HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-03-15 Workshop Agenda and ReportsCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL WORKSHOP A GENDA March 15, 2004 9:00a.m. Blaizey Room, F t Floor, Municipal Hall The purpose of the Council Workshop is to review and discuss policies and other items of interest to Council. Although resolutions may be passed at this meeting, the intent is to tnake a consensus decision to send an item to Council for debate and vote or refer the item back to stafffor more information or clarfIcation. REMINDERS Audit & Finance Committee 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon Committee of the Whole 1:00p.m. Closed Council Following Workshop ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA MINUTES - March 8, 2004 DELEGATIONS - Nil UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS 4.1 Demonstration of SPAM Shark Software Program 4.2 Discussion of Draft 2003 Annual Report See attached copy of the Report. Council Workshop March 15, 2004 Page 2 of 3 CORRESPONDENCE 5.1 Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada, Financial Assistance Letter dated March 1, 2004 from E.H. Jackson, Past President, seeking financial assistance for the Association. BRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL MA TTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT ADJOURNMENT Checked bi: Date Council Workshop March 15, 2004 Page 3 of 3 Rules for Holding a Closed Meeting A part of a council meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to one or more of the following: personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality; personal information about an identifiable individual who is being considered for a municipal award or honour, or who has offered to provide a gift to the municipality on condition of anonymity, labour relations or employee negotiations; the security of property of the municipality; the acguisition disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure might reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; law enforcement, if the council considers that disclosure might reasonably be expected to harm the conduct of an investigation under or enforcement of an enactment; litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality; an administrative tribunal hearing or potential administrative tribunal hearing affecting the municipality, other than a hearing to be conducted by the council or a delegate of council the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; U) information that is prohibited or information that if it were presented in a document would be prohibited from disclosure under section 21 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; (k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public; (I) discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report] a matter that, under another enactment, is such that the public may be excluded from the meeting; the consideration of whether a council meeting should be closed under a provision of this subsection of subsection (2) the consideration of whether the authority under section 91 (other persons attending closed meetings) should be exercised in relation to a council meeting. information relating to local government participation in provincial negotiations with First Nations, where an agreement provides that the information is to be kept confidential. Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge Annual Report - 2003 -~A - MAPLE RIDGE Incorporated 12 September. 1574 The District of Maple Ridge has •a very comprehensive business planning process. The process starts with Council strategic direction, including budget guidelines. From there, detailed workplans and financial plans are developed. On a quarterly basis, Council is provided with a financial overview as well as a report on our key accomplishments. Council Focus Areas The purpose of this report is to recap our accomplishments for the past year. It is organized according to the focus areas established by Council: • Governance • Financial Management • Inter-Government Relations/Partherships • Community Relations • Economic Development • Safe and Livable Community • Transportation • Smart Managed Growth • Environment "Discovered Milestones" - work added to business plans during the year - * As the year progresses, pressing issues can come up that require immediate attention - over and above the established work plans. We call these "Discovered Milestones" and they too must be completed. 