HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-06-23 Council Meeting Agenda and Reports.pdfCity of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA June 23, 2020 7:00 p.m. Virtual Online Meeting Meeting Decorum: Counc/1 would /Ike to remind all people present tonight that serious issues are decided at Council meetings which affect many people's lives. Therefore, we ask that you act with the appropriate decorum that a Council Meeting deserves. Commentary and conversations by the public are distracting. Should anyone disrupt the Council Meeting In any way, the meeting will be stopped and that person's behavior will be reprimanded. The meeting Is live streamed and recorded by the City of Maple Ridge. Note: This Agenda is also posted on the City's Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca The purpose of a Council meeting is to enact powers given to Council by using bylaws or resolutions. This is the venue for debate of issues before voting on a bylaw or resolution. For virtual public participation during Public Question Period register by going to www.mapleridge.ca/640/Council-Meeting and clicking on the meeting date 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA 300 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 400 ADOPTION OF MINUTES 401 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of June 9, 2020 402 Report of the Public Hearing of June 16, 2020 500 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 600 DELEGATIONS 700 ITEMS ON CONSENT 701 Minutes 701.1 Development Agreements Committee Meetings of: • June 4, 2020 • June 10, 2020 • June 16, 2020 Council Meeting Agenda June 23, 2020 Page 2 of 5 701.2 Committees and Commissions of Council Meetings • Community Heritage Commission -January 23, 2020 • Social Policy Advisory Committee -March 4, 2020 • Agricultural Advisory Committee -March 26, 2020 702 Reports 702.1 Disbursements for the month ended May 31, 2020 Staff report dated June 23, 2020 providing information on disbursements for the month ended May 31, 2020. 702.2 2020 Council Expenses Staff report dated June 23, 2020 including Council expenses recorded to May 31, 2020. 702.3 Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Staff report dated June 23, 2020 providing information on the regulatory framework and water quality monitoring data for 2019. 702.4 Quarter 1, 2020 Financial Update 703 704 705 800 Staff report dated June 16, 2020 providing a financial update for the first quarter of 2020, focusing on the operating results for the City and providing information regarding certain development related reserves. Correspondence Release of Items from Closed Council Status Recommendation to Receive Items on Consent UNFINISHED BUSINESS The items in the "Unfinished Business" category are staff reports presented at an earlier Council Workshop meeting, typically a week prior, to provide Council with an opportunity to ask staff detailed questions. The items are now before the regular Council Meeting for debate and vote. Both meetings are open to the public. The reports are not reprinted again in hard copy, however; they can be found in the electronic agenda or in the Council Workshop agenda packages dated accordingly. Council Meeting Agenda June 23, 2020 Page 3 of 5 Note: Items 801 to 803 were forwarded from the June 9, 2020 Council Workshop Meeting 801 Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Bylaw Staff report dated June 23, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Bylaw No. 7575-2019 to establish a framework to which existing fees can be attached as schedules are reviewed and updated be given first, second and third reading. 802 Union of British Columbia Municipalities ("UBCM"} Resolutions Staff report dated June 23, 2020 recommending that resolutions pertaining to mandatory signage for bear traps, banning of shock collars, criminal record checks for Local Government Elected Officials, the establishment of an Independent Office of Integrity for Local Government, and Cannabis Enforcement and Regulation within the Agricultural Land Reserve, be forwarded to the 2020 UBCM convention. 803 2019 Consolidated Financial Statements Staff report dated June 23, 2020 recommending that the 2019 Financial Statements be approved. 900 CORRESPONDENCE 1000 BYLAWS Note: Item 1001 is from the June 16, 2020 Public Hearing Bylaws for Third Reading 1001 2017-553-RZ, 12848 240 Street 1001.1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7636-2020 To amend Schedule "A", Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A -Silver Valley, Figure 2 Land Use Plan, and Figure 3D Horse Hamlet from Conservation and Medium/High Density Residential to Medium/High Density Residential and Conservation. To amend Silver Valley Area Plan, Figure 4 Trails/Open Space to add to Conservation and to remove from Conservation, to adjust the Conservation designation boundaries to reflect the location of Hennipen Creek. Council Meeting Agenda June 23, 2020 Page 4 of 5 1001.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7424-2018 To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to R-2 (Urban Residential District). The current application is to permit a future subdivision of approximately 11 single family lots. Bylaws for Adoption 1002 Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Amending Bylaw No. 7632.2020 To allow for an extension of the completion date for the conservation of the Morse/Turnock Residence. 1100 COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1101 The items in the "Committee Reports and Recommendations" category are staff reports presented at an earlier Committee of the Whole meeting, typically a week prior, to provide Council with an opportunity to ask staff detailed questions. The items are now before the regular Council Meeting for debate and vote. Both meetings are open to the public. The reports are not reprinted again in hard copy, however; they can be found in the electronic agenda or in the Committee of the Whole agenda package dated accordingly. Planning & Development Services 2020-062-RZ, 22347 117 Avenue and 22349 North Avenue, RT-1 and RM-3to C-3 Staff report dated June 16, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7649-2020 to rezone from RT-1 (Two Family Urban Residential) and RM 3 (High Density Apartment Residential) to C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C, D and E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879 1999, along with additional required information. 1102 2019-310-RZ, 11232 Dartford Street, C-3 to H-1 Staff report dated June 16, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7603-2019 to rezone from C-4 (Neighbourhood Public House Commercial) to H-1 (Heritage Commercial) to allow a licensee retail store as an independent principle use and discontinue use as a neighbourhood pub be given second reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing. Council Meeting Agenda June 23, 2020 Page 5 of 5 Engineering Services 1131 Award of Contract ITT-EN20-18: 225 Street Sanitary Pump Station Upgrades Staff report dated June 16, 2020 recommending that Contract ITT EN20 18: 225 Street Sanitary Pump Station Upgrades be awarded to Drake Excavating (2016) Ltd., that the existing Associated Engineering (B.C.) Ltd.contract for south slope forcemain upsizing and pump station modifications be extended, that a contract contingency be approved and that the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. Corporate Services Note: Item 1151 Quarter 1, 2020 Financial Update has been moved to the Consent Agenda Parks, Recreation and Culture Administration (including Fire and Police) 1300 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 1400 PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD 1500 MAYOR AND COUNCILLOR REPORTS 1600 NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETING 1700 ADJOURNMENT APPROVED~ DATE: J""un \'6 CHECKED BY:~~ DATE: ~ l ~/lO 400 Adoption and Receipt of Minutes 400 City of Maple Ridge COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES June 9, 2020 The Minutes of the City Council Meeting held on June 9, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular City business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor M. Morden Councillor J. Dueck Councillor K. Duncan Councillor C. Meadus Councillor G. Robson Councillor R. Svendsen Councillor A. Yousef Appointed Staff C. Carter, Acting Chief Administrative Officer D. Boag, General Manager Parks, Recreation & Culture C. Crabtree, Acting General Manager Corporate Services D. Pollock, General Manager Engineering Services S. Nichols, Corporate Officer T. Thompson, Chief Financial Officer Other Staff as Required C. Balatti, Recreation Manager, Health and Wellness Petra Frederick, Community Coordinator C. Goddard, Director of Planning R. MacNair, Senior Advisor, Bylaw and Licensing Services M. Vogel, Computer Support Specialist Note: These Minutes are also posted on the City's Web Site at www.mapleridge.ca Video of the meeting is posted at media.mapleridge.ca/Mediasite/Showcase Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Council members participated electronically. The Mayor chaired the meeting from Council Chambers. Note Councillor Duncan was absent at the start of the meeting. 100 CALL TO ORDER 200 AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA -Nil 300 APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2020-243 It was moved and seconded That the agenda of the Regular Council Meeting of June 9, 2020 be approved as circulated. CARRIED 401 Council Meeting Minutes June 9, 2020 Page 2 of 6 400 ADOPTION AND RECEIPT OF MINUTES 401 Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of May 26, 2020 R/2020-244 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting of May 26, 2020 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 402 Report of the Public Hearing of May 19, 2020 R/2020-245 It was moved and seconded That the report of the Public Hearing of May 19, 2020 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED 500 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 600 DELEGATIONS 601 Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness (MACAI) Update • Petra Frederick, Community Coordinator and MACAI Staff Liaison The Community Coordinator and MACAI Staff Liaison provided a presentation acknowledging members, noting 2019 achievements, outlining the 2020 work plan, acknowledging Difference Maker, and presenting the World Health Organization Age-friendly City certificate. Note: Councillor Duncan joined the meeting at 7:03 p.m. during the staff presentation. 700 ITEMS ON CONSENT 701 Minutes 701.1 Development Agreements Committee Meeting of May 26, 2020 and June 1, 2020 Council Meeting Minutes June 9, 2020 Page 3 of 6 702 703 704 705 Reports -Nii Correspondence-Nil Release of Items from Closed Council Status -Nil Recommendation to Receive Items on Consent R/2020-246 It was moved and seconded That items on the "Items for Consent" agenda be received into the record. CARRIED 800 UNFINISHED BUS/NESS 801 Community Child Care Space Creation Action Plan Staff report dated June 9, 2020 recommending that the Community Child Care Space Creation Action Plan be endorsed. The Recreation Manager of Health and Wellness spoke to the staff report, providing clarification requested at May 12, 2020 Council Workshop. Staff responded to questions from Council. R/2020-247 Moved and seconded That the Community Child Care Space Creation Action Plan be endorsed. CARRIED Councillor Robson, Councillor Yousef -OPPOSED 900 CORRESPONDENCE -Nil 1000 BYLAWS -Nil Council Meeting Minutes June 9, 2020 Page 4 of 6 1100 REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Public Works and Development Services 1101 2019-188-AL, 25975 116 Avenue, Non-Farm Use Application; Non Adhering Residential Use Application Staff report dated June 2, 2020 recommending that Application 2019-188-AL to allow fill onto the property for driveway access to proposed agricultural buildings and to allow retention of an existing single family dwelling for accessory farm help be forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission. R/2020-248 Moved and seconded That Application 2019-188-AL, respecting property located at 25975 116 Avenue, be forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission for consideration. CARRIED 1102 2019-309-RZ, 22580 Hinch Crescent, RS-1 to R-2 Staff report dated June 2, 2020 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7589-2019 to rezone from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to R-2 (Urban Residential District) to permit a future subdivision of two lots be given first reading and that the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules A and B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. R/2020-249 Moved and seconded 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7589-2019 be given first reading; and 2. That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedule A and B of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, along with the information required for a Subdivision application. DEFEATED Councillor Dueck, Councillor Mead us, Councillor Robson, Councillor Svendsen and Councillor Yousef -OPPOSED Council Meeting Minutes June 9, 2020 Page 5 of 6 1103 Proposed New Cannabis Retail Store at 11696 224 Street Staff report dated June 2, 2020 providing the options of approving or denying an application for a non-medical cannabis retail store by Green Dreamz Garage Inc. located at 11696 224 Street. R/2020-250 Moved and seconded 1. That the application for a non medical cannabis retail store by Green Dreamz Garage Inc. located at 11696 224 Street, Maple Ridge be approved based on the information contained in the staff report dated June 2, 2020; and further 2. That a copy of the resolution be forwarded to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch in accordance with the legislative requirements. CARRIED Councillor Svendsen -OPPOSED Corporate Services -Nii Parks. Recreation & Culture -Nil Administration (including Fire and Police) -Nii 1200 STAFF REPORTS -Nil 1300 OTHER MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT-Nil 1400 PUBLIC QUESTION PERIOD -Nil 1500 MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS' REPORTS The Mayor and Council members provided their reports on activities participated in during the past few weeks. Council Meeting Minutes June 9, 2020 Page 6 of 6 1600 NOTICES OF MOTION AND MATTERS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS-Nil 1700 ADJOURNMENT -8:07p.m. M. Morden, Mayor Certified Correct S. Nichols, Corporate Officer City of Maple Ridge REPORT OF PUBLIC HEARING June 16, 2020 The report of the Public Hearing held in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia on June 16, 2020 at 7:03 p.m. as a virtual online meeting. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor M. Morden Councillor J. Dueck Councillor K. Duncan Councillor C. Meadus Councillor G. Robson Councillor A. Yousef Absent: Councillor R. Svendsen Appointed Staff A. Horsman, Chief Administrative Officer D. Boag, General Manager Parks, Recreation & Culture C. Carter, General Manager Planning & Development Services C. Crabtree, Acting General Manager Corporate Services D. Pollock, General Manager Engineering Services S. Nichols, Corporate Officer Other Staff as Required C. Goddard, Director of Planning Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Council members participated electronically. The Mayor chaired the meeting from Council Chambers. Mayor Morden called the meeting to order. The Corporate Officer explained the procedure and rules of order of the Public Hearing and advised that the bylaws will be considered further at the next Council Meeting on June 23, 2020 The Mayor then called upon Planning Department staff to present the following items on the agenda: Note: Items 1a) and 1b) were withdrawn. 1a) 2018-335-RZ, 12010 232 Street and 23223 Dewdney Trunk Road Maple Ridge Official Communtiy Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7638-2020 1b) 2018-335-RZ, 12010 232 Street and 23223 Dewdney Trunk Road Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7501-2018 2a) 2017-553-RZ, 12848 240 Street Lot 2 Section 27 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 10713 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7636-2020 To amend Schedule "A", Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A -Silver Valley, Figure 2 -Land Use Plan, and Figure 3D -Horse Hamlet from Conservation and Medium/High Density Residential to Medium/High Density Residential and Conservation. To amend Silver Valley Area Plan, Figure 4 -Trails/ Open Space to add to Conservation and to remove from Conservation, to adjust the Conservation designation boundaries to reflect the location of Hennipen Creek. 402 Public Hearing Report June 16, 2020 Page 2 of 2 2b) 2017-553-RZ, 12848 240 Street Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 424-2018 To rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) and RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) to R-2 (Urban Residential District). The current application is to permit a future subdivision of approximately 11 single family lots. The Director of Planning provided a summary presentation. The Corporate Officer advised that 20 notices were mailed out in relation to this application and that one piece of correspondence was received by S. Little expressing concerns with the lack of infrastructure in the area. The Mayor called for speakers for first and second call. Third call was dealt with at the end of the meeting to allow the public further opportunity for input on the item. 2) 2017-553-RZ, 12848 240 Street The Mayor called for speakers on third call. There were no speakers present and no additional correspondence was received while the application was being dealt with. There being no further comment on any of the items, the Mayor declared the item dealt with. Having given all those persons whose interests were deemed affected by the matters contained herein a chance to be heard, the Mayor adjourned the Public Hearing at 7:11 p.m. M. Morden, Mayor Certified Correct S. Nichols, Corporate Officer 700 ITEMS ON CONSENT 700 701 Minutes 701 701.1 Development Agreements Committee 701.1 June 4, 2020 Mayor's Office CIRCULATED TO: Michael Morden, Mayor Chair CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE Al Horsman, Chief Administrative Officer Member Catherine Schmidt, Recording Secretary 1. 19-119223 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 2 District Lot 403 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan EPP88213 030-658-110 23190 1128 Avenue Polygon Provenance Homes Ltd. (Rob Bruno) REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Temporary Residential Use Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 19-119223 BG. 2. 20-107332 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lot 19 District Lot 403 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan EPP88213 030-658-284 11325 McDougal Street Polygon Provenance Homes Ltd. (Rob Bruno) REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Temporary Residential Use Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 20-107332 BG. CARRIED Development Agreements Committee June 4, 2020 3. 19-119881 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 21 District Lot 403 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan EPP88213 030-658-306 11337 McDougal Street Polygon Provenance Homes Ltd. (Rob Bruno) REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Temporary Residential Use Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 19-119881 BG. 4. 20-108753 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lot 28 District Lot 403 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan EPP88213 030-658-373 11377 McDougal Street Polygon Provenance Homes Ltd. (Rob Bruno) REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Temporary Residential Use Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 20-108753 BG. 5. 19-112119 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lot 58 District Lot 242 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 46729 006-071-881 12270 210 Street Sirriya and Masih Iqbal REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 19-112119 BG. CARRIED Page 2 of3 Development Agreements Committee June 4, 2020 6. 18-113203 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 13 Section 16 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP62576 030-144-965 11277 238 Street 11147331 B.C. Ltd. (Maninder Sohi) REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 18-113203 BG. CARRIED orden, Mayor Member Page 3 of 3 .,_...------------.----:-:;11:;:;-35C'>13 ---~·~..,....~--.., ~ ~ 11347 11341 11337 11331 11311 11305 11299 11291 11283 N Scale: 1 :2,000 1138 AVE. ~ ~ ca "' 11336 1:l ~ ~ 1-.: ~ 11330 , 11324 ~ a, ill I:: II) .... "' (• ca "' -... ('\J C") .... ~ 1:lt,,--"--( ~ ~ _, 0 ::, 0 j 113 AVE. lil :g ~ &lJ m ~ .... .... ~ ::.:i ~ ,.. 1:l 11274 11268 "' .... Cl) ()) , 11262 .... ~ .... ~ _,r 113AVE. '° ~ 1:l SUBJECT PROPERTY .... ~ ~ 11229 The City of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. 23190 1128 Ave ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ~-FILE: Untitled DATE: Jun 1, 2020 mapleridge.ca BY:NV z'.loo~ 11311 11305 11299 11291 11283 11277 ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ::.i N Scale: 1 :2,000 11446 11428 SUBJECT PROPERTY ~ "' 00 0, ,.. ~ ,... ::.i ~ <o ~ 00 ~ 0, ,.. ij ~ ~ I") 0) ~ 0, 0) r.i 0, t:: ~ ,.. <o ~ ~ ,.. ,.. ~ ~ ~ 113AVE. ~ :g ;!!: ~ 18~ ,.. .... ,.. !::i ~ ~ ::.i ,.. .... ~ ~ 113AVE. 11274 11268 ~ .... "' 0) 0, ,.. "21262 ij ::.i ~~ co <o ~ ;g :& le .. ~ -~ :::i ~ C <o 0, 0, .. ,... ,.. ~ ~ ~ The City of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. 11325 McDougal St FILE: Untitled DATE: Jun 1, 2020 BY:NV N Scale: 1 :2,000 11337 11331 11325 11319 11311 11305 11299 11291 11283 11277 11438 11445 11428 SUBJECT PROPERTY ~ ~ ~ '---"'o,>--1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1138 AVE. <o "' ~ 00 0) 11336 ~ ,.. ~ 1--' ~ 0 11330 , 11324 <') 0) 0) ~ i::: U') ,.. 0) I• 00 <') ... ,.. ,... r.., ~ ~ ::.i ~ ~v~ 113AVE. "' <o .:!: ~ _/ <o <o 18 ~ ~ ~ ~ ... ~ ,.. ~ ::.i 113AVE. 11274 11288 ~ ... "' 0) 0) ij ..... ,.. 01262 ::.i ~ The City of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee l------L...L__J,_.1--1--1-, regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. 11337 McDougal St ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT __! ·-FILE: Untitled DATE: Jun 1, 2020 mapleridge.ca BY:NV N Scale: 1:2,000 11490 ~ II) 11458 ~ 11448 11438 SUBJECT PROPERTY 11445 11428 11341 1138 AVE, ~ N 0, ~ 0, 0, 11336 .... ij /..: ~ 1:l 11337 11331 Cl) 11330 11324 1~ C") 0, 0, ~ .... 111 .... 0, .... 0, ., ... ... "' C") ... ... 1:lv--~ ~ "' "' 11325 $ I 11305 11299 113AVE. 113 ~ ~ ... ,..>:.~c:.J....-..J~U.......:!,1.J..... ___ ...__ ____ ..., ~ 11291 11283 11277 The City of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of 1127 the information shown on this map. 11377 McDougal St FILE: Untitled DATE: Jun 1, 2020 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ~•-mapleridge.ca BY:NV N Scale: 1:1,500 SUBJECT PROPERTY 11357 11370 11360 11350 11283 11277 11271 11265 11259 11253 11247 11241 11240 i--= 11235 Cl) co ('") N 11229 11223 11217 11211 11205 11277 238 St. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ..... -::..-~ -mapleridge.ca FILE: Untitled DATE: Jun 2, 2020 BY: LM "'I" T C ,-0) ';to 0 0) C\j 0 C\I 4 8 I() ~ ~ ,-I() 'St-0) 0 CIC C\I 0) 0 C\j 0 C 0 C ' (") '<:I' LO ~ C C C\I 0) 0) 0) ,..._ CIC 0) 0 0 ~ 0 0) 0) 0) 0) 0 C\j ('\j 0 0 ~ 0 ,-('\j ('\j C\I C\I -1 SUBJECT PROPERTY~ 12273 ~ 12265 12270 12247 12235 L 12231 12232 12227 12228 12221 12224 12217 12220 12211 12214 Ci~pfPi~~~ Meadows: •• ( ~I [ J_1j I I i I [~~ -1.J~ J---I§ i:~ .... -~ _,.LI ,_.-j I I I -"--'~ I N Scale: 1: 1,500 0 CIC ,-.... 0 0 ,-,-C\I C\J 0) ,..._ 0 0 ..... ,-0 ,-C\j C\j "'t' 0 0 .... 0 0 ,-('\I .... (\.1 12223 12219 12215 12211 12207 I ' FILE: Untitled DATE: Jun 2, 2020 CV) CV) ~ "'I" LO (") ~ 0 ~ I() ,-..... 0 0 ('\j ('\j .... .... ,-C\I C\I C\I 123 AVE. ('\I ('\j C\I C\j 0 (") ~ 0 0 .... ,-~ ('\I ..... (\.1 ('\I ,-('\j -.... ,-C\j CV) .... 0 0 "'t' (") ,..._ ,-,-0 I() <o C\j C\j ,-0 0 C\j ,-,-('\I C\j STONEHOUSE AVE. 0 ~ ~ 0 ,-';::' C\j ' -12229 : 12223-I 12222 ~ 1------; (/) ...--1?.~ ...--N 12218 ~ I 12214 ~ (") " ~ 0 CIC ,-0 C\j .... .... ('\I C\I --12270 21 O St ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BY:LM June 10, 2020 Mayor's Office CIRCULATED TO: Michael Morden, Mayor Chair CllYOF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE Al Horsman, Chief Administrative Officer Member Catherine Schmidt, Recording Secretary 1. 19-117729 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 55 Section 33 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP60118 030-522-595 23291137 Avenue GN Custom Homes Ltd. (Bahadur Mann) REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 19-117729 BG. 2. 20-117752 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lot 57 Section 33 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP60118 030-522-617 23279 137 Avenue 1070824 B.C. Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 20-117752 BG. CARRIED Development Agreements Committee June 10, 2020 3. 20-108773 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 58 Section 33 Township 12 New Westminster District EPP60118 030-522-625 23273 137 Avenue PK Homes Ltd. (Paramjit Kooner) REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 20-108773 BG. 4. 2019-068-SD LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED All that Portion of Lot 6 Section 33 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP34552 Included Within Lot 2 Plan EPP94841; and Lot 52 Section 33 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP60118 n/a 13716 and 137 46 Blaney Road Daniel and Tammy Warrington/ SV 232 Street Developments Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Release of Geotech Covenant (CA3635832) Release of Housing Agreement over residential lots (CA6421836) Partial Release of Storm Detention Covenant (CA3758969) Release of Visitor Parking Covenant over residential lots (CA6421839) Release of Daycare Covenant over residential lots (CA6421842) Release of No Build Covenant (CA3683165) until Future Subdivision over Lot 6 Release of No Build Covenant (CA6950115) until Future Subdivision over Lot 52 THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENTS AS THEY RELATE TO 2019-068-SD. CARRIED Page 2 of 2 13771 SILVER VALLEY RO <o 0 <o N .,_ N N C") N N N N C") C") ~ C") N N N 13721 13717 13713 13709 13705 13701 13699 13695 13691 13687 13683 13679 ._.: 13675 (/) <X'. 13671 N C') 13667 N N Scale: 1 :1,500 0 ~ CV) C\I "-<o N C") N 13692 13686 13680 ~ C\I CV) C\I 137 AVE. FILE: Untitled DATE: Jun 5, 2020 23291 137 Ave ~-mapleridge.ca BY: LM 13771 SILVER VALLEY RD 13730 13721 13717 13724 13713 13720 13709 13716 13705 13712 13701 13708 13699 13704 13695 13700 13691 13696 13687 13692 13683 13688 13679 ~ 13684 13675 (/) 13678 13671 ~ C") 13676 13667 N 13672 13668 13662 D N Scale: 1 :1,500 FILE: Unlltled DATE: Jun 5, 2020 23279 137 Ave BY: LM 13771 SILVER VALLEY RD (0 0 <O N QO ..... N N (") (") N N N N N (") (") (") (") (") N N N N N ~ 13730 ,__ / 13721 13717 13724 13713 13720 13709 13716 13705 13712 13701 -13708 13699 13704 13695 13700 -13691 13696 13687 -13692 13683 13688 13679 13684 13675 -13678 13671 --13676 13667 13672 -13668 \13662 D N Scale: 1 :1,500 13686 13680 137 AVE. 23273 137 Ave ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1~•-FILE: Untitled DATE: Jun 5, 2020 mapleridge.ca BY:LM 13711 51LV1:R VALLEY RO 13616 N Scale: 1 :2,500 13762 13762 13692 I 13686 13680 Legend -Stream ---Ditch Centreline -Edge of River - -Indefinite Creek ~ River -Major Rivers & Lakes 13716/46 BLANEY ROAD PIO: 030-522-561 & 029-294-304 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1·~·-FILE: 2019-068-SD DATE: Feb 25, 2019 mapleridge.ca BY:PC June 16, 2020 Mayor's Office CIRCULATED TO: Michael Morden, Mayor Chair CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS COMMITTEE Al Horsman, Chief Administrative Officer Member Catherine Schmidt, Recording Secretary 1. 17-112958 BG LEGAL: PIO: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 10 Section 21 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 85151 015-965-007 23360 124A Avenue Yu Hong Cai and Hong Wang REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Temporary Residential Use Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 17-112958 BG. 2. 18-115458 BG LEGAL: PIO: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lot 2 Section 28 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP58888 029-961-882 13310 235 Street Scott Charlton Construction Ltd. (J. Scott Charlton) REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 18-115458 B.C. Ltd. CARRIED Development Agreements Committee June 16, 2020 3. 19-114196 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 230 Section 20 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 42134 000-802-000 22612 122 Avenue Kerry and Erin Altwasser REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Temporary Residential Use Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 19-114196 BG. 4. 19-117743 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lot 56 Section 33 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP60118 030-522-609 23285 137 Avenue 1070824 B.C. Ltd. (Paramjit Kooner) REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 19-117743 BG. 5. 18-124563 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: CARRIED Lot 9 Section 16 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan LMP34938 023-884-843 11434 233A Street Joerg and Alexander Reidegeld, & Sylvie Dufour REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Secondary Suite Covenant THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 18-124563 BG. CARRIED Page 2 of 3 Development Agreements Committee June 16. 2020 6. 19-119868 BG LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: Lot 62 East Half Section 28 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan LMP35466 023-928-905 13380 McCauley Crescent Martin Robson REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Release of Covenants (BL365313, BL365315) THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO 19-119868 BG. CARRIED 7. M. Baski / Planning Dept. LEGAL: PID: LOCATION: OWNER: West 80. 7 Feet East Half Lot 7 Except: Part Road on Plan 86679 Section 16 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 1676 012-293-148 23682 Dewdney Trunk Road Jem Designs Inc. and Meadowland Industries Ltd. REQUIRED AGREEMENTS: Release of Covenant (BE43795) THAT THE MAYOR AND CORPORATE OFFICER BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AND SEAL THE PRECEDING DOCUMENT AS IT RELATES TO M. Baski / Planning Dept. CARRIED Page 3 of 3 ~ ~ I ~ ! ~ i:3 / ----t-. -~ t-. 8 ~ ~ ~ 24AVE. " / 12397 12398 12393 12392 12385 12384 12377 12376 12369 12368 12361 12360 ' 12357 -N Scale: 1 :2,000 SUBJECT PROPERTY I ~\ ~ ~ ~ ; u i/ V 12449 \...-__.. _ _..__"-'--'-'-~~-/ ~388 124AAVE. 23382 -----.. 12441 12422 15 ~ ~ l ~ 1---8----~ '.'.'. ~ 12433 1241 '.'! ~ 12425 12417 12409 12401 12412 i,.! ({J <( i:3 a, :::i --------~ N ---1.--..1---1 The City of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee :;·~ regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. ~ <>;t'/_ _ _L_ __ L.___::~ ___ _.1_ ____________ _.__. 23360 124A Ave ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1~•-FILE: Untitled DATE: Jun 9, 2020 mapleridge.ca BY: NV 13395 13385 ..... ('\j "" ~ 13375 23486 13365 13355 13305 13306 13301 LARCH AVE. N Scale: 1 :1,500 f'340 13353 13390 13380 13349 13350 ~ (/) <( 13370 13345 I.I) ('I) 13346 N 13360 13341 13340 13350 13339 13335 13336 13331 13332 13336140 13327 13328 13321 13322 13317 13318 13313 13309 r-... N 1-----t ll') ~ 13310 235 St eNGINEERING OEPARTMENT FILE: Untitled DATE: Jun 9, 2020 BY:LM C ?~ \ ~ <o <o ~ 00 0) g ~ It) It) It) C\I C\I (\j C\I (\j (\j C\I (\j C\I ~ ,\Q It) ...... ~ :g <o ...... It) I() ~ ~ C\j (\j C\j (\j 12257 HINCH GRES. C 1:2 0 (0 0:, 12247 It) It) I() C\j C\j (\j C\j C\j (\j 12237 ...... 0) ~ It) <o 12227 I() LO I() C\j C\j (\j (\j C\j C\j 122 AVE. ~ (\j (\j C\j (\j (\j 7-?-0'?,?.. :g (0 ...... 00 0) LO I() It) I() C\j C\j (\j C\j C\j C\j C\j (\j C\j C\j 12138 N Scale: 1 :1,500 )g C\I "-1-C\I <o 11, .. m ~ CV) i <o 12293 ._ <o <o <o (\j (\j ~ (\j C\I (\j C\j (\j (\j 1229 ._ 0) g: ~ ~228 00 ._ It) <o ~ 12281 (\j (\j C\I (\j 'V ~ 1227, 12263 0 C 12260 12259 m .... J.B§. (0 C\j C\j (\j C\j 12257 12250 12255 1225 122AVE. ...... .... :8 .... <o SUBJECT (\j C\j 12239 1224 ~ I() <o -PROPERTY (\j (\j (\j (\j , / C\I .... <o C\I C\j 12231 C C\I ~ ~ -C\j C\I C\j C\j 12219 1221 -12211 ~ -12195 1219 -12187 12177 12171 12167 1216l -12157 1215• -121, ._ 22612 122 AVE ~·-mapleridge.ca FILE: Untitled DATE: Jun 9, 2020 BY: LM 13771 SILVER VALLEY RD 00 co 0 co N ,-N N C"') C"') N N N N N ~ (") C"') ~ C"') N N N 30 13721 13717 24 13713 20 13709 16 13705 712 13701 708 13699 704 13695 700 13691 696 13687 692 13683 688 13679 ~ 3684 13675 (/) <{ 3678 13671 N t:') 13667 N 3676 3672 3668 3662 N Scale: 1 :1,500 C N ~ "-N C"') (") N N "-co N ~ 13692 13686 13680 137 AVE. 23285 137 AVE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT --~ ~ MAPLE RIDGE Ar1h•,h l ol11mh ., mapleridge.ca FILE: Untitled DATE: Jun 9, 2020 BY: LM 114AAVE. 11430 11420 11355 11358 N Scale: 1 :1,500 11439 11429 11419 11409 11399 11389 11434 233A ST ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MAPLE RIDGE .....__;.;-Hr,11<.h ( oluml),,1 FILE: Untitled DATE: Jun 9, 2020 mapleridge.ca BY: LM ~ r;,,, e-------+----------i subject property !,.__ ______ -; N Scale: 1 :3,878 LOR The City of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shown on this map. 13380 McCauley Gres. LICENCES, PERMITS & BYLAWS DEPT. FILE: Untitled DATE: Jun 14, 2020 MAPLE RIDGE ·--. ·------------------British Columbia mapleridge.ca BY:CB 23682 Dewdney Trunk Rd N Scale: 1 :4,000 FILE: N/A DATE: Jun 15, 2020 BY: MC 701.2 Minutes of Meetings of Committees and Commissions of Council 701.2 '1 MAPLE RIDGE mmuni.ty.Herit.age Commission City of Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Community Heritage Commission, held in the Blaney Room, Maple Ridge City Hall on January 23, 2020 at 7:02 pm. COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT Councillor Ryan Svendsen Shane Gehring, Chair Eric Phillips, Vice Chair Jared Bissky Julie Koehn Len Pettit Ross Dunning STAFF PRESENT Adrian Kopstynski Adam Rieu Erin Mark GUESTS Erica Williams 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2020-001 It was moved and seconded Council Liaison Member at Large Member at Large Member at Large Maple Ridge Historical Society Representative Member at Large Maple Ridge Historical Society Representative Interim Staff Liaison/ Planner 2 Senior Planning Technician Committee Clerk Maple Ridge Historical Society -Alternate That the agenda for the January 23, 2020 Community Heritage Commission meeting be approved as presented with the following amendment: • addition of Item 6.5 -Sampo Hall CARRIED 3. ADOPTION OF MINUTES R/2020-002 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Maple Ridge Community Heritage Commission meeting dated November 14, 2019 be adopted. CARRIED 4. DELEGATIONS -Nil 5. QUESTION PERIOD -Nil 6. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6.1. Member Introductions Community Heritage Commission Minutes January 23, 2020 Page2 of 3 CHC members and staff introduced themselves and welcomed new member Jared Bissky to the Commission. 6.2. Hammond Cedar Mill Plaque Len Pettit provided an update on the status of the installation of a plaque to commemorate the Hammond Cedar Mill. Committee members and staff discussed the next steps for the project. 6.3. Tolmie Park Signage Eric Phillips enquired as to why the Tolmie Park signage is still in disrepair and has not been replaced. R/2020-003 It was moved and seconded That the staff liaison determine why the Tolmie Park signage was not replaced when the other heritage signage was replaced and report back to the Commission. CARRIED 6.4. Centenary of Holy Spirit Anglican Church Building in Whonnock Julie Koehn shared that the Centenary of Holy Spirit Anglican Church are planning a Centenary for their building next year. Ms. Koehn will continue to liaison with the Church and see if the Community Heritage Commission can assist with the Centenary. 6.5. Sampo Hall Ross Dunning raised concerns about the recent demolition of Sampo Hall which may have had historically significant items in the building during the demolition and enquired if notifications are sent when a heritage building is identified for demolition. R/2020-004 It was moved and seconded That the staff liaison speak with the building department to clarify the process for the demolition of heritage buildings and determine if a staff presentation regarding the heritage building demolition process at a subsequent meeting is feasible. CARRIED 7. LIAISON UPDATES 7 .1. Advisory Committee Overview The committee clerk presented an overview of the role of advisory committees, committee members and meeting procedures and answered questions from the committee. R/2020-005 It was moved and seconded That a discussion item on the role of Advisory Committee Subcommittees and Taskforces be added to the May Community Heritage Commission meeting agenda. CARRIED Doc #2376409 7.2. Maple Ridge Historical Society Community Heritage Commission Minutes January 23, 2020 Page 3 of 3 Ms. Koehn provided an update on the Maple Ridge Historical Society. 7.3. Council Liaison Councillor Svendsen provided a Council update. 8. SUBCOMMITIEE & TASK FORCE UPDATES 8.1. 2020 Heritage Awards Planning -February 21st Adam Rieu, Senior Planning Technician, provided an update on the status of the Heritage Awards and reviewed the task list with the members. Committee members discussed preparations for the event. Note: Shane Gehring left the meeting at 8:30pm. 9. ROUNDTABLE Members shared their experiences at relevant heritage locations and discussed plans for Heritage Week. Mr. Rieu invited CHC members to attend a presentation to Council on the Heritage Incentives Study on January 28th at 11:00 am. 10. ADJOURNMENT -8:45 pm. Doc #2376409 City of Maple Ridge Social Policy Advisory Committee MEETING MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Policy Advisory Committee held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge City Hall, 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, on March 4, 2020 at 7:01 pm. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Councillor Chelsa Meadus Annette Morgan Blaire Mikoda, Vice Chair Brenna Ayliffe Marissa Stalman STAFF PRESENT Tony Cotroneo Erin Mark COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT Councillor Judy Dueck, Chair Jenny Earley Kim Dumore Sarah Armstrong Tarel Swansky 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2020-006 It was moved and seconded Council Liaison -Alternate Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Katzie Seniors Network Member at Large Fraser Health Member at Large Staff Liaison/ Manager, Community Engagement Committee Clerk Council Liaison Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Katzie Community Network School District No. 42 Member at Large Member at Large That the March 4, 2020 Social Policy Advisory Committee Agenda be amended to include: • Item 7.3 -Period Promise Campaign Update and be approved as amended. CARRIED 3. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES R/2020-007 It was moved and seconded That the minutes of the Maple Ridge Social Policy Advisory Committee meeting dated January 8, 2020 be adopted. CARRIED 4. DELEGATIONS -Nil 5. QUESTION PERIOD -Nil 6. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS -Nil Social Policy Advisory Committee Minutes March 4, 2020 Page 2 of 3 7. LIAISON UPDATES 7 .1 UBCM Grant Application -Poverty Reduction, Planning and Action The staff liaison presented a verbal update on the UBCM grant application to develop a Maple Ridge Food Security Action Plan. The staff liaison confirmed that the grant application was approved by Council and has been submitted to UBCM for consideration. 7 .2 Community Network Brenna Ayliffe provided an update on the Community Network and announced they have a new Coordinator. The Committee discussed requesting Maple Ridge Council attend part of an upcoming Community Network meeting but noted the meetings are in conflict with Council meetings. R/2020-008 It was moved and seconded That staff look into having Maple Ridge Council attend part of a regularly scheduled Community Network meeting in 2020. 7 .3 Period Promise Campaign CARRIED The staff liaison provided an update on what has happened since the Period Promise Campaign delegation encouraged the City to ensure period products were available in all City facilities. A trial campaign was held in the Youth Centre during March and data and feedback from that program is being collected and will be used to determine future programs. 8. SUBCOMMITTEE & TASK FORCE UPDATES 8.1 Youth Planning Table The staff liaison provided an update on items discussed at the February Youth Planning Table and the goals for upcoming meetings. 8.2 Community Action Team (CAn Ms. Ayliffe confirmed the next event "Strengthening Resilience" will be held on March 31st at MRSS and noted the previous events have been very well received. 8.3 EDI Workshop Task Force Ms. Ayliffe confirmed that the EDI Workshop has been scheduled on March 12th and is open to anyone who would like to attend. 8.4 Chronic Disease Task Force The Committee discussed plans and dates for the Chronic Disease workshop. R/2020-009 It was moved and seconded That the Social Policy Advisory Committee hold the Chronic Disease Workshop on Thursday April 30, 2020. CARRIED R/2020-010 It was moved and seconded That Marissa Stalman participate on the Chronic Disease Task Force. CARRIED 9. ROUNDTABLE Social Policy Advisory Committee Minutes March 4, 2020 Page 3 of 3 Members provided verbal reports on relevant events, activities and social policy topics. 10. ADJOURNMENT -8:12 pm l~--o~ Blaire Mikoda, Vibe Chair /em [.~-mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge Agricultural Advisory Committee MEETING MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Agricultural Advisory Committee, held via Teleconference on March 26, 2020 at 7:02 pm. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Bill Hardy, Chair Carla Schiller, Vice Chair Melissa Maltais Michelle Franklin Pascale Shaw Angela Boss Shannon Lambie STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT Amanda Grochowich Erin Mark COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT Councillor Gordy Robson Andrew Pozsar Lorraine Bates 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2020-010 It was moved and seconded Member at Large Member at Large Fraser North Farmers Market Society Member at Large Member at Large B.C. Ministry of Agriculture (Non-voting member) Agriculture Land Commission (Non-voting member) Staff Liaison/ Planning Department Committee Clerk Council Liaison Member at Large Agricultural Fair Board Representative That the March 26, 2020 Agricultural Advisory Committee agenda be amended to add: • Item 6.6 -Agricultural Advisory Committee Membership Structure; • Item 6.7 -Backyard Chickens; and be approved as amended. 3. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES R/2020-011 It was moved and seconded CARRIED That the minutes of the Maple Ridge Agricultural Advisory Committee meeting dated January 30, 2020 be adopted. CARRIED 4. DELEGATIONS -Nil 5. QUESTION PERIOD -Nil 6. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS 6.1. Impacts of COVID-19 on Local Farms/Farmers Agricultural Advisory Committee Minutes March 26, 2020 Page 2 of 3 Angela Boss informed the Committee that the Provincial Ministry of Agriculture was reaching out to different agriculture sectors/regions asking about the current impacts and anticipated issues of the COVID-19 pandemic and then asked about their experiences. Members shared some of the issues they and others in the industry are currently facing and how they are adapting. 6.2. Pollinators Presentations Follow-Up The committee clerk shared that the delegation that presented information regarding the Decline of Pollinators to the AAC on January 30, 2020 also presented to Council on February 11, 2020. Committee members discussed the next steps to try to address the concerns raised by the Pollinators delegation. 6.3. Dr. Bee -2020 Bees & Blueberries Festival -August 8/9, 2020 The Chair reviewed an event application package received for the 2020 Bees & Blueberries Festival. The Committee postponed a decision on this item until more information becomes available on the future of public events given the current COVID health crisis. 6.4. Code of Practice for Agricultural Environmental Management The staff liaison spoke about The Code of Practice for Agricultural Environmental Management materials provided in the agenda package and encouraged members to distribute them to their contacts. 6.5. Golden Harvest 2020 The staff liaison asked the Committee if they would support hosting a Golden Harvest event in 2020. R/2020-012 It was moved and seconded That the AAC consider including Golden Harvest as part of their 2021 Business Plan. CARRIED Note: Items 6.6 and 6. 7 were moved to after the Task Force Updates due to time constraints. 7. LIAISON UPDATES 7 .1. Staff Liaison The staff liaison provided an update on City operations during the COVID pandemic. 7 .2. Council Liaison An update was not available. 8. TASK FORCE REPORTS 8.1. Food Garden Contest 2020 Agricultural Advisory Committee Minutes March 26, 2020 Page 3 of 3 Carla Schiller and Pascale Shaw updated the Committee on the preparations for the 2020 Food Garden Contest and discussed categories and prizes. 8.2 Education The Chair discussed and sought support from the Committee to host a Speaker Series in the fall. R/2020-013 It was moved and seconded That Michelle Franklin and Angela Boss work to examine potential topics for a Speaker Series that would potentially run Fall 2020/ early Winter 2021. CARRIED 8.3 Promotion of Agriculture The Committee discussed the Booth in a Box project currently underway by the task force. Michelle Franklin and Angela Boss offered assistance with the project. 6. NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS Continued 6.6 Agricultural Advisory Committee Membership Structure Pascale Shaw raised concerns that the AAC did not have representation from a variety of agricultural sectors and that valuable experience was lost when members left at the end of 2019. The Committee discussed ways to identify what sectors are missing and how to involve individuals from those sectors with the AAC. 6. 7 Backyard Chickens This item was moved to a future agenda due to time restraints. 9. ROUNDTABLE Members provided verbal reports on local agricultural topics and activities. 10. ADJOURNMENT -9:00 PM ~ Bill Hardy, Chair /em 702 Reports 702 ~4--LS.:?