HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-03-31 Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfCity of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA March 31, 2020 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers Meeting Decorum: Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. The meeting is live streamed and recorded by the City of Maple Ridge. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the City's Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca The purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council by using bylaws or resolutions. This is the venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA 300 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 400 ADOPTION OF MINUTES 401 Minutes of Regular Council Meeting of March 10, 2020 500 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 600 DELEGATIONS 700 ITEMS ON CONSENT 701 MINUTES 701.1 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of March 5, 10, 11 and 16, 2020 Council Meeting Agenda March 31, 2020 Council Chamber Page 2 of 8 702 REPORTS 702.1 2020 Council Expenses Staff report dated March 31, 2020 including Council expenses recorded to February 28, 2020. 703 CORRESPONDENCE 704 RELEASE OF ITEMS FROM CLOSED COUNCIL STATUS Released at the Closed Council Meeting of January 21, 2020: Item 4.4 -City Acquisition of 12067 240 Street for Engineering Operations That staff be directed to purchase the property legally described as: Lot 1, Plan NWP18013, Section 21, Township 12, Group 1, New Westminster Land District (PIO# 010-345-175) situated at 12067 240 Street in Maple Ridge from the current owner for $875,000 to accommodate further expansion and access to the City's Works Yard; That the next Financial Plan Bylaw amendment include the purchase of 12067 240 Street funded through the Capital Works Reserve; and, That staff and/or the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute any/all agreements, land title documents and other necessary documents related to the acquisition. Released at the Closed Council Meeting of March 24 2020: Item 4.1-COVID-19 Response Update That Council support the offer of first right of refusal to host the games in 2024, or at the earliest opportunity that can be provided by the Province. 800 UNFINISHED BUSINESS -Nil 900 CORRESPONDENCE -Nil Doc#2418407 Council Meeting Agenda March 31, 2020 Council Chamber Page 3 of 8 1000 BYLAWS Note: Items 1001 to 1002 are from the March 24, 2020 Public Hearing BYLAWS FOR THIRD READING 1001 2017-510-RZ 24022, 24028 and 24060 104 Avenue and 10386 240 Street Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 423-2018 To rezone from RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential District). The current application is to permit future construction of 31 townhouse units utilizing Density Bonus provisions to achieve this density. Third reading BYLAWS FOR THIRD READING AND ADOPTION 1002 2020-008-RZ, 22222 Lougheed Highway Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7615-2020 Site specific text amendment to Part 4, Section 401 (3) (h) ii, be amended to reduce the minimum separation distance between cannabis retail uses from 1,000 metres to 860 metres. Third reading and adoption Staff recommendation that the application for a non medical cannabis retail store by 1171712 BC Ltd., located at 22222 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge be supported and that a copy of the resolution be forwarded to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch in accordance with the legislative requirements. BYLAWS FOR ADOPTION 1003 Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Amending Bylaw and Maple Ridge MTI Amending Bylaw 1003.1 Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Amending Bylaw No. 7619-2020 To amend Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Bylaw No. 7 437-2018 to include requirements to secure receptacles from attracting wildlife Adoption 1003.2 Maple Ridge MTI Amending Bylaw No. 7621-2020 Doc#2418407 To amend Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 by revising wording for placement of solid waste and by increasing fine amounts relating to improper placement of solid waste Adoption Council Meeting Agenda March 31, 2020 Council Chamber Page 4 of 8 1004 Inter Municipal TNS Business License Agreement Bylaw and Inter Municipal TNS Business License Bylaw 1004.1 Inter Municipal TNS Business License Agreement Bylaw No. 7622-2020 To allow the City of Maple Ridge to enter into an agreement among the Participating Municipalities regarding an Inter Municipal Transportation Network Services Business Licence Adoption 1004.2 Inter Municipal TNS Business license Bylaw No. 7623-2020 To allow the granting of an Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence Adoption 1100 COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS For the following items that refer to staff report earlier than this agenda date: the items were presented at a Committee of the Whole meeting typically a week prior on the date of the staff report, to provide Council with an opportunity to ask staff detailed questions. The items are now before the regular Council Meeting for debate and vote. Both meetings are open to the public. The reports are not reprinted again in hard copy, however; they can be found in the electronic agenda or in the Committee of the Whole agenda package dated accordingly. Public Works and Development Services 1101 2019-216-RZ, 24392 104 Avenue, RS-3 to RM-1 Staff report dated March 24, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7628-2020 to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) to permit future construction of 21 townhouse units be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C, D, E and G of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. 1102 2019-268-RZ, 22340 and 22328 St. Anne Avenue and 11654 and 11664 223 Street, C-3 and RS-1 to RM-2 Doc#2418407 Staff report dated March 24, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7584-2019 to rezone the subject properties from C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) and RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) to permit office space at ground level and 111 apartment units be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C, D and E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. Council Meeting Agenda March 31, 2020 Council Chamber Page 5 of 8 1103 2019-392-RZ, 22904, 22910 and 22922 Dewdney Trunk Road, RS-1 to CD-2-20 Staff report dated March 24, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7627-2020 to rezone the subject properties from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to CD-2-20 (Comprehensive Development) to permit the future construction of an apartment building with commercial as part of the ground floor be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules A, C, D and E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. 1104 2018-159-RZ, 24331110 Avenue and 24315 110 Avenue, RS-3 to RS-1d Staff report dated March 24, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7624-2020 to adjust areas designated Low Density Residential and to amend the Conservation boundary be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 463-2018 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-1d (One Family Urban [Half Acre] Residential) to permit a future subdivision of approximately 19 lots be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. 1105 2018-160-RZ, 24387 110 Avenue, RS-3 to RS-1d Staff report dated March 24, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7625-2020 to adjust the Low Density Residential designation and the Conservation area boundary be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 464-2018 to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-1d (One Family Urban [Half Acre] Residential), with a density bonus, to permit a future subdivision of approximately 12 lots be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. 1106 2019-067-RZ, 23250 Silver Valley Road and 23267 137 Avenue, RS-3 to R-1 Doc#2418407 Staff report dated March 24, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7554-2019 to re-designate land uses to allow proposed R-1 zoning be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7547-2019 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-1 (Residential District) to permit a future subdivision of approximately six single family lots be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing and that the developer be required to pay the City an amount that equals 5% of the market value of the land required for parkland purposes. Council Meeting Agenda March 31, 2020 Council Chamber Page 6 of 8 1107 Award of Contract IIT-EN20-5: 248 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road Traffic Signal Modifications Staff report dated March 24, 2020 recommending that Contract ITT-EN20-5: 248 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road Traffic Signal Modifications be awarded to Fraser City Installations (1989) Ltd., that a project contingency to address potential variations in field conditions be approved and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. Corporate Services Parks. Recreation and Culture Administration {including Fire and Police) 1171 Strategic Plan Progress Report & Council Strategic Check-In Staff report dated March 24, 2020 recommending that Council reaffirm the 2019-2022 Corporate Strategic Plan per its February 3, 2020 Council Workshop directions and further, that Council endorse the revised 2020 Council Workshop Matrix (Appendix C) to reflect the shift in emphasis to Economic Development and Communication. 1172 Mayor & Council Correspondence Policy Staff report dated March 24, 2020 recommending that the amended Mayor & Council Correspondence Policy be endorsed. Other Committee issues 1200 STAFF REPORTS 1300 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 1400 PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 1500 MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR REPORTS Doc#2418407 Council Meeting Agenda March 31, 2020 Council Chamber Page 7 of 8 1600 NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 1700 ADJOURNMENT APPROVED BY: CHECKED BY: DATE: DATE: Doc#2418407 Council Meeting Agenda March 31, 2020 Council Chamber Page 8 of 8 PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD The purpose of the Public Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to ask questions of Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing bylaws which have not yet reached conclusion. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). Questions must be directed to the Chair of the meeting and not to individual members of Council. The total session is limited to 15 minutes. Council reserves the right to defer responding to a question in order to obtain the information required to provide a complete and accurate response. Other opportunities are available to address Council including public hearings, delegations and community forum. The public may also make their views known to Council by writing or via email and by attending open houses, workshops and information meetings. Serving on an Advisory Committee is an excellent way to have a voice in the future of this community. For more information on these opportunities contact: Clerk's Department at 604-463-5221 or clerks@mapleridge.ca. Mayor and Council at mayorandcouncil@mapleridge.ca. Doc#2418407 400 Adoption and Receipt of Minutes 400 401 Minutes of Regular and Special Council Meetings 401 City of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES March 10, 2020 The Minutes of the City Council Meeting held on March 10, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular City business. PRESENT Appointed Staff Elected Officials A. Horsman, Chief Administrative Officer D. Boag, General Manager Parks, Recreation & Culture Mayor M. Morden Councillor J. Dueck Councillor K. Duncan Councillor C. Meadus Councillor G. Robson** Councillor R. Svendsen Councillor A. Yousef* C. Carter, General Manager Planning & Development Services D. Pollock, General Manager Engineering Services C. Crabtree, Acting General Manager Corporate Services S. Nichols, Corporate Officer T. Thompson, Chief Financial Officer Other Staff as Required C. Goddard, Director of Planning Note: These Minutes are also posted on the City's Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca Video of the meeting is posted at media.mapleridge.ca/Mediasite/Showcase *Councillor Yousef participated electronically. **Councillor Robson was not in attendance for the start of the meeting. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA 300 APPROVALOFTHEAGENDA R/2020-095 It was moved and seconded That the agenda of the Regular Council Meeting of March 10, 2020 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020 Council Chamber Page 2 of 13 400 ADOPTION OF MINUTES 401 Minutes of Regular Council Meeting of February 25, 2020 R/2020-096 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of February 25, 2020 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 500 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL -Nil 600 DELEGATIONS -Nil 700 ITEMS ON CONSENT 701 MINUTES 701.1 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of • February 20, 2020 • February 26, 2020 701.2 Minutes of Meetings of Committees and Commissions of Council: • Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness Meeting -September 19, 2019 • Agricultural Advisory Committee Meeting-October 24, 2019 • Public Art Steering Committee Meeting-November 7, 2019 • Community Heritage Commission Meeting-November 14, 2019 • Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting-November 27, 2019 • Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness Meeting -December 5, 2019 702 REPORTS 702.1 2019 Council Expenses 703 CORRESPONDENCE -Nil 704 RELEASE OF ITEMS FROM CLOSED COUNCIL STATUS -Nil Doc#2411717 Council Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020 Council Chamber Page 3 of 13 R/2020-097 It was moved and seconded That item 702.1 be removed from the Items on Consent Agenda for Discussion. CARRIED Councillor Duncan -OPPOSED R/2020-098 It was moved and seconded That the remainder of the items on the Consent Agenda be received into the record. CARRIED R/2020-099 It was moved and seconded That Councillor Duncan's 2020 eligible expense for Conferences and Seminars be reduced by the amount over during the 2019 budget year. CARRIED Councillor Duncan -OPPOSED Councillor Robson entered the meeting at 7:06 p.m. Councillor Dueck clarified the intent of the policy. 800 UNFINISHED BUSINESS -Nil 900 CORRESPONDENCE -Nil 1000 BYLAWS 1001 Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Amending Bylaw No. 7619-2020 and Maple Ridge MTI Amending Bylaw No. 7621-2020 Staff report dated March 10, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Amending Bylaw No. 7619-2020 be given first, second and third reading, and that Maple Ridge MTI Amending Bylaw No. 7621-2020 be given first, second and third reading. R/2020-100 It was moved and seconded 1. That Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Amending Bylaw No. 7619-2020 be given first, second and third reading; and Doc#2411717 Council Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020 Council Chamber Page 4 of 13 ' .· _, --~ -_, . . - ------. --~-~~~ 2. That Maple Ridge MTI Amending Bylaw No. 7621-2020 be given first, second and third reading. CARRIED 1100 COMMllTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Public Works and Development Services 1101 Latecomer Agreement LC 169/19, 24979 108 Avenue Staff report dated March 3, 2020 recommending that the cost to provide the excess or extended services in subdivision 2012-109-SD at 24979 108 Avenue is, in whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, that Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in Schedule A, and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Latecomer Agreement LC 169/19 with the subdivider of the said lands. R/2020-101 It was moved and seconded That the cost to provide the excess or extended services in subdivision 2012-109-SD at 24979 108 Avenue is, in whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the costto providetheseservicesshall be paid bytheownersofthe land beingsubdivided; and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in Schedule A; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Latecomer Agreement LC 169/19 with the subdivider of the said lands. CARRIED 1102 12566 223 Street, Request for Sanitary Service Connection Outside the Urban Containment Boundary Staff report dated March 3, 2020 recommending that the request to provide a sanitary service connection to 12566 223 Street be supported and forwarded to the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District Board for consideration. Doc#2411717 Council Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020 Council Chamber Page 5 of 13 R/2020-102 It was moved and seconded That the request to provide a sanitary service connection to 12566 223 Street be supported and forwarded to the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District Board for consideration. CARRIED 1103 Local Area Service -20300 Block Hampton Street Extension Byiaw No. 7616-2020 Staff report dated March 3, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge 20300 Block Hampton Street Extension Bylaw No. 7616-2020 be given first, second and third reading. R/2020-103 It was moved and seconded That Maple Ridge 20300 Block Hampton Street Extension Bylaw No. 7616-2020 be given first, second and third reading. CARRIED 1104 2017-262-RZ, 11060 Cameron Court, RS-3 to RS-id Staff report dated March 3, 2020, recommending that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7620-2020 be given first and second readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing, and that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 409-2017 be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing, to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential), with a density bonus, to permit future subdivision of approximately 18 lots. R/2020-104 It was moved and seconded 1. That, in accordance with Section 475 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7620-2020 on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting (DIM), and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; and 2. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7620-2020 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; and 3. That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7620-2020 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; and Doc#2411717 ":-'"'""'--·------. -_-------_ --· ---_--·~~~~~~~~~~~ Council Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020 Council Chamber Page 6 of 13 4. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7620-2020 be given first and second readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 5. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 409-2017 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; and 6. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: Doc#2411717 i. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii. Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule "A", Chapter 10.2 Albion Area Plan, Schedule 1: Albion Area Plan, Figure 1: Northeast Albion and Schedule 11C11; iii. Road dedication on Cameron Court as required; iv. Design and construction of a sanitary sewer pump station, which requires the acquisition of land to facilitate the sanitary pump station at the sole cost of the applicant. This requirement must be filled to the City satisfaction; v. Park dedication as required, including construction of walkways; and removal of all debris and garbage from park land to the City's satisfaction; vi. Submission of a site grading and storm water management plan to the City's satisfaction; vii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development; viii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the protection of the Environmentally Sensitive areas (wetlands) on the subject property; ix. Registration of a Statutory Right-of-Way plan and agreement for infrastructure; x. Registration of a Reciprocal Cross Access Easement Agreement; xi. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Tree Protection, and Stormwater Management; xii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant controlling the future subdivision layout and restricting the building areas on lots to facilitate the optimum subdivision design incorporating the lands to the south addressed as 11045 Cameron Court and 24495 110th Avenue; xiii. Removal of existing buildings; xiv. In addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property; and if so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site; xv. That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $86,700.00 {$5,100 per lot X 17 lots) be provided in keeping with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions; and Council Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020 Council Chamber Page 7 of 13 xvi. Payment of the Density Bonus provision of the RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential), in the amount $55,800.00 ($3,100 per lot X 18 lots). CARRIED 1105 2019-393-RZ, 20786 River Road, RS-1 to RT-2 Staff report dated March 3, 2020 recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7614-2020, to rezone the subject property from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) to permit a future construction of eight (8) dwelling units in the form of Courtyard Housing, be given first reading, and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C, D and E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. R/2020-105 It was moved and seconded 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7614-2020 be given first reading; and 2. That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C, D and E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. CARRIED Councillor Robson -OPPOSED 1106 2017-580-SD, 22866 128 Avenue, 5% Money In Lieu of Parkland Dedication Staff report dated March 3, 2020 recommending that pursuant to Local Government Act, Section 510, regarding 5% parkland dedication or payment in lieu, be it resolved that the owner of land proposed for subdivision at 22866 128 Avenue, under application 2017-580-SD, shall pay to the City of Maple Ridge an amount that is not less than $62,000. R/2020-106 It was moved and seconded That pursuant to Local Government Act, Section 510, regarding 5% parkland dedication or payment in lieu, be it resolved that the owner of land proposed for subdivision at 22866 128 Avenue, under application 2017-580-SD, shall pay to the City of Maple Ridge an amount that is not less than $62,000. CARRIED Docl/2411717 -.--\ '-", --·~ '.--------- -----~-~~--~~~~ Council Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020 Council Chamber Page 8 of 13 1107 2020-033-DVP, 20060 113B Avenue, Development Variance Permit Staff report dated March 3, 2020 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2020-033-DVP respecting property located at 20060 113B Avenue. R/2020-107 It was moved and seconded That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2020-033-DVP respecting property located at 20060 113B Avenue. CARRIED 1108 2019-425-RZ, 25057, 25123, and 25171112 Avenue, RS-3 to R-1, R-2 & R-3 Staff report dated March 3, 2020, recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7606-2020 be given first reading, to rezone the subject properties from the RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) zone to the R-1 (Residential District), R-2 (Urban Residential District) and R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) to permit a future subdivision of approximately 19 R-1 (Residential District) zoned lots, 28 R-2 (Urban Residential District) zoned lots and 37 R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) zone lots, for a total of approximately 84 lots. R/2020-108 It was moved and seconded 1. In respect of Section 475 of the Local Government Act, requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically: i.The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan; ii.The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iii.The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iv.First Nations; v.Boards of Education, Greater Boards and Improvements District Boards; and vi.The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies. and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the City's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment; and 2. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7606-2020 be given first reading; and Doc#2411717 Council Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020 Council Chamber Page 9 of 13 3. That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules A, B, E, F, and G of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, along with the information required for an Intensive Residential Development Permit and a Subdivision application. CARRIED 1109 2019-426-RZ, 24909, 24947, 24979, 24985, 24989, and 25057 112 Avenue, RS-3 to RM-1 Staff report dated March 3, 2020, recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No 7608-2020 be given first reading, to rezone the subject properties from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) zone to the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential District) zone to permit the future construction of approximately 153 townhouse units. R/2020-109 It was moved and seconded 1. In respect of Section 4 75 of the Local Government Act, requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically: i.The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan; ii.The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iii.The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iv.First Nations; v.Boards of Education, Greater Boards and Improvements District Boards; and vi.The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies. and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the City's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment; and 2. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7608-2020 be given first reading; and 3. That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules A, C, D, E, F, and G of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. CARRIED Doc#2411717 Council Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020 Council Chamber Page 10 of 13 --~-~-------' -1110 2019-051-RZ, 11405 236 Street, RS-3 to RM-1 Staff report dated March 3, 2020, recommending that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7536-2019 be given first reading, to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential District), to permit the future construction of approximately 18 townhouse units. R/2020-110 It was moved and seconded 1. In respect of Section 475 of the Local Government Act, requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community Pian, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically: i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan; ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iv. First Nations; v. Boards of Education, Greater Boards and Improvements District Boards; and vi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies. and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the City's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment, and 2. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7536-2019 be given first reading; and 3. That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules A, C, D, E, F and G of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. CARRIED 1111 2014-069-RZ, 20894 Lougheed Highway, RS-1 to CS-1 Staff report dated March 3, 2020, recommending that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7118-2014 be given first and second reading and Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7119-2014 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing, to rezone the subject property located from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to CS-1 (Service Commercial) to permit future construction of a mixed-use building with five commercial lease units at ground level and one residential unit above. R/2020-111 It was moved and seconded 1. That, in accordance with Section 4 75 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early and ongoing consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Doc#2411717 Council Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020 Council Chamber Page 11 of 13 Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7118-2014 on the municipal website, and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; 2. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7118-2014 be given first and second reading, and that Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7119-2014 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 3. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; iii. Road dedication on Lougheed Highway as required; iv. Park dedication as required for conservation lands and for the protection of the Environmentally Sensitive Areas on the subject property, including construction of walkways; and removal of all debris and garbage from park land; v. Registration of a Statutory Right-of-Way Plan for sanitary sewer services; vi. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development; vii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Residential Parking; viii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking; ix. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Tree Protection, if the Douglas Fir and its roots area can not be completely protected as needed within the dedicated Park land; x. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for on-site Stormwater Management; xi. Removal of existing buildings; xii. A Professional Engineer1s certification that adequate water quantity for domestic and fire protection purposes is provided; xiii. If the Director of Waste Management from the Ministry of Environment determines that a site investigation is required based on the submitted Site Profile, a rezoning, development, or development variance permit cannot be approved until a release is obtained for the subject property(ies); xiv. In addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property, and if so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. CARRIED Doc#2411717 Council Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020 Council Chamber Page 12 of 13 1112 Inter Municipal TNS Business License Agreement Bylaw No. 7622-2020 and Inter Municipal TNS Business License Bylaw No. 7623-2020 Staff report dated March 3, 2020 recommending that the Inter Municipal TNS Business License Agreement Bylaw No. 7622-2020 be given first, second and third reading and that the Inter Municipal TNS Business License Bylaw No. 7623-2020 be given first, second and third reading. IMBL Report FAQs referenced at the March 3, 2020 Committee of the Whole were provided as part to the agenda package. R/2020-112 It was moved and seconded 1. That the Inter Municipal TNS Business License Agreement Bylaw No. 7622-2020 be given first, second and third reading; and 2. That the Inter Municipal TNS Business License Bylaw No. 7623-2020 be given first, second and third reading. Corporate Services -Nil Parks. Recreation and Culture -Nil Administration (including Fire and Police) -Nil Other Committee Issues -Nil 1200 STAFF REPORTS 1300 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 1301 LMLGA Call for Nominations CARRIED The Deputy Corporate Officer advised that no nominations had been received by Legal and Legislative Services staff. 1400 PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD There were no speakers present. Doc#2411717 Council Meeting Minutes March 10, 2020 Council Chamber Page 13 of 13 1500 MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR REPORTS The Mayor and Councillors provided their reports on activities participated in during the past few weeks. 1600 NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 1700 ADJOURNMENT -8:00 p.m. M. Morden, Mayor Certified Correct S. Nichols, Corporate Officer Doc#2411717 700 ITEMS ON CONSENT 700 701 Minutes 701 7 01.1 Development Agreements Committee 701.1 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITIEE March 5, 2020 Mayor's Office CIRCULATED TO: Gordon Robson, Acting Mayor Chair Al Horsman, Chief Administrative Officer Member Catherine Schmidt, Recording Secretary 1. 18-123510 BG LEGAL: PIO: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 292 District Lot 277 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 43797 007-111-631 20845 Stoney Avenue Claudio and Rochelle Ramos REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 18-123510 BG. 2. 19-119884 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED lot 14 Section 11 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan BCP43944 028-165-055 10727 Beecham Place Kevin and Willi Badke REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 19-119884 BG. CARRIED . -~-z . -----, --. . -------- --Development Agreements Committee March 5, 2020 3. 19-112587 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot D District Lot 279 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan BCP10733 025-927-728 20497 115 Avenue Harpal and Bikramjit Gill REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 19-112587 BG. 4. 19-116437 BG LEGAL: PIO: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lot 10 District Lot 241 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan LMP5691 017-877-920 204561208 Avenue Ding Yuan REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Temporary Residential Use Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 19-116437 BG. 5. 18-116894 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lot 2 Section 8 Township 15 New Westminster District Plan 10078 009-245-146 10607 277 Street Dave and Jacqlyn Rempel, Sharon Kincaid, Christopher Rishchynski REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Detached Garden Suite Covenant Detached Garden Suite Parking Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO 18-116894 BG. CARRIED Page 2 of3 Development Agreements Committee March 5, 2020 6. 20-106363 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: -----·-----~---------~~"~ -----~------=-Lot 7 Section 26 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan LMP25391 023-213-469 13027 250 Street Neil and Colleen Thompson REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO 20-106363 BG. 7. 2019-383-DP LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lot "B" Section 8 Township 15 New Westminster District Plan 23036 009-287-957 27840 110 Avenue Gary Szabados and Janice Pontes REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Habitat Protection Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO 2019-383-DP. Gordon Robson, Acting Mayor Chair CARRIED ~ AIQ&~r Member Page 3 of 3 -------]· i's l-11754 11753 11756 f-11751 CJ) 11764 I-' CJ) 11746 (X) 11747 a N 11743 11754 11748 I-' 11740 11747 11746 CJ) 11739 (J) a 11735 11744 N 11738 11737 11736 11734 11727 11726 11727 11727 11734 11726 11724 11717 "-a:, 11719 11724 11714 ;::: ;::: ----11709 11712 11711 "-11708 0) "-(0 0) "" 0) N 0) 0) 11712 0 11700 N 0 0 0 N 0 co N N co a, N N 0, 0, N 0 (0 11 N 0 N 0 0 ':;. co 0 ':;. N co co ---l w 0 w 0 (0 a:, 0, a:, "" 0) "" (0 0) 0) 0) a:, 0 0 0 "" 0 Ii) N N N 0 a:, Ii) a:, (0 0) "" a:, 0 N 0) a:, a:, 0 N a:, a:, 0 0 N 0 0 N N N N 11685 11688 11690 11697 11684 11677 11680 11685 11674 11669 11672 I-' CJ) 11661 I-' 11664 CJ) CJ) 11653 w > 11656 w w f-11645 CJ) 11648 11637 11640 11629 11632 11621 11622 11613 11616 ; 0) 11605 0 N 11 11599 a:, The City of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee 0) a:, regarding the accuracy or present status of 0 N the information shown on this map. 20845 Stoney Ave ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT N --..::--...