HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-06-04 Committee of the Whole Agenda and Reports.pdfCity of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA June 04, 2024 11:00 AM Virtual Online Meeting including Council Chambers Committee of the Whole is the initial venue for review of issues. No voting takes place on bylaws or resolutions. A decision is made to send an item to Council for debate and vote or to send an item back to staff for more information or clarification before proceeding to Council. The meeting is live streamed and recorded by the City of Maple Ridge. For virtual public participation during Community Forum register by going to the Public Portal at https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal and clicking on the microphone icon for the select meeting 1.CALL TO ORDER 1.1 Territory Acknowledgement The City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional and unceded territories of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen (qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation. 2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3.MINUTES 3.1 Adoption of Minutes – May 21, 2024 4.DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS 4.1 FortisBC Presentation Presentation supporting CleanBC and City of Maple Ridge Energy & Climate Goals 4.2 BC Hydro Presentation BC Hydro's plans for energy generation and capacity as communities across BC look to adopt the Zero Carbon Step Code.  5.PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 5.1 Housing Legislation Amendments – Small Scale Multi Unit Housing (SSMUH) & Transit­Oriented Area (TOA) Regulatory Requirements To allow secondary suites or detached additional dwelling units in single family zones, three to six units of Small­Scale Multi­Unit Housing on single­detached or duplex residential lots, dependent on proximity to transit stations, and to reduce or eliminate parking requirements in certain areas RECOMMENDATION: That the staff report dated June 4, 2024, titled “Housing Legislation Amendments –  Small Scale Multi Unit Housing (SSMUH) & Transit­Oriented Area (TOA) Regulatory Requirements” be forwarded to the next Regular Council Meeting. 5.2 Housing Legislation Amendments – Transit­Oriented Area (TOA) Designation Bylaw To designate prescribed transit­oriented area near transit hubs RECOMMENDATION: That the staff report dated June 4, 2024, titled “Housing Legislation Amendments –  Transit­Oriented Area (TOA) Designation Bylaw” be forwarded to the next Regular Council Meeting. 5.3 2021­571­VP, 12390 216 Street, Development Variance Permit To allow for a future two­lot subdivision. RECOMMENDATION:  That the staff report dated June 4, 2024, titled “Development Variance Permit, 12390 216 Street” be forwarded to the next Regular Council Meeting. 5.4 2024­134­DP/DVP, 10392 and 10393 240A Street, Development Permit & Development Variance Permit (Extension) To extend the date to commence construction by one year for 2017­510­DP/DVP. RECOMMENDATION:  That the staff report dated June 4, 2024, titled “Development Permit & Development Variance Permit (Extension), 10392 and 10393 240A Street” be forwarded to the next Regular Council Meeting. 6.ENGINEERING SERVICES 7.CORPORATE SERVICES 7.1 Development Cost Charge Bylaw Update To increase rates to better reflect the current costs of infrastructure. RECOMMENDATION: That the staff report dated June 4, 2024, titled “Development Cost Charge Bylaw Update” be forwarded to the next Regular Council Meeting. 8.PARKS, RECREATION, AND CULTURE 9.ADMINISTRATION 10.COMMUNITY FORUM 11.NOTICE OF CLOSED MEETING 11.1 The meeting will be closed to the public pursuant to Sections 90(1) of the Community Charter as the subject matter being considered is related to the following: •    Section 90(1)(g)  – litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality •    Section 90(1)(i)   –  the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor­client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; •    Section 90(1)(l)   – discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report]; •    Section 90(2)(b)  – the consideration of information received and held in confidence relating to negotiations between the municipality and a provincial government or the federal government or both, or between a provincial government or the federal government or both and a third party;  Any other matter that may be brought before the Council that meets the requirements for a meeting closed to the public pursuant to Sections 90(1) and 90(2) of the Community Charter or Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. 12.ADJOURNMENT City of Maple RidgeCOMMITTEE OF THE WHOLEAGENDAJune 04, 202411:00 AMVirtual Online Meeting including Council ChambersCommittee of the Whole is the initial venue for review of issues. No voting takes place on bylaws orresolutions. A decision is made to send an item to Council for debate and vote or to send an item backto staff for more information or clarification before proceeding to Council. The meeting is live streamedand recorded by the City of Maple Ridge.For virtual public participation during Community Forum register by going to the PublicPortal at https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal and clicking on the microphone icon forthe select meeting1.CALL TO ORDER1.1 Territory AcknowledgementThe City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional andunceded territories of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen(qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation.2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA3.MINUTES3.1 Adoption of Minutes – May 21, 20244.DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS4.1 FortisBC PresentationPresentation supporting CleanBC and City of Maple Ridge Energy & ClimateGoals 4.2 BC Hydro Presentation BC Hydro's plans for energy generation and capacity as communities across BC look to adopt the Zero Carbon Step Code.  5.PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 5.1 Housing Legislation Amendments – Small Scale Multi Unit Housing (SSMUH) & Transit­Oriented Area (TOA) Regulatory Requirements To allow secondary suites or detached additional dwelling units in single family zones, three to six units of Small­Scale Multi­Unit Housing on single­detached or duplex residential lots, dependent on proximity to transit stations, and to reduce or eliminate parking requirements in certain areas RECOMMENDATION: That the staff report dated June 4, 2024, titled “Housing Legislation Amendments –  Small Scale Multi Unit Housing (SSMUH) & Transit­Oriented Area (TOA) Regulatory Requirements” be forwarded to the next Regular Council Meeting. 5.2 Housing Legislation Amendments – Transit­Oriented Area (TOA) Designation Bylaw To designate prescribed transit­oriented area near transit hubs RECOMMENDATION: That the staff report dated June 4, 2024, titled “Housing Legislation Amendments –  Transit­Oriented Area (TOA) Designation Bylaw” be forwarded to the next Regular Council Meeting. 5.3 2021­571­VP, 12390 216 Street, Development Variance Permit To allow for a future two­lot subdivision. RECOMMENDATION:  That the staff report dated June 4, 2024, titled “Development Variance Permit, 12390 216 Street” be forwarded to the next Regular Council Meeting. 5.4 2024­134­DP/DVP, 10392 and 10393 240A Street, Development Permit & Development Variance Permit (Extension) To extend the date to commence construction by one year for 2017­510­DP/DVP. RECOMMENDATION:  That the staff report dated June 4, 2024, titled “Development Permit & Development Variance Permit (Extension), 10392 and 10393 240A Street” be forwarded to the next Regular Council Meeting. 6.ENGINEERING SERVICES 7.CORPORATE SERVICES 7.1 Development Cost Charge Bylaw Update To increase rates to better reflect the current costs of infrastructure. RECOMMENDATION: That the staff report dated June 4, 2024, titled “Development Cost Charge Bylaw Update” be forwarded to the next Regular Council Meeting. 8.PARKS, RECREATION, AND CULTURE 9.ADMINISTRATION 10.COMMUNITY FORUM 11.NOTICE OF CLOSED MEETING 11.1 The meeting will be closed to the public pursuant to Sections 90(1) of the Community Charter as the subject matter being considered is related to the following: •    Section 90(1)(g)  – litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality •    Section 90(1)(i)   –  the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor­client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; •    Section 90(1)(l)   – discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report]; •    Section 90(2)(b)  – the consideration of information received and held in confidence relating to negotiations between the municipality and a provincial government or the federal government or both, or between a provincial government or the federal government or both and a third party;  Any other matter that may be brought before the Council that meets the requirements for a meeting closed to the public pursuant to Sections 90(1) and 90(2) of the Community Charter or Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. 12.ADJOURNMENT City of Maple RidgeCOMMITTEE OF THE WHOLEAGENDAJune 04, 202411:00 AMVirtual Online Meeting including Council ChambersCommittee of the Whole is the initial venue for review of issues. No voting takes place on bylaws orresolutions. A decision is made to send an item to Council for debate and vote or to send an item backto staff for more information or clarification before proceeding to Council. The meeting is live streamedand recorded by the City of Maple Ridge.For virtual public participation during Community Forum register by going to the PublicPortal at https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal and clicking on the microphone icon forthe select meeting1.CALL TO ORDER1.1 Territory AcknowledgementThe City of Maple Ridge carries out its business on the traditional andunceded territories of the Katzie (q̓ic̓әy̓) First Nation and the Kwantlen(qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼәn̓) First Nation.2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA3.MINUTES3.1 Adoption of Minutes – May 21, 20244.DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS4.1 FortisBC PresentationPresentation supporting CleanBC and City of Maple Ridge Energy & ClimateGoals4.2 BC Hydro PresentationBC Hydro's plans for energy generation and capacity as communities across BClook to adopt the Zero Carbon Step Code. 5.PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES5.1 Housing Legislation Amendments – Small Scale Multi Unit Housing (SSMUH) &Transit­Oriented Area (TOA) Regulatory RequirementsTo allow secondary suites or detached additional dwelling units in single familyzones, three to six units of Small­Scale Multi­Unit Housing on single­detached orduplex residential lots, dependent on proximity to transit stations, and to reduce oreliminate parking requirements in certain areasRECOMMENDATION:That the staff report dated June 4, 2024, titled “Housing Legislation Amendments – Small Scale Multi Unit Housing (SSMUH) & Transit­Oriented Area (TOA)Regulatory Requirements” be forwarded to the next Regular Council Meeting.5.2 Housing Legislation Amendments – Transit­Oriented Area (TOA) DesignationBylawTo designate prescribed transit­oriented area near transit hubsRECOMMENDATION:That the staff report dated June 4, 2024, titled “Housing Legislation Amendments – Transit­Oriented Area (TOA) Designation Bylaw” be forwarded to the next RegularCouncil Meeting.5.3 2021­571­VP, 12390 216 Street, Development Variance PermitTo allow for a future two­lot subdivision.RECOMMENDATION: That the staff report dated June 4, 2024, titled “Development Variance Permit,12390 216 Street” be forwarded to the next Regular Council Meeting.5.4 2024­134­DP/DVP, 10392 and 10393 240A Street, Development Permit &Development Variance Permit (Extension)To extend the date to commence construction by one year for 2017­510­DP/DVP.RECOMMENDATION: That the staff report dated June 4, 2024, titled “Development Permit & Development Variance Permit (Extension), 10392 and 10393 240A Street” be forwarded to the next Regular Council Meeting. 6.ENGINEERING SERVICES 7.CORPORATE SERVICES 7.1 Development Cost Charge Bylaw Update To increase rates to better reflect the current costs of infrastructure. RECOMMENDATION: That the staff report dated June 4, 2024, titled “Development Cost Charge Bylaw Update” be forwarded to the next Regular Council Meeting. 8.PARKS, RECREATION, AND CULTURE 9.ADMINISTRATION 10.COMMUNITY FORUM 11.NOTICE OF CLOSED MEETING 11.1 The meeting will be closed to the public pursuant to Sections 90(1) of the Community Charter as the subject matter being considered is related to the following: •    Section 90(1)(g)  – litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality •    Section 90(1)(i)   –  the receipt of advice that is subject to solicitor­client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; •    Section 90(1)(l)   – discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report]; •    Section 90(2)(b)  – the consideration of information received and held in confidence relating to negotiations between the municipality and a provincial government or the federal government or both, or between a provincial government or the federal government or both and a third party;  Any other matter that may be brought before the Council that meets the requirements for a meeting closed to the public pursuant to Sections 90(1) and 90(2) of the Community Charter or Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. 12.ADJOURNMENT Document: 3812016 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES MAY 21, 2024 The Minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting held virtually and hosted in Council Chambers on May 21, 2024, at 5:30 pm at City Hall, 11995 Haney Place, Maple Ridge, British Columbia for the purpose of transacting regular City business. PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor D. Ruimy Councillor O. Dozie Councillor S. Schiller Councillor J. Tan Councillor A. Yousef ABSENT Councillor K. Carreras Councillor J. Dueck Appointed Staff S. Hartman, Chief Administrative Officer Other Staff as Required M. Best, Interim Director of Planning C. Bevacqua, Clerk 3 S. Faltas, Director of Engineering C. Howes, Acting Deputy Corporate Officer Z. Lifshiz, Director, Strategic Development, Communications and Public Engagement M. McMullen, Manager of Development & Environmental Services D. Olivieri, Manager of Corporate Planning and Consultation R. Ollenberger, Manager of Development Engineering T. Thompson, Director of Finance T. Westover, Director Economic Development Note: These minutes and the video of this meeting are posted on the City’s Web Site at: https://mapleridge.primegov.com/public/portal 1. CALL TO ORDER – 5:31 pm Councillor S. Schiller, Chair called the meeting to order and provided the territory acknowledgement. 2. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA R/2024-CW-038 Moved and seconded THAT the agenda of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of May 21, 2024, be approved as circulated. CARRIED 3. MINUTES 3.1 Adoption of Minutes Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes May 21, 2024 Page 2 of 3 Document: 3812016 R/2024-CW-039 Moved and seconded THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole Meeting of May 7, 2024, be adopted. CARRIED 4. DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS - NIL 5. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 5.1 2023-396-RZ, First and Second Reading Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7996-2024 Staff report dated May 7, 2024, recommending that the 2023 Consolidated Financial Statements be approved. The Manager of Development & Environmental Services provided a presentation and answered questions of Council. R/2024-CW-040 Moved and seconded That the staff report dated May 21, 2024, titled “Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 Housekeeping Amendments, First and Second Reading, Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7996-2024” be forwarded to the next Regular Council Meeting. CARRIED 6. ENGINEERING SERVICES - NIL 7. CORPORATE SERVICES - NIL 8. PARKS, RECREATION, AND CULTURE – NIL 9. ADMINISTRATION – NIL 10. COMMUNITY FORUM – NIL Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes May 21, 2024 Page 3 of 3 Document: 3812016 11. NOTICE OF CLOSED MEETING 11.1 Resolution to Exclude the Public R/2024-CW-041 Moved and seconded The meeting will be closed to the public pursuant to Sections 90(1) of the Community Charter as the subject matter being considered is related to the following: • Section 90(1)(l) – discussions with municipal officers and employees respecting municipal objectives, measures and progress reports for the purposes of preparing an annual report under section 98 [annual municipal report]; Any other matter that may be brought before the Council that meets the requirements for a meeting closed to the public pursuant to Sections 90(1) and 90(2) of the Community Charter or Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. CARRIED 12. ADJOURNMENT – 6:10 pm ____________________________________ Councillor S. Schiller, Chair Certified Correct _______________________________________________ C. Howes, Acting Deputy Corporate Officer ~ Maple Ridee - TO: FROM: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: June 4, 2024 2024-152-RZ cow SUBJECT: Housing Legislation Amendments -Small Scale Multi Unit Housing (SSMUH) & Transit- Oriented Area (TOA) Regulatory Requirements First, Second and Third Reading Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7998-2024 and Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Amending Bylaw No. 8000-2024 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In the fall of 2023, the BC government passed several pieces of legislation to amend the Local Government Act to support the supply of significantly more homes, faster, in BC. The amendments require local governments to update their zoning bylaws to allow secondary suites or detached additional dwelling units in single-family zones province-wide and three to six units of Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH) on single-detached or duplex residential lots, depending on their proximity to transit stations. The amendments also require local governments to reduce or eliminate parking requirements in certain areas of the municipality. As such, the Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7998-2024 and Maple Ridge Off- Street Parking and Loading Bylaw Amending No. 8000-2024 have been drafted to implement the requirements set out in these pieces of legislation. This report presents both Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7998-2024 and Off-Street Parking and Loading Amending Bylaw No. 8000-2024 to Council and recommends that they be forwarded to the next Regular Council Meeting for consideration of first, second and third reading. