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2008-05-05 Workshop - Agenda and Reports.pdf
District of Maple Ridge COUNCIL WORKSHOP AGENDA May 5, 2008 10:30 a.m. Blaney Room, 1st Floor, Municipal Hall The purpose of the Council Workshop is to review and discuss policies and other items of interest to Council. Although resolutions may be passed at this meeting, the intent is to make a consensus decision to send an item to Council for debate and vote or refer the item back to staff for more information or clarification. REMINDERS May 5 Closed Council following Workshop Committee of the Whole Meeting 1:00 P.M. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA MINUTES - April 28, 2008 PRESENTATIONS AT THE REQUEST OF COUNCIL UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS 4.1 Review of Intersection Crashes - 2007 Staff report dated April 28, 2008 providing an update on the locations of the highest crash intersections in Maple Ridge, improvements recently performed and planned improvements for 2008. 4.2 Building Scheme of District Properties at 12015, 12025, 12032 and 12048 Dunbar Street and 22147 121 Avenue Staff report dated April 29, 2008 recommending that staff be authorized to sign a discharge giving consent for the removal of Building Scheme 538949E from the District-owned properties. Council Workshop May 5, 2008 Page 2 of 3 4.3 Local Newspaper Advertising Staff report dated April 29, 2008 recommending that the Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows News be awarded a Contract for all regular newspaper advertising for one year with an annual review and an option to renew for two consecutive one year periods. 5. CORRESPONDENCE The following correspondence has been received and requires a response. Staff is seeking direction from Council on each item. Options that Council may consider include: Acknowledge receipt of correspondence and advise that no further action will be taken. Direct staff to prepare a report and recommendation regarding the subject matter. Forward the correspondence to a regular Council meeting for further discussion. Other. Once direction is given the appropriate response will be sent. 5.1 City of Burnaby - Highway Maintenance Specifications Letter dated April 22, 2008 from Derek R. Corrigan, Mayor, City of Burnaby requesting endorsement of a resolution regarding enhanced monitoring and reporting of maintenance on provincial highways. Recommendation: receive for information 6. BRIEFING ON OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST/QUESTIONS FROM COUNCIL 7. MATTERS DEEMED EXPEDIENT 8. ADJOURNMENT Checked by: Date:—)7u,/ 14o6 Council Workshop May 5, 2008 Page 3 of 3 Rules for Holding a Closed Meeting A part of a council meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered relates to one or more of the following: personal information about an identifiable individual whoholds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality; personal information about an identifiable individual who is being considered for a municipal award or honour, or who has offered to provide a gift to the municipality on condition of anonymity; labour relations or employee negotiations; the security of property of the municipality; the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure might reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality; law enforcement, if the council considers that disclosure might reasonably be expected to harm the conduct of an investigation under or enforcement of an enactment; litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality; an administrative tribunal hearing or potential administrative tribunal hearing affecting the municipality, other than a hearing to be conducted by the council or a delegate of council the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; information that is prohibited or information that if it were presented in a document would be prohibited from disclosure under section 21 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public; (I) discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report] a matter that, under another enactment, is such that the public may be excluded from the meeting; the consideration of whether a council meeting should be closed under a provision of this subsection of subsection (2) the consideration of whether the authority under section 91 (other persons attending closed meetings) should be exercised in relation to a council meeting. 0 information relating to local government participation in provincial negotiations with First Nations, where an agreement provides that the information is to be kept confidential. District of Maple Ridge H :T11flflflT Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: SUBJECT: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer Review of Intersection Crashes - 2007 DATE:. April 28, 2008 FILE NO: E02-011-026 ATTN: Workshop EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Council has requested an update on the locations of the highest crash intersections in Maple Ridge. As part of the District's Safer City Program, the District monitors and evaluates its intersections for improvements. As part of the program, ICBC partners by investing in improvements based on a cost- benefit analysis, and the District and Ministry of Transportation (MOT) collaboratively review the performance of the network. This report lists the intersections, the improvements recently performed and planned improvements for 2008. In addition, District and RCMP staff collaborate on education and enforcement programs. RECOMMENDATION: THAT this report be received for information. