HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-03-06 Adopted Committee of the Whole Minutes.pdfMarch 6, 2000 12:30 p.m. Council Chamber PRESENT: Elected Officials Mayor A. Hogarth Councillor C. Gordon Councillor J. Harris Councillor F. Isaac Councillor L. King Councillor K. Morse Councillor C. Speirs Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING MINUTES Appointed Staff R. W. Robertson, Chief Administrative Officer T. Wingrove, Municipal Clerk J. Rudolph, General Manager of Public Works and Development M. W. Murray, General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services J. Sorba, Director of Finance; Acting General Manager of Corporate and Financial Services T. Fryer, Director of Current Planning S. Karasz, Confidential Secretary Other Staff as Required - B. McDonald, Director of Permits and Licences The meeting was chaired by Acting Mayor King. 1.1 By-law Enforcement -Update on Activities The Director of Permits and Licences circulated to Council and reviewed the following information: • 1999 By-law Statistics as compared to 1997 and 1998 • 1999 Business Licence Statistics and Complaints • Secondary Suite Update • Parking Enforcement Summary He noted that there were 2052 by-law complaints received in 1999 and the leading complaint related to noise, particularly barking dogs. Councillor Isaac asked for further details on the increase in disputed tickets. The Director advised that the District only began tracking them in 1999 in order to document the staff time that is involved, which is considerable. Councillor Morse asked if the District has enough by-law enforcement staff of if Council should be looking at increasing that level. The Director responded that there is no doubt his staff works very hard and it is a stressful job. He provides for a certain level of service in the business plan and Council determines if that level is adequate. Committee of the Whole Minutes March 6, 2000 Page 2 Note: The Chief Administrative Officer and General Man.i.ger of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services entered the meeting at this point (12:45 p.m.). The Director of Permits and Licences clarified several points in the statistics for Committee and ended his presentation at this point. 2. PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 2. l Ridge Meadows Hospice Society -3rd Annual Vistas Run -May 28, 2000 -Request to Use Municipal Streets Reference was made to the staff report dated February 11, 2000 recommending that the above noted request be approved subject to the conditions specified in the report. Councillor Isaac commended the Hospice Society and their volunteers for the services they provide, noting that they are an integral part of the health care system, and wished them well in their endeavours. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the Ridge Meadows Hospice Society be authorized to use Municipal streets for their 3rd Annual Vistas Run on Sunday, May 28, 2000 provided the conditions outlined in the staff report dated February 11, 2000 are met. 2.2 RZ/26/93 -116 Avenue West of 240 Street -By-law No. 4961-1993 -Request for a One Year Extension Reference was made to the staff report dated February 17, 2000 recommending that a one year extension be granted to the subject application to permit 49 townhouse units under the RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) Zone and that security for the construction of the 116 A venue pathway system be provided prior to final reading. The Director of Current Planning displayed an overhead map of the property and explained the proposed plan of development as detailed in the report. Councillor Gordon questioned why the project has been delayed and if it was due to the need to resolve the construction of 116 A venue. The Director of Current Planning advised that the delay was due in part to the 116 Avenue issue, as well as marketing and environmental issues. The property has recently been sold to a more active developer and staff is recommending that it proceed. The Mayor noted that 116 A venue at this location is still shown on the map as a spine road yet it has been changed from a vehicular to a pedestrian access. The Director of Current Planning explained that this is a cadastral (legal) map of the area and shows where 116 Avenue has been dedicated. The District has not taken steps to stop Committee of the Whole Minutes March 6, 2000 Page 3 up and close this portion of the road and it will be done in conjunction with the development of this site and one other site. Councillor Speirs questioned if would be appropriate to hold another Public Hearing. The Director of Current Planning explained that the plans are not substantially different than those shown at the Public Hearing. A new neighbourhood has evolved but it has done so with this development scheme in mind which mimics the overall land use for the area. He would therefore not necessarily recommend that the application go back to Public Hearing. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5879-1999, a one year extension be granted to Rezoning Application RZ/26/93 (116 Avenue west of 240 Street) and further that security for the construction of the 116 Avenue pathway system be provided prior to final reading of Maple Ride Zone Amending By-law No. 4961-1993. 