HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-08-20 Adopted Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdf) Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES August 20, 2001 9:00 a.m. Council Chamber PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor A. Hogarth Councillor C. Gordon Councillor J. Harris Councillor F. Isaac Councillor K. Morse Councillor C. Speirs EXCUSED Councillor L. King Appointed Staff R. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer T. Fryer, Municipal Clerk M. Davies, Acting General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreational Services P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Services J. Pickering, Director of Planning C. Marlo, Confidential Secretary Other Staff as Required B. McDonald, Director Permits, Licenses & Bylaws J. Charlebois, Planner M. Rossi, Planner l. DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS -Nil 2. PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda: 902 ALR/60/99, 12212,12230-248th St., and 12225, 12245-250th St. Staff report dated July 3, 2001 recommending that the application not be authorized to proceed to the Land Reserve Commission. This item was deferred from the July 24, 2001 Council Meeting. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report entitled "ALR/60/99 (address 12212, 12230-24t" Street and 12225, 12245-25d" St.) dated July 3, 2001 be received for information; and further Committee of the Whole Minutes August 20, 2001 Page 2 of9 That application ALR/60/99 (for property located at 12212, 12230-248th Street and 12225, 12245-250th Street) for exclusion from the Agricultural Land Reserve as described in the staff report dated July 3, 2001, not be authorized to proceed to the Land Reserve Commission. Discussion The applicant, David Thordarson, 12212 248th Street, asked for Council's support of this application based on its uniqueness. The land has always been zoned RS-1, there has been no farming on the land for the past 40 years and there is residential development on three sides of the property. In his opinion the land is not conducive to agricultural use. On question, the Chief Administrative Officer advised that at the request of Council detailed minutes of discussions are not prepared so requests of Council to forward notes to the Land Commission cannot be accommodated. Mayor Hogarth, Councillor Harris, Councillor Isaac, Councillor Morse OPPOSED DEFEATED RECOMMENDATION That the staff report entitled "ALR/60/99 (address 12212, 12230-248'h Street and 12225, 12245-25dh St.) dated July 3, 2001 be received for information; and further That application ALR/60/99 (for property located at 12212, 12230-248th Street and 12225, 12245-250th Street) for exclusion from the Agricultural Land Reserve as described in the staff report dated July 3, 2001, be authorized to proceed to the Land Reserve Commission. ACTION REQUIRED Staff is to contact the Land Reserve Commission to identify what supporting documentation they would like to have accompany applications for exclusion. 903 Royal Canadian Legion, Travelling Gavel Parade, Use of Streets Staff report dated July 9, 2001 recommending that the Maple Ridge Branch of the Legion be authorized to use Municipal Streets on Saturday, September 29, 2001 for the Travelling Gavel Parade. ) Committee of the Whole Minutes August 20, 2001 Page 3 of9 RECOMMENDATION That the Royal Canadian Legion, Maple Ridge Branch be authorized to use Municipal Streets for their Travelling Gavel Parade on Saturday, September 29, 2001 provided the conditions outlined in the staff report entitled "Travelling Gavel Parade" dated July 9, 2001 are met. 904 SD/45/015% Money in Lieu of Parkland Dedication Staff report dated July 12, 2001 recommending that the owner of land situated directly west of 11553 Burnett Street or 116 Avenue pay an amount not less than $14,000. RECOMMENDATION That pursuant to Council's policy regarding 5% parkland dedication or payment of money in lieu, be it resolved that the owner of land the subject of SD/45/01 (Lot 2, DL. 202, Gp. 1, Plan LMP49706 NWD) shall pay to the District of Maple Ridge an amount that is not less than $14,000.00. 