HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLSC 2015-02-12 Minutes.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge
and the
City of Pitt Meadows
The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services
Commission, held in the Blaney Room at Maple Ridge City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge,
British Columbia, on Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 6:30 pm.
Commissioner Nicole Read, Chair
Commissioner John Becker, Vice-Chair
Commissioner Richard Boulton
Commissioner Nancy Jellett
Commissioner Don Mitchell
Commissioner David Murray
Commissioner Dave Rempel
Commissioner Shannon Roberts
Commissioner Tyler Shymkiw
Commissioner Christine Smith
Commissioner Mike Stark
Commissioner Stefany Tunshell
Kelly Swift
David Boag
Wendy McCormick
Sue Wheeler
Yvonne Chui
Don Cramb
Bruce McLeod
Geoff Mallory
Ingrid Kraus
Commissioner Eleanor Palis
Commissioner Mike Murray
Commissioner Kiersten Duncan
City of Maple Ridge, Mayor
City of Pitt Meadows, Mayor
Member at Large, Pitt Meadows
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
City of Pitt Meadows, Councillor
School District No. 42, Board of Education, Trustee
Member at Large, Pitt Meadows
City of Maple Ridge, Councillor
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
City of Pitt Meadows, Councillor
Member at Large, Maple Ridge
General Manager: Community Development, Parks &
Recreation Services
Director of Parks and Facilities
Director of Recreation
Director, Community Services
Recreation Manager Arts & Community Connections
Recreation Manager
Manager, Park Planning & Development
Manager, Parks & Open Space
Executive Assistant
School District No. 42, Board of Education, Trustee
School District No. 42, Board of Education, Chair
City of Maple Ridge, Councillor
There being a quorum present, Chair Nicole Read called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
1. Welcome & Introductions
Commissioner Read welcomed everyone to the meeting and waived the introductions.
2. Adoption of the Agenda
R15-014 It was moved and seconded
) That the Agenda for February 12, 2015 be adopted as circulated.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -February 12, 2015
3. Minutes of the Commission Regular Meeting -January 8, 2015
R15-015 It was moved and seconded
That the Minutes of the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting of January 8, 2015 be approved as circulated.
4. Delegations
4.1 Artist in Residence -Ms. Rabi Smith and Ms. Rebecca Fisher
Ms. Yvonne Chui made the introductions and each then provided an overview of their
programs and services using a PowerPoint presentation.
4.2 Albion Football Club Update -Mr. Mike Smith, President
Due to illness, the club's representatives were unable to attend. This item will be
deferred to the March meeting.
5. Decision Items
5.1 Festival Support Subcommittee Formation
Sue Wheeler introduced the annual process and the need to form a sub committee
as per the Commission's policy. There are two funding cycles for festival applications
with the first intake closing February 10. The second intake is for festivals being held
between December 1, 2015 and April 30, 2016; that application deadline is May 31,
2016. For the first intake, recommendations will be brought back to Commission
for approval at the March meeting.
Following a discussion Commissioners Richard Boulton, Dave Rempel, Christine
Smith and Stephanie Tunshell volunteered. Commissioner Rempel withdrew his
name as he has served in the past.
It was moved and seconded
That Commissioners Stephanie Tunshell, Christine Smith, Richard Boulton and, PLS staff
member Kathryn Baird, Coordinator Festivals & Volunteers, form the sub-committee to review
festival support applications for 2015 and develop recommendations for consideration and
approval by the Commission.
5.2 Discovery Playhouse Children's Society
Mr. Don Cramb spoke to the report indicating this was an extenuating circumstance
and the tenant experienced a number of interruptions during the renovation period.
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -February 12, 2015
It was moved and seconded
That a recommendation be forwarded to Pitt Meadows Council:
1. To authorize staff to negotiate the terms of an additional three-year agreement with
Discovery Playhouse Children's Society.
2. That once completed, the new agreement be forwarded to Pitt Meadows Council for
Opposed -Commissioner John Becker.
5.3 Cottonwoods Child Care Centre -Lease
Wendy McCormick introduced the report and indicated that the preschool is located
in the Planet Ice facility. This is last renewal period for this lease.
It was moved and seconded
That a recommendation be forwarded to Maple Ridge Council that the Corporate Officer be
authorized to sign and seal the Cottonwoods Child Care Lease Agreement 2014-2018.
5.4 Golden Ears Winter Club (GEWC) -Operating Agreement
Wendy McCormick provided an update on discussions with the GEWC and their
financial challenges and issues around operating the facility.
Staff have looked at the various ways that the club could save some money and
continue without incurring further debt. While Commission is not in a position to
provide additional funding at this time, a staff person could be provided to determine
if there is an opportunity to support the club and complete an analysis in order to
bring back a recommendation. In addition, staff would like to research what other
communities are doing to support their curling facilities. A discussion followed.
It was moved and seconded
That staff be directed to do a full need assessment and financial analysis on the curling
operation and facility management and bring a recommendation back to Commission prior to
the conclusion of the 2014-2015 curling season.