4/.),, District of Maple Ridge - Annual Report —2003 Page 2 Focus Area: Governance Conduct our business in a manner that will uphold and enhance the public trust. Function as an open government with the greatest possible access by citizens to information and decision making processes. 171 Governance Review - The Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows Parks & Leisure Services Commission is a body comprised of elected representatives from both municipalities and the School District. It provides advice to both municipalities and in the past, relied on a Citizens Advisory Commission for input. Our Governance Review resulted in citizen representation on the Parks & Leisure Services commission and has thus simplified our decision making process. Special Events Grant Policy was prepared and adopted to clarify the level of support that the municipality can provide for special events. Technology Projects - several major information technology projects are under way including the AMANDA property system and mapping capabilities to improve service to our customers. Council workshops, which are held on Mondays, are now open to the public. * Independent Review (Kroll report) was done on the process relating to the town core project. The report was presented to Council at a public meeting and citizens were given an opportunity to raise issues of importance to them. Canada Day * Discovered Milestones District of Maple Ridge - Annual Report - 2003 Page 3 FIiUiLUt J'1uIiugen:e'Iu Develop multi-year financial plans that not only address immediate needs but also address the longer-term financial sustainabilirv of our community. Use afornial, business planning framework as a means to structure decision-making and publicly report our pe,formance. Identfl' methods to expand the tax base and generate non-tax revenue. Continue to use a user-pay philosophy. Provide high quality municipal services to our citizens and customers in a cost effective and efficient manner. Operations Crew, E Collective Bargaining was concluded and the District entered into a multi-year deal with our collective bargaining employees. E 2002 Financial Statement audit reported that the financial position of the District was presented fairly, in all material respects. Grants, Donations, and Fee-for-service Policy was developed to guide the way we handle requests. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report received international recognition by our peers. Downtown Core Negotiating Team was provided with significant financial analysis. Council's strategic direction was confirmed. 2004/2008 Business Plans were completed in alignment with Council's strategic direction. Fire Department Masterplan was drafted and will be finalized in 2004. It will help set the future direction for our fire service. Fire Department Master Plan Committee * Discovered Milestones District of Maple Ridge - Annual Report - 2003 Page 4 Inter-Government Relations/Partnerships Develop and maintain strong, positive working relationships with our adjacent neighbours, the municipalities of Pitt Meadows and Mission; the Katzie First Nations; the provincial government; the Greater Vancouver Regional District; and, TransLink. Identfv and promote the use ofpartnerships with public agencies; business; not-for-profit; community groups: and, volunteers to provide local government and community services in a cost-efficient and effective manner. * Community Kitchens Partnership - we entered into a new partnership for the new Youth Kitchen. * 2010 Olympic Opportunities Committee was formed to see how our community can benefit from. this international event. * Homelessness Coalition Forum was formed to look at solutions for the issue of homelessness in our community. Memorial Peace Park * Discovered Milestones District of Maple Ridge - Annual Report - 2003 Page 5 Community Relations Encourage citizen participation in local government and local government decision-making. Develop methods to communicate on a timely basis with citizens and community groups. Recognize and support the important contribution of volunteers in the community. Strive for enhanced service levels, quality of life and independence by citizens and community organizations in the delivery of leisure services and other municipal services through community development. Santa Claus Parade Customer Service Centre was completed, giving our citizens access to key municipal services in one place - staff from Bylaws, Building, Engineering and Planning Departments all share a common counter and staff from the Finance Department are conveniently located nearby. Two community surveys of our citizens were done to find out about issues