HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-01-28 Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfCity of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA JANUARY 28, 2020 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers Meeting Decorum: Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. The meeting is live streamed and recorded by the City of Maple Ridge. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the City's Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca The purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council by using bylaws or resolutions. This is the venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA 300 APPROVALOFTHEAGENDA 400 ADOPTION OF MINUTES 401 Minutes of Regular Council Meeting of January 14, 2020 500 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL -Nil 600 DELEGATIONS -Nil 700 ITEMS ON CONSENT 701 MINUTES 701.1 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of: • January 7, 2020 • January 15, 2020 l i Council Meeting Agenda January 28, 2020 Council Chamber Page 2 of 7 701.2 Minutes of Meetings of Committees and Commissions of Council • November 6, 2019 Social Policy Advisory Committee 702 REPORTS -Nil 703 CORRESPONDENCE -Nil 704 RELEASE OF ITEMS FROM CLOSED COUNCIL STATUS From the January 14. 2020 Closed Council Meeting: Item 4.1 Environmental Advisory Committee Item 4.3 That a temporary increase of the Members at Large positions from four members as outlined in Committees of Council Policy 3.11-Schedu/e D, to five members, and further; That Dennis Kinsey be appointed to the Maple Ridge Environmental Advisory Committee as a Member at Large for a one-year term commencing January 1, 2020 and expiring December 31, 2020. Telosky Stadium Field Sponsorship Offer and Naming Request Update That staff be directed to submit the Naming Opportunity Request Form to School District No. 42, that the new synthetic field located at the corner of Lougheed Highway and 116 Avenue be named "Polygon Field" and the one located at the entry to the Thomas Haney Secondary School on 116 Avenue be named "Morningstar Field" for not more than ten years and that name signs at the entry locations for both fields be permitted to recognize the respective sponsorships should Ministry approval be obtained. From the January 21. 2020 Closed Council Meeting: Item 4.11 Exempt Staff -General Wage Adjustments Item 4.2 Item 4.3 That the Director of Human Resources be authorized to implement a 2.0% wage adjustment to exempt employees effective January 1, 2020. Economic Development Committee Members at Large Renewals That Chrislana Gregory and Tom Meier be appointed to the Economic Development Committee for a two year term commencing January 1, 2020. Change of Signing Officer for MR Road 13 Dyking District and Albion Dyking District That Frank Quinn be removed as a signing officer for the Albion Dyking District and Maple Ridge Road 13 Dyking District held under Relationship # 29180513; and, That Al Horsman and David Pollock be approved as signing officers for the Albion Dyking District and Maple Ridge Road 13 Dyking District held under Relationship # 29180513. 800 UNFINISHED BUSINESS -Nil Doc#2382120 r I Council Meeting Agenda January 28, 2020 Council Chamber Page 3 of 7 900 CORRESPONDENCE -Nil 1000 BYLAWS BYLAWS FOR ADOPTION 1001 Maple Ridge Nuisance Prohibition Bylaw No. 7596-2019 That Maple Ridge Nuisance Prohibition Bylaw No. 7596-2019, a bylaw for preventing, abating and prohibiting nuisances, be adopted. 1002 2015-373-RZ, 23616 132 Avenue Staff report dated January 28, 2020 recommending adoption of Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7469-2018 and Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7195-2015 to permit the construction of 16 townhouse units. 1100 COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS For the following items that refer to staff report earlier than this agenda date: the items were presented at a Committee of the Whole meeting typically a week prior on the date of the staff report, to provide Council with an opportunity to ask staff detailed questions. The items are now before the regular Council Meeting for debate and vote. Both meetings are open to the public. The reports are not reprinted again in hard copy, however; they can be found in the electronic agenda or in the Committee of the Whole agenda package dated accordingly. Public Works and Development Services 1101 2019-341-RZ, 12162, 12170 and 12178 Fletcher Street, RS1-to RM-1 Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7587-2019 to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) to permit a 15 unit townhouse residential development be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C, D and E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. Doc#238212D Council Meeting Agenda January 28, 2020 Council Chamber Page 4 of 7 1102 2019-310-RZ, 11232 Dartford Street, C-4 to H-1 Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7603-2019 to rezone from C-4 (Neighbourhood Public House Commercial) to H-1 (Heritage Commercial) to allow the licensed retail store to operate as an independent principle use be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. 1103 2018-489-RZ, 20278 and 20292 Patterson Avenue, RS-1 to RM-2 Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7523-2018 to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) to permit an apartment building be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C, D and E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. 1104 2019-350-RZ, 20629 119 Avenue, CS-1 text amendment Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7601-2019 to make a site specific text amendment to the Service Commercial CS-1 zone to allow for a physiotherapy and registered massage therapy clinic be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. 1105 2015-373-DVP, 23616 132 Avenue Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2015-373-DVP respecting property located at 23616 132 Avenue. 1106 2015-373-DP, 23616 132 Avenue Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2015-373-DP respecting property located at 23616 132 Avenue. Doc#238212D i-f§ r-" Council Meeting Agenda January 28, 2020 Council Chamber Page 5 of 7 1107 2016-370-DP, 23616 132 Avenue Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2016-370-DP (Wildfire Development Permit) respecting property located at 23616 132 Avenue. 1108 2018-292-SD, 20141 Telep Avenue Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that pursuant to Local Government Act, Section 510, regarding 5% parkland dedication or payment in lieu, be it resolved that the owner of land proposed for subdivision under application 2018-292-SD shall pay to the City an amount that is not less than $93,750.00. 1109 2017-436-SD, 25638 112 Avenue Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that pursuant to Local Government Act, Section 510, regarding 5% Parkland Dedication or payment in lieu, be it resolved that the owner of land proposed for subdivision at 25638 112 Avenue, under application 2012-102-RZ, shall pay to the City of Maple Ridge an amount that is not less than $98,200.00. 1110 Snow and Ice Control Policy 9.08 Update -Item deferred pending further information 1111 Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Amending Bylaw No. 7585-2019 Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that the Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Amending Bylaw No. 7585-2019 be given first, second and third readings. 1112 Maple Ridge Noxious Weeds and Other Growth Control Bylaw No. 2384-1976 Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Noxious Weed and Other Growth Control Bylaw No. 2384-1976 be repealed in its entirety. Doc#2382120 -~ Council Meeting Agenda January 28, 2020 Council Chamber Page 6 of 7 Corporate Services 1131 Supply and Delivery of New Replacement Server Equipment Staff report dated January 21, 2020 recommending that Contract RFP-IS19-15 City Server Replacement in the amount of $899,669.09 (plus applicable taxes) be awarded to Turning Point Technologies, that a contingency of $90,000.00 be established for this project, and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. Parks. Recreation and Culture 1151 Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association Operating Agreement Staff report recommending that the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association Operating Agreement be approved for a three year term and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the agreement. 1200 STAFF REPORTS -Nil 1300 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT -Nil 1400 PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 1500 MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR REPORTS 1600 NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 1700 ADJOURNMENT APPROVED BY: DATE: CHECKED BY: CHECKED BY: DATE: DATE: Doc#2382120 Council Meeting Agenda January 28, 2020 Council Chamber Page 7 of 7 PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD Council Meeting Public Question Period Policy 3.15 1. The public will be afforded a 15-minute opportunity to address Council during the regular Council meeting. This opportunity does not apply to Council meetings deemed to be Council Workshop meetings. 2. The time period may be extended with approval of the majority of Council. 3. A speaker is limited to two (2) minutes. 4. A speaker shall be permitted a second opportunity should there be no other members of the public waiting to ask a question. 5. A speaker may but is not required to provide their name and address for the record. 6. Questions relating to a development application are not permitted if: 6.1. the application has been placed on a Public Hearing agenda; or 6.2. the application has had a Public Hearing and has not yet been adopted. 7. The General Rules of Conduct outlined in the Council Procedure Bylaw apply to public question hearing speakers. 8. Where a large number of speakers are expected, the Corporate Officer (or designate) may require the use of a Speakers' List that will determine the order of speakers on a first-come-first-serve basis. 8.1. The allocation of reserved spots on a Speakers' List or for speaking order in advance of the opening of the doors in advance of a meeting is not permitted. 8.2. People wishing to ensure their spot during Public Question Period are encouraged to identify themselves to the Corporate Officer or designate as soon as possible after entering the meeting room to secure a spot on the Speakers' List. For more information on these opportunities contact: Clerk's Department at 604-463-5221 or clerks@mapleridge.ca. Mayor and Council at mayorandcouncil@mapleridge.ca. Doc#2382120 400 Adoption and Receipt of Minutes 400 401 Minutes of Regular and Special Council Meetings 401 ' ,-[ -I City of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES January 14, 2020 The Minutes of the City Council Meeting held on January 14, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular City business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor M. Morden Councillor J. Dueck Councillor K. Duncan Councillor C. Mead us *Councillor G. Robson Councillor R. Svendsen Councillor A. Yousef Appointed Staff A. Horsman, Chief Administrative Officer L. Benson, Director of Corporate Administration D. Boag, General Manager Parks, Recreation & Culture C. Carter, General Manager Planning & Development Services C. Crabtree, Acting General Manager Corporate Services S. Nichols, Deputy Corporate Officer D. Pollock, General Manager Engineering Services T. Thompson, Chief Financial Officer Other Staff as Required C. Goddard, Director of Planning M. Orsetti, Manager of Bylaw and Licensing Services Note: These Minutes are also posted on the City's Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca Video of the meeting is posted at media.mapleridge.ca/Mediasite/Showcase Note: Councillor Robson participated electronically. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA 300 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2020-008 It was moved and seconded That the agenda of the Regular Council Meeting of January 14, 2020 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes January 14, 2020 Page 2 of 4 400 ADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTES 401 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of, 2020 R/2020-009 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of December 10, 2019 be adopted as circulated. 500 600 650 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL -Nil DELEGATIONS -Nil QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC SESSION -Nil 700 ITEMS ON CONSENT 701 Minutes 701.1 Development Agreements Committee Meeting of: • December11,2019 • December17,2019 • December 18, 2019 701.2 Minutes of Meetings of Committees and Commissions of Council • Social Policy Advisory Committee Meeting -October 2, 2019 702 Reports 702.1 Disbursements for the month ended November 30, 2019 CARRIED Staff report dated January 14, 2020 providing information on the above. 702.2 Disbursements for the month ended December 31, 2019 Staff report dated January 14, 2020 providing information on the above. R/2020-010 It was moved and seconded That the items on the Consent Agenda be received into the record. CARRIED 800 UNFINISHED BUS/NESS -Nil ,_ , .. ' -' '. ' t l: f l r-----:--------------: Council Meeting Minutes January 14, 2020 Page 3 of 4 900 1000 CORRESPONDENCE -Nil BYLAWS 1001 Maple Ridge Nuisance Prohibition Bylaw No. 7596-2019 Staff report dated January 14, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Nuisance Bylaw No. 7596-2019, a bylaw for preventing, abating and prohibiting nuisances, be given first, second and third reading. R/2020-011 It was moved and seconded That Maple Ridge Nuisance Bylaw No. 7596-2019 be given first, second and third reading. Bylaws for Adoption 1002 Council Procedure Bylaw No. 7521-2018 Adoption R/2020-012 It was moved and seconded CARRIED That Council Procedure Amending Bylaw No. 7521-2018 be adopted. Councillor Duncan -OPPOSED 1003 Maple Ridge 2020-2024 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 7598-2019 Adoption R/2020-013 It was moved and seconded CARRIED That Maple Ridge 2020-2024 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 7598-2019 be adopted. CARRIED 1100 REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS -Nil C C ,. ' ,. Council Meeting Minutes January 14, 2020 Page 4 of 4 1200 STAFF REPORTS 1201 2020 UBCM Age-Friendly Communities Grant Program Staff report dated January 14, 2020 recommending that staff be authorized to submit an application to the UBCM 2020 Age-friendly Communities Grant Program towards the "Aging Well in Maple Ridge" initiative. R/2020-014 It was moved and seconded That staff be authorized to submit an application to the UBCM 2020 Age-friendly Communities Grant Program towards the "Aging Well in Maple Ridge" initiative. CARRIED 1300 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT-Nil 1400 NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS -Nil 1500 MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS' REPORTS The Mayor and Councillors provided their reports on activities participated in during the past few weeks. 1600 ADJOURNMENT -7:40 p.m. M. Morden, Mayor Certified Correct L. Benson, Corporate Officer 700 ITEMS ON CONSENT 700 701 Minutes 701 701.1 Development Agreements Committee 701.1 January 7, 2020 Mayor's Office CIRCULATED TO: Michael Morden, Mayor Chair ----------------·--,--==-"--CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE Al Horsman, Chief Administrative Officer Member Catherine Schmidt, Recording Secretary 1. 18-110825 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 7 Section 16 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP62576 030-144-906 11241 238 Street Gurpreet Sandhu REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND DEPUTY CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 18-110825 BG. 2. 2015-347-SD LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Formerly: Lot 1 District Lot 276 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 80156 012-809-853 New Plan: Lot 1 District Lot 276 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan EPP96757; Lots 9 and 10, both of: District Lot 276 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan EPP96757 20621123 Avenue Stewart & Son Development Group Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Subdivision Servicing Agreement Enhancement & Maintenance Agreement Tree Protection Covenant (New Lot 1) Stormwater Management Covenant Statutory Right of Way (Lots 9 and 10) THAT THE MAYOR AND DEPUTY CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS~ THEY RELATE TO 2015-347-SD. CARRIED Development Agreements Committee January 7, 2020 3. 2017-437-SD LEGAL: PIO: LOCATION: OWNER: Formerly: Lot 1 Section 12 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan NWP2713 028-911-962 New Plan: Lots 1, 2, and 3 all of: Section 12 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP38728 25608 Bosonworth Avenue Ian Alexander Speckman REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Subdivision Servicing Agreement Easement for Storm Drainage ( Lot 2) Septic Field Covenant (Lots 1 to 3) Slope Protection Covenant (Lot 3) Stormwater Management Covenant (Lots 1 to 3) Wildfire Protection Covenant (Lots 1 to 3) THAT THE MAYOR AND DEPUTY CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO 2017-437-SD. 4. 18-110129 BG LEGAL: PIO: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lot 11 Section 19 Township 15 New Westminster District Plan BCP48758 028-626-559 26465 121 Avenue Horacio and Katherine Rojas REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND DEPUTY CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 18-110129 BG. CARRIED Page 2 of 3 ' r LJ ' ! I Development Agreements Committee January 7, 2020 5. 18-111534 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot B Section 16 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan NWP69862 001-896-261 23720 Dewdney Trunk Road Brian Geary REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND DEPUTY CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 18-111534 BG. 6. 18-114267 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lot 1 District Lot 245 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan EPP79797 030-407-184 12358 216 Street Gurlal and Ravinder Rakhra REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND DEPUTY CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 18-114267 BG. CARRIED ,rkS.~ Member Page 3 of 3 N Scale: 1 :1,000 /_ SUBJECT L PARCEL !\ 11289 I 112831 11277 11271 11265 11259 11253 11247 11241 11235 11229 11223 \ 11217\ 11211 11205 FILE: Untitled i-..: Cf) CX) ('I') N I 11240 DATE: Dec 30, 2019 BY: CR ' ' ,_ ' ' f 24AAVE. 12399 12385 "' 0 12371 N 12374 12359 12366 12358 123BAVE. N <o ~ ~ ?;] ?;] ~ ~ lB ~ lO lO lO lO ?;] ~ ~ ~ 123AVE. 13 fis <o g ill I<) I<) lO I<) lO ~ ~ ~ ?;] ~ f;, ~ ~ ~ ~ I<) ~ [i:] a "' N Scale: 1 :2,000 12365 I-' (J) "" 0 12355 N 12345 12335 12325 ~ lO 0:, lO lO ?;] ?;] 12315 0:, al <o I<) I<) a ~ N 12279 12269 12259 Legend -Stream 12380 12370 12360 12350 12340 12330 12320 12276 12266 ---Ditch Centreline Indefinite Creek River Centreline Cl <( 0 0:: .,_ N <o ?;] ~ ~ ~ <o <o <o ?;] ~ ?;] ~ <o ?;] ill fis g ~ I <o <o <o <o ~ ?;] ?;] ?;] I 20621 123 AVENUE PLANNING DEPARTMENT [~c~JIIII FILE: 2015-347-SD DATE: Nov 1, 2016 mapleridge.ca BY:PC ·--\ -· .... "' ~ J , ~~ ~ uJ ?' /i I \ ~ I SUBJECT PROPERTY I E. BOSONWORTH AVE \; / <O ; ;,,; ~ ~ '---i ~ I GODWIN DRIVE ~ I <O ~ ~ 1-l N Scale: 1 :3,000 ~ i ~ ! ~ ill ~ lli * 1-l 1-l ~ 1-l Legend -Stream ---Ditch Centreline - -Indefinite Creek -Lake or Reservoir 't\ \ i I 110AVE. 25608 BOSONWORTH AVENUE PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1~1111 .• FILE: 2015-330-SD DATE: Oct 30, 2015 mapleridge.ca BY:PC .. 12322 12321 12260 12247/95 1' 12240 12218 12208 ) SUBJECT PROPERTY I 12211 12194 // I 12184 / / ~ 12160 12175 12136 ~ ~ :ll ~ ~ ~ 0, 0, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 12133 ~ ~ ~ 12110 121 AVE. 12121 r i 0 0 0 I ; ~ ro 12090 ~ ~ ~ f-' U) ~ ~· .:r (IJ J'..?o>6' ~ 'b 'l. 12081 12060 12021 \ ,g ';j, 12038 o'" ,~ 12035 ~ 12020 ~ The City of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of ~ ~ I ~ I the information shown on this map. ~ 26465 121 Ave N Scale: 1 :3,000 FILE: Untitled DATE: Dec 20, 2019 BY:NV ---~-----_-.·--:~:-_-12074 0) C .,_ ('\J .,_ 12064 12030/52 ~2045 nio~o "'-LO .,_ (V) ('\J (V) "I" ('\J ('\J ('\J ('\J ('\J (V) (V) (V) (V) ('\J ('\J ('\J ,----f----------' ('\J ~ I ~ ('\J co co ~ (/) .,_ :::!: ('\J "I" N (V) "I" <o C') ('\J ('\J ('\J N (V) (V) ('\J ('\J >---~83 971 -961 1953 1943 11950 ~ (/) N 1929 C') N N Scale: 1 :1,500 ~v 12070 12051 12060 --12050 I 12035 I 12040 12036 12021 12030 LO 0) .,_ LO (V) ('\J (V) (V) , 12010 ('\J ('\J I SUBJECT DEWDNEY TRUNK R PARCEL A 11998 C I 11991 ('\J ('\J <o C .,_ ('\J "'-(V) (V) (V) ('\J (V) (V) (V) (V) ('\J ~ ('\J ('\J ('\J 11987 (/) w 1 z V ~ 11975 0 I i ~, 11963 I 452 1195/ 11949 1 11948 11936 11918 1 11923 ' 11909 11908 1 11895 11898 ' i •c ,_Q 'Cf) 23270 Dewdney Trunk Rd : :'2 1-~ 1--------------------, ,I---~,--' 0 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT !~ i~ ·--.c==-~-· ....... --Ill.a :c5 ! i rii--------------------t mapleridge.ca FILE: Untitled DATE: Dec 24, 2019 BY:C1 ~; ,_ ,_-,_ r-,~ ,_ ,-~~ c-' ,_-, __ ' I',.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LO (0 ~ 0) (0 (0 (0 (0 I',.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LO 12414 C\I C\I C\I C\I ~ ~ C\I 1 ~ 12395 (0 (X) C\I a LO I',.. 0) ~ ~ (0 LO LO (0 (0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I 12390 0) 12380 LO (0 ~ 12371 12368 C\I SUBJECT L ~ MAN1 12365 PARCEL ~ ..... ..__ ~ \ ~ ~ ?} LO (0 12357 \<o ~~ (0 (0 12358 ~ ~ '1, \Co C\I C\I \ '1, 12351 12350 12342 12343 ~ ~ LO LO LO LO LO C\I ~ ~ LO (0 LO (0 (0 (0 (0 (0 ~ 12337 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I C\I 123 J t:> ~ r (0 (0 (0 (0 (0 ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ,.. (0 t'\ 12358 216 St ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT N --=~~ .... -... _ •••.• mapleridge.ca Scale: 1 :1,000 FILE: Untitled DATE: Dec 20, 2019 BY:CR January 15, 2020 Mayor's Office CIRCULATED TO: Michael Morden, Mayor Chair CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITIEE Al Horsman, Chief Administrative Officer Member Catherine Schmidt, Recording Secretary 1. 2017-283-SD LEGAL: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 1 -27 ail of: District Lot 402 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan EPP89428 11383,11377,11371,11365,11359,11351,11345,11339, 11333,11327,11321,11315,11384,11378,11372,11366, 11360,11352,11346,11340,11334,11328,11322,11316, 11310, 11301 230 Street 22910 113 Avenue Polygon Provenance Homes Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Discharge Covenant (CA 7241567) THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 2017-283-SD. 2. 19-113785 BG LEGAL: PIO: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lot 9 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 72550 004-815-823 22351 Kendrick Loop Michelle Rossner, Robert Galt and Daniel Olson REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Temporary Residential Use Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 19-113785 BG. CARRIED Development Agreements Committee January 15, 2020 3. 19-117795 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 6 Section 15 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP54924 029-685-087 11273 243A Street Michael and Casey Dobud REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 19-117795 BG. 4. 19-117572 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lot 76 District Lot 244 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 26514 008-885-468 21671 Spring Crescent Angus Morrison REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 19-117572 BG. CARRIED OJ~ Al Horsman, Chief Administrative Officer Member Page 2 of 2 N Scale: 1 :2,000 ------------------,~---------FILE: 2017-283-SD DATE: Jan 8, 2020 2017-283-SD PLANNING DEPARTMENT mapleridge.ca BY:DT ~. 22565 22554 22556 ~ {, E. 9,_ 2 633 'o 0 ~ 22637 ,-.. lO 0, (') "-,-.. ;g ;g ;g lO lO <O <O co <O 22632 "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' KENDRICK LOOP 22634 12447 0 "" co "' co 0 co <O ;g (') ;g ;g ;g lO lO co <O <O co <O co co <O "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' 12437 12427 12417 ~ I-' 12407 Cl) L1J N Scale: 1 :2,000 22521 c.. 0 0 ....l 22519 )<'. (.) ii: 0 z L1J lO )<'. "-<O "' "' "' co "-"-co <O "' "' "' "' 126 126 12593 12521 12517 12515 ~ gJ 1----1_25_1_1--l 12507 12501/03 L1J R: (') "-,-.. 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SUBJECT PROPERTY O'li------~ I ~ ~ ~ .,.----------L~+--1--+--t---t---J 0, a (') ~ "-U) .,_ 0, U) ;;; U) U) ;;; (0 "-.,_ N "" "" U) (') (') (') (') (') (') (') (') (') "" "" "" "" "" "" ~ "" "" "' N N "' "' N "' "' 112BAVE. '\ "" (0 (0 "' U) (0 "-"" (') (') (') (') "" "" "" "" "' "' N "' (0 (0 11276 "' (') (') (') "" "" N "' 11266 I-' Cf) 11264 11263 Ill 11260 (') " N 11258 11256 11252 11250 11246 ~ 11238 "' 11228 I-' Cf) Ill 11222 (') ' " ----N ) 11235 112AVE. 11297 11295 11289 11285 11275 11269 11265 11235 11225 The City of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. 11273 243A St ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ·-----=----••·• FILE: Untitled DATE: Jan 14, 2020 mapleridge.ca BY:NV l i r_ ,1;,. en z[>I 0 !l) ro ...... ...... 216 ST. a, 0 21604 21605 21614 0 ..... ..... ..... ..... I\) I\) I\) ..... I\) ""' 0, 0, I\) ""' 0) ..... 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MAPLE RIDGE « BRITISH COLUMBIA City of Maple Ridge Social Policy Advisory Committee MEETING MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Policy Advisory Committee, held in the Blaney Room, at Maple Ridge City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, on November 6, 2019 at 7:05 pm. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Councillor Judy Dueck, Chair Tarel Swansky, Vice Chair Annette Morgan Blaire Mikoda Brenna Ayliffe Colene Thompson Elaine Yamamoto Jenny Earley STAFF PRESENT T any Cotroneo Erin Mark GUESTS Mark Stewart Councillor Chelsa Meadus Maria Perretta ABSENT Laura Butler Dr. Ingrid Tyler lneke Boekhorst Hailey Robinsmith Cpl. Amahda Harnett 1. CALL TO ORDER Council Liaison Member at Large Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Katzie Seniors Network Member at Large Fraser Health Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Katzie Community Network School District No. 42 Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Katzie Community Network Staff Liaison / Manager, Community Engagement Committee Clerk Salvation Army Council Liaison -Alternate Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Katzie Community Network - Alternate Member at Large Fraser Health Downtown Maple Ridge Business Improvement Association Member at Large -Youth Rep Ridge Meadows RCMP 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2019-018 It was moved and seconded That the November 6, 2019 Social Policy Advisory Committee agenda be approved as circulated. CARRIED 3. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES R/2019-019 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Maple Ridge Social Policy Advisory Committee meeting dated October 2, 2019 be adopted. CARRIED I: l~ I i I ~ f I [ Social Policy Advisory Committee Minutes November 6, 2019 Page 2 of 3 4. DELEGATIONS 4.1 Salvation Army -Mark Stewart The new Executive Director of the Ridge Meadows Salvation Army, Mark Stewart, introduced himself to the Committee and spoke about the role of the Salvation Army in the community, existing partnerships and relationships they are trying to build, future plans, and answered questions from Committee members. 5. QUESTION PERIOD -Nil 6. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6.1. Advisory Committee Review/ 2020 Membership Councillor Dueck provided an update of the Council directed review of all Committees of Council. The review focused on improving efficiencies and consistency among Committees and includes updates to Committees of Council Policy 3.11. The Committee discussed the proposed changes to the SPAC membership structure which would come into effect in 2020. 7. COMMITTEE UPDATES 7.1. Community Network Jenny Earley provided an update on the Community Network (CN) activities including a recent Community Network Information Session held at the library. The Community Network and staff liaison are looking into coordinating a mutually convenient time for Council and the CN to meet on a routine basis. 7.2 Youth Strategy 7.3 Brenna Ayliffe shared that the subcommittee has not met since the last SPAC meeting and will have more to report at the next meeting. The Youth Planning Table is meeting November 7th and will be identifying leads, priorities, and potential leads for funding to create their work plan. Community Action Team (CAT) Brenna Ayliffe announced that CAT has been awarded a $75,000 grant from the Ministry's Overdose Response Team and a Community Action Initiative Grant for $40,000 focusing on the "Us and Them series". The next "Us and Them" event will be held the evening of January 23 at the ACT (tentative). 7.4 EDI Workshop Subcommittee Jenny Earley confirmed that the subcommittee is still trying to secure a date for the workshop. 7.5 Chronic Disease Working Group Brenna Ayliffe is working on scheduling the Primary Care Network workshop before the upcoming EDI workshop. 8. CORRESPONDENCE -Nil r [-' Social Policy Advisory Committee Minutes November 6, 2019 Page 3 of 3 9. ROUNDTABLE The staff liaison announced that the City of Maple Ridge received grant funding through SPARC BC to host a facilitated Feedback Forum regarding the BC Framework for Accessibility Legislation on November 21st from 12 -3 pm in the Fraser Room at the Maple Ridge Library. Members provided verbal reports on relevant events, activities and social policy topics. 10. ADJOURNMENT -8:50 pm a~louu£ coLncillor Jul:Jy Dueck, Chair fem ' ,. ,_ lt 1000 Bylaws 1000 City of Maple Ridge Nuisance Prohibition Bylaw No. 7596 -2019 Effective Date: 1001 City of Maple Ridge Nuisance Prohibition Bylaw No. 7596 -2019 Table of Contents Part 1 Citation ................................................................................................................. 1 Part 2 Severa bi I ity .......................................................................................................... 1 Pa rt 3 Definitions ............................................................................................................ 1 Part 4 Prohibitions and Nuisance Abatement .............................................................. 2 Part 5 Inspection ............................................................................................................ 4 Pa rt 6 Off en ce and Penalty ............................................................................................ 4 Schedule A -Nuisance Abatement Fees ......................................................................... 