HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-12-03 Adopted Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdfCorporation of the District of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES December 3, 2001 12:30 p.m. Council Chamber PRESENT Elected Officials Mayor A. Hogarth Councillor C. Gordon Councillor J. Harris Councillor F. Isaac Councillor L. King Councillor K. Morse Councillor C. Speirs Appointed Staff R. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer T. Fryer, Municipal Clerk M. Murray, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreational Services P. Gill, General Manager Corporate and Financial Services F. Quinn, General Manager Public Works and Development Services J. Pickering, Director of Planning C. Marlo, Confidential Secretary Other Staff as Required M. Davies, Director Parks and Facilities A. Wood, Municipal Engineer The following changes were made to the Agenda: • Item 932, 2002-2006 Financial Plan By-law was added to the agenda · • Item 904 was moved to follow item 902 • Item 903 was corrected to properly describe the property's location as 224th Street 1. DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS I. I Adopt-A-Block, Update of Activities Peter Barnes presented Council with an award commemorating the 9th anniversary of Adopt-A-Block's affiliation with Council. He distributed a copy of the Adopt- A-Block update report and reviewed its contents. Chelsea Meadus described the elementary school education program and commented on the success of this program. Committee of the Whole Minutes December 3, 2001 Page 2 of8 ACTION REQUIRED A discussion of the placement of delegations on agendas is to be included at an appropriate meeting. 2. PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Note: The following items have been numbered to correspond with the Council Agenda: 902 DP/42/01, 22284 Lougheed Highway, Chevron Staff report dated November 22, 2001 recommending that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/42/01 to permit development of a new corporate service station concept. Helmut Belke, speaking on behalf of the applicant, Chevron Canada, clarified the intention of Chevron with respect to the landscaping and maintenance of the property. He introduced Mary Chan who provided specific details of shrubbery and trees that would be planted or removed. Suggestions were made to the applicant to consider including a picnic area into the landscaping design at the rear of the property. RECOMMENDATION That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/42/01 respecting property located at 22284 Lougheed Highway. 903 DP/67/01, 12271, 12273, 12275 -224th Street Staff report dated November 23, 2001 recommending that the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/67/01 to permit construction of 100 Congregate Care Housing Units and a 33-unit Multi-Care facility. The Director of Planning provided details of the changes that were made by the applicant since this application was last presented to Council. The changes were reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel and received positive comments. RECOMMENDATION That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/67/01 respecting property located at 12271, 12273, 12275-224th Street. ) Committee of the Whole Minutes December 3, 2001 Page 3 of 8 904 DVP/42/01, 22284 Lougheed Highway, Chevron Staff report dated November 22, 2001 recommending that qualifying property owners be advised that application DVP/42/01, to vary the requirement for off- site improvements on North Avenue, will be considered by Council. RECOMMENDATION That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that DVP/42/01 respecting property located at 22284 Lougheed Highway will be considered by Council at the January 8, 2002 meeting. 905 RZ/31/99, 11969-200th Street, Staples, Rezone from RS-3 to CS-1, Public Hearing Staff report dated September 25, 2001 recommending that the subject application to increase customer-parking capacity be forwarded to Public Hearing. RECOMMENDATION That application RZ/31/99 (for property located at 11969-200th Street) to rezone a portion of property described in the staff report dated September 25, 2001 from RS-3 to CS-1 be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that staff report and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. 906 . RZ-20-01, 248th Street and 100th Avenue, Rezone from A-2 to RS-3, Public Hearing Staff report dated November 19, 2001 recommending that the subject application to enable subdivision into four lots be forwarded to Public Hearing. RECOMMENDATION That application RZ-20-01 (for property located at 248th Street and 100th Avenue) to rezone a portion of the property described in the staff report dated November 19, 2001 to RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw are detailed in that staff report. Councillor Speirs OPPOSED Committee of the Whole Minutes December 3, 2001 Page 4 of8 ACTION REQUIRED Staff is to provide information at the December 11, 2001 Council meeting on the stability and drainage of the property, advise if this property has been clear-cut and advise if there are any policies with respect to properties that have been clear-cut. 907 RZ/65/01, 11940-228 Street, Rezone from RS-1 to C-3, Public Hearing Staff report dated October 15, 2001 recommending that the subject application to permit construction of a commercial residential building be forwarded to Public Hearing. On question, the Director of Planning advised that the size of the property might have been a function of the 2-story design of the building. RECOMMENDATION That application RZ/65/01 (for property located at 11940-228 Street) to rezone property described in the staff report dated October 15, 2001 from RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to C-3 (Town Centre Commercial) be forwarded to Public Hearing noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending Bylaw and consideration of a Development Variance Permit are detailed in that staff report and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending Bylaw be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. Councillor Speirs OPPOSED 908 RZ/18/01, Creekside Street and 116 Avenue, Rezone from RS-3 to CD-1-93 and RS-lb Staff report dated November 21, 2001 recommending that Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5979-2001 be given third reading. