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2020-04-14 Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdf
City of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA April 14, 2020 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers Meeting Decorum: Council would like to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting in any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. The meeting is live streamed and recorded by the City of Maple Ridge. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the City's Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca The purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council by using bylaws or resolutions. This is the venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA 300 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 400 ADOPTION OF MINUTES 401 Minutes of Regular Council Meeting of March 31, 2020 402 Report of Public Hearing of March 24, 2020 500 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 600 DELEGATIONS 700 ITEMS ON CONSENT 701 Minutes 701.1 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of March 30, 2020 Council Meeting Agenda April 14, 2020 Council Chamber Page 2 of 6 702 Reports 703 Correspondence 704 Release of Items from Closed Council Status From the March 10, 2020 Closed Council Meeting Item 4.2 Legal and Legislative Services -Appointment of Corporate and Deputy Corporate Officers That Stephanie Nichols be appointed Corporate Officer; and, That Darrell Denton be appointed Deputy Corporate Officer. 705 Recommendation to Receive Items on Consent 800 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Note: Items 801 and 801 were forwarded at the March 10, 2020 Council Workshop Meeting 801 Proposed New Sign Bylaw No. 7630-2020 Staff report dated March 31, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw No. 7630-2020 to regulate signs within the City of Maple Ridge be given first, second and third readings. 802 Maple Ridge Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 7626-2020 Staff report dated March 31, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 7626-2020 to allow the City of Maple Ridge staff to issue tickets more efficiently and address disputes in a fair and equitable manner be given first, second and third readings and that the Council Policy setting out authority for Screening Officers be approved. 900 CORRESPONDENCE 1000 BYLAWS Doc#2392465 Council Meeting Agenda April 14, 2020 Council Chamber Page 3 of 6 1100 COMMITIEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS For the following items that refer to staff report earlier than this agenda date: the items were presented at a Committee of the Whole meeting typically a week prior on the date of the staff report, to provide Council with an opportunity to ask staff detailed questions. The items are now before the regular Council Meeting for debate and vote. Both meetings are open to the public. The reports are not reprinted again in hard copy, however; they can be found in the electronic agenda or in the Committee of the Whole agenda package dated accordingly. Public Works and Development Services 1101 2017-473-RZ, 13616 and 13660 232 Street, RS-3 to RST-SV, R-2, R-1, RS-1b and RS-1 Staff report dated April 7, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Amending Bylaw No. 7 430-2018 to revise boundaries of land use designations to fit site conditions be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 431-2018 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RST-SV (Street Townhouse -Silver Valley}, R-2 (Urban Residential District), R-1 (Residential District), RS-1b (One Family Urban [Medium Density] Residential) and RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential to allow for future development of approximately ten street townhouse units and approximately thirteen single family lots be given second reading and be forwarded to public hearing. 1102 2018-464-RZ, 11907 223 Street, RM-3 to RM-2 Staff report dated April 7, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7631-2020 to amend the five storey building height restriction in the Town Centre Area Plan be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing and the Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7563-2019 to rezone from RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential District) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential District) to permit construction of six storey residential building with approximately 51 units be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. 1103 2016-411-RZ, 21188 Wicklund Avenue, RS-1 to R-4 Staff report dated April 7, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7505-2018 to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to R-4 (Single Detached [Infill] Urban Residential) to permit a future subdivision of approximately two single family lots be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. Doc#2392465 Council Meeting Agenda April 14, 2020 Council Chamber Page 4 of 6 1104 2018-004-RZ, 22567, 22583 and 22577 Brown Avenue, RS-1 to RM-2 Staff report dated April 7, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 445-2018 to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) to permit future construction of a five (5) storey apartment building containing 48 dwelling units be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. 1105 2018-498-RZ, 21640 124 Avenue, RS-1 to RT-2 Staff report dated April 7, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7533-2019 to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RT-2 (Ground Oriented Residential Infill) to permit a four unit Courtyard Housing Project be give second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. 1106 2011-089-RZ, 22325 St. Anne Avenue, Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Amending Bylaw Staff report dated April 7, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Amending Bylaw No. 7632-2020 to allow for an extension of the completion date for the conservation of the Morse/Turnock Residence be given first, second and third reading. 1107 2016-325-RZ, Temporary Commercial Use Permit Renewal, 22606 Dewdney Trunk Road Staff report dated April 7, 2020 recommending that Temporary Commercial Use Permit 2016-325-RZ to permit a temporary taxi dispatch office and taxi parking on property located at 22606 Dewdney Trunk Road be renewed and re-issued for an additional three years and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal the renewed permit. 1108 Latecomer Agreement LC 167 /19, 12240 Delcrest Street Staff report dated April 7, 2020 recommending that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Latecomer Agreement LC 167 /19. 1109 Contract Award: Pavement Rehabilitation Program Staff report dated April 7, 2020 recommending that the extension of the 2016 contract for pavement rehabilitation be awarded to BA Blacktop Ltd., that a 10% contingency be added for unplanned repairs and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. Doc#2392465 Council Meeting Agenda April 14, 2020 Council Chamber Page 5 of 6 Corporate Services 1131 Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw Staff report dated April 7, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw No. 7633-2020 be given first, second and third readings. Parks. Recreation and Culture Administration {including Fire and Police) 1171 Council Conduct Bylaw No. 7637-2020 in draft Other Committee Issues 1200 STAFF REPORTS 1300 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 1400 PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 1500 MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR REPORTS 1600 NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 1700 ADJOURNMENT APPROVED BY: ~~ED~-B-~_· _______ _ DATE: DATE: llr-'1 /7,1) Doc#2392465 Council Meeting Agenda April 14, 2020 Council Chamber Page 6 of 6 PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD During the COVID-19 health emergency it is important to ensure that our democratic processes continue to function and that the work of the City remains transparent for all citizens. We are doing business a bit differently during this time by having Council members attend remotely and having only necessary staff present in person to administer the meetings. Balancing the health and safety of citizens and our democratic processes is first and foremost in our approach during this health emergency. The purpose of the Public Question Period is to provide the public with an opportunity to ask questions of Council on items that are of concern to them, with the exception of Public Hearing bylaws which have not yet reached conclusion. As noted, during the COVID-19 health emergency, we will be using new virtual tools to ensure that citizens voices are being heard as part of our meetings. For more information on virtual participation please go to http://mapleridge.ca/640/Council-Meetings. Each person will be permitted 2 minutes to ask their question (a second opportunity is permitted if no one else is sitting in the chairs in front of the podium). Questions must be directed to the Chair of the meeting and not to individual members of Council. The total session is limited to 15 minutes. If you have a question or comment that you would normally ask as part of Public Question Period, you can email clerks@mapleridge.ca before 4:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting and your questions or comments will be shared with Council. If you miss this deadline staff will respond to you in writing as soon as possible. Council reserves the right to defer responding to a question in order to obtain the information required to provide a complete and accurate response. Council will not tolerate any derogatory remarks directed at Council or staff members. We thank citizens for their support as we try innovative approaches to keep us all connected even as we separate to stop the spread of COVID-19. For more information on these opportunities contact: Clerk's Department at 604-463-5221 or clerks@mapleridge.ca. Mayor and Council at mayorandcouncil@mapleridge.ca. Doc#2392465 400 Adoption and Receipt of Minutes 400 401 Minutes of Regular and Special Council Meetings 401 City of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES March 31, 2020 The Minutes of the City Council Meeting held on March 31, 2020 at 7:03 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular City business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor M. Morden Councillor J. Dueck Councillor K. Duncan Councillor C. Meadus Councillor G. Robson Councillor R. Svendsen Councillor A. Yousef Appointed Staff A. Horsman, Chief Administrative Officer C. Carter, General Manager Planning & Development Services C. Crabtree, Acting General Manager Corporate Services D. Pollock, General Manager Engineering Services S. Nichols, Corporate Officer Other Staff as Required C. Goddard, Director of Planning M. McMullen, Manager of Development and Environmental Services C. Nolan, Corporate Controller M. Orsetti, Manager of Bylaw and Licensing Services Note: These Minutes are also posted on the City's Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca Video of the meeting is posted at media.mapleridge.ca/Mediasite/Showcase Note: Councillor Robson was not in attendance at the start of the meeting. 100 CALL TO ORDER The Mayor acknowledged the first responders and frontline staff who are working so hard during the COVID emergency. 200 AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA Addition of Item 801 Update -Review of Purchasing Policy 5.45 as forwarded from the March 31, 2020 Council Workshop Meeting. 401 Council Meeting Minutes March 31, 2020 Page 2 of 15 300 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2020-123 It was moved and seconded That the agenda of the Regular Council Meeting of March 31, 2020 be amended with the addition of Item 801 Update -Review of Purchasing Policy 5.45 and be adopted as amended. CARRIED Note: Councillor Robson joined the meeting at 7:04 p.m. 400 ADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTES 401 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of March 10, 2020 R/2020-124 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of March 10, 2020 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 500 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL -Nil 600 DELEGATIONS -Nil 700 ITEMS ON CONSENT 701 Minutes 701.1 Minutes of the Development Agreements Committee Meetings of March 5, 10, 11 and 16, 2020 702 Reports 702.1 2020 Council Expenses Staff report dated March 31, 2020 including Council expenses recorded to February 28, 2020. 703 Correspondence -Nil Council Meeting Minutes March 31, 2020 Page 3 of 15 704 Release of Items from Closed Council Status Released at the Closed Council Meeting of January 21, 2020 • Item 4.4-City Acquisition of 12067 240 Street for Engineering Operations That staff be directed to purchase the property legally described as: Lot 1, Plan NWP18013, Section 21, Township 12, Group 1, New Westminster Land District (PIO# 010-345-175) situated at 12067 240 Street in Maple Ridge from the current owner for $875,000 to accommodate further expansion and access to the City's Works Yard; That the next Financial Plan Bylaw amendment include the purchase of 12067 240 Street funded through the Capital Works Reserve; and, That staff and/or the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute any/all agreements, land title documents and other necessary documents related to the acquisition. Released at the Closed Council Meeting of March 24, 2020 • Item 4.1-COVID-19 Response Update That Council support the offer of first right of refusal to host the games in 2024, or at the earliest opportunity that can be provided by the Province. R/2020-125 It was moved and seconded That Items on the "Items for Consent" agenda be received into the record. CARRIED 800 UNFINISHED BUS/NESS Note: Item 801 was forwarded from the March 31, 2020 Council Workshop Meeting. The item was discussed under 1300 Other Matters Deemed Expedient 801 Update -Review of Purchasing Policy 5.45 Staff report dated March 31, 2020 recommending an interim increase in approval thresholds and that staff bring forward an updated Purchasing Policy for Council consideration. 900 CORRESPONDENCE -Nil Council Meeting Minutes March 31, 2020 Page 4 of 15 1000 BYLAWS Note: Items 1001 to 1002 are from the March 24, 2020 Public Hearing Bylaws for Third Reading 1001 2017-510-RZ 24022, 24028 and 24060104 Avenue and 10386 240 Street Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 423-2018 To rezone from RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential District). The current application is to permit future construction of 31 townhouse units utilizing Density Bonus provisions to achieve this density. Third reading R/2020-126 It was moved and seconded That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 423-2018 be given third reading. CARRIED Bylaws for Third Reading and Adoption 1002 2020-008-RZ, 22222 Lougheed Highway Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7615-2020 Site specific text amendment to Part 4, Section 401 (3) (h) ii, be amended to reduce the minimum separation distance between cannabis retail uses from 1,000 metres to 860 metres. Third reading and adoption Staff recommendation that the application for a non medical cannabis retail store by 1171712 BC Ltd., located at 22222 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge be supported and that a copy of the resolution be forwarded to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch in accordance with the legislative requirements. R/2020-127 It was moved and seconded That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7615-2020 be given third reading and adopted; and further That the application for a non medical cannabis retail store by 1171712 BC Ltd., located at 22222 Lougheed Highway, Maple Ridge be supported and that a copy of the resolution be forwarded to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch in accordance with the legislative requirements. CARRIED Councillor Duncan -OPPOSED Council Meeting Minutes March 31, 2020 Page 5 of 15 Bylaws for Adoption 1003 Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Amending Bylaw and Maple Ridge MTI Amending Bylaw 1003.1 Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Amending Bylaw No. 7619-2020 To amend Maple Ridge Wildlife and Vector Control Bylaw No. 7437-2018 to include requirements to secure receptacles from attracting wildlife Adoption R/2020-128 It was moved and seconded That Wildlife and Vector Control Amending Bylaw No. 7619-2020 be adopted. CARRIED 1003.2 Maple Ridge MTI Amending Bylaw No. 7621-2020 To amend Maple Ridge Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw No. 6929-2012 by revising wording for placement of solid waste and by increasing fine amounts relating to improper placement of solid waste Adoption R/2020-129 It was moved and seconded That MTI Amending Bylaw No. 7621-2020 be adopted. CARRIED 1004 Inter Municipal TNS Business License Agreement Bylaw and Inter Municipal TNS Business License Bylaw 1004.1 Inter Municipal TNS Business License Agreement Bylaw No. 7622-2020 To allow the City of Maple Ridge to enter into an agreement among the Participating Municipalities regarding an Inter Municipal Transportation Network Services Business Licence Adoption R/2020-130 It was moved and seconded That Inter Municipal TNS Business License Agreement Bylaw No. 7622-2020 be adopted. CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes March 31, 2020 Page 6 of 15 1004.2 Inter Municipal TNS Business License Bylaw No. 7623-2020 To allow the granting of an Inter Municipal TNS Business Licence Adoption R/2020-131 It was moved and seconded That Inter Municipal TNS Business License Bylaw No. 7623-2020 be adopted. CARRIED 1100 REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Public Works and Development Services 1101 2019-216-RZ, 24392 104 Avenue, RS-3 to RM-1 Staff report dated March 24, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7628-2020 to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) to permit future construction of 21 townhouse units be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C, D, E and G of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. R/2020-132 It was moved and seconded 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7628-2020 be given first reading; and 2. That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C, D, E, G of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. CARRIED 1102 2019-268-RZ, 22340 and 22328 St. Anne Avenue and 11654 and 11664 223 Street, C-3 and RS-1 to RM-2 Staff report dated March 24, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7584-2019 to rezone the subject properties from C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) and RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) to permit office space at ground level and 111 apartment units be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C, D and E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. Council Meeting Minutes March 31, 2020 Page 7 of 15 R/2020-133 It was moved and seconded 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7584-2019 be given first reading; and 2. That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C, D and E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, along with the additional requirements discussed in this report. CARRIED 1103 2019-392-RZ, 22904, 22910 and 22922 Dewdney Trunk Road, RS-1 to CD-2-20 Staff report dated March 24, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7627-2020 to rezone the subject properties from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to CD-2-20 (Comprehensive Development) to permit the future construction of an apartment building with commercial as part of the ground floor be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules A, C, D and E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. R/2020-134 It was moved and seconded 1. In respect of Section 4 75 of the Local Government Act, requirement for consultation during the development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider whether consultation is required with specifically: i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan; ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan; iv. First Nations; v. Boards of Education, Greater Boards and Improvements District Boards; and vi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies. and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on the City's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment, and; Council Meeting Minutes March 31, 2020 Page 8 of 15 2. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7627-2020 be given first reading; and 3. That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules A, C, D and E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999. CARRIED 1104 2018-159-RZ, 24331110 Avenue and 24315 110 Avenue, RS-3 to RS-1d Staff report dated March 24, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7624-2020 to adjust areas designated Low Density Residential and to amend the Conservation boundary be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 463-2018 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-id (One Family Urban [Half Acre] Residential) to permit a future subdivision of approximately 19 lots be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. R/2020-135 It was moved and seconded 1) That, in accordance with Section 4 75 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7624-2020 on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting (DIM), and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; 2) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7624-2020 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 3) That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7624-2020 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7624-2020 be given first and second readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 5) That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 463-2018 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; Council Meeting Minutes March 31, 2020 Page 9 of 15 6) That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading; i. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii. Adoption of Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7624-2020 to amend Schedule A, Chapter 10.2 Albion Area Plan, Schedule 1; Albion Area Plan, Figure 1; Northeast Albion and Schedule "C"; iii. Road dedication on 110th Avenue as required; iv. Design and construction of a sanitary sewer pump station, which requires the acquisition of land to facilitate the sanitary pump station at the sole cost of the applicant. This requirement must be filled to the City satisfaction; v. Park dedication as required, including construction of walkways; and removal of all debris and garbage from park land to the City's satisfaction; vi. Submission of a site grading and storm water management plan to the City's satisfaction; vii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject properties for the proposed development; viii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the protection of the Environmentally Sensitive areas (wetlands) on the subject properties; ix. Registration of a Statutory Right-of-Way plan and agreement for infrastructure; x. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Tree Protection, and Stormwater Management; xi. Consolidations of the subject properties; xii. Removal of existing buildings; xiii. In addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject properties; and if so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject properties is not a contaminated site; xiv. That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $86,700.00 ($5,100 per lot X 17 lots) be provided in keeping with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions; and xv. Payment of the Density Bonus provision of the RS-1d (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential), in the amount $55,800.00 ($3,100 per lot X 18 lots). CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes March 31, 2020 Page 10 of 15 1105 2018-160-RZ, 24387 110 Avenue, RS-3 to RS-id Staff report dated March 24, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7625-2020 to adjust the Low Density Residential designation and the Conservation area boundary be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 464-2018 to rezone the subject property from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RS-id (One Family Urban [Half Acre] Residential), with a density bonus, to permit a future subdivision of approximately 12 lots be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. R/2020-136 It was moved and seconded 1) That, in accordance with Section 475 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7625-2020 on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting (DIM), and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; 2) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7625-2020 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 3) That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7625-2020 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7625-2020 be given first and second readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing; . 5) That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 464-2018 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 6) That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii) Adoption of Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7625-2020 to amend Schedule "A", Chapter 10.2 Albion Area Plan, Schedule 1: Albion Area Plan, Figure 1: Northeast Albion and Schedule "C"; iii) Road dedication on 110th Avenue as required; Council Meeting Minutes March 31, 2020 Page 11 of 15 iv) Design and construction of a sanitary sewer pump station, which requires the acquisition of land to facilitate the sanitary pump station at the sole cost of the applicant. This requirement must be filled to the City satisfaction; v) Park dedication as required, including construction of walkways/multi-purpose trail; and removal of all debris and garbage from park land; i) Design and construction of a sanitary sewer pump station, which requires the acquisition of land to facilitate the sanitary pump station at the sole cost of the applicant. This requirement must be filled to the City satisfaction; ii) Park dedication as required, including construction of walkways; and removal of all debris and garbage from park land to the City's satisfaction; iii) Submission of a site grading and storm water management plan to the City's satisfaction; iv) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development; v) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the protection of the Environmentally Sensitive areas (wetlands) on the subject property; vi) Registration of a Statutory Right-of-Way plan and agreement for infrastructure; vii) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Tree Protection, and Stormwater Management; viii) Removal of existing building/s; ix) In addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. x) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $56,100.00 ($5,100.00 lot x 11 lots) be provided in keeping with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions. xi) Payment of the Density Bonus provison of the RS-id (One Family Urban (Half Acre) Residential), in the amount $37,200.00 ($3,100 per lot X 12 lots) CARRIED Council Meeting Minutes March 31, 2020 Page 12 of 15 1106 2019-067-RZ, 23250 Silver Valley Road and 23267 137 Avenue, RS-3 to R-1 Staff report dated March 24, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7554-2019 to re-designate land uses to allow proposed R-1 zoning be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing and that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7547-2019 to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-1 (Residential District) to permit a future subdivision of approximately six single family lots be given first and second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing and that the developer be required to pay the City an amount that equals 5% of the market value of the land required for parkland purposes. R/2020-137 It was moved and seconded 1) That, in accordance with Section 4 75 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early and ongoing consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7554-2019 on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting (DIM), and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; 2) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7554-2019 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 3) That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7554-2019 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7554-2019 be given first and second readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 5) That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 754 7-2019 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 6) That Council require, as a condition of subdivision approval, the developer to pay to the City an amount that equals 5% of the market value of the land, as determined by an independent appraisal, in lieu of parkland dedication in accordance with Section 510 of the Local Government Act; and, 7) That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule "A", Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A -Silver Valley, Figure 2 -Land Use Plan and Figure 3A-Blaney Hamlet; Council Meeting Minutes March 31, 2020 Page 13 of 15 ii) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management; iii) Removal of existing buildings; iv) In addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject properties. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site; and, v) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $30,600.00 ($5,100.00/lot) be provided in keeping with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions. CARRIED 1107 Award of Contract ITT-EN20-5: 248 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road Traffic Signal Modifications Staff report dated March 24, 2020 recommending that Contract ITT-EN20-5: 248 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road Traffic Signal Modifications be awarded to Fraser City Installations (1989) Ltd., that a project contingency to address potential variations in field conditions be approved and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. R/2020-138 It was moved and seconded That Contract ITT-EN20-5: 248 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road Traffic Signal Modifications, be awarded to Fraser City Installations (1989) Ltd. in the amount of $194,700.00 excluding taxes; and That a project contingency of 20% or $39,300.00 be approved to address potential variations in field conditions; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. CARRIED Corporate Services -Nil Parks. Recreation & Culture -Nil Council Meeting Minutes March 31, 2020 Page 14 of 15 Administration (including Fire and Police) 1171 Strategic Plan Progress Report & Council Strategic Check-In Staff report dated March 24, 2020 recommending that Council reaffirm the 2019-2022 Corporate Strategic Plan per its February 3, 2020 Council Workshop directions and further, that Council endorse the revised 2020 Council Workshop Matrix (Appendix C) to reflect the shift in emphasis to Economic Development and Communication. R/2020-139 It was moved and seconded That Council reaffirm the 2019-2022 Corporate Strategic Plan per its February 3, 2020 Workshop directions; and further, That Council endorse the revised 2020 Council Workplan Matrix (Appendix C) to reflect the shift in emphasis to Economic Development and Communication. CARRIED 1172 Mayor & Council Correspondence Policy Staff report dated March 24, 2020 recommending that the amended Mayor & Council Correspondence Policy be endorsed. R/2020-140 It was moved and seconded That the amended Mayor & Council Correspondence Policy be endorsed. CARRIED Councillor Duncan -OPPOSED Other Committee Issues -Nil 1200 STAFF REPORTS -Nil Council Meeting Minutes March 31, 2020 Page 15 of 15 Note: Item 801 was discussed under 1300 1300 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT Item 801 Update -Review of Purchasing Policy 5.45 Staff report dated March 31, 2020 recommending an interim increase in approval thresholds and that staff bring forward an updated Purchasing Policy for Council consideration. R/2020-141 Moved and seconded That the report dated March 31, 2020 titled "Update -Review of Purchasing Policy 5.45 be referred back to staff to be presented at a future Council Meeting. CARRIED 1400 NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS 1500 MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS' REPORTS The Mayor and Councillors provided their reports on activities participated in during the past few weeks. 1600 ADJOURNMENT -8:01 p.m. M. Morden, Mayor Certified Correct S. Nichols, Corporate Officer 402 Report of Public Hearing 402 City of Maple Ridge REPORT OF PUBLIC HEARING March 24, 2020 The Minutes of the Public Hearing held in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia on March 24, 2020 at 7:10 p.m. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor M. Morden Councillor J. Dueck Councillor K. Duncan Councillor C. Meadus Councillor G. Robson Councillor R. Svendsen Councillor A. Yousef Appointed Staff A. Horsman, Chief Administrative Officer C. Carter, General Manager Planning and Development Services C. Crabtree, Acting General Manager Corporate Services S. Nichols, Corporate Officer Other staff as required C. Goddard, Director of Planning Note: Due to Covid-19 concerns, the Public Hearing was held in the Blaney Room at City Hall. Mayor Morden called the meeting to order. The Corporate Officer explained the procedure and rules of order of the Public Hearing and advised that the bylaws will be considered further at the next Council Meeting on March 31, 2020. The Mayor then called upon the Director of Planning to present the following items on the agenda: 1) 2017-510-RZ, 24022, 24028 and 24060 104 Avenue and 10386 240 Street Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 423-2018 To rezone from RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential District). The current application is to permit future construction of 31 townhouse units utilizing Density Bonus provisions to achieve this density. The Corporate Officer advised that no correspondence was received on this item. The Director of Planning gave a detailed description providing information on the application. The Mayor called for speakers three times. There being no comment, the Mayor declared this item dealt with. 402 Record of Public Hearing March 24, 2020 Page 2 of 2 2) 2020-008-RZ, 22222 Lougheed Highway Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7615-2020 Site specific text amendment to Part 4, Section 401 (3) (h) ii, be amended to reduce the minimum separation distance between cannabis retail uses from 1,000 metres to 860 metres. The Corporate Officer advised that one piece of correspondence was received in support of the item and one piece of correspondence was received in opposition of the item. The Director of Planning gave a detailed description providing information on the application. The Mayor called for speakers for first call. Y. Charette -Applicant Mr. Charette spoke on his application, noting his long business history in Maple Ridge. He requested Council support for the application. The Mayor called for speakers for second and third calls. There being no further comment, the Mayor declared this item dealt with. Having given all those persons whose interests were deemed affected by the matters contained herein a chance to be heard, the Mayor adjourned the Public Hearing at 7:28 p.m. M. Morden, Mayor Certified Correct S. Nichols, Corporate Officer 700 ITEMS ON CONSENT 700 701 Minutes 701 701.1 Development Agreements Committee 701.1 March 30, 2020 Mayor's Office CIRCULATED TO: Michael Morden, Mayor Chair CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE Al Horsman, Chief Administrative Officer Member Catherine Schmidt, Recording Secretary 1. 18-110833 BG LEGAL: PIO: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 6 Section 16 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP62576 030-144-892 11235 238 Street RRB Construction Ltd. (Harmanmeet and Amandeep Bhatti) REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPO-RATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 18-110833 BG. 2. 19-113914 BG LEGAL: PIO: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lot 284 District Lot 242 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 53420 000-456-462 21079 Glenwood Avenue Elizabeth and Gordon Sparman REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 19-113914. CARRIED Development Agreements Committee March 30, 2020 3. 17-129894 BG LEGAL: PIO: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 9 District Lot 400 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 69867 001-990-985 22287 126 Avenue Keith and Darlene Rogalsky REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 17-129894 BG. 4. 19-119257 BG LEGAL: PIO: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lot 52 District Lot 403 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan EPP88213 030-658-616 11274 McDougal Street Polygon Provenance Homes Ltd. (Rob Bruno) REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Temporary Residential Use Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 19-119257 BG. 5. 19-119090 BG LEGAL: PIO: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lot 54 District Lot 403 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan EPP88213 030-658-632 11262 McDougal Street Polygon Provenance Homes Ltd. (Rob Bruno) REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Temporary Residential Use Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 19-119090 BG. CARRIED Page 2 of 4 Development Agreements Committee March 30, 2020 6. 20-108567 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 47 District Lot 403 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan EPP88213 030-658-560 23188 113 Avenue Polygon Provenance Homes Ltd. (Rob Bruno) REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Temporary Residential Use Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 20-108567 BG. 7. 19-110357 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lot 2 District Lot 248 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 7510 000-679-852 21308 River Road Karen Learmonth and Gary DeCorby REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Sump Pump Covenant No Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 19-110357 BG. CARRIED Page 3 of 4 Development Agreements Committee March 30, 2020 8. 2017-066-RZ LEGAL: PIO: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 3 District Lot 242 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 14112 000-767-409 21241 Wicklund Avenue Ajitpal and Sheila Bhuller REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Stormwater Management Covenant Rezoning Servicing Agreement Building Scheme Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO 2017-066-RZ. CARRIED Horsman, Chief Administrative Officer Member Page 4 of 4 112AVE. N Scale: 1 :2,000 11283 11277 11229 11223 11217 11211 11205 SUBJECT PROPERTY The City of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. 11235 238 St ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ~·-· mapleridge.ca FILE: Untitled DA TE: Mar 19, 2020 BY: NV tJ V 12100 12092 12084 i-.: CJ) 'I'""" 12074 'I'""" N SUBJECT PROPERTY JI 12068 / 12056 lO lO O') O') f',...., ~ ~ ~ lO (0 f',...., co O') a ~ a a a a a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C'\I C'\I C'\I C'\I C'\I C'\I C'\I GLENWOOD AVE. \ (0 (0 co co (0 C'\I C'\I ~ ~ a ~ C'\I ~ lO (0 f',...., co O') ~ ~ a a a a a ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C'\I C'\I C'\I ~ C'\I C'\I C'\I C'\I C'\I 0 ~ a C'\I C'\I a a C'\I C'\I ~ ~ I I 21079 GLENWOOD AVE N Scale: 1 :1,000 FILE: Untitled DATE: Mar 24, 2020 BY:C3 "'-('\J ('\J ('\J ('\J N Scale: 1 :1,000 12561 12556 12551 12550 " co C\J ~ a "'-('\J ('\J ('\J "'-co ('\J ('\J ('\J SUBJECT PARCEL CV) "'-O') O') ('\J ('\J ('\J ('\J ('\J ('\J CV) a CV) ('\J ('\J 12578 126AVE. 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I\J w 21231 co ~ 0:, I\J 0 0 c_ m ; ~ m ""CJ 21241 ;;o ' 0 ""CJ 21230 m ;;o -I -< ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... I\J I'-.) I\J I\J I\J I 21240 I\J I'-.) I'-.) ..... ..... a ..... ..... 0) '-l 21247 (0 w (0 ..... ..... ...... ...... ...... ..... ..... ..... " I\J I\J I\J I\J I'-.) I\J I\J I\J ..... ..... I\J I\J 0:, (0 a ..... w ~ 0) 0) 0 I\J ~ I\J 21282 21290 21298 21297 21295 21300 21302 21305 () 21301 I )> 21314 $ ""CJ 800 Unfinished Business 800 TO: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE MEETING DATE: FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: March 31, 2020 09-3900-02 Council SUBJECT: Proposed New Sign Bylaw No. 7630 -2020 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Building Department is pleased to submit for Council's consideration the updated Sign Bylaw No. 7630-2020 attached as schedule A to this report. This bylaw is a result of an extensive and lengthy consultation process geared towards creating a more user friendly bylaw which is updated to address the sign issues of today. This process has included consultation with the building and development community, sign companies and the business community and residents. The consultation process included directed mail outs to the high use user groups, online surveys and access to the document plus an open house. We believe we have created a bylaw that addresses the needs of the community and the goals of the City. In summary, the bylaw applies to all lands in the city and consists of the following regulations: • Definitions and Interpretations • General Provisions & Exemptions • Prohibitions & Non-Conforming Signs • Maintenance & Inspections • Specific Regulations & Schedules RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw No. 7630 -2020 be given first, second & third reading. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The Sign Bylaw is regulatory in nature, as it not only seeks to ensure it achieves council's vision for the city, but is also sensitive to the needs of the business community and their desire to identify their business and the services they provide. The Sign Bylaw is intended to provide support and further enhance what has been created as part of the Zoning and Development Permit process. The Sign Bylaw now includes a recommendation for signage to be included as part of the Development Permit Process to ensure signage forms an integrated part of the design. The existing Sign Bylaw has been revised only once since its adoption in 1992 which has led to a document that does not deal with current issues and technologies which we hope to rectify moving forward. It is expected that changes and challenges will occur with the new Sign Bylaw 7630-2020 as technology and community needs change. It should also be expected that normal housekeeping amendments to the Sign Bylaw will be required as it is applied on a daily basis. The new Sign Bylaw is a significant document and therefore it is useful to briefly review the history, goals and efforts in the past that have culminated in the new bylaw. The City has had seven sign bylaws since the 1960's each of which built on the previous bylaw and added new components that were relevant at the time. Signs provide a visible face to business in the community and the Sign Bylaw is intended to ensure this can be achieved but also ensure Council's vision for the City and the safety of pedestrians and vehicular traffic is still achieved. The goal of the Sign Bylaw review has always been to achieve an updated bylaw that: • Aligns with city policies and goals • Identifies and resolves issues/concerns raised by the public, the development community and city departments, • Responds to new market trends • Improves consistency and a format that is user-friendly, easily interpreted, enforceable and effective in regulating signage in the City, • Enables local businesses, institutions, and community organizations to clearly identify themselves and the products or services they provide. • Enhances the appearance and visual character of the community through appropriate signage • Ensures the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and motorists by ensuring signs are properly located, minimize distraction, and do not interfere with traffic control devices To achieve these goals the following steps have occurred: • Council has continued to support a Sign Bylaw modernization effort • Early efforts focused on important background work, such as, information gathering, research of issues and problem identification, coordinating with other departments for their specific areas of concern, looking at various alternative bylaw formats, identifying key deficiencies and inconsistencies. This groundwork was accomplished internally with existing resources to streamline the review process. • In general, the scope of the review included the following: identification of issues, concerns and discrepancies, reformatting for ease of use and language, review of all sign types and definitions for consistency and modernization, introduction of new provisions that reflect the goals and objectives of Council. • Countless staff meetings and input from internal departments that provided both useful feedback and constructive input • Consultation was held with the Public, Developer representatives, Sign Companies, Chamber and Business Improvement Association via email, website posts and an open house. The open house was held on November 26, and 10 people attended, • A legal review of the bylaw has been completed to ensure its enforceability. Page2of6 It is important to note that there have been countless changes that can best be described as housekeeping and updating but there are also some significant changes. Most significant is the reorganization of the bylaw to be user friendly, consistent, updated and logical in organization, format and language. There are many minute changes in the bylaw that cannot be noted in a simple staff report. Therefore, the new bylaw should be read by those interested, in its entirety. A number of public information sessions have occurred with the local business and industry communities to provide input on suggested changes to the current bylaw. After these sessions, and with input from staff, a bylaw was drafted and presented to Council for adoption. At that time, the bylaw was deferred at Council's direction. The bylaw was then brought forward to Council again in 2017 for consideration with a further request to obtain additional public input due to the time lag between Council's first three readings. Staff felt this was needed to ensure the bylaw was still relevant and met the needs of both the community and the City. The proposed bylaw attached to this report is believed to be more in harmony with local business interests. As part of the adoption of this bylaw, Council will have the opportunity to review its success in one year from the date of adoption as a report will be brought back to Council for consideration and direction. A primary focus is to make a Bylaw more user friendly, easier to read and interpret. The proposed Bylaw corrects a number of significant problems in the current Bylaw with some of these corrections identified below: 1. Significant improvements and additions to the Definition section of the Bylaw provide clarity in: • How to determine the size of the store front applicable to calculating sign area • Identifying the boundaries of tenant spaces • Include wording for offsite development directional signs • Excluding the need to consider signs within a development that are not visible from highways 2. Identify and separate those sign types that either wholly or partially encroach onto municipal property, whether they are on the roadway, sidewalk, boulevard, or overhang any of these areas. The bylaw now provides a mechanism to allow these signs to be installed through the Municipal Engineer. 3. Provide an alternative to sandwich board signs where businesses have an awning or a canopy. • It is proposed that a sign not exceeding 0.28 sq. m. (3.0 sq. ft.) be allowed without the need for a permit. 4. Sandwich Board Signs now have specific requirements for placement: size and liability insurance. These types of signs, where permitted, will need to be incorporated into the streetscape in a safe manner. 5. Where applications are made for sign types that are not addressed in the Sign Bylaw the applicant has the option of using the Development Variance Permit process. The appropriate changes have been made to the Bylaw to clarify this process. Page 3 of 6 6. Revised regulations have been identified for Election Signs. More specifically the size, placement and number of signs. • Provincial and Federal election signs are not to be erected more than 30 days prior to the election and removed within 4 days after the election. • Municipal and school trustee election signs are not to be erected more than 20 days prior to the election and removed within 4 days after the election. • Signs cannot exceed a height of 2.44 metres (8.0 feet). • A maximum of 300 signs per candidate with a limit on large election signs -1.48 sq. m. (16 sq. ft.) -of not more than 100 of the maximum 300 permitted. • Signs cannot be erected on municipal parkland or buildings owned or leased by the City. 7. Regulations for the placement of private and public sector information signs on public right of ways for specific short periods of time addressing a number of issues. • Signage permitted through an application to the Municipal Engineer. 8. Reduce and simplify how the size and copy area of signs are calculated. • Signs attached to the building are now calculated based on the frontage wall area of the tenant space regardless of the properties zoning designation. • Calculations allow for an increase in the amount of copy area without requiring the sign area to be increased for no other reason than to increase the copy area. • The method of sign calculation are now grouped based on the primary land use designations as identified in the City's Zoning Bylaw. 