HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-05-25 Council Meeting Agenda and ReportsCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING A GENDA May 25, 2004 7:00p.m. council Chamber MEETING DECORUM Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridae.org The purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council by using bylaws or resolutions. This is the final venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 OPENING PRA YERS Captain Ed Chiu 300 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 400 ADOPTIONAND RECEIPT OF MINUTES 401 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of May 11, 2004 402 Minutes of the Public Hearing of May 18, 2004 403 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of May 7, 8, 10, 11,12,2004 Page 1 Council Meeting Agenda May 25, 2004 Council Chamber Page 2 of 8 500 DELEGATIONS - Nil 600 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 601 Downtown Core Use and Occupancy Payment, June 2004 602 DVP/047/03, 13819 232 Street • Relaxation of the maximum allowable height from9.75 metres to 11 metres for proposed lots 36 to 51; and • Reduction in the required rear yard setback from 8 metres to 6 metres for proposed lots 1 to 17 and 29 to 35 inclusive 603 DVP/062/03, 14207 102 Avenue • Reduction in the required lot depth of 30 metres to 27.44 metres for lots fronting 102nd Avenue; • Reduction in required road right-of-way widths and construction standards for; urban standard minor streets - from 18 metres to 16.5 metres; and lanes - from 7.5 metres to 6 metres; • Reduction in the required lot depth of 27 metres for the three lots at the northwest portion of the site. 700 CORRESPONDENCE 701 Fraser Valley Regional District, Canada-US Air Quality Agreement Letter dated April 30, 2004 from Terry Raymond, Chair, FVRD Board of Directors, requesting a letter of support for a resolution to have the Georgia Basin/Puget Sound Airshed included formally in an annex to the Canada-US Air Quality Agreement be sent to the Minister of Environment and the US EPA Administrator. 800 BY-LAWS Note: Items 801 and 802 are from the Public Hearing of May 18, 2004 'I '. i Council Meeting Agenda May 25, 2004 Council Chamber Page 3 of 8 801 RZ/076/03, 24181 113 Avenue, 11378 240 Street and 11330 240 Street 801.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6206-2004 To designate from Conservation, Compact Housing (30 units per net hectare), Single Family Residential (5 units per net hectare) and Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare) to Conservation, Compact Housing (30 units per net hectare), Single Family Residential (5 units per net hectare) and Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare) Second and third reading 801.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6207-2004 To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential), CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District), R-1 (Residential District), RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) and RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to permit future subdivision into approximately 11 lots. Second and third reading 802 RZ/120/03, 23608, 23618 & 23628 Dewdney Trunk Road 802.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6218-2004 To designate from Single Family Residential (18 units per net hectare) to Compact Housing (40 units per net hectare) Second and third reading 802.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 62 19-2004 To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) and RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) to facilitate the development of nine new units and retention of two existing dwellings. Second and third reading 803 RZ/092/03, Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 6223-2004 To include property at 10703 248 Street, 10757/63 248 Street and 10607 Industrial Avenue in Sewer Area "A" Final reading 804 Maple Ridge Financial Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6238-2004 To amend the 2004-2008 Financial Plan Final reading Council Meeting Agenda May 25, 2004 Council Chamber Page 4 of 8 COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 900 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 901 Minutes - May 17, 2004 The following issues were presented at an earlier Committee of the 'Whole meeting with the recommendations being brought to this meeting for Municipal Council consideration and final approval. The Committee of the Whole meeting is open to the public and is held in the Council Chamber at 1:00 p.m. on the Monday the week prior to this meeting. Public Works and Development Services 902 District of Mission Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment Referral ROl -024 Staff report dated May 6, 2004 recommending that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify the District of Mission that there are no immediate concerns with the proposed Amendment referral and to request that they continue to correspond as development progresses. 903 AL/032/04, Application to Exclude Land from the Agricultural Land Reserve, 23425 & 23465 Dewdney Trunk Rd. Staff report dated May 7, 2004 recommending that application AL/032/04 be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission and that the applicant and the Commission are provided with an understanding of the current Official Community Plan policy and servicing constraints. 904 AL/019/04, Application to Exclude Land from the Agricultural Land Reserve, 20202 & 20232 Powell Avenue Staff report dated May 6, 2004 recommending that application AL/019/04 be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission and that the applicant and the Commission are provided with an understanding of the current Official Community Plan policy and servicing constraints. Council Meeting Agenda May25, 2004 Council Chamber Page 5 of 8 905 AL/029/04, Application to Exclude Land from the Agricultural Land Reserve, 22913 127 Ave., 22948, 22990 & 23008 128 Ave., and 12761 232 St.) Staff report dated May 6, 2004 recommending that application AL/029/04 be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission and that the applicant and the Commission are provided with an understanding of the current Official Community Plan policy and servicing constraints. 906 AL/005/04, Application to Exclude Land from the Agricultural Land Reserve, 24426 102 Avenue Staff report dated May 5, 2004 recommending that application AL/005/04 be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission and that the applicant and the Commission are provided with an understanding of the current Official Community Plan policy and servicing constraints. 907 AL/012/04, Application to Exclude Land from the Agricultural Land Reserve, 22992 127 Avenue Staff report dated May 5, 2004 recommending that application AL/012/04 be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission and that the applicant and the Commission are provided with an understanding of the current Official Community Plan policy and servicing constraints 908 Haney Hawgs Show and Shine Staff report dated April 29, 2004 recommending that Haney Hawgs be authorized to use Municipal Streets on Saturday, May 29, 2004 for their aimual Haney Hawgs Show and Shine. 909 Caribbean Street Festival Staff report dated April 19, 2004 recommending that the Caribbean Festival Committee be authorized to use Municipal Streets on Sunday, July 18, 2004 for their annual Festival. 910 7th Annual Vistas Run Staff report dated May 5, 2004 recommending that the Vistas Run organizer be authorized to use Municipal Streets on May 30, 2004. Council Meeting Agenda May 25, 2004 Council Chamber Page 6 of 8 911 Advisory Design Panel Appointment Staff report dated May 12, 2004 recommending that Mr. Wayne Bissky be appointed to the Advisory Design Panel for a two-year term. 912 ICBC Safer City Initiative - 2004 Operating Funds Agreement Staff report dated April 14, 2004 recommending that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal Contract No. R1P2004.010 with ICBC. 913 2004 Curbside Recycling Collection Area - Adjustment Staff report dated April 21, 2004 recommending that Maple Ridge Recycling Charges Amending Bylaw No. 6224-2004 be given three readings. Financial and Corporate Services (?ncludinR Fire and Police) 931 Fire Department Response to Motor Vehicle Accidents Staff report dated May 5, 2004 recommending that the Fire Department continue its current protocol of response to motor vehicle accidents and continue to explore efficiencies in the delivery of this service. 932 First Quarter Performance Report Staff report dated May 5, 2004 submitting the First Quarter Report for information. Note: Item 933 was forwarded to the May 17, 2004 Special Council Meeting where it was given three readings. 933 2004-2008 Amending Financial Plan Bylaw No. 6238-2004 Staff report dated May 11, 2004 recommending that Maple Ridge Financial Plan Amending Bylaw No. 623 8-2004 be given three readings. Council Meeting Agenda May 25, 2004 Council Chamber Page 7 of 8 934 Proclamation Policy Staff report dated April 14, 2004 recommending that Policy No. 3.02, Proclamations, be endorsed. 935 Agreement between the District of Maple Ridge and Maple Ridge Municipal Holdings Ltd. Staff report dated May 12, 2004 recommending that the Mayor and Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign the Partnering Agreement. Coin ,nunitl' Development and Recreation Service - Nil Correspondence - Nil Other Committee Issues - Nil 1000 STAFF REPORTS 1001 2004 Moonwalk Staff report dated May 14, 2004 recommending that Zellers be authorized to use Municipal Sidewalks and Streets for their 2004 Moonwalk on Sunday, May 30, 2004. 1002 UBCM Community Excellence Awards Program Staff report dated May 19, 2004 recommending that the Citizens' Report be submitted for consideration for the Community Excellence Award. 1098 MAYOR'S REPORT Council Meeting Agenda May 25, 2004 Council Chamber Page 8 of 8 1099 CO UN CILLORS' REPORTS 1100 OTHER MA TTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 1200 NOTICES OF MOTION 1300 ADJOURNMENT- 1400 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to seek clarification about an item on the agenda, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws which have not yet reached conclusion. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor andlor Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. The decision to televise the Question Period is subject to review. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes only to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). The total Question Period is limited to 15 minutes. If a question cannot be answered, it will be responded to at a later date at a subsequent Council Meeting. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the office of the Municipal Clerk who can be contacted at (604) 463-5221. Checked by: r CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES May 7, 2004 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Kathy Morse Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary SD/037102 LEGAL: Lots 8 & 9, Section 16, Township 12, Plan 21065, NWD LOCATION: 11497 and 11485 236 Street OWNER: Venture Projects Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Subdivision Servicing Agreement (Bare Land Strata) Covenant - Statutory R-O-W (access) 2. SDI061/02 LEGAL: Lot A, Section 28, Township 12, Plan BCP3646, NWD LOCATION: 23791 132 Avenue OWNER: Insignia Homes Rockridge Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Subdivision Servicing Agreement THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BEAUTHORIZED. TO. SIGN.. SE A-L. 111K. PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO SD/037/02 AND SD/061/02. CARRIED \Th Mayor/Kathy Morse Ji. (Jii) Rule, Chief Administrative Otlicer Chairman q03 111498 11496 2 11494 Ni c) 0) (/) 11470 H 2 11460 A A A A 11461 1 14/•\ 11 11440 12 11430 13 c'J 0 10 I 1485 11475 A EP 16722 5 11575 0 11536 6 SUBJECT PROPERTYJ 8 c..J a. 11535 11523 11497 9 11619 S\ 7 MCCAULEY CRES \/o\f 10 r 13321 13322 13317 13318 44 45 46 47 481 49 50 51 '\ 36 3 16 LMP 35466 \_373\ 2 133131 < 13314 23743 13309 C', 13310 I * \ 32 04 18 \\>' 2 1 13306 21 23I 241 2 5 E27I 28f 29 30 31\ ' _____ I * ) m 1 3 ) 133O1 r 20 4 ) c' ,c.42 / 133 AVE 133 AVE 133 AVE ,/ 43 LMP'3 P15402 P2637 RemB / El Subject Property25 3646 Rem 14 A V / 23 24 2 I 18 C, (N In C., C'1 In 0 N C, IN 1,11 LMP 7 P2637 4 'B" In In Cl) IN IVA p 2637 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on O$TRIC C A ~E~ SCALE: 1:2500 KEY MAP 23791- 132nd Avenue CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF LAKE MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE ncooted 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT _____ DATE: Sep 2 2003 FILE: BY: DS CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES May 8. 2004 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Kathy Morse Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary 1. SD/037/02 LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS Lots 8 & 9, Section 16, Township 12, Plan 21065, NWD 11497 and 11485 236 Street Venture Projects Ltd. Bare Land Strata Plan THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE STRATA PLAN AS ITS RELATES TO SD/037/02. CARRIED Mayj1Kathy Morse J.L. (Jiih) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Chairman Membr 5 11575 c'J 6 11535 SUBJECT PROPERTYI - 7 11523 8 RS-3 11497 9 11485 C.4 10 11475 A EP 16722 11619 11536 11461 1 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES May 10, 2004 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Kathy Morse Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary 2. SD/061102 LEGAL: Lot A, Section 28, Township 12, Plan BCP3646, NWD LOCATION: 23791 132 Avenue OWNER: Insignia Homes Rockridge Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Covenant - Statutory Right-of-Way (drainage) THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO SDI061/02. CARRIED May,kathy Morse J.L. (Jim)/Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Chairman Member I 10 1 l.114 p _ ,, Co Co IC C) M In M M C I \ \: 13321 I 13322 I 9 15 co \si \ Co 13317 13318 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ____a. •\ '\ co8 (/) 16 LMP 35466 3 237 uJ C) 13313 13314 2 __________ 17 I 374 13309 CO 13310 32 C7 a.. 6 18 LMP 35466'i 21 22 23 24 25 126 27 28 29 \30 \ 31 23745 I I 5 ,19 i... _______ Ro .-. I.- - 13305 13306 I N- Y N- Co Co C I Co C C, r I C., 23745 3 13301 4_J 120 I AVE I33AVE I33AVE RS-3 P 15402 P 2€ P 48925 BCP 3646 Rem B Rem A 23 24 - P 46272 18 RS-2N C. 2AVE co to CD LMP 7404 P 2637 - 4 C.) Co C.) /Z P CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES May 11, 2004 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Kathy Morse Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary 1. HELTMAN, WESLEY & MARTENS, SHARON LEGAL: Lot 3, Sect on 30, Township 12, Plan 10983, NWD LOCATION: 22340 132Avenue OWNER: Wesley Heitman & Sharon Martens REQUIRED AGREEMENTS Covenant - Floodplain Control THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO WESLEY HIELTMAN AND SHARON MARTENS. CARRIED n Mayor I44thy Morse Chairmn J.L. (Jini)Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Membei/ 7 P 26885 ___ - 6 6- __ ------------- -- 6 'C) 5 1 2 - 4 U' PlO 3 P1 7 ---P10983 5 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on District of J 145 _J 1L PittMeadows V/ 132 AVE 132U 1.9 6 - OREQRATJN-Q i L THEDISTRICTOF 1 0 MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12, September, 1874 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT L.. y I I, BY: LF N SCALE 1:1,000 District of Langley ijiE. The River CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES May 12, 2004 Mayors Office PRESENT: Mayor Kathy Morse Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary 1. HELTMAN, WESLEY & MARTENS, SHARON LEGAL: Lot 3, Section 30, Township 12, Plan 10983, NWD LOCATION: 22340 132 Avenue OWNER: Wesley Heitman & Sharon Martens REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Release of Floodplain Control Covenant (BV3 57714) THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO WESLEY HIELTMAN AND SHARON MARTENS. CARRIED r MaycrA(athy Morse J.L. (Jim) 7.ule, Chief Administrative Officer Chairman Memberj l351.9 7 P 26885 -- I 2 1 3. I P 5 6 P1 7 P 10983 SilverValley #I8IiItI RU I WL __ Langley River The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. 22340-132 AVE L THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12, September, 1874 LICENSES, PERMITS & BYLAWS DEPT. DATE: May 12, 2004 FILE: Untitled BY: CG 01 Corporation of the District of IIa pie Ridge 11995 Haney Place, \lapie Ridge. B.C. V2X 6.A9 Teiephone: (n04) 463-5221 Fax: (04) 467-7329 IN/ILL\J?LE RIDGE E-mail: enqu:riesmaplendge.org 12 S±r,1874 vwv.rnapier-idge.org Incoroorated May 12. 2004 File No: 3090-20:DVP/047!03 Dear SlrrMadam: PLEASE TAKE NOTE that the Municipal Council '.vill be considering a Development Variance Permit at the regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Municipal Hall. 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge. The particulars of the Development Variance Permit are as follows: AFPLICATION NO.: DVP/047/03 LEGAL: Lots 1-17 & 29-51. Section 32, Township 12, Plan BCPI0328, NWD LOCATION: 13819 232 Street PRESENT ZONT"G: CD-3-98 (Comprehensive Development Zone) PURPOSE: The applicant is requesting the following variances in order to facilitate the desired design and footprint of housing on a number of lots in Phase I of this subdivision: • Relaxation of the maximum allowable height from 9.75 metres to 11 metres for proposed lots 36 to 51; and • Reduction in the required rear yard setback from 8 metres to 6 metres for proposed lots I to 17 and 29 to 35 inclusive. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a copy of the Development Variance Permit and the Planning Department report dated April 22. 2004 relative to this pplication will be available for inspection at the Municipal Hall, Planning Department counter during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from May 13 to May 25, 2004. 60Z.. "Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens" - -.- - 10' ecvce. PaDe' to d ALL PERSONS who deem themselves affected hereby shall be afforded an opportunity to make their comments known to Municipal Council by making a written submission (or e-mail) to the attention of the Municipal Clerk by 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 25, 2004. Yours truly, Teri Fi'er. P.Eng Municipal Clerk tfrver(mapleridge.org An. cc: Confidential Secretary 2 0I1 138A AVENUE % I Lu,; fl 11110! 10111 or Il\ ' ____ P Al K l\ L. - PAR 1< 1} °r[ LI o,i 01 MIJL11—USE TRAIL SETBACK VARIANCE F½2J HEIGHT VARIANCE A SILVERMAPLES-PHASE 1 VARIANCES 1:2000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT MAPLE RIDGE IncorporIed 12 5eptmber, 1074 APRIl 14, 2004 Corporation of the District of N11aple Ridge 11995 Haney rnace. Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X6A9 iN'..IPLE RIDGE E-mail: enquiriesmapleridge.org 12 Septerrr1S_4 vvw.mapieridge.org Incorporated May 12. 2004 File No: 3090-20/DVP/062/03 Dear Sir/Madam: PLEASE TAKE NOTE that the Municipal Council Will be considering a Development Variance Permit at the regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, May 25, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge. The particulars of the Development Variance Permit are as follows: APPLICATION NO.: DVP/062/03 LEGAL: Lots A & B. Section 3, Township 12, Plan BCP9309, NWD LOCATION: 24207 102 Avenue PRESENT ZONThG: R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) PURPOSE: The applicant is requesting the following variances prior to subdivision: • Reduction in the required lot depth of 30 metres to 27.44 metres for lots fronting 102nd Avenue; • Reduction in required road right-of-way widths and construction standards for: urban standard minor streets - from 18 metres to 16.5 metres; and lanes - from 7.5 metres to 6 metres; • Reduction in the required lot depth of 27 metres for the three lots at the northwest, portion of the site. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a copy of the Development Variance Permit and the Planning Department report dated April 27, 2004 relative to this application will be available for inspection at the Municipal Hall. Planning Department counter during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from May 13 to May 25. 2004. CO3 "Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens" 1001 pec\.cled ALL PERSONS who deem themselves affected hereby shall be afforded an opportunity to make their comments known to Municipal Council by making a wrrnen submission (or e-mail) to the anention of the Municipal Clerk by 4:00 p.m.. Tuesday, May 25, 2004. Yours truly. • Terr; F'er.P.En 'dunicipal Clerk tfrverniapleridge.org kk An. cc: Confidential Secretary PCI. .0. EzPon 20434 C PcI. E, Pal. T p, 14864 1 Es.Pon 70359 I ReI.Pn 9473 37 Pm,, 41519 PARK Pbn LWPJ5918 PARK PARK Plo,, 8CP7010 1U3 AVENUE 45 46 15 17 "T VARIANCE 2. __ (LOT DEPTH : '/// L//. 4N _ E LESS THAN 27m.) 43 42 1 41 1 40 1 35 I 38 76 1151741 131121711701 91 48 VARIANCE lb. - (WIDTH OF STREETS 7028 AVENUE 7028 AVENUE AND LANES TO ALBION STANDARD) H 0 28 27 1 2 34 5 6 7 37 2 21 2212324 125 1 26 F27 102A AVENUE 102: AVENU IC 98 716'S LAN- 4 I OT DEPTH FROM 30m T027.44m RUAC APTR1A'R 702 AVENUE N r 1 7 SILVER VA.L(V 1-7 ALBION PROPOSED VARIANCES CORPORATION OF THE ISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE D MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT Incorperated 12 September. 7874 DRAWN BY: T.M. DATE: ArI 26. 2004 flLE: VP-62-03 M & C _VCMT dh , r Action: FMi / MAYUk AND ZOL=Cft [T Fraser VaHey Regional Dstrct 45950 Cheam Avenue, Chilliwack. British Columbia V2P 1 N6 FVRD Phone: 604-702-5000 Toll Free: 1-800-528-0061 (BC only) Fax: 604-792-9684 website: wwwfvrd.bc.ca 9050-20-058 April 30, 2004 Letter to: Whatcom County Council - Chair Dan McShane GVRD Chair, Marvin Hunt Village of Anmore - Mayor Hal Weinberg Village of Belcarra - Mayor Ralph Drew Bowen Island Municipality - Mayor Lisa Barrett City of Burnaby - Mayor Derek Corrigan City of Coquitlam - Mayor Jon Kingsbury Corporation of Delta - Mayor Lois Jackson City of Langley - Mayor Marlene Grinnell Township of Langley - Mayor Kurt Alberts Village of Lions Bay - Mayor Douglas Miller District of Maple Ridge - Mayor Kathy Morse City of Abbotsford - Mayor Mary Reeves City of Chilliwack - Mayor Clint Hames Village of Harrison Hot Springs - Mayor John Allen City of New Westminster - Mayor Wayne Wright City of North Vancouver - Mayor Barbara Sharp District of North Vancouver - Mayor Don Bell District of Pitt Meadows - Mayor Don MacLean City of Port Coquitlam - Mayor Scott Young City of Port Moody - Mayor Joe Trasolini City of Richmond - Mayor Malcolm Brodie City of Surrey - Mayor Doug McCallum City of Vancouver - Mayor Larry Campbell District of West Vancouver - Mayor Ron Wood City of White Rock - Mayor Judy Forster District of Mission - Mayor Abe Neufeld District of Kent - Mayor Sylvia Pranger District of Hope - Mayor Gordon Poole Dear Chairpersons and Mayors: For the past 3 years, representatives from the FVRD. GVRD, Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, Environment Canada, US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington Dept. of Ecology, Puget Sound Clean Air Agency, Northwest Air Pollution Agency, and First Nations and Tribes have been meetingin an effort to develop an air quality strategy for the Georgia Basin/Puget Sound (GB/PS) airshed. This area includes the coastal region roughly from Campbell River and Whistler in the north to Olympia, Washington in the south, including the shared Strait of Juan de Fuca. The Lower Fraser Valley airshed is included in this area. In part, the above work has included a project to characterize the GB/PS airshed, thereby determining, to the greatest degree possible with existing tools, the need for such a strategy. The results show that there is significant transboundary transport of air pollutants from Puget Sound into the Georgia Basin (including the Fraser Valley) and vice versa. While there appear to be some similar as well as unique sources of air pollution in these areas, the human health impact research conducted to date, such as the recent BC Lung Association Health and Air quality study, has yet to identify Page 1 of 3 •701 ambient air quality levels for particulate matter and ozone, the air pollutants of most concern, that are considered to be safe. In a March, 2003 letter to Governor Gary Locke of Washington State and BC Premier Gordon Campbell, the Canadian and US Section Chairs of the International Joint Commission supported a joint concern by the IJC's International Air Quality Advisory Board and its Health Professionals Task Force regarding the lack of a binational, coordinated process for projects that potentially have transboundary impacts. They went on to support the GB/PS International Airshed Strategy development process. In 199 I, the Canada-US Air Quality Agreement was signed by the federal Minister of Environment and the Administrator of the US Environmental Protection Agency. Then in December, 2000 an Ozone Annex was added to this Agreement The Annex spells out commitments by the US and Canada for the reduction of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds (precursors to the formation of ozone in the air) in 18 northeast states, the District of Columbia and southern Ontario and Quebec. It also specifies, in part, that this Annex is to be reviewed in mid-2004 to determine whether or not southern British Columbia and the US Pacific Northwest (i.e. the Georgia Basin/Puget Sound airshed) should be added as a western component. Another option is for a separate annex under the Agreement to be developed which focuses on the GB/PS airshed. If this area is recognized in an annex to the Canada-US Air Quality Agreement, specific actions by both countries would be identified and, as was the case for the Ozone Annex, resources would be made available for their completion. Implementation of anything less, such as formal agreement by the above agencies, would be limited to the extent that the authority to develop and implement international management plans, which is the prerogative of the federal governments, would be lacking. As well, implementation and operation of such an agreement would have to rely on resources provided by member agencies, who may have other competing priorities. The FVRD has taken the position that recognition under the Canada/US Air Quality Agreement, through the Annex process, is the best way to ensure that the technical and administrative issues identified in the past three years are considered and resolved. A window of opportunity for promoting this option will open in June, 2004 when the Canada/US International Air Quality Committee, established by the above Agreement, meets to review the 2000 Ozone Annex. This is also the target date and venue for presenting the agreed-upon GB/PS International Airshed Strategy in draft form. However, no decision has yet been made by the participating agency group on whether or not to recommend that the Strategy be enshrined in a new or existing Annex. On March 2, 2004 and March 23, 2004, the FVRD Air Quality Committee and Board of Directors, respectively, adopted the following motion. LAQ 2004-271 THAT the Air Quality Committee confirm its preference that the Georgia Basin/Puget Sound International Airshed Strategy result in a new or existing Annex to the Canada/US Air Quality Agreement; THAT staff promote this option at the 2004 03 04 meeting of the strategy co-ordinating committee; AND FURTHER THAT member municipalities and the Greater Vancouver Regional District he reguected tn cIJppnrl this initintive Page 2 of 3 Regarding the last part of this resolution, we request that your Council/Board support the Regional District in its efforts to have the Georgia Basin/Puget Sound Airshed included formally in an annex to the Canada-US Air Quality Agreement. Should Council be so inclined, please advise Canada's Minister of Environment, the Hon. David Anderson and the US EPA Administrator, Mr. Mike Leavitt of your decision to support this resolution (see addresses below). Yours truly r r fl Terry Raymond, Chair FYRD Board of Directors Addresses In Canada: Hon. David Anderson Minister of the Environment Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIA 0H3 In the US: Mr. Michael 0. Leavitt Administrator Environmental Protection Agency Ariel Rios Building 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 20460 United States of America Page 3 of 3 p CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6206-2004. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "B" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 6206-2004." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 12, Section 15, Township 12, Plan 50696, New Westminster District; Lot 4, Section 15, Township 12, Plan 21243, New Westminster District; and Lot 5, Section 15, Township:12, Plan 21243, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 667, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, are hereby redesignated as shown. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 200, PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of , A.D. 200. READ A. SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 200. READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. 200. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200. MAYOR CLERK 30 I , 33 1 U-tyuj flQ -i 1/482 P 10848 P 137861 [32 1 11474 I L " 31 I 167 2.094 no 30 2.964 ho fh59 0.988 L9 I 14 2 ho 0 C I N- 11442 - /1475 133 N- a- 1.956 ho /,4/5 bi I 1/416 PP045 I A I "c.i RP 8357 I 1/J97 2 0.405 ho 4 MW ' 1 '4 VPF 0.809 'A — — w -_A__ 11262 C c-J /1292 1 1.214 hO 1!200 (-4 r.J 15 0.809 ho 0 C f) MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 6206-2004 Map No. 667 From: Conservation, Compact Housirig(30 units per net Imectare), Single Family Residential(5 units per net hectare) and Single Family Residential(18 units per net hectore) To i: Conservation Single Family Residentiol(18 units per net hectare) I Compact Hous,a(30 units per net hectare) Single Family Residenticl(5 units per net hectare) AMAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 -- •. 12500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6207-2004 A By-law to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW ThEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 6207-2004." Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 12, Section 15, Township 12, Plan 50696, New Westminster District; Lot 4, Section 15, Township 12, Plan 21243, New Westminster District; and Lot 5, Section 15, Township:12, Plan 21243, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1322 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, are hereby rezoned as shown. Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 200. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 200. READ a second time the day of ---A--D-200- .- READ a third time the day of , A.D. 200. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200. MAYOR 'R01- j II4.5 j - -. (1 14 J 2 ho L /1441) 0 a 11442 1/425 30283 1.968 ho 11415 22031 1 114/6 PP045 A RP 8357 11401 - 31 22 0. h lilt 11JJ •: : : : : :• :• 5 : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .89 0. P 21243 5556ho -H: - : -:•:-:• - 113 A\ P5(696 15 11292 1 0.609 h 1.214 ho trjoo c'.J 0.779 ho 11250 1/21J 201 A MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 207-2004 .. Map No. 1322 From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: RS—lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) ifihillUll R-1 (Residential District) rTii RS-1(One Family Urban Residntki - AMAPLE RIDGE IncorDoreted 12 September, 1874 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE. BY-LAW NO. 6218 - 2004. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A", "B" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 6218 - 2004." 2. Schedule "B" is hereby amended for those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 42, Except: Parcel A (Reference Plan LMP326), Section 16, Township 12, Plan 20770, New Westminster District; and Lot 43, Except: Part dedicated Road on LMP4233, Section 16, Township 12, Plan 20770, New Westminster District; and Lot 44, Except Part dedicated Road on Reference Plan LM1P786, Section 16, Township 12, Plan 20770, New Westminster District. and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 672, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby redesignated to Compact Housing (40 units per net hectare). 3. Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XLI in the Appendix: Lot 42, Except: Parcel A (RP LMP326); Lot 43, Except: Part dedicated Road on LMP4233; & Lot 44, Except Part dedicated Road on RP LMP786, all of Sec. 16, Tp .12, Plan 20770, NWD (RZ/120/003) qgo Z . I Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6218 - 2004 Page 2 4. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 42, Except: Parcel A (Reference Plan L2A1P326), Section 16, Township 12, Plan 20770, New Westminster District; and Lot 43, Except: Part dedicated Road on LMP4233, Section 16, Township 12, Plan 20770, New Westminster District; and Lot 44, Except Part dedicated Road on Reference Plan LMP786, Section 16, Township 12, Plan 20770, New Westminster District. and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 672, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, are hereby designated as Development Permit Area XLI (16) on Schedule "H". 5. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of A.D. READ A SECOND TIME the day of A.D. READ A THIRD TIME the day of , A.D. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED the day of A.D. MAYOR CLERK 30 119J04 ~179 20 18.0 - ) 6.961 ho. Ln H H in 0') )/) / LMP 9 1112 j3E 14 I V A I / (LMT3551 I \16'\ isJ \ \ 120 2 0 120 6 AVE 3.156 ho 12099 L5 LMS 988 LIV LM P g545 LMP 9544 LMP 9546 BCP Rem Pci. 2 of PcI, , 6847 u' EP 1734 11 101 PARK flPI9fl DEWDNEY TRUNK RD. 787 RW P 3164 RP 57263 f RP 86679 LUP 16374 " RW 58913 CP1836h1, j 2 183I 8CP 83835 LLI — ------- - — — — — -ir — Rem A 1.645 ho .613 ho H B II P83835 — U, II 20 .0 "1 cN 6 6 6 0.931 ho .464 hc 2 V 2212 L P _______ 9 l9l8 229 1 P 207 0 - [Rem 3 Rem PcI. A of 7 't Rem W 80.7' of E 1/2 HE - ° o, /'' o / 198Y 8 El 1/988 16 if) /195. 4 F4 f/97".J 7 11975 CN 15 1191 5 45 — 11946 r'- o 7 15.0 ff955_i 6 11966 14 6 11941 46 0 LMP 8074 /1.95 11954(),, 13 N. 7 8 /1936 47 0.506 ho ' i'd ______ /1926 P 20770 48 RP ,: (04 0', - in r-."d CN -' ',o /192 in ,,p,'. 3 11 ______ 1/9/ 10 LMPI lQliQ 1112131415 i I 2 307 6 0 /191. 