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Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
October 15, 2001
12:30 p.m.
Council Chamber
Elected Officials
Mayor A. Hogarth
Councillor C. Gordon
Councillor J. Harris
Councillor F. Isaac
Councillor L. King
Councillor K. Morse
Councillor C. Speirs
Appointed Staff
R. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer
T. Fryer, Municipal Clerk
M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development,
Parks and Recreational Services
P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services
F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development
C. Marlo, Confidential Secretary
Other Staff as Required
L. Benson, Senior Manager Finance
P. Den Uyl, Manager Inspection Services
K. Grout, Manager Development & Environmental Services
J. Irving, Manager Utility Engineering
The Acting Mayor announced the addition of the following item to the agenda:
Item 6 -Other Business -FCM budget proposal to Federal Government
1.1 Finance Department, Review of August 31 Financial Statement
The Senior Finance Manager provided an overview of the Financial Statements
noting that the Finance Department is forecasting a manageable deficit.
Finance Department staff, Sylvia Rutledge, Beata Nowak, Catherine Nolan and
Trevor Thompson, presented details of the statements for each department
focusing on variances between projections and actuals.
The Senior Finance Manager summarized the presentations reiterating that while
the budget will be tight for 2001 and 2002, it is manageable.
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1.2 Water Rates Presentation
The General Manager Public Works and Development Services informed Council
that one of the goals of the Engineering Department for 2001 was to review the
Water Rates Bylaw. The current bylaw is from 1979 and is in need of
amendments. Engineering staff has done extensive research and consulted with
municipalities across North America to prepare the proposed amendments.
The Manager Utility Engineering John Irving presented information on the bylaw,
proposed water rates, a metering study and the Drinking Water Quality Report
2002. The goal of the new bylaw is to provide a new rate structure that provides
for equitable distribution of charges, full cost recovery and is easily understood by
taxpayers. He advised that the implementation schedule includes a Public Open
House in November with the by-law expected to be presented to Council for
approval in January.
On question, the General Manager Public Works and Development Services
advised that studies were done on the viability of using Harrison Lake rather than
Coquitlam Lake as a watershed for the GVRD but the research showed that no
cost savings would result during the next 30-40 years. The GVRD continues to be
the most economical source for water for Maple Ridge.
Staff is to proceed with the process of amending the Water Rate Bylaw and a
confidential report on the security of the water system is to be provided to
1.3 Walter Rutledge, Sewer Concerns
Mr. Rutledge advised Council of his wish to connect to the sewer system and of
his difficulties in so doing. He provided background information on his
application and spoke of his frustration with District staff. As his property is much
lower than the surrounding developments, he is required to pay additional costs
that he estimated at $8,500. The General Manager Public Works and
Development Services suggested that Mr. Rutledge meet with him to discuss
these issues.
The General Manager Public Works and Development Services is to meet
with Mr. Rutledge and a staff report is to be prepared for distribution to
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1 .4 Chamber of Commerce, Mike Potter, President
Mr. Potter invited Council to participate in "Adopt-A-Cop" Week and attend the
Chamber lunch on Thursday, October 18 at Pitt Meadows Golf Course.
Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda:
902 RZ/18/01, Creekside Street & 116 Ave., RS-3 to CD-1-93 and RS-lb
Staff report dated October 1, 2001 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone
Amending Bylaw No. 5979-2001 be given first reading.
On question, the Manager Development & Enviromnental Services advised that
the proposal for a new development application process is anticipated to be
presented to Council at the next Committee of the Whole meeting. This
application is being processed under the current procedures. The General
Manager Public Works and Development Services confirmed that staff is
preparing an analysis of access issues in this area and will be making
recommendations. He noted that the truck traffic issue is temporary as
development occurs.
That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5979-2001 be read a first
Staff is to provide Council with information on the projected completion date
of a sidewalk on Gilker Hill.
903 ALR/70/01, 26171 Dewdney Trunk Road
Staff report dated October 2, 2001 recommending that application ALR/70/01 not
be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission.
The Municipal Clerk advised that an additional letter in support of the application
was received from Alan Smith and circulated to Council. Two letters in support
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of the application were received at the Committee of the Whole from Steve
Danbert and Annette Davidson. Copies of these letters will be circulated to
Discussion focused on the need to review the policy for applications for exclusion
from the ALR. The Chief Administrative Officer suggested that staff meet with
the Land Reserve Commission and prepare a report that would provide structure
for debate on the policy.
The applicant, Mr. E. Bromba, asked Council to consider his application on its
own merits. It is his opinion that the property has so many set backs it would be
very difficult to farm. He stated that he is unclear of what is meant by the
suggestion that the property is more valuable for commercial farm uses.
That application ALR/70/01 for an approximately 2 ha. portion of the
property described as Lot 29 Except: Firstly: Part Subdivided By Plan
76434, Secondly: Part Subdivided by Plan LMP 6975, Section 24, Township
12, New Westminster District, Plan 26432, and located at 26171 Dewdney
Trunk Road not be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land
Mayor Hogarth, Councillor Harris, Councillor Morse, Councillor Isaac Opposed
The recommendation was DEFEATED.
That application ALR/70/01 for an approximately 2 ha. portion of the
property described as Lot 29 Except: Firstly: Part Subdivided By Plan
76434, Secondly: Part Subdivided by Plan LMP 6975, Section 24, Township
12, New Westminster District, Plan 26432, and located at 26171 Dewdney •
Trunk Road be forwarded to the Land Reserve Commission with a
recommendation that it remain in the Agricultural Land Reserve.
