HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-11-05 Adopted Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdf) Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES November 5, 2001 12:30 p.m. Council Chamber PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor A. Hogarth Councillor C. Gordon Councillor J. Harris Councillor F. Isaac Councillor L. King Councillor K. Morse Councillor C. Speirs Appointed Staff R. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer T. Fryer, Municipal Clerk M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreational Services P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Services J. Pickering, Director of Planning C. Marlo, Confidential Secretary Other Staff.as Required Insp. B. Dingwall, OIC, RCMP Cst. A. Tolchard, RCMP D. Cooke, GIS Technician l. DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS 1.1 R.C.M.P. Update and Changes to Bill C7 (Youth Criminals Justice Act) Insp. Dingwall reported to Council on the activities of the Ridge Meadows Detachment during the third quarter. The report focused on staff changes, crime trends, motor vehicle accident trends, staff levels and workload, volunteer activities and special events. A copy of the report was circulated. Cst. Andrew Tolchard distributed a chart comparing the existing Young Offenders Act to the proposed Youth Criminal Justice Act. He reviewed the report noting that more community involvement will be expected for first-time non-violent offences to allow for measures other than court proceedings. This will necessitate an increase in municipal services for youth. Note: Councillor King arrived at the meeting at 1: 15 p.m. Committee of the Whole Minutes November 5, 2001 Page 2 of7 ACTION REQUIRED Staff is to provide the following information to Council: • comparison of the number of recruits in Maple Ridge to other municipalities • E-Division's contribution to the cost of training recruits • updates on the Youth Criminals Justice Act Staff is to include on a future agenda a discussion of the changes to the Act and its effects on the municipality. 1.2 Parks & Leisure Services Update The General Manager Community Development, Parks and Recreational Services distributed the Third Quarter Report and provided an overview of the highlights. A suggestion was made to increase the involvement of Youth Workers in the secondary schools to make those students who are living on their own aware of the opportunities that exist for access to youth programs. 1.3 Planning Department, Interim Report on Phase 2 of GPS and Stream Mapping Inventory Rod Stott provided an overview of the accomplishments of Phases 1 and 2 of the Stream Mapping Inventory project and the steps required for completion of Phase 2. The final report on Phase 2 will be presented to Council in December. He identified the areas planned for study in Phase 3 and summarized the benefits of the project. David Cook outlined the current benefits of the program to the District of Maple Ridge for information management and the future direction for enhancement of the Stream Information system. 2. PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda: 902 Inclusion in Sewer Area "A", 10188 -240 Street Staff report dated October 15, 2001 recommending that Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 5988- 2001 be given three readings. ) _) Committee of the Whole Minutes November 5, 2001 Page 3 of7 RECOMMENDATION That the report dated October 15, 2001 be received noting that it is reported therein that the petition to include property located at 10188-240 Street in Sewer Area "A" is sufficient and valid; and further That Maple Ridge Sewer Area "A" Sewerage Works Construction and Loan Authorization Amending By-law No. 5988-2001 be read a first and second time, and that the Rules of Order be waived and By-law No. 5988-2001 be read a third time. 903 Social Planning Advisory Committee, Youth Recognition Award Report dated October 23, 2001 recommending that Council endorse an annual Youth Recognition Award. RECOMMENDATION That the report from the Social Planning Advisory Committee entitled "Youth Recognition Award'' dated October 23, 2001 be received for information; and further That the annual Youth Recognition Award Program be endorsed. 904 Inclusion of 25927128th Avenue into the Soil Removal By-law Staff report dated October 24, 2001 recommending that Maple Ridge Soil Removal Amending By-law No. 5991-2001 be given three readings. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Soil Removal Amending By-law No. 5991-2001 be read a first and second time and that the rules of order be waived and By-law No. 5991-2001 be read a third time. ACTION REQUIRED Staff is to provide Council with information on the sustainability of the area and future use of the land. Committee of the Whole Minutes November 5, 2001 Page 4 of7 905 RZ-63-00, 28348-96 Avenue, Ruskin Elementary School, Rezone from Pl to RS-2 Staff report dated October 25, 2001 recommending that Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw No . 