5 ' ' ' ' ' ,_ ,_ ,_- City of Maple Ridge Nuisance Prohibition Bylaw No. 7596 -2019 A bylaw for Preventing, Abating and Prohibiting Nuisances WHEREAS Council wishes to exercise its authority pursuant to the Community Charter [SBC] 2003, c.26; AND WHEREAS Council considers it necessary to adopt a bylaw for the purpose of prohibiting and requiring the abatement of nuisances on properties in the City of Maple Ridge; AND WHEREAS section 8 (3) (h) of the Community Charter provides authority for Council to regulate, prohibit and impose requirements for the protection and enhancement of the well-being of its community in relation to matters referred to in section 64 [nuisances, disturbances and other objectionable situations]; NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to sections 8(3)(h), 16, 17, 64 and 194 of the Community Charter, the Council of the City of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Part 1 Citation 1.1 This bylaw may be cited for all purposes as the Nuisance Prohibition Bylaw No. 7596-2019. Part 2 Severability 2.1 If a portion of this bylaw is held invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction, then the invalid portion must be severed and the remainder of this bylaw is deemed to have been adopted without the severed section, subsequent, paragraph, subparagraph, clause or phrase. Part 3 Definitions 3.1 In this bylaw: City means the City of Maple Ridge. Nuisance includes any activity which substantially and unreasonably interferes with a person's use and enjoyment of property, or with the use and enjoyment of a highway, park or other public place, and which may include matters such as, but not limited to: (i) noise, vibration, odour, dust, illumination or any other matter that is liable to disturb the quiet, peace, rest, enjoyment, comfort or convenience of individuals or the public; 1 (ii) the emission of smoke, dust, gas, sparks, ash, soot, cinders, fumes or other effluvia that is liable to foul or contaminate the atmosphere; (iii) refuse, garbage or other material that is noxious, offensive or unwholesome; (iv) the accumulation of water on Property; (v) unsanitary conditions on Property; (vi) drains, cesspools, septic tanks and outhouses; (vii) the carrying on of a noxious or offensive business activity; and (viii) any other objectionable situation which constitutes a nuisance at law. Nuisance Abatement Fees includes the Nuisance Service Call Response fee plus the administration and overhead fee as prescribed in Schedule "A" of this Bylaw. Nuisance Service Call Response means an Officer's attendance at a Property for the purpose of responding to and investigating a complaint about a nuisance on that Property, or for the purpose of taking action under this Bylaw to abate the nuisance. Officer means a Bylaw Officer, the Manager of Bylaws & Licensing Services for the City or designate, and shall include any members of the Maple Ridge Fire Department and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Owner, in addition to any other meaning, includes: (i) the registered owner of the land, premises or Property; (ii) any Person residing on or in land, premises or Property; (iii) the Person entitled to the possession of land, premises or Property if there is no Person residing on or in the land, premises or Property; and (iv) a leaseholder; and shall include the agent of any such Person. Person includes natural persons of either sex, associations, corporations, bodies politic, co-partnerships, whether acting by themselves or by a servant, agent or employee, and the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns or other legal representative of such persons. Property means all real property, including but not limited to front yards, side yards, backyards, driveways, walkways, sidewalks and boulevards and shall include any building or structure located on such real property. Part 4 Prohibitions and Nuisance Abatement 4.1 Nuisances Prohibited: (a) No Owner or Person shall cause a Nuisance on the Owner's land, premises or Property. (b) No Owner or Person shall permit land they own or occupy, to be used so as to cause a Nuisance. 2 l (c) An Owner or Person who causes or permits Property that he or she owns or occupies to be used so as to cause a nuisance shall abate or cause to be abated the activity which causes the nuisance. 4.2 If an Owner or Person fails to abate or cause to be abated the activity causing a nuisance, on Officer may abate or cause to be abated the activity which causes the nuisance in accordance with section 17 of the Community Charter. 4.3 Repeat Nuisance Service Calls: (a) Where there are three (3) or more Nuisance Service Call Response(s) at the same Property within a twelve (12) month period, the City may impose upon the Owner of that Property the Nuisance Abatement Fees for each additional Nuisance Service Call Response within the twenty-four (24) month period following the date of issuance of the City's notice pursuant to Sections 4.3(b) and (c) of this bylaw. (b) The City's notice referred to in Section 4.3(a) of this bylaw shall state: (i) the particulars of the nuisance; (ii) that the nuisance must cease or the activity giving rise to the nuisance must be otherwise remedied within 30 days, or within the time prescribed in the City's notice; (iii) that if the Owner fails to comply with the City's notice, the City will impose the Nuisance Abatement Fees for each additional Nuisance Service Call Response at the same Property within the twenty-four (24) month period following the date of issuance of the City's notice; and (iv) that the imposition of the Nuisance Abatement Fees is in addition to the City's right to seek other legal remedies or actions for abatement of the nuisance. (c) Service of the City's notice pursuant to Sections 4.3(a) and (b) of this bylaw will be sufficient if the City's notice: (i) in the case of service on an individual, is served personally or mailed by registered mail to the Owner; and (ii) in the case of service on a corporation, is served personally on a director, officer or manager of the corporation or by leaving it at or mailing it by registered mail to the registered office or other address of the corporation. (d) If any fees imposed pursuant to this bylaw are unpaid as of December 31st in the year that they are imposed, they shall be added to and form part of the taxes payable on the Property to which the fees apply as taxes in arrears. 3 ~--' ' ,. ' -' ' ,. ' ' ' (e) Nuisance Abatement Fees may be imposed by the City even if no Person has been charged with an offence relating to a nuisance, or if a Person charged with an offence relating to a nuisance was acquitted of all charges before a court or the charges are withdrawn, stayed or otherwise do not proceed. (f) Nothing in Sections 4.3(a) to (e) of this bylaw shall be construed to limit the City's other available remedies for violation of this or any other City bylaw. Part 5 Inspection 5.1 An Officer may, in accordance with section 16 of the Community Charter, enter on any Property at any reasonable time to ascertain whether the requirements of this bylaw, or any order issued pursuant to this bylaw, are being observed. Part 6 Offence and Penalty 6.1 Any Person who violates any of the provisions of this bylaw or who suffers or permits any act or thing to be done in contravention of or neglects to do or refrains from doing any act or thing required to be done pursuant to any provision of this bylaw or any notice issued pursuant hereto, commits an offence and shall be liable to the penalties hereby imposed and each day that such violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offence. 6.2 Any Person who violates any of the provisions of this bylaw shall, upon summary conviction thereof, be liable to a penalty of not less than $100.00 and not more than $10,000.00 plus the cost of the prosecution, or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding 30 days or both. READ a first time the 14th day of January, 2020. READ a second time the 14th day of January, 2020. READ a third time the 14th day of January, 2020. ADOPTED, the day of , 2020. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER Schedules Schedule A -Nuisance Abatement Fees 4 City of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 7596-2019 Schedule A Nuisance Abatement Fees Services Provided Fee Nuisance Service Call Response Fee $700.00 per response Administration and Overhead Fee $300.00 per response 5 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: City of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Final Reading: MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7 469-2018 Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7195-2015 23616 132 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: January 28, 2020 2015-373-RZ COUNCIL Bylaws 7 469-2018 and 7195-2015 have been considered by Council and at Public Hearing and subsequently were granted Third Reading. The applicant has requested that Final Reading be granted. The purpose of the rezoning is to permit the construction of 16 Townhouse units. Council granted first reading for Zo.ne Amending Bylaw No. 7195-2015 on January 12, 2016. Council granted first and second reading for Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7 469-2018 on June 26, 2018 and second reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7195-2015 on June 26, 2018. This application was presented at Public Hearing on September 18, 2018 and Council granted third reading on September 25, 2018. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7469-2018 be adopted; and 2. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7195-2015 be adopted. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Council considered this rezoning application at a Public Hearing held on September 18, 2018. On September 25, 2018 Council granted Third Reading to Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7 469-2018 and Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7195-2015 with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed, as noted: 1. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; This document has been registered. 2. Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule "B" and "C"; 3. Road dedication on 236 Street and a corner truncation as required; The necessary document has been registered. 2015-373-RZ Page 1 of 3 1002 -t~~~--c--c--------------------~~ 4. Park dedication as required, including construction of pedestrian trails; The necessary document has been registered. 5. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development; This document has been registered. 6. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for stormwater management, including maintenance guidelines; This document has been registered. 7. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking; This document has been registered. 8. Removal of existing building/s; The site is vacant. 9. In addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site; and There were no underground tanks detected. 10. That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $70,700 [$4,100.00 per townhouse dwelling unit (16 units) and $5,100.00 per single family lot (1 lot)] to be provided in keeping with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions. This voluntary contribution has been paid by the developer. 2015-373-RZ Page 2 of 3 CONCLUSION: As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that Final Reading be given to Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7469-2018 and Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7195-2015. "Original signed by Adrian Kopystynski" Prepared by: Adrian Kopystynski M.Sc., MCIP, RPP, MCAHP Planner "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services "Original signed by Al Horsman" Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Bylaw No. 7 469-2018 Appendix C -Bylaw No. 7195-2015 Appendix D -Subdivision Plan 2015-373-RZ Page 3 of 3 ,.__ "' ~ ~ :;: 13289 ~ :2 "' ~ 1l 13283 "' ., "' 13277 -----I Q I ~ I I 13263 I I I I I ' I I I I 13227 I I 13215 I I "' I "' ~ Legend -Stream ---Ditch Centreline N -Edge of River --Indefinite Creek Scale: 1 :2,500 -River I I I 13260 I I --· I I ' I I I ' "' ~ I , .. ___ ------APPENDIX A 132:35 13225 13215 ~ 13205 ::! ., "' "' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 13037 23616 132 Avenue PLANNING DEPARTMENT ·~·-·· mapleridge.ca FILE: 2015-373-RZ DATE: Jan 8, 2020 BY:DT APPENDIX B CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7 469-2018 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 WHEREAS Section 4 77 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Schedules A to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. No 7 469-2018. 2. Schedule "A", Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A -Silver Valley, Figure 2 -Land Use Plan, is hereby amended for the parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as:: Lot 1 Except: Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 13725), South East Quarter Section 28 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 2637 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 976, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby designated/amended as shown. 3. Schedule "A", Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A -Silver Valley, Figure 4 -Trails/ Open Space is hereby amended for the parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as:: Lot 1 Except: Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 13725), South East Quarter Section 28 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 2637 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 977, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby amended by adding/removing Conservation. 4. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 26th day of June, 2018. READ a second time the 26th day of June, 201_8. PUBLIC HEARING held the 18th day of September, 2018. READ a third time the 25th day of September, 2018. ADOPTED, the day of , 2018. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER i f- .~ L10 (") ·1 LO P409 8 CL ('; L CL 13260 w 23 24 N a, st N (") 1--" CL U) CL (!) P 47 03 w 35 "' N 3 / · ,(EPS 2081) 13227 ,/ PARK C\I ,;j' 22 20 I'-EPP 32 91 C') 13215 0... 34 2~ --..... "' <O ..... *PP157 "" "' "" "" -<O <O "' "' <O "" "" "' "" "' "' "' "' (') "' 132 AVE. ----"' c:, LMP38113 "-(/ (') "' 13165 1105 A P 2637 I 13160 4 P 1105 I 8 7 LO 13144 ARK LO I (!) 16 T"" 0... LO LO 7 LO c.o PARK T"" I 0... 13104 6 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. Purpose: From: 7469-2018 976 To Amend Figure 2 and Figure 3C of the Silver Valley Area Plan Medium/High Density Residential and Conservation To: c::::J Conservation ~ Low Density Urban ~ Medium/High Density Residential Urban Area Boundary MAPLE RIDGE 6 N Bnt1sh Columbia SCALE 1 :2,000 ~· f -i ,_ f-[ ~-f- .~ L10 (") P 409 8 ·1 LO () L (l_ (l_ w 23 24 13260 N (J) '<I" N (") I-' (l_ (/) (l_ C1) P47 03 w 35 <') N 3 / · ,(EPS 2081) 13227 ,/ PARK N "<I' 22 20 ,..._ EPP 32 91 (') 13215 (L 34 2~ --..... ici (0 ..... *PP157 ~ "' <') <') (0 (0 "' "' "' <') <') ici <') "' "' "' lO <') "' 132 AVE. ----"' 0 LMP38113 ..... z1 <') "' Urban Bound 13165 1105 A P 2637 I 13160 4 P 1105 I 8 7 I.() 13144 ARK I.() I <D 16 ..... (L I.() l{) 7 l{) <D PARK ..... I (L 13104 6 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. Purpose: 7469-2018 977 To Amend Figure 4 of the Silver Valley Area Plan as Shown c::::J To Add To Conservation ~ To Remove From Conservation Urban Area Boundary 6 MAPLE RIDGE N British Columbia SCALE 1 :2,000 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7195-2015 APPENDIXC A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7195-2015." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 1 Except: Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 13725), South East Quarter Section 28 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 2637 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1652 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) and R-1 (Residential District). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 12th day of January, 2016. READ a second time the 26th day of June, 2018. PUBLIC HEARING held the 18th day of September, 2018. READ a third time the 25th day of September, 2018. ADOPTED the day of , 2018. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER P409 8 I--' (/) (!) 35 "' N 3 N 13227 '<I" r---C0 13215 a.. 34 *PP157 "' lO (') C\J ----LMP 38113 z1 13165 1105 P 1105 7 ARK 16 PARK 13260 22 I 13160 I 13144 I I 13104 P 47 03 8 7 L, a (') l{) ·1 0.. L 0.. w 20 6 I.{) I.{) (0 .,.... a.. MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING 7195-2015 1652 N a, '<j-N (') 0.. 0.. w / · ,(EPS 2081) J PARK I.{) I.{) I.{) (0 .,.... a.. EPP 32 91 2~ "' ~ 132AVE. Bylaw No. Map No. From: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) To: c::::J R-1 (Residential District) ~ RT-1 (Townhouse Residential) Urban Area Boundary MAPLE RIDGE Br1t1sh Columbia 23 24 P 2637 4 6 N SCALE 1 :2,000 SUBDIVISION PLAN OF LOT 1 SOUTH £AST QUARTER S[CnON 28 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WcSTMINSTfR DISTRICT PLAN 2637 EXCEPT £XPLANA TORY PLAN 13725 aces g2c.02s :..-::.~..==:==-"':'!::::: IMMl:~UUl:l-~111:W~ u·=-.. :1~.:::1 ·~ ·1 ... ...ss .... __ s., ! ===~-, -.. ::: ... _ .. , ___ "' ..... --_,,.. __ ... _., ... _ ... -...... °"., __ -1;,?..a!! ht~ ,,.,,,... ,~· ' 1 ~ -71.JJI erroPocificloid ~~ lf.!!!1.' 8 7 130th Avenue APPENDIX D -l '180 132nd A venue .. -·~ h ~ h 2 h =" .. ~ Pork >--!.'.!.1.. >--!.'-i!t W 1/215 [ 1/2 15 3 City of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council MEETING DATE: January 21, 2020 FILE NO: 2019-341-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C o W SUBJECT: First Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7587-2019 12162, 12170 and 12178 Fletcher Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject properties, located at 12162, 12170 and 12178 Fletcher Street, from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential), to permit a 15 unit townhouse residential development. To proceed further with this application additional information is required, as outlined below. Pursuant to Council policy, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution Program at a rate of $4,100.00 per townhouse dwelling unit, for an estimated amount of $61,500.00. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7587-2019 be given first reading; and 2. That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C, D and E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Legal Descriptions: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: 2019-341-RZ Architect 57 Inc. Lot 9 Except: The South 52.5 Feet Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 11845; South Half Lot 10 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 11845; and North Half Lot 10 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 11845 Ground-Oriented Multi-Family Ground-Oriented Multi-Family RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Page 1 of 5 1101 r Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: b) Site Characteristics: Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Ground-Oriented Multi-Family Single Family Residential RS-1 (Single Family Urban Residential) Ground-Oriented Multi-Family Single Family Residential RS-1 (Single Family Urban Residential) Ground-Oriented Multi-Family Single Family Residential RS-1 (Single Family Urban Residential); 12179 Fletcher Street is under application to the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone Ground-Oriented Multi-Family Single Family Residential Multi-Family Residential 0.33 ha (0.82 acres) Fletcher Street Urban Standard The subject properties, located at 12162, 12170 and 12178 Fletcher Street (see Appendices A and B), are relatively flat and have trees located in both the front and rear yards. The three subject properties currently have single family houses located on them, which will require removal as part of rezoning conditions. The subject properties are located in an established single family neighbourhood characterized by one to two storey houses along the entire length of Fletcher Street, between Brown Avenue to the south, and 123 Avenue to the north. Fletcher Street is classified as a local road, and has open ditches or gravel shoulders, with no curbs, gutters or sidewalks. c) Project Description: This application is for an approximately 15 unit, three-storey townhouse development with a proposed total floor area of 2,055 m2 (22,121 ft2) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 0.62. The allowable FSR in the RM-1 zone is 0.6. Should the applicant exceed the maximum permitted density of 0.6 FSR, then the density bonus provisions will apply. More details of density bonusing for the subject application will be outlined in a future report to Council. The applicant is also proposing a mix of double car garages (ten units) and tandem garages (five units), which is generally in keeping with the 70 percent double garage, 30 percent tandem parking ratio that has been supported in the past. Staff will be providing an update on the Tandem Parking discussion in early 2020. At this time the current application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the Official Community Plan (OCP) and provide a land use assessment only. Detailed review and comments will need to be made once full application packages have been received. A more detailed analysis and further reports will be required prior to second reading. Such assessment may impact proposed lot boundaries and yields, OCP designations and Bylaw particulars, and may require application for further development permits. 2019-341-RZ Page 2 of 5 I-I d) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The subject property is located within the North View Precinct of the Town Centre Area Plan. Development within the North View Precinct should offer a mix of housing types, densities, and housing choices that cater to people of all ages, family types and income levels. Furthermore, it should provide residents with easy access to transportation choices, shops and services in the Central Business District, which in turn supports the vibrancy and viability of those shops and businesses. Adequate private and semi-private green spaces, such as front and rear yards should also be included, as well as climate appropriate landscaping. This project conforms with the general intent of these guidelines. It increases housing diversity by introducing the townhouse housing form into a neighbourhood almost entirely occupied by single family dwellings. It provides easy access to a range of transportation choices and services in the Town Centre Area. The applicant has suggested that a few units may be designed as adaptable units. The details of unit design will be included in future reports to Council. The subject property is currently designated Ground-Oriented Multi-Family. An OCP amendment is not required to support the proposed RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zoning. Town Centre Area Plan Policies 3-1 An increase in residential and commercial density is encouraged in the Town Centre ... Land-use should include a mix of housing types catering to various demographics, including affordable and special needs housing, within walking distance to a broad mixture of uses, including shops, services, cultural facilities, and recreation. This project increases housing density and diversity by providing two bedroom (and den) units in close proximity to a range of amenities and services around the Town Centre. It is within walking and cycling distance of the numerous services and restaurants in the Central Business District to the south; Eric Langton Elementary School to the west; and Fletcher Park to the north. 3-18 Ground-Oriented Multi-Family development should be a maximum of three (3) storeys in height, with ground level entry to each unit. The project complies with this policy as it is proposed to be three storeys in height, and has ground-level access. 3-19 Townhouse development typically includes an internal private street for vehicle access to each unit. All townhouse forms of development should include a site size and configuration that allows for two or more units to face directly onto the street; and residential parking provided in a ground level concealed structure. This project complies with this policy. Two units face the street and will include fagade treatments that are compatible and respectful of the single family oriented streetscape. Vehicle parking is provided in garages concealed from the street and located along the internal strata road. Furthermore, the applicant should ensure that the fencing and landscaping of the two front yards facing the street create a useful semi-private space for residents, an attractive streetscape, and a pleasant transition between the street and private space. 2019-341-RZ Page 3 of 5 I 'I Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the subject properties from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) to permit the development of 15 townhouse units (see Appendix C). The minimum lot size for the current RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) zone is 668 m2 (7,191 ft2), and the minimum lot size for the proposed RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone is 557 m2 (5,996 ft2). The applicant is proposing variances to reduce the front, rear and side lot line setbacks from 7.5 m (25 ft.) to 6.0 m (20 ft.) (see Appendix D). These variances and any further variances arising from subsequent design work will require a Development Variance Permit Application. Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.11 of the OCP, a Town Centre Development Permit (North View Precinct) application is required for all multi-family residential, flexible mixed use and commercial development located in the Town Centre. Advisory Design Panel: A Town Centre Development Permit is required and must be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel prior to second reading. Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting is required for this application. Prior to second reading, the applicant is required to host a Development Information Meeting in accordance with Council Policy 6.20. e) Interdepartmental Implications: In order to advance the current application, after first reading, comments and input, will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; b) Operations Department; c) Fire Department; d) Building Department; e) Parks Department; f) School District; and g) Canada Post. The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary, as the application progresses, to liaise with agencies and/or departments not listed above. This application has not been forwarded to the Engineering Department for comments at this time; therefore, an evaluation of servicing and site access requirements have not been undertaken. We anticipate that this evaluation will take place between first and second reading. f) Development Applications: In order for this application to proceed, the following information must be provided, as required by Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999 as amended: 2019-341-RZ Page 4 of 5 I 1. A complete Rezoning Application (Schedule C); 2. A Town Centre Development Permit Application (Schedule D); and 3. A Development Variance Permit Application (Schedule E); The above list is intended to be indicative only, other applications may be necessary as the assessment of the proposal progresses. CONCLUSION: The development proposal is in compliance with the OCP, therefore, it is recommended that Council grant first reading subject to additional information being provided and assessed prior to second reading. Prepared by: Adam Rieu Senior Planning Technician Reviewed by: Charles . oddard, BA, MA ~ing Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services Concurre[14~ Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7587-2019 Appendix D -Proposed Site Plan 2019-341-RZ Page 5 of 5 c-c C 12281 12263 f-12259 12257 12255 12239 12219 12211 12195 12187 12177 12167 12157 12141 I -------12087 N Scale: 1 :2,000 I--Cf) r--N N 12273 \ \\ t--12_2_7_2 __ ~--,----1_2_2_71------\\ \ 1--~---------~--~-------l APPENDIX A 12276 12274 ·xi'A>i: XX X X X X xxxxxx ~ >2016-219-RZ> 122 \ I '\ 12261 t--12_264 ____ 1---__ 1_22_6_1-\ \\', 12253 12254 12253 \ t-' en CD N N xxx~xx:xx> ~20.16~219::-SD-->~--n 12244 12230 12214 12208 12154 12142 12136 12130 12120 12090 ><..)'--J<y~ v~~ V0/~ ~~ ~015-126~01; XYXXYXXX xxxxxxxXX r'.!U'>,a,nx )( X X x x ~xxxxxx xXYXXxxx xxxxxxxxx xxXYYY x Legend I I 12243 12231 12221 12203 12153 I t,j c:: w I 12147 ~ I 12139 I 12131 I 12119 i I 12111 12101 12087 _J u. 12081 l f-' ' Cf) I o: !;I 12071 ---Ditch Centreline I I 12240 12248 2019-261-VP. 12246 •v~).r-"")v )( X t--1_22_3_0 ___ +----t--------12_2_~--j ~~~AXXX 12228 12222 12218 12216 12208 11!:BJEC~PROPERTIES 1 C\ }~x ~~( D<x><x~~>~~~ 12152 12148 12136 12128 12126 12114 12229 12211 12203 12201 12191 12183 12169 12161 12151 12141 12139 12131 12121 12115 I--Cf) 00 N N 122 AVE. 12208 12194 12186 C-12184 12182 12166 12154 12140 12128 12120 12105 12112 I 12102 12096 12086 12076 t-' en CIO N "' 12092 12090 12080 I ! 12162/70/78 FLETCHER STREET PID'S: 002-396-106, 009-600-001 & 000-7 40-632 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ Active Applications (RZ/SD/DPNP) mapleridge.ca FILE: 2019-341-RZ DATE: Dec 23, 2019 BY:PC 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Scale: 1 :2,000 APPENDIX 8 12162/70/78 FLETCHER STREET PID'S: 002-396-106, 009-600-001 & 000-7 40-632 PLANNING DEPARTMENT --=~~~'"".c. ••.• FILE: 2019-341-RZ DATE: Dec 23, 2019 mapleridge.ca BY:PC CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7587-2019 APPENDIXC A Bylaw to amend Map "A"forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Cou~cil of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7587-2019." 2. Those parcel (s) or tract (s) of land and premises known and described as: Lot 9 Except: The South 52.5 Feet Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 11845; South Half Lot 10 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 11845; North Half Lot 10 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 11845; and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1814 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is/are hereby rezoned to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of READ a second time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a third time the day of ADOPTED, the day of PRESIDING MEMBER ,20 ,20 , 20 ,20 , 20 CORPORATE OFFICER -----, ' i i 2 92 a 12239 Rem. 225 12219 12211 12195 12187 12177 12167 12157 12141 ~ 290 "' "' 331 12254 N a. 123 12253 1 2 12244 P 1 396 12243 P 28 39 131 130 12230 12214 2 12208 66 12192 65 12178 N 1/2 A 12166/68 P 7948 S 1/2A 12154 l!) (!) Ci) l"-0. '" N en a. 2 12142 Ci) 0 12136 2 12130 P 9944 12120 P 38897 175 12090 1 BCS 1124 12231 197 en "Sf" 12221 en C0 198 0. 12203 '"265 ~ 12193 "Sf" a. 264 12185 l!) ~ 13 a. 12179 P 66473 355 12153 354 ~ 12147 353 12139 ~ S1/2 16 0.. 12119 147 ~ 12111 ~ 148 0. 12101 Rem 10 P 11644 12087 N 1/2 f--' Cf) 0::: w I u Iii _J LL 308 309 12253 P 457 2 12240 P 7607 333 334 12230 339 340 12228 P 2578 12222 1 2 12218 P 71970 12216 6 P 14396 12208 280 N 12194 I"-12184 12178 279 ~ 0.. N 1/2 10 S 1/2 10 12170 12162 N 1/2 9 S 1/2 9 12152 12148 331 332 p 6987 12136 12128 337 12126 12114 12102 338 P 2211 2 P 8638 / ----€) ~ 12096 g 12086 A C0 0 a. n. B ~ ::;;; f-----~_J=--, -' 12076 a. 10 12243 9 12229 a. 8 12211 P 2923 2 1 12203 BCP 23946 A 12201 12191 P 58171~_~12_1_83--< 336 12169 BCS 569 ~ Rem2 CX) 12161 12151 o.. S. 52.5' 2 B LMP 40 5 402 12141 A 12139 12131 401 *PP090 N 50' 5 12115 0.. Rem. 5 BCS 3189 1 12105 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. From: To: MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia 7587-2019 1814 RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) 00 N N (!) en Ci) '" CX) 0.. r-= Cl) co N N ~ (/) 00 N 12248 12246 12244 EPP 51714 122 AVE. c.o C\I co "t' C) 't-~ C\I co co co co 352 P 5724 1 gJ g:2 g:3 g:4 B P 2 03 6 P 136 7 12208 Rem.~836 75'of1 12194 RW 4594 -~ --288 1219 P 4 396 303 304 12166 12154 12140 12128 341 340 ro l"-l!) Lf) 339 a. P 4 858 1216 335 1216 337 1215 338 1214 294 295 12120 1214 297 12112 12092 2 12090 296 1210 I"-a. I"-300 0. 1209 302 301 6 N SCALE 1:2,000 ' ' ' ' ' f f ~ I ' . Cm<AJ<ltoH: l'"l,'11-"f"i""' 1~"' l't<fo•...J: , •• 11. .... t,•w1J1t. ::.:~HriJl>t. ~-.~ 1t,.,, lrl1<r1u<s.Jo: l!>0tfi1WSl.lre Looc ..... "ll•l<alloo: Uontl')' Ur111~"'dSl.oro: llr)ITJp,Al\!11..,,) UrltT)T>otD(l.t,,,.,} mll.:!..1~::-u • ..i111~n .. ,t. .. si-.~1.r-/<idi:,-u·,.,P,~~,,wr1:1.,,.'l\'1J11,NW1•1uH~ ·~· IQ.M(o,,,.,,,,!Ortr,11..J)t•l~·l'•O'\lly) -~~~:!Jn 1-., ... .ir. 11,..,,r.lr. :;,.:,., ,,. .. 75 .. Cd.'~.,.. .. ::z::: '..= .. Ur. .. ,.s .'O'!.•l'J>"""""'•'Y -· ~~ .... ijy1'<1,..,."fl'1ao.,11o,,,..1u1 ... 1 !J,:!iinrCCl'Jm) L. TllwN,r-,i.J•r. 