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July 16, 2001
12:30 p.m.
Council Chamber
Elected Officials
Mayor A. Hogarth
Councillor J. Harris
Councillor F. Isaac
Councillor L. King
Councillor C. Speirs
Councillor C. Gordon
Councillor K. Morse
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
Appointed Staff
R. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer
T. Fryer, Municipal Clerk
M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development,
Parks and Recreational Services
K. Grout, Acting Director of Planning
A. Wood, Municipal Engineer
C. Marlo, Confidential Secretary
Other Staff as Required
J. Charlebois, Planner
D. Spence, Fire Chief, Manager of Collllllunity Fire Safety
Acting Mayor F. Isaac announced the addition of the following item to the agenda:
910 2001 Major Capital Projects -Status Report
and the deletion of the following item:
By-law Enforcement Update
Fire Department Update
The Fire Chief provided an update on the Department since the implementation of
the Paid On Call System. He indicated that the Department is operating efficiently
and below budget. Recent ads for personnel resulted in approximately double the
number of applications normally received. The Chief Administrative Officer
suggested that a Reserve Fund be started and a portion of any savings realized this
year be moved to reserve.
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July 16, 2001
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Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda:
902 ALR/60/99, 12212, 12230-248th Street and 12225, 12245-250th Street
Staff report dated July 3, 2000 providing information on the density transfer
option and recommending that the subject application not be authorized to
proceed to the Land Reserve Commission. This item was deferred from the June
4, 2001 Committee of the Whole meeting.
That the staff report entitled "ALR/60/99 (address 12212, 12230-24sth St., and
12225, 12245-25(/h St.) Addendum report" dated July 3, 2001 be received for
information; and further
That application ALR/60/99 (for property located at 12212, 12230-248th
Street and 12225, 12245-250th Street) for exclusion from the Agricultural
Land Reserve as described in the staff report dated July 3, 2001, not be
authorized to proceed to the Land Reserve Commission.
Councillor Harris, Mayor Hogarth, Councillor Isaac OPPOSED.
The recommendation was DEFEATED.
Detailed notes of the discussion of this item are to be prepared.
903 Bylaw Amendment Social Planning Advisory Committee
Report dated July 5, 2001 from the Social Planning Advisory Committee
recommending that their bylaws be amended and that Maple Ridge Social
Planning Advisory Committee Bylaw No. 5972-2001 be given three readings.
That the staff report entitled "Bylaw Amendment Social Planning Advisory
Committee" dated July 5, 2001 be received for information; and further
That Maple Ridge Social Planning Advisory Committee Bylaw No. 5972-2001
be read a first and second time and that the rules of order be waived and
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July 16, 2001
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Maple Ridge Social Planning Advisory Committee By-law No. 5972-2001 be
read a third time.
904 RZ/59/99, 24415-102 Avenue, 69 Lot Subdivision
Staff report dated June 28, 2001 recommending the following:
904 .1 Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5868-1999
That the subject bylaw to redesignate to Compact Housing at 40 units per hectare
and Conservation be given first reading.
The Acting Director of Planning reviewed the layout of the development
including the location of the park, sidewalks and road access to the park. While
parkland has been dedicated, the exact use of the park has not been finalized. As
not all properties in the area are under development, continuous sidewalks and
trails are not possible at this time.
That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amendment By-law No. 5868-
1999 be read a first time.
904.2 Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5867-1999
That the subject bylaw to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-
3 (Special Amenity Residential District) be given first reading.
That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5867-1999 be read a first
RZ/13/97, 22650-136 Avenue, Additional Condition for Final Readini:
Staff report dated June 28, 2001 recommending that an additional condition be
that a Restrictive Covenant be registered which requires the works that are within
the Rezoning Development Agreement be completed prior to any Subdivision
being permitted on the site.
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July 16, 2001
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That the following additional condition be provided for application
RZ/13/97, respecting property located at 22650-136 Avenue, prior to final
A Restrictive Covenant be registered at the Land Title Office which
acknowledges the servicing for subdivision approval will require completion
of Rezoning Development Agreement works provided for under RZ/23/96.
906 RZ/41/00, Southwest Corner 104th Avenue and Slatford Place
Staff report dated June 28, 2001 recommending conditions to be completed prior
to the subject application proceeding to Public Hearing.
The Planner gave a presentation of the proposed conditions and alternatives.
The Chief Administrative Officer suggested that although previous discussion of a
land use study included the entire Albion area, this area could be isolated and a
study completed by early Fall. This would assist staff to address the issues
contained in the report.
The applicant, John Duguid, indicated a desire to proceed with this study and to
work with the District under a cost sharing arrangement.
The Chief Administrative Officer advised that a report could be prepared for the
August 20 Committee of the Whole Meeting identifying the specific area to be
included in the review, the issues to be resolved, the distribution of
responsibilities, costs and a timeline.,, ·
Mr. Duguid noted that the primary issue at this stage is land use. A lot of work
remains to be done before development proceeds.