5981-2001 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5980-2001 be given first reading. Andrew Thul provided information on the conversion plans indicating that the intent is to maintain the heritage qualities of the building. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5981- 2001 and Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5980-2001 be read a first time. ACTION REQUIRED Staff is to refer the application to the Community Heritage Commission for input on the historical implications of rezoning. 906 Chamber of Commerce, Santa Claus Parade, Use of Streets Staff report dated October 31, 2001 recommending that the Chamber of Commerce be authorized to use Municipal Streets for the Annual Santa Claus Parade on Saturday, December 1. RECOMMENDATION That the Maple Ridge Chamber of Commerce be authorized to use Municipal Streets for the Annual Santa Claus Parade on Saturday, December 1, 2001 provided the conditions outlined in Schedule A attached to the staff report dated October 31, 2001 are met. 3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police) 931 District Towing Contract Staff report dated October 31, 2001 summarizing the court decision. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report entitled "District Towing Contract" dated October 31, 2001 be received for information. L I ' i I I r Committee of the Whole Minutes November 5, 2001 Page 5 of7 932 SPCA Business Plan Staff report dated October 30, 2001 recommending that staff take the lead in developing a Business Plan for animal related services. RECOMMENDATION That staff be directed to take the lead in developing a Business Plan for the animal related services in the District of Maple Ridge. 933 Appointment of Auditors Staff report dated October 31, 2001 recommending that BDO Dunwoody LLP be appointed as the external Municipal Auditors for the financial audit period of 2001-2005. RECOMMENDATION That BDO Dunwoody LLP be appointed as the Municipal Auditors for the financial audit period of 2001 to 2005. 4. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND RECREATION SERVICES 951 Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues -By-law Amendment Staff report dated October 24, 2001 recommending that amendments be made to the Committee By-law and that the Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues By-law No. 5845-1999 be read three times. RECOMMENDATION That the report from the Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues dated October 24, 2001 recommending changes to the Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues By-law No. 5845-1999 be received for information; and further That Municipal Advisory Committee on Accessibility Issues By-law No. 5983-2001 be read a first and second time and that the rules of order be waived and By-law No. 5983-2001 be read a third time. Committee of the Whole Minutes November 5, 2001 Page 6 of7 5. CORRESPONDENCE 981 Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Task Force on Urban Issues Letter dated October 2, 2001 from James W. Knight, Chief Executive Officer, providing information for consultation with the Task Force. On question, the Chief Administrative Officer advised that a staff report is being prepared on the viability of offering teleconferencing facilities in the municipality. RECOMMENDATION That the letter dated October 2, 2001 from James W. Knight, Chief Executive Officer, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, be received for information. 982 Dredging of the Fraser River -Delta Council Resolution Letter dated October 12, 2001 from Lois Jackson, Mayor, regarding funding of the Fraser River dredging program by the Federal Government. RECOMMENDATION That the letter dated October 12, 2001 from Lois Jackson, Mayor, The Corporation of Delta, be received for information; and That the resolution of the Council for the Corporation of Delta requesting the Federal Government reinstate funding for the continuing development and maintenance of the Fraser River navigation channels and dyking programs and assure that previous levels of development and maintenance to the Fraser River navigation channels and dykes will be maintained without jeopardy to waterborne commerce and the flood control benefits, be endorsed; and further That a letter of support for the resolution be sent to the Honourable David Collenette, Minister of Transport, with copies to the Honourable Joyce Murray, Minister of Water, Land and Air Protection, the Honourable Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of Fisheries & Oceans, Grant McNally, MP, Dewdney- Alouette, Randy Hawes, MLA, Maple Ridge-Mission, Ken Stewart, MLA, Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows, all municipalities in the GVRD and Michael Jones, Chair, Fraser River Port Authority Board of Directors. I ) Committee of the Whole Minutes November 5, 2001 Page 7 of7 6. OTHERBUSINESS -Nil 7. ADJOURNMENT -2:40 p.m. 8. COMMUNITY FORUM -Nil . rs Presiding Member of the Committee