2 11918 10 ci //90 Li') 1190 3i 1/905 —J g12 N-1190 — / if) 119 AVE 119 AVE. ___ I 1188R (N 1 I 118.98 J 9 ' /8951 (1/888 [LPlHh1 fll8.00o I 1ç /f89?15.0 I 8 10 9 81 7 H 12 18817 I 8 I 2 7788 "A" I - LM 2 1 i 'I___ ___ ___ _____ 1/888 I I- TOTAL AREA; 2.58 ho I 1 1870 307j l ... I . MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 6218-2004 Map No. 671 Prom: Single Family Residential(18 units per net hectare) 0: Compact Housing(40 units per net hectare) Nfi A MAPLE RIDGE incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:2500 MAPLE Bylaw No. Map No. PURPOSE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING 6218-2004 672 TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA XLI(16) MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September. 1874 A F 1:2500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6219 - 2004 A By-law to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510- 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 6219 -2004." Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 42, Except: Parcel A (Reference Plan LMP326), Section 16, Township 12, Plan 20770, New Westminster District; and Lot 43, Except: Part dedicated Road on LMP4233, Section 16, Township 12, Plan 20770, New Westminster District; and Lot 44, Except Part dedicated Road on Reference Plan LMP786, Section 16, Township 12, Plan 20770, New Westminster District. and outlined in heavy black line is hereby rezoned to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) and that portion shown hatched is hereby rezoned to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) as shown on Map No. 1324, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law. Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. SI READ a first time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the 200. MAYOR ,A.D.200. A.D. 200.. ,A.D.200. A.D. 200. day of CLERK 'I IR6 P.. 2. EL 2 9AVE 3.156 no 12099 985 LMS 988 LMP 9545 ' LMP 9544 LMP 9546 '.,I 6.951 no. \- H H Ln II H -J I),) ,BCP 6847 in I PARK T71;8 h345h61 L 'cJ 'ci 'c 'o 'o 0 200 Rem PcI. 2 of PcI. EP 1734 DEWDNEY TRUNK RD. 787 RW 58913 LMP 327 \7 MP3164 RP 57263 1RP 86679 LU 16374 I rotll* I % I .... I.. LJI1i 2 "i' I 30 BCP 1835 _______ E E E 0.931 ho .464 h LIP ___ I 229 2 _ 83835 W Rem LANE 3 //96 Rem A Rem 1198i ______ 1/98ê'0 Cn _____ /195 119 1.645 ho PcI. 80.7 8 ______ _______ 4 513 ij _ Rem3 A of 7 of E ( 11978 r-. 1/2 7 15 5 / 194 20 H B P 83835 45 - (0 7 i,965 - 1/966 ____ 6 1/94 p 11946 6 15.0 14 _____ 18.0 119 I 46 0. LJ4P 8074 0 "95 _____ /1954ci 7 " m - - ------"" 119J6 0.506 ho ____ 8 - ____ RP 8312\ //94 1/92. 11.5 1 1926 P 20770 %fl 1192 1/9J0 48 3 r- (C) i1 10 //9/. C14 ___ 20.0 2 307 1/91 11918 /190. 2 10 11 LP 21314 5 6 5.O LL !90 /1906 g0)2_/ / ______ -J 119 AVE. 119 A. a 00 (i/Bee 11 I i (0 11899 ' 18.0 1 10 'c ir1 T 8 L I i l 11898 9 1 -. /189\ 118 9 8 7 12 I 8 I I 2 ________ LU J071 / /eeit 11888 I - TOTAL AREA: 2.58 no (0 1/870 I C 3. 1 i ________ MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6219-2004. Map No. 1324 From; RS-3(One Family Rural Residential) To: R-3(Special Amenity Residential District) and RM— 1 (Townhouse Residential) shown hatched OA)IM am, MAPLE RIDGE .Incorporated 12 September. 1874 A I 1:2500 'Rw CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6223-2004 A By-law to extend Sewer Area "A" within the District of Maple Ridge \VIIEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, pursuant to Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization By-law No. 2486 - 1977. established Sewer Area "A" within the boundaries of the Municipality; AND WHEREAS. the Council has received petitions from property owners for the extension of Sewer Area "A" and deems it expedient to extend Sewer Area "A"; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Sewer Area A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 6223-2004". That Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization By-law No. 2486 - 1977 as amended be further amended by adding to Section 1, the following words: "and also shall include all those portions of: Lot 1. Section 10, Township 12, NWD, Plan 21863 (10703 248 Street) and Lot 2, Section 10, Township 12, NWD, Plan 21863 (10757/63 248 Street) and Lot "E", Section 10, Township 12, NWD, Plan 20280 (10607 Industrial Avenue) as shown boldly marked on the map attached to the By-law and marked as Schedule "A". That the parcels noted in Paragraph 2 above, of this by-law, shall bear the same charges as those properties in the original Sewer Area "A". READ a first time the day of , 2004. READ a second time the day of 12004. READ a third time the day of , 2004. RECONSIDERED and adopted the day of , 2004. MAYOR MWIN Attachment: Schedule "A" SCHEDULE "A" TO MAPLE RIDGE SEWER AREA "A" SEWERAGE WORKS CONSTR LOAN UTH7.ZTION AMENDING BrNO6223_2OO4 1 14 7-1 _ PARK 10 w. 8 A : __ 2 .1 PROPOSED AREA TO BE INCLUDED INTO SEWER AREA A I EXISTING SEWER AREA A PROPOSED ADDITION TO SEWER AREA A N CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Lncorparat.d 12 Septnber. 1874 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT flLE: AREA A 0054.dwg JDATE: APRIL 2004 SCALE N.T.S. ta=ftz~ MAPLE RIDGE 2 Spmbr. 1874 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 623 8-2004 A By-law to amend the 5 year Financial Plan for the years 2004 through 2008 The Council for the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Financial Plan Amending By-law No. 6238-2004". Statement I of Maple Ridge Financial Plan Bylaw No. 6225-2004 is deleted in its entirety and replaced with Statement 1 attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. Maple Ridge Financial Plan Bylaw No. 6183-2003 is repealed in its entirety. READ a first time the day of 2004. READ a second time the day of 2004. READ a third time the day of 2004. RECONSIDERED and adopted the day of 2004. MAYOR CLERK Attachment: Statement 1 Attachement to Financial Plan Amending B1aw 6238 - 2004 Statement 1 Consolidated Financial Plan 2004-2008 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 REVENUES External Revenues Property Taxes $34,462,300 $36,655,186 $38,971,176 $41,056,549 $43,007,158 Parcel Charges $1,818,045 $1,858,820 $1,900,543 $1,935,734 $1,971,491 Fees & Charges $19,039,004 $19,552,881 $20,164,369 $20,860,832 $20,923,561 Interest $1,735,000 $1,725,000 $1,725,000 $1,725,000 $1,725,000 Grants (Other Govts) $6,702,464 $2,685,579 $2,790,377 $2,247,197 $3,739,908 Property Sales $5,550,000 $0 $0 $0 $o Development Fees Developer Cost Charges $15,370,137 $4,450,819 $3,989,385 $4,352,591 $4,031,344 Developer Specified Projects $63,507 $0 $0 $15,750 $25,984 Parkland Acquisition $280,248 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 Development Fees Total $15,713,892 $4,650,819 $4,189,385 $4,568,341 $4,257,328 Total External Revenues $85,020, 705 $67,128,285 $69, 740,850 $72,393,653 $75,624,446 $0 $18,588,754 $10,743,877 $350,000 Internal Revenues Borrowing Proceeds Transfer from Reserve Funds Land Reserve Local Improvement Reserve Equipment Replacement Reserve Sanitary Sewer Reserve Capital Works Reserve Fire Department Capital Reserve Transfer from Reserve Fund Total Transfer from Own Reserves $0 $858,342 $1,513,648 $0 $4,847,609 $931,546 $8,151,145 $10,442,159 $0 $0 $1,967,750 $487,565 $499,000 $881,110 $3,835,425 $4,671,719 $0 $0 $1,633,364 $0 $2,309,500 $1,637,500 $5,580,364 $4,074,297 $0 $0 $591,828 $0 $36,000 $250,000 $877,828 $4,606,541 $0 $o $841,516 $0 $310,000 $1,750,000 $2,901,516 $4,602,888 $41,589,998 $14,997,259 $14,680,987 $10,572,818 $14,286,115 $1,697,258 $1,597,224 $19,577,718 $11,514,845 $666,732 $2,822,313 $2,737,440 $2,369,376 $2,262,252 $2,261,965 $51,008,200 $51,099,579 $53,182,328 $55,681,464 $56,651,508 $97,117,769 $70,431,502 $89,810,409 $80,031,379 $73,866,320 $663,239 $683,767 $705,702 $725,606 $745,747 $1,585,196 $1,672,597 $1,768,902 $1,800,374 $1,833,705 $728,467 $769,521 $813,393 $853,200 $893,483 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $3,076,902 $3,225,885 $3,387,997 $3,479,180 $3,572,935 $0 $0 $34,728 $0 $731,095 $9,095,794 $3,909,900 $4,751,131 $5,320,450 $5,308,500 12,172,696 $7,135,785 $8,173,856 $8, 799,630 $9,612,530 09,290,465 $77,567,287 $97,984,265 $88,831,009 $83.478.850 Expenditures External Expenditures Capital Expenditures Principal Payments on Debt Interest Payments on Debt Other Expenditures Total External Expenditures Internal Expenditures Transfer to Reserve Funds Capital Works Reserve Equipment Replacement Reserve Fire Dept. Capital Aquisition Land Reserve Local Improvement Reserve Sanitary Sewer Reserve Total Transfer to Reserve Funds Contribution to Surplus Contribution to Own Reserves Total Internal Exoenditures a CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Kathy Morse DATE: May 6, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: N/A FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: District of Mission Official Community Plan Bylaw Amendment Referral - R01-024 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The purpose of this report is to review and respond to the referrals from the District of Mission regarding revisions to a proposed Official Community Plan amendment. As the District of Maple Ridge is a neighbouring municipality, this notification is required under Section 879 of the Local Government Act. The review will review the potential implications of this proposed "Silverdale Urban Residential Area" for the District of Maple Ridge. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) That the Municipal Clerk be authorised to notify the District of Mission that there are no immediate concerns with the proposed Official Community Plan Amendment referral - ROl - 024 and request that the District of Mission continue to correspond with Maple Ridge as development progresses.: DISCUSSION: a) Project Description: In September 2002, Council received a request for comments and a staff report outlining a proposed amendment to the District of Mission's Official Community Plan to enable development to occur in the Silverdale community, located in the southwest portion of the municipality. The original proposed amendment was to re-designate approximately 3 400 acres (1 375 hectares) of land to Urban Residential. The proposal included: • 10 900 dwelling units of mixed density; • 11 neighbourhoods with build-out anticipated in 40 years; • a projected population increase of 33 000; and • 1 000 acres (405 hectares) to be designated as Natural Open Space and Parkland. In correspondence dated March 16, 2004, the District of Mission notified the District of Maple Ridge of its intention to amend thatsubject bylaw further, to pertain exclusively to major land holdings within the original study area by Genstar Development Company and Madison Development Corporation. The total area of these subject properties is 1435 acres (580 hectares), approximately 42% of the original area. Although the proposed development is to be at urban densities, there are no specific references to the number of housing units proposed. The 2002 development proposal will be used as a general guide to this review. Based on these figures, the total number of units could be as high as 4577 dwelling units, and 13,860 residents, based upon 42 %-- of the original development statistics. However, the net developable area is likely to be smaller than previously estimated, once consideration for environmentally sensitive areas is made clear. Therefore, these figures are at the higher end of reasonable expectations for development. ?O2 In correspondence dated April 21, 2004, the District of Mission notified the District of Maple Ridge of a third proposed amendment to the Official Community Plan concerning the study area. This proposal would remove a one acre parcel from the 1435 acre (580 hectare) portion proposed for an Urban Residential designation. This third amendment should therefore be considered minor in its overall impacts. b) Planning Analysis: This study area does not directly abut the border of Maple Ridge. The planning process will proceed in stages, with the first stage involving a 300 —500 acres portion of the subject area. For this reason, there will be little immediate impact on Maple Ridge. Over the longer term, the development of this area may have implications on the District, most notably along the Lougheed Highway corridor. The transportation concept included in the Area Plan incorporates the findings of the Ministry of Transportation Highway 7 Corridor Strategy Study, completed in 2001, as follows: "While the Study considers the long-term direction for the corridor, it is primarily used to guide the provincial investment strategy over the next five years. Overall, the Highway 7 Study assumed the provision of several long-term transportation improvements to the highway system, including the North-South crossing of the Fraser River (location to be determined) and the widening ofHighway 11 south through Abbotsford. The study also indicated that the proj ected growth in traffic would likely require the widening ofHighway 7from two to four lanes through Mission." An increase in traffic volume on the westward Lougheed Highway through Mission would increase the traffic volume through Maple Ridge. The original development proposal was referenced at a social and information exchange meeting, September 4th, 2002, between the two Councils. It was suggested that as the development progresses both municipalities should continue to work together with the Province to advance any required upgrades on the Lougheed Highway. Since that time, Maple Ridge has been involved in a Master Transportation Plan which will inform the transportation component of its Official Community Plan review. In addition, TransLink has commenced an Area Transit Plan for Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. Mission has provided Maple Ridge with input on the Transportation Plan, recognising the Lougheed Corridor as an important element of that plan. It was also recognised that the Area Transit Plan, currently underway, provides an opportunity to improve public transit service between Maple Ridge and Mission. However, there are limitations as the financing of their systems will be an important planning factor. Interdepartmental Implications: Long term issues associated with the Lougheed Corridor have been incorporated into the Transportation Plan, which was prepared through a multi-departmental committee. Intergovernmental Issues: The Ministry of Transportation has a key role in any plans to upgrade or widen the Lougheed Highway. A widening of this corridor from 2850' Street to Silverdale / Maclean is currently underway (MOTH Project # 115580001). The Ministry indicates that these improvements are to address safety concerns rather than service new development. The Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection may become involved should any proposed transportation network upgrades impact environmentally sensitive areas or fish habitat streams. -2- • Translink may have a role to play in transit improvements between the two cities. However, because BC Transit operates Mission's transportation system, there may be a role for the Province to bridge both municipal interests and funding. e) Environmental Implications: Potential environmental implications relating to the widening of the Lougheed Highway corridor are unknown at this time. An environmental review/assessment may be warranted as part of a transportation plan process to determine any potential impacts. CONCLUSION: The District of Mission is proposing revisions to an amendment to their Official Community Plan that would enable development to occur in the Silverdale community, located in the southwest portion of Mission. As with the original proposed amendment, the plan area does not abut the District of Maple Ridge, and is not anticipated to have significant impacts in the short or medium term. However, over the long term, it is expected to have impacts with respect to traffic volume on the Lougheed Highway corridor. It is recommended that the District of Mission keep Maple Ridge Council apprised of timing in order to co-ordinate any improvements. 2D !L4~r=Q Prepared by: Diana Hall - ane PkijJg-M€P, MCIP Approved by:/ Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP LI : Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J. J. (Jim) Rule ClAief Administrative Officer -3- ---•• 1k fF III:ILJ IANEll Il T T9tTtfl J J 411 Kj Rx"i I . iL_LTUJ I: IL J I - - - ri Ii I NO Mj ±IjLc II Ik: SUBJECT PROPERti1 REMOVED I li 1 III 3c26)- /)-t17 C ~nx MAPLE RIDGE CORPORATION OF THE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: May 07, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: AL/032/04 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Application to Exclude Land from the Agricultural Land Reserve 23425 & 23465 Dewdney Trunk Rd EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received under Section 30(1) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act to exclude approximately 15.4 hectares of land from the Agricultural Land Reserve. The Applicant's submission conforms with the notice of application requirements of the Agricultural Land Commission. RECOMMENDATION: That application AL/032/04 respecting property located at 23425 & 23465 Dewdney Trunk Road and Lot 4 Section 21 Township 12 NWD Plan 1023, be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission and that the applicant and the Commission are provided with an understanding of the current Official Community Plan policy and servicing constraints on the property as outlined in the report dated May 7, 2004. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Holiday Industries Ltd. Owner: Frank & Christa M. Hauzer; Thomas P. & Theresa Beaupre; John & Lina Savio; and Antonio & Gina Torresan Legal Description: W Y2 Lot 3, Plan 1023; E V2 Lot 3, Plan 1023; and Lot 4, Plan 1023 all of Section 21, Township 12, NWD OCP Existing: Agricultural ZôningExisting: RS3(One.F mily VRuralResidential) - V - - Surrounding Uses North: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) South: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) P-4 (Church Institutional) East: A-i (Small Holding Agricultural) R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) RM- 1 (Townhouse Residential) West: RS-lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) Existing Use of Property: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Access: Dewdney Trunk Road The three properties are located on the north side of Dewdney Trunk Road east of 234 th Street. Application AL/032/04 has been received to exclude the subject properties from the Agricultural Land Reserve. The Applicant has satisfied all "notice of exclusion" requirements under Section 5 of B.C. Regulation 313/78 (Agricultural Land Reserve Procedure Regulation). The notice requests written comments be forwarded to the District of Maple Ridge. To date eight written comments have been received by the Planning Department, and are attached to this memo. Project Description: The applicants intention upon exclusion from the ALR to rezone the property to permit a higher density residential use. Planning Analysis: On March 11, 2004, a report for processing exclusion applications was received by Council outlining land use considerations. Council resolved to continue their current practice of referring all applications to the Agricultural Land Commission with the provision that applicants and the Commission be advised that land use decisions will continue to be directed by Council. The following land use implications of the proposed exclusion need to be considered: • The Applicant has indicated the owner's redevelopment plans for the subject property, should it be excluded from the Agricultural Land Reserve. Although adjacent to a mix of urban residential development uses (18,40,30-60 units per net hectare), this subject property is designated for Agricultural Use. Under the existing Official Community Plan the land is not considered available for urban residential use. • The proposed exclusion of this property from the ALR and its potential residential redevelopment is currently inconsistent with the goals of the Livable Region Strategic Plan and the Regional Context Statement adopted by the District in the Official Community Plan. This application is in an area which lies outside the urban area boundary and is designated as Green Zone in the Livable Region Strategic Plan. Maple Ridge must consider the four fundamental strategies of the Livable Region Strategic Plan (LSRP) when considering future development: Protection of the Green Zone; Building of complete communities; Achievement of a compact metropolitan region, and Increased transportation choice. The Official Community Plan is currently under review. While designations may change as a result of that review there is no guarantee that this property will be designated for urban residential development upon conclusion of the Official Community Plan. • The land use implications and development pressures that will occur for excluded properties that do not become designated for urban purposes during the process of the Official Community Plan review. Although disappointed at this outcome, many applicants will still have expectations for redevelopment in the longer term. • The applicant must also be advised that the sewer connections for each of the subject properties are in accordance with Policy No. 9.02, adopted in November, 1993, This policy grants permission for -2- sewer connection to all property owners within the Agricultural Land Reserve whose property abuts an existing lateral sewer line. It also makes provisions for extending services where public health is a concern and Agricultural Land Commission permission is granted. This policy is intended to provide a single connection to each existing parcel, and should not be considered a means to facilitate further subdivision. Servicing to an urban residential standard would require approval for inclusion in the Fraser Sewer Area from the Greater Vancouver Sewer and Drainage District Board. Similarly, an application to the Greater Vancouver Regional District to amend the Green Zone boundaries through application to the Greater Vancouver Regional District would be required prior to permitting an urban style of development. There is no guarantee that such applications would be approved. CONCLUSION: Based on the recommendation contained within the report titled Processing of Applications for Exclusion from the Agricultural Land Reserve during the Official Community Plan Review, dated March 11 0 , 2004 and the resolution from Council dated March 23rd 2004, it is recommended the application AL/032104 be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. /9W &..Z// Prepared by: Bruce McLeod LandscaeLPlannina Technician ane Picke ig , MCIP Approved by: /Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP f/ GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence:J.tief(Jim)Rule Administrative Officer BMcLJbjc -3- I _ 123 AVE. :[_ T-n 122 AVE. ST BJECT PR PERTIES T —1 L H___ 0 _ Lu ______ SANDPIPER AVE. -(D (I) Pitt Mead A 23425, 23465 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD & / \ LOT 4, SEC 21, TWP 12, PL1 023, NWD \ : * 1 0 E NQcF N angey 1 MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Mar 30, 2004 FILE: AL1032/04 BY: PC SCALE 1:3,500 . Rivqr 12108— 234th S Maple Ridge, BC V2X 9K7 604-467-3772 March 29, 2004 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 5A9 Attention: Bruce McLeod, Planning. Dear Mr. McLeod Re: Exclusion Application Regarding Land in the ALR: 23425 & 23465 Dewdney Trunk Road. MAR30 2094 CO- /:OOPi-b- MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT Further to our telephone conversation today I am enclosing a copy of the Notice circulated to our neighbourhood yesterday, together with a copy of my response to Mr. Jones. Please submit these documents with the application, if appropriate. Thank you Annette Morgau) 12108_234th st Maple Ridge, BC V2X 9K7 March 29, 2004 Bob Jones 202_11939_224thSt Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6B2 By fax: 604-463-9901. Dear Mr. Jones: I am one of the residents who received a notice from you yesterday regarding the application to exclude land from the ALR, which land is bordering our property. We were at home all day, and had you had the courtesy to ring our doorbell or knock, we would have been happy to discuss this issue with you. We were not terribly impressed with having a notice taped to our front door and ask that you not do that again. With regard to your notice,. I think you needed to take a little more time in thinking the wording through, as you have probably antagonized much of the neighbourhood with the reference to a "small scale riot" and the notice can be interpreted as havingi a. threatening tone. We have the right to object to your application if we so choose, and there are proper channels to follow this process through. Given that there is land available outside of the ALR for development, I think we are more inclined to try to preserve this land (unless there are assurances of responsible development which would protect the wildlife and ambience of the area). But the authorities will decide this in due course. Yours truly Annette Morgan March 27, 2Q04. NOTICE TO OUR NEIGHBOURS: We are applying for exclusion for the ALR , the 37 acres at 23425 and 23465 Dewdney Trunk Road. Our plan is to develop the property into a residential use and proposing a park at the north end of the property. We will use all efforts to accommodate our neighbours in thjs endeavor. Our alternative as suggested in the 1997 Maple Ridge Rural Plan is to raise sheep or turkeys and/or grow Christmas trees, holly or fruit trees. To fertilize this land, raise sheep or turkeys would have long lasting odors that would create a small scale riot. At this point developing this property as did the owners that created your home seems to be our best alternative. Yours truly, 7 Bob Jo es, agel7f fØr the owners. Mailing Address: #202 - 11939 224 th Street, Maple Ridge, B. C. V2X 6B2 Phone: 604-466-4545 Fax: 604-463-9901 March 25, 2004 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 5A9 12108_234thSt Maple Ridge, BC V2X9K7 604-467-3772 MAR 262004 Attention: Bruce McLeod, Planning. Dear Sirs: Re: Exclusion Application Regarding Land in the ALR: 23425 & 23465 Dewdney Trunk Road. We are writing to express our concern with the above application for a variety of reasons, as follows: The subject property is good farming land. Why remove this from the ALR when so much of the land in Maple Ridge is going over to development and there is still land available outside of the ALR? The integrity and character of our community is being eroded by continual black-topping, development and lack of open spaces. The property is host to a number of wildlife species, notably deer and coyotes, and eagles nest there. There is very little open space in central Maple Ridge and there seems to be no concern for the wildlife or esthetics of the area. We are opposed to this application in that is removes good farmland from the ALR for no reason other than making money on development which will lead to more density with few services or schools to serve it. In addition it will devalue our own property and others in the area. The land in question is literally a breath of fresh air in the midst of our community and should be preserved within the ALR for the enjoyment of all, and be returned to its farming use. Notice: As the registered owners and occupiers of a property immediately adjacent to the subject property, we saw quite by chance a very small advertisement in the classified section of one local newspaper, on Friday, March 19th regarding the application. Deadline for submitting any comments is noted as March 28th (a Sunday). This constitutes very little notice. A sign posted on the property is not very visible and the way it is positioned gives the impression that only one parcel (23465) is involved, because you cannot get close enough to read it properly. It seems the intent is not to inform interested parties. Residents of 23425 Dewdney were not even aware of the application. Homeowners pay a premium for their property backing onto the ALR. Price of such property is always much higher than comparables not backing onto ALR. This is also reflected in a property assessment, leading to higher taxes being paid over the years. Development on land pulled from the ALR impacts adjacent properties, driving value down. Over the years, the farm owners enjoyed reduced taxes due to being in the ALR, while those of us abutting the property paid higher taxes for the very same reason. Now we will see a loss in the value of our property. This is the second time this has happened to us in Maple Ridge, development leading to a sharp drop in the value of our own property. We trust you will consider our objections to this application. Yours truly, CT)~~T.X~ William J. Morgan & Annette Morgan. Steve Halfnights MAR 252004 MAPLE AIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT March 23, 2004 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 To Whom it May Concern, This letter is to express my interest and concern over the 12326 234th St. application for the properties located at 23425 and 23465 Maple Ridge, BC V2X 0P7 Dewdney Trunk Road to be removed from the Agricultural tel: 604-467-2231 Land Reserve. I would like any information you could provide me concerning the boundaries of these properties as email: halfnights@telus.net well as the new zoning designation which would likely be applied to the properties should the application be accepted. These properties could potentially border along the east boundary of my property. Their subsequent development could therefore seriously impact the quality and value of my property. Sincerely, Steve Hailnights 2 2004 March 24, 2004 District of Maple Ridge, Planning and re-zoning dept., 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 To Whom It May Concern: Re: proposed re-zoning of property on Dewdney Trunk Rd between 23425-23465 We are residents on 234' Street and would like to voice our concerns for the proposed development of the property behind us. This beautiful green space is what attracted us and many others to this neighbourhood in the first place. It would be a ciying shame to forever lose this peaceful setting to another urban jungle of town-houses and apartment complexes. We know we cannot stop growth but at least let us have a say on the sensibility of the type of development that occurs in our own neighbourhood. No doubt the owners of this property would like to make as much money as they can, as fast as they can, but let us not succumb to rapid growth and poor planning. If the need is that the zoning must be changed, we should consider keeping it green with future Parkland as a possible alternative to over-populating our wonderful community. Yours truly, Tom and Yvonne McKinley, 12070234th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 9K6 District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 March 20, 2004 t1PR z3 2004 MAPLE P, in-F ? L/\t' Subject: Notice of ALR Exclusion 23425 and 23465 Dewdney Trunk Road Dear Sir / Madam: I am writing to express an interest in the above noted Notice of Exclusion from the Agricultural Land Reserve and to generally voice my opinion on the mad rush to exclude significant tracts of Maple Ridge land from the ALR in recent months. The property in question is a productive piece of lower mainland farmland that has over the years has been used successfully for pastureland and for haying. Although not hosting a higher-value cereal grain or berry crop this parcel is clearly land that provides agricultural value to the community and the district. And, with a little work by a motivated individual, this land could be put to use effectively and profitably. With droughts across the prairies, and the mad cow crisis forcing farmers to keep cattle they would have sold in the United States, simple old "hay" has become a sought after commodity. In addition, it appears both a subterranean stream or spring along with an aboveground stream runs through the centre of the property and the limitations this will place on any future development certainly would reduce the effectiveness to any potential developer. Finally, as relates to this property, one does not have to look very long to see that it is used by a wide variety of wildlife and any exclusion from the ALR, eventually leading to a rezoning for development purposes, will drive this just a bit further away. Personally, I have seen eagles, hawks, deer and coyotes making use of the property in its current state. At the risk of sounding like.a raving eco-lunatic - which I am not - this closeness to nature is something that Maple Ridge should look to protect and foster as the lower mainland gets that much more congested with people. On a more general note, relating to any ALR exclusion that may occur in Maple Ridge, I don't believe Exclusions should be considered until there is a known use for the land in question. If a piece of agricultural land was required to build a new school, a new hospital, or some piece of important local infrastructure, one could understand and support an Exclusion application. However, to approve an Exclusion before knowing whether or not it will be a high or low occupancy zone, whether it will be a residential or any number of commercial or industrial zone types, doesn't seem right. In the case of the parcels mentioned above, if the land was to be excluded and zoned for a low income housing development, trailer court, or big-box shopping centre - as an adjoining homeowner, I would be extremely worried about the negative impact any one of those items would have on the value of my property and would be looking at all avenues for fair compensation for such a reduced value. I would suggest delaying any exclusion until the future use of the land was fully understood and could be communicated to all those impacted. Each property owner on the east side 0f234th Street deserves to be informed of those plans. If a future use for the above noted land has already been approved by the town, I would very much appreciate the courtesy of a short reply indicating what the property has been or will be zoned for. Regards, 2 Hugh Peden 12138 - 234th Street Maple Ridge BC V2X 9K9 r:y Maple Ride Historical Society 22520 1 !6E Ave Maple Ridge BC V2X 0S4 March 27, 2004 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge BC V2X 9K7 RE: Application for Exclusion from Agricultural Land Reserve Described as: W 1/2 Lot 3 and E 1/2 Lot 3 and Lot 4 of Sec 21 LD37 Tsp 12 NWD P1 023 Located at: 23425 and 23465 Dewdney Trunk Road Mayor and Council: It is with interest that the Maple Ridge Historical Society notes the application to remove the lots described above from the Agricultural Land Reserve. For over a century travelers along this section of Dewdney Trunk Rd. have enjoyed magnificent views of Golden Ears. This view has come to symbolize the character of Maple Ridge (see attached). This property has a long history of being utilized as agricultural land and only recently has its use been limited. Using this land for agriculture has ensured that it is productive while also preserving it is as an important historic view corridor for the community. The Maple Ridge Historical Society will be following this application as it continues through the process of possible exclusion from the Agricultural Land. Reserve. We hope you will keep us apprised of developments. We would be happy to meet to discuss this matter further or to participate in upcoming public processes. Please feel free to contact me at 604-461-8473. Sincerely, i1S // Pw Amber Kostuchenko RECE WED President Maple Ridge Historical Society MAR 2 5 2004 ,Q:OoPrvj MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1•- 12090234th st Maple Ridge BC V2X 9K7 March 26, 2004 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge BC V2X 9K7 RE: Exclusion from Agricultural Land Reserve Described as: W 1/2 Lot 3 and E 1/2 Lot 3 and Lot 4 of Sec 21 LD37 Tsp 12 NWD P1 023 Located at: 23425 and 23465 Dewdney Trunk Road The enclosed picturesque view of Golden Ears showcases a Maple Ridge symbol... and sadly, it is being threatened by possible ALR exclusion. The field shown in this picture- perfect postcard image has never been developed. It has always served as agricultural land while also providing an unobstructed view of Golden Ears. Deer, bald eagles, bears, coyotes, and red tail hawks frequent this fertile farmable land. Without this land a natural viewing corridor will be lost. Each day thousands of motorists enjoy this scenery as they travel along Dewdney Trunk Rd. Taking this land out of the ALR for future development will destroy this symbolic view. ALR removal will also contribute to the depletion of agricultural land within Maple Ridge, a resource we are quickly losing. Do you really want to take this unobstructed view and natural resource away from Maple Ridge residents? Please DO NOT allow lots 23425 and 23465, located along Dewdney Trunk Rd., to be taken out of the Agricultural Land Reserve. Thank you, dL 7Lá - Brenda Manweiler MAR 2 5 2004 2 MAPLE RIDGE PLANNING DEPARTMENT THE FRASER VALLEY '4. MAPLE RIDGE BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA With its rural landscape and spectacular setting beneath the 'GOLDEN EARS,' Maple Ridge provides the best of all living conditions for its residents Photo by: Bob Hrrgrr Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge: I IIillhI HI II I o 64926 22025 11 6 L.19041-E FMFVI3 This picturesque view of Golden Ears showcases a Maple Ridge symbol... • and is threatened by possible ALR exclusion. The field shown in this picture-perfect postcard image has never been developed. It has always served as agricultural land while also providing an unobstructed view of Golden Ears. Deer, bald eagles, bears, coyotes, and red tail hawks frequent this fertile farmable land. Without this land a natural viewing corridor will be lost. Each day thousands of motorists enjoy this scenery as they travel along Dewdney Trunk Rd. Taking this land out of the ALR for future development will destroy this symbolic view. ALR removal will also contribute to the depletion of agricultural land within Maple Ridge, a resource we are quickly losing. Do you really want to take this unobstructed view and natural resource away from Maple Ridge residents? Please DO NOT remove lots 23425 and 23465, located along Dewdney Trunk Rd .,* out of the Agricultural Land Reserve. (Address) *Descfibed as: W112 Lot 3 and E112 Lot 3 and Lot 4 of Sec 21 L037 Tsp 12 NWD P1023. BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA With its rural landscape and spectacular setting beneath the 'GOLDEN EARS,' Maple Ridge provides the best of all living conditions for its residents. Photo by: Bob Herger 0 Ii I III0IIOIIIIH 0 o 64926 22025 6 L-1904t-E FMFV13 BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA With its rural landscape and spectacular setting beneath the 'GOLDEN EARS,' Maple Ridge provides the best of all living conditions for its residents. Photo by: Bob Herger 0 II I IIiII IIIII 10 0 o 64926 22025 6 L-19041-E FMFV13 '4. Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge: This picturesque view of Golden Ears showcases a Maple Ridge symbol... • . . and is threatened by possible ALR exclusion. The field shown in this picture-perfect postcard image has never been developed. ItJias always served as agricultural land while also providing an unobstructed view of Golden Ears. Deer, bald eagles, bears, coyotes, and red tail hawks frequent this fertile farmable land. Without this land a natural viewing corridor will be lost. Each day thousands of motorists enjoy this scenery as they travel along Dewdney Trunk Rd. Taking this land out of the ALR for future development will destroy this symbolic vievv. ALR removal will also contribute to the depletion of agricultural land within Maple Ridge, a resource iie are quickly losing. DO you really want to take this unobstructed view and natural resource away from Maple Ridge residents? Please DO NOT remove lots 23425 and 23465, located along Dewdney Trunk Rd .,* out of the Agricultural Land Reserve. as: W112 Lot 3 and E112 Lot 3 and Lot 4 of Sec 21 LD37 Tsp 12 NWD P1023. Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge: This picturesque view of Golden Ears shoWcases a Maple Ridge symbol... and is threatened by possible ALR exclusion. The field shown in this picture-perfect postcard image has never been developed. It has always served as agricultural land while also providing an unobstructed view of Golden Ears. Deer, bald eagles, bears, coyotes, and red tail hawks frequent this fertile farmable land. Without this land a natural viewing corridor will be lost. Each day thousands of motorists enjoy this scenery as they travel along Dewdney Trunk Rd. Taking this land out of the ALR for future development will destroy this symbolic view. ALR removal will also contribute to the depletion of agricultural land within Maple Ridge, a resource we are quickly losing. Do you really want to take this unobstructed view and natural resource away from Maple Ridge residents? Please DO NOT remove lots 23425 and 23465, located along Dewdney Trunk Rd.,* out of the Agricultural Land Reserve. *Descfibed as: W112 Lot 3 and E112 Lot 3 and Lot 4 of Sec 21 LD37 Tsp 12 NWD P1023. MAPLE RIDGE CORPORATION OF THE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: May 06, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: AL/019/04 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Application to Exclude Land from the Agricultural Land Reserve 20202 & 20232 Powell Ave EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received under Section 30(1) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act to exclude approximately 1.9 hectares of land from the Agricultural Land Reserve. The Applicant's submission conforms with the notice of application requirements of the Agricultural Land Commission. RECOMMENDATION: That application ALtO 19/04 respecting property located at 20202 & 20232 Powell Avenue, be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission and that the applicant and the Commission are provided with an understanding of the current Official Community Plan policy and servicing constraints on the property as outlined in the report dated May 6th, 2004. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP Existing: Zoning Existing: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Access: Brenda C. Exner John R Bellingham, Harvey D. Exner, Brenda C. Exner & Marjorie K. Shaw Lot 69, Plan 38722 & Lot 104, Plan 55583, D.L. 263, GP. 1, NWD Agricultural RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS- 1 (One Family Urban Residential) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Powell Avenue These two properties are located on the south side of Powell Avenue west of 203'' Street. Application AL/0 19/04 has been received to exclude the subject properties from the Agricultural Land Reserve. The Applicant has satisfied all "notice of exclusion" requirements under Section 5 of B.C. Regulation 313/78 (Agricultural Land Reserve Procedure Regulation). The notice requests written comments be forwarded to the District of Maple Ridge. To date one letter has been received by the Planning Department and is attached to this memo. Project Description: The applicant has not stated any redevelopment plans. Planning Analysis: On March 11, 2004, a report for processing exclusion applications was received by Council outlining land use considerations. Council resolved to continue their current practice of referring all applications to the Agricultural Land Commission with the provision that applicants and the Commission be advised that land use decisions will continue to be directed by Council. The following land use implications of the proposed exclusion need to be considered: The Applicant has not explicitly indicated the owner's redevelopment plans for the subject property, should it be excluded from the Agricultural Land Reserve. However, once excluded, its permitted uses will no longer be restricted by the Agricultural Land Commission Act. It is anticipated that the owner's intention is to use the land for uses other than rural residential or agricultural. Although adjacent to an urban residential development use (15 units per net hectare), this subject property is currently designated for Agricultural Use. Under the existing Official Community Plan, the land is not considered available for urban residential use. The proposed exclusion of this property from the ALR and its potential residential redevelopment is inconsistent with the goals of the Livable Region Strategic Plan and the Regional Context Statement adopted by the District in the Official Community Plan. This application is in an area which lies outside the urban area boundary .and is designated as Green Zone in the Livable Region Strategic Plan. Maple Ridge must consider the four fundamental strategies of the Livable Region Strategic Plan (LSRP) when considering future development: Protection of the Green Zone; Building of complete communities; Achievement of a compact metropolitan region, and Increased transportation choice. The Official Community Plan is currently under review. While designations may change as a result of that review there is no guarantee that this property will be designated for urban residential development upon conclusion of the Official Community Plan. • The land use implications and development pressures that will occur for excluded properties that do not become designated for urban purposes during the process of the Official Community Plan review may be a consideration. Although disappointed at this outcome, many applicants will still have expectations for redvIopment in the lotiger term. Both properties have, or are eligible for sewer connection under Policy No. 9.02, which was adopted in November, 1993. This policy grants permission for sewer connection to all property owners within the Agricultural Land Reserve whose property abuts an existing lateral sewer line. It also makes provisions for extending services where public health is a concern and Agricultural Land Commission permission is granted. This policy is intended to provide a single connection to each existing parcel, and should not be considered a means to facilitate further subdivision. Both properties would require an application to the Greater Vancouver Sewer and Drainage District Board for inclusion in the Fraser Sewer Area to allow servicing to an urban standard. Similarly, an application to the Greater Vancouver Regional District to amend the Green Zone boundaries would -:1 IWM would be required for both properties prior to permitting an urban style of development. There is no guarantee that such applications would be approved. CONCLUSION: Based on the recommendation contained within the report titled Processing of Applications for Exclusion from the Agricultural Land Reserve during the Official Community Plan Review, dated March 1 1th, 2004 and the resolution from Council dated March 23rd 2004, it is recommended the application AL/019104 be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. 4 &~Z - Prepared by: Bruce McLeod Land lanning Technician flJIp UWCU U)'. K IV Dir anning Approved by: flrank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP / GM(1l\Iic Works & Development Services Concurrence: J. L. (Ji) RuI Chief Miministrative Officer BMcL/bjc -3- F 38722 P 8722 65 66 67 68 [JBJECT_PROPERTIES 12555 - \ P38722 51 104 69 00 12531 12513 EL 50 P7343i J LO 731315I4 1 :102 oo 103 7\ 12489 20 15 18 16 12437 12440 P42230 P 4220 78 10 04 87 \ 88 89 90 91 00 12433 31 0)12425 12426/28 ",, 79 District of Pitt Meadows I -- 20202/20232 POWELL AVENUE D wntow tfbl CORPORATION OF H noy (// L ock - THE DISTRICT OF District of 'Aibon MAPLE RI D GE N Langley , morniii MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Feb 10 2004 FILE: AL/019/04 BY: PC SCALE 1:220,01 River 0F 'P'L MM1 kJ\(€ cL Fc3 /o4. q45 a 5• sT. -to cct 2X s 59. ') (s,c-t 4((c- B1 t•.k- rt-t) iz: (kcT'c(= c L'iO(4 AePL%CAT%V' Lccc 0q 1L Z(pl CP t PL72-2 LOT 1044 bL z(i .PL€B 5. ( Loc,T e 202oz. i%-c( 202..3L P'WLL AVE. t-iAPL IZ%CE. iPJ Th€ frCZ(J)(UL- -1ct tAcZ. PLAt.*%r%.ç c -t: 1 aw ve-y ce-rd ab9t. -* 'o re wa4r appear3 4 be via artad -çrov k'it 1\LR. t )OLdct \tk. S osdc1. eLrQ. (cvacr ak 4 bcv rcL tl:: cn rrcy. 5 REcEVED L. fr%Ac p. A . T . FEB 032004 MAPLE RiDGE PLA1N1NG DEPAP!! MAPLE RiDGE CORPORATION OF THE Incorporated 12September, 1574 DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: May 06, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: AL/029/04 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Application to Exclude Land from the Agricultural Land Reserve 22913 127 Ave.; 22948, 22990 & 23008 128 Ave.; and 12761 232 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received under Section 30(1) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act to exclude approximately 4.4 hectares of land from the Agricultural Land Reserve. The Applicant's submission conforms with the notice of application requirements of the Agricultural Land Commission. RECOMMENDATION: That application AL/029/04 respecting property located at 22913 127 Ave.; 22948, 22990 & 23008 128 Ave.; and 12761 232 Street, be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission and that the applicant and the Commission are provided with an understanding of the current Official Community Plan policy and servicing constraints on the property are as outlined in the report dated May 61h, 2004. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP Existing: Zoning Existing: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Access: Randy Cooke Paul H Kaczmarek & Gilda C Kaczmarek Robert R. Booth, Sabrina C. Booth Bruce A. Cox, Patricia G. Cox Ting S. Lim, Siew Y. Lim Ole L. Christensen Lot 46, Plan 31436; Lot 55 & 56, Plan 40879; Lot A, Plan RP8 148, Plan 5467, Parcel "B" (R.P. 13094) Lot 8, Plan 5467, all of Sec. 20, Tp. 12, NWD Agricultural RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) 128th Avenue, 127th Avenue, 232nd Street fal Three of the properties front on 128th Avenue, one on 232 nd Street, and another at the east end of 127th Avenue. Application AL/029/04 has been received to exclude the subject properties from the Agricultural Land Reserve. The Applicant has satisfied all "notice of exclusion" requirements under Section 5 of B.C. Regulation 313/78 (Agricultural Land Reserve Procedure Regulation). The notice requests written comments be forwarded to the District of Maple Ridge. To date no written comments have been received by the Planning Department. On November 27 h, 2003 the Agricultural Land Commission in reconsideration of Application AL/001/01 allowed the exclusion of five properties located south and east of the subject site. In the discussion of this application the following statement was recorded in the minutes of this meeting: The Commission discussed the proposal and felt that the physical limitations which impact the properties render them unsuitable for agriculture. It also noted that the exclusion of the subject properties would directly and negatively impact those lands remaining in this block of ALR, which are for the most part, made up of small rural holdings. The Commission therefore felt that the exclusion of those lands remaining in this block of the ALR located to the south 0f]28th Ave. and to the west of 232 St. should be delegated to the CEO to facilitate the exclusion of those lands when the property owners choose to pursue it. When the Commission delegates a decision to its Chief Executive Officer, it does so in accordance with Section 27 of the Agricultural Land Commission Act, which states: 1) The Commission by resolution, may establish criteria under which the following may be approved by the chief executive officer: specified types of applications for exclusion, subdivision or non-farm use; application with respect to specified regions of British Columbia. The exclusion criteria established by Commission Resolution #544/2003 are: These criteria apply only to the block of agricultural land reserve (ALR) lands within that portion of the District of Maple Ridge lying immediately to the north of the lands excluded from the ALR by Resolution #543/2003; For greater clarity, it should be understood that these criteria apply to all such lands lying to the south of 1 28th Avenue but that they do not apply to any lands lying to the east of 232nd Street; Provided that 232nd Street continues as a major thoroughfare, it is not necessary that the chief executive officer consider the need to protect future agricultural development of lands east of - 2-3-2 pd Street from non-agricultural developmentof the lands to which these criteria apply; Commission panel members shall be informed after each decision made under these criteria. The procedure is the same as for any exclusion application, up to the time the application arrives at the Commission office. The only difference is that Commission staff may process the application without having to wait for a Commission decision. b) Project Description: The applicant has not stated the owners future plans for the properties. -2- c) Planning Analysis: On March 11, 2004, a report for processing exclusion applications was received by Council outlining land use considerations. Council resolved to continue their current practice of referring all applications to the Agricultural Land Commission with the provision that applicants and the Commission be advised that land use decisions will continue to be directed by Council. The following land use implications of the proposed exclusion need to be considered: The Applicant has not explicitly indicated the owner's redevelopment plans for the subject property, should it be excluded from the Agricultural Land Reserve. However, once excluded, its permitted uses will no longer be restricted by the Agricultural Land Commission Act. It is anticipated that the owner's intention is to use the land for uses other than rural residential or agricultural. Although adjacent to an urban residential development use (15 units per net hectare), this subject property is currently designated for Agricultural Use under the existing Official Community Plan. Under the existing Official Community Plan the land is not available for residential use. The proposed exclusion of this property from the ALR and its potential residential redevelopment is currently inconsistent with the goals of the Livable Region Strategic Plan and the Regional Context Statement adopted by the District in the Official Community Plan. This application is in an area which lies outside the urban area boundary and is designated as Green Zone in the Livable Region Strategic Plan. Maple Ridge must consider the four fundamental strategies of the Livable Region Strategic Plan (LSRP) when considering future development: Protection of the Green Zone; Building of complete communities; Achievement of a compact metropolitan region, and Increased transportation choice. The Official Community Plan is currently under review. While designations may change as a result of that review, there is no guarantee that this property will be designated for urban residential development upon conclusion of the Official Community Plan. • The land use implications and development pressures that will occur for excluded properties that do not become designated for urban purposes during the process of the Official Community Plan review may be a consideration. Although disappointed at this outcome, many applicants will still have expectations for redevelopment in the longer term. Only one of the five subject properties, at 22948 128 6 Avenue, is indicated to be within the Fraser Sewerage Area of the Greater Vancouver Regional District. The remaining four subject properties ive; O? are eligibIforsewer connectiOn under Policy No. 9.02, adopted in November 1993. This policy grants permission for sewer connection to all property owners within the Agricultural Land Reserve whose property abuts an existing lateral sewer, line, or where public health is a concern. This policy is intended to provide a single connection to each existing parcel, and should not be considered as a means to facilitate further subdivision. These four parcels would require an application to the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District prior to allowing servicing to an urban standard. Similarly, an application to the Greater Vancouver Regional District to amend the Green Zone boundaries would be required for all five subject properties prior to permitting an urban style of development. There is no guarantee that such applications would be approved. -3- CONCLUSION: Based on the recommendation contained within the report titled Processing of Applications for Exclusion from the Agricultural Land Reserve during the Official Community Plan Review, dated March 1 1th 2004 and the resolution from Council dated March 23 w, 2004, it is recommended the application AL/029/04 be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. i W Prepared by: Bruce McLeod Landscape/Planping Technician by:-The PjkEiiiig71V, MCIP M/ Approved by:/ Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP / GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J. L. (J/ih) Rul Chief Administrative Officer BMcL/bjc A 24 H 12832 1 12831 CO 00 121 2 P 7 649 P 755 5 P75 41 P 75541 18 13 I 23 I 12821 I I 12822 0 I 1 2 1 2 (\J I128 12831 1 2 19 P 9054 12 . 12823 I 21 I0 I 1 -o U) P 33395 20 11 35 12815 128 128 AVE. 43 44 53 54 55 56 B 127 RP 13094 301T 12791 [SUBJECT PROPERTIES A P408 79 RP8148 SUBJECT PROPERTYJ 127 P 31436 12761 9 10 46 P5467 12 2 P 22339 12729 12 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Rem 4 makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy 6 or present status of the information shown on P5430 this map. P5467 A PiadsE y 128 AVE. & 232 ST. _' 47-, 8663 momtk"~'~~i N -'z - Langley MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Thomhill incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE 1:2,500 —74 DATE: May 6, 2004 FILE: ALJO29/04 BY: RO River eft am MAPLE RIDGE CORPORATION OF THE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: May 05, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: AL/005/04 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Application to Exclude Land from the Agricultural Land Reserve 24426 102 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received under Section 30(1) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act to exclude approximately 1.3 hectares of land from the Agricultural Land Reserve. The Applicant's submission conforms with the notice of application requirements of the Agricultural Land Commission. RECOMMENDATION: That application AL/005/04 respecting the property located at 24426-102' Avenue, be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission and that the applicant and the Commission are provided with an understanding of the current Official Community Plan policy and the servicing constraints on the property as outlined in the report dated May 5", 2004. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP Existing: Zoning Existing: Surrounding Uses North.... South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Access: Pat Drummond Michael S. McBride Lot A, Bik Sl/2, Section 3, Tp 12, Plan 8296, NWD Park RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) P-i (P.ark.andS.chool).. . -. RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) 102' Avenue The property is located on the south side of 102m1 Avenue,east of the urban boundary and adjacent to the Country Lane Subdivision. The Jackson Farm site is located to the east and south of the subject site. Although the property is currently designated in the Official Community Plan as Park, the 2001 Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Master Plan for Parks, Recreation and Culture did not recommend that the i I site be developed as park. Based on that recommendation, the Parks and Leisure Services Department has advised that it will not be pursuing the development of this property for park use. Application AL/005/04 has been received to exclude the subject property from the Agricultural Land Reserve. The Applicant has satisfied all "notice of exclusion" requirements under Section 5 of B.C. Regulation 3 13/78 (Agricultural Land Reserve Procedure Regulation). The notice requests written comments be forwarded to the District of Maple Ridge. To date no written comments have been received by the Planning Department. Project Description: The applicant indicates they will proceed with rezoning to permit future subdivision for compact housing. Planning Analysis: On March 11, 2004, a report for processing exclusion applications was received by Council outlining land use considerations. Council resolved to continue their current practice of referring all applications to the Agricultural Land Commission with the provision that applicants and the Commission be advised that land use decisions will continue to be directed by Council. The following land use implications of the proposed exclusion need to be considered: • The Applicant has indicated the owner's redevelopment plans for the subject property, should it be excluded from the Agricultural Land Reserve. Although adjacent to an urban residential development use (40 units per net hectare), this subject property is currently designated for Park use. Under the existing Official Community Plan, the land is not considered available for urban residential use. • The proposed exclusion of this property from the ALR and its potential residential redevelopment is currently inconsistent with the goals of the Livable Region Strategic Plan and the Regional Context Statement adopted by the District in the Official Community Plan. Maple Ridge must consider the four fundamental strategies of the Livable Region Strategic Plan (LSRP) when considering future development: Protection of the Green Zone; Building of complete communities; Achievement of a compact metropolitan region, and Increased transportation choice. The Official Community Plan is currently under review. While designations may change as a result of that review, there is no guarantee that this property will be designated for urban residential development upon conclusion of the Official Community Plan. • The land use implications and development pressures that will occur for excluded properties that do not become designated for urban purposes during the process of the Official Community Plan review may also be a consideration. Although disappointed at this outcome, many applicants will still have expectations for redevelopment in the longer term. • Servicing to an urban residential standard would require inclusion into Sewer Area "A" and approval from the Greater Vancouver Sewer and Drainage District Board. There is no guarantee that such an - appcation wuuldbe tppioved. -2- CONCLUSION: Based on the recommendation contained within the report titled Processing of Applications for Exclusion from the Agricultural Land Reserve during the Official Community Plan Review, dated March 1 1th, 2004 and the resolution from Council dated March 23rd 2004, it is recommended the application AL/005104 be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. 94 Prepared by: Bruce McLeod LandscapefPlnning Technician ering, MCP, MCIP ( Approved by: ,.f rank Quinn, PEiig., PMP GM Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J. U (Jim) Rule Chj'ef Administrative Officer BMcL/bjc -3- fflT1'1 1:10221 1817116 11 11 i112 LMP 34684 4567 8 9 ,LMP 36343 LMP 3633 t 10 111211314 151617 is 101 A AVE. IMP 36341 PARK co c'J 101 AVE. 46 4544 43 142 1 4140 39 1381 37 102 AVE I J c!(soNR D P 6579F 238 A P 8296 \ SK 12314 SUBJECT PROPERTY If District of Pitt Meadows " ( V = N District of"" Langley Thornhill - .. SCALE 1:2,500 - VOr 24426 102 AVE 'C •0 .PPRPORAT!ON OF - j. THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT H DATE: May 7, 2004 FILE: ALJOO5IO4 BY: RO 3 o -oltQ4' Q12-11 ast f A 1W CORPORATION OF THE RIDGE incorporated 12 September, 1874 DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: May 05, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: AL/012/04 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Application to Exclude Land From the Agricultural Land Reserve 22992 127 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received under Section 30(1) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act to exclude approximately 1.1 hectares of land from the Agricultural Land Reserve. The Applicant's submission conforms with the notice of application requirements of the Agricultural Land Commission. RECOMMENDATION: That application AL/012/04 respecting property located at 22992427th Avenue, be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission and that the applicant and the Commission are provided with an understanding of the current Official Community Plan policy and servicing constraints on the property as outlined in the report dated May 5th, 2004. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP Existing: Zoning Existing: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Access: Fred P Usselman Fred P Usselman Lot 2, Section 20, Township 12, Plan 22339, NWD Agricultural RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) 127 Ave. east of 228th Street 1o7 The subject site is located at the end of 127Ih Avenue east 0f228th Street. Application AL/0 12/04 has been received to exclude the subject properties from the Agricultural Land Reserve. The Applicant has satisfied all "notice of exclusion" requirements under Section 5 of B.C. Regulation 313/78 (Agricultural Land Reserve Procedure Regulation). The notice requests written comments be forwarded to the District of Maple Ridge. To date no written comments have been received by the Planning Department. On November 2003 the Agricultural Land Commission in reconsideration of Application AL/001/01 allowed the exclusion of five properties located south and east of the subject site. In the discussion of this application the following statement was recorded in the minutes of this meeting: The Commission discussed the proposal and felt that the physical limitations which impact the properties render them unsuitable for agriculture. It also noted that the exclusion of the subject properties would directly and negatively impact those lands remaining in this block of ALR, which are for the most part, made up of small rural holdings. The Commission therefore felt that the exclusion of those lands remaining in this block of the ALR located to the south of 128" Ave. and to the west of 232 St. should be delegated to the CEO to facilitate the exclusion of those lands when the property owners choose to pursue it. When the Commission delegates a decision to its Chief Executive Officer, it does so in accordance with Section 27 of the Agricultural Land Commission Act, which states: 1) The Commission by resolution, may establish criteria under which the following may be approved by the chief executive officer: specified types of applications for exclusion, subdivision or non-farm use; application with respect to specified regions of British Columbia. The exclusion criteria established by Commission Resolution #544/2003 are: These criteria apply only to the block of agricultural land reserve (ALR) lands within that portion of the District of Maple Ridge lying immediately to the north of the lands excluded from the ALR by Resolution #543/2003; For greater clarity, it should be understood that these criteria apply to all such lands lying to the south of 128th Avenue but that they do not apply to any lands lying to the east of 232" Street; Provided that 232 nd Street continues as a major thoroughfare, it is not necessary that the chief executive officer consider the need to protect future agricultural development of lands east of 232"Street from non-agriculturatdeveiopmentofthe iandstowhicfrthesecriteriaapply; Commission panel members shall be informed after each decision made under these criteria. The procedure is the same as for any exclusion application, up to the time the application arrives at the Commission office. The only difference is that Commission staff may process the application without having to wait for a Commission decision. Project Description: The applicant proposes to have his property included in any future process to rezone and re-designate the land for an urban residential use. Planning Analysis: On March 11, 2004, a report for processing exclusion applications was received by Council outlining land use considerations. Council resolved to continue their current practice of referring all applications to the Agricultural Land Commission with the provision that applicants and the Commission be advised that land use decisions will continue to be directed by Council. The following land use implications of the proposed exclusion need to be considered: • The Owner's intention is to include the property in a future rezoning application to permit urban residential development. Although adjacent to an urban residential development use to the west (15 units per net hectare), this subject property is currently designated for Agricultural Use. Under the existing Official Community Plan, the land is not considered available for urban residential use. • The proposed exclusion of this property from the ALR and its potential residential redevelopment is currently inconsistent with the goals of the Livable Region Strategic Plan and the Regional Context Statement adopted by the District in the Official Community Plan. This application is in an area which lies outside the urban area boundary and is designated as Green Zone in the Livable Region Strategic Plan. Maple Ridge must consider the four fundamental strategies of the Livable Region Strategic Plan (LSRP) when considering future development: Protection of the Green Zone; Building of complete communities; Achievement of a compact metropolitan region, and Increased transportation choice. The Official Community Plan is currently under review. While designations may change as a result of the review, there is no guarantee that this property will be designated for urban residential development upon conclusion of the Official Community Plan. • The land use implications and development pressures that will occur for excluded properties that do not become designated for urban purposes during the process of the Official Community Plan review may be a consideration. Although disappointed at this outcome, many applicants will still have expectations for redevelopment in the longer term. • Servicing to an urban residential standard would require inclusion into Sewer Area "A" and approval from the Greater Vancouver Sewer and Drainage District Board. Similarly, an application to the Greater Vancouver Regional District to amend the Green Zone boundaries would be required prior to permitting an urban style of development at this site. There is no guarantee that such applications would be approved. SIE CONCLUSION: Based on the recommendation contained within the report titled Processing of Applications for Exclusion from the Agricultural Land Reserve during the Official Community Plan Review, dated March 1 1th, 2004 and the resolution from Council dated March 23', 2004, it is recommended the application ALIO12/04 be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. ~4 As Prepared by: LandgeaselPlannine Technician of Approved by / Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP '1: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J. Jim)Rule Administrative Officer BMcL/bjc -4- rnn 29 2221 20 IHT 128 AVE. 127 12791193 I - 1 A 12766 LMS 418 3 ' 2 43 o B ° 12776 12703 < 51 52 53 54 55 56 B L 3N----- 12766 c RP 13094 4 12771 EL -A 12756 D P4079 P40179 RP8148 5 12757 ___________ ____________ L ::: [_5 P 31436 - 127 AVE. P 5467 I 2 - 19 P22339 55 56 57 58 59 60 12710 JLMF 14E 09 L LM 2314 Rem4 127 PLACE P 5430 SUBJECT PROPERTY 6 (',1 P5467 12678 - 10 9 8 7 6 - 1 P 1270' B Rem3 5 P 23424 P 5467 - 12636 P 5430 District of Pitt Meadows - - SlverVIIey 22992 127 Ave. wn — C Hny CORPORATION OF I 'ictof' ock LTHEDISTRICTOF N [7 Langley ,I ()7 1 IOfl :° MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE - Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE 1:2,700 River DATE: May 7, 2004 FILE: AL/012/04 BY: RO 30é0- MAPLE RIDGE CORPORATION OF THE Incorporated 12September, 1874 DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: May 05, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: AL/005/04 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Application to Exclude Land from the Agricultural Land Reserve 24426 102 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received under Section 30(1) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act to exclude approximately 1.3 hectares of land from the Agricultural Land Reserve. The Applicant's submission conforms with the notice of application requirements of the Agricultural Land Commission. RECOMMENDATION: That application AL/005/04 respecting the property located at 24426-102 Avenue, be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission and that the applicant and the Commission are provided with an understanding of the current Official Community Plan policy and the servicing constraints on the property as outlined in the report dated May S, 2004. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP Existing: Zoning Existing: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Access: Pat Drummond Michael S. McBride Lot A, BIk 5 1/2, Section 3, Tp 12, Plan 8296, NWD Park RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) P-i (Park and School) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) 102' Avenue The property is located on the south side of 102" Avenue, east of the urban boundary and adjacent to the Country Lane Subdivision. The Jackson Farm site is located to the east and south of the subject site. Although the property is currently designated in the Official Community Plan as Park, the 2001 Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Master Plan for Parks, Recreation and Culture did not recommend that the q0& site be developed as park. Based on that recommendation, the Parks and Leisure Services Department has advised that it will not be pursuing the development of this property for park use. Application AL/005/04 has been received to exclude the subject property from the Agricultural Land Reserve. The Applicant has satisfied all "notice of exclusion" requirements under Section 5 of B.C. Regulation 313/78 (Agricultural Land Reserve Procedure Regulation). The notice requests written comments be forwarded to the District of Maple Ridge. To date no written comments have been received by the Planning Department. Project Description: The applicant indicates they will proceed with rezoning to permit future subdivision for compact housing. Planning Analysis: On March 11, 2004, a report for processing exclusion applications was received by Council outlining land use considerations. Council resolved to continue their current practice of referring all applications to the Agricultural Land Commission with the provision that applicants and the Commission be advised that land use decisions will continue to be directed by Council. The following land use implications of the proposed exclusion need to be considered: • The Applicant has indicated the owner's redevelopment plans for the subject property, should it be excluded from the Agricultural Land Reserve. Although adjacent to an urban residential development use (40 units per net hectare), this subject property is currently designated for Park use. Under the existing Official Community Plan, the land is not considered available for urban residential use. The proposed exclusion of this property from the ALR and its potential residential redevelopment is currently inconsistent with the goals of the Livable Region Strategic Plan and the Regional Context Statement adopted by the District in the Official Community Plan. Maple Ridge must consider the four fundamental strategies of the Livable Region Strategic Plan (LSRP) when considering future development: Protection of the Green Zone; Building of complete communities; Achievement of a compact metropolitan region, and Increased transportation choice. The Official Community Plan is currently under review. While designations may change as a result of that review, there is no guarantee that this property will be designated for urban residential development upon conclusion of the Official Community Plan. • The land use implications and development pressures that will occur for excluded properties that do not become designated for urban purposes during the process of the Official Community Plan review may also be a consideration. Although disappointed at this outcome, many applicants will still have expectations for redevelopment in the longer term. • Servicing to an urban residential standard would require inclusion into Sewer Area "A" and approval from the Greater Vancouver Sewer and Drainage District Board. There is no guarantee that such an application would be approved. -2- CONCLUSION: Based on the recommendation contained within the report titled Processing of Applications for Exclusion from the Agricultural Land Reserve during the Official Community Plan Review, dated March 11th, 2004 and the resolution from Council dated March 23rd 2004, it is recommended the application ALI005/04 be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission. / J,fr Prepared by: Bruce McLeod Technician iing, MCP, MCIP 1711 Approved by: Quinn, Ping., PMP Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J. U (Jim) itule Chfef Administrative Officer BMcL/bjc -3- ii RU I 1410221 I - i112 RD. 102 AVE P 6579F 23/8 LMP 34684 L P 1 333 LMP 633 10 11 12 1314 151617 18 A 101 A AVE. P 8296 [ 2Oj42223 LJ' 26f] _M _ 364 (N PARK co 1 343332 313029 28 A 101 AVE. SUBJECT PROPERTY 464544434241 0 39 38 37 Rem Pd. 1 SK 12314 District of -- A Pitt Meadows 24426 102 AVE. L. I - - 13— M CORPORATION OF / ock TIE DISTRICT OF N Aib ThonhiII fricorporatedl2, September 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE 1.2,500 DATE: May 7, 2004 FILE: AL/005/04 BY: RORiver _c oo-oy CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: April 29, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001.5 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Haney Hawgs Show and Shine EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: To obtain Council approval for a request from Mr. Mike Hadden of Haney Hawgs to use Municipal Streets for their annual Haney Hawgs Show and Shine Event on Saturday, May 29, 2004. A copy of the request dated April 20, 2004 is attached. RECOMMENDATION: That Mr. Mike Hadden of Haney Hawgs (the organizer) be authorized to use Municipal Streets on Saturday, May 29, 2004, between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM for their annual "Haney Hawgs Show and Shine", provided the conditions outlined in Schedule 'A' attached to the report dated April 29, 2004 are met. a) Background Context: Mr. Mike Hadden of Haney Hawgs Inc. is requesting permission to use Municipal Streets on Saturday, May 29, 2002 for their annual Haney Hawgs Show and Shine Event. The event will take place on Maple Crescent and would require that Maple Crescent be closed to traffic from Dartford Street to Battle Avenue. The event is scheduled from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. A map showing the location and detour route signed off by the RCMP Traffic Division is attached. The following Streets will be closed: • Maple Crescent at Battle Ave closed from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM • Maple Crescent at 206 Street closed from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM • Maple Crescent at Dartford Street closed from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM From time to time the District, like other municipalities, is requested to allow the use of Municipal Streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implications, approval is usually given on the condition that the District be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A". Strategic Plan: Administrating Maple Ridge street events allows the District to manage road infrastructure and associated risks but yet allows events that promote community development, commemorate and celebrate community accomplishments and highlight Maple Ridge's natural and built features. Citizen/Customer Implications/Conununications Plan: Permission to use streets may cause some minor delays and inconveniences to other road users. However, traffic control will be provided by the Haney Hawgs volunteers. In addition, the organizers will be distributing an information letter to affected businesses and residents. Governmental Implications: The road use permit establishes that the event organizer must obtain the approval of RCMP for traffic control and must notify the Fire Department and BC Ambulance Services as well as coordinate with Coast Mountain Bus Company (transit service). Business Plan Implications: The Business Plan recognizes that the District processes requests for use of municipal streets as part of its services. The financial impact of the specific road use is limited to staff processing effort. Policy Implications: Permission to use municipal streets is grantable under the District's policy practices. Alternatives: The District could refuse to permit the event to occur at this location. In this event, the organizer may have to cancel the event. CONCLUSIONS: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of streets for various events and activities. The Annual Show and Shine at Haney Hawgs has been held successfully last year and the organizers have requested permission to hold the 9th annual "Haney Hawgs" event on District streets for 2004. by.T Andrew Wood, M.Eng., P.Eng. Approved by: A;,Public nk Quinn, MBA, P.Eng., PMP Works & Development Services Concurrence: J. Administrative Officer ML/mi Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated April 29, 2004 2004 Show and Shine at Haney Hawgs Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the R.C.M.P., and the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge (the Corporation); notify local Fire Department, and Ambulance Services of the event; make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company (formally BC Transit) for any required rerouting of buses; advertise the event and in a local newspaper (a minimum of one week prior to the event); notify all affected businesses on the event route as soon as possible ( per letter provided to the organizer by the District); make arrangement for all surrounding businesses and residents for access purpose during the event. A time interval schedule of closure and permitted vehicular access during the event for resident wishing to access their property; hold and save harmless the Corporation from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation as an additional named insured. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Municipal Clerk prior to the event; obtain any necessary noise relaxation permit from Licenses, Permits & By-Laws Department; refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the Corporation; must maintain access for emergency services to the closure areaat ailtirnes. obtain any required permits from the Maple Ridge Parks & Leisure Services Department for park facility use if required. The Corporation of District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw this permission to use Municipal Streets should the organizers fail to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer 4-2104; 3:19PM ; - 604 465 4161;# 2 FROM : HflNEY HRLJOS PHONE NO. : 504 465 4161 flpr. 21 2004 04:.27PM P02 T HANEY PARTS HAWGS HBJY !I- T* "OR MoP.0 April 20, 2004 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 RE: ANNUAL SHOW & SHINE AT HANEY FIAWGS This year will be the 9th Annual Haney 1-Iawgs Show & Shine. This event is usually held the last Saturday in May and this year will be held on May 29th Riders are encouraged to bring their bikes and display them. For a, nominal fee (to cover the cost of the trophies), bikes can be entered in one of 12 judged classes and at the end of the day trophies are awarded. The store itself is open during the event with clothing and parts sales. The hours of the Show & Shine are from 11:00am to 4:00pm. -- if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, HAfrZ Mi Haddn 20617 Mapie Crescent, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 1R8 Phone: (604) 465-5230 Fax: (604) 465-4161 4-21-04; 3:19PM ; 604 465 4161;# 1 FROM : HANEY HALJGS PHONE NO. 604 465 4161 Apr. 21 2004 04:26PM P01 HANEY HAWGS INC 20617 MAPLE CRESCENT MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. CANADA V2X 1R8 .RCIVEO AP PHONE # 604-465-5230 FAX# 604-465-4161 FAX MESSAGE: PAGE 1 OF DATE: p o FAX NUMBER Lf, 7 3Q TO: 7\c1\P m t(t (A -W'k THANK YOU e'4/al' e-') CARRIE HADDEN ' COMMEIWIAL GENERAL IJABIUTY C;OVR NOTE OF IN8URANC Schedule of Cov.reg* & 1rüts 4-30-04; i :O4PM ROfl : HANE'r' HRIAJOS PHONE NO. : 604 465 4161 LQ, VIA 1..rA '.' j UVJ.V4FV' aJ FAL IN$UAäöi m. 604 465 4161;# I pr. 30 204 02:11PM P01 HEAt) OFFICE Sulie 400.1400-1st Street SW. Calgary, Alberta TRoV$ Pboe (403) 201.3900 TOLL 1IEE 1-806..esl -1608 fx (403) 261 .9Q3 www. patc8ti udam Commerolnl tnauranoo &fected With certein Underw1trn at UoyTh, London, Enlrind, (thsrelrieft& callbd the Cinsureri through PAL. Iniurance Th-okers Canada Ud. #400, 1400 let Street SW Oalgry, Aft T2114 0V8 Certlftc&e# 03e47LQL F'oltcy# (Cortrect #) P1030523 Amount of Pet rtage: I 00% Dtu's: April z, 2004 MIKE F4ADDEN 01A HANEY HAWOS Mdrc.: 20617 MAPLE CR$ENT MAPLE RIDGE,SC V2X I R8 Type ol jv,t SHOW AND SHINE Locatk>n of tvent: MAPLE RIDGE Acttid Attendnfloo: 450 Ctvsrage In ff.ct; May 2, 2004 09:00 AM TO May 29, 204 1100 PM urnit of Uabf lIly: $5,000,000 por occurrence and in the nggregetE L)dufb1: 1,(fl)0 OO A1i1iUonal Iuro; MUNiCIPALITY OF MAPLE RIDGE 10 14 herkiy vtw*irstood and joved that tho above iiamad are AdJ100riel IrsursO With respect to the rtlons of the Insureo onty,) uteot 107 Eodfly IrtjurylProparty Damage Premit/Operatlone ProducWCompi.ted OperaVons (Food & L3averaQe Onl') MdicaI Payrnonts $ .(0o-ooi1 000000 P.rsriRI rJuVV IenIwt Contrectua "d FQfrn P.D. Contlnoent l. Ernployea9ftlunleers ae AddonaI Insured Non- Owned Auto Ooourremo P.D. Cross LIabUlly Tonanth Leij& Liability ($500,000.00) Special Codttlons & Pxcluskn SEE AACHfl ENDcRSEMEN1R PLEASE READ THE ATTACHED !NDORSMENT$AEPULLV -. This Covei Note and the Insurnos eviderr.e by it are subj$Ct to all terms and condlilons of a oIcy or potIces to bq issued or renewod. This Cover Nnte shall automaticafty be wminetecj or olded by the dsbveranoe to the insured of such pOJI(y, poi;cles or renewHl certifate of tho binder. Loss Payehie: INSURED PREMIUM:___ $ 532.80 n/tI, tNSURANC nROKERS I,TD. / lza ççy A CLAU&E(s)rT MAY LIMIT TH Aij • 4-30-04; I :O4PM ; 604 465 4161 ;# 2 FROM :HANEY HAUJOS PHONENO. : 604 465 4161 Apr. 30 2004 02:12PM P02 v1'.,,vt rLL V0.60 r4 VV04VJVOUO b 1i DF.U1W4c ENDORSEMENT NO.1 Attchod to and forming part of the Commercial General Liability Coritrct number Notwithstanding anything contalnAd tIwtiere In this policy to the contrary, it In understood and agreed thut A. 4 Coveragf3 Terriioiy' as defined In the deflnttkns is amended to read Canad only" 13. The coverage provided under this policy does not apply to: 1. LiabHity for any person lntructing, practicing for or participating in any athletic or sports contest or exhibition. 2. lIability resulting from bodily injury to cr,y participant arising from: The use or oprtion of mount&n slides, water slides or other similar recreational devices, inciudg but not limited to ski Hfts or tows. skiing, snow boarding, hang gilding, swimming, any other -rolsitecl activities. para- sailing, parachuting, hot air baIloonlng tubing, toboceari1ng, luge bobsledding, skate boarding. trampolines or any other Mel maneuver3 performed with the knowledge or consent of the insured or any concessionaires using the prmises Insured, the use or oper&kn of saddle, animals or animal-drawn vehicles, the use or operation of any recreational vehicle, seadoo, all powered or unpowered wateroraft, all terrain vehicle, snowmobile or any other similar vehjce. 3. liability arising out of the rendering of or failure to render any Professional Service." 4. liability arising from corporal punishment, sexual or physical abuse, sexual exploetIon or other harmful acts by the lnured 5. lIability arising as a resuft of $&li, aeriing, consumption or offering of alcoholic beverages, 6. liability arising out Qithe forcible ejection nf nry paroon or persons from the Insured premises, 7. iablIlty arising from the use or sale of, whether negligent or otherwise, of fireworks, or damages arising from tho Use or sale of fireworks. . liability arising out of damage caused by cigarette bums n. 119 bility resulting from any intentional or criminal act or failure to act by: ) any person Insured by this policy; or h) any other person insured by this policy; lhs definition of the Named Insured is amended to inc4ude; 1. the named insured's volunteers or auxiliary workers who are not also members of the named insurøcl but only for acts withIn the scope of their activities as a volunteers for the insured. Notwithstanding anything contned elsewhere in this policy It Is understood and agreed that the - insurer shall not have its rights of recourse under the law restricted in any wi'y, in any contract, verbal or written, between the insured and any independent third pavty contractors or indMduais who may do work or provide serviceR or materiIs on behalf of the insured during the term and within the soope of this policy ). • 4-30-04; 1:04PM 604 465 4161;# 3 FROM : HRNEY HAUGS PHONE NO. 604 465 4161 flpr. 30 2004 02:12PM P03 04,'23104 FRI O924 F'A1 406J,$03 PAL 1SURANCE 11ROKIMS 4JU07 P1PEDA P,raontl lMorm*ioh Protection and Eloctronk - .. Pocumen At Deer Inucod: As you miy be irwariii the C nadlan Fderal Privacy LegistaPon w1k aiy to irurnc.i romponles inclurg PAL lnuranee Brokra Ltd. and ita aseoeted offes in Ontado PAL Canada lnsuran SroKers Ltd. as of January 1, 2004, The Periroral Information Protection and lecln,ni tiocvrn.ntt Ad (PiPCA) contains 10 (air information practiceC that comp3hie In Canade wifi ac*ierv to. PAL inb.jar,ce BrokerS LUL wt&rl to lAko this time to explain the Act ird our reponae to the implemanletion within n1r oWanizallon. ItInIiinn of 'Ppreonai InfomatiorF IlilOtmation relating to an identified of Idenliliehie natural poraos, Inriuiies Inorrnatori cied abOiJt a person In his businbba 06pec1ty Ineluding (but not Wmted to): ci Name, address and tcliIiiphone number I) AØe, gender and martisi stifius Ci f'revbus dams hietory O MedIcal and hIth inlbrrneiion O Credit radn 1 tipnkvig and payuiwt hii(oty ci Employment l,ormctlon Ci Aauts and lIabIIitJe informatIon Wleclqd may be oral, electronic, or wriflan tormels to provide the clIerla the products or servk.es reqtlred. Purpo of P1 - To ensure the privacy of p5rsonal inforrnaUon coIloc4etl &. documented by orsnJZattos. end the appropriate use of the inforn Lion uluCiancl dis*sed in the best interest of the cftncs. indiVidualS May P'eVe ecces* to tl ie. information collected unde (he guidelines of th, Ast. PAL ts0r5hoO brokefa Ltd. doca not sell. solicit, or shave client personal and private Irifornrinftirii nor cvndone me preelites at such. We ,eoornmitted to protecting the privacy of your personal infrmsUon, unIe.v 2110190 otherwise always in the bobt lntereM of the coiWidMdual or abtdlng by ilie I8wFL governed PAL. Ii'iiurina Brokers Ltd. may diic1use inforntetion at requeSt Of 5uCP'. Inormalion coflected is ijd hy only authcwled personnel and Malnect only as Is required, and for any legit or regulatory requirt'rfl*nts. rhrojht out ralfillonship with you. PAL $nurance Brotars Lid. may collect, use and diic4os* yoir personal tntqnatbn lc identify yqu Vnd to adrvinisler products or services you may have with PAL in irtince brokers Ltd. and in order to' ci Ctinfirin yaurapØ!lc*ln ifn,metiori end easei yotir eligibility and raec for insurance proveta iind rrvica • ProvId' C%J wim ongoilly itwvicea, estaDusri And rnelnteln rnmunIcetior,, and reepomd to yøUr lr)tjulriss; ci Advlie yci i and your Intulance broker In the bdminietretkiri at your poliQy; ci Resporvdirg to Adjustors lv delermine your eligibility for claims: Ci Meet lef$d and regulatory reqtJir?rnents and, Ci Share with your insurang* broker, lawyer, arid/or any person, or enterprise, as may be reasonably required for the. purposes already stated. rAL inpurance, Brokers Ltd. respects you, rights of prvaey and rnquIre your on.golmq consent to continu4 10 time your personal information. ShCiIild you wish to wittidraw consent, please contact us. PAL irisuranee BrokerS I Id. will not urueasDfltibly withhold p?oducts or seivices, hcwrc, certain information Is required In order to serve you ici our best ábiiies. PAL insursne (Irokers Ltd. thank you for your buoifles arid take pildill in offering you tNt heal of our produilC and services. If you aflod with tills ietr exi&ning the use of your irifermalior as deSC(ibftd above we Will cnntinu9 to use your infuriation In .hrcike'. For any privacy questions, c6ricerns, commOrilt, and requeett ptesse forward suoh tD jIvacy omoir PAL Irrsurence i9rokem Lit'. 400. 1400 1" Street SW Cal9ery, 48 7'2M 0V P'(ie; 403-261-300 Ptax: 403-261.390$5 oh1Fren'1-888'6116O8 Qpaka'9dajiQrn V'/'L P(PEQ,.t,o.'f(O? 2003 4-30-04; 1 :04PM ; . 604 465 4161 ;# 4 - FROM : HANEY HAtJOS PHONE NO. : 604 465 4161 Apr. 30 2004 02:13PM PO4 04223'04 FWJ 024 FAX 4028130 FM , 1\11"WRIANOC BWKR MI$4TERPRETATION OF DATE EXCLUSION ENDOSEMENT •.___•__,_..-'---------.--- _ ......- •!fl•j_______••__..•, _ -. ________________________________________ This insurance does not apply to lose or damage onused directly or inclirGotly by the t}Iuro, malfunction or inadequacy of any of the following: electronic data processing equipment, or other equipment. Including microchIps embedded therein; coriputar program or operating system; c.) software; medIa; data; memory storage system; memory storage device; rI timo dock; I) cite O&nUlatOI microprocesaor (computor chipG) not part of any computer ytem; computer network; or I) any other computerized or electronic oquipmenl, components, or dovioa, or r&ted cystem or process, to correctly read, recognize, interpret, distinguish or process any encoded, abbreviated or encrypted date, time or combined date/time data or data field. Such faiIur, malfunction or inadequacy shall include. any error in original or modified data entry or programming. This exclusion does not apply to 16199 or damage caused directly by tire, lightning, explosion, impact by alrrtt, 8ocOCratt, or land vehIcI, riot, etrlko4 vend,llRm, malicious acts, smoke, windstorm or hail, If such porflr, are otherwise Insured and not excluded under the coverage form to which this endorsement attaches. rcct -r As OTHRW1E PROVIDED IN THIS EP1DORSMENT ALL UMITS, TERMS GONDITIONS, PROVIONS DEFINmONS AND E)CLUSIOUS OF ThIS POLICY SHALL HAVE FULL FORCE AND IFFECT. 4 -30 -04; 1 :O4PM 604 465 4151;# 5 FROM : HRNE' HflI4GS PHONE NO. : 604 465 4161 Rpr. 30 2004 02:14PM P05 04/23/04 FRI u 3 IA 4032613903 PAL INSURANCE 6XV YLI~XS UiJUUU I. I. PAL 'INSURANCE BROKERS 1ERRORiSMXCLUSIQN ENDORSEMENJ nding any provI1onto the contrary within this Insurance or any I endor5ernent theroto it is agreed that this insurance excludes loss dmaga, cost or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in connection with any act of tôrrorism regardies of any other enuse or event I contributing concurrenfly or in any other sequences to the loss. For tho purpose of this endorsement an act of terrorism means an act, including but not lImIted to the use of force.or violence and 1 or the threat thoreof, of any person or group(s) of persons, whthGr acting atone or on behalf of or in j connection with any oranlzation(s) or government(s), committed for political, religious, ideological or similar purposes Including the intention to influence any ovemment and / or to put the pubUc, or any section of the public, in fear. This ondorsoment also exdudes loss, damage, injury, cost orexpense of whatôeVer neture directly or Indirectly caused by, resulting from or in connection with anyaction taken in controlung, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to any act 01 terrorism, If the Underwriters allege that by reason of the exclusion, any loss, damage. cost or experse is not covered by this Insurance the burden of proving the contrary shall be upon the Assured. in thu event any portion of this endorsement 18 found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remelnder shall rmaln In full force and effect. 02/12/02 FROM : HANEY HANGS PHONE NO. : 504 455 4151 Apr. 21 2004 04:24PM FOl HANEY HAWCS INC 20617 MAPLE CRESCENT MAI'LE RIDGE, D.C. CANADA V2X 1R8 PHONE # 604-465-5230 FAX MESSAGE: PAGE 1 OF( FAX NUMBER:f2 33 TO::ZcLe ATTENTION: FAX# 604-465-4161 DATE: (oJ HADDEN FROM HANEY HAWOS PHONE NO. : 604 465 4161 Apr. 21 2004 04:25FM P02 •1*• ''- FORM 'A' Details of the event Date:: Contact Person:M Phone&f-i- &5-$2o Fax____________ Details: Sketch of Traffic Control Plan: I ' I - 1 9- o t:' 2 >11 -: ROMP concurrence for the proposed Traffic Control Plan 112 fr L-t 1L1tI The filiowing agencies have been advised and acknowledge the et'ent: APR 1 6 2002 BC T 1 •KY) q. &eA Ambulance Services +rogl C I\Jcb Ridge-Meadows R.0 Other. [APR 30 )/ Q-t Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Telephone: (604) 463-5221 Ridge, B.C. V2X6A9 May 4, 2004 Dear ResidentJBusiness Owner: Re: Annual Show & Shine at Haney Hawgs File No. E01-035-001.4 The District would like to inform the neighbourhood of the Annual Show and Shine proposed for May 29, 2004 that is being organized by Haney Hawgs Inc. This annual festival encourages motorcycle riders to bring their bikes and display them for a competition. The Show & Shine events at Haney Hawgs are scheduled between 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM and the following roads will be closed to road traffic. Pedestrian and cycling traffic will be permitted: • Maple Crescent at Battle Ave closed from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM • Maple Crescent at 206 Street Closed from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM • Maple Crescent at Dartford Street closed from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Community events held in Maple Ridge stimulate economic growth and highlight all that we have to offer. (Attached are some details from the organizers). There may be some traffic inconveniences during this time and we appreciate your patience. We encourage you to continue with your regular business and to support merchants as they support our community through this event. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the event organizer Mike Hadden at (604) 465-5230 or phone our District of Maple Ridge Customer Service Centre at (604) 467-7339. Yours truly, U.. Gary Manson Manager of Corporate Communications AW/esb Att. "Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens" 100% Pecycled Paper 5ya2-O V CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: April 19, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001.5 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Caribbean Street Festival EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request has been received from the Dawn lllerbrun (the organizer) to use Municipal Streets for their annual Caribbean Street Festival on Sunday July 18, 2004. The Caribbean Street Festival Committee's goal is to create a unique, lively and colorful street festival that appeals to all ages and walks of life, in an effort to assist in the rejuvenation of the Maple Ridge Town Center. The festival highlights are music and fun of the Caribbean culture, and encouragement of audience singing and dancing participation. RECOMMENDATION: That the Caribbean Festival Committee be authorized to use Municipal Streets for their annual Caribbean Street Festival on Sunday July 18, 2004, between 9:00 AM and 10:00 PM, provided the conditions outlined in Schedule 'A' attached to the report dated April 19, 2004 are met. DISCUSSION: Background Context: From time to time the Municipality is requested to allow the use of Municipal Streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implications, approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A" It should be noted that the festival organizer has applied to the Liquor Control Board for an outdoor beer garden license. The Caribbean Street Festival is scheduled between 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM with the following road closure: • 224w Street South of Dewdney Trunk Road closed from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM, • 224th Street West of McIntosh Avenue closed from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM, • 224th Street North of 1 19 th Avenue closed from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM, • Fraser Street at Dewdney Trunk Road closed from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM, • Haney Place Road closed from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM Strategic Plan: Permitting of Maple Ridge street events allows the District to manage road infrastructure and associated risks but yet allows events that promote community development and highlight Maple Ridge's natural and built features. 1011 Citizen/Customer Implications: The Festival Committee is requesting permission to close 224 Street to vehicle traffic between 119 Avenue and Dewdney Trunk Road from Noon to 10:00pm. Access for vehicles will be detoured during this time period. Governmental Implications: The road use permit establishes that the festival organizer must obtain the approval of RCMP, for traffic control and must notify the Fire Department and BC Ambulance Services as well a Coordinate with Coast Mountain Bus Company (transit service). Business Plan Implications: The Business Plan recognizes that the District processes requests for use of municipal streets as part of its services. The financial impact of the specific road use is limited to staff processing effort. (1) Policy Implication: Permission to use municipal streets is grantable under the District's policy practices. (g) Alternatives: The District could refuse to permit the event to occur at this location. In this event, the organizer may wish to select an alternative location within or outside the municipality. However, this event has a history in this community. CONCLUSIONS: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of streets for various events and activities. The Caribbean Street Festival was held in the past three years in Maple Ridge and the organizers have requested permission to hold the event on District streets for 2004. Prepared by: Andrew Wood, MEng., PEng. Un iper Approved by7rank Quinn, MBA, PEng., PMP Pub Works & Development Services Concurrence: J. 1L. (Jim) Rule CJlief Administrative Officer ML/ Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated April 19, 2004 Caribbean Street Festival Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the R.C.M.P., and the District of Maple Ridge; notify local Fire Department, and Ambulance Services of the event; make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company (formally BC Transit) for any required rerouting of buses; the organizer must obtain the necessary provincial permits for the proposed beer garden; consumption of alcohol beverages in areas other that those approved by the Liquor Control Board during this event is not permitted; advertise the event and give notice of the road closure in a local newspaper (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); notify all affected businesses in the area of closures as soon as possible event (per letter provided by the District); hold and save harmless the Corporation from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation as an additional named insured. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporation prior to the event; obtain the required permission from the business to use their facilities; refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District of Maple Ridge; 11. obtain the necessary noise relaxation permit from Licenses, Permits & By-Laws Dept; must maintain access for emergency services to Haney Place Mall at all times. make arrangements with the District of Maple Ridge if "temporary" parking restrictions are require prior to the event. not post temporary signs or materials over existing municipal signs. * Condition 13 and 14 were added due to the "temporary no parking" signs were posted over the existing municipal signs. The Corporation of District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw this permission to use Municipal Streets should the organizers fail to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Idge,B V2X6A9 Telephone: (604) 4635221 irvlA1PLE E-mail: enquiries@mapleridge.org Incorporated 12 September, 1874 www..mapleridge.org May 4, 2004 Dear Resident/Business Owner: Re: Caribbean Street Festival File No. E01-035-001.4 On behalf of the community organizer of the Caribbean Street Festival, the District would like to inform the neighbourhood of this upcoming scheduled event on July 18, 2004. This annual festival will create a unique, lively and colorful event that appeals to people of all ages. The festival highlights the music and fun of the Caribbean cultures, and encourages audience participation with singing and dancing. Again the Festival events are again scheduled this year between 9:00 AM and 10:00 PM and the following roads will be closed to road traffic. Pedestrian and cycling traffic will be permitted: • 224th Street South leg of Dewdney Trunk Road closed from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM. • McIntosh Avenue West of 224th Street will be closed from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM. • 224th Street North of 1 19th Avenue closed from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM. • Fraser Street at Dewdney Trunk Road closed from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM. • Haney Place road closed from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Community events held in Maple Ridge stimulate economic growth and highlight all that we have to offer (details are attached from the organizers). There may be some traffic inconveniences during this time and we appreciate your patience. We encourage you to continue with your regular business and to take advantage of the large number of people that will be in the community for this event. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the event organizer Dawn Ulerbrun at (604) 467-4957 or phone our District of Maple Ridge Customer Service Centre at (604) 467-7339. You s truly qGary a son Manager of Corporate Communications AW/esb Att. - "Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens" fib 100% Recycled Paper 4fli(/2iU4 iJ:i3 bU44b3 BELL LUCJKM1IH PAGE 01 CariDbe an Street Fe !ftiVaj FIdg. - ___u Apnl 7, 2004 Attention: Sharon Anderson & Michael Eng Engineering Department District of Maple Ridge Dear Sharon and Michael: I have attached a cOpy of the paperwork that I sent to Corporal Brian Huntington along with his signature,, for your review. Please let me know if you require any further infonnation. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you, '~ D' a) A, (-'~ Dawn Illerbrun Phone: 604-467-4957 Or: 604-838-6306 Fax: 604463-0203 4/7/24 13:13 44323 SELL LDCK5MITH PAGE 02 egj~bean Street Fe stival Mar>ler IRidg, B-.*'r RU' March 12, 2004 Ridge Meadows RCMP 11990 Haney Place Attention; Corporal Brian Huntington Dear Mr. Hunington, As per our recent phone conversation, please find attached a map of 224th street and the surrounding area that we intend to close off to traffic. Also a copy of the proposal for this years festival. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me anytime. Thank You, Dawn Ilierbrun Phone; 604-467-4957 Or: 604-838-6306 Fa: 604-463-0203 4/1Jf/24 13:13 bU44b3U2U3 SELLLLJGK5MITH PAGE 03 e3/2/24 14:49 6446023 BELL LocKSt1TH PAGE 02 iORM 'A' fY\ ' .-\ (_\ .I1taf the iQI Ote::_UiO&1 tcg1rOC$4 Cc,ntact 4gFi? SkMch of Traffic Control Plan: RCMP concurrence for the proposed TraFfic Control Plan t 'irai The frilowing agencfei have been adiiged and acknowledge the evg,t: Fl 72EYJ4 --- aCMR 1oi bQ nc4c€d ck \a1ececro'1c4-a ; BC Translt -: Fire Deparme1_. Ambulance SeMces Other Fraser Street :::::H::.:::::i ::: Beer Info & , :::::::::::_:_:_.:_:_:_:.::::::::.:::: Garden ecuniy1 Vendors I ft (D -3 Vendors I I 224 St. Ii— --------- Vendors I I I ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- Vendors Vendors ........... : :::.:: I I Van : Vendors J I [stage I Vendors Vendors I- -lI-Il-Is-', I I:.: :::;:::::::::::.:.: I p Entertainer parking Macintosh Ave Buildings or park Sidewalks Special festival setup locations Medians _ Barricades The map is not drawn to scale as will be perfectly obvious. However. I think it will do the trick. 04/07/2004 13:13 6044630203 SELL LOCKSMITH PAGE 06 e aribbean Street FastiVal rAI FId. C Proposal oa1: The Caribbean Festival committee's goal is to create a uniqne lively and colourful street festival that appeals to all ages and walks of life, In an effort to assist in the rejuvenation of the Maple Ridge downtown core. This festival highlights the music and fun of the Caribbean cultures, and encourages audience participation with singing and dancing. Naturallil the safety and security of participants would be a top priority. Date & Time: This year the festival will be on July 18 2004 from noon until 10p.m. Set up for the festival will begin at 9 a.rn. Location: On 224th street from Dewdne Trunk Ioad south to 119 Avenue. The street will be closed to traffic during the festivaL except for emergency vehicles. The stage will be set up at the intersection of McIntosh Avenue and 224th St?eet facing east so that the music can be channeled north and south along 224th street. The event also uses Memorial Peace Park. Activities: Music is the main focus of the day's activities, with live act and DJ music to 1111 in the breaks. In addition, there will be food vendors and arts and crafts vendors. We hope, once again this year. to attract cultural demonstrations and tatIn dance classes as welL There will be a beer garden again this year hosted by The Lookout L14/U(f2W14 13:13 bU44bjU2Uj BELL LUCJKMIIH PAGE 07 Restaurant directly across from the stage. There will be a Kidzone In the park for the children including riMs and games. Funding: Sponsorship for this event is sought from various businesses and organizations in and outside of the community. Community Relations: The Caribbean Pestival committee has already been in touch with the Maple Ridge Pestivala Society and will continue to act under its auspices. The Caribbean Street Festival falls half way between the community's Canada Day celebration and the annual Jazz and Blues Festival, creating a continuum of entertainment options for the community starting July V t and going until the end of August It is our expectation that the Caribbean Festival will provide a vital link in a chain of similar community festIvals stretching from May I thought October 31 each year. The Caribbean Street Festival also offers local businesses the opportunity to promote themselves wither through participation and/or sponsorship. In addition it is expected that they would take advantage of the opportunity of having a large gathering of people outside their doors. 4/Jf/2L1Ii4 iJ:13 BU44b302U3 SELL LUCK5MITH FGE 08 C arjDbean Street Fest Ival FId. a Traf& Control Plan arricades: We will place barricades at the intersections indicated on the map. We will also be closing Fraser street and the road that runs around Memorial Peace Park All barricades will have volunteers manning them so that they can be moved easily for emergency vehicles. £merqency Vehic1e One side of 224 will be left clear of obstacles (Le. tables, tents and chairs) so that emergency vehicles can get through If needed. The road around Memorial Peace Park will also be free of obstacles. • The RCMP, BC ambulance service and Maple Rldqe Fire Department will all be notified of the closure as soon as we receive permission from the District of Maple Ridge. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE 6a-0 V TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: May 5, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001.5 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: 7th Annual Vistas Run EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request has been received from the Vistas Run organizer to use Municipal Streets for the 7th Annual Vistas Run on Sunday May 30, 2004, between 9:00 AIM and 10:30 AM. A copy of the request and traffic control approval is attached. Authorization from Council is required in accordance with the "Maple Ridge Highway and Traffic By - law 3136-1982" to allow the event to occur in Maple Ridge. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the Vistas Run organizer be authorized to use Municipal Streets for their 7 1h Annual Vistas Run on May 30, 2004, between 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM, provided the conditions outlined in Schedule 'A' attached to the report dated May 5, 2004 are met. DISCUSSION: Background Context: From time to time, the Municipality is requested to allow the use of Municipal Streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implications, approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A". The run route will start at Webster's Corner Elementary School proceed south on 256 Street, west on 112 Avenue Diversion to the Kanaka Regional Park Entrance. The 5-km runners will do a single loop through the park, then back up 256 Street to the school. The 1 0-km runners continue through Kanaka Creek Regional Park, exiting the park on 251 Street at Cliff Park, proceed north on 251 Street, east on 117 Avenue, north on 252 Street, west on DwdiyTfnk Road to 250 Street, south on 250 Street. to 119 Avenue, south on 248 Street to Ferguson Avenue, re-entering the park before returning to the school via 256 Street. A map of the route is outlined in Form 'A'. Strategic Plan: Administrating Maple Ridge street events allows the District to manage road infrastructure and associated risks but yet allows events that promote community development, commemorate and celebrate community accomplishments and highlight Maple Ridge's natural and built features. Va. Citizen/Customer Implications: Permission to use streets may cause some minor delays and inconveniences to other road users. However, traffic control will be provided by the Vistas Run volunteers. Governmental Implications: The road use permit establishes that the event organizer must obtain the approval of RCMP for traffic control and must notify the Fire Department and BC Ambulance Services as well as coordinate with Coast Mountain Bus Company (transit service). Business Plan Implications: The Business Plan recognizes that the District processes requests for use of municipal streets as part of its services. The financial impact of the specific road use is limited to staff processing effort. Policy Implications: Permission to use municipal streets is grantable under the District's policy practices. Alternatives: The District could refuse to permit the event to occur at this location. In this event, the organizer may have to cancel the event. However, this event has a history in this community. CONCLUSIONS: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of streets for various events and activities. The Vistas Run for the Ridge Meadows Hospice Society event has been held in Maple Ridge for 6 years. The organizers have requested permission to hold the event on District streets for 2004. 0 - '- '— rc '_/_ ,-_7 — Submitted by: Andreod, M.Eng., P.Eng. Munic I Jlngineer Approved by: Frai Quinn, MBA, P.Eng., PMP G1\ Public Works & Development Services Concurrence:J. L. (4im) Rule Chi./Administrative Officer ML/mi Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated May 5, 2004 7th 5Annuai Vistas Run for the Ridge Meadows Hospice Society Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the R.C.M.P., and the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge (the Corporation); notify local Fire Department, and Ambulance Services of the event; make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company (formally BC Transit) for any required rerouting of buses; advertise the event and give notice of the road closure in a local newspaper and notify all surrounding businesses of the event (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); hold and save harmless the Corporation from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation as an additional named insured. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Municipal Clerk prior to the event; obtain the required permission from the School District to use their facilities; refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the Corporation; obtain any necessary noise relaxation permit from Licenses, Permits & By-Laws Department; must maintain access for emergency services to the closure area at all times. The Corporation of District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw this permission to use Municipal Streets should-the-organizers-fail to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer 05/05/2804 13:28 6044638426 ARCADIA PUBLISHING PAGE @1 A-mr.j. fl/U4t1rF4EJ Li , ristas Itun Box 392, Maple Ridge V2X 8K9 February 4,2004 Municipality of Maple Ridge ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Attention: MIKE ENC Fax: 604-467-7425 RE: 7" ANNUAL VISTAS RUN To benefit Ridge Meadows Hospice Society It's that time of year again! Planning is underway for the seventh annual Vistas Run, and I'm hereby applying for permission to hold it again in east Maple Ridge. The route will be the same as in the previous six years. Sunday, May 30, 2004 at 9:00 a.m. Distance: 5 km andlO km Participation: Approximately 300 to 375 runners Route: Starting and finishing at Webster's Corner elementary school, 256" and Dewdney Trunk. Runners/walkers will head south on to 112" Avenue Diversion, then west to the entrance of Kanaka Creek Regional Park. Five-km runners will do a ioop through the park, returning to the school along 256". 10km runners pass through the park, exiting at the Cliff Park area. They will travel up 252" Ave to Dewdney, then travel west along the shoulder to travelling side streets to 248th• There they turn south, travel through the gully, then east along Ferguson Street, through the park, and back up 256" to the school. Pre/Post Run: Runners will be off the course by approximately 10:30 a.m Pre-race registrations andpost-race awards and snacks will be available at Webster's Corner elementary school. Volunteers will begin arriving at 7 a.m. and finish between noon and 1 p.m. 05/05/2004 13:28 6044638426 ARCADIA PUBLISHING PAGE 02 - 2- Parking; Webster's Corner elementary school has 32 marked parking stalls. On the wide shoulder in front of the school there's room for approximately 20 vehicles, plus dozens more all the way along 256th Street, and on the shoulder along the south side of Dewdney, east of 256 " Street. We will also get approval to park at the businesses on the north side of Dewdney that are closed Sunday, at Saino Hall, and in the Fsrivate lot on the southeast corner of 256 h and Dewdney ame as last year). Safety: Teams of volunteers will assist with race day organization, act as route markers, and direct runners along roadways as needed to ensure a safe race. The Vistas Run has gone very smoothly in previous years, largely due to the number and calibre of our volunteers. We anticipate our run this year to be better than ever! A copy of the RCMP approval for the Vistas Run is attached If I can answer any questions or provide further information, please contact me at one of the numbers below. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Maggie Prince Race Director Tel: 604-463-8686 Cell: 604-862-4524 Fax: 604-463-8426 IM - 4d42G PAGE Z jihD - Co,zfi-,4t- /12.j Lv.j-ti PJ6TOtJ FORM 1A' A2W;AthV Eveni Gontct Person :j2i'6 L& PhoneQ4q_ Sketch of £ N c-i I RCMP corcurrare. to Th-e-pre-p-oad -Th'ffic Cor,frol Plan The f,llowirg agenojej have been advived wid ackiwwtdge the evens: 7c Vi' CO -RtdpM.wAows C Trans(L ------------ FEB - 32004 Fire Department— ..._ U')/(-L ,Jo r/-Fl - 1 - Arnbul&nce Servces_ Other 01-0?0-la~Z- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: May 12, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Advisory Design Panel Appointment EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: There has been a vacancy for one of the two member of the community positions on the Advisory Design Panel since the beginning of 2004. Despite advertising in the local newspapers and on the website for a member of the community to sit on the Panel, we received no applicants. However, Wayne Bissky, a local Architect who has served on the Panel previously as an appointed architect, has offered to be the community member for the remainder of this two-year term. RESOLUTION: THAT Mr. Wayne Bissky be appointed as a member of the community on the Advisory Design Panel for a term from May 1, 2004 to April 30, 2006. DISCUSSION: • Mr. Bissky has checked with his professional association, the Architectural Association of British Columbia, and has been assured that this is not a conflict of interest to serve on the Panel in the capacity • of a member of the community. 5J Prepared by: Brenda Graham Executive Assistant APProve/bY: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng., PMP General Manager: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J.) Rule dministrative Officer FQ:bkg -1- CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: April 14, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: E02-011-007 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: ICBC Safer City Initiative - 2004 Operating Funds Agreement EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) and the District of Maple Ridge are currently running a program called "Safer City". Through this program Maple Ridge is benefiting from safety improvements both in terms of analysis and physical street and road improvements. In 2002, Council approved a 2-year partnership with ICBC as part of the 2003 to 2007 Business Plan, which will be reviewed after 2004. The program also realizes an operating fund contribution to fund both staff and technical resources for 2 years. ICBC is now prepared to advance the operating funds of $25,000 for 2004 and has prepared an agreement that requires Council's approval. This agreement formalizes the advancement of funds. RECOMMENDATION(S): THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal Contract No. RIP2004.010 with ICBC as attached to the report titled ICBC Safer City Initiative - 2004 Operating Funds Agreement, dated April 14, 2004. DISCUSSION: Background: In 2001, ICBC developed a new program titled "Safer Cities" that was piloted in 2001 in Kamloops (mid size communities) and Pitt Meadows (small communities). The program is based on developing a systematic framework and process to help local governments and communities (including non- governmental organizations) work together to improve traffic safety. The intent of this framework is to. seek- -and- .coordinate abalance between. the three Es.. of traffic management. - enforcement, engineering and education in a strategic fashion. ICBC partnered in 2002 with Abbotsford and Saanich to begin developing similar programs for mid- size communities and partnered with the District in 2003. As part of the 2003 Business Plan, Council approved the program, partnership and funding for 2003 and 2004 with an evaluation after 2 years to determine if the District will continue the program on its own initiative. As a result, ICBC's contribution is included in the budget revenues for the District's 2004 Budget. Desired Outcome: The desired outcome of the report is to obtain Council's approval to enter into an agreement to obtain ICBC' s contribution for 2004. 'f/I Discussion The Safer City program is primarily targeted at the improving traffic safety. ICBC' s primary contribution to develop the program is based on providing technical advice (consultants), techniques and tools to convert, warehouse and analyze the District's data to develop the various traffic management plans and to seed funding to institutionalize positions and resources. c) Strategic Alignment: Transoortation The District's Strategic Plan directs that the District will maintain and enhance a multi-modal transportation system within Maple Ridge to provide citizens with safe, efficient alternatives for the movement of individuals and goods. The Safer City project is intended to improve safety for the residents of Maple Ridge and road network customers. Smart Managed Growth The District's Strategic Plan directs that the District will protect and manage existing municipal infrastructure through the preparation of appropriate plans to ensure development, maintenance and renewal of roads and sidewalks. The safety conscious approach and plans proposed in the Safer City project will be used in rehabilitating the District's transportation infrastructure to help protect the investments and maximize the returns. Environment The Corporate goals in the District's strategic plan outlines that it will promote alternative modes (pedestrian, bike and public transit) of travel to reduce reliance on the automobile. It is anticipated that improving the safety of alternate modes of transportation through the Safer City project will help promote the use of these alternate modes. Financial Management high quality municipal services to our citizens and customers in a cost effective and efficient manner and develop specific performance measures to ensure best value in delivery of local government services. The proposed project to improve traffic safety is based on a partnership with ICBC and a financial investment by ICBC. The operating funds are necessary to the success of the program. In accordance with the terms of reference, the District received ICBC' s contribution of $50,000 for 2003 and will receive $25,000 for 2004 (the phasing down of assistance). The Agreement has been reviewed and revised by the District's and ICBC's Solicitors in 2003 and remains the same for 2004, except for Appendix A, which details the work activities for the traffic coordinator and the breakdown of ICBC's financial contribution. Inter-Government Relations/Partnerships The District's Strategic Plan directs the organization to develop and maintain strong, positive working relationships with the provincial government; the Greater Vancouver Regional District; TransLink; adjacent municipalities; and, the Katzie First Nation. In addition, the strategic plan targets the identification and promotion of partnerships with public agencies; business; not-for-profit; community groups; and, volunteers to provide local government and community services in a cost- efficient and effective manner. The Safer City project is intended to enhance and maximize the relationships between all traffic safety stakeholders and the traffic coordinator has a significant role for the project and the department. Community Relations The District's Strategic Plan encourages citizen participation in decision-making as well as developing methods to communicate on a timely basis with citizens and community groups. The partnerships and consensus building for decision making in the Safer City project encourages participation and improved communication. The traffic coordinator plays a significant role in this area. Citizen/Customer Implications/Communications Plan: The Safer City project goal is to improve the safety of transportation network users. The reduction in the number and severity of accidents will be a net benefit to the Districts' citizens and customers. The operating fund contribution is used for a traffic coordinator position (for 2004 and 2004). This position is customer centric and is one of the primary traffic customer service contacts. In addition, there is an active communication strategy for the program. This includes: • Partnerships with Autoplan broker initiatives and; • The 2004 community crash reduction challenge. Business Plan/Financial Implications: The projected program has been included in the Budget and is relied on for the operations of the 2004 Business Plan. I) Policy Implications: The agreement formalizes the agreement and commitment of both the District and ICBC. g) Alternatives: There's an alternative for the District. The District could choose to decline to enter into the agreement. This would require a change to the 2004 budget. However, this would be against the spirit of the partnership. CONCLUSIONS: ICBC is prepared to commit resources and monies to improve safety in the District of Maple Ridge. Over 5 years ICBC commits to expending approximately over $1 million to implement those safety improvements. In 2004, operating funds of $25,000 are required to support the program and ICBC requires a fo17l agreement prior to advancing their contribution. Prepared Wood, MEng., P.Eng. Municipal Engineer Director of Finance Approved by: /Frank Quinn, MBA, PEng., PMP /Aeneral Manager, Public Works and Development Services Concurrence: /J.L. (Jim) ROle / Chief Administrative Officer AW/mi THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of January 2, 2004 R1P2004.01 0 BETWEEN: INSURANCE CORPORATION OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 151 West Esplanade North Vancouver B.C. V7M 31-19 ("ICBC") AND: DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE ("Maple Ridge") 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 ICBC and Maple Ridge agree as follows: SERVICES Maple Ridge will perform the services as outlined in Appendix A to a standard acceptable to ICBC, as and when directed by Elizabeth Heinz, Provincial Program Manager, Road Improvement Strategies, or her designate. Unless otherwise stated, on a task-by-task basis, Maple Ridge will take instructions from and report to Elizabeth Heinz, Provincial Program Manager, Road Improvement Strategies, or her designate. TERM The term of this Agreement is from January 2, 2004, until December 31, 2004. PAYMENT ICBC will pay Maple Ridge a maximum fee of $25,000.00 (inclusive of disbursement and expenses) allocated in accordance with Appendix A. ICBC will not pay GST with respect to the payment of the fee. ICBC will not be liable to pay any amount in addition to the fee set out in this paragraph under any circumstances. Maple Ridge will submit invoices upon completion of the services providing a breakdown of time and services performed. ICBC will pay Maple Ridge within 30 business days of receipt of an invoice if the invoice is satisfactory to ICBC and the District of Maple Ridge R1P2004.010 Safer City Project January 2, 2004 Community Liaison - Page 2 services have been performed to ICBC's satisfaction, or will notify Maple Ridge within 30 days if it is not satisfied with the services or the invoice and will provide Maple Ridge an opportunity to remedy matters to ICBC's satisfaction. TERMINATION Either party may terminate this Agreement on 14 days written notice to the other. In the event of a termination, ICBC will be responsible to pay Maple Ridge only for services performed. DELIVERY OF WORK When this Agreement ends or is terminated, Maple Ridge will deliver to ICBC all work produced under this Agreement, whether competed or not. COPYRIGHT AND CONFIDENTIALITY Maple Ridge waives all moral rights and grants to ICBC all right, title and interest in and to any copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights in the work Maple Ridge produces under this Agreement. All products, including copyrights, which result from the performance of this Agreement, are the property of ICBC. Maple Ridge will not allow them to be published or used in any way without ICBC's written consent. In the course of performing this Agreement, Maple Ridge may receive confidential and sensitive business material and information from ICBC. This material will be identified by ICBC. All such information and material is the sole property of ICBC and Maple Ridge must: treat the information and material as confidential and sensitive; not use the confidential information or material for any purpose other than in connection with this Agreement; prevent unauthorized disclosure of the information, including the contents of this Agreement; store the information and material in a secure environment to ensure confidentiality; permit ICBC to inspect the location of the information and materials to verify storage procedures; at the conclusion of this agreement, return all such information and materials to ICBC or, if requested to do by ICBC, destroy it entirely in such a way that it cannot be used by anyone else. Destruction includes shredding paper by a bonded, confidential destruction service, rendering computer-stored information unretrievable (not simply deleting or erasing), and destroying or fully District of Maple Ridge R1P2004.010 Safer City Project January 2, 2004 Community Liaison Page 3 demagnetizing videotapes (not simply erasing). Maple Ridge should contact ICBC for assistance or instruction concerning destruction if any questions arise. The obligations set out in the previous paragraph will not apply to information and material: which at the time of disclosure by ICBC to the Contractor is in the public domain, save as a result of a breach of an obligation of confidentiality by the Contractor; which after disclosure by ICBC to the Contractor enters the public domain other than through an unauthorized disclosure by the Contractor and/or a third party; to the extent that the Contractor is compelled to disclose such information or materials by law or by any regulatory authority having jurisdiction over the Contractor, but only to that extent; or which was already in the possession of the Contractor at the time of disclosure by ICBC or has been independently acquired by the Contractor without breach any of its obligations under this Agreement. Maple Ridge will ensure that its employees observe the terms of this section. PROHIBITION OF ASSIGNMENT Maple Ridge may not assign or subcontract this Agreement or any of Maple Ridge's right or obligations under it without the written consent of ICBC. CONTRACTUAL RELATIONSHIP This Agreement is contractual and does not establish an employment relationship. Maple Ridge will be responsible for the payment of all salaries and shall ensure that all deductions required by law are made from salaries and that all remittances are made to the relevant bodies, including the deductions and remittances on account of income tax, Employment Insurance, Canada Pension Plan, Workers' Compensation or any similar payments. Maple Ridge agrees to indemnify ICBC fully for any such payments that ICBC may be required to make as a result of services performed under this Agreement. NOTICES All notices and communications required or permitted under this Agreement must be in writing and must be mailed or delivered to a party at its address on the first page of this Agreement, or at such other address as a party may give notice if in writing. Any such notices and communications given by mail shall be effective 72 hours after being deposited in the mail with first class postage prepaid, or if given by personal delivery, when delivered. 10. ARBITRATION District of Maple Ridge R1P2004.01 0 - Safer City Project January 2, 2004 Community Liaison Paae 4 A single arbitrator appointed in accordance with the provisions of the Commercial Arbitration Act of British Columbia shall settle any dispute or disagreement arising out of this Agreement or a breach of this Agreement. 11. INTERPRETATION In this Agreement, unless expressly provided or the context otherwise requires, words importing the masculine gender include the feminine and neuter gender and vice versa, and words in the singular include the plural and vice versa. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia. The parties attorn to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of British Columbia in all matters arising in connection with this Agreement. The invalidity of any particular provision of this Agreement shall not affect any other provision and the Agreement shall be read as if such invalid provision were omitted. This Agreement and the Appendices constitute the entire agreement between the parties. It can be amended only by written agreement signed by both parties. There are no representations or agreements now existing which are not contained in this Agreement. The headings in this Agreement have been included for convenience of reference only, do not form part of this Agreement, and are not intended to interpret, define or limit the scope or meaning of this Agreement or any of its provisions. This Agreement shall ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties and their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns. Time is of the essence of this Agreement in all respects. 12. INDEMNIFICATION - - - - Maple Ridge agrees to indemnify and save harmless ICBC, its udcéiors and assigns, from and against all claims and demands, actions, proceedings, costs, interest and expenses that arise from Maple Ridge's work performed under this Agreement, or that of its agents, employees, Maple Ridge, or others for which Maple Ridge may be liable at law, except to the extent that any such claims, demands, actions proceedings, costs, interests or expenses are caused by the intentional or negligent acts of ICBC or its officers and employees or others for which ICBC may be responsible at law. District of Maple Ridge Safer City Project Community Liaison R1P2004.01 0 January 2, 2004 Page 5 The parties intending to be legally bound have signed this Agreement as of the date set out at the beginning of this Agreement. INSURANCE CORPORATION OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Per: Elizabeth Heinz, Provinci1'Program Manager Road Improvement Strategies DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Per: Authorized Signatory Name: Title: CERTIFICATION CLAUSE This is to certify that the property and/or services ordered/purchased hereby are for the use of and are being purchased by the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia with Crown funds, and are therefore not subject to the Goods and Services Tax. Elizabeth HeinovinEil Program Manager Road Improvement Strategies Contracts\2004\ R1P2004.010 Mape Ridge {Safer Cities} Community Liaison 'S r APPENDIX A Maple Ridge Safer City Project Maple Ridge will perform the following services: Maple Ridge Safer City Coordinator Maple Ridge will provide a Safer City Coordinator for the Maple Ridge Safer City Project, during the period January 2, 2004 to December 31, 2004. The Coordinator's duties will include: Project Communications and Consultation Coordinate and supervise communication for all projects; Establish a communications framework for each area of concentration; Maintain and update the local Safer City website from the City web page; Establish and maintain various media relations including print, radio and television; Organize media events for launching and promoting initiatives; Produce and deliver materials required for media events; and Organize Safer City Working Group meetings and project administration , minutes, filing, etc. 2. Community Consultation Develop a comprehensive consultation framework and implementation plan; Inform and solicit feedback from the community at large and other stakeholder groups; Coordinate and supervise consultation of projects; Standardize information delivery; Inform the community about the Safer City initiative and goals; and Deliver follow-up communication for pilot projects to community members. 