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending Bylaw No. 5979-2001 be read a third time. Committee of the Whole Minutes December 3, 2001 Page 5 of 8 909 Traffic Concerns at 203 Street and Thorne Avenue Staff report dated November 21, 2001 providing information on the status of traffic concerns on 203 Street at Thome A venue. On question, the Municipal Engineer indicated that, although the data collected indicates the current level of pedestrian control is adequate, the Engineering Department will continue to monitor this intersection. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report entitled "Traffic Concerns at 203 Street and Thorne Avenue" dated November 21, 2001 be received for information. Councillor Isaac OPPOSED 3. 931 FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police) Council Indemnity Report Staff report dated November 26, 2001 providing information on Council compensation packages in other municipalities. The Chief Administrative Officer reviewed the report and provided further details on the options put forward for Council's consideration. Note: The meeting recessed at 2:00 p.m. and reconvened at 2:45 p.m. RECOMMENDATION That the staff report entitled "Council Indemnity Report" dated November 26, 2001 be received for information; and That staff be directed to provide further information on compensation for Council that includes expanded access to benefits and a salary increase equal to the cost of living changes; and further That budget implications of these items be detailed in that report. Committee of the Whole Minutes December 3, 2001 Page 6 of 8 RECOMMENDATION That staff be directed to prepare a report in 2002 that provides information on the implications, including financial implications, of the addition of two more members of Council. ACTION REQUIRED As part of the research for this report, staff is to contact municipalities who have increased the size of their Council to ascertain what the value has been. 932 2002-2006 Financial Plan Bylaw The General Manager Corporate and Financial Services reviewed the highlights of report noting that the Senior Manager Finance would make a complete presentation at the December 11, 2001 Council Meeting. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Financial Plan By-law No. 5997-2001 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and By-law No. 5997-2001 be read a third time. 4. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND RECREATION SERVICES 951 Fraser Valley Regional Library (FVRL) Board Budget Staff report dated November 15, 2001 recommending that the Option 4 budget be endorsed noting that it presents an increase of 1.22%. RECOMMENDATION That the Option 4 budget attached to the staff report entitled "Fraser Valley Regional Library (FVRL) Board Budget" dated November 15, 2001 be endorsed noting that it represents an increase from 2001 of 1.22%. RECOMMENDATION That a letter of congratulations be sent to the staff of the Maple Ridge Library for the excellence of the library's first year in its new premises. ) Committee of the Whole Minutes December 3, 2001 Page 7 of8 952 Maple Ridge Emergency Program Amending By-law No. 5996-2001 Staff report dated November 20, 2001 recommending that the subject by-law to change the operating procedures of the Emergency Program be given three readings The Director of Parks and Facilities explained that the bylaw includes housekeeping items, brings the municipality in line with the new BC Emergency Response System and allows each municipality (Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows) to declare a state of emergency in a localized event. On question, he advised that to date Maple Ridge has been funding this joint program. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Emergency Program Amending By-law No. 5996-2001 be read a first and second time and that the Rules of Order be waived and By- law No. 5996-2001 be read a third time. RECOMMENDATION 5. 981 That staff be directed to prepare a report on the resources available for emergency planning with regard to cost sharing between Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows. CORRESPONDENCE Cran Campbell, Video/ Arcade Game Act Letter dated November 16, 2001 requesting that Council pursue the enactment of a Video/ Arcade Game Act in British Columbia. RECOMMENDATION That the letter dated November 16, 2001 from Cran Campbell regarding a Video/ Arcade Game Act be received for information; and further That a letter be sent to the Honourable Rich Coleman, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, with a copy to Cran Campbell, supporting the need for legislation to regulate the Video/Arcade Game industry and requesting that the Provincial Government reconsider its decision to permit self-regulation of this industry. Committee of the Whole Minutes December 3, 2001 Page 8 of8 ACTION REQUIRED A discussion of the Video/ Arcade Game Act is to be included on the agenda for the next meeting with the local MLA's. 6. OTHER BUSINESS 7. ADJOURNMENT -3:35 p.m. 8. COMMUNITY FORUM -Nil Acting Mayor Presiding_Member of the Committee