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That, pursuant to Section 481.3(7) of the Local Government Act, the Provincial Policy Manual and Site Standards for Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing, as outlined in the "Small Scale Multi Unit Housing (SSMUH) Update and Policy Manual Considerations" report presented at the May 14, 2024 Council Workshop, was considered and no further consideration of the Provincial Policy Manual and Site Standards is required at this time; 2. That, pursuant to Section 479(6) and 525.1 (4) of the Local Government Act, the Provincial Policy Manual: Transit-Oriented Areas, as outlined in the "Housing Legislation Amendments -Transit-Oriented Area (TOA) Designation Bylaw" report presented at the June 4, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting, was considered, and no further consideration of the Provincial Policy Manual: Transit-Oriented Area is required at this time; 3. That the Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7998-2024 be given first, second and third reading; #3812852 Page 1 of 6 = 4. That the Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Amending Bylaw No. 8000-2024 be given first, second and third reading; and 5. That a one year extension beyond that provided in Sections 11 and 16 of the Maple Ridge Development Procedures Bylaw No. 5879-1999 and Section 13.4 of Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 4800-1993 be available for in-stream applications rezoning or subdividing to the R-4, R-3, R-2, R-1, RS-lb, and RT-1 zones. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 Small Scale Multi Unit Housing Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH) generally refers to a range of buildings and dwelling unit configurations. They can include, but are not limited to: secondary suites in single-detached dwellings; detached accessory dwelling units (ADUs), like detached garden suites; duplexes (side-by-side or up/down); triplexes and four-plexes; and townhomes. The purpose and general intent of the Bill 44 Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Amendment Act is to enable up to four or six units on single-detached and duplex-zoned lots. The size of the parcel and proximity to frequent transit services informs the possible number of units allowed. 1.2 Transit-Oriented Area Transit-Oriented Areas (TOA) are defined as an area within a prescribed distance from a transit station, intended to be areas of mixed-use, complete communities. Bill 47 Housing Statutes (Transit-Oriented Areas) Amendment Act defines Transit-Oriented Areas as areas within 400 metres of a bus exchange, which includes West Coast Express stations. It also restricts local government's abilities to require residential off-street parking, except for parking for people with disabilities, within those areas. There are three TOAs identified in Maple Ridge: Haney Transit Exchange, Port Haney West Coast Express Station, and Maple Meadows West Coast Express Station. 2.0 DISCUSSION: With the implementation of these acts, local governments are required to put in place zoning bylaws that enable Small Scale Multi Unit Housing (SSMUH) and that do not impede or unreasonably restrict SSMUH projects. Local governments are also required to reduce or eliminate parking requirements for some residential uses through both the SSMUH and TOA legislation. These amendments are required to be in effect by June 30, 2024. 2.1 Summary of Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7998-2024 as it relates to Small Scale Multi-Unit Housing Appendix A outlines the proposed changes to the City's Zoning Bylaw, in order to implement the Province's legislation to enable Small Scale Multi Unit Housing. A summary and overview is provided in the table on the following page. #3812852 Page 2 of 6 = E l l 1 ·l j 7 'I Table 1 -Proposed Changes to Zoning Bylaw to enable Small Scale Multi-Unit Housing Parameter New Definition New Section to address SSMUH requirements Amend existing residential zones to accommodate SSMUH Introduce a New Residential Zone for Urban Infill Residential (formerly known as SSMUH) #3812852 Proposed Change Prescribed Bus Stop Addition of a new section under 402 General Regulations that outlines the zoning requirements that apply to 'Small Scale Multi Unit Housing', now titled 'Urban Infill Residential'. Number of Units: • Non-ALR: Up to 3 dwelling units, limited to Single Detached, Secondary Suite and Detached Garden Suite Residential • Up to 3 dwelling units on to lots < 280m2 • Up to 4 dwelling units on lots between 281 m2 and 4050m2 • Up to 6 dwelling units on lots within 400m of a Prescribed Bus Station Types of Units: • Single Detached Home with Secondary Suite and Detached Garden Suite • Duplex; Triplex; Fourplex • Courtyard Development (limited to 4 or 6 units) • Townhouse Development (limited to 4 or 6 units) Amending Principal and Accessory Uses to include Small Scale Multi Unit forms of Housing, as stipulated by the new section in the General Requlations of the Bylaw. Overview of requirements: • Minimum Lot Area of 450m2 • Front Lot Line Setback of 5.5 meters • Rear Lot Line: o minimum of 6 meters for Principal Dwelling; and 1.5 meter for ADUs, with the exception of lots that allows up to 6 units has a rear lot line setback of 1.0 meters for ADUs. • Side Setbacks for lots under 800m2 o Interior Side: Minimum setback of 1.2 meters o Exterior Side: Minimum setback of 2 meters for Principal Dwellings; 2 meters for ADUs • Side Setbacks for lots over 800m2 o Interior Side: Minimum setback of 1.5 meters for Principal Dwellings; 1.2 meters for ADUs o Exterior Side: Minimum setback of 3 meters for Principal Dwellings; 3 meters for ADUs • Height: o maximum of 9.5 meters to the mid-point; 3 storeys • Lot Coverage: maximum of 50%; up to 60% for lots which allow up to 6 units. • Permeable Landscaping: 50%; reduced to 40% for lots which allow up to 6 units. Please see Amending Bylaw for specific requirements for lot size and number of dwelling units. Page 3 of 6 2.2 Summary of Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7998-2024 as it relates to Transit-Oriented Areas Appendix A outlines the proposed changes to the City's Zoning Bylaw, in order to implement the Province's legislation to address the Transit-Oriented Area regulations. A summary and overview is provided in the table below. Table 2 -Proposed Changes to Zoning Bylaw to enable Transit-Oriented Areas Parameter Proposed Change New Definition Transit-Oriented Area New Section to address TOA Addition of a new section under 402 General Regulations that requirements outlines the zoning requirements that apply to the Transit- Oriented Areas, as designated by Transit-Oriented Area Desiqnation Bylaw No. 8001-2024 2.3 Summary of Off-Street Parking & Loading Amending Bylaw No. 8000-2024 Appendix B outlines the proposed changes to the City's Off-Street Parking & Loading Bylaw in order to implement the Province's legislation to address the Small Scale Multi Unit Housing and Transit-Oriented Area legislation. A summary and overview is provided in the table below. Table 3 -Proposed Changes to Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw to enable Small Scale Multi- Unit Housing and Transit-Oriented Areas Parameter New Definitions Parking Requirements New Schedule to address SSMUH & TOA parking requirements #3812852 Proposed Change Prescribed Bus Stop; Transit Oriented Area Removing • 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit for Single Detached, Duplex, Triplex, Fourplex, Courtyard and Street Townhouse Residential uses And replacing with • 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit for Single Detached homes • 1.5 spaces per dwelling unit for Duplex, Triplex, Fourplex and Courtyard Residential • 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit for Street Townhouse For SSMUH: • That no residential parking requirements will apply for lots within 400m of a Prescribed Bus Stop For TOA: • Provide non-residential parking spaces, as outlined elsewhere in the bylaw. • Provide 1.0 Van Accessible Space and 1.0 Standard Accessible Space for residential parking purposes. • That no other residential parking requirements will apply. Page 4 of 6 7 l 1 2.4 Provincial Policy Manual Considerations Section 481 .3(7) of the Local Government Act requires that Council consider the Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing Provincial Policy Manual and Site Standards when developing or adopting a zoning bylaw that enables Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing. The Policy Manual sets out the Provincial expectations and site standards for SSMUH . It is noted that Council considered this Policy Manual with the draft regulations at the May 14, 2024 Workshop, and appendices of the May 14, 2024 Workshop report outlined how the draft regulations compare with Policy Manual, which has been included in Appendix C, for ease of reference. Section 479(6) and 525.1 (4) of the Local Government Act requires that Council consider the Provincial Policy Manual: Transit-Oriented Areas when developing or adopting a zoning bylaw or off-street parking and loading space regulation. Off-Street Parking Amending Bylaw No. 8000-2024 introduces a provision that residential off-street parking requirements do not apply in the TOAs, except for parking for people with disabilities. As such, Off-Street Parking Amending Bylaw No. 8000-2024 may be considered consistent with Provincial Policy Manual: Transit-Oriented Areas . 2.5 In-Stream Applications In-Stream Files & Development Applications: In-stream building permits and development application files will continue through the existing process. The existing single detached residential and duplex zones will become legacied through the zoning bylaw. While the new regulations will be used for all new rezoning applications made after the bylaw adoption, eventually the existing amending bylaws currently in the approval process will either complete or expire, at which point the legacied zones will be rescinded from the Zoning Bylaw. Any formal Land Use Inquiry, pre-application meeting, or development application (subdivision and rezoning) received and processed by June 30, 2024 will also be able to continue through the existing process. New Inquiries & Applications: Applications that align with Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7998-2024 and Off- Street Parking and Loading Amending Bylaw No. 8000-2024 will be received as of July 2, 2024. This is to ensure that the operational amendments, training, and resources have been developed and are prepared for applicant consumption. 2.6 Timeline & Next Steps The next steps for aligning Small Scale Multi Unit Housing and Transit-Oriented Areas regulatory are as follows: • Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7998-2024 will proceed through the bylaw adoption process with final reading anticipated to occur at the June 25, 2024 Regular Council Meeting. • Off-Street Parking and Loading Amending Bylaw No. 8000-2024 will also proceed through the bylaw adoption process with final reading anticipated to occur at the June 25, 2024 Regular Council Meeting. • Following adoption of the amending bylaws enabling Small Scale Multi-Unit Housing, staff will notify the Province, as requested by the Planning and Land Use Branch of the Ministry of Housing. #3812852 Page 5 of 6 • New applications will be able to be processed as of July 2, 2024. Staff will begin monitoring the impact of the amending bylaws, as part of the typical review process. Should any amendments be necessary in advance of the one-year review, a house keeping amendment will be presented for Council consideration in advance. No Public Hearing will take place for these two amending bylaws as under the Local Government Act, it is prohibited to hold a Public Hearing that brings Bill 44 into effect; and Off-Street Parking amending bylaws are not considered a land use bylaw, and as such do not require a Public Hearing. 3.0 STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT: The proposed legislative changes introduced by the Province align with the strategic objectives outlined in the pillars of the 2023-2026 City of Maple Ridge Strategic Plan. CONCLUSION: This report introduces both Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7998-2024 and Off-Street Parking and Loading Amending Bylaw No. 8000-2024 to Council and recommends that they be forwarded to the next Regular Council Meeting for consideration of first, second and third reading. "Original Signed by Amanda Grochowich" Prepared by: Amanda Grochowich, MCIP, RPP Manager of Community Planning "Original Signed by Marlene Best" Approved by: Marlene Best, RPP, MBA Interim Director of Planning "Original Signed by Scott Hartman" Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: Appendix A: Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7998-2024 Appendix B: Off-Street Parking and Loading Amending Bylaw No. 8000-2024 Appendix C: Copy of May 14, 2024 Workshop Report Appendix D & E #3812852 Page 6 of 6 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 7998-2024 APPENDIX A A Bylaw to amend the text forming part of Zoning Bylaw No. 7600 -2019 as amended WHEREAS, it is deemed desirable to amend Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7998-2024". 2. That PART 2 INTERPRETATIONS AND DEFINITIONS, Section 201 be amended by adding the following text following 201.10: 201.11 APPLICATIONS IN PROGRESS a) Any application for a zoning amendment or pre-application meeting accepted by the City for developments utilizing the R-1, R-2 , R-3, RT-1, RT-2 or other zones utilizing the density bonus provisions under the RS-1b Zone to achieve R-1, R-2 and R-3 sized lots and which are consistent with the Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 7060-2014 shall be considered an application in progress and will continue to be processed. b) Subdivision applications, including those further to pre-applications or rezoning applications described in Section 201.11 a),received prior to the adoption of Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7998-2024 shall be considered an application in progress and will continue to be processed 3. That PART 2 INTERPRETATIONS AND DEFINITIONS, Section 202.1 be amended by adding the following text in the correct alphabetical order: PRESCRIBED BUS STOP means a bus stop that is serviced by at least one bus route that is scheduled to stop at least every 15 minutes, on average, between the hours of: a. 7am and 7pm, Monday to Friday; and b. 10am and 6pm on Saturday and Sunday. TRANSIT-ORIENTED AREA means an area within a prescribed distance from a transit station as shown on Schedule 'H' and that is designated through the Maple Ridge Transit-Oriented Area Designation Bylaw No. 8001-2024. 4. That PART 2 INTERPRETATIONS AND DEFINITIONS, Section 202.1 be amended as follows: a. by deleting the definition for 'DETACHED GARDEN SUITE RESIDENTIAL' and replacing with: -= = DETACHED GARDEN SUITE RESIDENTIAL means a Residential Use within a self- contained Dwelling Unit, Accessory to, subordinate and detached from a Residential Dwelling Unit. May be located within a Modular Home. b. by deleting the definition for 'SECONDARY SUITE RESIDENTIAL' and replacing with: SECONDARY SUITE RESIDENTIAL means a Residential Use Accessory to a Principal Residential Use, and is limited to one Dwelling Unit contained within the same Building as the Principal Residential Use. Refer to Section 402.24. 5. That the designation of the RT-1 Zone be renamed from "TWO-UNIT RESIDENTIAL" to "TWO- UNIT (DUPLEX) RESIDENTIAL", as follows: a. PART 2 INTERPRETATIONS AND DEFINITIONS, Section 202.1 be amended by deleting "TWO-UNIT RESIDENTIAL" and replacing it with "TWO-UNIT (DUPLEX) RESIDENTIAL". b. PART 3 ZONES, Section 302.1 Short Form Equivalents be amended for the RT-1 Zone by deleting "Two-Unit Urban Residential" and replacing it with "Two-Unit (Duplex) Urban Residential", and c. The 34 instances where "Two-Unit Urban Residential" is used within the Bylaw be replaced with "Two-Unit (Duplex) Urban Residential", 6. That PART 4 GENERAL REGULATIONS, Section 402.11 be amended as follows: 1. Detached Garden Suite Residential Use: a. shall allow one or two Detached Garden Suite Residential Use per Residential or Agricultural Zoned Lot where there exists a Single Detached Residential Use or Urban Infill Residential Use b. shall be located within the Rear Yard of a Principal Single Detached Residential Use, except: C. d. e. f. i) shall be located within the Front Yard specific to the following Lot: a) Lot B, Section 28, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 6734. PID: 004-537-076. 23525 Dogwood Avenue; i) shall be limited to one Storey; shall not have a Basement; shall not be strata-titled or subdivided; on Lots with a Lot Area greater than or equal to 0.4 hectares, may be located within a Manufactured Home which shall be installed on a permanent foundation in compliance with the British Columbia Building Code; and may be located in a Modular Home. 2. Lot Area for a Detached Garden Suite Residential Use: a. deleted by Bylaw 7998-2024 b. for Lots with a Lot Area less than 0.4 hectares: 1 i ;7 i) shall be located on the First Storey of a one Storey Building; or ii) for Lots with Lane access, may be located on the second Storey of a Building above an Accessory Residential Use or an Off-Street Parking Use; (Bylaw 77 49-2021) c. for Lots with a Lot Area greater than or equal to 0.4 hectares: i) shall be located on the First Storey of a one Storey Building; or ii) shall be located on the second Storey of a Building above an Accessory Residential Use or an Off-Street Parking Use; 3. Gross Floor Area for a Detached Garden Suite Residential Use: a. shall have a Gross Floor Area of: i) not more than 140.0 square meters or 15% total of the Lot Area, whichever is less; except (Bylaw 7857-2022) a) not more than 90.0 square meters or 15% of the Lot Area, whichever is less, for Lots within the Agricultural Land Reserve and that are subject to the Agricultural Land Commission Act and its Regulations (Bylaw 7866-2022) ii) the Gross Floor Area shall not exceed 140.0 square meters specific to the following lots: a) Lot 34, except: part subdivided by Plan BCP13892, Section 24, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan LMP19841. PID: 019-045-824. 26378 126 Avenue, and b) Lot B, Section 28, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan 6734. PID: 004-537-076. 23525 Dogwood Avenue. 4. Building Height for Building with a Detached Garden Suite Residential Use: a. for Lots with a Lot Area less than 0.4 hectares: b. i) shall not exceed 4.5 metres and one (1) Storey; or ii) shall not exceed 6.0 metres and one (1) Storey for Lots Zoned RS-2 and RS-3; or iii) shall not exceed 6.0 metres for Lots with Lane access and the Detached Garden Suite Residential Use shall be located on the second Storey above an Accessory Residential Use or an Off-Street Parking Use; for Lots with a Lot Area greater than or equal to 0.4 hectares: (77 49-2021) (i) shall not exceed 6.0 metres and one (1) Storey; or (ii) shall not exceed 7.5 metres for RS-3 Zoned Lots located within the Agricultural Land Reserve and for Agricultural Zoned Lots when the Detached Garden Suite Residential Use is located on the second Storey above an Accessory Residential Use or an Off-Street Parking Use; or (Bylaw 7928-2023) (iii) shall not exceed 6.0 metres and one (1) Storey when the Detached Garden Suite Residential Use is located on the second Storey above an Accessory Residential Use or an Off-Street Parking Use. (Bylaw 7827-2022) (Bylaw 7894-2022) c. the Height of the Building shall not exceed 7.5 metres specific to the following Lot: (i) Lot 34, except: part subdivided by Plan BCP13892, Section 24, Township 12, New Westminster District Plan LMP19841. PID: 019- 045-824. 