9. Signage be included as part of the Development Permit process to ensure integration into the overall design of the development. • Development Permit applications will request that the location and type of signage be included. • The Building Department will review proposal as part of the DP review process to ensure compliance or identify the need for a Development Variance Permit. The work completed on the proposed Sign Bylaw creates an integrated sign permit system that involves the Building Department, Bylaw & Licencing Services, along with the Clerks, Engineering and Planning Departments. The proposed Bylaw provides for more clarity in the application process, clearly differentiates between signs on private and public property and sets out the process for applying for each type of sign where applicable. Transition Process from Old to New Sign Bylaw All current issued permits would not be impacted as they have been reviewed under the previous bylaw and would only need to complete the permit inspection process to finalize these signs. All instream applications have been reviewed for compliance to the proposed bylaw and would require no modifications to their issuance. As part of this transition, all stakeholders will be provided with copies directly via email. The new bylaw will also be posted on the website and broadcast through our social media accounts. b) Desired Outcome: That Council adopts Sign Bylaw 7630 -2020. c) Citizen/Customer Implications: A bylaw that is clear and understandable to all users and provides clarity around signage that has been problematic in the past. Page4of6 • Provide a mechanism through the Development Variance Permit process where proposals do not comply with the bylaw • Clearer wording around the need for professional involvement of engineers for signs and or their installation • Allows for additional on-site signage for home occupation uses d) Interdepartmental Implications: The work completed on the proposed new Sign Bylaw creates an integrated sign permit system that involves the Building Department -Permits & Inspection Services, Bylaw & Licencing Services, along with the Clerks, Engineering and Planning Departments. This is achieved by defining what type of approval is needed for the various types of signs and from which department, providing clearer role definitions for enforcement, and providing an alternate where compliance to the bylaw is problematic to the applicant. e) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The current sign permit fees are $50.00 for permanent signs and $20.00 for temporary signs. Staff has conducted a survey of sign permit fees in other jurisdictions in the lower mainland and is recommending a fee structure that will cover the majority of the costs for plan checking and inspections. The fees are based on the size of the proposed sign as the degree of complexity in the plan review and documentation to be reviewed becomes more difficult and takes more time the larger the proposed sign becomes. The fee schedule will now range from $136.00 for a 3 sq. m. (4' x 8') sign up to $536.00 for signs exceeding 18.6 sq. m. (10' x 20'). With respect to temporary signs, staff is recommending a modest increase in the cost from $20.00 for a thirty (30) day period to $30.00 for a thirty (30) day period with the addition of a refundable annual security deposit of $500.00. The proposed sign fee schedule is set out in Schedule A of this Bylaw. This fee structure puts our fees within the mid-range of the 10 local municipalities reviewed. f) Alternatives: That Council not grant three readings to the Bylaw. CONCLUSION: The proposed bylaw before you builds upon the previous draft bylaw and provides additional revisions based on interaction with the current bylaw and applicants. The proposed bylaw has been in the process of updating since 2013. With multiple consultations with industry and the public over the past six years to ensure a bylaw that speaks well to all parties involved, we believe the bylaw before you has struck a balance between the publics needs including: • Home base occupancy use signage, • Developer signage both on and offsite, • Clarity in the terms used within the bylaw, and • Structure of the bylaw. This bylaw also meets the needs of the City to ensure a bylaw that: • is easy to interpret, • Provides a balance between the needs of the city and the community, Page 5 of 6 • Provides language for alternate approvals, and • is enforceable. Following the adoption of the Bylaw, pursuant with City practice, the Bylaw staff will monitor its effectiveness for a period of approximately one year and prepare a report for Council's consideration. Prepared by: Stephen J. C e-Rolvink, RBO, CRBO uilding Official Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP .... . General Manager Planning & Development Services CJ[~~ Concurrence: Al H~ an .. . • . . · • · : Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: (A) Appendix A -Draft Sign Bylaw Page 6of6 City of Maple Ridge ·Sign. Bylaw Bylaw No. Effective· Date: Revised 2020-02-24 City of Maple Ridge -' Sign Bylaw f\Jo: ;?f53Q;iQgQ Table of Contents Part 1 Citation .................. · ................................................................. ' .............. 1· Part 2 Severability .•..... •; ..............................•................................... , ........... ; ..... ;.; ............ 1 Part 3 Previous Bylaw Repeal ..................................................... , ........... , ... ,.:: ........ :., .... ~·1 Part 4 Definitions· ......... : .................. , ...... , ... : ..................... ; ................. °" ...... :; .................. 2 Part 5 Interpretation ........................... : .......................................................................... 8 Part 6 .... General Provisions .................................................. , ............................................ 8 Part 7 Exemption· ., ............ ,, .. , ... :; ... , ......... ,; ............................ , .................... :;.; .... ; ...... : .... 10 Part 8 Prohibited Signs ............... ;,, ..... ;: .. ~ .................... , ............. , ............... : .... , ........... 12 Part 9 . Non-Conforming Signs ., ..... , ................................ .-......... , .............. , .............. , .... 13 Part 10iMaintenance of Signs .;, ...................................... , .............. _.; ..... ;.;;.; ..... , ...•...... 13 Part11 Sign Permits and.Fees ;, ....................... , .......................... : ......................•........ ,.13 Part 12. Inspections and Regulations .. :,. .•....• : .•................................. : .......................... 16' .. Part 13 Specific Sign Regulations ......................... : ....................... ,, ......... , ............ ;; ..... 18 Part 14 Penalty and Enactment .......... , ............................................ , ......................... 245 Schedule.l'A" -Sign Permit Fees ................................................... :···,: ................... : ..•... 27 Schedule "B'' -Cross Reference Table ................................................................. .:. ..... 28 Schedule"C" -TemporarySignPermit Applicatiom ... , ..................... , .......... : .•.............. 29 Schedule "D" -·Temporary Construction Sign Permit Application .............. : •.•............ 30 Schedule "E" -Sign lmpoundment RecoveryCosts .................. , ............................... l.31 Schedule "F" -Signs Permitted in All Zones 32 Schedule "G" ~ Signs Permitted in Agricultural and Residential Zones 34 Schedule "H" -:--All Commercial Zones · 35 Schedule "I" -All lndustrialZones 37 . Schedule "J" -All Institutional Zones 39 Revised 2020-02~24 City of Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw No. 7630-2020 A bylaw to regulate signs within the City of Maple Ridge. WHEREAS Pursuant to section 908 of the Local Government Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 323 but subject to the provisions of the Motor Vehicle Act R.S.B.C. 1996, C318 and the Transportation Act, S.BC., 2004 c. 44 Council may, by bylaw regulate the number, size, type, form, appearance and locations of signs in the City, and the bylaw may contain different provisions for different zones, different uses within a zone, and different classes of highways; AND WHEREAS Pursuant to sections 8(4) and 65 of the Community Charter, S.B.C., C. 26 Council may, by bylaw regulate and impose requirements in relation to signs and advertising in the City and regulate or prohibit the erection, placing, alteration, maintenance, demolition and removal of a sign, sign board, advertisement, advertising device or structure; AND WHEREAS Council wishes to allow for signs in the City, while simultaneously preserving and enhancing Maple Ridge's character, and ensuring that signs are designed, constructed, installed and maintained so that energy consumption is minimized, and public safety and traffic safety are not compromised. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: Part 1 Citation 1.1 This bylaw may be cited as Sign Bylaw No. 7630-2020. Part 2 Severability 2.1 If a portion of this bylaw is held invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction, then the invalid portion must be severed and the remainder of this bylaw is deemed to have been adopted without the severed section, subsection, paragraph, subparagraph, clause or phrase. Part 3 Previous Bylaw Repeal 3.1 Sign Byl?w No. 4653 -1992 (adopted on August 10, 1992) is hereby repealed and the following amendment bylaw is hereby repealed: Maple Ridge Sign Amending Bylaw No.4762-1992. Revised 2020-02-24 Part4 Definitions For words hot defined in this Bylaw, the definitions contain~d in the Maple Ridge Builc:Iidg 13yla'4 and Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw and the Maple Ridge Highway and Traffic Bylaw as am-ended from ffme to time shall apply. Where the same words are defined in more than one bylaw, the definition in thisBylaw shall apply for purposes otadministering this Bylaw. "Abandoned Sign~ means any signwhich no longer directs persons to or advertises a · business, lessor, ovmer, product oractivity conducted or product in existenc!i or available on the )6, where the sign is displayed or which isnot identifying the owner, occupant, occupancy, user or use of the lot of a building or structure on the lot, on which such sign is situated .• -"Awning" means a detachable systemof fabric or oth~r material which is supported entirely from the exterior wall of a building by a fixed or retractable frame. -"Awning Sign" mean~ anon-iUumi~ated ~i~r onan awning which shall only be pai~ted on, affixed flEtt againsttti~sui:face qf'c;lD a;ybin'ttbymeans of a decal, orform part of the fabric of an. awning which .. does hot extend vertically or horizontally beyorid the limits of such awning . . "Balcony Sign" means a sign supported on, against or suspended from a balcony. "Balloon Sign" means an inflated three-dimensional device which· is affixed or anchored to the ground or a structure and which contains information and where the intent is to attract the attention of persons for the express purpose of the communication of that inforrnation, "BannerSign" means. a flexible plastic: or fabric sign, exeluding an awning, affixed buildingthat is used asatemporary sign buf excludes a flag. -... --;. :·: ' ·,, ., -"Building" mearisany structureused or intended for ~ypporting or sheltering any use or occupar;icy. "BenchSign" means a sign affixeq to, painted or placed upon part of a bench located on public: property at a bus stop.rest area or pa[k.. . "Billboard" means anexteriorstructure displayingac:lvert1sfng.rr?cit~ii?TforMJrci'part1es of a . . . . ..•• ·,:~--~ ··.·· ~-.... , ·-·,, ..... : . .-.. ,,, ... -........... , -.• -... ,-,.,. ... __ ;_·· ... --.-··"_--<_-~ :·» ·_ ·····-··" · ... ...: .. ·d non-accessory nature either electronically or pasted or ot~e~wi~eaffixe6flatto_ the face of s_uch structure ,md which exceeds 28m2 (301 sq. ft.),in ~/g"rjjif~~-· · "Bus Shelter'' a covered structure intended to shelter bus patrons within orabove public property which is approved by the City lgcated at a bus stop in ordinary use by buses operated by a public transit authority. "Business", means ihe carrying C>nof a commercial or industrial undertaking of any kind or nature or the pmviding of professional,_ personal or other services for the purpose of gain or profit. "Building Official" includes the Chi~(BijHijmgpme1ai, Building Inspectors, Gas/Plumbing Inspectors, Electrical Inspectors, Trades inspectors; Safety Officers and Plan Checkers designated by the Corporation of the City of Maple Ridge. 2 "Bylaw Corriplianc¢ Officer" means the person appointed from time to time by Council to act in thecapacityas-the City Bylaw q<jijiplJ~frc~ Officer. "Canopy or Mar(luee" means a permanent non~retractabfe hood, shelter or cover which projects irom'"the.wall of a building but does not include a projecting roof: "Canopy Sign" means a sign attached to or constructed_ on the face of~ canopy. "Changeable Copy Sign" means a sign on which copy can .. be changed manually through· the · use of attachable letters, numerals, graphics or pictorial.· "City" means the City of. Maple Ridge. "Clearance" means the vertical distance measured from grade to the )e~er:Otthe, under~ide of a sign or its supporting structure orthe bottom of anawningvalance. "Construction" means the erection, alteration, replacement, addition/removal, moving and demolition of Buildings; Structures and of all appurtenances thereto including without · limitation, electrical and other systems, fittings appliances and accessories of every nature and kind; and includes all site preparation, excavation, fiflingand. grading, "Construction Sign~ means atemporarysignpromoting a construction.or real estate development project ;or:jdeijtifyfngijJoC§]fi9riclf~.~eye,topriien{project; which may a.lso. be used to identify the owner~· genera( contractor, 'sub~trades, architecf engineers and othe.rs associated with the design, planning, development and financing of a project under construction. "Copy" rrieans letter~, charact~rs, numbers or graphics making up.the message oh a sig~. , .. ,. ' . .· . "Copy Atea".meansthe area within a square orrectangle or a combination ofthese figures, which encloses ·a11 of the signs copy. ·• · ·· . "Corner lot" means a lot atthe intersection or junction of two or more highways. «Council" means the Council of the City of Maple Ridge. ' .. ,._. ...... , .. "Development Sign" means a sigri required by the City to identify lands proposed for rezoning or a sign indicating that a site is being developed for any commercial or industrial purposes followihgThird Reading of a Zoning Amendment Bylaw for such change of zone. Temporary signs shall not be petmittedfor this purpose. · "Directional Sign" means a sign which only communicates information regarding pedestrian or vehicular movement on the lot on which the sign is located. "Director of Planning" means the Director of Planning for the City of Maple Ridge ortheir designate. 3 . "Directory sign" means a sign that identifies the Occupants of a building containing .more than one occupant. ·· "Election Sign" means a temporary sign promoting a political candidate, party, or cause in relation to a federal, provincial, municipal or school trustee election or public referendum. "Electronic Message Board Sign" meansa sign in or on. which the information that is displayed can be changed automatically by means of the electronic switching of lamps or illuminated tubes. "Erected". me~ns attached, altered, built, constructed, reconstructed, enlarged, or moved and shall include painting of signs but does not include copy changes on any Changeable Copy Sign. · · · ·· · ··· ·. · · "Fa~de" means the exterior face of a building upon which a sign is to be placed . . •,. . .-,->. .-.. . • ... "Fa~c1e···Area"sh·a1rwiah)t1e··area:·ofifie··trani·o([11~·~usfness··p.-e~tses:···a·ncf·c~jcu1a1effc\n.1i on ~he area paraUef t9r!he)trfefrneasur-ect from finish~q fl9or to.fini~hed ceJling ·and .......... ' . between the inner fc1c~_ofJt1.e: 'Nclll~ that separate.. .usiness premises from cldj~cent businesses. Where}ti-~~ ,is ,?o fin ist1e9.ceilinfthen measured.to.tr1E:! LJndersidEi):ifthe. lowes~ p9rt.i9n o,f m~:t1e2·L0Lrns>.fffl=lf1:linf ... . . ················ ... , .. ,. .. . .. . . .. . -:~ .. . .. ·-:. . ' .. ,. ·"· "Fad a Sign" means .a flat sign :aiiifchef f?>a:l>~fldit}[orjffUGtlirijI' elefoenfofth~itu)ldTn~ •. ' whether illuminatedor not, run'ning.for its ~hole-~ngth paraliertci the.face of the wall to .... which it is attached and not projecting more than 300 mm (1.0 foot) from the face of the wall to which it is attached .and \V~ich does not extend beyond the horizo~tal width nor abovethe roof .line of the buildingor~i,J.~fri~ssprerriis~to which it is attached;· Afae1ifs1gn"rnay c"oiis,\s~ RtJod@~p~f:ieff.~tfcif~¢ghffoH9H§E§ln~j... .. · · · ·:·· · · · · · · -· ··· ·. "··: "Flag Sign" means a flagthat represents an organization that is used as a sign but does not include aflag representing a country of the world or any Province, Canadian territory or municipal corporation. · ·· -··· "Flashing Sign" means an illuminated sign'whith contain~ flashing lights,which includes the_ illusion of intermittent or flashing light, by means of animation or an externaliy mounted intermittent light source exhibiting pronounced changes in light intensity or exhibits rapid repetition of illumination, but does not include a\Sign indicating only th(;) time, date; or temperature of electronically controlled message?. · "Freestanding Sign" m~~11s-~ sign which is entirely self-supporting and is neither.attached to nor forms part of a buiidinifor structure. , .. "Frontage" means the length of the common boundary shared by the front lot line of that lot and a highway adjacent to the lot excluding a. lane. On c1.· come( lot; the frontage shall be the shorter of the highway boundaries, regardlessof the direction the buildings on the lot face; "Front Lot Line" means the lot line common to a lot and an abutting highway excluding a lane. · "Government Sign" means a sign authorized.to be erected or placed within a highway or on a . lot, under the provisions of any statute, Order-in-Council, bylaw, resolution of C:ouncil or by 4 order of the Municipal Engineer, and includes, but is notlirnited to, traffic signs, signals, and pavement markings, street name signs, neighborhood identifications signs, park identificationsigns and public notice .board signs. · "Grade" means the grade directly underneath the sign. Whe.re a sign is located over a street, the grad~ shall meanTtie'elevation established by the City for the surface of the public, sidewaik or.boulevard, excluding landscape berms and planter boxes. "Heighr of a sign means the vertical distance f~m ~qig] to the highest part of the sign which includes any portion of architectural lif~1:ij'.§f~r~ffec1tur~ of t~e supporting frame, "Highway" means the area of every public right of way lying between two property lines title to which area is vested in the City and which is designated orintendedforor used by the general public forthe passaged vehicles or persons and n,eans the area of every public right of way lying within any City Park title to which area isvested in the City and which is designated o~. intended for or used. bythE; ~en~r.:1.IP~?liy f~:t~~pa~sageofvehicles. This includes a sfreet, road, ·1arie', bricige; 'v1a9~·cr·~fl8 ~riyi:it~gt/.~ijy Q.piq}e> publfo use, but do~ <~otJnclude, a,pri\la!e r!ghtof..\'l.c1y onpriy§lte,,prpB~~;·.. · · ·· · · · · ~ · ··· · · · ' . . ' ' "Highway EncroachmenfAgreement" means an agreemententered into between an . individual or company and the City to. allow signs WJ!tilRliJ!JJ~t\We:i!T.~~~-.<?LY-'.~~~ ,·. ··· .. · .·· ..... ·.· ... ' "Home Occupation Sign"' means a non-illuminatedsign attached to the dweHing or accessory structure or adjacent to the lot access which indicates that a home occupation business, as · permitted by Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw, is conducted within the dwelling or accessory structure on the property where the sign is located provided a valid business lic.encefor ~uch · · business has been issued by the City. · · · ' · uldentification Sign" means a sign which contains no adv~rtising but is limited to the name, address and number of a building,.i11stitution or person and to the activity carried on in the building o.r institution or person or the occupation o.f the person. «Illuminated Signn means a sign designed to give forth any artificial light, either directlyfrom a source of light incorporated in or connected with such sign, or indirectly frorn .an artlfidal source, so shielded that no direct illumination from it is visible elsewhere thanon the site itself. "Logo" means a symbolic representation, not including any words, names or numbers unless part of a registered trademark, which is used exclusively to simplify advertising of a product, business, service or actfvity and which contains no additional identification, information or message. "Lot" means "parcer as defined under the Land Title Act, including a bare land strata.lot, but excluding a lot created under the Condominium Act. "Lot Line" means any line which forms the boundary of a Lot. "'Ma~imdmJfo1ght" means the vertical distance measured from grade to the highest part of such sign: in the.case of a roof sign, the maximum height shall be measuredfrom the roof or parapet level at the location t>fs'lgn placernenf which,includes any and all architectural arid. .. §Jry§.pr~Jdesign and detailing,E:!~!J:l~n~:···· 'C ········ 5 "Minimum Clearancf' means the vertical distance measured from grade to the lower limit of suchsign, sign structure :orarc:hrte'dgrafelemen1 . "Municipal E,ngineer." means the Municipal Engineer for the City or their'designate .. : " "Mural" means a pictorial representation.other than a logo or graffiti, painted on a building or structure, which is entirely decorative and does not identify or depict a land use, a business, the name of a person or place, or the sale of a product or service. "Open· House Sign" means a temporary sign, which advertises the location of a property for sale at Which an open hou~e is to be held. "Permanent Sign" 'means a sign which js affixed to or constructed as part of a building structure or in the case of a free standing sign, .mounted on a permanent base, column or pole that is attached to 8:,]~-6.:kJ:Of§.the ground of the 1~( on which the business is operating. "Portable Free Standing Sign" means a sign for busin.ess or information purposes, which can be readily moved from place· to place and which is not affixed to a building, permanent stwcture or to the ground;·and may include a sandwich board sign or f!:~mM.rAtx:.~!(h-"PortableSign"·means a'sign not fixed to the land orto a building or structure and may ,,,,, include a Banner sign provided tbe maximum sign area aoes not exceed 1.2 metres by 2.4 meters (4x8 feet). {Preniiseis;, means~rf"area of land: fr1cliJctlng1ts E'~ildlngs'and appi.frteilancesJ ':'.·:c:.: .. :'.:;°·. '.': i) · .. .-;--f;•:~';,-.~-=.X·:'i :.< :' ;s, .• h.ef-'.»•-'·'"~"'· 0 .. o::a:::::::cc>::::'.e> .... .<:•.·.::·.·~.:•.::-:. ·,:'."-~:_-. .-. , .. ' .. ,.. ,' , ".c'·· ~-• "Prohibitive Sign" means a sign that provides a warning, prohibition or penalty respecting the site or premises oriwhich it is located, such as "r-Jo Entry" "Danger" "Keep Out" or similar such signs. . .• • .. .. . ,-; .... ,.,.,· ,;,. . ,,.. • . ... y:i:}:~'-·····:«<': ;.;;.' .. , .. / .'' . ... ' ··,:··:' w,, ... ..,. , -~ ' ., ,,,,~· ...• ~·.;·j--· .. ,,~.---<:· ......... ,:,~~.._,., , ...... ,~.,, . .,,. .. ·., .. ···:•=·-:..h:----,·~ .. ~.,,,,.~·,-,:,·.::., .. ,.... "'" professionals building is a building containing primarily office U$.es ~uc,h as .doctpr~;;d~ntist1 .· Jawy~r$; afobitect, engineers and $iffiilartype professi9ru;J ,, " . · ,, . -,. .,,,,_, "''·,,'' -,-,--, •; . . __ , ,._: .. ::. , • • . .',v •v -• • .. ·.:, .... ,h••,• .. ,,. .;;'. :·~ . .-._:·· .«·~=, ..•. ..: .=' '·:··,·. :'c\: __ ..'C:. • /.,.,, • , .. (:: • .-, ... ,;' .·:,: .. ·:.:-·-_""<·•; "PrC>j~;tingSign" me.ansa~.iin,.oth~rthan a.canopy.C>rfa9ia sign, Whichproj~cts per~ndicuiarto t.6e.ouildJfuf1ac'emoretfiai,30Qforn.':(i:foot) from the {acaef~ of any building '" ... .v.:w,:~··.;; '-.-·,:-'·:';.·····,'·'.''9-:·":••·: · :·•'·· ,-• • ''" ' ··, .. ~ .. :., .. ;:.e ... s .. ;;." .. ;:'i;\(.';':·.c :':;-.••.• ::c·.·,.,.-,.''° •... :;. • • C,:, ·• • • ·'·:···.' "··.'""" "."':;: > ••••• , ••• ,.,C ; • .:::.:; ••••• ''-•. ·· •·. ·.•, • •-. :: ... · .• ,·.,• ······"· ··;;;:.: ... " ' ·"'.'''."'"· ·'·:·'·· .. · ... ,.· .. ·.·: or structure. · · "Pump Island Canopy' means a cano.py built to shelter fuels at a gasoline bar or gasoline service station and a pump· island canopy that is L-shaped or angularly:connected shall be consideredto be one pump island canopy; "Pump Island Canopy Sign~. means a sign attached to or constructed as part of a gasoline bar or gasoline service station pump island canopy. "Real Estate Sign" means a temporary sign indicating that a parcel of land or property or premises on which the sign is located is available for rent, lease or sale. "Revolving Sign" means any sign or portion of a sign, all or part of which revolves or rotates, or partly revolves or rotates, but does not include animated signs. 6 ;~z~~r~i~t~I ~;~Ai6~-t~o!tuJ~~,! a buildin iliat~~~r;;;f~iTu~J~~~~pJii~~~ii~~~ areaj q~bJn~~E2n!~i2§ ;;, P,ijsin~~ !L,, . .,, "Roof line" means the horizontal line made by the intersection of the wall ofthe building with the \opoftperoofing c6vel'ingor pc1rapetofthe building. In the case of a building with a pitchec:froot;-the.roof ·1ine-sh"a11 6etaHhe.ievef'offfie e1ives. · ·· "Roof Sign" means any sign erected or plc;1ced wholly or partly above the top of the roof line, 2f a building. · · · · · ···· · · · "Sandwich Board Sign~ means al one or two faced non-illuminated sign located Mthfn.iii ,111!J.tjigip?r~!~~~¥fi~~t_QfYI,~}'. that has been approved by the Municipal engineer:--· .. "Sign" meallS an·y structure, device; advertisement, adyertising device, graptiic, displ_ay, ot visual representation that IS visible fro111 any street, \ifg~viay, lane or private property, used to advertise, identify, or communicate information .or attract the attention of the ptlblic for any purpose and without limiting the generality of the forgoing includes anysymbols, letter, figures; illustrations or painted forms, but does not include a flag, mural, traffic control device, or any element which is an integral part of the design of a building. · "Sign Area" 'means the total area within the outer edge of the frame or bordE)r of a sign~ Where a sign has no frame, border or background the areas of the signshall be the area contairied within the shortest line surrounding the whole group of letters, figure§ or symbols of such sign. Except as hereinafterprovided, each side or face of a multi-faced sign shall be cou.ntE:d ins~r;riPuting!2;sign_area thereof. M,lherea'sigd·is notvisibleJrom,qut~jd~Jhelot where. ftie.sigii"has;6een·~recte·a. it shall· not be counted fi, computing' the sign' area .. the'reof. :---c '·- ';·i ·, ____ _.cc ,,, .• ,-:-A·,.,",.,---~, '·,.,. ,_,J·.:,· .·=·-,-;-..... ;: ... -,;:-... -e<.cc-c-,,.-cc-oc-.-,.·.·C.:"-·-·C·C,.··<LcL •. A·,· .. ~ •• ca • .--,,,;-.,. , • • , :; ''Sign O~her" means the person, or his or her authorized agent i'n lawf~I control of a sign. "Sign Permit" mecms a sign permit issued pursuant to this Bylaw. "Special Event Sign" means a t~mporary sign'inditating tha(a comm unify eyent Or activity is taking place; or is being carried on and excludes third party advertising. . "Temporary Sign" means a sign}'~etn~f orCoptiJfis:efeotrffied,: which may be move_d or · removed and is in place for a limited period of time. · · "Third Party Advertising" means a sign advertising a business, merchandise, service or activity which is not sold, produced, manufactured, furnished or performed on the lot on which the sign is located. "Under Awning Sign" means a sign suspended from, and entirely under, an awning. "Under canopy sign" means a sign suspended from, and entirely under, a canopy. "Vehicle Sign" means any sign or signs attached to or painted on or otherwise attached to a vehicle where the principle purpo!:>e of the vehicle is to serve as a sign or a sign support structure. · · 7 "Wall Sign" means a sign which fs painted on .or attached generally parallel to a building• facade and includes permanent signs installed inside a w1ndowwliich are intended to be • viewed from the outside. {'WintjOw}igr,':·means a ·sign paintetjo= 'inst,.ill.§!doha \',/indc,wf9r viewing frqm .b0Hd.9y · 'pg ffend}iecorations, hour{ .:ic9r~9L ·< n~igns-ano credit card Jog ·uhted or suspended befilna:-cir pr~mis~ but excludes S§!c3S9r1<:!T dresses, telephone numbers, ... ,cc;·,····.c.<··'i·CA, .. u,·,, ,::,So--,.. .,· ,, _..._;.;_~,;;.::,:.yi\Ci, . Part5 Interpretation 5.1 Part6 Metric units·of measurement are used for all measurements in this Bylaw. i'h~"\.Jse of' Imperial measurements in this BylaWJ§ for convenience ·purposes only. Shoulc:Tthere be a dispute the valid measurement defaults to metric. · General Provisions . 6.1 No person shall setup; exhibit, erect, place, alter, moye ormaintain a sign fr1 the City except those permitted by and in conformance with this Bylaw. A valid sign or demolition permit shall be obtained prior to the set up, exhibition, erection, placing, altering, maintaining or . demolition of a sign pu'rsuant to thi!:> Bylaw. kn~:9'.~[{ill{~~PRP¥~J¥I®~ and electronic message .. board signs are not considered~altered byviitue ohlyof the message being changed. . Tfieissua ~ig~_·. sigl) b beybid a bylciy.' __ ~h<:111_ ... ~entaiipri:ivaJ ·of'.anfslgn p-. ·· -Ydo~s·rr fsaid ncontinues to oomplYwtt ·rovision : 1la:n~ . nfwlth this bylaw any sign pe its arid ~ubse . . . . Is sMJI ~~rm}t WclS n~ver. issue~,~ ~rid. th~ enforcementprov_isioniof't~iS • 6.3 The design of every sign shall be aesthetically pleasing and shall not detract from the architectural integrityofany building or structure.towtlich it is attached; or beside which it is located. · ·· · · · · · . . 6.4 The arrangement and grouping of signs on a building shall be integrated with the architecture· · of said building, · ······ · · ·-·· · · · · 6.5 Jhe. determrna ,on ~~pa1.m~11t~~:ir~tt, .. :~ &6.4.rn~y-requfre'.i:in application tdthe'plannJng g h?~ peen. con~truc1e~ .. v11.~e_ra dive!C>Prl)~~!.P~rm~. 6.6 Structural supports, bracing and ties for signs shall be kept to a minimum number, . consistent with structural adequacy and as much as possible shall be concealed within the body of the sign itselt 6. 7 All signs together With their supporting structures and any electrical equipment shall be kept fully operable, in good repair and maintained in a safe and clean condition. 6.8 No sign shall be erected;rebuilt, enlarged, extended, relocated or attached to, suspended from, or supported on any structure o~ the lands on a lot unless the sign fully complies with the provisions of the Maple Ridge Building Bylaw and this Bylaw. 8 6.9 No sign shall be erected or lit in such a manner as to interfere with the visibility or safe operation of a traffic control device or to interfere with motorist visibility at an access to or · egress from a highway orso as to be unsafe to the public in the vicinity of such sign. 6.10 Any sign erected in contravention to this Bylaw may be removed at the expense of the owner, applicant or lessee. · · · 6.11 Signs not specificaHy permitted orr~ference.d. in this Bylaw are prohibited. 6.12 Nothing in this Byl9w shall be taken to relieve any persons from complying with the provisions of any other Bylaw of the City. . . 6.13 This Bylaw applies to the entire area of the City. 6.14 No sign, canopy or structural element for the support or protection of a sign shall have affixed to or contain any flashing, animated, rotating, moving or oscillating electrical components, exceptfor electronic message boards unless.expressly permitted in this Bylaw. 6.15 A permit fna.y be IS§tJe~Jqretffifr one banner sign or one portable freestanding sign PW(QJ, at any one time, buf'noibothafthe same time. ·. . .. . " ,... ;_ '., .' ·• 6.16 Signs projectingovefc1 p~dest~ian area shall have a ll1inifoum, clearance of at least 2.4 m (8.0 ft) ab()Ve grap~V'&fiil~ signs projecting over an areittrequented by Vehicular traffic shall have a ininimumcfearan·qe of at least 4.2 m (13.8 ft) above grade. No sign shall project over the traveled portion of a highway. . . 6.17 .. • .. The illurnination f9rany sign, shall not create a dimct glare upon any surrounding lot or fiI~h§].. . . . 6.18 Any sign unlawfully occupying a portion of a highway or public place may be removed by a Bylaw ~tnpl1a~(;e' Officer: The fees for recovery of the sign are set out in Schedule "t" of this byl~w.SighS not recovered within fourteen (14) days 9f impoundmentmay be disposed of by the City. · ·· · · ·-..... § :J~' •~·o,tr~~tci& signs~re3)~1yj5Jfffillfi%'.~ ig":i~iJo~ijrt~;gtWit~foJ~µj1~1\5~ . ' ' :· . : ··· $.2cf ,Prbfesskfria1s·hq11ding'arefo1§e·•·.•,aeniift~g;6¥:ii•b'uJftjldfiijam~§n'lywti~ttiiilr•·,ijstafie#Oo~·the . . . . pui@11g ora fr~~tan~tng ~grJ . . . .. . . . ... ·· . . . .... . . . ,,< ••••••••••..• • •••• "· • • .• · .if~~; , . An·signs are .tCJ p~Joca1:ea t5~71tif P[efui~~J§·~h)pti:111eyfp~xfai6'.'~xc~pf~s i>~>fir1ttte~ ~lsEtyih~e tnJhi~ b.Yla~i · · :s:22.L'}Jps1gns sha11cfea1:e·itrea(or'i>o1:eh1:@Ha~ard.•tc>'i11~.si,ile:·~ffic1prif. rnQvefo~cif'qfvehicuiai.or, ·. · · · P~9,E:~~ia r:-Jraffiq~ · ~ · · · · · · · " · · · · · · ·· · .. · · ···· · · · ·· ·· · K2§JF}foslgnsRal1 .·• . . ..... pa~~geway; fir ·edfr1 a•manherthat may obstruct ·anfwincfow ope11i11i'door opening~ ...... pe;;wcilky.r~y.:veliiculsirdriveway or.sirni!arfe~ture, . . .. ·-. . ... -~-"'::-~-"-·--~~=,=,, ···t:,io l..-..~.,, ··'"' · ,'!·>/••.' ' .,,,,7.:.: :.c .-.. ..: .. M'':'s ," ,·':. 'cc· ·"':··: • ." .·. ' "'""·,,·. ,0· ' "· •·. •'' . . ' . Where·fioardrng.is efecf~d ·on·an'y sireet auflngthe consfrucifoh ov·afrerailoB a.fa t.i'ut1ding, ~<> ~ign§.otnerthan tn~e r~lgtlng to the ~id c9nstr4ction or aJteration.?11~n ~~ ptaci~ ·up9DJti~· ~c:1ictf~r9~ ()rt19c:1rdi~~r . . . , . , . . . . .. .. , .. ~ . , . -.... ,.. . .. . ... . . . . . . . . .. 9 Part 7 Bcemption 7.1 This Bylaw does not apply to: (a) (b) (c) notices issued by the government of Canada, the government of _British Columbia, a Court, by the City or by the School Board; traffic control device~ provided for in.the Motor Vehicle Act; signs erected by the Provincial Ministry of Highways for highwaY§ purposes. These signs may be flashing and/or illuminated where special circumstances or safety dictates; · ( d) · signs on or over City high~ays installed or authorizedby the Muhidpal E6gfrie~r, for control of traffic and parking or for street names and direction; . ... . ..... (e) Development Signs required by the City during the processing of development applications, (f) signs located in the interior of buildings and not visible from a highway jncl1Jclingdirectory sjgr,i~; (g) murals provided thatthe_mural does not advertise or intend to advertise a specific product orservice and they are located on public use buildings or on properties where a Development Permit specifically permits such use. Murals that do not advertise are to fall under the provisions for public art; (h)_ ... publicaJfpfoyid_edtharthe PlJ~IIC}rth~s be~h:~uthb_riz~? b~th~:C;fuWride~~'' .separ9t~ agr~ement qndthe pubhc .::1r1;:1s h;,cate9 c:i,n pubhc u?e b!Jild,lngs.ont~ . propertiE:~ ownc:d or_authorized through.saict'agreernent;·· ..... ····· ·--~ .................. ""'·" (i) non-illuminated signs inside a store window limited to providing the following information: (i) store hours~ (ii)' whether the. store is op~n or closed; or (iii) • the existence of a sale, where the sign is presenffor not more than thirty (30) consecutive days in any one (1) tl1re~;(3} .. rn.cmtffperi¢c:t ,; -,.--.>. ··.-.... -..... .... . ,-.-, .. ,. ... ... ... ,•,i-,."· , ' , .•• · •••••• , •. .-••• ,· ...•• ,<.,.,. U) display of goods/inside store windows or inside storefronts; (k) flags and emblems of civic, or non~profit societies, educational, religious, organization?; (I) signs authorized by the Municipal Engineer in connediorlwith public conveniences including signs on benches, bus stop shelters, and other similar structures; (m) signs containing the building number and street name only, provided the sign are9 does notexceed i'.fii:rsi:ffnj'. (2 sq: ft.) and the numbers or lettering Shall not exceed $-Op mm@,~-inYin'tieight; (n) (o) (p) the Flag of Canada or the flag of British Columbia; a sign required by law including prohibitive signs; home occupation signs provided they are not larger than b.5~fsq}fij. (6 sq, ft.) and are either attached to the dwelling or building where the home'occupation business is operated from Ef.'at'tfie'propertyJ/neadJacetiffo:tfiE:tctdve'way C-, . .-. ,.,;_ .. :;';.: ·,<J.·.>y;.. ;,_ •. ;·,··:· . .-..•• ( .,< ... :'-·. ·• "• ·' ..... ,. ·• ~ .. ' , .. ,··, .·;,c ,.•' < • · '·. cot.:: <.Cc7.· . '• 10 aCcessto·ttiedwe)iingOr.6uffcllngfn\vhichthebus1nessls1ocatecl. ··rh1ssign must be located entirely on the lotto which it pe ins: A seconq sign no larger than 0.18 sq''. m. (2 sq. ft.) may b~ instal.led on th in wherethe business l.~J9c,atE!d. sh2u1~· aJigQ b,f: ir1sJc11JE!9 .by t~e r:0§9_vycly; .... . .. . ... ,,· (q) signs depicting danger, hazard.or other safety conaitions erected by an . individual authorized by a public agency in the performance of his or her duty; (r) memorial plaque, historicaltablet and similar markers provided it does not exceed 2.2 ~A;m}(24 sq. ft.) in area and 2.4 m (8 ft.) in height; (s) (t) neighbourhood watch or block parent sign; permanent subdivision identification sign such as an entry gate sign provided the_ sign is authorized by a Development Permit or by the Approving Officer at t~e time of subdivision approval; (u) _sighs erected. by the City for municipal purposes; (v) (w) (x) ~p~nsorship signs (for the purpose of acknowledging sPonsors but notfor advertising sponsor's products) erected bythe City's Parks & Recreation Department arid/or Community Groups provided the sign area does not exceed 3.0 sq. m. (32 sq. ft.); · · windbw sign provided the sign does not cover more than 50% (fifty percent) of m:ywb~~~~n:7rea fapfog a. si.ngle etE!ya~iob'.of the; QUjiQe5$ 'premisestowMcn ' .. .·, ',· ,. , , .-.. banner sign used by the City and non-profit and community organizations for special event and fund raising activities, provided the Banner is used exclusively for: pmmotion of a special event for a period of no longer than thirty (30) .. consecutive days in a six (6) month· period;• (ii) street beautification purposes in the City's downtown core; (iii) thesign a~ea ofthe_banner does not exceed 2.2 sq. m. (24 sq. ft.) and (iv) _the bann~r receives City approval prior to the erection of such sign. (y) temporary sign advertising a special event for a community cause or charitable fund raising campaign not exc~eding in area of 2.2 sq. m. (24 sq. ft.); (z) temporary sign advertising ari opening date of a place of business or a change · of proprietorship provided: · .. (i) the sign area does not exceed 2.2 sq. m. (24 sq. ft.) and; (ii) the display of the sign_ is Hmited to no more than 30 (thirty) consecutive days; · (aa) City of Map[ij Ridge welcome signs or transit information signs; : ,.,-.·. • • '~·: o),,.L.:,<,.,A·;c,:, .,;c°~C; '. iC-C·~ • •,, • • (bb) vehicle signs except When the vehicle is stationary and visible from a highway for a period in excess of four {4) hours. (cc) "Beware. of Dog", !'No Trespassing", "No Discharging of Firearms" and "No Dumping" signs, ahdsigns warning the public of existence of danger provided none of the signs exceed J!~~ ~Q:'rri: incirea;[he_dgpotexpeEKJJjgJn (4f!-) in height. · · · · · 11 Parts Prohibited Signs ·:· '. ,. ;-, 8.1 Signs that are not expressly permitted or exempted by this bylaw are hereby prohibited. . _, . 8.2 WithOut restricting or limiting the generality of the foregoing, thefollowingsigns are specifically prohibited: . 8.2.1 Any flashing, animated or chasing:border signs, ~igitalyicl§q~or moving signs of any kind (other than the pla1nly.illurnihated hands oia clock'or temperature. indication), or any sign in respect of which any part thereof is fla?hing, animated or moving~ This subsection applies to.any strobe light or other deviceswhich have ernission_s. whether emitting sound,.odour or other matter·e~qijpfas.spedffcaJly R~rmffi~d:u~eie~i~fsJ5y1~;. ·· · · · · ·· ·· ·· · · , ·· · · ·-· ·.· ·· ·· · ·· ,._ .. _. ·.·· '. 8.2.2 Pennants, bunting, flags (other than patriotic flags); balloons or other inflatable devices;· 8.2.3. .Banner signs except as specifically permitted under this bylaw; 8.2.4 ..• Roof si~°,~, P:~fc?0ny signsa~?signs rnounted ?rsupported above the canopies roof line e~cj~,pt ct§.specift~lly:pe~init1,edtf~der thi§i ~YJ~yi,; . 8.2.5 Ahy signs that obstruct any part of a doorway, balcony, or a window thatwould otherwise be capable of operi_ipg; 8.2.6 Off~prernis~ or third party cidvertisi ngsigns ~X9~pt;a$ gpee1ficaffy'pefrn1ttecfunder. t11,~J5y1aw: -· · · ······· -···-··· ·---· ···· ····-----···--·-------··------···· .1lijgj§{~~9f2~ 8.2.8 .(a) . those exempted pursuant this Bylaw; {b) those permitted 6y a Developrpent Permit; {C) those permitted inside Windows of a bUsineSS premises pl,.JfSUqnt to this Bylaw; ~~2:9· ·. _··. <=lriy.slgn on the.side crrany faci9,pVjhjng'Qh~a11opy;, :?~?~tP.-·:: ... ·_.~i~~···r,~9~~~-~-H1.Pi3.1J.2P!.~~-J1~gyitrn~1.~]~e~nitrigfacit1t,i~s; . . . ' . . . . ... . · . . . . .. ~.2.11:; f/ashingsign?,-.ex~Eipt aspen11itJ;~d.·.uqg¢rPart;Z• of tbisbyJa\"; ?:?:+~---· ·. ~~<:>f~i~~; 12 ~;?Jt:L: hni6oariJsigri~i §;~}i~:::· 'iias·'or•.o~herZ[rfi~fe~ .. sign~su·r:ii3oit.ei~·tforri;thegr94nciBr·roat;b,;·rQPeQr w,re;Hn~; . . ~GL1.7. ; .no ~igns, ~hethet:.rnade 'i:iut of p~p~r;'@rdboard, cloth, cartva~, ,pl9sfic or slmJlar .... "' ...... materials, shaltbe"tacked, postecfor'otherwise affixed tothe'wal!i{of ariy stn.icture;: · tree, pole, hyd,r~nt, bridge, fence or any other surface within a. pubHc place. This· · . s.ection shall not apply to banners, posters, placards, or notices post~d by'or on·· behalf of the ,<;ey:'pertaining to municipal matters, or police traffic contrcjl signs:ancl' · n?ti~~:>_;_5p5I. ~· . .... . . .. .. .. ..... ..... . . ..... .... . .. . . . . . . ... .... .,_ ... . .. . . .................... . . . ' ' . f3.f;~~ , .·.taniqt~ef sigrt;riot.~pecjf'j¢<3)\y'Mxoiitt~~ or',ni~nti~:ri,yc,1, un'd~r tbW~ytaw~· . ····.·· . Part 9.. Non-Conforming Signs 9.1 Any sign or advertisement lawfully ·erected, constructed or placed prior fo the adoption of this Byl_aw; although such sign does not conform with the provisions of this Bylaw, may remain and continue to be used.and maintained; provided however, that no such sign shall be reconstructed; altered or moved in the City unless such sign shall be made to conform in all respects with the provisions of this Bylaw'.' · Part 10· MaintenanceofSigns 10.1 : Every sign shal.1 be maintained in good repair and ih a neat and safe condition at all times. 10.2 .: Normal sign maintenance including lighting and refurbishing of signs shall not require a Sign Permit but shali conformto all other requir~ments of this Bylaw. , .. ,... ' 10.3 All signs shall be maintained structurally sound and free from all hazards caused or resulting from decay or failure of structural members, fixtures, lighting or appurtenances. All sign area, background, copy and lighting shaHpemaintained in readable and dean condition and the .site of the sign shall be maintained fret::l of vVeeds, debris and rubbish. Part 11 Sign Pe,rmits an_d Fees 11.1 Requirements for a PerrTlit . . 11.1.1 , Every person proposing to construct; erect, place, a.Jter, rebuild,_reconstruct, replace, move or demolish a sign shall obtain a sign permit a~ required by this Bylaw, and all necessary approvals as required by the Maple .Ridge Building Bylaw . and.Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw and Maple Ridge Highways arii:Cfr~Jffo':Byiaw and' fvfa'j51e''Rkfg'e Parking Bylaw. -' -, .. , ....... , ... , 11.2 Application Requirements . . . •. . 11.2.1 An application for a sign permit shall be .made to the Building Department and shall: (a) ,be rnade:in theJortrl'provid~d bythe:Chie{BllildingOfficiaj; 13 (b) be signed by the prop~rty owner orih~fr agent; tc) be accompa~1ed ~ytti~requj~edsi~np~rmit fees as set oufiri''§chedule ~ft;,td, this byla~; , ' ,, ' · ·· ·· -· · · · · · · ·· · · ·-' · · · rar'>;f f!t!~t .pd'~~Jtl~'=¥~,~-.. }~nclµ,gft6'e::~1eotrfoaf:p_~rffiifi$wJt<ffitign~Q~ (e) specify: (i) the streetaddress of the premises and legal description of the lot on which the proposed sign will be located; ,., ,,. (ii). the name and address ofthe owner of the J:iiislness' premises or Jo~ or the company for whose benefit the sign is intendei'cfan'd where the application is rhade by an agent of the owner or company, the name and address of the agent; ' ,. . (iii) -~~-~_:/~~r~¥~c!itt~t£wlttgh:~b~·~@~x~~~~1~1s.!~,~~~-if!f~[illc!~~o~: (f) ,' be accompanied.by 2 prlginafsetS, of scaJ~d draW:ingS, specifying: .-. ,_ . ..,,.;.,._.,._.._.-'" ..,.".".~"',...Y>:"~ ., ijv., .... ,.,. , , .. .,.: .. ,._,, .......... ,.-,. ._ .. -.,., .. , .......... ~ . (g) :rn :,,slte''ptaitonofshowlnga,ffexlstih'g and'propose'rf:'s'igr1ianffexf$tlnifanci . .. . . 'proposed setbac1<s/Sit13 pl?n is also to Include all ~~i~ting bu,ildings ori. the' P[Operty._ Slll]l~Yf!l~YR~re:qyir~,9f' -...... ,, , .. _, '" '''". "· -· ''" ...... ,, -.. (ii) the location, type, size, construction, colour, finishing material and estimated costs of all proposed signs, or proposed changes to existing signs and supporting structures; · · . .. . (,ii) . a Cross· sectiori of the s,gn· sh&wirigdet~n~f of h'C>wt11i sigQ)st<f bEi. . "attached to the b0uiiding or suppqrtingsfructute{ '"-.... 'c''" ·'."' '·~~,,· ... ·.·,!''· ' .. v, .-;-, .•. -. -~ .,., ,-. ~ .. ... ·.,, . . . ,. y .. ,_. ._, (iv) thedimensions of the sign and the dimensions otthetij~ad~'.i:Ife~±owRih~ · ff,sattacf!ed;, ·---........... "---·---·· (v) ' the dimensions of the supporting structure of the _sign; (vi) the maximum heighfand'miniiniirriti~arance ofth~ sign,from grade; · · -~·~·" , ..... ,,~"--~· . .-c;..,_ ...... . , ••.. ·-·~----~.-, .• , ••• -,, .. ,.~,-cc~,.,, ... ,, ..... : .c,.-.. ,.:;•----~ . . (vii) the· off-street parking area, parking lot aisles, ~ite acc~ss points, pn-site :a_ff~9!i~h-~fsign5. and driveways, where applicable to the sign type; • (viii) the dimensionsand area of any proposed landscaped areas; if applicable to the sign type; ·cix), ±Re'dln1~nsions"and atea:'ca1cuiat,o~'ota11 copfof±11e 'r3roi5osea·sigri':'. '-"''.''"''·"·\·"···';:t:?"·";C::,(,.,·: ....... ··""': ·-·~· ··-<0.···'"~'";:~'··· .... ,·:,::,~"·"·····<--''·''"·~":'"?t'~ '~'''·:C.C,.,.c:.,,,.'._.'.:,i~ ':;,"_:.:.,.:'..:c.'"::.',.,:/,':":{i:,,.; ....... ,,, .. , ... · ·.,. • •. ·"·~\·::, ... ,:·,:,i,:::,·:,_.,;:·~cc,,.,:.,'.:·,.· '.,, .... '.::.: ..... ·:":;. (x) for an illuminated sign, information on the means by which the illumination isto 6,~ accomplished; · . (xi) where th·e.sign is to be attached to an existing building, a current photograph ofthe fa9c3de to which the sign is to be attached; (xii) structural.footing detailsandmaterial specifications for proposed freestaflding signs; the PhiefBtiHdfrlifOfficlal will require all freestanding signs to be sealed by a. structural e·n-gineer with the applicable Building Code :C~tfers;"o(Assurah~e included as part of the submission. · · · · ·· . . 14 (h) i\1f 'riew t'ada s,gns:·~wnlngs; cahoples-6eing mountedto'o?'su·pporte'd ·by'the building will requfre·drawings sealetj by a structura,I engin·eer ,vVith the. B.C · -· 1?.uil~irigC09_~.b\'.l.1t~ri>.§f~5-Y@f"ICi:········' . .. . ... ,,,. ····-,· .... . ...... ... .. co.····. ;;a, s1gns ~ wfi'e'fe iheffinoufuMflgsystem:penefrates the buHd1n1fenveiop·e arid ·· -'. --·-jhe building was consfruct~d under the .supervision of~_ reg1~t~~ecf Ptofessiona~ ,taking responsil)iHtyJ()r tQ~,~uilding fnVefope-shalf h~xe the/QQ11:Q.~ptjoh( __ _ reviewed. arid app[pyed by;1:1 ~egi~tered Professional.tQJmsure the tiuilding · 'enyel()pE:l i:? IJ<?! (:C>fil8f Pf!IJ~ii;I; · · ··· · · _,_ · " ·· ---· ------------· ------· ······ ·· U) any other. information that is relevant to the issuance of the sign permit. 11.3 Permit Fees As per Schedule "A" of this Bylaw. 11.4 Permit Expiry Where application has been made for a permit and the proposed work set out in the applicatio'nconforms to this and ail other bylaws of the City's and the British Columbia Building Code the Building Department shall issue a Sign Permit for Which the appijcatiort is made. The permit shall expire If active work 'a}iheslfe. is not commenced aridTn'spected within a period of ninety (90) days from the date ot'issue of the permit. A sign .perrntt \NH~ ixpfr~&.ificinf~~ ijf!:EifJhe1faf~'qt-~r@ti~µ~flce: . · .· · ···· · · · ········· · · ············· · 11.5 Refusal of Permit 11.5.1 Ttie ~hiit~.~!@ing/jffic!ijJmay refuse to issue a permit if: (a) the information submitted for the Sign Permit is contrary to the provisions of this bylaw; ,;··:;:; ... ·J .. (b) the information required to be submitted under this bylaw is incomplete or incorrect; (c) issua~ce is prohibited by or does not comply with the provisions of a Municipal Bylaw, the British Columbia Building Code or the specification of the "Canadian Electrical Code" adopted by the Canadian Standards Association; :1,§!,~Pr~R~@l~wli~l~ . . . . (e) the sign createsa potential hazard to the safe efficient movement of vehicular or pedestrian traffic. 11.5.2 Notwithstanding any ciause in this bylaw, if any work for which a permit is required by this bylaw has been commenced before the permit has been issued by the City, the applicant shall pay the City a permit fee that is equal to 2 (two) times the permit fee described in Schedule "A" -Sign Permit Fees of this bYlaw'.·· 15 Part 12 Inspections and Regulations 12.1 Inspections for Compliange 12.1.1 The)JhlefB.uiidiiigQfficfai or fhefr~des1gna1:e is-herebyauthorized to enter at all reasonabfofirrieson any property, building or premises that)s subject to regulatio11 under this bylaw, to ascertain whether the regulations and provisions of this bylaw are being or have .9een compHed with and any person employedfrom time to time by the City as the ~bjefBuffding Official( Bylaw Q:>mpHancE(Officer or Building Official is hereby des'(gnated to acfln \hei(placefor"th'e'p'urpose of administering this Bylaw. ·· · 12.1.2 The Building Official and Byiaw ,Compliaiic~ Officerand theirrespective designates have the authority to order the paintlnifre"pair, alte~ation~ clean-,-up or removal of ··•·•• .• signs which hav¢ become deteriorated, dilapidated, abanc::loned or which constitute a hazard to pubHc safety. · · · ·. · · · 12.1:3 Where necessary;foe projecting cantilever system.shall be usedto support signs, ·• and in no case shalLthe "A" frame system be usecL 12.1.4 No sign, nor ahy guy, ?tay, or attachment thereto shall be erected, placed or maintained by any person on rocks, fences or trees, exceptin the case of temporary signs complying with the requirements of this Bylaw and decorative logo designs painted upon or affixed to a temporary construction.fence or hoard.ing erected on a construction site, only,for a time period notexceeding the period of construction. 12.1;6 Every sign and ttie imrnedJ~t(:fsurrounding premises shall be maintained by the owner qr person in charge thereof in a clean, sanitary anq inoffensive condition and be free and clear ofaU obnoxious substances, rubbist:i and weeds. 12.1. 7 A Building Official may orc::Jerthe correction of any work which is being or has been Tmproperl)' done under ape,rmit. · ·· 12.1.8 .. _'A,BuildingOfficial mayorderthe cessation of workthat is proceeding in . contravention of this bylawbythe placing ofa "Stop Work Order" on the building,. $ign or elsewhere as appropriate on the lofon wh i9h!he contravening work is · : taking place; 12.1.9 It shall be 1.mlawfµI for anyperso_n to continue to .vork once a StopWork Oroer has been issued. :. ·.:, 12.1.10 It sha.11 be unlawful for any person to tamper with, deface or remove a Stop Work Order once it has been placed on the property by the Building Official. 12.2 Special Approvals 12.2.1 No 'i1gij, .awning or canopy shall be displayed upon or suspended over any Highway · or public place unless the owner has entered into'.~ M~ry!9J~Lt~~fc:@£~ffi~!1~ 16 DcenceAgreemerifwith the City per'schectµle--i'"IY'offhfs]3yiaw and has deposited a comprehensive general liability insurance policy for limits of not less than five million dollars ($5,000,000) inclusive and duly endorsed to note the insured's acceptance of contractual liability under the "Hold Harmless" clause in the Municipal Encr9ach'ment.Licence Agreement and further endorsed to note such policy will not be lapsed or cancelled without thirty days written notice to the City's Engin~effng .. fiepartment as long as the named insured's sign· remains on or over any highway. A copy of each renewal certificate shall be deposited with the City as a condition for the continued display of such sign. 12.2.2 1n-,ttieever;rttha1.thepwMr.shaH.faiU?r}2,egte¢~tqprgyiget~:e·in$yXcfoCfi·_oqv~rpM required by this section, it shall be lawful for the City to forthwith and without prior notice, order the owner to remove such sign which is erected on private premises but encroaches onto or over p highway or public place or Ori City property, and the said sign shall be removed forthwith, and in defa.ultthereof by such owner. It shall be lawful for the Municipal Engineer with 'such employees or ag~nts of the City as he may deem requisite,' to enter upon the said premises ahd effect such removal at the expense of the person in default; andthe City shall recover_the expense. . thereof, with interest at the rate of six (6)percentage per anriuni, with costs in like manner·.as Municipal faxes on the said premises. · 12.2.3 Every such owner shall remain fully responsible for all losses, costs, damages or expenses which may arise as the result of the display of said sign until such time as the same has been removed. ~2:2), ..... Consy-uctior(~igns for the purp9s~s of identifying the location of a developrn'e6t ·"· .... , .... ;and arenotlO.C?t.ed on the pfefiriiSyS tg,~hi¢h they pertahare OTJltpermittec:i Ufl~~? tbe appre>v~):;9f:tbe MunicJpt:i!EQ~11~erand a re to 9omply with Se~Uori -~-~ a11<:1 · '9Ja~ses;2:t:l!312.2 .. 