of importance to tour citizens. The results were taken into account in developing our business plans. E Recreg4u Internet Registration system was implemented. It allows citizens to register for Parks & Leisure Services programs through the internet. E Arts Centre fund-raising committee met its fund-raising target. Communications function to inform citizens on matters of interest to them was created. Building Community Solutions Study Circle Process engaged the community. Fifteen circles took place and 11 staff members were trained in facilitating the circles. In addition, seven co-facilitated circles were held. Volunteer Information Desk was created in the Maple Ridge Leisure Centre. E Council Chambers Video System was upgraded to improve the information available to citizens who watch Council meetings on television. Customer Service Training was provided for all Leisure Centre staff. Our commitment to customer service was celebrated during Customer Service Week. Community Events such as the Santa Claus Parade helped to build community spirit. * Inmate Labour - we developed a -policy that allows us to use Inmate Labour to help look after our parks and boulevards. * Discovered Milestones District of Maple Ridge - Annual Report —2003 Page 6 Economic Development Use a formal economic development strategy as a means to structure a positive business and investment climate within Maple Ridge. Identj5', in consultation with community stakeholders, specflc new investment and emplQvment opportunities. Build a sustainable community that includes a balance of land use types. Develop a pro-business, customer-service oriented approach in the delivery of municipal services. Develop and maintain high quality community documentation and promotional material to attract investment and employment. An Economic Development Model was endorsed by Council. E Economic Development Funding was provided to help establish a function in the municipality that will be dedicated to Economic Development. Looking north on 22411? Street * Discovered Milestones • District of Maple Ridge - Annual Report - 2003 Page 7 Safe and Livable Community Establish an emergency response and recovery plan in consultation with other public sector agencies, community groups, and other relevant stakeholders. Establish neighbourhood and community education programs to provide citizens with information and materials on emergency planning procedures. Ensure development standards incorporate crime prevention, safety and security concepts. Develop preventative as opposed to remediation initiatives in the delivery offire and police services. Ensure that quality emergency services are delivered in a timely, effective and efficient manner through the development of multi-,véar business plans, which include detailed multi-year financial plans. In partnership with community groups, assist in the provision of leisure and cultural services to ensure access by all citizens. Address the impacts of emerging social issues on the local community and citizens through social planning and collaboration with other levels of government and local service providers. BCERMS Training model Significant training was done on this - the emergency response model that we will follow in the event of an emergency. "Communities in Bloom" - Maple Ridge received the top rating of Five Blooms. Emergency Operations Centre - Renovations at Municipal Hall have provided space for an Emergency Operations Centre. RCMP FOCUS 2003 held a three-day workshop to concentrate on issues of Property Crime, Youth, Road/Traffic Safety, and Organized Crime. E RCMP Grow-Op Team has been created from a cross-section of interested members to be called out on over-time to deal with dismantling grow operations. Of note, there are no additional costs to the creation of this team. Mayors' Consultative Forum on Policing - worked with the RCMP to establish an Integrated Homicide Unit for the Lower Mainland. Hot Summer Nights public education program continued this summer. The program was altered to respect watering restrictions and received great feedback. Charities Committee - the Fire Department conducted their Boot Drive for Muscular Dystrophy in October ($3,580) and the Food Drive in December (10,000 pounds of food and $13,700). Drinking Water Analysis - for the safety of our citizens, the quality of our drinking water is analyzed weekly. * Citizens' Volunteer Bike Patrol became active as of July 1, 2003. The mandate for this group is to reduce the fmancial and social costs of auto thefts and thefts from autos. Currently 22 volunteer bike patrol