26378 126 Avenue. where the Height is measured, as per Zoning Bylaw No. 3500-1985, as the greatest vertical distance from the "Building Height Base Line" to the topmost part of the Building, as determined by the following definitions: (a) BUILDING HEIGHT BASE LINE -means: i) averaging the two front Datum Determination Points on the lot; and ii) averaging the two rear Datum Determination Points on the lot; and iii) longitudinally extending a line joining i) and ii); and (b) DATUM DETERMINATION POINTS -means the two points on a lot created where the frontmost and rearmost wall face of the principal building, or projections thereof, intersect with the outermost sidewall faces, or projections thereof, measured as the lesser of Natural or Finished Grade. Refer to Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985 for additional information and definition of terms. (Bylaw 77 49-2021) 5. Setbacks for a Detached Garden Suite Residential Use: 6. a. from a Front Lot Line: i) shall be setback not less than 5.5 metres. b. from a Rear Lot Line: C. d. e. i) shall be Setback not less than 2.4 metres; or ii) shall be Setback not less than 1.5 metres for Lots with Lane access and where the Detached Garden Suite Residential Use is located on the second Storey above an Accessory Residential Use or an Off-Street Parking Use; or iii) shall be Setback not less than 7.5 metres from a Rear Lot Line for RS-3 Zoned Lots located within the Agricultural Land reserve and for Agricultural Zoned Lots; from an Interior Side Lot Line shall be Setback not less than 1.5 metres; from an Exterior Side Lot Line shall be Setback not less than 3.0 metres; and from the nearest projection beyond the Building Face of the Single Detached Residential Use shall be Setback not less than 2.4 metres. For Lots located within the Agricultural Land Reserve: a. the Agricultural Land Commission Act and its Regulations shall prevail; b. the Detached Garden Suite Residential Use shall comply with the Farm Home Plate requirements. Refer to Section 402.12 (Farm Home Plate) of this Bylaw. (Bylaw 77 49-2021) 7. Deleted by Bylaw 7998-2024 8. A Detached Garden Suite Residential Use is subject to the following provisions: = E. a. shall provide an unobstructed pathway a minimum of 1.5 metres in width between the Front Lot Line and the Detached Garden Suite Residential Use; b. shall provide Private Outdoor Area of not less than 25% of the Gross Floor Area of the Detached Garden Suite Residential or 10% of the total Lot Area, whichever is less. The Private Outdoor Area shall be exclusively devoted to the Detached Garden Suite Residential Use; c. Deleted by Bylaw No. 77 49-2021. d. shall require that a Section 219 Restrictive Covenant in favour of the City of Maple Ridge be registered at the Land Title Office prior to issuance of a Building Permit for protection of the Off-Street Parking requirements for the Detached Garden Suite Residential; (Bylaw 77 49-2021) e. shall not be permitted where there is an Agricultural Employee Residential, Bed and Breakfast, Boarding, Caretaker Residential, Temporary Residential, Tourist Accommodation, or Two-Unit Residential Use on the same Lot; (Bylaw 7929-2023) f. shall provide written verification to the Building Official of notification to the applicable Fraser Health Authority if located on a Lot which is not serviced by the Community Sanitary Sewer System; g. shall provide written verification from a Professional Engineer or a Certified Professional confirming adequate water quantity and potability, if located on a Lot that is not serviced by the Community Water System; and h. shall not be permitted on a Lot situated within a Floodplain Area unless the underside of the finished floor system of the Detached Garden Suite Residential Use is above the established minimum Flood Construction Level; i. Deleted by Bylaw 7998-2024. 7. That PART 4 GENERAL REGULATIONS, Section 402.24 be amended as follows: 1. Secondary Suite Residential Use is subject to the following provisions: a. shall be limited to one Secondary Suite Residential Use per Lot; deleted by Bylaw 7998-2024; b. shall be contained within the same Building as the Principal Single Detached Residential Use; c. shall not be permitted where there is a Bed and Breakfast, Boarding, or Caretaker Residential, Temporary Residential or Two Unit Residential Use on the Lot; (Bylaw 7929-2023) d. shall not exceed 40% of the total Gross Floor Area for each suite or 60% of the combined floor area of two suites of the Building in which it is located; (Bylaw 7857-2022) e. Deleted by Bylaw No. 77 49-2021; f. shall provide proof satisfactory to the Building Official that notification has been provided to the applicable Fraser Health Authority if located on a Lot which is not serviced by Community Sanitary Sewer System; (Bylaw 77 49-2021) g. shall not be strata-titled; h. shall not be permitted on a Lot situated within a Floodplain Area unless the underside of the finished floor system of the Secondary Suite Residential Use is above the established minimum Flood Construction Level; and i. shall meet the provisions of Part 5 (Agricultural Zones) and Part 6 (Residential = E Zones) of this Bylaw j. shall not be permitted where there is a Detached Garden Suite Residential, unless the Lot is located within the Agricultural Land Reserve. (Bylaw 7929 2023) 8. That the following be added at the end of PART 4 GENERAL REGULATIONS, Section 402: 402.29 Urban Infill Residential 1. For Single Detached Residential and Two-Unit Residential zoned lots within the City's Urban Containment Boundary, as shown on Schedule 'A', Urban Infill Residential shall be permitted: a) up to three dwelling units on lots less than or equal to 280 square meters; b) up to four dwelling units on lots over 280 square meters and less than or equal to 4050 square meters, within the City's Urban Containment Boundary c) up to six dwelling units on lots within 400m of a Prescribed Bus Stop. 2. For Single Detached Residential and Two-Unit Residential zoned lots within the City's Urban Containment Boundary, Urban Infill Residential can include, subject to compliance with the British Columbia Building Code, the following Residential Uses: a) Secondary Suite Residential; b) Detached Garden Suite Residential; c) Single Detached Residential; d) Two-Unit Residential; e) Triplex Residential; f) Fourplex Residential; g) Courtyard Development, as determined by Lot Area; and h) Townhouse Residential, as determined by Lot Area. 3. On Single Detached Residential zoned lots outside of the City's Urban Containment Boundary, Urban Infill Residential shall be permitted: a) up to three dwelling units, limited to Secondary Suite Residential, Detached Garden Suite Residential, and Single Detached Residential uses. 402.30 Transit-Oriented Areas 1. Except as otherwise permitted in Zoning Bylaw 7600-2019, for lots within the 200 metre Tier Transit-Oriented Area as shown in Schedule H -Transit-Oriented Areas, the following density framework applies: a) the Floor Space Ratio shall not exceed 4.0 times the Lot Area; and b) the Building Height shall not exceed 12 Storeys~ 2. Except as otherwise permitted in Zoning Bylaw 7600-2019,for lots within the 400 metre Tier Transit-Oriented Area as shown in Schedule H -Transit-Oriented Areas, between 201 and 400 metres of a Transit-Oriented Area, the following density framework applies: a) the Floor Space Ratio shall not exceed 3.0 times the Lot Area; and b) the Building Height shall not exceed 8 Storeys~ = 9. That PART 6 RESIDENTIAL ZONES be amended as follows:, a. 601 Zone: R-1 Single Detached (Low Density) Residential, Section 601.2 Principal Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 601.2 1. a): b. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. b. 602 Zone: R-2 Single Detached (Medium Residential) Urban Residential, Section 602.2 Principal Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 602.2 1. a): b. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. c. 603 Zone: R-3 Single Detached (Intensive) Urban Residential, Section 603.2 Principal Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 603.2 1. a): b. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. d. 604 Zone: R-4 Single Detached (Infill) Urban Residential, Section 604.2 Principal Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 604.2 1. a): b. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. e. 605 Zone: RS-1 Single Detached Residential, Section 605.2 Principal Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 605.2 1. d): e. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. f. 606 Zone: RS-1a Single Detached (Amenity) Residential), Section 606.2 Principal Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 606.2 1. b): c. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. g. 607 Zone: RS-1b Single Detached (Medium Density) Residential, Section 607.2 Principal Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 607.2 1. a): b. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. h. 608 Zone: RS-1c Single Detached (Low Density) Residential, Section 608.2 Principal Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 608.2 1. c): b. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. i. 609 Zone: RS-1d Single Detached (Half Acre) Residential, Section 609.2 Principal Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 609.2 1. c): b. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. ::. j. 610 Zone: RS-2 Single Detached Suburban Residential, Section 610.2 Principal Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 610.2 1. d): e. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. k. 611 Zone: RS-3 Single Detached Rural Residential, Section 611.2 Principal Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 611.2 1. d): e. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. I. 614 Zone: SRS Special Urban Residential, Section 614.2 Principal Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 614.2 1. a): b. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. m. 615 Zone: RT-1 Two-Unit Urban Residential, Section 615.2 Principal Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 615.2 1. b): c. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. n. 624 Zone: RE Elderly Citizens Residential, Section 624.2 Principal Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 624.2 1. b): c. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29 .. o. 625 Zone: RG-2 Suburban Residential Strata, Section 625.2 Principal Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 625.2 1. c): d. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. 10. That PART 6 RESIDENTIAL ZONES be amended as follows:, a. 601 Zone: R-1 Single Detached (Low Density) Residential, Section 602.3 Accessory Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 601.3 1. e): f. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. b. 602 Zone: R-2 Single Detached (Medium Residential) Urban Residential, Section 602.3 Accessory Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 601.3 1. d): e. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. c. 603 Zone: R-3 Single Detached (Intensive) Urban Residential, Section 603.3 Accessory Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 603.3 1. c): d. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. d. 604 Zone: R-4 Single Detached (Infill) Urban Residential, Section 604.3 Accessory Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 604.3 1. e): f. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. e. 605 Zone: RS-1 Single Detached Residential, Section 605.3 Accessory Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 605.3 1. h): i. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. f. 606 Zone: RS-1a Single Detached (Amenity) Residential),, Section 606.3 Accessory Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 606.3 1. h): i. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. g. 607 Zone: RS-1b Single Detached (Medium Density) Residential, Section 607.3 Accessory Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 607.3 1. h): i. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. h. 608 Zone: RS-1c Single Detached (Low Density) Residential Section 608.3 Accessory Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 608.3 1. h): i. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. i. 609 Zone: RS-1d Single Detached (Half Acre) Residential, Section 609.3 Accessory Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 609.3 1. h): i. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. j. 610 Zone: RS-2 Single Detached Suburban Residential,, Section 610.3 Accessory Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 610.3 1. i): j. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. k. 611 Zone: RS-3 Single Detached Rural Residential, Section 611.3 Accessory Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 611.3 1. I): m. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. I. 614 Zone: SRS Special Urban Residential, Section 614.3 Accessory Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 614.3 1. g): h. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. m. 615 Zone: RT-1 Two-Unit Urban Residential, Section 615.3 Accessory Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 614.3 1. e): f. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. n. 624 Zone: RE Elderly Citizens Residential, Section 624.3 Accessory Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 624.3 1. d): e. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. =- J . j 7 ~ 1 l ;l o. 625 Zone: RG-2 Suburban Residential Strata, Section 625.3 Accessory Uses, be amended by inserting the following after 614.3 1. d): e. Urban Infill Residential, subject to Section 402.29. 11. That the following be added at the end of PART 6 RESIDENTIAL ZONES: 627 Zone: RUR Urban Infill Residential 627.1 Purpose 1. This Zone provides for residential infill development with a minimum lot area of 450.0 square meters. 627.2 Principal Uses 1. The following Principal Uses shall be permitted in this Zone, subject to Section 402.29: a) Single Detached Residential b) Two-Unit Residential c) Triplex Residential d) Fourplex Residential e) Courtyard Development, limited to six dwelling units. f) Townhouse Residential, limited to six dwelling units 627.3 Accessory Uses 1. The following shall be permitted as Accessory uses to one of the permitted Principal Uses in this Zone: a) Bed and Breakfast; b) Boarding c) Home Occupation d) Secondary Suite Residential; and e) Detached Garden Suite Residential. 627.4 LOT AREA and DIMENSIONS 1. Minimum Lot Area and dimensions shall be not less than: a) in Lot Area 450.0 square meters b) in Lot Width 12.0 meters, or 13.5 meters for a Lot on a Street corner c) in Lot Depth 24.0 meters 2. Refer to Section 407.1 (Building Envelope) of the Bylaw for required minimum Building Envelop dimensions. 627.5 DENSITY 1. No Density requirement in this Zone. 627.6 LOT COVERAGE 1. All Principal Buildings and Principal Structures and Accessory Buildings and Accessory Structures together shall not exceed a Lot Coverage of: a) 50% for lots that allow up to 4 dwelling units; and b) 60% for lots that allow up to 6 dwelling units. 2. Refer to Section 401.4 (Accessory Buildings, Structures and Uses) of this Bylaw for Lot Coverage requirements. 627.7 SETBACKS 1. Minimum Setbacks for Principal Buildings and Principal Structures shall not be less than: a) From a Front Lot Line 5.5 meters b) From a Rear Lot Line 6.0 meters c) From an Interior Side Lot Line d) From an Exterior Side Lot Line 1.2 meters for lots that allow up to 4 dwelling units; and 1.5 meters for lots that allow up to 6 dwelling units. 2.0 meters for lots that are less than 800m2 and that allow up to 4 dwelling units; 3.0 meters for lots that are over 800m2 and that allow up to 4 dwelling units; and 3.0 meters for lots that allow up to 6 dwelling units 2. Minimum Setbacks for Accessory Buildings and Accessory Structures shall not be less than: a) From a Front Lot Line 5.5 meters b) From a Rear Lot Line 1.5 meters c) From an Interior Side Lot Line 1.2 meters for lots that allow up to 4 dwelling units; and d) From an Exterior Side Lot Line 627.8 HEIGHT 1.2 meters for lots that allow up to 6 dwelling units. 2.0 meters for lots that are less than 800m2 and that allow up to 4 dwelling units; 3.0 meters for lots that are over 800m2 and that allow up to 4 dwelling units; and 3.0 meters for lots that allow up to 6 dwelling units 1. Building Height for Principal Buildings and Principal Structures shall not exceed 9.5 meters. 2. Building Height for Accessory Buildings and Accessory Structures shall not exceed 4.5 meters. 3. Refer to Section 403.4 (Building Height) of this Bylaw. 627.9 LANDSCAPING and SCREENING 1. Landscaping and screening shall be provided in accordance with Section 405 (Landscaping, Screening and Fencing Requirements) of this Bylaw. 627.10 PARKING and LOADING 1. Off-Street Parking and Off-Street Loading shall be provided in accordance with Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990. 2. Refer to Section 402 of this Bylaw for additional information. 627.11 OTHER REQUIREMENTS 1. Private Outdoor Areas shall be provided for each Dwelling Unit based on the following ratio: a) 45.0 square meters for each Dwelling Unit with 3 or more bedrooms; and 30.0 square meters for each Dwelling Unit with less than 3 bedrooms. 12. That PART 12 -SCHEDULES, 1201 Schedule A-Zoning Bylaw Map be amended as shown on the attached map and form part of this Bylaw 13. That the following be added at the end of PART 12 -SCHEDULES: 1208 Schedule H -Transit-Oriented Areas 14. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the READ a second time the PUBLIC HEARING held the READ a third time the day of day of day of day of ADOPTED , the day of PRESIDING MEMBER , 20 ,20 ,20 ,20 , 20 CORPORATE OFFICER -g =- Schedule "A" -Zoning Bylaw Map Attached hereto on the following page IT] [[] ~ ~:::,,;... ~ w llij w [[] Legend 6 N i N DATE ADOPTED December 8. 2020 DRAWN BY TM/RO REVISED BY DT DATE OF LAST REVISION Apr 09. 202<1 BYLAW REVISION 7266-2016 Zoning Bylaw Map """"""''"'""" Schedule 'A' ,l ~ Maple Bylaw No. 7600-2019 ~ RidE!e :•;i ;i),'ll!"/.."€1lriis-~11 /. 1 IJ.. , ,·. ;.,w·· "~f ~A\(r~·:::; ·'<Jh _ 1 . . _ ~~;r:J.~· .. ~:~: ·"1 • J71 W\\,.. -r ,,.,_,~· .-i-.1"----'--c-...,.. t1t ,.., t:~ t#;,f ~-:· ·. ·';> _,, \ . \ ~ \ ·' .L/t'~jt?;~, 1:~~-~'--Vjfse 1 • I /;"l.·.,·\. \ ,;:-1/✓!~ ·irw,>1rTTJTHnµ,:Ci" :j: . .,;;t-j,·.1.•.-· 'i...._f,jTi'I --11 i· . "··,.1,1illl''.··?---·· j 1111i -.bd.:-;Tit·.· 'f7 B ji!irll 1,4\;t /l! ,:11".,I.['.' 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Q. ~ "' ~ ... ... 0 0 ~ ~ 0 0 1 Legend ~ '3 A 0 i;; ~ GOLDEN EARS WAY i;; 2 Kilometres I El Bus Exchange 128AVE ~ El West Coast Express Station D 200 Metre Tier D 400 Metre Tier ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Bylaw No , 7600-2019 Schedule 'H' (1 of 4) Overview PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ Maple Ridee FILE: ScheduleH_Overview DATE: May 28, 2024 BY:DT ~, 132 -I L__; -lKIRK-AVB I LANE i I I I l='-r=;::::::':::;:::::='I=~=-LA~~ {_ l.