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Traffic signals are constructed to control the assignment of vehicular and pedestrian movements at locations where potentially hazardous conflicts exist or where passive devices (e.g. signs, markings) do not provide adequate control of traffic. Generally speaking, traffic signals are installed at intersections and pedestrian signals are installed along busy street segments. There are currently 34 signalized intersections in Maple Ridge (note: this excludes the 9 Ministry of Transportation (MOT) signals). Changes to intersection controls are justified based on nationally accepted engineering criteria that take into account traffic volumes, delays experience, accidents, and safety. Through the Safer City program, staff monitors the performance of these intersections and the number of crashes. This report provides Council with ongoing and monitoring of the performance of the accident and recent improvement history and the 2008 Safer City Capital Works Program schedule for intersection controls. It is important to note that intersection improvements should consider operational impacts on the area and avoid system problems elsewhere. 4.1 A list of intersections and crashes for the period January 1, 2007 to August 31, 2007 is provided as Table 1. The number of crashes for other communities during 2006 include: 32 for Burnaby's highest crash intersection, 222 for Coquitlam's, 170 for Port Coquitlam's and 160 for Langley Township's. Table 1 Number of Crashes Location January 1, 2007 Notes -August 31, 2007 Dewdney Trunk Rd @ Lougheed 64 Changes scheduled as part of Hwy Golden Ears Bridge work 203 St @ Lougheed Hwy 46 MOT timing changes implemented in 2007. Discussions with MOT underway. 207 St @ Lougheed Hwy 28 Laity St @ Lougheed Hwy 27 240 St @ Lougheed Hwy 26 MOT improvements made in 2007 224 St @ Dewdney Trunk Rd 26 Tracking line, fully protected left turn northbound and secondary heads installed in 2007 228 St @ Dewdney Trunk Rd 23 222 St @ Lougheed Hwy 19 224 St © Lougheed Hwy 18 Examining improvements for 2009 216 St @ Lougheed Hwy 18 207 St © Dewdney Trunk Rd 17 Camera detection and permissive left turn (westbound) installed in 2006 216 St © Dewdney Trunk Rd 15 New signal pole installed at southwest corner. in 2006 228 St © Lougheed Hwy 14 222 St © Dewdney Trunk Rd 14 Protected permissive signal installed eastbound and westbound to north and south installed in 2007 240 St © Dewdney Trunk Rd 13 Additional laning and signal timing changes implemented in 2006 and 2007 232 St © Dewdney Trunk Rd 13 Westbound left turn to north signal and permissive signal installed in• 2006 Dewdney Trunk Rd @ Laity St 13 Previous work performed. 203 St @ Dewdney Trunk Rd 13 Kanaka Way @Lougheed Hwy 11 Hammond Rd @ Maple Meadows 11 Changes scheduled as part of Way Golden Ears Bridge work. A collision diagram analyses summary of the highest crash locations is provided as Appendix A. 2008 Intersection Improvements Council has approved the following intersection improvements that are currently planned: • Full signal installation at 232 Street at 128 Avenue • Edge Street at McIntosh Avenue (in conjunction with the Transit Exchange) • 224 Street at 124 Avenue roundabout • 224 Street at Abernethy Way including Abernethy Way re-alignment • River Road at Tamarack Lane and Lougheed Highway Desired Outcome: The purpose of this report is to update Council on the intersection analysis of the intersections with the greatest number of crashes in Maple Ridge. Strategic Alignment: The Corporate Strategic Plan directs that municipal infrastructure be protected and managed through the preparation of appropriate plans. Intersection control analysis is an important component of system planning. In addition, the Corporate Strategic Plan directs that the District will maintain and enhance a multi-modal transportation system to provide citizens with safe, efficient alternatives for the movement of individuals and goods. Intersection traffic controls are key components in a safe transportation system. Citizen/Customer Implications: Intersection traffic controls provide clear right-Qf-way assignments for customer (vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists) safety. Maple Ridge residents and users of the Major Road Network expect that the investment in the network be maintained to provide safe, reliable and efficient transportation of goods and people using various transportation modes. Interdepartmental Implications: The Engineering and Operations Departments work together on the installation, operation and maintenance of traffic signals. Through the Safer city program, engineering staff work with ICBC and RCMP to make road safety a priority. The Dewdney Trunk corridor is one major focus for coordinated efforts in 2008. As well, staff meet on an on-going basis with the MOT to discuss the operation of the intersections. Business Plan/Financial Implications: The Business and Capital Plans incorporate the District's Safer City Program and planned installations for 2008. CONCLUSION: N Council has requested a report on the highest crash intersections in Maple Ridge. This report identifies these intersections and the work done under the Safer City Program. Staff will continue to monitor, evaluate and improve road safety through partnerships and investments. Prepared by: Ande'WWbd, PhD., PEng. Municipal Engineer Approved by:, Quinn, MBA, PEng. General Manager: P Works & Development Services Concurrence J. (Jim) Rule CMief Administrative Officer AW/mi APPENDIX A Summary of Crash Incident Data for the Intersection of Dewdney Trunk road and Louaheed Hiahwav from January 1. 