That application RZ/41/00 be deferred to the August 20, 2001 Committee of
the Whole Meeting
Committee of the Whole Minutes
July 16, 2001
A staff report is to be prepared for the August 20, 2001 Committee of the
Whole Meeting identifying ,the parameters of a modified Albion Land Use
907 Local Improvement Policy Document
Staff report dated July 6, 2001 recommending that staff be directed to prepare a
Local Improvement/Specified Area Policy.
That the staff report entitled Local Improvement Policy Document" dated
July 6, 2001 be received for information; and further
That staff be directed to . complete a Local Improvement/Specified Area
Policy Document for Council approval.
The portion of the report dealing with Financial Implications should contain
a notation that the availability of government grants may affect the cost and
timing of projects.
A staff presentation explaining Local Improvement Areas and Specified
Areas is to be made at the time the Policy Document is made public.
Filtration of Capilano Source -Drinkine Water Treatment Proeram
Staff report dated July 10, 2001 recommending endorsement of the decision
making process for filtration of Capilano and Seymour water.
That the staff report entitled "Filtration of Capilano Source -Drinking Water
Treatment Program" dated July JO, 2001 be received for information; and
That the implications of accelerating filtration of Capilano and Seymour
source water be considered; and
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July 16, 2001
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That the decision making process for filtration of Capilano and Seymour
water be endorsed; and further
That the need for advancing the filtration of Coquitlam source water be
A report on the July 13, 2001 meeting of the GVRD Water Committee is to
be circulated to Council prior to the July 24, 2001 Council meeting.
909 Silver Valley Plannini: Study
Staff report dated July 11, 2001 seeking direction from Council on identified
The Chief Administrative Officer presented highlights of the staff report which
responds to the Civitas Report submitted earlier this year. He discussed the four
options for proceeding andJhe by-laws and standards that will require review. On
question, he suggested that it would be helpful to receive public input before
proceeding further. Submissions could be made in writing or individuals/groups
could appear as a delegation at the Committee of the Whole Meeting.
That the staff report entitled "Silver Valley Planning Study" dated July 11,
2001 be received for information; and further
That the report be made available for public input through written
submissions or through verbal submissions at the August 20, 2001
Committee of the Whole Meeting.
Detailed notes of the discussion are to be provided to Councillor Morse and
Councillor Gordon.
A revised report focusing on the proposed options is to be prepared for the
August 20, 2001 Committee of the Whole Meeting.
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July 16, 2001
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910 2001 Major Capital Projects -Status Report
The Municipal Engineer advised that this report was added to the agenda to
provide an update on the status and progress of 2001 Capital Projects.
That the 2001 Major Capital Projects status report attached to the staff
report dated July 11, 2001 be received for information.
3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police)
931 Special Occasion License, Maple Rid2e Fair
Staff report dated July 9, 2001 recommending that the application from the Maple
Ridge Pitt Meadows Agricultural Association for a Special Occasion License for
July 27-29, 2001 be approved.
That the application from the Maple Ridge Pitt Meadows Agricultural
Association by way of a letter dated July 6t\ 2001 for a Special Occasion
License to hold a Beer Garden at the Albion Fair Grounds as part of the
2001 Maple Ridge Fair be approved as follows:
July 27, 2001
July 28, 2001
July 29, 2001
5:00 p.m. -12:00 Midnight
12:00 Noon -12:00 Midnight
12:00 Noon-6:00 p.m.
932 Fraser Valley Re2ional Library -Operatin2 Hours.
Staff report dated July 11, 2001 recommending hours of operation remain the
That the operating hours and opening days for the Maple Ridge Library
remain unchanged.
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July 16, 2001
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951 2003/2004 BC Senior Summer Games Bid Application
Staff report dated July 9, 2001 recommending that a bid be prepared for the
2003/2004 BC Senior Summer Games.
That a bid be prepared for submission to the BC Senior Games Society for
Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows to host the 2003 or 2004 BC Senior Summer
Games, noting that a budget commitment of $90,000 would be required in
either 2003 or 2004 to be shared proportionately between the two
municipalities in accordance with their population.
Mayor Hogarth announced that West Coast Express is providing additional
service on July 28 and August 4.for the Celebration of Light Fireworks Display in
7. ADJOURNMENT-3:00 p.m.
Mr. Dave Smith , RZ/41/00, Southwest Corner 104th Avenue and Slatford
Place, Silver Valley Planninc Study
Mr. Smith suggested that during deliberations of RZ/41/00 Council take into
consideration the proximity of the TransCanada Trail to this development and pay
particular attention to the treatment of the creeks on the property. He noted his
appreciation of the opportunity for more public input on the Silver Valley
Planning Study but indicated that recreational use of this area has not been
addressed sufficiently.
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July 16, 2001
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Dwaina Spra1:ue, 23733 Fern Cres.~ silver Valley Plannint: Study
Ms. Sprague asked if information would be published in the newspaper requesting
input on the report. She also asked that all stakeholders be advised of the August
20 meeting and that the staff report be posted to the web site. •
Ms. Sprague was advised that the report would be posted to the web site. An
explanation was provided of how individuals or groups could present their
opinions at the meeting.
~ Presiding Member of the Committee