members * Maple Ridge Fire Department provided assistance in the Interior when the Province declared a state of emergency due to the forest fire situations. During this time, the department was able to maintain service levels for the community. * Sprinkler Bylaw was implemented to improve fire safety in our community. * Discovered Milestones District of Maple Ridge - Annual Report - 2003 Page 8 Transportation Maintain and enhance a multi-modal transportation system within Maple Ridge to provide citizens with safe, efficient alternatives for the movement of individuals and goods. In co-operation with other regional stakeholders, identfv improvements to the inter-municipal transportation svsreni within Greater Vancouver. E Fraser River Crossing bridge option was approved by the TransLink Board. TransLink also committed to undertake an Area Transit plan for Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows in 2003 E Safer City Initiative was launched as a joint project with the RCMP and ICBC to make safety a priority in our Community. The Safer School Travel program is part of this, with the goal of road safety for our elementary schools. TransLink held two well attended public forums in Maple Ridge on the Fraser River Crossing ro Major Paving Projects included Dewdney Trunk Road from 203Tc to 207th and on McNutt to 272nd Area Transit Plan - the District commenced working with TransLink on this. West Coast Express * Discovered Milestones 11 District of Maple Ridge - Annual Report - 2003 Page 9 Smart Managed Growth Develop a land use management process that is timely, open, inclusive, and consultative. Using the Official Community Plan, ensure growth is well managed and establishes a balance of use types that is efficient and enhances the unique quality of lfe in Maple Ridge. Develop land use regulations, bylaws, procedures, and practices to implement the Official Communit Plan. Protect and manage existing municipal infrastructure through the preparation of appropriate plans to ensure development, maintenance and renewal ofparks and open spaces; roads; sidewalks; water, sewer and stormwater systems; and public buildings. E Agricultural Lands Review was started and the Planning Department hosted a farm tour with Council, the ALC and others. E Trail mapping was completed for official Schedule F Equestrian Trails in the District of Maple Ridge. The mapping included GPS verification of trail location, trail conditions, and significant point features such as viewpoints, infrastructure, enhancement areas, and infrastructure. Nearly 120 km of trails were mapped, inventoried, and photographed. E Blue Mountain - early in 2003 local equestrian group members requested that a corridor be designated in the Official Community Plan for a trail at the south boundary of the Blue Mountain forest reserve near 256th Street. The OCP designation has been completed with the corridor added to Schedule "F.' Efforts will continue over the next year with Crown Lands and the Ministry of Forests to obtain the required R.O.W E Hoffman Park is a significant urban park situated off of Harris Road in Pitt Meadows. Much of the park was received by the Municipality as a donation from Hans and Freda Hoffman with a value of well over $1M. A master plan for the site was completed with considerable public involvement to guide future development of the site. E Artificial Turf Field - with the population growth in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows, sport fields in both communities are at a premium. With support from the Parks and Recreation Commission and School District 42 the District was able to complete the planning for an artificial turf field to be located at the new Samuel Roberson Secondary School site, across the street from Albion Park on 104'' Avenue. Construction of the field, which will have five times the capacity of a standard grass field, will begin in the spring of 2004. SPAM control program was implemented. Fraser River Escarpment - Geo-technical review of Fraser River Escarpment was started in 2003. The purpose of the study is to compile and review available information to assess whether there has been any change in the static stability of the escarpment since previous studies in 1978 and 1986. It will also provide a preliminary assessment of the vulnerability of the infrastructure within the escarpment as a result of a major seismic event. * Smart Growth BC - Maple Ridge has partnered with, Smart Growth BC, the Real Estate Institute, and the UBC Centre for Sustainable Communities in a project called Smart Growth on the Ground. The