2007 to Auaust 31. 2007 Count of SEVERITY SEVERITY YEAR CRASH CONFIGURATION INJURY MATERIAL DAMAGE <= $1000 MATERIAL DAMAGE > $1000 Grand Total 2007 CONFLICTED 1 4 5 10 HEAD ON 1 1 0 2 REAR END 16 13 15 44 REAR TOREAR 0 1 0 1 SIDE IMPACT 3 0 0 3 SIDE SWIPE - SAME DIRECTION 0 1 1 2 UNDETERMINED 0 1 1 2 2007 Total 21 21 22 64 Grand Total 21 21 22 64 Summary of Crash Incident Data for the Intersection of 203 Street and Louciheed Hiahwav from January 1. 2007 to Atini,st 1 7007 Count of SEVERITY SEVERITY YEAR CRASH CONFIGURATION INJURY MATERIAL DAMAGE <= $1000 MATERIAL DAMAGE> $1000 Grand Total 2007 CONFLICTED 1 1 3 5 HEAD ON 1 0 0 1 REAR END 18 7 5 30 SIDE IMPACT 2 1 4 7 SIDESWIPE - SAMEDIRECTION 1. 0 0 1 UNDETERMINED - 2 0 0 2 2007 Total 25 9 121 46 Grand Total - 25 9 121 46 Summary of Crash Incident Data for the Intersection of 207 Street and Lougheed Highway from January 1, 2007 to Aucust 31, 2007 Count of SEVERITY - SEVERITY - YEAR CRASH CONFIGURATION INJURY MATERIAL DAMAGE <= $1000 MATERIAL DAMAGE > $1000 Grand Total 2007 CONFLICTED 0 2 2 4 REAR END 14 2 3 19 SIDE IMPACT 3 0 0 3 SIDE SWIPE SAME DIRECTION 0 0 1 1 UNDETERMINED 1 0 1 0 1 2007 Total 1 17 5 6 28 Grand Total 1 17 5 6 28 Summary of Crash Incident Data for the Intersection of Laity Street and Lougheed Highway from January , 2007 to August 31, 2007 Count oISEVERITY SEVERITY YEAR CRASH CONFIGURATION INJURY MATERIAL DAMAGE <= $1000 MATERIAL DAMAGE > $1000 Grand Total 2007 CONFLICTED 4 1 3 8 HEAD ON 1 0 0 1 REAR END 3 4 6 13 SIDE IMPACT •2 0 1 3 SINGLE VEHICLE 1 0 0 1 UNDETERMINED 0 0 1 1 2007 Total' 11 5 11 27 Grand Total 11 5 11 27 Summary of Crash Incident Data for the Intersection of 224 Street and T.....-.L D--1 crr-*m I,riiir, I )007 fn AllnhiQf 1 9fl07 - '- V V 4 I I .# 7 I I I Iii I . a I I I I I I I • - • • - - - - - p - - - Count of SEVERITY YEAR CRASH CONFIGURATION SEVERITY INJURY MATERIAL DAMAGE <= $1000 MATERIAL DAMAGE > $1000 Grand Total 2007 CONFLICTED 0 2 2 4 REAR END 4 3. 8 15 SIDE IMPACT 0 1 2 3 SIDE SWIPE SAME DIRECTION 0 0 1 1 SIDE SWIPE -OPPOSITE DIRECTION - 2 0 0 2 UNDETERMINED 0 0 1 1 2007 Total 6 6 14 26 Grand Total 6 6 14 26 Summary of Crash Incident Data for the Intersection of 228 Street and Louheed Hiahwav from Janu2ry 1. 2007 tn Ai JI1I ist 1 2007 Count of SEVERITY - - SEVERITY YEAR CRASH CONFIGURATION INJURY MATERIAL DAMAGE <=$1000 MATERIAL DAMAGE> $1000 Grand Total 2007 CONFLICTED 3 1 2 6 HEAD ON 0 0 1 1 REAR END .4 4 1 9 SIDE IMPACT 1 0 2 3 SIDE SWIPE . SAME DIRECTION - 0 - 0 1 1 SINGLE VEHICLE 0 1 0 1 UNDETERMINED 0 0 2 2 2007 Total 8 6 9 23 Grand Total 8 6 9 23 Summary of Crash Incident Data for the Intersection of 222 Street and Louaheed Hiohwv from Jnury 1. 2007 to Auaust 31. 2007 Count of SEVERITY SEVERITY YEAR CRASH CONFIGURATION INJURY MATERIAL DAMAGE <= $1000 MATERIAL DAMAGE > $1000 Grand Total 2007 CONFLICTED REAR END SIDE IMPACT 0 7 .1 0 2 1 5 2 1 2 13 4 12007 Total 8 3 8 19 Grand Total 8 3 81 19 Summary of Crash Incident Data for the Intersection of 224 Street and Louqheed Hicihwav from January 1. 2007 to Auaust 31. 2007 Count ofSEVER" - SEVERITY YEAR CRASH CONFIGURATION INJURY MATERIAL DAMAGE <= $1000 MATERIAL DAMAGE > $1000 Grand Total 2007 CONFLICTED 2 2 1 5 HEAD ON 1 0 0 1 REAR END 3 2 2 7 SIDE IMPACT 0 - 1 3 4 UNDETERMINED 0 0 1 1 2007 Total 6 5 7 18 Grand Total 6 5 7 18 Summary of Crash Incident Data for the Intersection of 216 Street and I niinhd kinhwv from .limticiry I 2007 to Aiiniist 31. 2007 Count of SEVERITY SEVERITY YEAR CRASH CONFIGURATION INJURY MATERIAL DAMAGE < $1000 MATERIAL DAMAGE > $1000 Grand Total 2007 CONFLICTED 1 0 1 2 REAR END 2 2 2 6 SIDE IMPACT 4 2 1 7 SINGLE VEHICLE 0 0 2 2 UNDETERMINED 1 0 0 1 2007 Total 8 4 6 18 Grand Total 8 4 6 18 Summary of Crash Incident Data for the Intersection of 207 Street and Dewdnev Trunk Road.from January 1. 2007 to Auiiust 31 2007 Count of SEVERITY SEVERITY YEAR CRASH CONFIGURATION INJURY MATERIAL DAMAGE <= $1000 MATERIAL DAMAGE' $1000 Grand Total 2007 CONFLICTED 0 1 0 1 HEAD ON 1 0 0 1 REAR END 4 2 4 10 SIDE IMPACT 0 1 2 3 SINGLE VEHICLE 1 0 0 1 UNDETERMINED 1 0 0 1 1 2007 Total 7 4 6 17 Grand Total 7 4 6 17 Summary of Crash Incident Data for the Intersection of 216 Street and I k#,..rJ frrm I.irlIirl I ')fl1)7 tr Aiiriiicf'Al 9flfl7 • ••• •.