to develop a database and a map of on-site servicing areas, which would include areas
serviced or to be serviced by septic systems or other viable on site treatment systems This requires coordination with the
Fraser Health Authority (FHA), the approving agency for on-site servicing.
C49 - Identification of Water Uses and Water Quality Objectives
Through their integrated stormwater management programs municipalities will identify water uses and water quality
objectives for waterways or confirm the applicability I of existing uses and objectives
Status: Underway
The Municipality has been conducting a Stream Information System, including water use and broad water quality, utilizing
GPS Mapping (200 1-2003). Once the inventory is complete, the Municipality will prioritize the watersheds for-further
studies, such as ISMPs on a prioritized basis.
The Database will initially be used by the local streamkeepOrs as a repository for their previously collected data and made
available for general use. While no water quality sampling was conducted on the behalf of the Municipality as a part of the
Stream Information System, visible pollution sources were inventoried.
D-2 1
TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: March 9, 2004
and Members of Council FILE NO: E04-136-00I
FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W
SUBJECT: Amendment to Fraser Sewerage Area (FSA)
Boundary - 136 Avenue area from 224 Street to 226 Street
The Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District (GVS&DD) and Maple Ridge have an approved
servicing plan under the GVS&DD Act, to collect, transmit and treat sewage from Maple Ridge. The area
agreed-to is the 'Fraser Sewerage Area' (FSA). Sections 31 and 32 of the GVS&DD Act provide for
amending the sewerage areas based on applications from municipalities. This application is to add the
buildings of 25 residential lots, into the FSA, as per attached Plan E04-136-1. The purpose is to eliminate
health risks and groundwater pollution resulting from malfunction of existing old septic systems.
THAT the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District (GVS&DD) Board be requested to
include in the Fraser Sewerage Area (FSA), servicing for the buildings in those parcels within the
District of Maple Ridge, as shown on Plan E04-136-1 and described in the report dated March 9,
a) Background Context:
The GVS&DD receives, transmits and treats sewage from member municipalities under an approved
servicing plan which defines the sewage contributing areas called the "Sewerage Areas". There are four
such Sewerage Areas and the District of Maple Ridge is included in the Fraser Sewerage Area (FSA).
Sections 31 and 32 of the GVS&DD Act provides for amending these Sewerage Area Boundaries based
on municipal Council approved applications to the GVS&DD Board. Such applications require approval
by the GVS&DD Board, prior to inclusion in the Sewerage Area. Normally 'District-wide' amendment
applications are tied with the updating of the OCP, which the District has done previously. The current
application is driven by the need to continue servicing properties with failing septic systems, which pose
an overriding public health concern.
Description of Area for Inclusion in FSA
The present application is to include twenty-five (25) residential lots along 136 Avenue, east of 224 street,
within the FSA, as shown in the attached plan E0l-136-l. In 2003, the owners requested the Council to
approve sanitary service connections from the Street sewer to these properties. The sewer is part of the
sewer and pumping system constructed to service the Silver Valley urban area to the northeast, that is part
of the FSA. This sewer traverses the 136 Ave/224 Street route and connects to the District's North Slope
Sanitary Trunk Sewer. These lotsare individually owned single-family residential lots, currently serviced
by septic systems. The building-age in the developed 22 lots vary from I to 73 years. These properties
are located within the North Alouette River Floodplain and are below the established 200-year flood
elevation of 6.Om GSC and subject to yearly surface floodings and high groundwater levels.
•) r
A Consulting Engineer's report, commissioned by the owners, has concluded that in this area there is a
high risk of septic system malfunction related health risks. It recommends that this area be provided with
sanitary services in view of the health risks, adverse environmental impacts of sewage contaminating the
groundwater and also due to surface water pollution related health risks during surface floodings.
Alternative servicing is infeasible due to above adverse ground conditions and the small lot sizes. The
Fraser Health Authority (FHA) has reviewed the report and concurred with the above report' s findings of
the high potential for health risks associated with failing septic systems on an ongoing basis. FHA also
agreed that it would be more economical and beneficial to replace the septic systems over time. with
service connections to the sewer system. The Fl-IA letter is attached to this report.
The District requested by a staff letter of October 6. 2003, that the area be included in the FSA. Further to
discussions with GVS&DD staff, this report is the formal Council resolution based application.
Potential Impacts of this Area Inclusion
in 1996, the GVS&DD Board adopted a Policy Guideline that includes examining impacts on the
following considerations when evaluating sewerage area extension applications. Our review, in the
context of potential impacts on the existing GVS&DD system, found no negative impacts but will result
in some beneficial impacts. as summarized below.
Financial: The addition of these 25 lots with their minimal residential sewage contribution would
not require upgrading of the existing operating sewage infrastructure. Connecting to a street
sewer system will be more economical to the property owners than replacing the failing septic
systems with new elevated septic systems, in these limited-area smaller lots, subject to high
groundwater conditions and frequent surface floodings.
Technical and Operational: The resulting additional sewage is domestic sewage and the proposed
connection point is to the North Slope interceptor Sewer. Currently, it has residual capacity.
Land Use Compliance: No further redevelopment from the existing single-family land use is
permitted or planned for these lots. As such. this area's land use complies with District's existing
land use plans as per the Official Community Plan (OCP) and also with the Livable Region
Strategic Plan (LRSP). The request to include servicing of the buildings in the FSA is consistent
with this.
Service Levels: Servicing the buildings on these properties would not degrade existing serviced
area service levels.
Local and Community Interests: These lots are zoned and already developed as residential
property, and their inclusion within the FSA would not encourage further development or
adversely impact adjacent municipalities or communities.
Regional Interests: Providing sewer connections is the only economical alternative to maintain
services to these properties with approved residential zoning. It will, over time, eliminate the
existing failing septic systems and contribute positively to protect public health during normal
operations as well as during floodings where sewage contamination would occur. Also on a local
and regional basis, this would eliminate the ongoing groundwater pollution from failing septic
systems and the high groundwater levels.
b) Desired Outcome:
The purpose of this report is to obtain Council support through a resolution to request the GVS&DD for
approval of including the servicing of the buildings in the FSA.
Strategic Alignment:
The Strategic Plan directs that the District will develop and maintain positive working relationships with
other agencies such as the GVRD and GVS&DD. This application furthers the goal of maintaining a
good working relationship by conforming to and implementing the processes related to the sewer
servicing agreements between the GVS&DD and the District.
Citizen/Customer Implications:
By advancing these site-specific servicing need based applications due to public health related concerns.
the District would be affirmatively responding to customer requests.
The FSA is the mechanism where the GVS&DD and Maple Ridge agree on the geographical definition of
the area serviced by the GVS&DD. This request allows the GVS&DD and Maple Ridge to formally
consider and approve extensions to the FSA boundary in accordance with Section 31 and 32 of the
GVS&DD Act, to address servicing needs and prevent health hazard and groundwater pollution risks.
Prepared k'SiUlu Vatagodakumbura, M.Sc., PEng.
Drainage & Utilities Engineer
Reviewed by: J Andrew Wood, MEng., PEng.
Mu ici al Engineer
Approved by: 7 Frank Quinn, MBA, PEng., PMP
General Manager: Public Works & Development Services
Concurrence: JJL. ( ) Rule
ihief Administrative Officer
C I 7: (8
Spttbe 1874 DEPARTMENT
N.T.S. DATE: 2004. 03. 09.PLAN : E04-136--1
Fraser North
Environmental Health Protection
400- 22470 Dewdney Trunk Road
Maple Ridge, British Columbia V2X 5Z6
Tel (604) 476-7000 Fax (604) 476-7077
Serwni the residents of Fraser Nomz Fraser South and Fraser East
August 22, 2003
Mr. Jeff Scherban
Director of Development Engineering/Approving Officer
District of Maple Ridge
11995 HaneyPlace
Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9
Dear Sir:
Re: Health Concerns relating to 136 Avenue On -Site Sewage Disposal Systems
Further to our discussions, we have received and reviewed the consultant report by Rob Arden
P.Eng. Based on .the site information provided in the report, we findthe report conclusions
reasonable and that a high rate of sewage system malfunction in this area may be expected.
Malfunctions may be temporal in response to heavy winter rainfall and may be difficult and time
consuming to identify.
The repair cost estimate in the report is within range of what we have seen for repairs in similar
conditions on other properties. These high repair costs do not encourage owners to report
failures of their systems.
It is therefore possible that malfunctions may go unnoticed and uncorrected for a period of time,
resulting in discharge of sewage to surface land or water and a potential health hazard.
I trust these Orriments are of use to you. Please contact me if clarification is required.