3. Community Liaison a) Promote and implement the Safer School Travel program through selected schools; 'b)Promotethe use of road safety curriculum materialsforgradesKi2throughout the school district; Attend relevant community meetings; and Seek and maintain new community partnerships. ICBC will pay Maple Ridge a maximum of $17,500 calculated on the basis of $25.00 per hour to a maximum of 700 hours for services rendered on account of the Maple Ridge Safer City Coordinator. ICBC will contribute a maximum of $7,500.00 to the Safer City Program expenses and activities, which will be allocated by the Safer City Working group. 4, 3q00-çk CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: April 21, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: E06-017-005.7 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: 2004 Curbside Collection Area - Adjustment EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The District provides recycling services to residents of Maple Ridge through the operation of a recycling depot and curbside collection of recyclables. Earlier in 2004, the area of curbside collection was expanded to include a larger number of customers. After the service was expanded, (and the Maple Ridge Recycling Charges By-law No. 4655-1992 was amended) additional requests were received. As a result, an amendment to the current Maple Ridge Recycling Charges By-law No. 4655-1992 is required. The attached By-law (No. 6224-2004) incorporates the expanded area. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Recycling Charges Amending By-law No. 6224-2004 be read a first, second and third time. DISCUSSION: Background Context: The District provides services for the collection of recyclables through a fee for service agreement with Ridge Meadows Recycling Society (RMRS). RMRS operates a recycling depot and provides weekly curbside collection of recyclables for a number of residents in Maple Ridge. As part of the 2004 Business Plan, the curbside collection of recyclables was provided to some areas east of 240 Street and the Maple Ridge Recycling Charges By-law was then amended (in February). However, a small number of additional requests have been made since and a further amendment is required. Desired Outcome: This report seeks Council's approval to amend the current Maple Ridge Recycling Charges By-law No. 4655-1992 to allow for the expansion of the provision of curbside collection services for the few additional requests. Strategic Alignment: The Corporate Strategic Plan directs that the District will provide high quality municipal services to our citizens and customers in a cost effective and efficient manner. The District's program is intended to provide a high quality service to residents of Maple Ridge. The Strategic Plan also directs that the District will promote individual and community responsibility for the stewardship of natural resources. The recycling program is targeted at promoting and supporting the stewardship of wastes and recyclables. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: RMRS placed print advertisements to alert the public to the new curbside collection areas in early 2004. RMRS will also be distributing blue boxes during the week of January 19 commenced the expanded collection area during the week of January 26. Over the succeeding time, requests have been made and requests are accommodated where possible. The By-law amendment will allow the charging of all the new customers as well as existing customers. Interdepartmental Implications: The current program involves a number of different departments including the Engineering, Finance and Clerks departments. Intergovernmental Implications: This program is in keeping with the Regional Solid Waste Management Plan that has been adopted by Council. 0 Financial Implications: The By-law amendment is required to collect the charges for the additional customers. CONCLUSION: The District provides recycling services to residents of Maple Ridge through the operation of a recycling depot and curbside collection of recyclables. In 2004, the area for curbside collection of recyclables was expanded to allow greater access for residents to municipal services and a By-law is required to capture the customer base. Prepared by: And PEng. Co-an'a'lysis Director of Finance Approved by/ Frank Quinn, MBA, PEng., PMP / .Qeneral Manager, Public Works and Development Services y r '67 - Concurrence:thiefL. (Jim) Rule Administrative Officer AW/mi ( ; ~ _~Xh ~-a MAPLE RIDGE 2 74712..444. 474 CORPORATION OF TUE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6224-2004 A By-law to further amend Maple Ridge Recycling Charges By-law No. 4655-1992 as amended WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to further Maple Ridge Recycling Charges By-law No. 4655-1992 as amended; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law shall be cited for all purposes as " Maple Ridge Recycling Charges Amending By-law No. 6224-2004". 'Maple Ridge Recycling Charges By-law No. 4655-1992" as amended is further amended by: a) Repealing Schedule "A" and in its entirety and replacing it with Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this bylaw. READ a first time the day of 2004. READ a second time the day of 2004. READ a third time the day of 2004. ADOPTED the day of 2004. MAYOR CLERK MALCOM KNAPP rGOLDEN EARS RESEARCH PARK FOREST Ile DISTRICT OF PITT MEADOWS F- (I) 0 C'4 H U) ('I H U) (0 130 AVE U) H CD IL) C." IRK RD RIVER H (I) 0 C" 112 AVE MAPLE RIDGE RECYCLING CHARGES AMENDING BY-LAW NO. 6224-2004 SCHEDULE 'A' L I CURBSIDE COLLECTION CHARGE AREA 102 AVE 100 AVE H U) (0 0101- ._ I CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: May 05.2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: SUBJECT: Fire Department Response to Motor Vehicle Accidents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Prior to January of 2003, the Maple Ridge Fire Department responded to motor vehicle accidents at the discretion of the BC Ambulance and RCMP Dispatchers. In January of 2003 the B.C. Ambulance Service discontinued their practice of screening motor vehicle accident calls to fire departments. Instead, all reports of motor vehicle accidents received by BC Ambulance were down streamed to the fire dispatch. As a result, in December of 2002, Council was asked to approve an increase in fire department response to motor vehicle accidents for a trial period. In an effort to closely monitor the results of the new response protocols, fire fighters and officers completed an assessment form after each MVA that detailed their actions. The results of these assessment forms were compiled and form the basis for the statistics in this report. In 2003 the Maple Ridge Fire Department responded to 450 motor vehicle accidents. This represented an increase of 300 calls from 2002. In comparing this number with the RCMP statistics, it is apparent that the Fire Department did not respond to all accidents including the minor accidents. In fact, it only responded to 60% of the total motor vehicle accidents, which occurred in 2003. In addition, fire department statistics indicate that approximately 75% of the accidents responded to by the Fire Department in 2003 were serious accidents involving injuries. Upon evaluation, the Fire Department activities performed at motor vehicle accidents in 2003 were determined to be very effective in achieving council's goal of a safe and liveable community and were in alignment with the Fire Department's mission of protecting lives, property and the environment. In addition the new response protocols were well received and supported by the fire-fighters and resulted in a decrease in the number of public inquiring why the fire department was not present at specific accidents. A qualitative review of the number of resources dedicated to this program in relation to the value of the outputs indicates that the current program of response to motor vehicle accidents is very efficient. However the fire department is continuing to exploring increased efficiencies in the areas of, the number of fire-fighters responding to MVA's, the nuthber of fire trucks responding and the dispatch information gathering and dispatching protocols. In regards to the fire department response to motor vehicle accidents, three alternative courses. of action. are•1ied in. this report. However, upon reviewing the results of the trial period in 2003, the Fire Department recommends a continuation of its current protocols of response to motor vehicles accidents and continued implementation of the efficiencies identified in this report. RECOMMENDATION That Council direct the fire department to continue it's current protocol of response to motor vehicles accidents, and continue to explore efficiencies in the delivery of this service. 13 1 DISCUSSION: • a) Background Context: The following analysis of fire department response was performed during the 2003 trial period using the protocols approved by council, and under the newly revised dispatching policy of BC Ambulance. Activities performed at Motor Vehicle Accidents. Based on a survey of 181 accidents attended in 2003) On average there were three separate activities performed by the fire department at each Motor Vehicle Accident. These activities were performed as follows: • 100% of the time an evaluation of scene safety was conducted and a safety check was performed on the vehicle. • 70% of the time the fire fighters disabled the vehicles electrical system to reduce the risk of fire and the potential for post accident activation of the air bags. • 70% of the time fire fighters provided scene safety by protecting accident victims, ambulance paramedics, fire fighters, and bystanders from the traffic. • 50% of the time the fire fighters mitigated fuel spills and contained environmental hazards. • 26% of the time the fire fighters were sufficiently concerned about fire that they deployed a hose line. • 26% of the time the fire fighters stabilised the vehicle and prevented it from moving and injuring the emergency workers and the public. • 26% of the time the fire fighters assisted the paramedics in maintaining spinal immobilisation and moving the patient. • 15% of the time the fire fighter provided direct primarily first aid care to the patients. Strategic Alignment: Council identified a strategic goal of a safe and liveable community. To accomplish this goal Council directed the fire department to "Ensure that quality emergency services are delivered in a timely, effective and efficient manner." The fire department's actions in responding to motor vehicle accidents are in complete alignment with council's strategic goals and therefore by definition this program is highly effective. Citizen/Customer Implications: Importance of a Timely Response Research has indicated that "Victims who are seriously ill or critically injured have a narrow time frame known by trauma care professionals as the "Golden Hour," the optimum limit from time of injury to surgery at a hospital. Medical studies have demonstrated that survival rates are highest when surgical interventions take place within one hour." (Victoria Cleary, FireEMS January, 2003) The "Golden Hour" starts when the injury occurs and includes the time for notification and response of rescue crews, treatment and extrication on scene and transport to hospital. In order to meet the criteria of the "Golden Hour" fire departments must be included in the initial notification and respond as quickly as possible. Any delay in notification or response of the fire department reduces the likelihood of the patient arriving at hospital within the "Golden Hour". Inherent in the current paid on call system is a prolonged turnout time, as the fire fighters must respond from home. Any delay in the initial dispatching to a motor vehicle accident compounds this response time, making it impossible to meet the criteria outlined in the "Golden Hour". With the advent of air bags in most modern cars the requirement for fire fighters to respond and disconnect the power to vehicles, involved in accidents, has taken on i new prinrity. "Alihough it's rare, an air bag can suddenly deploy during rescue operations, creating a hazardous operating condition and causing further injury and delay in medical assistance to victims. In order to prevent further injury or death to both the patient and emergency workers it is imperative that the fire-fighters respond and disconnect power to vehicles involved in accidents as soon as possible."(James Onder, Ph.D., highway safety specialist with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in Washington, D.C. Fire Engineering December, 1997) Business PlanJFinancial Implications: The analysis involved response to ninety motor vehicle accidents from the period of November 01 to December 31 2003. In 2003 the Maple Ridge Fire Department responded to 450 Motor Vehicle accidents. Based on an average cost of $289.00 per call the total cost of fire- fighter's wages to attend motor vehicle accidents in 2003 are estimated to be $ 130,000. A similar number of response to MVA's in 2004 could have a budgetary impact and would need to be considered in the overall context of the Fire Department operating budget. Policy Implications: In December of 2002 council approved a set of protocols for fire department response to MVA's. These protocols could form the body of a policy, adopted by council, which would direct the level of service the fire department would provide in response to MVA's. Alternatives: The fire department could choose initially to only respond to calls in which rescue was required or fires present. This would reduce the initial response to motor vehicle accidents by 95%. However, statistics indicate that 30% of the time the requirement for rescue is not identified by the initial caller. This would result in a delayed response to 30% of the most serious accidents requiring rescue extrication. In addition, the activities of scene safety, patient care, and environment protection would not be addressed at 65 % of serious accidents. The fire department could suspend its practice of response to unknown type motor vehicle accidents. This would only result in an 11% reduction in response to motor vehicle accidents. In addition, it would cause a delayed response to 30% of the unknown accidents, which involve injuries and require rescue. The fire department could continue its current protocols of response to motor vehicles accidents and institute the efficiencies previously identified in this report. CONCLUSIONS: An evaluation of the trial protocols, for response to motor vehicle accidents, highlighted that 100% of the time fire fighters performed important tasks at motor vehicle accidents and that 75% of the accidents that fire fighters attended were serious accidents involving injuries. The study also found that the fire department was not responding to all accidents including minor fender benders. In fact, the department only responded to 60% of all the accidents that occurred in Maple Ridge in 2003. In addition, this report determined that the services provided by the fire department in rene to motor vehiclaccidents were both effective and efficient. / Prepared by: 'ter Grootendorst Chief III - Approved by: gaul G Manager Corporate and Financial Services Concurrence: J.L. Oirn) Rule Chif Administrative Officer Fast Facts - Response to Motor Vehicle Accidents Background • Prior to January of 2003. the Maple Ridge Fire Department responded to motor vehicle accidents at the discretion of the BC Ambulance and RCMP Dispatchers. In many cases, this resulted in substantial delays in fire department response to serious Motor Vehicle accidents. • In January of 2003 the B.C. Ambulance Service discontinued their practice of screening motor vehicle accident calls to fire departments. Instead, all reports of motor vehicle accidents received by BC Ambulance were down streamed to the fire dispatch. • As a result. in December of 2002, Council was asked to approve an increase in fire department response to motor vehicle accidents for a trial period. Results of the trial period: • The new response protocols were well received and supported by the fire-fighters and resulted in a decrease in the number of public complaints regarding why the fire department was not present at serious accidents. • The department responded to 450 Motor vehicle accidents in 2003, which represents 60% of all the accidents recorded by the RCMP in Maple Ridge. • It is extremely difficult to obtain an accurate description of the seriousness of the Motor Vehicle accident, and determine what services are required, until emergency crews arrive on scene. • 75% of the accidents responded to by the Fire Department in 2003 were serious accidents involving injuries. However Fire fighters performed an evaluation of scene safety and conducted vehicle safety checks at 100 % of the accidents they attended. • On average, three separate activities were performed by the fire department at each Motor Vehicle Accident. These activities involved ,establishing scene safety, disabling the vehicle electrical system, containing fuel and oil spills, stabilising the vehicle, deploying a hose line for fire protection, rescue extrication and performing first aid • Based on an average cost of $289.00 per call, the total cost of fire-fighter's wages to attend motor vehicle accidents in 2003 are estimated to be $130,000. . A similar number of responses to MVA's in 2004 could have a budgetary impact and would need to be considered in the overall context of the Fire Department operating budget. Alternatives I. The fire department could choose to only respond to calls in which the initial caller indicated the need for rescue, or the presence of a fire. This would reduce the initial response to motor vehicle accidents by 95%. However, statistics indicate that 30% of the time the requirement for rescue is not identified by the initial caller. This would result in a delayed response to 30% of the most serious accidents requiring rescue extrication. In addition, the activities of scene safety, patient care, and environment protection would not be addressed at 65 % of serious accidents. The fire department could suspend its practice of response to unknown type motor vehicle accidents. This would only result in an 11% reduction in response to motor vehicle accidents. In addition, it would cause a delayed response to 30% of the unknown accidents, which involve injuries and require rescue. The fire department could continue its current protocols of response to motor vehicles accidents and institute the efficiencies previously identified in this report. Recommendations • The Fire Department continue its current protocol of response to motor vehicles accidents. • And continue exploration and implementation of efficiencies in the areas of, the number of fire fighters responding to MVA's, the numberoLfire tnickstesponding and the dispatch information gathering and dispatching protocols. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: May 5, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: COW• SUBJECT: First Quarter Performance Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Business Plans contain key goals, objectives, and performance measures for each divisionl department/service area. In addition, Council has Action Items coming out of meetings of Council. We have compiled an overview of the performance during the first quarter of 2004 in a Quarterly Performance Plan. In this report we have addressed how the plans relate to Council's Strategic Goals. We have also included as an Appendix the 2004 Work Plan items for your reference. RECOMMENDATION(S): That the District of Maple Ridge 1st Quarter 2004 Performance Report be received for information. CONCLUSIONS: The first quarter of 2004 was busy and productive. The intent of this document is to report on our major accomplishments, as well as outline the work plan for the current year. Prepared by: Brenda Graham, Executive Assistant Approved by: I aul Gill, B.B.A., C.G.A., F.R.M. General Manager: Corporate & Financial Services Concurrencej J.L. (Jim) Rule I Chief Administrative Officer bkg .1 -1- 4732... Corporation of, the District of Maple Ridge MAPLE RIDGE ber, 1874 Quarterly Performance Report - January to March 2004 Incorporated 12 Septem The District of Maple Ridge has a very comprehensive business planning process. Starting with strategic. direction from Council, including budget guidelines, staff develops detailed work plans. These plans. include comprehensive financial projections and are completed annually. On a quarterly basis, Council is provided with a financial overview as well as a report on our key accomplishments to date. I am pleased to present this new format for quarterly reports, which shows an alignment between Council priorities and expenditures/accomplishments to the end of this quarter - March 31, 2004. . Mayor Kathy Morse Council Focus Areas The purpose of this report is to recap our accomplishments for the first quarter of 2004. It is organized aecording to the focus areas established by Council: . . J . • Governance . . . Financial Management . Inter-Government Relations T . /Partnerships - LL_ I • Community Relations • Economic Development • Safe and Livable Community 7 • Transportation Smart Managed Growth Environment Appendix 1, the work plan for the remainder of 2004, is attached for your reference. . District of Maple Ridge - First Quarterly Report - January to March 2004 Page 2 Governance Conduct our business in a manner that will uphold and enhance the public trust. Function as an open government with the greatest possible access by citizens to information and decision making processes. 21 Open Government - we reviewed and updated our Council procedures to ensure openness and transparency in the way we do things. IZI Audit and Finance Committee, meetings of which are open to the public, established its workplan for the coming year. Financial Management Develop multi-yeUr financial plans that not only address immediate needs but also address the longer-term financial sustainability of our community. Use a formal, business planning framework as a means to structure decision-making and publicly report our performance. Identify methods to expand the tax base and generate non-tax revenue. Continue to use a user-pay philosophy. Provide high quality municipal services to our citizens and customers in a cost effective and efficient manner. 21 Downtown Core Negotiation Update - Municipal Council considered the two avenues of public approval that are permitted under the Community Charter. The discussion took place at meetings open to the public and Council has decided to use the Alternative Approval Process (Counter Petition). IZI Courthouse Acquisition - the parties reached agreement on the purchase by the Municipality of the Courthouse on February 2, 2004. Possession date is December 15, 2004. IZI Financial WoEkshops - the Finance Department has undertaken to host a series of workshops on financial management to help guide and assist Council in understanding of the financial structure and planning for the Municipality. IZI Master Plan - the Fire Department Master Plan was presented at a Public Forum in February and Council has now asked the Finance and Audit Committee for recommendations on funding capabilities. District of Maple Ridge - First Quarterly Report - January to March 2004 Page 3 Inter-Government Relations/Partnerships Develop and maintain strong, positive working relationships with our adjacent neighbours, the municipalities of Pitt Meadows and Mission; the Katzie First Nations; the provincial government; the Greater Vancouver Regional District, and, TransLink. Ident5 and promote the use ofpartnerships with public agencies; business; not-for-profit; community groups; and, volunteers to provide local government and community services in a cost-efficient and effective manner. lI Committee Database - this has now been circulated to Council and staff. IZI Fraser River Crossing - the District continues to work with TransLink and the Fraser River Crossing as the plans for the new bridge move forward. E-Comm - the District endorsed moving the 9-1-1 function from the GVRD to E-Comm. EZI Accreditation by Delegation - this is being sought from the Justice Institute of British Columbia to enable Maple Ridge Fire Department to certify our fire fighters to an internationally recognized standard. Community Relations Encourage citizen participation in local government and local government decision-making. Develop methods to communicate on a timely basis with citizens and community groups. Recognize and support the important contribution of volunteers in the community. Strive for enhanced service levels, quality of lfe and independence by citizens and community organizations in the delivery of leisure services and other municipal services through community development. IZI Admission Costs to Leisure Centres - Reviewed the family/group rate for admissions to the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Leisure Centres in February, 2004. Volunteer Information Kiosks - Developed volunteer information kiosks in both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Recreation Centres in February, 2004. Accessibility Issues Bylaw - Proposed updates to the Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues Bylaw to both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Councils Internet Mapping - the citizen access to the Municipal website mapping component was finalized. Special Events and Ceremonies Protocols were developed to make sure that tli,e roles and responsibilities of all parties are understood. 21 Animal Services Contract - entered into a contract with the SPCA for the provision of animal services in our community. District of Maple Ridge - First Quarterly Report - January to March 2004 Page 4 IZI ALR - report on how to proceed with applications - Staff prepared a report providing recommendations on how to proceed with applications for development on lands excluded from the ALR but outside of theurban boundary. IZI Application Checklists - checklists, similar to those for Public Hearing, are to be prepared for the various application processes that can be undertaken with respect to the development of property. IZI Fraser Sewerage Area report regarding reconciliation with Sewer Area "A" - it was agreed that Sewer Area A reports will include reconciliation with the Fraser SewerArea. IZI Developers' Forum - this very successful group held its third meeting in January 2004. IZI Fire Department Awards Night - the department held its annual awards night in January. Exemplary Federal Service Medals and Maple Ridge Service Pins were awarded to Art Lilley, Mark Smitton, and Jim Sigurdson for completion of twenty years of service. I1 Spirit of 2010 Business Planning - Plan has been developed with several sub-committees. 11 Ridge Meadows Festival Society - Festival Grants awarded to 16 community groups. IZI Art Gallery Fee For Service - Agreement finalized. IZE Public Internet Access Kiosks - three were established - two in Municipal Hall and one in the Leisure Centre. Economic Development Use a formal economic development strategy as a means to structure a positive business and investment climate within Maple Ridge. IdentJj', in consultation with community stakeholders, specfic new investment and employment opportunities. Build a sustainable community that includes a balance of land use types. Develop a pro-business, customer-service oriented approach in the delivery of municipal services. Develop and maintain high quality community documentation and promotional material to attract investment and employment. I1 Director of Economic Development - Susan Cudahy started in the new position of Director of Economic Developmeat in late March. District of Maple Ridge - First Quarterly Report - January to March 2004 Page 5 Safe and Livable Community Establish an emergency response and recovery plan in consultation with other public sector agencies, community groups, and other relevant stakeholders. Establish neighbourhood and community education programs to provide citizens with information and materials on emergency planning procedures. Ensure development standards incorporate crime prevention, safety and security concepts. Develop preventative as opposed to rem ediation initiatives in the delivery offire and police services. Ensure that quality emergency services are delivered in a timely, effective and efficient manner through the development of multi-year business plans, which include detailed multi-year financial plans. In partnership with community groups, assist in the provision of leisure and cultural services to ensure access by all citizens. Address the impacts of emerging social issues on the local community and citizens through social planning and collaboration with other levels of government and local service providers. 11 Emergency Preparedness - the Districts of Maple.Ridge and Pitt Meadows successfully staged a major simulated emergency exercise - "Operation Floodgate" on February 5 and 6, 2004. IZI Information Services Department implemented SPAM filtering for email, and improved security of information resources. 21 Youth Academy - The 2003/2004 Youth Academy is preparing to continue the community project on Address Awareness. Nine high school students from grades 11 and 12 will be actively involved in the community to raise public awareness on the importance of address sign visibility. IZI Fire Department Public Education - the Program reached over 2,600 students and 300 adults in the Elementary School Program grades K to 3 and through community groups such as Guides and Scouts. t1 Arson Prevention Program for Children (TAPP-C) provided fire safety education to five children during the first quarter. 