HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-09-28 Council Meeting Agenda and ReportsCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING A GENDA September 28, 2004 7:00p.m. Maple Ridge Arts Centre & Theatre MEETING DECORUM' Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridae.org The purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council by using bylaws or resolutions. This is the final venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 OPENING PRA YERS Pastor Duane Goertzen 300 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 400 ADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTES 401 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of September 14, 2004 and the Special Council Meeting of September 13, 2004. 402 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of September 16, 2004. 500 DELEGATIONS 501 Maple Ridge Library Update, Caro O'Kennedy Page 1 Council Meeting Agenda September 28, 2004 Council Chamber Page 2 of 7 600 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 601 DVP/018/03, 21544 Donovan Avenue To waive the requirement to construct the south side of Donovan Avenue to a full urban standard which would include road widening, curb, gutter and sidewalk 602 DVP/120/03, 23608, 23618 & 23628 Dewdney Trunk Road To relax the rear yard setback from 11 metres to 3.92 metres for proposed Lot 5 and to waive the requirement to underground the utility services on Dewdney Tnrnk Rd. 603 DVP/040/04, 21224 River Road To waive the requirement to construct the Wood Street frontage of the subject property to a full urban standard which would include curb, gutter and sidewalk and road widening 604 DVP/095/04, 22641 Dewdney Trunk Road To relax the rear yard setback from 6.0 metres to 1.5 metres 700 CORRESPONDENCE 800 BY-LAWS Note: Items 801 - 803 are from the Public Hearing of September 27, 2004 801 RZ/015/01, 28510 108 Avenue Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 61 71-2003 To rezone from A-2 (Upland Agricultural) to RG-3 (Rural Residential Strata) to permit future subdivision into approximately 9 rural strata lots. Second and third reading 802 RZ/079/04, 12062 Laity Street 802.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6258-2004 To amend Schedules "A" and "H" of the Official Community Plan to include the site into Development Permit Area XLI(18) to ensure the form and character of development at the building permit stage. Second and third reading Council Meeting Agenda September 28, 2004 Council Chamber Page3of7 802.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6259-2004 To rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) to permit the future subdivision of the site into 3 single family residential building lots. Second and third reading 803 RZ/074/04, 12191 228 Street 803.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6256-2004 To amend Schedules "A" and "H" of the Official Community Plan to include the site into Development Permit Area P1(32) to ensure the form and character of development at the building permit stage. Second and third reading 803.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6257-2004 To rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) To permit the construction of 12 detached townhouse units. Second and third reading 804 Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 6264-2004, 25051 Dewdney Trunk Road To include the subject property into Sewer Area "A" Final reading 805 Maple Ridge Financial Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6267-2004 To complete the execution of the Purchase and Sale Agreements of the Maple Ridge Town Centre Final reading COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RE COMMENDA TIONS 900 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 901 Minutes - September 13, 2004 The following issues were presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting with the recommendations being brought to this meeting for Municipal Council ôonsideration and final approval. The Committee of the Whole meeting is open to the public and is held in the Council Chamber at 1:00 p.m. on the Monday the week prior to this meeting. Council Meeting Agenda September 28, 2004 Council Chamber Page 4 of 7 Public Works and Development Services 902 RZ/104/03, 12212 228 Street, RS-I to R-3 Staff report dated September 21, 2004 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6243-2004 to permit future subdivision into four parcels be read a first time and forwarded to Public Hearing. 903 RZ/073104, 12161 237th Street, A-i to RM-1 Staff report dated September 22, 2004 recommending that application RZ1073/04 to permit development of a 78 unit detached bare-land strata be tabled until completion of the Official Community Plan review. 904 VP1088/04, DP/088/04, 11961 203 Street Staff report dated September 7, 2004 recommending that qualifying property owners be notified that VP/088/044 to vary the minimum parcel size will be considered at the October 12, 2004 meeting and that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign DP/088/04 to permit subdivision into two commercial lots subject to approval of VP/088/04. 905 VP1076/03, 24181 113 Ave., 11330 & 11378 240 Street Staff report dated August 30, 2004 recommending that qualifying property owners be notified that VP/076/03 to waive the requirement to provide underground wiring on 2401h Street and to relax the front yard setback on proposed lot 12 from 7.5 meters to 4.5 meters will be considered at the October 12, 2004 Council. 906 DP/037103, 24367 101A Avenue & 24318 102 Avenue Staff report dated September 17, 2004 recommending that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/037/03 in support of a 21 lot subdivision. 907 The Royal Canadian Legion - Remembrance Day Parade Staff report dated September 21, 2004 recommending that the Legion be authorized to use municipal streets on Thursday, November 11, 2004 between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Council Meeting Agenda September 28, 2004 Council Chamber Page 5 of 7 Financial and corporate Services (includinR Fire and Police) 931 Inclusion Into Sewer Area "A", 12958/60 232 Street Staff report dated September 21, 2004 recommending that Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By- law No. 6268-2004 to include the subject property into Sewer Area "A" be given three readings. 932 Review of the Kroll Lindquist Avey Report on the Core Project Staff report dated September 16, 2004 recommending that the Request for Proposals for the review of the KroIl Lindquist Avey Report be approved. 933 Disbursements for the month ended August 31, 2004 Staff report dated September 15, 2004 recommending that the disbursements for the month of August be approved. 934 Adjustments to 2004 Collector's Roll Staff report dated September 14, 2004 providing information on adjustments to the 2004 Collector's Roll. 935 Tag Day Soliciting, Royal Canadian Air Cadets Staff report dated September 14, 2004 recommending that the request of the 583 Coronation Squadron to conduct Tag Day soliciting on October 9 and 10, 2004 be approved. commu,zitv Development and Recreation Service Correspondence Other Committee Issues Council Meeting Agenda September 28, 2004 Council Chamber Page 6 of 7 1000 STAFFREPORTS 1098 MA FOR 'S REPORT 1099 COUNCILLORS' REPORTS 1100 OTHER MA TTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 1200 NOTICES OF MOTION 1300 ADJOURNMENT / Council Meeting Agenda September 28, 2004 Council Chamber Page 7 of 7 1400 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD The purpose of the Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to seek clarification about an item on the agenda, with the exception of Public Hearing by-laws which have not yet reached conclusion. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. If a member of the public has a concern related to a Municipal staff member, it should be brought to the attention of the Mayor and/or Chief Administrative Officer in a private meeting. The decision to televise the Question Period is subject to review. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes only to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). Questions must be directed to the Chair of the meeting and not to individual members of Council. The total Question Period is limited to 15 minutes. If a question cannot be answered, it will be responded to at a later date at a subsequent Council Meeting. Other opportunities to address Council may be available through the office of the Municipal Clerk who can be contacted at (604) 463-5221. Checked by Date: I3 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE MINUTES September 16, 2004 Mayor's Office PRESENT: Mayor Kathy Morse Chairman J.L. (Jim) Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Member K. Kirk, Recording Secretary SCHMIDTKE, JACQUELiNE LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Lot 179, District Lot 397, Group 1, Plan 69427, NWD 11711 Lighthouse Court Jacqueline Schmidtke Covenant - Fraser River Escarpment THAT THE MAYOR AND CLERK BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO JACQUELINE SCHMIDTKE. CARRIED Mayor athy Morse J.L. (m) I.Tule, Chief Administrative Officer Chairhan Member 1102 178 177 11717 176 District of Pitt Meadows r 1 rHi District of Langley SCALE 1:500 P 9218 P 69427 188 179 180 1 0 -.4 0 C ni C) 181 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. 11711 Lighthouse Court CORPORATION OF ock :° THE DISTRICT OF ion :° MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12, September, 1874 LICENSES, PERMITS & BYLAWS DEPT. DATE: Sep 8, 2004 FILE: Untitled BY:LF 3 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 1199 Haney Place, Maple Ridge. B.C. \'2X 6A9 Telephone: (604) 463-5221 Fax: (604) 467-732 E-mail:.enquiriesmapieridge.org N4IA..PLE JJEXE www.mapleridge.org September 15. 2004 File No: 3090-20/DVP/018/03 Dear Sir/Madam: PLEASE TAKE NOTE that the Municipal Council will be considering a Development Variance Permit at the regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, September 28, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the Maple Ridge Arts Centre & Theatre (The Act), 11944 Haney Place, Maple Ridge. The particulars of the Development Variance Permit are as follows: APPLICATION NO.: DVP/018/03 •LEGAL: Lot A, District Lot 247, Plan LMP 14137, New Westminster District LOCATION: 21544 Donovan Avenue ZONING: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential), RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential PURPOSE: The applicant is requesting the following variance prior to future subdivision into two lots: • Waive the requirement to construct the south side of Donovan Avenue to a full urban standard which would include road widening, curb, gutter and sidewalk. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a copy of the Development Variance Permit and the Planning Department report dated September 2. 2004 relative to this application will be available for inspection at the Municipal Hall, Planning Department counter during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from September 15 to September 28, 2004. ALL PERSONS who deem themselves affected hereby shall be afforded an opportunity to make their comments imown to Municipal Council by making a written submission (or e-mail) to the attention of the Municipal Clerk by 4:00 p.m.. Tuesday. September 28, 2004. Yours truly. Terry Frèr. P.Eng Municipal Clerk tfrvermapleridge.org An. cc: Confidential Secretary ftl- "Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens" NWI e - Ei42- - - 24 16 17 19 20 2 23 22 67 \\ I Il; p8981 I I 0 72680 1 P72382 P72707 ; P8951 C 1 2 A B 2 DONOVAN AVE. SUBJECT PROPER I 2 A - 6 5 REM P8981 3 1 P 8981 if 7 A 16 / 2: 1E EP15205 / 114 - 14 P29S 116 INGON PLACE 12 2E P60776 1I66 lies-= 12 6 7 6 2' 2 11 4 30 Drstnct of Pitt 21544 DONOVAN AVE O CORPORATUDNOF N Langiey " Incoroomea 12. SepternDer74 PLANNGDEPARTMEP4T SCALE 1:.00C DATE: Aug 25.2004 FILE: VP/018/03 BY: PC Corporation of the District of Maple Ridoe Q4 119 Haney Place, Maple Ridge.BC. V2X6A9 -m i. MAPLE www.rnapleridge.org September 15, 2004 File No: 3090-20jDVP/120/03 Dear Sir/Madam: PLEASE TAKE NOTE that the Municipal Council will be considering a Development Variance Permit at the regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, September 28, 200 4 at 7:00 p.m. in the Maple Ridge Arts Centre & Theatre (The Act). 11944 Haney Place, Maple Ridge. The particulars of the Development Variance Permit are as follows: APPLICATION NO.: DVP/120/03 LEGAL: Lots 42, 43 &44; all of Section 16, Township 12, Plan 20770. NWD LOCATION: 23608, 23618 & 23628 Dewdney Trunk Rd. ZONING: R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) PURPOSE: The applicant is requesting the following variances prior to future subdivision into 6 single family lots: • Relaxation of the rear yard setback from 11 metres to 3.92 metres for proposed Lot 5; • Waive the requirement to underground the utility services on Dewdney Trunk Rd. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a copy of the Development Variance Permit and the Planning Department report dated August 31, 2004 relative to this application will be available for inspection at the Municipal Hall, Planning Department counter during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from September 15 to September 28, 2004. ALL PERSONS who deem themselves affected hereby shall be afforded an opportunity to make their comments known to Municipal Council by making a written submission (or e-mail) to the attention of the Municipal Clerk by 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, September 28, 2004. Yours truly, Terry Fryer. P.Eng / Municipal Clerk /p7 tfrver'mapleridge.org 4/CL Art. cc: Confidential Secretary do- "Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens" 'II, LMS 986 LMO 9544 BC9713 2 : 6 7 1 8 :2 is i i i PARK SUBJECT PROPERTIES DEWDNEY TRUNK RD \ 2: = . _____ • E L • Re PX770 Rer 8:. Pcj C]) Rem 3 Acfl 2 - 45 - C-. • 14€ - r) 2 - - P2077: LM 237 2 3 5 5 P Mea:ws - I 23608/1 8/28 DEWDNEY TRUNK - • -fl fl c ________________________________________________________________ _______ --• - -. - CORPORATION OF Tti ---- THE D I STR I CT OF Dis.. .. a....- LaIey - - - - MAPLE RIDGE • &\ •._ • InorporateC 12, SeoternDe- 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Jul 7. 2004 FILE: DP!i 20103 B: PC MAPLE RIDGE Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Telephone: ('6O4) 463-5221 Fax: (604) 467-7329 E-mail: enquiriesmapieridge.org www.mapieridge.org September. 15, 2004 File No: 3090-20,DVP/040/04 Dear Sir/Madam: PLEASE TAKE NOTE that the Municipal Council will be considering a Development Variance Permit at the regular meeting to be held on Tuesday, September 28, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the Maple Ridge Arts Centre & Theatre (The Act), 11944 Haney Place, Maple Ridge. The particulars of the Development Variance Permit are as follows: APPLICATION NO.: DVP/040/04 LEGAL: Lot 1, Disn-ict Lot 249, Plan 14425, New Westminster District LOCATION: 21224 River Road ZONING: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) PURPOSE: The applicant is requesting the following variance prior to future subdivision into two lots: • Waive the requirement to construct the Wood Su -eet frontage of the subject property to a full urban standard which would include curb, gutter and sidewalk and road widening. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a copy of the Development Variance Permit and the Planning Department report dated September 3, 2004 relative to this application will be available for inspection at the Municipal Hall, Planning Department counter during office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from September 15 to September 28, 2004. ALL PERSONS who deem themselves affected hereby shall be afforded an opportunity to make their comments known to Municipal Council by making a written submission (or e-mail) to the attention of the Municipal Clerk by 4:00 p.m.. Tuesday. September 28, 2004. Yours truly. Tern' Fryer'P.Eng Municipal Clerk tfrverI:mapl eridge.org ikk Art. cc: Confidential Secretary ~.o "Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens" 11 - lisog SUBJECT PROPERTY I VtONID CN 1155C !LMS 1692 12 2 - 1155' I- C"J 10 • 1152 Ct I - - - I l&C• t 62 0 3 2 C. 269 5 1155€ 270 6 1154: 7 C- 1153C S ¶152C Distrctcf - Pill Meaaows - 21224 RIVER ROAD CORPORATION OF THE D I STR I CT OF Disinct g e •j MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Inoomorated 12 Seoternber, 1874 PLANN,NG DEPARTMENT DATE: May 25, 2004 FILE: VP1040104 BY: PC SCALE :X.XXX MAPLE RIDGE Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place. Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Telephone: (604) 463-5221 Fax: (604) 467-7329 E-mail: enquiriesmapieridge.org www.mapleridge.org September 15. 2004 File No: 3090-20/DVP/095/04 Dear Sir/Madam: PLEASE TAKE NOTE that the Municipal Council will be considering a Development Variance Permit at the regular meetingtô be held on Tuesday, September 28, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the Maple Ridge Arts Centre & Theatre (The Act). 11944 Haney Place, Maple Ridge. - The particulars of the Development Variance Permit are as follows: APPLICATION NO.: DVP/095/04 LEGAL: Lot 1, Section 20, Township 12, Plan 20546, New Westminster District LOCATION: 22641 Dewdney Trunk Rd. ZONING: CS-i (Service Commercial) PURPOSE: The applicant (Terasen Gas) is requesting the following variance prior to future construction of a building to house a gas regulation and metering facility at its Haney Gate Station: Relaxation of the rear yard setback from 6.0 metres to 1.5 metres. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a copy of the Development Variance Permit and the Planning Department report dated September 1, 2004 relative to this application will be available for inspection at the Municipal Hall, Planning Department counter during office hours. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from September 15 to September 28, 2004. ALL PERSONS who deem themselves affected hereby shall be afforded an opportunity to make their comments known to Municipal Council by making a written submission (or e-mail) to the attention of the Municipal Clerk by 4:00 p.m.. Tuesday, September 28, 2004. Yours truly. Teny Frye P.Eng ) Municipal Clerk %f'Ltfrver@mapleridge.org At. cc: Confidential Secretary "Promoting a Safe and Livable Communi for our Present and Future Citizens" 293 I.7T..I.IT7.ITI7 1TT1. RPM34C BROWN AVE. 30: 7 687 59 299 p944• F SUBJECT PROPERTY I 120' 33 . C/) p.- 2 CN 9687 g44 P ii DEWDNEY TRUNK RD • H co cc LANE 64 6 P8695 . . 1I91• P51167 LP73289 - r. 2 Disrnct cl,- Pitt -- , 22641 DEWDNEY TRUNK RD _\ iOF MAPLE i.00 DATE: Aug 16. 2004 FILE: VP/095/04 BY: PC CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6171 - 2003 A By-law to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 6171 - 2003." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: North Half of the south East Quarter, Section 9, Township 15, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1315 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to RG-3 (Rural Residential Strata). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto - are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the 200. MAYOR A.D. 200. A.D. 200. A.D. 200. A.D. 200. day of CLERK 'oI I •6 #83265 882265 2 - V) 46 I 00 8 83265 i CN 8 17 5 Cr) — ' - (0 00 (/1 Us Cli I Id 7 P7865 883265 a 666 dl - 108 AVE. II C 1/2 8 z I873 Q Cr) cn N 1/2 SE 1/4 LL- • 0 32.375 ha. F- o H- Cl) £F 868755 - \j'LE PDCE ZONE AMENDNC Rylaw No. 6171-2003 Map No. 1315 rrom: A-2(Uoland Agricultural) To: RC-3(Rural Residential Strata) AMAPLE RIDGE incorporated 12 September. 1874 • 1:5000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6258 - 2004. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: I. This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 6258 - 2004." Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area XLI in the Appendix: Lot 4, D.L. 248, Gp. 1, Plan BCP303, NWD (RZ/079/04) That parcel or tractof land and premises known and described as: Lot 4, District Lot 248, Group 1, Plan BCP303, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 681, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby designated as Development Permit Area XLI (18) on Schedule "H'. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of , A.D. 200. PUBLIC hEARING HELD the dayof ,A.D.200. READ A SECOND TIME the day of , A.D. 200. READ A THIRI) TIME the day of , A.D. 200. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of A.D. 200. MAYOR CLERK -I go ~z - i L ii L7383 72707 - 122 80 72089 - - D 995 182 . __________ Rem 2 72087 P 74504 PARK P 4783.125 72085 A 1.086 ha 99 1 53420 72075 150P16285 BcP\3o3 300 72070 D McINTYRE CT. 2 P 8790 em N 1/2 of S 1/2 2 of2 p2044 P 4701 72057 - r 303 3 53420 18.3 I P 59003 72052 72025 --I F 2 .2 12020 1 72075J 1137 F- u 7200 c 720 720 72 I 720 720 2 72075 3 72077 4 72007 287 5 288 720 o _72079 A 7200, I MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING BvIai No. 6258-2004 MOD No. 681 URROSE: TO DESICNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA X1-I(18) AMAPLE RIDGE - 1:1000 72067 P 47517 130 721747 720 4 C::) :~Z~ CIP i :2 Iu) 1 o NN N NN I CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6259 - 2004 A By-law to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 6259 - 2004." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 4, District Lot 248, Group 1, Plan BCP303, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1333 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is/are hereby rezoned to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of A.D. 200. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of ,A.D.200. READ a second time the day of A.D. 200. READ a third time the day of A.D. 200. APPROVED by the Minister of Transportation this day of , A.D. 200. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200.. MAYOR r - .i . ' 3 09 ...a 4733 72707 //I 122 - 18.0 72089 Rem 2 P 48995 182 H PARK P74504 72087 A 1.086 ha p 4753 125 P53420 72075 15 .0rEP16285 cP\3o3 P 57( 99 300 CN 72067 N P 47517 72070 D \1 130 L 7:em 62 J McINT*RE CT. 72047 2 P 8790 1/2 1 13.7 2 720 of S 1/2 c 72075 2 of2 2 72 12044 P 4701 72013 H: 72057 3 3 72077 ° LiJ 7201 303 3 5420 18.3 P 59003 4 H- 120 72052 72007 2 72025 78 E 2 .2 72O20 - __________ _________ 287 720 72005 2 5 I 288 720 72079 L I ___ 7200. MAPLE PDCE ZONE AMENDLNC Bylaw No. 6259-2004 Map No. 13 From: RS— 1 (One Family Urban Residential) To: R-3(Special Amenity Residential District) 440, hm MAPLE RIDGE V 1:1000 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. . 6256 - 2004. A By-law to amend the Official Community Plan WHEREAS Section 882 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A" & "H" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 6256 - 2004" Schedule "A" is hereby amended by adding the following in correct numerical order to Subsection (B) of Development Permit Area IV in the Appendix: • Parcel L (RP5972) of the W1/2, Sec. 20, Tp. 12, Except: Part Road on Plan 81396, NWD (RZ/074/04) S That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Parcel L (Reference Plan 5972) of the West Half, Section 20, Township 12, Except: Part Road on Plan 81396, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 679, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby designated as Development Permit Area IV (32) on Schedule "H". Maple Ridge Official Community P1 an Designation By-law No. 5434-1996 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of A.D. 200. PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of A.D. 200. 5 READ A SECOND TIME the day of A.D. 200. READ A TIIERD TIME the day of A.D. 200. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of , A.D. 200. MAYOR CLERK ?0-3*,/- 72267\ '\\\ P AR K 7Z7 112258 - 12255 1225J 352 1 123 ~D - 309 L 72253 \ \ P 4,5 '92 12240 if) 72240 P 57607 333 334 10 1 3 0- 353 72243 72230 I _12243 I 340 ' 122 AVE. 18.3 0 1 72228 P]62578 72237 12222 12229 197 72278 71970 j 2 8 15.2 2 72227 12216 12211 12212 6 I 6 P 82923 I P 13667 H98 72203J P 14396 2 1 12203 20.0 1 • 12208 1 '71 12208 111 r ~65 Rem. N 75'ofl 288 72795, 72794 72784 121910-] 121,95 264 RP5972 LLJ 127851 P 4836 Rem. 1 289 LLJ 12 oOI/_______ N 1 /2 10 12169 72782 12785 L13 U- 72778 I 336 1 I S 1/2 10 BCS 569 P I 303 4 396 304 27791 12770 •Lfl [66473 ______ 72166 12767 12762 N 1/2 9 Rem 2 12767 355 1 15.2 335 72751 72753 S 1/2 9 S. 52.5' 2 341 12761 00 336 72752 12154 354 72747 I 172748 331 12747 12757 __________ B A 340 353 1 332 P LMP 4065 1 72140 Ln 337 7213,9 1 p6987 72736 a 72151 12739 Ln 72137 I 172728 .7-2731 1 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw Nc. 6256-2004 Map No. 679 UPPOSE: TO DESIGNATE AS DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AREA (2) 1 n A MAPLE RIDGE 1:1500 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6257 - 2004 A By-law to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 6257 - 2004." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Parcel L (Reference Plan 5972) of the West Half, Section 20, Township 12, Except: Part Road on Plan 81396, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1332 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a second time the day of READ a third time the day of RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the 200. MAYOR A.D. 200. A.D. 200. A.D. 200. A.D. 200. day of CLERK A.D. '30 0 . 3-,- 122 PARK 12258 12255 RP 16335 308 12253 4 ,_ 352 23 \ 309. 12253 P45792 12240 12240 P157607 10 3 0 0.353 013 12243 1 12230 . 12243 I 334 LO 16.3 340 122 AVE. 50 72228 62578 12237 12222 12229 . 1 2 15.2 12218 P171970 8 12221 12276 12211 12212 2 6 198 6 P 82923 - P 13667 12203 P 14396 2 1 12203 20.0 1 12208 '2, i 12208 Rem. N b65 _______ 9 ° 75'ofl 288 Rem L 12795 1213 12185 RP 5972 12191 j P p4836 I Rem. 1 t289 H N1/210 1 3 12182 72178 336 12169 12785 00 P 4i4395 S 1/2 10 I BCS 569 303 I 304 72779 12770. LI) . . I 66473 72162 Rem 2 12166 12767 [ 12167 355 N 1/2 9 _______________ 15.2 335 72753 1 s 1/2 9 S. 52.5' 2 12757 341 72167 1 72752 - 72754 354 12748 331 72747 336 12747 LI) 12757 B A 34O 353 332 P 6987 . LMP 4 65 72740 337 12139 12136 12739 CL 12151 72737] 72128 72137 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6257-2004 Map No. 1332 Prom: RS— 1 (One Family Urban Residential) 0: RM— 1 (Townhouse Residential) AMAPLE RIDGE 1:1 500 - CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6264 - 2004 A By-law to extend Sewer Area "A" within the District of Maple Ridge WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, pursuant to Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization By-law No. 2486 - 1977, established Sewer Area "A" within the boundaries of the Municipality; AND WHEREAS, the Council has received a petition from a property owner for the extension of Sewer Area "A" and deems it expedient to extend Sewer Area "A". NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 6264 - 2004". That Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization By-law No. 2486 - 1977 as amended be further amended by adding to Section 1, the following words: "and also shall include all those portions of: Lot 2, Section 23, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 17097 (25051 Dewdney Trunk Rd.) as shown boldly marked on the map attached to the By-law and marked as Schedule "A". That the parcel noted in Paragraph 2 above, of this by-law shall bear the same charges as those properties in the original Sewer Area "A". READ a first time the day of , 200 READ a second time the day of ,200 READ a third time the day of 5200 RECONSIDERED and adopted the day of 200 MAYOR 1611491194.14 Attachment: Schedule "A" I I PROPOSED AREA TO BE INCLUDED INTO SEWER AREA A EXISTING SEWER AREA A PROPOSED ADDITION TO SEWER AREA A CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT - SCALE: - MAPLE R[DGE Incorrnd 12 S1'. 11174 • CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6267-2004 A By-law to amend the 5 year Financial Plan for the years 2004 through 2008 The Council for the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Financial Plan Amending By-law No. 6267-2004. Statement 1 of Maple Ridge Financial Plan Bylaw No. 6225-2004 is deleted in its entirety and replaced with Statement 1 attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. READ a first time the day of 2004. READ a second time the day of 2004. READ a third time the day of 2004. RECONSIDERED and adopted the day of 2004. MAYOR CLERK Attachment: Statement I IF) 4.1 50, Attachement to Financial Plan Bylaw 6267 - 2004 Statement 1 Consolidated Financial Plan 2004-2008 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 REVENUES External Revenues Property Taxes $34,462,300 $36,655,186 $38,971,176 $41,056,549 $43,007, 158 Parcel Charges $1,818,045 $1,858,820 $1,900,543 $1,935,734 $1,971,491 Fees & Charges $18,939,004 $20,649,803 $21,305,679 $22,019,574 $22,095,390 Interest $1,735,000 $1,725,000 $1,725,000 $1,725,000 $1,725,000 Grants (Other Govts) $6,702,464 $2,685,579 $2,790,377 $2,247,197 $3,739,908 Property Sales $5,550,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 Development Fees Developer Cost Charges $15,370,137 $4,450,819 $3,989,385 $4,352,591 $4,031,344 Developer Specified Projects $63,507 $0 $0 $15,750 $25,984 Parkland Acquisition $280,248 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 Development Fees Total $15,713,892 $4,650,819 $4,189,385 $4,568,341 $4.257,328 Total External Revenues $84,920,705 $68,225,207 $70,882,160 $73,552,395 $76, 796,275 Internal Revenues Borrowing Proceeds $49,100,000 $15,941,127 $350,000 Revenue from Subsidiary $31,479,000 $279,614 Transfer from Reserve Funds Land Reserve $858,342 Equipment Replacement Reserve $1,513,648 $1,967,750 $1,633,364 $591,828 $841,516 Sanitary Sewer Reserve $487,565 Capital Works Reserve $4,847,609 $499,000 $2,309,500 $36,000 $310,000 Fire Department Capital Reserve $931,546 $881,110 $1,637,500 $250,000 $1,750,000 Transfer from Reserve Fund Total $8,151,145 $3,835,425 $5,580,364 $877,828 $2,901,516 Transfer from Own Reserves $10,442,159 $6,192,538 $5,563,329 $6,048,176 $6,044,523 Transfer from Surplus $4,003,776 $2,172,539 $209,110 Total Internal Revenues $103,176,080 $12,480,116 $27,084,820 $7,135,114 $9,296,039 TOTAL REVENUES $188,096,785 $80,705,323 $97,966,980 $80,687,509 $86,092,314 Expenditures External Expenditures Capital Expenditures Principal Payments on Debt Interest Payments on Debt Other Expenditures Total External Expenditures $41,589,998 $14,997,259 $14,680,987 $10,572,818 $14,286,115 $31,719,702 $3,328,576 $18,519,639 $2,275,906 $2,217,626 $2,567,356 $2,529,199 $2,148,594 $2,198,949 $2,152,706 $50,708,200 $51,337,968 $53.302,561 $55,681,464 $56,651,508 $126,585,256 $72,193,002 $88,651,781 $70,729,137 $75,307,955 Internal Expenditures Transfer to Subsidiary $49,100,000 Transfer to Reserve Funds Capital Works Reserve $663,239 $683,767 $705,702 $725,606 $745,747 Equipment Replacement Reserve $1,585,196 $1,672,597 $1,768,902 $1,800,374 $1,833,705 Fire Dept. Capital Aquisition $728,466 $769,521 $813,392 $853,200 $893,482 Land Reserve $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 Sanitary Sewer Reserve $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 Contribution to Surplus $34,760 $731,095 Contribution to Own Reserves $9,334,628 $5,286,436 $5,892,443 $6,479,192 $6,480,330 Total Internal Expenditures $61,511,529 $8,512,321 $9,315,199 $9,958,372 $10, 784,359 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $188,096,785 $80,705,323 $97,966,980 $80,687,509 $86,092,314 CORPORATION OF THE 41, ni~' 0 ma 14 DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: September 21, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/104/03 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: First Reading - Bylaw No. 6243 - 2004 12212 228 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the property at 12212228th Street from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) to permit the future subdivision into four parcels, each to be not less than 21 3m 2 in area. The application is being processed in accordance with Policy 25 of the Official Community Plan for infill development in existing neighbourhoods. RECOMMENDATIONS: That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6243 - 2004 be read a first time and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and That a Restrictive Covenant for building design guidelines be registered on title. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP Existing: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property Access: Servicing: Mr Al Knuttila Kenneth W Knuttila Jo-Ann B Knuttila Lot 2, Section 20, Township 12, Plan 13667 Compact Housing (40-60 Units/Ha.) RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) RS- 1 (One Family Urban Residential) RS- 1 (One Family Urban Residential) RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) RS- 1 (One Family Urban Residential) Single family residential Small lot single family residential 122'' Avenue To be addressed at the subdivision stage qoz. Project Description: The proposal is to rezone the subject property to permit the future subdivision into four R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) single family lots. The existing house is to remain with portions of the house and accessory structures removed to conform to the required yard setback for the proposed lots. Renovation of the existing dwelling is also proposed to upgrade to the proposed building concepts for the site. The existing evergreen hedge on the east , west and south portions of the site is to be retained and additional fencing provided as a landscape screen for the property to the south. Planning Analysis: The site is approximately 1,410m2 in size and is located on the south side of 122m1 Avenue east of 228 01 Street. Adjacent lands are currently zoned RS- 1 (One Family Urban Residential) with lots sizes generally similar to that of the subject property. This application is being processed in accordance with Policy 25 of the Official Community Plan. This policy provides for infill development in existing neighbourhoods. The applicant has provided a proposed building design and streetscape elevation to show how the proposed new house designs relate to the existing house, and how the objectives of Policy 25 will be achieved. Policy 25 states: Maple Ridge will encourage small-scale, housing development, which increases the housing density in existing residential neighbourhoods where the proposed development is suitably integrated and respects the character of the neighbourhood. Such development may be considered consistent with existing designations of the Official Community Plan where: the development application proposes single family housing; the existing development parcel is larger than the minimum parcel size implied by the density designation and larger than the parcel size typical of the surrounding neighbourhood; The development .proposed is in the form of single family dwellings and the parcel is a larger lot at 1410m2 . There are similar sized parcels within the immediate area. However, the lot is generally larger than lots in the surrounding neighbourhood. the resultant neighborhood density is generally consistent with the existing density designation of the Official Community Plan; The proposed density at approximately 29 units per net hectare is less than the existing density designation of compact housing at 40-60 units per net hectare. the siting, scale and general character of any new housing reflects the existing housing stock in the immediate neighbourhood; There are two predominant house styles in immediate neighbourhood - basement entry and ranchers both built in the early to late 1970's. The basement entry homes are characterized by cathedral entries, straight gable roof systems, and very low pitched roofs. The rancher style homes are one level and have low roof systems with single or double garages/carports. -2- The homes that are proposed are all main entry with unfinished, in-ground basements. These homes will be characterized by a one level design with low pitched simple roof lines and front decorative gables and complement the existing house to be retained. Existing cedar hedges along the east and south property lines of the subject property are intended to be preserved. The siting, scale and general character of the proposed ground oriented dwellings will be ensured through a restrictive covenant registered on the parcel as a condition of zoning. existing infrastructure is capable of supporting the new development; and existing street standards should be considered in determining neighbourhood character. Urban services exist to the site. Concerns From Neighbouring Property Owners This development application has generated sixteen copies of a form letter opposing the application as well as three individual letters in opposition. The main concerns identified in these letters are as follows with comments on these concerns noted in italics. Safety issues related to four driveways close to a busy intersection. There is sufficient spacing between driveways as well as to the intersection of 122 Avenue and 228 Street. Parking issues stemming from cars parking on the neighbouring streets. Each of the proposed lots will be provided with a minimum of two off-street parking spaces in accordance with the requirements of the Off-Street Parking and Loading By-law. In fact, the majority of the proposed lots will be provided with at least three off-street parking spaces. . Traffic impact of the proposed lots. Three new lots will not have a sign ijfl cant traffic impact on the existing neighbourhood. . The loss of privacy for neighbouring property owners. An existing cedar hedge along the north and east property lines of the subject property are intended to be retained to maintain privacy for neighbouring property owners. . The loss of property values. This is not substantiated by empirical data. . The loss of big trees and shrubs. An existing cedar hedge along the north and east property lines is intended to be preserved as well as a number of existing trees. • It would make more sense to take four or five properties and develop a comprehensive plan of development.. -3- The corner location of the subject property together with its wide frontage along 122 Avenue will allow this property to develop independently in a comprehensive manner. Parks & Leisure Services Department: The Parks & Leisure Services Department has identified that after the subdivision is completed they will be responsible for maintaining the street trees. In the case of this project it is estimated that there will be an additional 6 trees which is based on one tree per lot, and the flanking 228 th street frontage receiving two trees. The exact number of trees will be determined through the final subdivision design. The Director of Parks & Facilities has advised that the maintenance requirement of $25.00 per new tree will increase their annual budget requirements by $150.00. CONCLUSION: Based on the objectives of Official Community Plan Policy 25 and the building design information provided by the applicant, it is recommended that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6243-2004 be read a first time, and be foryed to Public Hearing. S Technician Jane PjckerflTMCP, MCIP Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP GM: Public Works fz Development Services J. L. (Jin%) Rulle Chief A4minislrative Officer -4- 91 I- C/) 12258 LU z LU LU ir 0 12238 102 10: P4 113 11 12224 12192 126 213 1 214 292 12255 352 rl- Co I Co I C,) I U) 3 353 122 AVE. 9 CL) 12229 0 8 2 12212 12211 P 8293 P13667 2 1 12203 12201 12208 Rem. N 75' of 1 Rem. L 12194 5972 (0 0) Cl) Co 12191 P4836 Rem. 1 12183 rii 12169 12182 6 P 44396 12243 6 288 12195 .. 289 CN 12185 12212 228 Street SO Langley SCALE I,, CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF ion MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE N Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT RIver _____ DATE: Sep 7, 2004 FILE: RZ/104/03 BY: RO T ' • LLL-j.n'•: rTVej4E2z5- /r. EnerJup. • • ,IthHJ4 TD Twomt 5. 3 954 n.ei - • ••.i1 II 'In to • 22 • .• -• L01 4 to ' lcd' , • ••• 4,4n 4ios..0 (407. _9 cc (47.1 • • • • _____________ • • • • • • • • - rY.'-•• • • • • ., •;. ''r Wo.z:: • :j - U-iL4 QL{DLtc3. i) rt?TI fl1. Ij L1 Qr_w - ____ 2Jc2 ____ 11tM ANCUUC PRcftThfD DJOJ Ir .'i. . •VCTa• p-r £- u-T 2J j( ! CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6243 - 2004 A By-law to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended. WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This by-law may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 6243 - 2004." That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2, Section 20, Township 12, Plan 13667, New Westminster District and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1329 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law, is hereby rezoned to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District). Maple Ridge Zoning By-law No. 3510 - 1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , A.D. 200. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , A.D. 200. READ a second time the day of , A.D. 200. READ a third time the dayof ,A.D.200. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED, the day of 200. sm MAYOR CLERK 1226 4/78 12275 291 4873 12265 292 12258 - 12255 4 352 (0 Co (N 12240 - N- u) 3 a. cL353 _______ 17.5 12278 65 66 67 91 9293 —J uJ 12258 U L1J 0 5 10 ___ ____ 334 15.2 ___ - C\, 12243 12238 - 340 62578 9 hhi. 122 AVE. 102 103 104 .hhi 12229 E 2 0 P 41774 71970 113 114 115 1 1221 12 6 6 P l93 I I P13667 12224 QD 4396 2 1 12203 20.0 1 12208 N- Rem.N 75' of 1 288 12192 Rem. L 2 12195 15.2 RP5972 ___ __________ ______ 126 127 I I 128 I 0 12191 Rem. 1 P 4836 - P 58171 - 12183 289 '2 10 12169 12182 12185 ______ 213 214 215 336 P 414396 00 2 10 BCS 569 303 I 304 12180 Ln Rem 2 121611 12166 I_12167 (N 29 _ 115.2 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 6243-2004 Map No. 1329 From: RS-1(One Family Urban Residential) To: R-3(Special Amenity Residential District) 6 DIN W"05 ako A MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September, 1874 1:1500 7 12288 12293 Rem. 64 P 11200 1222 12273 P 40082 A 12261 PARK I I- I RP 16335 (1) 3 cc c. 309 12253 'J 0044M 20 mko~~a CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: September 22, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: RZ/073/04 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning 12161 237th Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to: • amend the Official Community Plan from Agricultural to Compact Housing 40, • amend the Urban Area Boundary in the Official Community Plan, and • rezone from A-i (Small Holding Agricultural) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) to permit development of a 78 unit detached bare-land strata on a 3.8 hectares parcel. The site was recently excluded from the Agricultural Land Reserve by Certificate of Order 506/2003, but retains its Agriculture designation. The proposed development requires an amendment to the Official Community Plan. RECOMMENDATIONS: That application RZ/073/04 for properly located at 12161 237 Street, to amend the Official Community Plan and rezone the subject property, be tabled until completion of the Official Community Plan review. DISCUSSION: Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: Jim Pattison Industries Ltd. Jim Pattison Industries Ltd. Lot 1, Section 21, Township 12, Plan LMP9544, NWD Agricultural Compact Housing (40 units per net hectare) A-i (Small Holding Agricultural) RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Used for residential purposes, designated Agricultural, zoned RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), within the Agricultural Land Reserve, without farm class status as defined by British Columbia Assessment Authority Townhouse project, Designated Compact Housing (40upnh) and zoned RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) 703 East: Two properties, one fallow land, one used for residential purposes, both are designated Agricultural, zoned RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), and within the Agricultural Land Reserve without farm class status as defined by British Columbia Assessment Authority West: Fallow land, designated Agricultural, zoned RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential), and within the Agricultural Land Reserve without farm class status as defined by British Columbia Assessment Authority Existing Use of Property: Fallow land, designated Agricultural, zoned A-i (Small Holding Agricultural), without farm class status as defined by British Columbia Assessment Authority Proposed Use of Property: 78 unit bare-land strata development Access: 237th Street Exclusion from the Agricultural Land Reserve: The subject property has been the subject of three applications for exclusion from the Agricultural Land Reserve with the property being excluded from the Agricultural Land Reserve under application AL/028/02. Giving approval in principle, the Agricultural Land Commission outlined the following conditions for exclusion: receipt of a formal undertaking to complete an agricultural suitability study for the District of Maple Ridge to the Commission's specifications and supply it to the Commission within a one year period for the Commission's unlimited use. submission of a buffering plan for Commission approval that would at the very least retain the existing hedge, provide for the replanting of any sparse or dead areas and ensure the hedge is not removed. receipt of a formal undertaking to complete the buffering plan and provide for continued maintenance of the completed buffer. Indicating that these conditions had been met, the Commission authorized this exclusion application under Certificate of Order # 506/2003 in correspondence addressed to the Registrar of Land Titles on December 11, 2003. Site and Prolect Description: The subject property has a site area of 3.796 hectares and is located near the intersection of Dewdney Trunk Road and 237th Street. The property is one of the former Berryland Cannery sites. The property to the south was previously developed by the applicant into the Gabriola Estates townhouse project. On its north, east, and west boundaries, this site is adjacent to land that is within the Agricultural Land Reserve and outside the urban area