Environmental Health Officer
Fraser Health Authority
KS: kt
ks-i 36ave
TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: March 11, 2004
and Members of Council FILE NO: CPI010I03
FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W
SUBJECT: Processing of Applications for Exclusion from the Agricultural Land Reserve
during the Official Community Plan Review
The Agricultural Land Commission has recently been approving exclusion applications from the
Agricultural Land Reserve in greater numbers than has previously been the case. This recent
change has led in some cases to the approvals of exclusion applications that were not supported
by Council. The success of these applications has precipitated an increase in speculative activity,
including front counter inquiries and further exclusion applications. As a result, in December,
2003, Council requested that staff provide options to Council's usual practice of forwarding all
exclusion applications to the Commission for a final decision.
Two options have been presented and discussed in the following report.
That the current procedure of referring all applications to the Agricultural Land
Commission be continued and that all applicants and the Commission are provided with a
clear understanding of the current Official Community Plan policy and servicing
constraints on the property.
Agricultural Land Reserve Act
The pertinent government legislation that applies to exclusion applications by an owner may be
found in Section 30 of the Agricultural Land Commission Act, which states:
(4) An exclusion application may not proceed to a final decision ('bytheAgricultural Land
Commission) unless authorized by a resolution of the local government zf, on the date
the application is made, the application
applies to land that is zoned by bylaw to permit agricultural or farm use, or
requires, in order to proceed, an amendment to an official settlement plan, an
official community plan, an official development plan or a zoning bylaw.
Under the Agricultural Land Reserve Act, Council has the authority to deny a request for
exclusion and not refer an application to the Commission. Should a Council decide not to refer
an application for exclusion to the Agricultural Land Commission, the application is deemed to
have been denied and exclusion from the Reserve is not possible.
The current Agricultural Policies were adopted by Council in August 2000 and identified the
criteria under which applications in the Agricultural Land Reserve would be considered. Since
that date Council has identified concern with the policies, in particular the policy that states that
each application for exclusion should be considered on the merit of the proposal, and may be
forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) for a decision.
In April 2002, a report entitled "Discussion Paper of the Agricultural Land Reserve Application
Review Process" was presented to Council. The intent of that report was to clarify the required
process and procedures related to Agricultural Land Reserve applications. It also discussed the
implications of forwarding an exclusion application to the ALC when Council did not support
such an application. The report noted that the act of authorizing an application to proceed to the
Agricultural Land Commission often conveys the message that the local government is willing to
support a required Official Community Plan andlor Zoning Bylaw amendment in the event the
ALC approves the applications.
Aricultura1 Land Commission
Until recently the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) has generally been supportive of
Council's recommendations on exclusion applications. Over the last year, however, the ALC's
approach appears to have changed. In 2003, three applications not supported by Council have
been excluded; as a result, there has been an increase in applications for exclusion. The ALC has
also recently initiated a review of soil based agriculture in Maple Ridge as a separate project.
The ALC's recent willingness to exclude land and its initiative to review soil based agriculture
have significant impacts on Maple Ridge. Firstly, land previously considered unavailable for
urbanization or densification is now being taken out of the Agricultural Land Reserve. Secondly,
property owners are pursuing urban development in areas where densification and servicing had
previously not been contemplated. Thirdly, while the outcome of the soil based agriculture
review is uncertain, it may be used to justify exclusion applications for properties that are remote
from existing urbanization.
There appears to be a lack of understanding of the servicing restraints and of current Official
Community Plan policy, zoning and designations, as some owners whose properties have been
recently excluded appear to believe that urbanization of their property will immediately follow.
As a result, the urban boundary and the urban reserves will need to be examined in a new light
through the Official Community Plan Review. It is fortuitous that the ALC's recent approach
became clear prior to the finalization of the Official Community Plan review.
Permitted non-farm uses within the Agricultural Land Reserve are generally consistent with the
needs of rural residents. Home based businesses, tourist accommodation, and breeding kennels
are some of the permitted uses allowed within the Agricultural Land Reserve. In addition, the
financial savings due to property tax concessions for Agricultural Land Reserve inclusion are
considerable. Most property tax calculations are based on 50% of the assessed land value for
land that is within the Agricultural Land Reserve. Property owners will lose these concessions
upon exclusion of their land from the Agricultural Land Reserve. Calculations provided by the
District of Maple Ridge Finance Department estimate annual tax savings for year 2003 to be
approximately $500.00 for a property with assessed land value of $230,000.00.
Given the range of permitted uses and the financial concessions involved, one must conclude that
those who apply for exclusion have expectations for rezoning and redevelopment beyond that of
rural residential. For this reason, when considering the merits of an exclusion application,
Council may wish to consider if an urban use would be appropriate at that location, and if the
municipality would be better served by having the property rezoned to permit uses other than
agricultural or rural residential. For long range planning purposes, this consideration may be of a
higher priority than the agricultural capability of the land itself.
Current Official Community Plan Desi2nations
All of the properties recently excluded from the Agricultural Land Reserve are situated outside of
the District's urban area boundary, and while excluded from the Reserve, are not designated for
any other form of development. To date there has been no discussion regarding the future land
use of these properties; whether adjusting the urban containment boundary and extending
municipal services is appropriate; or whether adequate services such as parks, schools, and fire
protection are available. Such a discussion is to occur during the residential policy component of
the Official Community Plan that is scheduled to begin in 2004. Until the residential component
of the review is completed, discussion regarding an urban area boundary adjustment or urban
form of development on these properties is premature. However, applications for a rural
residential or suburban residential form of development, that comply with current Official
Community Plan policies and Zoning Bylaw regulations would be considered.
Fraser Sewer Area -
The District of Maple Ridge is further constrained by its ability to extend its sewer services
beyond its designated sewer area boundaries. Recent discussions with the Greater Vancouver
Regional District indicate that extending new services must be consistent with the growth
management process as outlined in the regional context statement of the Official Community
Plan. All new requests for services must be approved by the Greater Vancouver Sewer and
Drainage District Board. This board has recently denied similar applications in other
jurisdictions, making it clear that there is no guarantee new applications will be approved. Due
to these constraints, the District of Maple Ridge may not be able to provide a level of service that
is compatible with urban development on many properties within its jurisdiction. Property
owners seeking exclusion must therefore be given a clear message that unless they are already
within a sewer area as defined by the Greater Vancouver Regional District, they cannot be
assured of being connected with sewer services in the future.
Policy No. 9.02 Sewer Area "A" - Extension into the Agricultural Land Reserve
In November, 1993, the District of Maple Ridge adopted a policy granting permission for sewer
connection to all property owners within the Agricultural Land Reserve whose property abuts an
existing lateral sewer line. It also made provisions for extending services where public health
was a concern and Agricultural Land Commission permission was granted. This policy will
continue to be honored: however, its intent was to provide a single connection to each existing
parcel, and should not be considered a means to facilitate further subdivision. However, certain
affected properties may be designated for urban development through the Official Community
Plan review. As this process will require collaboration with the GVRD, there may be
opportunities to revisit this policy for those affected properties.
The success of previous exclusion applications in receiving approval is quickly becoming public
knowledge. Neighbouring property owners are now inquiring into the process of excluding
properties, as they are under the impression that the Commission is more supportive of exclusion
than in previous years.
If approached strategically, this more permissive approach taken by the Agricultural Land
Commission in approving exclusion applications could assist in facilitating orderly, compact
development. By collaborating with the Agricultural Land Commission, and the Greater
Vancouver Regional District during the Official Community Plan review, the District of Maple
Ridge has an opportunity to review its urban boundaries and to develop criteria for determining
when contiguous extensions to its urban boundaries are appropriate. Through this process, the
District also has an opportunity to review the costs of servicing new development, and to
establish growth management policies that appropriately consider these costs.
By using a collaborative approach, the District of Maple Ridge may then be able to apply for
exclusions directly to the Agricultural Land Commission once the residential and agricultural
components of the Official Community Plan review are completed. This review could integrate
priority concerns such as protection of productive agricultural land and the Green Zone while
ensuring an adequate land supply for residential development. Such a process, based upon a
sound rationale for redevelopment within rural areas, seems to make more sense than exclusions
on a lot by lot basis, as is presently the case.
In December 2003 Council directed staff to provide options to address the increasing number of
exclusion applications. Two options are listed for Council's consideration:
1) Only forward applications to the ALC that Council supports.
2) Continue to forward all applications to the ALC, with or without Council support or
comment, but with a message about conformance to existing policy.