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Currently, the site is licensed for a Neighbourhood Pub and a licensee retail store as an accessory use. The zone being sought would allow the licensee retail store to operate as an independent principle use and the pub would be discontinued as a use. There are no physical changes being proposed to the existing building and associated accessory parking. A development variance permit will be required to permit the building as-built. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7603-2019 be given first reading. 2. That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: 2019-310-RZ Sel Engineering Ltd (Lee Her) Parcel 5 District Lot 278 Group 1 NWD Reference Plan 64192 Hammond Village Commercial Hammond Village Commercial C-4 (Neighbourhood Public House Commercial) H-1 (Hertiage Commercial) Use: Residential Zone: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Designation: Hammond Village Commercial Page 1 of 4 1102 South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: b) Site Characteristics: Commercial H-1 (Hertiage Commercial) Hammond Village Commercial Residential One Family Urban Residential) Medium Density Multi-Family and Hammond Village Commercial Commercial H-1 (Hertiage Commercial) Hammond Village Commercial Commercial Commercial 0.12 HA. (0.3 acres) Dartford Street Urban Standard The subject site is a fully developed flat parcel of land, with a commercial building in the northern end of the site and the associated accessory parking for the business in the southern half of the lot. There is a hedge partially along the southern edge of the parking area, buffering of garbage bin storage area to the residential lot to the east and a tree that straddles the lot line in the southeast corner of the parking lot. c) Project Description: The proposal is to rezone the subject site from C-4 (Neighbourhood Public House Commercial) to H-1 (Heritage Commercial), to permit the existing licensee retail store in the building as a principal use. The are no physical changes being proposed to the existing building and associated accessory parking (Appendix D). Therefore, no development permit for form and character is required as part of this application. A development variance permit will be required to permit the building as built. d) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The development site is located within the Hammond Village Area Plan and is currently designated Hammond Village Commercial. The posed rezoning from C-4 (Neighbourhood Public House Commercial) to H-1 (Heritage Commercial) is consistent with the Hammond Village Commercial designation. Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the property located at 11232 Dartford Street (see Appendix C) from C-4 (Neighbourhood Public House Commercial) to H-1 (Hertiage Commercial) to permit the existing licensee retail store in the building as a principal use. A development variance permit will be required to permit the building as built. 2019-310-RZ Page 2 of 4 Development Permits: The subject property is subject to Section 8.13 of the OCP, which is the Hammond Development Permit Area application for all Low Density Multi-family, Medium Density Multi-family, Infill General Employment and Hammond Village Commercial located in the Hammond Area. As described earlier, no development permit for form and character is required as part of this rezoning application. Advisory Design Panel: A submission to the ADP is not required because there will be no change to the building and thus a form and character development permit is not associated with this rezoning application. Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting is not required for this application under Council Policy 6.20. e) Interdepartmental Implications: In order to advance the current application, after first reading, comments and input, will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; b) Operations Department; c) Fire Department; d) Building Department; e) Parks Department; f) School District; g) Utility companies; h) Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; and i) Canada Post. The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary, as the application progresses, to liaise with agencies and/or departments not listed above. This application has not been forwarded to the Engineering Department for comments at this time; therefore, an evaluation of servicing and site access requirements have not been undertaken. We anticipate that this evaluation will take place between first and second reading. f) Development Applications: In order for this application to proceed the following information must be provided, as required by Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999 as amended: 1. A Development Variance Permit (Schedule E). The above list is intended to be indicative only, other applications may be necessary as the assessment of the proposal progresses. 2019-310-RZ Page 3 of 4 CONCLUSION: The development proposal is in compliance with the OCP, therefore, it is recommended that Council grant first reading subject to additional information being provided and assessed prior to second reading. Prepared by: Adrian Kopystynski, M.Sc., MCIP, RPP, MCAHP Planner Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services Concurrencv-&a~ Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7603-2019 Appendix D -Proposed Site Plan 2019-310-RZ Page 4 of 4 11289 N Scale: 1 :2,000 t-' (/) <D 0 "' APPENDIX A <o <o <o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11339 11329 t-' (/) 11329 .... 11334 0 "' 11312 11311 11310 11315 !!? ~ ..... ~ IQ I <") <o <o <o <o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11312 11304 113AVE. 11296 <o ~ ~ 0 <o "' "' ~ ~ ~ 11295 I ~ ~ (Q "' ~ ~ 11291/93 11288 ~ ~ ..... 11280 ~ ~ 11277 11281 113AVE. 11278 11273 ~ ,';; 111261 "' ~ 11266 ~ 11267 11272 11253 ~ ~ ~ ..... ..... ..... ~ ~ ~ 11264 BATTLE AVE. ~UBJECT PROPERTY I 5 , 11260 Legend -stream --· Ditch Centreline -Edge of River - -Indefinite Creek -River -Major Rivers & Lakes t-' (/) 0 0:: 0 u. l-o:: <( 0 11240 11232 ~120f ~ Active Applications (RZ/SD/DPNP) // -.... "' ~ 11239 11246 t-' 11236 11235 (/) .... 0 "' 11230 l ~ ~ 11226 --. 11232 DARTFORD STREET PLANNING DEPARTMENT FILE: 2019-310-RZ DATE: Aug 29, 2019 BY: PC "' ~ ~-..... .... ..... ~ ~ ..... ~ I Scale: 1 :2,000 APPENDIX 8 11232 DARTFORD STREET PLANNING DEPARTMENT ----=--~-·~ ••.• FILE: 2019-310-RZ DATE: Aug 29, 2019 mapleridge.ca BY:PC CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7603-2019 APPENDIXC A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7603-2019." 2. That parcel of land and premises known and described as: Parcel 5 District Lot 278 Group 1 New Wetsminster District Reference Plan 64192 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1820 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to H-1 (Hertiage Commercial). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of READ a second time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a third time the day of ADOPTED, the day of PRESIDING MEMBER , 20 ,20 ,20 ,20 ,20 CORPORATE OFFICER 728 727 -"' <o a:, LO LO a a "' "' ,. "' 11289 a:, r, LO a "' P 180 751 754 755 654 752 753 756 LO " LO a "' P044 "' -a:, 0, LO LO aa "'"' W 88025 , 11' "tt;7 EPP37013 l,9,, -""0 ~ a "' RW 52217 , 724 723 720 719 716 -LO "' -"' "' <o <o <o a a a "' "' "' 113AVE. ~ -<o <o .,,. l<DN1/2* a "' 1°&63 & 766 <o <o <o a a a w 11295 "' "' "' 758 759 762 S 1/2 P1 14 763 & 766 11277 1043 ~ N 1/2 764 & 765 11278 L!) 761 11273 ,<f "' ..S 1~~ 1/2 1042 a.. "' ~764 765 <o 11266 a ~ 11261 "' BATTLE AVE. f-' U) <D 0 "' RW 65007 p 14 Reml!l 715 712 711 1123 r-... * LO LO RerrG"' <o "-<o <o 11122 ~ a a "' "' I a.."' *PP044 RW 51276 co co <o P 3034A LO <o "-<o <o <o A f-' a a a 11291/93 "' "' "' (/) 767 770 771 S 1/2 0 774 & 775 0:: 0 11281 u.. f-~~\f&N,i8 0:: 1113 ~ 0 . 11267 11272 ('I) ',-'<t 1114 00 SK 1840 '<t 11253 11258 B a.. 112~30' Ti 8 111511249 S 1/2 786 & 787 11240 P 114 1 P 64192 5 .. * 11232 IA/2L. B-P 12 70! 11208 "' *PP044 P 52216 ---RW 52217 EPP 35547 _J BCF 1 (") "-<o a "' 11239 2 7202 3 11235 P 11 ~ Rem 781 780 LO co <o a "' I RW 71974 ~ a ~"" pp 3 548~ <o N a a "' "':ti 1 _ ~ -Ur---\__ RW 60222 Ii) a.. f-' U) r--0 "' MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. From: To: MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia 7603-2019 1820 C-4 (Neighbourhood Public House Commercial) H-1 (Heritage Commercial) a.. 2 p 3319 11312 11304 2 Ol 954 11296 '<t 3 Ol 5 6 7 11288 a.. "' 0, "-4 ~ ~ .,,. "-11280 a a a "' "' "' 113AVE. a "' co co A "' B ~ "' ~ "-"-a a a a "' "' "' "' LMP 1131 11264 5 6 7 P 11457 11260 2 p 145 11246 1 179 '<t (') ..--CX) 11236 '<t 0 <D C') N Rem 1 a.. 180 a.. w 11230 Rem 1 00 P 908 6 N SCALE 1:2,000 '\) '\)' * t-ill ill ~ t-ill Q ~ () '\,~ ,\) ~ t <::{ i Q I i i b i i I i ' '\' f I i i i i i ')," \"' I l o"' I ~"1 s) ,' g; .#0 \ L____ V \k ll.4.'32~_5.03mbf(V~lt,NCEJ J O" G-0 ':,Cj 11y'\ ~ ~ ;§ c:,°' :ii ~ \l ;; • ~' ~ iZ 2:' ======------------------L-J~I : EXIST. ONE STOREY BLDG. 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C131!114 ~3.212113 AO °"O\IN A-4 ,,.J .~ " • • I Bnl!sh Columbia mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer First Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7523-2018 20278 and 20292 Patterson Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: January 21, 2020 2018-489-RZ cow An application has been received to rezone the subject properties, located at 20278 and 20292 Patterson Avenue within the Hammond Area Plan, from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) to permit an apartment building. This application first came to Council on January 29, 2019, for first reading and Council deferred the application, pending the outcomes of the Lougheed Transit Corridor Study. The Lougheed Transit Corridor Study was discussed at Council Workshop on December 3, 2019. Council referred the Lougheed Transit Corridor Study Area back to staff for further work to incorporate higher densities. This subject application was further discussed at Council Workshop on December 10, 2019. At this meeting, it was determined that the land use designation of Medium Density Multi-Family from the Hammond Area Plan would remain on the properties, and that the applicant could work with staff to amend the design of the building to be more sensitive to the surrounding single family residences. The original application was for a four-storey apartment building, with approximately 82 units, ranging from studio to three bedrooms units. Although revised plans have not been provided for first reading, as this is a land use discussion only, Council provided direction that they would like to see the form of the apartment building reduced to be more sensitive to the surrounding single family residences. This rezoning application for an apartment building is in compliance with the intent and land use policies of the Hammond Area Plan; therefore, it is recommended that first reading be granted to the current application to allow it to proceed, subject to further information being provided by the applicant prior to second reading. Details of the revised proposal will be provided with the second reading report, and with the future Development Permit report to Council. It can be expected that neighbourhood opposition to an apartment at this location will continue. As per Council Policy 6.31, a Community Amenity Contribution charge equivalent to $3,100 per apartment dwelling unit is requested for this proposed development. To proceed further with this application additional information is required as outlined below. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7523-2018 be given first reading; and 2. That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C, D and E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. 2018-489-RZ Page 1 of 7 1103 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Legal Descriptions: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Properties: Proposed Use of Properties: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: b) Site Characteristics: W. Bissky, Bissky Architecture and Urban Design Inc. Lot 55 Except Part Dedicated Road on Plan 78633, District Lot 222, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 35806; and Lot 56, District Lot 222, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 35806 Medium Density Multi-Family Medium Density Multi-Family RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Low Density Multi-Family and Medium Density Multi-Family Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential), RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) Medium Density Multi-Family, Single-Family and Compact Residential Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Medium Density Multi-Family Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Low Density Multi-Family Single Family Residential Multi-Family Residential 0.37 ha (0.91 acres) Patterson Avenue Urban Standard The two subject properties, located at 20278 and 20292 Patterson Avenue, at the intersection of 203 Street, together make up a trapezoidal development site approximately 0.37 ha (0.91 acres) in size (see Appendix A). The subject properties are mainly flat, with an existing single family dwelling on each of them. The subject properties are surrounded by single family dwellings on all sides. A Katzie First Nation's cemetery is located to the southeast of the subject properties, across 203 Street. Maple Ridge Fire Hall No. 3 is located two properties to the south of the subject properties, and the City has recently acquired the property located at 11789 203 Street, to allow for expansion of the Fire Hall (see Appendix 8). 2018-489-RZ Page 2 of 7 Patterson Avenue is a local road which ends in a cul-de-sac to the west. 203 Street is a main north/south arterial road in the western end of the City connecting lower Hammond, the Maple Meadows Business Park, the commercial services along Lougheed Highway and Dewdney Trunk Road, and the residential and agricultural areas to the north. c) Project Description: This application first came to Council on January 29, 2019, for first reading (see Appendix C) and Council deferred the application, pending the outcomes of the Lougheed Transit Corridor Study. The Lougheed Transit Corridor Study was discussed at Council Workshop on December 3, 2019. Council refe'rred the Lougheed Transit Corridor Study Area back to staff for further work to incorporate higher densities. This subject application was further discussed at Council Workshop on December 10, 2019. At this meeting, it was determined that the land use designation of Medium Density Multi-Family from the Hammond Area Plan would remain on the properties, and that the applicant could work with staff to amend the design of the building to be more sensitive to the surrounding single family residences. The original development proposal was for a four-storey apartment building with approximately 6,597 m2 (71,008 ft2) of gross floor area, and a floor space ratio of approximately 1.8. Based on Council's direction provided at the December 10, 2019 Workshop meeting, the project will need to be revised to be more sensitive to the surrounding built form and height of the single family residential properties to the west and south. It is expected that this can be achieved by tiering the structure to three storeys at points where it abuts the single family residential structures; however, the applicant has not provided any revised plans at this point, as they would like to hear Council's direction and feedback on the proposed land use. At this time, the current application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the Official Community Plan (OCP) and provide a land use assessment only. Detailed review and comments will be made once full application packages have been received. Such assessment may impact proposed lot boundaries and yields, OCP designations and Bylaw particulars, and may require application for further development permits. d) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The subject properties are located in the Hammond Area Plan, which was adopted by Council in January 2017 (see Appendix D). The properties are designated Medium Density Residential to reflect their location on a Major Corridor and their proximity to Lougheed Highway. This Medium Density Residential land use designation aligns with. a townhouse and rowhouse form of development to maximum of three storeys, as well as an apartment form of housing to a maximum of four storeys. The Hammond Area Plan currently has the following policy under the Medium Density Residential designation to create a sensitive transition as existing neighbourhoods experience redevelopment: 3-26 Ensuring that higher densities are compatible with existing character is an important consideration. Design for new development should .include: a) Orienting living and activity spaces toward streets and laneways, so that opportunities for "eyes on the street" are created wherever possible; 2018-489-RZ Page 3 of 7 b) Careful consideration of size, location, and orientation of on-site open space areas to ensure new development allows ample sunlight and a variety of plant materials and trees that are complementary to the existing mature landscaping that contributes to the neighbourhood character; c) Design that is sensitive to surrounding built form and height, particularly for buildings that are three (3) or more storeys in height; d) Parking for residents is provided in a concealed or underground structure. In addition to the above-noted compatibility policy, the Hammond Area Plan includes development permit guidelines to shape the design of new buildings so that they integrate with the character of each Hammond neighbourhood. The following building massing guidelines are particularly relevant in the context of the proposed development: 2.2.4 Apartment buildings over two storeys should articulate or step back upper storeys of buildings (the third storey and above) to reduce the scale and massing of the building. 2.2.5 New development should provide a transition in scale to adjacent land uses with a different land use designation. This can be achieved through: • Building design articulation of building features; • Setback or buffer to adjacent development; and • A combination of the above with landscaping and trees. Based on the policies and guidelines for multi-family development under the Medium Density Residential land use and following first reading, the applicant will be required to submit detailed building plans reconciling how their proposal meets the intent of the Hammond Area Plan. Prior to consideration of second reading, the applicant will be responsible for hosting a Development Information Meeting to present architectural plans and supporting professional reports to the surrounding neighbourhood. Comments received at the Development Information Meeting will be included in a subsequent staff report for Council's review. Lougheed Transit Corridor Study In September 2018, a land use study was endorsed by Council for the Lougheed Corridor, encompassing lands west of the Town Centre primarily between Dewdney Trunk Road and Lougheed Highway and adjacent to these two roadways. At the time of endorsement, Council further added two sub-areas south of Lougheed Highway, and the subject properties fall into one of these sub-areas referred to as the South-West Lougheed Residential Sub-area. This sub-area includes properties along Patterson Avenue, West Street, 119A Avenue, Bruce Avenue and Bruce Place, and properties north of 118 Avenue, between 203 Street and 207 Street (see Figure 1 below). 2018-489-RZ Page 4 of 7 --....; -I ~ ..._ With the addition of this sub-area into the Lougheed Transit Corridor study, focused consultation events were held with area residents. At these events, staff heard that many of the residents have lived in the area for twenty to forty years, and have experienced firsthand increased traffic and congestion as the population has grown and new regional road connections have been built. Area residents also expressed concerns for new development in their neighbourhood, the new rapid bus stop at 203 Street and Lougheed Highway, and future re-development of surrounding properties, particularly a large adjacent property that has been vacant for some time. Given this feedback and City-wide consultation, the proposed land use concept for the Lougheed Transit Corridor focuses density between Dewdney Trunk Road and the Lougheed Highway, allowing for transitional height south of Lougheed Highway and into existing single family neighbourhoods. While the intersection of 203 Street and Lougheed Highway has been identified as a key node along the transit corridor, it is anticipated that design considerations and thoughtful planning can help transition the area into a transit-oriented community. Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the subject properties from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) to permit an apartment building (see Appendix E). Based on a review of the preliminary proposal at this time, the applicant may seek variances for reducing the parking requirement and relaxing the front (north) and exterior side (east) setback requirements of the RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zone. The precise nature of these variances, and justification for them, will be examined once a full application package is received following first reading. Any variations from the requirements of the proposed zone will require a Development Variance Permit application. Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.13 of the OCP, a Hammond Development Permit Area application is required for all Medium Density Multi-Family located in the Hammond Area. Through this design process, efforts will be made to reduce the scale and massing of the proposed building to be more sensitive to the single-family houses in the area. Advisory Design Panel: The Hammond Development Permit Area Application for the North Hammond Precinct must be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel prior to second reading. Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting is required for this application. Prior to second reading, the applicant is required to host a Development Information Meeting in accordance with Council Policy 6.20. 2018-489-RZ Page 5 of 7 e) Interdepartmental Implications: In order to advance the current application, after first reading, comments and input will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; a) Fire Department; b) Building Department; c) School District; d) Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; and e) Canada Post. The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary as the application progresses to liaise with agencies and/or departments not listed above. A Traffic Impact Assessment will be included with the engineering design should this application proceed. This application has not been forwarded to the Engineering Department for comments at this time; therefore, an evaluation of servicing requirements has not been undertaken. This evaluation will take place between first and second reading. f) Development Applications: In order for this application to proceed the following information must be provided, as required by Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999 as amended: 1. A complete Rezoning Application (Schedule C); 2. A Hammond Area Development Permit Application for the North Hammond Precinct (Schedule D); 3. A Development Variance Permit (Schedule E); The above list is intended to be indicative only, and other applications may be necessary as the assessment of the proposal progresses. g) Citizen Implication: As discussed above, with the addition of this sub-area into the Lougheed Transit Corridor study, focused consultation events were held with area residents. A summary of the consultation information was provided to Council at the Council Workshop meeting of December 10, 2019 (see Appendix F). Additionally, the public will have the opportunity to provide feedback to the Developer at the Development Information Meeting, and to Council at the Public Hearing. It should be noted that there have been lengthy discussions around Building Scheme restrictive covenants that were originally on the Certificates of Title for the subject properties, which were later discharged by the Land Titles Office. This restrictive covenant was between private property owners, and not the City. There is still a notation on the Certificates of Title referring to the Building Scheme. The surrounding neighbourhood has concerns with the proposed development which would not adhere to the Building Scheme. The developer should be aware that Council may rezone the subject properties and authorize the City to issue the Development Permit and Building Permit to allow the proposed development, despite the Building Scheme being on Title. However, the Building Scheme is a private agreement, so it is possible that any owner may explore the option to delay or prevent the development. 2018-489-RZ Page 6 of 7 I CONCLUSION: The development proposal is in compliance with the Hammond Area Plan of the OCP. Therefore, it is recommended that Council grant first reading, subject to additional information being provided and assessed prior to second reading, including exploring all opportunities to address the interfacing and compatibility of this development with respect to the existing single family housing to the south and west. Prepared by: Michelle Baski, AScT, MA Planner Reviewed by: Director of Pl ~ Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services Q_Q~ Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Official Community Plan Land Use Designations Appendix D -First Reading Report dated January 22, 2019 Appendix E -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7523-2018 Appendix F -South-West Lougheed Residential Sub-Area Land Use Designations Report 2018-489-RZ Page 7 of 7 ' ' f,:_ (J) zf> 20146 -::t:: 20181 ~~ () ASHLEY CR. 20161 ~ t:: OJ 20170 ro ~ NN 20165 20154 SENTINEL ST. ~ ~~ ->. "" 20162 20169 20165 w I~ 0 20173 20182 20170 0 20176 20173 0 20173 20177 20178 20184 20181 20194 20196 20198 20185 120185 201s6 I ,.,.......... 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O 0 i z [> :SH~YC:~ W 20169 0 O wn O wro 20177 20184 20181 20191 20194 20198 20185 20199 l> 20210 ~ 20199 111111 t D I I «i i ::::: 20220 ~ 202,1 Q -;g[~~b~'?]J;~~:i !20223 20230 20223 3 ~ ;;¥ "Q.. 9: :E CQ. ;f O ct> 0 C. ~ 20231 3 W ~ (t) C O ct> < ct> ~ (t) ~po 5·s;:3m.;,~cn zi 20240 20239 n.o:,mo ~oo-Gl Olo 20239 ru -c ~ m ro ~-3 3 o ~=----1"-2insiii -~ g-~. $:'. -<°" ~ ~ A 20247 20250 20253 m ~ ~ c ~ m ro "fil cc $'. ~ () -· ~ 20255 20260 20263 £ ~ ~ ~ ~ [ ~ ~-~ [ ] _. 20265 20272 20273 0 :!! )> r -Im m .. .. N zo 0 ~ < Cf' N .i,.. ---J co -(0 N' 0 :::0 ~N co [JJ I :<: :::0 )> --r.r,r;-r;,..,,...,..,,.,...,,,,... ·,, ~3 «u "'U = :::0 20275 20280 ~ '< [ 3 D) "CJ -CD ::s. a. ' • (') D) a, ~ 9i: 1/\l ,,.- I\.) 0 I\.) c.o I\.) Qo I\.) 0 I\.) -...J co 20335 "U 0 )> rn "ll -i ~ -i ;o --i m s: rn ;:;a z --i (/) 0 z ~ m 20432 )> -c -c m z 0 >< C') TO: FROM: SUBJECT: City of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer First Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7523-2018 20278 and 20292 Patterson Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: APPENDIX D MEETING DATE: January 22, 2019 FILE NO: 2018-489-RZ MEETING: C o W An application has been received to rezone the subject properties, located at 20278 and 20292 Patterson Avenue within the Hammond Area Plan, from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) to permit a four storey apartment building. Approximately 82 units, ranging from studio to three bedrooms units, are proposed at this time. The subject properties are designated Medium Density Multi-Family (MDMF) under the Hammond Area Plan, and no OCP amendment is required to support the current application. More intensive land uses within the Hammond Area Plan are designed to be compatible with the existing built form and height. Medium density residential land uses are permitted in various areas within the new Hammond Area Plan, including along major corridors such as 203 Street, 207 Street, near Lougheed Highway, and in closer proximity to the ·west Coast Express station and local bus routes. In developing the Hammond Area Plan, the City undertook one of its most extensive public consultation processes to date, including holding three open houses and extensive advertising and communications through the newspapers, website, social media, mail outs and posters. Subsequent to the adoption of the Hammond Area Plan, Translink announced plans to run a new B-Une rapid bus route, starting in September 2019, from Coquitlam Town Centre to Maple Ridge Town Centre along Lougheed Highway. A 8-Line bus stop is currently planned at 203 Street, approximately 200 m, or a 2 to 3 minute walk, from the subject properties. Furthermore, Council directed staff in September 2018 to undertake a Lougheed Transit Corridor Study, the purpose of which is to review existing policies and land use designations around proposed 8-Line rapid bus stops and along the Lougheed corridor to ensure they are transit-supportive in terms of uses and density. Council also endorsed the study's engagement strategy and study area boundaries, which includes properties on Patterson Avenue and this application's development site. This rezoning application for a four storey apartment building is in compliance with the intent and land use policies of the Hammond Area Plan. Therefore, it is recommended that first reading be granted to the current application to allow it to proceed, subject to further information being provided by the applicant prior to second reading. However, Council has the option to defer the current application pending the outcomes of the Lougheed Transit Corridor Study. As per Council Policy 6.31, a CAC charge of $254,200 is requested for this proposed development ($3,100 per apartment dwelling unit). To proceed further with this application additional information is required as outlined below. Page 1 of 10 ' ' ' l--· '' ' ,. ' ' ~-. l RECOMMENDATIONS: That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7523-2018 be given first reading; and That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C, D and E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Properties: Proposed Use of Properties: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: b) Site Characteristics: Bissky Architecture and Urban Design Inc., Wayne Bissky Lot 55 Except Part Dedicated Road on Plan 78633, District Lot 222, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 35806 Lot 56, District Lot 222, Group 1, New Westminster District Plan 35806 Medium Density Multi-Family No Change RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Low Density Multi-Family and Medium Density Multi-Family Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential), RS-1b (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) Medium Density Multi-Family, Single-Family and Compact Residential Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Medium Density Multi-Family Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Low Density Multi-Family Single Family Residential Multi-Family Residential 0.368 ha (0.909 acres) Patterson Avenue Urban Standard The two subject properties, located at 20278 and 20292 Patterson Avenue at the intersection of 203 Street, together make up a trapezoidal development site approximately 0.368 ha (0.9 acres) in Page 2 of 10 ' ,. ' ! . f I f f, I I I ' f size (see Appendix A). The development site is largely flat, with two single family dwellings located on them. They are surrounded by single family dwellings on all sides. A Katzie First Nation's cemetery is located to the southwest of the development site across 203 Street. Maple Ridge Firehall #3 is located two properties to the south of the development site (see Appendix B). Patterson Avenue is a local road which ends in a cul-de-sac to the west. 203 Street is a main north-south arterial road in the western end of the City connecting lower Hammond, the Maple Meadows Business Park, the commercial services along Lougheed Highway and Dewdney Trunk Road, and the residential and agricultural