HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-02-21 Adopted Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdfFebruary 21, 2000 12:30 p.m. Council Chamber PRESENT: Elected Officials Mayor A. Hogarth Councillor C. Gordon Councillor J. Harris Councillor F. Isaac Councillor L. King Councillor K. Morse Councillor C. Speirs Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES Appointed Staff T. Wingrove, Municipal Clerk J. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works and Development; Acting Chief Administrative Officer M. W. Murray, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services P. Gill, General Mngr. of Corporate and Financial Services T. Fryer, Director of Current Planning S. Karasz, Confidential Secretary Other Staff as Required M. Rossi, Planner The Meeting was chaired by Acting Mayor King. She advised that Councillor Gordon was attending a previously scheduled Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee meeting and will join the Committee Meeting while it is in progress. The Committee agreed to add the following items to the Agenda: 3.3. Community Leaders Partnership Program 3.4 Committee Appointments and Acting Mayor Schedule. 1. DELEGATIONS/STAFF PRESENTATIONS 1.1 R. C.M.P. -Quarterly Update Inspector Bill Dingwall provided a verbal quarterly update on the detachment. His presentation is summarized as follows; Staffing In 1999, 19 members retired or were transferred out of the detachment. The detachment is currently short four Constables and one Corporal. The Corporal position will be filled shortly and there are 5 new cadets coming in. There is one other Corporal who has just been promoted out of the detachment. The Dog Master has taken a promotion in Richmond and the position is being refilled. Crimes Committee of the Whole Minutes February 21, 2000 Page 2 • Four deaths related to heroin over doses have occurred in the last 6 months. A number of drugs have been seized and people charged. = A gunshot victim has not been co-operative with police and the case is being pursued. • Several armed robberies have occurred in the last month at 24 hour convenience store operations. • A stolen semi-trailer with a stolen excavator was recovered because the vehicle was equipped with a new sophisticated tracing device. Budget The detachment is happy with support they received in the 1999 budget, including mobile works stations and computers for the office. 1999 Statistics • There were 9 fatalities in 1999 which is up from 4 in 1998. • Domestic violence is up from 178 cases in 1998 to 194 in 1999. • The detachment was 10 members short in 1999 and the workload was picked up by the remaining members • Break and enter is down somewhat from 1998. ■ There was in increase in motor vehicle thefts, robberies, assault and traffic offences in 1999 over 1998. • Victims Services is a very valuable resource and the volunteers donated 2100 hours of time in 1999. Inspector Dingwall advised that New Year's Eve was very busy and there were additional officers and Municipal staff on duty. The evening was relatively uneventful except for a few serious files. Councillor Speirs asked what work is being done on the needle exchange program, etc. Inspector Dingwall advised that Constable Smandych is working on a joint partnership with the health agencies and other stakeholders in the community. There is a roving band that will come around with the needle exchange program. He will ask Constable Smandych to provide a report. Councillor Morse questioned if the School Liaison Officer who was reassigned to traffic duty will be replaced and how much time each School Liaison Officer spends in the secondary schools. The Inspector responded that the detachment only has 88 members and cannot afford to put five of them into the schools. The liaison officer from Thomas Haney Secondary has been eliminated and the other four liaison officers have taken up that workload. Councillor Isaac asked if there is any revenue derived from the laser radar initiative. Inspector Dingwall advised that that revenue from speeding tickets goes to the Province ACTION REQUIRED -The Acting Mayor asked if staff could bring back a report on the various kinds of ticket systems that can be used by the Municipality. Committee of the Whole Minutes February 21, 2000 Page 3 Councillor Harris noted that the photo radar van is manned by a qualified police officer and questioned if any consideration has been given to changing that policy so the officer can be utilized elsewhere. The Inspector advised that there is currently a Provincial Traffic Service Study being done which involves the RCMP, the Municipalities and other stakeholders to look at all services, including the issue raised by Councillor Harris. The draft report will go to the Attorney General for review and decisions made thereafter. ACTION REQUIRED -The Acting Mayor asked the Inspector to provide a further update on the study during his next quarterly report to Council. Acting Mayor King asked if the Inspector feels that there is a relationship between the operation of 24 hour convenience stores and armed robberies and the Inspector responded "absolutely", particularly in the case oflate night gasoline stations where there are single clerks on duty and they are more likely to be a target. 