3 ()f,Jbi§!)ylav.r. Further, su.ch·signage shallqprrip!y v\lithfh~-requirementsas set on inS ,/· µles ·A~, "D~ & "f'.''of this bylaw, Thitnt.JrnQer o( sigi;is perrni~ fanygiveq ;1:iBW(~entlfiedin .Schedule "D"wHI be at th~:' ..... discretion_~( 7"":M.iJriicipcJ!@~!tl~·'---~------"-·' . · --· ·------· · 12.3. Removal of Signs 12.3.i The owner of any lot upon which an abandoned sign is located shall remove such sign within fifteen (15) days of the same becoming an abandonec:i sign. 12.3.2 The .Chief Buiiafrig Officiai; Bylaw Complia nee Officer or their designate may remove from'pubifcptoperty anysig~lll_stalled '6r placed without a valld permit. 12.3.3 Recovery costs for impounded signs are as per Schedule"§" of this bylaw. 12.4 Comprehensive Sign Plan 12.4.1 Any development site in any Commercial or Industrial ~on~cl IO! that is comprised of' a number of individual ;biisiriesses forming a comprehensive·d!3velopment unit may make application for a comprehensive sign plan approval. Such a plan, which shall include the location, size, height, colour, lighting and orientation of all signs, and . shall be submitted for approval to the y~I~:~~ii~/n.EQ)ff!~1~I or their designate. 17 12.4.2 Such a comprehensive plan shall comply with the overall sign area and density regulations of the bylaw and shall result in an improved relationship between the various parts of the plan .. 12.5 Development Permit Areas 12.5.1 On lands which have been designated Development Permit Ar.eas, sign regulations contained in this Bylaw may be varied through the application and approval of a Development Variance Permit through Council. The erection of a. new sign or the replacement, alteration·or modification of an existing sign (a sign permitted and constructed througha Development Permit) which has been included in· an existing Development Permit, shall require a minor amendment to the Development Permit. 12)$:2· . Aifhuildirigs s·ui:frnitted for abevelo'i:imeni Permit aie-to inciude.the.type,.size and . ... . . )ocation of alls('--·.~ eforthe develop.men,~: •' . . ::~1{ .· l:lylaw and any otli, Bylaws referenced here · · ~,~ .-"C~-""'~-:'··'··· ...• ;; .. ······<···;,' .. ,.,.'~'-·~. . -~------· ........... -----,·--··· . -~-.•.. --· '·-·--12.6 Variance J12J:3,I[~\}Nariances to the provision of this Bylaw may be granted by Council through a . . .. •. £?.~v~lopmentVadance Permit in accordancewith trjfbrty'9fM_apf~_-R[cl&e'."Z9n1ryg :sy1aw. ·· +'. •••• ,·-~---~. Part 13' Specific Sign Regulations The following regulations apply specifically to the types of signs. reforred to in each section f~fE9i!\;.;;or sign size a~d c1re~:c;a,1cyJatior)siple_a~ ,~~e-~¢.Q~fl.~,t~ ~~,"1!9'Ntt'~t>p~n,d~<:1)q ,13.1 AWningsigns: 13.1.1 shall be permitted in Commercial, Industrial and Institutional zones; 13.1.2 · shall not be electrified; 13.1.3 may only be lightedfrom within the awning structure; 13.1.4 shall have the same ~ign, ~o-pyJif.~~ as that permitted in $echo~ 13.3 of this bylaw for requirements of facia signs; .,. . ; ·.·· . 13.1.5 shall have~ minimum c:,1,~rari~ of 2.4 metres (s.o feet) from graaftin]Efctiaiely Beiqith~~iijij and sh_all notpmJect below the lower edge otthe awning; .. -. 13.1.6 shall be no higher than the wof line of the building to which Jt is affixed; . t3.1:1 ·-· Under awriinif~iifrs'are .permftit"·· ·--~hc1,~L~~rm~!¥~-~ti~13~5fQ.rjp) ___ , ~~J .. ?.:,.-.Qnlf9n~~~g~r.c1~~iijg~~gn.i~:pem11ft~~1P~(J~u~i~~-'Pt~?]i~~ 18 13.2 Canopy$igns 13.2.1 Shall be permitted in Commerc;ial, Industrial and Institutional zones; .. . . ~ 13.2.2 s~au hav~ a minimum clea·rafic~ of 2;4 metres (8.o feet> from gra&eJmrnidiaie'iy :~~loW'Jb~Xsfgq and shaif riotproJectbelow the lower edge of the.canopy; · . -·· .. 13.2.3' fhe maxirrium signarea shall be 0.6 sq. m. (6.5 sq, ft.) per linealrnetre of canopy for the . .. . emises: to which it is affixed and a maximum popfi=frea ofsj#y . ·( ~i~n a~e~; .. . ......................... . .. ···-· . 13.2:4 Fortheatres and cinemas.the r11~~jr11ym slgn area shall be 1'.6sq. m, (17.2 sq. ft.) ,. > per lineal r11;:rr~ ?f !he busin§I~)r~,~ii~ c~nopy to Whic.h it is affixed and a 1 maximum 9<,ipy ~rija'.bf sixty (9~i:flE:!lf~nt §tthe sigh: are~. but in no case sha11 the sign a tea exceec1'6bo/ci ofthe ci:1nopy ar~a fo 'whichttie"s'ign is affixed; .. ·. ·.:,· ' ... : ::: .· .. .. ··-. . ····· 13.2.5 Nocariopysign ~hall extend or proj~ct abovethe upper edg;e ?fa canopy or marquee by more than 600mm (2.0 feet): 'Nb(sh,9,ll sticfi:$ign e~eni::I peypnd;!he ••wicifftottfw'.'.caf1Sf59; ....... ,.~ ............. ~ ....... " ··· ··;···.··············:·,. ................ . 13.2.T . The ve'rtical dimension of a Canopy sign ~hall not exceed.600mm(2.0 feet}. For · theatres and cinemas the maximum shall be 1.5 metre$ (4.9 feet); sqi rp:,fato',~q dt X:a,Hcf ' . ·-·-i:.··-· . rt3:~{I Or,IYi~netunder caiiqfo~ sign js:· l?erm(tie~ .. Peij~sJn~Pr:':)mi~~~ 11~~-g:%9;'[µfi~~r'Cariopy·s1gns'·ateefily'rritende~·~·-·· .• ........ a'business'and are not intended to b~'a ~~atlentfo'n of~~isirran traific't5 .1~rnJ~9Jed;. ·, · •· .,. ··· ·· · · .,. , · ,-,-· ~-;;.·," cs;.;\,, .. ,_.•_:.·,'.·-\'.r···" .·>:,-:".·{."","~"',,,.;·~=,-. ;-;-.,~ • . • < • 13,3 Facia Signs 13.3.1 Only the fa~c1e:9fthe business pl'~rJJlii~ on which the sign is located shall be used for sign are,fcalculations: .. , ,• ., ,, ; ' 13.3.2 ··· A fada sign shall not project more than300 mm (1.0 feet) beyond the building face and shall not extend above thesilLofany window or above guarcl rails or · balustrades immediately above s,uch signs. 13,3.3 TtE: r11injrn.u_rn [fi~iifDS~ ofa facia sign .sliall be 2.4 metres {8.0 feet) from 'grj~~ tnim~tjl~J~lx~~(Q~!b~)3igrl' provided, however, that this subsection does not apply to: • ' , .. C P', , • ' ·• 19 (a) Facia signs created by printing, painting or inscribing directly upon a wall of a ihu~l~~!~~~~{~=·~iri~)~d~,·2R~~.£l()~J?X?J~§t rrl9f~)h~_n_?7$.4§n~J± lci~h):~~XPhe! (b) . Facia signs situated entirely over private property and immediately above a per,fu~rif3@y' landscaped@fi~~; or (c) Facia signs entirely recessed into the wall to which.they are affixed. 13.3.4 No part of a facia sign shall project above the rooflineoftfiewallto which it is affixed. . . · ....... ·--···'·''·"·"'"·"··""'" :13':4 '<cfiange~bie'_ .• eor,y·stgij 1~·~:-4L1fi:f~:tf§ti~!l.b.~J,~rfui'tl:e.~.§ff~tt9'\.:'t~"]~':f.f~-.~§~~9J§~;, Ka)r.i;Jfin.st~ll~d a$J)c;1rt·otaJ;3cia sigp: · Kn:.:;1~c~!-fii~;•z~e~~f !~~i~\,~gt;~~~~~~!·~~~~~1~t~~J!t~l!J§E~ (b)f;i;ifiQstalled aspart of~ fr~tandingsi~nj' lJ)_.:::•.tt~jt}~t$~;afi~i[t~lrtl,~~,~ IiD ._ ...... !~tti2~t~~:~!f?~~x~~tij~iif~~~tli}}t1~Wi~~:t~-~j~t~oel!y) :~J~e'Nfi~re ttan Offitl~)ot.()r pren{ises onc.i:vhicti :th~ ~hangeat:ile COPY. si~nislpt::~!¢'9;············-· ··---··. -.. ·--·-·· ·----·---····· -·· ..... , KI!IJL,:~~t~tf~~~I~~~rn':. ,'.j,:l:~fiWJ~~i!r~,, -'?!~,--~Jh~I!§fi~-Xly) ···t!ri~~n ·_ ........ rp~r:t~i~iffuhi:~rt~OPY'.§igr,t§ ~fa:J~#§l!~1tf'l9, p~~~lefr~~ (9) -. ;:~?e:pr§hi~it~:ij<~~·8§[;c5f~fij'Jzn~if'.~fr()pi§rgn,9r~.rjder-a.~iiig'si~} ·· 13.5 Freestanding Signs . 13.5.1 The minimum :~J~i~6~ of a freestanding sign shall be 2.5 metres (8.2 feet) provided, however, that freestanding signs may be less than 2.5 metres (8.2 feet) 'froni gr~.d~ where: · (a) they are situated on or over land other than that used from time to time as a place for the parking of automobiles or used asa driveway; (b) such signs do not obscure the view from a road or sidewalk or other premises in the vicinity; and (c) where such signs are an integral part of a permanent comprehensibly designed landscaped area, such landscaping to be in size equal to that of the sign area ~nci-shallJ'U.11)' ?O~tcJ!f'!;filEl.:~r~ifelerigt!l 8_110 y.ticitl);-ofthEl ~},&J'li· 13.5.2' Where a freestanding sign projects over a vehicular traffic area such as parking lot 20 aisles or driveways; a minimum clearance of 4.2 metres (13.8 feet) shaHbe maintained. Where the vehicle traffic area serves as the fire department access route this minimlJm d~i3.rance shall be increased to 5 metres (14.60 feet). 13.5.3 The maximum height of a freestanding sign shall be 10.5 metres (34.5 feet), . . 13.5.4 A freestandir1gsig;~ mat be located in arequired yar<:tprovi9ed that such_ signj:lo·es :n·ofobsfruct vehfole slteffrieswiien·~oterfrigor exitfog theilot ancfttiafoo portion of the fr$ester1~in~ ?igri/s,closer than 1.5 met_res (4.9 feet) to: -. ca) the point of intersection of the intersecting property 1ines on a corner 1ot; (b) anyadjoining lot; [p). . aiJylcrtline; ang (d) any site access or.exit points. 13.5.5 For each freestanding sign, landscaping around the base of the sign on the site shall be provided as follows: ' . . . . . (a) 1 sq. m. (10_ ·sq.ft.) of landscaping for every 1 sq. m.(10 sq. ft.) of sign copy; . . . and (b) 0.2 sq; m.(2.2sq. ft.) of landscaping for every 0.1 metres (4 inches) ffi height 'above 3 metres (9.8 feet). a .. 13.5.6 For a freestanding sign, no guy wires shall be used. The support structure shall form an integral part of the design. 13.6 Projecti11g Signs 13.6.1 The minimum dearan~ of a projecting sign shall be 2.5 metres (8.2 feet) from itij2~.Imm~~I~.t5iIY: .. ~~"civf fil~:~,Et~-· 13.6.2 The maximum area of a projecting sign shall be seven (7) sq. m. (75.4 sq, ft.) and the copy area ofthe sign shall not exceed sixty{60) percent of the sign area. 13.6.3 N2l'i:iijrt 9:t::~ p@~ci1ng§•gn:s11a11· pro1e~fa69vi·t11e:ro&:nneof tHe'.~it#>'.wb1cfi/f'ls·_ affl?(~d: except that the surrounding structure may' extend 300mm (1.6 foot) above the pa.rapet or roof line of a building provided the surrounding structure is not being· used to calculate allowable copy area. 13.6.4 Ai>~ojeciinisign"Js noiJo be 1oc;a1:ea·,foy619ser tha.11J;5 J1\e1:res· {4~9:f~et) fotfi~ irm~r fact{bfthe.'tJalls\pa.t SE!P?fate the btisiness'premi)"~s from ap.~cijacE!nf ... -business{' ' . • •• • " • ._ .. ' • ._ . < .. • C .•. • • < • • •. •.• ' •C • . 13.6.5 The projecting sign may projecf250mm (10 inches) from the fa,;,ade for each metre that the sign is located from the_ nearest edge or corner of the business premises to which the sign pertains. In no case shall the projectionexceed 1.5 metres (4.9 feet) beyond the fat;,ade to which it is affixed. 21 ••• 13. 7. Portable Freestanding Sign 13. 7.1 One (1) portable freestanding sign identifying a business may be permitted per . legal lot provided that (a) (b) (c) (d) where a legarl~tis comprisedof anumber of stra.ta lots, only one sign is, permitted ri~i::$ifciJ~ iot µpJ9 a rn~ffn~ Fl} of4 signs; the sign is no larger than 3 sq. ni. (32.3 sq. ft.) iri area per sign face; the sign shalfnot be located on any highway;. and no portable freestanding sign shall be energized by any me~ns other than that approved l:JJ19i:.D the BC Electrical Code. · . . . . ' ' . ' 13. 7 .2 Portable Freesia'BijipJi$(gr1ipertaining to community campaigns, drives or events are subjecfl:o.ape~mitas·per.Schedule "~" of this Bylaw: 13. 7 .3. A Portable Freest~Qqing Sign sha 11 b0 permitted forone thirty (30) day consecutive time period in a ninety (90) day period. · · 13.7.4 AnyportableFreesi~pciiftgSi~$ up for.longer than the permitted tnirty (30} days may be removed at the owner's expense. · i3.7.5 Any~q[il}io.l~.Fr~.esta~~JM ..... '. placed on a public right-of-way may be removed at .the owner's expense~§. . · .. f'r:iottfitj.ftfq,i:i'~oth~ pwn€i'r] 13.7.6 The conditions setout in section ~3.'tq·fl:hisfByia\~ do not apply toCity sanctioned . everit advertising. · ··· · · ·· · · · 13.8 Electronic Message Board Sign 13.8.1 Electronic Message Board Signs shaU be permitted to a maximum area of three (3) c sq. m. (32.3 sq. ft) per sign face in additio11t9theallowable Sign Area for the . primary Freestanding Sign in those zones [gijg;titf~gi .in Schedule "~" of this bylaw. , . rn•ir i~eiffo):e._att~c~ed toJ~ut@ng·~ 13.8.3 · Electronic Message Board Signs are notpermittedon secondary Freestanding ' $igns on the same lot 13.8.4 Where permanent Electronic Message Board Signs are installed, no portable or ~Eang~ijt:iJi9geisigns are permitted.-i3.8.5 Any area ex?e~~i~~the above mentioned three (3) sq. m. (32.3 sq. ft.) ~Raff t:i~ p~d.1J9!~~1ten:iJti~Jgt~fc;?IC._!:!!<:1!Io,1i for sign area of th~ primary freestandlnisign. ,. . .·· ,. . . ,i?:~i6 ,, Electronic M ....... '. ,.,; Qard Signs a re nof permitted fohave pf~ijgffi.lpar1t1y''white . backgrourids, i3r 'ired to h.ave a minimum 2secpl'.ld lmag~@6~itipn ahd,are ;cicomplY'Yith]Q~~~Sv~r_tising code of ethics~ . -... . .... -· ....... -.... ,., ., : . . . . ' ri.?}3':'t .'.:; .. 1:1echo~~<i~~ai~:.~§~rd· srgnfareh<?f~rrnit.{~:tp;'disp}ayii~i'.~l1Irn#te~ 22 ~~ilifu}o~?l\tt~~!~f ;j:i:rt_JJi1~~tr~~b~;~,!~x~~t!p~t~ttiJ?.ig~[!§~~: 13.9 On Site Directional Signs 13.9.1 One (1)sign not exceeding 0.75 sq. m. (8.0 sq. ft.) per side shall be permitted at each entrance and exit from a property in addition to signs permitted in Schedule "B" of this Bylaw. · · ·· 13.10 Menu Board Signs 13.10.1 One (1) exterior menu board sign per}frfvinhroughfane, not exceeding a total sign area of 3.0 sq.m. (32.2 sq. ft.) shaffbe permiffed for'ctrive-through restaur~rnt type businesses in add\tion to signs permitted in Schedule"~" of this Bylaw. 13.11 Election Signs 13.11.1 Election Signs tor federal, provincial, municipal and school trustee .elections.are permitted provjded that: (a) _ in the case of provincial or federal elections, the signs are not erected more · than thirty (30) days prior to the election or event and are removed within four (4) days after the election; (b) in the case of municipal and school trustee elections, the signs are not erected more than twenty (20) days prior to the general local election or event and are removed within four (4) days after the election; (c) t~es.itn size doe.spa! e.xc7ed 1j8 s9: rn-(;6 sq. ft.}: f61s]i.foFany~Jqjlf~igq o,{sombinafionof slgnstba' .. ~ifri vie~~cif,getherform' a single rrie~~gi but'' ,~Q~.r:i :Y1e.~~9}ri_depe.ride.rL :P~0'-'!98,D!f'.'iQ~e. <::,9~e./:j.iY§! _l'lie.?5§1_f:;e;___ --· · ·---·· (d) the maximum height of the el7ction sign, above grade, does not exceed 2.44 metres (8 feet) andthe"fp191m1itri c:!~a_r~nc:e above grade is not less than 300mm (1 foot);·· ···· ·· ···· · · ·-• ----· , ·· · (e) the maximum number of election signs permitted per candidate is 300 (three hundred); (f) t.he maximum number ofelection signs that are the size set out in section (c) per candidate is 100 (one hu_ndred); (g) the sign is not ilfuminated;· (h) the placement of the sign does not interfere with traffic sightlines at street intersections or with the safety of pedestrians; , (i) the placement of signs are permitted on private property with the consent of , the owner or occupant of the property; U) Elections Signs are not permitted on any vehicles or trailers attached to vehicles or any ~oaf top or any existing sign, with the exception of magnetic 23 vehicle signs; {k). Election sign~af~. prohibited on ~ny municipal park landlncfucifng)¥nct tjecH_cate§as:C13.11seivationia'r1ei .. orburfdings own.ed or .leasect,_by.the ()tty; {I) {m) (n) (o) ' ' ' ' ' regulations regarding the size, placement and permitted dates for posting Election Signs apply tothose posted on private property aswe.11 as public; the Bylaw.c:Qijipjian9e Officer, orthejr designate, may remove any election sign that the Bylaw Gompliance'. Officerhas reasonable grounds to'believe is erected,p!~®d'or installed.in contravention of municipal Bylaws; Ice .• ;·•''···~>"-··· .... -,.,;;-.;,;i-:-·,c,,xi:-,.;,.,."'.' .. -.,.:.,A,,.'.•'·,,.,. ., ,. , , · · -· · ·;. · · . Election signs that have been removed.in accordance with ~J~u~~;,'!'n'.f~~q&~ will be stored for a period offour (4) days and the candidate orthefi'ageriFmay· · claim the sign(s) during that period, following which the materia!may be , destroyed or otherwise disposed of by the City. The Candidate or th~lrlAgent will be notified of the compliance·l~ue with the sign and where'the sign can be claimed; and -··· --~ ... -··· ·--·-----· other than as authorized in writing by the'City; no person shall display on any election sign or other election advertising, logo, trademark or.official mark, in whole or in part, owned or licenced bythe City. Part 14 Penalty and Enactment 14.:l, Every person who violates a provision of this Bylaw, .or who consents;auows or permits an act . or thing to be done in violatiori of aprovision of this Bylaw; or who neglects to or refrains from doing anything required to be .done by a provision of this Bylaw, is guilty of an offence and is liable to the penalties imposed under this Bylaw, and is guilty of a separate offence each day that a violation continues to exist 14.2 Every person who commits an offence is Hable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding the maximum allowed by the Offence Act. READ A FIRST TIME on [Date] READ.A SECOND TIME on [Date] READ A THIRDTIME on [Date] ADOPTED by the Council on [Date] PRESIDING MEMBER ' . Schedules: Schedule "A" Schedule "B" Sign.Permit Fees Cross Reference Table CORPORATE OFFICER 24 Schedule "C" Schedule "D" Schedule "E" Signs Permitted in; Schedule "F" Schedule "G" Schedule "H" Schedule "I" Schedule "J" Temporary Sign Request Temporary Construction Sign Sign lmpoundment Recovery Costs Signs Permitted in all Zones Signs Permitted in Agricultural and Residential Zones All Commercial Zone All Industrial Zones All Institutional Zones 25 §chedule "A" -Sign Permit Fees a) Each applicant for a sign permit shall submit a non-re(undable processing fee of $62.00. If the sign is approved, this fee will be credited towards the appropriate permit fee as set out below; b) The following permitfee, will be assessed for all new signs based on total sign area. For multi-faced signs, the total sign area ?hall be the aggregate sign area on all faces. Up to 3 sq. m [32 sq. ft.J ... :, ...... , ... : •... , ....•............. , ............. , ............................ $136.00 Larger than 3 sq. m [32 sq. ft.] up to 6 sq. m [64 sq. ft.] ............................. ,$201.00 Larger than 6 sq. m [64 sq. ft.] up to 10 sq; m [110 sq. ft.J ......................... $268.00 Larger than 10 sq. m [110 sq. ft.] up to 15 sq. m [160 sq. ft.].;, ................ :.$337.00 Largerttian 15 sq. m[160sq. ft.] up to 18.6 sq. m [200sq. ft.] ..... , .. ,. ....... $4Q3,00 Over 18.6 sq. m [200 sq. ft.] ......... '"·········-.............. , ........................................ $536.00 " · .. -. c) _If an applicant proposes to relocate or alter an existing sign (excluding a temporary on-site real estate developmenVconstruction sign or temporary off0site real estate developmenVconstruction sign) on the same lot without enlarging it, a relocation or alteration fee of $126.00 plus applicable taxes will be charged under a sign permit. d) Enlargement, rnbuilding, relocatibn and extension of an existing sign (in height;sign area or both) amounts to an erection of a new sign and requires a sign permit. ~J,: feiripo~fy§ff:site:ie~f~state'eiever;i3ment7construction·signsstia11••be:~ss~~s~cfthe .. · permit Jee ~~ .. stipulated in this' bylaw and a. remova1·i:Jeposit of'$50Q;OO pe(sjgn s'haTF be ~ai~ bythe..PPRlj9~.9t.Jh,is _depositisr~functable ... if th~ ~pplica%remox~~the.sign within thEf Stipulate.g period. If the applicant falls to r\HlJC>.Ve tbe sign to trye1satisfaction! ofthe'City,the remoyi=ll.9~J?<>Sit shal(·be .forfeited 'a,ndtbElCity<>(ty'.japleRjdge may us'e the money to offset.the.cost incurred by th El City to remove the signf . ----.. ,, ···-·· . , . .... . • "'···(•·· ......... . .... ~---~--------·~-' _, •••••. --~·~-: .. ; •. ;,. -.cc • ._.,;.,c •...• c .• . ,.;;~C'-~"'·•· ... ,;,; .....• , .. ,;;., ... ,.;;,;. ,_ ..•...... ,·, ·,.,. ;,_.:: .. , .. , ....... ,__. ... . . .... ___ :_._,.. . ,,. ........ , .... _. . ... ,;,;. •....... ,, ...... . f) Terrtporary signs, ~resub;;cf fd'a-pe'rrrifr fe~ of '$30:i)Q 'per srgnpeII~~talla,Ho~'pedod.-A iign"'companyresp r thelhstall~!i6q and rernoval qftemp9~ary signs shall pay ari annual security dep .' . 500.00 to the, Sity's BuilctirygDepartm~otJno la.ter than . ' January 30 of each,·· elf year. This ~ElpC>~it is refµndable upon eiH sig~gejfeing removed from the Ci ·ayhe extenctEl9foran atjctitiona12 years;;by areq4e~(fn »1f~lr.ig fro~ lb~,~i . eat]y_priqr.ttir.~,ii~~~~.~rity,~Elil)g . ..reglJjr~qr --· --·---·----26 Schedule "B" -Cross Reference Table The following cross reference indicates the type of sign that shall be permitted in a specific zone. This diagram is included FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY and is not part of the sign bylaw. I SIGN TYPES I UJ I-C, z I ~ w I ..J z z C!J C, ~ co w 0 0 z ~ w-i== 16'" "I w ~ t5 15: <( z !;: z 0 0.. ~ ~ ~ 0.. (.) 0:: <( 0:: 0 z z C, 0 0 w I-en <( I N 3: <( z (.) ..J (J) 0 :J ....., ' (.) ti] 0 <( () <( UJ UJ ::c (.) 0 I ~ ~ ro I Cu UJ (.) 0:: (.) 0:: 0 a.. Cl LL i w I I All I I I Agricultural -.J X -.J X I X -.J X X I X I "A" zones I I All Single l i Family X X X -.J X X -.J X X 1 residential l ! "R" & "C..D" zones All Multi-! I i Family X X X -.J X X X X X residential ! I "RM & RT" I I zones I All ! I Commercial ! -.J -.J -.J -.J -.J -.J X -.J -.J "C" zones i I All ! i Industrial -.J i -.J -.J -.J -.J -.J X -.J X "M" zones ! i All Institution a I -.J -.J "' -.J " " ! X "' "' "P" zones '..J -PERMITIED in the zone x -NOT PERMITIED in the zone xx -PROHIBITED IN THE MUNICIPALITY ; xx Signs prohibited in the Municipality include: Animated; Flashing/Oscillating; ! Billboards; Audible/Odor; Roof (unless approved by a DVP); Paper/Cardboard; Banner (Unless per Part 7) , Balcony 27 Schedule "C" -Temporary Sign Permit Application Pursuant to Sections 12.2 & 13. 7 of Sign Bylaw No. 7630--202Q Date: ________ _ Name of applicant: ___________ Applicant's phone number: _______ _ Applicant's e-mail address:---------------------------Name of group or organization (if applicable):---------------------Address of group or organization: _______________________ _ Phone number of group or organization: _____________________ _ Event start date: __________ _ Event end date: ___________ _ Date signs will be erected: _________ _ Number of signs: __________ _ Size of signs: ____________ _ Sign copy: Location of signs (please be specific or provide a site plan): 28 i 1' ! Schedule "Q" -Temporary :~~ri~trlJ~og Sign Permit Application Pursuant to Section 12.2 & 13.~ & Schedule/~:["; of Sign Bylaw No. ,7630~2020 ,~l.>: .. . . . .•. ,.:-:-~--... ,., . . ""' s,·,· ". .·· < This permit shall be valid and subsisting from the ____ day of_~---------and shall expire on the day of at 12 am AND at all times during the currency thereof, shall be subject to cancellation if the holder thereof shall rieglect, fail or refuse to observe and to comply with all the requirements of Maple Ridge Sign Bylaw No. [7630.:2026', and is issued subjecno the following conditions: 1) That all necessary plans and specifications of any works involved have been deposited with the Bylaw & Ucencing Services Department and have. been approved; · · 2) That the applicant shall hold and save harmless the City of Maple Ridge from and against all claims, damages and lien claims of every kind, arising out of or in any way connected with any works or othe(things for which this permit is issued; 3) That the applicant shall replace and repair all municipal infrastructure effected by the work and such infrastructure is to be returned to an equal or better condition than thcit which existed prior to the work, all within 24 hours of the completed work, to the satisfaction of the City of Maple Ridge; . . 4) That the applicant will deposit with the Cityasum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) in cash or cheque, to guarantee the fulfillment of the terms and conditions set out herein within the time specified in this permit. (Name of applicant) (Signature of applicant) Application: Approved D or Declined D Authorization: Municipal Engineer Security Deposit$_·. ________ (Refundable) Receipt No.:------~---29 SITE (SIGNAGE) LOCATIONS: • Di -Corner of 201st & Lougheed Highway • D2 -, Corner of Kanaka Way & Lougheed Highway • D3 -Corner of 232 & Fern Crescent • D4 -Corner of 240th & Dewdney Trunk Road • · D5 -Corner of 240th & Lougheed Highway • D6 -Corner of 284th & Lo!-Jgheed Highway Development Construction Sign Map Locations , DEVELOPER/PROJECT INFORMATION: (please complete below) Development Company Pmject Name Type_of Home (ie. Townhouse, Single Family etc.) _.-. "' Project Address/ Location ... ;; Contact Phone Number ' . Email Marketing Company Contact "' Contact Phone Number I Email ... . /. ..... ._ .......... ' --30 Schedule "E" -Sign lmpoundment Recovery Costs Recovery costs for impounded signs are as follows: Sign removal requiring equipment $150.00 Sign removal not requiring equipment $50.00 31 Schedule "f" -Signs Permitted in All Zones ~).: The following signs shall be permitted in all zones subject to the limitations set forth below: F-1. Traffic control signs as defined in the "Motor Vehicle Act", subject to the provisions of said act. f~2 .. ; Sigr\s r:~cfqired to;)riaf !)m_i~:o~'po?ta by!aW)~fgov¢rhrq~!)t;oL9er ,.·rµJe' b(!!igul~tioj;i'J F-3. Memorial plaques, cornerstones, historical tablets and the like. pirection~I sign, noiexceijJfig'62"§q.::m.x2..2·s.q?ft) in affa, ·,ntehde_dfo}.facit(Ia(~[tffe, movement of pedestria'ns and vehicleswithin the site upon which such s1gns'~re,l°Q9a'ted}q identifying the location and'_6?ture of a building, structure or use _\o\lhfoti.'.Js..not}eadily visibfe, from the street, serving suct;,building; structure or 'i.r~~r . -~•-,' .. . . "'·=·· . . y:.µ .. .,_ :.,;.__ ., ·,• ..... ' ', ·--"···· ... . . . .•.. F-5. !Jro.hibitive S_igns n'()texce~~E;ij'o~ ,scffntJ2~tsq:Jt}tri cir~~l§~tec) QI);_pri~t~'Pf PP~~~ F-6. Temporary Signs pertaining to campaigns, drives or events of political, civic, philanthropic, educational or religious organizations, require Council approval to erect such signs upon or over public property and such signs shall be removed within four (4) days after the event. F-7. Flags or emblems of politica(civic, philanthropic, educational or religious organizations. . . F-8. Real estate signs provided that in all agricultural (A) zones and residential (R) zones the combined sign area of such signs fronting upon each street which bounds such lot or premises shall notexceed a ratio of 1.2 sq. m'. (12.9 sq. ft.) of sign area per face (maximum 2 faces) for each 1000 sq. m. (10,764.5 sq. ft.) of lot area but need not be less than 1.2 sq. m. (12.9 sq. ft.) and may not exceed 3 sq. m. (32.3 sq. ft,) per face. Such signs shall be placed entirely on the. lot or lots to which the sign in qLJestion refers and further, not more than one sign shall be permitted on each frontage. The signs shall have a maximum height of 1.8 metres (5.9 feet) . and. shall not be illuminated. · In all other zones, real estate signs are limited as in Residential and ,Agricultural zones; except that each sign face may have an area of no more than 3 sq. m. (32.3 sq. ft.) and have a maximum height of 2.1 metres (6.9 feet). One real estate sign advertising a group of lots for sale within a subdivision or a group of houses for sale within a housing project is permitted for each street frontage, provided that the total sign area of each sign shan not exceed 3.0 sq. mj32.3 sq:ft.) and shaUJ>e:ietbackfroryi ~u fgt Hnfts eFiual.t~~t.fi~theight oCID~sfgn,pJusJ.2 )ftetr.~ (3.9 fe$tj. The display of such. signs shall be limited to a six (6) month period, beyond which special approval by the Chief Building Official shallbe required. · ·· · F-9. Signs indicating the name and nature of an agricultural or farm use, where a current trade licence is held. Such signs shall be permitted only upon the lot to which the sign refers, and further provided that: AGRICULTURAL USE Fs9.1 No local farm produce or service sign shall be larger than 3 sq·. m. (32.3 sq. ft.) and further providing that the size of such sign may be increased by 0.1 sq. m. (1.0 sq. ft.) for each 0.2 hectares over 4 hectares; 32 F-9.2 This may be a changeable copy sign to permit the sign copy to be changed to specify certain products or services as they are in season. F-9.3 Such signs shall be removed when produce or service is not for sale .. F-9.4 See Schedule ":G" of this by-law for freestanding signs for nurseries & greenhouses in an agricultural zone. . FARM USE F-9.5 Farm identification signs may be installed on any registered farm site over 2 hectares in addition to those permitted by Clause E-9.1 to E9.4. F-9.6 Farm identification signs shall be limited to the farm name, address.owners name and farm type only. F-9.7 Farm identification signs'shall not exceed 3.0 sq. m. (32.3 sq. ft.) except that for every 2 hectares over 4 hectares; the sign area may be increased byJ.O sq. m. (10.8 sq. ft.). . . . · F-9.8 · Building identification signs not exceeding 3.0 sq. m. (32.3 sq. ft.) in area and placed on the Agricultural building fa~ade facing onsite roads will be permitted to a maximum of 3 sq. m. (32;3 sq. ft.) if multiple signs are used provided these signs are notvisible from a highway. F-10. Special identification signs such as unique items, antique equipment, major archways and gates etc., require approval from Counci_L · · ·· F-11. A home occupation use wlifch is permitted by Maple Ridge Zoning By-Law No. 3510-1985 as · amended, is permitted one sign of not more than 0.18 sq. m. (2.0 sq; ft.) in area, identifying the name and occupation ofthe occupant. · F~12. Special event signs advertising for community causes and charitable fund raising·campaigns. · Such signs shall be permitted; only with the approval of the Municipal Engineer, on the public right-of-way and shall be of such size and d.esign and posted at such locations for such periods , as determined by the Municipal Engineer. F-13. Construction Sign indicating the name arid nature of a construction or demolition project, plus the names of the contractors, sub-contractors and professional advisors, provided that the combined area of such signs fronting upon eacll street which bounds such projectshallnot exceed a ratio of 0.2 sq. m. (2.2 sq. ft.) of sign area for each 100 sq. m. of lot area, In no case shall the combined area of such signs fronting upon each street exceed 3.5 sq. m (37.7 sq. ft}. Such si~n shaU have an,aximumheight of _3.5 metres (11.5feet) ,ar1cfshiW1 be'§etbiii~ffron(a.(! lof lines.equ~tio'Th'ehiighiof theslgn'pius i.2 metres-(3.!ffeet)J1Shoul~ th . ed setback .... not ~e,~rb.ie,.v~.ple, thed)fstruct(lf~l engin~er w..m be._reQuiredto de$ign }@an . geJorth~ $ign. The display of such signsshatl -be fimh:ecf to'a pe~iod riot to exceed_ the duration ·of the· said construction or demolition project, at which time such signs shall be removed. 'F-14. Constiuctiori Sign usidto"rfr9vfrl~ ctirectfon to corist:ruction"sftesare:tci'&orrip!Y\vfff) . -'req u i reTT1ent~ i rJ Sch~.g.~.le .. ~[)'.':.of th is bylaw. Further, thes~ ~igns.~re''t~£El 1f~q:ll ltl m'.t1iatec(ar~ :not to .exceed a sign area,,,of 1.5 sq. Jll ( 1§ sq. ft) and st:ian .not E:l}(C,ee,d, i m~x:@uin height~ ... , :~:q TTl~!r.~Xf9!e.e.P· ····· -·-.. ··-..... --· .... . .. -'" -.... . ...... . . ... ... --........ ···············-······· " ... · With the exception of special event signs, construction signs -directional and freestanding signs for nurseries and greenhouse's in agricultural zones, none of the above signs require a sign permit 33 Schedule "§" -Signs Permitted in Agricultural and Residential Zones The following signs are permitted only on land Zoned "A'\ "R", "RS", "CD", "RM", "RT", "SRS", "RG", "RE" and '.'RMH": PERMITIED SIGNS . . G-1. Signs permitted in Clauses F-1 to F-13 inclusive of Schedule "F" of this by-law, as ~egulated therein. G-2. Qn"e Fada Sign or Freestand111f;$ign for'.~11 apaitmentbu!ldir,gJn RM :zo11es! <· •• ,. ,· ' • ·. ·. ,··_c·;. :·,.···, .. C·C • • • • . • < -~ •• ••·• • ' • .•.,?->. • • ·,. ' CY~ ·'h,,.. • G-3. Freestanding signs tor nurseries· & greenhouses aiid changeable copy sign are permitted in · agricultural zones. G~:{ 6ne cfou61e taced.fr~tari4foifsign or'~~/ng!eface~ treestalding"si.gns are ~rmitted 'per lof pf.:pr~mis,esl •.. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. " . . REQUIREMENTS . . 'G'.'.s. ·rhe sign. area· for a i=a'c1a'~Ij.-·o·r Freestandfrig Sign for an a~arti:n~nf inthe .. 11M zorfes: is-~c>ftd ·· , ~xc~~gg._ssq.m:J8.&sg.ft:tiba~~a, . ... . .. .. .. . -· ., ...... ·-~--.... . §~?·:· .. f~t::, .~2pXt1.tec:1, fo~taci~--~igr'f~::~h<:1ll:ri9J~xceeqJ~OJ:ierc~~! 9ft@~iijn a,r~.~ ,B?f jThe ari~.<>f:;freestanding signs for nurseries & greenhouses in agricultural zones are n9t to · exceed a $ign area of 6 sq. m. (64 sq. ft). If the sign is one sided, two separate one sided .. signs of equal site are permitted with atotal signarea of 6 sq. m. (64 sq. ft.). One sided signs must be placed at 30 degrees or 60 degrees to the fronting street. A maximumof 30% of · each sign may be a changeable copy sign .. A landscaped area of not lessthari 4 times the sign· area rnust be provided around each sign base .. Freestanding Signs in agricultural zones may only be indirectly lighted. · · · · · · "" .. , G-8. The maximum height ofa freestandlng5ign $hall .be2 metres (6.6 feet{ .. G-9. No illuminated signsshall be permitted in residential zones~ .·· 34 . Schedule "H"-AII Commercial Zones The following signs are permitted only on land in "C" "CS" & "H" Zones. PERMITTED SIGNS H-1. Signs permitted in Schedule "i" of the by-law as'-regulated therein. H-2. Two signs are permitted per business premises which may be canopy, facia or projecting signs fronting each.~treet bounding the lot on which the sign is located. H-3. One (1) freestanding sign shall be permitted for each street frontage bounding the site, . provided that each sign. is positioned to face the street on which it is located by placing the copy area at right angles (90 degrees) to the fronting street. For each additional 30 metres (98.4 feet) of frontage beyond the first 30 metres-(98.4 feet) of frontage, an additional trees!anding sign rr1~y be. p_ermi~ed. The-addn,:iq?~I fre~~rl_9i9g sigriisto:be ~lci,ce#;~o thafno port1qi)ofa'fr~esian91ng'signfs_-clo~ertht:1n2Qm_~ttesto'anyotherfreestandingsignf _____ _ REQUIREMENTS H-4. The sign area offaclasigns s.hall not exceed 12percentof t.he facade area and maionly f~ce. a highway or parking lot p(tfrebuslriess prernts~fo\vhrch_ffpe"rtaJn~. 'H-5. The copy area-for facia signs shall not exc~ed ~9-,P.~fS§,QlsS?tID't~igQ P.r~_ctJ .nif?~--:{~~~i~~9:~~~~g[:!~:ili~m~1°r:ir~:~~~~~~~3~rt~~~~~:-~:rgp;qf,iE[~~~~~t~E3.~J. H~ 7. The requirements for projecting signs shall.be as set forth in Section 13.6 or' this by~law. H-8. Changeable copy signs permitted on the mainfreestandingsign shall be permittedto·a maximum sign area of 3 sq. m. (32.3 sq. ft.) per sign face in addition to the main freestanding signs area. H-9: t~t:,r:ftt,i:,t1iifii"ir~~ttl:f~},rt1~:In\lir2~~~§B~I~,E§Q~[,e.~LP~-~ct~ilf~m ., '_,_, ,. ' H-10. The maximum height of a freestanding sign Jr(~H~"G~ &'1lrf'!:zqiie$ shall riot exceed 6 metres (.19.7 feet)., ·--···'··-.. ····--·· .... ,.-.. ·,···-···~-.. ···-··"····-· · H-11.· Tb.e rll~x,~t1hi"hei~t-or a He~art'cfingsign in a 1,-.. g~: z§n~-e~c~pt'g~sdifneseryl2f§~#ons shall riot exceed 1.5 metres (24.6 ieet); provided that the maximum height rT)ayheYncreasecl by 100 mm ( 4 inches) per lineal metre of frontage over :1.2 metres (39 feet) up to a maximum height of 10.5 metres (34.5 feet). No freestan<;iingsign shall be permitted on any lothaving a frontage less than 12 metres (39.3 feet). 35 H-12. The signarea bf af~estaridillg$ign shan notex~edfng p.6 sq. m. (6.5,sq. fL) perHneal metre of t~onfage ori whicti .. th.esigri'abuts.provTclea··111attfie maiirnum-sign· area··o'fatreestandin·g·--' s/gn'fo'r other'ttian gasoline service station use shall be as follows: LOT AREA MAXIMUM SIGN AREA 550 sq. m. (5920'3 sq. ft.) 550 sq. mto 4,000 sq. m, (5920.3 sq ft to.43,057 sq. ft) Largerthan 4000 sq. m. (43,057 sq. ft.) 10 sq. m. (107.6 sq. ft) 15 sq. m. {161.5 sq. ft.) 20 sq. m. (215.3 sq; ft.) . .. . H~i3. tfi~'popy areaforafre~~t.ari~lngslgn$hali not~cee.d,60peri;:efifotftie s1gri-~'rea:F9trfiiMltP --· -t!:Jpant"pane1ed sign facestne copy ,area per pane1_ shan not ex,c~ed 80 percentof the g9pe.C areal' .,_,,, ... ., ·-·-· --··· --' ..... , .. -,·--.-·-' .. ·--·----...... ----'" ",,,,,,_,.,, -----·---· "" ···---....... GASOLINE SERVICE STATIONS AND GASOLINE SERVICE BARS Bt:f~ff;For gasoline service stations and gasoline service bars, both as defined in the Maple Ridge · -Zoning By-Law No. 3510-1985 as.amended, the freestanding sign shall not exceed a maximum height of 6 metres (19.7 feet) andasign area not exceeding 7.2 sq. m. (77.5 sq. ft.)._ H-15. Where a structure is installed to provide lighting for open pump islands, one (1) additional sign per pump island m_ay be incorporated into s(!ch lighting device provide that such sign shalf not: a. contain any message other than business logo; . . . . b. exce.ed a heigfit of 2.4 metres (7.9 feet) above the pump island;·and : C. extendbeyo_nd the pump unitat either.end. 36 Schedule ·1" -All Industrial Zones . ,,.; .. The tollowing signs are permitted only on land in "M" :Zon~s. PERMITIED SIGNS. 1-1; Signs permitted in Schedule "F" of the by-law as regulated therein.· 1-2. Two signs are permitted per busine$S premises which may be can9py or facia signs fronting each street bounding the property onwhlch the sign is located. · 1-3. · One (1) freestanding sign shall be permitted for each street frontage bounding the site, provided that each sign is positioned to face the street on which it is located by placi.ng the copy area at right angles (90 degrees) to the fronting street. For each additional 30 metres (98.4 feet) of frontage beyond the first .30 metres (98Afeet) of frontage, an additional . freestanding sign. may be perm itte?{ThEi,ii!ddJtiqnal freestanding sign' Js to b.e pll3ceqf~';th~t :no porttofr" of iifreestan~fog·s,gn~is56roserthan 20 :metres to .. any othe(fre~ici.ndin~ $ig!!~ ,_,,, ,. REQUIREMENTS 1-4. The sign area of facia signs _shal'I not exceed 12 percent of the facade area and may only face a highwayprparki!!glotofth~busiri~premisestQwh1qhifpertci,ir:iS,. . . .. .· ._. _.·. .· ' ... : ' . 1-5. The copy ~reafor facia signs shall not exceed 6Q p~rg.E:!}J:.:2!~~1~~r.:i.~~i . . ... . . -· {6;I.s:f'qfctiann'.el ·retter·1aaa.signs fhes@iarea~Raff n'ot·exceea 'i:tpercenfotv,e fa~cie'areaJ "'· ... ·-rtj~ copy area tor channel 1~tters tacia signs is equaltothe.sign,area., ,. "-~•,-.u , , •.. ~ .. ·'· . ,7.· ·.,' ,;··. ' <,_ , •• _ ·, .. :. :·:: ·, ... • :·'.':' ·. • ,._ ·, ' .• ' ,:,.. ' .,: • ·' • _; I-7. Changeable copy signs permitted on the main freestanding:sign .shall be permitted to a maximum sign area of 3.0 sq. m. (32.3 sq.ft.). per sign face in addition to the main freestandingsign·area. 1-8;· .·~;t'.it~1::-1t\t:~t1i1:~~~t;~[{f ;l{l_~J~{~~j/Jf ?:?.:.?,]:g;~f!I~b~l.l!R~:~~'ct~~f~djf(~trj 1~9. ffhe.maxim~rr1Jjeig~}ofc:1 fr~stancling~i~nJn ~,,;ar,.,i:::zon~s shall not exceed 7.5 metres (24.6 feet);providec:ftfi"afttie 'maxin1um 'tieight 'maii:ie'1ncreased.by 100 mm (4 inches) per lineal . metre of frontage over 12 metres (39 feet) up to a maximum height of 10.5 rnetres (34.5 · feet). No freestanding sign shall be permitted on any lot having a frontage less Jhan 12 metres (39.3 feet). · · · · 1-10. Tfiesignareifof'a'l[~§n·t1i~gsigh·shallJfof~f~ecfi6&)?i~~q}mt(6.E>,sg:ffJriefr.iiniaTm~trij <?ff.r,g!'}tcl~~2!1}!h,!th.c!h~ ~igr,i cl~tJ!S. provided th·atihe maximum sign area of a freestanding <, sign shall be as follows: . . LOT AREA 550 sq. m. (5920.3 sq.· ft.} 550 sq. m to 4,000 sq. m. (5920.3 sq ft to 43,057 sq. ft) Larger than 4000 sq. m. (43,057 sq. ft.), MAXIMUM SIGN AREA 10 sq. m. (107.6'sq. ft.) 15 sq. m. (161.5 sq. ft.) 20 sq, m; (215.3 sq. ft.) i-p.: The'.copy area'tor atreestana1ngslgnstiajp1c;if ~xceed'60 percent: ot ffi~'sign'iirea.':~oitmultl4 te~ant paneled sign faces the copy area p~r'panel shall not' exceJd 80 perce~t of the pa~ei "' j • •·• • , _• .c.; .. •,; ; ,, _ ""' ••• .: . • :-M', ", ••••.t • • h ~.. . .-,:, , :-, .• , •·C•·';;;·'":,,;.,:!: .. < ••••••.•• ,._..:~ •.•.• .".: • , •••. :.\.,c,•;,;'. ;·~ ... ... ; .....•• . :.e .: . • ... , _ ,k ~r~a. 37 Schedule "]" -All Institutional Zones The following signs are permitted only on land in. "P" Zones. J-1. Signs permitted in Schedule f_!;:j of the by-law as regulated therein. J-2. One facia sign per business premises or one (i) freestanding sign shall be permitted for each street frontage bounding the site, provided that each sign is positioned to face. the street ori Which it is located by placing the copy area at right angles (90 degrees) to the fronting street. For eachadditional 30 metres (98.4 feet) of frontage beyc:>ndthe first 30 metres (98.4 feet) of frcmtage, an additional freestanding sign may be permitted. fh~-add1tionaiHeesiai:idJng·s1gn .. is fo be' placed so'tfi'at nb portiqn of. a freestand'rrig sign. is Ciosf;r than 20 metres to any other ,, . fr~~~p9ip~s!~n.r· ·-·~···-........................ , ,, ····.···---··· ., .... ,.,,. ·····-·····'· REQUIREMENTS J-3. The total area of a facia sign shall hot exceed. a ratio of 0.3 sq. m. (3.2 sq. ft.) for each lineal metre of the business premises to which the sign is attached. J~:4: }\lJf!~;cgpy_~r~ f~~ f~ci~_§i~:~:~h?.!1.no~~~x9~e.9_§C>1 e.~r~~rt:e:>Uh~-~igri ,3~e~J J-6. The maximum sign area of afreestc1nding sign shall not exceed 6 sq. m.,(64.6 sq; ft.). J-7. T6e c:diji area for a freestanding sim shaH'ifofexceea·so percent oftfie'slgn'are'a; Formu Iii~ teriant.panele~tsfgn _faces the copy/area. pei panetshall not exceed 80 percer1tof thepanel .. 'are~{·'·"· ,,,., ,, .......... , .. -.-.... ,...... ..... . ........ ,f ·-··"'''···-·""·"''""'"•''"" .... . " .......... ,-. ., ........ ·-""""" ·"--·-·"'"' ...................... , .. .. J-8. The maximum .. height of afreestanding sign~hall be 6 metres (19. 7 feet\ J-9. Changeable copy sighs permitted on the main freestanding sign shall be permitted to a maximum sign.area of 3 sq. m, (32.3sq. ft) per signfoce in addition to the main freestanding signs area. J-10. ~5P~re~~xce~~1Q~tn~t~~pv~,ID~@~rfe.g,Jfit~ <~t~--~':I~g~~ .. ~Ltt?f§h.~IF1?~t,q~gy~!~~}r,<?m the.totaf.:qalculaUoo:f9r,~ignat~a:o.f'::tMfr~ooitigsigrl'J· . _, ...... ~ .... ~·-·~· , .. ,..·..--,..-...... -·····-··-·~·-··-···· .. -........ ······---· .... -·-···-·········--· -·-···--·--····-·-··-· ..... ~ ..... -· -. ,..,.: .... ·----· -. --. . .. ,,,,.._ .... ·---38 /~111111 City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: mapleridge.ca His Worship, Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: March 31, 2020 09-4560-20 Council SUBJECT: Maple Ridge Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 7626-2020 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In late 2019, Council directed staff to bring forward a report to implement the Bylaw Notice Dispute Adjudication system, commonly known as BN or BEN. This ticketing and dispute mechanism will gain Officer and administrative efficiencies in processing bylaw violations. The Local Government Bylaw Notice Enforcement Act (the "Act") provides local government the ability to issue Bylaw Notices and establish a local Bylaw Notice Dispute Adjudication system, which replaces the Provincial Court in resolving disputes for minor municipal bylaw violations in areas such as parking, animal control, wildlife and vector, business licensing, building, signage, noise, tree preservation, zoning and fire prevention. Currently the City of Maple Ridge uses the court-based model where disputes are dealt with in the Provincial Court system. Within the current model, nearly all City bylaws are enforced by either Notice of Bylaw Infraction (Parking), Municipal Ticket Information (MTI), or long form charges prosecuted under the Offence Act. The current court-based process is complex, resource intensive, lengthy and costly. With the exception of parking related matters, the majority of bylaw violations are primarily nuisance related and the requirements for presenting evidence in Provincial Court is very cumbersome. Furthermore, MTl's and subsequent disputes must be personally served, whereas the Bylaw Notice has other service options, including by regular mail. As a result, the legal costs to prosecute these tickets, including staff time to prepare reports, legal counsel and witness preparation is quite high. In addition, the Provincial Court has limited hearing times available for the City to pursue bylaw violation disputes through the court process. Adoption of the Maple Ridge Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw will allow City staff to issue tickets more efficiently and address disputes in a fair and equitable manner. RECOMMENDATION(S): 1. That Maple Ridge Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 7626-2020 be given first, second and third readings; and 2. That a Council Policy that sets out the authority for Screening Officers attached as Appendix Ill be approved. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: 802 D0C#2406483 In October 2003, in order to address the use of court time for minor bylaw violations, the Province of British Columbia enacted the Local Government Bylaw Notice Enforcement Act which created a framework for a non-judicial system for local governments to deal with bylaw enforcement disputes. Under the Act, local governments may adopt a bylaw to establish a Bylaw Notice Dispute Adjudication system which largely replaces the Provincial Court as the venue for resolving disputes of minor municipal bylaw offences. The legislation was developed by the Province in response to issues and concerns raised over the previous 10-15 year period by the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM), the Hughes Commission on Access to Justice and the Chief Judges Task Group of Sitting Justices of the Peace, with respect to needed reforms to bylaw enforcement. The legislation addressed concerns related to the costly, time-consuming and complex nature of previously available enforcement tools. Since the adoption of the Act, over 50 municipalities in British Columbia, including our neighbouring cities, have adopted this adjudication model. In March 2011, the City of Maple Ridge Council of the day considered implementing the Bylaw Notice Dispute Adjudication system. In preparation and as per regulation, a letter was sent to the Ministry of the Attorney General on March 9, 2011. By way of Order in the Legislature, the City of Maple Ridge was added to the Provincial Roster under the Bylaw Notice Enforcement Act Regulation on May 1, 2011. A copy of the roster is attached as Appendix II. However, Council deferred the recommendation. The goal of a Bylaw Notice Dispute Adjudication system is to create a simple, fair, and cost-effective system for dealing with minor bylaw infractions. To meet this goal, the adjudication model will: • Eliminate the requirement for personal service; • Establish a dedicated forum for resolving local bylaw enforcement disputes; • Use a dispute resolution-based approach to obtaining independently adjudicate decisions; • Avoid the unnecessary attendance of witnesses; • Avoid the need to hire legal counsel; and • Promote the timely resolution of bylaw enforcement disputes. A comparison of both dispute frameworks has resulted in improved and timely service to residents in municipalities where the Bylaw Notice Dispute Adjudication system is in place. The table below highlights some of the key points: Feature Current (Court-Based} BN Dispute Adjudication Ticket Service Officer must be able to prove Service methods include via personal service of MTI. mail, in person, on vehicle or Maximum Penalty: $1000. left at property (mailbox, etc.). Maximum Penalty $500. Dispute Request Upon receipt of an MTI, an Upon receipt of a Bylaw Notice, individual must either pay or an individual must either pay request a Court date within 14 or request dispute adjudication days. The Court notifies the within 14 days. The disputant by a Notice. Court municipality determines how times vary and are usually dispute requests are made heard within 6 to 12 months. and arranges the Hearing (e.g., in writing, in person). Hearing Process Hearings are conducted in Hearings are conducted by Provincial Court by Judicial independent Adjudicators at Justices of the Peace (JJP). D0C#2406483 JJP's may cancel or reduce City Hall. Adjudicators may fines. uphold or cancel a fine. Conduct of Hearings Individuals appear in person or Parties to the adjudication may by agent; officers appear in be heard in person or by agent, person. in writing (including email), or by telephone. Officers may appear in person, in writing, or by telephone. Dispute Settlement Due to the limited Court Disputes can be settled in less availability, MTI disputes can than 60 days. take over a year to be heard. Use of Fees The Court-based system does A municipality can charge up to not allow for the application of $25 to individuals who fees by the municipality. unsuccessfully dispute a ticket. A municipality may also impose a surcharge in addition to the penalty amount after a specified amount of time. Hearing Outcome A Judicial Justice of the Peace The Adjudicator may only will consider the determine whether or not a circumstances surrounding the bylaw contravention occurred MTI and the history of the as alleged. They cannot defendant, as well may impose reduce the penalty amount. a fine within the minimum and The determination of an maximum fine amounts Adjudicator can only be permitted by the bylaw. appealed on a question of law or lack of jurisdiction. Implementing this model for enforcing minor bylaw violations will also provide the City of Maple Ridge with a more effective dispute system. Key improvement areas will be: • Improved service to citizens; • Improved enforcement tools; • Increased revenue and operating efficiencies; and • Reduced court dependency. To ensure consistency and discretion in maintaining the Bylaw Notice Dispute Adjudication system, it is recommended by UBCM and the Attorney General's Office that a Screening Officer Policy be established which sets out the grounds for cancellation by Screening Officers. Screening Officers would have the authority to cancel Bylaw Notices for reasons such as errors made when issuing the Bylaw Notice (e.g. incorrect date, licence plate, location, or vehicle make), a duplicate Bylaw Notice was inadvertently issued for the same contravention, the vehicle was exempt, or for compassionate reasons. Qualification and coordination of Adjudicators are dealt with by the Court Services Branch of the Ministry of Attorney General. Under Section 15 of the Local Government Bylaw Notice Enforcement Act, it is the responsibility of the Deputy Attorney General to appoint qualified, independent Adjudicators to the system who will then hear and determine disputes. Adjudicators must also meet D0C#2406483 prescribed qualifications and must not be an employee of, or hold an elected office in a local government. This criteria provides the basis for an objective adjudication system separate from local government. The selection process for Adjudicators, as well as instructions to Adjudicators when hearing disputes, are also prescribed by regulation in order to maintain consistency, neutrality and .fairness. b) Citizen/Customer Implications: This system will create efficiencies to the public for Bylaw Notice dispute resolutions. c) Alternatives: Defer consideration of the Bylaw Notice Dispute Adjudication system. To date, there has only been one constitutional challenge filed in Supreme Court, and the Bylaw Notice Dispute Adjudication system was upheld. Staff feel very confident that this scheme will assist in improving the overall management of issuing tickets and any potential disputes. d) Financial lmplication(s): Based on experiences in other municipalities, it is expected the cost of operating and managing this model, and the related processing of disputed tickets, would be offset by the fines collected and would not necessarily result in additional operating costs to the City. CONCLUSIONS: The Bylaw Notice Dispute Adjudication system has potential application to a variety of bylaws, and was specifically designed to deal effectively with minor bylaw infractions. A Bylaw Notice Dispute Adjudication system would provide an additional tool or mechanism for the City to achieve compliance with bylaws in a more efficient manner. The Municipal Ticket Information system would still remain in place for more serious offences, which contain higher fine amounts to reflect the seriousness of those offences. We will also ensure the public is notified of this new scheme through regular means. Preparedby:Michelle Orsetti Director, Bylaw & Licensing Services ~ Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services Concurrence: (l.grs~ ;t).