boundary. This application proposes to develop a 78 unit single detached townhouse project in a bare land strata format. The approximate density of the proposed development is 20.5 units per net hectare (see attached site plan) Applicant's Justification For Amending the Official Community Plan. The applicant argues that development of the subject property is a logical extension of the existing Gabriola Estates townhouse project to the south and may be considered a second phase of the Gabriola -2- project. The applicant states that it was always their intent to proceed with development of the two properties in two phases. The applicant points out that the site is near the downtown core, that it is serviced with sanitary sewer, and close to amenities such as schools and public transit. On this basis, the applicant maintains that urban development is appropriate at this location. Official Community Plan: • Although excluded from the Agricultural Land Reserve, the subject property retains its A-i (Small Holding Agriculture) zone, and is designated Agricultural in the Official Community Plan. • The site is also designated as a Green Zone in the Regional Context Statement of the Official Community Plan. • An amendment to the existing urban area boundary in the Official Community Plan and to designation of Compact Housing (40 units per net hectare) would be required to permit the development proposal. • An application to the Greater Vancouver Regional District Board would be required to amend the Regional Context Statement and Green Zone boundary. Review of Official Community Plan and Recent Exclusion Applications. The District of Maple Ridge is currently reviewing its Official Community Plan. Relevant issues examined as part of this review include: • Agriculture. Issues examined include the economic importance of farming to the District, and policies to enhance this sector. • Residential lands. Issues investigated include providing housing choices to meet the needs of a growing and changing population. • Urban Area Expansion. Criteria developed to determine where and if extensions to the urban boundary are appropriate at this time. This review includes an examination of agricultural land in the District to determine whether certain lands currently within the Agricultural Land Reserve could be redesignated for uses other than agricultural. Recent Exclusion Applications within the District of Maple Ridge • Since 2003, the District has received 22 applications for exclusion from the Agricultural Land Reserve, which amounts to a total of 209.14 hectares. • Applicants who seek to exclude their properties are given a clear message that regardless of the outcome of their application, changes to existing land use designations and zoning will not be contemplated until completion of the review of the Official Community Plan. • The appropriate land use for lands that have been recently excluded yet retain their Agricultural designation have not yet been determined. • This subject property is adjacent to other properties currently under application for exclusion from the Agricultural Land Reserve, as shown on the attached Schedule map. It is anticipated that the Land Reserve Commission will consider these applications later this year. If excluded, Council will need to determine if this area is appropriate for non-farm uses. -3- There is a need to coordinate an overall land use strategy for all of these sites within the context of surrounding land uses and the Official Community Plan. If residential uses are contemplated at this site, this overall strategy should consider buffers at the urban-rural interface, providing housing mix, ensuring proximity to services, and providing transportation connectivity. For this reason, development should not proceed on a parcel by parcel basis. It is difficult to successfully plan for many of these objectives, given the uncertain nature of current Agricultural Land Reserve boundaries. For instance, effective edge planning is extremely difficult to implement under these circumstances. Development Permits At present, there are no Development Permit Area Guidelines that address issues pertaining to edge planning and providing a buffer between urban and agricultural uses. Such guidelines should be created to apply to development proposals of this nature. There is an opportunity to develop these as part of the Agricultural component of the review of the Official Community Plan. Advisory Design Panel: The application was reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel at their August 5, 2004 meeting. The Advisory Design Panel expressed overall support for the project as presented by the applicant, with the following recommendation regarding the OCP: That consideration be given to reviewing the density designation in the OCP to keep it more in line with the density on this property (33 units per net hectare) as opposed to the permitted density of 40-60 units per net hectare. Development Information Meeting: A total of 16 individuals attended this meeting, held on August 11, 2004, with attendees generally supporting this project, based on completed exit surveys. Concerns expressed related to loss of views and the impacts on traffic. Interdepartmental Implications: Engineering Department: The Engineering Department advises that urban development at this site has not been anticipated or planned for, as the property is located in an area designated for rural and agricultural development in the Official Community Plan. The Department advises that an area guide plan is required and due consideration needs to be given to road geometrics, traffic control, and sewer and water systems. For these reasons, the department concludes that this application is premature at this time. Intergovernmental Issues: Local Government Act: An amendment to the Official Community Plan requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 882 of the Act. -4- The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial PlanlCapital Plan and the Waste Management Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and determined to have no impact. GVRD and Green Zone: This development proposal will require an application to the GVRD Board to amend the Green Zone boundaries within the Regional Context Statement of the Official Community. Alternative Courses of Action For Council For Council's consideration, three options are identified, along with an evaluation of the pros and cons of each option. Option 1 Approval to Bylaw Introduction Pros • The site is close to existing residential development, to the downtown and to municipal services. • The site is within the Fraser Sewer Area Boundary, and therefore will not require an application to the Greater Vancouverr Sewerage and District Drainage Authority. • The project provides an extension to the existing Gabriola Estates townhouse project to the south. • This development proposal is timely, based upon current interest rates, and consumer demand. • Provides greater housing choices within the District. Cons • As urban development has not been anticipated at this location, it is yet to be determined if nearby services have sufficient capacity to accommodate this increase in population. • Allowing development to proceed on a parcel by parcel basis makes it difficult to achieve the broader objectives of the Official Community Plan as outlined in this report and to adequately plan for adjacent land uses, especially given the uncertainty of neighbouring properties currently under application for exclusion. • Contemplating development prior to completion of the review of the Official Community Plan will be precedent setting and could increase expectations among other property owners in similar circumstances. Option 2 Application Denied Pros • A site specific land use decision is not made in advance of the District's overall Official Community Plan review. • Comprehensive planning can be undertaken for the larger area comprising the subject property and neighbouring properties to the north and west. • Reinforces the District's position that changes to current Zoning and Official Community Plan designations will not be contemplated until completion of the Official Community Plan review. • The existing Agricultural designation of the subject property provides an appropriate buffer and interface between the Gabriola Estates townhouse project and surrounding agricultural lands. Cons • May delay development. -5- • Changing market conditions such as predicted increases in interest rates could lead to missed opportunities Option 3 Application Tabled Pros • A site specific land use decision is not made in advance of the District's overall Official Community Plan review. • Comprehensive planning can be undertaken for the larger area comprising the subject property and neighbouring properties to the north and west. • Reinforces the District's position that changes to current Zoning and Official Community Plan designations will not be contemplated until completion of the Official Community Plan review. • The existing Agricultural designation of the subject property provides an appropriate buffer and interface between the Gabriola Estates townhouse project and surrounding agricultural lands. • The applicant is not required to reapply. Cons • May delay development. • Changing market conditions such as predicted increases in interest rates could lead to missed opportunities Should Council wish to approve this development, the site plan should be revised to reflect a stronger interface buffer. The Gabriola Estates townhouse site to the south was required to provide buffers of 15 meters at its north edge, and 30 meters to its western perimeter. The intent of these buffers was to give an interface between residential and adjacent agricultural uses. They were provided in the form of building setbacks that could be used for residential amenity space. The subject property is similarly bounded by lands within the agricultural land reserve on its north and western boundaries. The applicant acknowledges that the existing hedge on the western perimeter is protected by a Certificate of Order issued by the Agricultural Land Commission. However, there are no buffers indicated on the north edge, and a building setback of less than 10 meters on its western edge, which, although greater than required under RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zoning, is insufficient as an effective transition space between potentially conflicting uses. As a minimum, this development proposal should provide a buffer area with similar dimensions to that of Gabriola Estates. CONCLUSION: On balance, in consideration of the merits of this proposal, and the findings of this report, this application to rezone the subject property should be considered premature, and not contemplated until completion of the Official Community Plan for the following reasons: It is yet to be determined if this is an appropriate location for urban development, or what form development should take on this site, a process that must be coordinated and evaluated on a District wide basis through the review of the Official Community Plan. A process for determining where and if expansions of the existing urban area boundary are appropriate has yet to be determined. A full evaluation of this proposal requires a decision by the Agricultural Land Commission on the applications to exclude neighbouring properties from the Agricultural Land Commission. As the site is adjacent to other properties undergoing the exclusion application process, there is a need to coordinate an area wide land use strategy for all these sites that will meet broader objectives of the -6- Official Community Plan including the provision of buffers at the urban - rural interface, diverse housing mix, adequate services, and transportation connectivity. The applicant states that the original intent had been to develop this property as a second phase of the Gabriola Estates townhouse project. However, Gabriola Estates was developed with a 15 meter buffer with the intent to protect the agricultural uses of the subject property. For this reason, Council is advised to consider the merits of this application on the basis of the issues raised in this report, especially considering that this proposal could be precedent setting and increase expectations among other property owners in similar circumstances. /7 f Prepared by: Diana Hall - MCLP by: c/Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP GM: Public WIks & Development Services Rule Officer DHJbjc -7- Proposed Lot Geometry i L I I 11 V AVt. I I Legend ALR SCALE 1:5000 12161 237th Street showing adjacent exclusion applications CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE IncOrpOrlcd 12, Ceptomber. 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Sep 17, 2004 FILE: Untitled BY: DH -8- • -iii =L.i. r : III Oro '! li 19 9 Fi jU •-:F WIN •rr4 IL- :L I W I IL- ' m., IIi 1k ! FAML -----1 •.1jTi IIj1• • I'-I 1! I ! •__. •__ •__ - .___ .__ .___ .__ a 12301 SK2613 12215 P 72342 2 SUBJECT \PROPERTY 1 12146 12161 LMP 9544 12102 I.- 04 LIM 16 2 120B 12099 1 LMP 339 51 LMS 988 District of Pitt Meadows I SIJVaHeY 1 12161 237 STREET N SCALE 1:2,000 10 nt COR PORA11ONOF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Haney ock Ofl •a g Thorflhdl 1II DATE: Jun 24, 2004 FILE: RZ1073104 BY. PC CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: September 07, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: DP/VP/088/04 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: CoW SUBJECT: Variance Permit 11961 203 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Development Variance Permit application has been submitted to vary the minimum parcel size for a CS-I (Service Commercial) lot from 929m 2 to 910m2 and a Development Permit application has been submitted to facilitate subdivision of the subject property into two commercial lots. RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of VP/088104 respecting property located at 11961 203 Street will be considered by Council at the October 12, 2004 meeting; and That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/088/04 to permit subdivision of the property located at 11961 203 Street into two commercial lots, subject to Council approval of VP1088/04. Maple Ridge Veterinary Hospital, Dr Roger Kocheff Maple Ridge Veterinary Hospital, Dr Roger Kocheff Lot 1, D.L. 222, Plan LMP3 1395 Service Commercial CS-i (Service Commercial) Mini warehouse Vacant Westgate Mall Mini warehouse Veterinary Hospital 203 Street Full Urban RZ/0 12/95, DP/030/96, VP/007/97, SD/08 8/04 Vary the minimum parcel size to permit the proposed subdivision. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Access: Servicing: Previous Applications: Requested Variance: 170 b) Project Description: The owner of the property located at 11961 203 Street has submitted an application, to subdivide the property into two parcels. Proposed Lot 1 has a lot area of 929m' and proposed Lot 2 has a lot area of 910m2. An existing veterinary hospital is located on the northerly portion of the property. The existing veterinary hospital will continue to operate on proposed Lot 1 and a building for service commercial use can be built on proposed Lot 2. The minimum parcel size in the CS-i (Service Commercial) zone, prescribed by Section 707(3)(c) and Schedule "D" of the Zoning Bylaw, is 929m2. The parent parcel is 1 839m 2 which is approximately 1 9m2 short of meeting the minimum area for two lots. c) Planning Analysis: Applicant's Justification for the Proposed Variance In 1997 the property was rezoned to CS-1(Service Commercial) to permit the construction of a veterinary hospital. A condition of rezoning was road dedication of 3.962 meters, (188.35m), for the future widening of 203 w Street. 