areas to the north. c) Project Description: The development proposal is for a four storey apartment building with approximately 6,597 m2 (71,008 sf) of gross floor area, and a floor space ratio of approximately 1.8 (see Appendix E). At this preliminary stage, approximately 82 units are proposed comprising studio to three bedroom units. Note that numbers are subjectto change following further detailed review: • Studio (-7 units, 9%) • One Bedroom (-35 units, 44%) • Two Bedroom (-30 units, 37%) • Three Bedroom (-8 units, 10%) At this time the current application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the Official Community Plan (OCP) and provide a land use assessment only. Detailed review and comments will need to be made once full application packages have been received. A more detailed analysis and a further report will be required prior to second reading. Such assessment may impact proposed lot boundaries and yields, OCP designations and Bylaw particulars, and may require application for further development permits. d) Planning Analysis: Hammond Area Plan and the Official Community Plan The development site is located within the Hammond Area Plan. The area planning process was initiated in 2014 in response to redevelopment pressure occurring in the area. Applications for denser forms of development were being proposed, and local area residents expressed a desire to discuss appropriate forms, density and locations for future development. The public engagement and consultation processes that were undertaken during the development of the Hammond Area Plan included three open houses held between June 2014 to March 2016, and information and invitations to participate listed on the City's website and social media platforms (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, lnstagram). Furthermore, open houses were advertised: • in the local newspaper from four to seven times prior to each one; • on the City's website; • through the City's social media channels, as well as posting to the Hammond Neighbours Facebook page (a privately organized Facebook page); • by email to individuals who signed onto a subscriber list at each open house; • by letters mailed to individuals who signed up for mail-out updates; • . by posters and postcards left at neighbourhood library boxes, local elementary schools, Waves Coffee Shop, Lorne Avenue Groceries, the Hammond Community Centre, the Dartford Page 3of 10 Pub, the Seniors Centre on 224 Street, the Maple Ridge Branch of the Fraser Valley Central Library, and the Municipal Hall; The final Hammond Area Plan, adopted in January 2017, was the result of these extensive consultation activities with area residents, a review of the OCP's existing policies, and discussions with Council. The intent of the Plan is to provide specific policy guidance for new development as the Hammond neighbourhood evolves over time. A major feature of the plan is a set of land use policies that aim to preserve the unique character of the existing single family housing neighbourhoods, while also providing guidance on where redevelopment and intensification may occur. Areas which are designated for more intensive redevelopment are located in various areas of Hammond, including major corridors, such as 203 and 207 Streets, and areas close to Lougheed Highway. It should be noted that 203 Street is classified as an arterial road, and prior to adoption of the Hammond Area Plan, lands along 203 Street were subject to the Major Corridor policies of the OCP. The Major Corridor policies had been in place since 2006, and permitted higher density developments, such as this application's proposed apartment building. The Hammond Area Plan's land use policies for 203 Street were developed in alignment with the OCP's Major Corridor policies. The purpose of the Hammond Area Plan policies is twofold. First, they lead to a greater variety of housing forms and choice for Maple Ridge residents. Second, they create a vibrancy along major corridors that supports efficiencies in transportation mobility. This includes improved public transit, bicycl_e and pedestrian routes that help Maple Ridge residents move more conveniently throughout the community and region. The development site is currently designated Medium Density Multi-Family (see Appendix C). As discussed above, this designation allows for the highest residential densities within the Hammond Area Plan, and aims to support the creation of vibrant Hammond neighbourhoods as well as support future transportation mobility. This development application is in compliance with the policies of the Hammond Area Plan. A review of specific area plan policies with respect to this application is presented below. The proposed four storey apartment building is in compliance with the following Hammond Area Plan policies: 3-6 Providing a range of housing forms and tenures is encouraged throughout the Hammond neighbourhood. These include single-family and multi-family forms, with tenures ranging from home ownership, rental (including purpose-built rental), affordable, and subsidized housing. 3-23 Townhouse, rowhouse and apartment housing forms are permitted within the Medium Density Multi-Family Designation. 3-25 Maximum building height for apartment form is four (4) storeys. Furthermore, the following policies also apply to this development site. As the design of the project is still preliminary, further design work will be undertaken following first reading. A full assessment of the compliance of the project with these policies will be provided at second reading. However, these policies are listed here as strong guidance of how the design of the project will be assessed: 3-5 Hammond is an established neighbourhood, with a predominantly single-family use. As density increases over time, design compatibility with the existing character is encouraged to Page 4 of 10 maintain livability, streetscape aesthetics, and Hammond's sense of place. Elements of the existing built form should be incorporated into site and building design for all forms of development. For example: (a) Space for ample light penetration should be provided between buildings; (b) Building heights should not appear imposing to smaller existing buildings; (c) Existing mature trees and shrubs should be retained, wherever possible; and (d) Landscaping should include new plants and trees that will attract bees, butterflies, and songbirds; (e) Establish garden areas that provide energy conservation benefits, such as shade in the summer and light penetration in the winter (i.e. using deciduous trees). 3-10 Shadow studies may be required for proposed buildings greater than three (3) storeys in height and where a building fa9ade is more than double the width of adjacent buildings. Site and building design should mitigate for potential shadow casts and blocking of daylight on nearby properties. 3-13 To minimize impervious surfaces, incorporate on-site landscaping infiltration strategies and rainwater retention to comply with the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw. 3-14 Energy efficient design and Best Management Practices are encouraged in all developments in Hammond. Maple Ridge supports the green technologies embedded in the Hammond Development Permit Area Guidelines and encourages these within all development. 3-15 Achieving a LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design), Built Green, Passive House or similar certification program is encouraged, as they contribute to energy savings and greenhouse gas reductions through enhanced envelope performance and decreased reliance on mechanical systems for heating, cooling, and ventilation. 3-26 Ensuring that higher densities are compatible with existing character is an important consideration. Design for new development should include: (a) Orienting living and activity spaces toward streets and laneways, so that opportunities for "eyes on the street" are created wherever possible; (b) Careful consideration of size, location, and orientation of on-site open space areas to ensure new development allows ample sunlight and a variety of plant materials and trees that are complementary to the existing mature landscaping that contributes to the neighbourhood character; (c) Design that is sensitive to surrounding built form and height, particularly for buildings that are three (3) or more storeys in height; (d) Parking for residents is provided in a concealed or underground structure. The properties directly to the west of the development site are designated as Low Density Multi-Family under the Hammond Area Plan. This designation permits townhouses, fourplexes and courtyard residential development forms up to three stories in height on these properties subject to rezoning. These properties are in close proximity to Lougheed Highway and the Maple Meadows West Coast Express Station. Policy 3-9 c) of the Hammond Area Plan encourages lot consolidation only where it is not to the detriment of residual parcels with respect to their land use designations. In this case, a single family house on the property, 11789 203 Street, is located to the south of the development site and just Page 5 of 10 north of Maple Ridge Fire Hall #3. This property is also designed Medium Density Multi-Family and was envisioned to be a part of future development at this corner of 203 Street. The parcel by itself would have limited development potential without consolidation with the current development application. The developers have approached the property owner of 11789 203 Street to include it within the current development application. However, the property owner does not wish to join the current development at this time. Finally, the OCP and the Hammond Area Plan contain policies aimed at working cooperatively with regional and provincial agencies, such as Translink, Metro Vancouver, and the Ministry of Highways to further improve transportation networks within Maple Ridge and connections with the larger region. Notably, the following policy within the Hammond Area Plan reflects this: 4-8 Maple Ridge will continue to consult and work in cooperation with Regional and Provincial agencies to improve public transit and particularly to: a) Increase existing transit service to a level that is consistent with a compact and multi-modal community; and, b) Provide safe and convenient access to transit facilities. Increasing land use intensity in certain key areas and along specific major corridors is important in being able to secure external agency commitments to infrastructure improvements. For example, discussions were held with Translink during the development of the Hammond Area Plan which led to the recommendation of higher density land use designations in certain areas in north Hammond. Subsequently, a new 8-Line rapid bus service from Coquitlam to Maple Ridge via the Lougheed Highway corridor has been proposed by Translink. Further discussion on this item is presented below. In summary, this development application is in compliance with the height and apartment housing forms envisioned by the policies of the Hammond Area Plan. Furthermore, it will be subject to a Form and Character Development Permit, as per OCP section 8.13, where opportunities to address the interfacing and compatibility of this development with respect to the existing single family housing to the south and west will be fully investigated. Lougheed Transit Corridor Study Translink has identified the Lougheed Highway corridor west of the Town Centre as the alignment for a new B-Line rapid bus service route, which will connect the Haney Transit Exchange to Coquitlam Central Station and the Evergreen Line skytrain. This new service is anticipated to begin operating in September 2019. B-Line bus stops in Maple Ridge are proposed at the intersections of Lougheed Highway at Laity Street and 203 Street, and being considered at 222 Street. The proposed stop at the 203 Street intersection is approximately 200 m, or 2 to 3 minute walk, from this application's development site. In September 2018, Council directed staff to undertake a Lougheed Transit Corridor Study, and also endorsed its engagement strategy and study area boundaries. Based on Council's direction at the September 4, 2018 Workshop meeting, the study area was expanded to include properties on Patterson Avenue, which cover this application's development site. The Lougheed Transit Corridor Study will review whether existing policies around proposed B-Line bus stops and along the Lougheed corridor are generally transit-supportive. This includes land use designations and infrastructure development that support multi-modal transportation, reduce car-Page 6of 10 f : i' dependence, and provide opportunities to live, work and shop in close proximity to transit stops. The study outcomes may result in recommendations or changes regarding land use policies within the study area boundaries. The study is organized into three phases: 1. Background research; 2. Consultation and concept plan development; 3. Policy and bylaw amendments. Currently, staff are working through phase 1, which includes participation in Metro Vancouver's land use and monitoring study for the Lougheed corridor. Once informed by Metro Vanco'uver's study findings, staff will be reporting back to Council prior to moving forward with phase 2 of the study. As this application's development site is located within the Lougheed Transit Corridor Study boundaries, property owners along Patterson Avenue will be invited to participate in the land use conversation surrounding the future 203 Street B-Line bus stop. Housing Action Plan: Maple Ridge's vision and commitment towards providing a variety of housing options is encompassed in this statement contained in the Maple Ridge Housing Action Plan: "Access to safe, affordable, and appropriate housing that meets the diverse and changing needs of the community is a priority." The current application proposes a mix of unit sizes, and provides for greater diversity in the Hammond Area. It was estimated at the time of the preparation of the Hammond Area Plan that approximately 79% of dwelling units in the Hammond Area were in single family housing, while townhouse and apartment type dwelling units made up approximately 17% and 2.5% of dwelling units respectively. While the single family historical development pattern gives the area most of its character, it provides fewer opportunities in terms of housing diversity and choice. Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the subject properties located at 20278 and 20292 Patterson Avenue from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) to permit a four storey apartment building. The minimum lot size for the current RS-1 zone is 668 m2 (7,190 sf), and the minimum lot size for the proposed RM-2 zone is 1,300 m2 (13,993 sf). The net lot size of the current application needs to be determined due to dedication of frontage on 203 Street and Patterson Avenue, but there is more than sufficient lot area to meet the minimum lot size requirements of the proposed zone. Based on a review of the preliminary proposal at this time, the applicant may seek variances for reducing the parking requirement and relaxing the front (north) and exterior side (east) setback requirements of the RM-2 zone. The precise nature of these variances, and justification for them, will be examined once a full application package is received following first reading. Any variations from the requirements of the proposed zone will require a Development Variance Permit application. Page 7 of 10 --' -' -' ' ,_ i Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.13 of the OCP, a Hammond Development Permit Area application is required for all Medium Density Multi-family located in the Hammond Area. Through this design process, efforts will be made to reduce the scale and massing of the proposed building to blend in more with the single family houses in the area. Advisory Design Panel: The Hammond Development Permit Area Application for the North Hammond Precinct must be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel prior to second reading. Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting is required for this application. Prior to second reading the applicant is required to host a Development Information Meeting in accordance with Council Policy 6.20. e) Interdepartmental Implications: In oroer to advance the current application, after first reading, comments and input, will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; b) Fire Department; c) Building Department; d) School District; e) Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; and f) Canada Post. The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary, as the application progresses, to liaise with agencies and/or departments not listed above. This application has not been forwarded to the Engineering Department for comments at this time; therefore, an evaluation of servicing requirements has not been undertaken. This evaluation will take place between first and second reading. f) Development Applications: In order for this application to proceed the following information must be provided, as required by Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999 as amended: 1. A complete Rezoning Application (Schedule C); 2. A Hammond Area Development Permit Application for the North Hammond Precinct (Schedule D); 3. A Development Variance Permit (Schedule E); The above list is intended to be indicative only, and other applications may be necessary as the assessment of the proposal progresses. · Page 8 of 10 ' ,. ' ' ' r·_· ,_ r.;-_--:o I ~ t~ g) Citizen Implication: To date, Council and the Planning Department have received numerous inquiries and correspondence regarding the proposed development. Correspondence have requested further information on the proposed development and the Hammond Area Plan, information about opportunities to provide feedback, and raised objections to the project. While the proposed rezoning to permit a four storey apartment building conforms with the Hammond Area Plan's land use designation, it is recognized that the insertion of this new development form within a neighbourhood with single family housing forms can be contentious. As part of the City's regular rezoning process, the public has multiple opportunities to provide comments and feedback: • The public may write to Council up to Public Hearing; • As per Council Policy 6.20, the applicant is required to host a public Development Information Meeting prior to second reading. Notice of the meeting is posted on the development sign, in the local newspaper, and mailed to all property owners within 100 metres of the development site; • The City is required by provincial legislation to hold a Public Hearing on the proposed rezoning. In Maple Ridge, this occurs between second and third readings of a proposed bylaw. All members of the public area allowed to make representations on the proposed bylaw in front of Councii. Notice of the meeting is posted on the development sign, in the local newspaper, and mailed to all property owners within 50 metres of the development site; • Any variances to the requirements of the proposed zone must be addressed through a Development Variance Permit application that is considered by Council. Notice of consideration of any variances is mailed to all adjacent property owners to allow them an opportunity to provide comment to Council on any requested variances. h) Alternative: Council has the option to defer the current application pending the. outcomes of the Lougheed Transit Corridor Study. The purpose of the study is to review existing policies and land use designations around proposed B-Line rapid bus stops and along the Lougheed corridor to ensure they are transit-supportive in terms of uses and density. However, as previously noted, this development application and proposed rezoning are in compliance with development site's Medium Density Multi-Family land use designation under the Hammond Area Plan. Building on the City's longstanding Major Corridor policies, this designation was envisioned through the Hammond Area Planning process to support, among other things, better, higher frequency transit services like the future B-Line rapid bus. It is anticipated that the City's pending Lougheed Transit Corridor Study will make eventual recommendations regarding land use policies within its study area's boundaries, which include the development site, and Council may wish to wait for the conclusions of these discussions prior to giving further consideration to the current application. CONCLUSION: The development proposal is in compliance with the Hammond Area Plan of the OCP. Therefore, it is recommended that Council grant first reading subject to additional information being provided and Page 9 of 10 assessed prior to second reading, including exploring all opportunities to address the interfacing and compatibility of this development with respect to the existing single family housing to the south and west. However, Council has the option to defer the current application pending the outcomes of the Lougheed Transit Corridor Study to review land uses along a new proposed B-Line rapid bus route. Prepared by.I CheeCl1an~M,CIP,RPP,_BSc Planner.1 / Approved by: ~ Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Direc or of Planning :/( / Frank Quinn, MBA, P. Eng GM Public Works & Development Services f C<JrlCUrrence: Paul Gill, BBA. CPA. CGA / Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map · Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Official Community Plan Land Use Designations Appendix D -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7523-2018 Appendix E -Proposed Site Plan Page 10 of 10 I I ... CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7523-2018 APPENDIX E A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7523-2018." 2. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 55 Except: Part Dedicated Road On Plan 78633, District Lot 222 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 35806 Lot 56 District Lot 222 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 35806 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1788 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of READ a second time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a third time the day of ,20 ,20 ,20 , 20 APPROVED by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure this ,20 ADOPTED, the day of , 20 day of PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER I· I (J) !z}> 0, 0 0 -I 0 :::0 ~ I tv ---~ CD 0. C 3 0 CD :::::::5 (/) r-+ '< )> "O Q.) ' r-+ 3 CD :::::::5 r-+ :::0 CD (J) 0. CD :::::::5 r-+ Q.) -._.. 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KATZIE CEMETERY Filings -NWP 51933, NWP 80104 .....l. :~ I\.) 0, w 8 a C;) '" -0 CX> I\.) 0 u, I\.) 0 ... <.D ;o -0 I\.) 0 <.D ;o CD 3 )> 20336 I I 01 20338 1 I I I 0, ~ 20341 20340 20338 1 .:::,.. l -0 0, -.J<.D I\.) l 20350 I 20346 ;u ~ w ~ . <.D 20356 gi 120355 I , .. 20347 20364 a, C ~ '-" 20347 ... CX> CX> 20344 -0 w -20350 -;--- 0, f----- 20374 20380 20386 20392 -20398 I-----' 0 f! m 0 ~ I\.) '-" CX> 20359 .). ----1 204 ST. / I .-----:::--1.. 20390 20387 ~ I P 69448 ~ ?' 20414 r z C -< 0 ;o CX> <.D u, ... 0, 20365 20358 u, 20378 i:=:---u-il 20377 ~ fil_ J 20398 0, -1 ~ ... 20389 .....i. 00 u, 20397 'TI -0 ~ _s:n 20416 -.J .:::,..w -...JI'\) ..... I °' 20409 ~ I\.> 20430 =,~ ~ ~ 0, ;:! 0 -< -< m :xi u, 20228 1 ~ u, ~ <.D [Tl 20252 u, CX> 20266 u, I -.J 20185 20197 20217 20235 20247 ... -.J ... CX> ... <.D u, 0 ~ u, w CD 3 0, -0 w u CX> 0 0, w J 20182 ~ 1' .....l. /l'o.'? ·~ J- ('\1., "· I\.) 0, <.D w 0, 0) 0,0>0o, \ %/' :gt~ '\" ..... 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CX> CX> -;:J 0, 1--:o w I\.) ~ -.J 0 ... 0 {;_l_ I O ,A le.,., 11 I ,._, w "'w 11 ' --/ "''TI (._; o,/&o I --Sf'P _j_ssiz . = ::! •I --, w I r // 'i? ;;:: / "' ~ ;1 ! ... 1! ,. m f/' I ::g ~: I 20395 r I ti I\.) ~ If ~ ~ 1i w ~ rn r--/i:5 ;!!; I " ~ "' o ;:: " ('' -.J 1, "' w -- r' !:;'/ w_,_ -::.-::. --0 0, ,__ f 2ft / 20370 ( 'fi:;f:::,( r r;;:: c.:Il 111 ,','i'i•f APPENDIX F [~--mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: MEETING DATE: December 10, 2019 FILE REFERENCE: 2019-032-CP FROM: His Worship Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Workshop SUBJECT: South-West Lougheed Residential Sub-Area Land Use Designations EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At a Council Workshop meeting held on December 3, 2019, the Lougheed Transit Corridor Concept Plan was brought forward for endorsement. Within that report, staff committed to preparing a separate report to discuss this sub-area and consider next steps for a rezoning application proposing a four storey apartment (2018-489-RZ) located in the sub-area at Patterson Avenue and 203 Street (see Appendix A). Council deferred rezoning application 2018-489-RZ on January 29, 2019 pending the outcome of the Lougheed Transit Corridor planning process. The draft Lougheed Transit Corridor concept plan creates opportunities for significant development at the nodes, 'high streets' and along Major Corridors and infill areas. As a result, there should be more than sufficient density to support rapid bus ridership, as well as future rapid transit modes. This report recommends that South-West Lougheed Residential Sub-Area remain in the Hammond Area Plan with the current land designations of Low Density Mu/ti-Family and Medium Density Multi-Family (see Appendix B). This report also recommends a specific policy text amendment to the Hammond Area Plan, which will require multi-family development to not exceed three storeys adjacent to existing single-family use. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That staff be directed to prepare an Official Community Plan text amendment to the Hammond Area Plan, to require that the height of apartments be stepped down when abutting a single family form on lands designated Single-Family & Compact Residential or Low Density Multi-Family; and 2. That the applicant of rezoning file 2018-489-RZ be notified and that the application be brought back to Council for consideration of first reading. 1.0 BACKGROUND: Through a Council resolution in September 2018, Council added two additional sub-areas into the Lougheed Transit Corridor study area, as follows: • A portion of the Hammond Area Plan, which includes lands on Bruce Avenue, Patterson Avenue and 118 Avenue, referred to as the South-West Lougheed Residential Sub-Area (see Figure 1); and 2019-032-CP ~ Figure 1: South-West Lougheed Residential Sub-Area Pa!!e 1 of ,1 • Properties fronting Carshill Street, on the southeast portion of the Lougheed Corridor close to the Town Centre Area (see Figure 2). This sub-area was the topic of a previous report to Council. Subsequently, Council deferred first reading of application 2018-489-RZ located at Patterson Avenue and 203 Street, to permit a four storey apartment, on January 29, 2019 with the following resolution: That first reading of Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7523-2018 be deferred pending the outcomes of the Lougheed Transit Corridor Study and a review of the land use policies within the study area's boundaries. The Lougheed Transit Corridor study was initiated in September 2018 to review the OCP land use designations for the area and ensure these align 11739 ""' 11119 u;og lltlil9' ltd9t IIHt with anticipated growth. An extensive public consultation commenced in ~ ! March 2019 over a period of three months and included two public open house events, a community survey, and a design charrette. Targeted ~I ! events were organized for the South-West Lougheed Residential Sub-Area um 11114 ~ 11,0,, "' X 0 « IHI~~ u to ensure local concerns were addressed through the planning process. Figure 2: carshill sub-Area 1.1 Consultation with South-West Lougheed Residential Sub-Area At the January 29, 2019 Council meeting, concerns were raised by South-West Lougheed Sub-Area residents regarding a development application on 203 Street. At this Council meeting, the residents stated that they were not aware of the change in land use designations in their neighbourhood. This led to a Council direction for staff to include this neighbourhood in the Lougheed Transit Corridor study area. Additionally, two consultation events were organized specifically for this neighbourhood. Through the South-West Lougheed Sub-Area consultation portion of the process, staff listened to the concerns regarding the apartment development proposal at Patterson Avenue and 203 Street, notably the four-storey building height interfacing with their existing single family homes and the perceived impact to traffic and parking in the neighbourhood. The residents expressed that they felt such a development would impact the enjoyment of their homes. Dialogue also occurred between residents and staff regarding how future residential and commercial growth can be accommodated at the 203 Street rapid bus stop node, just north of their neighbourhood area, and the form of development that will achieve sensitive integration with existing single family homes. Through several facilitated hands-on activities, residents identified opportunities for four storey mixed-use and apartment development north of Lougheed Highway. For the area south of Lougheed Highway, the feedback was generally that two to three storey commercial and residential development was appropriate to buffer existing homes, with some comfort in higher building heights directly fronting Lougheed Highway. Desire for green spaces (either a park or linear buffer) was also indicated for historically vacant lands that are adjacent to single family homes. Regarding the future of Patterson Avenue itself, feedback was received at a May 2, 2019 South-West Lougheed Residential Sub-Area Workshop. During an activity to explore building form and height transitions, comments ranged from no change (single family), to low density attached forms not exceeding three storeys (cottage cluster, townhouse). Finally, discussions occurred over the increase in traffic resulting from city-wide growth over the past three decades along with the introduction of a new Fraser River crossing in 2009. 2019-032-CP Page2 of4 2.0 PROPOSED POLICY AMENDMENT FOR HEIGHT RESTRICTION: The apartment building proposed under application 2018-489-RZ is designated Medium Density Multi-Family in the Hammond Area Plan, which allows townhouse, rowhouse and apartment forms of housing. The Hammond Area Plan currently has the following policies under this designation: 3-23 Townhouse, rowhouse, and apartment housing forms are permitted within the Medium Density Multi-Family designation. 3-24 Maximum building heights for townhouse and rowhouse development forms is three (3) storeys. 3-25 Maximum building height for apartment form is four (4) storeys. 3-26 Ensuring that higher densities are compatible with existing character is an important consideration. Design for new development should include: a) Orienting living and activity spaces toward streets and laneways, so that opportunities for "eyes on the street" are created wherever possible; b) Careful consideration of size, location, and orientation of on-site open space areas to ensure new development allows ample sunlight and a variety of plant materials and trees that are complementary to the existing mature landscaping that contributes to the neighbourhood character; c) Design that is sensitive to surrounding built form and height, particularly for buildings that are three (3) or more storeys in height; d) Parking for residents is provided in a concealed or underground structure. To ensure compatibility between existing single family uses and proposed multi-family uses, the following policy change is proposed to Policy 3-25: 3-25 Maximum building height for apartment form is four storeys; however, the building must be stepped down to a maximum building height of three storeys where the site directly abuts a single family form on lands designated Single-Family & Compact Residential or Low-Density Multi-Family. 