HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-02-07 Adopted Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdfFebruary 7, 2000
12:30 p.m.
Council Chamber
Elected Officials
Mayor A. Hogarth
Councillor C. Gordon
Councillor J. Harris
Councillor F. Isaac
Councillor L. King
Councillor K. Morse
Councillor C. Speirs
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
Appointed Staff
R. W. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer
T. Wingrove, Municipal Clerk
J. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works and Development
M. W. Murray, General Manager of Community Development,
Parks and Recreation Services
P. Gill, General Mngr. of Corporate and Financial Services
T. Fryer, Director of Current Planning
S. Karasz, Confidential Secretary
Other Staff as Required
F. Quinn, Municipal Engineer
D. Pollock, Director of Engineering-Projects
J. Bastaja, Director of Long Range Planning
M. Rossi, Planner
B. McDonald, Director of Permits and Licencing
Acting Mayor King chaired the meeting. She explained that the practice is for the current
Acting Mayor to chair Committee of the Whole meetings.
1.1 Ministry of Transportation and Highways (MoTH)-Fraser Bridge Crossing
Planning and Evaluation Study
MoTH South Coast Region
Ms. Christine Legault, Manager Highway Planning
Mr. Andrew Hind, Corridor Planning Engineer
Dillon Consulting Limited
Mr. Steve Pellerin, Partner.
Reference material was provided in the Agenda in the form of an executive summary of
the Fraser Bridge Crossing Planning and Evaluation Study. The delegation also provided
the District with several copies of the entire study.
Committee of the Whole Minutes
February 7, 2000
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Mr. Hind advised that the Fraser River Bridge Crossing Planning and Evaluation Study is
one of four major studies being undertaken in the South Coast Region and it frames the
recommendations of the Transportation 2021 Report and the Greater Vancouver Regional
District's Livable Region Strategic Plan.
Mr. Hind emphasized that no decisions have • been made with respect to the
recommendations arising out of this study and consultation will have to take place with
Translink prior to any decisions being made.
Mr. Pellerin gave a power point presentation which is summarized as follows:
Obiectives o(the Study
■ Update Planning information on a number of historical Fraser River crossmg
■ Assess the nature of the travel demand for a new crossing
■ Incorporate contemporary planning processes in the lower mainland
■ Obtain input from other agencies such as the Airport Society, Agricultural Land
Commission, Fraser River Harbour Commission, etc.
• Organize the information to develop a comparative evaluation of all the options.
Mr. Pellerin explained that high level options are defined as those that meet the
established role and function for an additional Fraser River Crossing, namely to serve
regional and provincial mobility along an urban expressway. The crossing structures
must also meet navigable water requirements.
The study recognizes that the existing Albion Ferry operation has been transferred to the
GVTA (Translink) The concept of a low level/low cost crossing is considered to be a
short to long term solution for replacing and improving the existing Albion Ferry service.
■ Low level options are defined in two ways:
■ Low level options may employ smaller, less costly structures which may not conform
to regulated marine clearance and/or they may employ moveable bridge spans to
facilitate all marine movements; and
■ Low level options may be a two lane facility.
Mr. Pellerin displayed maps and explained the bridge crossing options that were studied
as noted below
High Level Options
Barnston Crossing -Alignment A3 -four-lane divided urban expressway. Meets
navigable water clearance requirements and requires tunneling beneath the main arm of
the Fraser.
200 Street -Alignment B -four-lane divided urban expressway. Meets navigable water
clearance requirements.
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February 7, 2000
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Cottonwood Crossing -Alignment C3 -four-lane divided urban expressway. Meets
navigable water clearance requirements.
Low Level Options
Albion Crossing -Alignment D-2 -uses predominantly ex1stmg infrastructure
(including the existing ridge over Bedford Channel) -requires moveable bridge spans for
facilitating passage of large marine vessels. Significant traffic impacts to Fort Langley
and operational difficulties are expected to remain.
Albion Crossing -Alignment D5 -uses existing infrastructure but includes a substantial
by-pass to the west and south of Fort Langley; requires a new structure with a similar low
profile to that of the existing Bedford Channel bridge.
Cottonwood Crossing -Alignment C3 (low profile) -two opposing lanes -at-grade
intersections with the supporting road network, grade separation of the CPR lines, Haney
By-pass and Lougheed Highway, uses moveable spans. Would avoid significant traffic
impacts to Fort Langley and large vessel marine traffic is expected to decline.