~r-~~I '-I 1'----~~! .L_i J~ _; I NOf}Tljl LAN_s__J_·. Legend El Haney Place Exchange N I I 200 Metre Tier D 400 Metre Tier Scale: 1 :7,000 I ----I I I I •-; -I I LJ\NE' t---~ L, Bylaw No, 7600-2019 Schedule 'H' (2 of 4) Haney Place Exchange PLANNING DEPARTMENT I ! -, flL ~ Maple Ridee ~ FILE: ScheduleH_HaneyPlaceExchange DATE: May 28, 2024 BY: OT 0 I N 100 Scale: 1 :7,000 200 Legend 400 Meters I El Port Haney Station 200 Metre Tier 400 Metre Tier Bylaw No, 7600-2019 Schedule 'H' (3 of 4) Port Haney Station PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ Maple Ridee ~ FILE: ScheduleH_PortHaneyStation DA TE: May 28, 2024 BY :DT - ~. . . . . ; . . J - ~~ l,; . . . . .. J •• I.. _ , , . (/ ) z[ > (' ) Ql ro ... . . :.. . : i 0 0 0 DDa r CD cc CD ~ I\ . ) s: :: l 0 0 Q) C. 0 0 "'O s: s: CD CD CD s: r+ r+ .. , ro CD CD Q) 7 7 Q. CD CD 0 .. , .. , ~ en Cl ) r+ Q) r+ 0 :J 0 "T l )> ;= -, m m .. ~ \ \ .. (/) ~ () ·~ J D> ::: r '< CD a. 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AJN. r -: - - 1 f - ' \- / -. >, - I -~ MIS UiJ : 5' P1L \ Lf - ~- - 1 r= - r-- = - = - - .I _ I / / _-- i r . ~1- -~03 _s_ -- r - - - Z!l l l l l 1 •• 1- - -] ~=f -\ , -1~ L. m I 1 '), . ~-- r ' CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 8000-2024 APPENDIX B A Bylaw to amend the text of the Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990, as amended. WHEREAS, Council deems it expedient to amend the Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990, as amended. NOW THEREFORE, Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as the "Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Amending Bylaw No. 8000-2024". 2. Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990 is amended as follows: a. "Part 1 Interpretation, Definitions" is amended by inserting the following after "1.2 f)": g) Prescribed Bus Stop is determined by transit frequency and timing and is considered to be a Prescribed Bus Stop if it is served by at least one bus route that is scheduled to stop at least every 15 minutes, on average, between the hours of: a) 7 am and 7pm, Monday to Friday; and b) 10 am and 6pm on Saturday and Sunday; and h) Transit-Oriented Area (TOA) means an area within a prescribed distance from a transit station that is designated through the Maple Ridge Transit-Oriented Area Designation Bylaw No. 8001-2024, as amended. b. "Schedule "A" Off Street Parking Requirements, 1.0 Residential Uses" is amended by deleting: a) Single Detached Residential, Two-Unit Residential, 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit Triplex Residential, Fourplex Residential, Courtyard Residential, Street Townhouse Residential And replacing with the following: a) Single Detached Residential 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit Two-Unit Residential, Triplex Residential, Fourplex 1.5 spaces per dwelling unit Residential, Courtyard Residential, Street Townhouse Residential 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit c. A new "Schedule "G"" is inserted after "Schedule "F"", with the following language: 1.0 Small Scale Multi Unit Housing and Transit-Oriented Areas Requirements: 1.1 For lots within 400 metres of a Prescribed Bus Stop that have single- detached or duplex zoning, no residential parking requirements will apply. 1.2 For lots within a Transit-Oriented Area: 1.2.1 Provide no less than the required number of commercial or non-residential parking spaces per proposed use, as outlined in Schedule A of this bylaw; 1.2.2 Provide 1.0 Van-Accessible Space and 1.0 Standard Accessible Space for residential parking purposes; and 1.2.3 That no other residential parking requirements will apply. 3. Maple Ridge Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990 as amended is hereby amended accordingly. READ a first time the day of , 20 READ a second time the day of , 20 READ a third time the day of , 20 ADOPTED the day of , 20 PRESIDING MEMBER CORPORATE OFFICER l cJ j APPENDIXC Appendix D -Policy Manual Parameters 1. Number of Units Per Lot -Outside of Urban Containment Boundary Provincial Guidance Per the provincial legislation and regulation, it is now required that the City of Maple Ridge permit: • Up to two units on single detached zones lots that are connected to sewer and water Maple Ridge Today Under the Zoning Bylaw today, most single detached residential zones permitted outside the Urban Containment Boundary allow for two dwelling units in the form of a Principal Dwelling Unit in conjunction with a Secondary Suite or Detached Garden Suite. Lots within the Agricultural Land Reserve, since September 2023, allow for both a Secondary Suite and Detached Garden Suite on the same lot. These lots may have single detached residential or agricultural zoning. Recommended Next Steps Going forward, all single detached zones permitted outside the Urban Containment Boundary (for example, RS-2 Single Detached Suburban Residential and RS-3 Single Detached Rural Residential) will be permitted to allow a Secondary Suite and a Detached Garden Suite on the same lot. This would bring all residential zoning outside of the Urban Containment Boundary into alignment. It is anticipated that these dwelling units will be able to be serviced through the processes and standards in place today. 2. Number of Units Per Lot -Within Urban Containment Boundary Provincial Guidance Per the provincial legislation and regulation, it is now required that the City of Maple Ridge permit • Up to three units on single detached or duplex zoned lots that are under 280m2. • Up to four units on single detached or duplex zoned lots that are between 280m2 and 4050m2. • Up to six units on single detached or duplex zoned lots that are between 280m2 and 4050m2 and within 400 metres of a Prescribed Bus Stop Maple Ridge Today Under the Zoning Bylaw today, most single detached residential zones within the Urban Containment Boundary allow for up to two dwelling units in the form of a Principal Dwelling Unit in conjunction with a Secondary Suite or Detached Garden Suite. However, some of the smaller zones (for example, R-3 Single Detached (Intensive) Urban Residential and R-2 Single Detached (Medium Density) Urban Residential) do not currently allow for a Secondary Suite or Detached Garden Suite. Since 2019, the Zoning Bylaw allows for triplex, fourplex and courtyard forms of development on mid-sized infill residential lots. As the City has been experiencing a growing interest in these housing forms, it is anticipated the lessons and design guidelines created for this zone will be used as a baseline for the future SSMUH housing forms. Recommended Next Steps Going forward, it is proposed that all single detached zones will be permitted to allow a Secondary Suite and a Detached Garden Suite. This would bring all residential zoning into alignment in relation to accessory dwelling units and align with the Province's objectives. In order to allow 'multi-plex' forms of development, all single detached and duplex zones will need to be amended to allow the triplex and fourplex housing forms. It is proposed that a zone amending bylaw will be brought forward that enables these housing forms on all residential lots over, providing the housing can be constructed in alignment with the proposed siting requirements and in accordance with the B.C. Building Code. Similarly, for lots within 400m of the Prescribed Bus Stops, up to 6 units will need to be permitted. It is understood that as service levels increase, the number and location of stops that are considered 'Prescribed Bus Stops' may change. When a Prescribed Bus Stop overlaps with a Transit Oriented Demand Area (TOA), the TOA densities will take precedence. For those seeking more than 6 units within the 400 m of the Prescribed Bus Station or more than 4 units for lots more than 400m from a Prescribed Bus Stop, the ability to re-zone to the RT-2 zone (Courtyard Option) will remain. Similarly for those seeking more than 8 units, or have a larger land assembly, re-zoning to the RM-1 Townhouse Residential also remains as a viable option, subject to associated land use designations and siting requirements. As the City is currently reviewing the Zoning Bylaw more comprehensively, the zone amending bylaws enacting SSMUH is not intended to remove or withdraw any historic or underused residential zones. This work will be done holistically through the Zoning Bylaw Review process. 3. Types of Dwelling Units Provincial Guidance Per the provincial legislation and regulation, the requirement is to permit up to three, four or six dwelling units, depending on the circumstances. The legislation and Policy Manual are not prescriptive on the types or forms of these dwelling units. The Province is looking for local governments to be flexible in terms of permitting a range of combinations and configurations of units. Local governments are able to be prescriptive as to the types of units allowed under SSMUH. Maple Ridge Today As outlined above, the Zoning Bylaw currently allows a diverse range of housing or dwelling units -the traditional single detached home, with or without a Secondary Suite or Detached Garden Suite, as well as Duplexes, Triplexes, and Courtyard Forms of Development. Recommended Next Steps Going forward, it is anticipated that the housing diversity contained within the Zoning Bylaw be consolidated and allowed on the single detached and duplex zoned lots. This would enable flexibility and housing diversity. The housing forms would not be prescriptive but simply required to align with the BC Building Code. As the BC Building Code is updated, additional forms or shapes may be permitted. For example, under the BC 2 Building Code today, there can be challenges with allowing Secondary Suites in a Top / Down Duplex whereas it is possible to allow a Secondary Suite in a Side by Side Duplex. It is also important to note that in 2025 buildings with common entrances or elevators will be required to meet new adaptability provisions in the Building Code, however these are not anticipated to apply to Detached Garden Suites, Single Detached, Duplex, or Townhomes. 4.Size of Dwelling Units Provincial Guidance Per the provincial legislation and regulation, a variety of types and sizes is supported. Local governments retain the ability to regulate the size of units, if desired. Maple Ridge Today The Zoning Bylaw does not specifically regulate the size of Single Detached Homes through a required minimum or maximum size. It does shape the massing of buildings through the several requirements, including building height, setbacks, and lot coverage. The Zoning Bylaw does set a maximum for a Secondary Suite, at 40% of the Gross Floor Area of the Building, but not specify in dimensions. Similarly, for Detached Garden Suites the maximum area is not more than 90m2 or 10% of the lot area, whichever is less. Recommended Next Steps At this time, no changes are proposed to the sizes of the Secondary Suites and Detached Garden Suite regulation. Other forms of SSMUH Housing are not being proposed to be regulated at this time. This will help enable some flexibility in dwelling unit types. It is anticipated, in reflection of the in-stream Housing Needs Report, that at least 1 or 2 dwelling units, enabled under SSMUH, contain at least 3 bedrooms or be designed for seniors or family housing. 3 Summary Parameter Allowed Today In Maple Ridge Recommended change to Zoning Zoning Bylaw Bylaw to align with Bill 44 Number of Units Per Lot -Non-ALR: Up to 2 dwelling units Non-ALR: Up to 3 dwelling units Outside of Containment Boundary ALR: Up to 3 dwellinq units ALR: Up to 3 dwelling units Number of Units Per Lot -Single Detached Zones: 1 to 2 Single Detached Zones: Within Urban Containment • Up to 3 on to lots < 280m2 Boundary Duplex Zone: 2 • Up 4 on lots between 281 m2 and 4050m2 • Up to 6 on lots within 400m of a Prescribed Bus Station Duplex Zone: • Up to 3 on to lots < 280m2 • Up 4 on lots between 281 m2 and 4050m2 • Up to 6 on lots within 400m of a Prescribed Bus Station Types of Dwelling Units Outright: Outright • Single Detached Home • Single Detached Home with with Secondary Suite or Secondary Suite and Detached Garden Suite Detached Garden Suite • Duplex Through re-zoning • Triplex • Duplex • Fourplex • Triplex • Courtyard Development • Fourplex (limited to 4 or 6 units) • Courtyard Development • Townhouse Development (limited to 4 or 6 units) Through re-zoning with or without land assembly: • Courtyard Development (up to 8 units) • Townhouse Development Size of Dwelling Units No proposed changes 4 Appendix E -Policy Manual Site Standards 1. Size of New Lots -SSMUH Subdivision Provincial Guidance The provincial legislation sets out specific lot sizes for the purpose of determining density but not does not establish minimum lot sizes for the purposes of subdivision. Local governments need to consider the relationship between lot and frontage size, as well as the number and viability of the future units. Maple Ridge Today Most recent single detached rezoning and subdivision applications, within the Urban Containment Boundary, have been to more urban zones, including the R-1 Single Detached (Low Density) Urban Residential Zone, R-2 Single Detached (Medium Density) Urban Residential Zone, and the R-3 Single Detached (Intensive) Urban Residential Zone, which have minimum lot areas of 371 m2 , 31 Sm 2 and 255m2 , respectively. However, the most predominant zone within established neighbourhoods is historically the RS-1 Single Detached Residential Zone which has a minimum lot area of 668 m2 and the RS-1 b Single Detached (Medium Density) Residential Zone which has a minimum lot area of 557m2. Recommended Next Steps The City's Official Community Plan contains guiding policies which enable the subdivision of the RS-1 zone, within the Urban Containment Boundary, to the R-4 Single Detached (Infill) Urban Residential Zone, which has a minimum lot area of 450m2 and currently allows for a Secondary Suite. As subdivision has the potential to double or triple the density within the same space as an existing RS-1 Zone, it is recommended that the minimum lot size of future subdivisions be increased. The new minimum lot size of future infill subdivision is proposed to be increased to 450m2 , which aligns with the R-4 Zoning discussed above. This lot size has been tested to be viable with a Secondary Suite and can support the addition of a Detached Garden Suite (subject to BC Building Code regulations). It is acknowledged that the new minimum lot size may be tight for future triplex or fourplexes, however it still provides an opportunity for those interested in building a traditional single detached home (with or without Secondary Suite or Detached Garden Suite) that, while not necessarily affordable, may be attainable. It is also recognized that the BC Building Code is continually updated, which will have siting and design implications, so minimum lot sizes may be adjusted in the future. The implementation of SSMUH will be monitored and will be revisited through the Zoning Bylaw Review process. 2. Setback Requirements Provincial Guidance The Policy Manual includes the following recommended benchmark regulations for siting requirements: • Lots under 121 Sm2 that allow for 3 or 4 units o Front Lot Line Setback: minimum of 2 meters o Rear Lot Line: minimum of 1.5 meters for ADUs and Principal Dwellings o Side Setbacks: Minimum of 1.2 meters • Lots over 121 Sm2 that allow for 4 units o Front Lot Line Setback: minimum of 4 to 6 meters o Rear Lot Line: minimum of 6 meters for Principal Dwellings and 1.5 meters for ADUs o Side Setbacks: Combined minimum of side-yard setbacks of 3 meters • Lots that allow for 6 units o Front Lot Line Setback: minimum of 2 meters o Rear Lot Line: minimum of 1.5 meters o Side Setbacks: minimum of 0 -1.2 meters Maple Ridge Today The City's Zoning Bylaw contains a specific set of setback requirements for each zone. For illustrative purposes, the R-3, R-1 and R-4 zone have been identified below: • R-3 Single Detached (Intensive) Urban Residential o Front Lot Line Setback: minimum of 3 meters o Rear Lot Line : minimum of 11 meters for Principal Dwelling with lane access; 6 meters for Principal Dwellings without lane access; and 0.5 meters for ADUs o Side Setbacks: • Interior Side: Minimum setback of 1.2 meters for Principal Dwellings; 0.5 meters for ADUs • Exterior Side: Minimum setback of 2.0 meters for Principal Dwellings; 2 meters for ADUs • R-1 Single Detached (Lot Density) Urban Residential o Front Lot Line Setback: minimum of 5.5 meters o Rear Lot Line: minimum of 6 meters for Principal Dwelling; and 1 meter for ADUs o Side Setbacks: • Interior Side: Minimum setback of 1.2 meters for Principal Dwellings; 1 meter for ADUs • Exterior Side: Minimum setback of 3 meters for Principal Dwellings; 3 meters for ADUs • R-4 Single Detached (Infill) Urban Residential o Front Lot Line Setback: minimum of 6 meters o Rear Lot Line: minimum of 6 meters for Principal Dwelling; and 1 meter for ADUs o Side Setbacks: • Interior Side: Minimum setback of 1.5 meters for Principal Dwellings; 1 meter for ADUs • Exterior Side: Minimum setback of 3 meters for Principal Dwellings; 3 meters for ADUs 2 Recommended Next Steps The City's Zoning Bylaw will need to be amended to include setback requirements for the SSMUH forms of housing. It is proposed to bring forward the following setback requirements: • Lots up to 280m2 that allow up to 3 dwelling units: o Front Lot Line Setback: minimum of 5.5 meters o Rear Lot Line: minimum of 6 meters for Principal Dwelling; and 1.5 meter for ADUs o Side Setbacks: ■ Interior Side: Minimum setback of 1.2 meters ■ Exterior Side: Minimum setback of 2 meters for Principal Dwellings; 2 meters for ADUs • Lots between 281m2 and 800m2 that allow up to 4 dwelling units o Front Lot Line Setback: minimum of 5.5 meters o Rear Lot Line: minimum of 6 meters for Principal Dwelling; and 1.5 meter for ADUs o Side Setbacks: ■ Interior Side: Minimum setback of 1.2 meters ■ Exterior Side: Minimum setback of 2 meters for Principal Dwellings; 2 meters for ADUs • Lots over 800m2 that allow up to 4 dwelling units o Front Lot Line Setback: minimum of 5.5 meters o Rear Lot Line: minimum of 6 meters for Principal Dwelling; and 1.5 meters for ADUs o Side Setbacks: ■ Interior Side: Minimum setback of 1.5 meters for Principal Dwellings; 1.2 meters for ADUs ■ Exterior Side: Minimum setback of 3 meters for Principal Dwellings; 3 meters for ADUs • Lots that allow for 6 units o Front Lot Line Setback: minimum of 5.5 meters o Rear Lot Line: minimum of 6 meters for Principal Dwelling; and 1 meter for ADUs o Side Setbacks: ■ ■ Interior Side: Minimum setback of 1.5 meters for Principal Dwellings; 1.2 meters for ADUs Exterior Side: Minimum setback of 3 meters for Principal Dwellings; 3 meters for ADUs 3 3. Height & Coverage Requirements Provincial Guidance The Policy Manual includes the following recommended benchmark regulations for height and lot coverage requirements: • Lots under 1215m2 that allow for 3 or 4 units o Height: maximum of 11 meters to the mid-point; 3 storeys o Lot Coverage: maximum of 50% • Lots over 121 Sm2 that allow for 4 units o Height: maximum of 11 meters to the mid-point; 3 storeys o Lot Coverage: ma ximum of 40% • Lots that allow for 6 units o Height: maximum of 11 meters to the mid-point; 3 storeys o Lot Coverage: maximum of 60% Maple Ridge Today The City's Zoning Bylaw contains a specific set of setback requirements for each zone. For