HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-02-04 Workshop - Agenda and Reports.pdfDistrict of Maple Ridge COUNCIL WORKSHOP AGENDA February 4, 2008 10:30 a.m. Blaney Room, 1st Floor, Municipal Hall The purpose of the Council Workshop is to review and discuss policies and other items of interest to Council. Although resolutions maybe passed at this meeting, the intent is to make a consensus decision to send an item to Council for debate and vote or refer the item back to staff for more information or clarification. REMINDERS February 4 Closed Council cancelled Committee of the Whole 1:00 P.M. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA MINUTES - January 28, 2008 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL 3.1 BC Hydro - Phase 2 Ductbank Project - Charlotte Bemister, Public Affairs Coordinator 3.2 Policing - Lower Mainland Commanders Update, Introduction to Community Safety Officers - RCMP Chief Superintendent Peter German, District Commander, Lower Mainland District UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS Council Workshop February 4, 2008 Page 2 of 3 5. CORRESPONDENCE The following correspondence has been received and requires a response. Staff is seeking direction from Council on each item. Options that Council may consider include: Acknowledge receipt of correspondence and advise that no further action will be taken. Direct staff to prepare a report and recommendation regarding the subject matter. Forward the correspondence to a regular Council meeting for further discussion. Other. Once direction is given the appropriate response will be sent. 5.1 Memo from Lower Mainland Local Government Association - 2008 Resolutions Memo dated January 18, 2008 from Eydie Fraser, Executive Coordinator, LMLGA asking members to submit resolutions to their Area Association for endorsement before proceeding to UBCM. 5.2 Order of British Columbia - 2008 Call of Nominations Letter dated January 14, 2008 from Karen Felker, Coordinator, Honours and Awards Secretariat requesting assistance in informing the public about the 2008 Call of Nominations for the Order of British Columbia. 6. BRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL 7. MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 8. ADJOURNMENT Checked by: 6Ai Date: InIVA Council Workshop February 4, 2008 Page 3 of 3 Rules for Holding a Closed Meeting A part of a council meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to one or more of the following: personal information about an identifiable individual whoholds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality; personal information about an identifiable individual who is being considered for a municipal award or honour, or who has offered to provide a gift to the municipality on condition of anonymity; labour relations or employee negotiations; the security of property of the municipality; the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure might reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; law enforcement, if the council considers that disclosure might reasonably be expected to harm the conduct of an investigation under or enforcement of an enactment; litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality; an administrative tribunal hearing or potential administrative tribunal hearing affecting the municipality, other than a hearing to be conducted by the council or a delegate of council the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; information that is prohibited or information that if it were presented in a document would be prohibited from disclosure under section 21 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public; (I) discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report] a matter that, under another enactment, is such that the public may be excluded from the meeting; the consideration of whether a council meeting should be closed under a provision of this subsection of subsection (2) the consideration of whether the authority under section 91 (other persons attending closed meetings) should be exercised in relation to a council meeting. information relating to local government participation in provincial negotiations with First Nations, where an agreement provides that the information is to be kept confidential. TO: LMLGA MEMBERS FROM: Eyd ie Fraser, Executive r Coordinator MAYOR L E? MAI ttAt LCZ.L -- M&C Action Other. RE: 2008 RESOLUTIONS - ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING DATE: January 18, 2008 GOLD STAR CRITERIA LMLGA