__1,.1.1111 mapleridge.ca Scale: 1 :2,000 FILE: Untitled DATE: Feb 26, 2020 BY: NV ~ ~ C) ..... 0) 0) "'" "'" ('\J ('\J 108AAVE. ('\J N ('\J ~ C) ..... <D 0) 0) N "'" "'" N ('\J ('\J (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) C) ..... ('\J (Y) "'" 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) ..... "'" "'" "'" "'" "'" C) I'--('\J ('\J ('\J ('\J ('\J CQ CQ "'" "'" ('\J ('\J 108AVE. ('\J 10793 10792 CQ 0) "'" ('\J 10785 10782 10777 m 10776 ;u (/) 10769 2S z ~ m ..... I'--(Y) ts.:. (/) "'" C) 10761 I'--I'--:-1 C) ..... C) ..... ..... 1 . i •c !.2 • f/) 10727 BEECHAM PL N l.!!l. __________ ............. '""""."'~-----"1 :2. I.,_ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ii --=~~-·-····· ! mapleridge.ca Scale: 1 :1,500 FILE: Untitled DATE: Feb 27, 2020 BY:C3 C C C C C C ';I-';I-0 (\J (\J (\J (\J (\J (\J C C (\J (\J (\J 116 AVE. (\J ';I-';I-"" (\J (\J C C 00 C .,_ (\J CV) ';I-LO IQ 0) 0) "" ';I-';I-"" ';I-';I-';I-';I-';I-C C C C C C C C C (\J (\J (\J (\J (\J (\J (\J (\J (\J ~~ I'-. IQ I'-. I'-. I'-. ';I-I'-. 00 0) C ';I-';I-';I-(\J C C C (\J (\J (\J 20451 -----20447 -----';I-(\J I?/ C 00 0) I'-. ';I-';I-C "" C C IQ C (\J (\J ';I-(\J C (\J -~---7 I'-. CV) CV) 0) --lO 0) CV) I'-. CV) I'-. 00 ';I-C --(\J ';I-lO IQ ';I-C ';I-"" "" ';I-';I-';I-';I-C C (\J C C C C C C (\J (\J (\J (\J (\J (\J (\J (\J 115 AVE. 11507 00 IQ IQ IQ I'-. 00 ';I-';I-';I-C C C 11497 11498 (\J (\J (\J 11489 11490 1148( ~ i-..: ... 11481 Cf) 11476 <l ~ 11463 -...J ::: () 11471 0:: 11474 <( <:I Ill 11479 -11451 11450 11445 11446 11463 I N Scale: 1: 1,500 ~I ~1 ~I ~I 11611 ) 1/Ult.V 11608 ';I-" 11598 00 (\J IQ C C .,_ .,_ LO LO LO LO 11591 C C C C 11588 (\J (\J (\J (\J 11581 11580 11573 11570 11567 ;;;;---_ CV) I'-. .,_ I'-. 11561 J C C ----LO LO LO LO C C C C 11558 (\J (\J (\J (\J 115AAVE. 11550 IQ C 11540 C --LO ':9 11545 J SUBJECT PARCEL A 11535 11530 11525 11520 LO 0) C C LO LO C C 11515 (\J (\J 11510 115AVE. ' 11500 11490 IQ ';I-00 C .,_ --LO LO lO C C C (\J (\J (\J 11490 11480 CV) 'b C lO lO C <b C lO 11470 .> (\J C ~ :.?osoo 1148 11460 AVE. 10 ~ 11450 ~ 'v \1440 \ I T l I I I 20497 115 Ave ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT --..::::::!~~··2. ••• mapleridge.ca FILE: Untitled DATE: Feb 27, 2020 BY:C3 ' ' ' ' ~ ' ,~ C ,~ !-,_ ,_ ' i-- 1L1BAVE. / f:' a:, <o <o N a:, "-a:, (J) 0 0 "' "' "' "' ,.. ,.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N :e Q) "-"-"' a:, (J) 0 "' 8 "' "' ~ 0 0 0 "--N N N N N WICKLUND AVE. "-' / 12156 a:, a:, N a:, a:, (J) 0 0 "' "' ~ ,.. 12148 0 0 0 N N N N 12142 12136 "' "' (J) "' a:, (J) (J) 0 "' "' "' ,.. 12130 0 0 0 0 l.,_N N N N ' HARTNELLAVE. 12110 12092 0 J 0 "-(J) "' "' 0 0 N N ,-J 119AVE. N Scale: 1 :2,000 -------------------------;-I ) <o N 12176 ~ N ,.. ,.. 0 0 N N ) 12170 ' J (J) ~ ~ 0 N ,.. ~ ,.. 0 0 N N N "'~ ~ ,.. 12140 0 N I-' I en 12116 ~ 12125 \)< 00 ..,. 0 1 N 12105 12108 0 12080 I I I I 12087 SUBJECT PROPERTY . \~ ~ lC) lC) "' "' "' IV 1,g 1~ Ii I~ I~ ... lC) 12083 ,.. "' <o N IO lC) "' ~ ,.. ,.. ,.. ~ ~ lC) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N ,N N 12079 N N N 1"' L'.___y r J 12075 \j I 12071 12070 12067 7:?o6e ~ o<o<:i B \']; (J) (J) "' 0 N DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD a:, 0 (J) "' "' ,.. 0 0 N N I ~I 120BAVE. ,.. ~ 0 1----0 "' "-0 lC) 12052 ~ N 0 12040 N N 12045 12035 -12030 ~ I-' 12038 en 12025 <( 12026 I-' 12020 "' en 0 "' N 12015 0 N 12012 12010 12031 -(J) <o "' 0 N -~ 1----0 N "' 0 N N ,.. "' 0 ---N The City of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee ,-regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. ~ '7~ '< I 20456 1208 Ave ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT --.:=-....... -11111111 mapleridge.ca FILE: Untitled DATE: Mar 4, 2020 BY:C3 l-1 I I f-Cf) (0 I'-N I I' C :J N Scale: 1 :3,676 I I I J SUBJECT -1/.. PARCEL ~ ~ -V) r--N FILE: Untitled DATE: Mar 5, 2020 ~ 10607 -277 St ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT I -BY:C3 N Scale: 1: 1,500 -----~----~~------------=~, 13065 13053 13043 13019 ' i •c !.Q '(/) 13027 250 ST I.!!?·------------..... ---~------, :~. I-ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ii ---==-... ~·· .... --•••• ! mapleridge.ca FILE: Untitled DATE: Mar 5, 2020 BY:C3 ----------~-----------~--------------,~-N Scale: 1 :3,676 ,· 27840 110 Avenue P.I.D. 009-287-957 -110AVE • I The City of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. PLANNING DEPARTMENT mapleridge.ca FILE: Subject Map Gail DATE: Mar 4, 2020 BY:GS March 10, 2020 Mayor's Office CIRCULATED TO: Michael Morden, Mayor Chair CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE Al Horsman, Chief Administrative Officer Member Catherine Schmidt, Recording Secretary 1. 2013-067-DP LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 1 District Lot 399 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan BCP48429 Except Strata Plan EPS3472 Phase 1 028-736-052 12310 222 Street 07 40396 B.C. Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Encroachment Agreement THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 2013-067-DP. 2. 2017-580-SD LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lot 1 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP96459 030-986-435 22866 128 Avenue Daniel Fioritto REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Subdivision Servicing Agreement THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 2017-580-SD. CARRIED Development Agreements Committee March 10, 2020 3. 2018-292-SD LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 7 District Lot 263 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan LMP49634 025-005-197 20141 Telep Avenue Alireza, Masood, Roya, Minoo NADERI, and Maabood Shakibaei REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Subdivision Servicing Agreement Flood Protection Covenant Geotechnical Covenant Stormwater Management Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO 2018-292-SD. 4. 2019-261-VP LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lot 3 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP60004 029-902-681 12244 228 Street Tanbir Sindhar REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: No Build Covenant (over parking pad) THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 2019-261-VP. 5. 18-117566 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lot 15 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP70566 030-108-748 11109 241A Street Rajbir Handa REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 18-117566 BG. CARRIED Page 2 of 3 Development Agreements Committee March 10, 2020 6. 5245-20-6505 LEGAL: PIO: LOCATION: OWNER: Lots 2 and 3, both of: District Lot 248 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 7510 000-679-852 and 000-499-617 21298 and 21308 River Road Amanda Griffin, Karen Learmonth, Gary Decorby REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Statutory Right of Way (Drainage) THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 5245-20-6505. CARRIED Al&.n.~r Member Page 3 of 3 I I I 12360 112350 )< ~CTPROPE~R_T_Y_i_----'--, 12340 I ~ I '--1_23_3_0 _ ___, U) ->CY. xx x><)x~ V>tx'>< V V X y X )< )< )( ~ )< )< .,, 0 >x~v~ I '><'>< 'V I ~ l()(O l() I ~, )< V X co N N .,, )< X N I 1-C\J----LC\J ____ ..., ...... x'"'Y"""";,i,.,i,_C\J ___ __,1 123AVE. 12250 12240 12228 1-· U) 1-U) 12251 12241 I --w c::: (.) -' w 12231 I~ 12320 12310 12238 12230 0 i ~ I >-------1 12220 12219 I 12210 I Legend ---Stream ---Ditch Centreline N - - • Indefinite Creek ---River Centreline Scale: 1 :1,500 ffl Active Applications (RZ/SD/DPNP) 0) C\J C\J 12319 12313 12301 12295 12275 12255 w 0 U) -' -' I 12320 12312 12306 12294 12286 12258 123AVE. 12310 222 STREET PIO: 028-736-052 PLANNING DEPARTMENT FILE: 12310 222 STREET DATE: Mar 6, 2020 BY:AC 12853 12815 I!: "' "' r, ~ 12798 12799 12790 12789 >--12778 12779 ~ ti Ol 12770 12769 >--t--~ 12760 12759 ~ ~ 12750 12749 47 I 12740 12733 'Yi, 12730 12729 m 12720 12717 'fig 711 12710 12709 ~ "-~ "' "' • 703 : 12704 1----J 27AVE. 12677 <o ..,. le R: ~ ~ U· ~ I /:J 12670 1 12669 N Scale: 1 :2,500 V 12878 t ~I------, ~ "' "' "' "-"' al "' <o "' "' g:: l---------------12861 ! ,,---+--..!.1.:c28"."6:B...--,-----' -----------~ ~-12845 I I 12861 12851 12850 f-------,' i 12841 t I 12844 w ! ~ ( 12832 12831 12831 I f-' I~ ~ I !, i----I 12835 !J: • 12821 I 12822 f------------1 1 Im ;J::====L---..L--lU.., 12823 . I SUBJECT PROPERTY !l----j I "' .,.,I , ~ \ _ 11 i\"' I ~ tR ;;;1 l ~ I .i...:..:.---"----'-'-"---_,-"1:.'-'--.:;.;:g:-'--_i I ~~ s-~-~ -L..:~-'------~--'-------_-.,;;;-_-_----------,="""-i "' "' "' ~ "' "' "' -= --= -= 128AVE. -12796 12791/93 12786 12776 12783 12766 12771 12756 12757 12146 12745 12736 12735 ~ C, "' "' C, a, "' a, ~ ~ "' "' 12710 "' "' "' C, "' "' <o "' "' "' "' N ~ "' "' "' "' f-' (JJ a, 127 PLACE gJ ~ ... <o 12678 "' "' <o "' 1§ "' ~ "' Legend -Stream ~ "' ~ t < CD 12782 ~ 12772 12762 al "' "' 127 AVE. "' "' "' al a, "' i:::: "' .... al "' "' "' al "' "' I I Ditch Centreline Edge of River Indefinite Creek Ill River "' "' <o "' "' ~ "' i:::: Major Rivers & Lakes <o "' "' i:::: ;;; "' "' "' --. <o <o "' "' "' --ii ill .... "' N N "' "' "' "' "' ~ <o <o "' "' ~ "' I ~-~---~~~------~-~--..... ~ <o <o <o "' C, ~ "' 0, "' "' i:::: "' "' ; "' ~ "' "' 0, ~ i:::: "' 0, 0, "' "' 22866 128 AVENUE PLANNING DEPARTMENT /~lltJl.a mapleridge.ca FILE: 2017-580-RZ DATE: Dec 20, 2017 BY: LP @= C, 0, 0, "' "' §: tr; I ~ f------------, r ~ g § ~ ~ ~ @ 7 7 7 7 12142 t-' Cf) 0 12130 7 N 12120 N Scale: 1 :2,000 c:, c:, ;!: N ") @ ~ ;s ~ "' ....... Legend -· Stream 12199 12197 en ~ 12191 0 "' ·---Indefinite Creek River 12190 12186 12180 12172 12166 12156 12142 12134 12126 Major Rivers & Lakes 12266 -~~ 12269 t-' \ Cf) ' 12265 N 0 12260 N 12261 8 c 0, lil i;i N N ij ~ ~ N N 12257 ~ ~ TELEP AVE. ~ 1g ~ ~ N "' @ 12233 @ ~ 12225 12226 12215 12220 12211 12205 12210 12203 12198 12195 12193 12196 12188 12184 12183 12181 12176 12172 t-' 12169 Cf) 12171 12164 z 12160 0 12157 Cf) z 12159 12152 S2 12148 <( 12147 ::;; 12140 12138 12145 12137 12128 12130 12127 12129 20141 Telep Ave 2018-292-SD DATE: Jul 9, 2018 PLANNING DEPARTMENT mapleridge.ca BY: JV ~I ~ ~I ~I ~I ~ co "-"-"-N N "' N N "' 123AVE. 0 ..,. N N 0) ,'!: "-0) "-"-"-N N "' N N N N N 12314 12313 12314 12313 1--' Cf) z 12304 12302 12301 0 12303 ~ ::i LL 12290 12287 12288 12293 12273 ~ \ 12261 1--' Cf) 12253 0) N N ~ 12240 ?43 12230 12243 -12228 231 12222 12229 -I 12218 221 12216 12211 -03 12203 -12208 12201 -193 12194 -185 12184 12191 -12183 12178 12169 179 12170 f---12162 12161 153 12151 -12152 147 12141 12148 --~~ 1 ............. ,.. ............... N Scale: 1 :2,000 f2 "' "-"-12330 12331 <o 0) N <o <o <o 0) "' N "' "' N N N "' 12325 123AVE. 0 <o <o ..,. 12316 12313 12308 "-"-0 N <o <o 0) 0) N N "' N N N N N 12306 12301 ;:: "' "-;;; <o 0) <o <o <o N "' "' 0) 12298 N N "' "' N 12296 12287 ROGERS AVE. 12278 12275 ~ 0 ~ 0 "' 12278 <o "' 0) <o <o 0) 0) 0) N "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' 12265 12276 12274 1--' Cf) 12258 12255 _, _, w SUBJECT PROPERTY s 0) 0) ~ 0) "' z 12258 "-<o N 0) w <o <o 0) 0) 0) ~f-w N "' "' N "' Cl'. N "' "' N "' (.') "' 0) ;;; 0) 122AVE. 4 N "' 0) <o <o <o <o 12244 N "' "' N ,'!: "' ;:' "' ..,. N "' N N <o "' 0) 12238 <o <o 0) 0) 0) "' "' "' "' "' 122AVE. "' N "' "' "' <D "' <o ..,. <D 0 ,-.. 00 N 0) <o <o <o <o N C\i N N N N C\i N N "' "' 00 ,-.. ,-.. 0) 12224 "-,-.. N 0) <o <o 0) 0) 0) N "' "' N "' N "' "' "' "' 12208 STOREY AVE. 12194 12186 c--12166 12154 12140 0 "' ;'!: ..,. <o 0 N 12192 <o 0) 0) 0) N N N N 12195 N N "' N -12185 ;:: 00 ,-.. ; 0) 12180 <o <o <o 0) N N "' N N N "' N 12167 EAGLE AVE. 12161 12157 12151 ~ N <o <o <o 12166 <o <o <o N N "' N N N 12244 228 STREET PIO: 029-902-681 PLANNING DEPARTMENT -~·-· mapleridge.ca <o 0) <o "' "' FILE: 2019-261-VP DATE: Jul 24, 2019 BY: PC ,-.. ,-.. 0) N N <o 0 0) "' "' 11109 11103 11097 11091 N Scale: 1 :1,500 11108 11102 11096 11090 FILE: Untitled DATE: Mar 5, 2020 11109 241A St ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BY:C3 ~ "' "' "' "' 11681 11678 ~ ~ ;;; ;;; 11661 11672 11651 11645 11640 11632 11641 11628 11633 11624 11625 >-' CJ) "' 11618 ;;; 11617 11606 11601 11594 11591 11584 11585 0, ~ ;;; "' 0 "' ;;; 11550 11559 11546 11551 >-' CJ) 0 11537 0 0 s 11528 11527 >-' CJ) "' ;;; 11510 11515 Q ~ 11496 11484 ~ 11468 ; N Scale: 1 :2,500 " ., "' "' "' ~ ;;; "' >-' CJ) >->-' 11657 5 11666 11556 11542 11530 11520 11502 11679 11673 11691/93 11692 11667 11683 11681 11684 11663 11671 11674 11657 11661 11664 >-' CJ) 11653 11651 w 11654 z a: ;;; ~ "' The City of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. 21298 & 21308 RIVER ROAD ·---..:~~::::.·-· FILE: Untitled DATE: Mar 6, 2020 mapleridge.ca BY: LP ~ March 11, 2020 Mayor's Office CIRCULATED TO: Michael Morden, Mayor Chair CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMIITEE Al Horsman, Chief Administrative Officer Member Catherine Schmidt, Recording Secretary 1. 18-115393 BG LEGAL: PIO: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 9 District Lot 279 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 78732 011-790-652 11372 Melville Street Gurdev and Geeta Gidda REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 18-115393 BG. 2. 18-110900 BG LEGAL: PIO: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lot 734 District Lot 278 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 2180 012-547-212 20554 Lorne Avenue Gurpratap and Amandeep Josan REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant . THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 18-110900 BG. CARRIED Development Agreements Committee March 11, 2020 3. 19-110420 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 1 District Lot 248 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan EPP53735 030-188-334 21275 123B Avenue Sergii Dmitriiev and Tetiana Dmitriieva REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 19-110420 BG. CARRIED Member Page 2 of 2 !J.i ~ "{" f;J ,.._ ,.._ N Scale: 1: 1,500 11481 11471 11451 11445 11372 MELLVILLE ST FILE: Untitled DATE: Mar 9, 2020 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BY:C3 i-..: (/) ~ ...J (.) 0::: <( co (/) (') Ill ro ...... ...... u, 0 0 0 "Tl )> --If:;; rn .. .. C s:::, ~ ~ (0 (D -a. "' 0 "' 0 c:o :<: 0 w I I z[> V / 20561 20565 20575 I ,\ I N 0 m (.i1 z (.i1 G) 3 r,·-~ ~ D) ~ r "CS z 0 G) c6" 0 ;a m .. . "1l z -· )> Q. ;u m --i ' s: ~ m z --i C") m D) 20583 20591 ...... ...... I\) 0) 0) IJ ~ 20623 '> ~ ~ / ...... ...... w C I\) / /i20540 20531 ...... ...... w ...... 0, ...... '\ / ...... I\) S!1 20556 20574 20561 20582 20583 ...... ...... I\) 0) 2059 1 (0 ...... 20606 ...... ...... ...... I\) w 'l ...... 0) I\) 20616 20615 ...... 20624 ...... 20623 (,.) \ \/ <o C wl-0, 0, 1a 205 ST. / ...... ...... ...... ...... w .i,,.. 0) C ...... 20507 0) 0) ...... w 20512 ...... .i,,.. 20512 20515 20520 20522 20523 20523 20530 20536 20531 20531 20540 20540 20541 20541 WARESELY ST. 20554 ....... 20557 ,._ 20564 "O (/) :::oc 0 OJ "O ,:_ 20565 20574 mm ...... :::0 (') ...... -I -I .i:,.. -< 20577 ~ < m 20575 20582 fTl 20583 20586/90 I' 20591 2 20606 ::::i:! CX>:! 2060 7 cw O)W 0, 'l 20603/11 I\) °'20606/12 20614 20617/25 20618/20 20615 20622 20621/23 ?nR')') ........... "') ~~--=----IL 12386 I\ I 12397 12383 12375 12367 / SUBJECT PARCEL ,,, 0) I'-.. C\I ~ C\I I I I 0) I!) I'-.. I'-.. CX) 0) a ~ C\I C\I CY) CY) ~ ~ ~ ~ C\I C\I C\I C\I ~ ~ CX) 0) I!) ~0i0 ~~~~~ 12355 C\I C\I ~ ~ ~ CY) C\I C\I ~ I C\I 123BAVE. ) 21229 12358 21228 12343 12331 12350 \ 12323 12336 I!) I!) ~ CY) ~ I'-.. CY) ~ C\I ~ C\I C\I C\I 0) a CY) ~ ~ ~ C\I CY) ~ C\I C\I C\I Al"'\".)l"'\A ~ ~ C\.I --CitY .. J>f Pitt~, ... .J r!J ) ! Mea~?~~j }J , /l_1/ ! c , J \._j__/J I o ,__:-1 I J. : .gi I I.-=~• ... :21-----------------1 Trt. 71 1 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ...-..N ~,--T---~~~~--· .... ,~J,l~,~~~1i,i [~-r -Langley. \, ~\ ~ ( I mapleridge.Ca ~ -~ ) ) r /\'l/il-F-IL_E_: U-nt-itl-ed---------------t Scale: 1 :1,000 ~RASER R. ~ ~ DATE: Mar 10, 2020 BY: C3 21275 1238 Ave March 16, 2020 Mayor's Office CIRCULATED TO: Michael Morden, Mayor Chair CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITIEE Al Horsman, Chief Administrative Officer Member Catherine Schmidt, Recording Secretary 1. 18-113473 BG LEGAL: PIO: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 5 Except: Parcel "A" (H80260E) Section 23 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 8522 011-325-534 25183 124 Street Nicole S. Carchesio REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Temporary Residential Use Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 18-113473 BG. 2. 2019-204-SD LEGAL: PIO: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lots 1 to 3, all of Section 28 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP82484 (Formerly: Lots 10 and 64); and Lot 2 Section 28 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP82484 (Formerly Partial Lot 10 and 64) n/a 13420 237A Street (Lot 10) and 13388 McCauley Crescent (Lot 64) Atlantic Pacific Land Corporation (Joel Lycan) REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Release of No Build Covenant (BN256036) No Build Covenant (Lots 10 and 64) THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO 2019-204-SD. CARRIED Development Agreements Committee March 16, 2020 3. 19-112616 BG LEGAL: Parcel 1 District Lot 280 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan BCP39223 PID: 027-743-292 LOCATION: 20288 113B Avenue OWNER: Ridge Meadows U-Lok Ltd. (Alex Messina) REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Geotechnical Covenant Floodplain Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO 19-112616 BG. CARRIED 4. 10-119703 BG LEGAL: PID: Lot 14 Section 13 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 38304 008-505-233 LOCATION: 11937 260 Street OWNER: Paul and Tara Black REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Temporary Residential Use Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 10-119703 BG. CARRIED 5. 18-119669 BG LEGAL: Lot 23 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP70566 PID: 030-108-829 LOCATION: 11114 241A Street OWNER: Scott and Jessica Shaw and Minnie Maclennan REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 18-119669 BG. CARRIED Page 2 of 2 \ \ 12564 12581 ;;; 0 "' N 12544 "' "' 0 12524 "' N r' (/) ;;; N 12514 ( 12500 "' :;i "' ~ ., ;;; "' ~ ;;; 0 ;;; N "' 0 N N "' N 124AVE. "' .... ~ ;;; ... N "' "' 0 "' N N i N Scale: 1 :2,500 ~ SUBJECT PROPERTY I ~ _,,,. b:== r' (/) N "' N ., "' ~ 1' .... "' "' ... N N N "' N 124AVE. "' 0, N "' N 12367 12366 12355 The City of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. ' i :c !.Q '(f) 25183 124 Ave ,.~ 1.---------------------t :~ ,_ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT •0 i~ i~ :o ! i mapleridge.ca FILE: Untitled DATE: Mar 11, 2020 BY:C3 N Scale: 1 :4,000 LDR le 13388 McCauley Gres !-~ 13420 237A St I.~ I -------------------1 :~ .. I-PLANNING DEPARTMENT L,.----J---~-,· 0 !~ iti :o ! ----=---~· •••• mapleridge.ca i rL----------------1 2019-204-SD DATE: Mar 12, 2020 BY:PR ~:--r--r--.--c... ,.· i-_-_ ,_ ,-. ,_ ,. [=_ (· r ' ' ,. ' ,. ,. ,. r L r:::-Fc ~ t i i I N Scale: 1 :2,000 ---·-···------------c,------Subject Parcel: 20288-1138 Ave The City of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. 0 mapleridge.ca BY:TG C) ..,. OJ lO "' -N Scale: 1 :2,000 -~-~~-------~-,-----··---·---~c-= 0) ~ ,-"-,-"' (0 "' "-,-OJ 0) 0) C) lO lO lO (0 "' "' "' "' "' ..,. (0 C) "' OJ OJ OJ "' OJ OJ OJ OJ 0) 0) lO lO lO lO lO "' "' "' "' "' J SUJBECT ~.11 PROPERTY /' FILE: Untitled DATE: Mar 16, 2020 11937 11907 11880 11881 11860 11863 11833 11840 11937 260 ST BY:C3 l C) "' C) (0 "' (\J c'!.i \ 11187 \ 11181\ \ 11175\ \ 11169\ \ 11163\ \ 11157\ "t, \ 11151\ t \ 11145 \ :4 11139\ \ 11133\ 11127\ I 11126 SUBJECT PROPERTY 11121 11120 J 11115 11114 / I 11109 11108 I 11103 11102 11097 / 11096 11091 11090 11114241ASt ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT N ----==--~-··-··· mapleridge.ca Scale: 1 :1,500 FILE: Untitled DATE: Mar 16, 2020 BY:C3 702 Reports 702 City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer 2020 Council Expenses EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: March 31, 2020 2415023 Council In keeping with Council's commitment to transparency in local government, the attached Schedule lists Council expenses recorded to February 28 2020. The expenses included on the schedule are those required to be reported in the annual Statement of Financial Information and are available on our website. RECOMMENDATION: Receive for information Discussion The expenses included in the attached schedule are those reported in the annual Statement of Financial Information (SOFI), including those incurred under Policy 3.07 "Council Training, Conferences and Association Building". The budget for Council includes the provision noted in Policy 3.07 as well as a separate budget for cell phone and iPad usage. The amounts on the attached Schedule are those recorded prior to the preparation of this report and are subject to change. Prepared by: Trevor Hansvall Accounting Clerk 2 Reviewed by: Catherine Nolan, CPA, CGA Corporate Controller Approved by: Christina Crabtree sman Chief Administrative Officer 702.1 1 of 1 Conferences & Community Cell Phones/ Month of Event Reason for expense Seminars Events iPads Totals ·oueC:~;:JGdY ·•· January February March April May June July August September October November December Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 2020 Council Expenses 5.67 5.35 11.02 I 11.02 Conferences & Community Cell Phones/ Month of Event Reason for expense Seminars Events iPads Totals ouncan.'K,ersten·· .. ,,C ,/ c ,_;/,; •• ·~ ,• • '" '<: ; ' ; January February March April May June July August September October November December Cell phone charges Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 2020 Afro Gala 2020 Dessert & Dance -Garibaldi Secondary Cell phone charges Hometown Heroes Night Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 52.97 5.35 30.00 16.93 48.15 50.00 5.35 96.93 111.82 2020 Council Expenses 208.75 Conferences & Community Cell Phones/ Month of Event Reason for expense Seminars Events iPads Totals Mea:d1Js,'9h'~lsa . January Cell phone charges February March April May June July August September October November December Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) Cell phone charges Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 2020 Council Expenses 52.97 5.35 48.15 5.35 111.82 I 111.82 Conferences & Community Cell Phones/ Month of Event Reason for expense Seminars Events iPads Totals Mprdefff ¥il{e:r,.••· .... ····.· January February March April May June July August September October November December Hometown Heroes Night 50.00 50.00 2020 Council Expenses ;I 50.00 'I Conferences & Community Cell Phones/ Month of Event Reason for expense Seminars Events iPads Totals ~o~jop%'§9(dy . January February March April May June July August September October November December Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 2020 Council Expenses 5.35 5.35 10.70 10.70 I \1 i .I Conferences & Community Cell Phones/ Month of Event Reason for expense Seminars Events iPads Totals sver;i:<:tsf!tj; Ryai, , January February March April May June July August September October November December Cell phone charges Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) Cell phone charges Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) South Asian Cultural Gala Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Annual Conference 2020 Council Expenses 125.00 961.20 961.20 125.00 52.97 5.35 48.15 5.35 111.82 'I I 1,198.02 I Conferences & Community Cell Phones/ Month of Event Reason for expense Seminars Events iPads Totals YousetiAfim'ed / ,'.,, ,, ', ',' January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTALS Cell phone charges Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 2020 Afro Gala Cell phone charges Hometown Heroes Night Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) South Asian Cultural Gala Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Annual Conference 2020 Council Expenses 961.20 961.20 1,922.40 30.00 50.00 125.00 205.00 476.93 48.15 5.35 48.15 5.35 107.00 464.18 I ! 1,273.20 2,863.51 ' l 1000 Bylaws 1000 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7 423-2018 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 423-2018." 2. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot "A" Section 3 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 21769 Lot "B" Section 3 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 21769 East Half Parcel "D" (Reference Plan 7139) North West Quarter Section 3 Township 12 New Westminster District Lot "B" Section 3 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 13554 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No.17 46 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is/are hereby rezoned to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 30th day of January, 2018. READ a second time the 11th day of February, 2020. PUBLIC HEARING held the 24th day of March, 2020. READ a third time the day of ,20 APPROVED by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure this , 20 ADOPTED, the day of ,20 day of PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 1001 \345 y cc· :3 I I I I I f-_) // , I 6 \ / I I I r -/,--I ~/ I "'I <O ./ ~I P 10921 / ~\ Rem. Pel. A I ~I 6 -'I' -BCP 8155 al / I ~-j; // 9 -/ 10456 81 I ./ / / \1\ \ t/:J/ / I / L--------P 14750 ~~\ -I I 04zz 373 ~ / I I / I / I >-' ~-I ( Cf) I ri'-' / I 0 P 22743 P 14750 " .J "(l/ I N ----1/ <or:J! / ) Rem 7 ---·374 ~( / / I A 8 10416 Q / / / 375 ~\ I / I 10410 Pi / 10420 / " 376 ca J \ \ i "' 10406_ \ 0 \ I " "' r· ~-·--·--3 0 "' N '"' 0 N "' 0, '° "' N :g 10390 C!) 0, 0 0 ~4 00 " " " "' "' "' "' 2 C!) A B Rem D B 'O" 10380 n --· P 21 '69 NWP7139 P 13554 1 u 10386 10370 ca PARK ~~~:800 A P 13554 (EPS 763) 1!21§6_, 10358 9 1a 1(!255_ g:: -----------"<j" EPP 59458 10352 8 17 10349 <O "' >-' 10346 7 16 10343 CL u 4 Cf) al 10389 0 ;:ii 10340 ~ 15 10337 1~32_~ 14 10331 >-' Cf) ~"S. ·13 10325 I <( 10328 4 0 ~ 2 ;:ii 'o., ~ 10322 30, 12 10319 E,?1'_3>0'.3S -<o , --, ____ '-,--,.L. ~· -'"''' 10316 2(0 11 10313 / I// ~ 10310 1 10 10307 BCP3M I 103AVE. / PARK 5 P'60014 1 P 8149 I~ Rem 1 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. From: To: MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia 7423-2018 1746 RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) ;;; 0 ;:;; "' l :g " ( "' 7 ( ! -EPP 59457 P 11176 -~m,5 43 42 41 40 ·--P 10921 P 10921 4 3 104 AVE. -"' !<:o I ~ ilO : ...... " i"<t I "' '"' I K P 20434 I A ' EPP 49494 BCF LMP 48057 PARK PARK ~~ 45 7~t~~-·-39 38 37 36135f34T33 J4f1~r1t 6 N SCALE 1 :2,500 CllY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7615-2020 A Bylaw to amend the text of Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7615-2020." 2. That Part 4 Section 401 (3) (h) ii be amended by adding the following: , except for the property legally described as Lot "A" Except: Part within Heavy Black Outline on Highway Statutory Right of Way Plan 63822; District Lot 398 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 9388, that is 860 metres from a cannabis retail use. 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 25th day of February, 2020. READ a second time the 25th day of February, 2020. PUBLIC HEARING held the 24th day of March, 2020. READ a third time the day of ADOPTED, the day of , 20 PRESIDING MEMBER , 20 CORPORATE OFFICER 1002 City of Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Amending Bylaw No. 7619-2020 A bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Bylaw No. 7 437-2018 WHEREAS the Council of The City of Maple Ridge deems it expedient to amend the Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Bylaw No. 7 437-2018; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This bylaw may be cited as Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Amending Bylaw No. 7619-2020 2. Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Bylaw No. 7 437-2018 is amended under Part 3 Definitions by deleting the definition of Receptacle in its entirety and replacing it with the following: Receptacles mean household, recycling, yard waste, municipal, light commercial or special receptacles. 3. Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Bylaw No. 7 437-2018 is amended under Part 3 Definitions by deleting the definition of Wildlife in its entirety and replacing it with the following: Wildlife means deer, bear, cougar, coyote or wolf, or a species of wildlife that is prescribed as dangerous wildlife. 4. Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Bylaw No. 7 437-2018 is amended under Part 3 Definitions by deleting the definition of Wildlife Resistant Container in its entirety and replacing it with the following: Wildlife resistant container means a solid waste container with a device for securing and locking the lid, whose material and construction has been tested or otherwise approved by the British Columbia Conservation Foundation as being bear resistant. 5. Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Bylaw No. 7 437-2018 is amended under Part 4 Prohibitions, section 4.5, by removing 4.5.4 in its entirety and replacing it with: 4.5.4 grease containers shall be closed securely and made inaccessible to Wildlife; 6. Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Bylaw No. 7 437-2018 is amended under Part 4 Prohibitions, section 4.5, by removing 4.5.5 in its entirety and replacing it with: 4.5.5 outdoor refrigerators or freezers shall be closed securely and made inaccessible to Wildlife; 7. Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Bylaw No. 7 437-2018 is amended under Part 4 Prohibitions, section 4.5, by removing 4.5.7 in its entirety and replacing it with: 1003.1 Doc#2394 797 4.5.7 garbage and organic containers shall be closed securely and made inaccessible to Wildlife. Notwithstanding, in areas where there is high conflict with Wildlife, a secured Wildlife resistant container is required; 8. Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Bylaw No. 7 437-2018 is amended under Part 4 Prohibitions, by removing section 4.5.10 in its entirety and replacing it with: 4.5.10 Every Owner or Occupier of a dwelling shall place solid waste and recycling Receptacles at a point on the shoulder of the road or lane or adjacent to the curb in front of their premises or on their premises adjacent to the property line abutting the street or lane from which such collection service is provided no earlier than 5:00 am and no later than 7:00 am on Collection day. All Receptacles shall be placed in such a position so as to be conveniently handled from ground level and readily accessible from such street, lane or sidewalk, and all such Receptacles shall be removed from the street or lane allowance no later than 7:00 pm on Collection day. 9. Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Bylaw No. 7 437-2018 is amended under Part 4 Prohibitions, section 4.5 by adding the following new section after 4.5.10: 4.5.11 All Wildlife resistant containers, refrigerators, freezers, grease containers and all other Receptacles shall be stored inside a building or within a Wildlife resistant enclosure, if attracting Wildlife. READ A FIRST TIME this 10th day of March, 2020. READ A SECOND TIME this 10th day of March, 2020. READ A THIRD TIME this 10th day of March, 2020. ADOPTED this __ day of ______ , 2020. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER City of Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Amending Bylaw No.7621-2020 A bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 WHEREAS the Council of The City of Maple Ridge deems it expedient to amend the Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This bylaw may be cited as Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Amending Bylaw No. 7621-2020 2. Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 is amended by deleting Schedule 30, from the Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Bylaw, in its entirety and replacing it with: Schedule 30 Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 From Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Bylaw No. 7 437 -2018 Section Fine Attract Wildlife 4.2 $400 Provide food to Wildlife 4.3 $500 Permit accumulation of seed 4.4 $300 Fail to harvest fruit 4.5.1 $100 Fail to remove fallen fruit 4.5.2 $300 Bee hives accessible to Wildlife 4.5.3 $100 Grease containers accessible to Wildlife 4.5.4 $400 Refrigerator accessible to Wildlife 4.5.5 $400 Dairy and proteins placed in compost 4.5.6 $300 Garbage containers accessible to Wildlife 4.5.7 $400 Unlocked resistant container 4.5.8 $250 Place receptacles prior to 5:00 am 4.5.10 $500 Receptacles and containers not enclosed 4.5.11 $500 Fail to prevent infestation by vermin 4.6 $300 1003112 3. Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 is amended in Schedule 25, from the Maple Ridge Solid Waste and Recycling Regulation Bylaw, by changing the wording for the Section 11 fine from "Place solid waste prior to 5:00 am" to Place Receptacles prior to 5:00 am. 4. Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 is amended in Schedule 25, from the Maple Ridge Solid Waste and Recycling Regulation Bylaw, by changing the fine amount under the offense "Place solid waste prior to 5:00 am" from $100 to $500. 5. Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 is amended by updating the table of contents accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME this 10th day of March, 2020. READ A SECOND TIME this 10th day of March, 2020. READ A THIRD TIME this 10th day of March, 2020. ADOPTED this __ day of ______ , 2020. PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER City of Maple Ridge Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 7622 -2020 Effective Date: 1004 .. 1 City of Maple Ridge Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 7622 -2020 Table of Contents Part 1 Citation ............................................................................................................................ 1 Part 2 Bylaw Agreement ............................................................................................................ 1 Schedule A ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence Agreement... ................................................................ 