illustrative purposes, the R-3, R-1 and R-4 zone have been identified below: • R-3 Single Detached (Intensive) Urban Residential o Height: 9.5 meters; 2.5 storeys o Lot Coverage: 50% o Permeable Landscaping: 30% of the front yard • R-1 Single Detached (Lot Density) Urban Residential o Height: 9.5 meters; 2.5 storeys o Lot Coverage: 50% o Permeable Landscaping: 40% of the front yard • R-4 Single Detached (Infill) Urban Residential o Height: 8 meters; 2 storeys o Lot Coverage: 40% o Permeable Landscaping: 40% of the front yard Recommended Next Steps The City's Zoning Bylaw will need to be amended to update the height and coverage requirements for the SSMUH forms of housing. It is proposed to bring forward the following requirements: • Lots up to 280m2 that allow up to 3 dwelling units: o Height: maximum of 9.5 meters to the mid-point; 3 storeys o Lot Coverage: maximum of 50% o Permeable Landscaping: 50% • Lots between 281m2 and 800m2 that allow up to 4 dwelling units o Height: maximum of 9.5 meters to the mid-point; 3 storeys o Lot Coverage: maximum of 50% o Permeable Landscaping: 50% 4 I 1 1 .; 1 l 1 • Lots over 800m2 that allow up to 4 dwelling units o Height: maximum of 9.5 meters to the mid-point; 3 storeys o Lot Coverage: maximum of 50% o Permeable Landscaping: 50% • Lots that allow for 6 units o Height: maximum of 9.5 meters to the mid-point; 3 storeys o Lot Coverage: maximum of 60% o Permeable Landscaping: 40% 4. Parking Provincial Guidance The Province acknowledges that parking has a big impact on the viability of a project. The provincial regulations establishes that local governments are unable to require parking within 400m of a Prescribed Bus Stop. The Policy Manual also heavily encourages the reduction or elimination of parking minimums for other forms of SSMUH and includes the following recommended benchmark regulations: • Lots under 1215m2 that allow for 3 or 4 units o Maximum of 0.5 parking space per unit if lot is within 800m of a Prescribed Bus Stop; o Otherwise 1 space / unit. • Lots over 1215m2 that allow for 4 units o Maximum of 0.5 parking space per unit if lot is within 800m of a Prescribed Bus Stop; o Otherwise 1 space/ unit. The Policy Manual does note that higher maximum parking requirements may be appropriate in smaller communities with no or limited public transportation. Maple Ridge Today Under the City's Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw, all Single Detached, Duplex, Triplex, Fourplex, Courtyard Development and Townhouse forms of housing require two off-street parking spaces per unit and in certain circumstances, also require visitor parking (for example, Townhouse and RT-2 forms of development). Unless otherwise noted, these parking stalls are not be tandem (i.e. when one parking space is behind another parking space). However, specifically for townhouse developments under the RM-1 Low Density Townhouse Residential Zone, no more than 30% of units may be in a tandem format. For Secondary Suites and Detached Garden Suites, one off-street parking space is required. The City's Off-Street Parking and Load Bylaw is currently under review. The in-stream bylaw, which received first reading in October 2023, did not propose any reduction of parking spaces for these housing forms. 5 Recommended Next Steps The City's Off-Street Parking and Loading Bylaw will need to be amended to remove any parking requirement for SSMUH developments within 400m of a Prescribed Bus Station. For the lots outside of 400m of a Prescribed Bus Station, it is proposed to reduce the parking minimum to 1.5 spaces per unit until the construction and operation of the BRT line is complete. Once the BRT line is operational, the City can explore further reducing the parking requirements to either 1 space or 0.5 spaces per dwelling unit, as recommended by the Province. A parking minimum of 1.5 spaces per unit would translate to: o 1.5 (i .e. 2) spaces for a one-unit development o 3 spaces for a two-unit development o 4.5 (i .e 5) spaces for a three-unit development; and o 6 spaces for a four-unit development. Where possible, in areas not well serviced by transit, staff will continue to encourage developments to provide up to two off-street parking spaces until the BRT line is complete and/or local service is improved, however this will be voluntary by the applicant. 6 ~ Maple Ridee - TO: FROM: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: FILE NO: MEETING: June 4, 2024 13-6440-20 cow SUBJECT: Housing Legislation Amendments -Transit-Oriented Area (TOA) Designation Bylaw First, Second and Third Reading Transit-Oriented Area Designation Bylaw No. 8001-2024 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On November 30, 2023 the Provincial Government gave Royal Assent to Bill 47-2023 Housing Statutes (Transit-Oriented Areas) Amendment Act, with section 8 of the Act coming into force by regulation on June 30, 2024. This Act requires municipalities to designate Transit-Oriented Areas near transit hubs by June 30, 2024. Transit-Oriented Areas (TOA) are defined as an area within a prescribed distance from a transit station, intended to be areas of mixed-use, complete communities. Transit-Oriented Area (TOA) Designation Bylaw No. 8001-2024 (Appendix A) has been created to designate TOA areas within the City of Maple Ridge. TOA Designation Bylaw No. 8001-2024 sets outs the three TOAs in Maple Ridge: • Haney Transit Exchange (Appendix A, Schedule A) • Port Haney West Coast Express Station (Appendix A, Schedule B) • Maple Meadows West Coast Express Station (Appendix A, Schedule B). As TOA Designation Bylaw No. 8001-2024 does not modify the land use designations of the identified properties, and in recognition of the evolving landscape within these TOAs, staff are also proposing a targeted land use review of the three TOAs . This proposed process is an opportunity to refine the land uses within the TOAs with the adjacent land uses. For Council consideration, a general scope of work and timeline for the targeted TOA land use review is outlined in the report below. This report recommends that Transit-Oriented Area Designation Bylaw No. 8001-2024 be forwarded to the next Regular Council Meeting for consideration of first, second and third reading as well as for endorsement of a land use review of the land use designations within the TOAs. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That, pursuant to Section 585.52(3) of the Local Government Act, the Provincial Policy Manual: Transit-Oriented Areas has been considered and no further consideration of the Provincial Policy Manual is required at this time; 2. That the Maple Ridge Transit-Oriented Area Designation Bylaw No. 8001-2024 be given first, second and third reading; and 3. That the Transit-Oriented Areas Land Use Planning Process, as outlined in Section 2.3 of the report titled "Housing Legislation Amendments -Transit-Oriented Area (TOA) Bylaw" and dated June 4, 2024, be endorsed. #3812739 Page 1 of 5 = E 1.0 BACKGROUND: On November 30, 2023 the Provincial Government gave Royal Assent to Bill 47-2023 Housing Statutes (Transit-Oriented Areas) Amendment Act. This Act requires municipalities to designate Transit-Oriented Areas near transit hubs. Transit-Oriented Areas (TOA) are defined as an area within a prescribed distance from a transit station, intended to be areas of mixed-use, complete communities. On December 7, 2023, TOA regulations were released, which prescribed 104 TOAs in 31 municipalities throughout BC. The legislation defines Transit-Oriented Areas as areas within 800 metres of a rapid transit station (i.e., SkyTrain station) and within 400 metres of a bus exchange, which includes West Coast Express stations. As such, three TOAs were identified for Maple Ridge: • Haney Transit Exchange • Port Haney West Coast Express Station • Maple Meadows West Coast Express Station The Port Haney West Coast Express Station TOA came into effect immediately, while the remaining two TOAs have until June 30, 2024 to be designated. 2.0 DISCUSSION: With Bill 47, local governments are required to designate Transit-Oriented Areas, by bylaw, by June 30, 2024. As part of the Bill 47 implementation, the Province published a Provincial Policy Manual: Transit- Oriented Areas . This document establishes how to define and where to implement TOAs within a municipality. 2.1 Transit-Oriented Areas Policy Manual Considerations In December 2023, the Province released the Provincial Policy Guidance Manual: Transit-Oriented Areas as a resource to assist local governments with the implementation of the TOA requirements. The Local Government Act requires that Council must consider the Provincial Policy Manual: Transit-Oriented Areas when: • Designating TOA bylaws; • Adopting and amending zoning bylaws; • Developing/amending an Official Community Plan; and • Adopting/amending an off-street parking requirements bylaw. The Policy Manual also identifies exemptions and limitations, namely: • Land that is zoned to permit residential uses that are ancillary or secondary to an Industrial use; • Land zoned to permit residential uses that are ancillary or secondary to an Agricultural Use; • Land where Federal or Provincial statutes supersede local government bylaw requirements: #3812739 o Agricultural Land Reserve o Airport Zoning Regulations under the Aeronautics Act o Federal Crown Lands o Floodplains, hazard areas, riparian areas and other environmentally sensitive areas; and o Heritage objects and sites that are subject to heritage designation, heritage revitalization agreements, etc. Page 2 of S Based on the exemptions and limitations, not every property shown as being within a TOA will be subject to the allowable density and height prescribed in the legislation. The allowable density and heights are also not requirements. The Policy Manual provides guidance for local governments to designate and permit the minimum allowable densities prescribed in the regulations, Table 1, below, provides a summary of the considerations and demonstrates compliance: Table 1: Summary of Policy Manual Considerations Policy Manual Step Considerations Compliance with Policy Manual Confirm the Transit Station Category 2, Bus Exchange or West Coast Express in ✓ Cateqory Metro Vancouver Confirm the Locations and Locations and types of TOAs have been confirmed, Types of TOA catchment area to be considered 400m. Please see ✓ Appendix A, Schedule A, B and C for copies of the maps. Confirm Density Required Tier 4 200m or less • Up to 4.0 FAR/ FSR (allowable density) • Up to 12 storeys (allowable height) ✓ Tier 5 201 -400m • Up to 3.0 FAR/ FSR (allowable density) • Up to 8 storeys (a llowable heiqht) Map All TOAs Coordinates provided by the Province for Haney ✓ Transit Exchange, Port Haney West Coast Express Station, and Maple Meadows West Coast Express Station. Please see Appendix A, Schedule A, B and C for copies of the maps. Designate TOAs by Bylaw Please see Appendix A -Transit-Oriented Area ✓ Desiqnation Bylaw No. 8001-2024 Prepare TOA Plans Recommendation included with this report; (Optional) alternatively to be considered as a component of the ✓ mandated OCP review due by December 2025. Implement Density Subject to the exemptions identified in the Requirements regulation, it is understood that: • A local government must not reject a rezoning application on the basis of the proposed density or building height if the density and height are both at or under the ✓ allowable amount specified in the regulation. • A local government may approve, at their discretion, a rezoning application that exceeds the allowable density and height specified in the regulations. #3812739 Page 3 of 5 2.2 Transit~Oriented Area Designation Bylaw No. 8001-2024 As local governments must designate each TOA with a catchment area within its jurisdiction by bylaw by June 30, 2024, Transit-Oriented Area (TOA) Designation Bylaw No. 8001-2024 (Appendix A) has been created. TOA Designation Bylaw No. 8001-2024 sets outs the three TOAs in Maple Ridge: • Haney Transit Exchange (Appendix A, Schedule A) • Port Haney West Coast Express Station (Appendix A, Schedule 8) • Maple Meadows West Coast Express Station {Appendix A, Schedule 8). As there was no requirement under the TOA Regulation to amend the Zoning Bylaw or Official Community Plan bylaw in order to designate TOAs, TOA Designation Bylaw No. 8001-2024 simply contains the maps showing the boundaries of each TOA. It does not impact the zoning or land use designations of the properties identified within the TOA. The prescribed height and density requirements for the three TOAs will be in effect upon final reading of TOA Designation Bylaw No. 8001-2024. However, it is important to note that a property owner may choose to develop below the density and height prescribed in the legislation. Land development applications within TOAs are subject to the City's policies, regulations and processes. 2.3 Transit-Oriented Area Land Use Planning Process As TOA Designation Bylaw No. 8001 -2024 does not modify the land use designations of the identified properties, and in recognition of the evolving landscape within these TOAs, staff are proposing a targeted land use review of the three TOAs. This proposed process is an opportunity to refine the land uses within the TOAs with the adjacent land uses. For Council consideration, a general scope of work and timeline for the targeted TOA land use review is outlined below. Land Use and Servicing Review Staff will undertake a land use review that will include the following: • Review relevant City policies, and incorporate updated land use and housing economic analyses anticipated through the updated Housing Needs Report. • Review transportation networks, site constraints and opportunities. • Prepare and refine land use concepts • Solicit community input through a public consultation process. Public Process The public process is an opportunity to introduce to the community the TOA concept brought into effect by the Province, as well as the opportunity to provide input on the proposed land uses for the three TOAs. The public process would be advertised on the City's website, through social media platforms, and in the local newspaper. It is anticipated that the public portion of the process would take place following the upcoming Provincial election. #3812739 Page 4 of S :: Proposed Timeline It is anticipated that this targeted land use review could take approximately six months to complete. Should Council endorse the process, it is anticipated that refined land uses for the three TOAs could be presented to Council for Q4 2024. 2.4 Timeline & Next Steps The next steps for designating Transit-Oriented Areas (TOA) in Maple Ridge include: • Transit-Oriented Area Designation Bylaw No. 8001-2024 will proceed through the bylaw adoption process with final reading anticipated to occur at the June 25, 2024 Regular Council Meeting. • Off-Street Parking and Loading Amending Bylaw No. 8000-2024 and Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7998-2024 (the subject of a complementary Council Report) will also proceed through the bylaw adoption process with final reading anticipated to occur at the June 25, 2024 Regular Council Meeting. • Following adoption of the TOA Designation Bylaw and supporting amending bylaws, staff will notify the Province, as requested by the Planning and Land Use Branch of the Ministry of Housing. • New applications will be able to be processed as of July 2, 2024. 3.0 STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT: The proposed legislative changes introduced by Bill 47 align with the strategic objectives outlined in the 2023-2026 City of Maple Ridge Strategic Plan. CONCLUSION: This report introduced Transit-Oriented Area Designation Bylaw No. 8001-2024 and recommends that it be forwarded to the next Regular Council Meeting for consideration of first, second and third reading as well as for endorsement of a land use review of the land use designations within the TOAs. "Original Signed by Amanda Grochowich" Prepared by: Amanda Grochowich, MCIP, RPP Manager of Community Planning "Original Signed by Marlene Best" Approved by: Marlene Best, RPP, MBA Interim Director of Planning "Original Signed by Scott Hartman" Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer Attachments: Appendix A: Transit-Oriented Area Designation Bylaw No. 8001-2024 #3812739 Page 5 of 5 CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE BYLAW NO. 8001-2024 A Bylaw to designate Transit-Oriented Areas in Maple Ridge. APPENDIX A WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 585.52 of the Local Government Act, RSBC 2015 c 1, Council is required to designate Prescribed Transit-Oriented Areas; NOW THEREFORE, Council of the City of Maple Ridge, enacts as follows: 1. This Bylaw may be cited as "Maple Ridge Transit-Oriented Area Designation Bylaw No. 8001- 2024". 2. The parcels shown as being within or partially within the 200 Metre Tier and 400 Metre Tier in Schedule "A", Schedule "B" and Schedule "C", which are attached and form part of this Bylaw, are designated as Transit-Oriented Areas in accordance with the Local Government Act. READ a first time the READ a second time the READ a third time the ADOPTED the PRESIDING MEMBER day of day of day of day of , 20 , 20 , 20 , 20 CORPORATE OFFICER Schedule "A" -Haney Place Exchange Attached hereto on the following page. ---·-, R ~~E Ell ~ ;MCINTb s c=jLJ g I __ LAt:!_E ,r-~n -~~-~--=LA~Ns ~ r--··-7 -~ ~ -LKIRK-AVE I _J ____ , I N~f 8l44NE t=1, ~ I I I I I ' '-· 1----NOR.TH .AVE _. _ , J L J 0 100 Legend [:] Haney Place Exchange N I I 200 Metre Tier D 400 Metre Tier Scale: 1 :7,000 ,- ~ I LANE" = --= 1-[F,U Schedule A Haney Place Exchange PLANNING DEPARTMENT ct ~ Maple Ridee ~ FILE: ScheduleA_HaneyPlaceExchange.mxd DATE : May 29, 2024 BY: OT Schedule "B" -Port Haney Station Attached hereto on the following page. E -;:: .a 0 100 N Scale: 1 :7,000 200 400 Meters Legend El Port Haney Station 200 Metre Tier 400 Metre Tier L{) N J SELKIRK AV N ---, Schedule 8 Port Haney Station PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ Maple Ridee ~ FILE: ScheduleB_PortHaneyStation.mxd DATE: May 29, 2024 BY:DT Schedule "C" -Maple Meadows Station Attached hereto on the following page . 