Councillor Harris, Councillor Morse, Mayor Hogarth, Councillor Isaac OPPOSED
The recommendation was DEFEATED.
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That application ALR/70/01 for an approximately 2 ha. portion of the
property described as Lot 29 Except: Firstly: Part Subdivided By Plan
76434, Secondly: Part Subdivided by Plan LMP 6975, Section 24, Township
12, New Westminster District, Plan 26432, and located at 26171 Dewdney
Trunk Road be authorized to proceed to the Agricultural Land Commission.
Councillor King, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Speirs OPPOSED
904 DP/69/01, 26862 Ferguson Avenue
Staff report dated October 4, 2001 recommending that the Municipal Clerk be
authorized to sign and seal DP/69/01.
The applicant, Dr. Neil Ambrose, advised that it is his opm10n that the
watercourse to be relocated is a manmade ditch that the previous owner
constructed to allow drainage of the property. It is not a fish-bearing watercourse
and is dry six months of the year. It feeds into a river that has cutthroat trout.
That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/69/01 respecting
property located at 26862 Ferguson Avenue.
905 Review of Hillside Development Guidelines
Staff report dated September 11, 2001 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone
Amending By-law No. 5990-2001 be given first reading.
The Director of Development & Environmental Services gave a presentation on
the Hillside Development Guidelines providing background on the proposed ·
amendments to the guidelines and illustrating their advantages. She also reviewed
the results of the survey on the proposed guidelines. She advised that the process
for adoption of the Zone Amending By-law will include a Public Hearing and a
presentation at a Builders' Forum Process, with final adoption expected in
The Manager Inspection Services pointed out that some minor corrections would
be made to the by-law before final reading.
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That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5990-2001 be read a first
906 Royal Canadian Legion, Remembrance Day Parade, Use of Streets
Staff report dated October 4, 2001 recommending that the Legion be authorized to
use Municipal Streets on Sunday, November 11, 2001.
That Royal Canadian Legion -Maple Ridge Branch 88 be authorized to use
Municipal Streets for their Annual Remembrance Day Parade on Sunday,
November 11, 2001 provided the conditions outlined in Schedule A attached
to the staff report dated October 4, 2001 are met.
The meeting recessed at 3:05 p.m. and reconvened at 3:15 p.m.
907 RZ/68/00, 23005 Dewdney Trunk Road, Rezone from RS-1 to CD-2-95 and
Staff report dated July 11, 2001 recommending that the subject application be
deferred and the applicant be directed to revise the proposal to comply with the
Official Community Plan designation.
The applicant, Wayne Bissky, reviewed the history of the OCP designation of this
property and suggested that it is a reasonable request to ask that the OCP be
amended to designate this property commercial. He displayed a current view of
the property noting the location of a Tim Horton's at the same intersection and a
community hall across the street. He then displayed a rendition of the property
upon completion of the project indicating that the proposal would have limited
effect on the residential area to the north and does not involve any properties to
the east. Mr. Bissky also mentioned that the low profile of the commercial and
residential buildings would maintain the view of Golden Ears Mountain. Limited
parking is available off the lane behind the commercial building but there is
potential for more.
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That application RZ/68/00 for property located at 23005 Dewdney Trunk
Road be deferred and that the applicant be directed to revise the proposed
development such that the commercial component on that portion of the
subject property fronting Dewdney Trunk Road is replaced by a residential
use in compliance with the Official Community Plan designation.
Mayor Hogarth, Councillor Isaac, Councillor Harris, Councillor Morse OPPOSED
The recommendation was DEFEATED.
That application RZ/68/00 (for property located at 23005 Dewdney Trunk
Road) to rezone property described in the staff report dated July 11, 2001
from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to CD-2-95 (Comprehensive
Development) and CD-1-93 (Amenity Residential District) be forwarded to
Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing
and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in
that staff report.
Councillor King, Councillor Gordon, Councillor Speirs OPPOSED
3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police)
931 Council Indemnity Committee
Staff report dated October 10, 2001 recommending that staff be directed to
recommend amendments to the Council Indemnity and Expenses By-law.
That staff be directed to prepare a report for consideration as part of the
Maple Ridge Council Indemnity and Expenses By-law amendment process
that includes the following:
• the workload and responsibilities of Council members in relation to the
total compensation package that they receive
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• compensation offered in other municipalities in BC and other provinces
as well as similar organizations (GVRD, E-Comm, Lower Mainland
Treaty Advisory Committee)
981 Federation of Canadian Municipality, CRTC Input on Rights-of-Way
Contract Intervention Issue
Members' Advisory seeking submissions to the CR TC on the matter of
intervention of the Commission in existing municipal rights-of-way access
That a letter of support of the position taken by the Federation of Canadian
Municipalities and the City of Toronto with respect to the Rights-of-Way
Contract Intervention Issue be sent to the CRTC, David Anderson, Minister
of the Environment and Grant McNally, MP.
FCM budget proposal to Federal Government.
That a letter of support for the Federation of Canadian Municipalities' 2002
Budget be sent to the Federal Government.
Council is to review the other items contained in the Sustainability Review at a
later date.
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7. ADJOURNMENT -4:30 p.m.
Acting Mayor C. Speirs
Presiding Member of the Committee