-. . . mapleridge.ca City of Ma pie Ridge TO: FROM: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: SUBJECT: Disbursements for the month ended May 31, 2020 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: June 23, 2020 2472516 Council The disbursements summary for the past period is attached for information. All voucher payments are approved by the Chief Financial Officer or Corporate Controller. Expenditure details are available by request through the Finance Department. RECOMMENDATION: That the disbursements as listed below for the month ended May 31, 2020 be received for information only. DISCUSSION: GENERAL PAYROLL PURCHASE CARD a) Background Context: $ 9,436,913 $ 1,825,564 $ 86.015 $ 11,348.492 The adoption of the Five Year Consolidated Financial Plan has appropriated funds and provided authorization for expenditures to deliver municipal services. The disbursements are for expenditures that are provided in the Financial Plan Bylaw or subsequently approved through Council Resolution. b) Citizen/Customer Implications: The citizens of Maple Ridge are informed on a routine monthly basis of financial disbursements. Doc # 2194940 Page 1of 2 702.1 c) Business Plan/Financial Implications: Highlights of larger items included in Financial Plan or Council Resolution • Double V Construction Ltd -Albion Community Centre $ 678,426 • Inland Kenworth Partnership -Front end loader $ 223,772 • Ministry of Transportation -Haney Bypass improvements $ 451,616 • Pedre Contractors Ltd-Watermain replacement (Edge St -228 St) $ 214,658 • Ridge Meadows Recycling Society -Monthly contract for recycling $ 243,286 • Yellowridge Construction Ltd -Maple Ridge Fire Hall #4 $ 1,392,726 d) Policy lmplicatlons: Corporate governance practice includes reporting the disbursements to Council monthly. CONCLUSIONS: The disbursements for the month ended May 31, 2020 have been reviewed and are in order. Prepared by: Trevor Hansvall Accounting Clerk 2 Reviewed by: T evo hompson, BBA, CPA, CGA Chief inanclal Officer Approved by: Christina Crabtree Acting General Manager Corporate Services Concurrence: 0Ji/JJ4~ Chief Administrative Officer Doc # 2194940 Page 2 of2 VENDOR NAME 3R Demolition Albion Panorama Homes Ltd Alouette River Management Society Associated Engineering (BC) Ltd Badger Daylighting Lp BC Hydro BC SPCA Bell Mobility Inc Brandt Tractor Ltd CUPE Local 622 C3 Mainline Inspections Inc Cedar Crest Lands (BC) Ltd Centralsquare Canada Software Cobing Building Solutions Conwest Contracting Ltd Craven Huston Double V Construction Ltd Dougness Holdings Ltd Drake Excavating (2016) Ltd ESRI Canada Limited Fern Hill Developments Ltd Fred Surridge Ltd Golden Globe Construction Ltd Greater Vancouver Sewerage & Drainage Greater Vancouver Water District Gregg Distributors Hallmark Facility Services Inc lconix Waterworks Lp IDRS Imprest Account Leisure Centre Inland Kenworth Partnership Jaskar Developments Ltd Kanaka Education & Environmental Society Lafarge Canada Inc Landmark Enterprises Ltd Luiz Leon & Associates Ltd Manulife Financial CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE MONTHLY DISBURSEMENTS -May 2020 DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT Demolition work -Maple Ridge Cemetery Security refund 2020 service grant Forcemain upgrade (225 St) Hydro-excavation -multiple locations Electricity Contract payments Bell cellphones & tablets (Apr & May) Trailer -Trail UBT822 Dues -pay periods 20/10 & 20/11 Video inspection of sanitary sewer Fire Fighters Park maintenance Merkley Park -hammer & discus throw facility Telosky Stadium synthetic turf fields Active incident monitor annual maintenance Maintenance: City Hall Fire Halls Leisure Centre Neighbourhood parks RCMP Supply & install cable system -Planet Ice Watermain replacement (232 St) Albion Community Centre Albion Community Centre Catch basin cleaning Fibre optic manhole replacement ESRI local government enterprise licensing agreement Security refund Waterworks supplies Telosky Stadium Field House Licence for Transfer Station Water consumption Mar 3 -Mar 31/20 Works Yard inventory Janitorial services & supplies: City Hall Fire Halls Library Operations Randy Herman Building RCMP Whonnock lake Waterworks supplies Tax notice mailing Refunded programs -Leisure Centre Front end loader Security refund 2020 service grant Roadworks material Security refund Consulting Employer/employee remittance AMOUNT 22,365 21,896 20,000 19,473 39,110 175,420 67,848 21,613 15,148 46,128 47,420 6,006 61,889 62,599 130,494 23,250 9,285 712 8,071 701 1,318 28,316 48,402 21,263 19,574 678,426 21,519 62,843 70,560 515,414 50,234 21,705 92,090 567,280 19,457 4,728 5,845 6,820 4,877 5,615 5,271 788 33,945 19,877 27,017 15,770 223,772 39,785 20,000 20,734 34,555 15,278 345,501 VENDOR NAME DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT Maple Leaf Disposal Ltd Refuse container and litter collection 16,719 Maple Ridge & PM Arts Council Arts Centre contract 57,493 Metro Motors Ltd 2X -Ford 2020 F250 82,152 Ministry of Transportation Haney Bypass improvements 451,616 Mission Contractors Ltd Supply & place gravel for playground pad 15,160 Motion Canada Thermal imaging camera 20,316 MR PM Katzie Seniors Network Annual operating funding 25,400 Municipal Insurance Association Insurance deductibles 25,299 Municipal Pension Plan BC Employer/employee remittance 489,757 Oracle Canada Lile Oracle support renewal 28,941 Paul Bunyan Tree Services Curbside chipping 32,067 Pedre Contractors Ltd Watermain replacement (Edge St -228 St) 214,658 Prime Traffic Solutions Ltd Traffic control 56,520 Rakhra, Gurlal Security refund 22,688 Receiver General For Canada Employer/employee remittance 868,110 RG Arenas (Maple Ridge) Ltd Ice rental (Mar & Apr) 127,318 Ricoh Canada Inc Quarterly copy usage 18,419 Ridgemeadows Recycling Society Monthly contract for recycling 243,286 Scale repairs 10,180 Weekly bin rental 605 254,070 Sanscorp Products Ltd Roadworks material 21,722 Stantec Consulting Ltd 263 St water pump station replacement 1,433 270A St reservoir & pump station 16,724 18,157 Stewart Mcdannold Stuart Professional fees 15,055 Strata Plan LMS Commercial Panorama strata fees 17,749 Streetwise Traffic Controllers Traffic control 23,325 Suncor Energy Products Gasoline & diesel fuel 55,345 Tikal Construction Ltd MRSS track upgrades 119,854 Total Power Ltd Generator maintenance 32,247 Treleaven, Susan Security refund 15,039 Urban Lumberjack Tree Services Curbside chipping 27,190 Valley Geotechnical Albion Community Centre 17,872 Warrington PCI Management Tower common costs 151,368 Wesco Distribution Inc Cabeling equipment 19,068 Westridge Security Ltd Community patrols 42,886 Static guard service 15,204 58,090 Whitestar Property Services Blackberry removal 3,150 Parks mowing & trimming+ light landscape 35,717 Security draw 58,416 97,284 Wholesale Fire & Rescue Ltd Fire hoses 15,251 Xylem Canada Company Pump repairs 20,606 Yellowridge Construction Ltd Maple Ridge Fire Hall #4 1,392,726 Disbursements In Excess $15,000 8,559,815 Disbursements Under $15,000 877,098 Total Payee Disbursements 9,436,913 Payroll PP20/10 & PP20/11 1,825,564 Purchase Cards -Payment 86,015 Total Disbursements May 2020 11,348,492 [~-City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: SUBJECT: mapleridge.ca His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer 2020 Council Expenses EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: June 23, 2020 2472635 Council In keeping with Council's commitment to transparency in local government, the attached Schedule lists Council expenses recorded to May 31 2020. The expenses included on the schedule are those required to be reported in the annual Statement of Financial Information and are available on our website. RECOMMENDATION: Receive for information Discussion The expenses included in the attached schedule are those reported in the annual Statement of Financial Information (SOFI), including those incurred under Policy 3.07 "Council Training, Conferences and Association Building". The budget for Council includes the provision noted in Policy 3.07 as well as a separate budget for cell phone and iPad usage. The amounts on the attached Schedule are those recorded prior to the preparation of this report and are subject to change. Prepared by: Trevor Hansvall Accounting Clerk 2 Reviewed by: Catherine Nolan, CPA, CGA Corporate Controller Approved by: Christina Crabtree Acting General Manager Corporate Services Approved by: Al{JJn~ Chief Administrative Officer 1 of 1 702.2 Conferences & Community Cell Phones/ Month of Event Reason for expense Seminars Events iPads Totals Dueck, Juqy. January Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 5.67 February Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 5.35 March Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 5.35 Lunch & learn -Ridge Meadows Chamber of Commerce 30.00 April Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 5.35 May Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 5.35 June July August September October November December 30.00 27.07 57.07 Duncan, ~i~rstem January Cell phone charges 52.97 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 5.35 February 2020 Afro Gala 30.00 2020 Dessert & Dance -Garibaldi Secondary 16.93 Cell phone charges 48.15 Hometown Heroes Night 50.00 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 5.35 March Cell phone charges 85.60 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 5.35 April Cell phone charges 48.15 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 5.35 May Cell phone charges 48.15 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 5.35 June July August September October November December 96.93 309.77 406.70 2020 Council Expenses Conferences & Community Cell Phones/ Month of Event Reason for expense Seminars Events iPads Totals Meactos, btielsa January February March April May June July August September October November December r.Jlordert,.rv1ike January February March April May June July August September October November December Cell phone charges Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) Cell phone charges Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) Cell phone charges Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) Cell phone charges Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) Cell phone charges Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) Union of BC Municipalities Convention Hometown Heroes Night Lunch & learn -Ridge Meadows Chamber of Commerce Union of BC Municipalities Convention 291.72 291.72 291.72 291.72 2020 Council Expenses 50.00 30.00 80.00 52.97 5.35 48.15 5.35 48.15 5.35 48.15 5.35 48.15 5.35 272.32 564.04 371.72 Conferences & Community Cell Phones/ Month of Event Reason for expense Seminars Events iPads Totals Robson, <3ordy .. January Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 5.35 February Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 5.35 March Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 5.35 April Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 5.35 May Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 5.35 June July August September October November December 26.75 26.75 Sven.~sen.,. Ryan January Cell phone charges 52.97 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 5.35 February Cell phone charges 48.15 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 5.35 March Cell phone charges 48.15 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 5.35 South Asian Cultural Gala 125.00 April Cell phone charges 48.15 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 5.35 May Cell phone charges 48.15 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 5.35 June July August September Union of BC Municipalities Convention 291.72 October November December 291.72 125.00 272.32 689.04 2020 Council Expenses Conferences & Community Cell Phones/ Month of Event Reason for expense Seminars Events iPads Totals Yousef, Ahmed January Cell phone charges 48.15 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. I Pad) 5.35 February 2020 Afro Gala 30.00 Cell phone charges 48.15 Hometown Heroes Night 50.00 Lunch & learn -Ridge Meadows Chamber of Commerce 30.00 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 5.35 March Cell phone charges 48.15 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 5.35 South Asian Cultural Gala 125.00 April Cell phone charges 48.15 Portable electronic device charges (e.g. !Pad) 5.35 May Portable electronic device charges (e.g. IPad) 5.35 June July August September Union of BC Municipalities Convention 291.72 October November December 291.72 235.00 219.35 746.07 TOTALS 1,166.88 566.93 1,127.58 2,861.39 2020 Council Expenses [-······· ···-----··--·---·-·-········ ..\9, ' -~ :::~.;~~:.:_·_-,._--,.,. ···,, . MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia mapleridge.ca TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 EXECUTIVE SUM MARY: CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE MEETING DATE: June 23, 2020 FILE NO: 11-5600-05 MEETING: Council The City of Maple Ridge (City) operates a Municipal Water Utility under permit by the Fraser Health Authority (FHA) that requires an annual report be prepared and submitted to the FHA, and made available to the public. The attached "Drinking Water Quality Report 2019" includes an outline of the regulatory framework, water quality monitoring data for 2019, and explanatory comments on the data. A copy of the report will be available at the public library, City Hall, and on the City's website. In 2019, water quality within the City's municipal water distribution system met the standards detailed in the BC Drinking Water Protection Regulation as well as Health Canada's recommendations for drinking water quality, with the exception of temperature. RECOMMENDATION: This report is submitted for information. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The City operates a Municipal Water Utility under the provisions of the Local Government Act and under permit by the Provincial Ministry of Health -Fraser Health Authority (FHA). The FHA administers the Provincial Drinking Water Protection Regulation, which stipulates Provincial drinking water quality requirements. The City, as a distributor and purveyor of drinking water, is reliant on the Greater Vancouver Water District (GVWD) for source water quality control. While Coquitlam Lake is the primary source of water delivered to Maple Ridge, the GVWD can supply Maple Ridge with water from Seymour and Capilano Lakes in the event of disruptions at Coquitlam Lake. 702.3 Doc#24 71102 Page 1 of 3 The City's drinking water system operating permit requires the City to maintain a water quality monitoring program and provide an annual report of monitoring results to the FHA and the public. While the monitoring program provides an indication of drinking water quality within the municipal system, it does not provide information on drinking water quality within buildings, where water quality can change due to pipe materials, standing times, temperature, and other factors. Samples taken within buildings may be of different quality than those taken from municipal mains. The FHA has jurisdiction for testing/verifying water quality on private property. In 2019, samples from 20 locations in the distribution system were taken weekly and analyzed by Metro Vancouver's laboratory staff. Test results were communicated to the Operations and Engineering Departments as well as the FHA for review. In 2019, no samples tested positive for E. coli, and no samples exceeded the BC Drinking Water Protection Regulation microbiological standard of 10 total coliforms per 100ml. In monitoring unregulated drinking water quality parameters, the City follows the 2019 Water Quality Monitoring and Reporting Plan for Metro Vancouver (GVWD) and Local Government Members and compares laboratory results to Health Canada's recommendations for drinking water quality. In 2019, City water did not exceed any limits recommended by Health Canada for unregulated parameters, with the exception of temperature. b) Strategic Alignment: Community Safety The City strives to provide businesses and residents with clean, safe drinking water. A foundational activity for achieving this goal is the routine monitoring of drinking water in the City's distribution system. The Annual Drinking Water Quality Report documents this monitoring program. Inter-Government Relations The Strategic Plan directs the City to continue building strong relationships with the region and other levels of government. The City currently benefits from good working relationships with the GVWD and FHA in the cooperative provision of quality drinking water. The annual monitoring program and report facilitates this effective relationship. Community Pride and Spirit The Annual Drinking Water Quality report is made available to the public at the public library, City Hall, and on the City's website. This allows the public to participate in knowledge regarding the quality of drinking water distributed by the City. c) Citizen/Customer Implications: The annual reporting of drinking water quality provides citizens and customers with insight into the quality of drinking water received from the City. d) Interdepartmental Implications: As part of the Engineering Services Division, the Engineering and Operations Departments collaborate in the Water Utility's planning, management, operation, maintenance and water quality reporting to meet water quality objectives. e) Policy Implications: Reporting on the quality of the City's drinking water aligns with the City's Communication Policy. Doc#24 71102 Page 2 of 3 CONCLUSION: The City monitored drinking water quality in 2019 in accordance with Provincial mandate and the 2019 Water Quality Monitoring and Reporting Plan for Metro Vancouver (GVWD) and Local Government Members. Testing indicated that all samples met BC Drinking Water Protection Regulation standards and did not exceed Health Canada guidelines with the exception of temperature. The "Drinking Water Quality Report 2019" documents the water quality monitoring program and test results. The document was prepared in accordance with Fraser Health Authority requirements and will be available to the public. Concurrence: Al Attachments: (A) Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Ooc#2471102 Page 3 of 3 I MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DRINKING WATER QUALITY REPORT 2019 May 2020 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Table of Contents List of Abbreviations .................................................................................................................................... 2 Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 3 1.0 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 4 2.0 Water Supply and Distribution ........................................................................................................ 5 3.0 Multi-Barrier Approach to Safe Drinking Water .............................................................................. 5 3.1 Source Water Protection and Monitoring ................................................................................... 6 3.2 Effective Treatment. ..................................................................................................................... 6 3.3 Distribution System Operation and Maintenance ...................................................................... 7 3.4 Distribution System Water Quality Monitoring ........................................................................... 7 3.5 Responses to Potential Contamination ...................................................................................... 8 4.0 Monitoring and Results for Biological Indicators ........................................................................... 8 4.1 Water Quality Sampling and Monitoring ..................................................................................... 8 4.2 Biological Monitoring Test Results .............................................................................................. 8 4.2.1 Escherichia Coli .................................................................................................................... 8 4.2.2 Total Coliform ....................................................................................................................... 9 4.2.3 Frequency of Monitoring Samples ................................................................................... 10 5.0 Monitoring and Results for Physiochemical Criteria ................................................................... 11 5.1 Chlorine ...................................................................................................................................... 11 5.2 Turbidity ..................................................................................................................................... 11 5.3 Heterotrophs ............................................................................................................................. 12 5.4 Disinfection Byproducts ............................................................................................................ 13 5.5 pH ............................................................................................................................................... 13 5.6 Metals ........................................................................................................................................ 13 5.7 Temperature .............................................................................................................................. 14 5.8 Vinyl Chloride ............................................................................................................................. 14 6.0 Public Health Message from the Medical Health Officer ........................................................... 15 7 .0 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................... 15 Appendix A: Sampling Station Locations ................................................................................................ 16 Appendix B: Residual Free Chlorine Figures .......................................................................................... 18 Appendix C: Disinfection By-Products and pH ........................................................................................ 22 Appendix D: Metals and Vinyl Chloride ................................................................................................... 24 Appendix E: Free Chlorine and Turbidity Charts ..................................................................................... 27 Appendix F: Weekly Sample Lab Results ................................................................................................ 38 Appendix G: Preventing Water-Borne Infections for People with Weakened Immune Systems .......... 67 1 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 List of Abbreviations oc = degree Celsius CFU = colony-forming unit Cl2 = chlorine E.coli = Escherichia coli g gram HAA = haloacetic acid HPC = heterotrophic plate count L liter LA = Laboratory Accident MF membrane filtration mg milligram ml = milliliter NA Not Available NTU = Nephelometric Turbidity Units ppb = parts per billion THM = trihalomethane µg microgram 2 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Executive Summary The City of Maple Ridge is a distributor of drinking water that is supplied and treated by Metro Vancouver from its Coquitlam Lake source. In 2019, the City distributed water to over 80,000 people. In accordance with the requirements of the BC Drinking Water Protection Regulation, the City monitors drinking water quality by sending weekly samples from 20 locations in the distribution system to a laboratory for analysis. Laboratory test results are reported back to the City and the Fraser Health Authority and are documented in this annual report. In 2019, the City's drinking water met all regulatory requirements for biological indicators set out in the BC Drinking Water Protection Regulation: • No samples tested positive for E.coli • For each 30-day period, over 90% of samples had O total coliform per 100ml, and no sample had more than 10 total coliform per 100ml For unregulated physiochemical drinking water quality parameters, the City's water did not exceed any maximum limits recommended by Health Canada, with the exception of temperature. Coquitlam Lake (Source Water for Maple Ridge) 3 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 1.0 Introduction The main legislations governing the provision of drinking water in British Columbia are the BC Drinking Water Protection Act and the BC Drinking Water Protection Regulation. The BC Ministry of Health is responsible for the administration of these laws and local health authorities are responsible for their implementation. The Greater Vancouver Water District (Metro Vancouver) and the City of Maple Ridge (City) supply and distribute drinking water in compliance with this Provincial legislation (Figure 1). Under the BC Drinking Water Protection Act and Regulation, the City has several obligations, including the following: • Operating under permit issued by the Fraser Health Authority • Obtaining Fraser Health permits prior to constructing or altering the City's existing water system • Ensuring water system operators are appropriately certified under the Environmental Operators Certification Program • Collecting and submitting water samples to an approved laboratory • Maintaining an emergency response plan • Immediately notifying Fraser Health of possible threats to the drinking water system • Publicizing water quality monitoring test results This report fulfills the City's obligation to publicize water quality monitoring test results for 2019. ' British Columbia Ministry of Health Responsible for administration of Drinking Water Protection Act and Regulation Fraser Health Authority Responsible for implementation of ' the Act and Regulation Metro Vancouver Supplies drinking water in compliance with the Act and Regulation City of Maple Ridge Distributes drinking water in compliance with the Act and Regulation Figure 1: Government Roles in relation to the BC Drinking Water Protection Act and Regulation 4 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 2.0 Water Supply and Distribution Metro Vancouver provides the City of Maple Ridge with treated drinking water from Coquitlam Lake. Treated drinking water is transported from Coquitlam Lake through large diameter Metro Vancouver water mains over a distance of approximately 20km to Maple Ridge (Figure 2). The City then distributes the water to businesses and residents through a network of water mains. The City's water distribution infrastructure includes approximately 400km of water mains, 19,000 service connections, 8 pump stations and 12 reservoir tanks/cells located at 7 sites. The municipality also maintains re-chlorination units to boost residual chlorine levels within the distribution system. Figure 2: Regional Water Supply System (source: Metro Vancouver and Google Earth) 3.0 Multi-Barrier Approach to Safe Drinking Water Metro Vancouver and Maple Ridge implement a "Multi-Barrier Approach" to achieving clean, safe drinking water. The approach involves systems, processes and procedures that collectively reduce the risk of drinking water contamination. These include source water protection and monitoring, effective treatment, distribution system operation and maintenance, water quality monitoring, and responses to potential contamination. 5 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 3.1 Source Water Protection and Monitoring Metro Vancouver protects source waters by preventing human access and development in the Coquitlam Lake watershed (Figure 3). Metro Vancouver has also taken steps to minimize the erosion of soil that could be carried into Coquitlam Lake by deactivating old roads, stabilizing slopes and revegetating disturbed areas. Water quality in Coquitlam Lake is monitored at frequencies ranging from daily to annually, depending on the parameter. Total coliform, E. coli (bacteria) and turbidity (water clarity) are monitored daily. Higher levels of turbidity can trigger adjustments to the treatment process or even a switch to a different supply reservoir (Metro Vancouver has the ability to convey water from its Seymour/Capilano watersheds to Maple Ridge in the event of a service disruption at the Coquitlam source). Figure 3: Coquitlam Lake Watershed 3.2 Effective Treatment Metro Vancouver treats drinking water at the Coquitlam reservoir using a combination of ozone and ultra violet (UV) light. Chlorine is added to the water as it leaves the treatment plant to preserve the quality of drinking water as it travels through water mains. The quality of treated drinking water is monitored by Metro Vancouver at frequencies ranging from daily to annually, depending on the parameter. Additional information on how Metro Vancouver treats source water is available at www. m etrova n co uve r .o rg/ services/water/qua I ity-fa ci I iti es/fa ci I ities-p rocesses/treatme nt-p rocess. Metro Vancouver also publishes an annual drinking water quality report on their website. 6 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 3.3 Distribution System Operation and Maintenance The distribution system is managed by a team of professionals within the City's Engineering Services Division, under the leadership of the General Manager. System operators are Environmental Operators Certification Program Level 4 compliant. The system is locally regulated by Maple Ridge's Water Service Bylaw 6002-2001, under the purview of the Provincial Drinking Water Protection Act and Regulation. The City implements the multi-barrier approach as part of its operation & maintenance of the distribution system. Key activities include a water main flushing program, reservoir cleaning, a cross-connection program, continuous monitoring of system hydraulics and re-chlorination. Water Main Flushing Program High velocity water main flushing is conducted annually as a means of cleaning water mains. Flushing involves manipulating valves and discharging water through fire hydrants or blow off points. The discharged water carries sediment and other solids with it, thus cleaning the mains. The City cleaned 170km of water mains using this method in 2019. To minimize water use during summer lawn watering restrictions, cleaning mains by high-velocity flushing is carried out between October and April. Reservoir Cleaning The City cleans reservoir tanks/cells on a 5 year cycle. In 2019, the City cleaned reservoirs at two locations. Cross-Connection Program The City employs a Cross Connection Control Officer to educate the public and inspect commercial, industrial and institutional buildings to ensure compliance with codes, bylaws and enactments. This helps guard against unauthorized and incorrect plumbing work that could otherwise allow contaminated water (swimming pools, auto washers, etc.) to move from private properties into the municipal system. Continuous Monitoring of System Hydraulics A comprehensive electronic monitoring system provides continuous data to operators regarding the status of water system hydraulics. By using automated alarms and monitoring data, operators are able to control systems and deploy crews in response to any incidents of concern. Re-chlorination Chlorine levels are continually monitored at 7 pump-reservoir zones in the distribution system. Additional chlorine is injected into the drinking water at these locations if detected chlorine levels are low. The re-chlorination units are inspected daily and adjusted as necessary. 3.4 Distribution System Water Quality Monitoring Monitoring the quality of drinking water in the City's distribution system is a cornerstone of the multi-barrier approach and is the focus of this report. 7 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 3.5 Responses to Potential Contamination If health-related contaminants are detected in the water distribution system, City and Fraser Health Authority staff will be quickly notified. The City and Fraser Health will then work together to confirm the incident, determine the nature of the risk to public health, and issue public notices as appropriate. Depending on the level of risk a water quality advisory, boil water notice, or do-not-use water notice could be issued. Public notices would be communicated through various media. The City's contamination response plan is embedded in emergency planning documents which are available to water system users upon request. 4.0 Monitoring and Results for Biological Indicators The Province sets out drinking water quality standards pertaining to biological criteria in its Drinking Water Protection Regulation. This section reports on the quality of the City's drinking water in relation to those standards. 4.1 Water Quality Sampling and Monitoring Water quality is monitored for compliance with Provincial standards on a weekly basis at the City's 20 sampling locations. Sampling locations and codes are shown graphically in Appendix A. Samples are sent to a Metro Vancouver laboratory for analysis, and results are communicated back to City and Fraser Healtl1 staff. Responses to undesirable test results can range from flushing water mains to possibly issuing a boil water advisory, depending on the water quality parameter of concern. If significant contamination were detected in a sample, further samples would be taken to confirm the result before a large scale response is initiated. The monitoring program indicates drinking water quality within municipal water mains. However, it does not provide information on the quality of drinking water within buildings where water quality can change due to pipe material, standing time, temperature, and other factors. It may be assumed that samples taken within buildings will have a different quality of water compared to samples taken directly from municipal water mains. The City does not have jurisdiction over drinking water quality on private property. 4.2 Biological Monitoring Test Results The BC Drinking Water Protection Regulation requires the City to carry out routine sampling and testing for Escherichia coli (E. coli) and total coliform bacteria. These are considered "indicator organisms" because their presence or absence provides an indication of overall water quality as related to biological contaminants. Figures 4 and 5 show Metro Vancouver Laboratory technicians processing a water sample and testing it for the presence of bacteria. 4.2.1 Escherichia Coli Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a type of coliform bacteria present exclusively in the feces of humans and other mammals. The existence of E. coli in a water sample indicates recent fecal contamination and the possible presence of intestinal disease-causing bacteria, viruses, or protozoa. The BC Drinking Water Protection Regulation standard for E.coli is none detectable per 100 ml. In 2019, no samples tested positive for E. coli. 8 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Figure 4: Metro Vancouver Laboratory technician processing water sample in preparation for coliform bacteria check 4.2.2 Total Coliform _.... Figure 5: Metro Vancouver Laboratory technician checking water sample for coliform bacteria Total coliform are group of bacteria that occur naturally in the environment and are found in feces, soil and vegetation. Most coliform bacteria will not cause illness and their presence in drinking water does not necessarily represent an immediate health concern. The BC Drinking Water Protection Regulation standards for total coliform are described in Table 1. Table 1: BC Drinking Water Protection Regulation Standards for Total Coliform Occurrence Standard More than 1 sample in a 30 day At least 90% of samples have O total coliform per 100ml period and no sample has more than 10 total coliform per 100ml In 2019, two samples had detectable total coliform per 100ml. However, for each 30 day period, over 90% of samples had O total coliform per 100ml. Also, no sample had more than 10 total coliform per 100ml. Thus City water met BC Drinking Water Protection Regulation requirements for total coliform bacteria in 2019. If sample test results indicate the presence of total coliforms, City crews are dispatched to flush water mains in the area. After flushing is completed, additional water quality samples are sent to the Metro Vancouver Laboratory for analysis to re-check for the presence of total coliforms. Table 2 lists the number of samples found to contain total coliform bacteria each year between 2010 and 2019. 9 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Table 2: Total Coliform Results by Year Year Number of Samples with Total Coliform 2019 2 2018 2 2017 2 2016 0 2015 3 2014 0 2013 0 2012 2 2011 1 2010 3 4.2.3 Frequency of Monitoring Samples The monitoring frequency for the detection of E. coli and total coliforms is stipulated by the BC Drinking Water Protection Regulation. Current requirements are identified in Table 3. With a total of 20 weekly sampling sites at various points in the City's water distribution system, the number of monthly samples (87) exceeds the stipulated value of 86 (based on a directly serviced population of very approximately 86,000). As the City's population grows, additional sampling sites will be added.1 Table 3: Monitoring Frequency for the detection of E. coli and total coliforms Population Served Target No. of Samples per Month Less than 5,000 4 5,000 to 90,000 1 per 1,000 of population More than 90,000 90 plus 1 per 10,000 of population in excess of 90,000 1 The City added a new monitoring location in early 2020 10 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 5.0 Monitoring and Results for Physiochemical Criteria This section reports on physiochemical water quality parameters not specifically mentioned in the Drinking Water Protection Regulation. In monitoring physiochemical parameters, the City follows the Water Quality Monitoring and Reporting Plan for Metro Vancouver (GVWD) and Local Government Members and compares laboratory results to Health Canada's recommendations for drinking water quality. Sampling frequencies for the various parameters are set out in within the Monitoring and Reporting plan. 5.1 Chlorine Chlorine is a chemical element found in salt and household bleach. When present in water in the form of a dissolved gas, hypochlorous acid or hypochlorite ion, chlorine acts as a powerful disinfecting agent. Following water treatment, a residual amount of chlorine is maintained throughout the distribution system. Health Canada reports that "maintenance of an adequate free chlorine2 residual will minimize bacterial regrowth in the distribution system and provide a measurable level of chlorine; therefore, a rapid drop in free chlorine concentrations suggesting unexpected changes in water quality can be more quickly detected. Specific requirements for chlorine residual concentrations are set by the regulatory authority and may vary among jurisdictions. A suggested operational range for free chlorine residual is between a detectable level and 5 mg/L."3 The City targets a chlorine residual exceeding 0.2 mg/L within the main distribution network and strives to maintain a detectable chlorine residual in areas with lower water demands. Table 4 and the maps in Appendix B show that: • In 2019, the average free chlorine residual at all stations in Maple Ridge was greater than 0.2 mg/L. • Station 449 had the fewest number of samples with chlorine residuals greater than 0.2 mg/L. • 15 stations had samples with chlorine levels less than 0.2 mg/L. Detailed free chlorine residual data is charted in Appendix E and tabulated in Appendix F. 5.2 Turbidity Turbidity, measured in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU), is a measure of water clarity. There are no provincial guidelines for turbidity within a distribution system. Average turbidity values at sample stations are documented in Table 4. Detailed turbidity data for 2019 is charted in Appendix E and tabulated in Appendix F. Turbidity levels within the distribution system vary over time. Higher levels may be associated with turbidity in the source water or local system events such as high flow rates from unidirectional flushing, fire-fighting, or water main breaks. In the event that a high level of turbidity is detected, the City will determine whether this is expected due to system operations such as the water main flushing program. If the event is unexpected, the City will confirm the turbidity level and flush mains should high turbidity persist. 2 Health Canada defines Free Chlorine as the amount of chlorine present in water as dissolved gas (Cb), hypochlorous acid (HOCI), and/or hypochlorite ion (OCJ-) that is not combined with ammonia or other compounds in water 3 Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality Guideline Technical Document -Chlorine (Health Canada, 2009) 11 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Elevated levels of turbidity were reported on two occasions in 2019. On January 3, sample station MPR-431 had a NTU of 30. A follow-up sample obtained in response to the high value indicated a NTU of 0.88. All subsequent samples taken in 2019 demonstrated NTU values below 1. On March 26, MPR-446 had a turbidity level of 28 NTU. The spike in turbidity was associated with the testing and commissioning of a new pump station. Upon notification of the high turbidity, crews were dispatched to flush water mains in the area until lower levels of turbidity were achieved. Table 4: 2019 Chlorine Residual and Turbidity Results by Site Samples Samples Samples Samples Taken Taken with Taken with Total Average Average Taken with with Free Free Free Station Samples Free Turbidity Free Chlorine Chlorine Chlorine Chlorine Taken Chlorine in NTU Greater Than Less Than Greater Less Than in mg/L or Equal to 0.2 mg/L Than or 0.2 mg/L 0.2 mg/L (#) (#) Equal to 0.2 (%) mg/L (%) MPR-400 53 0.47 0.28 50 3 94% 6% MPR-431 53 0.85 0.94 52 1 98% 2% MPR-432 53 0.74 0.37 52 1 98% 2% MPR-433 53 0.61 0.33 51 2 96% 4% MPR-434 53 0.59 0.38 52 1 98% 2% MPR-435 54 0.62 0.48 54 0 100% 0% MPR-436 53 0.84 0.33 52 1 98% 2% MPR-437 53 0.91 0.33 53 0 100% 0% MPR-438 53 0.81 0.33 53 0 100% 0% MPR-439 53 0.88 0.36 52 1 98% 2% MPR-440 53 0.77 0.38 53 0 100% 0% MPR-441 53 0.67 0.40 51 2 96% 4% MPR-442 53 0.59 0.42 52 1 98% 2% MPR-443 53 0.52 0.42 51 2 96% 4% MPR-444* 51 0.62 0.37 48 3 94% 6% MPR-445 53 0.69 0.38 49 4 92% 8% MPR-446 53 0.72 0.95 53 0 100% 0% MPR-447 53 0.49 0.36 47 6 89% 11% MPR-448 53 0.50 0.32 49 4 92% 8% MPR-449 54 0.23 0.33 31 23 57% 43% *station MPR-444 was not sampled on April 23th and 30th due to the Foreman Drive PRV construction project. 5.3 Heterotrophs Heterotophs are microorganisms requiring organic carbon for growth. Health Canada does not suggest a maximum acceptable concentration for heterotrophs. Instead, it recommends that increases in heterotrophic plate count (HPC) concentrations above baseline levels be considered undesirable. Table 5 shows the annual number of samples with HPC's over 500 CFU/ml between 2010 and 2019. In 12 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 response to HPC counts at or above 500 CFU/ml, the City will re-test and flush water mains. HPC data for each sample taken in 2019 is provided in Appendix F. Table 5: HPC Results by Year Year Number of Samples with HPC > 500 CFU/ml 2019 12 2018 9 2017 6 2016 0 2015 5 2014 0 2013 0 2012 0 2011 1 2010 1 5.4 Disinfection Byproducts Disinfection byproducts such as trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs) can form when chlorine used to disinfect drinking water reacts with naturally occurring organic matter. Health risks may be associated witl1 long-term exposure to high levels ofTHMs and HAAs. Health Canada recommends that the running average (last 4 quarters) for Total TH Ms remain below 100 parts per billion (ppb). Quarterly samples were taken at four sites forTHM analysis. The running quarterly average THM concentration in the samples remained below 100 ppb at all locations. Health Canada recommends that the running average (last 4 quarters) total HAA concentration be below 80 ppb. Quarterly samples were taken at four sites for HAA analysis. The running quarterly average HAA concentration remained below 80 ppb at all locations. Finally, Health Canada recommends a maximum concentration for bromodichloromethane (a type of THM) of 16 ppb. Quarterly samples from four sampling locations all had concentrations of bromodichloromethane lower than 16 ppb. Detailed disinfection byproduct test results are provided in Appendix C. 5.5 pH pH is a measure of the acid-base equilibrium of water. pH is of concern in water distribution systems because at low values water becomes corrosive and at high values chlorine disinfection is less efficient. Health Canada indicates that an acceptable pH range for drinking water is 6.5 -8.5 pH units. 8 distribution system samples were tested for pH. Test results ranged of 7.2 to 7.5 pH units (see Appendix C). 5.6 Metals The City tested samples at 3 monitoring sites for concentrations of various metals. Test results are shown in Appendix D, along with maximum concentration limits suggested by Health Canada. As shown 13 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 in Appendix D, all measured metal concentrations were below the limits recommended by Health Canada. 5. 7 Temperature Health Canada recommends a temperature of less than 15 ° C for drinking water. Water temperatures exceeding this objective can result in the growth of nuisance organisms that could lead to unpleasant tastes and odors. Figure 5 shows average monthly drinking water temperatures in Maple Ridge. In July, August and September the average monthly temperatures were 15, 17 and 16.5 ° C, exceeding Health Canada's recommendation. Detailed temperature information is provided in Appendix F. Average Monthly Drinking Water Temperature 20 18 vi' 16 ::J ~ 14 u ~ 12 ... tl.O <11 e. 10 <11 ... ::J 8 .... 111 ... <11 6 C. E ~ 4 2 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Figure 5: Average Monthly Drinking Water Temperature Chart 5.8 Vinyl Chloride The concentration of vinyl chloride was tested in 6 samples during 2019. As indicated in Appendix D, all results were non-detectable (less than 0.0004 mg/L), less than the Health Canada Guideline of 2 µg/L. 14 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 6.0 Public Health Message from the Medical Health Officer Fraser Health's Medical Health Officer has requested that a fact sheet entitled "Preventing Water-Borne Infections for People with weakened Immune Systems" be included in this report. The fact sheet is presented in Appendix G. Additionally, the Medical Health Officer has requested the following message be included in this report: Anytime the water in a particular faucet has not been used for six hours or longer, "flush" your cold-water pipes by running the water until you notice a change in temperature. (This could take as little as five to thirty seconds if there has been recent heavy water use such as showering or toilet flushing. Otherwise, it could take two minutes or longer.) The more time water has been sitting in your home's pipes, the more lead it may contain. Use only water from the cold-tap for drinking, cooking, and especially making baby formula. Hot water is likely to contain higher levels of lead. The two actions recommended above are very important to the health of your family. They will probably be effective in reducing lead levels because most of the lead in household water usually comes from the plumbing in your house, not the local water supply. 7 .O Conclusion The City monitored drinking water quality in 2019 in accordance with Provincial regulations and the Water Quality Monitoring and Reporting Plan for Metro Vancouver (GVWD) and Local Government Members. Over 1,000 drinking water samples were obtained from the municipal water distribution system at 20 locations throughout the City. Metro Vancouver Laboratory testing indicated that all samples met BC Drinking Water Protection Regulation standards and did not exceed Health Canada guidelines with the exception of temperature. 15 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Appendix A: Sampling Station Locations 16 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 e W.11t&r Ssmt=,le: Locsti::.ns r -j 1 r-·,-----~1- The Qty of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy or present status of the information shOl',ll on this map. Sampling Locations BY:SD 17 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Appendix B: Residual Free Chlorine Figures 18 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 • l r·~-1 --~1 ·, -----~! ~ I ! ~ Tl '"-,I 1~--t~~ 11:r · · . ~~-441 r ~Al~ /~\ w N Scale: 1:65,000 • LDcstions where free chlorine- c:,nce-ntration fell below 0.2 mg/L I . I "=1 I~ ,., lr' I ,, j 1, / fil ~ "· I ) \j~ +l-J \.__... ,I 'u,( Alt. , ~ I '"NO I r-,-~ ---r= ' I i ---i-1 The Qty of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee J ...z.~ regarcing the accuracy or present status of the information shoVvTI on this map. Occurences of Free Ch lorine < 0.2 mg/L iL.\IONl:ERl'~O CEP.4.Rit.lENT [4111111 mapleridge.ca FILE: Oca.i1renc::es_af_F1e-e_Chlotine.mxd DATE: M31ch2020 BY:SD 19 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 1n1 I I /'\ w N Scale: 1:65,000 ~ AverageFreeChlorinein mg/L e <0.2 mg/L e 0.2-0.5 mg/L e >0.5mg/L j f~'./ ..... "~~/ . .r <l·!..,.,,. J ,/ ( I I i r R-43a i Lr' ( R-446 ( 'l / 1' } 1/ , \.• 1 ,.:' r-_.,.1 .1 r-' _! ' u i \ I. i ./ ___ j ./ ;I _CJ:-L~i ,,,~., ~ , I r.---_=r '1 ; I The aty of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee • ~ re,a,oog ~• ~racy oc ,~,m ••~ • the information shov.n on this map. --1-,... .1 Average Free Chlorine 2019 2:NOW!!'R-:e-lQ 0 2:c:A:;:T~ENT ~ mapleridge.ca FJLE: Ave:rsge_Free_Chbrine.mxd DATE: March2020 BY:SD 20 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 ·, · t Y1 •) D • IE:Ss th.an 50;&. of samples > 0.2 m;;;.i'l e ~'Jo to 75% of samples > 0.2 rrg/L • 75%, to 100% of ssmp~ > 0.2 mg/L N ) ( J ,/ I Li ( i--r-r '{l ./ "\. 1 l/ i.,,,-ri:: Ir 1, -, u ; \ ·· i I / / /~ /---';_~-: {. { ...: .... / ~1 [_._ ~ -, ~+~I Jr \ .. ___ J -1 I ,/ -'t)IIAI~ __l__f ,,, .. , . , I r-1'~. I -:-1 The Qty of Maple Ridge makes no guarantee ...$.A'" , regarcing the accuracy or present status of I_,-the information sho'Ml o: ~ -1-, -, 2019 Percentage of Free Chlorine Greater than 0.2 mg/L FILE: Percents:ge_c.f_Fre-e_Chlo:rine.mxd DATE: Mstch2020 BY: SD 21 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Appendix C: Disinfection By-Products and pH 22 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 THM (ppb) HAA (ppb) " " '" 'O 'O C: C: ., " -'O 'O ~ ·c:; 'O 'O " -"' "' C: ... ~ ·c:; <( ~ ~ ... ~ .c: .c: "' ~ OJ OJ .c: ~ ! <( 0 0 "'" § § a, 0 0 ~ .!= .!/ --E E " -OJ " -Sample Site Sample Location Date Sampled e ~ 0 ~ E > cu i ~ 0 0 OJ ;:, > .. E 0 <( :, " 0 "' "' 0 0 <( :, 0 ... 0, 0 e "' "' ... 0, :i: E ~ '" "' "' 0 0 .c: .: st 0 ~ E 0 e '" .: st 0 e :i: ~ E e :i: 0 'g CD '5 u C: -~ .c: .&:, 0 :i: :c C: -0 C: '" " 0 0 0 ~ C:'" E 0 '" :, .. C: C: :, .. e :i: 0 0:: ::=. i5 i5 0 0 ~ 0:: ::=. CD u I-::;; ::;; I- Maximum Acceptable Concentration (Health Canada Guldellnes for 16 100 80 6.5-8.5 Canadian Drinking Water Quality) MPR-433 101 Ave. East of 241A St. 29-May-18 <1 <1 <1 33 34 0.7 24 <1 2 34.3 62 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 7-Aug-18 <1 <1 <1 25 26 <0.5 14 <1 <2 15.6 33 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 20-Nov-18 <1 <1 <1 37 37 <0.5 27 <1 2 41.8 73 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 20-Feb-19 <1 <1 <1 26 27 31 <0.5 11 <1 <2 10.8 24 48 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 14-May-19 <1 <1 <l 32 34 31 <0.5 23 <1 2 33.6 59 47 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 20-Aug-19 1 <1 <1 29 32 33 <0.5 19 <1 <2 28.2 48 51 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 3-Dec-19 <1 <1 <1 42 43 34 <0.5 12 <1 3 17.8 34 41 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 29-May-18 <1 <1 <1 27 29 0.8 20 <1 2 26.3 49 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 7-Aug-18 1 <1 <1 35 37 <0.5 24 <1 3 30.6 59 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 20-Nov-18 <1 <l <1 48 49 <0.5 20 <1 <2 40.6 64 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 20-Feb-19 <1 <1 <1 29 30 36 <0.5 12 <1 <2 13.5 28 so 7.2 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 14-May-19 <1 <1 <1 33 35 38 <0.5 22 <1 2 29.1 54 51 7.4 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 20-Aug-19 2 <1 <1 36 39 38 <0.5 24 <1 <2 38.2 62 52 7.3 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 3-Dec-19 <1 <1 <1 40 42 37 <0.5 10 <1 4 17 32 44 7.2 MPR-438 125 Ave . West off 256 St. 29-May-18 <1 <1 <1 40 41 0.7 27 <1 3 40.2 71 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 7-Aug-18 1 <1 <1 41 42 <0.5 22 <1 <2 28.3 53 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 20-Nov-18 <1 <1 <1 58 59 <0.5 37 <1 4 58.1 100 MPR-438 125 Ave . West off 256 St. 20-Feb-19 <1 <1 <1 40 40 46 <0.5 18 <1 <2 29.2 so 68 7.4 MPR-438 125 Ave . West off 256 St. 14-May-19 1 <1 <1 41 43 46 <0.5 26 <1 2 39.1 68 68 7.4 MPR-438 125 Ave . West off 256 St. 20-Aug-19 2 <1 <1 42 45 47 <0.5 27 <1 <2 39.8 68 71 7.5 MPR-438 125Ave. Westoff256St. 3-Dec-19 <1 <1 <1 54 55 46 <0.5 21 <1 4 35.2 60 62 7.3 MPR-440 232 St. @ 117 Ave. 29-May-18 <1 <1 <1 26 27 0.9 18 <1 <2 22.5 44 MPR-440 232St.@ 117 Ave. 7-Aug-18 <1 <1 <1 28 29 0.5 17 <1 <2 14.9 34 MPR-440 232St.@117 Ave. 20-Nov-18 <1 <1 <1 39 40 <0.5 23 <1 2 26.3 52 MPR-440 232 St. @ 117 Ave. 20-Feb-19 <1 <1 <1 32 33 32 <0.5 15 <1 <2 22.2 41 42 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 14-May-19 <1 <1 <1 30 30 33 <0.5 19 <1 <2 21.4 43 42 MPR-440 232 St. @ 117 Ave. 20-Aug-19 1 <1 <1 27 30 33 <0.5 17 <1 <2 19.4 36 43 MPR-440 232 St. @ 117 Ave. 3-Dec-19 <1 <1 <1 32 34 32 <0.5 12 <1 4 12.3 29 37 23 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Appendix D: Metals and Vinyl Chloride 24 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Metal Concentration ::, ::, ::, ::, ::, ::, ::, ::, ::, ~ ~ ;,i, ::, ::, ::, ~ ::, ~ ::, ::, ;,i, ~ ::, ::, ~ ;,i, ::, ::, ;,i, ~ ~ ;,i, ::, ::, :,. ~ ~ ::, -:,. ;,i, ;,i, ;,i, ;,i, -~ :,. ~ ;,i, J -= :,. --i :,. :,. ~ iij -i iij -iij iij -:,. :,. -i :,. Sample .§ iij iii i 0 iij I .. -.§ .. .. 0 i -Sample Location Sampled Date 0 .§ ... .§ 0 iij i ... .§ .§ ... J .. Name E >, ... E ... .