3.0 REZONING APPLICATION 2018-489-RZ Development application 2018-489-RZ, for a four storey 82 unit apartment building in the South-West Lougheed Residential Sub-Area, was deferred pending the outcome of the Lougheed Transit Corridor planning process. The feedback received from the community on this application indicated opposition to the four storey height of the proposed apartment building. With this feedback, a housing form of townhouses or a similar attached ground-oriented form could be explored, which is permitted within the existing land use designation. Generally, higher levels of density are supported on Major Corridors in the Official Community Plan and this policy approach is reflected in the Hammond Area Plan (203 Street is one example of this). It is noted that the maximum height for a single family home in the Zoning Bylaw is 11 m, which is generally the height of a three storey building. Therefore, new construction of single family homes would be in alignment with a typical townhouse building height. The applicant has participated in the consultation events to hear first hand neighbourhood desires, and has indicated to staff that extensive changes to the proposal will impact financial feasibility of realizing the project. The applicant would prefer to proceed with an apartment building development form. 2019-032-CP Page 3 of 4 4.0 NEXT STEPS: Application 2018-489-RZ has been deferred by Council and it is recommended that this development proposal be brought back to Council for consideration. Given the proposed policy revision in the Hammond Area Plan, the applicant will need to design their project to step down to three storeys on the west and south-west sides where single family homes currently exist. It is noted that the City has purchased the property directly south of the development site for future fire hall expansion. The policy revision requires an Official Community Plan text amendment, which will be brought forward with first reading of application 2018-489-RZ. CONCLUSION: Through a Council resolution in September 2018, a portion of the Hammond Area Plan was added into the scope of work for the Lougheed Transit Corridor study. This was due to concerns raised by area residents that they were not aware of the change in land use designations for their neighbourhood through the Hammond Area Plan process. A particular concern for these residents is a development application for a four storey apartment near their single family homes. Following an extensive public consultation process, the recommendation is to leave the South-West Lougheed Residential Sub-Area within the Hammond Area Plan and keep the existing land use designations. A new height restriction policy is proposed to be added into the Hammond Area Plan, which will allow a maximum height of three storeys for portions of multi-family buildings that are adjacent to existing single family homes. This will ensure that maximum heights between single family and multi-family buildings are comparable, and provide better neighbourhood compatibility. Prepared by: Approved by: Ame\ia Bowden, M.Urb, MCIP, RPP Planner2 s R. Goddard, BA, MA nirAl'!tnr nf Planning rtiu;M C'nr1s'cme Caner, M.PL, MCIP, RPP WC~SeM~ Concurrence: M Hllt$002.n Chief Administrative Officer Appendix A -Subject Map, Rezoning Application 2018-489-RZ Appendix B -South-West Lougheed Residential Sub-Area Land Uses in Hammond Area Plan 2019-032-CP Page4 of4 ; ... ... .. ... g 0 & r. \ ,/ ' I \ , ' I )' , , ( I \ i tll7f ~---,-...----.--.------------... .. ... .. .. ... Subject Properties ;:; ::i ~ ~ ~ g: g & g & gg 11834 PATTERSON AV£. .. ... ;! .. :;: :!! "' ~ g g & g & ;! ... :: .. "' .. .. ., .. ... ... .. .. ;:; ~ n i :II ::. \:; lil R ~ 2 2 g g & g lil 0 .. ASKlEYCR. ~ .. .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 "' 0 20289 ~ .... ;:; ~ n i ;: le \:; ., 2~ "' g R & lil g & & g g & 20291 ., .. 11.l ... :: "' \:; .. g R "e .. ~ .. ... & Ill::: ::: z ~ "' g R 2 lil ~ Iii g Ii: & g STAIITOH AV£. .. .. ... ..... ... ~ 0 .. "' ... ~ \:; ~ ~ l!! & ;:; ::i ::: lil g i ... & && & g g "' & & g g .. \:; lil Legend ---Ditch Centreline N Scale: 1 :2,500 .. l1.l g 11171 ,; t iii .. "' l'J .. Ii:& g lil 0 i .. l'J l'J & lil lil 11749 1112J ... ... :i: I l'J g 0 1719 .. .. .. .. .. ~ ., .. :,,: ;:: :II :; ., & g g lil & g 118A ... 0 ... 0 .. .... ., ::: lil ~ :II ~ :: I:; fl :; g g R lil gg g :; ~ ., ... ... .. ... ~ :;: ~ :I ,: ., & Ii: & & lil lil WAL.NUT .. .. .. ... 0 .. :i ~ ., "' i .. .. ,: & g gg g g t1T21i20.!n1ST. ~ ., R ... .. ... ... .. ~ ij .. i.l lil DAL£ D :;,: ... 0 '° .. .. l:; l!l :;: fl 1ll & lil g g & & Rezoning Application (2018-489-RZ) 20292 &20278 Patterson Ave FILE: 2018-489-RZ DAT£: Dec 3, 2019 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY:DT South .. West Lougheed Sub-Area -Existing Land Use Designations in Hammond Area Plan ~ Legend (Existing Land Use Designations) c:::J Hammond Area Plan Boundary I' ,, -Low Density Multi-Family -Medium Density Multi-Family ' ' ,1 '• I r., II LI II \ i I I ~~ .4. N ~---------------------:----:7'---,---.,,-- IC" ~ ;/ •/ii i -,~I\, .. -" 11 City of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council MEETING DATE: January 21, 2020 FILE NO: 2019-350-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C o W SUBJECT: First and Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7601-2019; 20629 119 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received for a site specific text amendment to the Service Commercial CS-1 zone for the subject property, located at 20629 119 Avenue to allow for a physiotherapy and registered massage therapy clinic. For this site, there have been no matters identified by a preliminary review by City Departments to trigger further applications or terms and conditions to be satisfied before final reading. Therefore, this Zoning Bylaw text amendment may proceed to first and second reading, be forwarded to Public Hearing and followed by third reading and adoption of the Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7601-2019. RECOMMENDATIONS: That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7601-2019 be given first and second reading; and forwarded to Public Hearing. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: 2019-350-RZ Bob Masse Lot "A" District Lot 278 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 76445 Commercial Service Commercial CS-1 Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Commercial C-2 (Community Commercial) and CS-1 (Service Commercial) Commercial Page 1 of 4 1104 ,_ ' East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: b) Site Characteristics: Commercial C-2 (Community Commercial) and CS-1 (Service Commercial) Commercial Vacant RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Commercial Commercial Commercial 1.3 HA. HA (3.2 acres) Dewdney Trunk Road and 119 Street Urban Standard The site contains an existing commercial building and accessory parking with a restaurant facing Dewdney Trunk Road and retail shops, including a fitness centre, facing 119 Avenue. The land is relatively flat, without trees and has a lawn strip along Dewdney Truck Road to provide some separation with the parking area. c) Project Description: The proposed use will involve an internal building alteration to accommodate a physiotherapy and registered massage therapy clinic. At present, CS-1 zone allows for a limited number of professional services. The services include veterinarians, architects, engineering and surveying offices, and drop-in medical clinics. The proposed use is similar in nature to the other professional services already allowed, is a use consistent with the role of this general area as a neighbourhood commercial area and would be consistent with the fitness centres. Therefore, the proposed site specific text amendment is deemed to be supportable. d) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The site is currently designated Commercial. In the OCP, the subject site in the General Commercial category for commercial lands located on the Lougheed Highway stretching to the west of the Town Centre. In addition, the subject site is located in the Lougheed Transit Corridor Study area. The subject site is in proximity to the West Side Transit Node and the 207 Street 'high street'. The proposed use would be supportive of the efforts for densification and responds to market demand for uses and services appropriate to achieving the objectives in the Study. 2019-350-RZ Page 2 of 4 Zoning Bylaw: The proposal is to amend the Permitted Use section of the Service Commercial CS-1 Zone by adding the following clause as a site specific permitted use: Professional services limited to a physiotherapy and registered massage therapy clinic on the parcel and tract of land and premises known and described as: 20629 119 Avenue -Lot "A" District Lot 278 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 76445. As this application is limited to a site specific zoning bylaw text amendment on a developed site, and the new uses relate well with the existing gym use, it can be supported. Development Permits: A development permit application is not required in this instance. There are no external alteration or alterations of a value greater than the monetary threshold requiring a development permit. Approvals are needed through the Building Department's permitting process following adoption of Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7601-2019. Advisory Design Panel: Given no development permit being required, a submission to the ADP is not necessary for this proposal. Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting is not required for this application. e) Interdepartmental Implications: City Departments were consulted about this application. For this particular site, this rezoning application for a site specific text amendment does not require referrals or trigger requirements to be satisfied before final adoption. f) Development Applications: There will be no further information or development applications required for this application to proceed. After granting first reading, this application may be advanced to second reading and Public Hearing, followed by third reading and adoption. 2019-350-RZ Page 3 of 4 CONCLUSION: This Zoning Bylaw site specific text amendment application is in compliance with the OCP, therefore, it is recommended that Council grant first and second reading and to forward Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7601-2019 to Public Hearing. Afterwards, this proposal may proceed to third reading and then adoption, because there are no terms or conditions to be fulfilled by the applicant before final reading. Prepared Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services Concur@=~~°==: Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7601-2019 2019-350-RZ Page 4 of 4 ,-_ C b h ... ~ "' fil 12040 .--12030 ._ ~ 12020 -"' ~ 12010 eJ ..-. N Scale: 1 :2,500 1,v,o APPENDIX A <---120BAI 12067 ' ~'I, <o "' co ... <o ~ ~ <o :g " ~\ 12061 <o <o lg fil fil fil fil fil 12055 12075 Iii 12051 ro 12052 <D \ ~ 12048 "'0) 12045 <o <o '!:,'\'!, <o <o '/f)555 ~ ~ 'fl ' 12041 io677 I 120A AVE. 12037 20676 12033 12030 I'--. ~ <'06'_, I c:, ~ 'ti, ., :g 12024 c:, <o "' 12029 "'fil 12025 12020 y 12025 ~ l:-c:, "' "' 12052 fil L.----Iii 12038 < 12026 "' ~ 12031 12012 0) :g fil I 12091 12074 12073 12065 12068 12058 12040 f-(f) <O 0 12030 N 12010 12019 .... <o fil ~UBJECT PROPERTY ~----1.. _ _:_i_--=::it::1 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD / " I / I I I I k I \ 11973 11955 ~ r-~ 11910/50/98 \ ~ <O -~ I ....... 119AVE. I ' I I • I I I Legend -Stream ---Ditch Centreline --Indefinite Creek I 11935 r---.. 119 AVE. I --------~ 11842 20629 119 AVENUE PID: 009-224-289 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1~111 .• ~ Active Applications (RZ/SD/DPNP) mapleridge.ca Iii < r-~ FILE: 2019-350-RZ DATE: Oct 2, 2019 BY: PC . '· ,. ~? 12070 ,. ,. C C c· f= C I--c· p i f I 1202 - Scale: 1 :2,500 APPENDIX B 20629 119 AVENUE PIO: 009-224-289 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ----:::::-~ ........ ~ 111• FILE: 2019-350-RZ DATE: Oct 2, 2019 mapleridge.ca BY: PC CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7601-2019 APPENDIXC A Bylaw to amend the text of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985 as amended: NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7601-2019" 1. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985 is hereby amended as follows: Section 708 Service Commercial CS-1, 1) Permitted Principal Uses is amended by adding the following in sub-section m) immediately after clause (ii): (iii) professional services limited to a physiotherapy and registered massage therapy clinic on the parcel and tract of land and premises known and described as: 20629 119 Avenue -Lot "A" District Lot 278 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 76445 2. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , 20 READ a second time the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 ADOPTED the day of , 20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER TO: FROM: City of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: January 21, 2020 2015-373-DVP cow SUBJECT: Development Variance Permit 23616 132 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Development Variance Permit application (2015-373-DVP) has been received in conjunction with a development application (2015-373-RZ) for a 16 unit townhouse project located at 23616 132 Avenue. The requested variances to the Zoning Bylaw are as follows: a) For the front lot line setback (236 Street), the 7.5 metre requirement for Buildings 1 and 2 is reduced to 5. 5 metres to the face of the building. b) For the front lot line setback (236 Street), the 7.5 metre requirement for Building 1 and 2 is reduced to 4.0 metres to the deck edges and structural posts. c) For the exterior lot line setback (132 Avenue), the 7.5 metre requirement for Building 1 is reduced to 4.5 metres to the building face and to 3.0 metres to balcony edges and structural posts. d) For the exterior lot line setback (132 Avenue), the 7.5 metre requirement for Buildings 5 and 6 is reduced to 5.5 metres to the face of the building and to 4.5 metres to porch roof edges and structural post and including the garage parking structure extending partially under the porches; and e) For the interior lot line setback (lot line with lands to the south), the 6.0 metre requirement for Buildings 3 and 4 is reduced to 4.5 metres to the balcony edges and structural posts. Council will be considering final reading for rezoning application 2015-373-RZ on January 28, 2020. It is recommended that Development Variance Permit 2015-373-DVP be approved. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2015-373-DVP respecting property located at 23616 132 Avenue. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context Applicant: Don Schmidt Page 1 of 4 1105 Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: Accompanying applications: b) Project Description: Lot 1 Except: Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 13725), South East Quarter Section 28 Township 12 NWD Plan 2637 Medium/High Density Residential and Conservation Med/High Density Residential, Low Density Urban and Conservation (new boundaries) RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) and R-1 (Residential District) Single Family Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential), RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Med/High Density Residential, Conservation Single Family Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Med/High Density Residential, Conservation Single Family Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Low Density Urban, Med/High Residential, Conservation, Open Space Upper Maple Ridge Park P-1 (Park and School) Park Single Family Residential Multi Family Residential, Single Family Residential and Conservation 0.68 ha (1.68 acres) 132 Avenue) Urban Standard 2015-373-RZ, 2015-373-VP and 2016-370-DP (Wildfire) The applicant is proposing a townhouse development at 23616 132 Avenue (Appendix A and B) consisting of 16 units on the west side of Maple Ridge Park creek and one single family residential lot on the east side of Maple Ridge Park creek. The western portion of the site is for the townhouse project and is subject to this proposed development permit. Each townhouse unit has three (3) bedrooms. Access to the proposed townhouse site will be off 132 Avenue. 2015-373-DVP Page 2 of 4 I c) Variance Analysis: The Zoning Bylaw establishes general minimum and maximum regulations for single family development. A Development Variance Permit allows Council some flexibility in the approval process. The requested variances and rationale for support are described below: 1. The Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No.35101985, Section 602 RM-1 Townhouse Residential District, sub-section 6 Siting clauses a) and b) are to be varied as follows: a) For the front lot line setback (236 Street), the 7.5 metre requirement for Buildings 1 and 2 is reduced to 5. 5 metres to the face of the building. b) For the front lot line setback (236 Street), the 7.5 metre requirement for Building 1 and 2 is reduced to 4.0 metres to the deck edges and structural posts. c) For the exterior lot line setback (132 Avenue), the 7.5 metre requirement for Building 1 is reduced to 4.5 metres to the building face and to 3.0 metres to balcony edges and structural posts. d) For the exterior lot line setback (132 Avenue), the 7.5 metre requirement for Buildings 5 and 6 is reduced to 5.5 metres to the face of the building and to 4.5 metres to porch roof edges and structural post and including the garage parking structure extending partially under the porches; and e) For the interior lot line setback (lot line with lands to the south), the 6.0 metre requirement for Buildings 3 and 4 is reduced to 4.5 metres to the balcony edges and structural posts. These setback reductions will improve the form and character of the project, enhance the pedestrian street environment, allow for more quality open space to be provided within the townhouse site and support the required environmental and geotechnical setbacks to protect the natural features being dedicated as parkland to the east of the townhouse site. The variance application is therefore supported. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: In accordance with the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, notice of Council consideration of a resolution to issue a Development Variance Permit was mailed to all owners or tenants in occupation of all parcels, any parts of which are adjacent to the property that is subject to the permit. CONCLUSION: The proposed variance is supported because it has allowed for the necessary flexibility to achieve a project with an attractive form and character, more than sufficient parking and protects the dedicated watercourse area. 2015-373-DVP Page 3 of 4 ' [-r It is therefore recommended that this application be favourably considered and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Development Variance Permit 2015-373-DVP. Prepared by: Adrian Ko ystynski, MCIP, RPP, MCAHP Planner Reviewed by: Charles R. God d, BA, MA Director of Planning ~ Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services Concurrenc~ors~ Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Detail of Variances Page 4 of 4 I f: ic-1 I ! ! i I ,-.,,,...,.. ~ C "' "' ~ ~ :g <") "' N Scale: 1 :2,500 13277 I I 13245 I I I I • I 13260 I I ---,,_. ,~ ,i:i • 13227 ' ' I 13215 I I I I I I \J., i __ ..,_,_ ---. 13144 13104 Legend ---Stream ---Indefinite Creek -River Major Rivers & Lakes Legend -= APPENDIX A 13275 13276 13268 13265 ,_. (/) 13260 ~ 13257 ~ 13250 13251 132AA 13238 13235 13230 13225 13220 13215 "' ~ ~ 13205 13210 <") ~ "' ~ <o ~ 23616 132 Avenue PLANNING DEPARTMENT 2015-373-VP DATE: Aug 10, 2016 BY:JV APPENDIX 8 · 23616 132 Avenue ---Stream PLANNING DEPARTMENT N - - -Indefinite Creek -River Major Rivers & Lakes ·~·-mapleridge.ca Scale: 1 :2,500 Legend 2015-373-VP DATE: Aug 10, 2016 BY:JV .,, ~ 3:: ~ z m z I: ~ -)> 0 ~ I"" ~ m o rn r,. :D c:::, -'V -< )I. 0 ~ ,, w c::> m -: 111 -,. c» 0 ti\ -------------------------------------------------------- Exterior Side Lot line 132 Ave nue '.3M J~7.0') V" .. ,_,,, l+'j,-" -1 ~ lP I ' J "(,) § @i &: 15 2:!W1fl 1-;==::·------]' ~ I J h .1 ... _ I ·r._ :r,_ ~ ~·. l<' I I L·;c-:;.\_}"' I .,,t<~.;-\ . ·1 I • ··---... . ,,.,. ~ \ ~ M·D •, .. ,., I • ·1 •;f. \ : ""-J iff/ tJtl W 4;r;_;-, ::JU: \ ,•' /. / ; I l.. s.so [1a.o _,. , , ., -~----· MAILBOX <.L .. l 1 .'... _ _l · L....~J _ _j S [DiC ~1 ":!i 1 ~ ! 1 1 1 / ~---:,J1'/PARKii'l'G"AR!lQ1fi'!. 1 rn 1 1 ;i,\ 1 11 ...,; 1 11"" \ 1 ~ 1 v \;.I 1 , ~ "· I !~ ~ Ir--+ D[J~ r~JI 1·tkJl~l:Jm~:k1~ . . l N~ if) & f,j} ~ I w 0 CJ) :J f .I ,.... t, tl ~ b A'~/P _/tY· ~@ t$ I rt ib ..... ~ 3" ro :;;;,._ -~ ., I ~ J',' BLOI G 3 BLDIG 4 TYPJ -~~--5~ z/io ~l5 O! I rIB1~ ------ > - ~ee -i~e~-...,.-.....,.....,.,. ..... ,. ..... ~;, ~;, ~ \"~.. :~ I~ '--' '--' 64.62M (212.0') • ....... • /h-r-.ri 7 ("'\ Interior Side Lot Line ~ :;\~'., ~1nr ~r.111r~H~~nnnmmrn11~r~~~r'JR!!~!.::~:;:~DtVii ,, ia .ili1H81ITUfl,:1E )> "'O "'O rn z 0 >< (") ~--<:( I <( :z: 0 ~ (_) w U) City of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council MEETING DATE: January 21, 2020 FILE NO: 2015-373-DP FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C o W SUBJECT: Development Permit 23616 132 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Council considered rezoning application 2015-373-RZ and granted first reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7179-2015 on January 12, 2016. Council granted first and second reading for Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No.7469-2018 on June 26, 2018 and second reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7179-2015 on June 26, 2018. This application was presented at Public Hearing on September 18, 2018 and Council granted third reading on September 25, 2018. Council will be considering final reading for rezoning application 2015-373-RZ on January 28, 2020. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2015-373-DP respecting property located at 23616 132 Avenue. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: 2015-373-DP Don Schmidt Lot 1 Except: Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 13725), South East Quarter Section 28 Township 12 NWD Plan 2637 Medium/High Density Residential and Conservation Med/High Density Residential, Low Density Urban and Conservation (new boundaries) RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) and R-1 (Residential District) Use: Single Family Residential Zone: RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential), RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Designation: Med/High Density Residential, Conservation Page 1 of 4 1106 South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: Accompanying applications: b) Project Description: Single Family Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Med/High Density Residential, Conservation Single Family Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Low Density Urban, Med/High Residential, Conservation, Open Space Upper Maple Ridge Park P-1 (Park and School) Park Single Family Residential Multi Family Residential, Single Family Residential and Conservation 0.68 ha (1.68 acres) 132 Avenue) Urban Standard 2015-373-RZ, 2015-373-VP and 2016-370-DP (Wildfire) The applicant is proposing a townhouse development at 23616 132 Avenue (Appendix A and B) consisting of 16 units on the west side of Maple Ridge Park Creek and one single family residential lot on the east side of Maple Ridge Park Creek. The western portion of the site is for the townhouse project and is subject to this proposed development permit. Each townhouse unit has three (3) bedrooms. These include three (3) buildings with 2 townhouse units, two (2) buildings with 3 townhouse units and one (1) with 4 townhouse units. All buildings have pedestrian access to a street sidewalk. The buildings along 236 Street and 132 Avenue each have a fenced yard with access to the street and there is a separate direct entrance between buildings to 236 Street for the 4 interior units. Access to the proposed townhouse site will be off 132 Avenue. The project has provided more than the required number of parking space. Each unit has 2 spaces contained in garages as part of the individual townhouse units. A total of 9 units (56%) have side-by-side parking and 7 units (44%) are tandem. There are also two more apron spaces for 7 of the 9 townhouse units with side-by-side garages and one apron space for each of the 7 townhouse units with tandem garages. Three visitor parking spaces are provided, one of which is designed as a disabled parking space. There is a child play area in the southwest portion of the site as well as an attractively stepped/retained landscape area to achieve a better transition to the grade located on the lands to the south. Page 2 of 4 c) Planning Analysis: The development proposal is subject to section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan (OCP) for Multi-Family Development Permit Area Guidelines. The key concepts are described below, followed by the architect's response as to how they are being addressed: 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. • The development sits on a corner lot with one single residential family neighbour to the south; 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low rise ground oriented housing located to the periphery of a higher density developments. • The adjacent neighbour to the north is developing into townhouses of a similar scale. 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. • Not applicable. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. • All parking is internal to the development • Pedestrian scale is maintained at the street level. Use of landscaping, fencing and building scale reinforces the streetscape. d) Advisory Design Panel: The Advisory Design Panel (ADP) reviewed the form and character of the proposed development and the landscaping plans at a meeting held on May 16, 2018. All comments and suggestions were satisfactorily addressed as described in Appendix E. e) Environmental Implications: The land between the townhouse site (at the west) and the single residential site (one lot to the east) is a steep slope area containing a creek. This land is being dedicated as City parkland. Townhouse buildings and the single residential building are governed by environmental and geotechnical setbacks established by a natural features/ watercourse protection development permit (2016-306-DP). f) Financial Implications: In accordance with Council's Landscape Security Policy, a refundable security equivalent to 100% of the estimated landscape cost will be provided to ensure satisfactory provision of landscaping in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Development Permit. Based on an estimated landscape cost of $130,763.42, the security will be $130,763.42. Page 3 of 4 CONCLUSION: This proposal has been carefully designed with respect to streetscape and the lands to be conserved. The application is also consistent with the Key Guideline Concepts for Multi-Residential Uses. This development permit will apply to the portion of the site for townhouse development. Therefore, it is recommended that this Development Permit 23616 Avenue at 23616 132 Avenue be approved. -~-Prepared by: Adrian Kt5pystynski MCIP, RPP, MCAHP Planner Reviewed by: Charles R. ddard, BA, MA Director Planning ~ Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services OJ~ Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Site Plan Appendix D -Architectural and Landscape Architectural Plans Appendix E -ADP Comments Page 4 of 4 i::i 0 "' "' i::i :;; "' ~ N Scale: 1 :2,500 I ' 13245 ' I I I I I 13260 ' I --· 1,-: ,~ .~ • 13227 l I ' 13215 I I I I I ' \J..,. ; ....__ __ .. 13144 13104 Legend ---Stream Indefinite Creek -River ----/ Major Rivers & Lakes Legend I APPENDIX A 13275 13276 13268 13265 f-' (/) 13260 ~ 13257 ~ 13250 13251 132AA 13238 13235 13230 13225 13220 13215 "' ;;: ~ 13205 13210 i::i ~ ~ <c '" "' 23616 132 Avenue I PLANNING DEPARTMENT --..:::;..,.-~,._. 111•• mapleridge.ca 2015-373-DP DATE: Aug 10, 2016 BY:JV ---Stream - - -Indefinite Creek N -River Major Rivers & Lakes Scale: 1 :2,500 Legend APPENDIX 8 23616 132 Avenue PLANNING DEPARTMENT ---~~-·-····· mapleridge.ca 2015-373-DP DATE: Aug 10, 2016 BY: JV ' ,. r---· ,_-__ ' ' ,. ~-t t ~ [._ ~- STRATA DEVELOPMENT RM-1 ZONING SITE RECONCILIATION SITE LOCATION PROPOSED ZONING PRCPOSED HOUSING TYPE TOTAL SITE AREA. NET TOYINHOUSE SITE AREA F.S.R. 23616 132 AVENUE SOOTI-IEAST CORNER OF 236 1H SlREET AND 132 ND A\etUE RM-1 16 TO'tffiHONES (ANO 1 SINGLE FAMILY LOT-AT SUBDIVISION) s,ns.o sa.M. (72.SIJ4-.o so.FT.) J,721.0 SQ.M. (40,054.0 SQ.FT.) (NET-TOTAL SITE AREA. LESS AREA Of ROAD DEDICATION, PARK AREA &: SINGLE fAMD.. Y LOT AREA) 2,2J2 SQ,M, (24,026 SO.F7.) {BO.OX) All.OYlm 2,040 SQ.M. (21,963 SQ.FT.) (54.SX) PROPOSED REQUIRED PROPOSED SITE CO\.£RAGE (NET SITE) USABLE a>EN SPACE (NET SITE) PI..A'l'GROUNO (FLAT) (NET SITE) PlAY AREA (TOTAL) (NET SITE) 1,250.0 SQ.M. (13,461 SQ.FT.) (JJ.6X) 1,134.0 SQ.M, (12,203 SQ.FT.) (30.SX) 100.0 SQ.M. ( 1,07:i SO.FT.) (2.7X) 362.0 SQ.M. ( 3,SIOO SQ.FT.) (SI. 7X) BUILDING HEIGHT SETBAa<S 11.0 METERS mONT: 7.5 M REAR: 7.5 M EXT: 7.5 M INT: 7.5 M •. ,'J .. ~~~:!~~J~f:~:::~IT~IT~mmrnTIEIB~~~n~ij~nnmFi;~~,~~~,,,7 r , .. --.,., 11.0 METERS FRONT: 5.5 M (4.0-4.5 M TO BALC OEO<) REAR: 5.5 M EXT: 5.5 M INT: 6.0 M (4.SM TO BALC) )> PARKING PARKING SPACES VISITOR PARKING OISAl3l.ED PARKING -39.85M( PROPOSED 32 SPACES {GARAGE PARICING) 23 SPACES (APRON PARKING) 3 SPACES SITE PLAN SCALE: 1" -20'-0" ~""o 20 Jo I 9'ACE (INQ.UDED 111/lotol vi,lton) TOTAL PARKING SPACES 58 9'ACES FLOOR AREAS UNIT TYPE 'A' (UNITS: 1,3.4&5) UNIT TYPE '8' (UNJT: 2) UNIT Tl'PE 'Bf (UNITS: 6_68&c9) UNIT Tl'PE '(1 (UNITS: 10&16l UNIT Tl'PE 'Cl' (UNITS: 11.,_12&15 UNIT Tl'PE 'C2' (UNITS: 13&14) PROPOSED (OOES NOT INCLUDE GARAGE OR 538 sa.FT.{5050.M.)oF BSMiS) 1,261 SO. FT. X 4-5,044.0 SO. FT. 1,559 SO. FT. X 1• 1,559.0 SQ. FT. 1,531 SO. FT. X 4-6,124.0 SO. FT. 1,320 SO. FT. X 2=-2,640.0 SO, FT. 1,308 SO. FT. X 3-3,924.0 SO. FT. 1,336 SQ. FT. X 2= 2,672.0 SO. FT. TOTAL FlN. SQ.FT. 21,963 SQ.FT.{2,040 SQ.M.) 54.8 FSR. "' :::' ,. 0 :ti -;.:: W$E s ~ ~ <:..'.) ~ ,-../ 1)5 ~ ~i ~ ~ l,,,J i5 c:::, ~ ~ .i! (.!) l!i] !;!o ~ ~! C) .. ~ Cl:l >!l~ " I=! t,l _J fn9 ~ ~; :z ii,!le W 02 "' ~ -~ ;~ z: <CV1 _Jf- 0..<C ~ f~ f-WV1 f- LLJ !S~ CJ ~,:i:s V5 oel <C "I;; .. cj §£ ~ ~5~~ ~ r5 Wj I 0~ i ~ la i, ~ Q ~ !ii C I ls "I' m - i I !'i < < ls !;l N ~ '+-0 m ~ i I N C ~ w :, •< l~ ~ ""'C rn z CJ x (") z (/) r 0 -0 f"Tl 0 0 <~.,.·.:: -~ , rll :~~~~~ ::::0 ·v r )> )> ::::0 f"Tl )> J~ -,... 0 "' -. II " q I " -< l"' ::::0 ~ f"Tl -. I II C) ~ ~-::::0 o, )> 0 f"Tl z (/) r 0 -0 f"Tl 0 )> ::::0 f"Tl )> 236th St .1r· ~ J ' ·-1 .. ~ )> ~ fTl z-x 0---, (/) I---, Z::;oz fTl O C) ~)> 0--0 :::0 :::0 Ooo )> fTl "1J 0 OfTl -:::0 C) 0---, :::0 )>-< )> ---, 236th Street ~ Edge Pavement ·-.t, O O fTl I I "'I ''ll>I I I I Zo I ti fTl 1 \ -,.-; Ft, I-'..,/ I II I U) C) t-u -, )> z I N 01 ~ fTl 236th Street ORA\\ING ""' l:::ONS I DATE f"·IOESGNED BY, 1~=~PEMA DEVELOPMENTS LTD ORA'"' BY, 2jgthurm:. f1~tfl1J..rit\lrOMiGE OESICN ANO Dfl£1.0PMfNT SOLUTIONS ABOVE GRADE CONSULnNG 2 0 f 1 2 SCALE, 1"•20"0" UM.~ E-Fll£ NAME DATE: 02 JANUARY 2018 ORAYi1NG l1n.E: SITE PLAN DETAILS ltj.Ja'DffllllotmoH.c«n 778-240-0909 c;o ~G) --i::C: u, --i "' CDr r"1 o< G) )> ,,,g z o, "1 ~r;; -.J< • )> CD::l ro Oz G) "' ... C ,_, z"' -Ol --i -U) ::r ... U) t ~ ~ ~ 0 G) "' DRAMNG NO, 1=D•'5 I DATE rD·1DES1GNEO BY, 1~:r~PEMA DEVELOPMENTS LTD DRAIIN BY 2.J:thU~-~\]iffl\l,1i,~MroGE 4 of 12 l---------+1--i-1,1SCAl£, 1;s·-1·-o· u..a. I DRAMNG TITlE, ELEVA Tl ON S I • DATE, 17 AUGUST 2017 ,ME a XION3ddV. 0 ~ u,-0 rr o> -o-< 8> ~:n "' ~ ~_;,,;_ ___ __:__ __ 1-r1 L, i r-· 11!111111111'\IIL lJ L, I I I rn ! I r I ·-, ______ J ____ Jl l ! ; l--~~ Ii ii . r ______ j I t11 lld; r _________ J ~--i -r:--~--------J i ii i ii Hiii L __ JI. • .J! ABOVE GRADE CONSUL TING DE'SIGN AND DE'o£1.0PMfNT SOI.UTIONS k)"nJff.llhatman.com m-2~0909 : ~ ~ l;l;J -------·--·---~ i1i1n 1~!111111 ~ I si 11; ORAMNG NO, 1:.::""s I CATE nOESGNEO BYS 1~:-~PEMA DEVELOPMENTS LTD ORA"" BY, 2~J~. ~ll\~tfi\t1i,~01I!ifiGE 5 of 12 I I I 1SCAL£, 1/B"•1'-0" ,.,d IORAl•NG TITtE, ELEVATIONS E-ALE NAME DATE: 17 AUGUST 2017 end AVE. ~Q -<I a,-< . '" cnf;i 5;; "'--< uo z Ja ~i ABOVE GRADE CONSULTING DESIGN AND DEl-£1..0PMENT SOLUTl~S k)JchJft.tlllotman.com 778-240-0909 , i J 1i 11 ; l -~ I 1 ·1 I -1 .,,0 ~~ ' ~/ii I "'> ~ ~~ p, CD "1 rr 0"' G) j; CJl :::l ~ ···=· ··--····· ~ ~1~1n 1i!lti~11 ~ ~d if i DRA.,NG NO, 1::0Ns I OATE :0·1DESGNED BY, 1~=~PEMA DEVELOPMENTS LTD f---------+---t-~-DRAIIN BY 2~:u:i~. ~1~21i:"l\t,1i':/.