203" Street is designated as a major corridor on Schedule "C" of the Official Community Plan. As a consequence of the required road dedication, the property became slightly smaller than the size that would permit the subdivision without a variance. Planning staff has reviewed the proposal and confirm that the number of parking spaces for the veterinary hospital on proposed Lot 1 will exceed the number of spaces required after subdivision. As well, the existing driveway is located along the proposed lot line. This will allow a common shared driveway to provide vehicular access to both lots. Accordingly, staff support the requested variance with the following conditions: That the lot created for the veterinary hospital, proposed Lot 1, meet the minimum parcel size of 929m2 and that the variance only apply to proposed Lot 2, and That a cross access easement agreement be registered to provide one common access point from 203 Street and a shared driveway accessing the off street parking areas for proposed Lots 1 and 2. d) Development Permit Area: The subject property is. in Development Permit Area I, which provides guidelines for the form and character of commercial development. Part 26 of the Local Government Act Section 920(1) stipulates that land within a designated development permit area must not be subdivided unless the owner first obtains a development permit. Accordingly, the proposed subdivision will require Council approval of a Development Permit. It is noted that a subsequent development ,permit application for the form and character of commercial development will be required prior to the issuance of a building permit for any future building on proposed Lot 2. e) Alternatives: Failure to receive the requested variance approval will result in the subdivision being denied. -2- CONCLUSIONS: That application VP/088/04 be favorably considered and that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners and that application DP/088/04 be favorably considered to permit the subdivision. Prepared bvidStevenson Pla n Tec ician /APP2 MCIP / 2 Approved by: /Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP / GM: Public1 Works & Development Services Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer DS(bjc -3- / I I I / I LC-4 I I I I II II I 1203 I I r I I I II II (Ii H I I ftft ftft ftft Distnct of J /\ PthMeadows. it1 11961 -203 St 7 ni " CORPORATION OF THEDISTRIcTOF N Dtstnctof Ai MAPLE RIDGE Langley Thon.hiI .T"K! Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE 1:1,000 - VP/088/04 BY: JV DATE: Jul 30, 2004 - PLAN SHOWING PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF LOT I DISTRICT LOT 222 GROUP 1. NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN LMP31395 July 22, 200 for application/approval purposes only NOTE: Improvements shown are based 74 on information supplied by client. Plan 61704 Location to be varfied by field survey. - ' 30.65 I tJ I 8 ru' -. - 929m 2 IL .38 I I 1 f 1 / i f I / I / I I ' •8 - r t- •1 IlC.Lfl LMI'31) co 2 910m 2 I ; nJ I, I I I , 7 II II Plan 12828 James R. Enders British Coiumbia Land Surveyors Maple Ridge, B.C. 604-463-2509 Langley, B.C. 604-533-4656 MR2563A.APP SCALE 1: 500 10 5 0 10 20 30 ALL DISTANCES ARE IN METRES AND DECIMALS THEREOF. zo CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: August 30, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: VP/076/03 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: CoW SUBJECT: Variance Permit 24181 113 Ave, 11330 & 11378 240 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Development Variance Permit application has been received to: Waive the requirement to provide underground wiring on 240th Street; and To relax the front yard setback for the existing house on proposed Lot 12 from 7.5 meters to 4.5 meters. Other development applications currently being processed for these properties include RZ/076/03 and SD/076/03 to permit subsequent subdivision into approximately 51 residential building lots. The rezoning application has received third reading and the letter of conditions for subdivision approval has been issued. RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of VP/076/03 respecting property located at 24181 113 Avenue, 11330 & 11378 240 Street will be considered by Council at the October 12, 2004 meeting. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Paul Hayes 695595 B C Ltd. Lot 12, Plan 50696; Lot 4, Block 3, Plan 21243 and Lot 5, Block D, Plan 21243 all of Sec. 15, Tp 12, NWD Conservation, Compact Housing (30 Units Per Ha) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential),R-1 (Residential District), RS-lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density)Residential), RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential), CD-1-93 Amenity Residential District 9n-1005~ Surrounding Uses: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Access: Servicing: Requested Variance: Rural Residential Rural Residential Urban Residential 240th Street and 113 th Avenue Full urban standard To vary Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw, Schedule "A" Service and Utilities to waive the requirement to underground the overhead wiring; and To vary Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw 35 10-1985, Part 6, Section 601(C) (3)(c)(i) to relax the front yard setback from 7.5 meters to 4.5 meters Project Description: Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6207-2004, to rezone the subject properties from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-1 (Residential District), to permit the subdivision into approximately 11 residential building lots, received third reading on May 25, 2004. A condition of subdivision is to upgrade 240 th Street to full urban standard. Policy 9.05, "Conversion of Existing Overhead Utility Wiring to Underground Wiring", states that Council will support development variance permit applications to waive the requirement to provide underground wiring under certain conditions. One of the conditions is that the existing overhead utility system be identified on the plan attached to the policy. The existing overhead utility system along 240th Street is identified on the plan. There is an existing home that presently is accessed from 113 th Avenue. As a consequence of subdivision the home will front onto a new road which will be constructed north of 113th Avenue. The proposed RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) zone requires a front yard setback of 7.5 meters. The BCLS plan attached shows that the home will be 4.5 meters from the front lot line. Planning Analysis: Applicant's Justification for the Proposed Variances: Overhead Wiring The existing overhead utility system is identified on the plan attached to Policy 9.05 and therefore meets the test of the policy. Although the existing overhead utility system may remain, the homes along 2401h Street will be serviced with an underground utility system. Front Yard Setback for the Existing House The home on proposed Lot 50 faces south toward 113th Avenue. As a consequence of subdivision the west side of the house, where the garage is located, will face towards the new street. There are eight large cedar trees located along the proposed west lot line, -2- which will provide some screening of the house to the street. There will also be street trees to augment the streetscape. A driveway will be constructed between the cedar trees to provide access to the home from the new road. Given these conditions, the proposed setback variance will have minimal impact on neighbouring properties. The Planning Department has no objections to the proposed variances. d) Alternatives: The alternative to the overhead utility system would be to convert it to an underground system. The variance requested for the house location is as a consequence of the location of the proposed road west. The alternatives include revising the geometry by relocating the road 2.92 meters to the west or relocating the location of the house. CONCLUSIONS: That application VP1076103 be favorably considered and that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners. Prepared by: David Steve \\ Approved': Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMP I GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer DS'bjc -3- (0 C) 17 U, 0 A RP 13033 18 AVE 11330/78 240 STREET & 24181 II3AVENUE 0 I CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT IF I - 11523 rr 7 15.41) 11510 11515 I P 1378E 2 36 11502 11501 a- 35 N. _: 11492 N- 11499 B Cl) 25 034 1148.4 '4' '4' 11502 0) 26 11476 11483 ('4 27, 1 I P 13786 i 11474 11475 31 11467 _ I 11459 _i - 1 14J 2 11441 935 11442 11425 1 8 ' I N-- 8 P 30283 0 1 11415 1 P 22031 I 3131 11416 P 34984 - A 11403 RP8357 1344 _I 11397 13 3122 I P 21243 11378 RP6761 SUBJECT PROPERTIES 11363 5 P 21243 Cl) 559 ('4 11333 11330 11 3659 1/2 8 11299 P 3659 fS1/2B 1300 N- 1 ____________________ 11263 . 2 0 P26163 11247 11250 11213 Rem 1 5 P 3452 P26163 1LI L 1 2 3 4 P101 8 P11 148 12 13 14 P5096 113 AVE. 16 15 DATE: Aug 4, 2004 FILE: VP/076/03 BY: PC Scale 1 :2000 PROPOSED SUBDIViSION ON LOT 4&5 PLAN 21243, AND LOT 12 PLAN 50696 SEC. 15 TP. 12 N.W.D. Wade & Associates B.C. Land Surveyors Maple Ridge & Mission H2660 ULMER Phone 463-4753 4.58 Scale 1:500 RK HOUSE ON PROPOSED SUBDIViSION ON LOT 12 PLAN 50696 SEC.15 TP.12 N.W.D. Wade & Associates B.C. Land Surveyors Maple Ridge & Mission H2660 ULMER Phone 463-4753 -.1 r H?3 .' tn Ci.ccrtr --rEs , ' a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Sunounding Uses North: South: East: West: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Access: Previous Applications: R-3 (Special Amenity Residential Zone) Residential Watercourse/Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential 102 Avenue RZ/03 7/03, SD/03 7/03 Damax Consultants Ltd 17th Avenue Lifestyles Ltd. Lot: 1, Section: 3, Township: 12, Plan: 17126 Compact Housing (40 Units Per Ha) ma CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor K. Morse DATE: September 17, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: DP/037/03 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Development Permit 24367 101A Avenue & 24318 102 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Development Permit XXX application has been received for the above noted property in support of a subdivision application adjacent to Jackson Farm Creek. The proposed plan of subdivision received preliminary layout approval on May 5, 2004 and proposes 21 R-3 (Special Amenity Zone) lots. As required under Development Permit XXX, a development permit must be approved by Council and the required environmental security deposited with the District, prior to any on-site works being undertaken within 50 meters of the top of bank of the watercourse. RECOMMENDATION: That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/037/03 respecting property located at 24367 101A Avenue & 24318 102 Avenue. DISCUSSION: Project Description: A development permit application has been made in support of an application to subdivide the subject property into 21 R-3 (Special Amenity Zone) lots. The proposed lots meet the minimum lot size under the R-3 Zone of213 square metres. Environmental Implications: The site has a watercourse identified on Schedule 'E' of the Official Community Plan and is included into Development Permit Area XXX for the preservation and protection of the natural environment. A Development Permit is required for all alterations of land, subdivision activity or building permits associated with residential, commercial, institutional and industrial development within 50 metres of a watercourse. Security must be posted in accordance with Council Policy for Performance Security for Environmental Protection to ensure that the Development Permit Area Guidelines are met. Staff have reviewed the Guidelines for develo\pment established for Development Permit Area XXX and feel that these have been satisfied by the applicant as follows: Watercourse Protection Area Establishment Watercourse protection areas are to be established in accordance with their habitat value and the potential impacts proposed by adjacent development. The District of Maple Ridge, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans in conjunction with the District Streamside Setback Map must endorse the proposed watercourse protection boundaries. The watercourse protection areas are to be dedicated where possible into public ownership for conservation purposes. The boundaries of the watercourse protection areas are to be physically located on the ground by a B.C. Land Surveyor prior to site disturbance. Temporary barrier fencing is to be installed adjacent to watercourse protection areas prior to any construction activity and shall be replaced with permanent post and rail fence upon development completion. All lots must provide the required minimum lot dimensions as set out in the Zoning Bylaw exclusive of the watercourse protection boundaries. • The setbacks from Jackson Farm Creek have already been established and have been dedicated as Parkland in conjunction with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Municipality as part of the rezoning application for this site. • A temporary siltation fence will be placed along the watercourse protection boundary. • All lots meet the minimum lot dimension as set out in the Zoning Bylaw exclusive of the watercourse protection boundary. Erosion Control All work is to be undertaken and completed in such a manner as to prevent the release of sediment to any ravine, watercourse or storm sewer. An erosion and sediment control plan that involves -2- implementation prior to land clearing and site preparation and the careful timing of construction is to be provided. Silt fence should be erected to prevent the movement of silt into the watercourse protection area prior to any disturbance to the soil on the site. Cutting andfilling adjacent to watercourse protection areas is to be kept to a minimum incorporating appropriate structuralfihl material and blending graded areas with natural slope, as supported by the Hillside Policies of the Official Community Plan. .. A Plan has been providedfor the entire site that: - Includes a temporary siltation fence along the Park boundary; - Provides for the clearing limits; and - Shows the grading and direction of overland drainage to an existing siltation control pond Vegetation Management Natural vegetation is to be retained wherever possible to ensure minimal disruption to the environment and to protect against slope failure. Land clearing adjacent to the watercourse protection areas is to be restricted to a phased construction schedule. Habitat restoration landscaping of all bare or sparse riparian areas within the watercourse protection area may be required. Vegetation species shall be native of the area and be selectedfor erosion control andfish and wildlife habitat values. • A sign jficant amount of vegetation will be protected within the watercourse protection area which is dedicated as park. • Restoration of the landscape is requiredfor areas where works will take place and are part of the Section 9 approval process under the Water AcL This Section 9 approval has been granted Stormwater Management Stormwater