§ E "' E E 0 E "' :, E :, C: " E C: :, E :, ~ :, "' c::-C: .; :, :, E ... ·c 0 c :, e E :, ·g iii C: ,::, ·.; C: :, "' -"' iii ·c ~ :, " ·g E "' ·~ u C. _g iB "' :. a; :8 " "' '8 C: ~ "' &l ,::, iii e 0 0 ...J &, C: z "' "' cii N :, < co "' ~ c., c., ::;; >, 0 ,; c., "' "' 0 "' <( c., c., ::;; ::;; c.. (J) ::;; Maximum Acceptable Concentration (Guidelines ~ ~ :!! :!! ~ ~ " " " " " § ~ 200 6 10 5 50 5 C: 120 1 C: C: C: 50 C: for Canadian Drinking Water Quality) g g 0 0 0 0 0 g C: C: C: C: C: N Reason Guideline Established -Health (H) or A H H H H H H H A H H H H A A Aesthetic (A) MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk 30-Apr-19 Rd. @ 2018 St. 92 <0.5 <0.5 2.6 <10 <0.2 968 0.06 <0.5 10.6 66 <0.5 92 3.5 <0.05 <0.5 <0.5 106 <0.5 <0.5 5470 <3.0 240 St. South of MPR-435 Abernethy Way-30-Apr-19 92 <0.5 <0.5 2.4 <10 <0.2 972 0.06 <0.5 13.6 74 <O.S 94 2.9 <0.05 <0.5 <0.5 112 <0.5 <0.5 5540 <3.0 Field Duplicate MPR-446 128th Ave and 30-Apr-19 Willow Place 155 <0.5 <0.5 3.7 <10 <0.2 1440 0.22 <0.5 5.5 164 <0.5 109 17.S <0.05 <0.5 <0.5 132 <0.5 <0.5 7370 6.7 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk 10-Dec-19 Rd.@ 2018 St. 82 <0.5 <0.5 2.5 <10 <0.2 1000 <0.05 <0.5 8.6 41 <0.5 96 1.6 <0.05 <0.5 <0.5 115 <0.5 <0.5 5310 <3.0 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 10-Dec-19 81 <0.5 <0.5 2.8 <10 <0.2 1070 0.05 <0.5 16.4 45 <0.5 102 1.1 <0.05 <0.5 <0.5 116 <0.5 <0.5 5370 <3.0 MPR-446 128th Ave and 10-Dec-19 93 <0.5 <0.5 3.2 <10 <0.2 1620 0.08 <0.5 Willow Place 3.8 76 <0.5 102 3.2 <0.05 <0.5 <0.5 132 <0.5 <0.5 7200 <3.0 25 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Vinyl Chloride Concentration Sample Site Sample Reported Name Sampled date Vinyl Chloride Number (mg/L) MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 201B St. 11-Jun-19 <0.00040 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 201B St. 19-Nov-19 <0.00040 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 11-Jun-19 <0.00040 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 19-Nov-19 <0.00040 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 11-Jun-19 <0.00040 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 19-Nov-19 <0.00040 26 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Appendix E: Free Chlorine and Turbidity Charts 27 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 .~ C => ~ :;; i! ::, I-u ·;: 1ii E 0 ai .c a. QJ z ...... QJ C ·g :c u QJ ~ u. .... ...... bl) E 2019 Free Chlorine & Turbidity Data for Sample Site MPR-400 ...... Free Chlorine -Turbidity 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 o+--~--~--~-~--~--~-~--~--~-~--~--Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2019 Free Chlorine & Turbidity Data for Sample Site MPR-431 I -+-Free Chlorine -Turbidity O+--~--~--~-~--~--~-~--~--~-~--~--Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 28 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 ~ '2 :::, ~ '6 :e :, I-u ·.: ~ E 0 iii ..c C. (1J z ...... (1J C '§ :c u (1J f! LL. ...J ...... bO E ...... (1J 2019 Free Chlorine & Turbidity Data for Sample Site MPR-432 ...-Free Chlorine -Turbidity 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 o+--~~----~-~-------~--~----~-----Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2019 Free Chlorine & Turbidity Data for Sample Site MPR-433 ...-Free Chlorine -Turbidity I 1.4~-------------------------------l-!-------,H--------------------------------'§ 0.6 --t--k::--;f------tjf--~\-fv----k----t-~~r---1"------:----t----.---,-------Jlr-1i------:--1,....;&--t-~c--:;;;,-,,i,-t--:c u (1J ! 0.4 =~I----I--------Jl-------4------JJ-----------ll-111-----------'1-1-____._4--l----lf---l------1'11f--...J ".a E 0-+--~~----~-~-------~--~----~-----Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 29 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 ~ 'i: ::> .? "D :s :, I-u 'C t E 0 oi ..c C. Q) z -... Q) C '§ :c u Q) :!! LL .... -... ... E ~ 'i: ::> ~ '5 :e :, I-u 'C t E 0 oi ..c C. Q) z -... Q) C '§ :c u Q) :!! LL .... -... ... E 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 2019 Free Chlorine & Turbidity Data for Sample Site MPR-434 ~Free Chlorine -Turbidity I HighestTurbidity was 2.1 NTU on March 19, 2019. 0 +----,------,----,----,---.,..-----r---,----,---,----,-------r--Jan 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2019 Free Chlorine & Turbidity Data for Sample Site MPR-435 ~Free Chlorine -Turbidity HighestTurbidity was 5.8 and 3 NTU on Jan 03, 2019 and Feb 26, 2019 respectively. Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 30 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 2019 Free Chlorine & Turbidity Data for Sample Site MPR-436 ~Free Chlorine -Turbidity 1.4 ~ ·c ::J 1.2 -~ 't] :e ::, I-1 u E ., E 0 -.; 0.8 ..c 0. ., z ..... ., C 0.6 ·;: 0 J: u ., l!! 0.4 u. .... ..... b.O E 0.2 0->--~--~--~-~--~--~--~-~--~--~-~---Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2019 Free Chlorine & Turbidity Data for Sample Site MPR-437 ~Free Chlorine -Turbidity 1.6 ~ ·c ::J 1.4 ~ '5 :e 1.2 ::, I-u '.5 ., E 1 0 -.; ..c 0. ., z 0.8 ..... ., C '§ J: 0.6 u ., l!! u. .... 0.4 ..... b.O E 0.2 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 31 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 2019 Free Chlorine & Turbidity Data for Sample Site MPR-438 ~Free Chlorine -Turbidity 1.6 ~ '2 :::, 1.4 -~ 'O :c :5 1.2 I-u :s QI E 1 0 "iii ..c C. QI z 0.8 ..... QI C '§ :l: 0.6 u QI ~ LL. ... 0.4 ..... "" E 0.2 O+--------~----~--~--~----~-----~--Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2019 Free Chlorine & Turbidity Data for Sample Site MPR-439 ~Free Chlorine -Turbidity [ 1.6 ~ '2 :::, 1.4 -~ 'O :e 1.2 ::, I-u 'C: '.ii E 1 0 "iii ..c C. QI z 0.8 ..... QI C '§ :l: 0.6 u QI ~ LL. ... 0.4 ..... "" E 0.2 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 32 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 l!I ·c ::> .~ "C :e ::, I-... ·c 1i, E 0 ci ,,:;: C. C1J z ..... C1J C: ·g :E u C1J ~ u. ...I ..... tll) E l!I ·c ::> .~ "C :e ::, I-... ·c 1i, E 0 ci ,,:;: C. C1J z ..... C1J ·= 0 :E u C1J ~ u. ...I ..... tll) E 2019 Free Chlorine & Turbidity Data for Sample Site MPR-440 ~Free Chlorine -Turbidity 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2019 Free Chlorine & Turbidity Data for Sample Site MPR-441 1.4 I -.-Free Chlorine -Turbidity ~--------1 HighestTurbidity was 2.3 NTU on January 3, 2019. 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0-+---~-~--~-~--~--~--~--~-~--~--~--Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 33 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 1.4 .~ " :::, 1.2 ~ 'ti :e :::, 1--1 u ·.: t E 0 -.; 0.8 .s::; C. .. z ...... .. " 0.6 '§ :c u .. ~ 0.4 LL ...J ...... .,, E 0.2 0 Jan 2 . ~ 1.8 " :::, ~ 'ti 1.6 :e :::, 1--u 1.4 ·;: t E 0 1.2 -.; .s::; C. .. z 1 ...... .. " '§ 0.8 :c u .. ~ 0.6 LL ...J ...... .,, E 0.4 0.2 0 Jan 2019 Free Chlorine & Turbidity Data for Sample Site MPR-442 -+-Free Chlorine -Turbidity HighestTurbidity was 4.1 / NTU on July 23, 2019 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov 2019 Free Chlorine & Turbidity Data for Sample Site M PR-443 I -+-Free Chlorine -Turbidity Highest Turbidity was 2.3 NTU on January 3, 2019 . Dec Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 34 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 2019 Free Chlorine & Turbidity Data for Sample Site MPR-444 ~ Free Chlorine -Turbidity 2 .~ 1.8 C ::, .? "D 1.6 :e ::, .... u 1.4 ·;: ~ E 0 1.2 al .s: a. Q) z 1 ....... Q) C ·~ 0.8 :c u Q) ~ 0.6 ... .... ....... "" E 0.4 0.2 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2019 Free Chlorine & Turbidity Data for Sample Site MPR-445 -+-Free Chlorine -Turbidity 1.4 ti ·2 ::, 1.2 ~ '6 :e ::, .... 1 u •;: ~ E 0 al 0.8 .s: a. Q) z ....... Q) C 0.6 '§ :c u Q) ~ 0.4 ... .... ....... "" E 0.2 0-+---~-~--~----~--~--~----~-----~--Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 35 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 1.8 .~ C 1.6 ;:) ~ '5 :e 1.4 :::, ..... u •;: 1.2 1ii E 0 ai .s: 1 a. QJ z ...... QJ 0.8 C '§ :i: u 0.6 QJ ~ ... .... ...... 0.4 "" E 0.2 0 Jan 1.4 ti 'i: ;:) 1.2 ~ '5 :e :::, ..... 1 u •;: 1ii E 0 ai 0.8 .s: a. QI z ...... QJ C 0.6 "§ :i: u QJ ~ 0.4 ... .... ...... "" E 0.2 0 Jan 2019 Free Chlorine & Turbidity Data for Sample Site MPR-446 I ~Free Chlorine -Turbidity HighestTurbidity was 28 NTU on March 26, 2019. Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2019 Free Chlorine & Turbidity Data for Sample Site MPR-447 ~Free Chlorine -Turbidity Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 36 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 2019 Free Chlorine & Turbidity Data for Sample Site M PR-448 -+-Free Chlorine -Turbidity 1.4 .~ C: ::i 1.2 ~ '6 :e :::, ... 1 u 'C ~ E 0 "iii 0.8 ..c: C. QJ z ....... QJ ·= 0.6 0 :c u QJ ~ 0.4 ... ...., ....... OD E 0.2 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2019 Free Chlorine & Turbidity Data for Sample Site MPR-449 ~Free Chlorine -Turbidity 1.4 ~ ·c Highest Turbidity was 2.2 ::i 1.2 . ? NTU on January 3, 2019 . "O :e :::, ... 1 u 'C ~ E 0 "iii 0.8 ..c: C. QJ z ....... QJ 0.6 C: ·~ :c u QJ ~ 0.4 ... ...., ....... OD E 0.2 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 37 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Appendix F: Weekly Sample Lab Results 38 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sampled HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Sample reported name Date Free MF/ CFU/mls ·c MF/100 NTU name mg/L lOOmls mls MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 03-Jan-19 0.29 <1 68 8 <1 0.32 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 08-Jan-19 0.66 <1 <2 6 <1 0.58 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 15-Jan-19 0.45 <1 26 8 <1 0.3 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 22-Jan-19 0.42 <1 26 8 <1 0.36 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 29-Jan-19 0.94 <1 12 7 <1 0.25 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 05-Feb-19 0.79 <1 12 6 <1 0.31 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 12-Feb-19 0.61 <1 10 7 <1 0.37 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 19-Feb-19 0.54 <1 4 6 <1 0.37 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 26-Feb-19 0.51 <1 2 7 <1 0.23 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 05-Mar-19 0.54 <1 <2 6 <1 0.28 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 12-Mar-19 0.56 <1 <2 5 <1 0.25 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 19-Mar-19 0.58 <1 <2 6 <1 0.34 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 26-Mar-19 0.66 <1 <2 7 <1 0.37 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 02-Apr-19 0.48 <1 <2 10 <1 0.3 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 09-Apr-19 0.97 <1 <2 8 <1 0.42 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 16-Apr-19 0.48 <1 6 9 <1 0.26 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 23-Apr-19 0.53 <1 34 10 <1 0.26 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 30-Apr-19 0.48 <1 22 10 <1 0.23 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 07-May-19 0.48 <1 14 10 <1 0.27 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 14-May-19 0.5 <1 96 12 <1 0.21 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 21-May-19 0.4 <1 52 12 <1 0.22 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 28-May-19 0.47 <1 82 12 <1 0.27 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 04-Jun-19 0.56 <1 88 12 <1 0.22 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 11-Jun-19 0.11 <1 94 13 <1 0.25 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 18-Jun-19 0.43 <1 280 15 <1 0.21 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 25-Jun-19 0.46 <1 280 16 <1 0.21 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 02-Jul-19 0.29 <1 480 15 <1 0.17 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 09-Jul-19 0.36 <1 710 16 <1 0.17 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 16-Jul-19 0.75 <1 240 15 <1 0.31 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 23-Jul-19 0.51 <1 28 15 <1 0.26 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 30-Jul-19 0.62 <1 110 16 <1 0.22 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 06-Aug-19 0.36 <1 28 18 <1 0.26 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 13-Aug-19 0.33 <1 390 17 <1 0.27 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 20-Aug-19 0.37 <1 470 17 <1 0.23 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 27-Aug-19 0.39 <1 180 16 <1 0.25 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 03-Sep-19 0.61 <1 420 17 <1 0.26 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 10-Sep-19 0.48 <1 170 17 <1 0.18 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 17-Sep-19 0.18 <1 290 17 <1 0.19 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 24-Sep-19 0 <1 510 14 <1 0.31 39 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sample reported name Sampled MF/ HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Date Free CFU/mls ·c MF/100 NTU name mg/L 100mls mls MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 01-0ct-19 0.33 <1 4 15 <1 0.5 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 08-0ct-19 0.3 <1 10 15 <1 0.27 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 15-0ct-19 0.28 <1 2 14 <1 0.24 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 22-0ct-19 0.29 <1 4 14 <1 0.33 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 29-0ct-19 0.65 <1 10 13 <1 0.35 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 05-Nov-19 0.41 <1 12 12 <1 0.23 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 12-Nov-19 0.36 <1 <2 12 <1 0.21 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 19-Nov-19 0.53 <1 4 11.5 <1 0.45 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 26-Nov-19 0.41 <1 <2 11 <1 0.31 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 03-Dec-19 0.44 <1 <2 10 <1 0.28 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 10-Dec-19 0.38 <1 <2 10 <1 0.19 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 17-Dec-19 0.43 <1 <2 10 <1 0.35 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 23-Dec-19 0.46 <1 NA 9 <1 0.26 MPR-400 Powell Ave. West of 203rd Street 30-Dec-19 0.53 <1 NA 9 <1 0.27 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd.@ 2018 St. 03-Jan-19 1.09 <11 <2 6 <11 30 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd.@ 2018 St. 08-Jan-19 0.95 <1 <2 5 <1 0.52 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 15-Jan-19 1.07 <1 <2 5 <1 0.45 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 22-Jan-19 0.95 <1 <2 5 <1 0.34 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 29-Jan-19 1.05 <1 <2 6 <1 0.29 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 05-Feb-19 0.68 <1 <2 5 <1 0.43 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 12-Feb-19 1.05 <1 <2 5 <1 0.56 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd.@ 2018 St. 19-Feb-19 0.9 <1 <2 4 <1 0.95 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd.@ 2018 St. 26-Feb-19 0.95 <1 <2 4 <1 0.36 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 05-Mar-19 0.82 <1 <2 5 <1 0.42 MPR-431 DewdneyTrunk Rd.@ 2018 St. 12-Mar-19 0.72 <1 <2 5 <1 0.35 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 19-Mar-19 0.87 <1 <2 6 <1 0.44 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 26-Mar-19 0.87 <1 <2 7 <1 0.46 MPR-431 DewdneyTrunk Rd. @2018St. 02-Apr-19 0.58 <1 2 9 <1 0.38 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 09-Apr-19 1.05 <1 <2 9 <1 0.35 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 16-Apr-19 0.79 <1 <2 9 <1 0.43 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd.@ 2018 St. 23-Apr-19 0.85 <1 <2 10 <1 0.39 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd.@ 2018 St. 30-Apr-19 0.77 <1 <2 10 <1 0.35 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd.@ 2018 St. 07-May-19 0.9 <1 <2 10 <1 0.36 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 14-May-19 1.2 <1 4 12 <1 0.34 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 21-May-19 0.76 <1 <2 13 <1 0.25 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd.@ 2018 St. 28-May-19 0.85 <1 <2 13 <1 0.36 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd.@ 2018 St. 04-Jun-19 0.58 <1 <2 13 <1 0.41 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 11-Jun-19 0.17 <1 <2 14 <1 0.47 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 18-Jun-19 0.74 <1 <2 15 <1 0.26 1 MPN/100ml (Colilert test method) 40 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sample reported name Sampled MF/ HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Date Free CFU/mls ·c MF/100 NTU name mg/L 100mls mls MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd.@ 201B St. 25-Jun-19 0.86 <1 <2 15 <1 0.27 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd.@ 201B St. 02-Jul-19 0.76 <1 <2 15 <1 0.21 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 201B St. 09-Jul-19 0.81 <1 <2 16 <1 0.2 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd.@ 201B St. 16-Jul-19 0.91 <1 2 16 <1 0.32 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd.@ 201B St. 23-Jul-19 0.83 <1 <2 16 <1 0.35 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 30-Jul-19 1.04 <1 <2 17 <1 0.28 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 06-Aug-19 0.78 <1 2 18 <1 0.32 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 13-Aug-19 0.83 <1 <2 18 <1 0.26 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 20-Aug-19 0.91 <1 <2 18 <1 0.29 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd.@ 2018 St. 27-Aug-19 0.96 <1 <2 17 <1 0.23 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 03-Sep-19 1.08 <1 <2 17 <1 0.32 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 10-Sep-19 0.83 <1 <2 18 <1 0.37 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 17-Sep-19 0.72 <1 <2 17 <1 0.32 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @2018 St. 24-Sep-19 0.71 <1 <2 16 <1 0.57 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd.@ 2018 St. 01-0ct-19 0.99 <1 <2 15 <1 0.39 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 08-0ct-19 0.75 <1 <2 15 <1 0.41 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 15-0ct-19 0.86 <1 <2 13 <1 0.33 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 22-0ct-19 0.8 <1 <2 12 <1 0.38 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 29-0ct-19 1.45 <1 4 12 <1 0.29 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 05-Nov-19 0.83 <1 <2 10 <1 0.34 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 201B St. 12-Nov-19 0.76 <1 <2 10 <1 0.25 MPR-431 DewdneyTrunk Rd. @2018 St. 19-Nov-19 0.82 <1 <2 10 <1 0.56 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 201B St. 26-Nov-19 0.68 <1 <2 9 <1 0.93 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 03-Dec-19 0.72 <1 <2 8 <1 0.27 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 10-Dec-19 0.68 <1 2 8 <1 0.41 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd.@ 2018 St. 17-Dec-19 0.81 <1 <2 8 <1 0.4 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd. @ 2018 St. 23-Dec-19 0.83 <1 NA 8 <1 0.31 MPR-431 Dewdney Trunk Rd.@ 2018 St. 30-Dec-19 0.93 <1 NA 7 <1 0.29 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 03-Jan-19 0.58 <1 <2 5 <1 0.48 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 08-Jan-19 0.72 <1 <2 5 <1 0.42 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 15-Jan-19 0.82 <1 <2 6 <1 0.32 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 22-Jan-19 0.88 <1 <2 6 <1 0.46 MPR-432 224 St.@ 122 Ave. 29-Jan-19 0.76 <1 6 6 <1 0.26 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 05-Feb-19 1 <1 <2 5 <1 0.45 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 12-Feb-19 0.98 <1 <2 4 <1 0.52 MPR-432 224 St. @ 122 Ave. 19-Feb-19 0.87 <1 <2 4 <1 0.39 MPR-432 224St.@ 122Ave. 26-Feb-19 0.89 <1 <2 4 <1 0.37 MPR-432 224St.@ 122Ave. 05-Mar-19 0.88 <1 <2 4 <1 0.4 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 12-Mar-19 0.78 <1 100 4 <1 0.39 41 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sampled HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Sample reported name Date Free MF/ CFU/mls ·c MF/100 NTU name mg/L lOOmls mls MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 19-Mar-19 0.76 <1 <2 6 <1 0.44 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 26-Mar-19 0.8 <1 <2 7 <1 0.43 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 02-Apr-19 1.02 <1 <2 7 <1 0.44 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 09-Apr-19 0.69 <1 <2 8 <1 0.38 MPR-432 224St.@ 122Ave. 16-Apr-19 0.77 <1 <2 8 <1 0.43 MPR-432 224St.@ 122Ave. 23-Apr-19 0.76 <1 2 8 <1 0.39 MPR-432 224St.@ 122Ave. 30-Apr-19 0.77 <1 <2 8 <1 0.38 MPR-432 224St.@ 122Ave. 07-May-19 0.74 <1 <2 9 <1 0.44 MPR-432 224St.@ 122Ave. 14-May-19 0.84 <1 62 10 <1 0.3 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 21-May-19 0.76 <1 <2 11 <1 0.41 MPR-432 224St.@ 122Ave. 28-May-19 0.73 <1 <2 12 <1 0.49 MPR-432 224St.@ 122Ave. 04-Jun-19 0.57 <1 6 12 <1 0.4 MPR-432 224St.@ 122Ave. 11-Jun-19 0.14 <1 2 14 <1 0.59 MPR-432 224St.@ 122Ave. 18-Jun-19 0.97 <1 <2 13 <1 0.31 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 25-Jun-19 0.66 <1 16 13 <1 0.26 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 02-Jul-19 0.66 <1 <2 14 <1 0.22 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 09-Jul-19 0.66 <1 8 15 <1 0.23 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 16-Jul-19 0.85 <1 <2 15 <1 0.31 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 23-Jul-19 0.67 <1 <2 15 <1 0.3 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 30-Jul-19 0.82 <1 <2 15 <1 0.25 MPR-432 224 St. @ 122 Ave. 06-Aug-19 0.74 <1 2 16 <1 0.29 MPR-432 224St.@ 122Ave. 13-Aug-19 0.87 <1 2 16 <1 0.26 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 20-Aug-19 0.79 <1 <2 16 <1 0.27 MPR-432 224St.@ 122Ave. 27-Aug-19 1.01 <1 2 16 <1 0.27 MPR-432 224 St.@ 122 Ave. 03-Sep-19 0.94 <1 <2 16 <1 0.35 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 10-Sep-19 0.81 <1 <2 17 <1 0.23 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 17-Sep-19 0.58 <1 <2 16 <1 0.32 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 24-Sep-19 0.69 <1 2 14 <1 0.4 MPR-432 224St.@ 122Ave. 01-0ct-19 0.89 <1 4 13 <1 0.55 MPR-432 224 St. @ 122 Ave. 08-0ct-19 0.56 <1 8 14 <1 0.41 MPR-432 224St.@ 122Ave. 15-0ct-19 0.54 <1 <2 12 <1 0.28 MPR-432 224 St.@ 122 Ave. 22-0ct-19 0.5 <1 <2 11 <1 0.52 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 29-0ct-19 0.75 <1 <2 9 <1 0.35 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 05-Nov-19 0.69 <1 <2 9 <1 0.3 MPR-432 224St. @122Ave. 12-Nov-19 0.62 <1 2 9 <1 0.27 MPR-432 224 St. @ 122 Ave. 19-Nov-19 0.57 <1 <2 9.5 <1 0.54 MPR-432 224St.@ 122Ave. 26-Nov-19 0.64 <1 8 8 <1 0.35 MPR-432 224St.@ 122Ave. 03-Dec-19 0.52 <1 2 6 <1 0.35 MPR-432 224St.@ 122Ave. 10-Dec-19 0.72 <1 <2 7 <1 0.34 42 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sampled HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Sample reported name Date Free MF/ CFU/mls ·c MF/100 NTU name mg/L 100mls mls MPR-432 224 St.@ 122 Ave. 17-Dec-19 0.62 <1 <2 7 <1 0.34 MPR-432 224St.@ 122Ave. 23-Dec-19 0.78 <1 NA 6 <1 0.31 MPR-432 224St.@ 122Ave. 30-Dec-19 0.85 <1 NA 7 <1 0.29 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 03-Jan-19 0.82 <1 <2 6 <1 0.42 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 08-Jan-19 0.71 <1 <2 6 <1 0.42 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 15-Jan-19 0.58 <1 2 6 <1 0.38 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 22-Jan-19 0.57 <1 <2 6 <1 0.45 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 29-Jan-19 0.74 <1 <2 6 <1 0.25 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 05-Feb-19 1.1 <1 <2 5 <1 0.43 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 12-Feb-19 0.56 <1 <2 4 <1 0.49 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 19-Feb-19 0.69 <1 <2 4 <1 0.29 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 26-Feb-19 0.76 <1 2 4 <1 0.25 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 05-Mar-19 0.7 <1 <2 5 <1 0.4 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 12-Mar-19 0.56 <1 <2 4 <1 0.29 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 19-Mar-19 0.62 <1 <2 6 <1 0.37 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 26-Mar-19 0.58 <1 <2 7 <1 0.52 MPR-433 232St. North of 130Ave. 02-Apr-19 0.7 <1 2 7 <1 0.42 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 09-Apr-19 0.58 <1 <2 8 <1 0.35 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 16-Apr-19 0.4 <1 <2 7 <1 0.3 MPR-433 232St. North of 130Ave. 23-Apr-19 0.69 <1 <2 8 <1 0.3 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130Ave. 30-Apr-19 0.67 <1 <2 8 <1 0.26 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 07-May-19 0.61 <1 <2 9 <1 0.37 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 14-May-19 0.43 <1 24 10 <1 0.42 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 21-May-19 0.65 <1 <2 11 <1 0.29 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 28-May-19 0.72 <1 6 12 <1 0.32 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 04-Jun-19 0.81 <1 <2 11 <1 0.37 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 11-Jun-19 0.2 <1 <2 12 <1 0.34 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 18-Jun-19 0.56 <1 2 13 <1 0.42 MPR-433 232St. North of 130Ave. 25-Jun-19 0.51 <1 <2 13 <1 0.23 MPR-433 232St. North of 130Ave. 02-Jul-19 0.51 <1 <2 14 <1 0.18 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130Ave. 09-Jul-19 0.64 <1 10 14 <1 0.19 MPR-433 232St. North of 130Ave. 16-Jul-19 0.82 <1 <2 14 <1 0.27 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 23-Jul-19 0.86 <1 2 14 <1 0.3 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 30-Jul-19 0.59 <1 <2 15 <1 0.27 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 06-Aug-19 0.55 <1 <2 15 <1 0.31 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 13-Aug-19 0.67 <1 <2 16 <1 0.23 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 20-Aug-19 0.7 <1 <2 16 <1 0.22 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 27-Aug-19 0.58 <1 <2 15 <1 0.32 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130Ave. 03-Sep-19 0.83 <1 <2 16 <1 0.38 43 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sampled HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Sample reported name Date Free MF/ CFU/mls ·c MF/100 NTU name mg/L lOOmls mls MPR-433 232St. North of 130Ave. 10-Sep-19 0.52 <1 2 16 <1 0.17 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 17-Sep-19 0.56 <1 <2 15 <1 0.29 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 24-Sep-19 0.23 <1 <2 15 <1 0.29 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 01-0ct-19 0.6 <1 <2 14 <1 0.35 MPR-433 232St. North of 130Ave. 08-0ct-19 0.59 <1 <2 14 <1 0.4 MPR-433 232St. North of 130Ave. 15-0ct-19 0.58 <1 2 12 <1 0.31 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 22-0ct-19 0.01 <1 340 13 <1 0.34 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 29-0ct-19 0.92 <1 30 10 <1 0.31 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 05-Nov-19 0.8 <1 <2 9 <1 0.29 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 12-Nov-19 0.63 <1 <2 10 <1 0.26 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 19-Nov-19 0.53 <1 4 9.5 <1 0.54 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 26-Nov-19 0.57 <1 <2 9 <1 0.34 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 03-Dec-19 0.64 <1 <2 6 <1 0.38 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 10-Dec-19 0.58 <1 <2 8 <1 0.26 MPR-433 232St. North of 130Ave. 17-Dec-19 0.67 <1 <2 7 <1 0.46 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 23-Dec-19 0.13 <1 NA 7 <1 0.27 MPR-433 232 St. North of 130 Ave. 30-Dec-19 0.33 <1 NA 7 <1 0.37 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 03-Jan-19 0.5 <1 <2 7 <1 0.36 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 08-Jan-19 0.56 <1 2 6 <1 0.45 MPR-434 102Ave. East of 241A St. 15-Jan-19 0.51 <1 2 5 <1 0.38 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 22-Jan-19 0.49 <1 <2 6 <1 0.47 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 29-Jan-19 0.57 <1 <2 5 <1 0.3 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 05-Feb-19 0.9 <1 <2 5 <1 0.37 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 12-Feb-19 0.51 <1 <2 5 <1 0.44 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 19-Feb-19 0.61 <1 <2 4 <1 0.37 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 26-Feb-19 0.66 <1 <2 4 <1 0.28 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 05-Mar-19 0.58 <1 <2 5 <1 0.35 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 12-Mar-19 0.39 <1 <2 5 <1 0.31 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 19-Mar-19 0.7 <1 <2 6 <1 2.1 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 26-Mar-19 0.65 <1 <2 7 <1 0.47 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 02-Apr-19 0.49 <1 2 8 <1 0.36 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 09-Apr-19 1.02 <1 <2 9 <1 0.46 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 16-Apr-19 0.69 <1 <2 8 <1 0.92 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 23-Apr-19 1.06 <1 2 9 <1 0.3 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 30-Apr-19 0.47 <1 <2 9 <1 0.27 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 07-May-19 0.68 <1 <2 10 <1 0.31 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 14-May-19 0.79 <1 <2 12 <1 0.34 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 21-May-19 0.63 <1 <2 12 <1 0.28 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 28-May-19 0.84 <1 26 12 <1 0.42 44 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sampled HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Sample reported name Date Free MF/ CFU/mls oc MF/100 NTU name mg/L lOOmls mls MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 04-Jun-19 0.74 <1 <2 13 <1 0.38 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 11-Jun-19 0.28 <1 <2 13 <1 0.68 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 18-Jun-19 0.73 <1 <2 14 <1 0.34 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 25-Jun-19 0.87 <1 <2 15 <1 0.24 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 02-Jul-19 0.78 <1 6 16 <1 0.35 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 09-Jul-19 0.9 <1 60 15 <1 0.25 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 16-Jul-19 0.71 <1 <2 16 <1 0.27 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 23-Jul-19 0.6 <1 <2 15 <1 0.29 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 30-Jul-19 0.94 <1 2 15 <1 0.25 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 06-Aug-19 0.72 <1 <2 17 <1 0.39 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 13-Aug-19 0.78 <1 2 17 <1 0.26 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 20-Aug-19 0.68 <1 <2 17 <1 0.33 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 27-Aug-19 0.51 <1 <2 16 <1 0.29 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 03-Sep-19 0.86 <1 <2 17 <1 0.39 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 10-Sep-19 0.48 <1 4 17 <1 0.22 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 17-Sep-19 0.46 <1 10 17 <1 0.27 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 24-Sep-19 0.19 <1 2 16 <1 0.34 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 01-0ct-19 0.23 <1 <2 15 <1 0.37 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 08-0ct-19 0.28 <1 12 14 <1 0.32 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 15-0ct-19 0.48 <1 <2 13 <1 0.37 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 22-0ct-19 0.66 <1 <2 14 <1 0.38 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 29-0ct-19 0.24 <1 <2 12 <1 0.27 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 05-Nov-19 0.6 <1 <2 10 <1 0.34 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 12-Nov-19 0.5 <1 <2 10 <1 0.28 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 19-Nov-19 0.21 <1 <2 10 <1 0.39 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 26-Nov-19 0.41 <1 2 9 <1 0.34 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 03-Dec-19 0.32 <1 <2 7 <1 0.28 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 10-Dec-19 0.31 <1 <2 8 <1 0.27 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 17-Dec-19 0.51 <1 <2 8 <1 0.33 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 23-Dec-19 0.53 <1 NA 8 <1 0.26 MPR-434 102 Ave. East of 241A St. 30-Dec-19 0.53 <1 NA 7 <1 0.35 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 03-Jan-19 0.74 <11 <2 6 <11 5.8 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 08-Jan-19 0.6 <1 <2 6 <1 0.4 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 15-Jan-19 0.56 <1 <2 7 <1 0.35 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 22-Jan-19 0.71 <1 <2 6 <1 0.3 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 29-Jan-19 0.59 <1 <2 6 <1 0.33 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 05-Feb-19 1.13 <1 <2 5 <1 0.34 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 12-Feb-19 0.92 <1 <2 4 <1 0.45 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 19-Feb-19 0.97 <1 2 4 <1 0.47 1 MPN/100ml (Colilert test method) 45 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sample reported name Sampled MF/ HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Date Free CFU/mls ·c MF/100 NTU name mg/L 100mls mls MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 26-Feb-19 0.8 <1 <2 4 <1 3 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 05-Mar-19 0.58 <1 <2 5 <1 0.33 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 12-Mar-19 0.62 <1 <2 5 <1 0.34 MPR-435 240St. South of Abernethy Way 19-Mar-19 1.22 <1 <2 6 <1 0.39 MPR-435 240St. South of Abernethy Way 26-Mar-19 0.64 <1 <2 8 <1 0.4 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 02-Apr-19 0.9 <1 8 9 <1 0.32 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 09-Apr-19 0.58 <1 <2 9 <1 0.32 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 16-Apr-19 0.63 <1 <2 9 <1 0.35 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 23-Apr-19 0.72 <1 6 10 <1 0.36 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 30-Apr-19 0.72 <1 <2 10 <1 0.34 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 07-May-19 0.58 <1 <2 10 <1 0.37 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 14-May-19 0.42 <1 18 11 <1 0.28 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 21-May-19 0.8 <1 <2 13 <1 0.38 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 28-May-19 0.68 <1 <2 12 <1 0.37 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 04-Jun-19 0.53 <1 <2 12 <1 0.32 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 11-Jun-19 0.31 <1 <2 14 <1 0.35 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 18-Jun-19 0.72 <1 <2 14 <1 0.4 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 25-Jun-19 1.06 <1 <2 15 <1 0.26 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 02-Jul-19 0.52 <1 2 16 <1 0.27. MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 09-Jul-19 0.52 <1 <2 17 <1 0.21 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 16-Jul-19 0.79 <1 <2 14 <1 0.27 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 23-Jul-19 0.53 <1 2 16 1 0.42 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 25-Jul-19 0.78 <1 <2 15 <1 0.25 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 30-Jul-19 0.57 <1 <2 15 <1 0.32 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 06-Aug-19 0.5 <1 <2 23 <1 0.34 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 13-Aug-19 0.54 <1 <2 16 <1 0.35 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 20-Aug-19 0.56 <1 2 16 <1 0.28 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 27-Aug-19 0.63 <1 <2 17 <1 0.28 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 03-Sep-19 0.65 <1 4 18 <1 0.27 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 10-Sep-19 0.77 <1 2 18 <1 0.24 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 17-Sep-19 0.48 <1 12 17 <1 0.24 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 24-Sep-19 0.31 <1 68 17 <1 0.35 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 01-0ct-19 0.38 <1 32 16 <1 0.36 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 08-0ct-19 0.45 <1 20 15 <1 0.34 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 15-0ct-19 0.35 <1 6 13 <1 0.28 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 22-0ct-19 0.62 <1 2 14 <1 0.35 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 29-0ct-19 0.5 <1 6 12 <1 0.29 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 05-Nov-19 0.44 <1 2 10 <1 0.25 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 12-Nov-19 0.39 <1 6 11 <1 0.26 46 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sampled HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Sample reported name Date Free MF/ CFU/mls oc MF/100 NTU name mg/L lOOmls mls MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 19-Nov-19 0.37 <1 <2 10.5 <1 0.51 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 26-Nov-19 0.49 <1 4 9 <1 0.34 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 03-Dec-19 0.27 <1 <2 8 <1 0.28 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 10-Dec-19 0.39 <1 <2 7 <1 0.22 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 17-Dec-19 0.7 <1 2 7 <1 0.33 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 23-Dec-19 0.48 <1 NA 8 <1 0.31 MPR-435 240 St. South of Abernethy Way 30-Dec-19 0.51 <1 NA 7 <1 0.4 MPR-436 125Ave. West of Ansell St. 03-Jan-19 0.77 <1 4 7 <1 0.42 MPR-436 125Ave. West of Ansell St. 08-Jan-19 0.93 <1 <2 6 <1 0.44 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 15-Jan-19 0.76 <1 84 7 <1 0.31 MPR-436 125Ave. West of Ansell St. 22-Jan-19 1.18 <1 <2 6 <1 0.36 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 29-Jan-19 1 <1 <2 6 <1 0.25 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 05-Feb-19 0.68 <1 <2 5 <1 0.33 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 12-Feb-19 1.01 <1 <2 5 <1 0.41 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 19-Feb-19 0.85 <1 2 4 <1 0.31 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 26-Feb-19 0.8 <1 <2 4 <1 0.39 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 05-Mar-19 1.11 <1 <2 4 <1 0.33 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 12-Mar-19 0.82 <1 <2 4 <1 0.26 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 19-Mar-19 0.82 <1 <2 5 <1 0.36 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 26-Mar-19 0.86 <1 <2 7 <1 0.52 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 02-Apr-19 1.26 <1 <2 8 <1 0.33 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 09-Apr-19 1.08 <1 2 8 <1 0.39 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 16-Apr-19 1.1 <1 2 9 <1 0.3 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 23-Apr-19 1.08 <1 <2 9 <1 0.28 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 30-Apr-19 0.94 <1 <2 9 <1 0.28 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 07-May-19 0.93 <1 <2 10 <1 0.3 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 14-May-19 1.14 <1 2 11 <1 0.3 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 21-May-19 0.77 <1 <2 14 <1 0.25 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 28-May-19 0.82 <1 4 13 <1 0.33 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 04-Jun-19 1.07 <1 <2 12 <1 0.39 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 11-Jun-19 0.17 <1 8 14 <1 0.6 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 18-Jun-19 0.72 <1 <2 15 <1 0.35 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 25-Jun-19 0.73 <1 <2 15 <1 0.26 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 02-Jul-19 0.8 <1 8 15 <1 0.18 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 09-Jul-19 1.18 <1 8 16 <1 0.2 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 16-Jul-19 1.07 <1 18 16 <1 0.27 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 23-Jul-19 0.81 <1 <2 15 <1 0.28 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 30-Jul-19 1.17 <1 2 16 <1 0.36 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 06-Aug-19 0.89 <1 <2 18 <1 0.37 47 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sample reported name Sampled MF/ HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Date Free CFU/mls ·c MF/100 NTU name mg/L 100mls mls MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 13-Aug-19 0.96 <1 400 16 <1 0.32 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 20-Aug-19 1.04 <1 10 16 <1 0.23 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 27-Aug-19 1.22 <1 <2 16 <1 0.22 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 03-Sep-19 0.83 <1 6 17 <1 0.3 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 12-Sep-19 0.99 <11 LA 17 <11 0.28 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 17-Sep-19 0.72 <1 36 16 <1 0.21 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 24-Sep-19 0.59 <1 16 16 <1 0.73 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 01-0ct-19 0.83 <1 <2 14 <1 0.37 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 08-0ct-19 0.54 <1 10 14 <1 0.32 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 15-0ct-19 0.65 <1 4 13 <1 0.27 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 22-0ct-19 0.7 <1 4 14 <1 0.31 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 29-0ct-19 1.16 <1 <2 10 <1 0.28 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 05-Nov-19 0.72 <1 <2 10 <1 0.26 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 12-Nov-19 0.74 <1 <2 10 <1 0.27 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 19-Nov-19 0.31 <1 <2 10 <1 0.29 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 26-Nov-19 0.53 <1 <2 9 <1 0.44 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 03-Dec-19 0.47 <1 <2 7 <1 0.46 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 10-Dec-19 0.49 <1 2 8 <1 0.24 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 17-Dec-19 0.42 <1 <2 7 <1 0.34 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 23-Dec-19 0.44 <1 NA 7 <1 0.27 MPR-436 125 Ave. West of Ansell St. 30-Dec-19 0.65 <1 NA 7 <1 0.26 MPR-437 248 St.@ 116 Ave. 03-Jan-19 0.66 <1 2 6 <1 0.35 MPR-437 248 St. @ 116 Ave. 08-Jan-19 1.01 <1 <2 6 <1 0.45 MPR-437 248St.@ 116Ave. 15-Jan-19 1.18 <1 <2 6 <1 0.29 MPR-437 248St. @116Ave. 22-Jan-19 1.12 <1 <2 6 <1 0.4 MPR-437 248 St. @ 116 Ave. 29-Jan-19 1.28 <1 <2 6 <1 0.28 MPR-437 248St.@ 116Ave. 05-Feb-19 0.98 <1 2 5 <1 0.33 MPR-437 248St.@ 116Ave. 12-Feb-19 0.91 <1 <2 4 <1 0.37 MPR-437 248 St. @ 116 Ave. 19-Feb-19 1.05 <1 <2 4 <1 0.33 MPR-437 248St.@ 116Ave. 26-Feb-19 1.13 <1 <2 4 <1 0.3 MPR-437 248 St. @ 116 Ave. 05-Mar-19 1.23 <1 <2 5 <1 0.41 MPR-437 248 St. @ 116 Ave. 12-Mar-19 0.93 <1 <2 4 <1 0.36 MPR-437 248St.@ 116Ave. 19-Mar-19 0.41 <1 <2 5 <1 0.35 MPR-437 248St. @116Ave. 26-Mar-19 0.86 <1 2 7 <1 0.58 MPR-437 248St.@ 116Ave. 02-Apr-19 0.69 <1 <2 8 <1 0.41 MPR-437 248St.@ 116Ave. 09-Apr-19 1.14 <1 <2 9 <1 0.3 MPR-437 248 St. @ 116 Ave. 16-Apr-19 1.15 <1 2 9 <1 0.35 MPR-437 248 St. @ 116 Ave. 23-Apr-19 0.89 <1 <2 9 <1 0.31 MPR-437 248St.@ 116Ave. 30-Apr-19 0.89 <1 2 9 <1 0.3 1 MPN/lOOmL (Colilert test method) 48 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sampled HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Sample reported name Date Free MF/ CFU/mls ·c MF/100 NTU name mg/L lOOmls mls MPR-437 248St. @116Ave. 07-May-19 0.97 <1 4 9 <1 0.41 MPR-437 248St. @116Ave. 14-May-19 0.89 <1 <2 11 <1 0.36 MPR-437 248St. @116Ave. 21-May-19 1 <1 <2 12 <1 0.31 MPR-437 248St. @116Ave. 28-May-19 0.99 <1 <2 12 <1 0.38 MPR-437 248St. @116Ave. 04-Jun-19 0.99 <1 <2 12 <1 0.36 MPR-437 248St. @116Ave. 11-Jun-19 0.42 <1 <2 14 <1 0.37 MPR-437 248St. @116Ave. 18-Jun-19 0.7 <1 <2 15 <1 0.28 MPR-437 248 St.@ 116 Ave. 25-Jun-19 1.3 <1 <2 16 <1 0.28 MPR-437 248 St.@ 116 Ave. 02-Jul-19 0.92 <1 <2 15 <1 0.28 MPR-437 248 St.@ 116 Ave. 09-Jul-19 1.05 <1 <2 16 <1 0.22 MPR-437 248 St.@ 116 Ave. 16-Jul-19 1.01 <1 2 16 <1 0.26 MPR-437 248 St. @ 116 Ave. 23-Jul-19 0.93 <1 <2 14 <1 0.28 MPR-437 248St. @116Ave. 30-Jul-19 1.1 <1 <2 14 <1 0.25 MPR-437 248St. @116Ave. 06-Aug-19 0.89 <1 2 20 <1 0.31 MPR-437 248 St. @ 116 Ave. 13-Aug-19 0.88 <1 <2 16 <1 0.24 MPR-437 248St.@ 116Ave. 20-Aug-19 0.92 <1 <2 16 <1 0.26 MPR-437 248St. @116Ave. 27-Aug-19 1.29 <1 <2 15 <1 0.27 MPR-437 248St. @116Ave. 03-Sep-19 1.12 <1 <2 16 <1 0.34 MPR-437 248St. @116Ave. 10-Sep-19 1.04 <1 <2 18 <1 0.2 MPR-437 248 St.@ 116 Ave. 17-Sep-19 0.91 <1 <2 16 <1 0.24 MPR-437 248St.@ 116Ave. 24-Sep-19 0.62 <1 <2 16 <1 0.29 MPR-437 248St.@ 116Ave. 01-0ct-19 0.83 <1 <2 15 <1 0.33 MPR-437 248St. @116Ave. 08-0ct-19 0.77 <1 12 13 <1 0.47 MPR-437 248St. @116Ave. 15-0ct-19 0.63 <1 <2 13 <1 0.27 MPR-437 248St. @116Ave. 22-0ct-19 0.91 <1 <2 14 <1 0.32 MPR-437 248St. @116Ave. 29-0ct-19 1.26 <1 <2 11 <1 0.29 MPR-437 248St.@ 116Ave. 05-Nov-19 0.92 <1 <2 10 <1 0.31 MPR-437 248St.@ 116Ave. 12-Nov-19 0.68 <1 <2 10 <1 0.25 MPR-437 248 St. @ 116 Ave. 19-Nov-19 0.75 <1 <2 9.7 <1 0.65 MPR-437 248 St. @ 116 Ave. 26-Nov-19 0.63 <1 <2 9 <1 0.64 MPR-437 248St. @116Ave. 03-Dec-19 0.7 <1 <2 7 <1 0.35 MPR-437 248St. @116Ave. 10-Dec-19 0.82 <1 <2 8 <1 0.26 MPR-437 248St. @116Ave. 17-Dec-19 0.55 <1 <2 7 <1 0.36 MPR-437 248St. @116Ave. 23-Dec-19 0.48 <1 NA 7 <1 0.27 MPR-437 248St.@ 116Ave. 30-Dec-19 0.78 <1 NA 7 <1 0.28 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 03-Jan-19 0.78 <1 <2 6 <1 0.33 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 08-Jan-19 1 <1 <2 6 <1 0.42 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 15-Jan-19 1.17 <1 <2 6 <1 0.37 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 22-Jan-19 0.51 <1 <2 6 <1 0.42 49 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sampled HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Sample reported name Date Free MF/ CFU/mls ·c MF/100 NTU name mg/L lOOmls mls MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 29-Jan-19 1.21 <1 2 6 <1 0.34 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 05-Feb-19 0.71 <1 2 5 <1 0.49 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 12-Feb-19 1.07 <1 <2 4 <1 0.53 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 19-Feb-19 0.92 <1 <2 4 <1 0.27 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 26-Feb-19 1.05 <1 <2 4 <1 0.29 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 05-Mar-19 1.11 <1 <2 5 <1 0.37 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 12-Mar-19 0.99 <1 <2 4 <1 0.39 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 19-Mar-19 0.78 <1 <2 6 <1 0.32 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 26-Mar-19 1.02 <1 <2 7 <1 0.55 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 02-Apr-19 0.62 <1 <2 12 <1 0.38 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 09-Apr-19 0.5 <1 <2 8 <1 0.35 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 16-Apr-19 0.78 <1 <2 8 <1 0.3 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 23-Apr-19 0.89 <1 <2 9 <1 0.3 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 30-Apr-19 1.07 <1 <2 9 <1 0.36 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 07-May-19 0.83 <1 <2 10 <1 0.36 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 14-May-19 0.41 <1 <2 12 <1 0.38 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 21-May-19 1.03 <1 <2 13 <1 0.31 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 28-May-19 0.85 <1 <2 12 <1 0.33 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 04-Jun-19 0.85 <1 <2 13 <1 0.32 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 11-Jun-19 0.41 <1 <2 13 <1 0.35 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 18-Jun-19 0.85 <1 <2 15 <1 0.38 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 25-Jun-19 1.09 <1 <2 15 <1 0.29 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 02-Jul-19 0.89 <1 8 15 <1 0.26 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 09-Jul-19 0.98 <1 <2 16 <1 0.18 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 16-Jul-19 0.96 <1 <2 17 <1 0.35 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 23-Jul-19 0.91 <1 <2 15 <1 0.26 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 30-Jul-19 1.04 <1 <2 15 <1 0.24 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 06-Aug-19 0.81 <1 <2 16 <1 0.28 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 13-Aug-19 0.84 <1 <2 17 <1 0.24 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 20-Aug-19 0.74 <1 <2 16 <1 0.33 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 27-Aug-19 1.01 <1 2 16 <1 0.35 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 03-Sep-19 1.04 <1 <2 16 <1 0.26 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 10-Sep-19 1.01 <1 <2 18 <1 0.28 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 17-Sep-19 0.8 <1 <2 17 <1 0.21 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 24-Sep-19 0.51 <1 2 16 <1 0.36 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 01-0ct-19 0.71 <1 2 15 <1 0.31 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 08-0ct-19 0.55 <1 <2 14 <1 0.43 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 15-0ct-19 0.68 <1 <2 13 <1 0.24 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 22-0ct-19 0.73 <1 <2 14 <1 0.35 so City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sample reported name Sampled MF/ HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Date Free CFU/mls ·c MF/100 NTU name mg/L lOOmls mls MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 29-0ct-19 0.77 <1 2 11 <1 0.34 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 05-Nov-19 0.79 <1 <2 9 <1 0.27 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 12-Nov-19 0.67 <1 <2 10 <1 0.22 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256St. 19-Nov-19 0.55 <1 <2 10 <1 0.32 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 26-Nov-19 0.61 <1 <2 9 <1 0.36 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 03-Dec-19 0.46 <1 <2 8 <1 0.36 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 10-Dec-19 0.54 <1 <2 8 <1 0.26 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 17-Dec-19 0.49 <1 <2 7 <1 0.39 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 23-Dec-19 0.49 <1 NA 7 <1 0.28 MPR-438 125 Ave. West off 256 St. 30-Dec-19 0.77 <1 NA 7 <1 0.35 MPR-439 130 Ave. @ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 03-Jan-19 1.02 <1 <2 6 <1 0.44 MPR-439 130 Ave. @ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 08-Jan-19 0.66 <1 <2 6 <1 0.39 MPR-439 130 Ave. @ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 15-Jan-19 1.09 <1 2 6 <1 0.33 MPR-439 130Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 22-Jan-19 0.87 <1 <2 6 <1 0.37 MPR-439 130Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 29-Jan-19 1.11 <1 <2 6 <1 0.37 MPR-439 130Ave. @251A St. (W. of 256St.) 05-Feb-19 0.97 <1 <2 5 <1 0.4 MPR-439 130 Ave. @ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 12-Feb-19 0.82 <1 <2 4 <1 0.51 MPR-439 130Ave. @251A St. (W. of 256St.) 19-Feb-19 1.03 <1 LA 4 <1 0.32 MPR-439 130Ave. @251A St. (W. of 256St.) 26-Feb-19 0.93 <1 <2 3 <1 0.26 MPR-439 130Ave. @251A St. (W. of 256St.) 05-Mar-19 1.02 <1 <2 5 <1 0.39 MPR-439 130 Ave. @ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 12-Mar-19 0.87 <1 <2 3 <1 0.3 MPR-439 130 Ave. @ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 19-Mar-19 0.84 <1 2 5 <1 0.37 MPR-439 130Ave. @251A St. (W. of 256St.) 26-Mar-19 0.81 <1 <2 7 <1 0.44 MPR-439 130Ave. @251A St. (W. of 256St.) 02-Apr-19 1.41 <1 <2 8 <1 0.37 MPR-439 130Ave. @251A St. (W. of 256St.) 09-Apr-19 1.11 <1 <2 8 <1 1.1 MPR-439 130Ave. @ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 16-Apr-19 0.95 <1 <2 10 <1 0.35 MPR-439 130Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 23-Apr-19 0.85 <1 <2 10 <1 0.32 MPR-439 130Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 30-Apr-19 0.67 <1 <2 10 <1 0.29 MPR-439 130 Ave. @ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 07-May-19 0.95 <1 <2 10 <1 0.34 MPR-439 130 Ave. @ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 14-May-19 1.29 <1 <2 12 <1 0.39 MPR-439 130 Ave. @ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 21-May-19 0.73 <1 4 14 <1 0.33 MPR-439 130 Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 28-May-19 1.11 <1 <2 14 <1 0.42 MPR-439 130 Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 04-Jun-19 0.62 <1 <2 12 <1 0.31 MPR-439 130 Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 11-Jun-19 0.53 <1 <2 15 <1 0.42 MPR-439 130 Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 18-Jun-19 1.26 <1 <2 15 <1 0.31 MPR-439 130Ave. @251A St. (W. of 256St.) 25-Jun-19 1.41 <1 <2 15 <1 0.3 MPR-439 130Ave. @251A St. (W. of 256St.) 02-Jul-19 0.52 <1 <2 15 <1 0.23 MPR-439 130Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256St.) 09-Jul-19 0.79 <1 6 16 <1 0.19 MPR-439 130Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256St.) 16-Jul-19 1.18 <1 8 16 <1 0.3 51 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sampled HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Sample reported name Date Free MF/ CFU/mls ·c MF/100 NTU name mg/L 100mls mls MPR-439 130Ave. @251A St. (W. of 256St.) 23-Jul-19 1.06 <1 <2 17 <1 0.25 MPR-439 130 Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 30-Jul-19 1.14 <1 2 17 <1 0.24 MPR-439 130 Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 06-Aug-19 0.91 <1 <2 20 <1 0.28 MPR-439 130Ave. @251A St. (W. of 256St.) 13-Aug-19 0.94 <1 <2 18 <1 0.27 MPR-439 130 Ave. @ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 20-Aug-19 0.52 <1 2 18 <1 0.23 MPR-439 130 Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 27-Aug-19 1.1 <1 <2 16 <1 0.45 MPR-439 130Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 03-Sep-19 1.1 <1 <2 16 <1 0.3 MPR-439 130Ave. @251A St. (W. of 256St.) 10-Sep-19 1.13 <1 2 18 <1 0.23 MPR-439 130Ave. @251A St. (W. of 256St.) 17-Sep-19 0.61 <1 2 16 <1 0.25 MPR-439 130 Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 24-Sep-19 0.75 <1 <2 16 <1 0.32 MPR-439 130Ave. @251A St. (W. of 256St.) 01-0ct-19 0.84 <1 2 15 <1 0.41 MPR-439 130 Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 08-0ct-19 0.17 <1 <2 14 <1 0.39 MPR-439 130 Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 15-0ct-19 0.41 <1 6 13 <1 0.29 MPR-439 130Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 22-0ct-19 0.29 <1 2 14 <1 1.5 MPR-439 130Ave. @251A St. (W. of 256St.) 29-0ct-19 0.94 <1 <2 11 <1 0.34 MPR-439 130Ave. @251A St. (W. of 256St.) 05-Nov-19 1.09 <1 <2 10 <1 0.28 MPR-439 130Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 12-Nov-19 1.14 <1 <2 10 <1 0.24 MPR-439 130Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 19-Nov-19 0.48 <1 4 10 <1 0.32 MPR-439 130Ave. @251A St. (W. of 256St.) 26-Nov-19 0.77 <1 <2 9 <1 0.31 MPR-439 130 Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 03-Dec-19 0.57 <1 <2 7 <1 0.33 MPR-439 130Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 10-Dec-19 0.95 <1 <2 7 <1 0.26 MPR-439 130 Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 17-Dec-19 0.85 <1 <2 7 <1 0.29 MPR-439 130Ave. @251A St. (W. of 256St.) 23-Dec-19 0.87 <1 NA 7 <1 0.28 MPR-439 130Ave.