HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-03-11 Adopted Regular Council Meeting Minutes.pdf District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETINGCOUNCIL MEETINGCOUNCIL MEETINGCOUNCIL MEETING March 11, 2014 The Minutes of the Municipal Council Meeting held on March 11, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular Municipal business. PRESENT Elected Officials Appointed Staff Mayor E. Daykin J. Rule, Chief Administrative Officer Councillor C. Ashlie K. Swift, General Manager of Community Development, Councillor C. Bell Parks and Recreation Services Councillor J. Dueck P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services Councillor A. Hogarth F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Councillor B. Masse Services Councillor M. Morden C. Carter, Director of Planning C. Marlo, Manager of Legislative Services A. Gaunt, Confidential Secretary Note: These Minutes are also posted on the Municipal Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca The meeting was filmed by Shaw Communications Inc. 100 CALL TO ORDERCALL TO ORDERCALL TO ORDERCALL TO ORDER 200 MOMENT OF REFLECTIONMOMENT OF REFLECTIONMOMENT OF REFLECTIONMOMENT OF REFLECTION 300 INTRODUCTION OF ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMSINTRODUCTION OF ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMSINTRODUCTION OF ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMSINTRODUCTION OF ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS 400 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDAAPPROVAL OF THE AGENDAAPPROVAL OF THE AGENDAAPPROVAL OF THE AGENDA The agenda was approved as circulated. Council Minutes March 11, 2014 Page 2 of 13 500 ADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTESADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTESADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTESADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTES 501 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of February 25, 2014 R/2014-102 501 Minutes Regular Council It was moved and seconded February 25, 2014 That the mThat the mThat the mThat the minutes of the Regular inutes of the Regular inutes of the Regular inutes of the Regular Council Meeting ofCouncil Meeting ofCouncil Meeting ofCouncil Meeting of February February February February 25, 201425, 201425, 201425, 2014 be adopted as circulatedbe adopted as circulatedbe adopted as circulatedbe adopted as circulated CARRIED 502 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of February 25 and March 5, 2014 R/2014-103 502 Minutes Development Agmt It was moved and seconded Committee ThatThatThatThat the minutes of the Development Agthe minutes of the Development Agthe minutes of the Development Agthe minutes of the Development Agreements Committee reements Committee reements Committee reements Committee Meetings of February 25 and March 5, 2014Meetings of February 25 and March 5, 2014Meetings of February 25 and March 5, 2014Meetings of February 25 and March 5, 2014 be received.be received.be received.be received. CARRIED 600 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILPRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILPRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCILPRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 601 District of Maple RidDistrict of Maple RidDistrict of Maple RidDistrict of Maple Ridgggge Wee Wee Wee Website Presentationbsite Presentationbsite Presentationbsite Presentation • Fred Armstrong, Manager of Corporate Communications • Danielle Pope, Manager of Business Operations The Manager of Corporate Communications introduced the District’s new website, highlighting the Google search engine and the “Notify Me” section. The Manager of Business Operations introduced the Parks and Leisure Services website and explained the interconnectivity with the District’s website. 700 DELEGATIONSDELEGATIONSDELEGATIONSDELEGATIONS 701 Maple Ridge Concert Band DelegationMaple Ridge Concert Band DelegationMaple Ridge Concert Band DelegationMaple Ridge Concert Band Delegation • Gale Yip, President, Colin Murray, Treasurer and Tom Walker, Director Mrs. Yip provided an overview of the concert bandstand, the Bandstand Birthday Bash and bandstand beautification project. Council Minutes March 11, 2014 Page 3 of 13 702 Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission UpdateMaple Ridge Community Heritage Commission UpdateMaple Ridge Community Heritage Commission UpdateMaple Ridge Community Heritage Commission Update • Brenda Smith, Chair Ms. Smith gave a PowerPoint presentation providing an update on the Community Heritage Commission’s 2013 accomplishments and the plans for the upcoming years. Note: Item 1151 was dealt with prior to Item 801 800 UNFINISHED BUSINESSUNFINISHED BUSINESSUNFINISHED BUSINESSUNFINISHED BUSINESS Note: Items 801 and 802 have been forwarded from the March 3, 2014 Council Workshop Meeting 801 Enforcement of the Motor Vehicle Act Pertaining to Bicycle UseEnforcement of the Motor Vehicle Act Pertaining to Bicycle UseEnforcement of the Motor Vehicle Act Pertaining to Bicycle UseEnforcement of the Motor Vehicle Act Pertaining to Bicycle Use Staff report dated March 3, 2013 recommending