HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-12-12 Adopted Regular Council Meeting Minutes~ Maple Ridee
City of Maple Ridge
Regular Council Meeting Minutes
December 12, 2023
The Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held virtually and hosted in Council Chambers on
December 12, 2023 at 7:00 pm at City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, BC for the purpose of
transacting regular City business.
Elected Officials
Mayor D. Ruimy
Councillor K. Carreras
Councillor J. Dueck
Councillor S. Schiller
Councillor J. Tan
Councillor A. Yousef
Councillor 0. Dozie
Appointed Staff
S. Hartman, Chief Administrative Officer
S. Labonne, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer
C. Mushata, Corporate Officer, Director of Legislative Services
Other staff as required
F. Armstrong, Special Events Marketing and Communications
C. Balatti, Manager of Special Projects
M. Best, Interim Director of Planning
R. Brummer, Manager of Arts, Culture and Events
W. Cooper, Planner 2
D. Denton, Property Manager
M. Halpin, Manager of Transportation
C. Howes, Acting Deputy Corporate Officer
J. Kim, Computer Support Specialist
Z. Lifshiz, Director of Strategic Development, Communications, and
Community Engagement
C. Martin, Director of Recreation Services
M. McMullen, Manager of Development & Environmental Services
R. Ollenberger, Manager of Development Engineering
V. Richmond, Director of Parks, Facilities & Properties
D. Samson, Interim Fire Chief
T. Thompson, Director of Finance
T. Westover, Director of Economic Development
Note: These Minutes and a video of the meeting are posted on the City's Web Site at
1. CALL TO ORDER-7:00 pm
1.1 Territory Acknowledgement
The Mayor provided the land acknowledgement.
3.1 Approval of the Agenda
Moved and seconded
That the agenda for the December 12, 2023, Regular Council meeting be approved.
Document: 3616309
Regular Council Meeting Minutes
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4.1 Minutes
Moved and seconded
That the following minutes be adopted as circulated:
• Report of Public Hearing -November 21, 2023
• Report of Public Hearing -December 5, 2023
• Regular Council -November 28, 2023
• Special Council -November 21, 2023
• Special Council -December 5, 2023
5.1 Recreation Facility Feasibility Study Update
C. Balatti provided a presentation.
Moved and seconded
That the recommendations contained in the following items on the December 12, 2023 Council
Consent Agenda be approved.
7.1 2024 Council Meeting Schedule
Recommendation: That the 2024 Council Meeting Schedule be approved as circulated.
7.2 2024 Council Appointments to Regional Boards, Advisory Committees and Commissions,
Standing and Statutory Committees, and Outside Agencies
Recommendation: That the 2024 Council Appointments to the Regional Boards, Advisory
Committees and Commissions, Standing and Statutory Committees and Outside Agencies be
approved as circulated.
7.3 Advisory Design Panel
Recommendation: That the Advisory Design Panel Appointments be received into the record.
The following Advisory Design Panel appointments were released from the Closed Council
meeting held on December 5, 2023:
• Van Nguyen, Architect (January 1, 2024-December 31, 2025);
• Sang Yun Kim, Architect (January 1, 2024-Decemebr 31, 2025; and
• Jennifer Wall, Landscape Architect (January 1, 2024-December 31, 2025).
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7.4 Council Committee Appointments
Recommendation: That the Council Committee Appointments be received into the record.
The following Advisory Design Panel appointments were released from the Closed Council
meeting held on December 5, 2023:
Agricultural Advisory Committee
• Michelle Sparrow, Member at Large, two-year term (January 1, 2024 -December 31,
2025); and
• Shannon Campbell, Member at Large, two-year term (January 1, 2024 -December
31, 2025); and
• Bhupinder Johar, Member at Large, one-year term (January 1, 2024 -December 31,
Community Heritage Commission
• Neha Arora, Member at Large, two-year term (January 1, 2024 -December 31,
2025); and
• Gladys Hewson, Member at Large, two-year term (January 1, 2024 -December 31,
Economic Development Advisory Committee
• Lillian Kan, Member at Large, two-year term (January 1, 2024 -December 31,
2025); and
• Craig Fewer, Member at Large, two-year term (January 1, 2024 -December 31,
2025); and
• Jerry Kok, Member at Large, two-year term (January 1, 2024 -December 31, 2025).