@ 251A St. (W. of 256 St.) 30-Dec-19 0.53 <1 NA 7 <1 0.25 MPR-440 232 St. @ 117 Ave. 03-Jan-19 0.28 <1 <2 6 <1 0.37 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 08-Jan-19 0.66 <1 <2 5 <1 0.54 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 15-Jan-19 0.83 <1 <2 5 <1 0.38 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 22-Jan-19 0.67 <1 <2 6 <1 0.42 MPR-440 232 St. @ 117 Ave. 29-Jan-19 0.72 <1 <2 5 <1 0.3 MPR-440 232 St. @ 117 Ave. 05-Feb-19 0.82 <1 <2 5 <1 0.46 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 12-Feb-19 1 <1 <2 4 <1 0.5 MPR-440 232 St. @ 117 Ave. 19-Feb-19 0.93 <1 2 4 <1 0.41 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 26-Feb-19 1.04 <1 <2 4 <1 0.35 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 05-Mar-19 0.78 <1 <2 4 <1 0.46 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 12-Mar-19 1.08 <1 <2 5 <1 0.33 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 19-Mar-19 0.61 <1 <2 6 <1 0.45 MPR-440 232 St. @ 117 Ave. 26-Mar-19 0.5 <1 <2 6 <1 0.6 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 02-Apr-19 0.91 <1 <2 7 <1 0.52 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 09-Apr-19 0.83 <1 <2 8 <1 0.37 52 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sampled HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Sample reported name Date Free MF/ CFU/mls ·c MF/100 NTU name mg/L 100mls mls MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 16-Apr-19 0.75 <1 2 7 <1 0.46 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 23-Apr-19 0.99 <1 <2 8 <1 0.43 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 30---Apr-19 0.85 <1 <2 8 <1 0.33 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 07-May-19 0.84 <1 <2 9 <1 0.54 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 14-May-19 0.8 <1 <2 10 <1 0.29 MPR-440 232 St. @ 117 Ave. 21-May-19 0.75 <1 <2 11 <1 0.28 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 28-May-19 0.83 <1 <2 10 <1 0.39 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 04-Jun-19 0.96 <1 <2 11 <1 0.39 MPR-440 232 St. @ 117 Ave. 11-Jun-19 0.89 <1 <2 11 <1 0.55 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 18-Jun-19 0.8 <1 <2 12 <1 0.54 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 25-Jun-19 0.74 <1 <2 13 <1 0.26 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 02-Jul-19 0.54 <1 <2 13 <1 0.29 MPR-440 232 St. @ 117 Ave. 09-Jul-19 0.64 <1 2 13 <1 0.22 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 16-Jul-19 0.94 <1 12 13 <1 0.27 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 23-Jul-19 0.77 <1 <2 14 <1 0.28 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 30-Jul-19 1.01 <1 4 14 <1 0.28 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 06-Aug-19 0.67 <1 <2 16 <1 0.32 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 13-Aug-19 0.79 <1 2 15 <1 0.36 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 20-Aug-19 0.65 <1 <2 15 <1 0.26 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 27-Aug-19 0.61 <1 <2 15 <1 0.29 MPR-440 232 St. @ 117 Ave. 03-Sep-19 0.82 <1 <2 16 <1 0.46 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 10-Sep-19 0.91 <1 <2 16 <1 0.17 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 17-Sep-19 0.69 <1 <2 15 <1 0.37 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 24-Sep-19 0.6 <1 2 14 <1 0.41 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 01-0ct-19 0.75 <1 <2 13 <1 0.42 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 08-0ct-19 0.69 <1 <2 13 <1 0.4 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 15-0ct-19 0.63 <1 6 12 <1 0.28 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 22-0ct-19 0.7 <1 <2 12 <1 0.48 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 29-0ct-19 0.65 <1 <2 9 <1 0.32 MPR-440 232 St. @ 117 Ave. 05-Nov-19 0.91 <1 <2 9 <1 0.33 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 12-Nov-19 0.73 <1 <2 9 <1 0.27 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 19-Nov-19 0.89 <1 <2 9.5 <1 0.63 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 26-Nov-19 0.65 <1 <2 8 <1 0.37 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 03-Dec-19 0.56 <1 <2 7 <1 0.37 MPR-440 232 St. @ 117 Ave. 10-Dec-19 0.79 <1 <2 7 <1 0.3 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 17-Dec-19 0.76 <1 <2 7 <1 0.4 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 23-Dec-19 0.76 <1 NA 7 <1 0.3 MPR-440 232 St.@ 117 Ave. 30-Dec-19 0.94 <1 NA 6 <1 0.28 MPR-441 132 Ave.@ Cedar Way 03-Jan-19 0.07 <1 22 6 <1 2.3 53 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sampled HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Sample reported name Date Free MF/ CFU/mls oc MF/100 NTU name mg/L 100mls mls MPR-441 132Ave.@CedarWay 08-Jan-19 0.81 <1 <2 6 <1 0.5 MPR-441 132Ave.@CedarWay 15-Jan-19 0.8 <1 6 6 <1 0.36 MPR-441 132Ave.@CedarWay 22-Jan-19 0.8 <1 <2 6 <1 0.45 MPR-441 132 Ave. @ Cedar Way 29-Jan-19 0.57 <1 <2 6 <1 0.37 MPR-441 132Ave. @CedarWay 05-Feb-19 0.89 <1 <2 5 <1 0.45 MPR-441 132 Ave.@ Cedar Way 12-Feb-19 0.9 <1 <2 4 <1 0.64 MPR-441 132Ave. @Cedar Way 19-Feb-19 0.79 <1 2 4 <1 0.32 MPR-441 132Ave. @Cedar Way 26-Feb-19 0.84 <1 <2 4 <1 0.29 MPR-441 132 Ave.@ Cedar Way 05-Mar-19 0.78 <1 <2 4 <1 0.3 MPR-441 132 Ave.@ Cedar Way 12-Mar-19 0.73 <1 4 4 <1 0.23 MPR-441 132Ave. @Cedar Way 19-Mar-19 0.71 <1 <2 5 <1 0.41 MPR-441 132Ave. @Cedar Way 26-Mar-19 0.59 <1 <2 7 <1 0.47 MPR-441 132 Ave.@ Cedar Way 02-Apr-19 0.66 <1 <2 7 <1 0.38 MPR-441 132Ave. @Cedar Way 09-Apr-19 1.25 <1 2 8 <1 0.47 MPR-441 132Ave. @Cedar Way 16-Apr-19 0.44 <1 <2 8 <1 0.3 MPR-441 132Ave. @Cedar Way 23-Apr-19 0.59 <1 <2 9 <1 0.37 MPR-441 132Ave. @Cedar Way 30-Apr-19 0.61 <1 <2 8 <1 0.35 MPR-441 132Ave. @Cedar Way 07-May-19 0.77 <1 <2 10 <1 0.42 MPR-441 132Ave. @Cedar Way 14-May-19 0.67 <1 <2 11 <1 0.31 MPR-441 132 Ave.@ Cedar Way 21-May-19 0.67 <1 <2 11 <1 0.31 MPR-441 132Ave.@CedarWay 28-May-19 0.75 <1 <2 11 <1 0.38 MPR-441 132Ave. @Cedar Way 04-Jun-19 0.55 <1 <2 12 <1 0.54 MPR-441 132 Ave.@ Cedar Way 11-Jun-19 0.29 <1 <2 12 <1 0.51 MPR-441 132Ave.@CedarWay 18-Jun-19 0.64 <1 2 15 <1 0.34 MPR-441 132Ave. @Cedar Way 25-Jun-19 0.59 <1 6 14 <1 0.26 MPR-441 132Ave. @CedarWay 02-Jul-19 0.69 <1 <2 14 <1 0.42 MPR-441 132Ave.@CedarWay 09-Jul-19 0.83 <1 <2 14 <1 0.2 MPR-441 132 Ave.@ Cedar Way 16-Jul-19 0.93 <1 <2 15 <1 0.3 MPR-441 132 Ave.@ Cedar Way 23-Jul-19 0.66 <1 <2 15 <1 0.3 MPR-441 132 Ave.@ Cedar Way 30-Jul-19 0.86 <1 <2 16 <1 0.6 MPR-441 132 Ave. @ Cedar Way 06-Aug-19 0.58 <1 6 17 <1 0.39 MPR-441 132 Ave.@ Cedar Way 13-Aug-19 0.87 <1 <2 16 <1 0.27 MPR-441 132Ave.@CedarWay 20-Aug-19 0.76 <1 <2 16 <1 0.22 MPR-441 132 Ave.@ Cedar Way 27-Aug-19 0.69 <1 <2 16 <1 0.42 MPR-441 132 Ave.@ Cedar Way 03-Sep-19 0.84 <1 2 16 <1 0.3 MPR-441 132Ave. @Cedar Way 10-Sep-19 0.71 <1 <2 17 <1 0.22 MPR-441 132 Ave. @ Cedar Way 17-Sep-19 0.52 <1 <2 15 <1 0.35 MPR-441 132Ave. @Cedar Way 24-Sep-19 0.44 <1 <2 15 <1 0.42 MPR-441 132Ave.@CedarWay 01-0ct-19 0.41 <1 <2 14 <1 0.39 54 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sampled HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Sample reported name Date Free MF/ CFU/mls oc MF/100 NTU name mg/L lOOmls mls MPR-441 132 Ave.@ Cedar Way 08-0ct-19 0.61 <l <2 14 <1 0.32 MPR-441 132Ave. @Cedar Way 15-0ct-19 0.37 <1 <2 12 <1 0.32 MPR-441 132Ave. @CedarWay 22-0ct-19 0.06 <1 4 11 <1 0.49 MPR-441 132 Ave.@ Cedar Way 29-0ct-19 0.7 <1 <2 10 <1 0.29 MPR-441 132Ave. @Cedar Way 05-Nov-19 0.8 <1 <2 9 <1 0.27 MPR-441 132Ave. @Cedar Way 12-Nov-19 0.69 <1 <2 9 <1 0.26 MPR-441 132Ave. @Cedar Way 19-Nov-19 0.64 <1 2 9.7 <1 0.55 MPR-441 132 Ave.@ Cedar Way 26-Nov-19 0.68 <1 <2 8 <1 0.45 MPR-441 132Ave. @Cedar Way 03-Dec-19 0.71 <1 <2 7 <1 0.36 MPR-441 132Ave. @Cedar Way 10-Dec-19 0.73 <1 <2 8 <1 0.28 MPR-441 132Ave.@CedarWay 17-Dec-19 0.49 <1 2 7 <1 0.29 MPR-441 132Ave. @Cedar Way 23-Dec-19 0.75 <1 NA 6 <1 0.33 MPR-441 132Ave. @Cedar Way 30-Dec-19 0.89 <1 NA 7 <1 0.26 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 03-Jan-19 0.63 <1 <2 6 <1 0.36 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 08-Jan-19 0.44 <1 26 9 <1 0.33 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 15-Jan-19 0.72 <1 2 6 <1 0.37 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 22-Jan-19 0.68 <1 <2 6 <1 0.38 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 29-Jan-19 0.76 <1 <2 6 <1 0.3 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 05-Feb-19 0.97 <1 <2 4 <1 0.31 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 12-Feb-19 0.89 <1 <2 4 <1 0.44 MPR-442 Princess St. @ Ditton St. 19-Feb-19 0.77 <1 <2 4 <1 0.32 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 26-Feb-19 0.61 <1 <2 4 <1 0.28 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 05-Mar-19 0.7 <1 <2 5 <1 0.28 MPR-442 Princess St. @ Ditton St. 12-Mar-19 0.61 <1 <2 6 <1 0.35 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 19-Mar-19 0.58 <1 <2 6 <1 0.38 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 26-Mar-19 0.58 <1 <2 7 <1 0.53 MPR-442 Princess St. @ Ditton St. 02-Apr-19 1.03 <1 <2 8 <1 0.34 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 09-Apr-19 0.68 <1 <2 8 <1 0.32 MPR-442 Princess St. @ Ditton St. 16-Apr-19 0.65 <1 <2 9 <1 0.29 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 23-Apr-19 0.69 <1 <2 9 <1 0.3 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 30-Apr-19 0.65 <1 <2 9 <1 0.29 MPR-442 Princess St. @ Ditton St. 07-May-19 0.67 <1 <2 10 <1 0.38 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 14-May-19 1.04 <1 24 12 <1 0.58 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 21-May-19 0.62 <1 <2 12 <1 0.27 MPR-442 Princess St. @ Ditton St. 28-May-19 0.64 <1 <2 12 <1 0.43 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 04-Jun-19 0.65 <1 <2 13 <1 0.4 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 11-Jun-19 0.1 <1 6 12 <1 0.41 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 18-Jun-19 0.75 <1 2 14 <1 0.3 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 25-Jun-19 0.76 <1 <2 15 <1 0.24 55 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sample reported name Sampled MF/ HPC Temp Coliform Turb. name Date Free CFU/mls ·c MF/100 NTU mg/L 100mls mls MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 02-Jul-19 0.63 <1 32 15 <1 0.27 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 09-Jul-19 0.48 <1 8 15 <1 0.23 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 16-Jul-19 0.71 <1 6 16 <1 0.25 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 23-Jul-19 0.71 <1 140 15 <1 4.1 MPR-442 Princess St. @ Ditton St. 30-Jul-19 0.78 <1 4 15 <1 0.22 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 06-Aug-19 0.54 <1 <2 17 <1 0.37 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 13-Aug-19 0.67 <1 6 17 <1 0.29 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 20-Aug-19 0.65 <1 <2 17 <1 0.29 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 27-Aug-19 0.65 <1 2 17 <1 0.43 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 03-Sep-19 0.69 <1 10 17 <1 0.37 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 10-Sep-19 0.65 <1 6 17 <1 0.2 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 17-Sep-19 0.48 <1 4 16 <1 0.27 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 24-Sep-19 0.3 <1 12 16 <1 0.43 MPR-442 Princess St. @ Ditton St. 01-0ct-19 0.41 <1 6 15 <1 0.46 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 08-0ct-19 0.42 <1 <2 14 <1 0.3 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 15-0ct-19 0.4 <1 <2 13 <1 0.28 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 22-0ct-19 0.41 <1 2 13 <1 0.47 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 29-0ct-19 0.45 <1 <2 12 <1 0.31 MPR-442 Princess St. @ Ditton St. 05-Nov-19 0.39 <1 <2 10 <1 0.3 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 12-Nov-19 0.35 <1 <2 11 <1 0.28 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 19-Nov-19 0.37 <1 <2 10.5 <1 0.53 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 26-Nov-19 0.37 <1 <2 9 <1 0.98 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 03-Dec-19 0.33 <1 1700 8 <1 0.35 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 10-Dec-19 0.43 <1 <2 9 <1 0.23 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 17-Dec-19 0.43 <1 <2 8 <1 0.32 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 23-Dec-19 0.42 <1 NA 8 <1 0.25 MPR-442 Princess St.@ Ditton St. 30-Dec-19 0.53 <1 NA 8 <1 0.33 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 03-Jan-19 0.53 <1 <2 7 <1 2.3 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 08-Jan-19 0.6 <1 <2 7 <1 0.35 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 15-Jan-19 0.77 <1 <2 6 <1 0.33 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 22-Jan-19 0.18 <1 4 7 <1 0.35 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 29-Jan-19 0.43 <1 2 7 <1 0.34 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 05-Feb-19 0.88 <1 <2 5 <1 0.36 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 12-Feb-19 0.55 <1 <2 5 <1 0.43 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 19-Feb-19 0.5 <1 <2 4 <1 0.36 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 26-Feb-19 0.66 <1 <2 4 <1 0.27 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 05-Mar-19 0.7 <1 <2 5 <1 1.8 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 12-Mar-19 0.44 <1 <2 5 <1 0.25 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 19-Mar-19 0.5 <1 <2 6 <1 0.33 56 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sampled HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Sample reported name Date Free MF/ CFU/mls ·c MF/100 NTU name mg/L 100mls mls MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 26-Mar-19 0.41 <1 <2 7 <1 0.72 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 02-Apr-19 0.41 <1 <2 9 <1 0.35 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 09-Apr-19 0.69 <1 <2 8 <1 0.34 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 16-Apr-19 0.42 <1 <2 9 <1 0.3 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 23-Apr-19 0.47 <1 <2 10 <1 0.32 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 30-Apr-19 0.36 <1 <2 10 <1 0.27 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 07-May-19 0.53 <1 <2 11 <1 0.34 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 14-May-19 0.72 <1 <2 13 <1 0.26 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 21-May-19 0.45 <1 <2 12 <1 0.26 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 28-May-19 0.57 <1 <2 13 <1 0.56 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 04-Jun-19 0.58 <1 <2 12 <1 0.41 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 11-Jun-19 0.17 <1 4 13 <1 0.91 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 18-Jun-19 0.55 <1 4 13 <1 0.36 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 25-Jun-19 0.28 <1 <2 14 <1 0.22 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 02-Jul-19 0.57 <1 10 14 <1 0.32 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 09-Jul-19 0.74 <1 <2 15 <1 0.27 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 16-Jul-19 0.66 <1 <2 15 <1 0.36 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 23-Jul-19 0.67 <1 <2 15 <1 0.28 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 30-Jul-19 0.81 <1 <2 16 <1 0.26 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 06-Aug-19 0.61 <1 8 16 <1 0.27 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 13-Aug-19 0.87 <1 6 16 <1 0.38 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 20-Aug-19 0.75 <1 <2 16 <1 0.27 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 27-Aug-19 0.88 <1 <2 16 <1 0.47 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 03-Sep-19 0.82 <1 2 17 <1 0.38 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 10-Sep-19 0.84 <1 <2 17 <1 0.19 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 17-Sep-19 0.6 <1 2 15 <1 0.29 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 24-Sep-19 0.47 <1 <2 15 <1 0.43 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 01-0ct-19 0.52 <1 <2 15 <1 0.35 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 08-0ct-19 0.35 <1 <2 14 <1 0.42 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 15-0ct-19 0.56 <1 <2 13 <1 0.28 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 22-0ct-19 0.24 <1 <2 13 <1 0.48 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 29-0ct-19 0.32 <1 2 12 <1 0.37 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 05-Nov-19 0.41 <1 <2 10 <1 0.33 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 12-Nov-19 0.35 <1 <2 10 <1 0.26 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 19-Nov-19 0.2 <1 <2 10 <1 0.56 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 26-Nov-19 0.28 <1 2 9 <1 0.37 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 03-Dec-19 0.35 <1 <2 7 <1 0.34 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 10-Dec-19 0.35 <1 2 8 <1 0.25 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 17-Dec-19 0.26 <1 <2 8 <1 0.32 57 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sampled HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Sample reported name Date Free MF/ CFU/mls oc MF/100 NTU name mg/L 100mls mls MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 23-Dec-19 0.37 <1 NA 7 <1 0.25 MPR-443 216 St. @ Donovan 30-Dec-19 0.46 <1 NA 7 <1 0.33 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 03-Jan-19 0.65 <1 <2 6 <1 0.36 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 08-Jan-19 0.79 <1 <2 6 <1 0.4 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 15-Jan-19 0.73 <1 <2 6 <1 0.3 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 22-Jan-19 0.52 <1 <2 7 <1 0.36 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 29-Jan-19 0.95 <1 <2 5 <1 0.26 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 05-Feb-19 0.94 <1 <2 5 <1 0.32 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 12-Feb-19 0.84 <1 <2 4 <1 0.4 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 19-Feb-19 0.78 <1 <2 4 <1 0.35 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 26-Feb-19 0.51 <1 <2 4 <1 0.26 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 05-Mar-19 0.51 <1 <2 4 <1 0.31 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 12-Mar-19 0.42 <1 <2 4 <1 0.26 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 19-Mar-19 0.73 <1 <2 6 <1 0.35 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 26-Mar-19 0.48 <1 <2 8 <1 0.54 MPR-444 Foreman Drive@ 232nd St. 02-Apr-19 0.67 <1 <2 8 <1 0.34 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 09-Apr-19 1.06 <1 <2 9 <1 0.36 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 16-Apr-19 0.59 <1 <2 8 <1 0.27 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 07-May-19 0.09 <1 2800 13 <1 0.48 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 14-May-19 0.45 <1 160 14 <1 0.71 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 21-May-19 0.09 <1 46 12 <1 0.35 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 28-May-19 0.49 <1 <2 12 <1 0.35 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 04-Jun-19 0.26 <1 <2 14 <1 0.35 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 11-Jun-19 0.06 <1 <2 14 <1 0.31 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 18-Jun-19 0.31 <1 <2 15 <1 0.26 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 25-Jun-19 0.86 <1 <2 14 <1 0.21 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 02-Jul-19 0.69 <1 <2 14 <1 0.22 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 09-Jul-19 0.77 <1 <2 15 <1 0.2 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 16-Jul-19 0.42 <1 <2 16 <1 0.2 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 23-Jul-19 0.36 <1 2 17 <1 0.43 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 30-Jul-19 0.48 <1 <2 17 <1 0.86 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 06-Aug-19 0.56 <1 <2 18 <1 0.3 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 13-Aug-19 0.56 <1 <2 17 <1 0.26 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 20-Aug-19 0.6 <1 <2 17 <1 0.23 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 27-Aug-19 0.35 <1 <2 16 <1 0.31 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 03-Sep-19 0.85 <1 <2 17 <1 0.27 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 10-Sep-19 0.66 <1 <2 17 <1 0.22 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 17-Sep-19 0.23 <1 10 16 <1 0.24 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 24-Sep-19 0.21 <1 16 15 <1 0.3 58 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sampled HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Sample reported name Date Free MF/ CFU/mls ·c MF/100 NTU name mg/L 100mls mls MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 01-0ct-19 0.75 <1 <2 13 <1 0.3 MPR-444 Foreman Drive@ 232nd St. 08-0ct-19 0.36 <1 2 14 <1 0.31 MPR-444 Foreman Drive@ 232nd St. 15-0ct-19 0.56 <1 <2 12 <1 0.32 MPR-444 Foreman Drive@ 232nd St. 22-0ct-19 0.82 <1 <2 12 <1 0.51 MPR-444 Foreman Drive@ 232nd St. 29-0ct-19 1.31 <1 2 9 <1 0.36 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 05-Nov-19 1 <1 <2 9 <1 0.3 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 12-Nov-19 0.65 <1 <2 10 <1 2 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 19-Nov-19 0.68 <1 <2 10 <1 0.62 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 26-Nov-19 0.81 <1 <2 9 <1 0.35 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 03-Dec-19 0.86 <1 <2 7 <1 0.28 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 10-Dec-19 0.79 <1 <2 8 <1 0.25 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 17-Dec-19 0.68 <1 <2 7 <1 0.36 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 23-Dec-19 0.49 <1 NA 7 <1 0.29 MPR-444 Foreman Drive @ 232nd St. 30-Dec-19 1.15 <1 NA 7 <1 0.27 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 03-Jan-19 0.71 <1 2 6 <1 0.34 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 08-Jan-19 0.84 <1 <2 6 <1 0.39 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 15-Jan-19 0.76 <1 <2 7 <1 0.33 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 22-Jan-19 0.67 <1 <2 6 <1 0.45 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 29-Jan-19 0.93 <1 2 6 <1 0.31 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 05-Feb-19 1.11 <1 8 4 <1 0.38 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 12-Feb-19 0.88 <1 <2 5 <1 0.41 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 19-Feb-19 0.79 <1 <2 4 <1 0.32 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 26-Feb-19 0.79 <1 <2 4 <1 0.26 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 05-Mar-19 0.85 <1 <2 5 <1 0.93 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 12-Mar-19 0.84 <1 <2 4 <1 0.3 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 19-Mar-19 0.74 <1 2 5 <1 0.35 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 26-Mar-19 0.86 <1 <2 7 <1 0.49 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266St. 02-Apr-19 0.99 <1 <2 8 <1 0.35 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 09-Apr-19 0.34 <1 38 9 <1 0.36 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 16-Apr-19 0.72 <1 <2 9 <1 0.31 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 23-Apr-19 0.85 <1 <2 9 <1 0.31 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 30-Apr-19 0.83 <1 <2 10 <1 0.31 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 07-May-19 1.11 <1 <2 10 <1 0.4 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 14-May-19 0.9 <1 <2 12 <1 0.35 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 21-May-19 0.64 <1 6 12 <1 0.28 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 28-May-19 0.69 <1 <2 13 <1 0.32 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 04-Jun-19 0.67 <1 <2 13 <1 0.39 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 11-Jun-19 0.37 <1 <2 14 <1 0.36 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 18-Jun-19 0.13 <1 760 14 <1 0.29 59 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sample reported name Sampled MF/ HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Date Free CFU/mls ·c MF/100 NTU name mg/L 100mls mls MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 25-Jun-19 0.62 <1 4 15 <1 0.41 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266St. 02-Jul-19 0.72 <1 <2 14 <1 0.19 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 09-Jul-19 0.92 <1 <2 15 <1 0.2 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 16-Jul-19 0.12 <1 570 15 <1 0.32 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266St. 23-Jul-19 0.65 <1 <2 16 <1 0.34 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 30-Jul-19 1.24 <1 <2 16 <1 0.4 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 06-Aug-19 0.59 <1 <2 18 <1 0.26 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 13-Aug-19 0.58 <1 <2 17 <1 0.28 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 20-Aug-19 0.28 <1 830 19 <1 0.3 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 27-Aug-19 0.73 <1 <2 17 <1 0.34 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 03-Sep-19 0.66 <1 <2 18 <1 0.27 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 10-Sep-19 0.18 <1 610 18 <1 0.22 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 17-Sep-19 0.61 <1 10 17 <1 0.19 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 24-Sep-19 0.36 <1 <2 16 <1 0.38 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 01-0ct-19 0.37 <1 <2 15 <1 0.35 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 08-0ct-19 0.57 <1 <2 15 <1 0.34 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266St. 15-0ct-19 0.8 <1 <2 13 <1 0.3 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 22-0ct-19 0.6 <1 <2 14 <1 1.2 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266St. 29-0ct-19 1.26 <1 2 11 <1 0.36 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 05-Nov-19 0.73 <1 <2 13 <1 0.32 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 12-Nov-19 0.79 <1 <2 10 <1 0.22 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 19-Nov-19 0.47 <1 <2 10.5 <1 0.67 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 26-Nov-19 0.11 <1 170 10 <1 1.3 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 03-Dec-19 0.65 <1 <2 8 <1 0.41 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 10-Dec-19 0.62 <1 <2 8 <1 0.26 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 17-Dec-19 1.02 <1 <2 8 <1 0.34 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266St. 23-Dec-19 0.67 <1 NA 8 <1 0.33 MPR-445 127th Ave. and 266 St. 30-Dec-19 0.45 <1 NA 7 <1 0.27 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 03-Jan-19 0.95 <1 <2 6 <1 1.6 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 08-Jan-19 0.7 <1 <2 6 <1 0.39 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 15-Jan-19 0.82 <1 <2 7 <1 0.46 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 22-Jan-19 0.65 <1 LA 6 <1 0.44 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 29-Jan-19 0.4 <1 <2 6 <1 0.31 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 05-Feb-19 0.89 <1 2 4 <1 0.45 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 12-Feb-19 0.97 <1 12 5 <1 0.32 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 19-Feb-19 1 <1 <2 4 <1 0.29 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 26-Feb-19 0.94 <1 <2 4 <1 0.55 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 05-Mar-19 0.85 <1 <2 4 <1 0.35 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 12-Mar-19 0.78 <1 <2 4 <1 0.3 60 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sample reported name Sampled MF/ HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Date Free CFU/mls ·c MF/100 NTU name mg/L lOOmLs mls MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 19-Mar-19 0.74 <1 <2 4 <1 0.36 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 26-Mar-19 1.04 <11 <2 6 <11 28 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 02-Apr-19 0.54 <1 <2 9 <1 0.38 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 09-Apr-19 1.26 <1 <2 9 <1 0.45 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 16-Apr-19 0.7 <1 <2 8 <1 0.37 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 23-Apr-19 0.7 <1 <2 8 <1 0.41 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 30-Apr-19 0.54 <1 <2 8 <1 1.8 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 07-May-19 0.71 <1 <2 10 <1 0.68 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 14-May-19 1.2 <1 <2 11 <1 0.43 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 21-May-19 0.53 <1 <2 11 <1 0.34 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 28-May-19 0.53 <1 <2 12 <1 0.38 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 04-Jun-19 0.85 <1 <2 13 <1 0.44 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 11-Jun-19 0.27 <1 <2 13 <1 0.38 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 18-Jun-19 0.65 <1 2 13 <1 0.35 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 25-Jun-19 0.71 <1 <2 15 <1 0.31 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 02-Jul-19 0.69 <1 <2 14 <1 0.31 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 09-Jul-19 0.46 <1 <2 16 <1 0.23 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 16-Jul-19 0.51 <1 6 15 <1 0.27 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 23-Jul-19 1.03 <1 <2 15 <1 0.38 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 30-Jul-19 0.64 <1 <2 15 <1 0.24 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 06-Aug-19 0.63 <1 <2 17 <1 0.31 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 13-Aug-19 0.58 <1 <2 16 <1 0.34 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 20-Aug-19 0.46 <1 <2 16 <1 0.23 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 27-Aug-19 0.76 <1 <2 15 <1 0.85 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 03-Sep-19 0.7 <1 <2 16 <1 0.32 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 10-Sep-19 0.74 <1 <2 16 <1 0.25 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 17-Sep-19 0.76 <1 <2 16 <1 0.27 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 24-Sep-19 0.56 <1 <2 14 <1 0.24 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place Ol-Oct-19 0.87 <1 <2 14 <1 0.57 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 08-0ct-19 0.6 <1 2 12 <1 0.35 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 15-0ct-19 0.79 <1 <2 12 <1 0.76 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 22-0ct-19 0.97 <1 <2 13 <1 0.37 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 29-0ct-19 0.73 <1 <2 9 <1 0.37 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 05-Nov-19 0.94 <1 <2 9 <1 0.31 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 12-Nov-19 0.88 <1 <2 10 <1 0.27 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 19-Nov-19 0.57 <1 2 9.2 <1 0.29 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 26-Nov-19 0.61 <1 <2 8 <1 0.39 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 03-Dec-19 0.52 <1 2 7 <l 0.42 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 10-Dec-19 0.48 <1 <2 8 <1 0.36 1 MPN/lOOmL (Colilert test method) 61 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sample reported name Sampled MF/ HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Date Free CFU/mls ·c MF/100 NTU name mg/L lOOmls mls MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 17-Dec-19 0.69 <1 <2 7 <1 0.38 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 23-Dec-19 0.53 <1 NA 7 <1 0.33 MPR-446 128th Ave and Willow Place 30-Dec-19 0.63 <1 NA 6 <1 0.43 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 03-Jan-19 0.91 <1 8 6 <1 0.35 MPR-447 117 Ave.@ 210 St. 08-Jan-19 0.69 <1 <2 7 <1 0.33 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 15-Jan-19 0.78 <1 <2 5 <1 0.34 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 22-Jan-19 0.52 <1 <2 6 <1 0.38 MPR-447 117 Ave.@ 210 St. 29-Jan-19 0.51 <1 <2 6 <1 0.3 MPR-447 117 Ave.@ 210 St. 05-Feb-19 0.72 <1 2 5 <1 0.33 MPR-447 117 Ave. @ 210 St. 12-Feb-19 1.02 <1 2 4 <1 0.45 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 19-Feb-19 0.84 <1 <2 4 <1 0.3 MPR-447 117 Ave.@ 210 St. 26-Feb-19 0.78 <1 <2 4 <1 0.26 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 05-Mar-19 0.79 <1 <2 5 <1 0.27 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 12-Mar-19 0.55 <1 200 5 <1 0.27 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 19-Mar-19 0.51 <1 <2 6 <1 0.33 MPR-447 117 Ave.@ 210 St. 26-Mar-19 0.49 <1 <2 7 <1 0.37 MPR-447 117 Ave.@ 210 St. 02-Apr-19 0.64 <1 2 9 <1 0.34 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 09-Apr-19 0.75 <1 <2 9 <1 0.39 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 16-Apr-19 0.67 <1 <2 9 <1 0.35 MPR-447 117 Ave.@ 210 St. 23-Apr-19 0.42 <1 <2 10 <1 0.34 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 30-Apr-19 0.57 <1 <2 10 <1 0.41 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 07-May-19 0.4 <1 2 11 <1 0.32 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 14-May-19 0.58 <1 8 13 <1 0.28 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 21-May-19 0.53 <1 28 13 <1 0.88 MPR-447 117 Ave.@ 210 St. 28-May-19 0.47 <1 6 13 <1 0.44 MPR-447 117 Ave. @ 210 St. 04-Jun-19 0.4 <1 4 13 <1 0.29 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 11-Jun-19 0.04 <1 2 14 <1 0.56 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 18-Jun-19 0.78 <1 2 15 <1 0.29 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 25-Jun-19 1.08 <1 6 15 <1 0.22 MPR-447 117 Ave.@ 210 St. 02-Jul-19 0.43 <1 8 15 <1 0.23 MPR-447 117 Ave.@ 210 St. 09-Jul-19 0.7 <1 <2 15 <1 0.26 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 16-Jul-19 0.42 <1 26 15 <1 0.28 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 23-Jul-19 0.47 <1 4 16 <1 0.39 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 30-Jul-19 0.48 <1 <2 17 <1 0.27 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 06-Aug-19 0.58 <1 <2 19 <1 0.25 MPR-447 117 Ave.@ 210St. 13-Aug-19 0.45 <1 6 17 <1 0.27 MPR-447 117 Ave.@ 210 St. 20-Aug-19 0.37 <1 12 17 <1 0.22 MPR-447 117 Ave.@ 210 St. 27-Aug-19 0.53 <1 10 17 <1 0.92 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 03-Sep-19 0.43 <1 6 17 <1 0.3 62 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sampled HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Sample reported name Date Free MF/ CFU/mls ·c MF/100 NTU name mg/L lOOmls mls MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 10-Sep-19 0.53 <1 <2 18 <1 0.2 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 17-Sep-19 0.34 <1 10 17 <1 0.27 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 24-Sep-19 0.17 <1 56 17 <1 0.52 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 01-0ct-19 0.18 <1 28 15 <1 0.35 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 08-0ct-19 0.18 <1 10 14 <1 0.39 MPR-447 117 Ave. @ 210 St. 15-0ct-19 0.44 <1 4 13 <1 0.31 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 22-0ct-19 0.21 <1 10 13 <1 0.42 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 29-0ct-19 0.2 <1 6 11 <1 0.36 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 05-Nov-19 0.31 <1 6 10 <1 0.28 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 12-Nov-19 0.24 <1 4 10 <1 0.34 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 19-Nov-19 0.17 <1 4 10.5 <1 0.56 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 26-Nov-19 0.18 <1 4 9 <1 0.37 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 03-Dec-19 0.26 <1 2 7 <1 0.45 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 10-Dec-19 0.34 <1 <2 8 <1 0.28 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 17-Dec-19 0.37 <1 <2 8 <1 0.33 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 23-Dec-19 0.4 <1 NA 7 <1 0.35 MPR-447 117 Ave. @210St. 30-Dec-19 0.29 <1 NA 7 <1 0.29 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 03-Jan-19 0.58 <1 <2 6 <1 0.37 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 08-Jan-19 0.38 <1 <2 7 <1 0.36 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 15-Jan-19 0.55 <1 <2 6 <1 0.42 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 22-Jan-19 0.48 <1 <2 6 <1 0.43 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 29-Jan-19 0.84 <1 <2 7 <1 0.34 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 05-Feb-19 0.38 <1 <2 4 <1 0.31 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 12-Feb-19 0.68 <1 <2 4 <1 0.55 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 19-Feb-19 0.72 <1 2 4 <1 0.28 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 26-Feb-19 0.64 <1 <2 4 <1 0.36 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 05-Mar-19 0.72 <1 <2 5 <1 0.29 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 12-Mar-19 0.51 <1 <2 5 <1 0.26 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 19-Mar-19 0.59 <1 <2 6 <1 0.3 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 26-Mar-19 0.65 <1 <2 7 <1 0.54 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 02-Apr-19 0.51 <1 <2 10 <1 0.32 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 09-Apr-19 0.41 <1 <2 9 <1 0.34 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 16-Apr-19 0.64 <1 LA 8 <1 0.31 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 23-Apr-19 0.57 <1 <2 10 <1 0.33 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 30-Apr-19 0.67 <1 <2 9 <1 0.35 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 07-May-19 0.55 <1 <2 12 <1 0.32 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 14-May-19 1.19 <1 <2 12 <1 0.37 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 21-May-19 0.5 <1 <2 14 <1 0.26 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 28-May-19 0.58 <1 <2 13 <1 0.38 63 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sampled HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Sample reported name Date Free MF/ CFU/mls oc MF/100 NTU name mg/L lOOmls mls MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 04-Jun-19 0.65 <1 <2 13 <1 0.31 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 11-Jun-19 0.33 <1 <2 15 <1 0.37 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 18-Jun-19 0.8 <1 <2 14 <1 0.29 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 25-Jun-19 0.74 <1 <2 16 <1 0.27 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 02-Jul-19 0.45 <1 2600 15 <1 0.2 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 09-Jul-19 0.48 <1 1700 17 <1 0.18 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 16-Jul-19 0.59 <1 4200 16 <1 0.24 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 23-Jul-19 0.39 <1 2100 17 <1 0.24 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 30-Jul-19 0.72 <1 <2 17 <1 0.32 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 06-Aug-19 0.82 <1 <2 20 <1 0.32 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 13-Aug-19 0.42 <1 2 19 <1 0.25 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 20-Aug-19 0.44 <1 2 19 <1 0.22 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 27-Aug-19 0.39 <1 2 17 <1 0.3 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 03-Sep-19 0.44 <1 2 18 <1 0.37 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 10-Sep-19 0.54 <1 <2 19 <1 0.2 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 17-Sep-19 0.38 <1 <2 18 <1 0.26 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 24-Sep-19 0.21 <1 <2 17 <1 0.28 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 01-0ct-19 0.19 <1 6 15 <1 0.31 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 08-0ct-19 0.19 <1 2 14 <1 0.35 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 15-0ct-19 0.25 <1 <2 13 <1 0.27 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 22-0ct-19 0.15 <1 <2 14 <1 0.37 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 29-0ct-19 0.52 <1 <2 12 <1 0.29 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 05-Nov-19 0.33 <1 <2 13 <1 0.29 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 12-Nov-19 0.28 <1 <2 10 <1 0.25 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 19-Nov-19 0.18 <1 2 10.5 <1 0.43 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 26-Nov-19 0.31 <1 <2 9 <1 0.33 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 03-Dec-19 0.41 <1 <2 8 <1 0.36 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 10-Dec-19 0.39 <1 <2 8 <1 0.26 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 17-Dec-19 0.29 <1 4 8 <1 0.37 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 23-Dec-19 0.26 <1 NA 8 <1 0.28 MPR-448 248th St. & McClure 30-Dec-19 0.44 <1 NA 7 <1 0.28 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 03-Jan-19 0.26 <1 14 8 <1 2.2 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 08-Jan-19 0.33 <1 2 8 <1 0.29 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 15-Jan-19 0.26 <1 <2 7 <1 0.32 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 22-Jan-19 0.27 <1 <2 7 <1 0.31 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 29-Jan-19 0.29 <1 2 6 <1 0.31 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 05-Feb-19 0.41 <1 <2 5 <1 0.37 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 12-Feb-19 0.42 <1 <2 6 <1 0.36 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 19-Feb-19 0.36 <1 <2 6 <1 0.25 64 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sample reported name Sampled MF/ HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Date Free CFU/mls ·c MF/100 NTU name mg/L 100mls mls MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 26-Feb-19 0.46 <1 <2 6 <1 0.22 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 05-Mar-19 0.1 <1 <2 6 <1 0.28 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 12-Mar-19 0.27 <1 <2 6 <1 0.22 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 19-Mar-19 0.18 <1 <2 7 <1 0.29 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 26-Mar-19 0.19 <1 <2 8 <1 0.61 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 02-Apr-19 0.32 <1 <2 8 <1 0.29 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 09-Apr-19 0.29 <1 <2 10 <1 0.29 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 16-Apr-19 0.24 <1 <2 10 <1 0.22 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 23-Apr-19 0.49 <1 <2 11 <1 0.28 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 30-Apr-19 0.3 <1 <2 11 <1 0.27 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 07-May-19 0.31 <1 <2 11 <1 0.33 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 14-May-19 0.24 <1 4 13 <1 0.33 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 21-May-19 0.16 <1 4 13 <1 0.24 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 28-May-19 0.2 <1 <2 15 <1 0.31 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 04-Jun-19 0.41 <1 <2 15 <1 0.29 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 11-Jun-19 0.12 <1 2 16 <1 0.35 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 18-Jun-19 0.48 <1 4 13 <1 0.24 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 25-Jun-19 0.31 <1 <2 17 <1 0.2 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 02-Jul-19 0.27 <1 4 15 <1 0.16 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 09-Jul-19 0.1 <1 16 17 <1 0.21 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 16-Jul-19 0.27 <1 6 15 1 0.31 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 17-Jul-19 0.33 <1 <2 18 <1 0.21 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 23-Jul-19 0.24 <1 <2 17 <1 0.29 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 30-Jul-19 0.47 <1 2 17 <1 0.22 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 06-Aug-19 0.27 <1 2 19 <1 0.43 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 13-Aug-19 0.22 <1 4 20 <1 0.26 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 20-Aug-19 0.17 <1 8 20 <1 0.21 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 27-Aug-19 0.17 <1 2 19 <1 0.27 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 03-Sep-19 0.18 <1 <2 19 <1 0.34 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 10-Sep-19 0.26 <1 4 20 <1 0.18 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 17-Sep-19 0.17 <1 4 19 <1 0.22 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 24-Sep-19 0.02 <1 48 18 <1 0.26 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 01-0ct-19 0.23 <1 6 17 <1 0.33 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 08-0ct-19 0.16 <1 4 16 <1 0.3 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 15-0ct-19 0.18 <1 <2 15 <1 0.26 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 22-0ct-19 0.11 <1 4 14 <1 0.36 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 29-0ct-19 0.35 <1 2 13 <1 0.28 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 05-Nov-19 0.12 <1 <2 12 <1 0.31 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 12-Nov-19 0.15 <1 2 12 <1 0.22 65 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Cl2 E.coli Total Sample Sample reported name Sampled MF/ HPC Temp Coliform Turb. Date Free CFU/mls ·c MF/100 NTU name mg/L 100mls mls MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 19-Nov-19 0.02 <1 4 12 <1 0.54 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 26-Nov-19 0.07 <1 <2 10 <1 0.32 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 03-Dec-19 0.1 <1 <2 10 <1 0.29 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 10-Dec-19 0.05 <1 <2 10 <1 0.33 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 17-Dec-19 0.1 <1 <2 9 <1 0.29 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 23-Dec-19 0.12 <1 NA 9 <1 0.33 MPR-449 Meadow Brook North of Douglas 30-Dec-19 0.11 <1 NA 9 <1 0.23 66 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Appendix G: Preventing Water-Borne Infections for People with Weakened Immune Systems 67 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 HealthLink C Number 56 June 2013 Preventing Water-Borne Infections For People with Weakened Immune Systems Who is at higher risk from water-borne infections? People with very weak immune systems who are at higher risk of certain water-borne diseases include those with: • HIV infection who have a CD4+ count of less than 100 cells/mm3; • lymphoma or leukemia (hematological malignancies) who are being actively treated or have been in remission and off treatment for less than 1 year; • hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients; and • people born with diseases that severely affect their immune systems. Some people with weakened immune systems, such as those with certain types of cancers or taking ce1tain medications, may not be at higher risk of severe water-borne diseases. These people do not need to take extra precautions with their drinking water. Ask your health care provider how weak your immune system is, and whether you need to take extra precautions. How can drinking water become contaminated? Drinking water can contain different organisms, including bacteria, viruses and parasites, which can cause disease. These organisms can exist in the source water such as lake water and survive through treatment, or they can enter the water supply in the distribution system. Well water can be contaminated if the well is not built properly or if it draws on water from the surface of the ground, such as shallow wells or wells drilled in fractured rock. Surface water, such as rivers, lakes and streams, can also contain disease-causing organisms from animal feces. If you have a weak immune system, you should not drink water from surface sources or wells potentially contaminated by surface water such as dug wells, unless the water has been treated to remove or inactivate at least 99.9 per cent of parasites (protozoa), 99.99 per cent of viruses and all harmful bacteria. Most community water systems in B.C. have effective treatment, such as disinfection or chlorination, against bacteria and viruses. However, in many cases, treatment may not provide a 99.9 per cent reduction in infectious parasites. Some water systems and many private supplies have no treatment at all. If the water you drink has not been disinfected, please refer to HealthLinkBC File #49b How to Disinfect Drinking Water. How can I further treat disinfected water? People with very weak immune systems need to take extra precautions with their drinking water. Boiling: If your water supply has already been disinfected, bring the water to a full boil to inactivate any C,yptosporidium parasites -a major concern for people with weakened immune systems. For more information, see HealthLinkBC File #48 Crvptosporidium Infection. If the water has not already been disinfected, bring the water to a full boil for at least I minute. This will kill or inactivate bacteria, viruses and parasites. At elevations over 2,000 meters (6,500 feet), boil water for at least 2 minutes to disinfect it. 68 City of Maple Ridge Drinking Water Quality Report 2019 Do not drink or use tap water to brush your teeth, rinse your mouth, mix drinks or make ice cubes without boiling it first. Please note that boiling water will get rid of viruses, bacteria and parasites but not chemicals which may be found in the water. Reverse Osmosis (RO): RO is effective against all disease-causing organisms and many chemical contaminants. Unless it has a high capacity, it will only produce small amounts of water and waste a large volume. Speak to a water treatment specialist to see if this is the best option for you. Ultraviolet (UV) Treatment: UV light will kill many disease-causing organisms, and is effective against almost all parasites. UV will not kill some bacterial spores and some viruses, so it should not be used unless the water supply is at least disinfected. UV treatment units should meet NSF Standard #55A. Filters: Filters do not remove bacteria and viruses and should not be used unless the water supply is disinfected first. If you plan to install a drinking water filter in your home, you will need a system labeled as Absolute I micron or smaller, and labeled as meeting ANSI/NSF International Standard #53 for removal of parasites. Jug-type filters, such as a Brita®, which sit in a jug and allow water to trickle through, and some tap-mounted and built-in devices are not an appropriate solution. The jug filter models are not effective in removing many disease-causing organisms. Can I drink bottled water? Bottled water in B.C. may or may not have been treated. If you have a very weak immune system, check with the bottling company to find out what treatment, if any, it has had. Bottled water that has been properly treated using one of the methods list above can be used for drinking, brushing teeth, making ice cubes and for recipes where water is used but not boiled, such as cold soups. For More Information For more information, including the level of treatment in your local water system, please contact: • your drinking water purveyor or supplier; or • the local environmental health officer or drinking water officer; or • visit www.health.gov.bc.ca/protect/dw ha con tacts.html. Please also see the following HealthLinkBC Files: • #49a Water-borne Diseases in British Columbia • #49b How to Disinfect Drinking Water • #69b Formula Feeding Your Baby: Safely Preparing and Storing Formula. For more HealthlinkBC File topics, visit www.HealthlinkBC.ca/healthfiles or your local public health unit. Click on www.HealthLinkBC.ca or call 8-1-1 for non-emergency health information and services in B.C. For deaf and hearing-impaired assistance, call 7-1-1 in B.C. Translation services are available in more than 130 languages on request. .... BRITISH COLUMBIA Immunize (I( BC Centre for Disease Control All .,_-.,alti.. ~ HMfdtS......A1>1horlq 69 TO: FROM: ' • • I British Columbia City of Maple Ridge mapleridge.ca His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: 16-June-2020 FILE NO: MEETING: CoW SUBJECT: Quarter 1, 2020 Financial Update EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The purpose of this report is to provide a financial update for the first quarter of 2020, focusing on operating results for the City, and to provide information regarding c~rtain development related reserves. While there is great interest in assessing the impact of COVID-19 on the City's financial situation, it is noted that only 2 weeks of the first quarter were impacted by the current health crisis. While operating results to the end of the first quarter are in line with what we would expect to see for the end of March, this is far from a typical year. As such, we continue to monitor the City's revenues and expenses to assess the impact of COVID-19 on our operations and will provide additional information following the end of the 2°ct quarter. The City relies on certain revenues collected as part of the development process to support the provision of infrastructure and other amenities. In particular, Development Cost Charges, Albion Amenity Charges and Community Amenity Charges are key funding sources in the City's capital program. All of these funding sources are currently dependent on future collections to support planned capital projects. RECOMMENDATION: For information only DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The purpose of this report is to provide a financial update for the first quarter of 2020, focusing on operating results for the City and to provide information regarding certain development related reserves. While there is great interest in assessing the impact of COVID-19 on the City's financial situation, it is noted that only 2 weeks of the first quarter were impacted by the current health crisis. Operating Results The first three months of a fiscal year do not typically provide enough information to forecast results to the end of the year or to identify any significant variances to planned results. Results to the end of March are shown on Schedule "A" attached to this report with very preliminary forecast estimates for 2020. 