2 City of Maple Ridge Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 7622-2020 A bylaw to enter into an agreement among the Participating Municipalities regarding an Inter Municipal Transportation Network Services Business Licence 1 WHEREAS the Council of the City of Maple Ridge deems it expedient to provide for a bylaw to enter into an agreement among the Participating Municipalities regarding an Inter Municipal Transportation Network Services Business Licence; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: Part 1 Citation 1.1 This bylaw may be cited as "Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence Agreement Bylaw No. 7622-2020. Part 2 Bylaw Agreement 2.1 Council hereby authorizes the City to enter into an Agreement with the Participating Municipalities in substantially the form and substance of the Agreement attached to this Bylaw as Schedule A, and also authorizes the Corporate Officer to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City, and to deliver it to the Participating Municipalities on such terms and conditions as the Corporate Officer deems fit. 2.2 This Bylaw is to come into force and take effect on the date of its enactment. Schedules Schedule A -Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence Agreement READ A FIRST TIME on 10th day of March, 2020. READ A SECOND TIME on 10th day of March, 2020. READ A THIRD TIME on 10th day of March, 2020. [Date] ADOPTED by the Council on [Date] PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 2 Schedule A Inter Municipal TNS Business licence Agreement WHEREAS the City of Burnaby, the Corporation of Delta, the Corporation of the City of New Westminster, the City of Richmond, the City of Vancouver, the City of Abbotsford, the Village of Anmore, the Bowen Island Municipality, the City of Chilliwack, the City of Coquitlam, the Corporation of the District of Kent, the City of Langley, the Corporation of the Township of Langley, the Village of Lions Bay, the City of Maple Ridge, the Corporation of the City of North Vancouver, the Corporation of the District of North Vancouver, the Corporation of the City of Pitt Meadows, the Corporation of the City of Port Coquitlam, the City of Port Moody, the District of Squamish, the City of Surrey, the City of Vancouver, the Corporation of the District of West Vancouver, the Resort Municipality of Whistler, and the City of White Rock (the "Participating Municipalities"), wish to permit transportation network services ("TNS") businesses to operate across their jurisdictional boundaries thereby eliminating the need to obtain a separate municipal business licence in each jurisdiction; NOW THEREFORE the Participating Municipalities agree as follows: 1. The Participating Municipalities agree to establish an Inter Municipal TNS Business licence among the Participating Municipalities, pursuant to section 14 of the Community Charter and section 192.1 of the Vancouver Charter. 2. The Participating Municipalities will request their respective municipal Councils to each ratify this Agreement and enact a Bylaw to implement an Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence effective April 1, 2020. 3. In this Agreement: "Accessible Vehicle" means a motor vehicle designed and manufactured, or converted, for the purpose of transporting persons who use mobility aids; "Administrative Costs" means the direct and indirect costs and investments attributable to setting up and administering the Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence, including wages, materials, corporate overhead and rent; "Business" has the same meaning as in the Community Charter; "Community Charter" means the Community Charter, S.B.C. 2003, c. 26, as may be amended or replaced from time to time; "Inter Municipal TNS Business" means a TNS Business that has been licenced to operate in the Region 1 operating area by the Passenger Transportation Board; "Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence" means a business licence which authorizes an Inter Municipal TNS Business to be carried on within the jurisdictional boundaries of any or all of the Participating Municipalities; "Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence Bylaw" means the Bylaw adopted by the Council of each Participating Municipality to implement the Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence contemplated by this Agreement; 3 "Mobility Aid" has the same meaning as in the Passenger Transportation Act, S.B.C 2004, c. 39, as may be amended or replaced from time to time; "Municipal Business licence" means a licence or permit, other than an Inter Municipal TNS Business licence, issued by a Participating Municipality that authorizes a Business to be carried on within the jurisdictional boundaries of that Participating Municipality; "Participating Municipality" means any one of the Participating Municipalities; "Premises" means one or more fixed or permanent locations where the TNS Business ordinarily carries on Business; "TNS Business" means a person carrying on the business of providing Transportation Network Services; "Transportation Network Services" has the same meaning as in the Passenger Transportation Act, S.B.C 2004, c. 39, as may be amended or replaced from time to time; "Vancouver Charter" means the Vancouver Charter, S.B.C. 1953, c. 55, as may be amended or replaced from time to time; and "Zero Emission Vehicle" means a motor vehicle that is exclusively propelled by electricity or hydrogen from an external source. 4. Subject to the provisions of the Inter Municipal TNS Business licence Bylaw, each Participating Municipality will permit a TNS Business that has obtained an Inter Municipal TNS Business licence to carry on the Business of providing Transportation Network Services within that Participating Municipality for the term authorized by the Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence without obtaining a Municipal Business Licence for the TNS Business in that Participating Municipality. 5. All Inter Municipal TNS Business Licences will be issued by the City of Vancouver. 6. The City of Maple Ridge may issue an Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence to a TNS Business if the TNS Business is an Inter Municipal TNS Business and meets the requirements of the inter Municipal TNS Business Licence Bylaw, in addition to the requirements of the City of Maple Ridge Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw. 7. Notwithstanding that a TNS Business may hold an Inter Municipal TNS Business licence that would make it unnecessary to obtain a Municipal Business licence for the TNS Business in the Participating Municipalities, the TNS Business must still comply with all orders and regulations under any municipal business licence Bylaw in addition to those under any other Bylaws, regulations, or provincial or federal laws that may apply within any jurisdiction in which the TNS Business carries on Business. 8. Any Participating Municipality may require that the holder of an Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence also obtain a Municipal Business Licence for any Premises that are maintained by the licence holder within the jurisdiction of the Participating Municipality. 4 9. The annual Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence fee is $155, plus $150 for each vehicle operating under the authority of the Inter Municipal TNS Business, except that the per vehicle fee for Zero Emission Vehicles will be $30, and there will be no per vehicle fee charged for Accessible Vehicles. Any fees paid by an applicant to any Participating Municipality for a Municipal Business Licence for the TNS Business prior to the availability of the Inter Municipal TNS Business licence that are not refunded by that Participating Municipality will be credited against the initial Inter Municipal TNS Business licence fee owing under this section 9. 10. The fee for any additional vehicles that begin operating under the authority of an Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence holder after the annual licence fee is paid will be the per vehicle fee set out in section 9, pro-rated by dividing the applicable annual per vehicle fee by 12 and multiplying the resulting number by the number of months remaining in that calendar year, including any partial months which will be counted as whole months. 11. The City of Maple Ridge will distribute the revenue generated from Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence fees amongst all Participating Municipalities based on the City of Maple Ridge retaining an amount to cover its Administrative Costs, with the remaining fees to be distributed proportionally to the Participating Municipalities, including the City of Vancouver, based on the number of pick-ups and drop-offs in that Participating Municipality. The City of Maple Ridge will provide the other Participating Municipalities with an itemized accounting of the fees collected and disbursed, including an accounting of its Administrative Costs, at the time it distributes the remaining fees to those Participating Municipalities. 12. If the revenue generated from Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence fees in the initial year is insufficient to cover the Administrative Costs relating to the initial set up of the , then the City of Maple Ridge may retain such portion of the Inter Municipal TNS Business licence fees collected in the subsequent year or years as is necessary to reimburse the City of Maple Ridge for such initial Administrative Costs, until the full amount has been recovered. 13. Any revenue payable to a Participating Municipality in the initial year will be offset by any fees collected and not refunded by that Participating Municipality for a Municipal Business Licence for the TNS Business prior to the availability of the Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence, and if the fees collected by the Participating Municipality exceed the amount owing to that Participating Municipality, then that Participating Municipality shall remit the difference to the City of Maple Ridge for inclusion in the revenue distribution set out above. 14. The revenue generated from Inter Municipal TNS Business licence fees collected from January 1 to December 31 inclusive that is to be distributed to the Participating Municipalities in accordance with section 11, including the fees collected for any additional vehicles under section 10, will be distributed by the City of Maple Ridge by February 28 of the year following the year in which fees were collected. 15. The length of term of an Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence is 12 months, except that the length of term of the initial Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence issued to an Inter Municipal TNS Business by the City of Maple Ridge may be less than 12 months in order to harmonize the expiry date of the Inter Municipal TNS Business 5 Licence with the calendar year, in which case the annual fee will be pro-rated by dividing the applicable annual licence fee by 12 and multiplying the resulting number by the number of months remaining in that calendar year, including any partial months which will be counted as whole months. 16. An Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence will be valid within the jurisdictional boundaries of all of the Participating Municipalities until its term expires, unless the Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence is suspended or cancelled. If a Participating Municipality withdraws from the Inter Municipal TNS Business licence among the Participating Municipalities in accordance with the Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence Bylaw, then the Inter Municipal TNS Business licence will cease to be valid within the jurisdictional boundary of that former Participating Municipality. 17. A Participating Municipality may exercise the authority of the City of Maple Ridge as the issuing municipality and suspend an Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence in relation to conduct by the holder within the Participating Municipality which would give rise to the power to suspend a business licence under the Community Charter or Vancouver Charter or under the business licence Bylaw of the Participating Municipality. The suspension will be in effect throughout all of the Participating Municipalities and it will be unlawful for the holder to carry on the Business authorized by the Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence in any Participating Municipality for the period of the suspension. 18. A Participating Municipality may exercise the authority of the of the City of Maple Ridge as the issuing municipality and cancel an Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence in relation to conduct by the holder within the Participating Municipality which would give rise to the power to cancel a business licence under the Community Charter or Vancouver Charter or the business licence Bylaw of the Participating Municipality. The cancellation will be in effect throughout all of the Participating Municipalities. 19. The suspension or cancellation of an Inter Municipal TNS Business licence under section 17 or 18 will not affect the authority of a Participating Municipality to issue a Municipal Business licence, other than an Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence, to the holder of the suspended or cancelled Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence. 20. Nothing in this Agreement affects the authority of a Participating Municipality to suspend or cancel any Municipal Business licence issued by that municipality or to enact regulations in respect of any category of Business under section 15 of the Community Charter. 21. A Participating Municipality may, by notice in writing to each of the other Participating Municipalities, withdraw from the Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence among the Participating Municipalities, and the notice must: (a) set out the date on which the withdrawing municipality will no longer recognize the validity within its boundaries of Inter Municipal TNS Business licences, which date must be at least six months from the date of the notice; and 6 (b) include a certified copy of the municipal Council resolution or Bylaw authorizing the municipality's withdrawal from the Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence . 22. Nothing contained or implied in this Agreement shall fetter in any way the discretion of the Councils of the Participating Municipalities. Further, nothing contained or implied in this Agreement shall prejudice or affect the Participating Municipalities' rights, powers, duties or obligations in the exercise of their functions pursuant to the Community Charter, Vancouver Charter, or the Local Government Act, as amended or replaced from time to time, or act to fetter or otherwise affect the Participating Municipalities' discretion, and the rights, powers, duties and obligations under all public and private statutes, Bylaws, orders and regulations, which may be, if each Participating Municipality so elects, as fully and effectively exercised as if this Agreement had not been executed and delivered by the Participating Municipalities. 23. Despite any other provision of this Agreement, an Inter Municipal TNS Business licence granted in accordance with the Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence Bylaw does not grant the holder a licence to operate in any jurisdiction other than within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Participating Municipalities. Furthermore, a business licence granted under any other Inter Municipal TNS Business licence is deemed not to exist for the purposes of this Agreement even if a Participating Municipality is a participating member of the other inter municipal TNS Business licence . 24. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, and may be delivered by email or facsimile transmission, and each such counterpart, howsoever delivered, shall be deemed to be an original. Such counterparts together shall constitute one and the same instrument, notwithstanding that all of the Participating Municipalities are not signatories to the original or the same counterpart. 25. In the event that the municipal Council of a Participating Municipality other than the City of Maple Ridge does not ratify this Agreement, then that municipality will not be considered a Participating Municipality for the purposes of this Agreement, and the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be effective as among the other Participating Municipalities. Signed and delivered on behalf of the Participating Municipalities, the Councils of each of which have, by Bylaw, ratified this Agreement and authorized their signatories to sign on behalf of the respective Councils. City of Maple Ridge Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence Bylaw No. 7623-2020 Effective Date: 1004.2 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 City of Maple Ridge Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence Bylaw No. 7623-2020 Table of Contents Citation ............................................................................................................................. 1 Severability ...................................................................................................................... 1 Definitions ....................................................................................................................... 1 General Regulations ....................................................................................................... 2 Offence and Penalty ........................................................................................................ 5 1 City of Maple Ridge Inter Municipal TNS Business licence Bylaw No. 7623-2020 A bylaw respecting the granting of an Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence WHEREAS the municipalities that have entered or will enter into the Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence Agreement (the "Participating Municipalities") wish to permit licensed transportation network services ("TNS") businesses to operate across their jurisdictional boundaries thereby eliminating the need to obtain a separate municipal business licence in each jurisdiction; AND WHEREAS each of the Participating Municipalities has or will adopt a similar Bylaw to implement the Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: Part 1 Citation 1.1 This bylaw may be cited as Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence Bylaw No. 7623-2020. Part 2 Severability 2.1 If a portion of this bylaw is held invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction, then the invalid portion must be severed and the remainder of this bylaw is deemed to have been adopted without the severed section, subsequent, paragraph, subparagraph, clause or phrase. Part 3 Definitions 3.1 In this bylaw: "Accessible Vehicle" means a motor vehicle designed and manufactured, or converted, for the purpose of transporting persons who use mobility aids; "Business" has the same meaning as in the Community Charter; "Community Charter" means the Community Charter, S.B.C. 2003, c. 26, as may be amended or replaced from time to time; "Inter Municipal TNS Business" means a TNS Business that has been licensed to operate in the Region 1 operating area by the Passenger Transportation Board; "Inter Municipal TNS Business licence" means a business licence which authorizes an Inter Municipal TNS Business to be carried on within the jurisdictional boundaries of any or all of the Participating Municipalities; 2 "Mobility Aid" has the same meaning as in the Passenger Transportation Act, S.8.C 2004, c. 39. as may be amended or replaced from time to time; "Municipal Business Licence" means a licence or permit, other than an Inter Municipal TNS Business licence, issued by a Participating Municipality that authorizes a Business to be carried on within the jurisdictional boundaries of that Participating Municipality; "Participating Municipality" means any one of the Participating Municipalities; "Premises" means one or more fixed or permanent locations where the TNS Business ordinarily carries on Business; "TNS Business" means a person carrying on the business of providing Transportation Network Services; "Transportation Network Services" has the same meaning as in the Passenger Transportation Act, S.B.C 2004, c. 39, as may be amended or replaced from time to time; "Zero Emission Vehicle" means a motor vehicle that is exclusively propelled by electricity or hydrogen from an external source. Part 4 General Regulations 4.1 Subject to the provisions of this Bylaw, each Participating Municipality will permit a TNS Business that has obtained an Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence to carry on the Business of providing Transportation Network Services within that Participating Municipality for the term authorized by the Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence without obtaining a Municipal Business Licence for the TNS Business in that Participating Municipality. 4.2 All Inter Municipal TNS Business Licences will be issued by the City of Vancouver. 4.3 The City of Vancouver may issue an Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence to a TNS Business if the TNS Business is an Inter Municipal TNS Business and meets the requirements of this Bylaw, in addition to the requirements of the City of Maple Ridge Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw. 3 4.4 Notwithstanding that a TNS Business may hold an Inter Municipal TNS Business licence that would make it unnecessary to obtain a Municipal Business Licence for the TNS Business in the Participating Municipalities, the TNS Business must still comply with all orders and regulations under any municipal business licence Bylaw in addition to those under any other Bylaws, regulations, or provincial or federal laws that may apply within any jurisdiction in which the TNS Business carries on Business. 4.5 Any Participating Municipality may require that the holder of an Inter Municipal TNS Business licence also obtain a Municipal Business Licence for any Premises that are maintained by the licence holder within the jurisdiction of the Participating Municipality. 4.6 The annual inter Municipal TNS Business Licence fee is $155, plus $150 for each vehicle operating under the authority of the Inter Municipal TNS Business, except that the per vehicle fee for Zero Emission Vehicles will be $30, and there will be no per vehicle fee charged for Accessible Vehicles. Any fees paid by an applicant to any Participating Municipality for a Municipal Business licence for the TNS Business prior to the availability of the Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence that are not refunded by that Participating Municipality will be credited against the initial Inter Municipal TNS Business licence fee owing under this section 4.6. 4.7 The fee for any additional vehicles that begin operating under the authority of an Inter Municipal TNS Business License holder after the annual license fee is paid will be the per vehicle fee set out in section 4.6, pro-rated by dividing the applicable annual per vehicle fee by 12 and multiplying the resulting number by the number of months remaining in that calendar year, including any partial months which will be counted as whole months. 4.8 The length of term of an Inter Municipal TNS Business licence is 12 months, except that the length of term of the initial Inter Municipal TNS Business licence issued to an Inter Municipal TNS Business by the City of Maple Ridge may be less than 12 months in order to harmonize the expiry date of the Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence with the calendar year, in which case the annual fee will be pro-rated by dividing the applicable annual license fee by 12 and multiplying the resulting number by the number of months remaining in that calendar year, including any partial months which will be counted as whole months. 4.9 An Inter Municipal TNS Business licence will be valid within the jurisdictional boundaries of all of the Participating Municipalities until its term expires, unless the Inter Municipal TNS Business licence is suspended or cancelled. If a Participating Municipality withdraws from the Inter Municipal TNS Business licence among the Participating Municipalities in accordance with this Bylaw, then the Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence will cease to be valid within the jurisdictional boundary of that former Participating Municipality. 4 4.10 A Participating Municipality may exercise the authority of the City of Vancouver as the issuing municipality and suspend an Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence in relation to conduct by the holder within the Participating Municipality which would give rise to the power to suspend a business licence under the Community Charter or Vancouver Charter or under the business licence Bylaw of the Participating Municipality. The suspension will be in effect throughout all of the Participating Municipalities and it will be unlawful for the holder to carry on the Business authorized by the Inter Municipal TNS Business licence in any Participating Municipality for the period of the suspension. 4.11 A Participating Municipality may exercise the authority of the City of Vancouver as the issuing municipality and cancel an Inter Municipal TNS Business licence in relation to conduct by the holder within the Participating Municipality which would give rise to the power to cancel a business licence under the Community Charter or Vancouver Charter or the business licence Bylaw of the Participating Municipality. The cancellation will be in effect throughout all of the Participating Municipalities. 4.12 The suspension or cancellation of an Inter Municipal TNS Business licence under section 4.10 or 4.11 will not affect the authority of a Participating Municipality to issue a Municipal Business licence, other than an Inter Municipal TNS Business licence, to the holder of the suspended or cancelled Inter Municipal TNS Business licence. 4.13 Nothing in this Bylaw affects the authority of a Participating Municipality to suspend or cancel any Municipal Business Licence issued by that municipality or to enact regulations in respect of any category of Business under section 15 of the Community Charter. 4.14 A Participating Municipality may, by notice in writing to each of the other Participating Municipalities, withdraw from the Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence among the Participating Municipalities, and the notice must: a) set out the date on which the withdrawing municipality will no longer recognize the validity within its boundaries of Inter Municipal TNS Business Licences, which date must be at least 6 months from the date of the notice; and b) include a certified copy of the municipal Council resolution or Bylaw authorizing the municipality's withdrawal from the Inter Municipal TNS Business licence. 4.15 The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Bylaw shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provisions of this Bylaw and any such invalid or unenforceable provision shall be deemed to be severable. 4.16 Despite any other provision of this Bylaw, an Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence granted in accordance with this Bylaw does not grant the holder a licence to operate in any jurisdiction other than within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Participating Municipalities. 5 4.17 A business licence granted under any other Inter Municipal TNS Business licence is deemed not to exist for the purposes of this Bylaw, even if a Participating Municipality is a participating member of the other Inter Municipal TNS Business licence. Part 5 Offence and Penalty 5.1 Every person who violates a prov1s1on of this bylaw, or who consents, allows or permits an act or thing to be done in violation of a provision of this bylaw, or who neglects to or refrains from doing anything required to be done by a provision of this bylaw, is guilty of an offence and is liable to the penalties imposed under this bylaw, and is guilty of a separate offence each day that a violation continues to exist 52 Every person who commits an offence is liable on summary conviction to a fine or to imprisonment, or to both a fine and imprisonment, not exceeding the maximum allowed by the Offence Act READ A FIRST TIME on 10th day of March, 2020. READ A SECOND TIME on 10th day of March, 2020. READ A THIRD TIME on 10th day of March, 2020. [Date] ADOPTED by the Council on [Date] PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 1100 Committee Reports and Recommendations Items in Section 1100 Committee Reports and Recommendations that refer to a staff report earlier than this agenda date were presented at a Committee of the Whole Meeting typically a week prior, on the date of the staff report, to provide Council with an opportunity to ask staff detailed questions. The items are now before regular Council Meeting for debate and vote. Both meetings are open to the public. The reports are not reprinted again in hard copy; however they can be found in the electronic agenda or in the Committee of the Whole agenda package dated accordingly. 1100 City of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council MEETING DATE: March 24, 2020 FILE NO: 2019-216-RZ FROM: SUBJECT: Chief Administrative Officer First Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7628-2020 24392 104 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: MEETING: C o W An application has been received to rezone the subject property, located at 24392 104 Ave, from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential), to permit future construction of 21 townhouse units. To proceed further with this application additional information is required as outlined below. The density proposed for this application is less than 0.6 FSR and thus no density bonus contribution is required. Pursuant to Council policy, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution Program, where a voluntary contribution will be requested for an amount of approximately $86,100 ($4100 per townhouse). RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7628-2020 be given first reading; and 2. That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C, D, E, G of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Owner: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: 2019-216-RZ 1154915 BC LTD 1154915 BC LTD Portion East 133ft of Lot B, Section 3, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 8852 Medium Density Residential, Conservation Medium Density Residential, Conservation RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) 1101 Page 1 of 4 ' . t. ·-' .. ' 1 I Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: b) Site Characteristics: Conservation, and Medium Density Residential Civic, Institutional & Recreational RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Conservation Park P-1 (Park & School) Park Residential R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Medium Density Residential One Family Residential Multi Family Residential 0.612 ha. (1.5 acres) 104Avenue Urban Standard The subject property located at 24392 104 Avenue is approximately 1.5 acres in area, and is partially heavily treed/sloped, due to a natural ridge running north south and into the adjacent Albion Park to the east and south, and partially flat (see Appendix A and B). The subject property is bounded by single family residential properties to the west, municipal park to the east and south, and 104 Avenue to the north. There are no development applications in process in the direct vicinity within 250 metres. c) Project Description: The current application proposes to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential), to permit future development of 21 townhouse units. Access for the strata is proposed from 104 Avenue. Full details of the project will be provided after 1st Reading. Parking is provided on site in a combination of double car garages (15) and tandem (6) for a total of 42 residential stalls and 6 visitor stalls. The existing slopes pose constraints related to geotechnical impact and will require steep slope protection. All disturbance and alterations on site need to be outside of the geotechnical setback, and it is expected that all construction related disturbance, including long term maintenance areas associated with the strata access road do not occur within the steep slope areas of the site. At this time the current application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the Official Community Plan (OCP) and provide a land use assessment only. Detailed review and comments will need to be made once full application packages have been received. A more detailed analysis and further reports will be required prior to second reading. Such assessment may impact proposed lot boundaries and yields, OCP designations and Bylaw particulars, and may require application for further development permits. d) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The development site is located within the Albion Area Plan and is currently designated Medium Density Residential, and Conservation. For the proposed development no OCP amendment will be 2019-216-RZ Page 2 of 4 required to allow the proposed zoning. There is a potential that the Conservation boundary needs to be adjusted, but that review will be done once environmental concerns are worked out with the applicant. Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the property located at 24392 104 Avenue from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) (see Appendix C) to permit future development of approximately 21 townhouse units (see Appendix D). The subject property is 6120 m2 (1.5 acres) in area, and the minimum lot size for the proposed RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone is 557m2. The applicant is currently proposing a development of 21 townhouse units with several building setback variances from the front and interior side lot line requirements, roof projections into setback and reducing usable open space requirements. These variations from the requirements of the proposed zone will require a Development Variance Permit application. Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.7 of the OCP, a Multi-Family Development Permit application is required to ensure the current proposal enhances existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs, and minimize potential conflicts with neighbouring land uses. Pursuant to Section 8.10 of the OCP, a Natural Features Development Permit application is required for all development and subdivision activity or building permits for: • All areas designated Conservation on Schedule "B" or all areas within 50 metres of an area designated Conservation on Schedule "B"; • All lands with an average natural slope of greater than 15 %; ., All floodplain areas and forest lands identified on Natural Features Schedule "C" to ensure the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of the natural environment and for development that is protected from hazardous conditions. Advisory Design Panel: A Multi Family Development Permit is required and must be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel prior to Second Reading. Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting is required for this application. Prior to second reading the applicant is required to host a Development Information Meeting in accordance with Council Policy 6.20. e) Interdepartmental Implications: In order to advance the current application, after first reading, comments and input, will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering & Operations Department; b) Fire Department; c) Building Department; d) Parks Department; e) School District; and 2019-216-RZ Page 3 of 4 f) Canada Post. The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary, as the application progresses, to liaise with agencies and/or departments not listed above. This application has not been forwarded to the Engineering Department for comments at this time; therefore, an evaluation of servicing and site access requirements have not been undertaken. We anticipate that this evaluation will take place between first and second reading. f) Development Applications: In order for this application to proceed the following information must be provided, as required by Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999 as amended: 1. A complete Rezoning Application (Schedule C); 2. A Multi-Family Residential Development Permit Application (Schedule D); 3. A Development Variance Permit (Schedule E); 4. A Natural Features Development Permit Application (Schedule G); The above list is intended to be indicative only, other applications may be necessary as the assessment of the proposal progresses. CONCLUSION: The development proposal is currently in compliance with the OCP, therefore, it is recommended that Council grant first reading subject to additional information being provided and assessed prior to second reading. An OCP Amendment to adjust the Conservation boundary may be required. The proposed layout has not been reviewed in relation to the relevant bylaws and regulations governing subdivision applications. Any subdivision layout provided is strictly preliminary and must be approved by the Approving Officer. "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" Prepared by: Therese Melser Planning Technician "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" for Reviewed by: · Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" for Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services "Original signed by Al Horsman" Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7628-2020 Appendix D -Proposed Site Plan 2019-216-RZ Page 4 of 4 --"' C) "' ~ 10349 10345 -10339 10333 10327 10321 104AAVE. ;e c;; 'o:, <o N 00 "' "' "' ... ."; "' "' "' "' "' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 10426 "' ;,;; 0, "' 0, 10408 "' "' ."; ~ "' "' "' "' "' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 104AVE. ~ "' "' "' "' "' t. ~ "' .. "' <o "' "' "'"' "' ~ ~ ~ ~ .... ~ "'"' "' 0, ~ ~ "-"' 0, "' :;; g g ~ ~ "' "' "' "' "' ."; "' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 10365 ·103AAVE. ,--------, ,------_ 10352 10347 10348 10343 f-' en 10342 10337 <') 1i!i 10336 10331 10330 10325 10324 10319 l<noon 10303 10318 10301 10312 10297 10306 10295 10300 10291 10294 10289 ~0288 10285 ~0282 10283 10276 ·10279 10270 10277 10264 10271 110260 10265 1028 AVE. r "' <o ~ .. ~ "' <o C) .. 00 "' <o C) .. 00 "' gg ~ "' "' ~ ·"' ~ ."; ."; ~ ~ "' <o "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,. "' [ g 0, ~ "-~ "' 0, "' "-~ "' ~ 1l g ~ ~ ~ "' "' ."; ."; ~~ "' "' "' "' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Legend Stream 10368 10358 10350 f-' en 10342 " 1i!i 10332 10326 <o ~ ;"!. c;e, "'~ <o ~~ "' "'"'"' ,,. ,,. ... ,,. ~~ "' "'"'"' N ---Ditch Centreline Indefinite Creek -Lake or Reservoir Scale: 1 :2,500 "' ~ ~ 10253 10251 APPENDIX A 10445 104 AVE. ---...-.---------\ '~ \ ....... \ """ \ \ I \ \ ) ( \ I 24392 104 AVEUE PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1.~111• FILE: 2019-216-RZ DATE: Jun 17, 2019 mapleridge.ca BY:PC Scale: 1 :2,500 APPENDIX B 24392 104 AVEUE PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~111• FILE: 2019-216-RZ DATE: Jun 17, 2019 mapleridge.ca BY:PC t: r CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7628-2020 APPENDIXC A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7628-2020." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: East 133 Feet Lot B Section 3 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 8852 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1834 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of READ a second time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a third time the day of ADOPTED, the day of PRESIDING MEMBER ,20 , 20 , 20 , 20 ,20 CORPORATE OFFICER PARK P31591 11 12 13 14 15 10 104 AVE. MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING 7628-2020 1834 7 Bylaw No. Map No. From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) To: RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia P 12923 Rem6 BCP5562 PARK ,_-_-_-_ EPP45691 RW72101 _ ----------10445 104 AVE. Rem N 1/2 of NE 1/4 Section 3 Township 12 6 N SCALE 1:2,500 :I °"'c .I'' ·b<'t. A ~ "' :S ~ fl- -e.~ '\;~ <t-..-.. .o:;.. .. / .,,..., .. ,/ ~ "j5ITmj <o ___ / __ ..., ... /' I ,_.,/' r-···-- lC) rs-.. 'SI- RETAINING WALL LEGEND = ALLAN BLOCK RETAINING WALL ~ CONCRETE RETAINING WALL ABBREVIATIONS T.O.W. TOP OF WALL 8.0.W. BOTIOM OF WALL {:.;. "' . .;. CX) 0) 669f'td:J8 UD/d i/UOUd/10:) dli!J:1!J1Sa~ 2 I-- Prop osed Town house Development 24392 104 AVE , MAPLE RIDGE, B .C . ATELIER PACIFIC ARCHITECTURE INC, APAJL24,2019 ~ ::? ;'\J ~\I 1 ..... -· ·-·----J:~,,.\ ·,,, ...,,_ ~ NORTH e i: cl:' DP 1.0a SITE PLAN SCALE: 1 :200 ~ ··,·.,·.• • ,:· ··· · ~ :•,,·,·1!TT_,Jfi~ -'~· ~~---~-, r, ~- lip,1 )> -0 -0 rn z 0 >< 0 City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer First Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7584-2019; 22340 and 22328 St. Anne Avenue, and 11654 and 11664 223 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: MEETING DATE: March 24, 2020 FILE NO: 2019-268-RZ MEETING: C o W On October 29, 2019, Council deferred giving first reading to this application until the next appropriate Council meeting pending staff discussions with the applicant to add ground level commercial floor space on St. Anne Avenue. A revised proposal with ground level office space has been submitted and is the subject of this report. This rezoning application is from C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) and RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential). Originally, the proposal located at 22340 and 22328 St. Anne Avenue and 11654 and 11664 223 Street, was for a 99 unit Apartment building. The revised proposal is for approximately 568 square metres (6,115 square feet) of office space at the ground level and 111 apartment units. The resulting Floor Space Ratio (FSR) has increased from 2.28 to 2.34 and the proposal is for a six (6) storey structure requiring a variance and an amendment to the text of the Official Community Plan. The RM-2 .Zone allows a maximum FSR of 1.8, plus an additional density of up to 0.6 through an Amenity Bonus Contribution, for a total of 2.4 FSR. The applicant is seeking 2.34 FSR, or a 0.54 bonus through the payment of the Cash Contribution Rate of $161.46 per square metres. The additional floor area is about 1,746 square metres and would require a Density Bonus Contribution payment of about $281,909.16. This project is subject to Community Amenity Contributions Policy requiring a voluntary contribution of $3,100 per unit or a total of $344,100.00. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7584-2019 be given first reading; and 2. That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C, D and E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, along with the additional requirements discussed in this report. 1102 2019-268-RZ Page 1 of 7 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Nasir Ghuman Lot 21 Block 6 District Lot 398 Group 1 NWD Plan 155; Lot 22 Block 6 District Lot 398 Group 1 NWD Plan 155; Lot B District Lot 398 Group 1 NWD Plan 16366; Lot C, Except Part in Plan LMP14886, District Lot 398 Group 1 NWD Plan 16366; Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial and Mixed-Use Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial and Mixed-Use C-3 (Town Centre Commercial), RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Residential (Apartment and Turnock Residence) Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Amending Bylaw No. 7306-2016 Designation: Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial and Mixed-Use Residential South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: b) Site Characteristics: · C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial and Mixed-Use Residential RS-1 (one Family Urban Residential) Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial and Mixed-Use Vacant and Haney Bypass RS-1 (one Family Urban Residential) Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial and Mixed-Use Residential Residential 3,230 sq. m. (0.8 acres) Lane (between St. Anne and Callaghan Avenues) Urban Standard The site consists of four (4) lots each containing buildings and structures. The parcel at the southeast corner of St Anne Avenue and 223 Street, which is zoned commercial, contains a small medical building. The lands are relatively flat and sparsely landscaped; two (2) or three (3) mature trees are situated along 223 Street. 2019-268-RZ Page 2 of 7 c) Project Description: The development site is formed by four (4) lots located at 22340 and 22328 St. Anne Avenue and 11654 and 11664 223 Street (See Appendices A and 8). The proposal is for a six (6) storey (five (5) storeys in the original proposal) 111-unit apartment building (99 in the original proposal) and 568.1 square metres (6,115 square feet) of office space at the ground leveL The proposed unit breakdown has changed. The number of one (1) bedroom units is increased from 30 units (30%) to 52 units (47%) and the two (2) bedroom units have been reduced from 54 units (54%) to 43 units (39%). There is an additional Bachelor unit bringing the total to six (6), an the three (3) bedroom units are unchanged at 10. A comparison between the original proposal is as follows: Unit Type Initial Proposal Revised Proposal Bachelor units 5 (5%) 6 (5%) 1 bedroom units 30 (30%) 52 (47%) 2 bedroom units 54 (54%) 43 (39%) 3 bedroom units 10 (10%) 10 (9%) There remains a healthy mix of unit types. The increase in the number of units, together with the ground level offices, will add vibrancy to the Port Haney area and increases the number of people residing in proximity to the West Coast Express station. The potential of incorporating some BCBC Section 3.8.5. Adaptable Dwelling Units will be explored with the applicant. There will be one and a half levels of parking, to accommodate the Town Centre Parking requirement to provide for: 117 residential, 12 visitor and 12 commercial parking spaces. One driveway ramp off the lane between St Anne and Callaghan Avenues will provide access. As details for the project are developed, the commercial, residential and visitor parking spaces will be refined and the residential spaces will separately secured for resident use only. The building will require setback variances along the north, east and west lot lines from 7.5 metres to a setback of between 5.5 and 4.7 metres. The setback along the south side (to the lane) is to 9.6 metres, with the central part of the building being stepped further back, to create a sizable southern exposed open space. Additional open space will be provided on the roof level of the building. The setbacks and building height, and possibly the visitor parking, will require variances. These, plus any additional variances will be the subject of a future development variance permit application reports to CounciL At this time, the current application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the Official Community Plan (OCP) and provide a land use assessment only. Detailed review and comments will need to be made once full application packages have been received. A more detailed analysis and further reports will be required prior to second reading. Such assessment may impact the proposed lot boundaries and yields, OCP designations and Bylaw particulars, and may require application for further development permits. 2019-268-RZ Page 3 of 7 d) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The development site is located within the Port Haney and Fraser River Waterfront Area of the Town Centre Area Plan. The site is designated Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial and Mixed-Use and the proposed use and density is complying with this designation. The proposal generally complies with Policy 3-38 of the Port Haney Multi-family, Commercial Use and Mixed-use Area. This policy states the height of structures in this area should be in the range of 3 to 4 storeys, the six (6) storey structure accommodates the commercial floor space and the residential floor space allowed by the additional bonus density provision. The justification is that adding storefront enhances the pedestrian environment on St. Anne Avenue, the attractive building design, ample open space (including a roof top open space) and the health range of unit types. All the parking is underground thus achieving the policy requirement that at least 90% of the parking be underground. To accommodate the taller building due to utilising the Added Bonus Density provision of the Zoning Bylaw and the introduction of the additional floor for the ground level commercial / office use, an amendment to this policy is in order to accommodate the proposed six-storey structure. Changing the restriction from 5 to 6 storeys in the OCP Policy 3-38 would mean all sites designated Low-rise Multi-Family apartment, Commercial, and Mixed-Use in Port Haney, would be entitled to the additional storey. After further review, it was determined that such an increase could be permitted if an applicant demonstrates community benefit is achieved, such as adding commerciai storefront, and that adverse impacts due to shadowing, change in neighbourhood character, view obstruction and other negative impacts are sufficiently mitigated. Therefore, the following text amendment (see underlined text) is proposed to Policy 3-38 in the Town Centre Area Plan: 3-38 Low-rise Multi-Family apartment, Commercial, and Mixed-Use in Port Haney should be a minimum of three (3) storeys and a maximum of four (4) storeys in height, with at least 90% of required parking provided underground. In instances where it is demonstrated that shadowing, neighbourhood character. view obstruction and other negitive impacts are sufficiently mitigated. the height may be increased to six (6) storeys. If the applicant can demonstrate through detailed plans submitted and reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel, that the proviso is achieved, Council could entertain a six (6) storey structure when a development permit application is considered later in the process. The necessary OCP text amending bylaw will be brought forward for first and second reading at the time a full submission has been made as part of a second reading report for this rezoning application. The introduction of office space complies with Policy 3-40 which supports retail, service, and entertainment uses being encouraged at-grade with office and residential uses encouraged above-grade. 2019-268-RZ Page 4 of 7 Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the properties located at 22340 and 22328 St. Anne Avenue and 11654 and 11664 223 Street from C-3 (Town Centre Commercial), RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) (see Appendix C) to a six (6) storey 111-unit apartment building and 568 square metres (6,115 square feet) of office space at the ground level, with one and a half levels of parking (see Appendix D). In accordance with OCP Policy 3-40, Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7584-2019 has been revised to · include a site-specific text amendment to the Permited Use section. That text amendment has included a series of compatible commercial uses, including office use, from the Town Centre Commercial Zone (C-3 Zone). This would provide the flexibility for a varienty of busnesses and uses to be attracted to occupy the proposed storefront spaces. A preliminary review has been done of compliance with the Zoning Bylaw. The height proposed six (6) storeys, two more floors than the permitted maximum, and the height is about 19 metres, whereas 15 metres is the maximum. This is due in part with the additional 0.6 FSR additional density bonus for projects in the Town Centre Area. Either a height variance or a text amendment to the RM-2 Zone for height in Town Centre Area to accommodate this proposal will be determined and reported to Council in a future second reading report. The other variances will be: e Setback (from 7.5 metres to between 6.1 to 5.1 on average); and e Parking (possibly for one parking space). The developer is prepared to utilize the Density Bonus regulations to boost the density from an FSR of 1.8 to 2.34. The additional floor area represented by the increased FSR would be about 1,746 square metres. The Bonus Density Contribution would be about $281,909.16 based on $161.46 per square metre. Any variations from the requirements of the proposed zone will require a Development Variance Permit application. Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.11 of the OCP, a Town Centre Development Permit (Port Haney) application is required for all multifamily residential, flexible mixed use and commercial development located in the Town Centre. As part of presented a more fully developed proposal to Council at second reading, landscaping and street fronting character, together with public art, green roof, energy efficiency and sustainability elements will be explored with the applicant. Advisory Design Panel: A Town Centre Development Permit (Port Haney) Development Permit is required and must be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel prior to Second Reading. 2019-268-RZ Page 5 of 7 Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting is required for this application. Prior to second reading the applicant is required to host a Development Information Meeting in accordance with Council Policy 6.20. e) Interdepartmental Implications: In order to advance the current application, after first reading, comments and input, will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; a) Operations Department; b) Fire Department; c) Building Department; d) School District; e) Utility companies; f) Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; and g) Canada Post. The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary, as the application progresses, to liaise with agencies and/or departments not listed above. This application has not been forwarded to the Engineering Department for comments at this time; therefore, an evaluation of servicing and site access requirements have not been undertaken. We anticipate that this evaluation will take place between first and second reading. f) Development Applications: In order for this application to proceed the following information must be provided, as required by Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999 as amended: 1. A complete Rezoning Application (Schedule C); 2. A Town Centre Development Permit Application (Schedule D); and 3. A Development Variance Permit (Schedule E). In addition, the applicant will need to submit supporting documentation such as: • a geotechnical report and stormwater management plan (both of which must address Fraser River Escarpment Requirement); • consider the provision of public art and some adaptive dwelling units; • given retaining walls along street front, detailed cross sections are required to provide for convenient pedestrian access to the proposed stores and offices; and • consider green roof, energy efficiency and sustainability elements to further enhance this project. The above list is intended to be indicative only, other applications may be necessary as the assessment of the proposal progresses. 2019-268-RZ Page 6 of 7 CONCLUSION: The development has been modified to allow for storefront space along St. Anne Avenue. For economic viability, the requested office use is being supplement by selected C-3 Zone uses through a site specific text amendment being added to the proposed zone amending bylaw. The revised proposal is in compliance with the OCP, with a concurrent OCP text amending bylaw to allow for a six (6) storey structure. Therefore, it is recommended that Council grant first reading subject to additional information being provided and assessed prior to second reading. "Original signed by Adrian Kopystynski" Prepared by: Adrian Kopystynski M.Sc., RPP, MCIP, MCAHP Planner "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Pianning & Deveiopment Services "Original signed by Al Horsman" Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7584-2019 Appendix D -Proposed Site Plan 2019-268-RZ Page 7 of 7 APPENDIX A 11774178 11765 11768 NORTH AVE. 2018-118-VP ~ i I I -----~--~---~.• ____ .__, <o Q:, ""1 "' <o 11746 "' ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11740 ~ 117 AVE. ~ ~ 11739 • ~201i!il'Z 2017j247-RZ ~11-71-0~-~-~----'----'---2017-247~VP I-' (/) ~ / 11665/11667 N Scale: 1 :2,500 11664 1654 CALLAGHAN AVE. Legend -stream --· Ditch Centreline -Edge of River - -Indefinite Creek -River -Major Rivers & Lakes B88J Active Applications (RZ/SD/DPNP) "' ~ ~ ~ ~ gJ gJ "' "' CALLAGHAN AVE. ~ \ "' \ .. \ \, \ \ 11654 64 223 STREET PID'S: 010-166-203, 005-765-030 22328/40 ST. ANNE AVENUE PID'S: 011-539-739, 011-539-712 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~., •• mapleridge.ca FILE: 2019-268-RZ DATE: Jul 30, 2019 BY: PC NOR ' L__ --Scale: 1 :2,500 APPENDIX 8 54 4 PID'S: 010-166-203, 005-765-030 22328/40 ST. ANNE AVENUE PID'S: 011-539-739, 011-539-712 PLANNING DEPARTMENT --=~~~··=--· mapleridge.ca FILE: 2019-268-RZ DATE: Jul 30, 2019 BY:PC CllY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7584-2019 APPENDIXC A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7584-2019." 2. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985 is hereby amended as follows: Section 604 RM-2 Medium Density Apartment Residential District, 1. Principal Uses is amended by adding the following sub-section in sequential order: b) Civic, Financial Services, Convenience Store, Personal Repair Services, Personal Services, Professional Services, Business Services and Office Uses are permitted specifically on the site formed by following parcels: Lot 21 Block 6 District Lot 398 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 155; Lot 22 Block 6 District Lot 398 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 155; Lot B District Lot 398 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 16366; Lot C, Except Part in Plan LMP14886, District Lot 398 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 16366. 3. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 21 Block 6 District Lot 398 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 155; Lot 22 Block 6 District Lot 398 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 155; Lot B District Lot 398 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 16366; Lot C, Except Part in Plan LMP14886, District Lot 398 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 16366; and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1812 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , 20. READ a second time the day of , 20. PUBLIC HEARING held the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 APPROVED by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure this day of , 20 ADOPTED, the day of ,20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 2~ <X) <X) "' "' "' <X) 0 0.. C') 0.. 0.. LU 2 ...J ID N " 0) ID 0.. LU // ,-: (J) N N N ID N -a; ID 0.. LU N ~ ~ ro a.. 0 ~ g: A LMP39631 LMS3814 1:., '/,"'' / < ~ /scp 32783 (lease) ~ / LMP 48604 ~ 11665111667 '°0 BCS2550 LMP 17221 t Pd. "1" // BCP 32782 (lease) 1-= = _JI ~-"/ / ~11 " 0 BCS3442 RP 83100 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ Rem 30 29 28 P155 11739 Rem Rem 6 7 8 ~ ~ P155 11683 P1152 <~~ 'O '3>? 1;,-i. \<';. ~'.ii <!J P155 (.) aJ .s>-1;, "'"'"' "' I\ ..,. 0. 4 5 \1 2 ...J ~ ~ A 0, P76188 ~ g: CALLAGHAN AVE. - - - -EP597 Pd.A ID 121 ~I 2 :31 P59 18 4 ~ 31 2 3 0, ~ 0, ;::! :G t-.<0 "' "'"' ~ ~ "'"' "'"' LMS3297 116AVE. 128 l{) 15 l{) 11587 a.. 14 11575 99 0 NORTH AVE. BCP 14057 N 44 11746 s 44 11740 "' r--"' r--;.JRe Ren& ~Re 45 "'46 47 a.. ~ 48 . ,,. :g Rem ~Re 49 50 P155 ~ 117 AVE. "' "' ,,. -st "' :g .., "' i:l ~ "' .., .., .., g: g: g: ~ g: 27 26 25 1 C'l 22 21 a.. p 55 :5 P155 11710 P 155 ~ EPP52747 Ol A 13 ~ co 12 14 ti ~ EPP 521 ~ "' (I)" "' --.., s~ "' -g: ~ EPP 52746 RP53523 _I LMP 14886 Rem ~ ~ ~ C (0 .., 11664 (0 g: g: g: 11654 (0 22 21 20 19 B a.. p 5 P82887 p 55 ~ RemA 11 1~12 13 14 d'u: ,._ '""' 1:;: "' :g "'~ ~-a, ~g ;i; t-."' LU .., R RK E ~ "'"' g: g: "'"' CALLAGHAN AVE. Rem1 ~ -<> EPP34022 ,<:, <i' <t;, ~ ~ ~ ~ f/j EPp36135 ~ d'u: % MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. From: To: MAPLE RIDGE Br1t1sh Columb1a 7584-2019 1812 C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) RS-1 (One Famiy Urban Residential) RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) BCP 17933 P 51411 11743 Rem 105 ,,. 19 / t-. .., g: 11715 20 11697/ 18 16 7 17 B A LMP18 LMS683 N,/\/S3 6 N SCALE 1:2,500 ~ 1 ·· w ~· Cl:'. ~ I-~ Cl) - ('() N N ST. ANNE AVENUE 254'·2" LANE ~- u:il )> -0 -0 m z II F.ADAB ARCHITECTS INC. 11l0.1000R00SEVELTCRESCEHT NORTHVANCOWER,BC V7P 3R~ lEl..:{60()!187.JD03 F1'X:(~)987.J0ll E~.tA11..:ml1@munlgoJ111daluom ,r~d:-~:r.cr~..:.~1 :::rt/,:.:L~"!ru!t hllplffllilom.41hfonnollonlhoonor,U,.,ho"9lr lor lho unollh11opoctrcproj,dMy m<l•l nol b1 nad,lh.,. .. •llhcu!orill"'p"""...:a\fn;rn lhioof!'a. Cult,od°""•l..;Jy...,d b1,.,p<mblob-all """"'lc:nl""lh,)>b.Thiiomo,1ll b1 lnfonno<f ol 1111J ifilt1tp4ll<i.crldocrilt:,;mlho,n1111dllrolng. lb ... dtsJa11 &:ieumtn1,or1 prr,ortdiol"J tr lh1 u••1 ll11porty,ilh 1hi:mU.1dn91prolnoiordhooontnd l,,to o eo1tr11<\andlhncn noropmtfllalkinlol ;~~ m: ... ~,p~i~j:, t:~;r:1:..i ""JJ0:1 ·llh 1tonclnKt .11.IHJ l!SUDrn.CIYl('l'D' IE'<ISIOIISAICIAOtnO!IAl ~!"0!~1Wl!lf"l!l!l[Zt11,1i,:;IJ'f'\J~IDI RCVBOIIS00/.00111DHAl tlfll'UU,IDl ftl~!!!ZOMIIGIIA.JtAID! OA.1E l~/ISSUJI PROJECT TITLE: 11 654, 11664 223RD ST & 22328, 22340 ST ANN AVE MAPLE RIDGE FOR: PACIFIC VISION DEVELOPMENT INC 8221 157TH STREET SURREY B.C. V4NOS2 DRAWING TITLE: 1 ST FLOOR PLAN lla,-19 >--------<A-2.3 0 j l'"u'""'"u _, I I >< 0 ..,.. ·-. -... :rn·;,r: I'! ,. ,·' i City of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council MEETING DATE: March 24, 2020 FILE NO: 2019-392-RZ FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Co W SUBJECT: First Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7627-2020 22904, 22910 and 22922 Dewdney Trunk Road EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject properties, located at 22904, 22910 and 22922 Dewdney Trunk Road, from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to CD-2-20 (Comprehensive Development), to permit the future construction of an apartment building with commercial as part of the ground floor. This application was recently deferred at the February 11, 2020 Council meeting. The deferred application was proposing a 119 unit, five-storey apartment building with a proposed floor area of 7,246 m2 (78,002 ft2) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 2.37. The allowable FSR in the RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zone is 1.8. Under the previous proposal, the applicant would exceed the maximum permitted density of 1.8 FSR; therefore, the density bonus provisions would apply. Council had suggested the applicant consider the addition of commercial at this location, as part of the subject development. Discussions with the applicant have suggested they are willing to explore this option by including a couple of ground-floor commercial units. Council had also suggested an increase in height to six storeys, which the applicant is also willing to explore. The addition of these two requests may require additional density and constraints to parking, possibly requiring further density bonusing and variances to the Off-Street Parking and Loading Amending Bylaw. Should first reading to the subject application be granted, staff would work with the applicant on the above mentioned items, which will then be outlined in a future report to Council. Pursuant to Council policy, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution Program at a rate of $3,100.00 per apartment dwelling unit. Should the applicant propose any additional density, the Density Bonus provisions may apply. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. In respect of Section 475 of the Local Government Act, requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically: i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan; ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iv. First Nations; v. Boards of Education, Greater Boards and Improvements District Boards; and vi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies. 1103 2019-392-RZ Page i of 5 and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the City's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment, and; 2. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7627-2020 be given first reading; and 3. That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules A, C, D and E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Legal Descriptions: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: 2019-392-RZ Billard Architecture Inc. Lot 220 Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 57165; Lot 229 Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 58011; and Parcel "One" (Explanatory Plan 13671) Except: Part Road on Plan 80199; of Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 13362) Lot 3 Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 13178 Urban Residential Commercial RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) CD-2-00 (Comprehensive Development) Commercial C-2 (Community Commercial) and CS-1 (Service Commercial) Commercial Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Commercial, Service Station CS-1 (Service Commercial) Commercial Vacant Commercial and Apartment 0.33 ha (0.8 acres) Rear Lane Urban Standard Page 2 of 5 b) Site Characteristics: The subject properties, located at 22904, 22910 and 22922 Dewdney Trunk Road (see Appendices A and B), are located south of Dewdney Trunk Road, east of Burnett Street and west of 230 Street. The subject properties are located outside of the Town Centre Area Plan. Consolidation of the subject properties will be a condition of final reading, which will have a combined area of approximately 0.33 ha (0.8 acres). All three lots are currently vacant, relatively flat, and have a combination of grasses, shrubs and trees located throughout each property. c) Project Description: The previous conceptual design details included bridging the current mid-century style of the adjacent single family homes to an apartment building design that will use modern materials and other forms inspired by new residential development within the community. The building is proposed to be stepped back at the third storey, along the southern elevation, providing both natural light for the outdoor courtyard space and to limit the,impact on those adjacent single family lots to the south. The proposed building would still contain a mix of studio, one, two and three bedroom units. Residential parking will be located in two underground parking levels and accessed via a rear lane from Burnett Street. Commercial access and parking would be determined prior to second reading in the applicant's revised design. Another suggestion from Council at the February 11, 2020 Council meeting was to include better use and greening of the roof space. The applicant is aware of this suggestion, and will consider these design elements in a future design plan. At this time the current application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the Official Community Plan (OCP) and provide a land use assessment only. Detailed review and comments will need to be made once full application packages have been received. A more detailed analysis and further reports will be required prior to second reading. Such assessment may impact proposed lot boundaries and yields, OCP designations and Bylaw particulars, and may require application for further development permits. d) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The subject properties are located along Dewdney Trunk Road, where the OCP currently designates the subject properties Urban Residential, and development of the properties are subject to the Major Corridor infill policies of the OCP. The Major Corridor policies identify the various types of housing forms which are encouraged along major road corridors to include: single detached dwellings, duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, townhouses, apartments, and small lot intensive residential developments. These policies require that development be compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood, with particular attention given to site design, setbacks, and lot configuration with the existing pattern of development in the area. An OCP amendment would be required to re-designate the subject properties from Urban Residential to Commercial should the applicant proceed with any commercial units for the subject application. This would bring the commercially designated land east from the existing Husky Gas Station, located on the corner of Burnett Street and Dewdney Trunk Road, to include the subject properties (see Appendix B). 2019-392-RZ Page 3 of 5 Zoning Bylaw: The applicant, prior to Council's deferral, had proposed to rezone the three subject properties from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) to allow for a five-storey building with approximately 119 units. This proposal included a mix of studio, one, two and three bedroom units. The maximum floor space ratio permitted in the RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zone is 1.8 FSR; however, the applicant was proposing an increase in density to 2.37 FSR. Council had suggested that the applicant consider the addition of commercial at this location, as part of the subject development. Discussions with the applicant have indicated they are willing to explore this option by including a couple of ground floor commercial units. Under this scenario, the applicant could rezone the three subject properties from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to CD-2-20 (Comprehensive Development) to allow an apartment building with some ground floor commercial. Council had also suggested an increase in height to six storeys, which the applicant is also willing to explore; however, parking variances may be required based on increased residential and commercial units. Details of FSR and required bonus density contribution will be determined before proceeding to second reading. If parking variances and any further variances arising from subsequent design work require a Development Variance Permit Application, they would be included in a future report to Council. Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.5 of the OCP, a Commercial Development Permit application is required to address the current proposal's compatibility with adjacent development, and to enhance the unique character of the community. Advisory Design Panel: A Commercial Development Permit is required and must be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel prior to second reading. Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting is required for this application. Prior to second reading, the applicant is required to host a Development Information Meeting in accordance with Council Policy 6.20. e) Interdepartmental Implications: In order to advance the current application, after first reading, comments and input, will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; b) Operations Department; c) Fire Department; d) Building Department; e) Parks Department; f) School District; g) Utility companies; h) Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; i) Ministry of Environment; and j) Canada Post. The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary, as the application progresses, to liaise with agencies and/or departments not listed above. 