outflows to the stream or leave area shall have water quality and erosion control features so as to minimize their impacts on fish habitat and in compliance with the Erosion and Sediment Control Objectives of the District of Maple Ridge, and the Ministry of Environment Lands and Parks information Sheet for Best Practices for Sediment Control. • The applicant's storm water management plan must address the Erosion and Sediment Control Objectives of the District and be in accordance with the Ministry of Environment Lands and Parks information sheet for Best Practices for Sediment ControL Monitoring The implementation of required environmental mitigative measures as designed and their maintenance is to be monitored by a qual/Ied environmental monitor. • Environmental monitoring will be a key element of the development of this site. Phoenix Environmental will be the environmental monitors for the project and will ensure performance meets with the standards established by the Watercourse Protection Bylaw. Monitoring will occur daily during construction in rainfall events, and weekly at all other -3- times during the construction period to ensure compliance with the permit. A record of all monitoring data shall be made available to the District upon request. Performance Securirp: 13. As required under the District's Performance Security for Environmental Protection Polici', an environmental performance security will be collected prior to the issuance of the permit to ensure compliance with terms and conditions described above. • A security totaling $18,000.00 will be requiredfor 12 lots which back on to Jackson Farm Creek. Interdepartmental Implications: Department of Fisheries and Oceans The setbacks for this watercourse have already been established and will dedicated as Parkland in conjunction with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the District as a condition of rezoning these lands. The applicant has already received a Section 9 Approval to do the work the watercourse. Citizen/Customer Implications: Until Council has authorized a development permit the applicant will be unable to begin site preparation for subdivision SD/037/03. I) Financial Implications: A refundable security totaling $18,000.00 will be required for 12 lots which back on to the watercourse. The applicant has provided the information as set out in the Council Policy for Environmental Protection. It is recommendThat DP/037/03 be approved. Iilin Technician jppr;ved by: ;MCIP Approved bY:/ Frank Quinn, P.Eng., PMIP GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrenëe: L J. L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer -4- 101 A AVE. SUBJECT PROPERTIES P 17126 11 2OJ2l 22j2324 25 2627 MP 363 MP 36343 101 AVE. 3 2 1 49 4847 46 45 44 143 142._kr140 I I I I 00 LP634 LMP36346 0080 I 1000 10076 ) 24367 101A AVENUE & 24318 102 AVENUE 0 16 c CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF _j: MAPLE RIDGE MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12, September, 1874 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE: Aug 6, 2004 FILE: DP/037/03 BY: PC I / \. Ti. (0 0) U, CO U) C- (0 U) Feii3O 10113 I.- ("10109 (0 ('210105 Cc 10097 co 1®93 l0089 CI) P-10085 ("1 l0081 0)10077 10120 10116 0112 C', C'. a. 0 1 2'~ 1 FlFTUT214',F 1 "F 122 ~Cp 18ff]F I RCP7R.' L12 j84o11l2JJ L P 3629 - CP i18 i 144 4516h4748h9 150 151 152 1 2 3 4 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 if ----------------------------- --- LMP 34684 -1 41 [24 25 V. P45949 CL 0. 1/2 of 2 E 1/2 of 2 All211311 14 1 15 16 171 I Rem 1 P17126 F- )096 )092 04 10095 )088 l0091 )094 w 10087 I- It Cl) CO C) DOSO 0l0083 co )076 co • 10079 Distnctof Pitt Meadows N Langley SCALE 1:1,500 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LMF 3(343 DEVELO.PMNT PERMIT. damax consultants ltd. 3862 w. 14th avenue, vanuver v6r 2w9 tel. 224-6827 lax.222-9240 - - V. (ThI NI 1 1 \ _ P1 ?TMLL I LTAON CONTROL NOS CDL -p'ot L4 *'u 1 A'' 71fr • THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF ALL REGULATORY AUTHORITiES, FEDERAL AND PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS ANCLUDING THE DEPARTMENT Of THE ENViRONMENT. IN THE PROTECTiON OF FISH AND WILDLIFE DURING CONSTRUCTiON OF THE WORKS ROAD AREAS ARE TO BE CAPPED WITH GRAVEL IMMEDIATELY AFTER STRIPPING TO REDUCE LIKELIHOOD OF SILT RUNOFF THE SILTATION AND 810 POND ARE TO BE COVERED IN PLAS11C IMMEDIATELY AFTER EXCAVATION ADDITIONAL SILTATION FENCING & SILTATION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED DURING CONSTRUCTION, DEPENDING ON WEATHER CONDITIONS AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER S. Loft CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: September 21, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: E01-035-001.5 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: The Royal Canadian Legion - Remembrance Day Parade EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A request has been received from the Royal Canadian Legion - Maple Ridge Branch #88 to use municipal streets for the annual Remembrance Day Parade on Thursday, November 11, 2004. They wish to close the east-side of 224 Street from 121 Avenue to Selkirk Avenue, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. A copy of the request dated May 27, 2004 and traffic control approval, dated May 19, 2004 is attached. Authorization from Council is required per the "Maple Ridge Highway and Traffic By-law 3 136-1982" to allow the parade to occur in Maple Ridge. RECOMMENDATION: THAT Royal Canadian Legion - Maple Ridge Branch #88 be authorized to use municipal streets for their annual Remembrance Day Parade on Thursday, November 11, 2004 between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM, provided the conditions outlined in the Schedule 'A' attached to the staff report dated September 21, 2004 are met. DISCUSSION: Background Context: From time to time the Municipality is requested to allow the use of municipal streets for organized events. Unless there are some unusual safety implications, approval is usually given on condition that the Municipality be indemnified against any liability for injury or damage resulting from the event. The conditions of approval of the event are attached as "Schedule A". The Royal Canadian Legion is requesting permission to close 224 Street, from 121 Avenue to Selkirk Avenue from approximately 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Access for vehicles will be detoured during this time period. The parade participants will leave the Legion Hall, located on 12101 224 Street, at 10:30 AM. The parade will then proceed on southbound on the east-side of 224 Street to the Cenotaph at Memorial Peace Park. Ceremonies and procession will take place until 11:10 AM. Once the ceremonies are complete the procession will then return to the Legion Hall finishing at 11:30 PM. The organizers will also be directing traffic at the McIntosh Avenue exit of the parkade. Strategic Plan: Permitting of Maple Ridge street events allows the District to manage road infrastructure and associated risks but yet allows events that promote community development, commemorate and celebrate community accomplishments and highlight Maple Ridge's natural and built features. 107 Citizen/Customer Implications: Permission to use streets may cause some delays and inconveniences to other road users. However, traffic control will be provided by the Royal Canadian Legion. In addition, the organizers will be distributing an information letter to affected businesses and residents. Govermnental Implications: The Road Use Permit establishes that the parade organizer must obtain the approval of RCMP, for traffic control and must notify the Fire Department and BC Ambulance Services as well as coordinate with Coast Mountain Bus Company (transit service). Business Plan Implications: The Business Plan recognizes that the District processes requests for use of municipal streets as part of its services. The financial impact of the specific road use is limited to staff processing effort. Policy Implications: Permission to use municipal streets is grantable under the District's policy practices. Alternatives: The District could refuse to permit the event to occur at this location. In this event, the organizer may have to cancel the event. However, this event has a history in this community. CONCLUSIONS: From time to time, the District is requested to allow the use of streets for various events and activities. The Renembrance Day Parade has been held in Maple Ridge successfully for many years. The organizerave requested permission to hold the event on District streets for 2004. Submitted by: Andrew Wood, MEng., PEng. Municipal Engineer Frank Quinn, MBA, PEng., PMP GM: Public Works & Development Services J.L.(7n)øle Chief .iuiustrative Officer AW/mi LSchedule 'A' To Council Memorandum Dated September 21, 2004 Royal Canadian Legion - Maple Ridge Branch #88 Annual Remembrance Day Parade Condition of Approval Approval forthe event is givenon condition that the organizers: provide all necessary traffic controls, parking and emergency access acceptable to the R.C.M.P., and the District of Maple Ridge; notify local Fire Department, and Ambulance Services of the event; obtain any required permits from the District of Maple Ridge Parks and Leisure Services Department for park facility use; advertise the event in a local newspaper and notify all surrounding businesses of the event (a minimum of one week prior to the event date); notify surrounding businesses of pending road closures, by letter provided by the District pf Maple Ridge on behalf of the organizer; hold and save harmless the Corporation from and against all claims, and damages arising out of or in any way connected with the event; obtain and maintain during the term of this eventa comprehensive general liability insurance policy providing coverage of not less than $5,000,000.00, naming the Corporation as an additional named insured. A copy of such policy shall be delivered to the Corporation prior to the event; refurbish all municipal infrastructure to an equal or better condition than that which existed prior to the event, all within 24 hours of the completed event, to the satisfaction of the District of Maple Ridge. The Corporation of District of Maple Ridge reserves the right to withdraw this permission to use Municipal Streets should the organizers fail to comply with the above requirements. Chief Administrative Officer The Royal Canadian Legion MAPLE RIDGE BRANCH 88 Pacific Command 12101 - 224th Street, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6B7 Office - 463-5101 Fax - 466-3032 Lounge 463-9342 VP May 19,2004 .- O7 Michael Eng, Engineering Dept., District of Maple Ridge ... . . 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 Dear Mr. Eng: The Royal Canadian Legion Maple Ridge Branch #88 will be holding the annual Remembrance Day parade and service on Thursday, November 11, 2004 between the hours of 10 AM and Noon. As in the past, the parade will involve the use of the east side of 2241h Street between Brown Avenue and the bandstand. We will advise B.C. Transit, Maple Ridge Fire Dept. and the B.C. Ambulance service of the time and route of the parade. Also enclosed is the required insurance coverage of $5,000,000 comprehensive general liability naming the Corporation as an additional insured. In order to meet the approval of the engineering department of the District of Maple Ridge we include the approval of the traffic control plan by the RCMP. I trust the above meets your requirements. Thank you. Yours truly, Ileyn, Manager V ¶ € ffl5/19/2004 08:42 FAX 604 467 7633 RCMF RIDGE MEADOvYS tj 001 Fra "A" tüls ofeve: Dte.: Contact Perori: Terry Alleyn Phone: 463-5101 Fax: 466-3032 Details: Annual Remembrance Parade, Thursday, November 11. 2004 leaving the Legion at 121201 - 22•4th Street at 10:30 AM. Parade leaves 224th St. at Brown Avenue and travels down the east side of 224 Street to the Cenotaph at Memorial Peace Park. Ceremonies take place until 11:10 AM. Parade then leai es Cenotaph and retraces route to Legion, arriving at 11:30 AM. 220 Street from Dewdney Trunk Road to Cenotaph will be closed during the duration of the parade and ceremonies. Sketch of Tra Coalrol Plai 0 RCMP concurience for the proposed Traffic Control Plan_ The following have been advised and acknowledge the event: BC Transit, Mpe Ridge Fire Dept. BC Ambilanee Services •iccc 1W. Re4aowe FLC.MR AY 1.82004' JOHNSTON METER iNS Fax:6044679711 May 21 200 13:39 P 01 Johnston Meer Insurance Agnces Ltd Box 247 22367 Dewdney Trunk Road, Maple Ridge, BC, V2X 3J4 Tel: (604) 467-4184 / ToIl Free Tel: 1-888-256-4564 Toll Free Fax: 1-888-256-4565 / Fax: (604) 467-9711 / Email: infoijmins.com CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE This certificate is issued as a mater of information only, and confers no right upon the Certificate holder. This Cerlificale does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed below: This is certify that policies of insurance listed below have been issued to the Insured named below and are In forte at this time. Notwithstanding any requirement 1 term and condition of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate may be issued or may pertain, the insurance afforded by the policies described herein is subject to all the terms, exclusions and conditions of such policies. NAMED INSURED: ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION 488 MAILING ADDRESS: 12101 224TH SI., MAPLE RIDGE, B.C., V2X 6137 LOCATION INSURED: AS REQUIRED POLICY TERM: APRIL 11, 2004 TO APRIL 11,2005 POLICY NO: VC623430-039 INSURING COMPANY: ING INSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA (EXCESS LIABILITY WITH CHUTTER UNDERWRITING CEX10541 K) SUM INSURED AND COVERAGES: $ 3,000000 ON COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY INCLUDING $210001000 ON EXCESS LIAB1LITY INCLUDING: NON.OWNED AUTOMOBILE, PERSONAL INJURY LIABILITY MEDICAL PAYMENTS, BROAD FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE PERSONAL INJURY, BLANKET CONTRACTUAL, TENANTS LEGAL LIABILITY, PRODUCTS AND COMPLETED OPERATIONS, 30 DAYS NOTICE OF CANCELLATION. THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF M4PL RIDGE IS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED AS THEIR INTEREST MAY APPEAR, BUT ONLY WITH RESPECT I P4EIR VICARIOUS LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE NAMED INSUREDS OPEMTIONS OFREMEMBRANG A A eN-Q ABOUT NOVEMBER 11, 2004 DATED: May 19, 2004 REPRESENTATIVE ccz 211 aw *11 CORPORATION OF THE MAPLE RIDGE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: September 21, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: 5 340-20 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Inclusion Into Sewer Area "A" Property Located at 12958/60 232 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A petition has been submitted to the Clerk's Department requesting that the parcel legally and civically described as: Lot 2, Section 28, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 12563 (12958/60 232 Street) be included in Sewer Area "A". In response to this valid petition, a by-law is being introduced for three readings. RECOMMENDATION: That the report dated September 21, 2004 be received, noting that it is reported therein that the petition to include the property located at 12958/60 232 Street in Sewer Area "A" is sufficient and valid; and further, that Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 6268 - 2004 be read a first, second and third