2.3 RZ/15/93 -116 Avenue West of 140 Street -By-law No. 5016-1993 -Request for a One Year Extension Reference was made to the staff report dated February 17, 200 recommending that a one year extension be granted to the subject application to permit approximately 27 lots under the CD-1-93 Zone and that security for the construction of the 116 A venue pathway system be provided prior to final reading. The Mayor questioned if there is any planned access into the area for pedestrians. The Director of Current Planning responded that there will be good access to the creek throughout the public trail system. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5879-1999, a one year extension be granted for rezoning application RZ/25/93 (116 Avenue West of 240 Street ), and further that security for the construction of the 116 Avenue pathway system be provided prior to final reading of Maple Ridge Zone Amending By-law No. 5016-1993. 2.4 RZ/16/94 -11183 -114 Street -By-law No. 5879-1999 -Request for a One Year Extension Committee of the Whole Minutes March 6, 2000 Page4 Reference was made to the staff report dated February 17, 2000 recommending that a one year extension be granted to the subject application to permit an apartment building under the RM-2 Zone. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That pursuant to Maple Ridge Development Procedures By-law No. 5879-1999, a one year extension be granted to rezoning application RZ/26/94 (property at 12283 - 224 Street). 2.5 RZ/72/99-11688-11760 Cottonwood-RS-3 to RM-1 Reference was made to the staff report dated February 23, 2000 recommending that the subject application to permit the construction of 77 townhouse units be forwarded to Public Hearing subject to the conditions specified in the said report. Councillor Isaac questioned when the application will be going to Public Hearing. The Director of Current Planning anticipated that it would likely be in May as it still has to be reviewed by the Advisory Design Panel and is subject to a public information meeting. The Mayor asked for further clarification of a small strip of property marked "Park" on the northern boundary. The Director of Current Planning identified the areas that will be covenanted and dedicated as Park in the name of the Queen which are not useable because of th~ir topography and relationship to the creek. They will be kept in their natural state for the preservation of the watercourse. Councillor Speirs asked if the trail system will continue through the property in question. The Director of Current Planning responded that due to environmental concerns, it is preferable in this instance to have a trail system identified through the subdivision via sidewalks. The Mayor cautioned that there is a connection to the street which will act as an invitation for people to walk into the area and suggested this may be a concern .that should be taken into consideration. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That application RZ/72/99 (11688 and 11760 Cottonwood Drive) to rezone property described in the staff report dated February 23, 2000 from RS-3 (One Family Rural Residential) to RM-1 (Townhouse Residential) be forwarded to Public Hearing, noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing and prior to final consideration of the Zone Amending By-law are detailed in that report and that the accompanying Official Community Plan Amending By-law be forwarded to the same Public Hearing. Committee of the Whole Minutes March 6, 2000 Page 5 2.6 OCP/11/00-14140, 14160, 14170, 14180, 14250, 14310 and 14320-256 Street Reference was made to the staff report dated February 23, 2000 recommending that the subject application, to designate the property as an area where a temporary Industrial Use Permit (TIUP) for gravel extraction and storage may be allowed, be forwarded to Public Hearing subject to the conditions specified in the report. On question from Councillor Isaac, the Director of Current Planning clarified that an extraction industrial use is not permitted in the M-2 Zone nor is the operation of a gravel pit which includes the storage of material. The property owner is seeking permission to process and store the gravel on site and has applied for a TIUP to permit those activities. There will be no increase in the amount of gravel already permitted for removal.; the TIUP will not change the level of gravel coming out of the site but it will change the nature of the gravel as it will be processed. The Chief Administrative Officer added that the gravel removed will not exceed the historic level. He further clarified that the property is not being rezoned. The District prefers to issue a TIUP instead as it provides a better opportunity to manage the site. The historic level is monitored by the District. Councillor Morse noted that although this is an Industrial area, the people who live in the area have been concerned for many years about the gravel trucks on 256 Street. She questioned if the gravel pit operators have any responsibility for the increased wear and tear on the roads, particularly 256 Street. The Chief Administrative Officer explained that 256 Street was designed and built as a truck route so it has a significant capacity in its standards to accommodate truck traffic. He noted that a pedestrian walkway has been constructed adjacent to the road. • He further explained that there is a tonnage collected by the District which goes into the Capital Works Reserve for improvements to roads, although that money is not allocated to specific roads. Additional revenue will be generated by the TIUP for that purpose.