2019-392-RZ Page4 of 5 This application has not been forwarded to the Engineering Department for comments at this time; therefore, an evaluation of servicing and site access requirements have not been undertaken. We anticipate that this evaluation will take place between first and second reading. f) Early and Ongoing Consultation: In respect of Section 4 75 of the Local Government Act for consultation during an OCP amendment, it is recommended that no additional consultation is required beyond the early posting of the proposed OCP amendments on the City's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment. g) Development Applications: In order for this application to proceed the following information must be provided, as required by Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999 as amended: 1. An OCP Application (Schedule A); 2. A complete Rezoning Application (Schedule C); 3. A Commercial Area Development Permit Application (Schedule D); and 4. A Development Variance Permit Application (if variances are required) (Schedule E); The above list is intended to be indicative only, other applications may be necessary as the assessment of the proposal progresses. CONCLUSION: The development proposal is in compliance with the policies of the OCP. Justification has been provided to support an OCP amendment to expand the Commercial designation to the subject property. It is, therefore, recommended that Council grant first reading subject to additional information being provided and assessed prior to second reading. "Original signed by Adam Rieu" Prepared by: Adam Rieu Planning Technician "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services "Original signed by Al Horsman" Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7627-2020 Appendix D -Site Plan (from deferred report) Appendix E -Rendering (from deferred report) 2019-392-RZ Page 5 of 5 ,5J 11.<IOV ,.,,~ 12092 12103 12120 12115 12090 12091 f-' 12110 12105 (/) "' N N 12080 12081 12094 12095 12070 12065 ;:: ~ 12078 a:, a:, 12087 "' "' -"' "' 53 12064 12055 PURDEYAVE. -12050 12041 12040 ~ 00 41 a:,"'"' a:, ~ ~~ .... O> "' 0 gi "' -"' 37 ~ ~ PURDEYAVE. -I =s 0, ~ "' -~ -~ ~ <o <o "' ~ <o <o ~ "' ~ "' "' "' "' "' ~ ~ f-9 (/) f-' "' (/) N f-N f-~ w -z 11954 O'. 3 ::, ID I-"' ~ ill -11960 ~ 11940 "' 0, "' 11920 ~ 11940 1-/ 11930 11935 -11920 11917 11900 -11910 r-11903 11900 f-' 11890 /J) "' 11887 N N 11880 11830 11868 11851 N Scale: 1 :2,500 APPENDIX A .. ,--r (/) 12120 12115 f-' 12114 0 12153 (/) "' w N 12116 w f-' 12105 (!) 12104 1215 (/) 12110 12107 12102 a, N N 121 12094 12095 12094 12073 12092 12085 1 12084 12067 12084 O> ~ ~ ~ 12057 12064 12074 23013 12064 12053 23011 / 0 ~ 0 0 0 0~ 12056 ~~ 0 "' '" ... "' ... 0, O> 0, O> O> O>"' 12041 ~ ~ ~ "' "' "' 0, "' "' "'~ 12048 l {r "i 12036 12022 ~ ;:: .... "' "' SUBJECT PROPERTIES I 0, 0, 0 ~ ~ '" \ "' i ~ "' "' O> O> ~ "' "' "' 0, ~ 0 0 O> 0, 0, ~ ~ ~ FULLER AVE. ~ O> ~ 11931 11932 11921 11922 11912 11911 11902 11901 11898 11891 11888 11881 11878 11869 11868 I DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD '\ / <o ... "' <ii ;:!: ... ... gJ ;i; "' "' 0, ... 0 0, O> 0, O> O> 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "' ~ ~ 0 "' ~ f-' 0 (/) ~ 0 "' 11975 N f---JJ.2§.L 11980 11955 11951/53 '" O> .j/ -"' "' ~ zy O> O> ~ "' "' 11949 11950 11832/11976 "' '" 0, ~ 11940 11937 11930 11927 11931 11920 11913 11921 11910 11911 11905 11900 11901 11895 11890 11891 11879 11830 11880 11881 11870 11869 f-' 11871 (/) w w 11860 11851 (!) 11861 ,<n<n '"" f-' '" PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1~1aa mapleridge.ca FILE: 2019-392-RZ DATE: Nov 15, 2019 BY:PC Scale: 1 :2,500 APPENDIX B 22904/10/22 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD PID'S: 005-703-018, 005-562-171 & 005-649-617 PLANNING DEPARTMENT .~11r1a FILE: 2019-392-RZ DATE: Nov 15, 2019 mapleridge.ca BY:PC ' ' f~ -f I : ! CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7627-2020 APPENDIXC A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7627-2020." 2. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Parcel "One" (Explanatory Plan 13671) Except: Part Road on Plan 80199 of Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 13362) Lot 3 Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 13178; Lot 220 Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 57165; Lot 229 Section 17 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 58011 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1833 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to CD-2-20 (Comprehensive Development). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of READ a second time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a third time the day of ADOPTED, the day of PRESIDING MEMBER , 20 ,20 ,20 , 20 , 20 CORPORATE OFFICER ,., '~ 7~VOv ~ l!) ~ ~7 0... 0... 316 12078 12055 20 317 / P4 804 12041 12040 ~ "' Cl) 19 318 &s Rem. ~ PURDEY AVE. 1 P 77489 <o ~ N N 1 (J) N N 260 261 LMP 42856 <o <o "' "' N f ~ ~ ) ~-oo _ /RW 15258 __ 11-(/) -0... f----- ----J ~ ~ '1l _J _J IL\ '86981 (!) "<j-N (\J 0... SCS 4014 A 11935 6 11917 7 11903 f-' (j) f-f-w z a'. ::::l m ij 120871 112084 -N Cl) N N I 284 12074 12067 PURDEY AVE. )12064 212053 ~ : ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~..,. 31 O 38 12041 N 1 N 2"' 3gj 4gj 5gj ~ 309 P32509 3130 I 8 S;: P 842f 1 p 450 . EP35748 1 l!)~lrr-~-~-~-~-~ m ~ I-: e,ce_.9~~--;;; ---m LMP 1505 fj SCP 22903 SCP 37415 I fi£p_41~Q_-:_ ~ I 1.5 LOT A I IIAII LOT 1 A 0) ~ "' "' BCP 38398 ~ ~ "' ~ r -0)-- --- --_:._ - -O)_ - -gJ BCP 22904 gJ SCP 9320 / BCP 30861 P 84291 <o ~ "' "' g: 1 P 68237 158 157 11960 LMP 2449 LMP 2409 Rem 66 11940 65 11930 64 11920 63 11910 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD RW 80199 LMP 43981 ..,. a N <o ..,. N ..,. a -.--~ N "' ..,. LO <o OJ I'-OJ l!) Cl) 0) OJ 0) OJ ~ N N "' "' "' "' (!) "' (!) "' "' "' N "' (') .,.... .,.... I'-0... l!) w 0... p 8011 P 57~ 91 ..,. ..,. ..,. i-.... ~ ~ ~ ~ gi gj Rem (X) 215 216 ~ P 56t:20 0... J-----~-1-19_7_5-i Rem. 220 229 230 231 223 224 Pel 1 RW 1~ 258 -" -218 217 -P43 788 45 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 (J) 11955 (!) 11951/53 LO Cl) ~ "' 0) OJ ~ (\J 44 a a -N N "' (!) 0) Cl) 0) 0) OJ 0) RJ (\J N N N N "' N rv 149 N N N N "' N LL 11949 FULLER AVE. 43 11950 "' "' "' OJ 102~ "' ~ 69 109 0) 148 "' 8 "' N "' 11940 (') 11937 1.1930 co ..... (X) "<j-11927 70 101 110 147 t--(') ~ .,.... 11931 11932 11931 0... 7 11920 0... 71 100 111 146 11913 11921 11922 11921 11910 6 99 112 145 72 11912 11911 11905 11911 (J) (X) 5 "<j-(X) 11900 ~~ 98 I'-~113 144 --~ 0 en r MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. From: To: 7627-2020 1833 RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) CD-2-20 (Comprehensive District) ~ P 24, 12064 P 20f 30 12056 12048 f----2 12036 f----3 12022 '---'-BCP 5567 ,---f-' (j) 0 01 N (SCP p /R ~ ..,.<1'. a-a () ~o... E (J) O'.'. t--Pel. 11982 11980 Pel.: -11832/ ~-= 6 MAPLE RIDGE N Bnt1sh Columbia SCALE 1:2,000 ,, 1;''gas ® volve O~,':."hole •" DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD i ~~cso,e 1 o/';p catch o,"'4, <;,°' ,,.,">a '\c; •.i'.' <o leldowr1 1' '"' bos,n \.: «°'· letdown \.: l<C}· gL•tlerline •f 1<°'":J ts'\ ,;} '\"> "'"' sleel <; 9J ":i ,.o,· 1,0,· 1-°' 1<0,· olid 1<0,0, s,dewolk. <;()::; (<o,~ 1 1 ,. 'j o,':"' ,p,'Y. I< :(1)·'' PROPOSED BUILDING GEODETIC ELEVATION= 16.3,5' (49,8Jm) BUILDING ElEVATION"' 100'-D" FlOOR AND ROOF ELEVATIONS; PMl<ADE P2 DP -82'-10" 1~6.4') PARKADE Pl DP -91'-4" 15+.10') FIRST FLOOR 100'-D" 163.5'l SECOND FLOOR -110'-0" 173.5' lH!RD FLOOR 120'-0" !83.5' FOURTH. FLOOR -130'-0" Hl3.5' flfTH FLOOR 140'-0" 203.5' ROOF 1so·-o· 21.3.5' ,o "' 230 fl / .;: 'l''·'"· PLAN 68237 1' .a~,d ,_ (Husky Gos Stal1on) / '-.._L :_.,/' n , #22882 "' ,,_o, )1 " :'"t'~ I'~· I f i ll., ;;,. · IFGAI DESCRIPTION· 22904 DEWDNEY lRUNK RO. MAPLE RIDGE, BC SEC17,1WP l2.NWD,PLNWF'U17a 22910 DEWDNEY TRUNK RD. MAPLE RIDGE, BC Lf2W.SEC17,1WPl2,IIWD.Plll\1/P57165 22922 DEWDNEY TRUNK RD, W\Plf RIDGE, BC LT2.29,51'.C!7,1WP12,NWD,Plll\1/P58011 0 O f" • i.°'..._o, J//. , ,:5 (: i 1 . 1,0,? t ,,-1 , 1 t,, ' ).3il ,o ( !'"~o de1 .. d I t · ·.1'':"·:· o' l , \ jl:,"·'" \ ')'9 -0, 1 ~;', •• V '< ,o· o' !'• , ' "' t-~ I . :10'_;. [m;,l~mmJ ~ C-,,) ' ,' , .y,'""'.,· 156 .,, ,o -------, I [L))jf0ffl00l!4A!IM ! L __ 1 I ~- I I LJ)j[OffUlOll____1 l:£"'~~ i1 'l' l g_ 90' . ~ i11 ," ~ i,.o, " 24.384 •" l·°'' f~nooR-r_J I ,-_J I I 155 L U~[Qffll)OR r-,_ e' \, \,.O,• /\ I L-, I I ,iPf 0P0S~Rl9 LANE -E"Xl STfN-GLAN'E:--ov~~~!~PEJ!l'(LiWt" ">"' 3.048rn wide (UNCONSTRUCTED) .,a ,, ,o· SITE PLAN 154 1.00) 3/32"=1'-0" 153 ,,, ,a· )> -0 -0 m z 0 X 0 [,'] ~.::~~,;r~~.';.~~ .. l'RO!'OnJEDW"HOUTPR"R 11<scm'"''""'""""'"L.L.""''w,.,•oacu.,,"'" ,oa """'""'"'"'E wm, """""~"" oY~~W• "''" Si«u-.a-.,••111a••cr1nec,a ~'""'"luCRSrMIC:,,. t,1cCOW11•u<:>CIIOl"'--L.C!EC<-Ve>1ll"<ML DI•«m,ou,moaePO/lJAl.LlaRROS~""°O"luS""" meoomTRL<CTORJ.NON«P.,..OSll!IJOOTH"' DIIM/J!KIFOnl"FO!ll',\110~,.,,.~,,, .. ..,,oncrEaTO ONO.STR\ICl\OAAL•D:-ICA<,SPRt"KLrn L'.L=nu~u:coo,eE"'101<11lnlonocs,c" D1"C:l'U1,"COMWoNC:.S,os1wo,iw.1n~RW.T""'W sn·~; #-701-625 Fifth Avenue New Westminster, B.C. Can21de. V3M1X4 (604)619-0529 J11fo@billardarchltec:!ure.ca www.billardarchilec:t.ire.c:e DEWDNEY TRUNK 22904,22910, 22922 DEWDNEY TRUNK MAPLE RIDGE, BC SITE PLAN ~ ~ A1.00 DEWDNEY TRUNK RD 22904-22922 DEWDNEY TRUNK RD MAPlE RIDGE, BRITISH COLUMBIA BA ----~...,. r: ';;-;7"...,.:-T---·--- )> ""C ""C rn z 0 >< rn <Xl [§~ IIMIHUl@I British Columbia , mapleridge .. ca City of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council MEETING DATE: March 24, 2020 FILE NO: 2018-159-RZ FROM: SUBJECT: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C o W First and Second Reading Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No.7624-2020; Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 463-2018; 24331110 Avenue and 24315 110 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to rezone the subject properties located at 24331110 Avenue and 24315 110 Avenue from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential), with a density bonus, to permit a future subdivision of approximately 19 lots. Council granted first reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No 7 463-2018 and considered the early consultation requirements for the Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment on June 26, 2018. The proposed RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential) zone utilizing the Density Bonus wil! allow the development of RS-ib (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) sized single family lots of 557m2• The proposed zone and Density Bonus complies with the policies of the Official Community Plan (OCP). However, an amendment to the OCP is required to adjust the areas designated Low Density Residential and to amend the Conservation boundary. In order to achieve the Density Bonus provision and have RS-ib (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) zone sized lots a Density Bonus contribution of approximately $55,800.00 will be required. Pursuant to Council Policy, this application is subject to the City-wide Community Amenity Contribution Program at a rate of $5,100.00 per single family lot, for an estimated amount of $86,700.00. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) That, in accordance with Section 475 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7624-2020 on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting (DIM), and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; 2) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7624-2020 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 3) That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7624-2020 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 1104 2018-159-RZ Page 1 of 7 4) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7624-2020 be given first and second readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 5) That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 463-2018 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 6) That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii. Adoption of Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7624-2020 to amend Schedule "A", Chapter 10.2 Albion Area Plan, Schedule 1: Albion Area Plan, Figure 1: Northeast Albion and Schedule "C"; iii. Road dedication on 110th Avenue as required; iv. Design and construction of a sanitary sewer pump station, which requires the acquisition of land to facilitate the sanitary pump station at the sole cost of the applicant. This requirement must be filled to the City satisfaction; v. Park dedication as required, including construction of walkways; and removal of all debris and garbage from park land to the City's satisfaction; vi. Submission of a site grading and storm water management plan to the City's satisfaction; vii. Registration of·a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject properties for the proposed development; viii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the protection of the Environmentally Sensitive areas (wetlands) on the subject properties; ix. Registration of a Statutory Right-of-Way plan and agreement for infrastructure; x. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Tree Protection, and Stormwater Management; xi. Consolidations of the subject properties; xii. Removal of existing buildings; xiii. In addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject properties; and if so, a Stage 1 Site· investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject properties is not a contaminated site; xiv. That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $86,700.00 ($5,100 per lot X 17 lots) be provided in keeping with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions; and xv. Payment of the Density Bonus provision of the RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential), in the amount $55,800.00 ($3,100 per lot X 18 lots). 2018-159-RZ Page 2 of7 DISCUSSION: 1) Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Properties: Proposed Use of Properties: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: 2) Project Description: Don Bowins Lot 5, Section 10, Township 12, New Westminister District Plan 7 408 and Lot 6, Section 10, Township 12, New Westminister District Plan Low Density Residential and Conservation RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential) with a Density Bonus through the Albion Community Amenity Program to achieve RS-1b (One Family Urban(Medium Density) Residential) Vacant Land RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Conservation Rural Residential RS-3 (One Family Residential) Low Density Residential; Accessory building RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Low Density Residential and Conservation Rural Residential RS-3 (One Family Residential) Low Density Residential and Conservation Rural Residential Single Family Residential 1.97 HA. (4.86 acres) 110th Avenue Urban Standard The applicant has requested to rezone the subject properties from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential), with a Density Bonus. The RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential) zone, the base density is a minimum net lot area of 2,ooom2, minimum lot width of 30m, and a minimum lot depth of 40m. A Density Bonus is an option in the RS-1d (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential zone and shall be applied as follows: 2018-159-RZ Page 3 of 7 a. An Amenity Contribution of $3,100 per lot will be required in any subdivision containing one or more lots with an area of less than 2,ooom2. b. The maximum density permitted through the Density Bonus option is: i. minimum net lot area of 557m2; ii. minimum lot width of 14.0m; iii. minimum lot depth of 27m. c. Zoning requirements consistent with the RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) zone will apply and supersede the zoning requirements for the RS-id zone. The proposal consists of 19 lots amounting to a Density Bonus Contribution of approximately $55,800.00. As per Council direction, this application will also be subject to the City-wide Community Amenity Contribution Program which will require a contribution of $5,100.00 per lot. (Appendix E) This application is one of several along the 110th Avenue corridor all of which require the installation of a sanitary sewer pump station. The details and final location of the sanitary sewer pump station has not been finalized with Engineering. Until such time that Engineering is satisfied with the details of the sanitary sewer pump station being constructed under this application and other applications along this corridor the subject application cannot proceed beyond third reading. 3) Planning Analysis: i) Official Community Plan: The subject properties are located within the Albion Area Plan and is currently designated Low Density Residential and Conservation. The Low Density Residential designation corresponds with single detached residential development at a lot density urban standard with lot sizes at 2000m2 (half acre). Higher densities many be supportable in compliance with the Density Bonus Program regulations prescribed in the Zoning Bylaw and Albion Area Plan. The Conservation designation identifies ecologically sensitive lands that require protection in order to ensure that their health, diversity and integrity are maintained. They are considered to be of high environmental or geological sensitivity. Albion Plan Policy 10.2.2 is intended to meet the needs of the community and respond to changes in housing form and demand over time by enabling an additional means of providing neighbourhood amenities. The Albion Area Plan Community Amenity Program provides the opportunity for a Density Bonus within a number of zones identified with the Albion Zoning Matrix. Within these zones, 'bonus' density may be achieved through an Amenity Contribution toward community amenities that will be located within the boundaries of the Plan Area. The application is in compliance with OCP Amending Bylaw No. 6995-2013, that establishes the Density Bonus Program, and in compliance with the Zoning Bylaw, that permits a Density Bonus option in the Low Density Residential designation in the Albion Area Plan. The applicant intends to apply the Density Bonus option to this project, as discussed above in the Project Description. For the proposed development, an OCP amendment will be required to adjust the Low Density Residential designation and Conservation area boundary for protection of the natural features. (Appendix C) 2018-159-RZ Page4 of 7 ii) Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the properties located at 24331 and 24315 110th Avenue from RS-3 (One Family Residential) to RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential) with a Density Bonus, to permit future subdivision of 19 RS-1b One Family Urban (Medium Density) sized single family lots. The application of the Density Bonus, which is specific to the Albion Area Plan, will permit the application to reduce the single-family lot size from RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential base density of 2,000m2 to 557m2• A Density Bonus Contribution of $3,100 per lot for each lot that is less than 2,000m2 is required for a total of $55,800.00. As per Council direction, this application will also be subject to the City-wide Community Amenity Contribution Program and will result in a contribution of $86,700.00 based on $5,100.00 payable on 17 lots. iii) Proposed Variances: The applicant has not applied for any variances to facilitate the proposed subdivision layout. Any variances that maybe required to the RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential) zone will be subject of a future Council report. With the Density Bonus provision of the to RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential) zone, the RS-1b One Family Urban (Medium Density) zone siting requirements apply. iv) Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.10 of the OCP, a Natural Features Development Permit application is required for all development and subdivision activity or building permits for: • All areas designated Conservation on Schedule "B" or all areas within 50 metres of an area designated Conservation on Schedule "B"; • All lands with an average natural slope of greater than 15 percent; e All floodplain areas and forest lands identified on Schedule "C" to ensure the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of the natural environment and for development that is protected from hazardous conditions. v) Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting was held at Albion Elementary School Gym on November 28, 2019. There were 17 people in attendance. A summary of the main comments and discussions with the attendees was provided by the applicant as shown below in italics: Iii "The future road extension of Cameron Court to meet 112th Avenue will pass through rough terrain and will not be able to maintain the 30m setback from top of bank on Dunlop Creek. • Want the City to require you to complete the road and upgrade services between lots 4 and 5 to your north property line? Currently you are showing services ending on Road A. A w/m loops in addition to the one from 112th Ave will be required on the old guide plan." The applicant has not provided any response to the comments from the Developer Information Meeting. 2018-159-RZ Page 5 of 7 vi) Parkland Requirement: As there are more than two additional lots proposed to be created, the developer will be required to comply with the park dedication requirements of Section 510 of the Local Government Act prior to subdivision approval. For this project, there is sufficient land that is proposed to be dedicated as park on the subject properties and this land will be required to be dedicated as a condition of Final Reading. 4) Environmental Implications: The subject property is influenced by slopes; trees; and a water course. The applicant's Professional Environmental Professional has worked with the City's Environmental Section with respect to setbacks from Dunlop Creek and a habitat balance for the subject properties. 5) Interdepartmental Implications: i) Engineering Department: In order for the proposed development to be serviced by sanitary sewer, a sanitary pump station and forcemain are required to be constructed in addition to the gravity sewer main. The pump station will be constructed in a dedicated road ROW along the north side of 110 Avenue at the east end. The acquisition of the dedicated road and security for the construction of the pump station and the associated piping will a requirement of the applicant before adoption of Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 463-2018. At this current time there are several applications along the 110th Avenue corridor which require the pump station and associated sewer mains and, as a condition of zoning, the full cost of these works is being secured by each of these applicants individually. Once constructed the pump station and required sewer mains will be reviewed under the City's Excess or Extended Service and Latecomer Payments Policy (Policy No.: 9.11) . . ii) Parks & Leisure Services Department: The Long Term Multipurpose Trail Plan Figure 5 of the OCP, identifies a trail through the subject property as identified on Appendix "F". iii) Fire Department: The applicant will be required to install City fire hydrants on the proposed street to service these properties. The number and location of these fire hydrants will be reviewed through the civil design submission to the Engineering Department. 6) School District No. 42 Comments: Pursuant to Section 476 of the Local Government Act, consultation with School District No. 42 is required at the time of preparing or amending the OCP. A referral was sent to School District No. 42 a copy of the response is attached as Appendix G. 2018-159-RZ Page 6 of 7 7) Intergovernmental Issues: i) local Government Act: An amendment to the OCP requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 477 of the Local Government Act. The amendment required for this application, (insert amendment), is considered to be minor in nature. It has been determined that no additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments. The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial Plan/Capital Plan and the Waste Management Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and determined to have no impact. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that first and second reading be given to OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7624-2020, that second reading be given to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 463-2018 and that application 2018-159-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. "Original signed by Wendy Cooper'i Prepared by: Wendy Cooper, M.Sc., MCiP, RPP Planner "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services "Original signed by Al Horsman" Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7624-2020 Appendix D -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 463-2018 Appendix E -Subdivision Plan Appendix F -Park Trail Appendix G-School District #42 2018-159-RZ Page 7 of 7 N Scale: 1 :2,500 Legend -stream -· Ditch Centreline -Edge of River - ---• Edge of Marsh -• Indefinite Creek -River Centreline -Lake or Reservoir f'·:::'!4 Marsh -River ~ Active Applications (RZISD/DPNP) <O ~ ~ ) I ' J \ \ I APPENDIX A 11011 110 AVE. 24315/31 110 AVENUE PID'S: 011-220-473 & 011-220-465 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~,1,11• mapleridge.ca FILE: 2018-159-RZ DATE: Feb 25, 2020 BY:PC Scale: 1:4,740 APPENDIX 8 24315 & 24331 110 AVENUE PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ •• , •• FILE: 2018-159-SD DATE: Apr 19, 2018 mapleridge.ca BY: LP CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7624-2020 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 APPENDIX C WHEREAS Section 4 77 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Schedules "B" & "C" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7624-2020 2. Schedule "B" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 5 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 7 408 Lot 6 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 7 408 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1018, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby designated/amended as shown. 3. Schedule "C" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 5 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 7 408 Lot 6 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 7 408 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1019, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby amended by adding Conservation. 4. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of READ a second time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a third time the day of ADOPTED, the day of PRESIDING MEMBER ,20. ,20 ,20 , 20 ,20 CORPORATE OFFICER 110AVE. \ / \, RW67470 1 / RW67471 \\ ~ ,< ~ \ ti /I ' '\ ~ ),,_ RW67470 ;t // ~ RW67471 < :, \ \, \ \, I I I (, ~ '" ;t "' a '" ;t ~ ;t 110AVE. <o ~ ;t I ci: I ~I I a, ;;'.:I I as I I I I I I I I lµ...___-----j / RW 66747 / / a <o a >-' 11045 a: 1--------1 ~ 0 a: w :;; .. 0 11011 110 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. Purpose: From: To: MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia 7624-2020 1018 To Amend Albion Area Plan Schedule 1 Low Residential Residential Conservation 6 N SCALE 1:2,500 110AVE. " .,.,, RW67470 T / RW67471 \\ ;z \~ ~ \ ;I /I ' ,, ~ ),<_ RW67470~ // ~ RW67471 < :, \ ' \ ' I I I (, ~ ~ .., .., " " " " 110AVE. " <O Q .., " ~ .., ~ I o:: I ~I I !I I al I I I I I I I I I µ_._-------J / RW 66747 / / Q <O Q l:: r' 11045 O'. 1--------1 ~ 11011 0 O'. w ::, < <) 110 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. Purpose: MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia 7624-2020 1019 To Amend Schedule C As Shown c::::::J To Add To Conservation 6 N SCALE 1 :2,500 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7 463-2018 APPENDIX D A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 463-2018." 2. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 5 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 7 408 Lot 6 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 7 408 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1762 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 26th day of June, 2018. READ a second time the PUBLIC HEARING held the READ a third time the ADOPTED, the day of PRESIDING MEMBER day of day of day of ,20 ,20 , 20 ,20 CORPORATE OFFICER P43601 P809 EP 15693 30 31 gj ~ ~ ~ 110AVE. \ ....-'\ RW67470 T / RW67471 \~ --....._____1) 46 /7'--.... <.._< P67469 ~ \ 32 P43223 ;:: N ~ 33 ;;; N ~ "' "' N ),,_ RW 67470 ~ // // ( ~ RW67471 45 \ '\ P 67469 \ '\ I I I I (\/ /I --------\-----'\\ Rem1 P 7759 P 70647 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING 7463-2018 1762 PARK EPP94570 5 4 41 P62092 Bylaw No. Map No. From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) P7408 3 110AVE. 4 P7759 To: RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential) MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia ~I N ;¥1 3 0.. g1 I I I / RW 66747 / / P61 Re ~ P66748 32 11045 ,-: "' u z 0 "' w 33 :,; <( u 110 11011 6 N SCALE 1:2,500 APPENDIX E PROPOSED SUBDIVISION LAYOUT SUBJECT PROPERTY 0 ---~ --------· ------·----,•1' APPENDIX F TRAIL REQUIREMENT 0 0 SUBJECT PROPERTY C ' 2.5m wide 10mm gravel screenings 75mm(min) depth ~-250mm(min) level shoulder TYP. 75mm roadbase ~-- 150mm(min) depth 250 Finished grade adjacent to trail shall be 50mm below trail w/ all I r-adjacent native or existing 1·-,J~-,,.__v / planting restored to approval by w&~~~~,,~,~,~,~~""~~~~t;:;;;t:L . CMR Parks Nilex 4545 non-woven ~ geotextile to extend 150mm NOTES: -Each lift of roadbase shall be compacted to refusal with vibratory roller (min. 120 type) -Design longitudal slope shall be 12%. Slopes up to 15% may be accepted with prior City approval. -Provide culverts every 20m or as required. -Culverts and swales to direct water to natural drainages. -Trail layout to avoid significant trees and root zones. -Trail layout to be approved by City representative. past edge of trail Drainage swale and 0150mm culverts as required along uphill side of sloping site conditions undisturbed native subgrade w/ compaction of 95% SPD or 75mm pitrun to ensure firm load bearing subgrade compacted to 95% SPD ~ iihbidM91 . ~ 8 rh1'11Col umblc jssued· ~ title: PARKSIDE TRAIL STANDARD DETAIL ~ 1:10 drawn· CN checked: VR ~ Feb 0 1 , 201 9 Copyright reseNed. This drawing Is the property of the City of Maple Ridge and m ay not be used without the City's writte n permlsslon. Contractors s hall verify and be responsible for all dimensions on site. C!ty of Maple Ridge Parks department s hall be Informed of any changes made on site. she et no: I revisio n· APPENDIXG School District 42 Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow February 25, 2020 City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Attention: Wendy Cooper Dear Ms. Cooper: Re: File#: Legal: Location: From: To: 2018-159-RZ Lot 5, Section 10, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 7408 and Lot 6, Section 10, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 24331 and 24315 1101h Avenue RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-ld (One Family Urban (Half Acre) (Residential)) with a Density Bonus through the Albion Community Amenity Program to achieve RS-lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residentiai) The proposed application would affect the student population for the catchment areas currently served by Blue Mountain Elementary and Garibaldi Secondary School. Blue Mountain Elementary has an operating capacity of 291 students. For the 2019-20 school year the student enrolment at Blue Mountain Elementary is 282 students (97% utilization) including 104 students from out of catchment. Garibaldi Secondary School has an operating capacity of 1050 students. For the 2019-20 school year the student enrolment at Garibaldi Secondary School is 898 students (86% utilization) including 272 students from out of catchment. Si7f Flavia Coughlan Secretary Treasurer The Board of Education of School District No. 42 (Maple Ridge -Pitt Meadows) cc: Rick Delorme David Vandergugten School District No. 42 I Maple Ridge -Pitt Meadows 22225 Brown Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V2X 8N6 Phone: 604.463.4200 I Fax: 604.463.4181 I City of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council MEETING DATE: March 24, 2020 FILE NO: 2018-160-RZ FROM: SUBJECT: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: C o W First and Second Reading Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7625-2020; Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 464-2018; 24387 110 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: -, An application has been received to rezone the subject property located at 24387 110 Avenue from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential), with a density bonus, to permit a future subdivision of approximately 12 lots. Council granted first reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No 7 464-2018 and considered the early consultation requirements for the Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment on June 26, 2018. In order to achieve the Density Bonus provision and have RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) zone sized lots a Density Bonus contribution of approximately $37,200.00 will be required. Pursuant to Council Policy, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution Program at a rate of $5,100.00 per single family lot, for an estimated amount of $56,100.00. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) That, in accordance with Section 4 75 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7625-2020 on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting (DIM), and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; 2) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7625-2020 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 3) That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7625-2020 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4) That ~fficial Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7625-2020 be given first and second readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 5) That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 464-2018 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 1105 2018-160-RZ Page 1 of 7 1 !. 