HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-02-09 Workshop Agenda and ReportsCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL WORKSHOP A GENDA February 9, 2004 9:00 a.,,t. Blaney Room, P Floor, Municipal Hall The purpose of the Council Workshop is to review and debate policies and other items of interest to Council. Although resolutions may be passed at this meeting, the intent is to make a consensus decision to send an item to Council for debate and vote or refer the item back to stafffor more information or clarfl cation. REMINDERS February 9 Closed Council 11:00 a.m. February 10 Council 7:00 p.m. February 11 Joint Meeting with Mission Council 7:00 p.m. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA MINUTES - February 2, 2004 DELEGATIONS 3.1 Water Route for Cargo, Fraser Port Authority, Allen Domaas UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS 4.1 Financial Workshop - Property Taxation 4.2 Proposed Town Hall Meeting Agenda - Downtown Core 5 CORRESPONDENCE 5.1 Township of Langley, Status of Albion Ferry Review Fax dated January 30, 2004 from Mayor Alberts of the TransLink staff report to the GVTA Board of Directors regarding the Status of the Albion Ferry Review. Council Workshop February 9, 2004 Page 2 of 2 6 BRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL MA TTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT ADJOURNMENT Rules for Holding a Closed Meeting A part of a council meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to one or more of the following: personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality; personal information about an identifiable individual who is being considered for a municipal award or honour, or who has offered to provide a gift to the municipality on condition of anonymity; labour relations or employee negotiations; the security of property of the municipality; the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure might reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; law enforcement, if the council considers that disclosure might reasonably be expected to harm the conduct of an investigation under or enforcement of an enactment; litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality; an administrative tribunal hearing or potential administrative tribunal hearing affecting the municipality, other than a hearing to be conducted by the council or a delegate of council the receiving pf advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; information that is prohibited or information that if it were presented in a document would be prohibited from disclosure under section 21 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public; (1) discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report] a matter that, under another enactment, is such that the public may be excluded from the meeting; the consideration of whether a council meeting should be closed under a provision of this subsection of subsection (2) the consideration of whether the authority under section 91 (other persons attending closed meetings) - - - -- - information relating to local government participation in provincial negotiations with First Nations, where an agreement provides that the information is to be kept confidential. 1-0-04; 4:51pM;TOL ADMIN # 1/ 3 Townshp of 4914 - 221 Street Langley BC V3A 3Z8 534-3211 Langiey Website Address: http://www.tol.bc.ca FAX TRANSMITTAL FORM F FEB 0, 22004 MA YOR AND COUNCIL DATE: January 30, 2004 Est 1873 Number of pages including cover sheet: 3 TO: Mayor Kathy Morse FROM: Patty Cat/in District of Maple Ridge Legislative Services Department for the Mayor K. Alberts Township of Langley Phone: 604-463-5221 Phone: 604. 533-6100 Fax: 604-467-7329 Fax phone: 604. 533-6052 cc: e-mail: pcatlin@toLbc.ca REMARKS: URGENT- Please deliverA.S.A.P. D For your re view Il As requested 0 Reply asap 0 Please comment 0 For distribution to Subject: Status of Albion Ferry Review Further to our discussion today, please find attached the TransLink's staff report to the GVTA Board of Directors regarding the Status of Albion Ferry Review. Patty Legislative Services Department for Mayor K. Alberts Township of Langley Ph: 604-533-6000 SO./ 1-30-04; 4:51PM;TOL- ADMIN ;604 5336052 # 2/ 3 • 1.4 TransLink r:CEEDBYCOUNCI L 1600-4720Kingsway TRAN Burnaby, BC V5H 4N2 Canada CHAIR OFLNGLEY Tel 604-453-4500 Fax 604-453-4637 •www.transfink.bc.ca Doug McCallum Greater Vancouver To: GVTA Board of Directors Transprtation Authority DIRECTORS From: Fred Cunimings, Project Director, Fraser er CrC E I yE 0 1 Fred Bass 53—To1 Date: November 21, 2003 