· He also clarified that a second access into the area would not stop truck traffic on 256 Street as it would remain a truck route. Councillor Morse noted that 256 Street is very narrow and questioned if staff can look into other ways of funding improvements if they cannot be allocated from the tonnage fees. The Mayor noted that there are other gravel reserves in the area and he finds it frustrating to deal with these sites on a piecemeal basis. He suggested it would be advantageous to have a regional strategy. The Chief Administrative Officer added that there are a limited amount of gravel reserves in the lower mainland. He agreed that gravel is a regional issue, noting that gravel being hauled from Mission, etc. has to travel over other arterial streets in Maple Ridge such as Dewdney Trunk Road to get to its destination. The Acting Mayor suggested that more discussion in that regard is needed at the GVRD and Provincial levels. Committee of the Whole Minutes March 6, 2000 Page 6 The Director of Current Planning clarified that most of the gravel at the north end of 256 Street is on crown lands and the Province would still be able to make some decisions on a gravel strategy for the area. The Mayor stated that he supports this application, however, he feels strongly that a regional strategy for gravel resources needs to be developed. It should include stakeholders, users and the community and address the environmental and traffic issues, etc. The Acting Mayor noted that the regional strategy and the application in question are two separate issues. She suggested that the Mayor and the Chief Administrative Officer work on communication strategies and open up discussion with the Province and the GVRD regarding a regional strategy. Councillor Harris stated that the TIUP is a good temporary plan. Councillor Morse questioned if the District has regulations requiring that gravel trucks be covered. The Chief Administrative Officer advised that those regulations come under Provincial jurisdiction and he will check further into that issue. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That Application OCP/11/00 (for property located at 14140 and 14320 -256 Street to designate property described in the staff report dated February 23, 2000 as a Temporary Industrial Use Permit Area be forwarded to Public Hearing, noting that the conditions to be met prior to Public Hearing of the Official Community Plan Amending By-law are detailed in that report. 2.7 Inspection of Municipal Works Reference was made to the staff report dated February 24, 2000 providing recommendations on the level of inspection related to the 2000 Budget. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION Wherein the adoption of the 2000 Provisional Budget as the Annual Budget "in principle" provides for a level of inspection that is affordable, be it resolved that: For Operational Services activities: A. The Municipality be divided into twelve zones and that on a monthly cycle the following items in each zone be inspected by motor vehicles and appropriate records of the inspection results be kept: 1. intersection visibility 2. road surface conditions 3. road shoulders / Committee of the Whole Minutes March 6, 2000 Page 7 4. potentially dangerous trees along boulevards and roadways 5. regulatory and warning sign conditions 6. regulatory and warning sign visibility 7. sidewalks outside the core area 8. guardrails 9. valve boxes 10. ditches 11. manholes, and B. That a thorough walking inspection be undertaken once every four months of: 1. core area sidewalks 2. school walkways; and C. That an annual inspection be undertaken of: 1. road crossing culverts 2. bridges 3 wharves; and For Community Services Department activities: 1. That potentially dangerous trees within Greenbelt areas be inspected on a complaint basis only; and 2. That playgrounds and equipment be inspected on a monthly basis. 3. FINANCIAL AND CORPORATE SERVICES (including Fire and Police) 3.1 Maple Ridge Ticket Information System Utilization Amending By-law No. 5785-1999 The Director of Permits and Licences was in attendance for this item. Reference was made to the staff report dated January 21, 2000 recommending that the subject by-law be granted three readings (to add additional infractions as noted in the by- law). Councillor Gordon asked for a definition of a "noxious weed". The Municipal Clerk advised that definition is found in Provincial legislation and offered to provide further information prior to next Tuesday's Council meeting. A brief general discussion on the Municipal Ticket Information System (MTI) ensued and the Director provided clarification on several points. The Mayor questioned if the fines are set by Provincial legislation. The Director explained that there is a range of fines which has to be approved by the Attorney General prior to final adoption of the