HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-01-18 Adopted Public Hearing Minutes.pdfPRESENT Elected Officials Mayor M. Morden Councillor J. Dueck Councillor C. Meadus Councillor G. Robson Councillor R. Svendsen Councillor A. Yousef City of Maple Ridge REPORT OF PUBLIC HEARING January t8,2022 The report of the Public Hearing held as a virtual meeting hosted in the Council Chambers of City Hall, l-1-995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia on January 13,2022 aI 7:01- p.m. Appointed Staff S. Hartman, Chief Administrative Officer C. Carter, General Manager Planning & Development Services C. Crabtree, General Manager Corporate Services D. Pollock, General Manager Engineering Services P. Hlavac-Winsor, General Counsel and Executive Director, Legislative Services S. Nichols, Corporate Officer ABSENT Councillor K. Duncan Other Staff as Required C. Goddard, Director of Planning J. Kim, Computer Support Specialist Note: Due to the COVID-1-9 pandemic, Councillor Dueck, Councillor Meadus, Councillor Robson, Councillor Svendsen, and Councillor Yousef participated electronically. The Mayor chaired the meeting from Council Chambers. Mayor Morden called the meeting to order. The Corporate Officer explained the procedure and rules of order of the Public Hearing and advised that the bylaws will be considered further at the next Council Meeting on January 25,2022. The Mayor then called upon Planning Department staff to present the following items on the agenda: 2024-LL7-RZ #L - 23382 River Road Lot 2 District Lot 275 Group l- New Westminster District PIan 76507 Maple Ridge Temporary Use Permit No. 2021-LL7-RZ To permit a thrift store retail use within Unit #1- of the existing M-2 (General lndustrial) zoned building. The current application is to allow for a temporary retail thrift clothing store within the small diner/restaurant whose dining room is closed due to COVID restrictions. 1) City of Maple Ridge Public Hearing Minutes January LB,2022 Page 2 The Director of Planning gave a detailed description providing information on the application. The Corporate Officer advised lhal27 notices were mailed out in relation to this application and that no correspondence was received in response. The Mayor called for speakers three times. There being no comment, the Mayor declared this item dealt with. 2) Aquifer Mapping Update, Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No. 7802-2021 To remove the Figure 7 Aquifer Map from the Official Communily Plan and clarify that groundwater resources and regulations are the jurisdiction of the Provincial government. The Director of Planning gave a detailed description providing information on the application. The Corporate Officer advised that no notices were mailed in relation to the item as the item is a text amendment. The Mayor called for speakers three times. There being no comment, the Mayor declared this item dealt with 3a) 2OL9-255-RZ L2297 2229lreeland 22175 &22L85 123 Avenue Parcel "4" (Reference Plan L29Og) Lot 5 Except: Firstly: Parcel "8" (Reference Plan L3374); Secondly: Parcel "D" (Explanatory Plan 1-3727); District Lot 396 Group 1- New Westminster District Plan 830; Lot 9 District Lot 396 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 1-.5728; and Lot 1-0 District Lot 396 Group l- New Westminister District Plan 1-5728. Maple Ridge Official CommunityAmending Bylaw No. 78O3-2021" To redesignate portions of the subject properties by adding and removing Conservation. City of Maple Ridge Public Hearing Minutes January tB,2022 Page 3 3b) 2OL9-255-RZ L2297 222 Streel and 2217 5 & 22L85 123 Aven ue Parcel "4" (Reference Plan t29og) Lot 5 Except: Firstly: Parcel "8" (Reference Plan L3374); Secondly: Parcel "D" (Explanatory Plan t3727); District Lot 396 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 830; Lot 9 District Lot 396 Group 1- New Westminster District Plan 1.5728; and Lot 1-0 District Lot 396 Group l- New Westminister District Plan 1.5728. Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No.78L2-2O2t To rezone from RS-1- (Single Detached Residential) to CD-6-21- (Medium Density Mixed Use Rental and Market Apartment Residential). The current application is to permit the future construction of a seven-storey rental apartment building with 104 units intended to be utilized by seniors and persons with various disabilities. The Director of Planning gave a detailed description providing information on the application. The Corporate Officer advised that 266 notices were mailed out in relation to this application and that correspondence expressing concern with the application was received from J. Blight expressing concerns with on-street parking and M. Mulan expressing concern with the impact on wildlife, blocking of view and removal from conservation area. The Mayor called for speakers a first time J. BliÉht Mr. Blight, who represents the strata complex directly across the street from the application expressed concerns with current and future on-street parking, increased density and access out of the complex. Mr. Blight advised that it is diflicult for pedestrians walking south on 222nd Street, heading toward transit accessibility at Dewdney, and contending with vehicles in a single lane roadway on 222nd Street. The Mayor called for speakers a second and third time. There being no comment, the Mayor declared this item dealt with. 4a) 2OL9-268-RZ 22340 & 22328 St. An ne Aven ue and 11654 & LL664 223 Street Lot21- Block 6 District Lot 398 Group l- New Westminster District Plan 1-55; Lot22 Block 6 District Lot 398 Group l- New Westminster District Plan 1-55; Lot B District Lot 398 Group 1- New Westminster District PIan 1-6366; Lot C, Except Part in Plan LMPI-4886, District Lot 398 Group 1- New Westminster District Plan l-6366 City of Maple Ridge Public Hearing Minutes January tB,2022 Page 4 Maple Ridge Officia I Com m u n ity Amend ing Bylaw No. 7 7 96-2O21 To amend Town Centre Area Plan Policy 3-38 to allow the building height to be increased to six-storeys for sites designated Low-Rise Multi-Family Apartment, Commercial, and Mixed-Use in Poft Haney. 4b) 2OL9-268-RZ 22340 &22328 St. Anne Avenue and 11654 & 11664 223 Street Lol21- Block 6 District Lot 398 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan l-55; Lot22 Block 6 District Lot 398 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 1-55; Lot B District Lot 398 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 1-6366; Lot C, Except Part in Plan LMPI-4886, District Lot 398 Group 1- New Westminster District Plan l-6366 Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7584-2019 To rezone from C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) and RS-l- (One Family Urban Residential) to CD-3-21 (Medium Density CRM Commercial/Residential). The current application is to permit the future construction of a six-storey mixed-use building with 1-1-1- apartment units and 535.46 m2 (6,tL512) of office and retail space. The Director of Planning gave a detailed description providing information on the application. The Corporate Oflicer advised that 58 notices were mailed out in relation to this application and that no correspondence was received in response. The Mayor called for speakers three times. There being no comment, the Mayor declared this item dealt with Having given all those persons whose interests were deemed affected by the matters contained herein a chance to be heard, the Mayor adjourned the Public Hearing at 7:30 p.m. . Morden, Mayor Certified Correct S. Nichols, Corporate Officer