__, Chief Administrative Officer Appendix I -Maple Ridge Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 7626-2020 Appendix II -Local Government Roster -Excerpt from Bylaw Notice Enforcement Act Regulations Appendix II -Screening Officer Policy D0C#2406483 APPENDIX I City of Maple Ridge 1 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 City of Maple Ridge Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 7626 -2020 Table of Contents Citation ............................................................................................................................ 1 ~:~~~i~i~i!~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::>~:)::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ Bylaw Contraventions ..................................................... I!1 ... :/:'. ...................................... 1 Pe~alties ........ _.············:·······:···········:························,./7::t;'\\ ....................................... 1 Period for Paying or Disputing Notice ....................... _ .. :. ........... , .................................... 2 Bylaw Notice Dispute Adjudication Registry ..... ,::4:,\':. ................ /;1:,, ............................. 2 Screening Officers ......................................... /'. .. ,1!:. ...................... ~ .. , ........................ 3 Powers, Duti~s, and F~nctions of Scre,i~g,,C)fficer ····:;,················'\ .. '.\ •................... 3 Bylaw Compliance_ Officers ................... x,(, ........... .::7, .................. ~.~ .............. .4 Form of Bylaw Notice ................................................. A-.................................................. 4 Sched u les ...................................................... " . .:Y:-::r ................................................. 4 Schedule A-Designated Bylaw:Contravention1an1JPenalties .................................... 6 \'.·;:_<: >-_ "'<;:{ ___ '.>i> Schedule B -City of Maple Rief e'Com liance Agre rn nt... ....................................... .40 1 City of Maple Ridge Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 7626 -2020 A bylaw for the purpose of issuing Bylaw Notice Enforcement tickets for the enforcement of Municipal bylaws.==================================== WHEREAS, the Local Government Bylaw Notice Enforcement Act, SBC 2003, c. 60, as amended (the "Act"), provides that a local government may deal with the contravention of a bylaw by bylaw notice; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: Part 1 Citation 1.1 This bylaw may be cited as "Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 7626 -2020". Part 2 Severability 2.1 If a portion of this bylaw is held invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction, then the invalid portion must be severed and the remainder of this bylaw is deemed to have been adopted without the severed section, subsequent, paragraph, subparagraph, clause or phrase. Part 3 Definitions 3.1 In this bylaw unless the context otherwise requires, each of the following words has the meaning set out below: "Act" means the Local Government Bylaw Notice Enforcement Act; "City" means the City of Maple Ridge; and "Registry" means the City of Maple Ridge Bylaw Notice Dispute Adjudication Registry established under Section 7 of this Bylaw. 3.2 Other terms used in this Bylaw have the same meaning as defined terms in the Act. Part 4 Bylaw Contraventions 4.1 The bylaw contraventions designated in Schedule A may be dealt with by bylaw notice. Pa rt 5 Penalties 5.1 The penalty for a contravention referred to in section 4.1 is as follows: 1 Part 6 6.1 a) Subject to subsections (b) to (e), the Penalty amount set out in column Ai of Schedule A; b) If received by the City within fourteen (14) days of the person rece1v1ng or being presumed to have received the bylaw notice, the penalty is the Early Payment Penalty set out in column A2 of Schedule A; c) If more than twenty-eight (28) days after the person received or is presumed to have received the bylaw notice, the penalty is subject to a late payment surcharge in addition to the Penalty under subsection (a), and is the Late Payment Penalty set out in column A3 of Schedule A; or d) Notwithstanding section 7.3, if a person sough~Judication of a bylaw notice within the time specified in section 6.1, but the adj1,1dkatb'r,ordered that the penalty set out in ~he bylaw notice_ is d~e ~nd payabl~ and t~(~efson h~~ot paid the p~n~lty referred to in the bylaw notice within twenty-eight (?8);days, afterthe,gate the adJud1cator ordered , , / "',, , ' that such penalty is due and payable/that penalty referred'to in the bylaw notice shall ' ~:_'· _...... }';:: . "\~ be increased to the Late Paym~n~;;Penalty set out in column A3 of Schedule A; <t]> ,; ,, £{~ "'··+ '\ ,'· t. •,, e) If paid under a compliance agreement, the penalty may be redu ed as provided under column A4 of Schedule A. .. , A person who receiv,es:a·bylaw notic~ mu~ '/. ithinJ?urteen (14) days of the date on which the person received oris presu~d to hav~~ceived the'bylaw notice: ' ' ',i '& b) Request 1~pute adjudicat,[on by_ filling in the appropriate portion of the bylaw notice ,,,?"·'indicating eitQ_(r /'paymentor"a~ispute and delivering it, or causing it to be delivered ' or mailecl, to tile City of Maple Ridge City Hall. " 6.2 ,p~rso~ may pay\ e,ind_icat~~enalty more than :ourteen (14) days after receiving the bylaw n~t1~~· 1n accordan.fe~ with sect10~ 5(a) and subJect _to the late payment surcharge under sec\1on5(c), but noip~rson may dispute the bylaw notice more than fourteen (14) days after receivtQ.g the bylaw no}ice. 6.3 Pursuan~\o" th_e ;iuirements of Section 25 of the Act, where a person was not served personally witt],:a bylaw notice and advises the City that they did not receive a copy of the original bylaw notice, the time limit for responding to a bylaw notice under section 5 and section 6(a) and (b) of this Bylaw does not begin to run until a copy of the bylaw notice is re-delivered to that person in accordance with the Act. Part 7 Bylaw Notice Dispute Adjudication Registry 7.1 The Registry is established as a bylaw notice dispute adjudication system in accordance with the Act to resolve disputes in relation to bylaw notices. 2 7 .2 The civic address of the Registry is 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9. 7.3 Every person who is unsuccessful in a dispute adjudication in relation to a bylaw notice or a compliance agreement under the dispute adjudication system established under this section, must pay the City an additional fee of $25 for the purpose of the City recovering the costs of the adjudication system. Part 8 Screening Officers 8.1 The position of Screening Officer I and Screening Officer II are established. 8.2 Part 9 9.1 The following are designated classes of persons that m and Screening Officer II: a) Director, Bylaw & Licensing Services; b) c) Senior Bylaw Compliance Officer; d) e) Council may appoint St office or otherwise. appointed as Screening Officer I as"'"\y~6ere-r::eques~~d;bY the person against whom a contravention is alleged, communicate informati9q resp~'?ting the nature of the contravention, the provision of the bylaw "'""7 ,, ~ contraven~,q;, the fa~ts~n which the contravention alleged is based, the penalty for a contravenfiod1 and tne>fee or fees payable in relation to the bylaw notice enforcement b)~\fon;imunicate1with any or all of the following for the purposes of performing their function /' der this Bylaw or the Act: the person against whom a contravention is alleged or their representative. ii. the officer issuing the bylaw notice. iii. the complainant or their representative. iv. the City's staff regarding the disputant's history of bylaw compliance. c) Review the City's records regarding the disputant's history of bylaw compliance; 3 d) Prepare and enter into compliance agreements in accordance with the Act and City policies and guidelines, with persons who dispute bylaw notices, including establishing terms and conditions for compliance that the Screening Officer considers necessary or advisable, including time periods for payment of penalties and compliance with the bylaw (Screening Officer II only); e) Provide for payment of a reduced penalty if a compliance agreement is entered into, as provided in column A4 of Schedule A; and f) Cancel bylaw notices in accordance with the Act and City policies and guidelines. 9.2 The bylaw contraventions in relation to which a Screenin~Officer may enter into compliance agreements are designated in column A4 of Schedule A. 9.3 The maximum term of a compliance agreement is one'ye Part 10 Bylaw Compliance Officers 10.1 Persons acting as any of the following ar 11.1 purposes of this Bylaw and the Act: /"t,,, a) Members of the Royal ~anadi ,,. b) Senior Bylaw Complianc;\ -~!!~nee Officers appointed pursuant to the Community Charter; v /',:· .. , c) Parking Officers app"oirited purswmt to the Community Charter; 'f "'<\ {I:._,<f d) Local tants tot' , ire Com ioner under Section 6 of the Fire Services Act; ,f f) Director ahd M9~ er o y , ·'& Licensing Services, Building Officials, Animal Control Q!ficers, Po;}n~ K~epers, City""'Environment staff or other persons acting in another capabity"on beh~lf",,Of the City, properly delegated by Council for the purpose of enforcerne~,of one~ore of its bylaws, pursuant to the Community Charter. Eorm of Bylaw . o ice I) The City ~Y from tirtie to time provide for the form or forms of the bylaw notice, provided the bylaw notice~,pi'ies with Section 4 of the Act. Part 12 Schedules 12.1 The following schedules are attached to and form part of this Bylaw: (a) Schedule A -Designated Bylaw Contraventions and Penalties (b) Schedule B -Compliance Agreement 4 READ A FIRST TIME on [Date] READ A SECOND TIME on [Date] READ A THIRD TIME on [Date] ADOPTED by the Council on [Date] PRESIDING MEMBER 5 Bylaw No. Section(s) Schedule A Designated Bylaw Contraventions and Penalties Description Part 1 A1 Penalty Amount A2 A3 Late Payment Penalty ;/~j(l'!Jfll@i:!Dffbl and-Licenci11g,J3ylaw Nq.:q~Q§~f')z . 6908-2012 5.1.3(c) 6908-2012 5.1.3(d) 6908-2012 6.1.1 6908-2012 6.2.1 6908-2012 6.2.7 6908-2012 7.1.1 6908-2012 7.2.1 6908-2012 7.3.2(a) 6908-2012 7.3.2(b) 6908-2012 7.3.2(c) 6908-2012 7.3.2(d) 6908-2012 7.3.3(a) 6908-2012 7.3.3(b) 6908-2012 6908-2012 6908-2012 6908-2012 6908-2012 7.4.1(b) 6908-2012 7.4.2 6908-2012 7.7.1(a) 6908-2012 7.7.1(c) 6908-2012 7.7.1(d) 6908-2012 7.7.2(a) 6908-2012 7.7.2(b) 6908-2012 7.7.2(c) 6908-2012 7.7.2(f) Refuse to comply with Animal Control Officer Interfere with Animal Control Officer More than 3 dogs Fail to obtain licence Fail to display licence Animal at-large Fail to remove excremepf'0·,,,,. Fail to provide food and water Fail to provide clean food and water re9.eptc:1cles Fail to su!ficieptJy exe,rcise Fail to pfovide necessary vet~riha,r/c;are ) i Fail'to provide apprppriate 't· 1~ i 'th~ shelteNa,·•·, "'?'". · ,, .. Fail to alloy,, suffiqient space"s , Fail to, provide protection ·· frorn,stih, ~.~ Fail to 'keep,,shelter,clean Cause arrimal to be tied;to \%_ ;,l ''<; ,c/ choke collar .... .\ Fail to provipe ;fresh air \yentilation}' 1 Enclosed-space exceeds 30 '\, "' ,C'. V d\?gree$ Qelsius Falito confine in a pen '<_;_,,... outside the vehicle Fail to confine an aggressive dog indoors Enclosure contrary to bylaw Leash more than 1.5 m. Fail to muzzle an aggressive dog Fail to tattoo aggressive dog Fail to post warning signs Fail to notify when aggressive dog at large $350 ''l.$2QO $200; $125 $200 $200 $250 $200 $200 $500 $200 $300 "·;,$250 $200 $300 $250 $200 $300 $250 $200 $300 $300 $250 $350 $250 $200 $300 $250 $200 $300 $250 $200 $300 $450 $400 $500 $300 $250 $350 $150 $100 $200 $300 $250 $350 $200 $150 $250 $300 $250 $350 $300 $250 $350 6 A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Part 1 A4 A2 A3 Compliance A1 Early Late Agreement Bylaw No. Section(s) Description Penalty Payment Payment Available Amount Maximum 50% Reduction Penalty Penalty in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes" 6908-2012 7.8.1 Fail to secure area for guard $200 $150 $250 No dog 6908-2012 7.8.2(a) Guard dog sign not visible $200 $150 $250 No 6908-2012 7.8.2(b) Guard dog sign improperly $200 $15Q<'"s" $250 No posted / #' 6908-2012 7.8.3(a) Fail to register guard dog $200 $15( $250 No address ,/' 6908-2012 7.8.3(b) Fail to register guard dog $200 ~ l;(~;:i$~50~~ ~ $250 No hours Fail to register guard dog (/ $150 ' i,~250 6908-2012 7.8.3(c) licence number $,0 No 6908-2012 7.8.3(d) Fail to register owner /$290 $150 ",$25.P No Fail to provide change of ··\$i5o,, l1f<f,$:;foo ' % 6908-2012 7.8.4 information $500 No ''% . "" 6908-2012 9.1.1(a) Sell prohibited animal $450,{ '%fi' V $400 $500 No 6908-2012 9.1.1(b) Keep, breed or sell wo~ $450 "'z ~$400 $500 No cross · , ·· 6908-2012 10.1.1 More than six cats '$159 \.,;.$100 $200 Yes 6908-2012 11.1.2(a) Livestock on Highway $200 $i$o $250 No 6908-2012 11.1.2(b) Livestock in J;>ubJic Place ~ $~00~ """,$150 $250 No 6908-2012 12.1 Boarding/dogs.: .. ,. '.).)sh '·.\//$150 . ''h/'$100 $200 No 6908-2012 13.1.1(a) Fail to):loc,ument information \ f$450 $400 $500 No 6908-2012 13.1.1(e) Fai1)6 p;ovide suffictent care \ '$450 $400 $500 No 6908-2012 13.1.2(b) Fail tQ ke~p clean cage\,,. \$450 $400 $500 No 6908-2012 13.2.1 Fail to s~gregate1ill 9nim9l 't+, ,, .. " $;1'50 $400 $500 No 6908-2012 13.3.1(b)(i) ·• f?il to prorQptly,tpfat animal·< .1>)•·$450 $400 $500 No 6908-2012 13.4.1(a) ·· Eclil\q ~eep regist~r $450 $400 $500 No 6908-2012 13.q.1(a) ···· Faffii:tp6st notlc~ r,.,,, $450 $400 $500 No 6908-2012 19:6.1(b) Fail to pqst~igns ~ $450 $400 $500 No 6908-2012 13.J;i(f)i Sell prohib.iteq animal $450 $400 $500 No 6908-2012 13. 7:1,( c}v.. Sell unalter~danimal $450 $400 $500 No 7 Bylaw No. Section(s) Description Part2 A1 Penalty Amount A2 Early Payment Penalty A3 Late Payment Penalty A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes" ,,.Building Bylaw :No'.6945~2012'}·; ·,:s ~?·· i.":;: <: ,; · ·' .. ,, >c·,<',}c: ,. . .., : • .Y,,, <"';, 1, c·::· . . . . , , / '"< 6925-2012 6.1 Construction without permit $250 $200 $300 No 6925-2012 6.2 ~:r:~~ish structure without $250 $2,1;), $300 No 6925_2012 6_3 Move structure without $250 $1ocf' $300 permit / 4,,, No 6925-2012 6.4 Occupy structure without $350 ,Af·:;,{300'·~, $400 No permit .A "'7 < ~, 6925-2012 6.5 Tamper with posted notice $25Q.,i f > $200 0, ,· Ya>'" $300 No 6925-2012 6.6 6925-2012 6.7 6925-2012 6925-2012 6925-2012 17.5 20.1 20.3.1 ~gr,~;~a:,::::~0:a;~;~~~,-.-$-:-:-:---+--:-:-:-:--+-----:-:---.,.,j Fail to keep plans on proper!}%\ '·$400, .. , $".tqO $250 No 6925-2012 20.3.2 6925-2012 22.5 6925-2012 22.8 6925-2012 22.9 6925-2012 6925-2012 6925-2012 0{'.Ss:1 Construcfq,'p~ol witho~) ~<'Fi+. permit '~:/ \ t-----c----c""'.""'.'-:--t---,:-:'.,-:""c 6925-2012 28: Fail to enclo$e pool f------+----"" 28.4. ,f; .· .. f ... ~il .. to mainy~iqipool ;enc1osureAsJ/t 6925-2012 6925-2012 28.5 6925-2012 29.1 6925-2012 29.2 6925-2012 29.3 6925-2012 29.4 6925-2012 32.3 6925-2012 32.5 Failt<DJeep>pool gate latched Plum~jnifsystem altered Plumblhg located outside lot Plumbing storm drain installed without permission Plumbing installed without permit Fail to comply with Stop Work notice Fail to comply with Do Not Occupy notice $200 $400 $400 $450 $400 $450 $400 $450 $400 $450 $400 $200 $150 $250 $200 $200 $150 $200 $150 $450 $400 $450 $400 8 $300 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $250 $300 $250 $250 $500 $500 No No No No No No No No No No No No No Part3 A4 A2 A3 Compliance A1 Early Late Agreement Bylaw No. Section(s) Description Penalty Payment Payment Available Amount Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Penalty Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes" I> 8LJsinessUc;encirigai\d,Regulatiori BylaWfl\!O,i~Q'l'"'-nri,i,i!fa' ''"/.(''P''i:~, I1Jif'1f'f''':i') , ' . ,,,. '"ii.'.t'i'r +" • , )4 10, • 'I:;s;Tt 1:1i'!Ii1J + CPI fFiLP,~J ·, '.:i ' ' ·. 6815-2011 6.1.1(a) No business licence $300 $250 $350 No 6815-2011 6.2.3 Failure to get approval $200 $15p4'±, $250 No 6815-2011 6.6.1 Fail to renew licence $300 $;250/ $350 No 6815-2011 6.8.1 Fail to post licence $200 pi$15.Q $250 No 6815-2011 6.9.1(a) Fail to permit inspection of $300 /A {~$25i\>'\, $350 No premises 6815-2011 7.1.1 Permit person under 19 /•' $400 ",,\ ~"$500 No years $4,~?·Y' 'i ' Display depiction of a ,f '/ ,,, /' 6815-2011 7.1.2 ·4$450 ,$~00 '\$500 No sexual act '\· ' '-'''··' Open business between 12 $45~ 'T ~ 6815-2011 7.3.1(g) //$400 $500 No midnight and 7 am ·~ Fail to keep premises~ $200 "'\ y 6815-2011 7.4.3 ,$150 $250 No clean cond1t1on t 6815-2011 7.4.5(c) Fail to keep record :7•·$200 "'·{.z',;$150 $250 No 6815-2011 7.4.5(d) Fail to produce register ··"'-$,,;:200>k >;$1$0 $250 No 6815-2011 7.4.5(g) Permit entry to be erased \j< 1, $9,5{?,;,.',0.2 [»,,, $400 $500 No 6815-2011 7.6.2(a) Fail to pr9viaeidentification'% I{\ .,,$4so '"4. l«,.\,)$400 $500 No Employ/pers6rl .. L.i'nder.19 \ <' ;Y 6815-2011 7.6.3(a) /iy " :s \"'$450 $400 $500 No years,, i' l -~\ Open business between 12 '\('4 $400 $500 6815-2011 7.6.3(b) \,. :_ ... ,._ /''.., . \,h,?,· \$450 No midrlight9nd 8 am\y ·,,,.,"k. \,:ji 6815-2011 7.7.1 Permit perspBi,9,der 1~·1«.,, __ _,f"'~"~-":;'~:.:_' years "'4;;<: 1::)$~50 $400 $500 No ,F ·=,""' 'En;iploy,persorfuhder 19 6815-2011 7.8;1.(ar ye~'rs-<}H)~ <iiiJf/1il!~I\, $450 $400 $500 No ,4( ,Y 6815-2011 6 'i( \7.8:i(b) ~ ' Permit 'person under fg years \ \ "'<f $450 $400 $500 No 6815-2011 7:9"1' Fail to post sign $200 $150 $250 No 6815-2011 7.10.~~ Fail to comply with ~~quirementJ $200 $150 $250 No 6815-2011 7.10.4(a)(i) '<i!MOr,e than·20 dogs $300 $250 $350 No 6815-2011 7.10.4(a)(ii) Operateoutside permitted $300 $250 $350 No 'ii'I hours 6815-2011 7.10.4(a)(iii) Discharge odorous matter $450 $400 $500 No 6815-2011 7.19.3(b) Fail to shut off sound $450 $400 $500 No 6815-2011 7.21.1(b) Failure to produce licence $300 $250 $350 No 6815-2011 7.21.1(c) Fail to display photo $450 $400 $500 No identification 6815-2011 7.21.1(d) Peddle between 6 pm and $450 $400 $500 No 9am 6815-2011 7.23.6(a) Failure to maintain report $450 $400 $500 No Dispose of second hand 6815-2011 7.23.10(a) article prior to 30 days after $450 $400 $500 No receipt 9 Part3 A4 A2 A3 Compliance A1 Early Late Agreement Bylaw No. Section(s) Description Penalty Payment Payment Available Amount Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Penalty Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes" Buy second hand article 6815-2011 7.23.13(d) from person under 18 $450 $400 $500 No years 6815-2011 7.23.14 Buy second hand article $300 $250~ $350 No between 6 pm and 6 am ,,/ ;f Offer services of a social 6815-2011 7.24.1(b) escort under the age of 19 $450 $500 No years 6815-2011 7.27.1(b) Permit tobacco products to No be visible 6815-2011 7.27.1(c) Sell tobacco to person No under 19 years 6815-2011 7.28.1(a) Possess shark fin products No 10 Part4 A4 Bylaw No. Section(s) Description A2 A3 Compliance A1 Agreement Penalty Early Late Available Amount Payment Payment Maximum 50% Penalty Penalty Reduction in Penalty Amount Where 5756-1999 3 5756-1999 11 Unsterilized Cat No 5756-1999 12 Unsterilized Cat at Large No 11 Bylaw No. Section(s) Description . Drin~ing Wate~ Conservatioi(Plar 7 425-2018 6.1 No automatic shut off device 7425-2018 6.2 Unnecessary water run off 7425-2018 6.3 Water artificial turf 7425-2018 6.4 Hose run unnecessarily 7425-2018 6.5 Faulty irrigation system 7425-2018 Schedule 1, Unauthorized Watering Part 1 7425-2018 Schedule 1, Unauthorized Watering Part 2 Part 5 12 A1 Penalty Amount $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 A2 Early Payment Penalty $200 $,200/ A3 Late Payment Penalty $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes" No No No No No No No Bylaw No. Section(s) Description Fire Prevention Bylaw,N,q, 4:f11c:19?S:20f; 4111-1988 1111 Fail to Obey Order 4111-1988 1121 Obstruct Fire Escape 4111-1988 11129 Impede Fire Fighter 4111-1988 11132 Run over Hose 4111-1988 IX64(a) Fail to Flush Hydrant 4111-1988 IX64(b) Fail to Service Hydrant 4111-1988 IX64(c) Hydrant Obstructed Part6 13 A1 Penalty Amount $450 $450 $450 $450 $450 $450 $450 A2 Early Payment Penalty A3 Late Payment Penalty $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 ,$500 A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes· No No No No No No No Part 7 A4 A2 A3 Compliance Ai Early Late Agreement Bylaw No. Section(s) Description Penalty Payment Payment Available Amount Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Penalty Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes" Fireworks Bylaw No. 6279-2004 , ·2~,z,\/'.,:}i)ff:([,. r::· Y' ,•; ""\' ' '! ;q;. •.. : ?wt ;; .2;'.'l0~> W> , ' ,,, 6279-2004 11(3) Discharge fireworks without $450 $400 A $500 No permit 6279-2004 11(4) Fail to surrender fireworks $450 $4QCJ 7 $500 No 6279-2004 111(18) Unlawful storage $450 $400( $500 No 6279-2004 111(20) Improper storage $450 /$400 ' $500 No 6279-2004 111(21) Smoke in storage area $450 < ,,p$'400 ' $500 No A ,, 6279-2004 IV(22) Sell to minor $450 / ') $400 ' ,$500 No 6279-2004 IV(23) Minor possessing fireworks $459 ,/ $400 ' $!:(00 No Fireworks display without ,# 7 ' 6279-2004 V(24) \45,~ $4~0 $500,, No permit ' \ Discharge fireworks contrary $450~ ,, ?' 'I!#" 6279-2004 V(25) k $400 $500 No to distance requirements l' 6279-2004 V(26) Audience closer than 45,rn .. $450 ' ( $400 $500 No Improper fireworks ~ I'> "1 '_ ~ 6279-2004 V(27) '''"1$.450 ~,c;$400 $500 No projection l·<,y :h*,,,.,, '\,' Fail to safely dispose of $450·,,,.,,,,, ' ~ 6279-2004 V(29) $400 $500 No fireworks \ / <r'°;.:C. '.':,..A~, V Wind velocitfgre~ter,an \\.,,1-:i"' '"''4t '"~'.$\oo 6279-2004 V(30) ,, ,'~$450 $500 No 10km/~r/ ,/>''""'""', \. ·s;I" 6279-2004 V(32) Person under 21 years in \$450 $400 $500 No charge of display J,J1 ,,(.~ 6279-2004 V(33) Less th~n 't\Yo operat9.rs •·:•··"'"'~. $459 $400 $500 No 6279-2004 V(34) Insufficient fir~ extj.n'guisher~ · t:'.sx>$~5o $400 $500 No 6279-2004 V(35~;: -'Fail t~,holdvalid, l'ility ·'insL!rance ~ ···,"A,;;F' $450 $400 $500 No ~? 14 Bylaw No. Section(s) Description Part8 A1 Penalty Amount 627 4-2004 3 Disconnect meter $450 627 4-2004 4 Divert exhaust vents $450 627 4-2004 6 Alter a structure $250 6274-2004 7(e) No permit $250 627 4-2004 9(a) Obstruct building official $450 6274-2004 9(b) Remove notice $450 627 4-2004 10(a) Cause nuisance $450 / 627 4_2004 lO(b) Permit unsightly matter to $:?S accumulate 6274-2004 12 6274-2004 13 6274-2004 14 6274-2004 15(a) Fail to undertake action directed by Fire Chief Refuse entry Fail to inspect Fail to notify District 15 A2 Early Payment Penalty A3 Late Payment Penalty $500 $300 $300 $500 $500 $50~, $500 $500 $500 A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes· No No No No No No No No No No No No Bylaw No. Section(s) Description Part 9 A1 Penalty Amount A2 Early Payment Penalty A3 Late Payment Penalty 6704-2009 7.0 Drive on trail $100 $75 /, $125 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 10.1 Obstruct vehicles or $75 $ ..•.. ?6~'~,r $100 pedestrians ·" ·.f' 10.2 $75 11.1 (a) Park on sidewalk $50 A"':;"" $35 ,. \.._ $75 11.1 (b) Park within 3m of driveway $59,q>,7 $35 " ,$75 11.1 (e) Park within 6m of crosswalk $50'"·'* ( $35 $75 11.1 (f) Park within 6m of stop sign'l12>· $50 , , $35 $75 11.1 (i) (ii) Repair vehicle on a highwayy.l $50 ~, $'357 $75 11.1 (i) (iii) Display signs-0nahighway \; \. /$'59"'.., j\}~>$35 $75 11.1(i)(iv) Sellingar,ticles·onqighway 1,"',A $50 '""'"$35 $75 11.1 U) Obstn,id:traffic ·· .... ~. \ .( $75 $50 $100 11.1 (k) Dout5le park i if \0"$50 $35 $75 11.1 (o) Park on 'p~th .... l / ··,4i:,4]ft:;f "'>~. $50 $35 $75 11.1 (p) ··"' Obstruct hfgqway/iane ··· 1.,.f/ $50 $35 $75 11.1 (q(. Ang)e Pa_[k "~ )h< $50 $35 $75 1.f,1'(s) Park over\30cm froh\cur,b $50 $35 $75 ll~l~~~ Park_ contra\ry to. paintecflines $50 $35 $75 ~;·, on highway,,; \ 11.1 (u),i t <Park contrary to prohibition $50 $35 $75 11.1 (v) < Oy,ertime parl)ing $50 $35 $75 111 (w) ·q~~J;-t),rne parking/fail to $50 $35 $75 . regieter,/ 11.1 (x) Park eontrary to restriction 11.1 (z) Park over 72 hours 11.1 (aa) Park over length vehicle 11_1 (bb) Park vehicle over 5500 kgs GVW $50 $75 $100 $200 $35 $75 $50 $100 $75 $125 $150 $250 6704-2009 11.1 (cc) Park in Disabled zone $100 $75 $125 6704-2009 11.1 (dd) 6704-2009 11.1 (ee) 6704-2009 11.1 (ff) Park in commercial loading zone Park in passenger loading zone Park on highway without curbs 16 $75 $50 $100 $50 $35 $75 $50 $35 $75 A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes" No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Part 9 Section(s) A1 A2 A3 Penalty Early Late Amount Payment Payment Penalty Penalty Bylaw No. Description 6704-2009 11.1 (ii) Without proper or valid insurance displayed $100 $75 $125 6704-2009 11.1 Uj) Without proper and valid number plates displayed $100 $75 /\;\ $125 6704-2009 11.1 (kk) Park adjacent to yellow curb $50 $35 ;/ $75 6704-2009 11.1 (hh) Park outside angle parking stall $50 "Jr!:!a~\,\"' $75 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 6704-2009 13.0 Unattached trailer $100 "'· ~,9?$75 ",, , $125 15.3 Park in resident zone $50,¢( ··• ' $35 ·< " $75 16.1 Remove notice of chalk mark $:1,GO {/ $75 '"_ t1.25 16 2 Move vehicle within same AE;>l $35 '"i!s\,. · block ()( ~ \, .. " 29.1 Encroachment \ \ "'•,,t50·,.,,,,,, '$~5) $75 30.1 (a) Load not secur~ly covered \ , $,:J:59",,(/ :;>,,$10D $200 32.1 (a) Place tl)il'lgon higA'Vay, ' '.,$'100 $75 $125 32.1 (b) Dep9Sit9ebris on highway 'lt,'$350 $300 $400 32.1 (g) Place,str4cture on ahigbway \$150 $100 $200 32.1 (r) Place contclin'eroJJhighway<t.,,i J~i't:xr$150 $100 $200 43,..-f,(9{ Solicitbn highway'<'( 1l0,,, $100 $75 $125 43,1 (c) Install sign, on highwax ) $100 $75 $125 47_i'(a) "· Vehicle weigh(exceeds $250 $200 $300 "'>,; ·, licensed GVW; 47.1 (b) ~, J\Xle exceef.:~ermitted $250 $200 $300 "· .~Yfe1ght ~ f Di~ensf~s of commercial 47_1 (c)(i) vetiic;,le""clo not conform to the $lOO $75 $125 regulations with load included 47.1 (c)(ii) Non conforming dimensions $100 $75 $125 50.2 Fail to comply with order $300 $250 $350 50.0 Fail to comply with permit $300 $250 $350 conditions 51.0 Fail to obey traffic controls $300 $250 $350 and signs 17 A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes· No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Bylaw No. Section(s) Description . Kenn.et•.·RMulatiqn]§Y'l~~!~g.i1iijJ'J~~~~6,ri~,~sit•i;-;;1;?strq1<1,. .. · 6036-2002 1 Kennel contrary to zone No permission from 6036-2002 2 Agricultural Land Commission 6036-2002 4 More than 3 dogs 6036-2002 5(a) Fail to provide water and/or food 6036-2002 5(b) Fail to provide clean receptacles 6036-2002 5(c) Fail to provide exercise 6036-2002 5(d) Fail to provide veterinary care 6036-2002 5(e) Fail to provide comfort 6036-2002 5(f) Unclean or unsanitary condition 6036-2002 5(g) Fail to keep kennel clean 6036-2002 5(h) Fail to containanimal between ,9J>lfi'-anct'. 7~a.m 6036-2002 5(i) Fail to F irltain air e)l:ch,ange unit G, ,, 6036-2002 50) Fail t ;pfo erly coi:sfruc enclosu'r~ .pi2pose o 6036-2002 6 c~mtrary to a "•\ '' . "' Mariagem~nt A 6036-2002 Fail to kefp"t)uildin in good repa/r, Kennel not 'under 6036-2002 9 supervision 'cif(esponsible "'adult / <t ' ~reate a. nyJsance to nearby 6036-2002 10 resjdents/ 6036-2002 13 Operq\e"without permits 6036-2002 21 Fail to provide isolation pen 6036-2002 23 Improper flooring 6036-2002 26 Improper wall and ceiling insulation 6036-2002 29(e) Breeding or boarding contrary to Kennel Licence 6036-2002 33 Refuse inspection Part 10 18 A1 Penalty Amount $100 $100 $100 $250 $100 $250 $250 $250 $250 A2 Early Payment Penalty $200 $200 $75 $75 $75 $75 $200 $75 $200 $200 $200 $200 A3 Late Payment Penalty $300 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $300 $300 $125 $125 $125 $125 $300 $125 $300 $300 $300 $300 A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes· No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Bylaw No. Section(s) Description Part 11 19 A1 Penalty Amount A2 Early Payment Penalty A3 Late Payment Penalty A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes• Bylaw No. Section(s) Description Noise Control Bylaw No. 5122~1:~4 5122-1994 3 Noise Which Disturbs 5122-1994 4 Allow Noise Which Disturbs 5122-1994 5 Animal Noise 5122-1994 6 Construction contrary to Time Restriction 5122-1994 8 Engine Noise Part 12 20 A1 Penalty Amount $300 $300 $400 A2 Early Payment Penalty A3 Late Payment Penalty $350 $350 $350 $450 A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes· No No No No No Bylaw No. Section(s) Description 7596-2019 4.1 (a) Cause a Nuisance 7596-2019 4.1 (b) Permit a Nuisance 7596-2019 4.1 (c) Fail to abate Nuisance Part 13 21 A1 Penalty Amount $450 $450 A2 Early Payment Penalty A3 Late Payment Penalty $500 $500 A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes" No No No Bylaw No. Section(s) Description " Outdoor.Burning Regufation Bylav.,'. N'o. 5535-1997 5(b) Burn noxious material 5535-1997 5(d) No permit 5535_1997 8 Agricultural Fire without permit 5535-1997 10(c) 5535-1997 14(b) 5535-1997 14(d) 5535-1997 15 5535-1997 16(b) 5535-1997 19 Unattended Agricultural Fire Unattended Backyard Fire Backyard Fire after dark Recreational Fire contrary to Schedule "A" Unattended Recreational Fire Outdoor fire during Closure Part 14 22 A1 Penalty Amount $450 A2 Early Payment Penalty A3 Late Payment Penalty A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes" No No No No No No No No No Part 15 Bylaw No. Section(s) . Description A3 Late Payment A4 Compliance Agreement Available A1 Penalty Amount A2 Early Payment Penalty Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Penalty Amount Where Parks and Recreation Facilities'Regulation Bylaw No, 7085°~0'.l.~t, '.; .· F" "' >;'bl, Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes" 7085-2014 8.1.1 Enter Park when closed $100 $75 $125 No 7085-2014 8.1.3 Deposit refuse $100 $7,,5, $125 No 7085-2014 8.1.4 Deposit any off-site refuse $300 $259-"' $350 No 7085-2014 8.1.5 Carry or discharge any $300 /ct,2~0 weapon or dangerous toy / c/,. , $350 7085-2014 8.1.6 Cut any plant $450 ,,,/"' .• ./" $400 , $500 7085-2014 8.1.7 Deface any building or wall $450..#,> > $400 "s,/ I;;,,, $500 7085-2014 8.1.8 Damage any fixture $450 / $400 "'' , $500 7085-2014 8.1.9 Start any unauthorized fire /$200 $150 """" $250 7085-2014 8.1.10 Fail to obey any sign or signal ~ $200 '$,150 $,250 7085-2014 8.1.11 Post or display advertising '$JOG, . ····· /$150 $250 7085-2014 8.1.12 Use advertising vehicle $2QO "-/ $150 $250 7085-2014 8.1.13 Molest or harm any aninJah.,., $300"\ '\,. $250 $350 Possess any drug \ ··· $200 ',~, $l50 $250 paraphernalia , "( -------------<--------~ 7085-2014 8.1.14 7085-2014 8.1.15 Carry on any unauthorized\\, '"4$2ocf,1.. '$]'so business \ , ,,I I"'«. . 1 ·>-. 7085-2014 8.1.16 Use vulgar)anguage, \ 1, /$~50 ,,,. , ·./' $400 7085-2014 8.1.18 Exp6$e g~nitals j l. \. $_450 $400 7085-2014 8.1.19 Excavat(? ih,,a Park' ""'· """•·~ \$300 $250 7085-2014 8.1.2)! ;?''/ ··Hold,proc~ssion,'Qr'gathering $200 7085-2014 8.+!.22/ Operate pchyer boaf,)". $200 7085-2014 8<:12~ Use tobac~9 within 7:V $200 · \" if;"' meters of p!ayground 7085-2014 8.1.24" l. Discharge of fireworks 7085-2014 8.1.25 "\. ,Plant trees ,or $hrubs 7085-2014 8.1.26 "· "Possess 9r c9nsume liquor 7085-2014 8.1.27 7085-2014 8.1.28 7085-2014 8.1.29 7085-2014 8.1.30 7085-2014 8.1.31 7085-2014 8.1.32 7085-2014 8.1.33 7085-2014 9.1.1 Use a device which co~stitqtls a hazard Erect any structure or tent Obstruct any employee of the City Use or operate device that disturbs enjoyment of Park Urinate or defecate except in toilet facility Swim where not permitted Skate where not permitted Transport goods over unprotected boulevard $200 $100 $450 $100 $300 $300 $100 $200 $100 $100 $300 23 $150 $150 $150 $150 $75 $400 $75 $250 $250 $75 $150 $75 $75 $250 $250 $500 $500 $500 $350 $125 $250 $250 $250 $250 $125 $500 $125 $350 $350 $125 $250 $125 $125 $350 No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Part 15 A4 A2 A3 Compliance A1 Early Late Agreement Bylaw No. Section(s) Description Penalty Payment Payment Available Amount Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Penalty Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes" 7085-2014 9.1.2 Drive or ride any animal or $150 $100 $200 No vehicle on boulevard 7085-2014 9.1.4 Drive vehicle in excess of $150 $100 $200 No posted speed limit 7085-2014 11.1.1 Unleashed dog or other $150 $200 No animal 7085-2014 11.1.2 Animal in prohibited area $200 No 7085-2014 11.1.4 Horse outside of designated area $125 No Dog within 5 meters of 7085-2014 11.1.5 playing field or sports No surface 7085-2014 12.1.2 Unauthorized foot wear on a No tennis court or bowling green Play on tennis court or 7085-2014 12.1.3 bowling green contrary to $200 No rules \ 7085-2014 13.2.2 Enter a park or facility dur\~1(' banning period '\ \ $300 No 24 Part 16 A4 A2 A3 Compliance A1 Early Late Agreement Bylaw No. Section(s) Description Penalty Payment Payment Available Amount Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Penalty Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes" 6413-2006 3 No permit $200 No 6413-2006 5(c) Fail to post visible signage $200/ No Fail to post signs 24 hours $250 ,/ $300 6413-2006 5(d) $200 No prior to pesticide use ,,l 6413-2006 6(a) Apply pesticide within 2 m of $450 4.($400 ~ $500 No property '"' ', /" "\ 6413-2006 6(b) Apply pesticide within 5 m of $400 ~ ,$500 No park "" ' Apply pesticide within 3 m 'i{ ' 6413-2006 6(c) $500, No from well ,, 6413-2006 6(d) Apply pesticide within 30 m $5o2r' No of open water 6413-2006 6(e) Apply pesticide when winfL11,, exceeds 8 km per hour'\0: ,0;,,, $500 No Apply pesticide when 6413-2006 6(g) temperature exceeds 27 $500 No degrees C. 6413-2006 6(h) Apply pesticid $500 No trees 25 Bylaw No. Section(s) Description Part 17 A1 Penalty Amount . Rental. Premises .Standards of Maintenance Bylaw No, 6550 ~ 4008sl 6550-2008 6 Fail to comply with notice $250 6550-2008 8 6550-2008 26(1) 6550-2008 26(2) Fail to maintain rental premises Disconnect service or utility Fail to pay rates for service $250 $450 $450 26 A2 Early Payment Penalty A3 Late Payment Penalty $500 $500 A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes" No No No No Bylaw No. Section(s) Description Si:if1@;$treets. Byl~W:N§{7581-20:1.9 7581-2019 4.2 (a) Sit or lie on a street 7581-2019 4.2 (b) 7581-2019 4.2 (c) 7581-2019 4.3 (a) 7581-2019 4.3 (b) 7581-2019 4.3 (c) 7581-2019 4.3 (d) 7581-2019 4.3 (e) 7581-2019 4.3 (f) 7581-2019 4.4 (a) 7581-2019 4.4 (b) 7581-2019 7581-2019 7581-2019 Continue to solicit after negative response Solicit as a member of a group of three or more persons Solicit within 10 meters of a financial institution Solicit within 10 meters of an automated teller machine Solicit within 10 meters of a bus stop Solicit within 10 meters ota daycare centre (} ih\\l, Solicit within 10 meters 6ta:'~. liquor store \ \ non medical cannabis retailer / v',. · ~<: 'l;\ SoliciUvfijle motor veJ1ic;le park:gd JC i:JJ'!f Solicitwhile motor.\1ehicle stoppecfattrafflqsbrftrol -sigQ?I '{ ·· .. ·}p/ Solicit in'a manner WJ'iich obstructs b[ ii);lpedes·,,,,,;t vehicular traffic Part 18 A1 Penalty Amount $100 $50 $50 $50 $100 27 A2 Early Payment Penalty $35 $35 $35 $35 $75 A3 Late Payment Penalty $125 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $125 A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes" No No No No No No No No No No No No No Bylaw No. Section(s) Description 6772-2010 4 Fail to log transaction 6772-2010 5(c) Fail to transmit daily Register Part 19 A1 Penalty Amount $250 6772-2010 6(a) Fail to maintain legible Register $450 6772-2010 10 Illegible entry 6772-2010 15 Fail to display business name 6772-2010 16(b) Conduct business outside of restricted hours $250 $250 28 A2 Early Payment Penalty A3 Late Payment Penalty $500 $300 $500 $300 $300 A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes· No No No No No No Bylaw No. Section(s) Description 4653-1992 4.5(a) Sign without permit 4653-1992 4.5(b) Fail to comply with order Part 20 29 A1 Penalty Amount A2 Early Payment Penalty A3 Late Payment Penalty A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes" Bylaw No. Section(s) Description "Smoking Regulation Bylaw l"Jo:'.6968-2013 .• 6968-2013 5.1.1 (c)(i) Smoke in an enclosed premises 6968-2013 5.1.2 Smoke in vehicle for hire 6968-2013 5.1.3 Smoke on public transit 6968-2013 5.1.5 Smoke in a customer service area 6968-2013 5.1.6 Smoke in common areas 6968-2013 5.1.8 Smoke within 7.5 m of opening into building 6968-2013 5.1.9 Smoke at swimming beach 6968-2013 5.1.10 Smoke in area of municipal park or playground 6968-2013 5.1.11 Smoke in City building 6968-2013 6.2 Fail to post signs Part 21 30 A1 Penalty Amount $200 $200 $200 A2 Early Payment Penalty "~, A3 Late Payment Penalty $250 $250 $250 $250 ,$250 "~\~ $1~5~ "·,~rf $125 $250 $250 A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes" No No No No No No No No No No Part 22 A4 A2 A3 Compliance A1 Early Late Agreement Bylaw No. Section(s) Description Penalty Payment Payment Available Amount Maximum 50% Reduction Penalty Penalty in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes" .,Soil Depqsit 7412-2017 5.4.13 Fail to submit log No 7412-2017 5.4.15 Fail to provide log within 48 $200 $250 No hours 7412-2017 5.4.16 Submission of false log $450 $500 No 7412-2017 5.12.8 Fail to remove dirt on road $450 $500 No 7412-2017 5.12.10 Damage adjacent property $450 $500 No 7412-2017 5.12.12 Activities outside restricted $500 No hours 7412-2017 5.14.11 Fail to comply with permit "''\:;$'500 No 31 Bylaw No. Section(s) Description 6398_2006 9 Remove soil on Sunday or statutory holidays 6398-2006 10 6398-2006 30 6398-2006 31 Remove soil outside permitted hours Machinery not kept within confines Noise exceeds 55 decibels Part23 32 A1 Penalty Amount A2 Early Payment Penalty A3 Late Payment Penalty $500 $500 A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes" No No No Bylaw No. Section( s) 6800-2011 11 6800-2011 12 6800-2011 16 Part 24 Description Remove material from receptacle Place receptacles prior to 5:00 am Remove material from property Fail to provide adequate storage 33 A1 Penalty Amount A2 Early Payment Penalty A3 Late Payment Penalty A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes· No No Yes Bylaw No. Section(s) Description ,Taxi Regulation Bylaw No. 6409-2006 6409-2006 6.1 Fail to hold a valid chauffeur permit 6409-2006 6.9 Fail to display photo identification Fail to ensure driver holds 6409-2006 7.2.4 valid chauffeur permit Fail to forward list of 6409-2006 7.2.7 complaints 6409-2006 8.1 Operate a vehicle in excess of 7 years of age Fail to keep daily record of 6409-2006 16.4 trips made 6409-2006 16.7 Fail to keep copy of trip( records Charge fares contrary to 6409-2006 18.1 Passenger Transportation Act , ,.#'om=~~--.,,.,_, Operate \/,ehicJe without 6409-2006 19.1 taximeter / '' \., / . y " 'S;, 6409-2006 19.5.5 Fail,t6 n:iaintain taximeter Operate taxi contrary to· 6409-2006 20.1 ~ "' .' notice by.., Inspector Part 25 A1 Penalty Amount $200 $300 p $JP ~4(0 ,, '' $300 . ,. ' ··~. $450 -'~"' ,, -~,~ A,), ' $450 '",,A \. /0.:· \\,./$(50 ,( \.$A50 ~. '::: $450 V 34 A2 Early Payment Penalty ,# .r ', v$250 ' > $250 ., $400 ,'' /7 7 1'·$250 ,$400 ' ' '~ $400· ,,,, V ~ft? $400 $400 $400 ' A3 Late Payment Penalty $250 $350 " $'3~0 $50~ $350 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes· No No No No No No No No No No Bylaw No. Section(s) Description Part 26 A1 Penalty Amount A2 Early Payment Penalty 7133-2015 4.6 Damage tree $450 $400 7133-2015 6.12 Fail to post notice of Permit $450 $40!)4"".,, 7133-2015 8.a Dispose of tree parts $450 $4-'bO/ A3 Late Payment Penalty $500 $500 A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes" No No No contrary to regulations ,.,Jc < ---+-------+-----~-~------+------+-,----i--------j-----------j Fail to keep drainage system 7133-2015 8.b 7133-2015 8.c 7133-2015 8.d 7133-2015 8.e 7133-2015 8.f 7133-2015 9.5 7133-2015 12.6 free Fail to stabilize bare soil Work outside of permitted · hours Clear cut trees without ESC plan Cut trees without nesting survey Cut replacement tree with · Permit Fail to comply with Stop Work Order 35 $500 No No No No $500 No $500 No $500 No Bylaw No. Section(s) Description Untidy and Unsigtitly Prerrrises Bylaw No. 65$~3;,2007\~ 6533-2007 3 Untidy/Unsightly Premises 6533-2007 4 Graffiti 6533-2007 7(a) Fail to maintain container in good repair 6533-2007 7(b) Permit rubbish to overflow container 6533-2007 7(c) Fail to keep containers closed 6533-2007 7(d) Fail to lock container 6533-2007 7(e) Fail to keep container area clean 6533-2007 8 Overgrowth Part 27 36 A1 Penalty Amount $300 $300 A2 Early Payment Penalty $250 $25()/ / ( . A3 Late Payment Penalty $350 $4507 $400 ~500 $2GQ v i$150 $250 A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes" Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Bylaw No. Section(s) 6410-2006 7 6410-2006 9 6410-2006 14 6410-2006 18 6410-2006 19 Description Fail to comply with Schedule "B" Fail to implement ESC Plan Fail to carry out monitoring program Fail to comply with stop work notice Fail to post waterproof copy of ESC plan Part 28 37 A1 Penalty Amount $450 $200 A2 Early Payment Penalty A3 Late Payment Penalty $500 $250 A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes· No No No No Bylaw No. Section(s) Description 7437-2018 4.2 Attract Wildlife 7437-2018 4.3 Provide food to Wildlife 7437-2018 4.4 Permit accumulation of seed 7437-2018 4.5.1 Fail to harvest fruit 7437-2018 4.5.2 Fail to remove fallen fruit 7437-2018 4.5.3 Bee hives accessible to Wildlife 7437-2018 4.5.4 Grease containers accessible to Wildlife 7437-2018 4.5.5 Refrigerator accessible to Wildlife 7437-2018 4.5.6 Dairy and proteins placed in compost 7437-2018 4.5.7 Garbage containers accessible to Wildlife 7437-2018 4.5.8 · 7437-2018 4.5.10 Place receptacles prior to 5:00 am fa~~ 7437-2018 4.5.11 Receptac,fes/afid"coutainers not epcl9~ed , ' 7437-2018 4.6 Fail<t~pf~vent infestati?n by vermin"<.~ / , ',. Part 29 A1 A2 A3 Penalty Early Late Amount Payment Payment Penalty Penalty $400 $350 $450 $450 $400 ,;I'' $500 $300 $290 / $350 $100 $300 $350 $450 $300 $500 $500 $250 $350 38 A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes" No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Bylaw No. Section(s) Description 3510-1985 306(1) Prevent authorized entry 3510-1985 306A(1) Contrary to permitted use 3510-1985 306A(2) Unlawful construction 3510-1985 402(6)(a) Park prohibited vehicle 3510-1985 3510-1985 3510-1985 3510-1985 3510-1985 402(7)(a)(i Excess unlicenced vehicles ) 402(7)(a)(i Wrecked vehicle i) 402(8.)(i) 402(9) Unlawful secondary suite Unlawful temporary residential use 403(4)(e)( Barbed or razor wire vi) Part 30 39 Ai Penalty Amount A2 Early Payment Penalty A3 Late Payment Penalty $500 ,$500 " ' '~50Q '\ ' $50Qy $500 A4 Compliance Agreement Available Maximum 50% Reduction in Penalty Amount Where Compliance Agreement is Shown as "Yes" Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No MAPLE RIOGE -------Dri,W,C.,-Schedule B City of Maple Ridge Compliance Agreement Pursuant to Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw No 7626-2020 I,----------------------------------' of (Full Legal Name) (Address) acknowledge receipt of bylaw notice(s) # (the "Bylaw Notice") and wish to enter into a Compliance Agreement whereby I agree to fulfil certain conditions, in exchange for a reduced penalty. · · · cont. on additional a es if needed . that this agreeme tis binding on me for one (1) year from the date of this Agreement. \, . \. ~ .. .. t.-~ y . \@; I also understand t,hat if I breach:a term of this Agreement, or fail to observe or perform the above terms and conditions:t\C~ty:s Scr~e wing Officer may rescind this Agreement. "' I understand that if this Agreement is rescinded, I will have fourteen (14) days to dispute the Screening Officer's decision to re;tiifd the Agreement, and that if I do not dispute this decision in the prescribed time, the full penalty stated in the Bylaw Notice of$ will be immediately due and payable and subject to all fees and penalties, as if the Bylaw Notice was not disputed. Signature of Bylaw Notice Recipient Date Signature of Screening Officer Date 40 APPENDIX II Local Government Roster Excerpt from the Bylaw Notice Enforcement Act Regulations Column 1 Column 2 f ;e;i~0r~;--.rA;~~n;~;~y;~;;~~;-~:;;=~1 1;:;:~}t:::: -,:::::a:,::~c::~;c~p~~;' co'."n,;ttee_ .. J i. -· .. . . ... . ·-··· ... ---. . .... . --------.. ----./ jAr.ril ~~_2??~-_____ J~a.ri_b_oo ~~g_i_~nal ?i~t~i~~-_ j I April 1, 2007 I City of Abbotsford I r~~;o-be~~.-;-0~8 ... ·1~i~~~;;~~-~a-~y .. . ........ -·. ---, If t;:::~~;if :1~f :;::~~;~······ ~--~ ~ =--: l !May 1, 2009 ] City of Cranbrook j' r-----------------------c-------------------------------------· ~~;,;~~r:0~6-· j :::;~~~;~::: "~e~----__________ J_J t--··-------------------------r·----------------------------------------------------1 December 6, 2017 City of Fort St. John j (------------------·---------------------·---·-------------------------. (January 1, 2010 I city of Kelowna j r-----------------------1-·-------------· --------------------------------------------i September 26, 2012 City of Nanaimo I 1-------·--··----·-~---------~--· . ·-·--~--·------· ------·---~--·-·-·--------~ .. ·-----.--·---, i May 3, 2004 I City of North Vancouver J i-· -·---·· ·--·---·-· ·--~----------------· ------------·-··-·-·-·--------·--·-··----···--·--·----·-' j August 1, 2009 I City of Parksville / F~;-;;;~.--~9:~~-~-~~]~'.;~-~~i;~-~~;~~-~-~-----:~---==: .... -~:-===~-j-1July 14, 2014 I City of Port Alberni f .•. -···----------·-·--------1· -------------·--_________________ , ___ -------' i October 1, 2008 City of Port Coquitlam J ~-------~--------·--------·· ·---·-·-·------· ----------~--~ ' I October 28, 2016 I City of Prince George j r-·--·------------------1----------------------. [September 1, 2005 City of Richmond J t"---·--------------·T·-----------------·--------------J September 1, 2005 I City of Surrey J ~::::~~-J;;:~::n::,er______ ] APPENDIX II r;~;;~i~_;;i?~j:11.~;t~~;_f_;~l;~·;i:;~-~~-~-.. .-... :·~-:~· .. :.~:.~=~-~-~--~] / December 22, 2015 Corporation of the City of Enderby J r---···-····----·-·····---,-·····----------····-······-·----··----···---------···-i September 26, 2018 Corporation of the City of Fernie r·-·------~----·---·--·-----··-~-~-,----------·--··-------·······-··-----~--... b--·--·-·---.. -·-····----, / October 1, 2010 Corporation of the City of Nelson j -r· ......... ---····-····---·-· .. ···-... -..... -·-···----------...... ________________ --------···-·· ---------·-. iApril 1, 2009 I Corporation of the City of New Westminster I r·--· .. -------------· .. "··---·-···--···,---·---··-·-----.. ·-·----· .. ···--·----·······--·· .. ···---· -------·---·-···. I December 22, 2015 Corporation of the City of Victoria J r-· ---·-··· -··-· ---· ---.. ·----·--·-··--· . ···--------------.. --------·--· ... _, _______ ----·· . -·--··-··-···-· ---· ··-··-, I September 26, 20181 Corporation of the District of Saanich j t""-····. -··-···· .. -· . ·--------~ .. ·-. ·----· ··---.... ····· ---·· ·--.. -----·-· -·------·-. -· ·-···-· .. ., ........ ·-.... ' (~~~?~·-~~~~ J?~r_P_~-~~t~~~ ?'.~h~ :~~~.:h_i~_o_f ~s~~i_m~~t _J JJu_l: ~O'. ~01~. 1.~~1:~s-~~k~!.~rk __ B?~~~---... _.. __ J )~ebru~~~ 2?:~ JDe~~~n_l~l_a~~-~?~a!_T'.u:~?~~~it~e~ ........ j ,~~~::;?:t~~~ f ;:~:::-::;;;;,:;~ ..................... · 11 r--._ ........ ____ ..... ----------......... ---------·----·-----.. -···--·--------·-.............. -------· ........ .. !September 1, 2005 / District of Hope J r---------·-·-·-----·-···-----·--------·-------·------------·· ----·-·---! September 1, 2005 I District of Kent j [-··-·-----·--··----·--·i-----·------·----------------·-··------' J February 1, 2010 District of Lake Country j r-·-____ .. ___________ ---·---··---------------·----··------··----.. -----···-·--. j November 6, 2019 J District of Lantzville r------.. -·-··r ·--------·--·-·-·---"--···-·--" J May 1, 2011 District of Maple Ridge J r----··------··----~---. ·---·-.. ·--·-··· , I December 6, 2017 I District of Mission J ~-·--·--·~---·-·---·-~----·----------.---·----------------------·------·--' I May 3, 2004 I District of North Vancouver J r·---·-----·---------------------··----·------------·-........ -_ ...... _ !January 1, 2010 I District of Peachland I r-·--··-------··----·------------i-----------------.. -·----·--·-·---------·-----------·--·-------· -/January 1, 2007 I District of Pitt Meadows f september 26, 2012 I District of Sechelt . . . . ~~-;;:;;~;~~i~i·:~:~~_J?;~.:~;~~!~_;;;~s~: ~~:•~-:.~=:·:·.~~--~--~--~~J jJanuary 1, 2010 I District of Summerland j r----------------·-·---~-~--------------·---·-------------·---------------! October 1, 2009 I District of Tofino J !~ecember 22, ;;~~ I District of Wells -------·--------J r·--------·-·-·--·------------------·-----·--·-----------------· --. I January 1, 2010 I District of West Kelowna J J May 3, 2004 I District of West Vancouver j [-------·-----·-··-·-·-----.·-------------.......... ________________ _ J February 1, 2006 J Fraser Valley Regional District __ _ APPENDIX II 1·-·-··-·····-· ...... ······-····-·--······--···· ... ·-·· ... ····-··········· --···-·--·--· -· --·-·-········· ... -·-. ' ! May 1, 2011 I Ga brio la Island Local Trust Committee j /.---------·------·----,~~----,---. •-•·---~ u•--•-·----~ •---·-M--------~-•-••-••_.__,, ' / February 1, 2010 ,.Galiano Island Local Trust Committee I ;------··---··---·-------·-····" .... ·-------·--·---,----------·-··--·----·---·--··-~·-·---···-·-.... ·····-·----.. ---. / February 1, 2010 I Gambier Island Local Trust Committee J r· -·---· ···-···-·····--·--····-----·-····· -·--·····-····------......... -···-· .. --· ----·-·· ·-------------! May 1, 2011 J Hornby Island Local Trust Committee J r····-····" ---.. ·-·· -..... ··--··-·····,-··-·--····-· ·--· --· ...... ·-··-·-·· ·-. ·-·-······--·-········ . -----· . J May 1, 2011 Lasqueti Island Local Trust Committee J r ----· ··---.... ·--·-········· ------····--, ----------------··· ····-------------··-········ ----------· -----· I J May 1, 2011 Mayne Island Local Trust Committee l~-~~;;~~_:_;?~~-·:·:·:. :····· :T~_;i;i_-~;~ci.u~ir.::~-~~'.~.~-~;:~·i;~-r! ~t-~~---··· :··~.:-~J J ~-~-~~~?8.r ~:??_~! .. J~~~!~ip~-l~t~ ~f-~-o~~-~°.vVich~_n _ __ _ ...... J I F~b!u_ar.t?~ 2010 J.~-0~~-~en~er~~l~~d __ Lo~al_~r-~st_ c°._rnr11i~~8. j I May 16, 2011 I Northern Rockies Regional Municipality r;~;:~;-~,-;011 ,~~;;e;i;~r·;~~~~-n~i-~i~t~i;;··· ·----. r ... -·-..... -·· .... -·--.... ··---........... -·· --········-··--· ....... . ......... .. .. . .. ·-······ . -! September 30, 20131 Regional District of Central Kootenay r----·· .... ·-------·-······--···1---···--········ ·-······--· -·······-·· ........ ·······------····-----....... ··-I February 4, 2013 Regional District of Central Okanagan I ,~~~~~;;~:·;-~~~----,~:;~~~1--~is;;i~;-~f K~~~~;~;-~~~~~~~y--·-·-1 r·---------·-···-···---·--··--1--·-----·--·-·----·--·--··--·-------·---------------···---. !October 24, 2018 Regional District of Nanaimo J r-··-.. -------·-·-·-·····-··-··-----------------.--,--------~---------------·-------~------· . !January 1, 2010 J Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameenj r·----------------·-··------,--·······--·---·-----·---------------------·-----··--. I December 6, 2017 Resort Municipality of Whistler j r--·------···----··-·-···---·-,--------·---------------------··-·-··-······-------··-···-·--i February 1, 2010 Salt Spring Island Local Trust Committee /--------.. ----~-----.,·· ----·---------·-·----·--·-=--···--·-····-·>,--,---·-·-_______ .. _______ -~------. i February 1, 2010 J Saturna Island Local Trust Committee l r··-------·-··---..................... .................................. _____________________________________________________ . -----1 May 1, 2011 I South Pender Island Local Trust Committee J ~~~!~~~o~~~~~a~~:~~~;~;;~~~~~?~~~:~~~] i November 30, 2010 I Sunshine Coast Regional District I /·· ................ ··---_ ...................... 1···-··--·-·---···--··-·····---·--· ....... ,, ····---------.................................... .. /september 15, 2011 The Corporation of Delta J 1~-~---··--··-·······--·~-------··-·····--·-··---···--·-····--·----·--···-~--.. -···--···--·--"-_____ .. ___ -····-·······---I November 25, 2013 J The Corporation of the Village of Fruitvale ~~t~~=~l;~a'.;~;~~~~~=~j !September 30, 2013 ,Thompson-Nicola Regional District j t---·-···-----·--·--·---· .... ·---··-···· ___ .................... , ............. ··-···--------------··--····-----1 November 30, 2010 J Town of Creston J !--·-·-··-·------------~---·---------··--------------·-----·- APPENDIX II f_~a1.~:-~0~-_______ -, Town of Gibsons _____ --···· .: .. :~-~:~---·-~·:: ~::·1 / November 26, 2012 / Town of Golden j :····--· ... --····--···--·····-······ -'--1···· ···-·· ., ........................... ·-·· .. ·--·---··-·"····-.... ·····--·' I February 1, 2010 Town of Oliver iJuly 1,_2008 _____ I Township of Langley····-···· ___ ··-··· ... _ [ March 1, 2017 [ Village of An more J r·---............ -·-···· ...... ----...................... ·-·-···-----... ..... ..... .. ······---····--·-···· . J May 2, 2018 /village of Belcarra ,~~~t-~~~~~-;~:·;;~~F~l~a~~-~·;·;~~~ ;;;s· ---...... -· ...... ·--··· .. .. [~eb;~~r~ ~;: ;0~7 F;;;a;~~;~-~r~;~~~ ~~t S;ri~gs -... . r~~v~~~e-r-28. ·;0-18 Fil1~-~~--~;~~~~e~~n ······ -· -·· I . •. .... . ..... . ..... . ..... -.... -.. ........ -· -... . .. •.... -.. . . ..... I September 11, 2019 / Village of Port Clements j}~~i~~.-2·~~;··· EHla:~;~;~~;~m~~~t_:·_ ... -./ I . .I ' .. .J ~----mapleridge.ca Title: Screening Officers Authority: D Legislative Approval: ~ Council APPENDIX Ill POLICY MANUAL Policy No: Supersedes: "<<·'.· ;..:}.,. . ~.·,~·:~·':·.. '\'.~:~, Purpose: T~i~JY;Pf Maple R~lJ:,has dJi~ated bylaw contraventions that may be dealt with by Bylaw Notice an&:$.~~-establishiiJre positions of Screening Officer I and Screening Officer II under Section 8.1~(,h~. Bylaw f!fJJice Enforcement Bylaw. ';:((~:\!~ /:?}{/ ~~:jft?~}'. _., Definitions: "Screening Off16~'f· means a person in a class designated by bylaw under Section 2 (3) (b) [application of Act] and appointed as a screening officer by a local government; Page 1of 3 Policy APP EN DIX Ill Responsibilities Under the authority of Section 10 of the Local Government Bylaw Notice Enforcement Act (the "Act") a Screening Officer must review all disputed Bylaw Notices before adjudication, and has the authority to cancel a Bylaw Notice in accordance with the Act. Under Section 10(2)(a) of the Act, a Screening Officer is authorized to cancel a Bylaw Notice if, in the Screening Officer's opinion: (i) the contravention did not occur as alleged; (ii) the Bylaw Notice does not comply with section 4:(~):.Qfthe Act; or (iii) the grounds for cancellation authorized byt~~J~l\i"government is satisfied . .... :~~ ;i:-.;·~--Any Screening Officer I and II may cancel a Bylaw Notic~i~~~ll'@}~i~ce with Sections 10(2)(a)(i) and 10(2)(a)(ii) of the Act. This policy outlines when~ E/~ct:f'categdiy~'f:,$creening Officer can cancel a Bylaw Notice in accordance with Section 10(2)J~)(iif·' ",~l)[t¥. '.1\/:\' "(~f}~cs, CANCELLING OF BYLAW NOTICES IN ACCORDAN6~)}'.1.TH SECT_!p~ 10(2)(anff~j~;(~, . . . ~:~>:;./.. .(/;}:·· \~;;~~:;,, Screening Officers I and II are auth(!(!Jx,~}o cancel a ByJ~-'tYJ~pt1ce if, in the Scree·ntt)g Officer's opinion: \t)flt;tt~~i~:;~. ~)%ft\ ... 1. The identity of the alleged offericJ~~t:,~an'n'q\~~,proven 'if@~!-,lse: ~;.:~:~-'~;~{~\~.,.. ~ .. :,/.:-;;: • The Bylaw Ndii~iwa~ issued td~{~~-wro·n~:i®f~l,i'.).:<>r ucifn~~ plate. • The vehjcief.fn'voivecl·l!'.1\he Bylav/~~tj£¢}r,~ffbJ~:h~!.9J~n. An RCMP File Number. is req LI ired a{."pr,oof to tHeJheft. ·t:~t~}V'' . ,~:~,-• The vehicllt~gi_stratio11)'.ecal or vehi8ll~.icense plate of the vehicle involved in the .. ,~JJ.f./.:\XJ-.Jotice ha~ P.€l;fMg!~n;:A,n RCMg:jf[le Number is required as proof to the theft. ,.~1ii1~Jl~~~~~~tlit~:z-~ ··'.:: \((//~ · ·. -;~\~1{~:r~_; , ~J:i~fl~? 2,,::!'1tti:~tj:mrson··1s~\i;~Q the BYlijw Notice wa~ a1.w:iohzed to take such action as a result of an i>;1J~~ipeption specifi'ij,:j.n a dt{~f.Maple RidM-'t>ylaw or other enactment. For example: '(:~{~:J:;,... ~;:f..:t!~. '-,;-;:;~ .. :'. ' • 'c:(\~~.~ehicle na~ili~:!he ;~r~~;~otice was exempt. • Ttfe~~r,.icle named\~Jwe Bylaw· Notice was authorized by permit to park and perform workst,ii~e roadwai}Titc. -~~~~:;.. ~i;~~§.:F 3. :he Bylaw NoticH~ ~?JJi_~ely to be up~eld in adjudication as alleged because the evidence 1s not adequate to~'P.fPY;{fa contravention took place. ~\{J'' 4. A duplicate Bylaw Notice was issued within 24 hours for the same bylaw Notice and same incident. 5. A Screening Officer II is further authorized to cancel Bylaw Notices if, in the Screener's opinion: • The alleged contravention of the bylaw was necessary for the preservation of health and safety. • It is not in the public interest to proceed. Page 2 of3 Policy APPENDIX Ill ENTERING INTO COMPLIANCE AGREEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 10(2)(c) A Screening Officer II is authorized to enter into Compliance Agreements with the recipient of a Bylaw Notice (the Recipient) if, upon review of the Recipient's dispute, it is determined to be in the best interest of the City to do so, and a Compliance Agreement would satisfy both the City's and the Recipient's best interests. AUTHORITY TO ACT: Delegated to Staff Page 3 of 3 Policy 1100 Committee Reports and Recommendations Items in Section 1100 Committee Reports and Recommendations that refer to a staff report earlier than this agenda date were presented at a Committee of the Whole Meeting typically a week prior, on the date of the staff report, to provide Council with an opportunity to ask staff detailed questions. The items are now before regular Council Meeting for debate and vote. Both meetings are open to the public. The reports are not reprinted again in hard copy; however they can be found in the electronic agenda or in the Committee of the Whole agenda package dated accordingly. 1100 ~'--.w_ .... __ mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer First and Second Reading MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7 430-2018; Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 431-2018; 13616 and 13660 232 Street EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: April 7, 2020 2017-4 73-RZ cow An application has been received to rezone the subject properties located at 13616 and 13660 232 Street from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RST-SV (Street Townhouse -Silver Valley), R-2 (Urban Residential District), R-1 (Residential District), RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) and RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential). The proposed rezoning is to allow for the future development of approximately ten street townhouse units and approximately thirteen single family lots. Council granted first reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 431-2018 and considered the early consultation requirements for the Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment on February 27, 2018. The proposed development is in compliance with the policies of the Silver Valley Area Plan of the Official Community Plan (OCP). Ground-truthing with respect to slopes and natural features on the subject properties has established the developable areas, and as a result, an OCP amendment is required to revise the boundaries of the land use designations to fit the site conditions. Pursuant to Council Policy 6.31, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution charge of approximately $107,300.00 (13 times $5,100 per single family lot and 10 times $4,100.00 per townhouse dwelling unit). RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) That, in accordance with Section 475 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7 430-2018 on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting (DIM), and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; 2) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7430-2018 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 3) That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7 430-2018 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 1101 2017-473-RZ Page 1 of 9 4) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7430-2018 be given first and second readings and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 5) That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7431-2018 as amended in this staff report dated April 7, 2020, be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 6) That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i. Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii. Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedule "A", Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A -Silver Valley, Figure 2 -land Use Plan, Figure 3A -Blaney Hamlet, and Figure 4 -Trails / Open Space, as included within Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7 430-2018; iii. Road dedication on 232 Street, as required; iv. Consolidation of the subject properties; v. Park dedication as required, including construction of equestrian trails; and removal of all debris and garbage from park land; vi. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject properties for the proposed development; vii. Registration of a Statutory Right-of Way to allow for a temporary Tum-Around on proposed Lot 14, if the lane is not constructed within the 136 Avenue Right-of-Way; viii. Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management; ix. Notification to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Ministry of Environment for in-stream works on the site, as may be required; x. Removal of existing buildings; xi. In addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject properties. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. xii. That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $107,300.00 (13 times $5,100 per single family lot and 10 times $4,100.00 per townhouse dwelling unit) be provided in keeping with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions. 2017-473-RZ Page 2 of 9 DISCUSSION: 1) Background Context: Applicant: Legal Descriptions: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Properties: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: Companion Applications: 2017-473-RZ A. Paskovic, Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd. South Part Lot 9, Except: Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 1027 4), Block "A" Section 33, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 2409, Being All That Portion of Said Lot Lying to the South of a Straight Line Drawn Parallel to and Perpendicularly Distant 200 Feet South from the North Boundary; and Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 1027 4) South Part Lot 9, Block "A" Section 33, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 2409 Low Density Urban, Medium Density Residential, Eco Clusters, Open Space and Conservation Low Density Urban, Medium Density Residential, Medium/High Density Residential, Open Space and Conservation RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RST-SV (Street Townhouse -Silver Valley), R-1 (Residentil District), R-2 (Urban Residential District), RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential), and RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Conservation and Neighbourhood Park RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and P-1 (Park and School) Conservation and Neighbourhood Park Single Family Residential (under application 2011-107-RZ) RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Eco Clusters, Open Space, and Conservation North Alouette River, vacant RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) Low Density Urban and Conservation Single Family Residential (under application 2016-055-RZ) A-2 (Upland Agricultural) Medium/High Density Residential, Conservation, and Civic Vacant and Single Family Residential Multi-Family Residential and Single Family Residential 2.56 ha (6.3 acres) Future Blaney Road and future Lane from the north Urban Standard 2017-473-SD, 2017-473-DP/DVP, 2018-326-DP, 2018-327-DP Page 3 of 9 2) Background: The subject properties, located at 13616 and 13660 232 Street, are located on the north-east corner of the intersection of 232 Street and the un-constructed 136 Avenue (see Appendices A and B). The property located at 13660 232 Street is a vacant triangular property, with a tributary of Cattell Brook that traverses the north-western point of the property. This tributary will be diverted with the development to the north to re-align with 232 Street. A reduced watercourse protection setback is required along the frontage of both properties and is compensated for in the habitat balance and re-planting areas. There is an existing single family dwelling on 13616 232 Street, which is located in the central portion of the property. The eastern half of the property is heavily treed and slopes down toward the North Alouette River. The western half of the property slopes more gradually toward 232 Street. There is an existing pump station located within the un-opened 136 Avenue Right-of-Way. The City's pump station will eventually be relocated or removed with future improvements to the water system. The applicant is proposing to rezone and redevelop the subject properties to allow for approximately: @ ten RST-SV (Street Townhouse -Silver Valley) townhouse units along 232 Street; • four R-2 (Urban Residential District) single family lots; o six R-1 (Residential District) single family lots; e two RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) single family lots; and • one RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) single family lot. The proposal gradually decreases in density from west to east. This pattern of lot size gradient is reflected in the subdivision pattern of the lands to the north. 3) Planning Analysis: i) Official Community Plan: The subject properties are located within the Blaney Hamlet of the Silver Valley Area Plan and are currently designated Low Density Urban, Medium Density Residential, Eco Clusters, Open Space and Conservation (see Figure 1). For the proposed development, an OCP amendment will be required to adjust the boundaries to Low Density Urban, Medium Density Residential, Medium/High Density Residential, Open Space and Conservation designations to respect the current pattern of development in the area and better locate the Open Space area (see Figure 2 and Appendix C). The current OCP designations for the properties would allow up to 24 units while the proposed development is for approximately 23 units. Therefore, the OCP amendments do not result in an increase in density from the original area plan. Furthermore, the form of the proposed development is similar to recent development to the north, with street townhouses along 232 Street and single family lots decreasing in density moving east toward the North Alouette River. There is an amendment to the Open Space designated area, to re-locate it to the north-eastern portion of the properties, which is developable and is also proposed to be part of the habitat compensation requirements for the encroachment into the watercourse protection setback. Designated Open Spaces are intended to be linked by a network of greenways throughout the area plan; however the locations of these Open Space designated areas were not ground-truthed when the Silver Valley Area Plan was developed. In this location, it appears as though there was a linkage 2017-473-RZ Page 4 of 9 proposed to the North Alouette River through the un-opened 136 Avenue Right-of-Way, with additional Open Space to be provided on the private properties north and south of the Right-of-Way. A horse trail will still be incorporated into the design of the development along the 136 Avenue Right-of-Way, to allow for the connection to the North Alouette River and maintains the intent of the Open Space designation. Medium Densi Residential Figure 1 -Silver Valley Blaney Hamlet Current Land Use Designations Medium/High Density Residential Figure 2 -Proposed Land Use Designations The proposed OCP amendments are supportable as they create a larger Open Space area adjacent to the Conservation area, and also maintain the intent of the Silver Valley Area Plan policies, as a linkage remains along the un-opened road Right-of-Way. 2017-473-RZ Page 5 of 9 ,I ii) Zoning Bylaw: The applicant is proposing to rezone and redevelop the subject properties to allow for approximately: • ten RST-SV (Street Townhouse -Silver Valley) townhouse units along 232 Street; * four R-2 (Urban Residential District) single family lots; e six R-1 (Residential District) single family lots; e. two RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) single family lots; and ® one RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) single family lot. The proposal gradually decreases in density from west to east. This pattern of lot size gradient is reflected in the subdivision pattern of the lands to the north. This is slightly different from what was proposed at first reading, where the proposal was for approximately ten RST-SV (Street Townhouse-Silver Valley) townhouse units; approximately three R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) single family lots, approximately seven R-1 (Residential District) single family lots, and approximately three RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) single family lots. Zoning Bylaw No. 7 431-2018 has been revised accordingly to reflect the proposed changes (see Appendices D and E). iii) Off-Street Parking And loading Bylaw: The applicant will need to provide two parking spaces per dwelling unit, as per the Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990, and will need to comply with Section 403 (7) of the Zoning Bylaw, which states that there needs to be 7.5 m (24.6 ft.) of visual clearance at an intersection with a street, preventing the construction of any fence, wall, or structure within that distance. Section 401 (3) of the Zoning Bylaw also prohibits a driveway that is within 7.5 m (24.6 ft.) of the point of intersection of an exterior side lot line with a front lot line or rear lot line. iv) Proposed Variances: A Development Variance Permit application has been received for this project and involves the following relaxations (see Appendices E and F): For the RST-SV lots: • Proposed Lot 1: Reduce the lot width from 10.5m (34.4 ft.) to 9.9m (32.5 ft.) • Proposed Lots 2 to 10: Reduce the front yard setback from 4m (13.1 ft.) to 3.6m (11.8 ft.) • Proposed Lots 1 to 10: Increase the maximum height from 11m (36 ft.) to 11.2m (36.7 ft.) • Proposed Lot 1: Increase the maximum height for an accessory building from 4.6m (15.1 ft.) to 5m (16.4 ft.) For the Single Family Lots: • Proposed Lot 13: Reduce the rear yard setback from 13m (42.7 ft.) to 12.5m (41 ft.) • Proposed Lot 14: Reduce the rear yard setback from 13m (42.7 ft.) to 10m (32.8 ft.) • Proposed Lot 18: Reduce the front yard setback from 6m (19.7 ft.) to 5.5m (18 ft.) • Proposed Lot 19: Reduce the front yard setback from 6m (19.7 ft.) to 5.5m (18 ft.) • Proposed Lot 20: Reduce the front and rear yard setbacks from 7.5m (24.6 ft.) to 4m (13.1 ft.), and reduce the lot depth from 27m (88.6 ft.) to 21.4m (70.2 ft.) • Proposed Lot 21: Reduce the front yard setback from 5.5m (18 ft.) to 3m 9.8 ft.), and reduce the rear yard setback from 8m (26.2 ft.) to 6m (19.7 ft.) The requested variances and any other identified variances will be the subject of a future report to Council. 2017-473-RZ Page 6 of 9 v) Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.7 of the OCP, a Multi-Family Development Permit application is required for the proposed street townhouses to ensure the current proposal enhances existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs, and minimize potential conflicts with neighbouring land uses. Pursuant to Sections 8.9 and 8.10 of the OCP, a Watercourse Protection and Natural Features Development Permit application has been received to ensure the preservation and protection of the natural environment of Cattell Brook and the adjacent slopes. The developer will provide restoration, enhancement and replanting works as required, and a security will be taken as a condition of the issuance of the Development Permit to ensure that the Development Permit Area guidelines are met. Pursuant to Section 8.12 of the OCP, a Wildfire Development Permit application is required for all development identified in wildfire risk areas. The purpose of the Wildfire Development Permit is for the protection of life and property in designated areas that could be at risk for wildland fire; and where this risk may be reasonably abated through implementation of appropriate precautionary measures. An application for the Wildfire Development Permit has been received. Adherence of this project to the guidelines will be the subject of a future report to the Director of Planning and a security will be taken as a condition of the issuance of the Development Permit to ensure that the Wildfire Development Permit Area guidelines are met. vi) Advisory Design Panel: The application was supported by the ADP at their meeting of October 16, 2019 and a summary of their comments and the applicant's responses have been provided (see Appendix G). A detailed description of the projects form and character will be included in a future Development Permit report to Council. vii) Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting was held at Yennadon Elementary School on February 19, 2020. One person attended the meeting. The attendee was interested in seeing what was proposed for the subject properties and was pleased that the equestrian trail within the 136 Avenue Right-of-Way is being retained. No further comments were received. viii) Parkland Requirement: As there are more than two additional lots proposed to be created, the developer will be required to comply with the park dedication requirements of Section 510 of the Local Government Act prior to subdivision approval. For this project, there is sufficient land (0.83 ha, or 32%) that is proposed to be dedicated as park on the subject properties and this land will be required to be dedicated as a condition of final reading. 4) Environmental Implications: The Environmental Impact Assesment, the Arborist Report, the Geotechnical Report, the Wildfire Hazard Assessment, and the Stormwater Management Plan have been reviewed. The applicant has coordinated the recommendations of the environmental consultant, civil engineer, and arborist to ensure the environmental, geotechnical, and wildfire objectives are achieved. 2017-473-RZ Page 7 of 9 5) Interdepartmental Implications: i) Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has identified that all the services required in support of this development do not yet exist. Road dedication is required along 232 Street as well as construction of the equestrian trail. It will be necessary for the owner to enter into a Rezoning Servicing Agreement and provide the securities to do the required work in that Agreement. Street lighting, street trees and all road improvements will be completed at the subdivision stage. ii) Parks Planning and Development: The Parks Planning and Development Section has reviewed the development application and supports the equestrian trail connection along the 136 Avenue Road Right-of-Way, and north along the eastern property lines. iii) Fire Department: The Fire Department has identified that all onsite roads/lanes must be a minimum width of 6m (19. 7 ft.) and rated to their specifications, which were provided to the developer. Signage indicating that the roads/lanes are fire lanes and that no parking is permitted within the lanes is required. Addresses are to be visible from the street and visible at all times and in all weather conditions. iv) Building Department: The Building Department has reviewed the development application and has provided comments related to Building Code requirements which have been provided to the developer. These comments will be reviewed again at the Building Permit stage. 6) School District No. 42 Comments: Pursuant to Section 476 of the Local Government Act, consultation with School District No. 42 is required at the time of preparing or amending the OCP. A referral was sent to School District No. 42 the following comments were received on October 4, 2018: "The proposed application would affect the student population for the catchment areas currently served by Yennadon Elementary and Garibaldi Secondary School. Yennadon Elementary has an operating capacity of 635 students. For the 2017-2018 school year, the student enrolment at Yennadon Elementary was 580 students (91% utilization) including 130 students from out of catchment. Garibaldi Secondary School has an operating capacity of 1050 students. For the 2017-18 school year, the student enrolment at Garibaldi Secondary School was 795 students (76% utilization) including 258 students from out of catchment." 7) Intergovernmental Issues: i) Local Government Act: An amendment to the OCP requires the local government to consult with any affected parties and to adopt related bylaws in compliance with the procedures outlined in Section 477 of the Local 2017-473-RZ Page 8 of 9 Government Act. The amendment required for this application, to adjust the boundaries to Low Density Urban, Medium Density Residential, Medium/High Density Residential, Open Space and Conservation to respect the current pattern of development in the area and better locate the Open Space area, is considered to be minor in nature. It has been determined that no additional consultation beyond existing procedures is required, including referrals to the Board of the Regional District, the Council of an adjacent municipality, First Nations, the School District or agencies of the Federal and Provincial Governments. The amendment has been reviewed with the Financial Plan/Capital Plan and the Waste Management Plan of the Greater Vancouver Regional District and determined to have no impact. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that first and second readings be given to OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7 430-2018, that second reading be given to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 431-2018, and that application 2017-473-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. "Original signed by Michelle Baski" Prepared by: Michelle Baski, AScT, MA Planner "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services "Original signed by Al Horsman" Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7 430-2018 Appendix D -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 431-2018 Appendix E -Proposed Subdivision Plan Appendix F -Architectural Plans and Landscape Plans Appendix G -ADP design comments 2017-473-RZ Page 9 of 9 13752 SILVER VALLEY RO ! I 13616 I . '~~~~~~~~~~ I RSO<'.xSooooo~?v9_s>s>sc>000000< I-~~,,~~~.~.~~ l lX>C>O<XXX><J()()<XXXXXXX>OOC>O<Xi I 2017-319-SD ' I I 13547 I I I I 13546 13527 I I I 13517 I 13516 I 13490 \ 13493 ll<lil Legend -stream --Ditch Centreline -Edge of River - -Indefinite Creek -River Centreline N -Lake or Reservoir -River -Major Rivers & Lakes Scale: 1 :3,000 188:1 Active Applications (RZ/SD/DPNP) APPENDIX A ' \ \ \ • I I .,,. .,,.-\ // ' / y I 13616 & 13660 232 STREET FILE: 2017-4 73-SD DATE: Aug 14, 2018 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY: LP Scale: 1 :3,000 APPENDIX B 13616 & 13660 232 STREET FILE: 2017-473-SD DATE: Aug 14, 2018 PLANNING DEPARTMENT mapleridge.ca BY: LP CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7 430-2018 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 APPENDIX C WHEREAS Section 477 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Schedule "A" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7 430-2018." 2. Schedule "A", Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A -Silver Valley, Figure 2 -Land Use Plan and Figure 3A -Blaney Hamlet are hereby amended for the parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: South Part Lot 9 Except: Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 1027 4 ), Block "A" Section 33 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 2409 Being All That Portion Of Said Lot Lying To The South Of A Straight Line Drawn Parallel To And Perpendicularly Distant 200 Feet South From The North Boundary; and Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 1027 4) South Part Lot 9, Block "A" Section 33, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 2409 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 971, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, is hereby designated as shown. 3. Schedule "A", Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A -Silver Valley, Figure 4 -Trails / Open Space is hereby amended for the parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: South Part Lot 9 Except: Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 1027 4 ), Block "A" Section 33 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 2409 Being All That Portion Of Said Lot Lying To The South Of A Straight Line Drawn Parallel To And Perpendicularly Distant 200 Feet South From The North Boundary; and Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 1027 4) South Part Lot 9, Block "A" Section 33, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 2409 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 972, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, is hereby designated as shown. 4. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No.7060-2014, as amended, is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of READ a second time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a third time the day of ADOPTED, the day of ,20 PRESIDING MEMBER ,20 ,20 , 20 ,20 CORPORATE OFFICER PARK CP 43235 RK 137 AVE. EPP49148 2 ' ;! ~ ::i 136AVE. ~ P 11173 ::i 7 13589 6 13547 5 13527 4 "' ' -"' "' ~ :;-,LI: ~l-fu fu EPP 60071 -, " "' \ \ii \?'-., \~ f-' (/) 13586 \ N "' N 13546 13516 2 EP 38125 P 20132 40 Rem B (') "' ~ a. A PARK EPP 34551 BCP 47647 PARK EPP 37092 BCP 48061 19 13593 I 8 13583 / lil7 13573 co I ~613563 \a, 513555 4 13549 ~ 3 13539 g 213531 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 7 430-2018 Map No. 971 Purpose: To Amend Figure 2 and Figure 3A of the Silver Valley Area Plan From: Open Space, Medium Density Residential, Low Density Residential and Eco Cluster To: ~ Medium/High Density Residential m Low Density Urban I:::::] Medium Density Residential § Conservation ~ Open Space MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia 6 N SCALE 1 :3,000 PARK CP 43235 RK 137 AVE. EPP 49148 2 :;i " ~ ~ 136AVE. \i' P 11173 ~ 7 13589 6 13547 5 13527 4 13517 SILVER VALLEY RD "' N r-i~ g,__:_1 10.. .... Q. Q. w Q. w EPP 60071 PARK pp 600 1 13602 (PUMP STATION) -" " ' \ \1'-z. \'% 13586 \~ f-' en N "' N 13546 13516 13490 13752 13 2 P 20132 P 40424 40 Rem B A "' <D ~ (L PARK EPP 60071 PARK BCP 47647 PARK EPP 37092 19 13593 S 13583 I 537 13573 to ~6 13563 4 13549 .., ~I 3 13539 ~\ 2 13531 BCP 48061 MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING Bylaw No. 7 430-2018 Map No. 972 Purpose: To Amend Figure 4 Trails/Open Space as shown D To Remove from Open Space ~ To Add To Open Space MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia ~To Add To Conservation 6 N SCALE 1 :3,000 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7 431-2018 APPENDIX D A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 431-2018." 2. That parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: South Part Lot 9 Except: Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 1027 4), Block "A" Section 33 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 2409 Being All That Portion Of Said Lot Lying To The South Of A Straight Line Drawn Parallel To And Perpendicularly Distant 200 Feet South From The North Boundary; and Parcel "A" (Reference Plan 1027 4) South Part Lot 9, Block "A" Section 33, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 2409 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 17 49 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to RST-SV (Street Townhouse -Silver Valley), R-2 (Urban Residential District), R-1 (Residential District), RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) and RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 27th day of February, 2018. READ a second time the PUBLIC HEARING held the READ a third time the ADOPTED, the day of PRESIDING MEMBER day of day of day of ,20 , 20 ,20 ,20 CORPORATE OFFICER PARK P 43235 RK 131AVI:. PARK P 44846 ::: 0 :,: ::: EPP 49148 Rem2 EPP 70286 EP 17 136 AVE. EPP81760 Rem7 P 11173 6 5 4 .., ~ gi 13589 13'47 13521 13517 ,, '' \~ \~ \~<9 e' 13586 \ "' N ~ 13546 13$16 13490 13752 P40424 40 Rem 8 A I --EP79495 -MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. 7431-2018 Map No. 1749 From: RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) PARK EPP 60071 PARK EPP 34551 SCP 47647 PARK To: c:::J RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) EPP37092 / B 13583 I !il713513 CD \ ~613563 i;; ~ I 3 ,,,,, &l 2 13531 ~ RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) ~ R-2 (Urban Residential District) D R-1 (Residential District) ~ RST-SV (Street Townhouse -Silver Valley) ~ MAPLE RIDGE N British Columbia SCALE 1:3,000 SKETCH SHOWING PROPOSED SUBDIVISION OF SOUTH PART LOT 9 EXCEPT: PARCEL "A" (REFERENCE PLAN 10274), BLOCK "A" SECTION 33 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 2409 BEING ALL THAT PORTION OF SAID LOT LYING TO THE SOUTH OF A STRAIGHT LINE ORA WN PARALLEL TO AND PERPENDICULARLY DISTANT 200 FEET SOUTH FROM THE NORTH BOUNDARY AND PARCEL "A" (REFERENCE PLAN 10274) SOUTH PART LOT 9 BLOCK "A" SECTION 33 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 2409 ~o SC.41E I: 500 AU 1)15TANCf:S ARE: IN MflRE:S fl\ MURRAY & ASSOCIATES V PRoFESS!ONAL LAND SURVEYORS 201-124411 8211dAVENUE SURREY. BC V3W 3E9 (604)S97-91B9 I--hi ~ (/) " ~ "' 136th AVENUE )> "'O i:J ITi z 0 X rn FILE 10424-01 APPENDIX F ·~-N .,--<( q ' l I I ·!· ·t· I :f; .. ,,. ·t· I! -:.~.-H ,t, Ii <t• 1! {· {> '<' ~~ ·} •t, ¢-.,,., -t· 1> ~ <(.• •{• t -t-{· * <!· ,i-{, t •. lu:. "' 0 -<: + i ,:> i i·t--e· f1 ~. H p [ [[] [[J • -- -- ---~-.... -... -- u;•,11 ~ J_:'l;~UW.0:".1::tt1• t1 S,.\IIA~_f~.£YA~t()~J_U_llf:J .. IOJ ;X~r..:.-d?.::;· .. ...; -... ·.:~-;--=.:.~ ·-.. --:: - 15 :iAM'iEfl,fVAT!ONJUNH_l ,6i t(lOH,w :o,411TQ),1) -s~~~~ "'S' §A=..J::.z• - ?:.,~g:-~ .. -..... §E~- ._ ~:;;:.- '7'-?-.$~~ ... +:t,,..~"= .. ~~~".!'"" --?--~~~- .... ~~P:=- ~=-.-m..."":!".::;" ...... 't""s-.::.:-. .,. __ -:£!""-) ... , ___ ), •. _, ... _> .P-.c.,. ~ ;;:=~ :. =~~--- EAST GARAGE ELEVATION (LANE), EAST & WEST BUILDING ELEVATIONS -COLORED -A I c !l i 1 (·~cl ..,.,,..,,., ~\(o'.J/1# t-~lfJnl:)'1• r..,ie,l,l~IJJ._.ffi< ·~11f11UOH,O -......,, .. ..:;:.,. .. , .... ~ ... ~;·· ··;:;"'.:-·:.. .. -~----.... · ..... re,,., ,..,.;1,, .... 'I'\ I ...................... . u.,,., ____ ,..,-.,~ .......... ... ·:..,t,1.0 -Ml/l..,.., .. 11,,.,.,, ........ ' ~~ .... )...._,,., ... , ........ ~.~ .. ~.~.-....... . .... ,.., ...... ~ .. ,..,._ ............ ,, ..... . •M,,H ,C-U""-'""',,.-.,..-., ',..,'. ,, " ............ ~ .. .. .... ,_,-, ....... ,, ·,.,,•~e<,••• ... A ....... ""'., """"~,,..... ....... , .. 10 Uni! SI reel Townhouse 13616. 13660 232 S1, Maple Ridge 1008 A14 I "SC"•r,,..--\jlJ ,1ft 1-u I :::o 0 u l,-J 0 0 IB Is;:: ti~ II '"'"'"" /c', ( I I I I 1\ --\ RETIIININGWAL..LS BY ARCHITECT l.2mH! l'ICK~I r~NC!a I ! NICUl,\/ICDl\lmFOLIUJI I\\ • \, 00,WOS<Oo~- U·,~" • '\ ~;o,,,- ~ ,rni,;:g:~~m~----_ -~ERSPLANFORoETAIL- S --0-- ~~ ---s-- \ Wtt'AG-ll'D5'JE!~E '"°'ER l'Ac:KPOST I NLP05ThAN<>aN<6~5--1"1'£••:rU>TOC.5,',5TAl-4:>AADAWEflD Wf5TRE,,:ll'Pr111-lPl<f5cRVATJVE :!.AI-LO'JI\Eftt'la<~E,,,;TOB/aC.l'DN<,•i/C.Ot<:HJ<l;:;TIGfl/~HIHHU1. !'J.N-Lf<',WW-f'lctlC>TDlPPl'D6AI-VAH<Za> 4. Af'f'I_Y ~ C.O"~E><7l'RlOR5T1'1H TO ..-.,.;ua;,c;~ '*'lcelelC.-.llot< ~lNIS<f StlECT10fl!-£>N'l'!<OVID.,,.-F'IW-hCCTAR<'llrTECT TEMPORJI.RYTUHttAHOUNU RIGHT·OF·WIIYWITI-l"NOPARKIHGSIGN• ~-12M HT PIC~ET FENCE -----~--'2:7 '" EB w -'" "'-'->G.<>ftH'-">ro"'"""'"""''"""""'"~5A5T"""""" 2=~10..,..,,--,,,"""'....i.v,,.= :· ::.::::::::=7"'~~ .. -"""""""""'T!Wl·· """""'"""'""'""ll..E1C!E<><ICl:H< 1 llM HT. PRIVACY FEN,C~~E ---- 10 A__A__A_A EXISTINO!>lOS\VAlETO BE RETAINED eon D I I I I u I PLANT SCHEDULI; i S~ETT~(i'E FAGUllSYlVATICA'DAW1CKGOLD' FAGUSSi'lVATICA'DAWYCKPURPLE' WIGNOLIA<'SUSIIN' PICEAGLAUCA'PH/DUlA SOR6USHUPEHENS1S'PINKPl<GODA' FEHNLEAFFULLMOONMAPLE PINKKOUSADOGWOOD $-z 10-UNITTOWNHOMES 13616 232ND STREET MAPLE RIDGE, BC LANDSCAPE PLAN ll 18-132 (03N3dONn -OltO<::l 3<::ln.111.:1) 3 A V g e ' -; ; I i , , I; N $ "' i 0 :i: z ~ ,_ z :, ::!: :Ii $ 1 lll11ll!l1 l1l!l1i!ill 11 APPENDIXG APPENDIXG Summary of Advisory Design Panel Resolutions Following presentations by the project Architect and Landscape Architect, the Advisory Design Panel made the following resolution that: That File No. 2017-473-DP be supported and the following concerns be addressed as the design develops and submitted to Planning staff for follow-up (responses provided by the Architect and Landscape Architect are provided in italics): landscape Comments: 1. Coordinate grades between architectural and landscape plans south elevation, Unit 1; Grading has been shown from the architect's plan on the landscape plans. 2. Coordinate offsite design with City requirements, in particular existing bioswales and street trees consistent with other areas on 232 Street; The bioswales have been simply shown with an outline and will be retained. 3. Show retaining walls and fences in elevations to demonstrate height consistently in landscape and architectural drawings; Shown on the architectural plans. 4. Provide a section through the north/south property line to show transition to future roadway; Shown on the architectural plans. 5. Consider providing low level landscape lighting in the paver patios; Lighting is provided at the building doors and at the garages, which will provide lighting into the back yard. 6. Show context of pump station in plan view and elevation; and Shown on the architectural plans. 7. Provide adequate landscape screening between Unit 1 and the pump station. Landscape screening is provided between the pump station and Unit 1 at a typical width of 7' or more. Architectural Comments: 1. Consider providing a warmer colour palette and enhanced architectural elements on the east, south and north elevations; Our design intent was to create contrast between neutral color and bright natural wood color by providing cladding in neutral tone and bright stained cedar soffit, porch door. Although by changing the cladding to warmer color, it will 'dilute' and weaken the striking effect of architectural expression that we are trying to achieve, we are considering adding "accent panel" to sprinkler a color to the project-See attached. Please let me know if this is okay with you and if we are heading in a right direction. 2. Consider modifying the roof access proportions, roof design and materiality to better fit in with the west elevation; and ADP's comment were on the stair enclosure for rooftop access, and they want us to explore options to remove or reduce their heights. As you are aware, our original proposal was recessed stair without rooftop stair projections; the original design was revised per the City's building department and Fire department's comment that recessed stairs will collect leaves and increase fire hazard potential and also creates maintenance issue. Based on these comments, we provided stair with the minimum headroom permitted. To address ADP's comments, we have no option but going back to the recessed stair which is not supported by the city's building and fire department. We need your direction for this one; kindly advise. 3. Consider the consistency of fenestration including frames and locations on the east elevation. ADP's comment is on rear elevation of Unit 1 for the 2nd bedroom near the demising wall. They want that window centered. We will reflect the change in our elevation. mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer First and Second Reading MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7631-2020; Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7563-2019; 11907 223 Street EXECUTIVE SUM MARY: April 7, 2020 2018-464-RZ cow An application has been received to rezone the subject property, located at 11907 223 Street, from RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential District) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential District) to permit the future construction of a six (6) storey residential apartment building with approximately 51 units. On July 2, 2019, Council granted first reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7563-2019. The applicant is proposing an increase in the maximum density of 1.8 floor space ratio (FSR) by 0.56 FSR to 2.36 FSR through the recently adopted RM-2 bonus density regulation. This proposed density can be achieved through a cash contribution of approximately $147,994.24 based on rate of $161.46 per square metre ($15.00 per square foot) applied to the additional 0.56 FSR being requested. This application requires an amendment to the Official Community Plan (OCP) to exceed the five (5) storey building height restriction associated with the Low-Rise Apartment designation in the Town Centre Area Plan for this project. The wording of this policy is proposed to give Council the flexibility to allow an increase from five (5) to six (6) storeys where shadowing, change in neighbourhood character, view obstruction, and other negative impacts can be minimized. Pursuant to Council policy, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution Program at a rate of ($3,100.00 per apartment dwelling unit), for an estimated amount of $158,100.00. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) That, in accordance with Section 4 75 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7631-2020 on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant host a Development Information Meeting (DIM), and Council considers it unnecessary to provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing on the bylaw; 2) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7631-2020 be considered in conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 1102 2018-464-RZ Page 1 of 9 3) That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7631-2020 is consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan; 4) That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7631-2020 be given first and second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 5) That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7563-2019 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 6) That voluntary payment of $8,000 and receipt upon payment in accordance with Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350 -1990 as cash-in-lieu for the one (1) off street parking space provided for residential use respecting the property located at 11907 223 Street; 7) That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii) Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; iii) Road comer truncation and lane widening dedication as required; iv) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development; v) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking; vi) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management; vii) In addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. viii) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $158,100.00 ($3,100/unit) be provided in keeping with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions. ix) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $147,994.24 based on rate of $161.46 per square metre ($15.00 per square foot) for the additional FSR being sought in in accordance Section 5. Density f) of the RM-2 Zone. DISCUSSION: 1) Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: 2018-464-RZ Bissky Architecture and Urban Design Inc. Lot 4 District Lot 398 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 8380 Low-Rise Apartment Low-Rise Apartment Page 2 of 9 Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: 2) Background: RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential District) RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential District) Apartment RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential District) Low-Rise Apartment Single Family Residential RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential District) Low-Rise Apartment Commercial C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Flexible Mixed-Use Apartment RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential District) Low-Rise Apartment Vacant Multi-Family Apartment 0.18 ha (0.43 acres) Lane north of 119 Avenue Urban Standard The subject property, at 11907 223 Street is located at the southwest corner of 223 Street and 119 Avenue. The property is flat with trees located around the perimeter, along with grasses and low-lying shrubs located throughout. The subject property is currently vacant (see Appendices A and B). 3) Project Description: The current application proposes to rezone the subject property from RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential District) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential District) to permit the construction of a six-storey building consisting of 51 apartment units and 60 concealed parking spaces. There is an amenity space provided for residents to use on a lower roof level. The Site Plan and the Lower Roof plan with the roof top open space are shown in Appendix E. Elevations and a Rendering are shown in Appendices F and H, respectively. Two levels of parking are provided: one is an underground structure and the other at ground level oriented to the lane and shared with apartment units facing 119 Avenue and 223 Street. This ground level parking area will have a rooftop amenity space. Access to the parking will be by separate driveways (one being a ramp) from the lane along the northern edge of the site. The property has historical RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential District) zoning that is intended for dense high-rise buildings. This density is based on building height for each storey built above the fifth storey, to achieve the maximum permitted density in the RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential District) zone (i.e. 1.2 FSR plus 0.2 FSR for each storey 6 to 10) to a maximum of 2.2 FSR. Instead, the applicant is seeking to rezone and apply for the recently amended the RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential District) zone, that contains a new bonus density provision to allow the density to be increased through payment of a cash contribution of $161.46 per square 2018-464-RZ Page 3 of 9 metre ($15.00 per square foot) for additional FSR between 1.8 and 2.4. Therefore, the applicant is proposing an increase beyond the maximum density of 1.8 FSR by 0.56 FSR to 2.36 FSR. Therefore, a cash contribution of approximately $147,994.24 based on the above quoted rate for the additional 0.56 FSR is being requested. The proposed RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential District) zone is consistent with the Low-Rise Apartment designation within Town Centre Area Plan in the Official Community Plan (OCP), thus rezoning to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential District) would bring the property into conformance with the policies of OCP and the Town Centre Area Plan. 4) Planning Analysis: i) Official Community Plan: The subject property is located within the Downtown West Precinct of the Town Centre Area Plan and is designated Low-Rise Apartment An OCP amendment is proposed to accommodate the proposed six-storey structure. This approach is consistent with other applications in the area, as well as, applications soon to be received who are also seeking greater building height by utilizing the density bonus option. Changing the restriction from five (5) to six (6) storeys in the above OCP Policy would mean any site designated Low-Rise Apartment, would be entitled to the additional story. After further review, it was determined that such an increase could be permitted if an applicant demonstrates that adverse impacts due to shadowing, change in neighbourhood character, view obstruction and other negative impacts are sufficiently mitigated. Therefore, the following text amendment (see underlined text) is proposed to Policy 3-22 in the Town Centre Area Plan: Policy 3-22 All Low-Rise Apartment development should be a minimum of three (3) storeys and a maximum of five (5) storeys. In instances where there it is demonstrated shadowing. neighbourhood character. view obstruction and other negative impacts are sufficiently mitigated. the height may be increase to six {6) storeys. The applicant has demonstrated through the plans submitted and reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel, compliance with the Policy 3-22 as proposed to be amended. The following policies also apply to this proposal: Policy 3-1 An increase in residential and commercial density is encouraged in the Town Centre [ ... ] Land-use should include a mix of housing types catering to various demographics, including affordable and special needs housing, within walking distance to a broad mixture of uses, including shops, services, cultural facilities, and recreation. This project increases the residential density by introducing up to 51 units, including 11 one-bedroom units, 34 two-bedroom units, and six (6) three-bedroom units. The subject property is located within walking distance to a range of shops, services, parks and the Haney Place Transit Exchange. 