Option 1
In the past, Council has expressed its desire to forward exclusion applications to the Agricultural
Land Commission as they would be able to technically review agricultural capability. However,
if Council preferred to receive technical assistance before it considered the exclusion, Council
has an option to refer all exclusion applications to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and
Fisheries for comment. Included in the staff report to Council, these comments could assist
Council in determining whether the application should be forwarded to the Agricultural Land
Reserve. The Ministry Agrologist, who is familiar with agriculture in Maple Ridge, has
expressed a willingness in the past to assist in this maimer, and is currently participating in the
agricultural policy review. With little or no budget impact, this option would give the District the
opportunity to utilize its power under the Agricultural Land Reserve Act.
If Council would prefer a more neutral, third party expert opinion, exclusion applications could
be referred to a Consulting Agrologist, rather than a Ministry agrologist. Under this option, the
Agrologist's comments would be included in the staff report to Council, to provide Council with
enough information to determine whether the application should be forwarded to the Agricultural
Land Commission. This option would have budget impacts.
Referring exclusion applications to qualified experts will increase the time required for
processing applications. However, local governments are permitted a sufficient duration (60
days) prior to forwarding exclusion applications to the Agricultural Land Commission. Along
with land use considerations, this further input would assist Council with in determining whether
each application should be forwarded to the Commission.
Option 2
Under Option 2, Council would refer the application to the ALC without technical assistance
from an external agency. Depending on the circumstances, the application would express either
Council support; non-support; or no comment. This is consistent with Council's practice. In
addition a clear understanding of the current Official Community Plan and servicing constraints
would be provided to the applicant with regard to the property under application.
Applicants require a clear understanding that regardless of the outcome of their exclusion
application, they are still bound by the current Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw with
respect to permitted uses and minimum lot sizes. Land development that leads to higher
residential densities requires a level of services - schools, parks, and fire protection - that the
District of Maple Ridge has not accommodated under existing policy and plans. Recent
discussions with the Greater Vancouver Regional District and Greater Vancouver Sewerage and
Drainage District have made it clear that the District of Maple Ridge is constrained in terms of
servicing new development. All new service applications must be approved by the Greater
Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District Board. Approval for servicing new areas is not
supportable at this time. This understanding needs to be clearly conveyed to the applicant at the
same time an application is forwarded through Council to the ALC.
This report has been forwarded pursuant to Council's direction in December 2003. Two options
for processing agricultural exclusion applications during the review of the Official Community
Plan have been provided.
Prepared by: Diana Hall
Approved byl Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP
V GM: Public Works & Development Services n J2
Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule
Chief AdiIinistrative Officer
TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: March 08, 2004
and Members of Council FILE NO: E05-01 1-0:10
FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C o W
SUBJECT: Fraser River Escarpment Policies
In a previous Closed Council meeting staff were directed to bring forward a report on the
proposed amendments to the existing Fraser River Escarpment policies.
Since 1993 the District has referred to two policies in the area bounding the Fraser River
Escarpment (Escarpment). Policies 6.04 and 6.05 were adopted by Council in 1993 to ensure the
continued stability of the escarpment. The policies were based on a number of studies undertaken
by Golder and Associates (Golder) from the late 1970's through to 1986.
In 2003, the District engaged Golder to undertake a review of the District's underground
infrastructure reliability within the District, including the area of the Escarpment, under seismic
(earthquake) conditions as part of an ongoing program throughout the District. In addition,
Golder was requested to review and comment on Policies 6.04 and 6.05. That work is now
substantially complete.
Golder has recommended that Policy 6.04 remain largely unchanged with some minor
modifications. Golder has also recommended that the essence of Policy 6.05 remain, with the
exception of additional requirements to reflect current seismic criteria. The policies have been
amended, will be renumbered, and modified into the District's current Policy format.
THAT Policies 6.04 and 6.05 be rescinded; and
THAT the Policies titled "Control of Surficial and Groundwater Discharge in the Area
Bounded by 207 Street, 124 Avenue, 224 Street and the Crest of the Fraser River
Escarpment" and "Subdivision of, or building on, Land within 300 Metres of the Crest of
the Fraser River Escarpment" attached to the staff report dated March 8, 2004 be adopted.
a) Background Context:
In 1993 Council adopted two policies:
• Policy 6.04 - addresses drainage requirements and restrictions on sources of
groundwater recharge in the area of the Escarpment.
• Policy 6.05 - addresses an area within 100 m of the escarpment top of bank and
establishes conditions under which building or subdivision can and cannot take
Both policies were introduced following previous Golder geotechnical reports. In
preparing the policies at the time both static and seismic analysis was undertaken to the
standard of the day.
In reconsidering static conditions as part of the current assignment, Golder utilized data
collected over the past two decades on the Escarpment. Measurement instruments called
piezometers have been recording subsurface conditions on the escarpment over the past
two decades. Golder's findings conclude that there has been no change in the subsurface
conditions over that period of time.
Since the original studies, the criteria for seismic considerations have been broadened and
developed and included in the National Building Code of Canada and the British
Columbia Building Code. Using these criteria, Golder recommended modification to
Policy 6.05.
The proposed Policy titled "Subdivision of, or building on, Land within 300 Metres of the
Crest of the Fraser River Escarpment" incorporates all the issues that exist in the current
Policy 6.05 as well as addressing issues raised in the Golder report. The most significant
changes are:
The requirement for more expansive geotechnical analysis for buildings within 100 in
from the crest of the Escarpment;
The requirement for a more expansive geotechnical analysis for subdivisions or
buildings located between 100 in and 300 in from the crest of the Escarpment.
Clarity for properties partially within these boundaries.
Land Use
In addition to these policy requirements, land use considerations can also be utilized to
address ongoing stability on the escarpment. These include development permits, zoning
designations, and policy review through the OCP, but not addressed in the revised
Desired Outcome:
The desired outcome is to update existing policies based on the current design standards,
building on the work undertaken by Golder.
Citizen/Customer Implications:
The Golder report reaffirms that the conditions have not changed since the initial studies
were undertaken in the early 1980's. A letter will be sent to each property owner
informing them of the work that has been undertaken and the basic issues that pertain to
the Escarpment.
Interdepartmental Implications:
The Planning, Inspection Services, and Engineering Departments will continue to work in
a co-operative manner to ensure that all potential or planned developments in the
Escarpment area proceed in accordance with the proposed policy requirements.
e) Alternatives:
Golder's analysis of the current policies was one part of their assignment and it is based
upon their engineering judgement given the existing limited infonnation
available. The current and proposed policies require the individual developers and
property owners to perform the field investigation and analysis to address the
geotechnical issues and global stability. This is a common approach used by
An alternative is to have expansive field work undertaken along the entire Escarpment by
a geotechnical engineering firm such as Golder, in advance of any development. Such a
methodology would entail considerable field work, analysis, and expense and may still
not provide certainty around individual applications.
1) Policy Implications:
The Golder report reviewed the two existing policies that pertain to the Escarpment and
they recommend that the policies be updated in accordance with their assessment.
Golder Associates Ltd., through their recent analysis, recommends some changes to the District's
current policies for the Fraser Escarpment. The changes outlined in this report have been
incorporated into the policies and it is recommended that the existing policies 6.04 & 6.05 be
rescinded and the Policies titled "Control of Surficial and Groundwater Discharge in the Area
Bounded by 207 Street, 124 Avenue, 224 Street and the Crest of the Fraser River Escarpment"
and "Subdivision of, or building on, Land within 300 Metres of the Crest of the Fraser River
Escarpment" be forwarded to Committee of the Whole.
Prepared by:David Pollock, PEng
\\pirector of.Pr9ject Engineering
Reviewed b,rew Wood, M.Eng., PEng.
• •. Municipal Engineer •
Appred by: Frank Quinn, MBA, PEng., PMP
V General Manager: Public Works & Development Services
Concurrence J.L. (Jim) Rule
Chief Administrative Officer
District of Maple Ridge
Policy No:
Title: Control of Surficial and Groundwater Discharge in the Supersedes: 6.04
Area Bounded by 207 Street, 124 Avenue, 224 Street and the
Crest of the Fraser River Escarpment.
Authority: Council Effective Date:
Approval: , 2004 , 2004
Policy Statement:
That the consideration of surficial or groundwater discharge within the area bounded by 207
Street, 124 Avenue, 224 Street and the crest of the Fraser River Escarpment be subject to the
provisions and accompanying procedures that form part of this policy.
To set out conditions for the consideration of surficial or groundwater discharge in the area
bounded by 207 Street, 124 Avenue, and 224 Street to the crest of the Fraser River Escarpment
without compromising the stability of the entire Escarpment. This policy should be read in
conjunction with Policy No. -" Subdivision of, or building on, Land within 300 Metres of
the Crest of the Fraser River Escarpment."