905 Revised Albion Flats Land Use Plan Process -RZ/41/00 Southwest corner 104th A venue and Slatford Place This item was deferred from the July 16, 2001 Committee of the Whole Meeting. Staff report dated August 7, 2001 recommending the following: 905 .1 Approval of the Revised Albion Flats Land Use Plan Process Discussion The Planner reviewed the proposed process noting that the cost, estimated at $80,000 -$100,000, is not part of the Planning Department budget. It will take approximately 18 months to complete the plan. The Chief Administrative Officer pointed out that it is important to look at this project in terms of the Planning Department work plan. A report is being prepared that will list the projects that have been identified by Council as priorities and detail staff responsibilities and costs. Council could proceed with this application in isolation but staff recommends that it be considered in the overall plan for the area. On question, the Chief Administrative Officer advised that studies were done to determine the effects of the fill for the "Fields for Kids" project but that the study did not reflect development further to the east. Committee of the Whole Minutes August 20, 2001 Page 4 of9 Speaking on behalf of the applicant, John Duguid stated that it was his understanding that the area to be studied would be much smaller than indicated in the report. He did not think it was necessary to include the lands to the east of 105th A venue. He asked that Council consider reducing the study area. RECOMMENDATION That approval of the Revised Albion Flats Land Use Plan Process be deferred to the September 10, 2001 Committee of the Whole Meeting. ACTION REQUIRED Staff is to provide clarification of the boundary of the area to be studied, complete details of the financial implications including staff time and effects on other projects and the Planning Department work plan. 905.2 Completion of the Albion Flats Land Use Plan prior to the Public Hearing of application RZ/41/00. RECOMMENDATION That application RZ/41/00 be deferred to the September 10, 2001 Committee of the Whole Meeting 906 OCP Amendment -Silver Valley Secondary School Site -23791 -132 A venue Staff report dated July 27, 2001 recommending to redesignate from School and Park to Single Family Residential (18 upnha) be forwarded to Public Hearing once conditions are met. Discussion The Chief Administrative Officer informed Council that the District's solicitor advised against designating school sites on land use maps. Discussions have taken place with the Provincial Government, other municipalities and the School District with respect to the effects of the provincial legislation. This application will return the property to its designation under the OCP. RECOMMENDATION That application (for property located at 23791-132 Avenue) to redesignate property described in the staff report dated July 27, 2001 from School and ) Committee of the Whole Minutes August 20, 2001 Page 5 of9 Park to Single Family Residential (18 upnha) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that staff report. 907 Final One Year Extension Application -13396 -233 Street -RZ/9/98 Staff report dated July 16, 2001 recommending a final one-year extension. RECOMMENDATION 908 That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5879- 1999, a one-year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/9/98 (13396-233 Street). Development Application Submission Standards and Approval Process Staff report dated July 28, 2001 recommending three readings be given to Maple Ridge Development Procedures Amending By-law No. 5971 -2001 and further that the application approval process be amended. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report entitled "Development Application Submission Standards and Approval Process" dated July 18, 2001 be received for information. 909 RZ/62/00 -20544 Powell A venue -Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5975 -2001 Staff report dated August 2, 2001 recommending first reading. Mr. Ron Antalek, speaking on behalf of the applicant, described the proposed development pointing out that the existing home will be maintained and the visual appearance of the street will remain the same. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5975-2001 be read a first time; and further Committee of the Whole Minutes August 20, 2001 Page 6 of9 That prior to final reading the following condition also be addressed: 1. That a Restrictive Covenant in support of the Official Community Plan's Infill Policy be registered at the Land Title Office to ensure the building form and setbacks are compatible with the existing neighbourhood. 