702.41 Doc# 244 7955 Page 1of4 A public health emergency was declared on March 17 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and while we know it will have an impact on the City's financial results for the year, the extent of that impact cannot be predicted with any certainty at this time. In some instances we can make preliminary assumptions about certain revenues and expenses which will be refined as the year progresses. For example, with the closure of the local Chances facility in mid March and reopening currently scheduled for Phase 4 of the BC Restart Plan, we can expect to receive less revenue than in previous years. Similarly, with City facilities, the impactto revenues and expenses will depend on a number of factors, such as the timing of facility re-openings, capacity constraints, training of staff, additional cleaning costs and other expenses needed to ensure the safety of our staff and customers. Staff continue to monitor the current situation for emerging trends and assess the impact of the pandemic on both the City's revenues and expenses. Updated information will be provided to Council following the end of the second quarter. Development Related Reserves The City relies heavily on certain revenues collected as part of the development process to fund the construction of infrastructure and other amenities included in the capital program. In particular the collection of Development Cost Charges (DCC's), Community Amenity Charges (CAC's), and Albion Amenity Charges (AAC's). The rates in place for DCC's are outlined in Bylaw No. 7320-2017 and must be approved by the Inspector of Municipalities. Use of DCC funds are guided by legislation and municipalities are not able to use DCC's to fund certain infrastructure required as a result of growth, such as new fire halls or community centres. To ease the burden on taxpayers for the provision of this type of infrastructure, Council introduced AAC's in 2013 and CAC's in 2016. The following shows the balances in each of these reserves at the end of 2019, collections to March 31, 2020 and the planned capital expenditures for this year. DCC's AAC's CAC's CAC's (Housing) Opening Balance 25,663,429 655,791 257,903 Collections 2,337,871 46,229 4,141 Balance at Mar 31 28,001,300 702,020 262,044 Planned expenditures (2020) 34,452,796 164,598 3,588,070 Unencumbered Balances (6,451,495) (164,598} (2,886,050) 262,044 Of note is the dependence on future collections to support the planned capital projects and internal financing for projects with authorized debt that we have not yet entered into. At the end of 2019 $2.6 million in costs associated with the Albion Community Centre were internally financed using CAC's that had already been collected, further increasing the reliance on future collections. While projects are budgeted for in full in the intended start year, it is not unusual for them to span two or three years from the start of construction through to completion. This, combined with future collections, allows us to manage the balances in these reserves although we will likely need to consider external financing in the near future. Doc# 244 7955 Page2 of4 CONCLUSION: In summary, results to the end of the first quarter are what we would expect to see. The impacts of COVID-19 are being monitored and the extent of that impact will depend on a number of factors, such as the timing of facilities reopening, capacity constraints, changes in peoples' behaviours and additional expenses that may be needed to ensure the safety of staff and customers. An updated report will be provided following June 30, 2020. Prepared by: Catherine Nolan, CPA, CGA Corporate Controller Reviewed by: Chief Financial Officer Approved by: Christina Crabtree Acting GM, Corporate Services ncurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: (A) Schedule "A" Doc# 244 7955 Page 3 of 4 City of Maple Ridge Quarter 1 Statement of Operations For the period ended March 31, 2020 Revenues Taxes for municipal purposes User fees and other revenue Government transfers Development revenue lnnterest and investment income Gaming revenues Total Revenue Expenses (excluding amortization) General Government Protective Services Transportation Planning; Public Health & Other Recreation Sewer Water Total Expenses Internal Transfers & Principal Payments Principal Payments Transfers to(from) reserves Transfers to capital Total Internal transfers & principal payments Surplus (Deficit) as at March 31, 2020 Accumulated Surplus -beginning of year Accumulated Surplus as at March 31, 2020 Doc# 2447955 Ytd Actual 71,440 4,990,856 1,087,926 20,690 1,051,735 7,079,767 4,913,876 9,992,514 2,172,426 1,723,330 4,238,343 645,471 1,392,835 25,078,796 1,504,588 769,548 735,040 -18,734,069 - 30,357,265 11,623,196 Schedule "A" Annual Budget Forecast Comments 94,680,030 94,680,030 47,142,875 45,000,000 Facility closures & reduction in some building permit activity 3,446,265 3,446,265 1,356,621 1,356,621 1,867,988 1,867,988 1,500,000 550,000 Facility closed mid March; reopening date unknown 149,993,779 146,900,904 18,149,774 18,149,774 43,499,397 43,499,397 13,988,777 13,988,777 7,304,274 7,304,274 22,071,087 22,071,087 12,329,795 12,329,795 14,740,619 14,740,619 132,083,723 132,083,723 3,218,773 2,606,273 Planned borrowing currently being internally financ€;ld 5,313,949 5,313,949 14,152,027 14,152,027 22,684,749 22,072,249 4,774,693 -7,255,068 30,357,265 30,357,265 25,582,572 23,102,197 Page 4 of 4 800 Unfinished Business 800 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: mapleridge.ca His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Bylaw EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: June 23, 2020 09-3900-02 Council Council identified a consolidated fees and charges bylaw as a key deliverable related to Growth in its Council Work Plan Matrix. Currently, the dollar values for services and products provided by the City are embedded in separate bylaws that regulate processes supported by or administered in partnership with the City. Aggregating this information in a single bylaw serves to increase the efficiency of implementing annual rate updates. The Maple Ridge Fees and Charges Bylaw establishes a framework to which existing fees can be attached as schedules are reviewed a'!d updated. As the scheduled update of the Recreation Facility Fees and Charges Bylaw aligns with the timing of this report, it is attached as the first schedule in the new bylaw. The most recent increase of recreation facility fees came as a phased approach with fees implemented in 2016 and a subsequent report in 2019 on the Synthetic Field Sport User Annual Contribution fee and the dry floor rate. Staff are recommending a modest increase of most recreation fees, effective the beginning of September 2020, to offset the rise in operating costs. RECOMMENDATION: That Bylaw No. 7575-2019 be given first, second, and third reading. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The services provided by the City are governed by numerous individual bylaws that establish regulations and fees related to the service processes. In most cases, the fees are listed in schedules. attached to the bylaw. However, in some instances rates are embedded within the text of the bylaw. 801 2464518 Page 1of 4 Consolidating fees and charges into a single bylaw will permit the update of rates in a timely manner. Additionally, a single source increases municipal transparency. In total, fees and charges from 21 separate bylaws will be reviewed, updated, and amalgamated into the Maple Ridge Fees and Charges Bylaw. The fees included in the scope of this project do not include policy-based bylaws, such as Development Cost Charges or Community Amenity Contributions, and charges that are established by external partners and administered by the City. Staff are taking a phased approach to populating the new consolidated bylaw; therefore, as departments review and update their fees, new schedules will be added. The first schedule to be included, a requirement to establish the new bylaw, is for recreation facility fees. Recreation Fees and Charges On an annual basis, staff review the rental and admission rates of several Lower Mainland recreation facilities including but not limited to Mission, Pitt Meadows, Langley, Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam. The data gathered is used to determine current market rental and admission rates compared to operating costs to ensure we are in line with our neighbours. The last increase was implemented in 2016 for facility fees. A review offees and charges was conducted annually, but since then no bylaw amendments were brought forward until the Leisure Centre re-opened. Based on the analysis of neighbouring municipalities, staff are recommending the following changes to the Recreation Fees & Charges Bylaw: A 2% increase (e.g. Adult Swim $5.70 to $5.81) for 2020 and 2021 effective September 1 of each year for all fees excluding specifics below: o Where the City of Maple Ridge was above market average: • No increase to the 10 Pass Membership and a 5% reduction in 1 Year Memberships. • No increase to Gymnasium fees. • No increase to CLASS A fields for Adult Non Profits in Special Events & Regular Use. o Where City of Maple Ridge will adjust to meet current needs and best practices: • Removal of the 6-Month Membership Pass. • Consistent admission fee for users accessing the Outdoor Pool. • Amalgamating the Fundraising category into Special Events for Sport Fields. • Separation of CLASS A fields and Artificial Field fees and a 5% increase for the Artificial Field Fees (no increase for youth/senior non-profit regular use). • Introduction of the Swim Club rate for Hammond Pool with the increase in operations and use of outdoor amenities. o No increase to the Sport Field User Annual Contribution and Miscellaneous Fees based on Council Report June 4, 2019. o No increase to Swim Club rates for 2020 and 2% increase in 2021 to support clubs rebuilding after retrofit closure. 2464518 Page 2 of 4 The City has a number of programs that will continue to support our residents by offering low-cost options, including: Access Pass-75% admission subsidy; 50% subsidy, up to $200, for recreation programs Rental Rebate Subsidy -Rental rates are subsidized based on program participants (Adult vs Youth, Non-profit vs For-profit) Grade 5 & 6 Active Pass -No charge drop-in and skating activities Low Cost Admission -e.g. Loonie/Toonie Swim Facility Fee Rental Waiver -Portion of rental fees waived to non-profits that reduce registration fees for residents, who are otherwise unable to participate Residents also have access to Canadian Tire Jumpstart and KidSport subsidy programming, which are offered in partnership with the City of Maple Ridge. b} Desired Outcome: That the Maple Ridge Fees and Charges Bylaw be adopted with amended rates for recreation facility fees, effective September 1, 2020. c} Strategic Alignment Council identified updating and consolidating existing fees and charges as a deliverable within the "Growth" strategic priority. As fees and charges are reviewed and updated by departments, they will be attached to the new bylaw. d} Citizen/Customer Implications A modest fee increase will assist in offsetting the increasing facility operating costs, such as utilities and staffing, while balancing the need to ensure City Parks, Recreation & Culture services and programs remain accessible to all residents. e} Business Pian/Financial Implications When rates remain stagnant for an extended period, inflationary pressures accumulate and greater increases to user-fees are required to remain within the operating budget. It is proposed that the updated recreation fees come into effect on September 1, 2020. CONCLUSION: The Maple Ridge Fees and Charges Bylaw consolidates existing municipally levied fees from 21 bylaws into a single, easy to navigate document. Prepared by: Dan Olivieri Corporate Support Coordinator Reviewed by:~ Manager of Business Operations 2464518 Page 3 of4 Approved by: Approved by: Christina Crabtree -----1-~-J--~•n;~eServlces Concurrence: ~an Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: (A) Maple Ridge Fees and Charges Bylaw -2019-7575 (B) Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Bylaw -4117-1988 2464518 Page 4 of4 City of Maple Ridge Maple Ridge Fees and Charges Bylaw Bylaw No. 7575-2019 Effective Date: Attachment A TABLE OF CONTENTS FEES DESCRIPTION Schedule A Recreation Admission & Facility Fees PARKS, RECREATION & CULTURE City of Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Bylaw No. 7575-2019 A Bylaw to establish fees and charges for City services and information WHEREAS the Council of the City of Maple Ridge deems it expedient to provide for fees and charges for services and information; AND WHEREAS Section 194 of the Community Charter authorizes municipalities by bylaw to impose fees in respect of a service of the municipality or provision of information; AND WHEREAS Council deems it necessary and desirable to exercise the authority provided by the Community Charter to cover costs of providing services and information where appropriate; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: Part 1 Citation 1.1 This bylaw may be cited as Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Bylaw No. 7575-2019. Part 2 Severability 2.1 If a portion of this bylaw is held invalid by a Court of competentjurisdiction, then the invalid portion must be severed and the remainder of this bylaw is deemed to have been adopted without the severed section, subsequent paragraph, subparagraph, clause or phrase. Part 3 Previous Bylaw Repeal 3.1 Bylaw No. 4117-1988 as amended is hereby repealed in its entirety. Part 4 Fees and Charges 4.1 The City hereby imposes the fees for the provision of services and information as specified in Schedule "A" which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw. Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Bylaw No. 7575-2019 4.2 Fees or charges imposed under this Bylaw for the provision of services or information shall apply instead of any fees or charges imposed under other bylaws for the same services or information in the event of any conflict between this Bylaw and any other bylaw. A reference to a more specific matter in this Bylaw supersedes a reference to a more general matter. Part 5 Schedules Schedule "A" -Parks, Recreation & Culture Fees READ for the first time the day of READ for the second time the day of READ for the third time the day of ADOPTED, the day of PRESIDING MEMBER , 2020. , 2020. , 2020. , 2020. CORPORATE OFFICER Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Bylaw No. 7575-2019 Schedule "A" -Parks, Recreation & Culture Fees Note: 1. All fees are exclusive of tax, which will be added, if applicable. 2. Non-Prime time rates will be a 50% reduction of the regular rates and applied to all hours outside of the prime time windows listed below: Days Hours Monday -Friday 5:00 pm -9:00 pm Saturday/Sunday (Year Round) 8:00 am -9:00 pm Admissions Children Single $ 2.90 10 Pass $ 26.10 20 Pass $ 46.40 1 Month $ 26.10 3 Months $ 69.60 6 Months $ 130.50 1 Year $ 261.00 Youth/Senior Single $ 3.90 10 Pass $ 35.10 20 Pass $ 62.40 1 Month $ 35.10 3 Months $ 93.60 6 Months $ 175.50 1 Year $ 351.00 Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Bylaw No. 7575-2019 Adult Single $ 5.70 10 Pass $ 51.30 20 Pass $ 91.20 1 Month $ 51.30 3 Months $136.80 6 Months $ 256.50 1 Year $ 513.00 Family Single $ 10.44 10 Pass $ 98.46 20 Pass $167.04 1 Month $ 98.46 3 Months $ 262.56 6 Months $ 492.30 1 Year $ 984.60 Drop-In Skating -Single Single Child $ 2.60 Youth/Senior $ 3.50 Adult/Parent & Tot $ 4.73 Family $ 8.33 Outdoor Pool Admission Single Season Pass Child $ 1.76 $ 31.68 Youth/Senior $ 2.37 $ 42.66 Adult $ 3.03 $ 54.54 Family $ 6.68 $ 120.24 Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Bylaw No. 7575-2019 Arenas (Hourly) Ice -Prime Time Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 110.34 Adult Non-Profit $165.50 Private $ 275.84 Commercial $ 304.99 Non-Resident $ 295.04 Ice -Non-Prime Time Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 82.76 Adult Non-Profit $124.13 Private $ 206.88 Commercial $ 228.74 Non-Resident $ 221.28 Dry Floor -Prime Time Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 44.03 Adult Non-Profit $ 66.05 Private $110.08 Commercial $ 139.61 Non-Resident $ 131.85 Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Bylaw No. 7575-2019 Fairgrounds (Hourly) Stage included at no-charge when booking grounds Barns Beef, Exhibition, Commercial Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 8.16 Adult Non-Profit $12.24 Private $ 20.40 Commercial $ 22.44 Non-Resident $ 24.48 Grounds & Show Rings Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 7.14 Adult Non-Profit $ 10.71 Private $17.85 Commercial $19.64 Non-Resident $ 21.42 Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Bylaw No. 7575-2019 Sports Fields (Hourly) CLASS A CLASS B CLASS C Youth/ Senior Non-Profit Commercial Use $ 22.07 $ 16.44 $ 5.49 Fund raising $ 11.04 $ 8.22 $ 2.75 Special Event $ 5.52 $ 4.11 $ 1.37 Regular Use $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Adult Non Profit Commercial Use $ 22.07 $ 16.44 $ 5.49 Fund raising $ 22.07 $ 16.44 $ 5.49 Special Event $ 17.07 $ 11.44 $ 2.75 Regular Use $ 12.70 $ 6.65 $ 0.00 Local, Private or Political Groups Fund raising $ 33.11 $ 24.66 $ 8.24 Special Event $ 27.59 $ 20.55 $ 6.86 Regular Use $ 22.07 $ 16.44 $ 5.49 Local Commercial Fund raising $ 35.31 $ 26.30 $ 8.78 Special Event $ 29.79 $ 22.19 $ 7.41 Regular Use $ 24.28 $ 18.08 $ 6.04 Non Resident Group Fund raising $ 37.52 $ 27.95 $ 9.33 Special Event $ 32.00 $ 23.84 $ 7.96 Regular Use $ 26.48 $ 19.73 $ 6.59 Sports Field User Annual Contribution Fall/Winter Clubs $30 per registration Spring/Summer Clubs $15 per registration Class A Synthetic Fields at Samuel Robertson Secondary, Westview Secondary, Golden Ears, Karina LeBlanc, Telosky; Hammond Stadium; Merkley Grass Throw Area; Albion Sports Complex (grass); Cliff Park, Upper Albion Class B Jordan Park; Selvey Park; Tolmie Park Class C Ruskin; All weather fields at Albion Sports Complex Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Bylaw No. 7575-2019 Halls Non-Prime time rates will be a 50% reduction of the regular rates. Hammond Hall (Hourly) Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 25.46 Adult Non-Profit $ 38.20 Private $ 63.66 Commercial $ 83.17 Non-Resident $ 78.12 Whonnock Lake Centre (Hourly) Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 83.18 Adult Non-Profit $ 124.77 Private $ 207.95 Commercial $ 232.68 Non-Resident $ 232.68 Kitchen (Daily) Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 34.16 Adult Non-Profit $ 51.25 Private $ 85.41 Commercial $ 120.30 Non-Resident $ 120.30 • Fairgrounds • Hammond Hall • Whonnock Lake Centre • Greg Moore Youth Centre Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Bylaw No. 7575-2019 Pools (Hourly) Competition and Teach Pool (Per Lane) Swim Club Competition Pool $ 5.96 Teach Pool $ 5.07 Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 9.88 Adult Non-Profit $ 14.82 Private $ 24.70 Commercial $ 31.38 Non-Resident $ 29.28 Hammond Pool (Whole Pool) Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 26.75 Adult Non-Profit $ 40.13 Private $ 66.88 Comme.rcial $ 70.54 Non-Resident $ 68.14 Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Bylaw No. 7575-2019 Rooms (Hourly) Non-Prime time rates will be a 50% reduction of the regular rates. Multi-Purpose Room (capacity 1-15) Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 4.51 Adult Non-Profit $ 6.76 Private $ 11.27 Commercial $ 13.84 Non-Resident $ 13.84 • Whonnock Lake Centre -Meeting Room Multi-Purpose Room (capacity 15-30) Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 9.01 Adult Non-Profit $ 13.52 Private $ 22.53 Commercial $ 27.67 Non-Resident $ 27.67 • Leisure Centre -Training Studio • Hammond Hall -Preschool • Library -Alouette Room • Planet Ice -Meeting Room • Whonnock Lake Centre -Preschool Multi-Purpose Room (capacity 40-60) Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 11.83 Adult Non-Profit $ 17.75 Private $ 29.58 Commercial $ 35.57 Non-Resident $ 32.62 • Leisure Centre -Preschool. Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Bylaw No. 7575-2019 Multi-Purpose Room (capacity 60-80} Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 13.94 Adult Non-Profit $ 20.91 Private $ 34.85 Commercial $ 48.36 Non-Resident $ 45.36 • Leisure Centre -Multipurpose Room • Greg Moore Youth Centre -Lounge & Multipurpose Room • Library -Fraser Room Gymnasium Youth/Senior Non-Profit $ 49.35 Adult Non-Profit $ 74.02 Private $ 123.37 Commercial $ 154.31 Non-Resident $132.64 • Leisure Centre -Gymnasium • Greg Moore Youth Centre -Active Area Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Fees Park Shelter (up to a full day) $ 70.00 Event Trailer (day rate) $ 147.31 Tennis/Sport Court (Commercial use only) $ 15.00 Attachment B THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY AND IS A CONSOLIDATION OF. THE FOLLOWING: 1. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees By-law No. 4117-1988 2. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending By-law No. 4265-1989 3. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending By-law No. 4322-1990 4. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending By-law No. 4470-1990 5. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending By-law No. 4528-1991 6. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending By-law No. 4575-1991 7. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending By-law No. 4609-1991 8. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending By-law No. 4772-1992 9. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending By-law No. 5015-1994 10. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending By-law No. 5313-1995 11. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending By-law No. 5471-1996 12. Ridge Meadows Parks and Leisure Services Facility Fees Amending By-law No. 5501-1996 13. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending By-law No. 5822-1999 14. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending By-law No. 6198-2004 15. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending By-law No. 6254-2004 16. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending By-law No. 6385-2006 17. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 64 70-2007 18. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 6476-2007 19. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 6571-2008 20. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 6588-2008 21. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 6664-2009 22. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 6727-2010 23. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 6799-2011 24. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 6826-2011 25. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 6932-2012 26. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 6999-2013 27. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 7032-2013 28. Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees Amending Bylaw No. 7553-2019 Individual copies of any of the above by-laws can be obtained by contacting the Clerk's Department. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 4117-1988 A By-law to fix fees to be charged for the use of sports and recreation facilities. WHEREAS, pursuant to provisions contained in the Municipal Act being Section 679, Chapter 290, R.S.B.C., 1979 and amendments thereto, the Council may, by by-law, establish and regulate the fixing of fees for admission to or for the use of sports and recreation facilities. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge, in open meeting assembled, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. This By-law may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Recreation Facility Fees By-law No. 4117-1988". 2. The rental and admission rates for use of Parks and Recreation facilities shall be as per the fees specified in Schedule "A" attached hereto. By-law 4575-1991 3. Notwithstanding any rate contained in this by-law or the Schedules attached thereto, the Facility Rental Fee be waived to local non-profit emergency response agencies for a special event which has the primary goal of educating the residents of Maple Ridge about current safety, first aid or emergency response issues. Emergency response agencies would include any local non-profit group whose primary purpose is to respond in an emergency situation with a goal of saving or protecting human life and property. Examples of emergency agencies include the Maple Ridge Fire Department, R.C.M.P. Detachment, Maple Ridge Search & Rescue, St. John's Ambulance Society and the Royal Life-Saving Society. The Special Event must provide free access to the general public and free display opportunities to other participating local non-profit emergency response groups. No commercial agency may participate in the event for profit or promotional benefit. READ a first time the 17th day of October, 1988 A.D. READ a second time the 17th day of October, 1988 A.D. READ a third time the 17th day of October, 1988 A.D. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED the 31st day of October, 1988 A.D. W.J. Hartley MAYOR J.R. McBride CLERK 7032-2013 7553-2019 Per Hour Rate (taxes not included) Ice -Prime Time Ice -Non-Prime Time Dry Floor* Prime Time Corporation of the City of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 -1988 Youth/Senior Non-Profit $110.34 $ 82.76 $ 44.03 SCHEDULE "An Adult Non-Profit $165.50 $124.13 $ 66.05 Private Commercial $ 275.84 $ 304.99 $ 206.88 $ 228.74 $ 110.08 $ 139.61 *Dry Floor Prime Time rates will take affect April 1, 2019 Non-Resident $ 295.04 $ 221.28 $ 131.85 7032-2013 (taxes not included) Barns Beef, Exhibition, Commercial Grounds & Showrings Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 -1988 SCHEDULE "Bn . . ..• Fairgrotinds . ·i::ttective]anuaryt,•2014 Youth/Senior Non-Profit Adult Private Commercial Non-Profit $8.16 $12.24 $20.40 $22.44 $7.14 $10.71 $17.85 $19.64 Stage is included at no-charge when booking the grounds. $24.48 $21.42 7032-2013 (taxes not included) Competition Pool Leisure Pool Teach Pool (per lane) Hammond Pool Harris Pool (whole pool) Swim Club $5.96 $5.07 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 -1988 SCHEDULE "C" Pools ... · ~Effective January 1, 2014 Youth/Senior Adult Private Non-Profit Non-Profit $9.88 $14.82 $24. 70 $26.75 $40.13 $66.88 $31.38 $70.54 Non-Resident $29.28 $68.14 7032-2013 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 -1988 SCHEDULE "D" Roomsr'' .... · .. > E:ffe.ctiy~ January :t/~014 •· (taxes not included) Youth/Senior Adult Private Non-Profit Non-Profit Multipurpose Room (capacity 1-15) $4.51 $6.76 $11.27 Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre -Youth Centre South Bonson Community Centre -Living Room, Upstairs Meeting Room, Boardroom Whonnock Lake Centre -Meeting Room Multipurpose Room $9.01 $13.52 $22.53 (capacity 15°30) Leisure Centre -Training Studio Hammond Community Centre -Preschool Maple Ridge Library-Alouette Room Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre -Preschool, Daycare Planet Ice -Meeting Room South Bonson Community Centre -Activity Room #2 Whonnock Lake Centre -Preschool Multipurpose Room $11.83 $17.75 (capacity 40-60) Leisure Centre -Preschool Heritage Hall -Daycare Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre -Lobby Multipurpose Room $13.94 $20.91 (capacity 60-80) Leisure Centre -Multipurpose Greg Moore Youth Centre -Lounge, Multipurpose Maple Ridge Library-Fraser Room Pitt Meadows Library -Meeting Room Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre -Multipurpose South Bonson Community Centre -Activity Room #1 Gymnasiums $49.35 $7 4.02 Leisure Centre Greg Moore Youth Centre Active Area Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre $29.58 $34.85 $123.37 $13.84 $27.67 $35.57 $48.36 $154.31 The non-prime time rates will be a 50% reduction of the regular rates in the Fees & Charges Schedule and will be applied to all hours outside of the prime time hours listed below: Prime Time (Days of Week) Monday -Friday Saturday/Sunday (Year Round) Prime Time (Times) 5:00pm -9:00pm 8:00am -9:00pm Non-Resident $13.84 $27.67 $32.62 $45.36 $132.64 7032-2013 (taxes not included) Medium (capacity 100-200) Hammond Hall Heritage Hall -Lower floor Large (capacity 200-300) Heritage Hall -Upper floor Specialty Hall (capacity 175-200) Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 -1988 SCHEDULE "E" •. ·.··.·· ... ··Halls .. Effective. January 1, 2().1,.4 Youth/Senior Adult Private Non-Profit Non-Profit $25.46 $38.20 $63.66 $37.98 $56.97 $94.95 $83.18 $124.77 $207.95 South Bonson Community Centre -Banquet Room Whonnock Lake Centre -Main Hall $83.17 $111.04 $232.68 The non-prime time rates will be a 50% reduction of the regular rates in the Fees & Charges Schedule and will be applied to all hours outside of the prime time hours listed below: Monday -Friday Saturday/Sunday (Year Round) 5:00pm -9:00pm 8:00am -9:00pm $78.12 $106.78 $232.68 7032-2013 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 -1988 SCHEDULE "Fn . •. ;. . Kitch eris Effective January 1; 2014 Youth/Senior Adult Private Fairgrounds Hammond Hall Heritage Hall Non-Profit Non-Profit $34.16 $51.25 $85.41 Pitt Meadows Family Recreation Centre South Bonson Community Centre Whonnock Lake Centre Non-Resident $120.30 $120.30 7032-2013 .. "Flexi" (taxes not included) Children Youth Senior Adult _Family Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 -1988 SCHEDULE "G" .. ··. .. . Maple Ridge Leisure Centre Admissior)Rates ... ., -· · .· EffectiveJanuary 1, 2014 ·. · .· Single · 10 Pass 20 Pass 1 month 3 months $2.90 $26.10 $46.40 $26.10 $69.60 $3.90 $35.10 $62.40 $35.10 $93.60 $3.90 $35.10 $62.40 $35.10 $93.60 $5.70 $51.30 $91.20 $51.30 $136.80 $10.44 $98.46 $167.04 $98.46 $262.56 6 months 1 year $130.50 $261.00 $175.50 $351.00 $175.50 $351.00 $256.50 $513.00 $492.30 $984.60 7032-2013 ,, ,, ,, (taxes not included) Children Youth Senior Adult Family Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 -1988 SCHEDULE "H" Pitt Meadows Famjly Recreation ~r1tre Admission Rates 0, EffectiveJanuaJy, 1~2014, · ' ,,, Single 10 Pass 20 Pass 1 month 3 months $2.61 $23.49 $41.76 $23.49 $62.64 $3.52 $31.68 $56.32 $31.68 $84.48 $3.52 $31.68 $56.32 $31.68 $84.48 $5.02 $45.18 $80.32 $45.18 $120.48 $9.38 $84.42 $150.08 $84.42 $225.12 '• ,' . 6 months 1year $117.45 $234.90 $158.40 $316.80 $158.40 $316.80 $225.90 $451.80 $422.10 $844.20 7032-2013 ,. Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 -1988 SCHEDULE"in ·· Dfo~lnSkating Adnii~ion .Rates .... Effective January 1, 2014 . (taxes not included) Single 10 Pass 20 Pass Children $2.60 $23.40 $41.60 Youth $3.50 $31.50 $56.00 Senior $3.50 $31.50 $56.00 Adult $4.73 $42.57 $75.68 Family $8.33 $74.97 $133.32 Parent & Tot $4.73 $42.57 $75.68 7032-2013 -Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 -1988 SCHEDULE "J" Outdoor Pools Admission Hates,,_ -~ Effective January 1,-2014\ -(taxes not included) Single Season Pass Children $1.76 $31.68 Youth $2.37 $42.66 Senior $2.37 $42.66 Adult $3.03 $54.54 Family $6.68 $120.24 ··:-' . 7032-2013 Class A Class B ClassC Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 -1988 SCHEDULE "K" ,,, ,· ,' -' J .. ·.· .. .. ~ports Field~ .... ,' .-' ; '.~-.... ' " . Effective Jai:u.iary i, 2013 " " :. ' (taxes not included) I CLASS A CLASS B Yo1.1th/Senior Non.:Profit '·' . \ ' : Commercial Use $22.07 $16.44 Fundraising $11.04 $8.22 Special Event $5.52 $4.11 Regular Use $0.00 $0.00 AdultNon-Profit. ' ' ', ,,." --Commercial Use $22.07 $16.44 Fundraising $22.07 $16.44 Special Event $17.07 $11.44 Regular Use $12.70 $6.65 Local, Private or -·-.---: --.... , Political Groups -, " -.c : I: Fundraising $33.11 $24.66 Special Event $27.59 $20.55 Regular Use $22.07 $16.44 Local Cc>mmerci,d -,--'-' '> ' Fundraising $35.31 $26.30 Special Event $29.79 $22.19 Regular Use $24.28 $18.08 Non Resident Groups -, ----" -' " Fund raising $37.52 $27.95 Special Event $32.00 $23.84 Regular Use $26.48 $19.73 Sport Field Use~ Annual Contribution ,--:; -, '" CLASSC ·.' $5.49 $2.75 $1.37 $0.00 $5.49 $5.49 $2.75 $0.00 " $8.24 $6.86 $5.49 ·.: " -,_ $8.78 $7.41 $6.04 $9.33 $7.96 $6.59 -' Fall/Winter Clubs $30 per registration Spring/Summer Clubs $15 per registration Synthetic Fields at Samuel Robertson Secondary, Westview Secondary and Pitt Meadows Secondary; Hammond Stadium; Merkley Grass; Pitt Meadows Athletic Park; Thomas Haney Secondary; Albion Sports Complex (grass); Cliff Park; Harris North Telosky; Albion; Jordan Park; Maple Ridge Park; Bonson; Ruskin Park; Selvey Park; Harris South; Tolmie Park; Edith McDermott Park All weather fields at Merkley and Albion Sports Complex 7032-2013 Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Bylaw No. 4117 -1988 SCHEDULE UL" . Misc~llaneous fees Effective January 1; 2014 (taxes not included) Park Shelter $70.00 (up to a full day) Event Trailer $14 7 .31 (day rate) Tennis/Sport Court $15.00 (applicable to commercial use only) CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE mapleridge.ca TO: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council MEETING DATE: June 23, 2020 FILE NO: 01-0230-08 FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: Council SUBJECT: UBCM Resolutions 2020 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) provides a common voice for local government throughout the Province. Staff have confirmed that in order for resolutions to be submitted to the 2020 UBCM Convention they must first be endorsed by Council. The deadline for submission to the UBCM is June 30, 2020. There are five resolutions being proposed for submission to the UBCM Convention: 1. Mandatory Signage for Bear Traps 2. Banning Shock Collars 3. Criminal Record Checks for Local Government Elected Officials 4. Independent Office of Integrity for Local Government 5. Cannabis Enforcement and Regulation within the Agricultural Land Reserve RECOMMENDATION: That the following resolutions be forwarded to UBCM for consideration at the 2020 UBCM Convention: 1. Mandatory Slgnage for Bear Traps 2. Banning Shock Collars 3. Criminal Record Checks for Local Government Elected Officials 4. Independent Office of Integrity for Local Government 5. Cannabis Enforcement and Regulation within the Agricultural Land Reserve DISCUSSION: The following resolutions are proposed: #1: Mandatory Signage for Bear Traps WHEREAS Dogs are accidentally killed yearly across British Columbia when they are unintentionally lured into a baited bear trap often resulting in a gruesome death, AND WHEREAS People are unable to avoid bear traps because there is no requirement for sign age to be posted warning of said traps, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT The Province of British Columbia impose a mandatory requirement for trappers to post signage warning of active bear traps in the area to prevent accidental harm to those in the area. 802 Doc#2474871 Page 1 of 3 #2: Banning Shock Collars WHEREAS Shock collars, also known as electronic collars ore-collars, are considered inhumane by the SPCA and other animal welfare organizations in BC for causing both physical and psychological pain for pets by delivering up to 6,000 volts of electricity or spraying noxious chemicals to control an animal's behavior, AND WHEREAS Many countries around the world including countries in Europe as well as parts of Australia have banned the use shock collars because alternative positive training methods that do not cause an animal unnecessary harm, pain or suffering are readily available to everyone free of charge, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT The Province of British Columbia immediately ban the use of shock collars across the province as a tool for training and or punishment for pets. #3: Criminal Record Checks for Local Government Elected Officials WHEREAS Individuals holding office in a local government are elected into a position of trust and power where they have access to sensitive data and are expected to "conduct themselves in an open, transparent and accountable manner" according to the Candidate's Guide To Local Government Elections in B.C.; AND WHEREAS There is no requirement for elected officials to submit criminal record checks despite being privy to highly sensitive information and allowed to participate in activities that other employers would require criminal record checks for, such as volunteering,; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Section 87 of the Local Government Act be amended to include criminal record checks as part of the nomination documents submitted by candidates thereby creating a high standard of transparency that will improve public trust in locally elected officials. The resolution above was submitted to the LMLGA in 2017 but was not endorsed to be forwarded to the UBCM Convention. #4: Independent Office of Integrity for Local Government WHEREAS the UBCM Working Group on Responsible Conduct (WGRC) has been working extensively to support local government initiatives to address less-than-responsible local government conduct by providing local government council and board members with a set of principles and general standards of conduct that can be used to develop their own Code of Conduct; AND WHEREAS the WGRC continues to work on potential legislative change that focuses on the importance of councils and boards turning their minds to Codes of Conduct in a standardized and consistent manner; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that UBCM request the Provincial Government to establish an Independent Office of Integrity to serve the public, elected officials and local government officials in an advisory, educational and investigative role in the development, application and enforcement of Codes of Conduct. Doc#2474871 Page 2 of 3 #5: Cannabis Enforcement and Regulation within the Agricultural Land Reserve WHEREAS the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) was not consulted on the legislative and regulatory changes that have changed the characterization of cannabis production on the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) to "farm use"; AND WHEREAS the Farm Practices Protection (Right to Farm) Act protects and exempts farm operation from liability in nuisance for any odour, noise, dust or other disturbance resulting from that farm operation; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ministry of Agriculture continue to work with the UBCM and the Joint Provincial-Local Government Committee on Cannabis Regulation (JCCR) to address the concerns of local government in relation to the water usage, waste, light emission, and the lack of enforcement of cannabis rules within the Agricultural Land Reserve. ALTERNATIVES: Council may wish to support or amend all or some of the resolutions presented herein. CONCLUSIONS: Municipal Council resolutions presented for debate at the UBCM Convention can drive change in legislation and policy at the Federal and Provincial level. Chief Administrative Officer Doc#2474871 Page 3 of 3 TO: FROM: MAPLE RIDGE British Columbia mapleridge.ca His Worship Mayor Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: June 23, 2020 01-0110-01 Council SUBJECT: 2019 Consolidated Financial Statements EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Financial reporting in local government serves to communicate the fiscal health and well being of a community. This report focuses on our Financial Statements for the 2019 fiscal year. Overall results for the year are positive. Our Net Financial Position decreased by $2.64 million to $112.3 million and our Accumulated Surplus increased by $64.45 million to $1.223 billion. The 2019 Financial Statements have been prepared using the accounting standards and reporting model mandated by the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB). BDO Canada LLP has conducted an audit of the financial statements and they will form an integral part of the 2019 Annual Report. In order to satisfy current audit rules, Council must formally approve the financial statements before BDO can issue their final audit opinion. The audit report will be "unqualified". This is the highest form of assurance an auditor can provide and indicates the statements are free of material misstatements and that readers can rely on them for decision making purposes. RECOMMENDATION: That the 2019 Financial Statements be approved. DISCUSSION: Financial reporting in local government serves to communicate the fiscal health and well-being of a community and there are two main documents that accomplish this: the Financial Plan and the Financial Statements, each with very different objectives. The Financial Plan is a forward looking document that sets out the City's planned expenditures and transfers to reserves for the next five years and identifies how those expenditures and transfers will be funded. The Community Charter requires that municipalities prepare a "balanced budget". This means that the total of any proposed expenditures or transfers to reserves must not exceed the total of proposed revenues or transfers from reserves. In simple terms, the Financial Plan answers the question: "What are we going to do and how are we going to pay for it?" In contrast, the Financial Statements are a retrospective document that looks at the year just ended, comparing our actual financial performance in the year to the activities identified in the Financial Plan. The Community Charter requires municipalities to prepare the financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles for local governments. In Canada, those principles are set by the 803 Doc #2465951 1 of 7 Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB). The objective of a municipality's Financial Statements is to report on its financial condition at a point in time and its financial performance for the year. The differing objectives of the Financial Plan and the Financial Statements, combined with the different rules guiding their preparation, can easily result in confusion when trying to compare the two documents. For example, the Financial Plan treats transfers to and from reserves as transactions, while the Financial Statements, at the consolidated level, ignore transfers as they take place within the corporate entity. It is important to keep the different rules and objectives in mind as we look at financial results for 2019. The 2019 Consolidated Financial Statements present the City's results of operations during the year and the financial positon as at December 31, 2019. Financial performance is compared to the Financial Plan adopted in May of 2019 as this was the plan used to set property taxation rates, and to prior year results. The transactions included in the Financial Statements are those that took place between the City and outside parties. Internal transactions, such as transfers between reserves, which are important for financial planning purposes, have been eliminated. The City's auditors, BDO Canada LLP, have conducted an audit of the Statements and, pending Council's acceptance of the statements, will finalize their audit report. The audit report will be "unqualified". This is the highest form of assurance an auditor can provide and indicates the statements are free of material misstatements and that readers can rely on them for decision making purposes. There are a number of key terms in the Financial Statements that are important to be familiar with before drawing any conclusions about the 2019 results: • Net Financial Position: provides a snapshot of where the City stands financially in terms of the resources it held and the debt it owed at December 31. It is the difference between our financial assets and our liabilities and provides an indication of financial flexibility. If Net Financial Positon is negative it is referred to as Net Debt and indicates that revenues that will be collected in the future are needed to pay for liabilities that already exist. If it is positive, it is referred to as Net Financial Assets and indicates a greater degree of flexibility. • Accumulated Surplus: is the total of all the City's assets, both financial and non-financial, less our liabilities. It represents the net economic resources available for service provision. The largest element of this number is the value of our tangible capital assets, the physical assets used in day-to-day service provision, meaning the accumulated surplus balance does not represent a source of cash available to finance our day-to-day operations. • Annual Surplus: is the difference between annual revenues and expenses, as reported on the Statement of Operations. It is important to keep in mind that items included in revenue do not necessarily represent cash received during the year. For example, the value of contributed tangible capital assets is reported as a revenue, but does not represent cash the City received. On the expense side, only the annual cost of using those assets is recognized through amortization. The amounts expended for capital investment or renewal is not included, nor is the value of infrastructure contributed to the City through development. This accounting requirement results in a large reported annual surplus, but does not represent a cash surplus. The City's Financial Statements are comprised of the following: • Statement of Financial Position • Statement of Operations • Statement of Change in Net Financial Assets • Statement of Cash Flow Doc #2465951 2 of 7 • Significant Accounting Policies • Notes to the Financial Statements • Segment Report • Supporting Schedules 1-6 The Notes to the Financial Statements provide additional information for the items found