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Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
September 10, 2001
12:30 p.m.
Council Chamber
Elected Officials
Mayor A. Hogarth
Councillor C. Gordon
Councillor J. Harris
Councillor F. Isaac
Councillor L. King
Councillor K. Morse
Councillor C. Speirs
Appointed Staff
R. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer
T. Fryer, Municipal Clerk
M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development,
Parks and Recreational Services
J. Pickering, Director of Planning
C. Marlo, Confidential Secretary
Other Staff as Required
K. Grout, Manager of Development and Environmental
T. Juurakko, Fire and Life Safety Officer
J. Sorba, Director of Finance
1.1 Fire Department Update
The Fire & Life Safety Officer provided an update on the activities of the Fire
Department from January to August. His presentation focused on:
• Fire Fighters -current compliment is 90
• Call Summary -Similar numbers to last year
• Training -provided for new recruits, first responders, Driver-Pump
Operators, Officers and Paid on Call Captains
• Notable Activities -Fire Prevention Week, October 7-13, Summer Safety
Smart Card, Public Education, School Programs, Seniors Programs, Youth
Academy, Participation in RCMP Musical Ride and Assistance with the
Motion Picture Industry
Committee of the Whole Minutes
September 10, 2001
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Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda:
902 Whonnock Lake Run, Sunday, October 14, 2001, Use of Streets
Staff report dated August 20, 2001 recommending that the request of the
Whonnock Community Association for use of municipal streets be approved.
That the Whonnock Community Association be authorized to use Municipal
Streets for their 5th annual Whonnock Lake Run on Sunday, October 14,
2001 provided the conditions outlined in Schedule A of the staff report dated
August 20, 2001 are met.
903 St. Patrick's School Walk-a-thon, Thursday September 27, 2001, Use of
Staff report dated August 20, 2001 recommending that the request of St. Patrick's
School for use of municipal streets be approved.
That St. Patrick's School be authorized to use Municipal Streets for their
School Walk-a-thon on Thursday, September 27, 2001 provided the
conditions outlined in Schedule A of the staff report dated August 20, 2001
are met.
904 Terry Fox Run, Sunday, September 16, 2001, Use of Streets
Staff report dated August 31, 2001 recommending that the request of the Ridge
Meadows Terry Fox Run Committee for use of municipal streets be approved.
That the Ridge Meadows Terry Fox Run Committee be authorized to use
Municipal Streets for the Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows Terry Fox Run on
Sunday, September 16, 2001 provided the conditions outlined in Schedule A
of the staff report dated August 31, 2001 are met.
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September 10, 2001
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905 SD/54/01 -Development Cost Charge Reduction, Rockridge Drive and
Granite Way
Staff report dated August 17, 2001 recommending that the water component of
the Development Costs Charges payable be reduced by $18,860.
That with respect to Subdivision 54/01, be it resolved that in view of having
constructed Development Cost Charge water works in the vicinity of 132
A venue and 236 Street, the water component of the Development Cost
Charges payable by the developer be reduced by $18,860.00.
906 Camp Lakewood, Katzie First Nation "Healing Space"
Staff report dated August 31, 2001 submitting information on a rezonmg
application for Camp Lakewood from P-3 Children's Institutional to CS-3
Recreation Commercial.
Mike Potter, the consultant engaged by Katzie First Nation, described the project
noting that rezoning is a condition of purchase. Organizations such as KEEPS,
ARMS and the Alouette River Correctional Institute have given favorable
comments on the proposal. He showed photographs of similar camps in Maple
Ridge -Camp McLean and Camp Howdy.
Debbie Miller, Katzie First Nation, explained that they are not anticipating
commercial activity at the camp. Its primary purpose is to serve as a healing
centre for aboriginal youth. She also advised that they are discussing whether or
not to have an on-site property manager. This decision will depend on what the
final road access is to site.
The Director of Planning, on question, explained that an amended P-2 Special
Institutional Zone is recommended for consideration as it allows the applicant to
proceed but eliminates other uses available under CS-3 zoning that would not be
appropriate in this area.
That staff be directed to continue to work with the applicant to resolve the
issues in the development of the site as detailed in the staff report entitled
"Camp Lakewood" dated August 31, 2001.
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September 10, 2001
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907 Development Application Submission Standards and Approval Process
Staff report dated July 18, 2001 recommending that Maple Ridge Development
Procedures Amending Bylaw No. 5971-2001 be given three readings and that
changes to the application approval process be amended.
The Manager Development and Environmental Services reviewed the
amendments and implementation process being proposed, noting that the changes
would reduce the time it takes to process an application, reduce the number of
reports required, reduce the number of times Council would consider an
application and provide for earlier neighborhood input and agency review.