NOV 25 2003 Malcolm Brodle David Cadman Subject: Stabs of Albion Fe Review ADMN. & LEG. SRViCJ Larry Campbell UWNSHP OF LANGLEY Marlene Grinnell PURPOSE Marvin Hunt To advise the GVTA Board of Directors that the evaluation of options and Don MacLean recommendation for the future of the Albion Ferry service will be deferred until April Barbara Sharp 2004 to coincide with the completion of the Maple RidgefPitt Meadows Area Transft Plan. Joe Trasoilnl Wayne Wright Sr.'rIYoung DISCUSSION • The proposed New Fraser River Crossing (FRC) will provide a vital new fixed link CEO between communities on the south side of the river - Surrey and Langley - and the north- Pat Jacebaen side communities of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. The crossing would replace the Albion Ferry. In May 2002 the GVTA Board approved a financing plan for FRC that included diverting the $4.7 million annual Albion Ferry operating funds to offset the on-going annual FRC debt servicing and operating costs. Based on this decision, the Albion Ferry would be discontinued in late 2007 with the implementation of the FRC. However, following that decision, municipalities on both sides of the river expressed an interest in the continuation of a ferry service. In March 2003, to assist the GVTA Board with their decision, GVTA staff presented four options for the future of the Albion Ferry operation including: GVTA continues to operate the service, but on a user-pay basis. GVTA discontinues and decommissions the ferry service. GVTA sells the whole operation. 125 1-30-04; 4:51pM;TOL ADMIN ;604 5336052 # 3/ 3 -2- 4. GVTA transfers the Albion Ferry operation to the municipalities of Langley Township and Maple Ridge for them to decide how to operate and fund the service. At that time, GVTA staff agreed to evaluate these options and put forward a recommendation to the GVTA Board by November 2003, concurrent with the timing for the financial and inipleiientation plan for the FRC. The evaluation of the Albion Ferry options presented in March 2003 is underway, however, the work program to evaluate the options was changed to accommodate the schedule for the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Area Transit Plan (ATP). The ATP began in September and isizpected to be finalized in April 2004. The introduction of the FRC in 2007 is a consideration in the ATP process. Transit concepts to be discussed with area residents include new bus routes across the FRC to connect municipal centres on both sides of the river. In addition, the scope of the ATP assignment includes a feasibility assessment of a passenger ferry service in the vicinity of the current Albion Ferry to connect with the proposed Albion West Coast Express station. Coordinating the Albion Ferry assessment with the ATP offers an opportunity to combine the public information and market research efforts for both assignments. A number of the current ferry users live in Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge. Market research regarding their willingness to pay a toll for the vehicle service will help establish whether there will be sufficient demand to sustain the current service following the implementation of the FRC. A preliminary assessment of the demand for a vehicle ferry service indicates that the ferry may continue to attract some vehicle traffic, however, the revenues that could be anticipated from this demand may not be sufficient to cover the annual operating costs. GVTA staff will continue to coordinate activities for both the Albion Ferry review and the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows area transit pinnng process over the next few months. Input received from residents during the ATP will be integrated into the Albion Ferry assessment. GVTA staff will bring forward a recommendation in April 2004 concurrent with the completion of the ATP. 126 The Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Council Workshop - Financial Matters 2004 Proposed Schedule 1. Property Taxation - Part 1 ..c.S.tatutory & Legal - Assessments - Tax Rates - MR philosophy - Tax Burden Distribution - Council Options February 9,2004 9:30— 11:00AM Property Taxation - Part 11 February 23,2004 9:30— 11:00AM Municipal Comparatives - Taxation as an Economic Development tool - Tax Exemptions - legal, costs & benefits, MR policy; political reality - Other Taxing Authorities Other Revenue Sources - Part 1 March 8,2004 10:00— 11:00AM - Use of Utilities for specific services & transparency - User Fees & Charges; how much should fees support each service? Other Revenue Sources - Part II March 29, 