endorsement of recommendations presented by the Maple Ridge Social Planning Advisory Committee and the RCMP regarding cyclists in the downtown core. R/2014-104 SPAC It was moved and seconded Recommendations Bicycle Use Endorse That the recommendations presented by Maple Ridge Social That the recommendations presented by Maple Ridge Social That the recommendations presented by Maple Ridge Social That the recommendations presented by Maple Ridge Social Planning Advisory Committee and the RCMP regarding cyclists Planning Advisory Committee and the RCMP regarding cyclists Planning Advisory Committee and the RCMP regarding cyclists Planning Advisory Committee and the RCMP regarding cyclists in the downtown core be endorsedin the downtown core be endorsedin the downtown core be endorsedin the downtown core be endorsed as outlined in the staff as outlined in the staff as outlined in the staff as outlined in the staff report dated March 3, 2014.report dated March 3, 2014.report dated March 3, 2014.report dated March 3, 2014. CARRIED 802 Hammond Area Plan Scoping ReportHammond Area Plan Scoping ReportHammond Area Plan Scoping ReportHammond Area Plan Scoping Report Staff report dated March 3, 2014 recommending the endorsement of the ‘Consultation and Communication’ section of the report titled “Hammond Area Plan Scoping Project”. R/2014-105 Hammond Area Plan It was moved and seconded Scoping Report Endorse 1) 1) 1) 1) Whereas Council has considered the requirements of Whereas Council has considered the requirements of Whereas Council has considered the requirements of Whereas Council has considered the requirements of Section 879 of the Section 879 of the Section 879 of the Section 879 of the Local Government Act Local Government Act Local Government Act Local Government Act that it provide, that it provide, that it provide, that it provide, in respect of an amendment to an Official Community in respect of an amendment to an Official Community in respect of an amendment to an Official Community in respect of an amendment to an Official Community Plan, one or more opportunities it considers appropriate Plan, one or more opportunities it considers appropriate Plan, one or more opportunities it considers appropriate Plan, one or more opportunities it considers appropriate Council Minutes March 11, 2014 Page 4 of 13 for consultation with persons, organizations and for consultation with persons, organizations and for consultation with persons, organizations and for consultation with persons, organizations and authorities it considers will be affected and has authorities it considers will be affected and has authorities it considers will be affected and has authorities it considers will be affected and has specifically considered the matspecifically considered the matspecifically considered the matspecifically considered the matters referred to in Section ters referred to in Section ters referred to in Section ters referred to in Section 879(2) of the 879(2) of the 879(2) of the 879(2) of the ActActActAct;;;; 2) 2) 2) 2) And whereas Council considers that the opportunities to And whereas Council considers that the opportunities to And whereas Council considers that the opportunities to And whereas Council considers that the opportunities to consult, proposed to be provided by the District in consult, proposed to be provided by the District in consult, proposed to be provided by the District in consult, proposed to be provided by the District in respect of an amendment to an Official Community Plan, respect of an amendment to an Official Community Plan, respect of an amendment to an Official Community Plan, respect of an amendment to an Official Community Plan, constitute appropriate consultation for tconstitute appropriate consultation for tconstitute appropriate consultation for tconstitute appropriate consultation for the purposes of he purposes of he purposes of he purposes of Section 879 of the Section 879 of the Section 879 of the Section 879 of the ActActActAct;;;; 3) 3) 3) 3) And whereas, in respect of Section 879 of the And whereas, in respect of Section 879 of the And whereas, in respect of Section 879 of the And whereas, in respect of Section 879 of the Local Local Local Local Government ActGovernment ActGovernment ActGovernment Act, requirement for consultation during the , requirement for consultation during the , requirement for consultation during the , requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community development or amendment of an Official Community development or amendment of an Official Community development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is rerererequired with specifically:quired with specifically:quired with specifically:quired with specifically: a. a. a. a. The board of the Regional District in which the area The board of the Regional District in which the area The board of the Regional District in which the area The board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a covered by the plan is located, in the case of a covered by the plan is located, in the case of a covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan;Municipal Official Community Plan;Municipal Official Community Plan;Municipal Official Community Plan; b. b. b. b. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan;to the area covered by the plan;to the area covered by the plan;to the area covered by the plan; c. c. c. c. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan;the area covered by the plan;the area covered by the plan;the area covered by the plan; d. d. d. d. First Nations;First Nations;First Nations;First Nations; e. e. e. e. School District Boards, greater boards and School District Boards, greater boards and School District Boards, greater boards and School District Boards, greater boards and improvement district boards, andimprovement district boards, andimprovement district boards, andimprovement district boards, and f. f. f. f. The Provincial and federal governments and their The Provincial and federal governments and their The Provincial and federal governments and their The Provincial and federal governments and their agencies;agencies;agencies;agencies; 4) 4) 4) 4) AnAnAnAnd that the only additional consultation to be required d that the only additional consultation to be required d that the only additional consultation to be required d that the only additional consultation to be required in respect of this matter beyond the consultation in respect of this matter beyond the consultation in respect of this matter beyond the consultation in respect of this matter beyond the consultation program outlined in this report titled, “Hammond Area program outlined in this report titled, “Hammond Area program outlined in this report titled, “Hammond Area program outlined in this report titled, “Hammond Area Plan Scoping Report”, dated March 3, 2014, and the Plan Scoping Report”, dated March 3, 2014, and the Plan Scoping Report”, dated March 3, 2014, and the Plan Scoping Report”, dated March 3, 2014, and the early posting of the proposed Maple Ridge Offiearly posting of the proposed Maple Ridge Offiearly posting of the proposed Maple Ridge Offiearly posting of the proposed Maple Ridge Official cial cial cial Community Plan Amending Bylaw on the District’s Community Plan Amending Bylaw on the District’s Community Plan Amending Bylaw on the District’s Community Plan Amending Bylaw on the District’s website, together with an invitation to the public to website, together with an invitation to the public to website, together with an invitation to the public to website, together with an invitation to the public to comment, is referral to the Katzie First Nation, City of comment, is referral to the Katzie First Nation, City of comment, is referral to the Katzie First Nation, City of comment, is referral to the Katzie First Nation, City of Pitt Meadows, and School District 42;Pitt Meadows, and School District 42;Pitt Meadows, and School District 42;Pitt Meadows, and School District 42; 5) 5) 5) 5) And that the “Consultation & Communication” sectiAnd that the “Consultation & Communication” sectiAnd that the “Consultation & Communication” sectiAnd that the “Consultation & Communication” section of on of on of on of the report titled “Hammond Area Plan Scoping Report”, the report titled “Hammond Area Plan Scoping Report”, the report titled “Hammond Area Plan Scoping Report”, the report titled “Hammond Area Plan Scoping Report”, dated March 3, 2014 be endorsed.dated March 3, 2014 be endorsed.dated March 3, 2014 be endorsed.dated March 3, 2014 be endorsed. CARRIED Council Minutes March 11, 2014 Page 5 of 13 900 CORRESPONDENCECORRESPONDENCECORRESPONDENCECORRESPONDENCE – Nil 1000 BYLAWSBYLAWSBYLAWSBYLAWS – Nil COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONSCOMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONSCOMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONSCOMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1100 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLECOMMITTEE OF THE WHOLECOMMITTEE OF THE WHOLECOMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MinutesMinutesMinutesMinutes – March 3, 2014 R/2014-106 Minutes COW It was moved and seconded March 3, 2014 That the minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting ofThat the minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting ofThat the minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting ofThat the minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of March 3March 3March 3March 3, 201, 201, 201, 2014444 be received.be received.be received.be received. CARRIED Public Works and Development ServicesPublic Works and Development ServicesPublic Works and Development ServicesPublic Works and Development Services 1101 2014201420142014----001001001001----RZ, 23753 and 23771 130 Avenue, RSRZ, 23753 and 23771 130 Avenue, RSRZ, 23753 and 23771 130 Avenue, RSRZ, 23753 and 23771 130 Avenue, RS----2 to 2 to 2 to 2 to RRRR----2222 Staff report dated March 3, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7062-2014 to rezone from RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to R-2 (Urban Residential District) to permit 18 single family lots zoned R-2 and a neighbourhood park lot be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules A, F and G of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879- 