2018-464-RZ Page 4 of 9 Policy 3-12 High density development that is four or more storeys in height may be required to include a shadow study in consideration of adjacent sites to address potential impacts on available daylight. This project will potentially have shadow impacts on the adjacent properties to the north and east of the site. The applicant will be asked to provide a shadow study to determine the extent of shadowing. In addition to these policies, a range of environmentally sustainable policies in the Town Centre Area Plan would also apply to this application: Policy 2-5 Incorporating Rainwater Management practices into on-site and off-site development will be encouraged [ ... ]. Some examples of Rainwater Management practices include: • bioretention areas; • rainwater gardens; • bioswales; • landscaped curb bulges on street right-of-ways; • rainwater harvest for irrigation; and • green roofs. Policy 2-9 The use of plant and tree species that are suited for Maple Ridge climate and that will attract local songbirds and pollinating insects species [ ... ] will be encouraged in public and private development; Policy 2-10 Landscaping, as described in policy 2-9 above, will be encouraged in all public and private outdoor spaces in the Town Centre. For areas with a large amount of paved surfaces, such as surface parking lots and public plazas, the installation of trees, rain gardens, raised planters, and/or living green walls, where feasible, is encouraged to provide some areas of refuge for wildlife, such as small birds, rainwater interception, cooling in summer months, reduced glare from pavement, carbon sequestration, and a more attractive urban environment. ii) Housing Action Plan: The City's Housing Action Plan (HAP) was endorsed by Council in 2014. It seeks to increase access to "safe, affordable, and appropriate housing that meets the diverse and changing needs of the community". The HAP also speaks of the need to provide a range of non-market, affordable and special needs housing. This was reaffirmed with the endorsement of the Housing Action Plan Implementation Framework in September, 2015. The subject application does provide a mix of unit sizes to help in achieving housing diversity. This includes the following breakdown: o 11 one bedroom suites (22 %); • 34 two bedroom suites (67 %); and • Six (6) three bedroom suites (11 %). 2018-464-RZ Page 5 of 9 iii) Citywide Community Amenitv Program: The City-wide Community Amenity Contribution (CAC) Program, approved by Council on March 14, 2016 and amended on December 14, 2017, applies to this project. Consistent with this policy, a voluntary contribution of $3,100 per apartment unit, totaling $158,100.00, is required for this project before final reading. iv) Zoning Bylaw: The plans for this project are attached as Appendix C. The subject property is proposed to be rezoned to RM-2 zone and will be governed by the zone's regulations, with some variances to better accommodate the project There is compliance with the minimum lot area, lot dimension, useable outdoor opens space and indoor amenity space. The proposed density is 2.36 FSR, which complies with the maximum permitted FSR of 2.4. This density is achieved by utilizing the base density FSR of 1.8 and adding an additions FSR of 0.56 through providing a cash contribution of a cash contribution of approximately $147,994.24 based on the rate of $161.46 per square metre ($15.00 per square foot) for the additional FSR as provided for the RM-2 Zone density regulation. The proposed variances are described later in this report. v) Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw: The following is observed about the parking being provided: • The Parking Bylaw requires 60.7 spaces, with rounding to 61 under the Bylaw; however, 60 parking spaces are being provided; • One (1) of the above spaces is to be designed as a disabled parking space. This has been provided in accordance with the bylaw; and • Not more than 10% are small car parking spaces. A total of six (6) of the required parking spaces are designed to be small car spaces, which is in compliance with the 10% restriction in the Bylaw. With respect to parking, a variance is not required because the applicant elected to make the prescribed $8,000 payment-in-lieu of providing parking in accordance with the Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw. The reduction of one parking space on the property can be justified because: @ The cash-in lieu payment will contribute to a future parking space in a municipal facility; and • The effect of this reduction is minimal because the site is located in the Town Centre Area, where residents can walk or cycle to stores, offices and recreation, and the transit along the Lougheed Corridor is within a convenient walking distance. The Off Street Parking and Loading Bylaw requires the following action to be taken by Council: Where an owner has paid money to the City of Maple Ridge in lieu of providing off-street parking spaces, Council shall by resolution acknowledge receipt of such payment and the resolution shall set out the real property and the number of off-street parking spaces in respect of which the payment was received. The necessary resolution has been included in the Recommendation section of this report. 2018-464-RZ Page 6 of 9 The project will also comply with the electric vehicle charging requirements by having roughed-in infrastructure capable of providing Level 2 charging outlets for each residential parking space, and one Level 2 outlet each for every two (2) of the visitor parking spaces (i.e. at least 50%). vi) Proposed Variances: A Development Variance Permit application has been received for this project and involves the following relaxations to Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985. The following requested variances to the RM-2 Medium Density Apartment Residential District zone will be the subject of a future Council report: " Increasing the maximum height from four (4) storeys to six (6) storeys and the height from 15 metres to 21 metres to the top of the elevator shaft; and " Reducing the setbacks from 7.5 metres from all lot lines to: o 4.0 metres from 119 Avenue and from 223 Street (with further reductions to allow for balcony and roof line feature projections) and; o 3.0 metres from the lane (with further reductions to allow for balcony and roof line feature projections). vii) Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.11 of the OCP, a Town Centre Development Permit application is required for all multifamily residential, flexible mixed use and commercial development located in the Town Centre. viii) Advisory Design Panel: The application was reviewed by the ADP at a meeting held on January 22, 2020 and their comments and the applicant's responses can be seen in Appendix I. A detailed description of the projects form and character will be included in a future development permit report to Council. ix) Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting was held at Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Chamber of Commerce office on January 7, 2020. Two (2) people attended the meeting. A summary of the main comments and discussions with the attendees was provided by the applicant and include the following main points: • A resident of the building immediately to the west of the development site expressed concern about the loss of his view of existing greenery currently on the currently vacant development site and of the potential impact to the squirrels and racoons that he enjoys watching. • Another guest noted that she liked the building. • Another local resident that was not able to attend the meeting, but sent an email expressing concern about the impact the development will have on street parking in the neighbourhood. 2018-464-RZ Page 7 of 9 The following comments are provided by the applicant in response to the issues raised by the public: e Impact of the View of the Neighbouring Building -The building is set back 4.0 metres from the west property line and the landscape design incorporates numerous trees and shrubs on all sides of the building, including the east side. Additionally, this is an urban infill site within the downtown core, and as such that been designed to increase the density and number of housing units in this area with close proximity to the City's services. e Off Street Parking -The development is required to include 61 off-street parking stalls and 60 are included. The developer plans to pay cash-in-lieu to pay for the additional parking stall as permitted by the municipality. Additionally, the development is required to include 13 long-term and 16 short-term bike stalls; the project includes 14 long term and 16 short term stalls. 5) Traffic Impact: As the subject property is located within 800 metres of the Lougheed Highway, a referral has been sent to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. Ministry approval of the Zone Amending Bylaw will be required as a condition of final reading. At this time, the Ministry has granted preliminary approval of the development application. 6) Interdepartmental Implications: i) Engineering Department: A number of matters were noted by Engineering. These included: road and lane widening, corner truncation; road upgrading including curbs, sidewalks and street trees; service and utility upgrades and payment in lieu for matters like future ornamental street lighting. These and other matters will be governed by a future Rezoning Servicing Agreement with associated fees and securities. ii) Building Department: Comments were provided about matters to be addressed at the Building Permit stage. iii) Fire Department: The Fire Department has no issues in moving this project forward. Detailed comments will be provided on the project at the building permit stage. iv) Environment: Comments were provided about Erosion and Sediment Control requirements during site development and construction and integrating the stormwater management requirements with landscaping being provided. 2018-464-RZ Page 8 of 9 CONCLUSION: It is recommended that first and second reading be given to OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7631-2020, that second reading be given to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7563-2019, and that this rezoning application 2018-464-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. "Original signed by Mark McMullen" for Prepared by: Adrian Kopystynski M.Sc., MCIP, RPP, MCAHP Planner "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.Pl, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services "Original signed by Al Horsman" Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7631-2020 Appendix D -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7563-2019 Appendix E -Site and Lower Roof Opens Space Plan· Appendix F -Building Elevation Plans Appendix G -Landscape Plan Appendix H -Rendering Appendix I -ADP Design Comments 2018-464-RZ Page 9 of 9 (J) () Ill ro ->. i\:l C) 0 0 0 "Tl ~--I f:;; rn .. .. N zo 0 ~ < 00 00 .!,. • 0) N -IS-O' ~ ;;o 00 N OJ ~ r -u I I z}:> 3 D) "C -a, .. -· Q. '{i . C') D) r (I) (Q (I) g ::::s 0 C. ::::; (") Cl> ::J r+ ~ ::J Cl> I f 1 I rr·- I .,, r )> z z z Gl -lo. -lo. CD 0 -.....J "' "' w (f) ..... .... .... Q:, .... .... __) 22234 22238 22242 22246 22286 .... .... 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(0 a, 0 22214 22248 22250/54 22264/68 22276/92 .... .... <o 0) "' 22298 223 ST. ........ 22302112 ........ <o <o 0, 0) 0 Q:, 22311 22316 /15 22326/34 22325 22335 22336/38 22342148 22350 22353155 22356/62 22365 22364 no 22374 22195 22207/09 22219 22225127 22255 22289 22295/99 22321125 22327129 22337 --- 22351 22359 . -- ~ -F I )> -c -c rn z 0 >< )> 1-- ~--Scale: 1 :2,000 APPENDIX B 11907 223 St PLANNING DEPARTMENT --..:::=.,..>.-...... ___ ••• FILE: 2018-464-RZ DATE: Nov 8, 2018 mapleridge.ca BY:LP i I L _ CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7631-2020 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan APPENDIXC WHEREAS the Local Government Act empowers a local government to adopt or amend an Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend Schedule "A" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7631-2020". 2. That Section 10.4 Town Centre Area Plan, 3.3 Land Use Designations, Low-Rise Apartment policies be amended by adding to the existing policy 3-22 the following sentence: In instances where it is demonstrated that shadowing, neighbourhood character, view obstruction, and other negative impacts are sufficiently mitigated, the height may be increased to six (6) storeys. 3. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ A FIRST TIME the day of READ A SECOND TIME the day of PUBLIC HEARING HELD the day of READ A THIRD TIME the day of ADOPTED, the day of PRESIDING MEMBER ,200. ,200. ,200. ,200. , 200. CORPORATE OFFICER CiTYOF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7563-2019 APPENDIX D A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7563-2019." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 4 District Lot 398 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 8380 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1803 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential District). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 9th day of July, 2019. READ a second time the PUBLIC HEARING held the READ a third time the day of day of day of , 20 ,20 ,20 APPROVED by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure this day of , 20 ADOPTED, the day of ,20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER S3374 ~262 lo D A P3175 P3175 S 100' 11965 4 i gi 11951 I ~ 5 11941 I -0..----1 P 11291 I 6 119291 242 P62478 BCP 5928 (lease) 11841 11980 <( N ::i [l_ EP 54063 ~ i co ~ E ! Re~ ~ & I 2 ~ f:: P8978 -------NWS3233 Pel. 121 11960 11926 79 P36157 6 P8148 5 P8148 11963 NWS418 97 11957 H P 16304 11933 2 P6076 11925 ----·····---·------=;:::==:===-:::=e~~ .. --------•·:004 J P81 8 (P8380) 4 3"' 2 1 AofA f:: ;; f:: "' N <o 1 B P78577 NWS2948 5 4~ f:: P 808 3 11887 2 11869 --~--'-"'Lvs.249-<,1~--~ 7~2;-~S ~611 (P 6:08) 1511857 83 "' P74121 -"' ~ ~ ~ 16 "! --"'~----"'~ ----~·-····· 1184_!..J 00 N <o f-3 ~ ;; 21f:: 20f:: 19f:: P68 8 P25783 LOUGHEED HWY. MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING 7563-2019 1803 DEWDNEY TRUNK RD. \_ EP9471 P61856 --._ --1; -[T;: _!969J 20 I~ _B11965!67 :g I OJ RP 52529 ;'.l 0:: Pel. "C" ~ "' 11955 ~ MclNTOSH AVE. 0.. ----------~;;;:p 76099 D A:g "'o 1 11939 P 3206 NWS 2 rt:: RP7867<'§1 LP7731~ P 74119 119AVE. M J "'j"' 0 ::':"'"'"'"a\ rn r-,... ~ ! ~ ~ ~ 7 (') ~Q2~~ \ -0 §:3~ 4 5 gj ~6~1 1.5 lgj 11893/95 ~~ 11868 Q-gi p 28 9 LMP r5.8L~---\ t ~17_6~~='-'--_i___ _ _L _ __L _ __; __ ,._____Re_~ p 2819 LMP 9543 Rem 10 ~1 q\ 16 15 . 14"' (BCS 2743 __ 1J867~ ..,. ' • ~ 151 ___ 1_18~ 651 'oli ·-·-·-"' A . 106 ~~ ~ ~ al; g 11 p 53381 \ °' ~ ~ __ f::~_~g:"~-~---~1~18~5~5 1 119 B SELKIRK AVE. i) t::?i --.\ --' (!) Pel.1 ~1 Pel.D ~ ~ ii! 25~t26~ 27 ,. 28 RP 61574 , Q-i:j ~ i t-----11-s-41-1 11830 . p 2899) 24"' I "' P 289 30 "LMP45732(1ease i ~ ~[P2899-~. ·RP ~6~\ '2 B 38 o "'I 35 I 34 "' OJ P 79776 42:2 (P 2899) ~ 8l 'A' 7 ~:;; l:g NO:: A \ M LP 77916 l?5 t.... co r-... U) Q.. ~ ~ 0.. r--...i ~~CP36032~ g ;; ~ N, al; ~ ~"' g ~ gi Si (leas.e) 11811 ~ *PP081 ~ 8l a.. ~ .....1 .....1 ~ gJ r ~ -~ ---29 11841 899 Bylaw No. Map No. From: RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential District) To: RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential District) 6 MAPLE RIDGE N British Columbia SCALE 1:2,500 A of A I , i;j II I /I I 1r:; ~ 1111 11 :; Plan 8380 I !f r_J I 1!1 11.~ Ill ~ .~ ~ -/M····"'j ! L F'fii:1' I. 11.11 ,u _ ~ . 1 ffi ~ Paing _ 1 I -~~·1·~1;; ·:rJI~ ~11W~, ~ ~1 ill I . A • . ......... • --ttt:Lttt N I 4 """~"·'~'~ ' .. P¥' .'IR2, j'!,,-,-' I ' a; "' -. 22235~~ · ~ ~r-:'"----1 ~~ _; ~ : ~··--i; n (") "' 119th -·-·-·' ~~;,,..,..,.....-:,__,____~ .. ,,..., >'.'!71"'___,_".:T·__,r.,..,Tl.·...,._c---=".".:l:,-.,,. __ . ..., ~ 15 ~--.+--::i::1:.ir:.1~ 1.94m wide proposed easement 0,0, I IH ii ........ , "E C"? N N -(1) ~ ci5 C"? N N )> ""C ""C rn z 0 n ISSUED DRAWINGS mm11w ,lJPhi11j ;1:~!H?iz ,1i1l,.1h1 .1,,111 '! 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Trees, shrubs and perennials for seasonal interest and screening. Refer to typical details -sheet L3.0 Metal fence on retaining wall ~ Extent of parkade structure below ',f. I! ::: •. Resident entry and patios----- Brick clad columns and walls Concrete stairs with metal handrails Recessed pathway light with louvres Unit paving with soldier course Patio paved with 300 square slabs PRELIMINARLONL_'Usl_O_T FOR CONSTRUCTION "' "' a, ... -- --:8 O> ... -- --in ~ l -- --ill .;; ··- --O> "' &'I - ~ Building entry area-------+--------------__, Brick clad columns and walls Concrete stairs with metal handrails Unit paving with soldier course Bike Racks (8): Cora 'Expo' black Turfstone with coloured aggregate fi/on1m1;1&1022Mplfeb24_2020.Wt"JC DIMENSIONS AND SPACES ARE NOT FINAL SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO SC.ALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH O (J6" l< :.l~") ~-------Rain Garden To receive rain water from Building roof. Pebble lined depression to collect and store water with overflow to storm system. Provides interim holding and additional delayed discharge. ~ ISSUED DRAWINGS I;::.::;;;~;.~:-::., ~ 0 1!- Ii I 0 •• 'IS ,. .il HH t~tj ca."8" im ;l:~:i !l E rn ~ ~ l "S .£ 2 ~ N :al; 0:: ~ ::::i (') II) ~~ ~~ 'O V, C 'O :::, C ~~ >,~ g! ! ia > e}a 5i 15~~ Cl) 1i-!:E,;; ... ~i~~ (!) :la§, IPrOjectlD l:?10' 120' I 40' 2m Ism I 1om ~ n 1 ,,.o • >< Ci) la li ,! Rooftop social and activity area Family space for children's use, with seating pedestals, benches, rubber play surface, and activity/dinner table. Social seating nodes with benches and coffee tables. Planters with ornamental trees, ornamental shrubs, and perennials. Resident patios separated from main plaza with planters for privacy, with gated paths. Timber trellis with climbing vines for screening and space definition -refer to detail sheet L3.0 Concrete planter walls Concrete patio slab paving FOR PLANT LIST REFER TO SHEET L3.1 F/Jonome:1610223Ap!Feb24_2020.wnc PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTl()_N Q ··r I i< i J I 'I,.· ! l ! ., ., ~·:y"'=J .··· . I .. ,.,,, ,,ti[ ..• ~! , :· r f~ · rt111··, iH::{'"ni -I ' ,o·:c '7','"j ~-,i 1 .,-•· ,V•••( ii ,·\:•J ' I i ·a, ~·.j: ,.. ,ihsi-'lfl -+ I ,._ ~ ... ____ ,_lig;!Jr..d!......:dl ~_ .. ___ _ l ~~~- --.-. < e_~ '"----------------~,, I L 0 1-- DIMENSIONS ANO SPA.Cl:$ ARE NOT FINAL SU!!JECT TO CHANGE TO SCALE WHEN PRINTED ON ARCH O cao· x 24") rj Ii / ', ii . ' ~ p~$I ~~r,1:":-'.a,/d--f- lL . :·1·"·' ,, I ~:. 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Please note that I have commented how each one has been dealt with. The PDF files can be viewed and/or downloaded at the dropbox links following. Can you please let us know whether you need hard copies of each in addition to these links and we can have those printed and delivered to you asap. Architectural: https-//www dropbox com!s!plwn2j92d4ua95p/ 1810%20%20Wayne%20%20ADP%20Apt%20at%2011907-223%20St%20BT%202020-02-18%20%28RM-2%29.pdf?dl=0 Landscape:https: //www.dropbox.com/s/x5audnavy9kx9rs/1810%20%2011907-223Apt%20DP%20Landscape%20Feb24 2020.pdf? dl=O Please see our itemized response as follows with regard to : "The following resolution was passed in regards to File No. 2018-464-RZ at the January 22, 2020 Advisory Design Panel meeting. Please forward this information on to the applicant. That the following concerns be addressed and digital versions of revised drawings & memo be submitted to Planning staff; and further that Planning staff forward this on to the Advisory Design Panel for information." 0- Landscape Comments I Con:;�·:;·�-:�:::;:;:·:r-::dit;·:�:� �;:��-ngs for the bike r::�·--1�1:�ii���;l��J,°��{��i/��r��±tf :�-��i:;���:�t�����i!h:��irz::��;-�t�:�r tt� I area to soften the main entrance. iso was substituted with aggregate as it will soften the appearance, yet provide ! more utility and is easier to maintain. !The entry canopy has been extended is now supported by architectural columns,i Consider adding an element to the street frontage to create a 2. more prominent entry at lobby. !which will improve the prominence of the main entrance. Gateway columns now I! include recessed lighting, so they will provide more utility and become more I !prominent at night. The paving has been enhanced with a pattern and colour ! unique to the main entry, which was noted but not correctly shown on the original II submission. II J. C��idl����-la�d��-;��;�d-;·;�h-l����:;�j"-d�awings for unit i ��;\��� t=���f:s"a�i�:;:0;�: ��v����iie�t�rft�if u���s���:� ���:ti�;!� . ientries on eastside. . ............ __ _ .............. ,added .. tothe landscape .cJ.rawi.ng:.. .............................................. -·-····························································--__ _ gate and column locations and scale in conjun�tion I Gate and column detail has been updated to reflect size shown on architectural 14-th architectural elevations and relationship to the street. idrawing. _______________________________________ _! t;-Consider adding a light or an address plate to the residential ! Light are included on gate columns. Raised metal numbering (unit and /or street I. __ l entry_ co Ju m ns ._ ____ __ ......... _ -·-- _ ··--__ _____ }�_?r_e_ss _ _Plate to �e. �=-t:_rllli�:.?J ��=-�==�-a.�?:?_t�--�=s�?:�_tia.l_:��iy ��1-�_llln_:_________ ___j Page 1 of 2 y ARCHITECTURE URBAN DESIGN PLANNING INTERIOR DESIGN ) () ,f :? 2 3 :2 0 L O U C H t t U 1-'. ! C H Vv' .\ Y M ,'\ 11 1 6. Consider adding a vertical play element in the courtyard or additional activities to engage children. PH amount space of the courtyard, the additional play element was not added. Incorporating an additional fixed play element would require either deleting furnishings or placing within an open space. The element would need to be quite small, so it may be of limited play value compared to the furnishings it would replace or space it would occupy. The preference is to allow parents/children to provide their own play elements, which could be both shared and replaced depending on changing needs. Architectural Comments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Consider providing stairs from the courtyard to the outside space to activate the area. All elevations would benefit from pedestrian scale design elements. Provide coverage for all exterior doors. Provide more emphasis on the entry to the building. Evaluate CPTED in the Janeway. Provide articulation for colour and/or material transitions. Consider architectural elements for daylight control on the south and west elevation. 8. Consider using bird-friendly glazing. 9. Review rooflines and overhangs for consistency Sincerely, Wayne S. Bissky Architect, AIBC, MRAIC W~ have discussed this with the landscape architect. We don't think the stairs would be as successful as the ADP may hope, for these reasons: We are anxious to keep keeping the upper courtyard as a safe destination accessible only through the building. A stair raises the potential for determined unwanted intruders accessing this area. Parents would need to supervise kids more as they could now exit to the lane. We see it as a security risk, as now the roofdeck courtyard patios would be accessible from the lane, as would the patio adjacent to the ramp. Too, the unit/patio adjacent to the ramp would be looking at the underside of the stairs. The path and a second set of stairs would also be need to connect to the lane, as the planting bed beside the ramp is 1.2m above the lane. Amenity activity at the roofdeck courtyard would be reduced/altered to accommodate the stair access. We have added ma.sonry entry features for the units f~cing the streets to h~lp anchor the building and emphasize the pedestrian scale at the main floor . We have also raised the fencing and brick pilasters to 42" high create a more distinct and strong line at the lower level. See Elevations on A.11 and A.12. as well as the .. perspectives. All unit entries and the main entry have coverage for weather protection and emphasis. We have not added coverings for exit doors to ensure they are not confused with main access points into the building. These exit doors will get very little use. See notes above. Raising the fencing around the building not only emphasizes the pedestrian experience as per above but will also more strongly distinguish the semi-private areas onsite from the adjacent public areas and discourage unwanted activity onsite. Lights are provided throughout the exterior of the building and will be placed on photocells; Turing one at twilight and off at daybreak. In addition to the above addition ofmaionry, we have selected a darker colour to compliment to darker siding accents already selected. We have also adjusted some of the exterior materials around the building to ensure consistency of use in particular along both the east and west facades. We will be specifying shades a~d i~n control film on thii project. https:// www.newcosolarsolutions.ca/window-shades? vsrefdom=tp-newco-solar& vsrefdom=p.8254.c.44632&trkid=V3ADW523203 81758784?27 kwd-29 9222912833 420681591330 g c &gclid=EAlalOobChMlp7L-I-Lg~w1VkchkCh2a/v\g0wEAAYAyAAEglnEvD ~wE We have adjusted the roof overhangs to 3.0m overhangs everywhere for consistency. See A.17 as an example although all elevations and perspectives show the change. Page 2 of 2 [-__ -..• MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7505-2018 21188 Wicklund Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: April 7, 2020 2016-411-RZ cow An application has been received to rezone the subject property, located at 21188 Wicklund Avenue, from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to R-4 (Single Detached (Infill) Urban Residential), to permit a future subdivision into approximately two single family lots of 484 sq. m in size. The OCP and the Housing Action Plan encourage the development of increased housing options in Maple Ridge. The introduction of the R-4 zone is an expression of this goal by allowing existing larger single family lots to subdivide into slightly smaller lots that are still large by todays standards (i.e. between 371 sq. m (4000 sq. ft.) and 557 sq. m (6,000 sq. ft.) but are limited in building height and setbacks to "fit" better with existing structures in the neighbourhood. If approved, one of the two single family lots is subject to a $5,100 charge as part of the Community Amenity Contribution (CAC) Program Policy 6.31 as updated December 12, 2017. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7505-2018 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 2) That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; ii) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management; iii) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Tree Protection; iv) Removal of existing buildings; v) In addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site; and vi) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $5,100.00, be provided in keeping with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions. 1103 2016-411-RZ Page 1 of 5 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: b) Site Characteristics: Lalsignhani, M. Lot 119 District Lot 242 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 47383 Urban Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) R-4 (Single Detached (Infill) Urban Residential) Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) and RS-1b (One Family Urban (Medium Density) Residential) Urban Residential Multi-Family Residential RG (Group Housing Zone) Urban Residential Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Single Family Residential Single Family Residential 969 m2 (0.24 acres) Wicklund Avenue Urban Standard The subject property is 969 m2 (0.24 acres) in size and is bounded by single family residential lots to the north, west and east, and townhomes to the south. The subject property is flat with a row of hedges to the rear of the property. There are two significant trees located on the subject property, one in the front yard and one in the rear yard (see Appendices A and B). The applicant intends to retain the significant tree in the front yard, through a Tree Protection Covenant. The tree in the rear yard will not be retained due to the proposed lot layout. There is an existing house on the property that will require removal as a condition of final reading. c) Project Description: The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to R-4 (Single Detached (Infill) Urban Residential), a newly proposed zone, to permit future subdivision into two single family residential lots, not less than 450 m2 (4,844 ft2). 2016-411-RZ Page 2 of 5 d) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The subject property is designated Urban Residential in the Official Community Plan (OCP), and within this designation, the Neighbourhood Residential Infill Policies allow for single detached dwellings and other housing forms. Specifically, Policy 3-19 provides for subdivision in established neighbourhoods providing that the lot area and width is not less than 80% of the lot area and width prescribed under the predominate zone in the surrounding neighbourhood. Normally this would permit a large RS-1 lot to be rezoned and subdivided to and RS-1b lot at 557 sq. m. The new R-4 zone will allow lots to be created of 450 sq. m. or larger. This new zone will fit nicely between the larger RS-1b lot (557 sq. m.) and the smaller R-1 lot size of 371 sq. m. The zoning matrix of the OCP will need to amended to include this new zone. The subject application to rezone the property to the new R4 (Single Detached (Infill) Urban Residential) zone, is compliant with the OCP infill policies and is, therefore, supportable. Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the subject property from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential), to the newly proposed R-4 (Single Detached (Infill) Urban Residential) zone (see Appendix C), to permit subdivision into two lots (see Appendix D). The new R-4 (Single Detached (Infill) Urban Residential) zone will be equivalent to 80% of the RS-1b (One Family (Medium Density) Residential) zone, with a minimum lot area of 450m2 (4,844 ft2) and a minimum lot width of 12 m (39.4 ft.), consistent with the existing transition between the RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) and RS-1b (One Family (Medium Density) Residential) zones. The new zone would also address some of the typical concerns raised by neighbours in proximity to an infill development. As new construction can often maximize the allowable height permitted under the zoning requirements, the new infill zone would have a lower height maximum of 9.5 m (31.2 ft.) compared to the typical 11 m (36 ft.) to ensure better compatibility with existing (and often smaller) developments. A maximum height of 9.5 m (31.2 ft.) would still permit a two storey home to be constructed. Additionally, front yard and side yard setbacks would also be enlarged to reflect RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) zone requirements, so that the siting of the homes is more consistent with existing homes. The minimum lot size for the current RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) zone is 668m2 (7,191 ft2), and the minimum lot size for the newly proposed R-4 (Single Detached (Infill) Urban Residential) zone is 450m2 (4,844 ft2). The subject property does satisfy the minimum zoning requirements of the newly proposed R-4 (Single Detached (Infill) Urban Residential) zone. Any variations from the requirements of the proposed zone will require a Development Variance Permit application. There are no proposed variances at this time. Advisory Design Panel: A Form and Character Development Permit is not required because this is a single family project, therefore this application does not need to be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel. 2016-411-RZ Page 3 of 5 Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting is required because of the need for the OCP amendment. e) Interdepartmental Implications: i) Engineering Department: The Engineering Department has identified that all the services required in support of this development will be taken as a condition of subdivision. These service upgrades will include, new curb and gutter across property frontage, and new storm, sanitary and water connections. Cash-in-lieu may be taken for street trees and street lighting. No road dedication is required on the subject property. ii) Building Department: The subject property is located with the Fraser River Escarpment area; therefore, no infiltration or point discharge is permitted. The Stormwater Management Plan must meet the 3 tier requirements and will be registered on title. f) School District No. 42 Comments: Pursuant to Section 476 of the Local Government Act, consultation with School District No. 42 is required at the time of preparing or amending the OCP. A referral was sent to School District No. 42 on February 11, 2020 and a response was received on February 14, 2020, with the following information: "The proposed application would affect the student population for the catchment areas currently served by Glenwood Elementary and Westview Secondary. Glenwood Elementary has an operating capacity of 360 students. For the 2019-2020 school year the student enrolment at Glenwood is 362 students (101% utilization) including 85 students from out of catchment. Westview Secondary has an operating capacity of 1200 students. For the 2019-2020 school year the student enrolment at Westview Secondary is 655 students (55% utilization) including 412 students from out of catchment." g) Traffic Impact: As the subject property is located within 800m of the Lougheed Highway, a referral has been sent to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. Ministry approval of the Zone Amending Bylaw will be required as a condition of final reading. At this time, the Ministry has granted preliminary approval of the development application. 2016-411-RZ Page 4 of 5 CONCLUSION: In keeping with Council's desire to increase house options and choice in the City, the adoption of the new R-4 zone will allow for an additional subdivisions option within the urban boundary in older neighborhoods. The provisions of the new zone will ensure the new homes are built more in character with existing homes. Therefore, It is recommended that that second reading be given to Zone Amending Bylaw No.7505-2018, and that application 2016-411-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. "Original signed by Mark McMullen" for Prepared by: Adam Rieu Senior Planning Technician "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services "Original signed by Al Horsman" Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7505-2018 Appendix D -Subdivision Plan 2016-411-RZ Page 5 of 5 g [> ~ .t:lvuv I 21102 ,--·-l en \ CD z I ~2_1_10_1 __ ~ "-' ~ 21097 21104 21103 21106 I----~-~ o Gl 21107 \ .... 8 21102 f;:; 21101 21111 ~ - z 21112 .... g ::1: ~ 0 0 I I 21112 0 21111 21116 21119 "' 12219 CD -~ 21120 12229 (Q ~ FOREST PL. CD 21124 21123 21120 21127 )> :::S -....-----1 21128 ( \;;; \ ;;; I ----i o. ~ 21133 21134 21137 I ~ ~ )> 21136 ,:, ::1: 21139 ,:;, 21142 21145 o 1----~-~ ......... -~ --21147 \ c=;· 21144 p 21146 N 00 C N ::!': 21146 21149 i5 :1': 21149 .... g -21154 }> 21151 21152 m -> ~ U) ~ ~ t'; ........_ 21150 21155 21153 ~ :;a ~ \ 21166 21161 21158 NC ~ 21160 21165 21161 0 21178 l211~ 21170 12235 ~ 21170 21175 v s 21175 < ~ ClJ <------I/ N' ""O 21178 I ~ ~ 21188 -..cY ~ 21185 21188 -I 21190/92 21189 -.. 2119 -U -:;o ~ o ,, I 21193 .... 21198 ~ 21195 ::; ~ ~ 2120 m >----' rn . . 21190 ;;; .... E :;o i ~ I\.) 1200 ~ ~ 21200 ~ -I I l I"'"' I"'"' I"'"' 1 · co 9> .....i.. 21196/98 ~ ~ ~ ( r-., .i,.. ~ 21199 .... tu "' • _ ..... :::::: .....i.. ----212 ST. 1 I I "" °' "' c r-., ::0 11\l\ 00 ~" S: N / 00 r.:}<:J --.... ~---.... ~--.... ~ .... --~--.... ~--~-~-~-~-------~ I 212ST. ex, · ~ tu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 21221 21210 a ~ ~~ ~ ---1J 0> C O O 0) ~ ~ ~ 21220 -. -. ~ I 3 !,: ,-... 21207 ~ ~ ~ z \, J -I'\,) (. z A a, tu C m ~ r )> "C o C ""C c6" ~ z -""C ... :u rn a: ~ 0 21230 z (JO. ~ )> CJ (D -i < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -....,_ ~ ~ >< • m o g ~ ~ ~ 0 C :! :! ~ ~ ~ ~ )> C') Z ~ .... "' .... "' "'"' <.n .... <.n ~ "' 21240 21247 «> "' m <.n .... Cl) I C ~ LAITY ST. r;; m i ;;; ;;; ;;; ~ ~ ~ r~ ,~ I ~ I l ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ 1~ 1 -l.\. ~~g~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~"' 10 0) "' 0) 0) 0) 0) Scale: 1: 1,500 APPENDIX B 21188 WICKLUND AVENUE PIO: 006-182-976 PLANNING DEPARTMENT FILE: Subject_Colour Map_Template.mxd DATE: Nov 19, 2019 BY:AC CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7505-2018 APPEND!XC A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7505-2018." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 119 District Lot 242 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 4 7383 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1779 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to R-4 (Single Detached (Infill) Urban Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 11th day of December, 2018. READ a second time the PUBLIC HEARING held the READ a third time the day of day of day of , 20 ,20 ,20 APPROVED by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure this ,20 ADOPTED, the day of ,20 day of PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER _j n. "'" 351 f-142 a. 12203 Cl) 12217 w 144 145 148 149 36 137 0:: 12208 ,-. "-0 ,-. "' 0) 0) "' ~ ~ 138 LL 0) 0) "' "-150 ~ 143 ~ ~ ;:? ;:' ,-. ~ ~ ;;; ;;; ;;; ,-. ,-. ,-. ;;; ;;; ;;; N N N 122AVE. (0 N ~ ,-. Cl co (0 <O ,-. ,-. ~ ~ ~ ~ ,-. N N ,-. ;;; ,-. N N N 163 162 161 160 159 158 N co Cl co N PS 583 co ;:? ;:? "-~ ~ 0) ,-. Cl <cl ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ~ 1 ~ ~ ,-. 155"'" 154 ;;; (0 N 157 156 "'" 0) P48 94 co (I) "'" 0 0 P7 954 s 0) z a. N 10 175"-(!) 2 1 6 "'" "' (0 "-,-. ,-. ,-. a. ,-. ~ Cl ,-. ,-. N ;:' ;;; N ;;; ,-. N ,-. N 1547 172 173 174 14 13 12 11 "' ,-. 0) ~ ,-. ,-. "-,-. ,-. "-"-,-. ;;; ;;; ;;; ~ ~ ~ ~ ,-. ;;; ;;; ;;; N WICKLUND AVE. .... <O Cl .... .... .... <O co co co Cl N ~ ,-. ~ N ~ ; ;:? \: "-~ ~ Cl ~ ,-. 0) ,-. ,-. ;;; N ,-. ,-. ,-. ;;; ;;; ,-. ;;; ;;; N N N co N N N N l[) 116 117 118 s:t" 50 7 6 5 4 119 120 121 P47 83 P4 383 a. P19 72 p 383 2 126 12101-53 RW 18394 --------------286 287 288 289 290 291 "-,-. "' "' "' ,-. 0) ~ ,-. ~ ~ ~ Cl ,-. ,-. ,-. ,-. ;;; ;;; ;;; N N N GLENWOOD AVE. P 47383 (EP 47384) NWS 336 ----P5 292 293 0) "' ~ ~ ,-. ,-. N N --420 294 "' ;:' ,-. N -------295 296 297 "' "' "' "-~ ~ ,-. ;;; ;;; ;;; MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING 7505-2018 1779 --298 12069 Bylaw No. Map No. From: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) ;;; ,-. ,-. N ,-. N f-Cl) N ;::;j 350 339 Re 12218 f3 12212 Ol 094 "-00 "-<:0 3 Cl 153 .... N ~ ~ 12200 ;;; N _J Rem 12196 Cl Cl Cl Cl ,-. N P 62 55 gJ ~~ N ~ ;;; ;;; N N ~ 12186 357 358 359 360 p 4112 2 12171 5 4 3 ,-. ,-. ,-. Rem 1 N "' .... N N N ,-. ,-. ;;; 12161 N N LMP 38783 12145 Rem N 180' E P 3460 3 (0 4 12116 (0 12115 2 C") 5 12112 (!) 12111 12106 1 a. 6 w 12105 P 47383 12101 -122 -RW 18394 12098 181 124 12090 12070299 P 53420 12073 _El:_5:H21. 300 12050 12061 301 P 47517 130 12038 12047 ~,O 302 P 8790 N CD (L 00 <:0 N Ol <:0 (L 2 _J N 0 U) 00 U) . 12156 00 1 <:0 bl 12138 ~ 2 2' 12128 _J 12116 Rem P 749 (L f-o..(/)::;;;: w~_J ~ p 12086 EP162 12010 D A 12062 B 12056 C 12050 Rem of S To: R-4 (Single Detached (Infill) Urban Residential) 6 MAPLE RIDGE N British Columbia SCALE 1 :2,000 SUBDIVISION PLAN OF LOT 119 DISTRICT LOT 242 GROUP 1 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN 47383 BCGS 92G.027 D 25 ~---. 50 m iiiiil The Intended plof size of this plan Is 560 mm In width by 432 mm In height (C SIZE) when plotted at a scale of l:500 Integrated Survey Area No. 36, Maple Ridge , NAD83 {CSRS}, 4.0.0.BC.1.GVRD Grid bearings are derived from observations between geodetic control monuments 84H0084 and 8BH0087 and are rekrrod to the central meridian of U7M Zone TON. The U™ coordinates and estimated absolute accuracy achieved are derived from the MASCOT published coordinates and standard deviations for gaodatic control monuments 84H0084 and 88H0087 • This plan shows horizontal ground-lave/ distan~s un!Bss otherwisr1 specified. To compute grid distances, multiply ground-level distances by the average combi'ned factor of 0.9998066. The awroge combined factor hos been determined basBd an geodBtic control manumBnt 84H0084. _EGEND: All Dlstancas Ara In Metres And Decimals Thereof @ Control Monument Found e Standard Iran Past Found 0 Standard Iron Post Set NF Denotes No Evidence Found Datum: NAD83 {CSRS} 4.0.0.BC.1.GVRD UTM Zone 10 J UTM Northing: 5452360.884 UTM Eosting: 526504.685 Point combined factor: 0.9996073 Estimated absolute accuracy. +/-0,014 m 89i7'11"' ~~o!l-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-;s2.228 · -· · - Jl 11 This plan Iles w/thi'n the jurisdiction of the Approving Officer for the City Of Maple Ridge. This pion Iles wlthfn the Metro Vancouver Regfanal District. The field survey represented by this plan was completed on the 15th day of Apr!!, 2019. Mike Bememann, BCLS 793 -··-.1q3:t!_'or "l-<102··-.. _ P/!~~31 50 Plan 45892 Preliminary 89i7'D8" NF 82.365 INF @lb I fdcfJ,fd 7 6 5 Plan 19872 Plan 19872 Plan 19872 NF 4 Plan 19872 NWS336 Terra Pacific Land Surveying Ltd 22371 SL Anne AW11ue, Maple Ridge, BC Plan EPP91933 I Dotum: NAOBJ {CSRS} 4.0.0.BC.1.GVRD UTM Zane 10 -\ um Northing: 5452362. 779 UTM Easting: 526656.840 Point combined factor. 0.9996066 Estimated absolute accuracy. +/-0.014 m -· · --©J!...4HOOB4 Wicklund A venue · · -(O~'ot; .. "l-0..229·. -- 8917'08~ 89i7'08" 8917'08p 1.J.249 13,249 // :9 I Plan 47585 ~1~ A g ~ 484.J m2 89'17'23" 13.248 !'lli)i ~ "! g~ Tel: 604-463-2509 B ~1~ ~ <S 484.J m2 g ~ NF 89'17'23"' 13.248 41.425 I NF 120 121 Pfan 47383 Plan 47383 @[f) il 8977'23" 20.721 File: MR19-307 SUB ....., Q) Q) ,.__ ....... V) -c: ....... C'\J -C'\J )> "'ti "'IJ n, z 0 >< Cl ~ % :'.:<t ' " "1 ) ~ ,~,. a:.. M'Alt.:il! RlllGBf' , ~ < ,"' ', B;;itisfi Columbia ~ "h' y <. "' ~~ ;: ''.>t"'.-1' maple .. ca City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 445-2018 22567, 22583 and 22577 Brown Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: April 7, 2020 2018-004-RZ cow An application has been received to rezone the subject properties, located at 22567, 22583 and 22577 Brown Avenue (see Appendices A and 8) from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential), to permit the future construction of a five (5) storey apartment building containing 48 dwelling units. Council granted first reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7445-2018 on March 27, 2018. This application is in compliance with the Official Community Plan (OCP). The RM-2 zone permits a maximum Floor Space Ratio (FSR) of 1.8; however, the project has an FSR of 1.83. The applicant will be utilizing the additional density bonus provision, by providing a cash contribution at a rate of $161.46 per square metre ($15.00 per square foot). This voluntary payment for the additional FSR will be approximately $9,639.16. Pursuant to Council policy, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution Program at a rate of $3,100.00 per apartment dwelling unit, for an estimated amount of $148,800.00. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 445-2018 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 2) That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii) Road dedication on Brown Avenue and the lane to the north, as required; iii) Consolidation of the subject properties; iv) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject properties for the proposed development; v) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant protecting the Visitor Parking; 1104 2018-004-RZ Page 1 of 6 vi) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management, including maintenance requirements; vii) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant securing the full and partial Adaptive Dwelling Units being constructed in the building; viii) Installation of public art having a value of $50,000.00 through a Public Art Selection process or a voluntary contribution, to be determined; ix) Removal of existing buildings; x) In addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject properties. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site; xi) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $148,800.00 ($3,100/unit) be provided in keeping with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions; and xii) Payment under the Density Bonus provision of the RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zone, in the amount of $9,639.16 ($15.00 per square foot). DISCUSSION: 1) Background Context: Applicant: Legal Descriptions: OCP: Existing: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: 2018-004-RZ Maclean Homes (Golden Ears Ltd.) Lot 5 Section 20 Township 12, NWD Plan 8843 Lot 6 Section 20 Township 12, NWD Plan 8843 Lot 7 Section 20 Township 12, NWD Plan 8081 Medium and High-Rise Apartment RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) Multi-Family Residential and Single Family Residential RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential) and RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Medium and High-Rise Apartment Vacant and a Parking Lot RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) and C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) (Proposed Comprehensive Development Zone for tower proposal, under application 2017-462-RZ) Low-Rise Apartment and Medium and High-Rise Apartment (Proposed Medium and High-Rise Apartment, under application 2017-462-RZ) Page 2 of 6 East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: Companion Applications: 2) Project Description: Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Medium and High-Rise Apartment Single Family Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Medium and High-Rise Apartment Single Family Residential Multi-Family Residential 0.22 hectares (0.54 acres) Lane north of Brown Street Urban Standard 2018-004-DP and 2018-004-VP The proposal is for a five (5) storey apartment building containing a total of 48 dwelling units (see Appendices D and E). These will consist of: five (5) 3-bedroom units, five (5) 2-bedroom units convertible to 3-bedroom units, ten (10) 2-bedroom units, fifteen (15) 1-bedroom units with dens, eight (8) 1-bedroom units, and five (5) studio units. All parking would be underground, with vehicle access from the lane north of the site and parallel to Brown Avenue. The applicant proposes to provide: • 10% of the units as full or partially designed BC Building Code Section 3.8.5 Adaptive Dwelling Units to accommodate aging in place; • All underground parking spaces will be wired for future installation of Level 2 charging stations for electric vehicles; and • On-site public art, or a voluntary contribution in lieu, or a combination of the two, approaching a value of $50,000.00. The project is designed and is landscaped to allow for: • Ground level units along Brown Avenue to have individual front yards and pedestrian gates to the street; • A main entrance that is coordinated with architectural features including a weather protection canopy toward the sidewalk; and ® A common area accessible from the indoor common facility that is proposed to have a barbeque area (with direct natural gas connection) and garden plots for residents. The landscaping plan also incorporates public art-inspired seating walls and light fixtures in the entry area, the common outdoor space and elsewhere on the site. 3) Planning Analysis: i) Official Community Plan: The subject properties are located within the Town Centre Area Plan and are currently designated Medium and High-Rise Apartment. The proposed designation will accommodate the proposed RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) zoning. 2018-004-RZ Page 3 of 6 The proposed unit sizes, ranging from studio to 3-bedroom dwelling units, are satisfactory to accommodate a range of housing needs, including starter housing, empty nest households and families with children. The following OCP policies apply: 3 -32 Maple Ridge supports the provision of affordable, rental and special needs housing throughout the District. Where appropriate, the provision of affordable, rental, and special needs housing will be a component of area plans. 3 -33 Maple Ridge will encourage housing that incorporates "age-in-place" concepts and seniors housing designed to accommodate special needs. The provision of about 10% or five (5) of the proposed 48 apartment units designed and built in entirely or partially in accordance with BC Building Code Section 3.8.5 (Adaptive Dwelling Units) will satisfy these policies with respect to providing special needs housing promoting aging in place. The apartment units will be Strata titled. The following Town Centre Area Plan policy applies: 3-23 All Medium & High-Rise Apartment developments should be a minimum of five (5) storeys and may reach over twenty (20) storeys. The proposed building adheres to the building heights outlined in this policy. ii) Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the subject properties, located at 22567, 22583 and 22577 Brown Avenue, (see Appendices A and B) from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) (see Appendix C). The proposal is to permit a five (5) storey apartment building containing 48 dwelling units (see Appendices D and E), on an attractively landscaped site (see Appendix F). A Development Variance Permit application will be required for proposed minor setback variances to accommodate building articulation (see Appendix G). iii) Off-Street Parking And loading Bylaw: A total of 51 residential parking spaces, including one (1) accessible parking spaces and three (3) visitor parking spaces are proposed to be provided in an underground parking structure. Six (6) of the residential parking spaces will be small car spaces. This parking will have access by way of a ramp and driveway access from the lane behind the subject properties. This project will be required to provide one roughed-in infrastructure capable of providing Level 2 charging outlets for each required residential parking space and one such outlet each for half of the required visitor parking spaces (50% requirement). A variance is required to reduce the residential parking requirement from 51 to 48 spaces and visitor parking spaces from five (5) to three (3) spaces. iv) Proposed Variances: A Development Variance Permit application has been received for this project and involves the following relaxations: 2018-004-RZ Page 4 of 6 @ Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985, is proposed to be varied to reduce the setback requirements as follows: o for the front lot line from 7.5 metres (24.6 ft) to about 5.4 metres (17.7 ft.) to portions of the front fa9ade, to about 3.9 metres (12.8 ft.) for the roof overhang and to the balconies columns, to about 3.0 metres (9.8 ft.) for the front balconies and to about 1.6 metres (5.2 ft.) for the front entrance canopy; o for the east side lot line from 7.5 metres (24.6 ft.) to about 5.5 metres (18 ft.) to 5.6 metres (18.4 ft.) to portions of the fa9ade, to about 3.9 metres (12.8 ft.) for the roof overhang, to about 4.9 metres (16 ft.) from the posts to the balconies and to about 4.8 metres (15.7 ft.) for the balconies; and o for the rear (lane) lot line from 7.5 metres (24.6 ft.) to about 7.3 metres (23.9 ft.) to portions of the rear fa9ade, to about 4.9 metres (16 ft.) to 5.7 metres (18.7 ft.) for the roof overhang and to the balconies columns and to about 4.9 metres (16 ft.) for the balconies. These proposed building setback variances are shown in Appendix G. • Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350 -1990 is proposed to be varied to reduce the number of residential parking spaces by three (3) spaces to 48 spaces and the number of visitor parking spaces by two (2) to three (3) ·parking spaces. The requested variances to the RM-2 zone and parking requirements will be the subject of a future Council report. v) Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.11 of the OCP, a Town Centre Development Permit application is required for all multifamily residential, flexible mixed-use and commercial development located in the Town Centre. vi) Advisory Design Panel: The application was reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel (ADP) at a meeting held on January 22, 2020. Panel comments and the applicant's responses are included as Appendix H. The project was supported by ADP, with some minor revisions to the landscaping and entry to the building. The architectural and landscaping plans have been revised accordingly. A detailed description of the project's form and character will be included in a future development permit report to Council. vii) Development Information Meeting: A Development information Meeting was held on October 17, 2019 at Eric Langton Elementary School. Four (4) people attended the meeting. There were only two (2) comments completed and both sheets are general in nature and do not require any action from applicant. 