by-law. Committee of the Whole Minutes March 6, 2000 Page 8 The Mayor noted that Maple Ridge pays for court space that is not utilized. He asked if some of that court space could be used to set up a Municipal by-law court which would be presided over by a Justice of the Peace. The Director of Permits and Licences explained that the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) is working with the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) on the by-law court initiative and he is part of a Committee in that regard. The Acting Mayor suggested that the by-law court initiative is a separate issue and should be dealt with through a staff report covering all the cost implications, etc. She suggested that the report be made available to Council prior to this year's UBCM Conference. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Ticket Information System Utilization Amending By-law No. 5785-1999 be read a first and second time and that rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge Ticket Information System Utilization Amending By-law No. 5785- 1999 be read a third time. • 3 .2 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) Statistics Reference was made to the staff report dated February 21, 2000 recommending that the subject statistics attached thereto be received for information. Councillor Speirs commended the SPCA for displaying animals from the shelter in the local malls, etc., noting that is an effective way to find homes for them. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) dog and cat statistical informa,tion attached to the staff report dated February 21, 2000 be received for information. 3.3 Adjustments to the 1997, 1998 and 1999 Collector's Rolls Reference was made to the staff reports on the above noted matter and the Committee agreed to the following recommendation contained therein: RECOMMENDATION That the three reports dated February 8, 2000 advising of adjustments to the 1997, 1998 and 1999 Collector's Rolls be received for information. Committee of the Whole Minutes March 6, 2000 Page 9 3.4 Draft Corporate Strategic Plan Reference was made to the staff report dated March 1, 2000 and the Committee agreed to the following recommendation contained therein: RECOMMENDATION That the report from the Chief Administrative Officer dated March 1, 2000 be received and further that the draft Corporate Strategic Plan be adopted. 3.5 Maple Ridge Indemnification By-law No. 5886-2000 Reference was made to the staff report dated February 23, 2000 recommending that the subject by-law be granted three readings (to appoint and indemnify officers, employees, Members of Council, etc. against any claims for damages against them arising out of the performance of their duties). • The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That Maple Ridge Indemnification By-law No. 5886-2000 be read a first and second time and that rules of order be waived and Maple Ridge Indemnification By-law No. 5886-2000 be read a third time. 4. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND RECREATION SERVICES Nil 4. l Elderly Citizens Recreation Association (ECRA) Residential Tower and Recreation Centre Funds Flow Analysis and Forecast-December 31, 1999 The General Manager of Community Development, Parks and Recreation Services staff reviewed his report dated February 21, 2000 and analysis attached thereto. He also provided highlights of the operating agreement between ECRA and the District and comparative operating costs of similar sized seniors' recreation centers in other Municipalities. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the report on the Elderly Citizens Recreation Association, Residential Tower and Recreation Project dated February 23, 2000 be received for information. Committee of the Whole Minutes March 6, 2000 Page 10 5. CORRESPONDENCE 5 .1 Trade Negotiations and the Impacts on Local Governments in Canada Reference was made to the letter from the Union of British Columbia Municipalities· (UBCM) to the federal Minister for International Trade dated December 16, 1999. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: RECOMMENDATION That the letter from the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) dated December 16, 1999 entitled Trade Negotiations and the Impacts on Local Governments in Canada be received, and further, that a letter be forwarded to the Honourable Pierre Pettigrew, Minister of International Trade, Ottawa, indicating opposition to any International Trade Negotiations that may impinge on the rights of Municipalities to make decisions related to their own affairs; and that copies be forwarded to the UBCM, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Council of Canadians, and the local M.LA.'s. 5 .2 Provincial Environmental Awards -Call for Nominations Reference was made to the letter from Minister of Environment, Lands and Parks dated February 21, 2000. The Committee agreed to the following recommendation: . RECOMMENDATION That the letter from the Minister of Environment, Lands, Parks and Parks dated February 21, 2000 inviting nominations for the Provincial Environmental Awards be received for information. 6. OTHER ISSUES Nil 7. ADJOURNMENT 2:15 p.m. Acting Mayor Linda King ~ Presiding Member of the Commit /sk