time. DISCUSSION: Background Context: As a requirement for a building permit, this parcel has to be included in Sewer Area "A". Citizen/Customer Implications: The prospective owner will be responsible for all costs and there will be no direct cost to the District. Interdepartmental Implications: Any property in the District seeking a sewer service connection to the District's sewer system must be approved as part of the Fraser Sewerage Area (FSA) by the GVRD. Since this parcel is already part of the Fraser Sewerage Area, the sewer connection may be processed. Y31 d) Financial Implications: Upon adoption of this By-law, the District can legally bill for the annual sewer rate. Approved)/ Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng., PMP / General Manager Public Works & Development C Acting Chiet Adihnistrative Officer /kk Att. 2 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6268 - 2004 A By-law to extend Sewer Area "A" within the District of Maple Ridge WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, pursuant to Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization By-law No. 2486 - 1977, established Sewer Area "A" within the boundaries of the Municipality; AND WHEREAS, the Council has received a petition from the property owner for the extension of Sewer Area "A" and deems it expedient to extend Sewer Area "A". NOW THEREFORE; the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan. Authorization Amending By-law No. 6268 -2004". That Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization By-law No. 2486 - 1977 as amended be further amended by adding to Section 1, the following words: "and also shall include all those portions of: • Lot 2, Section 28, Township 12, New Westminster District, Plan 12563 (1295 8/60 232 Street) as shown boldly marked on the map attached to the By-law and marked as Schedule "A". That the parcel noted in Paragraph 2 above, of this by-law shall bear the same charges as those properties in the original Sewer Area "A". READ a first time the day of , 2004. READ a second time the day of , 2004. READ a third time the day of , 2004. RECONSIDERED and adopted the day of ,2004. t. MAYOR CLERK Attachment: Schedule "A" .1mendi.ng By-lawNo.L6268 - 2004 •CP : • i• • • 2J/Oi ••: • A I 129AVE Wr /2899 . n I .Reml 72932 6 NZ N G 21 'SCiIEOULE "A" to MapI.Ridge Sewer Area.'."A" Sewerage Work aa I' I PROPOSED AREA TO BE INCLUDED INTO SEWER AREA A EXISTING SEWER AREA A • PROPOSED ADDITION TO SEWER AREA A CORPORATION OF THE 011 ll ~1~m DISTRICT OF. MAPLE RIDGE. two ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FILE: AREA A 0059.dwg DATE: SEPTEMBER 2004 SCALE: N.T.S. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE. RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: September 16, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C.O.W. SUBJECT: Review of the Kroll Lindquist Avey Report on the Core Project Background: Council at their meeting on June 8, 2004 passed the following resolution with respect to a review ofthe Kroll Report. "Acknowledging the District's ongoing commitment to the restoration of public .trust, Council commits $10,000 to an independent review and investigation of the Kroll Report findings. The review is to be undertaken once the public approval process is completed with the express purpose of submitting: the Kroll Report; the associated responses to the Kroll Report; and the independent review and investigation of the Kroll Report to the Inspector of Municipalities for any action deemed appropriate." A proposal to obtain the services of a consultant to undertake this work has been prepared and is attached for Councils review and approval. The scope of the proposed work is as follows: Review the Kroll report and its findings and the associated responsesto the Kroll Report. Have discussions with key individuals involved with the core project to determine if evidence exists to support further investigation. Provide a written report which will be forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for any action deemed appropriate by the Inspector. It is proposed that the final report would be submitted to Council for their review on January 4, 2005.. Recommendation: That the Request for Proposals to Review the Kroll Lindquist Avey Report on the Core Project attached to the report to Council from the CÁO dated September 16, 2004 be approved. J. L. (pm) Rule ChiecAdministrative Officer JLR:sr attach. ?3Z Districtof Maple Ridge Request for Proposals To Review the Kroll Lindquist Avey Report on the Core Project A. INTRODUCTION In 1999, The District of Maple Ridge entered into agreements with a private developer for the purpose of building certain public facilities and an office tower. The project is referred to as the Core project. In late 2002, the District contracted with Kroll Lindquist Avey for a report on the project. The report is more commonly known as the Kroll Report and was received by Council in January, 2003. It looked at the process followed, the roles and responsibilities of those involved, and the financial model for the project. The report provided recommendations on how to avoid such pitfalls in the future. A copy of the report is available from the District. B. GENERAL The District wishes to retain the services of a consultant to review the Kroll Report and have discussions with key individuals involved with the Core project. The objective of this review is to determine if evidence exists to warrant further investigation and to submit a report to the Inspector of Municipalities for any action deemed appropriate. Proponents are to clearly set out their proposed costs and timelines (see section E. Timing) associated with undertaking and completing this assignment. The District's budget for this work is $10,000. C. SCOPE OF WORK The consultant shall undertake the following: Review the Kroll report, its findings and the associated responses to the Kroll Report.. Have discussions with key individuals involved with the core project to determine if evidence exists to support further investigation. Provide a written report which will be forwarded to the Inspector of Municipalities for any action deemed appropriate by the Inspector. D. CONSULTANTS EXPERTISE The successful consultant shall have expertise and experience in investigations of this nature. September 15, 2004 TIMING The following is a timing sequence for this review. • Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - Council reviews and approves the Proposal call • October 1, 2004- Request for Proposals advertised • October 20, 2004 - Deadline for submission of proposals • Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - Council reviews and approves a consultant to complete the work • January 25, 2005 - Final Report presented to Council by the Consultant • January 26, 2005 - Report submitted to the Inspector of Municipalities REPORTING DURING THE REVIEW The consultant shall report directly to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) during the preparation of their report. PRESENTATION OF FINAL PRODUCT The consultant will be required to provide the District with 20 paper copies of the final report including an Executive Summary, a computer disc of the report in Word 2000 and one unbound copy of the final report suitable for photocopying purposes. EVALUATION TEAM The CAO, the Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee and the Manager of Procurement shall evaluate the proposals and make a recommendation to Council on the appropriate firm to be retained. September 15, 2004 / / I. EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR PROPOSAL The following items must be included in the proposal submissions and will be used as the basis for an evaluation of the successful proposal: • Qualifications (resume) of the primary project consultant and also the qualifications (resume) • of all other individuals who would be included on the project. A clear indication of the role of the primary consultant and both the percentage of time and the components of the project. they would be involved in. • References from other organizations that the firm or individual has provided similar services to in the past including specific contacts and phone numbers. • Methodology - a work plan including the proposed• method of accomplishing the task identified in the Scope of Work. • Assurance that the proponent is not in a position which may be perceived as a conflict of interest with respect to undertaking this project. • A detailed explanation and list of project costs that is all inclusive, including hourly rates and disbursements. The consultant shall also identif' a per diem cost to undertake any additional work that is required. Additional work must be specifically authorized by the CAO in writing before it can proceed. • Examples and samples or other reports of a similar nature that have been prepared by the consultant. • A schedule of time commitments and availability for the project. • Background in investigative skills on other similar types of projects. • The cost of completing the work is a factor but the lowest cost proposal may not necessarily be accepted. • Be prepared to enter into a Contract with the District for the completion of this work and the cOntract will provide the District with a Save Harmless Clause for the contents of the Consultants report. CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS No Contract will be formed as a result of this invitation for proposals. The District reserves the right to negotiate with any or all proponents solely at its discretion. September 15, 2004 K. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS The proposals are to be delivered to the 1st Floor reception desk at the Maple Ridge Municipal HaIl, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge BC. All proposals are to be submitted by. 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, October 20, 2004. Marked Review of Kroll Lindquist Avey Report: ATTENTION EARL ODDSTAD, PURCHASiNG Please submit four (4) copies The district does not accept proposals sent to facsimile machines or via e-mail. All pricing and costs are to be stated in Canadian currency The District is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. As a result, while section 21 of the Act does offer some protection for third party business interests, the District cannot guarantee that all information provided to the District can be held in confidence. Earl Oddstad, Manager of Procurement Telephone 604-476-2610 September 15, 2004 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship'Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: Sept.15, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: SUBJECT: Disbursements for the month ended August 31, 2004 EXECUTWE SUMMARY: Council has authorized all voucher payments to be approved by the Mayor or Acting Mayor, together with the Director of Finance. Council authorizes the vouchers for the following period through Council resolution. The disbursement summary for the past period is attached for your information. Expenditure details are available to any. Council member for review in the Finance Department. RECOMMENDATION: That the "disbursements as listed below for the month ended August 31, 2004 now be approved" GENERAL $ 10,930,016 PAYROLL $ 958,593 PURCHASE CARD $ 91,972 $ 11.980.581 DISCUSSION: Background Context: The adoption of the Five Year Consolidated Financial Plan has appropriated funds and provided authorization for expenditures to deliver municipal services. - The disbursements are for expenditures that are provided in the fmancial plan. Community Communications: The citizens of Maple Ridge are informed on a routine monthly basis of financial disbursements. c,33 c) Business Plan / Financial Implications: Remittance of taxes collected for other goveri ments & agencies: - District #3 Dyking District $ 60,540 - GVRD Sewerage & Drainage $ 3,995,928 - GVTA $ 2,475,345 - GVRD $ 718,402 - Province of B.0 - School (Installment #3) $ 15,322 - FV Regional Library 3rd quarter. assessment $ 448,095 Greater Vancouver Water District June water purchases of $254,016 d) Policy Implications: Approval of the disbursements by Council is in keeping with corporate governance practice. CONCLUSIONS: The disbursements for the month ended August 31, 2004 have been reviewed and are in order. - Prepared by: Bernice Carstensen Accounting Clerk H Approved b . Jacob Sorba, CGA Director of Finance Approved by: Paul Gill, BBA, CGA GM - Cornoràte & Financial Services Concurrence: J.L.J(Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer bmc CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE MONTHLY DISBURSEMENTS - PERIOD 82004 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT 667226 BC Ltd DCC forgiveness refund 65,879 BC Hydro Hydro charges - Aug 71,142 Bynett Construction Services Municipal hail interior improvements 16,284 CUPE Local 622 Dues - pay periods 04/16 & 04/17 16,568 Canadian Dewatering Ltd Godwin pump with hoses and trailer 60,267 Cherry Homes Ltd. Maintenance: Leisure Center 4,193 Bylaw callouts 1,291 Fairgrounds 484 Fire Hall #1 2,596 Fire Hall #2 59 Fire Hall#3 1,262 Hammond Pool 511 Haney Wharf 629 Lapidary House 132 Library 767 Municipal Hall 2,254 Parks 285 PM Fam.Rec.Center 571 RCMP 725 Rental properties 369 Telosky stadium 1,323 Water tanks: 263 & Rothsay 7,338 Renovation: SPCA 3,780 28,569 Chevron Canada Ltd Fuel - June, July & Aug 72,014 District Of Pitt Meadows Dyke maintenance, signs & benches 2,632 2004 Dyking District #3 levy 60,540 63,172 Double M Excavating Ltd Spencer Creek Det. Pond excavating 62,738 Albion Park & Eagle Park excavating 4,387 67,125 Durante Kreuk Ltd. Professional services - artificial turf project 19,391 Fort Fabrication & Welding Ltd 2004 Ford F450 dump truck fabrication 83,317 Fraser Valley Regional Library Third quarter member assessment 448,095 Glentel Inc Wireless telemetry - Operations 31,206 Wireless telemetry - Fire Dept 3,999 35,205 Gr Vanc Sewerage & Drainage 2004 tax requisition 3,995,928 Recycling Depot additional license fee 5,000 Transfer station charges May & June 1,858 4,002,786 Greater Vanc Transp Authority 2004 tax requisition 2,475,345 Greater Vanc Water District Water consumption - June 2 - June 29 254,016 Water sample analysis 125 254,141 Greater Vancouver Regional Dis 2004 tax requisition 718,402 Haney Horseman Association Trail construction & maintenance 20,877 Isherwood Construction Ltd Gravel 31,610 Medical Services Plan Employee medical & health premiums 18,660 Minister Of Provincial Revenue School tax remittance, 15,322 MRTC Civic Limited Partnership Leisure & Youth Center use - Aug 6,264 Capital 5% replacement fund - Aug 3,999 Art Center use - Aug 7,804 18,067 MRTC Tower Limited Partnership Library use - Aug 53,886 Office Tower use - Aug 35,543 Bike storage - Aug 83 Chemical storage - Aug 57 89,569 Multi Creek Investments Security refund 15,000. Municipal Pension Plan Pension remittance for employer & employees 128,355 Professional Mechanical Ltd Maintenance: Leisure Center 4,639 Fire Hall #3 1,093 Library, 1,393 Operations Center 5,205 PM Family Rec. Center 3,863 RCMP Detachment 5,837 .22,030 Ratel Mobil Fire Dept - Motorola receiver 24,045 Receiver General For Canada Employer/Employee remittances PP 04/16 189,729 Employer/Employee remittances PP 04/17 206,729 RCMP auction proceeds 530 396,988 Ridge Meadow Comm Arts Council Art Center grant - Sep . 