1.2 Ridge Meadows Youth and Justice Advocacy Association -Update on Youth Conference Committee • Ms. Lola Chapman, Co-ordinator, was in attendance to introduce the above noted program to the new Council. She reviewed the mandate and objective of the Youth Conference Committee which is to step in at the first offence and provide the motivation and personal help to keep a first time offender from going on to commit more crimes. The details of the program are contained in her written submission which is attached to the Agenda. Ms. Chapman noted that the program originated in Maple Ridge and there are now 45 restorative justice groups throughout the Province. She speaks to other communities about the program. She noted that the success of the program can be attributed to the work of the volunteers and mentors, the Board of Director and the businesses and organizations in the community who the provide restitution work, etc. The success rate of the program is defined by the recidivism factor (i.e. offender not having reoffended within one year after completing diversion). The success of the diversion program is 92 to 94% and the national success rate is 60%. The Mayor advised that he is the Council liaison to the organization and is impressed with their level of professionalism and service to the community. Ms. Chapman is doing a phenomenal job of educating other groups across the country about the program. 2. PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 2.1 Latecomer Agreement -LC/70/00 -SD/25/98 -Alouette Road and 13 0A Avenue Reference was made to the staff report dated January 21 , 2000 recommending that the subject agreement be executed. The Committee agreed with the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION Committee of the Whole Minutes February 21, 2000 Page 4 That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD/25/98 at Alouette Road and 130A Avenue, be it resolved: 1. That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the Municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and 2. That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the staff report dated January 21, 2000 and 3. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a "latecomer Agreement with the subdivider of the said lands. 2.2 Latecomer Agreement LC/71/00-SD/19/96 -238 Street and 113 Avenue Reference was made to the staff report dated January 28, 2000 recommending that the subject agreement be executed. The Committee agreed with the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD/19/96 at 238 Street and 113 Avenue, be it resolved: 1. That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the Municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and 2. That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the staff report dated January 28, 2000 and 3. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a "latecomer Agreement with the subdivider of the said lands. 2.3 Latecomer Agreement LC/59/98 -SD/47/93-238B Street and 121 Avenue Reference was made to the staff report dated February 3, 2000 recommending that the subject agreement be executed. The Committee agreed with the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD/47 /93, at 238B Street and 121 Avenue, be it resolved: Committee of the Whole Minutes February 21, 2000 Page 5 1. That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the Municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and 2. That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the staff report dated February 3, 2000 and 3. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a "latecomer Agreement with the subdivider of the said lands. 2.4 RZ/83/99 -12271, 12273 and 12275 -224 Street -By-law No. 5887-2000 -RS-1 to CD-1-00 Reference was made to the staff report dated February 16, 2000 in support of the following recommendation with respect to the subject by-law to permit the construction of an apartment for seniors with a private hospital component. On question from the Mayor, the Director of Current Planning displayed an overhead map of the site and provided clarification on the setbacks. He further clarified that it would be permissible to use the B. C. gas right-of-way for gardening purposes; it would be an amenity that would be available for the residents of this proposal only and not for the whole community. Councillor Speirs stated that he would like to see some form of non-vehicular access linking the site to the future Fire Fighters Park, noting that pedestrians are having difficulty crossing 224 Street safely. The Acting Mayor advised that the application has been referred to the Municipal Committee on Accessibility Issues and the Committee was concerned that here is no pick-up and drop-off area in front of the building. The Director of Current Planning confirmed that it is the intent to have a stacked arrangement on 224 Street for that purpose and not a circular driveway on the site. The Planner added that discussions have been held with the developer and the owners of the Legion building and it was concluded that it is safer to have that type of lay-by with a canopy rather than having a driveway arrangement. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5887-2000 be read a first time. 2.5 RZ/18/95 -10110-240 Street-RS-3 to R-3 Reference was made to the staff report dated February 8, 2000 recommending that the subject application to permit rezoning of the easterly portion of the site to permit 7 lots be forwarded to Public Hearing subject to the conditions specified in the report. Committee of the Whole Minutes February 21, 2000 Page 6 The Planner displayed an overhead map of the site and provided details of the proposed plan of development. He clarified that the application has been revised from a larger proposal and is now only for a small portion of the property along the easterly property line that continues the pattern of development that lies to the south. The new proposal will permit 7 RS-3 lots. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That Application RZ/18/95 (for property located at 10110 -240 Street) to rezone a portion of the property described in the staff report dated from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to R-3 (Special Amenity Residential District) be forwarded to Public Hearing, noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that report. 