Crest (Top of Bank): The general crest (top of bank) as identified in the attached map prepared
by Golder Associates Ltd. entitled "Fraser River Escarpment: Policy ; Attachment 1", or as
determined by a British Columbia Land Surveyor (BCLS).
Fraser River Escarpment (Escarpment): The area bounded by Fraserview Street to the west
and Carshill Road to the east, extending from the crest of the Escarpment to north of River Road.
Geotechnical Engineer: A qualified geotechnical engineer or geoscientist in good standing in
the Province of British Columbia.
Setback: The distance in metres from the deinateac(oT the escarpment. - - -
Page 1 of 3
District of Maple Ridge
Policy No:
Title: Control of Surficial and Groundwater Discharge in the
Area Bounded by 207 Street, 124 Avenue, 224 Street and the Supersedes: 6.04
Crest of the Fraser River Escarpment.
Authority: Council Effective Date:
Approval: , 2004 _______, 2004
1.0 POLICY STATEMENT (adopted)
That the consideration of surficial or groundwater discharge within the area bounded by 207
Street, 124 Avenue, 224 Street and the crest of the Fraser River Escarpment be subject to the
provisions and accompanying procedures that form part of this policy.
Action to Take
Storm drainage ditches or buried storm services shall be
provided where existing roads, residential and commercial
run-off causes ponding of water.
Buried storm services shall be provided for all new roads or
upgraded facilities.
All storm drainage facilities shall be designed in accordance
with the current storm water management criteria.
No ground water discharge of new construction residential,
commercial, road or parking areas shall be allowed. All
such drainage shall be carried to storm water ditches or
Septic fields shall be avoided and sanitary sewers provided
where possible. Where existing residences are, on septic... - - - --
systems they should be converted where possible. All new
residences shall require sanitary sewers.
All storm ditches shall be constructed to avoid ponding of
water. All ditches shall drain to the north and west by
gravity. No discharge shall be allowed into river •bank
Page 2 of 3
No storm water discharge shall be permitted over the river
bank slopes or ravines unless transferred to river level in
continuous storm sewers or pipes. If approval cannot be
obtained to discharge storm water by pipe into the Fraser
River then the discharge must be directed to a storm
drainage system - ditch or storm sewer - on the road right-
of-way. Where there is no storm water collection system
within the road right-of-way fronting the property then
consideration must be given to the extension of the existing
storm drainage system.
Landscape ponding is not permitted.
Swimming pools are not permitted to drain into rock pits.
Page 3 of 3
District of Maple Ridge
Policy No:
Title: Subdivision of, or building on, Land within 300 Metres Supersedes: 6.05
of the Crest of the Fraser River Escarpment.
Authority: Council Effective Date:
Approval: , 2004 _______, 2004
Policy Statement:
That the consideration of any potential subdivision of, or building on, land within 300 metres of
the crest of the Fraser River Escarpment be subject to the provisions and accompanying
procedures that form part of this policy.
To set out conditions under which subdivision of, or building on, land can be considered in the
area within 300 metres of the crest of the Fraser River Escarpment without compromising the
stability of the entire Escarpment. This policy should be read in conjunction with Policy No.
- "Control of Suruicial and Groundwater Discharge in the Area Bounded by 207 Street,
124 Avenue, 224 Street and the crest of the Fraser River Escarpment."
Crest (Top of Bank): The general crest (top of bank) as identified in the attached map prepared
by Golder Associates Ltd., entitled "Fraser River Escarpment: Policy _________; Attachment 1",
or as determined by a British Columbia Land Surveyor (BCLS).
Developer: A person or company, including homeowners, that develops property.
Dwelling Unit: As defined in the District of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985.
Fraser River Escarpment (Escarpment): The area bounded by Fraserview Street to the west
and Carshill Road to the east, extending from the crest of the Escarpment to north of River Road.
Geotechnical Engineer: A qualified geotechnical engineer or geoscientist in good standing in
the Province of British Columbia.
Global Stability: The overall stability of the area within the Fraser River Escarpment and ravine
slopes that impacts a given property. Consideration shall be given to all potential failure modes
under staticand seismic .conditions, including potential shallow and deep failure surfaces which
may extend into the Fraser River, both on and off the property in question, and to the potential for
retrogressive failures.
Page 1 of5
Definitions (Cont'd):
Setback: The distance in metres from the delineated crest of the escarpment.
Subdivision: The development of land into two or more parcels, including strata subdivision,
whether by metes and bounds description or otherwise.
Page 2 of 5
District of Maple Ridge
Title: Subdivision, or building on, of Land within 300 Metres Policy No:
of the Crest of the Fraser River Escarpment.
Supersedes: 6.05
Authority: Council Effective Date:
Approval: 2004 , 2004
1.0 POLICY STATEMENT (adopted)
That the consideration of any potential subdivision, or building on, of land within 300 metres of
the crest of the Fraser River Escarpment be subject to the provisions and accompanying
procedures that form part of this policy.
Action to Take
1. These procedures address two land areas:
Within 100 metres of the crest, and
The area between 100 metres and 300 metres of the
2. The 100 metre and 300 metre setbacks are as shown on the
attached map prepared by Golder Associates Ltd. entitled
"Fraser River Escarpment: Policy _________; Attachment 1".
Where the setback lines are shown to cut through parcels the
determination of whether the property is within the 100
metre or 300 metre zone will be determined by the location
of the existing dwelling which must be sited north of the
appropriate setback line in its entirety.
3. Within 100 metres of the crest,
No subdivision can proceed until there is a commitment
by the Provincial and/or Federal Governments to install
required river scour protection in the South Haney Area.
Approval of a building permit to construct a residential
single family dwelling will not be issued by the District
without the applicant receiving a written report, signed
and sealed from a qualified Geotechnical Engineer who
must consider the issue of potential retrogression.
Page 3 of 5
A one-time only Building Permit to construct a single
storey, slab on-grade non-dwelling structure (such as
garage, shed or workshop) and or a one-time only single
storey slab on-grade addition to an existing dwelling, the
footprint lot coverage of each not exceeding 460 square
feet, may be issued provided the Chief Building Official
has accepted a geotechnical engineering report that
addresses the impacts of static stability and retrogression
and recommendations for such construction, in
accordance with Section 56 of the Community Charter.
No structures, slabs, pavements, or impoundments will
be located within 10 metres of the slope crest.
Between 100 metres and 300 metres of the crest, and
within a distance of at least 100 metres from the crest of
ravine slopes and the backscarps of existing slide areas, any
new subdivision will be subject to:
• the requirements of Policy No. and
• approval by the District based upon receiving a written
report, signed and sealed from a qualified Geotechnical
Engineer who must consider both on-site and off-site
investigations of sufficient scope to address the global
stability concerns and the potential retrogression impacts.
Such an investigation may entail a series of relatively deep
testholes along one or more cross-sections extending 100
metres or more back from the steep bluffs, combined with
detailed laboratory testing and analyses under static and
seismic conditions.
Design and construction of buildings, structures and services
will be such that all storm runoff and discharge from roof
areas, driveways, parking, hard-surfaced landscaping or
roads is removed from the site in adequate facilities and is
not allowed to discharge into the ground water system.
Design and construction of all perimeter drains or other
drainage facilities for buildings or structures shall be
required to drain into adequate sumps and shall be
discharged from the site in adequate facilities.
Design and construction of buildings, structures and services
will be such that no ground water seepage, surface runoff, or
other water shall be allowed to discharge towards or onto the
adjacent slopes or ravines.
Page 4 of 5
Design and construction will ensure that no measures such as
placement of fill material or cutting and/or removal of
existing material, or ground vegetation removal, shall
exceed that currently allowed in the current municipal bylaw
without input from a Geotechnical Engineer.
The owner(s) or their agent shall provide a report prepared
by the Geotechnical Engineer at the effective completion of
the project stating that they have provided sufficient
inspection to ensure that the works undertaken meet with
their recommendations and that they are in agreement with
the results. A restrictive covenant shall be placed on the
property that confirms the geotechnical report has been
undertaken and includes the geotechnical report as an
Page 5 of 5
TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: March 01/ 2004
and Members of Council FILE NO:
FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COW
SUBJECT: Fire Department Master Plan
In January, Council directed staff to seek public input on the Draft Fire Department
Master Plan. As a result, the plan was presented at a Town Hall meeting on February 02.