~Mifi5GE I I I 1SCAL£, 1/8"•1'-o" u~o. IORAll!NG TITL£, ELEVATIONS E-ALE NAME DA1E: 17 AUGUST 2017 6 of 12 C z :::; u I-~ f! ~ . 236th STREET ABOVE GRADE CONSULTING Df'SICN AND DE~OPIJF:NT SOLUTIONS lt)uhfttllotman.com 778-240-0909 U) ,11 0 --i 0 :z OJ I OJ 236th ST. U) ,11 0 --i 0 :z )> I )> 11 .. Iii II! DRAV.,NG NC>. REVISlONS DATE ~o. DESlGNED BY, cuom DEMA DEVELOPMENTS LTD 7 of 12 Pt.OTTED PRO..ECT: ""A"" BY, 2~u:i~. ~1~~r1\ci,~MroGE 1 SCAL£: 1;e·-1'-o· U.N.0. DRAWING TITLE: l • ABOVE GRADE CONSULTING DfSKiN ANO DE',£1.0PIJENT sowncws k)ithft.Ohotman.com 778-240-0909 E-FlLE NAME DATE: OSAUG17 SITE SECTIONS I l r <,'· I> o" <,'l, 732nd A ve ~ QCop)'ris,,1,esel\'od.ThisdraWongandde,.ignisit,,, p,opertyofPMGLandscap<>An:hill>ctsandrnavnotbe reproduatdorust'd!orO!herprcje<:1$,...;lhoulllleir per,riss,on Su~eClCIO • 4185Stil1Crtoak0riwt Bumab)',BrlishColumbia,V5C6G9 p-604294-0011 ;f:604294-0022 11.0IC.t> ll\'l!lP(•IC"ttVTIIUN'<<» .. ,u,n REVISIONOESCRIPTION RESIDENTIAL DEV. 236TH STREET & 132ND AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC LANDSCAPE PLAN DRll'MNONUMBEfl:. Ll PMGPRO..ECTMIMBER: 16·146 jif ' I ,,J ,!~ ,ii i PLANT SCHEDULE PMCPROJECTHUM8ER: U-14' PL•HTEDSIZEIREIMRHS TREE SCHEDULE I °@' =r~ ACERRUBRUW'l!O'MIA.ll" ACERRUBRUM"OCTOBERGl.ORY' CERCIDIPH't\.lUMJ.o.POOICUM w..GNOllO.KOBUS'STELl.O.TA" AABUTUSLINEOO'COI.IP.<CTA' BEReER1STHU/leERGn1IOYMBUROmoY 'ROYAlBURGUNDY!AABERRY 8UXUSM1CRQPHYU.AVIINT£RGEM' \:ORHUSSU!CEA COR11USSUICEA'l(£lSEYr OWA.RFHlSEYOOG/,000 COR/IUSSERICEAVfflTU flRF YELlOWTW1GOOOWOOO HYORAl/(;fAOVERCIFOL~"SNOWFLOKE SNOWFl.,\KEHYORANGU, l,tAHCl<LO,A(NIFOllUM ROSAMEIDEI.N!O'aOHICA,' SKIMMIAJAPOHiCAOO'li!MlEI SYMPHORO:AAPOSAL!US SYMPHORiCAAPOSMOLUS ™UMOCCIDEtlT.o.LIS'SMl,R.OGO' TSUGACNl.oJlENSIS'GflAClllS' VAC<::INl\lMCQRYMIIOSUM'BLUECROP HU.VENLYBAAIBOO;D\o\lARF RH000DENDROH;8LUSHP1HK RHOOOOENOROH;l•Gt<T"I.JRPLE:E ...... Y REOFl<:MIERINGCURRM<t EMERA.LOGRE!NC(DAfl OWAAFC"l<ADW<HE"'l0CK KINNLKIHIU:;K GAAOENSTRAIVBERRY ------ UMHT,;B•B HMHT.:B•B NOTES:'F'lANTSIZESINTHISLISTARESPEC1flEDACCORONGTOTHECNIAl)Wll,\HOSClPESTNUlARO,lATUTEOrflON.COHTANERSIZESSPECIFIEO .O.SPERCNlASTANDA.RDS.BOTHPlANTSIZEANDCONTAll<ERSIZEARETHEIINIMIJIIACCEPTABlESIZU.•REfERTOSPECIFICO.TIONSfOftOEFIHED C0HTAN£RME.<,SUREIIENTSANDOTHERPW<TMATEftLlllftEOIJlftEMEHTS.'SEAl'ICIIAHOR£\',EW;MMEPl..ll<TMATERLlllAVAILJJllEf0ftOl'TlOt/AL REVIE'I/BYI.ANOSCAPEARCHITECTATSOIJRCEOFSUPFlY. ~RU.OfSE.<ftCHTO""CWOtlCM'ER"""'LANOAAOFRASER\'AllEY.·SUBST!T\fTIONS OBTANVIRITTENAl'PROVAl.fftOMTHEl,ANOSC...,,EAACH!TECTPRIORTOW..l(IHGAl-!YSUBST!TlfTIONSTOTHESPECIF,EDW.TERIAI...UNAPPROVED SUSSTTTIJTICNSW<l.lU REJECTEO.ALLGWAr.llNlr.lUr.10Ff/VEDAYSPft,OIIT00El/VERYFORR£00ESTTOSUU TIT\JTE.SU!$TTlVT1CtlSAl'IESUB/ECTTO CANADIAN lANDSCAPE STANDARD. OEF ... mON Of CONDITIONS OF A\'AllAB•UTY.AlL LANDSCAPE MATERIAi. Al-!OWORKUNISHIP MUST UEET OR EXCEED CNIADIANLANOSCAPESTAMOARO'S1J,TESTED!TION.A1.lPl,\HTr.u.11cRIAI.MUST~£PROlll0£0fR0MCERTIFll!ODISE.<SEfftEEMURSERY ~ ~ ~ ION/'.( +~~ '·~· t---=-i~·I i< . . _;_ I I I I I 1'•'J'.l'.1\1'.1.-, + ~~/ • • ~m•m" , .<CERRUBRUM'IIO'M!All' 14 ACERRUBRUM"OCTOBERGl.OflY l CERCIOll'HYllUM/,...OHICUM & ~OLLIIKO!US'SHLLATA' S STYRAXJAPOHICUS OCTOSERGlORYW.PlE S£RBW<SPRUCE CC>..OU,DOSPRUCE :l.SUIIT.;!•B l.SMKT.;B•! NOTEs;•pl..ll(fsrzESIHTHIStlSTARESPEClflEDACCORONGTOTHECO.~~lNl[)SClPESTNIO.O.RO,lATESTEDrTIOH.COHTANERStzESSPEClflED .O.SPERCNlASTANDAROS.BOlHPl..ll<TSIZEANOCOHTAINERS1ZEARETHEMNIW UACCEl'TAMESIZES.•REFERTOSPEClflcATKlNSfOROEflNED COHTANERME>.SUREMEHTSANOOntERPl,\HTIIIATERIIJ..REOIJIREJ,IENTS.'SE.<RCHANOU\'IEW;WJ\EPI.M'TMATEIILIILAVAILJJllEfORO!'TIOW,.l REVIE'I/BYW<OSCAPEARCKITECTATSOIJRCEOfSUPPLY.AREAOfSUIICIITOINCLUOElO.VERIIIAIHLANDNlDFflASER\'ALLEY.'SUBSTmfTIOHS· OBTANWR!lTENAPPROVAl.fAQUTHELANOSC,...EARCIHTECTPRIORTOIM~NGANYSUBSTIT\1T!ONSTOTHESPEC1FIE01AATERIIJ...UN.._,,PROVED SUBSTTTIJ~SVIILL!EREJECTEO.Al.lO'I/AMINIUUMOFFIVEOAYSPRIORTOOE(IVERYFORREOIJESTTOSUBSTTTIJTE.SUB$TTlV~SARESUBJECTTO CNlAOIANLANOSCAPESTNlDARO·DEfllHTlONOFCOllOrTIOHSOfAVAllABILITY.AlllANOSCAPEW.TERIAI.ANOl'>'OR~SHIPMUSTUEETOREXCEED CANAOIANI.ANDSCAPESTNlDARO'SlATESTEOrflOH.Al.lPI.NITW.TERLll(MUSTBEPRO\IIOEOFROr.lCERTlflEDDISEASEFREENURSERY 1i Si TYPE'~' -, I I I I I BL GRAVEL SWALE WITH LOGS AND BOULDERS AT BASE OF SLOPE WITH NATIVE PLANTING ~ QCopyri!,htr<>!a<med.Th~dr.iwingardd""ignislhe ptopelfyo!PMGLandscape~r<:hilectsandmaynotbo reproducedoru..,dlorotherprojocts,.,;11,outtheir peims5'on SuiteC100. 4185Sti1Creek0rive Bumaby,Bri!'5hColumbia,V5C6G9 p:604294--0011 f:604294-0022 RESIDENTIAL DEV. 236TH STREET & 132ND AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC LANDSCAPE AMENITY ENLARGEME NT L2 16-146 I ' HABITAT PLANTING OFF SITE BOULEVARD, ~ SIDEWALK AND STREET TREES ON SLOPE WITH BIOSWALE AND SPLIT RAIL FENCE __ _.,..,..>--________ AMENITY AREA PLAYGROUND 0 AND PAVER PLAZA ' j~ AT BOTTOM .t/''., rf .'~J SOD LAWN SECTION 1 i~ i1\ ~t(8 "tClli w lft1.,.,a~~.I HABITAT RAMP TO 1 PLANTING-r-PLAYAREA : DRIVE __i ON SLOPE AISLE !~ i 50 _____ ~-- 49 ____ -l -__ . I Al T C,:,l •w 48== ===+~ 47 _____ IC/) 46~ 45 ____ -l --------- 44__ 1 ___ ------ i~ SECTION 2 ~AISLE KOMPAN ROBINIA PLAY PIECES ~~~l~/11 ~~\-'- SPRINGER STILTS AMENITY AREA PLANTING PALETTE ABIES FRASERI ACER RUBRUM 'OCTOBER GLORY' MAGNOLIA KOBUS 'STELLATA' PICEA OMORIKA PICEA PUNGENS ARBUTUS UNEDO 'COMPACT A' BERBERIS THUNBERGll 'ROYAL BURGUNDY' BUXUS MICROPHYLLA 'WINTER GEM' CORNUS SERI CEA CORNUS SERICEA 'WINTERFIRE' MAHONIAAQUIFOLIUM NANDINA DOMESTICA 'NANA' RHODODENDRON 'CHRISTMAS CHEER' RISES SANGUINEUM ROSA GYMNOCARPA SYMPHORICARPOS ALBUS SYMPHORICARPOS MOLLIS THUJA OCCIDENT ALIS 'SMARAGD' TSUGA CANADENSIS 'GRACI LIS' VACCINIUM CORYMBOSUM 'BLUECROP' "NOTE: PLANT PALETIE INCLUDES NATIVE SPECIES, EDIBLE BLUEBERRIES AND STRA\M3ERRIES AROUND THE PLAY AREA, AND FOOD/COVER SOURCES FOR HABITAT ON THE SLOPE O~treser.ed.Thisd,.,.winganddes9"islhe P<OP1,tyolPMGlandocap•Affflit<i<:C~--,nol"-rep,o::lucedcr11..,dlor<llh"'~"'i"cts.,;lhoutlheir ---- Suit1c100 -4t85Stil1Creek0n"9 Bumab)', Brilish Columbia, V5C 6G9 p:604294.0011 :1:604294-0022 RESIDENTIAL DEV. 236TH STREET & 132ND AVENUE MAPLE RIDGE, BC AMENITY AREA SECTIONS L3 PMGPROJECTNUMBER: 16-146 ,.,ii.··~' I:' ;1!''. I 'I I ' r-~ ,. ,_ ,. , .. f= f i 236TH STREET ELEVATION -UNITS 1-3, BUILDING 1 & UNITS 4-5,BLDNG 2 MANUFACTURER: James Hardie MATERIAL: Hardie Plank Lap Sid_in~_ Select Cedar mill COLOR: Evening Blue MANUFACTURER: James Hardie MATERIAL: Hardie Panel Vertical Siding Select Cedar mill (SMOOTH) COLOR: Pearl Grey MANUFACTURER: James Hardie MATERIAL: True Grain Fiber Cement COLOR: Sepia MANUFACTURER: Eldorado Stone MATERIAL: Stacked Stone COLOR: Silver Lining D W E L L L I V I N G MANUFACTURER: James Hardie MATERIAL: Hardie Trim Boards 5/4 Smooth COLOR: BLACK SG TO BE PAINTED AS PER DESIGN MANUFACTURER: Kaycan MATERIAL: Vented Aluminium Soffit COLOR: Black SG MANUFACTURER: James Hardie MATERIAL: Hardie Plank Lap Siding Select Cedar mill COLOR: Pearl Grey 101-1290 HOMER STREET YALETOWN VANCOUVER. V6B 2Y5. 604.893.7773 :1'..•1!}1' -:;J;-/'.1;,-:-;CT';f,';7:0:-.--r"C/CT';J'7' ·l·i'ii3::i;i::;i;;;;:: : :i:1:; .. :;1.•i :iWITITITfi~GUITITITmITm~m:mmm!m!/ffi:i\@rnrr,; I I 1 1 t ,·l . ' ,I ;~ 132 AVE NUE ELEVATION -UNITS 9-12, BUILDING 5 & UN ITS 13-16, BUILDING 6 MANUFACTURER: James Hardie MATERIAL: Hardie Plank Lap Siding Select Cedar mill COLOR: Aged Pewter MANUFACTURER: James Hardie MATERIAL: Hardie Panel Vertical Siding Select Cedar mill (SMOOTH) ----------COLOR: Pearl Grey MANUFACTURER: James Hardie - Fisher MATERIAL: True Grain Fiber Cement COLOR: Sepia MANUFACTURER: Eldorado Stone MATERIAL: Stacked Stone COLOR: Dark Rundle DWELL LI VING MANUFACTURER: James Hardie MATERIAL: Hardie Trim Boa rds 5/4 Smooth COLOR: BLACK SG TO BE PAINTED AS PER DESIGN MANUFACTURER: Kaycan MATERIAL: Vented Aluminium Soffit COLOR: Black SG 101-1290 HOMER STREET Y A LETOWN VANCOUVER. V6B 2Y5. 604.893.7773 ; :, ,:1 J Response to ADP Comments Landscape Comments: 1. Utilize different surfacing material for the parking spaces in front of Unit 5; Comment: Matching this area with the parking aprons in front of all units APPENDIX E 2. Consider additional CPTED measures given the reduced visibility into the Amenity space; Comment: In combination with item 3 in landscape comments, and item 5 in architectural comments, this will assist in achievingthis requirement. 3. Consider accommodating terraced seating in the amenity space, preferably combined with the ramp; Comment: Increased the midlevel landing to incorporate a seating area 4. Move the planting strip to the East side of the ramp adjacent to Unit 6. Comment: Provided. 5. Consider different style or material type of picket fence to reflect the modern style of the building. Comment: A metal fence provided. Architectural Comments: 1. Consider increasing the width of bathroom windows; Comment: Attempted but not implemented due to the impact on the functionality of the onsite (e.g. loss of vanity mirror). Staff Comment: Reviewed and agreed with Designer. 2. Consideration for Hardie reveals with window frames; Comment: Appropriate reveals added. 3. Consider framing transitions at material changes to articulate the massing; Comment: Provided. 4. Provide details for mailbox kiosk; Comment: Mailbox is mounted on Building 6 Unit 16 with a shed roof. 5. Provide building, landscape, and amenity lighting plans; Comment: Specific exterior lighting to compliment the landscaping areas as well as ensure safety in these areas are added. 6. Confirm with the Fire Department that emergency vehicles can turnaround requirements are satisfied; Comment: Coordinated and resolved. 7. Indicate location of Fire Department directional signage. Comment: Provided. [.~-mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council MEETING DATE: January 21, 2020 FILE NO: 2016-370-DP FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: CoW SUBJECT: Wildfire Development Permit 23616 132 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: A Wildfire Development Permit application has been received in conjunction with a rezoning application for the development of a 16 unit townhouse project and the creation of one single residential lot. A Wildfire Development Permit is required as the subject property, located 23616 132 Avenue, is within the Wildfire Development Permit area. Council will be considering final reading for rezoning application 2015-373-RZ on November 26, 2019. This application has been reviewed in relation to the revised Key Guideline Concepts (Section 8.12.1) and Guidelines (Section 8.12.2), and in consideration of the Home Owners FireSmart Manual (BC Forest Service Protection Program). RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2016-370-DP respecting property located at 23616 132 Avenue. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: 2016-370-DP Don Schmidt Lot 1 Except: Parcel "A" (Explanatory Plan 13725), South East Quarter Section 28 Township 12 NWD Plan 2637 Medium/High Density Residential and Conservation Med/High Density Residential, Low Density Urban and Conservation (new boundaries) RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) and R-1 (Residential District) Page 1 of 4 1107 Surrounding Uses North: South: East: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: Accompanying applications: b) Project Description: Single Family Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential), RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Med/High Density Residential, Conservation Single Family Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Med/High Density Residential, Conservation Single Family Residential RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Low Density Urban, Med/High Residential, Conservation, Open Space Upper Maple Ridge Park P-1 (Park and School) Park Single Family Residential Multi Family Residential, Single Family Residential and Conservation 0.68 ha (1.68 acres) 132 Avenue) Urban Standard 2015-373-RZ, 2015-373-VP and 2015-373-A Wildfire Hazard Assessment has been received from Valhalla Environmental Consulting Ltd. (Frontline Operations Group) Dated 13 September 2016. This firm is a Registered Professional Forester qualified by training or experience in fire protection engineering, with at least two years of experience in fire protection engineering and with assessment and mitigation of wildfire hazards in British Columbia. c) Planning Analysis The Wildfire Development Permit Area Guidelines are intended for the protection of life and property in designated areas that could be at risk for wild land fire and where this risk, in some cases, may be reasonably abated through implementation of appropriate precautionary measures. A Wildfire Development Permit is required for all development and subdivision activity or building permits for areas within the Wildfire Development Permit area, as identified in the Official Community Plan (OCP). The Wildfire Development Permit (WFDP) Guidelines are to work in concert with all other regulations, guidelines and bylaws in effect. This development respects the key guidelines as outlined in this section with comments provided by the Registered Professional Forester: 1. Locate development on individual sites so that, when integrated with the use of mitigating construction techniques and landscape management practices, the risk of wildfire hazards is reduced; 2016-370-DP Page 2 of 4 The wildfire hazard associated with this development is minimal at best and more likely non-existent. There are no hazardous fuel types on site or adjacent to the property. Construction materials are fire resistant or non-flammable as is landscaping. This site poses zero to minimal wildfire risk to the adjacent residents. 2. Mitigate wildfire impacts while respecting environmental conservation objectives and other hazards in the area; There was no wildfire on this site and therefore no wildfire impacts to mitigate. 3. Ensure identified hazard areas are recognized and addressed within each stage of the land development process; Further to the report, using the BC provincial assessment system, that the minimum fuel hazard rating was not achieved for this site. As such, it would not warrant completing the balance of the assessment. As such, no natural hazards were identified on site. 4. Manage the interface forest fuel components, including vegetation and structures, thereby increasing the probability of successful fire suppression, containment and minimize adverse impacts. With the complete removal of all vegetation from the site, the removal of any on-site hazard would have been achieved. The adjacent riparian area does not contain a fuel hazard and no treatment of this riparian area would further improve its condition as a low hazard. d) Environmental Implications: An application for a Watercourse and Natural Features Protection Development Permit has been received and is being reviewed concurrently with this application. The Project Coordinator for the professional consultants for this development has reviewed all the consultant reports and ensured that there are no incompatibilities with regard to recommendations, standards, policies, or guidelines resulting from the work/reports of the professional consultants. e) Financial Implications: Ongoing maintenance will be required in future years, as the vegetation grows back. The cost for doing this maintenance work will need to be incorporated into the Parks, Recreation and Culture Department's budget for publicly-owned lands. CONCLUSION: This application is consistent with the revised Key Guideline Concepts, Section 8.12.1, and Guidelines, Section 8.12.2, and in consideration of the Home Owners FireSmart Manual (BC Forest Service Protection Program). 2016-370-DP Page 3 of 4 Therefore, it is recommended that this Wildfire Development Permit 2016-370-DP be approved. Prepared by: Adrian Planner Reviewed~~ " l Assistant Chief, Fire Prevention and Operations I< Charles R. Go ¥,lo/ , BA, MA Director of Planning (1~ Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services Concurren({Ki:/rfl~A Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Site Plan 2016-370-DP Page 4 of 4 APPENDIX A 13289 13283 13295 -----13:Z,7 I 13275 I 13245 ' 13265 I i I 13257 I I • I 13251 I I I 13260 ' I --· 13235 ',-: , 1q 13225 ! fl • 13227 ' 13215 I I I "' 13215 I "' ;:: ~ 13205 I " ~ " ~ <o ~ I ~ ~ "' I "' I ~ "' ~ \!., --------. .----.. ------· "' ~ ; 132 AVE ~---c:, "' ~ ~ ~ "' ~ "' <o "' "' 13144 \ 13037 Legend 23616 132 Avenue Stream PLANNING DEPARTMENT ---Indefinite Creek N -River --Major Rivers & Lakes Scale: 1 :2,500 2016-370-DP DATE: Sep 28, 2016 BY: JV APPENDIX 8 Legend 23616 132 Avenue ---Stream PLANNING DEPARTMENT N ---Indefinite Creek -River 1~••• maple ridge.ca --Major Rivers & Lakes Scale: 1 :2,500 2016-370-DP DATE: Sep 28, 2016 BY: JV 8.23M c..o tv') C"'J STRATA DEVELOPMENT RM-1 ZONING SITE RECONCILIATION Sl1E LOCAllON PROPOSED ZONING PROPOSED HOUSING TYPE TOTAL SITE AREA NET TO\W,IHOUSE SITE AREA F.S.R. 23616 132 AVENUE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF' 236 Tii STREET ANO 132 NO AVENUE RM-1 16 TOYtNHOMES (AND 1 SINGI..£ FAMILY LOT-AT SUBDIVISION) 6,ns.o SQ.M, (72,934.0 SO.FT.) 3.721.0 SO,U, (40,054.0 SQ.FT.) (NET• TOTAi.. SITE AR(A. LESS AREA Of ROAD DEDICATION, PARK AREA ~ SINGLE FAMLY LOT AREA) 2,232 SQ,M. (24,026 SQ.FT,) (50.0X) ALLOWED 2,040 SQ.M. (21,963 SQ.FT.} (54.BX) PROPOSED REQUIRED PROPOSED SITE COVERAGE (NET st1E) USABLE OPEN SPACE (NET Sl1E) PLAYGROUND (Fl.Al) (NET SITE) PLAY AREA (TOTAL) (NET SITE) 1,250.0 SO.M. (13,461 SQ.FT.) (33.6,:} 1,134.0 SQ.l.t. (12,203 SQ.FT.) (30.SX) 100.0 SO.l.t. ( 1,07.5 SQ.FT.) (Z.7X) 362.0 SQ.M. ( 3,QOO SQ.FT.) (9.71) Bt.JllDING HEIGHT SETBACKS 11.0 ME'TERS FRONT: 7.5 M REAR: 7.5 M EXT: 7.5 M INT: 7.5 M 11.0 METERS FRONT: 5.5 M (4.0-4.5 M TO BALC DECK) REAR: 5.5 M EXT: 5.5 M INT: e.o 1,1 (4.51,1 TO BALC) ~· ,_ ,--.' .-' , .. -:,u:1:1:i: ::;;1,:~:,'. .. -,,:i: .,,,: -39.85M( )> SITE PLAN SCALE: 1" -20' -0" A11flfn ?n lo PARKING PROPOSED PARKING SPAC[S 32 SPACES (GARAGE PARKING) 23 SPACES (APRON PARKING) \flSITOR PARKING 3 SPAa:5 OISABt.ED PARKING t SPACE (INa.LIDEO w/total vt.ltor11) TOTAL PARKING SPACES !58 SPACES Fl.OCR AREAS I PROPOSED (DOES NOT INQ.UOE GARAGE OR 538 S0.FT.(50SQ.M,)OF BSM1'S) UNIT Tl'PE °K (~N!TS: _ 1,3.4&5) UNIT Tl'PE 'B' (UNIT: 2} 1uci~1~Eal~) 1uci~1~~~6) UNIT Tl'PE 'Cl' (UNITS: 11,12&15: 1ur~~J~E1~) 1,281 SO. FT. X 4-5,044.0 SO. FT. 1.~9 SO. FT. X 1-1,~9.0 SQ. FT. 1,531 SQ. FT. X 4-6,124.0 SO. FT. 1,320 SQ. FT. X 2-2,540.0 SQ, FT. 1,308 SQ. FT. X :S-3,924.0 SO. FT. 1,338 SQ. FT. X 2=< 2,672.0 SQ. FT. TOTAL RN. SQ.FT. 21,963 SO.FT.(2,040 SO.Iii.) 54.8 FSR. ,;::;-s "' ~ ., )..., ~ W$E s .in:1~11:;.7'.~:~1;:.~:;wmur~m~~-7"--,- (.!) ~ I ~ ::5 ~ ~s 8~ ~ i5 ~ ~ d c..:, :i ~ ~, 11 a :;, Cl:) 'I: - I ~ ....J l:JS ~ i!!~ z: ~"' z j;!a, <((/') Lu o::> _Jf-::e ~ -O..<( a.. ~~ t-0 ....J ~~ l=1 (/') ~ '"' Lu 5::? (75.;;:l D ;;: ... ~ i~ ~ ~fj~~; 15 ~ ~ il"' 0: ~ C l ., ~ iii ; I: t i ' N ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ ill c:i .... ~ ~ "l"llil )> ~ ~ i1 ""O N ""O m 4-z 0 CJ >< C") '~fi i'~ [· ~.-~-··· mapleridge.ca City of. Maple Ridge TO: FROM: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: 5% Money in Lieu of Parkland Dedication 20141 Telep Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: January 21, 2020 2018-292-SD cow The subject property, located at 20141 Telep Avenue (see Appendices A and B), is proposed to be subdivided into four single family residential lots (see Appendix C). This subdivision is subject to the provisions of the Local Government Act regarding parkland dedication or payment in lieu of dedication. It is recommended that Council require payment in lieu of parkland dedication for the property located at 20141 Telep Avenue. RECOMMENDATION: That pursuant to Local Government Act, Section 510, regarding 5% parkland dedication or payment in lieu, be it resolved that the owner of land proposed for subdivision at 20141 Telep Avenue, under application 2018-292-SD, shall pay to the City of Maple Ridge an amount that is not less than $93,750.00. DISCUSSION: Section 510 of the Local Government Act requires the provision of parkland, without compensation, as a condition of subdivision, subject to some exceptions. The land, not to exceed 5% of the area proposed for subdivision, may be acquired in a location acceptable to the City, or a payment equal to 5% of the market value of the area proposed for subdivision is required. Section 8.9, Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area of the Official Community Plan states that where watercourse protection areas are identified on the lands, the area is to be dedicated into public ownership as Park, where possible, for the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of watercourses and riparian areas. These areas also provide large vegetated areas in urban neighbourhoods that provide corridors for wildlife and passive park areas for residents. Where there is either no watercourse protection areas, or no suitable lands are identified for park dedication, then 5% of the market value of the land is paid to the City. These funds are placed into a special Parkland Acquisition Reserve Fund, for the purpose of acquiring parkland, and is typically used where the ability to achieve parkland through development is limited, such as the Blaney Bog. In this particular instance, there is no watercourse protection area or suitable lands present and it is therefore recommended that money in lieu of parkland dedication be provided. 2018-292-SD Page 1 of 2 1108 In keeping with past practice, the City has requested that an appraisal be provided for the 5% market value of the subject property. This appraisal is based on zoned but not serviced land. A report from a qualified real estate appraiser has determined that the market value of the land is $1,875,000.00, which indicates that the 5% value of this property is $93,750.00. CONCLUSION: As there is no suitable land identified for park dedication, it is recommended that Council require 5% payment in lieu, as prescribed in the appraisal. A.·~ Prepared by: Adam Rieu Senior Planning Technician )_b!J -e3--Rev~by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA D27d~~g Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services Concurrenceruors~ Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Property Map Appendix 8 -Ortho Map Appendix C -Subdivision Plan 2018-292-SD Page 2 of 2 ~ . ......,__ 1 APPENDIX A ... c<;l ~ '"" ~ ..... 'I-'I-~ ?;] ~ ~ ~ ~ "' "' ~ ~ ?;] ?;] ~ ~ ~ ~ ( ~ 12310 12269 t-' en 12265 N 0 12260 N 12261 8l 0, ~ c 0, 1ll ~ <o .,... "' ~ ij ~ ~ .,... a 12257 ?;] ?;] N TELEP AVE. <o ~ ~ ffl ~ ~ <o ,._ "' "' "' ,._ a 12233 ?;] ~ ~ i-: ~"' en 0 12225 N 12226 12221 C, 12215 a ~ 12220 12211 ~ § ; ~ ~ ?;] 12197 12190 12210 a 12205 ?;] ?;] a ?;] "' co 12203 "' 12191 0 12186 12198 N 12195 12193 12196 7 12188 12184 12180 12183 12181 7 12172 12176 12172 I-' 12169 en 7 12166 12171 12164 z 12160 0 12157 en z 7 12156 12159 12152 ~ 12148 <{ 7 12147 :a: 12142 12138 12140 12142 12145 12137 7 i-: 12134 U) 12128 12130 0 12130 12127 12129 7 N 12120 ..... .,... 12126 Legend 20141 Telep Ave Stream PLANNING DEPARTMENT ---Indefinite Creek 1~•=•• N -River mapleridge.ca Major Rivers & Lakes 2018-292-SD Scale: 1 :2,000 DATE: Jul 9, 2018 BY: JV Legend ---Stream - - -Indefinite Creek N -River --Major Rivers & Lakes Scale: 1 :2,000 2018-292-SD DATE: Jul 9, 2018 APPENDIX 8 20141 Telep Ave BY: JV SUBDIVISION PLAN OF LOT 7 DISTRICT LOT 263 GROUP 1 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN LMP49634 BCGS 92G.027 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE SCALE 1:500 10 20 30 40m (All distances ore In metres) The intended plot size of thi9 plan is 560mm in width by 432mm in height (C size) when plotted ot a scale of 1: 500 l.EOO:iQ_ @ indicates geodetic control monument found • Indicates standard iron post found O indicates standard Iron post placed lnlegrcited Survey Area No. 36, Maple Ridge B.C. NAO 83 (CSRS) 4.0.0.BC.1.GVRO Bearings ore grid derived from observations between geodetic control monuments B4H9992 and 93H1034 and ore referred lo the central meridian of UTM Zone 10. The UTM coordinates ond estimated absolute accuracy achieved have been derived from the GeoBC MASCOT published coordinates and standard deviations for geodetic control monuments B4H9992 and 93H1034. This plan shows horizontal ground-level distances unless otherwise specified. To compute grid distances, multiply ground-level distances by the average combined factor of 0.9996095 which has been derived from geodetic control monuments B4H9992 and 93H1034. Note: This pion shows one or more witness posts which are not set on the true comer(s). Witness posts shown are on the production of boundary lines unless noted otherwise. The relative position of some symbols have been exaggerated for clarity. TH1S PLAN LIES WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE APPROVING OFFICER FOR lHE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DHAUWAL AND ASSOC/A TE:S LAND SURVE:r1NG INC. 216-12B99 76th Avenue Surrey 8.C. VJW 1£6 Phone: 604-501-6188 "B" PLAN LMP44171 el' <u r~ ~ -) \)' CV "c" PLAN LMP44171 23 PLAN LMP26079 "F" .• ,11 ,yf "' bent tied base 1'JO. ,1· . ~ '\<:_,\,<:_,? 2 UTM Zone 10 Coordinates Datum: NAD83(CSRS) 4.0.0.BC.1.GVRD Northing: 5,453,121.849m Easting: 525,121.B15m Absolute occurocy: 0.02m / / NF 8 / ~c::i,s"J~ ;x':,'),· 9 \ X \ 751.2m2 ~\\ PLAN LMP49634 "'· PLAN EPP 93940 B4H9992 -~ POWEJ.1. AVENUE \ \ \ \ 'b\ ~\~ ':;_':e~·-~'i1 i ' \\ __ ,-- ss·o3'12M 26-950 \ ,.; <.~\§/ [>-'\]v \ 4 UI~ !:" lo' ~~ ~ "'· 765.4m2 \'(; 1'· ~~ 1 ... '2,s ' .. \ 18 PLAN \~ \:; \' \ \ G1 \ \ 19 20 LMP49634 o=0.926 1 Ir F 69'44'36~ PLAN LMP26J9 ,•89,000 \ 1 PC 14.090 _aill,'.5h~ -~ _ - - --916,943 \ 93H1034 ---11 I ~II~ ~II~ "\II'\ UTM Zone 10 Coordinates Datum: NADB.3(CSRS) 4.0.0.BC.1.GVR( Northing: S,452,670.206m Easting: 525,456. 796m Absolute accurac~ 0.02m The field survey represented by this pion was completed on the 17th day of December, 2011. E: 1nfo@dhol1wo1survey.com File: 1806001-S01 THIS PLAN LIES WITHIN TH£ METRO VANCOUVER REGIONAL DISTRICT Lonn Levac BCLS 881 ./.!. 'T7J':T, .. ,~,~, ~, ~, ~. ~r,, ·". , '. ,C ,: · ... ' .,. '., . ' . ~_,... · · · ., ... · ····, ..~ ... , ··"·' ,...---·.r ,_, ,., ..... A,~ rnr, .: 1?r7r"'1rir:'!f'~~11 )> ""C ""C rn z 0 >< () • ,J I i I,~,: i,i ,, City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer 5% Money in Lieu of Parkland Dedication 25638 112 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: January 21, 2020 2017-436-SD CofW The above noted subdivision, following the approved rezoning 2012-102-RZ, is subject to the provisions of the Local Government Act regarding parkland dedication or payment in lieu of dedication. It is recommended that Council require payment in lieu of parkland dedication for the property located at 25638 112 Avenue. RECOMMENDATION: That pursuant to Local Government Act, Section 510, regarding 5% Parkland Dedication or payment in lieu, be it resolved that the owner of land proposed for subdivision at 25638 112 Avenue, under application 2012-102-RZ, shall pay to the City of Maple Ridge an amount that is not less than $98,200.00. DISCUSSION: Section 510 of the Local Government Act requires the provision of parkland, without compensation, as a condition of subdivision, subject to some exceptions. The land, not to exceed 5% of the area proposed for subdivision, may be acquired in a location acceptable to the City, or a payment equal to 5% of the market value of the area proposed for subdivision is required. Section 8.9, Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area, of the Official Community Plan states that where watercourse protection areas are identified on the lands, the area is to be dedicated into public ownership as Park, where possible, for the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of watercourses and riparian areas. These areas also provide large vegetated areas in urban neighbourhoods that provide corridors for wildlife and passive park areas for residents. Where there is either no watercourse protection areas, or no suitable lands are identified for park dedication, then 5% of the market value of the land is paid to the City. These funds are placed into a special Parkland Acquisition Reserve Fund, for the purpose of acquiring parkland, and is typically used where the ability to achieve parkland through development is limited, such as the Blaney Bog. In this particular instance there are no suitable lands present and it is, therefore, recommended that money in lieu of parkland dedication be provided. In keeping with past practice, the City has requested that an appraisal be provided for the 5% market value of the development site. This appraisal is based on zoned but not serviced land. 2017-436-SD Page 1 of 2 1109 A report from a qualified real estate appraiser has determined that the market value of the land is $1,964,000.00, which indicates that the 5% value of this property is $98,200.00. CONCLUSION: As there are no watercourse protection areas and no suitable lands on the property for parkland dedication, it is recommended that Council require payment in lieu of parkland dedication as prescribed in the appraisal. Prepared by: Adrian Kopystynski M.Sc., MCIP, RPP, MCAHP Planner Reviewed by: Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services (1Q ~ Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Property Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Subdivision Plan 2017-436-SD Page 2 of 2 112 AVE. -/ '-.,,,, --, ---... ------------------------------N ,,,-_, Scale: 1 :2,500 11198 (PUMP STATION) r----~.:l "' ~ Legend -Stream - -Indefinite Creek rn Marsh -River -Major Rivers & Lakes APPENDIX A / ~ /----.-.__. _ _, ___ _ .. ________ __ --25638 112 Avenue PLANNING DEPARTMENT I I I I I I I I / mapleridge.ca 2017-436-SD DATE: Sep 29, 2017 BY:JV N Scale: 1 :2,500 Legend -Stream - -Indefinite Creek ~-,:~Ji;i Marsh -River -Major Rivers & Lakes APPENDIX B L 25638 112 Avenue PLANNING DEPARTMENT mapleridge.ca 2017-436-SD DATE: Sep 29, 2017 BY:JV r.=======================~A~P~PENDIX C SUBDIVISION PLAN OF LOT 8 EXCEPT: ROAD DEDICATED ON PLAN EPP48393 SECTION 13 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 8336 B.C.G.S. 92 G.028 This plan lies within the jurisdiUon of the Approving Officer for the City of Maple Ridge Scale 1: 1000 .Nldi!ilan~oreinme~ ,o 5 0 I-'-' 50.0 ! The intended plot size of this plan is 4J2 mm in width by 560 mm in height ( C Size ) when plotted at a scale of 1: 1000 A Covenant in the name of ~r,.iinrac:es:f:'f?o~ 219 of the Land Ttlle Act is a condition of approval for this subdivision. PLAN EPP 75231 B5H0667 DATUM= NAD 8J(CSRS) 4.0.0.B'C,I, U1M ZONE 10 BSH061U Plan 7JJ50 ®=.:::-:.:::t_-·--·--·--. -~~~6" J29.~--1 J Plan 27239 ESTIMATED HOR~ONTAL ACCURACY= 0.0/6 MUR!S .~-=~:::-:-=~:::-:-=~=--.;;;;:;;:;~-J------~------POI/ff COI.IBINED FACroR:0.99960J5 14 'a'i5 ~ =m~:ngr . 9J'J,J'12• 5/16.65 LEGEND Symbols Found Placed 0 Note: DescripUon Standard Iron Post Control Monument This plan shows one or more witness ppsts which are not set on the true comer(s). 