implemented the Gold Star Criteria used by the Union of BC Municipalities in time for the 2006 LMLGA AGM and Convention. We would encourage all members to review the Gold Star Criteria and the Model Resolution (attached) in an effort to see concise and clear resolutions submitted for debate. We would encourage LMLGA members to submit their resolutions to the Area Association (LMLGA) for debate prior to submitting them to UBCM. DEADLINE FOR RESOLUTIONS All resolutions must be received in the LMLGA office by: MARCH 28, 2008 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS Resolutions submitted to the LMLGA for consideration shalt be submitted as follows: • one copy of the resolution; • the resolution should not contain more than two "whereas" clauses; • background documentation must accompany each resolution submitted. Sponsors should be prepared to introduce their resolutions on the Convention floor. 5.1 LATE RESOLUTIONS Resolutions submitted following the expiry of the regular deadline shall be considered "Late Resolutions" and shall comply with all other submission requirements to the LMLGA by the Monday noon (May 8th) preceding the date of the Annual General Meeting. Late resolutions shall be available for discussion after all resolutions printed in the Resolutions Book have been debated. C. Late resolutions are deemed to be appropriate for discussion only if the topic is such that is has arisen since or was not known prior to the regular deadline date for submission of resolutions. d. In the event that a late resolution is recommended to be admitted for discussion LMLGA shall produce sufficient copies for distribution to the Convention. MODEL RESOLUTION SHORT TITLE Sponsor's Name WHEREAS AND WHEREAS THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that (Note: A second resolve clause if it is absolutely required should start as follows:) AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Honours and Awards Secretariat / MAYOR January 14, 2008 His Worship Gordon Robson District of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, British Columbia V2X 6A9 Dear Mayor and Council: MQ (' 'J.L/_ Other. Actior Re: Order of British Columbia 2008 Call for Nominations It is time once again to "call for nominations" for the Order of British Columbia, the Province's highest award for excellence and outstanding achievement. I seek your assistance in informing your municipality about this opportunity to take part in the public recognition of its outstanding citizens. Could you bring this up at your next council meeting? An independent Advisory Council chaired by the Chief Justice of British Columbia considers nominations to the Province's highest award for excellence and outstanding achievement. The purpose and criteria of the Order are outlined in the attached brochure. Two hundred and fifty-nine distinguished British Columbians have been honoured since 1990. For your information, a report listing all of the recipients of the Order is available on our website http://www.protocol.gov.bc.ca/protocol/pfgs/obc/obe.htm. If you would like this report broken down by City/Town, please contact our office. Nomination forms for the Order are available from the Honours and Awards Secretariat in Victoria, (250) 387-1616, on the website: httpJiwww.protocol. gov.bc. calprotocol/prgs/obc/obc.htm or from the nearest Government Agent. Deadline for receipt of completed nominations by the Secretariat is March 10, 2008. Your continuing support of the Order of British Columbia is very much appreciated. Yours sincerely, Karen Felker Coordinator Attachments Telephone: (250) 387-1616 Fax: (250) 356-2814 P.O. Box 9422, Stn Prov Govt, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada V8W 9V1 . DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 2.0 MAPLE RIDGE Council Workshop Meeting of: February 4, 2008 That the minutes of the Council Workshop Meeting of January 28, 2008 be adopted as circulated. "Gordon Robson" CAKIED DEFEATED DEFERRED ________________________MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Executive Director - Dir - Economic Development Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Finance - Chief Information Officer - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir- Planning - Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws - Municipal Engineer - Mgr - Corporate and Development Eng - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Dir - Recreation - Dir - Community Services Clerk's Section - Corporate Officer - Property & Risk Manager - Tracy Camire - Diana Dalton - Amanda Allen - Amanda Gaunt - Karen Kaake The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. February 4. 