The minutes of the meeting are attached and responses to questions raised at the meeting
are contained in the body of this report. No additional input or questions have been
received subsequent to the presentation. One comment was received in January, the
essence of which has been transcribed in Attachment 1.
That the Fire Department Masterplan be forwarded to the Finance & Audit Committee
for recommendations on funding the recommendations outlined in the plan.
At the conclusion of the Town Hall meeting, four questions required further exploration.
The responses to these questions are as follows:
"Have fire service models from the eastern United States, that have gone back to
a volunteer system from a paid system, been looked at during the process?"
Computer based research and anecdotal evidence from a Fire Chief in White Plains New
York have failed to provide any evidence of Fire departments changing from career
based fire-fighters to volunteer fire -fighters in the eastern United States.
"Had heard that the emergency calls had increased by 15 % as a result of
moving the dispatch services to Surrey."
Maple Ridge Fire Department entered into a contract with Surrey Fire Department for
the provision of dispatch service in 1995. From an operational perspective this change
resulted in a considerable improvement in dispatch services. An initial error in dispatch
protocols to medical calls resulted in a temporai-v spike in emergency call volume for a
period of a couple of months. This was corrected and any subsequent increase in call
volume can be attributed to a normal increase in service demands and not attributable to
the dispatch services.
I '
"Has there been an increase in calls to environmental situations?"
We have tracked the number of hazardous material spills calls for the past five years and
our data follows. The average number of hazardous material spill calls per year over
this period is 29.
1999: 33
2000: 28
2001: 35
2002 19
2003: 29
These statistics do not support the assertion of a significant increase in such calls.
"Are there any liability issues attached to gaps in inspection services?"
There is not a clear answer to this question as there is potential liability in almost
everything we do. We are doing the best that we can with the resources that we have and
it is important that such service levels be considered and formally approved by Council.
The Draft Master plan was presented to the public at a Town Hall on February 02, and
has been available for public comment to the end of February. Questions raised at the
Town hail meeting have been addressed in this report. No additional information has
been received which would require revision of the Draft Master Plan. We now suggest
that we proceed with the analysis of the financial options for funding the
recommendations in the plan. An implementation plan will follow. Both the financial.
analysis and implementfiti plan will be brought to Council for consideration at public
Prepared by: Peter Gotendorst
Approved .. bane Spence
7ire Chief
Approved by:' kaul Gill
,enerjl-Iaqaf Corporate and Financial Services
Concurrence: A.L. (Jima
---------/-cnTerAwiTLnisrra.trve Ut1icer
Attachment #1 —Summary of Comments submitted by e-mail on January 13 2004.
I want to make it very clear here that its not my intention to knock the fire dept., they are
Volunteers, and I'm sure glad we have them.
Upon talking to some of my neighbours, I found Out many of them are not aware we only
have a volunteer fire dept. protecting us, I too was not aware of this when I moved here
two years ago, one can take this for granted until you need the service for yourself, or you
see first hand what its like when someone else needs it, one quickly learns how important
a few minutes can be in responding to a fire call.
I urge all of you too bite the bullet, spend what ever it takes, but get our three fire halls
manned so at least one truck from each hall can be dispatched without waiting for
volunteers to arrive.
I also urge you all to plan for a full time fire dept. in the not to distance future, or stop the
expansion of the area, it's just a matter of time when something major is going to happen,
and Maple Ridge is going to be asked why they allowed all this growth without a proper
fire dept.
Thank You
Doug Kelly
20106 121a Ave., Maple Ridge.
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
February 2, 2004
The Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting held on February 2, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in
the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British
Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business.
Elected Officials Appointed Staff
Mayor K. Morse J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer
Councillor E. Daykin T. Fryer, Municipal Clerk
Councillor J. Dueck M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development,
Councillor C. Gordon Parks and Recreational Services
Councillor F. Isaac P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services
Councilior C. Speirs Mario, Confidential Secretary
Fire Department Staff
ABSENT P. Grootendorst Fire Chief, Director of Operations
Councillor J. Harris Spence, Fire Chief, Director of Safety
B. Morris, Fire Prevention Inspector
H. Exner, Training Officer
M. Smitton, Community Safety Officer
T. Juurakko, Fire & Life Safety Education
J. Beviiaqua
D. Harcus
K. Harwood
K. Moore
C. Rutledge
J. Sinclair
Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.org
Mayor Morse called the meeting to order and explained the format of the meeting.
She presented an award to the Fire Department, on behalf of Premier Gordon
Campbell, for their exemplary service in helping at the Provincial Fire Service.
Council Minutes
February 2. 2004
Pane 2 of 6
Fire Chief Peter Grootendorst gave a Power Point Presentation of the Fire
Department Master Plan. Following each major section of the presentation the
public were invited to ask questions or make comment.
Background, Methodology Used
Gordon Robson
Mr. Robson asked if fire service models for eastern U.S. states that have gone
back to a volunteer system from a paid system had been looked at during the
process. Chief Grootendorst cited the sources used to develop the Master Plan
and advised that the. Department had not looked at the plans referred to by Mr.
Robson. Mr. Robson suggested that those plans be viewed.
Growth Projections
Gordon Robson
Mr. Robson asked if calls have increased, due to a change in dispatching. Chief
Grootendorst replied that he didn't believe they did. Mr. Robson indicated that he
had heard that the numbers increased by 15% and asked that someone look at that
number. Chief Grootendorst said that this could be done. Mr. Robson asked if
there had been a change to the type of incidents the District responds to. Chief
Grootendorst advised that no change had been made to the type of incidents
responded to but that a change was made to elevate response to motor vehicle
accidents last year. Mr. Robson asked if the District had sought a legal opinion on
the way the Department responds to those calls.
Mayor Morse asked for clarification on whether the change in the response to
motor vehicle accidents would be reviewed. Chief Grootendorst responded that
this would be reviewed after one year. The change to the Department's response
to motor vehicle accidents was the result of a change to the way the Ambulance
Service responds to those calls. Previously the Department responded only upon
request from the Ambulance Service generally after they arrived. Now the
Ambulance Service dispatcher advises the Department of all accidents. Mayor
Morse asked if the Master Plan is exclusive of the response to motor vehicles.
Chief Grootendorst confirmed that the information he was presenting did not
include that change.
Mr. Robson asked if there has been an increase in calls to environmental
situations. Chief Grootendorst indicated that there was not and suggested that he
and Mr. Robson meet to review the response numbers. Mayor Morse suggested
that this was a separate_iss.ue. Mr. Rubson remarked that if the esponsenumbers
Council Minutes
February 2, 2004
Page 3 of 6
to environmental spills is significant the District might question if the Fire
Department is the right agency to send out.
John Kelly, 23756 110B Ave.
Mr. Kelly questioned if the Department would be coming back to request
additional staff and additional funding because the work of the Department might
change from the model presented. The Fire Chief Peter. Grootendorst explained
that model was developed based on growth projections and historical call levels.
The Department did a core review of the services provided and based the model
on all service requirements for the foreseeable future. He noted the one area that
the Department does not have control over is the Ambulance Service. Mr. Kelly
asked what constitutes core services and how they were determined. The Fire
Chief Peter Grootendorst advised that the list of core services was developed by
reviewing what the public calls the Department for, from industry standards and
from a list of core services provided by the Ontario Fire Marshall. The group
determined what services the Department would provide, what level the services
would be provided and, if they were not able to provide the service, who could.
Gordon Robson
Referring to the per capita cost statistics, Mr. Robson asked what the District
would have to give up to proceed with this Plan. Mayor Morse indicated that the
financial structure of the plan has not been determined. The plan identifies the
gaps, what services should be delivered and how they should be delivered but
when the plan would start and at what phase has not determined. Mr. Robson
spoke of his experiences as a volunteer Fire Fighter and stated that he was
concerned with the model presented.
Current Services and Gaps, Public Education, Fire Prevention
No questions were asked on this section
Mayor Morse asked if there were any liability issues attached to gaps identified in
inspection services: Chief Spence expFaineft how the Department prioritizes
inspections and noted that they do not have the manpower to inspect all buildings
on an annual basis. Mayor Morse asked that when the financial structure is
addressed that this be looked at.
Equipment Maintenance, Capital Infrastructure
John Kelly, 23756 1I0B Ave.
Mr. Kelly asked what the ratio is of man hours to one person working full time.
The General Manager Corporate and Financial Services did not have the specific
calculation available but indicated that a factor of two-thirds is normally used. Mr.