910 RZ/36/00 -28209-96 Avenue -Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5961-2001 Staff report dated August 8, 2001 recommending rescinding of third reading given May 22, 2001, amendment of By-law No. 5961-2001 and granting third reading as amended. RECOMMENDATION That third reading granted May 22, 2001 to Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5691-2001 be rescinded; and That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5691-2001 be amended as recommended in the staff report entitled "Third Reading -Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5691-2001" dated August 8, 2001; and further That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5961-2001 as amended be read a third time. 911 DVP/60/01 -9992 -240 Street Staff report dated August 9, 2001 recommending that qualifying property owners be notified that the subject application will be considered at the September 11, 2001 Council meeting. RECOMMENDATION That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/60/01 respecting property located at 9992-240th Street will be considered by Council at the September 11, 2001 meeting. Committee of the Whole Minutes August 20, 2001 Page 7 of9 912 RZ/18/01 -Creekside Street & 116 Avenue Staff report dated August 2, 2001 recommending the application to rezone from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District), RS-lb(One Family Urban (medium density) Residential and CD (Comprehensive Development) be forwarded to Public Hearing once conditions are met. RECOMMENDATION That application RZ/18/01 (for property located on the south side of 116 Avenue and Creekside Street) to rezone property described in the staff report dated August 2, 2001 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) and RS-lb (One Family Urban (medium density) Residential) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending bylaw are detailed in that staff report. ACTION REQUIRED Staff is to advise if provisions have been made for a pedestrian crossing from J 116th A venue. 913 Neighborhood Pub Capacity Increase Staff report dated August 10, 2001 recommending that support be given for capacity increase applications for Fox's Reach Neighborhood Pub, Shake and Shingle Neighborhood Pub, Billy Miner Neighborhood Pub and Maple Ridge Inn and Suites Lounge RECOMMENDATION That the applications for capacity increase for Fox's Reach Neighborhood Pub, Shake and Shingle Neighborhood Pub, Billy Miner Neighborhood Pub and Maple Ridge Inn and Suites Lounge be supported noting that issuance of each business license will require completion of all non structural building code deficiencies identified and receipt of final approvals from the local Health Department and Liquor Control and Licensing Branch. Councillor Gordon noted for the record that in the past she has not been participating in issues related to neighbourhood pubs as she was employed in this industry. As she is no longer so employed she can now participate in such discussions. Committee of the Whole Minutes August 20, 2001 Page 8 of9 3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police) 931 Second Quarter Report -2001 Staff report dated July 24, 2001 submitting the Second Quarter Report 2001 for information. Note: Due to time constraints the Committee did not act on the following recommendation and agreed to forward it directly to the August 28, 2001 Council Meeting: RECOMMENDATION That the District of Maple Ridge Second Quarter Report 2001 attached to the staff report dated July 24, 2001 be received for information. 932 Maple Ridge 2000 -2004 Financial Plan Amending By-law No. 5976 -2001 Staff report dated July 31, 2001 recommending three readings of the by-law. Note: Due to time constraints the Committee did not act on the following recommendation and agreed to forward it directly to the August 28, 2001 Council Meeting: RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge 2000-2004 Financial Plan Amending Bylaw No. 5976-2001 be read a first and second time and that the rules of order be waived and By- law No. 5976-2001 be read a third time. 933 Council Indemnity Committee Staff report dated August 8, 2001 recommending the creation of the Council Indemnity Committee. Note: Due to time constraints the Committee did not act on the following recommendation and agreed to forward it directly to the August 28, 2001 Council Meeting: RECOMMENDATION That the creation of the Council Indemnity Committee be authorized noting that: ' ) _) Committee of the Whole Minutes August 20, 2001 Page 9 of9 1. The committee is to be comprised of 2 business representatives, 2 labour representatives, 1 to 3 members of the public at large and 2 former Council members. 2. The committee will review the workload of Council members in relation to the total compensation package that they receive. 3. Other municipalities in B.C. and other provinces as well as similar organization (GVRD, E-Comm, Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee) will be looked at in the review. 4. The Committee will provide its recommendations to Council by November 1, 2001. 4. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND RECREATION SERVICES -Nil 5. CORRESPONDENCE -Nil 6. OTHER BUSINESS -Nil 7. ADJOURNMENT -10:30 a.m. 8. COMMUNITY FORUM -Nil Acting or K. Morse Presiding Member of the Committee