project focuses on the Town Centre and is aimed at increasing the livability and prosperity of the heart of the community. * Discovered Milestones District of Maple Ridge - Annual Report - 2003 Page 10 - I, Environment Promote individual and community responsibility for the stewardship of natural resources. Ident(fy and protect environmental features (such as watercourses) and areas that require special recognition and management. In partnership with other levels of government, adjacent municipalities, and community groups, develop programs and projects to preserve and enhance the natural assets of Maple Ridge. Promote alternative modes (pedestrian, bike and public transit) of travel to reduce reliance on the automobile. 21 Energy Efficiency - Municipal Hall, the RCMP and the three F'irehalls' energy feasibility studies and estimates have been completed. The Pitt Meadows Family Rec Center energy project is 75% complete and energy savings will be monitored for the remainder of 2004 . There are several Maple Ridge Leisure Center Energy conservation studies which are currently about 75% complete and funding assistance, both Federal and Provincial, will be sought during the remainder of 2004 E Stream Mapping - Maple Ridge now has the most extensive stream mapping information system of any municipality in British Columbia - over 430 km of watercourses have been mapped, inventoried, and photographed. All the data has been successfully integrated into the Municipality's GIS mapping system. Maple Ridge is considered a municipal leader in its initiative to promote stream conservation and the healthy management of its watersheds. Phase Four was the last phase of the Stream Mapping project for Maple Ridge. Mosquito Control - The District has tendered for a new contract for Mosquito Control, for annoyance purposes, with our municipal partners, through the GVRD. Completed mapping of mosquito habitat and applied larvicide using integrated pest management methodology. ro Chipping Program - the 2003 household spring and fall chipping program was very successful with a total of 2095 pickups. This comprises approximately 2010 metric tons of material that did not end up in landfills or other waste facilities. View of Golden Ears * Discovered Milestones ,,~Nrm-q, ~'Nalxlj anbirnrrt P rirra rm in 1Ianüia MAPLE RIDGE UNIT No. 379 22326 NORTH AVE. TELEPHONE MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. VEX 8T2 463-6333 j & TO MARCH 1,2004 MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE I AM WRITING THIS LETTER ON BEHALF OF THE ARMY NAVY AND AIR FORCE VETERANS ASSOCIATION OF CANADA, UNIT 379, MAPLE RIDGE.THIS UNIT WAS FORMED BY MAPLE RIDGE VETERANS, AND HAS BEEN A PART OF THIS COMMUNITY FOR MANY YEARS. IT HAS SUPPORTED MANY WORTHY CAUSES OVER THE YEARS AND CONTINUES TO DO SO,SUCH AS MAPLE RIDGE HOSP- ITAL, C. N. I . B. ,BATTERED WOMENS GROUPS, SINGLE MOTHERS, HANDICAPPED VETERANS, AND VETERANS WIDOWS.IT PROVIDES WHEELCHAIRS, SCOOTERS, WALKERS AND OTHER NECESSARY EQUIPMENT TO THOSE IN NEED.THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ARE RAISED EVERY YEAR THROUGH THE MEAT DRAW PROGRAM AND WE ARE COMMITTED TO CONTINUE THIS PROGRAM. OUR ASSESSMENT HAS RISEN FROM $207,000.00 TO $260,000.00 THIS YEAR AND WE EXPECT A BIG INCREASE IN OUR TAXES AS WELL AS A BIG INCREASE IN OUR INSURANCE RATES WHICH HAVE RISEN CONSIDERA8LY OVER THE PAST 4 OR 5 YEARS.OUR FINANCIAL STATEMENTS HAVE SHOWN A MINUS AS OFTEN AS THEY SHOW A PLUS. WE NEED TO UPGRADE THE FRONT OF OUT BUILDING AND PROPERTY, WE NEED TO UPGRADE OUR LOUNGE AND WE NEED A NEW ROOF, A NEW GLASS WASHER, AND A NEW HEATING SYSTEM. OUR CLUB IS HOME TO A LOT OF VETERANS WHO LIVE ALONE AND NEED OUR SUPPORT. WE DO NOT HAVE THE RESORCES TO MEET OUR NEEDS FOR THIS YEAR AND THE PURPOSE OF THIS LETTER IS TO SEEK SOME FORM OF RELIEF FROM THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE, POSSIBLY IN THE FORM OF A GRANT, SO THAT WE CAN CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THE VETERANS OF MAPLE RIDGE AND THOSE IN NEED.. WE WELCOME THE OPPORTUNITY TO MEET WITH YOU AND CAN PRODUCE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS TO SUPPORT OUR REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE. WE AWAIT YOUR REPLY TO THIS LETTER, WITH THE HOPE IT WILL BE FAVOR- ABLE, AND WILL GLADLY BE AT YOUR SERVICE IF NEEDED. RESPECTFULLY,, E.H.JACKSON-PST P T. VETERAN. f rmi, Nawjun tr nrceVrtrram in MAPLE RIDGE UNIT No. 379 22326 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. VEX 8T2 & oO' TO TELEPHONE 463-6333 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR 2003 MINUS