0 PITT MEADOWS 100 200 Legend 400 Meters I . I L :-------, --~ l I 1 --115A-AVE --'--- L_, I~~- / I Schedule C Maple Meadows Station El Maple Meadows Station PLANNING DEPARTMENT N Scale: 1 :7,000 I I 200 Metre Tier • D 400 Metre Tier ~ Maple Ridee ~ FILE: ScheduleC_MapleMeadowsStation.mxd DATE: May 29, 2024 BY: OT ~ Maple Ridge - TO: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council MEETING DATE: June 4, 2024 FILE NO: 2024-134-DP 2024-134-DVP FROM: SUBJECT: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: CoW Development Permit & Development Variance Permit (Extension) 10392 and 10393 240A Street (Formerly 24060, 24028 and 24022 104 Avenue and 10386 240 Street) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Council authorized issuance of 2017-510-DVP and 2017-510-DP following the adoption of Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7423-2018 associated with rezoning application 2017-510-RZ on December 14, 2021 . The Coprorate Offcer then issued the permits on January 25, 2022. The approved rezoning accompanied by these permits for the construction of 31 townhouse units on a site bisected by 240A Street. Of this total, 22 townhouses are located on the portion of the site west of 240A street and the remaining nine (9) are on the east portion of the site. The development features a pedestrian amenity at the corner of 240 Street and 104 Avenue. An application has now been received to extend the date to commence construction by one year, from January 25, 2024 to January 25, 2025 for both of the previously issued permits. There are no changes being proposed to the form, character and landscaping. Notification about the new completion date is required for the new application 2024-134-DVP, to extend 2017-510-DVP, although there are no changes to variances previously granted for this townhouse development. The applicant has now started servicing under the Rezoning Servicing Agreement. The previously approved variances, to remain in effect, are to: 1. Front setback -reduced from 7.5 metres to 3.0 metres, to 2.65 metres to the road corner truncation line, and to 2.70 metres for building projections; 2. Interior setback (south lot line) -reduced from 7.5 metres to 6.0 metres, to 5.33 metres for building projections, to 4.37 metres for porch posts, and to 3.65 metres for porch projections; 3. Exterior side setback (to 104 Avenue) -reduced from 7.5 metres to 4.5 metres, to 3.75 metres for building projections, to 2.8 metres for porch posts, and to 2.1 metres for porch projections; 4. Exterior side setback (both sides of 240A Street) -reduced from 7.5 metres to 2.65 metres; 5. Rear setback (easternmost lot line) -reduced from 7.5 metres to 2.3 metres; 6. Maximum building height -increased from 11 metres to 11.3 metres; 7. Visitor parking -reduced from seven to six spaces; and 8. To waive the requirement to convert the existing overhead utilities on 104 Avenue to underground wiring, in accordance with Council Policy 9.05 -Conversion of Existing Overhead Utility Wiring to Underground Wiring. 2024-134-DP Page 1 of 5 Council is being requested to consider granting the extension. RECOMMENDATION: That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2024-134-DVP respecting property located at 10392 and 10393 240A Street (Formerly 24060, 24028 and 24022 104 Avenue and 10386 240 Street), and extension of 2017-510-DVP; and That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2024-134-DP respecting property located at 10392 and 10393 240A Street (Formerly 24060, 24028 and 24022 104 Avenue and 10386 240 Street), and extension of 2017-510-DP. DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Legal Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Within Urban Area Boundary: Area Plan: OCP Major Corridor: Zoning: Existing: Proposed: Surrounding Uses: North: South: East: West: 2024-134-DP Phangura Construction LTD (Ricky Flora) Lot 1 Section 3 Township 12 New Westminster District Plan EPP109212 Medium Density Residential Low Density Multi-Family Yes Albion Yes RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Designation: Use: Zone: Residential and Institutional RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) and P-1 (Park and School) Medium Density Residential and Institutional Vacant RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) Medium Density Residential Townhouse RM-1 (Townhouse Residential District) Medium Density Residential Townhouse RM-1 (Townhouse Residential District) Page 2 of 5 West: Use: Zone: Designation: Townhouse RM-1 (Townhouse Residential District) Urban Residential Existing Use of Property: Vacant (Pre-construction work has commenced) Townhouse Residential Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: 0.45 ha (1.1 acres) Access: 240A Street Servicing Requirement: Urban Standard Flood Plain: No Fraser Sewer Area: Yes Previous Applications: 2017-510-RZ, 2017-510-DP and 2017-510-DVP a) Project Description: This application is to extend the time by which substantial commencement of this product is to take place from January 25, 2022 to January 25, 2024. The site is located at 10392 and 10393 240A Street, (see Appendices A and B) and the development permit allows for the construction of 31 townhouse units on a site bisected by 240A Street. Of this total, 22 townhouses are located on the portion of the site west of 240A street and the remaining nine (9) are on the east portion of the site (Appendix C). This application does not propose any changes to the project. It also reflects the corner pedestrian element situated at the corner of 240 Street and 104 Avenue. The form, character and landscaping remain the same as accepted by the Advisory Design Panel on September 11, 2019 and in the Development Permit 2017-510-DP (original report attached as Appendix D) authorized for issuance by Council on January 25, 2022. b) Planning Analysis: Variances: The variances that Council approved in the current the Development Variance Permit 2017-510-DVP proposed to be extended are as follows: 1. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019, Section 617.7.3: • Front setback -reduced from 7.5 metres to 3.0 metres, to 2.65 metres to the road corner truncation line, and to 2.7 metres for building projections; • Interior setback (south lot line) -reduced from 7.5 metres to 6.0 metres, to 5.33 metres for building projections, to 4.37 metres for porch posts, and to 3.65 metres for porch projections; • Exterior side setback (to 104 Avenue) -reduced from 7.5 to 4.5 metres, to 3.75 metres for building projections, to 2.80 metres for porch posts, and to 2.1 metres for porch projections; • Exterior side setback (both sides of 240A Street) -reduced from 7.5 metres to 2.65 metres; and • Rear setback (easternmost lot line) -reduced from 7.5 metres to 2.3 metres. 2. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019, Section 617.8.2: 2024-134-DP Page 3 of 5 Maximum building height -increased from 9.5 metres to 10.5 metres. 3. Maple Ridge Off Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990: Schedule "A", 1.0 b): The RM-1 requirements of 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit plus 0.2 spaces identified for visitors per dwelling unit is proposed to be reduced from seven to six visitor parking spaces. 4. Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw No. 4800-1993: The waive the requirement to convert the existing overhead utilities on 104 Avenue to underground wiring, in accordance with Council Policy 9.05 -Conversion of Existing Overhead Utility Wiring to Underground Wiring. These variances are supportable to accommodate the impact of the construction of 240A Street which divides the site having the purpose of completing this street grid element in Albion. This road dedication has thus led to the smaller setbacks included in the variance. It should be noted that the proposed building heights have not changed, but that the maximum height is now 9.Sm as measured to the midpoint of the roof instead of the former measurement of 11 m to the top of the roof. Form and Character: Pursuant to section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan, this proposal is subject to the Multi-family Development Permit Area (DPA) Guidelines. The Key Guideline Concepts and the Architect's and the Landscape Architect's design compliance analysis are as follows: 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. This is achieved by the corner amenity element, units located on 704 Avenue and with consistent height and form with existing townhouse developments to the East and West. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low-rise ground-oriented housing located to the periphery of higher density developments. The form is similar with other ground-oriented Townhouse units in the area. The properties on South side along 240 Street are under application for Townhouses (2020-4 7 3-RZ). 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community and improve visual attractiveness. The new north-south road to land in the South, includes new Pedestrian sidewalk along both sides to improve connectivity. 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. 2024-134-DP Page 4 of 5 c) Advisory Design Panel: The application was submitted, and the plans attached to the development permit addressed all suggestions made by the Advisory Design Panel (ADP) at the September 11, 2019 meeting. Matters arising from the meeting were addressed . d) Citizen/Customer Implications: Any concerns or comments arising from the Development Information Meeting or notification about the development variance permit were addressed and are reflected in the issue development permit. e) Financial Implications: All necessary securities for the project have been submitted under 2017-510-RZ or 2017-510-DP are being held by the City. CONCLUSION: The applicant is seeking Council approval to extend the time for substantial commencement of this project by one year from January 25, 2024 to January 25, 2025. Given that no changes are being proposed and the form, character and landscaping or the variances granted in the originally permits that Council authorized, it is in order to issue development permit 2024-134-DP and development variance permit 2024-134-DVP to grant extensions. "Original Signed by Adrian Kopystynski" "Original Signed by Marlene Best" Prepared by: A. Kopystynski MSc, MCIP, RPP, MCAHP Planner Reviewed by: Marlene Best, RPP, MBA Interim Director of Planning "Original Signed by Scott Hartman" Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Subject Map Appendix B -Ortho Map Appendix C -Development Permit and Development Variance Permit Appendix D -Report for 2027-510-DP and DVP Appendix E -Diagrams showing previously approved variances 2024-134-DP Page 5 of 5 0416 0410 0406 N Scale: 1 :2,500 Legend ---Stream Existing Trails I-II) 0 '<I' N 10352 10346 10340 10332 10328 10322 10316 10310 10349 10343 10337 10331 10325 10319 10313 10307 ~ Active Applications (RZ/SD/DPNP) I-II) < 0 '<I' N APPENDIX A r-. "' ~ r-. '" "'"' '" r-. ;: ;: ~ ~ "'"' ~ ~ ;;: ~~ ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... N N N N N N N "'"' N N 1028 AVE 10393, 10392 240A STE ET ACTIVE DEVELOPMENTS IN AREA PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~ Maple Ridee ~ FILE: 2024-134-DVP DATE: May 24, 2024 BY:AL Scale: 1 :2,500 APPENDIX B 10393, 10392 240A STE ET ORTHO MAP PLANNING DEPARTMENT -~ ~ Maple Ridee ~ FILE: 2024-134-DVP DATE: May 24, 2024 BY:AL ~ Maple Ridee ~ CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 2024-134-DP MULTI-FAMILY (EXTENSION TO PERMIT 2017-510-DP) TO: PHANGURA CONSTRUCTION LTD 1981 MERLOT BLVD ABBOTSFORD BC V4X 0A6 (the "Permittee") APPENDIXC 1. This Development Permit (the "Permit") is issued subject to compliance with all the Bylaws of the City of Maple Ridge (the "City") applicable thereto, except as specifically varied or supplemented by this Permit. 2. This Permit applies to, and only to, those lands within the City described below and any and all buildings, structures, and other development thereon: LOT 1 SECTION 3 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN EPP109212 (the "Lands") 3. The Security provided under Development Permit No. 2017-510-DP (the "Previous Permit") continues to apply. No further security is required. 4. The Lands described herein shall be developed strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in Development Permit No. 2017-510-DP except that the applicable drawings are modified to the extent necessary to accommodate a corner plaza at southeast corner of 104 Avenue and 240 Street as shown in Appendix A to the Permit. 5. Development Permit No. 2017-510-DP is amended by extending the date to substantially commence the development permitted in Development Permit No. 2017- 510-DP from January 25, 2024 to January 25, 2025. 6. If the Permittee does not substantially commence the development permitted in Development Permit No. 2017-510-DP by January 25, 2025, this Permit shall lapse. City of Maple Ridge Planning Department 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC VZX 6A9 mapleridge.ca @yourmapleridge ~ Maple Ridee ~ 7. In the event that this Permit lapses, the Permittee may request refunding of the security described in Paragraph 3, and the City shall make such refund. 5. This Permit is not a Building Permit. AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION passed by the Council the day of ISSUED on the_ day of ____ ~ 2024. CORPORATE OFFICER City of Maple Ridge Planning Department 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 mapleridge.ca @yourmapleridge 20 . I ~ r-o l> -n z-n c!!? "'~ ' g nm l> .,, "' r-.,, r-.... l> z I ~ 0 0 V, ---. j -•-------·--r,'.::::...-::-___ , ______ ._ I 240 STREET-I~ -< 0 :;: z ~ ii!~!~~~!~~ :,: 0 C: ~ 0 ~ 5 .,, 1111111!1 1!1 ~ z -< APPENDIX A ; I< m z m i 1 11! !~ ~ Maple Ridee ~ CITY OF MAPLE RIDGE DEVELOPMENT VARIANCE PERMIT NO. 2024-134-VP (EXTENSION TO 2017-510-VP) TO: PHANGURA CONSTRUCTION LTD 1981 MERLOT BLVD ABBOTSFORD BC V4X 0A6 (the "Permittee") 1. This Development Variance Permit (the "Permit") is issued subject to compliance with all the Bylaws of the City of Maple Ridge (the "Municipality") applicable thereto, except as specifically varied or supplemented by this Permit. 2. This Permit applies to, and only to those lands within the Municipality described below and any and all buildings, structures, and other development thereon: LOT 1 SECTION 3 TOWNSHIP 12 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN EPP109212 (the "Lands") 3. Development Permit No. 2017-510-VP (the "Previous Permit") is amended by extending the date to substantially commence the development as permitted in Development Permit No. 2017-510- DP from January 25, 2024 to January 25, 2025; and by clarifying the maximum height, originally granted at 11.3m to the top of the roof, is now 10.5m to the midpoint of the roof reflecting a change in measurement practices. 4. The Lands described herein shall be developed strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions and provisions of this Permit and any plans and specifications attached to this Permit which shall form a part hereof. 5. If the Permittee does not substantially commence the development permitted in the Previous Permit by January 25, 2025, this Permit shall lapse. 6. This Permit is not a Building Permit. AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION passed by the Council the day of ISSUED on the_ day of----~ 2024 . 11995 Haney Place City of Maple Ridge Planning Department Maple Ridge, BC V2X 6A9 CORPORATE OFFICER mapleridge.ca @yourmapleridge 20 APPENDIX D : ~* IU4HidM91 :~·M'®@HMii- mapleridge.ca City of Maple Ridge TO: His Worship Mayor Michael Morden and Members of Council MEETING DATE: FILE NO: FROM: Chief Administrative Officer MEETING: January 11, 2022 2017-510-DVP 2017-510-DP CoW SUBJECT: Development Variance Permit Development Permit 10386 240 Street, and 24028, 24022 & 24060 104 Avenue EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Development Variance Permit application 2017-510-DVP and Development Permit application 2017-510-DP have been received in conjunction with a rezoning application to rezone the subject properties, located at 10386 240 Street and 24028, 24022 & 24060 104 Avenue, to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) zone, to allow the future development of approximately 31 townhouse units Council considered rezoning application 2017-510-RZ and granted first reading for Zone Amending Bylaw No. 7 423-2018 on January 18, 2018 and second reading on February 11, 2020. This application was presented at Publi c Hearing on March 24, 2020, and Council granted third reading on March 31, 2020. The requested variances are: 1. Front setback -reduced from 7 .5 metres to 3.0 metres, to 2.65 metres to the road corner truncation line, and to 2.70 metres for building projections; 2. Interior setback (south lot line) -reduced from 7.5 metres to 6.0 metres, to 5.33 metres for building projections, to 4.37 metres for porch posts, and to 3.65 metres for porch projections; 3. Exterior side setback (to 104 Avenue) -reduced from 7.5 metres to 4.5 metres, to 3.75 metres for building projections, to 2.8 metres for porch posts, and to 2.1 metres for porch projections; 4. Exterior side setback (both sides of 240A Street) -reduced from 7.5 metres to 2.65 metres; 5. Rear setback (easternmost lot line)-reduced from 7.5 metres to 2.3 metres; 6. Maximum building height -increased from 11.0 metres to 11.3 metres; 7. Visitor parking-reduced from seven to six spaces; and 8. To wa ive the requirement to convert the existing overhead utilities on 104 Avenue to underground wiring, in accordance with Council Policy 9.05 -Conversion of Existing Overhead Utility Wiring to Underground Wiring. Council will be considering final reading for rezoning application 2017-510-RZ on January 25, 2022. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2017-510-DVP respecting property located at 10386 240 Street, and 24028, 24022 & 24060 104 Avenue; and further 2. That the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal 2017-510-DP respecting property located at 10386 240 Street, and 24028, 24022 & 24060 104 Avenue. 1105 2017-510-VP/DP Page 1 of 5 DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: Applicant: Lega l Description: OCP: Existing: Proposed: Zoning: Existing: Prop osed: Surrounding Uses: North: Use: Zone: Designation: South: Use: Zone: Designation: East: Use: Zone: Designation: West: Use: Zone: Designation: Existing Use of Property: Proposed Use of Property: Site Area: Access: Servicing requirement: 2017-510-VP/DP Mortise Construction Ltd. (Travjit Johal) Lot "A" Section 3 Township 12 Plan NWP 21769 Lot "B" Section 3 Township 12 Plan NWP 21769 Lot "B" Section 3 Township 12 Plan NWP 13554 East Half Parcel "D" (Ref Plan 7139) NW Quarter Section Medium Density Residential Medium Density Residential RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential) RM-1 (Townhouse Residential District) under Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985 RM-1 (Low Density Townhouse Residential) under Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 Residential and Institutional RS-2 (One Family Suburban Residential) and P-1 (Pa rk and School ) Medium Density Resid ential and Institutional Vacant RS-2 (Single Detached Suburban Residential ) Medium Density Residential Townhouse RM -1 (Townhouse Residential District) Medium Density Residential Townhouse RM-1 (Townhouse Residential District) Urban Residential Residential and Vacant Townhouse 0.57 ha 240A Street (to be extended through subject site as part of rezoning) Urban Standard Page 2 of 5 b) Project Description: The subject site is generally flat, with the western part sloping down to 240 Street and 104 Avenue. There are structures on the two westernmost lots and the site is well treed except for the existing or former home sites. A new street connection, 240A Street, is to pass through the site, creating a western and smaller eastern townhouse portion to this project. This will allow 240A Street to eventually be coordinated and extended through the lands to the south and to complete 240A Street in this area. The proposal is for approximately 31 townhouses. The site will be bisected by 240A Street, such that 22 of the townhouse units will be on the west side and nine units will be on the east side. There will be six townhouse blocks, two blocks containing six townhouse units, three blocks containing five townhouse units and one block containing four townhouse units. Each unit in the north has front doors facing 104 Avenue and each unit in the south has front doors off a path behind the units. There are no front doors off the interior drive aisles; garage doors for side-by side parking garages (2 spaces per unit) are along the interior aisle. An outdoor open space (play area) and six visitor parking spaces are included as part of the proposed site plan. Some trees have already been removed to accommodate a pump station along 104 Avenue abutting the subject site associated with the nearby School and Community Centre. The existing arborist report will be updated in conjunction with the tree management plan governing the removal and the replacement of trees to accommodate this development project. c) Planning Analysis: Pursuant to section 8.7 of the Official Community Plan, this proposal is subject to the Multi-family Development Permit Area (DPA) Guidelines. The Key Guideline Concepts and the Architect's and the Landscape Architect's design compliance analysis are as follows: 1. New development into established areas should respect private spaces, and incorporate local neighbourhood elements in building form, height, architectural features and massing. The site is located on 104 Avenue and 240 Street. All the units facing 104 Avenue will have strong pedestrian connection. This project is consistent in height and form with existing townhouse developments to the East and West. 2. Transitional development should be used to bridge areas of low and high densities, through means such as stepped building heights, or low-rise ground-oriented housing located to the periphery of higher density developments. The densities along 104 Avenue side is similar with respect to ground oriented Townhouse units. The properties on South side along 240 Street are under applied for Townhouses. 