1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. R/2014-107 2014-001-RZ It was moved and seconded BL No. 7062-2014 First reading In respect of Section 879 of the Local Government Act, In respect of Section 879 of the Local Government Act, In respect of Section 879 of the Local Government Act, In respect of Section 879 of the Local Government Act, requirement for consultation during the development or requirement for consultation during the development or requirement for consultation during the development or requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider whether consider whether consider whether consider whether consultation is required with specifically:consultation is required with specifically:consultation is required with specifically:consultation is required with specifically: i. i. i. i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area The Board of the Regional District in which the area The Board of the Regional District in which the area The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan;Official Community Plan;Official Community Plan;Official Community Plan; Council Minutes March 11, 2014 Page 6 of 13 ii. ii. ii. ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area carea carea carea covered by the plan;overed by the plan;overed by the plan;overed by the plan; iii. iii. iii. iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan;area covered by the plan;area covered by the plan;area covered by the plan; iv. iv. iv. iv. First Nations;First Nations;First Nations;First Nations; v. v. v. v. School District Boards, greater boards and School District Boards, greater boards and School District Boards, greater boards and School District Boards, greater boards and improvements district boards; andimprovements district boards; andimprovements district boards; andimprovements district boards; and vi. vi. vi. vi. The Provincial and Federal Governments andThe Provincial and Federal Governments andThe Provincial and Federal Governments andThe Provincial and Federal Governments and their their their their agencies.agencies.agencies.agencies. and in that regard it is recommended that no additional and in that regard it is recommended that no additional and in that regard it is recommended that no additional and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the District's website, together with an amendments on the District's website, together with an amendments on the District's website, together with an amendments on the District's website, together with an invitation invitation invitation invitation to the public to comment, and;to the public to comment, and;to the public to comment, and;to the public to comment, and; That Bylaw No. 7062That Bylaw No. 7062That Bylaw No. 7062That Bylaw No. 7062----2014 be given first reading; and2014 be given first reading; and2014 be given first reading; and2014 be given first reading; and That the applicant provide further information as described on That the applicant provide further information as described on That the applicant provide further information as described on That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules A, F and G of the Development Procedures Bylaw Schedules A, F and G of the Development Procedures Bylaw Schedules A, F and G of the Development Procedures Bylaw Schedules A, F and G of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879 No. 5879 No. 5879 No. 5879 –––– 1999, along with the information requir1999, along with the information requir1999, along with the information requir1999, along with the information required for a ed for a ed for a ed for a Subdivision application.Subdivision application.Subdivision application.Subdivision application. CARRIED 1102 2013201320132013----052052052052----RZ, 23227 Dogwood Avenue, Zoning Bylaw Text AmendmentRZ, 23227 Dogwood Avenue, Zoning Bylaw Text AmendmentRZ, 23227 Dogwood Avenue, Zoning Bylaw Text AmendmentRZ, 23227 Dogwood Avenue, Zoning Bylaw Text Amendment Staff report dated March 3, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7003-2013 to allow a site-specific text amendment to the C-1 (Neighbourhood Commercial) zone to permit apartment use and parking as a permitted principal use, increased density for residential rental units and retail commercial use for a mixed-use commercial and residential development be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. R/2014-108 2013-052-RZ It was moved and seconded BL No. 7003-2013 First and Second Reading to PH That Bylaw No. 7003 That Bylaw No. 7003 That Bylaw No. 7003 That Bylaw No. 7003 –––– 2013 be given first and second 2013 be given first and second 2013 be given first and second 2013 be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing;reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing;reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing;reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing; That the following terms and conditions be met prior to That the following terms and conditions be met prior to That the following terms and conditions be met prior to That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading:final reading:final reading:final reading: Council Minutes March 11, 2014 Page 7 of 13 i.i.i.i. That Land Use