PLUS 2454.27 843.55 1295.48 3778.34 232.06 1143.40 686.65 598.68 1820.38 1772.38 644.01 939.21 $7,132.85 $11 .267.65 $3073.89 TOTAL—$10, 206.74 TOTAL—$11 ,267 .65 3,073.89 CONSTITUTES MONEY WE BORROWED FROM THE MEAT DRAW THAT WE ARE COMMITTEDjPAY BACK. TO FOR 2004 WE NEED TO UPGRADE THE FRONT OF THE PROPERTY. THIS INCLUDES PROPERTY AND BUILDING WE NEED TO UPGRADE OUR LOUNGE (BADLY) WE NEED A NEW ROOF. WE NEED A NEW GLASS WASHER WE NEED A NEW HEATING SYSTEM OUR TAXES HAVE RISEN FROM 5551.00 IN 1998 TO 6066.20 IN 2003 OUR INSURANCE RATES HAVE RISEN FROM 5153.00 TO 7490.00 DURING THE SANE PERIOD AND WE EXPECT A SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE IN BOTH, THIS YEAR. • * .. ux- ranz in anabca MAPLE RIDGE UNIT No. 379 MAPLE RIDGE B.C. VEX 8T2 6333 FEBRUARY 12,2004 FEB 172004 MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS MAYOR AND COUNCIL DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE I AN WRITING THIS LETTER ON BEHALF OF THE VETERANS OF THE ARMY NAVY AND AIR FORCE VETERANS ASSOCIATION,UNIT 379,MAPLE RIDGE.UNIT 379 WAS FORMED BY MAPLE RIDGE VETERANS AND HAS BEEN A PART OF THE COMMUNITY FOR MANY YEARS.WE HAVE SUPPORTED MANY WORTHY CAUSES IN MAPLE RIDGE AND CONTINUE TO DO SO,SUCH AS MAPLE RIDGE HOSPITAL, C.N.I.B., BATTERED WOMENS GROUPS, SINGLE MOTHERS AS WELL AS HANDICAPPED VETERANS AND VETERANS WIDOWS. WE PROVIDE WHEELCHAIRS SCOOTERS, WALKERS AND OTHER NECESSARY EQUIPMENT TO THOSE IN NEED. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ARE RAISED BY UNIT 379 EACH YEAR FOR THIS PROGRAM AND WE ARE COMMITTED TO THIS BY WAY OF MEAT DRAWS EVERY WEEK. UNIT 379 HAS APPROXIMATELY 250 MEMBERS7 CONSISTING OF VETERANS, THEIR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS. A NUMBER OF VETERANS ARE HANDICAPPED AND LIVE ALONE. THEY COME DOWN TO THE UNIT IN SCOOTERS, WHEEL CHAIRS,OR USING WALKERS OR CANES BECAUSE THEY CONSIDER THE UNIT THEIR HOME WHERE THEY CAN COME AND MEET WITH THEIR COMRADES AND FRIENDS RATHER THAN SIT AT HOME ALONE. WE HAVE RECENTLY BEEN ASKED TO DONATE 12 FEET FROM THE FRONT OF OUR PROPERTY TO THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE FOR PART OF THE UPGRADING OF THE DOWNTOWN CORE, AND HAVE AGREED TO DO SO. INSURANCE RATES AND TAXES HAVE RISEN TO THE POINT WHERE IT IS BECOMING EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO MAINTAIN THE UNIT AND CONTEND WITH RISING COSTS. INSURANCE RATES HAVE RISEN DRAMATICALLY,AND OUR TAX ASSESSMENT HAS INCREASED FROM 217 THOUSAND TO 260 THOUS- AND FOR THIS YEAR.IN 1998 WE WERE GRANTED A 10 THOUSAND DOLLAR REDUCTION IN OUR ASSESSMENT BY THE MAPLE RIDGE COUNCIL AT THAT TI ME. IN RESEARCHING THIS PROBLEM WITH OTHER UNITS ACROSS CANADA IT WAS LEARNED THAT COMMUNITIES IN ONTARIO AND NEW BRUNSWICK HAVE AGREED TO DEFER TAXES ON VETERANS CLUBS.THE PURPOSE OF THIS LETTER IS TO PLEA FOR SOME TAX RELIEF IN MAPLE RIDGE. THIS IS A SMALL REQUEST FROM VETERANS WHO FOUGHT FOR THE FREEDOM WE ENJOY IN CANADA TODAY 0 ..2 THE FINANCES OF UNIT 379 ARE DIMINISHING LIKE THE VETERANS, AND OUR FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SHOW A MINUS MORE OFTEN THAN A'PLUS.TWO YEARS AGO WE EXPENDED A CONSIDERABLE ANOUNT OF MONEY TO. SUILD A SMOKING ROOM IN ORDER TO CONFORM TO THE MAPLE RIDGE SMOKING BY- LAW, AND OUR FUNDS WERE EXHAUSTED AT THAT TIME. OUR BUILDING IS BADLY IN NEED OF UPGRADING BUT WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ACCOMPLISH THIS IF WE HAVE TO CONTEND WITH THE EXPECTED INCREASES IN INSURANCE AND TAXES. WE WELCOME THE OPPORTUNITY OF MEETING WITh YOU AND WE ARE PREP- ARED TO PRODUCE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS TO SUPPORT OUR CLAIM. WE AWAIT YOUR REPLY TO THIS LETTER, AND WILL GLADLY BE AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FURTHER ASSISTANCE IF NEEDED, IN ADDRESSING THIS URGENTREQ9EST.1 :. RESPEC6ULLY, E . H. JACKSON-PAST PRESIDENT VETERAN-WW 11. .. ( 162g i5 d /i1fi/ /s 'S2 ( - -7 e 6ë,1 26Q' 210 12/ 0 I /5 ''z • 3?7 C 7/ / ala. p rm, auth tir Aorre 39eirn MAPLE RIDGE UNIT No. 379 II /t/MI 4,1 22326 NORTH AVE. MAPLE RIDGE, B.C. VEX 812 - FEBRUARY 12,2004 FEB 172004 MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS MAYOR AND COUNCIL DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE I AM WRITING THIS LETTER ON BEHALF OF THE VETERANS OF THE ARMY NAVY AND AIR FORCE VETERANS ASSOCIATION,UNIT 379,MAPLE RIDGE.UNIT 379 WAS FORMED BY MAPLE RIDGE VETERANS AND HAS BEEN A PART OF THE COMMUNITY FOR MANY YEARS.WE HAVE SUPPORTED MANY WORTHY CAUSES IN MAPLE RIDGE AND CONTINUE TO DO SO,SUCH AS MAPLE RIDGE HOSPITAL, C. N. I . B., BATTERED WOMENS GROUPS, SINGLE MOTHERS AS WELL AS HANDICAPPED VETERANS AND VETERANS WIDOWS. WE PROVIDE WHEELCHAIRS SCOOTERS, WALKERS AND OTHER NECESSARY EQUIPMENT TO THOSE IN NEED. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ARE RAISED BY UNIT 379 EACH YEAR FOR THIS PROGRAM AND WE ARE COMMITTED TO THIS BY WAY OF MEAT DRAWS EVERY WEEK. UNIT 379 HAS APPROXIMATELY 250 MEMBERS' CONSISTING OF VETERANS, THEIR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS. A NUMBER OF VETERANS ARE HANDICAPPED AND LIVE ALONE. THEY COME DOWN TO THE UNIT IN SCOOTERS, WHEEL CHAIRS,OR USING WALKERS OR CANES BECAUSE THEY CONSIDER THE UNIT THEIR HOME WHERE THEY CAN COME AND MEET WITH THEIR COMRADES AND FRIENDS RATHER THAN SIT AT HOME ALONE. WE HAVE RECENTLY BEEN ASKED TO DONATE 12 FEET FROM THE FRONT OF OUR PROPERTY TO THE DISTRICT OF MAPLE RIDGE FOR PART OF THE UPGRADING OF THE DOWNTOWN CORE, AND HAVE AGREED TO DO SO. INSURANCE RATES AND TAXES HAVE RISEN TO THE POINT WHERE IT IS BECOMING EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO MAINTAIN THE UNIT AND CONTEND WITH RISING COSTS. INSURANCE RATES HAVE RISEN DRAMATICALLY,AND OUR TAX ASSESSMENT HAS INCREASED FROM 217 THOUSAND TO 260 THOUS- AND FOR THIS YEAR.IN 1998 WE WERE GRANTED A 10 THOUSAND DOLLAR REDUCTION IN OUR ASSESSMENT BY THE MAPLE RIDGE COUNCIL AT THAT TIME. IN RESEARCHING THIS PROBLEM WITH OTHER UNITS ACROSS CANADA IT WAS LEARNED THAT COMMUNITIES IN ONTARIO AND NEW BRUNSWICK HAVE AGREED TO DEFER TAXES ON VETERANS CLUBS.THE PURPOSE OF THIS LETTER IS TO PLEA FOR SOME TAX RELIEF IN MAPLE RIDGE. THIS IS A SMALL REQUEST FROM VETERANS WHO FOUGHT FOR THE FREEDOM WE ENJOY IN CANADA TODAY (Th ..2 THE FINANCES OF UNIT 379 ARE DIMINISHING LIKE THE VETERANS, AND OUR FINANCIAL S'rATEMENT:S SHOW A MINUS MORE OFTEN THAN A PLUS.TWO YEARS AGO WE EXPENDED A CONSIDERABLE 4OUNT OF MONEY TO; BUILD A SMOKING ROOM IN ORDER TO CONFORM TO THE MAPLE RIDGE SMOKING BY- LAW, AND OUR FUNDS WERE EXHAUSTED AT THAT TIME. OUR BUILDING IS BADLY IN NEED OF UPGRADING BUT WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ACCOMPLISH THIS IF WE HAVE TO CONTEND WITH THE EXPECTED INCREASES IN INSURANCE AND TAXES. WE WELCOME THE OPPORTUNITY OF MEETING WITH YOU AND WE ARE PREP - ARED TO PRODUCE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS TO SUPPORT OUR CLAIM. WE AWAIT YOUR REPLY TO THIS LETTER, AND WILL GLADLY BE AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FURTHER ASSISTANCE IF NEEDED, IN ADDRESSING THIS URGENT,REQ9EST.4 Ail RESPECULLY, E . H. JACKSON-PAST PRESIDENT VETERAN-WW 11. 4 / n__ Lo GID~) /'LL&29 • rp ]VIAPLE RIDGE E-mail: enquiries@mapleridge.org lrtwrpOldl2Smber,1874 www.mapleridge.org Office of the Mayor March 18, 2004 Mr. E.H. Jackson Past President Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada Maple Ridge Unit No. 379 22326 North Avenue Maple Ridge, BC V2X 8T2 Dear Mr. Jackson: On March 15, 2004, Council considered your letter dated March 1, 2004, requesting financial assistance for the Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans Association and passed the following resolution: V "That a one-time grant of Seven Hundred and Fifty dollars ($750.00) be awarded to Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada, Maple Ridge Unit No. 379." In making its decision, Council acknowledges the history of the Army Navy Club but expressed some concern about the financial challenges facing your organization that were outlined in your letter. If you would like a copy of the municipal business planning guidelines that may be of assistance to you, please feel free to contact the hail at your convenience. Considering the funds available in its discretionary budget, enclosed is a cheque in the amount of $750.00. We wish your organization the very best in your endeavours. Yours truly, Kathy Morse Mayor cc Maple Ridge Council and CMT E:\Clerks Documents\2004 Correspondence\Army Navy Grant 2004-03-17.doc "Promoting a Safe and Livable Community for our Present and Future Citizens" 100% Recycled Paper Cheryl Ennis From: Paul Gill Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 8:32 AM To: Kathy Morse Subject: RE: Army Navy Vets letter Excellent. I like the changes you've made. —Original Message- From: Kathy Morse Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 8:31 AM To: Paul Gill Subject: FW: Army Navy Vets letter Comments? K • —Original Message- From: Ceri Mario Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 4:33 PM To: Kathy Morse Subject: Army Navy Vets letter Attached is a draft of the letter for your signature. The cheque request is in process. <<File: Army Navy Grant 2004-03-1 7.doc>> —Original Message- From: Terry Fryer Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 12:44 PM To: Cen Mario Subject: FW: ANA Vets letter Ceri Could you draft the letter for the Mayor's signature and prepare a cheque request for the $750. Thanks Terry -----Original Message-- From: Paul Gill Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 7:25 AM To: Terry Fryer Subject: RE: ANA Vets letter Would you do it? - also, need to get a cheque. - Thx. —Original Message—.