21 Inspections - The Fire Department completed 151 inspections in the first quarter of 2004. A new program has been initiated to train senior fire fighters to perform Basic Fire and Life Safety in public buildings iWOUOTTuiUT1ity. This -pr ogrmwifl ificaittiy ire thenurnbtroffiresafetyinspections - ---- 2 Fire Fighter Training - Ten applicants are completing their final recruit-training module - Fire Control. As well, 10 fire fighters are currently enrolled in the Emergency Driving Certification Course. IZI Citizens' Bike Patrol - This volunteer group of citizens on bikes is very active in our community and has checked 544 vehicles in the first quarter of 2004. El Citizens on Patrol - This group of volunteers is very active on Friday and Saturday nights, and they have checked a total of 23,457 vehicles in thefirst quarter of 2004. District of Maple Ridge - First Quarterly Report - Januaiy to March 2004 Page 6 IZI Speedwatch - Speedwatch is a volunteer group monitoring the speed of vehicles within our community. For the first quarter of 2004 they have sent out 502 warning letters to residents informing them of their vehicle speed in strategic traffic zones. Transportation Maintain and enhance a multi-modal transportation system within Maple Ridge to provide citizens with safe, efficient alternatives for the movement of individuals and goods. In co-operation with other regional stakeholders, identfj.' improvements to the inter-municipal transportation system within Greater Vancouver. - IZI TransLink - Fraser River Crossing Alignment - the District worked with TransLink on a northern route for the Abernethy Connector within the Agricultural Land Commission. IZI Fraser River Crossing, Environmental Assessment - information from Lions Bay on the estimated cost of a covered roadway was provided by staff to Fred Cummings at the Fraser River Crossing. Smart Managed Growth Develop a land use management process that is timely, open, inclusive, and consultative. Using the Official Community Plan, ensure growth is well managed and establishes a balance of use types that is efficient and enhances the unique quality of life in Maple Ridge. Develop land use regulations, bylaws, procedures, and practices to implement the Official Community Plan. Protect and manage existing municipal infrastructure through the preparation of appropriate plans to ensure development, maintenance and renewal ofparks and open spaces; roads; sidewalks; water, sewer and stormwater systems; and public buildings. IZI Smart Growth on the Ground - the Smart Growth on the Ground group have held several very successful workshops in Maple Ridge in the first part of 2004. Environment Promote individual and community responsibility for the stewardship of natural resources. Identfy and protect environmentalfeatures (such as watercourses) and areas that require special recognition and management. In partnership with other levels of government, adjacent municipalities, and community groups, develop programs and projects to preserve and enhance the natural assets of Maple Ridge. Promote alternative modes (pedestrian, bike and public transit) of travel to reduce reliance on the automobile. IZI Plastic Milk Containers - the Municipality requested the Province re-consider the decision not to include plastic milk containers in the refund system. - IZI Household Hazardous Waste Program - the Municipality took the opportunity to identi' to the Province the gaps in the stewardship program for household hazardous waste. Council Action Items for Staff Number Issue for Discussion Comment Staff Time Status Responsible Frame Administration C-04.200 Town Hall Meetings Town Hall Meetings on Core and Transportation Jim Rule! June 2004 S Frank Quinn C-04.201 Economic Economic Development Commission - Renaming Jim Rule 2004 5 Development Commission - Rename C-04.202 2003 Litigation - The Chief Administrative Officer is to obtain an Jim Rule June 2004 IP Fourth Quarter Report update from the Manager of the Pitt Meadows Airport on the litigation with JJM Construction. C-04.203 Emergency Exercise A recommendation is to be made to the Justice Jim Rule June 2004 S "Operation Institute to include positive comments on an Floodgate" Report exercise at the beginning of their critique rather than at the end. Staff is to meet with Mission emergency Jim Rule June 2004 S program personnel. C-04.204 OCP Update Council, through the Mayor, is to write to the Jim Rule June 2004 S Agricultural Land Commission requesting that their review of agricultural soil be completed by the promised date of April 1, 2004. Community Development, Parks & Recreation Services Municipal Hall Complete Municipal Hall Phase 2 seismic Mike Murray Oct 2004 IF C-04.300 Renovations upgrade and renovations Family and Youth Council Workshop - 2004-01-26 - Staff is to Sue Wheeler 2004 S C-04.301 Services - Program provide Council with a comparison of the service comparison programs in the community for Family and Youth before and after the service redesign changes are completed by the Ministry of Children and Family Development Corporate and Financial Services C 04 400 Committee Database - Council Workshop, November 10, 2003 the Terry Fryer Mar 15 2004 Circulate to Council comnuttee database has been circulated to and staff - Council and staff and is waiting for further feedback at a future Workshop Council Action Items for Staff Page 1 May 5, 2004 Completed • C = Council Action Items P = Policy Ite,ns In Progress IF G = Goals fron Business Plans Scheduled S Number Issue for Discussion Comment Staff Time Status Responsible Frame C-04.401 Voluntary OT by Determine amount of voluntary overtime John Leeburn Oct31 2004 IP Staff Report provided by municipal staff. C-04.402 Council Meeting Amend procedure bylaw in conjunction with Terry Fryer May 312004 IP Procedural Bylaw changes to the Community Charter. Review C-04.403 Seminar for Council Schedule this seminar on Roles/Responsibilities Terry Fryer July 31 2004 IP on Roles! Responsibilities C-04.404 Building Bylaw Council Workshop, December 1, 2003, Item 3.1 Paul Gill Oct31 2004 S liability issues - Staff is to provide Council with information on how liability issues affect individual taxpayers. C-04.405 Downtown Core Staff is to prepare resolutions on the two Terry Fryer Mar 9 2004 Negotiation Update approval processes for Council's consideration at the March 9, 2004 Council Meeting. C-04.406 City of North E-mail January 15, 2004 from B.A. Hawkshaw, Terry Fryer Mar 22 2004 Vancouver, Bill 85: City Clerk, providing information on a resolution BC Hydro Public calling on the BC Government to repeal Bill 85, Power Legacy and hold consultations with British Columbians about Heritage Contract the future of BC Hydro and our Province's Act, December 2003 electricity system and reverse all legislative, regulatory and contractual measure which give or potentially give control of BC Hydro and its assets to the private sector. It was the consensus of Council that the letter be received for information and no further action taken. Letter to be sent to City of North Vancouver. C-04.407 City of North E-mail from B.A. Hawkshaw, City Clerk, Terry Fryer Mar 22 2004 vs Vancouver, Lions providing information on resolutions pertaining Gate Hospital and to Provincial health care services. Public Health Care It was the consensus of Council that the letter be System received for information and no further action taken. Letter to be sent to City of North Vancouver C-04.408 British Columbia Letter dated February 24, 2004 from Jerry Lloyd, Terry Fryer Mar 22 2004 Aviation Council, President & Chief Executive Officer, requesting Airfare Add-ons that a letter of support to make air travel more affordable be sent to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Transportation. It was the consensus of Council that the letter of support requested in the letter be sent. A letter of support is to be sent to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Transportation. C-04.409 2003 Performance The fmalized 2003 Performance Report is to be Paul Gill / Apr 2004 vs elate4-tounoil-with-a-pending4iM Council Action Items for Staff May 5, 2004 C = Council Action Items P = Policy Items G = Goals from Business Plans Page 2 Completed y In Progress IF Scheduled S Number Issue for Discussion Comment Staff Time Status Responsible Frame projects in progress attached to the report and for Graham discussion purposes, be accompanied by the Corporate Tracking System Report C-04.410 Youth Justice and Lola Chapman and Insp. Fraser MacRae are to be Insp. MacRae May 3 2004 5 Advocacy Association invited to attend a meeting of Council to provide Lease Payment an update on the Youth Justice and Advocacy Association. The local MLAs are to be invited to attend the discussion. C-04.41 I RZ/077/02, 11673 240 Action Notice Council 2004-03-23 Terry Fryer May 10 2004 IP Street, RS-3 to CD-I- A meeting is to be arranged with School District 93 and P-I 42 to discuss development patterns. Public Works and Development Services C-04.500 ALR - report on how Council Workshop, November 10, 2003 - Staff Frank Quinn Mar22 2004 to proceed with is to prepare a report providing recommendations applications on how to proceed with applications for development on lands excluded from the ALR but outside of the urban boundary. C-04.501 Town Hall Meeting Council Workshop - Information on topics to be Frank Quinn June 2004 IP on Transportation on discussed at the June, 2004 Town Hall Meeting website are to be available on the web site and the public is to be provided with an opportunity to submit questions in advance of the meeting. C-04.502 Town Hall Meeting Council Workshop - The Ministry of Highways, Frank Quinn June 2004 IP on Transportation - TransLink and ICBC are to be invited to invite MOH, participate in the June, 2004 Town Hall Meeting. TransLink and ICBC C-04.503 TransLink - Fraser Council Workshop - A letter to be sent to Frank Quinn Feb 19 2004 River Crossing TransLink stating that the northern route of the Alignment Abernethy Connector within the Agricultural Land Commission's band is acceptable C-04 .504 TransLink - Fraser Council Workshop Staff is to arrange a Frank Quinn Apr 30 2004 IP River Crossing meeting with TransLink, Langley, and Maple Alignment Ridge to obtain an update on the status of the Albion Ferry and to clarify, the status of the diversion of funds subsidizing the Albion Ferry to the Fraser River Crossing. C-04.505 Burning at Council Workshop - Staff is to prepare a report Frank Quinn June 15 2004 IP Development Sites providing information on alternative clearing methods for development sites and information on whether any other communities in the Lower Mainland permit burning. Council Action Items for Staff May 5, 2004 C = Council Action Jte,ns P = Policy Items G = Goals from Business Plans Page 3 Completed sool In Progress IP Scheduled S Number Issue for Discussion Comment Staff Time Status Responsible Frame C-04.506 Staffing for Council Workshop - Staff will give an update Frank Quinn Jun 30 2004 IP environmental issues at a future date on how environmental issues will be handled within the District as a result of staffing changes in the Planning Department. C-04.507 RZ/003/03, 24350 Committee of the Whole - Staff is to provide Frank Quinn Feb 10 2004 104 Avenue, information at the February 10, 2004 Council Inclusion into Sewer Meeting on the relationship between the Fraser Area "A" Sewerage Area and Sewer Area "A." C-04.508 Meeting with MLA's Council Workshop - A letter is to be sent to Frank Quinn Feb 12 2004 the MLA's requesting that the decision not to include plastic milk containers in the refund system be reconsidered. C-04.509 Fraser River Crossing, Council Workshop - Information from Lions Frank Quinn Jan 30 2004 Environmental Bay on the estimated cost of a covered roadway Assessment, Fred is to be provided by staff to Fred Cummings. Cummings C-04.5 10 Application COW 2004-01-19 - Checklists, similar to those Jane Jan 19 2003 600, Checklists for Public Hearing, are to be prepared for the Pickering various application processes that can be undertaken with respect to the development of property. C-04.51 1 Fraser Sewerage Area COW 2004-01-19 - Sewer Area A reports will Frank Quinn Feb 12004 report regarding include reconciliation with the Fraser Sewer reconciliation with Area Sewer Area "A" C-04.5 12 Household Hazardous Council Workshop 2004-01-26 - A letter is to be Frank Quinn Mar 26 2004 p Waste Program - sent to the MLA's identifying gaps in letter to MLA's stewardship programs for household hazardous waste programs. Update - Feb 17: Letters were sent by Mayor's office Feb 12-04. C-04.513 Transportation - Maple Ridge-Mission Council Meeting 2004- Frank Quinn Mar 11 2004 IP Maple Ridge and Staff from Maple Ridge and Mission are to meet Mission staff meeting to review transportation initiatives of mutual interest C-04.5 14 Amendments to Staff is to incorporate amendments related to Frank Quinn! Dec 312004 IP Business License adult-oriented businesses into the overall review Brock Bylaw No. 2542-1978 of the Business License Bylaw. Consideration is McDonald to be given to changing the name of the Bylaw to the Business License and Regulations Bylaw and to include in the definition section the rationale for charging different fees for different businesses. C-04.515 BC Federation of Action Notice Council 2004-03-23 Frank Quinn May 2004 IP Labour, New Safety Mr. Bill Harper'spoke of the concerns of the BC Standards Act and Federation of Labour with new provincial Council Action Items for Staff May 5,2004 C = CouncilAction Items P = Policy Items G = Goals from Business Plans Page 4 Completed ' In Progress IF Scheduled S Number Issue for Discussion Comment Staff Time Status Responsible Frame Regulations legislation governing safety standards. He asked that Council give consideration to a resolution to write a letter to Minister Murray Coell and to meet with local MLA's to express opposition to this legislation. It was the consensus of Council that staff be directed to prepare a report on the new Safety Standards Act and Regulations. Staff is to prepare a report on the new Safety Standards Act and Regulations. C-04.5 16 Nanaimo Bylaw re Action Notice CoW - 2004-04-05 Brock June 30 2004 IF Liquor Sales Staff is to prepare information on the control of McDonald liquor prices at licensed premises. C-04.517 Unsightly Premises The Director of Licences, Permits, and Bylaws is Brock Dec 31 2004 S Bylaw Enforcement to include increased enforcement of the McDonald Unsightly Premises Bylaw into the 2005 Business Plan C-04.518 RZ/051/03, 20718 Staff is to prepare a report on further options for Jane Dec 312604 5 Lougheed Highway consideration with respect to zoning a specific Pickering address CS-S (Adult Entertainment and Pawnshop Service Commercial). C-04 519 Update on Avian Flu The General Manager of Pubhc Works and Frank Quinn Apr. 30 2004 v Development' Services and Councillor Daykin are to pursue the possibility of holdmg an information meeting for Maple Ridge residents. Council Action Items for Staff May 5, 2004 C = Council Action Items P = Policy Items G = Goals from Business Plans Page 5 Completed In Progress IP Scheduled S Council Action Items for Council Number Issue for Comment Staff Time Status Discussion Responsible Frame C-04.100 2004 Conference A Conference Budget has been established. Need Council May 312004 IP Attendance to advise Catherine Nolan which conferences members of Council will attend and estimated costs of attendance. C-04.201 Council Retreat Plan for the Council Retreat scheduled for the Council May 31 2004 IP spring of 2004. Council Action Items for Council May 5, 2004 C = Council Action Items P = Policy Items G = Goals from Business Plans Page 6 Completed • In Progress IF Scheduled S Goals from the Business Plan Number Issue for Comment Staff Time Status Discussion Responsible Frame Administration G-04.200 Continue to work Ensure that the OCP includes a component that Jim Rule! 2004 IF with Council on the ask and answers the question: What does Maple, Frank Quinn Strategic direction Ridge want to be from a social, economic and - and priorities for the environmental perspective in "Plan 2025." Community Initiate public input Forums as part of this Jim Rule! 2004 IP process Frank Quinn G-04.200 Continue to work Ensure that the OCP includes a component that Jim Rule! 2004 IP with Council on the ask and answers the question: What does Maple Frank Quinn Strategic direction Ridge want to be from a social, economic and and priorities for the environmental perspective in "Plan 2025." Community Initiate public input Forums as part of this Jim Rule! 2004 IP process Frank Quinn Ensure the delivery of Work with the Natiotial Quality Institute to Jim Rule! 2004 S G-04.202 excellent Service to review the establishment of a Quality Program John Leeburn our Citizens Continue to support HR's initiative in their Jim Rule! ongoing IP Customer Service Program John Leeburn Increase use of Web for the Delivery of District Jim Rule! ongoing IP Services Paul Gill Complete Corporate Tracking System " Jim Rule!• June-Nov V Paul Gill , 2004 Enhance the District's Increase the training of the BCERMS model Jim Rule! Ongoing G-04.203 Emergency Planning, Mike Davies IP Response & Recovery Capability ' Increase the training of the BCERMS model Jim Rule! Mike Davies Ongoing IP Initiate table top emergency planning exercises Jim Rule! 2004 Mike Davies IP Successfully stage a major simulated emergency Jim Rule! Feb 2004 V exercise. Mike Davies Deal Effectively with Implement the internal and external Jim Rule! - 2004 S G-04,204 Major Issues or Communications Plan John Leeburn Specific major issues dealt with Jim Rule! 2004 IP Policy Items that arise during the year GM's Communit Development, Parks & Recreation Services G-04.300 Provide Support to Complete Commission member evaluation of Mike Murray' Sep. 30 S the Parks & Leisure new structure 2004 Commission Goals from the Business Plan Page 9 May 5, 2004 Completed 4 C = Council Action Items P = Policy Items In Progress IP G = Goals fromn Business Plans Scheduled S Number Issue for Comment Staff Time Status Discussion Responsible Frame G-04-301 Coordinate Divisional Complete Conmission Report Card Mike Murray June 30 S - work in context of the 2004 - PLS Master Plan Complete Park & Outdoor Recreation Plan Mike Murray Sep. 30 S - 2004 G-04.302 Design and Complete Pitt Meadows Aquatic Feasibility in Don Cramb June 30 IF operational planning cooperation with the Consultant 2004 for new facilities G-04-303 Complete Business - Provide assistance to the Committee in the Mike Murray June 30 IP Plan for MR/PM completion and implementation of the Business 2004 Team 2010 Plan. G-04-304 Maintaining & Prepare for Communities in Bloom Competition David Boag July 31 S developing Park areas - 2004 G-04-305 Manage two Review the Cemetery Bylaws David Boag Sep. 30 IF Municipal Cemeteries - 2004 G-04-306 Introduce programs to L/C Power Smart Energy Conservation Study Kevin Dec. 31 IP reduce facility energy Gilbraith 2004 Undertake an energy conservation feasibility Kevin All by IP consumption study at each of the following: RCMP, Gilbraith 2005 Municipal Hall, Maple Ridge Library, three Municipal Fire Halls G-04-307 Safe and seismic Complete the municipal facilities emergency Kevin May 30 IF event protected power generator design process & bring forward Gilbraith 2004 municipal buildings recommendations and estimates G-04-308 Emergency Complete an annual functional exercise Mike Davies Feb. 29 V Preparedness Program - 2004 G-04-309 Customer Access to Review the family/group rate for admissions LC Lex Tierney Feb. 1 V Leisure Centre & Pitt 2004 Meadows Family _______________________________________ Recreation Centre Review the family/group rate for admissions Don Cramb Jan. 31 V PMFRC 2004 G-04-3 10 In partnership with Develop a Public Art Policy Don Cramb Oct. 31 S the Arts Council offer 2004 - new programs and services G-04-3 11 Development of a To create a long-term strategic plan for Shelley Jorde June 2004 IP Strategic Plan for community festivals in collaboration with the Special Events in Festivals Society and Commission. - cooperation with - Ridge Meadows Festival Society - Goals from the Business Plan - -------- rage iu May 5, 2004 Completed v' C = Council Action Jte,ns P = Policy Items In Progress IF G = Goals from Business Plans Scheduled S Number Issue for Comment Staff Time Status Discussion Responsible Frame G-04-3 12 Promote volunteerism Develop volunteer information kiosks in both Kathryn Baird Feb. 29 V as a valuable leisure MR & PM Recreation Centres 2004 and recreational activity G-04-3 13 To support the work Propose updates to the MACAT Bylaw to MR & Petra Rutten Mar. 31 V and mandate of the PM Councils 2004 Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues (MACAT) G-04.314 Planning and Complete feasibility studyre construction of Sue Wheeler June30 IP development of transition housing, and submission of an 2004 Municipal strategies application for the next round of SCPI federal to meet community funding. Provide support to the Housing Society in ' Sue Wheeler Dec 31 IP social needs development of the Transitional Housing Project 2004 Develop Social Planning Strategic Plan Sue Wheeler Dec. 2004 S. Corporate and Financial Services G-04.400 Committee Policy To provide clear direction on the evaluation Ceri MarIo Dec 312004 IP process to be used to determine participation on Committees by Council and staff— Create database of all existing Committees including mandate, participation, and costs. Draft policy and submit to Council Teny Fryer Oct 312004 S and Ceri MarIo G-04.401 Business Planning Review 2004 Business Planning Process; Paul Gill May31 2004 v' Guidelines - 2005- Review and Amend Corporate Strategic Plan and 2009 establish 2005-2009 Business Planning Guidelines. G-04.402 Events I Milestones Develop an events / milestones calendar for Cindy Dale Sept 30 2004 S calendar for community and organization events community and organization events- G-04.43 Issues Management Develop a template that would identify key Gary Manson Sept 30 2004 IP Template checkpoints to be taken into taken into account for corporate issues that arise. Update: Feb 3-04 Background research is nearly compiled. G-04.404 Crisis Management Develop a template to identify key check-points Gary Manson Jul 31 2004 IP Template to be taken into account for important and time sensitive issues that arise. Update: Mar 12-04 Draft under way Goals from the Business Plan May 5, 2004 C = Council Action Itenis P = Policy Items G = Goals from Business Plans Page 11 Completed i' In Progress IF Scheduled S Number Issue for Comment Staff Time Status Discussion Responsible Frame G-04 .405 Internet Mapping Finalize citizen access to Internet mapping Cindy Dale Jan 31 2004 component. G-04.406 Newspaper Create policy for newspaper advertising. John Leeburn Jun 30 2004 Advertising Policy G-04.407 Special Events / Develop protocols to make sure that the roles & Gary Manson Mar 31 2004 V Ceremonies Protocols responsibilities of all parties are understood. G-048 Workstation In 2005, we are scheduled to replace all our Duane Birnie Dec 31 2004 IP Replacement - work stations. This will require significant Preparation Strategy preparation in 2004, preparing a strategy in advance of the replacements. G-04.409 Insurance reserves - As insurance costs continue to increase, it is Ron Riach May 312004 IP related policies important that Council reviews the adequacy of our reserves and established policies. G-04.410 Web Mail and Virus Oevelop and implement web mai1 Duane Birnie tJan 31 2004 be Management And, virus management server product improvements. Duane Birnie June 30 2004 IP G-04.41 1 Manage Expectations There are significant expectations of the IS John Bastaja Dec 31 2005 IP of IS Department department and limited resources. This project will involve discussions around those expectations which will then be documented in Service Level Agreements. G-04.412 Fibre Optic - Review corporate fibre optic strategy with John Bastaja June 30 2004 IP Corporate Strategy Council and CMT Update: Feb 2-04 The strategy is in draft form, and can be ready for presentation to Council-Staff as early as March 1 if there is a desire. The new Economic Development officer can express any observations at that time. Update: May 3-04 John Bastaja will be doing a presentation to CMT/Workshop by the end of the month. G-04.413 IT Survival and Develop, in consultation with the ITSC, a staff John Bastaja Dec 31 2004 S Orientation Guide IT Survival and Orientation Guide. G-04.414 Succession planning Provide Council with a report on the status of John Leeburn Dec31 2004 IP program our succession planning program. G-04.415 Financial I We need to look ahead about 20 years and Jake Sorba Sept 30 2004 1 S loaIs from the Business Plan - Page 12 May 5, 2004 Completed C = CouncilAclion Items P = Policy Items In Progress IP G = Goals from Business Plans Scheduled S Number Issue for Comment Staff Time Status Discussion Responsible Frame sustainability model develop a financial model that will allow us to meet the needs of our community as we grow. G-04.416 Fire Department Need to review the financial aspects of the Plan Paul Gill May31 2004 S Master Plan - to provide advice on how to meet the financial Financial Plan needs of the Master Plan. Update: Mar 29-04 - Referred to Finance and Audit Committee G-04.417 Police Services Develop a methodology for completing a Master Paul Gill Sept 30 2004 IP Master Plan Plan for our policing needs. • Update Apr 16-04: Methodology complete - • take forward to Council by April 30, 2004. Public Works & Development Services G-04.500 Fraser River Crossing Municipal Agreement drafted for Council's Frank Quinn Dec 31 2004 IP consideration. G-04.501 Emergency Response Attend and participate in Emergency Exercises. Frank Quinn Feb 5 2004 Planning and Participation G-04.502 OCP Review OCP review includes residential, commercial, Frank Quinn Dec 31 2004 IP industrial, transportation, heritage, social, environmental, parks components. Will also assist with Plan 2025. G-04.503 Development Develop and refine the development approvall Frank Quinn Dec 31 2004 IP Approval I application process which is timely, equitable, Application Process inclusive, and consultative. Implement recommendations of development process review. G-04.504 Albion Flats Liaise with landowners and consultants on Jim Charlebois Dec 312004 S Albion Flats to complete the Land Use Study for a portion of the Albion Flats. G-04.505 Land Use Policies and Participate in the Smart Growth on the Ground Jane Pickering Dec 31 2004 IP Regulations - Smart project as endorsed by Council. Provide updates Growth and final report on the downtown concept. G-04.506 Compliance with Ensure implementation of Action Request Brock Dec 31 2004 IP Municipal Bylaws System. McDonald G-04.5 07 Animal Services Develop an annual Business Plan in cooperation Brock Feb 29 2004 Committee and with the Animal Seivices Committee and MëDonald Contractor • Contractor - Goals from the Business Plan May 5, 2004 C = Council Action Items P = Policy Items G = Goals fro,n Business Plans Page 13 CompletEd ' In Progress IP Scheduled S Number -Issue for Comment Staff Time Status Discussion Responsible Frame Update Feb 19-04: Apr30 2004 Contractor has not been approved by Council. Anticipated completion is now April. G-04.508 Builders' Forum Coordinate and host the semi-annual Builders' Pieter den Uyl Apr 7 2004 Forums G-04.509 Water System Report Prepare 2003 annual report, including David Pollock Jun 30 2004 IP recommendations for 2004 capital and operating plans using water quality model results.' G-04.510 Sewer Modeling of Complete comprehensive sewer modeling.. Sudu V. June 30 2004 IP Area K G-04.5 11 Safer Cities Project Complete Year 2 of Safer Cities Project Andrew Wood Dec 312004 IP G-04.5 12 Albion Industrial Park Adyance access project. David Pollock Oct 31 2004 S G-04.5 13 Albion Industrial Par Advance access project. David Pollock Oct 312004 S G-04.5 14 DCC Bylaw Review the DCC Bylaw. Jeff Scherban Dec 312004 S G-04.5 15 APWA Accreditation Develop documentation for APWA Russ Dec 31 2004 S Accreditation Carmichael - G-04.616 Builders' Forum Coordinate and host the semi-annual Builders' Pieter den UyI Sept 2004 S Forums ----------------------------------- - - --- May 5, 2004 Completed oe i C = Council Action Items J P = Policy Items I In Progress IP G = Goals from Business Plans - - - Scheduled S TO: FROM: SUBJECT CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: May 11, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: 2004-2008 Amending Financial Plan Bylaw No. 6238 - 2004 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In order to complete the execution of the Purchase and Sale Agreements of the Maple Ridge Town Centre (i.e. Core Project), it is now necessary to amend the 2004 - 2008 Amending Financial Plan Bylaw No. 6225 - 2004. The amended by-law presented for consideration and adoption provides for a transfer of S300.000 to the District's Subsidiary. These funds will be used to make $125,000 deposits each for the Tower Project and the Civic Centre Project and other related costs until all other financial arrangements have been completed. RECOMMENDATION: That the Maple Ridge Financial Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6238 - 2004 be read a first, second and third time. DISCUSSION: Background Context: The District is currently authorized to make expenditures under the 2004 - 2008 Amending Financial Plan Bylaw No.6225 - 2004. However, this plan did not make provision for any acquisition of the Maple Ridge Town Centre as the nature of the agreement was unknown. Section 174 of the Cominuniz.y Charter provides that a municipality cannot make an expenditure that is not provided fir in it's financial plan. The changes to the financial plan reflect the need to make deposits of $125,000 deposits each for the Tower Project and the Civic Centre Project. The Community Charter requires that the District provide notice and the opportunity for public consultation on this amendment. Notice was provided in the Times informing the public of Council attending to this matter at the Council Workshop, Committee of the Whole and a Special Meeting of Council on May 17, 2004. The public will have the opportunity to speak on this matter at the Committee of the Whole and on the Budget Hotline @ 604-467-7484. Adoption of the 2004 - 2008 Amending Financial Plan Bylaw No. 6238 - 2004 will enable the Municipality to make the necessary transfer and deposits. Strategic Alignment Council wishes to advance the execution of the Purchase and Sale Agreements of the Maple Ridge Town Centre and making the deposits is a step in that direction. Financial PlanlBusiness Plan Implications: The amount required is provided from Accumulated Surplus and does not affect current taxation or other fees; neither does this transaction impact any other expenditure or service level previously approved. 33 e) Citizen/Customer Implications & Communications: Under the current "Open Government" structure the public has Continuous access to present commentary and ask questions with regard to the changes proposed. An open invitation was extended to the public to attend the Council Workshop and the Committee of the Whole. In this way they are welcome to listen to the Council discussion and are able to provide feedback at the Committee of the Whole meeting. Feedback can also be provided using the telephone "huLiet hotline." Policy Implications: None; all amendments are as per statutory requirement and necessary to provide for the expenditure. g) Alternatives: In the event this bylaw is not adopted, the District is not authorized to advance funds to the Subsidiary that will enable making the deposits; these are required for the execution of the Purchase and Sale Agreements of the Maple Ridge Town Centre. CONCLUSIONS: Council, through appointed negotiators and staff, has been negotiating with the developer to acquire the assets of the Maple Ridge Town Centre. In order tocomplete the execution of the Purchase and Sale Agreements of the Maple Ridge Town Centre, it is now necessary to adopt the 2004 - 2008 Amending Financial Plan Bylaw No. 6225 - 2004 provides for deposits of $300,000 to the District's Subsidiary. These funds will be used to make $125,000 deposits each for the Tower Project and the Civic Centre Proj ect. Prepared by: Trevor Thompson, BBA Budget Officer Reviewed & ConcurreLJaG.Sorba,GA Director of Finance (. Approved by: PauGBA, CGA GM— Corp. & Financial Services Concurrence: J. L. (Jim) Rule ye Utticer JGS/jgs p ' C MAPLE RIDGE b,,pord 12 Spmb, 1874 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 623 8-2004 A By-law to amend the 5 year Financial Plan for the years 2004 through 2008 The Council for the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Financial Plan Amending By-law No. 6238-2004". Statement 1 of Maple Ridge Financial Plan Bylaw No. 6225-2004 is deleted in its entirety and replaced with Statement 1 attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. Maple Ridge Financial Plan Bylaw No. 6183-2003 is repealed in its entirety. READ a first time the day of 2004. READ a second time the day of 2004. READ a third time the day of 2004. RECONSIDERED and adopted the day of 2004. MAYOR CLERK Attachment: Statement I 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 REVENUES External Revenues Property Taxes Parcel Charges Fees & Charges Interest Grants (Other Govts) Property Sales Development Fees Developer Cost Charges Developer Specified Projects Parkiand Acquisition Total External Revenues $15,370,137 $4,450,819 $3,989,385 $4,352,591 $4,031,344 $63,507 $0 $0 $15,750 $25,984 $280,248 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $15,713,892 Development Fees Total $4,650,819 $4,189,385 $4,568,341 $4,257,328 $85,020, 705 $67,128,285 $69, 740,850 $72,393,653 $75,624,446 $1,818,045 $1,858,820 $1,900,543 $1,935,734 $1,971,491 $19,039,004 $19,552,881 $20,164,369 $20,860,832 $20,923,561 $1,735,000 $1,725,000 $1,725,000 $1,725,000 $1,725,000 $6,702,464 $2,685,579 $2,790,377 $2,247,197 $3,739,908 $5,550,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $34,462,300 $36,655,186 $38,971,176 $41,056,549 $43,007,158 Attachement to Financial Plan Amending Bylaw 6238 - 2004 Statement 1 Consolidated Financial Plan 2004-2008 Internal Revenues Borrowing Proceeds Transfer from Reserve Funds Land Reserve Local Improvement Reserve Equipment Replacement Reserve Sanitary Sewer Reserve Capital Works Reserve Fire Department Capital Reserve Transfer from Reserve Fund Total Transfer from Own Reserves $0 $0 $18,588,754 $10,743,877 $350,000 $858,342 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,513,648 $1,967,750 $1,633,364 $591,828 $841,516 $0 $487,565 $0 $0 $0 $4,847,609 $499,000 $2,309,500 $36,000 $310,000 $931,546 $881,110 $1,637,500 $250,000 $1,750,000 $8,151,145 $3,835,425 $5,580,364 $877,828 $2,901,516 $10,442,159 $4,671,719 $4,074,297 $4,606,541 $4,602,888 Expenditures External Expenditures Capital Expenditures Principal Payments on Debt Interest Payments on Debt Other Expenditures Total External Expenditures $41,589,998 $14,997,259 $14,680,987 $10,572,818 $14,286,115 $1,697,258 $1,597,224 $19,577,718 $11,514,845 $666,732 $2,822,313 $2,737,440 $2,369,376 $2,262,252 $2,261,965 $51,008,200 $51,099,579 $53,182,328 $55,681,464 $56,651,508 $97,117,769 $70,431,502 $89,810,409 $80,031,379 $73,866,320 Internal Expenditures Transfer to Reserve Funds Capital Works Reserve Equipment Replacement Reserve Fire Dept. Capital Aquisition Land Reserve Local Improvement Reserve Sanitary Sewer Reserve Total Transfer to Reserve Funds Contribution to Surplus Contribution to Own Reserves Total Internal Exjjenditures $663,239 $1 .585,196 $728,467 $20,000 $0 $80,000 $3,076,902 $0 $683,767 $1,672,597 $769,521 $20,000 $0 $80,000 $3,225,885 $0 $705,702 $1,768,902 $813,393 $20,000 $0 $80,000 $3,387,997 $34,728 $725,606 $1,800,374 $853,200 $20,000 $0 $80,000 $3,479,180 $0 $745,747 $1,833,705 $893,483 $20,000 $0 $80,000 $3,572,935 $731,095 - i7c2-O/V CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: April 14, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: 05 70-04 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Council Workshop SUBJECT: Policy No. 3.02 - Proclamations EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Policy No. 3.02 - Proclamations adopted on June 13, 1995 (copy attached), has been reviewed by the Clerk's Department and no changes to the policy are recommended. Additionally, the Clerk's Department recommends that staff continue to advise, in writing, the requesting individuals or organizations of the District's no proclamation policy (sample response attached). RECOMMENDATION: That Policy No. 3.02, entitled Proclamations be endorsed. DISCUSSION: Background Context: In 1995, it was noted that the number of requests for proclamations was increasing and a considerable amount of staff time was involved in processing them (i.e. preparation of a staff report, the proclamation and necessary correspondence). Council subsequently adopted Policy No. 3.02. The Clerk's Department recently reviewed the need for continued written notification of the Proclamations Policy. As part of this review, other municipalities were contacted. Very few municipalities have a policy, and the procedures for responding to requests varied from responding only to a select few to responding to all. The only constant was that some sort of response was given either in writing or through an announcement at a Council meeting. Citizen/Customer Implications: Occasionally, there is a specific request in addition to the proclamation, i.e. a minute of silence in observance of the Annual Day of Mourning. These requests will continue to be forwarded for Council's consideration. Alternative: The alternative would be to no longer provide written notification assuming that over the course of nine (9) years the majority of individuals and organizations have been advised of the policy. Recognizing that staff within these organizations change over time and that our previous letters may not be available to new staff, it is recommended that we continue to respond to those requests. -1- CONCLUSION: Organizations annually send out requests for proclamations on a broadcast basis to all municipalities. While it does entail administrative costs to respond in writing to these requests, it is recommended that this practice be continued. Eleven (11) requests were received in 2003. C6~8 Prepared by: Ceri Mario Clerk's Department Approce7 Paul Gill, B.B.A, C.G.A, F.R.M General Manager: Corporate & Financial Services J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer /cm Attachments E:\Clerks Documents\2004 Correspondence\CM Proclamation Policy 2004-04-14.doc Im (date) File No: 0630-0 1 Dear: We are in receipt of your letter dated in which you request __ be proclaimed In 1995, the Municipal Council of the District of Maple Ridge adopted a policy to decline the issuance of proclamations. The policy was reviewed and endorsed by Council in 2004. Notwithstanding that the request may be for a worthwhile benefit to the community as a whole, there are increased administrative costs to process such requests and there is a lack of specific authority in the either the Community Charter or the Local Government Act for their issuance. For your information, the Province of British Columbia, Ministry of the Attorney General, issues Orders in Council proclaiming special events. The Ministry can be contacted at 250-387-4376 or by calling Enquiry BC at 604-660-2421 who will connect your call to the Ministry free of charge. Yours truly, Terry Fryer Municipal Clerk /dd cc CRF -3- POLICY STATEMENT District of. Maple Ridge Policy No: 3.02 Title: Proclamations Supersedes: Amended Authority: Council Approval: Policy Statement: The Municipal Clerk will send letters to the requesting individual or organization acknowledging the request for the Mayor to issue a Proclamation and advising that notwithstanding that the request may be for a worthwhile benefit to the community as a whole, the District of Maple Ridge declines to issue Proclamations. Purpose: Issuance of Proclamations by the Municipal Council and/or the Mayor provide limited community benefit, particularly considering the administrative cost to process them and the lack of specific authority in the Local Government Act for their issuance. In addition, the general public are aware of these events because the sponsoring organizations promote the events through a number of means thus eliminating the need for Municipal Council approval and publication. Definitions: PROCEDURE (OPERATING REGULATION) District of Maple Ridge Policy Title: Proclamations Policy Number: 3.02 Supersedes No. Amended Authority: Council Effective Date: Approval: 1.0 POLICY STATEMENT (adopted): The Municipal Clerk will send letters to the requesting individual or organization acknowledging the request for the Mayor to issue a Proclamation and advising that notwithstanding that the request may be for a worthwhile benefit to the community as a whole, the District of Maple Ridge declines to issue Proclamations. 