Mr. Pellerin explained the evaluations and sensitivity tests that were done with respect to
risk and opportunities for the proposed options which are detailed in the study. He
highlighted the following observations that were made with respect to forecasted
• Indications are that there is a significant and relatively consistent demand in the peak
direction over each of the crossing options (3900 to 4450 vehicles per hour on the
high level facilities and 2250 on the low level facilities).
• Peak direction is southbound across the Fraser River and predominantly comprises
trips from Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows to Surrey and Langley.
He provided further information on the Multiple Account Evaluation, which included
financial, customer service, socio/community, economic development and environmental
considerations as detailed in the study. He highlighted the following observations:
■ The preferential options for further consideration are the 200 Street and Cottonwood
options. Both will serve the demand well.
■ The Barnston crossing option is the most costly and risky to implement and poses
significant environmental issues. This location should be dropped from further
■ The 200 Street option is better aligned to a balanced north/south travel line and less
likely to induce pressure to expand urban growth in Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge.
■ The Cottonwood option is attractive because it may be achieved at lower cost. Risks
are that it may contribute to a longer trip to the Trans-Canada Highway westbound.
■ The Albion options severely impact on Fort Langley and should be dropped from
future consideration.
Implementation Scenarios
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February 7, 2000
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Mr. Pellerin advised that the following implementation scenarios are recommended for
further review:
200 Street B2 High Level by 2021
Stage 1 ~ high level crossing with arterial functioning route between the Trans Canada
Highway and Lougheed Highway before 2006 and upgrade.
Stage 2 -urban expressway function between Trans-Canada Highway and Lougheed by
Cottonwood C3 High Level by 2021
Stage 1 Lougheed to 96 Avenue before 2006 and upgrade
Stage 2 -96 A venue to Trans Canada Highway by 2021
Cottonwood C-3 Oow proOle) -before 2006 and high level upgrade in 2021
Cottonwood C-3 Oow proOle) -before 2006 and 200 Street B2 high level by 2021
Councillor Morse questioned if there is further information available for Maple Ridge,
noting that the study provides considerable information on Fort Langley but very little on
the north side of the river and the impact of traffic on Maple Ridge, particularly at the
point where the bridge ends.
Mr. Pellerin advised that the scope of the study did not undertake any traffic impact
assessme:P-.ts of the crossings except for Fort Langley. Further work in that regard will be
done following the study.
He also clarified for Comicillor Hcl,rris that further study will be required with respect to
the marine issues.
Councillor Gordon questioned what the next steps are, noting that she is very interested in
where the bridge will touch down in our community and the impact it will have on the
affected neighbourhoods.
Mr. Hind advised that the recommendations in the study have to be formally presented to
Translink to see what they will be in favour of.
Mr. Pellerin added that the study talks about future engineering and planning costs; there
is considerable work to be done yet before they can answer specific questions on the
impact of the crossings on neighbourhoods.
Acting Mayor King stated that the District needs information on the amount of land that
would be required at the end of the bridge so that they can incorporate that knowledge
into their own transportation plan.
The delegation departed at this point in the meeting.
The Mayor advised those in attendance that there is a Translink open house in the
Council Chamber on Thursday evening which is a good tie-in to the bridge crossing study
and they may wish to attend that meeting also.
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February 7, 2000
Page 5
1.2 Ministry of Forests -1999-2000 Forest Redevelopment Plan for Blue Mountain
Messrs. Gerry Kenna, District Manager, and Murray Sluys, Small Business Forester of
the Chilliwack Forest District, were in attendance to provide further information on the
above noted matter.
Mr. Sluys advised that legislation requires that they prepare a five year plan prior to doing
any forest harvesting. They are in the process of preparing that plan and are required to
consult with other government agencies on their plans for the next few years.
He displayed an overhead of the Alouette Lake area and two adjacent blocks of timber
that will be affected by their five year plan. He explained that the timber is question is
second growth and the proposed harvesting will be done by the patch method or
homogeneous thinning. It is estimated that a total of 450 truck loads of timber will be
taken out. They will have to do an assessment on the ground to determine biologically
what is best for that area. They will mark the trees to be cut in the field for the loggers to
identify. They will operate in the winter months to avoid the peak hours when the park is
being used. The visual impact will be less than 2% of the land scope as viewed from the
day use area. It is heavily forested and it will take a trained eye to even see that it has
been harvested.