Environmental Advisory Committee
• Katina Tam, Member at Large, one-year term (January 1, 2024 -December 31,
2024); and
• Brian Clark, Environmental Professional, two-year term (January 1, 2024 -December
31, 2025); and
• Mark Adams, Member at Large, two-year term (January 1, 2024 -December 31,
Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness
• Elizabeth Foreman, Member At Large, one-year term (January 1, 2024 -December
31, 2024)
Public Art Steering Committee
• Dana Bates, Artist, two-year term (January 1, 2024 -December 31, 2025)
Parks, Recreation, and Culture Advisory Committee
• Stephen Von Sychowski, Member at Large, two-year term (January 1, 2024 -
December 31, 2025), as an exception to paragraph 3.1 of Council Policy 3.11.
• Sasha Passaglia, Member at Large, two-year term (January 1, 2024 -December 31,
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Social Policy Advisory Committee
• Ashley Isaac, Member at Large, two-year term (January 1, 2024 -December 31,
2025); and
• Rupali Menta, Member at Large, one year term (January 1, 2024 -December 31,
2024); and
• Zachary Romeo, Member at Large, one-year term (January 1, 2024 -December 31,
Transportation Advisory Committee
• Moreno Rossi, Member at Large, two-year term (January 1, 2024 -December 31,
2025); and
• Ahmed Safdar, Member at Large, one-year term (January 1, 2024 -December 31,
2024); and
• Harsha Naidu, Member at Large, one-year term (January 1, 2024 -December 31,
7.5 Committee and Taskforce Minutes
Recommendation: That the following Committee and Taskforce Minutes be received into the
Economic Development Advisory Committee
• July 17, 2023
• September 13, 2023
Transportation Advisory Committee
• October 11, 2023
Community Heritage Commission
• September 14, 2023
Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness
• June 15, 2023
Audit and Finance Committee
• April 25, 2023
Parks, Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee
• October 26, 2023
• February 8, 2023
• October 4, 2023
Mayor's Taskforce on Climate Action
• July 24, 2023
• September 11, 2023
• November20,2023
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9.1 Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Amending Bylaw No. 7950-2023
To reduce the off-site frontage requirements for single-family rebuilds, in-unit suites, and
detached garden suites, in order to increase the affordability of construction, incentivize the
construction of detached suites, and reduce permit application timelines.
Moved and seconded
THAT Maple Ridge Subdivision and Servicing Amending Bylaw No. 7950-2023 be given
10.1 2021-320-RZ, 12209, 12219, 12231, 12241, 12251 222 Street and 22190 123 Avenue, RS-1
to RM-2
To permit the future construction of two 6-storey apartment buildings with a total of 152 market
strata dwelling units.
Moved and seconded,
1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7772-2021 be given first reading; and further
2. That the applicant submits a complete application, including detailed information and
technical reports, for the Official Community Plan amendment, rezoning, Town Centre
Development Permit, and Development Variance Permit.
with Councillor Schiller opposed
Councillor Tan raised a Point of Order and stated her card was raised to speak for a second time
before Mayor Ruimy called the question on the motion.
Mayor Ruimy advised that Councillor Tan was permitted to speak,
Councillor Yousef raised a Point of Order and stated that the vote had already been called
indicating that debate had been closed.
Mayor Ruimy advised that he had provided a second opportunity to speak prior to calling the
question and did not see any cards raised and proceeded with the vote.
10.2 2019-051-RZ, 11405 236 Street, RS-3 to RM-1
To permit the future construction of 18 townhouse units.