34,269 Program rev. GST 2003-2004 3,175 Program rev - July 1,662 Lobby rental 231 39,337 Ridgemeadows Recycling Society Monthly contract for recycling 64,532 Weekly recycling 225 Litter pick-up contract 1,716 66,473 Rocky Mountain Fire & Safety Fire Dept - Boots & supplies 22,859 Seismic 2000 Construction Ltd Progress draw - 232 St. Bridge . 691,716 Sunlife Assurance Co Of Canada Arts Center use - Aug . $77,785 Leisure & Youth Center use - Aug. $62,437 140,222 Targa Contracting Ltd 248 St Pump Station project 31,886 United Rentals Roller & trailer rental 26,810 Parts & small equipment rentals 677 27,487 Disbursements In Excess $15,000 10,298,205 Disbursements Under $15,000 631,811 Total Payee Disbursements 10,930,016 Payroll PP 04/16 & 04/17 958,593 Purchase Cards - Payment 91,972 TOTAL PERIOD 8, 2004 DISBURSEMENTS 11,980,581 BMC \\Oak\corp. serv.\Finance\AccountingAP Remittances (Disbursements)2004\jMonthly Council Report 2004.xIsJAUG2004 //r ?J-0_0 / CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: Sept. 14, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO: T21-212-003 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: SUBJECT: Adjustments to 2004 Collector's Roll EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The B.C. Assessment Authority has revised the assessed values for the 2004 Collector's Roll through the issuance of Supplementary Roll 07/2004. The Collector is required to make all the necessary changes to the municipal tax roll records and report these adjustments to Council. RECOMMENDATION: The report dated Sept. 14, 2004 is submitted for information. DISCUSSION: Background Context: One folio is affected: A Manufactured Home, classified residential, has had the assessed value of improvements reversed as the mobile was demolished two years ago. (Municipal tax decrease of $ 75.31) Business PlanfFinancial Implications: There will be a decrease of $ 99.08 in taxes receivable of which the municipal share is $75.31 including Rec cli g a BlueBox reduction. N Prepared by: ilvia Rutledge Approved by: Jacob G. Sorba, C.G.A. )irector of Finance Approved by: Concurrence. /sr .A.; C.G.A. iger: Corporate & Financial Services rrm) Rule Administrative Officer 73'1 CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: Her Worship Mayor Kathy Morse DATE: September 14, 2004 and Members of Council FILE NO:. 0320-01 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: C of W SUBJECT: Tag Day Soliciting EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: . To grant permission for Tag bay soliciting at the entrances to local businesses, as requested in the letter dated August 30, 2004 from the Royal Canadian Air Cadets, 583 Coronation Squadron. It should be noted that approval by Municipal Council does not preclude the necessity for the applicant to receive permission from the administration offices at the respective business locations for the use of their premises. RECOMMENDATION: That the request, dated August 30, 2004, of the 583 Coronation Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets for permission to conduct Tag Day soliciting at business entrances throughout the District of Maple Ridge on Saturday, October 9, 2004 and Sunday, October 10, 2004 be approved. DISCUSSION: Background Context: Pursuant to Section 25 of the Highway and Traffic By-law and Section 532(1) of the Local Government Act, soliciting for donation (door-to-door canvassing, tag days, etc.) must be approved by the Municipal Council by way of a resolution. CitizenlCustomer Implications: Tag days are the means by which non-profit organizations such as the Air Cadets raise funds for special programs and extracurricular activities that would otherwise not be possible. CONCLUSIONS: In order to meet the requirements of Maple Ridge Highway and Traffic By-law No. 3 136-1982 and the Local Government Act, Council's approval is required for all requests for soliciting for donation. Prepared by: Rose Schultz . Clerk's Department Approved by: 41 kul-001, B.B.A, C.G.A, F.R.M General Manger: Corporate & Financial Services Concurrence. J.L. (Ji) Rule Chief/Administrative Officer Attachment ~3S_ RECEIVED IN CLERK'S l)EPT. SEP 14 2004 30 August. 2004 Ack.Sonl 0 Fitx 0 Moll [] Etnnil [] (())It) It) IVI & C [] I londiflu lilt) Li Cuplon to: £1 FutureAQep41a Item 583 CORONAIJ 12k 604-463-9388 imw—o) / 3iO CAC 7 RESCc7Ei SEP 1 4 2004 MAYOR C / ____CMT_ Other Action: Dear Madam Mayor and Council Air Cadet Tag Days The 583 Coronation Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron are planning a Tag Day drive in order to raise funds for cadet activities and for the operation of the squadron on the following dates and times: Saturday 9' October from 9:00AM to 5:00PM and, Sunday 10' October from 11:00AM to 5:00PM. We are seeking pennission to allow the Cadets to stand outside local business in order to canvas patrons for funds to help meet our operating costs. Please note that when the Air Cadets are on premises, they will be in Canadian militaiy cadet uniform and covered by Air Cadet League of Canada liability insurance. Cadets will be instructed to conduct themselves in a mature, polite and courteous manner. As established in prior Tag Day drives, an older, experienced cadet will be paired with a younger new cadet. All cadets will also be instructed not to obstruct the flow of traffic in and out of the facility. The Tag Day drives are a major means of fundraising for our organization and your permission to allow us to use local businesses is vital. The 583 Squadron appreciates your involvement in the community and looks forward to a positive response. Please call me with your confirmation at your earliest convenience. Yours truly, Tina Kirkpatrick 583 Squadron Chairperson tinakirk@ca.ibm.com 604-466-0569 (H) 604-297-3078 (B) CORPORATION OF TIlE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 6244 - 2004 A by-law to amend Maple Ridge Fireworks By-law No. 4566-1991 \VHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend certain provisions of Maple Ridge Fireworks By- law No. 4566-1991; NOW THIEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: This bylaw shall be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Fireworks Amending By-Law No. 6244 - 2004." Section 1, paragraph 3 is hereby amended by deleting the existing definition for a "FIRE CRACKER" and replacing it with: "FIRE CRACKER", means a small fireworks with entwined fuses used solely as noise makers, not for pyrotechnic effects or have little or no pyrotechnic effect and without limitation includes bottle rockets, screechers, screecharoos, humaroos, supersonic bang, butterfly thunder and air bombs and items similarly named or are in the same noise producing category. Section IV, paragraph 20, item (d) is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: (d) A fee of $ 150.00 will be charged for the issuing of a "Fireworks Vendors Permit" in the form attached hereto as Schedule "A". The fee for permits issued after January 1. 2005 is $500.00. Section IV, paragraph 25 is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: 25. No person shall offer for sale, advertise, display, sell, have in their possession, ignite or explode firecrackers, bottle rockets, screechers, screecharoos, humaroos, supersonic bang, butterfly thunder or air bombs. Schedule "A" is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the attached revised Schedule "A".. BYLAW NO. 6244 - 2004 PAGE 2 READ a FIRST TIME on the day of 9 2004. READ a SECOND TIME on the day of , 2004. READ a THIRD TIME on the day of 1 2004. RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED on the day of , 2004. MAYOR CLERK Att: Schedule "A" I 6244 - 2004 Maple Ridge Fireworks By-law No. 4566-1991 SCHEDULE "A" FIREWORKS VENDOR'S PERMIT Vendor Inspection Date Inspection Time Phone Number or The Vendor (print name), applies to offer for sale or sell fireworks in the premises or on the land known civically as Maple Ridge, B.C. CONDITIONS OF PERMIT: The Vendor hereby acknowledges and agrees to abide by all provisions of Maple Ridge Fire Prevention By-law No. 4111-1988 and Maple Ridge Fireworks By-law No. 4566-1991. The Vendor hereby agrees: he/she is nineteen years of age or older; to only offer for sale or sell fireworks on October 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30; to not offer for sale, barter, deal in or sell fireworks to any person under the age of nineteen; all fireworks offered for sale will be kept behind glass or wire enclosures in order to ensure that customers do not handle the fireworks; and to not offer for sale, barter, deal in or sell firecrackers, bottle rockets, screechers, screecharoos, humaroos, supersonic bang, butterfly thunder or air bombs. A minimum of two five-pound ABC extinguishers must be on site. I, the Vendor, have read the above stated conditions of this permit and agree to abide by them, as well as any other provisions of federal, provincial or municipal statues and by-laws which may apply. Signature of Vendor: Dated this day of , 200_ Officer of the Fire Department Date 3 copies - Applicant Licenses, Permits & By-Laws Fire Department Maple Ridge Council - September 28, 2004 400 - Minutes • That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting September 14, 2004 and the Special Council Meeting of September 13, 2004 be adopted as circulated. L. • That the minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of September 16, 2004 be received. 502 - Delegation Maple Ridge Library Caro O'Kennedy 1 Maple Ridge Public Library: We're getting better all the time! September 28, 2004 We're Getting Better • Growth • Community Partnerships & Programmes • What's Ahead? Growth to August 31, 2004 • Visits 220,973 +7.3% • Programme Audience 15,374 +6.1% • Items Borrowed 353,056 (stable) • Express Check-out Use 72.5% Express Check-out Community Partnerships & Programmes Books for Babies • New Storytimes Tuesday Morning Stories for Two's 3 Friday Morning Three's to Five's Corn mu nity Partnerships & Programmes • Maple Ridge Share the Stories Community Partnerships & Programmes 11 • Storytime in Punjabi Friday Evening Stories in Punjabi - Community Partnerships & Programmes • Student Library Council Community Partnerships & Programmes • Local Voices • Seniors 5 What's Ahead? • New friendlier catalogue • More programmes designed for the interests of our own community • Updated technology • Enhanced customer service Practice Random Acts of Reading at the Maple Ridge Public Library IN 601 - 21544 Donovan Ave. • That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DVP/018/03 respecting property located at 21544 Donovan Avenue. 602 - 23608, 23618 & 23628 Dewdney • That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DVP/120/03 respecting property located at 23608, 23618 and 23628 Dewdney Trunk Road. 7 603 - 21224 River Road • That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DVP/040/04 respecting property located at 21224 River Road. 604 - 22641 Dewdney Trunk Rd. • That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DVP/095/04 respecting property located at 22641 Dewdney Trunk Road. SUBJECT PRERTY 801 - 28510 108 Avenue • That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6171-2003 be read a second and third time. 802.1 - 12062 Laity Street • That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6258-2004 be read a second and third time. 802.2 - 12062 Laity Street • That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6259-2004 be read a second and third time. 10 803.1 - 12191 228 Street • That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6256-2004 be read a second and third time. 803.2 - 12191 228 Street • That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6257-2004 be read a second and third time. lil 11 804 - 25051 Dewdney Trunk Road • That Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By- law No. 6264-2004 be reconsidered and adopted. 805 - Financial Plan • That Maple Ridge Financial Plan Amending Bylaw No. 6267-2004 be reconsidered and adopted. 901 - Minutes • That the Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of September 13, 2004 be received. 12 902 - 12212 228 Street • That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 6243-2004 be read a first time and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and further • That a Restrictive Covenant for building design guidelines be registered on title. 13 903 - 12161 237 Street • That application RZ/073/04 for property located at 12161 237 Street, to amend the Official Community Plan and rezone the subject property, be tabled until completion of the Official Community Plan review. 904 - 11961 203 Street • That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of VP/088/04 respecting property located at 11961 203 Street will be considered by Council at the October 12, 2004 meeting; and further • That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/088/04 to permit subdivision of the property located at 11961 203 Street into two commercial lots subject to Council approval of VP/088/04. IV 14 905-24181 113 Ave. 11330 & 11378 240 St. • That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of VP/076/03 respecting property located at 24181 113 Avenue, 11330 and 11378 240 Street will be considered by Council at the October 12, 2004 meeting. I 15 906-24367 101A Ave. & 24318 102 Ave. • That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/037/03 respecting property located at 24367 101A Avenue and 24318 102 Avenue. 907 - Remembrance Day Parade • That Royal Canadian Legion - Maple Ridge Branch #88 be authorized to use municipal streets for their annual Remembrance Day Parade on Thursday, November 11, 2004 between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. provided the conditions outlined in Schedule "A" attached to the staff report dated September 21, 2004 are met. 931 - 12958/60 232 Street • That the report dated September 21, 2004 be received, noting that it is reported therein that the petition to include the property located at 12958/60 232 Street in Sewer Area "A" is sufficient and valid; and further • That Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 6268- 2004 be read a first, second and third time. 16 932 - RFP Core Report • That the Request for Proposals to Review the Kroll Lindquist Avey Report on the Core Project attached to the report dated September 16, 2004 be approved. 931 - Disbursements August 2004 • That the disbursements as listed below for the month ended August 31, 2004 be approved: General $10,930,016 Payroll 958,593 Purchase Card 91,972 $I 1,980,581 934 - 2004 Collector's Roll • That the staff report entitled "Adjustments to 2004 Collector's Roll" dated September 14, 2004 be received for information. 17 935 - Air Cadets Tag Day • That the request dated August 30, 2004 of the 583 Coronation Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets for permission to conduct Tag Day soliciting at business entrances throughout the District of Maple Ridge on Saturday, October 9, 2004 and Sunday, October 10, 2004 be approved. 1101 - Fire Works Bylaw • That Maple Ridge Fireworks Amending By-Law No. 6244-2004 be read a first, second and third time. 1400 - Question Period • Questions concerning agenda items only • No discussion of Public Hearing by-laws • No derogatory remarks • 2 minute time limit • Questions must be directed through the Chair and not to individual members of Council • Question Period is 15 minutes • Contact office of the Municipal Clerk for other opportunities to address Council ii: Maple Ridge Council September 28, 2004 For more information visit our web site at www.mapleridge.org 19