on the Statement of Financial Position and the Statement of Operations and are referenced on each of these statements. A discussion of the Financial Statements follows: Statement of Financial Position The Statement of Financial Position is the public sector version of a balance sheet. One of the key indicators on this statement is the Net Financial Positon. As noted above, it is calculated by subtracting our liabilities from our financial assets and is one piece of information available to assess the City's financial flexibility. At the end of 2019 the City had Net Financial Assets of $112.33 million, a decrease of $2.64 million from 2018. The other key indicator that appears on this statement is Accumulated Surplus. As noted above, this is the total of all our assets, both financial and non-financial, less our liabilities. This number represents the net economic resources available for service provision. The bulk of this number comes from the value of our tangible capital assets, meaning it does not represent cash that can be spent to support our operations. At the end of 2019, the City's accumulated surplus was $1.223 billion compared to $1.158 billion in 2018. Of this amount, $1.094 billion is the book value of the City's tangible capital assets, compared to $1.027 billion in 2018. Key items to note on the Statement of Financial Position: • Combined cash and cash equivalents, and portfolio investments increased by $4.48 million. This is the result of increased amounts available to invest due to timing differences between planned and actual expenditures, and increases in accounts payable and accrued liabilities at year-end. • Inventory available for sale has decreased by $2.4 million following the sale of the town centre lands. • Debt decreased by $2.53 million due to the scheduled repayment of debt, most of which relates to our Town Centre facilities. • Accounts payable and accrued liabilities increased by $6.26 million Statement of Operations The Statement of Operations is the public sector version of an income statement, reporting revenues and expenses for the year. The difference between revenues and expenses is referred to as the annual surplus if positive, or the annual deficit if negative. It is important to note that accounting rules require us to include in revenues items such as the value of infrastructure contributed to the city through development, but on the expense side we include only the cost of using those assets through amortization, not the value of the assets received. This results in a reported annual surplus that does not represent a cash surplus. In 2019, the City recorded contributed infrastructure with a value of $34.16 million. This amount was recorded as revenue. On the expense side, the amortization recorded for these assets was $358K The City's Annual Surplus was $64.45 million and over half of this amount comes from the transactions associated with contributed assets received during the year and, as noted previously, there is no cash received by the City related to these assets. As noted earlier in the report, when the Financial Plan is prepared, we ensure that all planned sources of funding are equal to all planned uses of funding. This is referred to as a "balanced budget". Not all of the elements that result in a balanced budget are included in the Statement of Operations. Some Financial Doc #2465951 3 of 7 Plan transactions, such as transfers to and from reserves, are eliminated from the summary financial statements as they are internal transactions; other items are not included as they do not meet the definition of an expense. For example, our planned investment in tangible capital assets will result in an expenditure of resources, but not an expense. The annual cost of using our tangible capital assets, recorded as amortization, is an expense and is included on this statement. A reconciliation between the Financial Plan and the Financial Statements is shown in Note 18 to the Financial Statements. The following discusses the Statement of Operations: Consolidated Revenues: Actual $197.6 million; Budget $224.8 million Not all monies the City receives are recorded as revenues at the time of receipt. Monies, such as Development Cost Charges, that are collected for specific capital works are recorded as a liability when received. When we budget for the capital expenditures that are funded from these sources we also budget to record the revenue, which results in a draw down of the liability. If capital expenditures do not occur, no revenue is recognized and the funds remain on hand, recorded as a liability. In 2019, consolidated revenues were below budget by $27 million. This is comprised of variances in a number of categories, particularly those related to capital. The following highlights some of the key variances: • User fees and other revenues exceeded budget estimates by $1.5 million with fees related to development such as building permits, inspection and connection fees exceeding expectations, offset by shortfalls related to the extended closure of the Leisure Centre. • Government Transfers (grants) revenues below budget estimates by $9.8 million, due to timing differences between budget and actual expenditures as well as project start times being deferred pending outcomes of grant applications. • Development revenues below budget estimates by $35 million, due in large part to factors such as DCC liabilities not being drawn down to fund the related work. • Interest income greater than budget estimates by $3.4 million. • Developer contributed assets greater than budget estimates by $14 million. As noted above, revenues below budget estimates for development revenues do not represent a cash shortfall as the related expenditures did not occur. Similarly, the revenue amount recorded for contributed assets does not represent a cash windfall as this number represents the value of assets received, not a payment received by the City. Consolidated Expenses -Actual $133.2 million; Budget $144.8 million Expenses are comprised of general operating expenses for goods and services, labour, interest on debt and amortization of our tangible capital assets. The actual cash expended to invest in the replacement or acquisition of assets is not reflected on this statement. In 2019, consolidated expenses were below budget by $11.6 million. Some key items contributing to this result include: • Approximately $1.3 million in interest costs related to authorized borrowing that has not yet been entered into. • $1.8 million from the RCMP contract. • Approximately $6.5 million in projects scheduled for 2019 that will proceed in 2020 • Savings of approximately $3.9 million on labour costs, due in part to recruitment challenges experienced in 2019 • Approximatley $3 million in savings from Parks Recreation & Culture. • An accounting entry to revalue the remaining remediation work required at the Cottonwood Landfill of $3.6 million. Doc #2465951 4of 7 • Costs associated with the St. Anne's camp of approximately $1.3 million Statement of Change in Net Financial Assets The change in Net Financial Position in a year is explained by the difference between revenues and expenditures. If we recognize more revenue that we expend, then the net financial position will increase; if less then it will decrease. In 2019, the City's financial position decreased by $2.64 million to $112.3 million. It is important to keep in mind that as part of the City's long-term financial planning processes, we may collect revenues over time to build capacity for future expenditures. This practice will increase the City's financial assets, and the net financial position, until the related expenditures occur. Statement of Cash Flow The Statement of Cash Flow explains the change in the balance of cash and cash equivalents for the year, showing the impact of various types of transactions on the balance. For example the statement shows that $44.4 million was generated from operating activities and that $51.8 million was used for capital activities. Segment Report The Segment Report enhances the information found on the Consolidated Statement of Operations. The information is laid out in the same manner, but provides a greater level of detail. City services have been segmented by grouping activities by function, as directed by PSAB. For example, protection of the public is achieved by activities such as bylaw enforcement and inspection services in addition to police and fire fighting services, so all of these activities are reported as part of the Protective Services segment. Revenues that are directly related to the costs of a function have been reported in each segment, including revenues related to capital investment. Expenses are broken down into the categories of goods and services, labour, debt servicing, and amortization. The Segment Report allows us to see how much each segment contributes to the annual surplus before considering allocations of taxes and other municipal resources. As described earlier, annual surplus is the difference between annual revenues and expenses. The following table shows the departments included in each segment: Reporting Segments , . Recreation & Planning; Public . General Govt Protective Svc Cultural Health & Other Transportation Water Sewer Human Resources Clerks Administration Finance Purchasing Information Svc Legislative Svc Economic Dev Communications Police Fire Bylaws Inspection Svc Emergency Svc Parks Leisure Svc Youth Svc Arts Library Planning Recycling Cemetery Social Planning Engineering Operations Drainage Roads Water Sewer The above discussion focuses on the Consolidated Financial Statements, and, as noted, consists of transactions only with outside parties; internal transactions, such as transfers are not included. It is useful to look at some areas of our organization in isolation, particularly the General Revenue Fund and the Sewer and Water Utilities. While the Financial Statements do not show each of these elements in isolation, aggregated information is shown on Schedules 1 and 3 to the Consolidated Financial Statements. General Revenue The majority of the City's diverse day-to-day operations fall within the General Revenue fund and include activities ranging from the development of plans to guide the community's future, to maintaining infrastructure such as roads to all the activities integral to the delivery of Council's strategic plan. Doc #2465951 5 of 7 The financial plan projected that the General Revenue Accumulated Surplus balance would be drawn down by $1.19 million in 2019. Actual results saw the balance drawn down by $3.49 million to $7.62 million. The main driver of this reduction was accounting entry related to the former Cottonwood Landfill Site. As noted in the Financial Statements, the cash flows for this item will occur in the future. Sewer and Water Utilities The Sewer and Water Utilities are self-funded business units that manage the collection and distribution of water and liquid waste as well as the related infrastructure. A large portion of the costs in the utilities are driven by the Regional District and Council has used a rate stabilization policy for a number of years to manage fluctuations in these costs. Under this policy, accumulated surplus amounts are deliberately built in a systematic manner over a period of time in order to provide for our commitment towards larger regional projects as well as variations in our own annual infrastructure investment. This practice allows Council to smooth the impact of variations in annual spending levels on our rate payers. As projected, the accumulated surplus balance in the Sewer Utility was drawn down in 2019 and the balance in the Water Utility increased. The Regional District has indicated that their projected rate increases for sewer and water will be higher than previously indicated which is likely to introduce pressures on the City's surplus balances. City rates for sewer were adjusted for 2019 and rates for both sewer and water will be revisited as needed to ensure adequate funding for the City's infrastructure replacement. The following shows the accumulated surplus amounts in each of the utilities and can also be found in Note 14 to the Financial Statements: Reserves Sewer Utility Water Utility 2019 $ 7,216,552 $ 15,518,140 2018 $ 8,512,633 $13,799,283 The City's reserves are an important financial planning tool and provide a mechanism to build capacity over time to undertake strategic projects. They are reviewed on a regular basis to assess their adequacy, with adjustments made when capacity permits. The term "reserve" is often applied to both our reserve funds and our reserve accounts and there are important distinctions between the two resources. Reserve funds are statutory, meaning they are established by bylaw for specific purposes. Once monies are transferred to a reserve fund, they can only b'e used for the purpose outlined in the establishing bylaw. Reserve accounts are appropriations of surplus, established to meet specific business needs. They can be established or dissolved as directed by Council, as long as identified business needs are met and risks are managed appropriately. At the beginning of 2019, the City had $104.2 million in total reserves, as shown in Schedule 6 to the Financial Statements. At the end of 2019 the City has $105.8 million in reserves, an increase of $1.6 million. This variance is the combined result of planned capital investment that will occur in the future and end of year provisions for various operating projects and initiatives. CONCLUSIONS: The 2019 Financial Statements have been prepared using the accounting standards and reporting model mandated by the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB). BDO Canada LLP has conducted an audit of the financial statements. In order to satisfy current audit rules, Council must formally approve the financial statements before BDO can issue their final audit opinion. The audit report will be "unqualified". This is the highest form of assurance an auditor can provide and indicates the statements are free of material misstatements and that readers can rely on them for decision making purposes. Doc #2465951 6 of 7 Overall results for 2019 are positive. We ended the year with an Annual Surplus amount of $64.45 million, and an Accumulated Surplus balance of $1.22 billion. The City's reserves are sound and the long-term financial plans reflect the ability of the City to meet its future obligations. Prepared by: Catherine Nolan, CPA, CGA Corporate Controller -~~ Reviewed by: Trevor Thompson, BBA, CPA, CGA Chief Financial Officer Approved by: Christina Crabtree Acting GM, Corporate Services Concurren~H~ Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: 2019 Financial Statements BOO Audit Results Letter Doc #2465951 7 of 7 City of Maple Ridge Financial Statements and Auditor's Report For the Year Ended December 31, 2019 . .. ~ . ' Management's Responsibility for Financial Reporting The information in this report is the responsibility of management. The consolidated financial $tatements have been prepared in accordance with Canadian Public Sector accounting guidelines as outlined under "Significant Accounting Policies". These include some amounts based on management's best estimates and careful judgment. Management maintains a system of internal accounting controls to provide reasonable assurance that assets are safeguarded and that transactions are authorized, recorded, and reported properly. Management also administers a program of proper business compliance. BDO Canada LLP, the Municipality's independent auditors have audited the accompanying financial statements. Their rep·ort accompanies this statement. Council carries out its responsibility for the consolidated financial statements jointly with its Audit and Finance Committee. The Committee meets with management on a scheduled basis and at least semi-annually with BDO Canada LLP to review their activities and to discuss auditing, internal control, accounting policy, and financial reporting matters. BDO Canada LLP has unrestricted access to the Municipality and Council. Council approves the consolidated financial statements and reviews the recommendations of the independent auditors for improvements to controls as well as the actions of management to implement such recommendations. Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer Trevor Thompson, SBA, CPA, CGA Chief Financial Officer City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 1 of 35 To the Mayor and Council of the City of Maple Ridge Opinion Independent Auditor's Report We have audited the consolidated financial statements of the City of Maple Ridge and its controlled entities (the "City"), which comprise the consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at December 31, 2019, and the consolidated Statements of Operations, Change in Net Financial Assets and Cash Flows for the year then ended, and notes and schedules to the consolidated financial statements, comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respec;ts, the consolidated financial position of the City as at December 31, 2019 and its results of operations, changes in net financial assets, and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards. Basis for Opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the City in accordance with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the consolidated financial statements in Canada, and vie have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance vvith these requirements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Consolidated Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. In preparing the consolidated financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the City's ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to liquidate the City or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so. Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the City's financial reporting process. Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these consolidated financial statements. City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 2 of 35 As part of an audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing· standards, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also: .. Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. '" Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the City's internal control. .. Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management. .. Conclude on the appropriateness of management's use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the City's ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor's report to the related disclosures in the consolidated financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor's report. However, future events or conditions may cause the City to cease to continue as a going concern. • Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the consolidated financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the consolidated financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation. .. Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business activities within the Group to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements. We are responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the group audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion. We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit. Chartered Professional Accountants Vancouver, British Columbia bate of Council Approval City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 3 of 35 This Page Left Blank Intentionally City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page4 of 35 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at December 31, 2019 2019 2018 Financial Assets Cash and cash equivalents (Note 1) $ 63,790,576 $ 22,186,741 Portfolio investments (Note 2) 164,538,143 201,666,082 Accounts receivable (Note 3) 16,882,073 15,515,417 Recoverable local improvements (Note 4) 1,693,971 1,379,072 Other assets (Note 5) 797,977 779,813 Inventory available for resale 56169 2,459,585 247,758,909 243,986,710 Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (Note 6) 31,126,120 24,858,292 Deferred revenue (Note 8) 16,801,812 15,760,504 Restricted revenue (Note 9) 36,581,674 35,996,158 Refundable performance deposits and other 23,625,735 21,908,866 Employee future benefits (Note 10) 3,999,000 4,662,100 Debt (Note 11, Schedule 4) 23,291,350 25,822,631 135,425,691 129,008,551 NAt t=iri~nci~! Asc:ets 11 ?.~~~.?1R 114,978; 1 _t=;g Non Financial Assets Tangible capital assets (Note 12, Schedule 5) 1,094,315,052 1,027,400,677 Undeveloped land bank properties (Note 13) 15,526,529 15,526,529 Supplies inventory 317,502 326,363 Prepaid expenses 665.550 471486 1,110,824.633 1,043,725,055 Accumulated Surplus (Note 14) $ 1.223,157,851 $ 1,158,703,214 Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer Trevor Thompson, BBA, CPA, CGA Chief Financial Officer The accompanying summary of significant accounting policies and notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 5 of 35 Consolidated Statement of Operations For the year ended December 31, 2019 Revenue (Segment Report, Note 21) Taxes for municipal purposes (Note 15) $ User fees and other revenue Government transfers (Note 16) Development revenue Interest and investment income Gaming revenues Refinancing and asset disposal gains (losses) Contributed tangible capital assets (Note 12) Expenses (Segment Report, Note 21) Protective services Transportation services Recreation and cultural Water utility Sewer utility General government Planning, public health and other Annual Surplus Accumulated Surplus -beginning of year Accumulated Surplus -end of year (Note 14) $ Actual 2019 90,205,710 45,678,005 5,427,368 15,026,277 5,636,251 1,703,170 (221,954) 34,156,244 197,611,071 39,230,587 20,748,185 19,176,835 13,952,992 12,427,643 16,477,245 11,142,947 133,156,434 64,454,637 1,158,703,214 1,223,157,851 $ Budget 2019 (Note 18) 90,084,654 44,172,582 15,256,425 50,015,589 2,247,988 1,500,000 1,500,000 20,000,000 224,777,238 42,909,582 23,899,352 22,485,994 16,056,086 14,020,250 18,475,279 6,916,183 144,762,726 80,014,512 1,158,703,214 $1,238,717,726 $ Actual 2018 85,645,660 42,266,363 4,862,137 15,787,623 4,581,311 1,781,613 (1,470,673) 29,727,691 183,181, 725 37,458,755 19,445,582 18,754,440 13,787,153 11,688,964 15,252,598 6,030,684 122,418,176 60,763,549 1,097,939,665 $1,158,703,214 The accompanying summary of significant accounting policies and notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement. City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 6 of 35 Consolidated Statement of Change in Net Financial Assets For the year ended December 31, 2019 Actual Budget Actual 2019 2019 2018 (Note 18) Annual Surplus $ 64,454,637 $ 80,014,512 $ 60,763,549 Add (Less): Change in Tangible Capital Assets Acquisition of tangible capital assets (92,131,841) (216,964,685) (74,540,940) Amortization 21,257,458 21,329,763 21,168,109 Proceeds from disposal of tangible capital assets 928,432 1,500,000 183,461 (Gain) loss on disposal of tangible capital assets 3,031,576 (1,500,000) 1,933,914 (66,914,375) (195,634,922) (51,255,456) Change in Other Non Financial Assets Decrease (increase) in supplies inventory 8,861 37,523 Decrease (Increase) in prepaid expenses (194,064) 823,140 (185,203) 860,663 Increase (decrease) in Net Financial Assets (2,644,941) $ (115,620,410) 10,368,756 Net Financial Assets beginning of the year 114,978,159 114,978,159 104,609,403 Net Financial Assets (Net Debt) end of the year $ 112,333,219 $ (642,251) $ 114,978,159 The accompanying summary of significant accounting policies and notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 7 of 35 Operating transactions Annual surplus Items not utilizing cash Amortization Loss on disposal of assets Contributed tangible capital assets Actuarial adjustment on debt Restricted revenues recognized Change in non-cash operating items Increase in prepaid expenses Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow For the year ended December 31, 2019 Decrease (increase) in supplies inventory Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable Decrease (increase) in recoverable local improvements Decrease (increase) in other assets Increase (decrease) in accounts payable and accrued liabilities Increase (decrease) in deferred revenue Increase (decrease) in refundable performance deposits Increase (decrease) in employee future benefits Cash provided by operating transactions Capital transactions Proceeds on disposal of tangible capital assets Cash used to acquire tangible capital assets Investing transactions Proceeds on disposal of land available for sale Decrease (increase) in portfolio investments Financing transactions Debt repayment Collection of restricted revenues Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents -beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents -end of year Actual Actual 2019 2018 $64,454,637 $60,763,549 21,257,458 21,168,109 221,954 1,470,673 (34,156,244) (29,727,691) (359,245) (321,333) (13,852,584) (14,711,412) (26,888,661) (22,121,654) (194,064) 823,140 8,861 37,523 (1,366,656) (851,984) (314,899) (252,825) (18,164) (16,605) 6,267,828 4,062,541 1,041,308 1,562,321 1,716,869 (1,494,848) (663,100) 94800 6,477,983 3,964,063 44,043,959 42,605,958 928,432 183,461 (57,975,597) (44,813,249) (57,047,165) (44,629,788) 5,213,038 1,582,750 37,127,939 (13,948,231) 42,340,977 (12,365,481) (2,172,036) (2,129,743) 14,438,100 11,073,918 12,266,064 8 944175 41,603,835 (5,445,136) 22,186,741 27,631,877 $63,790,576 $22,186,741 The accompanying summary of signficant accounting policies and notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements are an integral part of this statement · City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 8 of 35 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies For the year ended December 31, 2019 The City of Maple Ridge (the "City") is a municipality in the province of British Columbia and operates under the provisions of the Community Charter. The City provides municipal services such as fire, public works, planning, parks, recreation and other general government services. (a) Reporting Entity and Basis of Consolidation These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Canadian Public Sector Accounting Standards (PSAS) using guidelines developed by the Public Sector Accounting Board of the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada. They consolidate the activities of all of the funds of the City and the City's wholly owned subsidiaries C.D.M.R. Developments Ltd. and Maple Ridge Municipal Holdings Ltd. Transactions between the City's funds and wholly owned subsidiaries have been eliminated and only transactions with outside entities are reported. (b) Basis of Accounting The basis of accounting followed in these financial statements is the accrual method and includes revenues in the period in which the transactions or events occurred that gave rise to the revenues and expenses in the period the goods and services were acquired and a liability was incurred. (c) Non-financial Assets Non-financial assets are not available to discharge existing liabilities and are held for use in the provision of services. They have useful lives extending beyond the current year and are not intended for sale in the ordinary course of business. (d) Tangible Capital Assets Tangible capital assets are a special class of non-financial assets and are recorded at cost less accumulated amortization. Cost includes all costs directly attributable to acquisition or construction of the tangible capital asset including transportation and installation costs, design and engineering fees, legal fees and site preparation costs. Interest costs are not capitalized during construction. Amortization is recorded on a straight line basis over the estimated life of the tangible capital asset commencing once the asset is put into use. Assets under construction are not amortized. Contributed tangible capital assets are recorded at estimatd fair value at the time of the contribution and are also recorded as revenue. Estimated useful lives of tangible capital assets are as follows: Buildings (including building components) Transportation network Storm sewer system Fleet and equipment Technology Water system Sanitary sewer system Furniture and fixtures Structures City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 9 of 35 7 to 50 years 10 to 75 years 10 to 75 years 8 to 20 years 3 to 25 years 10 to 85 years 30 to 75 years 3 to 20 years 15 to 75 years Natural resources, works of art and historic assets are not recorded as assets in these consolidated financial statements. {e) Liability for Contaminated Sites Contaminated sites are a result of contamination being introduced into air, soil, water or sediment of a chemical, organic or radioactive material or live organism that exceeds an environmental standard. A liability for remediation of a contaminated site is recognized when a site is not in productive use or an unexected event occurs and the following criteria are met: i. an environmental standard exists; ii. contamination exceeds the environmental standards; iii. the City is directly responsible or accepts responsibility; iv. it is expected that future economic benefits will be given up; and v. a reasonable estimate of the amount can be made. The liability is recognized as management's best estimate of the cost of remediation and post-remediation, including operation, maintenance and monitoring, that are an integral part of the remediation strategy for a contaminated site. Management has assessed its potential liabilities for contamination, including sites that are no longer in productive use and sites for which the City accepts responsibility. There were no such sites that had contamination in excess of an environmental standard requiring remediation at this time, therefore no liability was recognized at December 31, 2019 or December 31, 2018. {f) Landfill Closure and Post Closure Costs The Ministry of Environment establishes certain requirements for the closure and post closure monitoring of landfill sites. The obligation for closure and post closure costs associated with the City's former landfill is based on the present value of estimated future expenses. (Note 6) {g) Expense Recognition Expenses are recorded using the accrual basis of accounting whereby expenses are recognized as they are incurred and measurable based upon receipt of goods and services and/or the legal obligation to pay. {h) Revenue Recognition Taxation Taxes are recorded at estimated amounts when they meet the definition of an asset, have been authorized and the taxable event occurs. Annual levies for non-optional municipal services and general administrative services are recorded as taxation for municipal purposes in the year they are levied. Taxes receivable are recognized net of an allowance for anticipated uncollectable amounts. Levies imposed by other taxing authorities are not included as taxes for municipal purposes. Through the British Columbia Assessments' appeal process, taxes may be adjusted by way of supplementary roll adjustments. The effects of these adjustments on taxes are recognized at the time they are awarded. User fees and other revenue Charges for sewer and water usage are recorded as user fees and other revenue when the services are provided. City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 10 of 35 Government transfers Government transfers are recognized as revenue in the financial statements when the transfer is authorized and any eligibility criteria are met, except to the extent that transfer stipulations give rise to an obligation that meets the definition of a liability. Government transfers are recorded as deferred revenue when transfer stipulations give rise to a liability and are recognized in the statement of operations as the stipulated liabilities are settled. Development revenues Receipts that are restricted by the legislation of senior governments or by agreement with external parties are a liability of the municipality and are reported .as Restricted Revenues at the time they are received. When qualifying expenditures are incurred Restricted Revenues are brought into revenue as development revenue. Investment income Investment income is recorded on the accrual basis and recognized when earned. Investment income is allocated to various reserves and operating funds on a proportionate basis. To the extent that financial instruments have no stated rate of return, investment income is recognized as it is received. Contributed tangible capital assets Subdivision developers are required to provide subdivision infrastructure such as streets, lighting, sidewalks, and drainage etc. Upon completion, these assets are turned over to the City. Tangible capital assets received as contributions are recorded at their estimated fair value at the date of receipt and are also recorded as revenue. (i) Use of estimates/measurement uncertainty The preparation of financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Significant areas requiring use of management estimates relate to the useful lives of tangible capital assets, determination of employee future benefits, landfill closure and post closure obligations, the outcome of litigation and claims, and the percentage of completion of buildings and subdivision inspections. Actual results could differ from those estimates. U) Budget figures The budget figures reported in the Consolidated Financial Statements represent the 2019 component of the Financial Plan Bylaw adopted by Council on May 14, 2019. (k) Financial instruments The City's financial instruments consist of cash and cash equivalents, portfolio investments, accounts receivable, recoverable local improvements, other assets, accounts payable and accrued liabilities, refundable performance deposits and debt. Unless otherwise indicated, it is management's opinion that the City is not exposed to any significant interest, credit or currency risks arising from these financial instruments. (I) Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents are comprised of the amounts held in the City's bank accounts and investments with an original maturity date of three months or less. City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 11 of 35 (m) Portfolio Investments Investments with an original maturity date of more than three months from the date of acquisition are reported as portfolio investments. Investments and pooled investments are reported using the cost method. Provisions for declines in the market value of investments are recorded when they are considered to be other than temporary. Declines in the market values of investments are considered to be other than temporary when the carrying value exceeds market value for more than three years. (n) Basis of segmentation (Segment Report, Note 21) Municipal services have been segmented by grouping services that have similar service objectives (by function). Revenues that are directly related to the costs of the function have been attributed to each segment. Interest expense is allocated to functions based on th.e purpose of specific borrowings. (o) Employee future benefits The City and its employees make contributions to the Municipal Pension Plan, and the employees accrue benefits under this plan based on service. The City's contributions are expensed as incurred. As this is a multi-employer plan, no liability is attributed to the City and no liabiilty is recorded in the financial statements. (Note 20) Sick leave benefits and retirement severance benefits are also available to the City's employees. The costs of these benefits are actuarially determined based on service and best estimates of retirement ages and expected future salary and wage increases. The liabilities under these benefit plans are accrued based on projected benefits prorated as the employees render services necessary to earn the future benefits. (Note 10) City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page i2 of 35 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements For the year ended December 31, 2019 1. Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents as at December 31, 2019 were comprised as follows: Cash Cash equivalents $ $ Dec 31, 2019 14,879,814 $ 48,910.762 63,790,576 $ Dec 31, 2018 11,960,755 10,225,986 22,186,741 Cash equivalents were comprised of high-interest savings accounts or term deposits held at Canadian banking institutions with effective interest rates of 2.46% to 2.56% (2.46% for 2018). Additionally, the City holds cash and cash equivalents of $5,101,141 ($3,281,038 for 2018) and agreements and interest receivable of $376,091($193,474 for 2018) for trusts which are not reported elsewhere in the financial statements. They are held for the following trusts: Balance Interest Balance Dec 31, 2018 Earned Receipts Disbursements Dec 31, 2019 Latecomer Fees $ 112,386 $ $ 749,326 $ 443,712 $ 418,000 Cemetery Perpetual Care 1,206,022 33,712 66,891 33,712 1,272,913 Election Surplus 7,187 168 1,095 8,450 Metro Vancouver Sewer & Drainage 569,083 2,533,769 1,162,242 1,940,610 District Albion Dyking District 1,579,834 834 276,062 19471 1,837,259 $ 3,474,512 $ 34,714 $ 3,627,143 $ 1,659,137 $ 5,477,232 2. Portfolio Investments Portfolio investments include Canadian bank notes and BC Credit Union term deposits with effective interest rates of 2.12% -5.65%. A portion of the bank notes held have interest payments linked to the performance of a set of equities or a financial index without stated or certain interest rates. For these investments, income is recognized as it is received; in 2019 returns were positive and ranged to 4.0%. In 2019 gains were $Nil ($Nil for 2018). The City does not hold any asset backed commercial paper or hedge funds. The carrying value of securities is based on the cost method whereby the cost of the security is adjusted to reflect investment income that is accruing and any permanent decline in market value. During the term of individual investments there will be fluctuations in market values. Such fluctuations are considered normal, and if held to maturity, market value will be equal to face value. The carrying value of Portfolio Investments at December 31, 2019 was $164,538,143 ($201,666,082 for 2018). The market value at December 31, 2019 was $165,918,543 ($201,793,693 for 2018). City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 13 of 35 3. Accounts Receivable 2019 2018 Property Taxes $ 5,377,516 $" 5,035,959 Other Governments 2,375,904 2,447,778 General and Accrued Interest 3,816,092 4,467,405 Development Cost Charges 5,564,102 3,645,582 17,133,614 15,596,724 Less: Allowance for Doubtful Accounts (251,541) (81,307) $ 16,882,073 $ 15,515,417 4. Recoverable Local Improvements The City provides interim financing for certain geographically localized capital projects. It recovers these amounts from benefiting property owners. Interest rates are established at the outset of the process and are a function of borrowing rates at the time. Repayment is typically made over fifteen years. 5. Other Assets 6. Debt Reserve Fund: The Municipal Finance Authority of British Columbia (MFA) provides capital financing for regional districts and their member municipalities. The MFA is required to establish a Debt Reserve Fund. Each regional district, through its member municipalities who share in the proceeds of a debt issue, is required to pay into the Debt Reserve Fund certain amounts set out in the debt agreements. The MFA pays into the Debt Reserve Fund these monies from which interest earned thereon less administrative expenses becomes an obligation to the regional districts. It must then use this fund, if at any time there are insufficient funds, to meet payments on its obligations. If this occurs, the regional districts may be called upon to restore the fund. Upon the maturity of a debt issue the unused portion of the Debt Reserve Fund established for that issue will be discharged to the City. The City has estimated that there is only a remote possibility that these funds will not be · recovered and therefore these funds have been included in Other Assets of $797,977 ($779,813 for 2018). Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities 2019 2018 Accounts Payable: General $ 11,368,913 $ 9,663,468 Other Governments 12,029,889 11,372,311 Salaries and Wages 2,071,496 1,860,221 25,470,298 22,896,000 Accrued Liabilities: Landfill Liability 4,078,820 519,227 Vacation Pay 547,507 484,008 Other Employment Benefits 1,029,495 959 057 5,655,822 1,962,292 $ 31,126,120 $ 24,858,292 The City's Landfill closed in 1989 and legislation requires closure and post closure care of solid waste landfill sites. Closure is estimated to be completed in 2030 and includes final covering, landscaping, erosion control, leachate and gas management. Post closure requirements extend for 30 years beyond completion or the closure plan and includes inspection and maintenance of the final covering, ground water monitoring, gas management systems operations, inspections and annual reports. The liability recognized in the consolidated financial statements is the present value of the expected future cash flows for the closure and post closure care activities and is subject to measurement uncertainty. The inflation rate used is 2% and the discount rate is 2.43%. The recognized amounts are based on the City's best available information as at the financial statement reporting date and will be updated as new information becomes available. The unfunded liability for the landfill will be paid for per the annual approved Financial Plan. City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 14 of 35 7. Contingencies, Commitments and Unrecognized Liabilities: 8. {a) Third Party Claims Where losses related to litigation are likely and can be reasonably estimated management accrues its best estimate of loss. These amounts are included in accounts payable and accrued liabilities. There are various other claims by and against the City, the outcome of which cannot reasonably be estimated. Any ultimate settlements will be recorded in the year the settlements occur and are not expected to be material. {b) Contractual Obligations In 1998 the City entered into an agreement to purchase ice sheet time for five years commencing in 1999, with five five-year renewal options. In 2018, the agreement was renewed for an additional five-year period. The minimum annual payment due for the provision of ice time is $638,000. Additional ice time is purchased separately. These payments are recorded as expenses when the ice time is provided. {c) Unrecognized Liability The City holds shares in a non-profit organization that provides protective services to its members. Should the organization dissolve or the City choose to withdraw from the organization the City would be liable for its proportionate share of any debt the organization held at that time. The liability is expected to be discharged over time through payments by the City and others for the provision of these services by the organization. Due to the ongoing operations of the organization the liability could only be quantified if the City chose to withdraw. Consequently no liability has been recognized in these financial statements. Deferred Revenues Deferred revenues held by the City were comprised as follows: Prepaid Connection Taxes Revenues 2019 2018 2019 2018 Beginning balance $ 7,216,123 $ 6,864,267 $ 1,694,045 $ 1,035,037 Deferred during the year Revenue recognized Ending balance $ Beginning balance $ Deferred during the year Revenue recognized Ending balance $ 15,011,307 14,250,434 (14,625,327) (13,898,578) 7,602,103 $ 7,216,123 Other 2019 2018 6,850,336 $ 6,298,878 5,206,249 4,931,744 (4,321,187) (4,380,286) 7,735,398 $ 6,850,336 City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page i5 of 35 1,274,748 1,370,294 (1,504,482) (711,286) $ 1,464,311 $ 1,694,045 Total Deferred Revenues 2019 2018 $ 15,760,504 $ 14,198,182 21,492,304 20,552,472 (20,450,996) (18,990,150) $ 16,801,812 $ 15,760,504 9. Restricted Revenues Restricted revenues held by the City were comprised as follows: Development Parkland Cost Charges Acquisition Charges 2019 2018 2019 2018 Beginning Balance $ 23,825,078 $ 29,546,672 $ 1,519,694 $ 1,163,951 Collections and interest 10,732,980 6,275,172 226,755 355,745 Disbursements -operating (387,753) (398,474) Disbursements -capital (8,506,876) (11,598,291) (4,213) Ending Balance $ 25,663,429 $ 23,825,079 $ 1,742,236 $ 1,519,696 Other Total Restricted Revenues Restricted Revenues 2019 2018 2019 2018 Beginning Balance $ 10,651,386 $ 8,923,031 $ 35,996,158 $ 39,633,654 Collections and interest 3,478,365 4,443,001 14,438,100 11,073,918 Disbursements -operating (87,195) (63,012) (474,948) (461,486) Disbursements -capital (4,866,547) (2,651,637) (13,377,636) (14,249,928) Ending Balance $ 9,176,009 $ 10,651,383 $ 36,581,674 $ 35,996,158 10. Employee Future Benefits The City provides employee future benefits in the form of severance benefits and vested and non-vested sick leave to qualifying employees. These benefits are not separately funded. Severance benefits are cash settlements paid to employees who cease their employment with the City after a specified period of time. Employees hired before February 11, 1999 qualify for five days pay per year of employment, provided they either work a minimum of 20 years with the City or retire as defined by the Public Sector Pension Plan Act. Full time employees hired after February 11, 1999 qualify for 20 days pay provided they work a minimum of 10 years with the City and retire as defined by the Public Sector Pension Plan Act. The City permits regular employees to accumulate up to 18 days per year of service for future illnesses up to a maximum of 250 days. For certain qualifying employees a portion of this benefit vests; for the balance, this benefit does not vest and cannot be converted to any other type of benefit. An actuarial valuation of these benefits was performed to determine the City's liability and accrued benefit obligation as at December 31, 2018 and updated for December 31, 2019. The valuation resulted in a cumulative unamortized actuarial gain of $669,600 at December 31, 2019, (cumulative unamortized gain of $861,200 for 2018). Actuarial gains or losses are amortized over the expected average remaining service life of employees. The benefit liability at December 31, 2019 was $3,999,000, ($4,662,100 for 2018) comprised as follows: City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 16 of 35 Accrued benefit obligation, beginning of year Add: Current service costs Interest on accrued benefit obligation Actuarial (gain)/loss Less: Benefits paid during the year Accrued benefit obligation, end of year Add: Unamortized actuarial gain Accrued Benefit liability $ 2019 3,800,900 169,000 107,800 116,500 (864,800) 3,329,400 669,600 3,999,000 2018 $ 4,932,200 397,600 143,900 (1,192,800) (480,000) 3,800,900 861,200 4,662,100 Actuarial assumptions used to determine the City's accrued benefit obligation are as follows: Discount rate (long-term borrowing rate) Expected future inflation rate Merit and inflationary wage and salary increases averaging Estimated average remaining service life of employees (years) 2019 3.00% 2.00% 2.63% 11.0 2018 3.00% 2.00% 2.68% 11.0 11. Debt (Schedule 4) The City obtains debt instruments through the Municipal Finance Authority (MFA), pursuant to security issuing bylaws under authority of the Community Charter, to finance certain capital expenditures. Debt is reported net of Sinking Fund balances and interest expense is reported net of Sinking Fund earnings. The City carries no debt for others. The following debenture debt amounts plus projected Sinking Fund earnings are payable over the next five years and thereafter are as follows: 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Thereafter Sinking Fund earnings Debt Payments $ 2,215,521 2,260,235 2,306,211 2,353,485 2,402,094 7,497,538 4,256,266 $ 23,291,350 The City has the following authorized but un-issued financlng available as at December 31, 2019: LLA Bylaw #6558 #6679 #7371 #7373 #7375 #7377 UA Amount UA Bylaw $ 6,000,000 #6560 1,100,000 #7370 7,000,000 #7372 1,000,000 #7374 1,000,000 #7376 23,500,000 Total City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page i7 of 35 LLAAmount $ 275,000 3,500,000 8,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 56,875,000 12. Tangible Capital Assets Net book value 2019 2018 Land $ 262,677,920 $ 234,687,064 Buildings 68,972,370 48,668,723 Transportation network 219,676,251 226,678,101 Storm sewer system 219,574,011 215,378,001 Fleet and equipment 16,931,360 16,476,349 Technology 5,418,867 4,891,574 Water system 131,621,388 125,869,323 Sanitary sewer system 136,838,710 130,908,256 Other 32,604,171 23,843,288 $ 1,094,315,050 $ 1,027,400,677 For additional information, see the Schedule of Tangible Capital Assets (Schedule 5) During the year there were no write-downs of assets (2018 -$Nil). In addition, the fair value of roads and related infrastructure, underground networks and land contributed to the City totaled $34,156,244 ($29,727,691 for 2018) and was capitalized and recorded as revenue at the time of recognition. Natural assets, works of art, artifacts, cultural and historic assets are not recorded as assets in these financial statements. The City controls various works of art and historical treasures including artifacts, paintings, sculptures and mosaics located at City sites and public display areas. 