3. Large scale developments should be clustered and given architectural separation to foster a sense of community, and improve visual attractiveness. A new north-south road is being proposed to land in the South, which includes new Pedestrian sidewalk along both sides to improve connectivity. 2017-510-VP/DP Page 3 of 5 4. Pedestrian circulation should be encouraged with attractive streetscapes attained through landscaping, architectural details, appropriate lighting and by directing parking underground where possible or away from public view through screened parking structures or surface parking located to the rear of the property. Refer to notes above. d) Variance Analysis: The Zoning Bylaw establishes general m1n1mum and maximum regulations for development. A Development Variance Permit allows Council some flexibility in the approval process. As the rezoning is proceeding under the previous Zoning Bylaw No. 3510-1985, and will be included in the new Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 through a future housekeeping amendment, the variances relate to the new Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019 regulations (See appendix D). The requested variances are described below: 1. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019, Section 617.7.3: • Front setback -reduced from 7.5 metres to 3.0 metres, to 2.65 metres to the road corner truncation line, and to 2.7 metres for building projections; • Interior setback (south lot line) -reduced from 7.5 metres to 6.0 metres, to 5.33 metres for building projections, to 4.37 metres for porch posts, and to 3.65 metres for porch projections; • Exterior side setback (to 104 Avenue) -reduced from 7.5 to 4.5 metres, to 3.75 metres for building projections, to 2.80 metres for porch posts, and to 2.1 metres for porch projections; • Exterior side setback (both sides of 240A Street) -reduced from 7.5 metres to 2.65 metres; and • Rear setback (easternmost lot line)-reduced from 7.5 metres to 2.3 metres. 2. Maple Ridge Zoning Bylaw No. 7600-2019, Section 617 .8.2: Maximum building height -increased from 11.0 metres to 11.3 metres. 3. Maple Ridge Off Street Parking and Loading Bylaw No. 4350-1990: Schedule "A", 1.0 b): The RM-1 requirements of 2.0 spaces per dwelling unit plus 0.2 spaces identified for visitors per dwelling unit is proposed to be reduced from seven to six visitor parking spaces. 4. Maple Ridge Subdivision and Development Services Bylaw No. 4800-1993: The waive the requirement to convert the existing overhead utilities on 104 Avenue to underground wiring, in accordance with Council Policy 9.05 -Conversion of Existing Overhead Utility Wiring to Underground Wiring. e) Advisory Design Panel: The application was submitted for review by the Advisory Design Panel (ADP) on September 11, 2019. The resolution passed by the ADP and a description of how the Architect and Landscape Architect addressed these concerns is attached (See Appendix E). Staff are satisfied that the design concerns identified by the ADP have been addressed. 2017-510-VP/DP Page 4 of 5 f) Citizen/Customer Implications: The required notification to surrounding property owners about the proposed variances has been undertaken. g) Financial Implications: In accordance with Council's Landscape Security Policy, a refundable security equivalent to 100% of the estimated landscape cost will be provided to ensure satisfactory provision of landscaping in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Development Permit. Based on an estimated landscape cost, the security will be $231,535.93. CONCLUSION: The proposed Development Permit and Development Variance Permit are supported because the form and character of the proposed townhouse complex is in compliance with the multi-family Residential Key Guideline Concepts and the setback variances help to create a stronger pedestrian environment along 104 Avenue, as well as, to accommodate the extention of 240A Street. It is therefore recommended that this application be favourably considered and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign and seal Development Variance Permit 2017-510-DVP and Development Permit 2017-510-DP. "Original signed by Adrian Kopystynski" Prepared by: Adrian Kopystynski MSc, MCIP, RPP, MCAHP Planner "Original signed by Charles Goddard" Reviewed by: Charles R. Goddard, BA, MA Director of Planning "Original signed by Charles Goddard" for Approved by: Christine Carter, M.PL, MCIP, RPP GM Planning & Development Services "Original approved by Scott Hartman" Concurrence: Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer The following appendices are attached hereto: Appendix A -Site Plan Appendix B -Orth o Plan Appendix C -Site, Architectural and Landscaping Plan Appendix D -Plan showing variances Appendix E -Response to ADP Comments 2017-510-VP/DP Page 5 of 5 416 410 406 60 <'o N Scale: 1 :2,500 APPENDIX A 10456 ,.; Cl) 0 o:i SUBJECT PROPERTIES I I I 10420 I ----I 104 AVE I I I 10386 10.166 240 1 358 10355 10352 10349 10346 10343 10389 10340 10337 10332 10331 10328 10325 10322 10319 10316 10313 10310 10307 10337 103AVE. I I I I I I 10294 10309 Legend ---Stream ---Indefinite Creek -River Major Rivers & Lakes ,.; Cl) <( 0 o:i -----104AVE. --------..__---_.,.._. I _ __L. 2017-510-DP <') "' ,__ 0, ~ ~ <') "'0, ;2 ;2 ;2 ;2 ;2 ~ ~ "'"' --~ .,. ~ .,. .,. .,. .,. .,. .,. .,. .,..,. "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "'"' 102BAVE. "' ;2 10386 240 St 24022/28/60 104 Ave PLANNING DEPARTMENT -~-mapleridge.ca <') ~ .,. "' DATE: Apr 27, 2018 BY: JV ,__ ~ ~ .,. .,. "' "' Legend ---Stream ---Indefinite Creek N -River Scale: 1 :2,500 --Major Rivers & Lakes 2017-510-DP APPEN DIX 8 10386 240 St 24022/28/60 104 Ave PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~--=-"~=~ ·•=•• mapleridge.ca DATE: Apr 27, 2018 BY: JV u >< 0 z !.!J t:!.. a.. <C ti:i w a::: I-C/) 0 v N UNITTYPE UNIT'A' UNIT'Al' UNIT'Al' NET SITE AREA l\lll 1 m.ooig.Ft. 191.00Sq.rt. _1.91.,00~.ft:i. 7 '18,007.00Sq.ft. 104 AVE AREA LVLZ 7 ssoooSq.Ft. 580.00Sq.Ft. 580005.9..Ft.l 7 LVl3 7 _@J)O~q.Fj'l 615.00S.9..n. ~ma.Fl TOTAL 1,371.00S9.F1. 1.386-00Sq.rt. l.371.00S_g_.FI. NOS. BEDROOMS 19 " TOTALFAR 26,049.00Sg.Ft. !,_316.00Sq.rt. 8,226.00Sq,Ft. ~59L005q,FI. "IE 1~ f;] ■ ":JNI ~~ ..Ji LL~ Unl20'},&321Kt"'O&.o:i,e~ Su1cy&:,V3(\G1 -.w.ft~-rti:kdllft'.Q arilxl:jb;tr.:Medo.nt.CI Phr-O•M0J.-41~ f-z ~~8 g ~ ii: ~ g ~ _J o-.::t-a. <C ~~:li ~ .. ::::) (/) UJ _J ~ ~ ~ ~ ;§ t3 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~I ts a,.r,<({',j Q-:, 250ctl9 R.W l,!>,t •..:..~,.,. 1116": 1'--0" 17-110 ~ ~ H2 ~;~!~~ ; ii ~ §H" ~hi! ~n, n.n, !:I _ JHlH ; • 1 m~ ~. i fl I•~~ Z n~~ <x:: -~ z -~ ___J if~~ CL !,II w !!.~:' I-• ~.;: u5 A1.0 :t > M~ ~ n . c h u l l i : J a p r o p l f l y o l ii i ! s> l l PR O J E C T IN F O : ! i p rl . A T ~ r , c . i , , c , ; : g t o 1 t : s ~ - , " ~ 31 TO W N H O U S E DE V E L O P M E N T !ll ! ' u , p i e d i n . . , b m r . ~ - . ; f ' o J ~ i ~~ FL A l . w lff l l l f f l p e m i u i , : w , ~ R A T A r d i l e c t . n h . . ,_ , , . . . , , .. ,_ , 9 AT 10 3 8 6 24 0 S T , 24 0 2 2 , 2 4 0 2 8 , f "a '" " " " " " " .. .. . . s~ ~ -~ C) BLDG 1 & 2 Ql l d F c r O P , ~ ~ z RW ~! "'' 24 0 6 0 10 4 A AV E MA P L E RID G E ! §i ba l e d f O ' D P ~ .. 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" I .-: STREET TREE SCHEDULE re~-=-=·=; 1-· 1-==-·-,, ___ Pic~,c rml~d,,0~11£1t !UI .,.,(' ~" 11io,i· ---~~ I '":~ri--- ro1<ru11E1 0~;:~J / I ~=:,:_,;: - J -BOICH /l~ t:~p: i:, t ::-111=ri'i'!~~ s· ,-i~:;,~-:;: Ji l, ,.r--•- ,::"' /-~:,-~L rt: { I -- 5'1'1\U,.TUCHf \ ,all>£K ., PMG PROJECT HUMBER: 21-011 ·1~ tt:-·:-·-·'·i /~. I MINIMUM TREE PLANTING CLEARANCES KEY QTY BOTAWCAL NAME COMMON NAME PLANTED SIZE/ REMARKS LISTED BELOW ARE THE MINIMUM DISTANCES TREES SHOULD BE PLANTED FROM: Hardscape Legend _§)':mbol MOdtl fi:,r;rn;i; ABBOTSFORD CONCRETE AOUW>AVE ;1~❖rr~ ~El~~~=·ei~~~'.'~:ONO ~~ !ID @lj~~~ EB§ .ABBOTSFORD CONCRETE ACUAf',WE DOUBLE STA'lOARD. RUllNING BONO PATTI:.Rtl,CHARCO,'.l. TYP. 12· OEPTH OF"ENGINEEREOWOOO FIIIRE Pl.AV SURFACING. USE CONCRETE CAST IN Pl.ACE CURB AS EDGE RESTRAIITT. 1·-3" O!A. RIVER ROCK 3" DEPTH UNDER EAVESAt/0 SURROUNDING PMT .-eeoTSFOROCOIICRETE PRODUCTS KYDRAPRESSEO s1.>es· TEl".AO.- NATURAL COLOUR ~J:E i_Jc:-.: FRAXINUS AMERICANA GINKGO B!LOBA (MALE FORM) WHITEASH GINKGO TREE 5CM CAL: 1.6M sro: 8&8 5CM CAL: 2M STD: 888 NOTES: • PLANT SIZES IN THIS UST ARE SPECIFIED ACCORDING TO IBE BC LANO SCAPE STANDARD ANO CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD, LATEST EDITION. CONTAINER SIZES SPECIFIED AS PER CNLA STANDARD. BOTH PLANT SIZE ANO CONTAINER SIZE ARE rne MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE SIZES .• REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR OE Ft NED CONTAINER MEASUREMENTS AND OTHER PLANT MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS. • SEARCH ANO REVIEW: MAl<E PLANT MATERIAL AVAILABLE FOR OPTIONAL REVIEW BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT SOURCE OF SUPPLY. AREA OF SEARCH TO INCLUDE LOWER MAINLAND ANO FRASER VALLEY. ' SUBSTITUTIONS: OBTAIN WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRtOR TO MAKING ANY SUBSTlTUllONS TOTl-lE SPECIFIED MATERIAL UNAPPROVED SUBSTITUTIONS 'MLL BE REJECTED. ALLOW A MINIMUM OF FIVE DAYS PRIOR TO DELIVERY FOR REOUESTTO SUBSTITUTE. SUBSTITUTIONS ARE SUBJECTTO BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD AND CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD. DEFINITION OF CONDITIONS OF AVAILABILITY. • ALL LANDSCAPE MATERIAL ANO WORK,..ANSHIP MUST MEET OR EXCEED BC LANDSCAPE STANDARD ANO CANADIAN LANDSCAPE STANDARD LATEST EDITION. • All PLANT MATERIAL MUST BE PROVIDED FROM CERTIFIED DISEASE FREE NURSERY. • BIO.SOLIDS NOT PERMITTED IN GR0,..,1NG MEDIUM UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. Site Furnishing Legend Lighting Legend LAMP STANDARDS STEELM'OODENT POLES. POST & BOLLARDS HYDRANTS CATCH BASINS W.NHOLES. VALVE BOXES, SERVICES WATER. DRAINAGE t. SEWER SERVICES AND CONNECTION LOCATIONS DRIVEWAYS CORNERS -•HJ, = ~ """' BIKE nACK, CORA EKPO RAC)( 'tlJ60e. UI. TRAMARINE 91.UE PO'NDERCOATRAL~2 PICNIC TABLE-WISHBONE INDUSTRIESDAY,.,.,EW'tlVPT~ REG' PEWT'ER P<M'DERCOAT& SAJ,O COLOURED SLATS + -"'- MOdol LIGHTING BOLi.ARO. KUZCO llGHTIHG. 'NAP.-"36"HT. BLACK STEP LIGHT, l(lJZCO LIGHTING, 'CASA'Bt.ACKcW71309 Fencin_S_ Legend ~mbQI I ~:M [J'I HEIGHT \l\000 FENCE ; :· '~,'-1~ ••'tll.\~fr-' '1• ,' J, .-t~+i.l:,., < ·, , -,·, ,,,J.llt • a~ \ ~m?(•~~~[---4 :::~·,f .-t :;;,J1J 1 ~~:;.V~$t.f:4"!J 'U,~~r-}._~f$;11~ r~:~··:~:~,::;~-.-,:.;11{ ■ i~ ~ &' BEtlCH, WSHBONE IHCUSTRIES MOOEWI 'M,5' Pf','/TER POVIDERCOIIT, SANOCOLOUREDSLATS ""1ff"fflfflf ITRB..US;REFERTODETAILSHEET ' . '· I KDMPAtl DOUBLE TO'NER i r:-1:r:;_,, WTHFIREMAN'SPOLE.HI '. !~J GROUHOFOOTHIG 1.007M 1•21 HEIGHT ½000 FEtlCE 1.!M [O'I HEIGHT \o\000 FENCE PICNICTABLE-'MSHBONE INDUSTRIES BAYv1EW'SVPT•O REG' PEWTI;R PO\'l'DERCOAT4 SANOCOLOUREOSlATS STEP LIGHT. KUZCO LIGHTltlG BOLL.MO, 811<£ RACK. CORA EllPO KOMP AH OOUBLE LtGITTING, 'CASA' BLACK KUZCO UGH TING. RACK W38De, POLE, IN GROUND FOOTING, E\\171309 'NAP,\'36'" HT. BLACK lA.TR~AR!NE BLUE KPl.201312-0001 PO,'l'DERCOAT RAI.S002 6M 20' 3M 10' 2M 8' 2M a· 1.SM 5' 1.SM 5' 2M 6' IN LINE 'MTH B.OM SIGHT TRIANGLE/DIAGONAL (FROM P,\. INTERSECTS) O' DENCH, 'MSHBONE INOUSffllES MODEM 'M.(I' PE'WTER PO'MlERCOAT. SAtlO COLOUREO Sl.ATS 'CCO~Mr.o.e ... d.Hlo<ln-a••do .. 1;"''~ ~P•""tn!P~l(ll.,~-<•l"IN<l'ILlecll•Odr,..y,!i"i. I 1optt,4...,..,au..,.,loto\ti..-p,,>j..,.,.,"6<ot".i' p•tmuM Su!\•CIOO • 4HSS1nc. ... ~o"""' A-"'1~.B.illohCo'-'mN•,V=-cl5G9 p·&CM:l?ol-001t :l:6CM11'4-00U ·~ TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 10386-240 ST & 14022/28/60.104 AVE MAPLfRIOGE LANDSCAPE PLAN Ll - ~ - I . ,✓ I bl!YdkW:~ ~ :1,.,:1_-.._., ,l.:.,tBJUCE_. '-&.6Pf,POST ll'10£0 .,..,.,,.,u ......... 1'✓7 ,,,.- ~f:~ I Mi "'i:!:;! I a,, cuwtl'0'1 ,,.,ero,,,11 G',1.YN ~•l=~~ lf0JUf(ffr.q_ eo.eroor """', , ~1'011, ... ~,oo,o,,o lt~Fi~Clt :~ • ,' ij 1 i~~~i-i~:.~;;~=::•-=• m •~ n, " -1 1 60....,.UNITPAVER t.IJ~::J~ 2S~8E0~NGSA~ r· ·-r -----. I HO•e j REFER TO IMNUFAC'IURE'IIS SPECl~ICATION FOR IHSTA.lLATIONOETAllS, .. REFERTOCMLAND MEOil\HlCAL OAAWINGS FOR ORAIICA.CEOETA!LS. ---· --c5'~;~~;:,-;;·~~~UCTUR~ 50 J -1~0-GAANlA..ARFlll COIICRETE ·'!' !t!--lli. Ill •i!--;111•.ur 111--,1 EOG!: !llmnl;;:;l!lmlllmlnm1l11rll!;;:;ill~ricaMPACTEDSUaGIWlE I _I_ I ._I_ r·~---- : I Ll r· ·1 ,1··11=""~' -t (h1( -WE:~ .. ~, t=: ~~~~~~~~~' 1;111(U>UI !l)M""'A/. • ,I <X<C(IJ,\/t~ ••• ,:if~~-- IICOllQ•f!.t,!.-,, T"1'(Jl(Droll"lt.'J'3-==i,'" '1r•"·--r·1••\r~ •• J ~ .. ·~--::.~:N. __ ·._ 1-0'-",""' - STREET FRONT 3' HT. FENCE DETAIL 1:20 rn 1111 ·a·-~ I 'J " 3 \SIDE YARD FENCING 4' HT. FENCE DETAIL 1:20 l'O!ICo#S ~IQ0,,11 =~ t~f(l;A,I. EB PAVERS EDGE •• • ~~,:.~,~mt ['"'1 ... ~·•·· .,. ---(IOIJIOSTi.10 'Ffi'l'f~-·-~---· ..--,,,,,-, .... =-• #.Bl~ ••• ~ . --ITll(PTH ,Jll,.,_U ""'""':.~-n ·=r-tlli !-••• , --::::::iOlo\.)P("'CMlCO 1jfill '···· ---~=~~Ji0,~i:~ EB PLAY EDGE ~~J.f~~fg;;::·:~:::::::.:!:~~:~:=:~:£:.:~:.::(:1~, : ~~fcfu14}ii-~¥i:l~C~•~•.~•::~CM~I. 1,1 ~-" ~.;;;.,, _ ·-11 d"~,~~ ~••--=;=;=;= l ---------- •Pl.ftll"Ollr ,,. • • '""i~ . .I ',<;;~:,;.:,,i : f fil:.i~l~1/,!-:0:::::--~ nr11»..oc. ~----110111u1 ----- / 2 \ 6' HT. (1BOOMM J WOOD FENCE WITH LATTICE 1:20 ;[ I --~t---COflCRETE ••••••••• l. CURB ERMEA~LE ••••• PA.VER CONCRETE 1·cun11 --,-•·1 __ · 1 l 1 1 J"':"' ~~-~g~R~~~ B~~ff! ~~iEAUSH OPEH t .. , ~• _. :.. . _. _, .• .>· INOITEXGEOTI:XTILE •• l"OEPTH21ll,o,111t1cu=>.RCIIU~ ---~ ---' --.. =--Ol>EN ORA.CEO AGGEGATE ll.18,IASE I SOILSUIIGR,o,OESLOPEOTO /', A.1'SC1000WOVENCEOTEXTILEON .,, ORAN EXCESS MOISTURE ·BOTT OU At.o SIDES OF OPEN tlOTE: .,, lOOISQlAACIE LOCATION GN.0£08.\SE PA.VERSTOIIE'NSTALLEOTOM/11/lFA.CTIJRERSSPEClflCAT!OUS CD ;,~VERS ON GRADE r- e----•••~ fl□I IOI PLAN -••--< :r·· !_ , SA.NOERSON CONCRETE PEIIKEDWAl.l COl>INGflM ,-COl-lc:RET'E ,' :• STONE :~IOH~~~~lEO / -' ; r SPACER '-~-1 ' LETTERSAIIO~M!IERS / -~> 'j , , " I -1'1JMIJl1 11> I ,,.~,. i _ / -~:...~,-.lsroNECLAD • .' COHCRET'E ' , MOtlU~ISU. STONE ..,_ / TOMATCtt&UII.OINGS' --· FOUNW.TJON COHNECllOU DETA,t ~ _, I 9-@DINO ~c!~s~;;mms "' fROSTllHE. r(l()TIHO TO /I :~R~~~:r"IGINEER -c ---..LJJ _ secrioN I ELEVATION /.1.\SITE SIGNAGE \.:.,.-' ~Ctfrr'IO-,.,.,.,..,t1.ll>ll .... "'11--♦oi,,.10=--7 -ffltDll'MO.....,aoco,-M;ftlloc,ool>dffiOY..!7t. I ••P""N,.,,...,..,1 .. of .. P"Olt<»"'"°"'"..,, ,..., ...... _ ~Ull•C!l'IO • 4\U~IIICu,o~O~ flunut>y,b01lol'>Callmt'ff,V~BGO p•Sl\07')1,D(III :l:!1),171',1-00n ~ TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT 10386-240 ST & 24022/28/6t).104AVE MAPLE RIDGE LANDSCAPE DETAILS LS APPENDIX D 33'-0'(I0.1 m] -II) • ! a, ... ..... 5 a, PCW ~ ~ M i ~ OORLVl. -~ :',, .;, ~!8!t,! O0RLVL ~\ SECTION THRU SITE( BU ILDING 1 AND 6) 1 7.5 m ➔ 2.65 m e /.'l ,,._ i-i i. 7. 5 m ➔ 3JJ __ ffi .= j , . ~ -"'-" : .:.. •* d --, ~}';( ·-- j rn-: · '-11:~¥ f- r a, ,_ I r-- J ,6' j4 ? 3C.,-J 7 .5 m ➔ 4.5 m to front face 7.5 m ➔ 3.75 m to projections 7.5 m ➔ 2.8 m to posts 7.5 m ➔ 2.1 m to balcony projection 7.5 m ➔ 6.0 m to front face 7 .5 m ➔ 5.33 m to projections 7.5 m ➔ 4.37 m to posts 7.5 m ➔ 3.65 m to balcony projection FLAl. ARCHITECTURE~ ~\11N1-v. fla tarch itecture. ca Appendix H-ADP Comments Architectural Comments: 1) Provide Warm Material Palette Color options APPENDIX E RajinderW Principal Unit 209, 6321 King George Blvd Surrey BC V3X 1G1 Ph: 604-445-8124 raji nder@fl ata rchitectu re .ca Warm Colors are updated as requested. Ravishing Red and Newport Green Color Added. 2) Provide Texture Material Palette Options: Texture is changes for darker materials. Please refer renderings and elevation drawings. 3) Demonstrate How Architecture Can Enhance the Urban Identity at the corner of 240St and 104 Ave and be integrated into the landscape concept at Corner As per conversation with ADP members, the building design and side elevation is updated to make it more welcoming in addition to adding the signage in corner for the overall development. 4) Provide Screening to three sides of PMT Refer Landscape drawings for screening. Screening provided on 3 sides as suggested 5) Provide enhanced Architectural Elevations facing Interior Lane Interior elevations updated and warm color pallet c/w materials upgrade added 6) Provide street Identity and sense of entry/place at both moments of Entry off of proposed Rd A Trellis is added in corner corners to make it create a sense of identity for townhouse development. 7) Review Terminations of all materials and trims for consistency Trims around windows and materials updated in renderings as suggested. 8) Consider delineating bike storage in units Bike lockers are clearly defined on east wing of development LANDSCAPE COMMENTS: 1. Please refer to Civil Engineer's drawings for all retaining wall information and grading information. We have added some grading infonnation -in the fonn of number of risers and height of risers, slope of walkways to unit entries. Retaining wall infonnation -such as top of wall elevations, are given ARCHITECTS INTERIOR DESIGNERS FLAl. ARCHITECTURE ~ to us by the civil engineering base information and remains visible as information on our L1 to L4 plans. 2. Perimeter fencing has been identified on my plans We too, have shown 6' height wooden perimeter fencing where needed along rear property lines. In frontages 3' height fences, and in side yards you will note 42" height fencing. Please refer to the Fencing Legend found on the L1 to L4 sheets. 