2.6 RZ/29/98 -10002, 10036 and 10028 -240 Street -By-law No. 5884-2000 and 5885- 2000 Reference was made to the staff report dated February 3, 2000 recommending that the subject by-laws to permit approximately 75 lots not less than 213m2 each be read a first time. Councillor Speirs stated that nothing has changed since the plan was last presented to Council. He has read a r~port from the Heritage Advisory Committee and concurs with their comments that the houses are too close together on 240 Street and the "book-end" feature proposed to match Hill House at the northern end is inappropriate. Councillor Morse questioned how appropriate it is to ask the builder to sacrifice a lot; she would like to see the proposed house beside Hill House taken out to provide a yard/garden for Hill House. She further noted that to preserve the heritage aspect will require money and a benefactor. She would like to see the District pursue benefactors to support Hill House. The Director of Current Planning advised that there has been a minor change made to the plan which will increase the size of the lot from 18.1 metres to 20 metres. This will provide a wider gap between Hill House and the adjacent home. Council will hear more about that issue at the Public Hearing. Councillor Speirs advised that he agrees with Councillor Morse's observations and he would like the developer to remove the adjacent house from the plans. He likes the overall plan but feels that the developer can do better for Hill House and the community. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION 1. That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5884-2000 be read a first time. Committee of the Whole Minutes February 21, 2000 Page 7 2. That Maple Ridge Official Community Plan Amending By-law No. 5885-200 be read a first time. 2. 7 DP/77/99 -22866 Dewdney Trunk Road Reference was made to the staff report dated February 8, 2000 recommending that the subject application to permit construction of a commercial building be executed. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to sign and seal DP/77/99 respecting property located at 22866 Dewdney Trunk Road. 2.8 DVP/5/00-22363 Selkirk Avenue Reference was made to the staff report dated February 9, 2000 in support of the recommendation contained therein with respect to the subject application to permit relaxations in the requirements for building setbacks and development servicing. The Committee agreed to the recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to notify qualifying property owners that approval of DVP/5/00 respecting property at 22363 Selkirk Avenue will be considered by Council at the March 28, 2000 meeting. Note: Councillor Gordon entered at this point in the meeting. 2.9 DVP/7/00-Lots 14-17, Plan LMP36718, Section 16, Township 12 ND (Cottonwood) Reference was made to the staff report dated February 10, 2000 recommending that the subject application to permit a reduction in the rear yard setback for properties fronting onto 11 7B A venue and bridging development along Creekside Drive and 23 8A Street be denied on the basis thatit does not acknowledge the objectives for the CD-1-93 zone or the original development objectives. The Planner displayed an overhead map of the four lots in question and provided details of the proposal and the history of the application which are contained in the staff report. He explained that the CD-1-93 Zone requires a minimum rear yard of 12 metres. The new proposal requests that the setback be reduced to between 9.5 and 9 metres to permit homes that are similar to other larger homes built in the neighbourhood. The developer wishes to build homes that attain a living area of approximately l 86m2 with double car garage built into the home. He explained the objectives of the CD-1-93 Zone and noted that at the time of the original proposal it was acknowledged by staff and the design consultant that the smaller lots Committee of the Whole Minutes February 21, 2000 Page 8 would require substantially smaller homes and an alternative solution would be found for the design of the garage in order to comply with the zoning requirements. Each of the lots is capable of developing a home that achieves approximately 186m2 in the living area within the existing regulations if the homes have a single car garage enclosed within the home or a two car detached garage. The lots in question can accommodate both options. Mr. Randy Stark spoke on behalf of the property owner. He advised that he has talked to all 15 of the neighbours and showed them the streetscape they want to build. The neighbours are supportive of the new design as they do not want to see homes with single garages or detached garages. The neighbours have signed a petition of support. The owner of Lot 13 is adamant that he does not want a detached garage next door as it would block his sideyard view. Mr. Stark further noted that the proponents are not trying to put in exactly the same home design as the existing homes but a design that is intermediate and not as expensive as the homes that are there. They want to build something a little less expensive but in keeping with the designs that are in place. The Mayor suggested that the new design being proposed provides a fairly good transitional aspect which he does not feel has been fully explored. He prefers to support the developer's approach and will therefore vote against the staff recommendation to deny the Development Variance Permit. Councillors Isaac and Morse expressed agreement with the Mayor's comments. Councillor Speirs advised that he supports staffs recommendation. A vote on the motion to deny the application resulted in a tie (Councillors Gordon, King and Speirs voted in favour; the Mayor and Councillors Morse and Isaac were opposed). The Municipal Clerk advised that the application will proceed to the Council Meeting with no Committee recommendation. ACTION REQUIRED -that DVP/7/00 be forwarded to the February 29, 2000 Council meeting with no Committee recommendation. 