6) That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii) Adoption of Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7625-2020 to amend Schedule "A", Chapter 10.2 Albion Area Plan, Schedule 1: Albion Area Plan, Figure 1: Northeast Albion and Schedule "C"; iii) Road dedication on 110th Avenue as required; iv) Design and construction of a sanitary sewer pump station, which requires the acquisition of land to facilitate the sanitary pump station at the sole cost of the applicant. This requirement must be filled to the City satisfaction; v) Park dedication as required, including construction of walkways/multi-purpose trail; and removal of all debris and garbage from park land; i) Design and construction of a sanitary sewer pump station, which requires the acquisition of land to facilitate the sanitary pump station at the sole cost of the applicant. This requirement must be filled to the City satisfaction; ii) Park dedication as required, including construction of walkways; and removal of all debris and garbage from park land to the City's satisfaction; iii) Submission of a site grading and storm water management plan to the City's satisfaction; iv) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development; v) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the protection of the Environmentally Sensitive areas (wetlands) on the subject property; vi) Registration of a Statutory Right-of-Way plan and agreement for infrastructure; vii) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Tree Protection, and Stormwater Management; viii) Removal of existing building/s; ix) In addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. x) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $56,100.00 ($5,100.00 lot x 11 lots) be provided in keeping with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions. xi) Payment of the Density Bonus prov1s1on of the RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential), in the amount $37,200.00 ($3,100 per lot X 12 lots) 2018-160-RZ Page 2 of 7 DISCUSSION: 1) Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: 2) Project Description: Don Bowins Lot 3 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 7408 Low Density Residential and Conservation RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential) with a Density Bonus through the Albion Community Amenity Program to achieve RS-1b (One Family Urban(Medium Density) Residential) Vacant Land RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Conservation Rural Residential RS-3 (One Family Residential) Park Accessory building RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) Low Density Residential and Conservation Rural Residential RS-3 (One Family Residential) Low Density Residential and Conservation Rural Residential Single Family Residential 1.91 HA. (4.72 acres) 110th Avenue Urban Standard The applicant has requested to rezone the subject properties from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential), with a Density Bonus. The RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential) zone, the base density is a minimum net lot area of 2,000m2, minimum lot width of 30m, and a minimum lot depth of 40m. A Density Bonus is an option in the RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential zone and shall be applied as follows: a. An Amenity Contribution of $3,100 per lot will be required in any subdivision containing one or more lots with an area of less than 2,ooom2. 2018-160-RZ Page 3 of 7 b. The maximum density permitted through the Density Bonus option is: i. minimum net lot area of 557m2; ii. minimum lot width of 14.0m; iii. minimum lot depth of 27m. c. Zoning requirements consistent with the RS-ib (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) zone will apply and supersede the zoning requirements for the RS-id zone. The proposal consists of 12 lots amounting to a Density Bonus Contribution of approximately $37,200.00. As per Council direction, this application will also be subject to the City-wide Community Amenity Contribution Program which will require a contribution of $5,100.00 per lot. (Appendix E) This application is one of several along the 110th Avenue corridor all of which require the installation of a sanitary sewer pump station. The details and final location of the sanitary sewer pump station has not been finalized with Engineering. Until such time that Engineering is satisfied with the details of the sanitary sewer pump station being constructed under this application and other applications along this corridor the subject application cannot proceed beyond third reading. 3) Planning Analysis: i) Official Community Plan: The subject properties are located within the Albion Area Plan and is currently designated Low Density Residential and Conservation. The Low Density Residential designation corresponds with single detached residential development at a lot density urban standard with lot sizes at 2ooom2 (half acre). Higher densities many be supportable in compliance with the Density Bonus Program regulations prescribed in the Zoning Bylaw and Albion Area Plan. The Conservation designation identifies ecologically sensitive lands that require protection in order to ensure that their health, diversity and integrity are maintained. They are considered to be of high environmental or geological sensitivity. Albion Plan Policy 10.2.2 -is intended to meet the needs of the community and respond to changes in housing form and demand over time by enabling an additional means of providing neighbourhood amenities. The Albion Area Plan Community Amenity Program provides the opportunity for a Density Bonus within a number of zones identified with the Albion Zoning Matrix. Within these zones, 'bonus' density may be achieved through an Amenity Contribution toward community amenities that will be located within the boundaries of the Plan Area. The application is in compliance with OCP Amending Bylaw No. 6995-2013, that establishes the Density Bonus Program, and in compliance with the Zoning Bylaw, that permits a Density Bonus option in the Low Density Residential designation in the Albion Area Plan. The applicant intends to apply the Density Bonus option to this project, as discussed above in the Project Description. For the proposed development, an OCP amendment will be required to adjust the Low Density Residential designation and Conservation area boundary for protection of the natural features. (Appendix C) 2018-160-RZ Page 4 of 7 ii) Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the property located at 24387 110th Avenue from RS-3 (One Family Residential) to RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential) with a Density Bonus, to permit future subdivision of 12 RS-ib One Family Urban (Medium Density) sized single family lots. The application of the Density Bonus, which is specific to the Albion Area Plan, will permit the application to reduce the single-family lot size from RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential base density of 2,000m2 to 557m2. A Density Bonus Contribution of $3,100 per lot for each lot that is less than 2,000m2 is required for a total of $37,200.00. As per Council direction, this application will also be subject to the City-wide Community Amenity Contribution Program and will result in a contribution of $56,100.00 based on $5,100.00 payable on 11 lots. iii) Proposed Variances: The applicant has not applied for any variances to facilitate the proposed subdivision layout Any variances that maybe required to the RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential) zone will be subject of a future Council report. With the Density Bonus provision of the to RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential) zone, the RS-1b One Family Urban (Medium Density) zone siting requirements apply. iv) Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.10 of the OCP, a Natural Features Development Permit application is required for all development and subdivision activity or building permits for: " All areas designated Conservation on Schedule "B" or all areas within 50 metres of an area designated Conservation on Schedule "B"; " All lands with an average natural slope of greater than 15 percent; • All floodplain areas and forest lands identified on Schedule "C" to ensure the preservation, protection, restoration and enhancement of the natural environment and for development that is protected from hazardous conditions. v) Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting was held at Albion Elementary School Gym on November 28, 2019. There were 17 people in attendance. A summary of the main comments and discussions with the attendees was provided by the applicant as shown below in italics: ® "The future road extension of Cameron Court to meet 112th Avenue will pass through rough terrain and will not be able to maintain the 30m setback from top of bank on Dunlop Creek. • Want the City require you to complete the road and upgrade services between lots 4 and 5 to your north property line? Currently you are showing services ending on Road A A w/m loops in addition to the one from 112th Ave will be required on the old guide plan. " The applicant has not provided any response to the comments from the Developer Information Meeting. 2018-160-RZ Page 5 of 7 vi) Parkland Requirement: As there are more than two additional lots proposed to be created, the developer will be required to comply with the park dedication requirements of Section 510 of the Local Government Act prior to subdivision approval. For this project, there is sufficient land that is proposed to be dedicated as park on the subject property and this land will be required to be dedicated as a condition of Final Reading. 4) Environmental Implications: The subject property is influenced by slopes; trees; and a water course. The applicant's Professional Environmental Professional has worked with the City's Environmental Section with respect to setbacks from Dunlop Creek and a habitat balance for the subject properties. 5) Interdepartmental Implications: i) Engineering Department: In order for the proposed development to be serviced by sanitary sewer, a sanitary pump station and forcemain are required to be constructed in addition to the gravity sewer main. The pump station will be constructed in a dedicated road ROW along the north side of 110 Avenue at the east end. The acquisition of the dedicated road and security for the construction of the pump station and the associated piping will a requirement of the applicant before adoption of Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 464-2018. At this current time there are several applications along the 110th Avenue corridor which require the pump station and associated sewer mains and, as a condition of zoning, the full cost of these works is being secured by each of these applicants individually. Once constructed the pump station and required sewer mains will be reviewed under the City's Excess or Extended Service and Latecomer Payments Policy (Policy No.: 9.11). ii) Parks & Leisure Services Department: The Long Term Multipurpose Trail Plan Figure 5 of the OCP, identifies a trail through the subject property as identified iii) Fire Department: The applicant will be required to install City fire hydrants on the proposed street to service these properties. The number and location of these fire hydrants will be reviewed through the civil design submission to the Engineering Department. 6) School District No. 42 Comments: Pursuant to Section 476 of the Local Government Act, consultation with School District No. 42 is required at the time of preparing or amending the OCP. A referral was sent to School District No. 42 a copy of the response is attached as Appendix G. 2018-160-RZ Page 6 of 7 7) Intergovernmental Issues: i) Local Government Act: An amendment to the OCP requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 477 of the Local Government Act. The amendment required for this application, a revision of the Conservation boundary, is considered to be minor in nature. It has been determined that no additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments. The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial Plan/Capital Plan and the Waste Management Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and determined to have no impact. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that first and second reading be given to OCP Amending Bylaw No 7625-2020, that second reading be given to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 464-2018 and that application 2018-160-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. "Original signed by Wendy Cooper" Prepared by: Wendy Cooper, M.Sc., MC!P,RPP Planner "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services "Original signed by Al Horsman" Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7625-2020 Appendix D -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 464-2018 Appendix E -Subdivision Plan Appendix F -Park Trail Appendix G-School District #42 2018-160-RZ Page 7 of 7 APPENDIX A Legend 24387 110 AVENUE -stream -· Ditch Centreline -Edge of River PLANNING DEPARTMENT ----· Edge of Marsh -• Indefinite Creek N -River Centreline -Lake or Reservoir f. ,,·,:;J Marsh mapleridge.ca -River -Major Rivers & Lakes Scale: 1 :4,740 FILE: 2018-160 DA TE: May 22, 2018 BY: LP N Scale: 1 :2,500 Legend -Stream - -Indefinite Creek ~ Marsh -River -Major Rivers & Lakes APPENDIX B 24387 110 Avenue 2018-160-RZ DATE: Apr 20, 2018 BY:JV CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7625-2020 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 APPENDIXC WHEREAS Section 4 77 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Schedules "B" & "C" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7625-2020 2. Schedule "B" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 3 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 7 408 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1020, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby designated/amended as shown. 3. Schedule "C" is hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 3 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 7 408 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1021, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby amended by adding Conservation. 4. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of READ a second time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a third time the day of ADOPTED, the day of PRESIDING MEMBER ,20. ,20 ,20 , 20 , 20 CORPORATE OFFICER ,, ~ '/.'---RW 67470 ;/; RW 67471 ~ ;/; "' C <') ;/; <O "' <') ;/; ;;; 0, <O <') <') ;/; ;/; 110AVE. "' " <') ;/; ~I I !al'I I a. ~I I I I I I I I I I-'------; / " ., <') ... "' <o gi ;/; RW 66747 / / / 11045 11011 ,-: 0: 0 z 0 0: w :; <( 0 11040 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. Purpose: From: To: MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia 7625-2020 1020 To Amend Albion Area Plan Schedule 1 Low Residential Residential Conservation 6 N SCALE 1:2,500 ~ ;:; 0, <o "' "' "' ,,. ,,. ~ "' "' 110AVE. N "' 0 <o "' "' .... ~ "' "' ~ ~ ,, ~ ' ~ ~ '-' RW 67470 "' RW 67471 <D ,;;I I ~I I [l_ ~I I I I I I I I I / .... "" "' ~ "' " "' ~ • RW 66747 / / / 11045 11011 t-' Q'. u z 0 Q'. UJ :; <( u 11040 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. Purpose: MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia 7625-2020 1021 To Amend Schedule C As Shown c::::J To Add To Conservation 6 N SCALE 1:2,500 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7 464-2018 APPENDIX D A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 464-2018." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 3 Section 10 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 7 408 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1763 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 26th day of June, 2018. READ a second time the PUBLIC HEARING held the READ a third time the ADOPTED, the day of PRESIDING MEMBER day of day of day of , 20 ,20 ,20 ,20 CORPORATE OFFICER A EP 15693 33 3 "'\ ~ ,;·L RW6747011; / RW 67471 45 P 408 6 Rem1 P7759 P70647 RemA EP30021 PARK EPP94570 5 4 41 P62092 ;;o; "' " "' I I I I I I I 3 110 ..... ___ .. 4 "' " " " "' P 61001 3 / RW 66747 / / / P66748 32 11045 33 11011 2 P 852 P61001 Rem1 g ~ ,-; P66748 0: u z 0 34 0: w :,; <( u 11040 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. From: To: MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia 7464-2018 1763 RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-1d (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential) 26 6 P5 P 61001 2 35 27 P13199 7 6 N SCALE 1:2,500 ,, ,. ~ ..... ... • .... .. ·-·"i \ \ I PROPOSED LAYOUT APPENDIX E SUBJECT PROPERTY \ \ \ \ \ \ ,. ' F [--~ TRAIL REQUIREMENT APPENDIXF I~ SUBJECT PROPERTY .. -~ ~? ~·110 A'{ENUE ~, ~· ..... ~ . . . . . . -.. ' ·- 2.5m wide 10mm gravel screenings 75mm(min) depth ,----250mm(min) ~-- level shoulder TYP. 75mm roadbase 150mm(min) depth Finished grade adjacent to trail shall be 50mm below trail w/ all I ~ adjacent native or existing f'-;1,i''------,,,,,_r / planting restored to approval by 250 WP~~~~~~~~~""""~"{;;;;i;L,, CMR Parks Nilex 4545 non-woven ;,c,:'-';',,.·, ,,,-,,~,·, .. ,,.,:,,:;,,;·,•' . / .,····\ ~--.:_ _:_ _,fo l''' geotextile to extend 150mm NOTES: -Each lift of roadbase shall be compacted to refusal with vibratory roller (min. 120 type) -Design longitudal slope shall be 12%. Slopes up to 15% may be accepted with prior City approval. -Provide culverts every 20m or as required. -Culverts and swales to direct water to natural drainages. -Trail layout to avoid significant trees and root zones. -Trail layout to be approved by City representative. past edge of trail Drainage swale and 0150mm culverts as required along uphill side of sloping site conditions undisturbed native subgrade w/ compaction of 95% SPD or 75mm pitrun to ensure firm load bearing subgrade compacted to 95% SPD - jssued· P.:rojeot- title: PARKSIDE TRAIL STANDARD DETAIL ~ 1:10 ~ CN checked· VR ~ Feb 01, 2019 Copyright reserved. This drawing Is the property of the City of Maple Ridge and may not be used without the City's written permission. Contractors shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions on site. City of Maple Ridge Parks department shall be Informed of any changes made on site. sheet no· I revision· APPENDIXG Scliool District 42 Maple Ridge &: Pitt Meadows learning Today, leading Tomorrow February 25, 2020 City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Attention: Wendy Cooper Dear Ms. Cooper: Re: File#: Legal: Location: From: To: 2018-159-RZ Lot 5, Section 10, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 7408 and Lot 6, Section 10, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 24331 and 24315 1101h Avenue RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-ld (One Family Urban (Half Acre) (Residential)) with a Density Bonus through the Albion Community Amenity Program to achieve RS-lb (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) The proposed application would affect the student population for the catchment areas currently served by Blue Mountain Elementary and Garibaldi Secondary School. Blue Mountain Elementary has an operating capacity of 2 91 students. For the 2019-20 school year the student enrolment at Blue Mountain Elementary is 282 students (97% utilization) including 104 students from out of catchment. Garibaldi Secondary School has an operating capacity of 1050 students. For the 2019-20 school year the student enrolment at Garibaldi Secondary School is 898 students (86% utilization) including 272 students from out of catchment. Si?f Flavia Coughlan Secretary Treasurer The Board of Education of School District No. 42 (Maple Ridge -Pitt Meadows) cc: Rick Delorme David Vandergugten School District No. 42 I Maple Ridge -Pitt Meadows 22225 Brown Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V2X 8N6 Phone: 604.463.4200 I Fax: 604.463.4181 mapleridge .. ca City of Maple Rigge TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer First and Second Reading MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7554-2019; Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7547-2019; 23250 Silver Valley Road and 23267 137 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: March 24, 2020 2019-067-RZ cow An application has been received to rezone the subject properties, located at 23250 Silver Valley Road and 23267 137 Avenue, from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-1 (Residential District), to permit a future subdivision of approximately six single family lots. Council granted first reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7547-2019 and considered the early consultation requirements for the Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment on June 11, 2019. This application requires an amendment to the Official Community Plan (OCP) to re-designate the land uses from Low/Medium Density Residential, Medium Density Residential, and Medium/High Density Residential to Medium Density Residential, to allow the proposed R-1 (Residential District) zoning. Pursuant to Council policy, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution Program, at a rate of $5,100.00 per single family lot created, for an estimated amount of $30,600.00. There is not sufficient suitable land for park dedication on the subject properties and it is recommended that Council require the developer to pay to the City an amount that equals 5% of the market value of the land required for parkland purposes, as determined by an independent appraisal. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) That, in accordance with Section 475 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7554-2019 on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting (DIM), and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; 2) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7554-2019 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 3) That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7554-2019 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 1106 2019-067-RZ Page 1 of 6 4) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7554-2019 be given first and second readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 5) That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7547-2019 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 6) That Council require, as a condition of subdivision approval, the developer to pay to the City an amount that equals 5% of the market value of the land, as determined by an independent app(aisal, in lieu of parkland dedication in accordance with Section 510 of the Local Government Act; and, 7) That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule "A", Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A -Silver Valley, Figure 2 -Land Use Plan and Figure 3A-Blaney Hamlet; ii) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management; iii) Removal of existing buildings; iv) In addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject properties. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site; and v) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $30,600.00 ($5,100.00/lot) be provided in keeping with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions. DISCUSSION: 1) Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: 2019-067-RZ SV 232 Street Development Ltd. Lot 2, Section 33, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 20132; and Lot 59, Section 33, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan EPP60118 Low/Medium Density Residential, Medium Density Residential, and Medium/High Density Residential Medium Density Residential RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and R-1 (Residential District) R-1 (Residential District) Single Family Residential RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) Low/Medium Density Residential Page 2 of 6 South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: 2) Site Characteristics: Vacant R-1 (Residential District) Medium Density Residential Single Family Residential and Vacant RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) and R-1 (Residential District) Medium Density Residential Vacant R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) Medium/High Density Residential Single Family Residential Single Family Residential 0.28 ha (0.7 acres) 232A Street and 137 Avenue Urban Standard The subject properties, located at 23250 Silver Valley Road and 23267 137 Avenue, are located on the south-east corner of the intersection of Silver Valley Road and 232A Street (see Appendices A and B). There is an existing home on 23250 Silver Valley Road that will be removed as a condition of final reading. The property located at 23267 137 Avenue is a newly created single family lot that is vacant, and has a strip of land fronting Silver Valley Road that is intended to be consolidated with the 23250 Silver Valley Road property for future subdivision potential. The subject properties slope gradually to the south-west. 3) Project Description: The applicant is proposing to rezone and subdivide the subject properties from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and R-1 (Residential District) to R-1 (Residential District) to allow for approximately six single family lots; five fronting 232A Street and one fronting 137 Avenue. 4) Planning Analysis: i) Official Community Plan: The subject properties are located within the Silver Valley Area Plan, in the Blaney Hamlet, and are currently designated Low/Medium Density Residential, Medium Density Residential, and Medium/High Density Residential. For the proposed development an OCP amendment will be required to re-designate the subject properties to Medium Density Residential to allow the proposed R-1 (Residential District) zoning (see Appendix C). When the Silver Valley Area Plan was adopted, it envisioned a road network that has been refined as development has occurred. As a result, the original land use designations in the Plan do not align with the current road patterns and are not reflective of the single family housing form in the area. The current OCP designations for the properties would allow from four to nine units in total, and the proposed development is for approximately six units, therefore the OCP amendment does not result in an increase in density from the original area plan. Furthermore, the form of the proposed development is similar to the recent development to the south. 2019-067-RZ Page 3 of 6 ii) Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the subject properties from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and R-1 (Residential District) to R-1 (Residential District) (see Appendix D) to permit a future six lot subdivision (see Appendix E). The.minimum lot size for the proposed R-1 (Residential District) ~one is 371 m2 (3,993 ft2). Any variations from the requirements of the proposed zone will require a1 Development Variance Permit application. There are no proposed variances at this time. iii) Off-Street Parking And Loading Bylaw: The applicant will need to provide two parking spaces per dwelling unit, as per the Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990, and will need to comply with Section 403 (7) of the Zoning Bylaw, which states that there needs to be 7 .5 m (24.6 ft.) of visual clearance at an intersection with a street, preventing the construction of any fence, wall, or structure within that distance. Section 401 (3) of the Zoning Bylaw also prohibits a driveway that is within 7.5 m (24.6 ft.) of the point of intersection of an exterior side lot line with a front lot line or rear lot line. iv) Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.12 of the OCP, a Wildfire Development Permit application is required for all development identified in wildfire risk areas. The purpose of the Wildfire Development Permit is for the protection of life and property in designated areas that could be at risk for wildland fire; and where this risk may be reasonably abated through implementation of appropriate precautionary measures. An application for the Wildfire Development Permit has been received. Adherence of this project to the guidelines will be the subject of a future report to the Director of Planning and a security will be taken as a condition of the issuance of the Development Permit to ensure that the Wildfire Development Permit Area guidelines are met. v) Advisory Design Panel: A Form and Character Development Permit is not required as this is for a single family development; therefore, this application does not need to be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel. vi) Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting was held at Yennadon Elementary School on February 13, 2020. Nobody attended the Development Information Meeting and the applicant has not received any correspondence from the public with concerns regarding the proposed subdivision. vii) Parkland Requirement: As there are more than two additional lots proposed to be created, the developer will be required to comply with the park dedication requirements of Section 510 of the Local Government Act prior to subdivision approval. For this project, there is no suitable land for park dedication on the subject properties and it is therefore recommended that Council require the developer to to pay to the City an amount that equals the market value of 5% of the land required for parkland purposes. The amount payable to the City in lieu of park dedication must be derived by an independent appraisal at the developer's' 2019-067-RZ Page 4 of 6 . expense. Council consideration of the cash-in-lieu amount will be the subject of a future Council report. viii) Environmental Implications: The Arborist Report, the Wildfire Hazard Assessment, and the Stormwater Management Plan have been reviewed. The Registered Professional Forester will be coordinating their recommendations with the environmental consultant, civil engineer, and arborist to ensure the environmental objectives are achieved. 6) Interdepartmental Implications: i) Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has identified that all the services required in support of this development, including road dedication, will be taken as a condition of subdivision. Some road works have been completed under the previous larger development application in the area, but portions of the sidewalk are missing along the perimeter of the subject properties and will be completed as a result of the proposed subdivision. The subject properties have been pre-serviced with sanitary, storm, and water service connections. A street light is required at the north-west corner of the subject properties. ii) Fire Department: The Fire Department reviewed the Wildfire Hazard Assessment and found it acceptable. 7) School District No. 42 Comments: Pursuant to Section 476 of the Local Government Act, consultation with School District No. 42 is required at the time of preparing or amending the OCP. A referral was sent to School District No. 42 on September 24, 2019 and a response was received on October 30, 2019, with the following information: "The proposed application would affect the student population for the catchment areas currently served by Yennadon Elementary and Garibaldi Secondary. Yennadon Elementary has an operating capacity of 628 students. For the 2018-19 school year, the student enrolment at Yennadon Elementary was 585 students (93% utilization) including 130 students from out of catchment. Garibaldi Secondary School has an operating capacity of 1050 students. For the 2018-19 school year, the student enrolment at Garibaldi Secondary School was 795 students (76% utilization) including 259 students from out of catchment." 8) Intergovernmental Issues: i) Local Government Act: An amendment to the OCP requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 477 of the Local 2019-067-RZ Page 5 of 6 Government Act. The amendment required for this application, to amend the land use designation from Low/Medium Density Residential, Medium Density Residential, and Medium/High Density Residential to Medium Density Residential, is considered to be minor in nature as the OCP amendment does not result in an increase in density from the original area plan. It has been determined that no additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments. The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial Plan/Capital Plan and the Waste Management Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and determined to have no impact. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that first and second reading be given to OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7554-2019, that second reading be given to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7547-2019 and that application 2019-067-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. It is further recommended that Council require, as a condition of subdivision approval, the developer to pay to the City an amount that equals 5% of the market value of the land, as determined by an independent appraisal, in lieu of parkland dedication. "Original signed by Michelle Baski" Prepared by: Michelle Baski, AScT, MA Planner "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services "Original signed by Al Horsman" Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7554-2019 Appendix D -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7547-2019 Appendix E -Subdivision Plan 2019-067-RZ Page 6 of 6 13848 13819 13771 "' C <O N (0 ~ N N "' "' N N N N N "' "' "' "' "' N N N N N f 13730 I 13721 I 13717 13724 I 13713 I 13720 13709 I 13716 13705 ' 13712 13701 13708 13699 13704 13700 13692 13696 13692 13688 I 13684 13678 I I 13676 I 13672 I 13668 13662 Legend N ~ Active Applications (RZ/SD/DPNP) Scale: 1 :2,000 N <O N "' "' APPENDIX A 137AVE. 23250/67 SILVER VALLEY ROAD PIO: 002-606-160 & 030-522-633 FILE: 2019-067-SD DATE: Feb 26, 2019 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY:PC I r Scale: 1 :2,000 APPENDIX B 23250/67 SILVER VALLEY ROAD PIO: 002-606-160 & 030-522-633 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY: PC CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7554-2019 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 APPENDIXC WHEREAS Section 4 77 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Schedule "A" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7554-2019." 2. Schedule "A", Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A -Silver Valley, Figure 2 -Land Use Plan and Figure 3A-Blaney Hamlet, are hereby amended for the parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2 Block A, Section 33 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 20132 Lot 59 Section 33 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP60118 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1004, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, is hereby designated as shown. 3. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No.7060-2014 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , 20 READ a second time the day of , 20 PUBLIC HEARING held the day of ,20 READ a third time the day of ,20 ADOPTED, the day of , 20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 22 BCS 3895 PARK BCP43235 PARK A 137 AVE. PARK EPP 44846 51 13855 52 13851 13819 EPP 49148 Rem2 EPP 70286 PARK I ..,~ \"' ~ I~ 11 I 1 El9S 3588 1, " " '-~ 13771 4000 ~ 13692 ~ ~ 390 N 13686 <D 41 380.. 13680 W 2 EPP60071 S PART9 P2409 13868 PARK EPP 60071 2 BCP 428 BCP42 PARK PARK EPP 34551 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. Purpose: From: To: MAPLE RIDGE Br1t1sh Columbia 7554-2019 1004 To Amend Silver Valley Area Plan Figure 2 and Figure 3a Low/Medium Density Residential and Medium/High Density Residential Medium Density Residential 6 N SCALE 1 :2,500 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7547-2019 APPENDIX D A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7547-2019." 2. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2 Block A, Section 33 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 20132 Lot 59 Section 33 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP60118 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1796 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to R-1 (Residential District). 3. Map!e Ridge Zoning By!aw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 11th day of June, 2019. READ a second time the PUBLIC HEARING held the READ a third time the ADOPTED, the day of PRESIDING MEMBER day of day of day of , 20 , 20 , 20 , 20 CORPORATE OFFICER 22 BCS 3895 PARK BCP 43235 PARK 51 13855 52 13851 13819 I-' CJ) N t-1 I I I I 1 B19s 3588 ,, '\ '\ 13771 '\ '-_ -SILVER VALLE 13762 13752 40"' 13692 ~ l-\-----1_37_A,VE_. __________ --. 