-., •• ,-••• •• ••-••_J Count of SEVERITY YEAR CRASH CONFIGURATION ., - -- - SEVERITY INJURY MATERIAL DAMAGE <= $1000 MATERIAL DAMAGE > $1000 Grand Total 2007 CONFLICTED 0 1 0 1 HEAD ON 1 - 0 0 1 REAR END 4 2 4 10 SIDE IMPACT 0 1 2 3 SINGLE VEHICLE 1 0 0 1 UNDETERMINED 1 0 0 1 2007 Total 7 4 6 17 Grand Total 7 4 6 17 Summary of Crash Incident Data for the Intersection of 228 Street and Louaheed Highway from Jntiry I 2fl07 fn Aiiniit 1 2flfl7 Count oISEVERITY - - SEVERITY - - - YEAR CRASH CONFIGURATION INJURY MATERIAL DAMAGE <=$1000 MATERIAL DAMAGE >$1000- Grand Total 2007 CONFLICTED 1 0 1 2 REAR END 2 2 2 6 SIDE IMPACT 2 2 0 4 UNDETERMINED 0 1 0 1 (blank) 0 1 0 1 2007 Total - 5 - 6 3 14 Grand Total 5 6 3 14 Summary of Crash Incident Data for the Intersection of 222 Street and •----- - - -- A lf%I% i_ LOUF1U flIIIWdY uiuuu juuuiy ,, ruj, u' i.ii %,P 19 Count of SEVERITY SEVERITY FATALITY INJURY MATERIAL DAMAGE = $1000 MATERIAL DAMAGE> $1000 Grand Total YEAR CRASH CONFIGURATION 1 0 2 2007 CONFLICTED 1 0 1 1 8 REAR END 0 6 0 0 2 SIDE IMPACT 0 2 0 0 1 SIDE SWIPE - SAME DIRECTION 0 1 1 1 SINGLE VEHICLE 0 0 0 2 2 14 2007 Total 1 9 2 14 Grand Total 1 9 Summary of Crash incident Data for the Intersection of 240 Street and Dewdnev Trunk Road from Janury I. 2007 to Aiiniisf ii 2007 Count of SEVERITY - SEVERITY YEAR CRASH CONFIGURATION INJURY MATERIAL DAMAGE <= $1000 MATERIAL DAMAGE > $1000 Grand Total 2007 CONFLICTED 0 1 1 2 REAR END 2 0 1 3 SIDE IMPACT 0 0 1 1 SIDESWIPE - SAMEDIRECTION 0 0 1 1 SINGLE VEHICLE 0 0 3 3 UNDETERMINED 1 1 1 3 2007 Total 3 2 8 13 Grand Total 3 2 8 13 Summary of Crash Incident Data for the Intersection of Laity Street and Dewdnev Trunk Road from January 1. 2007 to Auaust 31. 2007 Count of SEVERITY SEVERITY YEAR CRASH CONFIGURATION INJURY. MATERIAL DAMAGE = $1000 MATERIAL DAMAGE > $1000 Grand Total 2007 CONFLICTED REAR END SIDE IMPACT UNDETERMINED 1 0 0 4 1 1 2 0 3 0 0 1 1 6 5 1 2007 Total 7 1 5 13 Grand Total 7 1 5 13 Summary of Crash Incident Data for the Intersection of 232 Street and flwdnv Trunk Rnd frnm .Iiniiiry 1 2007 tn Aiiniist 31. 2007 Count of SEVERITY SEVERITY YEAR CRASH CONFIGURATION INJURY MATERIAL DAMAGE <= $1000 MATERIAL DAMAGE > $1000 Grand Total 2007 CONFLICTED REAR END SIDE IMPACT SINGLE VEHICLE 1 2 1 2 1 1 0 0 2 0 2 1 4 4 2 3 2007 Total 3 5 51 13 Grand Total 3 5 51 13 Summary of Crash Incident Data for the Intersection of 203 Street and Dewdney Trunk Road from January 1, 2007 to August 31, 2007 Count of SEVERITY SEVERITY YEAR CRASH CONFIGURATION INJURY MATERIAL DAMAGE <= $1000 MATERIAL DAMAGE> $1000 Grand Total 2007 CONFLICTED 3 1 1 5 HEAD ON 1 0 0 1 REAR END 2 1 1 4 SIDE IMPACT 1 1 0 2 SINGLE VEHICLE 0 0 1 1 2007 Total 7 3 3 13 Grand Total 7 3 3 13 Summary of Crash Incident Data for the Intersection of Hammond Road and Maple Meadows Way from January 1. 2007 to Auciust 31, 2007 Count or SEVERITY SEVERITY YEAR CRASH CONFIGURATION INJURY MATERIAL DAMAGE c= $1000 MATERIAL DAMAGE> $1000 Grand Total 2007 CONFLICTED REAR END SIDE IMPACT 1 1 0 0 1 5 1 1 1 2 7 2 1 2007 Total 2 6 3 11 Grand Total 2 6 31 11 Summary of Crash Inöident Data for the Intersection of Kanaka Way and Lougheed Highway from January 1, 2007 to August31, 2007 Count of SEVERITY SEVERITY YEAR CRASH CONFIGURATION INJURY MATERIAL DAMAGE <= $1000 MATERIAL DAMAGE > $1000 Grand Total 2007 CONFLICTED 1 0 0 1 HEAD ON 0 0 1 1 REAR END 3 1 1 5 SIDE IMPACT 2 0 1 3 UNDETERMINED 0 1 0 1 2007 Total 6 2 3 11 Grand Total 6 2 3 11 District of Maple Ridge His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: April 29, 2008 and Members of Council FILE NO: Chief Administrative Officer ATIN: Workshop Building Scheme on District Properties at 12015, 12025, 12032 & 12048 Dunbar Street & 22147 121 Avenue 1J*.1IiIeI Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: FROM: SUBJECT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Owners of the properties at 22173 Dewdney Trunk Road and 12026 Dunbar Street (highlighted in gray on the attached drawing) wish to re-develop the properties for a commercial use that is consistent with the OCP. However, they must first arrange for the removal of a building scheme that is registered against their title and 33 other properties in the 12000-12100 block of Dunbar Street, 22100 block of Dewdney Trunk Road and at 22147 121 Avenue (within area highlighted by black border on attached drawing). The building scheme limits use of the property to single family homes for residential purposes only. To remove the building scheme, they require agreement from all the property owners. The District owns five of the properties impacted by the building scheme (shown in cross hatch on the attached drawing). Staff has reviewed the terms of the building scheme and support discharge of the building scheme from the District owned properties. RECOMMENDATION(S): That staff be authorized to sign a discharge giving consent for the removal of Building Scheme 538949E from title on the District-owned properties at 12015, 12025, 12032 & 12048 Dunbar St. and 22147 121 Avenue. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The building scheme was registered on title for these properties at the time of subdivision in 1964. It was initiated by the owner of the properties and the District was not a party to the agreement. Legal and conveyancing costs related to the discharge of the building scheme will be borne by the developer. 