13. Undeveloped Land Bank The City owns property in various areas identified for future growth in the Official Community Plan. These properties are not currently used in the provision of service to the citizens of Maple Ridge. The properties represent a strategic, non-renewable resource available for the advancement of Council's strategic plan. 14. Accumulated Surplus Accumulated Surplus is comprised of operating surpluses and equity in tangible capital assets held in the general, sewer and water funds as well as reserves. Accumulated surplus for 2019 is $1,223,157,851 ($1,158,703,214 for 2018) and is distributed as follows: 2019 Operating surplus (Schedule 1) General $ 7,622,573 Sewer 7,216,552 Water 15,518,140 30,357,265 Equity in the capital funds (Schedule 2) General 813,910,863 Reserves (Schedule 3) Accumulated Surplus Sewer 137,959,466 Water 135,053,573 1,086,923,902 Funds 33,375,907 Accounts 72,500,777 105,876,684 $ 1,223,157,851 City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 18 of 35 $ 11,111,456 8,512,633 13,799,283 33,423,372 761,597,886 132,175,506 127,272,400 1,021,045,792 39,570,150 64,663,900 104,234,050 $ 1,158,703,214 15. Property Tax Levies In addition to its own tax levies, the City is required to collect taxes on behalf of various other taxing authorities. These include the provincial government for local school taxes, incorporated dyking districts located within the City and organizations providing regional services in which the City has become a member. Taxes levied for other agencies are not included in City revenues. Total tax levies were comprised as follows: 2019 2019 Budget 2018 Municipal Tax Levies $ 90,205,710 $ 90,084,654 $ 85,645,660 Levies for other authorities School taxes 38,718,718 38,726,439 36,281,590 Translink 6,929,231 6,928,774 6,139,075 British Columbia Assessment 1,142,457 1,142,361 1,074,697 Metro Vancouver Regional District 1,232,350 1,230,808 1,131,973 Dyking Districts 700,801 700,823 648,834 Municipal Finance Authority 5 671 5 670 5 052 Total Collections for Others 48,729,228 48,734,875 45,281,221 Total Tax Levies $ 138,934,938 $ 138,819,529 $ 130,926,881 16. Government Transfers 17. Government transfers recognized as revenues during the year were comprised of the following: 2019 2018 Capital Operating Capital Operating Federal Gov't $ Provincial Gov't Translink Other Total 269,954 $ 1,438,038 714,413 49 747 2,472,152 $ 653,340 $ 252,368 $ 1,307,077 1,877,731 994,798 176,370 64975 2,955,215 $ 2 371444 $ Expenses and Expenditures by Object Goods and services $ Wages and salaries Interest Total Amortization expenses Contributed tangible capital assets Total Expenses and Expenditures $ Capital Operations Acquisitions 2019 Total 67,039,401 $ 56,999,405 $ 124,038,806 43,397,280 976,192 44,373,472 1,462,295 1,462,295 111,898,976 57,975,597 169,874,573 21,257,458 21,257,458 34,156,244 34,156,244 133,156,434 $ 92,131,841 $ 225,288,275 City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 19 of 35 2019 Budget $ 270,417,771 47,227,625 2,752,252 320,397,648 21,329,763 20,000,000 · $ 361,727,411 300,941 1,336,511 790,717 62 524 2,490,693 2018 Total $ 101,240,006 43,210,372 1,612,938 146,063,316 21,168,109 29,727,691 $ 196,959,116 18. Budget Budget amounts represent the Financial Plan Bylaw adopted by Council on May 14, 2019. The Financial Plan anticipated use of surpluses accumulated in previous years to balance against current year expenditures in excess of current year revenues. The following shows how these amounts were combined: Revenue Taxation User fees and other revenue Other Contributed subdivision infrastructure Total Revenue Expenses Protective services Transportation services Recreation and cultural Water utility Sewer utility General Government Planning, public health and other Total expenses Annual Surplus Less: Capital expenditures Debt repayment Add: lnterfund transfers Amortizatidn Borrowing proceeds 19. Contractual Rights Contributed Tangible Capital Assets Financial Plan Bylaw $ 90,084,654 44,172,582 70,520,002 20,000,000 224,777,238 42,909,582 23,899,352 22,485,994 16,056,086 14,020,250 18,475,279 6,916.183 144,762,726 $ 80,014.512 216,964,685 3,785,954 62,869,502 21,329,763 56,536,862 $===== Financial Statement Budget $ 90,084,654 44,172,582 70,520,002 20,000,000 224,777,238 42,909,582 23,899,352 22,485,994 16,056,086 14,020,250 18,475,279 6,916.183 144,762.726 $ 80,014,512 There are a number of development projects in progress throughout the City where there is a requirement for the developer to provide infrastructure to the City, such as roads, sewers, sidewalks and street lighting. The estimated fair value of the infrastructure is recognized as "contributed tangible capital assets" revenue in these consolidated financial statements when the City accepts responsibility for the infrastructure. Estimated fair value is determined at the time the assets are recognized. City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 20 of 35 20. Municipal Pension Plan The City of Maple Ridge and its employees contribute to the Municipal Pension Plan (a jointly trusteed pension plan). The board of trustees, representing plan members and employers, is responsible for administering the plan, including investment of assets and administration of benefits. The plan is a multi-employer defined benefit pension plan. Basic pension benefits are based on a formula. As at December 312018, the plan has about 205,000 active members and approximately 101,000 retired members. Active members include approximately 40,000 contributors from local governments. Every three years, an actuarial valuation is performed to assess the financial position of the plan and adequacy of plan funding. The actuary determines an appropriate combined employer and member contribution rate to fund the plan. The actuary's calculated contribution rate is based on the entry-age normal cost method, which produces the long-term rate of member and employer contributions sufficient to provide benefits for average future entrants to the plan. This rate may be adjusted for the amortization of any actuarial funding surplus and will be adjusted for the amortization of any unfunded actuarial liability. The most recent valuation for the Municipal Pension Plan as of December 31, 2018, indicated a $2,866 million funding surplus for basic pension benefits on a going concern basis. The City of Maple Ridge paid $3,438,370 (2018 $3,390,825) for employer contributions while employees contributed $2,876,127 (2018 $2,810,502) to the plan in fiscal 2019. The next valuation will be as at December 31, 2021, with results available in 2022. Employers participating in the plan record their pension expense as the amount of employer contributions made during the fiscal year (defined contribution plan accounting). This is because the plan records accrued liabilities and accrued assets for the plan in aggregate, resulting in no consistent and reliable basis for allocating the obligation, assets and cost to individual employers participating in the plan. 21. Segmented Information The City is a diversified municipal government entity in the province of British Columbia that provides a wide range of services to its citizens. Municipal services have been segmented by grouping activities that have similar service objectives (by function) and separately disclosed in the segment report. Where certain activities cannot be attributed to a specific segment they have been reported as unallocated. The segments and the services they provide are as follows: Protective Services Protective Services is comprised of the Ridge Meadows RCMP detachment, the Maple Ridge Fire Department, bylaw enforcement, inspection services and emergency services. Services provided by the segment are focused on protecting the citizens of Maple Ridge. Transportation Services Transportation Services is comprised of Engineering, Operations, Drainage and Roads. Services provided by the segment include the construction and maintenance of transportation related infrastructure. Recreation and Cultural Recreation and cultural services provides library services, access to recreation facilities and maintains and operates City parks. Water Utility The Water Utility, in conjunction with Metro Vancouver, provides safe, clean, reliable water to the residents and businesses of the City of Maple Ridge. Sewer Utility The Sewer Utility collects waste water and transports it to treatment plants operated by Metro Vancouver in addition to maintaining the sanitary sewer infrastructure. General Government General Government provides administrative, legislative and support services for the City. Functions include financial planning and reporting, information technology, economic development and communications. City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 21 of 35 Planning, Public Health and Other This segment is comprised of Planning, Recycling, Cemetery and Social Planning. Activities include land use guidelines, development of the City's official community plan, management of the recycling contract and improving the social well-being of the community. Unallocated Unallocated includes revenues that cannot be directly attributed to the activities of an identified functional segment. 22. Subsequent Events Subsequent to year end, the impact of COVID-19 in Canada and on the global economy increased significantly. As the impacts of COVID-19 continue there could be specific impact on the City, its citizens, employees, suppliers and other third party business associates that could impact the timing and amounts realized on the City's assets and future ability to deliver services and projects. At this time, the full potential impact of COVID-19 on the City is not known. Although disruption from the virus is expected to be temporary, given the dynamic nature of the situation and the potential duration of disruption the related financial impact cannot be reasonably estimated at this time. The market value of the City's portfolio investments initially declined after the declaration of COVID-19 as a global pandemic and, as at April 30, 2020, had subsequently recovered. During the term of individual investments there are normally, and it is expected there will continue to be, fluctuations in the market values, which if held to maturity, are expected to equal face value. The City's ability to continue delivering non-essential services and employ related staff will depend on the legislative mandates from the various levels of government. The City will continue to focus on collecting receivables, managing expenditures, and if necessary, leveraging existing reserves and available credit facilities to ensure it is able to continue providing essential services to its citizens. City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 22 of 35 This Page Left Blank Intentionally City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 23 of 35 · Consolidated Report of Segmented Revenue and Expenses Revenue Tax revenue Other revenues Government transfers Development revenue Interest and investment income Gaming Revenues Refinancing & asset disposal gain(loss) Contributed infrastructure Total Revenue Expenses Operating: Goods and services Labour Debt Servicing Sub total Amortization Total Expenses Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenses For the year ended December 31, 2019 Protective Transportation Services Services $ $ $ 5,768,318 1,177,415 92,307 3,040,942 10,604 1,673,067 (99,201) (1,941,285) 19,076,502 5,772,028 23,026,641 20,866,789 4,404,803 16,969,395 5,586,917 9519 37,845,703 9,991,720 1,384,884 10,756,465 39,230,587 20,748,185 $ (33,458,559) $ 2,278,456 $ City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page24 of 35 Recreation and Cultural 1,916,341 1,080,567 6,321,107 285,394 9,013,059 18,616,468 9,333,859 6,876,967 716,109 16,926,935 2,249,900 19,176,835 (560,367) Water Utility $ 136,202 18,405,712 4,633,386 (446,242) 1,727,202 24,456,260 10,211,953 1,340,310 11,552,263 2,400,729 13,952,992 $ 10,503,268 Segment Report Sewer Utility $ 948,675 11,694,648 186,239 2,142,639 (447,523) 4,260,602 18,785,280 9,168,950 608,088 9,777,038 2,650,605 12,427,643 $ 6,357,637 General Commercial Government Tower $ $ $ 1,987,978 1,869,798 997,172 284,149 (330,664) 73 279 3,011,914 1,869,798 4,476,338 545,552 9,176,964 207,101 479 792 13,860,403 1,025,344 1,591,498 15,451,901 1,025,344 $ (12,439,987) $ 844454 $ Planning Public Health Total & Other Unallocated 2019 Actual 2,185,847 $ 86,934,986 $ 90,205,710 2,857,795 45,678,005 30,141 5,427,368 (38,675) 15,026,277 5,636,251 5,636,251 1,703,170 1,703,170 (52,054) 2,809,621 (221,954) 5 600 34,156,244 4,988,654 97,084,028 197,611,071 8,031,157 67,039,401 2,838,639 43,397,280 49774 1,462,295 10,919,570 111,898,976 223,377 21,257,458 11,142,947 133,156,434 (6,154,293) $ 97,084,028 $ 64,454,637 City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 25 of 35 Total Total Budget 2018 Actual $ 90,084,654 $ 85,645,660 44,172,582 42,266,363 15,256,425 4,862,137 50,015,589 15,787,623 2,247,988 4,581,311 1,5(}0,000 1,781,613 1,500,000 (1,470,673) 20,000,000 29,727,691 224,777,238 183,181,725 73,453,088 57,454,958 47,227,625 42,182,171 2,752,252 1,612,938 123,432,965 101,250,067 21,329,763 21,168,109 144,762,728 122,418,176 $ 80,014,510 $ 60,763,549 Schedule of Change in Operating Accumulated Surplus For the year ended December 31, 2019 Actual 2019 Revenue Taxes for municipal purposes $ 90,205,710 User fees and other revenues 45,678,005 Government transfers 2,955,216 Development Revenue 1,081,524 Interest and investment income 4,018,149 Gaming revenues 1,703;170 Refinancing and other gains 6,141,470 151,783,244 Expenses Protective services. 37,845,703 Transportation services 9,991,720 Recreation and cultural 16,926,935 Water utilities 11,552,263 Sewer utilities 9,777,038 General government 14,885,747 Public and environmental health 10,919,570 111,898,976 Annual Surplus 39,884,268 Internal transfers Transfers to capital funds (8,727,102) Transfers to reserves (34,223,273) Increase (decrease) in operating accumulated surplus (3,066,107) Operating accumulated surplus-beginning of year 33,423,372 Operating accumulated surplus-end of year (Note 14) $ 30,357,265 City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 26 of 35 Budget 2019 $ 90,084,654 44,172,582 3,475,093 1,820,014 1,702,988 1,500,000 1,500,000 144,255,331 41,567,670 . 12,736,099 20,376,452 13,761,971 11,378,834 16,893,965 6,717,974 123,432,965 20,822,366 (16,258,668) (6,927,178) (2,363,480) 33,423,372 $ 31,059,892 Schedule 1 Actual 2018 $ 85,645,660 42,266,363 2,490,693 949,219 3,373,244 1,781,613 1,766,211 138,273,003 36,087,716 8,545,361 16,562,565 11,567,117 9,070,009 13,571,485 5,845,814 101,250,067 37,022,936 {6,041,110) (29,346,232) 1,635,595 31,787,778 $ 33,423,372 Schedule of Change in Capital Funds For the year ended December 31, 2019 Revenue Subdivision infrastructure contributions Government transfers Development fees Other capital contributions Disposal of land available for sale Disposal of tangible capital assets . Total Revenue Expenses Amortization Total Expenses Annual Surplus Internal Transfers Transfers from revenue funds Transfers from reserves Increase in capital funds Capital funds -beginning of the year Capital funds -end of the year (Note 14) Actual 2019 $ 34,156,244 2,472,152 13,374,516 570,237 (2,403,416) (3,960,008) 44,209,725 21,257,458 21,257,458 22,952,267 8,727,102 34,198.741 65,878,110 1,021.045, 792 $ 1,086,923,902 City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 27 of 35 $ $ Schedule 2 Budget Actual 2019 2018 20,000,000 $ 29,727,691 11,781,331 2,371,444 46,170,150 13,680,732 2,025,426 1,157,672 (1,119,509) (2,117,375) 79,976,907 43,700,655 21,329,763 21,168,109 21,329,763 21,168,109 58,647,144 22,532,546 16,258,668 6,041,110 67,328,202 23,975,842 142,234,014 52,549,498 1,021,045,792 968,496,294 1,163,279,806 $ 1,021,045,792 Revenue and Transfers Revenue Schedule of Change in Reserves For the year ended December 31, 2019 Actual 2019 Interest and investment income Add (less) $ 1,618,102 $ Internal transfers Transfers from revenue funds Transfers to capital funds Increase (decrease) in Reserved Accumulated Surplus Reserved Accumulated Surplus -Beginning of the Year Reserved Accumulated Surplus -End of Year (Note 14) $ 34,223,273 (34.198. 7 41) 1,642,634 104.234.050 105.876.684 City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 28 of 35 $ Budget 2019 545,000 $ 6,927,178 (67 ;328,202) (59,856,024) 104,234,050 44,378,0?6 $ Schedule 3 Actual 2018 1,208,067 29,346,232 (23,975,842) 6,578,457 97,655,593 104,?34,050 This Page Left Blank Intentionally City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 29 of 35 Long Term Debts LESS: Sinking Funds Net Amount Continuity Schedule of Debenture Debt For the Year Ended December 31, 2019 Date of Issue/Maturity Apr 2005/2027 Apr 2005/2027 Dec 2006/2026 Oct 2012/2027 Oct 2012/2037, Oct 2012/2037 Dec 2006/2026 Oct 2012/2027 Oct 2012/2037 Oct 2012/2037 Bylaw/MFA Function/Purpose 6246/93 Recreation/Downtown Civic Properties 6246/93 General Government/Downtown Office Complex 6246/99 General Government/Downtown Office Complex 6560/121 Protective Services/Animal Shelter 6559/121 Public Health/Cemetery Expansion 6679/121 Public Health/Cemetery Expansion Subtotal 6246/99 General Government/Downtown Office Complex 6560/121 Protective Services/Animal Shelter 6559/121 Public Health/Cemetery Expansion 6679/121 Public Health/Cemetery Expansion Subtotal City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 30 of 35 Schedule 4 Interest Rate 5.7% 5.7% 5.0% 2.9% 2.9 % 2.9% 5.0% 2.9% 2.9% 2.9 % Dec 31, 2018 New Debt Issued Balance During the year Outstanding $ 13,642,382 $ 1,891,936 16,300,000 625,000 1,520,000 700 000 34,679,318 8,290,665 209,033 244,425 112 564 8,856,687 $ 25,822,631 $ $ $ Principal/ Sinking Fund Sinking Fund Earnings Payments 1,352,575 $ 187,558 1,540,133 547,382 335,807 31,213 8,656 36,499 10,121 16809 4661 631,903 359,245 2,172,036 $ 359,245 City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 31 of 35 2019 Interest Paid/ Balance Earned Outstanding For The Year $ 12,289,807 $ 716,109 1,704,378 99,301 16,300,000 815,598 625,000 18,175 1,520,000 44,201 700000 20356 33,139,185 1,713,740 9,173,854 335,807 248,902 8,656 291,045 10,121 134034 4661 9,847,835 359,245 $ 23,291,350 $ 1,354,495 Schedule 5 Schedule of Tangible Capital Assets For the year ended December 31, 2018 Land2 Building Transportation Storm System Network Historical Cost 1 Opening cost $ 234,687,063 $ 100,054,517 $ 351,769,498 $ 281,458,765 Additions 28,030,143 23,431,970 759,530 8,654,279 Disposals (39,283) (1,752,238) (3,479,219) (788,582) 262,677,923 121,734,249 349,049,809 289,324,462 Accumulated Amortization Opening balance 51,385,794 125,091,397 66,080,764 Amortization expense 2,658,239 6,321,377 3,898,806 Effect of disposals (1,282,154) (2,039,216) (229,119) 52,761,879 129,373,558 69,750,451 Net Book Value as at $ 262,677,923 $ 68 972 370 $ 219,676,251 $ 219,574,011 December 31, 2019 Net Book Value as at $ 234,687,064 $ 48,668,722 $ 226,678,101 $ 215,378,001 December 31, 2018 1 Historical cost includes work in progress at December 31, 2019 of $36,971,312 ($28,815,386 for 2018) comprised of: Land $613,121 ($49,572 for 2018); Buildings $29,849,671 ($7,420,131 for 2018); Transportation network $777,851 ($8,780,007 for 2018); Storm system $163,785 ($39,145for 2018); Fleet and equipment $527,388 ($152,645 for 2018); Technology $116,834 ($72,607 for 2018); Water system $1,587,256 ($9,619,524 for 2018); Sanitary system $3,021,387 ($626,208 for 2018); and Other $314,019 ($2,055,548 for 2018). Work in progress is not amortized. 2 Additions to land are net of $-Nil ($-Nil for 2018) of land reclassified to inventory available for sale. 3 "Other" at net book value includes Furniture and Fixtures at $745,594 ($574,211 for 2018) and Structures at $31,858,580 ($23,269,078 for 2018) City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 32 of 35 Fleet and Equipment $ 31,800,937 $ 2,288,325 (2,665,298) 31,423,964 15,324,588 1,436,338 (2,268,322) 14,492,604 $ 16,931,360 $ $ 16,476,349 $ Technology Water System Sanitary System 12,058,862 $ 163,017,754 $ 179,781,905 1,403,614 8,676,926 9,028,164 (344,171) (1,159,631) (790,919) 13,118,305 170,535,049 188,019,150 7,167,288 37,148,431 48,873,649 873,239 2,412,002 2,616,083 (341,089) (646,772) (309,293) 7,699,438 38,913,661 51,180,439 5,418,867 $ 131,621,388 $ 136,838,711 4,891,574 $ 125,869,323 $ 130,908,256 City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page33 of 35 Other3 Total $ 40,340,527 $ 1,394,969,827 9,858,890 92,131,841 (693,829) (11,713,170) 49,505,588 1,475,388,498 16,497,239 367,569,150 1,041,374 21,257,458 (637,197) (7,753,162) 16,901,416 381,073,446 $ 32,604,172 $ 1,094,315,052 $ 23,843,290 $ 1,027,400,678 Schedule 6 Continuity Schedule of Reserves For the year ended December 31, 2019 Balance Interest Dec, 31, 2018 Allocated Reserve Funds Local Improvements $ 2,609,053 $ 24,948 Equipment Replacement 15,943,167 383,905 Capital Works 8,793,102 240,381 Fire Department Capital Acquisition 10,385,423 214,758 Sanitary Sewer 1,526,779 34,105 Land 312 626 7 418 Total Reserve Funds 39,570,150 905,515 Reserve Accounts Specific Projects -Capital 11,697,246 Specific Projects -Operating 6,017,409 Self Insurance 883,464 20,174 Police Services 9,544,606 203,597 Core Development 2,007,045 46,797 Recycling 2,961,575 72,835 Community Safety Initiatives 1,600,000 Building Inspections 3,393,078 77,775 Gravel Extraction 810,026 18,879 Community Works (Gas Tax) 401,522 18,681 Facility Maintenance 1,841,927 71,504 Snow Removal 850,061 Park & Recreation Improvements 1,943,482 Cemetery Maintenance 211,890 Infrastructure Sustainability (Town Centre Buildings) 493,820 Infrastructure Sustainability (Road Network) 2,961,695 84,769 Infrastructure Sustainability (Drainage) 1,644,023 45,683 Drainage Improvements 1,663,015 49,899 Critical Infrastructure 131,071 1,994 Infrastructure Grants Contribution Gaming Revenues 2,135,048 Self Insurance (sewer utility) 154,385 Self Insurance (water utility) 132,740 Specific Projects (sewer utility) 5,187,320 Specific Projects (water utility) 5,997,452. Total Reserve Accounts 64,663,900 712,587 Total Reserves $ 104,234,050 $ 1,618,102 City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 34 of 35 Transfers Transfers Balance Revenue Funds Capital Funds Dec 31. 2018 $ $ $ 2,634,001 3,439,063 (1,818,463) 17,947,672 5,914,024 (7,121,954) 7,825,553 1,660,670 (9,358,112) 2,902,739 (246,802) 1,314,082 431816 751860 11,445,573 (18,545,331) 33,375,907 4,014,915 (2,656,226) 13,055,935 1,424,306 7,441,715 (106,203) 797,435 422,232 (52,156) 10,118,279 573,444 (342,413) 2,284,873 471,501 3,505,911 (142,673) (146) 1,457,181 3,470,853 10,720 839,625 595,205 (97,117) 918,291 618,55::\ (1,571,179) 960,805 850,061 1,716,385 (3,500,963) 158,904 89,853 (183,085) 118,658 (379,682) (114,138) 3,620,970 (2,451,230) 4,216,204 818,802 (227,396) 2,281,112 1,301,317 (255,020) 2,759,211 (14,362) (118,703) 716,240 (117,579) 2,733,709 6,504 160,889 6,504 139,244 3,822,322 (1,604,039) 7,405,603 3,190,847 (2,362,020) 6,826,279 22,777,700 (15,653,410) 72,500,777 $ 34,223,273 $ (34,198,741) $ 105,876,684 City of Maple Ridge -Financial Statements Page 35 of 35 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE AUDIT FINAL REPORT TO MAYOR AND COUNCIL June 1, 2020 800 Canada UP, a. Canadian limited liability ~rship, Is a ~r CJf BOO International Limited, a UK canpany limited by ~uarantee, and fonns part of the tit=tional SOO network of Independent membec fimu. (BDO Audit Final Report for City of Maple Ridge For the year ended December 31, 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY ..•.........................•..•......•...•...•.. : ............................................................................................................. 2 AUDIT FINDINGS ...•..........................••......•.........•..••.••...........•.....•.............•................................................•..•........... 5 INTERNAL CONTROL MATTERS .................................•............•..•........••..•..............................••...................................... 7 OTHER REQUIRED COMMUNICATIONS .....................................••..•..••.•..••..•.....•......•...•..•......•.................... : ...................... 8 APPENDICIES ... · ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 ., ....... -- Audit Final Report for City of Maple Ridge For the year ended December 31, 2019 SUMMARY We are pleased to provide this Audit Results Report to assist you in fulfilling your oversight responsibilities with respect to the audited financial statements of the City of Maple Ridge (the "City") for the year ended December 31, 2019. A summary of our report is as follows: Our audit and therefore this report will not necessarily idc~ntify all matters that may be of interest to Council m fulfilling it~ rc<,ponsibil it ie<,. Tlw. r .-•port hc1<. hPf"'n prepared solely for the use of Council and should not be distributed without our prior consent. Consequently. we accept no rP-;p1111,1h1l1tv to ;1 thirci party thal 11<;C's this communication. rei ~ Status of the Audit As of the date of this report, we have substantially completed our audit of the 2019 consolidated financial statements, pending completion of the following items: .,.. Approval of consolidated financial statements by Council .,.. Subsequent events review through to financial statement approval date "" Receipt of signed management representation letter We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. The objective of our audit was to obtain reasonable, not absolute, assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement. Except as described in this report, the scope of the work performed was substantially the same as that described in our Planning Report to Council dated January 16, 2020. 2 aHDlJ Materiality As indicated in our Planning Report dated January 16, 2020, our materiality was set at $3.0 million. Q Audit Findings Our audit focused on the risks specific to your business and key accounts. Our discussion points below focus on areas of significant risks of material misstatement, or the following items: "" Management override of internal controls "" Grant and revenue recognition ~ Contaminated sites "" Employee future benefits ~ COVID-19 disclosures Audit Final Report for City of Maple Ridge 0 Internal Control Matters We are required to report to you in writing, any significant deficiencies in internal control that we have identified. The specifics of this communication are included in Appendix D. 00 Independence Our annual letter confirming our independence is included in Appendix A. 3 For the year ended December 31, 2019 B Adjusted and Unadjusted Differences For purposes of our discussion, a summary of adjusted and unadjusted differences and disclosure omissions has been presented in Appendix B. There were no misstatements identified during the course of our audit. Audit Final Report for City of Maple Ridge ~ 'Ul11rul' Management Representations During the course of our audit, management made certain representations to us. These representations were verbal or written and therefore explicit, or they were implied through the consolidated financial statements. Management provided representations in response to specific queries from us, as well as unsolicited representations. Such representations were part of the evidence gathered by us to be able to draw reasonable conclusions on which to base our audit opinion. These representations were documented by including in the audit working papers memoranda of discussions with management and written representations received from management. A summary of the representations we have requested from management is set out in the representation letter included in Appendix C to this report. 4 For the year ended December 31, 2019 \?} Fraud Discussion Through our planning process, and current and prior years' audits, we have developed an understanding of your oversight processes. We are not c:urrently aware of any fraud affecting the company. If you are aware of changes to processes or are aware of any instances of actual, suspected or alleged fraud affecting the City since our discussions held at planning, we request that you provide us with this information. Please refer to the Auditor's Responsibilities for Detecting Fraud in our Planning Report to Council. Audit Final Report for City of Maple Ridge For the year ended December 31, 201 9 AUDIT FJNDINGS As p;irl. of our ongoing comrnunic;itions with you, we are required to have a discussion on our views about significant qualitat1vP. a~pe<:t<; o1 thr (ii y·, accountin~ practices, including accounting policies, accounting estimates and financial statement disclosures. In order lo have a frank and open discussion, these matters will be discussed verbally •nilh you. A summary of the key discussion points are as follows: RISK OF MATERIAL RISKS NOTED AUDIT FINDINGS MISSTATEMENT Management Override of Internal Controls (Canadian Auditing Standards require this to be assessed as a significant risk) Grant and Revenue Recognition Because management is in a unique position to override internal controls, we are required to design procedures to address this risk. Canadian Auditing Standards require us to consider the risk of fraudulent revenue recognition. Due to the nature of the City's revenues, we have rebutted this risk. Nevertheless, because accounting standards are complex and subject to variability in practice. There is a risk that revenue may be incorrectly deferred into future periods. We reviewed transactions recorded in the various ledgers for unusual or non- recurring adjustments not addressed by other audit procedures. We reviewed journal entries subject to risk. All audit testing was performed in this area as planned with no issues to report where controls were overridden. Grant funding received was confinned through a review of agreements, which ensures that the amounts recorded exist. We also ensured the revenue is recorded accurately in accordance with the settlement of any stipulations. We reviewed the deferred revenue balances by examining supporting documentation and validate the accounting treatment. Other revenues streams also contain revenue recognition issues which was reviewed in accordance with t he relevant revenue recognition standards. Alt audit testing was performed in this area as planned with no Issues to report. 5 Audit Final Report for City of Maple Ridge For the year ended December 31, 2019 RISK OF MATERIAL RISKS NOTED I AUDIT FINDINGS MISSTATEMENT Employee Future Benefits Contaminated Sites COVID-19 Disclosure Significant assumptions and estimation is used in detennining employee future benefits. This standard is complex and therefore there is a risk that liabilities may not be identified and appropriately accounted for. Subsequent to the year end the impact of COVID-19 on the Canadian and international economy substantially increased. Significant uncertainty in revenue generation and cash flow has arisen for all local governments. Management has included a note to the financial statements discussing the potential impacts to the City. We performed a review of the assumptions used and calculations leading to the estimates in the actuarial report on post-employment benefits and compare the inputs to the employment agreements. We tested the data provided to the actuary and used in performing the calculations. All audit testing was performed in this area as planned with no issues to report. We reviewed management's process for identifying new potential contaminated sites, monitoring sites with known contamination, and assessment of whether a liability exists. All audit testing was performed in this area as planned with no issues to report. We discussed with management the potential impacts on the future operations and financial budgets and results for the City. We also considered potential impacts in relation to other local governments in BC. We examined records subsequent to year end to determine if significant economic impacts have occurred to date. We considered and concur with the sufficiency of management's disclosure in the financial statements. 6 ·1 Audit Final Report for City of Maple Ridge For the year ended December 31, 2019 INTERNAL CONTROL MATTERS During the course of our audit, we perfonned the following procedures with respect to the City's internal control environment : "" Documented operating systems to assess the design and implementation of control activities that were relevant to the audit. "" Discussed and considered potential audit risks with management. The results of these procedures were considered in determining the extent and nature of substantive a udit testing required. We are required to report to you in writing, significant deficiencies in internal control that we have identified during the audit. A significant deficiency is defined as a deficiency or combination of deficiencies in internal control that, in the auditor's professional judgment, is of sufficient importance to merit the attention of those c harged with governance. As the purpose of the audit is for us to express an opinion on the City's consolidated fi nancial statements, our audit cannot be expected to disclose all matters that may be of interest to you. As part of our work, we considered internal control relevant to the preparation of the consolidated financial statements such that we were able to design appropriate audit procedures. This work was not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of internal control. We did not note a ny significant deficiencies that require the attention of the Board. Our management letter outlining opportunities for improvement is included in Appendix D. 7 Audit Fmal Report for City of Maple Ridge OTHER REQUIRED COMMUNICATIONS Potential effect on the financial slalements of any material ric,ks and exposures. such as pcndin~ litigation, th;it ,ire required to be disclosed in the financial statements. .. · . •• 4;_. ~ :-J' .. __;_ •• ····--· ..... -.. -•· _ _,_.,. • BDO Response: Disclosed as required Materi.il uncertainties rel;ited to events and conditions that may cast signific.ant doubt on the entity's ability to contin11e as a going concern. . , -· ....... : ..... ---~ ..... _......__ ·---·-•-·'-·-4 -. • BOO Response: None noted Disagreements with management about matters that, individually or in the c1ggregatc, could be significant to the entity's financial statements or our audit report. . -·. ·-..... ··-..,_. - • BOO Response: None noted • BOO Response: None noted Significant related party transactions that are not in the normal course of operations and which involve . significant judgments made by mr1na~crnen! COr:)Cerni~g measurement or disclosure. , -. -.. .-. --~-~----"-'•-<.c ..• .-._..... __ • . ••-.;.-,. • BDO Response: None noted Management c onsultr11 ion with other accountilnts about significant nuditing ,mcl accounting m;ittcrs. • BOO Response: None noted Other M;ittcrs . ·-. --~--- • BDO Response: No other matters to discuss 8 For the year ended December 31, 2019 Professional standards require independent auditors to communicate with those charged with governance certain matters in relat10n to an audit. In addition to the points communicated within this letter, the attached table summarizes these additional required communications. Audit Final Report for City of Maple Ridge APPENDICES Appendix A: Confirmation of Independence Appendix B: Adjusted and Unadjusted Differences Appendix C: Representation Letter Appendix D: Management Letter For the year ended December 31, 2019 9 Audit Final Report for City of Maple Ridge APPENDIX A: INDEPENDENCE UPDATE June 1, 2020 To the Mayor and Council City of Maple Ridge Dear Mayor and Council: For the year ended December 31, 2019 We have been engaged to audit the consolidated financial statements of City of Maple Ridge (the "City") for the year ended December 31, 2019. Canadian generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS) require that we communicate at least annually with you regarding all relationships between the City and our Firm that, in our professional judgment, may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence. In determining which relationships to report, these standards require us to consider relevant rules and related interpretations prescribed by the appropriate provincial institute/order and applicable legislation, covering such matters as: · • Holding a financial interest, either directly or indirectly in a client; • Holding a position, either directly or indirectly, that gives the right or responsibility to exert significant influence over the financial or accounting policies of a client; • Personal or business relationships of immediate family, close relatives, partners or retired partners, either directly or indirectly, with a client; • Economic dependence on a client; and • Provision of services in addition to the audit engagement. We have prepared the following comments to facilitate our discussion with you regard\ng independence matters arising since April 23, 2019, the date of our last letter. We are not aware of any relationships between the City and our Firm that, in our professional judgment may reasonably be thought to bear on independence that have occurred from April 23, 2019 to the date of this letter. We hereby confirm that we are independent with respect to the City within the meaning of the Code of Professional Conduct of the Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia as of the date of this letter. This letter is intended solely for the use of Council, management and others within the City and should not be used for any other purposes. Yours truly, Bt:>O~LLP Chartered Professional Accountants 10 Audit Final Report for City of Maple Ridge For the year ended December 31, 2019 APPENDIX B: ADJUSTED AND UNADJUSTED DIFFERENCES SUMMARY OF ADJUSTED 01FFERENCES, UNADJUSTED DIFFERENCES ANO DISCLOSURE OMMISSIONS There were no adjusted differences, unadjusted differences or disclosure omissions noted during our audit. 11 Audft Ffnal Report for Cfty of Maple Ridge APPENDIX C: REPRESENTATION LETTER [date of approval] BDO Canada LLP Chartered Professional Accountants 600 Cathedral Place 925 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC, V6C 3L2 For the year ended December 31, 2019 This representation letter is provided in connection with your audit of the consolidated financial statements of City of Maple Ridge for the year ended December 31, 2019, for the purpose of expressing an opinion as to whether the financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards. We confirm that to the best of our knowledge and belief, having made such inquiries as we considered necessary for the purpose of appropriately informing ourselves: Financial Statements We have fulfilled our responsibilities, as set out in the terms of the audit engagement dated November 14, 2019, for the preparation of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards; in particular, the financial statements are fairly presented in accordance therewith. • Significant assumptions used by us in making accounting estimates, including those measured at fair value, are reasonable. • Related party relationships and transactions have been appropriately accounted for and disclosed in accordance with the requirements of Canadian public sector accounting standards. • All events subsequent to the date of the financial statements and for which Canadian public sector accounting standards require adjustment or disclosure have been adjusted or disclosed. • The financial statements of the entity use appropriate accounting policies that have been properly disclosed and consistently applied. Information Provided • We have provided you with: • access to all information of which we are aware that is relevant to the preparation of the financial statement.s, such as records, documentation and other matters; • additional information that you have requested from us for the purpose of the audit; and • unrestricted access to persons within the entity from whom you determined it necessary to obtain audit evidence. We are responsible for the design, implementation and maintenance of internal controls to prevent, detect and correct fraud and error, and have communicated to you all deficiencies in internal control of which we are aware. • All transactions have been recorded in the accounting records and are reflected in the financial statements. • We have disclosed to you all known instances of non-compliance or suspected non-compliance with laws and regulations whose effects should be considered when preparing the financial statements. 12 Audit Final Report for City of Maple Ridge For the year ended December 31, 2019 .. We have disclosed to you the identity of the entity's related parties and all the related party relationships and transactions of which we are aware. Fraud and Error " We have disclosed to you the results of our assessment of the risk that the financial statements may be materially misstated as a result of fraud. " We have disclosed to you all information in relation to fraud or suspected fraud that we are aware of and that affects the entity and involves: " management; " employees who have significant roles in internal control; or " others where the fraud could have a material effect on the financial statements. " We have disclosed to you all information in relation to allegations of fraud, or suspected fraud, affecting the entity's financial statements communicated by employees, former employees, analysts, regulators, or others. General Representations Where the value of any asset has been impaired, an appropriate provision has been made in the financial statements or has otherwise been disclosed to you. We have provided you with significant assumptions that in our opinion are reasonable and appropriately reflect our intent and ability to carry out specific courses of action on behalf of the entity when relevant to the use of fair value measurements or disclosures in the financial statements. We confirm that there are no derivatives or off-balance sheet financial instruments held at year end that have not been properly recorded or disclosed in the financial statements. Except as disclosed in the financial statements, there have been no changes to title, control over assets, liens or assets pledged as security for liabilities or collateral. The entity has complied with all provisions in its agreements related to debt and there were no defaults in principal or interest, or in the covenants and conditions contained in such agreements. There have been no plans or intentions that may materially affect the recognition, measurement, presentation or disclosure of assets and liabilities (actual and contingent). The nature of all material uncertainties have been appropriately measured and disclosed in the financial statements, including all estimates where it is reasonably possible that the estimate will change in the near term and the effect of the change could be material to the financial statements. " There were no direct contingencies or provisions (including those associated with guarantees or indemnification provisions), unusual contractual obligations nor any substantial commitments, whether oral or written, other than in the ordinary course of business, which would materially affect the financial statements or financial position of the entity, except as disclosed in the financial statements. " We have determined the uncorrected misstatement as attached to this letter is not material to the consolidated financial statements. Other Representations Where the Situation Exists We have informed you of all known actual or possible litigation and claims, whether or not they have been discussed with legal counsel. Since there are no actual, outstanding or possible litigation and claims, no disclosure is required in the financial statements. All tangible capital assets and inventory have been recorded and additions for the year are complete and accurate. Amortization based on the expected useful life of the tangible capital asset and residual value is Audit Final Report for City of Maple Ridge Forthe year ended December 31, 2019 our best estimate for the consumption of a portion of the tangible capital asset for the year. Where the value of any tangible capital asset has been impaired, an appropriate provision has been made in the consolidated financial statements or has otherwise been disclosed to you. The City also reviewed and made changes to its estimate of useful lives of various classes of tangible capital assets, and any resultant changes have been disclosed to you. We have considered, and disclosed to you, the known impact of COVID-19 on the amounts and disclosures in the finanical statements. To the best of our knowledge and belief, we have disclosed all known impacts and risks to the City. Yours truly, Al Horsman Position Catherine Nolan Position Audit Final Report for City of Maple Ridge APPENDIX D: MANAGEMENT LETTER May 13, 2020 Mr. Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 Dear Mr. Horsman: For the year ended December 31, 2019 As your external auditors, we are engaged to provide an audit opinion on your yearend consolidated financial statements. An external audit requires testing of transactions and balances and review of those internal control systems upon which we may place reliance. An opinion without reservation on the consolidated financial statements does not necessarily mean that your internal control systems are all operating effectively. This is because we review only those internal control systems where we feel that failure in those systems could result in a material error. on the consolidated financial statements. With those systems that we do review, our focus is on the assertions necessary to meet our audit objectives. Our review of systems, transactions and balances as well as discussions with staff at various levels gives us a unique insight into your operations. While conducting this work we make note of items that come to our attention where we feel that improvement could be made or alternatives could be considered. We are fortunate in that we work with a great number of clients and observe a wide variety of processes. We see firsthand any procedures that are emerging as best practices. As matters come to our attention, we make note of these for subsequent follow-up. For minor matters we discuss directly with the staff involved. More important opportunities are brought forward in our management letter as outlined below. It is worth noting that we have management letter comments for virtually all audits of all clients. The existence of points does not mean that there are significant problems with your systems or staff. They are just recommendations to make good systems better. Current Year Observations 1. Asset Retirement Obligation Asset retirement obligations is a new Public Sector Accounting Standard that will be required to be applied in the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2022, with optional retroactive application. While this standard has been discussed often since first introduced, the time frame for assessing and applying that standard is steadily decreasing. Ensuring that the City has a detailed action plan to assess, calculate and record the asset retirement obligation will help ensure that th~ application of this standard will reasonable. This action plan will also help ensure that the resources are available to meet the requirements of the standard. We will continue to be a resource, and to work with management in the lead up to the implementation date of January 1, 2022. 15 Audit Final Report for City of Maple Ridge For the year ended December 31, 2019 Management Response The City is a leading participant in a working group comprised of several municipalities and audit firms with a focus on providing a platform to share expertise, experience and knowledge around developing a consistent and practical approach for implementation. 2. Capital Project Reporting Capital projects constitute significant cash outlays for the City and can span multiple years. Management creates the capital plan to include the best estimates at the time through the annual budget process and will look to assess how costs are changing over time. This budgeting process only encompasses the ongoing and active projects that are expected to occur during the period of the capital plan. Adding in a retrospective analysis of how the costs and activities required to execute the capital projects changed from the capital plan can help the City better develop its capital plan and project management processes into the future. We recommend that the City review its capital close out procedures and consider adding in a close out process for significant capital projects to capture information for use as a tool to refine the capital budgeting process. Management Response The City already has some processes in place to identify "lessons learned" from significant projects to help inform considerations for future projects. Opportunities to enhance this process will continue to be explored through venues such as best practices identified through participation in regional working groups. This communication is prepared solely for the information of management and those charged with governance and is not intended for any other purposes. We accept no responsibility to a third party who uses this communication. We would like to express our appreciation for the co-operation and assistance received from management and staff of the City during the course of the audit. Our experience is that the Finance Department is well-prepared for the annual audit, which is a significant contributor to keeping audit costs down. We shall be pleased to discuss with you further any matters mentioned in this letter at your convenience. Yours truly, Brian Szabo, CPA, CA Partner through a corporation BOO Canada LLP Chartered Professional Accountants 16 1000 Bylaws 1000 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7636-2020 A Bylaw to amend the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 WHEREAS Section 477 of the Local Government Act provides that the Council may revise the Official Community Plan; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend Schedule "A" to the Official Community Plan; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7636-2020." 2. Schedule "A", Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A -Silver Valley, Figure 2 -Land Use Plan, and Figure 3D -Horse Hamlet, are hereby amended for that parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2 Section 27 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 10713 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1022, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this bylaw, are hereby designated as shown. 3. Schedule "A" Chapter 10.3, Part VI, A -Silver Valley, Figure 4 -Trails/ Open Space is hereby amended for the parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2 Section 27 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 10713 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1023, a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby amended as shown. 4. Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No.7060-2014 is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 12th day of May, 2020. READ a second time the 12th day of May, 2020. PUBLIC HEARING held the 16th day of June, 2020. READ a third time the day of ADOPTED the day of PRESIDING MEMBER , 20. , 20 . CORPORATE OFFICER 1001.1 w PARK EPP66380 1 P 10713 128/\VE . LMP 30056 ' §~ .. a: "'U .. El 28 ,'!; --22 / P26 2 25 I I I I / 21 26 4 ~ ~ 29 31 32 261n PARK Rem18 EP22444 ..... t "' Cl. 24001 21921 27 *PP135 BC 50115 A 2400 5 ~ 1 0 12795 l!i "' 8 s ~ ~ 85 "' 8 .... MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING 7636-2020 1022 Bylaw No. Map No. Purpose: To Amend Silver Valley Area Plan Figure 2 and Figure 30 Conservation and Medium/High Density Residential c:J Medium/High Density Residential From: To: ~ Conservation MAPLE RIDGE 13nt1~h Columbia 6 N SCALE 1:2,500 --I 129AAV6. 22 / 21 P 8~511 12g30 7 12031 I / P26 2 25 26 2 1 P 10713 a "' ... 8 :!: a ;t 11; ~ 128AVE. "' Q 0 ~ LMP 30056 ' §~ I:! ! ~ * ~ ... z N ""' 28 4 "u ~ ! 29 31 32 PARK Rem18 EP22444 24001 BC 50115 .. r--21921 26177 *PP135 a. 27 A 5 Ii; 1 5 0 '27i0 ,'1i "' s .. ... ... 