39iii 13686 PARK EPP44846 P 17267 A EPP49148 Rem 2 EPP 70286 S PART9 P2409 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. From: To: MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia 7547-2019 1796 RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) R-1 (Residential District) 13868 2 BCP 428 BCP42 PARK 6 N SCALE 1 :2,500 SKETCH PLAN OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION 23267 137th Avenue & 23250 Silver Valley Road, Maple Ridge NOTE: R-1 LOTS: 371 m2 min. area & 12 metre min. width Rood Dedication Areo=184.5m2 18.00 43 44 Silver~\ Valley Road "-1\ Concrete Borrien Curb 88"11'31" \38.10 8810'50' 31.10 1 Lot Area=476.0m2 2 1 Lot Area=426.3m2 EXIST RS-1b 31 29 28 27 26 25 3 P!ao 20!32 Lot Area=416.4m2 88"09'26" 28.93 4 Rem 59 ~~ 8, ____ _2c88~·0~9'2~6~"----i~ ~ ~ 1-30_48 Lot Area= ~ ~ .................. ·21.23······ Rood Dedication Area= 126.4m2 :2 ice ( SCALE: 1: 400 PAPER SIZE: 17" X 11" DA TE: June 4, 2019 \.,..._ 5 Lot Area=425.3m2 27.48 ~ 88' 88'09'26" 'I' 30.48 371.0m2 c,. ; ~ EXIST R-1 12.15 09' 2 26" Concrete Border Curb \g 137th A venue :;2 40 41 58 APPENDIXE 3 7~ \ \ 2 57 Terra Pacific Land Surve~ng Ltd 22371 St. Anne Avenue, Maple Ridge, BC Tel: 604-463-2509 File: MR11-650sk_SUB LOT A_rev_ 400 TO: FROM: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE MEETING DATE: March 24, 2020 FILE NO: 11-5255-40-231 MEETING: CoW SUBJECT: Award of Contract iTI-EN20-5: 248 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road Traffic Signal Modifications EXECUTIVE SUM MARY: In 2017, the Operations Department and Fire Department identified the need for emergency vehicle pre-emption equipment at the intersection of 248 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road, The emergency vehicle pre-emption equipment will support first responders and will reduce the response time during emergencies. The existing electrical conduit pipes across Dewdney Trunk Road and 248 Street are in poor condition, undersized and do not have additional conduit capacity to install the pre-emption equipment. In addition, the traffic signal infrastructure at 248 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road is near the end of its life cycle and requires replacement, therefore the traffic signal modifications were included in the 2019 Financial Plan. The work generally consists of installation of standardized signal poles and hardware, illuminated street name signs, emergency vehicle pre-emption, traffic signal controller and electrical conduit crossing of 248 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road. The City has pre-purchased the traffic controller cabinet and other equipment to ensure the product arrived in time for construction, as delivery is 6-8 weeks. An Invitation to Tender was issued on January 30, 2020 and closed on March 3, 2020. The lowest compliant tender price was submitted by Fraser City Installations (1989) Ltd. in the amount of $194,700.00 (excluding taxes). There is sufficient funds under LTC 018072 and LTC 002339 to complete this project. Council approval to award the contract is required for the work to proceed. RECOMMENDATION: That Contract ITI-EN20-5: 248 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road Traffic Signal Modifications, be awarded to Fraser City Installations (1989) Ltd. in the amount of $194,700.00 excluding taxes; and That a project contingency of 20% or $39,300.00 be approved to address potential variations in field conditions; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. 1107 Doc#2410292 Page 1 of 3 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: In 2017, the Operations Department and Fire Department identified the need for emergency vehicle pre-emption equipment at the intersection of 248 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road. The emergency vehicle pre-emption equipment will support first responders and will reduce the response time during emergencies. The existing electrical conduit pipes across Dewdney Trunk Road and 248 Street are in poor condition, undersized and do not have additional conduit capacity to install the pre-emption equipment. In addition, the traffic signal infrastructure at 248 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road is near the end of its life cycle and requires replacement, therefore the traffic signal modifications were included in the 2019 Financial Plan. The work generally consists of installation of standardized signal poles and hardware, illuminated street name signs, emergency vehicle pre-emption, traffic signal controller and electrical conduit crossing of 248Streetand DewdneyTrunk Road. The City has pre-purchased the traffic controller cabinet and other equipment to ensure the product arrived in time for construction, as delivery is 6-8 weeks. Tender Evaluation An Invitation to Tender was issued on January 30, 2020 and closed on March 3, 2020 with three compliant bids received as noted below: Fraser City Installations (1989) Ltd. Trans-Western Electric Ltd. Standard Electric BC Ltd. Tender Price (excluding taxes) $ 194,700.00 $ 215,141.00 $ 216,555.00 The lowest compliant bid was $194,700.00 (excluding taxes) from Fraser City Installations (1989) Ltd. and staff have confirmed the company is suitably qualified for the works. b) Desired Outcome: The 248 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road traffic signal modifications will enhance safety for all road users and accommodate emergency vehicle pre-emption equipment. c) Strategic Alignment: The 248 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road traffic signal modifications supports the key strategies identified in the City's Strategic Transportation Plan. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: The estimated construction duration for the project is approximately 12 weeks, weather permitting. Single-lane alternating traffic may be required during construction and flag persons will be on site during working hours. As well, the general public will be informed of the traffic alerts and the construction progress through the City's website and social media sources. e) Interdepartmental Implications: The Operations Department has provided input for the design and the procurement of the materials. The pre-purchase of the traffic controller cabinet and other equipment were necessary to ensure the product arrived in time for construction, as delivery is 6-8 weeks. Doc#2410292 Page 2 of3 f) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The estimated total project cost is $319,000.00 including the consultant's design fee, the pre-purchase of supplies, construction costs and contingency. The projected costs and funding sources are as follows: Projected Costs Construction Cost Supply of Traffic Controller Cabinet, Cameras and UPS Consultant Services Construction Contingency (20%) Total Projected Project cost Funding Sources LTC 018072 (248 St & DTR Traffic Signal Improvements) LTC 002339 (Traffic Signal Replacement-2019 remaining) Total Funding Sources $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 194,700.00 70,000.00 15,000.00 39,300.00 319,000.00 180,000.00 190,590.00 370,590.00 There is sufficient funds under LTC 018072 and LTC 002339 to complete this project. The project expenditures include a 20% contingency that will only be utilized if required to address unforeseen issues throughout construction. CONCLUSIONS: The tender price of $194,700.00 (excluding taxes) by Fraser City Installations (1989) Ltd. for the 248 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road Traffic Signal Modifications is the lowest compliant tender. It is recommended that Council approve the award of the contract to Fraser City Installations (1989) Ltd. and that a contract contingency of $39,300.00 be approved. Maria Guerra, PEng., PMP Acting Manager of Design & Construction /'-~ Financial: Trevor= Concurrence: Chief Financial Officer Approved by: David Pollock, PEng. cnt~es Concurrence: Al Horsman Attachments: (A) Map Doc#2410292 Chief Administrative Officer Page 3 of 3 c_ C C - l I I \ \ J l I I l l \ I I I I · 121 AVE. SMITH AVE. DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD >----<~L__L__L__L--L--l--l--~1----f-----1~~ t;;:; 119 AVE. e-------1 OJ ,----,,----, -tj--1---------iN <C O'J ,-----L---1-tj--N 1---1----....... 1--------1 f-'. L------i (/) 1------t---r----\ O'J \----j -tj--f------i N N ~0•• ~4' ,,. ~ "'~ ·~-~ . . ENGINEERING A '. . . DEPARTMENT ~ , 248 S1REET AND DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATIONS ITT-EN20-5 SCALE: 1-------------------N. T. S. DATE: MARCH 2020 FILE/DWG No · SK0433 TO: FROM: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE MEETING DATE: March 24, 2020 FILE NO: 01-0530-01 MEETING: cow SUBJECT: Strategic Plan P~ogress Report & Council Strategic Check-In EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On April 9, 2019 Council approved the 'City of Maple Ridge Strategic Plan 2019-2022' and the Council Workplan Matrix -March 19, 2019', attached as Appendix A. On February 3, 2020 Council conducted a Workshop, facilitated by Paragon Strategic and attended by senior staff, to check in on progress to date and reaffirm Council priorities under the 2019-2022 Strategic Plan. The Workshop summary is attached as Appendix B. This report summarizes discussions at the February 3, 2020 exercise and provides some updates on Workplan efforts going forward. In short, at the February 3 Workshop, Council reaffirmed the Strategic Priorities identified in the Workplan although some variances in timing were suggested to place greater emphasis on Economic Development and Communication. Council still expects work to continue with Community Safety and other activities related to its Strategic Priorities. Staff has updated the Workplan Matrix (Appendix C) to align with these directions. At the same time, a work place reorganization has been put in place to align with Council's priorities as provided at a previous Closed Council Meeting and made public on February 20, 2020 (Appendix D). With this revised organizational framework in place, directing the work of the administration over the next year, staff will establish accountability mechanisms through a performance evaluation process that allows clear identification of work to be performed and expectations on outcomes. This work will be aligned to the directions in the updated Workplan Matrix and reaffirmed 2019-2022 Corporate Strategic Plan. RECOMMENDATION: That Council reaffirm the 2019-2022 Corporate Strategic Plan per its February 3, 2020 Workshop directions; and further, That Council endorse the revised 2020 Council Workplan Matrix (Appendix C) to reflect the shift in emphasis to Economic Development and Communication. 1171 Doc #2415768 Page 1 of 2 ' ' ' ' ' ' r !· ' l· '. ' BACKGROUND: In January 2019, Council developed a framework that captured their strategic direction for the next four years. Based on this framework, staff prepared a detailed matrix that listed specific workplan items. Following feedback from Council, at the April 9, 2019 Council Meeting, the 'City of Maple Ridge Strategic Plan 2019-2022' and 'Council Workplan Matrix -March 19, 2019', were adopted. The Workplan Matrix represents a snapshot in time and evolves as needed to respond to Council business. At the October 1, 2019 Council Meeting, Council reaffirmed the 'City of Maple Ridge Strategic Plan 2019-2022' and approved the revised 'Council Workplan Matrix -September 17, 2019, which established target dates for the following few months. At its Workshop of February 3, 2020 Council conducted a facilitated check-in of the 2019-2022 Strategic Plan where the strategic priorities were reaffirmed and directions for 2020 were identified as including a shift in focus to Economic Development and Communication. CONCLUSION: A Strategic Plan is a recognized means of focusing Council's agenda and addressing public expectations. Council's affirmation of the outcomes from the February 3, 2020 workshop and endorsement of the revised Workplan Matrix will establish the framework and direction for the administration going forward. QJma~ Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: Appendix A -City of Maple Ridge Strategic Plan 2019-2022 and Workplan Matrix March 19, 2019 Appendix B -Paragon Strategic February 3, 2020 Workplan Summary Appendix C -Revised 2020 Council Workplan Matrix, dated March 24, 2020 Appendix D -Organizational Realignment Doc #2415768 Page 2 of 2 MAPLE RIDGE --------- -8rit1sh Columbia City of Maple Ridge mapleridge.ca TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: City of Maple Ridge Strategic Plan 2019-2022 and Council Workplan Matrix -March 19, 2019 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: APPENDIX A March 19, 2019 2174818 Council Workshop In January 2019, Council developed a framework that captured their strategic direction for the next four years. Based on this framework, staff have prepared a detailed matrix that lists specific workplan items that will work toward achieving this direction. Council provided feedback on drafts of both documents at the Council Meeting of January 29, 2019. Council's strategic framework has been reformatted to better communicate the strategic direction to the public and forms Appendix A: City of Maple Ridge Strategic Plan 2019-2022. A second attachment to this report, Appendix B: Council Workplan Matrix -March 19. 2019, is a schedule outlining various policy and project implementation discussions throughout 2019 that will advance the strategic plan. The matrix represents a snapshot in time and will evolve as needed to respond to Council business. Some of the items have been completed. Others are more comprehensive, such as the Community Safety Plan, and will require a number of meetings as they progress. For these items, the initiating meeting is shown, and "In Progress" is noted to indicate that subsequent reports to Council will be scheduled. RECOMMENDATION: That the "City of Maple Ridge Strategic Plan 2019-2022" and the "Council Workplan Matrix -March 19, 2019" be forwarded to the April 9, 2019 Council Meeting for final consideration. CONCLUSION: In alignment with direction provided by Council's strategic framework, a workplan has been developed to outline Council reports and presentations for the upcoming months that help to implement Council's Strategic Pl Submitted by: ra Benson, CPA CMA Director Corporate Administration Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng. General Manager Public Works & Development Services Approve Attachments: A-City of Maple Ridge Strategic Plan 2019-2022 B -Council Workplan Matrix -March 19, 2019 Doc # 217 4818 Page 1of 1 ----~-,.....,..--,,-;~~-- M. MAPLE RI DGE. «. BRITISH COLUMBIA IN TR ODUCTION We are very proud to present the 2019-2022 City of Maple Ridge Strategic Plan. This work represents what we all heard on the campaign ·trail and includes the priorities and passion from all of us elected to serve for the next four years . The development of this Strategic Plan was a collaborative process whereby we discussed the issues and opportunities facing Maple Ridge and collectively agreed to the plan and priorities. There is an old adage "A vision without a plan is just a dream. A vision with a plan can change the world." This document lays out our vision and the Council Workplan Matrix is the p lan by which we will deliver the actions laid out in our Strategic Plan. If you have any comments or questions, please email us at MayorAndCounciL@MapLeRidge.ca ---................. '·.·. , ........ , ..... , ~. (f) LJJ -~ 0::: 0 0::: Q_ u ~ CJ w ~ 0::: 1-(f) L() COMMUNITY SAFETY HIGHLIGHTS ~-·----··-·--·-·"-------------- Develop a multi-faceted Community Safety Plan with the community and partners including senior levels of government . The safety plan will include an actionable implementation plan, accountability mechanisms, and a robust communications campa ign to keep the community informed. Key action items from the Council Workplan Matrix • Council approved a process framework on February 12, 2019. A number of our external partners i n community safety (government officials, agencies, community groups, etc.) have been interviewed about thei r plans, actions and priorities. Next steps are to consolidate the information and establish roles , responsibilities and timelines. • Social Housing Plan -Approved March 12th for submission to the Province -March 12, 2019 Council Workshop and Council Meetings; Submitted to the Province on March 13th • Community Court-Overview of Proposed Integrated Court provided by Provincial Crown Counsel, March 12, 2019 Council Workshop Meeting; Council issued a letter of support for the program • 2019 Communications Program Update -Detailed communications plan for community-wide initiatives includ i ng the Community Safety Plan -April 2,. 2019 Council Workshop Meeting* • Panhandling· Bylaw -June 11, 2019 Council Workshop Meeting* • Restorative Justice -pending • Advocate for conditional housing and health care services emphasizing treatment and recovery -Ongoing advocacy with provincial ministries of Health, Mental Health and Add ictions, Housing and Municipal Affairs BC Housing, Social Development and Poverty Reduction, and MLAs * All future dates and meetings are tentative. Citizens are advised to check http://mapleridge.ca/AgendaCenter/ closer to the meeting dates. : INTER-GOVERNMENT RELATIONS HIGHLIGHTS Build strong relationships with the region, other levels of government and local First Nations to set a foundation for problem solving and innovation for the achievement of strategic goals. Key action items from the Council Workplan Matrix • Open Communication -Formalize regularly scheduled meetings and delegation presentations with other governments (neighbouring municipalities; School District No. 42; First Nations; MLAs, MP) -Various Workshop Meetings throughout the Year* • Community to Community Forum -In October 2018, Council directed staff to pursue grant funding. Having done so, staff sought and received Council approval to arrange the forum(s) -February 5, 2019 Council Workshop Meeting *All future dates and meetings are tentative. Citizens are advised to check http://mapleridqe.ca/AgendaCenter/ closer to the meeting dates. Implement strategic plans rela~ed to local infrastructure and the economy including commercial and industrial land base, transportation corridors·, transit, neighbourhood plans, and key amenities. Key action items from t~e Council Workplan Matrix • North East Albion o Scoping report outlining the process for reviewing land use and servicing requirements -January 22 Committee of the Whole Meeting o Consultation Summary-June 18 Council Workshop Meeting* • Albion Flats o Overview report on process background and next steps -January 22 Council Workshop Meeting o. Drainage constraints and options -May 21 Council Workshop Meeting* o Consultation Summary and draft concepts -July 23 Council Workshop Meeting* • Zoning Bylaw Update -Draft to be presented at April 9 Council Workshop Meeting* • Sign Bylaw Update -Draft to be presented at June 18 Council Workshop Meeting* • Employment Lands -Next steps in implementing the Commercial Industrial Strategy -April 16 Workshop* • Property Tax Rates & Financial Plan Amending Bylaws-Present a bylaw informed by Council direction -April 16 Audit and Finance Committee Meeting* • Purchasing Policy Refresh -Scoping discussion -May 7 Audit and Finance Committee Meeting* • Capital Plan Update -Process, key projects review and funding -June 25 Council Workshop Meeting* • Post-Secondary Task Force Update -Seek further Council direction for the pursuit of a post-seco n dary institution -May 7 Council Workshop Meeting* *All future dates and meetings are tentative. Citizens are advised to check http://mapleridqe.ca/AqendaCenter/ closer to the meeting dates. ··4 I COMMUNITY PRIDE & SPIRIT HIGHLIGHTS ----· -·--··-----·-----~--------------------- Engage the public in positive activities as participants and volunteers, to enhance the vibrancy of the community. Key action items from the Council Workplan Matrix • Council Code of Conduct -Code of Conduct was endorsed by Council on Nov.13, 2018. It is to be reviewed annually. Mayor Morden presented a signed copy of the document for each member of Council -January 14, 2019 Regular Council Meeting o Follow-up Council Code of Conduct Review -Code of Conduct adopted in Q4 2018, conduct first annual review-December 10, 2019 Council Workshop Meeting* • Council Citizen Engagement Program -Discussion of opportunities for Council to interact and engage with citizens outside the formal setting of City Hall -April 2, 2019 Council Workshop Meeting* • Open Government Portal Enhancements -Currently scoping/refining deliverables. Early wins: seniors-friendly version of WHAM, mock-up of a youth engagement initiative, and pilot for the Lougheed Corridor Study. Investigating the viability to pilot Chat Bot-May 21, 2019 Council Workshop Meeting* • Downtown Festival & Tourism Review-Support the promotion of festivals and events in the downtown through a review of the current program -May 7, 2019 Workshop Meeting* • Civic Core Place Making Event -Present findings from informal public survey and recommend locations for holding event -March 26, 2019 Workshop Meeting* *All future dates and meetings are tentative. Citizens are advised to check http://mapleridge.ca/AgendaCenter/ closer to the meeting dates. NATURAL ENVIRONMENT HIGHLIGHTS Be alert to opportunities to care for the natural environment, to mitigate impacts on wildlife, and to utilize natural assets to grow eco-tourism opportunities. Key action items from the Council Workplan Matrix • Green Infrastructure Strategy -Scoping report to outline policy options related to green infrastructure management for new development -November 12, 2019 Council Workshop Meeting* • Agri-tourism and Eco-tourism Strategies -Present the proposed implementation strategies for approval -October 8 Council Workshop Meeting* • Electric Vehicle Charging Report Follow-up -Report back on costing and Council requests . Next steps include drafting a bylaw -March 12 Council Workshop Meeting • Integrated Stormwater Management Plans (Provincial requirement) o Briefing and discussion of ISMPs and elements therein -June 11 Council Workshop Meeting* o Seeking endorsement of final ISMPs-November 5 Council Workshop Meeting* *All future dates and meetings are tentative. Citizens are advised to check http://mapleridqe.ca/AgendaCen ter/ closer to the meet ing dates. j 1 j I '1 I ,I I 1 ! Council Workplan Matrix -March 19, 2019 i Date* Meeting Agenda Item Dept :Status/Outcome/Next Steps Alignment Completion Code of Conduct was endorsed by Council on Nov.13, Jan -14 I Council I Council Code of Conduct I Ad . 1 2018. It is to be reviewed annually. Mayor Morden mm presented a signed copy of the document for each Pri de ./ member of Council. Jan-14 I Other I City of Pitt Meadows Joint Meeting Adrnin Quarter 1 meeting: North Lougheed and Related Relations ./ {quarterly) Infrastructure 1 w k h I Detached Garden Suites Pilot Project Report presented January 14, discussing Phase 2 of the I ~-~ ,/ Jan-14 or s op Ph 2 Planni'ng Detached Garden Suites Pilot project. Options report -ase and tour of pilot project DGS suites to follow. I Worksho I Tree Bylaw -appeal re 12238 Report presented Jan 14. discussing deferral an d Jan-14 Planning Council options; appeal re 12238 Creston Street ·-Environment In Progress p Creston Street deferred from Dec.11 meeting Jan-22 I Comm. of I N h E Alb' . Planning Presented scoping report outlining the process for I ©m!i!IDl j In Progress the Whole ort ast 10n Process Report reviewing land use and servicing requirements. C f Sport Network's Sport and Physical Parks & Implementation Update; plan was endorsed by Council ./ Jan-22 I omm. o I A . . S I I . Safety the Whole P:~v1ty trategy mp ementat1on Facilities -Jan 29 Report presented on Jan. 22, on process background Jan-22 I Workshop I Albion Flats Overview I Pl . . I and next steps. Drainage report from Engineering to I · anning . be presented May 21. Draft concepts from Planning to ~ , I In Progress be presented July 23. I Overview of staff tools, practices and sources of I -· _· ... --~,. I ./ -'·.;.>--'·"·· , Jan -29 I Workshop I Grant Funding Approach -Overview I SCP _;~ information -for Council information Jan~29 I Workshop I Heritage Registry Update I Pl . . . I Report identifying properties for inclusion in the annmg Heritage Registry. Council approved Registry Feb. 12. Pride ./ In Oct 2018, Council directed staff to pursue grant Feb -5 I Workshop I Community to Community Forum I SCP I funding; funding granted. Council approval was Relations In Progress provided to arrange the forum(s). *Dates are estimated. Please check meeting agendas at mapleridge.ca/640 as date adjustments are to be expected. P a g e I 1 Council Workplan Matrix-March 19, 2019 I Date* Meeting Agenda Item Dept Status/Outcome/Next Steps Alignment Completion Leisure Centre Renovation Update Parks & .·. . . . . . . . . ' . / Feb-5 1-Workshop I ( d T ) F ·i·t··· Tour and .update provided to Counc il Pride v an our ac1 1 ,es Currently liaising with Province regarding supports for community initiatives. Process report-Feb 12; approved Next Steps: -Stakeholder engagement Feh-12 I Council I Community Safety Plan Process I SCP I-Analysis and priority-setting Safety In Progress -Stakeholder group planning -Finalize the plan with workplan, responsibilities and timelines Implementation items will be scheduled when endorsed by Council C It Pl I I t t . Implementation schedule presented to Council - . u ure an mp emen a 10n I J . / Feb-12 I Council I Schedule RCE Febru~ry 5, Workshop. Forwarded to February 12, Pride y Council. R 1 • f h p d ct· & Background and options report on the production and Feb-12 I Workshop I Pegu at'.ons focrt e b~o u ion I Planning I processing of cannabis. Staff to bring back policy and I· '~ :. j In Progress rocessmg o anna 1s b I t· · · -· · yaw op ions. Feb-12 I Workshop Transportation Plan Overview I Eng I Received for information; Update in 2020. ~ · ~ 240 Street Bridge to Silver Valley -. . . . I ;l~ · ·1 / Feb-12 I Workshop 1• d fil Eng Received for information. .;?'f~:-...:_· V a 1gnment an pro I e · · ·---· Ad f d .·. . 1 h . Advocacy: confirmed $60M is available for conditiona I vacate or con 1t1ona ousmg . . . . F b 2.5_ I O h I d h I h . h . . Ad . housing; met with Ministers (Health, Mental Health, s f / e -t er an eat care services emp as1zmg mm H . S . 1 D I t d p rt R d ct· a ety V d .-ousmg, oc1a eve opmen an ove y e u 10n, treatment an recovery MLAs) *Dates are estimated. Please check meeting agendas at mapleridge.ca/640asdatead justments are t obe expected. P age 12 r I Council Workplan Matrix-March 19, 2019 Date* Meeting Agenda Item Dept tatus/Outcome/Ne xt Steps Alignment Completion b-ZG I w k h I Translink -Area Transport Plan I 1 Translink presented updated and Council comments 1.·m.:·l ~ Fe or s op Update Eng provided as input. Public consultation upcoming. Further updates later this year. Metro Vancouver provided Council with a report back Feb-26 I Workshop I Lough ee d Corridor Study Pl . outlining MV study outcomes and community I ~< I In Progress I. annmg I engagement. Consultation to follow concepts later in · the year. Feb-26 I Workshop I Property Assessments Update Finance Report highlighting residential and commercial growth I and market changes by geographic area ~· l ~ C f I Business License Amending Bylaw for I ',l.,_ ...... -l ~ Mar-5 I omm. o L' L' d C b. Bylaws Business Lii:encing Bylaw amendment ·.~ h Wh 1 1quor ,cence an anna 1s te oe A I' f pp 1ca ions I W k h Bicycle Plan Update including Bike facilities discussion and direction from Council on Mar-5 or s op I discussion on bicycles on sidewalks Eng supported facilities. Bikes on sidewalks: Bylaw will : Environment In Progress come forward to Council for consideration. Mar-12 I Council I Social Housing Plan I Pl . . I Introduced a draft plan for submission to the Province; annmg . submitted March 13, 2019 Safety .,/ Mar-lZ I Worksho I Overview of Pro~osed Integrated Admin Update from Provincial Crown Council; letter of Safety ~ p Court (Community Court) support pending M _12 I W k h I Electric Vehicle Charging Report Planning Presented March 12. Report back on costing and E . 1 P ar or s op F 11 . . . . nv1ronment n regress o ow-up Council requests. Next steps include drafting of bylaw. Mar-19 I Council I Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) Update Planning Green infrastructure-Update on Committee projects i Environment I Committee Environmental Advisory Committee's I Mar-19 I ofthe Aqu ifer Mapping Update Planning Recommendation re: OCP Amending . Bylaw -1st Whole Reading Report I Environment . ,.;.::_ __ .:_ __________ . ___ ,; ---~ .•. .:. *Dates are estimated. Please check meeting agendas at mapleridge.ca/640 as date adjustments are to be expected. Page I 3 , ,,~:1:.,,'.':'.·:l"":Y:''1"11"·,11.,,1:: .... .,TT], -.. ,. .. '.""',.·.· · -.,. ~. ,.-·;,, ....... ',11' · _..,.,,,.,, --i .. ,.,TI····' '7If"IC'r-:,-,,7r.CTCTl'T Council Workplan Matrix-March 19, 2019 Date * Meeting Agenda Item Dept :status/Outcome /Ne xt Steps Alignment Com pletion Council strategic planning session completed in Q4 Mar-19 I Workshop I Council Strategic Plan I Ad min I 2018. Strategic plan content introduced on Jan.29. Seeking Council endorsement. Mar-19 I Workshop I Council Matrix Admin Workplan developed in Ql 2019. Seeking Coundl endorsement. Progress reports to follow. Property Frontage Upgrades as part Policy discussion on proposed criteria to govern Mar-19 I Workshop I of Building Permits -Policy Eng requirements for frontage upgrades, specifically for Discussion building permit applications. Mar-19 I Workshop I Tree Appeal Process I Pl . I Fcillbw up to Jan. 14 tree permit appeal at 12238 annmg Creston Apr-2 I Workshop I Tree Bylaw Review I Pl . I Bylaw updated in 2016 and given 1-year review in annmg 2017 R · f · I · · . ev1ew o imp ementat1on m progress. Overview of the annual program to inform, educate Apr-2 I Workshop I 2019 Communications Program I Comms J and engage with citizens on programs, projects and policy development. Apr-2 C .1 CY E t P Discussion of opportunities for Council to interact and I W I h I ounc1 1 1zen ngagemen rogram I C . I . h . . .d h f 1 • f C or cs op Staff Report omms · ~:~~ge wit c1t1zens outs, et e orma setting o 1ty Metro Vancouver Katzie Pump MV presentation 9f MV plans for improvements to the Apr-9 I Workshop I Station Upgrades & North Langley Eng Katzie Pump Station and future re-routing of sewage Sewage Treatment Plant Update to North Langley Apr-9 I Workshop I Zoning Bylaw Pl . Introduction to the draft Zoning Bylaw and first anning . reading report Apr-9 I Worksho I Ag~icul_tural Development Permit p Gu1dehnes Planning Report to introduce new DP Apr-16 I AFC I Property Tax Rates Bylaw Finance Present the 2019 Property Tax Rates Bylaw *Dates are estimated. Please check meeting agendas at mapleridge.ca/640 as date adjustments are to be expected. Page 14 Council Workplan Matrix -March 19, 2·019 Date* Meeting Agenda Item Dept Status/Outcome/Next Steps Alignment Completion Apr-16 I AFC I Financial Plan Amending Bylaw I F I Present an amendment to the 2019-2023 Financial mance Pl B 1 an yaw --- Comm. of Update the bylaw to reflect council meeting Apr-16 I the Whole Council Procedures Bylaw Update Clerks procedural changes that have been directed by Council. Apr-16 Comm. of I the Whole Social Planning Update RCE Report on SPAC workplan Apr-16 I Workshop Translink -B-Line Update Eng Project status update, with scheduled implementation in September 2019 Apr-16 I Workshop I Citizen Survey discussion SCP Provide options for obtaining representative community opinions Apr-16 I Worksho I Open Government ~ortal - p Development Tracking IT At project scoping stage. A r-lG I Worksho I Commercial Industrial_ Strategy - P P Employment Lands Briefing Planning Report back on process background and next steps Apr-16 I Worksho 1128 A~e/232 St Yennadon Lands -Planning Scoping report outlining new employment lands p Planning Process Report redesignation process Comm. of MRSS Track Facility Design Contract Parks & Award Contract for the Detailed Design for the May-7 I the Whole Award Facilities Spectator seating, washroom, changeroom facility and track lighting Comm. of Hammond Community Centre Parks & . May-7 I the Whole Renovation Design Contract Award F T . RFP for design closed at end of Feb. 2019 ac11t1es · May-7 Comm. of I Whonnock Community Centre I the Whole Renovation Design Contract Award ;ar.~s_& RFP for design closed at end of Feb. 2019 ac11t1es I Comm. of I Youth Strategy Implementation Report recommending adoption of proposed May-7 RCE implementation plan. Annual update from SPCA/YPT the Whole Schedule pending adoption . *Dates are estimated. Please check meeting agendas at mapleridge.ca/640 as date adjustments are to be expected. Page I 5 ' . 'J'. 1;i-:i;-,·:r,7;;-,7,j'7-;J,"i)~~~~2:~rrwr1;i[i.'j'1'.7/'.1;l'.'~ r;· ·~:i~~~rr~~~~~n::~~-t~r~·i:,. i,, 1,, r,1':1 i-' "1rw;nrr~ri::"il''" Council Workplan Matrix-March 19, 20:19 Date* Meeti ng Agenda Item Dept Status/Outcome/Next Steps Alignment Completion May-7 I Workshop !Fire Department Update I Fire I Last presentat ion held Ql of 2018 .. Overview of current services and outcomes May-7 I Workshop I RCMP Update I Police I Last present~t ion held Ql of 2018. Overview of current services and outcomes May-7 I Workshop I Post-,Secondary Task Force Update EC Dev Task force meetings concluded in Q4 2018. Report seeking further Council direct ion in Q2 2019. May-7 I Worksho Downtown Festival & Tourism Events . RCE This update will provid~ Council w ith background on p Review the Festivals program May-7 I Workshop Tandem Parking Planning Discussion on tandem parking requirements May-14 I Council I BC Lottery Corporation / Great Canadian Gaming Corp. Clerks Delegation May-14 I Workshop I Ab~rnethy Way Extension -Routing Eng Review of options for potential extension to extend options Abernethy east of 232 Street May-14 I Workshop I Post Disaster Water Supply-briefing Eng Briefing on the challenges in providing potable water after a significant disaster and potential solutions May-14 I Workshop Recovery House Regulations Planning Report on background and next steps for regulating recovery homes Ma _21 I Comm. of Water Quality Report Eng Annual report on the quality of water throughout the y the Whole City water distribution system Ma _21 I Comm. of y the Whole Kennel Bylaw Amendments Bylaws Integration with updated Zoning Bylaw Ma _21 I Comm . of Albion Community Centre Phase 1 Parks & Y the Whole Contract Award F Tf Award contract for Phase 1 construction acr, res · · May-21 I Workshop Fraser River Escarpment Eng Review of Existing Data and Policies and recommendations for future *Dates are estimated. Please check meeting agendas at mapleridge.ca/640 as date adjustments are to be expected. P ag e 16 Council Workplan Matrix-March 19, 2019 Date * Meeting Agenda Item Dept Status/Outcome/Ne xt Steps Alignment Completion May-21 I Workshop I Albion Flats Drainage Review Eng I Review of drainage constraints and consideration of options. Currently scoping/refining deliverables. Early wins: Open Government Portal-seniors-friendly version of WHAM, mock-up of a youth May~21 I Workshop I enhancements for families and IT engagement initiative, and pilot for the Lougheed seniors Corridor Study. Investigating the viability to pilot Chat Bot. Performed informal survey with the public in Q4 2018. May-28 I Workshop I Civic Core Place Making Event f Ee Dev I Report on potential sites for hosting a Civic Core Place Making Event. May-28 I Workshop I Industrial Park Identification Signs 1 Develop recommendations for the design and I EcDev installation of new directional and arrival signage, Report to Council in Q2 2019 May-28 I Workshop I Committee Review Clerks Overview of Council advisory committees, special committees, task forces Jun-11 1 W ksh I integratedStormwater Management Eng Required by the Province, briefing and discussion of or op Plans -briefing ISMPs and elements therein Jun-11 I Workshop Panhandling Bylaw Bylaws Staff report on best practices for a panhandling bylaw Jun~ll I Workshop Food Hub Planning Implementation next steps Jun-11 I Workshop Backyard Hens Plan Planning Report back on regulatory zoning options Jun-18 1 W I h Sign Bylaw Update, including Building Update the Sign Bylaw, including development and or cs op d I d I . . election regulations eve opment an e ect1on s1gnage Jun -18 I Workshop I Fraser Basin Council Eng Discussion on regional dyking issues I Scoping report outlining the process for reviewing land Jun-18 I W k h I North East Albion Consultation Planning use and servicing requirements was presented on Jan. or s op • Summary - 22. *Dates are estimated. Please check meeting agendas at mapleridge.ca/640 as date adjustments are to be expected. Page 17 1•:.1d1 Council Workplan Matrix-March19, 2019 " Date* Meeting Agenda Item Dept Status/Outcome/Next Steps Alignment Completion Jun-25 I Workshop !Capital Plan Update I F . I Summary of process and funding of Capital Program. mance T . 