4.2 b) Interdepartmental Implications: The Property Management Committee and Planning Department supports the recommendation. Prepared by: Ron Riach Property & Risk Manager Approvedb : Paul Gill General Manager - Corporate & Financial Services Concurrenc J.L. (Jim) Rule / Chief Administrative Officer H- H- 7: DEWDNEY TRUNK RD. rlU1I.IeI District of Maple Ridge Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: April 29, 2008 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer ATTN: Workshop SUBJECT Local Newspaper Advertising EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Proposals for local newspaper advertising were received from the Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows News and the Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Times on March 7, 2008. A selection committee of employees has reviewed and evaluated the proposals based on criteria stated in the Request for Proposal Invitation. RECOMMENDATION(S): That a contract be awarded to the Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows News for all regular local newspaper advertising for one year with an annual review and an option to renew the contract for two consecutive one year periods. DISCUSSION: Background Context: Our annual spend on local newspaper advertising is approximately $90,000. This includes statutory obligations as well as informational ads and solicitations for employment and tender opportunities. Large publishing jobs such as the recreation brochure are not included in this contract. On occasion the District at its discretion could still place ads in the Times Newspaper in addition to the News Newspaper. The District Purchasing Policy is to obtain best value. To this end we routinely aggregate our supply and services contracts and conduct competitive processes to award contracts for set periods of time. We advised the two Proponents of our intention to award the business to whoever submitted the most valuable proposal. Business Plan/Financial Implications: The District is fortunate to have two excellent local newspapers. Being the District's primary newspaper is important to both companies; we have received excellent proposals when our business is on the table. The recommended Proponent is offering more favourable terms which will allow the District to maximize its print communication to the community while minimizing associated costs. Desired Outcome: To achieve local print media exposure in the most effective way at the lowest possible cost. 4.3 Strategic Alignment: Securing a newspaper advertising contract allows the District to carry out both its general responsibility and statutory obligations for communicating with the citizens of Maple Ridge in a cost effective manner. This type of relationship can further benefit other District sponsored organizations and events. Citizen/Customer Implications: Successful communication with citizens and others is an important objective and statutory responsibility. Local print media is an important component of our overall communications strategy. Interdepartmental Implications: This recommendation means a transition to a different newspaper. This will be a small challenge, which occurs whenever we switch suppliers. A transition plan and orientation session(s) for District departments will be organized through the Communications Department. Policy Implications: This aligns with the Communications Business Plan and the requirements of the Purchasing Policy. Alternatives: Awarding the local newspaper advertising to a primary local newspaper has been our practice in recent years. Council could elect to develop a split or share process that rotates the advertising between the two papers or it could duplicate a more substantial portion of the advertising than was contemplated in the RFP. Both of these options are inconsistent with the reasons for placing the vast majority of our advertising with one paper. Newspaper rates are based on volume. The more advertising the lower the rate per column inch. Duplication Cost: Based on our most recent annual costs, total duplication would increase costs by $108,000/annum. Fifty percent duplication would increase costs by about $60,000/annum. The newspapers submitted deep discount rates based on being the primary paper and much higher rates to be the secondary paper, and obtain a smaller percentage of the business. Sharing Costs: Sharing costs would increase our annual cost by about $40,000/annum based on a 50/50 split. We would pay a higher rate than our deep discount rate for all the business and we would be placing 50% of our ads with the paper that bid 20% higher rates to start with. The one newspaper solution provides better consistency for the public in terms of familiarity of where District ads will normally appear. Customers do not need to track which day, week or month it is to know where to go to find District announcements in a local newspaper. Associated administration costs would increase due to a variety of reasons such as ensuring equitable placement of ads in both newspapers. There would also be two sets of billing processes. CONCLUSIONS: Awarding the local advertising to one paper, in this case, the Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows News, for a predetermined period of time, produces the best value result. .: '5~ -'- - - ~ 6 ~ ~-- ~-;- ~ L Prepared by: Ea rl dstad, Mana:, of Procurement Approved y: Frank Qui,neral Manager Public Works & Development Services J.L. (Jim) Rule Chief Administrative Officer ©flWlt APR 2 MAYOR M&C CAO /(_ft1 L\ CITY OF BURNABY OFFICE