Mr. Sluys further advised that they will be doing an archaeological study with the Katzie
First Nation and will also do a geotechnical study if necessary, although it is not a steep
area. The existing road will be upgraded to forest practices standards. They will also do
a wind-throw assessment.
The Mayor questioned what route the trucks will be taking. Mr. Sluys responded that it
will be 256 Street to Dewdney Trunk Road and then to the east or the west depending on
where the logs are going. The work will be spread out over 2 years and will amount to
around three truck loads a day.
Councillor Isaac asked if the revenue from the trees will go to the Ministry or if it wiH be
put back into this community. She also questioned if the District will be compensated
for the use of its roads by the heavy truck traffic.
Mr. Sluys advised that the revenue will go into the general revenue of the Province. He
further noted that the trucks pay a considerable licencing fee to the Province.
Councillor Gordon questioned if the Forests Ministry staff had consulted with the Parks
Ministry on their plan. Mr. Sluys responded that they have referred the plan to the Parks
Ministry and will also be meeting on site with them. The Parks Ministry wants the edge
of the park protected from wind-throw and the park boundary surveyed so that the
harvesting activity does not come anywhere near it.
Councillor Speirs asked if the Ministry of Forests is obligated to inform the District if
there are any changes to the plan, particularly if the scope of the work is more than 2%.
Mr. Sluys advised that it is not mandatory for them to notify the District of changes but
they would do so out of common courtesy. There will be no surprises; if this plan does
not work out they will not proceed with it. He noted that they have management
objectives in a higher level plan that restricts them for going higher than the 2%.
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February 7, 2000
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The Acting Mayor thanked the delegation for their presentation and they departed at this
point in the meeting.
2.1 SD/38/99-132 Avenue and 236 Street-Development Cost Charge Forgiveness
Reference was made to the staff report dated January 4, 2000 and the Committee
concurred with the following recommendation contained therein:
That with respect to Subdivision 38/99, be it resolved that in view of having
constructed Development Cost Charge waterworks in the vicinity of 132 Avenue and
236 Street, the water component of the Development Cost Charges payable by the
developer be reduced by $31,470.00
2.2 RZ/15/98 -11566 -224 Street -RS-1 to CRM -Request for One Year Extension-By-
law No. 5736-1998
Reference was made to the staff report dated January 19, 2000 and the Committee agreed
to the following recommendation contained therein:
That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5632-1997 (as
amended) that a one year extension be granted to Rezoning Application RZ/15/98 to
permit a two storey office building at 11566 -224 Street.
2.3 RZ/52/99-24103 and 24127-102 Avenue-By-laws No. 5864-1999 and 5865-1999
Reference was made to the staff report dated December 20, 1999 recommending that the
subject by-laws to create approximately 84 lots not less than 213 m2 be read a first time.
The Director of Current Planning displayed an overhead map of the site.
Councillor Speirs questioned if there will be access to the park to the north. The Director
of Current Planning advised that it will be passive park space to protect the creek system
through the area and access will be discouraged for that reason. The park will be extended
further to the west and if it is appropriate, there may be some opportunities to go into that
area from a collector road close to that park site ..
He further clarified for Councillor Speirs that 102 A venue will be an arterial street and
will have sidewalks and street trees.
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February 7, 2000
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Councillor Gordon noted that the whole neighbourhood is being developed to a high
density with small lot subdivisions and questioned if there will be any relief from those
housing patterns through the green areas or pathway systems. She would like to see what
the whole area will look like when it is built out.
The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services advised that there is a
guide plan for the area that staff has been using as a template and they can bring it
forward to next week's Council Meeting.
The Mayor expressed concern that so many roads are going into the proposed Albion
Village Centre, noting that one plan shows a dead-end lane going right into it. He
questioned why there are so many roads going into the Village Centre if the intention is
for this to be a pedestrian oriented area.
The Director of Current Planning displayed a plan of the proposed Village Centre and
noted that the linkages are critical so that not all the traffic comes into the Village Centre
off 102 A venue.