2.10 RZ/73/99 -10412 Industrial Avenue -to designate as a Temporary Industrial Use Permit (TIUP) Reference was made to the staff report dated February 8, 2000 recommending that the subject application to designate the subject property a Temporary Industrial Use (TIUP) Area to permit the operation of a concrete plant be denied. The Director of Current Planning clarified that the TIUP application before Committee is for the readi-mix concrete plant on the site and not for the gravel operation on the same site. The Mayor noted that the site is designated in the Official Community Plan (OCP) for compact housing. He questioned if any mitigation measures have been taken from that point of view. Committee of the Whole Minutes February 21, 2000 Page 9 The Director of Current Planning advised that it is his understand that in terms of gavel resources the property owners would have to file a Mining and Reclamation Plan once the gravel operation has wound down. Mr. Tony Derrien, the Operations Manager of Maple Ridge Readi-mix, was m attendance. He advised that a mining plan has been filed which is being followed. A reclamation plan is in place but has not yet been executed. He advised that the applicants are willing to bring forward an ironclad guarantee that the cement plan and gravel operation will be out in two years. Mr. Jim Allard (the property owner) is in Victoria and cannot be at this meeting but he would be willing to give that ironclad guarantee that he will shut down the gravel operation and readi-mix in two years if he could get a mutual best effort agreement from both parties that they could move to the PVI or another area. He noted that there is M-2 Zoning 100 feet due south Councillor Gordon stated that she is not supportive of having the cement plant operation continue in a developing residential area. She also feels that it is inappropriate to have this operation start up after the lengthy legal battle that it took to make the property owners abide by the rules of the Municipality. She is also opposed to looking at an mutual best effort agreement to locate the operation to a new site to guarantee that they will have to shut down in two years when that is a requirement of the TTTJP in any case. She feels that it is up the proponent to find his own site after two years. Councillor Speirs agreed that the proponent should find his own site, however, he is concerned about the lack of competition as there is only one other cement plant in town On question, Mr. Derrien advised that Maple Ridge Readi-mix has 17 employees. He explained that they are not currently operating the concrete plant in question but are hauling concrete out of Coquitlam to service their customers. They are using Maple Ridge Readi-mix trucks. Councillor Morse questioned if the gravel was there before the residential zoning came m. Acting Mayor King noted that gravel extraction is not the issue under consideration. The Director of Current Planning clarified that no permit has ever been issued for a cement plant on that site. Mr. Derrien noted that they once had approval from the Board of Variance but the District appealed that decision which led to a long legal battle. There were two previous readi-mix plants on the site; they therefore considered that use to be legal and built their plant on the footings of the old plant. Councillor Morse asked for further clarification as to whether Mr. Allard is asking the District to guarantee them a new location. Mr. Derrien offered to seek further clarification from Mr. Allard, noting that he had a brief telephone conversation with him on a pay phone prior to the meeting. The Acting Mayor asked that Mr. Allard supply the District with a letter stating his position in that regard. Committee of the Whole Minutes February 21, 2000 Page 10 The General Manager of Public Works and Development Services suggested that the Committee could defer consideration of the recommendation to deny the TIUP and allow the application to proceed to Public Hearing to determine if there are neighbourhood concerns. The Committee agreed to the following amended recommendation: AMENDED RECOMMENDATION That application "RZ/73/99 (for property located at 10412 Industrial Avenue)to amend the Official Community Plan to designate the subject property a Temporary Industrial Use Area be authorized to proceed to Hearing; and further that staff prepare the necessary report and by-law setting out the conditions of approval prior to the application proceeding to Public Hearing. 2.11 RZ/2/00-23039-117 Avenue -By-law No. 5889-2000-RS-1 to R-1 Reference was made to the staff report dated February 16, 2000 in support of the following recommendation with respect to the subject by-law to create approximately two single family residential lots. The Committee agreed with the recommendation. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5889-2000 be read a first time. 2.12 RZ/68/99-12742-228Street -By-law No. 5891-2000-RS-3 toRS-1 and RS-lb Reference was made to the staff report dated February 16, 2000 in support of the following recommendation with respect to the subject application to create approximately 10 single family residential lots. The Committee agreed to the recommendation. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5891-2000 be read a first time. 2.13 RZ/78199 -20141 Telep Avenue -By-law No. 5890-2000 Reference was made to the staff report dated February 16, 2000 in support of the following recommendation with respect to the subject application to permit approximately 23 lots not less than 557 m2 each. RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5890-2000 be read a first time. Committee of the Whole Minutes February 21 , 2000 Page 11 2.14 Latecomer Agreement-LC/72/00-SD/36/94 -121B Avenue and 203 Street Reference was made to the staff report dated February 3, 2000 recommending that the subject agreement be executed. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That with respect to the subdivision of lands involved in SD/36/94 at 121B Avenue and 203 Street, be it resolved: 1. That the cost to provide the excess or extended services are, in whole or in part, excessive to the Municipality and that the cost to provide these services shall be paid by the owners of the land being subdivided, and 2. That Latecomer Charges be imposed for such excess or extended services on the parcels and in the amounts as set out in the staff report dated February 3, 2000; and 3. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal a "latecomer Agreement with the subdivider of the said lands. 2.15 Building Statistics Reference was made to the staff report dated February 2, 2000 and the Committee agreed to the following recommendation contained therein: RECOMMENDATION That the Inspection Services Department Building Statistics for the month of January, 2000 be received for information. 3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police) 3.1 Maple Ridge Town Centre Project and Municipal Lands Policy Reference was made to the staff report date January 25, 2000 and the Committee agreed to the following recommendation contained therein: RECOMMENDATION That the Municipal Lands -Disposition of Proceeds on Sale Policy be waived for the Maple Ridge Town Centre Project, and further that the monies from the land sales identified as financing for the said project be transferred 100% to the Capital Works Reserve. Committee of the Whole Minutes February 21, 2000 Page 12 3.2 Waterworks Regulation Amending By-law No. 5882-200 and Maple Ridge Sewer Rate Amending By-law No. 5883-2000 Reference was made to the staff report dated February 8, 2000 recommending that the subject by-laws be granted three readings. On question from the Mayor, the General Manager of Public Works and Development Services clarified that the wording in Item 3 of By-law 5882-2000 regarding the replacement of old Schedules "A" and "B" with new schedules "A" and "B" is correct. RECOMMENDATION 1. That Maple Ridge Waterworks Regulation Amending By-law No. 5882-2000 be read a first and second time and that rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge Waterworks Regulation Amending By-law No. 5882-2000 be read a third time. 2. That Maple Ridge Sewer Rates Amending By-law No. 5883-2000 be read a first and second time and that rules of order be waived and Maple ridge Sewer Rate Amending By-law No. 5883-2000 be read a third time. Additional Agenda Items 3.3 Community Leaders Partnership Program (CLPP) Reference was made to the staff report dated February 21, 2000 recommending that the District participate in the above noted program. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That participation by the District of Maple Ridge in the Community Leaders Partnership Program (CLPP) with the City of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan be approved and further, that allocation of the necessary time and resources to participate in the program be authorized. 4. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND RECREATION SERVICES Nil 5. CORRESPONDENCE 5.l Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD)-Federal Funding for Fuel Cell Industry Development The Committee considered the letter dated January 13, 2000 requesting support for the subject proposal. I ____,, Committee of the Whole Minutes February 2 I, 2000 Page 13 ACTION REQUIRED -That the Municipal Clerk be authorized to write a letter to the federal government in support of funding being provided by them for fuel cell industry development, as requested in the letter from the Greater Vancouver Regional District dated January 13, 2000. 5.2 Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) 911 System The Committee considered the letter from District of West Vancouver dated January 27, 2000 regarding resolutions they have forwarded to the GVRD with respect to the above noted matter. Councillor Harris asked that this item be deferred as he wishes to provide further information to the Committee. ACTION REQUIRED -That this item be deferred to the Committee of the Whole Meeting of March 6, 2000. 5 .3 British Columbia Aviation Council -Reduction in Fuel Tax The Committee considered the letter dated January 27, 2000 requesting support for their request to the federal government for a reduction in aviation fuel tax. Councillor Harris advised that he would like to see this matter referred to the Airport Society for comment. ACTION REQUIRED -That the letter from the British Columbia Aviation Council regarding a reduction in aviation fuel tax be referred by the Municipal Clerk to the Airport Society for comment and brought back to Committee when a response has been received. 5.4 Governor General Awards-Cal/for Nominations The Mayor advised that he is looking for ways to get the above noted matter out to the public in as broad a manner as possible as he knows that there are citizens in the community who are very deserving of nominations for the Governor General Awards. Councillor Morse suggested sending the information out to all the neighbourhood associations, community associations and the Maple Ridge Library. Councillor Gordon suggested that the Mayor issue a press release at the Council Meeting, noting that it is televised and not everyone belongs to a community organization. The Mayor agreed to do so. 6. OTHERISSUES Nil Committee of the Whole Minutes February 21, 2000 Page 14 6. ADJOURNMENT 2:50 p.m. Acting Mayor L. King, ,, . Presiding Member of the Committee /sk