Moved and seconded
1. That in accordance with Section 475 of the Local Government Act, opportunity for early
and on-going consultation has been provided by way of posting Official Community Plan
Amending Bylaw No. 7535-2019 on the municipal website and requiring that the applicant
host a Development Information Meeting (DIM}, and Council considers it unnecessary to
provide any further consultation opportunities, except by way of holding a Public Hearing
on the bylaw;
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2. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7535-2019 be considered in
conjunction with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan;
3. That it be confirmed that Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7535-2019 is
consistent with the Capital Expenditure Plan and Waste Management Plan;
4. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7535-2019 be given first and second
reading and be forwarded to Public Hearing;
5. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7536-2019 be given second reading as amended, and be
forwarded to Public Hearing;
6. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading:
i} Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt
of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement;
ii} Amendment to Official Community Plan Schedules "B" and "C";
iii} Road dedication on 236 Street, as required;
iv} Park dedication as required, including construction of emergency access roads; and
removal of all debris and garbage from the dedicated parkland;
v} Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses
the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development;
vi} Registration of a Statutory Right-of-Way plan and agreement for access to City works
and vehicles;
vii} Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking;
viii}Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management;
ix} Removal of existing building;
x} If the Director of Waste Management from the Ministry of Environment determines that
a site investigation is required based on the submitted Site Disclosure Statement, a
rezoning, development, or development variance permit cannot be approved until a
release is obtained for the subject property;
xi} In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure
statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any
evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property. If so, a Stage 1
Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a
contaminated site;
xii} That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $133,200 {$7,400/unit}, or such rate
applicable at third reading of this application, be provided in keeping with the Council
Policy 6.31 with regard to Community Amenity Contributions; and,
xiii} That the density bonus contribution in the amount of $344.46/m2 {$32.00/ft2}, for a
total of $204,550.00 be provided in keeping with the RM-1 zone Density Bonus
provision for Major Corridor Residential.
10.3 2021-280-RZ. 22306 122 Avenue. RS-1 to RT-2
To permit the future construction of a fourplex.
Moved and seconded,
1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7773-2021 be given second reading, and be forwarded to
Public Hearing;
2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading:
i} Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and
receipt of the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement;
ii} Approval from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure;
iii} Road dedication on 223 Street as required;
iv} Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for the Geotechnical Report, which addresses
the suitability of the subject property for the proposed development;
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v) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management;
vi) Removal of existing building;
vii) In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure
statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is
any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject property(ies). If so, a
Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is
not a contaminated site.
viii)That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $22,200.00 ($7,400/unit), or such
rate applicable at third reading of this application, be provided in keeping with the
Council Policy 6.31 with regard to Community Amenity Contributions.
10.4 2021-389-RZ. 11619. 11631. 11639 Adair Street. RS-1 to RT-2
To permit the future construction of three triplexes on three separate lots.
Moved and seconded,
1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7793-2021 be given second reading, and be forwarded to
Public Hearing; and
2. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading:
i) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt of
the deposit of a security, as outlined in the Agreement;
ii) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for Stormwater Management;
iii) Removal of existing buildings;
iv) In addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure
statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is any
evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject properties. If so, a Stage 1
Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not a
contaminated site.
v) That a voluntary contribution, in the amount of $66,600 ($7,400/unit) or such rate
applicable at third reading of this application, be provided in keeping with the Council
Policy 6.31 with regard to Community Amenity Contributions.
10.5 2023-111-RZ. Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 Housekeeping Amendments
Minor clarifications and corrections to the Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7600-2019.
Moved and seconded,
1. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7928-2023 be given first and second reading; and further
2. That a Public Hearing for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7928-2023 be waived in accordance
with the Local Government Act section 464(2).
10.6 2023-350-RZ. 24070 128 Avenue and 24195 Fern Crescent. RS-3 to CD-5-23
To facilitate the development of 48 townhouse dwelling units.
Council discussed options and staff answered questions of Council.