4) Interdepartmental Implications: i) Engineering Department: This application is subject to the typical requirements to be governed by a rezoning servicing agreement such as road and lane widening, installation of sidewalks, curbs, street light and street 2018-004-RZ Page 5 of 6 trees; providing underground wiring; and any upgrades to sanitary, storm or water servicing the prosed apartment building. ii) Building Department: As part of a future application for building permits, further details will be required to allow the project to be assessed for BC Building Code compliance, including exit exposure conditions for a stairwell, main floor corridor adjacent to the amenity room, and confirmation of the civic address. The applicant is required to ensure that the units which are proposed to be Adaptive Dwelling Units will comply with the applicable section(s) of the BC Building Code. Three-tier storm water management is to follow the City's design criteria and be integrated with site landscaping plans. iii) Fire Department: Comments were provided related to details required at the building permit stage respecting the usual fire safety practices during construction and built into the proposed building in accordance with the BC Building Code and the BC Fire Code to be addressed in the Development Permit and Building Permit applications. This includes sprinklering, file alarm panel and fire crew access. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that second reading be given to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 445-2018, and that application 2018-004-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. "Original signed by Mark McMullen" for Prepared by: Adrian Kopystynski MSc., MCIP, RPP, MCAHP Planner "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services "Original signed by Al Horsman" Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 445-2018 Appendix D -Site Plan Appendix E -Building Elevation Plans Appendix F -Landscape Plan Appendix G -Setback Variances Appendix H -ADP design comments 2018-004-RZ Page 6 of 6 (J) () Ill ro ...... (]1 0 0 I s: ~-0 ..... ::0 <" (D ..... (J) Qc> r 0) "'" (D (J) 0"' )> 0 -I~ m Cf .. 0 '-0 "' .jS. :, ' _co~ "' 0 CX> OJ I ~ '-< z}::> 22519 0 m ~ 0 z m -< -I I I r I C1) (Q I C1) ::0 ::::, (/) :J <" Q. r-+ C. ..... (D (D (D ..... ::::!"! 0) :::0 C z ;,;; :::0 0 )> 0 ::::, 3 ;::;.: (D 0 22561 ..... (D (D "'" 22577 I\.) I\.) 22587 c.,, 0) 11\l -....J -I\.) I\.) 1J c.,, 22597 r -....J )> z -....J z -z I\.) G) I\.) 22611 c.,, 00 (.,.) CD -i 0 ~ :J --I t CD .-.-............. ' -~i...._-,_r;_ .'.-.L ---. ,'.Jc_L=----.c::,_,,.~ •...... ·-"---~ --====------·--·· ...... I\.) c:;O <o8 ..... ..... I\.) I\.) 0 0 ...... w co co I I I I I I ...... I\.) 0 I ~ I I " EDGE ST. ...... d) I\.) I\.) a: 0 22554 22557 ~2567 22566 22576 22577 22583 0, 22589 :::0 22588 0 ~ 22597 z 22596 ~ m ~2603 22602 226 11 22610 22630 22621 22641 22650 22661 ----- 22514 ...... I\.) 0 co 01 ---- " I I I ' I 22562 ~ (J) C 0, ~r----_ ~ -I "1J 2258 :::0 0 "1J m 2258 ~ ~ m ~ 2259, ._:",_)i 22606 22610 22620 22640 22660 22501 I 22517 22527 22561-97 I I I I I I I ...... I\.) ...... 01 ..... I\.) 01 ..... I\.) <o ...... I\.) ..... w co - )> ""C ""C rn z 0 >< )> Legend ---Stream - - -Indefinite Creek N -River Scale: 1: 1,500 Major Rivers & Lakes APPENDIX 8 22567/22577/22583 Brown Ave 2018-004-RZ DATE: Jan 9, 2018 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY:JV CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7 445-2018 APPENDIX C A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 445-2018." 2. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 7 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 8081 Lot 6 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 8843 Lot 5 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 8843 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1755 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 27th day of March, 2018. READ a second time the PUBLIC HEARING held the READ a third time the ADOPTED, the day of PRESIDING MEMBER day of day of day of , 20 , 20 ,20 , 20 CORPORATE OFFICER LMP 24828 "' N ~I <D [b I 6 121 AVE. LMP 44378 12080 1------<P 867 2064 L{) 0 15 9 0 a:, ;;; a.. ,,. N N E) LP 69873 Rem. 302 P 45004 305 P 46852 C °' ,,. N E 1/2 11 P 7875 ,,. C "' N "'17 N 18 p 679 ,,. "' N N 19 (EPS 1223) A EPP j_36.18 --' BROWN AVE. 12155 20 12129 10 ~ ~ N 12085 12075 >' "' w 0 0 w RP 79869 / ~I ~~ 12003 ;t)9 121 (') 0) r--0) [b I ~ ..,. r--<.O ~ \ "' a.. N a:, N a_ ;.:; co ..,. a_ w A 12138 co N "' ::;: a_ 0 CD (') 0) r--<.O L{) a.. 0:: J.'.__EPP 61234 --1">--_, ~ (EPS 4738) p 081 9 8 7 12060 .... "' "' /62 N "' N ~ ,,. "' a:, "' "' "' "' 0 N N a:, N N 4 a.. 5 6 12038 p 081 12018 LMP 1946 303 A P 44882 "' "' *PP094 N N RP 69394 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD P 70955 C C C ,,. C 1 ;)I " '" "' .... ,,. P 60451 "' ~ "' "' N N N N N N N N Rem. ~<l'. Rem. N CP MP 46699 118 117 " ~ 0:: Municipal Hall "' 11995 P 60562 [;; NWS 2403 ..,. a_ N ..,. A Cl) ..,. 2 $ CX) 11996 z CX) a.. R 68845 I RW59110 24 P 1161 RP 56793 121 AVE. N "' ~ "' "' "' g "' "' "' N N N N "'2 "'3 "'I "2 P8 43 p 446 p 84 p 446 C ;;; N "!3 6 5 4 6 5 4 .... '" °' .... '" .... "' "' "' "' °' C ;;; N N "' "' "' N N N N N N N N N BROWN AVE. "' "' "' N C " "' °' C ;;; "' "' "' "' N N N N N N N N N N LOTA 5 7 8 9 (P9687) p 446 *LMP182 0 ~ p 446 ..,. P 968 r--2 ~1 11 :: " .... .... 2 "' " "' °' ...J N "' "' "' N N ~ ~ N LMP 45326 C "' C C °' "' ;;; "' N N N N N N Rem. ~64 West 3 Rem. / C / N ~I 28V I p "' "' ~ 12167 5 5 (l'. P 23392 12157 7 P 23392 12141 C ~ N N 288 3724 C ~ N N 289 C :g 290 ~ 291 ~ 12087 ..,. I P 3724 ~2r6 295 294 (') ..,. 292 a._ 12077 ~ I~ ~ ~ ?2 Rem gj C',j gj ~293 RP 84340 / I C C ~ C '" "' "' "' "' 300 ~ 2kl N N N N N 298 299 12047 I 301 P43 24 2 p 0546 1 L [ RW 18394 ~ ,,. ,,. L{) <.O N " ~ a:, "' "' "' N 0 N i N N N N ..,. 4~ L{) L{) N a.. <.O a.. N LANE 0 61 81.5 4 a:, P 8695 L{) 11971 P 51167 Feet L{) 3 4 a.. *PP093 LP 73289 N p 863 11963 a.. 2 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. From: To: MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia 7445-2018 1755 RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) RM-2 (Medium Density Apartment Residential) N 1/2A 12166/68 P 7948 S 1/2A 12154 2 (') 12142 0 a.. 12136 2 ...J 2 12130 P 99 P 38897 175 12120 12090 BCS 1124 12070 (EPS 280 BCp Rem.A BCP 3425 RW 18394 BCP 13823 Rem.A P 9541 11980 11970 *PP084 B P9541 LANE 6 N SCALE 1 :2,500 ' ,. ,_ ~ •• ou ; ~ ci~ ~ ~~ ""' ~ 5~ o:::o:::!;;: ~~~ Q NU ~§~ < • ;S ~ !5 § e-«O U:j: ,n>« ~ ~u i'.:i~~ NO:U N -i 0~ WO . " Wz •• ,! ~~!-; .~~~. ~~ i!fel!u U" -~'•• tj §§~~~ ~g ~!;a~ ~;1 ~,w::;:!;~ ,~is-~ w ·m', ~ .. ~ ~ z i:5 ...J u ~ ozoz '4isz 93~ -NOJSSJW8nS3H dO HO.:I 03nSS1 APPENDIX D ~I ill g BROWN AVE. ii ~ 111 ~ ~1 ~1 ~ ~ Ii lj -em!!P"<9'~m~ F ) ii ---.---.ICl:_!gN<,JEnp.._E~~ ti! I -+ fl~H ~00!:._ _ ~I~ ~I! ~I! ~I! ~1'! =!!! t '£'!''.".."~'- -+ T~RD~~ _ j 5,,00~ FLfc0R_ 1F,_RST~OO~ _. ~~~'J-~ ~A~E _ SOUTH ELEVATION -t l~.42' (54.38M) _1_1 ZQ..42' (5 I .94M) 1g.42• (49.20M) _1.1g.42• /4b.4bM) l~.42' (43.71 M) LANE l~.42' (40.bbM) I 22.42' (37.31 M) EAST ELEVATION _ IR.42' (54.38M) _ 1ZQ.42'(51.94MJ _ 1£!_.42' {49.20M) _ l_,g_.42'(4G.4GM) _ l.i§_.42'(43.71M) _ l~.42' (40.GGMJ 122.42'(37.31MJ l'INl'<l!~CH[C>lJU:· 0 g~~~":1~~0~~~EV1NSTONE' (D ~~ga1HK=~:.1100Al (D ::rt:~rS~E 0 :~:filt?~!ir0S~E 0 ~"'-~'"'"" ~~f;;;:~S~ES © ~~i~:o:6~ .. El 0 :1~\;.,~,~~~ ~~DS © ="~~~:~~:= 0NMHAlTIIII.ISE,t,SVTl<IU0RSIMII.AR CO'.OR:COUNIA~LANEREll 0 ITEf~=!i::~ @ ~~FJW~NOOWS: @ =EE~~c,';;~~~fo.."";' .. E!.oo!Zlao HE'9><TEASEUN!;f:A(!':l.U,!PN OOPE .. 1••0.3111 (l)=40.11m(131.591 OOPEMt••0.1004 (ll)aa39.91m(130.93') )> ""'C ""'C m z 0 >< m EB GARCIA ZUNINO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 EAST WINDSOR RD. NORTH VANCOUVER B.C. CANADA V7N 1 K7 PHONE:604.987.8304 FAX: 604.987.8371 WE8:gzarchllecls.com E:mgzunlno@gzarchflecis.com W.01!.,1\v,l()S.SPECIFl;ATICNSAl<ORELITEO DOCI.IIJSf!S>ltl:THl:COP'l'!IIGHIPF!CPUITIIOFTHI: JJICHrrECT.wJMUS18£~0UR•'EOUPONREOUEST ~E.P1lODUCTIOffOFSMl£JlPAAJOl!\'rnOl.£1S fOl!Bl>OENll'IDIOUllHEAAClllltCfSWIIITTEN PERJ.IISSION. ~ I CllE:acLEAN HOMES ~'{ N "' ~, EDGE 3 ~ CONDOMINIUMS vi VI ~ ~ I 22567. 2~!1.,7L~ ~~~~e~:~~N Ave. ~ ct: Cl. o, ELEVATIONS ct: 0 Lt. ~ A-2.01 ~ PROJECTNO: 1710.00 )~ ;/ ',',1! ,, ,, r=rlf"E~~~~----- 5MA1..1_ ( 1-ieVIL/M 511'.E: TReES (J,',P,',1,11'.51'. HH'l.l'..I ALONG !=061' OF 5TORMl"V,Tl"R OETEfnON T;,NK 8 Plan 8081 ~~~~-----l-s E!~PROPl:RT11=5 i~=fi~~~~)~ TOREMO\/ETHE5ETREE5 1 R.l:HOVE lREE 5TAKB AFTEf". Fl~T .,-V.R Of' f'\,JNTfN,....CE /51:l: 5f'ECIFK'.-ATION5) 2 ~ATER Al-I-WEE, RE6UlARll-'( VI.JRI'* E5T"'6~15H><EITT PERIOD (Sl-l'a;K~Y5LJ><><Ef".r<ATEl<!NG -51:1:5PE;'£;1Fk'..CATION5/ j,O ,~~ NORTH > -c ""'C rn z CJ X .,, l1m YJ.~~R2l~I l<lc60Wfi~2D! /ru,604-;;fi?.lUB APARTMENT PROJECT "EDGE 3" 22501, 225T1 t 2255:3 BROfAIN A\11;c MAPLE: RID,$!=, B.C. MACLEAN HOMES PLANTING PLAN projectno. Jarawnby L1 of 5 PLANT LIST Zfff"SU~r~e;:'f~;;'"~"TJ' ~ntra,; f.1AX b'-0" ,,_ ""' ',RD AND J2A~ FENCE t,LON6 EAST 4 f'l!:5I PL 1. ALL POSTS, GAPS t TOP 4 60TTOM RAILS TO SI':: HEH/l"IR, NO. 1 OR SETTER. PRESaJR.E TREATED 5!::GTION ~CE SOAAD5/Plc.KET5 TO se !"lf:5TERN RED GED.AR 'C,!.15TOM KNOTTY 515.2E l"IOOD GRADE PER Y'IRGLA PROD\JGT STANDARD 3. ALL HARDV'IARI= TO se HOT-DIPPED 6ALVAN1z.ED 4. NATURAL 5TA!N. FINISH -2 COATS 'X4" RAIL AND 1"X4" FASCIA OARD -TOF' AND SOTTOM ,ANDV'l!GHIN6 BOARDS 'X4" RAIL AND 1"X4" FASCIA OARD -TOF' AND BOTTOM ,ANDY'IIGH!N.6 SOAR.OS LL POSTS 01~ GRADE: ~lJ.~;~~~i8f'~6 cot,,!PACTED SUS6-RADE 5. POST BEHIND V"OOD V.ALL AT EAST 4 Y'IEST PL IN CONCRETE FOOTING AND ATTACHED TO l"IALL 0 ':.£'mARD 4 BATTEN FENCE AT EAST AND i"lEST SIDE OJLTI!RED STONE ENWY PILLAR$ TO MATCH StJILD!N.6 (TALUS HEl"IN 5TON12 4" THIGK 5AND8LJ6TE0 CONGRETEGAP O.i5m (2'-,',"') HIGH METAL :::G~NGE ON ~L ~t~1t5TW GAP 0 ~srAL PICKET FENCE ON STONE l"IALL NOTE 1 FENGE AND 6ATE5 TO SE STEEL OR AUIHINllJM, PO)'IDER COATED, BLACK. 3. HINGES TO BE HEAVY DlJTY, 5TAINLE.55 5TI:'EL SlJTIERFLY TYf'E. 4. ~~gi:Ac~Rf~ING5 FOR REVIE.l"{ AND PRE-APPROVAL FOR 1. FENGE ON CONCRETE l"lALL ALONG LANE TO BE 5'-0" (1.5m) HIGH. 2. ALL POSTS, GAPS 4 TOP 4 BOTTOM RAILS TO BE: P.T. HEH/FIR, NO 1 OR EETTl:R :3. FENG!': PIC.Kl':TS TO 61':: f'GTERN Rl':D GEDAR 'QJSTOM KNOTTY S1S2I':; f'IOOD 6RADE PS<. l"JRGLA PRODUCT STANDARD 4. ALL HARDf"IARE TO EE HOT-DIPPC:D GALVANIZED 5 ~LL DETAILS AND FENGVl"IALL ATTACHMENTS AS PER STRLIGTURAL ENG 0 ~:ffi~1-TRAN5PARENT FENCE ALONG LANE rgj Ylo~);Y,~.9ltf! t,~f-0.,.,;0(l.;l?(ll l""/"'4-66'1-327~ APARTHENT PROJECT "EDGE 9" 22561, 225TI t 225!.'.>3 ERO~ AVE. MAPLE. RIDGE, 6.G. MACLEAN HOMES PLANT Ll5T; DETAILS L9 of 5 1+2.-_ -,.? #,J ~;i / -~ Op(l80 i' ... ~ ~:" ~? :r ..,., .. ~ ,.. ,,' .~ ,.~ -----,I'~ __ -4~ __ , ,/ / ,,.. .,.... SITE PLAN SCALE 1 :200 ~l!. ~ 0 . " . ~ . = . - , ........ ..,,. ........... , ... on,v=t.•..,l>C"<tu"""<NO....u. •••••o:atD,WCf.wm,lM[ COi"U'0"-'110t1or1H1aoi:;n,,c,-or......u: wE>jouatn,uw•m->O,o. I I 2 I DPAFIE:~:MISSION 1'1!0Wlf. .... •IOCT<CTIO<IFOll•U UEC><-o""""'-SDM:E:IL.ICOST>wi~•"°""' ..... '"5..U,FI.OOll"""'L.u,,fl,..,._ DRl>"l""'""°"'"""""'o•......., S.CR.cl<"C""'O<.JClllfT•'"-'<•~ """"'°"'llW.TICFOUl>DA"°"W..U ATO,O<;flC,.I1:~! ....... 1tnO.C. 0.AWA1Vl""OO'MW-w,:tee ... ,....uo•=,,....,...,,..,,... ,-T10MW•UOM""'""1'mlOR •.•u..,..,.•c•~••-*>...,,cu wtllCDO(>•>UTUO.NS!AU.AIICWO,<LOW ~,o:,s,,noos,011<LEc1•r: ~ " ---WUPr!''!"[PHJl""l'£'1' !:S'J!lU ""! --... -.... --... ~-_ .. _ .. __ ., __ _ • ._,,, __ .,!!t:!::l,.,. .... _ :=~=::::::::.-:,. .... ?~~~~I":'""'° --~---.. --.. =--~.,..:. __ ........ ___ _ .--':..... .. ,: .. -__ :::::-=-~=-~--1 0 N ~I tf N "' GARCIAZUNJNO ARCHITECTS INC. 662 EAST WINDSOR RD. NORTH VANCOUVER B.C. CANADA V7N 1 K7 PHONE:604.987.8304 FAX: 604.987.8371 WEB:gzarchltecls.c:om E: mgnmlno@gum:hllecis.com .W.OMWIIIGS.SPECIFJ:ATJON$1..~0REl,\TEO DOCI.IIJeNTSIJtl:'M:COP'VRIGHTPF!OPERT'IOfTHI: AACHrm::TAAll\lUSTBERETUR~EDUPONREOUEST REAAOOUCTlONOFSWEJlPA/IIOl!l'MOI.ElS FORBDllENWITJiO\IITHEAIICHITECT'S\\lllITEN -·~ MacLEAN HOMES ~1 EDGE3 ~ CONDOMINIUMS vi !!! )> ::t § 22567.22577&225113BROWNAVE. '"C MAPLE RJOGE. B.C. '"C ~ m 0::: SHEETTITl.E: z Q. Q SITE PLAN 0 0::: >< 0 LL G) fa A-0.03 :::i VI PROJECT NO~ 1710.00 !!! D""Wlt .•• SCAU:1:200 PAIE: N0\/01.2018 IJ~ I•' ~ i!I ~; ,~~~~;-ir;r- APPENDIX H Appendix H -ADP Comments The following resolution was passed in regards to File No. 2018-004-RZ at the January 22, 2020 Advisory Design Panel meeting. Please forward this information on to the applicant. That the application be supported and the following concerns be addressed as the design develops and submitted to Planning staff for follow-up: ADP Landscape Comments and Responses from Landscape Architect: 1. Consider placing the North side fence on the edge of the slab and reducing the height or eliminating the wall adjacent to the lane. Response: The planter wall with the fence is moved to the edge of the parking slab (approximately 3 feet from the property line), and the height of the wall is reduced. 2. Review grading and lane interface in coordination with landscape and civil. Response: The grading along the lane is coordinated with the civil grades. 3. Provide plantings on the base of the wall adjacent to the lane. Response: Tree and shrub planting is proposed along the base of the wall to screen and soften the wall. 4. Strongly encourage the use of an alternate material to wood for the planters at the units. Response: The planter walls are changed from wood to Pisa Lite masonry blocks. 5. Provide adequate soil volume for proposed trees. Response: Adequate soil volume is provided (exceeding BC Landscape Standard minimum requirements), and will be specified in the project specs. 6. Consider adding an element to the street frontage to create a more prominent entry at lobby. Response: The entry court is revised to create a more prominent entry to the lobby, and is coordinated with the architectural drawings. 7. Confirm requirements for bike racks. Response: 16 exterior bike stalls are provided at the project entry and at the west side in a secured space. 8. Consider moving light bollards to the planters or providing step lights in the walls along the walkway to amenity. Response: The light bollards are moved into the planters. 9. Consider including passive seating in the amenity area -veggie garden vs. passive seating/bbq area. Response: The amenity area is revised and a passive seating is provided. Community/ Veggie garden is redesigned. A small planter is proposed to define the community garden and to provide an informal seating edge. The patio is deleted but a small open area is proposed as "work area" close to the garden shed. Gas connection is proposed for barbeque at the north Amenity area. ADP Architectural Comments and responses from the Architect: 1. Provide more emphasis on the entry to the building. Response: The entry to the building was highlighted by adding a new balcony portico supporting a cantilevered canopy to provide additional covered space sheltering the entrance to the building. The new canopy sits higher and reaches closer to the property line. The subtraction of the canopy front columns widens the space at the entrance. Additional emphasis to this area was created with the revised landscape plan. 2. Provide additional detailing around window trims; consider using a pre-cast trim. Response: The window trims will be detailed similar to the two previous sister projects, including wood trims inset in the stone cladding. We believe this approach not only gives coherence to the entire building appearance, but also consistency with the two previous Edge projects in the immediate neighborhood. 3. Provide unique character to the building to distinguish from Edge 2 building including the entry, proportions and roof line. Response: The building is unique and different from the previous Edge projects with a more contemporary exterior design: • The Edge 3 building has very different proportion as the lot is less wide, and the building is also taller -five storeys instead of four. It is not a corner project, facing two streets as the two previous buildings. ® The roof line is simpler and streamlined. The roof at the two previous projects had a rhythm of pop-up higher roofs resulting in very different roof shape and articulation. • The balcony portico with wide columns is a feature in all three projects, but for the Edge 3 the portico was made more contemporary with simpler forms and a brighter color compared to the previous porticos built at the other two projects. 4. The 3 bedroom unit plan has one bedroom that doesn't have an exterior window, is there a way to add a window? Response: It is the intent of Maclean Homes to maintain the units E (and E-bw) plan layout with the internal bedroom. The building code allows the internal bedroom for this particular suite size and configuration. Note that there is another 2-bedroom unit (Type D) which the drawings show as "convertible to three bedrooms". This unit could be an option for a prospective buyer willing to have a three bedroom suite with exterior windows in all three bedrooms. Staff Comment: The parking requirement may change to accommodate units so changed. 5. Currently only the studios are adaptable, consider adding additional types of adaptable units. Response: The Units E and E-bw, mentioned in item 4, were redesigned to allow partial accessibility. The revisions described below affect a total of five suites including the E and E-bw types in all five floor levels, and include: • One bathroom made larger so it can be converted into wheelchair-accessible, • The entry corridor made wider allowing wheelchair turning radius, • The third bedroom made accessible with a larger door, • The balcony door made wider to enable access to the balcony or patio by installing a small ramp, if required. Note that the revised plans as described are not intended to be BCBC 3.8.5. Adaptive Dwelling Units in their entirety, but were redesigned to be partially adaptable to enable care of a family member requiring additional accessibility. Staff comment: The applicant is required to ensure that the units proposed to be Adaptive Dwelling Units will comply with the applicable section(s) of the BC Building Code. r-~---~--------MAPLE RIDGE ---·-----British Columbia mapleridgeaca City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7533-2019; 21640 124 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: April 7, 2020 2018-498-RZ cow On November 5, 2019, Council resolved that this application to rezone the subject property located at 21640 124 Avenue (Appendix A and B) from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) for a four (4) unit Courtyard Housing project, "be referred back to staff for further work with the applicant relative to parking and density options." The applicant has submitted revised plans (Appendix D) that have modified the parking and landscaping components of the project, while retaining the same four (4) unit Courtyard Housing design. The size of the parking spaces and perimeter landscaping were both expanded to address Council's concerns. The November 5, 2019 report to Council (Appendix E) considered this project from two perspectives. The Development Information Meeting (DIM) on June 26, 2019 and compliance with the interim Multiplex Design Guidelines together with the applicable Multi Residential Development Permit Area Guidelines. The DIM comments were related to the project being too dense, not fitting into the neighbourhood and perceived safety and traffic fears. The form and character of the project was considered as a work in progress with a report and finalized plans being forwarded to Council for issuance of a Development Permit. This application is in compliance with the OCP with respect to use and density. Pursuant to Council policy, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution Program at a rate of $4,100.00 per dwelling unit, with the first of the four (4) units being exempted, for an estimated amount of $12,300.00. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7533-2019 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 2) That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii) Road dedication on 124 Avenue as required; 1105 2018-498-RZ Page 1 of 6 iii) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development; iv) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management, including a maintenance guide; v) Removal of any existing buildings or structures; vi) In addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property. If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. vii) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $12,300 ($4,100.00 /unit based on 3 units) be provided in keeping with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions. DISCUSSION: 1) Background Context: Applicant: Ryan Huctman Legal Description: East 785 Feet Lot 2 Except Part in Plan LMP1615, District Lot 245 Group 1 NWD Plan 8586 OCP: Existing: Proposed: Urban Residential Urban Residential Zoning: Existing: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Proposed: RT-2 (Ground Oriented Residential Infill) Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: 2018-498-RZ Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Urban Residential Residential Residential 988 sq. m. (0.24 acres) Manor Avenue and 124 Avenue Urban Standard Page 2 of 6 2) Background: On November 5, 2019, Council resolved that this application to rezone the subject property located at 21640 124 Avenue (Appendix A and B) from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RT-2 (Ground Oriented Residential Infill) for a four (4) unit Courtyard Housing project, "be referred back to staff for further work with the applicant relative to parking and density options." 3) Project Description: The proposal for the subject property at 21640 124 Avenue is for an infill development of four (4) dwelling units, in two (2) buildings, designed in the form of Courtyard Housing (Appendix E). The project includes three (3) bedroom units, with basement area. The size of the units are essentially the same as the earlier submission consisting of two (2) units of 202 square metres (2,175 square feet) each and two (2) of 188 square metres (2,024 square feet) each. The changes since the November 5, 2019 submission include: • There now is a landscaping strip between the fence and car parking spaces. The alternative is to place a hedge toward the street with the fence behind it; e Each unit has a longer and wider garage. • The building facing 124 Avenue has two single garage doors rather than one double garage door; • The buildings have been shifted closer together to increase the landscaping and the size of the unenclosed parking spaces, particularly for the building on 124 Avenue. Consequently, the Courtyard has been reduced from about 8.4 to about 7.5 metres in depth. 4) Planning Analysis: i) Official Community Plan: The development site is designated Urban Residential Major Corridor, which is appropriate for the proposal. The proposal, as modified, continues to adhere to applicable OCP policies as described in the November 5, 2019 report and summarized below. A number of OCP Infill Policies apply to this site and are evaluated with respect to the proposal's design as follows: • In changing the single family residential to a Courtyard Housing form, Policy 3-19-b sets the criteria with respect to achieving street-oriented buildings, including developing a design "that resemble a single detached dwelling, with an emphasis on orientation to the street." Design comments include strengthening the prominence of the front entrances facing 124 and Manor Avenues, and additional front fagade articulation and detailing for both proposed buildings to "read" more like single residential buildings from both Manor Avenue and 124 Avenue. This will be achieved through the development permit process. • Policy 3-21 requires attention be paid to having site plans, setbacks and building massing that respects existing development patterns and are sensitive to the surrounding neighbourhood. 2018-498-RZ Page 3 of 6 Design comments include added attention to the massing along the interior side lot lines to be more sensitive to the existing single residential dwellings on abutting lands. This would include the steeping down the massing to the interior lot lines. The proposed buildings do comply with the 9.5 metre maximum height requirement. Single residential zones allow for taller buildings (11 metres); however, there are one or 1112 storey homes along Manor Avenue. This will be achieved through the development permit process. The overall OCP objective is to encourage growth within the Urban Area Boundary (UAB), including growth through infill by a mix of housing types and tenures (Policy 3-1). This is achieved by the increased density being proposed. ii) Zoning Bylaw: The analysis of compliance does not change from the November 5, 2019 proposal. All variances to accommodate the existing lot and proposed setbacks as described in the November 5, 2019 report are unchanged, except that the proposed front yard setback to 124 Avenue is increased from 6.0 metres in the previous proposal to 6.68 metres in the revised proposal. iii) Off-Street Parking And Loading Bylaw: The project continues to provide eight (8) parking spaces, which is double the bylaw requirement. iv) Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.7 of the OCP, a Multi-Family Development Permit application is required to ensure the current proposal enhances existing neighbourhoods with compatible housing styles that meet diverse needs, minimize potential conflicts with neighbouring land uses and achives the interim multiplex Design Guidelines. The following is a preliminary analysis, applying the interim guidelines contained in the "Proposed Triplex, Fourplex and Courtyard Housing Forms Preliminary Overview Report" evaluating the form and character of proposed Courtyard Housing project." Guideline Staff Comment II Not a rowhouse form. More front fagade articulation and prominence to the front facing entrance area will achieve full compliance. tll Dwelling units may be located in more Two dwellings are located in each of the two than one building on a lot. buildings. Ell Orientation is characterized by units Inward facing orientation with direct access that are facing inwards towards each off the patios into the courtyard and other. overlook from living spaces (kitchen) is provided. Ill Pedestrian walkways lead from the This is provided. street to an inner courtyard area. Ill Courtyards are programmed for flexible This will be addressed through the and interactive outdoor space but are development permit process. A gazebo is not intended for parking. being proposed. • Where lane access is available, parking Not applicable. 2018-498-RZ Page 4 of 6 will be located at the rear of the property. • Scale and massing shall be compatible Discussed in the OCP Policy section above. with the surrounding area. $ Mix of unit sizes. Two units have 202 square metres and two have 188 square metres of floor space. A detailed description of the project's form and character will be included in a future Development Permit report to Council. v) Advisory Design Panel: This application predates the requirement for such projects to be submitted to the Advisory Design Panel. Therefore, the review was undertaken by staff based on the Courtyard Housing Project Interim Guidelines noted in the table in the previous section. Depending on the matters outlined in the Alternatives section, a referral to ADP could be required by Council in the instance of finalizing the design of this project. vi) Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting (DIM) that was held at Maple Ridge Secondary School Library on June 26th, 2019. There were 18 people in attendance at the meeting. A summary of the main comments and discussions with the attendees was provided by the applicant. The public's comments focused on the following four (4) issues as described in more detail in Appendix E. A summary of the applicant's report is as follows: • Residents felt a rezoning to multi-residential was sudden and unexpected, with concerns being expressed about rental and safety during construction; e Residents perceived that there would be parking, traffic and pedestrian safety problems; • Residents expressed concerns with the way higher density could affect the character of their neighbourhood, greenery and views. They asked if an impact assessment has or could be done by the City. The DIM meeting notes are included to the November 5, 2019 staff report (Attachment E). 5) Interdepartmental Implications: The modified proposal did not require another interdepartmental review. The comments contained in the November 5, 2019 report continue to apply. 6) Alternatives: There are two alternatives that Council may wish to consider: 1. Council may wish to deny this application; or 2. Council may wish to forward this application to staff to pursue a different type of infill design with the applicant, such as: a triplex or duplex as a way of achieving an infill project with some increase in density. 2018-498-RZ Page 5 of 6 With Alternative No. 2, a new Development Information Meeting would be required to re-engage the neighourhood and explain how resident's concerns are being alleviated. CONCLUSION: Following discussions with the applicant after this application was referred to staff, the applicant has modified the project with respect to parking issues raised by Council. It remains the preference of the client to proceed with a four (4) unit Courtyard Housing Project. As the project proceeds forward, staff will work with the applicant to finalize a design to be closer to conformity with applicable guidelines and ensuring sensitive infill and landscaping buffers are achieved. These details will be available to Council in a future Development Permit report. It is recommended that second reading be given to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7533-2019, and that application 2018-498-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. "Original signed by Mark McMullen" for Prepared by: Adrian Kopystynski, MCIP, RPP, MCAHP Planner II "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services "Original signed by Al Horsman" Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7533-2019 Appendix D -Revised Site Plan Appendix E -November 5, 2019 CoW Report 2018-498-RZ Page 6 of 6 (/) () 0) ro a, 0 0 0 "TI )> --I f:;; m .. ~~ Q) ~ '< co N 1,.. ~ <O -co N ' o O ~ "U <O CD :-:: s:: () z[> 3 m "CS '"" c6" ... C: ' (') m I I I 0 ;:;: C) ':;j 0 CD :::J ..... ~ s· CD r-C'D (Q C'D :s a. ""O N o....l,. 0) 0~ ...lo.a ...lo. I ...lo. vJ N 0) ~ Cf )> --..J < CO CD --..J _,,_, V ..... "' w ..... ..... ' 21616 21636 21646 21656 21666 21676 21686 21694 21704 21714 21722 21551 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 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"' ~ Ot 01 '--- )> ""'C ""'C rn z 0 >< )> 1-,J !ij il Scale: 1: 1,500 APPENDIX B 21640 124 Ave PIO 011-363-797 FILE: 2018-498-DP DATE: May 21, 2019 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY:MC CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7533-2019 APPENDIXC A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7533-2019." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: East 72 feet Lot 2, Except Part in Plan LMP16156, District Lot 245 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 8586 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1791 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RT-2 (Ground Oriented Residential Infill). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 19th day of March, 2019. READ a second time the PUBLIC HEARING held the READ a third time the ADOPTED, the day of PRESIDING MEMBER day of day of day of , 20 , 20 , 20 ,20 CORPORATE OFFICER ~ N :!: ~ ~ JS S 3 0.. ~ 222 12471 221 .?1 \i ~ ~ ...J 0 I N N ~ 0.. ~ SPRING AVE. C ~ 215 "St N r-. <O 216 '<t 12470 0.. ~ ~~ "' 0, "' ;;. 213 214 12469 a:,201 r-. O 12463 L--"' 0..200 ~ ~~ iJ 219 0 218 220 0 "' P 46774 " 6 <D 0.. 0 "' P2 B796 \ 12443 47 12429 6488 42 43 44 45 7 "' " 0, 0, 0, N '" " "' <o "' ~ ~ ~ ~ ;;. N N N N 46 ~r::.,:---,=,.--1----~--~-~-~ N " <o "' 121 0 0 ~ ~ N N Rem 2 3 ;;; P 13 00 0.. 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LMP 18319 LMP 18021 L~ 1J931 a:, LMP 1846 LMP 18022 LMP 18392 I 204 ";to d I co '<t" o ~ a '<;t-r:: "' ~~~ ~ ~:::: ( 1:;; <0N1;;]12;;,;;.;;. NNN, , :::; ~ 1 I LMF 5561 Rerr' P 43 99 fr; <0 "' A 12380 ~ 182"' I Remo..t-gI3 0 1"' ~B ~ N ~ 183 I 205 N i\1\ N I "-12368 194 N 4::: ~ -LMP 25 A o4 a:, I '° " zl~ MANOR AVE. LMP 46218 21723'<1" !1;, '<tl!l ~ P 7489_:! ....----= .-I t--,<) 195 • ,--'> '> '> '> -21724 0.. ...J N 2 N 123581~\"':?"',,•' ~188~187~186~185 ;Ji~"' ~~ a.. P4 f-----fr--1~'\, "'lo "' c-., (\j "' 1~ ~2 §3 ~ ...J :'.5 0:: o> 'l-196 " ;;. 6 12350 2w P 43491 LMP 340:9 P17760 '° RerB 0 12390 "-:?;: P40867 o:: "ONE" N c ~ '°r-. 123~ '" r-.~ a:, <o N ;;. 0 ~O) <O ' r-. 'EN ur-. ~w E f' r-. a,'<t 0) Q) (/) E~ l!) E 0::0.. 0) 0:: (/) &a.. a:, 20 z 0.. & 0, ~ ill 181'<1" ;;. a.. 12342 1 0 P 33 50 ~ 143 144 145 146 147 148 P3 150 149 150 151 152 "'153 Rem 1 a:, "' "' ~21J) "' "' "' "' '" ;i; "' <o " ~ ~ a.. <o <o <o <o ;;. ;;. ;;. ;;. ;;. ;;. ~ "' " "' ::c P293 ~ ~ ~ ;;. ;;. ;;. 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N N MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. From: To: MAPLE RIDGE Bnt,sh Columbia 7533-2019 1791 RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential RT-2 (Ground Oriented Residential Infill) 6 N SCALE 1 :2,500 C != R r' t l : t -l ! .. ~Ji MANOR AVENUE S!rorn U/ I fi'irn [/ev=JO 73 II,_ 11, 6.0M ,-~~~q~_-_r YA_R_D _ ___,~--- 2 i2.032M BUILDING DEPTH -----1--- 7.532M COURTYARD 44.47 M PARKING MINIMUM REQUIREMNT REQUIRED SMALL SPACE 2 7MX5 OM / 8.8'X1 6.4' I REQUIRED CAR SPACE 2.9MX5.8M / 9.5'X1 9.0' ---- 5 DP5R"5/ 02/06/20 4 OPAPP 05/17/19 3 DPR~V1 03/04/19 2 DPREV, 02/07/19 1 CZONUl'1 11/30/18 #I M 8SITEPLAN 1:80 "'1~BO w ::J z w ~ I 1-,;:J- C\I -r- JANUARY 6, 2020 )> "U "U m z 0 X 0 A1 -I __ i\ MAPLE RIDGE -----~-~ ' ---British Columbia mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7533-2019; 21640 124 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: APPENDIX E November 5, 2019 2018-498-RZ cow An application has been received to rezone the subject property located at 21640 124 Avenue from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to RT-2 (Ground Oriented Residential Infill), to permit the future construction of a Courtyard Housing project with four (4) dwelling units. Council granted first reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7533-20 on March 19, 2019. This application has been evaluated against the Zoning Bylaw and the OCP infill policies. These OCP policies are designed to allow for density to be increased within residential areas to such levels and to a form and design that is keeping with the neighbourhood character or the emerging neighbourhood character. A Development Information Meeting (DIM) was held by the applicant and described in greater detail in a later section of this report. The proposed density of a four (4) unit courtyard project appears to have been viewed by neighbours as being too dense and not fitting in with the neighbourhood character. The perceived fears are related to: the sudden change, potential of more on street parking, increased traffic in their neighbourhood and reduced safety for child at play in the cul-de-sac area. In conversation with staff, the applicant was asked to consider the alternative that might be more palatable to the neighbours, including a three-plex design; however, the applicant has requested that the four (4) unit Courtyard Housing project be brought forward for Council to consider if it is acceptable. As to the form and character, there is general compliance with OCP guideline respecting compatibility with surrounding properties and the neighbourhood in general; however, it is being considered as a work in progress for the plans to be finalized and a separate report will be forwarded to Council for issuance of a development permit. Among the matters to be finalized are: the functionality of the Courtyard, enhancing the single residential character, better neighbourhood fit and stormwater management. Pursuant to Council policy, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution Program at a rate of $4,100.00 per dwelling unit, with the first of the four (4) units being exempted, for an estimated amount of $12,300. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7533-2019 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 2018-498-RZ Page 1 of 7 2) That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement; ii) Road dedication on 124 Avenue as required; iii) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses the suitability of the subject property(ies) for the proposed development; Iv) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management, including a maintence guide; v) Removal of any existing buildings or structures; vi) In addition to the site profile, a disclosure statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property(ies). If so, a Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a contaminated site. vii) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $12,300 ($4,100.00 /unit based on 3 units) be provided in keeping with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity Contributions. DISCUSSION: 1) Background Context: Applicant: Ryan Huctman Legal Description: East 785 Feet Lot 2 Except Part in Plan LMP1615, District Lot 245 Group 1 NWD Plan 8586 OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: 2018-498-RZ Urban Residential Urban Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) RT-2 (Ground Oriented Residential Infill) Use: Residential Zone: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential Designation: Urban Residential Use: Residential Zone: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential Designation: Urban Residential Use: Residential Zone: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential Designation: Urban Residential Page 2 of 7 West: Use: Residential Zone: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential Designation: Urban Residential Existing Use of Property: Residential Residential Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: 2) Background: 988 sq. m. (0.24 acres) Manor Avenue and 124 Street Urban Standard In granting first reading, Council was prepared to allow this application to move forward so that more details would be available to assess the project's compliance with the RT-2 (Ground-Oriented Residential Infill) zone, for Council to assess compliance with infill guidelines for such projects, more refined plans reflecting the sensitive integration of the project into the surrounding neighbourhood and feedback from neighbours through a Development Information Meeting held by the developer. As described later in this report, there were some concerns expressed by neighbours to the project. Alternatives such as a triplex or duplex or a single residential dwelling with a detached garden suite, were discussed by staff with the applicant; however, the preference of the applicant was to bring forward the four (4) unit Courtyard Housing project for Council to consider if it is acceptable. 3) Project Description: The proposal for the subject property at 21640 124 Avenue (Appendix A and B) is for an infill development of four (4) dwelling units, in two (2) buildings, designed in the form of Courtyard Housing. These are three (3) bedroom units, with basement area. Two (2) units have 202 square metres (2,175 square feet) and two have 188 square metres (2,024 square feet) of floor space. The conceptual plans from first reading have been developed further, refining this courtyard housing project (Appendix C). Compliance with the guidelines governing Courtyard Housing described in the report "Proposed Triplex, Fourplex and Courtyard Housing Forms Preliminary Overview Report" approved by Council in Workshop on April 18, 2016 report and to the applicable Multi-Residential Development Permit Guidelines are described in the subsequent sections of this report. 4) Planning Analysis: i) Official Community Plan: The development site is currently designated Urban Residential Major Corridor, which is appropriate for the proposal. A number of OCP Infill Policies apply to this site and are evaluated with respect to the proposal's design as follows: 111 In changing the single family residential to a Courtyard Housing form, Policy 3-19-b sets the criteria with respect to achieving street-oriented buildings, including developing a design "that resemble a single detached dwelling, with an emphasis on orientation to the street." 2018-498-RZ Design comments include strengthening the prominence of the front entrances facing 124 and Manor Avenues, and additional front fagade articulation and detailing for both proposed buildings to "read" more like single residential buildings from both Manor Avenue and 124 Avenue. Page 3 of 7 This will be achieved through the development permit process. o Policy 3-21 requires attention be paid to having site plans, setbacks and building massing that respects existing development patterns and are sensitive to the surrounding neighbourhood. Design comments include added attention to the massing along the interior side lot lines to be more sensitive to the existing single residential dwellings on abutting lands. This would include the steeping down the massing to the interior lot lines. The proposed buildings do comply with the 9.5 metre maximum height requirement. Single residential zones allow for taller buildings (11 metres); however, there are one or 11/2 storey homes along Manor Avenue. This will be achieved through the development permit process. The compliance with the Courtyard Housing Guidelines contained in the "Proposed Triplex, Fourplex and Courtyard Housing Forms Preliminary Overview Report" is contained in the Development Permit section of this report. The overall OCP objective is to encourage growth within the Urban Area Boundary (UAB), including growth through infill by a mix of housing types and tenures (Policy 3-1). This is achieved by the increased density being proposed. ii) Zoning Bylaw: Courtyard Housing in the proposed RT-2 (Ground Oriented Residential Infill) zone requires a minimum lot size of 950m2, a minimum lot width of 25 metres and a minimum depth of 35 metres. This site, following road widening will comply with the minimum lot area and lot depth, with the future lot being about 975 sq. metres in area, and the depth being about 45 metres. However, the width is less than the minimum requirement and will need to be varied from 25.0 metres to 21.94 metres as described in a following section. iii) Off-Street Parking and loading Bylaw: Each unit is providing two (2) parking spaces as required by the Off Street Parking and Loading Bylaw. One space for each unit is concealed in a garage and one is surface parking off the driveways. Modification of the parking layout through the development permit process may be needed to ensure impervious surfacing is not excessive, to review circulation/access and to improve the landscape buffering to adjacent lots and from 124 Avenue. There may be a variance required to accommodate the smaller sizes of the surface parking spaces. iv) Proposed Variances: A Development Variance Permit application has been received for this project and involves the following relaxation: • Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985, Part 601F RT-2 Ground-Oriented Residential Infill, Section D. Lot Area and Dimensions, Subsection 3(b) is proposed to be varied to reduce the minimum lot width from 25.0 to 21.94 metres. 2018-498-RZ Page 4 of 7 The requested variance, to accommodate the existing parcel, will be the subject of a future Council report. Any additional variances that may be required will be included in that future report. v) Development Permits: The process of design review for applications such as Courtyard Housing, was discussed in the "Proposed Triplex, Fourplex and Courtyard Housing Forms Preliminary Overview Report". These guidelines are being completed by Community Planning to bring forward in 2020 to Council, for approval and inclusion into the Development Permit Area Guidelines section of the Official Community Plan. The alternatives in assessing this and similar projects include: (a) Tabling such applications until such time as these guidelines are established by Council and staff cab review and report on compliance; or (b) Using the temporary guidelines in "Proposed Triplex, Fourplex and Courtyard Housing Forms Preliminary Overview Report" in conjunction with the existing guidelines, to the extent applicable, in Section 8.7 of the OCP, for Multi-Family Development Permits. These multi-residential guidelines are intended in areas designated for multi-residential development and promoting a more built-up character than being envisioned for infill projects. The following is a preliminary analysis, applying the interim guidelines contained in the "Proposed Triplex, Fourplex and Courtyard Housing Forms Preliminary Overview Report" evaluating the form and character of proposed Courtyard Housing project." Guideline Staff Comment • Not a rowhouse form . More front fagade articulation and prominence to the front facing entrance area will achieve full compliance. • Dwelling units may be located in more Two dwellings are located in each of the two than one building on a lot. buildings. 9 Orientation is characterized by units Inward facing orientation with direct access that are facing inwards towards each off the patios into the courtyard and other. overlook from living spaces (kitchen) is provided. • Pedestrian walkways lead from the This is provided. street to an inner courtyard area. • Courtyards are programmed for flexible This will be addressed through the and interactive outdoor space but are development permit process. A gazebo is not intended for parking being proposed. • Where lane access is available, parking Not applicable. will be located at the rear of the property • Scale and massing shall be compatible Discussed in the OCP Policy section. with the surrounding area • Mix of unit sizes Two units have 202 square metres and two have 188 square metres of floor space. A detailed description of the project's form and character will be included in a future development permit report to Council. 2018-498-RZ Page 5 of 7 vi) Advisory Design Panel: This is one of the earlier Courtyard applications and an ADP submission was not undertaken. Subsequent infill applications do require ADP review. Staff did the design review of this application based on the Courtyard Housing Project Interim Guidelines proving comments and suggestions, including the ones noted in the table in the previous section. Depending on the matters outlined in the Alternatives section, a referral to ADP could be required by Council in the instance of finalizing the design of this project. vii) Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting was held at Maple Ridge Secondary School Library on June 26th, 2019. There were 18 people in attendance at the meeting. A summary of the main comments and discussions with the attendees was provided by the applicant. The public's comments focused on the following four (4) issues as described in more detail in Appendix E. A summary of the applicant's report is as follows: e Residents felt a rezoning to multi-residential was sudden and unexpected, with concerns being expressed about rental and safety during construction; ® Residents perceived that there would be parking, traffic and pedestrian safety problems; ~ Residents expressed concerns with the way higher density could affect the character of their neighbourhood, greenery and views. They asked if an impact assessment has or could be done by the City. 5) Interdepartmental Implications: i) Engineering Department: A rezoning Servicing Agreement will be required for this project to address the engineering and servicing associate with this project. These include: • Widening along the 124 Avenue frontage; • Road, curb, gutter and sidewalk upgrading along abutting roads; • A storm catchment analysis respecting drainage system capacity; • Providing street lighting and street trees; • Removal of existing buildings; • Underground services ducting; 8 A Geotechnical Report reflecting the site being located in the Fraser River Escarpment Area; and • Compliance with stormwater and drainage requirements. ii) License. Permits and Bylaws Department: A Stormwater Management Plan is required for this project. The calculations and details such reports contain are necessary to determine if the proposed addresses the Fraser River Escarpment Area guidelines, if the release rate for the proposed proportions of impervious and pervious area complies with City standards and if the size and location of the infiltrators may change the layout. 2018-498-RZ Page 6 of 7 Matters to be addressed through at building permit stage include: the need to retain a Coordinating Registered Professional for this project, unit numbering and special separation (including combustible projection) complying with the BC Building Code (2018). 6) Alternatives: There are three alternatives that Council may wish to consider: 1. Council may wish to deny this application; or 2. Council may wish to table this application until such time as the Guidelines for Infill Housing are completed early next year. Through these guidelines, the assessment neighbours enquired about at DIM, could take place either through the ADP and/or through staff input. Council could then consider granting Second Reading and setting a Public Hearing; or 3. Council may wish to forward this application to staff to pursue a different type of infill design with the applicant, such as: a triplex, duplex or single residential use with a detached garden suite, as a way of achieving an infill project with some increase in density. With either of alternatives 2 or 3, a new Development Information Meeting would be required to re-engage the neighourhood and explain how their concerns are being alleviated. CONCLUSION: Following discussions with the applicant after the Development information meeting, the applicant has chosen to proceed with their Courtyard Housing Project. As the project proceeds forward, the project will be brought closer to conformity with applicable guidelines for achieving sensitive infill and landscaping buffers. These details will be available to Council in a future development permit report. It is recommended that second reading be given to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7533-2019, and that application 2018-498-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. "Original signed by Adrian Kopystynski" Prepared by: Adrian Kopystynski, MCIP, RPP, MCAHP Planner "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services "Original signed by Al Horsman" Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7533-2019 Appendix D -Site Plan Appendix E -Building Elevation Plans Appendix F -Landscape Plan Appendix G -DIM comment summary 2018-498-RZ Page 7 of 7 (1) g ~ ..... _. b, 0 0 ~ :!! -I hl m .. "N ;;:: 0 OJ ..... ~ 't ..... co -co N' aO ..... ""CJ co ~ ?:: 0 [::> 0 s :::r 0 (I) :J [ 5· CD r m (Q m ::l' Q, -U N 1l O ~ ~o~ 2: ...... 0 z ...... 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M "' "' w ~ ~ ;;i 1641 ~ 0 1J m -i'.;,: ~ ·/653 ~7&6170 -< '%,'\__ 21663 21662 ~ 121673 I 21672 I ~ m L-----iL __ --::-c=;;--1 . 21683 21682 21693 ·---\ 2·1e92 I 2'/703 21712 21717 21724 _, N -IS-~ I I 216 ST.,_i ...,, M "" -1'. ./:.. i\.) .... 