2004 10:00 - 11:00AM - Investments Other Revenue Sources - Part III April 5, 2004 9:30 - 11:00AM - Reserves and Reserve Funds - Reserve Fund levels - Policies - Opportunities & Risks of dependency Financial Statements - What are they and what do they represent? April 19, 2004 9:00— 11:00AM - Management Statements - Combined Operating Statements - Consolidated Financial Statements • Why you can have a balanced budget but unfavourable financial results - Need to be vigilant of financial performance - Future Disclosure Requirement - Financial Statement Discussion & Analysis - Municipal Comparatives Property Taxation & Assessment Refresher May 10, 2004 10:00 - 11:00AM - Statutory & Legal - Assessments - Tax Rates - MR philosophy - Tax Burden Distribution - Council Options - Municipal Comparatives - Other Taxing Authorities Debt as a Financial Tool June 7, 2004 9:30 - 1 1:00AM - Method to allocate cost of capital expenditures to future users - Directly recognizes the cost.of capital - Cost effective and budget efficient; provides spending leverage - Eliminates some cyclical spending patterns - Legal - Impacts and can restrict future decisions Financial Plan Sept. 27. 2004 9:30 - 11:00AM - Legal - Decision making tool & linkage to Business Planning. - Risk Assessment - Financial Sustainability (needs & wants) - Proportion to each Functional Area - Future impact of Accrual & Fixed Asset Accounting & FSD&A - Impact of other Authorities (GVRD, FVLB, GVTA Schools etc.) - Corporate decision making doesn't always take into account financial impacts Expenditures Oct. 4,2004 9:30 - 11:00AM - Spending Authority - Practices - Agreements - Municipal Comparatives by Function Other Matters Deemed by Council Open dates - Partnerships & Agreements - Value & Performance Measurement - Community Charter financial changes & impacts •Property Taxation • Other Revenue Sources • Financial Statements • bebt • Financial Plan • Expenditures • Other Financial Matters beemed by 5chedule • Part of the Monday Cou • February - June; September - • Flexible Proper1y Taxation • Comparatives • Statutory & Legal • Assessments • Tax Rates • MR Philosophy • Tax Burden Distribution •Q&A Mm.kIp.I P,op.,Iy Tax P., CpI O II i S Average Sin9Ie Family Home - 2003 Pitt Mead. Lang. IS Surtay Maple Ridge Coquitiam poCo Mission White Rock NVan Dist. West Van 0 500 1Q00 1500 2000 2500 3000 P.p.fly T. Was $60 Assessments • the purpose of BCAA is to: Establish and maintain assessmeütthat are uniform in the whole of the provin • the Assessment Act requires that: The Authority produce annual ossessrn rolls with the assessments at actual vo 'Structure • Independent Crown Corp. • Assessment Commissioner • 550 employees • 10 regions; 22 field offices • MR - North Fraser Assessment Region • Area Assessor - Kash Kong • Valuation of total area - $70 B - 220K folios • MR - 24K folios & 26K roll entries - $6.18 d Web-Site • User friendly • Valuation process • Services provided • Appeal process • Office location • Contacts • How do you compare?? - Assessment by address bates July 1, 2003 - ValuatioIrbte for 2004 Oct. 31, 2003 - Permissive pJons 2004 Oct. 31, 2003 - Estimate of 2004 Ascssfte Oct. 31, 2003 - Farm Application 2004 Oct. 31, 2003 - Physical Condition & Permit Nov. 30, 2003 - 2004 Roll = Land Titles reco tes (cont.) Dec. 31, 2003 - 2004 Assessnt Roll mailed Jan. 31, 2004 - Appeal bate beodlir, Feb. 1 - Mar. 15, 2004 - Review Panel HeQrrng Mar. 15, 2004 - Sec. 19(8) Application bea I Mar. 31, 2004 - Revised Assessment Roll Key bates (con't.) Apr. 7, 2004 - becision Notices mailed Mid- April, 2004 - Revised Roll April 30, 2004 - Appeal Board Appeal Checks'4iBa lances • Internal, external, public out • Property Assessment Review • Property Assessment Appeal • Court System Relationshipbetween Assessment and Taxation • The assessments determinehedistribution of property taxes in each class hojthe tax burden will be shared among all owners) • Council sets the tax burden and the am u that will be raised by each class of prope • The assessment distribution is usually different from the taxation distribution Relationship between Assessment and Tdxation Assessed Value X Tax Rate 1ox Payable .