Moved and seconded,
1. In respect of Section 4 75 of the local Government Act, requirement for consultation during
the development or amendment of an Official Community Plan, Council must consider
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whether consultation is required with specifically:
i. The Board of the Regional District in which the area covered by the plan is located, in
the case of a Municipal Official Community Plan;
ii. The Board of any Regional District that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan;
iii. The Council of any municipality that is adjacent to the area covered by the plan;
iv. First Nations;
v. Boards of Education, Greater Boards and Improvements District Boards; and
vi. The Provincial and Federal Governments and their agencies.
and in that regard it is recommended that no additional consultation be required in respect of
this matter beyond the early posting of the proposed Official Community Plan amendments on
the City's website, together with an invitation to the public to comment;
2. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7980-2023 be given first and second
reading and forwarded to Public Hearing;
3. That Zoning Amending Bylaw No. 7791-2021 be repealed;
4. That Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7979-2023 be given first and second reading and will be
forwarded to Public Hearing;
5. That the following terms and conditions be met prior to final reading:
i} A voluntary contribution, in the amount of $355,200 ($7,400.00 X 48 units) be
provided in keeping with the Council Policy with regard to Community Amenity
ii) A voluntary Cash Contribution for additional density over 0.60 FSR in the amount of
approximately $669,709 be provided. This amount to be finalized after third reading;
iii) That a voluntary cash contribution in the amount of $195,000 be provided towards
the improvement of the adjacent neighbourhood park;
iv) Registration of a Rezoning Servicing Agreement as a Restrictive Covenant and receipt
of the deposit of a security, as will be outlined in this agreement;
v) Road dedication as required along 128 Avenue;
vi) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Visitor Parking;
vii) Registration of a Restrictive Covenant for protecting the Stormwater Management;
viii)ln addition to the Ministry of Environment Site Disclosure Statement, a disclosure
statement must be submitted by a Professional Engineer advising whether there is
any evidence of underground fuel storage tanks on the subject properties. If so, a
Stage 1 Site Investigation Report is required to ensure that the subject property is not
a contaminated site.
Councillor Tan made a Parliamentary Inquiry and asked what would happen in the event of a tie
Mayor Ruimy advised that a tie vote results in a motion being defeated.
Moved and seconded,
That the item be referred back to staff to review the density portion of the application and then
bring the item back to Council.
With Councillors Tan and Yousef opposed
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10.7 2022-081-DP/DVP, 22313, 22315, and 22321 Selkirk Avenue, Development Permit &
Development Variance Permit
To permit the future construction of a six-storey mixed-use podium style building with two levels
of underground parking.
Moved and seconded,
1. That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2022-081-DVP, to reduce the rear
lot line setback and waive the permeable surface requirement, respecting properties located
at 22313, 22315 and 22321 Selkirk Avenue; and further
2. That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2022-081-DP, to allow the future
construction of a six-storey mixed-use building, respecting properties at 22313, 22315 and
22321 Selkirk Avenue.
Councillor Yousef left the meeting at 7:58 and was not present for the vote on R/2023-CM-299
10.8 Film Policy and Fee Update
To adopt a comprehensive and modernized film policy and amend the Fees and Charges Bylaw.
Council discussed options and staff answered questions of Council.
Moved and seconded,
1. That Council endorse the updated Maple Ridge Film Policy; and
2. That Maple Ridge Fees & Charges Amending Bylaw No. 7978-2023 be given first, second
and third reading.
10.9 Sponsorship, Advertising and Naming Rights Policy 4.34
To provide staff with the framework, protocols, and procedures necessary to facilitate
opportunities for consistent and sustainable revenue generation from these types of business
Council discussed options and staff answered questions of Council.
Moved and seconded,
1. That Council endorse the Sponsorship, Advertising and Naming Rights Policy No. 4.34; and
2. That Park and Facility Advertising Policy No. 4.28 and Sponsorship Policy No. 4.20 be
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NOTE: Item 1.1..1. is from 't/Je Public Hearing of December 5, 2023
Maple Ridge Temporary Use Permit 2022-457-RZ
The subject application is to permit temporary accessory off-street parking use at the subject
property. The proposed parking will provide 14 additional off-street parking stalls for an existing
commercial building (22195 Dewdney Trunk Road) located adjacent to the subject property.