0) I -1:>. I -, I _,_ N 01 ~ ff! y1 / ' 21687 1---- 2169 I- ..... f'v .4. ~ '- );,, "O -0 n, z );,, Langley Scale: 1:1,500 APPENDIX B 21640 124 Ave PIO 011-363-797 PLANNING DEPARTMENT mapleridge.ca FILE: 2018-498-DP DATE: May 21, 2019 BY:MC CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7533-2019 · APPEND!XC A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7533-2019." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: East 72 feet Lot 2, Except Part in Plan LMP16156, District Lot 245 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 8586 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1791 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to RT-2 (Ground Oriented Residential Infill). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map '1A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 19th day of March, 2019. READ a second time the PUBLIC HEARING held the READ a third time the ADOPTED, the day of PRESIDING MEMBER day of day of day of ,20 ,20 , 20 , 20 CORPORATE OFFICER Son MH Rirn=3!,02 [ !nv=29.05 (200¢ Cone) 5 /nv=29.09 (200¢) W lnv=29.08 (200¢ Cone) MANOR AVENUE Strom MH Rim [/ev=JO. 73 VI ~ ,-'-, ::..::_y,-,,-1,- 6,0M FRONT YARD 1 -n ( o 1\ o ""iJo I\ r t-,..,-1~\o iL,..,\_.,,"-_~<._.,,'<._,..,1 ~ -0~ I-;.. 110'3CC.V.S"" /,\ o' \7 •ol'OPTONHIO'-'IISI (\ o' -l "'""'"' /,z ~, 1 St m MH Rim Elev::::JO.lJ .-') W !nv=29.43 (200¢ Cone) SfW lnv=29.43 (200¢ Cone) siil2 lnv=29.4J (150¢ Cone) SWJ lnv=29.43 (150¢ Cone) S /nv=29.43 (150¢ Cone) [ )nv=29.41 (200¢ PVC) ~ 12.032M BUILDING DEPTH 8.406M COURTYARD 12,032M BUILDING DEPTH 2 rn :,;,,:,t=o• 5 :fEE±: '"''""=o• l'l~F<lOM"~L u,'~e'.\ 02,07/111 1 E;oNSAA.11/J0/18 # ~"'°,sr.,N ~vorr 8-S_l_TE PLAN 1;80 ,216401241hSI. 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DEVELOPMENT APP un-11c VESSEL MAPLERIDtiE, BC AESIOENTIAlDESIGN 124TH 0PAPP051719 0,00"""1<.S"'N~AV£. °"""""' ,,..,,. ~:::0.rfX::n:" ~:~~~~~~~ITTH, b"};.::,:Sc:,Dc.__ __ -1 ""·"'·"'" EAST, WEST& SOUTH MAY 17, 2019 > '"O iJ rn :z 0 >< m ,, ,, I BEr,JAMINE MOORE i :ffi~~ilf,R 2 CEDAR S!DJr,./Ci 3 POSTS, TRIM, FASCIA ;~~~., 4 WINDOW SASH ~r;,,~/IJ;lt "'""' AR.e.QlJACOAT C\,&,A COAT LOW lVSll'E ~0~) Ill 5 !it()m'.r,/s\a:~!,..-,r, '.:o:l;u:'il;:,i1r..,;.:, FRONT DOOR 6 GARAGE DOOR SILVER ANODIZED ,7 ~~~~ HARDIEPLANK LAP SIDING 1~ & 4-EXPOSURE AL TERNA TING SMOOTH QUARRY GRAY 8 g CEDAR CHANNELING QI"""'"' £le:~""" --@ ,/@ --~ DUROID ROOFING SHINGLE 40 YR. PEWTER OR DARK GRAY 2!<!-1D1:?q1n!,"!:. MP.f.'l.!:fl~":(.W,fl/) M/,!cl'\11\Ll'!& r'.:()l.(JUH:I 10 STUCCO SMOOTH B.M, HC-172 0[:V9...0N,1(;NT >,l'P 1:,.,111 l.>l',~\.'f' r,:,;1~1" MIC BOTAN!CAL NAME I COMMON NAME B euxus SEMPERVIAENS I aoxwooo y TAXUS 8ACCATA SM MAGNOLIA STEL1ATA STAR MAGNOLL'>. M ACEA PALMATI.JM JAPANESE MAPl.E A AZALEA JAPON!CA EVEFIQAEEN AZAL1A 'Hll~O OA!MSON' H , ce,C HEATHEFI 'SPAINGWOOD PINK' F POL'l'S11CHUM WES1EAN SWOADFEAN MUNffiJM G I GAUL lHEFIIA SHALLDN J H I AHAPHIOLEP!S /NolCA-f !~,~~~fo~~oAN AHOOODENOAON JAF'ANESE SPURGE 0..5SORTED GROUND COVERS .. ND PERENNIALS ~~~:~RIAL TO BCNLA I MIN SOIL DEPTHS" MANOR AVENUE !SIZE I QUANliTY ,.,.,,.,,,--- ~ CEDAR FENCE #1 l 2X4, 1 X6 4X4 POST I ~_EN_QE_#1 ~ UNIT PAVERS D J ' r J 111!1 METAL GUARDRAIL #3 1:30 H GUARDRAIL , " UNITD CEDAR FENCE #2 2X4, 1X4, 1X6 4X4 POST ,5M-._ 2 P<>PEVI 0~,Q7/10 "EZWEAPl 11(,'.0/18 OFENCE#2 1:30 II w :) z w ~ I ~ (\j ,- 1 -1 r 3.35M -r [81 - - - -"1 I F GAZEBO d OPEN LATIS OVER I I I 12'1 ____ 0 0 GAZEBO PLAN ~ ~ GAZEBO (EAST & WES1) e()_AZE;_BO ·~ (NORTH &iSOUl "'.,.."~0""""'"'"'""'"'· -:;·~~o 124th at DEVEUJPMENT APP U11-1ICVE6SEL MAPLERIDGE,80 RESIDENTIAL DESIGN 101oor<:>0 .. MN>:~vt, """'"•"'"----h;:;.c=;.;c_--1 =".;,~wWfP.lll> l.ANO!lCAPEPLI\N ~~"&:-::u:1'ttj=, I! I I 1:50 ;:i::,, ""'CJ -0 rn 2 0 X ,, i . ·I APPENDIXG Development Information Meeting Summary Development Questions: G The suddenness of rezoning of the 0 It was noted that according to public information, the city neighbouorhood from single-family to multi-recently created the RT-2 zone to allow for sensitive infill of family. multi-residential projects within existing neighbourhoods to provide more diverse housing options. @ inquiry about the property being developed as e It was stated that he had no plans to develop the property low-income rentals. and rent out four units as the landlord. He plans to sell them as individual dwellings. . How long it would take to rezone the property G It was suggested to contact the city to respond regarding and what would the city do to ensure safety timelines for zoning amendments. during construction. Parking and Traffic Questions: e Concern with the additional parking needs the © It was pointed out each dwelling unit will have 2 parking development would likely bring. spaces. In their analysis, the applicant feels confident the . There was concern with more cars in the new development will not significantly contribute to parking neighbourhood; also means more traffic. Many issues either on 124th or Manor Avenues children play in the cul-de-sac; thus concern over more vehicles coming and going into the cul-de-sac due to the new driveway .. • Increased cars and speeding, particularly on 124th and the dangers of accessing driveways from 124th. Neighhourhood Character: 0 There were concerns over the impact higher . It was indicated that the proposed project is designed to look density and multi-residential dwellings will like single-family dwellings with each building having one have on the neighbourhood's character and its distinct front entrance. family-oriented setting. Neighbourhood; Long term resident (for over 25-years) questioned how any multi-unit dwelling can "fit in" with a single-family dwelling neighbourhood. 5 There was concern over the impact on the @ It was indicated that the proposed landscape design and neighbourhood's natural landscape, greenery highlighted the use of smaller scale trees to create and trees, specifically for the proposed screening and improve daylight angles. entrance on Manor Ave. There was concern about the impact of removal of a maple tree on small animals that inhabit the tree. . The new dwellings would impact the views of 0 It was explained that the proposed building would be lower the mountains. than the allowable height and floor setbacks and low roof . Has the City done or will do a community angles have also been implemented into the design impact assessment? See Staff comment (1) below Development/Construction s Frustration was expressed with ongoing @ It was indicated this would be passed on to the City. development in the area and the constant disruption for neighbourhoods. Work sites can be also dangerous and often prevents kids from playing outside. Staff Comments: (1) It is the responsibility of the applicants to undertake assessments for such infill projects as part of their development application proposals. (2) Construction site safety practices need to be implemented by applicants and their consultants in conjunction with the building permit process. r---·-. -_ mapleridge.ca MAPLE RIDGE --·---~------British Columbia City of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council MEETING DATE: April 7, 2020 FILE NO: 2011-089-RZ FROM: SUBJECT: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Co W First, Second and Third Reading Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Amending Bylaw No. 7632-2020; 22325 St. Anne Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: An application has been received to extend the completion date in the Heritage Revitalization Agreement for the conservation of the Morse / Turnock Residence (Turnock Residence) on the subject site located at 22325 St. Anne Avenue to October 1, 2020. Construction of the four (4) storey 66 unit apartment building and conservation and conversion of Turnock Residence into a duplex, ceased about half a year ago due to financial problems faced by the developer. On February 4, 2020, a Court Order in The Supreme Court of BC was made, to appoint a Monitor to complete this project. This Monitor has applied for an extension to allow the conservation works, as well as the associated apartment building, to be completed. The project Architect indicated that there is about four (4) months worth of work to complete the conservation works on the Turnock Residents. The attached bylaw (Schedule C) provides for a completion date of December 31, 2020 plus a six (6) month extension by mutual written agreement. to accommodate the time for this application to be approved, including approval of the bylaw by the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure, and for the construction to be reactivated. RECOMMENDATIONS: That Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Amending Bylaw No. 7632-2020 be given first, second and third reading. DISCUSSION: Legislative Background: Council is granted the authority to enter into and amend Heritage Revitalization Agreements under Section 610 of the Local Government Act. The specific provision concerning amendments is the following: (4) A heritage revitalization agreement may be amended by bylaw only with the consent of the owner. The authorized signatory for the company that owns the subject site has signed the Agreement thus providing his consent in accordance with Section 610 (Appendix E). 1106 2011-089-RZ Page 1 of 3 Under the Section 52 of the Transportation Act, the bylaw will need to be referred to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure ("MOTi") to be approved before Council considers granting adoption. History: Council adopted the Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Bylaw No. 6913-201 (HRA Bylaw) on January 26, 2016. The Heritage Alteration Permit 2015-287-DP for the conservation work and the development permit 2011-089-DP for the apartment have both been approved and issued by Council on January 26, 2016. The site plan is attached as Appendix F. The development is close to completion, but construction stopped about half a year ago due to financial problems experienced by the developer. The project consist of: 1. The Heritage Residence that has been moved to a new foundation close to the corner of St. Anne Avenue and 223 Street and adapted into a duplex as part of the conservation work; 2. Council gave approval on January 26, 2016 to issue two permits: (1) the Heritage Alteration Permit (HAP) for the Turnock Residence conservation works; and (2) a development permit for the Apartment building. The HAP contains the provision that the occupancy for the apartment building will only be granted once the Turnock Residence is fully completed and is certified to comply by the Heritage consultant; and 3. A four (4) storey 66 unit apartment building built behind the heritage residence. The apartment units may not be occupied until the conservation of the Turnock Residence is certified by the heritage consultant of record as being in compliance with the Heritage Revitalization Agreement. Agreement Requirements: The HRA Bylaw was adopted by Council on January 26, 2016. Construction did not commence until the property was sold and possession was taken by the new owner/developer in early 2017. To accommodate the additional time the new developer needed to proceed with the project, an application was made to extend the completion date from 24 to 30 months. Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Amending Bylaw No. 7306-2016 (First HRA Amendment Bylaw) was adopted by Council on July 25, 2017. This previous bylaw provided for January 25, 2020 as the completion deadline with the 30 month period granted by Council. However, this owner ceased construction about a half year ago and the project was not completed before the Agreement's amended completion date as noted above. Applicant's Request: The Court-appointed Monitor has requested and consented that the completion date be changed from expired deadline to December 31, 2020 plus a six (6) month extension by mutual written agreement. The Court Order of February 4, 2020 empowers the Monitor to pursue completing the project. This extension is necessary to permit the terms of the Agreement, conservation of the Turnock Residence and construction of the apartment building to be completed. The Monitor is ensuring that the site continues to be secure and the security measures will be kept in place. The City also hold a forfeitable performance security of $100,000 to ensure that the 2011-089-RZ Page 2 of 3 Turnock Residence will be conserved in accordance with the Heritage Conservation Plan attached to and forming part of the Agreement. Assessment and Council Action: A change to the completion dates is considered to be a minor amendment. As this change does not involve modifying the use or density, a Public Hearing is not necessary. Therefore, Council can consider granting first, second and third reading to Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Amending Bylaw No. 7632-2020 (Second HRA Amendment Bylaw). Council may consider adopting this bylaw following approval by MOTi. The Heritage Alteration Permit provides for a $100,000 security being held by the City and a hold on occupancy for the apartment building which are strong incentives for the conservation work to be completed. In light of the recent circumstances surrounding appointment of a Monitor by the Court to complete this project, proceeding with the attached bylaw authorizing the City to enter into an Amending Agreement to the Heritage Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement, as amended, is a reasonable request. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that Council grant first, second and third reading to Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Amending Bylaw No. 7632-2020. Adoption can be considered once the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure approves the bylaw. "Original signed by Mark McMullen" for Prepared by: Adrian Kopystynski M.Sc., MCIP, RPP, MCAHP Planner "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services "Original signed by Al Horsman" Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Amending Bylaw No. 7632-2020 2011-089-RZ Page 3 of 3 ,-: (/) N ~ / N Scale: 1 :2,500 2019-138-RZ LOUGHEED HWY i I I ~-----~-~---~.• ____ ;;;.,, 11739 11665/11667 "'"' c-"'"' ~~ "' 11768 .. ~ "' <o ~ 11746 "' -"' 11740 ~ 11710 "' ~ "' C ~ N "' "' "' <o ~ ~ ~ "' "' "' "' ~ " 22346/48 :353), 22357 NORTH AVE. ~ " ~ 117 AVE. .. <o ~ ~ -.... l(l l(l ~ "' "' APPENDIX A "' I \ " .. C \t, "-"' ~ "' 0 ~ "' I 11777 \?2362164 f-(/) 22356/58 11765 " N N I ~ N "' ""/ <o ~ "' ii !20-z "' "' N N 2017j247-RZ 2017-247-VP ~ <o 11686 ~ "' ST.ANNE AVE. CALLAGHAN AVE. Legend -Stream ---Ditch Centreline Indefinite Creek ~ Active Applications (RZ/SD/DPNP) "' "' <o .... "' "' "' ~ "' CALLAGHAN AVE. ' ' ' \ ' " ' \ \, ' 22325 ST. ANNE AVENUE PIO: 029-774-071 PLANNING DEPARTMENT mapleridge.ca FILE: 2011-089-RZ.02 DATE: Mar 16, 2020 BY: PC "-"' "' "' .. ~ N "' N .. "' "' Scale: 1 :2,500 APPENDIX 8 22325 ST. ANNE AVENUE PIO: 029-774-071 FILE: 2011-089-RZ.02 DATE: Mar 16, 2020 PLANNING DEPARTMENT mapleridge.ca BY:PC CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7632-2020 APPENDIXC A Bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Bylaw No. 6913-2012 WHEREAS, the Owner of the land requests and consents to enter into an amendment of the heritage revitalization and tax exemption agreement attached to and forming part of Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Bylaw No. 6913-2012; WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend the heritage revitalization and tax exemption agreement attached to and forming part of Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Bylaw No. 6913-2012 as provided for in Appendix 1 to this amending bylaw (the "Amending Agreement"): NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Amending Bylaw No. 7632-2020". 2. The City of Maple Ridge enters into the Heritage Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement (as amended by the "Amending Agreement") with the registered owners of the properties located at 22325 St. Anne Avenue, Maple Ridge and legally described as: PID: 029-774-071 LOT A District Lot 398 New Westminster District Plan EPP527 4 7 (the "Property"). 3. The Mayor and Corporate Officer are authorized on behalf of the City of Maple Ridge to sign and seal the Amending Agreement in the form attached as Appendix "1" to this Bylaw. READ a first time the day of READ a second time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a third time the day of ,20 ,20 , 20 , 20 APPROVED by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure this , 20 ADOPTED, the day of ,20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER day of APPENDIX "1" DESIGNATION AND HERITAGE REVITALIZATION AND TAX EXEMPTION AMENDING AGREEMENT No. 2 THIS AGREEMENT dated for reference the BETWEEN: AND: WHEREAS: 1034179 B.C. ltd. 15245-18th Avenue Surrey, BC V4V 1W9 (the "Owners") THE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, British Columbia V2X 6A9 (the "City") day of , 2020 is A. The City and a previous owner entered into a Heritage Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement (the "Original Agreement") setting out the terms and conditions by which the heritage value of the Existing Heritage Building is to be preserved and protected, in return for specified supplements and variances to City bylaws and the exemption of the Existing Heritage Building from City property taxation for a specified term; B. This agreement applies to land and all improvements located at 22325 St. Anne Avenue, Maple Ridge, B.C. and legally described as: PID: 029-774-071 Lot A DISTRICT LOT 398 GROUP 1 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN EPP52747 ("the Lands"); C. The agreement has been approved by the Monitor, or the Court, as required; and D. The City and the Court appointed Monitor for the Owners wish to amend the terms of the Original Agreement, as amended, to allow the completion date to be extended. THIS AGREEMENT is evidence that in consideration of the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) now paid by each party to the other and for other good and valuable consideration (the receipt of which each party hereby acknowledges) the Court appointed Monitor for the Owners and the City each covenant with the other as follows: Amendment 1. The Agreement is hereby amended by deleting and replacing Section 8 by the following: Section 8. The Owners shall commence and complete all actions required for the completion of the Work in accordance with this Agreement by December 31, 2020 (the "Completion Date"). The Completion Date may be extended by mutual written agreement of the Owners and the City, for up to an additional 6 months. Statutory Authority Retained 2. Nothing in this Amendment Agreement shall limit, impair, fetter or derogate from the statutory powers of the City, all of which powers may be exercised by the City from time to time and at any time to the fullest extent that the City is enabled. Full Force and Effect 3. The City and the Court appointed Monitor for the Owners hereby agree that the Agreement shall hereinafter be read and construed in conjunction with this Amending Agreement and be regarded as being amended only to the extent herein provided, that all the terms, covenants, provisos, conditions and provisions of the Agreement, as amended hereby, shall continue to be in full force and effect and that nothing herein contained shall operate or be construed to modify or otherwise affect the rights and obligations created by the Agreement as amended hereby. No Waiver 4. No restrictions, requirements or other provisions of this Amending Agreement shall be deemed to have been waived by the City unless a written waiver signed by an officer of the City has first been obtained, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no condoning, excusing or overlooking by the City on previous occasions of any default, nor any previous written waiver, shall be taken to operate as a waiver by the City of any subsequent default or in any way defeat or affect the rights and remedies of the City. Headings 5. The headings in this Amending Agreement are inserted for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement or any of its provisions. Successors Bound 6. All restrictions, rights and liabilities herein imposed upon or given to the respective parties shall extend to and be binding upon their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Owners and the City have executed this Agreement on the dates set out below. Name Address Occupation Date The Corporate Seal of the CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE was hereunto affixed in the presence of: Mayor: Corporate Officer: Date ) ) ) 1034179 B.C Ltd. by its authorized signatory ) ) ) ) ) Print Name _________ _ ) ) ) ) ) C/S -a • MAPLE RIDGE -------British Columbia mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Temporary Commercial Use Permit Renewal 22606 Dewdney Trunk Road EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: April 7, 2020 2016-325-RZ cow Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7283-2016 was adopted on February 28, 2017, which permitted the temporary taxi dispatch office and taxi parking to be located on the subject property, located at 22606 Dewdney Trunk Road (see Appendices A and B). A Temporary Commercial Use Permit was authorized on March 28, 2017, and expired on March 28, 2020. The owner would like to renew the Temporary Commercial Use Permit for an additional three years. A Temporary Commercial Use Permit may only be renewed once, therefore, this will be the final Temporary Commercial Use Permit that can be issued for the subject property. RECOMMENDATION: That Temporary Commercial Use Permit 2016-325-RZ, respecting property located at 22606 Dewdney Trunk Road, be renewed and re-issued for an additional three years and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal the renewed permit. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Surrounding Uses: North: 2016-325-RZ SDM Transport Ltd. Lot 4 Except Westerly 81.1 Feet, District Lot 401 Group 1, New Westminster Plan 7863 Town Centre Commercial Temporary Use Permit CS-1 (Service Commercial) Use: Commercial (Automotive Repair, Indoor Recreation) Zone: CS-1 (Service Commercial) Designation: Town Centre Commercial 1107 Page 1 of 3 South: Use: Road, Vacant, Bus Loop Zone: RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential), C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Designation: Medium and High-Rise Apartment, Town Centre Commercial East: Use: Commercial (Child Care) Zone: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Designation: Town Centre Commercial West: Use: Commercial (Restaurant, Office) Zone: C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Designation: Town Centre Commercial Existing Use of Property: Vacant Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: b) Background: Temporary Taxi Dispatch Office and Taxi Parking 0.17 ha. (0.4 acres) Dewdney Trunk Road, 226 Street Urban Standard Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7283-2016 (see Appendix C) amended Appendix D -Temporary Use Permits of the Official Community Plan (OCP) to allow the temporary taxi dispatch office and taxi parking on the subject property. The owner would like to renew the Temporary Commercial Use Permit for an additional three years. Should there be issues or concerns with continuation of this use on the subject property, Council is under no obligation to approve an extension to the permit. Should Council approve the extension, this will be the only extension permitted for this temporary taxi service, as provided under the Local Government Act. The subject property is located within the Town Centre Area Plan and is currently designated Town Centre Commercial. This land use designation aligns with the C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) zone, which permits a range of uses in a high density, pedestrian friendly form. Supported uses include professional services, retail, and apartment. As the proposed taxi dispatch office, fuelling, and parking uses are service commercial in nature, and are incompatible with the desired Town Centre policies, a Temporary Use Permit is more appropriate for this application instead of a rezoning application. 2016-325-RZ Page 2 of 3 CONCLUSION: It is recommended that Temporary Commercial Use Permit 2016-325-RZ, respecting property located at 22606 Dewdney Trunk Road, be renewed and re-issued for an additional three years and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal the renewed permit "Original signed by Michelle Baski" Prepared by: Michelle Baski, AScT, MA Planner 2 "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services "Original signed by Al Horsman" Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Temporary Commercial Use Permit Report dated February 28, 2017 2016-325-RZ Page 3 of 3 21 AVE. ... ~ c:, 0, c:, ... "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' 12085 -.; 12075 12060 -... g: /62 BROWN AVE. f-' (/) w (') Cl w ~2038 12003 12018 /09 ~ "' "' "' -DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD UJ c:, <') "' "' "' Municipal Hall 11995 ~ >--RCMP ~ 11996 Courthouse 11960 I Arts Centre 11944 Haney Place Mall 11900 I SELKIRK AVE. / N Scale: 1 :2,500 --------------·----..,---121 AVE. APPENDIX A -"' "' "" <o <o ~ c:, c:, c:, "" "" 0, c:, "' ... <o <o "' "' "' <o <o <o <o <o ~ "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' ~ 12087 ~ 12070 f-' -12077 (/) .... N .... ... ... <') 0, ... ;:; .; .; N -<') ; "' <o ... "" "" 0, c:, "' "' "' "' "' "' <o <o <o <o <o <o "' "' "' "' "' "' I~ "' "' ~ "' "' "-----------"' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' r--BROWN AVE. ------~ ... <o <o "" <o "' ~ c:, c:, c:, c:, "' <o ... "" 0, c:, <') "' ... "" "' "' "' "' "' <o <o <o <o <o <o "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' ... "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' 12047 -I .; I ~~TP~OPERTYI "' "' ... "' <o "' "' >--"' <o ... ... ~ c:, ... c:, c:, ~ "' ... ... "' ... 0, <o <o "" <o "' "' "' "' "' <o "' ~ "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' ... "' "' "' "' "' ... <o "' "' LANE 11980 11971 11970 11963 LANE MclNTOSH AVE. 11940/48 "" V 11947 "' "' "' "' V 11937 "' 11920/36 ;!: ;:,.,., "' 0, 11931 "' ;;; <') ... ~~ <o <o <o <o "' "' "' "' "'"' "' "' "' "' "'"' 119 AVE. <o ... c:, "" 11909 c:, "' "' )2 ... ... ... <o <o <o "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' 11910 11882 11890 11889 LANE f-' (/) f-' .... ... N 11876 "' (/) N "' <D N N SELKIRK AVE. 11869 11862 ~ "' <') 0, ... 111858 "' <') <') ... <o <o <o <o <o 11857 "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' SELKIRK AVE. 11844 22606 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD FILE: 2016-325-RZ DATE: Aug 22, 2016 BY:PC r r-1 ! I N Scale: 1 :2,500 APPENDIX B 22606 DEWDNEY TRUNK ROAD PIO: 011-268-646 FILE: 2016-325-RZ DATE: Mar 18, 2020 BY:PC : .~ iit411Mdi·Ai mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: Her Worship Mayor Nicole Read and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer SUBJECT: Final Reading MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7283-2016 Temporary Use Permit 22606 Dewdney Trunk Road EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: APPENDIXC February 28, 2017 2016-325-RZ COUNCIL Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7283-2016 has been considered by Council and at Public Hearing and subsequently was granted third reading. The applicant has requested that final reading be granted. The purpose of the Temporary Use Permit is to allow for a taxi dispatch office and taxi parking on the subject property, located at 22606 Dewdney Trunk Road. A one-time extension for an additional three years may be granted by Council, should the applicant choose to apply for an extension. Council granted first reading for Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7283-2016 on September 20, 2016, and second reading on December 5, 2016. This application was presented at Public Hearing and granted third reading on January 17, 2017. RECOMMENDATION: That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7283-2016 be adopted; and That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2016-325-CU respecting property located at 22606 Dewdney Trunk Road. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The purpose of the Temporary Use Permit is to allow for a taxi dispatch office and taxi parking, for the subject property located at22606 Dewdney Trunk Road (see Appendix A). Council considered this application at a Public Hearing held on January 17, 2017, and granted third reading to Official Community Plan (OCP) Amending Bylaw No. 7283-2016 (see Appendix B) with the stipulation that the following conditions be addressed: i) Amendment to Official Community Plan Appendix D -Temporary Use Permits, to add the subject property to the list of properties; and ii) A refundable security equivalent to 100% of the estimated landscape cost will be provided to ensure satisfactory provision of landscaping (see Appendix C), in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Temporary Use Permit. The following applies to the above: i) Official Community Plan Appendix D -Temporary Use Permits will be amended with the adoption of Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7283-2016; and ii) A refundable security equivalent to 100% of the estimated landscape has been provided in the amount of $3,860.00. CONCLUSION: As the applicant has met Council's conditions, it is recommended that final reading be given to OCP Amending Bylaw No.7283-2016. Furthermore, it is recommended that the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2016-325-CU. "Original signed by Amelia Bowden" Prepared by: Amelia Bowden, M. Urb Planner 1 "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP Director of Planning "Original signed by Frank Quinn" Approved by: Frank Quinn, MBA, P.Eng for GM: Public Works & Development Services Concurrence: E.C. Swabey Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -OCP Amending Bylaw No. 7283-2016 Appendix C -Site Plan -2- CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE TO: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden MEETING DATE: April 7, 2020 and Members of Council FILE NO: 11-5245-B383 & 06-2240-20 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: cow SUBJECT: Latecomer Agreement LC 167 /19 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The lands at 12240 Delcrest Street have been developed through a building permit. Part of the servicing is considered to be excess or extended servicing in accordance with the Local Government Act that benefits adjacent properties. Latecomer Agreement LC 167 /19 provides the municipality's assessment of the attribution of the costs of the excess or extended servicing to the benefiting lands. The developers have the opportunity to recover costs for service capacity over and above that required for their specific development should development occur on those parcels identified in Schedule A. Cost recovery may also be possible where a property connects to the Latecomer-eligible utility. RECOMMENDATION: That the cost to provide the excess or extended services at 12240 Delcrest Street is, in whole or in part, excessive to the municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being developed; and That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in Schedule A; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Latecomer Agreement LC 167 /19 with the developer of the lands at 12240 Delcrest Street. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The lands at 12240 Del crest Street have been developed under a building permit. Part of the servicing is considered to be excess or extended servicing in accordance with the Local Government Act that benefits adjacent properties. The attached map identifies the lands which are involved in the development and those which will benefit from the excess or extended services and land to which the developer provided services. The cost breakdown for each excess or extended service is shown on attached Schedule A. In addition, a copy of Latecomer Agreement LC 167 /19 is also attached for information purposes. 1108 Doc#2311007 Page 1of2 -------~ b) Policy Implications: Part 14, Division 11, of the Local Government Act provides that where a developer pays all or part of the cost of excess or extended services, the municipality shall determine the proportion of the cost of the service which constitutes excess or extended service and determine the proportion of the cost of the service to be attributed to parcels of land which the municipality considers will benefit from the service. Latecomer Agreement LC 167 /19 will provide such determination for Building Permit 16-124218. CONCLUSION: A developer has provided certain services in support of development through Building Permit 16-124218. Some of the services benefit adjacent lands therefore, it is appropriate to impose Latecomer Charges on the benefitting lands. Latecomer Agreement LC 167 /19 summarizes the municipality's determination of benefitting lands and cost attribution and also establishes the term over which such Latecomer Charges will be applied. Preparedby:Racilelllenerger, AScT. V\, Reviewed Acting Manager of Infrastructure Development ng. 1cipal Engineer ~~M Approved by: David Pollock, PEng. General Manager Engineering Services Concurrence:~ma~ Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: (A) Schedule A (B) Benefiting Property Map (C) Latecomer Agreement Doc#2311007 Page 2 of 2 t I -i f ' Schedule A TYPE OF EXCESS OR EXTENDED SERVICE 1. OVERSIZE ON SITE Service Sanitary Sewer Delcrest St Total Number of Equivalent Development Units (EDU) 8 Total Cost Of Benefit $103,867.00 Cost Per EDU $12,983.00 EDU's On Benefiting Property 1 Benefit Attributed By Property Excluding Development Lot 5, NWD PL15728 RN 42251-0205-1 1 X $12,983.00 1 Lot 6, NWD PL15728 RN 42251-0205-1 1 X $12,983.00 1 Lot 7, NWD PL15728 RN 42251-0205-1 1 X $12,983.00 1 Lot 8, NWD PL15728 RN 42251-0205-1 1 X $12,983.00 1 Lot 9, NWD PL15728 RN 42251-0205-1 1 X $12,983.00 1 Lot 10, NWD PL15728 RN 42251-0205-1 1 X $12,983.00 1 Lot 11, NWD PL15728 RN 42251-0205-1 1 X $12,983.00 A total of all of the aforementioned services for each property is as follows: Lot 5, DL 396, NWD Pan 15728 $12,983.00 RN 42251-0205-1 Lot 6, DL 396, NWD Pan 15728 $12,983.00 RN 42251-0205-1 Lot 7, DL 396, NWD Pan 15728 $12,983.00 RN 42251-0205-1 Lot 8, DL 396, NWD Pan 15728 $12,983.00 RN 42251-0205-1 Lot 9, DL 396, NWD Pan 15728 $12,983.00 RN 42251-0205-1 Lot 10, DL 396, NWD Pan 15728 $12,983.00 RN 42251-0205-1 Lot 11, DL 396, NWD Pan 15728 $12,983.00 RN 42251-0205-1 I I LJ I/ I --~--~J lD N N s;j-N N N N N 213 LI I A 12314 212 '2297 --~--_,__-----Iii --_-----_---_--BENEFI rfr~m---_ -_ _ ~22 221 220 223 1 31 N A N j3 12191 N 94 12196 --_ -_---_ -_----_--PROPERTY--_---_ --_ -_ -_---_ -_---. . . . . . . . . . . ----, . . . ' . . . . . . . . J5--7---_ -_ -~ -_8 -_ -_---_ -~--$---_---i2-1.Q---_ -_ ~---_-_-~------_ ~---------~---_ --N-----N------N-----N--123 AVE. . . . . ---------0. ----.-_-_--_-6_--_-_._--~------------0.J° . . --_---_--_---_--1°2;2-50 -_--_ -. -s-_ --_-__ -_ -. . . . 4 12240 t-'.' U) DEVELOPMENT I-(I) 12228 w Q:'. 3 (.) _J w 12220 0 2 12210 122 AVE. Pel. 1 _o--_-_-_-_-_-_-_ ~------H--_----.-N-------N_--.--_. --. . . . 12 1225' 13 12241 14 12231 15 12219 16 12209 0 CD "-.. 0 lD N N PARK 12320 [~ 12310 123 AVE. 12238 0 n 56 N N N C r-= 12230 (I) 57 N N N D 58 n ~ N N N 21 12319 20 12313 19 12301 40 12295 41 12275 15 12255 CD c'"l N Jl N N N N N N 12 12 A .. I __ ]_ DEVELOPMENT BOUNDARY 1:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:<j BENEFITTING PROPERTIES N A SCALE: -CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT FILE 5245-20-B383 LC 167 /19 1-----------,------------m N_ T.S_ DA TE: JAN 2D20 FILE/DWG No LC167-2019 LATECOMER AGREEMENT LC 167 /19 -BP 16-124218 THIS AGREEMENT made the __ day of _______ , 20_ BETWEEN: Kevin Olsen 12240 Delcrest Street Maple Ridge, BC V2X 5T8 (Hereinafter called the "Developer") OF THE FIRST PART AND: City of Maple Ridge WHEREAS: 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge BC V2X 6A9 (Hereinafter called the "City") OF THE SECOND PART A. The Developer has developed certain lands and premises located within the City of Maple Ridge, in the Province of British Columbia, and more particularly known and described as: Lot 4, District Lot 396, NWD, Plan NWD15728 (Hereinafter called the "said lands"); B. In order to facilitate the approval of the development of the said lands, the Developer has constructed and installed a sanitary sewer shown on the design prepared by ABM Engineering Services, file No.: C-2079-01, sheets 1-10 of 10 dated February 2017 and stamped "Reviewed as Noted" by the City April 28, 2017. Municipal Project No. 11-5245-20-B383. (Hereinafter called the "Extended Services"); C. The extended services have been provided with a capacity to service the said lands and other than the said lands; D. The City considers its cost to provide the Extended Services to be excessive; E. The Developer has provided the Extended Services in the Amount of $12,983.00. Doc:ff:2311283 Page 1 of 4 F. The City has determined that: Lot 5, DL 396, NWD Plan 15728 Lot 6, DL 396, NWD Plan 15728 Lot 7, DL 396, NWD Plan 15728 Lot 8, DL 396, NWD Plan 15728 Lot 9, DL 396, NWD Plan 15728 Lot 10, DL 396, NWD Plan 15728 Lot 11, DL 396, NWD Plan 15728 (the "Benefitting Lands") will benefit from the Extended Services; G. The City has imposed as a condition of the owner of the Benefitting Lands connecting to or using the Extended Services, a charge (the "Latecomer Charge") on the Benefitting Lands in the following amounts: Lot 5, DL 396, NWD Plan 15728 RN 42251-0205-1 • $12,983.00 for use of the sanitary sewer constructed on Delcrest Street Lot 6, DL 396, NWD Plan 15728 RN 42251-0205-1 ~ $12,983.00 for use of the sanitary sewer constructed on Delcrest Street Lot 7, DL 396, NWD Plan 15728 RN 42251-0205-1 o $12,983.00 for use of the sanitary sewer constructed on 123 Avenue Lot 8, DL 396, NWD Plan 15728 RN 42251-0205-1 111 $12,983.00 for use of the sanitary sewer constructed on 123 Avenue Lot 9, DL 396, NWD Plan 15728 RN 42251-0205-1 e $12,983.00 for use of the sanitary sewer constructed on 123 Avenue Lot 10, DL 396, NWD Plan 15728 RN 42251-0205-1 e $12,983.00 for use of the sanitary sewer constructed on 123 Avenue Lot 11, DL 396, NWD Plan 15728 RN 42251-0205-1 • $12,983.00 for use of the sanitary sewer constructed on Delcrest Street or 123 Avenue plus interest calculated annually from the date of completion of the Extended Services as certified by the General manager Engineering Services of the City (the "Completion Date") to the date of connection of the Benefitting Lands to the Extended Services; H. The Latecomer Charge when paid by the owner of the Benefitting Lands and collected by the City shall pursuant to Section 508 (2) of the Local Government Act R.S.B.C. 2015, c.1 be paid to the Developer as provided for in this Agreement. Doc#2311283 Page 2 of 4 NOW THEREFORE AS AUTHORIZED BY Section 508 (5) of the Local Government Act R.S.B.C 2015, c.1, the parties hereto agree as follows: Doc#2311283 1. The Latecomer Charge, if paid by the owner of the Benefitting Lands and collected by the City within fifteen (15) years of the Completion Date shall be paid to the Developer and in such case payment will be made within 30 days of the next June 30th or December 3151 that follows the date on which the Latecomer Charge was collected by the City. 2. This Agreement shall expire and shall be of no further force and effect for any purpose on the earlier of the payment of the Latecomer Charge by the City to the Developer, or fifteen (15) years from the Completion Date, and thereafter the City shall be forever fully released and wholly discharged from any and all liability and obligations herein, or howsoever arising pertaining to the Latecomer Charge, and whether arising before or after the expiry of this Agreement. 3. The Developer represents and warrants to the City that the Developer has not received, claimed, demanded or collected money or any other consideration from the owner of the Benefitting Lands for the provision, or expectation of the provision of the Extended Services, other than as contemplated and as provided for herein; and further represents and warrants that he has not entered into any agreement with the owner of the Benefitting Lands for consideration in any way related to or connected directly or indirectly with the provision of the Extended Services. The representations and warranties of the Developer herein shall, notwithstanding Item 2 of this Agreement, survive the expiry of this Agreement. 4. The Developer (if more than one corporate body or person) hereby agrees that the City shall remit the Latecomer Charge to each corporate body or person in equal shares. 5. If the Developer is a sole corporate body or person, the City shall remit the Latecomer Charge to the said sole corporate body or person, with a copy to the following (name and address of director of corporate body, accountant, lawyer, etc.): 6. In the event that the Developer is not the owner of the said lands, the owner shall hereby grant, assign, transfer and set over unto the Developer, his heirs and assigns, all rights, title and interest under this Agreement. Page 3 of 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto affixed their respective Corporate Seals, attested by the hands of their respective officers duly authorized in that behalf, the day and year first above written. DEVELOPER Company: __________ _ Print Name: _________ _ Developer -Authorized Signatory Company: __________ _ Print Name: _________ _ Developer -Authorized Signatory CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE Corporate Officer -Authorized Signatory Doc:fl:2311283 Page 4 of 4 TO: FROM: City of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: SUBJECT: Contract Award: Pavement Rehabilitation Program EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: April 7, 2020 11-5400-01 cow As part of Council's commitment to infrastructure renewal and replacement, the City developed a pavement rehabilitation program intended to maintain the condition of the road network in the most cost effective and sustainable manner. The program regularly assesses the overall road condition and prioritizes the roads and rehabilitation methods to provide the maximum life while incurring the lowest annual costs. This year's program is for a total investment of $2.098 million in road maintenance resurfacing and associated works on 13.24 km of roads. RECOMMENDATION: That the extension for the 2016 contract for pavement rehabilitation be awarded to BA Blacktop Ltd. in the amount of $2,098,274.06 excluding taxes; and That a 10% Contingency amount of $200,000 be added for unplanned repairs; and further, That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. DISCUSSION: In 2016 the City entered a unit price paving contract which contained multiple year renewals. This is the fifth and final year of renewal. The program will be retendered in 2021. For 2020 there is approximately 13.24 km of roads identified for rehabilitation. A contingency of $200,000 or approximately 10% has been allotted to mitigate against additional works needed to address any unknown defects such as degraded base gravels. In addition, one gravel road will be reviewed and added to the paving contract as an annual program moving forward. The roads identified for rehabilitation under the program this year are: 1. Dewdney Trunk Road-Edge street to 230th street 2. 248 street-100 Avenue to 102 avenue 3. 232 Street -122 Avenue to Abernethy Way 4. Carr street-River Road to Lougheed Highway 5. Carshill Street -River Road to Lougheed Highway 6. 210 Street -Neaves Road to Abernethy Way 1109 Doc#2423991 Page 1of 3 7. 112 Avenue 113 Avenue to Bosonworth Street 8. 116 Avenue -West of 272nd Street 9. 248 Street -Hal nor Avenue to 128 Avenue 10. 210 Street -Dewdney Trunk Road to 123 Avenue 11. 108 Avenue-272 Street to 268 Street 12. Thorne Avenue -207 Street to 203 Street 13. 209 Street -Wicklund Avenue to Dewdney Trunk Road 14. Dewdney Trunk Road-West of 256 Street to 261 Street 15. 124 Avenue -Ansell Street to 241 Street 16. Ansell Street -124 Avenue to North End 17. 203 Street -Powell Avenue to 132 Street 18. Evans Street & Manor Avenue FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Funding for the pavement rehabilitation program comes from the Infrastructure Renewal fund and is within the budget set by the 2020 Financial Plan of $2,873,284. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT Improved road conditions align with Council's Growth Section of the Council Strategic Plan in support of community growth by providing reliable and safe transportation routes. CITIZEN IMPLICATIONS During paving operations there may be some traffic disruptions. These will be advertised ahead of time through the city's communications platforms and proper traffic management plans put in place to minimize delays for the public. INTERDEPARTMENTAL IMPLICATIONS City departments including Planning, Parks, and Engineering are consulted prior to finalizing the list of roads to be included in the contract to ensure that pavement rehabilitation is not done prior to development or other underground works. POLICY IMPLICATIONS This policy is consistent with the City's Corporate Asset Management Policy# 9.13 which details the principles for implementing a consistent and coordinated approach in managing City assets to demonstrate sound fiscal stewardship and secure long term infrastructure sustainability within the City. ALTERNATIVES An alternative approach would be to defer road rehabilitation projects. This would significantly reduce the road conditions over the next several years but significantly increase the longer term rehabilitation costs the City would incur. Once a road reaches complete failure, it must be completely reconstructed as opposed to a rehabilitation approach. Full road reconstruction is more than three times the cost of scheduled rehabilitation and is not a recommended approach. Doc#2423991 Page 2 of3 CONCLUSION: The recommended contract extension continues Council's commitment to infrastructure renewal and replacement. Upon award of the contract the work will be completed through the spring and summer of 2020. Prepared by: Walter Oleschak Superintendent of Roads and Fleet Reviewed by: Daniela Mikes Manager of Procurement Reviewed by: ~U. AScT Director of Engineering Operations ~~u Approved by: David Pollock General Manager, Public Works and Development Services r\ r, '! I ·. 1· \ i\ f\ 1 ~ , : I i1/'/ /"U ; u ' l -tr\ f t /' ·· A ,, tb I /,j; '·iJ \ \,) :~/\f v"-<--Concurrence: '-A{Horseman& \ ··-Chief Administrative Officer Doc#2423991 Page 3 of3 TO: --'<"-'--City of Maple Ridge mapleridge.ca His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council MEETING DATE: FILE NO: April 7, 2020 05-1880-20 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: cow SUBJECT: Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Community Charter allows municipalities to borrow funds to meet legal financial obligations in advance of the collection of property taxes through the adoption of a Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw. Adopting such a bylaw would allow the City to access temporary funds to meet our financial obligations in the event of unanticipated delays in receiving revenues and property taxes. Staff recommend this as a prudent and proactive measure to have in place at this time. RECOMMENDATION: That Maple Ridge Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw No. 7633-2020 be given first, second and third readings. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context Section 177 of the Community Charter anticipates that some municipalities may need to borrow funds on a short term basis each year to meet the legal financial obligations prior to the collection of the main source of municipal funds -property taxes. While the City does not anticipate requiring to borrow in order to meet our financial obligations having a Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw in place would provide an additional tool to manage our obligations in the event of a delay in receiving revenues and property tax payments. Given the emerging situation associated with the COVID-19 pandemic staff consider putting this tool in place to be a prudent and proactive measure. b) Desired Outcome To provide the City with additional tools to manage cash flow requirements. c) Business Plan/Financial Implications This bylaw would allow staff some flexibility to deliver on business plan objectives as outlined in the Financial Plan should we experiences timing differences in cash flow requirements due to possible delays in receiving revenues or property taxes. d) Alternatives In the absence of a Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw, the City may be required to redeem investments early to ensure cash flow obligations can be met in a timely manner. This will result in a reduction in investment income. · · 1131 Doc # 2423178 Page 1of 2 CONCLUSION: Approval of a Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw will provide staff with an additional tool to manage the City's cash flow obligations and is recommended as a prudent and proactive measure given the emerging situation with the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic. Prepared by: Catherine Nolan, CPA, CGA Corporate Controller Reviewed by: Trevor Thompson, BBA, CPA, CGA Chief Financial Officer Approved by: Christina Crabtree Acting GM, Corporate Services Concurrence: Q1ma~ ~ Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: (A) Bylaw 7633-2020 Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw Doc# 2423178 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7633-2020 A Bylaw to provide for the borrowing of money in anticipation of revenue WHEREAS it is provided by Section 177 of the Community Charter that Council may, without the assent of electors or the approval of the Inspector of Municipalities, provide for the borrowing of such sums of money as may be necessary to meet the current lawful expenditures of the City provided that the total of the liability does not exceed the sum of: a) The whole amount remaining unpaid of the taxes for all purposes levied during the current year, provided that prior to the adoption of the annual property tax bylaw in year, the amount of the taxes during the current year for this purpose shall be deemed to be 75% of the taxes levied for all purposes in the immediately preceding year; and b) The whole amount of any sums remaining due from other governments; AND WHEREAS the total amount of liability that Council may incur is Forty Three Million, Eight Hundred and Forty Two Thousand Dollars ($43,842,000) being 50% of the taxes levied for all purposes in 2019; AND WHEREAS there are no liabilities outstanding under Section 177; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the City of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, enacts as follows: 1. This bylaw shall be cited as Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw No. 7633-2020. 2. The Council shall be and is hereby empowered and authorized to borrow upon the credit of the municipality an amount or amounts not exceeding the sum of Forty Three Million, Eight Hundred and Forty Two Thousand Dollars ($43,842,000) 3. The form of obligation to be given as acknowledgement of the liability shall be a promissory note or notes bearing the corporate seal and signed by the Mayor and Financial Administrator. 4. All unpaid taxes and the taxes of the current year when levied or so much thereof as may be necessary shall, when collected, be used to repay the money so borrowed. READ a first time the day of , 2020. READ a second time the day of , 2020. READ a third time the day of , 2020 RECONSIDERED AND ADOPTED the day of ,2020 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER Certified a true copy of Bylaw No. 7633-2020 as adopted. CORPORATE OFFICER