3. Refer to Civil Engineer's drawings QED 4. Amenity space has been enclosed with a fence and trellis. We have also enclosed the outdoor amenity 5. Boxwood hedge has been moved onto private property No planting is encroachingoffsite. 6. Additional shrubs have been planted at the end of the driveway We too have shown perimeter planting for screening. 7. Sideyard plantings have been increased QED 8. Hard surface materials have been identified through various hatching on my plans Please refer to the hart/scape legend on L1 to L4 sheets. 9. A different material has been used on the internal driveway to delineate pedestrian crossings Please refer to the hart/scape legend on the Lt to L4 sheets. 10. A site sign and landscaping has been added to the corner of 240 Street and 104 Avenue as part of an integrated solution that matches the development across the development Referto the L1 Landscape plan for site signage at the projects vehicular entries and at the most prominent corner (240th St & 104th Ave). 11. Sidewalks and boulevards have been added as per the Civil Engineer's drawings QED END Page 12 I 604-503-44841 604-445-81241778-961-0167 Unit 209, 6321 King George Blvd, Surrey BC V3X lGl MEMORANDUM Date: September 17, 202 1 Project: Townhouse Project Subject: Comments response To: Adrian Kopystynski, Planner City of Maple Ridge 11995 Haney Place Maple Ridge BC V2X 6A9 From: Caelan Griffiths J as requested F for your estimate MEMO: r for your information r= for your approval PMG Project No: 1 for your comment r= for your use The original LA response to comments below, with PMG Landscape Architects response following in italics. 21 -011 1. Please refer to Civil Engineer's drawings for all retaining wall information and grading information. We have added some grading information -in the form of number of risers and height of risers, slope of walkways to unit entries. Retaining wall information -such as top of wall elevations, are given to us by the civil engineering base information and remains visible as information on our L 1 to L4 plans. 2. Perimeter fencing has been identified on my plans We too, have shown 6' height wooden perimeter fencing where needed along rear property lines. In frontages 3' height fences, and in side yards you will note 42" height fencing. Please refer to the Fencing Legend found on the L 1 to L4 sheets. 3. Refer to Civil Engineer's drawings QED 4. Amenity space has been enclosed with a fence and trellis. We have also enclosed the outdoor amenity 5. Boxwood hedge has been moved onto private property No planting is encroaching offsite. 6. Additional shrubs have been planted at the end of the driveway We too have shown perimeter planting for screening. 7. Sideyard plantings have been increased QED 8. Hard surface materials have been identified through various hatching on my plans Please refer to the hardscape legend on L 1 to L4 sheets. 9. A different material has been used on the internal driveway to delineate pedestrian crossings Please refer to the hardscape legend on the L 1 to L4 sheets. 10. A site sign and landscaping has been added to the corner of 240 Street and 104 Avenue as part of an integrated solution that matches the development across the development Refer to the L 1 Landscape plan for site signage at the projects vehicular entries and at the most prominent corner (240th St & 104th Ave). 11. Sidewalks and boulevards have been added as per the Civil Engineer's drawings QED END Page 1 Suite Cl00 -4185 Sti II Creek Drive, Burnaby, Britis h Columbia, VSC 6G9, ph. (604)294-0011, fx. (604)294-0022 www.pmglandscape.com LU >< 0 z LU a.. a.. <( 1-w w 0:: 1-(J) 0 '<I" N Rfosk. Gensel and 104 AVE •l62'--I" • 11-10.u21111 (98.95m) 'SIOEW~!,.K.-. [95.39ml .--UNITTYPE AREA LVll LVLl I LVLJ UN!T'A' 191.00Sq.Ft. 580.00SQ.Ft.l 600.00 Sq.Ft. UNIT'Al' 191.00Sq.ft. 580.00Sq.Ft.l 615.00 Sq.Ft. UNIT'A2' 191.00Sq.Ft. S&l.00 Sq.Ft.[ 600.00 Sq.Ft. ::,, NETSlTEAREA 48,09"/.00Sq,FI. NOS. TOTAL .1_371.00Sq.Ft. 19 !,_386.00Sq.Ft. 1,371.00Sq.fl. 31. BEDROOMS I TOTAL FAR ,I 26,049.00 Sg.Ft. 3! 8,316.00S9.Ft. 31 8,226.00Sq.ft. ~!_~_!)] ~Ft. %'·1" 138'-9" [29.44m} I42.J0rn] i ~1~ 1 "l ■ ''.) :ct i ..J! LL.l Urw:tWS,6321 K,ngGeo:~ Surrey6C.VJX1G1 v,v,wflal3<tnil~tJre.c.:i cont,;ctij'lalil1tMecrurGc:: Pn:60,l-503~ f-2 ~ co LLJ g~~ ~~~ WO-' D~~ b~~~ LI.. 0 0 > ~:I:~<( t-ZlDc!; ~ ~ 8 ;; 0 I-...... (!) 8: M ~ ~ 25Oct19 R.W 1/16" C 1'•0" 17-1' 'I "I. n,~ ~l~l~l~ of [(11 (cj~ ;~1• r=tl Jl!s il!i i!ll i~Bi A1 .( r-w w 0::: .,_ en 0 ~ N ... -~ •J 1. ,--: l l l m ➔ 2.65 m a ;J~'? r,, ,;. • I lllo!:_....+--+-V ..._..,.. ... ___ ,,,,,, ' .A. \~· ! -._ ... s 5 5 1 7.5 m 3", . ·~ j , :· ;i . ,- ·:; o, l ~ ., . 11 ' /·· '{, / ,.,....~.,,,.,,;"~~~~~~~~ 14 ? 30r] 7.5 m ➔ 4.5 m to front face 7.5 m ➔ 3.75 m to projections 7.5 m ➔ 2.8 m to posts 7.5 m ➔ 2.1 m to balcony projection 7.5 m ➔ 6.0 m to front face 7.5 m ➔ 5.33 m to projections 7.5 m ➔ 4.37 m to posts 7.5 m ➔ 3.65 m to balcony projection Roof Mid-Pot11t V, . J,Q9R LVL QJ . vi QJ '-,_ --..... ~ QJ QJ s ~ ~ m Ln ~ 0 i -r-1 OOR l\. ~ In lo MAIN OOR LVL ~ SECTION THRU SITE( BUILDING 1 AND 6) ~ Maple Ridee - TO: FROM: His Worship Mayor Dan Ruimy and Members of Council Chief Administrative Officer MEETING DATE: June 4, 2024 FILE NO: 05-1825-02 MEETING: C.O.W. SUBJECT: Development Cost Charge Bylaw Update EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Development Cost Charges (DCCs) are levies collected to assist with funding infrastructure and parks required to service new development or growth. DCCs are a restricted funding source as they can only be collected for certain types of projects, as set out in legislation, and can only be used for the projects included in the DCC Imposition Bylaw. This report provides an update on the status of the DCC Bylaw amendment, it also serves as required disclosure of the changes to the underlying DCC calculations and a commitment to undertake a timely Major DCC Bylaw amendment, one that revisits all development and infrastructure considerations. The Development Cost Charge Imposition Bylaw No. 7863-2022 (DCC Bylaw) received first reading on July 26, 2022, underwent a consultation process and received second and third readings on December 13, 2022. The DCC Bylaw and support material was submitted to the Ministry for review in early 2023. Based on feedback from Ministry of Municipal Affairs staff, the projects and calculations have been reworked to fit within the parameters of a Minor DCC Bylaw Amendment. The minor amendment is limited in scope to updating costs for projects contained in the original DCC Bylaw. To maintain the proposed rate increases in the DCC Bylaw at third reading, Municipal Assist Factors have been changed to offset the additional rate increases due to project cost increases. A Major DCC Bylaw Amendment is timely and included in the approved 2024/2025 strategic work plan. The major amendment will include revisiting all development assumptions, infrastructure requirements due to growth and cost allocation methodology between development categories. Unique to this major amendment will be consideration of the implications of new housing legislation and a potential special area DCCs to fund infrastructure required to service an expanded 256 Street industrial development. Once this report is reviewed by Ministry staff, given they are very familiar with this bylaw, it is expected that Inspector of Municipalities approval will follow. Once the approval is received, Council will be able to adopt the DCC Bylaw. After adoption of the DCC Bylaw, the new rates immediately apply to new development applications and any instream applications have one year to complete under the old rates. RECOMMENDATION: For information. 3803713 Page 1 of 11 I J I 1 1 J ~ l l l DISCUSSION: a) Background Context: The DCC Bylaw received first reading on July 26, 2022, it then underwent a consultation process and received second and third readings on December 13, 2022. The DCC bylaw amendment requires Inspector of Municipalities approval. The DCC Bylaw and support material was submitted to the Ministry for review at the end of January 2023. Based on feedback from Ministry staff, the projects and calculations have been reworked to fit within the parameters of a Minor Amendment. The reworking of the DCC calculations required removal of new capital projects, updates to internal borrowing and revisiting cost escalation methodology of remaining projects. Cost escalation includes reviewing land prices and construction costs informed by recent experience, estimates and appraisals on specific works, BC Assessment land valuation and widely used Construction Cost Indexes. The updated capital project costing was incorporated into the 2024-2028 Capital Program. The Municipal Assist Factor, the portion of the growth element of project costs that are paid for by non-DCC sources, has been increased to maintain the proposed rate increases included in the DCC Bylaw which received third reading December 13, 2022. This approach was discussed with and agreed to by the Ministry. Historically, the Municipal Assist Factor has been set at 1%. To keep the rates to what was set in the proposed DCC bylaw in the face of increased project costs, the assist factors were increased and are: Water 3% Sanitary Sewer 7% Drainage 18% Roads (Highways) 19% Parks 6% A few municipalities, most notably Burnaby, are updating DCC Bylaws under the new legislation more urgently as they leveraged other tools for development financing. Others are taking more time to review the infrastructure required to support updating growth potential. Adding capital projects to a DCC Bylaw requires a major update, which the Ministry does not advise undertaking more frequently than every 5 years. b) Citizen/Customer Implications: The increases proposed in this bylaw vary by development type with residential increasing from 77% to 86% and non-residential from 99% to 118%. An updated comparison to others is included in Appendix A. The municipal web page on the DCC Bylaw amendment has been updated to reflect the project costs and assist factors and includes an updated capital project listing. Stakeholder consultation occurred in late 2022 prior to Second and Third Readings of the Bylaw. The development community has had time to build these costs into their proformas. They understand infrastructure and related cost pressures as they face the same challenges. DCC rates have increased regionally and rapid increases to interest rates also increase costs for developers. However, without increased DCCs we will not be able to provide the necessary infrastructure to support the new development and provide the level of seNices that residence expects. 3803713 Page 2 of 11 l ~ J l J l I l : 1 i l l CONCLUSION: Development Cost Charges are a key funding source in our Capital Program. It is desirable to increase rates to better reflect current costs of infrastructure. A major DCC Bylaw amendment is a significant undertaking and is currently in the early stages of planning. Prepared by: Concurrence: Attachments: 7 Trevo~BA, CPA, CGA Chief Financial Officer Scott Hartman Chief Administrative Officer a) Comparatives with other communities b) Maple Ridge Development Cost Charge Imposition Bylaw No. 7863-2022 3803713 Page 3 of 11 j j LJ I j 7 . I 'I l COMPARATIVES WITH OTHER COMMUNITIES SINGLE FAMILY DCC (perunit,in$thousands) Langley, Township 2024 Coquitlam 2023 $63 Richmond 2023 $61 Burnaby ( Proposed) 2024 $55 Surrey 2023 $53 Langley, City (Proposed) 2023 $46 Mission 2023 --$42 Maple Ridge (Proposed) 2022 $41 Abbotsford 2021 $36 Port Moody 2019 $33 Chilliwack 2023 11111 -$30 North Vancower, District 2018 llillllllll $28 Maple Ridge (Current) 2017 $22 Vancouver 2023 $21 Delta (Proposed) 2023 Whiterock 2015 Langley, City 2012 Port Coquitlam 2023 North Vancower, City 2017 $15 New Westminster 2022 $14 Pitt Meadows 2018 $14 $-$10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 Please note that dollar figures on the Single Family DCC comparative are in $thousands 3803713 APPENDIX A $88 --1 11 Water e Sewer m Drainage • Roads ■ Parks $80 $90 Page 4 of 11 TOWNHOUSE DCC (perw) Langley, Township 2024 -.m- Richmond 2023 Coquitlam 2023 •mlll!CII Surrey 2023 l!Elliili!!!iliml Burnaby(Proposed) 2024 -l!!!<El-=- Langley, City (Proposed) 2023 Maple Ridge (Proposed) 2022 -=m Mission 2023 Vancouver 2023 $253 $241 -$219 $191 Chilliwack 2023 -~ North Vancouver, District 2018 lill3l!IC!lm -$184 $144 $144 Port Moody 2019 I" Abbotsford 2021 $134 Maple Ridge (Current) 2017 11111111 #I $134 Langley, City 2012 u-=•~a $112 Delta (Proposed) 2023 lll!S!Eill_"""""_ $103 Whiterock 2015 illa111are3__ $87 Pitt Meadows 2018 ~=-$82 New Westminster 2022 111 $74 Port Coquitlam 2023 a $68 $319 $306 $288 $349 APPENDIX A $451 1 • Water I "Sewer I a Drainage a Roads r North Vancouver, City 2017 .j:B:i:■:::a::===-::;"=:......:::$:::6:::2-,---~--~--~~--~--~---,----,----, $-$50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 $350 $400 APARTMENT DCC (perw) Vancouver 2023 9 Langley, Township 2024 i lll!IZl!ll j RffMh!!4 jil &f ?' !±* ¥!7:II te f $382 Richmond 2023 Surrey 2023 111 Burnaby(Proposed) 2024 --- Coquitlam 2023 1111111!1!111"""""""" Mission 2023 ...,,_ Langley, City (Proposed) 2023 Chilliwack 2023 -1111111111 Maple Ridge (Proposed) 2022 -rm111n North Vancouver, District 2018 a 11 Whiterock 2015 Maple Ridge (Current) 2017 Port Moody 2019 Delta (Proposed) 2023 - -$155 $134 $132 $118 $117 Langley, City 2012 --~---......! $114 Pitt Meadows 2018 11 -$110 Abbotsford 2021 -~-~ $106 $302 $282 -$260 $254 -$244 $236 $369 $346 $450 $500 $464 ■ Water m Sewer e Drainage 11 Roads 11 Parks New Westminster 2022 ~•11 Port Coquitlam 2023 North Vancouver, City 2017 -l:=•=•==-::;!=......::$:.:::6:.:2-,---~--~---~--~--~---,---~--~ $-$50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 $350 $400 $450 $500 3803713 Page 5 of 11 APPENDIX A COMMERCIAL DCC (perrri2J Mission 2023 1111 ■ $334 Vancouver 2023 $308 Burnaby ( Proposed) 2024 • $259 Richmond 2023 I I $238 Langley, City (Proposed) 2023 $157 Surrey (Ground Floor) 2021 $138 Langley, Township 2024 $129 North Vancouver, District 2018 I $122 Coquitlam 2023 $105 Abbotsford 2021 $102 Port Coquitlam 2023 $96 Maple Ridge (Proposed) 2022 $90 Surrey (Other Floors) 2021 $84 Langley, City 2012 I $74 Whiterock 2015 $64 Delta (Proposed) 2023 $61 • Water North Vancouver, City 2017 I Chilliwack 2023 a Sewer Port Moody 2019 a Drainage II Maple Ridge (Current) 2017 "Roads New Westminster 2022 ■ Parks Pitt Meadows 2018 $-$50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 $350 $400 $450 $500 INDUSTRIAL DCC (perm2J Richmond 2023 D I $196 Mission 2023 I $127 Vancouver 2023 $123 Burnaby ( Proposed) 2024 ■ $112 North Vancouver, District 2018 I $101 Langley, City {Proposed) 2023 !!!I $65 Abbotsford 2021 $64 Coquitlam 2023 $61 l Delta {Proposed) 2023 j Langley, Township 2024 Maple Ridge {Proposed) 2022 Port Moody 2019 North Vancouver, City 2017 Langley, City 2012 '' ~i Chilliwack 2023 J Surrey (Ground Floor) 2021 ■ Water a J Maple Ridge (Current) 2017 • Sewer ' ' Pitt Meadows 2018 II ■ Drainage ' Port Coquitlam 2023 "Roads t 7 I Surrey (Other Floors) 2021 ■ Parks ! '. ·-----' 1 New Westminster 2022 $-$50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 $350 $400 $450 $500 3803713 Page 6 of 11 APPENDIX A INSTITUTIONAL DCC {perm2) Mission 2023 I $406 Richmond 2023 I $238 Burnaby ( Proposed) 2024 El $183 Abbotsford 2021 $157 Langley, City (Proposed) 2023 $157 Coquitlam 2023 $105 Surrey 2023 $91 Port Coquitlam 2023 $88 Chilliwack 2023 $77 North Vancouver, District 2018 $73 Langley, Township 2024 $71 Port Moody 2019 Whiterock 2015 ■ Water Maple Ridge (Proposed) 2022 ., Sewer ■ Drainage Maple Ridge (Current) 2017 a Roads I New Westminster 2022 i ■ Parks ! _________ , Pitt Meadows 2018 II $16 $-$50 $100 $150 $200 $250 $300 $350 $400 $450 $500 3803713 Page 7 of 11 . j l LJ 1 I l '1 City of Maple Ridge Amending Bylaw No. 7863-2022 APPENDIX B A Bylaw to amend the Maple Ridge Development Cost Charges Imposition Bylaw 7320-2017 WHEREAS, Council has considered the phasing of works, services and provision of parkland described in the Official Community Plan and how development designed to result in a low environment impact may affect the capital costs of infrastructure related to Development Cost Charges. AND WHEREAS, Council has considered the impact of the charges imposed by this bylaw in relation to: a. Being excessive in relation to the capital cost of prevailing standards of service, b. Deterring development, c. Discouraging the construction of reasonably priced housing or the provision of reasonably priced serviced land in the city, or d. Discouraging development designed to result in low environmental impact. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the City of Maple Ridge enacts as follows: 1. Citation Th is Bylaw may be cited for all purposes as "Maple Ridge Development Cost Charges Imposition Amending Bylaw No. 7863-2022". 2. Effective Date This Bylaw will come into force on the later of November 1, 2022 and the date it is adopted by Council. 3. Schedules a. Schedule "A" of the Maple Ridge Development Cost Charges Imposition Bylaw No. 7320-2017 will be deleted in its entirety; and b. Schedule "A" of the Amending Bylaw No. 7863-2022, attached hereto, will be substituted in its place. Read a first time this __ day of ______ 20 Read a second time this __ day of ______ 20 Read a third time this __ day of ______ 20 Approved by the Inspector of Municipalities this ___ day of ______ 20 Adopted th is __ day of _____ 20 Presiding Member Corporate Officer i 1 ~ SCHEDULE "A" TO AMENDING BYLAW NO. 7863 -2022 DEVELOPMENT COST CHARGES Single Family Residential per additional lot Duplex per additional dwelling unit Servicing Type Road $17,154 Drainage 3,733 Water 4,525 Sanitary Sewer 2,649 Open Space 12,950 Total $41,011 Townhouse Servicing Type per m2 of BA Road $98.97 Drainage 13.40 Water 29.01 Sanitary Sewer 16.98 Open Space 83.01 Total $241.37 Street Townhouse Servicing Type per m2 of BA Road $79.17 Drainage 8.93 Water 29.01 Sanitary Sewer 16.98 Open Space 83.01 Total $217.10 Apartment Servicing Type per m2 of BA Road $91.90 Drainage 8.30 Water 30.53 Sanitary Sewer 17.87 Open Space 87.36 Total $235.96 APPENDIX B Apartment High Density (6 Storey and above) Servicing Type Road Drainage Water Sanitary Sewer Open Space Total Apartment -Affordable Rental Below Market Servicing Type Road Drainage Water Sanitary Sewer Open Space Total per m2 of BA $68.92 3.11 26.93 15.77 77.08 $191.81 per m2 of BA $68.92 8.30 30.53 17.87 87.36 $212.98 Apartment -Social Housing, Non-for-Profit Rental Below Market or Affordable Rental-Seniors Servicing Type Road Drainage Water Sanitary Sewer Open Space Total per m2 of BA $16.85 8.30 19.75 11.56 33.92 $90.38 APPENDIX B J • ' : l 1 7 I Lt , I j 7 '. l Commercial Servicing Type Road Water Sanitary Sewer Open Space Drainage Total Institutional Servicing Type Road Water Sanitary Sewer Open Space Plus Drainage Industrial Servicing Type Road Water Sanitary Sewer Open Space Drainage First Floor per m 2 of BA $51.46 18.85 6.62 0.00 13.07 $90.00 Non-Municipal per m 2 of BA $11.79 9.44 5.52 0 per ha. of gross site area 52,268 per m2 of BA $17.15 11.55 6.76 0.00 13.20 $48.66 APPENDIX B Additional Floors per m 2 of BA $25.73 9.43 3.31 0.00 0.00 $ 38.47 Municipal $0 0 0 0 0