2008 Date Corporate Officer DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 3.1 MAPLE RIDGE Council Workshop Meeting of: February 4, 2008 That staff be directed to look at the work that BC Hydra is doing and to work with BC Hydro to maximize mitigation on the rights of ways or roads within the District during that work time. "Gordon Robson" CA1ED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: _Chief Administrative Officer Executive Director Dir - Economic Development Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Finance Chief Information Officer - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ - Dir - Planning Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws Municipal Engineer Mgr - Corporate and Development Eng - Dir - Engineering Operations • - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Dir - Recreation - Dir - Community Services Clerk's Section Corporate Officer Property & Risk Manager - Tracy Camire - Diana Dalton - Amanda Allen - Amanda Gaunt - Karen Kaake The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. February 4, 2008 Date Corporate Officer DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 7.1 MAPLE RIDGE Council Workshop Meeting of: February 4, 2008 Whereas the proliferation of "free" thin film plastic bags has created huge negative impacts throughout the world, creating waste management problems, the devastation of natural environments, pollution of human environments, an excessive release of greenhouse gases, an acceptance of over-consumption as a right and overall a negative effect on our society in the Lower Mainland and indeed around the world; Whereas the creation of a levee system, user fee or a lifecycle charge is complicated to administer and politically difficult to enact; Let it be resolved that the District of Maple Ridge would support a Lower Mainland-wide ban on free thin film plastic bags as has been suggested by Vancouver city council; and further That the Clerk's Department circulate this resolution to all members of the LMLGA and ask them to respond with their support of this motion within 90 days. V "Gordon Robson" C.4IED DEFEATED DEFERRED _________________________MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Executive Director - Dir - Economic Development - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial - Dir - Finance - Chief Information Officer - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Planning - Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws - Municipal Engineer - Mgr - Corporate and Development Eng - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Dir - Recreation - Dir - Community Services Clerk's Section - Corporate Officer - Property & Risk Manager - 7Tracy Camire . / Diana Dalton - Amanda Allen - Amanda Gaunt - Karen Kaake The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. February 4. 2008 Date Corporate Officer Maple Ridge Distribution System Improvements February 4, 2008 - BChg1ro N Introduction Presentation By: Charlotte Bemister - Public Affairs Co-ordinator, Community Relations Altaf Hussain - Manager, Regional Planning Calvin Chen - Project Manager, Distribution Engineering BCh!J1ro 1 To T, Mrp- !•; \4.i :'- c - - -. -- (- -' • •. • 7 177 , r BChUI1ro DO • MRG25kV - 122 MVA Firm - 2007/08 Load: 118.9 MVA - 9 Active Feeders • HNY25kV - 100 MVA Firm - 2007/08 Load: 28.3 MVA - 2 Active Feeders • WNK 12kV - 9MVA Firm - 2007/08 Load: 9 MVA - 2 Active Feeders Bchlldro Smu PA 240 Maple Ridge Area Load Forecast •MRG - Ductbank & Feeder West to Dewdney/Lougheed - Ductbank & Feeder from above to Hammond - Ductbank & Feeder north on 203rd Pitt Meadows •HNY - New Substation - Ductbank West Ph. 1 & Feeder - Ductbank East & Feeder - Ductbank West Ph. 2 & Feeder - 2 Feeder positions •WNK - Voltage Conversion preparation • Total expenditure: > $22M Note: Green means complete guns BChWIro 190 222 140 40 -10 -- DWNK 11 1111K Bchgilro 2007/08 2000/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 20/ 3/14 2014/IS 2015/16 I 2016/IS 2017/18 9 9 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 ] 28 51 10 70 71 J 71 01 J 71 71 72 72 119 100 92 98 100 102 105 107 110 3 -1 Proposed Construction Projecs2 LLW! P L - BCk!Jlro Proposed MRG DLctbnk P MRG DUCTBANK Phase 2—June - August > Continue Ductbank from PH at 203d St and Lougheed to Hammond Road and Harris Road in Pitt Meadows > Routing to follow along