Moved and seconded
1. That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Temporary Use Permit 2022-457-
RZ, once the following terms and conditions are met:
i. removal of existing organic material and installation of 311 minus road base and ¼11
clear crush, as per applicant's proposal;
ii. registration of a Cross-Access Easement between 12035 222 Street and 22195
Dewdney Trunk Road; and
iii. Installation of landscaping as detailed in the provided Landscaping Plan and payment
of the associated refundable Landscape Security of $3,784.00
2020-168-RZ, 2021-323-RZ, 2021-244-RZ.13960 232 Street 13897, 13917, 14027 Silver
Valley Road, and 23348 141 Avenue
To permit the future combined subdivision of 20 R-1 (Single Detached (Low Density) Urban
Residential lots, 71 R-2 (Single Detached (Medium Density) Urban Residential lots and 13 RST
(Street Townhouse Residential) lots.
Moved and seconded
1. That Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw Nos. 7739-2021, 7847-2022, 7846-2022 be
adopted; and further
2. That Zone Amending Bylaw Nos. 7662-2020, 777 4-2021, 7768-2021 be adopted.
Maple Ridge Code of Conduct Bylaw No. 7976-2023. Elected Officials Oath of Office Bylaw No.
7975-2023. Maple Ridge Council Remuneration Bylaw No. 7330-2017 and Amendment Bylaw
No. 797 4-202
To incorporate an Integrity Commission function within the Code of Conduct, adoption of a bylaw
that incorporates adherence to the Code of Conduct in the oath or solemn affirmation of office,
and amendments to the Remuneration Bylaw to reduce a member's remuneration based upon
the Integrity Commission's finding of a breach of the Code of Conduct.
Moved and seconded
That Maple Ridge Code of Conduct Bylaw No. 7976-2023 be given first, second, and third
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Moved and seconded
That clause 79(f}, 790}, and 87 in its entirety, be severed from the Maple Ridge Code of Conduct
Bylaw No. 7976-2023.
Moved and seconded
That the resolution be divided to consider clause 79(f} and 790} separately from clause 87 from
the Maple Ridge Code of Conduct Bylaw No. 7976-2023.
Moved and seconded
with Councillor Dueck opposed
That the clause 79(f} be severed from the Maple Ridge Code of Conduct Bylaw No. 7976-2023
R/2023-CM-30 7
Moved and seconded
with Mayor Ruimy, Councillors Carreras, Dueck, Schiller, and Tan opposed
That the clause 79(j) be severed from the Maple Ridge Code of Conduct Bylaw No. 7976-2023
Moved and seconded
with Mayor Ruimy, Councillors Carreras, Dueck, Schiller opposed
That the clause 87 in its entirety be severed from the Maple Ridge Code of Conduct Bylaw No.
with Mayor Ruimy, Councillors Carreras, Dueck, Schiller opposed
Moved and seconded
That the words "No. 2154" be struck from clause 81(b) of Maple Ridge Code of Conduct Bylaw
No. 7976-2023.
The main motion was then PUT and CARRIED
Councillor Yousef left the meeting at 9:11 and was not present for the votes on R/2023-CM-310 and
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Moved and seconded
That Elected Official Oath of Office Bylaw No. 7975-2023 be given first, second, and third
Moved and seconded
That Maple Ridge Council Remuneration Bylaw No. 7330-2017, Amendment Bylaw No. 7974-
2023 be given first, second, and third reading.
Councillor Tan left the meeting at 9:13 and was not present for the votes on R/2023-CM-311 and
Maple Ridge 150
Outline the celebration of Maple Ridge's 150th (MR150) anniversary and funding request for its
Moved and seconded
That Council approve $350,000 from accumulated surplus for the Maple Ridge 150 celebration
on September 14, 2024.
Subcommittee to the Corporate Governance and Human Resources Committee
To form a subcommittee to specifically develop, review and make recommendations to Council on
intergovernmental resolutions proposed to be forwarded to the Federation of Canadian
Municipalities (FCM), the Lower Mainland Local Government Association (LMLGA), and the Union
of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) if the LMLGA deadline is missed.
Moved and seconded
1. That Council authorize the creation of the Corporate Governance and Human Resources
Resolutions Subcommittee; and
2. That Council endorse the Terms of Reference for the Corporate Governance and Human
Resources Resolutions Subcommittee
No members of the public asked any questions or made any comments to Council.
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The Mayor provided a year in review for 2023 and Council provided an update on their participation in
recent community events.
16. ADJOURNMENT -9:49 pm
Certified Correct:
C. M~ Officer