8 t I:! a l!; ~ l!; ~ ~ 85 1278 ... ve. ~ P9912 .. N N R 8 ~ ~ 28A()'l?, st MAPLE RIDGE OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDING 7636-2020 1023 Bylaw No. Map No. Purpose: To Amend Silver Valley Area Plan Figure 4 As Shown ~To Add To Conservation c:::Jro Remove From Conservation 6 MAPLE RIDGE N 811li,,h Columbia SCALE 1:2,500 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7 424-2018 A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 424-2018." 2. That parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as: Lot 2 Section 27 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan 10713 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 17 4 7 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to R-2 (Urban Residential District). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 27th day of March, 2018. READ a second time the 12th day of May, 2020. PUBLIC HEARING held the 16th day of June, 2020. READ a third time the day of ADOPTED, the day of , 20 PRESIDING MEMBER , 20 CORPORATE OFFICER 1001.2 2 3 2 L.MP 30056 ' §a ~~ 4 ~ ~ IU EP22444 ,-lb ,... Q. A 5 ~ 12705 0 ;/, P9912 12848 UJ P 84511 7 12931 12D30 PARK EPP66380 2 10713 1 P10713 .., 9 r'!. 120AVE. 28 ., ~ r'!. 29 31 24001 21921 27 2400 1 5 "' E .. " " 8 <i !:l s :ti ~ :ti r'!. r'!. 121e Ave. <o "' "' 28,03'1 § ~ ~ 0 6 ~ 32 26177 -~ :ti 6 13 14 M .. MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. From: To: MAPLE RIDGE Or1t1•,h Cotumb1:1 7424-2018 1747 RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) R-2 (Urban Residential District) 22 / P26 2 25 ., 8 r'!. ~ r'!. PARK BC ·PP135 ~ 15 16 17 18 19 ~ "' ~ ., -.. st I .,, ... i ~ C, ~ Rem18 50115 / 21 I 26 85 6 N SCALE 1:2,500 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7632-2020 A Bylaw to amend Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Bylaw No. 6913-2012 WHEREAS, the Owner of the land requests and consents to enter into an amendment of the heritage revitalization and tax exemption agreement attached to and forming part of Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Bylaw No. 6913-2012 ; WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend the heritage revitalization and tax exemption agreement attached to and forming part of Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Bylaw No. 6913-2012 as provided for in Appendix 1 to this amending bylaw (the "Amending Agreement"): NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Heritage Designation and Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement Amending Bylaw No. 7632-2020". 2. The City of Maple Ridge enters into the Heritage Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement (as amended by the "Amending Agreement") with the registered owners of the properties located at 22325 St. Anne Avenue, Maple Ridge and legally described as: PID: 029-774-071 LOT A District Lot 398 New Westminster District Plan EPP52747 (the "Property"). 3. The Mayor and Corporate Officer are authorized on behalf of the City of Maple Ridge to sign and seal the Amending Agreement in the form attached as Appendix "1" to this Bylaw. READ a first time the 14th day of April, 2020. READ a second time the 14th day of April, 2020. READ a third time the 14th day of April, 2020. APPROVED by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure the 12th day of June, 2020. ADOPTED, the day of ,20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER 1002 APPENDIX "1" DESIGNATION AND HERITAGE REVITALIZATION AND TAX EXEMPTION AMENDING AGREEMENT No. 2 THIS AGREEMENT dated for reference the BETWEEN: AND: WHEREAS: 1034179 B.C. Ltd. 15245-18th Avenue Surrey, BC V4V 1W9 (the "Owners") THE CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, British Columbia V2X 6A9 (the "City") day of , 2020 is A. The City and a previous owner entered into a Heritage Revitalization and Tax Exemption Agreement (the "Original Agreement") setting out the terms and conditions by which the heritage value of the Existing Heritage Building is to be preserved and protected, in return for specified supplements and variances to City bylaws and the exemption of the Existing Heritage Building from City property taxation for a specified term; B. This agreement applies to land and all improvements located at 22325 St. Anne Avenue, Maple Ridge, B.C. and legally described as: PID: 029-774-071 Lot A DISTRICT LOT 398 GROUP 1 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN EPP527 4 7 ("the Lands"); C. The agreement has been approved by the Monitor, Owners or the Court, as required; and D. The City and the Court appointed Monitor for the Owners wish to amend the terms of the Original Agreement, as amended, to allow the completion date to be extended. THIS AGREEMENT is evidence that in consideration of the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) now paid by each party to the other and for other good and valuable consideration (the receipt of which each party hereby acknowledges) Owners or the Court appointed Monitor for the Owners as may be applicable and the City each covenant with the other as follows: Amendment 1. The Agreement is hereby amended by deleting and replacing Section 8 by the following: Section 8. The Owners shall commence and complete all actions required for the completion of the Work in accordance with this Agreement by December 31, 2020 (the "Completion Date"). The Completion Date may be extended by mutual written agreement of the Owners and the City, for up to an additional 6 months. Statutory Authority Retained 2. Nothing in this Amendment Agreement shall limit, impair, fetter or derogate from the statutory powers of the City, all of which powers may be exercised by the City from time to time and at any time to the fullest extent that the City is enabled. Full Force and Effect 3. The City and the Owners or the Court appointed Monitor for the Owners as may be applicable hereby agree that the Agreement shall hereinafter be read and construed in conjunction with this Amending Agreement and be regarded as being amended only to the extent herein provided, that all the terms, covenants, provisos, conditions and provisions of the Agreement, as amended hereby, shall continue to be in full force and effect and that nothing herein contained shall operate or be construed to modify or otherwise affect the rights and obligations created by the Agreement as amended hereby. No Waiver 4. No restrictions, requirements or other provisions of this Amending Agreement shall be deemed to have been waived by the City unless a written waiver signed by an officer of the City has first been obtained, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, no condoning, excusing or overlooking by the City on previous occasions of any default, nor any previous written waiver, shall be taken to operate as a waiver by the City of any subsequent default or in any way defeat or affect the rights and remedies of the City. Headings 5. The headings in this Amending Agreement are inserted for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement or any of its provisions. Successors Bound 6. All restrictions, rights and liabilities herein imposed upon or given to the respective parties shall extend to and be binding upon their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Owners and the City have executed this Agreement on the dates set out below. ) ) Name ) ) ) Address ) ) ) Occupation ) ) Date ) ) ) The Corporate Seal of the CITY OF MAPLE ) RIDGE was hereunto affixed in the presence of: ) ) ) Mayor: ) 1034179 B.C Ltd. by its authorized signatory "SIGNED COPY WITH ORIGINAL BYLAW" Print Name ________ _ ) C/S ) Corporate Officer: ) ) ) D~ ) 1100 Reports and Recommendations 1100 MAPLE RIDGE ----------British Columbia mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer First Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7649-2020; 2234 7 117 Avenue and 22349 North Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: MEETING DATE: June 16, 2020 FILE NO: 2020-062-RZ MEETING: C o W An application has been received to rezone the subject properties located at 2234 7 117 Avenue from RT-1 (Two Family Urban Residential) and 22349 North Avenue from RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential) both to C-3 (Town Centre Commercial). This will allow the two subject properties to be consolidated with the vacant, unaddressed lot immediately to the west, already zoned C-3 (Town Centre Commercial), for the development of the subject proposed mixed-use commercial residential project. All three are proposed to be redesignated from Low-Rise Apartment to Town Centre Commercial to faciliate the rezoning for the overall project. This project will consist of approximately 768 square meters (8,268 square feet) of ground-level retail or office storefront along North Avenue and approximately 68 apartment units within a proposed six (6) storey structure. All required commercial and residential parking will be underground or concealed. To proceed further with this application, additional information is required to support the rezoning of the two subject properties with detailed plans for the development proposal of the overall three-lot site as outlined in this report. Pursuant to Council policy, this application is subject to the Community Amenity Contribution Program at a rate of ($3,100.00 per apartment dwelling unit), for an estimated amount of $210,800.00. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7649-2020 be given first reading; and 2. That the applicant provide further information as described on Schedules C, D and E of the Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999, along with the additional information required in this report dated June 16, 2020. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: 2020-062-RZ Falcon Homes Lot 48 Except: Part Dedicated Road on Plan BCP 14057 Block 5 District Lot 398 Group 1 NWD Plan 155; and Lot 49 Except: 1101 Page 1 of 6 OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: b) Site Characteristics: Part Dedicated Road on Plan BCP 14057 Block 5 District Lot 398 Group 1 NWD Plan 155 APTL (Low-Rise Apartment) TCOMM (Town Centre Commercial) RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential) and RT-1 (Two Family Urban Residential) C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Commercial C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Town Centre Commercial Mixed Use Commercial/Residential and Residential C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) and RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Port Haney Multi-Family, Commercial and Mixed-Use Vacant -recently rezoned for mixed-use building (2017-078-RZ) C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Town Centre Commercial Institutional and Commercial C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) Low-Rise Apartment Residential and Vacant Mixed use Commercial/Residential 1,436 sq. m. (15,457 sq. ft.) (Including Total of 3 Lots) 117 Avenue Urban Standard The subject site slopes very gently from north to south with a small cluster of deciduous trees along the southern lot line on 117 Avenue. The site fronts North Avenue to the north and 117 Avenue to the south. There is a boarded-up house and an informal gravel parking area on the two lots proposed to be rezoned. The third on the western part of the site is currently zoned C-3 (Town Centre Commercial). It has two clusters of more mature trees and provides graveled parking (which is a permitted use in the C-3 Zone) for several cars. According to the developer,' this is informal parking, which is not required for the land owner's business on Lougheed Highway or for other surrounding uses on North or 117 Avenues. c) Project Description: The two lots subject to rezoning (see Appendices A and B), are part of a three lot site proposed to be developed with a mixed-use building containing approximately 768 square meters (8,268 square feet) of retail or office space on the ground floor with approximately 68 apartment units above in a building totalling six (6) storeys (See Appendix D). The main pedestrian entry will be from North Avenue, with a secondary staircase from 117 Avenue. Vehicle entry will be from 117 Avenue into a two-level of underground parking structure. 2020-062-RZ Page 2 of 6 The unit mix being proposed is: • Bachelor Units 8 (11.8%) • One Bedroom Units 16 (23.5%) • One Bedroom plus Den 40 (58.8%) • Two Bedroom Units 4 (5.9%) This provides a good mix of unit types and sizes. Although setting aside some units for aging in place has not occurred, the owner's preferred focus has been to arrive at the proposed mix to be an asset to the community as well as addressing family housing needs in the area. The portion of the development along 117 Avenue, consisting of structured parking, will be designed to incorporate design features similar to the design of the project's storefront fagade along North Avenue. The building elevations along North Avenue and 117 Avenue are shown in Appendix E. The pedestrian environment along 117 Avenue will be considered, in detail, as part of a future Development Permit to ensure a safe and attractive interface with the street. Building design details will be examined at the DP stage and will include additional building design elements, landscaping, lighting and public-art inspired screening / grating for the openings to the exposed underground parking area along the public realm. The northern portion of the parking structure is fully contained underground and concealed by the mixed use commercial and residential building above it. A portion of the parking structure roof south of the building and toward 117 Avenue will be a landscaped passive and recreational space for residents. In addition to building access from North Avenue, there will be resident-only pedestrian access from grade along 117 Avenue. It will consist of an attractive design to further enhance the public realm and provide convenient and safe access for residents wishing to access this space from 117 Avenue. At this time, the current application has been assessed to determine its compliance with the Official Community Plan (OCP) and provide a land use assessment only. Detailed review and comments will need to be made once full application packages have been received. A more detailed analysis and further reports will be required prior to second reading. Such an assessment may impact the proposed building floor area or number of dwelling units. d) Planning Analysis: Official Community Plan: The development site is located within the Town Centre Area Plan and is currently designated Low-Rise Apartment. All three lots within the site are proposed to be re-designated to Town Centre Commercial to accommodate the proposal and the zoning. This project will achieve a number of Town Centre Plan policies including: • Policy 3-1 An increase in residential and commercial density is encouraged in the Town Centre, particularly within the Central Business District. Land use should include a mix of housing types catering to various demographics ... The ground level office or retail space will add to the commercial floor space within the Central Business District and will provide an appropriate mix of housing, with the intension of 2020-062-RZ Page 3 of 6 delivering a product suitable for families. The project's uses and the density will bolster this Town Centre Area policy. • Policy 3-10 Land assembly or lot configuration in conjunction with development ... should meet conditions (that) ... remaining land parcels are left in a configuration and lot area which are suitable for future development... The lot to the east of the site has been rezoned to allow for an independent project and the lands to the west may be consolidated for a developable site in the future. This project effectively fits in and does not adversely impact future land assembly for development encouraged by this policy. • Policy 3-15 Concealed parking structures are encouraged in all commercial, mixed-uses ... in the Town Centre. Above-grade concealed parking structures should be designed in such a manner that the pedestrian realm, streetscape fac;ade ... is not impaired. The exposed parking structure along 117 Avenue will be designed to be sensitive to the streetscape incorporating appropriate architecture, finishing materials and details, lighting, public-art inspired elements and landscaping, and thus the objective of this policy is achieved. Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone two of the subject properties, located at 2234 7 117 Avenue from RT-1 (Two Family Urban Residential) and 22349 North Avenue from RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential) both to C-3 (Town Centre Commercial). This will allow these two subject properties to be consolidated with the third vacant lot immediately to the west, already zoned C-3 (Town Centre Commercial), for the development of the subject proposed mixed-use commercial residential project. A preliminary review indicates variances in the setbacks are being incorporated to sculpt the building to fit the emerging neighbourhood context. In other respects, the project is generally compliant with the proposed C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) zone. Any, variations from the requirements of the proposed zone will require a Development Variance Permit application. Development Permits: Pursuant to Section 8.11 of the OCP, a Town Centre Development Permit (South of Lougheed) application is required for all mixed use commercial multi family residential development located in the Town Centre Area. Advisory Design Panel: A Town Centre Development Permit (South of Lougheed) Development Permit is required and must be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel prior to Second Reading. 2020-062-RZ Page 4 of 6 Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting is required for this application. Prior to second reading the applicant is required to host a Development Information Meeting in accordance with Council Policy 6.20. e) Interdepartmental Implications: In order to advance the current application, after first reading, comments and input, will be sought from the various internal departments and external agencies listed below: a) Engineering Department; b) Operations Department; c) Fire Department; d) Building Department; . e) School District; f) Utility companies; g) Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure; and h) Canada Post. The above list is intended to be indicative only and it may become necessary, as the application progresses, to liaise with agencies and/or departments not listed above. This application has not been forwarded to the Engineering Department for comments at this time; therefore, an evaluation of servicing and site access requirements have not been undertaken. We anticipate that this evaluation will take place between first and second reading. f) Development Applications: In order for this application to proceed the following information must be provided, as required by Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999 as amended: 1. A complete Rezoning Application (Schedule C); 2. A Town Centre Development Permit Application (Schedule D); and 3. A Development Variance Permit (Schedule E). Additional information is also required with respect to: incorporating public art-inspired treatment of the parking structure wall and pedestrian staircase design on the 117 Avenue elevation, details about the proposed sustainability measures, and elaboration about any aging in place elements incorporated into dwelling unit design. The above list is intended to be indicative only, other applications may be necessary as the assessment of the proposal progresses. 2020-062-RZ Page 5 of 6 CONCLUSION: The development proposal is in compliance with the OCP, therefore, it is recommended that Council grant first reading subject to additional information being provided and assessed prior to second reading. "Original signed by Adrian Kopystynski" Prepared by: Adrian Kopystynski, M.Sc., MCIP, RPP, MCAHP Planner "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original signed by Christine Carter'' Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services "Original signed by Al Horsman" Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7649-2020 Appendix D -Proposed Site Plan Appendix E -Elevations 2020-062-RZ Page 6 of 6 ~ -~ ~ "' 11665/11667 N Scale: 1 :2,500 0, ~ 11857 ~ ~ ~ ~ ,... ~ 11841 ~ ~ ~ SELKIRK AVE. c:, ... ij ~ "' 11830 " ~ "' ~ Sl "-c:, -"' ~ ~~ "' ~ "'"' c:, o-~ <o "'"' ~ ~~ ij THIRD LOT TO BE INCLUDED IN DEVELOPMENT ~ 11768 11746 I "' 11740 ____ ;;;;;J ~ ,... "' ~ "' " ~ "' ... ~ 117 AVE. CX) CX) ... ~ ~ ~ "' 11739 11710 ~ "' ST.ANNE AVE. CALLAGHAN AVE. 11867 APPENDIX A "' 11863 ;:! "' ~ <o ~ "' 11855 <o I "' ~ "' ~ ~ 11841 ~ ~ 11841 I ~ "' ~ ~II ~ <o 118.!!..J ~ ~ <o <o ~ c:, "' "' ~ "' 1:5 ~ "' "' 0 ~ ~ <o ~ "' "' ,... "' a; ~ <o "' ~ "' ~ <o "' ~ ~ CALLAGHAN AVE. Legend ---Stream ---Ditch Centreline Indefinite Creek ~ Active Applications (RZ/SD/DPNP) 22347 117 AVENUE, 22349 NORTH AVENUE PID'S 000-660-612, 011-539-534 PLANNING DEPARTMENT --------FILE: 2020-062-RZ DATE: Jun 1, 2020 mapleridge.ca BY:PC Scale: 1 :2,500 APPENDIX B 22347 117 AVENUE & 22349 NORTH AVENUE PID'S: 000-660-612 & 011-539-534 FILE: 2020-062-RZ DATE: May 27, 2020 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY:PC -, ,-l I CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7649-2020 APPENDIXC A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7649-2020." 2. Those parcels or tracts of land and premises known and described as: Lot 48 Except: Part Dedicated Road on Plan BCP 14057 Block 5 District Lot 398 Group 1 NWD Plan 155; and Lot 49 Except: Part Dedicated Road on Plan BCP 14057 Block 5 District Lot 398 Group 1 NWD Plan 155 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1841 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, are hereby rezoned to C-3 (Town Centre Commercial). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of READ a second time the day of PUBLIC HEARING held the day of READ a third time the day of , 20 , 20 , 20 ,20 APPROVED by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure this day of ,20 ADOPTED, the day of ,20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER ... "' "' 22a:1 a, 1 "' "' "' RemA P9388 "' "' <o f-l Ii; Ii; 17 21a:1 20a:1 19a:1 P68 8 18 61 p 808 "' 29~ 30 31 32 Ii; ~ a:j ~ "' LMP52635 ~ I "'__I/RP 67305 ..-I 1 SELKIRK AVE. <o "' "' "' "' C, ... ~ "' "' Pd.1 "' Pd.Da:1 "' RP 61574 11830 P2899) a, "' "' a:j LMP45732(1ease .... B 42ili 380, (P2899) ~ 0) ~ LP77916 ~ .... co °' N g *PP081 ~ ~ CL ~ BCP49260 0) ..-<o I l'-o, C, "' 29 ~~ "' 25~ 26a:1 11841 27 28 0.."' 11841 . ~ "' 24"' a:j P289~ 30 I """· >-'.-<' n1" :-<~-< (0 cij P21 i99 ~~ RP7636 I cir--. 35 .,,34 ~& P79776 wsr~ .... A ~ ~ o..,... .... (/Jo_ "' "' BCP36032 ;,;; "' ~ 2<o .... 22 ~ ...J°' "' (lease) 11811 a:j ...J...J a:j ~ • a:j ~ t-'LC ,,,,9 <o ~ ~ EP 71539 ~ I "' I ~ 11765 N ['i I/,; RenEl'i 570.. 11768 99 53 52 P506 0 C, f-l a:1 A LMP39631 LMS 3814 'S:v. 'I-~ <'. J-'83 (lease) 'To 304 ~ 11665/11667 2550 '17221 ~-"1" 782 (lease) "'o ', { { / al P155 5 II C, [:; a:1 41 BCS3442 RP 83100 1 <o ~ ~ N ~ ~ 30 29 P155 ;Rems Rem 28 11739 Rem Rem 6 7 8 .... [:; ~ P 155 11683 A P11527 <~~Rem '<> 2 "O 'Z5>_, BCP 14056 N 44 11746 s 44 11740 45 <o N ~Re "'45 117 AVE. "' "' ... ;;; ~ ~ ~ a:j "' "' 27 26 25 P 155 11710 EPP52747 A 12 ~EPP521~ C\l r -('Y) C\l -~ EPP 52746 ST. ANNE AVE. P 14886 Rem "' C, C <D ~ ;,;; 11664 <D ~ ~ 11654 <D 22 21 ..-B 0.. P1 Re 50 P2899 NORTH AVE. BCP 17933 P51411 11743 Rem 105 117 AVE. st <o <o ... N "' <o .... 19 / "' "' "' "' ~ ~ 0) "' 11715 1 (") 22 21 20 0.. 11697/ 2 P 155 18 ...J P155 ..-7 13 ~ co 14 ii 16 17 ;;; (/)" "' 2~ "' ...J~ "' ~I 35 RP5 2 3 .J "' "' ~ ~ ~ ~ 20 19 MAPLE RIDGE ZONE AMENDING Bylaw No. Map No. From: To: i • • I British Columbia 7649-2020 1841 RT-1 (Two Family Urban Residential) RM-3 (High Density Apartment Residential) C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) a. WI RW 61238 lO Westminster Savings ~ Credit Union ~ ----ei::>1itl2[5\:l 11774178 94 P44960 62 NORTH AVENUE "' ~ ~ 63 64 P 800 A 11103 EPP88989 11695 ~ 3 0.. 4 A LMP1864 LMS683 11671 11770 EPS P4I 6 LMP 9 6 N SCALE 1:2,500 ,@--- @------------ @----------- e e.3 NORTH ·AVENUE ----'""m~co~••'-""L-----: -~------------------------------------:-------------------------"---- ___ _]]_ __________ ELi _j _____________ JL. _______________ fL ________________ ,.._. ---+---<,-- 1 · I I . l j OPEN TO PARKING BELOW '1 '1 , , , {5EEF1Fl00~f'LAN) , , , ------------1------------------------i-----------,-------- i I i i I · PC ---@ -----------------@ ------------------@) ~ i: i i . Q &·---------1-----f --------~-----i-----------------T-----Tt-1---------+-t--:r __ ±___ -----------·-·--it!) AH)r-----t-n-t----j-fjr--:-,=.:::-"----Jt-~"----+rnca;-f-*--'-'---f--'-'--+---.+-r.i----Ht-"L"----"-Tr"="'""' "'"'"''""--'f-i-;-~J'-,,,--------=Li,,.,---"'--i-'--"-'-J---n--'L~-;·--=J---i;---rlt--t---+--z+t--t---------rtAH PH " oee,ce oee,ce oee,ce ----,nom••o.•,.oorr, ______ }-1------------------------------------~------------------~--------J____ PH @----------- i @ 1 ST FLOOR PLAN LOUGHEED & NORTH AVENUE RESIDENCES BLDG A: 22347 TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC SCALE 118"•1'-0" 1905 i I i i I I I I i i ti:.'===fr-=~I i i EXISTING GRAVEL SIDEWALK! ("'""'""""'i:w,uo~<'.Mcr,u"'"°~l I 11_7_T_H-·AVENUE@ om.~·~·HIC)H ~Uf.lOC,C~Ta> "Ef"'-CIO/JW~AJL(!Yl'J ., '~~ .. ISSUED FOR R~O~!!'J.G &'ciEVELci~M~·01 P~~MtT -DP2.1a ---------<P' i @-- 111111111• 11111, I I'll'! 111 Ill< 1111! 1 I! 9,355 YOUNO AOAO CHILUWACK, e.c. CANADA G :: 4 :17931944!> Cravon1Hu,ton1Powor,1Atc JoctsJ-·I: E FAX: 604 ! 793 I 9446 ,..A ., • '-.L EMAIL: ct,p®chparcJ'la<>cts.com )> -c -c rn z 0 >< 0 ~ i i i w-·-~----~ """" ®-·-·-·-·---·-·---,-,-·-· @---- i ~ ~ i i i i I ~ i ~ )._ A ~ A ~ ~ (!5l ~ i~ f rs.,, I , i I l'R:OrER:lYLINE i I :~ @~' 4 UNDERGROUND PARKING A -LEVEL LOUGHEED & NORTH AVENUE RESIDENCES BLDG A: 22347 TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 1905 e ~ ~ i i i i ! I ' i i i i i @ @ DP1.3a ~ i ~ ff> i i i i i t,:F.:..-:·:-·-w-·-----·--·-@ ~--f1 ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·----® ~ - @ ffi NO= \ !! I U I l I I I ! 11 I ~ I \ , !1 , < I t I I ll 1 II I I I I I l !t I 9355 YOUNG ROAD ~';',~A0<,a.c.CANA0A ~.r'll:1·E· M· Ta: 50417ro ! 94~5 C1av0nl Hu11onl Powor11Arc Haer, ~-j ~ FAX: 004 [ 79.'.I I 944B l._Aj_ l. EMAIL: chp@ohpor<>hlk>ot:,.c<:>m @-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·- W-·· ®-·--·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· @--·--·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· @-·-·-·--·-·-·--·- ~ i i i ~ i i i i i i' i i i ® UNDERGROUND PARKING A LOUGHEED & NORTH AVENUE RESIDENCES BLDG A: 22347 TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 1905 I J !~ (§ -LEVEL. i i i @ ~--i-------+---jr-1, ·-·- !I !I i 4 i i @ ~II ~ 1 1i '-·- ; I i i @ --·-- --·--·-@ -·-·-·---·-·-·--@ --~ -·-·-·-·-·-·---·-@ ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-@ ~ NORTH -DP1.2a \Ill Jll!l I I! HI 1' / 1,11,1 Ill IHI 11111 • 11111 PERSPECTIVES/ LOUGHEED & NORTH AVENUE RESIDENCES BLDG A: 223-47 TO 22351 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, BC 1905 DP0.2a ISSUED FOR REZONING & DEVELOPMENT PERMIT \I! n11, II• , I 1,1 ,, \I I \U 1111 )> -0 -0 m z 0 >< m MAPl..:l: RIDGE ¥""""M"-'°""""-~"'-', '#-A'-" ,W,;w"•>>O '-H,Cw"'-<,O;.:,~~ "°"" 8rillffl Col~ mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor,Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7603-2019; 11232 Dartford Street EXECUTIVE SUM MARY: MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: June 16, 2020 2019-310-RZ cow An application has been received to rezone the subject property, located at 11232 Dartford Street (Appendix A), from C-4 (Neighbourhood Public House Commercial) to H-1 (Heritage Commercial). Currently, the site is licensed for a Neighbourhood Pub and a licensee retail store as an accessory use. The zone being sought would allow the licensee retail store to operate as an independent principle use and the pub would be discontinued as a use. There are no physical changes being proposed to the existing building and associated accessory parking. A development variance permit will be required to permit the building as-built. Council granted first reading to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7603-2019 on February 11, 2020. This application is in compliance with the Hammond Area Plan. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7603-2019 be given second reading, and be forwarded to Public Hearing; 2) That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading: i) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant to for future road widening. DISCUSSION: 1) Background Context: Applicant: Sel Engineering Ltd (Lee Her) Legal Description: Parcel 5 District Lot 278 Group 1 NWD Reference Plan 64192 OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: 2019-310-RZ Hammond Village Commercial Hammond Village Commercial C-4 (Neighbourhood Public House Commercial) H-1 (Hertiage Commercial) 1102 Page 1 of 4 Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: 2) Background: Residential RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) Hammond Village Commercial Commercial H-1 (Hertiage Commercial) Hammond Village Commercial Residential One Family Urban Residential) Medium Density Multi-Family and Hammond Village Commercial Commercial H-1 (!"1ertiage Commercial) Hammond Village Commercial Commercial Commercial 0.12 HA. (0.3 acres) Dartford Street Urban Standard The subject site (Appendix A and B) is a fully developed flat parcel of land, with a commercial building in the northern end of the site and the associated accessory parking for the business in the southern half of the lot. There is a hedge partially along the southern and eastern edges of the parking are,a, buffering of garbage bin storage area to the residential lot to the east. There is a tree that straddles the lot line in the southeast corner of the parking lot. When first presented to Committee of the Whole on January 28, 2020, a decision on the application was deferred to the February 11, 2020 Council meeting with the request for staff to contact the applicant and to report back on the termination of the pub operation. Staff confirmed with the applicant their decision had already been made to close the pub and operate only the Licensee Retail Store as a business decision. Council granted first reading on February 11, 2020. 3) Project Description: The proposal is to rezone the subject site from C-4 (Neighbourhood Public House Commercial) to H-1 (Heritage Commercial), to permit the existing licensee retail store in the building as a principal use. There are no physical changes being proposed to the existing building and associated accessory parking (Appendix D, E and F). Therefore, no development permit for form and character is required as part of this application. A development variance permit will be required to permit the building as built. 4) PlanningAnalysis: i) Official Community Plan: The development site is located within the Hammond Village Area Plan and is currently designated Hammond Village Commercial. The proposed rezoning from C-4 (Neighbourhood Public House 2019-310-RZ Page 2 of 4 Commercial) to H-1 (Heritage Commercial) is consistent with the Hammond Village Commercial designation. ii) Zoning Bylaw: The current application proposes to rezone the property located at 11232 Dartford Street (see Appendix C) from C-4 (Neighbourhood Public House Commercial) to H-1 (Hertiage Commercial) to permit the existing licensee retail store in the building as a principal use. A development variance permit will be required to permit the building as built. iii) Off-Street Parking And Loading Bylaw: There are 17 parking spaces which meet the bylaw requirements based on the plans provided by the applicant's architect. iv) Proposed Variances: A Development Variance Permit application has been received for this project and involves variances to accommodate the existing siting of the building. The following relaxations to Section 713 Heritage Commercial: H-1, 7) Sitting a) commercial use of the Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 are necessary to accommodate the building as built: • Rear lot line setback is to be reduced from 6.0 metres to approximately 0.78 metres. The requested setback variances will be the subject of a future Council report. v) Development Permits: The subject property is subject to Section 8.13 of the OCP, which is the Hammond Development Permit Area application for all Low Density Multi-family, Medium Density Multi-family, Infill General Employment and Hammond Village Commercial located in the Hammond Area. As described earlier, no development permit for form and character is required as part of this rezoning application. vi) Advisory Design Panel: A submission to the ADP was not required because there will be no change to the building and thus a form and character development permit is not associated with this rezoning application. vii) Development Information Meeting: A Development Information Meeting was not required for this application under Council Policy 6.20. 5) Interdepartmental Implications: i) Engineering Department: Should the existing building be demolished and replaced in the future, 1.0 metre of road widening will be required along Dartford Street. A restrictive covenant preventing the future construction of a new building or for parking area within this 1.0 metre wide strip of land is proposed to be registered on title. 2019-310-RZ Page 3 of 4 ii) License. Permits and Bylaws Department: Building advised a building permit would be required to alter the exterior appearance of the building and to reconfigure the interior of the building. The signage would need to comply with City requirements. iii) Fire Department: If no changes are taking place to the structure the Fire Department would have no issues with this project moving forward based on its use prior to this rezoning. CONCLUSION: It is recommended that that second reading be given to Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7603-2019, and that application 2017-310-RZ be forwarded to Public Hearing. "Original signed by Adrian Kopystynski" Prepared by: Adrian Kopystynski, M.Sc., MCIP, RPP, MCAHP Planner "Original signed by Chuck Goddard" Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original signed by Christine Carter" Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services "Original signed by Al Horsman" Concurrence: Al Horsman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7603-2019 Appendix D -Site Plan Appendix E -Landscape Plan Appendix F -Building Plans and Elevation 2019-310-RZ Page 4 of 4 N 11289 C") ..... 0:, 0) "'"' 00 "'"' Scale: 1 :2,000 I-' (/) <c 0 "' 11312 <c c:, <c c:, "' 11278 11266 0 "' "' ..... <c c:, "' ~ <c c:, "' <c c:, "' ..... C") "' C") <c <c c:, c:, "' "' 113AVE. " "' <c c:, "' C") ..... "' &l <c c:, 12 "' BATTLE AVE. ~ 11230 N Legend -stream ~ ~ --· Ditch Centreline -Edge of River - -Indefinite Creek -River 11329 11311 11295 11277 11273 I 11261 1243/5 -Major Rivers & Lakes APPENDIX A 0 0 "' 11339 "' I-' (/) ,.._ 11334 11329 0 N 11310 11315 "' ~ C") <c <c <c "' c:, c:, <c "' "' ~ 11312 11304 11296 0:, "' <c "' <c ,.._ <c <c <c c:, c:, c:, 11291/93 "' "' "' 11288 C") 0) ~ ~ 11280 c:, c:, "' "' 11281 113AVE. 11267 11272 c:, "' "' "' ~ ~ ~ ,!. c:, c:, c:, c:, "' "' "' "' 11253 11264 ~UBJECT PROPERTY I / 11260 / 11240 ,/ -11232 ..... <c <c ~1208 c:, "' 11239 11246 11235 i IC) "' <c ~ --. 11232 DARTFORD STREET PIO: 000-566-098 FILE: 2019-310-RZ DATE: Aug 29, 2019 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY:PC I~ ..... ,!. c:, "' k 1-f-L 1--~- Scale: 1 :2,000 APPENDIX B 11232 DARTFORD STREET PIO: 000-566-098 PLANNING DEPARTMENT --~~:ii;; ... =:_ ••• FILE: 2019-310-RZ DATE: Aug 29, 2019 mapleridge.ca BY:PC CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7603-2019 APPENDIXC A Bylaw to amend Map "A" forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed expedient to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7603-2019." 2. That parcel of land and premises known and described as: Parcel 5 District Lot 278 Group 1 New Wetsminster District Reference Plan 64192 and outlined in heavy black line on Map No. 1820 a copy of which is attached hereto and forms part of this Bylaw, is hereby rezoned to H-1 (Hertiage Commercial). 3. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510 -1985 as amended and Map "A" attached thereto are hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the 11th day of February, 2020. READ a second time the PUBLIC HEARING held the READ a third time the ADOPTED, the day of PRESIDING MEMBER day of day of day of , 20 , 20 ,20 , 20 CORPORATE OFFICER 728 727 ,. "' 11289 0:, "' a "' P 180 751 754 755 654 752 753 756 724 723 "' ,-.. <o a "' <o <o a <o <o a a "' "' 758 759 P1 1043 ~ 11278 I{) 'Sj-1042 c.. 11266 720 719 716 ,-.. O') "' O') <o <o a a "' "' 113 AVE. ll) -..,. l'°N 1/2 * "' 1°863 & 766 <o a w 11295 "' 762 S 1/2 !4 763 & 766 11277 N 1/2 764 & 765 761 11273 O') ,..s 1~n 1/2 "' ~764 765 (Q a ~ 11261 "' P044 BATTLE AVE. W 88025 , f-C Cf) <D a N I{) F=ee=----1 I 0 RW 71976 ~ ::,:: {/) RW52217 , RW 65007 P 114 Rem;; 715 712 711 1123 I'-* "' "' RerrCi;"' <o ,-... <o <o 11122 c..~ a a "' "' "' *PP044 RW 51276 0:, 0:, (Q P 3034A "' (Q ,-... <o (Q (Q A t,-.: a a a 11291/93 "' "' "' Cl) 767 770 771 S 1/2 Cl 774 & 775 0:: 0 11281 LL I-~ggi&~~8 0:: 1113 c§ ~ 11267 11272 ('I) < ,_ 'Sj-1114 co SK 1840 'Sj-11253 11258 B c.. 112§130' Ti 8 111511249 S 1/2 786 & 787 11240P114 D P 64192 D D 5 -* i 11232 IA/24 B,... 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L· DESIGN:~ M21.A,IIOJ(CJHUMBEll: )> '"C '"C m z 0 X m D EXISTING SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE, V4' • 1'-©' EX15Tlt-.~ NORH-1 ELEVATION &CALE: 1/4' • 1'·0' DD DD DD EXIST. BLD6. WIDTH (VARIANCE 1 )> EX15JltJ4 5QYTH ELEVATICN REVISIONS: '2'11.XleS&T • .JelMe&TREET =.:i 1!-HAJL, m •m.ot..cot1 TENANT l1PROV81ENT AT I 11231 DARTFORT STREET MAPLE RIDGE, ec EXISTING ELEVATIONS CMC CMC 5"5 C13014 AS SHOUN A-3 ~ -0 l"T1 z 0 x "Tl PROPOSED 50UTf.! ELEVATION SCALE: l/4' • l'-!Z)' PROPOSED 11EST ELEVATION SCALE: 114', l'·e>' PEOPOSED NORTf.! ELEVATION /REMAINS Tf.!E SAME AS EXISTING! SCALE, 1/4' , 1'·0' .~ ',-, ';"T ., .. I 1'1 1''; I ' I .. e• MARDIE LAF StDINC. EXISTING CONC. SLOCK WALL TO R..~IN t.S FER EXISTIN6 4 RE-PAINT 50!.!D CEDAR UJ:::lOD F:NCltt:; e,• MARCIE LAF SIDING 115.11' [35.10ml EXIST. SLOO. WIDTH ___ ,_ ,;-- _., JA.'1ES MARDIE e· Co!orPlut-l-lZJ0 I-IAROIE 6ASE eulLDft,,tj PLAt-1( Afi!TIC I.I.MITE C:DAR MILL LAP SIDING EXTERIOR LIGHTN:j A.~ BUILDING PAINT cot.OJR EXTERIOR IIJ.IITE WASH VINTA6E eRtCK vENEER 6ASE FASCIA AND OOORAUNDOJJ TRIM COLC\JR REVISIONS: ASEL ~~ Engineering 0~ Limited .,,,.. C1m~ultin~ Eni;inn:rs 0:C11,SC,C,l&T.~&Tli!EET ~l'IOOl)Y.&CVllollC( ==~;:: ~-l'WLa &a.•mDIGCOH PROPOSED ELEVATIONS CMC CMC C\3014 A5 5HOUN A-4 TO: FROM: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE MEETING DATE: June 16, 2020 FILE NO: 11-5255-50-096 MEETING: CoW SUBJECT: Award of Contract ITT-EN20-18: 225 Street Sanitary Pump Station Upgrades EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The purpose of this report is to obtain Council approval to award the 225 Street Sanitary Pump Station Upgrades contract to Drake Excavating (2016) Ltd., in the amount of $2,802,879.00 excluding taxes. The 225 Street Pump Station and South Slope Forcemain Project is a multi-phased project that includes pump station upgrades and expansion and the installation of a larger forcemain to convey the sewage to the Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District (GVS&DD) trunk sewer that in turn connects to a wastewater treatment plant that treats the sewage. Phase 1 of the 225 Street Pump Station and South Slope Forcemain Project, the installation of forcemain under the new Haney Bypass to Cliff Avenue east of 221 Street, is nearing construction completion. Phase 2 of the project, the 225 Street Sanitary Pump Station Upgrades, is at construction tender award stage and is the subject of this report. Phase 3, the forcemain from 221 Street along Lougheed Highway to Steeves Street and River Road where it connects to the existing trunk sewer (see attachment), is currently in design. The pump station is located at the intersection of 225 Street and the Haney Bypass. It receives approximately 40% of the City's sewage flows. The Phase 2 work is a major refurbishment of the pump station that was built in 1979 as well as an increase in pumping capacity. The 225 Street Pump Station and South Slope Forcemain have been upsized to accommodate future growth as set out in the Official Community Plan (OCP). The pump station upgrades include the replacement of all four pumps, which were pre-purchased using grant funding. When the project is complete, the flow capacity will be doubled. The current budget for all phases is $13,034,448.00 based on consultant estimates. The current estimate to complete Phase 2 is $4,673,979.00. This includes design and the extension of Associated Engineering Ltd.'s (AE) contract for additional design as well as construction and field services for a total of $258,000.00. The overall consulting fees for the project align with industry standards. A higher than typical 25% contingency has been carried due to the complexity of construction and criticality of the pump station ($700,700.00). The tender pricing is higher than the original budget estimate. Funding of Phase 3 construction will be addressed as part of the annual Financial Plan deliberations. 1131 Doc#2468632 Page 1of 5 RECOMMENDATION: That Contract ITT-EN20-18, 225 Street Sanitary Pump Station Upgrades, be awarded to Drake Excavating (2016} Ltd. in the amount of $2,802,879.00 excluding taxes; and That the existing Associated Engineering (B.C.} Ltd. contract for Engineering Design Services for South Slope Forcemain Upsizing and Pump Station Modifications be extended by $258,000.00 for engineering and field services; and That a project contingency of 25% or $700,700.00 be approved to address potential variations in field conditions; and further That the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. DISCUSSION: a} Background Context: The 225 Street Sanitary Pump Station, built in 1979, is located at the intersection of 225 Street and the Haney Bypass. It receives approximately 40% of the City's sewage flows, serving the areas east of 222 Street and south of Dewdney Trunk Road, including the entire Downtown and Albion areas. The pump station conveys sewage via the existing South Slope Forcemain west along River Road to Best Street where it discharges into a GVS&DD trunk sewer. The pump station is at a point in its lifecycle where capital renewal is required and, to meet growth demands and the long-term needs of the City, both the pump station and forcemain need to be upgraded to reliably convey increasing sewerage flows. The upgrades will double the capacity of the pump station and forcemain to convey sewage. It is noted that the GVS&DD is also undertaking improvements to the regional sewer system: expanding the Langley Wastewater Treatment Plant and constructing a storage tank to increase sewage handling capacity. This work further improves the system and facilitates further growth in Maple Ridge and the Region. In 2016, the City engaged Stantec Consulting Ltd. to develop a plan and conceptual design for the 225 Street Pump Station and South Slope Forcemain upgrades. The conceptual estimate for construction was $10,906,000.00. Since this estimate, the scope of the project for Phase 1 has grown to include construction of a watermain, construction of a multi-use path and installation of fibre optic cable. These additional items were not contemplated in the original budget estimate. In March of 2017, the City received provincial grant funding in the amount of $998,905.00 that was used to pre-purchase the new pumps. In April 2017, AE was awarded the contract to complete the design of the pump station and forcemain. The construction schedule is divided into three phases: Phase 1 includes forcemain installation from the 225 Street Pump Station to Cliff Avenue east of 221 Street, Phase 2 is the 225 Street Pump Station upgrades, and Phase 3 is the forcemain upgrades on Lougheed Highway east of 221 Street on Cliff Avenue to River Road. Phase 1 works are currently underway and are included in the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure's Haney Bypass Improvements project. The pump station upgrades include the replacement and upgrade of four pumps with additional pumping capacity and improved efficiency, upgrades to process mechanical equipment, upgrades to the wet well and dry well, installation of a temporary bypass main Doc#2468632 Page 2 of 5 during process piping replacement and other pertinent appurtenances to complete the upgrades while the pump station is in operation. The upgrades will increase capacity, allowing the station to handle growth as set out in the OCP. An Invitation to Tender for Phase 2 was issued on March 17, 2020 and closed on April 28, 2020. The lowest tender price was submitted by Drake Excavating (2016) Ltd. in the amount of $2,802,879.00, excluding taxes. Design of Phase 3 is expected to be complete in the third quarter of 2020 with construction anticipated in 2021. Tender Evaluation An Invitation to Tender for Phase 2 was issued on March 17, 2020 and closed on April 28, 2020 with nine bids received, listed below from lowest to highest price. 1. Drake Excavating (2016) Ltd. 2. lndustra Construction Corp. 3. Kenaidan Contracting Ltd. 4. Deramore Construction Services Inc. 5. Tybo Constructors Ltd. 6. PCL Constructors Westcoast Inc. 7. Tritech Group Ltd. 8. Kingston Construction Ltd. 9. Hanna Infrastructure Ltd. Tender Price (excluding taxes) $2,802,879.00 $2,854,493.47 $3,097,170.00 $3,177,146.79 $3,189,000.00 $3,258,562.00 $3,519,557.18 $3,738,520.80 $4,882,665.00 The number of bids and the range of prices indicate a competitive environment and a fair market price. There were several bid submissions that contained minor irregularities. The Invitation to Tender document permits the City to waive these irregularities and to accept these bids. A legal opinion was obtained that indicated these irregularities would not impact the award to the low bidder. Procurement has reviewed the tenders and is in agreement with the recommendation. The recommendation is to award to the lowest bidder, Drake Excavating (2016) Ltd., in the amount of $2,802,879.00 excluding taxes. b) Desired Outcome: The upgrades to the existing 225 Street Pump Station will provide the sanitary sewer system the pumping capacity and reliability to meet the demands of the land use within the respective tributary areas in accordance with the City's OCP. c) Strategic Alignment: Council's Strategic Plan provides direction to manage municipal infrastructure under various initiatives such as the Master Sewer Plan and the Development Cost Charge (DCC) Bylaw. The 225 Street Pump Station upgrades will meet the increasing sewer flow and future demand set out in the Master Sewer Plan and OCP. d) Citizen/Customer Implications: The construction duration is estimated at 12 months, commencing promptly after the contract is awarded and expected to be completed by June 2021. The impact to traffic and area residents will be minimal as most of the work is inside the pump station building and compound. There will be a slight disruption to traffic on 225 Street when the driveway access culvert is replaced and re-paved. Sanitary service will not be impacted, since the pump station is to remain in service and operational during construction. Doc#2468632 Page 3 of 5 Notifications will be delivered to area residents informing them of the project. The general public will be informed of the construction project, progress and updates through the City's website and social media sources. e) Interdepartmental Implications: The Engineering Operations Department has provided input during the design stage and will assist and provide support during construction, since the pump station needs to remain in operation throughout construction. f) Business Plan/Financial Implications: The project budget is based on estimates provided by the consultant. The project is largely funded through DCCs and the Sanitary Sewer Reserve Fund. In March 2017, the City received a grant of $998,905.00 from the Province under the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund. Existing Funding Clean Water and Wastewater Fund Grant Development Cost Charges (DCCs) Sanitary Sewer Reserve Fund Other Sources 2021 Funding Total Existing Project Funding (3 Phases) $ 998,905.00 $ 3,350,555.00 $ 6,659,261.00 $ 1,025,727.00 $ 1,000,000.00 $ 13,034,448.00 The construction costs for Phase 1 and 2 are higher than the original consultant budget estimates. There is adequate funding to complete the current phases and funding for Phase 3 will be addressed when a pre-tender estimate is obtained and through the annual Financial Plan deliberations. The Phase 2 budget estimate is as follows: Design Consulting and Field Services Pre-Purchased Pumps Construction Contingency Total $ 310,800.00 $ 258,000.00 $ 601,600.00 $ 2,802,879.00 $ 700,700.00 $ 4,673,979.00 Award of the construction contract for Phase 2 is recommended. Approval to extend AE's contract for additional services completed during design phase and for construction and field service during the construction phase in the amount of $258,000.00 is also required. Rebuilding an operational pump station is a complex undertaking with many unknowns. Because of the higher degree of variation and risk associated with a project of this nature, a higher than typical contingency for Phase 2 is required. This contingency will only be used if necessary. Doc#2468632 Page 4 of 5 CONCLUSIONS: This project is an extensive upgrade of a major trunk and pump station that serves 40% of the city; it also renews this critical piece of infrastructure that is at the end of its service life. The upgrades address capacity, allowing for the future growth of the city. It is recommended that Council approve the award of the contract to Drake Excavating (2016) Ltd. In the amount of $2,802,879.00, that AE's contract be extended by $258,000.00 and a contingency of $700:0zpproved. _/ Sub~Eng.,PMP Acting Manager of Design & Construction /'. Financial ~~BBA,CPA,CGA Concurrence: Chief Financial Officer ncurrence: Al Horsman Attachments: (A) Map Doc#2468632 Chief Administrative Officer Page 5 of 5 ;. r=.=. r-l >-' "'f---~------0 o:; LOUGHEED HWY. 117 AV N A SCALE: N.T.S. in · F orcem in 3 Phase tii 1 ~iL--t-----i i---1-----1-N o:; N LOUGHEED HWY. Proposed Forcemain Existing Forcemain PROPOSED 225 STREET PUMP STATION UPGRADES DA TE: May 2020 Phase 2 225 Street Pump Station Upgrades CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FILE/DWG No SK0440