OF THE MAYOR - DEREK R. COR1UGAN A;ton: - MAYOR 2008 April 22 FILE: 2410-20 Ref Transportation Committee Mayor and Councillors Dear Sir/Madam: SUBJECT: HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS Burnaby City Council, at the Open Council meeting held on 2008 April 14, received and adopted the attached report containing a resolution requesting enhanced monitoring and reporting of highways maintenance. On behalf of Council, I am requesting that your municipality endorse the resolution regarding enhanced monitoring and reporting procedures to assure the public and key stakeholders that the contractual standards are being met. Your consideration of our request is important and appreciated. Sincerely, Derek R.Co •g MAYOR End. 4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5G 1M2 Phone 604-294-7340 Fax 604-294-7724 mayor.corrigan@burnaby.ca U ( • • City of • .Burnaby Meeting 2008 April 14 COUNCIL REPORT TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE HIS WORSHIP, THE MA YOR AND COUNCILLORS SUBJECT: DELEGATION FROM BCGEU - HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS IN BC RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT Council endorse the BCGEU draft resolution (Attachment A) regarding enhanced monitoring and reporting of highways maintenance. 2. THAT a copy of this report be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Highways and BCGEU. REPORT The Transportation Committee, at its meeting held on 2008 April 09, received and adopted the attached report seeking Council approval to forward a recommendation to the Ministry of Transportation and Highways to adopt the BCGEU draft resolution regarding enhanced monitoring and reporting of highways maintenance. Arising from discussion, the Committee amended the recommendation to forward a copy of this report to BCGEU. Respectfully submitted, Councillor N. Volkow Chair Councillor S. Dhaliwal Vice Chair Councillor G. Evans Member Copied to: City Manager Director Planning & Building Director Engineering • • City of • .Burnaby Meeting 2008 April 9 COMMITTEE REPORT TO: CHAIR AND MEMBERS DATE: 2008 March 26 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE FROM: DIRECTOR ENGINEERING SUBJECT: DELEGATION FROM BCGEU - HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS IN BC PURPOSE: To seek the Committee and Council approval to forward a recommendation to Ministry of Transportation and Highways to adopt the BCGEU draft resolution regarding enhanced monitoring and reporting of highways maintenance. RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT the Committee and Council endorse the BCGEU draft resolution (Attachment A) regarding enhanced monitoring and reporting of highways maintenance. THAT a copy of this report be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation and Highways. REPORT 1.0 Introduction The Committee, at its regular meeting of February 13 heard a delegation from the British Columbia Government Employees Union (BCGEU). They presented a short video on guidelines for maintenance on provincial highways and an information package on the highway maintenance specifications, a checklist summarizing those specifications and a draft resolution that recommends enhanced monitoring and reporting related to provincial highway maintenance programs. They requested that the Committee support the draft resolution (Attachment A) and forward it to the Ministry of Transportation and Highways (MOTH) for consideration. The Committee subsequently referred the request to staff for a report. 2.0 Background Highways maintenance was first privatized in British Columbia in 1988 with the province being divided into some 28 service areas. Provincial highways in Burnaby were and are part of the Lower Mainland service area. At that time these roads included Hwy #1, Hastings St, Barnet Hwy, Lougheed Hwy, Kingsway, Gaglardi Way, Marine Way, Canada Way from Kensington to 10th Ave, 10th Ave, Broadway from Gaglardi to North Rd and Burnaby Mountain Pky (added in 1996). In 1999 the creation of TransLink resulted in the transfer of these roads, except Hwy #1, to Municipal control as part of the Major Roads Network (MRN). Part of the transfer included provision for maintenance work to continue to be undertaken by the existing service area ( To: Transportation Comm itiee From: Director Engineering Re: Delegation from BCGEU— Highway Maintenance Specifications in BC 2008 March 26 ............................................................... Page 2 maintenance contract providers(s) that were in place until the expiration of the contracts in 2004. At that time the City assumed the responsibility for all maintenance work on these transferred roads as of April 1 of that year. Following a review of available City equipment, yard and storage capacity Council approved a recommendation to continue to retain contracted winter maintenance services for the MRN roads pending a further review on completion of upgraded City works yard facilities. The City subsequently, through a competitive process retained Mainroad Contracting Ltd. (MCL) for this work. MCL is also the current service provider for the Lower Mainland Service Area. 3.0 Discussion The BCGEU highlighted several concerns with the current approach to oversight regarding highway maintenance practice