5.5 Invitation to Host the 55+ BC Games (BC Seniors Games Society)
A request was made to move this to Discussion Items #6.3.
6. Discussion Items
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -February 12, 2015
6.1 Recording Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission Meetings
Commissioner Read introduced the topic and suggestion to have Commission meetings
recorded. She explained the purpose of the Mayor's Open Government Task Force
and attempts to bring more council meetings into the public realm for citizens to be
able to see and hear the discussions. Currently both Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows
Council have the ability to record and livestream their Council meetings and there is a
desire to take this further to Committees and Commissions of Councils. A discussion
Kelly Swift indicated that the intention was to introduce the idea and thanked the
Commission members for their candid discussion. Staff will obtain more information
on the timelines for equipping the meeting rooms.
Commissioner Read thanked everyone for their input which will be taken back to the
Open Government Task Force. A resolution will be deferred pending a further review by
6.2 Concession Agreements with Sports Clubs
Geoff Mallory provided an update and history on the long standing agreements that
have been in place with the sports club to run the concessions. Staff are
recommending that we continue to work with the founding sports groups to operate
during the games. A discussion followed and staff will move forward with the contract
renewal process.
Commissioner Roberts mentioned that there appears to be a roofing advertisement
sign on the building and staff will follow up.
6.3 Invitation to Host the 55+ BC Games (BC Seniors Games Society)
Wendy McCormick referred to the letter received from the BC Senior Games Society to
host the 2017, 2018 or 2019 Seniors Games. These invitations have been declined
for a number of years as they require services that are not available in our
communities, such as hotel rooms. In addition, the ability to host a banquet for up to
4,000 people is required. There is the option to partner with a neighbouring
municipality to host the games. Following a discussion, staff was asked to bring more
information back to Commission for further consideration.
7. Information Items
7.1 Sport Field User Association Minor Capital Improvement
Geoff Mallory provided an update on the minor capital plan, Sport Field Associations
and replacing the artificial turf field carpets. Staff will be meeting with the sports
associations to receive their requests for 2015. A discussion followed with questions
on field grooming and maintenance. Kelly Swift suggested that if Commission is
interested in the field maintenance program, staff could come back with a
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -February 12, 2015
7.2 Chilcotin Park
Geoff Mallory provided an update on the plans to replace the playground equipment in
this park. Initially it was built as a tot lot and then replaced with equipment for ages up
to 12 years. Complaints have been received regarding the higher structure and noise
from the hollow plastic tubes. Staff will be conducting a public open house on
February 28 to gather comments and feedback from residents in the area. Once
removed, the existing play equipment will be re-used and installed at Belle Morse Park.
Staff then showed drawings with the options that will be provided at the open house.
Commissioner Shymkiw spoke to the issues and some of the information he received
from area residents. He then showed a photo of the original play equipment.
7.3 Trail Connection under Golden Ears Bridge
Bruce McLeod provided an update on the connecting trail under the bridge and showed
various maps of the sections. The site is owned by Translink and when they subdivided
into two lots, Maple Ridge secured a right of way from Hazelwood Street to Pitt
Meadows for public access. Maple Ridge applied for and received a cycling
infrastructure grant from Ministry of Highways in the amount of $50,000 towards the
project. Work on the trail will include a gravel surface on certain portions of the
existing dyke and completion of this project is anticipated for June.
7.4 Whonnock Lake Second Open House Update
Bruce McLeod provided an update on the progress to the park planning and showed
the latest drawings. A discussion followed.
7.5 Letter to Haney Farmers Market (HFM)
Kelly introduced both pieces of correspondence and the response to the Haney
Farmers Market letter. For many years staff has worked with a number of groups to
share the park. In 2014, a resolution could not be reached and, as this matter was
time sensitive for both Societies, a decision was made to provide the Caribbean
Festival with exclusive use of the park.
7.6 Letter from Haney Farmers Market
Kelly Swift advised that there is a Commission Appeal Policy which will be offered to the
Haney Farmers Market. Per the policy, the Appeals Sub-committee is made up of both
Mayors, the School Trustee Chair and a Citizen-at-large member. Following a
discussion, Commissioner Richard Boulton volunteered to participate. Staff will
coordinate the meeting.
8. Commission Liaison Reports
Dave Rempel extended a personal invitation to Commission members. Following a
discussion, it was suggested that he could coordinate the details with Kelly Swift and Ingrid
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Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes -February 12, 2015
9. Staff Liaison Reports
Kelly Swift announced that the BC Recreation and Parks Conference will be held May 6-8 in
Victoria, BC. This is a good chance to learn more about parks and recreation and there is an
opportunity to send two Commission members. Council members on Commission would use
their Mayor and Council conference budget if they wished to attend. The conference
program will be circulated via email and brought back as a decision item at the March
Question Period-Nil
Motion to Adjourn
It was moved and seconded
That the Parks and Leisure Services Commission move into a Closed Meeting pursuant to
242(e) the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the Council
considers that disclosure might reasonably be expect to harm the interests of the municipality.
The regular meeting adjourned at 9:05 pm.
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