Contracts R4089 That Land Use Contracts R4089 That Land Use Contracts R4089 That Land Use Contracts R4089 and Y146324 be and Y146324 be and Y146324 be and Y146324 be discharged from Title ;discharged from Title ;discharged from Title ;discharged from Title ; ii.ii.ii.ii. That Access and Parking Easements BB1312550 to That Access and Parking Easements BB1312550 to That Access and Parking Easements BB1312550 to That Access and Parking Easements BB1312550 to BB1312553 registered on Title for 13 parking BB1312553 registered on Title for 13 parking BB1312553 registered on Title for 13 parking BB1312553 registered on Title for 13 parking spaces for 12968 232 Street (the Black Sheep Pub) spaces for 12968 232 Street (the Black Sheep Pub) spaces for 12968 232 Street (the Black Sheep Pub) spaces for 12968 232 Street (the Black Sheep Pub) be discharged and replaced by a new Access and be discharged and replaced by a new Access and be discharged and replaced by a new Access and be discharged and replaced by a new Access and Parking Easement that wParking Easement that wParking Easement that wParking Easement that would provide for 18 parking ould provide for 18 parking ould provide for 18 parking ould provide for 18 parking spaces for 12968 232 Street (the Black Sheep Pub);spaces for 12968 232 Street (the Black Sheep Pub);spaces for 12968 232 Street (the Black Sheep Pub);spaces for 12968 232 Street (the Black Sheep Pub); iii.iii.iii.iii. Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Covenant at the Land Title Office which addresses Covenant at the Land Title Office which addresses Covenant at the Land Title Office which addresses Covenant at the Land Title Office which addresses the suitability of the subject property for the the suitability of the subject property for the the suitability of the subject property for the the suitability of the subject property for the proposed developmeproposed developmeproposed developmeproposed developmentntntnt iv.iv.iv.iv. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant at the Land Registration of a Restrictive Covenant at the Land Registration of a Restrictive Covenant at the Land Registration of a Restrictive Covenant at the Land Title Office protecting the Visitor Parking;Title Office protecting the Visitor Parking;Title Office protecting the Visitor Parking;Title Office protecting the Visitor Parking; v.v.v.v. That previous Development Permit DP/080/08, That previous Development Permit DP/080/08, That previous Development Permit DP/080/08, That previous Development Permit DP/080/08, registered on Title as BB4033853 be discharged registered on Title as BB4033853 be discharged registered on Title as BB4033853 be discharged registered on Title as BB4033853 be discharged from Title and be replaced by Development Permit from Title and be replaced by Development Permit from Title and be replaced by Development Permit from Title and be replaced by Development Permit 2012201220122012----062062062062----DP; andDP; andDP; andDP; and vi.vi.vi.vi. That a Housing Agreement Bylaw be adopted, under That a Housing Agreement Bylaw be adopted, under That a Housing Agreement Bylaw be adopted, under That a Housing Agreement Bylaw be adopted, under the provisions of Section 905 of the Local the provisions of Section 905 of the Local the provisions of Section 905 of the Local the provisions of Section 905 of the Local Government Act, along with its accompanying Government Act, along with its accompanying Government Act, along with its accompanying Government Act, along with its accompanying covenant and agreement.covenant and agreement.covenant and agreement.covenant and agreement. CARRIED 1103 2013201320132013----091091091091----RZ, 20395 123 Avenue, RSRZ, 20395 123 Avenue, RSRZ, 20395 123 Avenue, RSRZ, 20395 123 Avenue, RS----1 to RS1 to RS1 to RS1 to RS----1b1b1b1b Staff report dated March 3, 2014 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7035-2013 to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RS-1b (One Family Urban [Medium Density] Residential) to permit future subdivision into two single family lots be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. R/2014-109 2013-091-RZ It was moved and seconded BL No. 7035-2013 First and Second Reading to PH 1. 1. 1. 1. That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7035 That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7035 That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7035 That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7035 –––– 2013 2013 2013 2013 be given second reading, and be forwarded tobe given second reading, and be forwarded tobe given second reading, and be forwarded tobe given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Public Public Public Hearing; andHearing; andHearing; andHearing; and Council Minutes March 11, 2014 Page 8 of 13 2. 2. 2. 2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to That the following terms and conditions be met prior to That the following terms and conditions be met prior to That the following terms and conditions be met prior to Final Reading:Final Reading:Final Reading:Final Reading: i. i. i. i. Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Registration of a geotechnical report as a Restrictive Covenant at the Land Title Office which addresses Covenant at the Land Title Office which addresses Covenant at the Land Title Office which addresses Covenant at the Land Title Office which addresses the suitability of the subject property for the the suitability of the subject property for the the suitability of the subject property for the the suitability of the subject property for the pppproposed development;roposed development;roposed development;roposed development; ii. ii. ii. ii. Approval from the Coast Mountain Bus Company to Approval from the Coast Mountain Bus Company to Approval from the Coast Mountain Bus Company to Approval from the Coast Mountain Bus Company to relocate the existing bus stop that is located in the relocate the existing bus stop that is located in the relocate the existing bus stop that is located in the relocate the existing bus stop that is located in the middle of the subject property, to a location that is middle of the subject property, to a location that is middle of the subject property, to a location that is middle of the subject property, to a location that is also acceptable to the District of Maple Ridge;also acceptable to the District of Maple Ridge;also acceptable to the District of Maple Ridge;also acceptable to the District of Maple Ridge; iii. iii. iii. iii. Removal of the exiRemoval of the exiRemoval of the exiRemoval of the existing buildings;sting buildings;sting buildings;sting buildings; iv.iv.iv.iv. A disclosure statement must be submitted by a A disclosure statement must be submitted by a A disclosure statement must be submitted by a A disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any Professional Engineer advising whether there is any Professional Engineer advising whether there is any Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks; andevidence of underground fuel storage tanks; andevidence of underground fuel storage tanks; andevidence of underground fuel storage tanks; and v. v. v. v. Pursuant to the Contaminated Site Regulations of Pursuant to the Contaminated Site Regulations of Pursuant to the Contaminated Site Regulations of Pursuant to the Contaminated Site Regulations of the Environmental Management Act, the Environmental Management Act, the Environmental Management Act, the Environmental Management Act, the property the property the property the property owner has provided a Site Profile for the subject owner has provided a Site Profile for the subject owner has provided a Site Profile for the subject owner has provided a Site Profile for the subject land.land.land.land. CARRIED 1104 Municipal Equipment Purchase and Install Municipal Equipment Purchase and Install Municipal Equipment Purchase and Install Municipal Equipment Purchase and Install –––– One Recycling Baler and One Recycling Baler and One Recycling Baler and One Recycling Baler and ConveyorConveyorConveyorConveyor Staff report dated March 3, 2014 recommending that the contract for the design, supply and install of a Two Ram Horizontal Baler System including a conveyor be awarded to Machinex and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. Kim Day, Executive Director, Ridge Meadows Recycling Society provided additional information on the existing baler and the process followed to acquire a replacement unit. She advised on the impact of the lack of a baler on the Ridge Meadows Recycling Society’s business. R/2014-110 Award of Contract It was moved and seconded Machinex Reycling Execute Contract That the contract for the design, supply and install of a Two That the contract for the design, supply and install of a Two That the contract for the design, supply and install of a Two That the contract for the design, supply and install of a Two Ram Horizontal Baler System including a conveyor be Ram Horizontal Baler System including a conveyor be Ram Horizontal Baler System including a conveyor be Ram Horizontal Baler System including a conveyor be awarded to Machinex Recycling Services Inc. for an estimated awarded to Machinex Recycling Services Inc. for an estimated awarded to Machinex Recycling Services Inc. for an estimated awarded to Machinex Recycling Services Inc. for an estimated contract value not to exceed $763,955.00, which consists of contract value not to exceed $763,955.00, which consists of contract value not to exceed $763,955.00, which consists of contract value not to exceed $763,955.00, which consists of Council Minutes March 11, 2014 Page 9 of 13 ththththe contract amount of $693,955.00, including applicable e contract amount of $693,955.00, including applicable e contract amount of $693,955.00, including applicable e contract amount of $693,955.00, including applicable taxes, and a 10% contingency of $70,000.00; and furthertaxes, and a 10% contingency of $70,000.00; and furthertaxes, and a 10% contingency of $70,000.00; and furthertaxes, and a 10% contingency of $70,000.00; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract.contract.contract.contract. CARRIED Councillor Bell, Councillor Masse - OPPOSED Note: Item 1105 was withdrawn at the request of staff 1105 Staff report dated March 3, 2014 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Excess Capacity Latecomer Agreement LC 156/14. Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Financial and Corporate Services (including Fire and Police)Police)Police)Police) 1131 Network Equipment Network Equipment Network Equipment Network Equipment ReplacementReplacementReplacementReplacement Staff report dated March 3, 2014 recommending that the contract for the replacement of network core routers and edge switches be awarded to Spyders Inc. and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. R/2014-111 Award of Contract It was moved and seconded Spyders Inc. Execute Contract That the contract for replacement of the network core routers That the contract for replacement of the network core routers That the contract for replacement of the network core routers That the contract for replacement of the network core routers and edge switches be awarded to Spyders Inc. in the amount and edge switches be awarded to Spyders Inc. in the amount and edge switches be awarded to Spyders Inc. in the amount and edge switches be awarded to Spyders Inc. in the amount of $248,014.54, plus taxes aof $248,014.54, plus taxes aof $248,014.54, plus taxes aof $248,014.54, plus taxes and further that a 10% nd further that a 10% nd further that a 10% nd further that a 10% contingency be allowed for unanticipated additional works; contingency be allowed for unanticipated additional works; contingency be allowed for unanticipated additional works; contingency be allowed for unanticipated additional works; and further and further and further and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract.contract.contract.contract. CARRIED Council Minutes March 11, 2014 Page 10 of 13 1132 Server ReplacementServer ReplacementServer ReplacementServer Replacement Staff report dated March 3, 2014 recommending that the contract for replacement of District servers and required server infrastructure be awarded to Dell and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. R/2014-112 Award of Contract It was moved and seconded Dell Execute Contract That the contract for replacement of the District servers and That the contract for replacement of the District servers and That the contract for replacement of the District servers and That the contract for replacement of the District servers and required server infrastructure be awarded to Dell in the required server infrastructure be awarded to Dell in the required server infrastructure be awarded to Dell in the required server infrastructure be awarded to Dell in the amount of $208,868.26, plus taxes and further that a 10% amount of $208,868.26, plus taxes and further that a 10% amount of $208,868.26, plus taxes and further that a 10% amount of $208,868.26, plus taxes and further that a 10% contingency be allowed for unanticipated additional works; contingency be allowed for unanticipated additional works; contingency be allowed for unanticipated additional works; contingency be allowed for unanticipated additional works; and furtherand furtherand furtherand further That theThat theThat theThat the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract.contract.contract.contract. CARRIED Community Development and Recreation ServiceCommunity Development and Recreation ServiceCommunity Development and Recreation ServiceCommunity Development and Recreation Service Note: Item 1151 was dealt with prior to Item 801 1151 Maple Ridge Concert Band Association RequestMaple Ridge Concert Band Association RequestMaple Ridge Concert Band Association RequestMaple Ridge Concert Band Association Request Staff report dated March 3, 2014 recommending that the request by the Maple Ridge Concert Band Association to complete various works on the Maple Ridge Bandstand and to fundraise during the 20th anniversary celebration event be approved. R/2014-113 Maple Ridge It was moved and seconded Concert Band Approve Requests That the following requests made by the Maple Ridge Concert That the following requests made by the Maple Ridge Concert That the following requests made by the Maple Ridge Concert That the following requests made by the Maple Ridge Concert Band Association be approved:Band Association be approved:Band Association be approved:Band Association be approved: (a)(a)(a)(a) Completion of the wrought iron ornamentation and Completion of the wrought iron ornamentation and Completion of the wrought iron ornamentation and Completion of the wrought iron ornamentation and copper roof treatment on the Maple Ridge Bandstand copper roof treatment on the Maple Ridge Bandstand copper roof treatment on the Maple Ridge Bandstand copper roof treatment on the Maple Ridge Bandstand subject to meeting the subject to meeting the subject to meeting the subject to meeting the District’s permit and safety District’s permit and safety District’s permit and safety District’s permit and safety requirements;requirements;requirements;requirements; Council Minutes March 11, 2014 Page 11 of 13 (b) (b) (b) (b) Recognition of Maple Ridge Concert Band Association Recognition of Maple Ridge Concert Band Association Recognition of Maple Ridge Concert Band Association Recognition of Maple Ridge Concert Band Association sponsors with the placement of raised bronze