2.0 KEY AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY Action to Take Responsibility Correspondence requesting Proclamations will be received Information Clerk by the Clerk's department for review and response. A response will be sent advising that the District has a policy Information Clerk/Municipal to decline the issuance of proclamations. Clerk If there is a specific additional request, eg. a minute of Municipal Clerk/Confidential silence in observance of the Annual Day of Mourning, it will Secretary be forwarded to Council for consideration. .145 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: May 12, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Agreement between the District of Maple Ridge and Maple Ridge Municipal Holdings Ltd. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An agreement has been prepared by our solicitor to define the relationship between the District of Maple Ridge and Maple Ridge Municipal Holdings Ltd. Authorization for signing this agreement is requested. RECOMMENDATION: That the Mayor and Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement between the District of Maple Ridge and Maple Ridge Municipal Holdings Ltd. attached to the staff report dated May 12, 2004. DISCUSSION: On May 3, 2004 Council passed a resolution authorizing the incorporation of a company in connection with the acquisition of the Core properties. A name has been reserved, Maple Ridge Municipal Holdings Ltd. (MRMH) and we are awaiting the Inspector of Municipalities approval before submitting the application for incorporation. An agreement has been prepared by our solicitor to define the relationship between the District of Maple Ridge and Maple Ridge Municipal Holdings Ltd.. The agreement expires 3 years after the date that MRMH is incorporated. Provisions in this agreement include: MRMH shall act, in all respects, on behalf of the District MRMH shall act on behalf of the District in respect of the acquisition by MRMIH of the Downtown Core Facilities MRMH shall act on behalf of the District in respect of the ownership, management and operations of the Downtown Core Facilities the District may provide certain types of assistance to MRMH in connection with any activity of MRMFI under this Agreement any amounts lent by the District to MRMH under this Agreement are interest-free loans, which MRMH shall repay to District on demand by the District by paying to the District the amount of the loan or transferring to the District the Downtown Core Facilities. Authorization for signing this agreement is requested. Prepared by: - fryjyer,)ng. Xuip5rk Approved by: Pau ill, B.B.A., C.G.A., F.R.M. General Manager: Corporate & Financial Services Concurrence: J. iJ (Jim) Rule Ct4ef Administrative Officer 35 PARTNERING AGREEMENT BETWEEN: DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 (the "District") AND: MAPLE RIDGE MUNICIPAL HOLDINGS LTD. (Inc. No. BC0695236), ("MRMH") WHEREAS: The District is the legal and beneficial owner of all of the shares of MRMH; The District and MRMH wish to enter this partnering agreement to facilitate the acquisition of the Downtown Core Facilities by the District; NOW THEREFORE in consideration of $1.00 paid by the District to MRMH, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which MRMH acknowledges, the parties agree as follows: 1. In this Agreement, "Assistance" has the same meaning as in the Community Charter, S.B.C. 2004, c. 26; "Civic Centre Property" means the lands legally described in Schedule "A" together with the improvements located thereon; '-Beve-iopment-Copanies' -mea-ns4he owner of the Tower Property, any company holding any beneficial interest in the Downtown Core Facilities and any assignee or transferee of any of the interests referred to in this definition; "Downtown Core Facilities" means the Civic Centre Property and the Tower Property; "Tower Property" means the lands legally described in Schedule "B" together with the improvements located thereon. C:\DOCUM&i\TERRYF\LOCALS-1\TEMP\AGR-PARTNER1NG MAY 10-Gd .DOC May 18, 2004 11:06 AMIT 2 2. MRMH shall act, in all respects, on behalf of the District. 3. Without limiting section 2, MRMH shall act on behalf of the District in respect of: (a) The acquisition by MRMH of the Downtown Core Facilities by any means, including by the acquisition of: all of the shares of those Development Companies that hold legal interests in the Downtown Core Facilities; and all of the beneficial interests of the Development Companies in the Downtown Core Facilities; and (b) the ownership, management and operations of the Downtown Core Facilities. 4. The District may, as and when it considers it appropriate to do so, provide the following types of Assistance to MRMH in connection with any activity of MRMH under this Agreement: guarantees of debts assumed or incurred by MRIvIH in connection with the acquisition referred to in paragraph 3(a), where the District has adopted a loan authorization bylaw under s. 179(1 )(c) authorizing the borrowing necessary to satisfy such guarantees should the District be required to do so; loans of money borrowed by the District under section 179(1)(b) of the Community Charter; grants or other benefits; permissive tax exemptions in accordance with section 225 of the Community Charter. 5. Any amounts lent by the District to MRMH under this Agreement are interest-free loans, which MRMH shall repay to District on demand by the District by: paying to the District the amount of the loan; or transferring, or causing to be transferred, to the District, on terms acceptable to the District, the Downtown Core Facilities. 6. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, the parties acknowledge and agree that no trust relationship is created hereby. 7. This agreement will expire 3 years after the date that MRMH was incorporated under the Business Corporations Act. C:\DOCUME-1\TERRYF\LOCALS-1\TEMP\AGR-PARTNERIING MAY 10-GC1.DOC May 18, 2004 11:06 AM/T 3 As evidence of their agreement to be bound by the terms of this Agreement, the parties have executed this Agreement as follows: Date: , 2004 DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE by its ) authorized signatories: ) ) Mayor: Kathy Morse ) ) ) Clerk: Terry Fryer ) Date: , 2004 MAPLE RIDGE MUNICIPAL ) HOLDINGS LTD. by its authorized ) signatories: ) ) ) Name: ) ) ) Name: C:\DOCUME-1\TERRYF\LOCALS1\TEMP\AGR-PARTNER1NG MAY 10-GC1.DOC May 18, 2004 11:06 AM/T ru SCHEDULE "A" [Legal Description of Civic Centre Property] Parcel Identifier: 001-041-967 Lot 118 Except Firstly: Part Subdivided by Plan 68843; Secondly: Part Subdivided by Plan LMP46699 and Thirdly: Part Subdivided by Plan LMP46997, District Lots 398 and 401, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan 60562; Parcel Identifier: 001-041-975 Lot 120, District Lot 401, Group 1, New Westminster District, Plan 60562 C:\DOCUME1\TERRYF\LOCALS-i\TEMP\AGR-PARTNERING MAY 10-GCI.DOC May 18, 2004 11:06 AM/T SCHEDULE "B" [Legal Description of Tower Property] Parcel Identifier: 024-819-000 Lot A, District Lot 398, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan LMP46699 C:\DOCUME1\TERRYF\LOCALS-4\TEMP\AGR-PARTNERING MAY 10-GC1.DOC May 18, 2004 11:06 AMJT CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: May 14, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001.5 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Council SUBJECT: 2004 Moonwalk EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request has been received on May 14, 2004 from Zellers (the organizers) to use Municipal Sidewalks and Streets for their "2004 Moonwalk" on Sunday May 30, 2004. This event will not require any road closures in Maple Ridge. Authorization from Council is required in accordance with the "Maple Ridge Highway and Traffic By - law 3 136-1982" to allow the event to occur in Maple Ridge. RECOMMENDATION: THAT Zellers (the organizer) be authorized to use the required sidewalks and streets on Sunday May 30, 2004 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM for their "2004 Moonwalk" provided the conditions outlined in Schedule 'A' attached to the report dated May 14, 2004 are met. DISCUSSION: Background Context: From time to time the Municipality is requested to allow the use of Municipal Streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implication, approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A". Form "A" shows the proposed route. Zellers is requesting permission to use Municipal Streets and Sidewalks for their "2004 Moonwalk". The walkers will gather at 'Maple Ridge Park' and the walk route is as follows: • Walk north on 232 Street from Maple Ridge Park to 132 Avenue; • Walkers then turning west towards 224 Street; • Walkers proceeding south on 224 Street to Abernethy Way towards 232 Street; • Participants then turn north on 232 Street back towards Maple Ridge Park where it will conclude. Desired Outcome: The purpose of this report is to obtain, on behalf of the organizers, Council approval to hold the event. /001 Strategic Alignment: Administrating Maple Ridge street events allows the District to manage road infrastructure and associated risks but yet allows events that promote community development, commemorate and celebrate community accomplishments and highlight Maple Ridge's natural and built features. Citizen/Customer Implications: Permission to use streets may cause some minor delays and inconveniences to other road users. However, traffic control will be provided by the Moonwalk volunteers to insure safety and minimize disruption. Interdepartmental/Governmental Implications: The road use permit establishes that the event organizer must obtain the approval of RCMP for traffic control (attached) and must notify the Fire Department and BC Ambulance Services as well as coordinate with Coast Mountain Bus Company (transit service). Business Plan Implications: The Business Plan recognizes that the District processes requests for use of municipal streets as part of its services. The financial impact of the specific road use is limited to staff processing effort. Policy Implications: Permission to use municipal streets is grantable under the District's policy practices. Alternatives: The District could refuse to permit the event to occur at this location. In this event, the organizer may have to cancel the event. CONCLUSION: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of streets for various events and activities. The "2004 Moonwalk" has been held in the past and the organizers have requested permission to hold the event on District streets for 2004. Submitted by: AndrefryVood, M.Eng., P.Eng. Approvedk%'y: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng., PMP blic Works & Development Services Concurrence/ J. L. (Jim) Rule J Chief Administrative Officer Schedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated May 14, 2004 "2004 Moonwalk" Condition of Approval Approval for the event is given on condition that the organizers: provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the R.C.M.P., and the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge (the Corporation); notify local Fire Department, and Ambulance Services of the event; make arrangements with Coast Mountain Bus Company (formally BC Transit) for any required rerouting of buses; advertise the event and in a local newspaper and notify all surrounding businesses of the event (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); hold and save harmless the Corporation from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; make arrangements with Maple Ridge Parks and Recreation to use the park for an event. obtain and maintain during the term of this event a comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation as an additional named insured. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Municipal Clerk prior to the event; refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the Corporation; must maintain access for emergency services to the closure area at all times. That no alcohol be consumed on public facilities during this event. The Corporation of District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw this permission to use Municipal Streets should the organizers fail to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer • • Z—tJ'4 1 1 •aMrun; Ntr IMt4-4 I IN* CL) £4 •C '4£ C '4 C rncbU Trac Technologist 11995 Hazicy Place Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 • — I an wntmg to request permission for a fundxaising event to rake place in Maple Ridge-on Sunday, m 2O4 The event is for "Moonwalk 207, a Zellers annual fintdraiser and will involve walking on city sneeta as follows: Route Descrfplion .Sn Maple Ridge Park Proceed leftto 132 Avenue Tralefton 132 Avenue Turn right on 224 Sneer Turn right onto Abernathy Way Tutu left onto 227 Street . Turn right onto 128 Avenue Turn left onto 232 Street Finish ; L4a starting point . We will aisQ Llorify the Fire Department, Ambulance Services, and BC Transit If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me. • Sincerely, Kris.Moran 11850 224 Street . . Maple Ridge, B.C. . .. . V2X-8S1 .., (604) 463-5166 - - Fax 463-5166 -'4 05/14/2004 11:19 FAX 604 467 7633 RCMP RIDGE MEADOWS 1001/001 • MaW 14 04 1042a ZI1ers 191 M.R. 6044635166 P.1 06/13/2004 13:23 FAX 604 467 7633 RCMP RID6E ØEADOWS IMUU1, UFL Ever41 D:(1 0L4 Cumact Persont Phon I4ó - Fdx(D S I LQ (o ptss t Oi fov t'¼-PL fC) L - prI.JoàI 4vE 145O -,axcAA&. for IlL 1+q+- 5woc TS51 -: -' Viz- - c TL -: •... ILIZtP rE 3j ci TMpCc1ró1ii' c l (.eçç 1 • - -- - .+- , 4- rc c 'I I ......... HAY . .42104 RCMP concuriioe for the pvoposd TraTtic Control Plan m,L I The JbUOWi3Jg ageiwez h and acinowWke the ewpot - iC4t C )'l C Tran . •. fUdOWMeadws LCJM. FhDepavinient KAY 14 2004 Ambulance Srvie - CHuy) fAr)5toI\ M,pIc Usdc S(iiej!Fj,ijch -< r) Cr cn CD (3, Ut p. A. a- uq •1 ,'-#I.tJ ,_ . •. .. . 4 .1') •'-1•. 1 0) ---.,.----.------ -.-.------------ 1 Dewdney inink ltd. . Routczs: apk.Ridg IOI(rn 'icI +tm uii k 12 30pm -ft po-+pckckc Oppco.DD -50 CD (c'- o w CL \Look 00 n In N El t . In, a a I- Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Booking Receipt Printed: 01 Apr 2004 10:20 AM User: thompson Zellers ?4G..en'ti9, pcei, t'-4o coi-.. Receipt #: 294802 11840 224th Street User: thompson Maple Ridge, BC V2X 8S1 Issued: Thu 01 Apr2004 10:19 AM Description Amount Previous Balance $26.75 Applied To: 135331 - Picnic $26.75 Payment: Cheaue ($26.75) Balance - $0.00 Terms & Conditions: Please refer to the Terms and Conditions of Payment, InsurancelLiability, Use of Facility, Terms affecting Licensor and Termination listed on your signed Contract. Page: 1 Kris Moran Zellers 11840 224th Street Maple Ridge. BC V2X 851 Pat Shlratti Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Servlce5 Date: L /--PAR:S & LEISURE SERVICES Coatract #; 135331 Status: Firm - Date: 23 Mar 2004 G.S.T. #R1 06984271 hereby grants Zellers (hereinafter called the "Licensee") represented by Kris Moran, permission to use the Faciities as outlined subject to the Terms and Conditions of this Agreemept contained herein and attached hereto all of which form part of this Agreement. Purpose of use Picnic Conditions of lisa Ailco & Aibion & Maple Ridge Park Keys for park shelters (Allco Park, Albion Park and Maple Ridge Park) may be signed out from the front desk of the Maple Ridge Leisure Centre or the Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre one day prior to your event. Please return them one day after your event. Please park in the main parking lot. It may be preferable for large groups to carpool to the park. Gates can only be opened to drop off items or individuals at the park shelter site. It doing this, please lock the gate open before driving through, and lock it closed afterwards. Please note: there is no refund for park shelters. Please bring a copy of this contract to the park on the day of your booking. If you have any questions, please contact a booking clerk at 604-465.2452 or 604467-7438 Monday through Fnday. There is a wood burning stove at Alco. but we do not supply wood. No Stove at Maple Ridge or Albiori Parks. lit) Date and Times of Use # of Bookings: 1 Starting: Sun 30 May 2004 08:00 AM Expected: 50 Ending: Sun 30 May 2004 03:00 PM Extra Facility Day Start End Rate Pee Fee Tax Total MR a sheiter Sun 30 May 2004 30 May2004 $26.75 $25.00 $0.00 $1.75 $26.75 AddItional Fees Payment Method Rental Fees Extra Fees Tax Rental Total Damage Deposit Total Applied Balance Current $25.00 $0.00 81,75 $26.75 $0.00 $0.00 $26.75 $26.75 Balance of rental due and payable immediately The undrslgnod has read and on behalf of the Licensee agrees to be bound by this Permit/License and the Terms and Conditions contained herein and attached hereand her y w and represents that he/she executes this Permit/License on behalf of the Ucansee nd has sufficient power, authority a d capacity to bind the L nsee with his/her signature. Data OL 2 Please sign, date and return one copy Kns Moran Zellers 11840 224th Street Maple Ridge, BC V2X 8S1 Pat Shlratti Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Date: - PARKS & LEISURE SERVICES Contract M 135341 Status: Firm Date: 23 Mar2004 G.S.T. #1111 06934271 hereby grants Zellers (hereinafter called the "Licensee") represented by Kris Moran, permission to use the Facilities as outlined. subject to the Terms and Conditions of this Agreemept contained herein and attached hereto all of which form part at this Agreement. Purpose of use Picnic Conditions of Use Ailco & Albion & Maple Ridge Park Keys for park shelters (Ailco Park, Albion Park and Maple Ridge Park) may be signed out from the front desk of the Maple Ridge Leisure Centre or the Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre one day prior to your event. Please return them one day after your event. Please park in the main parking Pot. it may be preferable for large groups to carpool to the park. Gates can only be opened to drop off items or individuals at the park shelter site. If doing this. please lock the gate open before driving through, and lock it closed afterwards. Please note: there is no refund for park shelters. Please bring a copy of this contract to the park on the day of your booking. If you have any questions, please contact a booking clerk at 604-465.2452 or 604-467-7438 Monday through Fnday. There is a wood burning stove at Alco. but we do not supply wood. No Stove at Maple Ridge or Albiort Parks. ill) Date and Times of Use U of BoOkings: 1 Starting: Sun 30 May 2004 08:00 AM Exiected: 50 Ending: Sun 30 May 2004 03:00 PM Extra Facility Day Start End Rats Fee Fee Tax Total ashe!ter Sun 30 May 2004 ao May 2004 $26.75 $25.00 $000 $175 $26.75 MR 08:00 AM 03:00 PM iv) Additional Fees u) Payment Method Rental Fees Extra Fees Tax Rental Total Damage Deposit Total Applied Balance Current $25.00 $0.00 $1.75 $26.75 $0.00 $0.00 $2675 $26.75 Balance of rental due and payable immediately The undersigned has read and on behalf of the Licensee agrees to be bound by this Permit/License and tne Terms and Conditions contained herein and attached here and her y w and represents that he/she executes this Permit/License on behalf of the Licensee and has sufficient power, authority a d cavacky to bind the L nsee with his/her signature. X: DatE 0t Please sign, date and return one copy O/14/04 11:00 e4165918923 AON REEDSTENHOU. Ij001/002 Ref1 No, 320005347632 Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc. 20 Bay Street Toronto, ON M5J 2N9 tel 416-868-5500 fax 416-868-5580 Re: Zellers Store #191 Use of City Property fore charity walk-a-thon to be held on May 30, 2004. cc: K. Moran 604-463-5169 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Afln: Engineering Department 11995 Haney Place Maple RIdge, BC V2X 6A9 Fax: 604-467-7329 Insurance as descbed herein has been arranged on behalf of the Insured named herein under the following policy(ies) and as more fully described by the terms, conditions, exclusions and provisions contained In the said pollcy(les) and any endorsements attached thereto. R!ECEP'/ED IN Insured ENGNEENG [)EH. Hudson's Bay Company 401 Bay Street MAY 1 4 2004 Suite 2412 Toronto, ON M51-1 2Y4 Coverage General Liability Insurer Chubb Insurance Company of Canada ' Policy# 35359704 - Effective -O1F2_Q04-------Expiry---P1-2_Q05 Umlts of Liability Bodily Injury & Property Damage, Each 77 Occurrence $2,000,000 not less than Umbrella Liability Insurer Chubb Insurance Company of Canada Policy U 7974-78-04 Effective 01-Feb-2004 -Expiry 91-fb:20 Limits of Liability Bodily Injury & Property Damage, Each Occurrence $3,000,000 not loss than AddItional Jnsured Only with respect to the above and arising out of the Named Insured's operations are the following name(s) added to the pohcy as Additional Insured(s). The policy limits are not increased by the addition of such Additional Insureds and remain as stated In this Memorandum. Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge with respect to General Liability Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge with respect to Umbrella Liability THIS MEMORANDUM CERTIFICATE CONSTITUTES A STATEMENT OF THE FACTS AS OF THE DATE OF ISSUANCE AND ARE SO REPRESENTED AND WARRANTED ONLY TO Corporation of the District of OTHER PERSONS RELYING ON THIS MEMORANDUM DO SO AT ThEIR OWN RISK. THE POLICY CONTAINS A CLAUSE THAT MAY LIMIT THE AMOUNT PAYABLE Fi~ OR, IN THE CASE OF AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE, THIS POLICY CONTAINS A PARTIAL PAYMENT OF LOSS CLAUSE AQV - a 0/14/04 11:01 e4165918923 Ref. No. 320005347632 Dated: 14 May 2004 Issued By: Singh 1Mandeep Tel: 416-868-5915 AON REEDSTENHOU. 11002/002 Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc. THE POLICY CONTAINS A CLAUSE THAT MAY LIMIT THE AMOUNT PAYABLE OR, IN THE CASE OF AUTOtOBILE INSURANCE, THIS POLICY CONTAINS A PARTIAL PAYMENT OF LOSS CLAUSE AON IE CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: May 19, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Council SUBJECT: UBCM Community Excellence Awards Program EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: UBCM has created a new and improved Community Excellence Awards Program which is designed to showcase municipalities and regional districts who "lead the pack". The program started out as the Local Government Awareness Program, then became the local Government Excellence Awards, and is now the Community Excellence Awards Program. The new program encompasses three categories: • Best Practices (includes the category "Best Annual Reporting) • Leadership & Innovation • Partnerships RECOMMENDATION(S): That the application for the Community Excellence Awards as outlined in the staff report dated May 19, 2004 be approved. DISCUSSION: Background Context: The Executive Assistant to the Director of Communications & Human Resources has participated in the Local Government Excellence Award program for several years with a submission for the District website. We have attained Honorable Mention on several occasions but feel that because our website is scheduled to be revamped in 2005, we would like to submit the Citizens Report for consideration this year. Strategic Alignment: Governance - Function as an open government with the greatest possible access by citizens to information and decision-making processes. Business Plan/Financial Implications: No Fee to participate. ....2 FOot- CONCLUSIONS: The deadline for submissions is May 28, 2004 and this is a good opportunity for us to showcase our exciting new Citizens Report. Prep red by: C yL.Dale Executive Assistant Approved by. Jo n Leebum, BCOM, MBA Director of Communications & Human Resources (I Approved by: faL\l GTN B.B.A., C.G.A. General Manager: Corporate & Financial Services Concurren/e: J.L.(Jim) Rule I Chief Administrative Officer JL:cd GI4R3I.A P4 i,rvti'.ni COMMUNiTy EXCELLENCE AWARDS Applications invited in the following three streams: BEST PRACTICES - LEADERSHIP & INNOVATION - PARTNERSHIPS Ministry of Community, Aboriginal & Women's Services Sponsor: BEsT PRACTICES, Best Annual Reporting •.BRfTSE I L_..€LJ A B L\ CH2M Hill Sponsor: LEADERSHIP & INNOVATION CH2MHLL INAC and NrLhin1 Affa[n indlermas Sponsor: PARTNERSHIPS Aifars Gacia el du Nrd Cenade COMMUNITY EXCELLENCE AWARDS The UBCM Community Excellence Awards program is an opportunity to showcase municipalities and regional districts who want to "lead the pack", take risks to innovate, have established new partnerships or who don't hesitate to question established ways of doing business and pioneer new customer focus practices. It recognizes ideas that rise above challenges with vision, creativity and teamwork. The UBCM Excellence Awards are designed to profile excellence in local government and to create successful pathways and incentives for others to follow. The Award winners are the ones that we can look to and say - that's a great idea - why don't we use it. Eligibility • Open to British Columbia local governments only • Application must be supported by resolution of Municipal Council or Regional Board • Projects that have won other UBCM awards are not eligible • Projects must meet Category Definition and Criteria as well as Entry Requirements How to Apply Complete the form on the back page, including the authorizing signature. Provide information requested under Entry Requirements. Double check that your submission meets the individual category requirements. Submit form, plus required information, by May 28, 2004 to the UBCM office. Selection Process The TJBCM Presidents Committee, along with field experts in each award category will comprise selection panels. Submissions will be evaluated in terms of how they demonstrate "excellence" as a product of the "results" achieved and the capacity, due for instance to the size or resources of the local government involved (E = results/local government capacity). Timeline Submissions due by May 28, 2004 Award recipients will be notified in August 2004 Awards will be presented at the UBCM convention Entry Requirements Submissions must meet guidelines listed under each category. Additional guidelines a•pplicabiet•o-ali-•cat-egor-ies are listed below.. - The submitted projects should have been initiated after Jan. 1, 2002 and be substantially completed. APPLICANT MUST PROVIDE: • A completed Application Form; • A one paragraph summary of the project / program being submitted; • A project / program summary report outlining how UBCM category guidelines were met, including why this project defines Community Excellence. Document must be no longer than five pages; • Eight copies of all material required. APPLICANT MAY PROVIDE: • Additional descriptive material including plans, illustrations (or photos) and documents. QUESTIONS? CONTACT JOSLYN GRAMLICH AT 604-270-8226, EXT. 103 COMMUNITY EXCELLENCE AWARDS Category: BEST PRACTICES Sponsor: Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services (Best Annual Reporting) Definition: The Best Practices category recognizes local government in BC that has improved or revised an existing program or service in their municipality or regional district. Sub-categories: In addition to the main category of Best Practices, two sub-categories will be recognized: Web-site Best Annual Reporting General Criteria for evaluating excellence in Best Practices: • Improved efficiency, effectiveness and demonstrated cost-effective solutions • Have applicability and transferability to other UBCM members • Improving public accountability and awareness of local gOvernment Web-site Criteria: This category is designed to recognize municipalities and regional districts that successfully and comprehensively bring information to its citizens via web technology. The site should save time, be easy to navigate and communicate effectively to site visitors. Content should be current and useful. To qualify, the web-site should be 'owned' by local government. The local government must also control the content of the site and directly supervise its administration. Sites developed by an outside contractor are permissible (i.e. done on contract). However, general-purpose community sites are not eligible. The site must be municipal or regional district specific. Local government size and capacity will be considered in the adjudication process. Best Annual Reporting Criteria: The Community Charter requires municipalities to prepare for the public, an annual report and hold a meeting to consider the report. The report must contain a variety of information including, in 2004, the objectives for the year ahead and the measures to deterniine if those objectives have been met. The Charter contains the minimum requirements, but municipalities can do more and they have the ability to think creatively about how they report. This award will recognize creativity ingenuity and good communications in the content and presentation of the annual report. Municipal size and capacity will be considered in the adjudication process. J3RiT19H CoiuMeA * Submissions do not have to fit under the Best Practices sub-categories, but must meet General Criteria. COMMUNITY EXCELLENCE AWARDS Category: LEADERSHIP & INNOVATION Sponsor: CH2MHi11 Definition: The Leadership and Innovation category recognizes regional districts and municipalities that have demonstrated excellence in successfully incorporating the principles of sustainable development into an engineering and / or infrastructure based project. Sub-categories: Four separate categories will be recognized; Small Municipality (population under 5,000) Mid-Size Municipality (population between 5,000 & 20,000) Large Urban Municipality (population over 20,000) Regional District Criteria for evaluating excellence in Leadership and Innovation: Submissions to this category should reflect leadership and excellence in the advancement of community development through projects that encourage innovation in economic, social and environmental sustainability. The submission should demonstrate initiative both in terms of collaboration and technology and be substantially completed. Projects must clearly demonstrate qualitative and quantitative benefits in at least two of the following domains of sustainability: Economic: life cycle analysis, internalizing costs and alternative financing, economic instruments Ecological: pollution prevention, material and resource-use intensity, eco-system management Social: stakeholder engagement, public participation, equity and diversity, health and safety, knowledge sharing, capacity building, community identity and marketing Projects may include, but are not limited to addressing the following needs: • Energy • Housing (residential, civic, utilities, industrial and facilities) • Water and wastewater • Manufacturing and facilities processes • Mobility • Green Space (amenities) • Solid Waste ci CH2MHILL COMMUNITY EXCELLENCE AWARDS Category: PARTNERSHIPS Sponsor: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC), BC Region Definition: The Partnerships category recognizes two or more parties working together on a joint venture or initiative with outstanding results. The ability to break down barriers, recognize and reconcile differing views and find common ground are all significant measures of success. When an initiative meets the needs and aspirations of the partners, the benefits from cooperation set a benchmark for all communities. 2004 Focus: Local Government - First Nation partnerships Local Government - First Nation Partnership Criteria: This category is designed to recognize First Nations and local governments that have achieved outstanding success through a partnership initiative, such as a Community to Community Forum or another initiative related to economic development, community and social weliness, land use planning, servicing, infrastructure or structuring government to government relationships. The partnership must involve elected leaders from First Nations and local governments. The application for this award must be supported by both partners. Submissions should be guided by the following principles: Outstanding Achievement: Achieved/exceeded stated objectives and expected results from the partnership initiative, e.g. with respect to participation, commitments, community benefits. Relationship Building: Tangible indicators that the partnership initiative has improved how the parties communicate or work together, e.g. by breaking down barriers, recognizing and reconciling opposing views and/or finding common ground. Long term Impacts: Future joint action planned as a result of the partnership. 11idr nd T-Jailh6cri Affa r.S indiannes 1irrdc tu NorJ Canada COMMUNITY EXCELLENCE AWARDS APPLICATION FORM Name of Local Government: District of Maple Ridge Project or Program Title: Citizens Report 2003 PLEASE SELECT THE CATEGORY YOU ARE ENTERING: - P/ease use one app//cat/on form per project - Only one project per categoly will be eliqible for admis/on BEST PRACTICES LJ Best Practices E1 Best Practices - Website (Address: www. Best Practices - Best Annual Reporting LEADERSHIP & INNOVATION El Small Municipality (population under 5,000) El Mid-Size Municipality (population between 5,000 - 20,000) Eli Large Municipality (population over 20,000) El Regional District El PARTNERSHIPS: Local Government and First Nations Contact Person: John Leeburn Contact Title: Director E-mail: jleeburn@mapleridge.org Phone: 604-467-7352 Fax: 604-467-7374 Signature confirming a Council/Board resolution to make the application: x HAVE YOU A 7TACHED ALL REQUESTED MATERIALS LISTED UNDER ENTRY REQUIREMENTS? Send Submissions To: UNION OF BC MUNICIPALITIES EXCELLENCE AWARDS 60 - 10551 SHELLBRIÔGE WAY RICHMOND, BC V6X 2W9 DEADLINE MAY 28, 2004