in the province, including reductions in maintenance budgets and staffing levels by the contractors leading to potential concerns about safety for the travelling public and protection of the economic investment in the provincial highway network. BCGEU believes that by providing enhanced monitoring of the maintenance programs and regular reporting on those findings to local stakeholders that the public can be assured that contractors will meet the required standards in their contracts. For reference, the City ensures monitoring of winter maintenance services for our roads through regular reports from the contractor and regular inspections by City staff with immediate feedback to the contractor to correct deficiencies. While the province has minimal provincial highways within Burnaby, Hwy #1 is a critical transportation route for traffic and ensuring that the public has confidence that the appropriate maintenance standards are being followed is supportable. Staff are recommending that the Committee and Council endorse the recommendation from BCGEU and forward a copy of this report to MOTH for their consideration. 4.0 Conclusion The BCGEU has highlighted several potential issues with respect to the current maintenance service contracts throughout the province. To address these issues they have proposed enhanced monitoring and reporting procedures (Attachment A) to assure the public and key stakeholders that the contractüãl standards are being met Staff have reviewed the information provided and are recommepding that the Committee and Council support the draft resolution and forward it to MOTH for cnsideration. L.SChti, P.Eng. DIRECTOR ENGINEERING BCD:br Attachment Copied to: City Manager Director Planning & Building C-' DRAFT RESOLUTION WHEREAS the quality of highways road and bridge maintenance services provided by the Ministry of Transportation has a significant impact on the safety of our publicly owned highways; and WHEREAS the provision of quality highways road and bridge maintenance services not only ensures safe road conditions for those traveling our highways, but also ensures that the maximum life span of our highways infrastructure can be realized; and WHEREAS the Ministry of Transportation has introduced a self- regulatory model by contracted service providers to assess compliance with required work standards; THEREFORE be it resolved that the Ministry of Transportation be called upon to ensure that contracted highways road and bridge maintenance providers fulfill their contractual obligations through enhanced monitoring and audits of work performance of contractors conducted by the Ministry of Transportation; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Ministry of Transportation provide regular accident reports for the service area, conduct comprehensive contractor performance assessments and report any findings semi-annually to key community stakeholders such as local governments, school boards, emergency services, chambers of commerce and other relevant stakeholders in the service area. " c-fti1E3T h I' [i] District of Maple Ridge :!lIT1TflE Deep Roots Greater Heights TO: His Worship Mayor Gordon Robson DATE: May 5, 2008 and Members of Council FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer. ATTN: Workshop SUBJECT: Amendments to Local Newspaper Advertising Report - changes from original report noted below (sections a & h) DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Our annual spending on local newspaper advertising is approximately $90,000. This includes statutory obligations as well as informational ads and solicitations for employment and tender opportunities as well as larger publishing iobs such as recreation brochures. The value of advertising in newsoaoers not including the larger Parks & Leisure oublications is approximately $60,000. On occasion the District at its discretion could still place ads in the Times Newspaper in addition to the News Newspaper. h) Duplication Cost: Based on our most recent annual costs, total duplication would increase costs by 120% per annum. Fifty percent duplication would increase costs by about 70% per annum. The newspapers submitted deep discount rates based on being the primary paper and much higher rates to be the secordáry paper, and obtain a smaller percentage of the business. Sharing Costs: Sharing costs would increase our annual cost by 40 per annum based on a 50/50 split. We would pay a higher rate than our deep discount rate for all the business and we would be placing 50% of our ads with the paper that bid 20% higher rates to start with. DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 2.0 MAPLE RIDGE Council Workshop Meeting of: May 5, 2008 That the minutes of the Council Workshop Meeting of April 28, 2008 be adopted as circulated. / "Gordon Robson" CAED DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer / - Executive Director. - Mgr - Economic Development - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Finance - - Chief Information Officer Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ - Dir - Planning - Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws - - Municipal Engineer - Mgr - Corporate and Development Eng - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir• - Parks&Facilities - Dir - Recreation - Dir - Community Services Clerk's Section - Corporate Officer - Property & Risk Manager - Tracy Camire - Diana Dalton - Amanda Allen - Amanda Gaunt - Karen Kaake The above decisionwas made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 5. 