Council made the following suggestions/comments/questions:
• Page 2 -First Reading -Would it be advisable to have a preliminary meeting
with DFO and MOE before first reading?
• Page 3 -Staff Recommendation-Should include mention that Environmental
and Geotechnical assessments may be required.
• Page 4 -Public Information Meeting Staff Recommendation -Should provide
notification of meeting through newspaper advertising. Is there a need to
introduce neighbourhood guidelines and design minimums? Should the design
panel be dealing at a different level than they are now? Should there be more
discussion on the architectural aspects?
• When will Council be advised that an application is in process?
• Will staff provide a preliminary review of an existing or proposed
development before the applicant begins the process?
• Where does storm water management fit in?
The Chief Administrative Officer advised that a report would be presented at the
October 1 Committee of the Whole meeting that would answer many of these
questions. He advised that staff is looking at putting a column into the newspaper
that would contain information on items that are being considered by Council
appointed Committees. The proposed changes will be presented to the
development community for input starting with meetings scheduled for the week
of September 10.
That Maple Ridge Development Procedures Amending Bylaw No. 5971-2001
be read a first and second time and that the rules of order be waived and By-
law No. 5971-2001 be read a third time; and further
Committee of the Whole Minutes
September 10, 2001
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That the application approval process be amended as follows, for
implementation following the adoption of Maple Ridge Development
Procedures Amending Bylaw No. 5971-2001:
i. when required, a Public Information meeting be held prior to submission
of the zone amending bylaw to Council;
ii. when required, the application be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel
prior to submission of the zone amending bylaw to Council;
iii. rezoning applications be referred to external agencies, and that their
preliminary comments be received prior to submission of the zone
amending bylaw to Council; and
iv. the District's current Land Use Report and First Reading Memo be
collapsed into one report for submission of the zone amending bylaw to
The comments of Council are to be incorporated in the application approval
process where appropriate.
Feedback on the amendments is to be sought from the Development
Revised Planning Department Work Plan -2002
Staff report dated August 30, 2001 submitting information on work program
The Director of Planning explained why a Revised Work Plan is required,
discussed the lack of funding available in the Planning Budget for 2001 and
presented four options for Council's consideration:
► Option 1 -Move everything back 6 months
► Option 2 -Focus on major policy items, all other items forwarded to work
plans of the future.
► Option 3 -Maintain Rural Area review and Silver Valley, add Albion Flats
Study, delay the OCP review
► Option 4 -Redirect time of planners exclusively to policy matters (not
The goal of the Plan is to proceed with a realizable work program that reflects
corporate and Council priorities while maintaining service levels.
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September 10, 2001
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On question the Director of Planning advised that, although it is a statutory
requirement that the OCP review commence within a five year time frame, the
provincial government does not police this. The Chief Administrative Officer
suggested that, as a number of major policy issues are being dealt with at this
time, the OCP should be delayed. In addition, the Fraser River Bridge would have
a major impact on land use patterns if it proceeds. He also noted that direction
only is sought from Council at this meeting as all options have a financial impact
and need to be properly resourced before proceeding.
It was suggested to staff that the Plan also be looked at with a view to asking
Council Committees to do some of the work.
In response to comments that the Downtown Core is not included in the Work
Plan, the Director of Planning suggested that there might be other ways to
advance this area not necessarily under the leadership of the Planning
Council discussed the need to debate the Options m an open forum before
reaching a decision.
That the staff report entitled "Revised Planning Department Work Plan -
2002" dated August 30, 2001 be received for information.
That the proposed Revised Planning Department Work Plan -2002 be the
subject of a discussion by Council at a Special Committee of the Whole
meeting to be scheduled prior to business planning.
Councillor Harris OPPOSED
909 Revised Albion Flats Land Use Plan Process -RZ/41/00 Southwest corner
104th Avenue and Slatford Place
This item was deferred from the August 20, 2001 Committee of the Whole
Meeting. Staff report dated August 7, 2001 recommending the following:
909 .1 Approval of the Revised Albion Flats Land Use Plan Process
The Chief Administrative Officer advised that due to the time constraints of
preparing the Revised Work Plan the additional information requested was not
available for this meeting. He reviewed the application noting that the applicant is
I )
Committee of the Whole Minutes
September 10, 2001
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suggesting that a smaller area be studied than that proposed by staff. Staff do not
think this is appropriate given the conditions of the area. If Council wishes to
proceed with a study, staff recommend an intermediary area be defined, however,
it would have to be funded by the landowners, as there are no monies in the
budget for this item. Staff would develop terms of reference, cost mechanisms,
and time lines.
The applicant's representative, John Duguid, stated the applicant's reasons for
considering this property in isolation and advised that the applicant is prepared to
fund in the costs of such as study.