plaques sponsors with the placement of raised bronze plaques sponsors with the placement of raised bronze plaques sponsors with the placement of raised bronze plaques consistent with those already in place on the bandstand consistent with those already in place on the bandstand consistent with those already in place on the bandstand consistent with those already in place on the bandstand steps, to a maximum of twenty plaques; and steps, to a maximum of twenty plaques; and steps, to a maximum of twenty plaques; and steps, to a maximum of twenty plaques; and (c) (c) (c) (c) Fundraising during the 20th anniversary celebration Fundraising during the 20th anniversary celebration Fundraising during the 20th anniversary celebration Fundraising during the 20th anniversary celebration event, for the funds needed to complete the remaining event, for the funds needed to complete the remaining event, for the funds needed to complete the remaining event, for the funds needed to complete the remaining bandstand projects.bandstand projects.bandstand projects.bandstand projects. CARRIED CorrespondenceCorrespondenceCorrespondenceCorrespondence – Nil Other Committee IssuesOther Committee IssuesOther Committee IssuesOther Committee Issues – Nil 1200 STAFFSTAFFSTAFFSTAFF REPORTSREPORTSREPORTSREPORTS – Nil 1300 RELEASE OF ITEMS RELEASE OF ITEMS RELEASE OF ITEMS RELEASE OF ITEMS FROM CLOSED COUNCILFROM CLOSED COUNCILFROM CLOSED COUNCILFROM CLOSED COUNCIL – Nil 1400 MAYOR’S REPORTMAYOR’S REPORTMAYOR’S REPORTMAYOR’S REPORT Mayor Daykin attended Leadership Day at Maple Ridge Secondary School. He spoke to students at Golden Ears Elementary. He attended a sub- regional transit meeting and the Annual General Meeting of the Kanaka Environmental & Educational Partnership Society. He reminded residents that March 14 is Culture Fest in Maple Ridge and that the month of March is E-Comm 911 Accidental Call Awareness Month. 1500 COUNCILLORS’ REPORTSCOUNCILLORS’ REPORTSCOUNCILLORS’ REPORTSCOUNCILLORS’ REPORTS Councillor Hogarth Councillor Hogarth Councillor Hogarth Councillor Hogarth Councillor Hogarth attended the Ridge Meadows South Asian Cultural Society Gala Council Minutes March 11, 2014 Page 12 of 13 Councillor BellCouncillor BellCouncillor BellCouncillor Bell Councillor Bell listened to a webinar put on by BCSCA. She attended an Arts Council Strategic Planning session and the Ridge Meadows South Asian Cultural Society Gala. Councillor AshlieCouncillor AshlieCouncillor AshlieCouncillor Ashlie Councillor Ashlie attended meetings of the Maple Ridge Agricultural Advisory Committee and the Maple Ridge Social Planning Advisory Committee. She also attended an update on the “GP For Me” work hosted by the division of Family Practitioners and the Ridge Meadows South Asian Cultural Society Gala. Councillor Dueck Councillor Dueck Councillor Dueck Councillor Dueck Councillor Dueck advised that the Ridge Meadows Youth Diversion Community Forum and Annual General Meeting is scheduled for March 13. She attended a meeting of the Ridge Meadows Recycling Society. Councillor MasseCouncillor MasseCouncillor MasseCouncillor Masse Councillor Masse attended meetings of the Maple Ridge Agricultural Advisory Committee and the Maple Ridge Social Planning Advisory Committee. He also attended a BC Housing Renewing Riverview Public Forum, a Heroin Assisted Treatment Forum and a Urban Development Institute luncheon. Councillor MordenCouncillor MordenCouncillor MordenCouncillor Morden Councillor Morden attended a Ridge Meadows Seniors Society meeting, the Ridge Meadows South Asian Cultural Society Gala and a Builders’ Forum. 1600 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENTOTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENTOTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENTOTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT – Nil 1700 NOTICES OF MOTIONNOTICES OF MOTIONNOTICES OF MOTIONNOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETINGSAND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETINGSAND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETINGSAND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS – Nil 1800 QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLICQUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLICQUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLICQUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Kevin PrieKevin PrieKevin PrieKevin Priebebebebe Mr. Priebe asked whether the 132 Avenue project can be reviewed by Council and be forwarded to the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues. Mayor Daykin requested that Mr. Priebe speak with the General Manager of Public Works and Development. Council Minutes March 11, 2014 Page 13 of 13 Chris MundyChris MundyChris MundyChris Mundy Mr. Mundy spoke to the Silver Valley Plan and asked when the plan will be amended. He also asked when the Official Community Plan will be amended. Mayor Daykin suggested that Mr. Mundy meet with the Director of Planning to discuss his concerns. 1900 ADJOURNMENTADJOURNMENTADJOURNMENTADJOURNMENT – 9:20 p.m. _______________________________ E. Daykin, Mayor Certified Correct ___________________________________ C. Marlo, Corporate Officer