Council Minutes
February 2, 2004
Page 4 of 6
Kelly asked if the Department had looked at the risk of liability during its review
of core services and how response to hazardous material had moved to the list of
services provided. Chief Grootendorst suggested that Mr. Kelly meet with him to
review the methodology. He described the three response levels to hazardous
materials calls and indicated that the department determined that the response
would best be at an operational level and that fire fighters receive appropriate
training for that response level. The General Manager Corporate and Financial
Services indicated that the Department is recommending an improvement in its
response to these calls but is not suggesting that they take over full responsibility
for hazardous materials.
Mayor Morse clarified that training would be conducted during a Fire Fighters
normal hours. Chief Grootendorst confirmed that Fire Fighters would remain
available to respond to calls during training sessions.
Emergency Response
Bob Manvk, 21990 Acadia Street
Mr. Manyk expressed concerns that the response times in a volunteer system put a
lot of people in jeopardy. He felt that a full time force would improve response
times and increase survival rates. He asked that life safety of the people in this
community be put in the front seat.
Barb lzatt. 211 12148 224th Street
Ms. lzatt noted that she pays more in taxes for recycling than for the Fire
Department and expressed her expectation that if something happens to one of her
family members someone is there right away. She felt it was time for a full-time
Fire Department. She would accept a tax increase to do this. With only two
ambulances in the community, she relies on the Fire Department for medical
Review, Conclusion s Next Steps
Bob Manvk, 21990 Acadia Street
Mr. Manyk asked if the Ambulance Service would be the same. Chief
Grootendorst indicated that the District could not speak for the ambulance service
but there has been no indication they will make changes.
Parissa Aujla 20905 Golf Lane
Ms. Aujia asked if the medical response will be phased in. The General Manager
Corporate and Financial Services indicated that response to medical emergencies
- -- i hedpncuri-entrggpse jeye1s ----
Council Minutes
February 2, 2004
Page 5 of 6
John Kelly, 23756 110B Ave.
Mr. Kelly asked if costs for the two new fire halls are included in the model. The
General Manager Corporate and Financial Services advised that those costs are
already included in the District's financial plan. The costs in the master plan are
for incremental costs associated with the change in the service delivery model.
Mr. Kelly asked what the timing is for the new halls. The General Manager
Corporate and Financial Services indicated that Fire Hall 4 is three years away
and Fire Hall 5 is beyond the current five year business plan but within 10 years.
Mr. Kelly asked what effect this would have on the per capita cost. Fire Chief
Peter Grootendorst explained that it is hard to determine that figure because the
cost relates to the population at the time of implementation but the
implementation schedule has not yet been determined.
Mayor Morse offered reassurance that it is not Council's intention to implement a
significant tax increase. The Master Plan offers a methodology to prepare to
provide services when the population grows to the predicated 120,000 by 2025.
The next part of the process will be for the Finance Department to work on
identifying how best to implement the plan once it is finalized.
Bob Harris, 20364 116th Ave.
Mr. Harris spoke of the need to move from a volunteer department to a full time
fire department. The community is changing and it is difficult to say if young
people will volunteer given the increase in calls. More fire fighters are needed to
respond when help is needed.
Gordon Robson
Mr. Robson stressed that while it is right to get emotional about this issue, we
can't say that it doesn't matter what it costs. He pointed out that Maple Ridge
doesn't have an adequate industrial tax base to support a paid department. He
suggested that the District try harder to find different vays to use volunteers.
Mayor Morse emphasized that the plan would not be implemented at any cost.
She felt it would be necessary to have a combination of a paid on call and fully
paid fire fighters.
Bob Harris, 20364 116th Ave.
Mr. Harris noted that his remarks were not intended to suggest that
implementation be at any cost. He felt that a full time department is required as
lives are at stake.
Council Minutes
February 2, 2004
Page 6 of 6
Wes Eaton, 24150 Fern Cres.
Mr. Eaton agreed that implementation not be at any cost but suggested that the
Fire Department could evolve through baby steps. He recommended hiring a few
people to begin with. Citing a personal example, he indicated that there is a need
for the Fire Department to respond if the Ambulance Service is unable to. He felt
that if the industrial tax base is increased the move could be made to full
implementation more quickly.
The General Manager Corporate and Financial Services advised that the public is
welcome to provide èomments and ask question through the District web site, or
by calling or dropping by the Fire Hall. The presentation given at the meeting will
be posted to the web site and copies will also be available at the Municipal Hall
reception area and the Fire Hall.
Gordon Robson
Mr. Robson asked for information on the effect that the billing change for 911
service will have on taxes. Mayor Morse indicated that the charge for 911 service
will move from the GVRD to phone bills. The District has asked the GVRD to
ensure that when this is completed they remove this charge from the GVRD
portion of the tax bill.
Mayor Morse indicated that the Fire Department would be coming back to
Council with a recommendation for the next steps in the process. She encouraged
the public to contact the Fire Department if they have further questions or
comments and to contact the General Manager Corporate and Financial Services
regarding the financial aspects of the plan.
300 ADJOURNMENT -8:30p.m.
K. Morse, Mayor
Certified Correct
T. Fryer, Municipal Clerk
TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: March 18, 2004
and Members of Council FILE NO: E02-010-070
FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Council
SUBJECT: 227 Street Roadworks from Lougheed Highway to Dewdney Trunk Road -
Construction Bylaw
Owners of properties on 227 Street between Lougheed Highway and Dewdney Trunk Road have been
requesting improvements on their street over the last few years and are prepared to pay a portion of the
cost of the improvements through a Local Improvement Project.
In October of 2003, Council approved the Charges Bylaw No. 6172-2003. A petition process that was
completed in December 19, 2003, determined sufficiency for the local improvement portion of the works
to proceed. Adoption of Construction Bylaw No. 6215-2004 is the final legislative requirement for the
local improvement to proceed.
Council also directed staff to proceed with the tender process for the project. Seven tenders were received
with the low bid from Targa Contracting. This report also seeks Council's approval to award the
construction contract for 227 Street road works to the lowest qualified bidder, Targa Contracting.
This report is forwarded directly to Council in order to expedite the award of the contract, as the potential
contractor desires to mobilize.
THAT Maple Ridge, 227 Street Road Works, Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 6215 -
2004, be read a first and second time, and that the Rules of Order be waived and 227 Street Road
Works, Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 6215 - 2004 be read a third time, and;
THAT Contract E02-010-070 (Road Improvements and Storm Sewer 227 Street: Lougheed
Highway to Dewdney Trunk Road) be awarded to the lowest qualified bidder, Targa Contracting
Ltd. for the total contracted price of $1,014,230 plus GST, to construct road works on 227 Street
from Lougheed Highway to Dewdney Trunk Road, and;
THAT the Water Utility Fund finances $50,000 of the required watermain upgrade at the
intersection of 119 Avenue and 227 Street.
a) Background Context:
227 Street between Lougheed Highway and Dewdney Trunk Road is part of the municipality's
downtown. Its current condition comprises of open ditches, patched asphalt sidewalks, leased
lighting, non -standard pedestrian and bicycling facilities. 227 Street is also a bus route. Over
the years merchants and owners have been requesting improvements on their street.
Improvements have been recognized as desirable and property owners have now approved a
Council initiated Local Improvement Project.
The proposed Local Improvement component of the works involves the installation of curb and
gutter, sidewalks, and streetlights on 227 Street between Dewdney Trunk Road and Lougheed
Other works include ditch infill, road widening and pavement construction. In addition, a
watermain upgrade has been identified as being appropriate at this time in advance of the
pave:ment construction.
b) Public Process:
The District retained a consultant to facilitate the consultation process with 227 Street property
owners and to undertake the detail streetscape design. The consultation process was completed in
three workshop meetings and included the following:
Input from property owners on street design elements and concepts which they saw as
important was gathered in the first meeting;
A preliminary layout based on comments received from the first meeting was presented
at the second meeting for review and discussion to advance the project;
A detailed roadworks and utilities design including cost estimates was presented at the
third meeting with owners in August 2003.
Owners approved a Council Initiative local improvement - known as the initiative
method in mid-December of 2003.
Staff has sent two letters to owners since mid December 2003 advising of the status on
the proposed roadwork.
The Annual Charge as detailed in the Charges Bylaw (ref. attached) to each of the properties is
$396.56 for 20 years. The interest rate charged on the Annual Charge is 5.25 percent. Instead of
the Annual Charge, owners may choose to commute (pay up-front) the total cost of $5,093.00.