Richard Newton, owner of neighbouring property to the south, urged Council to
proceed with a study of the intermediary area.
That the revised Albion Flats Land Use Plan Process outlined in the staff
report dated August 7, 2001 be approved.
Mayor Hogarth, Councillor Harris, Councillor Isaac, Councillor Morse OPPOSED
909.2 Completion of the Albion Flats Land Use Plan prior to the Public Hearing of
application RZ/41/00.
That the Albion Flats Land Use Plan be completed prior to the Public
Hearing for application RZ-41-00 for property located at the southwest
corner of 104th Avenue and Slatford Place.
Mayor Hogarth, Councillor Harris, Councillor Isaac, Councillor Morse OPPOSED
That an intermediary area in the Albion Flats, described as the area from
104th Avenue in the north to Lougheed Highway in the south and from the
Fields for Kids to the west and 240th Street to the east, be the subject of a
Land Use Study; and
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September 10, 2001
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That the following be completed on this intermediary area prior to
application RZ-41-00, respecting property located at the southwest corner of
104th Avenue and Slatford Place, proceeding to Public Hearing:
• Drainage Study
• Storm Water Management Strategy
• Land Use Concept Plan
• Transportation Impact Assessment as required by the Ministry of
• Comments from Dyking District 13 regarding the down-stream impacts
of development;
• Comments from MOT and the Ministry of Land, Water and Air
Protection on the proposed development; and
• Comments from the Parks and Leisure Services regarding existing and
future recreation use and future residential development; and further
That all costs, with the exception of municipal staff time, be borne by the
landowners in the study area.
Councillor Gordon, Councillor Speirs, Councillor King OPPOSED
910 DP/61/01, 20218 Wharf Street
Staff report dated August 14, 2001 recommended that the Municipal Clerk be
authorized to sign the subject application to permit construction of a single family
dwelling within 50 metres of the Fraser River.
That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/61/01 respecting
property located at 20218 Wharf Street subject to the conditions outlined in
the staff report dated August 14, 2001.
911 DVP/59/00, 23500 Block of 109 Avenue
Staff report dated August 24, 2001 recommending that qualifying property
owners be advised that the subject application to waive road construction and
servicing improvements on Spencer Crescent will be considered on October 9,
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Committee of the Whole Minutes
September 10, 2001
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That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners
that approval of DVP/59/00 respecting property located at 23500 Block of
109 A venue will be considered by Council at the October 9, 2001 meeting.
3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police)
931 Part-time Mail Clerk
Staff report dated August 20, 2001 recommending that a part-time Mail Clerk
position be created targeted for a person with special challenges.
That the District of Maple Ridge create the position of a part-time Mail
Clerk noting that:
i. the position will be targeted for a person with special challenges; and
ii. funding for this initiative will be provided from existing budgets.
932 Employee Succession Planning
Staff report dated August 9, 2001 providing information on historical and project
employee turnover and succession planning.
The Director of Corporate Support explained that this report is a research piece to
let Council know that the District will have a succession issue in the middle part
of this decade. 45 % of employees are 45 years of age and older. The bulk of this
group will retire during the years 2008-2014.
That the staff report entitled "Employee Succession Planning" dated August
9, 2001 be received for information; and further that staff be directed to
proceed to develop and implement an employee succession plan.
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September 10, 2001
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933 Adjustments to 2001 Collector's Roll -03/2001
Staff report advising of a revision of an assessed value resulting in a decrease in
tax receivable of $926.11
Note: Councillor Speirs left the meeting.
That the staff report entitled, Adjustments to 2001 Collector's Roll, dated
August 21, 2001 with respect to Supplementary Roll 03/2001be received for
934 Adjustments to 2001 Collector's Roll -04/2001
Staff report advising of revisions to assessed values resulting in a net increase in
taxes receivable of $5,303.95.
That the staff report entitled, Adjustments to 2001 Collector's Roll, dated
August 23, 2001 with respect to Supplementary Roll 04/2001 be received for
935 Property Taxation Exemption Policies
Staff report dated September 4, 2001 recommending revisions to Tax Exemption
Note: Councillor Gordon left the meeting.
That Tax Exemption policies as listed, be approved and adopted effective
Tax Exemption -Homes for the Care of Children and the Relief of the Aged,
the Poor, the Disabled and the Infirm
Tax Exemption -Private Hospitals and Day-Care
Tax Exemption -Community Halls
Tax Exemption -Municipal Recreational Services
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September 10, 2001
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Tax Exemption -Churches
Tax Exemption -Private Schools
Tax Exemption -Youth & Recreation Groups
Tax Exemption -Heritage Sites
7. ADJOURNMENT -4:20 p.m.
Acting ~yor K':"°'Morse
Presiding Member of the Committee