Loug heed to Maple Meadows Way, along Maple Meadows Way, to Hammond Road, along Hammond Road to Harris Road. Alternatives: Routes north and south were less direct. BChgllro 4 • • Proposed Construction Project's jilii1-1J A rD — :=_______ •.1.I•__lI_•_.SI _._... I. Proposed HNY Di.cbank 2' HNY DUCTBANK Phase 2— June - August 2008 > Continue Ductbank from PHi at Dewdney Trunk Road west of 232nd St. > Follow Dewdney Trunk Rd to Burnett St, along proposed Brown Ave Corridor to Purdey Ave and onto Brown Ave to 222nd St., north along 222nd s to 122nd Ave, along 122nd Ave and Mountainview Crescent to existing ducts at 216th St. Alternatives: >- Dewdney Trunk Road — more direct but more traffic issues > Further North of proposed routing — less direct, less practical for future connections in downtown area > South of Dewdney Trunk — no practical route BCIIUdro OU Proposed Project. r .: Future Projects: > Ductbank from HNY substation east along Dewdney Trunk Road to 264th Street in summer of 2009. > The majority of the ductbank infrastructure will be installed by 2009. Five new feeder cable projects needed to transfer load and to meet load growth. > Addition of 15 Reclosers and 2 Vista switches to improve system resiliency. BChlldro UIRA Maple Ridge Distribution System Improvements February 4, 2008 BGhIro at I Presentation By: Charlotte Bern ister - Public Affairs Co-ordinator, Community Relations Altaf Hussain - Manager, Regional Planning Calvin Chen - Project Manager, Distribution Engineering BCb!jllro imw I idge Substati ons 1 4 1' INV rs , •? 4 •: : wr vs iv rq 10. Barn on Wan A 47 14 44, ;14 Nk vo 1 H IM TI i 41 b H UZ 41 • MRG 25kV - 122 MVA Firm - 2007/08 Load: 118.9 MVA - 9 Active Feeders • HNY 25 kV - 100 MVA Firm - 2007/08 Load: 28.3 MVA - 2 Active Feeders • WNK l2kV - 9 MVA Firm - 2007/08 Load: 9 MVA - 2 Active Feeders S BChIro lq Maple Ridge Area Load Forecast 240 - -------------------_---____ ____ ____ 222MVA Total Firm Capacity for Maple Ridge Area 182 190 ____ 156 140 WNK HW _ 90 40—, - : -10 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012113 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 DWNK 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .HNY 28 51 70 70 71 71 71 71 71 72 72 Ei MRG 119 100 92 94 96 98 100 102 105 107 110 BChgilro • MRG. - Ductbank & Feeder West to Dewdney/Lougheed - Ductbank & Feeder from above to Hammond - Ductbank & Feeder north on 203rd - Pitt Meadows HNY New Substation - Ductbank West Ph. 1 & Feeder - Ductbank East & Feeder - Ductbank West Ph. 2 & Feeder - 2 Feeder positions WNK - Voltage Conversion preparation • Total expenditure: > $22M Note: Green means complete BCIigilro Own BC Ho Mp BPi380 CK iii1- - ...-, - I[ M__ ] PA DVVG nt Nr. REMARKS BY CH APPR DATE DR CIRCUIT I BChWIro wmi MRG DUCTBANK Phase 2— June - August > Continue Ductbank from PHI at 203rd St and Lougheed to Hammond Road and Harris Road in Pitt Meadows Routing to follow along Loug heed to Maple Meadows Way, along Maple Meadows Way, to Hammond Road, along Hammond Road to Harris Road. Alternatives: > Routes north and south were less direct. BChfflro - - -- I 1 2.nd Ave I - - - - -Build t2-5ductbank along Dewdney Trunk Rd Brown Ave 222nd St. 122nd Ave, and Mountran View Crs. ' flL -Build 4-5' along 222nd St from Brown Ave south to Selkirk Ave. -Install 754) AL Feeder Cable from HNY Station to 222nd St. Dewdney '[ElF zTTjI CI HJ Ii I - __SCALE 1:8872 BCtiit]ro APPROVALS IDES 2008-02-01 Date: LM-MMR-012 I-tIdY Duettiank P1-12 ____________ [)fr5 BC Hdno Map BPK3B3 LOYUCHPPR cit L~~ Date No REMAReviieons DATE CIRCUIT "' I REV REFERENCE DRAWINGS r" BChI1ro HNY DUCTBANK Phase 2— June - August 2008 > Continue Ductbank from PHI at Dewdney Trunk Road west of 232 nd St Follow Dewdney Trunk Rd to Burnett St, along proposed Brown Ave Corridor to Purdey Ave and onto Brown Ave to 222nd St, north along 222nd St to 122nd Ave, along 122nd Ave and Mountainview Crescent to existing ducts at 216th Alternatives: > Dewdney Trunk Road - more direct but more traffic issues > Further North of proposed routing - less direct, less practical for future connections in downtown area > South of Dewdney Trunk - no practical route BChWIro -a • Future Projects: > Ductbank from HNY substation east along Dewdney Trunk Road to 264th Street in summer of 2009 > The majority of the ductbank infrastructure will be installed by 2009. > Five new feeder cable projects needed to transfer load and to meet load growth. > Addition of 15 Reclosers and 2 Vista switches to improve system resiliency. BChjiIro mWi