1 d k . .o me u e current ey proJects. Jun-25 I Workshop I Secondary Suite Plan Pl . Report back research and outline possible zoning annmg options Jun~25 1 Worksho I Lougheed Corridor Consultation p Summary Planning Update on Lougheed Corridor public consultation Jul-2 I Comm. of I Business Licence Bylaw Fee Bylaws Reviewing existing fees and conducting inter-municipal the Whole Amendment comparison. Amendment scheduled for Q3. Jul-2 1 w k h I Citizen Petitions Best Practices Clerks Overview of current and best practices or s op d ' . 1scuss1on Awaiting funding requests. Council report I Comm. of I . d recommending organizational allocations coming Jul-16 the Whole 2019 Community Grants Awar s I Finance I forward upon receipt of requests. If no applications are received by this meeting, another report will come forward in three months. Jul-23 I Workshop Albion Flats Consultation Summary Planning See Jan. 22 Workshop. COUNCIL SUMMER BREAK Sep-3 I Comm. of I Business & Industrial Property Tax Finance Presentation on relative tax burden between property the Whole Comparison tax classes among municipalities. Sep-3 I Workshop I Aquatic Facilities Planning Parks & Update Council on the previous aquatic facility Facilities conversation. Sep-3 I W k h I Triplex/Fourplex Housing Design or s op G 'd r u1 e mes Planning Report on design guidelines for this form. 5 _10 I W k h I Driveway Access and Encroachment Discussion on requirements related to driveway access ep or s op P r . Eng to properties as well as dealing with instances private o 1c1es structures located on City road allowances. *Dates are estimated. Please check meeting agendas at mapleridge.ca/640 as date adjustments are to be expected. Page 18 Council Workplan Matrix-March 19, 2.019 Date* Meeting Agenda Item Dept Status/Outcome/Next Steps A lignm ent Complet ion Sep-10 I Workshop Lougheed Corridor Planning See Feb. 26 Workshop. Present draft concept options. Se _17 I Comm. of p the Whole Traffic Calming Policy -Revision Eng' ·• Update of existing policy Se _17 I Worksho Sanitary Sewer .Inflow & Infiltration Eng Mandated by MV, discussion on the City's ongoing p p Reduction Strategy efforts to reduce inflow and infiltration Sep-17 I Workshop I Growth in the Downtown Ee Dev Development of summary report on downtown growth. Sep-17 I Workshop I OCP Housekeeping Amendments I Pl . I Report on various amendments related to approved annmg . plans and strategies Oct-1 I Workshop I Incentives for Development Ee Dev ELIIP expired at the end of 2018. Research on policy alternatives in progress. Report coming in Q4 2019. Oct-1 I Worksho I Implications of Climate Change on Eng Discuss the impact of CC on the City's rain water P Storm Water Management infrastructure capacity Oct-1 I Workshop Heritage Incentives Pl . Summary of options to incentivize the protection of annmg h . . h C" entage resources mt e ity Oct-8 I Comm.of Agri-tourism and Eco-tourism Ee Dev Report on identified opportunities and next steps the Whole Strategies Implementation Oct-8 I Comm.of Albion Community Centre Award of Parks & Tender to be undertaken by contractor once Phase 1 the Whole Tender for Construction Phase 2 Facilities underway. Oct-8 I Workshop Detached GardenSuites Pilot Project Planning Update program on DGS pilot Oct-15 I Workshop I Lower Hammond Drainage Update I Eng I Consideration of drainage constraints and possible resolutions Proposed updates to Purchasing Policy to reflect Oct-22 I AFC I Purchasing Policy Update I F I senior government policy changes, industry and mance t h I . I . . d . bT ec no og1ca mnovat1ons, an sustama 1 1ty considerations. *Dates are estimated. Please check meeting agendas at mapleridge.ca/640 as date adjustments are to be expected. Page 19 CouncUWorkplan Matrix-Marchl9,,20'19 Date* Meeting Agenda Item Dept tatus/Outcome/Next Steps Alignment Completion Nov-5 I Comm. of I lntegrat~d StormwaterManagement I Eng J ~equired by ~he Province, briefing and discussion held the Whole Plans -Final, for adoption • m June, seeking Council endorsement of the ISMPs. Final for adoption. Nov-12 I Workshop I Pitt Meadows Dyking I Eng I Current agreements date back to the 1970s. Review and update. Nov-12 I Workshop I Port Haney Planning Process I Planning I Scoping report outlining new land-use concept process for Port Haney Nov-12 I Workshop I Soil Deposit Bylaw -1-year update I Planning I Bylaw adopted in 2018. Review of implementation in progress. Nov-12 I Workshop I Green Infrastructure Strategy I Planning I Scopin_g report to ou~line on policy options related to green infrastructure m new development Nov-19 I Comm. of 2020 -2024 Financial Plan Summary Overview includes changes from prior year and the Whole & Presentation Finance potential resourcing for incremental changes to service levels and Capital Plan updated Nov-19 I Comm. of New Property Nuisance Bylaw Bylaws Researching options for new bylaw. Recommendation the Whole report in Q4 2.019. Dec-3 I Comm. of DCC Bylaw Amendment-minor r~te Finance Annual minor amendment to ensure alignment with the Whole update capital program Dec-3 1 Workshop I Lougheed Corridor Concept Endorsement Planning Concept Plan endorsement. Dec-10 I Workshop I Code of Conduct Review Clerks Annual Review of Code of Conduct adopted in Q4 2018. Jan.:.2020 Workshop Fees and Charges Update SCP Review of current rates and recommendations for changes where appropriate In Other Progress Restorative Justice Admin Staff briefing to Council *Dates are estimated. Please check meeting agendas at mapleridge.ca/640 as ,dateadjustments are to be expected. Page I 10 Council Workplan Matrix~ March 19, 2:019 Date* Meeting Agenda Item Dept Status/Outcome/Next Steps Ali gnment Com p let ion In Other School District No.42 Joint Meeting Progress (quarterly) I Admin I Regularly scheduled quarter ly meetings In Othe r District of Mission Joint Meeting Progress (quarterly) Adm i n Regularly scheduled quarter ly meetings In Othe r Joint meet ing between ALC & Cit y to discuss recent Progre ss Agricultural Land Commission Planning legislative changes and city initiatives In · Other Council Tour: Detached Garden Council tours of the completed Phase 1 Detached Progress Suites Planning Garden Suites Pilot project. Part of Counc il end orsed DGS Pilot Project. In Workshop Discussion of mechanisms that can be put int o p lace to Progress Accountability Mechanisms Admin deal with neighbourhood impacts In Other Progress MLAsJoint Meeting(bi-morithly) Admin Regularly scheduled q uarterly meetings *Dates are estimated. Please check meeting agendas at mapleridge~ca/640 as date adjustme nts a re ,t o be expected. Page I 11 2020 COUNCIL CHECK IN WORKSHOP Page 1 of 7 APPENDIX B SUMMARY OF WORKSHOP This workshop was held to check in on both governance and the Council strategic plan. Council strongly reinforced their existing strategic plan, and had candid discussions one year into their term about the opportunities for improved governance. The notes attached represent the pre-session survey results as well as the notes of the workshop. It is clear that Council is committed to the community, supportive of staff and motivated towards good governance. That said, as with most Councils there are a range of personalities, philosophical approaches and relationships. Although we refreshed on topics that Council covered during their orientation, an observation from the session would be that Council recognize that there are multiple different behavioural styles that don't cross lines into Code of Conduct breaches. Tracey Lorenson Civic Excellence Page 2 of 7 Pre-Session Survey strongly rei.nforced support for the strategic I ' . ' . , ' Pan . . ··.. :· · .... · ·. . .. , . . .. • •, , l'-•1i -'"...-,t',\.~._ ,1 .. ),.,,_,.t.,u1,,'!''-~1• .. ~ s.~;,.~,J,~·, .,•'.~ ... ,..._. t• -,it.< •• _.,,. -'.1,,1" !he following are th~ ~trategic priorities identified as most, important by Councll 1n the current plan .. please commen~ on how important you feel they are moving forward for the remainder of the term: Growth, lmplem m Wi!tWic pl,m~ r lated 10 local fn!muucture ncl thu E'COtl()tnylncll1d/r\g comm,:,elol nd lncluscrlollarld base. trarur,or ,a11on corrlo,:;,rs, tr.u,,ltncli:Jtibouth:xld pl n, nnd key am nit! s -------Naturol l!nvfrontri nt · 8 Olett 1ooppor1url1I tOCUI' fol lh n,, (lit I ci,1/11onmc,n1 tomltlg to Imp ct.'lonwllcnrrn andtoulllll. n 1u1 I an u grow o-tou1lsmoppo..-tunltl s community· Pilde & splr It -Ei"l<J ge the i>tibllc In poslilve adlvltl es a~ pattfclpanu ar"d n volunt r1 tomharco lhG l/lbrancyof t110cornrn,r-.1y Iii Critic ly hnpott nt •1mpc,,unt 101){,0 • Wl-r; ~r w doing 1h1s~ lll Not sur wh I tHi Is (~CIVIC Please comment on the level of focus you would like to see .. exc LL Ne in each of the areas over the remaining three years: Crqwth · i~lem nutratl.'Qk: plum related to loco! lnfmtrucM11 nct th,;i ·e,;onomy Including comm1:r ra1 , nd lnclu trlallond bas H nsponauon carldon transit nl'lghbourhaod plans nnct koy am nlll s Coinmur\lty S;ifcty, 1:nMil Um cltlz ri, I<!. l sni nd io not air aid to etignDil.ln lhclr comniiJnlty. thnt crfmlnaloctlvlty ll pr rit cl or mlnlmlz'rr that pi!Of)lc who nol!d s,<Vlc $ c r,. ccss tlium slly 11,ot ogen:lcs Uf\dQrst nd ~nd m couniabl (Of 1hl!lr .. Niitural EnvfrCl!'Yr\ont , ·Bl! al«l tooppt>ftiuiltl&1 tom for th nnwrai 1Jn"1ronm nttomltlg t It'll) lsorn-.11dlll ond t .ulfilzonawral o, 1 1 · grow o-tourlm,opportunflf s community Prld & Spirit· Eng g tho pullll In po.shiv ~ llvitl ::is pa11Jcfp nu and asvolunt rs tocnh.lrc th 'itbroncyol ll con-miur'li1y lritergoven,mental Relations -Bufld tr rg rclltlonshlps With the r(>Qlon an<lotl1er leliElsor govemment 10 :1et aroundalfon fo< prohlcm solvtrg and 11:i(iovatlon to achieved flnoo iU aic,glc r sulls 00 efnt:t l 001 U\ Page 3 of 7 EK I !he following are th~ ~trategic priorities identified a_s most, important by Counc1l 1n the current plan -please commen~ on how important you feel they are moving forward for the remainder of the term: crowlh. 1mp11111111nt $tr.it<;glc: plans r fated to loql fnfrasl7\J<:tvre and the econon,ylncludlng comm('fcl I and fndumlall ind base, tr nspo, talion conldors transit nQI hb<)\jrh:xxl pl n, nd key mcnldet Con,mur1ity Safety • l:ri~uu, lhat c11rxo1u i ·,;;I sa/Q hd oi n<>t fr aid to tn~agq In their .con,munltY, 1h t cilmln l(ICtlvlty Is pr nted or minimized lt'ltltp~plQ \~1,o needs rvlees~ n access th mo slly.thJt .agencies und m nd nnd ar ount bl for the4r 1r1tcruov rru'nel'ltaf Relatkil'\$ • auJkl woro r111a11omhlp1 with th region nd oth r lovohoroovcrnm I to Mt alounclatto,, roi ,m,lll m olvfrg ,na lnnov tlorno achlev d An ,11 Jtcglc r suru Naturall!nvf1onmont-Bo I 1ttooppott1u'lt1 sto or kl! lher\Jtural <11wfroo1'rient tomltlgat lmpacMori wtldllf nd to u1Jllzo natur r u 1s to · grow cco-icurlsm opportunllJ s cornmunliy Pride & spirit • Engage the pUbllc In positive activities as _patdclpanu ard asvolunt crs, 1oenh.'lnc:o th VibtJncyof the cornt'nlnty uoo•. •61t1c llytmpott n1 •Notlmportant Please comment on the level of focus you would like to see( in each of the areas over the remaining three years: <:,rowth -l~ierntnt stra~fc pl ns related t-o focal Infrastructure nd th ~OhOmYlnt::llldlngcor'rimercl~I and lndustrl !land ba tr nSpo,tatl n cOfrldou, tr,1nslt neighbour h:xld plans nd kr,y ~m nhl s COminunliy Saf ty • l:'.n11,1ro thot old1 ns re I safi nd nro riot :ifnitd to ~ag11 ln ihelr conmiunlty. thaH:rlmlnal ctM1y 1, prov ,,w,d Of' mlnlmll thiltp ·oii1 wt,o,iel.lds -rvlc scanac essth~ncaJlly,thot gcn:lc1 und st ncl nd ro count bl for their Ni1tur,1l fn\/1rorm nt ~ Bo I rt toopportunld toe ro tonh n tur~I mil'lltim t1ornftlg toln-pa uonwlldltf, ndt0utllfzon turalns rs grow O•iOurlsn,oppo,1unh:I , commuhltyPrfd & Spirit· e·rigngo tho 11ubllc in posltlv ctMUc, as p,rUclpantsondnsvolunt rs toei,11ilnc th vlbrancyoltho ommunlty Intergovernmental Relations .. Build strorg reh\tl00$hlps with the region and other IE'Velsofgovemmen110 set aroundatlon for problem5otvll"(I and tnnov tlon to achlcv defined strat le r suits. 000 •lrcr aw our rcxu WOO% Page 3 of 7 • R uce our focu\ !(!00/J'l';, ' No significant changes to the stral~gic plan, see notes: : . :·· • . I ' .. , I< • ,+ •'-'~'! • ..... '•·,~' •, ,~ I .,'.'•:,>l;,:J,:~:..,_,~;.~1!4i-,..:~:.)•_.·,f~J,-,.,.t.'.-,• ~.'.•.,',,1 •• > •~ • ,,,•j PLAN WAS REAFFIRMED · NO SIGNIFICANT CHANGES OTHER THAN UPDATING PROJECTS Safety stays at the top level of the plan Intergovernmental remains important j What do we advocate for (or against)? . '•, ,·.~,, '"'"'·-.,., .. ,,..',,,., .•.. "''·~·''"···~·~"·, .... ,.,,., ... , ,_, ·,-'""·1 Stay~" priority · hi9hli9ht the 'wins· -·----·-"'"" --~---· ' What would success in economic development look Page 4 of 7 Housing l Ride sharing J ) Post secondary Social services }---r-;roatment Commercial space occupied } ""I Buy things l~cally J Fact and data based decision J Diverse tax base }--{ Changing our ratio J Walk to wor: ) Young people stay local }-Night life (-Dl;erse employment opportunity ·1 Knowledge. Living wage -Ed~cation-) J Tourism J ~ Lougheed Lifestyle Corridor { Plan Emp on the GRD l l ~ l Cool J Tako our placo in tho region How do wo proactivoly communicoto difficult d cislons r Structuro meetings to mako good decisions Carry councils decision forv11ard in oommittoos Measur our airtim -not using it to goin profilo What has gono woll in tho past yoar or two? What sorts of govomanco improvomont:5 would holp us? Page 5 of 7 ) Try to move from tho individual to tho group How would ~e like Ma.pie 'Ridge des~.ribed in the next 10 years? ',_. • ' •' • , , • ,,/, • '., • l ,/r: ,;,r;..,,,.,:. ~,;, .. ,·.; ',:.'•.> .. Y:< ;;,;,•'.; ~:.;·:.<:, >, • ' ' < ',,. ';. • ' ~ ( Respecting environment How would we liko Maple Ridge described in the future? Page 6 of 7 Smalt city big city lifestyle ) [ Environmental lens onpurchues through the City ( Scorecards [ EnabDng NP .sector t { Env planning commltt:N } ( LEOlights ( Environmental lens on City ••rvas and infrastructure j Environment • Council feels wry comfortable In the amount being done in this area. Some of the accomplish­ments include: Page 7 of 7 Share what loW're doing well ) Protection of grnn space Recycling J n... canoP'I by law ) c111en infRnructure polk:y -Gr1,h1bl• food recovery --{ Envlronmen,� J APPENDIXC '~ 2020 Council Workplan Matrix -March 24, 2020 Jan-14 I Workshop I Metro Vancouver 2040: Proposed Amendments Planning Present on MV2040 amendments to GHG targets and to GHG Reduction Targets MV request for comments Review of requirements related to driveway access to Jan-14 I Workshop I Access Management Policy 9 .14 I Eng I properties as well as addressing the issue of private structures located on City road allowances. Present a first draft of a 2020 Council workplan matrix Jan-28 I Workshop I 2020 Council Workplan Matrix -first draft I Admin I for review. Feedback will be incorporated and a final matrix presented at Feb .19 Committee of the Whole . Jan-28 I Workshop I Heritage Incentives I Planning I Don Luxton to present on heritage incentives study in Maple Ridge. Jan-28 I Workshop Fraser Basin Council I Eng I Presentation by the Fraser Basin Council and discussion on regional dyking issues Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Feb-25 I Workshop I Amending Bylaw No. 7619-2020 and Maple Bylaws Proposed increase in fine amounts for certain sections Ridge MTI Amending Bylaw No. 7621-2020 of MTI bylaw. Mar-10 I Workshop Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw Building Update the Sign Bylaw, including development. -Develop recommendations for a formal Mayor & Mar-10 I Workshop I Mayor & Council Recognition Program I Comms I Council Recognition Program that will provide the Recommendations opportunity to celebrate the extraordinary accomplishments of citizens or organizations in Maple Ridge . Mar-10 I Workshop I Community Social Safety Initiative -Verbal Admin Provide an update on the Community Socia l Safety Update Initiative . Mar-1 O I Workshop I Maple Ridge Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw Bylaws Present background and options for the adoption of a No. 7626-2020 new ticketing process. *Dates are estimated. Please check meeting agendas at mapleridge .ca/640 as date adjustments are to be expected . Page 1 of 6 Mar-24 I cow Mar-31 I Workshop Mar-31 I Workshop Mar-31 I Workshop Mar-31 I Workshop Mar-31 Council Mar-31 Workshop Apr-14 Workshop Apr-14 Workshop Apr-14 Workshop Apr-14 Workshop I Strategic Plan Progress Report & Council Strategic Check-In I Integrated Stormwater Management Plans -South Alouette/Kanaka Creek I Tree Bylaw Survey Response I Purchasing Policy Update I Town Centre Visioning Process Quarterly Update Communications Policy Update Albion Flats -Update DGS Pilot Project Outcomes Citizen Survey Discussion Community Social Safety Initiative Update I Admin I Council reaffirmation of Strategic Plan and Work Plan. I Eng I Draft ISMPs for review. I Planning I Provide a summary of consultation about efficiencies, I effectiveness, and value of the Tree Permit process. Finance i Staff to provide recommendations for Council discussion and feedback. Council direction will shape policy update to be brought forward in late spring. Planning Present scoping report on TC visioning process. Admin I Verbal update from the Mayor and staff. Review and update all communications related policies Comms I to ensure alignment with Council's Strategic Priorities and the evolution of the delivery platforms for our Communications (social media/video technology). Planning I Pending ALC response Planning I Present on outcomes of public tours of DGS units . Admin I Provide options for obtaining statistically representative community opinions . Admin I To provide an update on the status of the Community Social Safety Initiative . *Dates are estimated. Please check meeting agendas at mapleridge.ca/640 as date adjustments are to be expected . I lc:Jl•: Page 2 of 6 1· Apr-21 I cow I Albion Community Centre Construction Phase 2 Park/Fae Tender to be undertaken by contractor once Phase 1 Award of Contract underway. Apr-21 I cow I DCC Bylaw Amendment-minor rate update Finance Annual minor amendment to ensure alignment with capital program Apr-28 I Workshop I Fire Master Plan I Fire I Update on the Fire Master Plan Process I lt:'.l{I: Apr-28 I Workshop I Committees of Council Review (Ph.3) I LLS I Phases 1 and 2 dealt with advisory committee memberships, and Phase 3 will review Policy 3.10. Apr-28 I Workshop I Open Government -Chatbot I IT I Information accessibility enhancements for CMR website -Chat Bot Report on results of SPARC BC* mapping exercise Apr-28 I Workshop I Social Mapping Project I Planning I identifying support services and service gaps in the City. (*Social Planning and Research Council of British Columbia) May-12 I Workshop I Emergency Provision of Drinking Water Eng -, Report on post-disaster potable water supply. May-12 Workshop Lougheed Corridor Concept Plan Planning Updated draft concept plan to be presented for comments. May-12 Workshop Tandem Parking Bylaw Planning Present a summary of consultation data and regulatory options. Proposed updates to the Purchasing Policy to reflect May-12 I Workshop I Purchasing Policy Update I Finance I senior government policy changes, industry and technological innovations, and sustainability considerations. May-12 I Workshop I Vaping Regulations I Planning I Provide an options report for the management of Safety commercial vaping product sales. *Dates are estimated. Please check meeting agendas at mapleridge.ca/640 as date adjustments are to be expected. Page 3 of 6 ~ ---~. • . . ,· -· --.-.--,.-;-· .----.w-----.~.·---. ------------· May-19 I May-26 I May-26 I May-26 Jun-09 Jun-09 Jun-09 Jun-23 Jun-23 Jun-23 Jul-14 cow Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop Workshop Council Workshop I Zoning Bylaw I Business Licence Bylaw Fee Amendment I Civic Land Strategy Update Kennel Bylaw Amendments Fees and Charges Update Sanitary Sewer Inflow & Infiltration Reduction Strategy Community Social Saf ety Initiative Update Post-Secondary Demand Recreation and Facilities Gap Analysis Quarterly Update Green Infrastructure I Plann ing I Awaiting Minist ry approval before proceeding to second I Bylaws LLS Bylaws Corp Plann ing Eng Admin Ee Dev - reading . Reviewing exi sting fees and conducting inter-municipa l comparison . A men dment scheduled f o r J uly. Report providing an inventory of Ci ty la nds and I recommendat io ns fo r future d isposit ions an d acquisitions. Integration w ith updated Zoning Bylaw. Establish conso lid ated Fees an d C harges Bylaw and amend source bylaw s f or ease of publ ic access. Mandated by MV, discussion on the City's ongoing efforts to reduce inflow and infi lt ratio n. To provide statu s upd ate for the Co m m un ity Social Safety Initiati ve . With School Distri ct 42 and Provincial pa rt ners, develop/implement a n action plan to secu re funding for demand analysis re search in support of a business case for local pos t-secondary educat ion offerings . Park/Fae I Council requested staff report back wi t h recreation and f acility gap analys is. Admin I Verbal update fro m t he Mayor and staff. Consultant update on initial find ings re : Gre en Planning I inf rastructure study f or Maple Ridge co mmencing early March 2020. Initial fi nd ings will focus on w hat we have *Dates are estimated . Please check meeting agendas at mapleridge.ca/640 as date adjustments are to be expected . I ll:rP :Ii :a: Safety : :~ Page 4 of 6 Sep-29 Workshop Sep-29 Workshop Sep-29 Council Sep-29 I Workshop Oct-13 I Workshop Oct-13 I Workshop Oct-13 Workshop Oct-27 I Workshop Special Nov-23 I Council Meeting Special Nov-24 I Council Meeting Special Nov-25 I Council Meeting Environmental Communications Fibre Strategy Quarterly Update I Pitt Meadows Dyking I Report on communication tools to clarify environmental Planning I permitting process and why it is required . Summarize environmental successes and initiatives to achieve strategic objectives. IT !Status update on Fibre Strategy project. Admin !Verbal update from the Mayor and staff. Eng !Current agreements date back to the 1970s. Review and update . Identify existing/potential municipal ecosystem health and wildlife management priorities re: watersheds, I Eco Network Management Strategy I Planning I forest edges, green corridors, and major hubs . Determine quantitative and qualitative benefits and services they provide us . I Council Code of Conduct I Admin lsecond annual review. Council Strategic Plan & Workplan Matrix Admin !Second annual progress review. I Implications of Climate Change on Storm Water I Eng !Discussion regarding the implications of climate change Management and future direction . 1-- I 2021-2025 Business Planning I Admin I Day 1 of staff presentations and Council review. . I 2021-2025 Business Planning I Admin !Day 2 of staff presentations and Council rev iew. I 2021-2025 Business Planning I Admin I Day 3 of staff presentations and Council review. *Dates are estimated. Please check meeting agendas at mapleridge.ca/640 as date adjustments are to be expected. Page 5 of 6 Dec-08 Workshop Dec-08 Council Soil Deposit Bylaw - 1 year update Quarterly Update Planning !Bylaw adopted in 2018 . Review of implementation in progress . Admin !Verbal update from the Mayor and staff. *Dates are estimated. Please check meeting agendas at mapleridge.ca/640 as date adjustments are to be expected. Page 6 of 6 I _~t--...__,.......-_ . . . 2020 Organizational Structure Executive Assistant I Engineering Services j General Managerj_ ..)j(;; Parks, Recreation & Culture Services CAO Communications & Strategic Policy J ·---------· Coordinator Planning & Development Services Corpo rate Services j General Manager!~ ~j General ManagerjJ j General Managerj~ Human Resources , -----... j Executive Director~- Economic Development Legal & Legislati v e Services j Executive Directorj- Fire & Emergency RC M P · OIC j Director j- Services , - - -----1 j Chief ~ Y.---o-,c:-----:-ii Page 1 of 1 APPENDIX D TO: FROM: SUBJECT: mapleridge.ca His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Mayor & Council Correspondence Policy EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE MEETING DATE: March 24, 2020 FILE NO: MEETING: 01-0340-50 cow The attached policy has been amended to include comments and feedback received from Council at the February 25, 2020 Council Workshop meeting. RECOMMENDATION: That the amended Mayor & Council Correspondence Policy be endorsed. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Staff have revised the Mayor & Council Correspondence Policy to include feedback that was received at the February 25, 2020 Council Workshop. CONCLUSION: The Mayor & Council Correspondence Policy establishes a formal process to ensure all communication interactions are addressed in a FISistent, transparent and timely manner. Prepared by: Tracy Camire Executive Assistant to the Mayor Approved by: Christina Crabtree General Manager Corporate Services Concurrenc™o~ Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: (A) Amended Mayor and Council Correspondence Policy (B) Draft Auto-Reply Doc# 2414834 Page 1 of 1 1172 (-,_ '-' -,_ i r i i ! r i-~ t- APPENDIX A POLICY MANUAL Policy No: Title: Mayor & Council Correspondence Policy Supersedes: / ·>. ,/~ /~ .4t$/ Authority: lZJ Legislative D Operational . ,,1£:i::. Effective Date: 0Wfr/,w-::::, ;ifyV ,.,ft~.:-,. Approval: lvl Council D CMT . ' ..:mr ,r,;~;;..,.:::...:------------1 l6J A. ,·®: . . ,$§ Re¥f!, Date: D Gener,?JJ;,M2hager · ~-Policy Statement: ·,:~.fk. ,,~ The City of Maple Ridge is committed to providing\~Japublic wJw. ~imely, accu[ite and comprehensive responses to enquiries, media requf~i)~2JVlfffe'arances at ccffitmunity events. •·~· 7,-Vt Wt The Mayor & Council Correspondence;.gficy,._,establishes a tl~alized process to ensure all Council W.· .,,.,:;,"T&, 'W~: related interactions are addressed consistentlfand efficiently)'n~accordance with City Standards. -~ . w.~.a:~·. W,$.b.:: .. "The City of Maple Ridg;}.,_$.ff/&~e the initmfJ}J. in ;f~)_;[Y:,{.iabh?(~JJ.Se of credible information, consistent to our miss:f._& ~-~} ... Afu.e statemeJJlS·" ~1'@_;0· $ .£HP ,:~@~. %.}A@ffe~ ., , •.&i Purpose: ·,,:;_.,;+.@ -~~ 'Wf"ff. .,.,..,. ... To establish protocols td'~gsure Ma{or & Council~& respondence is addressed in a consistent, . ,;w,,,~ ~«.Z1~:~ ~ transparent~Ard~Emely man,QA!;·,.:@tfd4%"fr.:;· 'WA ... efJ'@&~~,,. V.:$J.@P . "«@,&.h . ;M:; D f. 't''' '"'-::,,-· -,.::;;:;,a-..:, ,,,w...:, "'-'-::-W&· .. ,_,.,, e mi om$, {f@,:;·.. ~:i:'. ;:-::-:@.~· -~$!' ' ,jf&.,. ,,::::&:::-:$.f./ ··:::@',;;,.., ~%. -.9,.f/~--Email Correseondence: all qigital corresP,ondence addressed to Mayor & Council sent to ''{z'.'"11,.· d I@ 1·,;;'/r.1,, 'W4-..:-. . . @ I 'd ·1 dd d II mayorcounc1 ai:i cao map enr1age.ca or en9u1nes map en ge.ca, or ema, a resse to a ·~~@/JI "'..-4".,;?,.0 s~~{-; individual Council members, or·.~mail that has been forwarded to the Mayor's office for response. Wh,«: ,;.;7;-:· • This does not-intlude email ~int to individual Council members, or sent to some but not all Council memb'frft.unless t~~f=-tmail was also sent, or was forwarded to, the Mayor's office for response. ·,,,)::,,_. 0r&(~ Paper Correspondence: au'Wardcopy correspondence addressed to Mayor & Council, including correspondence received via Canada Post, fax and hand delivery. • This does not include correspondence addressed only to the Mayor or individual members of Council. Media: accredited staff representatives of print or broadcast media. Writer: any person writing to Maple Ridge City Council, including but not limited to citizens, non-residents, representatives of businesses and other organizations. Doc# 2400625 Page 1of 3 Policy Outcomes: 1. Council can expect to receive staff responses in a transparent and timely manner. 2. Writers can expect an immediate auto-reply and those enquiries requiring further follow up will receive a personal response within two business days. For complex enquiries that require further action, research, or input from other departments, writers can expect a subsequent staff response that may take up to two weeks to be completed. 3. Media enquiries will be addressed within two business days. 4. Requests for attendance or official representation from Mayor & Council will be acknowledged within three business days. Roles/Responsibilities: Mayor 1. The Mayor is the City's chief spokesperson and is responsible for informing the public on Council policies, priorities and decisions. 2. All invitations for official representation from Mayor & Council will come to the Mayor's Office. The Mayor, or a designate, will be 13ssigned for any formal speaking role. 3. The Mayor may provide letters of supp6rt, as related to grant applications, award applications and requests that align with City policies and strategic plans on behalf of Council when requested. 4. Media enquiries, received through the Mayor's Offic~, shall be directed to the Community Engagement & Relations de'partment who will provide background information related to media enquiries to ensure responses are accurate and align with corporate policies and Council decisions. Council 1. Councillors will confirm their availability to attend events to the Mayor's office, who will provide a ccfllective RSVP to .event organizers. / . 2. Individual mem9ers of Couricil shall notexpress opinions on behalf of Council. 3. The decisions of Council shallbereflectedas collective corporate decisions. 4. ln.divitlual m~mbers CJfCo'uncil are encouraged to reflect the opinion of Council as a whole, or state that commentsreflect their own personal opinion. General 1. All responses to Email Correspondence and Paper Correspondence will be saved as corporate records. .. , 2. All invitations addressed to Mayor & Council will be entered into the Council calendar by the Mayor's Office. .··. 3. An auto-respqnse has peen created for all incoming emails. 4. Follow-up responses to correspondence will be provided during business hours. Correspondence received on weekends and statutory holidays will be addressed on the next business day. If the matter is an emergency, members of the public will be provided with information on how to contact the City directly using the main telephone line 604-463-9581. 5. Staff will not support personal social media channels or personal correspondence for elected officials. 6. The Community Engagement & Relations team will work with the official representative, as designated by the Mayor's office, to provide briefings on protocol events, develop presentation materials as required for events. City assets (photos, video or marketing material) cannot be used by past, current or aspiring elected officials for campaign purposes or by individuals seeking office at the local, provincial or federal level. Doc# 2400625 Page 2 of3 Policy Key Areas of Responsibility Action to Take A. Act as the City's chief spokesperson, on behalf of Council. 8. Respond to correspondence addressed to an individual Council member or several but not all Council members, sharing the decision of the collective Council, and/or explaining that an alternate opinion provided is that of the individual Council member. C. Forward correspondence to the Mayor's Office to initiate a corporate response to an email received by one or more individual councillors. D. Determine routing of correspondence to staff, Council agenda, Council calendar or other. E. Respond to inquiries that need further review and response. Ensure the response is cc'd to Mayor, Codncil and CAO. Response times will vary based on detail of response required. F. Respond to and manage invitations addressed to Mayor & Council. G. Act as the cfty's liaison between the Mayot/CAO/Staff for media enquiries and interview requests. Doc# 2400625 Page3 of3 Responsibility Mayor Council Council Staff Staff Mayor's Office Manager of Community Engagement & Relations Policy APPENDIX 8 Mayor & Council Auto-Reply On behalf of Mayor and all members of Council, thank you for taking the time to send in your email. As per the City's Mayor & Council Correspondence Policy, this acknowledges receipt of your email. Feedback and inquiries are greatly appreciated by all members of Council. Should your email require further response, it will be reviewed and responded to by the appropriate staff in a timely manner. If you are expecting a response from an individual member of Council, please email them directly (a list of contacts can be found on the City's website) otherwise, all emails will be directed to the Mayor's Office for an official response on behalf of Mayor and Council. Should your email require further response, you will receive a reply within two business days. For more complex enquiries that require further action, research or input from other departments, writers can expect a subsequent staff response that may take up to two weeks to be completed. If your email relates to an item that has been the subject of a Public Hearing which has already concluded, please be advised that members of Council are not permitted to receive further input. Your message will not be forwarded to them but instead will be directed to the General Manager Planning & Development Services for review. Should you need to follow up on your enquiry, please contact the Executive Assistant to the Mayor, Tracy Camire at tcamire@mapleridge.ca. Public Safety Concerns For fire or life hazards immediately phone 911 and ask for Police, Fire or Ambulance. In the event of an emergency do not use this form. You may contact our 24-hour dispatch at 604-463-9581 for the following: • Sewer back-ups • Watermain breaks • Localized flooding • Traffic or pedestrian hazards • or any issue where there is an immediate response required Report a Concern Online You can report a variety of problems online or via the mobile application. The completed form is emailed directly to the appropriate department and will be recorded as a request on the next business day. You will receive an electronic confirmation that the form has been received upon submission and you may be required to provide additional information. Doc# 2414839 Page 1 of 1 Last updated: 2020-03-16 11:17 AM