12 Plan 17459 S.EC.14 J'P.12 5 Plan 17459 INTEGRATED NlfA NO. J6-/,IAPL£ RIDGE NAD8J (CSRS) 4.0.0.BC.1 Grid bearings are derived from observaUons between geode Uc control monuments 85H06/J4 AND 85H0667 SL57 Strata Plan £PS2J4 1he U11,I coordinates and estimated horizontal accuracy achieved are derived from the I/ASCOT published coordinates and standard deviaUons for geade5c control monuments 85H06/J4 AND 85H0667 This pion shows horizontal ground-level distances unless otherwise specified. To compute grid distances, muftip(Y ground-level distances by the overage combined factor of 0.9996029 which has been derived from geadeUc control monuments 85H06/J4 AND 85H0667 Wade & Associates Ltd. 8.C. Land Surveyors Maple Ridge and Mission File: H2945-09 604-463-4753 93'52'56. 20.17 ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ·w;l ,~ 112 AVENUE Pion 0736' --· --· --. -_ BSH0667 Ov, ·~ Plan EPP48J9J and Ref.Plan 4689 &!'YJ '1' ' 9J"S9'oo• 145.95 ----92.61 I ,·-·---i I Ref.Plan I -;i1 1 EPP752J2 2.19 ho L . .:_,_J ti:.~ <c~ 7 S.EC.13 J'P.12 Ftern. 8 Pian 8336 r· Ex.Plan EPP752JJ i Plan BJJ6 145.49 B!f21'J9• Ex.Plan 75234 I 90'05'15• I J6,08 J6,00 J6,00 ' ,·-·---i ,·-·---i "· ' I Ref.Plan i ( ....... I I I EPP752J2 l ( ' Rem.6 . '-J .. ' ·'\,, L,_,_J L,_,_J l--.... ) . ·, I g:, ....... \ Ref.Plan· 1 ~ '--....J EPP752J2 !l: . ·"' s§ ' -~ 2 ~-J ~ .... 4 ~ .... gg ~~ ~;: ~;: a40 ha 0,.fl} ha ~;.; a40 ha ~;.; I 5 0.51 ha I<: i a: Pcl.'A' .i!i I Ex.Plan 17454 I i ,.. 36.05 J<OO 36.00 Jl.45 g 90'05'16. Plan EPP48J9J ,.oo1li/ 90'05'16° BOSONWORTH AVENUE Plan BJJ6 2 This plan lies within the Greater Vancouver Regional District The field survey represented by this plan was completed on the 28th day of August, 2017. S.P. Wade, BCLS 649 r- [~1111""' Ont sh Columbia mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council MEETING DATE: January 21, 2020 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: COW SUBJECT: Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Amending Bylaw No. 7585-2019 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The purpose of this report is to present the Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Amending Bylaw No.7585-2019 (Appendix I) to amend Schedules in relation to Municipal Ticket charges and fine amounts, and to coincide with recent bylaw adoptions and amendments. As Council is aware, the Safer Streets Bylaw and the Nuisance Prohibition Bylaw have already or will soon be adopted. Consequently the Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw needs to be amended to include these as well as other housekeeping changes to revise and re-number several of the Schedules in the bylaw. RECOMMENDATION(S): That Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Amending Bylaw No.7585-2019 be given first, second and third readings. DISCUSSION: Staff continually review City of Maple Ridge bylaws to ensure that they are current and consistent. When changes are made to one bylaw it can affect complementing bylaws. Along with adding and amending charging sections and fine amounts for new and existing bylaws, housekeeping changes are required to re-name and re-number affected Schedules. Some of these changes include the Safer Streets Bylaw, the Nuisance Prohibition Bylaw, designating "Animal Control Officer" to the Noise Control Bylaw and several other text amendments, as per Appendix I. The Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw needs to be updated to reflect these changes so that Municipal Tickets will include the correct wording, section numbers, fine amounts and the appropriate designated Bylaw Compliance Officer. CONCLUSIONS: Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Amending Bylaw No.7585-2019 will ensure consistency, coordination and compliance with correlating City bylaws. Prepared~-Manager, Bylaw & Licensing Services Doc# 2009277 Page 1 of 2 1111 I f : r Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PI., MCIP, RPP cLJX~opmentServices Concurrence: Al Horsman ,--1 t Chief Administrative Officer Appendix I -Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Amending Bylaw No. 7585-2019 Doc# 2009277 Page 2 of 2 APPENDIX I City of Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Amending Bylaw No.7585-2019 A bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 WHEREAS the Council of The City of Maple Ridge deems it expedient to amend the Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This bylaw may be cited as Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Amending Bylaw No. 7585-2019. 2. Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 is amended by deleting the Schedule's list in its entirety and replacing it with the following: Schedules Schedule 1 Schedule 2 Schedule 3 Schedule 4 Schedule 5 Schedule 6 Schedule 7 Schedule 8 Schedule 9 Schedule 10 Schedule 11 Schedule 12 Schedule 13 Schedule 14 Schedule 15 Schedule 16 Schedule 17 Schedule 18 Schedule 19 Designated Bylaw Compliance Officer Animal Control and Licencing Bylaw Building Bylaw Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw Cat Spay/Neuter Bylaw Drinking Water Conservation Plan Bylaw Fire Prevention Bylaw Fireworks Bylaw Grow Operation, Health, Nuisance and Safety Bylaw Highway & Traffic Bylaw Kennel Regulation Bylaw Littering Prohibition Bylaw Noise Control Bylaw Nuisance Prohibition Bylaw Outdoor Burning Regulation Bylaw Parks and Recreation Facilities Regulation Bylaw Pesticide Use Control Bylaw Rental Premises Standards of Maintenance Bylaw Safer Streets Bylaw Schedule 20 Scrap Metal Dealer Regulation Bylaw Schedule 21 Sign Bylaw Schedule 22 Smoking Regulation Bylaw Schedule 23 Soil Deposit Regulation Bylaw Schedule 24 Soil Removal Bylaw Schedule 25 Solid Waste and Recycling Regulation Bylaw Schedule 26 Taxi Regulation Bylaw Schedule 27 Tree Management Bylaw Schedule 28 Untidy and Unsightly Premises Bylaw Schedule 29 Watercourse Protection Bylaw Page 1 of 7 Schedule 30 Wildlife and Vector Control Bylaw Schedule 31 Zoning Bylaw APPENDIX I 3. Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 is amended by adding to Noise Control Bylaw No. 5122-1994 in Schedule 1 Designated Bylaw Compliance Officer the words "Animal Control Officer" after the words "Bylaw Compliance Officer". 4. Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 is amended by adding Schedule 14 Nuisance Prohibition Bylaw after Schedule 13 Noise Control Bylaw: Nuisance Prohibition Bylaw No. 7596-2019 Bylaw Compliance Officer Fire Department Officer Manager of Bylaw & Licencing Services R.C.M.P. 5. Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 is amended by adding Schedule 19 Safer Streets Bylaw after Schedule 18 Rental Premises Standards of Maintenance Bylaw: Safer Streets Bylaw No. 7581-2019 Bylaw Compliance Officer Fire Department Officer Manager of Bylaw & Licencing Services R.C.M.P. 6. Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 is amended under Schedule 2, from the Animal Control and Licencing Bylaw 6908-2012, by replacing the words "Fail to register guard do licence number" to "Fail to register guard dog licence number". 7. Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 is amended under Schedule 2, from the Animal Control and Licencing Bylaw 6908-2012, by replacing the words "Breed wolf cross" to "Keep, breed or sell wolf cross". 8. Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 is amended under Schedule 2, from the Animal Control and Licencing Bylaw 6908-2012, by replacing the section number under "Fail to promptly treat animal" from 13.3.1 (b) to 13.31 (b)i. 9. Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 is amended under Schedule 2, from the Animal Control and Licencing Bylaw 6908-2012, by adding the following section after "Fail to post notice": Section Fine Fail to post signs 13.6.1(b) $500.00 Page 2 of 7 APPENDIX I 10. Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 is amended by deleting Schedule 4, from Maple Ridge Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw, in its entirety and replacing it with: Schedule 4 Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 From Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw No. 6815-2011 No business licence Failure to get approval Fail to renew licence Fail to post licence Fail to permit inspection of premises Permit person under 19 years Display depiction of a sexual act Open business between 12 midnight and 7 am Fail to keep premises in clean condition Fail to keep record Fail to produce register Permit entry to be erased Fail to provide identification Employ person under 19 years Open business between 12 midnight and 8 am Permit person under 19 years Employ person under 19 years Permit person under 19 years Fail to post sign Fail to comply with requirements More than 20 dogs Operate outside permitted hours Discharge odorous matter Fail to shut off sound Failure to produce licence Fail to display photo identification Peddle between 6 pm and 9 am Failure to maintain report Dispose of second hand article prior to 30 days after receipt Buy second hand article from person under 18 years Buy second hand article between 6 pm and 6 am Offer services of a social escort under the age of 19 years Permit tobacco products to be visible Sell tobacco to person under 19 years Possess shark fin products Page 3 of 7 Section 6.1.1(a) 6.2.3 6.6.1 6.8.1 6.9.1(a) 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.3.1(g) 7.4.3 7.4.5(c) 7.4.5(d) 7.4.5(g) 7.6.2(a) 7.6.3(a) 7.6.3(b) 7.7.1 7.8.1(a) 7.8.1(b) 7.9.1 7.10.3 7.10.4(a)(i) 7 .10.4(a)(ii) 7 .10.4(a)(iii) 7.19.3(b) 7.21.1(b) 7.21.1(c) 7.21.1(d) 7.23.6(a) 7.23.10(a) 7.23.13(d) 7.23.14 7.24.1(b) 7.27.1(b) 7.27.1(c) 7.28.1(a) Fine $300.00 $200.00 $300.00 $200.00 $300.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $200.00 $200.00 $300.00 $300.00 $500.00 $500.00 $300.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $300.00 $500.00 $300.00 $500.00 $500.00 f ' ' ' ' ,-' ' t APPENDIX I 11. Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 is amended by deleting Schedule 10, from Maple Ridge Highway & Traffic Bylaw, in its entirety and replacing it with: Schedule 10 Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 From Highway & Traffic Bylaw No. 6704-2009 Pay Within 30 Calendar Days Section Fine Upon Receipt of Municipal Ticket Information Drive on trail 7.0 $100.00 $50.00 Obstruct vehicles or pedestrians 10.1 $75.00 $50.00 Cross highway at a location other than 10.2 $50.00 $20.00 crosswalk Ride without due care & attention 11.1 $50.00 $20.00 Park on sidewalk 12.1 (a) $50.00 $20.00 Park within 3m of driveway 12.1 (b) $50.00 $20.00 Park within 6m of intersection 12.1 (c) $50.00 $20.00 Park within 5 m of fire hydrant 12.1 (d) $100.00 $75.00 Park within 6m of crosswalk 12.1 (e) $50.00 $20.00 Park within 6m of stop sign 12.1 (f) $50.00 $20.00 Park vehicle for sale on highway 12.1 (i) (i) $50.00 $20.00 Repair vehicle on a highway 12.1 (i) (ii) $50.00 $20.00 Display signs on a highway 12.1 (i) (iii) $50.00 $20.00 Selling articles on highway 12.1 (i) (iv) $50.00 $20.00 Obstruct traffic 12.1 U) $75.00 $50.00 Double park 12.1 (k) $50.00 $20.00 Park in bus zone 12.1 (n) $50.00 $20.00 Park on path 12.1 (o) $50.00 $20.00 Obstruct highway/lane 12.1 (p) $50.00 $20.00 Angle Park 12.1 (q) $50.00 $20.00 Park on wrong side 12.1 (r) $50.00 $20.00 Park over 30cm from curb 12.1 (s) $50.00 $20.00 Park contrary to painted lines on highway 12.1 (t) $50.00 $20.00 Park contrary to prohibition 12.1 (u) $50.00 $20.00 Overtime parking 12.1 (v) $50.00 $20.00 Overtime parking/fail to register 12.1 (w) $50.00 $20.00 Park contrary to restriction 12.1 (x) $50.00 $20.00 Park over 72 hours 12.1 (z) $75.00 $50.00 Park over length vehicle 12.1 (aa) $100.00 $20.00 Park vehicle over 5500 kgs GVW 12.1 (bb) $200.00 $100.00 Page 4 of 7 , APPENDIX I Park in Disabled zone 12.1 (cc) $100.00 $80.00 Park in commercial loading zone 12.1 (dd) $75.00 $50.00 Park in passenger loading zone 12.1 (ee) $50.00 $20.00 Park on highway without curbs 12.1 (ff) $50.00 $20.00 Without proper or valid insurance 12.1 (ii) $100.00 $50.00 Without proper and valid number plates 12.1 Uj) $100.00 $50.00 Park adjacent to yellow curb 12.1 (kk) $50.00 $20.00 Park outside angle parking stall 12.1 (hh) $50.00 $20.00 Unattached trailer 14.0 $100.00 $50.00 Park in resident zone 16.3 $50.00 $20.00 Remove notice of chalk mark 17.1 $100.00 $50.00 Move vehicle within same block 17.2 $50.00 $20.00 Occupy motor vehicle 26.0 $100.00 $50.00 Fail to remove snow and other debris 27.0 $150.00 $100.00 from sidewalk Obstruct intersection 28.0 $100.00 $50.00 Fail to trim vegetation 29.0 $100.00 $50.00 Encroachment 28.1 $50.00 $20.00 Load not securely covered 30.1 (a) $150.00 $75.00 Load not secured 31.1 (b) $150.00 $75.00 Place thing on highway 33.1 (a) $100.00 $50.00 Deposit debris on highway 33.1 (b) $350.00 $250.00 Place structure on a highway 33.1 (g) $150.00 $75.00 Damage boulevard 33.1 (I) $150.00 $75.00 Place container on highway 33.1 (r) $150.00 $75.00 Engage in business on highway 33.1 (s) $150.00 $75.00 Solicit on highway 44.1 (a) $150.00 $75.00 Install sign on highway 44.1 (c) $100.00 $50.00 Vehicle weight exceeds licensed GVW 48.1 (a) $250.00 $250.00 Axle exceeds permitted weight 48.1 (b) $250.00 $250.00 Dimensions of commercial vehicle do not conform to the regulations with load 48.1 (c)(i) $100.00 $100.00 included Non conforming dimensions 48.1 (c)(ii) $100.00 $100.00 Fail to comply with order 50.2 $300.00 $150.00 Fail to comply with permit conditions 51.0 $300.00 $150.00 Fail to obey traffic controls and signs 52.0 $300.00 $150.00 Page 5 of 7 APPENDIX I 12. Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 is amended by adding a new Schedule 14, from the Maple Ridge Nuisance Prohibition Bylaw, after Schedule 13 and re-numbering the remaining Schedules: Schedule 14 Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 From Nuisance Prohibition Bylaw No. 7596-2019 Cause a Nuisance Permit a Nuisance Fail to abate Nuisance Section 4.1 (a) 4.1 (b) 4.1 (c) Fine $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 13. Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 is amended by adding a new Schedule 19, from the Maple Ridge Safer Streets Bylaw, after Schedule 18 and re-numbering the remaining Schedules: Schedule 19 Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 From Safer Streets Bylaw No. 7581-2019 Section Fine Sit or lie on a street 4.2 (a) $50.00 Continue to solicit after negative response 4.2 (b) $100.00 Solicit as a member of a group of three or more persons 4.2 (c) $50.00 Solicit within 10 meters of a financial institution 4.3 (a) $50.00 Solicit within 10 meters of an automated teller machine 4.3 (b) $50.00 Solicit within 10 meters of a bus stop 4.3 (c) $50.00 Solicit within 10 meters of a daycare centre 4.3 (d) $50.00 Solicit within 10 meters of a liquor store 4.3 (e) $50.00 Solicit within 10 meters of a non medical cannabis 4.3 (f) $50.00 retailer Solicit while motor vehicle parked 4.4 (a) $50.00 Solicit while motor vehicle stopped at traffic control 4.4 (b) $50.00 signal Solicit while motor vehicle being filled with fuel 4.4 (c) $50.00 Solicit in a manner which obstructs or impedes vehicular 4.4 (d) $50.00 traffic Solicit after sunset 4.5 $100.00 Page 6 of 7 APPENDIX I 14. Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 is amended by deleting Schedule 22, from the Maple Ridge Smoking Regulation Bylaw, in its entirety and replacing it with: Schedule 22 Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 From Smoking Regulation Bylaw No. 6968-2013 Smoke in an enclosed premises Smoke in vehicle for hire Smoke on public transit Smoke in a customer service area Smoke in common areas Smoke within 7.5 m of opening into building Smoke at swimming beach Smoke in area of municipal park or playground Smoke in City building Fail to post signs Section 5.1.1 (c)(i) 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.5 5.1.6 5.1.8 5.1.9 5.1.10 5.1.11 6.2 Fine $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $200.00 $100.00 $100.00 $100.00 $200.00 $200.00 15. Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 is amended under Schedule 31 from the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985, by adding the fine amount of "$500" to section 306(1) "Prevent authorized entry". 16. Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 is amended by updating the table of contents accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the __ day of _____ , 2020 READ A SECOND TIME the __ day of ______ , 2020 READ A THIRD TIME the __ day of ______ , 2020 ADOPTEDthe __ dayof ______ ,2020 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER Page 7 of 7 --·--· 1 r ' ·-,_ , __ ~ ,_ ' ! t t City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: His Worship, Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: MEETING: January 21, 2020 cow SUBJECT: Maple Ridge Noxious Weeds and Other Growth Control Bylaw No. 2384-1976 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On June 10, 2008, the Maple Ridge Regulation of Untidy and Unsightly Premises Bylaw No. 6533-2007 was adopted. The bylaw includes provisions for dealing with noxious weeds on private properties as per the weed control regulation pursuant to the Weed Control Act (British Columbia). At the time the bylaw was adopted, the Maple Ridge Noxious Weed and Other Growth Control Bylaw No. 2384-1976, which also deals with private properties, should have been repealed as the bylaw in turn, became redundant. RECOMMENDATION(S): That Maple Ridge Noxious Weed and Other Growth Control Bylaw No. 2384-1976 be repealed in its entirety. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: On June 10, 2008 the Maple Ridge Regulation of Untidy and Unsightly Premises Bylaw No. 6533-2007 was adopted. The bylaw includes provisions for dealing with noxious weeds on private properties as per the weed control regulation pursuant to the Weed Control Act (British Columbia). Under the current Untidy and Unsightly Premises Bylaw No. 6533-2007, noxious weeds on private properties are addressed under Schedule "A", namely Canada Thistle, Bindweed or Morning Glory, Couchgrass, Purple Loosestrife, Giant Hogweed and Japanese Knotweed. CONCLUSIONS: As the Maple Ridge Noxious Weed and Other Growth Control Bylaw No. 2384-1976 is now redundant, staff recommend repealing it. Preparedby: -~ M~ylaw & Licensing Services ~w Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP c;:i~~ Concurrence: Al Horseman Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: Appendix I: Maple Ridge Noxious Weed and Other Growth Control Bylaw No. 2384 -1976 Appendix II: Maple Ridge Regulation of Untidy and Unsightly Premises Bylaw No. 6533-2007 1112 _ ..,,_,_, ... ·<. .._j.._.,_.·, .,1.' • .., ·· .r~ . · · ..... _ .• • • ..,.~ APPENDIX I THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BY-LAW NO. 2384 -1976 A By-Law to control the growth of noxious weeds, trees and other growth. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to control the growth of noxious weeds and other growth within the Di.strict of Maple Ridge. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Th:i.s By-Law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Noxious Weed and Other Growth Control By-Law". 2. Pursuant to Section 870 (k) of the Municipal Act R.S.B.C. 1960 and amendments thereto, every owner or occupier of real property, or their agent is required to clear such property of brush, trees, noxious weeds, or other growth. 3. The Municipal By-Law Enforcement Officer, his deputy or any other person appointed by the Municipal Council., may examine any property within the Municipality, at any reasonable time, to ascertain that regulations set out in this By-Law are being adhered to. 4. All owners or occupi.ers of real property or their agent shall, if such property is in a residential, commercial, industrial or institutLonal zone or is controlled by Land Use Contract, clear the property of brush, trees, noxious weeds, grass and clover or other growth and keep it so cleared at all times so that the property is maintained in a neat and tidy condition. 5, Should any owner or occupier of property or their agent be in default of such clearing, the Municipal By-Law Inspector or his Deputy shall mail to the offending person (s) by registered mail, a notice setting out the clearing which he must carry out, and the time within which such clearing must be completed. In default of such clearing, within the time set out in the said notice, the Municipality, by its workmen and others, may enter and effect such clearing.at the expense of the person so a·efaulting, The charges for such clearing, if remaining uppaid by December 31st in any year, shall be added to and form part of the arrears of taxes against that real property in the next succeeding year. READ a first time this '.,e, d,;1y of READ a second time this~ c day of READ a third time this ?,.-, day of , A.D., 1976 , A.D., 1976 A.D., 1976. RECONSIDERED, finally passed, signed Corporation a ff ixea this 1 day of St:~TE.Ncl,,i,Q ---------·. -.-~:fit? <~£E: CLERK . -o CERTIFIED to be a true copy of Maple Ridge Noxious Weed and Other Growth Control By-Law No. 2384 -1976. CLERK APPENDIX II THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY and is a consolidation of the following: 1. Maple Ridge Regulation of Untidy and Unsightly Premises Bylaw No. 6533-2007 2. Maple Ridge Untidy and Unsightly Premises Amending Bylaw No. 6806-2011 3. Maple Ridge Untidy and Unsightly Premises Amending Bylaw No. 6982-2013 Individual copies of any of the above bylaws can be obtained by contacting the Clerk's Department. DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 6533-2007 A bylaw to regulate Untidy and Unsightly Premises in the District of Maple Ridge The Council of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows: 1. Name of Bylaw -This bylaw may be cited as "District of Maple Ridge Regulation of Untidy and Unsightly Premises Bylaw No. 6533-2007. 2. Definitions -The following words and phrases shall have these designated meanings: 6806-2011 "Building Materials" includes items used in the construction of structures or in landscaping, including, but not limited to lumber, windows, doors, fill, and soil; "Bylaw Enforcement Officer" means a peace officer or person appointed by the Council as a Bylaw Enforcement Officer, Building Inspector or Director of Licences, Permits & Bylaws; "Council" means the Council of the District of Maple Ridge; "Discarded Materials" means derelict, discarded, or unused materials, filth or rubbish whether or not used for commercial purposes or as part of a trade or calling, including but not limited to dead animals, paper products, crockery, glass, metal, plastics, plastic containers, wire, ropes, machinery, tires, inoperable vehicles, vehicle parts, appliances, and any other scrap or salvage; "District" means the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge; "Graffiti" means drawing, printing or writing scratched, sprayed, painted or scribbled on a wall, fence, or other surface which is visible from a highway, park or other public place, but does not include a sign for which a permit has been issued by the District. "Order" means an order issued pursuant to section 9 of this Bylaw; 6806-2011 "Owner" means any person who is the registered owner, or owner under agreement, of real property, and includes any person in actual or apparent possession of real property under a lease, license or other agreement with another owner;" "Property" means any parcel of land in the District "Parcel" means any lot, block or other area in which land is held or into which it is subdivided, but does not include a highway; 6982-2013 "Rubbish" means decaying or non-decaying solid and semi-solid wastes, including but not limited to both combustible and non-combustible wastes, such as paper, trash, refuse, cardboard, waste material, cans, yard clippings, wood, glass, bedding mattresses, crates, rags, barrels, boxes, lumber not neatly piled, scrap iron, tin an other metal, scrap paving material, discarded appliances, discarded furniture, dry vegetation, weeds, dead trees and branches, overgrown vegetation and trees which may harbor insect or rodent infestations or may become a fire hazard and piles of earth mixed with any of the above. "Special Container" means a specially designed garbage receptacle fitted with equipment that enables it to be dumped mechanically by a garbage truck; and "Standard Container" means a metal or plastic container or plastic bag weighing no more than 751bs when full and not exceeding 3.5 cubic feet in volume. 6982-2013 "Unsightly" means property having any one or more of the following characteristics: (a) the accumulation of junk, filth, litter, brush, discarded materials, refuse, rubbish, garbage, graffiti; derelict vehicles and vehicle parts; (b) fences characterized by holes, breaks, rot, crumbling, cracking peeling or rusting; (c) landscaping that is dead, characterized by uncontrolled growth or lack of maintenance, or is damaged; or (d) any other similar conditions of disrepair and deterioration. Prohibitions 3. No Owner or Occupier of Property shall cause, permit or allow the Property to become or remain untidy or unsightly. 4. No Owner or Occupier of Property shall cause permit or allow Graffiti on the Property. 5. Unsightly Real Property - Every owner or occupier of Property must remove, or cause to be removed, from the Property any unsightly accumulations of filth, rubbish, or Discarded Materials. 6. Every Owner or Occupier of Property must remove, or cause to be removed, any Graffiti from the Property. 7. Adequate Containers (a) Every Owner or Occupier of Property shall acquire and maintain in good order and repair a sufficient number of Standard Containers or Special Containers in which to store all rubbish generated on the Property. (b) No Owner or Occupier of Property may cause, permit or allow rubbish to overflow the Standard Containers or Special Containers on the Property. (c) Every Owner or Occupier of Property must ensure that all Standard Containers and Special Containers are kept lidded or closed when not being emptied or filled, and at all times secured against disturbance by animals. (d) If a Special Container is used, the Occupier must ensure that the lid on the Special Container is locked at all times. (e) Every Owner or Occupier of Property shall keep the area on the Property used for the storage of Standard Containers and Special Containers clean, sanitary and free from ,ponding water and loose rubbish. 6806-2011 8. Overgrowth -No Owner or Occupier of Property may cause, permit or allow the Property to become overgrown with any grasses in excess of 30 centimetres in height or brush of any type or allow such brush to encroach onto neighbouring public or private property or Noxious Weeds listed in Schedule "A". 6806-2011 9. No Owner of Occupier of Property shall cause, permit or allow: 6806-2011 (a) Except when specified as a permitted use in the Zoning Bylaw, no Owner of a property may cause, allow or permit the accumulatibn of building materials on the property for more than 15 days unless: i. The Owner is in possession of a valid building permit in respect of the property; or ii. The building materials are stored in a closed building ~r structure such that they are not visible from another property, highway or other public space 10. Removal Orders (1) If an owner has failed to perform the obligations pursuant to sections 3 to 8, the Bylaw Enforcement Officer, at their discretion, may serve on such owner an Order which requires the owner to remove the contravention: a) Within 30 days or, I b) Within 14 days or, c) Within 7 days if the Bylaw Enforcement Officer believes the contravention is a nuisance under this bylaw. 6982-2013 Such Order must be sent in writing by express mail to the Owner of the property where the contravention exists within the time frame set out in the notice. This notice must also be posted on the subject property if there is an occupied premise. (2) Upon any failure by the Owner or Occupier of Property to comply with an Order under this section, the District may, by its own forces or those of a contractor, immediately enter on the Property and carry out the work described in the Order at the expense of the Owner or Occupier and, whether the Order was directed at the Owner or the Occupier of the Property, or both, recover the costs in the same manner and with the same remedies as ordinary taxes on land and improvements under the Community Charter. (3) Should an Owner or Occupier of Property wish to contest an Order, that person must within 5 days of the posting or mailing of the Notice, inform the District's Clerk in writing that he or she wishes to appear before the Council to contest the Order. Upon hearing the Owner or Occupier, staff and any other affected persons, the Council may affirm, vary or revoke the Order. 6806-2011 11. Offence and Penalty-Every person who offends against any of the provisions of this Bylaw, or who suffers or permits any act or thing to be done in contravention, or who refrains from doing anything required to be done by any of the provisions of this Bylaw, or who does any act or thing which violates any of the provisions of this Bylaw, shall be liable on summary conviction to a penalty not exceeding $10,000 and not less than $1,000. 12. Inspection -The Bylaw Enforcement Officer may, in accordance with section 16 of the Community Charter, enter on any Property at any reasonable time to ascertain whether the· requirements of this bylaw, or any Order issued pursuant to this bylaw, are being observed. 13. Severability-If any section or phrase of this Bylaw is for any reason held to be invalid by a decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, the decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Bylaw. 14. Repeal of Existing Bylaw-Bylaw No. 6239-2004 is hereby repealed. READ A FIRST TIME this 27th day of May, 2008. READ A SECOND TIME this 27th day of May, 2008. READ A THIRD TIME this 27th day of May, 2008. ADOPTED this 10th day of June, 2008. MAYOR CORPORATE OFFICER 6806-2011 6982-2013 Schedule "A" to Maple Ridge Regulation of Untidy and Unsightly Premises Bylaw No. 6533-2007 Noxious Weeds Canada Thistle (Cirsium arense) Bindweed or Morning (Convo/vu/us) Glory Couchgrass (Agropyon repens) Purple Loosestrife Giant Hogweed Japanese Knotweed (Lythrum salicaria (Heracleum mantegazzianum) (Fal/opia Japonica) i L-r . TO: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE MEETING DATE: January 21, 2020 FILE NO: RFP-IS19-15 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Committee of the Whole SUBJECT: Supply & Delivery of New Replacement Server Equipment EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City of Maple Ridge relies on its server infrastructure to provide the platform to run enterprise applications, web services, virtual desktops, databases, telecommunications and other corporate computing systems. The City typically replaces its server infrastructure every 5 years with new and more up-to-date hardware, as the existing hardware has reached the end of its useful life and can no longer effectively support corporate computing needs. Whenever possible, the City leverages the latest technologies in order to maximize the reliability, scalability and performance of this hardware over its 5-year life cycle. In September 2019 the City went out to RFP seeking a solution to meet the City's five-year server resource requirements. The solution that staff are recommending is valued at $899,669.09 before taxes and replaces the City's existing server infrastructure. The recommended solution will deliver increased performance and reliability of the City's existing 210 virtual servers as well as offering scalability options that will accommodate the next 5 year's growth in a more affordable manner. RECOMMENDATION: That RFP-IS19-15 City Server Replacement in the amount of $899,669.09 (plus applicable taxes) be awarded to Turning Point Technologies; and, That a contingency of$ 90,000.00 be established for this project; and further, That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The City relies on its computing infrastructure to support service delivery for both staff and the community. As applications become more resource intensive, and service demands, including access to online services increase, additional resources are required to meet these demands and provide an excellent customer service experience. RFP-1519-15 Page 1 of 3 1131 ' ' -l l ' ' ' ' ' ,-l--l ~ r In order to deliver robust and reliable systems, the useful life of server infrastructure is typically 5 years. As a result, the City undergoes a server replacement process to upgrade the existing infrastructure to newer and more modern equipment approximately every 5 years. During these replacement cycles, the City evaluates new technologies to maximize the benefit of new hardware and where appropriate, leverages new technologies to better serve the organization and the community. Such opportunities have included the introduction of virtual server environments, high speed fiber optic networks, virtual desktop environments and resilient systems. In September 2019 the City went out for RFP seeking a server solution that will meet the City's five-year server resource requirements and found a recommended solution. The City received four proposals and evaluated according to the published evaluation criteria. Turning Point Technologies was the highest scoring proponent with a solution that provides the ability to increase resource capacity by adding components instead of purchasing completely new servers. This solution both meets existing demands, and will also accommodate the anticipated growth over the next five years in a more affordable manner. b) Desired Outcome: That Council authorize City Staff to prepare contract documents for the award of Server Replacement Equipment to Turning Point Technologies, and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign the contract. c) Strategic Alignment: This solution is closely aligned to the IT Strategic Plan by supporting the City's ability to increase the performance of the server infrastructure which will in turn support increased productivity, offer a better customer experience and easily accommodate additional resources for growth as service demands evolve. With the solution's ability to increase its resources, it helps consolidate the power and space requirements needed, reducing the overall footprint of these resources. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: The server environment provides citizens with valuable web resources and the solution recommended by staff will offer increased capacity and better response. This will, in turn, provide a better customer experience for our citizens. It will also offer capacity to add more services for citizens when required. e) Interdepartmental Implications: Due to the advancement of hardware and software technologies, the server infrastructure is being leveraged by every department within the city. Increasing the capabilities of the hardware allows staff to utilize more recent and up-to-date enterprise applications and offers a more enhanced user experience. It also offers the capacity to leverage additional tools and applications for staff use in the future. f) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The cost of the Server Replacement as well as the 5-year maintenance costs required to support this solution is $899,669.09 (excluding taxes). The cost for this solution is more than expected but can be accommodated through the existing budgets. The Equipment Replacement Reserve has capacity due to past replacements costing less than expected and some equipment lifecycle being longer than anticipated. In addition, this proposed solution will accommodate growth on the existing hardware which should decrease future RFP-IS19-15 Page 2 of 3 costs associated with growth both monetarily and in staff time over the next three to five years. CONCLUSION: That Contract RFP-1519-15 City Server Replacement: be awarded to Turning Point Technologies. in the amount of $889,669.09 (excluding taxes); and, That a contingency of$ 90,000.00 be established for this project; and further, That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. ~ Prepare~diuk, Manager of Infrastructure and Security Services Reviewed by: Daniela Mikes, Manager of Procurement ~~·-' _ .... , .. .,... .. --~ .. ----···"··· .... ,· Reviewed by: Trevor Thompson Chief Financial Officer Approved by: Christina Crabtree, Acting General Manager of Corporate Services Concurre~I H~ Chief Administrative Officer RFP-IS19-15 Page 3 of 3 TO: FROM: mapleridge.ca His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: January 21, 2020 01-0640-30-2020 cow SUBJECT: Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association Operating Agreement EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association (the Association) wishes to continue its partnership with the City through the Operating Agreement attached for consideration. The term of this agreement is three years commencing January 1, 2020 through 2022. The Association continues to produce one of the best longstanding agricultural fairs in Canada and delivers agricultural education to the community year round. RECOMMENDATION: That the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association's Operating Agreement dated January 1, 2020 be approved for a three year term; and, That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the agreement. DISCUSSION: Background Context: The Association will be celebrating its 119th annual fair "Countryfest" in July 2020 at the Albion Fairgrounds, and has the distinction of being the oldest association in Maple Ridge. The Fair has grown to become a very popular attraction for our community and the region. Countryfest continues to be one of the best agricultural fairs regionally and nationally and has won many awards and accolades from the Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions. The Association has worked cooperatively with the City to celebrate and acknowledge major milestones, such as the Canada 150 celebrations, and will also do so at the upcoming BC Summer Games. The Association strongly believes that the "free gate" has played a significant role in the growth of the annual event and provides an accessible community event for citizens and visitors. In addition to the Fair, they provide agricultural education activities, promote food security and participate on the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Council. They are also involved in many other community partnerships. 1 ID 2324809 1151 I; [ Entering into a new Operating Agreement would be beneficial for both parties and the community to have access to agricultural information and authentic experiences. The operating grant amount remains at $17,000 for each year of the term, which is included in the funding allotment in the approved financial plan for 2020, 2021 and 2022. There are no significant changes to the Operating Agreement, only some minor language updates for clarity as recommended by the City's legal counsel, which the Association has reviewed and endorsed. As per standard practice, staff have added an over holding clause that would be applicable on a month-to-month basis when the agreement is expired and before a new agreement is completed and approved. a) Desired Outcome: The desired outcome is to continue to provide education and understanding of the importance of agriculture and food security in our community and provide assistance towards the sustainability of this longstanding community-based organization. Their work contributes to a greater sense of community and pride, enhances local economic benefits, attracts tourists and newcomers, develops volunteerism and improves quality of life. b) Strategic Alignment: The Association's contributions to the community align with Council's strategic priority of Community Pride and Spirit while also aligning with the 2010 Parks, Recreation & Culture Master Plan. c) Citizen/Customer Implications: The proposed updated agreement contributes to encouraging positive agricultural opportunities, education and citizen engagement in local agriculture and food security, as well as the development of a vibrant and livable community. d) Interdepartmental Implications: The Association also works with Parks, Engineering, RCMP, Fire and Communications in their event planning process through the Festivals and Events Safety Team. e) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The proposed Operating Agreement aligns with the Recreation & Community Engagement Business Plan goals. Funding for the Operating Agreement at $17,000 per year is included in the funding allotment in the 2020-2022 approved financial plan. ID 2324809 2 CONCLUSIONS: The Operating Agreement with the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association demonstrates civic support of a historical legacy that showcases agriculture and farming for future generations. Staff recommends that Council approve the agreement's next term, commencing January 1, 2020 through 2022. vonne Chui Arts and Community Connections Manager Reviewed by: Danielle Pope Director of Recreation & Community Engagement ConcurrenQ-BHors~ :ye Attachment: Chief Administrative Officer Agricultural Association Operating Agreement ID 2324809 3 ' C ' . 1---t. BETWEEN: AND WHEREAS: AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION OPERATING AG REEM ENT THIS AGREEMENT made as of the 1st day of January, 2020 CllY OF MAPLE RIDGE 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 6A9 (the "City") OF THE FIRST PART MAPLE RIDGE / PITI MEADOWS AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION, a society duly incorporated under the Societies Act of the Province of British Columbia and registered under number S-0019037, having an office at the Albion Fairgrounds, Maple Ridge, B.C., V2X 6G1 (the "Association") OF THE SECOND PART A. The City and the Association desire to provide for the co-ordination and provision of agricultural and farming programs and services for the benefit of the residents of Maple Ridge and to provide for the operation of the annual Country Festival (the "Country· Fair") at the Albion Fairgrounds (the "Fairgrounds") as particularized in Part II of this Agreement (the "Operations"); B. The Association is a leadership organization that plays a key role to strengthen community agriculturally based groups; to build community wide connections and networks and to encourage an understanding of farming and agriculture in creating a healthy, vibrant community; C. The Association operates as a not-for-profit member based organization governed by a Board of Directors and managed by paid staff dedicated to promoting and encouraging appreciation for agriculture as stated and outlined in the Association's Constitutional Purposes (attached hereto as Schedule A). It has the capacity to align activities, programs and operations with the Association's Constitution; D. The City is prepared to pay an operating grant to the Association towards the annual production of the Country Fair and provision of agricultural programs and services for the community; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSES that in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein and of other good or valuable consideration provided for herein (the receipt and sufficiency whereof is hereby acknowledged by each of the parties), the parties hereto agree as follows: ID #2342861 1 I I , I PART I -Agreement The parties confirm that the City has granted an Operating Agreement with the Association for a term of three years commencing the 1st day of January, 2020. PART II -OPERATIONS OF ANNUAL FESTIVAL AND AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION AND FUNDING Operating Funds 1. The City agrees to pay to the Association the following funds to manage and operate the annual Country Fair and towards the provision of agricultural programs and services in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the Agreement: a. For the 2020 calendar year, an annual amount of $17,000, to be paid in two equal installments on Jan. 31 and July 31; b. For the 2021 calendar year, an annual amount of $17,000 to be paid in two equal installments on Jan. 31 and July 31 c. For the 2022 calendar year, an annual amount of $17,000 to be paid in two equal installments on Jan. 31 and July 31 (collectively, the "Operating Funds") All Operating Funds payments shall be subject to deduction of any amounts paid by the City under this Agreement on behalf of the Association, and of any amounts owed by the Association to the City. Conditional Entitlement 2. The obligation of the City to pay the Operating Funds in any year is subject to the establishment of the City's annual budget and approval by Council. The City shall budget for the Operating Funds; however, it is understood and acknowledged that if the Operating Funds budgeted by the City are reduced, the City and the Association agree to review and proportionally reduce the level of operating responsibilities to be provided by the Association under this Agreement. The City will act in good faith and make all reasonable efforts to provide advance warning of funding reductions to the Association. City's Covenants 3. The City agrees, on behalf of the Municipalities: a. b. C. ID #2342861 to assign a staff liaison (the "Staff Liaison") designated by the City who shall attend the meetings of the Board of Directors of the Association and the general meetings of the Association including strategic planning as a non-voting observer for the purpose of facilitating communication between the City and the Association as needed; the Staff Liaison shall be the manager of this Agreement on behalf of the City; to provide to the Association advertising space in its Parks, Recreation and Culture Guide (the "Guide") equivalent to the space customarily provided for agricultural programs and services in past issues of the Guide and such other space as may 2 become available as determined by the City, without cost to the Association, and to do its utmost to promote and publicize the Association's programs and services through the distribution of the Guide and any other avenues that may be available and appropriate; d. to provide access to the Fairgrounds for the Association's additional agricultural programs at no cost, waiving base rent and pending availability based on the Association's historic use of this property. The Association will be responsible for any additional expenses requested by the Association and incurred by the City beyond base rent (e.g. Parks staff provides some labour assistance with set up and tear down for the annual Country Fair). For other additional uses, the City will provide access to parks, recreation and culture facilities other than the Fairgrounds in accordance with current booking and scheduling policies and procedures, and will charge the Association in accordance with the current fees and charges policy (see website www.mapleridge.ca), noting that the Association shall be classified as a non-profit recreational group warranting the subsidies for facility rental contained in that policy for such groups. The Association will be responsible for any additional related expenses in operating a program from any of these facilities. Association's Covenants 4. The Association agrees with the City: a. to operate the annual Country Fair and agricultural programs in accordance with this Agreement for the intended purposes of the Fairgrounds including farming and agricultural programs, exhibitions, attractions, community heritage gatherings, meetings, presentations, and events and for no other purpose save and except that which may be approved by the City from time to time. The Association will establish operating policies and procedures for its programs in line with its business plan; b. to provide the agricultural and farming programs and services which will be functioning primarily within the City's geographic area of jurisdiction, within the limits of available resources; C. d. e. f. ID #2342861 to deliver agricultural programs and services that take into consideration the City's strategic priorities, specifically community spirit and pride; when developing agricultural programs and services, to take into consideration community building and connections to provide member agriculture groups, community groups, school district, business and individuals the opportunities to connect, link, learn together, share assets and common interests, network and co-create through agriculture and farming where possible; to actively participate in collaborative planning opportunities and city-wide initiatives related to agriculture and farming (e.g. Agricultural Advisory Committee, promotions, volunteerism, assessments and community development) that align with City's policies, vision and goals for the community and partners at large and the Association's goals within available resources; to provide equal and reasonable opportunity for access to the Associations programs and services for all local organizations and residents; 3 g. to respond to requests from schools and introduce students to the community's farming heritage and the importance of agriculture as resources permit; h. to plan, promote and coordinate all aspects of a diversity of agricultural and farming activities and educational programming including the annual Country Fair for all age groups in similar variety, quantity, and quality to those provided in communities of similar size in the Province of British Columbia which provide similar resources for such services as are included in this Agreement. Further the City recognizes that funding beyond the Agreement is required to undertake all programs, operations and services; i. to conduct surveys and evaluations and compile and analyze statistics and data on programs and services to inform and meet strategic and business planning processes, monitoring and reporting requirements; j. to advertise the agriculture and cultural programs in the City's Parks, Recreation and Culture Guide, space permitting, in accordance with all deadlines and standards established by the City for the production of the Guide in addition to utilizing other appropriate advertising methods; k. to include provision for appropriate levels of training and professional development opportunities for the Board of Directors, staff and volunteers of the Association within available resources in the Association's annual budget as part of best practises for a non-profit organization and in accordance with the Association's governance policy; I. to use good board governance practices and procedures including understanding of fiduciary duties; m. to apply and maintain appropriate human resources management practices for non-profit organizations of similar size, scale and scope including: n. o. p. ID #2342861 (i) a criminal record check as a condition of employment for staff and volunteers working with vulnerable populations; (ii) appropriate levels of supervision for all direct and partnered activities and programs; and (iii) fostering a culture of inclusivity by applying broad recruitment efforts, and professional services where appropriate. to seek funding from diverse sources including grants, sponsorships and fund raising endeavours to support operations, programs and services as part of best practices and sustainability; to operate the annual Country Fair and agricultural programs in an efficient, effective and sustainable manner that takes into consideration the long term viability of the programs; to acknowledge the City's support for the Association, its programs and activities as applicable in communications and promotional materials used to promote these activities and where space permits. The Association shall provide such acknowledgement by using the logos and/or names of the City of Maple Ridge in accordance with prescribed standards; 4 q. r. s. t. u. V. w. X. y. ID #2342861 to obtain and maintain during the term of this Agreement, at the Association's expense, with such company or companies and on such forms as are acceptable to the City, in the name of the Association, Comprehensive General Liability insurance coverage including, without limiting the foregoing, coverage for premises and operations liability, contingency liability with respect to the operations of contractors and subcontractors, completed operations liability, contractual liability and automobile liability for owned, non-owned and hired units. The limits of liability shall not be less than $5,000,000 for each occurrence for bodily injury, including death, and property damage. Each policy shall provide that it may not be cancelled, lapsed or materially altered without at least 30 days' notice in writing to the City by registered mail, and shall name the City of Maple Ridge, the Board of Education of School District No. 42 (Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows), RG Properties and Golden Ears Winter Club Society as additional insured parties and shall provide for cross-liability and severability of interests, which means that the policy applies separately to each insured party. In the event such insurance lapses or is cancelled or any material alterations are made without the approval of the City, the City may at its option without notice forthwith terminate this Agreement or the City may, at its option and without obligation to do so, obtain and maintain such insurance at the expense of the Association and the Association hereby appoints the City as the Association's lawful attorney to do all things necessary for that purpose; to annually deliver a copy of each insurance policy required by this Agreement to the City prior to the commencement of this Agreement and deliver evidence of renewal of the insurance on request by the City; to maintain its status as a society in good standing with the Registrar of Companies for the Province of British Columbia and to function in accordance with the policy attached hereto as Schedule C; to maintain an open membership which will ensure all citizens of Maple Ridge may become members of the Association; not to amend the Constitution or the bylaws of the Association without first informing the City of the intended amendment; not to suffer, permit or allow any unlawful activities or conduct or any nuisance to exist nor suffer, permit or allow any conduct or activity that is in breach of the Human Rights Code; to occupy and use the Fairgrounds during the annual agricultural Country Fair and programming purposes in accordance with all the terms and conditions of any licenses issued by any governmental authority; to obtain and keep current all permits and licenses required by law to be obtained to operate the Fairgrounds and to fulfill the Association's obligations; and to permit the Staff Liaison and the City's representative's to attend meetings of the Association's Board of Directors. 5 Business Plan & Financial Statements 8. The Association must provide to the City: (a) a detailed business plan and a budget each year in advance of the City's business planning process (fall), for the operation of the annual Country Fair at the Fairgrounds, and for the delivery of the its programs and activities that the City is contributing resources towards for review by the Staff Liaison (attached as Schedule B)(b) an Annual Report presentation following the Association's AGM to the City, if requested including, at minimum: (i) annual financial statements; and (ii) annual statistics on use, program and participation attendance numbers for scope of programs and services offered, volunteer information and other relevant data. (b) reporting on the City's requirements listed in section 4; (d) three year comparative statistics including projected year, based on the Association's fiscal year, provided to the Staff Liaison each fall for department business planning purposes; and (e) a projected three year budget (e.g. 2020-2022) at the time of renewal with updates provided in a timely manner. 9. The parties agree that equipment purchased through grants applied for by the Association remain the property of the Association if required under the conditions of the respective grant. Indemnity 10. The Association will: (a) release the City and agrees not to sue the City in respect of any matter arising out of or relating to this Agreement, except for any wrongful refusal of the City to perform its obligations under this Agreement; and (b) indemnify, defend and save harmless the City, their elected officials, officers, employees, agents, contractors and volunteers from and against any and all claims, suits, liability, demands, actions, proceedings, costs (including legal costs), damages and expenses whatsoever, by whomsoever brought arising from: (i) any breach, violation, default or non-performance by the Association of any provision of this Agreement; (ii) any act, omission, or negligence of the Association, its officers, directors, members, contractors, volunteers or others of the Association; and (iii) any death, personal injury, property damage, property loss, economic loss or other loss or harm suffered by any person, including the City, on or in relation to the Fairgrounds or the Operations of the Association. The indemnity contained in this Agreement survives the expiry or earlier termination of this Agreement. ID #2342861 6 PART Ill -GENERAL PROVISIONS 11. The parties agree: a. this Agreement shall come into effect on January 1, 2020, and shall expire and cease to be binding on the parties on December 31, 2022, provided that any party may terminate this Agreement upon giving 180 days notice in writing to all parties of its intention to do so, at the address or addresses of the parties first above set out or at such address or addresses as the parties may advise each other in writing from time to time. If programs and services are terminated by either party, the Association will be compensated for all services satisfactorily performed by the Association prior to termination and return any remaining operating funds to the City; b. the terms of this Agreement may be reviewed and revised with the mutual consent of all parties; c. that the City has not made any representations, covenants, warranties, guarantees, promises or agreements (oral or otherwise) with the Association other than those contained in this Agreement; d. nothing contained or implied herein shall prejudice or affect the rights and powers of the City in the exercise of its functions under any public and private statues, bylaws, orders and regulations, all of which may be fully and effectively exercised as if this Agreement had not been executed and delivered by the Association; e. wherever the singular or masculine is used herein, the same shall be construed as meaning the plural, feminine or the body corporate or politic where the context or the parties so require; f. the parties hereto shall do and cause to be done all things and execute and cause to be executed all documents which may be necessary to give proper effect to the intention of this Agreement; g. h. i. j. ID #2342861 nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed by the parties, nor by any third party, as creating the relationship of principal and agent or of partnership or of joint venture between the parties and no acts of the parties hereunder shall be deemed to constitute the Association as anything other than an independent contractor; no subsequent alteration, amendment, change, revision or addition to this Agreement shall be binding on the parties unless in writing and signed by the parties' authorized signatories; no provision herein requiring approval or consent of the City shall be deemed to have been fulfilled or unless written consent or approval relating to the specific matter has first been obtained. Nor prior consent or approval and no condoning, excusing or overlooking by the City on previous occasions when such consent or approval was required shall be taken to operate as a waiver of the necessity for such consent or approval wherever required; if upon the expiry of the term of this Operating Agreement, the Association continues to operate and provide agricultural programs and services, the City may, at its discretion, continue to pay the scheduled Operating Fund amounts then in effect, and 7 upon acceptance of the same by the Association each month, this Operating Agreement shall continue to be binding on the City and the Association on a month-to-month term, and during such over holding, the notice period shall be 30 days. k. time shall be of the essence of this Agreement; and I. this Agreement shall ensure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set their hands as of the day and year first above written. THE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE in the presence of: Authorized Signatory Corporate Officer Title Authorized Signatory Name and Title Witness Date Date Date MAPLE RIDGE/ PITI MEADOWS AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION in the presence of: Authorized Signatory Witness Name and Title Date Authorized Signatory Date Name and Title Date ID #2342861 8 .:(_-~ ~ Schedule "A" Association's Constitution 1. The name of the society is Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association. 2. The purposes of the society are: a. Encourage the cultivation of the soil and the general development of all agricultural resources of the District, and to foster every branch of Mechanical and Household Arts calculated to increase the happiness of Home Life. b. To host an annual Agricultural Fair. c. To do everything incidental and necessary to promote and attain the foregoing objects throughout the Municipalities of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. 3. The society shall be carried on without purpose of gain for its members and any profits or other accretions to the society shall be used for promoting its objects. 4. In the event that the Association should at any time be wound up or dissolved, the remaining assets after payment of all debts and liabilities shall be turned over to a recognized charitable organization in the province or elsewhere in Canada as directed by the members. 5. Clauses 3, 4, & 5 are unalterable in accordance with Section 22 of the Societies Act. ID #2342861 9 1 I r See attached. ID #2342861 Schedule "B" BUSINESS PLAN 2020 -2022 l 10 Schedule "C" CITY REQUIREMENTS FOR GROUPS WITH WHOM THE CITY ENTERS INTO AN OPERATING AGREEMENT 1. That the group maintain its status as a registered society in good standing with the Provincial Registrar of Companies. 2. That the purposes of the Association listed in its Constitution encompass the programs and services for which the agreement is being entered into. 3. That the Association dissolution clause in its Constitution identify that the assets of the Association shall go to a recognized charitable organization in the province or elsewhere in Canada, ideally with similar purposes or to the appropriate local government authority (eg. the City of Maple Ridge) upon dissolution of the Association. 4. That the Association's Bylaws provide for any resident of Maple Ridge of the appropriate age to become voting members of the organisation at a reasonable annual cost. 5. That the Association's Bylaws provide for regular (annual) elections to the Board of Directors from the Membership (terms should be alternated between positions on the Board where the term of membership on the Board is longer than one year). It is also recommended that the bylaws should also provide for a maximum number of terms a member may serve on the Board before stepping down for at least one term. 6. That a financial review statement be presented to the City on an annual basis if the operating grant is for an amount over $75,000 annually. If the operating grant is for a smaller amount a statement must be presented which is subject to audit at the discretion and expense of the City. 7. That a detailed annual report of the programs and services provided to the community by the Association be provided to the City. 8. That the books and records of the Association are available to the City or its representatives for inspection at any time upon 24 hours notice having been provided requesting such notice. 9. That any changes to the Constitution or Bylaws of the Association be provided to the City in advance of such changes being brought forward to the membership for consideration and adoption. 10. That the Association prepares and presents a three-year financial plan for its operations to the City on an annual basis. ID #2342861 11