-- From: Terry Fryer Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 3:31 PM To: Paul Gill Subject: ANA Vets letter Paul Did I hear you volunteer to write the letter? Pis. advise. Terry 1 The District of Maple Ridge has partnered with Front Bridge Technologies (via Telus Business Solutions) for their Spam filtering solution. Front Bridge will provide our network with an email protection solution minimizing Spam, minimizing potential email virus attacks and providing backup email storage services in the event of a server outage. The services will begin some time this coming week. What will you notice? The transition from our current email configuration to the Front Bridge solution will be uninterrupted and seamless. One of the major benefits of this service will be a dramatic reduction in the number of Spam emaiis.you receive. What do you need to do? The integration of Front Bridge services requires no initial intervention on your part. Here's what will happen: • s" Any email identified as Spam will be redirected to a secondary "Spam Shark" • mailbox. You will receive an HTML email every 7 days from spamshark@frontbridge.com which will include a list of new Spam messages that have been filtered for you. / This notification is designed to help you quickly determine if there are messages in your Spam Shark mailbox that you'd like to keep. Note that you may receive 2 messages because you actually have 2 email addresses (one for each domain). V Each message will have functions to "Salvage" and "Do Not Block". Use the Salvage function to recover the message to your corporate email box. Use the 'Do Not Block" feature if a message in your Spam Shark mailbox is NOT Spam. This will redirect the message to your corporate email box AND send a copy to the Front Bridge False Positive evaluation team for white-listing in the future. / If there is a message in your Spam Shark HTML notification that you want to read, click the subject of the message and you will be prompted to login. V FIRST TIME LOGIN: Call the Service Desk at extension 7444 and ask for your Spani Shark password but please wait until you have received your first notification message from the Front Bridge service. On the Spam Shark login page, https://spamshark.frontbridge.corn click the "Go to multiple login page" link. Enter your 2 email àddresses as follows on separate lines in the Usernames field replacing 'user" with your first initial and last name): o user@rnaplcridge.org o user@district.mapie-ride.bc.ca Enter your password as provided to you by the Service Desk (in the Password field). We suggest you click the "Remember username" selection. We also recommend that you change your password after logging in for the first time. (Use the "Change Password" menu in the black bar near the top of the page). REMEMBER: • Spam is deleted from the Spam Shark mailbox, 15 days after it is delivered • If you receive a Spam message in your corporate email box, send the email as an attachment to abuse@frontbrldge.com Contact the service desk if you needhelp with this process. Notifying us of any false positives or unfiltered Spam is advantageous for the entire Front Bridge Global Network. Any submitted items are evaluated at the network wide level. If an address is deemed "blacklisted", all members will be protected in the future. By the same token, removing a block, i.e. white listing, allows an open line for all members! For this reason, white listing or blacklisting is NOT done at the company or individual level. We sincerely hope this service has a positive effect on your workday. If you have spam coming into your inbox that you would like Front bridge to be aware of, you can notify them to see if the mail can be blacklisted. To do this, please follow the steps below: Create a new email message and address it to abuse@frontbridge.com You will need to add the spam message to the email going to Front Bridge as an attachment. You can not forward the mail to them. Highlight the spam mail you want to notify them of, on your keyboard, select Ctrl ± C (to copy) then click inside your new message and on your keyboard select Ctrl + V (to paste)