The Acting Mayor asked if Council could have a closer look at the Village Centre
concept at the Council Meeting. Councillor Morse asked for an overlay to show what
exists and what is proposed.
The Acting Mayor asked if it would be possible for Council to visit a similar
development elsewhere that has been completed by the proponents which also includes a
village centre component.
ACTION REQUIRED -that staff bring forward to the January 25th Council
meeting the guide plan for the area as well as plans of the Albion village centre.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendations:
That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5864-1999 be read and first time.
That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5865-1999 be
read a first time.
2.4 RZ/68/99-12742-228 Street-RS-3 to RS-1 and RS-lb
Reference was made to the staff report dated January 11, 2000 recommending that the
subject application to permit subdivision into 10 lots be forwarded to Public Hearing
subject to the conditions specified in the report.
Councillor Speirs expressed his preference for a lane rather than the cul-de-sacs shown in
the plan. He questioned if there is the possibility to put a lane at the back of the
The Director of Current Planning displayed an overhead map of the proposed
development and confirmed the need for a cul-de-sac as the parcel at the end of the
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February 7, 2000
Page 8
subdivision touches directly onto Agricultural Land Reserve property which contains an
existing house.
He further clarified for Councillor Gordon that it is not felt than a buffer between the
properties is needed as they are both residential properties.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That Application RZ/68/99 (for property located at 12742 -228 Street) to rezone
property described in the staff report dated January 11, 2000 from RS-3 (One
Family Rural Residential) to RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) and RS-lb (One
Family Urban [medium density] Residential) be forwarded to Public Hearing,
noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final
consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that report.
2.5 RZ/78/99-20141 Telep Avenue-RS-2 to RS-lb
Reference was made to the staff report dated January 10, 2000 recommending that the
subject application to permit subdivision into 23 lots be forwarded to Public Hearing
subject to the conditions specified in the report.
On question from Councillor Speirs, the Director of Current Planning confirmed that this
site has a First Nations interest in it. A condition of final approval is that an
archaeological report must be obtained which summarizes the archaeological
investigation and clears the site for development.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That Application RZ/78/99 (for property located at 20141 Telep Avenue) to rezone
property described in the staff report dated January 10, 2000 from RS-3 (One
Family Rural Residential) to RS-lb (One Family Urban .[medium density]
Residential) be forwarded to Public Hearing, noting that the conditions to be met
prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending By-
2.6 RZ/83/99-12271, 12273 and 12275-224 Street
Reference was made to the staff report dated January 7, 2000 recommending that the
subject application, to permit a market housing apartment building with self-contained
and continuous care units for seniors, be forwarded to Public Hearing subject to the
conditions specified in the report.
The Mayor questioned if the units will be accessible for wheelchairs and walkers. The
Director of Current Planning explained that the applicants will have to construct the
facilities in conformance with all the standards required for Level I and II care for senior
Committee of the Whole Minutes
February 7, 2000
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citizens. Levels I and II require modified doorways, the proper turning radius for
wheelchairs, an accessible elevator, etc.
Acting Mayor King suggested that the application be referred to the Municipal
Committee on Accessibility Issues, noting that there could be other issues to address
besides mobility such as sight and hearing impediments.
The Director of Current Planning explained that there is a requirement for the application
to be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel as it is in a Development Permit area. A
member of the Accessibility Committee also sits on the design panel.
Councillor Speirs asked if there will be gardening opportunities for the residents. The
Director of Current Planning reviewed the landscaped areas and commented that it does
not appear that there is a large enough area for the owners of the building to off er the
residents an opportunity to do gardening.
~ouncillor Speirs responded that he would like to see more dialogue take place on that
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That Application R/83/99 (for property located at 12271, 12273 and 12275 -224
Street) to rezone property described in the staff report dated January 7, 2000 from
RS-1 (One Family Urban Residential) to CD-1-00 be forwarded to Public Hearing,
noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final
consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that report.
2.7 RZ/84/99-23175HaneyBy-pass-RS-3 to CS-1
Reference was made to the staff report dated January 24, 2000 recommending that the
subject application to rezone a rural residential lot to service commercial use be
forwarded to Public Hearing subject to the conditions specified in the report.
The Mayor noted that the property has been designated Service Commercial for quite
some time. He is concerned about the form and character of the proposed use; although
it is at a busy intersection, there are houses close to this site and there are residential units
looking into it from across the highway. He would like to see a more sensitive
architectural style. He questioned how the concrete block wall will be finished, noting it
should be something with more character.