2008 L e= t::: I ~ e_a, _t~ Date Corporate Officer DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 4.1 MAPLE RIDGE Council Workshop Meeting of: May 5, 2008 That the staff report dated April 28, 2008 titled "Review of Intersection Crashes - 2007" be received for information. /1E "Gordon Robson" CA DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Executive Director - Mgr - Economic Development - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Finance - Chief Information Officer - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development - Dir - Planning - Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws - Municipal Engineer - Mgr - Corporate and Development Eng - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks& Facilities - Dir - Recreation - Dir - Community Services Clerk's Section - Corporate Officer - Property & Risk Manager - Tracy Camire - Diana Dalton - Amanda Allen - Amanda Gaunt - Karen Kaake The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 5. 2008 Date Corporate Officer • DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 4.3 MAPLE RIDGE Council Workshop Meeting of: May 5, 2008 That the staff report dated April 29, 2008 titled "Local Newspaper Advertising' be deferred to the May 12, 2008 Closed Council meeting. Gordon Robson" CARRD DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: j/Chief Administrative Officer 4. - Executive Director — Mgr - Economic Development - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial RCMP Fire Chief - Dir - Finance - Chief Information Officer - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Development_________________________________________________ - Dir-. Planning - Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws - Municipal Engineer - Mgr - Corporate and Development Eng - Dir - Engineering Operations Dir -Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities Dir - Recreation . - Dir - Community Services Clerk's Section - Corporate Officer - Property & Risk Manager . - Tracy Camire Diana Dalton - Amanda Allen . . - Amanda Gaunt Karen Kaake . The above decision was made at a meeting of theMunicipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 5, 2008 Date Corporate Offiber DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 5.1 MAPLE RIDGE Council Workshop Meeting of: May 5, 2008 That the letter dated April 22, 2008 from Derek R. Corrigan, Mayor, City of Burnaby be received for information. "Gordon Robson" CA DEFEATED DEFERRED YOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - Chief Administrative Officer - Executive Director - Mgr - Economic Development - Gen Mgr - corporate &Financial RCMP Fire chief - Dir - Finance - chief Information Officer - Gen Mgr - Public Works & Developmer - Dir - Planning - Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws - Municipal Engineer - Mgr - Corporate and Development En - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Corn. Dev. & Rec. Services - Dir - Parks & Facilities - Dir - Recreation - Dir - community Services Clerk's Section - Corporate Officer - Property & Risk Manager - Tracy Camire - Diana Dalton - Amanda Allen - Amanda Gaunt - Karen Kaake The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department. May 5, 2008 L______ 4______________ Date Corporate Officer DISTRICT OF Agenda Item: 4.2 MAPLE RIDGE Council Workshop Meeting of: May 5, 2008 That staff be authorized to sign a discharge giving consent for the removal of Building Scheme 538949E from title on District-owned properties at 12015, 12025, 12032 and 12048 Dunbar Street and 22147 121 Avenue. AMENDMENT TO MOTION That the motion be amended by replacing the words "on the District-owned properties at 12015, 12025, 12032 and 12048 Dunbar Street and 22147 121 Avenue" with "on the two properties at 12026 Dunbar Street and 22173 Dewdney Trunk Road." CARRIED MOTION AS AMENDED That staff be authorized to sign a discharge giving consent for the removal of Building Scheme 538949E from title on the two properties at 12026 Dunbar Street and 22173 Dewdney Trunk Road. CARRIED AS AMENDED Councillor King - OPPOSED "Gordon Robson" AR1E15 DEFEATED DEFERRED MAYOR ACTION NOTICE TO: - chief Administrative Officer - Executive Director - Mgr - Economic Development - Gen Mgr - Corporate & Financial - Dir - Finance - Chief Information Officer _$én Mgr - Public Works & Development___________________________________________________ .j Dir - Planning - Dir - Licenses, Permits & By-laws Municipal Engineer - Mgr - Corporate and Development Eng - Dir - Engineering Operations - Dir - Project Engineering - Gen Mgr - Com. Dev. & Rec. Services Clerk's Section - Corporate Officer _____________________________________ 1." Property 'Risk Manager 4c_hj9e-' - Tracy Camire - Diana Dalton _______________________________________ V"Amanda Allen 'fl6L Amanda Gaunt - Karen Kaake The above decision was made at a meeting of the Municipal Council held on the date noted above and is sent to you for notation and/or such action as may be required by your Department.. May 5. 2008 Date Corporate Officer