Construction Bylaw No. 62 15-2004 authorizes these charges to be placed against the properties.
c) Desired Outcomes:
This report is to obtain Council approval to proceed with the project through approval of the
Construction Bylaw and the subsequent award of the work to the lowest price tenderer. This will
result in the improvement of 227 Street, from Lougheed Highway to Dewdney Trunk Road to a
downtown collector roadway with enhanced streetscape features. The project is funded in part by
property owners on 227 Street by way of a Local Improvement Project (LIP) method.
d) Strategic Alignment:
The project pursues a user-pay philosophy and generates revenues beyond general revenue and
taxes. Through the local improvement process, there is citizen participation, their financial
contribution and resulting enhanced service levels. The street improvements can act as a catalyst
to enhance economic development in the downtown. lThe additional sidewalks will provide safer
passage for pedestrians.
e) Interdepartmental Implications:
Planning and Engineering have worked closely to establish the standards constructed recently in
the downtown. Operations, Parks and the Fire Department have participated in the design
f) Financial Implications:
Of the tenders submitted, the lowest tender price of $1,175,300 plus GST received from Targa
Contracting which is slightly higher than budgetted.
However, adjustments can be made as follows to bring the expenditures within budget:
stamped concrete crosswalk ($61,070)
contingency: ($100,000)
Adjusted tender price $1,014,230 plus GST
The stamped crosswalk was not a component of the Local Improvement Project and does not alter
the tender results. In addition, it is recommended that the watermain grade, which crosses 227
Street at 119 Avenue, be upgraded in advance of the pavement construction. The District's water
crews will construct the work at an estimated cost of $50,000. It is recommended that a fund
transfer from Water Utility Reserve fund this work.
The expected expenditures are within the allocated funds and are as follows:
Components Costs
Design $ 47,061
Utilities $ 24,108
Street Trees and Shrubs $ 7,475
Construction admin and inspection $ 49,245
Watermain Upgrade $ 50,000
Construction $1,014,230
(7% GST paid on construction) $ 70,996
Total expenditures $1,263,115
The available funding allocated for the project is:
Component Funding Source Allocated Funds
LTC2813/1470 DCC $ 659,344
LTC 2813/1470/1562 General Revenue $ 252,903
TransLink TransLink $ 133,838
LTC 1470 Local Improvements $ 101,860
- - -- Water Utility $ 50,000
Sub-total funding sources $1,197,945
GST rebate (7%) $ 70,996
Total Net funding $1,268,941
The financial analysis is based on consultation with the Finance department that the District will
• be able to claim back all GST paid. The difference of the 7% rebate from the current 4% GST
rebate for this project will have to be internally and interim financed because the process and
application of the full 7% GST rebate are being developed. in financing the 3% difference at a
maximum interim financing rate of 5% interest on the GST rebate, this can be accommodated in
the allocated funds.
Council recently approved the Smart Growth on the ground project for the downtown. Council
may wish to delay improvements on 227 until the Smart Growth project is completed. While
there may be merit in this, it is not recommended. The owners on 227 Street have been working
with the municipality for over a year. A measure of understanding has been reached that should
the local improvement be successful, then the work will proceed.
The construction would be scheduled to commence in mid April of 2004, with substantial
completion within 12 weeks.
As part of the 2003 Business Plan, Council directed staff to pursue a local improvement with the owners
on 227 Street. Through numerous input and design meetings with the owners, the local improvement
project is in a position to be advanced. Construction Bylaw No. 6215 - 2004 allows staff to proceed to
award the construction contract and Council approval is required to award the work.
I " aw'_'
Submitted by: David Pollock, PEng.
irector of roject Engineering
Reviewed by: And ew Wood, MEng., PEng. Revzew'd by: Lacob Sorba, C.G.A.
Municipal Engineer Director of Finance
Approved byj Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng., PMP
' General aiager: Public Works & Development Services
Concurrence: J.L/ (Jim) Rule
Chief Administrative Officer
By-law No. 6215 - 2004
A By-law to authorize the construction of works as a
Local Improvement project under the provisions of
the Community Charter.
WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Community Charter, Council may by by-law authorize the
installation of, works as a Local Improvement and authorize the borrowing of funds necessary thereto;
AND WHEREAS, Part 7, Division 5 of the Community Charter authorized Council to undertake various
works on the initiative of Council, or by ptition, as a local improvement;
AND WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge wishes to undertake the
reconstruction of street lights, curb and gutter, and sidewalk as a local irtiprovement on the initiative plan;
AND WHEREAS, the required notice of the intention of Council to undertake the work was given by
publication of a notice and by the mailing of such notice to the owners of the parcels of land liable to be
specially charged;
AND WHEREAS, no petition against the work signed by a majority of owners, representing at least 5 1 %
of the owners owning at least 5 1 % of the property which are to be specifically charged has been presented
within one month after the publication of the notice;
AND WHEREAS, a report have been received by Council stating:
The Lifetime of works is twenty (20) years;
The cost of the works is $254,650;
The proportion of the total costs which will be specially charged against the parcels benefiting from
or abutting on the works is 40%.
AND WHEREAS, the proportion of the cost of the works to be specially charged against the parcels is in
accordance with the Maple Ridge Charges By-law No. 6172 - 2003.
NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting
This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge 227 Street Road Works Local
Improvement Construction By-law No. 6215 - 2004.
2. The installation and construction of the following works is hereby authorized for each of the twenty
(20) properties:
• 765 metres Of Curb and Gutter
• 2100 sq.m. of Sidewalk
• Street Lights
By-law No. 6215 - 2004
Page (2)
3. Council is hereby empowered and authorized to undertake and carry out installation of the hereinafter
stated works, in accordance with general plans on file in the municipal office as a local improvement
project and to do all things necessary in connection therewith and without limiting the generality of
the foregoing:
to spend the amount of $254,650 for the aforesaid purposes;
to acquire all such property, easements, rights-of-way, licenses, rights or authorities as may be
requisite or desirable for or in connection with the construction of the said works.
4. The said works shall be installed in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared and
approved by the Municipal Engineer.
5. Forty Percent (40%) of the net cost to be $101,860 for the installation and construction of the said
works shall be specifically charged against the parcels benefiting from and abutting or deemed to abut
the said works either over a period of twenty (20) years or as a one time payment.
6. The parcels, which benefit from, abut or are deemed to benefit from the said works are those specified
in Schedule "A".
7. The Municipality shall pay any difference each year, between the total cost of the works and the
amount raised by the special charges against the aforesaid parcels.
8. The Municipal Collector shall cause to be prepared a Parcel Tax Assessment.Roll in accordance with
this By-law and the Municipal Act.
READ a first time this - day of March, 2004.
READ a second time this - day of March, 2004.
READ a third time this - day of March, 2004.
RECONSIDERED and adopted this day of March, 2004.
Attachment: Schedule "A"
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
Maple Ridge 227 Street Road Works
Local Improvement Construction By-law No. 6215 - 2004
Roll No. Legal Description
Lot Legal
3 1930-0000-0 A NWP9541
31931-0000-6 B NWP9541
31932-0100-1 78 NWP9541
31934-0000-2 E NWP9541
31935-0100-1 1 NWP14185
31946-0400-4 4 NWP 12445
3 1946-0300-0 3 NWP12445
3 1946-0100-3 1 NWP12445
3 1945-3701-0 1 LMP46901
31951-0000-9 5 NWP9236
3 1952-0000-4 6 NWP9236
31924-0300-7 C NWP22418
3 1924-0200-3 B NWP22418
31924-0100-X A NWP22418
3 1925-0100-5 1 NWP12567
3 1925-0200-9 2 NWP12567
3 1925-0300-2 3 NWP12567
3 1926-0000-7 2 NWP12215
31927-0000-2 3 NWP12215
31928-0200-5 65 NWP54086
TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: March 17, 2004
and Members of Council FILE NO:
FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Council
SUBJECT: Arts Centre Liquor License
Council will recall forwarding a resolution to the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch supporting the
issuance of a liquor primary license to be located at The Act- Maple Ridge Arts Centre and Theatre. A
letter has been received from the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch requesting that Council consider a
number of additional regulatory criteria and submit a new resolution.
The application submitted by the Ridge Meadows Community Arts Council requests a liquor primary
license for the sale of alcohol in the upper and lower level lobby areas and the studio/multi-purpose room.
The hours of operation will be Monday to Sunday 12noon till 1:00 a.m.