Acting Mayor King questioned if the proposal meets the criteria of the proposed new
commercial-residential interface policy being considered by Council.
t r,
The Director of Current Planning advised that a requirement prior to first reading is that
the proposal must be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel. The concerns raised by the
Mayor can be considered at that time. The proposed commercial-residential interface
policy which has not yet been adopted by Council can certainly be incorporated into this
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February 7, 2000
Page 10
proposal. He further noted that this site is limited in terms of its ability to have a drive-
through window.
The Acting Mayor asked that the following action be taken:
ACTION REQUIRED -That where applicable, the pending commercial-residential
interface policy be attached to development application reports submitted to
Council for consideration.
Councillor Gordon agreed, noting that she wants to make sure the applications meet the
new policy whether it has been adopted or not. She would like to see the policy brought
back to Council soon.
The Director of Current Planning advised that he feels that this site will be able to adhere
to the interface policy in term of setbacks, etc. and he will share the policy with the
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That Application RZ/84/99 (for property located at 23175 Haney By-pass) to rezone
property described in the staff report dated January 24, 2000 from RS-3 (One
Family Rural Residential) to CS-1 (Service Commercial) be forwarded to Public
Hearing, noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to
final consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that report and
that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending By-law be forwarded to
the same Public Hearing.
2.8 RZ/2/00-23039 -117 Avenue -RS-1 to R-1
Staff report dated January 25, 2000 recommending that the subject application be
forwarded to Public Hearing subject to the conditions specified in the report.
That Application RZ/2/00 (for property located at 23039 -117 Avenue) to rezone
property described in the staff report dated January 25, 2000 from RS-1 (One
Family Urban Residential) to R-1 (Residential District) be forwarded to Public
Hearing, noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to
final consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that report and
that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending By-law be forwarded to
the same Public Hearing
2.9 Garibaldi Heights Reservoir Contract Award
Reference was made to the staff report dated February 1, 2000 and Council agreed to the
following recommendation contained therein:
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February 7, 2000
Page 11
That Contract No. E03-010-041 Garibaldi Reservoir Construction be awarded to
Stanco Project Ltd. in the amount of $189,946.40 and that this contract become
binding on the District upon the signature of the Mayor and Municipal Clerk.
2.10 On Site Innovative Sewage Systems
The Municipal Clerk reviewed his report dated January 31, 2000 ( circulated separately)
recommending that approval for all on-site sewage disposal systems continue to remain
under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health and that staff review the Provincial
Sewage Regulations when available and report on their implications to the District. The
report was submitted in response to a recent request from Dextras Engineering to Council
to adopt a by-law to permit innovative sewage systems, particularly to facilitate their
development in Whispering Falls.
He added that innovative sewage systems are still in their infancy in this region. They
may be the way of the future but staff feels until such time as the new Provincial
regulations have been processed by the Ministry of Health, it is premature to look at
adopting a Municipal by-law.
Mr. Dextras was in attendance and spoke in support of his letter of February 4, 2000 to
the Mayor and Council asking that Council defer the staff recommendation as he
anticipates receiving extremely relevant information within the next few weeks from the
Ministry of Health.
He also refuted some of the observations made by Municipal staff with respect to the
performance of the systems and liability that could occur to the District.
Councillor Morse stated that she is generally in favour of innovative things and agrees
that these systems may be the way of the future but she is concerned about the liability to
the District, noting that it is common in today's world for people to look for someone else
to blame if things go wrong.
Councillor Gordon, Councillor Speirs and Acting Mayor King expressed agreement with
Councillor Morse.
The Committee agreed with the following recommendation:
That the staff report dated January 31, 200 entitled On-site Innovative Sewage
Disposal Systems, and further
that the approval for all on-site sewage disposal systems continue under the
jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health; and
that staff be directed to review the revised Provincial Sewage Regulations when
available and provide a report on the implications of same to the District of Maple
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February 7, 2000
Page 12
2.11 1999 Business and Employment Inventory Update
Reference was made to the staff report dated January 25, 2000. The Director of Licencing
and Permits (formerly the Director of Director of Community Services and Business
Relations) provided some highlights from the Inventory with respect to floor space totals,
jobs to labour force ratios, vacancies, etc.