•' BCAA MR Council Tax Pa yer ssesment Roll • Ownership • Actual Value Assessment N • Classification (by classes) 1. Residential 2.Utilities 3.Unmanaged Forest Land 4.Major Industry 51ight Industry 6.8usiness & Other 7.Managed Forest 8.Recreation/Non-Prof it Organizations 9.Farm Morl<et Movement • Actual (market) valueJuly 1, 2003 • Residential: - assessed value increased by 14.810.93% due to market & 3.87% growth - single family very strong - strata & townhouse adversely affected o tr past few yrs. due to bldg. failures: these hve been repaired & values appreciated • Commercial/Industrial: - light industry up by 8.86% - commercial & other up by 4.48% - major industry down by 16% S tàab1e Assessment Roll bistribution 0. ToxableAssessment Roll bistr&Ition 2004 91.2% Sment & Taxation biStribution Assessmenf & Taxation bistribution cc Taxation Rate Burden bistri bution N 1. Residential 1.00: 1.00 2.Utilities '84: 1.00 4 Major Industry 1069 100 51ight Industry 3.051O0 6.Business & Other 2.83: 1QO 8.Rec./Non-Prof it Organizations 2.25: 9.Farm 3.22 : * Farm value assessment set using a statutory ra I.e. - not market 'Tax Rates • Authority • Policy - Statutory flexibility - fairness - allocation between Classes • Ratio • Allocation within Class is driven by assessment weight. Philosophy • besired relative stability amo the classes from year to year • Transfer of tax burden to resid & from industrial classes • Light Industry Tax: Business Tax Taxation Opt ions • Averaging & Phasing In Options - applies to land assessment only - average assessed value of the landi - phase assessed value over 2 yrs. • Variable Tax Rates/Tax Class Ratios - share of burden amongst classes - parcel taxes for specific services tl • FV Library Taxation Next Session - Feb. 23 Part IT • Municipal Comparatives - Re • Taxation as an Economic be Tool • Tax Exemptions - statutory changes & legal - cost benefit consideration - MR Policy review & update • Other Taxation Authorities QUestions and Discussion:, Thank You 1. ) V . - - - -L - I - - 77 i__ lk City of Maple Ridge February 09, 2004 Allen Domaas Fraser River Port Authority Provide Council with background information Provide Council with a vision of 0' Provide Council with FRPA position on 200th Street crossing of the Fraser Answer questions. eam Total Economic Impacts of Fraser River Port (2003) Type of Impact Jobs Job Income (mflhions) GDP I (miUons) Economk Output Direct 12 1 400 $580 $880 $2.3 blihon Indirect 13,500 $540 $840 $1.8 billion Induced 8 1 800 $370 $600 $1.2 billion Total 134,700 1$1,490 1 $53 billion gw Direct Iimpacts of Fraser River Port 00 direct,1. jobs (2000.these * Pattullo) $580 direct a a a • •aa $50,400 :1 A L. 41 :' •'iç I mom r wfs _ FRASER RIVER 1I•I - 'aiiaua FRASER RIVER P= RT C~adg Quote from the House of Commons Standing Committee on Transportation 1995 i - -*y I U "-I k! : \ ; 'T 4 \ - _ LJvie I tr nA Sv__ N I I I gt 4p ""A_ Wate r-R out e for C v 7%~'l v Mw PS*1R to PEIRT - Canad1 [Nodes Eburne site Mitchell Island Burnaby Big Bend Richmond Properties (Coast 2000 terminal) Tilbury Island Delta Properties site Surrey Properties area Brunette Creek area Pitt Meadows airport Port Kells Mission area 11 JU!.. ' MOK Ljw Big ti RucIIyiopd Propert .. -. • Srey -oertfrs ' - g :' -. WA c: .... -. - . • •.,, Advantage(.:)s] IWaterborne Transportation dedicated right-of-wa lower public cost of infrastructure I fewer social and environmental impacts io. . . . . . . . . . . 70 R-1 P irn 1:. J IMF U __ I : 1r - .1 te,c• P1 • :1 I ,1. FRASER RIVER P1RT Canad Relative Environmental Cost of Transportation Modes i 80 :1. • S I 40 30 I S I Emissions Accidents Spills Noise I Inland Distribution Network (NY/NJ) 257 additional dockworker jobs —ifl eliminate 1,000 1U trips per day I Other Success Stories Seaspan Coastal lH Intermodal lip 'ii - - - -z--.-- LeH!gh Cement -- - I - 1 - - 4' I NN -' H Strategies ,for IEncouragingj WaterborneI Transportation - • cohesive regional planning and investment in transportation infrastructure • cohesive economic development planning that balances competing uses for Fraser River enhance public awareness of advantages of YAYM(I ii•]1iTItransportation FIGURI: 12 -. FRASER RIVER PORT AUTHORITYADMINISTERED UPLANDS - LAND USE DESIGNATIONS I r 3y Fraser Brownsville Coastal ShippIng, Open SpaceUss Port Services & TermInai Usos Industrial Uos Ii-n;c-'r i-naps aie rio to the same scale. Areasi for r.i ii t Ridge/FRPA discussion —impediments lOIfuture water 'I.] I i'I 1 iii huh Fraser River Crossing (200th Street bridge) A!M(1 .1 u[111(11 Ii III iuitI fl • ir'x.I Pitt River Bridge Improvements $200M Port Bridge Twinning& 1 Cope Horn Interchange Upgrade North 580M South Fraser Perimeter Road I $500M j ç 'em'te - I Hwy 1 East Upgrades : , Sefeeh'i/ $155M J FraserRiver Crossing L $600M Louglieed Hwy Improvements ___ • Costs do not include expanded _proram Next Steps increase PUblicwai ii i1*i Future Partners in Waterborne Commerce? GVTA/GVRD Province of British Columbia Ott- - ----- - •_,... ;