One of the considerations used by the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch in reviewing the application
is a resolution from the local government. The local government is asked to consider the application in
terms of the potential community impacts and forward a resolution in support of or against the issuance of
a license. Local government may also submit a resolution indicating they are not interested in providing
Whereas the District of Maple Ridge Council considered a staff report regarding an application for
a liquor primary license for The Act - Maple Ridge Arts Centre and Theatre located at 11944
Haney Place; and
Whereas letters were sent to over 260 surrounding businesses and residents requesting comment on
the proposal and no responses were received; and
Whereas the R.C.M.P. and Bylaw Enforcement Department are satisfied the types of events held at
the facility should not generate any negative community impacts in terms of noise generation,
parking congèstlbn or unruly b&havioi; and -
Whereas the maximum person capacity of 500 persons for the upper and lower lobby areas and 186
persons for the multi-purpose room with a closing time of 1:00 a.m. is acceptable;
THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED THAT the District of Maple Ridge Council supports the issuance
of a liquor primary license for The Act - Maple Ridge Arts Centre and Theatre.
a) Background Context:
The Ridge Meadows Community Arts Council has applied to the Liquor Control and Licensing
Branch for a liquor primary license to be located at The Act - Maple Ridge Arts Centre and
Theatre. The license will allow the serving of alcohol in the lobby areas and multi purpose room
between the hours of 12 noon to 1 a.m. Monday to Sunday. The license will be utilised during
performances in the theatre and for special occasions when the multi purpose room is in use.
Since the opening of The Act a number of months ago, the Ridge Meadows Community Arts
Council has been required to apply for special occasion liquor licenses for the various events held
in the facility. During the events, there have been no reports of any concerns related to the service
of alcohol. The issuance of a primary liquor license will allow the facility to serve alcohol during
the various events without having to secure a special occasion license.
The LCLB has requested a resolution from Council commenting on the application in terms of a
number of criteria established to evaluate the community impacts which may occur as a result of
the issuance of a liquor primary license at this particular location. The following information
provides comment on each of the established criteria.
Community Input
A letter was sent to 260 owners/residents in the immediate area requesting comments on the
proposal. Staff did not receive any responses from the mail out.
Proximity of licensed establishment to other social, recreational or public facilities
Given the nature of the events where alcohol will be served, it is not anticipated that the issuance
of a liquor license will conflict with the operation of nearby recreational, social and public
Traffic, noise, parking and zoning
The applicant has met the requirements of the zoning and off street parking bylaws.
Both the RCMP and the Bylaw Enforcement Department are of the opinion that the licensing of
this facility should have minimal impact on any neighbourhood or community concerns in terms
of noise generation, unruly behaviour or parking congestion.
Person capacity and hou.rs-ofJiquor service
The application received indicates a requested capacity of 500 for the upper and lower lobby
levels and 300 for the multi-purpose room. The Building and Fire Departments have reviewed the
request and support a maximum person capacity of 500 for the upper and lower lobby areas and
186 persons for the multi-purpose room.
The hours of operation with a closing of 1:00 a.m. Monday through Sunday are acceptable.
Population and population trends
The population for the community of approximately 70,000 with an annual growth rate of 2 to
3% supports the operation of a licensed performing arts theatre.
f) Socio-economic information
The contravention rates for surrounding liquor primary establishments are less than the provincial
average and do not indicate a problem with an over proliferation of licensed establishments in the
b) Alternatives:
Council may submit a resolution to the LCLB not in support of the application or a resolution
indicating Council is not interested in commenting on the application.
Given the nature of the application and the types of events to be held in the facility, staff are
recommending that Council support the application.
Prepared by: Brock McDonald
Director, Business Licenses, Permits & Bylaws
Approved by. Frank Quinn, P. Eng., PMP
GM: Public Works evelopment Services
February 19, 2004 Job #2287939-00 1
4 Brock/1cDOnald
do CoTôration of the District of Maple Ridge
11 99$Ianey Place
Maplejldge, BC V2X 6A9
Dear Brbck McDonald:
Re: Resolution for Application for a Liquor Primary Licence
Applicant: Ridge Meadows Community Arts Council
Establishment Name: The Act - Maple Ridge Arts Centre and Theatre
At: 11944 Haney Place in Maple Ridge
This letter is further to our discussion regarding the council resolution dated January 16, 2004
for the applicant noted above. The resolution did address some of the required regulatory
criteria as stated, however some factors were not addressed. As requested, I have detailed the
factors which were not addressed in either the resolution or the Executive Summary. They are:
The council's comments on the prescribed considerations for the following:
Proximity of the establishment to other social facilities and public buildings
Person capacity
Hours requested by the applicant were until 12 midnight, council granted 1 AM
closing time
Traffic and zoning
Population, density and trends
And any relevant socio-economic information
I have included (on page 2) the relevant sections of a sample template which may assist you.
Brock, your assistance is greatly appreciated!
Yours truly,
Ann Shubrook
A/Senior Licencing Analyst
(a) The proximity of the establishment to other social or recreational facilities and public
Ministry of Public Safety and Liquor Control and Mailing Address: Location:
Solicitor General Licensing Branch P0 Box 9292 Stn Prov Govt Second Floor, 1019 Wharf Street
Victoria BC V8W 9,18 Victoria BC
Telephone: 250 387-1254
Facsimile: 250 387-9184 http://www.pssg.gov.bc.ca/Iclb
The only nearby social, recreational and public buildings do not conflict with the operation of a
late night entertainment venue.
- or -
The proposed location is across a lane from a church with an attached retirement facility and
church hall routinely used for youth group gatherings. The proximity of the proposed
establishment is not considered compatible with the existing facilities.
The person capacity and hours of liquor service of the establishment - -
The maximum person capacity of 250 with closing hours of 2:00 a.m. Tuesday through
Saturday and midnight on Sunday is acceptable. A larger capacity or later hours is not
supported given the few number of police on duty at that time.
The number and market focus or clientele of liquor-primary licence establishments within
a reasonable distance of the proposed location:
The existing establishments are large public house establishments that focus on exotic
entertainment or are nightclubs that attract patrons 19 to 25 years of age. The proposed
establishment is a small local pub style facility with an extensive menu and is designed to
appeal to couples wanting a quiet adult venue for socializing in their community. There
are no other (or few other) facilities with a similar focus.
Traffic, noise, parking and zoning:
The establishment is not expected to negatively affect traffic patterns and noise is not
expected to be an issue because [of the small size and early hours] - or - [the applicant
has agreed to various noise baffling strategies to ensure the neighbors are not disturbed
by late night music]. The applicant has met the requirements of the zoning bylaw with
regard to road access and parking. Council has passed a bylaw rezoning the property and
a Development Permit permitting the use.
Population, population density and population trends:
The population for the community at 25,000 and 15,000 within a mile of the establishment
with a growth rate of 3% supports the growth in the number of licensed establishments.
Relevant socio-economic information:
The contravention rates for surrounding establishments is less than the provincial
average and does not indicate a problem with over-proliferation of licensed
establishments in the community. The community has an unemployment and income
assistance rate that is lower than the provincial average and a growing tourism industry
based on expanding hunting and skiing lodges in the area and an increase in scheduled
bus tours through the mountain passes.
.4. iN
r7n ,
Survi v Ors , Victory Lap
ncr survivors arc invitcd to walk the first lap of Relay
ur life to acknowledge and celebrate their courage in their - t niggle with the disease. Watching hundreds ot survivors
ilL prcidly arc'und th track is inspiring and touchin . . I he Survivors' Victory Lap gives survivors an opportunity to:
1. ..
S. . share and cekbrate success in their battle against cancer
give hope to people living with cancer and their families
tliant iiie who helped them through their battle
Luminary Ceremony
Luminaries are candles placed in paper bags that line the Relay For Life track.
Each bears the name of a loved one who has either survived cancer or lost
their life to the disease.
At dusk, the candles are lit in a moving ceremony, providing light and inspiration
as participants walk through the night. Luminaries can be purchased in advance
or at the event.
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Cancer canadienne
if Society du cancer
Relay For tile
Relais pour Ia vie
June 5, 2004
Coquitlam Town Centre Stadium
lOam — lOpm
Coordinator: Judy Shirra jshirra@bc.cancer.ca 604-552-3949
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Report on Changes to Safety Standards Act Page 89f8
WHEREAS the provincial government has passed legislation creating a new
Safety Standards Authority that will remove our safety standards system from
government control; and
WHEREAS the provincial government is currently creating new Safety
Standards Act and Regulations for the compulsory trades that deregulates the
qualifications required to p'erforrri regulated work; and
WHEREAS the new regulations will no longer require government oversight
of regulated work; now
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Richmond write a letter to
Minister Murray Coell expressing our opposition to both the creation of the new
authority and the Safety Standards Act changes; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Council requests a meeting with local
MLA's to express our concerns on these matters; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this resolution be forwarded to the 2004
Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) Annual General Meeting.
opciu IS
I 3OO-O4p-un-changes saftty standards act