The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services advised that the
inventory was undertaken to give the economic side of the organization a sense of where
we are at and it also provides the economic development community with some data on
Maple Ridge. The District wants to be pro-active and help the business community. The
report can also be used in the Official Community Plan review.
The Director of Permits and Licencing confirmed that now that Council has seen the
report, it can be released to the public.
The Acting Mayor requested that the following action be taken:
ACTION REQUIRED -that the inventory be forwarded to the Chamber of
Commerce and the Economic Advisory Commission for their comments.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the report entitled 1999 Business and Employment Inventory Update be
received for information.
2.12 Forest Harvesting on Blue Mountain
Reference was made to the staff report dated January 17, 200 and the Committee agreed
to the following recommendation contained therein:
That the staff report entitled Forest Harvesting on Blue Mountain dated January
17, 2000 be received for information.
3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police)
3.1 SPCA Contract for Service
Reference was made to the staff report dated January 2 7, 2000 and the Committee agreed
to the following recommendation contained therein:
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February 7, 2000
Page 13
That the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge enter into an agreement with
the British Columbia Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and that the
Mayor and Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the agreement on behalf
of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge.
3 .2 Committee Appointments
Reference was made to the report from the Municipal Clerk dated February 3, 2000
(circulated separately) and the Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the report from the Municipal Clerk dated February 3, 2000 entitled
Committee Appointments be received, and further
that the following appointments be approved:
l. Committee Members
Business Planning Committee
Information Technology Steering Committee
2. Liaisons to Community Organizations
Fraser Regional Corrections Centre Citizens
Advisory Board •
Albion Fairgrounds Advisory Board
Royal Canadian Legion (Branch No. 88)
Councillor Candace Gordon
Councillor Kathy Morse
Councillor Linda King
Councillor Kathy Morse
Councillor Kathy Morse
4.1 GVRD Cultural Plan -Strategies for Regional Arts and Cultural Development in
Graver Vancouver: Next Steps
Reference was made to the staff report dated January 17, 2000 and the Committee agreed
to the following recommendation contained therein:
That the recommendations outlined in the Greater Vancouver Regional District
report titled Strategies for Regional Arts and Cultural Development in Greater
Vancouver: Next Steps be endorsed; and further
that Maple Ridge Council participate where appropriate in the business planning
process for the project.
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February 7, 2000
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4.2 Communities in Bloom Committee -Terms of Reference
Reference was made to the staff report dated January 18, 2000 recommending that the
above terms of reference be endorsed.
Councillor Morse expressed approval of the Terms of Reference and noted that this is a
real step forward for the Committee which is on its way to becoming a more organized
The General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services
explained that the Committee will operate under the Terms of Reference but will not be
subject to a Municipal by-law as the Committee members will come from a variety of
groups rather than being appointed by Council.
Councillor Gordon noted that the Committee is modeled more as a community based
committee rather than a Council committee which she feels is appropriate in this case.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
That the draft Terms of Reference for the Communities in Bloom Committee be
endorsed, noting that further adjustments may be required following review by the
Communities in Bloom volunteers.
4.3 Parks and Leisure Services Commission Open Meeting Minutes -November 25, 1999
Reference was made to the staff report recommending that the above Minutes be received
for information.
The Mayor questioned how much space is needed for the proposed skateboard park and if
it would not be more appropriate to locate it closer to the proposed new youth centre
rather than at the Fairgrounds as was recommended to the Commission.
The General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services
advised that plans for the skateboard park are at the conceptual stage and staff has to meet
with the Agricultural Association and the proponents to look at the Fairgrounds site to see
if it will be appropriate. This will be an outdoor facility, which requires a large amount
of space. There will be some indoor skating activity in the youth centre.
The Mayor suggested working with the youth to have them design the facility and
perhaps be included in its construction.
The Acting Mayor noted that all the proposals for a skateboard facility in Maple Ridge
that have ever been received have come from young people.
The Committee agreed to the following recommendation:
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February 7, 2000
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That the Minutes of the November 25, 1999 open meeting of the Parks and Leisure
Services Commission be received for information.
Acting Mayor L. King,
Presiding Member of the Committee
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February 7, 2000
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Acting Mayor
Presiding Member of the Committee